
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-10 09:21

00:00:11,400 --> 00:00:20,520 ICT: Alright guys, we're looking at a few discussions on the use of support and resistance. And I know this is probably a very boring topic to most of you.
00:00:20,790 --> 00:00:29,550 Since you're all so advanced and so proficient in new trading, this is basic right? We're going to be looking at a few things that hopefully will amplify
00:00:29,550 --> 00:00:44,310 your understanding, and give you a better respect for those things that are lined up with the use of support resistance. Now, again, it's not to mention the
00:00:44,490 --> 00:00:55,800 obvious basic nature of support resistance to rub it in your face, it's meant to really bring it back to a core basic tenant, to sound technical analysis.
00:00:56,640 --> 00:01:11,790 There's no better way of gauging the measure of supply and demand. And the factors that are inherently tied to price moving up and down, no better than the
00:01:11,790 --> 00:01:23,160 use of support resistance. And it's important that you understand that it shouldn't be discounted, every effective trading plan should at least consider
00:01:23,160 --> 00:01:37,230 it. Even if you are a like an EA trader. Okay, if you are, you know, a trader that utilizes that type of approach of trading, hopefully, you've incorporated
00:01:37,230 --> 00:01:48,060 some measure of support resistance in your, your, your studies, or your your, your EA that is used to do your trading. Obviously, discretionary trading, and
00:01:48,060 --> 00:01:59,610 manual trading is my forte. Because I think it's the best. There isn't a program out there that I'm convinced that would ever outdo a sound technical analyst,
10 00:01:59,640 --> 00:02:13,470 and someone that has a lot of experience in in the study of price. The ability to adjust and adapt to short term variances in the market environment is
11 00:02:13,590 --> 00:02:24,480 completely unique to human mind. And I don't believe they'll ever come to that level of artificial intelligence, because it's a psychological thing, okay. And
12 00:02:25,440 --> 00:02:35,520 it's very hard, it's very difficult to trade that or rather not traded, but to code that. And it's about you seeing what the psychology is in the market
13 00:02:35,520 --> 00:02:46,380 through price action. And it's important that we focus our study on the technical aspects of trading through the study of price action, and there's no
14 00:02:46,380 --> 00:02:56,130 better way of doing it than trading support resistance. Now, I'm a very firm believer that horizontal support resistance is absolutely the best in terms of
15 00:02:56,130 --> 00:03:07,380 gauging the measure of supply and demand. And I don't have a whole lot of faith in diagonal, diagonal, like trend lines, I don't like seeing uptrend lines and
16 00:03:07,380 --> 00:03:15,870 downtrend lines, I have no faith in them. I can show you many examples of where that looks perfect right out of the textbook. And it's, it looks so easy, you
17 00:03:15,870 --> 00:03:23,280 know, anyone didn't sit down, just put two, two swing points together, draw a line and keep going in time eventually when it comes back down to it just
18 00:03:23,340 --> 00:03:33,240 despite it. Okay, well, it's not that easy. In fact, the professionals, okay, are the specialists out there understand that there's going to be a lot of
19 00:03:33,240 --> 00:03:47,400 liquidity based around that simple procedure of trading at a bounce or the proverbial bounce, okay. At a support, diagonal trend line up or down. And I
20 00:03:47,400 --> 00:03:58,440 don't see so much of that with horizontal support resistance. And it's based on like, basically, it's like an auction environment. Okay. If price drops down to
21 00:03:58,440 --> 00:04:08,820 a certain level, its perceived value will incite buying, okay, we're at least a very slow a drastic slowdown in the selling, which would cause a pause, at
22 00:04:08,820 --> 00:04:20,040 least, if not an altogether bounce in turn higher. And obviously the same would be reversed for resistance. But it's important that you understand that if you
23 00:04:20,040 --> 00:04:30,330 are an indicator based trader, I have I have a special affinity for indicators.  While you don't see too many of them on my charts. And in my reviews. I believe
24 00:04:30,330 --> 00:04:39,840 that it's important that if a trader has the use of an indicator, whether being overbought or oversold, whether it be pivots or Fibonacci or something like
25 00:04:39,840 --> 00:04:50,160 that, it's an American even moving averages as well. It's important that you understand that price action is the framework that will enable the effectiveness
26 00:04:50,190 --> 00:04:59,190 of those tools to be capitalized on. It's not simply put an indicator on there and tell me if it's overbought or oversold, and when it goes over, so I'm just
27 00:04:59,190 --> 00:05:06,930 gonna be a buyer. And unfortunately, even when I was a neophyte trader, that's exactly what I thought I went into the marketplace, putting in my indicators.
28 00:05:06,930 --> 00:05:10,500 And I thought, that's all I had to do. And unfortunately, for me,
29 00:05:11,910 --> 00:05:20,070 while I did make funny, it was unfortunate that I got lulled into believing that I had it licked. And it was as simple as that. And I was the definition of new
30 00:05:20,070 --> 00:05:30,120 money. If you sit down and look at the dying, these going into 2000, it was pretty much a proverbial vertical bull market and the commodity market and
31 00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:37,440 everything was going straight up. So as long as you were buying oversold conditions, and buying bullish divergence, okay, that was all I was trading off
32 00:05:37,440 --> 00:05:48,060 of, it was just like taking, you know, a shotgun and blasting, you know, a barrel, full fish, you couldn't lose. But unfortunately, obviously, when the
33 00:05:48,060 --> 00:05:57,330 market changed, and moved into an trading environment, not a explosive trend, following, you know, commercial bull market, where everything was extrapolated
34 00:05:57,330 --> 00:06:07,860 to the upside, only, I fell into some problems. And I quickly learned that moving averages and indicators and all that stuff is great. But there has to be
35 00:06:07,860 --> 00:06:17,520 a context and a premise behind their use. And it's really framed on the basis of support resistance. Now, why do you trade support resistance, and it's important
36 00:06:17,520 --> 00:06:27,450 that you understand also that without a framework, okay, to anticipate when supply should come in, and when demand should come into the marketplace? You
37 00:06:27,450 --> 00:06:36,060 know, think about it, how are we to measure or anticipate that, okay, instead of reacting to because we don't want to chase price, by understanding horizontal
38 00:06:36,060 --> 00:06:46,950 support resistance levels, they will give us a precursor to future probable moves in the marketplace. Okay, so it gives you a like a wonderful
39 00:06:46,950 --> 00:06:56,280 prognostication value in terms of your chart study, by having an understanding of where support resistance is basis, the asset class you're trading and we're
40 00:06:56,280 --> 00:07:06,300 going to make speaks specific to forex here. But it's completely universal to everything. It's it's universal to index trading, bonds, currencies, futures,
41 00:07:06,930 --> 00:07:13,500 anything that can be traded even Bitcoin, not that I'm a Bitcoin trader, or even think that anybody in their right mind should be trading that kind of stuff. But
42 00:07:13,500 --> 00:07:22,110 it works in that as well. And I'm trying to rub rub you guys that trade Bitcoin wrong. Okay, I know a couple of you guys just, you started following me on
43 00:07:22,110 --> 00:07:30,960 Twitter, don't take that as a jab, personal, I just simply don't have any faith in trading Bitcoin. But if you look at the charts, obviously support resistance
44 00:07:31,170 --> 00:07:45,870 roles at that market as well. Because it is giving you a visual representation of supply and demand. Okay, resistance, providing you a means of supply and
45 00:07:45,990 --> 00:07:48,030 support, providing you a means of
46 00:07:56,040 --> 00:08:08,760 demand. And looking at where we are in relationship to supply and demand curve.  Okay, we'll give you hopefully, the insight that you need to be consistently
47 00:08:08,880 --> 00:08:17,610 following a plan looking for trade setups that aren't just magically popping off at the chart, I can't say, Oh, look at me react to that, it will give you a
48 00:08:17,610 --> 00:08:27,270 framework by utilizing horizontal support resistance to number one know a level in advance, when price gets to that level, have a plan of action to trade when
49 00:08:27,270 --> 00:08:37,980 price gets to that level. Okay. And we talk about this concept in specific terms as time and price theory. When price gets to those levels, at a specific time of
50 00:08:37,980 --> 00:08:52,410 day or day a week, okay, that's a very specific condition that is usually met met, is usually met with a large probability for an anticipatory move higher or
51 00:08:52,410 --> 00:08:59,940 lower, you respect that to the support resistance level that you're looking at.  Now, obviously, support resistance is absolutely not a panacea. It's not be all
52 00:08:59,940 --> 00:09:13,110 end all. But it does, hopefully, you give you the perspective or framework to look in the marketplace and say, Okay, this should be a relatively significant
53 00:09:13,110 --> 00:09:23,100 price level. Okay, that's you provide support. So therefore, when price comes down to that level, there should be a measurable indication of demand. Okay, and
54 00:09:23,100 --> 00:09:31,710 that asset class should at least pause, and if not bounce or reverse all together. Now, obviously, depend upon what time frame you're looking at, how
55 00:09:31,710 --> 00:09:45,360 much it moves away from those levels, is contingent upon what the other factors are, that we'll discuss in this video set. So understanding that value, okay, or
56 00:09:46,110 --> 00:09:57,090 you what is deemed as value okay is always going to be moving it's dynamic, okay, and which is a reason why there's multiple levels that would be considered
57 00:09:57,090 --> 00:10:06,630 support and resistance based on any time frame prices. Price. Just the same as on a monthly chart or a one minute chart, but how we perceive it, okay, and how
58 00:10:06,630 --> 00:10:16,650 we measure the supply and demand curve on horizontal support resistance is obviously going to be, you know, important to you as your development, okay, and
59 00:10:16,650 --> 00:10:26,400 understanding how to incorporate support resistance, we're going to give you some framework on how to look at very generic specific concepts to frame and
60 00:10:26,400 --> 00:10:39,000 flesh out support resistance on your charts. Now, there will be much more in terms of dynamic support resistance later on, when I start talking about the
61 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:47,760 inner circle trader, market maker collection, when I start giving out some of the higher level price studies and how to look inside price action. And if you'd
62 00:10:47,760 --> 00:10:58,380 like the, the ICT order blocks that I released in precision trading volume one, one through three volume in 2014, then you'll really like the stuff that we
63 00:10:58,380 --> 00:11:07,320 talked about later on. But for now, we're going to get really back to the basics of when I came on the scene in 2010. Just talking about forex. I've been
64 00:11:07,320 --> 00:11:21,960 teaching obviously, since the late 90s 1997 98, when I came out of the corner, if you will, and started sharing my insights with everyone on Merck chat on the
65 00:11:21,960 --> 00:11:24,450 internet, as well. So
66 00:11:25,350 --> 00:11:36,480 looking ahead, okay, how can we develop a means of finding consistent trade setups? Well, again, like we talked about just a short moment ago, when we look
67 00:11:36,480 --> 00:11:48,960 at support resistance, we're looking at areas of where we would anticipate a probable bounce or move in price. Without having reference points to deem as
68 00:11:48,960 --> 00:11:59,370 support or resistance, you're not going to have any measurable way of determining a consistent approach, okay, you have to be looking for the same
69 00:11:59,370 --> 00:12:06,540 types of thing over and over and over again. Otherwise, you're gambling, okay, you're looking for a different result, doing the same thing over and over again,
70 00:12:06,570 --> 00:12:18,120 without having a sound plan in place, and looking for consistently reoccurring patterns that occur around support resistance. That's the basis for finding
71 00:12:18,120 --> 00:12:27,030 consistent trade setups. And I promise you, if you understand support resistance, that will give you 80% of the battle one for you all the way.
72 00:12:27,330 --> 00:12:36,480 Because you're going to be looking for things within and within anticipatory mind, not a reactionary mind, not a, I'm afraid, I'm going to miss the move
73 00:12:36,480 --> 00:12:44,820 mind. Okay, you know, what you're, you'll be looking at price, knowing full well that you as the trader, because you can't control price, you can't do anything
74 00:12:44,820 --> 00:12:53,640 to steer price, but you can control you, and you're at the driver's seat of your trading. No one can make you do these trades, you are the one that's completely
75 00:12:53,640 --> 00:13:03,450 and utterly responsible. So it's important that you understand in clear terms, what you do, when price gets to the specific price levels, if if price trades up
76 00:13:03,450 --> 00:13:14,820 to a quote unquote, key resistance level, what specifically Are you going to be doing once price gets there? Okay? Well, obviously, you know, in a real short
77 00:13:15,870 --> 00:13:25,260 list of means of deciding what it is you should be done, when price trades, the resistance level, you should be looking for signs of pausing and or reversing.
78 00:13:25,440 --> 00:13:34,080 Okay, and then you want to see a quick move away from that level, you will see some measurable means of rejection, you want to see price want to get away from
79 00:13:34,080 --> 00:13:43,470 that level. And then many times what will happen is it will try to run back to that level and fail. That's when a lot of our optimal trade entry patterns come
80 00:13:43,470 --> 00:13:51,600 in harmonic trades, okay, if you're a harmonic trader, and you trade bad patterns and butterfly patterns, and not crab patterns, all those things that
81 00:13:51,630 --> 00:14:01,050 exist, if you have the understanding of the support resistance level in mind ahead of time, when price trades to those levels, that's when you're stalking
82 00:14:01,050 --> 00:14:08,790 the pattern. It's not that we're looking for patterns, and then looking for a level around the round that pattern. Okay, you're looking for the pattern to
83 00:14:08,790 --> 00:14:19,170 develop at these predetermined price levels. And that's the power of using price action based study. Because using support resistance, it removes all the
84 00:14:19,170 --> 00:14:26,850 ambiguity of well, should I trust the indicator now or should I not trust the indicator? Okay, there's a there's a plethora of all kinds of overbought and
85 00:14:26,850 --> 00:14:35,370 oversold indicators, okay, if overbought, oversold was all there was to it, you would only need one. Why is there so many of them? Because they form fit to make
86 00:14:35,400 --> 00:14:45,180 the books and the webinars and workshops and authors money selling that crap?  Okay, if you take all that stuff off your chart and just simply look at support
87 00:14:45,180 --> 00:14:53,160 resistance, once you understand how that works, and if you understand this, the simple premise of overbought and oversold when you looked at price with the tool
88 00:14:53,160 --> 00:15:01,380 then it's obviously you'll know exactly when you should be following the indicator then, but then it becomes a question about Is that Is there any value
89 00:15:01,380 --> 00:15:12,480 in the indicator, okay. And that's, that's arguable, I like indicators because it gives me a, like a sentiment indicator based view on what I think the
90 00:15:12,480 --> 00:15:22,890 neophyte traders are expecting. And if I'm an I'm it, if I'm coming down to a support level, and I see folks seeing a small little bounce off that support
91 00:15:22,890 --> 00:15:30,960 level, and it goes overbought, they're going to look to to sell that because it's overbought. And I'm going to be looking for the small retracement, go back
92 00:15:30,960 --> 00:15:39,690 down into that support level, and I'm going to be buying it. Okay. And that's many times why neophyte traders get caught up, you know, selling lows and buying
93 00:15:39,690 --> 00:15:51,150 highs. And that's because indicators will do that to you every single time. So now, what does support resistance tell us as traders specifically, obviously, we
94 00:15:51,150 --> 00:15:59,220 know that resistance provides us a means of supply and support provides a means of graphically depicting
95 00:16:00,750 --> 00:16:13,650 demand. So we understand that graphically, okay, when price runs into a resistance level as it rallies up, okay, that is indicative of more sellers than
96 00:16:13,650 --> 00:16:24,510 buyers, okay, and a lack of buyers, okay. And when price comes down to a support level, that's an indication of strong buyers, or a lack of sellers. Okay, so
97 00:16:25,140 --> 00:16:33,690 understanding that simple premise, okay, if you look at higher timeframe, price charts, like monthly, weekly and daily, there's absolutely no reason why you
98 00:16:33,690 --> 00:16:43,080 can't carve out a really, really nice return over an annual basis and not even really trade a whole lot. But the problem is, is much like myself, we are
99 00:16:43,080 --> 00:16:50,880 looking for action, we want to get in there, and we want to be doing something because it doesn't seem productive, until we actually put trades on, think about
100 00:16:50,880 --> 00:16:59,190 it. We don't know how much money we're going to make. Most of you don't know how much you're going to lose, because you don't either trade with stock, or you
101 00:16:59,190 --> 00:17:08,010 trade with a mental stop, okay, you think that, you know, you know where it's going to probably go, and you'll be willing to assume that that loss if it goes
102 00:17:08,010 --> 00:17:13,680 there, but many times it blows right through that, and then that mental stop does exactly what it's called, and it makes you mental, because you wish you
103 00:17:13,680 --> 00:17:22,920 would have had hard stop in there, you by having an understanding of support resistance will know exactly where your stop loss should be. And also where
104 00:17:22,920 --> 00:17:32,100 everyone else's stop losses as well. Even the fund managers, that's right, the fund managers, they're gonna put their stop loss in there just like everyone
105 00:17:32,100 --> 00:17:44,370 else does. And that's why the specialists and the market makers Exactly. Scoop up those, those liquidity pools where there's a pocket of orders resting just
106 00:17:44,370 --> 00:17:53,070 above an old high or just below an old low, and it's uncanny how many times that takes place. And if you understand where the markets going on a macro level,
107 00:17:53,400 --> 00:18:01,050 okay, and if you find a support level, when price is coming down to that level, okay? Don't assume that it's going to stop right on that level, many times what
108 00:18:01,050 --> 00:18:09,540 will happen, it's going to dip below that level. Why? Because there's going to be existing pending orders below that level, it's going to become immediate
109 00:18:09,540 --> 00:18:18,360 market orders, okay. And they're going to be used to provide liquidity for those participants in the marketplace that want to take the other side. And that's
110 00:18:18,570 --> 00:18:28,800 usually literally all of your losing trades. That's probably 99.99999% of how you lost in the marketplace. Your stock got taken, and then the move you thought
111 00:18:28,800 --> 00:18:38,790 was gonna happen took off and did it. Okay. And there's no, there's no secret to it, okay, everyone knows that the textbooks tell us to put your stop loss right
112 00:18:38,790 --> 00:18:50,220 below an old low, the most recent low, okay, and it's common sense it's made, it just takes a very small measure of static, you know, price action to come down
113 00:18:50,220 --> 00:19:00,960 and just tag that out. If a big order comes in the marketplace, and it needs liquidity to be executed, market makers gonna take to the market to that level,
114 00:19:01,170 --> 00:19:11,910 okay, and fill that order, knowing by that one trade printing, okay, once that trade becomes a market, print where that price is now there, every order around
115 00:19:11,910 --> 00:19:21,270 that particular level goes hot. In other words, everything becomes a market order, all pending orders, by stops and limit orders all become market orders
116 00:19:21,300 --> 00:19:31,710 immediately right then and there. And market orders are what? That's candy for the market maker. That means he's going to get whatever fill he wants. Okay, and
117 00:19:31,710 --> 00:19:38,280 that's their, that's what they're doing in the marketplace. And I know that's probably going to be, you know, probably a little bit uncomfortable for for some
118 00:19:38,280 --> 00:19:45,480 of you if you're just new to understanding how this stuff works. And you may be you may be questioning why should I be doing this? There's people out there
119 00:19:45,480 --> 00:19:53,430 trying to take me out the marketplace. But when you understand what they do and how they do it, you can do what they do in your trading and ride their
120 00:19:53,430 --> 00:20:02,160 coattails. That's really the that's the basis of consistent trading, knowing what the Smart Money is doing. who the real smart money is not the guys that are
121 00:20:02,160 --> 00:20:10,950 talking on the forums that think they knew where Smart Money is, most of them don't. Okay. And I have dealt with people on an institutional level, I have been
122 00:20:10,950 --> 00:20:19,500 in an institutional level environment. And I have seen a lot of things that I'm sharing now. And most of the folks that I know have known me for a long period
123 00:20:19,500 --> 00:20:27,120 of time, aren't real happy about me sharing this stuff. And I don't care because I like doing it. And I always say, if I, once I got to the point where I knew
124 00:20:27,120 --> 00:20:33,690 what I was doing, and I was comfortable with it, and I didn't need any more money, boom, I would share it, and this is what I'm doing. I'm never selling it.
125 00:20:33,690 --> 00:20:44,790 So I get a lot of gratification for just being helpful to the general populace.  Now, it's not enough simply knowing what support resistance levels are, you
126 00:20:44,790 --> 00:20:55,500 know, on your charts, but we want to be able to gauge the strength of those particular price levels. And when we look at price, you want to see
127 00:20:55,500 --> 00:21:05,220 resistance levels being taken out and support levels being respected. Okay. And that is a really good bullish environment, if we see support levels being taken
128 00:21:05,220 --> 00:21:14,490 out and resistance levels being respected, that is a very bearish indication. By having that mindset in your trading, it's rather simple. If you think about it,
129 00:21:14,550 --> 00:21:26,910 it's very simple. But how many times are you actually looking at price that way, you're looking for everything to be extremely difficult. You want to make it so
130 00:21:26,910 --> 00:21:36,030 complicated, that it's, it's sexy, okay, that way you can tell your friends and they can say what, that doesn't make any sense to me, because that's too, that's
131 00:21:36,030 --> 00:21:45,210 too advanced. For my mind, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna be a trader, because it seems too complicated. Trading really itself is easy. And the problem is, we
132 00:21:45,210 --> 00:21:52,410 like to make it harder, because simply saying it's gone low enough to a level, it's probably gonna go up from that point, if we just by their look to take a
133 00:21:52,410 --> 00:22:02,250 small profit and control our risk. That's all trading is. Now. Unfortunately, again, like we mentioned earlier, everyone that comes into the marketplace wants
134 00:22:02,250 --> 00:22:13,230 to trade a lot thinking that more trading equates to more success. And that's absolutely not the case. That's not the case at all, you'll find that many other
135 00:22:13,230 --> 00:22:24,420 most significantly profitable traders out there are those that are ones that do not trade a whole lot, okay, that are very selective, okay? Very, quote,
136 00:22:24,420 --> 00:22:37,320 unquote, cherry picking, if you will, the understanding that, you know, if you have a system, okay. And there's a recurring theme that comes out of most
137 00:22:37,350 --> 00:22:44,550 technical circles that, you know, if you have a system, you got to take every signal, I don't take every signal. Even in my own methods, I don't do that.
138 00:22:44,940 --> 00:22:55,500 Because I'm a discretionary trader, I know by looking at price action when the setups look like they're there. But the probabilities aren't as strong as other
139 00:22:55,500 --> 00:23:03,720 times. Okay. And that comes with experience, you can't learn that from a book, you can't go to a workshop and learn that, that comes from years and years and
140 00:23:03,720 --> 00:23:12,600 years of digging your nose into price action and studying and seeing your real trades pan out, taking the losing trades, taking the winning trades, taking the
141 00:23:12,600 --> 00:23:23,550 scratch trades, breakevens marginal losses, marginal wins in and digesting price action and seeing these reoccurring seasonal tendencies, these reoccurring
142 00:23:23,550 --> 00:23:34,950 General, you know, patterns that come into the marketplace, all the time that it just just generically inherent to repeating over and over and over again,
143 00:23:34,950 --> 00:23:45,570 certain periods of time, throughout the year, throughout the month, specific months. certain days of the week, all these phenomenon, okay, are at the
144 00:23:45,570 --> 00:23:54,600 disposal of a AV specialist. And I'm something of a specialist, because I understand specifically, certain times of the week times of the year times have
145 00:23:54,600 --> 00:24:05,730 specific months, and times of the days, where certain things are coming into effect where I know that smart money will be doing a specific type of thing. And
146 00:24:05,760 --> 00:24:14,520 I can capitalize on that. I'm not trying to go out here to hurt anyone. But I am going out there to try to take the other side of less informed traders and I
147 00:24:14,520 --> 00:24:26,100 don't, I don't feel that that is warranting an apology. Okay, because, you know, we all sign the risk with risk disclosures when we come into this business. And
148 00:24:26,370 --> 00:24:34,920 if you don't learn from your losing trades, you aren't going to learn from the experiences of losing because you're just going to be caught up in the pain
149 00:24:34,920 --> 00:24:42,480 factor. And that's usually the loser cycle. You go into this business in you have no framework, no basis of understanding where the trades are going to form
150 00:24:42,690 --> 00:24:52,260 or when to anticipate them and support resistance gives you that there's no better tool at a traders disposal than support resistance. It's absolutely
151 00:24:52,260 --> 00:25:01,350 crucial in terms of my opinion on trading technically. That's it That's the secret, you know, understanding of where support resistance That'll give you
152 00:25:01,350 --> 00:25:11,730 the, like I said, the 80 80% of the battle beaten right there, because you won't be trading out there in an empty space. Okay, between key levels, okay? There
153 00:25:11,730 --> 00:25:15,000 are ways of trading Don't get me wrong, there's there are ways of trading that stuff,
154 00:25:15,029 --> 00:25:23,579 but you're still going to be referencing smaller timeframe, key support resistance levels with a directional premise based on those higher timeframe
155 00:25:23,579 --> 00:25:35,489 levels, so you're still going to incorporate support resistance. But if you focus on monthly, weekly and daily levels, there's absolutely no reason why the
156 00:25:35,489 --> 00:25:46,799 average Joe trader can find a few trades a year to be net profitable. Now, what types of support resistance are there? Well, there are two types of support
157 00:25:46,799 --> 00:25:55,949 resistance and in my own understanding, okay, I dubbed them as natural support resistance levels, and implied support resistance levels. Now what what is a
158 00:25:55,949 --> 00:26:05,489 natural support resistance level one would be obviously, a 12 month higher low, and that would be the range, the highest price in the last 12 months and the
159 00:26:05,489 --> 00:26:16,799 lowest price in the last 12 months. That are there are basically your 52 week highs and lows. Okay, pretty standard levels in all of in technical circles, if
160 00:26:16,799 --> 00:26:25,439 you're a stock trader, there's a real important levels. You have quarterly highs and lows, that means every three months, throughout the calendar year, okay,
161 00:26:25,469 --> 00:26:33,899 there are specific highs and lows in the last three months. Okay, you want to make note of that those levels are very, very crucial. I love those levels more
162 00:26:33,899 --> 00:26:42,509 than any other level because they give me the framework on how the commercial traders which we'll talk about later in this video, how they move in and out of
163 00:26:42,539 --> 00:26:51,659 the marketplace and they hedge and they they provide the liquidity to move price around like it does. Okay. And a lot of people will argue and say, you know,
164 00:26:51,659 --> 00:26:57,899 it's not the commercials moving price, I'm going to tell you right now, it is the commercial traders it is the large institutions, it is the banks, okay, that
165 00:26:57,899 --> 00:27:08,219 move price to levels of disparity. In other words, they go too far away from equilibrium, okay, and that's where opportunity is you want to see price be
166 00:27:08,219 --> 00:27:16,499 pulled to these levels, okay. And every quarter, there's a specific, you know, tug of war that takes place where price has gone too far higher than they should
167 00:27:16,499 --> 00:27:23,129 have and too far lower than it should have. And then there's an opportunity when you trade these extreme levels, you have monthly highs and lows as well, which
168 00:27:23,129 --> 00:27:31,529 is basically the four week range, most highest high and lowest low in this four week range. Basically, if you just look at your your trading platform, just mark
169 00:27:31,529 --> 00:27:41,459 out the previous months high and low. Boom, you got it. You have weekly highs and lows. Okay, the previous week's high and well and I like to look at at least
170 00:27:41,459 --> 00:27:51,179 two or three weeks worth, if I'm looking at weekly ranges. I'd like to look at that because every swing point is going to be made with three candles. Okay,
171 00:27:51,179 --> 00:27:59,579 whether it be a monthly chart, weekly chart daily chart doesn't matter. Every swing highs and lows is going to be seen with at least three candles. Okay, so I
172 00:27:59,579 --> 00:28:08,429 like to look with a background of at least three candles in perspective. Even though I'm looking at weekly highs and lows, I'm still referencing at least
173 00:28:08,429 --> 00:28:18,209 three. The previous week's high and low are very sensitive as well. Now we have the daily highs and lows, obviously the previous 24 hour range. Then we have
174 00:28:18,209 --> 00:28:25,709 session highs and lows that would be the highest high and lowest low in during the asian session. The highest high and the lowest low during the London session
175 00:28:25,889 --> 00:28:34,529 and the highest high and lowest low than New York session. There's also intraday fractals, okay, that you could be looking for, that gives you your support
176 00:28:34,529 --> 00:28:44,399 resistance. That's a lot of times based with range trading and pattern trading.  And then obviously, the least of all of importance to me is trendline analysis
177 00:28:44,399 --> 00:28:58,979 channels is supporting supply and demand lines. They to me if it's not horizontal, driven, I'm not interested. So if there's anyone that is looking for
178 00:28:58,979 --> 00:29:08,039 me to talk about trend lines, okay. diagnol up and down, or Tom demark trend lines, because, yes, I read the book. Yeah, new science and technical analysis
179 00:29:08,039 --> 00:29:15,839 when it first came out, I had the first print edition, and I'm sorry, I just don't see any value in it. And I have other tools that give me a lot more
180 00:29:15,839 --> 00:29:24,329 indication before those time demark trend lines break. I already know what you know, is most likely going to happen. And I'm usually in there before the trend
181 00:29:24,329 --> 00:29:31,649 rolling break. And that's usually what professionals are dealing they're getting in here before the move takes place. That's the basis of what we're doing. We
182 00:29:31,649 --> 00:29:39,959 want to be in there before the markets are moving. And trend lines, just unfortunately are just too late to party. Now, implied support resistance levels
183 00:29:40,019 --> 00:29:50,609 are things like Fibonacci levels, okay. retracements and extensions, pivot points, okay, monthly pivots, weekly pivots, daily pivots. And by having those
184 00:29:50,609 --> 00:30:02,609 levels, okay, you have they don't work by themselves. There's no magic to them, okay? But when you incorporate The natural support resistance levels with
185 00:30:02,609 --> 00:30:09,029 implied support resistance level concepts like Fibonacci and pivots. It's it's mind blowing how
186 00:30:10,859 --> 00:30:22,049 powerful the setups are when you have those those coupling or these confluences of both forms of support resistance. Now obviously when we talked about 12
187 00:30:22,049 --> 00:30:34,229 months highs and lows This is this real quick graphic depiction of looking at 1997 you can see how price when we traded back up to that same general area in
188 00:30:34,229 --> 00:30:45,689 2006 price was really giving you opportunities to define sell signals. Now obviously there's no there's no guarantee that price is going to return to this
189 00:30:45,689 --> 00:30:54,539 level stop on a dime not gobeil not go through it just a little bit might go through you know a lot more than you probably think it will obviously but then
190 00:30:54,749 --> 00:31:06,329 the patterns that exist at these levels you will be looking for sell scenarios.  bearish divergence, optimal trade entry sell signals you bearish bats, bearish
191 00:31:06,659 --> 00:31:15,509 butterflies, bearish crabs bear everything that you would look for on a bearish level. Okay, turtle soups, okay. This is real actually giving you a turtle soup
192 00:31:15,629 --> 00:31:25,469 set up where Charles soup is just a false breakout. And it moves above the tooth that I'm inside of the 99 seven high, and then it quickly rejected and moved a
193 00:31:25,469 --> 00:31:38,039 considerable amount of pips lower now they return back to that 240 level, but it's still moved a significant means of price movement in terms of pips, and
194 00:31:38,039 --> 00:31:47,189 that's really all you're looking for, you're looking for scenarios that give you high odds setups. Now, obviously monthly, I'm sorry, 12 month highs and lows,
195 00:31:47,429 --> 00:31:55,559 they don't really set up a whole lot. Okay, but there are significant price levels you have to be aware of. We talked about earlier, one of the ones I've
196 00:31:55,559 --> 00:32:05,849 really enjoyed looking for and doing a lot of my studies with is the quarterly highs and lows. And you can see here, the the price on this example shown how
197 00:32:05,849 --> 00:32:17,639 price came down to just briefly blew through the previous low made in this is in the the sample size of data. During the month of April, the low was formed
198 00:32:17,639 --> 00:32:26,849 there, during June, it came down to that level swept up just a little bit and look at the reaction after that explosive to the upside. Now, what we're going
199 00:32:26,849 --> 00:32:35,699 to talk about is moment makes that lower low in June comparable to the low that was made in April. When we look at that phenomenon taking place there, there's a
200 00:32:35,699 --> 00:32:42,569 pattern that we're going to be looking for that helps us measure the institutional sponsorship behind specific types of moves like that. And you'll
201 00:32:42,569 --> 00:32:50,729 clearly see that these things are not in any way, shape or form indicative of continuation going lower. And in fact, there are many times accumulation
202 00:32:50,819 --> 00:33:02,039 patterns. Obviously, you know monthly highs and lows. It's not rocket science, you can see that look at just many examples here, trading old monthly highs and
203 00:33:02,039 --> 00:33:12,389 lows. Okay, just simply looking at the old monthly highs and lows, drawing your lines on them and waiting for price to get to them. There's a lot of
204 00:33:12,389 --> 00:33:23,219 opportunities just using this example. Okay, where you could do swing trades, and do a just a small handful a year and carve out an absolutely stunning return
205 00:33:23,519 --> 00:33:32,009 and not even have to be trading full time to be doing your nine to five desk jockey job, your average Joe, you're going to work come home and see what you've
206 00:33:32,009 --> 00:33:41,249 done in the marketplace. You can do and have a type of trading with monthly highs and lows is simply simply sitting down through charts, putting the lines
207 00:33:41,249 --> 00:33:48,599 in waiting for price to get to those levels, you can use a cell phone to alert you when price trades of those and then simply just pull it up real quick Can
208 00:33:48,599 --> 00:33:50,159 you take yourself to the bathroom at work,
209 00:33:50,490 --> 00:34:00,210 pull up pull up your your your your intraday price action software that you would be able to use on your smartphone. And if you don't have a smartphone and
210 00:34:00,210 --> 00:34:07,110 you're looking to trade forex, you kind of you got to get with the program and get caught up because it's really it's the invaluable tool, because you can
211 00:34:07,110 --> 00:34:15,000 actually do a lot of intraday trading. While you're at work. I'm not saying you can't cheat your boss and sit in front of your phone all day, but it only takes
212 00:34:15,000 --> 00:34:26,100 a few minutes. Once your alerts tell you that prices reached to these specific levels. You can say okay, well, we went up to a specific level at 110 670. And I
213 00:34:26,100 --> 00:34:34,170 think that price is probably going to be bearish there. And if price sells off a little bit that's indicative of we're looking for if it trades back up to a
214 00:34:34,170 --> 00:34:41,280 specific level that doesn't meet that same price level. In other words, a failure swing or optimal trade entry sell. You can put your limit order right
215 00:34:41,280 --> 00:34:49,560 there. And then there you go, you your your known stop loss would be in place you can put your limit order for entry and your take profits, you know and just
216 00:34:49,590 --> 00:34:57,780 simply let it go on autopilot. And again, you can trade MFI highs and lows with a day job and it's wonderful how many opportunities to set up over just a small
217 00:34:57,780 --> 00:35:06,840 sample set of pairs. Weekly highs and lows, same scenario. You don't need to be trading full time sitting in front of charts to trade weekly highs and lows. You
218 00:35:06,840 --> 00:35:19,320 can see the example here where price comes down for the Euro yen. Explosive move just coming right back down to an old low. Just an old previous week low bang
219 00:35:19,350 --> 00:35:31,230 explodes to the upside huge move. That's 300 pips, okay. And that's all inside of a short span of time, again as a swing trader working off the idea of working
220 00:35:31,230 --> 00:35:37,680 at a job and not having to be able to sit in front your charts and maybe you're developing trader. And that's how you're going to start. Weekly highs and lows,
221 00:35:37,680 --> 00:35:47,160 much like we did with the quarterly and monthly are absolutely phenomenal levels we keying up on. All right now the daily highs and lows, obviously you can still
222 00:35:47,160 --> 00:35:56,400 reference that if you are, you know, a part time trader or one that is unable to be in front of the charts every single day. But previous day's highs and lows
223 00:35:56,880 --> 00:36:07,770 are really the wonderful setups that day traders can use because the banks are looking at these levels. And I like to look at at least three days worth of
224 00:36:07,800 --> 00:36:16,230 data. In other words I'm looking at today and the previous two days before it sometimes maybe a day before that, but I'm looking for at least three days worth
225 00:36:16,230 --> 00:36:27,480 of data, okay to see where key highs and key highs and lows are. And I can look for rejections at these specific levels and anticipate price patterns forming if
226 00:36:27,480 --> 00:36:37,680 they line up with specific times of the day like New York session open and London session open. Now obviously, in greater detail the asian session highs
227 00:36:37,680 --> 00:36:46,980 and lows are really beneficial, especially if you're a London trader and New York trader. And again, this is now speaking specific to those individuals that
228 00:36:46,980 --> 00:36:59,010 are day traders or short term scalpers because these price levels are highly sensitive on an intraday basis. You can catch many times, you know 1015 2030
229 00:36:59,010 --> 00:37:12,210 pips at intraday basis, by utilizing the asian session high and low. I, I adopted a style of the Asian range that was taught through Chris Laurie's work.
230 00:37:12,840 --> 00:37:22,050 That's really great. I learned the Asian range from I tweaked a little bit, he has a little bit of a different time window, it's not much, but I just
231 00:37:22,050 --> 00:37:33,300 incorporated the way I use price action in the globex s&p 500 market. And that's basically using the five, I'm sorry, the mid night timeframe of New York. That's
232 00:37:33,300 --> 00:37:42,030 my beginning basis of the new day. And that's where I end the latter parameter for the asian session. So even though it states here that 4am. And these times
233 00:37:42,030 --> 00:37:53,430 as you see here, beginning and ending, these are going to be New York Times. And unfortunately, I tried to consider all of the possible ideal scenario talk and
234 00:37:53,430 --> 00:38:01,380 teach this in a way where everybody all around the world because there's a lot of people to follow me in different parts of the world, I'm not going to go into
235 00:38:01,770 --> 00:38:10,560 trying to make sure that the times are lining up for you. Okay, so the way that you're going to learn the easiest for me, is understand that I live on the east
236 00:38:10,560 --> 00:38:21,210 coast of North America. So basically, whatever time it is in New York, that's what time I'm in. So every time I'm talking about specific times 90% of time,
237 00:38:21,210 --> 00:38:30,690 I'm referring to my local time. And in just it's easy, easier for you to just get yourself a cheap watch instead of to New York time and just have that when
238 00:38:30,690 --> 00:38:37,380 you're watching my videos or watching this, this type of information. And I'm looking at your chart because you'll know what I'm doing and what I'm expecting
239 00:38:37,380 --> 00:38:38,310 based on an idea.
240 00:38:39,840 --> 00:38:46,410 Obviously, that's in the same vein that we talked about with the asian session, the London session highs and lows now, London session highs and lows are going
241 00:38:46,410 --> 00:38:54,150 to be very influential in terms of your New York trading if you're a New York intraday trader and our loads if you start your trading, okay, a lot of people
242 00:38:54,150 --> 00:39:03,270 can't get up during the London session. I don't know why, because there's a lot of money to be made. And it's absolutely the best entries for the daily range if
243 00:39:03,270 --> 00:39:09,870 you're gonna be trading it. It's obviously in the London session. But I understand there's a lot of people that can't do it because of time constraints
244 00:39:09,870 --> 00:39:17,010 and family commitments and maybe even jobs. But if you're gonna be a New York session trader, you have to at least reference the London session highs and lows
245 00:39:17,010 --> 00:39:25,710 because they're going to be paramount to the swings that set up during the New York session. If you do not understand London session highs and lows. Just take
246 00:39:25,710 --> 00:39:37,260 a couple weeks and go through the previous data on your platform. Mark those out and see what trades set up during the New York session timeframe on an intraday
247 00:39:37,260 --> 00:39:45,780 basis and how many pips are available just by incorporating those specific price points and you'll be absolutely astonished. And obviously, the New York session
248 00:39:45,780 --> 00:39:58,590 highs and lows will be influential for the new asian session that starts up Okay, so the calendar that follows the sun around the globe here on planet earth
249 00:39:58,590 --> 00:40:07,260 in the investment world. trading day, whatever session highs and lows are formed in the New York session, okay are going to be influential during the asian
250 00:40:07,260 --> 00:40:18,360 session. Okay, so the asian session requires and references to New York session and the previous London session highs and lows and New York session references
251 00:40:18,390 --> 00:40:26,460 the previous London session and asian session. So you're always looking back at least two sessions before the trading session that you're trading now, by having
252 00:40:26,460 --> 00:40:36,630 that it gives you all of the the intraday fractals, okay, that are most likely gonna be influential in terms of support resistance on an intraday basis. And
253 00:40:36,630 --> 00:40:46,920 like we just said, intraday fractals, highs and lows are going to be you swings that form and retrace back into previous session highs and lows. And by
254 00:40:46,920 --> 00:40:55,080 understanding that concept of intraday range. And where we're at in terms of directional premise for the high or low forming for that particular day, they're
255 00:40:55,080 --> 00:41:06,480 going to give you a framework to at least look for trading scenarios to get in sync with momentum, or maybe even take profits as price reaches up to these old
256 00:41:06,480 --> 00:41:18,510 levels, that may be a good indication to take your profits. Now, institutional price levels are ones that we like to follow. And they're very simple. Okay. And
257 00:41:18,570 --> 00:41:29,220 honestly, as a new trader, this is where I tell everyone to start with, if you simply look at the 100 point levels and onwards, for instance, you're looking at
258 00:41:29,220 --> 00:41:39,540 the British Pound USD pair Here is a sample set. If you mark off the 160 level, and you mark off the 161 level, which doesn't appear on this chart, okay, they
259 00:41:39,540 --> 00:41:43,260 would be your 100 levels, okay, or big figure levels.
260 00:41:44,550 --> 00:41:54,840 In between halfway between that is a 50 PIP mark, okay. In other words, it would be 159 50 level. Okay, that's your mid figure level, in between the big figure
261 00:41:54,840 --> 00:42:10,200 160 and 159 50. Okay, we look for the 159 80 level, okay. And then between 159 50 and 159, even big figure level, we'd look for the 159 20. Now. And in
262 00:42:10,200 --> 00:42:21,330 summary, we're looking for the 00 levels, the 80 levels, to 50 levels, and 20 levels. And then obviously, the lower 00 level again, and this goes across the
263 00:42:21,360 --> 00:42:32,310 price action that you're trading around now. And what I do is I look at about a 300 PIP range based on where we're ever at trading at market, and I go up 300
264 00:42:32,310 --> 00:42:40,860 pips and I go down 300 pips and I look at those price levels. If you do that, as a beginning neophyte trader, and you say you're questioning your your prowess as
265 00:42:41,430 --> 00:42:48,660 you're being able to identify support resistance levels, or maybe you can't be in front of the charts all the time, and you just want a real quick, clean
266 00:42:49,170 --> 00:42:57,660 approach to support resistance, this is it. Okay, this is the one you're looking for. Because there will be enough trading patterns to form over the course of a
267 00:42:57,660 --> 00:43:07,650 month that if you aren't able to trade every single day of the day trader, not that you should trade every day. But if you're not able to do that be in front
268 00:43:07,650 --> 00:43:15,510 of the charts every single day. By using these types of levels. And looking at the higher monthly, weekly and daily, you'll find trade setups, they'll be
269 00:43:15,510 --> 00:43:26,190 there, that the ability to to remove the uncertainty or the emotional charge that comes with how many levels you know, how many lines should I have on my
270 00:43:26,190 --> 00:43:34,560 chart? What take all that out of the equation and to simply say, Okay, I'm going to be looking at the big figures, 00 levels, the mid figures to 50 levels, the
271 00:43:34,560 --> 00:43:46,500 80 levels and the 20 levels. And the reason why these levels are so significant is because institutional traders, many times their order blocks are around these
272 00:43:46,500 --> 00:43:59,490 particular price levels. That's why it's uncanny how price goes to these particular levels, that the banks are taking action and providing liquidity for
273 00:43:59,490 --> 00:44:10,740 traders at these price points. Citi Bank is not having a trade out there with 159 17. That's not their order. That's not that that's not their block, okay,
274 00:44:10,950 --> 00:44:22,530 they will have 159 20 they will have 159 evens they want, they will have 159 50, okay, those levels are why many times you'll see what you think is the short
275 00:44:22,530 --> 00:44:29,970 term support resistance level that may be at a weird off the wall number, many times price will go beyond that despite a little bit but go right to one of
276 00:44:29,970 --> 00:44:38,400 these levels and then turn around go the other way. But if you're just looking at what you think as a short term, support resistance level, it may not be
277 00:44:38,400 --> 00:44:47,790 enough, okay, so for now, just understand that these levels are very, very psychologically sensitive, okay? Because there's a real world business need,
278 00:44:47,850 --> 00:44:55,620 okay, that's facilitated around these price levels, and it's based on institutional trading. We're gonna talk a little bit more obviously, as we go
279 00:44:55,620 --> 00:45:05,430 further about support resistance, but right now, you absolutely have no excuse.  Now. It's Zero excuses why you can't have your charts properly lined up. For
280 00:45:05,430 --> 00:45:16,230 support resistance scenarios. There's a lot of types of support resistance that are made available to you. And when price gets these price levels, what you're
281 00:45:16,230 --> 00:45:25,050 going to be looking for is your pattern, you may be simply a overbought divergence trader. But if you trade up into a resistance level, based on the way
282 00:45:25,050 --> 00:45:36,000 we defined it in the previous slides here, that, okay is going to be the framework for you to engage price to get an experience with price of
283 00:45:36,000 --> 00:45:46,200 understanding how price reacts at these levels, looking at how your indicator based analysis works, and or doesn't work, you're gonna hone your anticipatory
284 00:45:46,200 --> 00:45:55,260 skills. And again, it's not important that you make money initially, you want to learn how price behaves, when price gets to these levels, many times you're
285 00:45:55,260 --> 00:46:02,340 gonna think that price should absolutely turn on a dime, and it won't do it, it'll go through it and blow through it actually, you'll learn more from those
286 00:46:02,340 --> 00:46:06,780 environments than you will from when the trades actually work out. Okay, and it sounds
287 00:46:08,969 --> 00:46:19,289 like an oxymoron. But you really do learn from the times that it doesn't work out for you. And what it does is also desensitizes you, okay, from when you see
288 00:46:19,289 --> 00:46:28,019 it not working. And then when you actually eventually start trading with real money and trading with live funds, you'll understand that your trade generally,
289 00:46:28,019 --> 00:46:38,849 because it's worked eight times out of the last, you know, 10, it doesn't always equate to 80% accuracy, you're going to have that future existence of a string
290 00:46:38,849 --> 00:46:47,939 of losses, okay, and it doesn't make a difference, how, and that's why I don't like to preach too hard about consistency in terms of percentage, because it
291 00:46:47,939 --> 00:47:01,109 doesn't make any difference, you can make an extremely large amount of money and be 40% profitable, you have a win rate of 30% 30% of the time trading and make
292 00:47:01,229 --> 00:47:09,449 millions and millions and millions of dollars. Now, fortunately, I've I've traded with a higher percentage of that, obviously, I've been trading for two
293 00:47:09,449 --> 00:47:19,919 decades. But you don't need a higher percentage rate. Okay, to make a lot of money, you need to have a consistency rate that's high, okay, of doing the same
294 00:47:19,919 --> 00:47:28,619 thing over and over and over again. But in time, you'll have a selective process that will, yes, your quote unquote, method or system says there's a likely trade
295 00:47:28,619 --> 00:47:38,279 sitting there. But you'll also have a worldly knowledge that says, You know what, it looks like it, but I'm gonna wait for the next scenario that does this
296 00:47:38,279 --> 00:47:46,289 or that, okay. And that might fly again, in the face of those that are out there saying, well, that's wrong, because you need to take every single thing. And
297 00:47:46,559 --> 00:47:55,289 it's like this, I've been doing for two decades, and I made a lot of money, and obscene amount of money. And I'm telling you what works. And 90% of everything
298 00:47:55,319 --> 00:48:03,719 I'm telling you isn't in books, that tells you something, if you're if the guys that are selling these methods, and systems and courses and stuff tell you, you
299 00:48:03,719 --> 00:48:11,099 have to take every signal, are you going to miss that next winning trade, I get enough winning trades. And my losses are small enough that I don't care about
300 00:48:11,099 --> 00:48:20,549 missing the ones that I didn't take and still pan out, I don't care about them.  Because you're gonna see that there's a generic method of trading, that you're
301 00:48:20,549 --> 00:48:30,629 going to be in line with a professional perspective. And by default, you will see money move into your account. Think about that, by default, by no effort of
302 00:48:30,629 --> 00:48:41,249 your own, okay, except for the execution of your orders, there's going to be no effort of your own that results in you making that money. See the guys that do
303 00:48:41,249 --> 00:48:49,859 the system, you beat in your chest and you have to take every single signal, okay, or you're not following the system. I'm following my system. I'm following
304 00:48:49,859 --> 00:48:58,469 my method. It's discretionary. And that's the people that make money. If you look at system traders that trade every single trade, that's why their
305 00:48:58,469 --> 00:49:11,219 percentage is hurt, because they take every single trade, they don't learn to anticipate when price action is really favored to move in a specific direction
306 00:49:11,219 --> 00:49:21,269 or another. Okay. And it comes with the understanding of market tone, or risk on risk off scenario. Okay, understanding what the general markets doing, okay, and
307 00:49:22,139 --> 00:49:39,659 they get too much complacency, okay, about trusting the system and not learning to be a very sensitive price action trader, I can see many times turns in in the
308 00:49:39,659 --> 00:49:49,199 market tied before they actually are clearly discernible on the chart. And when I sit with people in live sessions, and they see that it's, it blows them away,
309 00:49:49,769 --> 00:49:57,149 because I'm not relying on anything outside of my own understanding of price action. And it's not going to be found in books, you're not going to get that
310 00:49:57,179 --> 00:50:06,209 but you will get it by using these things that we're teaching in these videos, buy skill sets and two rules and exercises that force you to look at price with
311 00:50:06,209 --> 00:50:15,059 very specific laser guided perspectives, okay, specific segments of price action, certain times of the day, certain times of the year, certain specific
312 00:50:15,059 --> 00:50:25,319 months, okay, there's a thing that, you know, that repeats itself over and over and over again. But systems don't see that. Okay? EAS don't see that. They just
313 00:50:25,319 --> 00:50:37,859 want to catch the next minor aberration in price. And I don't care about that. I want to see when UBS is coming in with a large block of orders. Okay. That's
314 00:50:37,859 --> 00:50:46,859 what I want to see. And that that's what that's what moves price, huge institutional order flow, not rinky dink little indicator based EA stuff. Okay,
315 00:50:46,859 --> 00:50:53,909 that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. It's mathematically derived. And I have no faith in all that stuff. I do have faith and understanding what price has
316 00:50:53,909 --> 00:51:01,529 done on the left side of my chart. And what that indicates in terms of institutional sponsorship, when you understand that everything else is
317 00:51:01,529 --> 00:51:07,979 secondary, you want to have institutional sponsorship in your trading. And what we're gonna be covering in here will help you do that as well.
318 00:51:15,719 --> 00:51:25,589 Alright guys, we're gonna be talking about the CBOT analysis concept, okay, or Commitment of Traders. Now, before I get into this, you got to understand that a
319 00:51:25,589 --> 00:51:34,649 lot of the stuff that I teach, okay, of core principles that I have actually derived from Larry Williams, and nice, obviously, you know, pretty well known
320 00:51:34,649 --> 00:51:43,919 guy around the world. It's interesting that if you research him, he's actually on YouTube, and in a couple different videos, not that he published them, other
321 00:51:43,919 --> 00:51:53,249 people are sharing them. But he was doing a keynote speaker speaking engagement, where he was talking to individually about specific types of trading asset
322 00:51:53,249 --> 00:52:00,629 classes and such, and how he settled on futures. And I used to be a futures trader, but I segwayed out of futures and moved into forex, because I do believe
323 00:52:00,629 --> 00:52:08,339 it's the best asset class right now. It could change because of things down the road we all know about but as it is, right now, I think for access, because you
324 00:52:08,339 --> 00:52:16,469 can tailor risk parameters, like no other you can't, you can't do this in stocks, you can't do it in and commodities, because commodities, you have
325 00:52:16,589 --> 00:52:24,659 specific assets, I'm sorry, you have specific contract specifications that you have to work with. In forex, you can trade for as little as you know, one cent
326 00:52:24,689 --> 00:52:32,849 per Pip, and not that you could do a whole lot with that. But as a developing learning trader, that's a wonderful thing. And you can't learn outside of paper
327 00:52:32,849 --> 00:52:41,069 trading the commodity market, you know, without trading a medium contract, you're stuck either trading a full lot or a half a lot. And if you don't have
328 00:52:41,069 --> 00:52:53,579 the capital to be able to do that, and you're pretty much out of the game. He I'm referring to Larry Williams, he was the probably the first person on the
329 00:52:53,579 --> 00:53:05,609 planet that put Commitment of Traders on the map, okay, and why it's important.  And the CFT See, requires the large traders that have reportable sizes in their
330 00:53:05,609 --> 00:53:15,869 trading, they have to win a weekly basis now. divulge, you know whether they're buying or selling on a net basis. And that's a wonderful insight to have. And I
331 00:53:15,869 --> 00:53:26,579 hope they never change that transparency, because it gives us an X ray view of real institutional sponsorship on a macro level. And what you're going to see
332 00:53:26,579 --> 00:53:36,629 here as it relates to commitment traders is nothing more than what I learned back in 1990s, from Larry Williams, okay. And it's still wonderful. He was using
333 00:53:36,629 --> 00:53:43,829 the same stuff in the night in the 1970s and made millions of dollars doing it then, and and stuff still works and makes millions of dollars now. So if you
334 00:53:43,829 --> 00:53:53,369 haven't considered the commitment traders, and your forex trader, you're pretty much cheating yourself because there's a wonderful resource to have. But what is
335 00:53:53,369 --> 00:54:01,019 commitment traders? And really what it is, is you're looking at three groups.  Okay, three groups of traders, you have the small speculators, which is kind of
336 00:54:01,019 --> 00:54:12,689 like us, we're people that aren't trading with astronomical level of contracts in the futures market. Obviously, most of you, if not all of you are watching
337 00:54:12,689 --> 00:54:23,639 this your forex traders, and we don't trade in contracts, we trade in lots. We would still be grouped in what we consider the small speculators category.
338 00:54:24,119 --> 00:54:34,289 There's a second group called the large speculators and they're usually the large hedge fund traders, okay. And 90% of time, they're right in the trending
339 00:54:34,289 --> 00:54:44,399 environment. Okay, where they get hurt is when the trend reverses and goes the other way, and that's okay. they're okay with taking that they. Institutional
340 00:54:44,399 --> 00:54:53,579 funds are predominantly trend following in nature, they're momentum type traders. They understand the large ebb and flow on the macro level and they're
341 00:54:53,579 --> 00:55:03,239 able to ride that stuff out because of their risk parameters and their risk new models that are in adopted. for that type of trading. The third category of
342 00:55:03,239 --> 00:55:15,989 traders for traders, data is the commercials. Now the commercials are grouped into categories, you have a commercial user, and you have a commercial supplier.
343 00:55:16,289 --> 00:55:28,379 Okay, and a perfect example of that would be like cocoa, cocoa is used to make chocolate. And there are masked commercial growers of cocoa. And then there's
344 00:55:28,379 --> 00:55:38,789 mass corporate users of cocoa, like Hershey and Nestle. And, you know, anything else that would be, you know, a large commercial entity that uses cocoa for
345 00:55:38,789 --> 00:55:39,599 chocolate producing,
346 00:55:40,920 --> 00:55:50,310 they have a real close tie to fundamental supply and demand factors as it relates to cocoa. Okay, and don't let me confuse you, and we're not talking
347 00:55:50,310 --> 00:55:58,950 about commodity markets is, you know, that's the sauce that we're going to be talking about that in the supply and demand equation, and how it's discernible.
348 00:55:59,550 --> 00:56:11,310 Through the utilization of the CRT data, deep commercial traders, whether they're either a supplier or commercial user, they both have very sensitive ears
349 00:56:11,310 --> 00:56:24,480 and eyes, you are closely watching the, you know, the fundamentals, okay, of cocoa. There's, that's not anything different from a commodity, okay, like corn,
350 00:56:24,870 --> 00:56:39,930 or wheat or gold or crude oil. Okay. And same thing with currency. Okay. Banks are watching the supply and demand for specific country's currency by following
351 00:56:39,960 --> 00:56:52,020 these individuals that have a lot more people, okay, that their job is primarily just simply to watch the fundamental basis of it under a large level of demand
352 00:56:52,020 --> 00:57:00,330 or waning demand, or is there a large supply coming in the marketplace? Okay, there, there's trained accredited staff for these large commercial users that
353 00:57:00,330 --> 00:57:11,160 are staffed just to do that very thing to watch the fundamental drivers in that specific asset. Well, think about it, if we are able to watch that same
354 00:57:11,160 --> 00:57:21,720 phenomenon take place for like the Swiss franc, or the Japanese yen, or the Canadian dollar, or the British pound, or the Australian dollar that is
355 00:57:21,720 --> 00:57:34,500 astronomical in terms of waiting out a huge amount of fundamental data data. I'm not a fundamental driven trader. But if you hold me to to the aspect of do I use
356 00:57:34,500 --> 00:57:42,360 fundamentals, I'd have to say yes, because it's based on this stuff right here.  You can't get more fundamental than administrators, because they are the ones
357 00:57:42,360 --> 00:57:53,190 that provide the liquidity that makes the markets move like they do. Okay, it's these entities on the other side, okay. of the trading world. They are the ones
358 00:57:53,190 --> 00:58:02,760 that propel price up and down. It's not the retail traders. It's not the it's not the large funds. They are, if you look at this chart, the heavy dark line is
359 00:58:02,760 --> 00:58:12,390 the commercial traders. And if you look at the the medium thickness on your line, okay, if you look at that, they're generally diametrically opposed to one
360 00:58:12,390 --> 00:58:24,630 another, when the heavy thick line is making a peak, okay, making a real higher high, that lesser thickness or large speculator line, it's making a lower low
361 00:58:24,690 --> 00:58:36,870 comparable to commercials. So there's a diametrically opposed position between the two. When the commercials change gears and start coming down from a high,
362 00:58:36,930 --> 00:58:45,540 okay, you'll see the funds, okay, or large speculators, they'll start to come up, okay. And they're always moving back and forth until they reach an extreme
363 00:58:45,540 --> 00:58:56,970 reading on a diametrically opposed basis. When you see the diametrically opposed scenario where they're really, really high in the commercials and the large
364 00:58:56,970 --> 00:59:05,790 speculators are really, really, really low. Okay. What it's suggesting is that the commercials are net long, heavily net long, while the speculators on the
365 00:59:05,790 --> 00:59:16,050 large scale are fund managers, okay, are extremely bearish. Okay. Usually when you see that scenario, and it's a 12 month or four year extreme reading, not
366 00:59:16,050 --> 00:59:25,050 words, it's the commercials have the highest reading a net longs in the last 12 to 12 months to four years. Okay, those are the two benchmark measurements. I
367 00:59:25,050 --> 00:59:34,860 like to look at 112 month calendar year, okay, what's the highest and lowest they've had in terms of net long and that short positions, when we violate a 12
368 00:59:34,860 --> 00:59:42,330 month higher low? That's significant. That's usually a trend changing environment. If we look at over a four year span, okay, they're really
369 00:59:42,330 --> 00:59:49,440 indicative of a major tide change. And it's important that you understand that we're going to be looking at an example that the Canadian dollar and recent
370 00:59:49,440 --> 01:00:00,900 price action and analysis that I shared on the internet and with Chris Laurie's group in his pro traders club but what is the commitment Traders report. Well,
371 01:00:00,900 --> 01:00:11,850 it's basically a breakdown of the total Long's and total shorts. And then by comparing it to you getting a net position of net long or net short position,
372 01:00:12,000 --> 01:00:15,630 okay, what we like to look at are the
373 01:00:15,630 --> 01:00:24,540 measurements of the long or short positions, other commercials ideally, okay, because they are, quote unquote, the smart money. And then the large
374 01:00:24,660 --> 01:00:34,020 speculators, okay, those two camps are the ones that we do not look at the small traders, because the average Joe, if you look at what's going on there 90% of
375 01:00:34,020 --> 01:00:42,060 time wrong, they don't they don't know what they're doing. But if you look at the commercials, and you look at the large speculators, okay, those two camps
376 01:00:42,420 --> 01:00:51,060 are basically taking the other side of each trade. Okay, in other words, as commercials are putting their positions into the marketplace, we're going to
377 01:00:51,060 --> 01:00:57,240 give a graphic depiction of what that looks like. The large speculators are usually assuming the other side of that trade. And then in trending
378 01:00:57,240 --> 01:01:05,970 environments, it's profitable for both. And you'll see that as we move along.  But we do not consider the small traders at all, because they're the less
379 01:01:05,970 --> 01:01:19,980 informed or will be considered the street money. Alright, so, again, we're focusing on the large speculators because those individuals are going to be
380 01:01:19,980 --> 01:01:31,380 trend following in nature. And that's going to be very important, because if we are looking for institutional level types of trades, okay. And we're looking for
381 01:01:31,380 --> 01:01:40,470 a directional premise. And in our trades, it's going to be arrived by looking at the relationships between the large commercial traders and the large speculators
382 01:01:40,470 --> 01:01:50,130 because the large speculators are trend following, they have a really good track record of being right during the long trends. Again, they're paying come comes
383 01:01:50,130 --> 01:01:57,690 in at the major extremes highs and lows, and they don't care about picking tops and bottoms, and you shouldn't either, okay, and what this is really going to
384 01:01:57,690 --> 01:02:08,250 help you focus in on is trading during that Lion's portion of the big moves, and not trying to be so fixated on trying to get the high, the high, and the lowest
385 01:02:08,250 --> 01:02:16,680 low, we don't need that. In fact, I don't even try to trade that I used to do that kind of stuff. And I got probably lucky two times and getting a high and a
386 01:02:16,680 --> 01:02:24,540 low in the market. But outside of that, and you think in 20 years, I'd be able to do better than that. And it just simply doesn't happen. But I can trade
387 01:02:24,570 --> 01:02:35,070 really, really high near the highs on a bear market. Okay, as we have retracements in a bear market, I'll sell right near very close, if not sometimes
388 01:02:35,070 --> 01:02:45,150 very pips of the highs in bear markets, because I understand that the dynamic of that, but I'm not trying to pick tops in a bull market, I'm not trying to pick a
389 01:02:45,150 --> 01:02:53,340 tops, I'm looking for some clear indication of a reversal, before I start going in there expecting a breakdown. And there's tools that we use to help gauge that
390 01:02:53,610 --> 01:03:01,140 they're not 100% of the time, accurate, okay, but you don't need to understand the time accurate. But when we do things, see things in line with a measurable,
391 01:03:01,170 --> 01:03:11,790 sustainable macro trend based on these two camps, large speculators and commercials, you're going to see that's astronomical in terms of probability. So
392 01:03:11,790 --> 01:03:20,970 the superstars that we really want to be focusing on as a fundamental insider are the commercials, and where their net long and net short positions in
393 01:03:20,970 --> 01:03:30,510 extremes over the last 12 months and four years is absolutely crucial. Because if they're extremely bullish net long, higher than they have been the last 12
394 01:03:30,510 --> 01:03:39,390 months. And really, more importantly, if they've done it, most recently, in the last four years at the most highest they've ever been, that is a major low
395 01:03:39,390 --> 01:03:49,410 forming. And you could really avoid a lot of unnecessary losses by being a continuation trend follower in a bear market, because that's what will be going
396 01:03:49,410 --> 01:03:57,870 on. As they get that net long, extreme position, the market will be dropping, okay, and because as it's dropping, they're hedging, so they're gonna answer the
397 01:03:57,870 --> 01:04:07,620 moves. And we'll talk a lot more in detail about this, but they price in the low, okay, when they no longer are buying, okay, and they're gonna start
398 01:04:07,620 --> 01:04:17,460 distributing that is going to facilitate the chain change that takes place in the large speculators, again, start to unwind their shorts, and then start to re
399 01:04:17,460 --> 01:04:24,840 accumulate long positions as the commercials now start to sell that and provide the liquidity to the large speculators. So we really may be focusing on the
400 01:04:24,840 --> 01:04:34,680 trend, the macro trend of the the ebb and flow of net net long and net short positions of the commercials engage that with the overall price action on a
401 01:04:34,680 --> 01:04:40,500 monthly and weekly basis. And that's going to give us a huge amount of insight in terms of prognostication, and future direction.
402 01:04:45,750 --> 01:04:54,030 Now, what is a 12 month extreme net long position and a 12 month extreme net short position look like? Well, when we look at a Commitment of Traders report,
403 01:04:54,840 --> 01:05:06,060 graph, okay, there's zero basis line, okay, and that's going to be depicted by this heavy, thick line here. And above the heavy black line, we have it showing
404 01:05:06,120 --> 01:05:16,740 a color of green. Okay, not that commend traitors is colored. But I'm trying to give you an idea what it looks like conceptually above the zero line, okay, and
405 01:05:16,740 --> 01:05:24,780 we're only looking at commercials as it relates to the co2 data, we're not looking at the net long net short of the speculators, small speculators or large
406 01:05:24,780 --> 01:05:33,540 speculators, we're just specifically looking at the commercials above that black line or zero basis line is what we considered net long, okay. In other words,
407 01:05:33,540 --> 01:05:45,990 they're bullish, they may have a large number of short positions on but as a net basis, they have more Long's on than they do shorts. So again, we have to
408 01:05:45,990 --> 01:05:56,940 understand that commercials are both hedgers and producers. So they are going to always be doing a business transaction always in the marketplace. But if they're
409 01:05:57,240 --> 01:06:04,320 extreme levels, net long net short, okay, think about cuz they're greedy, just like us, you know, they're trying to save money and you're trying to make a
410 01:06:04,320 --> 01:06:10,110 profit, okay. Otherwise, why are they in business, they're not in business, you know, for the fun of it, they want to, they want to have a net gain in profit.
411 01:06:10,410 --> 01:06:21,660 So if their net long, Okay, hi, Sabin. In the last 12 months, we will be expecting a major bottom to be forming. And extreme net short, okay, basically,
412 01:06:21,660 --> 01:06:30,870 all you're doing is looking back over the last 12 months, you're looking for the lowest reading they've had. And you can see in this crude example, during the
413 01:06:30,870 --> 01:06:39,120 period of July and August, they had a net short position. Okay, but look what they did in October. That's the lowest they've had in terms of the last 12
414 01:06:39,120 --> 01:06:47,970 months, they had a net short position in May, and probably will be considered the previous year in December, they were net short as well. But this is a
415 01:06:47,970 --> 01:06:58,050 graphic depiction. Okay, not based on any real data, I'm just showing you the concept that in October, this would represent a net short position, extreme
416 01:06:58,050 --> 01:07:05,310 reading over the last 12 months in October. So there would be a major high or top to be formed in that particular time period.
417 01:07:10,620 --> 01:07:24,900 Looking at the trend changes like this, it provides you a an X ray view, if you will, to anticipate reversal patterns. Not did bet the farm on I'm thinking
418 01:07:24,900 --> 01:07:34,140 okay, um, it would it would be great if I see this data. And you know, if Michael says it's working, and it does really well and Larry's made millions of
419 01:07:34,140 --> 01:07:43,530 dollars and Michaels made millions of dollars in X, Y, Z traders made millions dollars doing this. Let's just say that, you know, the Australian dollar is a
420 01:07:43,590 --> 01:07:52,230 net short position extreme. That doesn't mean go out there and bet the farm and over leverage your account and looking for sell scenarios. Okay. Yeah, there's
421 01:07:52,230 --> 01:08:04,680 things that you have to look for in price action to justify the expectation that a reversal is underway. Okay. And if we look back at risk reward ratios, okay,
422 01:08:04,680 --> 01:08:18,000 and managing equity and risk, if you are a 2% risk trader, typically answer your maximum risk. in environments where you're expecting major turns, and reversals
423 01:08:18,000 --> 01:08:29,040 of long term trends. Those are the times when you will be risking less than half of your normal trade position size. So if you're risking 2%, risk about point
424 01:08:29,040 --> 01:08:36,870 seven 5% or point five, or in other words, a half of 1% if you're gonna be looking for reversal patterns, okay? in that environment, because there's no
425 01:08:36,870 --> 01:08:45,570 guarantee that you're going to time it perfectly, because you're still inside of a macro uptrend or downtrend based on the data you're looking at. So if you're
426 01:08:45,570 --> 01:08:52,740 looking at a net short position, 12 months extreme by the commercials, again, can't remember their early, okay, and they have the deep pockets, they can
427 01:08:52,740 --> 01:09:04,020 absorb all that time of sitting in losing positions, okay, or drawdown. Because think about it. If they grow cocoa, they could be sitting in a net loss, okay,
428 01:09:04,020 --> 01:09:14,280 of a hedge, but they have the actual cocoa, okay, they actually have it, what's worth more a transaction in the marketplace or actually having the commodity the
429 01:09:14,280 --> 01:09:23,610 having the commodity? Because that's real business. You can't You can't make money. Okay, telling someone here, I'm going to give you 100 shares of IBM, IBM,
430 01:09:23,610 --> 01:09:34,650 if I was on an island, I don't care about 100 shares of IBM, but if you have, you know, 5000 bushels of wheat or, or 10,000 bushels of, you know, or bales of
431 01:09:34,680 --> 01:09:44,940 hay, okay, I'm not hay but of wheat. I'm gonna, I'm gonna be looking for you know, value in that because I could I could use that shares Oh mean anything,
432 01:09:45,000 --> 01:09:55,200 okay. There's intrinsic value associated by the actual commodity in hand. So they have the deep pockets to absorb all this. So don't go in there thinking
433 01:09:55,200 --> 01:10:04,170 just simply because the co2 data is indicating this major reversal underway. It makes take months for that thing to unfold. And then finally turn around start
434 01:10:04,170 --> 01:10:12,390 going lower. Okay, but it gives you the indication that hey, look, don't be so wildly bullish now, because everything's so against it fundamentally with the
435 01:10:12,390 --> 01:10:22,410 commercials be very short term nimble buyers in that environment as well, if you have a net short position extreme, yeah, I'm very leery of betting a whole lot
436 01:10:22,410 --> 01:10:30,600 of money on trades that are net long in those environments. And again, same thing, much in the same vein that we talked about risking a whole lot less by
437 01:10:30,630 --> 01:10:38,640 being a reversal pattern trader looking for tops in that environment. Same thing, cut your risk on the buys in that environment as well. And you'll avoid
438 01:10:38,700 --> 01:10:43,200 getting caught buying the one that really breaks down and starts to reverse all together.
439 01:10:48,420 --> 01:10:56,880 So have the commercial straight, well, I'm going to give you a this is basically the standard commercial accumulation phase. And as price, okay, depicted by this
440 01:10:56,880 --> 01:11:06,030 blue line here is V, okay, on the left side of the chart, we start coming down that's going to best basically graphically depict a decline in price, once price
441 01:11:06,060 --> 01:11:15,900 comes down to a low of some kind find support level, okay, or deemed value, okay, the commercials, okay, are done all their buying. And then what'll happen
442 01:11:15,900 --> 01:11:27,450 is, is they start showing a profit release portion of the move where all of the selling is debated, and now the buying influence now comes on their way. And
443 01:11:27,480 --> 01:11:38,970 they'll be a, an appreciate appreciation in price as price starts to rally up all the accumulated by positions, they, they start to take no words as, as their
444 01:11:38,970 --> 01:11:45,720 positions that they bought as price was dropping lower and lower and lower, because they're hedging. As price drops, they buy more, as price drops, they buy
445 01:11:45,720 --> 01:11:53,370 more and they buy more, they buy more and eventually when price stops going down because they've bought so much need, there's no more selling, we can all the
446 01:11:53,370 --> 01:12:03,540 sellers have been absorbed. Okay, the long positions, okay, as price starts to move up, they start liquidating that, okay, and they offset their long
447 01:12:03,540 --> 01:12:13,890 positions, okay. So as a whole, not individually, okay. But as a whole, collectively, the commercial entities, okay, this is what this is what causes
448 01:12:13,890 --> 01:12:22,290 the shifts and major macro price swings, okay? You don't get this information from textbooks, you don't get this stuff from, you know, Larry Williams, or
449 01:12:22,290 --> 01:12:29,610 you're talking about this level of it. But when you understand what's going on as price drops, commercials are buying and buying and buying and buying buy,
450 01:12:29,910 --> 01:12:38,280 eventually as price starts to move higher, they will liquidate those buy orders, okay, and they're not trying to make astronomical amounts of money. All they did
451 01:12:38,280 --> 01:12:48,300 was hedge price, okay. In other words, they were locking in a fair price that they felt that was fundamentally based on their collective understanding of what
452 01:12:48,330 --> 01:12:56,190 you supply and demand curve called for that time. And once price gets back to those price levels, they can unwind that hedge, okay, and that's all that
453 01:12:56,220 --> 01:13:05,640 trading is really, if you look at the macro perspective on any asset class, that's what's going on. Okay. And that's how the Smart Money operates. So an
454 01:13:05,640 --> 01:13:10,680 intermediate term, price swing, looks like this overall.
455 01:13:19,020 --> 01:13:28,380 Now during the accumulation phase, Now, obviously, everything that we're showing here, for a market load of you forming reverse everything here, it's graphically
456 01:13:28,380 --> 01:13:36,630 being depicted, for a top performer immediate term or long term high, they would be selling as it goes up, and they would be buying it back as it starts to drop
457 01:13:36,630 --> 01:13:49,170 down. But every time that price comes to a point at which they would be selling, okay, there's going to be a retracement and inside that retracement, that's
458 01:13:49,170 --> 01:14:00,090 where optimal trade entry comes in. That's where I have found a sweet spot, if you will, in trading inside these macro price moves. If you look at a daily
459 01:14:00,090 --> 01:14:10,770 chart, and if you look at a long term or short term price low like this is graphically depicted depicting. You could see clearly that the the minor
460 01:14:10,770 --> 01:14:24,180 retraces that take place are absolutely stellar, buying opportunities. But unfortunately, as price starts to move up like that neophyte traders are in two
461 01:14:24,180 --> 01:14:31,980 categories. One, they don't think it's going to keep going up, it's probably going to go lower now, because everything's, you know, trying to find the top or
462 01:14:32,040 --> 01:14:43,230 trying to find the bottom. And the other camp is it's already moved too high.  And I'm afraid that I don't I don't want to buy it right now. So those two camps
463 01:14:43,230 --> 01:14:49,860 are the reason why the neophyte traders don't make money. When the moves are really moving in the right direction. They don't trust the directional premise.
464 01:14:51,270 --> 01:15:01,470 The basis to finding and consistently trading with a directional premise is to understand the macro trends. Okay, the macro price link on a monthly, weekly and
465 01:15:01,470 --> 01:15:10,080 daily basis, using can administrators understanding price action market structure, as we discussed in previous video in this set, understanding how
466 01:15:10,080 --> 01:15:21,120 price moves in long term intermediate term and short term price swings, understanding where you're at in that market structure, where the probable
467 01:15:21,120 --> 01:15:32,940 direction may take us from current price action, that is going to be paramount for you to have your directional premise in mind. So, we're going to assume for
468 01:15:32,940 --> 01:15:45,990 a moment that as this price action model, or example here depicts, as price was dropping lower, and they bought for large scale blocks, okay, as price dropped
469 01:15:45,990 --> 01:15:53,610 down, and obviously, I don't have the insight to tell you how many blocks of Long's a bottle, whatever that asset class would be. Okay, but I'm just giving
470 01:15:53,610 --> 01:16:03,960 you a graphic depiction of they were buying as it was going lower, as they were buying, as it was going lower, the net long position on the commercials would be
471 01:16:03,960 --> 01:16:13,140 net, you know, it would be about the basis line, or if it's below the zero line, okay, you know, we're showing a net short position, it would be dramatically
472 01:16:13,170 --> 01:16:22,710 being reduced, it still may not be net long basis, zero basis line on your net, some net zero position, when you're coming to traitors graph, which will, would
473 01:16:22,710 --> 01:16:28,470 I'll show you real examples of what that looks like. So if you kind of like scratch your head, saying, you know, it still doesn't make any sense, trust me,
474 01:16:28,470 --> 01:16:40,200 it will in a few moments. But the CRT data will indicate what we're showing here. Okay, in the CRT and onwards, commercials will be dramatically lessening
475 01:16:40,200 --> 01:16:55,260 shorts, or increasing to a net long position in a co2 graph or chart. And once the price finds the support level, and shows an indication that it has a
476 01:16:55,260 --> 01:17:04,620 willingness to bounce and trade higher, once that takes place, and we have a market structure shift bullish, okay, as defined in previous videos, once we
477 01:17:04,620 --> 01:17:13,860 have that we would now be looking for support to be respected and resistance to be violated and broken to the upside. That's how we work within market
478 01:17:13,860 --> 01:17:23,790 structure. And then every time we see a retracement, we don't anticipate the sky falling, okay. And you know everything going to hell, we were looking for new
479 01:17:23,790 --> 01:17:33,540 buying opportunities and looking for to trade back into a previous existing order block bullish Lee finding a an old resistance now turning support,
480 01:17:34,950 --> 01:17:49,440 maintaining higher lows and higher highs. And then on a daily chart, if we start seeing institutional order flow that's measured with a coupling of two moving
481 01:17:49,440 --> 01:17:57,630 averages we're going to talk about in that case, it would be the 18 and 40 exponential moving averages. Again, that's the 18 period exponential moving
482 01:17:57,630 --> 01:18:06,690 average, and the 40 period exponential moving average on a daily chart, when the 18 crosses the 40. Once it crosses that we don't care about the crossing itself,
483 01:18:06,810 --> 01:18:16,710 we want to see it cross and then start opening up when it opens up. That's called stalking. When that happens, that is measuring a very strong momentum.
484 01:18:17,070 --> 01:18:30,570 Okay, and the way funds trade is momentum based. And one of the largest followed approaches to momentum trading is the 18 or 40, institutional moving averages.
485 01:18:31,140 --> 01:18:39,630 And to simply looking at the the opening of those averages, okay, it will give you the insight you need to follow the direction of both those averages once
486 01:18:39,630 --> 01:18:47,160 they cross an 18 and is above the 40 and they start widening, okay, and you're still pointing up the diagonal of the direction of where the train is pointing
487 01:18:47,190 --> 01:18:57,720 up. And they're opening wider 18 widening above the 14 that's institutional sponsorship graphically depicted and moving averages that gives you the
488 01:18:57,720 --> 01:19:08,670 directional premise to focus in on specifically waiting for retracements back down to a known support level or resistance broken then turn support going into
489 01:19:08,670 --> 01:19:18,150 a previous existing order block that's bullish, okay. And if you don't know what an order block is, look at my trading, position trading volumes One, two and
490 01:19:18,150 --> 01:19:26,130 three. It goes into great details what an order block is and institutional order block. And it's that's simply what you're all you're going to be doing, you're
491 01:19:26,130 --> 01:19:34,530 gonna be looking for those scenarios that pan out for your, your buying scenarios, okay? And it doesn't matter if you're a short term trader, or if
492 01:19:34,530 --> 01:19:45,360 you're a day trader or if you're a position trader, every one of those asset, you know, approaches to trading. Those will be complemented very well with this
493 01:19:45,360 --> 01:19:55,050 approach and using institutional order flow using commitment traders fundamentally, price action drive drive drivers behind why price should be
494 01:19:55,050 --> 01:20:05,430 expected to go higher, and you'll have everything that you need to build The directional premise model that you're looking for. Now the problem is, is
495 01:20:05,460 --> 01:20:14,250 there's going to be times when the averages on 1840 won't be crossed over, and price will be going up, and you're going to be wanting to send me email saying,
496 01:20:14,460 --> 01:20:22,440 it's not working. Something's not right, I missed that move. Guess what, there's a lot of moves I miss, and you're gonna miss a lot of moves. But you don't need
497 01:20:22,440 --> 01:20:31,920 every move. Okay? If you looked at my net earnings, based on what I do for over a whole year, you would be like, you know, all this stuff, and you trade that
498 01:20:31,920 --> 01:20:42,930 little gap. But guess what, I took you to the bottom line with that a whole year, you'd be like, wow, this is a whole lot of of nothing in terms of effort,
499 01:20:42,990 --> 01:20:51,360 but a huge reward in terms of the return. And that's, that's what trading is, that's what professional trading is. I don't want to be a whole lot of time in
500 01:20:51,360 --> 01:20:58,110 front of charts, I did that you don't, you should trust me, if you want to do that you won't want to do when you do it. Okay, you'll you'll like living life
501 01:20:58,110 --> 01:20:59,430 and doing the things with your family.
502 01:21:05,070 --> 01:21:15,480 Now, here is the key. This is the million dollar secret, if you will, okay. When you're looking at the co2 graph, or the nicknamed traders report chart,
503 01:21:17,100 --> 01:21:26,070 basically, it's plotting the net long net short positions of both the all three camps the speculators don't small level large speculators or fund managers and
504 01:21:26,070 --> 01:21:39,300 in the commercials, and every week, it's updated. Okay, what you're looking for is the trend of the commercials, what are they doing? Okay. Now, for instance,
505 01:21:39,330 --> 01:21:49,230 looking at the number one part of this crude depiction, I admit, it's very crude, but it's still going to, it's going to accomplish the means. This number
506 01:21:49,230 --> 01:21:55,950 one point is going to represent a 12 month stream net long position by the commercials, okay. And what you should be doing is you should be reduced
507 01:21:55,980 --> 01:22:06,720 reducing your risk on all of your new shorts, okay, or existing shorts, and anticipate a likelihood to find buying opportunities. The number two point in
508 01:22:06,720 --> 01:22:15,630 this graphic depiction, you can see the commercials move down to a net short position, this net short commercial position, okay, even though it's very, very
509 01:22:15,630 --> 01:22:26,910 small, okay, you can look for short to intermediate term downside corrections.  Okay. But overall, look, what we have, we have a very large pre existing net
510 01:22:26,910 --> 01:22:35,880 long positions, about the commercials that number one point, so really, even though price may correct and trade lower during that period of time, that in
511 01:22:35,880 --> 01:22:46,110 May, where we see a net short position by the commercials that may be as small as a minor correction, okay, for the trend to resume during the number three
512 01:22:46,110 --> 01:22:55,200 point. Okay, number three, is a new net long position. Now notice, it's nowhere near the level of net long that the point one reference was, you see that it
513 01:22:55,200 --> 01:23:03,450 doesn't matter. Because you've established the trend change likely if you if you see it confirmed in price action, if point one and that period of time between
514 01:23:03,450 --> 01:23:17,160 February March and early April, if we have a bottom form in say, The Canadian Dollar, if we see that form, okay, price will rally, okay and break market
515 01:23:17,160 --> 01:23:26,580 structure to the upside, and then it will retrace during the month of May during that net short position, okay, because they're going to sell into that, that
516 01:23:26,580 --> 01:23:33,570 rally, then that rally that initial rally they're gonna sell into that you remember what we just talked about their unwinding that hedge they put on place
517 01:23:33,600 --> 01:23:44,670 it during the whole period of point one during that retracing of point two, don't think that you're in a bear market stay focused on looking for net long
518 01:23:44,670 --> 01:23:53,820 positions, okay, for your own trading. So in the point three, okay, after that 12 months net long position, you want to be looking for swings and position
519 01:23:53,820 --> 01:24:04,350 trades, long your macro trend traders and long term traders, you're looking for big moves, that's when that's what happens when a move back to net long after
520 01:24:04,350 --> 01:24:13,410 big huge net long position. Okay, when they move to a net short, back up to a net long, that's when the best buying opportunities for position trading takes
521 01:24:13,410 --> 01:24:13,830 place.
522 01:24:16,230 --> 01:24:25,320 If you're a swing trader, it's an astronomical place to take you know entries for being a buyer. point four again they swing back down to a net short position
523 01:24:26,040 --> 01:24:34,830 during this time, okay, you can still take short to aiming at term downside shorts because it's gonna basically gonna be correcting again, it's gonna be a
524 01:24:34,890 --> 01:24:43,800 retracement and an up move. Then at point five we have another net short I mean sorry, net long position. Okay, the commercials went back above that zero basis
525 01:24:43,800 --> 01:24:52,380 line. Notice they're nowhere near the level they were before. NET long but it does not matter. This is like an oversold condition for you. Okay, you want to
526 01:24:52,380 --> 01:25:01,500 be looking at that saying wow, this is now another buying opportunity because they have now bought some more prices dip down in retraced. So now what's going
527 01:25:01,500 --> 01:25:09,330 to take place is you're going to again, look for short to intermediate term, buying opportunities, because you're trading with the co2 trend, okay. And at
528 01:25:09,330 --> 01:25:18,030 point six, we see price come down and they make a huge net short position, the largest they've made in the last 12 months was that going to indicate the
529 01:25:18,030 --> 01:25:28,110 likelihood of a high, so you want to be reducing the risk on your long positions, and many times filtering out new, new buying opportunities, and start
530 01:25:28,110 --> 01:25:37,740 looking for selling opportunities. Okay. But again, don't bet very large in terms of risk on those large net long positions in net short positions. You
531 01:25:37,740 --> 01:25:46,440 don't want to do that. It's the initial retracement later on after that extreme in price supports the notion that is a major reversal taking place. That's when
532 01:25:46,440 --> 01:25:53,880 you want to put your maximum leverage on if at all. Now, obviously, the no secret to commitment traders is to trade with the trend of commercial traders,
533 01:25:54,150 --> 01:26:02,220 okay, because they set in motion all of the intermediate term and long term highs and lows in the marketplace. And you can find them by ferreting out the 12
534 01:26:02,220 --> 01:26:11,490 month extremes and the net positions short and long by the commercials. So if you look at this as a macro understanding of fundamentals, okay, it gives you
535 01:26:11,580 --> 01:26:19,740 all of the things that you want to look for in terms of studying fundamental data reports, bank reports, all that stuff, all that ferreted out for you. And
536 01:26:19,740 --> 01:26:29,700 if you coupled this information with support resistance, astronomical results, or result as a result for you for doing such. So now, what does it look like
537 01:26:29,700 --> 01:26:40,440 graphically, okay, and what I'm showing you here is a chart from price charts.com. Now, before I say anything further, this is a paid service, you will
538 01:26:40,440 --> 01:26:50,460 have to pay for this, okay? To get this particular chart, you don't have to have this chart, I just simply like this chart, when you see my videos, I don't
539 01:26:50,700 --> 01:26:59,730 always share this format, okay, cuz I really print these charts out and really mark them up with pin. And yes, I still do that archaic way of doing, even with
540 01:26:59,880 --> 01:27:08,370 having computers, you have the ying yang here, I still like to mark up paper charts. That's how I started I'm old school. So you know, dinosaurs 20 years
541 01:27:08,370 --> 01:27:17,340 ago, we didn't have the wonderful things we have now. You know, your high end technical traders. But if you don't want to use price charts, calm and pay the
542 01:27:17,340 --> 01:27:27,360 money for the absolutely gorgeous charts, you can go on their website and try their two week free demo, okay, and he's created email address because they're
543 01:27:27,360 --> 01:27:35,460 going to spam you. Okay, I'm telling you upfront, they're going to spam you. And you can try for two weeks for free. And never use the email address again. And
544 01:27:35,490 --> 01:27:45,180 you they can keep sending all their publications trying to get you to subscribe to an email address, you never touch again. Or you can go to bar chart.com and
545 01:27:45,180 --> 01:27:51,390 pull up the chart like we're going to show later on in this video how you can do it for free. And I know a lot of you're saying Yay, Thank you, Michael for free.
546 01:27:51,390 --> 01:27:59,370 But, you know, sometimes it's nice to pay a little bit of money, it's not a lot of money you would be getting as an expense to get this but it to me, you know,
547 01:27:59,400 --> 01:28:06,330 if you do like to print them out, or if you'd like to have electronic doesn't make a difference. I just like to have them in hardcopy because I draw all kinds
548 01:28:06,330 --> 01:28:16,290 of notes all over them. But if you look down here, and we have the net short position and net long position and the zero basis line, and I'm going to show
549 01:28:16,290 --> 01:28:28,770 you that right here, this is the zero line file that across the chart. Okay. See that right here? What this is indicating is zero basis line. Anything above zero
550 01:28:28,770 --> 01:28:38,940 is net long. Anything below is net short. The commercials are the heaviest black line. That's this line right here. Okay. And you see what they have here, large
551 01:28:38,940 --> 01:28:48,690 net long position, largest they had. And look down here we have the commercials diametrically opposed to the large speculators. They're the funds. Okay. Now
552 01:28:48,720 --> 01:28:50,160 notice what's going on here.
553 01:28:51,690 --> 01:29:06,690 As price had dropped in the Euro, this long big trend going lower from 150 down to 120. That's 3000 pips. Okay. 3000 pips of a down move. Okay. The large
554 01:29:06,690 --> 01:29:17,310 speculators were pretty much with that whole trend all the way to the very end.  The commercials were buying the whole way up. Okay, I'm sorry, all the way down.
555 01:29:17,310 --> 01:29:32,430 They were buying large numbers of net long position when the Euro finally when the Euro came down the 120. The diametrically opposed tug of war, okay, the tide
556 01:29:32,430 --> 01:29:42,600 changed, price changed and moved higher, started trading higher. And then they got in sync with the now new bull move. Okay, as the commercials not started
557 01:29:42,600 --> 01:29:50,940 liquidator long positions, who was assuming the other side of the long positions, they're selling the funds. Okay, you see how there's an entertains
558 01:29:50,940 --> 01:30:00,780 relationship between the two. As the commercials move higher, the funds start moving lower. This is one of the absolutely wonderful secrets. If you We'll to
559 01:30:00,780 --> 01:30:11,160 how the dynamics of the marketplace work. And if you understand the relationship between these two, okay, it's a dance. Okay? It's a beautiful dance between two
560 01:30:11,160 --> 01:30:19,290 entities in the marketplace to absolutely give you every insight that you would absolutely love to know. But you probably didn't even know you needed to need
561 01:30:19,290 --> 01:30:27,090 this have had this information. I mean, think about it. If you didn't see this before, you probably never many of you probably never even knew this existed,
562 01:30:27,480 --> 01:30:34,230 let alone Let it be free information. Okay, because there's information, the information is free, they have to buy it. This is one thing the government did,
563 01:30:34,230 --> 01:30:45,060 right? They forced large traders to tell us whether they're net long or net short now imagine if they could do that for stocks. I mean, that'd be wonderful
564 01:30:45,090 --> 01:30:52,740 for a once we have no problem making money then. Okay. So now looking at this example, okay, here we have the, like we were talking about earlier, we have a
565 01:30:52,740 --> 01:31:03,990 net long position by the commercials. Okay, net long, hugely net long, okay, and then eventually, price starts to move higher, then they swing down below net
566 01:31:03,990 --> 01:31:12,150 zero. So now they're bearish to have a net short position. What do you think price should be doing at that point, it's going to correct you see that happen
567 01:31:12,150 --> 01:31:21,960 here? It comes down and corrects to what an old support level and see this?  Okay, price comes down to that price level. Now, also look very closely, you'll
568 01:31:21,960 --> 01:31:31,050 see price moving up aggressively, and then trading all the back coming back inside of that range right there. Okay, see that? This is optimal trade entry.
569 01:31:31,380 --> 01:31:43,770 This is the classic ICT entry pattern. Okay. If you were an indicator driven trader, if you look for over sold bullish divergence scenarios in this
570 01:31:43,770 --> 01:31:55,350 environment right in here, you would have hugely popular results in terms of success being a buyer at that time point. Okay, that's when your indicators
571 01:31:55,350 --> 01:32:03,060 work. And also notice once we got back down to this level one, you know it the commercials were now net long. So now they're re assuming another long position
572 01:32:03,930 --> 01:32:13,830 to the trend, if you will, is in a bull market, and you want to be in sync with with them. So here they are the net long the large speculators are the funds,
573 01:32:13,860 --> 01:32:22,440 they're short here, okay, they wrote this little bit of a move down. Now it's time to get in gear with the move higher again resumed the primary macro trend
574 01:32:22,440 --> 01:32:32,310 higher to commercials established new Long's in here, price should be rallying as it rallies the unwind that hedge. And as they drop it off in here, who's
575 01:32:32,310 --> 01:32:40,950 buying the other side of it? Large funds until we get to a diametrically opposed position. Again, when we have this extreme, largest net short position in the
576 01:32:40,950 --> 01:32:50,340 last 12 months, there should be a high for me, there's your high. Now, price comes back up to an old level of support resistance, we have a price move from
577 01:32:50,340 --> 01:33:00,840 this high down to this low grade. And here. If you look at the weekly chart, as we discussed in the position trading set, we talked about weekly order blocks,
578 01:33:01,140 --> 01:33:10,440 you'll see price in this example comes right up to that price point. Okay. And that's when gives you the high based on the fundamental drivers in co2 data and
579 01:33:10,920 --> 01:33:22,830 we start to move lower and resume the downtrend. Okay. Because we have an another net short position extreme weather commercials. Okay. So that's a
580 01:33:22,830 --> 01:33:34,050 graphic depiction, if you will. So that's a graphic depiction, if you will, of the trend of the commercials or trade Commitment of Traders and commercials and
581 01:33:34,050 --> 01:33:46,770 how they move. But look at this example here. Okay, this is what gets a lot of folks disgruntled with the use of Commitment of Traders.
582 01:33:48,180 --> 01:33:58,980 Looking at where we are just simply over, are we above or below the zero line?  That's not enough, you have to have price action included with the
583 01:33:58,980 --> 01:34:06,150 understanding, because if you're looking at this example, here, you can clearly see that there was a diametrically opposed position between two net shorts held
584 01:34:06,150 --> 01:34:19,170 by commercials and net longs held by the large speculators. So the common sense tell us that we should be expecting a high to form but look what takes place.
585 01:34:19,500 --> 01:34:30,390 These are weekly candles, okay? There's roughly three months Okay, or so before the actual high was formed, and then start to see the Euro start trading down.
586 01:34:30,390 --> 01:34:39,960 So that's why I'm trying to explain to you this, not just simply having the, the natural position or net long positions of the commercials, okay, that's not
587 01:34:39,960 --> 01:34:48,210 enough. You have to have support resistance. You have to have market structure.  You have to have all those facets together to complement your analysis and not
588 01:34:48,210 --> 01:34:50,430 to simply putting everything on one tool.
589 01:34:56,250 --> 01:35:07,080 Now looking obviously at the net long position here How about the commercials when you see that if you have been selling, and you've been bearish, okay,
590 01:35:07,380 --> 01:35:21,870 looking for new shorts, should again start waiting like weaning back the amount of risk on your your shorts and start expecting some level of rejection around
591 01:35:21,870 --> 01:35:30,810 higher level support and resistance levels. Now I don't have the charts in this example. But if you go out to historical charts, and you look at the 120 level,
592 01:35:31,050 --> 01:35:41,610 it's very indicative of a key support level. And when price came down to that level, and if you just recently saw in the last year or so, we were calling the
593 01:35:41,610 --> 01:35:51,330 market to trade around that same level again, and that was the low of the year last year. So when you see that, you know, in video on YouTube, on national
594 01:35:51,330 --> 01:36:01,800 trader, YouTube channel, you can see it's, it's it's there. I mean, it was called in advance. And it is, and it was basically using the information that
595 01:36:01,800 --> 01:36:12,750 I'm showing you here, understanding again, that the idea of support resistance is the the central tenant to why this works, not just simply are the commercials
596 01:36:12,750 --> 01:36:20,310 net long and short. You want to be looking at support resistance. You want to be looking at market structure, are we in a overall bullish or bearish market
597 01:36:20,310 --> 01:36:28,980 environment? Are we making higher highs, higher lows, we're making lower lows and lower highs have we broken significant resistance and then has it turned to
598 01:36:28,980 --> 01:36:39,900 support and now as the commercials signifying that there's a major trend change underway, okay, as we see here in the year 2009, around April in June time
599 01:36:39,900 --> 01:36:48,180 period, all of a sudden, that low formed and they had an astronomical opportunity to capture a huge amount of pips.
600 01:36:53,970 --> 01:37:02,340 Same thing can be said here, when we have this extreme level net short position, you're probably thinking, well, I don't have a lot of time to be waiting around
601 01:37:02,340 --> 01:37:11,400 for these yearly moves here, okay, you know, these net long extremes, I don't have time for that, well, that's wonderful, okay, you don't have to have time.
602 01:37:12,210 --> 01:37:21,270 All you need to know is where we're at in terms of the trend, okay, and you can get in sync with that. If we see that there's a heavy net short position here.
603 01:37:22,470 --> 01:37:32,520 We don't have to have the bets are highly leveraged, okay. We're gonna see the high form in this euro market, okay, we would expect it to break down then try
604 01:37:32,520 --> 01:37:45,120 to rally again, kind of like it in here. See, price broke down, took out an old low rally again failed. If you look at optimal trade entry concepts, this is
605 01:37:45,120 --> 01:37:53,280 your your entry point right here. This is what you would be looking for. Then when you break down below the low that this formed. This is when you have a very
606 01:37:53,280 --> 01:38:03,600 clear shift in market structure or break in structure. Then at low that's anchored to this high here, retraces then you have another apple transitory read
607 01:38:03,600 --> 01:38:13,950 in here. And boom, you have a nice sell off. Okay, several 100 pips again made available to you. That's what this concept teaches you. It doesn't give you the
608 01:38:13,950 --> 01:38:26,550 50 PIP trades, okay? It doesn't give you the 120 pips weekly ranges, okay. It gives you the 500 plus PIP moves to 1000 pips, okay. That's the type of trades
609 01:38:26,550 --> 01:38:36,450 that sets up. Now, looking again, at this area here where we went short by the commercials, okay, there's a lot of money to be made just trading inside of
610 01:38:36,450 --> 01:38:45,630 this, but keeping their perspective in mind and knowing that, okay, we just came out of a net long position, that's extreme, were retracing, if we come back down
611 01:38:45,630 --> 01:38:52,890 to these levels here support at around 130. See how it bounced off that level there. Okay, we had some resistance here. And it did violate a little bit, okay.
612 01:38:52,890 --> 01:39:02,340 But generally, you see the bounce here. When we trade it back down at 130 level and commercials when net long. With the backdrop of this net long position
613 01:39:02,340 --> 01:39:13,320 extreme, you have to have this in mind that this could be a very explosive move, coming off of that 130 level, simply utilizing the market structure shift that
614 01:39:13,320 --> 01:39:22,740 took place here. So you have a high and then blew through it right there. Okay, we have a market structure shift comes back down to noon, resistance broken. Now
615 01:39:22,740 --> 01:39:33,810 support with commercials on the backside of neck long position by the commercials, man that's like a, that's like candy, that's candy. And these set
616 01:39:33,840 --> 01:39:44,490 up one to two times a year. That's where you hunt. That's what you want to be the 90% of your time, looking at studying in price. You're looking for these
617 01:39:44,490 --> 01:39:53,580 scenarios here. Okay, you're looking for them. Because once you identify that, look at how much time you have when trend starts moving. When you're in these
618 01:39:53,580 --> 01:40:02,610 consolidations like this, and like this and here, okay, and down in here, you have to be a harmonic trader. Okay, during consolidations, when the markets in
619 01:40:02,610 --> 01:40:11,430 training ranges, that's when harmonic trading is ideal. That's when you make money with harmonics, trading crabs and in gartley and such, okay? But the way
620 01:40:11,430 --> 01:40:20,430 you make astronomical explosive profits, okay? And risk reward is astronomical, is when you catch these types of moves here, you put the trade on with very,
621 01:40:20,430 --> 01:40:30,030 very low risk, and you'll let them run. Okay, these are what I call mega trades.  Okay, I kind of dubbed that back in the late 90s, where you look for one or two
622 01:40:30,030 --> 01:40:39,660 big moves a year and 97 year study time is based on that. And if you look at the work over the last four years that I've been dealing with, just with forex, on
623 01:40:39,690 --> 01:40:48,840 on the internet, all the major moves has been pretty much called by me in advance, and I'm not trying to beat my chest and brag, okay, but asking around
624 01:40:48,840 --> 01:40:52,740 and there's not a whole lot of people that can do that, and it hasn't been documented as well.
625 01:40:58,620 --> 01:41:10,380 Alright, so now we're gonna focus in on this net long position here. When we see this environment, what do you look for? Well, I like to look for a combination
626 01:41:10,380 --> 01:41:21,420 of things. Obviously, I want to see a market structure shift on a intraday basis. Okay, because it you're gonna see the chain change on an intraday level
627 01:41:21,510 --> 01:41:31,890 intraday level before you see it clearly on the weekly and daily, okay, it's gonna happen on the intraday levels first, but what happens is many times folks
628 01:41:31,890 --> 01:41:40,470 are spending too much time on an intraday basis and not spending enough time where we are on a macro level as it relates to the intraday Okay, so now we're
629 01:41:40,470 --> 01:41:50,670 say put way too much emphasis on the intraday. When we get to these environments like this, then I'm very, very keen on knowing what the intraday levels look
630 01:41:50,670 --> 01:41:57,360 like around noon to five and 15 minute and one hour basis because if we're trading at these price levels and around time of day and we start seeing
631 01:41:57,360 --> 01:42:07,140 explosive moves up, I'm gonna be looking for that retracement. Okay, I'm gonna be looking for bullish harmonic patterns, I'm gonna be looking for optimal trade
632 01:42:07,140 --> 01:42:17,640 entries, I'm gonna be looking for bullish reflection pattern ITT reflections, I'm gonna be looking for you to open up the days near the low, okay, and very
633 01:42:17,640 --> 01:42:26,040 minor moves from the opening down and then exploding up to close high on day.  That's that's the, that's the environment I'm looking for. If I start seeing
634 01:42:26,040 --> 01:42:36,270 that unfold in on a daily on the daily ranges, I know I probably got a tiger by the tail. And if I can get an intraday pullback on an hourly or four or four
635 01:42:36,270 --> 01:42:45,870 hour basis, and catch an optimal trade entry, you know, based on like a big figure number or mid figure or an institutional level based on an initial pop,
636 01:42:45,930 --> 01:42:54,390 because you want to buy the first return. When we see that big surge up and it starts to retrace, I'm going to be testing the waters and trying to catch that
637 01:42:54,390 --> 01:43:03,420 first return from where we came from at that 120 level, it may not get right back down to that 120 level. In fact, I don't want to go down to the 120 level,
638 01:43:03,780 --> 01:43:13,800 I want to see it blast off and try to fill in the expansion of the recent price action. Once it retraces back into an existing order block on a lower timeframe,
639 01:43:14,160 --> 01:43:25,440 I'd be looking to be a buyer there. And then whatever market profits I can acquire during that initial move. That's what I'll use as a buffer to allow me
640 01:43:25,440 --> 01:43:38,070 to take initial, you know, Long's on the, you know, the swing setup, like we would have in here, right in here. So if I if I can make money down here on this
641 01:43:38,070 --> 01:43:48,810 movement here, okay, if I get a bounce in here, whatever profits I have initially, I'm going to use that to maximize the leverage, okay? When I get the
642 01:43:48,810 --> 01:43:58,410 scenario here, because this is the trend following event, where we'll see the explosive portion of the trend and the longest portion of the trend unfold right
643 01:43:58,410 --> 01:44:09,990 in here. Okay, and we're gonna look at an example of the Canadian dollar later on exactly what I did this year. Alright, this is what it looks like on a forex
644 01:44:09,990 --> 01:44:19,980 chart. Okay, same thing. All we're doing is looking at the data in a forex platform. And this is at the time this was actually done with an FX cm. I don't
645 01:44:19,980 --> 01:44:28,920 trade with FX at the moment. But this is that that charting platform that was used and you can see the price did make the low here just like it did in the
646 01:44:28,920 --> 01:44:39,000 commodity market, and price rally. And then here's that retracement back down into a an existing waterblock rallied up retraced optimal trade entry and then
647 01:44:39,000 --> 01:44:49,140 boom for the trend continuation. Here's where the commercials for net long, wildly net long and here's where they move, move back to a net long position and
648 01:44:49,170 --> 01:45:02,640 all of a sudden took off. A lot of money to be made right there. Lots and lots of money to be made and something like that. Now rate in here, this scenario,
649 01:45:02,910 --> 01:45:11,760 okay, much like we had described down here, I would be looking for very similar types of events I'd be looking for, you know, if you're an indicator based
650 01:45:11,760 --> 01:45:22,950 trader, like MACD or something like that, you could be looking for bullish divergence, you could be looking for trades to set up with the Judas swing. In
651 01:45:22,950 --> 01:45:32,790 other words, if price trades initially intraday lower for the day, I would expect price to make the low that day first and then rally up, I could be
652 01:45:33,000 --> 01:45:46,470 expected to find I see reflection patterns, bullish harmonic patterns, okay. But the problem, okay, harmonic traders have is they'll be taking profits way too
653 01:45:46,470 --> 01:45:57,360 early. Okay. Because yes, we're inside of an ideal range environment for harmonic trading. But they'll cut their profits short, not understanding where
654 01:45:57,360 --> 01:46:02,460 we are on a macro level perspective. And they'll cheat themselves all of the existence,
655 01:46:03,900 --> 01:46:17,550 potential profits that made available and by doing that, it kills the, in my opinion, it kills the necessity to be just a harmonic trader, even though I have
656 01:46:17,550 --> 01:46:27,270 harmonic skills in my trading. I'm not, quote unquote, a harmonic trader, I am a dynamic trader, and I understand market profiling. So when you understand how to
657 01:46:27,270 --> 01:46:33,570 profile a market, you can work within any market environment and be able to reap profits.
658 01:46:38,640 --> 01:46:48,960 So looking at this, we can actually see a turtle soup, which is a false break below an old low, quick rejection. Now think about it. Price had rallied up
659 01:46:48,960 --> 01:46:58,320 here, came down and bounced, where would the funds and trend traders, okay, they were looking at the buy down here, or maybe even down here, here? Where were
660 01:46:58,320 --> 01:47:07,710 they now immediately move their stop loss to right below here, right. So watch what happens. Price rallies and comes back down, takes out the stops? Why would
661 01:47:07,710 --> 01:47:17,700 they do that? Why would price come all the way back down here just to come down to this below this area, quickly run it in rally away, because these stops are
662 01:47:17,700 --> 01:47:26,370 going to be what? Sell stops, sell stops when they're triggered at market price right here. When price comes down in your hand hits that level here. All of the
663 01:47:26,370 --> 01:47:35,850 pending orders down here become what market orders to do what to sell. Why?  Because they're net long in here. So if they're trying to protect your position,
664 01:47:35,880 --> 01:47:43,200 they want to sell out of it because they don't want to lose any money, okay, or maybe lose some of the profits, what will happen is price will come down,
665 01:47:43,680 --> 01:47:54,390 trigger those pending orders, the sell stop becomes a market order to sell at market who's going to buy at market smart money. So they knock these guys out of
666 01:47:54,390 --> 01:48:02,670 them. They're completely off the bus now. And they assume their seat right before the bus takes off. And hence the destination they wanted to be part of
667 01:48:03,540 --> 01:48:18,330 town here, here and here. So when we start to see rejections and, and raids on liquidity pools right below old lows, I love seeing that 90% of the best moves
668 01:48:18,660 --> 01:48:27,870 take place with this environment right in here. Okay? Now, here's the wonderful thing is the daily chart. If you see the reaction like this, come down here and
669 01:48:27,960 --> 01:48:38,700 take that out and reject, you can now look for the environment where the market opens and trades lower initially for the day by that by that initial low moving
670 01:48:38,820 --> 01:48:46,080 off of the opening, okay, during the London session, the London session is going to create the load that typically in that environment, and you'll see the market
671 01:48:46,080 --> 01:48:54,630 rally up close high on the day. And then you'll see that phenomenon unfold as we move higher. Okay, but with minor retracements as we go along. Every time the
672 01:48:54,630 --> 01:49:05,640 price retraces Okay, it comes back to an order block. Okay, or comes back to an old support, resistance broken turn support of resistance, broken turn support,
673 01:49:06,180 --> 01:49:16,470 resistance, broken turn support, or resistance broken turn support. Each one of those environments is an opportunity for you to be a buyer using directional
674 01:49:16,470 --> 01:49:25,980 premise. There's no rocket science to it, it's just a matter of looking for a combination of ingredients, and then following the recipe to get Blue Ribbon
675 01:49:25,980 --> 01:49:34,260 results. And it takes some effort guys, it's not simply a magic wand where you waving in front of your screen and it's going to be a neon sign, okay? Or I'm
676 01:49:34,260 --> 01:49:42,960 not gonna be on here every day tweeting, hey, look, it's a bi day or this is the day you buy. Don't Don't, don't look to me as an Oracle. I'm not that. I am an
677 01:49:42,960 --> 01:49:49,500 educator. I'm trying to teach you how to do this for yourself. I've been doing it for 20 years. I know this stuff works. It makes lots and lots and lots of
678 01:49:49,500 --> 01:50:01,410 money and you don't need to do a whole lot to make a lot of money. Alright, so now looking at again, the price action that takes place here right before this,
679 01:50:01,410 --> 01:50:08,730 this is an optimal trade entry. Okay, so if you've run your fibs across this price action, you will see this take place, the main thing I really want you to
680 01:50:08,730 --> 01:50:18,120 understand is what makes this optimal is that it comes back and fills this range. Okay, from the low to high, right before it takes off this explosive
681 01:50:18,120 --> 01:50:28,620 move. This is what is indicative of institutional order flow. This is only going to occur when there's going to be institutional sponsorship, people that have
682 01:50:28,620 --> 01:50:38,820 lots and lots and lots of money at their disposal, and they're putting it to work by buying this currency. And when it rallies up like this, okay, it has to
683 01:50:38,820 --> 01:50:47,370 cool down, just like we saw in the commitment traders, they went net short. And that's why you see this retracement, what do they do? Again, they went to a net
684 01:50:47,370 --> 01:50:57,180 long position. So these are buying more aggressively right in here. And they accumulated even more of the positions made through liquidity by running out the
685 01:50:57,210 --> 01:51:07,140 old low here, notice there was no other load taken out prior, this is the one that's going to cause the x exponential surge higher in price when you see that
686 01:51:07,440 --> 01:51:12,870 in a move up, you see this, you like to trade the A to B C to D? You know,
687 01:51:14,190 --> 01:51:24,060 price projections. Okay? When you see this phenomenon, this is what is the telltale signature point. And guess what no one else teaches that nobody on
688 01:51:24,060 --> 01:51:34,020 internet teaches that. But this is the perfect scenario to justify when an ABCD extension, okay, a price swing, when that takes place. This is what's there
689 01:51:34,020 --> 01:51:46,560 always. Okay. But that in your notes, every ABCD extension, or price swing or measured move always has this in it. Every single one of them when it comes down
690 01:51:46,560 --> 01:51:53,910 blows out too low in an existing price swing up. This is when you know what's going to happen. When it violates and rejects That's it, you know, you're gonna
691 01:51:53,910 --> 01:52:03,480 get an extension. What do you mean by that? Well, watch this take the low to this high see that range from this low to high. When this thing rallies up, it's
692 01:52:03,480 --> 01:52:13,290 going to do this same measure move from this low to high off the low. And you can see the range from this low to high is duplicated from this low to this
693 01:52:13,290 --> 01:52:26,400 high. So now you know how to do a confirmation if you will have one of the quote unquote, basic harmonic patterns that no one else teaches. Alright, now,
694 01:52:26,490 --> 01:52:33,870 obviously, it sounds like, you know, it's so easy, you can't wait to get out and start looking at commitment traders and start making lots of money. But I want
695 01:52:33,870 --> 01:52:44,490 you to understand, it's not always as clear as we would hope. Many times, it's simply understanding, are we reducing net shorts? Or are we reducing net longs,
696 01:52:44,520 --> 01:52:51,900 it doesn't necessarily have to be a net long net short position that tells us something. And that's when another tool needs to come into play. And that's
697 01:52:51,900 --> 01:52:53,970 going to be the tool of open interest.
698 01:52:59,490 --> 01:53:06,600 When we see price action like this, where the commercials are already net long, okay, but they were coming out of the net long positions aggressively and then
699 01:53:06,600 --> 01:53:17,580 they added aggressively right here. This is indicative, okay, of a buy. This is supporting a buy. Okay? They are Yes, net long, but they have been aggressively
700 01:53:17,580 --> 01:53:28,560 coming off in that long. But when they see this buying surge again in here that happens that occur right here. When we come back down to this swing, this low in
701 01:53:28,560 --> 01:53:38,700 here. When we look at price coming down to these levels in here, we're gonna find support does justify them increasing net long positions. And you see price
702 01:53:38,700 --> 01:53:51,030 taken off, okay? It's not again, it's not indicative of easy winnings by simply looking at the net short, natural and net long position for the commercial.
703 01:53:51,030 --> 01:54:02,460 That's not enough, you need to have a little bit of perspective, if you will, if, for instance, I'll give you this if the commercial are heavily net short,
704 01:54:02,970 --> 01:54:14,580 okay, if they're heavily net short, that would be you know, viewed as they have a fundamental reason to expect lower prices soon, sometime soon. They expect
705 01:54:14,580 --> 01:54:23,700 fundamentally that the price should not go much higher, and it should be a retracement of some sort or altogether a reversal. But if they aggressively
706 01:54:24,090 --> 01:54:39,240 change gears, okay, and they don't think that there is a likelihood of the move occurring on a timescale that they thought they may aggressively change their
707 01:54:39,270 --> 01:54:50,460 net position. Okay, and that is useful, okay, because you can see that here we have a net overall net short position, their net short here, but then look what
708 01:54:50,460 --> 01:55:00,540 they do. They rapidly reduce their net short position right before the big move takes place out of this consolidation inside of this move right in Here, if you
709 01:55:00,540 --> 01:55:08,310 looked at open interest, which we'll talk more about in a little bit, no open interest decline. I know this for a fact, because I have the information I'm not
710 01:55:09,120 --> 01:55:18,240 looking at trading opportunities back then, looking at this in here, you'll see open interest decline, open interest is only going to decline if commercials are
711 01:55:18,240 --> 01:55:29,250 covering shorts rapidly, because they are the market entity that creates the markets for us in the futures market. So if they are the largest net short, or
712 01:55:29,460 --> 01:55:38,640 seller in the marketplace, they have a real reason to be selling. And then because they are hedging, if they are rapidly reducing their natural position,
713 01:55:39,150 --> 01:55:46,800 that's telling you something fundamentally that they don't think it's going to go lower immediately soon, they expect a sizable move, and when you know 1000
714 01:55:46,800 --> 01:55:51,570 PIP move and Sue's before it starts to take a turn of events and makes it go lower.
715 01:55:56,910 --> 01:56:08,970 Now, again, going back to this in here, okay? It's important that you understand that there is a lot of swing trades available throughout the year by using this
716 01:56:08,970 --> 01:56:17,580 information. This is a daily chart, these are all daily candles, when you see price surge like this initially, okay, it starts to retrace, you want to be
717 01:56:17,580 --> 01:56:25,290 focusing on support resistance, you want to be looking for order blocks, okay, which would be the last bearish candle before the big move, okay, that's where
718 01:56:25,290 --> 01:56:34,290 the Smart Money accumulates in down moves. Okay. As we discussed how the commercials trade in a large macro span of price swings, the same thing happens
719 01:56:34,320 --> 01:56:42,000 on a daily chart, you know, on down days, that's when they accumulate Long's.  Okay, how many times have you looked at a stock chart? Have you looked at an
720 01:56:42,000 --> 01:56:53,880 indicee? Okay, or a currency and we had real big washout day, you know, big 200 pips down day, and the very next day, it rockets up 150 next day continues on
721 01:56:53,880 --> 01:57:05,370 and never turns around. They accumulated long positions during those down days, you need to think like a smart trader, okay. And smart traders are, what we dub
722 01:57:05,370 --> 01:57:16,500 as smart money. smart money buys, when prices dropping, you have to get that in your mind. And don't be afraid you, you need to grow comfortable buying when
723 01:57:16,500 --> 01:57:27,000 prices screaming going lower. And I know it sounds like it doesn't make any bit of sense. But that's exactly what works. Okay, you want to be trading in the
724 01:57:27,000 --> 01:57:37,170 opposite direction you want to see a profit in. Alright, so basically, as it relates to Commitment of Traders, you need to start listening to the herd. Okay,
725 01:57:37,170 --> 01:57:42,960 in other words, the forums, people telling you, I'm buying this, I'm buying that the guys that had the most popular YouTube channel, the most subscribers by yada
726 01:57:42,960 --> 01:57:50,190 yada, these guys don't know what they're doing. They talk a good game, but they have no idea what they're doing. The way you stay informed is you want to be
727 01:57:50,190 --> 01:57:58,770 focusing in on the smart money. And here's the wonderful thing, they make the information available for free, you want to trade in the direction of the most
728 01:57:58,770 --> 01:58:08,940 recent 12 month commercial net position, you want to wait for price to form intermediate term swings, use optimal trade entry patterns to enter and trade
729 01:58:08,940 --> 01:58:17,250 with the large traders. Now again, that's not the commercials, the large traders are those long trend following long term trend following traders, okay. They are
730 01:58:17,250 --> 01:58:26,880 going to be assuming the other side of the liquidation of the hedges that the commercial traders absorb and accumulate during these big price swings. You want
731 01:58:26,880 --> 01:58:37,800 to filter out long when commitment traders reaches a fresh 12 months and or four year extreme on the commercial net short position. Now think about that. You're
732 01:58:37,800 --> 01:58:48,300 getting rid of the necessity to feel like you're gonna make a million dollars on an long position, when fundamentally it's not likely to happen. That's wealth
733 01:58:48,330 --> 01:58:57,300 making insight right there. You want to filter out shorts when the Commitment of Traders reaches fresh 12 month or four year extremes on commercial net long
734 01:58:57,300 --> 01:59:07,050 positions. All we did was reverse the scenario. When we see commitment traders reaching a 12 months or four year extreme in net long positions. You want to be
735 01:59:07,050 --> 01:59:14,160 filtering your short positions and reducing risk not to say you can't day trade.  And so you can't you're not saying you don't have opportunity to be a seller
736 01:59:14,160 --> 01:59:22,980 still, but you just have to be mindful that anytime soon, there's going to be a major upset of that downtrend. And it's going to be aggressive, many times it
737 01:59:22,980 --> 01:59:31,860 unfolds very aggressively. You want to trade with the co2 trend engineered by the commercials. You want to look for seasonal tendencies that line up with the
738 01:59:31,860 --> 01:59:44,310 net readings of what's what you see in price action. And by doing that, you're going to have the framework for remarkable trade setups. Now for more
739 01:59:44,310 --> 01:59:54,870 information on commitment traders, obviously not to resources that I think are really good are the commitments of traders Bible by Stephen Reese and trading
740 01:59:54,870 --> 02:00:02,430 stocks and commodities with the insiders. Secret of the CIT report by Larry Williams and I don't have it listed here. But I always talk about every time I
741 02:00:02,430 --> 02:00:12,540 talk about books. If you don't have Larry Williams, how I made a million dollars trading commodities last year book, again, it was a 1970s book. And it's still
742 02:00:12,540 --> 02:00:22,770 absolutely timely today, the information is related to commercials in there and open interest is what I'm discussing here. Okay. And I think it's one of the
743 02:00:22,770 --> 02:00:32,400 absolute gems in technical analysis, that honestly, a lot of people read his book, a lot of people know that commitment traders, a lot of people know what
744 02:00:32,400 --> 02:00:44,400 interest open interest is, but not a lot of people actually use it, because if they did, they'd be wildly successful. So going ahead, going forward. If you
745 02:00:44,400 --> 02:00:54,240 find yourself another resource that provides commitment, traded resources, and you think it's useful to the subscribers to my work, obviously, I would love to
746 02:00:54,240 --> 02:00:57,750 have a heads up about it. Again, we talked about
747 02:00:59,010 --> 02:01:10,320 using bar chart Comm. And you see me using bar chart, bar chart calm in my videos. But I mentioned in here, price charts calm. And I think that, to me, I
748 02:01:10,320 --> 02:01:20,250 think Mark chart is just as good as price charts calm, if not better, because it's free and allows the subscribers to my material to do without having any any
749 02:01:20,250 --> 02:01:28,260 kind of paid resources. And I know a lot of guys who are on short budgets, but eventually at some point, you might want to avail yourself some resources and
750 02:01:28,260 --> 02:01:38,730 spend a little bit of money in it. There's nothing wrong with that. But if you find something that's comparable to the ones I've suggested here to share it,
751 02:01:38,880 --> 02:01:53,040 share it with me and I'll share it with subscribers and pass that insight on to others. Okay, how to capture explosive forex profits. Now I know this is exactly
752 02:01:53,040 --> 02:02:01,590 what everybody wants to know, right. All right, Michael, how do I make money?  This is great. We're talking about a lot of theory here. You're boring me to
753 02:02:01,590 --> 02:02:09,690 death? How do I make money? How do I get in the marketplace and find these big moves? Okay, you're showing this stuff in hindsight, but how do I how do I look
754 02:02:09,690 --> 02:02:21,450 forward going ahead? Well, understand this. One of the biggest moneymakers that I have is trading with the weekly range. And weekly range is one of the
755 02:02:21,450 --> 02:02:34,530 absolutely beautiful scenarios where you get the lines portion of the weekly range. And ideally, you want to be buying very near the weekly low. And you want
756 02:02:34,530 --> 02:02:49,050 to be able to absorb the time required to hold on to the position until late Thursday. And even as late as Friday. It's close. there's a there's a little
757 02:02:49,050 --> 02:03:03,330 study I made a lot of folks do why am I initially put out this information 2010.  I asked everyone to simply look at the weekly range over a 15 minute chart, I'm
758 02:03:03,330 --> 02:03:12,240 not going to compress your your 15 minute chart, and delineate the days that way. It gives you a vertical line delineating when the days begin and end. And I
759 02:03:12,240 --> 02:03:22,590 want you to notice that reoccurring pattern it takes place. And I know many folks have been training for a long period of time, I had commented in email
760 02:03:22,590 --> 02:03:31,590 saying was pretty obvious in it. Well, my question is, if it's so obvious, how did you use the information to trade the weekly rains on a consistent basis,
761 02:03:31,860 --> 02:03:43,110 we're able to use the information and use it to facilitate a trading plan. And they never replied with any information to the to the effect that they did. So
762 02:03:43,650 --> 02:03:52,740 what I'm suggesting to you is this to go into your charts and go for the next couple weeks. Okay, I'm going to show you how if you focus on the monthly,
763 02:03:52,740 --> 02:04:04,020 weekly and daily and you arrive at a premise to directional bias on co2 data, the 18 to 40 moving average concept that we just discussed and we'll talk more
764 02:04:04,020 --> 02:04:15,600 about in a little bit here. If you look at when it's positioned to move higher or expected to be bullish, if you look at the activity on a weekly chart, or
765 02:04:15,600 --> 02:04:23,580 weekly basis rather over a whole week, timespan, and it's easy to see it on like a 15 minute time frame compresses you have the whole Sunday to Friday's close.
766 02:04:24,120 --> 02:04:36,810 You'll see that the weekly high in a bearish environment typically forms around Tuesday's London open session. And many times if it's going to be a down week,
767 02:04:36,840 --> 02:04:49,320 it'll form no later than Wednesday's London open. There is a 70 to 80% chance of that phenomenon taking place. Again, if it's a bearish environment, you're
768 02:04:49,320 --> 02:04:59,700 expected to see lower prices because the overall macro trend is bearish. What will happen is is Sunday's opening will open and Monday's trading will generally
769 02:04:59,850 --> 02:05:08,760 be consolidation and then it'll start to move up. Okay? What happens is all the neophyte traders start thinking this is going to be the next big move up. So
770 02:05:08,760 --> 02:05:17,280 they start buying and buying and buying and buying, and on Tuesday, okay?  what'll happen is during the asian session Monday into Tuesday, there'll be more
771 02:05:17,280 --> 02:05:26,550 consolidation and then what happens? They'll ramp it up real aggressively up.  And that's what we call a Judas swing, okay? Or it's like a fake out. Or what I
772 02:05:26,550 --> 02:05:39,750 just recently dubbed it for those that make fun of the Judas swings name. It's the open rally sell. down close. Okay, so to open rally. So, okay, so I know
773 02:05:39,750 --> 02:05:50,580 what you're looking for an opening, looking at midnight in New York time, the initial move up, at that time point, going into the London open session around
774 02:05:50,580 --> 02:05:52,980 three o'clock in the morning. In New York time.
775 02:05:54,360 --> 02:06:01,680 Generally, between two o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the morning, New York time, in that environment, the high, the high of The day will form.
776 02:06:01,800 --> 02:06:11,640 Now, if it happens to be on a Tuesday, or Wednesdays London open, you have an 80% chance that that's going to be the weekly high. Don't take my word on it, go
777 02:06:11,640 --> 02:06:19,350 through your charts, and study it. Okay. And I'm telling you, I know what's going to happen. I'm going to get three to 400 emails again, saying I can't
778 02:06:19,350 --> 02:06:27,150 believe it's been there all this time. Yeah, you're right. It's been there all this time. And again, nobody talks about it. But ICT in bullish environments,
779 02:06:27,390 --> 02:06:36,090 okay. What will happen is the market will open on Sunday, consolidate it or trade lower on Monday, and then Tuesday, oh, consolidate and then there'll be a
780 02:06:36,090 --> 02:06:46,440 rapid decline going into Tuesday's London open or between two o'clock and four o'clock in the morning on the East Coast, New York time. Okay. When you have
781 02:06:46,440 --> 02:06:58,080 that window of opportunity, that's the that's the ICT London open kill zone. The opportunity is the expect the weekly low to form on Tuesdays on an open or as
782 02:06:58,080 --> 02:07:06,450 late as Wednesday's London open now. You're probably saying okay, well, no, that's, that's wonderful, but it's still not 100%. You don't need 100%. Okay, if
783 02:07:06,450 --> 02:07:16,530 you had the macro view in line and expecting, you know, the directional premise to be one direction or another based on what we've discussed so far, you have a
784 02:07:16,530 --> 02:07:27,960 lot of the battle already won for you. Now, you're just going to fine tune it down to Okay, well, if the markets predisposed to move higher. And that means
785 02:07:28,050 --> 02:07:40,200 that the market should be closing up on the week. So the rains from the opening on Sunday to close on Friday, ideally should be an up move. So much principle
786 02:07:40,680 --> 02:07:49,920 should suggest that Friday's clothes should be higher than the price that was traded on Sunday. Right? Okay, well, how do we get to that? There's got to be a
787 02:07:49,920 --> 02:07:58,230 low form first, right? Many times what happens is they engineered early beginnings of the week to go lower and a lot of times that fake out sucks and a
788 02:07:58,230 --> 02:08:06,630 lot of neophyte traders. And if you watch the forum's many times, they buy it hook line and sinker and they chase prices going lower. And then they get shell
789 02:08:06,630 --> 02:08:16,500 shocked when they reverse it dramatically. And they drag them across the whole entire weekly range. Okay, folks, we're looking at the Canadian dollars as a
790 02:08:16,500 --> 02:08:27,390 weekly chart. And I want to show you what it looks like. In an example that just recently happened. We have the red line here is its commercials. And where you
791 02:08:27,390 --> 02:08:40,320 get this chart on your on your this is bar chart.com By the way, you go down to the bottom of the page once you load a chart up, click indicator and you're
792 02:08:40,320 --> 02:08:53,160 going to add this one right here. The Commitment of Traders line chart. Okay, that's what you want. You can make it small, medium, large. It's small right now
793 02:08:53,160 --> 02:09:05,550 and on even larger than it is and I got five years on it. So going back, you can see that this is the largest net long position the commercials has had in the
794 02:09:05,550 --> 02:09:20,340 last four years. Okay, it was above the one that we have here. And price traded down to the like 89 level, almost 88 level, big figure. If you go out to a
795 02:09:20,340 --> 02:09:32,310 higher time frame which I'm not going to do here just for time constraints. That is a major support level. We have a net long position and we see price drive
796 02:09:32,310 --> 02:09:42,240 lower but failed to go lower and in rally up breaking market structure highs in here so now everything is bullish, we would expect to see retracements and
797 02:09:42,240 --> 02:09:55,170 moving higher going up. Before we go any further. I want you to take a look at this low here. The lows over here and this low here. Okay and our price went
798 02:09:55,170 --> 02:10:09,090 right to 94 and traded off of that I called 94 Back here, okay. And I called 94 back here as well. And it's all on YouTube and on videos that were shared
799 02:10:09,090 --> 02:10:15,810 through Twitter. So you can go back and take a look at all that stuff. It's not hindsight. I want you to take a look at this purple line here as well because
800 02:10:15,810 --> 02:10:25,410 we're gonna look at this is open interest as it relates to how all this stuff fits together. For right now, as price traded lower, the accumulation of the
801 02:10:25,410 --> 02:10:44,790 Long's held by the commercials indicated there was possibly a reversal on their way. Looking at the daily chart, we have our 18 and 40 day EMAS the green is the
802 02:10:45,330 --> 02:10:49,320 40 and the red is the 18 day
803 02:10:50,820 --> 02:11:12,900 as noted here, exponential moving average and I have the open interest, again open interest can be found by adding it here, or by simply having total volume,
804 02:11:12,900 --> 02:11:21,510 you want to have total volume, not contract volume, you want total volume one, okay? I have nine months on here, you can do whatever you want to do have as
805 02:11:21,510 --> 02:11:37,380 much data you want to show. But looking at what we have. This was the low number two, violate this little consolidation here, rejected ran out and higher. Broke
806 02:11:37,380 --> 02:11:48,930 market structure in here and retraced back to an old resistance now turn support, then rallied again. Okay, came back, found support at old resistance
807 02:11:48,930 --> 02:12:01,440 broken turn support. rally through now we're coming back down to an area of old resistance should act as support old lows back here, it blew through those.
808 02:12:02,040 --> 02:12:10,980 Okay. But now I want to go back and take a look at a few things. We have a consolidation here. open interest declined rapidly. Remember what we talked
809 02:12:10,980 --> 02:12:20,190 about open interest open interest declines rapidly only when the Smurfs commercials are rapidly covering their short selling? Why would they do that?
810 02:12:20,220 --> 02:12:29,430 Because they think bullish prices are on their way. Also, we have a consolidation in here in an existing bullish environment. See the 18 is above
811 02:12:29,430 --> 02:12:43,590 the 40. We have a retracement many optimal trade entry opportunities in here.  But remember, I talked about rate before we see a measurable move, you'll see a
812 02:12:43,590 --> 02:12:55,650 stop run. Here's a low Mark comes down below the low blows it out. And then what do we see the expansion on the upside. Not withstanding that during this
813 02:12:55,650 --> 02:13:04,950 consolidation, we also have a nother drive down in open interest, which we talked about in video before the fact. And we saw prices rally up to what level
814 02:13:05,250 --> 02:13:20,040 294 figure. Now, this is a 500 PIP move. All based on the information that we just discussed. In this particular video. I promise you that if you'd go through
815 02:13:20,040 --> 02:13:32,220 your charts, study them well, you'll see a couple of these form a year, not a million, not one every month, okay, but you have one or two major moves set up
816 02:13:32,250 --> 02:13:42,420 like this, but you can trade in sync with them. Once you have the directional premise in mind, like see we crossed over on the averages, but then later on, we
817 02:13:42,420 --> 02:13:52,560 started seeing the averages open up. Okay, the averages are opened here, all the way through all this, you can day trade this long, with the open drop down
818 02:13:52,560 --> 02:14:04,350 initially in London rally off of that and close higher. Okay, all of us being seen here. You can also find retracements. Okay, for optimal trade entries. All
819 02:14:04,350 --> 02:14:10,830 in this move. Once the average is crossed over here, you wait for the retracement and then the next move up should open the averages and you start
820 02:14:10,830 --> 02:14:18,390 seeing stacking, this is stacking when all the averages open up. much in the same vein that this is stacking on the lower side, the 18 was below the 40 and
821 02:14:18,390 --> 02:14:27,390 you would just continuously look for selling opportunities while that condition exists. Okay. So I counsel you guys to really just spend a lot of time with the
822 02:14:27,390 --> 02:14:36,570 higher time frames because it gives you the the backbone, okay to hold on to a directional premise because you're in sync with the higher timeframe smart
823 02:14:36,570 --> 02:14:36,870 money.
824 02:14:43,500 --> 02:14:52,740 Alright, the swing trade, okay, we talked about the 1840 averages, how it looks, what you do with it on the charts and how the co2 data is useful in that
825 02:14:52,740 --> 02:15:01,620 respect. Okay, but what is it what is the swing trade look like conceptually, what what are you doing? How's it work? How do we confirm The setups you know,
826 02:15:01,710 --> 02:15:09,900 is there something that we can do to build the confidence factor behind trades?  Well, there just happens to be something that I use in my trading that helps me
827 02:15:09,900 --> 02:15:26,520 do that. We're gonna be looking at the ICT swing trading method. Now, what sets up an ICT swing? Okay, well, there's a concept that I released in 2009 and
828 02:15:26,520 --> 02:15:40,050 actually posted this in the forums on forex. mentor.com. Yes. forex mentor.com.  Now forex mentor.com. Okay, obviously is one of the one of the widely known
829 02:15:40,500 --> 02:15:55,680 educating for for profit websites out there. And I think, you know, pretty much everyone knows about them, but I, I have bought just about everything that they
830 02:15:55,680 --> 02:16:12,060 have put out with the exception of Peter Baine stuff, I did get his big dogs course. And really, it's not it's not much at all. The the insight, okay, that I
831 02:16:12,060 --> 02:16:22,350 shared about this concept is the SMT divergence. Okay. And I get a lot of questions about what is SMT divergence. And always, it's a little abbreviated
832 02:16:22,410 --> 02:16:33,510 term that I came up with or smart money tool, and smart money tool, okay, is basically looking at correlated market asset classes. Okay, we're groups, okay
833 02:16:33,510 --> 02:16:50,520 to arrive at a underpinnings based on the actions of smart money. Okay, so think about this, if we, if we can agree on the the mechanics of the markets moving by
834 02:16:50,550 --> 02:16:58,920 those that have a lot more money than us, if we can agree on that. Okay, I think it should be a very easy thing for us to agree on. Words, the market is only
835 02:16:58,920 --> 02:17:09,870 going to move by that entity or entities that have a lot more money than us, if we are able to agree on that. You have to understand something, they are
836 02:17:09,870 --> 02:17:23,520 motivated by greed. Either not to lose money, or to make money. Either way, cut it, it's still great. Now because they are driven by greed, they will be
837 02:17:23,850 --> 02:17:35,790 emotionally. Okay? charts, humans just like us, okay? The guys that are managing those hedges, okay, and they're assuming those positions, they're human beings
838 02:17:35,790 --> 02:17:43,260 just like us, and they're prone to make mistakes, they're gonna buy more than they should, or they're gonna sell more than they should. Now think about this,
839 02:17:43,440 --> 02:17:57,180 if we understand that an asset class is closely correlated. And I'll give you an example. If you look at the stock averages, okay. And the idea behind SMP, it
840 02:17:57,180 --> 02:18:04,590 really comes from the Dow Theory. Okay, there's really no magic to it says I just use something I understood very clearly with the Dow. And it was really
841 02:18:05,850 --> 02:18:15,990 amplified with Larry Williams, how to select stocks for immediate gains. Book real book, okay. The only thing that was useful in the book to me was how he
842 02:18:15,990 --> 02:18:25,920 looked at when the Dow made, you know, a lower low, but stocks didn't make a lower low. And then once the stock market as a whole started trade higher, the
843 02:18:25,920 --> 02:18:33,270 ones the issues that didn't make lower lows, they're the ones that smart money was accumulating, otherwise, they would have made lower lows too. But they
844 02:18:33,270 --> 02:18:42,990 didn't they were being a heliad. So I use that premise, along with the whole general premise behind Dow Theory. The averages should confirm themselves, okay.
845 02:18:43,020 --> 02:18:51,540 And when they don't confirm themselves, that is a telltale sign that they're someone with a lot more money than us working behind the scenes. Okay, so they
846 02:18:51,540 --> 02:19:02,370 can see the underpinnings of the market on a smart money basis that no one talks about. Okay. So, where this phenomenon takes place is every quarter, there's a
847 02:19:02,370 --> 02:19:14,760 shift in institutional flows. And by using old highs and lows, okay, focusing in on SMT divergence on a daily chart will ferret out many of the trade scenarios
848 02:19:14,760 --> 02:19:21,660 that you're looking for. Okay, you want to decide the full price links to work inside of whether you're a scalper a day trader, swing trader, short term
849 02:19:21,660 --> 02:19:31,830 trader, or looking to position a long term trade. This is how it's done. Okay, you're gonna use market structure, and you're going to be referencing swing
850 02:19:31,830 --> 02:19:39,390 point analysis, you're going to just use simply the optimal trade entry for your strategy to get in the trade. But you're gonna use swing projection for your
851 02:19:39,390 --> 02:19:41,640 profit objectives and determine where you're going to get out at.
852 02:19:45,090 --> 02:19:55,380 All right, SMT swings on a daily chart, what is it What's it look like? Well, we're going to say for instance, that this is the dollar, okay? The green
853 02:19:55,380 --> 02:20:07,830 represents the greenback, okay? And we're gonna say that the red represents the British pound or cable. Now the problem with this is going to be this because
854 02:20:07,830 --> 02:20:18,150 there's an inversion, okay? Ideally, if the dollar is rallying, British Pound USD will be declining. That's the mechanics behind it all. That's usually what
855 02:20:18,150 --> 02:20:29,610 you see. For us to see how this works easily, and it's easier for your eye, okay, you have to have a way of inverting one or the other, either invert the
856 02:20:29,610 --> 02:20:38,070 dollar, or you have to invert the cable, and otherwise you're gonna have to mirror one. So that way, there'll be moving in tandem. Okay. And the insight is
857 02:20:38,070 --> 02:20:48,030 going to be gleaned by looking for periods of when price between the two. Okay, you see how the red again, obviously, we're using as an example of being the
858 02:20:48,030 --> 02:20:59,550 cable was able to make a lower low here, the dollar was not willing to make a lower low. That is SMT diversions, that is a it's a cracking correlation. They
859 02:20:59,550 --> 02:21:10,350 should have made comparable lows, see how they were trading together lower here, both declining rate in here, the dollar was saying, Ah, I'm not going lower.
860 02:21:10,770 --> 02:21:20,940 Okay, when the cable, okay, we're assuming it's being mirrored here, this would have been the cable making a higher high. And that may be a bit confusing. So
861 02:21:20,940 --> 02:21:28,350 this is the reason I got to watch the video several times. But if the dollar makes a failure swing to go lower when a cable makes a higher high or in this
862 02:21:28,350 --> 02:21:36,480 case, if we mirrored to, if it makes a lower low, that's an s&p divergence, that's a cracking correlation and expect to see a major move the other way.
863 02:21:36,900 --> 02:21:49,650 Okay. Same thing happening here. We have price, making a low, lower low in here.  And the cable was not making comp below it was actually a little bit higher in
864 02:21:49,650 --> 02:21:59,940 here, we have a divergence s&p divergence, we also see that same thing happening on a larger scale, see this low comparable to this low. This low represents this
865 02:21:59,940 --> 02:22:11,670 low, the cable went lower here, the dollar was not willing to do so. Nailsea pricing. Okay, price moves higher here in the cable was unable to do it here.
866 02:22:12,120 --> 02:22:20,430 Okay, now, when I say higher in here, okay, well, again, this is assuming it's being mirrored like it is. So this would be a lower low when $1 made a failure
867 02:22:20,430 --> 02:22:30,900 swing to go higher. Okay. And I know it's a little bit confusing, but basically, a higher high end dollar should be met with a lower low and cable, and lower,
868 02:22:32,520 --> 02:22:43,440 low and $1 should be met with a higher high and cable, okay, so that every low and high should be equal in terms of breaking to higher or lower ground between
869 02:22:43,440 --> 02:22:53,220 the two. If you don't see that happening. There's a break in correlation. Okay, you see the high here, we need a higher high here in the dollar. Look what was
870 02:22:53,220 --> 02:23:01,620 going on here. Again, this would be the cable mirrored so this would be lows in the cable, the cable was unwilling to make a lower low or in this case, since
871 02:23:01,620 --> 02:23:10,200 it's being mirrored, it was unable to make a higher high when the dollar was able to make a higher high. So what does that saying that while the dial dollar
872 02:23:10,200 --> 02:23:18,390 was able to rally, the cable was actually being distributed. Smart Money was selling that whole thing right here. Every time it was making a rally, they were
873 02:23:18,390 --> 02:23:27,870 selling it aggressively, and then boom. Okay, I said that wrong, just realize that this would be actually buying the cable because it's an inverted, so they
874 02:23:27,870 --> 02:23:36,930 were unwilling to go lower in the cable, graphically depicted here as not being able to go higher. So the dollar, when it starts to sell off, we'll see an
875 02:23:36,930 --> 02:23:46,020 extrapolated move on the cable going higher, because it was unmake unwilling to make a lower low. So again, this high to high on the dollar was higher, that
876 02:23:46,020 --> 02:23:55,380 should have been met with a low and a lower low in the cable here. Can again, this is mirrored, okay, this is actually this whole price action here should be
877 02:23:55,380 --> 02:24:03,960 reversed. But for us to compare highs, the highs and lows, lows, you have to mirror one or the other. Now I used to teach it where I didn't mirror it. And it
878 02:24:03,960 --> 02:24:11,250 just was so confusing for a lot of folks that just it was very frustrating for him. And this is probably doing the same thing to some of you now watching it,
879 02:24:11,250 --> 02:24:18,090 you're thinking Wait, I thought I understood it. Now I don't, it's really not that hard of a concept. Once again, watch the video several times, and you'll
880 02:24:18,090 --> 02:24:26,190 get what I'm talking about when we see the examples you'll it would make much, much more sense. The dollar here failed to make a lower low when the cable on
881 02:24:26,190 --> 02:24:36,060 this chart here made lower lows which would have been higher high in actual price of cable cracking correlation, expected price pricing to the upside. And
882 02:24:36,090 --> 02:24:39,360 really, that's all you're looking for every three months or so,
883 02:24:39,750 --> 02:24:48,570 inside of inside of three months, there's going to be a crack in in correlation.  And all you're doing is looking to find that scenario that's selection tool,
884 02:24:48,630 --> 02:24:56,400 okay. It's not a timing tool. It's a selection tool. You're looking at the daily chart to frame the idea that there should be institutional sponsorship on the
885 02:24:56,400 --> 02:25:07,110 buy side or the sell side and by seeing that you get yourself in sync with looking for the anticipate emancipatory move of price going lower or higher
886 02:25:07,890 --> 02:25:21,900 based on this insight and then using intraday entries and price patterns around that with support resistance. Now, assuming we have the scenario where price has
887 02:25:21,900 --> 02:25:33,540 now set up a SMT divergence on a bears side of things? Well, you would expect price to rally up into a level of higher timeframe resistance, what is that?
888 02:25:33,930 --> 02:25:44,490 That's a monthly resistance, a weekly resistance or daily resistance. Okay. Once price shows a clear indication that it is wanting to move away from that
889 02:25:44,490 --> 02:25:55,890 resistance level. Now you have a commitment on the smart money's they know if you're looking at this, think about graphically this would look like a
890 02:25:55,890 --> 02:26:05,130 retracement for a buy. If you're just looking at price, and thinking without higher timeframe premise in mind, and if overall premise was bearish, this would
891 02:26:05,130 --> 02:26:12,240 look like a buy signal. And I just think I just gave this example. At the time of this recording the previous week of this recording, I gave examples of how
892 02:26:12,240 --> 02:26:21,360 the charts look like buys areas when it was still underneath institutional sell.  But this is what you're looking for, you want to see it break down and start to
893 02:26:21,360 --> 02:26:30,510 rally back up to that resistance level. When it does that, that's where you sell it. Damn, once you enter the short, you want to see the market break down and
894 02:26:30,510 --> 02:26:41,550 take out the previous swing lows, once that thing breaks that low. Now you're going to be looking for that A to B to C to D measured move phenomenon, okay?
895 02:26:41,820 --> 02:26:51,930 And what will happen is there'll be a retracement of some sort, very soon after that inside of this retracement, it could come back to the old low, or what
896 02:26:51,930 --> 02:27:01,200 you're looking for is you want to see that stop running event. You want to see a short term high in here that's ran out. Okay, that's really not clearly soon in
897 02:27:01,200 --> 02:27:11,580 this one, I'm really graphically oversimplifying this, I'm afraid but inside of this rally in here, okay, this would be a period of time that would encapsulate
898 02:27:12,090 --> 02:27:20,640 a previous swing high that's eventually ran again, once it does that, that's the stop rate that you want to see. And that's when the big move starts to take
899 02:27:20,640 --> 02:27:33,780 place and runs down and you have the measured move phenomenon or to A to B to C to D extensions. When you when you have that measured move of this low to high
900 02:27:33,810 --> 02:27:47,820 that range projected from this low down, that's one objective. Or you can take the range of this low to high and do a 127 extension here, or 1.618 or 1.62
901 02:27:47,820 --> 02:27:58,950 extension. That's how I just round it up. use that example Okay, and couple that with the A to B to C to the extension harmonically. And that is the easiest way
902 02:27:59,370 --> 02:28:09,150 that you can get in sync with the trend trade with the commercials with the Smart Money trade with a pattern based method using support resistance, only
903 02:28:09,150 --> 02:28:17,700 higher timeframe monthly, weekly and daily support resistance levels in mind.  Many times what will happen is this area here will be an order block over here
904 02:28:17,700 --> 02:28:25,260 this high that's not been depicted here. This will be a bearish order block and price will return right back into that area and sell off again. Okay. And that's
905 02:28:25,260 --> 02:28:37,560 really that's the basis for building a very sound approach to higher timeframe trading. And once you understand how this is done all the intraday action of
906 02:28:37,560 --> 02:28:47,160 selling in a down day. That's all this is the same thing being applied on an intraday basis. What will happen eventually is you're going to consolidation and
907 02:28:47,160 --> 02:28:51,390 everyone will now start chasing the move lower, but the moves already happened and you've already profited.