ICT YT - 2017-11-10 - Weekly Summary and Discussion - 111017.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-22 08:36

00:00:11,759 --> 00:00:23,189 ICT: Good afternoon, folks. All right. So we're looking at the dollar CAD for this past week. And I shared some things with you live on Twitter, and do some
00:00:23,549 --> 00:00:33,479 scenarios anticipate look for, and this is an example playing a lot of questions, you know, how do I mark up my charts you using the things you're
00:00:33,479 --> 00:00:41,699 gonna learn in my tutorials? Obviously, folks have already been through all the content, you're familiar with some of these terms. For some of you that have
00:00:41,699 --> 00:00:51,239 never gone through the tutorials yet, you're now just starting it to my forum, you guys can join the forum. Okay, it's, you can use this website here in the
00:00:51,239 --> 00:01:02,279 middle of the chart here. It's my website address. It's completely free to join. I will be where I have all my tutorials. And while I share some ideas, not on a
00:01:02,279 --> 00:01:12,689 day by day basis, I've been active recently, just to get everybody's attention. Let everyone know, I'm back on Twitter. And you can find me on Twitter at I
00:01:12,749 --> 00:01:30,869 underscore m underscore ICT and pretty busy this week with you guys. I'm just at the pace of what was typical with the mentorship. Okay, I gave you guys a lot of
00:01:31,319 --> 00:01:43,259 attention gave you guys a lot of insights, and things to look at and study setups, examples and things to do in practice. But I started the week with a
00:01:43,259 --> 00:02:00,389 specific question about what makes a trade too late to enter. Okay? What makes it less probability or scenario to unfold? And I used the set up this morning
10 00:02:00,449 --> 00:02:15,029 with the euro dollar. Let's go to the euro dollar. And I framed this setup here based on this impulse like okay, using the highest body open or close to the
11 00:02:15,029 --> 00:02:25,259 lowest open or close here, disregarding the wicks, okay, right in here, optimal trade entry was entered on a down close candle. Okay, as markets are trading
12 00:02:25,259 --> 00:02:36,659 down, I'm trying to buy I don't want to buy as prices moving up. So the question I started this week with was, what makes a setup? One to pass on now what if the
13 00:02:36,659 --> 00:02:47,879 markets already happened to move, okay, and maybe sit down in front of your charts, maybe it's thing that keeps you from seeing it live with a, you know,
14 00:02:47,879 --> 00:02:58,319 with a job or with the the every day things that occur in your personal life, your spouse may demand your attention, your children may demand your attention.
15 00:02:58,619 --> 00:03:09,029 Maybe you any old circumstance causes you to not be in front of charts at the time the setup curse? And is there something we can do still without actually
16 00:03:09,029 --> 00:03:20,819 getting the actual best case entry? That's what I started this week with. Because I get more questions probably now. Except for you, can you give me the
17 00:03:20,909 --> 00:03:29,699 kill zone indicator down here? You don't need that folks, believe me, all you have to do is look at the draw line. When your chart started from two o'clock to
18 00:03:29,699 --> 00:03:37,319 four o'clock in the morning, and you had the best entry points based on the kill zones for London in seven o'clock to nine o'clock for New York. It's simple as
19 00:03:37,319 --> 00:03:45,959 that. Okay, there's no real magic in it, the markets not reacting to those levels or those lines on my chart. It just highlights to you all the focus in
20 00:03:45,959 --> 00:03:54,629 that time day. Okay, it's for the best signals come. But the question I'm seeing most now in the last two months since I've been back on social media, is that
21 00:03:55,379 --> 00:04:05,819 Can you teach me how to get in and give me the entry techniques? Give me the entry price. Okay. And I spent this week really trying to drive home. That
22 00:04:05,849 --> 00:04:20,069 number one, please don't ask me that question anymore. I'm tired of seeing it in my email or on Twitter or the folks that text it to me. They have missed the
23 00:04:20,069 --> 00:04:30,539 point of which I think is most Paramount thing in trading. You have to know where the markets most likely going. Okay, without that the entry pattern is
24 00:04:30,539 --> 00:04:39,269 going to be useless to you. Okay. But if you do have a reasonable idea where the market should go, okay, and yesterday,
25 00:04:39,270 --> 00:04:50,190 I highlighted the fact that 116 80 was a probably a level that may be revisited. Okay. And it didn't happen today. It could happen later on. I mean, we could be
26 00:04:50,190 --> 00:04:59,310 coming down right now to pick up more orders and go higher. Again. I don't know that but it's so late in the day on a Friday. I'm personally done, and I'm white
27 00:04:59,550 --> 00:05:07,980 personally. I'm tired, I spent a lot of time looking for setups. And this is what it was like when I first started trading forex, like I was in your every
28 00:05:07,980 --> 00:05:18,150 single trading day finding something every single day. And it's very draining. And to me, I have better things to do with my time. And my family and my wife
29 00:05:18,150 --> 00:05:28,920 and I have plenty to do and plenty things, take my time away from charts and not feel like I'm missing anything. But to prove number one, because I have those
30 00:05:28,920 --> 00:05:37,860 out there that doubt whether or not these tools are applicable, or user friendly, or that I even use them or can use them. And if there's any real
31 00:05:37,860 --> 00:05:45,180 consistency or any precision to them. And I think I've probably done a pretty good job as best I can really, without actually being in the room with you doing
32 00:05:45,180 --> 00:05:56,550 it live. And making a case for those things being true in the precision precision, being there my aptitude to be able to do it, and the effectiveness of
33 00:05:56,550 --> 00:06:05,190 the concepts. So you know, I'll leave it up to you to decide, I'm not going to be this active going forward. I just wanted to throw this out there at you. And
34 00:06:05,220 --> 00:06:15,720 I think I've done enough. If some of you feel that I haven't done enough, then we're just going to have to agree to disagree. Okay, I think I've shown enough
35 00:06:15,720 --> 00:06:23,940 to prove that every single trading day I can find something and I can call the direction. And I may not get the actual levels like today, you know, I was
36 00:06:23,940 --> 00:06:35,400 looking at 116 as a possible level of reach for. But that's a draw. Okay, that's why I'm teaching you is you want to think like an institutional mindset. Okay,
37 00:06:35,580 --> 00:06:45,000 where is the market going, ultimately, and then you got to define an opportunity to get in. Now I want to kind of like close this week with this solution to the
38 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:54,840 question I promoted on Twitter, this impulse leg here. Okay, so what I'm anchoring the fib on to draw your attention to optimal trade entry that's down
39 00:06:54,840 --> 00:07:04,140 here, there was an additional entry in here could have taken. And at this moment, I knew that it could recapitalize the order block in here. mentorship,
40 00:07:04,140 --> 00:07:15,000 people know that that's true as well. But it's a lot of you that are not in mentorship. And you're not really aware of my tutorials either. But because I
41 00:07:15,000 --> 00:07:24,810 shared the actual entry and where my stop loss was and where my take profit was. And I knew that more or less draw people into the market to do the same thing I
42 00:07:24,810 --> 00:07:34,890 was doing. Okay. And then I implemented an exit, I waited for the market to give me an opportunity to get out at a scratch, I collapse the trade. And you know
43 00:07:34,890 --> 00:07:44,820 what, you see that here? Okay, you can see the trade was collapsed. At breakeven, and I wanted to hit number one, I wanted to control the fact that I
44 00:07:44,820 --> 00:07:56,490 had no draw down on the trade, no loss, nothing like that. And I opened the invitation for your mind to go to work. Okay. And I was measuring your level of
45 00:07:56,490 --> 00:08:04,020 conviction on the setups, because if you're going to be on social media, number one, you gotta be susceptible to other people's opinions. And obviously, my
46 00:08:04,020 --> 00:08:12,750 opinion is probably very weighted in your perception of price. If I think I'm going to see higher prices in euro, if you're going short, right away, you're
47 00:08:12,750 --> 00:08:19,860 tweeting me emailing me, am I in this the wrong way? Should I get out? Don't ask me those questions. But I'm not trying to be mean, but you got yourself into
48 00:08:19,860 --> 00:08:29,970 that trade. You need to get out of it. The way you feel comfortable doing and don't let me or anyone else drive you in a direction with a trade. That's not
49 00:08:29,970 --> 00:08:41,070 why I'm here. But as a test. And as a lesson to you. I opened the week up with this. So I want you to know that this is all pre determined. Okay, I was looking
50 00:08:41,070 --> 00:08:46,680 for this opportunity to give you this, okay. Some of you
51 00:08:47,670 --> 00:08:59,490 collapsed, I just want to share basis that I collapsed the tree, and we watched it trade higher. Now, unbeknownst to you, I went in and provided this
52 00:08:59,580 --> 00:09:10,140 opportunity to show you how I get in trades that are already underway. Okay, there's gonna be times where I overslept. Okay, there's gonna be times where you
53 00:09:10,140 --> 00:09:18,360 my son had a conference at school. And by the time I get back home, there may be something that's already transpired in the charts that I can't get the best
54 00:09:18,360 --> 00:09:29,220 entry in here. So how can I participate in it? Right away, if I just show this on the internet, okay. I put that on the internet. Right away, folks are going
55 00:09:29,220 --> 00:09:39,990 to say, Oh, that's chasing price. Because they have no idea what I'm looking at. They have no idea what I'm reaching for. What is the context behind the setup?
56 00:09:39,990 --> 00:09:52,050 Why am I doing it there? If you look at the candles I'm entering on when I'm buying they're all down close candles. Now think about that. I'm entering just
57 00:09:52,050 --> 00:10:01,410 like an institution or a bank trader will they have to buy on down ticks or down movement? It's just the rules that they go by. If I want to sell short, I have
58 00:10:01,410 --> 00:10:10,650 to do it on a close candle or while price is going higher. If I'm exiting long I have to exit when the market is moving in the direction where I ultimately think
59 00:10:10,650 --> 00:10:22,050 it's going to go. But I cannot. Personally, this is my roles. And there's I mean, you have to do but for me, it works. If I know it's 1680 is the draw on
60 00:10:22,050 --> 00:10:31,950 price, that's where the liquidity most likely is going to be pulled for price to go higher. If I believe that, and I have the conviction to assume that that's
61 00:10:31,950 --> 00:10:41,190 what's most likely going to happen in price. The best case scenario for me is the exit was heading that direction. And if it goes through, so what, I don't
62 00:10:41,190 --> 00:10:48,900 care, because there's many times and this is a perfect example. But today, I couldn't have asked for a better example, because had it gone to 1680, I would
63 00:10:48,900 --> 00:10:57,270 have said to you in this recording, I wish it wouldn't have went to 1680. So that way, you can see partial profits even entering late, but not in an
64 00:10:57,270 --> 00:11:07,230 opportune time. Because this is not a bad time. Okay, it's not a bad time. And the reason why it's because it's below the swing high, I anchored. As long as we
65 00:11:07,230 --> 00:11:17,400 don't like at this point here, I would consider that not a good time to enter. But while we're below it, in reference to this old high in this area, where I'm
66 00:11:17,430 --> 00:11:26,100 going long here on this candle, when that is like that, then yes, Long's are still warranted. And it's okay. And I'm going to be looking for target one and
67 00:11:26,100 --> 00:11:36,180 target two. And ultimately, if I can get to the symmetrical price swings, or whatever else may be up there that I may be targeting in gray. But I am not
68 00:11:36,180 --> 00:11:48,210 afraid. And I don't want you to be demanding have to get these entry points, or this entry point. You don't need that. If you understand what you're doing. And
69 00:11:48,210 --> 00:11:54,810 you know what the draw is on price, where's market most likely going for this particular day? And I know some of you're saying, Well, that's all I need to
70 00:11:54,810 --> 00:12:04,350 know. And I just tell me that, well, you have to go through what I'm teaching you to get to that. It doesn't happen overnight. And believe me, I'm gonna be
71 00:12:04,350 --> 00:12:19,800 real honest with you right now. 664 people completed my mentorship, they completed 867 of them started. Not all 664 of them can do what you see me doing
72 00:12:19,800 --> 00:12:29,040 right now, just because they completed the mentorship that is not a complete 100% they've done everything now secret, they can see everything I'm doing, they
73 00:12:29,040 --> 00:12:39,540 can't do that, okay, there's a great deal of growth, a great deal understanding and they're doing Far, far better than they ever have. And I'm not going to
74 00:12:39,750 --> 00:12:48,900 answer for them. Like I say that, you know, and build on any more than that. But I want you to understand that this is something that comes by experience. And
75 00:12:48,990 --> 00:13:00,930 for you, for lack of a better word. It sucks, because I want to teach it so that way you can get it right away, I would love to be able to do that. But I can't.
76 00:13:01,380 --> 00:13:12,330 And I have to submit to that as an educator, and I can't force you to know what I know by experience. So you have to get your own experience. By doing these
77 00:13:12,330 --> 00:13:19,080 things using these tools and these rules over a period of time, then and only then will you know what it is that you should or should not be doing.
78 00:13:19,770 --> 00:13:31,890 And I've made it very candid about my weaknesses as a trader, it's the exits. So I have to be very, very disciplined on the way I exit. And I think if you look
79 00:13:31,890 --> 00:13:41,130 at what I'm doing when I'm exiting, it's pretty damn good. And I'm not bragging, it's just that it's good. Many times you see traders that are exiting once it's
80 00:13:41,130 --> 00:13:48,570 already come back down. And it's rolling away from where they were hopefully trying to get out at, I'm looking for levels. And I'm focusing more on where the
81 00:13:48,570 --> 00:13:58,080 price is trying to go to for my profit, then I am worrying about my stop loss. I'm not trading my stop. I'm trading my profit objective. That's what I'm
82 00:13:58,080 --> 00:14:08,670 looking for. The stock can't pay me unless it's trailed, and locking in profit. It's there for protection. I'm trading my profit objective. My focus is there.
83 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:15,900 Retail minded traders are worrying about that stop getting hit, I'm not worried about that stock getting hit, if it gets hit, it's done its job. And I'm okay,
84 00:14:15,900 --> 00:14:26,880 I'm thankful for that. But everyone needs to understand in trading, and you're in this business to be profitable. And while I cannot promise you profitability,
85 00:14:27,150 --> 00:14:35,820 I can promise you a greater degree of consistency when you practice with a demo account. And that's the only thing I can tell you. Over time, you're going to
86 00:14:35,820 --> 00:14:45,780 see that there is a lot of substance between the things I've shared in the tutorials and the things I've been doing, obviously online with your life and on
87 00:14:45,780 --> 00:14:54,990 the YouTube channel. Those things will help build a foundation. They're not going to be panaceas. They're not going to be quick fixes. They're not going to
88 00:14:54,990 --> 00:15:03,240 be you know the end of all your questions. In fact, you're gonna have a whole lot more questions as you go Under this tutorials, some of you are taking the
89 00:15:03,240 --> 00:15:11,670 initiative to ask me some questions that already know you're going to be answered by watching videos. And if I don't like your post, and it hasn't been
90 00:15:11,670 --> 00:15:20,580 anything rude just means that I've most likely seen your your comment or question. And without filling up my feed with the same repeating questions and
91 00:15:20,580 --> 00:15:28,710 responses, I just am leaving you to the tutorials that will come and they will answer those questions. Okay, a lot of you want to get to the end of the game
92 00:15:28,710 --> 00:15:37,710 real quick. And there isn't any end of the game, you know, you started this whole journey, and it never ends. So you're going to be learning for the rest of
93 00:15:37,710 --> 00:15:46,620 your life, and not just from me, because I'm going to stop doing it eventually. But you'll have your own lessons that you learn. And you have to be able to
94 00:15:46,620 --> 00:15:54,540 glean that from what you've done in the marketplace. And don't rely on other people to supply your experience because it won't happen. It can't happen. And
95 00:15:54,570 --> 00:16:04,860 don't rely on other people to justify or negate your trade idea. I tested the weaker minded students and I mean that with respect, that's not a derogatory
96 00:16:04,860 --> 00:16:15,870 statement. That means the ones that are newer, okay, the more novice in terms of what I teach, I knew because of the level of respect you hold towards me, in my
97 00:16:15,870 --> 00:16:26,490 opinion, if I collapse that eurodollar, trade 90% of you would do the same thing. And my question is, why would you done it if this setup was good enough
98 00:16:26,490 --> 00:16:33,960 for you to get into? And you can see why I was justifying it and framing the whole thing. If the stop hasn't been head, why are we worrying about getting
99 00:16:33,960 --> 00:16:47,100 out? The stops gotta be down here. This isn't doing anything to upset the trade. But I know order block theory. And I know that you don't, if you're new, if
100 00:16:47,100 --> 00:16:55,620 you're new trader or a new student of mine, you're not going to know that. But you're going to know copycat, follow the leader. And copycat and follow the
101 00:16:55,620 --> 00:17:07,230 leader does not equate to independent thinking, therefore, a independent trader, okay, you want to make the decisions, free of all outside influences, you don't
102 00:17:07,230 --> 00:17:16,560 want anybody to help you. And you don't want anybody be a hindrance. And if I give you setups, if I give you things, or I manage my trade openly in front of
103 00:17:16,560 --> 00:17:25,110 you, you're going to try to replicate or spend so much time trying to figure out why I did this or that, and you have no idea what's going on in my mind at a
104 00:17:25,110 --> 00:17:35,940 time. You don't know if I'm angry about something you don't know if I feel good. If I'm sick? Or if I'm, you know, pissed off. You don't know. None of that's
105 00:17:35,970 --> 00:17:47,580 going on. You just see me entering a stop. And we're I think it's going to go and I can be wrong. And what are you learning from that to be dependent on
106 00:17:47,580 --> 00:17:55,770 something you can't accurately gauge your measure? Now you're quickly say, measured by your profitability. If you make money, then it's good. No, it's not,
107 00:17:55,770 --> 00:18:04,050 it's not good at all. Because what happens when I stop talking to you, where you left in? That's what you have to worry about.
108 00:18:05,520 --> 00:18:16,680 Once you're independent, and you can think for yourself and find the setups, you don't need me. I'm not here to build lifelong dependency on me. That's not what
109 00:18:16,680 --> 00:18:27,180 I want. I want to see individuals, meet me engage with my content, show their appreciation, you thank me, and and keep in contact with me, let me know what
110 00:18:27,180 --> 00:18:35,220 they've done with it. But not, please help me I need your help to do this. That will have in the beginning. It's normal, it's expected. But I promise you if you
111 00:18:35,220 --> 00:18:43,740 go through those tutorials and take great deal notes, and study and do the things I asked you to do, and don't do the things that tell you not to do. And
112 00:18:43,740 --> 00:18:50,760 if you do that your learning curve will be shortened. It won't be overnight, it won't be fast, because I can't do things fast. And everyone's going to be
113 00:18:50,760 --> 00:19:01,470 different, you're going to learn a different pace. But hopefully this week, I've shown that there is consistency and what I do and what I teach. And truth be
114 00:19:01,470 --> 00:19:13,440 told, we are in the best time of the year. And this is like the best period of the year where I am like on it. I mean, if you were having a conversation with
115 00:19:13,440 --> 00:19:22,290 any one of my mentorship students, they will tell you, there's periods of the year where I just plain suck. I just could not get a groove on it. But I told
116 00:19:22,290 --> 00:19:31,800 them I know this time of year, I've been doing it long enough to know that this is where the markets become crystal clear. And also I'm not distracted by the
117 00:19:31,800 --> 00:19:40,800 mentorship daily sessions where I'm getting new 600 people sending me questions about what it is I need to be answering right away. And it's hard to focus
118 00:19:40,830 --> 00:19:51,810 really, really hard to focus. So I'm in my element right now where I don't have a audience looking directly at me, I can be an independent thinker. I'm not
119 00:19:51,810 --> 00:19:58,890 thinking about you know, who's going to chase me in this trade and what if I don't make money on this move, they're going to be hurt. I'm not worrying about
120 00:19:58,890 --> 00:20:07,680 that. I'm just focusing on And you can see the fruits of that. Now, it's not a brag it's not been a chest feeding type thing. And being real with you, I'm
121 00:20:07,680 --> 00:20:18,000 letting you know that I have a lot of responsibility on my shoulders when I speak about things like now. And I want you to be cognizant of it. Because many
122 00:20:18,000 --> 00:20:26,340 times, the newer traders will come in and say, Okay, this stuff is awesome, it can't lose, I'm gonna go in here and put my paycheck on this because I need to
123 00:20:26,340 --> 00:20:37,950 pay off my car. And I'm not trying to inspire that level of commitment, or adoration. So just understand, there's a lot of work in this, and what you think
124 00:20:37,950 --> 00:20:49,410 I'm doing with the least of effort, I'm actually doing a lot to make this viewable for you. I'm doing a lot of things that I normally wouldn't even be
125 00:20:49,410 --> 00:20:57,570 bothered with. I'd look at the trade, I'd watch the market on my phone, and I'd be out about doing thing. But I'm overtop charts. I'm overtop my computer
126 00:20:57,570 --> 00:21:09,390 screens, I'm on my smartphone, and I'm tweeting engaging and prodding you. And I want you to just see what was shown to you this week. Okay. See what was shown
127 00:21:09,390 --> 00:21:28,470 to you. And your cable to cable outlined a London setup. And how I entered the market long this morning. One British pound. And I outlined yesterday, by asking
128 00:21:28,470 --> 00:21:41,940 you off very candidly and openly on Twitter, do you think they'll leave 131 ETS intact and the folks have gone to my tutorial, they know what I was drawing
129 00:21:41,940 --> 00:21:49,260 their attention to. And that's this over here, these highs, that's going to be retail resistance, people want to see that as a double top. And I feel
130 00:21:49,260 --> 00:21:59,070 comfortable about that and be empowered in their shorting. And all sudden reality hits today. And that's how the markets work. They allow the marketplace
131 00:21:59,070 --> 00:22:11,190 to build up liquidity pools where it makes logical sense to go back up to after a buying opportunity has happened. That was over here. And this morning. Okay.
132 00:22:12,030 --> 00:22:28,470 So I've given you several examples of how to use the scalping method. And you can see how many times per week you can easily get 2030 pips easily. Problem is
133 00:22:28,470 --> 00:22:39,510 going to be is now you're going to look at what I did and say, Well, I'm going to do that I'm going to do 200 pips this next week coming up to and I want to do
134 00:22:39,510 --> 00:22:40,020 that I don't
135 00:22:40,020 --> 00:22:51,300 want to promote the idea that you can make 200 plus pips a week. That's not what I did this for. I did this to show you that every single day, these concepts
136 00:22:51,330 --> 00:23:00,570 will give you something and your ability to be able to find it and trust it and execute and manage it throughout and come to fruition to the profitability side
137 00:23:00,570 --> 00:23:11,430 of it. That is going to be largely skewed amongst all of you because your experience and your personal psyche, your personality, and the way you think
138 00:23:11,430 --> 00:23:19,920 about things is going to be impacting on what you see is a bottom line in your results. And that's the part everyone wants to skip past. They don't want to
139 00:23:19,920 --> 00:23:27,900 know when they mess it up. They don't want to own that they don't want to be responsible with that. You certainly don't want to take any losses. So hopefully
140 00:23:27,900 --> 00:23:37,500 this week you saw me I got stopped out on dollar CAD, let's pop that out real quick. got stopped out right there you can see entered optimal trade entry and
141 00:23:37,500 --> 00:23:50,070 came all the way up boom. knocked me out. Right to my stop. What do you do? Did it change anything now? I wanted 2695 and maybe even lower. I gave you 2695. And
142 00:23:50,070 --> 00:23:59,130 one of the videos I did on YouTube while is over here. And now price has gone here. This is my final accident here.
143 00:24:00,630 --> 00:24:01,140 Here.
144 00:24:03,030 --> 00:24:15,330 It hasn't gone much lower than that. So I outlined on Tuesday. Hi the week went long on this portion here. And in caught every significant price point for
145 00:24:15,360 --> 00:24:30,480 scalping in the whole entire market maker sell model. This is what I do. This is how I trade and when the conditions are more appropriate for short term trading.
146 00:24:30,900 --> 00:24:40,680 I target Tuesday and I get a trade on now leave it there. But I knew I'd be busy this week. I wanted to use a lot of opportunities to get in there. So I kind of
147 00:24:40,680 --> 00:24:51,570 pushed it aside I I didn't get any one shot one kill setups all this week. I did all scalps. And I thought one of the members on our Twitter feed accurately
148 00:24:51,570 --> 00:25:02,070 described it look like Spider Man shoot webs all over the place. And that's what I said to my kids one time I said you know you gotta be you Like a webslinger,
149 00:25:03,450 --> 00:25:12,810 you're gonna swing from one swing high to swing low and use, see the market in in that light. And you'll find setups all over the place. But if you practice,
150 00:25:13,200 --> 00:25:23,670 and use the scalping system that I've taught you this week, and what you'll have tonight, in volume three, if you work with that for a while, give it a month, I
151 00:25:23,670 --> 00:25:36,450 promise you, I guaran damn tee you, your ability to find setups will go through the roof, you'll have setups at your disposal every single trading day. Now for
152 00:25:36,450 --> 00:25:44,370 some of you, that's all you've always wanted. It's only thing you've been waiting to know, know what it is you're looking for how to trade to how to find
153 00:25:44,370 --> 00:25:54,810 it. And I've given it to you for free, absolutely 100% for free. And you have hundreds of hours of free tutorials coming your way, in my in my forum, it's
154 00:25:54,810 --> 00:26:05,190 going to cost you nothing but your time. And that is probably very expensive to you. But believe me, it's a lot of content. At some point, you're going to go
155 00:26:05,190 --> 00:26:16,470 through that and feel like there's more. There is at that point, you can take me up on my offer that I'm going to have in the forum, it'll be posted this
156 00:26:16,470 --> 00:26:29,130 weekend, in 2018, I'm going to open up my ICT mentorship again, and it will be a rolling in enrollment. That means every new month, I will allow new members to
157 00:26:29,130 --> 00:26:37,500 come in, it won't be I gotta wait for a full year. Because all the contents already made, it's already done. So what you'll do is you'll go through each
158 00:26:37,500 --> 00:26:50,370 module each month, and you'll pay for each month, sign for satisfaction and your intent to continue. And then pay the next month membership which is $150 per
159 00:26:50,370 --> 00:27:01,110 month for 12 months. And once that's done, what you're actually paying for is the access to me post mentorship. So you have all the content, all the
160 00:27:01,110 --> 00:27:11,610 information, that I can talk to you in terms that I don't talk in public, I will never give you mentorship level analysis, I won't be able to do that. Okay, I'm
161 00:27:11,610 --> 00:27:23,550 not going to do that. Okay. In fact, it's very hard for me to talk after being so open for the last 14 months. With the mentorship group, I use specific terms,
162 00:27:23,580 --> 00:27:34,650 I use specific concepts and thought processes that I don't make. I don't make them public. So they t 100 hours is really just paying for your lifelong access
163 00:27:34,650 --> 00:27:45,240 to me on a level that won't be viewable or achieved by YouTube or the free tutorials. Now rdns only you can say, Oh, well, there's there's the catch. Let
164 00:27:45,240 --> 00:27:53,820 me tell you something. There's a lot of folks that have gone through my free tutorials. And they've never went to my mentorship and they're killing it. Do
165 00:27:53,820 --> 00:28:03,360 you need to go through my mentorship? No. Do I need your money? No. But you're going to pay for me to pay for the services that I render to those individuals
166 00:28:03,360 --> 00:28:12,840 that have access to me. So it's up to you, nothing's being held back to the degree where you can't be used, you find useful setups. In fact, I've already
167 00:28:12,840 --> 00:28:19,800 given you something right now, with the scalping stuff that by itself, that's enough, you can go run away, never even come back to me ever again and be
168 00:28:19,800 --> 00:28:31,800 completely content with what you can find in your charts. So I'm gonna leave that up to you guys. I don't have a whole sales pitch. It is what it is. So if
169 00:28:31,800 --> 00:28:35,880 you liked what you saw this week, the tutorials will teach you a lot of this.
170 00:28:36,330 --> 00:28:43,830 Not all of it, but it'll teach you a great deal of it. And some of the setups you will have been able to find that all by watching the tutorials and taking
171 00:28:43,830 --> 00:28:51,030 notes and studying some of the other things the level of precision that comes with mentorship level stuff, but I wanted to teach this week because I know
172 00:28:51,030 --> 00:29:00,450 there's a lot of talk about how you know I'm here just to sell the mentorship. Well, yeah, I am. I'm here to make sure that people know that if they want my
173 00:29:00,450 --> 00:29:07,920 content, it's better to get it from me than from someone else. Because the mentorship if you get those videos from somewhere else that floats around, say
174 00:29:07,920 --> 00:29:18,060 someone that went through the mentorship partially or entirely. I share these videos with you, okay. You're not getting the same experience that those
175 00:29:18,060 --> 00:29:29,070 individuals have paid that gone through, you just have videos. And those videos while they're great. They aren't as good as being in the mentorship where I can
176 00:29:29,070 --> 00:29:39,750 engage and questions or ask specific questions that you make a great deal impact that would otherwise going on and answered because you just paid for or watch
177 00:29:39,750 --> 00:29:50,040 the video that some schmuck gave to you or made you a part of and that's not what you're paying for. You're not buying 18 $100 worth of videos. You're buying
178 00:29:50,520 --> 00:30:02,280 complete 1% attention to specifics that I do with my own analysis. And you can ask me anything If you look at the questions that come my way, on my Twitter,
179 00:30:02,640 --> 00:30:10,440 there's a lot of questions they'll ask me about certain things like epta, which is the interbank price delivery algorithm, I will not talk about that openly,
180 00:30:10,770 --> 00:30:18,840 I'm not going to do that I don't talk about institution order flow, I used the term, but you're not learning it from YouTube, you're not learning it from what
181 00:30:18,840 --> 00:30:28,740 I do in a free tutorial, there's a whole different level of what's necessary to know what makes the market drop to the certain levels, and know the daily bias
182 00:30:28,740 --> 00:30:36,750 every single trading day. I can't guarantee every single trading days goodbyes is gonna be right, but I'm in the Upper 90s. And I've given you an example that
183 00:30:36,840 --> 00:30:47,970 last two months, I don't want you to think, and I'm not selling you the idea, if you are to participate, and buy into the mentorship, that you're going to be
184 00:30:47,970 --> 00:30:55,710 guaranteed profitability, because there's still no guarantee that you're gonna make money. And I teach with a demo account, just like you see me doing here on
185 00:30:55,710 --> 00:31:03,720 YouTube and on Twitter. I do not show track records, I don't give live statements, all that stuff. because number one, I'm not licensed to get trade
186 00:31:03,720 --> 00:31:12,990 advice. So I'm teaching you how to practice in a demo account. There's a stark contrast between what I'm doing and what someone licensed, like, for instance,
187 00:31:12,990 --> 00:31:20,850 Chris Laurie, he's a CTA, he's licensed to do those types of things, he can tell you what he feels, in his opinion, based on his trading models and such his
188 00:31:20,850 --> 00:31:28,560 opinion, I'm telling you what I think a price in a demo account going to do, you cannot make money in a demo account. And you can't lose money in a demo account.
189 00:31:28,560 --> 00:31:39,330 But you can learn a great deal about price. And that's what I'm selling. I'm selling you the ideas that I use to internalize and analyze price action. Now,
190 00:31:39,360 --> 00:31:46,770 if you take that information, and you segue into a Live account, those risks and benefits are all on you don't get me high fives for that you did all by
191 00:31:46,770 --> 00:31:55,830 yourself. So while I think it's fun, and I smile a lot when it's right, and you guys done real well with it, I still cringe a little bit because it gives the
192 00:31:55,830 --> 00:32:05,580 impression that I am welcoming that type of thing. And I don't, I don't want that I would rather have you tell me, this is awesome, I've learned a great deal
193 00:32:05,580 --> 00:32:15,330 about this, or this observation in price action was as I would have hoped for that was a that would be a better response or feedback, I would rather have
194 00:32:15,330 --> 00:32:23,820 those I don't want to see dollar signs and trade results and dollar figures and such, I'm not interested in it. What I'm looking for is feedback in terms of how
195 00:32:23,820 --> 00:32:32,010 you internalize what I've taught, and are you seeing these things repeat. Because if you can't see it, repeat, you're gonna be stuck. And I think I've
196 00:32:32,010 --> 00:32:42,600 done that, like I said, this is the best I could have done. And I don't feel bad about it. You know, I really I poured myself into you all this week to prove
197 00:32:42,630 --> 00:32:51,960 number one, the concepts work, there's consistency, and precision. And you don't even need those precision price points. You don't have to get in at the best
198 00:32:51,960 --> 00:32:59,700 price point, you don't have to get out at the best effects. If you just look for these no portions of price action, and get out. That's it. And let everybody
199 00:32:59,700 --> 00:33:06,900 else on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, let them pretend that they're better than they really are. I'm not here to try to promote those ideas. I'm not here
200 00:33:06,900 --> 00:33:18,720 trying to do those types of things. I'm trying to free you from feeling like you have to be dependent on me or anybody else. Because if you look around, there's
201 00:33:18,720 --> 00:33:28,260 a lot of mentors right now. Okay, a lot of teachers, a lot of folks that supposedly are going to teach you how to do this stuff. And I'm not here that
202 00:33:28,260 --> 00:33:31,650 you measure up to the next guy. I'm just saying the
203 00:33:32,820 --> 00:33:43,470 only thing I'm asking is if you are seeing substance between what I've said is possible, and what I've shown this week, in the last two months, it's pretty
204 00:33:43,470 --> 00:33:54,630 consistent. So I'm going to be returning back to a lot of hindsight analysis, as of next week, and my reviews are going to be just that reviews. You know, if I
205 00:33:54,630 --> 00:34:03,270 see something that makes sense, you know, on an intraday basis, I'll tweet you something and tell you that you focus on this or that, but I'm not going to be
206 00:34:03,270 --> 00:34:14,280 to this level. Again. It's a lot of work to do this stuff. And I'm already drained. So I have your volume three to do tonight. And I will go through the
207 00:34:14,280 --> 00:34:26,550 motions of getting that done. It'll be online before midnight, New York time, so it'll definitely be delivered to you what we determined as Friday in the States,
208 00:34:26,880 --> 00:34:38,040 so so hopefully you've been inspired this week. Hopefully you found something that was useful from an education educational standpoint. And if anything, at
209 00:34:38,040 --> 00:34:52,620 least I've answered in my best ability this week in the showcase that number one I can trade to. I can do it pretty fucking good. And it's consistent. So is it
210 00:34:52,620 --> 00:35:04,440 perfect? No way? Absolutely not. I will be the first one to tell you I am not perfect. I wish I had better exits away. I did. But, you know, I'm for the lack
211 00:35:04,440 --> 00:35:11,550 of better word. I'm content with them for right now they've served me pretty well. And I'll leave it up to you to decide if there's anything else that's
212 00:35:11,580 --> 00:35:18,420 worthwhile in terms of chasing or studying with my content. Until next time, I wish you good luck and good trading.