115-ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 12 - Intraday Top Down Analysis

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-11-01 04:16

00:00:11,940 --> 00:00:26,490 ICT: Okay folks, we are here the last structure of teaching of the ICD mentorship. Can you believe we're here? Alright, so ICT short term top down
00:00:26,490 --> 00:00:29,850 analysis, four hours to five minutes
00:00:36,150 --> 00:00:47,220 okay, let me preface it again by saying this is my personal approach. So everything that you've been taught, this is how I actually employ it from a four
00:00:47,220 --> 00:00:56,580 hour down to a five minute timeframe because of this presentation is determine the impact of the four hour perspective on a given asset or Morfitt. Identify
00:00:56,580 --> 00:01:05,220 directional bias for the higher timeframe intraday four hour chart, classify that PDA raise accurately to assist in key levels, complete an institutional
00:01:05,220 --> 00:01:18,630 analysis on a four hour basis. Okay, so, the beginning of my analysis when we start on a four hour chart working our way down into the lower timeframes. The
00:01:18,630 --> 00:01:26,280 first thing that's in my mind is the day of the week that we're trading. Okay, in other words, what day of the week are we on, preferably is going to be a
00:01:26,280 --> 00:01:35,580 weekend analysis. And I'm gonna be looking at the likelihood of us opening up on Sunday watching where we trade see what there's any if there's a gap, if it's in
00:01:35,580 --> 00:01:42,330 a rush to get somewhere right away, it's beginning of the week. But typically, I'm going to be watching what's going on Monday to see what Tuesday and
10 00:01:42,330 --> 00:01:52,410 Wednesday can bring for once at one kill. Before we go any further though, all monthly, weekly, and daily analysis is included when viewing the four hour
11 00:01:52,410 --> 00:01:53,100 perspective.
12 00:01:58,350 --> 00:02:08,880 After I determine the day of the week, and what type of profiles and templates that may exist for that particular day, I'm going to be looking at IP data and
13 00:02:08,880 --> 00:02:22,320 defining it in true day. So I want to be making sure I'm only focusing on setups inside of the parameters that make up today as talk to you in the mentorship and
14 00:02:22,320 --> 00:02:29,760 then I'm gonna be looking at specific times of the day and these are your kill zones that's someone that open New York open London close an Asia
15 00:02:36,330 --> 00:02:45,810 now I'm going to be including the central bank dealers range, so I'm gonna be incorporating that range in price. Looking for the consolidations in there. I'm
16 00:02:45,810 --> 00:02:58,500 gonna be looking for standard deviations to align with potential highs and lows of the day I'm gonna be incorporating the Asian range. So I'll be looking for
17 00:02:58,770 --> 00:03:12,780 against the standard deviations there as well. And now the flout. I'll be including the deviations on the flower, which is basically the Asian range and
18 00:03:12,780 --> 00:03:20,970 central bank dealers range, time winded to combine that total range high and low. I'll be looking for standard deviations for that and we'll talk more about
19 00:03:20,970 --> 00:03:33,780 that when we get into deeper discussion for this presentation. Okay, intraday profiles. What the the intraday models suggest in terms of price action, are we
20 00:03:33,780 --> 00:03:45,120 gonna have a down day with a up Judas swing first and London or is it going to be a quiet London in a run in New York. So I'm going to be referring to
21 00:03:45,300 --> 00:04:01,020 potential intraday profiles. Then we do my PD arrays to qualify my key levels for targets and entries. And I'll be including average daily range projections
22 00:04:01,020 --> 00:04:13,200 as well to help me facilitate the daily highs and lows on the day. And all of these insights, in addition to the analysis ideas I've had transposed from the
23 00:04:13,200 --> 00:04:21,120 monthly, weekly and daily, I take what I see on the four hour and I carry that over into the intraday charts. Now, here's where we have to decide what we're
24 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:29,790 going to be doing are we going to drop down from a four hour to a 60 minute chart, or we're going to drop down to a 30 minute chart, a 15 minute chart, a
25 00:04:29,790 --> 00:04:36,690 five minute chart, even a one minute chart, I didn't include it because I don't like one minute charts, but you need to decide where you're going to go from for
26 00:04:36,690 --> 00:04:44,370 hour. So I don't want to push you into a mode and say it has to be this way because there's obviously many different ways to look at time. 60 minutes is a
27 00:04:44,370 --> 00:04:52,200 decent timeframe to drop down to but it's still gonna have to be refined a little bit more. I'd like to go down from a four hour down to a 30 minute or 15
28 00:04:52,200 --> 00:05:02,370 personally and then further refine it for five minutes. If I can get my entries and executions off on the five minute that's great. But I'm usually looking for
29 00:05:02,370 --> 00:05:14,610 the setups to confirm entries on 15 minute minimum. The best is to get it down until five minute but I don't always have the luxury of getting into a five
30 00:05:14,610 --> 00:05:22,830 minute chart to refine it. But if I do, I'm going to certainly try to do that. But from four hour down to the next timeframe, I'll leave that up to you because
31 00:05:22,830 --> 00:05:31,440 I just gotta be some measure of personalized approach. In other words, you got to be able to make it work for you. And the reason why it's got to be flexible
32 00:05:31,440 --> 00:05:41,400 is because the timeframes below four hour may be muddy on the 60 minute chart, but maybe a lot more clear with gaps and such on the 15 minute or five minute
33 00:05:41,400 --> 00:05:48,630 chart. So it's important that you know, when we dropped down from a four hour, what we're doing is we're looking for a timeframe that produces fair value gaps,
34 00:05:48,630 --> 00:05:56,730 that's the key. So you may not see a fair value get drilled down into a one hour chart, but it may exist on a 15 minute timeframe. So that way, you can pick your
35 00:05:56,730 --> 00:06:06,480 PD arrays relative to gaps, bullet or blocks, breakers of that nature, but you're able to see it when there's lower timeframes because they can become more
36 00:06:06,480 --> 00:06:14,070 spotty. The higher timeframe is going to smooth out price. The lower timeframes are going to create those little pockets of illiquidity where it needs to be
37 00:06:14,070 --> 00:06:15,810 refinished, and refined.
38 00:06:21,330 --> 00:06:30,540 Okay, day of the week, using the previous daily, weekly and monthly analysis. I look for reasons to trade in that higher timeframe directional bias. And if I'm
39 00:06:30,540 --> 00:06:38,700 bearish from the higher timeframe, I look for shorts on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, if I'm bullish on the higher timeframe, I look for Long's on
40 00:06:38,700 --> 00:06:47,070 Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Now, if I'm expecting the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday influence, and it does not materialize. I look for the late week
41 00:06:47,070 --> 00:06:58,440 scenarios on Thursday and Friday to come into fruition. So the words are the weekly templates, or I have daily templates that I expect to see unfold in price
42 00:06:58,440 --> 00:07:07,140 action or market I'm watching. If I don't see what I anticipate as a bullish move or bearish move on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, say I got it wrong or it
43 00:07:07,140 --> 00:07:15,060 doesn't materialize whatsoever. Then I'm going to be focusing on Thursday and Friday templates and what type of weekly profile that may align as well using
44 00:07:15,060 --> 00:07:26,490 the economic calendar if the true day now I look for setups from the higher timeframe analysis within the hours as defined by today. Now the bulk of the
45 00:07:26,490 --> 00:07:37,200 daily volume will be between 3am and 10am New York time I want to either position myself correctly ahead of this window or during the first half of it.
46 00:07:38,220 --> 00:07:51,720 After New York open I have to lower my expectations and be content with smaller objectives intraday. Time of Day kill zones. Utilizing the higher timeframe
47 00:07:51,720 --> 00:08:01,860 analysis, I will look for a trade setup in the London Open kill zone. I aim for the low of the day when the higher timeframe is bullish. If I fail in London, I
48 00:08:01,860 --> 00:08:12,660 look for a New York open setup to reposition or get a new position. Utilizing the higher time frame analysis, I will look for a trade set up in the London
49 00:08:12,660 --> 00:08:23,070 Open kill zone. I aim for the high of the day when the higher Time Frame is bearish. If I fail in London, I look for a New York open setup to reposition or
50 00:08:23,100 --> 00:08:35,010 get a position when I look to collapse the bulk or all of my intraday positions starting at 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock in the morning New York Time Window. That's
51 00:08:35,010 --> 00:08:47,100 profit taking or the beginnings of modern clothes. Central Bank dealers range deviations. Now when the higher timeframe analysis suggests that I should be
52 00:08:47,100 --> 00:08:59,220 bullish, I will use one, two or three negative standard deviations in other words going down. The central bank dealers range for long entries. I look for 15
53 00:08:59,340 --> 00:09:09,300 to 60 minute discount arrays that overlap with the standard deviations to determine which I will frame my entry on when the higher time frame analysis
54 00:09:09,300 --> 00:09:19,920 suggested I should be bearish, I will use plus one plus two or plus three standard deviations of the central bank dealers range for short entries. I look
55 00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:28,560 for 15 to 60 minute premium arrays to overlap with the standard deviation to determine which one I will frame my entry on. So what I'm looking for is
56 00:09:28,590 --> 00:09:37,470 standard deviations in the form of one two or three higher when I want to go short, but I'm not just simply selling short on one standard deviation or two
57 00:09:37,470 --> 00:09:47,130 standard deviations or three standard deviations deviations up. I'm looking for a premium array if I'm bearish on a 60 minute timeframe that will overlap with
58 00:09:47,130 --> 00:09:54,330 that same standard deviation. So it's a matter of blending I don't just indiscriminately add one or two deviations and say okay, I'm gonna go short
59 00:09:54,330 --> 00:10:03,450 there. I'm looking for a 60 minute less than four hour or a 15 minute for premium, or it may be a fair value gap, or maybe an old height needs that run
60 00:10:03,450 --> 00:10:11,280 back above four stops. So there's a turtle suit, but it overlaps with the central bank deelish range deviation. That's the key, you want to blend those
61 00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:19,710 things together. And again, it's all about the pdra matrix. If you don't use that or understand it, you're not going to be consistent with my stuff as simple
62 00:10:19,710 --> 00:10:33,330 as that. Okay, the Asian range, if my higher timeframe analysis bullish, I will look to enter Long's below the Asian range high, preferably under the low
63 00:10:35,940 --> 00:10:46,080 if my higher timeframe analysis is bearish, I will look to enter shorts above the Asian range low, preferably above the Asian range high. Now, let me rephrase
64 00:10:46,080 --> 00:10:56,430 that so you we understand each other perfectly. If I'm bullish, the best scenario is to go long below the Asian range low. But as long as I'm below the
65 00:10:56,430 --> 00:11:07,410 Asian range high, I'll still take what I consider high probability Long's. If I'm bearish, I preferably want to go short above the Asian range high. But as
66 00:11:07,410 --> 00:11:17,400 long as I'm trading short above the Asian range low, it's still defined as a high probability scenario. Now if I'm bullish, I expect Asian range high to be
67 00:11:17,400 --> 00:11:29,550 retested for entry as support or adding to open positions for long if I'm bearish and I expect Asian range low to be retested for entry short or adding to
68 00:11:29,550 --> 00:11:42,060 an open position for short holdings. In other words, if I have a low that I've bought at, and the Asian range high, comes back down to a retracement and it
69 00:11:42,060 --> 00:11:51,420 hits the Asian range high. Many times it'll do that and then expect it accelerating span towards the New York open. Sometimes don't in New York open
70 00:11:51,690 --> 00:11:58,770 the Asian range high when it's been bullish, will be retreated to and retest this support. And then in a rally again, going into London close or many times
71 00:11:58,800 --> 00:12:08,010 into the next day or following. The same thing is said in opposite terms for when it's bearish. If you're looking for if I'm looking for an opportunity to go
72 00:12:08,010 --> 00:12:16,830 short, and the market has already moved down away from the Asian range, during New York, it can rally back up into the Asian range low and retest that and that
73 00:12:16,830 --> 00:12:25,590 could be another opportunity for me to get short or add to an existing position. For the daily range projections, I look for standard deviations in the Asian
74 00:12:25,590 --> 00:12:34,050 range to overlap with those that are seen in the central bank dealers range for the low and high of the day. So in other words, what I'm saying here is central
75 00:12:34,050 --> 00:12:43,050 bank dealers range and Asian range conferences, when they get really close to a level and it lines up with a PD array, chances are you're probably going to be
76 00:12:43,050 --> 00:12:54,300 kneeling very close to the high or low the day. Alright, so have you been dying for this one flout. And you've probably been expecting some PhD level
77 00:12:54,300 --> 00:13:02,400 presentation, but it's not that hard. The cloud is the central bank deelish range in the Asian range combined. That's the whole time window, the highest
78 00:13:02,400 --> 00:13:09,870 highs and the lowest low in in the form of the wick and in the form of the bodies of the candles. So go back and look at the lesson I talked about in this
79 00:13:09,870 --> 00:13:20,310 mentorship. But if I am bullish, I look for overlapping in the total range of the central bank dealers range and Asian range that has been divided in half.
80 00:13:20,610 --> 00:13:29,340 And this makes one standard deviation. So in other words, if the range that starts in Central Bank deals range opening, all the way to Asian range close at
81 00:13:29,340 --> 00:13:40,770 midnight, New York time, wherever the highest high and wherever the lowest lowest say that is 40 pips half of that range is 2020 pips is the standard
82 00:13:40,770 --> 00:13:52,920 deviation for flout and I go from the center point go up one, that's one standard deviation 234. So on those standard deviations, it's half of the range
83 00:13:52,920 --> 00:14:03,360 that makes up central bank dealers range and Asian range in terms of time, find the highest high and lowest low divide that range and in half, project that up
84 00:14:04,320 --> 00:14:13,170 only half of the range that makes the standard deviation it's not the full range high the low. Looking for Confluence is a flout standard deviations and central
85 00:14:13,170 --> 00:14:20,640 bank dealers range in Asian range. With discount arrays on the 60. The 15 minute is ideal for entries.
86 00:14:22,259 --> 00:14:30,809 If I'm bearish, I look for overlapping in the total range of the central bank dealers range and Asian range that has been divided in half as one standard
87 00:14:30,809 --> 00:14:41,309 deviation, looking for confluences of flout standard deviation and central bank dealers range and Asian range with premium arrays on a 60 minute to 15 minute is
88 00:14:41,309 --> 00:14:49,649 ideal for entries. So, I already know you're gonna be asking for examples of this and I'm going to show you some next week when we finish up the month of
89 00:14:49,649 --> 00:15:02,279 August. But flower is only half of the total range and you start nesting them out lower and lower and lower. Now flowers can be many standard deviations there
90 00:15:02,279 --> 00:15:10,769 isn't a rule based idea like there is for central bank dealers range or Asian range. Asian range can go up one or two standard deviations and create a high or
91 00:15:10,829 --> 00:15:21,599 down one or two standard deviations created a low the day. flout can be many standard deviations that have to keep being applied and attitude as the daily
92 00:15:21,599 --> 00:15:31,769 range goes up, you keep adding another level of flout, when we start approaching extremes on the day and into high premium levels on a 60 minute or 15 minute
93 00:15:31,769 --> 00:15:46,679 timeframe, then we're close to London close, then you're probably gonna be real close to the actual low or high of the day. intraday profiles when I'm bearish,
94 00:15:46,919 --> 00:15:57,089 I look for high today in London. And when I'm bullish, I look for low the day in London when I'm bearish, and the four hour has not yet traded to a discount
95 00:15:57,119 --> 00:16:08,009 array, I expect New York open to continue lower when I'm bullish in the four hour has not yet traded to a premium array. I expect New York open to continue
96 00:16:08,009 --> 00:16:17,729 higher. And a lot of questions I get is How do I know there's going to be a New York session reversal. If it trades to a four hour premium array, it's probably
97 00:16:17,729 --> 00:16:28,469 going to be a market reversal in New York. And it's going to come lower. If it's been trading down and it trades down into a four hour discount or right during
98 00:16:28,469 --> 00:16:38,189 New York session, there's probably high probability that's going to create a New York market reversal. As long as that has not happened or has yet to happen.
99 00:16:38,999 --> 00:16:48,989 Chances are the New York session will be a continuation there of the higher timeframe momentum and bias in institutional order flow. And until that happens,
100 00:16:49,199 --> 00:16:57,449 the London and New York will be in agreement in terms of direction. If you want more information if you need to be refresher go back to April's content and it
101 00:16:57,449 --> 00:17:08,819 gives you more specifics about intraday profiles. Okay, then I note the key price levels and I want to determine a portion of Market structure I want to use
102 00:17:08,819 --> 00:17:15,419 for my trade ideas. In other words, I'm defining a range. Either I'm going to operate as internal range liquidity, or I'm going to be working off external
103 00:17:15,419 --> 00:17:25,289 range liquidity. I calibrate those levels from the pdra matrix to the nearest 10 level or five level. And we've already seen this slide three other times, so I'm
104 00:17:25,289 --> 00:17:36,059 not going to go into great detail. And then finally, I look at the average daily range projections. And I use a five day average daily range to help me determine
105 00:17:36,419 --> 00:17:45,479 possible intraday range extremes for the single day that I'm trading. Now if I'm bullish, I look for the market to trade to the average daily range high. Now if
106 00:17:45,479 --> 00:17:55,619 this average daily range highs broken, I use the Fibonacci on the average daily range high and low. And I use that as a projection for 127. Extension and 162
107 00:17:55,619 --> 00:18:05,279 extensions as targets. By themselves. They're nothing but I look for a premium array. When I'm looking for average daily range time when it's broken. I look
108 00:18:05,279 --> 00:18:15,329 for 127 a lineup with a premium array on a 60 minute or 15 minute timeframe, or 162 extension to overlap with a 60 minute or 15 minute premium array and the
109 00:18:15,329 --> 00:18:23,249 reverse is said when I'm bearish. If I am bearish, I looked for the market to trade to the average daily range low. And if the average daily range is broken,
110 00:18:23,939 --> 00:18:35,549 and goes well beyond the average daily range low, I use the thin on the average daily range high and low for a 120 7% or a 160 2% extension for downside
111 00:18:35,579 --> 00:18:47,369 targets. By themselves. They don't mean anything, but they have to overlap with a discount rate on a 15 or 16 minute timeframe. blending those things together
112 00:18:47,459 --> 00:18:56,399 and incorporating central bank dealers range standard deviations, Asian range standard deviations and flout standard deviations. You'll get many times within
113 00:18:56,429 --> 00:18:58,199 10 pips of the daily high in the low.
114 00:18:59,730 --> 00:19:09,870 That's the reason why I want to get out 10 pips before because I may be wrong in my projections on where the high and the low may form. And preferably, if I'm
115 00:19:09,870 --> 00:19:19,050 long, I'm trying to calculate where that high is going to be yet. I want to be out definitely in the direction it's moving. Well, I hope for the last couple of
116 00:19:19,050 --> 00:19:28,080 pips, no, every time I've done that a they are frustrated me because it never got to where I wanted it to go, or it fell short. So these are all projections
117 00:19:28,080 --> 00:19:39,000 projections are not absolutions the standard deviations are assisting, they're not guaranteeing, okay, they're not panaceas. Over time, you're gonna see they
118 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:49,920 have very good results in terms of helping you determine what level is. But as you can see, there's a multiple of varying standard deviations that can come
119 00:19:49,920 --> 00:19:59,250 from the flout central bank dealers range in age and range. It's the blending of all three and then using an average daily range and if it breaks on the average
120 00:19:59,250 --> 00:20:06,150 daily range means you got a big range day, how much of a big range day you got to start going back and looking at those standard deviations on Central Bank
121 00:20:06,150 --> 00:20:15,090 dealers range flout an Asian range to overlap with as you keep building them up on both days or adding them down. When it's bearish looking for the respective
122 00:20:15,210 --> 00:20:25,980 premium or discount array on the 15 or 16 minute timeframe, when they arrive at an overlap or converge, you're usually within 10 pips of a variance between
123 00:20:25,980 --> 00:20:32,970 that. And that's why I want to be getting out early. I don't mind getting out and leaving the last 2530 pips on the table, I don't care, as long as I'm
124 00:20:32,970 --> 00:20:41,310 getting consistent range expansions, and I'm able to get a nice piece of it. That's all I care about. I've been doing this for a very long time, I've never
125 00:20:41,310 --> 00:20:48,840 been perfect, I've never gotten to the actual Hi, every single time I've done it or getting out of flow every single time I've done it. And every time I've tried
126 00:20:48,840 --> 00:20:57,480 to be that consistent or that accurate. It's always hurt me. So I want to be getting out as long as the trains moving in that direction and get out and going
127 00:20:57,480 --> 00:21:09,600 in the right direction. You can't go wrong with taking profits, whether demo or live. Alright, patterns for consideration. Now obviously, I've taught from the
128 00:21:09,600 --> 00:21:17,580 context of a condition which is a higher timeframe, directional bias. And then the stage what sets your trade up, what's it look like? Okay, then you execute
129 00:21:17,610 --> 00:21:25,920 execution is talked about in the mentorship on where we get in and get out out whether we're buying on limits, or selling on limits, or letting go limit orders
130 00:21:25,920 --> 00:21:36,330 or market orders. It's been talked about and explained to you, it's not my point to give you entry techniques, because that's already been covered. The main
131 00:21:36,330 --> 00:21:44,010 thing is, is where's the setups, because once you understand where the markets going, and you understand the setup, the entry stuff is easy. So as a technical
132 00:21:44,010 --> 00:21:55,500 trader, we only need one setup, or one pattern to trade on. Now, a lot of tools have been taught to you so many that you're probably head swirling around, like
133 00:21:55,500 --> 00:22:06,780 what am I supposed to do next? These lessons have provided you how I actually use it by step by step approach. What I do conceptually, now, each one of these
134 00:22:06,780 --> 00:22:15,120 things I've given you, in terms of what I love to do, has been explained in greater detail in previous lessons. So it'd be stupid for me to waste your time
135 00:22:15,120 --> 00:22:22,980 in mind to go and rehash all that again. Because the first complaint I would have if it was me, I'd say well, aren't you just repeating what you said, No,
136 00:22:23,310 --> 00:22:32,640 I'm telling you in the order of the very specific detail of the order of how I do each thing, then go back to the mentorship and everything that I taught you.
137 00:22:32,670 --> 00:22:43,620 It's all there. This is the order that I do it. Now, once I go through that whole list of things in the order that I've taught so far in all this content in
138 00:22:43,650 --> 00:22:53,670 all four teachings, up till now, at some point, you will arrive at all those conditions in green. And it says that you have to look for a trade or a setup.
139 00:22:54,240 --> 00:23:04,980 Now I'm going to teach you the two setups that I trade. I don't do anything else. I don't look for any other patterns, I don't try to work on any other
140 00:23:04,980 --> 00:23:15,420 information. This is all that I look for. Now, again, I'm saying this to tell you that this is how I internalize and how I look to execute in the marketplace.
141 00:23:16,020 --> 00:23:23,160 It is not an invitation for you to do this. And never experiment never test ideas or
142 00:23:24,569 --> 00:23:32,339 inspiration that you get by looking at certain things like I've looked at several different approaches to trading this past week with you on live
143 00:23:32,339 --> 00:23:38,849 sessions. And we went through a couple of different things. We looked at the the scenario with the Euro dollar and eventually panned out, we looked for scenarios
144 00:23:38,849 --> 00:23:49,349 in the Japanese yen, it panned out, we looked for a market move in gold, which we'll look at before we close this session out. And it panned out. So you only
145 00:23:49,349 --> 00:23:59,429 need one pattern. And the importance of sticking to that one pattern is paramount. Because if you try to change or do more than one thing in the
146 00:23:59,429 --> 00:24:06,029 beginning, you're not going to be able to measure consistency, and you're not going to be able to build your confidence which is necessary to sticking to it.
147 00:24:06,539 --> 00:24:13,799 There's going to be periods when it doesn't work or you do it wrong. And that's normal. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's nothing to be afraid of. You're
148 00:24:13,799 --> 00:24:24,689 going to screw it up, which is reason why I teach in a demo. It gives you the permission to mess it up. It gives me the permission to mess it up as your
149 00:24:24,689 --> 00:24:31,559 teacher, okay, because it's going to harm nobody. It's not going to hurt me, monetarily. It's not going to hurt you monetarily. No financial damage can
150 00:24:31,559 --> 00:24:40,049 happen. And you can't get emotional about making money in a demo because it's not real spendable money. So that's the environment you need to learn in. So,
151 00:24:40,649 --> 00:24:49,589 over the next couple of slides, I'm gonna actually share with you the actual things that I look for how my mind interprets price. And these are my go to
152 00:24:49,589 --> 00:24:56,519 patterns. You're gonna see that they're not overly complicated. You're gonna recognize them right away. You're gonna see oh, yeah, I've seen them when we
153 00:24:56,519 --> 00:25:08,009 talked about it. You're going to know right away that I'm not doing a whole lot. I don't have a slew of all these different things. Now I can see ICT stingers, I
154 00:25:08,009 --> 00:25:17,159 can see reflection patterns, I can see overall patterns, all those things that I talked about in free tutorials, and on YouTube, all that stuff, I can see all
155 00:25:17,159 --> 00:25:25,319 those things there. And I can see them and I let them pass, I talk about oh, I could do this. And I could do that. But I'm not executing on the things that I
156 00:25:25,319 --> 00:25:36,029 execute on either in demo, and teaching in or doing my live trades. These are the patterns I hunt. This is what I'm looking to do. Now again, please
157 00:25:36,029 --> 00:25:46,649 understand that I am not trying to press you into the mold that ICT patterns only. Don't think that you have to do these patterns to be able to be successful
158 00:25:46,649 --> 00:25:54,569 because there's other ways to use the information I've provided you. And your setups may be slightly different than what I'm showing you here. But these are
159 00:25:54,569 --> 00:26:05,039 the hallmarks to how I internalize and analyze the markets. And when I'm right, I attribute it to these patterns. So I'll share a few with you in the coming
160 00:26:05,039 --> 00:26:13,649 slides to illustrate the simple yet effective approach and how it can be only searching for one setup for speculation in your demo account practice. These are
161 00:26:13,649 --> 00:26:22,469 by no means the only possible patterns for use in the mentorship. I include my personal favorites and a few others to stimulate your interest in inspiration.
162 00:26:26,699 --> 00:26:37,139 Alright, the first one is an ICT bullish pattern number one, okay, and the condition is the higher timeframe has to be bullish. And the stage or the setup
163 00:26:37,199 --> 00:26:41,159 is price is going to bounce off of the higher timeframe discount array.
164 00:26:42,420 --> 00:26:54,390 And impulse swing creates a fair value gap near the swing low. A short term low forms in market structure and fails to rally higher after equal highs or a
165 00:26:54,420 --> 00:27:06,300 higher highs formed. Price will eventually drop down into the fair value gap and under the short term low forming after the impulse price swing forms. Sell stops
166 00:27:06,330 --> 00:27:16,020 are triggered. Smart Money uses offset accumulation to pair long entries with the Sell Stop rate for a discount entry. Everything is explained here in this
167 00:27:16,020 --> 00:27:25,710 picture. You've seen this happen many many times in the mentorship have outlined this. And we saw many times where either I participated in it didn't work out or
168 00:27:25,710 --> 00:27:34,740 I participated in it worked out, or I outlined it. I didn't do it demonstrate and it actually panned out. So you've seen all aspects of it, where it didn't
169 00:27:34,740 --> 00:27:46,830 work where it did work. And when I called it and didn't participate in it worked out in terms of price action. This to me, this is my fair value play or optimal
170 00:27:46,830 --> 00:27:58,260 trade entry. This is the actual optimal trade entry in great detail. That wasn't explained when I was on the forums back in 2010. So when I came out on the
171 00:27:58,260 --> 00:28:07,200 scene, everybody was simply looking forward 60 to 70 laps and tracing levels to get into ICT optimal trade entries. Pulling a fib from the low up to the impulse
172 00:28:07,200 --> 00:28:16,890 swing after it tries to make an attempt to rally higher than when it drops down the optimal trade entry either 60 to 70.5 or 79% retracement levels, that
173 00:28:16,890 --> 00:28:27,420 overlapping with a fair value gap, a short term low where the cell stops really residing and back into a bullish order block. You have four things going for you
174 00:28:27,810 --> 00:28:38,640 and for yet for confluences. If you have that with higher timeframe bullishness, you have a lead pipe cinch doozy if it's going to go up, it's going to go up
175 00:28:38,640 --> 00:28:47,700 really strong on this. Because you have four things going for you. It's not a guarantee, it's not guaranteed to go up. But I have learned in my own analysis,
176 00:28:47,700 --> 00:28:57,360 my study that this is the criteria that works more than any other. There's many times where it'll rally up and then retrace, and there is no short term low in
177 00:28:57,360 --> 00:29:07,920 between. If there isn't, it's not as high probability. But when I see this, this is the one I want to be trading when I'm doing fair value buys, or in this case,
178 00:29:07,950 --> 00:29:17,880 optimal trade entry. This is a internal range liquidity, range expansion trade. So in other words, it creates a range from the low at the order block up to the
179 00:29:18,120 --> 00:29:26,700 impulse swing and starts to retrace while three tracing inside that range. That's internal range liquidity going long inside that range with the
180 00:29:26,700 --> 00:29:38,970 expectation that it's going to expand outside of it. And I'm gonna be targeting external range liquidity Okay, the second one is the ICT bullish pattern number
181 00:29:38,970 --> 00:29:48,450 two, and I don't have any names for these except for just simply a fair value and now this is a turtle suit or external range liquidity and again, the
182 00:29:48,450 --> 00:29:59,190 condition on higher timeframe is going to be bullish. And the stage or setup is this price will bounce prior to a predetermined or anticipated higher timeframe
183 00:29:59,190 --> 00:30:08,460 discount array price drops lower into the anticipated higher timeframe discounted rate at a later time. And raid sell stops in the form of a liquidity
184 00:30:08,460 --> 00:30:20,220 pool. Sell stops are triggered Smart Money uses offset accumulation to pair long entries with Sell Stop read discount entry, ICT version of turtles suit. Now,
185 00:30:20,250 --> 00:30:28,020 when you look at street smarts book where I got the inspiration for this pattern, it doesn't map it out like this, it just gives you here's a low goes
186 00:30:28,020 --> 00:30:36,420 down below the low byte there. That's a little myopic, in my opinion, there's got to be some other understandings. And this is how I look at it. If I
187 00:30:36,420 --> 00:30:44,610 internalize the likelihood of the price coming down to eight, we'll just call it a support level, okay. But it's going to be a discount rate, whatever that
188 00:30:44,610 --> 00:30:52,950 discount rate is that I'm really wanting to buy at, if the price starts just short of it or above it, and it just hangs around and hovers or starts to move
189 00:30:52,950 --> 00:31:03,720 up a little bit, it gives the false bottom a fake low, I won't buy that, I'm going to wait and see if they're going to run down and kill those early bulls.
190 00:31:04,140 --> 00:31:12,750 Because the one that creates that short term low ahead of the level, I want to be buying it. Everyone that bought it is going to have their stop loss in the
191 00:31:12,750 --> 00:31:22,170 form of sell stock right below that short term low. And I know that if it's going to down, if it's gonna go down to that lower timeframe, discount array,
192 00:31:22,620 --> 00:31:31,170 not lower timeframe, but lower in terms of terms of price, it's going lower than it has already hit reach into a deeper discount, just say it that way.
193 00:31:32,819 --> 00:31:42,239 I'm going to wait for it. And this is where Patience pays, because you're impatient because you don't know what you're looking for. I'm patient many times
194 00:31:42,239 --> 00:31:52,829 in price trading, because I know what I'm looking for. Now, I may be impatient with people's impatience and wanting to learn this. But I'm absolutely very
195 00:31:52,829 --> 00:32:00,629 patient, when it comes to looking for what I'm trading off of in price, I know what I'm specifically looking for, which is why I don't get emotional. And in my
196 00:32:00,659 --> 00:32:09,539 analysis, I don't get emotional in my trading, because I'm looking for specific things. And if I don't get it, I won't act. In this case, I want to see a low
197 00:32:09,539 --> 00:32:20,369 form ahead of anticipated level in terms of a discount. So say there's a fair value gap that I expect to see fill in price comes down but doesn't quite get
198 00:32:20,369 --> 00:32:28,679 there and starts to rally a little bit, I'm gonna wait and see if they use that as a sucker play, and then run one more time lower. When they do I knew those
199 00:32:28,679 --> 00:32:36,539 sell stocks are gonna be triggered that's sell side liquidity hitting the marketplace in the form of sellers at the market. Smart Money will accumulate
200 00:32:36,539 --> 00:32:45,869 that and offset, accumulate those thoughts. I buy down there at a discounted rate, because now I have a better feeling that price should rally because it's
201 00:32:45,899 --> 00:32:56,969 taken out stops, it went to my logical discount array. And this is turtle soup. This is when turtle soup works. If you could go back and watch any work that
202 00:32:56,969 --> 00:33:07,739 Linda does, Linda Raschke, where she teaches this pattern in her book with Larry Conners. If you can get any work off a YouTube on her, I used to be able to
203 00:33:07,739 --> 00:33:15,509 watch some videos where she talked about it, she didn't she didn't build any more detail outside of what was shared in the book. But when you look at that,
204 00:33:15,509 --> 00:33:26,639 and then you apply what is explained here, it takes the pattern to a whole different level. And the bullish pattern number three, which is just basically
205 00:33:26,909 --> 00:33:34,139 the same pattern of this showing you but in the event that I did not get that entry down here on the turtle suit, which is the reason why I tell you, don't
206 00:33:34,139 --> 00:33:42,689 worry about it. Don't regret it, don't sit there and beat yourself about it. If you can't get that level down there, fine. This is the pattern that I use. I
207 00:33:42,689 --> 00:33:50,819 wait for price to rally through the short term high. And now that short term high becomes a bullish breaker. When price trades back down to the breaker, I'm
208 00:33:50,819 --> 00:34:01,259 going to use that as my entry because I know that that stock run at the lower low price should not come back down there. So there won't most usually isn't
209 00:34:01,259 --> 00:34:10,679 going to be a retracement down into a or block where the buy level is. So there may be a down close candle down there. Obviously, in many instances, many folks
210 00:34:10,679 --> 00:34:17,489 will look for price to trade back down there and get to that order block. That's going to be below the breaker. It's already been down there and it's done its
211 00:34:17,489 --> 00:34:27,539 work. So it price is going to support around that bullish breaker. So I'm going to look at that level as my entry point. Now, in that impulse leg from where it
212 00:34:27,539 --> 00:34:39,119 says buy level up to the high, it pulls back down into the missed entry or pyramiding. That impulse leg rate inside that upper portion of it as it trades
213 00:34:39,149 --> 00:34:48,269 from that bullish breaker. There's going to be a portion of price action in the lower timeframe. So this is a play as the four hour chart or an hourly chart in
214 00:34:48,269 --> 00:35:00,539 this portion of the range here. That's going to be a lower internal range, liquidity or optimal trade entry. You won't see it like this bid on a lower
215 00:35:00,539 --> 00:35:08,099 timeframe, it'll be an optimal trade entry. And they'll trade into a lower timeframe, bullish order block or lower timeframe discount rate like a fair
216 00:35:08,099 --> 00:35:16,349 value gap. And then price will expand, but you overlap with that bullish breaker seen here. Now, this is a pattern that is universal, every patent I'm showing
217 00:35:16,349 --> 00:35:25,529 you is universal, it can be seen on a monthly, a weekly or daily, a four hour one hour 30 minute 15 minute, two minute chart, one minute chart, it's
218 00:35:25,529 --> 00:35:35,429 universal, this is what I trade off of. So if I see this pattern on a higher timeframe, then I start reducing it down and looking for the fractal of it just
219 00:35:35,429 --> 00:35:47,219 in a small timeframe. So then I looked for that either as a new position entry, because I missed the first one, or if I went long down on that lower run on cell
220 00:35:47,219 --> 00:35:56,039 stops, or turtle soup entry. If I got that one, one, if I want to add to that position, and pyramid, say I bought two down in the low end, say I want to add
221 00:35:56,039 --> 00:36:05,639 another I can do it. Now when it trades that bullish breaker so I can now pyramid there. Or say I'm hefty. And I've got a pretty good size on say I got 20
222 00:36:05,639 --> 00:36:14,939 contracts or 20 lots on at the low end on the turtle suit long, I can add 10. Now at that higher buy level off the bullish breaker and feel confident that
223 00:36:14,939 --> 00:36:21,539 it's not going to go down into that internal range liquidity, because it's already done its work running the stops. So it's not gonna be an optimal trade
224 00:36:21,539 --> 00:36:28,409 entry from the buy level, the lower level to this countering, it's not gonna retrace down into some discount rate there, because it's already ran the stops.
225 00:36:28,799 --> 00:36:32,609 And it's going to want to move quickly away from the area and start pricing for premium.
226 00:36:34,110 --> 00:36:43,080 Now I've covered essentially just two patterns. It's the external range liquidity or turtle soup, or internal range liquidity, which is optimal trade
227 00:36:43,080 --> 00:36:54,240 entry. I've shown you how if I got it wrong on the turtle soup, and I miss it, I can now use the bullish breaker to get in sync with it. So I have a contingency
228 00:36:54,240 --> 00:37:03,030 plan for both patterns. It's either going to be an internal range liquidity, optimal trade entry fair value plays what that is, or it's going to be external
229 00:37:03,030 --> 00:37:13,950 range liquidity run, or basically it's turtle soup. If I missed the turtle soup, I'm going to wait for it to go to a bullish breaker. That's it. It's the same
230 00:37:13,950 --> 00:37:26,280 two patterns, but just being applied in a very specific detailed way of doing it. If I don't see price doing these three things, I don't do anything. I don't
231 00:37:26,280 --> 00:37:40,920 do anything. If I can't see it in price, then I don't touch it. Period. If it doesn't look this clear to me in price, I do not trade. Now, what does that mean
232 00:37:40,920 --> 00:37:52,020 for you? The same, whatever your pattern is, if you don't see it in price, you don't trade because it won't give you the context to operate in, you got to know
233 00:37:52,020 --> 00:37:59,100 where your risk is, you know, you have to know where price is going. And all this is is the setup is is not targeting targeting is what we just covered in
234 00:37:59,100 --> 00:38:07,680 the beginning of this presentation where we went down into four hour into average daily range projections. All those things get you to your target,
235 00:38:07,890 --> 00:38:17,280 because I cannot give you a recipe that gives you every scenario this is and this answers everything, it's going to be average daily range plus three
236 00:38:17,280 --> 00:38:27,390 standard deviations of central bank dealers range in five of Asian range, and 14 of flout. That's what you're wanting. I know, that's what you want. And that's
237 00:38:27,390 --> 00:38:38,070 what I wanted. But I soon learned early on in my career, that there's no recipe for that. You have to blend these things and keep working. That's why it's hard.
238 00:38:38,220 --> 00:38:46,590 Because it's not just simply plug and play. Everybody thinks they're gonna able to plug in my concepts and automate them, they're not going to, there's too many
239 00:38:46,590 --> 00:38:55,080 variables, you have to think you'd have to be able to think about what you're looking for, and how they overlap. You're never going to be able to automate all
240 00:38:55,080 --> 00:39:03,240 my things, it won't happen. And that's why I don't think that any one of our talk has been able to do it either. And I've talked to some really, really
241 00:39:03,240 --> 00:39:11,130 educated people. I've talked to quants, I've talked to, you know, algorithmic guys. And believe me, they have tried to do very much what you're probably
242 00:39:11,130 --> 00:39:18,510 thinking right now, I'm gonna go through this mentorship, and I'm gonna create an automatic trigger, you're gonna get some kind of EA developed from it. Now,
243 00:39:18,540 --> 00:39:27,510 you might be able to get a concept here and there automated, but you're never gonna automate the whole process. It won't work like that. Now, because I have
244 00:39:27,510 --> 00:39:38,550 these three specific criteria that I'm looking for, but it's just the only two patterns. I have a buy program, a sell program, and I have if I get it wrong
245 00:39:38,550 --> 00:39:52,530 program, what I'm looking for. Think about that. I have a concept that gets me long gets me short, and I have a concept that if I miss an opportunity on one
246 00:39:52,530 --> 00:39:59,670 pattern, it gives me a contingency plan. Now these are the by side, kind of spoke ahead of myself here because we haven't really gone through the cell
247 00:39:59,670 --> 00:40:09,210 sides. though so let's go to the next one and I can build on that same comment I just made. Okay, so the ICT bearish pattern number one and condition is
248 00:40:09,210 --> 00:40:19,830 obviously hard timeframe is bearish. And the stage or pattern is this price bounces off of a higher timeframe premium array and impulse swing creates a fair
249 00:40:19,830 --> 00:40:31,140 value gap near the swing high. It's a short term high forms in the market structure and fails to drop lower after equal lows or a lower low is formed.
250 00:40:32,430 --> 00:40:43,590 Price rallies up into the fair value gap. And above a short term high forming after the impulse swing forms. buy stocks are triggered Smart Money uses offset
251 00:40:43,590 --> 00:40:54,480 distribution to pair short entries with buy stop rate premium entry. Alright, so again, this is another fair value trade or optimal trade entry. If you see a
252 00:40:54,480 --> 00:41:04,620 bullish order block, and a fair value gap, as price trades away, there's going to be ideally a short term high in the timeframe you're looking for in this
253 00:41:04,620 --> 00:41:13,200 pattern. Price will try to go lower or fail to go lower and then rally back above that short term high closing in the fair value gap. Trading back up to the
254 00:41:13,200 --> 00:41:18,180 bullish order block. And that sells sell level is where optimal trade entry would be.
255 00:41:19,620 --> 00:41:29,670 After the buy stops or ran out on a previous short term high. If you use the high the order block, or whatever the highest high is at that swing high down to
256 00:41:29,700 --> 00:41:38,370 the lower swing that failed to go much lower before come back and hit the fair Vega. That's your impulse swing and the retracement back up to the sell side
257 00:41:38,820 --> 00:41:50,310 level or entry is the bearish order block. So the pattern just in reverse of what we saw the ICT bullish pattern number one is selling short. At a bearish
258 00:41:50,310 --> 00:42:00,780 order block, I'm looking at a bearish order block which is a bullish up close candle near a high price gaps down only sell side delivery and price creates a
259 00:42:00,780 --> 00:42:13,110 fair value gap, then it creates a short term high just underneath the fair value gap which defines the the support of the fair value gap. And then price tries to
260 00:42:13,110 --> 00:42:20,850 make an attempt to lower or fails to go lower doesn't make a difference to me. But rallies backup of that short term high. Once it closes the fair value gap
261 00:42:21,210 --> 00:42:30,000 and hits the bearish order block that's your sell after the spy stops are triggered by liquidity is going to hit the market Smartline is going to sell
262 00:42:30,000 --> 00:42:40,620 into that pair up their orders and the market expands going down to the lower end. So you would be seeking some discount as a objective. This is my favorite
263 00:42:40,620 --> 00:42:54,600 bearish pattern. And this is bearish pattern number two. And again, the condition is higher timeframe bearish and the stage is or setup is price is
264 00:42:54,600 --> 00:43:01,740 going to bounce prior to a higher timeframe premium array. Now what you're expecting the price to come up a little bit higher, but it does fall short of
265 00:43:01,740 --> 00:43:10,080 it. Now everyone else is gonna get frustrated and chase price when it starts to drop, not you. Not me, not anybody in this mentorship. We're going to wait for
266 00:43:10,080 --> 00:43:19,680 price to rally higher into the anticipated higher timeframe premium array and raise the buy stop liquidity pool. By stops you're gonna be triggered Smart
267 00:43:19,680 --> 00:43:30,900 Money uses offset distribution to pair short entries with buy stock rate. It's a premium entry, ICT classic turtle soup entry. Now again, this is this the
268 00:43:30,900 --> 00:43:39,720 opposite of what I showed is pattern number two when it's bullish. It's this basically a turtle soup cell. But all of the things that I'm looking for that
269 00:43:39,720 --> 00:43:49,800 make it a turtle soup. See everyone used to ask, How do you know it's going to stop when it goes above that? Oh, hi. Because you have to know the PD array
270 00:43:49,800 --> 00:43:57,450 matrix for that timeframe you're looking at? Where are the PD arrays? What's the higher timeframe? Obviously, we're in a bearish market environment. So when
271 00:43:57,450 --> 00:44:10,200 we're looking for this, so I'll give you a scenario. Let's assume for a moment, this is London. It's been going lower. It's now Wednesday, we have a high then
272 00:44:10,200 --> 00:44:20,610 we started to drop down and it started rallying back up. Okay, we run through that high at London Open. There's your turtle soup entry. It runs out by stops.
273 00:44:21,180 --> 00:44:29,730 Price didn't trade up to a premium rate enough of a deep enough retracement for you that you really wanted to key off of maybe it's on a four hour chart that
274 00:44:29,730 --> 00:44:39,930 you see this one. And you can anticipate that expansion down the hole for our unfolding based on what you see here. But it's going to occur during London, or
275 00:44:39,960 --> 00:44:51,480 it could happen in New York. Say London is consolidation. And there's a news event that comes out in the 30 New York open price runs up on that news hits
276 00:44:51,480 --> 00:44:59,760 that premium rate and then you can sell short there and then get in sync with a nice day trade or many times in New York. If it's reversing it can be a little
277 00:44:59,760 --> 00:45:00,960 bit long. Longer term of a move
278 00:45:04,410 --> 00:45:13,710 okay and ICT bearish pattern number three, it's on the same idea that we were looking for the turtle soup. But we're going to say for argument's sake that we
279 00:45:13,710 --> 00:45:24,210 were not or I was not able to get positioned on that run about the buy stops. So that run above that short term high, tripping out by stops reaching the premium
280 00:45:24,210 --> 00:45:32,940 array that price was that we were anticipating price to trade up to, but didn't do it on its first attempt, then finally trades up to it. That's where I want to
281 00:45:32,940 --> 00:45:41,310 sell. But let's plays devil's advocate for a moment and say I couldn't get it on. And price trades down through the breaker. Once the breaker is traded back
282 00:45:41,310 --> 00:45:49,740 up to I can look to sell short there because my confidence level is very strong. Because the breaker has done its job it ran the buy stops and price will not
283 00:45:49,740 --> 00:45:56,280 want to give them opportunity to get back up to that level. And don't think at this moment, there's going to be an optimal trade entry near where it says the
284 00:45:56,280 --> 00:46:05,280 sell level to higher premium array that high down to the low prior to the secondary sell level that won't be arranged that needs to be retraced back to a
285 00:46:05,280 --> 00:46:13,140 lot of folks get that screwed up thinking that they're going to have that range close and get a retracement, they won't go that deep. Usually it's the breaker
286 00:46:13,140 --> 00:46:20,460 that stops it. And that's why I want to sell there. Now if I was fortunate enough to get short, at the higher premium array, I can look at that bearish
287 00:46:20,460 --> 00:46:29,970 breaker as an opportunity to pyramid so if I went short 10 At the higher premium array. Now I can sell short five at the bearish breaker in pyramid my position.
288 00:46:30,060 --> 00:46:42,900 So now I've covered again, all three of the bush and all three of the bearish patterns. But again, it's primarily just to patterns, internal range liquidity,
289 00:46:43,110 --> 00:46:54,150 optimal trade entry, trading back to fair values, all that is, or external range, liquidity, turtle soup, running out stops and fading that move. You can
290 00:46:54,150 --> 00:47:02,580 see now without understanding that pdra matrix and understanding how we work from a higher timeframe, down to a lower timeframe with those same ideas. And
291 00:47:02,580 --> 00:47:11,100 using institutional order flow and market structure. You will never be consistent with my concepts. That's why folks that have gone through tutorials,
292 00:47:11,490 --> 00:47:21,750 they get frustrated because it's lacking clear definitive rule based ideas. And I've did that intentionally. All those tutorials are out there to see if I can
293 00:47:21,750 --> 00:47:31,140 get someone else to duplicate what I was able to do. And nobody has done it. Even in a mentorship, they have not done it. So looking at what we've covered,
294 00:47:31,710 --> 00:47:41,250 we've gone through a whole spectrum of different things. That is a very fresh view on technical analysis. A lot of things look similar to everyone on outside
295 00:47:41,250 --> 00:47:48,720 the group looks like supply and demand. I mean, looks like Wycoff to me, looks like Elliot wave to me. Now just kidding, nothing looks like Elliot wave here.
296 00:47:49,650 --> 00:47:59,640 But there's similarities because obviously we're looking at one thing or another, it's support or resistance. The problem is where is support? If it's so
297 00:47:59,640 --> 00:48:07,350 easy, we can draw a line that needs to low. Okay, that's, that should be all there is. But it's not that easy is it? Which support level you're gonna buy it.
298 00:48:07,530 --> 00:48:15,840 Because if you look at all these different timeframes, which one is going to matter, well use a higher timeframe. Sure. Even then you got problems, you have
299 00:48:15,840 --> 00:48:25,290 to deal with falling short of the level, or going beyond the level, how much of it are you going to allow, and what you do with that information. So when we
300 00:48:25,290 --> 00:48:33,750 look at price, we refine it from an institutional standpoint, knowing that our demo account or our Live account is going to have slightly skewed pricing. So
301 00:48:33,750 --> 00:48:45,240 from an intraday standpoint, we can look at a range of maybe 10 to 15 pips off of interbank pricing. And that's why that's a little bit more risk in in terms
302 00:48:45,240 --> 00:48:54,750 of day trading, because you're already building in this range or spread that you don't even know about, unless you understand that that interbank level pricing
303 00:48:54,990 --> 00:49:03,420 isn't what we get quoted through our broker, they add another premium on top of that, okay, so there's a spread on top of the spread. So that makes it
304 00:49:03,420 --> 00:49:10,620 difficult, and they can work that spread in their favor. It can open it up to take your stop when you get near on a low or no high, because that's where your
305 00:49:10,620 --> 00:49:18,510 stop is like everybody else is. And they won't let that spread help you when it's beneficial for you. And you know what I mean by that if you've been trading
306 00:49:18,510 --> 00:49:25,800 with live funds, so it's amazing how you don't see that problem when you're doing demo. But soon as you get a live account, you'll see the spread effect
307 00:49:25,800 --> 00:49:35,400 then. So here, we have that situation just reversed with the bullish pattern number three.
308 00:49:37,290 --> 00:49:47,880 We want to be using that bearish breaker as either a pyramid entry or secondary entry. Or this is our best opportunity to trade in this current market
309 00:49:47,880 --> 00:50:00,840 structure. And don't expect that that premium array cell level and the low prior to that retrace back to the breaker that range down don't enter As a state that
310 00:50:00,900 --> 00:50:10,350 being closed in or retreated back to for optimal trade entry, because to do so you're completely avoiding and ignoring the bearish breaker that's staring you
311 00:50:10,350 --> 00:50:18,630 right in your face. So when I go through charts, the first thing I'm looking for in all my timeframes is where the breakers, because once I understand that, that
312 00:50:18,630 --> 00:50:26,370 gives me immediate context of work within, now I can still screw it up. And you've seen me do it a couple of times using the breaker in live session. But
313 00:50:26,370 --> 00:50:36,390 when I'm wrong, it gives me immediate feedback, and then I can get in sync with the marketplace again. So losing just gives you a premium insight. Don't try to
314 00:50:36,390 --> 00:50:46,470 fight that you can't, you cannot win that battle, you're going to lose, you're going to lose in demo, you're going to lose in life funds don't fight that, take
315 00:50:46,470 --> 00:50:55,410 the information it gives you as a premium in terms of insight. Now we're gonna go over to the gold market. And I'm gonna recap something that saves me the
316 00:50:55,410 --> 00:51:03,180 trouble of going into the case studies, and also gives me an application of what you've been taught in the mentorship. I told you this move is going to take
317 00:51:03,180 --> 00:51:11,940 place, I told you what to expect. And during the live session, you guys that were there live, when I prompted you, you all pretty much about 80% of you had
318 00:51:11,940 --> 00:51:21,330 immediately targeted where the setup is going to be as soon as I prompted you. So that to me is encouraging as a teacher, as your mentor, you're able to take
319 00:51:21,330 --> 00:51:28,890 the information I've given you. It's been translated in a manner where you can understand it. And then you could see it without me point pointing to it.
320 00:51:29,220 --> 00:51:36,690 Because once I've actually pointed to it, everybody says oh, yeah, yeah, the that's that's where it was. In APA, we already knew, at least by the response in
321 00:51:36,690 --> 00:51:44,460 the live sessions, commentary when you guys can send me a question. Most of you that English are all saying the same thing. And as we go to go market, you'll
322 00:51:44,460 --> 00:51:57,540 see what I mean. Cisco over there in the chart, and we'll close this session out. Okay, folks, we have the gold market as a four hour chart. And this past
323 00:51:57,540 --> 00:52:08,670 week, we did live sessions, I gave you a very clear, easy condition stage execution format for using the information that I've taught you this entire 12
324 00:52:08,670 --> 00:52:17,790 months. And I was asked to do gold. And we went through the monthly and we went through the daily. And I'll let you watch the recordings this week. It was
325 00:52:17,790 --> 00:52:28,530 actually done on August 23. So if you go and watch that recording, it's usually found around the one hour and 30 minute mark of part two, if I'm not mistaken,
326 00:52:29,130 --> 00:52:40,320 part two, one hour, 30 minutes, you'll hear me go over the breakdown on gold. So we're going to look at the gold market here. And at the time of the recording,
327 00:52:42,180 --> 00:53:00,210 we were looking for the outline of it being bullish. So I'm gonna frame here's the beginning of the 23rd. And we were outlining the fact that the market has to
328 00:53:00,210 --> 00:53:16,290 trade lower for us to pick up a discount array. And we had a low here, and we had a low here. So we're going to outline this here we have a low here. And we
329 00:53:16,290 --> 00:53:28,350 have to see price trade down to a discount. We can't trade it go along while it's going up on our for our if our timeframe is looking for a discount, so we
330 00:53:28,350 --> 00:53:47,790 have to wait for the trade lower. So we're gonna go down to an hourly chart and use this reference point right here. Go down to an hourly. Okay, and so now on
331 00:53:47,790 --> 00:53:59,370 an hourly chart, we have this low. And now we have this gap right here only the buy side was offered here no sell side delivery was offered here. So we're going
332 00:53:59,370 --> 00:54:20,250 to put our horizontal line here. Okay, so we have only an area or range where Beisa was offered. So between 112 ad and 1278. Okay, two handles only by side
333 00:54:20,250 --> 00:54:35,160 offered prior to this gap. What's the next downside? Discount array? It's this high here. So if price was given up, all this range went lower. The first one
334 00:54:35,160 --> 00:54:38,130 that comes to you is going to be this swing high.
335 00:54:40,080 --> 00:54:49,200 Or this swing high. We're going to use this swing high, it's the higher it's a swing high because it has a lower high to the left and the lower high to the
336 00:54:49,200 --> 00:54:57,000 right. And the next one below that would be here. So it'd be discount right here. Then though this counter right here, then the order block in here, all
337 00:54:57,000 --> 00:55:12,150 moving away and below that fair value gap. So we're using Do a matrix here. And now we're going to use this, our stop would have to be below this level. So
338 00:55:12,150 --> 00:55:24,420 we're going to make this red and we're gonna thicken it up a little bit. And now that we put it right here, so we identify a discount array we're trying to buy
339 00:55:24,420 --> 00:55:42,000 at. And we protect it with a stop below the next discount array, which is here. So our stock needs to be below 1276. And this whole candle, its low is a little
340 00:55:42,000 --> 00:55:52,020 bit below that. So in this instance, we had to go below it. So the candle we create of premium on, it's all one candle. And we don't want to see it spike
341 00:55:52,020 --> 00:56:05,850 down through that. So the next discount array would be this one here. So it's high as 1275. So I would refine my stock level to this, it's got to be swell, 75
342 00:56:06,000 --> 00:56:19,140 and below, so we can be a buyer down here, if it comes down and fills the gap in our product stuff has to be below 1275. So we'll use 1274. Okay, protective stop
343 00:56:19,710 --> 00:56:34,650 entry is in here, it would be a run on cell stops. And trading on external range liquidity for this low but internal range liquidity for this low to this high.
344 00:56:37,740 --> 00:56:47,340 So we have to be a buyer at discount. And we're going to look to pair that up with a premium array. So we had to see it trade down below this low, there will
345 00:56:47,340 --> 00:56:58,650 be an external range liquidity run and we could couple that with an internal range liquidity run here, so we have a low up to high and you see me do this in
346 00:56:59,220 --> 00:57:08,160 live session. And that gives us optimal trade entry right down here. Here's the 70.5 level 70 Nice retracement level, and our stock is going to be have to be
347 00:57:08,160 --> 00:57:18,840 below that. But the fair value gap is here. So we have this area 62
348 00:57:24,840 --> 00:57:40,050 down to 73 here and the sweet spot of that is here. So we're going to say this is the actual entry with the overlap of 70.5 because it could spread just past
349 00:57:40,050 --> 00:57:57,750 the gap the gap or we can do 78 And that closes the gap. And we may allow the spreading to the 70.5 level or sweetspot optimal trade entry. So we're looking
350 00:57:57,750 --> 00:58:15,450 to go long at 1278 and stop is 1274 and we'll be looking for any premium array but we had to look at it after the market starts to trade down. So here's our
351 00:58:16,020 --> 00:58:25,110 low we wanted to see it go down into the fair value gap but it didn't do that. So what to do it stopped short. Now we're rallying up are we buying here No,
352 00:58:25,320 --> 00:58:32,640 we're not price goes up closer than a fair value gap here right in here and let's see if it starts to sell off
353 00:58:38,640 --> 00:58:59,460 trades down and then sells off trades back up into short term high the whole time. We have the plan of buying down here. Here's the fair value gap. So we're
354 00:58:59,460 --> 00:59:06,000 gonna take this and just scoot this over here a little bit just like that
355 00:59:11,730 --> 00:59:35,190 and the stock level here okay, and price hits 1290 in here. Bear shorter block runs a short term high rating here it spikes up first runs the highs runs these
356 00:59:35,190 --> 00:59:56,160 highs trade down into the gap. So we go long at 1278 Protect the stop 1274 never hit pick up a discount array buying sell stops below these lows and here. Price
357 00:59:56,160 --> 01:00:05,790 rallies up immediately back up and this is where we're sitting at now. So now looking at price, if we missed this opportunity, like some of you most likely
358 01:00:05,790 --> 01:00:20,760 did, we can now use the breaker to get long. Now the question is, is where is the breaker, we had this high, prior to this low. We have this in here, but it's
359 01:00:20,760 --> 01:00:32,280 not as defined. And it's this one here is lower than this one, and we've traded above this high. So now what I would err on is, I would say, these candles here
360 01:00:33,690 --> 01:00:48,930 are going to be the breaker. So as long as we're buying inside this range extended in time, this could be a good area to be a buyer for gold, so we could
361 01:00:48,930 --> 01:01:02,070 see it. Pick up and rally again, using what I've taught you, and this example here, we talked about this in advance. So when I was question, it literally took
362 01:01:02,070 --> 01:01:10,890 me minutes to explain and show it to you and outline it. And all the things we went through for these four teachings seems like a lot. And it seems like it
363 01:01:10,890 --> 01:01:20,250 would take you forever to go through. It doesn't. You watch me go through the charts. And in within minutes, I'm already got a party got an idea what I want
364 01:01:20,250 --> 01:01:28,440 to do, where I think price is gonna go, how it should react. And it's this is one more example. I gave it to you in the end this week, I gave it to you a year
365 01:01:28,440 --> 01:01:43,170 or we missed two runs on but eventually your gave it to us in on Friday. So the long and short is you have all the components to make your own trading plan with
366 01:01:43,200 --> 01:01:54,180 what's been taught to you. I've given you mine, I've showed you mine. And I've held back nothing. I promise you, there's no secret nothing. I've given you
367 01:01:54,180 --> 01:02:02,340 everything I know, as it relates to how I look at Forex, how I work in this demo account, show you where it's gonna go beforehand. And you see when it fails.
368 01:02:02,880 --> 01:02:12,570 Now, when it's right, it's really, really accurate. When it's wrong, it's wrong. It's nothing I can say about it, it is what it is, I told you upfront, I can't
369 01:02:12,570 --> 01:02:19,350 be perfect, you're never going to be perfect. So give yourself permission to be so you don't want to have all that weight on your shoulders thinking that you
370 01:02:19,350 --> 01:02:29,850 have to know everything you don't, you need to be right once in a while. And me more right, and you're wrong. And if you're able to do that, your career is
371 01:02:30,030 --> 01:02:39,510 brilliant, heavier. And I can't wait to hear all your stories. And what you do is success. Now, this does not by any means complete artment mentorship content,
372 01:02:39,510 --> 01:02:48,420 because there's a lot of subtle little nuances. I'm going to talk about the final week of our live sessions and recordings, I got a handful of topical
373 01:02:48,420 --> 01:02:58,170 studies I want to throw at you too. And I'm going to give you to the stock one on the last trading day because I want to go through how I go through the IBD to
374 01:02:58,170 --> 01:03:03,780 pick up the stocks I like and then on ended with the Greeks on options because it goes together in one teaching.
375 01:03:05,340 --> 01:03:16,080 And I'll give you a short synopsis on a top down for bonds and short synopsis top down on s&p and the commodities there'll be a respective topical studies
376 01:03:16,110 --> 01:03:27,060 each day next week. And they'll be short and sweet. So I've had so much fun teaching this stuff to you guys, it's been a lot of work. It's been very, very
377 01:03:27,060 --> 01:03:36,480 draining in terms of the energy that's needed to do it. I had to deal with some people in the big game that are no longer with us, thankfully. But I'm
378 01:03:36,480 --> 01:03:45,690 confident. I'm 100% confident that if you put the work into what I've shown you how I outlined it, where to look for the information, when to look for the
379 01:03:45,690 --> 01:03:56,070 information and what use is. I promised everything that you've ever aspired to do as a trader and how you want to operate in technicals and price. You have it
380 01:03:56,070 --> 01:04:06,540 now. There's no speed bumps, okay, that turned into brick walls. It's brick walls have been reduced to speed bumps. Now. It's no mountain in front of you.
381 01:04:07,350 --> 01:04:15,540 You have everything to your advantage that I didn't have. I've shown you everything that has worked for me when I do analysis and I can pick the market
382 01:04:15,540 --> 01:04:25,560 moves. All those things that lend well to me doing that you've been taught. There's no secret teaching in 2018 or in the future. There's no book being
383 01:04:25,560 --> 01:04:35,310 written by me that didn't get included anything is, as I promised everything that I know, and that I do in technicals. I've taught you all the other asset
384 01:04:35,310 --> 01:04:47,040 classes and everything I know about them. I wish there was more. I wish I could keep digging deeper and finding new new ways to expound on all this stuff. But
385 01:04:47,070 --> 01:04:56,220 you have reached the end. And you have basically got to everything that makes ICT ICT except for the topical studies and a few little things I want to talk
386 01:04:56,220 --> 01:05:06,510 about as we close this month out. You all have it now So it's been my pleasure to be your mentor. I'm so thankful for the ones that have held out and really
387 01:05:06,510 --> 01:05:15,000 put in the work and time that's necessary. But you still have a lot of time and a lot of work ahead of you. You have your own model to build based on all this
388 01:05:15,000 --> 01:05:23,940 information. And it's limitless. It absolutely is limitless. And I cannot wait to hear back from each one of you, telling me what you did with it, how you
389 01:05:23,940 --> 01:05:30,840 formed your plan, and how you're trading with it. So until the future, I wish you good luck and good trading