09-ICT Mentorship Core Content - Month 2 - Growing Small Accounts

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-09-02 12:03

00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:33,180 ICT: Welcome back, folks, this is month two of the ICT mentorship. Aces teaching one of eight of the second month of 12. And we're gonna be dealing specifically
00:00:33,180 --> 00:00:44,910 with growing small accounts without high risk. Before we start, obviously, we need to know what it is that we need to avoid. The first thing you need to do is
00:00:44,910 --> 00:00:53,490 do not try to rush to make massive gains in either pips or percent returns, I can tell you I fell victim to this as my, as a new trader, I went in thinking I
00:00:53,490 --> 00:01:02,670 can get rich really, really quick. As a trader, after I started seeing how fast profits can come, it kind of makes you think that it's like the lottery every
00:01:02,670 --> 00:01:09,810 single time you sit in front of your computer. And it's not the case. Okay, so as a new trader, the first thing you want to do is kind of suppress that desire
00:01:09,990 --> 00:01:19,680 to try to chase massive gains. And it's either in total number of pips, because it seems like it's a trophy thing to tout that on the internet or on form, or
00:01:19,680 --> 00:01:28,650 mediums like Twitter, or Instagram and Facebook, it's not important how many pips you have, and it's not important how much money you make, it's the percent
00:01:28,650 --> 00:01:39,990 returns to actually make consistent wealth building and don't chase high percentages, you don't even really need high percentages to build wealth. Do not
00:01:39,990 --> 00:01:50,790 open yourself to large risk in hopes of equally large returns or profits, it's not necessary for you to have very much risk on your trades to make a lot of
10 00:01:50,790 --> 00:01:57,780 money. It's rather myopic. And it's a misnomer for new traders, when they come into this industry. They think they have to have a lot of money, and they have
11 00:01:57,780 --> 00:02:06,360 to put a lot at risk to make money. Well, that's not true. And the only reason why they think that is because they're trying to make money quick, lots of money
12 00:02:06,360 --> 00:02:17,130 real quick. Do not assume taking small risk defined trades will not grow your account. This is one of the lessons that took a while for me to learn early on
13 00:02:17,130 --> 00:02:25,710 in my career, I thought I had to have a lot of risk on the trades. And otherwise, I wouldn't see my account grow. And that's not entirely true. Once I
14 00:02:25,710 --> 00:02:33,960 understood the compound interest factor, it doesn't take much time at all for your money to grow. And it doesn't matter how much you start with, you can start
15 00:02:33,960 --> 00:02:44,220 on a shoestring budget, even as little as $100 100 off can grow exponentially over time, if you submit to it. Now, I think if everyone would start with $100.
16 00:02:44,550 --> 00:02:53,580 Number one, you would never be broke if you made mistakes initially. Secondly, who says that you can't add more money to it once you become more confident?
17 00:02:53,580 --> 00:03:00,720 See, that's the part everyone jumps ahead. They want to take everything they're willing to risk and lose, but not really lose it. And they put it in their
18 00:03:00,720 --> 00:03:08,310 account. And they put it all in one or two trades, and hopefully they get a lottery win, you don't need to do that. You don't need to do that at all, you
19 00:03:08,310 --> 00:03:19,200 can actually define your trades with very, very low risk in terms of total equity, and then watch it compound over time. That's how you grow on account. Do
20 00:03:19,200 --> 00:03:27,000 not sacrifice trading equity for poor planning or lack thereof. Like I just mentioned in point number three, it's very important that you understand that
21 00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:38,340 there is not a necessity for large risk to build wealth, you need to have consistent parameters that will allow you good risk models. For each trade with
22 00:03:38,370 --> 00:03:50,820 well defined low risk parameters. The setups need to have well defined risk 2% Ideally, if you're a new trader, but no more than 2% On an average, you don't
23 00:03:50,820 --> 00:04:01,320 need to have any more at risk than that to build wealth. What do you need to aim for? What specific things should you be focusing on going forward? If you have a
24 00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:10,260 small account and how to start building it up? Well, you need to determine how realistically you can anticipate a favorable reward to risk model. What does it
25 00:04:10,260 --> 00:04:18,000 look like? We're going to talk a little bit about that in this specific teaching. You're gonna have to learn to respect the risk side of the trade
26 00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:27,000 setups more over the reward. So many times and I did this too, as a new trader, we don't, we don't think about losing money. Because after all, we're always
27 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:36,090 gonna be right. The fact that we think about the profits solely and we don't really concern ourselves or respect the fact that we could lose on every single
28 00:04:36,090 --> 00:04:43,290 trade. How many times have you started a trade as a new trader? Now maybe you were nervous when you once you first got in it. But when you first put the trade
29 00:04:43,290 --> 00:04:51,960 on greed puts you into that trade. Greed puts you into that position where you're trying to make money, but once that transaction starts and you're in the
30 00:04:51,960 --> 00:05:01,740 marketplace, that greed transfers into fear, I hope I make money What if I don't make money? See when we first put the trade on And we're not necessarily
31 00:05:01,740 --> 00:05:10,800 fearful, unless we're fearful of missing the move. It's greed that puts you into the tray as a new trader. But you need to learn to respect the risk side before
32 00:05:10,800 --> 00:05:18,240 you take that trade and execute on it. Because if you don't focus on that side, that's the part that hurts you. Nobody gets broke by taking profits, but they
33 00:05:18,240 --> 00:05:20,220 all go broke by taking too much risk.
34 00:05:22,740 --> 00:05:33,030 Identify trade setups that permit three reward multiples, to one risk or higher. It's very important, I'm going to talk about specific numbers and how it's
35 00:05:33,210 --> 00:05:44,100 actually measurable in terms of odds. But you want to look for trade setups to have three to one payouts. And for every $1, you're risking you hope to make
36 00:05:44,130 --> 00:05:56,610 three hours. Frame good rewards risk setups to have little impact if unprofitable. Again, it gets back to having very small risk. If you have very
37 00:05:56,610 --> 00:06:04,620 small risk, well defined trade setups, you're never going to worry about, well, you might get a loser here and there, and you might get a string of losses, but
38 00:06:04,620 --> 00:06:10,890 it's not going to take you out of the business is not going to take you out of your career of choice, you came into this industry to make money, you want to
39 00:06:10,890 --> 00:06:18,930 obviously change the course of your life in terms of financial fluency. And even if you're not trying to get rich, if you just kind of have a passive income,
40 00:06:19,260 --> 00:06:29,250 maybe you're trying to supplement some of your, your, your bills, your monthly cost of living, you know, you came in here with a monetary desire. So keep that
41 00:06:29,250 --> 00:06:36,900 in mind. You want to do this for a long time not just get lucky for a short period of time and make a lot of money because that doesn't happen. No one does
42 00:06:36,900 --> 00:06:39,210 that. Forex is not the lottery.
43 00:06:45,449 --> 00:07:01,379 All right, the reality of real board to risk ratios. Okay, what will you need to see in performance for profitability? Now everyone thinks they're going to never
44 00:07:01,379 --> 00:07:09,569 have a loss, when they first start out, everyone, Superman that can't go wrong, your system is going to be the best thing since sliced bread. Don't worry about
45 00:07:09,569 --> 00:07:19,439 it, you'll never have a loser kid. No one starts in this industry with that as a hit the ground running, you never have any losing trades, you're gonna encounter
46 00:07:19,439 --> 00:07:28,769 that. So when we talk about accuracy, accuracy is not even necessary in terms of high end accuracy to make money. You don't even need high accuracy to build
47 00:07:28,769 --> 00:07:38,999 wealth. But you do need time, time is the missing element. And that's the secret that's the holy grail to allow compound interest to do its magic. So my question
48 00:07:38,999 --> 00:07:49,319 to you is this, do you think that you're a 75% win rate trader. In other words, every trade you get in is 75% of those trades winners. If that's the case,
49 00:07:49,979 --> 00:08:03,929 you're winning, that 75% That is actually very high. And your ratio terms of what you're hoping to make in terms of your risk, it's really low, you don't
50 00:08:03,929 --> 00:08:18,989 need to have very much in terms of risk to make $1. If he had 60%, you have even still you have less in terms of what you have to take on as risk to make $1. But
51 00:08:18,989 --> 00:08:26,519 when we get to 5050, you got to start risking $1 for $1, then at 40%.
52 00:08:32,970 --> 00:08:46,080 The ideal ratio would be you're trying to make $1.50 for every $1 to be profitable when you're only 33% accurate. Ideally, the minimum is you want to be
53 00:08:46,080 --> 00:09:01,020 looking for trades that pay you $2 For every $1 risk at 25% accuracy. Now folks think about this. If 75% of the trades that you take are losing trades. The
54 00:09:01,020 --> 00:09:15,660 minimum ratio for profitability is you have to look for trades that pay out three to one. Now, think about this for a moment. If we look at the low end,
55 00:09:15,990 --> 00:09:28,830 objective in terms of accuracy, at least 25% accurate. We're looking for trades that are going to pan out hopefully $3 reward for $1 risk. So if we have that
56 00:09:28,830 --> 00:09:42,570 scenario, and we are able to take a trade and risk $1 And make $3 In return, we can be wrong 75% of the time and still be net profitable. Now think about that.
57 00:09:44,160 --> 00:09:55,170 If you grow in your understanding of the things I'm teaching you say you become profitable to the degree where half of your trades are profitable. That means
58 00:09:55,440 --> 00:10:11,400 the ability to you for you to find three to one trades more than double Have a bit more than doubles. So that means your accuracy grows. But your reward to
59 00:10:11,400 --> 00:10:22,740 risk ratio, if it just stays three to one, you're gonna have more trades that pay out three to one. Therefore your equity is going to increase exponentially.
60 00:10:23,220 --> 00:10:36,120 Now what happens when your win rate goes up above 50%? What happens if you have a 65 to 70% accuracy, and you're looking still for three to one trades, your
61 00:10:36,120 --> 00:10:51,150 money grows exponentially. What happens when you start looking for reward to risk ratios of $5 paid out for $1 risk, and you have a 70% accuracy. Suddenly,
62 00:10:51,600 --> 00:11:06,570 wealth is not that far out of reach. Now looking at an example of trading with statistics behind it, I think everyone would agree that to make a percentage
63 00:11:06,600 --> 00:11:16,410 increase of 50%, inside of one month, is actually a pretty good feat. Now, I'm not advocating that everyone's going to be able to make 50% return in one month,
64 00:11:16,440 --> 00:11:26,490 it's not going to happen, that if we have an account, that would be relatively small, and I'm going to say for the benefit of example, we're gonna say 5000,
65 00:11:26,490 --> 00:11:34,800 the house is something that everyone's able to do, once they understand how to trade, we're gonna say that everyone is willing to put $5,000 into a trading
66 00:11:34,800 --> 00:11:40,710 account. And you'll determine when you're gonna do that, I'll never tell you when that's going to happen, you make a decision on your own. But let's say for
67 00:11:40,710 --> 00:11:51,630 instance, you put $5,000 in account, and you use some some of the ideas that we teach here. And you you're able to find big payouts, big reward to risk ratio
68 00:11:51,630 --> 00:12:05,040 trade setups, to make a 50% return on your account in one month. It doesn't take many trades to do that. But it does take highly selective setups. And you have
69 00:12:05,040 --> 00:12:17,820 to do certain things to make this pain out. And here's the thing, once you get one or two of them in your month, in terms of trades, you can now start lowering
70 00:12:17,820 --> 00:12:30,060 your risk to reward ratio trade setups. If you want to stay busy, you can still do very well by adding more percentage wise on your account. But you don't need
71 00:12:30,060 --> 00:12:38,190 to go out there every single time looking for big payout trades. You can get bread and butter scenarios, where it's two to one three to one scenarios where
72 00:12:38,190 --> 00:12:50,340 it's easy to get these payouts. So if you started with 5000 hours, and you were able to find setups to to do these things, and that's what I did in my FX book
73 00:12:50,340 --> 00:13:02,160 for this mentorship, I show over 50% return. And I didn't do many trades at all, it wasn't many trades at all to actually brought this type of return. The profit
74 00:13:02,160 --> 00:13:04,200 actually grows over
75 00:13:05,340 --> 00:13:18,630 $2,500. And that's not bad for for an account, they would start with $5,000. Not a whole lot of trading in the first month. That is what is possible, but not a
76 00:13:18,630 --> 00:13:28,590 standard. Do not expect this as a normal every single month type thing. But think about this, if you could show a 50% return just for the year. How amazing
77 00:13:28,590 --> 00:13:38,520 would that be? If you were able to take your money and compound it where you had a return of 50% per year that blows away every money managers goals out there,
78 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:48,570 they certainly blows away any kind of stock return in IRA or anything like that. You would be outperforming every asset classes available to you. And you think
79 00:13:48,570 --> 00:13:57,630 about what you're able to do. You can do that in a month. If you could do that in one month looking for high payout low risk. Imagine what's available to you.
80 00:13:59,760 --> 00:14:08,040 This is the one that you want to pay the most attention to and I said you have to respect this side of it. Because the drawdown is what will hurt you. It'll
81 00:14:08,040 --> 00:14:18,450 hurt you psychologically and it will hurt you monetarily. So as you can see what we're going what our goal is is to have little to no drawdown now you're going
82 00:14:18,450 --> 00:14:27,120 to have drawdown This account will have drawdown you will see it it's not my goal to show you massive drawdown so you can see how it comes back from it. The
83 00:14:27,180 --> 00:14:40,770 idea in this mentorship is to avoid large drawdown and obviously, in one month taking 10 trades. I tell everybody my average goal for the week is 5075 pips a
84 00:14:40,770 --> 00:14:56,100 week. And you can see here the average win is 51 point 80 pips and with 10 trades, total haul of 518 pips for the month, and I think that's pretty
85 00:14:56,100 --> 00:15:04,290 consistent for what I'm able to do on a month to month basis. I don't try I'd do anything more than this. This is like my sweet spot for my performance. And I
86 00:15:04,290 --> 00:15:11,580 try not to do anything above this if every time I tried to do that I get a King Kong feeling and you know having King Kong it and then moving me fell off the
87 00:15:11,580 --> 00:15:16,230 Empire State Building and didn't live too much longer after that. So I learned that lesson as well my trading
88 00:15:21,690 --> 00:15:34,530 Alright, so what should you focus on initially? That's right. 6% 6% of what? 6% of your equity compounding per month. Now it doesn't sound like much it doesn't
89 00:15:34,530 --> 00:15:45,330 sound sexy. It doesn't give you the willies. Well, guess what? It only takes you 20 pips per week to do it. And it only requires one and a half percent risk. And
90 00:15:45,330 --> 00:15:53,910 it only requires one to one ratio to do it. That means if you find a trade that pays out potentially 20 pips, and you can frame the trade where you're only
91 00:15:53,910 --> 00:16:04,650 taking 20 pips risk, guess what, that's all that's necessary. And they happen every single day. Now, I'm not advocating looking for one to one ratio trades,
92 00:16:04,650 --> 00:16:12,360 but I'm going to show you by example, how easy it is to get that once your accuracy increases, and your understanding of price action, these setups are
93 00:16:12,360 --> 00:16:22,110 there every single trading day. Now, again, I am not I preface it again, I am not trying to instill an action warrior here to where you go in there. And
94 00:16:22,110 --> 00:16:28,500 you're trying to prove to the world that you can trade every single day and get your 20 pips 40 pips or whatever you're trying to do every single day. I don't
95 00:16:28,500 --> 00:16:38,460 think it's something that can be done consistently every single day. If you do, you're inviting losses. And there isn't a trading day that doesn't look good
96 00:16:38,460 --> 00:16:49,320 initially and goes sour quickly, you want to be trading in highly selective conditions. And when you do that, even with low reward to risk ratios, one to
97 00:16:49,320 --> 00:16:55,590 one, you can still find one and a half percent return payouts per week one trade, that's all you need. And you're actually going to have a little bit more
98 00:16:55,590 --> 00:17:04,830 than 6%. But what the 6% do compounded every single month, it doubles your money every single year, and I don't care what your equity size is you start with now
99 00:17:04,830 --> 00:17:13,350 account with $1,000, your risk per trade is going to be one and a half percent or $15. That's it, you're only risking 15 bucks. Now, if you lost $15, and you
100 00:17:13,350 --> 00:17:20,520 had 1000 on our account, are you going to go home and take it out on your family? No, most people wouldn't do that, if you would, and you're probably not
101 00:17:21,060 --> 00:17:30,720 meant for trading. So what you'd be risking is 20 pips from your entry price, and your profit will be taken at 20 pips for one and a half percent return. But
102 00:17:30,720 --> 00:17:43,110 here's the thing. It's easy to say this in number form. But how does, how do we find it? Where did where did these setups occur? Well, the 6% per month setups
103 00:17:43,200 --> 00:17:51,990 they form, specifically in the easiest ones to find, are looking at your daily chart, and they make it easy to do. What is it? What is it specifically you're
104 00:17:51,990 --> 00:18:03,090 looking for? Well, you're going to be looking for the things that I talked about in the very first month of this mentorship. One specific is an order block,
105 00:18:03,750 --> 00:18:13,560 wherever there's a price point at which a move quickly moves away from a level. If it in this case, it's movement up, we find that down candle right before the
106 00:18:13,560 --> 00:18:21,570 move goes higher. When price goes back down into that down candle, we have a really good probability especially off of a daily chart that you're going to get
107 00:18:21,570 --> 00:18:31,680 a 20 PIP or more price swing. Now magnified and zoomed in, we can see that that order block is noted but the two areas drawing your attention to it, we're gonna
108 00:18:31,680 --> 00:18:40,830 look at the body of the candle, which is the opening on a down candle up to the high of that candle. Okay, and that's a fair value gap price, you can see trades
109 00:18:40,830 --> 00:18:49,620 right back down into that level right here. As price hits that on that particular day, that's when you'd be looking for a trade you'd be looking to go
110 00:18:49,620 --> 00:18:58,740 long there. Okay, but not just simply as a hits that level, we're going to wait for something that give us confirmation. Obviously, the same thing occurs when a
111 00:18:58,740 --> 00:19:04,860 lower timeframe we look for the order block, we're just going to scale down because everything in price is fractal. So we're going to highlighting
112 00:19:04,860 --> 00:19:07,500 specifically the point seven 512 level
113 00:19:16,290 --> 00:19:27,000 Okay, so we have a one hour chart, we're zoomed in, and you can see price shows an old low right here and below old lows we know there's going to be cell stops
114 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:36,630 resting below there. And the price drives down below that taking out an area of sell stops or running into a liquidity pool. But it goes specifically down into
115 00:19:36,630 --> 00:19:48,000 that one level that we identified on the daily chart meaning point seven 512 Price trades down into that level and slams right into it. Now we are in turtle
116 00:19:48,000 --> 00:19:57,330 soup conditions that means a break below an old low. We could potentially expect this market to run higher when it hits this level. When an hourly chart we can
117 00:19:57,330 --> 00:20:04,380 simply wait we're going to wait for confirmation that the market wants to go higher from that level. In other words, we're going to wait to see if the bank
118 00:20:04,380 --> 00:20:15,210 sponsors that level. If they do, we already know by looking at what we've learned in the first month, there are buy stops above these equal highs. Right
119 00:20:15,210 --> 00:20:21,540 above here, there's equal highs. And I'm going to ask you, before I show you again, where else would you expect buy stops above the market the place to be
120 00:20:21,540 --> 00:20:32,280 residing in this chart? That's right, right there. So buy stops are above us. So we can map out areas at which we can look to take our profits, before we even
121 00:20:32,280 --> 00:20:39,480 put the trade on. That's important, you need to know where you're at in terms of risking and rewarding where you're going to take your profits. Where do you
122 00:20:39,480 --> 00:20:47,790 think the markets gonna be drawn to? And why should the market react at these specific levels about looking at that point seven 512 level, that's important
123 00:20:47,790 --> 00:20:55,980 because we know our, our traders, our trade is being framed on the daily chart, it's not a five minute setup, it's based on a institutional level on a daily
124 00:20:55,980 --> 00:21:05,040 chart. Now here, we have the market trade up through the down candle right in here. That's the bullish order block, price trades through it here. Once it
125 00:21:05,040 --> 00:21:14,520 happens, we identify the opening and the high on that candle, that's where the buy would occur. Okay, so in this area, if we use the opening on that candle,
126 00:21:14,730 --> 00:21:25,170 we're going to add our five pips spread to it, okay, and build that in, you can see our order would be around point 7542. That would be our limit order. So we
127 00:21:25,170 --> 00:21:34,230 will be long there on this candle, it drops down into it, we would reasonably expect to see our entry to be filled at that price point. Now, obviously, if
128 00:21:34,230 --> 00:21:41,940 we're going to be long, there are two parameters for trading with 6% setups. Because our our aim is to first get ourselves in sync with trying to double our
129 00:21:41,940 --> 00:21:51,510 money over the year, not this week, not this month, we're trying to double our money over the year, that's low hanging fruit that's easy for new aspiring
130 00:21:51,510 --> 00:21:59,520 traders to grow into. It doesn't give you the PIP drunk mentality, you're not trying to force a million dollars into your account right away. It's gradually
131 00:21:59,580 --> 00:22:10,320 adding a fluency. So you get to define your risk by saying okay, I want to take a stop at 20 pips. Okay, and guess what that does, it puts your stop below the
132 00:22:10,320 --> 00:22:18,780 middle of that down candle. So you had a good risk model here. And also, it's framing it really well, because we don't want to see price go down below the
133 00:22:18,780 --> 00:22:26,190 midpoint of that down candle. Again, it's already shown a willingness to drop below here and take the stop. So it wants to obviously want to go higher, if
134 00:22:26,190 --> 00:22:35,520 it's going to go higher, it won't come back down below the middle of that down candle or bullish order block. So our stops at 7522. Our entry is at 7542. We
135 00:22:35,520 --> 00:22:45,120 have a 20 pip stop loss. And obviously, soon as we get to this level here, we're already at one to one. So at this point, we could be long here, right here,
136 00:22:45,120 --> 00:22:55,140 we're already at Guess what? One and a half percent profit. Now once we get to one and a half percent profit, does that mean we collapse the trade? We can
137 00:22:55,260 --> 00:23:02,190 absolutely we can. That's a one to one gearing. And we would make our one and a half percent return. And it's that quick, you're over in a couple of hours
138 00:23:02,190 --> 00:23:12,900 you're done for the week. But what did we first start this trade with? We framed it with the buy stops up here. And the buy stops up here. So when price goes to
139 00:23:12,900 --> 00:23:23,160 our first profit, we can start taking our risk and reducing it taking some of it off. In fact, we could probably do this, we could take half the position off and
140 00:23:23,160 --> 00:23:31,200 guess what we'll do, we'll make point seven 5% Return on the trade once it gets to this level here. Right up here. That's the first objective. So now we've
141 00:23:31,200 --> 00:23:40,230 already banked point seven, five or three quarters of 1%. And we are allowing the price to expand up to another level. So now guess what? Soon as we get to
142 00:23:40,230 --> 00:23:51,240 this level here, we're back at one and a half percent. We made another profit objective here at a multiple of two. So now we're at one and a half percent
143 00:23:51,240 --> 00:23:59,790 again. But we've already banked three quarters of 1%. Now mind you don't want to hit percentage open profit. It's paper still hasn't been realized yet. But have
144 00:23:59,790 --> 00:24:08,100 we reached into the biceps yet? No. We have not seen anything in terms of these biceps over here being reached into or swept.
145 00:24:10,410 --> 00:24:21,210 Guess what happens multiple three comes in here. Now we've added another 20 pips of profit, and we cleared up the stops, we can take another portion of our
146 00:24:21,210 --> 00:24:31,860 position off, we can take a quarter of it off, we could take a half of it off. You whatever it is that you want to do. I'm not giving you any structure yet.
147 00:24:32,160 --> 00:24:41,460 But I want you to think about paying yourself right here. Okay, and you would have done well over will be necessary to make one and a half percent return and
148 00:24:41,460 --> 00:24:51,120 you graduated your exits based on logical areas where price should reach at this point here after your second multiples reached. Your stop needs to be at
149 00:24:51,120 --> 00:25:01,890 breakeven. So you'd be down here at your entry. So now you would have right now, no way for that to take you out below your entry Okay, and you've already banked
150 00:25:01,890 --> 00:25:12,000 a position in the position that you've scaled out some. And obviously, multiple four is hit gets real close to where our buy stops are. So we would reasonably
151 00:25:12,000 --> 00:25:22,260 expect this to do what, maybe consolidate, maybe retrace a little bit, but still reach for another area of liquidity above these equal highs over here. And then
152 00:25:22,260 --> 00:25:31,680 ultimately, we get a multiple five, it clears out the buy stops over here. And guess what, I'll leave you to study this in terms of how many opportunities you
153 00:25:31,680 --> 00:25:42,420 could have done in terms of scaling, if you would have kept took off half the position it multiple of one. In other words, if he made 20 pips, if you've taken
154 00:25:42,450 --> 00:25:50,640 half of it off, and you let the remaining half run all the way up to get these stops? How much money would that be? How much percentage would that be? What
155 00:25:50,640 --> 00:26:01,560 would that do for your account? What if he took off? What if he took off one quarter of a here at 20%. And let the remaining balance run? What if he took off
156 00:26:01,560 --> 00:26:10,800 three quarters of it off here and left one quarter of the position to run? All of these things aren't for your study. And it's important that you do this
157 00:26:10,800 --> 00:26:21,360 because I want you to think about what is available to you. This is only one setup framed on a daily chart. And it was aiming for what buy stocks we've
158 00:26:21,360 --> 00:26:34,830 already identified. Those buy stocks we're reaching into right there. Everything that was shown to you in month one was used here in illustrative purpose. So now
159 00:26:34,830 --> 00:26:45,120 you can see how easy it is to get that 100% return a week. And you don't need to get it in the full shot where you get in and you get out all fall in or fall out
160 00:26:45,180 --> 00:26:55,860 in terms of entry and exit full position on full possession off, you can graduate your your position profits, and scale them out logical levels. And
161 00:26:55,860 --> 00:27:05,640 still allow your little bit of a portion of the position to pay out amazingly, think about this, let's say took off half the position here. Okay, so you have
162 00:27:05,640 --> 00:27:14,040 point seven, five or three quarters of a percent. So now here, you got a three quarters of 1%. Again, he had one and a half percent. Here's 3% return just on
163 00:27:14,040 --> 00:27:25,920 the second half. Now think about that. You made three and a half percent on the second half, plus three quarters of 1%. So you're over 4%. Just in that trade
164 00:27:25,920 --> 00:27:37,020 with graduating it and just scaling it out. Now what if you did that every single week? Now how about this? What if you did it twice a week? What happens
165 00:27:37,200 --> 00:27:51,570 if you do it three times a week? How much does your money grow? If you trade like this, everything is organized. Everything is specifically designed. You
166 00:27:51,570 --> 00:28:01,290 only execute with one specific task in mind. You buy at specific levels, you sell at specific levels, you trail your stop only when specific levels are
167 00:28:01,290 --> 00:28:09,060 reached for we're gonna give you all these things. But think about this. This is a five to one setup. This is what a one shot one kill looks like. And it's
168 00:28:09,060 --> 00:28:17,940 framed on a daily level. It's going to give you institutional sponsorship, there should be a willingness to see price rally down here. Why? Because it's often
169 00:28:17,940 --> 00:28:29,550 the daily order block. The banks trade off at daily levels. So hope you enjoyed this teaching. This the next two will be actually giving you more detail about
170 00:28:30,030 --> 00:28:38,430 trade ideas and scenarios like this. So that way you can you build your understanding about how you can build your equity in grow it from even a small
171 00:28:38,430 --> 00:28:47,910 account. And again that we started with $1,000. Okay, $1,000 becomes over 2000 hours after 12 months. And I know some of you don't think that's great. But
172 00:28:47,910 --> 00:28:54,300 guess what that does in 10 years, if you stick to it, never add another penny out of your pocket. It's over a million dollars. And my question is where are
173 00:28:54,300 --> 00:29:03,930 you going to be 10 years from now? If you have $1,000 in your hands right now. Will you have $1,000,000.10 years from now? You got no excuse not to now. Until
174 00:29:03,930 --> 00:29:06,030 next time, wish you good luck and good trading