OTE Pattern Recognition Series - Vol 11.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-10 10:03

00:00:10,740 --> 00:00:18,990 ICT: Welcome back, folks, this is the 11th video in a series of 20 videos for the ICT optimal trade entry pattern recognition series. Alright, so here's our
00:00:18,990 --> 00:00:30,990 example for today. The examples shown in the dollar CAD xR five minute chart, and you know the drill. pause your video, study it before I show you all the
00:00:30,990 --> 00:00:48,810 annotations. Okay, and now let's add our annotations. Here's our time of day.  previous day's high, Wednesday's daily high. And you can see during the New York
00:00:48,810 --> 00:01:00,150 session, we have a nice run here and back down in. This is your optimal trade entry here. You can also do it from this low to this high here and trade back
00:01:00,150 --> 00:01:12,330 into here. I'm going to run it on this swing here. Alright, so here's the Fibonacci and our annotations showing where you can see the entry at the 62%
00:01:12,330 --> 00:01:27,420 retracement level 1.3903 and two pipettes and stop would be below 138951 just using a standard 15 PIP it's a little bit wider spread for this pair 20 pips
00:01:27,420 --> 00:01:38,010 comes in at one half a standard deviation 30 pips at one standard deviation 40 pips at one and a half standard deviations. And finally, as I talked with this
00:01:38,010 --> 00:01:44,700 model, if ever goes to two standard deviations, you want to take your profits there, yes, that one a little bit beyond that. But again, we're not trying to
00:01:44,880 --> 00:01:54,120 split hairs and we want something that delivers very consistent rule based we're not trying to be absolutely perfect with our entry not absolutely perfect with
10 00:01:54,120 --> 00:02:06,690 our exit, we don't need that. So 50 pips plus from an entry working with a 15 PIP stop loss, very, very handsome are multiple there. Notice how we ran above
11 00:02:06,690 --> 00:02:16,170 Wednesday's daily high, we spike through it, no more drive above it, and trade down below it and back again. And then we sank down below and and now look at
12 00:02:16,170 --> 00:02:27,120 the sensitivity in here. So again, previous day's highs and lows. set the stage for the easiest bread and butter setups you're ever gonna find in the markets.
13 00:02:27,480 --> 00:02:34,920 You don't need to be paying signal services. You don't need to be paying people for chat rooms. You absolutely can do this. And it's something that repeats
14 00:02:34,950 --> 00:02:38,970 every single day. Until next time, I wish good luck and good trading.