ICT YT - 2017-11-29 - EurUsd 112817 Review and ICT Mentorship Info.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-22 08:37

00:00:11,700 --> 00:00:22,410 ICT: Okay, folks, I'm going to be reviewing the euro dollar work you see here I did in the demo account for exhibition purposes and informational purposes only.
00:00:22,470 --> 00:00:34,140 So everything you see here in regards to profit is all demo account only. Okay, for full disclosure sake, I teach price action in a demo account. Okay, if you
00:00:34,140 --> 00:00:44,970 have a problem with that, then I'm not the right mentor for you, okay, I, I teach how price is going to move. It's not the same thing as trading profitably.
00:00:45,480 --> 00:00:56,430 Okay, because the demo can can not make you or risk any money. So with that said, just understand that the disclaimer at the beginning of this video is
00:00:56,460 --> 00:01:06,930 very, very important. And past performance is not indicative of future results. So once you take a look at the parameters here for the entries, and times that
00:01:06,930 --> 00:01:18,960 the trades were entered, you can see here on the 28th of November, I wasn't short. At 119 15, this was a limit order. And we'll take a look at that in
00:01:18,960 --> 00:01:34,140 contrast, and that was the London open. And there was a New York entry here on the limit as well at 118 98. And that was in the New York session here. Okay,
00:01:34,140 --> 00:01:44,160 just make sure you reference these price points. Okay. And remember, we go over to the charts, you'll see all those specific reference points again. And then I
00:01:44,160 --> 00:01:54,450 went short again, for another after getting stopped out a small balance of the position ahead on at 89. He travels a little bit too aggressively. And it
10 00:01:54,450 --> 00:02:06,150 stopped me out the trade idea did not change and went back in went short 1871 and managed it only down to my lowest point of exit was 118 30, which is just
11 00:02:06,150 --> 00:02:17,310 five pips away from the lowest possible point, covering a short. And take note that I'm only one PIP away from the New York high. And I'm only four pips away
12 00:02:17,310 --> 00:02:31,200 from the London or daily high of the November 28 2017. Okay, so all this can be found on my Twitter. Again, you guys can follow me on twitter at I am ICT. I
13 00:02:31,410 --> 00:02:50,610 underscore m underscore ICT. And you can see that here, this is my Twitter account. Scroll up here, here you go. That way, you know, you got the right one,
14 00:02:50,640 --> 00:03:03,210 I am ICT. And for the most part. Everything I say here in this video was shared as it was happening with screen captures and charts. And every time I made an
15 00:03:03,210 --> 00:03:12,030 adjustment to stop loss, chilling out position, profits and all that. That was done all on Twitter, and it's still here. Alright, so we're looking at the euro
16 00:03:12,030 --> 00:03:20,820 dollar. This is an hourly chart. And because I'm primarily focusing on scalping, they give me examples of how to scout the New York session because I believe
17 00:03:20,820 --> 00:03:29,130 personally that it's the easiest session, the trade, it's the easiest way to day trade. It's not capturing the entire daily range, which is not necessary to do
18 00:03:29,130 --> 00:03:36,690 very well in the Forex market. But if you take a look at these examples here, and the ones I've been sharing for the last two months or so every single
19 00:03:36,690 --> 00:03:46,380 trading day, every single trading day, there has been an opportunity shared with you with results by way of a demo with execution, trailed stop losses,
20 00:03:46,380 --> 00:03:54,930 management, everything, profits, all that. And I've been sharing that all by way of my Twitter account and you guys can go back and take a look at it's just not
21 00:03:54,930 --> 00:04:04,590 one cherry pick hindsight example. This has been completely walkthrough from the beginning. Okay. I welcome you to go through the Twitter account and you'll see
22 00:04:04,590 --> 00:04:18,840 it. But the first thing I noticed I noticed that the 27th Let's put the daily delineations here. This is Monday's trading. I noticed on Monday, price rally up
23 00:04:19,830 --> 00:04:30,420 but the previous Friday's high and then collapsed down. Now I didn't have any prognostication about this happening. I didn't share it on Twitter. I didn't
24 00:04:30,420 --> 00:04:41,430 talk about anything in regards to doing anything with that. But after the fact, after had broken down, I realized that going into the next day, which was the
25 00:04:41,430 --> 00:04:55,980 28th or Tuesday of this particular week of the recording. Right now it's the 29th of November 2017. My convictions were that this was a false break above it
26 00:04:55,980 --> 00:05:02,430 on high. Now when I see this type of thing, Right away, I'm looking for
27 00:05:03,239 --> 00:05:13,229 the idea that retails gonna be looking at as a potential bull flag, okay, or continuation pattern. That's what this usually is referred to in technical
28 00:05:13,229 --> 00:05:25,139 circles. This is a classic chart pattern. And it's continuation in base. So what we reasonably expect to see is low here up to this high, added to this low and
29 00:05:25,139 --> 00:05:33,599 give some kind of objective probably up into 120. level, it started to even gave me a classic breakout come back retest the trendline crap that I don't like to
30 00:05:33,599 --> 00:05:41,639 believe in. Sorry, if you guys like trend lines, I'm just not a big fan of them. I'm gonna smack them around a little bit in this video. But the longer short it
31 00:05:41,639 --> 00:05:50,939 is, it gave them all the reasons to trust from a retail perspective, but this is going to go higher, even broken other higher high, and they just reversed it.
32 00:05:51,179 --> 00:06:03,089 Okay, so how can I use this information? Well, the way I interpret price when I see this break down like this, and a false break, my eye goes immediately to
33 00:06:03,089 --> 00:06:15,479 where sell stops are. And that's going to be in the form of right here. And right here, okay, but this is a double bottom, okay, and a lot of classic retail
34 00:06:15,509 --> 00:06:26,039 ideas suggest that this is a support level. Okay. And I'm going to put the lipstick on the chart, save me a lot of time. And we'll just go right into the
35 00:06:26,039 --> 00:06:35,189 bare bones of everything. So right now, I want you to focus on these equal lows. This is a retail sell stop liquidity pool. And that sounds like a whole lot. But
36 00:06:35,189 --> 00:06:44,759 basically, it's just an area where a lot of traders will have their protective sell stops for any long positions. So that's classic area, which I like to call
37 00:06:44,789 --> 00:06:55,709 Candyland. It's like taking candy from a baby. It's easy. The market trying to go there 90% of the time. Okay. So we have a failed retail classic continuation
38 00:06:55,709 --> 00:07:06,719 pattern from a bull flag here. rallies up false breakout on Monday collapses down. When I see this, I teach this in my ICT tutorials as a ICT bearish breaker
39 00:07:06,719 --> 00:07:15,659 pattern. One of the strongest technical patterns you're ever going to encounter in price action, and you don't learn it in any other discipline. I'm the only
40 00:07:15,659 --> 00:07:22,649 one that's made it available to other people. A lot of people have taught like false breakouts because this is basically a turtle soup theme. turtle soup is a
41 00:07:22,889 --> 00:07:30,479 price pattern setup that I learned from Linda raschke and Larry Connors from a book called street smarts. excellent book, if you can get your hands on it. A
42 00:07:30,479 --> 00:07:41,519 little pricey worth every penny. But what I've done is if I can't get this pattern, how can I still trade it? And I've focused on a specific reference
43 00:07:41,519 --> 00:07:51,329 point down here. And it's the ice breaker. So basically, it has to come back up, retest that and trade lower now right away. Pundits will say Oh, it's well, it's
44 00:07:51,869 --> 00:08:02,399 it's classic support resistance. No, no, no, because not every swing low and old, low or old high or swing high is the right support and resistance level.
45 00:08:02,699 --> 00:08:14,159 See the context behind this whole thing is what makes my ICT breaker so strong. It is extremely strong. It's highly, highly effective and accurate. So much so
46 00:08:14,159 --> 00:08:25,439 that I had a limit order. And as you can see on the Twitter and when I just showed at the beginning of this video, my entry point was 119 15. It was set on
47 00:08:25,439 --> 00:08:34,739 the limit. I didn't care to be up at London, I couldn't be awake. I was tired, exhausted, and trailed all the way up into hit it. And the actual high comes in
48 00:08:34,739 --> 00:08:44,969 at 119 19. I was only four pips away from the actual high today. Now if I would have been awake, I probably would have been closer to that high. But I'll leave
49 00:08:44,969 --> 00:08:53,699 that up to you whether you believe it or not. I was four pips away from that. And then I got an entry. As you saw on the trade recap at the beginning of the
50 00:08:53,699 --> 00:09:03,929 video, you still find it on Twitter. I went short again at 118 98 want to limit and it was only one step away from the high of The New York session at 118 99.
51 00:09:04,949 --> 00:09:16,709 How much closer can you get? It's hard not to get excited when you see that price can be this predictable. So price shows a willingness to retrace. Here's
52 00:09:16,709 --> 00:09:24,419 the New York setup that I teach. And in this cluster in here, okay, I expect the price to break down a lot more cleaner than it did. And then up, knocking me
53 00:09:24,419 --> 00:09:33,389 out. But the trade idea did not change. And that was aiming for this area right below these equal lows, which is all on Twitter. In fact, I started the whole
54 00:09:33,929 --> 00:09:46,829 theme in thread of discussion yesterday on Twitter on the 28th of November. I said check out your euro dollar 60 minute chart and tell me what you see. It's a
55 00:09:46,829 --> 00:09:56,309 very obvious glaring reference point. And a few of you knew notice right away there was equal double bottoms and there's Candyland. That means that's where
56 00:09:56,309 --> 00:09:58,259 the mark is going to go to most likely if
57 00:09:58,289 --> 00:10:08,129 it's bearish now, how The idea is you have to know what makes this bearish up here. Now, I'm not teaching that here. It's in tutorials, and in the further
58 00:10:08,129 --> 00:10:19,469 implication in the mentorship, but for here, we have a sell signal set up for the New York session with a expectation that we're gonna expand down into that
59 00:10:19,709 --> 00:10:36,029 double bottom to clear out those cell stops. So the levels are specific. Okay. Now again, I'm doing these videos to answer the constant badgering. Okay, that
60 00:10:36,029 --> 00:10:48,629 my less supportive crowd on the internet likes to say that it supplying the man, I in no way have any faith in supply and demand. I think. Go online trading
61 00:10:48,629 --> 00:10:56,549 Academy is teaching a very basic retail perspective, but they put lipstick on it and say it's institutional design institutional lab. Okay, you can say that
62 00:10:56,579 --> 00:11:07,799 disrespectful, I'm just telling you what it is. Okay. It's the truth. long and short of it is I do not deal with zones. I deal with specific price levels. No
63 00:11:07,799 --> 00:11:20,009 one out there. Not teaching anywhere teaches like this. It doesn't happen outside of me. Okay. So yes, there's a little bit of chest beating here, because
64 00:11:20,069 --> 00:11:28,529 I've earned it. No one else is doing and there's a lot of people doing what I've taught now. And they all look smart now on the internet, but they haven't done
65 00:11:28,529 --> 00:11:40,949 it before me teaching it. Okay. So what do I mean by zones? Okay. If I know that we're going to be moving below these equal lows, okay. Supply and demand zones
66 00:11:40,979 --> 00:11:50,129 would say, Okay, well, there might be something down in this area over here that may be a supply or demand zone. Okay, or, as we're coming down to it would be
67 00:11:50,129 --> 00:12:01,679 what a demand zone? Well, I'm not looking at zones. I'm dialed in to a specific price point, if I know there's equal lows right here, I understand that price is
68 00:12:01,679 --> 00:12:13,409 driven from an algorithmic standpoint, numbers, prices delivered by a predetermine algorithm. It will not do things randomly. It does things by
69 00:12:13,409 --> 00:12:24,719 design. So if I see equal lows down there, the algorithm knows that those equal lows exist as well. There's got to be liquidity resting below that. How much
70 00:12:24,869 --> 00:12:39,929 past those equals we'll go, I teach that algorithm will reach 10 or 20, not 12 1827. Who knows how big the range would be if it was a zone? I'm telling you
71 00:12:39,929 --> 00:12:50,759 exactly what to look for. Now pay attention because if this doesn't knock your socks off, you're asleep. Okay, bottom line is is below these lows I'm looking
72 00:12:50,759 --> 00:13:06,269 for two specific price levels to it's 10 pips below it. Which it nails perfectly right there. Okay, what's the low on this candle? 118 36 What's the low on this
73 00:13:06,269 --> 00:13:17,579 candle? 118 36 so below these equal lows, what would be the price not dealing with a zone but what price will we be looking for? 10 pips below that 118 26
74 00:13:17,789 --> 00:13:31,949 What's the low on this candle 118 26 Where the hell is there need for a zoom. It's too ambiguous. I'm precise I'm precision Incorporated. The next level below
75 00:13:31,949 --> 00:13:44,729 these equal lows it reaches for is 20 pips below again, accounts you to pay attention to the levels here. The low is 118 3620 pips below that is what 118 16
76 00:13:45,209 --> 00:13:46,769 What's the low it goes to over here
77 00:13:48,090 --> 00:13:58,980 118 16 stick that in your pipe and smoke it. You cannot get any better than that. It doesn't get any cleaner. It doesn't get any more precise. Forget zones,
78 00:13:59,040 --> 00:14:08,730 forget ambiguity. It's this is what happens. I got in for pips off the high. I got in one PIP off the high on the New York session. And these are the levels
79 00:14:08,730 --> 00:14:21,090 that we would reasonably expect to see traded to. Now my lowest point of covering was 118 33 pips spread. That means I was closing when price was trading
80 00:14:21,090 --> 00:14:36,000 at 118 27. The low was trading at 118 26. And I was doing it while I was shopping in the mall with my wife, with the iPhone, and texting and tweeting,
81 00:14:36,180 --> 00:14:47,040 and putting charts together, all walking around with people bumping into me. Okay, I had so many adversities yesterday doing this on Twitter, and still shown
82 00:14:47,070 --> 00:14:55,020 an example of how to do this with precision. Now, it takes a lot of time to get this. It takes a lot of time to understand the mechanics that dress this whole
83 00:14:55,020 --> 00:15:04,650 thing up. But you had an opportunity to watch me walk through, calling it before the fact that Not in a generalized theme. Okay, I told you exactly where to look
84 00:15:04,650 --> 00:15:16,230 for when price was up here. And I said it was going to go down to here, look at the tweets, look at the charts, I make it very clear, I spell it out. And I aim
85 00:15:16,230 --> 00:15:28,290 for by everyone's expectation to see a run below the 1840 level, I want everybody to focus on the 1840 level. What you could get below 1840 if you're
86 00:15:28,290 --> 00:15:38,580 demonstrating behind me, and mimicking what I was doing was up to you, but I drew your attention to here. My mentorship knows a lot of the things that leads
87 00:15:38,580 --> 00:15:48,870 to this setups over here, both the New York session and the London session. They also know how the reach for these levels down here and when it will go and do
88 00:15:48,870 --> 00:16:01,590 it. I will never make this any more than I have right now. Public. This is just one example. And it gets even more precise than this. It's freaky precise in the
89 00:16:01,590 --> 00:16:13,380 mentorship. Now, go through Twitter, and you'll see all the charts again, but I'm not going to belabor you anymore with this boring stuff, okay, because it's
90 00:16:13,380 --> 00:16:24,090 gonna sound like I'm selling. I don't want you to join the mentorship. If you're lazy, I do not want you to join the mentorship in 2018. If you want signals, I
91 00:16:24,090 --> 00:16:37,230 do not want you to join the mentorship if you are a complainer that wants it easy, because this is not easy. It's not okay. What you get when you sign up for
92 00:16:37,230 --> 00:16:51,390 the mentorship is a complete breakdown in detail, what makes price move? Where is it going? Why is it going there? How far will it go? and What time should I
93 00:16:51,480 --> 00:17:06,210 arrive? All those things get covered, you got 12 months of content you have to go through. It's a lot of information. Each month you sign up, you pay for one
94 00:17:06,210 --> 00:17:16,920 month's worth of content, you have to go through 12 months of content before you get to a charter membership where you can go into areas where the other members
95 00:17:16,920 --> 00:17:25,620 are talking and sharing ideas and questions. You cannot see those things when you first sign up. And as you go through each month, the content you pay for for
96 00:17:25,620 --> 00:17:35,280 that month. And the previous months if you've been paying. They're the only areas in the thread or forum that you can access. There are no live sessions,
97 00:17:35,700 --> 00:17:48,840 I'm not doing signals. I'm not doing over the shoulder, you're only getting the pre recorded teachings, the PDF files, and all the lessons, all that
98 00:17:48,840 --> 00:17:58,560 information, you'll digest it at your own pace. If you want to go through two months worth in one month, as long as you pay for the product. And you supply me
99 00:17:58,560 --> 00:18:04,830 with a satisfaction that you did receive what you paid for it was to your satisfaction and you wish to continue and you authorize your payment for the
100 00:18:04,830 --> 00:18:19,560 next month worth of content, then access your account to allow you to the next level. Anytime you want to quit, you can quit. But you do not ever get a refund
101 00:18:19,560 --> 00:18:32,550 on any payments paid. Now I'll repeat that again. You do not ever receive a refund. PayPal has a really good relationship with me. They've made over $95,000
102 00:18:32,550 --> 00:18:36,810 with me in the last 12 months. They trust
103 00:18:36,990 --> 00:18:47,970 what I'm delivering. They have had people try to get their money back. Six people tried out of all 168 people, six people tried to get their money back. I
104 00:18:47,970 --> 00:18:55,500 only let one person get their money back. Because they started up they thought it was a signal service. And they asked for the money back and it was it was
105 00:18:55,500 --> 00:19:08,160 only a one month long and short it is I have a killer record for chargebacks. They don't work with me. Because you sign your understanding before you go in
106 00:19:08,220 --> 00:19:16,560 that it's no refund, that you agree that it's not a signal service. You agree that I'm not teaching you with a Live account, you're agreeing that it's all
107 00:19:16,560 --> 00:19:28,980 demo account, you agree that it's price action? Study, and I'm not promising you profitability? I can't because it's a demo account. Okay, you're protected, and
108 00:19:29,010 --> 00:19:37,080 I'm protected. What do you do with this information? If you take this information and you segue into a Live account, and you make money with this, I
109 00:19:37,080 --> 00:19:44,340 do not want the credit for that. Because you did that on your own outside of my instruction because I tell you not to do that from jump. And I'm telling you
110 00:19:44,340 --> 00:19:53,100 right now, not to do it equally. So if you take this information, and you jump ahead and you do things that you shouldn't be doing and you take a Live account,
111 00:19:54,060 --> 00:20:02,670 trade and you suffer a loss. That's your responsibility. That's not my responsibility. Just like I don't want credit. For your wins in a high five, I
112 00:20:02,670 --> 00:20:11,580 do not want to hear the sad, gloomy story about how you lost money trading information that you got from the mentorship. Okay, it's completely and utterly
113 00:20:11,610 --> 00:20:22,140 your responsibility. Now, what am I promising, I'm promising a greater understanding of price action, something that you've seen me do for two months
114 00:20:22,140 --> 00:20:31,140 on Twitter, that people in the mentorship watch me do for a full year, every single trading day, there is not one teaching that you will not be able to
115 00:20:31,140 --> 00:20:39,990 access that they have gone through already. The only difference is I'm not doing live sessions, that the teachings that you get from those pre recorded live
116 00:20:39,990 --> 00:20:51,630 sessions are the same as if you were there live with me. They're the folks that want to come in and get live signals. Don't sign up. Because that's not what
117 00:20:51,630 --> 00:21:02,010 this is. I'm teaching you how to read price action to a level of precision that there is no other out there like this. And I mean this, because I've bought just
118 00:21:02,010 --> 00:21:10,260 about everything that exists out there, unless the new folks that just came up. And they probably have mostly my stuff anyway, just being renamed. The longest
119 00:21:10,260 --> 00:21:18,750 route is if you want to learn this, learn it from someone that knows how to do it that authored it all. on it. I'm the one that created this stuff. I'm the one
120 00:21:18,750 --> 00:21:28,800 that formulated it in a way where it's understandable. And it can be communicated by way of a chart, there are so many things that I cannot talk
121 00:21:28,800 --> 00:21:40,800 about in tutorials that the mentorship folks have access to and will have further access to in 2018. Their learning just like yours, once you go through
122 00:21:40,800 --> 00:21:53,460 12 months and you pay the full 12 payments of $150. US dollars that's payable to me, by PayPal, that's the only way that I receive payments, you do not send me
123 00:21:53,490 --> 00:22:05,400 cash, you do not send me bank wires, you do not pay me in Bitcoin, you pay only through bit from a PayPal account, the PayPal account must be in your name with
124 00:22:05,400 --> 00:22:15,930 an email address that you will not change. Do not use a work address. Because if you lose your job, once you lose your access with that email address, it has to
125 00:22:15,930 --> 00:22:25,230 be changed through PayPal, I only correspond with members with email addresses that link up to a PayPal account. If you try to send me an email from an email
126 00:22:25,230 --> 00:22:36,960 address about questions about mentorship level things, I don't I don't answer you. I'm very, very organized. And what I do in the mentorship forum, there's
127 00:22:36,960 --> 00:22:48,600 areas that are blocked off where only I can talk. And I'll give you an example what that looks like. Now. When you sign up with the mentorship, this is the
128 00:22:48,630 --> 00:23:00,690 form you get. Right? Pretty simple. nothing terribly exciting in terms of bells and whistles to get confused over everything's labeled. Every area is designated
129 00:23:00,690 --> 00:23:12,060 for what its purpose is. Okay. And when you first sign up, the only area that you'll have access to is this one right here, September. And I'll click on it in
130 00:23:12,060 --> 00:23:13,050 a second let you see it.
131 00:23:15,180 --> 00:23:26,910 Once you pay for October, and you give me satisfaction for what you received in September, and you you give me this in your payment to PayPal, and every time
132 00:23:26,910 --> 00:23:34,350 you make a payment to me I did automatic payments in the past I am not doing that anymore ever again, it was a nightmare. This way, if you sent me a payment
133 00:23:34,350 --> 00:23:42,630 directly to me, you're authorizing it because you made the payment yourself. Every payment must have a notation included saying that you're absolutely
134 00:23:42,630 --> 00:23:55,380 understanding and agreed to there's no refund ever, and that you wish to authorize payment for the next month's content. By doing so Pay Pal has a record
135 00:23:55,380 --> 00:24:03,240 that you are authorizing your payment that you have received what you paid for previously and you are satisfied. Don't ever ask for your money back because it
136 00:24:03,240 --> 00:24:13,800 won't happen. Okay, you are welcome to quit at any time. As soon as you get access to the next month's content. And no words as soon as I give you access,
137 00:24:13,950 --> 00:24:24,030 it's logged in my form. If you ask for a refund, then I send that information to PayPal, PayPal denies your claim. And if you go to your credit card and you tell
138 00:24:24,030 --> 00:24:30,630 them that you didn't get what you were supposed to get whatever Pay Pal supplies that to your credit card company and your credit card company tells you sorry
139 00:24:30,630 --> 00:24:40,770 for your loss. Eat it. Okay, I do not lose chargebacks and I warned the individual that went to the last time. If you're not 100% behind going through
140 00:24:40,770 --> 00:24:51,300 this, do not send me your money because if you send it to me, I'm not giving it back to you. Only way that's going to happen is if you overpay which I can't
141 00:24:51,300 --> 00:24:57,030 imagine how that's going to happen now because we're not doing automatic payments anymore. You're going to send me a direct payment I'll give
142 00:24:57,030 --> 00:25:09,390 instructions in January when to do and how to do that. But you only receive access to the individual mods that you paid for, you will not be able to engage
143 00:25:09,390 --> 00:25:20,760 other traders, you will not be able to go to the topical studies, you will not be able to go to the general discussion area. Moderator you would never see you
144 00:25:20,760 --> 00:25:31,500 will never be able to go into general ICT archive because this is where areas can be accessed where content and concepts that are in later months discussed.
145 00:25:31,950 --> 00:25:40,320 And I cannot let members that just sign up for September, see and learn about things that would be otherwise discussed and say April or May of 2017 content.
146 00:25:40,560 --> 00:25:51,150 Okay. So it's a graduated understanding each month, okay. And once you completely digest all 12 months, you have the understanding that is required for
147 00:25:51,150 --> 00:26:01,770 me to go through what I'm taking this mentorship group from 2017. And 2018, the content they're going to go through is individual trade plan development, where
148 00:26:01,770 --> 00:26:14,160 I will break down and build with them for not for 12 complete trading plans complete what to do what not to do, when to do everything. see a lot of folks
149 00:26:14,160 --> 00:26:23,100 signed up for the mentorship thinking that they were going to learn signals over my shoulder get in there and make money and none of that was ever promised. It
150 00:26:23,100 --> 00:26:30,510 was never there long and short of it is they wanted something and they didn't pay attention to the description. So I want you to understand what you're
151 00:26:30,510 --> 00:26:38,430 getting is just lessons. And I'll give an example what it looks like here, you click on September, if you sign up for the first month, you would sign in with
152 00:26:38,430 --> 00:26:47,340 your username and your password to get into the forum. And you go to the September thread. And every month, except for the latter months, there's a
153 00:26:47,340 --> 00:26:57,720 couple different months where there's a lot of lessons, but generally I give eight specific lessons per month. These lessons are already done. I'm not doing
154 00:26:57,720 --> 00:27:06,330 anything live, you're paying for all the content. So it's like going through a college course. Okay. Each one of these lessons has an individual unique video.
155 00:27:06,840 --> 00:27:17,190 And then I give you a summary of the entire month's content, or module, we'll call it now. But it's each month they went through the first mentorship group,
156 00:27:17,460 --> 00:27:28,560 they had a respective month of content. And every new month gave him more opportunity to learn something specific. I go through all of these things in
157 00:27:28,830 --> 00:27:36,660 graduated detail, eventually all the way through the mentorship, I reflect back on a lot of different things. And then there's other things that we won't be
158 00:27:36,660 --> 00:27:48,030 able to refer to until 2018 content. So what do I mean by that? You have to go through 12 months of payments and all the content before you see what the
159 00:27:48,030 --> 00:27:49,770 mentorship group is doing right now.
160 00:27:50,280 --> 00:27:59,520 Once you pay for all 12 months, and you've said you basically provide any satisfaction for what you got. You are now a charter member. You never ever,
161 00:27:59,520 --> 00:28:09,270 ever pay anything again. But your learning continues. Obviously, you guys see me do 10 years of this stuff for free. Okay, I'm not going away. I love teaching,
162 00:28:09,540 --> 00:28:16,320 but I'm not giving you my best content on YouTube. And I'm not giving it away for free. Okay, because people are taking it, they're selling it, they're making
163 00:28:16,320 --> 00:28:26,250 money off of it. And it's basically it's my stuff. It's it's mine, okay, and it's been abused. So my higher level learning stuff will not be shared publicly.
164 00:28:26,640 --> 00:28:35,220 A lot of people say it's the tutorials rehashed. They have no idea what they're talking about, the people have gone through it no differently, okay. So
165 00:28:36,120 --> 00:28:44,940 understand that you have to go through 12 months of content, and then you are a charter member. And then you have access to everything on the forum. Each month
166 00:28:44,940 --> 00:28:59,070 you pay, you only have the access of that month and any previous month period, you cannot access later months content. Okay, if you only paid 12 months in, you
167 00:28:59,070 --> 00:29:08,250 can't look at the third or fourth or fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth 10th or 12 months content, or engage other members. Because I do not want the content
168 00:29:08,250 --> 00:29:18,330 being shared. Okay, you're paying for it just like the rest of the group did. And the 18 $100, you end up paying in total to me and US dollars is your
169 00:29:18,540 --> 00:29:31,950 contribution to me supporting this forum, the live sessions that I will eventually do in the future, and 2019 will be a little bit more over the
170 00:29:31,950 --> 00:29:43,980 shoulder because it'll feel closer to a I don't want to say signal service, but you'll be able to see everything applied, because we'll have 12 trading plans.
171 00:29:44,460 --> 00:29:50,580 And we'll have something that we can pull out of price action. And I can say Okay, now we're going to use this and we're going to actually trade it live in a
172 00:29:50,580 --> 00:29:58,500 demo in 2019. Now, I know it sounds like I'm kicking the can way down the road. But once you start going through this content, believe me the members that gone
173 00:29:58,500 --> 00:30:07,530 through it, it's such a huge amount of information, their heads are still spinning, they, there's just so much. So I have to gradually pull, I mean,
174 00:30:07,530 --> 00:30:17,040 you're looking at 25 years worth of my understanding, and I'm still not done giving it out. So that's what you're paying for, you're paying for access to me,
175 00:30:17,880 --> 00:30:26,550 you go to a doctor, every time you go to him, you got to pay, you got to pay every single time. With me, once you get all the content and the 12 month
176 00:30:26,580 --> 00:30:35,040 modules, you never pay anything else again. But you always have access to me. And I'm always constantly giving higher level learning out through the
177 00:30:35,040 --> 00:30:48,630 mentorship forum. And, or in, like I said, in future live sessions Now, with this, every single day is a video every single day, every single day, each
178 00:30:48,630 --> 00:30:57,060 month, there's a video. Okay, there's a recap video. And then Monday through Friday, there's a video, okay, some of the videos are really, really long, some
179 00:30:57,060 --> 00:31:09,480 of them not so long. The longer short it is, it's over 500 plus videos, because you have learning from tons of so much information, it's insane. long and short
180 00:31:09,480 --> 00:31:21,600 it is I do not want you to sign up, if you are not 100%, behind the idea of paying 18 $100 over 12 installment payments, that you can pay at your own pace.
181 00:31:21,870 --> 00:31:30,540 If you want to go through three months of content, I'm not advising it. But I'm also saying if you want to do it that way to get closer to what is available to
182 00:31:30,540 --> 00:31:39,090 the mentorship group that's in there. Now, you can do that. But you have to pay every payment one payment at a time and get access to the content and then
183 00:31:39,090 --> 00:31:47,490 supply me satisfaction in your next payment. Saying that you were satisfied what you received, you wish to continue and you authorize your payment naturally,
184 00:31:47,490 --> 00:31:56,040 because it's being paid directly to me. And when you do that, I actually give you access to the next month. And I can only do it one month at a time. I've had
185 00:31:56,040 --> 00:32:04,920 folks asked me in the past, can I just give you the 18 $100? And the answer is no. Because this way, you're giving me a track record and prove to your credit
186 00:32:04,920 --> 00:32:12,930 card company or your bank. And with PayPal, that you paid individual installment payments that you receive what you were supposed to get it was described
187 00:32:12,930 --> 00:32:23,220 perfectly and you got it as described, nothing was broken, missing or miss represented. And also you wish to continue and you're completely satisfied. I do
188 00:32:23,220 --> 00:32:33,480 not give my stuff out for free. It doesn't happen. So if you're going to go through this, go through all the way and expect to pay 18 $100 US dollars.
189 00:32:34,770 --> 00:32:47,370 Once that's done, there's no upsell, there's no I gotcha. Now I need you to pay me for this. And that no, it costs about $7,000 a year, okay to do all the live
190 00:32:47,370 --> 00:32:56,370 media stuff, which I don't intend to do any of that in 2018. It'll all be pre recorded things where I do the breakdown of the trading plans. All those things
191 00:32:56,370 --> 00:33:07,110 will be recordings that you'll have access to. in 2019. I'll return back to doing live sessions. But it won't be like I did with the mentorship because it
192 00:33:07,110 --> 00:33:15,360 was grueling. I mean, they were it was every single day hours, both London and New York session. And it's just too much I can't do it. Once we have trading
193 00:33:15,360 --> 00:33:23,280 plans designed, we can go into the marketplace and say okay, do we have it set up with this plan? Do we have a set up with this plan. So we'll have 12 choices
194 00:33:23,280 --> 00:33:30,900 to choose from each day that we can sort through. And then if there's a setup, we can go in, I'll have a live setting, and you can watch me engage and do the
195 00:33:30,900 --> 00:33:39,600 actual entry then. But that's a year from now. Okay, you have so much to learn and practice and get used to before any of that is going to be any benefit to
196 00:33:39,600 --> 00:33:48,450 you. So understand, this is not a live signal service. I am not giving you financial advice. I'm teaching you how to practice in a demo account and
197 00:33:48,450 --> 00:33:57,330 understand price action. You saw what I could call in terms of the moose, the last two months on Twitter, you've seen the results of it. I'll leave it up to
198 00:33:57,330 --> 00:34:07,020 you to decide whether there's anything there. You want your interest in pursuing it. You do not need to sign up to the mentorship. No one is going to twist your
199 00:34:07,020 --> 00:34:18,270 arm. But I do not want to hear complaints about anyone saying I'm forcing you to buy it because I'm not forcing anyone. If you send me money to PayPal, you did
200 00:34:18,270 --> 00:34:26,820 it on your own. I didn't rob you but gunpoint. I didn't do any home invasions, okay, so it's completely and utterly up to you. My free tutorials. There's
201 00:34:26,820 --> 00:34:35,070 plenty to learn in there. But you will not get what you get in the mentorship with just the free tutorials. And that's just the way it is. There's a couple
202 00:34:35,070 --> 00:34:42,660 people that quit. They didn't finish the last month. And they went online and through Twitter or whatever they say, you know, I'm out of the mentorship and
203 00:34:42,660 --> 00:34:50,850 it's basically the same stuff. You have no idea what you're talking about, okay? They they breezed through the content. And I'm telling you, the folks that have
204 00:34:50,850 --> 00:35:01,050 gone through the work and doing it for real and doing the actual study and the things I'm teaching them to do. They see price action in total wholly different
205 00:35:01,890 --> 00:35:12,000 perspective than just the free free tutorials, and no other discipline out there gives you this type of information, it doesn't exist, it does not exist. Okay.
206 00:35:12,330 --> 00:35:21,240 So I'll say this off. And this is a great deal respect, there's only one other person out there. One other person out there that I would advocate learning from
207 00:35:21,450 --> 00:35:36,240 is Chris Laurie. And Chris Laurie, you can find him on Chris laurie.com. It's CHRISL ri.com. And he sells his information too. And he doesn't teach what I'm
208 00:35:36,240 --> 00:35:45,960 teaching. Okay. I'm just telling you, you're learning something completely and utterly unique. And I've proven daily, the last two months, every single day on
209 00:35:45,960 --> 00:35:55,410 Twitter, that there's a setup every single day with just scalping and you learn position trading, you learn swing trading, short term trading, which is my one
210 00:35:55,410 --> 00:36:06,960 shot, one kill method, day trading, and in scalping. So how many opportunities do you have to have the practice in a demo account? That's plenty. So hopefully,
211 00:36:06,960 --> 00:36:17,250 this has been a well rounded overview about what it is you get. And it's up to you whether you decide to join, if you do, I promise you, you have my utmost
212 00:36:17,250 --> 00:36:25,200 effort to make sure you understand everything there is to learn from my perspective, and it doesn't stop, it just keeps going and going and going to
213 00:36:25,200 --> 00:36:32,880 worrying won't ever stop, I do not have a timeline for this website to ever go down, it's just going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and more
214 00:36:32,880 --> 00:36:43,110 information. And you can see in some of the threads, there's over 12,000 posts. So it's not like we just started, there's a lot of exchange of good ideas, we
215 00:36:43,110 --> 00:36:55,800 have a really good environment, in terms of a community, I don't tolerate any goofing off, or any kind of disrespect, we run a very, very community based
216 00:36:56,490 --> 00:37:04,920 service here. And I don't want disruption, anyone that's disruptive, I will remove you. And again, you will not have a refund. I'll let you have content
217 00:37:04,950 --> 00:37:14,040 that you paid for. But your membership will be ended after that. So you also are not allowed to talk about it. And you sign an NDA, which is a nondisclosure
218 00:37:14,040 --> 00:37:25,320 agreement. If you are caught sharing, which I've seen this before, and I've kicked people out. You're not to share the information, you're not to engage me
219 00:37:25,320 --> 00:37:30,810 on Twitter and share the charts with the information that you learn in mentorship. If you do, you're gone.
220 00:37:31,380 --> 00:37:43,170 You get kicked out, okay, it's not for public consumption. And I'm very strict with it. So I lean on a lot of folks, and I expect my content to be mine. Okay.
221 00:37:43,500 --> 00:37:52,920 If people want to learn it, they can pay me to learn it. They don't need to go and learn it from Joe Schmo on, you know, whatever. Something new second best
222 00:37:53,520 --> 00:38:04,860 blog. We're not I'm not in the business of, you know, giving handouts to next guy to start up a business. Okay, I'm on the genuine article on the real McCoy.
223 00:38:05,040 --> 00:38:13,260 I've proven it. I've shown it. People have used it, just the free content and done really well. The people that go into the mentorship, they're starting to
224 00:38:13,260 --> 00:38:21,870 manage people's money, okay, they're starting funds, okay? These are all things that they are able to do with their understanding. I didn't promise them that.
225 00:38:22,110 --> 00:38:29,040 They just know that they feel comfortable doing it. And that's what I want you to understand. The only thing I'm promising is a greater understanding of price
226 00:38:29,040 --> 00:38:39,690 action, not profitability, not quitting your job. If you decide to do this with live money, and it makes you profits, you get the credit for that, not me. So
227 00:38:39,690 --> 00:38:45,180 hopefully this has been insightful. Hopefully it's encouraged you and if anything else answered your question about what you get with the mentorship.
228 00:38:45,300 --> 00:38:53,280 It's 12 months at $150 1800 hours in total. After that you never pay anything else but the learning never ends. Until next time, I wish you good luck and good
229 00:38:53,280 --> 00:38:53,520 trading.