ICT YT - 2024-09-06 - ICT NQ Live Execution - OSOK

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-09-08 11:49

00:00:01 --> 00:00:12 ICT: All right, is a turtle suit short, one shot, one kill. So I'm selling short, fading a retail bull flag, and I'm working that bearish order block and
00:00:12 --> 00:00:22 annotating the sell side liquidity. You're going to want to watch this slower, because there's a lot of things that I'm making reference to, it's about 18
00:00:22 --> 00:00:36 hours of total screen capture over Thursday trading into the loan session of Friday. So I'm entertaining that I'm willing to let price go up to and sweep
00:00:38 --> 00:00:49 these highs. And that right there could have been the close of the day when I was hitting the consequent encroachment of August 13, 2024 daily fair value gap.
00:00:49 --> 00:01:01 You know about that level because of the annotations and commentary I've been doing on the live streams and the reviews. So if I wanted the full daily range,
00:01:01 --> 00:01:17 it would have been there notice where my entries were at the high of the day. Okay, so my question is, if there's a Smart Money entity, how would they trade?
00:01:17 --> 00:01:32 What would it look like? Oh, it would look like this. Now, I would be interested in adding to the position, but it would have to come after midnight on the
00:01:32 --> 00:01:43 following day. And what you're looking at here was a market maker sell model that delivered down to the August 13, 2024, daily fair value gap. Consequence,
00:01:43 --> 00:01:58 it's a midpoint of that that daily gap. So this is winding up. See that first repair value gap of Wednesday. I'm
10 00:02:03 --> 00:02:16 I said, swept it at level. I'm willing to see it sweep it's fine. All of this right here is potentially something I could have added into. But what I'm
11 00:02:16 --> 00:02:25 showcasing is is my willingness to hold on to the trade, knowing where the algorithm will absolutely say, I'm not going to go here. So this is all areas
12 00:02:25 --> 00:02:41 where I could be adding to the position, relative equal highs be informed. This is all on a one minute chart. Okay? That right there that would be, if I was
13 00:02:41 --> 00:02:55 going to add in the same day, that would be it in the last portion of the daily range, in the final hour trading. But I'm not interested in doing it, so I'm
14 00:02:55 --> 00:03:08 going to just hold what I have, and I'm not watching the chart the whole time here. I knew what I was looking for. Okay? And all of this area here is a
15 00:03:08 --> 00:03:16 potential returning, back into that, end up that could have been added. And anytime it touches that you get add more, as long as it doesn't take out the
16 00:03:16 --> 00:03:34 high between 2:30pm and three o'clock that right there is a good opportunity to add if you wanted to build a turtle suit, right there the real turtle suit. This
17 00:03:34 --> 00:03:44 is how you operate inside of the daily candlesticks, and this is the actual mechanics of understanding what the the range will do, where it will go, how it
18 00:03:44 --> 00:03:58 forms that way, your your stop loss is in the right place. And that is using the blue lines are the actual Thursdays, first very value gap between 930 and 10
19 00:03:58 --> 00:04:11 o'clock in the morning. So that was a changeover in time. So there was a delay of data for one hour, 5pm to 6pm that's a normal break in price action. And then
20 00:04:11 --> 00:04:18 when it resumed, I started recording again. You can notice and verify all that in the upper left hand corner, because I'm showing that the market is open. It's
21 00:04:18 --> 00:04:27 not Market Replay. It's all live data, and it's counting down the minutes and hours. So that's a whole lot of photoshopping that would take a whole lot of
22 00:04:27 --> 00:04:38 effort. And I have the entire recording too. So anytime somebody wants to say it didn't happen, I got it all okay. I know if I upload it, nobody's going to sit
23 00:04:38 --> 00:04:45 there and really watch it. They may scrub through the video and they'll just see everything I'm showing here, just in a condensed form. So this is like, like I
24 00:04:45 --> 00:05:04 said, 18 some, some odd hours or so, condensed down into less than nine minutes. All right, we're trading in the. Asian session of Friday trading once more down
25 00:05:04 --> 00:05:09 into that consequence level, and in the sell side is just below it,
26 00:05:15 --> 00:05:30 and that limit order to cover at $100,000 one single trade relative equal highs being swept just before nine o'clock, some smooth highs just to the left,
27 00:05:35 --> 00:05:53 and they've been tagged and once more, touching that first fair value gap on September 4, 2024 find that in your white golf books. Okay, and price is working
28 00:05:53 --> 00:05:58 that old first fair value gap on the fourth of September. I'm
29 00:06:10 --> 00:06:14 okay, am I getting ready? Get to midnight, Friday.
30 00:06:19 --> 00:06:33 All right, so now we are in a new trading day, touching that orange level that is a pyramiding opportunity. So if I wanted to add more, I could add it right
31 00:06:33 --> 00:06:50 there. Retail sees all these little things as bull flags. I think that's a very large bull flag starting at nine o'clock. And all of this is just them working a
32 00:06:50 --> 00:07:01 price level that I've already taught about. And the algorithm will start to spool down into the nine o'clock low and then dig into and attack that August
33 00:07:01 --> 00:07:14 13, 2024, daily fair value gap low. Okay, watch the watch the behavior of price action here, every time it makes these little, tiny, little bull flags, they're
34 00:07:14 --> 00:07:25 all fake retail traps. When you understand real order flow, not death of market, not level two. You'll need all that stuff when you're just look at the hard time
35 00:07:25 --> 00:07:36 frame. Use the levels I'm teaching you to use, and you'll be able to track it all but one single trade, one single trade at the highs, entering short and
36 00:07:36 --> 00:07:53 attacking $100,000 daily level, one single poll. Bro says I made $100,000 in 40s. My question is, what took you so long? All right, so I'm sleeping here, so
37 00:07:53 --> 00:08:05 I'm about to wake up and come out and check the charts, and my screensaver came on, but you watch the execution action, and then I'll move this around so you
38 00:08:05 --> 00:08:20 can see it. We'll zoom in, take a look at the executions. This is what a smart money trader, that elusive entity out there that people say doesn't exist. All
39 00:08:22 --> 00:08:33 right, say that. Here's my fills that's hover over top of the arrows that way. You can see there's my entry on the first one near the high the day me adding
40 00:08:33 --> 00:08:49 four, adding four more, right there. And then here's the exit. Man, that's beautiful, isn't it? Hope you found it in cycle Till next time, be safe. You.