ICT - Precision Trading Volume 2 - An indepth study on Precision.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-10 10:49

00:01:06,900 --> 00:01:20,430 ICT: Okay Welcome back guys, we are in Volume Two of the precision concepts series and the initial video video one on this three part series, we discussed
00:01:20,460 --> 00:01:30,150 weekly order flow and the inherent advantages of understanding what the long term order flow is on a weekly chart. Now I'm going to be focusing on really
00:01:30,150 --> 00:01:44,550 specific order blocks on weekly basis. And I've received a tremendous response in terms of appreciation and astonishment with the precision that's available
00:01:44,910 --> 00:01:57,960 with utilizing the the ICT order blocks on a daily four hour and one hour basis.  I'm sure a number of you probably didn't consider the fact that you could
00:01:57,960 --> 00:02:08,040 utilize the same premise on a weekly and or monthly chart. And I'm going to counsel you to study the markets of your choice on a monthly basis. And on your
00:02:08,040 --> 00:02:21,690 own leisure, okay, but we're going to be utilizing really just a weekly basis, or weekly chart as our premise for this teaching module. The previous video,
00:02:22,410 --> 00:02:32,550 Volume One, we discussed weekly order flow, and I'm quite certain that I'm going to be catching a lot of feedback about those that want to have the actual
00:02:32,880 --> 00:02:44,910 direction, right 100% of the time. And I cannot give you a tool or concept that gives you direction 100% of the time accurately. Okay. If you find someone that
00:02:44,910 --> 00:02:54,810 can do that, I would absolutely love to know who they are. And if they have a service, I would be willing to subscribe to it. But as it is now my faith in
10 00:02:54,810 --> 00:03:06,420 that is very, very low and expectancy is even lower. So you don't need that, okay, but volume three, we're gonna be discussing a concept that will help you
11 00:03:06,420 --> 00:03:16,200 in that area, if that's something that you're going to be struggling with or already adopted, you know, a hurdle with it. Okay, so if it's already been a
12 00:03:16,200 --> 00:03:23,700 bothersome thought for you right now, I'm going to put it aside and remove it for you in volume three, but for now, let's just focus on the weekly order
13 00:03:23,700 --> 00:03:32,970 blocks. Okay, now, a weekly order block is the same thing we've been doing with the daily chart for hour and one hour chart, okay, we want to look for areas,
14 00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:41,400 okay, I'm going to be trading, not trading, but I'm gonna be teaching rather with a clean chart, I'm not gonna be putting any support resistance on it
15 00:03:41,400 --> 00:03:49,860 because frankly, you understand what it is that I look for in terms of support resistance, but we're going to be looking for our specific reaction levels,
16 00:03:49,890 --> 00:04:01,110 that's it. Okay, we're gonna be looking for where price moved away from aggressively spent very little time there. Okay, and then returned back to it in
17 00:04:01,110 --> 00:04:11,790 the form of an order block. Okay. So now we could go through all this back here but I'm going to be saving all this because I want to be utilizing it for volume
18 00:04:11,790 --> 00:04:18,870 three, because it's in trust me it'll make a whole lot more sense when we get to the line three, but in here, we're gonna be talking about this area here because
19 00:04:18,870 --> 00:04:31,770 I think it quick real quick glance, okay market structure alone should be flashing neon sign Hello. This is a long term or intermediate term low in place,
20 00:04:32,040 --> 00:04:47,280 because we have higher short term lows on either side of it with higher swing lows. On the other side of it is well Okay, so we have layered swing highs and
21 00:04:47,280 --> 00:05:01,530 swing lows. So we have basically a fractal form. We have a low, a lower low, a higher low, okay. And we saw price aggressively move higher often Whoa, okay and
22 00:05:01,530 --> 00:05:18,930 we have a very clear order block right here okay and price comes down into it rather handsomely and then once we form a solid swing low in here with a
23 00:05:18,960 --> 00:05:28,830 confirming candlestick Not that I have a whole lot of faith in candlestick patterns themselves but we have a nice hammer in here and you see price has a
24 00:05:28,830 --> 00:05:42,180 really respectable rally. Now we're going to assume that any long taken rate at the order block we're going to assume that at 542 on a weekly chart again this
25 00:05:42,180 --> 00:05:54,210 is the Euro USD fiber. Okay buying there the potential in terms of range was 797 so approximately 100 pips so that's certainly respectable and by any standard I
26 00:05:54,210 --> 00:06:05,760 mean, if you're not impressed with 100 pips I got nothing for you. So, we have obviously, we see that the advantages of seeing weekly order block illustrated
27 00:06:05,760 --> 00:06:06,090 here
28 00:06:07,709 --> 00:06:21,209 price when it rallied out of here, it created another order block, okay. And again, I do not like the the long whipped candles here, okay. Even though this
29 00:06:21,209 --> 00:06:33,419 is a hammer, I would much rather have my order block associated with this, okay, because this candle has more body even though it does has wicks on it, okay, it
30 00:06:33,419 --> 00:06:49,979 has more body to delineate it from this type of event here where we have a very clear wick or hammer or a doji, if you will, price comes down, trades right into
31 00:06:49,979 --> 00:07:06,869 that order block. rallies off rather handsomely again. Now, again, we utilize market structure back here to frame this setup. Okay, so it's right out of the
32 00:07:06,869 --> 00:07:24,719 sniper series. So it shouldn't be nothing new to you there. As price beginning begins to trade higher, obviously, we have new order blocks, forming where price
33 00:07:24,749 --> 00:07:34,979 came down, spend very little time here rallies off aggressively and then drops back down into the order block right here. Okay. And again, we're gonna we're
34 00:07:34,979 --> 00:07:44,399 gonna use the old high. Okay, I really want to be conservative in terms of showing you what to anticipate or expect. Certainly, it's not limited to this.
35 00:07:44,399 --> 00:07:59,189 Okay, so again, if we were buying them here inside this order block just getting back to the old highs back here. That's 1000 almost 1100 pips. You heard me
36 00:07:59,189 --> 00:08:12,179 right. Almost 1100 pips. Okay. Some of the biggest moves that you you see in my older videos where I was calling, you know, summer lows and spring highs and
37 00:08:12,179 --> 00:08:22,109 such, this is exactly what I was doing to frame all that. Okay, but you all saw simply mean taking a Fibonacci tool, and saying, okay, here, we're gonna take
38 00:08:22,109 --> 00:08:29,669 this low here, and we're gonna put it on this high. You can see when it comes down to the setting, I'm centration level, I have an ICT optimal trade entry.
39 00:08:29,909 --> 00:08:39,329 And that's what I was buying. The part that I was leaving out was it was framed upon an order block. Okay, I didn't honestly I didn't want to share that with
40 00:08:39,329 --> 00:08:45,959 you. Because it wasn't I wasn't able to keep up with the questions I was already being confronted with with the information I was presenting at that time. So the
41 00:08:45,959 --> 00:08:54,029 institute one more facet to knew the concepts that I use, it just would have been, I wouldn't be able to keep up with that probably would have quit
42 00:08:54,029 --> 00:09:03,839 altogether because I had tons and tons of feedback that it simply could not keep up with. But you see the nice move back down into this area here. Now before we
43 00:09:03,839 --> 00:09:14,279 go any farther. Okay, before we go any farther, it's important to note that when we're utilizing this weekly timeframe, it's not simply that we got back down to
44 00:09:14,279 --> 00:09:23,639 a previous order block level, okay, it's usually gets down and we buy. That's not that's not what we're doing here. Okay. What we're looking for is a
45 00:09:24,149 --> 00:09:32,129 confluence of supporting factors on the lower timeframes as well it means on a daily chart for our chart, one hour chart, 15 minute chart and as far as
46 00:09:32,159 --> 00:09:42,779 execution, we could get down to the nitty gritty with it on a five minute timeframe. But it's got to happen around a time window Okay, so time has to meet
47 00:09:42,779 --> 00:09:53,009 price and price comes down to the area where we anticipate the order block to unfold. But then we had to wait for the the price and time to meet I mean, the
48 00:09:53,009 --> 00:10:03,749 opens and closes it means London open, New York open. London close those time windows. They're selling Specific swing points that occur. We do our trading and
49 00:10:03,749 --> 00:10:12,719 execution where we engage the market in those three predominant timeframes.  Okay? Yes, you can trade during Asia I just simply avoid because it's to me it's
50 00:10:12,719 --> 00:10:22,559 the accumulation phase of the day. Okay. But with that assumption in mind, if you're a pattern trader, you could be trading optimal trade entry Long's in
51 00:10:22,559 --> 00:10:30,029 here. You could be trading, you know, any harmonic pattern that's bullish in here, okay, you can trade, good grief, you could trade bullish stochastics or
52 00:10:30,029 --> 00:10:39,299 bullish MACD, all those things that we see in textbooks will will suddenly now be profitable in this environment. Why? Because we have the market trending
53 00:10:39,299 --> 00:10:48,209 higher open, you know, order flow on a weekly basis is higher here. You know, we see a retracement going down into a weekly order block all of a sudden, you
54 00:10:48,209 --> 00:10:56,189 know, it's like a bat out of hell. It takes off and starts running. It didn't even stop at almost 1100 pips this slowdown here at all, absolutely not, is
55 00:10:56,249 --> 00:10:59,759 roared real, continuing higher. Okay. So
56 00:11:00,900 --> 00:11:11,280 we also have this order back here, this order block rather, rather small. But I want to show you having this mindset, if you have the patience, really. And what
57 00:11:11,280 --> 00:11:20,550 I'm doing is I'm putting the horizontal portion of this crosshair right on top of this candle here. And I'm going to show you just by going back to the old
58 00:11:20,550 --> 00:11:32,490 high, just here. That's 260 plus pips, just that little move right there. That's in one week, one week, and it didn't stop, didn't even start this kept on going
59 00:11:32,490 --> 00:11:44,850 roll one up. Okay. So, again, when you're looking for these types of setups, it is absolutely paramount that you understand, we're not increasing our risk or
60 00:11:44,850 --> 00:11:55,440 leverage on these trades, what we're doing is we're keeping our risk very, very low. We're keeping our leverage low. But we're opening our mind and eyes to the
61 00:11:55,440 --> 00:12:07,080 likelihood of rather extremely large profit potential. Okay, so yes, we can take a small portion of the trade off, fund our position, get all the risk of the
62 00:12:07,080 --> 00:12:14,580 trade, take a small portion, that way, if it does come back down again, and stop us out and possibly created another new opportunity to get long, but not
63 00:12:14,580 --> 00:12:21,870 necessarily true. It could be, you know, we could be wrong on the trade as well, and just continue to go lower, at least we paid for a position to at least take
64 00:12:21,870 --> 00:12:29,280 a look at whether or not it's going to potentially pay out, you know, for a rather large trading opportunity. Now, let's assume Okay, I'm not gonna break
65 00:12:29,280 --> 00:12:37,890 down the chart here. But let's assume for a moment that we were able to find a trade setup in here inside this weekly order block, risking our average
66 00:12:37,920 --> 00:12:45,750 universal 30 PIP position. Okay, you know, we're, we took a long position in here, and we're risking 30 pips. Okay, now, obviously, I'm speaking
67 00:12:45,750 --> 00:12:53,460 hypothetically, because I don't have any charts opening up in here to show you what this is, but we're just gonna play devil's advocate for a moment and assume
68 00:12:53,460 --> 00:13:03,390 for a moment he had trade with 30 pips on once the trade moves 30 pips, okay, we could go to breakeven, remove all the risk and let it go. Okay. Now, let's
69 00:13:03,390 --> 00:13:16,050 assume for a moment that we were trading with the form of one standard lot, and we took five microwatts. So I'm five minutes off. Okay, so we'd have five, mini
70 00:13:16,170 --> 00:13:29,580 lots left on so you're making $5 per Pip. Watch, I want you to pay attention to this because this is, this is nuts. Okay, you're, you're risking $300. Okay,
71 00:13:30,030 --> 00:13:39,900 this is the mindset you should be coming to. you're risking 30 pips at $10 per PIP on a standard lot in here. Now assume and again, this is all assumption, you
72 00:13:39,900 --> 00:13:47,340 know, this is all hypothetical speaking now. Assume you bought it, you took off half a position. Now you got five minis on, say now you can five hours per
73 00:13:47,340 --> 00:14:03,000 point. If you get in and you ride this thing up here, okay. That's over five grand $5,000 on a trade that you risked $300 on. I don't know where you're from.
74 00:14:03,330 --> 00:14:16,410 But that, to me is outstanding. It's ridiculous. Okay, and you only a few of those a year over a collection of the majors. That means that the swissy the
75 00:14:16,410 --> 00:14:27,240 Japanese yen, I don't like it so much, but you can trade it, the the Euro, the British Pound Australian dollar, the kiwi and the Canadian dollar, you could
76 00:14:27,240 --> 00:14:37,680 have just those pairs as a basket of what you trade as your portfolio in FX. And if you look for these types of setups in this market, I'm telling you, this is
77 00:14:37,680 --> 00:14:48,390 where you clean up and you clear out all of the drawdown periods you take out all of the big losses or strings of losses, okay? When you have a small section
78 00:14:48,390 --> 00:14:56,460 of your account allocated to trading like this and still you can do day trading, you still scout because you still do short term trading, okay, but you need
79 00:14:56,460 --> 00:15:04,170 these types of things to act as a Mr. Clean magic Magic Eraser, if you will, if you ever used one of those things, as their amazing wife brought this thing home
80 00:15:04,170 --> 00:15:11,700 one day, and we had something over our counter could not get it off. So she brings this little thing home and like, what is this? She goes, it's a magic
81 00:15:11,700 --> 00:15:18,240 eraser. So of course, naturally, I'm thinking she's full of crap. And like, what is what are you talking about? You wet it, you rub it on it, and it takes the
82 00:15:18,240 --> 00:15:28,620 thing right off? Well, this type of trading is like a magic eraser, okay, it completely takes away all of the stains of poor execution, portrayed selection
83 00:15:28,650 --> 00:15:35,700 or Russian, okay, and you don't even trade a whole lot, and you don't risk a whole lot, it's the same amount of leverage and same amount of stuff getting in,
84 00:15:35,940 --> 00:15:46,710 but look what you're doing. You're framing it on the mindset of a huge, absolutely monster of a trading opportunity. Okay, in the form of a weekly order
85 00:15:46,710 --> 00:15:56,010 block with order flow, you moving in one direction, you got everything lined up for you. Okay? Also, if you know anything about seasonal tendencies, in my
86 00:15:56,010 --> 00:16:00,120 earlier work, you know that around September, we like to see a rally come into
87 00:16:00,390 --> 00:16:14,340 the foreign exchange market. And you see that happening right here, lock, stock and barrel, boom, it takes off in rolls. Okay, now, again, much like we saw, we
88 00:16:14,340 --> 00:16:27,120 talked about earlier with the weekly order flow, and how we allow the market to do its retracements. There's nothing to fear in regards to you sitting on your
89 00:16:27,120 --> 00:16:37,110 hands, because think about what we're doing. If we're waiting on these long term, weekly positions to set up, okay, we can establish long term positions, we
90 00:16:37,110 --> 00:16:47,820 can still trade our larger risk. Now with our maximum, say, assume for a moment that we trade with a 2% maximum, which is something I advise nothing more than
91 00:16:47,820 --> 00:16:54,750 2%. Even though you hear me talk about three and a half percent as a maximum, that's my account, when I'm trading for a million dollars, you know that that to
92 00:16:54,750 --> 00:17:05,490 me, I need that type of gearing to get what I need done in the 36 months, and I'm pushing it well, in your trading, if you're risking 2%, your maximum, those
93 00:17:05,520 --> 00:17:13,080 conditions are authorized, okay, when you're trading in line with the higher timeframe premise, if you're trading against the higher time frame premise, like
94 00:17:13,080 --> 00:17:20,760 like doing something like this, first of all, I would advise not to do that. But if you're hardcore, can't have it any other way. But you got to be taking a
95 00:17:20,760 --> 00:17:29,400 trade because it's there and you're sitting in front your chart. Yeah, that's when you want to be risking a half of 1% or maximum 1%. Okay, because you're
96 00:17:29,400 --> 00:17:38,370 really, you're swimming upstream, you're trying to fight the tide. And I go, you know, that analogy kind of goes against what I'm depicting here as an up move,
97 00:17:38,370 --> 00:17:46,050 but what you're doing is, is you're trying to, you know, go against the grain, and I'm sorry, I don't want to arm wrestle the banks because they're going to
98 00:17:46,050 --> 00:17:56,850 win every day. So what we do is we sit back on our hands and wait for these retracements to come back into known orders. I'm sorry, noon, or blocks and
99 00:17:56,850 --> 00:18:06,330 support resistance. And this is one of those areas where you even though you have you know, a very nice block, potentially down here. What do we talk about
100 00:18:06,330 --> 00:18:14,310 before and you heard me talk about in the sniper series as well. If we have like a hammer or a wick, I don't like that. Okay, I want to see more body in the
101 00:18:14,310 --> 00:18:21,810 candle. now. I'll use the top of this candle as the beginning of my order block and if you draw that straight out, okay, you can see we came right down to it
102 00:18:21,810 --> 00:18:32,670 and I know some of your pricing wants you to draw the freakin line Huddleston and on so I'm going to do now to keep natives restless, not restless, but people
103 00:18:32,700 --> 00:18:42,330 happy rather. So again, here's the order block here, price rallies up in the past, you would see me in your pro traders club series, I would just simply
104 00:18:42,450 --> 00:18:49,290 reference this swing low and a swing high and place it on there and say okay, here's the optimal trade entry where I was buying long. But really again, the
105 00:18:49,290 --> 00:18:58,860 framework is always on the institutional order block over here. And when weekly charts they're absolutely dynamite they're just ridiculous in terms of how much
106 00:18:59,160 --> 00:19:10,650 is made available for you know, Pip expectancy, and you just simply can't come up. You can't You can't beat this type of setup. The gearing for is you know,
107 00:19:10,710 --> 00:19:18,930 the same amount of leverage and entry that you would take on a normal short term trade or intraday trade. But you're holding with the premise in mind that you're
108 00:19:18,930 --> 00:19:30,360 gonna get back to an old high okay again, since there's the old order block here for long if we're buying anywhere in here to get back to this high back here on
109 00:19:30,360 --> 00:19:39,360 the aisle, I want you to pay attention to this guy's this is this is this is exactly how if you want to get wealthy This is how it's done. 11 136 pips okay
110 00:19:40,020 --> 00:19:52,500 11 136 pips that's a huge move. absolutely huge. Okay. We have smaller ranges in here that we're probably more accustomed to seeing now and most recent
111 00:19:52,500 --> 00:20:07,350 volatility, but the order block in here, come down, you buy rally up in here.  Just that move Again, referencing this order block here, back to here, it's 390
112 00:20:07,350 --> 00:20:15,540 pips. There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong. That's several 100 pips that if it goes in your bank, you're gonna be you're gonna be thankful for
113 00:20:15,540 --> 00:20:23,760 if it was going in mine, I know I would be $120 per Pip, you're, You're damn right, I'm gonna be happy about it. So looking at how we look at the marketplace
114 00:20:23,910 --> 00:20:34,650 on a weekly timeframe, looking for where price rallies and pulls back into a known order block, we just referenced this one here. Okay, and let's call it
115 00:20:34,650 --> 00:20:48,390 again. Okay, we trade back down into it again. Okay, very nice price structure, comes back down dips into the order block. Notice it does not violate this low.
116 00:20:48,750 --> 00:20:55,080 Again, this goes on the same thing we talked about in the first volume, where How do I know a support resistance levels gonna hold? I
117 00:20:55,079 --> 00:21:04,409 don't really know if it's going to hold but if I see an order block in the framework of the price structure, I don't think that it's going to give up this
118 00:21:04,409 --> 00:21:13,679 level because somebody with more money than me calls this market to rally up like this. If it comes back down to this level, if they're long here, do you
119 00:21:13,679 --> 00:21:21,329 think they have a vested interest in defending this area? Sure they do. And you see that happening here price comes down into it. So what are they gonna do
120 00:21:21,329 --> 00:21:29,429 they're gonna buy more of it? Okay, and the price does what rallies off now guess eventually it comes back down takes out that low but before it does it
121 00:21:30,659 --> 00:21:39,779 before does it Okay, just again, we're gonna buy the rate at the waterblock not dead lowest low here and making it look perfect. what's available over 500 pips?
122 00:21:40,139 --> 00:21:52,109 Now I don't know about you, but 500 pips is? Yeah, that's, that's pretty good.  We're going to talk about a concept in the third of this series, okay, where we
123 00:21:52,109 --> 00:22:00,599 can work both directions. Okay, and really want to almost started talking about here. So I gotta watch what I say. Not I'm trying to keep anything from you, but
124 00:22:00,629 --> 00:22:09,689 you're learning it later on in in the third video. We have another price structure here. Okay, we have this low, up to this high. Let me go back a little
125 00:22:09,689 --> 00:22:18,659 bit, so much to see. Yes, we have this one here, this low to high, but we also have this reference point as well. Okay. So this order block, we're going to
126 00:22:18,659 --> 00:22:35,849 come back to that one again. Okay, notice how it's in support level. And we're gonna continue it out. Look what it does, it comes right back down and creates
127 00:22:35,909 --> 00:22:47,639 another opportunity to buy inside that pre existing order block. Okay, and what does it create again, and here, a new order block right here. Okay, just the
128 00:22:47,639 --> 00:22:57,539 last bearish candle prior to the lowest low before it starts moving higher. So this low forms inside this order block.
129 00:23:03,390 --> 00:23:12,840 Okay, see that? price comes back down dips right into it, boom. Now you know what's going to happen when I pull a fib on the low to the high prior to its
130 00:23:12,840 --> 00:23:28,770 decline. Right? You're on the sweet spot. Bang, there's your confidence. Okay.  Where's it trading at 1830 round number and the low see if I can get it the low
131 00:23:28,770 --> 00:23:40,320 comes in at 1824. Okay, so if you were trading right at the 1830 round number, and you draw down on that is six pips, so that's pretty respectable. Okay,
132 00:23:40,320 --> 00:23:51,030 again, we're trading off of a weekly chart, not five minute chart. Okay, and just to get back to the old high back here buying at the order block nothing
133 00:23:51,270 --> 00:24:00,270 spectacular and trying to reach for the lowest point not only that, okay, we're looking at 490 pips or almost 500 pips again, just getting back at the old high.
134 00:24:00,690 --> 00:24:08,700 Okay, if you were looking at market structure, we have a swing low here, we have swing low here, higher swing low here, with higher short term swing lows, we
135 00:24:08,700 --> 00:24:18,510 have a potential intermediate term to long term swing low here. Okay, so that means if we take out this high here, leaving a small portion of our trade on we
136 00:24:18,510 --> 00:24:32,610 could be looking to trade what back into this high. Now again, going back to this level here. Now we're looking at 760 pips or so yeah, about 760 pips from
137 00:24:32,640 --> 00:24:39,990 entry here, taking small portion off here and leaving a small portion with the potential to look back at this high here. Why because we have the market
138 00:24:39,990 --> 00:24:52,500 structure to at least give the impression that we may try to get back up in that range. Okay. And look at even blue beyond that pullback again. We have a bullish
139 00:24:52,500 --> 00:25:08,610 move here. We have an order block right there. Trade down, blew through it. Now this order block was violated. Okay, when I see that I get a little nervous
140 00:25:08,610 --> 00:25:20,010 because I don't like to see a bullish order block taken out. But reference it with this old high back here. One of the central tenants, we have an
141 00:25:20,010 --> 00:25:28,650 understanding about support resistances we are in the gray when we're trading with it, we all have a clear level where it's gonna go, well, Huddleston has his
142 00:25:28,650 --> 00:25:37,800 line on his mt four or E signal chart. And he's therefore you know, we got to stop right here because you know, he has his line there. They don't care about
143 00:25:37,800 --> 00:25:46,230 our lines, okay, our lines are a reference point that we arrive at, the levels are traded based on the liquidity, it's available around those levels, on an
144 00:25:46,230 --> 00:25:58,740 institutional level, not a retail level. Okay. But simply because we all trade, and learn from the same toxic textbooks and gurus, I had no idea we wouldn't
145 00:25:58,740 --> 00:26:10,050 know what they're doing, you end up in the same crowd of losers, if you don't have the understanding of why the dealers take price to where they take them
146 00:26:10,050 --> 00:26:24,150 before the real moves take place. Now moving forward, you can see by moving lower like this, we did trade back into these levels. But this order block being
147 00:26:24,150 --> 00:26:33,930 broken like this, I would have to wait for another opportunity to come back down into it. And that happened here. And right in here would be another opportunity
148 00:26:33,960 --> 00:26:45,150 to trade into this bullish order block. Because we have this high as an old high or resistance now it becomes an inversion level. Because now it becomes support.
149 00:26:45,450 --> 00:26:54,990 This wick is an inherent price action and words, it blew out this level taking out stops, which makes sense because as price was rallying up, trailing stop
150 00:26:54,990 --> 00:27:02,040 losses would have been brought up to this level here and they took them out and then rallied up, came back down one more time for good measure. And then that's
151 00:27:02,040 --> 00:27:05,790 when you see the real extrapolated move on unfolding.
152 00:27:14,130 --> 00:27:26,340 Again, this doesn't fit my criteria. So I would not see this as an order block here. Even though in this case, if it was used, it would be perfect. But in
153 00:27:26,340 --> 00:27:35,190 fairness, I want I want to admit that that one really wouldn't be something I would see now maybe on a daily chart or bar chart, there would been something
154 00:27:35,190 --> 00:27:45,630 else there which obviously, which is what we discussed earlier, that's what you're utilizing once you have this in mind. Again, as we as we find these
155 00:27:45,630 --> 00:27:53,310 weekly order blocks, okay, and this is one of the main reasons we were discussing it is once you find one of these, well not this one, we're gonna
156 00:27:53,610 --> 00:28:04,260 classify this one back here. Once we trade back down in these order blocks, okay? When it starts to unfold and rally up, we're not looking at five minute
157 00:28:04,260 --> 00:28:11,100 charts or 15 minute charts, if we're long down here and saying, Okay, well, it's going up enough pips for me, I'm just gonna get out. If you are framing your
158 00:28:11,100 --> 00:28:26,190 trade on this weekly chart, what are you managing the trade on? A 15 minute chart, a 60 minute chart for our How about a daily know you're managing it on a
159 00:28:26,190 --> 00:28:34,590 weekly basis, the framework of the trade was derived on a weekly chart. So if this is the old high back here, or this high here, rather, I'm sorry, I'm
160 00:28:34,590 --> 00:28:42,720 getting ahead of myself. If you're buying down inside this pre existing order, the order block, okay, again, we're gonna say we got in here, okay, for whatever
161 00:28:42,720 --> 00:28:52,380 reason, we saw something was bullish here. Just getting back to that old high.  That's 300 plus pips. Okay, that's how you're managing it. But we also learned
162 00:28:52,710 --> 00:29:00,270 that when we have highs like this there to clean, so we would expect not not only for the price to rally up to there, okay, but try to reach through it. You
163 00:29:00,270 --> 00:29:10,650 think it reached through it here? Sure, it looks like it to me. And when it comes back, what does it do it retest what an area of old highs, okay, the
164 00:29:10,650 --> 00:29:19,110 bodies of the candles and the wicks to get right over here into that. So even though this is not an order block, by definition with what I would classify as
165 00:29:19,110 --> 00:29:27,180 overbought, because it has too much of a wick, I would rather see more body in that something like this is more appropriate in my opinion. If you want to be
166 00:29:27,180 --> 00:29:35,910 aggressive, you can trade these types of candles. And once we have these big moves like this, I just seen a lot of these type order blocks, quote unquote,
167 00:29:35,940 --> 00:29:46,500 fail. And because I want to give you the highest in terms of consistent approach of utilization of these tools, I want you to feel confident utilizing them
168 00:29:46,530 --> 00:29:55,080 otherwise, it's absolutely pointless and waste of your time and my time making these videos. But when price comes back down to an area of support resistance,
169 00:29:55,110 --> 00:30:09,030 okay, we have market structure, signifying that we do have a trading range It was violated coming back down into very clear, discernible support resistance.
170 00:30:10,800 --> 00:30:25,500 Okay, and we saw a price rally from there. Again, we have a similar scenario here, you could potentially use this as an alarm clock. Again, I wouldn't, I
171 00:30:25,500 --> 00:30:34,920 would reference it more so on a retest of this old high here, so we had the market run through it, trade back down into here, okay. Now, once it starts to
172 00:30:34,920 --> 00:30:44,820 rally, I would view this candle, okay, because there's much more body and not the wick here because it's, even though it has a little Wick here, it's it's to
173 00:30:44,820 --> 00:30:56,220 me, it looks like it's being pushed down to accumulate more Long's and then we have this supporting candlestick, not that it's all by itself, you deriving the
174 00:30:56,220 --> 00:31:13,470 trade idea of of a hammer, I would rather see this as the bullish indication not to the long wikked candlestick or hammer. Utilizing the previous order block,
175 00:31:15,210 --> 00:31:16,920 price trades down into the order block
176 00:31:25,140 --> 00:31:36,720 right down into the center and certain treatment level, right in here, you would be hunting daily for our one hour 15 minute or five minute. At the time of a
177 00:31:36,750 --> 00:31:48,630 open or closed on a session I means long open New York open on enclose in those three, some sort of bullish price pattern. In those time windows would be a
178 00:31:48,630 --> 00:31:58,560 catalyst to catch along in there again, assuming that that's the case, and you were able to get in. Again, we're going to use the worst case scenario, the
179 00:31:58,560 --> 00:32:07,680 actual order block high, back to the old high is over 300 pips again, leaving a small portion just in case it wants to run and run it does. continues on trading
180 00:32:07,680 --> 00:32:16,890 on higher, we see price move up in here, we have a large, rather large order block. And here, we trade within, these are the ones you want to break down on
181 00:32:16,890 --> 00:32:28,290 the daily for our one hour chart. But it's still beneficial to utilize the weekly timeframe because it is again another reason to frame rather explosive
182 00:32:29,340 --> 00:32:44,040 trades and also very large profit objectives in terms of looking for where prices may reach. Again, I'm just sticking with the buys. And I'll leave it to
183 00:32:44,040 --> 00:32:52,920 you to go back to the first volume and applying the 918 to see where we are in terms of overlaying that because really, what you're also going to do is when
184 00:32:52,920 --> 00:33:02,130 you have a confluence of the order flow on a weekly basis, going one direction, and then you're looking for order blocks inside that same premise. It's
185 00:33:02,130 --> 00:33:11,700 absolutely crazy on how much these these moves move, it's it they just explode and where they go, it's well beyond where you think they're going to go. And
186 00:33:11,700 --> 00:33:25,170 this and then these are just enormous in terms of how far and how vast the price surges go. And the clients still go, we have. Again, this is a it's really
187 00:33:25,170 --> 00:33:32,640 difficult for me to say okay, well, this is going to be a great waterblock to show you because it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit the definition. So I would have
188 00:33:32,640 --> 00:33:41,850 to go down into a daily timeframe to illustrate here but you can pretty much see rally comes back down into that same area and rallies off again, this is the
189 00:33:41,850 --> 00:33:52,560 order block that I would use in missing the weekly opportunity back here. And that's fine, I don't care i'm not pressed to catch every move I want to have
190 00:33:52,860 --> 00:34:02,880 every lot everything lined up based on my parameters. And here's the order block because it has a majority of body in that candle. That's what I want to see
191 00:34:02,880 --> 00:34:12,540 prior to the move up. So we get back down into the order block here. And inside this order block we'll be looking for daily for our one hour 15 minute and five
192 00:34:12,540 --> 00:34:22,200 minute basis or not price patterns to entry to alongside around time and price windows of London open New York open and London close those three time windows
193 00:34:22,560 --> 00:34:34,380 are are catalysts for time and price to meet and then you can see price taking off here. Okay, again focusing just again, I only want to focus on one side of
194 00:34:34,380 --> 00:34:42,060 the market not because there isn't a reason to go long or short in here I just want to give you one side because everything else is just reverse of that. Okay,
195 00:34:42,630 --> 00:34:54,390 we have a very explosive move higher. And notice on avoiding this candle here, okay, and you're still inside that range anyway with this candle. Price rallies
196 00:34:54,390 --> 00:35:05,130 up comes all the way back down into the order block. Okay, if you're looking for a long in here taking any price pattern when time price meets kill zone, ICT
197 00:35:05,130 --> 00:35:22,200 kill zone is 300 I'm sorry 13 165 pips made available just by returning back to this old high and it only takes 1-234-567-8910 1112 about three months to get to
198 00:35:22,200 --> 00:35:33,150 1300 pips. And that's pretty nice pretty crazy. But that's what's available to you when you start trading with this type of concept. Okay, we move back down
199 00:35:33,150 --> 00:35:43,380 inside the same order block of extended out in here. Okay, trades right down into it again, rallies off one more time. Okay, and there's a couple 100 pips
200 00:35:43,380 --> 00:36:03,810 available as well there. And I'll show you one here. Here's your order block.  Big bearish candle prior to move up. Okay, we entered the order block. I'll fix
201 00:36:03,810 --> 00:36:18,750 it Get over here. Big order block. Okay, arrives on takes off. And again, just getting back to previous highs,
202 00:36:19,650 --> 00:36:32,130 which it did in every instance here. huge profit potential, absolutely.  astronomical in terms of how much is available. We have one more. Here. Again,
203 00:36:32,130 --> 00:36:40,560 these are weekly order blocks, guys, you're focusing on the big moves away from a particular level when it trades back down into it again. Okay, pulling your
204 00:36:40,560 --> 00:36:55,530 fibs across that looking for bullish patterns, okay to frame your old highs and lows as targets. See it handsomely, handsomely tags. Okay. You can see clearly
205 00:36:55,530 --> 00:37:04,170 that there's a lot of opportunity made available to you trading with this premise of mine because it gives you a very long term perspective. And once
206 00:37:04,170 --> 00:37:14,490 these order blocks start to unfold, you can trade scalping, short term intraday trading day trading or short term trading with the weekly range premise that we
207 00:37:14,490 --> 00:37:25,470 teach in that directional premise. Okay, so that's how you get the direction right? Okay, that's how it assists me as a trader and keeping the direction you
208 00:37:25,770 --> 00:37:38,730 focused in mind. And you can see another order block retested here, rallies up and this order block as well. Right there realize off and this one is well here,
209 00:37:38,730 --> 00:37:44,490 which we just saw last week. So hopefully this has been insightful to you guys.  And I wish you good luck and good trading.