82-ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 9 - Filling The Numbers

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-10-10 09:33

00:00:12,240 --> 00:00:22,350 ICT: Welcome back, folks, this is lesson two of the May 2017. ICT mentorship, ICT amplify day trading and scalping, this teaching is gonna be teaching filling
00:00:22,350 --> 00:00:22,950 the numbers
00:00:29,039 --> 00:00:43,469 Okay, well, we're talking about filling in numbers, what we're talking about is the likelihood or the tendency for EPA to fill specifically for numbers per day.
00:00:45,419 --> 00:00:59,279 Then the daily range will seek to fill or trade to, for specific levels each trading day. These two levels that first come to mind is the previous day's high
00:00:59,279 --> 00:01:08,639 and low. As a day trader, you're going to work with the previous day's highs and lows, and the last three days high and low. Whichever the highest is in that
00:01:08,639 --> 00:01:18,929 regard. For swing points based on the daily chart, those reference points are going to be like your bread and butter, you're going to go to these specific
00:01:18,929 --> 00:01:26,519 levels because it's going to give you a great deal of context as you'll learn later in these months, teachings. But the previous day's high and low, we always
00:01:26,519 --> 00:01:34,499 look for one of those levels to be traded to, it doesn't have to happen because the daily range can be smaller than will be required to get to the previous
00:01:34,499 --> 00:01:46,289 day's high or low. But generally, we're looking for a retest or trade through previous day's highs and lows as a day trader. And for one of the tools that's
10 00:01:46,289 --> 00:02:00,629 most used by retail traders, and still large funds, they will use what we understand as historically the floor traders pivot numbers. Now I don't use them
11 00:02:00,659 --> 00:02:15,299 a great deal in my trading except for this, I look for the central pivot point. And these are zero GMT pivots. We look for the movement above the central pivot
12 00:02:16,019 --> 00:02:28,499 in the form of M three, which is the midpoint or 50% of the distance between central pivot point in r1 r1 or resistance level for staged orders. And for
13 00:02:28,529 --> 00:02:40,709 which is the midpoint or 50% of the distance between R one and R two pivot point R two, which is the resistance level for stage two orders M five midpoint or 50%
14 00:02:40,709 --> 00:02:47,249 of the distance between R two and R three, an R three which is the resistance level for staged orders. Now you're probably asking yourself what are staged
15 00:02:47,249 --> 00:03:00,749 orders, Michael, what is this? Because traders most likely will be using pivot points collectively, and funds use them as well. Ippo will invariably trade to
16 00:03:00,749 --> 00:03:09,149 them and through them. Most of the time, folks that use pivot points aren't really using them accurately. And they don't always work either. But there's a
17 00:03:09,149 --> 00:03:17,609 tendency for him to to want to trade to them. Because there's going to be staged orders there stage means there are buyers and sellers at those levels because
18 00:03:18,209 --> 00:03:28,139 most people don't have to use them. So what would be otherwise viewed as a good buy point below the central pivot point, like s one and s two, that actually
19 00:03:28,139 --> 00:03:35,699 might be a really good area to sell short, once the daily range is starting to expand down and it trades back up to that s one or S two. That could be a
20 00:03:35,729 --> 00:03:42,959 continuation sell. But if you look at the general consensus across the board in retail perspective, they think anything below the central pivot point is a good
21 00:03:42,959 --> 00:03:51,539 buy. So that's why we talk about it in terms of staged orders. We don't care whether they're buying or selling, we just know that it is going to go there to
22 00:03:51,539 --> 00:04:00,419 facilitate trade and go through that market for fund liquidity not retail broker traders, not the little guys, it's you know, you know, in a mom and pop
23 00:04:00,449 --> 00:04:13,649 brokerage firms on a big bank level, they'll trade through these levels to fill those numbers. And obviously, below the central pivot we look for m two which is
24 00:04:13,649 --> 00:04:22,949 the midpoint or 50% of the distance between central pivot and S one S one is dispersed support level for states orders than M one which is the midpoint or
25 00:04:22,949 --> 00:04:32,999 50% of the distance between s one and S two pivot points as to which is support level for states orders m zero, which is the midpoint or 50% of the distance
26 00:04:32,999 --> 00:04:42,389 between s two and s three. And finally s3 which is a support level for staged orders. Now you're probably new if you've never heard of a pivot point, or if
27 00:04:42,389 --> 00:04:50,099 you've never seen these before, is probably very confusing for you. And it's not that big of a deal. It's a simple little indicator that I'm going to share with
28 00:04:50,099 --> 00:04:59,129 you on the forum. So at the time of this teaching, when you're done watching it, all you have to do is go back to the forum under the resources tab underneath
29 00:04:59,129 --> 00:05:10,049 the PDF file. linked, it's not active until all the lessons are done, you're gonna see a link there where you can download DMT for indicator. While it's not
30 00:05:10,049 --> 00:05:17,009 important that we understand how to trade pivot points like the real retail crowd, it's important to understand what these levels are and how we are going
31 00:05:17,009 --> 00:05:19,079 to interpret them in terms of filling the numbers.
32 00:05:28,230 --> 00:05:38,190 Using the order flow direction, and PD array matrix for specific bias, we can use these numbers to help determine what numbers we'll be filling for that
33 00:05:38,190 --> 00:05:49,080 particular day. The trade entry point do you use for your trades, you look for the numbers that will fill from that price point. If you're going long you from
34 00:05:49,080 --> 00:05:58,530 your long entry, you look above your entry point for the sequential four levels above. If you're selling short, you look below your entry point for the
35 00:05:58,530 --> 00:06:12,030 sequential four levels below. That means if we're looking to go short, and we happen to be entering near the R two level, we could look for M four r one and
36 00:06:12,030 --> 00:06:26,400 three central pivot four levels below us. That will be an example of looking for the numbers to fill. Using the pivots. On large Range Days, more than four
37 00:06:26,400 --> 00:06:41,820 levels can be filled or traded to the tendency to move at least to four levels is a general rule of thumb. Ideally, majority of your trade position will be
38 00:06:41,820 --> 00:06:54,660 taken off after four levels are filled. Always leave a portion on for the potential for a large range day, if time permits it. So if we're looking at a
39 00:06:54,660 --> 00:07:05,430 position where long in intraday, say we've gone long from London, and we've already seen for pivots traded to on the upside, the bulk of your position, I'd
40 00:07:05,430 --> 00:07:15,480 say about 75 to 80% of your trade should have been taken off in terms of profit, and leave a small portion 25 to 30%. Remaining to see if you get a much larger
41 00:07:15,480 --> 00:07:25,260 range day because New York can see a much Wilder condition where it continues. And you've may have already seen for levels traded to just inside of the London
42 00:07:25,260 --> 00:07:25,680 session.
43 00:07:30,720 --> 00:07:41,310 Using the order flow direction, and pdra matrix for specific bias. Utilizing the central bank dealers range, when you're shorting the market, selling above the
44 00:07:41,310 --> 00:07:51,450 central bank dealers range, you count the low of the central bank dealers range range itself as a level, or That's level one of four to fill. In other words,
45 00:07:51,930 --> 00:08:03,390 once we determine what the central bank dealers range is, whatever its lowest line or the range that creates the base of that consolidation or range, whatever
46 00:08:03,390 --> 00:08:14,340 that lowest figure is whether using the wicks low or the lowest close or open for the bodies, whichever that is that represents the first of four, so you
47 00:08:14,340 --> 00:08:23,730 would count that as one. So you'd be ideally shorting above that low. So when price trades down in your favor when you're short, when you cross over the
48 00:08:23,760 --> 00:08:35,850 central bank dealers range low, that counts as one of four. We expect the market to trade down to four central bank dealers range lows, and let's look at the
49 00:08:35,850 --> 00:08:49,680 chart and see an example. And everything we're seeing here you would just reverse for buying. So going short here. This will be level one because you're
50 00:08:49,680 --> 00:09:03,930 selling short above the central bank dealers range low. So when price trades down through it, that's counting level number one, level two, level three. And
51 00:09:03,930 --> 00:09:11,760 finally, level four. So there's an example of if the filling the numbers on the basis of the central bank dealer drain. So now let's look at what we've done
52 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:22,500 here. I've given you a means of looking for how the daily range is fulfilled using pivot points. Now with a central bank deelish range which is unique to me,
53 00:09:22,530 --> 00:09:32,910 no one else does this. But everyone knows about pivot points. But such deals range, we look for that same phenomenon. We're looking to sell short above it's
54 00:09:33,030 --> 00:09:44,640 the central bank dealers range low and using the central bank dealers range low as your level one and you count down each new standard deviation of the central
55 00:09:44,640 --> 00:09:53,430 bank dealers range projected lower. Every time we crossed the low end of that new rains projection or standard deviation, that's counted as one new level and
56 00:09:53,430 --> 00:10:04,680 you look for for those to fill. reversing this you'd be buying below the central bank dealership range low. And once we get to the central bank the lowest range
57 00:10:04,680 --> 00:10:12,180 high, that would be counted as level one. And he would continue to do the standard deviations of the central bank dealers range, projecting a higher,
58 00:10:12,180 --> 00:10:20,220 higher, higher stacking on top of each other. And once you get through four of the central bank dealers range highs, that's your level for count are the
59 00:10:20,220 --> 00:10:31,500 numbers being filled on the basis of the central bank dealers range, so it will look to fill for pivots intraday, it will look to fill for central bank dealers,
60 00:10:31,500 --> 00:10:41,010 range projections or standard deviations, either or can be used. Now I know what you're thinking, but trust me, I'll answer that question. I know what you think.
61 00:10:41,010 --> 00:10:50,250 And trust me, we'll get to it ended his teaching, using the order flow direction, and PDA rate matrix for specific bias. Utilizing the Asian range,
62 00:10:50,310 --> 00:11:00,390 when you're buying the market, buying below the Asian range, you count the high the Asian range as level one of four to fill. expect the market to trade up for
63 00:11:00,390 --> 00:11:11,070 Asian range highs. See chart to the left. And everything I'm showing you here you're going to reverse for shorting. Okay, you see the market making a low here
64 00:11:11,520 --> 00:11:30,330 after mean midnight candles opening, trades lower Asian range Hi, Phil, number one, level number two level number three level. And number four. And again, as I
65 00:11:30,330 --> 00:11:37,350 mentioned earlier in the beginning of this teaching for is just a general rule of thumb, you can always go one more level or more.
66 00:11:41,820 --> 00:11:52,950 Continuing with our theory of filling the numbers using the order flow direction and pdra matrix for specific bias utilizing the flout Oh, we haven't talked
67 00:11:52,950 --> 00:12:03,390 about that yet happening. Utilizing the flout when you are shorting the market, shorting above the flouts equilibrium, or 50% of the range that creates the
68 00:12:03,390 --> 00:12:13,110 flout, you count the equilibrium of the flout range to the high of the range of the flower as one standard deviation, the equilibrium of the flower range to the
69 00:12:13,110 --> 00:12:23,580 low of its range is counted as one standard deviation, now probably confuse you. But watch, it's very easy to understand, the total flower range is projected on
70 00:12:23,580 --> 00:12:33,360 the basis of 50% of its complete range. And the range is determined between 3pm, New York and midnight in New York. So whatever that range is the highest time
71 00:12:33,360 --> 00:12:41,040 the lowest low, or the highest body open or closed and the lowest body open or close. However, what you want to do the range, you got to do both of them now,
72 00:12:41,070 --> 00:12:51,660 because we always have to factor in the potential error by looking at retail data feeds. But by using both, we're gonna get a pretty good idea. But we take
73 00:12:51,660 --> 00:13:01,980 that total range, its entire range from 3pm to midnight, New York time, whatever that range is, find out what the middle of it is, or equilibrium or basically
74 00:13:01,980 --> 00:13:14,160 find the mean threshold of that total range. What you end up with is two new ranges. But one of those ranges equates to one of the numbers that will be used
75 00:13:14,160 --> 00:13:29,370 for flower, you expect the market to trade down for flower ranges in the form of a low. So once you project the flower down one, one new low of its range divided
76 00:13:29,370 --> 00:13:37,020 in half. That constitutes level one afford numbers to fill for the day. And to see the chart to the left, and you'll see what I'm referring to that we're going
77 00:13:37,020 --> 00:13:42,960 to come back to flout again and this month because I'm going to teach you everything I know about it. But everything I'm showing you here, you just
78 00:13:42,960 --> 00:13:53,520 reverse for buying. So we have the flout rains determined here between the two blue lines. And the shaded boxes. They're a little bit past the time window, but
79 00:13:54,270 --> 00:14:06,960 I'm doing the first uppermost gray box in the second box below it the light blue box. That is the entire flout range. What I did there is I divided it in half.
80 00:14:07,380 --> 00:14:18,930 So it creates two flout ranges. Price needs to be selling short. If you're going to be bearish, you have to sell short above the equilibrium of the flout total
81 00:14:18,930 --> 00:14:32,550 range, or in the uppermost portion of that flower range, or the gray box here, as indicated with an arrow price trades down to level one, which is the new
82 00:14:32,730 --> 00:14:42,510 flower range low or basically the lower half of the total flower range. That's level one. If we were bullish, and we were buying below the equilibrium of the
83 00:14:42,510 --> 00:14:53,160 total flat range between 3pm and 12am, New York, we will be buying below equilibrium and using the high of the flout range as level one or the first of
84 00:14:53,160 --> 00:15:02,850 four numbers to fill for the day and you just keep rejecting half of the flouts total range as a new number. Phil, okay, so you're not projecting the entire
85 00:15:02,850 --> 00:15:12,780 Fallout range, you're actually projecting and doing standard deviations of 50% of the range between 3pm and midnight, New York time. You see the respective
86 00:15:13,830 --> 00:15:27,450 level two or second number to fill, which is the third flat range low. The fourth low of the flower range is actually number four of the range. And the
87 00:15:27,450 --> 00:15:38,580 final fourth is seen with the fourth number in the daily range numbers to be filled in, obviously, projected one more time, because like everything else
88 00:15:38,580 --> 00:15:48,750 we've shown here for is just a general rule of thumb. It goes down to a fifth level accent nail into very low. And this is a pound yen chart, just for you
89 00:15:48,750 --> 00:16:01,920 guys that like to trade those exotic pairs. This stuff works on there as well. And I already know what you're thinking, Michael? Which one do I do? Do I use
90 00:16:01,920 --> 00:16:08,670 the pivots? Do I use central bank dealers range? Do I use the Asian range? Do I use the flout? Hmm?
91 00:16:10,500 --> 00:16:19,650 Well, when it comes to considering which numbers to fill, you have to consider the fact that we never know you never know for certain before the day begins,
92 00:16:19,680 --> 00:16:29,460 what it is going to use to fulfill its daily range. I never know that. But I look at London's trading going into New York. By the time we get to New York,
93 00:16:29,490 --> 00:16:37,950 you'll get some greater insight. So we get closer to the truth as the trading day completes. The New York session will generally provide the measurements EPA
94 00:16:37,950 --> 00:16:47,070 is presently using for the engineering of the daily range. So what I mean by that? Well, we know we have few different things here at our disposal for
95 00:16:47,070 --> 00:16:56,790 determining where price will go for the daily high or low. If we're bullish, we're wanting to see how far it will deliver price on the upside. By itself.
96 00:16:57,570 --> 00:17:06,180 These ranges in these projections don't mean anything. They don't mean anything at all. But what we look for is confluence between one or possibly more of the
97 00:17:06,180 --> 00:17:15,930 tools that we outlined in this teaching, for measuring these four levels, coupling these with the present trading environment, time of day, direction and
98 00:17:15,930 --> 00:17:24,000 pdra matrix, you will unlock the daily higher low. Now you've seen me do this several times in the mentorship and when before we did the membership, I was
99 00:17:24,000 --> 00:17:33,960 actually call him daily highs and lows and get within one or two pips many times right to the PIP. How I do that. I don't know that for certain at the London
100 00:17:33,960 --> 00:17:43,200 Open. I don't know that some of the folks that are in the free members group, okay, didn't it follow me it has never made it to our mentorship. They think
101 00:17:43,200 --> 00:17:50,700 that I'm superhuman, and I do this on a daily basis. And that's not true. Obviously, you've seen that's not the case. But there are certain times when I
102 00:17:50,700 --> 00:18:00,300 feel an unction about where the markets going. And when I'm showing you how it works real time and giving you examples like we did with the Euro this week,
103 00:18:00,840 --> 00:18:13,350 what they want to 930 level was off by five pips there. But nonetheless, it went up there with with a great deal ease. The level was determined by using these
104 00:18:13,350 --> 00:18:20,790 ideas. Now, I don't show you everything on my charts, because invariably, like I showed you here, there's probably 1000 questions already going through your mind
105 00:18:20,820 --> 00:18:28,230 about the flow. What was that again? The range? Do we divide this? Do we divide that? What are we projecting? Already know you're gonna have a million questions
106 00:18:28,230 --> 00:18:37,350 about flow. So just understand that we're going to teach in detail, the flower, but I'm using it here as a segue going into more teachings about it. But we use
107 00:18:37,350 --> 00:18:47,760 flout central bank dealers range Asian range, and pivots for looking to fulfill the daily range or filling the numbers as it's called. So how do you use all
108 00:18:47,760 --> 00:18:56,040 this information? Well, what you do is you turn the number one where price should be reaching based on the pdra matrix. Remember, we've already determined
109 00:18:56,310 --> 00:19:05,580 based on institutional order flow on a daily and four hour where price is going to go higher or lower. If price is respecting a premium pdra on a daily or four
110 00:19:05,580 --> 00:19:18,300 hour, we're going to anticipate price rallying up that New York's minlan candle or there after that rally up that contractionary market state is the Judas
111 00:19:18,300 --> 00:19:29,640 swing. We're using some measure of standard deviation, one of the four that's been shown here, either by way of general pivots, Central Bank, deelish range
112 00:19:29,670 --> 00:19:43,080 Asian range and now flout. We use those projections for a basis of how far price can go down. Now, we don't know how fast price is going to be delivered across
113 00:19:43,080 --> 00:19:52,440 the daily range. In other words, London can be 80% of the daily range and in the rest of the day. This goes quiet. It's been done before. Sometimes London
114 00:19:52,470 --> 00:20:01,530 doesn't do much at all. And finally the movie takes place in New York and all the range is completed from seven o'clock in the morning to London close by We
115 00:20:01,530 --> 00:20:10,680 don't ever know that for certain. What we do is we project these measurements across all four of them we go through, and this is the work you do throughout
116 00:20:10,680 --> 00:20:17,640 the day, he doesn't look at your chart blindly, I'm doing measurements, I'm looking at things. I'm having coding going back and forth between different
117 00:20:17,640 --> 00:20:25,500 charts because I want to see what the measurements are that overlap and converge with. In this case, if we're looking to go short, I'm looking for some
118 00:20:25,500 --> 00:20:38,340 measurement of a discount PD array on a daily or four hour, that would line up with time of day. And the standard deviations that we could use respectively,
119 00:20:38,340 --> 00:20:52,980 with either the central bank illustrating flout for Asian range and or for levels on the the pivot points. Eventually, throughout the morning, you're going
120 00:20:52,980 --> 00:21:00,960 to come to a conclusion where you can narrow down exactly where price is most likely gonna go. The worst case scenario is going to be that you're going to see
121 00:21:00,990 --> 00:21:08,940 it go further than you thought. And guess what, that's why you leave a little piece of the position on because you can be wrong, and it can be in your benefit
122 00:21:08,940 --> 00:21:09,510 to be so.
123 00:21:13,650 --> 00:21:22,110 And when you're bullish, we're looking for some measure of a move lower, obviously, and some measure of standard deviation that we adopt, we go through
124 00:21:22,110 --> 00:21:28,980 all of them, we're not just picking our favorite ones, not our, you know, this isn't I understand central bank dealers range, or I understand the Asian range,
125 00:21:28,980 --> 00:21:35,310 I'm going to stick to that. No, you don't want to do that. If you already started thinking yourself, well, this is getting too complicated for me, then
126 00:21:35,370 --> 00:21:43,830 you need to dig your heels in, and really do the work of following and do this. It doesn't take long, folks really. I mean, you're if you if you're following 28
127 00:21:43,830 --> 00:21:51,330 pairs, obviously, you're you're gonna want to not do this, obviously. But we teach in this mentorship that you want to be a specialist, you have one really
128 00:21:52,050 --> 00:21:58,980 good pair that you'd like to trade all the time and a secondary that goes well with it, maybe it's in concert with it or trades in close correlation with it,
129 00:21:59,040 --> 00:22:06,570 like I teach to trade with the cable and fiber. I'm not forcing you to be those types of traders. But there's other pairs you can trade that are closely
130 00:22:06,570 --> 00:22:19,500 correlated you kiwi and Aussie for instance. But by using these measurements, we can determine how if they will fill the numbers on their respective
131 00:22:19,590 --> 00:22:29,130 characteristics. Each one has, obviously, a certain measure of overlap. But when it comes to flowers that range between 3pm and midnight, you have to divide it
132 00:22:29,130 --> 00:22:37,590 in half, the highest high and the lowest low, you divide that in half and find the equilibrium price point, you end up with two flower ranges there. To go
133 00:22:37,590 --> 00:22:45,990 short using flat you must be entering short above the equilibrium of the total flat range. And then use the flat range low as your first number of one to four
134 00:22:45,990 --> 00:22:55,590 to be filming for the day. If you're going long, using flout, you have to be buying below equilibrium without total range between three and 12 midnight and
135 00:22:55,650 --> 00:23:05,310 New York time. And then using the flout total range high as level one of the first count. And you do that for four without projections. And the projections
136 00:23:05,310 --> 00:23:16,170 or standard deviations are basically 50% of the total flout range, you do not use flouts total range. Okay. And by doing this, folks, what you'll end up doing
137 00:23:16,170 --> 00:23:28,620 is you're you'll be buying after some measure of projection below. The obviously the the Asian range low would be ideal. But you'd be looking for those
138 00:23:28,620 --> 00:23:39,150 projections to overlap with time of day and a premium PD array. And by doing that you blend those two things together. With time of day, how much time you
139 00:23:39,150 --> 00:23:47,670 have left in the day, doesn't have time to get up to these projections. And you keep stacking them on. And you end up getting to daily highs and lows like I've
140 00:23:47,670 --> 00:23:58,680 been shown many instances of over the last few years. But this teaching is exactly how I do it. There's no secret sauce outside of this is a couple little
141 00:23:58,680 --> 00:24:06,180 things I got to teach you about flour for the rest of the teachings of this month. But you'll know everything I do when it comes to picking the daily highs
142 00:24:06,180 --> 00:24:14,220 and lows. Because you need that for day trading. You need to know how far that daily range is going to go if you don't have those things at your disposal. now
143 00:24:14,220 --> 00:24:22,890 modern day trading is hard for everyone because they don't know what they're doing. But we can narrow down to precise entry points and precise exit points
144 00:24:23,100 --> 00:24:31,980 and know with a great deal certainty. Once a little bit of a trading range has been posted to London, you get a greater feel for where it's going to reach for
145 00:24:32,250 --> 00:24:40,530 and then you start incorporating things like average daily range, which will also incorporate this month when they overlap also, Wow, you got dynamite in a
146 00:24:40,530 --> 00:24:49,410 bottle. It's amazing how fast you can get really precise about your entries and exits and had that lines portion of the daily range at your disposal and take
147 00:24:49,410 --> 00:25:07,920 down those trophy buck wins. Now obviously blending several of these concepts together. You get a confluence of amazing precision. This week, we mentioned how
148 00:25:08,370 --> 00:25:21,600 the low was most likely forming on Thursdays, New York open. As price traded down below, cell stops, deaths are outlined on our charts and outlined in great
149 00:25:21,600 --> 00:25:32,100 detail. In fact, it did that ahead of the news at 830. And I mentioned that it was most likely going to be problematic, and we were probably making the low of
150 00:25:32,100 --> 00:25:43,770 the week that's actually forming the bullish or blocked has been delineated here on the chart. Going into Friday, you see, we had market moving into a small
151 00:25:43,800 --> 00:25:57,270 consolidation. And price dropping down after midnight, which is four GMT on forex LTDs platform by looking at price like this. You see a trade back down
152 00:25:57,600 --> 00:26:08,670 below the Asian range. Now those didn't go below the Asian range much at all. It doesn't have to trade into the Asian range low and a discount pdra bullish order
153 00:26:08,670 --> 00:26:09,090 block.
154 00:26:12,060 --> 00:26:22,770 Price moved away from that, and was consolidating in the New York session, when we were live with one another, I stated that we would probably see one or 930 as
155 00:26:22,770 --> 00:26:34,410 a daily high, because there was a fair value gap at that price range. What you didn't see on my other charts was this information here. We had M five calling
156 00:26:34,410 --> 00:26:49,410 for 109 33. And I teach that we want to get out ahead of that. And what's the nearest round number before that 109 30. It traded to ultimately 109 35. The
157 00:26:49,410 --> 00:26:58,470 likelihood of you finding this information across the Internet or going into other people's work using pivot points. Maybe once in a while, you'll get
158 00:26:58,470 --> 00:27:06,480 something that overlaps and they'll do all kinds of Fibonacci, this and Fibonacci that. And you might get once in a while you get a good trade. The
159 00:27:06,480 --> 00:27:19,770 pivots are no magic number. We use them for how far the range will expand. I don't use them so much for entries. But I do use them in the context it's been
160 00:27:19,770 --> 00:27:32,640 shown here. When I'm looking for the numbers to fill, I'm looking for for them for levels either by Central Bank dealers range, standard deviations, Asian
161 00:27:32,640 --> 00:27:44,070 range standard deviations, flout 50% of that range divided you know, in half, each one of that makes a new flat range standard deviation I look for for those
162 00:27:45,600 --> 00:27:56,700 who are look for for pivots. Again, as I stated, in the beginning of this mentorship, it's going to require you to be thinking with the stuff that's being
163 00:27:56,700 --> 00:28:05,790 taught the end, or in the meat of it now. So you have to put some work behind that you just can't simply put these things on your chart, and they just speak
164 00:28:05,790 --> 00:28:13,560 to you. Yeah, there's no, there's no download that takes place. Just because it's on your chart, you have to think. And you have to do a little bit of work
165 00:28:13,560 --> 00:28:24,930 and do measurements throughout the day. It's not easy. It requires some work and effort. But when you put the effort in, you get amazing blue ribbon results. And
166 00:28:24,930 --> 00:28:32,790 that's what you're looking for you signed on with this mentorship to see how I do these things. You see me doing them, and now you're seeing how I get to that
167 00:28:32,790 --> 00:28:44,190 information. But here's the main thing. If the markets do not move and have volatility, you cannot get precision because there has to be displacement. Look
168 00:28:44,190 --> 00:28:53,940 at that nice move we saw in New York session and it exploded out like that. That's what we need. When price gives us that then I'll show you this Mojo.
169 00:28:54,780 --> 00:28:57,000 Until next time, I wish you good luck and good trading