ICT YT - 2018-01-08 - ICT January 08 2018.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-22 08:37

00:00:11,670 --> 00:00:26,040 ICT: Good morning, folks, it is January 8 2018, is about 10 minutes before 11am Eastern Time, or ICT time as we would otherwise refer to it. whatever time it is
00:00:26,040 --> 00:00:36,330 in New York, and the states, that's what time it is here locally with ICT. So I sent out a couple tweets this morning, kind of get your gears turning a little
00:00:36,330 --> 00:00:53,550 bit and relates to Bitcoin. And I want you to recall that I gave a video on my YouTube channel. It's in fact, this video here, you can go to my YouTube
00:00:53,550 --> 00:01:07,350 channel, inner circle trader and the episode on January 4 2018. I go into the reasons why I felt that while everyone else was cheerleading in China pump up,
00:01:07,950 --> 00:01:18,090 ripple and such, that was not likely to happen. And I go through all the reasons why in this video, so I'm not going to bore you with all that. But it's not
00:01:18,090 --> 00:01:31,470 about retweeting things to have the same hope and prayer mentality. It's not about retweeting or pumping, the, the storyline that you hope is going to unfold
00:01:31,470 --> 00:01:40,680 because you want to look smart online, you have to know what you're doing technically. And you have to also know what the drivers are going to be to shift
00:01:40,680 --> 00:01:51,180 sentiment. And I go over what that is in here. And I gave it to you the day that it occurred, and go back and look at it. Okay? Don't take other people's
00:01:51,180 --> 00:02:01,080 opinions about me or my content, and then assume that's what it is. investigate what I do, what I teach what I say, and you'll see what I'm talking about is 90%
10 00:02:01,080 --> 00:02:11,760 club here. Okay, we don't goof around. We don't pump. We don't cheerlead things up. We stick to the technicals. And with the tools in my repertoire, have really
11 00:02:11,760 --> 00:02:20,370 served me well for 25 years plus, so I'm not a new kid on the block with this stuff. Okay, I didn't just recently find something I can see in the charts. I've
12 00:02:20,370 --> 00:02:31,350 been doing this for a long, long time. So let's go back over, take a look at the kryptos. Right, so we're looking at Bitcoin and posed the question this morning
13 00:02:31,350 --> 00:02:47,550 on Twitter. Why was I mentioning 17,500 as a catalyst for anything bullish above that, okay, is positive for me, it needs to get above 75. Why 17 five? Well, I
14 00:02:47,550 --> 00:02:58,860 want to go over a couple things before we get to that point. But these zoom in and put some lipstick on this pig here. So we have and I'm admittedly very
15 00:02:58,860 --> 00:03:22,350 clumsy with this. So it is what it is. Alright, so we have this. And then we have this. Okay, and I'll talk about that. So we have the stops, branch above,
16 00:03:23,400 --> 00:03:49,380 previous high here. And we also have it over here as well. The stops are seen here. x here is a word. So we'll put that here. And let's make a little copy of
17 00:03:49,380 --> 00:04:06,150 it, and post it right over there. Now, if you go back and watch what I said on Twitter, and I gave reasons why I felt that we would not see 20,000 in 2017 on
18 00:04:06,150 --> 00:04:16,560 this particular day right here, okay, and go back and look at it on Twitter can't manipulate all that stuff. And I told you the reasons why. Okay, and it
19 00:04:16,560 --> 00:04:23,730 was all of this cheerleading, pump it up, pump it up, everybody's all excited about Bitcoin. And I said,
20 00:04:23,760 --> 00:04:32,730 if it's going to go higher, it's going to have to go down first, kill all the long holders because you know what the mantra is in crypto, it's especially with
21 00:04:32,730 --> 00:04:43,740 Bitcoin is hold on for dear life. And I think that's a little too myopic because that's the same thing everyone had in their minds when the.com bubble was
22 00:04:43,740 --> 00:04:53,910 occurring. Okay, and I was screaming from the rooftops then dump it, get rid of it, sell it, sell it, sell it. Well, just like anything else. If someone's doing
23 00:04:53,910 --> 00:05:01,980 well in something, and someone's telling you to do the opposite of what they're doing in it. Seeing profitability is He's going to win an argument. Obviously,
24 00:05:02,250 --> 00:05:11,310 not the person that's speaking from a stance of objectivity on I don't have any skin in the race in this. So I can be on the sidelines and be very objective
25 00:05:11,310 --> 00:05:19,950 about it. And I don't have the emotions wrapped up in whether or not my money is going up and down in the fluctuations that occur. So, again, I don't cheerlead
26 00:05:19,950 --> 00:05:29,220 anything. I don't cheerlead anything in the markets that I'm actually trading either. So to do those types of things, it's just, it's a hallmark of someone
27 00:05:29,220 --> 00:05:35,550 that's a novice. And you don't want to be doing anything like that in your own personal trading. If you find yourself gravitating to these types of
28 00:05:35,940 --> 00:05:44,640 personalities, all you're really doing is looking for something to agree with what your hopes and prayers are linked to. And if you're buying these types of
29 00:05:44,640 --> 00:05:52,740 things, and you're holding on to them for dear life, hoping that they go up, and then you don't have any kind of meaningful retracements or potential reversals,
30 00:05:53,370 --> 00:06:02,640 you're just basically trading with blinders on. And just to say, well, it's worth the risk of You see, climb exponentially in order to lose everything.
31 00:06:02,940 --> 00:06:13,620 Again, that's a hallmark of a novice, okay? a neophyte, it's not what someone with a great deal of understanding would allow themselves to be subjected to. So
32 00:06:14,460 --> 00:06:24,570 looking at Bitcoin, okay, again, go back on Twitter, you'll see these are the days that we saw the actual thing I outlined, come to fruition. And actually
33 00:06:24,570 --> 00:06:32,310 keep storyline about on this day here, that I was actually in a grocery store, and a gentleman, a couple of carts behind me said that he was wanting to put his
34 00:06:32,310 --> 00:06:41,640 junk food back. He wanted to buy more Bitcoin, he want to say some money. So I'm thinking myself, This is bad. And the morning, oh, my wife actually sat down
35 00:06:41,640 --> 00:06:50,160 with me and said, hey, look, you know, do you trade Bitcoin. I said, That's it, the markets going to talk right now. And I even made a joke about it on Twitter.
36 00:06:50,280 --> 00:07:00,360 But I meant it absolutely meant it. Because if everyone is actively talking about something being a good thing, or shows an interest in it, like my wife,
37 00:07:00,480 --> 00:07:08,070 you know, she's been with her a long time, she has no idea what the charts telling me or it should be implied by looking at it. But she's telling me about
38 00:07:08,070 --> 00:07:17,550 Bitcoin, and maybe I should look to buy it. Well, that's the top in the marketplace. So it really is that simple, folks, when the general population
39 00:07:17,700 --> 00:07:26,010 that is outside the scope of what we do, we're market technicians, we, we like to look at prices moving up and down graphs, and charts and all these types of
40 00:07:26,010 --> 00:07:34,530 things. People that are outside that circle, if they have an opinion about something, it's probably not a good idea for you to be in it in the same
41 00:07:34,980 --> 00:07:45,690 direction or position, that would be explained by someone that's not doing this actively. So again, this is one more evidence as of the things that I talked
42 00:07:45,690 --> 00:07:53,490 about, you know, I didn't create this, I didn't invent it, it's just common knowledge. You know, when the shoeshine boys telling you your stock tips, you
43 00:07:53,520 --> 00:08:04,620 know, stock, it's time to sell. So, in here, we had a run above this old high. So immediately, I teach that your eye should go down to the left to the down,
44 00:08:04,620 --> 00:08:12,180 closed candle right before that new run. That's here, right in here. So we have a down closed candle
45 00:08:15,360 --> 00:08:24,180 to this down closed candle right before this run above this previous high and this is an ICT bearish breaker. Okay, and what this does is it highlights a
46 00:08:24,180 --> 00:08:35,400 specific level, that's three specific levels. It's not a zone, it's not an ambiguous guestimation of where you should be looking for something, okay? It's
47 00:08:35,430 --> 00:08:48,210 three specific levels, okay? It's the highest high, the lowest, low, and middle. Okay? So I go into the mentorship and teach a little bit more refinement with
48 00:08:48,210 --> 00:08:58,500 that. But for public consumption, there's three specific levels you can use for the breaker. And it's just that simple. So how we use it is, eventually price
49 00:08:58,500 --> 00:09:07,890 will go down below this down close candle, which it does on this particular day right there. When that happens, that sets the tone for the market to be in a
50 00:09:07,890 --> 00:09:16,680 potential reversal. Now I know it flies in the face of everyone else that wants to buy these things and hold on hold on. But you still have to pay attention to
51 00:09:16,680 --> 00:09:28,560 what the charts telling you because it's giving you a an accurate depiction of what the mindset is of traders. So if they're losing this level here, and
52 00:09:28,560 --> 00:09:38,700 ultimately they end up losing this one as well, with this run down here. This drop down puts me in an idea that Okay, we're probably not going to be going
53 00:09:38,700 --> 00:09:48,810 higher. And you hear me talk about that in the January 4 recording. In fact, there's another video where it's titled ICT on Bitcoin, actually go into greater
54 00:09:48,810 --> 00:09:56,100 detail why I don't think it's going to go up. I think it's going down a little bit lower. I give you some specific things and why I think that but from a short
55 00:09:56,100 --> 00:10:05,250 term perspective, and here it is, you know, we're right on the heels of the holiday laze around Christmas and New Year being the eighth of January 2018, the
56 00:10:05,250 --> 00:10:15,150 market still has a lot of ironing out to do. So I allow these first couple weeks of the of the new year to trade. And I don't really hold hard and fast to an
57 00:10:15,150 --> 00:10:23,040 idea that pushes me into trading with live funds, because I don't trust the technicals. But it doesn't change the fact that we still have to pay attention
58 00:10:23,040 --> 00:10:31,860 to them. And I want to be engaged in price action throughout this time period, even though not actively in the marketplace taking on risk. So having these
59 00:10:31,860 --> 00:10:42,570 ideas in mind, I go through the process of tracking with prices dealing is it's showing me consistency around that theme of this being a breaker. Okay? So I'm
60 00:10:42,570 --> 00:10:53,700 going to come over here and draw this out as a box. Okay. And this is the part that people when they first come in contact with me, okay, or they get ticked
61 00:10:53,700 --> 00:11:03,060 off, and they want to find some kind of a way of attack. They'll say, ICT teaches supply and demand. And I'm going to show you today, why that's nonsense.
62 00:11:04,950 --> 00:11:20,580 Okay, so here we have a range based on the high of this candle, and the low of this candle. Okay. Inside that range, there's three specific. Well, price
63 00:11:20,580 --> 00:11:31,290 levels, it's the lowest low, the highest high, and in the middle point of that range, which I deem the mean threshold or the middle, okay, or 50%, if you want
64 00:11:31,290 --> 00:11:42,990 to call it that, draw a Fibonacci, put a fib level 50, drop a fib on the high to the low. And wherever that 50 level is draw that out in time. Okay. I'm going to
65 00:11:42,990 --> 00:11:52,620 spare you that because I want to get to the chart clean. But if you look at that range, just from a standpoint of the high in the low, what price levels are
66 00:11:52,620 --> 00:12:05,670 there? Well, you're just about 16,000 level. And you get 16 fy 17,017, five, and just fell short of 18,000. So we don't really want to see price trade above this
67 00:12:05,670 --> 00:12:14,700 high because if it's a breaker, it's going to hold price below this range, if ever trades back up to it now. and here we can see it trades up to this level in
68 00:12:14,700 --> 00:12:21,780 this range starts to sell off again. And I shouldn't move that starts to sell off.
69 00:12:22,110 --> 00:12:31,650 Okay, but it doesn't go below this low here. Price then rallies above here. When I was neutral, I was not bullish. I said that I didn't see any real accumulation
70 00:12:31,650 --> 00:12:42,720 in here. Price did sweep above this high, which will be resting by stops on anyone, anyone that's short here. They come up knock those individuals out. But
71 00:12:42,720 --> 00:12:51,510 that stopped around here. But I said it would need to go above 75. Now the reason why I said it would need to go above 75 for me to be bullish, is because
72 00:12:51,510 --> 00:13:01,590 we would be so close to the 18,000 level to trade the 18,000 would really dismiss this whole bearish breaker idea. And then we probably would be looking
73 00:13:01,590 --> 00:13:10,890 to go higher. And I still maintain that same consensus here that if it trades back up above 17,500. And what do I mean by that? Not just trade through
74 00:13:10,890 --> 00:13:19,530 intraday and come back down? That's not what I'm talking about. He needs to trade above it. Close. Okay, on a daily on a daily basis, we have a daily close
75 00:13:19,530 --> 00:13:28,620 above 17. Five, then and only then would I be looking in considering any type of bullish scenario and waiting for it to run above two to 20,000 Mark, but as it
76 00:13:28,620 --> 00:13:41,010 is right now, I don't see that. Okay, so we've had a series of two days of distribution here on Bitcoin after running these stops the next area of
77 00:13:41,040 --> 00:13:50,310 liquidity or is basically below here. And then ultimately looking for another run that maybe would target this level down here. It was swing low that was
78 00:13:50,310 --> 00:14:04,020 formed right there as well. So I want to drop into an hourly chart for Bitcoin. Alright, so we're looking at a one hour chart on Bitcoin in that shaded area,
79 00:14:04,020 --> 00:14:13,710 again, is that bearish daily breaker? Okay, so prices traded above that this is the old high and it's a dylaney. Stop around here. Okay. And then we have what
80 00:14:13,770 --> 00:14:23,220 this basically the same scenario unfolding a breakdown in market structure. Mark comes back up to that old high in here, and sells off. Now there's several
81 00:14:23,220 --> 00:14:33,690 optimal trade entries in here. There's one. Here's another one. Here's another one in here. And ultimately, what I asked everyone to follow on Twitter this
82 00:14:33,690 --> 00:14:42,000 morning, is that identify where Bitcoin was going to be reaching for now I know if you're watching my stuff the first time now this is gonna seem like all
83 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:50,340 hindsight stuff. But again, go back and watch the videos and look at the tweets. I've already said all this stuff beforehand. Okay, the idea that we look for
84 00:14:50,340 --> 00:14:58,890 distribution right away anyone that's been studying my material, if we're under distribution or for looking for selling, okay, what is going to be the mechanics
85 00:14:58,890 --> 00:15:11,580 behind that? It's Going to be a sell model, okay, or an ICT market maker sell model, your brain should be hardwired to look for consolidations right here, a
86 00:15:11,580 --> 00:15:19,890 run out of that consolidation, preferably a small little consolidation, and then one more time run up. And then an area distribution where the market breaks
87 00:15:19,890 --> 00:15:29,880 down. So it's smart money reversal on here, low risk sell, another optimal trade entry sell here, sells off, and what's it reach for? Right below the
88 00:15:29,880 --> 00:15:42,900 consolidation, so we have an area in here. So this is the area of an original cumulation. Okay, and we have that in the form. And we use that wick right
89 00:15:42,930 --> 00:15:50,640 there, because that's the lowest point right there. So this is where all the original consolidation or accumulation for the market maker so model
90 00:15:51,300 --> 00:16:01,230 to be really trained around. So they've pumped it out of this consolidation, up above an old high ran all the stops, allow folks that look at this stuff as
91 00:16:01,230 --> 00:16:12,180 continuation patterns and both bull flags or whatever, and it breaks down. Very easy selling opportunity here, small one from this high to this low up in here
92 00:16:12,210 --> 00:16:22,410 optimal trade entry in an area of mitigation. And it sells off, and it reaches all the way down to the 14,000 level, which is conveniently enough, right down
93 00:16:22,410 --> 00:16:30,720 to this bullish order block. Now these 123 down close candles, you have to blend all three of those candles together or would be otherwise a three hour candle.
94 00:16:30,870 --> 00:16:39,690 Because these candles here represents 60 minutes or one hour. Since they're consecutive in nature. This is all fractal Okay, price action is always fractal.
95 00:16:40,290 --> 00:16:51,210 That means what you see here is the same thing as it would be seen as a three hour basis or one three hour candle. So because the market showed a willingness
96 00:16:51,210 --> 00:17:02,670 to run hard higher from that price point, leaving this down close series of three candles, you stop at the top of that candle here this becomes a bullish
97 00:17:02,670 --> 00:17:14,040 ICT order block. Okay or an ICT bullish order block, they will act like magnets, okay, they'll draw a price to them when it's coming down or gone lower. price
98 00:17:14,040 --> 00:17:23,550 goes right down to it hits it beautifully in, we have a little bit of a pop in here. But the overall setup is done from a short term or day traders
99 00:17:23,550 --> 00:17:35,010 perspective. Using this model, it's over that that setup is done. Now, it can create a another area of distribution somewhere in here and it might be coming
100 00:17:35,010 --> 00:17:45,210 back up to this bearish order block here and then sell off to wash out these equal lows, which is another area of consolidation, leaving the consolidation
101 00:17:45,210 --> 00:17:53,610 going back to the original consolidation because this might be an area of re accumulation from a much larger sell model. And I probably want to some of your
102 00:17:53,760 --> 00:18:01,680 heads if you're new. But folks have been with me for a while you know exactly what I'm talking about. This could be the next level at Target below those equal
103 00:18:01,680 --> 00:18:10,800 lows. Just like we saw this consolidation and it runs up and goes down below it here. Anyone that went long, okay, and has that hold on for dear life mentality,
104 00:18:11,250 --> 00:18:19,140 their stops gonna be resting right below that. That's exactly where they went right here to tag those individuals out. They never saw profit, they saw a paper
105 00:18:19,140 --> 00:18:26,370 profit where it was looking like it was going to Okay, we're finally gonna go to 20,000. And let's retweet everybody has that same opinion, that's cheerlead it
106 00:18:26,370 --> 00:18:32,910 up. And ultimately, the price is going to go where it's going to go. Regardless of how many times you do a retweet, or high five, the next guy that believes
107 00:18:32,910 --> 00:18:40,290 it's going to go to 20,000 Today, okay, it goes right to where the liquidity is. So crypto is in no way different than what I've always taught about all the
108 00:18:40,290 --> 00:18:51,540 asset classes. It's all about the orders. The orders are what makes or breaks profitability. The orders below old lows in the right context, when you're
109 00:18:51,540 --> 00:19:01,320 bearish. That's where price is going. Okay, when prices bullish, the orders are resting above an old high, when the context is bullish, that's exactly where
110 00:19:01,320 --> 00:19:07,800 price is gonna gravitate to. It's about those orders. It has nothing to do with your technical patterns. It has nothing to do with animal harmonics. It doesn't
111 00:19:07,800 --> 00:19:15,420 have anything to do with ladders, or depth of market, it has none of those things, because they're all gimmicks. All you need to know is the open high, low
112 00:19:15,420 --> 00:19:27,960 and close in a certain phenomenon. It takes place around a very generic, small group of concepts that I teach. So it gives you a framework and if you don't see
113 00:19:27,960 --> 00:19:35,160 the framework in price action, you don't do anything. So that gives you clarity, and how's that prologic you know what you're looking for? And if it's not there,
114 00:19:35,160 --> 00:19:41,220 do you do anything? No, you turn the charts off and you go somewhere else and you spend your time doing something, you know, other than waiting for something
115 00:19:41,220 --> 00:19:54,750 that's probably not going to form. So we seen a really nice market maker sell model here on Bitcoin on a 60 minute basis. Again, I did not have the
116 00:19:54,780 --> 00:20:03,720 participation on this run up and I actually said this on Twitter that I was neutral on on Bitcoin. I didn't see it as accumulation, and we can see why it
117 00:20:03,720 --> 00:20:04,410 was overall
118 00:20:04,829 --> 00:20:13,919 in an area of distribution. So this one's done, we're going to watch and see if we're getting runs below that 13,000. Mark. If it does, it might accelerate on
119 00:20:13,919 --> 00:20:23,369 the downside and try to challenge that 12,000 level again. But for now, I wouldn't touch it. So let's go over to ripple, which is another crypto, that
120 00:20:23,819 --> 00:20:32,879 some of the guys are really cheerleading on Twitter, and retweet, and everybody that loves this one. Again, I will count you to go back and look at my tweets
121 00:20:32,879 --> 00:20:42,359 and look at the video because I give you this level. And I tell you, it's going down here, okay? Again, you can argue and wrestle with whether you like me, as a
122 00:20:42,359 --> 00:20:50,039 person, I don't care, okay, I teach this stuff that works. If you don't believe me, go through everything and try to dismiss everything that's been shown
123 00:20:50,039 --> 00:21:03,359 beforehand. Okay. I gave $3 Mark, and specifically $3.30 was a level I tweeted in chart form. And I said as it hit $3, I would be out of any Long's 80% of
124 00:21:03,359 --> 00:21:11,579 whatever I would have long and I don't trade these for disclosure sake, I do not trade them, I don't even demo trade them. Okay, I'm actively studying them.
125 00:21:11,579 --> 00:21:23,819 Because I have a large body of audience that use this information, I give out debt, I teach my way of forex and futures and other asset classes. They've been
126 00:21:23,849 --> 00:21:34,559 using it in crypto. So I have been really interested to see how much of an influence my concepts have had on other traders and students. And I can see why
127 00:21:34,559 --> 00:21:42,149 they're excited again. So I've said this many times, and other ones like a broken record. But it is a very fascinating for me as an author for most of the
128 00:21:42,149 --> 00:21:51,419 stuff that you're already using. It's very, very interesting to see it. But I mentioned in in tweet, you go back and look at that, I would be out 80% or
129 00:21:51,419 --> 00:22:01,469 whatever Long's I would have at that $3 mark. And then the next level was $3.30. Now I did have some levels above here, okay. But if I give you a level and
130 00:22:01,499 --> 00:22:12,419 plying, that, the way we practice, if it hits a level, you got to pay yourself, how much do you pay yourself, that's all going to be a unique and personal
131 00:22:12,419 --> 00:22:20,999 thing. Okay, I don't have a system that says, I'm always going to take this much at at this much of a move. It's whatever I feel at the time. And admittedly,
132 00:22:20,999 --> 00:22:28,559 this is one of the weakest things I have in my trading it because I have not really been satisfied with coming up with a method that is black and white,
133 00:22:28,589 --> 00:22:38,219 where it's binary, it's distance that or this or that. It just comes by, you know, experience. And I may never get to the point where I get like that. But
134 00:22:38,459 --> 00:22:45,899 I've encouraged my students to come up with a way where they can do that. And it may be something that I learned from, but that's the only Avenue i think i have
135 00:22:45,899 --> 00:22:54,269 for new learning and trading. Everything else I learned is about myself. But from from a price action standpoint, there's nothing new under the sun for me, I
136 00:22:54,269 --> 00:23:03,419 don't there's nothing out there that is going to show me something new I haven't seen before. Okay. I have a lot of things have been taught other people, lots of
137 00:23:03,419 --> 00:23:11,579 things have been taught. But as far as me learning something new that that doesn't happen. I learned more about myself and my reactions or my expectations
138 00:23:11,579 --> 00:23:15,599 about something more so than I learned about price action itself. So
139 00:23:16,680 --> 00:23:24,270 if I'm saying to myself and making it public knowledge at 80%, I'd be out of my lungs here, and it trades to the next level, how much would be reasonable to
140 00:23:24,270 --> 00:23:35,040 come off at that point? Well, if you only have 20% of a original long position, what would you take off there half that would leave you what 10% one that you
141 00:23:35,040 --> 00:23:46,590 would have potentially 10% get stopped out at some point but you profited 90% of your original position, all the way through up to $3.30 when everyone else was
142 00:23:46,590 --> 00:23:57,180 tweeting, cheerleading on that it's going to go to $5 you get ready to buy your Lamborghini. I'm telling everybody look, there's no justification for that. And
143 00:23:57,180 --> 00:24:04,920 this is where it's at. It's done. We broke down we have a bearish breaker in here. And you have to be mindful that and it's in video Okay, it's time and date
144 00:24:04,920 --> 00:24:13,080 stamp got can't change it. It's in the YouTube server and it's in Twitter's whatever you want to call it their server. It's, it's there, I can't manipulate
145 00:24:13,080 --> 00:24:23,730 it. So I said these things beforehand. I wasn't ambiguous about it. I didn't waffle about it. I said it wasn't going higher. Okay, and I gave you levels to
146 00:24:23,730 --> 00:24:33,750 watch for new setups to form to study it going lower. Okay, I mentioned this bearish order block in here. Okay, that would be one. And I said you want to
147 00:24:33,750 --> 00:24:41,130 watch around that $3 Mark, because it's going to probably give you another opportunity for distribution. It did that very thing here. And we sold off and
148 00:24:41,130 --> 00:24:48,960 we went down to $2.40 where everyone else was looking at this low here saying it's going to go down there and it's going to start to pop Okay, we're calling a
149 00:24:48,960 --> 00:24:57,630 bounce. It was a dead cat bounce. Okay, it bounced right up to a level I said it was gonna miss sell and it sold off right there. went down to my level $2.40 and
150 00:24:57,630 --> 00:25:06,000 then ultimately went consolidated. Okay, and Then created another opportunity to do what? That's what I'm talking to you about today. I said in previous
151 00:25:06,030 --> 00:25:13,950 recordings that $2 was the level I would expect it to go for, which will be sweeping up this low. Why did I say that low? Because that's where the orders
152 00:25:13,950 --> 00:25:21,660 were, I told you that was where the orders were, that's exactly where the mark is going to go. I give you interpretations from a market maker standpoint, I
153 00:25:21,660 --> 00:25:29,730 don't teach retail, I don't cherry pick from different mentors and people and try to create some content unique new thing. I'm telling you how an
154 00:25:29,730 --> 00:25:38,040 institutional mindset would interpret price action. And I bridge that gap with a chart and I show you exactly where they're going to take it. And it happens
155 00:25:38,040 --> 00:25:46,050 every single week, every single month, every single day. I'm giving you example, after example, either I'm the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet, or there's
156 00:25:46,050 --> 00:25:52,920 something that I'm talking about that has validity. And again, the people that want to wrestle with this stuff, I want to shake him by the lapels and like to
157 00:25:52,920 --> 00:26:03,210 just stop and just pay attention. Okay, just pay attention to what I'm teaching you because you're being stubborn. And you want to have this team mentality,
158 00:26:03,510 --> 00:26:10,770 because you like someone or you've thought you probably paid for something for someone else, and you feel like a fool because you're doing that and they're not
159 00:26:10,770 --> 00:26:21,510 doing what you're seeing here. And I'm doing my stuff for free right now. I'm showing you on a all risk of my saving face. Okay, I'm out here openly telling
160 00:26:21,510 --> 00:26:30,840 you what I think's going to happen. If I'm wrong, you'll see that I'm wrong. How many times is that occurring? It's not having a lot. It's going to script
161 00:26:31,050 --> 00:26:41,670 because I understand how prices delivered period that the level experienced that is lacking in Twitter. There's a lot of people out there, I think that are
162 00:26:42,060 --> 00:26:49,170 pretty decent individuals that are very worthwhile in terms of following and listening to some of the things they're doing. In fact, it's very interesting to
163 00:26:49,170 --> 00:27:01,020 see what they're doing. But there isn't a lot of experience in the sense that they know what they're doing. They're still experiencing new learning. I'm not,
164 00:27:01,320 --> 00:27:09,600 I'm not doing those types of things. And yes, it sounds egotistical, but this is what the experience sounds like, you know, when everyone else around you has
165 00:27:09,600 --> 00:27:18,810 less experience. It's hard not to sound egotistical, because how else would I draw contrast to it? I'm superior because I've been doing it longer. That's the
166 00:27:18,810 --> 00:27:26,310 only thing. It's not because I wear a different style of clothing or drive a better car or live in a better home. It's because I've been doing it longer.
167 00:27:26,340 --> 00:27:34,770 That's all I'm trying to distinguish. Okay, so I would put more faith behind someone who has done something much longer than someone that has been right a
168 00:27:34,770 --> 00:27:45,180 few times recently. And you really can't substantiate what they've said, based on what they actually do. Okay, so now just leave that for you to determine what
169 00:27:45,180 --> 00:27:58,050 you want to see value in. But I drew everyone's attention to this low back here in video. Okay. Look at it, you'll see it's there. It's in. It's in YouTube. So
170 00:27:58,050 --> 00:27:58,800 my YouTube channel.
171 00:27:58,890 --> 00:28:07,380 Okay, so I drew everyone's attention to that level right there. That's where the orders are. What orders that's where everyone's protective cell stop is for the
172 00:28:07,380 --> 00:28:17,070 hold on for dear lifers. Now, anyone that bought down here, what did they make? zip, because they just got knocked out down here, right there, they got to they
173 00:28:17,070 --> 00:28:25,020 get taken out. So they may be on Twitter, preaching and hard and heavy cheerleading. So we're gonna pump out and retweet and everybody that's in love
174 00:28:25,020 --> 00:28:34,350 with ripple, it's going to be the next thing it's going to, it's going to that it might be, but it's still going to take you out of the moves before that all
175 00:28:34,380 --> 00:28:42,570 would take place. And that's what I'm trying to teach people to observe, you need to see those things. So what led to this move down to the level I called
176 00:28:42,570 --> 00:28:56,700 for beforehand, $2 Mark, this run back to the three hour mark here. Okay? This is the same thing as this move here. Price is fractal. Everything you see in one
177 00:28:56,700 --> 00:29:06,240 timeframe or one scale is replicated in another either in a larger capacity or a smaller capacity. That means if you see something that occurs in a five minute
178 00:29:06,240 --> 00:29:15,780 chart, it has been added to it. The same thing can form on a 15 minute chart, a one hour chart, a three hour chart, a daily chart, a monthly chart, a yearly
179 00:29:15,780 --> 00:29:25,830 chart, it's all fractal. So when you understand the mechanics of what you're looking for, not bull flags, because there's really nothing valid about a bull
180 00:29:25,830 --> 00:29:34,230 flag. Okay? When you look at the interpretation of an ice breaker, there's something behind it then just simply saying it's a continuation pattern, which
181 00:29:34,230 --> 00:29:43,710 it's not it's actually a reversal pattern. But the context behind a breaker pattern is this. You have to have an old high in any time price runs above the
182 00:29:43,710 --> 00:29:51,030 old high if I'm already suspecting This is probably not going to continue. And why did I say let me let me go back I'm gonna kind of like fill in this gap and
183 00:29:51,480 --> 00:30:01,530 proceed on as to what led to this drop off over here. What I see in price How did I know that $3 is a good idea to take any percent of the Long's off there.
184 00:30:01,770 --> 00:30:10,320 And in 330, was there, okay, 330, I'm not going to give you a context of what 330 was specifically. But in here, if you're in my mentorship, you'll end up
185 00:30:10,320 --> 00:30:16,170 seeing charts that show you why that was there. But, and I had not put them up there. Some mentorship students, don't freak out, say, Well, I don't do that
186 00:30:16,170 --> 00:30:22,800 chart, I'm going to give it to you, because it's already hit my level. So I'd go back to that and give you all the details in the dress at all. But the fact is,
187 00:30:22,800 --> 00:30:30,180 I gave these levels and my interpretation of why it wasn't going higher, beforehand, okay, and I gave you the reasons why I told you the scenarios,
188 00:30:30,180 --> 00:30:41,790 what's going to happen, it's going to come down, trade up to $3, and then trade down to two. That's what you got it right there. So what led to the idea that $3
189 00:30:41,790 --> 00:30:56,160 and 330 was about it? Well, if you have volume, and I always usually take the volume off, one on my charts here. But if you have volume bars on here, you plot
190 00:30:56,160 --> 00:31:07,680 that on your chart. Let me see if I can pull mine up again. Alright, so here we have the volume back on a chart. And I want you to take a look at how volume
191 00:31:08,580 --> 00:31:20,550 precedes price. Okay, when I share levels, obviously, people have an issue with me, because I'm doing way better than they are. They will challenge and say I
192 00:31:20,550 --> 00:31:27,600 give you a myriad of levels, and then want to come back later on and say I called this move, I called that move. No, actually, I only talk about the
193 00:31:27,600 --> 00:31:35,340 specific moves I mentioned. And that's what I'm doing here today. But I give specific levels, because I want you as my student, assessing mentorship
194 00:31:35,340 --> 00:31:43,440 students, because they have a greater understanding what's going on. They know what to look for around these levels. What constitutes a setup, just because I
195 00:31:43,440 --> 00:31:51,840 have a level in mind doesn't mean there is going to be a trade there, I have to still wait for something to form. But the levels are there beforehand, to my
196 00:31:51,840 --> 00:32:00,450 attention is focused at the time price is trading at it. So when trace price is trading at that $3 Mark, I want you to take a look at what's happened. At this
197 00:32:00,450 --> 00:32:09,960 time, we've created a new high to the left, we go right back to this price point right here. Okay, so this this high, and now we have a new, higher high. At that
198 00:32:09,960 --> 00:32:18,780 time, right here, this candle, we have a reference point on the volume in here. Now there's going to be all kinds of spikes, and there's gonna be variations of
199 00:32:18,780 --> 00:32:27,270 all that stuff, okay, but I want you to really use this tool, okay, because I'm gonna give you something here that has given me a great deal of X ray vision, if
200 00:32:27,270 --> 00:32:35,730 you will, around key levels already know what level should be key, but when I see volume, support it and you'll hear me talk about volume. Okay, only the
201 00:32:35,730 --> 00:32:43,230 folks that watch me do things with commodities. Ever seen me do anything with volume, but volume precedes price? And what do I mean by that? We have a high
202 00:32:43,230 --> 00:32:57,870 back here. Okay, a new high. So on this particular day, we have and when is that the third of January? Okay, so in here, we
203 00:32:58,920 --> 00:33:16,080 get these crosshairs on this high here, we have this volume bar right here. So this volume bar, and then we have a new high here, Casey, that. So we have this
204 00:33:16,080 --> 00:33:27,960 candle represent this volume. And then we have this new candle high. And we have slightly higher volume there. Now watch what happens when you create a new high.
205 00:33:28,860 --> 00:33:39,120 Over here. We have all this run up here. But now look what happens. The volume is way down here. That's way lower than that. Does that indicate new buying? No,
206 00:33:39,540 --> 00:33:51,300 absolutely not. What about the high appear? Look at that. Is that indicative of new buying volume should be doing something like this should be going higher?
207 00:33:51,960 --> 00:34:05,910 It's not to look at the overall scheme of what's going on. We see price action, going higher, making higher highs. Okay. But in the interpretation of volume,
208 00:34:06,480 --> 00:34:22,680 that should be seen with higher volume nodes. is that happening? No. This is distribution. All of this running up is the Long's selling out of their
209 00:34:22,680 --> 00:34:33,060 position. Not new buying. So when you look back over on Twitter, and you see all these hot shots, they think they're smart. They're all gonna retire. They're not
210 00:34:33,210 --> 00:34:40,200 looking at things like this because they don't know what they're doing. They have no idea what they're doing. They're falling along with the herd mentality.
211 00:34:40,470 --> 00:34:48,360 cheerleading it on hold on for dear life. We're all gonna laugh at everybody else later on. Who's laughing now? That's my question of the day who's laughing
212 00:34:48,360 --> 00:35:01,830 now? Because I'm telling you things that make sense because they exist. Not only just because I see them today, but they've always been there. Mark makers have
213 00:35:01,830 --> 00:35:12,420 levels in which they want to allow assets to trade to, not for your benefit, but for the benefit of them, or clients that are in business with them banks, large
214 00:35:12,420 --> 00:35:20,070 institutions. So when we trade around key levels, what makes it a key level, there's several things that I teach around that. But it's not support
215 00:35:20,070 --> 00:35:30,720 resistance. Because these levels were not even here, when I gave $3 and $3.30, that has never been traded to buy ripple. But I gave you that specific level and
216 00:35:30,720 --> 00:35:42,060 it was only off by a penny and a half a half a penny. That's tight. For an asset class, I don't even trade I said that it wasn't going to go higher. And we have
217 00:35:42,060 --> 00:35:50,970 a ICT bearish breaker in here, price trades up into that breaker where we have this down closed candle. We have a bearish breaker in here. So this new high
218 00:35:51,330 --> 00:35:59,280 that broke above and we get this across here sounds a little bit hard to see that we have this high here. We have a new hot here trading right to the level I
219 00:35:59,280 --> 00:36:08,880 call for three hours and 30 cents, when only 80% of the position would still be on at that time. Why? Because volume has given me the indication that we're go
220 00:36:08,880 --> 00:36:15,840 we're close to an area distribution. Okay. And then we see the technical support, it will break down in market structure and then we trade back to the
221 00:36:15,840 --> 00:36:24,330 breaker here and have one more deeper retracement, I said watch that $3. Mark. Why because it's going to be a level of value, they want to get out of their
222 00:36:24,330 --> 00:36:30,900 long position around $3. They're not going to take your long positions off down here. They're going to drive it up and wait for it to hit $3. And then they can
223 00:36:30,900 --> 00:36:38,760 get out of what they couldn't get out here on the first time. It's sold here, they started selling and distributing their their profits here. They rally up,
224 00:36:38,760 --> 00:36:46,620 they sold some more, came back down up to here, they sold some more here. They left that level of value and then right back to $3. Again, they sold it and then
225 00:36:46,620 --> 00:36:55,800 look what happens. The majority of the selling peaks place what's going on there. any residual Long's that were riding all the way up here. They sold out
226 00:36:55,800 --> 00:37:05,910 and added new shorts. Now new selling came in? What is how can you? How can you see that? What what's the interpretation behind that? Well, let's go back to
227 00:37:05,910 --> 00:37:13,230 volume. All right. Alright, so now we have that same premise. But now we're going to switch our perspective. Okay. Now what we're going to do is run a
228 00:37:13,230 --> 00:37:25,020 measure, again, anything that we're seeing going up, we're not looking for that to be seen as buying. Otherwise, we would see volume increasing. As we see this
229 00:37:25,020 --> 00:37:32,430 high here, it's been breached with this high here. So between these two reference points, there should be a higher volume node. Let's go back over here.
230 00:37:33,690 --> 00:37:43,350 crosshairs, we're gonna put it on this swing high here. So we have this nodule right here, per volume. Okay, and then we're gonna look at this high here.
231 00:37:44,670 --> 00:37:56,070 So from this candle, and this note on the volume, and this one. So we had a higher volume here on this high, and then we had this higher high form with a
232 00:37:56,070 --> 00:38:05,940 lower volume node. So it's not new buying that's going back up to that breaker is just being repriced. That's all that is. So when that occurs, we know that
233 00:38:05,940 --> 00:38:15,600 this is going to be a selling point, which I already gave you before volume even showed it and before price ever traded there. Wow, it just hit you didn't it? I
234 00:38:15,600 --> 00:38:23,610 can see ship before happens, folks, whether you like it or not learn to love it because it's consistent. This is distribution and ICT parish breaker. Now how
235 00:38:23,610 --> 00:38:31,410 can you measure that from this high as prices dropping, then and only then should volume start to go higher each time it starts to move lower, we should
236 00:38:31,410 --> 00:38:44,040 see higher volume nodes from this candle here. prices drop dropping, we took out these loads here it should be done on high volume. These levels here, here's
237 00:38:44,070 --> 00:38:48,990 volume. And we have price trading through it on this candle right there.
238 00:38:49,499 --> 00:38:49,949 We got
239 00:38:49,950 --> 00:39:04,140 it. Prices driving higher all the volume we went from low volume, the high volume and bang. large volume node largest one. Now, this is not stopping volume
240 00:39:04,140 --> 00:39:11,010 as the essay will teach now they'll teach it stuff like that. Okay, but that's not what that is. It's not stopping shit. It's all it's doing is giving you an
241 00:39:11,010 --> 00:39:18,690 indication it's going to go lower again, we're going to go to level I call for where this liquidity is right below this low. So yes, we went back up and we
242 00:39:18,690 --> 00:39:27,900 consolidate but what do we do what we what were we actually doing in here? Let's go back. Okay, so let's go over here and get the crosshairs off. We have this
243 00:39:27,900 --> 00:39:38,490 low here. And we went back up into a range what range are we looking at? We have another breaker this big down closed candle is the ICT bearish breaker for this
244 00:39:38,490 --> 00:39:49,620 run on this swing high. So this run on the stops our eyes go right to here. Okay, so now we're gonna do that same thing we did earlier drawing a box which
245 00:39:49,620 --> 00:39:58,950 looks like everyone else supplying the moon, but it's not supplying the man. This is technicals from an institutional perspective reading the market from how
246 00:40:01,230 --> 00:40:09,390 liquidity as seen, okay, I'm trying to be very careful how I say these things because I don't want to divulge any mentorship stuff, but we have a bearish ice
247 00:40:09,390 --> 00:40:22,380 breaker. Price trades up into it. So, so look where it stops it stopping at the top of that candle. Okay, and then boom hits what level 22 or 2.8 level? Okay,
248 00:40:22,620 --> 00:40:35,160 so we have that at phenomenon taking place, which I like hits it, and then we leave it come back up. mitigation sells off. Where's it go to to our mark?
249 00:40:35,640 --> 00:40:43,800 Everything I say what's going to happen? And look what it does it goes there. Where's all this volume? where's this going coming from? That's everybody stops
250 00:40:43,800 --> 00:40:53,700 resting right below there that was not just knocked out. Folks, this was told to you before it happened. It was told you in nauseum in terms of detail why it was
251 00:40:53,700 --> 00:41:01,770 going to happen. It's there. So listen to the bullshit if you want, you know, the guy never gives any trades in advance. He never talks about things before it
252 00:41:01,770 --> 00:41:10,410 happens. yada yada yada. The shit I'm talking about happens to script. Okay, I don't see anybody else doing this stuff. Okay, I can tell you what the markets
253 00:41:10,410 --> 00:41:17,790 going to do, not just in the next move. But what it's going to do as a scenario. What's going to take the stops out what's going to draw new liquidity in, put
254 00:41:17,790 --> 00:41:28,320 people on the wrong side. Come on how many times you have to see this stuff before you dismiss any other any other outside influence. Seriously, I'm here.
255 00:41:28,470 --> 00:41:38,940 It didn't cost you anything for me at the time to listen. But it's exactly what I said what's going to happen to many of you are so hopped up on the hot hand
256 00:41:38,940 --> 00:41:46,980 right now, I'm telling you, I don't have a hot hand, I have a steady hand. Okay, I don't want to be hot once in a while. I want to be steady Eddie, I want to be
257 00:41:46,980 --> 00:41:54,210 the guy that knows what's going to happen most likely, and I only want to execute them. And that's it. We see here over and over and over again. In an
258 00:41:54,210 --> 00:42:03,180 asset class I don't even trade with live money with this is stuff that I'm just studying just like everyone else is okay. But I'm not out here cheerleading and
259 00:42:03,180 --> 00:42:11,340 saying ripples going to the moon ripples going to $5 I'm going to cash out everything. That's not what I'm doing, folks. I'm telling you what's going on
260 00:42:11,340 --> 00:42:22,410 behind the scenes, why it's going to happen. And it's there. It's not a guess. It's not gambling. Here's the science behind what I said and why it took place.
261 00:42:22,950 --> 00:42:30,690 Go back and look at it. It's there. It's documented. I didn't have 15 different things that could happen. I can go back later on. I gave very specific
262 00:42:30,690 --> 00:42:43,470 scenarios. Exactly why should take place. And it happened. And it does this all the time, every single week. This is what happens on a forex setup where we know
263 00:42:43,470 --> 00:42:49,860 that certain parameters are there, certain things are going to take place and we stock that all I did was it gave me what I would have done if this was a forex
264 00:42:49,860 --> 00:42:51,660 pair. That's
265 00:42:51,900 --> 00:42:52,680 how it works.
266 00:42:53,070 --> 00:43:01,710 So speaking of forex, let's go over to forex. I'm gonna talk about something I did on non farm payroll. Alright, so here's that demo account. Again, always,
267 00:43:01,710 --> 00:43:09,420 every time I show this, make sure you keep track of that number up here, because that number is not going to change. Okay, I'm going to show you accountability.
268 00:43:09,840 --> 00:43:18,510 The thing that's lacking I'm not using half a dozen demo accounts, I'm going to use one that we can see what we can do with just one and using proper risk
269 00:43:18,510 --> 00:43:29,850 management and money management approaches. So let's go over I'm gonna show you a video I did last Friday, and I look at the time. Okay, this is recorded and
270 00:43:29,880 --> 00:43:38,490 made beforehand, but it didn't trade to the level I called for in the video, but it did today. Right so you can see the time and the date when this was made.
271 00:43:38,970 --> 00:43:45,840 This is all new york time. Okay. And the reason why I didn't post it because I wanted to see if we could get down to it today. It doesn't make a difference.
272 00:43:45,840 --> 00:43:53,640 And you'll see why it wasn't really shared. Because the part about the eurodollar was already shared on social media through Twitter. But I want to
273 00:43:53,640 --> 00:44:03,060 show you what was not seen from the cable standpoint and what we ended up seeing as a later result. So I'm going to go to this video here. I'll just play it.
274 00:44:11,370 --> 00:44:18,540 Again this not to show the disclaimers, folks, I apologize for that. But it is what it is.
275 00:44:49,980 --> 00:45:02,190 to notice that I'm doing this On Friday
276 00:45:16,770 --> 00:45:21,330 and this isn't that this is how I practice non farm payroll.
277 00:46:41,760 --> 00:46:54,240 Now watch out price starts to run higher. Okay.
278 00:47:07,830 --> 00:47:19,680 So I'm going to frame two potential scenarios for you here. Either one would have been fine, but it's not fine payable, so it's practice only.
279 00:47:27,960 --> 00:47:34,080 So measuring the PIP spread between entry to 30 pips above that would be
280 00:47:50,550 --> 00:47:52,770 this is the one we shared on public on Twitter.
281 00:48:03,810 --> 00:48:07,320 You want to look at Twitter and I shared that chart as well.
282 00:48:43,469 --> 00:48:47,219 That's what we're seeing here. So I'm going to outline a short
283 00:49:00,390 --> 00:49:12,180 so there's two scenarios or setups here. One was the bearish order block with a stop at 3599. And now I'm going to show you turtle soup which is the run above
284 00:49:12,180 --> 00:49:18,840 the initial highlight day, which is the characteristic of non farm payroll. Run the stops.
285 00:49:24,570 --> 00:49:30,360 To have to wait for price get back above that initial high Tring, preferably above 3580.
286 00:49:37,949 --> 00:49:44,939 Again, notice the time down in the lower right hand corner when this is occurring. It's just a few minutes shortly after non farm payroll numbers have
287 00:49:44,939 --> 00:49:45,659 been released.
288 00:50:10,260 --> 00:50:18,270 Public numbers as a smokescreen to run out liquidity, and referring to employment numbers there.
289 00:50:25,290 --> 00:50:35,910 Now middlee, I guess you're here. I thought that we could get that 3520 level last Friday, but you'll see how I managed that. It didn't happen that day. But
290 00:50:35,910 --> 00:50:45,480 we did get it eventually today, as on Monday, the eighth of January to number about the initial highlight day. So watch what I start outlining in here. The
291 00:50:45,480 --> 00:50:55,230 tricky one, the institutional 3580 level. So I'll map out my perspective on what I think might be seen in price as a result of this
292 00:51:20,010 --> 00:51:23,430 in prices above the initial tie today,
293 00:51:32,429 --> 00:51:43,289 basic evidence, which tells me that we might maybe punch a little bit higher, but it's going to be limited in scope. So it isn't going to be like a run to 36
294 00:51:43,289 --> 00:52:18,239 big figure. So I want to be selling above that initial high today and No, I'll be really close to the Hi Mike right about now. Which also
295 00:52:24,179 --> 00:52:25,169 notice that the idea
296 00:52:48,239 --> 00:52:52,679 that's where the stop is for the bearish order block. Now I'm going to give you a setup for turtle soup
297 00:52:58,650 --> 00:53:00,870 836 Friday, January 5.
298 00:53:07,860 --> 00:53:27,030 If it were like it was not included, please be sure. Okay. Now watch how much price moves against this idea or outline.
299 00:53:37,650 --> 00:53:42,480 The high on that candle is 3582. Once
300 00:53:48,989 --> 00:53:51,329 again, highs 3582 right now.
301 00:54:18,570 --> 00:54:26,670 That's a joke Kevin hooks and
302 00:54:33,660 --> 00:55:14,640 typically on the sidelines so Tuesday Once again
303 00:56:23,130 --> 00:56:24,360 pay attention to this
304 00:56:45,540 --> 00:56:54,900 so with that said I would like to take profits at that level admin at that equilibrium price point. As you'll see later on as I make reference to that
305 00:57:00,570 --> 00:57:12,420 now eventually I would be speeding this recording up as you'll see. Got to start it used for the bears were black will be the same with the turtle soup here.
306 00:57:12,690 --> 00:57:18,480 3599. Very, very tight stops
307 00:57:43,830 --> 00:59:39,870 up. Okay, we're coming up close to time I'll start recording this at a higher rate of speed.
308 01:00:04,440 --> 01:00:08,700 So that way you guys know what I'm doing.
309 01:00:39,540 --> 01:00:48,960 Alright, it should be going a little bit faster now. So while I said at the time when I was recording on Friday, or that night hasn't started yet, it should in a
310 01:00:48,960 --> 01:00:59,940 minute or two, I'm actually going to dub over that now with commentary that would otherwise not be there because it's not being recorded. It's being sped
311 01:00:59,940 --> 01:01:13,620 up. Like now. Now we're going like 5000 times greater speed. Okay, so at the time I gave that entry at that red level, okay, trading around that 3580 level
312 01:01:13,620 --> 01:01:24,810 institutional level, I want you to see how much of a heat is put on this position. Okay, and also watch how many times we get a reaction off of that
313 01:01:24,810 --> 01:01:38,370 bearish order block, which is the lower level line right in here. Okay. So this wants that. So we have a run down. And I'm going to come in and give commentary
314 01:01:38,370 --> 01:01:47,250 about taking profits there. Because I mentioned the idea of equilibrium. It could be a consolidation day gives us Friday's non farm payroll, we ran out to
315 01:01:47,250 --> 01:01:57,360 buy stops, so it may ultimately reach for that low, but it may not do it Friday. So I want to come back in and give insights and why and taking profits.
316 01:02:13,410 --> 01:02:21,810 This is a paper trade is not live. And this is all practices is what I do with non farm payroll Fridays.
317 01:02:31,020 --> 01:02:35,490 It'll be 30 pips will be pocketed, says he experienced.
318 01:02:48,510 --> 01:02:51,240 Which is also another reason why I would like to take profits there.
319 01:03:39,000 --> 01:03:53,790 No pay attention. That part just said to the spacing mentioned was because the probabilities are so high that will go consolidate or sideways, I may not see
320 01:03:53,790 --> 01:04:03,720 that 3520 level hits. So I want to take the bulk of 75% 80% of the short position on today's outline, here's a paper trade, it's beneficial to take a big
321 01:04:03,720 --> 01:04:12,450 large portion off at equilibrium of the daily range because it may not go outside of the range is already defined at this time. So having that mindset,
322 01:04:12,750 --> 01:04:22,440 okay, the market makers made keep it so narrow once they run the stops to hold over into the new week. And I may be entirely wrong, it could go screaming above
323 01:04:22,440 --> 01:04:29,670 136 big figure which would stop me out anyway. Or eventually trade down below that 135 20 level did knock out those stops.
324 01:04:39,600 --> 01:04:47,700 Ultimately, what you'll end up seeing is the market comes back up to that bearish order block and does eventually trade a little bit higher which would
325 01:04:47,700 --> 01:05:00,450 have either stopped me out or as you'll see in the video, it comes to 11 o'clock in the morning, New York time, which is the London close kills and where it's In
326 01:05:00,450 --> 01:05:10,500 a trade, I want to be collapsing any open positions as a day trade and move to the sidelines. So just watch that in the lower right hand corner. We're at
327 01:05:10,500 --> 01:05:22,620 10:30am at the time on Friday of last week, non farm payroll. And you can see that the markets really showing no willingness to want to go lower, having all
328 01:05:22,620 --> 01:05:31,950 characteristics lending well to consolidation, or it could just gravitate towards my stop. So I'm watching it's a couple minutes before 11 o'clock in the
329 01:05:31,950 --> 01:05:41,730 morning, again, I would be in a position where 80% 75 to 8575 to 80% of my position would have been banked. But because it's a paper trade on I'm only
330 01:05:41,730 --> 01:05:47,850 outlining it in that sense. But here we are, we're getting an idea of the commentary about taking the position Off
331 01:06:13,530 --> 01:06:27,000 you go that would have been another 18 pips there. So the bounce with 20 to 25% remaining would have seen the about 18 pips gain and the first 80 to 75% saw 30
332 01:06:27,000 --> 01:06:39,810 pips and ultimately can see with time it goes back up to a point at which events you either would have stopped me or shown me no profitability so that's why use
333 01:06:39,810 --> 01:06:52,380 kill zones ICT kill zones their time references to not kill zones and areas on price the again you can see that the Hallmark is that it mark to market really
334 01:06:52,380 --> 01:07:01,980 didn't do much at all it just consolidate when sideways. Now I want to take you back over to forex because I want to show you what transpired as a result of
335 01:07:01,980 --> 01:07:14,460 that euro dollar we outlined here's that run above the equal highs though daily high it runs for the liquidity not the daily high it's it sells off now. Think
336 01:07:14,940 --> 01:07:24,930 what did I just outline in the beginning this video with the cryptocurrencies bearish ICT breakers? Isn't that what's actually occurring here? It's breaking
337 01:07:25,020 --> 01:07:34,530 the short holders with their protective stops right above this retail Candyland equal highs they are so telling in the marketplace. It's so obvious you can't
338 01:07:34,530 --> 01:07:47,220 hide it. So what we do is just run above there's equal highs, or I goes right to the down close candles. Oh, what is that? Right in here? Let's zoom in. tell you
339 01:07:47,220 --> 01:08:06,330 I wish I was this fluid with trading view like a noob. Alright, right there. So here we have the down close candles right before the run up. So this is an ICT
340 01:08:06,330 --> 01:08:14,730 bearish breaker and how we use that as we wait for price to trade down below, which it does right here on this candle, wait for to trade back up to it and
341 01:08:14,730 --> 01:08:21,300 start watching to see if there's distribution when price comes right back up to the bottom of it. It's it starts us off a little bit. But the overall context
342 01:08:21,300 --> 01:08:29,490 has not changed. Where is the market most likely going to reach for it? Well, what do you see on the left hand on this chart? The opposite of this right here.
343 01:08:30,270 --> 01:08:41,850 Okay. And that's the 120 level. Now, it could go to that level. But right above 120 would be what 120 20. So the institutional level I would be aiming for would
344 01:08:41,850 --> 01:08:49,080 be 120 20, which is right in here, which is what I was aiming for at the non farm payroll, you hear that in the video. And right there I tweeted the chart,
345 01:08:49,770 --> 01:08:58,710 as it happened as it slammed right into 2020. As I always do like a sniper, I'm hitting it as I see the levels I call for when it hits it, I'm screencasting at
346 01:08:58,710 --> 01:09:05,040 the very moment it does it and immediately tweeting it, I'm not doing it five hours later, I'm not doing it 60 minutes later where it can be doctored up,
347 01:09:05,370 --> 01:09:13,890 everything is done at the moment where no time can be used to manipulate Photoshop or none of those things. Okay, everything is exactly as it happens
348 01:09:13,890 --> 01:09:25,200 when it happens. Once it hits that 120 20 level, we get the run back up into the bearish breaker here. Then we have the weekend. We have Sunday's opening and we
349 01:09:25,200 --> 01:09:33,600 have a gap. So it comes back up, fills in the gap runs the buy stuffs that would be on any short holders. Hello. If they're short, where's their stock gonna be
350 01:09:33,600 --> 01:09:43,050 right here? That's what you see right here. Bang it hits it inside the breaker. What's it Dylan it's gonna sell off. There you go. And ultimately, that's where
351 01:09:43,050 --> 01:09:54,630 we're at. So it runs all these equal lows down here and even runs your liquidity resting rate below this low as well. Okay. So, again, I said that if you see not
352 01:09:54,660 --> 01:10:02,520 on payroll Friday, runs an area like this. What it does is it maintains acts like a Judas swing for the month. It'll give you the initial run here and give
353 01:10:02,520 --> 01:10:11,460 you a nice little price swing, go the other direction and here you go. You got an opportunity to see approximately 100 pips or so. So a little bit more than
354 01:10:11,460 --> 01:10:21,330 100 pips all outlined before the fact so you seen it. Now try to dismiss it. Hopefully you found this video insightful and entertaining or at the very least,
355 01:10:21,840 --> 01:10:26,010 enough to piss you off. And until next time, I wish you good luck and good