ICT YT - 2017-10-10 - ICT New York Live Session - October 10 2017.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-22 08:34

00:03:37,230 --> 00:03:45,240 ICT: Morning folks, just real quick, make sure you guys read the disclaimers here. It's important
00:04:31,650 --> 00:04:43,440 Okay, just give me one more minute or two I got to make sure I can get my time delay determined. I kind of warned you guys I'd be clumsy the first couple times
00:04:43,710 --> 00:04:51,120 haven't used this medium for a while. The standby minutes minute or two longer and we'll begin
00:05:54,780 --> 00:06:10,590 Okay folks, come on morning. Welcome to the inner circle trader live session. This will be a brief one today, simply because I want to make sure I have very
00:06:10,590 --> 00:06:29,100 small, short presentation. And then we'll go into a recap later on today, I'll post it to YouTube. Okay, first and foremost, I'm only gonna talk about cable.
00:06:29,670 --> 00:06:39,360 And you're probably wondering where that was. Lastly, in my YouTube presentations, I gave you optimal trade entry examples to study. It's meant to
00:06:39,450 --> 00:06:49,980 get your attention on finding them in price action, without knowing what they look like in advance, you'll never see them before the fact currently surreal
00:06:49,980 --> 00:07:02,550 real time which is necessary, obviously, unfortunately, for profitable trading lbmc and not look at it in hindsight. So today, I want to talk about the effects
00:07:02,550 --> 00:07:12,630 of optimal trade entry, I can anticipate optimal trade entry before even forms in the chart. And I'm going to try to do that in about 30 minutes. So we'll
10 00:07:12,630 --> 00:07:26,520 break at 815 right now at 7:44am. So I got about 31 minutes or so. Presently, right now to see you guys know, I'm holding a small portion of the trade on, I'm
11 00:07:26,520 --> 00:07:38,310 looking for that objective here. And if I can get that there'll be full profit for me for a day trade. I get a lot of questions, by way of email. I'm not gonna
12 00:07:38,310 --> 00:07:48,120 be teaching swing trading, am I gonna be doing a position trading? Am I gonna be teaching options? The only thing I'm promising you live sessions with, and
13 00:07:48,150 --> 00:08:00,660 working with you until December, so is day trading. If this doesn't fit your interest, I understand. I'm not here to twist your arm. But that's all I'm going
14 00:08:00,660 --> 00:08:11,460 to be doing. I'm not teaching mentorship stuff. So got to take what you get. Okay? I promise, what you get from me is very useful. And it'll help you whether
15 00:08:11,460 --> 00:08:20,430 you're a long term trader, and not because it can give you really good entry techniques, regardless of what type of trader you are. Alright, so the first
16 00:08:20,430 --> 00:08:30,120 thing I want to talk about this morning is the fact that we have the market. We're trading on Tuesday, generally Tuesdays that really pretty good day, in
17 00:08:30,120 --> 00:08:41,190 terms of directional bias, and moving one sided. Now, this morning, or overnight, rather, for me, London was a little bit lethargic, I was wanting to
18 00:08:41,190 --> 00:08:53,910 see a little bit more energy in it, and hasn't produced it yet. But now we're in the New York open. Okay, and I'm getting a lot of folks asking for this
19 00:08:53,910 --> 00:09:02,580 indicator down here, I don't want to promote the idea that you need it, you don't need it. Okay, they're just little tools. And many of them have been
20 00:09:02,580 --> 00:09:12,390 created for me by my students. I don't program these things. I couldn't program, an MT four indicator to save my life to be quite honest with you. But you don't
21 00:09:12,390 --> 00:09:21,180 need them. Okay. All you need to know is how to bracket them in terms of when they begin and when they end. And I'll I'll cover that it's not important now
22 00:09:21,180 --> 00:09:33,600 because it's all on its soils. So the question, I'm sure it's just, why is this entry here? You know, why that enter here? And maybe not maybe over here, or
23 00:09:33,600 --> 00:09:47,730 maybe over here? Or maybe even here? Okay, or why not right now? Well, right now would be a potential scenario for the New York open, looking for a run on the
24 00:09:47,730 --> 00:09:59,580 overnight highs, okay, but I want to talk about what leads to this entry, why I felt it was there, and also how to anticipate optimal trade entry because like,
25 00:09:59,580 --> 00:10:08,550 I gave you a samples last night with Aussie dollar. I gave the examples with the euro dollar. Now I'm going to give you what I saw that led to this entry here.
26 00:10:08,880 --> 00:10:20,070 And truth be told I did a recording while this whole thing unfolded, it's going to be sped up, it'll be part of the recap that I gave you guys on YouTube. It's
27 00:10:20,400 --> 00:10:28,200 very, very generic. It's not a whole lot of bells and whistles on on the presentation, because, frankly, I put the trade on and I went to sleep. Okay, I
28 00:10:28,200 --> 00:10:38,070 didn't worry with it. I let it go on autopilot. So I'm going to teach you a way where you can not have to be up during London open, because there's a lot of
29 00:10:38,070 --> 00:10:45,840 folks that get scared when they're like, Okay, I have a job. I can't be up ICT. I can't do it. You know, but I want to trade it, I see this opportunity, but I
30 00:10:45,840 --> 00:10:50,820 can't do it. Yes, you can do it. There's no excuse, why can't do it. I'm gonna teach you one concept
31 00:10:51,089 --> 00:10:59,189 on how to do it. There's lots of them. And there's lots of different nuances that goes along with increasing the profitability and probabilities for these
32 00:10:59,189 --> 00:11:05,579 setups. But that's all mentorship stuff, okay. And I hate to sound like I'm dangling a carrot. But I want to make sure we're making a very clear distinction
33 00:11:05,579 --> 00:11:18,689 about what you're learning. And what you're not going to be learning. Okay. The tutorials that will be populated on this forum, they'll teach you 95% of
34 00:11:18,749 --> 00:11:29,399 everything that the folks in the mentorship learned that last 5% was just simply having me point to it, talk about it, and get things I'm not going to talk about
35 00:11:29,399 --> 00:11:39,929 in public. Okay, so, do you absolutely need that last 5%? In my opinion, I don't believe you do. But it was made available for folks. So it will not be made
36 00:11:39,929 --> 00:11:47,849 available in the future. So please don't ask me about the mentorship because it's not going to be there. Okay. All right. So we're gonna talk about this
37 00:11:47,849 --> 00:11:59,249 entry here, what leads to future optimal trade entries, how to anticipate them. Okay, and we're going to go over to another chart, right here. And I'm gonna go
38 00:11:59,249 --> 00:12:10,499 over how the daily chart is a gold mine. Okay, and you have to understand this particular timeframe, if there's any one timeframe that I think is the most
39 00:12:10,499 --> 00:12:22,289 important, it's this one, you want to be able to determine what the banks are going to be identifying. And you see a lot of folks on YouTube lately, there's,
40 00:12:22,469 --> 00:12:31,559 everyone knows something about the Forex market. And I don't claim to be an expert, I don't claim to be the Forex God, I get a lot of folks that say those
41 00:12:31,559 --> 00:12:41,069 types of things. And I don't really encourage that. Because I make mistakes just like anybody else. I'm not perfect, I mess it up. And, frankly, you're gonna
42 00:12:41,069 --> 00:12:53,369 mess it up too. All you need to know is where the probabilities lie with future setups. And you need to be able to take those setups with no fear, no
43 00:12:53,369 --> 00:13:05,069 nervousness and just dial in on what it is you're looking for. You find that on the daily chart. Now, obviously, the daily chart is very slow. And if you're a
44 00:13:05,069 --> 00:13:12,449 day trader, and you have not learned the view the market like this, it seems like this is not the type of timeframe you should be working with, you should be
45 00:13:12,449 --> 00:13:19,559 watching the one minute or five minute chart and that's a problem that's an error. I mean these same problems and errors when I first started as a trader
46 00:13:20,759 --> 00:13:27,419 back in the 90s as a commodity trader, but I want you to look at this crude depiction here. Okay, and we're going to work with this diagram I'm gonna show
47 00:13:27,419 --> 00:13:35,999 you how I identified the setup and how you can anticipate these things going forward so that we can go from the live session today and start using it right
48 00:13:35,999 --> 00:13:50,279 away. So we're going to illustrate here with like, a swing high and a swing high is any time where we have one individual candle or in this case I'm using open
49 00:13:50,279 --> 00:14:00,719 high low and close over here so these are called Open high low close I'm using it to simply to illustrate with a greater clarity what you're looking
50 00:14:00,719 --> 00:14:08,939 specifically for now it can be illustrated with a candlestick but for teaching purposes and because this is how I internalize the candlestick anyway, I want
51 00:14:08,939 --> 00:14:18,449 you to be able to see it like this okay, but understand, it can be viewed in the same conceptual manner with a candlestick. But we have a high and this is
52 00:14:18,449 --> 00:14:26,039 representing individual days on a daily chart, okay, this is one particular trading day, this is another trading day. This is another trading day. Whenever
53 00:14:26,039 --> 00:14:33,659 we have a swing high, okay, in old days, we call them ring highs before we had computers we actually draw a little circle around that denoting that was a short
54 00:14:33,659 --> 00:14:44,429 term high in the market may sell off and have a measurable decline in future time. When we have this, okay, when we have this swing high, you want to be
55 00:14:44,429 --> 00:14:54,749 looking at the previous day's lows. Okay, for instance, this one here, we watch price trade through it and it closes below it. When we have that we know that
56 00:14:54,749 --> 00:15:08,549 the next day, that same scenario is probably going to repeat itself. So You just take your attention and focus it on the previous day's low right here. Okay,
57 00:15:08,789 --> 00:15:15,959 what's going to be residing below that? It's going to be liquidity, okay, it's going to be new orders, it's going to be traders that want to trade on a
58 00:15:15,959 --> 00:15:28,919 breakout selling short. All you're doing as a trader is you're trying to interpret with prices leading you to believe based on market sentiment. Okay,
59 00:15:28,919 --> 00:15:38,069 market sentiment is what the opinion is about the marketplace right now, does it have a bullish stance to it or a bearish stance to it. And what you're looking
60 00:15:38,069 --> 00:15:39,839 for is how to blend that with
61 00:15:39,990 --> 00:15:50,730 what may be existing in the marketplace in the form of orders. Now, I don't personally believe that there is a good way to interpret where orders are in the
62 00:15:50,730 --> 00:16:00,840 Forex except for understanding price action, because you're never going to get the vast pool of liquidity visible to you, in the sense that like, if you watch
63 00:16:00,840 --> 00:16:09,990 a futures market, you can look at things and tools that will give you a good idea where buys and sells and existing orders may be coming into the
64 00:16:09,990 --> 00:16:21,090 marketplace, which is where market profile and, and depth of market those types of things. Well, I don't subscribe to the opinion of that. I think they're more
65 00:16:21,090 --> 00:16:29,250 useful in those types of markets. For forex, forget about it, you're not going to get it in forex, because you're not, you're not going to be able to see those
66 00:16:29,250 --> 00:16:37,320 orders coming in. It's too vast of a marketplace. And it's no centralized way of drawing all those orders in. So we have to internalize where these orders are
67 00:16:37,320 --> 00:16:46,470 and where they would be residing. And that's going to be above and below daily highs and lows, in other words below the previous day's low and above the
68 00:16:46,470 --> 00:16:55,170 previous day's high. So if we have a turning point potentially in place with a swing high, it means one high, with a lower high to the left of it and lower
69 00:16:55,170 --> 00:17:02,190 high to the right of it. Once this is seen in price, you already know what you should be looking for. It's that quick, it's that easy. You should not be
70 00:17:02,190 --> 00:17:10,710 looking at your charts for 45 minutes and waiting and staring it trying to determine what it is you're trying to look for. When I look at price, I look at
71 00:17:10,710 --> 00:17:17,400 it in terms of market structure. And this is the first element of market structure. I'm gonna teach it today. Okay, it's very simple approach, look for a
72 00:17:17,400 --> 00:17:27,840 swing high or look for a swing high or low. So right now, as soon as we had this scenario in price, we'll be looking for orders to be tagged or reached for below
73 00:17:27,870 --> 00:17:37,380 this particular day's low. Now I'll give you an example what that would look like. You have a candle here or a daily bar, these little tiny little ones here,
74 00:17:37,380 --> 00:17:48,030 these are Sundays, we're going to try to forget them this platform, or this demo includes Sundays, I wish it didn't, but it is. So we have a high here that's
75 00:17:48,030 --> 00:17:58,800 lower than this one. And then the next candle or bar is here. So this is a swing high. So the orders are going to be below this particular day's low. So as a
76 00:17:58,800 --> 00:18:09,570 trader, we would look for the market to want to read below that low and it does that right here. Okay. And as long as we do not move back above the swing high
77 00:18:09,600 --> 00:18:20,730 or a lower swing high, which this becomes another swing high. One high, lower, high, lower, high, but notice how each low keeps getting tagged below the
78 00:18:20,730 --> 00:18:30,900 previous day's low. This is the big beginning and building blocks of understanding daily bias. Man, if I could tell you one question comes by way of
79 00:18:30,900 --> 00:18:38,490 email all the time is if you could just tell me how to know what data is going to go up or down? What's the direction? I could use your tools and make money?
80 00:18:38,670 --> 00:18:46,650 Well, you wouldn't. Okay, because there's so many other things to it. You think that's what it's all it's necessary, but it's not. Okay, price will teach you to
81 00:18:46,650 --> 00:18:56,280 chase things that really aren't there. So I'm giving you basic framework here. It's a very simple concept, do not discount this, because I'm telling you, I use
82 00:18:56,280 --> 00:19:05,040 this almost every single trading day. And I'm showing you look how many times they're set up there. Now, I'm not talking that in hindsight, I'm not putting
83 00:19:05,280 --> 00:19:12,270 lines on the chart and moving them around, you're seeing the actual orders in you're seeing the results of the orders, you're seeing the timestamps on the
84 00:19:12,270 --> 00:19:22,260 orders, it's there, just like that. Okay, you can see that, okay, so the bottom line is, you need to know where the market is going to be drawn to. Okay, so
85 00:19:22,260 --> 00:19:32,850 when we have a swing high, we want to look for the lows to be taken and reached for we have another swing high here. Okay, when that candle or daily bar
86 00:19:32,850 --> 00:19:40,680 finishes, the next day, we're gonna be looking for price to reach below that as well. It does that. Okay, irrespective to where the opens. I don't care about
87 00:19:40,680 --> 00:19:49,110 that for right now. I just know that the market is going to be drawn to the previous day's low and go below it to some degree. I'm not teaching you how far
88 00:19:49,110 --> 00:20:02,670 it's gonna go. I'm only telling you to look there. Okay. So now, what do you think it is, in terms of reversing that scenario? Well, it's just how easy If
89 00:20:02,670 --> 00:20:18,600 you have a swing low, okay, that's going to be in the form of a daily candle or bar that has higher lows on either side of it.
90 00:20:21,990 --> 00:20:32,460 Okay, so we have a daily candle or bar, another lower one, and then a higher one. So we have one day that has a higher low to the left and a higher low to
91 00:20:32,460 --> 00:20:43,500 the right. This is a ring low or swing low. Okay. We don't call them ring ones anymore. But it's traditionally called now a swing high swing low, this is a
92 00:20:43,500 --> 00:20:54,270 swing low. When we have this, the market is going to want to seek the liquidity resting the previous day, it's high. Once it's seen here, right here, I don't
93 00:20:54,270 --> 00:21:02,790 care where it closes. Okay, I'm looking for this pattern, a low with a higher low to the right and a higher low to the left. When I know this I Amelie draw my
94 00:21:02,790 --> 00:21:16,560 attention to the day before is high, there's a strong likelihood that the banks will probe that area for liquidity. I don't care if it only goes up 40 pips and
95 00:21:16,560 --> 00:21:27,570 then fails and goes lower. I don't care about that. Because if I can get 60 pips from my entry to a 40 pit run above the previous day's high, that's enough for
96 00:21:27,570 --> 00:21:37,020 me to profit. And that's all you need as well. You may not want to be a day trader, you may not like the idea of a day trader. But that's the most frequent
97 00:21:37,020 --> 00:21:45,660 setup. It's always there every single trading day there to trade every single time. Now, I'm not telling you this, as new traders, if you're listening to
98 00:21:45,660 --> 00:21:54,000 entice you to try to do this every single day, I'm just telling you, I've been doing this for 24 years now, I can read price, I can see things that you won't
99 00:21:54,000 --> 00:22:05,490 be able to see without a long period of study. My hopes are that you'll see that there's an opportunity there to be looked at and studied at least a handful of
100 00:22:05,490 --> 00:22:16,560 examples over a course of a month. You can carve out a career just doing that. And using alerts on a an app that goes along with your trading platform and live
101 00:22:16,560 --> 00:22:27,030 demo accounts can set up alert systems and like send you a text message. When at particular levels hit that way you can go in and start looking for it. On the
102 00:22:27,030 --> 00:22:35,460 optimal trade entry primer video, I gave you how to look for a higher timeframe level wait for market structure break or short term high when it's bullish, and
103 00:22:35,460 --> 00:22:43,620 then wait for that retracement to catch by reversing it for selling short when you have a hard timeframe resistance level wait for price to break the short
104 00:22:43,620 --> 00:22:53,460 term low. That's a market structure break on the downside. Wait for the retracement sell short, okay? Very simple, very, very generic. Now by itself,
105 00:22:53,610 --> 00:23:01,740 you can get in a lot of trouble with it. Okay, because you have to understand some things. This is what you need to see. To help you along with that basis.
106 00:23:02,190 --> 00:23:11,070 That original concept of market structure retracement, look for expansion, what I gave you in an optimal trade entry primer video, this is the missing piece
107 00:23:11,070 --> 00:23:21,900 that you need for bias. Notice that it's not moving averages. It's not all kinds of indicators. It's simply reading raw price action. There's so many things out
108 00:23:21,900 --> 00:23:28,740 there that's going to try to get your attention and try to draw you away from looking at just this simple concept. There's four things you need to worry about
109 00:23:29,010 --> 00:23:37,200 the opening price, the high, the low, and the closing price of any timeframe you're looking at what timeframes are most important, the one you're staring at
110 00:23:37,200 --> 00:23:46,740 right now with me daily? Now, if we know that this is what most likely is going to occur on the banking horizon, in other words,
111 00:23:47,010 --> 00:23:55,920 what the banks are focused on where do they want to take price? This is what they do. Now, I'm not here to get an arm wrestling match. You can go on Twitter
112 00:23:55,920 --> 00:24:02,160 and arm wrestle me and tell me you know, I don't know I'm talking about but look, you haven't been where I came from. And I know this stuff like the back of
113 00:24:02,160 --> 00:24:11,220 my hand. And if it isn't true, then how am I able to do it? Because it's not indicators. It's doing it. So all I'm asking is if you're on the fence about it
114 00:24:11,250 --> 00:24:22,620 or about me, just look at the information and you make a decision on that. Okay, who cares about me, it's not about me. Okay. So now we have this pattern right
115 00:24:22,620 --> 00:24:32,700 here. The swing low. Well, we have a candle or daily bar here, with its low here. The next day, it's here, which is last Friday. And then we had the Sunday
116 00:24:32,700 --> 00:24:39,720 candle. So you got this this the Sunday candle like pretend it's not there. If you can get a demo account that has the dollar index and doesn't have Sunday
117 00:24:39,720 --> 00:24:48,960 candles, man, you got to go mine. That's wonderful because I wish I could get Sunday candle out of this particular demo. But the next candle has a higher low
118 00:24:48,960 --> 00:24:57,510 here. So we have a low, higher low and a higher low. So what is this? A swing low. So now what we're doing is if we're looking for the liquidity above the
119 00:24:57,510 --> 00:25:08,850 previous day's high, that's yesterday's Hi, that's right here. So the high comes in at 131 87. So I know that there's a strong likelihood that the market's going
120 00:25:08,850 --> 00:25:17,370 to want to probe above that previous day's high. Why? Because the banks are going to want to offset their buying because they bought down here. How do I
121 00:25:17,370 --> 00:25:26,430 know that because price moved, price moves to allow deep pocket entities to be able to do those types of things. Now, again, this is not an invitation for you
122 00:25:26,430 --> 00:25:32,520 to argue with me, okay? This is my personal belief, you're never going to convince me otherwise, you don't need to subscribe to that view, if you want to
123 00:25:32,520 --> 00:25:41,520 look at this as something entirely different. Go right ahead. I'm not going to try to change your mind about it, okay. But the market will look to go above
124 00:25:41,520 --> 00:25:53,970 that previous day's high and again, the price level is 131 87. Okay. So now we're going to go back over to the concept of power three, that means that we
125 00:25:54,030 --> 00:26:05,040 want to be near the opening price, at the opening price, or below the opening price. Okay, if we're going to be long, we want to be getting as close as we can
126 00:26:05,040 --> 00:26:15,600 to the opening price. At the beginning of day, which is zero GMT, or in this case, it's 8pm, New York time for me on the East Coast of the United States and
127 00:26:15,600 --> 00:26:25,350 then or at midnight, and this is all in the tutorials is nothing mentorship here it is very generic stuff. You saw me do this for years and years, on baby pips,
128 00:26:25,410 --> 00:26:36,390 and on my YouTube channel. So we're going to go back over to the intraday chart here. And I'm going to bring in the Asian range. Okay, so we have the Asian
129 00:26:36,390 --> 00:26:47,550 range. Yesterday's, or last night's eight o'clock starting, which is there GMT for me, in this platform, and this is the high for the Asian range, and this is
130 00:26:47,550 --> 00:26:58,980 the low the Asian range. Now, if you can't be up for London, no problem. If you get your entry inside of the Asian range, if you haven't bias what's the bias?
131 00:26:59,070 --> 00:27:05,130 The markets want to go? One two most likely go above the previous day's high. Okay, previous day's high.
132 00:27:10,230 --> 00:27:19,080 Okay, is right in here. Here's previous day's high. And we know that there's going to be liquidity resting rate above that high. What is that to only buy
133 00:27:19,080 --> 00:27:29,070 stocks? Okay, why is it buy stocks because someone sold short, they're so easy. That is very easy. So what we're doing is we're seeing Okay, there's going to be
134 00:27:29,070 --> 00:27:39,090 a target on those individuals that had made money here. That's all this businesses folks, it's about taking from the next guy or gal. So inside the
135 00:27:39,090 --> 00:27:47,400 Asian range, I knew that there was a strong probability that this liquidity would be targeted. I wanted to be long, I didn't want to be up for it because I
136 00:27:47,400 --> 00:27:55,050 knew I had to be here with you guys. Not that that's not a good thing. It's just I'm tired. So I don't want to be up. So I'm pulling a lazy man's approach last
137 00:27:55,050 --> 00:28:06,000 night and I just went in during the Asian range. And right after I got my bias confirmed, that looked at the market around 1230 or so. Which is my daily
138 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:17,070 routine. And I knew that I wanted to be long I put a reasonable stop loss in okay and price did exactly as Island expected to do target the liquidity resting
139 00:28:17,070 --> 00:28:30,450 above here. Now, as a go to rule of thumb, I teach that 10 pips and 20 pips is the usual grade of sweeping above or below a previous day's high. Okay. And
140 00:28:30,450 --> 00:28:48,540 we're going to look at that real quick. Here, here's the high and low, give you two scales 10 pips off that high. Okay, there's 10
141 00:28:54,270 --> 00:29:10,350 and 23. There. Okay. And you'll see over time, I'm not trying to convince you of it just today. But anyone that's gone through my tutorials, will know this is
142 00:29:10,350 --> 00:29:20,220 something I teach in those. And it's not just cherry picking and form fitting for the approach that's been shown to you today. So here's 20 pips really,
143 00:29:20,220 --> 00:29:26,340 really close and it might not be done for today. It might it might go one more time through it, but look how close it takes you and now again, these are just
144 00:29:26,340 --> 00:29:39,570 ballpark figures to reach for above the previous day's high 10 pips 20 pips? Because price moves on an algorithmic basis. Okay. It's not what you think that
145 00:29:39,570 --> 00:29:47,760 makes price move. And as we talk more over the next coming weeks, I'll give you some more insights about that, but not everything, but certainly enough to make
146 00:29:47,760 --> 00:29:55,770 you dangerous in the marketplace. Okay, so we have two grades of targeting, how far do I think the markets gonna go? That's the same rule that's been there
147 00:29:55,770 --> 00:30:06,540 since it's a tutorial and here it is today. Almost true to form You can't get any closer than that without actually hitting the level. Look at that. I mean,
148 00:30:06,540 --> 00:30:17,160 it's just literally almost right there. I always try to exit early. My weak point as a trader is my exits, I cannot perfect that enough, and I don't think
149 00:30:17,160 --> 00:30:26,070 I'll ever be perfect, okay, it's just gonna be a pursuit, it never is satisfied. Now, I want you to look at this price action and see what you see in terms of
150 00:30:26,070 --> 00:30:37,260 what I taught for optimal trade entry. If we look at price, and add the fib, obviously says on a five minute basis, but nonetheless, it'll still accomplish
151 00:30:37,260 --> 00:30:50,640 the method. bodies of the candles up to the highest portion of price on this price like here, so to this close, in this open price comes down optimal trade
152 00:30:50,640 --> 00:31:00,660 entry. This is the London open kill zone. Okay, as I define it says price hits that if you were up at London, that's what you would be doing again during one
153 00:31:00,660 --> 00:31:10,170 long, okay, price would then responds well expands and What's it do it reaches for 10 pips above looking at the sweet, just a little bit about the 10th grade
154 00:31:10,170 --> 00:31:19,380 swing, and then retraces back down to previous day's high, gathers more orders, expands again and just fall short of the 20 pips swing that is outlined. Okay,
155 00:31:19,440 --> 00:31:29,640 so I believe that we're probably going to see another leg higher intraday today. And if we do, we'll be looking for a little bit deeper run on liquidity higher
156 00:31:29,640 --> 00:31:43,050 than that, and I got it in the form of this exit point here. Okay, so let me see one time. Yeah, the take profit is at 132 23. Okay, so that's the level I'm
157 00:31:43,050 --> 00:31:51,330 looking for. Really 132 20. I like that idea. I'm just trying to get that three pips above it. If I get it great, but don't most of my positions already off.
158 00:31:51,720 --> 00:32:00,090 Because I don't know if I'm going to be right. So I take partial profits, because I want my bottom line to increase. So I teach this in a demo account,
159 00:32:00,090 --> 00:32:06,930 because if you don't pay yourself, no one's going to do it for you brokers not going to do a favor for you and say, Well, you know, she's been trying really
160 00:32:06,930 --> 00:32:14,370 hard last couple of weeks, and this is give her you know, a bonus, let's take her out of the group profit wax, if they're not going to do that for you, folks,
161 00:32:14,370 --> 00:32:23,910 it's just not going to do it. So you have to have ways of doing that. And if you look, again, let me put that back up here real quick. This is on a five minute
162 00:32:23,910 --> 00:32:36,990 basis, we're going to drop back out to a 15 minute basis, this is what I would use for my optimal trade entry projections. Zoom in time. And
163 00:32:42,690 --> 00:32:55,440 bodies of the candles. Right there. There's a symmetrical price swing, I'm trying to get out early. But I woke up this morning, and you'll see the
164 00:32:55,440 --> 00:33:06,720 recording, it comes to life. Right about here, I just stop loss. And I take out a portion of the profits. And that took another portion off here as well. So
165 00:33:06,720 --> 00:33:15,990 it's here and here and have a small portion still remaining in the trade. And that takes us up to there. If it goes beyond that, I don't care. I don't care
166 00:33:15,990 --> 00:33:24,990 about that. As a day trader, I'm looking to take surgical strikes, get my pound of flesh and move to the sidelines. Okay. But main thing I want you to have as a
167 00:33:24,990 --> 00:33:32,400 takeaway is I want you to go through price action and find on a daily chart every time there's a swing high forming, how it targets the previous day's lows.
168 00:33:33,270 --> 00:33:43,650 Okay. And when we have swing lows, I want to study how the market seeks to liquidity above the previous day's highs. Okay, and start doing that. Not just
169 00:33:43,650 --> 00:33:53,550 in one pair, and not just in forex, look at it in stocks, look at it in bonds. and dare I say it because I don't know anything about it. Bitcoin. It's always
170 00:33:53,550 --> 00:34:04,080 there. market makers use the same business model, it's always the same stuff. So if you understand that the markets move on the basis of seeking liquidity
171 00:34:04,110 --> 00:34:16,230 drawing in traders on the wrong side of the marketplace, or knocking them out to take their position over. That's what a market makers role is. they facilitate
172 00:34:16,230 --> 00:34:25,050 that requirement for smart money. They themselves aren't smart money. There's a lot of talk about what market makers are doing. And market makers do this and
173 00:34:25,050 --> 00:34:35,280 don't do that. They are a facilitator. They allow Smart Money entities to position and move in and out of the marketplace. Okay, I'm not gonna say
174 00:34:35,280 --> 00:34:45,300 anything more than that. But long and short is, you've been given something very precise today. A very user friendly approach. It's not complicated. And if it's
175 00:34:45,300 --> 00:34:52,590 gone over your head, just watch the video in the recording when it goes on the YouTube it'll automatically compile and be there. But I promise you if you study
176 00:34:52,590 --> 00:35:02,130 price action on daily chart look for this. You will see every single trading day there's something there so if you subscribe to some other group, or mentorship
177 00:35:02,130 --> 00:35:11,130 or some program, you can cancel that now. And now I've given you a complete life's career and approach to finding setups every single trading day. You want
178 00:35:11,130 --> 00:35:19,830 to make 2530 pips couple times a week, this is how you do it, you will make 100 pips a week, this is how you do it. If you want to just consistently find
179 00:35:19,830 --> 00:35:28,920 setups, this is how it's done. It repeats itself almost on a day by day basis. And the only times it doesn't work is when you get an inside day, an inside day
180 00:35:29,250 --> 00:35:39,570 isn't see if I finally here's one here, the day's high and low. Do the low was higher than the previous day's low in the day's high is lower than the previous
181 00:35:39,570 --> 00:35:47,190 day's high. That's the only time you're not going to find profits or opportunity. So what how many times is going to get inside date back to back to
182 00:35:47,190 --> 00:35:54,630 back, it doesn't happen a whole lot. But one good thing is, is when you do get inside day, you're going to see the volatility expansion, which means it's gonna
183 00:35:54,630 --> 00:36:04,080 be a big day. That means it's gonna be a big day like here, see, next very day, it's big range. So if we're gonna be seeking liquidity below the lows, don't
184 00:36:04,080 --> 00:36:12,720 anticipate just a little bit of run, anticipate a big run. And now you just found out how to make explosive moves in price action, or at least find him now.
185 00:36:13,260 --> 00:36:19,650 So hopefully you found this one insightful folks. I'm going to close this one out, catch up with you guys later on real quick, quick short recap video. And
186 00:36:19,650 --> 00:36:24,660 I'll be back with you guys tomorrow around 730 but a little bit longer session. Till then I wish you good luck and good trading.