ICT Forex - Market Maker Series Vol 5 of 5.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-07-31 07:33

00:00:31,620 --> 00:00:42,000 ICT: Alright, folks, this is part five in the final installment for the intercept trader market maker series where the YouTube channel I'll be teaching
00:00:42,300 --> 00:00:58,080 on daily bias and generic market macros. Alright, so we've been teaching on the British Pound versus US dollar in this series. It's relevant to the time of this
00:00:58,080 --> 00:01:06,240 recording those of you who are watching it, as I'm producing it, or looking at your chart, you'll be able to see all these things as well. But those that don't
00:01:06,720 --> 00:01:17,820 have that benefit and can't go back and look at five minute charts because some platforms don't let you do that. This will help fill in that little gap of
00:01:18,900 --> 00:01:32,760 education plus or empathize and things and will lower timeframes. You're looking at Monday, July 26th 2021. On a five minute chart, opening price at midnight
00:01:34,620 --> 00:01:44,760 price meandering around trading down into London, picking out short term low. As soon as that happens, you want to see does it show a willingness to want to
00:01:44,760 --> 00:01:56,970 rally it does. Then retrace back down again takes out short term low. Again, that would be an area where you could be a buyer rallies above now it takes out
00:01:57,150 --> 00:02:07,080 the initial high of the day during one an open kill zone. This right here is where retail traders like to buy that and they have to suffer through all this
00:02:07,110 --> 00:02:19,350 retracement. You want to be buying below the opening price. Or wait for a run above and then come back down into your open price. Now we have optimal trade
10 00:02:19,350 --> 00:02:33,210 entry there. Price shares displacement to the upside creates relatively equal highs before New York open kill zone 7am. New York local time. Market drops back
11 00:02:33,210 --> 00:02:47,850 down low short term low Apple Treasury from this low to high ot is right there, you can pull that up on your own fit. Price runs out to equal highs trades into
12 00:02:48,300 --> 00:03:05,400 one enclosed time period. noon, shuts the door. High the days weren't right Tuesday at the same week. For all of this the strain on the bullish weekly
13 00:03:05,460 --> 00:03:15,000 expectation to run into that beisa liquidity pool. So the week's bullish we already looked at Monday. And now here's Tuesday. Opening price here we want to
14 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:22,860 see it trade down first, because it's due to swing it Judas swing catches traders off guard. And they generally aren't looking at this as a buying
15 00:03:22,860 --> 00:03:33,720 opportunity. They're thinking it's going to keep going down. It goes down into the heart of London open to the low forming below short term low here. rallies
16 00:03:33,780 --> 00:03:48,600 short term break there. So now we have optimal trade entry with a break in market structure in a bullish week. And on Tuesday, price starts to rally up.
17 00:03:49,740 --> 00:04:04,950 trades revised opening price sells off once more rallies again and hostile trade entry. rallies aggressively through the initial highs of the day. Again, within
18 00:04:04,950 --> 00:04:14,970 close time period between 10 o'clock in the morning and noon. New York time crazy at the end of the daily range, because a little bit higher later in the
19 00:04:14,970 --> 00:04:26,580 afternoon. but not by much. Try not to get so obsessed about getting the absolute highest high. And if you can capture a portion of this move here. Who
20 00:04:26,580 --> 00:04:35,490 cares if you get out the actual high here or here. If you caught either the New York or the one that's just a phenomenal trade, no matter how you slice it.
21 00:04:35,610 --> 00:04:46,590 That's what you're looking for. But this is how we're operating on an intraday basis inside a bullish market environment in a market that's shown a willingness
22 00:04:46,980 --> 00:04:59,430 to be bullish because of SMT. The low sell side liquidity pool on a daily chart, it's wanting to go higher is clearly reaching for some measure of buy stops. And
23 00:04:59,430 --> 00:05:06,120 we've outlined that On the weekly chart, and we're gonna continuously look for buying opportunities until we get up to those buy stops.
24 00:05:11,940 --> 00:05:27,810 On Wednesday, July 28 2021, this is FOMC, Wednesday. So we're seeing price back and forth. Every short term high takes out previous short term high. Short term
25 00:05:27,810 --> 00:05:39,810 low takes out a short term low, high above, this low gets taken out here, and we trade back up to here. So it's going back and forth, not letting any position
26 00:05:39,810 --> 00:05:54,750 stay safe. And then we go into the dive in New York, rise up, and then closes the end of the day with one close. But FOMC is two o'clock in the afternoon. So
27 00:05:54,840 --> 00:06:04,890 we see a trade down again, taking out the short term low, and then it rallies. This is seeking destroy, okay, so you can destroy as a market profile where it's
28 00:06:04,920 --> 00:06:13,650 literally taking out short term highs and lows all day long. Then finally at two o'clock in the afternoon, when the manipulation enters the marketplace, it takes
29 00:06:13,650 --> 00:06:22,110 out the low of the day. Why? Because I taught you before market has a directional move that's strong in nature that's really animated, bullish or
30 00:06:22,110 --> 00:06:33,150 bearish. If we're bullish, anticipate a low being taken. And you see what's happening here. You run down, the algorithm cleans that low out, then it goes
31 00:06:33,150 --> 00:06:44,040 higher. And he's seen me do the entry reading here. And you watch me take a trade and record it with trading view. With the idea after took the low out, I
32 00:06:44,040 --> 00:07:01,800 felt confident trading it and attacking that by that liquidity pool. That 139 10. One Thursday 29th of July 2021. Price has already started rallying in
33 00:07:01,800 --> 00:07:12,150 the afternoon the previous day after FOMC announcement, and we had a little bit of a drop down on Thursday, but we're not going to reference the opening price
34 00:07:12,150 --> 00:07:20,040 on Thursday because we're so late in the week. We're focusing primarily on buying below the opening price and bullish weeks on Monday, Tuesday and
35 00:07:20,040 --> 00:07:31,740 Wednesday. bearish weeks we're looking to sell short on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Above the opening price on Thursdays and Fridays. We're not factoring
36 00:07:31,740 --> 00:07:48,270 that in morning, we have a price run here and trace back down into Apple trade entry. Rouse again consolidates a little bit in a New York. We come very close
37 00:07:48,270 --> 00:07:59,430 to the high today but London close creates the high the day. Again when one closes 10 o'clock in the morning to noon, New York time and we fall off going
38 00:07:59,430 --> 00:08:16,830 into noon on Thursday. Which brings us to the day this recording Friday, July 30 2021. This level here is Thursday's daily high okay. So we have relatively
39 00:08:16,830 --> 00:08:26,130 equal highs here and in the previous day's high. We've been in a week that everyday has gone higher. We've already been well above our objective, which is
40 00:08:26,130 --> 00:08:38,820 this level here for vice illiquidity frame on that weekly chart. London we trade down Versa we are just a little ahead of the beginning at two o'clock in the
41 00:08:38,820 --> 00:08:54,090 morning, trades a low there retraces back down again here. rallies sweeps, Thursday's high. Now we have pressed every single day higher. Now we're on the
42 00:08:54,090 --> 00:09:06,720 last day of the week. The algorithm will likely trade back into the weekly range. When can we trust that while we've swept Thursday's daily high go back
43 00:09:06,750 --> 00:09:19,380 here's the low prior to that run. So we have this low and then highest high that week. Market breaks down below that low right there. Then trades right back up
44 00:09:19,380 --> 00:09:30,000 into the last up close candle. Why is this a bearish order block because we've taken out previous day's high we've worked the whole weekly range bullish every
45 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:41,790 single day. And expectations will be there will be a retracement back in the daily range. There's less likelihood of continuation on the upside this late in
46 00:09:41,790 --> 00:09:52,080 the week after it's gone so far above objective which was down here. So here we have a market structure break their rally back up into bearish order block,
47 00:09:52,290 --> 00:10:08,130 which is another optimal trade entry. Near obsession. We see it break lower again. Strong break in New York their optimal trade entry, high low retracement,
48 00:10:08,940 --> 00:10:12,480 we have a low here, and we have a low here, relative equal lows.
49 00:10:13,889 --> 00:10:29,879 It breaks down and attacks that old high and returns back to that area to consolidate. So, all in all, we've watched how the algorithm will seek
50 00:10:29,969 --> 00:10:41,819 liquidity. Take that liquidity once that liquidity has been taken, it will look for opposing liquidity. We saw how the daily chart on pound DOLLAR traded lower
51 00:10:42,509 --> 00:10:51,419 to take out its relative equal lows. And below that was sell stops. So now, if they went down to take those sell stops and accumulate them as long as we're
52 00:10:51,419 --> 00:11:06,359 smart money, where does Smart Money want to unload. above this line here, that 139 10 which was the weekly buy stock liquidity pool, and we traded 80 plus pips
53 00:11:07,049 --> 00:11:22,079 above the 139, big figure cleaned out Thursday's high, high of the day forming. And then we break down. All of this here is classic. This also, if you look at
54 00:11:22,079 --> 00:11:31,559 the consolidation here, this is original consolidation, accumulation, re accumulation, smart mind reversal, where's the Smart Money reversal occurring
55 00:11:32,219 --> 00:11:45,689 about Thursday's high, which is high the week, then we break down took out that low. This becomes a low risk cell distribution redistribution below the resin
56 00:11:45,689 --> 00:11:59,009 consolidation, marketing some way to trade to the old objective we had all week as a buyside liquidity pool. Everything fits together, folks, it may not feel
57 00:11:59,009 --> 00:12:08,069 like it right now may feel disjointed, because you're just now starting to get serious about learning this. All these moving parts have their place in the
58 00:12:08,099 --> 00:12:19,229 grand scheme of things in the great machine. That is the algorithm. All these little pieces and components fit together. And once you understand it, it gives
59 00:12:19,229 --> 00:12:30,569 you clarity that is unrivaled. So hopefully you found everything in this series, insightful, inspiring to try to get you into these other supportive lessons
60 00:12:30,569 --> 00:12:39,089 that's already been made available to you in the YouTube channel, dig into them really take notes. It covers a lot of things on how to study what you should be
61 00:12:39,089 --> 00:12:49,889 studying what things you should be avoiding times and days that look for specific things. I touched on a lot of that in this series. And literally if you
62 00:12:49,889 --> 00:13:01,859 just followed this series, there's no reason why you can't carve out income. Now, am I saying you're gonna get rich? No, I can't say that. Can you make an
63 00:13:01,859 --> 00:13:10,439 income off of this? Absolutely, I believe you can. In fact, I have students all around the world that did not even join my mentorship, they've never seen a
64 00:13:10,439 --> 00:13:20,609 mentorship video, they have no idea what I'm teaching in there. They've only studied this content on the YouTube channel. They are independently making their
65 00:13:20,609 --> 00:13:30,629 own money, without any insight for me, no hand holding, I'm not telling them what to do. They're doing it all on their own. And nothing can make me more
66 00:13:30,629 --> 00:13:44,939 proud than that. The fact that I've given you my time, I've shared my life's work with you. And you've had the opportunity to test it for free. If it does go
67 00:13:44,939 --> 00:13:52,619 into these videos and test it and see if what I was saying was true. Was it really in the charts, like I said, and there's diligent individuals all around
68 00:13:52,619 --> 00:14:05,099 the globe, that put that challenge to the test. They discovered that this is in fact really what goes on. And some of them have went on to get funded. And now
69 00:14:05,099 --> 00:14:13,289 they're trading with amount of money that they probably would have never been able to see up to do. And they're getting checks, they're getting payouts,
70 00:14:13,649 --> 00:14:21,749 they're getting inspiration every day because of the things that they're doing all by themselves has nothing to do with me. I don't want that credit. You're
71 00:14:21,749 --> 00:14:35,429 taking that risk, you pursued your passion. You believe in yourself learning this, and I should never be credited for your success there. That success you
72 00:14:35,429 --> 00:14:45,779 earned it on your own. And those of you that are doing that I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. And I can't wait to see more success stories. Until next
73 00:14:45,779 --> 00:14:56,909 time, good luck in the trading. You can use all this information also to get in sync with what I teach in this YouTube channel. Was this a one shot one kill?
74 00:14:58,019 --> 00:15:09,359 This is the Wednesday FOMC day And you can see this candle here, I went long, the film was 138 65, and two puppets.
75 00:15:10,620 --> 00:15:19,740 So as we dropped down, we swept this low. And then we went back down into it again, I trusted the fact that we didn't want to go back below that low. And I
76 00:15:19,740 --> 00:15:29,370 went along there, rallied higher was like a partial there. And I took a partial there, and you see this in the recording on my telegram channel. And then I also
77 00:15:29,370 --> 00:15:40,200 left 500,000 leverage on the trade with a limit order at 139 50. It's like a partial, they're join 50,000 came off in the final 200 details came off on a
78 00:15:40,200 --> 00:15:53,400 limited basis at 139 with a one on one pit that there. So this is a typical one shot one kill, where I'm aiming for anywhere between 50 to 75 pips a week. And
79 00:15:53,400 --> 00:16:02,670 that's it. If I wouldn't have traded earlier in week on Tuesday, this would have been enough by itself. But I did something on Tuesday with lb with my
80 00:16:02,670 --> 00:16:15,810 mentorship. And you all saw this one here, using everything that I've outlined here, from beginning to end, everything I used was literally YouTube level. It's
81 00:16:15,810 --> 00:16:29,460 not secret, you know, mentorship stuff, everything here is taught somewhere in my YouTube channel. Now, I get a lot of emails, and it takes forever for me to
82 00:16:29,460 --> 00:16:36,210 get through them. And it's gotten to the point where I'm probably never going to get caught up anytime soon. There's just so many coming in. But I can tell you
83 00:16:36,210 --> 00:16:46,920 that if you have the question in mind that where is a certain thing taught, I don't know specifically, what videos because I've done so many videos, I just, I
84 00:16:46,920 --> 00:16:56,070 didn't keep a good record of what I did in each video. years ago, some of my students were doing a really good job of documenting what's covered and what
85 00:16:56,070 --> 00:17:06,480 video and even what minute marker, it would be. I don't know what that is. And maybe when you're doing your studies through this channel, when you study your
86 00:17:06,990 --> 00:17:14,970 videos each time you come to a specific thing, you might want to break down the video. And kind of like do it as chapters like between minute marker this and
87 00:17:14,970 --> 00:17:24,990 this ICT talked about this or that topic or order blocks or, you know, breakers or mitigation blocks, and all those types of things. It'll make it easier for
88 00:17:24,990 --> 00:17:33,750 you to go back in and locate those areas that touch up on a subject matter that may be a sticking point or struggling point for you. Obviously, there's a whole
89 00:17:33,750 --> 00:17:44,940 lot more to trading. And I could have took a lot more out of the free content here and made much more out of this series. But I really watched the market
90 00:17:44,940 --> 00:17:56,850 maker series this week, all over again. And I had a lot of talking in those videos. And while most of its useful information, I wanted to kind of give you a
91 00:17:57,000 --> 00:18:09,510 rendition that was more to the point that goes right to the heart of what all these videos should have given you an understanding and what should have been
92 00:18:09,510 --> 00:18:20,850 taken away. And this isn't everything. Like I could have put even more into this. But I wanted to give you something that is useful that I used in real
93 00:18:20,850 --> 00:18:33,540 world settings were in front of lots of people, okay, all around the world. They watched me cosign this whole idea this week. And it panned out and delivered
94 00:18:33,540 --> 00:18:42,930 like gangbusters. It's not a fluke, I could have talked about this and it could have flopped. But because it's rooted in the things I'm teaching you here, which
95 00:18:42,930 --> 00:18:55,290 is also taught in other areas of this YouTube channel. It's not created just because this stuff work this week. Okay, it's literally every single week, every
96 00:18:55,290 --> 00:19:10,140 single week. These markets operate with these specific generic macros. A macro is a small little program that unfolds in an algorithm. And what they are is
97 00:19:10,230 --> 00:19:18,840 basically a price run from one level to the next during a specific time of day. Okay, that's the easiest one, I can give you an example. Or that would be when
98 00:19:18,840 --> 00:19:27,210 it's bullish, a bullish often trade entry that forms between seven o'clock in the morning and 10 o'clock in the morning, New York time and runs to kendari
99 00:19:27,210 --> 00:19:39,390 morning. Okay, that repeats a lot, several times a week. But I'm teaching you as my students to focus on the highest probable day of the week in the most
100 00:19:39,390 --> 00:19:51,180 probable direction bullish or bearish. And the time of those specific days, and what those patterns of entry look like. There's other things once you've gone
101 00:19:51,180 --> 00:20:00,960 through this series a couple times and taking copious notes. You won't go back into lessons where I talk about money management, have psychology lessons in
102 00:20:00,960 --> 00:20:09,360 here, trade psychology. I have lessons on how to deal with drawdown. Because you're going to have it and know how good you think you are, you're going to
103 00:20:09,360 --> 00:20:10,920 have drawdown and how you're going to
104 00:20:11,100 --> 00:20:20,670 manage that. How are you going to overcome that? How are you going to mitigate those losing streaks, I teach that for free in this YouTube channel. I am
105 00:20:20,670 --> 00:20:31,440 convinced that everything I've given for free in this YouTube channel literally lays waste to everything that you can buy as a course. And that's boring moment,
106 00:20:31,440 --> 00:20:41,790 or none whatsoever. Because it's free, you can test drive it here, you can see right away, if there's any fluff, there's a lot of talking. But the talking
107 00:20:41,790 --> 00:20:49,200 points are important because I'm actually addressing psychological factors, that's going to either arise from the things that I'm telling you to do in the
108 00:20:49,200 --> 00:20:58,470 video, or from a previous video that I got feedback from when I do a video. But back then, when I was doing those videos, I was able to read my emails a little
109 00:20:58,470 --> 00:21:11,400 bit more quickly, and keep up with it. Now, I just knew with over 120,000 students, and I have YouTube channel audience too. I personally cannot keep up
110 00:21:11,400 --> 00:21:21,270 with the correspondence. I wish I could because I love it. Sometimes it moves me to tears because of the joy I get by hearing these stories. And also the stories
111 00:21:21,270 --> 00:21:28,860 that people are struggling. Not every one of my students do exceedingly well. I want to be open upfront and honest and tell you that I've said it in the past,
112 00:21:28,860 --> 00:21:37,050 it's not like something I want to just confess to, you know, I've always said this, this is a very difficult business to do well in because you're competing
113 00:21:37,050 --> 00:21:48,750 against yourself. You're misinformed. You're giving so much improper information. And you're stealing people out there masquerading as someone that
114 00:21:48,750 --> 00:22:00,060 knows what they're doing. And all of that is a disadvantage for you. It's almost like a landmine field laying in front of you. And you really need to know where
115 00:22:00,060 --> 00:22:10,770 to step. Because if you step in the wrong place at the wrong time, it's over. And if you do it enough times, no matter how strong you feel about concreteness,
116 00:22:11,010 --> 00:22:24,960 and knowing that there's gonna be periods of adversity, at some point, even the best of you will want to throw in the towel and quit. I'm here to tell you
117 00:22:26,190 --> 00:22:37,440 don't, don't ever quit. It doesn't cost you anything to watch these videos except for the time that you invest. If you keep digging into them, and keep
118 00:22:37,440 --> 00:22:46,500 practicing, when I tell you to practice, and keep studying and looking for the things I'm pointing to, it will happen for you. It will unlock your
119 00:22:46,500 --> 00:22:56,940 understanding. And one day what day I don't know. But it's always different for somebody else. And I have students from my 2016 group that still cannot make
120 00:22:56,940 --> 00:23:07,170 money and being absolutely honest. But I also have students just came in, in this final group in 2021, that are literally killing it. Because they were
121 00:23:07,170 --> 00:23:16,650 trading with information they learned here was hit and miss hit and miss. Now, they're doing exceedingly well. Was it because they join the mentorship?
122 00:23:16,740 --> 00:23:30,600 Probably? Or is it because they put enough time in beyond what they probably thought was going to be required? I think it's that. So don't give up. Don't let
123 00:23:30,600 --> 00:23:37,410 someone else convince you that you're wasting your time doing this. The worst thing you can do is tell your friends and your family what you're doing. Don't
124 00:23:37,410 --> 00:23:45,270 even do that. Because they're not going to understand. And they're going to be asking you usually at the wrong times, Hey, how you doing? You're so and so. And
125 00:23:45,270 --> 00:23:53,100 it'll be a period where you're struggling. And they'll be like, Man, I'm glad I didn't listen to you. how's that gonna make you feel? It's gonna make you
126 00:23:53,100 --> 00:24:04,680 question whether or not what you're doing is a viable means of pursuit to a better life. When I'm telling you it absolutely is. This is the last bastion
127 00:24:04,680 --> 00:24:20,520 folks look around. I'm not going to describe what I'm really hinting at. But all you have to do is look around every form of employment is being ravaged right
128 00:24:20,520 --> 00:24:35,820 now. It's gonna get worse. Do you have a hedge against that? Do you have a way for you to feed you and your family without having to leave your house or hold
129 00:24:35,820 --> 00:24:50,040 your hand out for a government handout? No subsidies required. No leaving your home. As long as you have an internet connection and equity in the account. You
130 00:24:50,040 --> 00:25:06,690 can eat. That's where we're at now. It's not about getting rich. It's about making sure you can Eat, that you can meet your bills, make your ends meet. says
131 00:25:06,690 --> 00:25:10,410 my prayer and heartfelt desire and passion to
132 00:25:11,369 --> 00:25:22,829 to inspire you to do well. And hopefully I've given you some tools here to, to do that, or at least begin the journey and working towards it. You're always in
133 00:25:22,829 --> 00:25:30,839 my prayers. I'm always thinking about all of you. Even I don't know you. I've never laid eyes on you face to face, never show any of your hands.
134 00:25:36,030 --> 00:25:45,900 I'm rooting for you. And you'll get it. Just keep plugging. Until next time, be safe.