ICT YT - 2018-01-12 - ICT January 12 2018.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-22 08:37

00:00:31,260 --> 00:00:41,280 ICT: Okay, folks, we're looking at the Dollar Index, weekly review real quick on the dollar index, the Euro dollar, British Pound Aussie dollar, Canadian dollar
00:00:41,280 --> 00:00:50,520 Japanese yen, and we'll then look at Bitcoin and ripple. So we have a little bit of a full basket here of markets go over. And I'll try to make this as short as
00:00:50,520 --> 00:01:01,080 it possibly can not try to do too much of the jawboning session, at the end of the video, I will cover the ICT mentorship, and how to get into that and what
00:01:01,740 --> 00:01:10,470 you should be looking for in terms of the process. I know I sent out an email. And a lot of folks have gave me feedback. So the link wasn't working in the
00:01:10,470 --> 00:01:17,940 actual email to get the enrollment process started. So give you all that detail at the end of the video. Don't worry, I'll let you know when I'm gonna start
00:01:17,940 --> 00:01:25,410 talking about that. So if you're not interested, you can just turn the video off after watching the portion as the market review. Alright, so we're looking at
00:01:25,920 --> 00:01:35,130 the daily chart of the dollar index. And this is through by means of a demo account through forex Ltd. So there's going to be a few bars missing because of
00:01:35,130 --> 00:01:37,440 the holiday rut that
00:01:38,490 --> 00:01:53,190 plagues the price action. And one of the reasons why I stay on the sidelines until the third week of January, which next week, puts me back in the ballgame.
10 00:01:53,370 --> 00:02:00,900 Usually I started on a Tuesday. So let's see what price is going to do on Monday. And then I'll be starting to work my way into very, very gradually very
11 00:02:00,900 --> 00:02:10,350 low risk, low leverage trading and then build up to around the beginning of February where I hopefully we'll be back in the swing of things in terms of live
12 00:02:10,350 --> 00:02:16,920 trading for my own personal accounts. So we're looking at the Dollar index on the daily. And I want to ask you a question. Like I asked on Twitter today, I
13 00:02:16,920 --> 00:02:25,380 asked what do you see on the dollar index, but specifically asked on a four hour chart, but I want to kind of like show you on a daily and then we'll refine it
14 00:02:25,380 --> 00:02:36,510 down to the four hour we have a original consolidation, I'm gonna save you all the drawn out, lipstick, you know movements and drawing out boxes and stuff,
15 00:02:36,510 --> 00:02:44,550 it's just going to point to the original highlight that areas in terms of where the price action is and you can mark up your charts in terms of journaling. But
16 00:02:44,550 --> 00:02:53,730 this consolidation right in here, okay, there's a group of candles. This is the original consolidation, it leaves that consolidation with this rally up. And
17 00:02:53,730 --> 00:03:02,430 then it retraces back down almost coming back down to the original consolidation doesn't have to do that for a market maker sell model priced in re accumulates
18 00:03:03,420 --> 00:03:15,390 reformulates, smart money reversal, distribution, redistribution, another area redistribution, and this level is rather significant. We're going to talk about
19 00:03:15,390 --> 00:03:25,890 this actual key level here later on in the video. But we see price trade off again, come back down right back up into an area of redistribution. And again,
20 00:03:25,890 --> 00:03:34,230 we'll talk about this level as well and ultimately coming back down clearing the original consolidation entry into the old world. Okay, so we have a completed
21 00:03:34,230 --> 00:03:48,900 market maker sell model. And under these parameters and the analysis of that lens Well, with the dollar index wanting to go lower, that's what gave me the
22 00:03:48,960 --> 00:03:56,850 inclination that we'll probably see a bullish euro dollar, which we'll talk about next we'll come back to the dollar index chart in a minute but for now I'm
23 00:03:56,850 --> 00:04:09,720 going to go over to the euro dollar and bring up some points from it. Alright, so this is the current candle as it is on the Forex Ltd now one a little bit
24 00:04:09,750 --> 00:04:20,010 higher than this. For whatever reason the demo account for forex Ltd. starts at four o'clock in New York time when it's still really technically straight until
25 00:04:20,010 --> 00:04:32,340 five o'clock. So I'm not sure what causes that little This is where we closed on forex Ltd, I'm going to go over to daily FX which uses the forex.com price
26 00:04:32,340 --> 00:04:41,550 engine so you can see where price actually went to today. So but we're going to use this demo account just to kind of like outline a few things. We're going to
27 00:04:41,550 --> 00:04:47,460 start on a weekly chart. So on a weekly chart,
28 00:04:48,510 --> 00:04:58,170 we were looking for obviously bearish prices on the dollar index as it relates to the market maker sell model. But in relationship to the euro dollar. We have
29 00:04:58,170 --> 00:05:12,120 several things here that lends well to bullishness Okay, we had an old area of buying, which is this series of three weeks of down close candles. Okay, so when
30 00:05:12,120 --> 00:05:22,290 you see that this is 123 so if it could make a three week candle, or three week candlestick chart, this would be a down close candle in any return back to it
31 00:05:22,320 --> 00:05:33,690 because prices fractal this would be a bullish ICT order block. But it's done on a higher timeframe weekly chart. So this is going to be really significant. If
32 00:05:33,690 --> 00:05:43,710 we are bearish on dollar, we're looking for bullishness on foreign currency, so euro dollar being the first in the name of the pair, this should rally in
33 00:05:44,100 --> 00:05:53,610 relationship to weaker dollar prices. So if we're looking for stronger euro dollar, we have to really focus on an area of where institutional buying should
34 00:05:53,610 --> 00:06:03,000 take place. So this is where a large degree of high probability buying would take place in the form of a weekly order block. So we're gonna keep these levels
35 00:06:03,270 --> 00:06:14,790 germane but translate them into an hourly chart. Okay, so now we have an hourly chart with the most recent weekly bullish order block. And by itself, you can
36 00:06:14,790 --> 00:06:23,040 already see it's pretty significant in terms of responsiveness for price action, but I'm gonna add the daily dividers because it's an hourly chart and invest
37 00:06:23,040 --> 00:06:33,990 view that weekly perspective, if you look at the tutorials I've taught, and this is pretty much new core content for ICT material. I teach that the market when
38 00:06:33,990 --> 00:06:47,100 it's bullish will create the low the weak with a 70% likelihood on Tuesday, now, preferably Tuesday, London open, it'll make the higher low. If it doesn't form
39 00:06:47,340 --> 00:07:02,190 on the London open on Tuesday, it can occur on Tuesdays New York open have a market reversal profile. And or Wednesday, London open. Typically, if you're
40 00:07:02,190 --> 00:07:11,040 going to be bullish, you're going to be expecting the Wednesday New York open to be kind of like the catalyst for it's either going to be in place by now or it's
41 00:07:11,040 --> 00:07:22,830 not. Okay, so we see price creating consolidation last week on Thursday and the Friday rather equal highs. So it's going to be a liquidity pool resting right
42 00:07:22,830 --> 00:07:30,960 above that or in the form of Candyland as I like to teach it. Price leaves that consolidation comes back up tries to retest the original consolidation, which is
43 00:07:30,960 --> 00:07:41,280 this area right in here. Okay, and sells off, we go into our area of distribution sells off and into what day the week. This begins Tuesday's trading
44 00:07:41,850 --> 00:07:55,590 trades down into the New York open. Okay, price creates a return back to wanting to be bullish, but it's hard to see without having the weekly context in place,
45 00:07:55,890 --> 00:08:03,390 which is a bullish order block. But you can see the accumulation is taking place there buying it in here, not doing too much keeping it around that same level
46 00:08:03,420 --> 00:08:11,910 working in small pieces of their overall order. rallies away, don't draw too much attention to it comes back down to the week colorblock, buy some more
47 00:08:11,910 --> 00:08:22,080 reacts, don't do any more buying wait for price to react and go lower, buy some more a little bit larger punch because they're adding a lot more here. So that
48 00:08:22,080 --> 00:08:33,420 displacement causes the price engines to start shooting off into reaching for higher prices. When we see swing highs been broken. And on line 10 of the
49 00:08:33,420 --> 00:08:45,660 marketplace is bullish with a bearish slant on the dollar index. If we're bullish on euro dollar, the Carter stack for a long segue into Thursday's
50 00:08:45,660 --> 00:08:56,580 trading. We had ECB monetary minutes at 7:30am New York time. That's this candle right here. Now because of the 60 minute candle, we don't see the breakdown
51 00:08:56,580 --> 00:09:09,180 where originally it drops down. But we'll look at that when we go to the daily FX chart. We have a low down here. impulse leg up, comes back down. It wicks
52 00:09:09,180 --> 00:09:12,630 beyond the 79% retracement level and I'll add that for you here.
53 00:09:18,270 --> 00:09:30,900 me use the wicks. This is what we end up with here. You can see pretty much the bodies of the candles are respecting the senate tracing level. If we use the
54 00:09:30,900 --> 00:09:40,560 concepts that I teach in terms of using the bodies of the candle, which gets the bulk of the volume in there. So now we have price moving from the lowest open or
55 00:09:40,560 --> 00:09:51,810 close to the highest open or close in the relative swings. Price comes back down. Look again the bodies of the candles are respecting it. Yes, we have two
56 00:09:51,810 --> 00:10:06,510 little wicks in here but it's not running out the low where your stop loss would be. price drops. down into optimal trade entry and then runs into ECB minutes.
57 00:10:07,020 --> 00:10:15,570 Price immediately screams higher breaks above this high here. And I said I wanted to see if we're going to see any rejection. If you go to Twitter, you'll
58 00:10:15,570 --> 00:10:23,400 see, I'm watching to see if we get any rejection in here. Because if we don't get any rejection, it's going to go higher, and it's going to go higher with a
59 00:10:24,810 --> 00:10:36,600 look a different style of a rally. Usually, we're used to seeing things like this where it'll rally retrace, rally retrace rally, not when the central banks
60 00:10:36,600 --> 00:10:46,200 are involved when they do a repricing price will be in a hurry to get somewhere immediately or in short order. And any retracements are going to be very
61 00:10:46,200 --> 00:10:54,450 shallow. And generally what you're going to see is very tight consolidations. And then rally again, okay, everything's reversed when it's bearish as well. But
62 00:10:54,450 --> 00:11:03,780 in this case, we saw a price trade through, I was mentioning that I was looking for the equal highs in here, I wanted to see those levels be cleared out. And
63 00:11:03,810 --> 00:11:16,800 that came in the form of 120 51 2050 ended up clearing, we seen that price came back down. So it consolidating giving them an optimal trade entry in here. Okay,
64 00:11:17,400 --> 00:11:30,000 and rally again, in London overnight, price expanded, I said we had layered liquidity of between 2050 to 2080. And I mentioned by way of explaining the
65 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:45,240 context, his overall move, traders would have their stop loss for shorts above that 120 93 level if the old daily high. So if we're going to run that old daily
66 00:11:45,240 --> 00:11:54,030 high, and we're using this as the framework, originally running the equal highs here, above these equal highs will get us in really close to what the 121 big
67 00:11:54,030 --> 00:12:06,540 figure. So if we're looking at a run on an old daily high in the form of 120 93 euro dollar, we could test the sweet to 120 level. So we're looking for what
68 00:12:06,540 --> 00:12:18,660 120 10 120 21 2030 by itself, that's enough for a move down here to warrant a really handsome price move. Taking obvious low logical profits along the way
69 00:12:18,690 --> 00:12:29,580 worried about this high would be good at this area of liquidity in the form of their clean highs, around 120 min figure. And then we have the optimal trade
70 00:12:29,580 --> 00:12:39,690 entry going in overnight. I mentioned by way of Twitter, I shared the chart showing withdrawal was going to be at 120 80 to 120 93. And then obviously the
71 00:12:39,690 --> 00:12:51,300 protocol goes to reaching for movement above that 121 big figure. And we have an overall price move that was rather handsome. I had a target. And you can't see
72 00:12:51,300 --> 00:13:00,690 it here. Because this demo account closed at four o'clock New York time, when we go to daily FX charts, you'll see that it actually went a little bit closer to
73 00:13:00,690 --> 00:13:11,610 my overall objective, which was 122 32. I shared that chart yesterday on Thursday showing that would probably be a likely upside catalyst. And it would
74 00:13:11,610 --> 00:13:25,800 be a draw on price. So let's go in a little bit deeper, because I want to show you something else in regards to that dollar index. We have this high right
75 00:13:25,800 --> 00:13:37,710 here. So we have these equal highs at first glance, but we went slightly higher here. So on the 12th of December, we want to see if there was a lower low
76 00:13:37,710 --> 00:13:50,670 formed, then that was made in terms of the load that would be formed on this day on the eurodollar. So November 21. And December 12, they're going to buy our key
77 00:13:50,670 --> 00:14:04,350 dates for comparison. So let's go over to a euro dollar daily chart. And we have here November 21, the low comes in at 117 13.
78 00:14:07,230 --> 00:14:19,710 And on the 12th we have 117 17. So we have a slightly higher low. And I'll show you that in terms of a horizontal line and you're probably saying, Wow, is that
79 00:14:19,890 --> 00:14:31,740 really that significant? And the answer your question is is yes. That in itself is enough to warrant the accumulation signature that takes place inside of price
80 00:14:31,740 --> 00:14:40,290 action when you know there's Smart Money accumulating long positions. Now there is another one that takes place. Okay, we're going to drop down into an hourly
81 00:14:40,290 --> 00:14:55,050 chart for the dollar index, and we can see that January 11th, which is here, which was yesterday and then we have the 10th of January. Look at the highs here
82 00:14:56,100 --> 00:15:10,680 9256 9256 relatively equal highs, no problem, pretty straightforward and easy enough to understand. But now if we look at the euro dollar, that same thing,
83 00:15:11,910 --> 00:15:25,500 but we're looking at at the 10th, the low on the 10th. And the low on the 11th, it's much significantly higher in terms of comparison. So let's again, use the
84 00:15:25,500 --> 00:15:41,550 low on the 10, for all that out. So it's a direct relationship. So we have a low on a 10th, and a higher low on the 11th. on the dollar, on the 10th, we can see
85 00:15:41,550 --> 00:15:52,500 the high forum here. Again, we're going to use the reference points in terms of time, it's roughly one o'clock in the morning, New York time when this is
86 00:15:52,500 --> 00:16:11,550 occurring. And then we'll use ad again, which would be three o'clock in the morning, New York time or London session. So we have on the 10th, it's six, or
87 00:16:11,550 --> 00:16:23,910 1am, New York time, and on the eurodollar on the euro dollar, on this candle here,
88 00:16:29,460 --> 00:16:40,770 we can see that that is the same candle in terms of time in the same candle over here, again, so we have a direct relationship shown here, relative to time and
89 00:16:40,770 --> 00:16:50,340 price, but we can see the accumulation that's taking place ahead of the ECB. Okay, so when I shared the chart, I highlighted the idea that this range here
90 00:16:50,340 --> 00:17:01,560 was important and equal highs loaded up and I'll show you what that looks like. This was a chart I tweeted. So you can see the relative equal highs in here. Let
91 00:17:01,560 --> 00:17:12,060 me zoom in. Here's a relative equal highs, this regarding a little bit of a wick in here. And price comes back down and re accumulation for a longer term price
92 00:17:12,060 --> 00:17:21,690 move. Now, I saw an individual question whether this should have been a sell off, cuz it looks like a market maker sell model. And it is a market maker sell
93 00:17:21,690 --> 00:17:31,170 model. But if you go back to the old no tigers, in anyone that's been watching and studying my material, they understand that the market maker models do not
94 00:17:31,200 --> 00:17:39,420 always have to go down and clear the original consolidation because they can become continuation patterns. Now, add that to the mix, based on what we shown
95 00:17:39,420 --> 00:17:50,220 on a weekly chart on euro dollar. This is a high probability continuation on the upside, then targeting equal highs here. So yes, this original sell off at a
96 00:17:50,220 --> 00:18:00,330 breaker was it was a trade to buy down here up to the breaker was a trade, but to buy, it's accumulating right here. All the signatures were there ahead of ECB
97 00:18:00,360 --> 00:18:11,310 Well, before we even started, the Hallmark signatures for for smart money accumulation for long or upside movement was already in place. Okay, so let's go
98 00:18:11,310 --> 00:18:19,920 back to our charts here. So we have a massive SMT divergence. That's it. This is a smart money technique or a smart money tool. How are we going to use it is
99 00:18:19,920 --> 00:18:28,410 this SMT to me, I had to come up with a way of naming it so that way my kids could understand what I'm referring to. And because I teach basically what I
100 00:18:28,410 --> 00:18:37,740 teach my children in terms of the vocabulary I made for myself. Everything I teach them is what I teach to my students. That's why many times I refer to my
101 00:18:38,160 --> 00:18:48,810 students as Munchkins, don't be offended if that's what you see me referring to everyone on Twitter. It's a term of endearment, trust me, it's not an insult. So
102 00:18:50,100 --> 00:19:02,340 we can see the accumulation takes place by the breaking correlation because a normal market conditions the market symmetry should see a equal low, as we saw
103 00:19:02,340 --> 00:19:14,520 with the equal high form with $1. When we see that unwillingness for the dollar to go low enough to make an equal low and respective price points in terms of
104 00:19:14,520 --> 00:19:24,630 time and price, these two lows should be equal in the Euro, but they're not at a time when overall we are trading at a bullish what, what's this level back down
105 00:19:24,630 --> 00:19:33,000 here? Remember what this level was? That's the weekly bullish order block. So we're seeing massive accumulation. So look at the level where it hits it. Okay,
106 00:19:33,060 --> 00:19:50,970 the level comes in exactly 1928 What's the low on these candles 1929 low on this candle. 1929. Okay, just for completeness sake, I want to go back out to a
107 00:19:50,970 --> 00:20:02,910 weekly chart. And I want to get the opening price on that weekly chart because we're seeing lows at 119 29. I'm gonna show you what the relationship is. Okay,
108 00:20:02,910 --> 00:20:14,910 so we have a 15 minute timeframe, we can start seeing how very close that price movement was right to the weekly order block. Now, if we're looking at price
109 00:20:14,940 --> 00:20:23,550 with the expectation of this being a weekly order block, and price should be coming back down to that level to the buyer, should we look for necessarily
110 00:20:23,550 --> 00:20:38,460 119 28? I would submit No, because we were coming down to that price level. So what would we look for prior to that 119 31 1935. Or if you're a longer term
111 00:20:38,460 --> 00:20:46,110 swing trader, you can go in at around 119 50. And just use the stop loss below here and be a swing trader and not have any worries about it, you don't have to
112 00:20:46,110 --> 00:20:54,030 worry about watching every minute of it, it is what it is, you can be a buyer ahead of ECB, which I'm sure some of you would be terrified to do. But if the
113 00:20:54,030 --> 00:21:06,000 traits, you know, a setup is there, it is what it is the volatility is going to come by way of ECB could many times put you in these types of movements. Now, if
114 00:21:06,000 --> 00:21:15,090 it's wrong, it'll obviously go for your stop right away. And it is what it is. That's what you learn by way of using your demo account. But the clear equal
115 00:21:15,090 --> 00:21:20,550 highs up here, obvious drop in price, very, very classic type of price movement,
116 00:21:21,900 --> 00:21:31,440 all the hallmarks for smart money accumulation, and we put waterblocks there, and Tuesday though the week, boom, okay. Alright, so we're gonna segue right on
117 00:21:31,440 --> 00:21:41,340 over to the cable. And we'll take a look at that market. Okay, so we're looking at the British pound, this is a weekly chart. And right away, I just want to
118 00:21:41,340 --> 00:21:48,660 draw your attention to a level, I think it's going to be rather significant, we have this old low back here, we're probably going to see 138 50 level trade to
119 00:21:48,660 --> 00:22:01,560 next as an upsell. So we have this low as a potential upside objective for next week. And only zoom in a little bit. Get some more details here for you guys.
120 00:22:04,680 --> 00:22:17,580 Alright, so we have this level as a draw on price. And we're going to take a look at a few things in regards to waterblocks. So we have this level right here
121 00:22:20,130 --> 00:22:33,510 in the form of two down close candles on a weekly chart, that's a bullish order block. Two, we'll draw that out. In these levels we'll use on our lower
122 00:22:33,510 --> 00:22:45,360 timeframes. So the open comes in at 3492. And we're just going to set that up. So it shows that same thing here. 3492.
123 00:22:55,290 --> 00:23:07,560 So now everything has the hard timeframe perspective. And again, this is the weekly chart. So we're gonna take a look at again, a run on this old high, and
124 00:23:07,590 --> 00:23:21,420 then the draw is 138 50 or there abouts because the old low back there, okay. So we're going to take that in consideration. Price has been moving higher. So on a
125 00:23:21,420 --> 00:23:35,010 higher time frame chart. We have that Gong Gong force. Now let's look at a daily chart. Okay, real nice caffeine bar. Big run up here. Okay. And we're gonna put
126 00:23:35,010 --> 00:23:46,710 our monthly divider in here. Okay, so the daily, yeah, daily chart with a monthly divider on it, we're looking for the monthly range, and we're overall
127 00:23:46,710 --> 00:23:56,040 bullish. So we're going to be looking for anything going down as a potential buying opportunity. Okay, so let's take this and build some more context around
128 00:23:56,040 --> 00:24:05,730 it. When take this whole thing, again, with a weekly bullish order block was what this is here. Red dropped down into an hourly chart. Okay, as you can see,
129 00:24:05,730 --> 00:24:16,500 here's an hourly chart on a British pound. We had a lot of equal highs in here says massive buildup of retail resistance. So everything is going to point well
130 00:24:16,500 --> 00:24:28,620 to a lot of buy side liquidity resting rate above these highs. So with a big juicy target like that, for buying opportunities to be rated, anything going
131 00:24:28,620 --> 00:24:39,450 down should be viewed as a potential buying opportunity. or weekly order block here price trades down to it. On Thursday during the ECB what it actually did
132 00:24:39,450 --> 00:24:48,180 was trade into the weekly order block. Then makes a run for what the buy side liquidity, all these equal highs, too much candy, they're not the one to take
133 00:24:48,180 --> 00:25:00,960 it. Price runs through it and then blast all through it. It spreads rather quickly above these highs right here because there's going to be a A lot of
134 00:25:00,960 --> 00:25:11,220 liquidity resting around these equal highs. So we have Tuesday, a Monday and Tuesday's highs relatively equal. So it's like a triple or quadruple high 123
135 00:25:11,220 --> 00:25:24,300 for lots of reasons they anticipate that as a run on liquidity price it mentally expands and trades higher. And using this data, we made a power three which is
136 00:25:24,390 --> 00:25:39,810 opening trading down for the week picking up a weekly order block buying there ahead of ECB when dollars bearish cables, bullish euro dollars bullish price
137 00:25:39,810 --> 00:25:53,640 expands on the upside and starts doing what building its weekly range all on the heels of ECB and they after ECB. Okay, so we have all that phenomenon taking
138 00:25:53,640 --> 00:26:04,680 place. Which when the markets are closely correlated, like euro pound, it's being held in consolidation. So that means euro dollar and British pound or
139 00:26:04,680 --> 00:26:11,460 cable, they're gonna be allowed to trade in concert with one another, they're gonna be allowed to trade the same direction. And we've seen that this week.
140 00:26:12,510 --> 00:26:25,500 Post ECB. Okay, so let's go back to cable. Okay, so cable from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday had successive lower lows in the dollar index from
141 00:26:25,500 --> 00:26:39,510 Monday, we can see that it had a higher high on Monday, a higher high on Tuesday, but then we'll go happens on Thursday. And Wednesday. We don't see that
142 00:26:39,510 --> 00:26:50,880 higher high forming Dewey. So have a massive divergence. And I'll draw it out for you like this. This is the divergence for SMT purposes, for dollar to cable
143 00:26:51,840 --> 00:27:01,140 massive distribution seen in the dollar index. So we have Monday's trading higher Tuesday trading higher Wednesday, what there's no higher high Thursdays
144 00:27:01,140 --> 00:27:18,840 no higher high. But on cable. We can see that. In fact, from Monday to Thursday, we had lower low lower low lower low lower low so all of this was a run in
145 00:27:18,900 --> 00:27:29,940 accumulating buying more. Not notice there's no rally here. It retraces but as the new rally have a higher high, then we break down below this old low. Okay,
146 00:27:29,940 --> 00:27:37,530 we have a little bit of retracement no real buying, it drops down again into the weekly order block, then look what happens is a pop but that little blip on the
147 00:27:37,530 --> 00:27:42,060 radar screen that cleans up this equal high. But that's not what they're really doing.
148 00:27:42,540 --> 00:27:53,460 They're accumulating long positions, price drops again in their weekly order block. And then we have 1234 reference points where we can see now with the X
149 00:27:53,460 --> 00:28:02,610 ray view. And the benefit of hindsight, of course, but we have accumulation occurring here. Then ECB comes into the marketplace and it takes off explodes
150 00:28:02,610 --> 00:28:13,800 the upside. So what we're seeing here is a massive accumulation at a key level that I teach in my content order blocks just apply to a weekly chart. And you
151 00:28:13,800 --> 00:28:26,610 can see the massive accumulation takes place with SMT lower lows looks weak on cable, but there's a massive distribution cycle being seen here to the ICT SMT.
152 00:28:27,660 --> 00:28:40,170 So we see massive distribution on $1. And it was happening before we even got the ECB numbers it was already there. In here. It was starting to show you and
153 00:28:40,170 --> 00:28:53,190 then when it broke down, we've taken a low here market structure break so any run from this high to this low back up optimal trade entry sell off. Again
154 00:28:53,190 --> 00:29:04,860 because it's ECB driven European Central Bank, any retracements are going to shallow mainly going to consolidate and in break lower anytime and central bank
155 00:29:04,860 --> 00:29:13,920 is involved. Do not expect like this type of movement where rally up retrace rally up retrace rally out retrace rally out retrace. Don't expect that kind of
156 00:29:13,920 --> 00:29:25,830 move. Expect massive sudden, just displacement or repricing we didn't spend much time from here to get below this low here then we consolidated okay then what
157 00:29:25,830 --> 00:29:33,150 happens folks that were looking at this old low here they were giving them time to think that that was gonna be support it too an old bow that it moves up
158 00:29:33,150 --> 00:29:42,960 classic support resistance because that's what some traders are teaching on Twitter now. It's not old lows like this that causes buys. Okay, this is just an
159 00:29:42,960 --> 00:29:54,780 area for them to start building up more positions, long holders or new Longhorns thinking this is an old support, not likely, that holds around that level, and
160 00:29:54,780 --> 00:30:03,240 then breaks harder again and reaches for the ultimate low, which we showed on the daily chart. Which is back here, which completes the overall market maker
161 00:30:03,300 --> 00:30:13,410 sell model. Okay, so the ICT market maker sell model, there's several of them in here. We have a consolidation here with these candles, it leaves consolidation,
162 00:30:13,440 --> 00:30:26,070 re accumulation, smart money reversal, distribution, redistribution trades below the original consolidation. That's a fractal price is fractal. Okay, we have
163 00:30:26,070 --> 00:30:36,600 another one here, consolidation leaves, it returns back to the consolidation, smart money reversal, low risk sell back down below the original consolidation.
164 00:30:36,600 --> 00:30:49,350 If you go in lower timeframes, you'll see these are exactly that. But these will nest out to create a larger fractal. Okay, and right in here, this is a bearish
165 00:30:49,350 --> 00:30:59,910 breaker, these two down close candles ahead of this high being swept with this run here, your eye goes immediately to down close candles right there, boom. See
166 00:30:59,910 --> 00:31:09,930 how easy that is? There is no necessity for understanding, suppose the supply and demand or other theories of price action when you understand what you're
167 00:31:09,930 --> 00:31:20,160 reading. With a chart, you can decipher what institution order flow is you can understand what levels have the orders, and whether its distribution and
168 00:31:20,160 --> 00:31:30,930 accumulation. I'm focusing in with an X ray view behind the candles, I'm not focusing on just the candles themselves or a pattern of certain candles making
169 00:31:31,080 --> 00:31:40,530 certain formations. And that's not my interest. What I'm looking for is the general underlying context, what's the premise? Okay, what's the premise behind
170 00:31:40,800 --> 00:31:52,500 the market moves. Because if you can decipher what that is, you know what's going to happen before it happens. That's very excitingly, think about it. So we
171 00:31:52,500 --> 00:32:02,100 get back to that breaker here, it retreats back to the two down close candles hits that level slow, boom, hits it right in here, expect to sell off on the
172 00:32:02,100 --> 00:32:14,280 dollar and ramp up in foreign currency, ie the euro dollar and the British pound. When price gets below this low here, then you got to look to start
173 00:32:14,520 --> 00:32:22,470 getting real ambitious about taking your profits, because this may be the end of it. Now, it doesn't mean I'm calling the low on the dollar. This means that you
174 00:32:22,470 --> 00:32:30,660 want to be thinking about taking your demo profits there and start moving to the sidelines. Or if you're going to want to hold for lower prices for dollar in
175 00:32:30,660 --> 00:32:38,460 long on foreign currency. Leave a very small portion on at this point because the market moves really probably 90% done.
176 00:32:39,150 --> 00:32:55,350 Alright, so that is going to be it for cable, I want to go over the Australian dollar real quick. Okay, so here's the Aussie dollar. And again, this is by way
177 00:32:55,350 --> 00:33:02,850 of forex ltds demo account. So there's going to be some candles missing and it's not going to change the underlying tone of what I'm going to describe here. But
178 00:33:02,850 --> 00:33:14,490 we have again, very similar price pattern just inverted, we have consolidation here. Okay, this whole block of price action. Price leaves that consolidation,
179 00:33:14,490 --> 00:33:22,350 once it leaves this low here, right there, trades down and comes right back up tries to retest the original consolidation, it does not need to do that. But
180 00:33:22,350 --> 00:33:33,630 that's what we look for, for a market maker. By model. We have distribution, redistribution, smart money reversal, okay, on a lower timeframe in the form of
181 00:33:33,630 --> 00:33:42,420 like an hourly chart or whatever, you can see a low risk buying here, then price gives us an area of re accumulation. And we've missed the accumulation phase in
182 00:33:42,420 --> 00:33:52,020 here because of the holiday. But on trading view, you might get some better candle action in here, but I'm not gonna really push that in here. Ultimately,
183 00:33:52,020 --> 00:34:02,940 we trade back above what the original consolidation. So this market maker by model is complete. Now, I outlined during the December teachings, why this was a
184 00:34:02,940 --> 00:34:13,470 strong buy. And there was accumulation in here and actually taught SMT to you with this low in relationship to the dollar index. So we knew back in early
185 00:34:13,470 --> 00:34:21,870 December, that this was going to be undergoing accumulation, and we're outlining these highs up here. And price goes back up to that level. And it does it today
186 00:34:21,930 --> 00:34:33,210 on the 12th of January. So I know a lot of you see me doing day trading things. But a lot of the things that I teach are applicable to higher timeframes. The
187 00:34:33,210 --> 00:34:40,350 problem is there's certain things you have to look for in a specific process and or order of things that I teach in a mentorship that helps you along the way.
188 00:34:40,560 --> 00:34:49,410 Sometimes, certain things will jump off the charts for you on a higher timeframe. And it'll just make sense to you. Other times it won't be so clear.
189 00:34:49,680 --> 00:34:56,010 And that's the benefit of being in my private mentorship because I have a lot of experience that goes into what I share and what I will be sharing in future
190 00:34:56,010 --> 00:35:03,300 teachings and years Go ahead, but you won't get that from free tutorials. I'm never making any more free tutorials that's going to amplify anything that's
191 00:35:03,300 --> 00:35:15,510 already there. Okay. So I want to talk about dollar CAD real quick dollar yen. So let's go over to CAD. Okay, so now we're looking at the dollar CAD, I'm doing
192 00:35:15,510 --> 00:35:23,370 right to the hourly chart, this is a time because this video is getting actually very long. I know you guys don't have a lot of time to be spending with me, yet
193 00:35:23,370 --> 00:35:34,710 the weekend upon you. But to put the daily dividers in here, and again, I'll take your attention back to the idea of that dollar index. So we know that the
194 00:35:34,710 --> 00:35:49,230 dollar index was giving us a massive distribution. Okay, on Thursday, I head up ECB. So from Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, heavy distribution, at the same time,
195 00:35:49,710 --> 00:36:04,920 dollar CAD, from the standpoint of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, yes, it's rallying. But it's only really rallying to clear up an old high rejection, and
196 00:36:04,920 --> 00:36:17,640 then we have distribution as a result. So it's very difficult for this pair to rally when it's dollar is weak, it takes a rather impressive or significant
197 00:36:17,640 --> 00:36:26,700 price move in the Canadian dollar, to cause when the situation like we're having now with the dollar index, trading lower, this pair would have to see some
198 00:36:26,790 --> 00:36:37,710 dynamic price action in the underlining of the Canadian dollar futures. Okay, and that type of movement would kind of like break the correlation between and
199 00:36:37,710 --> 00:36:46,650 it can happen sometimes, especially when it relates to like oil, like oil has a big move this pair. While it's relatively easy to trade, there's gonna be times
200 00:36:46,650 --> 00:36:56,040 where it can mess you up because of the influence of oil. Okay, the price of oil can cause this market to go all kinds of, you know, different directions. And
201 00:36:56,070 --> 00:37:04,590 many times we'll find the face of what was seen in the dollar index. So just understand just because the dollar index is going one way, doesn't always
202 00:37:04,590 --> 00:37:16,560 translate in the dollar CAD, doing its own thing as well. Alright, so I'm gonna look at the dollar yen. And then we'll be done with the Forex Ltd version of it.
203 00:37:18,330 --> 00:37:30,300 Alright, so we're looking at the dollar yen, this is an hourly chart, I went right to the brass tacks with this one, I want to just show you a ICT bearish
204 00:37:30,360 --> 00:37:33,930 breaker of a high
205 00:37:34,140 --> 00:37:43,740 price runs up creates a higher high. Once it breaks down below here, your eye goes right to the down close candle. If it trades back to that that's where you
206 00:37:43,740 --> 00:37:58,770 look to sell. sells off, comes back up to an area of mitigation sells off an area of optimal trade entry. Okay, so you have an optimal trade entry here. Now,
207 00:37:58,770 --> 00:38:09,360 I personally can't stand again. And then some of you do very well trading it using my concepts. I just don't like it. Okay, beautiful 70.5 sweet spot. Boom,
208 00:38:09,360 --> 00:38:24,240 sells off. Aggressive price move. And in Bingo. Look at that. How sweet is that? How lovely. Very, very nice. And we had a nice little high here on Thursday
209 00:38:24,270 --> 00:38:39,360 ahead of the ECB numbers as well, in the London session sold off, and then we have another little high in here. rally back up, could potentially see a trade
210 00:38:39,360 --> 00:38:49,620 lower, but it might need to do it right away. I think if we open and gapped down on Dollar Index, that might be the same scenario we see for dollar yen and the
211 00:38:49,620 --> 00:39:05,220 gap lower on Sunday. So we'll see. But certainly it wants to reach significantly lower on the higher timeframes. If we go out to a four hour chart, we have this
212 00:39:05,220 --> 00:39:17,880 low here still that it's on, tested at 110 87. So we have a little bit of a movement there. And if we draw out a little bit more, get some more price action
213 00:39:17,880 --> 00:39:33,510 in here might need to go to a daily, this is good. We have this low here. So we could potentially see that low around one 951 and 960 in that area. And then we
214 00:39:33,510 --> 00:39:42,060 have you know, who knows where we're gonna go, it depends on what the dollar index is going to do. But we may just as easily come down to this low here
215 00:39:42,090 --> 00:39:52,440 reject and create some kind of reversal or or the mean threshold of this overall consolidation. Once we leave the the range, meaning come all the way back up,
216 00:39:52,440 --> 00:40:00,510 which is Incidentally, right where these lows would be. So we could see it come out all the way after this low here is violated. I wouldn't support If it comes
217 00:40:00,510 --> 00:40:11,010 back up to that level here, and then sells off for later time. So again, I don't like again, but that's one scenario I'd probably anticipate seeing. And that's
218 00:40:11,010 --> 00:40:25,560 gonna be it for the Forex Ltd version of what we're talking about. I want to go over to daily FX real quick and show you some things on those charts that I was
219 00:40:25,560 --> 00:40:44,730 tweeting. Alright, so this is the euro dollar ahead of the ECB, you can see the old daily high delineator here 120 91. And price shoots up on in response to the
220 00:40:44,760 --> 00:40:55,770 ECB monetary minutes, runs through that 120 20. And I said on Twitter, I want to watch see if there's any time rejection, if there isn't there going to be
221 00:40:55,770 --> 00:41:07,080 looking for run to 120 50 and layered liquidity up to 120 80, which clears equal highs essentially. And then puts us in contention for the 121 big figure and
222 00:41:07,080 --> 00:41:17,910 blowing out the old high on the daily chart. Ultimately, price rallies through notice what's going on is there any retracements no very, very small little
223 00:41:17,910 --> 00:41:34,590 consolidation. And ultimately, we get the optimal trade entry right there. Eight there at 121 2040 retrade, right back down into the bullish order block, which
224 00:41:34,590 --> 00:41:47,400 is these last candles down close candles ahead of the move up. That is where we'll be looking to buy at a nice round 10 level at 120 40. Though, then we get
225 00:41:47,400 --> 00:42:01,560 another little spike in here. Small consolidation, again, no retracements this consolidation in here. And we'll be looking for an optimal trade entry long.
226 00:42:12,059 --> 00:42:22,529 And you can see ultimately where we traded to and just fell short of the 120 to 20 level in here. Really, really nice price action movement on the heels of an
227 00:42:22,529 --> 00:42:27,089 ECB setup. And on the cable
228 00:42:38,519 --> 00:42:53,729 we can see that weekly order block idea and a run old low in here ahead of the ECB monetary minutes and nice celebration on the upside clearing out the buy
229 00:42:53,729 --> 00:43:10,919 side and getting in sync with the higher timeframe weekly. So I said I'd mentioned the Bitcoin market. So let's go over to Bitcoin. Okay, and we'll zoom
230 00:43:10,919 --> 00:43:27,419 out. And we'll use an hourly chart. Alright, so you can see from the higher call back here at 119 700 or something whenever it was the time I was talking about
231 00:43:27,419 --> 00:43:38,519 on Twitter, you guys can go back and look at that. The the Bitcoin markets had a real hard time trying to find legs get back up there. We made an attempt, really
232 00:43:38,519 --> 00:43:50,429 nice attempt to get above here, okay, relatively equal highs, they clear this out, couldn't get above 17 500 equal highs have been left, we traded back down.
233 00:43:51,569 --> 00:44:00,359 Ultimately, if you look at what we have looks like a market maker some model is still has yet to complete. We have a consolidation in here. re accumulation,
234 00:44:01,109 --> 00:44:12,509 smart money reversal, low risk cell distribution, redistribution, another area distribution in here. And we came down almost to clear out this original
235 00:44:12,509 --> 00:44:22,949 consolidation, I think we may be looking to see it sell off one more time. I know that the dollar index is weak, but you know, my gut tells me bitcoins going
236 00:44:22,949 --> 00:44:36,299 lower, only because I think that everyone's still hoping with hold on for dear life for 20,000. Okay, and some folks that bought above 18,000 in here anywhere
237 00:44:36,299 --> 00:44:43,109 in here. They're just trying to get back to 18,000. They don't even care if it gets to 20 they just want to get out of it because they knew they regret getting
238 00:44:43,109 --> 00:44:52,919 into it. And I know it's a market everyone loves right now because it's heads. It's been real volatile. But I think personally, there's a lot of folks that
239 00:44:52,919 --> 00:45:00,479 just want to get out of it and leave it and any rally is going to allow that to happen. And I think that's what they're punishing. They just don't Want to
240 00:45:00,479 --> 00:45:10,979 happen, they're gonna keep taking prices lower, and any rally is being faded. So I'll be looking for Bitcoin to go below this original consolidation here prior
241 00:45:10,979 --> 00:45:21,419 to this run up. And we'll see it might be a rabbit to a dynamic distribution cycle, kind of like this one over here. So I'm looking for and get below that
242 00:45:21,419 --> 00:45:34,439 10,000 level. Ultimately, again, I think that we will probably see, we get below 10,000, specifically below 12,000, it should accelerate below 10. And we could
243 00:45:34,439 --> 00:45:45,869 see it go to 8000. to, to me personally, I would take if I'm going to take it longer term higher, I would take it all the way down to 5000 and scare the shit
244 00:45:45,869 --> 00:45:51,869 out of everyone. No one would want to hold on to that 5000 they're not gonna, they're not gonna hold it,
245 00:45:51,989 --> 00:45:52,469 you know,
246 00:45:52,769 --> 00:46:02,219 they're not holding it there. They're going to squeal like pigs, you know, getting slaughtered at 10,000 or 12,000. You know, in an area, they're going to
247 00:46:02,219 --> 00:46:10,559 feel like it's the end of the world. And especially if it really reprice as quickly to 8000 and below 6000 that hit these equal lows. And watch what
248 00:46:10,559 --> 00:46:18,449 happens. These equal lows line up beautifully with this old high, which really didn't get tested here was a little bit a little bit higher. You know, let me
249 00:46:18,449 --> 00:46:27,929 see if I can zoom in a little bit. And see that this high really didn't get retested. But it would be beautifully retested at 5000, it might bounce at 5000,
250 00:46:27,929 --> 00:46:39,659 give us a nice little move to 10,000, maybe up to 12. Okay, but even then I still would be leery of it running to 20,000. On the heels of this going to 5000
251 00:46:40,019 --> 00:46:48,569 it might need to punish folks a little bit longer term. Okay. Again, this is my opinion. That's what I would do if I was the market maker for this
252 00:46:49,169 --> 00:47:01,859 cryptocurrency. I'm personally not obviously, but that's what I would do. Okay. That's what I see in the near future for Bitcoin. All right, it kind of like
253 00:47:02,249 --> 00:47:14,729 what we just described, I think 120 could see a retest, we could see a distribution again, take us down to that level. If we lose 120, we're going back
254 00:47:14,729 --> 00:47:21,929 down to 60 cents, that probably didn't sound good for most of you guys. And you probably even laugh and thinking eating ain't never going to happen. It might
255 00:47:21,929 --> 00:47:30,749 not ever happen. But personally, again, if I was a market maker for this one, we have an original consolidation here. re accumulation, smart money reversal, low
256 00:47:30,749 --> 00:47:39,149 resell, which we outline, I show you all that stuff. And we broke down. So we're an area where another area distribution should come in. If it does, it's going
257 00:47:39,149 --> 00:47:47,999 to take us below the original consolidation here, which is going to be below 80 cents at 60 cents, which would clear up all these equal lows in here formed
258 00:47:47,999 --> 00:47:59,069 around the 18th, between 18th and 25th of December. And that's what I'm expecting. So if you're holding on to this, you know, good luck to you guys. But
259 00:47:59,909 --> 00:48:07,799 you know, I have no skin in the race for anything in crypto, but I did say I was going to share that opinion, or commentary. So I kind of like what I'm talking
260 00:48:07,799 --> 00:48:14,219 about the mentorship now. So everything about charting is done. So you can turn the video off if you're not interested in mentorship. But I'm gonna talk about
261 00:48:14,219 --> 00:48:25,289 that, and how you can go forward because a lot of people are trying to get into it right now. All right, so everyone that signed up for the information about
262 00:48:25,289 --> 00:48:39,749 the ITT mentorship, I had a lot of folks actually sign up for it. Unfortunately, a lot of my current members out of the 660, some members that completed the
263 00:48:39,809 --> 00:48:52,619 initial class of mine ICT mentorship, they have been anxious. Number one, some of them were against me having my change of mind about opening up the mentorship
264 00:48:52,619 --> 00:49:01,079 because there was individuals selling it. And I didn't want to do another mentorship. I really didn't want to do it. But it creates a demand for people
265 00:49:01,079 --> 00:49:08,429 that are trying to sell it that I don't get those proceeds, I don't get the credit for it. And it's basically just ripping me off. So I know that people
266 00:49:08,429 --> 00:49:18,719 would rather learning from me, because I have much more value. And you're buying something from someone else that you don't know, has all the material, most of
267 00:49:18,719 --> 00:49:31,499 them that are really selling it don't have it all. Now I gave the outline of what's available. And that way, you know, if you've been rocked already, this is
268 00:49:31,499 --> 00:49:39,629 what you should have got if you got ripped off and you paid for it outside of me supplying it to you. That's not the mentorship. Okay, the mentorship is an
269 00:49:39,659 --> 00:49:49,889 ongoing membership. There will be things that are taught that will never be discussed in YouTube videos. It's not gonna be talked about my free tutorial
270 00:49:50,069 --> 00:49:59,339 section in my free web, you know, website or whatever forum because I actively have two forums ones for private membership and the mentorship and then I have a
271 00:49:59,339 --> 00:50:08,459 free membership. where everyone's invited to go, I host all my YouTube videos there, and my old tutorials. And I'll be back there with daily YouTube videos
272 00:50:08,459 --> 00:50:21,179 for free member content level understanding. And it'll just basically be, you know, ad content driven for YouTube. So the folks that are in the mentorship
273 00:50:22,649 --> 00:50:32,729 that pay for the 12 months, they're part of my basically inner circle where anything I want to talk about, I'm comfortable with talking about it with these
274 00:50:32,729 --> 00:50:42,359 individuals, because they know my core content. They're in a private membership. And the idea is you're not sharing with everyone. And you really are this
275 00:50:42,809 --> 00:50:44,909 counting really, the
276 00:50:46,590 --> 00:50:56,430 the value in it, you know, if you paid to be in this, why on God's green earth, would you ever want to share it with anyone? It's just stupid to do so. This
277 00:50:56,430 --> 00:51:08,550 content is so unique. I honestly think back in the day, I sat in front of baby pips, looking at that forum, laughing to myself saying everybody on here is
278 00:51:08,550 --> 00:51:18,000 clueless, you have no idea what we're talking about from the people that made the baby pips school, all the way through to the members that are in the forum's
279 00:51:18,600 --> 00:51:26,190 all of them have no idea what they're talking about, because they were attributing all of their success. And I'm holding my fingers up in quotations to
280 00:51:26,190 --> 00:51:37,200 something that they had in their chart of indicator or a methodology. And none of that really had anything to do with it. It just happens that the market
281 00:51:37,200 --> 00:51:47,910 happened to be in an area of accumulation or distribution. And they just happen to be on the right side at that time. So in a lot of ways, that way of dealing
282 00:51:47,910 --> 00:51:57,510 it or by way of retail has a lot to do with luck. I don't have luck. I don't look for luck. There's no way for me to say I'm going to be lucky on this one.
283 00:51:57,510 --> 00:52:07,410 I'm not lucky on that one. So I don't like that thought process. So I make facetious statements a lot about luck. But I really don't believe in it. I have
284 00:52:07,410 --> 00:52:16,380 a lot of faith in what I teach. And the things that I teach in the mentorship and ongoing will be things you haven't seen before. They're not in books, you
285 00:52:16,380 --> 00:52:29,100 have given a lot of things out. And I honestly Wish I could go back in time and dial back how much I gave out. I believe that I gave way too many things. And a
286 00:52:29,100 --> 00:52:37,410 lot of folks have now, you know, Dave, monetize them, tried to re label the names and allow stuff the things they accused me of. But anyone that has any
287 00:52:37,410 --> 00:52:48,690 time to sit down and look at the things I'm accused of taking this and taking that and relabeling it, it's nowhere near the same thing. It might look like it
288 00:52:48,690 --> 00:52:57,360 when you first get first glance when you see rectangles on my charts. Right away. It might be supplying the man. Mm, nope. I cut through candles, I have
289 00:52:57,360 --> 00:53:06,060 specific levels. And I look for context. I don't look for just fresh levels. Okay. What they're teaching is support resistance in the form of not of support
290 00:53:06,060 --> 00:53:16,110 resistance level. But zone, they've actually complicated support resistance. It's kind of stupid in my mind, but I know how to look for specific price levels
291 00:53:16,170 --> 00:53:26,490 and the overall understanding of institutional order flow. And it's not with depth of market and ladders and footprint and market profiles. I have market
292 00:53:26,490 --> 00:53:34,230 profiles, but it's not profiles like you think it is. I have like roadmaps, what price action should do the folks that have gone through the mentorship know
293 00:53:34,230 --> 00:53:44,070 exactly what I mean by that. Because if you look at what happened in this week's trading for euro and cable, there is a specific template that I gave for the
294 00:53:44,070 --> 00:53:53,190 weekly profiles that this one unfolds exactly like they were shown. Last couple, you know, a couple months ago when I was going through those portions of the
295 00:53:53,190 --> 00:54:03,570 teachings a lot of that stuff, I don't want public, you know, and my concern is, is the folks that are coming in, you're so excited, you know, and I see that and
296 00:54:03,570 --> 00:54:18,540 I personally am slowing the the process because I need you all to understand these concepts are mine. They're my babies, their creations by My blood, sweat
297 00:54:18,540 --> 00:54:29,100 and tears and anxiety attacks, rushing to the emergency room, broken relationships, all those things, okay. And honestly, your 18 $100 doesn't mean
298 00:54:29,100 --> 00:54:41,280 shit to me in relationship to all the things I've gone through to learn these things. The pressure that was placed on me to be able to retain this stuff. It
299 00:54:41,280 --> 00:54:51,180 was a lot. So I know some of you are struggling. Okay. And from your perspective, 18 $100 is a lot of money, because you're coming from a different
300 00:54:51,180 --> 00:55:00,750 walk of life than I'm presently living right now. I am not alien to that. I came from very modest upbringing and believe me, 18 $100 back then for me would have
301 00:55:00,750 --> 00:55:10,530 been just as monumentous than what I view now, it would be completely starkly contrast from what I see it now. But I'm giving you my perspective because I
302 00:55:10,530 --> 00:55:23,130 understand the value of what I have and what I'm sharing. You are paying peanuts, for things that you would never in your life, come in contact with
303 00:55:23,130 --> 00:55:36,660 learning or even know anyone that knows this stuff. Because it's completely and utterly unique. There's nothing like what I teach zero. Now, the bulk of
304 00:55:37,230 --> 00:55:46,110 the audience that's listening to me right now, just about most of you really on my Twitter account, I knew there's some of you that will never buy anything. And
305 00:55:46,110 --> 00:55:53,220 that's cool, you know, and some of you really aren't interested in what I'm giving away, you just want to hear me talk about something. So you can you joke
306 00:55:53,220 --> 00:56:01,710 about with your friends on Twitter, whatever. And that's cool. But the bulk of the ones that are really engaged in mind content, just about all of you really
307 00:56:01,980 --> 00:56:12,900 requested to be in the mentorship, which I expected some response, but I wasn't expecting this much response. So we really drum up a lot of interest, I guess,
308 00:56:13,320 --> 00:56:23,610 with all the examples in daily, you, well, showing you what's going to happen and showing it to you with examples, where the entries are being shown to manage
309 00:56:23,610 --> 00:56:34,680 stop the partials on the, you know, the demo profits, all that stuff. You've seen many examples of it, and consistency. I want you to know, going in that
310 00:56:34,770 --> 00:56:41,040 just because you're in the mentorship, it doesn't happen, like overnight, you're gonna do that type of stuff, okay, there's a lot of people in my mentorship that
311 00:56:41,040 --> 00:56:50,790 still are learning, okay, and some of them are inundated with the amount of information they got, I do not want you to think that you have to learn this
312 00:56:50,790 --> 00:57:03,210 stuff real quick. And a lot of you are so gung ho. And I smile, and I see your excitement in Twitter. But I'm also cringing because I know those same
313 00:57:03,210 --> 00:57:12,210 individuals are the ones that started complaining in the mentorship, that they didn't get it right away. They felt that just because they were in it for six
314 00:57:12,210 --> 00:57:19,080 months or eight months, you know, I should be profitable. While I now I don't promise you profitability, I promise you a greater understanding and price
315 00:57:19,080 --> 00:57:30,750 action, you will eventually see setups before they form you anticipate them. And you will know what price will likely do by the medium of a demo account. Now, if
316 00:57:30,750 --> 00:57:40,440 you see dollar signs behind that you've done that on your own, I don't want you to think like that. I want you to think about this as a close knit community
317 00:57:41,160 --> 00:57:53,070 that has the goal of having a like minded perspective on price action. That's not limited to just forex, but other asset classes. And that your development is
318 00:57:53,070 --> 00:58:03,810 the the real goal. And you're trying to have a unique approach to deciphering what price action is going to do for you and yourself. And then sometime it in
319 00:58:03,810 --> 00:58:12,060 the future where I don't ever tell you to do this, but you will come to a conclusion that, you know, you've done enough demoing. So you're going to want
320 00:58:12,060 --> 00:58:22,770 to do live trading, I am never there telling you that I'm never going to be the one that says okay, go into live trading now. Okay, I don't do that. In fact,
321 00:58:22,770 --> 00:58:33,690 you're gonna hear me complain about people taking live trades, in the mentorship, when they were told explicitly not to do it. Okay. So I really want
322 00:58:33,690 --> 00:58:48,990 to draw a strong kind contrast to what I'm seeing and hearing by way of email and texts, and not text but direct messages from Twitter, there. There's a lot
323 00:58:48,990 --> 00:59:00,000 of excitement right now and in patience. And I need you all to understand that you're coming into my house, okay, these these are things that are near and dear
324 00:59:00,000 --> 00:59:09,390 to me. And you just think it's you bells and whistles and chart patterns. And it's not it means a whole lot to me. And when you join them into a ship, there
325 00:59:09,450 --> 00:59:21,420 are times where I give you these well, hard on the sleeve type discussions. And because I want people to appreciate what I'm doing. Okay, you're putting a price
326 00:59:21,420 --> 00:59:30,780 tag in 18 $100. And that's all it means to you. I gave you 1800 hours, give me secrets. That's really what you're asking for most of you. I'm telling you that
327 00:59:31,140 --> 00:59:45,960 you are adopting my kids for 1800 hours and I'm trusting my kids to you. And I'm hoping that you keep that in mind because some of you have sure nefarious
328 00:59:45,960 --> 00:59:54,120 reasons for wanting to join. You have probably no intentions of going through the continent learning you know that this sells because I'm a big draw. And if
329 00:59:54,120 --> 01:00:03,900 you can get online and say, You know I have ICT content, I have it all you know, I'll sell it to you half price. Well, eventually, like I found out early on in
330 01:00:03,900 --> 01:00:12,930 the beginning of the mentorship, there were some I tried to do that, and he was ratted out. And I threw them out too. So believe me, there's no honor among
331 01:00:12,930 --> 01:00:22,350 thieves, eventually, the people that do that type of stuff, it's exposed and it comes out, okay, because the greed is exponential, you think you're gonna get
332 01:00:22,350 --> 01:00:29,580 away with doing something you slick like that. And in fact, you end up getting exposed, and everybody, everybody knows about it. So
333 01:00:32,519 --> 01:00:39,929 I want people that are going to be sincere. And just because you're willing to spend the money on the mentorship and be a part of membership, doesn't
334 01:00:39,929 --> 01:00:52,529 necessarily mean that you're a good fit, not for you being in my group or me as your mentor, I am going to put you through a lot of things, it's going to feel
335 01:00:52,709 --> 01:01:03,749 unprofitable in terms of your study. 98 of 90% of the live sessions are going to feel like that. Okay, they're going to feel like, well, this is a waste of time,
336 01:01:04,079 --> 01:01:15,539 there was no real outcome and or the setups didn't pan out, or they I was wrong. Or, you know, it just doesn't feel like what you should be expecting to see. And
337 01:01:15,569 --> 01:01:21,419 that's the number one complaint that takes place for those individuals that have gone through it because they wanted to see setups, they wanted to see what I
338 01:01:21,419 --> 01:01:33,119 showed everyone for free on Twitter, that type of consistency, that type of over and over and over again, of exits and entries and being profitable demo account
339 01:01:33,119 --> 01:01:44,879 trades, showing the execution and process behind it just for scalping, though there was none of this one shot one kill. And I like that the content is so vast
340 01:01:45,779 --> 01:01:58,529 that I can't do everything. In 12 months, I can't do a one shot one kill scalps, position trading, swing trading, short term trading. I can't do all those things
341 01:01:58,529 --> 01:02:08,339 and still keep the content moving, teaching and filling in gaps when I see Paramount type level questions where I need to make sure that people are kind of
342 01:02:08,339 --> 01:02:17,369 like close to one another in terms of their understanding. But we didn't finish that way. There's a lot of people that have a lot of high expectations still,
343 01:02:17,489 --> 01:02:26,609 that feel that it wasn't delivered. Okay, and I can appreciate that. And I can, you know, understand what you're thinking and feeling. But we also have to
344 01:02:26,609 --> 01:02:36,329 remind ourselves that this is not a 12 month program, and it stops. Everyone knew that once you join, and once you pay, you have a private connection to me,
345 01:02:36,359 --> 01:02:46,379 and I will be delivering ongoing teachings. I'm excited to get to the new content, I want to do that. But for it to be of any, you know, significance to
346 01:02:46,379 --> 01:02:55,589 you, or assistance in your understanding about price action, everyone has to have a core understanding. And a lot of that has to do with the tutorials. But
347 01:02:55,589 --> 01:03:05,219 the things in the tutorials that mean the most that you need to be able to pull out. I condensed all that stuff in the mentorship. Now, for people that want to
348 01:03:05,219 --> 01:03:12,599 have new bells and whistles, they will say, well, you're just watching tutorials over again. No, you're not. Okay, there's so many things that I went into
349 01:03:12,629 --> 01:03:23,729 greater detail with, with the content. And it allows me foundation to build on with future content teachings, I can direct you back to go to this lesson on
350 01:03:23,789 --> 01:03:35,789 this particular module. study this because now I'm going to build on that idea. For instance, if the data ranges, big sticking point in mentorship, really big
351 01:03:35,789 --> 01:03:47,159 sticking point folks had a hard time digesting that. And it really is simply a way of determining what type of trade should be forming next. And how much of a
352 01:03:47,159 --> 01:03:55,709 timeframe would require for it to form. It's as simple as that. It's nothing more than that. But it gives you a framework to come to build context around the
353 01:03:55,709 --> 01:04:07,589 setups, okay. And define a specific range. You know, how when I taught trading inside the range, the question always came up is what's the range? Well, the at
354 01:04:07,589 --> 01:04:16,709 the data ranges provide that. And there's other things that I could have easily rung in, and really confused everybody, but they don't have any place in
355 01:04:16,859 --> 01:04:17,669 anyone's
356 01:04:19,980 --> 01:04:29,580 curriculum without first having all these things first understood. And it's a lot of content. I mean, some of you haven't even seen sniper series yet. And
357 01:04:29,580 --> 01:04:39,090 there's things about all the blocks and stuff in that, that teaching you bonds and stuff and all those things. But you're all in a hurry, and you honestly
358 01:04:39,090 --> 01:04:46,200 haven't gone through the stuff that I've already given you just with the Christmas content in those teachings, you can go through them again and I
359 01:04:46,200 --> 01:04:53,640 guarantee you're gonna find things that you didn't see the first time. That's why it's important to watch my videos. Not like you're watching Netflix, okay,
360 01:04:53,640 --> 01:05:04,200 you need to have a notepad in hand blockout sound don't listen to anybody else or watch TV. No Kids in the room with you, you just simply put yourself in a
361 01:05:04,200 --> 01:05:12,540 position where you can learn. Because I guarantee you, if you're just watching it, just for the sake of burning time, you're not learning anything with that,
362 01:05:12,780 --> 01:05:20,040 you're wasting your time. And if you do that, with the mentorship, I'm telling you, you're gonna feel like, I'm not learning anything. And this is a lot of
363 01:05:20,040 --> 01:05:27,060 information. And you're gonna talk yourself right out of the mentorship. I'm telling you, that's what's gonna happen, cuz that's exactly what the folks did.
364 01:05:27,330 --> 01:05:35,070 And I'm also telling you, these individuals are now emailing me, okay, and they all have my phone number. They're either texting me, or trying to call me
365 01:05:35,070 --> 01:05:42,120 leaving voicemails, because they all want to come back in right now. Not all of them. But a lot of them that left are all feeling rather stupid right now.
366 01:05:42,570 --> 01:05:51,720 Because I they didn't believe me, I told them, if you don't stick with it, you will not be allowed to come back in. If you don't trust me, and I ask everyone,
367 01:05:51,720 --> 01:06:00,240 every single month before we transition into the next module, you'll hear all this stuff in the videos. You are welcome to leave at any time. But when you
368 01:06:00,240 --> 01:06:11,490 leave, you're gone. There is no you're welcome back in my house. No, I wish you good luck, good trading, take care. But we're only on the free membership level.
369 01:06:11,940 --> 01:06:22,500 That's it. So it's not that I don't like it or don't have any respect for you. It's just it's a business thing. I can't allow anyone to come back in. And the
370 01:06:22,500 --> 01:06:33,930 reason why is because if you left the first time, your heart wasn't really in it. And I made sure everyone understood that I was 100% adamant about not
371 01:06:33,930 --> 01:06:42,300 letting anyone come back in because I don't want dabblers. I don't want that it's offensive to me that someone would not give it
372 01:06:42,389 --> 01:06:43,349 the full
373 01:06:44,369 --> 01:06:55,979 respect that it's warranted. I mean, there's so many things that honestly, it doesn't make a difference, because you're not going to believe me, okay? Nothing
374 01:06:55,979 --> 01:07:04,199 I'm going to be able to say to you is going to kind of bridge that gap. Because there's a few of you, I'm sure that didn't sign up for it. You don't want to
375 01:07:04,199 --> 01:07:11,669 information, you just don't care. You just want give me give me free videos, Michael, that's only thing that we're gonna do. And that's fine. You can learn
376 01:07:11,669 --> 01:07:17,159 thing, you'll learn things from the three tutorials, and you'll learn a whole lot more than anybody else is going to teach you in any other course. And there
377 01:07:17,159 --> 01:07:27,869 is no one out there that will teach you the level of content my free tutorials give you but there ain't nothing like what's gonna be in the mentorship. So and
378 01:07:27,869 --> 01:07:38,639 I mean that from everyone I know. And the big names everybody likes out there. They don't come close to this. It's simply ridiculous how much precision there
379 01:07:38,639 --> 01:07:51,839 is how much just foresight and things that you can anticipate. It's ridiculous. But you have to know certain things and grow real custom to how they work. And
380 01:07:51,839 --> 01:08:01,049 then I bring in advanced concepts of time and price. And it goes to the next level where it's just like, you ain't worried about it, you'll be able to do
381 01:08:01,049 --> 01:08:10,199 things with price action that is going to look like wizardry to anyone else that could be seeing what you're doing. And that's what I tell people in the
382 01:08:10,199 --> 01:08:20,429 mentorship. I know you're probably saying get to it, Michael, get to it, tell me how they progress into the next thing. So we can get into it. I need to talk, I
383 01:08:20,429 --> 01:08:30,239 need to get this off my chest. So this is what the mentorships like to, because 98% of the things that you need to know about trading has nothing to do with the
384 01:08:30,239 --> 01:08:41,099 chart. It's the way you think. And I spend a lot of time like that in the live sessions. Because that's what I needed. And if I would have had this when I was
385 01:08:41,099 --> 01:08:49,889 developing trader, I would have not lost the fortunes that I lost over the years trying to become good from books and courses and DVDs and things that everyone
386 01:08:49,889 --> 01:09:02,039 else does. I got insight from real money losses that people would throw their guts up. Okay, I learned a lot from trying to have faith in things that have
387 01:09:02,039 --> 01:09:14,939 absolutely no basis on my price is going to move. And I ton a ton of losses. So I'm sparing you all of that by keeping you in a demo, telling you also after you
388 01:09:14,939 --> 01:09:28,379 finish the mentorship, you should be a minimum of six to 12 months in demo. Before you even even mentioned the idea of I might do a live account because to
389 01:09:28,379 --> 01:09:40,199 do so is stupid, it's premature. All of you are in a hurry to see yourself become profitable and making money. And you can't think that way. As much as you
390 01:09:40,199 --> 01:09:50,999 feel like you should be feeling that. That's not how you do this. You have to really be detached emotionally from the money. Not only the payments that are
391 01:09:50,999 --> 01:10:00,809 required to to learn this stuff, but you got to treat it like a college course. And I mean that because it really is a lot of content. It's A lot of stuff to
392 01:10:00,809 --> 01:10:10,829 know, it's a lot of stuff to study. And while at the end, you may not require all of it to make your unique trading model, you need to know all of it to get
393 01:10:10,829 --> 01:10:19,559 to where you're going to be as a unique thinker, independent thinker, that makes the decisions without me holding your hand. The folks that have gone through the
394 01:10:19,559 --> 01:10:27,929 mentorship that have done everything they're supposed to do, and now have their own unique trading model. They did that on their own. And they do not send me
395 01:10:27,929 --> 01:10:37,379 emails, text, tweets, direct messages, asking me what do I think about that trade? They just share it with me, it is what it was with a smiley face, or how
396 01:10:37,379 --> 01:10:46,589 about this, or simply a thank you so much, you know, my life has completely changed because of this experience with you. And I am never going to worry about
397 01:10:46,739 --> 01:10:54,899 needing to do anything else in buying anything else anymore. Because I understand what price is doing. That's what they were able to accomplish. See,
398 01:10:54,899 --> 01:11:07,319 you don't see all the things that I hear and receive an email. Okay, I don't get permission by everyone to share all this stuff. I always encourage them to do it
399 01:11:07,349 --> 01:11:15,479 openly. But people do see what goes on on Twitter. And and they don't believe me when I show it before the fact that I talked about what's going to happen. It
400 01:11:15,479 --> 01:11:24,839 goes right to the PIP or it goes right to the point now in crypto. And they deny it. So why should I bother?
401 01:11:25,290 --> 01:11:36,090 And why should they bother? Because it's not going to convince anyone. So I know that. So I went online between August and now and showed off this short term
402 01:11:36,090 --> 01:11:44,700 intraday scalping stuff. That's all I did. And that's just a small little piece of it. That's something you can do on the fly, people at work can do that. You
403 01:11:44,700 --> 01:11:52,170 don't need to be home in front of your computer all day long day trading. certain times of the day, certain things occur, it's going to go a specific
404 01:11:52,170 --> 01:12:01,260 direction, it's going to go to a specific level, it's going to trade there a specific way. And that's what I teach, I follow an outline that gets me very
405 01:12:01,260 --> 01:12:10,200 close to an algorithmic price model, where I can see what price is going to do before it does it. Now that's my personal belief, whether you choose to believe
406 01:12:10,200 --> 01:12:21,570 that's true or not, just go back and look at what I've done in the past. before it happens. I outline it, I'm showing you to a degree of precision that I
407 01:12:21,570 --> 01:12:34,710 personally am actively looking for, as a comparable educator or comparable, an analyst or trader. And I don't see it. And it sounds very egotistical when I say
408 01:12:34,710 --> 01:12:44,850 that, but it's true. Look around, there's a lot of good traders out there. And they make good setups and good make good money. And some of them actually show
409 01:12:44,850 --> 01:12:54,480 real Live account history. And that's great. There's nothing wrong with that I have a lot of props, and kudos to those individuals to do that. But I'm
410 01:12:54,510 --> 01:13:03,570 outlining it to the greed where you know why it's going to do it, when it's going to do it. And it does it. And I'm not showing a whole lot of instances
411 01:13:03,570 --> 01:13:12,570 where I'm wrong. That's the contrast I'm trying to draw. Now I'm not trying to promote the idea that the mentorship teaches you 99 or 100% accuracy, because
412 01:13:12,840 --> 01:13:20,730 I'm not neither one of those. There's a lot of times that I'll look at a chart. And if a gun is to my head, and I use this expression a lot. If a gun is placed
413 01:13:20,730 --> 01:13:28,350 in my head, what would I do right now? Well, good grief, I'd rather not be in that situation. If I got to have a gun placed in my head to make a decision,
414 01:13:28,380 --> 01:13:37,320 that's like 90% of the time in trading, traders put themselves in that situation. And only thing will happen if you go on this mentorship. And if
415 01:13:37,320 --> 01:13:48,630 you've not grounded yourself, emotionally and psychologically, all I'm going to provide you is more reasons to do something when you shouldn't do it. So when
416 01:13:48,630 --> 01:13:56,310 you go through this mentorship, the things that I'm doing, like right now talking about how you should think the things you should do, how you should act
417 01:13:56,310 --> 01:14:06,240 and conduct yourself as a developing trader, the things you should be focusing on, all of those things are worth their weight in gold. But the people that are
418 01:14:06,240 --> 01:14:15,000 upset, they're looking at that and saying I should be given trades, I should be given setups where I can piggyback that and do something with a Live account.
419 01:14:16,350 --> 01:14:26,460 That's not what you should be doing. And if you think that way right now, and more specifically, if you're the person right now listening saying good grief,
420 01:14:26,460 --> 01:14:37,260 shut up ICT and get on with it. Please don't join my mentorship. Because I'm going to be doing this a lot in videos 500 plus videos of this and the future
421 01:14:37,260 --> 01:14:48,060 content is gonna be much of the same thing. Because you're paying me to coach you in developing a process of thinking and conducting yourself that leads to
422 01:14:48,090 --> 01:15:00,600 the most optimal level of understanding and development. With price action. What you do when you don't do it is paramount things that you should know Keeps you
423 01:15:00,630 --> 01:15:08,340 out of the marketplace, practicing in a demo account. In times when there's really no reason to do it, that's actually much more profitable than just
424 01:15:08,340 --> 01:15:22,140 teaching setups and give me buy signals and sell signals, which I don't do. The the idea of getting in this mentorship and overnight, you're going to transform
425 01:15:22,140 --> 01:15:33,450 into something totally different. That's not what I want you to have. This is going to require years. And I know that's not what you want to hear. But I want
426 01:15:33,450 --> 01:15:40,290 you to be aware that that's the timeframe, it's going to take you years to get good at this,
427 01:15:40,769 --> 01:15:50,489 there's 12 months of core content that's taught in the mentorship that that's what you pay for. After that you've paid your way into. And I'll say it like
428 01:15:50,489 --> 01:16:01,829 this, you've paid for my respect, in exchange for my time, because I'm going to be giving you a lot of time beyond 12 months, those videos are already pre
429 01:16:01,829 --> 01:16:09,269 recorded, I'm not doing any more videos that the new class is paying for. You don't have access to live sessions, because I'm not doing that I'm gonna be
430 01:16:09,269 --> 01:16:18,359 trading my own accounts live in 2018. And I want to have the luxury of going back to do that. Because for the last year or so I've been unable to do that.
431 01:16:18,779 --> 01:16:28,979 I've been unable to trade live, because my time has been consumed with being a teacher, and you think it's just do a video and I'm done and go out and watch
432 01:16:29,069 --> 01:16:38,789 movies with my kids. And you'll hear it in the mentorship, I'm exhausted, I have no time for anything. Okay. So I really want you to understand what I had to put
433 01:16:38,789 --> 01:16:48,869 myself through the good to deliver all of basically seven years of content inside of 12 months. When you go through this content, you're going to be
434 01:16:48,869 --> 01:17:01,679 encouraged to go through it multiple times. That's again, why 2018 is not a completely overload of new content. It's just 12 individual trading models that
435 01:17:01,679 --> 01:17:10,649 I'm going to provide one per month, and it's always the last day of the month, you will not have access to that until you complete and pay and provide
436 01:17:10,649 --> 01:17:20,669 satisfaction for all the content for the 12 initial modules, when that happens, then all your accounts will be changed. So that we allow you to have one model
437 01:17:20,669 --> 01:17:34,409 per month, you'll get one per month, once you finish that you're caught up with a group and in 2019, you will be one module at a time, one trading model at a
438 01:17:34,409 --> 01:17:43,379 time. That way, it forces you to go through the same process the first classes, then and only then will you be caught up with the first class in terms of the
439 01:17:43,379 --> 01:17:53,519 content, but they will have access the things that you won't have access to. Now I'm doing it like this, because I know people have friends. And some of you want
440 01:17:53,519 --> 01:18:03,869 to join up and get the content, get the trading plans and call it even. Or share it with people or sell it with people. Okay, that's not what I'm allowing on a
441 01:18:03,869 --> 01:18:18,179 lot, I'm not rich, you have access to things that the first class I've already gone through, okay. But you're never going to be in an area where you can, like
442 01:18:18,179 --> 01:18:26,789 move dynamically with one another, you know, it's, you're not going to see active posts by the first class, because they're going to be seeing things
443 01:18:26,789 --> 01:18:35,639 that's ahead of your learning curve. And I have to conduct it that way. And the people that join in 2019, they're going to go through the same process, there's
444 01:18:35,639 --> 01:18:45,869 going to be a year behind. And it's going to be an ongoing process like that. Because I do not want content that will be several years ahead and made
445 01:18:45,869 --> 01:18:55,559 available to people to just sign up. So I really want you to understand what you're getting into. You will not have the ability to have shortcuts, you are
446 01:18:55,559 --> 01:19:05,939 going to be put through the same process. And it's only fair and it's for your benefit. The same methodology I'm using for the first class, you will be in
447 01:19:05,939 --> 01:19:15,989 during that same thing. I don't care how smart you think you are. I don't care any PhDs or you're really good already a trading I don't care. These are the way
448 01:19:16,409 --> 01:19:25,739 the process is going to be. It's just my methodology. I don't care how you feel. I should teach it. I'm the one that has the experience in doing it. Not just the
449 01:19:25,739 --> 01:19:36,089 last year dealing I've been teaching for a long, long time. And this isn't my first rodeo and it won't be the second rodeo either for the 2018 group. The
450 01:19:36,089 --> 01:19:49,139 folks that trust the process, submit to the process, the things that put you through I guaran damn tee, you will have a greater understanding and price
451 01:19:49,139 --> 01:20:01,679 action. Then anything else out there would give you and that means a person, a mentor, a program, a prop shop. I don't care who it is. You will not get this
452 01:20:01,679 --> 01:20:12,119 information anywhere else. It's as simple as that. Now, you've seen me call daily highs and lows, weekly highs and lows, you saw me call moves that were in
453 01:20:12,149 --> 01:20:20,939 currencies that I don't touch like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, like ripple, I call the highs in ripple and Bitcoin. I've also told you where it was
454 01:20:20,939 --> 01:20:31,019 going to go. And it's done that I want you to know, the things I teach are not limited to any one particular asset class, I go through
455 01:20:32,370 --> 01:20:41,730 a primer for all the other asset classes, but you'll learn much more about every one of those asset classes. As we go further in the studies. There's a lot of
456 01:20:41,730 --> 01:20:48,450 things that, like I said, I held back, because there's people coming in quitting, I'm not giving you all my best stuff, and the people that go through
457 01:20:48,450 --> 01:20:58,110 the first 12 months, if you think that's it, and you think it's a lot, you have seen nothing. Yet, once you complete this first 12, it's over as far as what you
458 01:20:58,110 --> 01:21:07,200 got to pay for, but you're learning really starts kicking in because now you have to study everything you went through on your own. And that's expensive.
459 01:21:07,770 --> 01:21:16,620 Because you need to immerse yourself in the things that you've learned and start trying to build a model, then you'll have access to one trading model per month.
460 01:21:16,890 --> 01:21:25,020 And it'll give you a guideline, like the 2017 classes, having it starting this month, or the last day of this month in January, they're gonna have the first
461 01:21:25,020 --> 01:21:33,450 trading model. And they'll see what I do to go through building that model. And that way, it'll provide you a way of saying, Okay, I see what he did there, I
462 01:21:33,450 --> 01:21:41,760 may not understand entirely what I should do the next month, I will do it again, with a different style of trading, using what's taught in the core content. I'm
463 01:21:41,760 --> 01:21:54,570 not teaching any new concepts per se, in 2018. I'm giving the content in a user friendly, I use, I use this, at this point for the analysis, I look for this
464 01:21:54,570 --> 01:22:04,830 concept to be applicable for now. And it's a process, which leads you to an overall understanding what to use when to use it, okay? And not everything in
465 01:22:04,830 --> 01:22:13,500 the mentorship, core content will be used, it's not necessary. But there's certain things that it's going to be necessary for certain levels of the overall
466 01:22:13,500 --> 01:22:25,170 analysis or top down analysis, certain things we look for, are important at certain times, and not important others. So I say all this to say that, it's
467 01:22:25,170 --> 01:22:34,890 important for you to know that what you are about to embark on is heavy, okay, it's a lot of stuff. And there's gonna be so many times where your head is going
468 01:22:34,890 --> 01:22:43,050 to be spinning, and it's going to feel like you are absolutely lost, it's going to feel like you understand it, and you're gonna get excited, and then all
469 01:22:43,050 --> 01:22:49,560 sudden, I'm going to hit you with something else. And I'm going to twist some things and give you a different perspective on other things. And it's going to
470 01:22:49,560 --> 01:22:59,910 feel like you just hit a brick wall. That is normal, it's normal, because now you hit another plateau. And you have to turn through that to get a greater
471 01:22:59,910 --> 01:23:07,380 understanding. And then boom, you have another springboard of understanding, you're gonna have that feeling of King Kong, I understand the markets, I knew
472 01:23:07,380 --> 01:23:14,430 what I'm doing. And then you're gonna hit another plateau, when I hit you with more information and a greater depth of understanding about what you thought
473 01:23:14,430 --> 01:23:26,490 you'll learn in this tutorial. So when it occurs, it conditioned you to always be trying to get deeper in your understanding about what price is doing. If you
474 01:23:26,490 --> 01:23:32,610 just want to be an indicator guy, or you want me to give you my mt four indicators. Okay, and you think that's going to work for you in terms of making
475 01:23:32,610 --> 01:23:42,900 profitable decisions? I'm telling you right now, that doesn't work. I'm getting loads of emails right now. Hey, ICT, can I just get your ICT indicators? You
476 01:23:42,900 --> 01:23:51,480 know, I don't have the money for the mentorship. Can I just have your indicators? No, no, because I already know that it isn't going to do you any
477 01:23:51,480 --> 01:23:58,410 good. You're going to use them wrong. Okay, you're going to use them wrong. And I tell everyone to do it by hand, you'll hear me say it in a mentorship, you
478 01:23:58,410 --> 01:24:09,270 should be doing this by hand. And I mentioned that openly. With the Christmas teachings I said that you know, people always ask for my tools. The tools has
479 01:24:09,270 --> 01:24:17,130 helped me do the videos real quick. I don't rely on those. I draw my things out by hand. If you watch my videos, I do it all by hand 90% of the time anyway, and
480 01:24:17,130 --> 01:24:26,040 I have access to these things. I want you to understand it intimately. So the Asian range, when you see those types of things, central bank, dealers range,
481 01:24:26,280 --> 01:24:33,900 all those things should be drawn out by hand. And if you feel like you got to have all these bells and whistles and tools to make you feel smarter, or you
482 01:24:33,900 --> 01:24:40,170 just don't have that much time, then you probably shouldn't be a trader. I mean, that's really what it boils down to because you're trying to place your faith in
483 01:24:40,170 --> 01:24:49,830 something outside of your understanding. I don't need indicators. I don't need these little tools and things. I can draw up a chart and put things on it you
484 01:24:49,830 --> 01:24:58,890 haven't even seen yet. And you're going to want to see it on your chart because I share it. There doesn't make a difference whether it's on your chart or not.
485 01:24:58,890 --> 01:25:07,800 If you don't understand how to use it. And why it's important, certain days age ranges and important. And that's gonna be like what I did. And I'll say it
486 01:25:07,800 --> 01:25:19,620 again, certain days Asian range is not important. Well, wait a minute, I'm not prepared for that ICT, right? You won't appreciate that statement until a couple
487 01:25:19,620 --> 01:25:29,880 years into mentorship, there are certain things where the high isn't going to be formed what to do to swing like you think it will? Well, one of those, you have
488 01:25:29,880 --> 01:25:31,980 lots of learning to get to before that happens.
489 01:25:33,420 --> 01:25:41,640 You will know certain things are going to most likely happen because of experience doing things that you are not going to want to do or Endor during the
490 01:25:41,640 --> 01:25:51,870 first couple years of the mentorship. See, you didn't get into this to be a profitable trader overnight, and quit your job in 30 days, okay. And I'm not
491 01:25:51,870 --> 01:26:00,000 guaranteeing you're gonna quit your job. In fact, I'm telling you, you shouldn't hold on to that job. And I talked about this in the mentorship. Because there's
492 01:26:00,000 --> 01:26:08,040 people that have really strong interest in when should I do this? And when should I do that? And I gave hypothetical examples of what it would be like if I
493 01:26:08,040 --> 01:26:16,020 could go back in time, and I'm talking about me, not you. I'm putting myself back in time. If I go back in time, what would I do differently? Why would you
494 01:26:16,020 --> 01:26:25,050 this, this, this, that doesn't necessarily mean it's the same thing for you, or it's best for you. But I answer these inquiries, and I give them as models.
495 01:26:25,470 --> 01:26:37,320 Okay. So there's a lot of things that I'm going to touch on that are outside the scope of trading, you know, wealth building ideas that rich people do, that you
496 01:26:37,320 --> 01:26:46,950 don't get taught in school, how to build credit, how to use that credit. And in real estate investing, I've talked about things that build those ideas up too.
497 01:26:46,950 --> 01:26:55,650 And there's a lot of things I want to do in future years where I actually want to go through the whole process of showing you what is involved when you buy a
498 01:26:55,770 --> 01:27:06,150 real estate property in one, do it as a rehab and flip it and then as another one, for buying and holding it. And using as rental income and tax lien
499 01:27:06,150 --> 01:27:14,160 certificates. There's so many things that you know, my interest over the years and making money, I want to share all those things with you, and yet may not be
500 01:27:14,160 --> 01:27:25,410 of any interest to you. And I understand that. But the bulk of what you go into is all price action based. But there's so many things that I am making these
501 01:27:25,410 --> 01:27:37,080 recordings for, again, you're paying for my time and access to it. But in reality, I'm creating a life encyclopedia for my children and their children. So
502 01:27:37,080 --> 01:27:53,700 I'm only inviting you into my home, you're paying for my time and the seat to be a part of it. When I'm talking, I'm not thinking of Rick, or Jeff, or Linda,
503 01:27:54,180 --> 01:28:04,200 okay, I'm not thinking about people that are actually in the mentorship. I'm thinking about my sons, my daughter and their future children. Because that's
504 01:28:04,200 --> 01:28:16,080 what I'm leaving this back, you I'm putting this ahead in future. Okay, kind of like the movie my life. Think about like that Michael Keaton movie, he was
505 01:28:16,110 --> 01:28:25,740 terminally is going to die. God forbid I'm in anything like that. But anything can happen, folks. And because I don't have a resource to say, Okay, here
506 01:28:25,770 --> 01:28:35,730 learning from here. And now I can just be done with it. I want my children to have access to these things. So that's why I'm really doing it. I don't need
507 01:28:35,730 --> 01:28:45,630 your 18 $100 to be quite honest with you, I don't work, I don't need to do it. You know, I live very comfortably. And I just think if I'm going to be doing
508 01:28:45,630 --> 01:28:53,460 this, and you're going to be in in in it. And people already sold my free tutorials. I needed to incorporate myself so I can protect myself from people
509 01:28:53,460 --> 01:29:02,760 doing that. I have trademarks that are under patent right now. And once they're done, then I'll be putting things in books, because I want it documented that
510 01:29:02,790 --> 01:29:12,570 these are mine. Okay, people can say all the things they want to say. But I have put a lot of concepts out that were otherwise not known. And I have so many
511 01:29:12,600 --> 01:29:21,630 fucking things that you have never seen before. That literally will blow your mind. It's unbelievable. That's why I laugh at most of these people online when
512 01:29:21,630 --> 01:29:27,750 they think they got it all they think it into that or they don't really appreciate what's being shared. You have no idea what you're thinking in terms
513 01:29:27,750 --> 01:29:36,630 of knowing me You don't know me. You don't know anything about me. And I'm telling you, there's so much you can do. But the open high, low and close. It's
514 01:29:36,630 --> 01:29:50,700 disgustingly crazy, insane amount of clarity. It's ridiculous. It really is a science. And had I never been involved in computer programming. I never would
515 01:29:50,700 --> 01:30:00,720 have thought about it like this. I would just take it at face value from a retail standpoint and never ever seen it like this. I'm so thankful I had that
516 01:30:00,750 --> 01:30:09,930 background. And it was obviously something I did from an early age because in sixth grade, I was making computer programs and my own video games back then. So
517 01:30:11,880 --> 01:30:19,170 you hear a lot of this stuff, you know, and if this is like boring, you don't join the mentorship. Because these are the things I talk about while prices
518 01:30:19,260 --> 01:30:30,900 ticking away on the chart. And we're waiting for a scenario to happen or whatever, I'm giving you all of the things that led me to me understanding what
519 01:30:31,890 --> 01:30:38,250 I know now. Because think about every day I'm doing a live session, you're gonna see a recording every single day, except for there was a period, I think I was
520 01:30:38,250 --> 01:30:45,780 sick for a couple days. And I lost my voice, I forgot to mention this in my product description. So I had this have a note written down. This remember, by
521 01:30:45,780 --> 01:30:58,920 looking at, there's a time in that mentorship, where I have, I got sick, I got really sick. And I did recordings without my voice. So that way, you know, and
522 01:30:58,920 --> 01:31:11,580 there's a time when I try to do more talking. And it sounds terrible, like I it's it's gonna be funny probably listen to me, like you talk like that. But I
523 01:31:11,580 --> 01:31:23,340 forced myself to be with everyone every single day, and give you something to take away in terms of development, what to focus on, and they don't always have
524 01:31:23,370 --> 01:31:35,790 a, quote unquote, profitable outcome, in terms of what you see in price, because I'm really trying to mold your perception. And you're thinking about why you
525 01:31:35,790 --> 01:31:44,430 should be doing this at all anyway. Because it's so much of a rush, like right now, you're saying, Come on, get with it, you know, and you're probably trying
526 01:31:44,430 --> 01:31:50,040 to scrub the video quicker. See, if I'm going to be talking about how to make the payments and all that stuff, you know, I'm talking about, now you're back at
527 01:31:50,040 --> 01:31:56,550 this same spot, because you didn't hear it yet. The the concept of preparing your mind
528 01:31:57,810 --> 01:31:58,650 for
529 01:31:58,740 --> 01:32:06,690 this lifestyle number one, because you don't think about it, because you've never done it. But there's a lot of things that go along with not being at a
530 01:32:06,690 --> 01:32:16,230 job. A lot of people don't handle it, well, you think it will, like, it's great, I'm gonna sit home and do a couple trades and make good movies or hang out my
531 01:32:16,230 --> 01:32:26,520 kids or whatever, it doesn't work like that, there's things that you don't really expect to happen until it occurs. And I do a lot of these types of
532 01:32:26,520 --> 01:32:37,890 discussions and, and how to prepare yourself for this lifestyle. And it's, it's something of a shock. You know, for most people, a lot of people actually try
533 01:32:37,890 --> 01:32:48,180 it. And even though they can be successful, they want to stay working or go back to working. Because it's too much free time, way too much free time. And that's
534 01:32:48,180 --> 01:33:00,660 a good problem to have. But I just wanted to have an opportunity to get a couple things off my chest. The main thing was to revisit the idea of while you're even
535 01:33:01,170 --> 01:33:13,260 trying to join a mentorship, okay? And what my expectations are as the teacher, because I don't want just anybody in here, I could literally be collecting
536 01:33:14,010 --> 01:33:21,990 hundreds of 1000s of dollars within days, since I get the payment instructions, the money's gonna start pouring into my paypal account, like it did the last
537 01:33:21,990 --> 01:33:32,220 time, but it's gonna be more so than the first time already know what's going to happen, okay, I'm not in a rush to take your money. I am in a slow process to
538 01:33:32,220 --> 01:33:45,540 that way I want you to understand what you're getting into. And I have a lot of emotion tied up in these concepts. And I don't want the average asshole coming
539 01:33:45,540 --> 01:34:00,930 in, and just totally defiling it. Because they're just stupid, or ignorant or disrespectful, or self self absorbed and greedy, that they do something
540 01:34:00,930 --> 01:34:15,150 entirely, you know, disgusting with the information either by sharing it or selling it or trying to repackage it. The I don't have a timeline. But one of
541 01:34:15,150 --> 01:34:24,420 the things I said that in the mentorship, you'll hear me say I don't know exactly where I said it. But once I start going into new content the first time,
542 01:34:25,050 --> 01:34:31,530 okay, and I want you to understand what you're getting involved in because I'm not obligated to anybody. I'm only obligated to give you access to the 12 months
543 01:34:31,560 --> 01:34:43,110 for content. But there are things that I'm going to start teaching and if I see them in your Twitter account charts, if I see them in your YouTube videos, okay?
544 01:34:43,830 --> 01:34:51,360 If I see them in your Instagram or Facebook And believe me, I get things sent to me all the time. People know when they see my stuff, okay, there's a lot of
545 01:34:51,360 --> 01:35:00,000 people out there looking at it. I get things sent to me all the time and I reach out to certain people say hey, look, you know, I'm getting this feedback and
546 01:35:00,000 --> 01:35:09,120 This is coming from your social media, whatever, or you're teaching a course and this popped up, okay? I get that all the time, there's a lot of people actually
547 01:35:09,120 --> 01:35:19,140 joining things and actually pay people that join other people services. And you can be upset about that all you want. But I'm not taking their things and
548 01:35:19,140 --> 01:35:29,010 putting them in my content. Okay, everyone else has my content in their shit, and are either relabeling it, changing up this or that, or just completely not
549 01:35:29,010 --> 01:35:36,840 crediting me as the author or the creator of the content. Because they're broke, they want to sell it, they want to make money right now, because you don't have
550 01:35:36,840 --> 01:35:52,020 the patience, or the discipline to actually use the information to use it, like it's been taught. So I just want the folks that come in, to appreciate it.
551 01:35:52,740 --> 01:36:04,080 Because this generation today is unbelievably self absorbed. Now, I'm an egomaniac, but some of the folks that I had to deal with in mentorship, and most
552 01:36:04,080 --> 01:36:15,600 of them left because they're impatient, ignorant, really ignorant people. I'm glad they left. I'm so glad they left because I couldn't put up with them. But
553 01:36:15,600 --> 01:36:21,840 because I was on their contract with them, I have to deal with them. You know, they paid for something I had to deal with them. And they made the decision to
554 01:36:21,840 --> 01:36:32,880 leave and honestly, you know, I'm glad they did. Because it was draining. You know, I didn't feel like I had a great time teaching them. In fact, I was hoping
555 01:36:32,880 --> 01:36:44,460 they were going to quit. This is two months, some people are just on teachable. I'm 100% behind you learning this. I'm not stopping. Okay, I gave away years and
556 01:36:44,490 --> 01:36:54,570 hours and 1000s of 1000s of dollars of my own money for free. People bitch about how I'm charging. Now, let me tell you something. I had spent more money than
557 01:36:54,570 --> 01:36:58,020 most of your home's cost, teaching this stuff over the years
558 01:36:58,290 --> 01:37:08,220 for free. You only know me from baby pips, I have been so many different personas over the years, you have no idea what I've been doing long and short is
559 01:37:08,220 --> 01:37:22,620 I have placed so much of a time and money investment into people I never will meet. So don't count my money, okay, by the headcount that's coming in and
560 01:37:22,620 --> 01:37:30,660 mentorship it, who cares? You know, if you're worried about that stuff, needs because you're jealous. You know, who cares? Who gives a shit about that, you
561 01:37:30,660 --> 01:37:36,690 know, if you're not interested in joining the mentorship, I could give two shits about what you think anyway, the people that come in the mentorship, the people
562 01:37:36,690 --> 01:37:43,740 that spend time on my free tutorials, I care about those individuals, because they're making an investment in something that I spent a lot of time in my life
563 01:37:43,770 --> 01:37:53,040 building. And if you have the respect the give it the time of day, and I was very triggered, we had a member on my Twitter feed. He actually made a comment
564 01:37:53,130 --> 01:38:01,020 initially when he was invited to start looking at what I do. And his comment was, well, now I've heard some bad things about that guy. And he came back and
565 01:38:01,020 --> 01:38:09,600 said, You know, I looked at it. And you know, it's not what I heard, basically. And I love hearing that. And that's all I asked these individuals to do, is
566 01:38:09,600 --> 01:38:16,920 don't listen to what other people say about me. Because 99% of the shit that everybody's saying is either because I pissed them off offended them, because of
567 01:38:16,920 --> 01:38:25,020 their methodology. And they feel like they've, you know, been insulted. And I want them to feel that way. Because I want them to come into my content with
568 01:38:25,020 --> 01:38:33,060 that, that mode of I'm going to vindicate myself. And I'm going to show this asshole ICT that he don't know he's talking about. And what happens is I trap
569 01:38:33,060 --> 01:38:43,890 you. You come in and I convert your ass. Because once you see, when you really go into and you dig into it, it's the truth. And like I said, I don't I don't
570 01:38:43,890 --> 01:38:53,910 need to get out here and defend what I do. I do it because I have fun I toy with it. But I know my shit is bulletproof. It's Teflon, it's fireproof, it's nothing
571 01:38:53,910 --> 01:39:02,940 beating it. And I know if folks spend time digging into it, they're going to be convinced of it too. And if you don't feel convinced of it, then you're great. I
572 01:39:02,940 --> 01:39:15,450 don't care. It's not going to change my ability to use it and other people using it. I mean, think about it. Who who is able to change your mind right now. Think
573 01:39:15,450 --> 01:39:24,480 about that for a second. Who could come into your life right now. And say something or show you something that would change your mind about joining the
574 01:39:24,480 --> 01:39:33,630 mentorship because if anybody or anything can do that. You never really was going to do it anyway. You're either sold on the idea that what I'm talking
575 01:39:33,630 --> 01:39:48,420 about works, because you've seen enough of it. or you're not. There should be no way anyone or anything could change your mind about joining the mentorship. If
576 01:39:48,420 --> 01:40:00,000 you are sitting on the fence, I'm telling you please stay on the fence. Please don't join. I don't want your money. I certainly don't need it. I do not want
577 01:40:00,000 --> 01:40:15,930 Another problem child students, I don't want that. If you are not 120% committed to going through whatever I put your ass through, without questioning it, then
578 01:40:15,930 --> 01:40:26,730 and only then join. Because I am going to put you through some shit that is going to make you feel like I should have never joined. And it's all part of it.
579 01:40:27,720 --> 01:40:42,510 It's conditioning, it's things that you need. But other educators would never do it to you, because they don't want bad publicity or bad press. I don't give a
580 01:40:42,510 --> 01:40:50,880 shit who doesn't like me, or doesn't believe me, I don't care. I thought it doesn't change anything about how I live my life, none of that's going to affect
581 01:40:50,880 --> 01:41:04,980 me. The things that do bother me are the individuals that actively use my content and are struggling, that I have a concern for. Because they are
582 01:41:04,980 --> 01:41:14,940 investing their time they're putting their life, energy, time is a real big thing. And they're making a sacrifice. You're I know, I don't view ATM as a
583 01:41:14,940 --> 01:41:23,130 sacrifice. Because you're gonna spend 1800 hours on stupid shit over the next 12 months. I guarantee if you keep track of what you spend money on, every one of
584 01:41:23,130 --> 01:41:31,830 us have 18 $100 every single one of you have 18 $100 to spend some of you who are saying you don't have it, you can't afford it by guaran. Damn tee you,
585 01:41:32,040 --> 01:41:39,240 you're going to McDonald's and having a Big Mac. Okay, you're gonna do that a couple times a month, you're gonna buy stupid as video games and waste hours and
586 01:41:39,240 --> 01:41:48,600 time in front of that. I know because my wife lets my kids do it until I get in the room and upset that whole show. You're gonna waste 1800 hours, I guaran damn
587 01:41:48,600 --> 01:41:56,700 tee you, you're going to do it this year. And if you go back at the end of the year, look back, you're gonna say, Oh, I could I could have done that?
588 01:41:57,240 --> 01:42:06,810 Well, well, maybe he'll put some more videos out. Yeah, it'd be hindsight videos. The mentorships gonna be there. The door's always open for you to come
589 01:42:06,810 --> 01:42:18,180 in. But I don't want you coming in with the wrong ideas. And I don't want you wasting time. Because the longer you wait, it's just going to be frustrating
590 01:42:18,180 --> 01:42:26,100 knowing that the classes before you are doing things that you cannot pay yourself through fast enough to get to that level. Again, there always going to
591 01:42:26,100 --> 01:42:32,850 be a segregation between the first class and the second class, and the second class and the third class and the third class and the fourth class, so on and so
592 01:42:32,850 --> 01:42:44,070 on, and so on. The longer you put it off, the larger the gap is going to be, to getting to where you ultimately want to be at. And I'm committed, I've been
593 01:42:44,070 --> 01:42:50,220 around for a long, long time for free. And when you pay me, I'm even more obligated now aren't I?
594 01:42:50,970 --> 01:42:51,480 So
595 01:42:52,500 --> 01:43:04,110 I want you to know that I'm in this for the long haul. I'm not going away. I love it. I absolutely love it. And if I can maintain a core community, I could
596 01:43:04,110 --> 01:43:14,370 never run out of passion, then because the energy that comes from the folks that are in our community, I feed off of that. I love it. Because it inspires me to
597 01:43:14,370 --> 01:43:28,200 do more, because they appreciate it. 90% of the folks that are on my Twitter account, okay. They like my content, but they're not sold on the content.
598 01:43:28,650 --> 01:43:36,870 They're this watch and see what he says and see what happens. Waiting for that one time second talk about when it didn't work or when I was wrong. But
599 01:43:36,870 --> 01:43:48,510 nevermind the 1000s of times I've been right. So we're at the time in the video where I'm going to kind of like talk about what is going on and what's actually
600 01:43:48,540 --> 01:44:00,450 needed to go forward. If you got this email, it should be familiar to you by looking at it. There is no get on board button here. Folks are trying to click
601 01:44:00,450 --> 01:44:09,870 on this and they're saying the button doesn't work. Okay, what you need to do is first watch this video. Right here by clicking on that that is a video when you
602 01:44:09,870 --> 01:44:17,010 click on it, it will absolutely take you to the YouTube video that is the product description of the mentorship actually going to show you what the
603 01:44:17,010 --> 01:44:28,080 content is in the whole show. This link here is a PDF file where it again gives you the breakdown of the content the core content that your 18 $100 pays for.
604 01:44:28,620 --> 01:44:38,370 That is not all the learning and it's in your PDF file as well. So you have it in writing from me that after 18 $100 is paid there is never any more money paid
605 01:44:38,370 --> 01:44:51,390 to me period. Your attendance and access to the content and ongoing learning is limited after 1800 hours only if you do not provide me with satisfaction that
606 01:44:51,390 --> 01:45:03,180 you received everything all the months for 12 modules are paid for your 1% satisfied what you got and you wish to be A member for life access and know what
607 01:45:03,180 --> 01:45:16,230 you're a charter member. When I get that I changed your, your profile group name to charter member. When that occurs, you're never paying me $1 ever again. And
608 01:45:16,230 --> 01:45:23,490 you'll have access to everything I ever put out in the future. And when I do live sessions in 2019, again, you'll be able to see that and be a part of it.
609 01:45:23,490 --> 01:45:32,100 And again, it's all private stuff. It's not for profit, it's not for public consumption, any new lessons I give, it's all free for you in the mentorship.
610 01:45:32,520 --> 01:45:42,570 But it's important that I condition you throughout these months to I don't need you to show me charts on Twitter, okay, or Facebook, showing me that you did
611 01:45:42,570 --> 01:45:51,330 what I taught in the mentorship. Please don't do that. And I bitched about this a lot, because folks lose their mind when they see it start working, and they
612 01:45:51,330 --> 01:46:01,080 see it happening. And it was right. So they want to share it with me on social media. I don't want you doing it. Okay, you can lose your account by doing that.
613 01:46:01,380 --> 01:46:09,510 And I don't care that you paid nine months or 10 months or 12 months, you will lose your seat in this. And you could be in this after 12 months and say you're
614 01:46:09,510 --> 01:46:17,700 satisfied. If you're caught sharing this stuff, and I can prove it, I have documentation, I screen capture it, I recorded a video also everything is time
615 01:46:17,700 --> 01:46:26,460 and date stamp, I go through the process, it's a whole winded thing, where I'm proving the date it's occurring, all that stuff. Showing that way, when you try
616 01:46:26,460 --> 01:46:36,870 to complain about how you got kicked out eventually, later on or whatever, it won't make a difference. And I don't want to do that. So that's why we have a
617 01:46:36,870 --> 01:46:46,860 forum. You share that with me in the forum. Okay, you're welcome to send me a tweet link to the forum. Where if you want special attention drawn to it, great.
618 01:46:47,070 --> 01:46:54,480 Only mentorship, people who have access to get into the form that will see that stuff. And then I can respond to you that way. And that's fine. But I don't want
619 01:46:54,480 --> 01:47:04,800 folks getting excited and sharing it publicly. Because that's not what I want from everyone that I don't want that happening. But back to this email, I want
620 01:47:04,800 --> 01:47:12,300 you to watch the video. Okay, this is the purpose of the email, watching the video it outlines and gets a product description and talks about the new money,
621 01:47:13,200 --> 01:47:21,000 no refund rather 100% no refund, whatever money you send me unless it's a double payment, which we won't have double payments anymore, you're going to be doing
622 01:47:21,000 --> 01:47:29,430 manual payments to me, I'm not doing automatic payments, they were a pain in the ass accounts with skip, forget all that you're going to send me the payments,
623 01:47:29,730 --> 01:47:38,700 manually 12 of them, it's only 12. So please don't complain to me, don't ask me for automatic payment stuff. The first of every month, wherever it is that you
624 01:47:38,700 --> 01:47:40,050 know you feel comfortable doing it.
625 01:47:41,580 --> 01:47:52,860 Just do that every single month for 12 months. And when it's done, it's done. Okay, but everything is outline what I expect. And then you also have you risk
626 01:47:52,920 --> 01:48:03,570 disclosures. And the fact that I'm teaching a medium of a demo account in every asset class, if it's bonds, if it's futures and commodities, if it's s&p, if
627 01:48:03,570 --> 01:48:16,110 it's forex, okay, stocks, it's all in the, the medium of a demo account. Okay, I absolutely am never offering a Live account trading advice, because I don't want
628 01:48:16,110 --> 01:48:25,440 you suffering a monetary loss. That's not what you're in here for. You're here to learn. Once you watch that video, okay, you have a product description, and
629 01:48:25,470 --> 01:48:33,630 all of the things that you need to know you'll never get your money back, you will lose your account if you do certain things. And you have to have an
630 01:48:33,630 --> 01:48:40,770 understanding of the risk disclosure and the fact that you understand that if 12 months at $150, payable by PayPal only, you have to have an email account that
631 01:48:40,770 --> 01:48:48,840 matches the account that's on file with PayPal, your address, and all those things have to be in PayPal, because when you do your signup, you provide me
632 01:48:48,840 --> 01:48:59,520 with a mailing address, if that mailing address does not match PayPal, and it's not verified with your credit card or your banking information, it'll show in my
633 01:48:59,520 --> 01:49:07,980 end when I look up your information, okay? If you have a problem with this, don't sign up, okay. I'm not making your information, public. I'm never giving
634 01:49:07,980 --> 01:49:17,550 any kind of information like that out. But I need to know that you are who owns that paypal account. If your address has not verified through PayPal, you will
635 01:49:17,550 --> 01:49:26,910 not be part of the mentorship. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. I've had folks that tried to sign up in the first class and their account didn't have
636 01:49:26,910 --> 01:49:36,210 a verified address. And they were unwilling to provide their real address and I just cancelled their payments, they never got an access to anything. And it is
637 01:49:36,210 --> 01:49:44,880 what it is. So I have to make sure you are who you are supposed to be. And that's why I make you do 12 months because no one's going to have their account
638 01:49:44,880 --> 01:49:53,220 charged 12 times providing all the information with your home address all that shit, okay, and then also have an Adobe signature that it's verified through
639 01:49:53,220 --> 01:50:01,920 that same email address. There's so many things that I had show for verification purposes and that's why it takes this long. Because I don't want to be
640 01:50:01,920 --> 01:50:15,150 babysitting, you. scammers are assholes. Okay? If you're in here trying to beat me for the mentorship, I promise you, you will lose. Okay? No one except for one
641 01:50:15,150 --> 01:50:27,870 guy. Okay, one guy got his money back, because I did not get a satisfaction from him initially. And he didn't really get any real content either. You know, this
642 01:50:27,870 --> 01:50:38,280 is really September content, which really is a really basic primer to liquidity runs and stuff like that. But it's essential, you need to know it. But that was
643 01:50:38,280 --> 01:50:47,310 the the turning point for me to use the Adobe sign once I had that it's over. So no one got their money back about six people tried seven people. Now, one guy
644 01:50:47,310 --> 01:50:55,410 just recently tried to get all this money back. He said that, you know, it's been nine months after he left, he went nine months and quit, and then waited
645 01:50:55,410 --> 01:51:05,340 nine months and says, Yeah, you're a scammer. I want all my money back. And I'm like, Well, now you're not getting it. And the stuff that I teach, I put two
646 01:51:05,340 --> 01:51:14,520 people on the Robins World Cup board. And I got tons and tons of testimony where people actually show with verified my textbooks that they may not be sharing
647 01:51:14,520 --> 01:51:23,460 with you. But if I'm ever investigated, I can show proof that people have learned from me using the content, and I get emails on a weekly with what
648 01:51:23,460 --> 01:51:33,960 they're doing in terms of returns. And believe me, I'm content, I'm 100%, I pay taxes quarterly on the stuff that I earned through this mentorship. I am 100%
649 01:51:33,960 --> 01:51:47,340 legit, okay, I'm not hiding from taxes, I have a business entity, I, I conduct myself as I should, okay, and I stay in a demo account. For that reason, I have
650 01:51:47,340 --> 01:51:55,920 to be compliant with us regulations. And I am not certified to get trade advice. So we study price action in a demo account. And that's what the product
651 01:51:55,920 --> 01:52:02,610 description is. And you have to agree to that with this video. When you have watched the video, and you're an agreement to all those things, okay, and you
652 01:52:02,610 --> 01:52:10,380 want to join and you understand what you're getting involved in. This is the link down here. And you click on that, that takes you to a webpage, and it goes
653 01:52:10,380 --> 01:52:20,790 to my website. And this is what should be popping up. When you click on it, if this isn't opening up, then all you got to do is look at this, this address up
654 01:52:20,790 --> 01:52:26,580 here, the inner circle trader.com backslash enrollment dot html.
655 01:52:28,109 --> 01:52:37,049 Read this portion right here, because this is important, because this is why I'm doing this stage of enrollment. I have to segregate the individuals that are
656 01:52:37,049 --> 01:52:47,759 trying to put their email address in when they already are in the mentorship. Okay, I asked individuals to take your name off the email address, list initial.
657 01:52:48,509 --> 01:52:58,259 And they didn't do it. So I know what you're afraid of. If you're listening to this, you think I'm giving something away that you are not having access to. The
658 01:52:58,259 --> 01:53:06,569 first class has already gone through the things that the new class is going to be paying for pre recorded videos of. There's new live sessions. I'm not sitting
659 01:53:06,569 --> 01:53:15,419 in the room with GoToWebinar doing live sessions and talking about the market live again. Okay, I still am getting emails, okay, from folks and Twitter,
660 01:53:15,959 --> 01:53:24,059 saying, hey, look, can we be a part of the group when you do live sessions, and I've said this in the mentorship, I've put it in, post in the mentorship forum.
661 01:53:24,239 --> 01:53:34,469 I've said it in YouTube videos, I'm saying it again here. Please stop putting your name in this list if you are already in the mentorship, because all you're
662 01:53:34,469 --> 01:53:45,359 doing is creating one more step for me, okay to go through and verifying all these accounts. It's you're just, you're creating work for me. And all I'm
663 01:53:45,359 --> 01:53:55,229 trying to do is focus on the folks that have not gone through the mentorship that's not enrolled right now. If you have gone through it, I will see you
664 01:53:55,499 --> 01:54:03,329 because I have a list of people that can't come back in, it's 200 W, it's real easy. Once I see an email address, I go through a quick spreadsheet. If that
665 01:54:03,389 --> 01:54:10,079 email addresses there, you know, obviously you can't come back in and why would anybody want to pay? If they've gone through several months, I you know, you're
666 01:54:10,079 --> 01:54:17,879 welcome to do it. I'll take your money if you want to do it again. But long and short is, you know, if I'm if you're knowingly trying to go through the same
667 01:54:17,909 --> 01:54:25,439 stained stuff, you'd have to go through that whole process of paying it again, twice. So if you want to pay me twice, and do it without hiding you with hiding
668 01:54:25,439 --> 01:54:31,319 your identity or whatever, and you want to go through the content because you can't get back in another way. You know, I guess there's no way for me to hide
669 01:54:31,499 --> 01:54:39,569 or keep you from from doing that. But just understand that you're going to pay twice for something that would would have only cost you once but anyway this
670 01:54:39,689 --> 01:54:49,889 point here, if you are not presently in the mentorship, only individuals that are not in a mentorship, okay, are putting their email address down here. Okay.
671 01:54:50,759 --> 01:54:58,889 You have to agree before you put your email address in there that you have received and agree to the no refund policy and terms of use for this membership,
672 01:54:59,249 --> 01:55:11,459 which is that basically That video and the PDF file I just showed you, before we change the screen, you're going to be asked to sign digitally your name. Now,
673 01:55:13,229 --> 01:55:24,089 when this occurs, I'm going to be sending you a video that goes along with this, okay? I do not want you to take your finger or a stylus and sign your name,
674 01:55:24,419 --> 01:55:36,869 because I will not be able to read it. And Adobe sign sometimes creates this inability for it to be legible. And I'm sure somebody's gonna say, well, that's
675 01:55:36,869 --> 01:55:45,449 my signature, I don't care. Okay, I want you to use the Adobe sign type feature where when you click the button, as I'm going to show you in a video, once you
676 01:55:45,449 --> 01:55:52,619 receive the documentation for enrollment, it's a video that's really short, you do everything that that video tells you to do. And if you do that, there will be
677 01:55:52,619 --> 01:56:00,929 no problems and the enrollment process will be seamless. And I will not be resending the documentation for you to sign again. Okay, I could do this so many
678 01:56:00,929 --> 01:56:08,639 times with people because their signature was invalid, I had people faking their name, they're writing somebody else's name, hoping that I wouldn't catch it, I'm
679 01:56:08,639 --> 01:56:19,049 catching it. I'm reading every single one of these every single time it comes. So when this occurs, and you use the type feature, it'll look like a signature,
680 01:56:19,079 --> 01:56:29,069 but you're using your keyboard to type your name. And it must be your full, first and last name. Okay, not your, your name that you go by, it's going to
681 01:56:29,129 --> 01:56:38,549 have to be your name as it is with PayPal, say, so a lot of folks that are Arabic, I had folks that would use something other than their full name. And I'm
682 01:56:38,549 --> 01:56:46,919 like, you can't do that you got to sign what you have as a name with PayPal, and I had to go back and forth over and over again. But there's individuals and it
683 01:56:46,919 --> 01:56:51,389 was, it was a problem. So I've learned my lesson, I'm making it very
684 01:56:53,370 --> 01:57:00,960 difficult for anyone to do anything other than what I'm asking for. And if you don't do this, it will be rejected. And if you don't do it, by the third time
685 01:57:00,960 --> 01:57:06,870 I'm refunding your money, and I don't really want you in the mentorship, you have to follow the instructions. If you don't follow the instructions in the
686 01:57:06,870 --> 01:57:13,290 enrollment. You sure as hell ain't gonna follow the instructions in the mentorship. And I don't want people like that in there. Okay, so it's very, very
687 01:57:13,290 --> 01:57:22,170 clear, short little video is going to show you how to sign and fill out the enrollment documentation, what needs to be there, if anything is omitted or left
688 01:57:22,170 --> 01:57:33,000 undone, or hand signatures done? It's Boyd, you get three chances with that if it's not done in the third chance, I'm done, your money is refunded, and you
689 01:57:33,000 --> 01:57:40,710 will not be permitted to do it. I'm sorry. But I have learned my lesson from individuals in the last class, they were a problem the entire way through until
690 01:57:40,710 --> 01:57:49,680 they finally got frustrated, and either quit or did the right way. But it took so many times it's not worth it. Okay. So once you understand that you are going
691 01:57:49,680 --> 01:57:56,160 to be signing digitally for this, you're signing that you understand that I'm teaching in a demo account. But you cannot make money with this. Because the
692 01:57:56,160 --> 01:58:04,980 demo account, you cannot lose money because the demo account. I'm not giving you signals. I'm not giving you financial advice. I'm talking from my own personal
693 01:58:04,980 --> 01:58:16,140 experience. Or if I go back in time, what I would do differently, okay. Once you submit to this, and you understand once you put your email address in here, when
694 01:58:16,140 --> 01:58:27,120 that occurs, okay, you are now on a list. And I'm waiting, because there's a lot of people that join the initial list, but they reported that the links aren't
695 01:58:27,120 --> 01:58:36,540 working your email, which is why I'm doing this long winded explanation here. If your LinkedIn work and your email, just go to this website, address here, okay.
696 01:58:36,570 --> 01:58:44,880 And in if you agree to the Nope, refund policy, the Terms of Use the risk disclaimers, the fact that I'm teaching in a demo account 100% of the time, it's
697 01:58:44,880 --> 01:58:53,220 not a signal service, and everything you're buying is pre recorded for the 12 modules, initial modules. Later on, there'll be future teachings that will not
698 01:58:53,220 --> 01:59:02,250 cost you anything after you complete the 12 modules. But nothing is occurring live. You're not sitting with me on a live day by day basis. Nothing like that
699 01:59:02,250 --> 01:59:09,960 is existing, okay? That does not happen. That's the part of the mentorship. I said I was never ever ever dealing again. And I meant it. It's just too much. I
700 01:59:09,960 --> 01:59:17,820 can't I can't even concentrate. But that many people coming at me at one time. And now that the group has been larger than that. There's no way I would even
701 01:59:17,820 --> 01:59:26,610 contemplate doing that. No way. Okay, so by putting an email address in here, you're agreeing that you understand all these terms and you're agreeing to it
702 01:59:26,610 --> 01:59:35,340 and it will take once you make your payment. Once you once you receive the instructions on how to make the payment and how that money is sent to me by way
703 01:59:35,340 --> 01:59:46,080 of PayPal. Soon as you pay me. The clock starts on a five business day, not weekends, okay, not Saturday or Sunday, five business days Monday through
704 01:59:46,080 --> 01:59:53,250 Friday, it'll take up to five business days because I'm not doing anything on the weekends anymore. I worked my ass off this past year, on weekends, and I had
705 01:59:53,250 --> 02:00:01,320 to beg and plead for the folks that give me one day of the week on weekends just to give me recipes. I couldn't do anything. It's Gonna take me about five days
706 02:00:01,320 --> 02:00:12,450 to set everyone up, there's so many of you. And you're going to get two forms of login, you're going to have a username, and a password that gets you in the
707 02:00:12,450 --> 02:00:21,570 mentorship forum. Once you're inside there, you can see all of the text, you can see the charts that I share. But when you click on a link that opens with a
708 02:00:21,570 --> 02:00:30,840 tutorial, you're going to use a different username and a different password that will be supplied to you, you do not make them, you cannot change them, you can't
709 02:00:31,170 --> 02:00:34,560 adjust them, you can't change your user names at all.
710 02:00:35,370 --> 02:00:44,130 The only password you can change is the one that gets you into the form. Like if you forget your password, but you know your username, you can click on the login
711 02:00:44,130 --> 02:00:52,680 box where it says forgot password, and then you can change the password. If you do that, I don't necessarily know what your password is. So I can't change that
712 02:00:52,680 --> 02:01:00,840 for you. Like I can, I can change it for you. But I don't know what it is if you change it from the one I supplied to you initially, which is what I advise
713 02:01:00,840 --> 02:01:08,490 everyone, when you get your enrollment, I give you a temporary password. And I encourage you to change it to something you can remember, you will not be able
714 02:01:08,490 --> 02:01:17,730 to change the password for the links that's inside the membership. Okay, so those are the links, those things I'm tracking. And I do an audit once a month
715 02:01:17,760 --> 02:01:25,980 on how many times an ISP addresses been used for the forum. So I'm tracking all that actively. So if you're sharing your account, I'm going to see it, I'm going
716 02:01:25,980 --> 02:01:34,560 to catch you and you will lose your account. It's all going to be in the final documentation as well, you will be signing your agreement to that. So if I kick
717 02:01:34,560 --> 02:01:44,790 your ass out, because I can prove it and show that it's being done by multiple ISP addresses. I know what you're going to tell me, but I access it from work
718 02:01:44,880 --> 02:01:53,820 for I travel and I do this, I do that, then don't access it while you're away from your home. If you can't submit to this, don't join. Because I'm telling
719 02:01:53,820 --> 02:02:05,340 you, you will have your account deactivated and I don't care how many months you've paid. I have been really abused the last time. And now that I've had time
720 02:02:05,340 --> 02:02:14,670 to go back and look at it, I can see how many times people have had other ISP addresses used with their account. And some of them didn't stay with the whole
721 02:02:14,670 --> 02:02:23,790 membership. Some of them have some of them already there. And I'm watching them right now. And I know when I put the new content up in the end of this month, I
722 02:02:23,790 --> 02:02:32,760 know the ones that have clear signs of sharing their access. If they do it, they're going to lose their account. And they're going to pitch and cry. And
723 02:02:32,760 --> 02:02:39,750 they're going to try to get a hold of PayPal, they're going to try to do a chargeback and it's going to fail, because I can prove that their account has
724 02:02:39,750 --> 02:02:51,660 been logged in by date, time, everything in by the ISP addresses. So don't risk it. You know, treat it like it's a college course only study when you're home.
725 02:02:52,170 --> 02:02:59,670 Don't do it when you're abroad. Don't do it when you're on vacation. Don't Don't do it by your work. You're getting paid to do that anyway. Okay, so don't steal
726 02:02:59,670 --> 02:03:09,060 the employers time, be a good steward. Do this, do this when you're home, work from one ISP address. And there it is, because I'm telling you, if I see
727 02:03:09,060 --> 02:03:19,200 multiple ISP addresses, I don't care what you tell me. I'm telling you what I see that as an it's an abuse of the access, you're sharing your your your
728 02:03:19,260 --> 02:03:31,290 access, and that's all there's no other reason for it. Okay. So, especially when I can prove it, it's in different states. The longest short is, these are things
729 02:03:31,290 --> 02:03:42,000 that are necessary for me, okay, and I want you to know that my conviction is strong about doing the best I can in terms of your understanding and
730 02:03:42,000 --> 02:03:53,460 development. I do not want to see the new content shared. Because I want you to understand, if I start seeing this, you don't know what I'm going to teach, you
731 02:03:53,460 --> 02:04:03,120 have no idea the things that I'm going to teach in the future. If I see my things start getting shared in the new content, you don't know what I'm going to
732 02:04:03,120 --> 02:04:13,080 withhold. And I want you to think about that. Okay? Because if I see my stuff being shared openly, I are there certain things I already know in my list, I
733 02:04:13,080 --> 02:04:26,460 would never want to share with anyone. Not even for any amount of money, okay? But I'm hoping over several years of working with a group of individuals that
734 02:04:26,460 --> 02:04:38,820 you'll grow to appreciate and respect what I've been able to deal with this information. And by respecting it, keeping it private, you are part of a group
735 02:04:39,660 --> 02:04:51,690 that isn't going to repeat itself forever. Okay, there's going to be eventually a time when I can't do it physically. And when that happens, the show's over. My
736 02:04:51,750 --> 02:05:03,930 intent is to hopefully trust you folks. enough to be able to share everything I actively use. Really want to share. But we've had several people in one, you
737 02:05:03,930 --> 02:05:15,780 know, one student that really abused it, and tried to make a name for himself falsely. And it's just, it's very disappointing. I want you to be proud to be a
738 02:05:15,780 --> 02:05:25,170 student of mine. But I equally want to be proud of you, as a student. Like, I want to have faith that what I'm investing in you, not because of your 1800
739 02:05:25,200 --> 02:05:30,960 hours, but because your respect and appreciation of what I had to go through
740 02:05:31,439 --> 02:05:42,119 which you have no idea, you have no idea what I endure to get to this. And no matter what I tell you and share with you, it still won't take you to what it's
741 02:05:42,119 --> 02:05:55,499 like to have having gone through it. So just know that it's a long, long journey. It's not short, it's not easy, it's not quick, and it's a lot of work,
742 02:05:55,709 --> 02:06:04,229 tons of work, you're gonna work your ass off with this information, and it's not going to be something that happens overnight. But if you're committed, and you
743 02:06:04,229 --> 02:06:14,279 want to learn something that isn't gonna be taught by anyone else, even my students, you know, they can't teach this, they can't do because they have no
744 02:06:14,279 --> 02:06:21,209 idea where I'm taking the core content, they have no experience behind the things that they don't even know what I'm going to be teaching next. So just
745 02:06:21,209 --> 02:06:30,539 because someone has gone through it, it's not the same. It's not just because they don't have the experience. It's because they can use the vernacular, the
746 02:06:30,539 --> 02:06:43,859 vocabulary, the things that are descriptors, and reference points, okay, PD raise, you're gonna hear about all these things in the con intership. They are
747 02:06:43,859 --> 02:06:54,179 things that will be built upon over future teachings, the folks that had gone through the 12 months, and started incorporating in their own services or
748 02:06:54,179 --> 02:06:55,439 whatever, you know,
749 02:06:55,769 --> 02:06:56,249 come on,
750 02:06:57,569 --> 02:07:10,859 it's gonna stand out, once, once the the word is out on who's sharing the stuff. I'm just going to make you an example of you publicly. Because I have no skin in
751 02:07:10,859 --> 02:07:18,509 the race, whether you people stay with your business or not, and I don't care. Who doesn't like mine, I don't need my business to support myself, like I don't
752 02:07:18,509 --> 02:07:30,239 need it. I'm already past all that. So I'm in a position of a win win. And I get off on smacking people openly for disrespecting me, or my content or my
753 02:07:30,239 --> 02:07:39,899 students, because I can't, I don't have to be politically correct. In fact, I enjoy not being politically correct. I like being a rebel. So I'll make a you
754 02:07:39,899 --> 02:07:48,959 know, I'll make an example everyone that tries to do that, and it shouldn't be done. Because all you're going to do is inspire me to hold back information. So
755 02:07:48,959 --> 02:07:57,329 if you're in the group, and you're trying to share or make it public or whatever, all you're going to do is ensure that you don't learn the things that
756 02:07:57,329 --> 02:08:06,509 you would otherwise learn if the group just handles themselves, like professionals and just simply just go through the process of a tightly knit
757 02:08:06,509 --> 02:08:16,739 community that has respect for one another, and ultimately, for my for me and my content, because, again, you're in my house, you know, you're in my home, you
758 02:08:16,739 --> 02:08:25,799 hear the things that go on in my life in the mentorship, some very private things that, you know, I'm very open and candid about, you get to know me, and
759 02:08:25,799 --> 02:08:33,509 you may not want to know me, you may not want to be listening to this video anymore, you probably turn it off long and short it is I'm as real as it gets.
760 02:08:34,469 --> 02:08:46,469 And I don't hold anything back with individuals that are close to me. And I want to feel confident that I can say what's on my mind and describe things in the
761 02:08:46,469 --> 02:08:55,919 concepts without any fear or trepidation about how it's going to be abused later on. And it's the young guys that have that problem. The young guys that are
762 02:08:55,919 --> 02:09:03,539 hungry that want to make money right now they know that I'm a big draw my name has drawn to it. If they go out and say they went through the mentorship you
763 02:09:03,539 --> 02:09:10,679 know, they know right away people that don't have a whole lot of money, they can't pay on 50 bucks, they can throw in 25 or $50 the equivalent every single
764 02:09:10,679 --> 02:09:22,859 month. And it could be ICT jr on the sly. Believe me, people were at everyone out. And I hear about it eventually. It'll take some work, but I'll figure out
765 02:09:22,859 --> 02:09:35,909 who it is. And then you'll be gone. So is it worth it? I'll leave that up to you to decide. But the process is what I've explained here is very long winded
766 02:09:36,269 --> 02:09:44,999 explanation. And a long, long video I know. So if you waited this long you listen to it. Congratulations is about what it's going to be like when you go
767 02:09:44,999 --> 02:09:52,919 through the mentorship. A lot of things are going to be said, a lot of things are going to feel like you know, that really wasn't for me. And a lot of things
768 02:09:52,919 --> 02:10:00,719 you're going to say Wow, that was great for me. And you have the luxury of going as fast as you want through the monthly content. Where everyone else had to
769 02:10:00,719 --> 02:10:11,069 wait, that the wait for the specific times a day we were meeting, and he had to endure it live. Nothing, you know, no, can't go to the next lesson until it
770 02:10:11,069 --> 02:10:19,559 starts, you have the advantage of being able to control when you watch everything. Okay, so you have that advantage that the first class didn't have,
771 02:10:20,489 --> 02:10:32,309 you can go slower than you want. You can watch two or three episodes in one day, you can digest the content for the whole month at a faster pace than one month,
772 02:10:32,309 --> 02:10:42,689 but you still will have to wait into the next month's time, before you can go to the next level. I'm forcing that on everyone. Because the idea is, obviously
773 02:10:42,689 --> 02:10:48,329 some of you're going to be crazy and say, Okay, I went through this month, I want to buy the next one. And then you'll be doing 12 months of content in three
774 02:10:48,329 --> 02:10:58,409 months. And then I'm forced as a merchant to contend with someone that has done that. And then we're gonna be doing this whole rigmarole about you know, wanting
775 02:10:58,409 --> 02:11:06,689 their money back. Because some of you just want the content, and I'm not selling you videos, I'm selling you a membership, a lifelong membership, as long as I'm
776 02:11:06,689 --> 02:11:15,929 alive and able to speak and articulate my thoughts. And I can see that's required. Because otherwise up against anything on the charts, it's gonna be
777 02:11:16,109 --> 02:11:27,719 hard for me to talk about anything. The the mentorship doesn't end. Like, I want you to understand that it's, there is no end to this, until I can no longer do
778 02:11:27,719 --> 02:11:40,649 it. When I can't do it, and then it's done. So to me, that's exciting. I wish I had something that's coming up. I wish I had the ability to find someone that
779 02:11:40,649 --> 02:11:46,589 would be this excited about teaching, because everyone back then you
780 02:11:48,090 --> 02:11:54,270 don't really know what the hell they're doing. Let's be honest, they didn't know what they're doing. Even Larry Williams admits he sucks as a trader. The bottom
781 02:11:54,270 --> 02:12:03,510 line is, I want to make the most unique experience. And quite honestly, I want people to write books about me. And that sounds very egotistical. I know. But I
782 02:12:03,510 --> 02:12:13,080 want to write my own book here. But I want people to write books about me. And obviously, I probably won't see it in my lifetime. But I know the things I'm
783 02:12:13,080 --> 02:12:24,120 going to be sharing are completely revolutionary. Because I've seen them in action. And there's no one else that knows about them. Because I authored them,
784 02:12:24,150 --> 02:12:33,420 I found them. And I've shared them what no one, nobody knows the things that's going to come. And that's exciting for me. Like I can't wait, I cannot wait to
785 02:12:33,420 --> 02:12:42,090 go into those new concepts and concepts that build a greater understanding, yes, but also reveal things that otherwise have never been discussed or talked about.
786 02:12:43,440 --> 02:12:53,880 And that's fascinating. And I want to be able to do that. But you have to earn that I have to trust the community that I'm presenting that stuff to and it's
787 02:12:53,880 --> 02:13:04,050 not gonna happen right away. That's not gonna happen right away. But you'll see a lot of things gradually shared over time. And the fact that what I'm working
788 02:13:04,050 --> 02:13:13,800 with you just the first two years, that's worth the price of the mentorship alone. You don't really need anything new. You don't need anything new beyond
789 02:13:13,800 --> 02:13:21,930 what I'm going to share in the 12 modules, and the core content that it's self is done. If I wanted to be complete, I could say okay, I'll do two years of
790 02:13:21,930 --> 02:13:29,730 content. And then that's it. I don't teach anything else, because you should be able to do very well without it. Anything new wouldn't be necessary. But I knew
791 02:13:29,730 --> 02:13:42,270 how I was. And when I found something that was like, unbelievably dynamic. I couldn't rest. I was like, it was like drug. It was literally like crack. Okay,
792 02:13:42,270 --> 02:13:52,020 and I've never done drugs before. But I can see, Dave Chappelle used to do that skit where he's like, hey, scratching his face and stuff. He's like a fiend. I
793 02:13:52,020 --> 02:14:01,380 think it was Dave Chappelle. I bet got it, right. But that's how I felt like I couldn't get enough of it. It was just me. And I tried to get my friends turned
794 02:14:01,380 --> 02:14:08,880 on to it. They're like, and I'm not interested in that stuff. Until they started seeing the cars I'm driving and I stopped working, when they saw that they were
795 02:14:08,880 --> 02:14:19,020 interested right away. But even then, you would think that would be passion for them to, you know, to get crazy about it to it didn't happen like that. And I
796 02:14:19,020 --> 02:14:25,950 guess I'm not surprised because if you look at the mentorship people, some people were just like, I never hear anything wrong. They made their payments.
797 02:14:25,950 --> 02:14:35,580 They didn't talk to me. They didn't send me any emails. They didn't complain. They didn't give me any accolades, either. This existed quiet, and who knows
798 02:14:35,580 --> 02:14:43,440 what they're thinking or what they are doing now. But I expected a certain measure of excitement, you know, when I shared it with my friends, and it didn't
799 02:14:43,440 --> 02:14:54,630 happen. Like my own children. You know, I'm so passionate about them learning this. And two of them tried. And one of them you know, I tried to inspire him
800 02:14:54,630 --> 02:15:03,450 and you hear about this it's Cody in the mentorship but it he doesn't care. He doesn't want to do it. And you have no idea how frustrating that is for me as a
801 02:15:03,450 --> 02:15:11,040 father, because I'm like, I'm like that football dad. But I don't like football, I hate frickin sports. I can't stand it martial arts, it's about the extent of
802 02:15:11,040 --> 02:15:24,750 it. But I don't want my children to have to rely on anything or hand handouts from you, me passing on, I don't want that. I want them to be able to carve out
803 02:15:24,750 --> 02:15:33,900 their own legacy and pass it on to their kids. And if they're not actively trying to learn it themselves, how can they do it without me making videos, and
804 02:15:33,900 --> 02:15:44,580 that's why I'm doing this. Okay, because it's too good to just pass away when I do. And I hope I don't pass away anytime soon, God forbid. But that's what keeps
805 02:15:44,580 --> 02:15:56,190 me going. Like, I worry about this stuff, like I worry about my grandkids that, you know, I might not ever see him, maybe I don't have any grandkids yet. But if
806 02:15:56,190 --> 02:16:01,950 something happens to me, I want them to be able to go back and listen to these things and say that was my grandfather, or that was my great, great grandfather
807 02:16:01,950 --> 02:16:10,290 and look what he was able to do. And look, look what he did with his life. Because I have spent my life investing in other people. Everyone thinks I'm
808 02:16:10,290 --> 02:16:19,980 paying handling for 18 $100. At heart, there's nothing, I could ask for more, and people would pay it, they would bitch about it initially. But once they get
809 02:16:19,980 --> 02:16:31,770 through the content, they won't pitch anybody that they just would be happy with it. I don't want to get rich off of mentorship. I want to have a life filled
810 02:16:31,770 --> 02:16:42,930 with lives I impacted and changed for the better, and inspired them to do for other people. That's my, that's my life. That's what I do.
811 02:16:43,920 --> 02:16:54,270 And yeah, on the side, I have my fun with trolls and people that hate me and all that stuff and whatever. But I'm not worried about it. And that stuff I'm
812 02:16:54,270 --> 02:17:04,350 entertained by. But what I'm actively concerned about, and what my where my passion is, is how people interact with others. And if I can change your
813 02:17:04,530 --> 02:17:17,490 lifestyle, to put you in a position that thinks about someone else, and how you can impact their life on the positive, then I have succeeded. And that's what I
814 02:17:17,490 --> 02:17:27,360 want. I want something as a reward that you're not going to be able to give me while I'm here. I'm looking for a reward that's going to happen from someone
815 02:17:27,780 --> 02:17:43,020 that eventually I'm going to stand before and have a give a testimony for what I've done here. And I want to be able to say I did my best. And my heart was in
816 02:17:43,020 --> 02:17:53,850 it. My passion was behind it. Well, intentions were the driver the whole entire time. And I was sincere from the beginning to the end. That's that's what I
817 02:17:53,850 --> 02:18:04,320 want. I mean that through my free tutorials. And I mean it wouldn't mentorship, like I wear my heart on my sleeve 100% of the time, because that's the only way
818 02:18:04,320 --> 02:18:14,490 you can be real. And there's some times you've heard me in the past, when I talk about certain things I'm about there right now, I get emotional. Because I'm
819 02:18:14,490 --> 02:18:27,510 real. I'm not, I'm not a bot. You know, I'm not AI I'm not for people trying to be one person. I'm the same Michael. And I want to impact people's lives. And
820 02:18:27,510 --> 02:18:39,720 when I'm unsuccessful in doing that, I take it personal. I personally feel like I failed. And I don't like that feeling because I want to do whatever I can
821 02:18:39,750 --> 02:18:53,220 within my ability to empower someone else. Because I know what it's like going to jobs, not one two jobs, and just barely make it and have no open and changing
822 02:18:53,220 --> 02:19:06,270 things and turning it around and or having no outlet. As a younger man, it was martial arts and lifting weights and girls. Eventually, the one girl settled me
823 02:19:06,270 --> 02:19:21,930 down and in the weightlifting stopped in martial arts stopped. And I didn't have an outlet except for this. So my family life forced me to go this direction. And
824 02:19:24,960 --> 02:19:33,270 I started taking stock in my life. And looking at what I'm doing with my time here. in green, I could do whatever I want to do. Nothing can stop me from going
825 02:19:33,270 --> 02:19:41,610 anywhere I want in the world, stopping whatever I'm doing saying, okay, family, let's go we're going here. Nothing can stop me from doing that. I'm blessed. I'm
826 02:19:41,610 --> 02:20:01,290 a very, very, very blessed man. But it's pointless in superficial to just live like that. If I'm blessed, it's better for me to help others. do similar things
827 02:20:01,350 --> 02:20:11,310 and think differently about their neighbor, people that they don't know and how they interact with other people. And if I can get folks to think like that, and
828 02:20:11,400 --> 02:20:22,740 a medium was used by way of teaching trading in a demo account and understanding price action. To me, that's fascinating. See, you're all here, because you want
829 02:20:22,740 --> 02:20:30,960 to learn how to look at price action. And eventually, I guess, learn how to trade with live money in your own decision making, not mine. That's what led you
830 02:20:30,960 --> 02:20:42,120 here. I'm trying to make and shape decent human beings. That's what I really want. That's what this is all about. And I want to be a catalyst for that
831 02:20:42,120 --> 02:20:50,340 change. And that's why I asked for your story, because I want to know what you did with it, I get all kinds of stories about how people bought cars, and they
832 02:20:50,340 --> 02:20:59,820 went on trips or whatever, they're buying houses, and they don't have their job anymore. And he worked for a big firm now, or they've been picked up by XYZ
833 02:20:59,940 --> 02:21:08,910 Capital Management, you know, and that's great. There's not i'm not dismissing any of that, that's awesome. But I'm really looking for the people that say, you
834 02:21:08,910 --> 02:21:19,500 know, I'm in a position right now where I could change these individuals lives because they're in need. And I was able to do that. And when I see that is, I
835 02:21:19,500 --> 02:21:30,960 selfishly, without saying, so put myself right in the middle of that and say, I was the driver that God used to allow that to happen. And you have no idea, the
836 02:21:30,960 --> 02:21:44,100 sheer joy, the a got a love, I feel when I get that experience, when I have that. That is like over the moon feeling.
837 02:21:44,580 --> 02:21:54,420 It's an emotional wave that hits me, I'm so happy, I share it with my wife, I share it with my kids. And it means something versus just watching dad be on the
838 02:21:54,420 --> 02:22:03,120 computer all the time, that's making videos, it personifies the people that are on the other end, because they just see me talking to a screen, I got
839 02:22:03,120 --> 02:22:09,690 microphones in front of me, they see all these TVs and monitors in front of me anything, you know, I'm playing video games, because I have all these charts and
840 02:22:09,690 --> 02:22:21,180 stuff up. And they felt that from Little kids, to now teenagers. But now I'm able to put human lives behind that, you know, when people give me video
841 02:22:21,180 --> 02:22:31,050 testimonies, or feedback, saying, you know, hi, Michael, you know, I'm so and so from so and so part of the world. And, you know, being with you has been an
842 02:22:31,050 --> 02:22:42,600 experience where, you know, they give it to me from I can see them. And I can hear them in their own voice. And it's, it's, it's an exhilarating experience,
843 02:22:42,600 --> 02:22:52,230 because I get to put the face and voice to people where otherwise it is known by a screen name. And some of them might talk to a lot and you know who it is, if
844 02:22:52,230 --> 02:23:02,250 you speak to me on a day by day basis, or frequently throughout the week. It's not a lot of you, but a few of you are like that. The element of being able to
845 02:23:02,250 --> 02:23:14,490 put you are in your identity with who you are in relationship to me in my teachings, either by free tutorials, or by the mentorship. That's special to me.
846 02:23:14,850 --> 02:23:24,510 You know that to me? it like I said it personifies it. And it means something more to my children, because they get to see what dad's been doing all these
847 02:23:24,510 --> 02:23:33,660 years. And yeah, some of you are paying me 1800 hours. But there's a lot of you that never will spend a penny on anything I've ever done, but you invested your
848 02:23:33,660 --> 02:23:45,810 time, and what I've taught, and you're sharing those testimonies with me. And that's awesome. I mean, that is awesome. I feel so privileged to be such a
849 02:23:45,810 --> 02:23:58,260 simple guy from a little town in Baltimore, Maryland called middle river, okay, to be such an insignificant character in my neighborhood, coming from a low
850 02:23:58,470 --> 02:24:13,200 income very, very modest upbringing. To be such an influence on people all around the world. It's I'm gobsmacked. It's crazy to see how many people I've
851 02:24:13,200 --> 02:24:24,870 impacted over the years. And I want you all to know, when you share those things with me, I treasure that. And when we did the mentorship The first time I had a
852 02:24:24,870 --> 02:24:33,720 peel box where people were required, you're not going to be required to do this by the way, but I required them to send me a hard copy of the signature because
853 02:24:33,720 --> 02:24:42,870 I wanted to ink because I didn't trust Adobe initially, but Adobe sign is really good. It works real good. The credit card companies do not give you your money
854 02:24:42,870 --> 02:24:54,600 back when you request it. And PayPal won't allow you to get your refund either but some people sent me Christmas cards and or gifts from where they were in the
855 02:24:54,600 --> 02:25:05,280 world. And some of them had the opportunity to send me like DVDs, where they record their family and, and what they did. And had, they all sat in front of
856 02:25:05,280 --> 02:25:15,870 Christmas tree. And they all said thank you and what their time with me meant. And that's emotional, like I had the privilege to watch that. And not just by a
857 02:25:15,870 --> 02:25:30,570 few of them, I mean a lot of people. So I take this, this gift that you all give me, by allowing me to share my life with you, the things that I've been able to
858 02:25:30,570 --> 02:25:40,680 grow. So I know some of you guys watch me becoming an asshole, in terms of my ego, online. And, yes, true to form, that's me when it comes to trading. That's
859 02:25:40,680 --> 02:25:56,760 me. But when I'm not wearing that hat, and it's just Michael, this is me. So you all have the ability to touch me like that. And it's a wonderful experience that
860 02:25:56,760 --> 02:26:07,380 I treasure every single time I get an opportunity to do so. And when you guys send me feedback in email, it encourages me, it feels me to do more, because it
861 02:26:07,380 --> 02:26:20,190 shows that my time is not wasted, my efforts are not wasted, my resources aren't being wasted. And I'm not on here pretending I'm actively pursuing a lifetime of
862 02:26:20,400 --> 02:26:31,020 testimonies and stories that I've done something positive in people's lives that made them think differently, and think differently about their neighbor, someone
863 02:26:31,020 --> 02:26:42,900 else that they can help and do for and to see the things that other people are doing. It's crazy, that I had a small part in that, but they give me all the
864 02:26:42,900 --> 02:26:44,130 credit. And I'm not asking
865 02:26:44,130 --> 02:26:53,970 you to do that. I don't want the credit, I just want you to share it with me. Because I love it. My kids, my wife and I would be in tears many times, around
866 02:26:53,970 --> 02:27:03,990 Christmas time, we had literally 700 Christmas cards come in. And some of them came in with gifts, which I didn't ask for. I didn't ask for any of these
867 02:27:03,990 --> 02:27:18,600 things. And it was just your family photos. I mean, people opened up to us. And it was so wonderful. It was wonderful. And that's the community aspect I'm
868 02:27:18,600 --> 02:27:29,820 trying to build, I want that I don't want a stilted business model where you're a customer, I don't want that I don't want that. I want everyone to you to feel
869 02:27:29,820 --> 02:27:38,340 comfortable. Being able to ask me anything you want to ask me. And I want to feel like I can say anything I want to say. Like right now I'm talking to you
870 02:27:38,340 --> 02:27:49,230 like if you were in my home, this is how I would talk to you. I would talk to you the same way if you were here. And I want to conduct myself like that. I
871 02:27:49,230 --> 02:27:57,870 don't have a script, I don't ever write down anything that I'm going to say beforehand, I don't do that. I just want to say what's on my mind how I feel.
872 02:27:58,170 --> 02:28:11,970 And what I feel led to teach. A lot of my teaching comes by way of what's on my heart at the time, or what has been inspired because of some kind of reaching
873 02:28:11,970 --> 02:28:24,450 out by one of my students, whether it be a mentorship student or a free tutorial member. It inspires me to talk about or speak about a specific thing. And most
874 02:28:24,450 --> 02:28:38,220 of the live sessions start with really no preconceived direction. I am led by where the thought processes are, in all the questions that come by which you
875 02:28:38,220 --> 02:28:44,790 don't see. And you'll see me when I mean, when we do live sessions, the recordings, you don't see those questions come by. But they're zipping by
876 02:28:44,820 --> 02:28:54,930 lightspeed hundreds of minute time. So at sometimes go back and scroll up and see. And sometimes I'm getting a question that'll drive the whole live session.
877 02:28:55,860 --> 02:29:10,320 And sometimes people will say, doesn't make any sense why I did that. But I know if I could go back in time, someone with my measure of experience when I was
878 02:29:10,320 --> 02:29:16,950 having good times, and when I was having bad times when I was having dry spells when I really wasn't losing money, but it wasn't making money either. What was
879 02:29:16,950 --> 02:29:24,690 that, like? What was I doing to stay motivated? What were those things that had to endure? To that stuff? You need to know you need to know those things, you're
880 02:29:24,690 --> 02:29:32,160 gonna have times when you can't do anything, right? And where are you going to lean on? Who's going to help you through that? Your spouse isn't going to do
881 02:29:32,160 --> 02:29:41,790 that. As much as they may be supporting your decision right now. I guarantee you. They're not going to be the right one when you can't do anything, right.
882 02:29:42,930 --> 02:29:49,230 They're not going to satisfy you. They're not going to be the encouragement. They could tell you all the things in the world a patch on the back, honey, it's
883 02:29:49,230 --> 02:30:01,950 okay. You'll get through it, to stick it out. You need to have someone that's been there, and I have been there in my stories may not fit the bill. But
884 02:30:01,980 --> 02:30:12,570 honest, and I'll tell you what really happened. And when it was good, it was good. And when it's bad, you learn all about that, and what I did to get through
885 02:30:12,570 --> 02:30:24,570 it. So it's hard. Admittedly, it's very, very hard to stay motivated, especially if you can't see positive results. And the worst thing you can do is listen to
886 02:30:24,570 --> 02:30:34,410 somebody that's never had the downside of it. Because especially if you had someone that's a new person, then they've only had experienced recent
887 02:30:34,980 --> 02:30:45,600 profitability, if you want to call it that our success. That's not someone I would want to learn from, I want someone that has gone through war, you know,
888 02:30:45,600 --> 02:30:56,700 has the scars that prove it, lost a lot of money, and has not had that affect them in terms of their ability to be able to do this long term. And there's very
889 02:30:56,700 --> 02:31:06,270 few people look around me, and there's not a lot of people that can say, they've been doing it a quarter of a century and show this love like, I'm nuts. Like, I
890 02:31:06,270 --> 02:31:18,900 am absolutely insane about the markets, trading price action, the whole lifestyle. I mean, I am, I'm in this, like, I live this stuff. If you can't see
891 02:31:18,900 --> 02:31:31,080 or hear that in when I'm doing my presentations. I don't know. Because I'm telling you right now I am. Like, it's my viagara. Like, I love it. Okay,
892 02:31:31,110 --> 02:31:41,670 I absolutely love it. It fuels my whole existence. And I love my children, I love my wife, okay, but I'm telling him, nothing compares to the feeling of
893 02:31:41,670 --> 02:31:51,960 being able to teach this stuff to people and watch them become able to see it before it happens. And they're understanding the excitement, they share that
894 02:31:51,960 --> 02:32:05,910 enthusiasm and the appreciation. That's what I'm addicted to. Because I know exactly what you're feeling right now. You want to feel confident that you know
895 02:32:05,910 --> 02:32:12,120 what you're looking for, you know what you're going to do, and you're not going to be confused. If it doesn't work out. Or if it starts to turn around, you're
896 02:32:12,120 --> 02:32:19,500 not going to be scared about it. You know what you're going to do as a response to that. I know what that feels like to not have those answers. I know that
897 02:32:20,760 --> 02:32:33,690 there was nobody for me. I had to do all this stuff on my own. And I'm convinced that God and you may not believe in him, but I do. He'll his name will come up a
898 02:32:33,690 --> 02:32:41,790 couple times in the mentorship. But I don't preach to anyone. Because ultimately you're not going to believe in Him unless he leads you to him. So just know that
899 02:32:41,910 --> 02:32:52,260 my faith resides in Christ. I don't always act like a Christian and I don't ever claim to be a poster boy for it. But I am not the Forex Jesus and I'm not forex.
900 02:32:52,260 --> 02:32:59,130 God, I'm not a god. I don't like when people say that. I don't like it when people make references that I don't think like, that's cool. I'm never liking
901 02:32:59,130 --> 02:33:13,440 those posts, I get upset. I get angry. And I'm cringing when I see that. But I believe personally, that God has had his way with me in where I've gone through
902 02:33:13,440 --> 02:33:23,220 certain things in life. The adversities I've experienced through trading and the ups and downs. He used all those things that changed me. Because the initial
903 02:33:23,430 --> 02:33:34,620 luck, I had changed me into the only ego side that you see sometimes on Twitter. That was how I was all the time. I was like that in my personal life. And in
904 02:33:34,620 --> 02:33:45,240 every aspect. I have been humbled in ways you'll never know about. I share a lot of things in in videos and then in the mentorship to stories and such. But you
905 02:33:45,240 --> 02:33:56,520 have no idea that depths, I've been humbled. And believe me, I do a lot of silly stuff online to get a rise out of people. But I know where I came from. And I
906 02:33:56,520 --> 02:34:07,560 know what I've been placed into and had to be humbled. So I know where my blessings come from. I'm not oblivious to that. And it's not coming from your
907 02:34:07,560 --> 02:34:16,260 18 $100 it's coming from him upstairs. So whether you believe in the guy upstairs or not, like I said, That's not neither here nor there. I'm just
908 02:34:16,260 --> 02:34:26,730 telling you, I do and I'm accountable to that person. Okay, I fear Him, okay, and I want to please Him. And the only way I know that I am actively working
909 02:34:26,730 --> 02:34:41,580 towards that goal is if I pour everything that I have all my energy, all my attention, all of my strength, and wisdom experienced everything in everything
910 02:34:41,580 --> 02:34:53,160 that I do when I teach this, and I don't teach it for the money side. I don't teach that. I teach it from the perspective of using it to help other people.
911 02:34:53,640 --> 02:35:02,700 And I believe that I've been blessed because of that perspective and an outlook on it. I don't think that I would have been Successful, if I would have just
912 02:35:02,700 --> 02:35:10,950 said, hey, look, you know, these are my cars. And you can have a car like this, or you can have a home like this, or you can go on vacation like this, or you
913 02:35:10,950 --> 02:35:20,340 can sit on your rear end, and play video games when you want to, you know, that type of lifestyle. You know, mostly young men want that you want that side of
914 02:35:20,340 --> 02:35:29,790 this, I'm going to tell you that that gets old real quick. And then you want substance in your life. And money doesn't fill that void. It makes it a lot
915 02:35:29,790 --> 02:35:40,530 easier to do a lot of things when you have money. But I don't promise you that I promise you a different perspective on life, a different perspective on how to
916 02:35:40,530 --> 02:35:53,940 read price action, and you have the beautiful opportunity to plug in what you're going to do with all these things. I have the wonderful privilege to have
917 02:35:53,940 --> 02:36:06,690 students in other parts of the world that they are working towards building soup kitchens, for people that are hungry, and they're homeless. And that's what
918 02:36:06,690 --> 02:36:16,110 their inspiration is to do well with this. You know how amazing that feels and know that that's what their aspirations are. Not I want to buy a $2 million home
919 02:36:16,110 --> 02:36:26,250 and buy Lamborghinis, and BMWs, and all kinds of Mercedes Benz this and that. They're ons, all that stuff. None of that stuff.
920 02:36:26,430 --> 02:36:36,840 It doesn't that has impressed me. As a younger man it did. That was the driving things for me. But after I got humbled, it changed everything. My perspective on
921 02:36:36,840 --> 02:36:46,860 things changed. Now I like things, I like nice things. But that doesn't define me. Like, I don't feel like I have to have those things anymore. What I'm
922 02:36:46,860 --> 02:37:00,960 interested in is in, in relationships, like I want that, that I want a rich life full of stories that people have shared with me because they want to share them
923 02:37:00,960 --> 02:37:10,230 with me not because I bought it in a book, or watched it by clicking on a YouTube video. This person knows me. And I know them. And we have a relationship
924 02:37:10,230 --> 02:37:22,770 because we shared time together. And intimate time not just I gave you something you paid for it. You know, I live this stuff. You know, and when I share with
925 02:37:22,770 --> 02:37:32,970 you all, my goal is for you to appreciate it. And also feel open enough to share your life with me like I've been sharing mine with you. So hopefully you got
926 02:37:32,970 --> 02:37:42,960 some more insight out of this video. And I probably have, you know, wasted too much of your time. But I want you to know that these links in here. Ultimately,
927 02:37:43,050 --> 02:37:49,800 the video is what you need to watch on YouTube, just go to my YouTube channel, look up ICT mentorship description, please just watch that video because it does
928 02:37:49,800 --> 02:38:01,470 describe everything. The link in the email about the mentorship should open up to this page here. And again, it's the inner circle trader.com backslash
929 02:38:01,500 --> 02:38:12,270 enrollment dot html. If you go to that website, it'll open up this box here. If you agree to the terms, it's outlined in the PDF file link, which if you just
930 02:38:12,270 --> 02:38:26,850 change where it says enrollment dot html, be changed that to mentorship underscore outline dot PDF. If you put that link in your browser, and I'll show
931 02:38:26,850 --> 02:38:28,860 you here, feeling that you can have the link
932 02:38:35,100 --> 02:38:46,980 right there it is mentorship outline PDF, you click on that, it'll open up the PDF file. And it goes through the outline and the risk disclaimers and how the
933 02:38:46,980 --> 02:38:58,350 payments are supposed to be paid all the things that you now have access to. And when you do a chargeback or try to do a request for money. I just send these
934 02:38:58,350 --> 02:39:07,830 links to paypal. And they will be in the link in the description of the video that I'm posting on YouTube channel. So it's time and date stamp to I have a
935 02:39:07,830 --> 02:39:17,040 record, no one's sent me any money. So everything everyone had to see these things to do all the instructions on how to send the money to me. And you will
936 02:39:17,040 --> 02:39:24,600 only know that by having having watched these videos, okay, they're going to hate me because this is a long video. So I'll have to probably put some time
937 02:39:24,600 --> 02:39:35,670 markers at the same time in case some of you guys want to do chargebacks and lose. But the the the build up around all this stuff is really because I want
938 02:39:35,670 --> 02:39:43,350 you to understand what you're getting into. Notice I'm not in a hurry to put all the instructions up there to collect your money. I'm not interested in that. I
939 02:39:43,350 --> 02:39:50,730 want you to have the right mindset going in. I don't want you to waste your time. And I don't want you to feel like you've wasted your money either. But
940 02:39:50,730 --> 02:39:59,340 more importantly, I don't want you to waste my time because my time is very, very valuable. I've explained what I like to do with my time and how I like to
941 02:39:59,340 --> 02:40:08,220 live my life. I do not want to babysit individuals to have weak mindsets, they have to have it their way on their timeframe. And they're not willing to put
942 02:40:08,220 --> 02:40:16,020 work into it. Because this is going to take a lot of work. But I promise you, once you get through the work part of it, you're going to have so much fun, that
943 02:40:16,350 --> 02:40:25,080 the community aspect of what we're building is going to be wonderful. And because you're going to be in an environment where you're not going to worry
944 02:40:25,080 --> 02:40:32,820 about having to live up to someone else's measurement, what they're able to do on their other account. Who cares about that, no one's judging you. No one's
945 02:40:32,820 --> 02:40:41,580 saying you're not doing good enough, or you're not doing enough. And that's an unhealthy environment to be in. So if I've inspired you to, you know, join a
946 02:40:41,580 --> 02:40:50,820 mentorship, wonderful, if I've talked you out of it even better, because that's what this has been about. I don't want just anyone coming in, I could collect
947 02:40:50,820 --> 02:40:59,220 all kinds of money, I could make three and a half million dollars this year, if I let it happen, I don't want to just make money, I can do that on my own, I can
948 02:40:59,220 --> 02:41:08,850 do it rather easily. I want you to be in this because you want to be a part of it, that you have faith in the fact that you have someone that genuinely cares,
949 02:41:08,880 --> 02:41:17,790 I don't want you as a customer, I don't want that. Okay, there's a lot of people out there that sell things, they market things, and they put something together,
950 02:41:17,790 --> 02:41:26,250 they throw it away, and they don't want to be bothered. And I want you to engage with me, I want you to have the same ideas about price action. And I want to
951 02:41:26,250 --> 02:41:36,120 measure your development through the process of the beginning point. And as long as I get to be on this earth and be aware of what's going on around me, I want
952 02:41:36,120 --> 02:41:49,650 to be able to have that luxury to have many friends. Because a lot of my friends don't do this. They don't do this. And it bothers me that I can't talk to them,
953 02:41:49,650 --> 02:41:55,740 like I'm talking to you. Like you all have a genuine interest in the markets, you have a genuine interest about my concepts may not like me personally, or
954 02:41:55,740 --> 02:42:09,180 have an interest in me. And I'm probably bored your mind. Okay, and board your socks off really, for this video. But if you share a same like, the markets, and
955 02:42:09,180 --> 02:42:18,300 I'm gravitating to people like that, because I've had such a void in my life. And that's why I'm passionate. I'm when I'm on Twitter. What I'm feeling at that
956 02:42:18,300 --> 02:42:26,310 moment, is I wish I had friend right now that I could talk about something. And they could appreciate what I just mentioned, like when I say hey, check out your
957 02:42:26,310 --> 02:42:33,570 dollar and smiley face. I wish I would be like hanging with my boys and say, hey, look, hey, look what you're doing, oh, man, look, that's too bad. Look at
958 02:42:33,570 --> 02:42:40,350 how, look, I did this or did that and Ain't that awesome. And it's only have to go on for like hours like I'm going on here. But just to acknowledge, we know
959 02:42:40,350 --> 02:42:49,950 that you know, I mean, that would be cool. But I don't have it. I've never really had that in my life. And I want to fill that void with my relationships
960 02:42:49,980 --> 02:42:57,870 online. And that's why I spend so much time doing it. So hopefully, you've got something out of this video. And you'll actually know what's coming. And I'm
961 02:42:57,870 --> 02:43:06,420 waiting for everyone to get in sync because of the large body of you that sign up for the information. But you haven't acted on it. I've seen you open the
962 02:43:06,420 --> 02:43:17,730 email, but you can't just open email, you got to go to the process of going into this. This right here. When you click on this, when it opens up,
963 02:43:18,119 --> 02:43:25,649 you have to go and put your email address here. If it doesn't say this portion here, if you are not presently enrolled in mentorship, you didn't give me the
964 02:43:25,889 --> 02:43:32,699 the okay to send you the documentation, it would be required. And I'm waiting for about three quarters of the people that signed up, I'm waiting for that
965 02:43:32,699 --> 02:43:40,619 number. And it's a rather large number. When that occurs, and then and only then I'll reach out with everyone at one click, and you all have it. So don't be in a
966 02:43:40,619 --> 02:43:49,109 rush. No one's ahead of you. Everyone will come in at the same time. But I have to make sure that I don't have more work on my hands than it's necessary by
967 02:43:49,109 --> 02:43:55,619 having mentorship students that are already in my mentorship. You know, going through an enrollment process, I don't want I don't want to go it takes a lot of
968 02:43:55,619 --> 02:44:01,889 time to do this by myself. And it's your personal information. So I don't want customer
969 02:44:03,060 --> 02:44:11,910 data or information. I want my stuff shared with people. So I do everything personally, myself. It's a one man show. It's always been that way. You know,
970 02:44:11,910 --> 02:44:18,870 I've never had a whole big conglomerate behind me. And I want to keep it intimate like that, because I respect your privacy. And I want you to respect
971 02:44:18,870 --> 02:44:27,720 mine. So hopefully, you've got more information than you know from this video. And at least if you didn't already know at least know a little bit more about me
972 02:44:27,870 --> 02:44:31,710 and what my motivations are. Until next time, I wish you good luck and good trading.