ICT - Precision Trading Volume 1 - An indepth study on Precision.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-10 10:49

00:01:10,080 --> 00:01:21,000 ICT: Okay folks, we are in Volume One of the ICT precision trading concepts video series, this is part one of three, we're gonna be doing very short modules
00:01:21,030 --> 00:01:35,010 on specific, concise concepts on how to implement price action in your trading, and how it could be an assistance to you gaining much more consistency and the
00:01:35,010 --> 00:01:43,680 results that you're most likely striving for in your trading. So what we're gonna be looking at in this volume, well, we're gonna be looking at weekly order
00:01:43,680 --> 00:01:56,160 box and order flow. Now a lot of folks have been pretty excited about the release of the ICT order blocks on a daily and intraday basis. But you'll be
00:01:56,160 --> 00:02:06,060 surprised to find that this is actually occurring on all timeframes. But the order blocks that's found on the weekly charts are many times overlooked by the
00:02:06,060 --> 00:02:19,140 neophyte trader and those that are quote unquote, technical analysts. And as it relates to trading, we're gonna be looking at how utilizing the weekly order
00:02:19,140 --> 00:02:30,810 blocks and the order flow on a weekly basis, can really direct your attention to low risk, high probability setups. And they're derived from the higher timeframe
00:02:30,810 --> 00:02:41,100 perspectives. Now, that's very important because, again, if you look at the results of the retail trader as a collective whole, it's not surprising to see
00:02:41,100 --> 00:02:54,960 that the large magnitude of drawdown and or all together bust that is a company with the new startups that enter our business of trading. Let's face it a spec
10 00:02:55,230 --> 00:03:08,940 spec. kilometers, we know we have, let's face it as speculators, we run into a lot of adversity. And if you don't have a very concise plan of action going in
11 00:03:08,970 --> 00:03:18,540 from the beginning, the emotional aspect of losing money, and or even gaining money, because if you're a new trader, if you've ever felt that exhilarating
12 00:03:18,540 --> 00:03:29,730 feeling of seeing profits, you start moving into your account, that's just many times this is numbing as you're taking a loss, you don't know what to do should
13 00:03:29,730 --> 00:03:39,150 you hold for higher prices, or new lower prices if you're short, or she just get out and panic and just be glad you made something. There's a lot of, you know,
14 00:03:39,240 --> 00:03:49,110 uncertainty when it comes to trading. So when you have a clear, concise plan of what it is specifically you're looking for, and why you're looking for it, it
15 00:03:49,110 --> 00:03:57,210 removes a lot of the uncertainty that plagues the neophyte and or new trader. If you've been trading for a long period of time, I think if you start adopting
16 00:03:57,210 --> 00:04:06,270 this mindset and looking at your charts with this concept in mind, I'm pretty much guarantee you're going to see a whole new level of trading that you're
17 00:04:06,270 --> 00:04:16,590 probably not accustomed to. Now, it's important that we reiterate and you've seen me mentioned this many, many times in my either weekly updates on video
18 00:04:16,590 --> 00:04:27,240 form, or in my commentary posted on numerous forums that you see me participate in, but the large institutions and or banks are basing the majority of their
19 00:04:27,240 --> 00:04:38,190 trades from these charts, okay. And these charts, again, referring to the weekly and or quote unquote, higher timeframe analysis. Again, assume for a moment that
20 00:04:38,220 --> 00:04:48,780 a large bank is looking to move a large block of a specific currency. Are they going to be looking at one and five minute chart to do so? Absolutely not. They
21 00:04:48,780 --> 00:05:00,000 need the liquidity that the larger order blocks will present them on these higher timeframe charts because their orders are so vast and so large. It's an
22 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:11,790 important that they have the liquidity to help facilitate their trades. Many times, their orders have been broken up into modular blocks. Now just like us,
23 00:05:11,820 --> 00:05:22,110 we're looking for hopefully, like us as a professional minded trader, we're looking for opportunities to buy at wholesale prices, okay, and sell to retail
24 00:05:22,110 --> 00:05:33,540 prices, we want to be able to get in, like the Smart Money does. We want to be buying when the street money is selling, and we want to be selling when the
25 00:05:33,540 --> 00:05:40,470 street money is buying. It's just that simple. The way we do that is not to pretend to be smarter than we really are.
26 00:05:40,950 --> 00:05:52,230 Not to have a false hope. And trust in math oriented indicators, is useful as they may seem, in hindsight, we have to look for the telltale signs and
27 00:05:52,230 --> 00:06:03,150 fingerprints, that's left in our charts, that the smart money has, in fact, participated in a specific move. We've shown how that's identified in the inner
28 00:06:03,150 --> 00:06:13,080 circle trader scout sniper Field Guide series. And I'm going to touch briefly on some of those central tenants in that series. But it's important, if you haven't
29 00:06:13,080 --> 00:06:19,830 really gone through that video series, I'd advise you to really don't watch this video series, because there's really not going to be any benefit to you without
30 00:06:19,830 --> 00:06:31,590 having the understanding that that previous series gives you. And by having that mindset coupled with what we're learning here, your trading is actually we're
31 00:06:31,590 --> 00:06:41,760 going to go to a whole new level. And I promise you, there's very few promises that I make in my materials. But I promise you, if you start implementing these
32 00:06:41,760 --> 00:06:52,290 three components to your trading and your analysis, you will see absolutely stunning results. Okay, I'm not promising profits, Mo decided and say that
33 00:06:52,740 --> 00:07:05,190 you're going to see stunning results, okay? And I'm in your understanding of the market, on the understand on when price should be moving. Okay? So don't take me
34 00:07:05,190 --> 00:07:12,990 out of context, okay? Because it's important that I don't, I don't promise you wealth, I don't promise you profits, you're gonna still lose money trading this
35 00:07:12,990 --> 00:07:19,830 way. Okay, so don't don't let me also share code is so much that you think that now said you're gonna walk out and money is going to shoot from your hind sight,
36 00:07:19,890 --> 00:07:30,090 I mean, your time your your backside, and you know, everything is going to be roses in you get off and worry about, you're certainly going to have your your
37 00:07:30,090 --> 00:07:40,500 fair share of losses still, because there is going to be a certain measure of Human Error Error that's going to plague your trading regardless, okay, no
38 00:07:40,500 --> 00:07:48,630 matter how concise we have our trading plan, it's still gonna be driven by us as the trader and we're only going to be as good as the trader behind the trade
39 00:07:48,630 --> 00:08:03,420 selection. Now, trends and order flow, these are not weekly charts, okay, they tend to remain for a long period of time. And with that, it also requires much
40 00:08:03,420 --> 00:08:14,370 more in terms of change to make them go the other direction. Okay, so what am i mean by that, basically, if you see the market moving on a weekly chart higher,
41 00:08:14,670 --> 00:08:25,470 it's going to take a very significant impact of some sort on a fundamental level that cause this underlying trend, okay, to change course. Now, that's
42 00:08:25,500 --> 00:08:37,710 advantageous to us, because even if we're a day trader or a scalper, okay, short term trader or swing trader, or even a position trader, these, these benefit us
43 00:08:37,740 --> 00:08:48,750 in terms of trusting our directional bias, okay, there's no greater directional bias to trust your trades, one than the weekly chart. Now, the problem with that
44 00:08:48,750 --> 00:08:57,870 is, we have been lulled into believing that the weekly charts are really of no use to us unless you're a long term position trader. And that, my friends is
45 00:08:57,870 --> 00:09:08,370 absolutely not true. If you go to majority of the textbooks, you'll see that very, very few even comment on the importance or even the utilization of a
46 00:09:08,370 --> 00:09:20,760 weekly chart. Now the weekly chart I grant, it will take a long period of time for specific trades to set up on that timeframe. But there's also a specific
47 00:09:20,790 --> 00:09:28,890 understanding once you adopt that, you can really walk away from the weekly chart after looking at for just less than two minutes, you know, right away,
48 00:09:29,100 --> 00:09:38,250 what specifically the smart money's actually doing right, then and now. Now, I don't know what that means to you. But as a trader, when I was developing,
49 00:09:38,280 --> 00:09:47,370 that's exactly what I was looking for. I needed to know what the guys that knew what was gonna happen ahead of time. Okay. The ones that were successful, let's
50 00:09:47,370 --> 00:09:58,890 rephrase that. The ones that were consistently profitable, able to harvest real money out of the out of the marketplace. Okay, those participants, what were
51 00:09:58,890 --> 00:10:08,160 they doing and how were they They arriving at that foresight before putting on their trades, if I could learn that if I could implement that in my own trading,
52 00:10:08,400 --> 00:10:09,810 then I could
53 00:10:09,809 --> 00:10:21,299 trust, the effects of consistency going forward in my trading, and not just attributed to just, you know, blind luck, okay, which I think, honestly, the
54 00:10:21,299 --> 00:10:29,489 majority of new traders that get into this business that in and make money right away, with no real understanding it, it really tricks you into thinking you're
55 00:10:29,489 --> 00:10:38,429 smarter than you really are. And that really actually happened to me as a trader, in the mid 90s. I got involved in trading and actually caught a really
56 00:10:38,429 --> 00:10:46,949 good look in the market where everything was going on in the commodity market.  So because I was a buyer, yeah, naturally, it just goes, it goes without saying,
57 00:10:46,949 --> 00:10:53,639 if the market was gonna go higher, and I'm buying, I'm the buyer, because I didn't understand shorting. At the time as a neophyte trader, everything I was
58 00:10:53,639 --> 00:11:00,359 getting into made money. So suddenly, I'm, you know, I'm a smart guy from metal river, Maryland. And you know, I don't know anything, really, I have no idea
59 00:11:00,359 --> 00:11:07,799 what I was doing. But I was making money. So therefore, you think you're smarter than you really are. And, and suddenly, in the movies, you fizzled out, and now
60 00:11:07,799 --> 00:11:15,959 I moved into a, you know, a traders market, I couldn't do anything to make money, then. And then I had to go back to my learning. Okay, I go to school, if
61 00:11:15,959 --> 00:11:28,319 you will. Well, this is one of the concepts that you're going to learn that helped me gain a greater understanding on how these markets move on a general,
62 00:11:28,679 --> 00:11:42,239 and how you can really learn to anticipate sizable, sustainable moves in a directional premise. I could take one specific question that's emailed to me
63 00:11:42,239 --> 00:11:52,739 more than any other is how do I get the direction, right? More times than not?  And I'm going to promise you that these three components that I'm giving you in
64 00:11:52,739 --> 00:12:01,169 this series, are really the backbone to that. Okay, how do I know whether they're actually the market's going to go and why? You know, why do I think
65 00:12:01,169 --> 00:12:09,869 that? And why do I believe that wholeheartedly to put my name out there, you know, associated with an analysis on a weekly basis? Well, it's because I trust
66 00:12:09,899 --> 00:12:19,409 that I am limited in my capacity of knowing the fundamentals behind these moves.  I don't have trained accredited staff, you're working you umpteen hours a day
67 00:12:19,409 --> 00:12:28,229 trying to find out what it is driving the marketplace. Frankly, I don't really care. Okay, because I'm, I'm of the opinion and completely comfortable admitting
68 00:12:28,229 --> 00:12:36,089 that a lot of the fundamentals go completely over my head, okay, I'm not a mental genius, okay, I'm not trying to state that I'm smarter than 90% of the
69 00:12:36,119 --> 00:12:44,999 people out there in the marketplace. I just know what it is that makes me tick as a trader. And I combine that with central tenants in the marketplace that are
70 00:12:45,059 --> 00:12:53,219 inherently generic, that repeat over and over and over again. And the brilliant thing is, and the only real reason why you're learning it from me, because if I
71 00:12:53,219 --> 00:13:01,139 believed in my heart that if I shared it with everybody, it would stop working, you would have never learned us, you would have never learned any of the things
72 00:13:01,139 --> 00:13:12,119 that I do. Because it's my business to be profitable. I don't have a job, I don't go to a place of business and punch a time card, I don't collect a salary
73 00:13:12,119 --> 00:13:24,719 check from someplace, okay, my income is derived by the choices I make based on a price chart. So having that as a precursor to whether you make money or not
74 00:13:24,719 --> 00:13:34,259 make money. Okay? It's, it's advantageous for you to really have a clear, concise approach to what it is you're doing in the marketplace. So remember that
75 00:13:34,259 --> 00:13:42,599 make that note in your in your little book of notes that you may be taking with this video series if you're contemplating quitting a job because you put $5,000
76 00:13:42,599 --> 00:13:51,329 in an account, okay, I can tell you this, regardless of how well you may be doing in a demo account with these concepts. There's a huge paradigm shift that
77 00:13:51,329 --> 00:14:00,719 takes place when you start realizing that if you quit your job, if you've walked away from the marketplace in terms of earning an income, and you are solely
78 00:14:01,319 --> 00:14:11,339 expecting every facet of your income to come from the choices you make looking at a price chart, I guarantee you, you want to talk about, you know, a mind
79 00:14:11,339 --> 00:14:20,459 scramble, that's what's gonna happen, okay, you're gonna have such an influx of uncertainty come over you. Because think about it. you've walked away from your
80 00:14:20,459 --> 00:14:30,209 paycheck, you walked away from your job. Okay, so now you're out there, you're standing in the arena. And I'm sorry, I'm not looking to give you my money. And
81 00:14:30,209 --> 00:14:40,739 neither are any of the other professionals in this marketplace. You're gonna have to take it from me. And I'm talking with a fight in longshore if it is, if
82 00:14:40,739 --> 00:14:50,819 you have this mindset going in, and you've eased your way out of the job and earned your your your ability to make money, then being able to trade full time.
83 00:14:52,229 --> 00:15:00,329 It's possible I'm not saying it's going to guarantee you everybody can do it, but it's more conducive to you to be able to see a long term life lasting
84 00:15:00,329 --> 00:15:09,389 success and doing that. But I'm kind of deviating here so much how to bring it back. The main thing is, by having this perspective
85 00:15:09,390 --> 00:15:19,620 and it's an approach to trading, okay, it's really going to stack the odds in your favor and lessen not remove entirely lessen the likelihood of you going
86 00:15:19,620 --> 00:15:26,820 bust. Okay, hopefully you've had money management, training, and you know that you shouldn't be risking too much in your trades. And that goes with this as
87 00:15:26,820 --> 00:15:33,120 well. Just simply because it works really, really good doesn't mean go out there and bet the farm and say, Okay, well, this worked the last 80 times it happened.
88 00:15:33,120 --> 00:15:40,260 So therefore, I'm going to put 20% of my account up and leverage 400 to one and see what happens and hopefully I can get out my job in six weeks. If you're
89 00:15:40,260 --> 00:15:51,390 going to do that. Okay, I promise you, you will be regretting it. Okay. I don't want to see a testimony emailed to me about that. I'm not impressed by that.
90 00:15:51,420 --> 00:15:56,790 Okay. As far as I'm concerned, that's a lottery. And I don't I don't believe in the water. If I believed in the lottery, I'd be putting 1000s of dollars in
91 00:15:56,790 --> 00:16:06,870 every week trying to win the peg the mega money and in China win the mega million and a big Powerball games. I'm not a gambler. Okay, so you shouldn't be
92 00:16:06,870 --> 00:16:13,230 there. You want to be consistently taking money at the marketplace. And this is one concept that will help you
93 00:16:13,740 --> 00:16:14,310 know
94 00:16:14,340 --> 00:16:24,540 what it is specifically that you're looking for when you sit down to charts.  Okay. The main thing is the main thing, you want to keep your sights set on what
95 00:16:24,540 --> 00:16:33,660 it is that matters most and all the lower timeframes, static noise, you want to kind of filter it all that out. And how is it that we as professionals do that
96 00:16:33,690 --> 00:16:41,520 is that we have a higher timeframe perspective in mind, simply because the market moves 20 pips one direction on a five minute chart or a 15 minute chart
97 00:16:41,760 --> 00:16:53,190 means absolutely nothing means absolutely nothing to a longer higher term, timeframe premise. What I mean by that, I could watch an intraday price chart
98 00:16:53,700 --> 00:17:04,650 and see many, many times where the market would pay 2030 pips and it would be against my directional premise or my comfort zone, in terms of directional
99 00:17:04,650 --> 00:17:12,150 premise, because I'm willing to wait for the setup to come to me, I don't want to chase all these little tiny minor moves in the marketplace, there's people
100 00:17:12,150 --> 00:17:20,940 that can do a very good living doing that and scalping the market and short term intraday trading. I'm not negating their ability to do that, or your potential
101 00:17:20,970 --> 00:17:29,850 to do that as well. But that's not the crux of this presentation, or this series is really designed for those that are asking the questions like, Well, how do I
102 00:17:29,850 --> 00:17:37,650 know that the support resistance level is going to hold? How do I know the directional premise for this day is going to be what it should be? Okay. This is
103 00:17:37,650 --> 00:17:45,390 my answer to those questions. Okay. Because, like I said, If I could go back to one question, you know, how is it that I'm able to get the direction, right, the
104 00:17:45,390 --> 00:17:53,130 second most asked question is, how do I know that a specific support or resistance level is going to hold? And we're going to be able to focus on that
105 00:17:53,160 --> 00:18:04,260 specific pair of questions in this individual volume. And in volume two, and three, we'll be dealing with other topics that will hope hopefully, dovetail
106 00:18:04,260 --> 00:18:13,860 nicely with this one, and hopefully, improve upon your understanding the marketplace. Now, framing retail trading ideas on the basis of the macro
107 00:18:13,860 --> 00:18:25,170 perspective, is conducive profits. And again, we've already said this briefly, if you don't have the understanding where the fundamentals are behind the market
108 00:18:25,170 --> 00:18:35,250 moves, okay. And again, I don't claim to be a fundamentalist. I don't know what the fundamentals are. I can't digest bank reports. I know a lot of well known
109 00:18:35,400 --> 00:18:45,630 trading mentors out there, use them and share them openly. I don't have the capacity to look at that stuff and understand what it means. Okay, and I don't
110 00:18:45,780 --> 00:18:53,910 have any shame in telling you that, you know, I don't, I can't listen to a speaker and determine Well, that's a hawkish or dovish, mean, I don't understand
111 00:18:53,910 --> 00:19:03,180 that. Okay. And if you can, wonderful, you know, kudos for you. But I don't need to know all that stuff. Because I trust a price chart that tell me everything
112 00:19:03,180 --> 00:19:11,610 fundamental that I need to know about that marketplace. If it's looking to move up higher, I'll see signs before it starts going up that it's going to go up.
113 00:19:11,940 --> 00:19:18,960 And I'll tribute, the fact that it's making money for me that I was fundamentally right on that move. That's the limitation I have as it relates to
114 00:19:18,960 --> 00:19:28,830 fundamentals. Okay. Aside from interest rates, obviously. Now, EMAS or Exponential Moving Averages applied to the weekly timeframes will assist in
115 00:19:28,830 --> 00:19:41,550 higher odds order flow, and order blocks. Now, what do I mean by that? When we apply the nine and 18 ama, on a weekly chart, we already mentioned briefly, that
116 00:19:41,550 --> 00:19:54,570 there is a huge tendency, okay, for trends or order flow two remained intact on a weekly chart. In other words, whatever it was that established a market moving
117 00:19:54,570 --> 00:20:08,100 higher, generally it's going to take something of greater magnitude on the up And to make it go lower. Okay, so as long as it's viewed as a good buy, the
118 00:20:08,100 --> 00:20:17,820 market will continue to move higher and continuously make higher highs and higher lows. The wonderful thing about that is that even though the EMAS are
119 00:20:17,850 --> 00:20:28,140 lagging in terms of time, okay, they're very, very low reaction, okay, it takes a long time for these things to turn around on a weekly chart. As a new trader,
120 00:20:28,380 --> 00:20:38,070 if you sit down to a chart, no matter what pair you look at, or if it's a stock or if it's an index, or, or if it's commodity, if you look at a weekly chart,
121 00:20:38,070 --> 00:20:48,270 and you'll lay over that particular timeframe, a nine Ma and 18 Ma, if the nine ma is greater than the 18, and they're stacking, that means they're opening up.
122 00:20:48,540 --> 00:20:59,580 Okay, the widening from one another and pointing up. That's all we need to view a potential bullish condition on a weekly timeframe. In other words, weekly
123 00:20:59,580 --> 00:21:08,340 order flow would be considered up. Okay? It's that simple. And conversely, if the nine ma is below the 18, ma,
124 00:21:08,970 --> 00:21:17,640 and they're stacking, in other words, the averages are opening up and pointing down. Okay, that is all that we need to indicate that we are in a weakly bearish
125 00:21:17,670 --> 00:21:28,650 order flow. Okay. Now, obviously, there will be 10 times of transition where we move from a bullish to bearish or bearish to bullish, okay. Or we may move into
126 00:21:28,650 --> 00:21:37,770 a larger consolidation period, that's going to happen, that is where you're going to incur your losses. Okay, I'm not saying you won't lose money in a
127 00:21:37,770 --> 00:21:45,570 bullish condition being a buyer, okay, there's going to be times where you're going to you just simply be wrong. Okay. But if you stick to that approach, if
128 00:21:45,570 --> 00:21:55,230 you consistently milk that, that approach or perspective in the marketplace, and focusing on when the strongest, most likely tendency to move higher or lower,
129 00:21:55,230 --> 00:22:04,350 based on this time frame, your trades, they won't be many of them, okay? Because we know where we look to buy, we know when we look to buy, okay, but now we're
130 00:22:04,350 --> 00:22:13,800 going to be looking specifically on what direction where are we going to go and predominantly most buying or selling. And by having that in our, in our arsenal
131 00:22:13,800 --> 00:22:22,350 of tools, we'll be able to remove a lot of emotion, or remove a lot of the fear, okay? And think about it, think about what this does. assume for a moment you
132 00:22:22,350 --> 00:22:32,130 have a bullish weekly order flow, and everything's moving higher. If you find a daily order block to be a buyer, when you buy into that, and it rallies up 20
133 00:22:32,130 --> 00:22:38,130 pips and it starts to pull back 10 Are you going to be scared that you've probably made the wrong decision being a buyer or there's going to come down and
134 00:22:38,130 --> 00:22:49,200 take your stop? Probably not, or hopefully, it's my advice that you shouldn't be fearful that because you're going to be trading with the professional mindset,
135 00:22:49,440 --> 00:22:56,010 okay, you're going to have the higher timeframe, you're going to have the weekly order flow, you're going to have weekly order blocks, you're gonna have daily
136 00:22:56,010 --> 00:23:08,250 order blocks, all in favor. And if you start timing the trades around markets open and closes, you have so many qualifiers that really move the odds of you
137 00:23:08,250 --> 00:23:17,820 making money into reality, you're simply no guarantee, obviously, I can't guarantee you're going to be consistently always making money. But if you just
138 00:23:17,820 --> 00:23:29,670 get a little niche in this marketplace, a small little edge, okay, and you, you understand what that edge is you can maximize this, okay to be as big as you
139 00:23:29,670 --> 00:23:39,060 want it to be in terms of your results. But also, it's the same, it's a double edged sword, if you maximize the risk simply because you associate the con, the
140 00:23:39,060 --> 00:23:47,190 consistency to it, okay, you're going to have a loss. And invariably, if you take a loss that invites emotionalism, it invites fear and greed. And then when
141 00:23:47,190 --> 00:23:55,230 you start applying those things to your trading, everything goes out the window, and now you have havoc, okay, wreaking havoc all of your trades, you won't have
142 00:23:55,230 --> 00:24:02,280 any understanding of what it is you're doing, you're going to be reactionary instead of anticipatory, and that's problematic, okay. So we're going to be
143 00:24:02,280 --> 00:24:13,500 looking at the edvin, the advantageous nature of having the EMAS on a weekly timeframe, okay, and how these will help us stay focused on where the
144 00:24:13,650 --> 00:24:23,670 fundamentals are driving price, okay, where the momentum, if you will, is continuously pushing behind the marketplace. And by having that we'll be able to
145 00:24:23,670 --> 00:24:33,630 be much more relaxed, we won't be rushed, we'll be waiting for the market to come to us versus we chasing it, and missing the ideal low risk, high
146 00:24:33,630 --> 00:24:44,310 probability entry points. Now, trading in line with this view, will greatly increase the likelihood of consistency and precision. A lot of the times when I
147 00:24:44,310 --> 00:24:53,310 share my charts on a live basis, that I get a lot of response that you know, that was crazy. That was insane how, you know, the market reacted exactly rate
148 00:24:53,310 --> 00:25:03,030 where you were calling it to do it. And I gotta tell you in this, this comes with experience. I mean, we're talking About a gentleman Okay, myself here. I've
149 00:25:03,030 --> 00:25:12,210 been doing this for two decades. Okay, that's 20 years, a lot of the guys that I talked to are actually not many more years above that in terms of their age. So
150 00:25:12,210 --> 00:25:18,540 if you, if you think you're just gonna sit down and watch this video series, take a couple notes and plug in a demo account, and then you know, a month from
151 00:25:18,540 --> 00:25:28,170 now you're going to be hitting it, it's going to take a little bit of time, guys. And I would be foolish not to advise you to at least expect, again, a
152 00:25:28,170 --> 00:25:37,860 growth period of at least six months, you're gonna have to see these things happen to learn to trust them. hindsight and back testing is great. Okay, that's
153 00:25:37,860 --> 00:25:44,820 wonderful. But it's an altogether different animal. When you start applying it and putting your money or even the demo account
154 00:25:44,880 --> 00:25:53,520 or pride on the line placing trades based on these concepts, you have to have the unsaid understanding that you know, these are we're dealing with
155 00:25:53,520 --> 00:26:01,830 probabilities here, when I'm dealing with certainties, we're not dealing with App solutions, okay? If there's any app solution is that if you're wrong, you're
156 00:26:01,830 --> 00:26:07,530 going to lose money, it's going to come out of your account, we there's no guarantee there's money coming in. But if you're wrong, and you don't know what
157 00:26:07,530 --> 00:26:17,070 you're doing, and you grossly abuse, the leverage and risk, you will lose a lot of money. Okay, it doesn't matter that these have been tested by a trader that's
158 00:26:17,070 --> 00:26:24,570 been doing for 20 years, it doesn't matter that, you know, I've made X amount of money trading, it has absolutely nothing to do with it. My results are
159 00:26:24,570 --> 00:26:35,400 absolutely unique to me. Okay, just as well as your, your results are gonna be unique to you. I have a lot of people reading the material that I present freely
160 00:26:35,400 --> 00:26:47,460 on the internet. Why is it that every one of us have completely unique results?  Think about that. We're all uniquely different, I may see something on a chart
161 00:26:47,460 --> 00:26:59,610 that you don't now pundants and those that attack mentors and trading advisors, or teachers, or someone that's sharing ideas, okay? They'll come in and be
162 00:27:01,410 --> 00:27:07,830 argumentative, and say, Look, if your stuff works, so well, why isn't everyone else doing the same thing that you are? And that kind of like proves their
163 00:27:07,860 --> 00:27:16,380 myopic approach to looking at things, okay? It doesn't matter that we're talking about trading. Why isn't that everybody that gets in golf doesn't play like
164 00:27:16,380 --> 00:27:25,470 Tiger Woods. Okay, why isn't it that, you know, everybody that gets into basketball? Why? Why aren't they able to play like Michael Jordan, okay, it kind
165 00:27:25,470 --> 00:27:35,640 of falls on its face, when you really look at it for what it is, okay? So don't judge your, your development against me, as the mentor, okay, you judge your
166 00:27:35,640 --> 00:27:45,810 development against how you were the day before. And you consistently do this over and over and over again, by default, you will improve, that does now equal
167 00:27:45,810 --> 00:27:55,200 weight to profitability that comes on its own timing, I can't promise you that.  But I can promise you, you will know more about you and how you are going to
168 00:27:55,200 --> 00:28:04,380 interact and engage this marketplace by these concepts. And that we already learned in the previous videos and 10 and teachings that I've shared over the
169 00:28:04,380 --> 00:28:21,090 last four years. Now, with all that, let's take a look at a few examples. Okay, folks, we're looking at the fiber weekly chart, this is the Euro USD. And I've
170 00:28:21,090 --> 00:28:32,850 already applied the nine and 18 period exponential moving average. Now the blue line in here that's gonna delineate the 18. And the red line is the nine. Okay,
171 00:28:32,880 --> 00:28:43,560 and very simply, if the nine, in this case, again, the red if it's above the blue, okay, and this, again, is a weekly chart, when we see this crossover and
172 00:28:43,560 --> 00:28:50,520 the averages start to stack, okay, that means it read about on here, we're starting to see very clear indication that these averages are opening up and
173 00:28:50,520 --> 00:29:00,870 continually moving higher. I do not consider any of these downturns here as precursors to a potential crossover. When it crosses over, then it crosses over.
174 00:29:01,020 --> 00:29:10,650 Okay, very important you had that your notes, a crossover really has to happen in the averages before actually considered, you know, I no longer want to be
175 00:29:10,650 --> 00:29:19,650 following that, that that premise, okay. Again, that would be considered right here. Now, now, the quick response is going to be on on one are going to see
176 00:29:19,650 --> 00:29:27,420 this already on either on Twitter, or I'm going to see it on the forums. And if I left comments open for my videos on YouTube, not that these are going to be on
177 00:29:27,420 --> 00:29:35,940 YouTube. But if they were, invariably everyone would come out and say, Well, look, look at this big move here. You missed. Okay. I agree. You would have
178 00:29:35,940 --> 00:29:46,890 missed this big downturn. Okay, in terms of directional premise, but there's other tools that we can utilize back here for that. Okay. So again, we're
179 00:29:46,890 --> 00:29:58,440 building an arsenal of tools, okay. We don't drive a nail with assault. Okay, I can't see it any simpler than that. Each tool has its time and purpose. This is
180 00:29:58,710 --> 00:30:07,050 a tool and I'm showing you It's time and purpose, okay? When the averages are opened up, and they're stacking, again, the definition of stacking is when the
181 00:30:07,050 --> 00:30:18,240 averages are trending in the same direction and opening. Okay. That, to me is a qualifier that we're in a bullish market condition on the higher time frame. So
182 00:30:18,240 --> 00:30:29,850 weekly order flow is higher. I want you to take a look at this chart now, this is June of 2013. In this area here, where we start seeing the averages open up
183 00:30:29,850 --> 00:30:38,820 and we've continuously seen the weekly order flow on a higher level. Okay, now we're just moving bullish Lee. Okay. Yes, there's been bearish weeks. Yes,
184 00:30:38,820 --> 00:30:46,080 there's been downturns. Yes, there's been wicked sell offs. But overall, we've maintained higher highs and higher lows.
185 00:30:46,350 --> 00:30:55,080 Okay. So again, it helps you filter out all that uncertainty that plagues a lot of the traders that either reactionary or just simply have no idea what they're
186 00:30:55,080 --> 00:31:07,500 looking for. Before we go into the weekly order blocks, I want to kind of show you how we can apply this information. Okay. So when you see the averages
187 00:31:07,500 --> 00:31:16,380 opening up here, okay, we're going to use this week. There, okay. And we're going to color our area like this. Okay, now you can do any color you want.
188 00:31:16,770 --> 00:31:26,970 Okay. But what I've done is I've mapped out the market in terms of, we're in a bullish condition, okay, so as long as the averages are like this, okay. In
189 00:31:26,970 --> 00:31:36,180 other words, let's say for instance, if, if this is the time of the recording that you're watching right now, I would be simply doing this, okay, with this
190 00:31:36,210 --> 00:31:47,310 data, unknown yet, okay. But right now as it is, we had this data, so we're just gonna look at it like this. But it doesn't remove that. And the benefit of
191 00:31:47,400 --> 00:31:55,680 studying it in hindsight, because someone's hindsight today is going to be your benefit and future tomorrow. And that's what I'm trying to share with you. Now.
192 00:31:56,250 --> 00:32:04,170 If you look at this, and discount immediately, I promise you, everything else I teach you, or you could do the same thing with it as well, you can nitpick it
193 00:32:04,170 --> 00:32:15,150 and find all kinds of flaws in it. But it's not the individual tool itself. It's the orchestration of the tools together, that build a confluence of an idea that
194 00:32:15,180 --> 00:32:25,320 will hopefully materialize and again for you, either monetarily or understanding what it is that you should be doing as a trader. And I'm really focusing more on
195 00:32:25,320 --> 00:32:34,140 the latter than the former. So now looking at this market like this, if we break this down, and we're just simply going to go down to a one hour chart, we're
196 00:32:34,140 --> 00:32:42,720 gonna cut, cut through all the four hour and all that stuff. We're gonna go right to a four hour chart. Okay. And we're looking at this time frame here.
197 00:32:43,200 --> 00:32:55,140 Okay, since the June of last year, while we're in this shaded area, okay, we are in what would be considered a weekly bullish order flow. Okay. I want you to pay
198 00:32:55,140 --> 00:33:07,110 attention to when we see order blocks as you understand this already by looking at the scout sniper series. We see a price rally up aggressive. Okay, so in this
199 00:33:07,110 --> 00:33:16,950 area here in this price, we're just gonna call it 133 25. Okay, when price moves aggressively away from that, okay, notice it did rather sharply. Then we pull
200 00:33:16,950 --> 00:33:26,640 back down and add a retracement. Now, if you're simply just looking at my videos and reviews, as simply looks like I'm grabbing the best of the best in terms of
201 00:33:26,640 --> 00:33:33,540 the highs and lows to pull my fib from and then say, look at this move that I caught or look at this move that you could have caught. Okay, or look how great
202 00:33:33,540 --> 00:33:45,840 and perfect my tools are. Okay, you've gleaned another important central tenant to my understanding of the marketplace by implementing the ICT order blocks,
203 00:33:45,870 --> 00:33:55,230 okay, we understand how to look at the marketplace and see when institutional sponsorship enters the marketplace. Okay, the first bearish candle right here,
204 00:33:55,740 --> 00:34:10,470 okay, by applying our understanding that we learned in the scout sniper series, with order blocks, when price moves back down into this area here, this order
205 00:34:10,470 --> 00:34:21,450 block, that is when we would be looking to be a buyer. Okay. Notice also that the averages are above, okay, the red is above. Now, we don't use the averages
206 00:34:21,450 --> 00:34:31,170 on a one hour basis, but if you're looking to utilize and that's certainly possible here. Okay. But I guess really I should be removing. I should figure
207 00:34:31,170 --> 00:34:40,440 moving these these indicators right now because we've already arrived at our understanding of what it is specifically they're going to give us based on a
208 00:34:40,440 --> 00:34:52,290 weekly chart. Okay, so now we can clearly see looking at study of price. We're in an area where we want to be focusing on buys. Okay. And by having this
209 00:34:52,440 --> 00:35:04,440 understanding we could be looking to be a buyer when it gets down into a one hour Orbach. Okay. I'm just gonna just quickly pan through I'm not going to try
210 00:35:04,440 --> 00:35:16,950 to cherry pick anything but you have price, we saw price dropped down in here, okay, we have a rather large order block and again, we discussed why I do not
211 00:35:16,950 --> 00:35:26,310 like the long wycked candles in here. So you can you could argue that, you know, this would be one here also but again it looks like a spinning top, I want more
212 00:35:26,310 --> 00:35:31,530 candle, body, okay, so it would be this one here. Okay, so if we apply that.
213 00:35:37,380 --> 00:35:51,780 Okay, when price drops back down into this area of order block, okay, we saw price rally in here. We saw price rally in here. It dipped in deep here, rallied
214 00:35:51,780 --> 00:36:01,770 again, even this little area right in here. Okay. It doesn't look like much, but that's the trade that you could take intraday. Okay, that's, that's a favorable
215 00:36:01,770 --> 00:36:09,810 trade. If you pull a fib from this low to this high, sure, that would be something you could be catching a trade on. And again, all we're doing is simply
216 00:36:09,810 --> 00:36:20,370 looking at areas of where price action showed a potential to bounce. Okay, we're not looking at the cleanest, you know, major swings and major, you know, price
217 00:36:20,370 --> 00:36:29,970 points to take every single, major high and low. That's not what I'm teaching here, I'm giving you a means of looking for consistently profitable setups over
218 00:36:29,970 --> 00:36:37,650 a long sample size, a long period of time, not just giving you the best of the best and cherry picking because that's entirely two different things. Okay,
219 00:36:37,650 --> 00:36:48,360 that's another whole video series. Moving forward, okay, price, even though we were in this long period of of drawdown in here, okay, in terms of price
220 00:36:48,360 --> 00:36:56,010 dropping lower and lower and lower. Okay, one could argue, hey, look, you know, I'm not able to get a trade, you know, during this period of time, I can't, I
221 00:36:56,010 --> 00:37:04,890 can't see any any means of looking to be a buyer in here. And that's fine.  Because you know what, this is just one pair of many that you have to choose
222 00:37:04,890 --> 00:37:15,450 from, simply because I focus on the euro and British Pound doesn't mean that you can't pay attention to other particular pairs. All I'm showing you here is if
223 00:37:15,510 --> 00:37:26,220 I'm in the Euro, I wanted to be a buyer, okay? If especially if I'm going to be loading up the maximum amount of risk allocation to my trades. Okay, price.
224 00:37:26,850 --> 00:37:36,030 Let's come back here just a little bit. We have this area consolidation, okay, support resistance, price rallies through it comes back down, almost to an area
225 00:37:36,060 --> 00:37:45,240 of old high in here, or high as well here comes down and then what does it do?  It doesn't spend much time here does it rallies off. Now again, focus on the big
226 00:37:45,240 --> 00:37:55,950 picture. We are inside of a bullish weekly order flow. Okay, so we want to be seeing these types of events in here. Okay. Price rallies up and it comes back
227 00:37:55,950 --> 00:38:05,460 down. Where's it rally? Was it dropped down into previous order block right here? Okay, the bearish candle prior to the rally up inside the bearish candle
228 00:38:05,580 --> 00:38:17,760 again, what is our, our understanding in the marketplace? smart money buys in down markets and they sell in up markets? Okay. relate that to a candle? there?
229 00:38:17,820 --> 00:38:30,330 Yes, they may be buying in this candle here. Okay, but we're looking inside the bearish candle. Okay, let's zoom in a little bit better. We're looking inside
230 00:38:30,330 --> 00:38:47,220 this bearish candle prior to this move up. Okay. So by applying that, we can get very precise in terms of where we would anticipate seeing a market move higher.
231 00:38:49,110 --> 00:39:00,840 Okay, we have a smaller order block here as well. Okay, we saw a price come down into our large or block here. Price rallies. Okay, it comes back. And where's it
232 00:39:00,840 --> 00:39:17,250 come back to the previous order block right in here. So here's an opportunity to be in here being a buyer. Look how precise these areas of bullish order blocks
233 00:39:17,280 --> 00:39:26,580 inside of this larger weekly order flow that's bullish, look at the reaction you're getting. Okay. And I want you to pay attention to the dates at the bottom
234 00:39:26,580 --> 00:39:35,580 of the chart, because you're going to see how many times these setups present themselves. Okay, we have another bearish order block right in here or we could
235 00:39:35,580 --> 00:39:44,880 use the order order block. Okay, we comes down certainly down into it there. But we're going to be a realist and we're going to say that you're utilizing this
236 00:39:44,880 --> 00:39:55,140 candle here. I don't like this because it's too Wicky. Okay, so I'll be willing to be a buyer that wants to be broke below the candles. Hi here. Okay. Not new
237 00:39:55,590 --> 00:40:03,840 words. Yes, this candles highs lower than this one. Okay. So I Dealing with risk would be smaller by utilizing this one, but I want to be sticking to my rules.
238 00:40:04,080 --> 00:40:12,600 The rules require a little bit more of a body on the down candle in a bullish order block. So how are you utilizing this one? So the price comes down in here.
239 00:40:12,600 --> 00:40:17,340 Okay, the close on this candle. Let me see if I can get the pull up.
240 00:40:24,750 --> 00:40:30,450 Give me a hard time now. But it's not much in terms of decline, and we just had
241 00:40:41,070 --> 00:40:51,750 we'll have to move on the price comes back down into this order block and what does it do it snaps back up again. Okay, and rallies, what I find interesting is
242 00:40:51,810 --> 00:41:02,820 okay, that price not only comes down into it here, rallies off, okay, but comes back down into it again, inside the same order block. Okay, rallies off again,
243 00:41:02,940 --> 00:41:14,910 comes back down one more time, when you see this, okay, they're really, really accumulating positions in here. Okay, they're really accumulating positions. Now
244 00:41:14,910 --> 00:41:25,200 that this is going to answer one of the questions I get a lot, how do I know that price is going to hold a support level? Okay. Well, we have a bullish order
245 00:41:25,200 --> 00:41:33,930 block here. Okay, and then we're going to do is add a horizontal line. And I think everyone that's watching would agree that this is probably a good level to
246 00:41:33,930 --> 00:41:45,570 choose, we're going to use a 16 nice round number. We find this support here, we find support here, we find support here. And now we've rallied off, okay? When
247 00:41:45,570 --> 00:41:58,380 you see the level being accumulated like this inside of an order block inside of an a weekly bullish order flow, okay. That's how I trust the level to be a
248 00:41:58,380 --> 00:42:08,010 support level and not be violated. Okay? Now, again, because we trade in the gray. In other words, we don't trade with the perfection of black and white, we
249 00:42:08,010 --> 00:42:19,110 have to tray trade in between that, okay, and it's going to be a lot of times on clear. But we trust our understanding of what the marketplace gives us over a
250 00:42:19,110 --> 00:42:29,100 large sample size of doing the same thing over and over and over again, building a reference point of trust, and the tools, okay, again, this is the reason why
251 00:42:29,100 --> 00:42:35,550 you simply can't watch these videos and go out and start making 32% a month, okay, it's not, it's not gonna happen like that, you have to spend some time
252 00:42:36,060 --> 00:42:45,450 warming up to the tools, owning them, making them your own, okay. But this is the framework that I utilize the trust a support level, if, if the order blocks
253 00:42:45,450 --> 00:42:57,090 are being respected on the board side, support levels around that order block should maintain, okay, it's that simple. There's no real Voodoo to it. Price
254 00:42:57,120 --> 00:43:08,910 rallies up strongly. And you can see we had more of a consolidation here. And again, back here, we saw that support level that we have identified here, okay,
255 00:43:08,910 --> 00:43:19,440 that we expect this to be a solid support line and should maintain price above it. And you see a very, very huge extrapolated move on the upside. Okay, now
256 00:43:19,440 --> 00:43:30,270 think we're seeing the biggest moves with the shortest amount of time happening going lower or going higher, going higher. Okay. The order blocks in a bullish
257 00:43:30,270 --> 00:43:38,490 side of the marketplace is being respected, a great deal. And that's what you're looking for. That's the that's behind the peels of the onion, it you're looking
258 00:43:38,490 --> 00:43:47,700 for, you're investigating not only trading the market and you're investigating on a daily basis, what's being respected. Okay, if you want a weekly order
259 00:43:47,700 --> 00:43:58,170 block, and I'm sorry, a weekly order flow is bullish. And we have order blocks on a daily four hour and one hour chart being respected. How would you ever feel
260 00:43:58,170 --> 00:44:05,790 comfortable going short in that condition? Why would you want to do that? Even if you're a day trader? Why would you want to do that? It just goes against the
261 00:44:05,790 --> 00:44:15,600 grain. Why would you do that? Hopefully with this video series in the previous with the sniper series, you'll see that going against the grain many times is
262 00:44:15,600 --> 00:44:23,160 just not worth it. Even if it's you know, you because you see something that you've missed on the long side. Well, I wanna I want to be a seller because I
263 00:44:23,160 --> 00:44:32,370 missed a big moussaka catch me a little bit of retracement Why, why not to sit back and you turn it computers off, go watch a movie, go read a book, go spend
264 00:44:32,370 --> 00:44:39,360 time with your spouse or kids and then come back and wait for when the market participants are lining up the next move going higher with a bullish order block
265 00:44:39,390 --> 00:44:51,570 inside this weekly order flow that's bullish. Okay. It gives you that patience factor that's so hard to grab ahold of as a new trader, that that skill set is
266 00:44:51,570 --> 00:45:03,750 learned by just getting in the marketplace and doing it. And really the patience is honed by the not Doing it okay to doing the lack of thereof of doing it.
267 00:45:03,750 --> 00:45:13,500 Okay, if you will. So we have price again, giving us more more opportunity. Now again, I'm showing you a completely naked approach. I just gave you one example
268 00:45:13,500 --> 00:45:22,950 how I classify and qualify a support level or resistance level, same way just reversing it. But we're looking at pure naked trading, absolutely. No
269 00:45:23,070 --> 00:45:35,430 indicators. Absolutely no Fibonacci, no. pivots, No, none of that stuff. Okay. I want you to look at the inherent nature, price behavior repeats over and over
270 00:45:35,430 --> 00:45:40,680 and over again. Okay. Price comes down, rallies off sharply. Okay.
271 00:45:40,830 --> 00:45:48,180 So if you sat down to chart and say, Wow, look at this is it really run up? Many times the new traders Look at this, we're making a bull flag I'm gonna buy
272 00:45:48,210 --> 00:45:58,110 they'll buy expecting the repeat of this move to here to be replicated here and go up higher. It didn't do it here. You as a professional trader say, Hey, you
273 00:45:58,110 --> 00:46:08,610 know what, I've watched inner circle traders scout sniper series. And I've now watched his new precision concepts series. I know, this up here. These are
274 00:46:08,610 --> 00:46:18,870 inflated prices. I'm not paying inflated prices. Okay, I'm not willing to do that. I want to sit back and get a better deal on being a buyer. Okay, because
275 00:46:18,990 --> 00:46:27,750 think about it. If this is your point of origin down here, okay, this is where the market took off. Inside this bearish candle is where all the Smart Money was
276 00:46:27,750 --> 00:46:35,850 buying. Granted, they may have been buying more more more here. But I promise you, the majority of their buy order was facilitated during this bearish candle,
277 00:46:36,300 --> 00:46:50,580 probably if not, if at all majority of it being in the lower third of the candle itself. So if you look at the order block, we add that here to tie the first
278 00:46:50,580 --> 00:47:01,320 bearish candle going right before the news begin, market drops back down inside of that, okay, and again, I'm not going to apply any Fibonacci here, guys, I
279 00:47:01,320 --> 00:47:11,280 want this to be pure, and simply focused on the price action alone, I don't want to have any kind of muddled charts, I don't want to look at look like I'm cherry
280 00:47:11,280 --> 00:47:20,130 picking him and make it look perfect for you. I'm showing you what it is you're looking for, why you're looking for it when you're looking for it. Okay. Again,
281 00:47:20,430 --> 00:47:31,170 don't lose sight that we're in this larger gray shaded area where what the weekly order flow is bullish. Okay, I could care less if I'm going to be a short
282 00:47:31,170 --> 00:47:41,580 term trader, or if I'm going to be an intraday swing trader. This is the type of setup that you're looking for. Okay, price comes back down. And we're going to
283 00:47:41,580 --> 00:47:50,550 look for the order block to be fulfilled as a buy rating here, we dipped back down inside of this, okay, you can pull your fit from here to here, look on your
284 00:47:50,550 --> 00:48:00,150 daily pivots, look for some confluence of supporting factors around here. But we're also trading about what level the 134 80 level, that's an institutional
285 00:48:00,150 --> 00:48:08,550 level. That's one we'd like to see. Okay, price bounces off, that comes back down one more time dips into this order block. Now we're going to scroll forward
286 00:48:09,360 --> 00:48:21,570 and say, You think that's a price reaction that's it's worthy of your attention.  Again, we're looking at just simply looking at weekly orderflow as a framework
287 00:48:21,600 --> 00:48:32,010 of determining where we should be doing our buying or selling. Okay. And by having that we're limiting our focus really only on one side of the marketplace.
288 00:48:32,280 --> 00:48:41,490 We won't be lulled into thinking we need to be a bear. And we're okay with price moves dropping lower. Okay, because that's doing what for us, it's setting up
289 00:48:41,490 --> 00:48:54,840 the next potential buy. Okay, and that's a very handsome move for here. And that mean, that's a decent move. That's what is that 1020 3040 5060 7080 almost 90
290 00:48:54,840 --> 00:49:05,040 pips made available to you to simply using this concept of understanding, higher timeframe order flow, looking for order blocks and lower timeframe to support
291 00:49:05,040 --> 00:49:16,560 the idea of buying, okay, but more importantly, that goes along with our title this series. Look how precise Okay, look how precise these reactions are
292 00:49:16,560 --> 00:49:32,910 occurring exactly where we're expecting them to see. I'm going to show you I'm gonna give you a view on how much this is our order block, okay, and it dipped
293 00:49:32,910 --> 00:49:43,770 down to the tune of what we're good at five pips. It only moves five pips into the order block. Okay, so that means if you're buying inside this order block
294 00:49:43,770 --> 00:49:51,000 and you're gonna just put a stop below here, we're gonna say 10 pips I'm gonna be fair I could say you know, five pips but I don't want it to be too perfect.
295 00:49:51,390 --> 00:49:58,290 We're gonna say we're buying right at the order block. Okay, so the more it's going to allow the marketplace to trade to this point, and it's got to go at
296 00:49:58,290 --> 00:50:11,580 least, I guess in general. mean is about three pips for most retail platforms.  But if you if you're buying down here, you're going to get your fill. Here's the
297 00:50:11,580 --> 00:50:29,340 low and we go 10 pips below that. Your stops around 134 50 Okay, so that's not bad. And it's less than a 30 PIP stop, it's 21 pips to get this type of move. So
298 00:50:29,550 --> 00:50:39,330 who out in the audience would would say, you know, part my expression but screw you ICT I don't want to make 90 pips and risk 25 you know, how dare you ask me
299 00:50:39,330 --> 00:50:39,960 something like that
300 00:50:40,350 --> 00:50:49,290 is that that's the mindset that you know, you should be adopting, okay, going into this because when you're looking for three to one setups like this, it
301 00:50:49,650 --> 00:51:02,220 really perpetuates your, your equity curve to higher heights than you probably have ever expected to be able to see. Also, again, I can't stress the level of
302 00:51:02,520 --> 00:51:13,500 confidence that you have, as a trader, when you apply these concepts. routinely, you stay within the rules of what they are requiring you to do. And by looking
303 00:51:13,500 --> 00:51:21,450 at the marketplace with an understanding of what it is you're doing, why you're doing it, and the times of the day that you're expecting these things occur as
304 00:51:21,450 --> 00:51:32,220 well. Okay. So again, I'm not trying to give you the whole recanting of the sniper series here, but go back through that video series. If you've if you've
305 00:51:32,220 --> 00:51:40,140 gone through it once or twice, do it again. And then come back to this video series one more time and I promise you the ideas will dovetail so uniformly,
306 00:51:40,260 --> 00:51:45,390 when you look at the price charts, you're going to absolutely fall off your chair and say, You know what, man, this has been right here the whole time
307 00:51:45,390 --> 00:51:54,600 staring me in the face, but you don't understand it. It's like reading music.  Okay. I couldn't read music to save my life. Okay, I have a I have a son that
308 00:51:54,600 --> 00:52:06,780 plays the trombone. Why he picked that instrument? I don't know. But he can read sheet music. And to me it looks like it's in hieroglyphic form. I can't get
309 00:52:06,810 --> 00:52:13,980 anything out of that stuff. But he can look at the sheets. Oh, yes, they do. And he starts playing it right away. When you look at the the price charts, okay.
310 00:52:16,050 --> 00:52:27,450 Linda, from the book, street smarts made a very good analogy. She She plays piano and she views the marketplace as like reading musical notes. Okay, and she
311 00:52:27,450 --> 00:52:38,370 knows how to interpret what it is that price charts. are you communicating to her? To me, I just look at price. You know how I communicate to you I adopted
312 00:52:38,400 --> 00:52:47,880 this sniper persona, not because it sounds cool. And I'm a guy, it just happens to be a bonus. But to me, it just makes perfect sense. I lie in wait, I want to
313 00:52:47,880 --> 00:52:59,730 see price come to me. When that pray steps into my scope. It's going down. Okay, I might have to shoot one more time to ultimately get it. Okay. But I'm going to
314 00:52:59,730 --> 00:53:09,750 shoot, nonetheless, what steps into my scope. I'm not painting all around with my scope. Okay, I'm waiting for it to come out in the clear that specific time
315 00:53:09,750 --> 00:53:17,940 because I've done my reconnaissance, I've waited for this thing to drop down.  Okay, I've waited for it to come down into a time where it shows a pattern to
316 00:53:17,970 --> 00:53:26,160 repeatedly come back to over and over again, like a mouse going to cheese, okay.  When it comes down to this timeframe, and it enters what time frame of the day.
317 00:53:27,060 --> 00:53:37,740 This is during the London clothes. This is a timeframe where we expect things to happen. Okay. So when you see that there's a reason to expect the markets to do
318 00:53:37,740 --> 00:53:44,820 something not simply because well, I got off work early, or I think like I was sick and got a stomach flu. A boss thinks I'm going to bed but I'm really going
319 00:53:44,820 --> 00:53:53,040 home to trade British Pound because, you know, the last video I saw just asked me so stoked on the extra money. That's not what that's no, that's no way to
320 00:53:53,040 --> 00:54:00,780 trade. There's no way to go into this business. Okay? Again, you want to be completely focused as to what it is you're doing, why you're doing it when
321 00:54:00,780 --> 00:54:08,580 you're doing it with a premise behind it that is unmovable. Regardless of what I say in the forums, what I say in my videos, what I say in my commentary what
322 00:54:08,580 --> 00:54:17,520 anybody else says doesn't matter who they are, okay? It does not matter. You are unwavering in your analysis, you stick to it. That's when you move to a whole
323 00:54:17,520 --> 00:54:26,070 new level of trading, where it just can't be understood. Until you get to that point. When you arrive at that level, you'll know exactly what it means to be
324 00:54:26,220 --> 00:54:36,060 completely confident and unshaken. Now, it doesn't mean you're trading with 100% accuracy. This means that when your loss comes, it doesn't affect you because
325 00:54:36,060 --> 00:54:42,870 number one, you know that they're going to be minimal. They're going to be controlled, they're going to get the lower spectrum of overall risk to your
326 00:54:43,290 --> 00:54:55,470 asset. I'm sorry, you're out your equity. So you have limited to a total percentage. You've totally limited it to the number or frequency of trading
327 00:54:55,500 --> 00:55:03,360 you've limited it to to agree that you're only going to be focusing on one side of the mark. Place, you're only going to be doing specific trades a specific
328 00:55:03,360 --> 00:55:09,660 time of day, a specific day of the week, because we don't like to trade on Mondays, we don't like to trade on Sundays. And we don't like to trade on
329 00:55:09,660 --> 00:55:18,690 Fridays, we've really focused on the sweet spot, if you will, to cherry pick Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday setups, okay. Now it doesn't mean you can't take
330 00:55:18,690 --> 00:55:25,590 a Monday trade, it doesn't mean you can't take off trade on Friday. But I certainly advise you not to take a trade on Sunday, because it's simply not
331 00:55:25,590 --> 00:55:33,780 enough liquidity to facilitate sound trading. Let's continue to move I'm going another rabbit trail, apologize, I'm very passionate about this stuff.
332 00:55:34,080 --> 00:55:39,810 Obviously, you can hear that in my my delivery every time I get in here and start teaching versus just doing a market review. But
333 00:55:40,860 --> 00:55:57,960 we have this order block as well. Price comes back down into this order block.  And we could borrow this level here make another copy of a little trendline here
334 00:56:01,200 --> 00:56:13,890 and add it to our bearish candle of our bullish order block. Again, we're looking for the speed at which it moves away from the level that is a qualifier
335 00:56:13,890 --> 00:56:26,820 for these, okay. And we're also looking at the time at which it's spent at that.  Okay. If it's meandering around, okay, it's managing around long period of time,
336 00:56:26,820 --> 00:56:35,850 okay. That's not a lot of institutional buying that you're gonna be able to measure. Okay, you won't be able to see that as a footprint in a chart, if you
337 00:56:35,850 --> 00:56:45,720 will, of smart money. This is an elephant footprint. Okay, but we're already established in a long position. So we expected this. Okay. price drops back
338 00:56:45,720 --> 00:56:57,600 down, were to drop into previous order block. Okay, boom. Not much in terms of movement below that trendline. Okay, delineating our order block, and price
339 00:56:57,600 --> 00:57:10,500 rallies off again. Okay. So just in a quick span of 15 minutes, we've shown several opportunities in a short period of time, very consistent, very
340 00:57:10,560 --> 00:57:21,510 aggressive, very explosive. price moves on the upside, just focusing on what side of the market. Remember, we're inside this shaded area, the shaded areas
341 00:57:21,510 --> 00:57:31,500 indicating what we were on weekly bullish orderflow. Again, we're trusting the fact that the weekly order flow is going to stay intact. Yes, we're willing to
342 00:57:31,500 --> 00:57:41,850 allow the market to drop down. But we view every decline as a potential buying opportunity. If it qualifies time. And price theory, if it qualifies goes into a
343 00:57:42,270 --> 00:57:52,290 daily four hour or one hour order block that's bullish. Okay. See how these things start to dovetail, you start understanding it when you see it over and
344 00:57:52,290 --> 00:57:59,460 over again, it's simply this not enough me showing you the examples in hindsight, this, when you start seeing it in real time, it's amazing how fast
345 00:57:59,610 --> 00:58:10,890 your understanding grows exponentially, because you're actually putting these concepts to practice. Okay? We have another decline in here, okay. And were to
346 00:58:10,890 --> 00:58:17,610 dip down into a previous order block, right in here. Let's bar this level.
347 00:58:28,230 --> 00:58:40,800 Okay. Price comes right down into that level, boom. Okay. Now, again, this is the reason why you have to always incorporate the spread, you have to do that.
348 00:58:40,950 --> 00:58:48,210 Okay. And I'm resisting the urge that I just really want to grab a Fibonacci just to justify this setup here. But I'm going to refrain from doing that you
349 00:58:48,210 --> 00:58:57,210 can do that in your own charts. Okay, but looking at the overall price structure, okay, from low to high. You'll see all of what you need to see in
350 00:58:57,210 --> 00:59:06,150 here in terms of developing the entry point for this particular setup. If you were looking to trade it, I'm going to ask you real quick look to the right. And
351 00:59:06,150 --> 00:59:18,930 what price level is this reaction occurring it? That's correct. It's at the 135 big figure. Okay, ready to hear boom. And it blasts off. Now again, this is this
352 00:59:18,930 --> 00:59:28,770 is what I want you to really walk away from this module with Yes, price moves from this high down to this low. Okay, granted, those that were indicating
353 00:59:29,430 --> 00:59:38,820 bearishness up here it may be when shored up here. Okay, wrote this down. Sure.  Wonderful. I applaud you. Okay. It was slow meandering eventually got down to
354 00:59:38,820 --> 00:59:47,580 it. Okay, but eventually what happened? Boom, two professionals stepped in and did what bought the bargain pricing. Okay, just like they did down here. price
355 00:59:47,580 --> 00:59:59,040 dropped down into a bargain. Boom, took off. price dropped down, lower boom took off. Okay. These declines, are not retail sellers pushing the market lower.
356 01:00:00,030 --> 01:00:08,640 Okay, here's an here's a little nugget for you to keep in your notes when you're in a bullish condition, okay, expecting higher prices, when you see prices
357 01:00:08,640 --> 01:00:22,230 dropping lower. Okay? That's not indicative of smart money selling. In fact, it's a contrary, it's the lack of smart money buying, okay, retail market
358 01:00:22,230 --> 01:00:33,540 traders do not move the marketplace. Okay, we're just fleas on the big dogs.  This price action is in parently directly related to the absence of large
359 01:00:33,540 --> 01:00:45,210 institutional buying much in the same capacity See here, here and here. Okay, so when you see declining markets when its overall bullish, as we've outlined here,
360 01:00:46,140 --> 01:00:56,130 again, these should be like red neon signs flashing Hello, hello, are you paying attention, okay, because this is about to go up and you need to be looking for
361 01:00:56,160 --> 01:01:05,610 the institutional order block that this next price swing should be anchored to.  Okay, and we're gonna talk more about that when we get into the second module in
362 01:01:05,610 --> 01:01:18,780 this series, but for now, let's continue moving forward. Okay, we have a bullish order block in here price didn't spend much time here it takes off rallies,
363 01:01:18,990 --> 01:01:28,530 okay, when drops back down into what the previous order block, we have a nice little pop in the marketplace right in here. Okay, eventually, we again we move
364 01:01:28,530 --> 01:01:38,250 back into a decline in the marketplace again, there's no more new buying up in here. So what's going to happen the markets gonna reprice and go lower, okay?
365 01:01:38,520 --> 01:01:45,990 Now, a neophyte will see this and say man, look at this thing this is going straight to hell. I'm going to go in here and sell to maximum money that my
366 01:01:45,990 --> 01:01:53,280 account will permit me to do okay, and because they saw this big bearish candle, okay, and they want to chase it because they're thinking this is some kind of a
367 01:01:53,280 --> 01:02:00,510 high Okay, or they watched my video and or read street smarts and said this is that three Indian pattern and last time we did that it moved 1000 points. So I'm
368 01:02:00,510 --> 01:02:11,400 going to go short and bet the farm okay. You as a professional should not be thinking that okay, what are you going to be doing? You're going to expect the
369 01:02:11,400 --> 01:02:23,310 market to move again higher moving from a bearish tone to bullish tone. Okay. We moved into a bullish order block right here
370 01:02:30,510 --> 01:02:44,070 did not dip into it. Okay. We did eventually trade down into it here right in here, but this there's nothing really to base this on we had a consolidation
371 01:02:44,760 --> 01:02:54,480 Okay, which means below here would be stops okay. And we talked about this and this might be the sniper series where if we have a consolidation like this,
372 01:02:54,720 --> 01:03:03,060 okay, the dealers are working both sides of the range and we're looking for is there's going to be eventually there's going to be an imbalance of buys and
373 01:03:03,060 --> 01:03:15,420 sells okay. And wherever the most liquidity is, is to be harvested from In other words, the path of least resistance this is this is called that we've seen the
374 01:03:15,420 --> 01:03:24,630 market rallying rallying rallying stops will be below this low here. Okay. So yes, there's a small pocket sample here, but really, it's this point right here.
375 01:03:25,080 --> 01:03:35,970 Okay, so eventually the market will dip down below as we see here. And we drop back a little bit you can see is that that was just referring to is just a two
376 01:03:36,030 --> 01:03:42,930 points of reference that we talked about. It's that previous order block Yes, we eventually traded down into it, but this is too much of a break in market
377 01:03:42,930 --> 01:03:54,600 structure. Okay, to facilitate not at least waiting for this market to come down at least run these stops or maybe even a lower level stop area. Okay, and price
378 01:03:54,600 --> 01:04:05,430 comes down into that level rallies one more time. And again, we move back into an area where we start hunting bullish order blocks. Here's one in here where
379 01:04:05,430 --> 01:04:15,600 price rallies up sharply comes back down into the previous bearish candle rallies one more time we have another one in here we have the price rallying up
380 01:04:15,630 --> 01:04:29,970 to the bearish candle prior to it where the smart money would be indicative of the bull camp. We could be placing that right there it'd be nice if I left it
381 01:04:29,970 --> 01:04:38,580 there and it dropped its price comes down into that order block again and what does it do it rise off sharply. Okay, we have another one in here. bearish
382 01:04:38,610 --> 01:04:47,520 candle price rallies up drops back down into this previous order block rallies one more time. Okay. And again, these are like 50 PIP moves guys I mean, these
383 01:04:47,520 --> 01:04:57,030 aren't little 10 PIP five Pip. You know one hit wonders these are. These are something you can build careers off of on a one shot one kill basis. If you
384 01:04:57,030 --> 01:05:04,440 catch this one of these a week with the right amount of equity Management, you can build a career on this, okay? And it's important that you understand it
385 01:05:04,440 --> 01:05:14,820 because a lot of guys trades is simply fixed. fixed percentage of account trading. In other words, they only have a certain number of lots always on, they
386 01:05:14,820 --> 01:05:22,080 don't do anything more than that. Okay? And there's no reason why you should fear compounding your returns, if you understand what it is you're doing, it
387 01:05:22,080 --> 01:05:32,790 just takes a short period of time 18 to 24 months, you can't even imagine what that does numerically, to an equity curve. If you're properly positioned each
388 01:05:32,790 --> 01:05:45,660 time and keeping your risk small, aiming for three to one setups. It's absolutely astonishing what you can do. The market breaks down, okay, and we
389 01:05:45,660 --> 01:05:53,100 don't really have anything here without going to a hard timeframe. Okay, but I'm gonna stick within this one hour timeframe. Okay, we saw price rally up sharply.
390 01:05:56,070 --> 01:06:05,610 We have a bullish order block in here price rallies away, dips back down into it again, and we're able to capture this move. Okay, using the tools. Again, I'm
391 01:06:05,610 --> 01:06:14,340 leaving out this because I could make the case because I actually did this trade in in a Live account. But there's other indications back in here that you could
392 01:06:14,370 --> 01:06:25,560 use on a higher four hour and daily chart to understand what we did here. That's not the point of this installment here. But you have another rally in price.
393 01:06:26,340 --> 01:06:37,980 Again, focusing on what the bullish side of the marketplace because we're in a weekly bullish order flow. It's 127 pips right there. We have another bullish
394 01:06:37,980 --> 01:06:38,700 order block.
395 01:06:45,810 --> 01:06:56,430 Okay, right here didn't quite get into it. And we start consolidating this this is something where if you see this exit price rally out like this, and it's
396 01:06:56,430 --> 01:07:03,000 consolidating like this, okay, the first thing you want to be questioning is okay, where's the stops because that's the that's the next thing they're going
397 01:07:03,000 --> 01:07:12,300 to be doing you're gonna be looking for where the run out to participants or suck them into a long period of correction. So there stops above the market and
398 01:07:12,300 --> 01:07:25,560 there's this low right here. So everyone that's long we're going to be looking at this low and this low to be anchoring our protective stops there ran their
399 01:07:25,560 --> 01:07:42,990 ran okay, but we have this range from this low to this high with this bearish candle as a bullish order block on this drop that their price comes down right
400 01:07:42,990 --> 01:07:57,360 into it works around that level. Okay eventually goes into non consolidation you learned in a sniper series that we look for a raid ran stops and then move
401 01:07:57,360 --> 01:08:06,540 lower. Okay, so there's really nothing in here to indicate any kind of bullishness even though that we dropped down into the level we didn't see the
402 01:08:06,540 --> 01:08:15,840 the rally outside of this here because again, I could say well look you know, we have it okay because this is a bearish candle prior that move higher and we dip
403 01:08:15,840 --> 01:08:24,540 back down into it, but again, I disqualify this because if it's long wick like that, I don't like that. Okay, I want to see a big bowl body candle Okay, you
404 01:08:24,540 --> 01:08:34,170 can have a little bit of a wick but I must say majority of the candle be a body something like this here that would be indicative of an ICT ball or block but
405 01:08:34,170 --> 01:08:42,210 because we had this big long wick even though it did dip down and this could be argued it would have been profitable. This is not a trade that I would see using
406 01:08:42,210 --> 01:08:56,550 the tools and outline as we have been discussing. Okay we have price come down rally off dip back down into a nice order block in here. Okay rallies up and we
407 01:08:56,550 --> 01:09:09,930 have an order block here. We did get that one. Okay. rallies off again. And actually there's several of them in here. If you just go through and look at it.
408 01:09:09,930 --> 01:09:23,910 There's many of these scenarios where you can catch what is that tois between 25 and 40 pips each each successive retracement back into a previous order block.
409 01:09:24,300 --> 01:09:36,000 Okay. And this moving forward would speed this up a little because we're spending a lot more time than I want on this module. We have a bullish order
410 01:09:36,000 --> 01:09:50,970 block in here price comes down to it rallies again. Realize again Okay, we have a bullish order block here. Prior to the rally up it does back down into this
411 01:09:50,970 --> 01:09:58,110 order block rallies up. Okay, there's another 50 pips or more rally in here.
412 01:10:09,990 --> 01:10:18,870 That's too much of a wick there. This one's nice in here, price rallies away, comes back down into previous order block rallies up just this move alone.
413 01:10:23,580 --> 01:10:32,670 That's 32 pips right here, again, you know, in the right hands, it's simply, you know, amazing what you could do with that type of move over and over and over
414 01:10:32,670 --> 01:10:41,970 again consistently. We have a nice bullish order block right here. And yes, there has, there's a wick here and a little bit Wick here. But majority, there's
415 01:10:42,000 --> 01:10:52,800 a lot of body in here, which is what I like I would use that as a bullish order block right in here. And this one, even though we do have a sharp, reversal, and
416 01:10:52,800 --> 01:11:08,250 slam lower, we had 60 plus pips that made available, okay, running out of previous high as a as an area to take a trade with. And I'll just scroll through
417 01:11:08,250 --> 01:11:24,510 a little bit faster here. So a lot of real quick snaps higher. We have a bullish order block here, price rallies drops back into it, it could be a buyer in here,
418 01:11:24,990 --> 01:11:40,500 and up to here. So that's about 30 pips or more in here as well. Okay. And I know a lot of you, if you're anything like I was when I first started, okay, it
419 01:11:40,500 --> 01:11:49,260 would piss me off that if I went long in here, okay, and made money. Maybe I did get out of the profit waxen. But then it does this type of move here. It would
420 01:11:49,260 --> 01:11:58,170 piss me off that I didn't participate in this move. It would participate. It pissed me off if I didn't participate in this move here. If I was being long
421 01:11:58,230 --> 01:12:10,020 around that same timeframe in my counsel to you is to let it go, man, you're not going to catch every move. Okay? Nobody does. nobody's doing it. Okay, there's
422 01:12:10,020 --> 01:12:18,840 no superstar trader out there that's catching low, high, low hot makeup, come on. It's unrealistic. nobody's doing that. Okay, nobody's doing it. You might
423 01:12:18,840 --> 01:12:25,260 get a hot look in the market where you're catching this and that, but you're not on the level of every swing high and every spring? Well, you're not getting
424 01:12:25,260 --> 01:12:31,500 that, okay. And you don't need that. You just need a small segment of the marketplace, over and over and over again, that you constantly go back to and
425 01:12:31,500 --> 01:12:41,700 harvest. And that's all you need. Okay. Here's a nice little classic scenario here. Price comes down, rallies off sharply doesn't spend much time down here.
426 01:12:41,700 --> 01:12:52,530 Here's your bullish order block comes down into a very handsomely being a buyer here. Okay. And moving forward. I think that's pretty explanatory right there.
427 01:12:53,850 --> 01:13:04,020 We have a nice bullish order block here, price rallies off, comes back down into the order block right here. And one more time here. Okay. And I think this is
428 01:13:04,020 --> 01:13:15,960 pretty agreeable in terms of aggressive move higher. Okay, and again, this, that's what I'm trying to indicate, yes, we have these little drops down, and
429 01:13:15,960 --> 01:13:23,490 little drops down here. Okay. If you're, if you're short, that's wonderful.  Okay, but this is what I'm looking for. This is what I'm hunting. That's what
430 01:13:23,490 --> 01:13:30,510 I'm trying to get you the look at. If I could take my perspective in the marketplace and take it out and clone it, and put it in a way where you guys can
431 01:13:30,510 --> 01:13:37,710 download, I would love to be able to do that because it would first of all, make my job easier as opposed to hurt but it would make your job a lot easier also,
432 01:13:37,710 --> 01:13:49,080 because you would know specifically what it is that you're trying to filter out.  And what you're specifically focusing on, okay. And again, you will have scrub
433 01:13:49,080 --> 01:14:00,390 through you can see going through there's many opportunities where the marketplace gives you several buying obtains like there's one in here, this
434 01:14:00,390 --> 01:14:08,850 larger order block here we dipped into came only back down into it again. We have this order block as well, where we dropped down into it, look how
435 01:14:08,850 --> 01:14:17,220 aggressively it moved lower. Okay, when you see this, I can't tell you if you're watching this on a five minute chart, this is scaring the hell out of you. If
436 01:14:17,220 --> 01:14:24,600 you're long, you're getting out, you're not gonna stay in that you're gonna be looking for thinking can continue to go lower. But what is it doing? It's
437 01:14:24,630 --> 01:14:37,530 rapidly getting down to an area of where liquidity rests. There's a large pocket in this area. Okay, because they did their buying here. It rallied off came back
438 01:14:37,530 --> 01:14:48,960 down. Okay, I'm dealing at a bank. I need to move currency. Right now. There's simply not enough buyers in this area. But there's a large pool of willing
439 01:14:48,960 --> 01:14:58,620 buyers down here. Are they looking at Ananda? Are they looking at FX cm buyers?  No, they're not okay. They're looking at on the bank institutional level. Okay,
440 01:14:58,620 --> 01:14:59,970 who's willing to be buying down
441 01:15:00,420 --> 01:15:08,940 Okay, so they're going to take price and repriced, down to these levels, knowing that that's where the liquidity is. And because of their interest is so vast and
442 01:15:08,940 --> 01:15:17,160 large, when it gets down here doesn't spend much time it takes off and rallies, okay? Because their blocks are a lot larger than we could ever imagine on a
443 01:15:17,160 --> 01:15:31,680 retail level. Price continues to move higher. And again, we have multiple opportunities where order blocks are being respected. Okay, and it's just, it's
444 01:15:32,220 --> 01:15:40,380 an exercise that you need to do on your own, going through the charts, as we just did here. Again, maintaining the level of observation that we're in this
445 01:15:40,380 --> 01:15:50,130 shaded area, stealth and no worries, we're focusing only on the buy side. Okay, we're only looking for opportunities where bullish market orders I'm sorry, were
446 01:15:50,130 --> 01:16:03,210 blocked, rather, are clearly seen them being respected and in rallying off bullish order blocks being respected and rallying off. Okay. You can watch any
447 01:16:03,210 --> 01:16:10,920 video course out there, you can watch any mentor after talking about what makes the market move around. What does this and what does that okay, but I'm gonna
448 01:16:10,920 --> 01:16:20,550 tell you right now, if they don't have this understanding behind them what it is that they're doing, they're just blind luck, okay? Because without institutional
449 01:16:20,550 --> 01:16:30,720 sponsors that behind price moves, we have nothing. retail market traders do not move the marketplace. You have to be positioned on the heels and coattails of
450 01:16:30,720 --> 01:16:40,920 those participants that have number one, the cash flow to be able to move the marketplace and also they have the brains behind the whole move. Okay. So
451 01:16:40,920 --> 01:16:44,460 hopefully it's been insightful to you guys and wish you good luck and good trading.