
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-10 09:21

00:00:12,179 --> 00:00:23,249 ICT: Okay, folks, essentials to market structure. And this module is going to be really based upon the premise of looking towards helping you educate yourself in
00:00:23,249 --> 00:00:37,889 determining trade direction. This is probably one of the most reoccurring email, inquiries and posts that you see in the forums directed to me. It's my goal,
00:00:37,889 --> 00:00:48,719 obviously, to share a little further amplification on some of the concepts that I use in determining trade direction. And hopefully, this will be insightful for
00:00:48,719 --> 00:01:01,469 you. But what do we do when we sit down from the charts? What's the primary function as a trader? Well, you as a forex trader, you want to be finding your
00:01:01,469 --> 00:01:10,349 way through price. And as a new trader, I can understand how daunting this task may be, because there's so many different timeframes, you have your monthly,
00:01:10,349 --> 00:01:18,959 weekly, daily, four hour, one hour, 15 minutes or five minutes or one minute chart, you have tick charts, all these different timeframes, it's very
00:01:18,989 --> 00:01:29,429 bewildering sometimes, if y'all understand really what it is you need to be doing, and breaking it down breaking down price in a uniform structured way. So
00:01:29,429 --> 00:01:38,939 the first thing I'm going to really counsel you on is your primary objective is to know your timeframe that you're trading. Okay. And it gets back to what type
00:01:38,939 --> 00:01:44,879 of trader you're going to be, are you going to be a position trader? Are you gonna be a swing trader, a short term trader, are you gonna be a day trader or a
10 00:01:44,879 --> 00:01:57,119 scalper, I can't teach you how to find the correct style trader that's within you. That's all part of your personal makeup. So this module much in the same
11 00:01:57,119 --> 00:02:05,489 capacity my other modules have been, they're going to speak in general terms, okay, but it's going to give you enough insight for you to be able to determine
12 00:02:05,519 --> 00:02:13,409 what it is that you need to be focusing on for you to find the most optimal way of trading for you yourself, okay, because each of us are going to be different.
13 00:02:14,519 --> 00:02:25,349 As you grow and you mature as a trader, you may be multi timeframe. Based in terms of trading and onwards, I consider myself a dynamic trader simply because
14 00:02:25,379 --> 00:02:39,779 I can trade any one of these timeframes. Now I excel in the short term to swing trading area, but I can day trade, and I can scalp but I prefer not to, it would
15 00:02:39,779 --> 00:02:47,939 be my advice to you is if you can try to work within the short term to day trading in the beginning, because it's going to give you the most immediate
16 00:02:48,059 --> 00:02:58,649 feedback. And it's going to give you the confidence you need to be sticking to a plan because obviously, as a position trader, you don't have a whole lot of
17 00:02:58,649 --> 00:03:07,499 opportunities materializing you that frequently. Swing Trading again, same capacity, it's going to be a little oil spill a little while between each setup.
18 00:03:07,499 --> 00:03:16,769 So it's gonna be harder for a new trader looking to find themselves to wait between the signals and stick within that specific framework for trading. So
19 00:03:16,769 --> 00:03:25,379 short term trading and day trading and scalping this avoid that for now. But we will talk about how you can utilize these concepts for scalping button. Again,
20 00:03:25,379 --> 00:03:34,019 short term and day trades. If you are brand new to price action, those are very rewarding because they give you the immediate feedback, new traders sometimes
21 00:03:34,019 --> 00:03:43,949 need. So let's talk about what the professional perspective is, when we're applying market structure. Well, obviously, for position trades, this is going
22 00:03:43,949 --> 00:03:53,489 to be anywhere between three to as much as six to six months to a year in terms of duration. Now, I don't have a whole lot of types of trades like this, but
23 00:03:54,540 --> 00:04:04,800 every three to four months in the marketplace, whether it be in stocks or commodities or Forex, there is a specific swing that manifests itself and we
24 00:04:04,800 --> 00:04:13,350 talked about that in other videos and other teaching. I'm not going to cover that here. But if you are that type of trader, obviously the three timeframes
25 00:04:13,350 --> 00:04:23,640 that you would utilize to break down market structure for your particular market would obviously be monthly, the weekly and the daily, okay, monthly being your
26 00:04:23,640 --> 00:04:33,720 highest timeframe, your weekly being your midline or mid level timeframe. And then you have your daily that would be your short term. Now as a swing trader,
27 00:04:34,050 --> 00:04:44,790 okay, your premise for breaking down market structure will be comprised over looking at the daily, the four hour and the one hour chart, okay. Your setup
28 00:04:45,030 --> 00:04:53,370 will be based upon what you see on the higher timeframe the daily much in the same capacity for position trade. The monthly will be your position trade
29 00:04:53,400 --> 00:05:02,310 premise hours if we are considerably overbought and there should be some kind of a topping formation on a monthly chart If you wouldn't look to see market
30 00:05:02,310 --> 00:05:14,370 structure, break down on a weekly in daily the facilitate a short position, while on a swing trade model, you utilize that same measure of market structure
31 00:05:14,400 --> 00:05:24,870 by utilizing the highest timeframe for swing trades. And this approach would be the daily chart and then breaking that down into four hour chart, and then
32 00:05:24,870 --> 00:05:37,500 lesser price action study in the one hour chart. So you'll be timing on the one hour, you will be managing on the four hour. And your premise or the trade idea
33 00:05:37,500 --> 00:05:45,960 would be built upon the highest timeframe, which would be the daily chart, okay, and the swing traders model here. If you're a short term trader, obviously, the
34 00:05:45,960 --> 00:05:55,950 duration of time for these types of trades could be anywhere between one day to as much as a week or so. Swing Trading is about a week or more in terms of trade
35 00:05:55,950 --> 00:06:06,720 duration, I forgot to mention that. But for short term trades, you'll be using the four hour chart for your trade premise or your directional bias. And then on
36 00:06:06,750 --> 00:06:17,070 the one hour chart, that would be your trade management or mid level timeframe.  And then your 15 minute chart would be utilized for your timing for entry and
37 00:06:17,520 --> 00:06:27,960 possibly looking for early reversal signs that your trade may be petering out and it's time to take profits. For day trades. Obviously, you can see it's the
38 00:06:27,960 --> 00:06:38,460 one hour chart and be highest timeframe, you will be managing your trade on the 15 minute timeframe. And your five minute chart will be utilized to enter. Now,
39 00:06:39,000 --> 00:06:48,900 it's not to say that you can't use a five minute chart on the short term swing and position trades for entry. Okay, I'm giving you a framework for at least
40 00:06:48,900 --> 00:07:00,450 having three timeframes across the spectrum of your trading. And how you break down market structure over these three specific timeframes for each individual
41 00:07:01,050 --> 00:07:15,570 trading model will give you again, the building blocks to flesh out what you need to see in terms of directional bias, okay. Just take a look. closer look at
42 00:07:16,110 --> 00:07:29,040 price, action and market structure. Now the keys to multiple timeframe market structure, okay are rather simple. Where's your focus, your focus should be on
43 00:07:29,040 --> 00:07:41,430 the highest of the three timeframes. trades will be managed by the highest or mid timeframes. Okay. In other words, if you are a swing trader, you're going to
44 00:07:41,430 --> 00:07:53,730 be utilizing that daily timeframe to manage or the four hour chart to manage your trade, okay, but the daily is going to be utilized to facilitate the trade
45 00:07:53,730 --> 00:08:02,640 premise. In other words, that's going to give you your directional bias, okay, the market structure that is one the daily chart that's framing your swing
46 00:08:02,640 --> 00:08:12,180 trades, okay? Once you get into a trade, you'd be managing that trade on a four hour time frame, and he would just use the respective timeframes we just talked
47 00:08:12,180 --> 00:08:20,610 about in the previous slide. And then your one hour chart would be used for timing purposes. Okay, so the shortest time frame in that
48 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:32,910 regard for swing trading would be the 60 minute chart. So your entry signals would be derived from having studied the market structure on the daily and the
49 00:08:32,910 --> 00:08:44,880 four hour, then your one hour chart was facilitate the specific entry point.  Okay, so in order to do your entry concepts and techniques on the one hour chart
50 00:08:45,240 --> 00:08:55,470 for swing trades, the highest probability trades are made in the higher timeframe direction, okay, now, there are going to be instances where the higher
51 00:08:55,470 --> 00:09:07,710 timeframe premise may be bullish, but you're approaching a key resistance level.  So that may be trumped. So that's where we're gonna go back to the core
52 00:09:07,710 --> 00:09:17,670 essentials to technical analysis, that being support and resistance trumps everything. Okay. Without the understanding of key support resistance levels,
53 00:09:18,480 --> 00:09:27,120 you're not going to get to a directional bias, regardless of what trading model you're using position, day trading, whatever it is, if it's not framed on the
54 00:09:27,120 --> 00:09:37,200 premise of key support resistance levels, it's probably going to be a struggling point for you as well. Okay, so you have to go back to the core essentials to my
55 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:46,770 concepts and just sound trading all together. Key support resistance levels are where it's all at, okay, without those, all of these lines and all these
56 00:09:47,340 --> 00:09:53,940 procedures that we're going to be covering here, and what we've covered in previous videos and such is going to do no good to you okay. So you have to
57 00:09:53,940 --> 00:10:04,320 understand what is a key support resistance level. So if you are looking at the highest time frame for your particular month, That'll, that will hopefully draw
58 00:10:04,320 --> 00:10:14,160 your attention to whatever key to support resistance level. At that point in price action. Obviously, you can always go out to a daily and weekly just as a
59 00:10:16,590 --> 00:10:24,060 catch all as far as whatever timeframe you're trading, if you just look at it daily and weekly in terms of support resistance, those will be helpful to you.
60 00:10:25,110 --> 00:10:33,540 Now, the market profiles will also assist you in market structure analysis concepts, that means are we in a trending market? Are we in a reversal pattern
61 00:10:33,570 --> 00:10:43,620 or formation or that type of profile in the marketplace? And are we in a consolidation, preparing for a breakout scenario? Okay, so, market profiling is
62 00:10:43,800 --> 00:10:54,150 essential to helping you in assisting you and measuring what the current market structure is. Okay, now, are we bullish or bearish?
63 00:11:00,509 --> 00:11:10,259 Alright, we're looking at market structure, we're referring to market structure.  What are we speaking about? What's the what is it that we're trying to get at?
64 00:11:10,649 --> 00:11:24,539 Okay? Well, if you look at a price, rally up, and then price hitting a major resistance level, we're going to assume for a moment that this is your higher
65 00:11:24,539 --> 00:11:32,279 timeframe. Okay, and I'm going to keep it generic because that way you can apply it to whatever your higher timeframe is, based on the model traded you are
66 00:11:32,309 --> 00:11:46,769 aiming to be as price rallies up into what we perceive as a higher level, key resistance level. Price never moves in a straight line, okay, so there's going
67 00:11:46,769 --> 00:11:56,369 to be a consolidation of price move up another consolidation of price move up, and then as price makes it into this resistance level, then we would be
68 00:11:56,369 --> 00:12:08,969 anticipating a reversal. So when markets start to break down, taking out the short term, swing lows in here, this short term swing low, when the highest
69 00:12:08,969 --> 00:12:17,879 timeframe for your particular trading model. Once that breaks, this would be the catalyst for you to say, Okay, this is probably going to be an optimal trade
70 00:12:17,879 --> 00:12:31,379 entry based on the higher time frame chart of your profile. Okay, so for an example, let's just say that this is a monthly chart, and you're looking for a
71 00:12:31,379 --> 00:12:39,689 position trade. Okay, the monthly hits a key resistance level like this, and it comes down takes out a short term low and a monthly, we know now, that market
72 00:12:39,689 --> 00:12:49,499 structure has broken, okay, so we have a market structure shift right here.  Okay. Now, we don't know what price is doing over here. This is all in the
73 00:12:49,499 --> 00:12:57,179 future. We're anticipating these types of events in terms of price action, but until we actually get there and starts trading, we can't deal with that yet. So
74 00:12:57,209 --> 00:13:08,759 it's all an anticipation in our anticipated anticipatory model. As far as our framework and thinking about price action, this is what we would expect to see
75 00:13:08,999 --> 00:13:20,969 once this structure has been broken. Okay. But as price starts to rally up, we don't anticipate seeing a break through this resistance level. Okay, if we
76 00:13:20,969 --> 00:13:28,409 arrived at this as a possible resistance level, we would expect the retracement for natural trade entry, but then we would zoom in in this area right here.
77 00:13:29,039 --> 00:13:43,799 Okay, on a weekly timeframe to hone in on more key shorter term timeframe, price levels. And then by zooming in, okay, we would possibly see a shorter term
78 00:13:43,829 --> 00:13:55,439 optimal trade entry or respective sell pattern to convince us even further that this is probably going to be a selling scenario. If we move down into a daily
79 00:13:55,439 --> 00:14:05,639 and see something even similar to that, okay, you would have all these nesting confluences of implied resistance levels, once a higher timeframe, market
80 00:14:05,639 --> 00:14:15,719 structure is broken down, then we would be able to position ourselves in sync with a top down approach with market structure. Okay. And then as price starts
81 00:14:15,719 --> 00:14:27,029 to trade down, this is the gray area all these areas where there's missing gaps.  Okay, that's intentional. Okay. We don't know what's going to take place between
82 00:14:27,059 --> 00:14:34,979 the time where we see an entry point, and where we expect to see price get to in terms of our targets, and we'll talk more about that later on. But this is the
83 00:14:34,979 --> 00:14:42,779 gray area where you have to be comfortable with okay, because you don't know what's going to happen from your entry point. And your expected exit point.
84 00:14:43,049 --> 00:14:49,139 Okay. You don't know if it's going to go down there. Okay. You don't know if it's gonna reverse and take you out of the trade. Okay. But the overall
85 00:14:49,139 --> 00:15:03,599 framework, okay, or price structure. Okay, this is how market structure is built. Okay, this is a price rally and a decline okay. We have consolidation. If
86 00:15:03,599 --> 00:15:12,329 we expect to see some kind of a rally in here, something's bullish that we would expect to support that as price starts to rally up, okay? We could be utilizing
87 00:15:12,329 --> 00:15:26,039 our mid level or shorter term level timeframes to to see. bullishness, okay, we want to see support being held resistance being broken. Okay. And every time
88 00:15:26,039 --> 00:15:34,649 price starts to pull back and retrace in here, the market structure concept that you would be utilizing it would be to simply look for optimal trade entries.
89 00:15:35,129 --> 00:15:43,919 Okay, for buys, you would be looking for reflections to buy, you'd be looking for type two trend following bullish scenario. So in other words, in all this
90 00:15:43,919 --> 00:15:55,019 area here, you'd be looking for price finding support and resistance being broken. Okay, it's that it's that simple. That's the whole framework behind
91 00:15:55,019 --> 00:16:00,629 market structure. And as price rise up into another shorter term or me term resistance level in here,
92 00:16:02,250 --> 00:16:12,930 price will hopefully find some support, okay, but if it does start to break down, be comfortable with price coming back and blowing out previous lows in
93 00:16:12,930 --> 00:16:22,740 here. Okay, there may be an important load it's taking place, and trailing stop loss orders would be trailed up below that particular point. Okay. So as price
94 00:16:22,740 --> 00:16:30,840 dips back down, all that's going to do is give you another opportunity to get long. Okay? Now again, let's think for a moment, this is the higher timeframe
95 00:16:30,840 --> 00:16:39,540 premise. Okay, this is the highest timeframe chart when we start seeing this consolidation here, and we see the higher level resistance level because these
96 00:16:39,540 --> 00:16:48,480 are all noon in advance. This is why we have support resistance studies done.  This is all part of our top down analysis seeing where price may be reaching
97 00:16:48,480 --> 00:16:57,690 for. So if we start seeing price rally up in here and then consolidate again, in this is another higher level key resistance level. If price continues to
98 00:16:57,690 --> 00:17:08,700 maintain support, and breaks above all these short term highs in here, the market structure implies that we could possibly see a leg from this low or
99 00:17:08,700 --> 00:17:24,780 whatever low would form back here to this high duplicated on a retracement here from this low to this high. The same thing can be said with market declines and
100 00:17:24,780 --> 00:17:36,390 reversals going along. Every time we see a consolidation, consolidations, you want to study these for shorter term, more dynamic support resistance levels.
101 00:17:36,900 --> 00:17:48,900 These areas are more easily tradable because they have discernible price levels, they're very clear. We don't know how it's going to take price, from these
102 00:17:48,900 --> 00:17:57,390 consolidations to the next consolidation, we don't know that we anticipate that gray area that's missing these little pieces of market structure that's missing.
103 00:17:58,110 --> 00:18:10,680 I left that out because I want you to think like this. Okay, it's, if it's a little confusing Now, I understand. But you apply the same general I don't want
104 00:18:10,680 --> 00:18:23,340 to say profile. But this diagram, okay, in other words, in terms of how I have priced lows, illustrated here, if you look at how price declines actually
105 00:18:23,340 --> 00:18:34,590 materialize, you'll start to see these lows form like this. And inside of these consolidations, and in every swing loaded forms, there's going to be a
106 00:18:34,590 --> 00:18:46,050 discernible optimal trade entries or reflection patterns, or generally fractal patterns. Okay, so you would apply these concepts, okay, with all the other
107 00:18:46,050 --> 00:18:58,920 concepts we've previously discussed. But looking at, obviously, a higher level key support level down here are the catalysts. Okay? So as price moves from a
108 00:18:58,920 --> 00:19:09,090 consolidation down into a new consolidation, much in the same capacity, we just saw with the bullish move, reaching up into a higher level resistance level, we
109 00:19:09,090 --> 00:19:17,490 could be seeing a consolidation in here with this higher level of support level down here. This would be where price may be reaching for. So if it's
110 00:19:17,490 --> 00:19:27,090 consolidating here, we could look for a move from whatever high forms here to this low, okay? duplicate it from this high or whatever high forms in this area
111 00:19:27,360 --> 00:19:38,910 down to this low. Okay, so, while this diagram is fragmented, okay, think of in terms of the market maker profiles that I just recently shared with you guys
112 00:19:38,910 --> 00:19:48,180 this year. You see that same premise here as well. I don't need to draw the lines in here. You can actually probably remember by the way the profile was
113 00:19:48,210 --> 00:19:59,100 given to you. You can actually see it in here. Okay. So as price is engineered to go lower down into a support level, ultimately to trade higher. This is the
114 00:19:59,100 --> 00:20:06,480 building blocks that we Work with, okay. Now, because we have to live in the gray area and not
115 00:20:08,160 --> 00:20:16,860 expect a simple black and white premise to trading. When we see consolidation here, and price moved down to a new area of consolidation and price moves down
116 00:20:16,860 --> 00:20:24,300 to a new cup area consolidation. And then we have short term breaks on market structure. Okay. And then once we have a shift in market structure right here,
117 00:20:24,660 --> 00:20:32,430 as price trades down in that support level, again, this is all assuming this is the highest level of your three timeframes that you're trading with, for your
118 00:20:32,430 --> 00:20:41,730 particular trading model. When you see this shift in market structure here, we would anticipate seeing a bullish move higher. But here's where we enter a new
119 00:20:41,730 --> 00:20:54,300 level of gray. When we move into this new consolidation in here, this may not always translate into even higher prices going up like we have here implied, it
120 00:20:54,300 --> 00:21:03,750 could be just reaching up to go back to this range from this old high to this low member inside the range concepts. Okay, so you have to have that in mind. So
121 00:21:03,750 --> 00:21:14,250 that's why if you're going to be getting long down here, expect to see some type of profit taking here. Right. And you would be able to see that utilizing your
122 00:21:14,250 --> 00:21:25,020 mid level chart. Okay, for your swing projections. Okay, and we'll talk about that more as we go on. But generally, as you see price come down in here, every
123 00:21:25,020 --> 00:21:34,320 time price retraces and gives you new optimal trade entries. That's what you're looking for, you want to see price holding support, breaking resistance, okay,
124 00:21:34,350 --> 00:21:45,120 on this side of the support level being found. But as we're trading down into that support level, we're anticipating market structure to break lows, and then
125 00:21:45,120 --> 00:21:55,800 find resistance, break lows, find resistance, break lows, find resistance, okay?  So every new consolidation, if we're expecting price reaching down to a higher
126 00:21:55,800 --> 00:22:04,050 level support level, okay, when our highest level chart, that's why we do our analysis on the highest level, because you want to see where price is probably
127 00:22:04,050 --> 00:22:13,860 reaching for. And by seeing where the highest level chart in our particular trading model is reaching for. Again, we don't know for certain that they're
128 00:22:13,860 --> 00:22:22,380 always going to get there. But if you look in these higher level charts, it's going to give you the highest probability in terms of success. If price doesn't
129 00:22:22,380 --> 00:22:33,300 get to these particular points, and we start seeing early market, shifts in market structure, this could be a catalyst for you know, another type of trade,
130 00:22:33,540 --> 00:22:41,700 okay, we could possibly get along in here and maybe even reach up into the range from the high to this low here, that may be a means of profitability, it should
131 00:22:41,700 --> 00:22:55,230 be a good reward to risk scenario here, okay, three to one could still exist within that framework, and that framework of price action, okay. But again, even
132 00:22:55,230 --> 00:23:08,850 if that happens, we could still take some short term trades in here. But that may be a very, very short term bias, only taking you up to a higher level bias
133 00:23:08,850 --> 00:23:18,330 to get lower support levels here taken out, okay, in other words, it used the, you're gonna have to blend some concepts here, the inside the range concepts,
134 00:23:19,080 --> 00:23:31,320 simply looking at lower lows and lower highs. Okay, if we do get a short term bounce in here between the high that's formed here and the low here. This could
135 00:23:31,320 --> 00:23:36,270 be creating another trade entry to get that fulfillment of this lower level support level down here.
136 00:23:42,089 --> 00:23:54,299 Now, again, we've seen this diagram before, assuming that we have a high up in here reaching into resistance. As price breaks this short term low here the
137 00:23:54,299 --> 00:24:04,979 market structure is broken. So as price starts to retrace, every time it retraces we're looking for new selling opportunities. But if we see a previous
138 00:24:04,979 --> 00:24:18,419 swing, as we see here, see this price swing here? Okay, if this levels taken out here, if we get a retracement or another additional sell signal, this is where
139 00:24:18,419 --> 00:24:29,999 we use swing projections. Just on price. We're not using Fibonacci you can, but just looking at simple price action alone, this low to high once it's broken,
140 00:24:30,359 --> 00:24:41,339 you can start taking this same measureable swing from this point here down to that same level and projected lower. Okay, and you get somewhere in this area
141 00:24:41,339 --> 00:24:53,819 here. Now I purposely allowed the diagram to be a little bit farther because I teach to exit on a trade before the actual objective is met. Okay, so every time
142 00:24:54,059 --> 00:25:03,269 we see a broken swing, okay, this is a swing that's broken here in the old system. Here are whatever load it would have formed in here. I'm assuming that
143 00:25:03,269 --> 00:25:16,049 you can see this as, as a swing. When it's broken right here, we went below it here, if we retrace back into it, okay, I'm also purposely drew this a little
144 00:25:16,049 --> 00:25:30,089 bit past what would be expected as resistance. I've purposely allowed this to move beyond this low here. To illustrate how support resistance can be. Gray as
145 00:25:30,089 --> 00:25:38,369 well, it's not black and white, you're going to have to allow some flexibility with price. So when it starts to pull back deeper, okay, this still can set up
146 00:25:38,369 --> 00:25:48,599 the optimal trade entry. Okay, and while this isn't the exact level price was able to stave off of rally, it still was working within the previous range here,
147 00:25:49,079 --> 00:25:59,459 and this pie here as well. So we're still within a bearish market structure. So don't be lulled into thinking this is going to be a long to go higher. Assuming
148 00:25:59,459 --> 00:26:09,389 again, this is a higher level of resistance level. And again, every little short term retracement here could be a catalyst for an additional entry using our
149 00:26:09,389 --> 00:26:20,189 smallest of the three timeframes. Again, this is all modeling off of the highest timeframe. Okay, and then assuming once we get this broken down, this swing low
150 00:26:20,189 --> 00:26:29,969 here broken, we could utilize the mid level chart for additional entries. And or managing of a position that's already been assumed based on the highest of the
151 00:26:29,969 --> 00:26:42,179 three timeframes. Now as price also breaks down these swings are just swing up once it's broken, okay, this is an engineered swing, okay? You see this in price
152 00:26:42,179 --> 00:26:53,189 action all the time. Okay, it's a measured move, very simple, taking this low to this high, whatever that range is subtracted from that same point here. And
153 00:26:53,189 --> 00:27:05,339 projected lower. Okay, that's the measured swing, here is a measured leg move, you have the high down to a low here, price starts to retrace. And here, we
154 00:27:05,339 --> 00:27:16,619 could see this as an intermediate term price swing guy or price leg. So we have a measurable swing here that we can use for projections, then we also have a
155 00:27:16,619 --> 00:27:27,599 measurable lake. Okay, so we had the first leg and price down here. And we retraced back, utilizing the framework that's based on this swing up. Okay, so
156 00:27:27,599 --> 00:27:37,769 we're blending two concepts here, a swing that's broken, okay. And within a bearish market structure, then we also have retracement back into a previous
157 00:27:37,799 --> 00:27:48,119 support broken, it should act as resistance, okay. And notice how this low here a chai that more or less imply that phrase could be reaching for even a shorter
158 00:27:48,119 --> 00:27:58,199 term support that's broken now as resistance. So what might look real clear and discernible on the charts, it may not be as clear cut as that. But we would
159 00:27:58,199 --> 00:28:09,059 expect this to be an enemy at term retracement for a new leg down. And that's when you would expect to see the high too low here on this leg. Repeat repeated
160 00:28:09,059 --> 00:28:11,519 and projected from this high waveforms here.
161 00:28:13,109 --> 00:28:24,959 Down here, and that would look similar to what we'd expect when you see me a term highs and lows. mid term high is obviously a high, there has lower highs on
162 00:28:24,989 --> 00:28:37,739 either side of it. Okay, and any near term low is a low that has two higher lows on either side of it. So it's very easy to see and simply looking at your
163 00:28:37,739 --> 00:28:48,239 candles and your bars on your respective timeframes. And when you see these, note them, okay. And by noting them, you'll have whatever ways you want to have
164 00:28:48,239 --> 00:28:56,489 it. You know, I'm delineating and denoting that with these blue circles here, it could be anything on your charts, you could have stars, you could, you could
165 00:28:56,489 --> 00:29:04,979 just you type, intermediate term high, whatever, you can put the little arrows on it, whatever it is that you use to identify that that's your way of doing it.
166 00:29:05,519 --> 00:29:15,539 But it's important you understand where they're at. And when they start to nest out like this, okay? You can classify enemy a term to now long term because if
167 00:29:15,539 --> 00:29:27,329 we have lower highs on either side of the it, okay, this would classify this as a long term high. That would also allow you to expect to see much longer term
168 00:29:27,329 --> 00:29:39,419 price swings, okay? So by nesting out and marking off your swing highs and swing lows on your respective timeframes, you start to build a framework that's needed
169 00:29:39,419 --> 00:29:51,029 to be able to discern if you're in an area term, or short term price swing in within your market structure. Now that lag that we were talking about earlier,
170 00:29:51,329 --> 00:30:01,229 can be seen here by having that immediate term High Noon ID. So this is a aimia term, price leg. And then here's your immediate term retracement. Okay, and then
171 00:30:01,229 --> 00:30:10,799 you would see, obviously, the next leg down would be replicated. So you can see the range between this low to high is exactly what you see here, causing you to
172 00:30:10,799 --> 00:30:18,959 expect or anticipate price movement back here. If you're in a trade still, once, you've retraced you can expect to hold on to that trade to get back down to
173 00:30:18,959 --> 00:30:27,509 these levels here, which would obviously hopefully be a higher level support level to also converge and have a confluence of reasons to expect to take some
174 00:30:27,509 --> 00:30:28,199 profits there.
175 00:30:34,589 --> 00:30:47,279 Now, by having all these things in the forefront of your mind having specific price legs and price swings, and how they nest together, it's important you
176 00:30:47,279 --> 00:30:55,139 understand that the framework of your market structure is derived from the highest level the three timeframes you're trading with. That's where your, your
177 00:30:55,139 --> 00:31:08,759 the framework or the or the basis of your trade is built upon. Your mid level chart is used to zero down into a smaller timeframe expecting to find support
178 00:31:08,759 --> 00:31:16,109 resistance levels that may not be discernible and your highest timeframe, then your lowest timeframe is used for your entry. And we're talking about that
179 00:31:16,109 --> 00:31:26,549 specifically here, assuming we've built the premise of market structure, and assuming that it's bullish, okay, everything we're talking about here would be
180 00:31:26,549 --> 00:31:36,209 obviously reverse for selling scenarios. But assuming we have a bullish market structure, okay, we're a swing trader, let's say for a moment that our highest
181 00:31:36,599 --> 00:31:47,489 timeframes suggest that we have a bullish market structure underway, we've traded off of a higher level, support level. And price has given us a broken
182 00:31:47,819 --> 00:31:56,279 market structure to the upside, in case there's going to market structure shift, short term highs had been broken on our highest level timeframe chart, our mid
183 00:31:56,279 --> 00:32:06,329 level timeframe has allowed us to zero and define a key support resistance level. Now, we have this higher level key support resistance level, that's also
184 00:32:06,329 --> 00:32:15,749 converging with our mid level support resistance level. Okay, and that same support resistance level may be a confluence of maybe a pivot, a trinity level,
185 00:32:16,049 --> 00:32:22,889 okay? It could be a pattern that overlaps with that specific debt level. Okay.  And
186 00:32:24,270 --> 00:32:38,520 we now have a bias, okay, this bias is bullish, it does not mean every single day, you're going to get us a trade that's going to materialize as a bullish
187 00:32:38,520 --> 00:32:48,750 move and see profitability. If it was, if it was just that simple guys, everybody would be multimillionaires and be we'd be we, we'd all be Warren
188 00:32:48,750 --> 00:33:01,200 Buffett's super rich. So obviously, you know, it's it's not that easy. You have to have some discernment and allow for some failure, because it's going to
189 00:33:01,200 --> 00:33:11,040 happen. But assuming that we have that, that premise, okay, our bias is to buy, it doesn't mean that traders can't make money going short, this specific day or
190 00:33:11,040 --> 00:33:23,070 timeframe. Okay, it just means that you are going to stick to being a bull at this particular day, four particular timeframe. Okay. So with that, and with
191 00:33:23,070 --> 00:33:32,100 that in mind, we always go back to our key premise of trading within kill zones.  Okay. So you want to be doing your entries in your kill zone times, London,
192 00:33:32,100 --> 00:33:42,780 open, New York, open, London, close or Asia. Okay, but assuming we have already arrived at our time of day when we're going to be trading, okay, we already
193 00:33:42,780 --> 00:33:51,750 understand that the kill zone when it's going to begin, we already have our key support resistance level already identified. And we know where price should get
194 00:33:51,750 --> 00:33:59,490 to before we do anything. And that's going to be basically this little area right here. So when we're going to be seeing price, hopefully, at some point,
195 00:33:59,490 --> 00:34:08,400 move down to that level here. This is our action point. This is where we take action, we do the entry here. Now it could be on a limit basis, or it could be a
196 00:34:08,400 --> 00:34:20,370 market order, but we're utilizing time price theory. Okay. So this is what it looks like in in your mind. There's nothing happening yet. you anticipate these
197 00:34:20,370 --> 00:34:31,770 events unfolding within a specific time of day with a specific bias in mind.  Okay? You want to see these things line up? And I think what happens is you guys
198 00:34:31,800 --> 00:34:41,190 send me emails you talk about on the internet posting on baby pips forums. I don't know what the bias is for today. here's here's the secret every day. The
199 00:34:41,190 --> 00:34:52,500 bias is both directions. Every day the bias is both directions. Think about that. There's traders making money going long and short that day. But you had to
200 00:34:52,770 --> 00:35:00,270 decide on what it is that you're trading based on your timeframe in your profile. Okay as a trader Are you a short term trader swing trader Are you a
201 00:35:00,270 --> 00:35:11,580 position trader, and you're looking for the bias that you're holding to line up with price action? Okay, you can't force price action to do what you want to do,
202 00:35:11,820 --> 00:35:21,360 you can only get yourself in sync with what price may be doing and allowing you a ride. Okay, so with that assumption, we're looking at price here and with the
203 00:35:21,540 --> 00:35:30,930 bullish premise that we would be expecting to see higher prices if we get down to this support level. Okay, so we've established that the higher timeframe of
204 00:35:30,930 --> 00:35:41,670 the three timeframes we use for market structure study is now bullish. Okay. We assumed that we have a very respectable support level down here. Okay. So if
205 00:35:41,670 --> 00:35:48,840 price trades back down to that level, within a kill zone, we're going to be taking action here to buy, okay, and all we simply do at that point is you wait,
206 00:35:49,140 --> 00:35:56,280 you wait until the kill zone starts. And when price gets to a specific point, you use whatever entry technique or concept you're going to be utilizing for
207 00:35:56,280 --> 00:36:06,900 your trade entry, which could be optimal trade entry. It could be reflection, it could be a Grail, it could be a stinger, it could be any, any one of the trading
208 00:36:06,900 --> 00:36:14,460 patterns that you're utilizing, but it's happening at a key support resistance level, with the higher time frame of the three front timeframes you use for
209 00:36:14,460 --> 00:36:23,250 market structure, giving you your buy. So when you have that this is your action plan, this is what you do. You don't do anything else. Okay? This could be a
210 00:36:23,250 --> 00:36:31,890 sell pattern here. Okay, for someone that's very short term trader, okay, and trades down. In days, they've made money from this point here to hear, that's
211 00:36:31,890 --> 00:36:45,000 not your trade. Okay? So don't try to force more out of the concept and it's intended, okay, you're just simply looking for a bias for your style of trading,
212 00:36:45,360 --> 00:36:52,890 okay? It doesn't mean that you're going to be right all the time. Okay. So take that out of the equation, all you're doing is looking to get yourself in sync
213 00:36:52,890 --> 00:36:57,840 with whatever price action is doing, based on your premise or your style of trading.
214 00:37:03,240 --> 00:37:15,720 Alright, obviously, this is a very simple approach to dealing with directional bias. But it's meant to help you avoid deal for complication. That tends to
215 00:37:15,720 --> 00:37:23,940 happen with traders, okay. And it's usually the new traders that try to add all these things to it and squeeze all the tools into giving them a directional bias
216 00:37:23,940 --> 00:37:32,790 with the expectation falsely, I'll be it, that they're going to always know what direction the marks gonna move every single day. And I'm going to tell you guys,
217 00:37:32,790 --> 00:37:43,590 I've been doing this almost 20 years, and I don't get it right, every single day. Okay, you know what the secret is to my trading? I simply wait until
218 00:37:43,650 --> 00:37:52,860 everything lines up, that I like to see where the majority of all my tools, not all of them, the majority of the things that I'd like to see, based on my
219 00:37:53,250 --> 00:38:03,870 understanding what markets suggesting to me, or what profile are we in? Are we overall ripe for reversal? Are we in a trending condition? Are we in a
220 00:38:03,870 --> 00:38:13,650 consolidation area where, you know, I don't want to be taking any kind of trading, you know, with the expectation that we're going to have a trending type
221 00:38:13,650 --> 00:38:23,430 of event unfold, because we're gonna be working within a large consolidation. I use that as my building blocks. And then by using the market profiling to give
222 00:38:23,430 --> 00:38:30,780 me the initial clue as to where we may be trading, then I've started looking at actual individual market structure concepts on the three timeframes that I use
223 00:38:30,990 --> 00:38:41,550 for whatever type of trading I'm doing at the time. Because I am dynamic, I move from one timeframe, or profile trading to another one week, I may be simply a
224 00:38:41,550 --> 00:38:53,550 day trader. In other weeks, I'll be a short term trader. And I wish there's a way for me to teach that premise from moving from one dynamic to another. I
225 00:38:53,550 --> 00:39:04,680 can't. So that may be disappointing to you. But this is a limitation on me as a mentor, I just I don't know how to communicate that. But I can give you concepts
226 00:39:04,710 --> 00:39:14,310 and approaches to do specific styles of trading. And you just have to wait for the opportunities where price action gives you that sweet spot in terms of being
227 00:39:14,310 --> 00:39:23,580 able to apply it. Okay. So by selecting a directional bias, and this does not guarantee profitability, it's very important you understand that, nor does it
228 00:39:23,580 --> 00:39:33,600 guarantee accuracy in either your trade direction and or your trade results. One traders bias may be bullish, okay. They're looking for buys in that may exist
229 00:39:33,630 --> 00:39:44,550 inside the realm of another traders sell bias. They both can be correct and make money and even see both their respective profit objectives achieved. They both
230 00:39:44,550 --> 00:39:55,050 can be wrong and make money despite their respective profit objectives not being achieved. Again, it's not being about being, quote unquote, correct. It's about
231 00:39:55,050 --> 00:40:03,540 being profitable. However, they both could simply lose money and neither trade ideas differentiation, there is no black and white. It's very important. You
232 00:40:03,540 --> 00:40:15,180 understand that, as a trader, you must enter the gray and be comfortable with the less than perfect visibility trades with the foresight that you're expecting
233 00:40:15,180 --> 00:40:26,010 don't exist. Nobody has a crystal ball. I don't have it. I'm still trading on the probabilities, not the perfect scenario. There's no perfect scenario, okay?
234 00:40:27,210 --> 00:40:37,740 You, as a trader will see trades materialize, that will provide you plenty of profit taking potential. live there. Don't expect 100% it's not going to happen.
235 00:40:37,830 --> 00:40:48,270 Okay, cuz I guarantee you, the only thing 100% is going to happen is you're going to go nuts, expecting an impossibility. Find your timeframe as a trader,
236 00:40:48,810 --> 00:40:57,480 determine the market structure given for that timeframe. Trade within that respective market structure and perform your targeting on the highest end mid
237 00:40:57,480 --> 00:41:07,560 level timeframes. And I promise you, you'll have more than enough trades laid at your feet. But it's not about trading every day. And it's not about capturing
238 00:41:07,590 --> 00:41:18,720 1000 pips a month, okay? It's about consistently harvesting profits out of the marketplace, keeping risk low and your action level low. Don't try to trade a
239 00:41:18,720 --> 00:41:28,230 whole lot. Keep your trading controlled. That way you're going to control your emotions, your expectations will be kept realistic, and you're going to live
240 00:41:28,230 --> 00:41:41,010 comfortably in the gray. Okay, folks, we are looking at the British Pound USD, or what is commonly referred to in my videos and throughout the Forex industry
241 00:41:41,010 --> 00:41:52,680 as the cable is a monthly chart. Okay, and we're going to be discussing primarily the approach to developing your directional bias and
242 00:41:53,940 --> 00:42:02,370 looking for trades in that direction for all facets of your trading, whether it be position trading, swing trading, short term trading, or day trading, or even
243 00:42:02,370 --> 00:42:16,590 the scalper. Again, I like to preface all these videos with the fact that while I do comment, rarely on scalping, and you'll hear it mentioned in this video, I
244 00:42:16,590 --> 00:42:24,990 do not advocate that type of trading simply because it's too short term. For my personal taste. That's not to say that you can't make money. It's not to say
245 00:42:24,990 --> 00:42:37,530 that you can't find consistent setups with these concepts. For scouts, it just means that it's just not my forte, I waste a lot of time and, and lost a lot of
246 00:42:37,530 --> 00:42:47,820 mine doing that, you know, in the beginning until I really found out what I was doing. And I just want to add that every time I mentioned it because I'm
247 00:42:47,850 --> 00:43:00,660 actually strongly against scalping. And now my view of scalping is anything less than 20 pips, so if you can't make 20 pips out of the move, it's by my
248 00:43:00,660 --> 00:43:13,830 definition, a scalp, okay? So anything 20 pips or greater is what we're looking for. So that which divides my scalp. You know, 2030 pips is my scalp anything
249 00:43:13,830 --> 00:43:24,480 greater than that's a short term trader day trade. And then obviously moving higher up in the realm of PIP hauls greater than 100 pips, that's more or less
250 00:43:24,510 --> 00:43:34,050 in my forte, I like looking for those types of moves. So even if I'm wrong, hopefully I can get 50% of the anticipated range of 100 pips I'm looking for
251 00:43:34,050 --> 00:43:44,130 which is about 50 pips or so. And, again, a lot of people are shocked when I tell him that that's really all I'm looking for, for the week, 50 to 75 pips a
252 00:43:44,130 --> 00:43:53,100 week, that's all I'm looking for. So, again, have that in your notebook, you do not need a lot of pips to make a lot of money, you don't need a lot of pips, to
253 00:43:53,100 --> 00:44:01,800 build wealth, you just need time and consistently doing the same thing over and over again, that works. Okay. And we're gonna be talking about all of the
254 00:44:01,890 --> 00:44:13,290 concepts that we've discussed over the last three years on baby pips, all of the videos that discussed with top down analysis, you have to revisit those guys, if
255 00:44:13,290 --> 00:44:26,220 you haven't studied those and haven't really ingrained those primary steps as a technical analysis. trader, you have to go back to that, okay, because that's
256 00:44:26,220 --> 00:44:36,450 the route to successful trading, you have to have top down perspective. to limit the amount of false signals you would just inherently find if you just were
257 00:44:36,450 --> 00:44:43,860 staring at the lower timeframes one in five minute charts, which is predominantly what most novice and or new traders do, because they think they're
258 00:44:43,860 --> 00:44:52,920 closer to the market so therefore, their new trades are gonna be easier to see.  And what's ironically seen is that they go away with thinking that forex and
259 00:44:52,920 --> 00:45:04,470 trading by any asset classes too difficult or by their definition, that they lose their accounts. Less than 90 days, typically, they'll say that no one ever
260 00:45:04,470 --> 00:45:12,660 makes money. And hopefully you guys can see that that's not entirely true.  There's people out there that do make good livings. And my goal is to help you
261 00:45:12,660 --> 00:45:21,120 do that. Okay? So, again, I'm not a CPA, I'm not licensed to give you trade advice. These are just ideas to help stimulate some decision making on your
262 00:45:21,120 --> 00:45:32,070 part. Yeah, everything we're discussing in these videos, you have to take the responsibility, and the profits and or losses are yours, not mine. And I don't
263 00:45:32,070 --> 00:45:39,780 want to credit for your winnings, I don't certainly want any credit for your losses. So practice in a demo account, you build the confidence that you need,
264 00:45:39,780 --> 00:45:48,330 and you determine whether or not these are going to be valuable concepts, or advantageous for you to use with real money. And if you're, if you're
265 00:45:48,330 --> 00:45:53,580 successful, great, I'd love to hear your story. But don't thank me for it, because I'm the one executing the trades.
266 00:45:54,840 --> 00:46:04,560 Alright, so let's take a look at our first trading style and how we can arrive at a top down approach. And it's gonna be similar to a lot of the higher
267 00:46:04,560 --> 00:46:13,770 timeframe views here. But I'm really bringing you back to what's essential in terms of having a directional bias because I get a million emails, okay. And you
268 00:46:13,770 --> 00:46:21,990 see it always creeping up on the forums. You know, how do I know which way to trade? You know, if I just knew that I'd make a million dollars every year?
269 00:46:22,170 --> 00:46:33,270 Okay. And it's, it's a lot easier than you think, guys. And it's unfortunate.  You have to overcomplicate it. And I'm not laughing at you because I did the
270 00:46:33,270 --> 00:46:44,760 same thing. Okay, as SMP trader, years and years ago, I had that same thinking, if I could just get to the point of directional bias, what should I be doing
271 00:46:44,760 --> 00:46:53,880 today, if I just knew that, I'll be alright, and I was just trying to catch in two, three handles intraday for the s&p, and, you know, in our $500 per point,
272 00:46:54,270 --> 00:47:04,380 that's a good living, because a couple of weeks, so if you are in that rut in your trading, or if you just started and you've always wondered, you know, how
273 00:47:04,380 --> 00:47:15,900 do technical traders arrive at you the bias for today, you know, whether they be a bull or bear for the day, okay, and I kind of want to more or less take you
274 00:47:15,900 --> 00:47:25,530 away from that definition of weather, are you a bull or a bear? Okay, you're neither, okay, you're neither one because you want to be able to go into the
275 00:47:25,530 --> 00:47:37,170 marketplace and just arrive at what you need to be doing at the time. You trade.  Okay, whatever that timeframe is, whatever that that framework and onwards, if
276 00:47:37,170 --> 00:47:46,080 you're a position trader, which is what we're starting with your trade, you're going to be derived from finding the monthly, weekly and daily market structure,
277 00:47:46,110 --> 00:47:55,320 key support resistance levels, and that's going to be your top down approach, okay. But even if you're not a position trader, you still want to start here,
278 00:47:55,320 --> 00:48:03,960 because it's going to be highly advantageous to you as a trader, even if you are a day trader or a scalper, because you're going to see a lot of the moves that
279 00:48:03,960 --> 00:48:19,710 are really wildly explosive moves one way intraday, they are always, always seen with the institutional sponsors, if that's being seen with the higher timeframe
280 00:48:19,710 --> 00:48:30,510 directional bias. So it's important that you understand that it's not a boring or waste of time for you to be doing analysis on these higher timeframe charts,
281 00:48:30,510 --> 00:48:40,320 because it's essential for you to have this perspective, if you really want to be catching and ferreting out these explosive moves in the marketplace, because
282 00:48:40,530 --> 00:48:51,990 when you get ahold of one, it's absolutely mind blowing how fast you can build up pips get really handsome, intraday wins. And it feels wonderful to be on the
283 00:48:51,990 --> 00:49:00,030 right side of the market. And if you could do that consistently over a period of time, even if you're 50% on time, right, and you have good risk management
284 00:49:01,050 --> 00:49:09,780 protocols, you will absolutely weather the storms of being wrong half time. And I think by doing this, you'll find that you're trading actually a little bit
285 00:49:09,780 --> 00:49:22,950 more accurate than 50%. And you can be wildly profitable with just 33% accuracy.  But if you have 50 to 70%, you enter a new realm in terms of profitability and
286 00:49:22,950 --> 00:49:33,060 and obviously, once you have a higher timeframe perspective and you are more dynamic with your lower timeframe analysis concepts, it's not on attainable to
287 00:49:33,090 --> 00:49:42,450 reach the 70 to even 90% accuracy level. Now, obviously, you'll go into a tailspin once in a while, and you have to prepare for that and that may
288 00:49:42,510 --> 00:49:53,820 materialize in the form of a losing streak or just, you know, a bad run Okay, and it could be seasonally inspired. Like this time of year. I'm really not that
289 00:49:53,820 --> 00:50:01,200 aggressive in trading. You know, it's the end of the year. It's around the holidays. So I'll scale back and or take months completely out the marketplace
290 00:50:01,200 --> 00:50:14,400 and that I've done that. And there's a human, follow me on the forums know that I'm completely out of market right now. And if you have arrived at what type of
291 00:50:14,400 --> 00:50:28,140 trader, you are, this module here, you know, what we're talking about now is going to be very influential in terms of, as a reference, go back to this
292 00:50:28,140 --> 00:50:35,790 periodically, okay, at least once a month, come back to this video every single month while you're trading, at least, if you're brand new trader, and you just
293 00:50:35,790 --> 00:50:40,860 started doing technical analysis, and you've been following us for a short period of time.
294 00:50:42,150 --> 00:50:50,460 Go back to this as a framework, okay, and it'll help you break down the market.  You look at the market in a structured approach module, and you'll be able to
295 00:50:50,460 --> 00:50:58,500 see that directional bias is absolutely not hard at all. It just requires you to be patient to see the setups that line up with the higher timeframe premise.
296 00:50:58,500 --> 00:51:13,290 Okay, so let's begin with arriving at a very simple approach to directional bias and top down approach. Alright, we're gonna talk about the summer of 2012. Okay,
297 00:51:13,290 --> 00:51:20,970 and I'm not cherry picking because if you've been following me on YouTube and on baby pips, I actually called the bottom in the marketplace on both the fiber and
298 00:51:20,970 --> 00:51:28,410 cable before it actually happened. And it's all video documented, I even gave you the price levels, where it's gonna go and where it was going to go once it
299 00:51:28,410 --> 00:51:37,890 reversed on the upside. Okay, so you'll see a lot of these levels talked about here, and you'll be able to see those things actually done on a daily breakdown
300 00:51:37,890 --> 00:51:48,090 on analysis in advance on my YouTube channel. Okay, so, again, I want to stick to things that you've seen the actually talk about and apply. So that way, it's
301 00:51:48,090 --> 00:51:57,150 not like well, you know, it's great on the left side chart, guys, these are actual analysis that I did in advance. Okay, so I'm not making this stuff up,
302 00:51:57,150 --> 00:52:04,290 not put lipstick on a pig. So you guys can be impressed with the left side of the chart. We're talking about something that has been documented before it
303 00:52:04,290 --> 00:52:14,910 happened. Okay. So now let's talk about the fact that obviously, we're going to briefly introduce, again, the seasonal tendency, there's a seasonal tendency for
304 00:52:14,910 --> 00:52:26,670 the markets to create a low in the summertime. Okay. I'm not going to go over that here. That's all in the introductory video series that I did on baby pips
305 00:52:26,670 --> 00:52:36,600 is check out that first thread. It's wildly popular right now. What every new and or aspiring forex trader still wants to know, if you go to the first page of
306 00:52:36,600 --> 00:52:46,680 that thread, the very, very, very, very, very single first post of that thread is an index list of all the videos and resources that I more or less shared with
307 00:52:46,680 --> 00:52:54,990 the community on baby pips. Now, there's a couple nuggets that are hidden throughout the thread. And that's for the folks to have the tenacity to get
308 00:52:54,990 --> 00:53:06,000 executed through the monstrous amount of pages to go through that. But you know, you don't have to, but I think if you find them that you're doing nice little
309 00:53:06,000 --> 00:53:20,580 easter eggs to get a hold of that a lot of insight to it. So we have a seasonal tendency to expect a low to form in the British pound the euro. Again, we're not
310 00:53:20,580 --> 00:53:26,730 going to go over that here. As far as why it's a seasonal tendency to go up.  Because I've discussed the other place, I don't want to spend too much time with
311 00:53:26,730 --> 00:53:39,330 all the things that we've already talked about. But here is the load that we're going to actually talk about. Okay, and that low is in the summer of this year,
312 00:53:39,330 --> 00:53:50,040 which is 2012 and is actually the June low. Okay, so the actual low is formed in the cable was on the month of June. Now, what I want to draw your attention to
313 00:53:50,040 --> 00:53:59,040 is the fact that if you go to the left side of your chart here, it's a little bit, see all these lows in here. Okay, and see the lows over here. Now look at
314 00:53:59,040 --> 00:54:09,090 the bodies of the candles here. And look at the lows over here. If you stretch on over all over here, you can see this consolidation around that same area
315 00:54:09,090 --> 00:54:23,100 here. Okay, so what we're doing is we're going to identify a level of key resistance and support. Okay, so obviously, we're going to be just eyeballing it
316 00:54:23,100 --> 00:54:36,540 initially, you have the 152 10 level, which is essentially this level here.  Actual level for this data feed is 152 32. So essentially, that's around the
317 00:54:36,570 --> 00:54:52,620 152 30 level. Okay, so we could use the 152 50 in that area on this one, just again, ballpark it here. So here's 152 57. Okay, you can see how there's a whole
318 00:54:52,620 --> 00:54:53,130 lot of
319 00:54:54,450 --> 00:55:00,960 tug of war back around that same level. If you go back over here you can see the bodies of the candles and the wicks trying to reach for that. Same level, and
320 00:55:00,960 --> 00:55:11,160 again, don't want 50 to 50 is a mid figure level that we like to talk about.  Alright, so we would expect reasonably to see some sort of a bounce around that
321 00:55:11,160 --> 00:55:23,610 mid figure, and around the large full figures, 152, even 153, even. But notice that we have a whole lot of action around that 150 to 50. level. Okay? So what
322 00:55:23,610 --> 00:55:34,050 we're doing is we're actually looking at this low here, the lows in here, the bodies of the candles in here, this is the level of consolidation, where there's
323 00:55:34,050 --> 00:55:45,660 a few short term lows that could have been used for probable areas of support, but we're gonna erage we're going to keep our original idea and premise to using
324 00:55:45,690 --> 00:55:58,890 the 152 50 level. Okay, I'm gonna do as as we move down, again, we're looking at the higher time frame, position trader, approach, and we're gonna use top down
325 00:55:58,890 --> 00:56:08,580 analysis concepts. Okay, so we're gonna start with the 152 50 level here. But before we get to that, what I want to draw your attention to is the range that
326 00:56:08,730 --> 00:56:22,050 at that point, when we traded down in the summer months, we were inside of a larger range, okay? And that can be seen here, here's the low. And here's the
327 00:56:22,050 --> 00:56:34,230 high. Okay, can you see how that 50 level is the midpoint of that larger range here is high, and this low. So we're inside this larger range, and we found
328 00:56:34,230 --> 00:56:42,750 support at the 50 level. Okay. Now, I'm not trying to draw your attention to the fact that it's the 50 fib level, that's not the concern, okay. The point is that
329 00:56:42,750 --> 00:56:52,680 we're inside of a larger consolidation. Okay, and thinking of market profiles, we had a trending profile, we had a reversal profile, and now we're in a
330 00:56:52,680 --> 00:57:07,530 consolidation, okay, and we went into a smaller consolidation in here, okay, so, we do have this range, consider, okay, and we have found support at the midpoint
331 00:57:07,530 --> 00:57:18,780 of that range. Okay. Now think of our mocha market profile concepts. Okay. Now, I taught a concept of z day formations. Okay. Now, if there was one thing, I
332 00:57:18,780 --> 00:57:30,120 could go back and change, I wish I would have took took the day part out of it, okay? Because it's z formation, which is what you see, that's synonymous with
333 00:57:30,120 --> 00:57:41,280 consolidations, okay, and they can tend to fall into the Seek and Destroy market profile. Okay. And again, that's a video module just for these specific
334 00:57:41,520 --> 00:57:50,040 profiles. Okay, so again, I'm not gonna spend time here, but you can check those out and study more information about those. But while we're in here in these
335 00:57:50,040 --> 00:58:00,900 consolidations, okay, the Z day formations, or Z formations, and consolidation is what you would expect to see in price action. So it's not limited to just a
336 00:58:00,900 --> 00:58:13,740 intraday or a daily phenomenon. You can see here on the monthly, you see that same formation happening here. Okay. But it's interesting, I think, to note that
337 00:58:13,740 --> 00:58:23,520 152 50 level, okay, we're seeing a whole lot of confluence of expectation of the market, finding support at that same timeframe. So now we have a seasonal
338 00:58:23,520 --> 00:58:36,180 tendency, okay. And price comes down into that 152 50 level, okay. And, again, the low on that particular month was the 152 67. Okay, so now we have this map
339 00:58:36,180 --> 00:58:45,180 down here. Okay, we've essentially won over the fact that we've been trending, we had a market reversal in here. Okay, now we're in the consolidation, so we're
340 00:58:45,270 --> 00:58:54,810 inside of a larger monthly consolidation, okay, but we have discernible levels of support resistance to work within. Okay, so now I'm gonna keep these levels
341 00:58:54,810 --> 00:59:12,150 up, we've mapped out the higher timeframe monthly chart. So let's get down to a weekly you can see by going forward and moving into the June timeframe here, set
342 00:59:12,450 --> 00:59:26,550 the June low reading here, we have price come up and come back down and found support this particular level here, okay. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take
343 00:59:26,550 --> 00:59:29,790 the fib off because it's not needed at this point.
344 00:59:34,800 --> 00:59:48,060 Okay, so now look what we have here we have price, finding support. Now by moving down to a weekly chart, we can work closely calibrate these levels. Now
345 00:59:48,060 --> 00:59:59,760 this is 152 50. But now watch what happens when we start moving up to these lows that are here. We have a low here we have a low here. We have a low here. Notice
346 00:59:59,760 --> 01:00:19,800 what how happens over here, watch this area right here. Okay, we have this low here. If we move up to these particular lows being this low here, two bodies of
347 01:00:19,800 --> 01:00:31,380 the candles here, you can see now we have a much more discernible range in here.  So we have anywhere between the 153 because if you look over here we got 152 97
348 01:00:32,250 --> 01:00:48,150 and the low the previous low here, okay comes in at 152 30. So we essentially we have about 70 pips of likely range in here that we would have to zero and
349 01:00:48,180 --> 01:00:58,500 capture a more calibrated price level. So now while it's still approximately 70 pips or so of potential range, and here, we we didn't anticipate the low
350 01:00:58,500 --> 01:01:19,530 forming, it's not hard in terms of now applying our levels that we're familiar with the ease and 20s. Okay, and we're going to introduce again, the big figure
351 01:01:20,130 --> 01:01:21,780 and mid figure indicator.
352 01:01:29,670 --> 01:01:35,550 And what we're actually going to do is we're going to add some more levels because there's not enough one here
353 01:01:45,480 --> 01:02:02,940 you can see how we have the 53 figure down here. And we have the mid figured it.  It didn't get too in here. So we have this range of 50 pips now. So you can see
354 01:02:02,940 --> 01:02:16,350 how we've calibrated from 70 pips now until down to a range of 50 pips, okay.  But we've identified this little area in here. And what I'm going to do is I'm
355 01:02:16,410 --> 01:02:37,290 just going to highlight, okay, and we're going to use 253 and 5250 level one here, okay? Now, what I'm drawing your attention to is the fact that we have
356 01:02:37,290 --> 01:02:47,700 these, this low in here, the low here, and the low here. Okay, so we're working within this 50 PIP range in here. Okay, so now when we drop down to a daily,
357 01:02:48,060 --> 01:03:08,280 okay, what's the next level when you're a position trader, we're gonna go down to that time frame. And you can see here, this is the daily. And now we have the
358 01:03:08,280 --> 01:03:16,530 bodies of the candles here. So yeah, we have all this consolidation in here.  Because all we're doing now is you're just mapping out from the higher timeframe
359 01:03:16,560 --> 01:03:26,760 monthly to the weekly to the daily, and we're calibrating high odds, support resistance levels. Okay, I get questions in you, how do I know how to find key
360 01:03:26,970 --> 01:03:33,990 support resistance level? And how would it look like and what do I do to do it?  You know, in my own charts, well, I already have a video module for that. And
361 01:03:33,990 --> 01:03:41,730 it's silent. But I'll give you all the details, you need to go through the steps. And this is really again, one more example how I do it. And again, I'm
362 01:03:41,730 --> 01:03:53,880 not asking you to take my word on it, go and look at all the videos around this timeframe. And you'll actually see on my live stream channel and on my YouTube
363 01:03:53,880 --> 01:04:07,950 channel that these are all particular points in the marketplace where they were called in advance. So again, we're not doing your cherry picking. Now there's a
364 01:04:07,950 --> 01:04:18,570 great level in here. This is didn't 152 at level. Okay, so we have 152 80 as a good level to be looking for. And we have the bodies of the candles and the lows
365 01:04:18,570 --> 01:04:40,080 down here. And they those come in at 152 75 152 79. Okay, so around that 80 level. Okay, is a good level to be anticipating a bounce. Okay, so now we have
366 01:04:40,230 --> 01:04:56,040 essentially the 152 82 152 50 so now we've reduced it down to 30 pips. Okay, so now we're going to zoom down into the one hour chart. Now you're probably
367 01:04:56,040 --> 01:05:04,170 saying, Well, why don't you go to the four hour because we're up Position trader. So you there's no necessity to look at the four hour because you have
368 01:05:04,170 --> 01:05:18,420 already arrived at the likelihood that you're anticipating a bounce in support.  Okay? And you're looking for price to provide you a signal at that timeframe.
369 01:05:18,900 --> 01:05:29,430 Okay. And here's that particular area where price comes down into that June low.  Okay. Now what I want to draw your attention to is, we've identified that hard
370 01:05:29,430 --> 01:05:42,960 time frame 153 to 152 50 level initially, that was a 50 PIP range, and we reduce it down to 30. pips. So here's that 152 50 level, this dotted line here. And
371 01:05:42,960 --> 01:05:52,800 here's the 152 80 level. Okay, so inside that area, we're expecting some sort of a low to form based on all these previous old lows from all the monthly, the
372 01:05:52,800 --> 01:06:01,200 weekly and the daily chart. So we broke it down, and we mapped out the marketplace where there's a high probability to see specific key levels. Okay.
373 01:06:01,560 --> 01:06:12,600 Now, it's not imperative that you pick the right one, you wait for the market to tell you which one is the right one. Okay. I understand there's a lot of respect
374 01:06:12,600 --> 01:06:21,930 for me one baby pips, and I appreciate that. But unfortunately, some of the newer folks, okay, and so maybe the guys has been around for a long time and
375 01:06:21,930 --> 01:06:23,460 still have just struggled for a while.
376 01:06:24,810 --> 01:06:34,320 They put an S on my chest, and they made me much more than I really am. Okay, and I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I don't know, all the time where these
377 01:06:34,320 --> 01:06:44,550 things are gonna reverse rate to the PIP Okay, so don't, don't have that in your mind. I get lucky a lot, okay. And sometimes I'm able to call highs and lows.
378 01:06:44,550 --> 01:06:53,670 And it's, it's impressive sometimes to myself, but that's not what your goal is.  Okay? What we're talking about here is how you actually arrive at a directional
379 01:06:53,670 --> 01:07:04,950 bias, where the markets already proven to you where the high odds likelihood of trading to is, okay? So again, remove the necessity and the the putting yourself
380 01:07:04,950 --> 01:07:13,440 in a box where it has to provide you the actual level, forget all that you don't need that. Okay. And what we're going to show you here is going to prove that to
381 01:07:13,440 --> 01:07:22,620 you. Here's that seasonal low, we anticipated, okay, we saw price trade down to those particular levels, okay, and we're anticipating a bounce, that's what
382 01:07:22,620 --> 01:07:30,750 we're looking for. Okay, if you're short, all through here, you're just looking for targets down here to take profits, right. But if you're a position trader,
383 01:07:30,840 --> 01:07:38,280 and you just sat down your charts, and you want to resume trading, and you look for long term trade, a season alone, summertime is a good opportunity to get you
384 01:07:38,880 --> 01:07:52,290 hunting for this type of setup. all you're gonna do is wait for a low at a predetermined price level. When a time of year, seasonally speaking, okay, where
385 01:07:52,320 --> 01:08:02,130 we are likely to see the market move for a long period of time. And that's what the impact of seasonal seasonal tendencies will provide for you. So now we have
386 01:08:02,160 --> 01:08:11,550 price coming down into June low. Okay. And then we have this nice reaction here.  This is what you wait for. Okay, this is what you wait for. Now, watch, I'm
387 01:08:11,550 --> 01:08:19,860 going to take, I'm going to take the big figure mid figure indicator off, because I think right now it's going to number one is going to distract me and
388 01:08:19,860 --> 01:08:30,150 we can't have that. So you see this price rally up in here. Okay, look what it's done. When it rallies up like this, it blows out the market structure, swing
389 01:08:30,150 --> 01:08:39,660 high here. Now again, we're looking at a one hour chart. So this is what you would need you when you see that happening. Okay, we now have confirmation that
390 01:08:39,660 --> 01:08:51,090 hey, look, market structure is now broken on one hourly basis. This is the swing that breaks it. So this is the impulse move here. Okay, so this is your range.
391 01:08:51,450 --> 01:08:59,760 Okay. Now, you probably already understand where I'm going to go with this next.  But this is what you wait for. You don't chase it when it rallies up like that.
392 01:09:00,210 --> 01:09:06,750 Okay, you're a position trader, you want to get in sync with the higher timeframe trade. You want to be in there for a little while, not just a day
393 01:09:06,750 --> 01:09:14,250 trade, you have a job, you have family have kids, you got soccer practice, or your soccer mom, you're a baseball Mom, you can't be in front of the charts all
394 01:09:14,250 --> 01:09:22,680 the time. But you want to have an ability to be able to trade and take some, some trades out into the marketplace and not trade all the time and still be
395 01:09:22,680 --> 01:09:33,090 able to capture some handsome moves. Well, this is how you do it. You have the market structure shift here. This swing high here, when it breaks above here,
396 01:09:33,150 --> 01:09:46,050 that's what you've waited for. So now, all you're going to do is go to your fib grab your low, pull it up to the high of that range. Okay. And you drop it. This
397 01:09:46,050 --> 01:09:57,210 is what you have here. Now again, this is a one hour chart. Can you see this?  You can have this on your smartphone, okay, your iPhone or your Android or
398 01:09:57,210 --> 01:10:09,300 whatever that allows you a alert to be sending you a text when price comes back down into that 62 level or approaches it 10 pips or so. Okay, you want to be
399 01:10:09,300 --> 01:10:18,390 looking at the marketplace or you simply put a limit order down in here. Okay?  So when price comes down to that point you're going to be buying at a limit.
400 01:10:18,750 --> 01:10:26,040 Your risk is going to be from that point and 10 pips below here. Okay, so what does that equate to? Well, let's look at that
401 01:10:31,470 --> 01:10:47,370 few go in with a position traders mindset. Okay, and you're gonna be buying at 262 and you want 10 pips below here? Okay? Your stop is going to be 152 57 Okay.
402 01:10:48,120 --> 01:11:03,750 257 now the risk total risk is going to be 76 pips. Okay. 76 pips? Near pricing.  Whoo. That's a lot of pips. Okay, I understand. But if you're a position trader,
403 01:11:04,770 --> 01:11:11,310 what are you going to do? You're going to be scaling back in your lot size anyway, right? So there's nothing wrong with taking this trade with a 76, Pip
404 01:11:11,640 --> 01:11:25,710 stop loss. If you're trading with, you know, more than one Mini, okay, you can, you can trade with that, you're only assuming a risk of 80 $80. So there's
405 01:11:25,710 --> 01:11:34,890 nothing wrong with that trade, okay, and you'd be able to be positioned for a longer period. Position trade. Now, again, obviously, you can go down and look
406 01:11:34,890 --> 01:11:44,940 into the smaller timeframes, okay? utilized with day trading and swing trading and short term trading, to even narrow down that smaller risk. Okay, but we're
407 01:11:44,940 --> 01:11:55,200 not going to do that here. The only thing we've talked about thus far is we're arrived at a directional bias. So now we've expected this to happen. Okay, so at
408 01:11:55,200 --> 01:12:03,960 this point, if you're a position trader, and you have a job and all that business, this is where the market structure shift takes place. And then it
409 01:12:03,960 --> 01:12:13,260 comes back if you to buy signal, and then starts to rally up. Now, what you're doing at this point is you're gonna start mapping out all the intermediate term
410 01:12:13,290 --> 01:12:22,290 and the short term highs and lows. Okay, so now we have this low here, with a previous low here, it's higher. And now we have a higher low here. So this makes
411 01:12:22,290 --> 01:12:31,470 this what an intermediate term, or what we're hoping to find a long term low, okay, and you have a higher low here, and you go back here, you have a higher
412 01:12:31,470 --> 01:12:41,580 low here, that makes this qualified as a long term low. So now watch what happens, we have a low. Now we have an enemy a term high here, we could see if
413 01:12:41,580 --> 01:12:50,640 price runs above this high eventually here, in our in our position trade, which we see here, we can see a move that's comparable from this low to this high
414 01:12:50,730 --> 01:13:00,930 added to this high up. Okay, and what do I mean by that? Well, let's take a look at this. And we have this range here. And you've seen me do this before, it's
415 01:13:00,930 --> 01:13:19,170 all measured moves and market structure. Okay, and scrolling forward, and I probably better take it out. We have price, still meandering in the launcher,
416 01:13:19,500 --> 01:13:28,560 consolidation. And let's go out to a lot easier. You had to sit through all this. But again, you're a position trader, you're not in there. Every day,
417 01:13:28,710 --> 01:13:37,950 you're in here for longer term price move. Look what happens if you go from this point over here, go straight on over. You get this high right there. Okay. So if
418 01:13:37,950 --> 01:13:48,030 you're a position trader, you could have done a long here and reach for this particular high here as your first profit objective. Okay, as a position trader.
419 01:13:48,300 --> 01:13:56,430 So what does that equate to? Well, let's look at we have price approximately in around this area here. I'm not, I'm not going to give you the exact pitch. It's
420 01:13:56,430 --> 01:14:08,130 not important here. But we're looking at a move for first profit of 575 pips, approximately. Okay. So if you're doing double tap as your, your specific
421 01:14:08,190 --> 01:14:28,080 trading approach, taking first profit here, okay. Your first profit is 575 pips from the entry. Okay. Now, when you see this swing here, okay. Again, we've now
422 01:14:28,080 --> 01:14:28,710 measured
423 01:14:29,970 --> 01:14:38,880 this initial move here, but now we have this retracement as you'd hoped you would have had to absorb. Okay. We're going to talk about risk and stop
424 01:14:38,880 --> 01:14:47,220 placement and risk reduction and all that and we're going to apply all those concepts, again, through all these different types of trading. So we're not
425 01:14:47,220 --> 01:14:58,320 going to talk about that here. But I promise you, we'll we'll be bringing it up.  You have this low to this enemy term high here. Okay. It comes down right into a
426 01:14:58,320 --> 01:15:09,570 sweet spot and you would be expecting this to unfold, anticipating it to unfold, and as price rallies up, and breaks these highs in here, in here. Okay, we have
427 01:15:09,570 --> 01:15:18,660 further evidence to suggest that any lows retraced back in here as we make higher short term highs and intermediate term highs. Every time we do that, that
428 01:15:18,660 --> 01:15:28,320 will allow us to apply market structure concepts to lead reach for new buying opportunities. Okay, so while you were buying here, and you saw this range from
429 01:15:28,320 --> 01:15:38,580 this high down to this low, when we sell that retracement back here, this is another opportunity to buy more. Okay. So you can get long and build your long
430 01:15:38,580 --> 01:15:52,110 position up or seasonal position trade even to a larger degree. Now, assuming that you had this understanding also, and you applied market structure, you can
431 01:15:52,110 --> 01:16:06,390 now start applying your higher level profit objectives by taking this high. And I'll have to fix that fitness second. Pulling it from the high here down to that
432 01:16:06,390 --> 01:16:25,680 low. And we have our 200 extension up here. Okay, so that'd be a nice second profit level four position trade. Okay. If you utilize the expansion tool, you
433 01:16:25,680 --> 01:16:37,230 take the low forms here. And you apply it to hear, okay, and you're 200 extensions up here. So you're looking for a really long term profit objective,
434 01:16:37,530 --> 01:16:54,060 it's way up there. And we're still possibly reaching for that, okay. Which is, I think is rather significant. It's above this high here. We poked above here. And
435 01:16:54,060 --> 01:17:06,450 we talked about that real time as a as a sell and then ran down. But that's not the point of this video. I'm plugging live market calls, I apologize for that.
436 01:17:07,410 --> 01:17:18,810 It's not my goal here is to take this expansion tool off.
437 01:17:24,780 --> 01:17:36,150 Okay, so you can see how we had this trending move reversal and consolidation.  So now we're applying the market profiles, market structure. Okay. So now, we
438 01:17:36,150 --> 01:17:49,290 have a directional bias long term back here in the beginning of June. We are still in the summer months in July. Okay, we still expect a seasonal rally.
439 01:17:49,680 --> 01:18:08,220 Okay. And you see this run up. Now. We also can apply standard priced patterns like ascending triangles, which is what you see in my video, I talked about this
440 01:18:08,250 --> 01:18:18,330 in the video. And then talked about our projections, which led to this retest of this old high back here. And again, I did all that back in June, okay, late May,
441 01:18:18,360 --> 01:18:28,020 early June. And I was calling these highs back here before they actually happened. So now let's take a step back. Okay, and think about what we've
442 01:18:28,020 --> 01:18:40,290 covered. Just for position trading. Okay, we could look for entries here. Okay, and using market profiles and market structure, and blending all the things that
443 01:18:40,290 --> 01:18:49,260 we've talked about in other videos, okay, we arrived at a directional bias, we're looking to get long. Okay, once we take out old highs, you just go to the
444 01:18:49,260 --> 01:18:57,660 left side of your chart, and there's going to be new old highs that you have to reach for. If price gets above this high here. from here onwards, we're rallying
445 01:18:57,660 --> 01:19:05,790 up and we make this high and starts to retrace, and we go into an optimal trade entry. From this buy, where's the worst the objective going to be on the upside
446 01:19:05,820 --> 01:19:13,680 initially, it's going to be this old high back here. And you see it fails here initially comes back and retest again, but knows what's happening. Every time it
447 01:19:13,680 --> 01:19:24,090 comes back. It's providing a new buying opportunities. Okay. Then we have it break this high here, right there. And it comes back and find support there. And
448 01:19:24,090 --> 01:19:35,790 then market structure continues to keep making higher lows as it reaches for new highs going higher. Okay, so what is it pressing for? Was it reaching for, it's
449 01:19:35,790 --> 01:19:47,730 gonna reach for an old level of resistance, which is back here. Okay. So now, we would be reaching for this level. If we're long here, and had you done that you
450 01:19:47,730 --> 01:19:56,550 would have been able to get some profits, very handsome profits here. And if you're using that as your secondary exit point, again, not using now ideal point
451 01:19:56,610 --> 01:20:09,510 of entry, I'm just eyeballing it. We just use the old Hi back here. That's 965 pips. So if you first profit was 575. And your second profit was 965 pips. Yeah,
452 01:20:09,870 --> 01:20:19,800 good grief, you know, you're not doing a whole lot of trading, but you're also taking off the market, a huge amount of pips. So if you're just now getting
453 01:20:19,800 --> 01:20:27,870 yourself acclimated to trading, and you have a full time job, and you maybe have kids to take care of, there's no excuse why you can't take profits out of the
454 01:20:27,870 --> 01:20:39,870 marketplace. But the The point is, is if you start with this premise, it'll help you when you start applying some changes to your life that you hopefully can do.
455 01:20:40,170 --> 01:20:49,800 And allow yourself to get more closer to swing trading or short term trading and you actually have a lot more participation in the marketplace. This approach to
456 01:20:49,860 --> 01:21:00,060 analysis will provide you a wealth of insight, huge amount of insight, okay, because if you're ready, take a huge step. Okay. And those that have missed it
457 01:21:00,060 --> 01:21:10,530 up to this point in the last three years on my journey with you guys on baby pips, and sharing, you're going to hopefully have that epiphany, okay, it's
458 01:21:10,530 --> 01:21:20,070 going to be Whoa, there it is. It makes sense now, okay, we have been talking, okay, most of this video just about the monthly, weekly in a daily now we're
459 01:21:20,070 --> 01:21:29,010 just spending a little bit of time on a one hour for our chart just to illustrate, you know, how these things work out using the higher timeframe. So,
460 01:21:29,220 --> 01:21:36,030 we've covered a position trading, okay, and we've arrived at a directional premise here. Okay. So if you're a position trader, this is how it could have
461 01:21:36,030 --> 01:21:49,710 been done. Okay. Now, we're gonna get ready, take a huge step, rethink a huge step forward. Okay, and apply even more detail to this same premise. Okay. So
462 01:21:49,710 --> 01:22:00,870 now what we've done is we've essentially mapped out a time in price.
463 01:22:03,720 --> 01:22:15,750 Okay. And now I'm going to, for the sake of honesty, because I wouldn't have known exactly when timewise it reached this area in terms of price, but I
464 01:22:15,750 --> 01:22:24,030 extended it past a little bit, but this is the high would have been aiming for.  So from this point in here, the ranges the old high here, and wherever we would
465 01:22:24,030 --> 01:22:33,900 have entered into a higher timeframe, positional trade. Okay, so now watch what's happening. We're going to be milled now moving into the realm of swing
466 01:22:33,900 --> 01:22:44,340 trading. Okay, so how do you arrive at your directional premise for swing trading? Well, it doesn't take rocket scientist to figure out that if we're
467 01:22:44,580 --> 01:22:55,050 higher timeframe, positional trading, expecting this type of move higher, okay.  And again, it's very, very, very important that you guys go back and look at the
468 01:22:55,050 --> 01:23:07,470 videos that I did during the late spring and hold the whole entire month of August and June and July. I call this market higher, using what I'm sharing with
469 01:23:07,470 --> 01:23:17,340 you now. Okay. So you know, it works in advance. It's not like I went backwards, and I'm giving you the best of the best. This is how it's done. Okay, and I use
470 01:23:17,340 --> 01:23:27,660 higher timeframe directional premise, to facilitate all of my other trades.  Okay. So now let's break this down into a means of swing trading. So now we're
471 01:23:27,660 --> 01:23:41,130 gonna change to a daily. Okay, and now you can see by looking at the daily, this is that portion of the market, okay, we've mapped out for a high probability of
472 01:23:41,550 --> 01:23:51,360 seeing a buy program, okay. Now by programmers, when you look primarily for buys, okay, the direction is most likely to have least resistance going up.
473 01:23:52,140 --> 01:24:01,020 Okay, so that's, that's basically what you're doing. As a trader, you when you map out the marketplace, you're looking for the least of resistance, because
474 01:24:01,020 --> 01:24:08,490 that's exactly where the markets gonna go. Okay? Whenever there's the least amount of resistance, that's the highest probability in terms of trade
475 01:24:08,490 --> 01:24:17,940 direction. So that's, that's one of the easiest ways to remember where is the open spaces and charts. Okay, once you break these highs, look what you had back
476 01:24:17,940 --> 01:24:25,500 here. You have a very short term high here, and then you had some consolidation there. But look what happened after that boom, vertical, because it was filling
477 01:24:25,500 --> 01:24:33,750 in all this price action, there's no discernible. Okay. support resistance, and now there was short term that you could have used obviously, and as we look into
478 01:24:33,750 --> 01:24:43,620 smaller timeframes, but the point is, is there's very little resistance in terms of the higher timeframe price move, because once we found consolidation here,
479 01:24:43,620 --> 01:24:50,460 there was accumulation on their way here and we talked about this real time.  Okay. I mean, the big boys, the institutional players, okay, they were
480 01:24:50,460 --> 01:24:57,750 accumulating Long's in here. There's a lot of folks that were calling this market low here. Lower, it's going to go low. It's gonna go a call to five or
481 01:24:57,750 --> 01:25:06,810 lower here, not us. We knew look into the charts that there was accumulation going on the way. Now, with that premise in mind, all we did was wait for price
482 01:25:06,810 --> 01:25:17,160 action to prove to us that it was going to go higher. Okay, so now we have the daily chart here, and we're moving down into a swing traders mindset. There's a
483 01:25:17,160 --> 01:25:24,900 night, you're not so much a position trader, you want to have a little bit more active role in trading. And that means your trades are going to be a little bit
484 01:25:24,900 --> 01:25:37,800 longer than one week. Okay? So it could be one week to a month. Let's break this down and take a look at how you as a trader could be a swing trader. Now I'm
485 01:25:37,800 --> 01:25:51,390 going to have to unfortunately change the color of this rectangle because it's just a little too much. In terms of blue, there's nothing wrong with blue. I
486 01:25:51,390 --> 01:25:54,030 just can't have it looking like this.
487 01:26:02,790 --> 01:26:18,930 See if that does. That doesn't help me out either. Go to a little bit darker.  And let's go purple in my work. Yeah, that's all right. That's good. And if it
488 01:26:18,930 --> 01:26:30,780 doesn't work for you guys, yeah, suck it up. So we have the market market market structure shift that took place back in here in the beginning of June. Okay. So
489 01:26:30,780 --> 01:26:40,860 now, as a swing trader, okay, what you're going to do is you're going to wait for your higher time frame, directional premise, to come under way and using the
490 01:26:40,860 --> 01:26:52,530 daily chart, that's your primary higher time frame chart. Okay. And assuming that and you're looking at price making this rally up here, okay, you as a swing
491 01:26:52,530 --> 01:27:05,880 trader, the setup you would be hunting was this from this low to this high, right in here. Now, again, I'm going to counsel you to go and look at the
492 01:27:05,880 --> 01:27:16,890 videos. You'll see me with a trade long here. And it was a swing trade. Okay.  And this is the reason why I did it. Because I anticipated this range here, the
493 01:27:16,890 --> 01:27:26,670 retracement back, we were still within a higher time frame probability of at least trying to trade back in the rains that flows from this high to this low.
494 01:27:26,940 --> 01:27:35,670 So now again, I'm sticking with is that higher timeframe premise or a bullish scenario? Okay, so I'm expecting bullish prices. So now what am I going to do as
495 01:27:35,670 --> 01:27:47,310 a swing trader, I'm gonna be looking for a trade like this. Okay, this low to high and I'm going to be looking to get long here. Okay, so now watch, we're
496 01:27:47,310 --> 01:28:03,210 going to go down into that same little area. And we'll just take the 62 to 79 and block out that little area here. Okay, so we have identified a level where
497 01:28:03,210 --> 01:28:15,630 we would expect to see the optimal trade entry form. Okay. We saw old highs in here, old lows in here. So we do know that around that 154 20 level, okay, or
498 01:28:15,630 --> 01:28:25,080 154. figure that's highly likely that we will see a bounce there because we're inside the optimal trade entry 62 to seven nights of chasing level on the fib
499 01:28:25,440 --> 01:28:33,870 based on this retracement of this high in this low in here. So we traced back into a deeper retracement while still being in a higher time frame bullish
500 01:28:33,870 --> 01:28:48,930 scenario that we just mapped out from the monthly, weekly and daily. So now let's drill in to a four hour which is the next chart we utilize. Okay, so now
501 01:28:48,930 --> 01:28:59,220 we have that little area down in here. Okay, so now you're gonna apply all the concepts we've already talked about. Okay, you see this low to this high in
502 01:28:59,220 --> 01:29:13,260 here. If this is the area we're hunting for possible low to form to get long on their higher timeframe daily. Okay, to on day optimal trade entry long. Look
503 01:29:13,260 --> 01:29:33,300 what happens if you take that low. And you apply one of our trademark patterns.  ICT Grail oops. Here's a 62% retracement level here. Okay, it's overlapping with
504 01:29:33,300 --> 01:29:42,900 this level here on this low. Here is the level is the 100 level. This is how we hunt the ITT reflection. So we have a confluence of a lot of factors here
505 01:29:42,900 --> 01:29:52,020 suggesting this is going to be low. And again, please go back to the videos during these months. Okay, when I'm doing pro traders clubs and, and market
506 01:29:52,020 --> 01:30:02,940 reviews on a weekend, you'll see me talk about these and show you okay and many times there's examples of trade entries and actual live events were actually did
507 01:30:02,940 --> 01:30:15,330 trades and show you the results of it. But here you have a reflection pattern overlapping with a higher level. ot. Okay, so this is your entry for a swing
508 01:30:15,330 --> 01:30:28,830 trade. Okay. But if you miss this one, okay, if you miss this one, we're on a second chart on our higher timeframe for swing trading the dailies the highest,
509 01:30:29,310 --> 01:30:39,870 and the four hour is the secondary, this is what we're looking at now the four hour. But if you miss this, how do you take action? Think how do you take
510 01:30:39,870 --> 01:30:52,800 action? If you want to be a swing trader and you miss the easiest entry in terms of the higher timeframe daily? What do you do? You wait for market structure to
511 01:30:52,800 --> 01:31:00,030 prove to you that it's going to go higher. Okay. And that's this high right here. When now high is taken out here,
512 01:31:00,420 --> 01:31:09,900 okay, you don't chase after once railing it like this. Because you're zoomed out to a daily in four hours, you're going to allow it to run up and give you a
513 01:31:09,900 --> 01:31:20,580 range. And then when it starts to retrace, what do you do? you map out where the next signal is going to likely to occur? based on price. Okay, and what does
514 01:31:20,580 --> 01:31:31,740 that look like? Well, you take your fib, and here's the lowest that you missed, but you maybe have anticipated. Here's the new range. Okay, this low to high,
515 01:31:32,070 --> 01:31:42,030 your directional premise is still What? Long? Okay, you want to be a buyer. So you wait for price come down, look at the overlapping of setting line and this
516 01:31:42,060 --> 01:31:52,560 old fib here, we have a nice confluence of the optimal trade entry right in here. Okay, so now you're getting long, at the 154 80 level be hands on, you can
517 01:31:52,560 --> 01:32:05,370 see it over here, or 155. figure, okay, you can get long in that. And ever, rather manageable stop. And we haven't gone down to the one hour chart yet where
518 01:32:05,370 --> 01:32:13,080 we can actually zoom and get a tighter placement on our entry and stop. But we're just gonna eyeball it here for now, because I'm going to talk about if you
519 01:32:13,080 --> 01:32:23,790 do take this trading, you wouldn't be long. What's the targets? Well think we now have this range, we have this high to this low. Okay. And you can see how
520 01:32:23,790 --> 01:32:34,110 price is reaching right back for this high here. With what dynamic explosive price action in the direction of the higher timeframe premise, you see this.
521 01:32:34,440 --> 01:32:42,870 This is the type of trade you want to be in. This is institutional sponsors that this is where the big boys are behind it. Okay. And what happens is they get in
522 01:32:42,870 --> 01:32:50,700 a buy a whole lot of it. And again, and he takes some profits off, but they don't want to they don't want to miss another opportunity to buy. So they'll
523 01:32:50,700 --> 01:32:58,710 stop buying and allow the market to fizzle down. Okay, and where's it go right back to that same entry point where they can buy more and accumulate more of it.
524 01:32:59,040 --> 01:33:07,860 And what do you see again, immediately rallies off away from it. And again, they put put the brakes on a little bit because they don't want to have too much
525 01:33:07,890 --> 01:33:15,870 attention drawn to what they're doing. So every time it comes back, they're buying more of it, buy more of it, buy more of it. Okay. But now let's talk
526 01:33:15,870 --> 01:33:33,900 about this little entry point right here. All I'm doing is borrowing this rectangle. And I'm going to highlight this little area here on the one hour
527 01:33:33,900 --> 01:33:45,720 chart next to the lower level chart for swing trading. Okay, now watch what happens. We have price trading inside that little area here. Okay, at that at
528 01:33:45,720 --> 01:33:56,370 that higher level, optimal trade entry point. Okay. Price rallies up and then comes back down inside that range. What do you think's gonna happen right here.
529 01:33:59,850 --> 01:34:09,480 You're a swing trader, right? You've mapped out your directional premise based on the higher time frame. Here is your 79 your sweet spot and your 62 and
530 01:34:09,480 --> 01:34:18,540 there's your explosive rally up and it doesn't take long to get back to these old highs here to get profit. Now what does it look like in terms of pips? Well
531 01:34:18,540 --> 01:34:31,350 if you get in here at the sweet spot in just take profit over here, that's 250 pips 260 pips or so at the best case scenario on your exit. Okay to learn 60
532 01:34:31,350 --> 01:34:40,590 pips, there's nothing wrong with that and it doesn't take but a few hours really to get to that point. So inside of a day 260 pips man, that's, that's, that's
533 01:34:40,590 --> 01:34:51,780 good. And that's a swing trade that you could take using that higher level timeframe. Directional premise. Again, your directional premise should hopefully
534 01:34:51,780 --> 01:35:00,120 by now, prove to you if you look into higher timeframe charts, if you just trade just like this, and trade in that higher time frame, directional premise. If
535 01:35:01,470 --> 01:35:08,340 you're not going to trade every day, and that's okay. Unfortunately, a lot of you guys think that you have to be trading every single day, and you don't.
536 01:35:08,760 --> 01:35:21,750 Okay. And it's, it's better if you didn't. Now, what do we have here? price comes back down. Okay. And let's look at the range here. Again, we're working
537 01:35:23,340 --> 01:35:33,360 with a higher timeframe premise that we're expecting bullish prices. Okay, we have this last my fib me
538 01:35:38,460 --> 01:35:50,220 using this low here, okay, on the one hour chart, your optimal trade entries up here. Okay. Now think you're a swing trader, right? Are you going to do your
539 01:35:50,250 --> 01:36:01,080 trade entries on the lowest level? Not without consulting your higher level, right? So think before we even go back to that daily chart, what do you think
540 01:36:01,080 --> 01:36:08,580 the ranges that you're going to be utilizing it, this is one that you could use if you just stick to the lower timeframe. And this is illustrating what happens
541 01:36:08,580 --> 01:36:17,130 with you guys looking at one minute and five minute charts all the time, you can't see what you need to see when you're so tight to the market. You see this
542 01:36:17,130 --> 01:36:27,540 old low back here, that's the enemy a term low, we have a low with a higher low and a higher low with higher lows behind it to higher low here, that's higher
543 01:36:27,540 --> 01:36:35,280 than this one higher low here. And now we're expecting a higher low, right, we're hunting it. So this is going to make this a long term low. Okay, now
544 01:36:35,280 --> 01:36:49,140 watch, you have this low to work with. And now this high. So this is the true range, this low in this high. Remember, okay, this high in this low, watch what
545 01:36:49,140 --> 01:37:02,100 we do, we're going to take the fib and put it on the true range, which is the daily, you'll see it now clearly. Zoom in, sorry. Okay, see the range here, we
546 01:37:02,100 --> 01:37:11,070 have the low, up to the new range high. And as price drops back down, we're going to take this other fish out because a little too much going on right now.
547 01:37:13,950 --> 01:37:25,140 You can see how we go right down into that sweet spot. And then there's your rally or not for your nice entry point for a secondary entry. Okay, so you can
548 01:37:25,140 --> 01:37:38,850 see the low to their high, here is the swing down in that sweet spot. So we can actually take that and put that here. Okay, and it's mapped out where the
549 01:37:38,850 --> 01:37:47,700 optimal trade entry is going to be. And now if we go down to the four hour, you see our price comes right down at that point. Now if you see what I'm talking
550 01:37:47,700 --> 01:37:59,940 about, if you're using this low to this high, this might have spooked you. Okay, but you've mapped out your trade idea from the higher timeframe daily down to
551 01:37:59,940 --> 01:38:04,860 your four hour, which is your middle level for swing trading, and then down to the one hour.
552 01:38:12,960 --> 01:38:23,040 Okay, which is where we trade into here. And now we can fine tune our entry.  Okay. And what does that look like? Well, let's take this in. Don't even pretend
553 01:38:23,040 --> 01:38:30,600 this pretend this is not even there. Okay. We don't need to see this, the reference what we're doing on a higher timeframe. What we're looking for is the
554 01:38:30,600 --> 01:38:39,720 rally away, which is what we get here. And then we have this retracement down.  So what do you think's going to happen over here? Well, if you take the fib port
555 01:38:39,720 --> 01:38:50,370 from the low, up to the high here's your sweet spot. You sending lines isn't, doesn't get touched here, but you do get the opportunity to trade in here inside
556 01:38:50,370 --> 01:39:03,420 this hourly candle, which forms a nice hammer. Okay, and then you have rally up.  Okay? Now if you miss this opportunity here, okay, this is a swing high. Watch
557 01:39:03,420 --> 01:39:11,670 what happens if you miss this one, it breaks that swing high here, right? See this high here. It's broken now. So now we have another shift in market
558 01:39:11,670 --> 01:39:21,420 structure that's now confirming bullish prices. So now when price rallies up and starts to retrace, okay, if we miss this opportunity, we now have a new range of
559 01:39:21,420 --> 01:39:36,300 here, this low to this high. pull that up to the high here. And here's your 62% retracement level here. Okay. Or you could use the low that's formed right here.
560 01:39:37,410 --> 01:39:49,650 Okay, this is actually a New York open kill zone so you can use this swing point for reference. Again, go look at the Fibonacci concepts video, we'll talk about
561 01:39:49,950 --> 01:40:00,690 where I pull fibs from in cases going over your head. And you can see a high more higher level symmetry in price action here. Where comes right down to 79%
562 01:40:00,690 --> 01:40:10,230 retracement level and here's the 62. So he's a very nice, handsome sweet spot here on the hourly chart. Okay, so you could be positioned as well, for swing
563 01:40:10,230 --> 01:40:20,730 trade, they're looking for higher prices. So you can see how just by utilizing the hard timeframe premise that you can figure it out trades with the
564 01:40:20,730 --> 01:40:32,640 directional premise based on that position traders mindset. Okay. And really it just equates to the top down analysis that's needed. Okay, to be consistently
565 01:40:32,850 --> 01:40:40,770 profitable, you need to be doing the same thing over and over again. And you're looking for the higher level charts to dictate where your trades going to be in
566 01:40:40,770 --> 01:40:51,150 what direction, okay. Now, again, you can swing trade reversals, okay, here's an high here. And if you don't a turtle superior and swing trader that down into
567 01:40:51,150 --> 01:40:57,630 the optimal trade entry here, I'm not teaching that here. But you certainly can do that. And the same thing here, here's a high when price rallies up makes that
568 01:40:57,630 --> 01:41:06,750 new high. Overall, you're bullish higher timeframe, but you can trade these turtle suits down into a retracement and still be considered a swing trade,
569 01:41:06,780 --> 01:41:17,820 okay. But that's advanced stuff. And I'm not even gonna try to teach it to you.  Okay. After time of doing technical analysis and trading, you'll see when you'll
570 01:41:17,820 --> 01:41:25,620 know personally when you are able to do these type of trades, but I'm teaching you to trade with the institutional sponsorship that's usually seen on the
571 01:41:25,620 --> 01:41:34,200 higher level charts like monthly, weekly and daily. Okay. So now what we're going to do is we're now going to swing down to another shorter term
572 01:41:34,650 --> 01:41:50,250 perspective, in this same area of price. Okay. Now, how many times have we shifted gears in terms of directional premise? Zero? None. Okay, we've arrived
573 01:41:50,250 --> 01:42:00,720 at the higher level timeframe, directional premise, okay. And we've established our bias based on that. We ain't guessing guys, okay, we're sticking in one
574 01:42:00,720 --> 01:42:09,000 camp. Okay. And it's based on where the least resistance is going to be. And it's found by studying the higher timeframe charts. Okay. So now let's take a
575 01:42:09,000 --> 01:42:19,230 look at short term traders mentality. And we've, again, we've mapped out this area here. So now we're looking at is a flower as our higher level timeframe.
576 01:42:21,870 --> 01:42:31,350 Okay, here's the for love for our chart. Okay, and much the same capacity, what you'd be looking for is key support resistance levels. Okay. And we're going to
577 01:42:31,350 --> 01:42:40,950 assume for a moment that we understood that this is a short term low, because we have higher lows here, and higher lows on either side of it. So now we know that
578 01:42:41,250 --> 01:42:52,080 we have a possible market structure to imply at least a low to the high in this market structure here. Okay, so we have this range from this low to this high.
579 01:42:52,380 --> 01:43:00,690 Now, it could have been the high that's formed over here, if this high was higher, in that would have been any reference point that we use for what I'm
580 01:43:00,690 --> 01:43:07,290 about to do. Taking the high down to that low,
581 01:43:08,010 --> 01:43:17,610 okay, at some point when these when is highs taken out, again, here, you can see it finding support here, we would be reasonably expecting a move to these levels
582 01:43:17,610 --> 01:43:28,710 up here. Okay, so just on market structure alone, we have directional premise, indicating that we have a likelihood of fulfilling a upside objective around
583 01:43:28,710 --> 01:43:39,570 that 161 161 50 level or so. Okay, so we have a whole lot of room trading in here to get to that point, there's a lot of pips available as a short term
584 01:43:39,570 --> 01:43:50,250 trader doing that. Now, again, not losing sight of this old high back here as a possible upside objective ultimately, on the higher timeframe long term position
585 01:43:50,520 --> 01:44:05,430 traders mindset. Now using the short term traders, for our Okay, all you're looking for really is new range, low to high. Okay. And you're going to be
586 01:44:05,430 --> 01:44:14,370 pulling your fibs from that in the higher time frame, directional premise going higher. Okay. And all you're doing is looking for clear structure swing points
587 01:44:14,370 --> 01:44:24,420 that make lows to highs and employ your fibs from it. Look how many times I'm going to draw it. Look how many times the market had given you awful trade
588 01:44:24,420 --> 01:44:35,430 entries in here, just in this point here, on this little area here. That's 100 pips or so a couple times that was laid on table just dealing short term trades
589 01:44:35,430 --> 01:44:49,080 pulling optimal trade entries on the swings, okay. But we're gonna assume that you weren't that nimble. Okay. And you seen, this is a nice area of resistance,
590 01:44:49,260 --> 01:44:59,910 okay, and you want to be safe. You want to be trading short term, once this level cuz there's no guarantee that this is going to provide a support level
591 01:45:01,320 --> 01:45:09,030 Because it's going to be a resistance level initially right? Or we would expect it to be. So as price goes through it, this is where you would trade as a short
592 01:45:09,030 --> 01:45:19,470 term trader. Okay, here's your short term trade here. Now, what makes it a short term trade? Well, number one, we've broken resistance now support, we're inside
593 01:45:19,470 --> 01:45:27,930 of a higher level directional premise on the higher timeframe, position traders mindset and swing traders mindset, we now have a very high likelihood of
594 01:45:27,960 --> 01:45:35,340 catching a bounce here, even if it's ultimately going to go up to this high here and fail. This has given us a short term trading opportunity, which is all true
595 01:45:35,370 --> 01:45:45,510 short term trader is thinking about. But now let's take a look at March market structure in terms of the setups see this old high here. Now grant, we have this
596 01:45:45,510 --> 01:45:56,580 high here, and this here that we noted with the resistance level. But prior to that, it's this one. Okay, see that. So we have this level of concern with this
597 01:45:56,580 --> 01:46:08,160 level actually becomes the 157 44 level, because that's a nice level of anticipated support. So if price does slip below that we could at least see it
598 01:46:08,160 --> 01:46:16,410 trade down to that point. But the point we're going to illustrate is, this is a reference point that you can pull a fib from number hidden optimal trade entry,
599 01:46:17,160 --> 01:46:30,390 using market structure and fibs. We have the 79 cent tracing level, converging almost right to that same level of support resistance. Okay, let me put that on
600 01:46:30,390 --> 01:46:31,050 a little bit better.
601 01:46:36,330 --> 01:46:44,640 Gabriel now here, you can see how the 79th century some level is almost converging rate with that particular price level that we've mapped out with
602 01:46:44,670 --> 01:46:53,730 support resistance levels. Now, let's drill down to the second chart for short term trading, which is the four hour This is your mid level timeframe. Okay, get
603 01:46:53,730 --> 01:47:05,100 a little bit closer view of what we're describing. Okay, and you can see how price slips through here. Okay, but you can see the reactions at that same price
604 01:47:05,100 --> 01:47:18,510 level. Okay. Again, I'll play devil's advocate, say you missed this one, which is fine. Because guess what, if you want to be a high odds, consistent trader,
605 01:47:18,900 --> 01:47:26,730 this is what you would do. You would wait. I know that's hard for you guys that get in your head patient is a very difficult thing to teach. You have to be
606 01:47:27,150 --> 01:47:37,590 trained, you have to sometimes be beaten mercilessly, okay, until it's ingrained in your psyche that you have to wait for certain certain things sometimes, okay,
607 01:47:37,590 --> 01:47:48,480 and success and trading, enforcing, you need to do these types of things and learn to wait, okay? But if you see this bounce, this is what you would expect
608 01:47:48,480 --> 01:47:59,070 to see. You want to see it react at that price level. But now watch, go to the left side over here and see this short term high. There's your break. So you
609 01:47:59,070 --> 01:48:09,360 know, you have short term market structure shift bullish. Okay, so now you are in sync looking for now new buy signals. Okay. So this high here when it's
610 01:48:09,360 --> 01:48:20,520 broken, okay, what you're going to do is start pulling your fibs on the swings.  Now we're in a one hour chart, okay. So again, you're using the fibs on the four
611 01:48:20,520 --> 01:48:31,410 hour or one hour to time, the setup or establish to set up the stage. In other words, here's your range here, this low to high, you're setting it to and
612 01:48:31,410 --> 01:48:40,020 tracing levels laying right here converging with the level of resistance that we've already mapped out. So looking to be buying around the 157 80, which is
613 01:48:40,020 --> 01:48:47,490 not even the sweet spot. Okay, that's an institutional institutional, I would like to watch the 80s as a nice level. It could be a buyer at that particular
614 01:48:47,490 --> 01:48:58,620 price point. Okay, and then there's your short term trade. What's your position?  objectives? Well, if you get into the sweet spot, getting back this old high
615 01:48:58,620 --> 01:49:08,340 here, there's 80 pips. Okay, now if you go back to this old market structure, swing high here. Okay, that retraced before we got down to this level of support
616 01:49:08,340 --> 01:49:24,720 resistance. This level here, if you took profits there, that's 120 pips. The 120 pips are here. And there's two very easy levels to derive a split position and
617 01:49:24,720 --> 01:49:36,210 loads of using double tap, you could take profits here, and here. Okay. Now let's look at how we have a higher low here, we have a low here, we have a
618 01:49:36,210 --> 01:49:46,290 higher low here, so we have March structure, implying that we're hopefully going to see higher lows and higher highs. But as we start moving forward, okay, and I
619 01:49:46,290 --> 01:49:54,540 didn't do this with the other timeframes because I wanted to move along, but you're going to start seeing it become more dynamic. As prices moving in the
620 01:49:54,540 --> 01:50:01,800 higher time frame directional premise, you want to be mapping out the resistance levels. Once they're broken, we enter They tend to become support resistance,
621 01:50:01,980 --> 01:50:13,380 okay? As the market begins to move higher and higher and higher, all these retracements are new opportunities to take short term trades going long. Now, if
622 01:50:13,380 --> 01:50:24,540 you look at the vertical lines now because now we can start looking at intraday divisions in terms of where particular days of the week are forming, you'll
623 01:50:24,540 --> 01:50:36,090 start seeing that we've what we've talked about for three years now, how the week's low in a bullish scenario, many times will be between Sunday's opening
624 01:50:36,120 --> 01:50:45,090 and Tuesdays London open and if it's not by Tuesday's London open and certainly gonna be by Wednesdays London open typically, there's 70% chance that you're
625 01:50:45,090 --> 01:50:53,970 going to see it. unfold this very way. So, again, don't take my word on look at your charts and you'll see it but the double lines here delineating Sundays,
626 01:50:54,150 --> 01:51:04,050 okay, so we have a new week here with bullishness. We have Monday's trading, Tuesday trading here is Wednesday. Okay, so here's the low that you could have
627 01:51:04,050 --> 01:51:13,290 traded as a short term trader. Okay, and just there you go. Short term trade couple days, up to a week. Okay. Answering on Wednesday, here's Thursday, here's
628 01:51:13,290 --> 01:51:24,330 Friday, three days, let's take a look at what's a pip haul would have been on that. And again, your short term trader, this is the highest level and lowest
629 01:51:24,330 --> 01:51:30,510 level available to you as a short term trader in a week, there's 210 pips. Okay, in one week.
630 01:51:31,470 --> 01:51:39,600 Now, again, we have another scenario here, we have a new level of support resistance. So you can just take this level here,
631 01:51:49,050 --> 01:52:06,540 draw a new one, we have new support resistance levels to work with. Short term high here, it breaks through this level here, same application of fed using old
632 01:52:06,570 --> 01:52:17,280 Mark structure high to a new high here. Here's your segments and tracing level here right to the pit. Okay, and you want to be a buyer here with first profit
633 01:52:17,280 --> 01:52:26,730 of this old low I'm sorry, his old high. He just did that. Again, directional premise is what guys, we've already arrived at it based on the higher time frame
634 01:52:27,030 --> 01:52:35,340 that we're looking for buys. Why? Because the institutional sponsors that that we would hopefully like to see our trades are going to be looking to be buyers.
635 01:52:35,370 --> 01:52:47,460 So you're 67 pips first profit. Okay, and then remaining, you know, the low forming here for this week on Monday. Okay, so over rules, you can see them
636 01:52:47,460 --> 01:52:57,600 unfolding to the meaning to the letter. Okay. And if you're a short term trader, you could take first profit here and hopefully weekly range. Oh, yeah, hopefully
637 01:52:57,600 --> 01:53:10,530 weekly range. Take some profits around Friday. Sure. Let's look at take a look at that. And not even you guys are saying what sounds unbelievable. 272 pips
638 01:53:10,560 --> 01:53:22,080 again inside of the same week, okay, your short term trader, that's a week or less. Okay. Now we're approaching these levels where that old high was, okay,
639 01:53:22,080 --> 01:53:30,540 that we're on that 163 figure. Okay, so when we trade up to that point, okay, we want to be a little bit more leery of taking new bicycles until we can see that
640 01:53:30,540 --> 01:53:49,170 old high being broken. And that being this height here, which we didn't do, but by pepper, so Okay, so when you see this event, okay, like this. There's a whole
641 01:53:49,170 --> 01:53:56,550 lot of opportunity to trade, but there's a whole lot more opportunities when you should not trade okay? And if you haven't learned that over the last three
642 01:53:56,550 --> 01:54:06,000 years, it's time to learn okay, because it's it's important that you understand how the markets work with the higher timeframe premise in mind working off a
643 01:54:06,000 --> 01:54:15,330 higher level key support resistance levels, the banks and the big players are working off these higher timeframe charts, they could they couldn't care less
644 01:54:15,360 --> 01:54:24,360 about your one minute chart looks like okay, your one minute chart means nothing to them. We as traders can use those to zero in on high odds entry points, but
645 01:54:24,360 --> 01:54:35,760 they're not guarantees that that's what the banks are using. In fact, they're not. Okay, so we've mapped out the position traders mindset, we've mapped out
646 01:54:35,760 --> 01:54:44,250 the swing traders mindset, we looked at short term trading. Okay, so now let's zoom down to the lowest level day traders and or scalping. Okay, and now what
647 01:54:44,250 --> 01:54:57,420 we're going to do is we're going to use the one hour time frame as we have here, and we're going to look at that same scenario. Okay, and that resistance level
648 01:54:57,420 --> 01:55:13,950 here and we have no This little move right here. Okay, there's a little move in here. We're going to break that down. And this happens to occur on September 7
649 01:55:14,040 --> 01:55:23,700 of this year 2012. Okay, and we're going to go down to our 15 minute chart, what's their mid level?
650 01:55:30,300 --> 01:55:47,640 Okay, and actually, I call it the ninth, it was actually the seventh sorry. This is a Friday. Okay. I generally do not like to trade Fridays. But I'm just gonna
651 01:55:47,640 --> 01:55:57,930 give you an example of how, you know, utilizing these concepts, you can see trades that are intraday in line with the higher timeframe premise, and how they
652 01:55:57,930 --> 01:56:07,980 could materialize in and show some significant price gains. I'll let you look at the calendar, figure out what this is. do some homework, I'm not going to tell
653 01:56:07,980 --> 01:56:22,380 you everything. Again, this is a Friday. So again, have that in mind. But in this area here, you could be hunting, a setup to go long. Okay, based on just
654 01:56:22,380 --> 01:56:35,340 simple optimal trade entry, okay. But utilizing the worst case scenario entry, not the best, we're going to use the 62% traceable here. With a 30, Pip stop,
655 01:56:35,430 --> 01:56:46,530 you're down here. You didn't get stopped. Okay. Yes, that would have been 159 16. So you would have been preserved in this in this instance. Okay. But
656 01:56:47,220 --> 01:57:00,060 that's using with that range. Okay. Here's our old level of higher level support resistance line. Okay, all I did was drill down to 15 minutes art, this level in
657 01:57:00,060 --> 01:57:11,850 this high, okay becomes significant. Why? Well, because this is a range based off a higher level key support resistance levels, that you can't really see that
658 01:57:11,850 --> 01:57:21,870 Well, obviously, you get in hence up here. But if you're zoomed into a 15 minute chart, you can see how very quickly, price action can be skewed. It hides from
659 01:57:21,870 --> 01:57:32,760 you right in plain sight. Here's your range. And suddenly, you get perfect symmetry. Okay. This is what blows all the guys that are just discovering me on
660 01:57:32,760 --> 01:57:40,920 the internet. They're like, This is crazy. I mean, you're pulling out. So precise points. And there's nothing except for using a higher timeframe premise.
661 01:57:41,340 --> 01:57:49,590 drill down and looking for higher level support resistance levels, pull your fibs. Because think about it, this is a high level resistance level, once it's
662 01:57:49,590 --> 01:57:57,990 broken, it's going to act as support. Right? Okay, well, it doesn't find support again, over here. But it's trying to get down to that point, we want to see what
663 01:57:58,050 --> 01:58:06,660 if we're bullish, we want to see higher lows, so it's advantageous for us to see the higher low form. So we're stalking that. And that's why these types of
664 01:58:06,660 --> 01:58:13,740 setups unfold where it looks like Voodoo. Okay, we don't want to see it come back down to that level, because if it does, it's probably not going to go up
665 01:58:13,740 --> 01:58:20,850 even higher, it can, but the higher odds are, if it makes a higher low, that's where people are gonna be looking to be buying, okay, you want to be buying
666 01:58:20,850 --> 01:58:29,970 strength and selling weakness. And this is an indication of strength, because unwilling to go lower, when perhaps it might indicate that one on one or five
667 01:58:29,970 --> 01:58:38,010 minute chart in that little area of price action. And you can see the extrapolated price move here. And then there's nothing wrong with just using the
668 01:58:38,010 --> 01:58:46,950 same concepts we always talk about using the high to the low with a higher time frame, directional premise, and our swing trading, here's 162 extension in here,
669 01:58:47,370 --> 01:58:57,000 very handsome opportunity to take your profits. And again, if, if you've been following me, obviously, these are nothing new. I've not created a new rules or
670 01:58:57,000 --> 01:59:08,400 anything. But we're just applying the concepts in a structured way to hopefully facilitate a walk forward for you as a trader, to start mapping out the market
671 01:59:08,430 --> 01:59:16,110 and building confidence with directional premise and not over complicating it.  Here's the 100 level here on your fib extension. So we have a whole lot of
672 01:59:16,110 --> 01:59:26,970 confidence to expect some kind of intraday profit taking and doing that. Again, getting down here and in the midpoint of that consolidation. We'll just take the
673 01:59:26,970 --> 01:59:37,410 extension here. Inside of one day day trade is 88 pets right there. So almost 90 pips inside of one day. Okay, and that's one week for me. Think about that. I'm
674 01:59:37,410 --> 01:59:49,260 only looking for 5075 pips, on average. Now you probably can't believe it. Oh, man, you got to be taken more than that. Well, I do take profits, and higher
675 01:59:49,260 --> 01:59:56,520 degree in terms of pips, but that's not my motivation. And that's hopefully what you are gleaning from all the material is that you don't necessarily have to be
676 01:59:56,520 --> 02:00:06,180 swinging for the fences, but be positioned to capture You get it, and you're hitting singles to fill the basis. And eventually, if you hit that home run, not
677 02:00:06,180 --> 02:00:15,510 because you expected it. But when you have the bases loaded with all your singles, then it becomes a Grand Slam and it's genuine like a wizard on the
678 02:00:15,510 --> 02:00:27,060 forums, you'll have a tiger woods on the golf course in the Forex world. So all these things are repeatable for you. As a trader, you can build your framework
679 02:00:27,060 --> 02:00:30,390 as a trader and experienced level
680 02:00:30,660 --> 02:00:40,320 by just using the same approach the same concepts, make them generic to you that you inherently go to them over and over and over again, you're not looking to
681 02:00:40,320 --> 02:00:49,740 add any more fluff to them. You're not trying to tweak them. They're very essential core principles. Okay. same premise have here. Okay, we expected this
682 02:00:49,740 --> 02:00:57,870 low not to be read. I'm inside this level to be retested here. Okay, we have this high here. So market structure implies that if we are in a bullish
683 02:00:57,870 --> 02:01:05,580 scenario, like we anticipate, okay, we're going to look for what the low and we start retracing from this high. We don't want it to come back down to that
684 02:01:05,580 --> 02:01:15,570 level. We don't want it to Okay, well, what will be haunting is what? Here's your range from this low on the Friday.
685 02:01:26,280 --> 02:01:27,210 Here's your range.
686 02:01:31,980 --> 02:01:43,110 Okay, here's your 60 to 62% retracement level. Okay, price comes down and your first entry. I'm sorry your entry to get long in here at this time of day is New
687 02:01:43,110 --> 02:01:51,330 York open. Okay. And you can see a reflection here which I'm not going to draw you can take this low to this high you'll get the actual low in here and your
688 02:01:51,330 --> 02:02:02,910 first profit is here. So intraday. Just trading again with the higher timeframe premise in mind only looking to be a buyer simply because we have the highest
689 02:02:02,940 --> 02:02:18,000 odds of seeing profit. Here's 50 pips intraday. Okay, again, that's a week for me. Okay? We have a higher low here, okay. And look at the optimal trade entry
690 02:02:18,000 --> 02:02:30,450 in here. Okay, we broke this high here. And there's your retracement, pull out the tray entry. From the low to this high, you'll get the actual low here
691 02:02:30,810 --> 02:02:40,950 formed. And this is the London open. What day the week, Tuesday. Okay, we had the week's low on Monday, we have a confirmation of continuation going higher on
692 02:02:40,950 --> 02:02:51,030 Tuesday, again, looking for buys right or not. Now again, see this purple area, there's all this backdrop is that higher level mapping that we did, okay, we've
693 02:02:51,030 --> 02:03:01,530 mapped out where the highest level of probability and directional premise is most likely to occur. And it keeps us focused on one, one direction, okay, and
694 02:03:01,560 --> 02:03:10,740 something just occurred to me while I just said that, I have this set with purple, okay, you may have this for your setup. If you can tolerate the color,
695 02:03:10,950 --> 02:03:19,080 maybe it could be green as a backdrop to you, that could be your subliminal indication that, hey, look, man, look at the charts, I'm really focusing on
696 02:03:19,080 --> 02:03:28,350 buying because green being bullish, or maybe you don't think green is bullish, but, you know, maybe you can attribute to whatever color you want it to be. And
697 02:03:28,680 --> 02:03:38,070 maybe it makes it a red color, or a red tint of some kind, or a pink or something like that, or whatever color you want to attribute to as a sell
698 02:03:38,250 --> 02:03:47,970 scenario. So that way, you're always looking to chart with him with a bearish mentality. Okay. And, again, there's not there's no rocket science behind this,
699 02:03:48,000 --> 02:03:57,420 it's it's very simple approach to doing it. You haven't complicated the matter, we stuck to just trading off of the higher timeframe premise. Okay? And that's
700 02:03:57,420 --> 02:04:06,540 your directional premise. Okay, that's your directional premise. You don't trade every day. You don't anticipate trading every day, okay? And you just wait for
701 02:04:06,540 --> 02:04:16,980 the setups that really line up with what you're looking to do as a trader. Okay.  And when you get to the point where you can start trading very consistently,
702 02:04:17,250 --> 02:04:29,820 you'll start seeing the market to all of these timeframes at one time, okay, you'll, you'll start seeing it in a manner where you'll know you can move from
703 02:04:29,820 --> 02:04:45,810 one timeframe or style trading to another. And it won't be anything to you to do that. It won't it won't take your mind away from you know, what you need you
704 02:04:45,810 --> 02:04:55,470 doing on the short term. If you're a higher timeframe, position trader, you could work within both directions of the marketplace. And there's nothing wrong
705 02:04:55,470 --> 02:05:05,310 with that, but there's a growing period it's going to be needed to get to that point. As long as you are comfortable with that, it's not going to be, you know,
706 02:05:07,110 --> 02:05:18,450 hopefully disappointing to you as you grow and you have growing pains. So, again, let's recap this and put this video to bed. When you look for directional
707 02:05:18,450 --> 02:05:26,520 premise, obviously you're looking at the monthly, weekly and daily, that's your position traders mindset. Okay, so every trade should have that in the forefront
708 02:05:26,550 --> 02:05:33,780 of your mind. Now where's where's the highest probability in terms of direction most likely to occur, you're going to find that by looking at that higher level
709 02:05:33,780 --> 02:05:40,620 monthly, weekly and daily, find the key support resistance levels, determine the market structure, market profiling, all these things that we talked about in
710 02:05:40,620 --> 02:05:51,420 previous market teachings are applicable here. And obviously, a swing trader, you're using the daily the four hour and one hour, again, looking for trades in
711 02:05:51,420 --> 02:06:01,560 a directional premise that's arrived at the position traders mentality, okay.  The short term trader, obviously using the four hour one hour and 15 minute time
712 02:06:01,560 --> 02:06:13,230 frame, okay, that same approach to trading still will use those central tenants that you arrive at with the position trader and swing traders mindset. Okay,
713 02:06:13,470 --> 02:06:22,260 nothing's changing. There's no confusion, okay? I've seen guys get frustrated, say, Well, how can we trade if it's always, something's always changing? what's
714 02:06:22,260 --> 02:06:29,700 changing, guys, the dates changing, okay, new opportunities are presenting themselves. But nothing's changed in the higher timeframe.
715 02:06:30,240 --> 02:06:37,920 Okay, you're still either going to be going up, or you're still going to be going down in the higher time frame, predominantly one way or the other. Okay,
716 02:06:37,920 --> 02:06:45,630 it's going to be heavy weighted either to the bullish side or the bearish side, unless you're in a very, very tight, discernible consolidation we've already
717 02:06:45,630 --> 02:06:55,560 shown. And that's why I really highlighted this is an example, the cable where we were in is really tight consolidation down in here. This is still applicable.
718 02:06:56,010 --> 02:07:04,290 I mean, there's a lot of opportunity to be made in this little consolidation that may be viewed as consolidation small in some people's eyes. But there's a
719 02:07:04,290 --> 02:07:14,400 lot of opportunity to be making money in all this, before we even got all this rat or this rally up. This is crane, you want to be able to trade inside of this
720 02:07:14,580 --> 02:07:23,760 and still make money. Okay? And that's where you simply use the inside the range concepts, and it's done. You know exactly what you're doing. Okay? And there's
721 02:07:23,760 --> 02:07:33,780 no reason for you to be struggling, trying to figure out what the directional premise should be. There's no reason for that, okay? Just look at the higher
722 02:07:33,780 --> 02:07:43,470 timeframes, break your market down from the top down, okay, and stick to that.  Only trade in that direction, guess what that's gonna mean, you're going to
723 02:07:43,470 --> 02:07:53,280 probably miss some trades. And guess what, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I miss a million trades. And some of them were absolutely barn burners.
724 02:07:53,910 --> 02:08:02,100 And I would have seen him coming. And many times, I could have probably easily done that the counter trend trade. But I don't care. Because I want to have a
725 02:08:02,100 --> 02:08:13,350 life I'm comfortable with, with the amount of money I make. And I'm very complacent with the approach that I've adopted as a trader, I've done all this
726 02:08:13,380 --> 02:08:22,560 stuff that you want to be doing right now, scalping 15 times a day, and 40 times a week and 300 by the end of the month, that's great. If you want to be you want
727 02:08:22,560 --> 02:08:31,740 to be that type of trader, go right ahead, and I wish you profits. But I think over time, if you can sustain yourself, you're gonna find that it's a lot more
728 02:08:33,630 --> 02:08:43,830 lucrative, okay, to be passive. In trading, you don't have to be in here all the time. In fact, my stress level is next to nothing, because I don't spend that
729 02:08:43,830 --> 02:08:53,310 much time in there. Okay, actually stress more about doing these videos for you guys than I do trading. And, you know, that's really what it gets to, you know,
730 02:08:53,730 --> 02:09:03,030 are you doing this to make money and have a better life? Or are you doing this to compete, and if you're in here to compete, you don't for the wrong reasons.
731 02:09:03,150 --> 02:09:12,360 Okay? Number one, it's to make money, and you want to be making money and having a very nice life. And you can do that while you're building your equity. Okay,
732 02:09:12,360 --> 02:09:19,950 and when you have a whole lot more money at work, and you're taking these types of trades, it's unbelievable how much money can come into your account just on a
733 02:09:19,950 --> 02:09:32,490 weekly basis, let alone for the year. So again, hopefully, this has been insightful to you guys. And it's been one more step further for you to be
734 02:09:32,490 --> 02:09:42,840 developing a directional premise. And again, we didn't apply every tool, I just stuck to the core principles, keeping your focus on what's essential. Okay, we
735 02:09:42,840 --> 02:09:49,230 talked about core essentials of the market structure. We talked about core essentials with directional premise from the higher time frame deck direction,
736 02:09:49,560 --> 02:09:59,190 or premise from a top down perspective. And that's it, that's all you need. Now, when you have that premise in mind, you can apply all these other tools that are
737 02:09:59,190 --> 02:10:10,590 applicable Based on the specific criteria for that given day or week or month, whatever type of timeframe you're looking at based on your style tree. Okay, so
738 02:10:10,590 --> 02:10:12,990 with that guys, I wish you good luck and good trading