41-ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 5 - Using IPDA Data Ranges

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-09-14 11:56

00:00:06,299 --> 00:00:14,789 ICT: Tonight, guys, we're gonna be looking at a HIPAA data range example. And we'll be focusing on the Australian dollar. Now if you've noticed, we've had a
00:00:14,789 --> 00:00:24,959 little bit of a run up on Ozzy. And we're gonna break this down a little bit and context, why I was expecting the levels that we're looking at now to be hit,
00:00:25,739 --> 00:00:33,839 looking at the charts that we share on the forum. So if you're not paying attention to those charts, if you're not saving them, it might be a good idea of
00:00:33,839 --> 00:00:45,539 why we're doing this month, not that I'm encouraging you to do this throughout the mentor ship. But when we do daily reviews, I'm taking you basically to the
00:00:45,539 --> 00:00:56,009 points at which I'm drawing my attention to on my own journal, how I have reference points on my own charts. What you see me me noting on those daily
00:00:56,279 --> 00:01:07,259 entries on the forum, there are the points at which I'm keeping focus in my own journal, and any salient points that will be in addition to those levels, I will
00:01:07,259 --> 00:01:17,789 make in terms of commentary. But the the month of January, when we do these daily entries, where I do the dollar index, the Euro dollar, British Pound US
00:01:17,789 --> 00:01:29,969 dollar, dollar CAD and all the dollar, when I share them with you, don't just click on them and wait for some kind of a neon sign and say buy here sell here,
00:01:29,999 --> 00:01:41,159 I want you to be focusing on what I'm drawing your attention to. And then watching how price moves to these levels. Regardless of what type of trader
10 00:01:41,159 --> 00:01:49,799 you're going to be, you're going to need to be focusing on how that happens from beginning or from foresight, to when now we can talk about it in hindsight,
11 00:01:49,799 --> 00:02:00,539 because all these things are going to help you prepare yourself for when you anticipate something and then waiting throughout that process. Because it's not,
12 00:02:00,809 --> 00:02:07,649 it's quickly learned by simply looking at a hindsight example, where I can say, Okay, this is what we said the market was going to do. This is where we thought
13 00:02:07,649 --> 00:02:16,769 the Mark was going to happen. And here it is, Bang, when you see it in the charts and draw your attention is drawn to it beforehand. There's a submission
14 00:02:16,769 --> 00:02:28,139 to time that's required. And unfortunately, we gloss over that many times even as educators like myself, it's hard to communicate what's required in terms of
15 00:02:28,139 --> 00:02:37,319 having to wait for that thing to unfold or develop in the chart. Just simply because we have a level or an order block or a target even for price to get to
16 00:02:38,579 --> 00:02:46,259 it when you show a hindsight example, that part of the lesson, which in my opinion, is the that's the main that's the main point you have to learn, you
17 00:02:46,259 --> 00:02:58,199 have to learn to wait for these things on unfold the impatience that the market presents us an opportunity experience is overwhelming sometimes. And while I'm
18 00:02:58,199 --> 00:03:05,249 in many times accredited for being very patient, I am not really a patient person at all, I'm very impatient. That's the reason why I don't do long term
19 00:03:05,249 --> 00:03:06,509 position trading. But
20 00:03:07,770 --> 00:03:19,890 I'm going to counsel you to go in every single day when we do our daily entries for the content, whether it be a video review, or whether it be a teaching or if
21 00:03:19,890 --> 00:03:31,320 it's something along the lines of just simply providing the charts. You want to be really copying those charts or printing them out make you hold me hold me to
22 00:03:31,590 --> 00:03:41,070 the standard of if I know what I'm doing, then it should be evidenced in this okay, for for the most part, we've seen many times that occurring but for your
23 00:03:41,070 --> 00:03:51,540 learning, you need to say okay, this is when this was noted. This is when the observation was made. So how long did it take for this to occur? Now since
24 00:03:51,540 --> 00:03:59,940 January is focused primarily on the daily chart, obviously each daily candle when it paints and closes for the day, it obviously takes 24 hours to do that.
25 00:04:00,420 --> 00:04:10,860 So yes, we can glibly say, it takes 24 hours for this candle the form. And this is what it takes in terms of the setup or level of being reached over this
26 00:04:10,860 --> 00:04:20,040 period of time, it could took three days or four days or two weeks. You need to experience that you need to be being mindful of how long those things take,
27 00:04:20,340 --> 00:04:30,360 especially on these higher timeframe charts. If you don't do this, and you're new, or you're just a relatively inexperienced trader, some of you that are in
28 00:04:30,360 --> 00:04:39,510 my group that have been trading for a long time, know exactly what I'm referring to there. There's a big gap in between learning something with examples in
29 00:04:39,510 --> 00:04:48,240 hindsight and textbook and even being taught something in a webinar or a workshop live where people say this is what happened in the marketplace. It's
30 00:04:48,240 --> 00:04:58,560 missing that element of having to endure what needs to be waited upon to come into your chart. You can't just simply say okay, well, this is the outcome I'm
31 00:04:58,560 --> 00:05:09,780 expecting and therefore you know, It needs to happen on my time. That's the part that kills traders. It was very influential in my early days as a trader,
32 00:05:09,780 --> 00:05:17,160 because I, I needed that to happen right away because when I first started trading, things were moving quick. They were fast markets. And then when I
33 00:05:17,160 --> 00:05:27,360 realized that it wasn't like that, always, it was a very big struggling point for me. So, just go in every day, gather those charts up, print them out, keep a
34 00:05:27,360 --> 00:05:34,590 running log of them. In fact, it's probably a good idea just to print them out every day, excuse yourself a three ring binder, punch some holes in it, datum,
35 00:05:34,860 --> 00:05:41,100 okay, and then keep track it's a good reference point to go back on Saturdays and Sundays on the weekend when we're not really doing anything. Go back and
36 00:05:41,100 --> 00:05:48,150 look at what was observed before the fact and and how long it took for these things to develop and those levels to be reached. And what was the response
37 00:05:48,150 --> 00:05:56,430 after it got to those levels? Okay, so it's important you go through the mentorship with that in mind, I'm not just showing you trophies or, you know,
38 00:05:56,430 --> 00:06:05,100 just things in passing, I'm really trying to draw your attention to something that I want you to focus on and study how long it takes for these things to come
39 00:06:05,100 --> 00:06:15,450 to fruition. Okay, so get it let's get into the Australian dollar example where the if the data range, alright, so we have here, a futures chart. Okay, this is
40 00:06:15,450 --> 00:06:26,550 the March contract, the underlying daily chart of the futures contract or the Australian dollar. And by looking at the futures contract, if we're gonna be
41 00:06:26,550 --> 00:06:32,640 trading Forex, okay, it's, it's really important that you know that you can get a lot of insight just by studying
42 00:06:39,990 --> 00:06:49,440 the underlying futures price. So since if we're gonna be looking at the Australian USD pair, as our case study, we're going to be looking at how
43 00:06:49,800 --> 00:07:00,150 influential the study of just the futures contract alone, how that's paramount and understand how that moves right into and segues beautifully into trading in
44 00:07:00,150 --> 00:07:10,230 the foreign exchange market. If I were to do a poll right now, and we're all in the same room together, okay. And we simply said, hey, look, I've never traded
45 00:07:10,230 --> 00:07:20,790 Forex, or I've never traded futures. If you are studying one or the other, I guarantee you, a large percent of you probably 80% or more, never really refer
46 00:07:20,940 --> 00:07:28,290 to the opposite in terms of the analysis. So what I mean by that is, if you're a futures trader, and you've never considered what the foreign exchange markets
47 00:07:28,320 --> 00:07:37,860 doing, or if you're a futures trader, I'm sorry, a forex trader, you've never considered what the underlying futures contract is doing. Vice versa, it's
48 00:07:37,860 --> 00:07:46,740 imperative that you understand what they're both doing. To get a complete picture, you want to be looking at both. Now, obviously, right away, one's going
49 00:07:46,740 --> 00:07:54,840 to assume well, it should be the obvious, it should be the same thing, because the Australian is leading the payer versus the dollar. So therefore, the
50 00:07:54,840 --> 00:08:04,320 Australian underlying futures contract should be in fact, the same thing we see in the foreign exchange market, and buying foreign large if that's true, but
51 00:08:04,320 --> 00:08:12,510 there are certain data points that you cannot get by looking at the foreign exchange market, there's simply no way of getting that because foreign exchange
52 00:08:12,510 --> 00:08:22,800 doesn't give you volume. It doesn't give you accurate volume, like you can get volume from the underlying futures contract. And we'll talk more about that as
53 00:08:22,800 --> 00:08:32,010 we go. But I want you to take a look at this chart here. Okay, and I'm looking at a little bit less than six months, I've wanted to show just this data range
54 00:08:32,010 --> 00:08:40,020 because outside of this, the chart becomes spotty because it is a futures contract. And it's March deliveries. That means prior to March, we had
55 00:08:40,020 --> 00:08:47,040 December's contract and that's already expired. And now we're trading in a nearby contract, which is March 2017, Australian Dollar
56 00:08:48,419 --> 00:08:57,539 when we taught or rather when I taught the IP to data ranges, okay, obviously, I'm I asked everyone to hold off sending me emails, but some of you were just
57 00:08:57,539 --> 00:09:04,979 overzealous and want to know it right now. And these are things that we're gonna be building on your understanding as we go through the mentorship, especially
58 00:09:04,979 --> 00:09:14,129 through January. But I want you to focus when you look at your daily chart, just simply go through and look at the last three months. Okay, start whatever
59 00:09:14,159 --> 00:09:21,059 whatever time point you're looking at, like right now let's assume we sat down in charge right now. And this will be the first day we're looking at Australian
60 00:09:21,179 --> 00:09:32,009 we're a brand new trader brand new to the concept we're sitting down how will we how would we go about looking at where the crypto data ranges are? And if we're
61 00:09:32,009 --> 00:09:42,029 looking at Australian dollar you want to go from today's candle which is what's being painted here. That is not a candle notes open high low close but you got
62 00:09:42,029 --> 00:09:51,119 to suffer through that get to get these slides together and I promise there will be candlesticks shown but for now, I want you to focus on this because the open
63 00:09:51,119 --> 00:10:03,539 high loan closes important. The most recent market shift okay in the last three months occur heard back in November. Now I know some of you that are hardline
64 00:10:03,539 --> 00:10:12,809 critics are saying, well, here we go. Again, this is a high hindsight thing. This is where Hindsight is gold, you need to know what I'm going to show you in
65 00:10:12,809 --> 00:10:20,249 this teaching, because it will clarify what the EPA data ranges are actually supposed to be doing for you. Some of you are thinking that it's going to call
66 00:10:20,249 --> 00:10:30,179 the high and low 20 days, 40 days and 60 days away. That's not what happens. Sometimes it can hurt, sometimes it can occur. But that's not what its job is.
67 00:10:30,389 --> 00:10:40,289 Okay. The the question that comes up a lot is, when I'm looking for a order block to buy one, or if I'm looking at an order block to sell into, or if I'm
68 00:10:40,289 --> 00:10:50,219 looking for an area of buy stops, or sell stops? Which one should I expect them to go after? Which one are they going to respect? How do I know if it's not
69 00:10:50,219 --> 00:10:58,319 going to keep on going through an old high and not be a turtle soup, sell all those scenarios and those ideas while I told everyone in the beginning, if you
70 00:10:58,319 --> 00:11:05,489 were just patient and waited all those questions with the answer, but some of you are just really, really impatient. And I get it, you're excited. And you
71 00:11:05,489 --> 00:11:12,689 think that you're not going to learn all this stuff in the remaining time of the mentorship. But trust me, I'm committed, you will learn it, there's tons of
72 00:11:12,689 --> 00:11:19,919 information come and talk to you. But you have to let me go through the process of teaching it. This is the first time I've taught this stuff. To trust me, I've
73 00:11:19,919 --> 00:11:29,129 been successful in the past don't. Okay, so just go along with the process. But if we look back in November, we can clearly see that there was a major market
74 00:11:29,129 --> 00:11:40,019 shift in November 2016. Now, what that does, it gives us a great deal of insight. We can't take a time capsule travel back in time, okay, and be back in
75 00:11:40,019 --> 00:11:48,479 November and go short there. But we can use the information that our daily charts are telling us there. That means there was a great deal of displacement
76 00:11:49,379 --> 00:12:02,099 by the large players or smart money. When we see that in November, what we're seeing here is the underlying futures contract of the EU Australian dollar has a
77 00:12:02,099 --> 00:12:12,779 market shift right there, that's a quarterly market shift over the last three to six months, that's the most obvious one, you can clearly see it. If I was to ask
78 00:12:12,779 --> 00:12:20,369 everyone, if you're all in the same room, raise your hand, if you can clearly say that that is the most obvious market shift in the last three to six months,
79 00:12:20,639 --> 00:12:27,179 everybody invariably would raise their hand, they would click and pick obviously, you can see it, you can't deny it. That's what you're looking for
80 00:12:27,179 --> 00:12:37,499 every three months, there's going to be something like this occurring, it could be a sell off, creating a high, or it could be a low where it starts to rally.
81 00:12:37,919 --> 00:12:47,729 But every three months, I want you to look at your charts. And anticipate finding that in hindsight. Now Great, that's wonderful. You can see it in
82 00:12:47,729 --> 00:12:58,859 hindsight. What do you do with that information? See, this is what I have an issue with, like with Elliott Wave and all these other very, they're just
83 00:12:58,889 --> 00:13:10,019 they're highly subjective. If the market really is influenced or controlled by smart money, or if there is what I'm telling you, there is an algorithm that
84 00:13:10,019 --> 00:13:20,339 controls what price is going to do. It's absolutely not random. It's predetermined. It's it's running on a script, that refers to specific data
85 00:13:20,339 --> 00:13:32,009 points, that it will go back to over and over and over again. The EPA data range, okay, you have a 20 day, look back and cast
86 00:13:32,009 --> 00:13:44,579 forward range, you have a 40 day, look back and cast forward range. And do you have a 60 day look back and cast forward range? What I'm suggesting to you is,
87 00:13:45,599 --> 00:13:54,809 if you are looking at price, and you see a for instance, I have a market structure shift here, and the quarterly shift occurs in November. That means
88 00:13:54,809 --> 00:14:05,489 that now the market is in a sell profile from that point until it gets to a level of significant counter direction, what would cause it to change direction
89 00:14:05,609 --> 00:14:17,639 or consolidate? That's the other thing. That's the vague green, not green but gray area in the analysis. Sometimes you won't see a clear, retracement or
90 00:14:17,639 --> 00:14:26,729 correction opposite direction. For instance, it's been going down November. It could have very easily been consolidating here going into January. Okay, into
91 00:14:26,729 --> 00:14:36,119 February. It doesn't need to be a counter trend move like we're seeing unfold here since the last week of December. It can be a consolidation. And as we go
92 00:14:36,149 --> 00:14:43,349 further into the content for the January delivery of the information, we'll talk about when it does or when to anticipate when it's going to go into
93 00:14:43,349 --> 00:14:56,309 consolidation and not have a counter swing. So back in November, we see that there's a high made what's what's really going on that low here is broken. So we
94 00:14:56,309 --> 00:15:06,359 have a shift in market structure. It breaks lower. We know that we can see it because it's taken out an area of equal highs. And we pierced above that, taking
95 00:15:06,359 --> 00:15:16,289 out the bias that liquidity pool. And that's seen here. That was the, that was the basis and the framework around what caused the market structure shift. That
96 00:15:16,289 --> 00:15:27,149 quarterly effect comes in to operation at that moment. Okay, we're, our eyes go immediately back to November, because you can clearly see it. When you see that
97 00:15:27,179 --> 00:15:35,909 and delineate down your chart, what you're doing is you're now identifying the beginning of November. So you have to have a basis point where, where is it?
98 00:15:36,209 --> 00:15:45,899 Where did it all begin? Because if you don't get yourself in sync with, what if the most recently did and HIPAA is the interbank price delivery algorithm,
99 00:15:46,199 --> 00:15:58,109 that's for your notes, again, you're going to delineate where the most obvious one in the last three months has been. Then you're going to cast out 20 days, go
100 00:15:58,109 --> 00:16:08,399 forward from the beginning of the month, that that market structure shift or quarterly shift takes place, you're going to count out 20 days, now, it may not
101 00:16:08,399 --> 00:16:17,219 even be 20 days, you may look at the chart and say, Hey, this is an obvious one right here, something's really going on. If you do that, you're really doing too
102 00:16:17,219 --> 00:16:26,519 much anticipation, you got to go back to the most obvious one. And it may require you going back three months, but find the most recent one, where the
103 00:16:26,519 --> 00:16:34,139 market structure has shifted, and there was a move that took place that was obvious, bullish or bearish. Okay. And it's a really easy if you just divide
104 00:16:34,139 --> 00:16:45,059 your your daily chart into quarters, like put one put a line on March, put a line on June and September, December and just keep doing that your your I will
105 00:16:45,059 --> 00:16:51,899 go right to where these quarterly shifts are happening, they're not going to always occur on those months, there's a little bit of gray area, which is the
106 00:16:51,899 --> 00:17:02,339 reason why we have a look back in a cast forward. The HIPAA data range, okay, what it's really doing is it's highlighting you as the trader, you're going to
107 00:17:02,339 --> 00:17:15,809 try to mimic what this algorithms dealing. It's looking for the liquidity in the range of 60 days in the past. Where is the sell stops? In the last 60 days?
108 00:17:16,739 --> 00:17:26,789 Where the buy stops in the last 60 days? Where are the fair value gaps? Where's the price gaps? That price has not been efficiently delivered in the last 60
109 00:17:26,789 --> 00:17:37,289 days? Where are the the liquidity voids where price has only been delivered on the upside where it has to come back down to efficiently deliver price and
110 00:17:37,289 --> 00:17:48,419 balance it out? By going back down and closing in that range? Optimal trade entries? That's where that comes from? Where are the equilibrium price points?
111 00:17:49,350 --> 00:17:56,850 Does it have to return back to equilibrium equilibrium? Did we get too far ahead of ourselves? Do we extend too far? Do we have to come back and retrace minor
112 00:17:56,850 --> 00:18:07,920 retracement before we see the next leg lower by looking at the market structure shift that takes place in this November time period. We are in essence saying
113 00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:17,310 that this is a quarterly shift. Therefore, because of the daily chart, this is going to give us insight about what the market should do on a three month
114 00:18:17,340 --> 00:18:27,090 timeline as much as six months. But I like to just remind you that I'm only really looking for about three months horizon time horizon that far out. I don't
115 00:18:27,090 --> 00:18:33,900 like to look beyond that. There's been many times I can show you in journals where I had it right. But I wrote just because I had it right doesn't mean I was
116 00:18:33,900 --> 00:18:45,150 executed on every trade. But many times I'm really accurate in about four to six weeks time horizon, and it's about the half life of a three month cycle. So if I
117 00:18:45,150 --> 00:18:57,600 think that the time horizon is consistently derived at by looking at three months out, by using the daily chart like this, that's my belief, I'm firm in my
118 00:18:57,600 --> 00:19:06,840 belief that I believe I can teach you how to do that and have a three month horizon by having that deck is a great deal of opportunities for all disciplines
119 00:19:06,840 --> 00:19:16,500 to trading, long term positions, swing short term, intraday, scalping, all that stuff can be done effectively by having this time horizon. But when we find the
120 00:19:16,710 --> 00:19:26,760 clear market structure, shift that happens every quarterly every three to four months or so, we find it we identified the beginning of that month, you got to
121 00:19:26,760 --> 00:19:32,970 roll back to that first month. Why are we doing that? Why does it have to go back to the first month, first of the month rather?
122 00:19:33,210 --> 00:19:45,720 Because if an algorithm and I'm not sure if any of you are aware of how computer programs are made or designed, but when a systems analyst sits down with a
123 00:19:45,720 --> 00:19:56,310 company and they say okay, look, this is what I want the output to be or I need a report generator that's going to give me this outcome or I need this
124 00:19:56,310 --> 00:20:06,600 information or I need this computation made. I need this process done. Okay, the system analysis system analyst is going to say, Okay, what, what data points are
125 00:20:07,110 --> 00:20:15,930 you making available to me, so I can sit down with my team of computer programmers, okay. And the analyst will make a documentation stage where he sits
126 00:20:15,930 --> 00:20:27,270 down and outlines the overall macro process. Now, because of what they're dealing with, they are taught and learn computer programming to some degree, but
127 00:20:27,270 --> 00:20:37,230 they are not doing the programming, they put all of the context around what is supposed to happen, what processes are there, if this is done, then this should
128 00:20:37,230 --> 00:20:46,110 be done as well what checks and balances, and it's basically the documentation stage of the process of a computer program, then the computer programmers take
129 00:20:46,110 --> 00:20:56,550 that information, and they actually code it out. Now, that computer computer program and a computer programmer, it's completely utterly blind and useless. If
130 00:20:56,550 --> 00:21:06,690 he doesn't have data points to use, you can't have a computer program, do anything of any value, unless it knows where to draw data points from there has
131 00:21:06,690 --> 00:21:17,070 to be an array of information coming to it to process and do calculations. So my here's mine, this was my epiphany. Okay, when I was sitting down with the folks
132 00:21:17,070 --> 00:21:25,410 that were introducing these ideas to me, and no, they're not in the teaching circuit, you're never going to meet these people. Okay. But when I was
133 00:21:25,410 --> 00:21:37,830 introduced on how the markets actually work and operate, the first thing is the fastest and most obvious thing I learned was, there was no ambiguity to how
134 00:21:37,830 --> 00:21:50,790 price moves around. There was no randomness, because they were talking about things that had a finite or origination where it wasn't like it could have been
135 00:21:50,790 --> 00:21:58,500 this day, it could have been that year, it could have been this month. No, no, no, no, it's absolutely nothing like that. If you understand that, we're going
136 00:21:58,500 --> 00:22:09,510 to be referring to things that are numerical, they are price related. They are value based, that means that we have to look at a specific level and price. But
137 00:22:09,660 --> 00:22:18,720 how does the algorithm go just to end the old price? How does the algorithm know that yet that that's where the large fun stops are. So this is what's taught in
138 00:22:18,720 --> 00:22:28,440 permeated in the teaching circuits in an education for trading. They teach and I've said these things before, but I used it to communicate to you the idea
139 00:22:28,440 --> 00:22:35,100 because most people don't understand fund level trading, they don't understand institutional trading. They don't they don't know those types of things. They
140 00:22:35,100 --> 00:22:43,080 just think I got an account with my broker. So therefore I'm trading. And if I get stopped out, it's my broker that did it to me. And many times that's true.
141 00:22:43,740 --> 00:22:55,230 But the delivery of price when the central bank level, that movement, that repricing is really not always but on a short term. It's being repriced, to take
142 00:22:55,260 --> 00:23:07,320 into account for large liquidity pools that are available on the large fund trading realm, not your little mom and pop FX em, not your oanda, you none of
143 00:23:07,320 --> 00:23:14,760 those, none of those things, okay, are obvious are on the radar screen for what I'm teaching you here, but they are in close.
144 00:23:16,830 --> 00:23:24,750 They're basically in alignment with the same thing. Okay, but there, this is these movements for these runs on stops. They're not looking at, oh, here's
145 00:23:24,750 --> 00:23:35,070 Michael, stop. Okay, here's John Jones from Allentown, Pennsylvania stops, okay, they don't have that type of information, they don't see you, they don't have
146 00:23:35,070 --> 00:23:45,240 any identification of you. They don't have any identification to retail at all. But because these ideas are taught across the board the same way, because it's
147 00:23:45,240 --> 00:23:55,080 been put out there to be done this way. Because eventually, if you're, if you are an accurate trader, that's a retail based trader, okay? Eventually, if
148 00:23:55,080 --> 00:24:04,080 you're profitable, to some degree, what eventually happens to some of these people, they get very high minded of themselves, they think then they're great
149 00:24:04,080 --> 00:24:09,930 at what they're doing. So therefore, they're profitable. And the first thing they want to do is prove it to the world by having everyone else give them their
150 00:24:09,930 --> 00:24:18,990 money. And they're going to be a trader that manages funds. No one wakes up and is born a large fund trader, they come up through the ranks of being a
151 00:24:18,990 --> 00:24:27,420 profitable retail trader. So are they going to come into that realm and change the way they've been doing things? Absolutely not. It's the same thing they're
152 00:24:27,420 --> 00:24:35,940 going to do there, then the difference is, they have a process on the fund level that they have to go through specific parameters and guidelines and stay within
153 00:24:35,940 --> 00:24:44,640 these to be compliant with whoever is running that. That operation behind the scenes. In other words, just because you're a large fund manager unless you're
154 00:24:44,640 --> 00:24:55,470 operating alone and independent. If you go to work for an agency and you are a fund trader and you're managing under their umbrella, then you have guidelines
155 00:24:55,470 --> 00:25:03,510 you have to work within. There's there's rules and things that you can't do outside of These are your your, you basically get canned, you're out the door,
156 00:25:03,510 --> 00:25:14,100 you're gone, you can't manage anything, ducks value. But these ideas are the same. So how can an algorithm or a computer will just say like this, how can a
157 00:25:14,100 --> 00:25:27,630 computer program know where everyone stop is it has to have a range of data. Now, just because we have the the numbers of price, the value of price, okay,
158 00:25:28,110 --> 00:25:39,870 they have to have a look back period to look back period is 20 days, 40 days and 60 days. And what you're doing is is and this is what I want you to do with your
159 00:25:39,900 --> 00:25:48,090 your time after today's teaching, while you're waiting for today's daily recap video, because there'll be two bits go up, this is the teaching video today. And
160 00:25:48,090 --> 00:25:55,260 then we'll have a daily review where I do like 10 to 10 minutes talking about what's already happened. And I'll give you the charts and stuff to study, I want
161 00:25:55,260 --> 00:26:03,930 you to spend your time this evening, okay. And even tomorrow, while we're not doing any live session, go back through your charts. And don't just look at the
162 00:26:03,930 --> 00:26:12,900 Australian dollar, look at every currency pair, look at every commodity, look at individual stocks, look at indices. And you'll see quickly by studying this, it
163 00:26:12,900 --> 00:26:24,540 will become quickly clear that there's no randomness to it, there's a specific pattern that this thing does all the time. Now, it used to be a manual thing
164 00:26:24,540 --> 00:26:35,340 where the market maker was a real person, they sat there, and they worked with a team of individuals that manipulated price to do these very things. But because
165 00:26:35,340 --> 00:26:45,750 everything has become so streamlined and efficient by artificial intelligence, AI, the effectiveness of algorithms, okay, that that's been implemented. Now,
166 00:26:46,050 --> 00:26:53,880 it's much more efficient to do that. And there's no emotion, it just does what it needs to do. So if it's a computer program, or I'm quoting with my fingers,
167 00:26:53,880 --> 00:27:04,890 now, the interbank price delivery algorithm, that computer program, we're going to call it from this point on for this teaching. For it to be effective, it has
168 00:27:04,890 --> 00:27:16,500 to know where to look at, to find stops, they don't see orders. That's not what's going on, they don't see orders. The orders are executed on by the
169 00:27:16,500 --> 00:27:25,650 traders at the bank level, the algorithm just permits the price to move to that level, which gives the opportunity for the traders to execute on that run.
170 00:27:27,240 --> 00:27:34,830 That's the real story. That's what really goes on. Everybody else out there in this industry will tell you, well, it's this happening in this this guy here.
171 00:27:34,830 --> 00:27:44,670 He's He's pushing a button and it's doing this to happen. No, it's not. It's not That's not what's happening at all. The algorithm will look back 60 days. And
172 00:27:44,670 --> 00:27:51,930 it'll find it's very easy if you're if you know anything about computer programming. And you don't even have to do that. But just look at this. first of
173 00:27:51,930 --> 00:28:00,810 November. If you look back 60 days in the past, what was the highest time the last 60 days? There's going to be by stops above that high.
174 00:28:02,010 --> 00:28:11,490 What's the lowest low in the last 60 days? There's going to be sell stops below that low. In the last 40 days, what was the last highest high? And what was the
175 00:28:11,490 --> 00:28:21,330 last lowest low? Looking back in the range to the left from that November red line that we're dealing in November? Where are the stocks below and above those
176 00:28:21,330 --> 00:28:33,870 highs inside of the range of 20 days, 40 days and 60 days? Now I already know what some of you're thinking, what happens if there's a low, that's really,
177 00:28:33,870 --> 00:28:45,480 really obvious, that's just outside the range of 60 days, that's the farthest extreme. That's when the open float will move aggressively, and go outside that
178 00:28:45,570 --> 00:28:56,070 normal parameter of 60 days. And you'll see that big run, the market will jump and skip right down into that old low that's just outside that 60 day range. How
179 00:28:56,070 --> 00:29:05,850 do you know when it's going to be an explosive move, Michael, when you have that scenario, gifting last 60 days, if they've already ran out the stops below and
180 00:29:05,850 --> 00:29:17,130 low in the last 60 days or above an old high in the last 60 days. And there is a larger, higher high or lower low where the stocks will be resting above or below
181 00:29:17,130 --> 00:29:24,750 respectively, then you know, there's going to be a big run on price. And they're going to run for that liquidity. Because that's the only other thing that's
182 00:29:24,750 --> 00:29:37,860 left. The large funds have their orders above and below these old highs and lows. You work just like the algorithm will in a 60 day range. Look back last 60
183 00:29:37,860 --> 00:29:46,800 days. And then you watch going forward, you cast forward 60 days and you can literally have this on your chart and you go forward, count forward 60 days, you
184 00:29:46,800 --> 00:29:56,040 can literally go on your daily chart with Mt four and change your date 60 days forward to make a vertical line and that way as price starts to paint, you'll
185 00:29:56,040 --> 00:30:03,720 know you're approaching that 60 day. That means it's going to be forming some measurable intermediate term high or low before that time, and it's going to
186 00:30:03,720 --> 00:30:12,270 create a liquidity pool, above an old high or below an old low, that's going to be influential for future trades. The same thing occurs by looking back on the
187 00:30:12,270 --> 00:30:20,460 last 40 days. To the left of that November 1, look back 40 days, what was the lowest low what was the highest low, I'm sorry, what was the highest high
188 00:30:20,460 --> 00:30:30,210 rather, and the lowest low, your biceps above the old high and sell stocks below the old low inside of that range of 40 days? That's where ELLIPTA will look for
189 00:30:30,270 --> 00:30:40,590 that liquidity. Now, it's not giving you directional bias yet, I'm telling you, it needs to use these reference points to find where the stocks would logically
190 00:30:40,590 --> 00:30:53,880 be. See the AI cannot. It can't think for a human. They can't do that. But because Human Nature says that we will as traders put ourselves stop below a low
191 00:30:54,660 --> 00:31:05,550 and we will put a buy stop above an old high. That's all the algorithms doing. It's seeking to take price to that level. When it gets to that level, then your
192 00:31:05,550 --> 00:31:18,720 broker, then the central bank can do a wild spike and send it above 10 to 20 pips. Think about now 10 to 20 pips then becomes logical why they do those big
193 00:31:18,720 --> 00:31:28,350 spikes. Okay, intraday, 20 and 10 and 20 pips above and Oh, hi, then it stops right many times right at 20 pips, or 10 pips, and then rejects that goes the
194 00:31:28,350 --> 00:31:40,080 other way. It first has to get to those levels based on a daily chart in the realm of a 20, Pip 40, I'm sorry, 20 day, 40 day or 60 day, look back, and then
195 00:31:40,080 --> 00:31:49,980 cast forward. So really, what you're doing is you have 120 days of range from the past and going forward, there's going to be a significant move in some of
196 00:31:49,980 --> 00:31:57,480 your breath. Of course, there's going to be a move, Michael, come on, I mean, a lot can happen in 120 days. Yeah, you're right. But there's things that you have
197 00:31:57,480 --> 00:32:07,620 to look for, that the algorithm is going to be doing. To engineer these types of moves, you have to have these data points to know why the markets going to go
198 00:32:07,620 --> 00:32:17,280 and an old low what old low, well, where's the lowest low in the last 20 days, where's the last 40 days, where's the lowest low in that range? Where's the
199 00:32:17,280 --> 00:32:24,660 highest high in that last range. And you need to be noting those because that's the one that they're going to run, they're going to run rate for those.
200 00:32:25,980 --> 00:32:34,470 If there isn't anything that hasn't been traded to, in the last 60 days, if everything's been wiped out, above and below the marketplace, in other words,
201 00:32:34,470 --> 00:32:41,880 the open float, or the buy stops above old highs, and all sell stocks below all lows in the last 60 days during your look back and forwards everything to the
202 00:32:41,880 --> 00:32:51,570 left of that November vertical line, a red line, if everything's been cleaned out, above and below the highs and lows, there's no more buy stops, there's no
203 00:32:51,570 --> 00:33:04,380 more sell stops, it has to create a new expansion. So you have to identify what the next high and lo outside that range of 60 days looking back where that is.
204 00:33:05,130 --> 00:33:12,390 And that's going to tell you where they're going to draw a price on this daily timeframe. It's more, it's more confirmed when you start applying it to the
205 00:33:12,390 --> 00:33:20,370 weekly chart and the monthly chart because you'll start seeing things align where that old world, it's just outside of the last 60 days looking back,
206 00:33:20,970 --> 00:33:29,040 there's an old word that may not be on this chart here. I don't know, I'm just giving you a hypothetical example. If there's an old load, it's just outside the
207 00:33:29,040 --> 00:33:38,820 realm of September in this example, here, say maybe there's August, there's a significant lower low, the market is going to reach for that there may be a high
208 00:33:38,850 --> 00:33:50,610 that's just outside the September boundary in August, they may have turned around here. And they make a run for that maybe it may be in the 78 price range
209 00:33:50,610 --> 00:33:59,040 for for all z. That's what you should be noting. And you're going to look for price to be drawn to one of those two price points. And you look for evidences
210 00:33:59,040 --> 00:34:06,960 that that institutional order flow is going that direction, then you know where it's going, it gives you directional bias because of the higher timeframe nature
211 00:34:07,200 --> 00:34:20,970 of this daily chart, and weekly and monthly. So what we have here, this is the look forward, okay, or cast forward of November. This is 20 days out from the
212 00:34:21,000 --> 00:34:32,250 first of November. So we have 20 days here. Inside of that 20 day range, there's going to be a significant setup that you can use for your trading. It's moving
213 00:34:32,250 --> 00:34:44,550 up into the old low that was formed in October. It goes into consolidation law here we have a condition where the market didn't create any significant shift
214 00:34:44,940 --> 00:34:53,610 but starts to move in consolidation then you count forward. Okay, from here, that's the 20th. So you can go from the beginning of November to the 20th. Yes,
215 00:34:53,610 --> 00:35:05,610 there was a price swing, but using the information next stage would be 40 days out from that price point. Stop November beginning we have here that is your 40
216 00:35:05,610 --> 00:35:17,850 day look out, forecast forward. And you're looking for, again, a potential major shift quarterly, it can happen at that point. Now, it didn't give you the lowest
217 00:35:17,850 --> 00:35:32,700 low, because if you go back to the left to, to daily candles or bars, the last down right here, this down candle that was the actual low, we had a small little
218 00:35:32,700 --> 00:35:44,070 range in here, and then we came down and hit this level here at 7150. That's the 40 days out from the beginning of November, framed on the quarterly shift that
219 00:35:44,070 --> 00:35:57,450 took place here. So we're anticipating a potential change in in the direction, okay 2040 or 60 days out. But that's the range. It's not always going to do like
220 00:35:57,450 --> 00:36:06,090 what you're seeing here where it's almost calling the very day it moves and makes the change. It's you're allowing your study to say, okay, the price is
221 00:36:06,090 --> 00:36:13,380 going to move out 20 days, and then we could see something, if it doesn't happen in 20 days, okay, well, in the next 20 days, up to 40 days from where the market
222 00:36:13,380 --> 00:36:24,360 structure last shifted here quarterly, then we're going to anticipate in the realm of the next 20 days, it may happen. So you have to be looking for signs
223 00:36:24,360 --> 00:36:33,870 that it's going to happen if you don't do these things, you're going to marry the idea that the markets gonna keep on going lower, and never turn around. It
224 00:36:33,870 --> 00:36:43,380 doesn't it doesn't do that markets don't trade in straight lines. So if we see here, on this day here, this is 40 days out from the beginning of November, very
225 00:36:43,380 --> 00:36:51,600 significant price move occurred from that price. 7150. I mean, I would think everyone, if we were all in the same room, if we raise their hand, if we were in
226 00:36:51,600 --> 00:36:59,130 agreement, I think majority of us if not all of us would raise your hand say that's a pretty significant move off that level. One of the things I learned
227 00:36:59,130 --> 00:37:08,670 when I was an indicator based trader, I'd like to stochastic I like Larry Williams, the accumulation distribution formula were plotted and accumulated
228 00:37:08,670 --> 00:37:19,080 blind based on the relationship to open the close and closed open and measuring that as some smart money buying and selling. Well. Sometimes that's true. Not
229 00:37:19,080 --> 00:37:21,420 always, and it didn't always give you a divergence.
230 00:37:22,740 --> 00:37:33,690 I liked his way in percent art. And the reason why I liked his Wayne percent art is because it has an uncanny ability to be one day before. Like, if you look at
231 00:37:33,690 --> 00:37:43,620 stochastic, you have to wait for the candle to close and go to a new candle to see if the K line crossed the D line or D line crossed the K line or wherever it
232 00:37:43,620 --> 00:37:53,400 is, I don't even remember what it was anymore. But the trigger line that uses the idea behind a crossover stands for stochastic that has to happen after the
233 00:37:53,400 --> 00:38:02,850 fact. Well, the markets already moved. When I looked at the percent R what that did, it gave me many times the day before the real oversold condition would
234 00:38:02,850 --> 00:38:11,670 happen. For instance, if the oversold condition existed in wanes, percent are today, that means tomorrow is probably still likely to go down just a little bit
235 00:38:11,670 --> 00:38:22,470 more. But that's going to be the by day, that's a very low low. Well, that same phenomenon sometimes occurs with these ranges 20 days out, you may get the if it
236 00:38:22,470 --> 00:38:32,250 doesn't turn, it may happen on the 21st day, or it may occur on the 19th day when the when it does occur. But that's not what you're relying on. So it's
237 00:38:32,250 --> 00:38:41,730 important that while that may have magic in your chart, sometimes you may see it happen. It might do the very thing of turning on the 20th day or the 40th day or
238 00:38:41,730 --> 00:38:49,860 the 60th day. And you saw that in my first teaching for the month. I wish I probably would have stressed it more because everyone seems to think that that's
239 00:38:49,860 --> 00:38:58,920 what's going to happen. I'm not telling you that market turns every 20 days, every 40 days and every 60 days, but it can and will sometimes do that. What
240 00:38:58,920 --> 00:39:08,190 we're looking for is these quarterly shifts that take place. Once we identify one. There's our beginning point, okay, but you have to roll back to the
241 00:39:08,190 --> 00:39:17,430 beginning of that month it occurs and it occurred in the second week of the month of November. So we're now we're calibrated. Now we can start going forward
242 00:39:17,460 --> 00:39:30,090 until we see a equal or counterparty to that move on lower there has to be a significant retracement or correction or reversal. It's indicating that here the
243 00:39:30,090 --> 00:39:39,720 last week of December. Why is it doing that because we've taken out December is high. See that. We're trading at a level where if this was continuously bearish,
244 00:39:40,290 --> 00:39:51,180 it shouldn't be where it's at right now today. Okay. But my point and drawing your attention to the 40 day is it was not the 40th I'm sorry, it wasn't the
245 00:39:51,180 --> 00:39:59,610 fact that it made the lowest low and turned on that day but look at the low and proximity to the lowest low that was formed here. Inside to see this day here
246 00:39:59,730 --> 00:40:09,120 was Inside the range of 40 days, back to this point price point here. So from this level of looking at the first day on November, casting forward 40 days,
247 00:40:10,050 --> 00:40:19,170 this whole turning point right here could have happened any time in the last 40 days. Now, again, for the some of those that are cynical, of course, obviously,
248 00:40:19,170 --> 00:40:28,290 this is of no value, it's a great deal of value. Because inside that 40 days, just like when we look back for 40 days, and look for the low for sell stops,
249 00:40:28,290 --> 00:40:44,040 and we look for the high for the buy stops in this range here. What is this? That's a low below that load is going to be what? Some stops, yes, we moved
250 00:40:44,790 --> 00:40:48,870 about 150 pips or so below that.
251 00:40:50,040 --> 00:41:03,390 But we came to a level of 7150. That's not random. 7150 is a significant level, it's a mid figure level. And it's happening at a time, when inside of 40 days,
252 00:41:03,750 --> 00:41:12,510 the if the data range is going to be looking to do something it has to it has to do something every three months, price is going to be pushed around, it's going
253 00:41:12,510 --> 00:41:24,270 to be drawn to a level or it's going to repel from a level. And it's based on what I'm telling you here, it's seeking large fund liquidity. Now longer term,
254 00:41:24,300 --> 00:41:35,580 we're talking about monthly and yearly moves, they are all driven by real fundamental things like interest rates. But every quarter, there's going to be a
255 00:41:36,450 --> 00:41:46,530 ebb and flow that takes place a rally in a decline. When this occurs. That's all short term in nature, when you look at long term trends that go for five years,
256 00:41:46,530 --> 00:41:53,460 or 10 years, three months is nothing. That's like a five minute chart on the scheme of a weekly chart, it doesn't mean anything, there's no significance to
257 00:41:53,460 --> 00:42:06,720 it at all. Long term macro fundamentals, okay, are not impacted by three month cycles. They're not, they can be used to get in sync with long term macro
258 00:42:06,720 --> 00:42:14,850 fundamentals. But the only fundamentals you're gonna get from me is interest rates, which is going to be taught to you this month as well. So again, in
259 00:42:14,850 --> 00:42:23,640 summary, the 40 days, and I'm not done teaching, but for 40 days, this range, we're looking back, because see now here, we have a new 40 day, look, we're
260 00:42:23,640 --> 00:42:32,400 casting forward 40 days, so that at that moment, we're going to have that in our charts. From this point here, we know 40 days from then, this is where we would
261 00:42:32,400 --> 00:42:43,170 have our expectation of a shift. But we also because we can do that in advance. We can now look back 20 days, from there. We can look 40 days back from there,
262 00:42:43,200 --> 00:42:54,840 where's the lows? And where's the highs? Think about that. If we know at this point here casting 40 days forward, we can have a vertical line right here on
263 00:42:54,840 --> 00:43:02,910 our on our charts. Now, to someone looking over your shoulder, they'd be like, Why is that line? Even there? Why do you have a vertical line there? I don't
264 00:43:02,910 --> 00:43:11,550 know. I ain't telling you, you weren't part of the mentorship. But from this point here counting back us good. Or here's here's gotta count this day as day
265 00:43:11,550 --> 00:43:29,910 112345 678-910-1112 1314 1516 1718 1920. Okay. 20 is basically the last day before you get to December. So the second to the last day in November, is 20
266 00:43:29,910 --> 00:43:42,810 days back. What was the highest high formed in that range? It's going to be mid July, mid December, where it made there's equal highs. So there's gonna be
267 00:43:42,810 --> 00:43:53,910 what's resting above that by stops. So what is the crypto algorithm going to do? It's going to seek that liquidity. It's going to go up there and take that which
268 00:43:53,910 --> 00:44:05,490 high should look for Michael, that one. Looking back from this point here, because we know it from this point here casting forward 40 days, okay, going
269 00:44:05,490 --> 00:44:14,160 back 40 days, well, that's going to be in the range that's delineated here with this line that we've already shown. This is the low. Is there any significance
270 00:44:14,160 --> 00:44:24,720 about that? Well, well, I'm counting to go into your four hour, one hour and 15 minute timeframe and put up 7300 On your Aussie dollar and see what you see.
271 00:44:27,060 --> 00:44:39,390 There's nothing random about this stuff, folks. That low is 40 days inside the 40 day range. Okay, that is a significant turning point. It's not the very
272 00:44:39,390 --> 00:44:49,290 lowest low, but you can see that the low forms two days before that. And then we have a market structure shift and the market starts to go opposite to what is
273 00:44:49,320 --> 00:45:02,280 been put in place in November. You can now also from that price point there by having a vertical line on the arrowed day range, you can now start counting
274 00:45:02,280 --> 00:45:10,320 forward 20 days, 40 days, 60 days, until you see an obvious shift quarterly.
275 00:45:11,730 --> 00:45:18,720 There is a major structural shift, okay, it can be bullish or bearish, whichever one it happens, it doesn't make it that you're not trying to forecast that all
276 00:45:18,720 --> 00:45:29,490 you're doing is anticipating another significant move in price on a daily chart, and it happens every three months. But the point is that the if the data ranges
277 00:45:29,880 --> 00:45:41,310 give you a means of looking back 2040 and 60 days, from specific days and specific price points, because then you'll know what stops they're going to be
278 00:45:41,310 --> 00:45:49,740 reaching for, above all time and below. And although it's not just, Well, I'm looking for the most recent, obvious, high and low No, no, no, no, it's not like
279 00:45:49,740 --> 00:45:57,810 that at all. It's not like that at all, you got to look back in a range of 2014 60. And then if all those levels have been cleared out, then you got to
280 00:45:57,810 --> 00:46:06,900 look outside that range, then you know, you're getting may see a big move. And if it has these characteristics, then you know you're going to see a larger move
281 00:46:06,900 --> 00:46:20,610 higher or lower, based on what those highs and lows would be outside of the most recent 60 day look back. So this is the Australian dollar candlestick, you can
282 00:46:21,810 --> 00:46:30,720 rest your eyes a little bit more strain in your eyes on the open high low close bar. Here's that 7050 level. Okay, and why that's significant. Here, we have a
283 00:46:30,750 --> 00:46:42,090 old blow back in February of 2016, maybe last down candle, but that last down candle has a range in it. Okay, let me show you again, this is what it looks
284 00:46:42,090 --> 00:46:54,120 like that wick right in here. Here, look at that price movement up right before the lattice was the last week of February, that big green candle right there. We
285 00:46:54,120 --> 00:47:05,670 know that prior to that we saw that down close. In that explosive range higher, that high is going to be significant, it's going to be sensitive, okay, but all
286 00:47:05,670 --> 00:47:18,120 the way down into the opening of that weekly range. Also, notice that this last down candle here, right before this big move up in the last week of May of 2016,
287 00:47:18,540 --> 00:47:31,920 that last red candle. That was the bullish order block as well. So we have a big range to work within, then going into the latter portions of 2016. The last down
288 00:47:31,920 --> 00:47:42,420 candle in December, that would be a bullish order block as well. Looking at the the high and the open on that candle would give you significant price points to
289 00:47:42,420 --> 00:47:52,080 go forward as well. But look what happens when price hits this 7150 level. It's been down here before, and they repelled aggressively away from that,
290 00:47:52,530 --> 00:48:01,410 fundamentally must be something to it. I don't know what it is. But on a weekly chart, we're going to be using old highs and old lows. And if there's old highs
291 00:48:01,410 --> 00:48:09,540 and low lows had significant buying and selling pressures. That's evidence and you can see it here, we have to be mindful of that. And you can see that they
292 00:48:09,540 --> 00:48:18,960 have in fact traded down here we tapped it two times on a weekly basis and then moved out once we moved out away from that level, but you'd see that they're
293 00:48:18,960 --> 00:48:30,450 going to be looking to do what they're going to be trading above these candles bodies. And the wicks are next. And we could potentially trade up into this last
294 00:48:30,480 --> 00:48:43,890 candle in the last week of October of 2016. That's where the bearish order block is. So we have a range that potentially could take us up into 7570 to 7580 Still
295 00:48:44,610 --> 00:48:57,120 for Australian Dollar let's go back into the daily Australian dollar and I want you to take a look at this chart from him and stare at this for a second tell me
296 00:48:57,120 --> 00:49:08,850 what you see. Okay, this is again is this the March contract for the Australian futures market. It's gonna basically do the same thing our our Australian Dollar
297 00:49:09,120 --> 00:49:19,350 pair does and forex. But what you're seeing here cannot be seen and trading forex and air all these guys that get on Facebook and on the internet and
298 00:49:19,350 --> 00:49:27,840 Twitter and they know everything about forex, and they knew the insides and everything. That secret, okay, the buzzword smart money. And now it's
299 00:49:27,870 --> 00:49:33,510 institutional trading. Everything is making its way and everybody else's curriculum now, but
300 00:49:34,530 --> 00:49:44,820 none of them talk about this. Okay. And this is where I learned the things that les Williams taught in his book. How I made a million dollars trading
301 00:49:44,820 --> 00:49:55,530 commodities last year, wrote that book in the 70s. Folks, you know, we're in 2017 now, very, very few things have the longevity of what has been taught in
302 00:49:55,530 --> 00:50:04,590 his book. I mean for less than it costs for a pair of shoes today. You literally can buy a book that if you have no understanding about how commodities move and
303 00:50:04,680 --> 00:50:13,500 how they're priced and all that business. To me, I think that is an essential part of every traders library. Again, the title is how I made a million dollars
304 00:50:13,500 --> 00:50:26,040 trading commodities last year by Larry Williams. In his book, he talks about how he was taught, he didn't discover it, he was taught this by his friend. And I
305 00:50:26,040 --> 00:50:32,940 think if I'm not mistaken, I think he names his friend in that book, but the if not, you can find it on YouTube YouTube search on Larry Williams and open
306 00:50:32,940 --> 00:50:46,890 interest. But the the fact that open interest is the most misunderstood data point in trading is a wonderful opportunity for you as a trader. If there is a
307 00:50:46,890 --> 00:51:01,680 now thing, think just for a second, if there is 100%, control over price, there has to be someone controlling it. We're gonna glibly call that smart money. If
308 00:51:01,680 --> 00:51:12,000 they are controlling it, why would they want to control it? Greed. They want to make money just like anybody else does. Banks are not in the business to go out
309 00:51:12,000 --> 00:51:24,510 of business, they're in business to buy and sell money, or provide means for you to borrow money to pay them interest on the usage of that money. That's just one
310 00:51:24,510 --> 00:51:36,780 facet of it. There's also speculation that is the miss most misunderstood realm, because it's not widely talked about, you have to be in that arena, you have to
311 00:51:36,780 --> 00:51:48,090 be there to know anything about it. And you are forced to not talk about anything. So I had to create a language, if you will, okay, to be able to talk
312 00:51:48,510 --> 00:52:01,590 where the things I understood, are effectively communicated. But also doesn't put me out there where I'm in trouble. That's why we are in this teaching this,
313 00:52:01,800 --> 00:52:13,590 this medium. The things that I quickly learned that were apparent in the marketplace is that yes, there is a entity out there, that is 100% interested in
314 00:52:13,800 --> 00:52:24,300 offsetting large funds, because they have real huge orders in the marketplace. And if they can upset them, or take them out of the marketplace, they know that
315 00:52:24,300 --> 00:52:31,140 their viewpoint will eventually get back in line because their trend falling in nature, they can take them out of the move, and then take their seat in that
316 00:52:31,140 --> 00:52:41,460 position. Or they can take them in the wrong side of the move, and then reprice aggressively the other way. And they can profit from that. They're not looking
317 00:52:41,460 --> 00:52:51,570 at alanda or if axioms books and saying okay, well, you know, we're gonna really punish retail today. Retail is just falling, the, you know, the blind leader of
318 00:52:51,600 --> 00:53:04,770 all these textbooks, all that stuff, it leads you to losses, that's a derivative of you doing what you've been told to do. And it's doesn't have any basis in how
319 00:53:04,770 --> 00:53:12,090 the markets actually work. Once in a while they will work. But you're not It's not because of that it didn't happen because of the divergence and stochastic.
320 00:53:12,390 --> 00:53:20,280 It didn't happen because your wolf wave or your harmonic crab riding on the back of an eagle's wings pattern doesn't that doesn't happen. Okay, price is moving
321 00:53:20,280 --> 00:53:29,940 based on where the large funds orders are where that open float is. On the higher timeframe charts. That's what's drawing price. But because the price is
322 00:53:29,940 --> 00:53:40,560 going to allow the bank level traders to get in and build positions in otherwise, if it was really just the central banks repricing, it will be like
323 00:53:40,590 --> 00:53:50,790 all the time big moves, moving up to an old high then down to an old low. The traders have to have a opportunity to work inside that position to capitalize on
324 00:53:50,790 --> 00:54:01,020 the move that if data is engineering for them. How do we know when the banks smart money are actually going in and buying? If we know that there's a
325 00:54:01,020 --> 00:54:12,930 likelihood that 7150 On Aussie dollar is potentially bullish. What evidence is there that there is in fact smart money buying it? Well, inside that blue shaded
326 00:54:12,930 --> 00:54:20,490 area in here, I have a great deal of insight to share with you you need some of you already know some about something about this. But I want you to think about
327 00:54:20,490 --> 00:54:26,820 this. Every three months this occurs. Right just on your notepad.
328 00:54:27,390 --> 00:54:41,730 If you're busy changing diapers, okay, doing dishes, hide from your boss, write this down every three months. This pattern occurs where you're at a support
329 00:54:41,730 --> 00:54:54,780 level, a major higher timeframe support level. If you see an expectation that price should be bullish. We have been trading lower and we hit the level like
330 00:54:54,780 --> 00:55:07,380 we're seeing here at 7150. So just let me go back one more time to show you the weekly chart Here's that 7150 level down here. We've been there before, in May.
331 00:55:07,410 --> 00:55:23,040 Okay, so look at that level here. You can see that 7150 That level has been hit perfectly his nails it, okay. And then it runs away. As price hit it. As price
332 00:55:23,040 --> 00:55:33,540 hit this level here, this purple line in here, I want you to look at what was going on as price was dropping down. Okay. All through this market structure
333 00:55:33,540 --> 00:55:43,560 shift in November. Okay, what's happening here? Yes, prices repricing going lower. It's allowing bank level traders to be short and capitalize on that move.
334 00:55:44,130 --> 00:55:56,730 But also open interest is also declining. Why are why is that happening? Why is Open Interest declining? When this moves dropping down? What what significance
335 00:55:56,730 --> 00:56:12,180 is that? Because if you read Larry Williams book, he says his buddy told him if the market is in consolidation, all through here are between 77 and 7454,
336 00:56:12,180 --> 00:56:21,720 August, September and October, price was in a big trading range. It's in consolidation. Then in November, it creates a false breakout above 77, big
337 00:56:21,720 --> 00:56:32,970 figure, and rejects and trades lower. Open Interest is taught that as long as the trend is going up or down, and you see open interest increasing as the trend
338 00:56:32,970 --> 00:56:43,260 goes, that's a healthy trend that works for bull markets doesn't work for down markets. That's a misnomer. That's misinformation. Larry Wayne says when open
339 00:56:43,260 --> 00:56:53,700 interest drops while you're in consolidation. We're in consolidation all through August, September, October, price drops down in here, we have a big drop in open
340 00:56:53,700 --> 00:57:06,060 interest. Open Interest is the total open Long's and shorts that are in the marketplace right now. If the central bank is the storehouse for price, it's
341 00:57:06,060 --> 00:57:15,720 their currency, it's their commodity. If you're trying to buy currency, it has to be made available to you. And it's got to come from a bank. If this would
342 00:57:15,720 --> 00:57:26,820 have been gold, okay, the commodity is gold is there's a provider or a liquidity provider of gold, okay, you have to buy up this position or assume a position
343 00:57:26,820 --> 00:57:36,240 and go well, for Australian dollar. If you're buying that currency, it has to come from somewhere, it comes from the bank. So if they are the liquidity
344 00:57:36,240 --> 00:57:46,080 provider for the price of Australian dollar, the Central Bank of Australia, if that bank is providing you the basis of the valuation on Australian dollars,
345 00:57:47,010 --> 00:57:58,890 they are essentially doing what they're the counterparty to all the large funds, not always not 100%, because you have all kinds of smaller entities and
346 00:57:58,890 --> 00:58:09,630 institutions that could take the other side of other positions, but from for the most part, view open interest as every trade that the central bank is providing
347 00:58:09,630 --> 00:58:16,500 counterparty to basically what a small brokerage firm would do with their own clients, they are the liquidity provider, while the central bank is the
348 00:58:16,500 --> 00:58:27,330 liquidity provider for Australian dollar. So if we see open interest increasing, what does that mean? That means the central bank is is taking on risk. It's
349 00:58:27,330 --> 00:58:42,270 providing liquidity for buyers of Australian dollar. If open interest has a 15% or more drop, or changed lower like it does here, this is extended, this is a
350 00:58:42,270 --> 00:58:53,160 very significant drop. While prices sideways, this is bullish, because what this is doing is every every time open interest increases, it's indicating that they
351 00:58:53,160 --> 00:59:02,040 have now provided liquidity for a buyer. If they're not trying to provide liquidity for a buyer and they're trying to reduce their holding or exposure,
352 00:59:02,220 --> 00:59:14,190 that means that they're not doing what to offer liquidity to a buyer, they have to be a seller. Open Interest reflects the selling side of a provider of
353 00:59:14,190 --> 00:59:24,360 liquidity. If this open interest declines aggressively like this, that's indicating they do not want to hold the heavy short position they will be having
354 00:59:24,480 --> 00:59:27,450 by being a provider for those that want to buy Australian dollar.
355 00:59:28,590 --> 00:59:39,600 Do you see it rally then? But look carefully. The extended trading range is months long. What's going on that whole time from this point here? They start
356 00:59:39,600 --> 00:59:48,600 building in positions. They're selling this thing as it's creating higher highs it's coming back. It's they're selling more of a here and they're selling more
357 00:59:48,600 --> 00:59:59,670 of a here. Every peak in the open interest from the low it creates here that every peak in it is a high they sold more here. They sold more here right at
358 00:59:59,670 --> 01:00:10,770 this high Like they sold the most, right there. They're selling into that rally. You don't get that from Les wounds book, you do get him saying open interest
359 01:00:10,770 --> 01:00:19,860 increases we're in, we're in bearish markets. And if we're in a consolidation, it tells you if we see open interest increasing in a consolidation, that means
360 01:00:19,860 --> 01:00:27,180 that the open interest is reflecting heavy net selling on the central bank level. That's how I'm viewing it for currency trading. But what he taught in his
361 01:00:27,180 --> 01:00:36,240 book was the commercial traders, the large commercial users or producers of commodity, they're actually building in heavy short positions. What I learned
362 01:00:36,240 --> 01:00:43,590 was by looking at open interest and matching up the highs to the peaks in open interest, you can actually see where they did their sell programs. That's a
363 01:00:43,590 --> 01:00:52,290 sell. They're selling it here. And at the very highest peak, they sold it there. Now, think about it, if they sold it there, and then we do have a market
364 01:00:52,290 --> 01:01:01,830 structure shift here. Are they going to hold on to their short positions, if they're naturally a hedger open interest is going to by natural order of things
365 01:01:01,860 --> 01:01:08,670 reduce as it's going lower? Because what are they doing? They're covering those short positions they built in here. That's what's happening all through this
366 01:01:08,670 --> 01:01:17,790 process of going lower, open interest is declining, you don't get taught in textbooks, it's showing you that they are in fact, in a sell program and their
367 01:01:17,880 --> 01:01:27,570 profit taking as it's going lower, lower, lower, lower, lower, open interest is going to decline, then we hit a level like this major support, are they going to
368 01:01:27,570 --> 01:01:38,280 want to hold on to a heavy net short position by offering liquidity to the buyers? No way? How do they upset that they do rapid price declines, that knocks
369 01:01:38,280 --> 01:01:46,500 the desire for buyers to want to move away and get out of their way. Because they don't want to be a provider and bite for writing the sell side to buyers.
370 01:01:47,220 --> 01:01:54,600 They don't want that risk. And that's why they do these massive sell offs and price, you see these big moves that jumped down to specific levels, and it just
371 01:01:54,600 --> 01:02:03,750 keep going lower and lower lower. They do that to take away and control sentiment on the on the near term. You may have been bullish back here. Well,
372 01:02:03,750 --> 01:02:13,380 that goes away real quick when they do this. In a repeat, driving lower, all of a sudden, there's no support levels until you get down to 7150. They know buyers
373 01:02:13,380 --> 01:02:23,670 are going to come in. So they have to reset and drop down quick boom, they reset they take all the interest of being a sell side liquidity provider and drop it
374 01:02:23,670 --> 01:02:35,730 down to its lowest point. Why are they doing that? Because now their exposure is not here, their exposure starts down here. And they go back to that same cycle.
375 01:02:35,730 --> 01:02:45,390 Now everybody's trying to buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, and they will provide that liquidity because they've already profited down here from back here, back here
376 01:02:45,720 --> 01:02:53,940 and back here all in the last week of September, the midpoint of October and the second week of November, where they sold and built in their bearish positions.
377 01:02:55,260 --> 01:03:06,510 This telltale sign is inside that support level at 7150. dovetailing this with up to date ranges and quarterly shifts, we know that this is most likely going
378 01:03:06,510 --> 01:03:13,650 to occur and move the Aussie dollar up and go back into the charts and go back into what I was talking about for Australian dollar. I told you that it was
379 01:03:13,650 --> 01:03:21,540 going to go higher. This is not hindsight cherry picking. I'm telling you why I said these things. And what was behind the scenes that I can't go through. I
380 01:03:21,540 --> 01:03:28,740 mean, look how much we're talking about it. Now, if I did this kind of talk on everything and every setup every single day, I never get done. I'd never seen my
381 01:03:28,740 --> 01:03:36,120 wife, and probably divorce really quick. But these are the things that you're going to do in your analysis. It won't take this long, obviously, you know,
382 01:03:36,150 --> 01:03:44,850 you'll know what you're looking for because of the teachings. But the mechanics behind it all is that 7150 is support price on the weekly charts bounced there
383 01:03:44,850 --> 01:03:59,580 before, we're in the low end of the range for the weekly the lowest point which has been in a long period of time going back, go back to your weekly chart that
384 01:03:59,580 --> 01:04:07,500 showed here in your notes. And you'll see that that's the lowest it's been in recent time and the weekly chart so therefore it would be reasonable expect to
385 01:04:07,500 --> 01:04:18,540 see some bounces 7150 But I'm drawing your attention to that little area in December. That little massive really, it's a massive decline in open interest.
386 01:04:23,400 --> 01:04:33,390 Rate there, that purple line when it tanked, went low real quick like that. That's the central bank, getting rid of any of their remaining short position.
387 01:04:33,570 --> 01:04:42,240 So now they're they're done. They completed your sell program, first week of November, mid part of December. So now that they're ready, they're prepared for
388 01:04:42,240 --> 01:04:52,050 buyers to come in. They have reset their selves. There's no exposure on the upside, okay against them by holding heavy heavy shorts. So now they can start
389 01:04:52,080 --> 01:05:04,170 offering that liquidity from the low end because they've made their book from 7750 all the way down to 71 for Have the 600 pips and believe me there move in
390 01:05:04,170 --> 01:05:20,550 size on all that. So from that point on, okay, we had that delineation on this candle or bar member earlier and looking back 20 trading days we put you right
391 01:05:20,550 --> 01:05:28,560 about in here. That means the highs here, that's where they're going to run liquidity. That's where they're going to be seeking to take price. Now what does
392 01:05:28,560 --> 01:05:42,030 this mean for forex trading? Alright, so this is what we've seen price do. Here's that 40 day, cast Forward Day. That's the very day and this is that down
393 01:05:42,030 --> 01:05:51,060 candle or down, open high low close candle, that small little one. And then here's the last one or the 40 day look forward from the first of November. Price
394 01:05:51,060 --> 01:06:01,200 goes higher from there creates a down candle price moves above that candle here just becomes a butcher box if price was to ever come back down, we could be a
395 01:06:01,200 --> 01:06:09,570 buyer there. I said we like to see some bullishness on this candle here does it want to left side of the curve? This is all the sell side. Now if they're going
396 01:06:09,570 --> 01:06:19,170 to be bullish, you're gonna go look over here every down candle. There should be some bullishness in here, we saw some of that they have a down candle here. If
397 01:06:19,170 --> 01:06:27,300 we had a retracement, I would like to see it price come back down here, I would be a buyer. That was a potential scenario could have unfolded. If it didn't, and
398 01:06:27,300 --> 01:06:36,750 we blew out the high of this candle, this down candle is going to be the new bullish order block. So it's high comes in at 7350. price comes down hits it
399 01:06:36,750 --> 01:06:45,240 here yesterday, find some sensitivity there and expands up and closes in the range. The context of the move for Australian Dollar was I was not bearish
400 01:06:45,270 --> 01:06:53,040 Australian dollar, I did not have you set up to expect lower prices on Australian dollar. We were looking for this thing to come up here and close in
401 01:06:53,040 --> 01:07:01,890 this range and potentially up into this bearish order block. And it's now confirmed that it wants to go higher, relative to the things we just said, based
402 01:07:01,890 --> 01:07:11,820 on that weekly chart, and described on the futures contract on its own daily chart, we had a mean threshold of the range from this candles open to this
403 01:07:11,820 --> 01:07:21,060 candles close. That's what this range is here. We've moved through that. So now what is it indicating it wants to go higher, what's it going to reach for, it's
404 01:07:21,060 --> 01:07:30,150 going to look for a clear run above this high here. Because that's where the buy stops are resting, they're not going to take it just to this level here and be
405 01:07:30,150 --> 01:07:38,100 satisfied. If they're gonna allow this move to take place. They're going to punch it through equal highs. Now I know you're saying you're if you're new, and
406 01:07:38,280 --> 01:07:48,420 you haven't really paid too much attention to equalize and he goes and you're only looking for like a perfect equal candle. Hi, this is in my opinion, this is
407 01:07:48,420 --> 01:07:58,830 an equal level, it's so close to one another in terms of proximity, if you look at the size of the candles are always the same. I mean, look at that, I mean we
408 01:07:58,830 --> 01:08:07,260 have the open on this candle and the close on this camera and sense of the same thing. We only have this one little wick to the liquidity really is above here.
409 01:08:08,550 --> 01:08:18,150 And in my opinion, it's gonna go above this level here separates us around that 7570 to 7580 light level like we talked about relative to that weekly chart.
410 01:08:19,410 --> 01:08:28,470 So by taking this information and applying it to your charts, that helps you map out while you have areas where yes, this could happen where we could trade down
411 01:08:28,470 --> 01:08:37,590 here, but if we if it did, we were buying we would be expecting to be a buyer down here. It may not happen they may allow price to keep on going and give you
412 01:08:37,590 --> 01:08:44,580 no real retracement. But you still had reference points to be watching and monitoring going forward. This was the new down candle. Okay, it's gonna be a
413 01:08:44,580 --> 01:08:52,710 bullish order block. So therefore we should not see this candle give way. If it trades through it. It did it traded above its high. So now this has become the
414 01:08:52,710 --> 01:09:02,790 support level. This level is where the banks are going to look to defend it on the downside to any movement into it like we see here. This candle trades into
415 01:09:02,790 --> 01:09:12,810 the body and quickly rejects the next day it opens trades down hits the bodies. I'm sorry, the candle is high at 7355 goes a little bit below. Look at the low
416 01:09:13,470 --> 01:09:22,140 7352 and I want three pips below the level we would be watching for and then look at the aggressive move through it trading and delivering price with a
417 01:09:22,140 --> 01:09:32,400 bullish side of price by side delivery. We had all down movement here between 7434 and 7380. Quote as well moved
418 01:09:37,650 --> 01:09:44,490 from 7380 to 7434 yesterday. So having that
419 01:09:51,690 --> 01:10:03,390 having that move from 7380 to 7434. It closed in that fair value gap that we've only been monitoring that occurred In December 2016, and then prices move
420 01:10:03,390 --> 01:10:19,080 through the mean threshold, it's obvious that we'll see a move above that 7525 level, how much further, like I said, 7580 looks likely. And if we do that, we
421 01:10:19,080 --> 01:10:21,180 could really make a run all the way up into.
422 01:10:30,030 --> 01:10:46,890 76 I'd say 7650 to 7650s, likely upside objective if we get really rolling higher. But apart from that, that that was the DNA or anatomy, if you will, why
423 01:10:46,890 --> 01:10:56,160 the Australian dollar moved up why we were expecting bullishness on it behind the scenes, these higher timeframe ideas that you're learning, you have to learn
424 01:10:56,160 --> 01:11:07,590 to trust them on a monthly, weekly and daily in applying open interest to levels that you would expect to see bullishness in every three months. Okay, and this
425 01:11:07,590 --> 01:11:17,040 is the last point. And then we're going to close today's teaching the point at which these three month four month moves that take place, every quarter, there's
426 01:11:17,040 --> 01:11:27,540 a major shift in market structure. And while that may not undo the long term, bullish or bearish moves, they are executable in a way where you can make a
427 01:11:27,630 --> 01:11:38,010 great deal of money, you can take a lot of money out of positions if you're properly aligned. If you are not aware of these, they will take you by surprise.
428 01:11:38,010 --> 01:11:49,440 And you're like where'd this come from? You there's no there's no worse feeling than expecting a move to go hard one direction and then see it do something like
429 01:11:49,440 --> 01:11:58,860 this. Like for instance, or you're looking at this move here. And say you were a Fibonacci trader. Not necessarily optimal trade entry. But say you were a
430 01:11:58,860 --> 01:12:10,110 Fibonacci trader. And you saw the 50 level here. And there's a guy on baby pips that makes a name for himself on trading at 50 level fibs and I use that as
431 01:12:10,110 --> 01:12:16,800 equilibrium. But you could be looking at that. So okay, yeah, in this day, you would have probably felt good about the whole idea of being bearish on
432 01:12:16,800 --> 01:12:26,700 Australian dollar, not by what we've been talking about the we mapped out very specific, we even talked about that very day being bullish. But in the retail
433 01:12:26,700 --> 01:12:35,880 mind, this whole day right here, that would look like okay, well, we have a double top now. It's at a 50 level on the FIB, it's going to go down and trade
434 01:12:35,880 --> 01:12:45,330 down below here. Or I'll do I'll do an ABCD type move. And I'll be looking for seven days on the Australian dollar. That's retail thinking, we were not
435 01:12:45,330 --> 01:12:53,010 thinking that at all, we're mapping that candle out as a reason to be a buyer. So the things you're learning is completely diametrically opposed to those
436 01:12:53,010 --> 01:13:01,530 things that you learn in the retail world. And it's like that, because we have to capitalize on those ideas because those things permeate large fund trading,
437 01:13:01,740 --> 01:13:09,960 whereby stops where the sell stops, is same way human nature is going to repeat itself. Every large fund trader starts as a low end trader, just like you are
438 01:13:09,960 --> 01:13:19,530 right now, just like I started, grassroots, we all start from the same place the beginning, no one becomes a large fund trader, managing billions and millions of
439 01:13:19,530 --> 01:13:28,320 dollars. Because you just felt like you want to do it today. Try it try today, if you're successful delaying try to get a large fund traders position by the
440 01:13:28,320 --> 01:13:36,000 end of the month, and you can do that I'll send you $1 million through PayPal, you have to do some things you got to prove you can trade. Okay, and you have to
441 01:13:36,000 --> 01:13:44,460 go through a lot of recomm a row, if you will, if my if I can quote my grandmother to get to that, that position. And you have to prove yourself, it
442 01:13:44,460 --> 01:13:53,340 doesn't happen by accident. So if they are doing the very things they did as a regular trader, but they still have to do things with guidelines, okay, then
443 01:13:54,960 --> 01:14:03,600 it's common sense that their stocks are going to be right where everyone else is going to be placing their stops, but they have a lot more money at risk. They
444 01:14:03,600 --> 01:14:11,520 have exposure that you don't have. You're trading micro lots and mini lots and all these other things. And I'm not trying to disparage you or are you talk down
445 01:14:11,520 --> 01:14:19,590 to you, because I started the same way. I started with small stuff. But they don't see you you're not even a blip on the radar screen. But they do see these
446 01:14:19,590 --> 01:14:30,780 large pending orders above old highs and low lows in the last 60 days in the last 40 days, in the last 20 days. And then once you find a time marker where
447 01:14:30,780 --> 01:14:39,540 you can delineate when there's a shift that has taken place, or when you cast forward 60 days at that moment, you know in the future 60 days from that last
448 01:14:39,540 --> 01:14:48,240 market structure shift quarterly, you know that that's a delineation in the in the future. So you can already anticipate a significant move 20 days from that
449 01:14:48,240 --> 01:14:52,620 one back from it, which would be not 40 days.
450 01:14:53,640 --> 01:15:04,530 It will be 20 days back from that new market delineation so For one saying is is, by having these things on your chart, you will be able to look back words
451 01:15:04,560 --> 01:15:14,700 and forwards and looking for the ranges, just like the EPA algorithm will look for where the most recent 20 day 40 Day and 60 day stops are, if they have been
452 01:15:14,700 --> 01:15:24,450 cleared out on both sides of the marketplace, once they have been wiped out and we're in equilibrium, you have to look at where the next range high and low is
453 01:15:24,450 --> 01:15:33,780 outside of the last one, I'm sorry, last 60 days, that will tell you where the next big significant moves going to be. And if you combine that with weekly and
454 01:15:33,780 --> 01:15:42,180 monthly charts, it's almost like a no brainer, you just have to wait for it to happen. It takes time for that to unfold. And most of us by human nature are not
455 01:15:42,360 --> 01:15:51,240 patient, we're impatient. Some of the folks that have left this mentorship, or classic scenarios of that they just impatient, they want to know it right away,
456 01:15:51,240 --> 01:15:57,750 they wanted to learn it all in one month, you know, they stuck it out for the second month, third month, fourth month, it was too much. I can't wait for it, I
457 01:15:57,750 --> 01:16:06,390 gotta go, I gotta go. Toss it in, and there'll be no regret the rest of their life, trust me, they're gonna regret it, when they look back, they're gonna feel
458 01:16:06,390 --> 01:16:13,470 like they've missed an opportunity of a lifetime and they have what you're learning, you're not going to get that from anywhere else. When it's going to
459 01:16:13,470 --> 01:16:22,320 require you to work for it. I'm going to put your nose right where you need to be focusing. But I cannot take away the lessons that by studying it will give
460 01:16:22,320 --> 01:16:29,670 you that has to happen by you doing it. And if you can't be here in the live sessions through recorded, it's the same thing. There's nothing different by
461 01:16:29,670 --> 01:16:38,250 watching the recording. When we leave January's content, we're gonna be applying all these things. So that way when you start looking at me doing short term
462 01:16:38,250 --> 01:16:47,280 trading and weekly one shot, one kill setups, and we go deeper into the mentorship. When we start going back into intraday trading. You'll see all these
463 01:16:47,280 --> 01:16:55,800 things are the reasons why I'm being a buyer or a seller in London Open, or a buyer and seller in New York session and why these levels I'm keying off of and
464 01:16:55,800 --> 01:17:04,740 telling you everything that you saw us doing in the September month, where we're nailing highs and lows, what the market was doing almost daily. All that was was
465 01:17:04,740 --> 01:17:12,840 me applying what I just showed you in this teaching. I didn't go through all the the mechanics behind it all, I just knew it, and applied it and just talked
466 01:17:12,840 --> 01:17:22,020 about it just you know, whatever, this is what's going on. And it gives you a great deal of confidence. And for some of you it will create an air of
467 01:17:22,590 --> 01:17:31,770 arrogance, don't let that become don't have to find you. But you definitely will have a level of confidence that goes through the roof. Because you're going to
468 01:17:31,770 --> 01:17:43,170 know with a great deal of trust that the market is trying to get to a level for a real reason. And it's being manipulated. It's being controlled, it's being
469 01:17:43,170 --> 01:17:57,360 driven there, it has no other way of operating except for over time. Price will agree on a level that's arrived at what EPA is seeking. Last 60 days, where's
470 01:17:57,360 --> 01:18:06,270 the high in the low? Last 40 days? Where's the high in the low? Last 20 days? Where's the high in the low? That's where your liquidity pools are? Okay, last
471 01:18:06,270 --> 01:18:20,550 20 days, where is the gaps? Where are the gaps in the last 40 days? Where's the gaps in the last 60 days. That's where all your fair value levels are. Think
472 01:18:20,550 --> 01:18:26,520 about it, what's where's the consolidations in the last 20 days the last 40 days and last 60 days. That's where your equilibrium price points are going to be.
473 01:18:27,240 --> 01:18:34,740 When the market isn't going to move, it's going to gravitate and hang at those levels. When you see me say I'm not doing it today, the markets going to be
474 01:18:34,980 --> 01:18:44,700 sideways. And you're like, Well, how'd you know that? This what I just taught you today, how to use the data ranges and help tells you what you should be
475 01:18:44,700 --> 01:18:52,590 doing. Should you be expecting range expansion on the upside? Should you be expecting range expansion on the downside? That is directional bias? That's Are
476 01:18:52,590 --> 01:19:03,540 you bullish today? Are you bearish today? If you are not in a range, where it's going to expand, and you're hanging around equilibrium in the last 20 days, the
477 01:19:03,540 --> 01:19:10,860 last 40 days and last 60 days? In other words, what's that look like? If you go back 60 days, and you see where the price has made a small little trading range,
478 01:19:10,950 --> 01:19:18,660 divide that range in half, that's equilibrium. If your price right now today is this hanging around in dollar index is not trying to move, it's probably going
479 01:19:18,660 --> 01:19:25,710 to be a Z day. That means it's going to go up a little bit down a little bit and hanging around the middle of range until it gets some kind of manipulation.
480 01:19:25,740 --> 01:19:32,490 What's going to cause that high impact news, which is the reason why I started you in September, looking at the high impact and medium impact news events for
481 01:19:32,490 --> 01:19:32,880 the week.
482 01:19:34,650 --> 01:19:43,650 Draw all those things together everything that you've been exposed to so far for the mentorship, draw all those things together and apply the if the data ranges
483 01:19:43,650 --> 01:19:52,740 now the all of you are trying to overcomplicate it and it's probably my fault because of the way I taught it. And believe me, it's a lot of things to digest.
484 01:19:52,980 --> 01:20:03,510 It's not simply 6040 and 20. And therefore everything on locks. You have to use those ranges. Looking back and see where the highs and lows are, where the gaps
485 01:20:03,510 --> 01:20:14,520 are, where the fair value gaps are, where equilibrium is. And it'll tell you where the institutional reference points are. It's up to you to execute on them
486 01:20:14,520 --> 01:20:22,080 when they get to those levels based on what a weekly chart and daily chart is indicating. bullishness or bearishness. Just because it goes above an old high
487 01:20:22,230 --> 01:20:32,250 doesn't mean, it's a sell, it could be a confirmation, it's going to go to the next buy stock level above it. That's the next stage of January's content where
488 01:20:32,250 --> 01:20:41,310 we start building the ideas of, okay, using a monthly and the weekly and a daily chart, nothing less than that. What do we do? What do we look for? What's the
489 01:20:41,310 --> 01:20:51,270 process? What sets up the trades on these timeframes? Because if we can identify and prove that this is what goes on in price, if the does these types of things
490 01:20:51,270 --> 01:21:03,360 that are repeating phenomenon, going back to our algorithm idea and computer program analogy, if the knows, simply by going back, what's today's date?
491 01:21:03,570 --> 01:21:15,270 Everybody knows what today's date is? It's January 12 2017, the computer programmer can get can gather that information. Okay, so what 60 days from that
492 01:21:15,360 --> 01:21:25,200 backwards in time, okay? Then the, the algorithm will simply say, Okay, what's the highest value of the asset that it traded to? Okay, right there. So now I
493 01:21:25,200 --> 01:21:36,630 need to go back up to that level that was going to do, it's going to go up there to allow the bank traders to position themselves, once it gets close to that
494 01:21:36,630 --> 01:21:49,170 level, then the bank level and broker level interventions and manipulations can come in, but the broker is not going to jump your spread 50 to 100 pips, the
495 01:21:49,170 --> 01:21:57,300 central bank has to get it in close proximity to these levels, then the lower level manipulation that takes place in broker level, that's when that happens.
496 01:21:57,660 --> 01:22:07,410 But your broker is not killing you and wiping you out with 50 pips swings, that doesn't happen. It has to allow price to be driven there. And that's all central
497 01:22:07,410 --> 01:22:18,180 bank level. So I threw a lot at you today, children, hopefully, I haven't confused any of you hopefully have given more clarity. You're gonna see examples
498 01:22:18,180 --> 01:22:26,880 when we actually using this information. But I have to give it to you conceptually first. So that way, I won't be inundated with a million questions
499 01:22:26,880 --> 01:22:34,770 about why'd you put a line here, watch it, you'll know why I'm doing it. Because I, when I explain it, based on what we've talked about here, and what I've shown
500 01:22:34,800 --> 01:22:43,680 in less than one to 1.1. For January, it'll it'll start making sense because we're not just going to do this one time and never come back to it. We're going
501 01:22:43,680 --> 01:22:56,700 to be doing this throughout the mentorship. And if you I'm not saying you should, but when I start the signal service in the winter of 2017, you'll know
502 01:22:56,700 --> 01:23:04,530 why I'm doing certain signals, then if you if you're able to watch it, some of you will probably want just to see what you know what I'm doing just to see how
503 01:23:04,530 --> 01:23:13,140 it lines up with what you learn. But the the signals are all gonna be based on what you're you're seeing here. And it's why they're going to be so good. That's
504 01:23:13,140 --> 01:23:22,380 why September was so powerful. I had to show you that yes, we can reprice, it's very predictable. And if it's that predictable on a short term, then it has to
505 01:23:22,380 --> 01:23:35,550 be that predictable and the higher timeframe. And you see now that it can be it's all time and price, time. And price. Time is date on the higher timeframe.
506 01:23:35,640 --> 01:23:45,210 It's not time of day, its date, calendar days, and their calendar days that the markets trade. So if we know that the range of 2040 and 60 days that the
507 01:23:45,210 --> 01:23:54,330 algorithm will look back, then you know, what high and low Did you be focusing on? If market structure is bearish? What does that tell you, whereas the low in
508 01:23:54,330 --> 01:24:01,590 the last 20 days, whereas the last 40 days worth of well, in the last 60 days, that's where it's going to be reaching for it's looking for that sell side
509 01:24:01,590 --> 01:24:13,380 liquidity below those lows. What happens if it has to lower lows that haven't been traded to, and it trades down below the one in the last 20 days, it takes
510 01:24:13,380 --> 01:24:21,930 that low out and it's a lower low 60 days in that range? 60 days back, there's a low and you know that it's probably gonna go down and let's say it doesn't go
511 01:24:21,930 --> 01:24:29,400 down here and it rejects and it breaks microstructure balls. What does that tell you? You have a quarterly shift. Now it's bullish
512 01:24:29,700 --> 01:24:36,720 five star finding the highs in the last 20 days, the last four days and last 60 days. And you'll know what if there's dealing it's going to draw a price up to
513 01:24:36,720 --> 01:24:43,440 them. Everyone else is going to be looking at retail thinking okay, is this a trend it's downtrend, they're gonna look for that old low 60 days out, not
514 01:24:43,440 --> 01:24:50,730 because they're doing what we're doing, but they're gonna see classic Support Resistance ideas, and they hold on to it. They measure the idea it's even going
515 01:24:50,730 --> 01:24:57,570 to get it's been going down so therefore it must continuously keep going down. And they just watch the market grind against them and all of a sudden we see
516 01:24:57,570 --> 01:25:06,180 what we're seeing in the chart right now. Australian Dollar what happen? What happened? Look, look at the forums just for fun today. What happened with
517 01:25:06,180 --> 01:25:15,180 Australian dollar? I haven't been there yet. But I'm just prophesize. They're probably saying, Well, what happened Australian dollar? Well, you all know
518 01:25:15,180 --> 01:25:22,710 what's happened in Australian dollar. We talked about this before the fact why it's trading here. Why went there? And now, you know, the mechanics behind the
519 01:25:22,710 --> 01:25:35,340 scenes what? What led me to believe that this 7434 was likely the mean threshold was upside objective? And why this currency is a leadership currency? Why not
520 01:25:35,340 --> 01:25:45,570 focus on this one? Why? Why was I talking about this one and not the New Zealand dollar. That's a study for you this week, as well. Share that with me on the
521 01:25:45,570 --> 01:25:55,650 forum, show me what you discovered by contrasting the price action this, like, we just did it here for Aussie dollar, do the same thing with New Zealand, do
522 01:25:55,650 --> 01:26:06,870 the same thing with Euro, do it with the cable. You have to practice folks, if you only do the things I'm only showing you, you're cheating yourself of all
523 01:26:06,870 --> 01:26:14,790 kinds of learning opportunity, the time that you have together. Believe me, you want to maximize it. And I know some of you have businesses, some of you have
524 01:26:14,790 --> 01:26:24,750 family obligations. And this is a long winded session. But you know, we only have two of them a week. So suck it up. The there's so much information, I
525 01:26:24,750 --> 01:26:35,880 literally have 20 years of information I'm trying to share with you. And it's a lot of information. But this information still has to be practiced, you have to
526 01:26:35,880 --> 01:26:45,840 implement it in your chart, you have to look for it, you have to see it in your charts. If you're not going to do that. This is going to be a it's not gonna be
527 01:26:46,140 --> 01:26:52,620 enchanting for you to be here, you're if you're wanting me to tell you, this is how it is. And it's always gonna be this way. And it doesn't require you to look
528 01:26:52,620 --> 01:27:01,500 forward and study, it ain't gonna work. It's not gonna work. But you do have to do a little bit of rolling up your sleeves, get your nose in the charts. But I
529 01:27:01,500 --> 01:27:11,520 promise you, this is a guarantee, if you do the things I'm telling you to do in this teaching everything in this month of January, it will give you every
530 01:27:11,580 --> 01:27:21,180 possible scenario for any type of trader you want to be. And it will put you in the high odds category, you'll be in the upper 5%, you'll you will most likely
531 01:27:21,180 --> 01:27:29,940 be on the right side. And far less time be offside on your trade. And that's what the higher timeframe. whole idea is about. Because you're trying to align
532 01:27:29,940 --> 01:27:36,150 yourself with smart money. Everyone that's on YouTubes teaching smart money. This is the market maker, I'm on a one minute chart teaching this guy, by the
533 01:27:36,150 --> 01:27:42,960 way that they're not on a one minute chart, they're not even down there, they don't even they don't even, they're not looking at that they're looking at the
534 01:27:42,960 --> 01:27:51,210 orders on a daily chart. That's what you're looking at. That's what's driving price. And outside of that it's a 15 minute timeframe, they're looking for
535 01:27:51,210 --> 01:27:59,910 liquidity pools and ideas around a 15 minute timeframe. Five Minute again, they're not looking at that. But you can use a five minute chart to find where
536 01:27:59,910 --> 01:28:11,040 there's most likely a small little gap that would not appear readily, I want to 15 or an hourly chart. So all these things dovetail nicely. But you won't
537 01:28:11,040 --> 01:28:20,190 appreciate that dovetailing until you start getting in there. And spending some time looking at price that's already happened. Some of you a large group of you
538 01:28:20,460 --> 01:28:28,140 are so worried about that right edge. Tell me what that right edge is telling you, Michael, when that won't make sense to you. And you'll leave the
539 01:28:28,140 --> 01:28:37,800 mentorship. If I just gave you trades every day. Yeah, you'd make money. But when I'm done teaching, and so and that's happening, I'm done. When I walk away,
540 01:28:38,130 --> 01:28:46,200 you've made money, but you didn't learn how to trade. And that's a waste of time and money. You want to be focusing on what's happened on that left side of that
541 01:28:46,200 --> 01:28:53,370 chart. Because once you understand all that, it's going to repeat itself. Because if in fact,
542 01:28:53,370 --> 01:29:00,300 there's a Smart Money entity, and they are manipulating, and they are controlling things, because they're motivated by money and greed, they're not
543 01:29:00,300 --> 01:29:12,300 going to change their MO, their motive is going to be the same thing going forward. It's the same business model every single day. It doesn't change, it's
544 01:29:12,300 --> 01:29:21,720 not gonna stop working. The only thing is, if you share it with people, number one, you just make an uncommon knowledge. And it just you just don't want to do
545 01:29:21,720 --> 01:29:29,640 it. You don't want to do it not because it's gonna stop working. But because you just want to be a part of that small group that is profitable, that is in elite,
546 01:29:29,730 --> 01:29:40,080 that you know what you're doing with your money. You're not gambling, this is not gambling. You're not rolling the dice. You're waiting for a scenario where
547 01:29:40,080 --> 01:29:49,830 those individuals that control price are in play, they're moving price, and you're on the same side as them. By default, you have no other way except for
548 01:29:49,830 --> 01:30:00,420 seeing positive results. Does that mean profitability? Maybe if you're in a demo account, you can't make money on that. But you learn a positive response. And
549 01:30:00,420 --> 01:30:08,970 then therefore it teaches you this worked. Let me try it again. Wow, this work. Let me try it again. Why do you think I tell you guys that it takes a minimum of
550 01:30:08,970 --> 01:30:19,500 six months. Because if you look at the things I teach, you will see at least one market structure shift in that time period, you need to see one because once you
551 01:30:19,500 --> 01:30:27,690 understand when it happens, and you see it unfolding, I mean, the confidence level sent you through the roof, you're like, oh, man, I'm never doing this.
552 01:30:27,690 --> 01:30:34,470 Again, I'm never working for somebody else. Again, I'm gonna learn this business and I'm out of here, I'm done. I need to do this the rest of my life, then your
553 01:30:34,470 --> 01:30:41,790 passion level go crazy. And you'll know what you're doing. You won't be just excited like a football game fan. You'll know what you're excited about and why
554 01:30:41,790 --> 01:30:53,760 it's exciting because it's consistent. It's over and over reoccurring. It's never deviating it's there all the time. Very rarely do you hear these terms
555 01:30:53,760 --> 01:31:02,280 taught and spoke about in textbooks, you know, there's always a risk, there's always this, there's always that the risk is you reading it wrong. But this is
556 01:31:02,280 --> 01:31:09,480 always there in price. The problem is, is that you're going to let you as the trader steer you wrong, because you know, look at something, you're going to get
557 01:31:09,480 --> 01:31:20,160 so opinionated about something. Higher timeframe, it's hard to change directions a lot on that daily and weekly chart. It's, it's usually one direction for a
558 01:31:20,160 --> 01:31:27,660 while. That's why you have to start there. Because if you start on lower timeframe, you're changing your mind 20 times inside of the day, I talked to
559 01:31:27,660 --> 01:31:35,280 some people outside of our group, they're still in a free membership area, discover my tutorials, and follow my YouTube channel. They send me charts all
560 01:31:35,280 --> 01:31:42,930 day long. I can't get to them. I can't get to I can't keep up with the emails coming in. But they send me their changed mind. You know, here's the here's what
561 01:31:42,930 --> 01:31:49,410 I'm doing today in cable, I'm buying this, you know, okay, here's 20 minutes every day, okay, I change who I am selling it. They change their mind. Again,
562 01:31:49,440 --> 01:32:00,450 this is all happening in two hours. That's somebody that has no idea what's going on. No idea what's going on. By having a higher timeframe premise by
563 01:32:00,450 --> 01:32:09,420 looking at monthly, weekly and daily charts, focusing on a daily chart, this is what we're dealing with a daily chart. We're framing it like a bank does. No
564 01:32:09,420 --> 01:32:17,370 one's teaching you this, they don't give you the perspective. Okay, from an institutional vantage point, where, how and why they're going to go to a
565 01:32:17,370 --> 01:32:24,630 specific higher low. Yes, you can go back in time and look at a chart and say, Okay, here's an old low, there's gonna be self out liquidity here, or sell
566 01:32:24,630 --> 01:32:35,400 stocks, hear all kinds of people on YouTube, they're doing that now. And yeah, it's great. But I'm telling you which low and which high to go to. There's a
567 01:32:35,460 --> 01:32:47,160 specific phenomenon that repeats itself over and over and over again. And by having that as your routine, every day, you sit down your daily charts. Okay,
568 01:32:47,160 --> 01:32:56,550 where are we at in the current range? Where are we at with respect to the lowest low and the highest high in the last 20 days? The last 60 days in the last? I'm
569 01:32:56,550 --> 01:33:05,490 sorry, last 2014 60 days? Have we cleared both sides of the board? Have we taken all the buy stops in the last 60 days in the most highest high and we rejected
570 01:33:05,490 --> 01:33:13,200 all that and cleared out and back in the middle range? Because what does that mean? You have to study? Are we at a large larger, longer term equilibrium where
571 01:33:13,200 --> 01:33:23,460 we could stay sideways for a while, or now are we going to sell side looking for the lows outside the last 60 days range. By having that and in start
572 01:33:23,490 --> 01:33:35,430 implementing inter market analysis. That means you're gonna start having ideas from the commodity market, the equities, market, bonds, all those things will
573 01:33:35,430 --> 01:33:39,720 start giving you more information. And then I'll tell you where the opportunities really are.
574 01:33:41,160 --> 01:33:50,970 That way, even though we can be specific and specialists about, I'm a Euro trader, I'm a, I'm a crude oil trader, I'm a gold trader, you do want to have
575 01:33:50,970 --> 01:33:59,010 some diversity by having some exposure in other asset classes, because it gives you a great deal of context about why you think your market is going to go up or
576 01:33:59,010 --> 01:34:09,810 down or doesn't move at all. Canadian dollar is a good example. If, if the crude oil markets, you know, acting and behaving a certain way, the Canadian dollar is
577 01:34:09,810 --> 01:34:20,850 going to have a direct response to that. And when crude oil is not of any effect, Canadian dollar will move just like the other currencies will. But crude
578 01:34:20,850 --> 01:34:35,250 oil has a great deal of influence over that particular currency, Canadian dollar. Having inter market analysis and relative strength analysis together and
579 01:34:35,250 --> 01:34:46,890 applying less than T studies like the dollar index, and the interest rate stuff that I'm teaching you this month, you'll have very, very little opinions about
580 01:34:46,890 --> 01:34:54,330 what the higher timeframes are telling you. And when you do that, you are in line with what the institutions are doing. Because you're not changing your mind
581 01:34:54,330 --> 01:35:00,960 every day. This is what's gonna do. I don't care if I see two down days on a daily chart, nothing's changed. It's just means that three trades, and they're
582 01:35:00,960 --> 01:35:08,940 coming back for some more orders to buy more. And that's when we go into discussions about building in larger positions with an underlying bullish move
583 01:35:08,940 --> 01:35:15,090 that's already there. We've already put in a position, it's bullish, we're retracing. How do you add more to that? Where do you add more to it? And how do
584 01:35:15,090 --> 01:35:26,490 you protect that position as well? And what do you do to scale out? Do we ever hold for hold for positions? Yeah. But you need to know all these things, you
585 01:35:26,490 --> 01:35:34,860 know, by the end of this this month, to fully appreciate what we start teaching in February, March and April, because they're going to repeat themselves. And as
586 01:35:34,860 --> 01:35:43,050 long as you have a general idea of what is being taught in January, I mean, if you're completely lost, then obviously you're gonna need to reach out to me
587 01:35:43,080 --> 01:35:51,870 after the last lesson of January. But for the most part, if you have a general idea what I'm talking about, when we start applying it every single day we sit
588 01:35:51,870 --> 01:36:00,690 down, you'll see the data points I'm looking at, you'll know exactly why I'm calling this high being significant, or this low being significant or this gap,
589 01:36:01,140 --> 01:36:09,180 you know that that will make perfect sense to you, then, what order block? Am I looking at? Why, why this order block and that not that when Michael, why did
590 01:36:09,180 --> 01:36:20,220 you pick this swing high, Michael, and that that swing high Michael, he just learned today, there's a range I'm looking for. It's 20 days back four days back
591 01:36:20,250 --> 01:36:30,510 six days back, then I'm casting forward. And I know from that point on, I know I can have a new look back point where I can go 20 days, four days, six days back
592 01:36:30,660 --> 01:36:40,890 and wait for those new highs and lows to form that have not made its way into price yet. When they form liquidity will build above it or below it. Based on
593 01:36:40,890 --> 01:36:49,470 what I see on the higher timeframe, I know what side the markets going to reach for? When you do that same thing. You're not going to send me emails and text
594 01:36:49,470 --> 01:36:57,360 messages and direct messages. Do you think the Australian dollar is gonna go down today? I think that the Canadian dollar is gonna go down today. What do you
595 01:36:57,360 --> 01:37:05,520 think? Don't ask me what I think. If you're watching my videos, and you're in here, don't ask me what I think the whole point is, is learn from what I'm
596 01:37:05,520 --> 01:37:12,300 teaching you and you arrive at your own opinion. And then when you're wrong, what did you What did you do wrong? Don't avoid that. That's a learning
597 01:37:12,300 --> 01:37:22,050 opportunity. Take that as a big opportunity center stage, make me a better trader? What can I do? What did i What did I do wrong? And what did I see wrong
598 01:37:22,050 --> 01:37:32,040 there. So I don't repeat that same thing. That's the benefit of being in here. You need to go through the lab experience to see the exercise, okay, and make
599 01:37:32,040 --> 01:37:40,380 the mistakes. Now, you want to do those things right now, when it won't hurt you, they won't hurt your development, it won't hurt your money, they won't take
600 01:37:40,380 --> 01:37:48,900 anything from you, it will build you up. The folks that have left us they have, they have no concept of that. They don't want they don't want to wait around,
601 01:37:48,900 --> 01:37:58,710 they don't want to learn anything, they want to be spoon fed, you are here to learn how to do what I do. Analyze the markets, call the markets from where they
602 01:37:58,710 --> 01:38:05,520 are right now and where they're going to be at Next. In between those two price points, there's opportunities. And I'm going to teach you how to take those
603 01:38:05,520 --> 01:38:15,480 opportunities and manifest that in the form of trades. Keeping risk low equity curves going higher, and managing risk all throughout the whole process. But you
604 01:38:15,480 --> 01:38:26,250 cannot get to that level without some interaction on your part. And it may require you to do things by watching videos like this is a live session, you may
605 01:38:26,250 --> 01:38:35,250 be forced to do these things by studying the recordings, do not think that this is not any value because it's the recording has no it has no basis on that no
606 01:38:35,400 --> 01:38:38,790 effect on it. Stay staying committed
607 01:38:39,450 --> 01:38:52,740 to the development process is hard. It's very, very hard. But I'm trusting that what I'm showing you here proves number one there is a real routine on how why
608 01:38:52,860 --> 01:39:01,110 price goes to a specific level. Why repeats why I tell you that it's not gonna stop working. Why I tell you there's absolutely an algorithm that controls
609 01:39:01,110 --> 01:39:10,410 price, because it does things that computer program would naturally do that because I learned to be a computer programmer. I went to school. I have a degree
610 01:39:10,410 --> 01:39:20,100 in computer science specializing in information systems. I know computer programming, I know it. So if I look at this stuff, and I wanted to become a
611 01:39:20,100 --> 01:39:28,020 systems analyst when I was going to school, that was my job. I wanted to build the documentation stage. So I can sit down with the programmers and go through
612 01:39:28,020 --> 01:39:36,990 them and if they had issues with the coding, I would help them make this this process work. But I wasn't going to be the coder. I don't have the patience to
613 01:39:36,990 --> 01:39:48,540 do the coding. But when I started learning the mechanics of what they're what the price delivery does, I didn't think about it. It just jumped on my head.
614 01:39:49,200 --> 01:40:01,260 This is a computer program. This can be automated. And by curiosity I went home and looked at the charts and said okay, if this is possible I should see it in
615 01:40:01,290 --> 01:40:12,000 in price. And here you go. It was right there. And I got nervous and excited. At the same time, I was laughing and crying at the same time because I thought I
616 01:40:12,000 --> 01:40:23,010 literally hit the lottery. Like I had the winning lottery numbers for the lotto, every week, going forward, I had it. Every tumbler clicked, it made perfect
617 01:40:23,010 --> 01:40:32,430 sense. I knew right away why I was wrong on everything I lost money on. And I knew now going forward, where's the next setup going to be? Why do I have to
618 01:40:32,430 --> 01:40:41,250 wait for it? And when? When what? How much time? Will it take for it to happen? When is it most likely to occur? Where is that signal going to format before it
619 01:40:41,280 --> 01:40:51,690 even gets to that price level. That's what this gives you. It gives you every bit of clarity that you don't have right now. Once you understand what you're
620 01:40:51,690 --> 01:41:00,390 doing with it, you'll have every bit of understanding about why you're waiting and sitting on your hands. See somebody say that right now? Oh, my God, I don't
621 01:41:00,390 --> 01:41:09,900 hear that. Because I want you to focus on what's going on. The price has to be driven to a specific level, then I can tell you why this is what happened. We
622 01:41:09,900 --> 01:41:18,510 said it was going up, we told you the level is gonna go up. But why did it go there, you learn that today. Going forward, you want to be using these tools to
623 01:41:18,510 --> 01:41:29,880 be the frame the ideas that lead to a trade setup. As you go through more of the material, small little pieces will start coming clear things that you have
624 01:41:29,880 --> 01:41:39,570 questions right now, you need to not send them to me in an email. Be surprised by finding the answers in the future lessons and in your own study. That's how
625 01:41:39,570 --> 01:41:48,060 you practice that's how you develop as a trader, me giving you an answer isn't going to always satisfy because you're going to still come with 50 more
626 01:41:48,060 --> 01:41:57,060 questions. I know that because it's the same thing I encountered. When I think I needed to do something about something. And I scoured the internet for it. It
627 01:41:57,060 --> 01:42:06,780 created 50 more questions. Well, wait a minute. Now, if I came in with one, one little thing that I was unsure about, I go in, I start looking for it, and I get
628 01:42:06,780 --> 01:42:15,300 the response and the answer to that. But then it created 20,000 different scenarios that would create what if scenario? What if this? And what if that,
629 01:42:15,300 --> 01:42:23,820 and that's the problem. Every one of you are in that state. And it's because you're overzealous, and I appreciate that, believe me, I've been there. But you
630 01:42:23,820 --> 01:42:24,600 also have to just
631 01:42:24,960 --> 01:42:32,370 take a little bit of faith and trust the fact that I've taught this before, you're not a guinea pig scenario. I've done this with groups of people and
632 01:42:32,370 --> 01:42:41,490 individual basis as well. Trust me, I will get you where you want to be at. But you have to allow it to happen. But you also have to be a part of it by
633 01:42:41,490 --> 01:42:51,540 practicing and looking for not looking for trades, looking for the things that I'm telling you to evidence that there is control. If they evidence controlling
634 01:42:51,540 --> 01:42:58,440 price, that means that there's no reason for you not to trust that things I'm telling you in the future. If there's something I'm going to teach you in the
635 01:42:58,440 --> 01:43:06,300 future, I say okay, refer to the if the date ranges, this is why this turtle soup false break below or low is going to happen. And we can be a buyer down
636 01:43:06,300 --> 01:43:16,410 here. Because I start saying that they look, we're going to buy tomorrow's tomorrow we're going to buy today's low. Oh, I don't know about that. Because if
637 01:43:16,410 --> 01:43:27,390 we sit in London, and it starts diving 50 pips all in one candle, I guarantee you 85% or more not buying that day, you're not buying that low, you're going to
638 01:43:27,390 --> 01:43:33,630 wait for a bullish order block or an optimal trade entry, or you're going to wait for it to move up to 60 pips before you think it's gonna go up. You won't
639 01:43:33,630 --> 01:43:42,000 trust it. And you've missed the whole learning experience. You gotta go through the things I'm putting you in front of the do those very things pay attention,
640 01:43:42,000 --> 01:43:50,790 what's being done right now. I'm getting 1000 questions about why they can't get to October content right now. I can't watch things in October. I can't, I can't
641 01:43:50,790 --> 01:43:59,970 look at what's going on in November. Why are you there? That stuff's there forever, you have access to that. focus right now on what's being taught in
642 01:43:59,970 --> 01:44:07,890 January. I'm telling you, it's a lot of stuff. And if you are wasting your time on things, it's already been taught to you and it's already been recorded, you
643 01:44:07,890 --> 01:44:16,380 can go watch it any other time. Pay attention more than any other month closely to this one. Because I guarantee it, if there's any month you're gonna have to
644 01:44:16,380 --> 01:44:26,940 come back to and study. It's this one. There's so much stuff and it's dense, it's very, very vast, you have no easy way through this, you've got to grind
645 01:44:26,940 --> 01:44:34,890 through a lot of this material. And you're gonna have to refer back to it many times. And believe me, you'll be back through this whole month content multiple
646 01:44:34,890 --> 01:44:42,990 times, even when you complete the mentorship. And you're going to find stuff that you didn't get the first time, the 20th time, the 30th time. It's a lot of
647 01:44:42,990 --> 01:44:51,420 information. It's two decades worth of stuff. You want to be a big, big time trader you want to be consistently profitable. It's in this month. You want to
648 01:44:51,420 --> 01:44:58,620 know when not to trade and lose money. It's in this month. You want to know how to frame a trade before price ever gets there. It's in this month. You want to
649 01:44:58,620 --> 01:45:08,130 be a day trader it's in this month. Short Term trader this month Do you want to swing trader here, your options trader is here. Do you wanna be a trend trader,
650 01:45:08,220 --> 01:45:18,300 you want to be a breakout artist, you want to be a trader that sells options, rights options, it's in here. You want appreciate it until we get to the
651 01:45:18,330 --> 01:45:27,090 supplementary teachings, but everything that leads to you being effective doing those other things, stems from what you understand and being taught in January
652 01:45:27,090 --> 01:45:28,830 here, all the content has been delivered.
653 01:45:34,020 --> 01:45:42,780 It's going to be a lot more than eight lessons, folks, it's more it's sub teachings inside of these major eight topics. Lots of it, that's the reason why
654 01:45:42,780 --> 01:45:51,600 we're not doing these live sessions. And I'm sewing an extra one in here today, by time, because I want to encourage you that what you're waiting for, is
655 01:45:51,600 --> 01:45:58,680 exactly what you're looking for. And believe me, it's a lot of stuff and you're probably gonna, your head is gonna hurt, you're gonna have, you're gonna feel
656 01:45:58,680 --> 01:46:06,060 like Man, this is information overload. And I'm already pre warning you this month, and I told you this other all the other months than this mentorship, this
657 01:46:06,060 --> 01:46:16,860 is the one, it's a monster, it's tons of stuff, and you're gonna have to study, you're gonna have to study in February, we'll resume back to a very standardized
658 01:46:16,860 --> 01:46:26,400 teaching model, eight lessons supportive in nature. And we'll be back to doing more live sessions throughout the week. And then in March will be obviously in
659 01:46:26,430 --> 01:46:34,590 live session on a daily basis, every day, Monday through Friday, I can live session, but you got to give me the time to give you this information and still
660 01:46:34,590 --> 01:46:44,580 operate as the mentor and answering emails, and also running it to I mean, there's a lot of stuff I have, and I have a family. So permitting me the time to
661 01:46:44,580 --> 01:46:54,450 build the lessons for you, and change some of the things that all my notes are all based on, like commodities and indices. So I have to change some things and
662 01:46:54,450 --> 01:47:08,250 create some slides that relate to foreign exchange, because I'm predominantly teaching to a crowd that has come to me by way of FX. But when it's when it's
663 01:47:08,250 --> 01:47:19,290 necessary, you'll hear me talk about it where this is unique to a specific asset class, you know, like we talked about today with commodities, the idea of having
664 01:47:20,190 --> 01:47:29,610 the open interest in your study, that is only going to come by way of looking at the futures market. So since we're Forex, traders, it is important that you
665 01:47:29,610 --> 01:47:39,120 avail yourself that information that's available to everyone. It's common knowledge, it's free going in and get it okay. And it's valuable. It's a
666 01:47:39,120 --> 01:47:49,290 goldmine. And people that think they understand it. While they may have a little bit of myopic view of of what one facet of it does for you. What you learned
667 01:47:49,290 --> 01:47:58,890 today was the real mechanics of what open interest does, it gives you the X ray view of what the real smart money activity is, are they really buying because
668 01:47:58,890 --> 01:48:07,620 it's a really bind, they're going to dump open interest, and it's going to drop 15% or more. And it's going to happen at a key support level. If it's going to
669 01:48:07,620 --> 01:48:15,300 sell off and start going lower. And if that was a real turtle soup sell, then it means prior to that turtle soup sell, they should have been a massive increase
670 01:48:15,330 --> 01:48:25,590 over time with that open interest going up. And you saw that in Australian dollar. Because open interest, high open interest indicates them offering the
671 01:48:25,590 --> 01:48:34,260 sell side. They're only going to take part of that if they know eventually they're going to be able to sell that position off with price being going lower.
672 01:48:35,280 --> 01:48:43,710 That's the only time open interest is gonna go up and they can do this on long term trends. But it will shift every quarter they have to fund themselves for
673 01:48:43,710 --> 01:48:53,160 allowing the holding of that risk. Now, you're probably thinking okay, well, Michael, if they're in control of price, what real real risk is there? Well,
674 01:48:53,850 --> 01:49:03,390 what happens when a rogue nation nukes another nation? You know, thinking that oh, yeah, that can happen. What would that do? What would that do if a nuclear
675 01:49:03,390 --> 01:49:14,220 bomb gets dropped in any nation? It's gonna freak everybody out. Oh, we're in world war three. Bombs are dropping. When September 11 happened? Boom. Markets
676 01:49:14,220 --> 01:49:25,290 are all over the place. Anything can happen. Look at the Brexit. Look at Donald Trump. Look at that did. There's risks, okay, but they take these risky and
677 01:49:25,770 --> 01:49:35,550 opportunities and they manipulate. But they don't want to hold on to something and not make money. So yeah, while they will provide liquidity and sell to the
678 01:49:35,550 --> 01:49:45,210 buyers that see price, trade higher for a period of time. Every three months, look at your charts and see if they don't reset themselves. Every three months,
679 01:49:45,240 --> 01:49:58,890 it's there. It happens in s&p. It happens in stocks. It happens in commodities. It happens in bonds, it happens in forex. It's there every three to four months.
680 01:49:58,920 --> 01:50:09,210 You'll see it it's there. And that's how they pay themselves for holding on that risk offering liquidity for the sell side of it, providing the means for buyers
681 01:50:09,210 --> 01:50:17,400 to buy currency. They will do, what we're discussing here quarterly shifts, and you'll see evidence is that in open interest,
682 01:50:19,109 --> 01:50:28,499 it will happen at points at which by looking back 2014 60 days, where there's highs and lows are, where those gaps are, where equilibrium is, those reference
683 01:50:28,499 --> 01:50:39,569 points in that time field, okay, of 60 days is a maximum look back. It's simple. And here's another study to make it easy for you just go back 60 days from every
684 01:50:39,599 --> 01:50:51,629 month beginning, start every month, it was an exercise every single month, a calendar month, put put a vertical line on it every new month, go back 60 days,
685 01:50:51,869 --> 01:51:00,839 find the highest high and lowest low and you see if they don't bite that out. You can take any pair, you can be the dollar index, it could be the wild look at
686 01:51:00,839 --> 01:51:10,289 the Australian dollar, put a vertical line on every single first trading day of every month. Okay? Don't do them all at one time, settle your charts nice and
687 01:51:10,289 --> 01:51:20,669 crisp and clean. But put a vertical line at the beginning of every month, the first trading day of every month, okay? And draw out a line, okay, 60 days, 60
688 01:51:20,669 --> 01:51:29,459 trading days, okay, and delineate that, and then find the highest high and the lowest low and then go forward from the front to the right of that. And you see
689 01:51:29,459 --> 01:51:39,389 if they don't run those, buy stocks and sell stocks above. Above that and do the same thing for 40 days. And do the same thing for 20 days doing that study.
690 01:51:40,169 --> 01:51:50,579 That's exactly what I did the night that I seen how this works. That's all I did. I said, okay, if I'm a data, I found my computer programmer, I need to be
691 01:51:50,579 --> 01:52:01,409 able to reference something, how can they know what the orders are? Like? Because in my mind, how could they see Lindwall docs orders. Because that's how
692 01:52:01,409 --> 01:52:13,109 I looked at it. My my perspective was, if what I'm learning to do in the marketplace, and to be a market maker, I have to know certain things. And what I
693 01:52:13,109 --> 01:52:24,479 was learning. If this is true, then I should see evidence is up in price. And I couldn't wait to go home and go home, put up my charts. And it was a Swiss franc
694 01:52:24,479 --> 01:52:34,799 chart. That was the that was the actual chart. I opened up my commodity price charts from commodity trends service. And I literally turned the page. And I
695 01:52:34,799 --> 01:52:46,739 literally in second seen it as okay, if I'm a if I'm a computer program, and I'm going to be able to reach up into area orders at can't, I can't know what every
696 01:52:46,739 --> 01:52:57,119 brokerage firms orders are. There's no way it's dynamic. Think about it. You might have a trade on right now. And you might have a stop one. It may be there.
697 01:52:57,959 --> 01:53:09,899 But something might change and you collapse that trade. Your order is not there anymore. Every one of us are dynamic thinking. We may have an order there. Think
698 01:53:09,899 --> 01:53:17,969 about what you did with your last train. How many times did you move your stop loss? Think about it. You were long. You moved your chair. You shared your stop
699 01:53:17,969 --> 01:53:23,639 loss up. Okay. And then you start seeing a little retracement in like, Oh, let me move. I mean, we went back. And some of you probably moved back further than
700 01:53:23,639 --> 01:53:32,459 it first originated that your dynamic. So your orders are always moving around. And that's why I say hey, this is too much of a variable. There's no way for
701 01:53:32,459 --> 01:53:47,129 them to know every single book that's out there to how can you standardize it. The epiphany I had was go back and go back that same number of days that I'm
702 01:53:47,129 --> 01:53:56,759 being taught to look for and just look for the high and the low. That's where the buy stops are and that's where the sound stops are. And there it was. It was
703 01:53:56,759 --> 01:54:08,609 like Solomon's mind is opened up all the Fort Knox opened up everything happened that moment, flood of emotions, flood of euphoria and fear. Like, oh no, did I
704 01:54:08,609 --> 01:54:16,649 just do something I wasn't supposed to do that. I just learned something and see something I wasn't supposed to. That's how I felt. I had this big old textbook,
705 01:54:16,769 --> 01:54:24,989 okay of information I had to digest and I literally didn't want to touch it anymore. Because in my mind, I had already cracked it. I didn't want to go back.
706 01:54:25,469 --> 01:54:36,959 I did not want to sit with these people and learn anything more than I had already learned there. I went from that to the corn market and commodities. It
707 01:54:36,959 --> 01:54:49,979 was there. Soybeans, live cattle, pork bellies, they don't trade anymore. Silver, all the metals palladium, platinum, high grade copper, cotton, lumber,
708 01:54:50,939 --> 01:54:55,769 orange juice. It's all there. It's all there.
709 01:54:58,980 --> 01:55:08,610 Once you see it it, you're never going to forget it, and you can't unsee it. And when you see these things that repeat over and over again, and they are, they're
710 01:55:08,610 --> 01:55:18,360 finite, you'll prove it to yourself in an index short little exercise like that. Pull up a chart, I don't care what asset class it is, define it look back last
711 01:55:18,360 --> 01:55:24,750 20 days last four days last six days. Where's the Heinola? Where's liquidity voids? Where's the ferry by query gaps and where's equilibrium? And you'll know
712 01:55:24,750 --> 01:55:32,670 exactly what price is going to do on that right hand side of your chart. It's going to move to those levels. Now think in terms of overbought and oversold,
713 01:55:34,020 --> 01:55:40,980 you will be able to define a range by doing that. You don't need an indicator to tell you if you're overbought or oversold. Look at the highest level of
714 01:55:40,980 --> 01:55:50,340 liquidity in the form of a high the last 60 days and the lowest low last 60 days. That's your real overbought and oversold. You don't need to you don't need
715 01:55:50,340 --> 01:55:56,610 an indicator for that. I've made fun of that stuff in my free tutorials on YouTube. You know, all these guys start not diverting, I don't need a
716 01:55:56,610 --> 01:56:03,690 divergence. How do you do that? Where's the range? Where am I in terms of institutional order flow? So real institutional order flow, the what I'm talking
717 01:56:03,690 --> 01:56:12,450 about, you'll hear this talk. Chris Laurie is not teaching this stuff. Okay. Online Trading isn't teaching it. YouTube guys only they're not teaching this.
718 01:56:13,020 --> 01:56:23,460 These are finite things. Unless you came from where I came from, you're not seeing or learning or even knowing about this stuff. It gets deeper than this.
719 01:56:24,690 --> 01:56:34,410 It gets more specific than this. This was just the beginning stages of what I am taking you whether you realize it or not. I'm taking you through the whole
720 01:56:34,410 --> 01:56:47,010 process of how I became ICT. The things I learned the way I learned it, the process of how I got to it. It's what you're seeing here, one stage at a time.
721 01:56:47,430 --> 01:56:55,650 And how do I know it's like this because I journal I've kept a journal for years. And I remember certain things because I journal, I go back in time and
722 01:56:55,650 --> 01:57:03,480 look at certain things I get to relive that moment. That's why I'm so passionate about teaching you even before I started charging, but how passionate I've
723 01:57:03,480 --> 01:57:12,540 always been. I've always been passionate because I know what it was like for me to experience it to go through the process. And that euphoric moment when I
724 01:57:12,540 --> 01:57:23,190 finally got to what you're all aspiring to be knowledgeable, knowing exactly what you're going to do with these candles on your chart. What's this telling
725 01:57:23,190 --> 01:57:32,100 you? What are you going to do with this information? I'm making money with this. I'm building a business, I'm building a future for my family, I'm building a
726 01:57:32,130 --> 01:57:42,270 means of being able to build a legacy for my family, that they never have to be subordinate to a employer. You're going to make your own way with this
727 01:57:42,270 --> 01:57:51,960 information. And I'm interested in that I'm passionate about that. And when you do these things, and you go through the processes of things I'm telling you to
728 01:57:51,960 --> 01:58:02,910 do with this month content, doing these exercises, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it's going to blow your mind. You're already here. It's not a sales pitch. I
729 01:58:02,910 --> 01:58:14,580 don't need to sell anything to you. You're seeing it. But you're not really seeing it yet. You haven't done that yet. When you do see an issue do it. I'm
730 01:58:14,580 --> 01:58:20,430 telling you, the forms gonna light up you're gonna be you're gonna be all over the place. You're gonna be throwing up charts on the Look at this. It did it
731 01:58:20,430 --> 01:58:28,200 here it did it here, then then it didn't you're not gonna be asleep. It's gonna be like no dose, forget about it. Caffeine, you won't need it, you're gonna be
732 01:58:28,200 --> 01:58:35,430 jumping around hopped up on goofballs, because you literally won't be able to contain yourself, because you know exactly what you're looking for going
733 01:58:35,430 --> 01:58:44,850 forward. That's exactly what traders want. You're asking for setups in these signals. No, that's not what you want. really break it down. You want to know
734 01:58:44,850 --> 01:58:54,540 what I know. You want to know when you are going to take a trade because think about That's ultimate control. Because you know where to find the next 2030 5060
735 01:58:54,540 --> 01:59:03,120 trading opportunities. You don't have to trade today, the contrast that what you felt like this morning before the session opened, opened up, you're hoping I'll
736 01:59:03,120 --> 01:59:10,530 give you something right now, because you want to take a trade. And it only comes because you don't know anything right now. You don't know what you want to
737 01:59:10,530 --> 01:59:21,390 do. You want to focus on the common goal is that this information is going to take you to the understanding of knowing what it is that you are going to do.
738 01:59:21,780 --> 01:59:32,160 And when you don't want to do it. To stop distracting yourself by going through old content. Don't even watch my free tutorials this month. Let's focus on this
739 01:59:32,160 --> 01:59:34,230 because blame it's a lot. It's a lot of stuff.
740 01:59:36,270 --> 01:59:44,220 Then and only then start amplifying it by doing the other stuff and the new things that we teach in February going forward. But there's a lot of things that
741 01:59:44,220 --> 01:59:54,120 you need to be paying attention to for this month. If you miss this. You're going to struggle, the rest of the mentorship and I mean that and if you don't
742 01:59:54,120 --> 02:00:01,980 stay it's because you didn't take my words to heart right now. Because you don't you're not you're not Trying to do it. And guess what, there's no shame in that.
743 02:00:01,980 --> 02:00:08,160 Because if you don't want to do the work, what's required here, you're not going to make it in trading. Regardless, if we had everything I was going to teach in
744 02:00:08,160 --> 02:00:17,370 this whole entire mentorship, it's all between your ears, it's going to be the problem. So this is the dividing marker for many of you. If you can't submit to
745 02:00:17,370 --> 02:00:26,460 what's required, and that you have to do in January, you might just hang it up. Just forget about it, don't worry about it, and go back to watch the free
746 02:00:26,460 --> 02:00:35,430 tutorials on YouTube videos, and then be content with that. And don't let it beat you up. Because you have now arrived that that's the final decision maker.
747 02:00:35,760 --> 02:00:43,290 Because if you're not going to be organized, if you're not going to be disciplined to do the work that's necessary, you're never going to trade not and
748 02:00:43,290 --> 02:00:53,280 find profitability, and it won't happen, that's not going to happen. You want reality, you want truth, that's what this is, you won't make money at all,
749 02:00:53,340 --> 02:01:05,010 unless you submit and do the things I'm going to teach you in January, everything. If you don't do these things, with 1,000%, assurity, you're wasting
750 02:01:05,010 --> 02:01:11,370 your time with me, you're wasting your money with me. And you're never going to be profitable with the things that I teach is not going to happen, you'll have
751 02:01:11,370 --> 02:01:17,880 hit and miss results. And you're going to undo everything because you're going to go nuts, you're going to just overtrain trying to get it all back. And you
752 02:01:17,880 --> 02:01:25,710 don't need to do any of those types of things. You can be very boring about it. And that's what you want, you want to be boring, you want to you want that same
753 02:01:25,710 --> 02:01:35,130 feeling when you go to work. It's the same thing every day, same people every day. That's what you want your training to be. Same thing. I know, in 60 days
754 02:01:35,160 --> 02:01:42,420 looking back, that's where I need to be focusing on last 40 days where that's why I need to be focusing on last 20 days. That's what I need to be focusing on.
755 02:01:42,630 --> 02:01:51,300 Take that information, cast it forward. Those levels cast it forward, they're going to be influential in the future. And there's going to be new levels that
756 02:01:51,300 --> 02:02:02,520 create highs and lows 20 days going forward for today's going forward 60 days going forward. And by doing that, you get a future level to draw vertical line
757 02:02:02,520 --> 02:02:13,920 on and look back 2014 60 days, and if you get an overlap that's when the magic happens. And with that kids, I'm going to close it was a very good day. And I
758 02:02:13,920 --> 02:02:22,110 will have the recording up as soon as humanly possible can. I do have to do another session. So this one might have to go on a little bit later because I do
759 02:02:22,110 --> 02:02:30,120 want to do the live recap on our library capital. A recap of today's price action, and then I'll have this one up afterwards. So because it takes a little
760 02:02:30,120 --> 02:02:39,270 bit more time for this longer ones to compress, and hopefully you guys found it insightful. I wish you all a very good day and good luck and good trading.