Getting Started In ICT Scalping

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-11 13:40

00:00:37,980 --> 00:00:47,610 ICT: Good morning, folks. appreciate your patience. Alright, so we're gonna go over a few things, we're not going to spend a whole lot of time with you today,
00:00:47,730 --> 00:00:59,790 I'm gonna try to keep the session short. The focus is really to try to get you up to speed as fast as I possibly can, but not cramming you with too much
00:00:59,790 --> 00:01:11,340 information, because I know that a lot of new followers, no new readers, to my material, and you're all anxious to get to the next video, all my other
00:01:11,340 --> 00:01:22,350 tutorials. And in between that, like give you what I think you should be doing with your time, it's not going to be learned by watching my videos, okay?
00:01:23,190 --> 00:01:31,380 There's a lot of folks that will say, watch the videos, watch the videos. And it's true, you have to see the videos to get the concepts. But don't spend your
00:01:31,380 --> 00:01:40,530 time just watching videos binge watching, you actually have to do all the work in your own charts, the folks that are going to do well, with my stuff or
00:01:40,530 --> 00:01:51,450 anything else, it's going to be the ones that participate in practice, and do it without being told to do so by me. You got to have some initiative, okay. And
00:01:51,450 --> 00:02:00,780 without having that it's going to be well, next to impossible for you to get good. And you're going to be the one that stands in the way of you being
00:02:00,780 --> 00:02:10,320 proficient with this, not my delivery of the content, not my frequency of putting out videos, it's going to be the amount of time you put into studying
10 00:02:10,350 --> 00:02:22,890 and studying correctly. practicing it correctly. So I'm going to give you why I believe that you should be focusing on one pair, okay, and how you should go
11 00:02:22,890 --> 00:02:32,100 about doing that. And how you should log each experience each deck. Now either you're going to do it live. Or you can do it by hindsight. And a lot of you have
12 00:02:32,100 --> 00:02:42,570 jobs a lot of you have businesses is life going to be in the way and you can't always be watching live price action, you still can learn this, I taught myself
13 00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:52,350 a lot of the things that I teach, all based on end of day data, I would go back and look at charts that happened during the day with an hourly chart. And I
14 00:02:52,350 --> 00:03:02,400 could see certain things. And that's how I learned a lot of the things that I started with my core principles. When I was starting with the Forex tutorials
15 00:03:02,400 --> 00:03:13,140 back in 2010. I've been trading a lot longer than that. But a lot of the core understanding came by way of just simply understanding end of day trading. And
16 00:03:13,140 --> 00:03:27,120 that means nothing intraday, nothing live, it was all based on basically a daily chart. Okay, so yesterday, I gave you guys a chart here, and I highly price
17 00:03:27,120 --> 00:03:38,460 hitting this specific level here. And I'm like, hopefully I'll stem a lot of this. With this comment about it probably won't be as effective as I was hoping
18 00:03:38,550 --> 00:03:48,450 hope it would be rather. But everyone seems to think that the magic is happening with the Fibonacci. And there's a lot of things that go along with using the
19 00:03:48,450 --> 00:03:59,490 Fibonacci for my targets in my entries. It's not the sole basis for my entry. Okay, in first glance, it looks like something you've seen before. Okay, but
20 00:03:59,490 --> 00:04:07,050 there's a lot of other things that you have to focus on. And as soon as you try doing it on your own, you know, right away, it's not as easy as you think it is.
21 00:04:07,230 --> 00:04:16,320 You don't know what the anchor what fib on what level what, pi with low, suddenly, he doesn't look like it doesn't work that good. And it's because of
22 00:04:16,320 --> 00:04:27,360 the experience factor. And my group that I have mentored for the last over over? Well, it's been a year now. Some of them are still admittedly struggling with
23 00:04:27,360 --> 00:04:36,600 some of the concepts. And I'm constantly repeating. It's an experience thing that they have to grow into. You don't learn this overnight, you certainly
24 00:04:36,600 --> 00:04:44,460 aren't going to learn it in one year. Okay, but you will learn to grow in your understanding. So I want to give you a foundation today to start with and it's
25 00:04:44,460 --> 00:04:54,150 only specifically dealing with scalping. Okay. So please don't come at me on Twitter about hey, look, you know, what about central bank dealers range? And
26 00:04:54,150 --> 00:05:05,040 what about the flout? And what about, you know, the moving average crossovers, and what about it at Trinity, stick to what I'm giving you, not because I'm
27 00:05:05,040 --> 00:05:14,610 trying to hold anything away from you, but I gave you guys way too much stuff before way too fast. And it gave the impression that you needed to have all that
28 00:05:14,610 --> 00:05:21,150 to be successful. And, to some degree, a lot of mine. detractors
29 00:05:21,419 --> 00:05:29,879 were right in the sense that I was giving way too much. But what I was really doing was I was giving you everything that I went through to develop myself as
30 00:05:29,879 --> 00:05:38,909 the arbitrator, the person that you see, calls the market and gives the analysis concepts, all those things that led up to my understanding, and to become who I
31 00:05:38,909 --> 00:05:48,359 am as a trader, those were things that I went through, and it was kinda like a social experiment, to see if anyone else could be, I guess, created the same way
32 00:05:48,359 --> 00:05:58,829 I was. And for the most part, it didn't happen. So it was a failed experiment in my eyes, but it was still fun. The last year the growth of some individuals that
33 00:05:58,829 --> 00:06:09,059 did really well with it. But nobody came to the level, I was hoping it would, by way of me presenting the information. So with that, I'm going to ask you a
34 00:06:09,059 --> 00:06:16,619 question. And this is rhetorical. Obviously, you guys aren't going to be able to tell me what your responses are, you can share them on Twitter, but it's really
35 00:06:16,619 --> 00:06:27,119 just rhetorical. What pair have you spent the most time looking at now? There's no correct pair. Okay, please don't think that there's one pair that's better
36 00:06:27,119 --> 00:06:37,199 than the other. Because they all do the same thing. They all open, they'll post the high, the all poster low, and the close and create a new bar or a new
37 00:06:37,199 --> 00:06:47,099 candle. So we're trying, we're trading price, we don't care so much about the particular currency. Now, there are times when certain currencies should be
38 00:06:47,099 --> 00:06:56,639 focused on others. And that's completely outside the scope of this discussion. But I want you to, at least, right now, suspend your curiosity in chasing
39 00:06:56,639 --> 00:07:07,349 everything else. And just pick one pair. And it doesn't matter which pair it is. But today, as a goal, I want you to know, don't have to be decided at this
40 00:07:07,349 --> 00:07:16,949 moment right now. But give it a day, think about what currency pair you have gone to on your smartphone, on your demo account. Or maybe you've made the
41 00:07:16,949 --> 00:07:23,699 mistake of opening a Live account right away without knowing anything, and what pair you're trying to lose money on. Okay? Because that's what you're doing. If
42 00:07:23,699 --> 00:07:33,179 you don't know what you're doing your drill, just basically trying to lose your money. And there's, there's really no benefit in doing that. Okay. So we're
43 00:07:33,179 --> 00:07:41,429 going to assume that you have picked one of the majors, okay, so if you're going to be profitable, and I was going to be your goal, when you start as a trader,
44 00:07:41,429 --> 00:07:49,259 hopefully, that's been the case for everyone, and you live in the United States. My advice is to try to trade something that's paired with the dollar index,
45 00:07:49,289 --> 00:07:57,509 don't just simply say this. When you are profitable, you get better tax treatment, when you trade $1 based major, okay, and I'll just leave it at that.
46 00:07:58,649 --> 00:08:09,089 So doesn't mean you can't make money on the crosses, it just means that the bulk of your volume would be better suited in a major cross with $1. Okay, and I'm
47 00:08:09,089 --> 00:08:16,409 not here teaching tax code, you talk to your tax preparer, they have to have some knowledge and understanding about forex, and they'll concur with what I
48 00:08:16,409 --> 00:08:29,249 just said, Okay. So we're going to assume you pick a major, it could be euro, dollar, pound dollar, dollar, swissy, dollar yen, dollar, CAD, Aussie dollar,
49 00:08:30,359 --> 00:08:40,949 pick any one of those, okay, and I'm not trying to promote one over the other, but I will just simply say that I am predominantly a GBP USD or cable trader,
50 00:08:41,189 --> 00:08:49,949 British pound. I can tell you the reason why I feel that way is because I started as a commodity trader, and the British pound, the Deutsche Mark, which
51 00:08:49,949 --> 00:09:02,819 there isn't a Deutsche Mark anymore. Those two pairs, or I'm sorry, currencies. I trade them predominantly the most as a Currency Trader. And I had really good
52 00:09:02,819 --> 00:09:12,719 luck one time in the Japanese yen. And then later time in my career, it really stumped the crap out of me, and I just don't like yen. Okay, it doesn't mean
53 00:09:12,719 --> 00:09:21,749 that the things don't work again. It's just I just don't want to try again, because it's in my head. It's all psychological. And I just don't want to admit
54 00:09:21,749 --> 00:09:33,899 to having that engagement anymore. So I personally don't like it. But some of my students do exceptionally well trading yen pairs. So don't let me as a mentor or
55 00:09:34,259 --> 00:09:41,609 just some guy on the internet talking about what he thinks is right. Don't let me discourage you from doing any one particular pair of the other. I'm just
56 00:09:41,609 --> 00:09:48,809 giving you my personal opinion because I get a lot of this in email. So I'm trying to compress all that into this short little presentation. So we're going
57 00:09:48,809 --> 00:10:01,169 to elect to go with the euro dollar, and I'm going to use the euro dollar because it's the most widely followed in all of the Forex The market and it's
58 00:10:01,169 --> 00:10:07,409 pretty liquid. It's very closely tied to the Dollar Index, which, once you go through my tutorials, you'll see that that's actually advantageous for you
59 00:10:07,409 --> 00:10:15,989 because you want to be looking for the imbalances and tug of war between the impulse price swings in the dollar. They're going to be mirror images of what
60 00:10:15,989 --> 00:10:20,309 you see in the euro dollar. And by that, I mean, if the dollar is bullish,
61 00:10:20,910 --> 00:10:31,200 you're going to see extremely perfectly timed bearishness on the euro dollar, doesn't mean it happens all the time. Okay, as you seen last week, we had
62 00:10:31,470 --> 00:10:42,150 episodes where the euro dollar was held in a range, British Pound was allowed to trade higher and lower in trend. And that gives us an indication that there's a
63 00:10:42,150 --> 00:10:50,640 trade occurring in euro Pam. And again, that stuff's in its tutorials, but you got to dig it out and study it. But I'm gonna give you the bare bones core
64 00:10:50,640 --> 00:11:00,960 essentials to scalping. And what I've already given you is a complete system. It's absolutely perfect for a new trader because it gives you the context to go
65 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:08,100 in to the charts study, look for certain things and you're not wasting your time, you'll be able to see things that repeat, they have to have that
66 00:11:08,100 --> 00:11:18,570 reoccurrence factor, okay, if what you're studying doesn't have the ability to be replicated at least a few times a week, you're probably not studying anything
67 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:26,640 that has any valid validity or substance, you're probably looking at indicators and stuff. And the only indicator you're going to see on my chart is a
68 00:11:26,640 --> 00:11:37,470 Fibonacci. And the only thing I'm highlighting there is a target or a specific range. And where I think eight entry should occur, do not fall prey to the idea
69 00:11:37,470 --> 00:11:45,540 that everything I'm doing hinges solely on the basis of Fibonacci, because it's not believe me, I don't even need that Fibonacci. But the Fibonacci as a
70 00:11:45,600 --> 00:11:57,270 teacher, helps me draw your attention to a level I've already arrived at. And you're not going to believe me. But I knew this high at 116 55 was probable last
71 00:11:57,270 --> 00:12:09,090 Friday, last Friday, at midnight, last Friday. Now you're not going to believe me, that's okay. But I don't like I'm not trying to convince you that here
72 00:12:09,090 --> 00:12:20,430 today. But there's certain concepts that repeat themselves with a great deal of precision. And they're like clockwork. So if we have to suspend our disbelief
73 00:12:20,430 --> 00:12:30,180 about the markets being 100% manipulated, to the degree that that daily high in the daily low, is already pre determined before the day even begins. So in your
74 00:12:30,180 --> 00:12:39,240 notepad, if you don't have a notepad, next time we watch a live session. Because anything can happen. YouTube could go on the fritz, maybe nine, my compiler
75 00:12:39,240 --> 00:12:47,730 doesn't record the video, and you'll lose the insights that I get. And I sometimes won't remember what I said, because I'm really not trying to work off
76 00:12:47,730 --> 00:12:56,550 a script. I know what I want to deliver. And it's such a small little segment of insight. But I want to give you some foundation. And also if I can always try to
77 00:12:56,550 --> 00:13:07,290 throw little answers to email questions that kind of segue with what I'm teaching. But in your notepad, I want you to write down, Price Is 100%
78 00:13:07,380 --> 00:13:21,420 manipulated, and the daily high and daily low are already pre determined at midnight, New York time. So that means midnight, last night, for me, it's seven
79 00:13:21,420 --> 00:13:35,640 hours and 21 minutes ago, the daily high and low has already been pre determined for euro dollar. It already has been determined. Now, you don't know what that
80 00:13:35,640 --> 00:13:50,340 is. I don't always know what it is. But there are certain times of the week where certain things align where I had the strongest. I guess probability that I
81 00:13:50,340 --> 00:13:59,280 know where the daily high or low is going to be. I've given you several examples of it on Twitter, in video. Yeah, I've already shown you that I've shown you
82 00:13:59,280 --> 00:14:09,300 trade examples. And now it's not imperative that you know that this is the high and therefore you hold me to get out exactly at 116 55. Because to do that is
83 00:14:09,300 --> 00:14:19,140 going to be detrimental to your bottom line because you're going to sometimes get it wrong. But you don't need to have that actual high. For instance, I'll
84 00:14:19,140 --> 00:14:27,720 give you an example. And this is to set your expectations. I'm not trying to talk to hear myself, okay, I'm not trying to waste your time. But what I'm
85 00:14:27,720 --> 00:14:41,580 saying here mean means a lot to take. Take note on this. If we know by way of our tools, or what I'm teaching you, if if we know that there's a strong
86 00:14:41,580 --> 00:14:47,130 probability, that particular pair to work falling in this case, we're using the Euro dollars as an example.
87 00:14:48,809 --> 00:14:58,859 If you can go to 116 55 as a daily high, and you've gotten an opportunity to get long, say down here in the New York session or if you have a London close
88 00:14:59,069 --> 00:15:10,619 continuation What this is here, optimal trade entry. If either one of those are used to get in and your convictions are that we're probably going to see the
89 00:15:10,619 --> 00:15:24,449 interbank algorithm print a daily high of 116 55. If that's the case, don't demand such precision that you hold for that exit price. Now, I Showboat online
90 00:15:24,479 --> 00:15:33,929 to prove to other people that what I talked about is really there, I gave you the chart, I wait, I wait and wait and wait until the hits the levels I want.
91 00:15:34,079 --> 00:15:42,869 And I screen capture rate when it happens. So that way you guys can see it. You go on Twitter, you'll see it's actually the very high one this candle. This
92 00:15:42,869 --> 00:15:51,839 particular ones right here, I didn't kind of pop up on this recording. But the actual high comes in at 116 55. As the candle was creating that high, it never
93 00:15:51,839 --> 00:16:01,859 went any higher than that. And it traded lower as a result. I do that, to prove to the doubters also to reinforce the people that are trying to learn from me
94 00:16:01,889 --> 00:16:13,739 that it is absolutely predictable. Now, predictability is not the same as profitability, because you can still screw up you can still demand absolution,
95 00:16:13,889 --> 00:16:22,589 okay? And you're not going to find that okay, that there is no forex Jesus, okay, you can pray all you want about the market doing what you want to do
96 00:16:23,099 --> 00:16:32,309 anything gonna do it. Okay, so you have to have a rule based idea. So my, the way I interpret intraday price action, is I want to get a rough idea where I
97 00:16:32,309 --> 00:16:40,709 think the daily higher daily low is going to be. Compare that with a bias. Okay, and you have to have a bias. Traders Just say the word instructors, I say that
98 00:16:40,709 --> 00:16:48,359 with quotations in my hands. They'll say, don't treat with a bias. It's foolish, those people don't know what you're talking about, okay, they have no idea what
99 00:16:48,359 --> 00:16:55,649 you're talking about. And they have no business trying to tell anyone what to do. Because if they're doing anything at all, they're misleading you. I'm
100 00:16:55,649 --> 00:17:04,079 telling you the truth. These markets are manipulated, they're absolutely not for your benefit. They are out there to whale. Okay. And that means they're going
101 00:17:04,079 --> 00:17:13,469 after big, large institutional funds. That's what this is now. And yes, there's global commerce that they actually are used to facilitate global commerce and
102 00:17:13,739 --> 00:17:21,239 transactions between countries and nations and doing business and such. Yeah, that's wonderful. But there's also opportunity there, and the opportunity is to
103 00:17:21,239 --> 00:17:30,929 go after large liquidity basis. And that's not going to be retail. Retail is not even on the radar. So if we understand that, that is how these markets are
104 00:17:30,929 --> 00:17:39,689 operating on a day by day basis, and it's the largest market in the world, and it's ran by the banks, which banks don't open up to go in a bit go out of
105 00:17:39,689 --> 00:17:49,289 business, they tend to stay in the business or be consumed by a larger bank. If we have that understanding, we know that there's a large degree of probability
106 00:17:49,289 --> 00:17:57,209 that the daily higher daily low is going to be pre determined at midnight every single day. And once we know what that level is, and we compare it with a bias
107 00:17:57,539 --> 00:18:08,639 towards if we're bullish on the euro dollar, as indicated yesterday, okay, with Apple trades, you're here, and what happens in here. My advice to you is, if you
108 00:18:08,639 --> 00:18:17,369 know these things here, okay, and I'm gonna give you things in my tutorials that help you get to this. Now, it's not going to be this precise. This is something
109 00:18:17,369 --> 00:18:27,749 that is taught in my mentorship. But in the tutorials, I've given many instances on how you can get real close to this number. So I'll give you an example. I
110 00:18:27,749 --> 00:18:36,209 teach the 50 levels, and the double zero big figure levels are significant. I want you and this is something you write down in your notepad see right now,
111 00:18:36,209 --> 00:18:45,449 because this is homework for you this all week, I want you to put every 50 level in every full figure 00 level and what does that mean? Go over to your
112 00:18:45,449 --> 00:19:07,409 horizontal line. Okay, and we're going to drop it onto a 50 I'm gonna I couldn't be any better. So it's on 116 50. And then we're going to go down to 116 00. My
113 00:19:07,409 --> 00:19:20,669 eyes are still not awake yet. So I apologize for being a little slow on the deliver here. Okay, so we have 116, big figure, and 116 50 mid figure, okay,
114 00:19:20,669 --> 00:19:30,599 you'll hear these terms used a lot in one tutorials, I want you to put your 15 00 levels on the currency pair to you're going to follow, okay.
115 00:19:31,050 --> 00:19:42,750 And I want you to use wherever the price is right now. Right now it's trading at 1630. So the next two levels above and below, it's the 50 level and the 00
116 00:19:42,750 --> 00:19:54,210 level. Okay? inside of that price is going to do all kinds of gyrations. ignore it. Don't do anything with it. Okay, I want you to wait until price trades to
117 00:19:54,210 --> 00:20:05,010 one of these levels, the 50 level or the 00 level. Okay, and then wait for a reaction. It could come down to 16 00 and bounce come up and create a
118 00:20:05,010 --> 00:20:13,380 retracement. And that could be an apple trade entry for a day trade and test it. I'm not telling you to put live money on any of this, I'm telling you, the
119 00:20:13,380 --> 00:20:24,330 practice the reactions off the 50 level on a 000 level, the mid figures and the big figures. If we watch these levels over time, you're going to see every setup
120 00:20:24,330 --> 00:20:34,590 that you'd ever need is on these levels. And it's because of the interbank volume. And the banks themselves like to work off these levels. They'll defend
121 00:20:34,620 --> 00:20:42,210 big figures and mid figures at these levels. And there's gonna be a lot of orders, which is what makes these markets move around. It's not indicators, none
122 00:20:42,210 --> 00:20:52,740 of this stuff, and you'll be surprised that most most folks believe that the chart itself pushes price. And charts are only reflecting the sentiment and
123 00:20:52,740 --> 00:21:05,010 actions of actual transactions. banks don't train qubits charts, okay. It's it's like a misnomer. You know, I'm smart money because I'm using the four hour chart
124 00:21:05,040 --> 00:21:17,610 now. It's my way for me to communicate to you the order base that will be around that particular price level. And it's easily seen and observed on a higher
125 00:21:17,610 --> 00:21:29,070 timeframe intraday chart like a four hour. So don't think that there's any particular magic that a down closed candle supports price. It's, that's not it
126 00:21:29,070 --> 00:21:39,240 either order blocks are not, it is just one small component to a larger hole that you'll need to consume in my content. But for intraday basis, I want you to
127 00:21:39,240 --> 00:21:49,020 focus on 00 levels, and 50 levels. Okay, and just for homework, go back through your currency pair. It's real simple. I mean, I got this is dragging to the
128 00:21:49,020 --> 00:21:58,620 left. And you'll see there's a lot of instances where price creates opportunities at these levels. Now, you might have to wait. That's beautiful,
129 00:21:58,620 --> 00:22:07,860 because it's gonna teach you patience. If you have the 50 00 level, and you wait for opportunities to price trades to these particular Well, here's one right
130 00:22:07,860 --> 00:22:14,700 here. Now what I mean when it gets to these levels, I'm not saying it hits the level exactly imbalances, it just means around that level. And I'll give you a
131 00:22:14,700 --> 00:22:24,000 perfect example here. Price runs here creates a small little, let me see if it breaks too high, because I'm not sure if I can show it to you there.
132 00:22:25,560 --> 00:22:26,610 Unknown: Okay, lost it.
133 00:22:29,220 --> 00:22:37,890 ICT: Here it is. Alright, so we have price creating a high at 116 oh seven and the last high comes in at exactly 116 or seven. So it really didn't create one
134 00:22:37,890 --> 00:22:47,880 there, it would have been better than broke the short term high. But that is an awful trade entry. retracement, it would be a 79% trading level, thereby odd
135 00:22:48,030 --> 00:23:00,090 only. But you can see the overall pattern, this is what you would expect to see around the big figures here level or the 50 level. Okay. And eventually, over
136 00:23:00,090 --> 00:23:07,320 time, you're going to graduate to adding the 80 level and the 20 level. And that's it, you need nothing else, you don't need to worry about drawing support
137 00:23:07,320 --> 00:23:16,710 resistance lines on your charts, you don't need to worry about putting, you know, any kind of Well, whatever kind of lipstick you usually put on your
138 00:23:16,710 --> 00:23:25,110 charts. The books taught me use an old high, draw a line across it and prices either gonna hit it and repel from resistance or break soon come down find
139 00:23:25,110 --> 00:23:34,440 support. And I can tell you I've lost hundreds of 1000s of dollars don't that it doesn't it doesn't work. Because it doesn't give you any context about why that
140 00:23:34,440 --> 00:23:44,340 level should be traded on the basis of order flow. Now not order flows in the form of market profile footprint depth of market, I'm not talking about that.
141 00:23:44,520 --> 00:23:55,200 That's entirely outside the scope of what I do. What I internalize is why the market should have orders around specific levels. So regardless of what style of
142 00:23:55,200 --> 00:24:03,930 trading, you're going to be, I'm teaching predominantly scalping now, because it gives you the ability to go in and do a lot of research, a lot of examples. And
143 00:24:03,930 --> 00:24:12,600 the things that you learn in price action on scalping will be beneficial for you. And all of the types of trading you can do. So, in summary, okay, and then
144 00:24:12,600 --> 00:24:23,790 we get to the nuts and bolts out and close this video, we have the 00 level, big figure, the 50 level and in between that we have 50 and 00. What was the level I
145 00:24:23,790 --> 00:24:45,750 told you to watch? The 20 level. Okay, so we want to have our level at 1620 and the other one would be 1680. And that's here, okay. And the next will be 17 00.
146 00:24:46,020 --> 00:24:57,150 Okay, so that way, guess what, we've already done all of our work for support resistance. What is that easy? Yes, it's just that easy. Because my
147 00:24:57,150 --> 00:25:04,620 interpretation of price action is I know what Banks are going to do I know what large institutions are going to do it because you can see it yourself, go on the
148 00:25:04,620 --> 00:25:15,660 charts and pull the same levels up and go back over price action. You'll see it there. Okay, I gave you an example of earlier, excuse me the example earlier
149 00:25:15,690 --> 00:25:27,840 where it didn't really give me an awful trade optimal trade entry. Do this. Alright, so if we have that range here, and I know it doesn't qualify for the
150 00:25:27,840 --> 00:25:37,680 setup, but I want you to see this is the reaction you get off of it. But look how the lookout forms around the big figure. And then later on this same price
151 00:25:37,680 --> 00:25:46,560 action here, I told you about the optimal trade entry example here yesterday, look where it occurs on the big figure 16. Now that's not a coincidence. That's
152 00:25:46,560 --> 00:25:51,000 just the way it works. And what about up here?
153 00:25:56,880 --> 00:26:08,130 Isn't that an optimal trade entry, I gave you the daily high yesterday. Look at the opportunity to tear highest body open or close down to the lowest body open
154 00:26:08,130 --> 00:26:20,070 or close. Perfect to 70 psi or certain treatment level sells off. And then here's another one smaller one sells off. There you go. symmetrical price swing.
155 00:26:20,880 --> 00:26:31,290 So I gave you real institutional support resistance. I told you how to find the optimal trade entries on a scalp. They set up easy, you're not scratching your
156 00:26:31,290 --> 00:26:42,000 head looking at a chart saying good grief, what support resistance do I use? What supply and demand zone do I use? What you know? I'm being facetious now,
157 00:26:42,060 --> 00:26:52,380 but I want you to know that the folks that try to teach you these things, okay. In terms of technical analysis, they have for the most part as zero
158 00:26:52,380 --> 00:27:02,550 understanding of what goes on in institutional basis, okay, support resistance are based on orders. They're not based on anything other than that. So without
159 00:27:02,550 --> 00:27:10,110 having an understanding of why price is going to move and gyrate around specific levels, you're going to be losing money, you're going to hemorrhage money, and
160 00:27:10,110 --> 00:27:18,270 then you're going to go into the cycle where looking for things. And having no understanding or definition of what it is you're looking for, it's going to
161 00:27:18,270 --> 00:27:28,650 frustrate you. And the human characteristic in us is going to be well, what I just did didn't work. So I need to do it harder, immediately. Because I need to
162 00:27:28,650 --> 00:27:37,680 have the reaction I want and then trading, that is the death sentence for you. You need to stop and just be patient. What are you waiting for? You're waiting
163 00:27:37,680 --> 00:27:49,920 for one of these levels of trade. And this is what I say these are institutional price levels. Okay. I get jeered and prodded by folks that unconvinced that they
164 00:27:49,920 --> 00:27:58,050 use my stuff, and don't want to admit to it, but they hate the fact that I can draw up attention real quick. And I can teach right away something that's
165 00:27:58,050 --> 00:28:05,550 applicable. And some of them either are aspiring to start their own company or start their own signal service or own business. And the best way to do their
166 00:28:05,550 --> 00:28:13,530 business is to try to tear me down. Because I was the guy on the internet for years doing for free. Now, I still am doing this for free. You didn't pay
167 00:28:13,530 --> 00:28:23,370 anything to learn this. But right now, what I've already given you in the YouTube videos I've already given you in my forum. I've given you in old
168 00:28:23,850 --> 00:28:37,350 tutorials. And now with just this, you have no reason to subscribe to any subscriber base programs, not even to mine. Okay, now think about this. Think
169 00:28:37,350 --> 00:28:46,470 about what I just did. Okay? If I'm in this to make money and panhandle off anyone, why? Why the hell would I just give you something that you would never
170 00:28:46,470 --> 00:28:56,040 ever, ever need to pay me or anyone else for? Again? What kind of business model is that? It's the same business model I use when I first started. I gave all
171 00:28:56,040 --> 00:29:04,470 this stuff out for free. Because I'm already rich. I don't need anybody's money. Okay, I enjoy doing this. But there's certain things I'm not going to teach
172 00:29:04,470 --> 00:29:15,540 publicly. I'm just not going to do it. Do you need anything beyond this? No. Because what is it done? It tells you where the setups occur. Wait a minute.
173 00:29:16,080 --> 00:29:22,500 It's just that easy. It's absolutely just that easy. You have these levels on your chart. And now I don't care about what pair it is you're trading. This
174 00:29:22,500 --> 00:29:30,720 works on the British pound. It works on the Canadian dollar. It works on Bitcoin, try it on that I don't trade it, okay, but for feedback, I know a lot
175 00:29:30,780 --> 00:29:39,270 of people trade Bitcoin, do it on Bitcoin and just see if it doesn't work on Bitcoin. I'm interested in that because I don't really check that asset class
176 00:29:39,270 --> 00:29:52,560 but everything out there, it works on commodities, it works on the blue and it works on stocks, it works on everything, because it's the same mo the people
177 00:29:52,560 --> 00:30:03,390 that run these markets, they use the same business model. It's all the same thing. Accumulation distribution and manipulation, those three things, those
178 00:30:03,390 --> 00:30:12,540 three components, you need to know what it is that the cycle is in right now. And it sounds complicated, sounds mysterious. And I made my presentations like
179 00:30:12,540 --> 00:30:21,300 that to draw everyone's attention. I'm trying not to do that now. And I'm going right to the core of what it is that you should be focusing on, because it
180 00:30:21,300 --> 00:30:28,170 created a lot of work for me in terms of emails. And I got frustrated over the years and said, you know, what he's saying repeating questions. If I ever do
181 00:30:28,170 --> 00:30:39,240 this again, and I recently started coming back and providing content, I want it to be concise, I want it to be user friendly, right away. And it leaves very
182 00:30:39,240 --> 00:30:51,690 little in terms of guessing about what else alluding to. So in summary, I want you to pick one pair, I just use the euro dollar here today, okay.
183 00:30:52,109 --> 00:31:04,109 And if we use one pair, we want to have our levels arrived that so our support resistance levels are going to be 100 level, the 80 level to 20 level and the
184 00:31:04,109 --> 00:31:13,859 mid figure 50. Okay, they are your support resistance levels. Do not concern yourself with anything else. For right now. I promise you, if you watch over the
185 00:31:13,859 --> 00:31:23,069 course of a week, you'll see one good setup. And that's all I want you focusing on right now, do not try to do everyday trading. I've been doing this for a
186 00:31:23,069 --> 00:31:34,889 long, long time. In March, I'll be 25 years doing it. So my ability to do it is completely going to be well above what you're able to do first starting so don't
187 00:31:34,889 --> 00:31:42,179 compare that or contrast that just because an instructor can do it. And he taught you or she taught you doesn't mean that you're gonna be able to walk out
188 00:31:42,179 --> 00:31:50,159 and do the same thing the first day or the first year, it ain't gonna happen. So you have to grow into that. So we have support resistance levels determined, and
189 00:31:50,159 --> 00:32:01,019 also gave you previous highs and previous lows. So there's your targets, okay. So you know, a level is gonna set up around one of these levels here. And what's
190 00:32:01,019 --> 00:32:11,609 the setup optimal trade entry, you're waiting for a scenario where this retracement idea occurs. Sometimes it'll be right on the level and hit it.
191 00:32:12,239 --> 00:32:20,699 Sometimes it won't. Sometimes he'll go through it again, you're generally looking for this pattern, optimal trade entry around a 00 level a 50 level, a
192 00:32:20,699 --> 00:32:30,599 20, or an 80. And I promise you, I guaran. Damn tee you if you go through your charts, you're going to see a plethora of these examples. Now I don't want you
193 00:32:30,719 --> 00:32:40,319 again, trying to do this every single day. Because I've taught that you can double your money every single year with just less than 25 pips 23 pips a week,
194 00:32:40,379 --> 00:32:49,259 a 2% risk, if you know what you're doing. It doubles your money every single year, you start with $1,000.10 years, that's a million dollars. Now, it doesn't
195 00:32:49,859 --> 00:32:59,789 equate to taxation and such, but it doesn't take very much to do very well. And that's my point. Every one of you that are starting right now, that's where you
196 00:32:59,789 --> 00:33:06,779 should be living. That's your neighborhood right now, you're not trying to get to the Beverly Hills, okay, you got to start somewhere, I started somewhere
197 00:33:06,779 --> 00:33:18,479 small. And believe me, it did not take long to get very good at this. And to be able to find setups consistently, very, very consistently. So we have one pair,
198 00:33:19,649 --> 00:33:29,099 we're gonna put our institutional levels here. That's our support resistance ideas, our pattern is optimal trade entry. With our daily bias already taught
199 00:33:29,099 --> 00:33:35,459 you that what's going on on a daily chart, data create a swing, higher swing, well, if it's a swing low, we're going to continue to look for the previous
200 00:33:35,459 --> 00:33:43,439 day's high to be taken out. If it's a swing high. We're looking for the previous day's low to be taken out, there's our bias. And you're gonna wait for these
201 00:33:43,439 --> 00:33:52,949 setups to occur at these institutional price levels. Now what I just gave, you will never ever, ever, ever, ever stop working. Because if I ever felt that you
202 00:33:52,949 --> 00:34:02,309 never would have met me, I never would have talked to you. This is how the casino runs. The casino is the markets. They're not going to change how they're
203 00:34:02,309 --> 00:34:10,319 doing it because Michael Huddleston from Baltimore, Maryland, made some videos on YouTube. And I don't care how many people subscribe to it. It's never going
204 00:34:10,319 --> 00:34:21,389 to stop working because there's always new suckers. The market will always draw in a new pound of flesh. And I don't care about trying to be right every single
205 00:34:21,389 --> 00:34:32,999 trading day. That's not my concern. Yesterday, I had fiber dialed in, and I did not trade it. Do I regret it? No. Am I going to not be able to eat because it
206 00:34:33,029 --> 00:34:40,949 No. I don't lose sleep over it. No. I am indifferent to whether I take a trade or not take a trade
207 00:34:41,190 --> 00:34:50,580 because I don't care anymore. I'm satisfied that I know if I sit down I'll find a setup. That's what you need to graduate into. But you will not get that if you
208 00:34:50,580 --> 00:35:00,960 go and seeking a setup every single trading day because you're teaching yourself to get stimulated and rewarded. The problem is that reward won't come in a
209 00:35:00,960 --> 00:35:09,120 positive return the reward, sometimes it's going to be experienced always. But that experience may be against what you thought would be, in other words, a
210 00:35:09,120 --> 00:35:18,090 loss. And that's learning. That's where you grow, you're going to try to avoid that. And I'm going to tell I'm telling you invite that to occur. You want that
211 00:35:18,090 --> 00:35:27,300 to happen. That's why you're in a demo, you want to learn how to absorb that tendency to be wrong, and see how quickly it is to recover, recuperate and come
212 00:35:27,300 --> 00:35:34,860 back from that loss. Because the next series of setups that will come, I'm not afraid of my setups failing, I'm not afraid of my setups and never coming again,
213 00:35:35,040 --> 00:35:43,050 or the frequency the die off, they're always going to be these setups will always be there in the summertime, they're always there. In the shittiest times
214 00:35:43,050 --> 00:35:53,130 of the marketplace, these are always there. Because there's orders always stacked around these levels, just above, at or just below in these big levels of
215 00:35:53,130 --> 00:36:04,080 5020. And the large double zero levels, orders or push price around the orders by large institutions, insurance companies, larger banks, okay, large
216 00:36:04,080 --> 00:36:13,200 corporations, like for instance, say Apple, they want to do business in China, they got it, they got to make a transition from the dollar to the Chinese
217 00:36:13,200 --> 00:36:24,720 currency. Well, that's forex. And if that's what goes on that there has to be an exchange, that creates gyrations around specific price levels. So if Apple puts
218 00:36:24,720 --> 00:36:34,770 in a request to convert $2 billion worth of dollars into Chinese currency, or you could be the British pound, they want to do business in the UK, you want to
219 00:36:34,800 --> 00:36:48,870 do something that is going to be a large inflow of orders that a bank can use. And they'll take that request that convert dollars into British pound or Chinese
220 00:36:48,870 --> 00:36:55,620 currency or whatever it is that they're trying to do. I'm just giving an example on a global commerce basis. They'll use that. And I'll frame it around one of
221 00:36:55,620 --> 00:37:04,800 these levels, unless the customer demands a specific range of what they're willing to convert it. And sometimes that occurs, and sometimes it's not, they
222 00:37:04,800 --> 00:37:13,290 want it done expediently, well, then it goes in the favor of the bank that does the conversion. But I'm not here to teach you all that stuff. It's not
223 00:37:13,290 --> 00:37:20,250 necessary, but I'm just telling you, there's a rhyme and reason why this stuff works. It's not simply because it worked perfectly in hindsight, and I showed
224 00:37:20,250 --> 00:37:28,110 you examples of it, I want you to take what I just gave you today, and prove to yourself, I'm already convinced of it. Okay, you're not gonna convince me of it
225 00:37:28,350 --> 00:37:37,860 already know. But you as the student, you need to know that there's no reason for you to rush, having these levels in your chart, using the daily bias concept
226 00:37:37,860 --> 00:37:45,000 I've already taught you. And also what the optimal trade entry pattern is the Fibonacci, I keep getting asked that question, what's these levels? How do I get
227 00:37:45,000 --> 00:37:52,680 that on my head, go into the optimal trade entry primer video, it's on the YouTube channel, and it'll teach you that whole business and how to set it up
228 00:37:52,710 --> 00:38:05,730 exactly how I have it here. Now. In future teachings, I'm going to help you get to the point of knowing where your target is, where your entry is, and how to
229 00:38:05,730 --> 00:38:13,830 use that in terms of your money management. And I think that will really summarize the whole thing, in terms of a complete trading pattern system, and
230 00:38:13,860 --> 00:38:22,950 you won't need anything else. Now, I'm encouraging you to study the tutorials that I've made over the years. But you don't need to be at a feverish pace going
231 00:38:22,950 --> 00:38:30,060 through them. I know, you're all thinking that they're all going to disappear again. But what I'm doing is I'm actually going into them and removing certain
232 00:38:30,060 --> 00:38:42,180 songs, I'm removing certain comments I made about a particular form that I believe is toxic, and it's not baby pips. And I just want to keep the
233 00:38:42,600 --> 00:38:51,570 presentation as clean as I possibly can. And I am monetizing them, I'm putting them on my YouTube channel. So I'm also including certain things and encouraging
234 00:38:51,570 --> 00:39:01,530 folks that if they see my videos being uploaded by anyone else, I usually get flagged, and then someone else will tell me or the things I add in my videos, I
235 00:39:01,530 --> 00:39:11,400 pay a service that show me where my videos are being posted or re uploaded, I get a lot of flags about Google drives, I'll get that like on a weekly basis. A
236 00:39:11,400 --> 00:39:19,470 lot of people have it in their Google Drive. Sometimes, you know, I'll reach out and try to talk to them and say I'm looking at Can you not do that. And some,
237 00:39:19,500 --> 00:39:20,100 most of them are
238 00:39:20,100 --> 00:39:28,830 all set to like private, where people aren't publicly sharing it. But I if I've created the video, and I did all the work, okay, I should get the the perks of
239 00:39:28,830 --> 00:39:35,640 it. And the folks that tried to put my videos up in the past when YouTube they're trying to monetize it. And they learned that by having songs in it
240 00:39:35,670 --> 00:39:44,820 wasn't able to monetize it. So now I'm removing songs that allows me to monetize my own work. But I don't want other people doing that. And I'll come after those
241 00:39:44,820 --> 00:39:52,770 individuals and have them take it down off of YouTube. So And plus, like I said, I pay for a service to do that. And for me to cover the cost on that. The
242 00:39:52,770 --> 00:40:00,000 monetization, I can tell you right now, I'm not making a lot of money on youtube off of these videos, but it does help pay for costs of doing things like this.
243 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:10,380 is doing live sessions and the resources that I'm going to make available to you, all that stuff cost me money, I put about $15,000 in to all those previous
244 00:40:10,380 --> 00:40:21,300 teachings, that you guys just watch for free. And you don't really consider that when you're looking at it. But for years, I paid a lot of money. And I like
245 00:40:21,330 --> 00:40:32,430 teaching. But at some point, if I'm gonna continue until I don't want to do this anymore, it's got to be some kind of a cost deferment on the basis that, if
246 00:40:32,430 --> 00:40:39,780 you're consuming it, and you find value in it, great, you know, support the videos by watching YouTube. And if you have ad blocker on it, I'm not going to
247 00:40:39,780 --> 00:40:47,760 get any revenue off of that. But if you if you have an ad blocker, I'm not going to get that. But in my forum, I'm just letting you know that it's a free forum.
248 00:40:48,000 --> 00:40:56,970 But there will be ads in that it's going to be Google AdSense. So I'm not going to add subscriber base membership to it, it'll all be ad supported in my
249 00:40:58,110 --> 00:41:11,100 assumptions are with about 500,000 views in my regular mentorship group per month, and it only got 664 members that have made it all the way through, I get
250 00:41:11,100 --> 00:41:21,180 about half a million views of traffic in my mentorship forum. So I know I could probably get about two, two and a half million views as my projection on my free
251 00:41:21,180 --> 00:41:28,950 membership forum. And that'll support a lot of things, I don't want to have to charge you anything. They'll support also, the cost of me running my mentorship
252 00:41:28,950 --> 00:41:39,000 forum as well, because that costs money as well. So I'm being completely transparent as best I can. That way I hopefully can avoid a lot of the stupid
253 00:41:39,000 --> 00:41:48,180 stuff that comes by way of Twitter and email. But you've been given a really good foundation today in terms of what levels you're looking for, why you're
254 00:41:48,180 --> 00:41:55,050 looking for them, where the setups, how the setup looks sometimes around that level. And I've given you just a small sampling here, your homework is to go
255 00:41:55,050 --> 00:42:05,430 through your particular pair. And I encourage you to not use the euro dollar, because I did it. And I don't want you to mimicking me think independently, you
256 00:42:05,430 --> 00:42:13,920 might want to do something else, like the Aussie dollar or Kiwi dollar. Pick one of them, it could be the the beast. Okay, pound yen, it still works there too.
257 00:42:15,210 --> 00:42:25,110 But wait for one of these levels to be traded to and then wait for that daily bias to come in, and then target daily highs and daily lows for runs on
258 00:42:25,110 --> 00:42:31,470 liquidity. And you have a complete system. The only thing you're missing right now and lacking is what do you do with your account? How much do you risk?
259 00:42:31,620 --> 00:42:40,260 Where's your stop loss? And the question I'm getting now is, how much do I take off at these targets. And that's going to be completely up to you. I don't ever
260 00:42:40,260 --> 00:42:48,180 give that in my mentorship. And believe me, if they were all invited to answer this on Twitter, they would all tell you, I tell them the same thing. And they
261 00:42:48,180 --> 00:42:57,810 paid for this insight at these levels. And here, it's completely up to you. Because it's your trade. A mine is never the same way always I don't always say
262 00:42:57,900 --> 00:43:07,530 I'm gonna take 30% off here. And if 50% here and I just go by what I see in the chart. And if I feel that this continuation is most likely going to occur, then
263 00:43:07,530 --> 00:43:17,100 I will leave a larger portion on. If I am in doubt about the continuation to the next target to or symmetrical price swing, then I'll take a larger degree at
264 00:43:17,100 --> 00:43:26,940 first profit, and then leave a smaller portion. And then I'll split that in half at the next logical level. As you see in my examples, I very rarely have a large
265 00:43:26,940 --> 00:43:36,420 position on at the end of the trade. And I'm never really holding to the last point and that's my final point in this. If you know that this is likely the
266 00:43:36,420 --> 00:43:47,550 high. Okay, and I'll give you tools that help you do that in a tutorials. If this is your objective on a daily Hi, my personal conviction over the last two
267 00:43:47,550 --> 00:43:55,800 decades and trading is what I gleaned from my mentor Larry Williams. Now he didn't sit down with me on a day by day basis. I never met him. I never shook
268 00:43:55,800 --> 00:44:03,870 his hand. But I researched everything about everything that man ever did. Okay. And just like my students, they they hear my voice in their head. I still hear
269 00:44:03,870 --> 00:44:07,410 Larry's voice in mind. And sometimes I'm telling him to shut up because some of the things he taught.
270 00:44:08,130 --> 00:44:17,460 I don't subscribe to. I've evolved beyond and I want you to have that same benefit. Don't take everything I say as gospel. Let it be a challenge to you and
271 00:44:17,460 --> 00:44:25,620 dig deeper. But if I do say stay away from indicators trust when I tell you that that's the best thing you can do. I learned from Larry Williams if he knows
272 00:44:25,620 --> 00:44:35,100 there's a target he's looking for. Okay. Is is basically a profitable close. In other words, if he's long, the daily clothes, he's trying to hold on for that.
273 00:44:35,760 --> 00:44:47,640 If he gets out before that, but not at the close. He's done you know, the best service he can provide for himself. Because it may not get to that level. I may
274 00:44:47,640 --> 00:45:01,140 not see 116 55 they might go to 116 54 and my limit was at 16 1655 I had that happen to me. So what I do is I go 1015 sometimes 20 pips early And I get out
275 00:45:01,140 --> 00:45:09,120 there. Why? Because I want to make sure I'm getting out at a logical level, price is moving in my favor, and I don't care about looking smart. I want to
276 00:45:09,120 --> 00:45:18,960 make sure that my homes are paid for my insurance on my vehicles, all the things that I do on a day by day basis is going to be supported. And I'm never going to
277 00:45:18,960 --> 00:45:27,810 have to go down in my net worth, it's always going to be increasing doesn't mean I'm not taking losses, it just means that in my business model, I want me
278 00:45:28,230 --> 00:45:38,730 focusing on profitability, not perfect, not precision entry exits always. The point is, if you know this is the entry down here, or this is down here, I'm
279 00:45:38,730 --> 00:45:48,150 sorry, here. And this is where the logical target is getting out before that there's nothing wrong with that. The folks that will say that stupid that your
280 00:45:48,150 --> 00:46:00,990 target should hold on to it. They're not profitable. They're holding on to absolutes. And absolutes don't pay. Now, analysis, and execution are two
281 00:46:00,990 --> 00:46:09,360 different entirely thing two different things. I use my analysis to give me the rough idea of where I should be getting out at the best case scenario. And what
282 00:46:09,360 --> 00:46:18,060 I make is an exit is earlier than that. And I'll let the guys that want to be hot shots, try to hold on for those last bits, I get the accolades in the high
283 00:46:18,060 --> 00:46:26,220 fives by knowing in advance and showing you the levels beforehand. And the traders that are new, they see this and they go crazy. Oh, he's getting out too
284 00:46:26,220 --> 00:46:33,690 high. No, I'm not. I'm absolutely not doing that. And I don't have my full position on there either. I have paid myself throughout the way and I didn't
285 00:46:33,690 --> 00:46:42,900 take this trail and sing from a conceptual standpoint, I pay myself. For the time I've invested in the risk. Now there's going to be people that say, well
286 00:46:42,900 --> 00:46:51,240 see, that's stupid, because risk reward says that you had the most maximum risk on at the beginning of trade and you're taking off on Yeah, I'm taking money out
287 00:46:51,240 --> 00:46:59,400 of the marketplace. Hello, that's what you're doing this for it. I'm managing risk because I'm reducing the risk as I stay longer in the trade. Okay, and I'm
288 00:46:59,400 --> 00:47:09,660 satisfying that urge to be a male conquer the caveman mentality that's in men that we're hardwired to feel that I still am satisfied those that because I have
289 00:47:09,660 --> 00:47:18,750 something small one, or I've already noted that hi in advance, so that satisfies me and ego. And you're always gonna as a male, you're going to have you don't
290 00:47:18,750 --> 00:47:25,740 care who you are, you're going to express if you get good at this. It just happens. I was not an egotistical maniac. When I first started this I was very,
291 00:47:25,740 --> 00:47:36,390 very quiet, docile, very rarely said anything blue collar. And I was Mr. Nice Guy. And when you start making $17,000 a week, that stuff changes real quick.
292 00:47:36,570 --> 00:47:43,320 And you think your shit doesn't stink, and you're better than everybody else. And it's an ugly trait. But it's something that people you go through. And
293 00:47:43,350 --> 00:47:50,520 unless somebody smacks you down, and for me, it was God. He put the Godsmack on me and humbled me and it doesn't probably sound like I've been humbled. But
294 00:47:50,520 --> 00:47:59,190 believe me, I do a lot of character reservation and just, I try to be entertaining when I'm online. Sometimes it doesn't, it doesn't deliver Well,
295 00:47:59,370 --> 00:48:10,230 sometimes it does. But I do those things. To try to satisfy those no circulations in my ego. I have to wrestle with that every single day. Because
296 00:48:10,230 --> 00:48:20,910 what I do is so good. It's hard not to be egotistical. It's hard not to be arrogant. It takes a great deal of effort not to do those types of things. So
297 00:48:20,910 --> 00:48:34,350 for young guys, in closing, as you learn this stuff, do not take this as an invitation to go on social media, Facebook, Instagram, and become the next forex
298 00:48:34,350 --> 00:48:43,620 baller. Believe me, it doesn't deliver, like you think it will, you're not going to deliver a message that people are gonna fall in love with, they're gonna tell
299 00:48:43,620 --> 00:48:50,370 you, this guy's a jerk, you know, or he's fake, because he's arrogant, you know, you're over the top. So therefore you, you can't be profitable. And you got to
300 00:48:50,370 --> 00:48:56,340 spend so much time trying to convince him prove that you're just gonna waste your time. And it's not going to give you what you expected in terms of
301 00:48:56,610 --> 00:49:01,380 response. So don't even waste your time with it. Who cares if they don't believe you're making money,
302 00:49:01,530 --> 00:49:08,130 because I don't care who's making you whoever doesn't believe that this stuff works or I'm not profitable, or I don't really trade or I'm delivering pizzas
303 00:49:08,130 --> 00:49:18,330 for Domino's. You know, 1992 Ford Mustang with a rusty old trunk. I don't know where that came from. But long as it is, I don't care what people believe about
304 00:49:18,330 --> 00:49:26,940 me. I only care about the folks that put the time into learning what I'm teaching. And believe me if you do these things, you will see that your time has
305 00:49:26,940 --> 00:49:37,830 not been wasted. And it's consistency, its framework exactly what you're looking for. But I give it in small pieces, because it's required to learn it that way.
306 00:49:38,160 --> 00:49:45,000 If I gave you all one presentation, this is what you do. You're not going to do what you're supposed to be doing because I want you to focus on small segments
307 00:49:45,000 --> 00:49:53,310 of price action and components of it. And you'll be quickly convinced that each individual component has validity. It's has substance behind it. And when you
308 00:49:53,310 --> 00:49:59,670 put everything together, you get Blue Ribbon results. So hopefully you found this insightful until next time, I wish you good luck and good trading