ICT YT - 2024-09-06 - ICT 2024 Mentorship - Lecture 23

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-09-11 12:21

00:01:14 --> 00:01:21 ICT: Good morning. Good morning. It is a good morning. It's delicious. Actually,
00:01:23 --> 00:01:25 wasn't expecting that. One was Yes,
00:01:26 --> 00:01:31 man, these These glasses are amazing. I'm seeing so many more salty comments.
00:01:31 --> 00:01:36 This is great. This is awesome. I need these antagonistic individuals for my
00:01:36 --> 00:01:41 story arc, like I need that. Okay, it can't all be people supporting me,
00:01:41 --> 00:01:46 right? Where's the fun in that? Just give me a second here. I gotta make sure
00:01:46 --> 00:01:50 I get my laptop plugged in here so we don't run out of power. I'm only going
00:01:50 --> 00:01:57 to be with you until around nine ish, something like that today. About I'll
00:01:57 --> 00:02:02 observe the Non Farm Payroll with you today. Just give me a second. I'll be on
10 00:02:02 --> 00:02:02 mute For a Minute. You
11 00:03:59 --> 00:04:05 All righty, Welcome back. Welcome back. It is your host, the ghost with the
12 00:04:05 --> 00:04:09 most. That's right, good old ICT. Hope you're doing well. It is Non Farm
13 00:04:09 --> 00:04:15 Payroll Friday, just about eight minutes or so away from the carnival ride that
14 00:04:16 --> 00:04:21 most retail traders want to be a participant in. They want to ride the
15 00:04:21 --> 00:04:32 roller coaster. So I I shared what I've been doing here. I was running something
16 00:04:32 --> 00:04:37 I outlined would unfold this week. If you go back and look at the reviews, the
17 00:04:37 --> 00:04:41 commentary, the things I was posting on my son's channel, and for the folks that
18 00:04:41 --> 00:04:46 don't know where my son's channel is on YouTube, I'm sharing every video link on
19 00:04:46 --> 00:04:53 my community tab on my YouTube channel. If you're following me on the app on
20 00:04:53 --> 00:05:00 your phone, on YouTube, I know that on my older phone I couldn't get. The
21 00:05:00 --> 00:05:06 Community tab section up on the the cell phone, but you'd have to go to like, a
22 00:05:06 --> 00:05:10 laptop or something that's a little bit bigger. I'm not sure why it does that,
23 00:05:10 --> 00:05:17 but the community tab is kind of like where I post things to I don't use
24 00:05:17 --> 00:05:21 Twitter anymore, I don't use Facebook, I don't use Instagram. I'm not on any of
25 00:05:21 --> 00:05:27 those services, but I use my community post or tab on my YouTube channel as a
26 00:05:27 --> 00:05:32 way of kind of like a message board telling you what I'm getting ready to
27 00:05:32 --> 00:05:36 do, or just give you some kind of encouragement, or just needle the folks
28 00:05:36 --> 00:05:47 that need the little heat from an ICT. So I realized while watching the the
29 00:05:47 --> 00:05:55 playback for the editing, I didn't have the end dog on for today. So I'm gonna
30 00:05:56 --> 00:06:03 do that real quick before we get into the tonfoolery that is nonprofit
31 00:06:03 --> 00:06:16 payroll. So on a one minute chart there, and that's the six o'clock open right
32 00:06:16 --> 00:06:22 there. So that's going to be the low of the new day opening gap, and the close
33 00:06:22 --> 00:06:30 is that price there. So the high is the close of 459 and
34 00:06:40 --> 00:06:44 into opening gap. Hi,
35 00:06:59 --> 00:07:01 and then we'll put this small.
36 00:07:09 --> 00:07:19 And now I gotta do is just change that to low, quick, painless, right? And the
37 00:07:19 --> 00:07:20 scrub on over here.
38 00:07:31 --> 00:07:40 She's a bit up here. It's the lookout to overlapping with the August 13 daily
39 00:07:40 --> 00:07:48 fair value gap high. That's interesting about that. Let's see what we get here.
40 00:07:49 --> 00:07:53 So when you're looking at Non Farm Payroll, okay, I'm not enticing you to
41 00:07:53 --> 00:08:00 try to trade this. Okay, what I like to use it for is I want to see what type of
42 00:08:00 --> 00:08:10 liquidity they aim for, okay? Before we get into it. Non Farm Payroll is not
43 00:08:10 --> 00:08:17 algorithmic. Okay, that is not algorithmic. It is the same logic that
44 00:08:17 --> 00:08:26 is used in the automated form, but Non Farm Payroll, like FOMC is a manual
45 00:08:26 --> 00:08:32 intervention. That means they literally pick where they want it to go abruptly,
46 00:08:33 --> 00:08:40 just like that. Okay, and you're encouraged not to try to trade it going
47 00:08:40 --> 00:08:45 into the Non Farm Payroll number 2030, minutes after, or if you're really,
48 00:08:45 --> 00:08:51 really skilled, 15 minutes after. So 8:45am, Eastern Time. That's the
49 00:08:51 --> 00:08:56 earliest I would say that anyone should try to trade the Non Farm Payroll. Now,
50 00:08:56 --> 00:09:00 obviously, if you're already part of a trade and you're holding something, then
51 00:09:00 --> 00:09:04 it goes without saying that you know, if you have taken something off, you can
52 00:09:04 --> 00:09:07 leave a little partial on to see if it gives you a little bit more juice out of
53 00:09:07 --> 00:09:13 that lemon. But you do not want to be trading this. Okay, if I were to trade
54 00:09:13 --> 00:09:17 every single Non Farm Payroll event before the fact, in other words, if I
55 00:09:17 --> 00:09:22 was trying to position ahead of it, I would have terrible stats because I
56 00:09:22 --> 00:09:25 don't know where they're going to run it next. I don't I don't know that you
57 00:09:25 --> 00:09:29 aren't going to know that. Just like I don't know where they're going to take
58 00:09:29 --> 00:09:31 FOMC, I don't know where they're going to take CPI, I don't know where they're
59 00:09:31 --> 00:09:35 going to take ppi, they're all manual interventions. That means that you
60 00:09:35 --> 00:09:39 should not be trying to position yourself ahead of them. Wait for the
61 00:09:39 --> 00:09:45 initial shock, once that, once, that big crash, you know, comes down into the
62 00:09:45 --> 00:09:51 marketplace, where the shock and all hits it, look and see what is left
63 00:09:52 --> 00:09:56 behind, like, where's the smooth edges? Because that's what they're going to go
64 00:09:56 --> 00:10:01 for next. Okay, so in the times that you're going to. Wrong about that. Okay,
65 00:10:01 --> 00:10:04 well, that just one time you're wrong about it doesn't mean your career is
66 00:10:04 --> 00:10:13 over. Alright? So we got about two and a half minutes. Let's take a quick look at
67 00:10:13 --> 00:10:20 what we have here. Let's do a 15 minute time frame. And what I teach my students
68 00:10:20 --> 00:10:27 to do is and before I close, I'll review the the trade. I just did my ejirohama
69 00:10:27 --> 00:10:34 trade. That's my eujiro profile and model. I'm being facetious. It's just me
70 00:10:34 --> 00:10:38 doing my typical stuff, one shot, one kill. I told you the turtle soup, how it
71 00:10:38 --> 00:10:42 forms, told you what to look for this week with the commentary on the daily
72 00:10:42 --> 00:10:46 chart. And some of you are surprised. Like, how did that happen? Where did you
73 00:10:46 --> 00:10:56 get that information from? Alright, so we are inside this city here, and let's
74 00:10:56 --> 00:11:02 define it real quick. Here's your sell side. And somebody hear me like, oh, you
75 00:11:02 --> 00:11:07 know it's going to hit one of those levels, right? And the important factor
76 00:11:07 --> 00:11:16 is seeing which one they leave going into the 930 opening bell and or do they
77 00:11:16 --> 00:11:32 leave it in place after the initial run for liquidity? And we will do that now.
78 00:11:32 --> 00:11:37 We've had a nice drop this week, so it's reasonable for it to see a return back
79 00:11:37 --> 00:11:43 into some intermediate term buy side, especially with the non primary payroll.
80 00:11:49 --> 00:11:56 Okay? So what I teach my students to do is frame out 15 minute highs and lows
81 00:11:56 --> 00:12:03 that are key relative equal highs by side. This one here. We do have, you
82 00:12:03 --> 00:12:07 know this, but I don't like that so much because we already hit this lower low,
83 00:12:07 --> 00:12:12 and we've already met the objective I had for this week, which was that August
84 00:12:12 --> 00:12:16 13 daily fair value got low. And you can go back and listen to my commentary.
85 00:12:16 --> 00:12:20 Look at what I was explaining on Caleb's channel, and the things that was
86 00:12:20 --> 00:12:25 mentioning during the live streams on this channel. We were looking for lower
87 00:12:25 --> 00:12:32 prices, and I wanted to see it get down into that 18,007 65.25 level. For the
88 00:12:32 --> 00:12:35 folks that said you got two screens recording, just turn the trade on. Go.
89 00:12:35 --> 00:12:40 You do it. You get into the high. You get in at the high, and you hold for the
90 00:12:40 --> 00:12:44 low. Do it on an execution. I don't, I don't care if it's a demo. Do it? Bet
91 00:12:44 --> 00:12:55 you can. Salty boys, all right, so here we got it. This is nonprofit. You want
92 00:12:55 --> 00:13:01 to trade that? You want to trade that? Ooh, that's right, baby. Right to the
93 00:13:01 --> 00:13:08 buy side. I didn't like this one. This one's the one I liked. Now, if you think
94 00:13:08 --> 00:13:11 that you're going to trade these types of moves, if you think that's going to
95 00:13:11 --> 00:13:14 happen and you're going to be able to get in there, and they're just going to
96 00:13:14 --> 00:13:18 let you ride it and you're going to get out, you're not even going to get out
97 00:13:18 --> 00:13:22 here, it's happening so fast, and your broker is not allowing you the
98 00:13:22 --> 00:13:28 execution. Every broker pulls their their engagement because they know that
99 00:13:28 --> 00:13:31 people are going to do what they're going to over leverage, just like
100 00:13:31 --> 00:13:35 everybody does with these funded accounts, they over leverage. They link
101 00:13:35 --> 00:13:39 20 accounts, 30 accounts, or whatever the maximum is, and they go for broke.
102 00:13:39 --> 00:13:44 They try to trade as much as they can be allowed to do by the funded account
103 00:13:44 --> 00:13:47 company, because they think it's the lottery, and they know they can't trade
104 00:13:47 --> 00:13:51 well, so they're trying to get lucky on one big move. So when do they know
105 00:13:51 --> 00:13:57 markets move around a lot, Non Farm Payroll, FOMC, CPI, ppi, and they
106 00:13:57 --> 00:14:03 gamble. So brokers know that. They know that, so they're going to pull the
107 00:14:03 --> 00:14:09 opportunity away from you. That's not a lack of liquidity for the sake of buying
108 00:14:09 --> 00:14:13 and selling. There's a lot of people want to buy and sell, I promise you,
109 00:14:13 --> 00:14:19 they all want to buy and sell, but your brokers collectively are not allowing
110 00:14:19 --> 00:14:25 them to do that. So that's why you have this illusion, okay, of lack of
111 00:14:25 --> 00:14:30 liquidity. They call illiquidity, illiquidity, okay? Or illiquid markets.
112 00:14:31 --> 00:14:36 Now there's absolutely liquidity there, but the brokers are not going to allow
113 00:14:36 --> 00:14:43 themselves to see people go in and just run roughshod on them, because some
114 00:14:43 --> 00:14:49 brokers be book, and when they be book, these same people that they're usually
115 00:14:49 --> 00:14:54 taking the money from, they might get lucky that day on a heavy handed bet,
116 00:14:54 --> 00:14:58 and they're not opening themselves up. It's just like Casino. They're the house
117 00:14:58 --> 00:15:02 has the edge. They're not trying to let a cow. Counter come in there and do what
118 00:15:02 --> 00:15:07 a card counter does. So what I like about the Non Farm Payroll is it gives
119 00:15:07 --> 00:15:14 me a clue, sometimes, not all the time, where it may want to trade to at 930
120 00:15:15 --> 00:15:18 now, how can I use the information that's been presented here? This is kind
121 00:15:18 --> 00:15:22 of like what I'm teaching my students over the years where we're watching Non
122 00:15:22 --> 00:15:26 Farm Payroll. I'm not telling them what to do. Okay, nobody's trying to position
123 00:15:26 --> 00:15:30 ahead of it. But while we did have relative equal lows here, the fact that
124 00:15:30 --> 00:15:35 we took this low below that one that already indicated that this one was more
125 00:15:35 --> 00:15:38 likely. That's why I said I don't like this one so much. This one is
126 00:15:38 --> 00:15:43 reasonable. Why? Because we've already traded down to that daily fair value gap
127 00:15:43 --> 00:15:48 low on August 13. So it's reasonable for it to try to go back and run up against
128 00:15:49 --> 00:15:53 the trail buy stops, which would be here is a 15 minute time frame. It's a
129 00:15:53 --> 00:16:01 bellwether time frame. So having like FOMC, ppi, CPI numbers, any kind of big,
130 00:16:01 --> 00:16:07 high impact news, driver, event, I just realized I didn't check my audio crap.
131 00:16:10 --> 00:16:15 Man, I'm just gonna go with it. I'm trusting that you guys can hear me. I
132 00:16:15 --> 00:16:22 don't have my phone either. Jeez, ICT, you're supposed to be a professional. I
133 00:16:22 --> 00:16:25 gotta, I have to make sure before I go into because I don't want to review that
134 00:16:25 --> 00:16:28 trade and then realize I don't have the audit. So give me a minute. Okay, give
135 00:16:28 --> 00:16:29 me A Second.
136 00:16:42 --> 00:17:58 You Oh, here Ross Cameron, wow, the most comprehensive dating course according to
137 00:17:58 --> 00:18:04 Investopedia. Thanks, Ross, alright, so let's see, yep, I hear myself jogging
138 00:18:04 --> 00:18:12 now. Yeah, four seconds delay. Very good, very good. Alright. So anyway,
139 00:18:12 --> 00:18:19 back to the this carnival like atmosphere, the the 15 minute time
140 00:18:19 --> 00:18:23 frame. Okay, you really want to warm up to that time frame. That's the reason
141 00:18:23 --> 00:18:27 why I took Caleb's attention to that's like his high time frame outside of a
142 00:18:27 --> 00:18:33 daily chart. Obviously, his high time frame is not an hourly chart, it's not a
143 00:18:33 --> 00:18:36 four hour chart, it's just the 15 minute time frame. Then we can drop down to a
144 00:18:36 --> 00:18:40 five minute chart. You can drop down to a one minute chart, or sub one minute
145 00:18:40 --> 00:18:49 chart. And if we can appreciate the level of interest around stops that are
146 00:18:49 --> 00:18:53 above the marketplace or below the marketplace, the 15 minute does a really
147 00:18:53 --> 00:18:56 good job of highlighting where they're obviously going to be resting. Now, you
148 00:18:56 --> 00:19:00 don't need a book map. You don't need any kind of like, you know, application
149 00:19:00 --> 00:19:04 or app. And I know there's some people out there that have created them, and or
150 00:19:04 --> 00:19:07 are building new ones, because there's a lot of interest around liquidity now,
151 00:19:07 --> 00:19:12 because of the stuff coming out, and the way I teach how to attack it, and it's,
152 00:19:13 --> 00:19:18 it's framed in a way that seems mysterious, okay, and, and sometimes,
153 00:19:18 --> 00:19:22 admittedly, I probably, in very early stages created this air of mystery
154 00:19:22 --> 00:19:26 around how liquidity is in the marketplace and how you have to seek it.
155 00:19:27 --> 00:19:31 But I've never been ambiguous about where it is, and I teach how to find it
156 00:19:31 --> 00:19:38 and how to look for it, and then, based on how that liquidity is engaged, helps
157 00:19:38 --> 00:19:41 you frame out a narrative, helps you determine what the market is likely to
158 00:19:41 --> 00:19:44 do next, because that's really what we want to do. As a trader, we want to know
159 00:19:44 --> 00:19:50 where is the market going next, and how can you be best positioned to capitalize
160 00:19:50 --> 00:19:57 on that change in price, if it's moving higher or lower and or avoid being wrong
161 00:19:57 --> 00:20:03 More times than not. So that's kind of like what. Essence or pursuit of a
162 00:20:03 --> 00:20:10 trader is in managing the risk along the way. So a 15 minute time frame Caleb is
163 00:20:10 --> 00:20:16 your Bellwether chart for determining where the obvious, clear pools of
164 00:20:16 --> 00:20:20 liquidity that the algorithm will refer to for that individual daily range.
165 00:20:21 --> 00:20:26 Okay, so what happens if I was going to keep this for the book about this? I'll
166 00:20:26 --> 00:20:29 just drop it because I didn't do a live stream yesterday, so I'll give you a
167 00:20:29 --> 00:20:36 little bit extra today. What happens if you can frame a pool of liquidity like
168 00:20:36 --> 00:20:39 we did here? We outlined it real quick. Didn't take long, did it didn't take
169 00:20:39 --> 00:20:47 long, 15 minute relative equal highs here and this low here. And I mentioned
170 00:20:47 --> 00:20:52 that the stark contrast was that this low was taken slightly lower than that
171 00:20:52 --> 00:20:58 one, and then going into the Non Farm Payroll. While these two may be viewed
172 00:20:59 --> 00:21:02 by someone else, they may say, Look at this. This is relative equal lows,
173 00:21:02 --> 00:21:09 because it's so close to that low here. If I ever see this one or something
174 00:21:09 --> 00:21:15 similar to this, that low being taken like that, it's already done enough to
175 00:21:15 --> 00:21:20 tip its hand saying, okay, at the time of that high impact news driver, FOMC,
176 00:21:20 --> 00:21:28 ppi, CPI, non farm, payroll, like today I'm going to elect to anticipate. Let's
177 00:21:28 --> 00:21:32 say it that way. Okay, because I don't want you taking what I'm saying and
178 00:21:32 --> 00:21:35 saying, Oh, he's giving me that secret Nudge, nudge and link, wink, to take a
179 00:21:35 --> 00:21:42 long trade when it doesn't No, no, but it does encourage a new startup or a new
180 00:21:42 --> 00:21:46 student when they can see these big flash moves that take place, how you can
181 00:21:46 --> 00:21:49 anticipate where they're likely they're not, you're not going to be right all
182 00:21:49 --> 00:21:51 the time. Okay, I'm not right all the time when it comes to these big events,
183 00:21:51 --> 00:21:55 okay, I have to wait, because I'm not going to put money up against something
184 00:21:55 --> 00:22:00 that's uncertain. Just as well as I mentioned that I didn't like this one
185 00:22:00 --> 00:22:05 here, and this one was more favorable for a run for Non Farm Payroll. It could
186 00:22:05 --> 00:22:08 just as easily gone down wipe this one then went up there. Okay, so that's what
187 00:22:08 --> 00:22:14 I'm about to explain to you. If you can frame on your 15 time frame, where the
188 00:22:14 --> 00:22:18 obvious pools of liquidity for buy side, which is here, above relative equal
189 00:22:18 --> 00:22:23 highs, and the sell side below relatively cool loads, if you can
190 00:22:23 --> 00:22:27 identify them both. And you should be able to do that over time by doing it
191 00:22:27 --> 00:22:30 every single day. This is what you should be doing. Also every section of
192 00:22:30 --> 00:22:35 your journal, log entry, Caleb, it should have your 15 minute time frame
193 00:22:36 --> 00:22:40 annotating at the beginning of 930 where the 15 minute pulls in the quarterly
194 00:22:41 --> 00:22:44 are, because that's, that's your Bellwether on the daily range, because
195 00:22:44 --> 00:22:49 it's going to give you every piece of information that I'm going to help build
196 00:22:49 --> 00:22:52 on before we close this live stream out today, when I review the trade I took
197 00:22:52 --> 00:22:56 yesterday that carried over in today. And no, it's not technically the fifth
198 00:22:56 --> 00:23:00 of September, because the execution that closes the trade occurred today. So the
199 00:23:00 --> 00:23:05 live execution is, it's not a profitable endeavor until the trade is closed,
200 00:23:05 --> 00:23:10 right? So the execution is September 6, not the title of the video should be
201 00:23:10 --> 00:23:18 September 5. So if we can frame the idea of buy side and sell side on the 15
202 00:23:18 --> 00:23:23 minute time frame, what happens if the market at a high impact or maybe even
203 00:23:23 --> 00:23:29 medium impact, news driver on economic calendar, like Forex, factory, com,
204 00:23:29 --> 00:23:37 econo day. I wonder if I don't know, leave a comment in the in the post I
205 00:23:37 --> 00:23:42 just made on my community tab and or, if you're a private student, you know how
206 00:23:42 --> 00:23:47 to get ahold of me that way. Does does training view have a calendar like I
207 00:23:47 --> 00:23:51 don't, I don't know, but if they don't have one, they should do one. But
208 00:23:51 --> 00:23:56 whatever economic counter you use, if it's one of the ones I just mentioned
209 00:23:56 --> 00:24:00 here, I interchangeably use two econo days, what I've been using since the
210 00:24:00 --> 00:24:08 90s. And then you have the the Forex factory, one which I got used in
211 00:24:08 --> 00:24:13 accustomed to using when I was teaching primarily, primarily Forex. But you want
212 00:24:13 --> 00:24:17 to look for the medium or high impact news events. I don't care about the
213 00:24:17 --> 00:24:21 yellow or the the very low impact news drivers. I don't care so much about the
214 00:24:21 --> 00:24:30 speeches. I do care about fit chair. I do care about bond auctions. I do care
215 00:24:30 --> 00:24:38 about only the US stuff. Now, if I'm trading Forex, which I don't know, I no
216 00:24:38 --> 00:24:41 longer trade Forex, and then all of you are upset right now because, like, you
217 00:24:41 --> 00:24:44 don't talk about force anymore. I hate you. You want to break up with me now.
218 00:24:45 --> 00:24:50 The the same things I'm teaching here, they work in forex. The problem is, is
219 00:24:50 --> 00:24:55 Forex right now is being strangled. Okay? There's so many things going on in
220 00:24:55 --> 00:25:03 the monetary system that there isn't a lot of. Placement going on. So you need
221 00:25:03 --> 00:25:08 huge flows coming into those those pairs, those those currencies, to create
222 00:25:08 --> 00:25:16 this disparity. And because the dollars being basically demolished, everyone's
223 00:25:16 --> 00:25:21 trying to determine what's the best play going forward. And that's the reason why
224 00:25:21 --> 00:25:25 I backpedaled away from it, because we're going to see a big, huge like a de
225 00:25:25 --> 00:25:29 pegging with the euro and the Swiss franc. Was years ago. If you've never
226 00:25:29 --> 00:25:34 seen what that was, do a do a search on YouTube for documentaries about because
227 00:25:34 --> 00:25:40 brokerage firms, large institutions, were completely wiped out instantly that
228 00:25:40 --> 00:25:46 day. So I know that that's coming. I don't know which currency it's going to
229 00:25:46 --> 00:25:51 be. It may be the dollar, it may be another currency, but everyone that's in
230 00:25:51 --> 00:25:56 forex, when that happens, they're going to get crushed immediately, gone,
231 00:25:57 --> 00:26:00 dusted, and you're going to owe more money than you ever made in your life.
232 00:26:00 --> 00:26:04 Okay? Because that's how it is. It's like you're done, you'll be liquidated,
233 00:26:05 --> 00:26:12 you're you're pink mist in the air gone. So that's why I backpedal back to
234 00:26:13 --> 00:26:18 commodities and futures trading. This is where I cut my teeth in 1992 november 5,
235 00:26:18 --> 00:26:24 1992 that's where I started. So while Forex was fun, forex is not my thing
236 00:26:24 --> 00:26:31 anymore. Okay, so I'm glad that there's been this big shift away from Forex, and
237 00:26:31 --> 00:26:35 now folks that are wanting to be traders, they take their finances a
238 00:26:35 --> 00:26:38 little bit more serious. They're not in their gunslinging, trying to trade with
239 00:26:38 --> 00:26:43 $25 accounts and try to turn them into $1,000 in a month. Crazy stuff. Crazy,
240 00:26:43 --> 00:26:45 crazy, crazy stuff, trading with
241 00:26:47 --> 00:26:50 fake brokers, basically, okay, it's really what you're mostly dealing with
242 00:26:50 --> 00:26:54 these, with these Forex guys out there. When you're trading futures, you're
243 00:26:54 --> 00:26:59 trading a real market with real buying and selling interests. Okay, and
244 00:26:59 --> 00:27:05 billions of dollars are on the on the line, where it's a it's a gentleman's
245 00:27:05 --> 00:27:09 market, okay? And I say that because Forex, you're all going to get a
246 00:27:09 --> 00:27:12 different high, you're all going to get a different opening price. You're all
247 00:27:12 --> 00:27:16 going to get a different close, because you're dealing with brokers that are
248 00:27:16 --> 00:27:22 given the freedom to screw you in futures, everyone has the same high
249 00:27:22 --> 00:27:26 tick, everyone has the same low tick, and everyone has the same opening price
250 00:27:26 --> 00:27:31 and the same closing price. It's a level playing field. That's why professionals
251 00:27:31 --> 00:27:36 will trade this market over Forex. That's the reason why, when you afford a
252 00:27:36 --> 00:27:43 broker or the clearing firm that you're using to to execute your trades on. You
253 00:27:43 --> 00:27:46 are signing the agreement when you open up an account that they can open and
254 00:27:46 --> 00:27:50 close, and there the spread is at any time they want. It's at their discretion
255 00:27:50 --> 00:27:54 when they're going to do it. And then you wonder why your take profit doesn't
256 00:27:54 --> 00:27:59 get hit, or your stop gets hit. But then it runs. It's going to happen more times
257 00:27:59 --> 00:28:03 in forex than it will happen in futures. Now it doesn't mean that you can't be
258 00:28:04 --> 00:28:09 taken out and swiped with a stock hunt in futures, but the difference is, the
259 00:28:09 --> 00:28:14 contrast is, you were really wrong. If it happens in futures, and that's good,
260 00:28:15 --> 00:28:20 you want to know if you're wrong, okay, but in forex, you have this wide degree
261 00:28:20 --> 00:28:26 of disparity between all brokerage and that, to me, is a little scammy. Okay,
262 00:28:26 --> 00:28:33 so if they are going to cannibalize their own clientele, would you choose
263 00:28:33 --> 00:28:39 the trade in that? Would you rather swim in the pond full of crocodiles or get
264 00:28:39 --> 00:28:44 into a pond that's far enough that affords you the time to get the hell out
265 00:28:44 --> 00:28:49 of there. If that one single hippo is at the far end of it, and you've been
266 00:28:49 --> 00:28:52 watching the whole time, that's what futures is. There's, there's a hippo in
267 00:28:52 --> 00:29:00 this water, okay? And hippos, they kill more than crocodiles a year, but you got
268 00:29:00 --> 00:29:08 one shot, one chance to screw it up here in futures, in forex, you have so many
269 00:29:08 --> 00:29:13 things that can go awry and go against you that are outside your control. You
270 00:29:13 --> 00:29:16 may not even see it happening or even understand that it's happening. So
271 00:29:16 --> 00:29:18 that's why I've migrated away from that, because now the climate is
272 00:29:18 --> 00:29:25 geopolitically primed for some major financial meltdown, and it's going to be
273 00:29:25 --> 00:29:29 in the currencies. The currencies are going to get crushed, and it's not going
274 00:29:29 --> 00:29:33 to be something that you can trade. Look at the Swissy and the euro de pegging,
275 00:29:33 --> 00:29:36 okay? And you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. It's one second, it's
276 00:29:36 --> 00:29:40 there, and then it's immediate, the game over, like it's it's game over,
277 00:29:40 --> 00:29:46 instantaneously, boom, it's gone. You don't have anything left. And literally,
278 00:29:46 --> 00:29:50 brokerage firms, large institutions, were completely crushed. So I'm
279 00:29:50 --> 00:29:53 answering this because I'm still getting questions. Why I'm not talking about
280 00:29:53 --> 00:29:56 forex, because if I talk about forex, I know, but my influence is going to have
281 00:29:56 --> 00:30:00 people doing what I want to trade Forex. I want to do what ICT is doing. I don't
282 00:30:00 --> 00:30:05 do this. I want to do that. I'm not in forex. I don't have a penny in forex,
283 00:30:05 --> 00:30:12 zero, zilch, nada. No broker holds any money in forex. For me, none, not one.
284 00:30:13 --> 00:30:19 In futures, you have reputable brokers. You have the same price. Everybody sees
285 00:30:19 --> 00:30:23 the same thing. It's a level playing field, and it's a professional
286 00:30:23 --> 00:30:27 gentleman's market. That means, yes, there's manipulation, but it's not like
287 00:30:27 --> 00:30:32 a wild wild west, like, like Forex is okay, and it's not likely to have the
288 00:30:32 --> 00:30:36 same thing happen to it, even if there is something in the currency mark there
289 00:30:36 --> 00:30:41 will, there will be shock waves in futures as a result of that. But I would
290 00:30:41 --> 00:30:46 be better equipped mentally and psychologically to weather any
291 00:30:46 --> 00:30:53 adversities while trading futures versus Forex. So there's your answer for
292 00:30:53 --> 00:30:57 everybody's been asking. Why you keep talking about stuff? Nobody asked you.
293 00:30:57 --> 00:31:01 You don't know who's asking me anything, bro. So we're back up into new day,
294 00:31:01 --> 00:31:05 opening gaps in that beautiful so we traded all the way back up to the buy
295 00:31:05 --> 00:31:09 side, which was favored over this because of that little, tiny, little
296 00:31:09 --> 00:31:15 tick below that. But what happens if it runs both sides ahead of 930 like
297 00:31:15 --> 00:31:19 saying, say, for instance, it opened here at 830 it traded down, hit the sell
298 00:31:19 --> 00:31:23 side first, and then ran up, hit the buy side, if it would do that, and then keep
299 00:31:23 --> 00:31:28 the range, whatever this, you know, say that that high right here, say stays
300 00:31:28 --> 00:31:33 intact. And then we march to 930 and it doesn't make a higher high, and it
301 00:31:33 --> 00:31:37 doesn't go below here, if it did both sides of I'm sorry I said something
302 00:31:37 --> 00:31:41 wrong. If it would have taken sell side first. And then when I printed the buy
303 00:31:41 --> 00:31:47 side, and the range that was defined by that stays intact all the way till 930
304 00:31:48 --> 00:31:55 What that indicates is we have a 50, we have a 5050, chance that the market's
305 00:31:55 --> 00:32:02 going to stay inside that range and not go down and take The low out again. But
306 00:32:02 --> 00:32:07 what happens if it does this, it fails to take out that sell side, takes out
307 00:32:07 --> 00:32:12 the buy side, and then doesn't rip and keep going and crushing speed going
308 00:32:12 --> 00:32:16 higher, like if it just hangs around and creates a little bit like retracement
309 00:32:16 --> 00:32:21 back into the first fair a gap on Thursday, because that's what this blue
310 00:32:21 --> 00:32:25 line is here. I had to throw that little lipstick annotation on because I didn't
311 00:32:25 --> 00:32:28 want to create anything over here because the text wouldn't show up. So I
312 00:32:28 --> 00:32:32 had to type it in like that. So I had to make sure the recorded trade had
313 00:32:32 --> 00:32:36 everything on the chart. So I usually don't like to annotate that way. But if
314 00:32:37 --> 00:32:42 it stays the way it is right here, and we didn't take out the sell side. It
315 00:32:42 --> 00:32:45 means that we could flirt with trying to make an attempt to go back down here,
316 00:32:45 --> 00:32:49 but I would expect it to fail, and then everybody would want to chase it going
317 00:32:49 --> 00:32:54 lower. And then they would do something that's like this, after 930 going into
318 00:32:54 --> 00:33:01 10 o'clock, 1130 and then closing somewhere in the middle of the high end
319 00:33:01 --> 00:33:08 of the daily Fairbank app on August 13. So it gives you at least something to
320 00:33:08 --> 00:33:12 work with, initially, to frame some kind of a narrative. And I know what I just
321 00:33:12 --> 00:33:16 explained to you for the very, very brand new students that are coming to
322 00:33:16 --> 00:33:21 me, it's a little advanced, but it's okay, because you're seeing the outline
323 00:33:21 --> 00:33:24 things day after day, and when I'm talking about the higher Time Frame
324 00:33:24 --> 00:33:29 charts where the price should reach to, what should it gravitate to over time
325 00:33:29 --> 00:33:32 being exposed to that a lot of the questions that you have right now that
326 00:33:32 --> 00:33:35 you think are paramount, that you can't sleep unless you figure the answers out
327 00:33:35 --> 00:33:40 right now, I promise you, if you just write those questions down in your study
328 00:33:40 --> 00:33:45 journal. Just relax. The days that you have those questions come up, write them
329 00:33:45 --> 00:33:48 down and leave space for the answer, because eventually, when you get to
330 00:33:48 --> 00:33:53 another video, do you watch by me or a live stream, I'll cover something. But
331 00:33:54 --> 00:33:58 obviously I there so many of you that are watching. I know most of what you're
332 00:33:58 --> 00:34:01 going to ask me anyway, and most of those things are already answered in the
333 00:34:01 --> 00:34:05 old content that's on my YouTube channel, all the old lectures, they're
334 00:34:05 --> 00:34:10 not stale. They don't they don't stop working because they're years old. All
335 00:34:10 --> 00:34:15 the stuff that I taught in 1996 are still they're still happening right now,
336 00:34:15 --> 00:34:21 and you're talking about the algorithm changing. Come on, now. So 15 minute
337 00:34:21 --> 00:34:27 time. Time Frame Caleb is what you want to focus on. Early on, I expect Caleb to
338 00:34:27 --> 00:34:31 have the wrong buy side and sell side annotated. It's it's normal for that to
339 00:34:31 --> 00:34:37 happen. I want him to mess it up so that way I can show him what he's doing wrong
340 00:34:37 --> 00:34:41 and where the right one is. That way, if you're doing similar things, you will
341 00:34:41 --> 00:34:46 have that experience of, oh, yeah, I probably was thinking the same thing, if
342 00:34:46 --> 00:34:49 you're even doing it at all. That's why it's important before you watch anything
343 00:34:49 --> 00:34:56 that appears on Caleb's channel, you do it first in your own charts. Okay?
344 00:34:56 --> 00:35:01 Because that way it's like the same experience by me. Showing you mine. I'll
345 00:35:01 --> 00:35:04 show you what my charts look like the end of the day. This is my annotations.
346 00:35:04 --> 00:35:07 This is how you should have your charts marked up. These are the observe
347 00:35:07 --> 00:35:12 observations that you should have, in my opinion, based on what I believe you as
348 00:35:12 --> 00:35:16 the audience members, specifically Caleb, my son, you should be focusing on
349 00:35:16 --> 00:35:20 right now. It does not mean it encapsulates every possible thing that
350 00:35:20 --> 00:35:24 I've ever taught on it just means that as a beginning basis point, like, if
351 00:35:24 --> 00:35:28 you're brand new, you want to know how to start, this is how you start the 2024
352 00:35:28 --> 00:35:33 mentorship. And then watch what I'm doing over my son's channel for the next
353 00:35:33 --> 00:35:37 couple weeks, it'll be primarily me talking, and then, because he's seen
354 00:35:37 --> 00:35:44 enough examples of it, he can ask me pertinent questions that are useful
355 00:35:44 --> 00:35:50 Otherwise, otherwise. Right now, if I sit with him and he says, Alright, Dad,
356 00:35:50 --> 00:35:54 what about this? And what about that? They're infantile questions, and they're
357 00:35:54 --> 00:35:59 best suited to be answered just by going through the process of me watching, you
358 00:35:59 --> 00:36:05 know, the next couple weeks, reviewing, doing the screenshots for his journal,
359 00:36:05 --> 00:36:09 and then he's going to try to, in his best effort, try to replicate that on
360 00:36:09 --> 00:36:13 his own, and it probably won't be as clean, crisp, and it's going to get in
361 00:36:13 --> 00:36:18 my mirrors, because I'm OCD, but you are looking at those charts, what They are
362 00:36:18 --> 00:36:20 documenting are important to you.
363 00:36:22 --> 00:36:26 I'm watching this over here, so I'm looking at this little section of price
364 00:36:27 --> 00:36:33 action. See how we went. We went down, up, and then now down. So there's this
365 00:36:33 --> 00:36:37 inefficiency right here. This is the only thing that I'm watching. If it
366 00:36:37 --> 00:36:43 really starts to make a move above that, then we'll probably be working towards a
367 00:36:43 --> 00:36:48 deeper retracement. Post 930 right now, it's just traded right back up in the
368 00:36:48 --> 00:36:51 middle area here. I don't think that that is a reason to stop price going
369 00:36:51 --> 00:36:55 higher, but that's just something I'm watching as I was talking to you. So 15
370 00:36:55 --> 00:36:59 minute time frame, there's your liquidity pools, and then you strip it
371 00:36:59 --> 00:37:07 down from the 15 minute time frame down into a five minute and levels that would
372 00:37:08 --> 00:37:14 be defined on this time frame, they're considered minor by side and sell side.
373 00:37:15 --> 00:37:19 Okay, so you have primary buy side and sell side on a 15 minute time frame, and
374 00:37:19 --> 00:37:23 that's going to give you your first parameters for framing out or fleshing
375 00:37:23 --> 00:37:30 out a a narrative for the session and or the daily range. So one of the things I
376 00:37:30 --> 00:37:35 like watching in other live streamers and other YouTube channels that are very
377 00:37:35 --> 00:37:38 upfront, and they tell you what they believe, what they think, their
378 00:37:38 --> 00:37:41 opinions, and some of them are actually executing on them. I'm thankful that
379 00:37:41 --> 00:37:46 they're willing to do that, because they they create pools of liquidity in
380 00:37:46 --> 00:37:51 sentiment, and it allows them when they when they get on their YouTube channel.
381 00:37:51 --> 00:37:56 And this is not enough against any individual YouTuber. I'm focusing on
382 00:37:56 --> 00:38:01 their audience, because that's what I'm watching. All they're doing is creating
383 00:38:01 --> 00:38:06 another watering hole. So when I'm watching all YouTubers, it's a watering
384 00:38:06 --> 00:38:10 hole. Animals are going to go out to that watering hole, and they're going to
385 00:38:10 --> 00:38:13 try to get a drink, and they're either chasing what this person's doing in the
386 00:38:13 --> 00:38:17 YouTube in their YouTube stream, which I don't ever there's nobody out there I
387 00:38:17 --> 00:38:23 want to follow. Not one, okay, but I like watching my students, but I like
388 00:38:23 --> 00:38:28 watching specifically a number of YouTubers that have a decent following,
389 00:38:28 --> 00:38:35 and their animation around a particular bias for the day if they think a certain
390 00:38:35 --> 00:38:38 level is going to be hit. And for instance, let's roll back in time. Let's
391 00:38:38 --> 00:38:43 just say right before 830 say it wasn't Non Farm Payroll, and we weren't going
392 00:38:43 --> 00:38:47 to have this fast run in price the way I just framed out the sell side and the
393 00:38:47 --> 00:38:52 buy side real time in front of you. I would have those same levels annotated
394 00:38:52 --> 00:38:55 the same way. It just means that it's likely to take a little bit longer to
395 00:38:55 --> 00:39:01 get to them, because it's not a Non Farm Payroll FOMC, CPI or PPI type event
396 00:39:01 --> 00:39:08 driving price right to it. So because that resource that we have in YouTube,
397 00:39:09 --> 00:39:16 it allows the folks to have a chat window and whatever, by watching the
398 00:39:16 --> 00:39:22 sentiment shifting. And if I see another YouTube channel that I watch, and I
399 00:39:22 --> 00:39:28 think that they have a very busy channel with chat. I love that, and I'm not
400 00:39:28 --> 00:39:33 engaging in their chat, but I'm sometimes I'll throw a bone out there to
401 00:39:33 --> 00:39:37 try to get some kind of like, if it's real dry and nobody's really chatting up
402 00:39:37 --> 00:39:40 anything that gives me any kind of sentiment reading, I'll make myself
403 00:39:40 --> 00:39:43 known in the chat, and then all of a sudden, Billy, big ass, you know, balls,
404 00:39:43 --> 00:39:46 or whatever you want to call it, guy wants to show everybody he's smart.
405 00:39:47 --> 00:39:51 He'll say something. And then that's what I'm looking for. I want the Joker
406 00:39:51 --> 00:39:56 to raise his head up, because as soon as he does that, somebody else is either
407 00:39:56 --> 00:39:59 going to say, No, I don't think that's going to happen, and in a wave of other
408 00:39:59 --> 00:40:02 people. People saying, Yeah, you're right. That's not right, or they'll
409 00:40:02 --> 00:40:09 support him. That's me manipulating that chat room. Okay? I'm, I'm creating some
410 00:40:09 --> 00:40:13 fluctuation, because I have to create disturbance. I'm, I'm act like a Judas.
411 00:40:14 --> 00:40:19 So I want their opinion. If I see predominantly, most of the people that
412 00:40:19 --> 00:40:23 I'm watching, sentiment wise, if they're saying they think it's going to go down,
413 00:40:23 --> 00:40:27 and I'm already seeing things like this low went lower than that one, and this
414 00:40:27 --> 00:40:31 one is relatively equal. See, there's this this high here didn't go above that
415 00:40:31 --> 00:40:35 high, even though these could be framed, if you're looking at that way, that
416 00:40:35 --> 00:40:39 would be a relative equal high. But this is high probability. Why? Because this
417 00:40:39 --> 00:40:42 high is lower than that one. Go back to what I was teaching you in the 2024
418 00:40:42 --> 00:40:46 contents. Four content so far. So this high over here is lower than that one.
419 00:40:47 --> 00:40:55 But you don't have that here, do you? You have this lower and then you got
420 00:40:55 --> 00:40:59 this one over here where it's just like it's already disturbed it it's disturbed
421 00:40:59 --> 00:41:07 that liquidity where here it's a little bit more blocky looking, where this is a
422 00:41:07 --> 00:41:14 wick. If this wick gets overtaken, like it does here, that means it took a real
423 00:41:14 --> 00:41:19 run on liquidity versus like how I treat a wick, I'll break that down into
424 00:41:19 --> 00:41:23 quadrants and, more specifically, the halfway point. If I see a wick like
425 00:41:23 --> 00:41:26 this, and we're above it, I want to see it trade down into the upper half of it,
426 00:41:26 --> 00:41:31 but not even go below the midpoint of it. But in this leg lower, it passed
427 00:41:31 --> 00:41:36 through that easily and spent time down there. What was it doing? It was
428 00:41:36 --> 00:41:43 accumulating. See, you don't have those signatures up here, it's more blocky, so
429 00:41:43 --> 00:41:47 that makes this a better candidate for a high impact or medium pack news driver,
430 00:41:48 --> 00:41:52 drawing to that. But if it's not a medium, I'm sorry, excuse me, if it's
431 00:41:52 --> 00:41:56 not a high impact news event, like the PPI number that comes out the CPI
432 00:41:56 --> 00:42:01 number, if a FOMC rate announcement comes out in the afternoon, two, 230 in
433 00:42:01 --> 00:42:05 the conference call, and then you have, like, a nonprofit payroll event here,
434 00:42:05 --> 00:42:11 excluding them everything else. If it's on economic calendar with a medium
435 00:42:11 --> 00:42:16 impact, I would expect that same type of thing unfolding here. It just would be a
436 00:42:16 --> 00:42:21 gradual trading up to that level for the buy side. Does that make sense? I know
437 00:42:21 --> 00:42:27 you can't answer me, but it's affording me the the moment where I framed where
438 00:42:27 --> 00:42:31 liquidity is, and then I'm actually getting a dynamic sentiment reading by
439 00:42:31 --> 00:42:37 people that have a vested interest in looking right on social media. Think
440 00:42:37 --> 00:42:42 about that. If they're going into these chat rooms, and they're trying to voice
441 00:42:42 --> 00:42:44 their opinion. It doesn't matter if they're right or wrong. Okay, that's
442 00:42:44 --> 00:42:48 not, that's not my point. The point is, is they're willing to to toss it out
443 00:42:48 --> 00:42:54 there in the ether, and I want to see how much traction it gains by anyone
444 00:42:54 --> 00:42:58 else in that chat room. That's how I'm using other youtubers streams. And if
445 00:42:58 --> 00:43:02 they start cheerleading the idea, oh, yeah, yeah. I like that idea. But my
446 00:43:02 --> 00:43:06 Target's a little bit past that. That's exactly what I want to hear. I want to
447 00:43:06 --> 00:43:09 hear that stuff like this, yeah. I want to see it go below that low here. I want
448 00:43:09 --> 00:43:13 to aim for 18,006 80, and then somebody else will come behind say, no, no, I'm
449 00:43:13 --> 00:43:20 looking for 660 bro. That's exactly what I'm looking for, because now I'm arm
450 00:43:20 --> 00:43:25 wrestling them as smart money against dumb money, street money. Okay, I'm not
451 00:43:26 --> 00:43:30 saying everybody in the everybody else's live stream is dumb money. I'm just the
452 00:43:30 --> 00:43:35 ones that are acting that way when I'm expecting this load not to be taken and
453 00:43:35 --> 00:43:42 this area here to be drawn to. What you have at that very moment is the purest
454 00:43:42 --> 00:43:50 form of sentiment at a very specific time where it's diametrically opposed to
455 00:43:50 --> 00:43:52 what the algorithm is going to do. Who do you think's going to win that?
456 00:43:55 --> 00:43:58 Who do you think's going to win that? Right?
457 00:43:59 --> 00:44:04 Come on. Now you know the answer. Dumb money is going to fall on the sword of
458 00:44:04 --> 00:44:10 smart smart money. Okay? And when we can see these, these tug of wars, these,
459 00:44:10 --> 00:44:15 these wars, if you will, between someone that's not informed. They're just
460 00:44:15 --> 00:44:20 impulsively trying to share an opinion for the purpose of looking right, smart
461 00:44:20 --> 00:44:25 money's not trying to be right. Smart Money is out there decapitating other
462 00:44:25 --> 00:44:30 large entities. That's what they're doing. That's what they do. The
463 00:44:30 --> 00:44:35 algorithm just delivers price. Smart Money engages with that algorithm, with
464 00:44:35 --> 00:44:38 their own high frequency trading algorithms, or discretionary trading,
465 00:44:38 --> 00:44:46 but they use the logic that I'm showing you here, so banks do not trade with
466 00:44:46 --> 00:44:52 what I'm showing you here. There's an entity outside of that. Okay, it's
467 00:44:52 --> 00:44:56 outside of that. They're not Goldman Sachs, because Goldman Sachs tells you
468 00:44:56 --> 00:45:00 you can't trade in time the market. Well, they're, they're really. Up with
469 00:45:00 --> 00:45:05 what I just did today. Two I'm doing every single day, proving where the
470 00:45:05 --> 00:45:09 marks are going to go next. And does it look like noise to you? Does it feel
471 00:45:09 --> 00:45:13 like you're confused as to, oh, it's too much noise going on these time frames.
472 00:45:13 --> 00:45:18 No. It's clarity, right? And it's encouraging. It encourages you to be
473 00:45:18 --> 00:45:23 able to say, hey, if this guy can do it, and he used to deliver pizza. Come on,
474 00:45:23 --> 00:45:26 man, I can do this if I apply myself. You just gotta give yourself some more
475 00:45:26 --> 00:45:30 time and effort. So if the 15 minute time frame buy side and sell side
476 00:45:30 --> 00:45:36 liquidity pools are defined, it gives you an initial context, and I will
477 00:45:36 --> 00:45:40 counsel you. And the live streamers will appreciate you by watching their streams
478 00:45:40 --> 00:45:47 too, because they'll get more views. But every big name YouTuber that follows the
479 00:45:47 --> 00:45:54 futures market, my advice is, quietly, respectfully in anonymity, start
480 00:45:54 --> 00:45:58 watching their chat windows, because I'm using that as the best sentiment
481 00:45:58 --> 00:46:03 indicator, because I know what I'm looking for. Technically, I'm looking
482 00:46:03 --> 00:46:07 for something to take place, to draw to a specific price level, to behave a
483 00:46:07 --> 00:46:11 certain way. And I have made that known to you since we started doing this
484 00:46:11 --> 00:46:16 mentorship. I told you every step of the way what I'm looking for. I'm using
485 00:46:16 --> 00:46:19 higher Time Frame charts to tell you what I think narrative wise, but
486 00:46:19 --> 00:46:23 intraday, I can trade both sides. It's not a problem to do that. But if we're
487 00:46:23 --> 00:46:29 looking for that low on August 13, on the fair value gap, which I'll take you
488 00:46:29 --> 00:46:32 up to chart in a second, that was where I wanted to see it trade down to this
489 00:46:32 --> 00:46:39 week, once it hits that, I'm done. I'm not personally looking for anything
490 00:46:39 --> 00:46:43 lower. Can it go lower? Absolutely can, but I'm not going to be on that. Why?
491 00:46:43 --> 00:46:49 Because I'm sailing into the weekend. I'm done. I let everybody else out here
492 00:46:49 --> 00:46:55 fight on Non Farm Payroll Friday to find something to make money on when I just
493 00:46:55 --> 00:47:02 destroyed it. Godzillas, the tonic breath, boom, gone nuclear waste now,
494 00:47:02 --> 00:47:07 and everybody else is trying to find scraps to eat. I'm out the door. I'm
495 00:47:07 --> 00:47:13 out. I've already done enough damage. I don't need to do anything else. So I'm
496 00:47:13 --> 00:47:18 walking back out to the ocean. Find myself in my Godzilla layer, right? So
497 00:47:18 --> 00:47:23 if, and it's always some kind of movie, movie analogy. That's how my brain
498 00:47:23 --> 00:47:28 works, man. So when we drop down from a 15 minute time frame to a five minute
499 00:47:28 --> 00:47:31 chart, then you start seeing smaller pools of liquidity. And what would that
500 00:47:31 --> 00:47:37 look like? Well, inside of this low, in this high, that's your range. So if we
501 00:47:37 --> 00:47:43 think by dividing up the characteristics that the buy side liquidity pool has, in
502 00:47:43 --> 00:47:47 contrast to what the sell side the fact that this wick was overtaken, that, to
503 00:47:47 --> 00:47:52 me, is more indicative of this was a real stop hunt, versus this blockiness.
504 00:47:52 --> 00:47:58 Okay, it's just real smooth compared to this. Would you agree this is a little
505 00:47:58 --> 00:48:04 bit more jagged, more piercing, versus all of this blockiness. So this is more
506 00:48:04 --> 00:48:09 likely to be drawn to on the basis of just the way that price printed it. Then
507 00:48:09 --> 00:48:13 you add to it. What day of the week is it? It's Friday. What direction
508 00:48:13 --> 00:48:18 primarily has this week been doing? Does it be going up all week because of it
509 00:48:18 --> 00:48:21 going down all week? Clearly, it's been going down all week. We had a big old
510 00:48:21 --> 00:48:25 Tuesday drop down. Okay, the first part of the morning, I wasn't part of that,
511 00:48:26 --> 00:48:29 but I smashed it in the afternoon, and then you then you watched what I did
512 00:48:29 --> 00:48:33 yesterday and today. So I don't need to be in there every day. I knew how to
513 00:48:33 --> 00:48:39 catch up. I had to fill in the gaps of days where I wasn't participating in
514 00:48:39 --> 00:48:44 because I will let the market tell me what it wants to do. I want the setup to
515 00:48:44 --> 00:48:50 come to me as I'll indicate when we break down that trade. But you you have
516 00:48:50 --> 00:48:56 to look at price and discern, discern when you're going to engage, when you're
517 00:48:56 --> 00:49:02 not going to engage, and once you have that 15 minute time frame defined. This
518 00:49:02 --> 00:49:09 is your dealing range. This is your high and this is your low. What is the daily
519 00:49:09 --> 00:49:13 range and or specifically, what's the morning session going to do with that
520 00:49:13 --> 00:49:17 range? Is it going to stay inside of it, or is it going to trade just outside the
521 00:49:17 --> 00:49:22 low of it? Or is it going to trade just outside the high of it, is it going to
522 00:49:22 --> 00:49:26 run both sides first? And if it's going to run both sides, which side does it
523 00:49:26 --> 00:49:31 run first? In this case, it ran the device side. But it stacks the odds
524 00:49:31 --> 00:49:37 against this being a prolonged move lower for me personally, because it's
525 00:49:37 --> 00:49:42 Friday, it's fulfilled my high time frame daily objective by going into that
526 00:49:42 --> 00:49:45 August 13 daily low, fair value got low. And that sounds like a whole lot of
527 00:49:45 --> 00:49:49 mumbo jumbo, but when we go back to the daily chart, you're going to see exactly
528 00:49:49 --> 00:49:52 what I'm talking about. It's going to make perfect sense. But this isn't going
529 00:49:52 --> 00:49:55 to be a long video, so it's going to be easy for you to watch a few times to get
530 00:49:55 --> 00:50:00 the the notes from it after the 15 minute time frames the. Find where you
531 00:50:00 --> 00:50:03 have both buy side, sell side, dropping down to a five minute chart, then you
532 00:50:03 --> 00:50:07 can start looking at things like this, where this is a high, slightly lower
533 00:50:07 --> 00:50:11 high, so these are relatively equal. You might not see it that way. That's what
534 00:50:11 --> 00:50:15 I'm teaching my son. The view it as so buy side is defined with this high here.
535 00:50:15 --> 00:50:18 What kind of high would that be? What kind of buy side specifically would that
536 00:50:18 --> 00:50:25 be? A minor by side liquidity pool. So you'd annotate like this.
537 00:50:30 --> 00:50:35 I already have presets, and I know it's Rashi nuts. You save so much time. I'm
538 00:50:35 --> 00:50:40 teaching I'm not trying to save time. I'm teaching you want your brain surgeon
539 00:50:40 --> 00:50:44 to go through the cliff notes, and then we'll be doing brain surgery on you. No,
540 00:50:44 --> 00:50:49 thanks, bro. I'm not doing that. I want the person that went through all of it
541 00:50:49 --> 00:50:54 the right way. So this way, it helps teach how people are to annotate,
542 00:50:55 --> 00:51:00 because there's always new students coming in top left, and I like 14 or 16,
543 00:51:00 --> 00:51:03 depending on what the troubles like. That's good for me. For good for them.
544 00:51:03 --> 00:51:07 So this is a, this is a minor buy side liquidity pool, okay? And then we have,
545 00:51:07 --> 00:51:13 again, right in here. See these, so that same thing, so we can highlight, not the
546 00:51:13 --> 00:51:17 edge of it, the highlight the the line. Hold down Control. Drag your mouse away
547 00:51:17 --> 00:51:21 from it. It'll copy it. And then you just put it on the higher of the two
548 00:51:21 --> 00:51:29 highs and extend that over. Okay, so you have a primary sell side liquidity pool,
549 00:51:30 --> 00:51:34 a primary buy side liquidity pool. What makes it primary? It's a 15 minute time
550 00:51:34 --> 00:51:38 frame dealing range, so that way it tells you what, what you are going to
551 00:51:38 --> 00:51:41 frame your session and or daily range around initially, because you have to
552 00:51:41 --> 00:51:45 have a starting point right. Where do I start? ICT, where do I start looking?
553 00:51:45 --> 00:51:50 This is what you start with. Okay, but that five minute chart will break down
554 00:51:50 --> 00:51:55 that range from this high down to that low, into smaller buy side and sell side
555 00:51:55 --> 00:52:00 liquidity pools. So what are we seeing here, inside this range? Primarily it's
556 00:52:00 --> 00:52:07 buy side, buy side. Okay, we have a lower run here below a wick. So that
557 00:52:07 --> 00:52:11 means this is a little bit more jagged. It's Friday. It's been going down all
558 00:52:11 --> 00:52:15 week. So which side is Non Farm Payroll, most likely not all the time. Not a
559 00:52:15 --> 00:52:18 panacea, not a be all, end all. It's always going to work this way, because
560 00:52:18 --> 00:52:22 ICT said, so is this my protocol? This is what I teach my students, that look
561 00:52:22 --> 00:52:27 at price like this, to anticipate where the market is likely to go. I do the
562 00:52:27 --> 00:52:32 same thing with ppi and CPI, and I sometimes, sometimes, and I'm talking
563 00:52:32 --> 00:52:38 about maybe 2% of the time get it right, but 98% of the time I'm wrong on CPI PPI
564 00:52:38 --> 00:52:42 numbers, initial delivery like this. So I'm trying to remind you, don't think
565 00:52:42 --> 00:52:46 that you're going to walk out there like John Lane and be like, it's over. You
566 00:52:46 --> 00:52:49 know, the Duke's here, and I own all this stuff. Now, this is my show, this
567 00:52:49 --> 00:52:52 new sheriff in town. You ain't gonna be able to pull that off. Okay? It's not
568 00:52:52 --> 00:52:55 gonna happen. Because if it could be done, I'd be doing it, and I'm not able
569 00:52:55 --> 00:52:59 to do it because no one knows what they're gonna do with that information.
570 00:52:59 --> 00:53:05 That information may be technically viewed historically as a positive, but
571 00:53:05 --> 00:53:08 they sink it aggressively lower, and then they'll make the excuse later on.
572 00:53:08 --> 00:53:11 Well, you know, they they priced in. You should have known better. They didn't
573 00:53:11 --> 00:53:15 have any articles saying that they were expecting that. But there's always some
574 00:53:15 --> 00:53:20 excuse in the news feeds that it was priced in, traders priced in this. And
575 00:53:20 --> 00:53:23 come on, if it ain't something you're going to tell me in advance, don't talk
576 00:53:23 --> 00:53:28 about it. Don't talk about it. Okay? So I don't care about what the raw data is.
577 00:53:28 --> 00:53:32 I don't care what the job number is. I don't care how many jobs are, are lost
578 00:53:32 --> 00:53:35 or created. I don't care about that stuff. Okay? Because they're all lies
579 00:53:35 --> 00:53:38 anyway. Everything about those data points, every single one of them, every
580 00:53:38 --> 00:53:44 single one of them, are all fake. They're all meant to stimulate the
581 00:53:44 --> 00:53:48 pockets of investors and large institutions. That's what they're there
582 00:53:48 --> 00:53:53 for. Okay, so it's like, it's like an illusion. It's a reason for you to have
583 00:53:53 --> 00:53:57 some other excuse to get in here and risk more of your money. That's what it
584 00:53:57 --> 00:54:01 is. So because I think about it like that, I don't go in with trying to
585 00:54:01 --> 00:54:04 decipher the fundamental aspects of it, because fundamentals have left the chat
586 00:54:04 --> 00:54:10 a long, long time ago, a long time ago. Soon as we left the 90s, fundamental
587 00:54:10 --> 00:54:17 analysis is now a joke because there's so much lies built into it you can't
588 00:54:17 --> 00:54:21 trust it. So it goes right back to where I started as a type of trader. The
589 00:54:21 --> 00:54:28 chart's going to tell you everything, everything. So if we start looking at
590 00:54:28 --> 00:54:30 that range, and we see there's a buy side here, there's a buy side here, in a
591 00:54:30 --> 00:54:37 five minute chart, we can see how these are treated in the the realm of how far
592 00:54:37 --> 00:54:40 we're going to reach back to that buy side, because we already determined that
593 00:54:40 --> 00:54:44 that's more likely. And you heard me say that before the nonprofit number
594 00:54:44 --> 00:54:50 releases, how we traded that first minor buy side. That's going to give you a
595 00:54:50 --> 00:54:56 clue. Okay, it trades up to a here, and then watch what it does. Jams down.
596 00:54:56 --> 00:54:59 What's that doing, taking out that short term low, but it is not going below that
597 00:54:59 --> 00:55:06 low. Beer. So as soon as this candle closes there, this one here is the next
598 00:55:06 --> 00:55:10 one that is considered. It trades above it right back down in and then rips
599 00:55:10 --> 00:55:17 through the buy side. You cannot trade this on nonprofit payroll. Release. You
600 00:55:17 --> 00:55:22 can't. You're not going to get filled or you're going to get slipped so bad. What
601 00:55:22 --> 00:55:29 is slippage? Slippage is you trying to buy it at, say, 18,008 45 and you get
602 00:55:29 --> 00:55:36 filled at 18,008 62 or higher, and but you want to have a stop loss somewhere
603 00:55:36 --> 00:55:42 down here, you now just were filled at a very unfavorable place, and now your
604 00:55:42 --> 00:55:47 risk is incurred in a much larger capacity than you initially wanted to
605 00:55:47 --> 00:55:52 take on if you even get a fill, you may not even get filled. I have tried very,
606 00:55:52 --> 00:55:59 very hard to try to be a cowboy in this individual day, and you would get
607 00:55:59 --> 00:56:03 requoted. Requote, requote, re quote, you're buying. You're trying to buy at
608 00:56:03 --> 00:56:06 the market. Bye bye bye bye, requ, requote, they're just keeping you from
609 00:56:06 --> 00:56:11 getting in. That's all that is. Okay. There's a lot of people out there that
610 00:56:11 --> 00:56:15 want to buy, but the brokers are stifling that. That's why I as soon as I
611 00:56:15 --> 00:56:22 see somebody out there, they have 50 contracts of of gold, or us, 500 US, 100
612 00:56:22 --> 00:56:27 okay? And they're showing they got 50 contracts or 50 lots, 50 lots, 50. And
613 00:56:27 --> 00:56:30 they should have empty four screenshots, and they're putting it up on the screen,
614 00:56:30 --> 00:56:35 and there's a whole well wall of that, and it's always after fact, and they're
615 00:56:35 --> 00:56:41 all up like 12,000 15,000 each one of them. They did not get filled on that.
616 00:56:41 --> 00:56:47 It did not happen. Okay, I promise you that did not happen. But they tricked
617 00:56:47 --> 00:56:51 themselves by doing that because it gives them a dopamine hit and it tells
618 00:56:51 --> 00:56:54 them subconsciously think about what should go you probably done this stuff
619 00:56:55 --> 00:57:00 showing social media what you did, right, gambling without real money
620 00:57:00 --> 00:57:04 behind it and no logic behind it. You want this the feeling of someone looking
621 00:57:04 --> 00:57:08 up to you. So what are you doing? Subconsciously, you're you're saying
622 00:57:09 --> 00:57:13 you're a scammer, you're a fraud. But I feel good about doing it, because the
623 00:57:13 --> 00:57:17 social media response that's given me, given to me because I I lay them
624 00:57:17 --> 00:57:21 breadcrumbs out there. What are they going to do? They're going to fluff you
625 00:57:21 --> 00:57:24 up, and that's going to keep you from doing what the work of actually learning
626 00:57:24 --> 00:57:29 how to do this. It's far more easier for other people to entertain themselves,
627 00:57:29 --> 00:57:32 because they know deep down inside they're not really trying to learn how
628 00:57:32 --> 00:57:35 to do this. They're not here to learn. Not all of you listening are here to
629 00:57:35 --> 00:57:38 learn. You hear something. You want to hear something so you can go into social
630 00:57:38 --> 00:57:41 media and talk about it and troll and be funny, but you're still going to work
631 00:57:41 --> 00:57:44 next Monday. You're going there. Okay, maybe you're working throughout the
632 00:57:44 --> 00:57:48 weekend with your second job. You gotta do what you gotta do, but I'm trying to
633 00:57:48 --> 00:57:52 teach you how to avoid having to do that. Even if you don't like me, you
634 00:57:52 --> 00:57:56 don't have to like me, but to sit down and take notes, because the things that
635 00:57:56 --> 00:58:00 I'm teaching are going to help you formulate an idea of how to attack price
636 00:58:00 --> 00:58:05 action and how to avoid certain instances where everybody else is going
637 00:58:05 --> 00:58:09 to rush they want to rush in here and capture these types of moves. I don't
638 00:58:09 --> 00:58:14 need that. Look what I just did. I don't need this day. I don't need to do that.
639 00:58:14 --> 00:58:19 I don't need a day trade. I can swing trade. I can position trade and get an
640 00:58:19 --> 00:58:24 extreme level high and extreme level low, and be content with that. And that
641 00:58:24 --> 00:58:28 could, that could have been my entire trade for the entire week, and never
642 00:58:28 --> 00:58:32 done anything else. And that's how I was trading. When I was trading Forex, I
643 00:58:32 --> 00:58:35 would look for those types of setups. I wasn't in there trying to do every
644 00:58:35 --> 00:58:39 little 15 minute movement. I didn't I don't care about that. You can do that.
645 00:58:39 --> 00:58:43 If that's what you want to do. You can do that, but that's just not my that's
646 00:58:43 --> 00:58:47 not my cup of tea. I don't want that. I want to be an area where I know I have
647 00:58:47 --> 00:58:53 the largest magnitude of the move on side that I'm trading on, and it's very
648 00:58:53 --> 00:58:57 forgiving, because that means, if I'm using precision elements to get me into
649 00:58:57 --> 00:59:03 a trade, and I'm trading at the highest level, where this move can start trading
650 00:59:03 --> 00:59:11 lower from and I'm going to show you how I did that. Okay? It allows me to sleep.
651 00:59:12 --> 00:59:16 It allows me to eat. When I was younger, I couldn't even eat. When I was in a
652 00:59:16 --> 00:59:21 trade, my stomach would be in a knot. I was in constant anxiety, constant
653 00:59:21 --> 00:59:26 stress, heart rate, crazy high like blood pressure. I'm sure it was off the
654 00:59:26 --> 00:59:29 chart, but I wasn't looking at those, those biometrics back then. I was just
655 00:59:29 --> 00:59:33 wanting just to survive the trade, let alone make money. I just want to
656 00:59:33 --> 00:59:36 survive. Can I just be in this trade a little bit longer than the last one?
657 00:59:36 --> 00:59:40 That's how it was when I was 20 years old, and you probably had that same
658 00:59:40 --> 00:59:44 feeling right now, but what changes over time is, as you start figuring out what
659 00:59:44 --> 00:59:48 is the better setups, and you're going to see that these better setups, they're
660 00:59:48 --> 00:59:54 not an everyday setup. They're not an everyday circumstance. There's one or
661 00:59:54 --> 01:00:01 two, maybe, maybe three a week, and I'm talking very few times you. Where a one
662 01:00:01 --> 01:00:07 shot one kill scenario where you get in, that's what the O S, o k is on my title,
663 01:00:07 --> 01:00:08 the video just posted,
664 01:00:09 --> 01:00:15 one shot one kill. That's a sniper e euphemism. It means they don't have a
665 01:00:15 --> 01:00:19 whole bag of bullets when they're out in the field. They have a very low amount
666 01:00:19 --> 01:00:24 of ammunition on them, because they have to crawl around a lot. They got to carry
667 01:00:24 --> 01:00:29 everything with them, and they're out there to take very surgical strikes. And
668 01:00:29 --> 01:00:33 my mindset as a trader is, I don't want to go out there with a machine gun and
669 01:00:33 --> 01:00:37 just start spraying everything and say, Okay, what fell? What did I get? Let's
670 01:00:37 --> 01:00:41 go see who I hit. That's not how you want to trade. But everybody does that.
671 01:00:42 --> 01:00:45 Everybody that starts out does that. The first time you go on tilt, that's
672 01:00:45 --> 01:00:50 exactly what you're doing. You put down your rifle and you say, You know what? I
673 01:00:50 --> 01:00:56 need my AK for this, and that's it. You just emptied your magazine. And you may
674 01:00:56 --> 01:00:59 not have hit anything, but you wasted everything that's in your magazine. They
675 01:00:59 --> 01:01:03 have no more ammunition, it's going and now you're defenseless, and then the
676 01:01:03 --> 01:01:08 market rolls over top you well, snipers mentality is he or she goes out into the
677 01:01:08 --> 01:01:12 field, and that's the week of the trading. And you're looking for these
678 01:01:12 --> 01:01:18 very specific conditions where the mark that is your setup in price action, the
679 01:01:18 --> 01:01:22 thing that you're going to trade on, the things that make a buy or sell for you,
680 01:01:22 --> 01:01:26 that's your premium rate. That's your little fair value gap. That's your
681 01:01:26 --> 01:01:31 little scope. You don't care what's going on. You don't care about everybody
682 01:01:31 --> 01:01:36 else walking around. You're there to take out that one individual target, and
683 01:01:36 --> 01:01:41 that target is when price steps into that fair value gap. As soon as that
684 01:01:41 --> 01:01:45 price hits the consequence or starts to approach it, it's in your crosshairs,
685 01:01:45 --> 01:01:48 and you're bullish. That means you're going to do what you're going to, take a
686 01:01:48 --> 01:01:50 deep breath, exhale,
687 01:01:56 --> 01:02:00 then you stop. You don't inhale. You leave your lungs empty. Why do you
688 01:02:00 --> 01:02:04 snipers? And why do shooters do that? Because you're not moving around in a
689 01:02:04 --> 01:02:10 small little movement in your scope is a whole lot of movement downrange. So
690 01:02:10 --> 01:02:13 you're exhaling, you're relaxing, you're not talking while you're entering the
691 01:02:13 --> 01:02:24 trade. Exhale, deep, pause when price enters that fair value gap, you fire
692 01:02:25 --> 01:02:31 your stock gets placed below the imbalance candle, if it's a bullish fair
693 01:02:31 --> 01:02:34 value gap, or above the high of the imbalance candle, if it's a bearish fair
694 01:02:34 --> 01:02:40 value gap, then you relax. You don't do anything. You don't want to do anything
695 01:02:40 --> 01:02:43 extra. Just sit there. You don't go on social media and say, I just say, I just
696 01:02:43 --> 01:02:47 bought a sniper. Does not announce where they're at. They take one shot and they
697 01:02:47 --> 01:02:50 sit still because they don't want the enemy to get a vector on where they're
698 01:02:50 --> 01:02:55 at. And you want me to go out here and trade, oh, trade in front of me. Do your
699 01:02:55 --> 01:03:00 do your $100,000 trade in front of me. And do what let them come for me.
700 01:03:00 --> 01:03:02 Because that's exactly what I do. Everybody would be doing the same thing.
701 01:03:02 --> 01:03:07 Doing the same thing I'm doing now. Everybody wants to do please, let me
702 01:03:07 --> 01:03:12 copy your traits. My question is this, if I was to do this, okay, CEOs of all
703 01:03:12 --> 01:03:16 the funded account companies, listen, this is for you. Okay, every single one
704 01:03:16 --> 01:03:19 of you funded account company. CEOs. Michael patak, I don't know the other
705 01:03:19 --> 01:03:27 guys. What? If I created a lottery system where I took 10 individuals that
706 01:03:27 --> 01:03:32 added in an anonymous setting, because you're not going to see me ever going to
707 01:03:32 --> 01:03:35 a funded account company, you'll never get my socials, you'll never get my
708 01:03:35 --> 01:03:38 stuff like that. It's never going to happen like I would never allow that to
709 01:03:38 --> 01:03:44 happen. But what happens if I created a secret lottery where 10 people get to
710 01:03:45 --> 01:03:50 trade copy a demo account that I'm running and they're copying 20 accounts.
711 01:03:50 --> 01:03:54 How much time do you think that your firm would be able to weather that?
712 01:03:55 --> 01:04:01 Because if I can show that I can do this just once a week, that's $2 million per
713 01:04:02 --> 01:04:09 that's $20 million a week drained. What happens if I did that with 50 lucky
714 01:04:09 --> 01:04:13 contestants free of charge, not charging anything. What do you think would happen
715 01:04:13 --> 01:04:16 to the funded account, prop firm, company, we think about that model.
716 01:04:16 --> 01:04:19 Think it would hold up to something like that.
717 01:04:20 --> 01:04:23 You really, you really want me to do that. You would have watched me burn
718 01:04:23 --> 01:04:27 them all down. Is that what you really want me to do? Come on now.
719 01:04:29 --> 01:04:33 You have no idea who I am. You have no idea what I'm capable of. Like you talk
720 01:04:33 --> 01:04:39 smack all the time. You CEOs on Twitter. Oh, but this guy, this guy, this guy can
721 01:04:39 --> 01:04:43 burn your whole shit down. You don't even know where I'm coming from. You
722 01:04:43 --> 01:04:48 have no idea who I could bring out there, and if you don't pay them, you're
723 01:04:48 --> 01:04:53 getting shut down. No one's gonna do business with you. So stop trolling me.
724 01:04:53 --> 01:04:59 You put a spotlight on you. I will burn you like the sun. Stop it. It's not
725 01:04:59 --> 01:05:04 gonna. You anything but trouble. Everybody sending me an email and please
726 01:05:04 --> 01:05:08 let me be the one. Where do I gotta do the window? It's a walk, a golden
727 01:05:08 --> 01:05:11 ticket. He's, he's gotta train. He's gonna, he's gonna let people trade. I
728 01:05:11 --> 01:05:14 would never do that. I'm saying facetiously. Think about it like think
729 01:05:14 --> 01:05:18 about that. I got people in my chat window all the time. We're not showing
730 01:05:18 --> 01:05:22 them a chat section or comment section saying you can't trade this way, you
731 01:05:22 --> 01:05:25 can't do this, you can't do that. I literally gave you the game plan this
732 01:05:25 --> 01:05:31 week. I gave you the game plan, and I went past my time, didn't I? That's
733 01:05:31 --> 01:05:34 because I'm making up for yesterday's not having a live stream, and I got new
734 01:05:34 --> 01:05:38 glasses, and it's awesome. I can see it. So we're at the top of that inefficiency
735 01:05:38 --> 01:05:44 I mentioned over here earlier, right here, and then we have these relative
736 01:05:44 --> 01:05:50 equal highs here. So that would be, we'll borrow this one and just change it
737 01:05:51 --> 01:06:02 the name and logo, yeah. Can you imagine 20 contracts with XYZ, funded account
738 01:06:02 --> 01:06:08 company, all linked together. That's, that's $2 million and you're telling me,
739 01:06:08 --> 01:06:11 let me ask you a question. Okay, I want to make sure I understand this
740 01:06:11 --> 01:06:20 correctly. Okay, however, I was to drive it, whether I was using a proxy someone
741 01:06:20 --> 01:06:24 else, you know, they're trading it, but they're copying me. Technically. What
742 01:06:24 --> 01:06:28 you're saying to me, if I understand this correctly, is I could theoretically
743 01:06:28 --> 01:06:36 have 20 accounts linked to one account, and all I got to do is what I do every
744 01:06:36 --> 01:06:43 single week anyway, and it's not causing me any kind of extra work, but the
745 01:06:43 --> 01:06:48 person that has the 20 accounts linked together, and I'm doing trades with
746 01:06:48 --> 01:06:59 $100,000 or I'm clearing 25 to $30,000 per trade. That's just one session.
747 01:07:00 --> 01:07:03 That's not me trading the london session, the morning session in New
748 01:07:03 --> 01:07:06 York. That's not me trading London clothes. That's not me trading the
749 01:07:06 --> 01:07:10 London lunch. That's not me trading the afternoon lunch in New York. That's not
750 01:07:10 --> 01:07:14 me trading the afternoon session and pm session. That's not me just trading the
751 01:07:14 --> 01:07:19 last trading hour. That's not me trading Asia. Just to throw a little bit more
752 01:07:19 --> 01:07:25 spice in it, you're telling me that I could literally go out there and drain
753 01:07:25 --> 01:07:32 these prop firms for eight to ten million every 10 days, every 10 days,
754 01:07:32 --> 01:07:40 and you think they're gonna keep paying that out. Man, I'm enticed. I'm I'm
755 01:07:40 --> 01:07:44 genuinely if I understand that correct, if you're, if that's what you're telling
756 01:07:44 --> 01:07:48 me, if that's what you're telling me, that I could do theoretically, because I
757 01:07:48 --> 01:07:54 got the numbers, I can pull it. I can do that. But you're telling me that I could
758 01:07:54 --> 01:08:03 theoretically allow someone else to copy and account that I'm driving. You won't
759 01:08:03 --> 01:08:09 know it's me, but this person, whoever that might be, could be a cousin, could
760 01:08:09 --> 01:08:14 be a high school friend of mine. Could be anyone of you listening. They could
761 01:08:14 --> 01:08:20 be in a position where they are able to say, I want my I want my money. Now, in
762 01:08:20 --> 01:08:24 10 days, I can make someone a multi millionaire. Is that what you're telling
763 01:08:26 --> 01:08:31 me? Leave a comment in section if I have that figured out the correct way. If
764 01:08:31 --> 01:08:38 that's what you're telling me, I absolutely are inviting any CEO of a
765 01:08:38 --> 01:08:42 prop firm to email me a inner circle trader@gmail.com because I want you to
766 01:08:42 --> 01:08:47 confirm what I just said, if that's what my understanding is, if it's correct, oh
767 01:08:47 --> 01:08:53 it's coming, oh it's coming. It is coming. I don't have to do it long. In
768 01:08:53 --> 01:08:57 one month. I can make I can make a multi millionaire. And that's that tax
769 01:08:57 --> 01:09:02 treatment is way better than trading with live funds. It's not the same. It
770 01:09:02 --> 01:09:10 is not the same. So, oh, okay, okay, ICP has entered the chat with Prop firm
771 01:09:10 --> 01:09:14 stuff. I'm not going to sign up. I'm not personally going to do that. I'm not
772 01:09:14 --> 01:09:17 going to give you my social I'm not going to give you all those things like
773 01:09:17 --> 01:09:20 that. No, but I can create a proxy. How are you going to how are you gonna know
774 01:09:20 --> 01:09:26 who I'm putting in there? You won't. You'll know by the numbers. And I don't
775 01:09:26 --> 01:09:30 want anything for it. I don't want nothing for it. I just want to sit back
776 01:09:30 --> 01:09:33 and watch
777 01:09:36 --> 01:09:46 it. I'll go back to Twitter after that. Oh, man, you're gonna burn you. You're
778 01:09:46 --> 01:09:51 gonna burn. It's so delicious.
779 01:09:54 --> 01:10:00 Can you tell Misty yesterday? Can you tell Yeah, me, Ken, but anyway, you. See
780 01:10:02 --> 01:10:05 proper engine like all right, look, we got to start looking for anybody that's
781 01:10:05 --> 01:10:09 trading 15 contracts start with six. If they start with six contracts and they
782 01:10:09 --> 01:10:14 go in four, ban them. We got to keep anything from everything's gotta just
783 01:10:14 --> 01:10:19 keep them from getting their payout. Disconnect. Disrupt, disrupt their
784 01:10:21 --> 01:10:24 connection. ICT, you broke everything. You're a jerk. That's what would you
785 01:10:24 --> 01:10:26 that's all you would all say that.
786 01:10:31 --> 01:10:34 One of them's call me right now. Come on, right now. You killed my business.
787 01:10:35 --> 01:10:41 Don't call me when I'm live streaming. So anyway, we're a couple minutes away
788 01:10:41 --> 01:10:46 from the opening let's watch the first couple minutes of the opening bell, and
789 01:10:46 --> 01:10:51 then I'll review the trade I did, and then we'll close it and go into the
790 01:10:51 --> 01:11:02 weekend. Please. ICT let me be the one. All right, so what we have, and again,
791 01:11:02 --> 01:11:05 this is what I was saying to you many times before. And it's repetitive, I
792 01:11:05 --> 01:11:11 know, but I don't personally like to have these things on my chart, because
793 01:11:11 --> 01:11:15 this is the busiest my charts have ever looked and it's because I have to show
794 01:11:15 --> 01:11:21 you as as students, what I have written down on my notepad. For instance, when I
795 01:11:21 --> 01:11:27 was mentioning this over here, real time looking at it, I'm I'm going to my pad.
796 01:11:31 --> 01:11:36 This is my notepad, just a simple little yellow notepad. You can buy them from.
797 01:11:37 --> 01:11:43 Where'd I get mine from, Costco, and you get, like, 12 of them in a bundle, and
798 01:11:43 --> 01:11:49 they're about the five by nine, something like that. And I simply just
799 01:11:49 --> 01:11:53 write down key levels. And what I do is I look at the previous day's high and
800 01:11:53 --> 01:11:58 the previous day's low, and then I layer every level that's pertinent to that
801 01:11:58 --> 01:12:04 range and just below it or just above it, and I have it in raw numerical
802 01:12:04 --> 01:12:10 format, just like that. But as soon as I mentioned this here, I'm scribbling in
803 01:12:10 --> 01:12:17 my observations on that level, what time frame I noticed it on, okay? And then
804 01:12:17 --> 01:12:21 what I'm constantly doing is I'm looking at price over here. I'm watching this
805 01:12:21 --> 01:12:27 over here, this raw number more than I'm watching the chart over here. The chart
806 01:12:27 --> 01:12:31 is the language that you're learning from me talking about what price should
807 01:12:31 --> 01:12:37 do. I'm not going to be able to bridge the gap by teaching you how to trade
808 01:12:37 --> 01:12:42 price without a chart. I can't do that. I don't know how to do that. I don't
809 01:12:42 --> 01:12:46 know how to articulate that in a way where it's going to be understandable.
810 01:12:47 --> 01:12:51 But that's essentially what I'm doing when I'm looking at price action. I'm
811 01:12:51 --> 01:12:57 showing you things that form in in price around the same time, around the same
812 01:12:57 --> 01:13:05 price, that these other things occur algorithmically. So when they agree you
813 01:13:05 --> 01:13:09 should arrive at that assumption about what price should do, or how it should
814 01:13:09 --> 01:13:13 behave, or how how you should observe it at that moment or any given time frame.
815 01:13:13 --> 01:13:21 Okay, so that's the that's the exchange of information in the language that I
816 01:13:21 --> 01:13:26 use by doing so I'm more concerned about what price is doing at what time and
817 01:13:26 --> 01:13:30 every time, it's fluctuating up and down in relationship to these raw numbers in
818 01:13:30 --> 01:13:35 this same price axis. I don't need any of this stuff over here. This just
819 01:13:35 --> 01:13:38 affords me a way to communicate and talk to you that way you can see things that
820 01:13:38 --> 01:13:42 may may or may not repeat. So because it's Friday, I'd like to see it run up.
821 01:13:42 --> 01:13:47 Run up in here and take that buy side. It doesn't mean to do it right out the
822 01:13:47 --> 01:13:53 gate, but that's something that is reasonable. And then you have this
823 01:13:53 --> 01:13:58 inefficiency down here where the constant encroachment of that August 13
824 01:13:59 --> 01:14:03 daily fair value got, which we're going to look at in just two or three more
825 01:14:03 --> 01:14:10 minutes. Man, I bet your social media is buzzing right now. ICT is going to let
826 01:14:10 --> 01:14:13 other people copy his account and then they're going to sell that. They're
827 01:14:15 --> 01:14:19 going to have a business for two three weeks. Okay, I'm selling seats. Okay,
828 01:14:19 --> 01:14:25 it's $3,000 5000 it's $10,000 if you want to copy ICT, you can't tell
829 01:14:25 --> 01:14:32 anybody. It'll be in my email box immediately. Are you looking? I'm
830 01:14:32 --> 01:14:39 looking to mark this guy. Okay, he's doing this. He's doing it right. Oh,
831 01:14:39 --> 01:14:47 man, I I'm not using your cup today. It was a rush to get out there and grab a
832 01:14:47 --> 01:14:51 bottle of water. So sorry, Daniel, I've used it by the poolside the other day,
833 01:14:51 --> 01:14:58 though, the he sent me a yeti mug in the mail because he hears you bitch about
834 01:14:58 --> 01:15:03 how it's crackling. But. Bottle of water always makes a sound in my recordings,
835 01:15:03 --> 01:15:06 alright. So anyway, we went through the business of picking out why that buy
836 01:15:06 --> 01:15:10 side is here, and we've opened up and let's look at the opening range,
837 01:15:10 --> 01:15:19 alright, so we have a little bit of an opening range gap still here. Let's
838 01:15:19 --> 01:15:22 borrow that in my network. So pretty good, doesn't it? That's convenient.
839 01:15:23 --> 01:15:29 Let's put it right on the close. So we're showing the previous close, and
840 01:15:29 --> 01:15:34 that's not actually right. Let's go until one minute chart. Sorry. The
841 01:15:34 --> 01:15:40 anchor on your one minute chart and your opening price on your first print at 930
842 01:15:40 --> 01:15:47 so you have a little bit of portion of it opened up here. So it tried to try to
843 01:15:47 --> 01:15:50 get up in here. Wait from the open, but left this little portion open here.
844 01:15:51 --> 01:15:59 Watch this low. And we're back inside of, I think it's September 4. First,
845 01:15:59 --> 01:16:02 there you go. Where's that third? I can't remember. Now I took the
846 01:16:02 --> 01:16:12 annotation off. The annotation ours. So we're inside this little, tiny
847 01:16:12 --> 01:16:21 inefficiency here, and previous settlements up here,
848 01:16:34 --> 01:16:41 these flash days are so much fun. Should Have Been doing it sooner. ICT, no, I
849 01:16:41 --> 01:16:47 would never get anything done. All right, so I can take this one off. We
850 01:16:47 --> 01:16:56 don't need that anymore. We don't need this anymore. Side anymore. We don't
851 01:16:56 --> 01:17:01 need the miners anymore. Here, actually, we do. I didn't drop down to it when I
852 01:17:01 --> 01:17:07 was talking about the minor five minute Buy, Sell liquidity pool. And sell, sell
853 01:17:07 --> 01:17:11 liquidity pools. You can see how when we drop down to the one minute time frame,
854 01:17:11 --> 01:17:17 which is, I like using the one minute because it's very, very detail oriented.
855 01:17:17 --> 01:17:23 Okay, think about like, remember when? Remember when Bob Ross, the afro, white
856 01:17:23 --> 01:17:28 guy that would do his oval painting and whatnot, he would talk to you real
857 01:17:28 --> 01:17:33 mellow, put you to sleep, be like you're ADA edible, and you're just chilling out
858 01:17:33 --> 01:17:40 watching this guy paint well, you're looking at this this time frame, your
859 01:17:40 --> 01:17:44 15, your daily chart is like a paint roller, okay? It's applying a lot of
860 01:17:44 --> 01:17:52 paint, lot of price action. Your 15 inch time frame is like your your two and a
861 01:17:52 --> 01:17:58 half inch, or two inch paint brush. It's, it's not as wide as a paint
862 01:17:58 --> 01:18:07 roller, but it's, it's not a fine tipped brush. Then you have an inch brush on
863 01:18:07 --> 01:18:12 your five minute chart, and then you have that really small, detail oriented
864 01:18:12 --> 01:18:17 paint brush for the one minute real, really fine little etching here, little
865 01:18:17 --> 01:18:21 line work here in your painting. That's what the one minute chart does. It
866 01:18:21 --> 01:18:25 affords you to get down to the nooks and crannies of the fine details of price
867 01:18:25 --> 01:18:29 delivery. So if I'm looking at that same level here that was arrived at on the
868 01:18:29 --> 01:18:33 five minute chart with these relative equal highs when price ran through that,
869 01:18:33 --> 01:18:37 let's look at it in contrast on the five minute chart real quick. Here it goes.
870 01:18:37 --> 01:18:43 It. It rips through it one single time. On that one candle right there. You see
871 01:18:43 --> 01:18:48 that. Let me widen up a little bit so you don't really have a chance to see
872 01:18:48 --> 01:18:53 much in this one single candlestick, unless you're watching the fluctuations
873 01:18:53 --> 01:18:56 of price over here, which is what I'm primarily doing when I'm watching price
874 01:18:58 --> 01:19:03 here. Let me. Let me say it this way. Don't try to do this part. What I'm
875 01:19:03 --> 01:19:08 trying to describe to you, what I'm doing that is me having more insight
876 01:19:08 --> 01:19:12 than you have, and I'm not going to teach all that you are properly learning
877 01:19:12 --> 01:19:16 how to do this by watching what price is doing, because there are times, as I
878 01:19:16 --> 01:19:21 indicated, many times before, where prices is using my PD arrays, and if you
879 01:19:21 --> 01:19:26 have a biases, what was your bearish you're going to have the next best thing
880 01:19:26 --> 01:19:31 to what I see that can't I can't teach you, and there's no other way for me to
881 01:19:31 --> 01:19:34 say it than than just that. Okay, my students are making money with it.
882 01:19:34 --> 01:19:37 They're learning how to do it consistently. If they're not trading
883 01:19:37 --> 01:19:40 with real money yet or funded account companies that has been now getting
884 01:19:40 --> 01:19:43 profits out of it. They're all graduating in their understanding of
885 01:19:43 --> 01:19:47 being able to read this stuff real time, and it's based on the stuff I'm
886 01:19:47 --> 01:19:50 teaching. But this five minute candlestick only has this one single
887 01:19:50 --> 01:19:55 range here, when it crosses above that, that level here. But watch what happens
888 01:19:55 --> 01:20:03 when you go back into a one minute chart. You. This candlestick does that
889 01:20:03 --> 01:20:06 business of wicking around. But look what happens next. We open, we trade
890 01:20:06 --> 01:20:18 right back down to that buy side level, over here, right in here, using it,
891 01:20:19 --> 01:20:25 using it, and then comes back to the order block right there. Now you are not
892 01:20:27 --> 01:20:32 You're not going to get that fill right there, because they may not have opened
893 01:20:32 --> 01:20:36 up trading for you on your broker's firm. I have experienced this before. I
894 01:20:36 --> 01:20:41 experienced it when I was trading Forex. I experienced it with fxcm. I
895 01:20:41 --> 01:20:46 experienced it with. Well, I'm not going to sit here and name brokers, because
896 01:20:46 --> 01:20:50 it's going to sound like advertising, but fxcm is trash, to say, in case
897 01:20:50 --> 01:20:53 you're wondering if that's a good brokerage trash, fxcm was trash. I
898 01:20:53 --> 01:20:57 didn't like them when I used them, and I'm glad they got kicked out of the US.
899 01:20:57 --> 01:21:03 Boom, there you go. Said it again, but you won't, you won't get these types of
900 01:21:03 --> 01:21:09 fills. Now this was like 20, like 20 minutes after Non Farm Payroll releases,
901 01:21:09 --> 01:21:11 and you see it trade back down, something like that. Then, yeah, you can
902 01:21:11 --> 01:21:15 get, you can get filled. Plus the tick towards this opening price here, plus
903 01:21:15 --> 01:21:18 one tick you had a limit where you're going to be filled on that, but you're
904 01:21:18 --> 01:21:21 not going to get filled on Non Farm Payroll the first three minutes or so,
905 01:21:21 --> 01:21:24 just expect that it ain't going to happen. So what that does is it
906 01:21:24 --> 01:21:29 completely removes the necessity for you to feel like you've got to be a part of
907 01:21:29 --> 01:21:35 it. So what do you what do you do? Then take a step back and then read what it's
908 01:21:35 --> 01:21:39 telling us, what's what's price trying to indicate to us, it defended
909 01:21:39 --> 01:21:44 initially, what the sell side. It's more likely it's going to draw up into take
910 01:21:44 --> 01:21:51 out buy side, okay, but it left the sell side. So it is for me, for my personal
911 01:21:51 --> 01:21:56 taste, I wouldn't want to take a short reaching for the sell side on that 15
912 01:21:56 --> 01:22:06 minute time frame, allergies are kicking in. So below these lows here, that sell
913 01:22:06 --> 01:22:09 side hasn't been engaged yet. I'm personally, I'm not interested in taking
914 01:22:09 --> 01:22:14 that trade, because what I had set up for as a downside objective was already
915 01:22:14 --> 01:22:19 arrived at. You saw me execute on that. So when that daily fear bank got low was
916 01:22:19 --> 01:22:24 traded to I'm no longer interested in being a participant in this weekly
917 01:22:24 --> 01:22:31 candle. I'm done. Mike, it expired for me. I'll miss moves if it keeps going
918 01:22:31 --> 01:22:37 lower, that's okay. I look, look, if you aren't content with finding setups that
919 01:22:37 --> 01:22:43 could yield you 100,000 in one entry. You're never going to be satisfied. You
920 01:22:43 --> 01:22:47 got to be satisfied with getting five handles in the s, p, consistently. You
921 01:22:48 --> 01:22:53 got to be content with getting 10 to 15 handles in the NASDAQ consistently. You
922 01:22:53 --> 01:22:57 have to start there. If you can't start there and bloom where you're planted,
923 01:22:57 --> 01:23:01 you're never going to make these big, sizable gains that you're trying to make
924 01:23:01 --> 01:23:04 or aspire to, you have to have very small, little modular goals in the
925 01:23:04 --> 01:23:09 beginning. And that's good to have that very, very small, humbling beginnings.
926 01:23:09 --> 01:23:12 If you want to have a humble beginning, when you start this, if you start off
927 01:23:12 --> 01:23:15 right out the gate with you know, everything's got to be a dopamine hit.
928 01:23:16 --> 01:23:20 You're increasing the difficulty level beyond all measure, like you can't even
929 01:23:20 --> 01:23:24 imagine how hard it's going to be for you until you start realizing it doing
930 01:23:24 --> 01:23:35 it. So let's go into we can do here. Let's go into one minute chart. I'm
931 01:23:36 --> 01:23:40 trying to think, I gotta, I want to show it to you with a naked chart, and I'm
932 01:23:40 --> 01:23:46 running the risk of getting rid of all annotations. So let's do it like this.
933 01:23:46 --> 01:23:54 Let's go scorched earth. Okay, so we are looking at price action negative. I
934 01:23:54 --> 01:24:04 mean, not naked, naked. And if we look at this indicator is just this right
935 01:24:04 --> 01:24:15 here. Thank you again, flux, but the daily chart, let's go to a daily chart
936 01:24:16 --> 01:24:22 and we'll flesh out. ICT got lucky with apparently I was running recordings on
937 01:24:23 --> 01:24:28 15 different laptops, which I don't own. 15 laptops I'm recording multiple
938 01:24:28 --> 01:24:33 screens. But I got lucky to get in at the high and out at the low. It's that's
939 01:24:33 --> 01:24:44 impressive, alright, so if you recall what I outlined on the daily chart for
940 01:24:44 --> 01:24:49 NQ last week, and going into this week, you'll see that in the live streams.
941 01:24:50 --> 01:24:58 You'll see that also in the markups in the screenshots that I was teaching
942 01:24:58 --> 01:25:03 Caleb to do if you watch it. His channel. His channel is at official
943 01:25:04 --> 01:25:08 Caleb Huddleston, all together, make sure you're spelling it correctly,
944 01:25:08 --> 01:25:13 because there's people out there using lowercase letters and uppercase letters
945 01:25:13 --> 01:25:17 to trick you into thinking that's what it is. It's he's got over 20 some 1000
946 01:25:17 --> 01:25:20 followers as of right now. But again, the easiest way to do it is go on my
947 01:25:20 --> 01:25:24 community tab on my YouTube channel, and you'll see me actually linking and
948 01:25:24 --> 01:25:31 posting the videos that are being hosted on his channel. Okay? And I'll flesh
949 01:25:31 --> 01:25:38 this out real quick for you again so you can see it. I mentioned how we were
950 01:25:42 --> 01:25:47 likely to trade down into this fair value gap for the week that that's what
951 01:25:47 --> 01:25:53 I wanted to see happen this week. Okay, so because we have that do it this way,
952 01:25:54 --> 01:25:58 you want to annotate that level, because it's going to give you your price level
953 01:25:58 --> 01:26:04 over here on the price axis, and we will do it like this.
954 01:26:05 --> 01:26:08 And then the same thing. Hold down, control, drag it up, and you can get
955 01:26:08 --> 01:26:14 that so that way, we're highlighting this candlestick on August 14,
956 01:26:14 --> 01:26:22 Wednesday, 2024 that candles low and the high on candlestick of August, 12 to
957 01:26:22 --> 01:26:27 Monday, so that high and this candle is low, and this one single candle, see
958 01:26:27 --> 01:26:33 this right here, that little fluctuation between this candle high and that
959 01:26:33 --> 01:26:38 following candles low, that area right there, that is a fair value gap. It's a
960 01:26:38 --> 01:26:43 buy side imbalance, sell side inefficiency. That means for the market
961 01:26:43 --> 01:26:51 to efficiently deliver fair value pricing. It's one of those textbooks
962 01:26:51 --> 01:26:57 definitions, right Hannah, this buy side, about sell side and efficiency is
963 01:26:57 --> 01:27:04 lacking. What efficient delivery on the downside, that means sell side delivery.
964 01:27:04 --> 01:27:11 Okay? So for every range that goes up, inefficient delivery model is the price
965 01:27:11 --> 01:27:15 has to be offered going back down the same range. That's what a fair value gap
966 01:27:15 --> 01:27:18 is. Okay? Anybody tells you anything other than that? They're literally
967 01:27:18 --> 01:27:21 making stuff up. They have no idea what they're talking about. They're certainly
968 01:27:21 --> 01:27:24 not going to execute like you're seeing me. Execute like you're seeing me
969 01:27:24 --> 01:27:27 execute or define it beforehand. They'll always talk about it after ozario, fair
970 01:27:27 --> 01:27:32 value gap. This one here was outlined to you in advance, and I told you that I
971 01:27:32 --> 01:27:36 was looking for that as a downside objective this week. Notice what goes on
972 01:27:37 --> 01:27:42 beyond that. Candlesticks high to the left. Look. Look over to the left. Do
973 01:27:42 --> 01:27:47 you see? Well, the first candle is this one here, the body in that so you have a
974 01:27:47 --> 01:27:53 volume imbalance down here. So let's play devil's advocate for a second. If
975 01:27:53 --> 01:27:57 price wants to go lower, maybe it goes lower today, I won't be on board with
976 01:27:57 --> 01:28:01 it. I'm done. When I'm done this live stream, I don't have to edit anything. I
977 01:28:01 --> 01:28:06 love live streaming for that reason, because it is what it is what I said. I
978 01:28:06 --> 01:28:10 said I don't have to go into Edit like it took a lot for me to edit that 18
979 01:28:10 --> 01:28:15 hours of recorded session to get it down to a time limit, so that way it's
980 01:28:15 --> 01:28:24 palatable. I'm not going to try to take any more trades today. I'm going to
981 01:28:24 --> 01:28:29 relax. I'm going to do things and run a house. This volume imbalance would be
982 01:28:29 --> 01:28:34 the next draw on liquidity that goes below the consequent crochet of this
983 01:28:34 --> 01:28:38 wick. So you would define the range like this. I mean, I
984 01:28:43 --> 01:28:49 I make it a little bigger like that. So while where we're at right now in price,
985 01:28:49 --> 01:28:54 we're up here. Half of that wick, that's consequent crushment. Look how close we
986 01:28:54 --> 01:29:01 got to it. The volume imbalance down here is the next one.
987 01:29:10 --> 01:29:17 I started with my allergies yesterday and all this laughing, the it's stirred
988 01:29:17 --> 01:29:23 up even more, so I'm a little congested, but then you have this wick, you would
989 01:29:23 --> 01:29:27 do the same thing, and that basically lays inside this volume of balance. And
990 01:29:27 --> 01:29:31 then the same thing here, and the same thing with these wicks, all these
991 01:29:31 --> 01:29:35 discount wicks, you want to annotate those. Those are levels that I'm going
992 01:29:35 --> 01:29:41 to have on my notepad. Should we get below this on a closing basis, this
993 01:29:41 --> 01:29:49 being this candlesticks high, which forms this fair Vega. So as we start to
994 01:29:49 --> 01:29:55 trade down, this is a lot of balanced price range. What makes it balanced
995 01:29:55 --> 01:30:00 price range? It's offering sell side delivery. It means any move. It like
996 01:30:00 --> 01:30:04 when it drops like this. This is sell side delivery. This candlesticks closed
997 01:30:04 --> 01:30:09 up is buy side delivery. It just simply means that the market has gone up or
998 01:30:09 --> 01:30:16 down. It's going up to go into inefficiencies above market price, or
999 01:30:16 --> 01:30:21 it's going up to take out buy side liquidity. That means buy stops or
1000 01:30:21 --> 01:30:26 trigger pending orders to buy on a stop for a new position, or to trigger buy
1001 01:30:26 --> 01:30:31 stops that are protecting, hypothetically, any short position, it
1002 01:30:31 --> 01:30:36 drops to go down to an inefficiency below market price. It's like a Fairbank
1003 01:30:36 --> 01:30:42 or something like that, or opening range got something to that degree, or it goes
1004 01:30:42 --> 01:30:49 below old lows for sell stops, either that puts a trader in short on a
1005 01:30:49 --> 01:30:54 breakout going lower, or it protects long positions. Hypothetically, okay, so
1006 01:30:54 --> 01:30:58 that's the only two mechanisms that causes price to go up or down. There's
1007 01:30:58 --> 01:31:03 nothing else. There's literally nothing else that's going on. When they reprice
1008 01:31:03 --> 01:31:07 manual intervention, they're still taking it to price levels that I just
1009 01:31:07 --> 01:31:11 defined, but just doing to do it farther outside the extreme normal range.
1010 01:31:12 --> 01:31:14 They're doing it quicker like that. And you'll, many times, get a chance to
1011 01:31:14 --> 01:31:18 participate in those types of move. And that's okay. You don't need them. You
1012 01:31:18 --> 01:31:23 don't need those types of news. There's plenty of stuff out there to trade. So I
1013 01:31:23 --> 01:31:27 demystified everything again. For you, price only goes up for inefficiencies or
1014 01:31:27 --> 01:31:32 vacillating coding, or it goes down for inefficiencies or for sell stops. That's
1015 01:31:32 --> 01:31:36 it. There's no other reason for us to go up and down the buying and selling
1016 01:31:36 --> 01:31:44 pressure. Okay, very interesting study. For those that are really trying to
1017 01:31:44 --> 01:31:48 debunk the algorithm, okay, there is no algorithm. I'm out here to refute the
1018 01:31:48 --> 01:31:59 ICT. Clean, okay, do a real in depth study on the volume, how many contracts
1019 01:31:59 --> 01:32:08 it took for price to move. Every single intraday price move the largest one in
1020 01:32:08 --> 01:32:13 the session, like in the morning, do it in the afternoon, okay? And see how many
1021 01:32:13 --> 01:32:19 handles prices traverse. To do that, as soon as you start seeing how much it
1022 01:32:19 --> 01:32:23 will move. And there's this wide disparity amount how many contracts it
1023 01:32:23 --> 01:32:27 takes. When I was being interviewed by corps, he's the only one I ever sat down
1024 01:32:27 --> 01:32:32 there face to face with the the question I asked him was, you know, how many, how
1025 01:32:32 --> 01:32:38 many contracts does it take to cause price to go up? Which is one? Right?
1026 01:32:38 --> 01:32:50 Right? What happens when price has a goal, it's being inspired, let's say
1027 01:32:50 --> 01:32:57 that way to get to a particular price level. It will skip. It'll create these
1028 01:32:57 --> 01:33:03 little these little gaps. Okay, and these gaps are what we are targeting,
1029 01:33:04 --> 01:33:08 these little inefficiencies. Because if you're aiming for like, this week, I'm
1030 01:33:08 --> 01:33:14 gonna take all this stuff off. Just know that we have a lot of things to factor
1031 01:33:14 --> 01:33:18 in here. If we go lower, it's going to be potentially spotty, because then we
1032 01:33:18 --> 01:33:22 have all this back and forth in here. So it's going to take a real move to get
1033 01:33:22 --> 01:33:26 through all this mess in here. We have volume imbalances like this. Is a mess
1034 01:33:26 --> 01:33:31 like this is a lot of sloppy stuff in here. The cleanest price delivery was
1035 01:33:31 --> 01:33:36 moving from here down into this inefficiency. That's why I said this is
1036 01:33:36 --> 01:33:41 the this is ends it for me. I'm done for the week. If it touches this level here,
1037 01:33:41 --> 01:33:47 which is where you saw my cover on my short, that it that's it for me, because
1038 01:33:47 --> 01:33:52 then what has happened is to expecting lower prices, I'm going to have to
1039 01:33:52 --> 01:33:56 weather through all these questionable levels. Can it go down here and smash
1040 01:33:56 --> 01:34:02 right through it? Absolutely you can. Is it likely to do that? No. So am I
1041 01:34:02 --> 01:34:05 trading with high probability if I'm holding on to my short, if I would have
1042 01:34:05 --> 01:34:09 held onto my short, I would have been nervous with the Non Farm Payroll
1043 01:34:09 --> 01:34:14 release. I would have been nervous after 930 opening, because I have all these
1044 01:34:14 --> 01:34:17 other factors to start weighing out, Okay, should I hold on my trade? Should
1045 01:34:17 --> 01:34:23 I not versus I know what I was looking for in the commentary, in the analysis
1046 01:34:23 --> 01:34:27 for this week, we were already eyeballing this. Okay, the low end of
1047 01:34:27 --> 01:34:34 it, that's the best target. That's the best so I have my limit order to get
1048 01:34:34 --> 01:34:39 that, knowing that because it's Friday, it's not from payroll, it's going to be
1049 01:34:39 --> 01:34:44 probably a little bit more animated in it may color outside the lines and go
1050 01:34:44 --> 01:34:48 just below that that can stick high. So that was me finessing. You can see me in
1051 01:34:48 --> 01:34:52 the video adjusting my limit order because I want to make sure I get the
1052 01:34:52 --> 01:34:58 best best factoring the spread, okay, my original profit objective would have
1053 01:34:58 --> 01:35:03 made me a couple $100 more. Work, but I wanted to make sure that the spread
1054 01:35:04 --> 01:35:08 touching this candle sticks high when it trees down here, I want to be executed.
1055 01:35:08 --> 01:35:13 I want to get those 14 contracts off. So if there's 14 contracts get peeled off,
1056 01:35:14 --> 01:35:18 I have to have a price level with that limit order to cover that short position
1057 01:35:19 --> 01:35:25 that will afford me the opportunity to see 14 contracts clear. Just because it
1058 01:35:25 --> 01:35:29 touches this level down here doesn't mean like, say, say, for instance, say,
1059 01:35:29 --> 01:35:33 you to a point where you're trading with 100 contracts. You have 100 cars on this
1060 01:35:33 --> 01:35:41 run. If you're using a limit order, you may not get them all off. It might just
1061 01:35:41 --> 01:35:47 say, No, you can't fill you. You want these 50 off at that price? I can't fill
1062 01:35:47 --> 01:35:51 you. There isn't enough buyers on the other side, at that price, at that given
1063 01:35:51 --> 01:35:56 instant that they're going to pair you with. Boom, there it is. It's done. So
1064 01:35:56 --> 01:36:00 you don't get those exits, and then if it starts to retrace against you, like
1065 01:36:00 --> 01:36:05 we've seen this morning, that's a little disenchanting. It's not fun. I don't
1066 01:36:05 --> 01:36:10 like those types of instances. So there are times where it demands a little bit
1067 01:36:10 --> 01:36:18 more humble exits. You have to be willing to say, Okay, I believe it's
1068 01:36:18 --> 01:36:22 going to touch this candlesticks high as it's dropping down, but I want to make
1069 01:36:22 --> 01:36:28 sure I get out like I want to get paid. I want my execution. I don't want my
1070 01:36:28 --> 01:36:32 funded account challenge, or my funded account, or my Live account, or whatever
1071 01:36:32 --> 01:36:37 it is that you may be using in trading. I want to make sure that I get out. Just
1072 01:36:37 --> 01:36:41 touching the level is not enough. But what you want to start doing is building
1073 01:36:41 --> 01:36:48 in this this mindset where you will expect that level of precision, but you
1074 01:36:48 --> 01:36:54 don't need that level of precision to be extremely profitable with your exits.
1075 01:36:54 --> 01:36:58 You know, I'm saying so. In other words, say whatever that price is. In this
1076 01:36:58 --> 01:37:05 case, it's the high that candle. Watch this up here, upper left hand corner,
1077 01:37:06 --> 01:37:18 18,007 65.25 so what? What's wrong with trying to get out of 18,007 70? Oh,
1078 01:37:18 --> 01:37:23 that's not precise. That's not precision. Why? You're telling me that
1079 01:37:23 --> 01:37:28 if you were short and you had an open unrealized profit of, say, 50 handles?
1080 01:37:28 --> 01:37:40 Okay, not like what I did, three, almost 360 handles. How about that? 18,007 70
1081 01:37:41 --> 01:37:46 again, watch that price here. You're not getting 765, and a quarter with your
1082 01:37:46 --> 01:37:51 exit, not while you're trying to groom yourself into seeing these things pan
1083 01:37:51 --> 01:37:57 out consistently. You want to be able to afford yourself and exit. So you expect
1084 01:37:57 --> 01:38:00 to touch that level with price. And that's your moral victory. That's your
1085 01:38:00 --> 01:38:04 that's your trophy, and that's what you put in your journal. I'm pleased. I'm
1086 01:38:04 --> 01:38:09 excited. I was so stoked to see price trade down to that level. It was amazing
1087 01:38:09 --> 01:38:13 to see it drop down there and hit that perfectly. And you note the time, and
1088 01:38:13 --> 01:38:17 you put little screenshot, and you say, this is this is what it feels like for
1089 01:38:17 --> 01:38:22 holding on to a trade and pants out like this. But I'm happy and I'm comfortable
1090 01:38:23 --> 01:38:28 that I don't need to have that level of precision for exits. I'm growing in my
1091 01:38:28 --> 01:38:33 precision. So in this case, instead of getting 18,007 65 and a quarter as your
1092 01:38:33 --> 01:38:42 limit would have to be 18,007 65.50 that is not much wiggle room, that is, and
1093 01:38:42 --> 01:38:48 that's that's not a lot like you could very easily not get filled if it stops
1094 01:38:48 --> 01:38:54 dead on its delivery at the 765 and a quarter. How many contracts are going to
1095 01:38:54 --> 01:39:00 be traded at that price with one tick variance, right? So if you went into it
1096 01:39:00 --> 01:39:09 with the 18,007 70 level on here it is.
1097 01:39:16 --> 01:39:21 See, this is your price that you're trying to get. Like you can't even
1098 01:39:21 --> 01:39:28 barely see it, right? It's not much of a difference. And you're going to argue,
1099 01:39:28 --> 01:39:37 say that's not precise enough. Come on, you have to, you have to trade with the
1100 01:39:37 --> 01:39:41 the expectation that you're trying to get filled to so it's a management of
1101 01:39:41 --> 01:39:46 all these concerns and expectations, but your expectation for precision and
1102 01:39:46 --> 01:39:52 perfection that needs to be relegated to your journal. Cheerlead yourself there,
1103 01:39:52 --> 01:39:58 but in your trading, you have to afford yourself a common sense exit strategy.
1104 01:39:58 --> 01:40:02 Okay, it's a low hanging. Fruit threshold where you're not demanding
1105 01:40:02 --> 01:40:07 that your exits are the best of the best of the best. I've, I've missed out on
1106 01:40:07 --> 01:40:13 some amazing exits, and I've missed out on some amazing like, like the top tick
1107 01:40:13 --> 01:40:20 or the bottom tick of moves I've, I've had them in my grasp, but the spread
1108 01:40:20 --> 01:40:27 denied me. It's it's exciting, it's exhilarating seeing it happen like that.
1109 01:40:27 --> 01:40:32 I'm like, Man, I had it pegged, but the Fill wasn't there. So yeah, I can feel
1110 01:40:32 --> 01:40:37 great that I had it dialed in, but I didn't execute properly. So I have to
1111 01:40:37 --> 01:40:41 keep myself grounded with my ego and say, You're good kid, but you're not
1112 01:40:41 --> 01:40:46 that good. So and allow yourself to operate in the market with your orders
1113 01:40:47 --> 01:40:50 that will afford you the luxuries of getting in and getting out. You're going
1114 01:40:50 --> 01:40:55 to have a whole lot more liquidity from 770 down to 765, and a quarter. There's
1115 01:40:55 --> 01:41:00 lots of prices in between. There lots of individual tick fluctuations, and every
1116 01:41:00 --> 01:41:04 one little, minor little fluctuation is an opportunity for an exchange and
1117 01:41:04 --> 01:41:09 pairing of orders for buyers and sellers to meet. And you want to afford yourself
1118 01:41:09 --> 01:41:15 an ample supply of that when you're trying to exit and just yield yourself
1119 01:41:15 --> 01:41:19 to Yeah, it went through. I want where I wanted to go, and I'm happy with that,
1120 01:41:19 --> 01:41:23 but I don't need that. Hopefully, that makes sense. I've answered a dozen of
1121 01:41:23 --> 01:41:26 individuals that left comments around struggling with exits and how to pick
1122 01:41:26 --> 01:41:29 the right price and all that, because they're trying to impress me, and
1123 01:41:29 --> 01:41:33 they're trying to impress themselves, knowing where it's going to go to with
1124 01:41:33 --> 01:41:38 the perfection that is just for you to feel good. That's not how you're going
1125 01:41:38 --> 01:41:41 to execute. If you try to do that, you're going to miss entries, you're
1126 01:41:41 --> 01:41:45 going to miss exits, and or hold on to them, because you want them to hit that
1127 01:41:45 --> 01:41:51 level with your exit. And then the price could be returning against you, and you
1128 01:41:51 --> 01:41:56 are more fixed on the outcome being perfect, versus recognizing that you're
1129 01:41:56 --> 01:41:59 in a trade. Now that's turned around on you and you you've married the vein.
1130 01:41:59 --> 01:42:04 Okay? Gold miners used to have the expression so and so's married the vein.
1131 01:42:04 --> 01:42:10 In other words, the location that's been mined for gold. It's dried up. Now it's
1132 01:42:10 --> 01:42:13 no more gold there. But because he's found one little nugget there, he's
1133 01:42:13 --> 01:42:16 married the vein. He thinks it's, it's, it's going to be nothing but more gold.
1134 01:42:16 --> 01:42:21 So he spends his time constantly digging and panhandling through there getting
1135 01:42:21 --> 01:42:26 nothing but wasted time. So you can do that with your winning trades. You can
1136 01:42:26 --> 01:42:32 turn a really good trade into something that's immune dog mess, really. So we're
1137 01:42:32 --> 01:42:41 below. I just want to put these on here before I leave this timeframe. I
1138 01:43:00 --> 01:43:07 I hope what I'm saying is encouraging and not discouraging you, then I know
1139 01:43:07 --> 01:43:16 sometimes you want to be like a an X man, and remember, Deadpool wasn't an X
1140 01:43:16 --> 01:43:25 man, spirit animal. So anyway, that's, that's the levels I I'm using going
1141 01:43:25 --> 01:43:30 forward. So we'll keep those in mind. But this fair value gap is what I was
1142 01:43:30 --> 01:43:33 mentioning this week. Is that was all I was looking for, me personally as the
1143 01:43:33 --> 01:43:38 trader ICT, I'm not, I'm not interested needing it to go lower that can. It
1144 01:43:38 --> 01:43:42 absolutely can. But I don't personally need that. So where do I want to engage?
1145 01:43:43 --> 01:43:47 I want to engage in anything that gets me short. So how can I do that? How can
1146 01:43:47 --> 01:43:53 I frame a short in a market that has had this big, colossal slide down where I
1147 01:43:53 --> 01:43:57 had some of the back, the back end of that move, but I didn't get the first
1148 01:43:57 --> 01:44:02 part of it there because it's coming on the heels of, what a holiday. So I'm
1149 01:44:02 --> 01:44:10 going to elect the morning session trade without me, and at 1:30pm that means the
1150 01:44:10 --> 01:44:16 month the not the London, the New York hour lunch, which is technically two
1151 01:44:16 --> 01:44:23 hours, 1130 to 130 in that time frame. That is when the lunch macro whatever
1152 01:44:23 --> 01:44:27 has happened in the morning session. During those two hours, there's always
1153 01:44:27 --> 01:44:31 some kind of retracement against whatever's already happened in the
1154 01:44:31 --> 01:44:35 morning. That is all the lunch macro is. That's it. It's all it is. It just
1155 01:44:35 --> 01:44:40 retraces on orders that would be trailed up if it's been going higher, or if it's
1156 01:44:40 --> 01:44:44 been going lower in price. They trail the stop losses lower to lock in their
1157 01:44:44 --> 01:44:49 profits during 1130 to 130 they're very, very specific times. Don't take my word
1158 01:44:49 --> 01:44:52 for it. I want you to go back and every single time you log intraday price
1159 01:44:52 --> 01:44:58 action, make a vertical line at 1130 and a vertical line at 130 and then watch
1160 01:44:58 --> 01:45:03 what price is doing in those two. Hours. It does it so frequently that that could
1161 01:45:03 --> 01:45:06 be your model, that that could be your thing, like you don't even trade. Don't
1162 01:45:06 --> 01:45:10 even worry about trading. Open. Who cares about that? Whatever somebody's
1163 01:45:10 --> 01:45:13 been doing, they were smart. They did something right? They were they were
1164 01:45:13 --> 01:45:16 long in the initial run of the move, or they were short initial run of the move
1165 01:45:17 --> 01:45:23 during that 1130 to 1230 I'm sorry, 1130 to 1:30pm eastern stand time. That means
1166 01:45:23 --> 01:45:28 always have your time on trading view set to New York. If you're using your
1167 01:45:28 --> 01:45:32 local time, you're doing it wrong. I don't care who tells you what. I don't
1168 01:45:32 --> 01:45:35 care where you live. I don't care you're not following what the algorithm is
1169 01:45:35 --> 01:45:38 going to do. You're not following the logic I'm teaching with, and you're not
1170 01:45:38 --> 01:45:42 going to be successful because you're doing things wrong. Okay, so you have to
1171 01:45:42 --> 01:45:48 always have your chart set to New York local time, and at 1130 and 130 that
1172 01:45:48 --> 01:45:53 defines your lunch macro time. But at the end of that, at 1:30pm Eastern
1173 01:45:53 --> 01:45:59 Standard Time, that starts the afternoon session. So that's your first 30 minutes
1174 01:45:59 --> 01:46:04 leading up to two o'clock. In that first 30 minutes, you're going to see fair
1175 01:46:04 --> 01:46:11 value gaps form. You're going to see other PD don't think that my fair value
1176 01:46:11 --> 01:46:16 gap in the first 30 minutes of 930, to 10 o'clock, like that's the only one
1177 01:46:16 --> 01:46:20 trick pony. Every single one of my PD arrays exist in that same element too.
1178 01:46:21 --> 01:46:28 Remember, I'm just teaching one principle, one little component, breaker
1179 01:46:28 --> 01:46:35 blocks, vacuum blocks, propulsion blocks, institutional order, flow,
1180 01:46:35 --> 01:46:43 entry, drill technically is still kind of fair. Back again, every PD array is
1181 01:46:43 --> 01:46:49 in there, volume and balance. If it forms the first one, it's the same
1182 01:46:49 --> 01:46:57 premise. Oh, explosion of opportunities just came in. Didn't see you think it's
1183 01:46:57 --> 01:47:01 just a one trick pony around here, honey. Listen to me, I have an arsenal.
1184 01:47:02 --> 01:47:07 I have stuff nobody's seen before, but you are selling yourself short, thinking
1185 01:47:07 --> 01:47:11 that you don't have enough already, like you have more than you would ever need.
1186 01:47:12 --> 01:47:15 I don't, never need to do anything else ever again. Talking about none of this,
1187 01:47:15 --> 01:47:20 you have more than enough, but I know how it is. You want more, and I have. I
1188 01:47:20 --> 01:47:24 love I love sharing. I love sharing. I love my wife more. Her name means
1189 01:47:24 --> 01:47:31 Sharon, but I love sharing. And I love the feedback that I get when people are
1190 01:47:31 --> 01:47:35 like, wow, I use this. I went right out there and I saw in price action, and
1191 01:47:35 --> 01:47:38 look what I just did. I take read this, and boom, boom, boom, there it is what I
1192 01:47:38 --> 01:47:41 don't want you doing. And this is what I'm seeing in the comment section.
1193 01:47:41 --> 01:47:44 There's one individual that's saying, I individual that's saying, I I hurt
1194 01:47:44 --> 01:47:49 myself, I made $1,500 and then I lost $1,000 in the next day. And please
1195 01:47:49 --> 01:47:53 encourage me every video. I'm encouraging you. I'm encouraging all of
1196 01:47:53 --> 01:48:00 you to follow the rules if you're taking what I'm doing in a lecture. Okay, I
1197 01:48:00 --> 01:48:05 mean this. If you're taking what I'm teaching in a lecture that given day or
1198 01:48:05 --> 01:48:08 the very next day, and you're trying to go out there and trade with it, with
1199 01:48:08 --> 01:48:11 your real money, with your funded account challenge or your funded
1200 01:48:11 --> 01:48:18 account, you are doing it wrong. I know that the tendencies for you to want to
1201 01:48:18 --> 01:48:20 be able to go out there and prove that it's going to make you money. If it
1202 01:48:20 --> 01:48:27 does, man, you're going to be ICT for life. I don't want you ICT for life. I
1203 01:48:27 --> 01:48:35 want you incorporated for life. Y, o, u incorporate you the enterprise this,
1204 01:48:35 --> 01:48:43 this conglomerate that you're building. You as a success story. I want you to be
1205 01:48:43 --> 01:48:48 that for life. I don't want you team ICT. Team ICT is nothing. There's no ICT
1206 01:48:48 --> 01:48:55 team. I'm a one man army. I'm training you all to be a one man or woman army.
1207 01:48:55 --> 01:48:58 That's it. You don't need anybody else. You need to plug in anybody else. You
1208 01:48:58 --> 01:49:03 need other kind of resources. You are capable of doing everything by yourself.
1209 01:49:03 --> 01:49:08 Once you learn this stuff, no one can take it from you, and they can't. They
1210 01:49:08 --> 01:49:12 can't discount it. Who's gonna say you can't do what I'm doing or more than I'm
1211 01:49:12 --> 01:49:20 showing nobody just you, but stop trying to go out there and try to use it right
1212 01:49:20 --> 01:49:24 away. You haven't spent enough time listen. We've we just started doing
1213 01:49:24 --> 01:49:28 mentorship. It's only been a month, and some of you think that that's, well,
1214 01:49:28 --> 01:49:31 you're too long in it now, man, I should already be out there trading with it.
1215 01:49:31 --> 01:49:36 That's a moronic perspective. That's dollar menu mentorship, mentor advice.
1216 01:49:36 --> 01:49:40 I'm not telling you to do that. I'm not telling you to do that at all. I'm
1217 01:49:40 --> 01:49:45 telling you, do the opposite, sit still. You shouldn't need to be taking any
1218 01:49:45 --> 01:49:50 trades with real money this year, this year. That's the reality. And if you
1219 01:49:50 --> 01:49:54 don't like that, don't watch my videos. I mean that because I don't like when
1220 01:49:54 --> 01:49:59 you leave comments. And I'm not getting a lot of them, but I'm getting them. I
1221 01:49:59 --> 01:50:03 try to. Use this and I lost money. Can you tell me what I did wrong? You
1222 01:50:03 --> 01:50:08 started using it before you understood how to use it, just like I did when I
1223 01:50:08 --> 01:50:14 bought my ZX 14 in 2008 that was the fastest motorcycle, fastest one. I've
1224 01:50:14 --> 01:50:19 never owned a motorcycle before. Midlife crisis. I'm 35 years old. Hey, you know
1225 01:50:19 --> 01:50:23 what I need to do? I need a I need a rocket. I got everything else I need. I
1226 01:50:24 --> 01:50:29 don't need anything else, but you know what I need? I need a rocket. So I
1227 01:50:29 --> 01:50:38 bought it. And a year later, on March 9, 2009 at one o'clock in the afternoon, I
1228 01:50:38 --> 01:50:43 should have died, and now my body hurts every single day because I did something
1229 01:50:43 --> 01:50:49 impulsively, recklessly, buying and operating something that I didn't have.
1230 01:50:49 --> 01:50:52 I didn't have the skill set to do that, and you don't have the skill set to use
1231 01:50:52 --> 01:50:55 this information yet with real money, with real risk, you don't have that
1232 01:50:56 --> 01:51:01 experience. And I didn't want to pull up the next money at a light and say, Dude,
1233 01:51:01 --> 01:51:07 the 600 look at you. I didn't want that feeling, so I told myself, I'll be
1234 01:51:08 --> 01:51:13 responsible. I won't drive it fast. Deep down inside, I couldn't wait to go 200
1235 01:51:13 --> 01:51:18 mile an hour, but wait, right So, and it wasn't. But three weeks later, I'm doing
1236 01:51:18 --> 01:51:25 155 miles an hour on Pulaski highway in front of Oak Grove liquors, going north
1237 01:51:26 --> 01:51:31 to Aberdeen area, going that direction away from the city, basically in
1238 01:51:31 --> 01:51:36 Baltimore. 155 mile an hour in an area where there's multiple intersections,
1239 01:51:36 --> 01:51:40 people don't even stop at the stop sign. And I was chasing after a Pony Boy in a
1240 01:51:40 --> 01:51:43 Mustang that was encouraging me, and that was Satan. I knew that was he was
1241 01:51:43 --> 01:51:46 trying to get me chased, and I did. I was right on his bumper, and then all of
1242 01:51:46 --> 01:51:48 a sudden, reality hit me.
1243 01:51:50 --> 01:51:56 I started feeling like my stop loss is about to get ran. And my body started
1244 01:51:56 --> 01:52:01 shaking. And I realized that if this guy was suicidal or nuts, and he slams his
1245 01:52:01 --> 01:52:06 brakes and brakes checks me, I'm dead. And then that wasn't enough. They're
1246 01:52:06 --> 01:52:09 doing construction down the road in front of me, and all the cones that are
1247 01:52:09 --> 01:52:13 lowering us over into the left hand lane, all this is happening instantly.
1248 01:52:13 --> 01:52:18 I'm getting all this rush of information inside of a window of visibility of five
1249 01:52:18 --> 01:52:22 inches. If you ever been over 100 and some mile an hour on a motorcycle, you
1250 01:52:22 --> 01:52:27 get this tunnel vision, and it's exciting. It's exhilarating, but you can
1251 01:52:27 --> 01:52:31 only see about five inches in diameter if you hold your hands out in front of
1252 01:52:31 --> 01:52:34 you and connect your thumb tips together and your index fingers and try to make
1253 01:52:34 --> 01:52:39 that in like a perfect circle at your arm's length. That's all you see when
1254 01:52:39 --> 01:52:42 you're going real fast on a motorcycle. Everything else is like, warp speed blur
1255 01:52:42 --> 01:52:46 and it's weird. Like, you can watch these guys on YouTube and they're going
1256 01:52:46 --> 01:52:50 real fast and you see everything. It's like, wow, this is great. That's what I
1257 01:52:50 --> 01:52:52 did. But it's all together, something different. The first time you
1258 01:52:52 --> 01:52:58 experienced that warp speed tunnel vision, it is scary. Like, it's very,
1259 01:52:58 --> 01:53:01 very scary. And the only thing I could see in that little, tiny, little
1260 01:53:01 --> 01:53:05 diameter, was this young boy looking in the rearview mirror, giving me the hang
1261 01:53:05 --> 01:53:09 loose, shaking his thumb and pinky at me, like, yeah, yeah, yeah, go, go, go.
1262 01:53:11 --> 01:53:16 And I started panicking. I literally had a panic attack on the motorcycle. I was
1263 01:53:16 --> 01:53:19 literally gripping this thing. I pulled a groin muscle nearly just trying to
1264 01:53:19 --> 01:53:22 keep myself holding on to this motorcycle, but I didn't want to look
1265 01:53:22 --> 01:53:25 weak in front of him. I didn't want to look like I didn't know what I was
1266 01:53:25 --> 01:53:33 doing, but I was scared to death, and I started realizing I'm so fast you just
1267 01:53:33 --> 01:53:37 can't stop a motorcycle, like you have to learn how to navigate around things,
1268 01:53:37 --> 01:53:40 because stopping is not always the best solution, because you just can't stop.
1269 01:53:40 --> 01:53:45 You don't have enough weight to bring you to a stop. So all these things came
1270 01:53:45 --> 01:53:48 up into my mind, and you're probably thinking, What's this got to do with
1271 01:53:48 --> 01:53:52 trading? It has everything to do with what you're doing wrong. I should have
1272 01:53:52 --> 01:53:55 never been in that situation. Three months, I'm sorry, three weeks after
1273 01:53:55 --> 01:54:02 buying the ZX 14 ninja Kawasaki Ninja in 2008 three weeks after buying my first
1274 01:54:02 --> 01:54:09 motorcycle, I'm at 155 miles an hour, ready to become a statistic, stupidly
1275 01:54:11 --> 01:54:16 chasing after something that was all wrong. What was I doing there? I was
1276 01:54:16 --> 01:54:20 looking at an influencer on the road, just like you're watching influencers
1277 01:54:20 --> 01:54:24 like me and other people on the internet. Wow, that Mustang boy thinks
1278 01:54:24 --> 01:54:30 he's fast. Watch this. I'm gonna go smoke him. I'm doing everything for the
1279 01:54:30 --> 01:54:35 wrong reasons, and I'm opening myself for risk. He's not at risk. He's inside
1280 01:54:35 --> 01:54:39 of his car safe. He's got better brakes. He has the ability to stop better than I
1281 01:54:39 --> 01:54:45 do, and I'm literally one front wheel with away from his bumper, staring at
1282 01:54:45 --> 01:54:53 him in his rear view mirror, through his back window. With no skill. I have zero
1283 01:54:53 --> 01:55:01 skill, none at the time, none. Thank God he. Struck me with fear, because I was
1284 01:55:01 --> 01:55:08 literally Okay. I'm coming off the acceleration, and I literally wanted to
1285 01:55:08 --> 01:55:13 throw up like I was scared, like I was genuinely scared to death, because I was
1286 01:55:13 --> 01:55:16 being piped into one lane, and the lanes were already stacking up ahead of them,
1287 01:55:17 --> 01:55:25 and I'm I don't have much time to bring myself down speed, downshift, downshift,
1288 01:55:25 --> 01:55:28 downshift. And I get up to the light. And of course, you know me. I'm a man.
1289 01:55:30 --> 01:55:33 He pulls up next to me. He's looking at me, yeah, yeah, yeah. He rose his minute
1290 01:55:33 --> 01:55:38 down, and I got my visor down. He can't see me. I'm panting and I'm shaking. So
1291 01:55:38 --> 01:55:42 what I do? I do the old, cool biker lean. I put my hands on my leg and put
1292 01:55:42 --> 01:55:46 my hands on the tank, and I'm pressing my arms down on the tank because I don't
1293 01:55:46 --> 01:55:51 want anybody seeing I'm shaking. I'm scared to death. I'm hopped up on
1294 01:55:51 --> 01:55:55 goofballs adrenaline and fear, and I'm thanking the good Lord that I did not
1295 01:55:55 --> 01:56:01 become a pink mist. I would have came apart at that speed. It would have been
1296 01:56:01 --> 01:56:10 a closed coffin. And my uncle, who was like my big brother, September 4, 1979
1297 01:56:11 --> 01:56:15 at noon that day, he took me for a ride on his motorcycle. I could still smell
1298 01:56:15 --> 01:56:19 his sweat on the back of his T shirt holding on to him. That was the coolest
1299 01:56:19 --> 01:56:23 moment ever. And 12 hours later, he died on that same road, not just a quarter
1300 01:56:23 --> 01:56:28 mile from where I was at at that moment. And it all hit me at that time, and I
1301 01:56:28 --> 01:56:31 was like, Okay, I can't even take anymore. I gotta. I'm gonna turn right
1302 01:56:31 --> 01:56:34 and I'll go down into a road. I'll go I'll go that direction. I just gotta get
1303 01:56:34 --> 01:56:39 off this highway. And I literally took my ass home, and I sat there, and I
1304 01:56:39 --> 01:56:44 thought to myself, Man, I could have died doing something stupid. I could
1305 01:56:44 --> 01:56:51 have done something really, really dumb. And here's the thing, I survived, that I
1306 01:56:51 --> 01:56:56 knew better not to do it again. But a year later, my first ride the spring
1307 01:56:56 --> 01:57:02 March 9, 2009 it's a good day out here. I'm going to go take my bike out, let it
1308 01:57:02 --> 01:57:09 run for 20 minutes. It's been sitting. Get out there. Boom, open it up. And an
1309 01:57:09 --> 01:57:14 old guy comes in and puts me into a curb, and I fly a 50 mile an hour over
1310 01:57:15 --> 01:57:21 to handlebars, 85 feet in the air, laying on my head. Break my clavicle two
1311 01:57:21 --> 01:57:26 places, break three ribs, detach my scapula, crush all of my molars in my
1312 01:57:26 --> 01:57:33 mouth, all of my molars, all my chewing teeth, are crushed. I should have been
1313 01:57:33 --> 01:57:37 dead, and I have spinal injuries as a result of that. I didn't learn my
1314 01:57:37 --> 01:57:42 lesson. I was given grace. I didn't learn my lesson. I didn't learn my
1315 01:57:42 --> 01:57:46 lesson. I figured I've been driving for a year now. I've been riding for a year
1316 01:57:46 --> 01:57:51 now. I haven't really been ridden for for a year, but I allowed my impulses
1317 01:57:51 --> 01:57:55 because I saw other people riding around that day, I was like, You know what? I
1318 01:57:55 --> 01:58:01 want to I want to take my bike out. And I was influenced by other people that
1319 01:58:01 --> 01:58:05 are doing things recklessly, too, and that's exactly what you're doing. When
1320 01:58:05 --> 01:58:09 you watch my content or anybody else's content, you're thinking, I want to do
1321 01:58:09 --> 01:58:13 what they're doing. I want to have that same fun. Wow, that must be, that must
1322 01:58:13 --> 01:58:17 be really cool. They're trading with 20 accounts. They got $10,000 payout. They
1323 01:58:17 --> 01:58:21 got this. They got that. ICT this. Did $100,000 trade every year. What if I did
1324 01:58:21 --> 01:58:26 that with 20 accounts? I could be this. Don't let me influence you like that. Do
1325 01:58:26 --> 01:58:31 not let me influence you like that. That's not what I'm here for. I'm here
1326 01:58:31 --> 01:58:35 to remind you what's possible, but you're going to work your ass off to get
1327 01:58:35 --> 01:58:42 to that level, and there's no reason to take stupid, high level risks. I would
1328 01:58:42 --> 01:58:49 have left my family behind the year before, but thankfully, God said no, and
1329 01:58:49 --> 01:58:53 because it didn't listen, he didn't give me anxiety on that second ride. He let
1330 01:58:53 --> 01:58:59 me have all of it up to the point of almost death, and he has, still to this
1331 01:58:59 --> 01:59:03 day, every spring I see other most like, what's out there? And I always had the
1332 01:59:03 --> 01:59:07 itch, like, I think myself, I can get one. I'll just get me, I'll get me one
1333 01:59:07 --> 01:59:10 of the cruisers. And as soon as I start feeling that way, boom, my back goes
1334 01:59:10 --> 01:59:14 into major spasms, and I have it for weeks. That's the Lord telling me you're
1335 01:59:14 --> 01:59:18 stupid. You're being stupid right now, how many times I gotta keep you from
1336 01:59:18 --> 01:59:23 doing this? That's a natural human tendency, don't walk on the grass. I'm
1337 01:59:23 --> 01:59:26 moonwalking on it. That's what we do as humans. We do everything we're not
1338 01:59:26 --> 01:59:30 supposed to do. That's why everybody fails in this industry, because it's so
1339 01:59:30 --> 01:59:36 hard to keep control over yourself. And then you have social media, people like
1340 01:59:36 --> 01:59:39 me and other people out there that are telling people what they do, what they
1341 01:59:39 --> 01:59:45 can learn from you, whatever. Do not let me influence you to do things ahead of
1342 01:59:45 --> 01:59:50 schedule. That's why I tell you all the time. Take your time. There's no rush.
1343 01:59:50 --> 01:59:55 These markets are still going to be trading six months from now. Just relax.
1344 01:59:55 --> 02:00:00 If you don't give yourself the ability to see it properly, you might be. I'm
1345 02:00:00 --> 02:00:05 that pink mist, and you're gone. What can you do about it? Then nothing.
1346 02:00:07 --> 02:00:10 You've wrecked yourself, you've lost more money. You'll never probably want
1347 02:00:10 --> 02:00:13 to trade ever again, because you did it wrong. But you'll think that this stuff
1348 02:00:13 --> 02:00:16 doesn't work. And that's exactly what these people do on the internet. They
1349 02:00:16 --> 02:00:20 tried to do something quick with it, or they thought it was gonna be 123, watch
1350 02:00:20 --> 02:00:23 a video in five minutes. Oh, it works, because I can prove it in five minutes.
1351 02:00:23 --> 02:00:26 No, it doesn't work like that.
1352 02:00:28 --> 02:00:34 So my encouragement to you, young man, is stop trying to use it right away. You
1353 02:00:34 --> 02:00:38 don't know what you're doing, just like I didn't know how to use all that speed
1354 02:00:38 --> 02:00:44 and power in 2008 and in 2009 and ultimately, it could have ended me. So
1355 02:00:44 --> 02:00:51 while I still love bikes, I love them. I can't buy one and I can't ride one
1356 02:00:51 --> 02:00:57 because I'm afraid that I won't have the outcome that still keeps me here, and I
1357 02:00:57 --> 02:01:00 live with pain chronically every single day because I did not listen to good
1358 02:01:00 --> 02:01:04 common sense. The year before, I should have got rid of the bike, because I
1359 02:01:04 --> 02:01:10 wasn't able to compose myself and be responsible as a rider, I was literally,
1360 02:01:10 --> 02:01:15 you know, a squid. I was out there with not the proper equipment, speeding
1361 02:01:15 --> 02:01:21 around with no skill doing dumb stuff. And I watch kids every single week in
1362 02:01:21 --> 02:01:25 our area end up on the news because they do that same stuff. They're influenced
1363 02:01:25 --> 02:01:29 by their friends and people online or whatever, and they buy bikes they can't
1364 02:01:29 --> 02:01:34 they can't handle it. And what you're learning from me is faster and powerful
1365 02:01:35 --> 02:01:41 than a ZX 13 was faster than a Hayabusa, faster than all that stuff. This stuff
1366 02:01:41 --> 02:01:45 is rocket science, and you're out there trying to treat it like it's checkers.
1367 02:01:45 --> 02:01:48 Oh, I'm gonna go out here. It's all gotta do is this, this, this, and I
1368 02:01:48 --> 02:01:53 don't know, you have no idea. And that's why I teach the way I do. My concepts
1369 02:01:53 --> 02:01:56 are amazing. They're perfect, they're the market. But if you don't have the
1370 02:01:56 --> 02:02:01 right mindset or control over yourself, you'll hurt yourself. And I'm ICT, and I
1371 02:02:01 --> 02:02:07 just told you something about my personal life, that as a human being, I
1372 02:02:07 --> 02:02:11 abandoned the rules that I live by. I saw something I was influenced by other
1373 02:02:11 --> 02:02:15 people. I want that bike. I went to the shop said, what's the fastest bike right
1374 02:02:15 --> 02:02:18 now? That's what I asked for. I didn't say, Can you give me something as a new
1375 02:02:18 --> 02:02:22 ride? That was not what I asked for. I want the fastest what everybody wants
1376 02:02:22 --> 02:02:26 right now, that's the bike I want. And I walked out here with cash, boom, and I
1377 02:02:26 --> 02:02:29 drove it home brand new. Listen, for people that ride bikes, you know how
1378 02:02:29 --> 02:02:33 stupid this was. I didn't leave it there and pick it up the next day because it
1379 02:02:33 --> 02:02:40 was thunderstorming, and I drove it home in the rain and had people laying on
1380 02:02:40 --> 02:02:45 their horns behind me because I knew the wrong little movement. I'm probably
1381 02:02:45 --> 02:02:48 going to go down with this thing because brand new tires are too smooth, and
1382 02:02:48 --> 02:02:52 you're you're going to hide your plane real easy. And I drove home in a
1383 02:02:52 --> 02:02:56 thunderstorm with probably a mile of cars behind me. Some of them went around
1384 02:02:56 --> 02:03:00 me and beat the horn almost cut me off. It's just to me all that mad at me, but
1385 02:03:00 --> 02:03:05 I was doing everything wrong about being a biker. Everything wrong. I checked
1386 02:03:05 --> 02:03:13 every box. Now I live a pain. You can hurt yourself financially beyond your
1387 02:03:13 --> 02:03:18 comprehension. If you do things wrong, you could owe. You could owe more money
1388 02:03:18 --> 02:03:22 than you have trading in environments like a CPI or PPI number, say you're
1389 02:03:22 --> 02:03:25 ahead of it, and you don't know that it's it's coming out in the marketplace,
1390 02:03:25 --> 02:03:29 and you're short, and then they they reprice it hundreds of handles against
1391 02:03:29 --> 02:03:34 you. You're not getting filled even if you had a stop loss. Now you owe the
1392 02:03:34 --> 02:03:38 broker more money than you have in the account. Then you have in your bank
1393 02:03:38 --> 02:03:41 account, then you're going to earn in the next couple months, if you had no
1394 02:03:41 --> 02:03:45 bills, you see what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to prevent all those types of
1395 02:03:45 --> 02:03:51 things. So while I may be a character that people like to take shots at, and I
1396 02:03:51 --> 02:03:56 love it, but I'm also trying to be a voice of reason, because you literally
1397 02:03:56 --> 02:04:00 need to learn this the proper way, and it needs to be at a slow pace. Because
1398 02:04:00 --> 02:04:03 if you think that you're going to watch a video and figure, oh, it says, I know
1399 02:04:03 --> 02:04:06 what I'm doing here, and then you go out there and try it with real money, and
1400 02:04:06 --> 02:04:11 you don't know everything about what you're doing and how you think you might
1401 02:04:11 --> 02:04:14 add to a losing position, because you think, no, it's right. Because ICT says,
1402 02:04:14 --> 02:04:19 I have, I have students that act like a like a fan. I don't want fans. I'm not a
1403 02:04:19 --> 02:04:24 celebrity. I don't like fandom. I want people that are responsible and say, You
1404 02:04:24 --> 02:04:30 know what? I love the fact that you're responding to people like this, and
1405 02:04:30 --> 02:04:34 you're reminding us of the risks. Because there's real risks in this,
1406 02:04:34 --> 02:04:38 folks more than you realize, and you don't really appreciate it until you
1407 02:04:38 --> 02:04:42 first start doing it, and then all the things that you never imagined were a
1408 02:04:42 --> 02:04:47 factor. They are much more significant factors than the things you're thinking
1409 02:04:47 --> 02:04:50 are big, big rocks in the road for you to find success, the things you're
1410 02:04:50 --> 02:04:53 worrying about right now that you think are impeding your ability to do this.
1411 02:04:53 --> 02:04:57 They're small, little, tiny pebbles on the road. They're not going to do
1412 02:04:57 --> 02:05:01 anything for you. They're not going to hold you back. But you think they are
1413 02:05:01 --> 02:05:04 the bigger things are the ones that you're going to run into in the road
1414 02:05:04 --> 02:05:07 where it's like a brick wall. You're like, wow, I didn't see that coming. I
1415 02:05:07 --> 02:05:11 didn't think it was ever going to happen to me, right? And until you have someone
1416 02:05:11 --> 02:05:14 telling you this is what's likely to occur in if you try to do this and do
1417 02:05:14 --> 02:05:18 that, at least you're aware of it. You're not taken by surprise. And if the
1418 02:05:18 --> 02:05:21 people that are being responsible are listening to me, they're like, Okay, I'm
1419 02:05:21 --> 02:05:24 not doing that because I don't want to find out that I'm not prepared and I
1420 02:05:24 --> 02:05:29 hurt myself in the process. That's why the women do better, because they're not
1421 02:05:30 --> 02:05:34 extreme risk takers, like men are, like I was in 2008 like I was in 2000 at
1422 02:05:34 --> 02:05:41 night, and I live with chronic pain now. So anyway, I know, dude, nobody cares
1423 02:05:41 --> 02:05:45 about your motorcycle. Nobody cares about your back pain. So if you look at
1424 02:05:45 --> 02:05:51 the the drop here on Tuesday, I was in the latter half of it, and you saw that
1425 02:05:51 --> 02:05:58 on the execution videos on the YouTube channel the next day that Wednesday, we
1426 02:05:58 --> 02:06:12 have a candlestick high here. Now watch this. That is your Sibi. This your cell
1427 02:06:12 --> 02:06:14 sign imbalance by signing efficiency,
1428 02:06:20 --> 02:06:28 this big displacement, lower here, this up close candle and this up close candle
1429 02:06:28 --> 02:06:35 that makes all one singular bearish order block. It's not the last up close
1430 02:06:35 --> 02:06:41 candle. When I taught it initially, I taught it that way because I knew
1431 02:06:41 --> 02:06:45 everybody's gonna come out there and start teaching courses with it. There
1432 02:06:45 --> 02:06:49 are times where I will do this. And the rules for using the up close candle,
1433 02:06:49 --> 02:06:53 last one before the drop down, that definition will be in my book, because
1434 02:06:53 --> 02:06:56 then it's in written format. That means everything after that will be
1435 02:06:56 --> 02:07:02 disparating the written works of me, the audio commentary, the rules, okay, I
1436 02:07:02 --> 02:07:09 have slowly sprinkled the logic out because I'm competing with every
1437 02:07:09 --> 02:07:13 plagiarist in the world right now that wants to put this into a book form. They
1438 02:07:13 --> 02:07:16 all want to be able to say they had it in their book first. That's why I'm
1439 02:07:16 --> 02:07:21 doing it here in my own voice on YouTube. And there's millions of you now
1440 02:07:21 --> 02:07:25 have watched and watched me talk about this and teach it and and I'm the only
1441 02:07:25 --> 02:07:28 one out here demonstrating it properly. You might have a winning trade here and
1442 02:07:28 --> 02:07:31 there, but you don't even know why your trade worked. Like you don't even know
1443 02:07:31 --> 02:07:34 why that order block worked, or that inversion fair value gap did what it was
1444 02:07:34 --> 02:07:39 supposed to do. You assumed that you could handle that ZX 14, and you jumped
1445 02:07:39 --> 02:07:42 on it and you took a trade. You just happen to live through it like I did in
1446 02:07:42 --> 02:07:49 2008 and I barely lived through it in 2009 you see the difference. So because
1447 02:07:49 --> 02:07:56 of this displacement lower, we can't use this candlestick high here to that
1448 02:07:56 --> 02:08:03 candlesticks low, we have to refer to the truest beginning point of the order
1449 02:08:03 --> 02:08:09 block, which is this run up. Okay, something here came into the marketplace
1450 02:08:09 --> 02:08:13 that was unbeknownst to me. I don't care. I'm not trading in the morning
1451 02:08:14 --> 02:08:18 session, but I saw what it was doing. So I went in and I worked with the position
1452 02:08:18 --> 02:08:23 of getting short inside of this daily range, the latter portion of it the
1453 02:08:23 --> 02:08:30 afternoon session, post 1:30pm Eastern, Standard Time. So we have to look at
1454 02:08:30 --> 02:08:35 this candlestick here. So what three price points here on this candlestick
1455 02:08:35 --> 02:08:41 are pertinent or useful? We're down in the volume of balance. See that. And now
1456 02:08:41 --> 02:08:45 what you'll do is you will look at this wick here, and you'll look at this wick
1457 02:08:46 --> 02:08:49 here, divide that in half, and both of them. I'm not going to do it because I'm
1458 02:08:49 --> 02:08:52 trying to get through this lecture already longer than I want it to be.
1459 02:08:52 --> 02:08:55 It's always like, I know if I say it's going to be short, it's going to be a
1460 02:08:55 --> 02:09:01 long one. But the I love over delivering the difference between this candle
1461 02:09:01 --> 02:09:09 sticks low and that candle sticks low. Okay, see that? What is that? That's
1462 02:09:09 --> 02:09:16 your fair value guy. This is just a city. This is a fair value gap. This is
1463 02:09:16 --> 02:09:19 why, when I look at other people on YouTube and ultra they'll say, here's a
1464 02:09:19 --> 02:09:25 fair value gap. That's not a fair Vega. That's not a fair Vega, that's not a
1465 02:09:25 --> 02:09:29 imbalance that I'm going to utilize. See what you're thinking is because you've
1466 02:09:29 --> 02:09:33 listened to me with graduated explanations, because I'm giving a
1467 02:09:33 --> 02:09:39 little bit like a slow leak. Okay? I'm leaking out. I'm teaching, but I'm not
1468 02:09:39 --> 02:09:45 giving you everything, because you all out there see people trying to pretend
1469 02:09:45 --> 02:09:48 that they know what them I'm teaching, or they had it figured out, and they're
1470 02:09:48 --> 02:09:51 trying to make courses, and they're writing books on Amazon, because it's
1471 02:09:51 --> 02:09:54 very easy for someone to throw something together and Amazon spits it out there.
1472 02:09:54 --> 02:10:01 Okay, I could have my books out there in two weeks, but I'm. Writing with my
1473 02:10:01 --> 02:10:06 producer, my my publisher, about the way I want my covers to be, because I only
1474 02:10:06 --> 02:10:11 get one chance to do this once. I once I've released the book for public, I
1475 02:10:11 --> 02:10:16 want, I want my way. And they're wrestling with, you know, well, you know
1476 02:10:16 --> 02:10:21 costs are going to be, I don't care. I'm not doing to make money. But see, that's
1477 02:10:21 --> 02:10:25 not what they see. They want to make money with it. So we're kind of back and
1478 02:10:25 --> 02:10:30 forth with it over that. So it'll be released when we finalize all that that
1479 02:10:30 --> 02:10:34 stuff, because I want the covers to look exactly how I want them, and I'm getting
1480 02:10:34 --> 02:10:37 a little bit resistance because of them saying the cost and what I want to
1481 02:10:37 --> 02:10:41 receive as a royalty for each book too. It's, it's a little bit of a back and
1482 02:10:41 --> 02:10:45 forth. And if you keep messing around, it's going to Self Publish, and I'll get
1483 02:10:45 --> 02:10:51 all the money. So if you look at the the low here to that candlesticks high, that
1484 02:10:51 --> 02:10:56 is your rear, that's your that's your real fair value guy, other folks on the
1485 02:10:56 --> 02:11:07 internet may see this and say, Okay. ICT says that the best portion of shorts are
1486 02:11:07 --> 02:11:12 going to occur in the lower half of that and we'll leave the upper half open. And
1487 02:11:12 --> 02:11:17 that is true when you're trading and utilizing a fair value gap that is a
1488 02:11:17 --> 02:11:22 city. But that is not what's going on here. That's why I tell you all the
1489 02:11:22 --> 02:11:29 time, there is no one trick pony explanation for a fair value gap. You
1490 02:11:29 --> 02:11:34 have to understand other factors and other PD arrays. You want a fast track
1491 02:11:34 --> 02:11:38 to selling books and courses and being mentors, because it's easy quick money.
1492 02:11:39 --> 02:11:42 But when people realize that there's someone out there that's authored it.
1493 02:11:42 --> 02:11:46 It's teaching it for free. You're losing subs, you're losing subscription costs
1494 02:11:46 --> 02:11:49 and fees coming in a month, and then he's going to make you mad and going to
1495 02:11:49 --> 02:11:51 hate me. You're going to create sock puppet accounts, you're going to troll
1496 02:11:51 --> 02:11:55 me. You're going to leave comments in my comment section that make me smile and
1497 02:11:55 --> 02:12:00 make me make longer videos because I like doing it. That is not what we're
1498 02:12:00 --> 02:12:04 seeing here. This is a change in a state of delivery right there. That opening
1499 02:12:04 --> 02:12:16 price in a perfect world. Price would do this. It would trade up to that level
1500 02:12:16 --> 02:12:20 there. Maybe this is a little bit above it, and then roll over, go lower. That's
1501 02:12:20 --> 02:12:27 the perfect world. But if we're thinking about things algorithmically, and I'm
1502 02:12:27 --> 02:12:31 teaching you how to use these PBA race properly, not look for an imbalance that
1503 02:12:31 --> 02:12:35 completely closes in, then I'm going to go long or short based on that. That is
1504 02:12:35 --> 02:12:39 the worst approach to doing that. That's the worst. That's the lowest form of
1505 02:12:39 --> 02:12:44 trading with imbalances. That's the lowest form. Why would you want to do
1506 02:12:44 --> 02:12:49 that? You're a bottom feeder. Doing that, there's more likelihood that your
1507 02:12:49 --> 02:12:52 trade's going to fail if you trade like that than if you use the logic I'm
1508 02:12:52 --> 02:12:57 teaching, which is, you don't want to see them fill in. You don't want to see
1509 02:12:57 --> 02:13:00 them fill in. So if this is the change in the state of delivery, it means the
1510 02:13:00 --> 02:13:03 price was offered going up to this is buy side delivery. It means the movement
1511 02:13:03 --> 02:13:09 of price is going up. Then you have this displacement lower that overtakes that
1512 02:13:09 --> 02:13:12 candlesticks low. Your reference point goes right back to that opening price.
1513 02:13:13 --> 02:13:16 That's the change in the state of delivery. If you look at this price
1514 02:13:16 --> 02:13:21 right here, this is on a well, let's just do it. And if I talk about it, it's
1515 02:13:21 --> 02:13:26 one thing. But we're going to look at Tuesday's price action, September 3. And
1516 02:13:26 --> 02:13:31 the price is being annotated here on that opening candle that that price of
1517 02:13:31 --> 02:13:36 that opening on this individual candlestick of Thursday, August 29 so
1518 02:13:37 --> 02:13:41 when we drop down to a lower time frame, this blue line is referencing this
1519 02:13:41 --> 02:13:45 candlesticks opening price. Okay, let's watch. We'll drop down to an hourly
1520 02:13:45 --> 02:13:58 chart. You already see it, don't you? You see it? What's going on here? It's
1521 02:13:58 --> 02:14:03 leaving all this open. Light bulbs are coming on, right? Let me go back to the
1522 02:14:03 --> 02:14:10 deal chart. I want you to fully understand what I'm showing you, this
1523 02:14:10 --> 02:14:16 candlestick that opening price. We're drawing that out in the future, when
1524 02:14:16 --> 02:14:19 price reaches this level, I'm
1525 02:14:25 --> 02:14:29 I know when I change time frames, I get a lot of comments that they're saying.
1526 02:14:29 --> 02:14:34 Can you go slower when you talk about price and you change the time frames? I
1527 02:14:34 --> 02:14:39 get lost. I get it. But that's that's the benefit of having a video, and it's
1528 02:14:39 --> 02:14:44 also where you use the pause button and you compare what my charts showing. I
1529 02:14:44 --> 02:14:48 always make a point of putting my my cursor on the individual candlestick. So
1530 02:14:48 --> 02:14:51 that way, if you're really trying to learn this, you're going to be doing
1531 02:14:51 --> 02:14:55 this same thing in your own charts. Because if you're not doing it in your
1532 02:14:55 --> 02:14:58 own charts and and trying to replicate what I'm showing you here in your own
1533 02:14:58 --> 02:15:02 charts with your own annotation. Times I mean this sincerely, okay, I'm not
1534 02:15:02 --> 02:15:06 trying to be mean spirited, because I really want you to learn. I'm talking to
1535 02:15:06 --> 02:15:13 Caleb right now, but other people are commenting, saying that I'm going too
1536 02:15:13 --> 02:15:17 fast, or I'm trying to confuse them, and I'm trying to hide something. I'm
1537 02:15:17 --> 02:15:23 literally trying to do everything I can to give you the perspective of how to
1538 02:15:23 --> 02:15:25 find it in your own chart, which is exactly what you're supposed to be
1539 02:15:25 --> 02:15:30 doing. My son is not going to just keep getting my charts annotating after the
1540 02:15:30 --> 02:15:34 fact. This is the PDA race. He's going to be expected in two weeks. At the end
1541 02:15:34 --> 02:15:38 of two weeks, he's going to start doing it. He has to do it in his charts.
1542 02:15:38 --> 02:15:41 That's what you're going to be doing when you trade, when you eventually get
1543 02:15:41 --> 02:15:44 to the point when you trade with your when you trade with your own money or
1544 02:15:44 --> 02:15:49 take risk with a funded account company, whatever it is, those elements of what
1545 02:15:49 --> 02:15:53 you've been doing and practicing are all going to culminate to that moment. If
1546 02:15:53 --> 02:15:56 you're not, if you've been only looking at what I've created, how can you be
1547 02:15:56 --> 02:16:01 confident? You won't be you won't be confident. You won't know what you're
1548 02:16:01 --> 02:16:06 doing. Okay, so this box here is highlighting. We'll do a different color
1549 02:16:06 --> 02:16:09 so it stands out a little bit differently. We'll make an ugly yellow.
1550 02:16:11 --> 02:16:17 ICT, it's my favorite color. Look, man, I don't like yellow. Okay, so if we drop
1551 02:16:17 --> 02:16:21 back down to a 60 minute chart, it's an hourly chart where
1552 02:16:30 --> 02:16:39 we got here. Why is that not going on to my I think I have it set to only show
1553 02:16:39 --> 02:16:41 one one time, right? I think so.
1554 02:16:47 --> 02:16:53 All intervals now back down to a 60 minutes. There we go. Good grief. All
1555 02:16:53 --> 02:16:58 right, so you can see what I was referring referring to here, where price
1556 02:16:58 --> 02:17:07 was wicking into that. This is one time where my watermark is not working with
1557 02:17:07 --> 02:17:13 me. So here's that opening price on that daily candlestick, that little movement
1558 02:17:13 --> 02:17:18 to the downside, and then it rallied up. Then we had that roll over on Tuesday.
1559 02:17:19 --> 02:17:24 Right this moment Here, look what price is doing. It's opening and trading right
1560 02:17:24 --> 02:17:30 back up to it. It's leaving all of this open, and it's leaving all of this open.
1561 02:17:31 --> 02:17:37 Now think about this young mentors. Okay, you're running mentorships. You're
1562 02:17:37 --> 02:17:42 trying to charge people money, teaching things you don't know how to use you're
1563 02:17:42 --> 02:17:46 going to look at this chart and say, Alright, folks, I'm running a signal
1564 02:17:46 --> 02:17:50 room. We're watching shorts. We're going to wait for price to get up into this
1565 02:17:50 --> 02:17:53 area here. And right now you're probably getting pissed off because I'm talking
1566 02:17:53 --> 02:17:58 about you. I don't know you by name. I know many of them in my mind I can think
1567 02:17:58 --> 02:18:01 of right now, I'm not going to out you here. I'm telling you how to fix what
1568 02:18:01 --> 02:18:05 you're doing wrong, because you're actually hurting people, and you're
1569 02:18:05 --> 02:18:09 defrauding people, and you're teaching stuff that you don't know how to do. So
1570 02:18:09 --> 02:18:13 because you're all here collecting and writing notes like scribes, I want you
1571 02:18:13 --> 02:18:16 to learn how to do it right, because when I'm gone, people are going to be
1572 02:18:16 --> 02:18:20 wanting to learn how to do this, and you're the first round of people
1573 02:18:20 --> 02:18:24 learning directly as I'm teaching it, so you have an advantage. So doesn't it
1574 02:18:24 --> 02:18:27 make sense to do it right and stop trying to in a hurry to get some quick
1575 02:18:27 --> 02:18:32 money? You can get a whole lifetime of money. I could be making 15 to $20
1576 02:18:32 --> 02:18:36 million every single month doing exactly what I'm doing right now, and I'm not
1577 02:18:36 --> 02:18:42 even skipping a beat. I don't need that money. You do. So if you want a whole
1578 02:18:42 --> 02:18:50 lifetime of educating with proper, respectable clientele that are going to
1579 02:18:50 --> 02:18:54 say, You know what, we trust you because you're you're able to do it, that's what
1580 02:18:54 --> 02:18:57 you want. You don't want people to think, wow, I have something I can teach
1581 02:18:57 --> 02:19:00 in hindsight and never have to do it in front of anybody or prove it. I'm
1582 02:19:00 --> 02:19:03 telling all of you if they're teaching Smart Money concepts, or if they're
1583 02:19:03 --> 02:19:08 teaching ICT stuff, unless they go out in front of the world and outline
1584 02:19:08 --> 02:19:12 exactly how it should do, behave everything you don't even need to take a
1585 02:19:12 --> 02:19:17 trade. Don't even do that. Tell us what the price is going to do if they fall on
1586 02:19:17 --> 02:19:20 their face, you just save your money. Okay, I promise you, that's the easiest
1587 02:19:20 --> 02:19:24 litmus test. You don't even need to see track records. You don't need to see
1588 02:19:24 --> 02:19:27 trading logs. You don't need to see broker statements. Have them come out on
1589 02:19:27 --> 02:19:31 a live stream, right on YouTube. Everybody can see it. I have students
1590 02:19:31 --> 02:19:36 that are doing it, not all of our teaching, obviously, but they can prove
1591 02:19:36 --> 02:19:39 that they're doing it. The easiest way to determine whether you're going to
1592 02:19:39 --> 02:19:43 waste your money is, can this person explain to me what price is going to do
1593 02:19:43 --> 02:19:46 beforehand? And because I have always marketed that you're going to learn how
1594 02:19:46 --> 02:19:49 to read price action, I cannot promise you that you're going to be profitable.
1595 02:19:49 --> 02:19:53 Why? Because you're going to be like I was in 2008 I'm going to buy the fastest
1596 02:19:53 --> 02:19:56 motorcycle and get out there and do stuff I'm not supposed to do. That's the
1597 02:19:56 --> 02:19:59 reason why I teach the way I teach, folks so all you foreigners that come at
1598 02:19:59 --> 02:20:03 me all the time. Oh, bro, you're a scammer. Fuck you. You have no idea what
1599 02:20:03 --> 02:20:08 you're talking about. You're broke. I'm not so this inefficiency right here, in
1600 02:20:08 --> 02:20:13 this inefficiency, it should never be traded to why would you expect these two
1601 02:20:13 --> 02:20:18 fair value gaps to ever be considered at all? If it's inside of that bearish fair
1602 02:20:18 --> 02:20:24 value gap and it's above the change in the state of delivery. That means it's
1603 02:20:24 --> 02:20:28 going to do what it's just going to go into a little bit. And then you want to
1604 02:20:28 --> 02:20:34 see these things stay open, because that indicates that we're really heavy. We're
1605 02:20:34 --> 02:20:38 real, real heavy. We don't need to see it go back up in here. But many of you
1606 02:20:38 --> 02:20:41 that are trying to teach courses and mentorships or signal services. I've
1607 02:20:41 --> 02:20:44 seen them. People send it to me. You're the ghost guy at Discord. He's trying to
1608 02:20:44 --> 02:20:47 sell short here. He's trying to buy here. He's trying to do that. And I'm
1609 02:20:47 --> 02:20:51 just responding with this. The blind leading the blind. You don't know what
1610 02:20:51 --> 02:20:55 you're doing. Every little separation between three candles like this is not a
1611 02:20:55 --> 02:21:02 fair value guy. It's not. This is further evidence that indicate that you
1612 02:21:02 --> 02:21:07 have to have more intel about the other PD arrays, because no matter which one
1613 02:21:07 --> 02:21:11 you start with, it could be the breaker block, it could be a propulsion block,
1614 02:21:11 --> 02:21:18 it could be a well volume bounce or fair value gap. You have to understand the
1615 02:21:18 --> 02:21:23 other ones, even if it's a small, little brief acknowledgement, okay, I recognize
1616 02:21:23 --> 02:21:26 it. That's not what I'm going to trade on. You have to refer to it because it's
1617 02:21:26 --> 02:21:32 part of the whole narrative of what price is doing. If I, if I wanted to do
1618 02:21:32 --> 02:21:35 it, and it was possible, I could just say, here's the here's the order block
1619 02:21:35 --> 02:21:38 theory, and you never need to worry about any other candlestick. But just
1620 02:21:38 --> 02:21:43 this one, you can't. It's impossible to do that because you have to have other
1621 02:21:43 --> 02:21:48 information from other facets of what price was doing. That's why you're all
1622 02:21:48 --> 02:21:52 you. You're angry at me because you think I'm hiding something from you when
1623 02:21:52 --> 02:21:55 I've told you that you have to do these things to get the answers you're asking
1624 02:21:55 --> 02:22:00 for. I know my limitation as a human being, as a teacher, I'm not going to
1625 02:22:00 --> 02:22:04 reach to the levels of what you expect in answers for certain things, because
1626 02:22:04 --> 02:22:09 those questions are answered with your own experience. And that doesn't satisfy
1627 02:22:09 --> 02:22:12 the people that are just one minute trainer, five minute trainer, teach it
1628 02:22:12 --> 02:22:18 to me in 20 minutes or less. I don't want students like that. I want people
1629 02:22:18 --> 02:22:22 that are going to be highly responsible and they are aware of what's being
1630 02:22:22 --> 02:22:24 taught and shown to them, because they can appreciate what's being shown to
1631 02:22:24 --> 02:22:29 them, because it's the truth. I can make this fraud. I can make this fluffed up
1632 02:22:29 --> 02:22:35 and all about Lamborghinis and stuff, but I can't come out here and show you
1633 02:22:35 --> 02:22:40 what I'm doing beforehand, if that's all that it is, and that's what most of what
1634 02:22:40 --> 02:22:44 you see on the internet right now is show everybody else my fancy, expensive
1635 02:22:44 --> 02:22:48 stuff. And once that happens, naughty wears off, then what are you left with
1636 02:22:48 --> 02:22:53 that people want to see you explain it. Why should it work in their own hands?
1637 02:22:53 --> 02:22:58 Because if you can't show the latte behind, why it should do something? Why
1638 02:22:58 --> 02:23:05 should anybody send you money. Why should anybody send you money for you
1639 02:23:05 --> 02:23:08 not being able to prove that you have an understanding what price is going to do
1640 02:23:08 --> 02:23:12 and you don't even need to push a button for that, folks, that's an easy litmus
1641 02:23:12 --> 02:23:16 test. Everybody out there in education has a blank check right now waiting for
1642 02:23:16 --> 02:23:19 them. If that's all I see said I gotta do well, here I can do it. Boom, there
1643 02:23:19 --> 02:23:24 it is. Watch how many people do it, though, and watch how you get banned.
1644 02:23:24 --> 02:23:27 Watch how you get blocked on an email, how you get blocked on social media,
1645 02:23:27 --> 02:23:30 when you ask them to do this stuff, I'm ready for it. I can do this every single
1646 02:23:30 --> 02:23:36 day, every single day. I'm not running out of any any yeast around here. Okay,
1647 02:23:36 --> 02:23:39 I got this Baker's got all kinds of flour and yeast. I can do it all day
1648 02:23:39 --> 02:23:43 long. But these inefficiencies are they're not going to fill they're not
1649 02:23:43 --> 02:23:50 going to trade back to you don't want them to now, because we have that, you
1650 02:23:50 --> 02:23:52 can drop down to a 15 minute time
1651 02:24:02 --> 02:24:02 frame you
1652 02:24:15 --> 02:24:21 man, it's watermark. Take it off Ichi T I want you to get rid of it anyway. I'm
1653 02:24:21 --> 02:24:26 trying to pirate your stuff. I know clowns, alright. So here's that opening
1654 02:24:26 --> 02:24:31 price on the daily candlestick, and it's the change in the state of delivery. And
1655 02:24:31 --> 02:24:35 you can see it wicking up into it we saw on that hourly chart. Now we're on a 15
1656 02:24:35 --> 02:24:40 minute time frame. It's trading into it here, and that defines that 15 minute,
1657 02:24:40 --> 02:24:46 or, sorry, hourly inefficiency the downside, it's just a Sibi that's not a
1658 02:24:46 --> 02:24:51 fair value gap that you trade. Okay? It's just showing an inefficiency. But
1659 02:24:52 --> 02:24:55 just because there's an inefficiency doesn't mean it needs to trade up into
1660 02:24:55 --> 02:24:59 it. You want to see where you are in the lay of the land, where is price at?
1661 02:25:00 --> 02:25:04 Where is it likely to go, and how's it been delivered these two inefficiencies
1662 02:25:04 --> 02:25:07 in price, they're not we don't want them to trade to them. We don't want to see
1663 02:25:07 --> 02:25:11 price go up there. But watch what happens when it starts to break lower
1664 02:25:11 --> 02:25:16 after returning back to that blue line, which is the opening price on the lower
1665 02:25:16 --> 02:25:21 up close candle on the daily chart that frames the full bearish order block. Why
1666 02:25:21 --> 02:25:24 this is this is what you end up doing with this information. Okay, this is all
1667 02:25:24 --> 02:25:28 part of the price delivery continuum theory, knowing what you're looking for
1668 02:25:28 --> 02:25:32 for from one higher time frame, and then using the information from that higher
1669 02:25:32 --> 02:25:35 Time Frame, what should you expect to see in price? So it gives you the
1670 02:25:35 --> 02:25:38 confidence it gives me. I know what I'm looking for. I know what I'm going to
1671 02:25:38 --> 02:25:41 trade off of. I know how I'm going to place my stop based on this information.
1672 02:25:42 --> 02:25:48 Big, huge paradigm shift. Ready? You ready? I don't hear you. Well, nice et,
1673 02:25:48 --> 02:25:54 I'm screaming. So it trades up into the opening of that lowest down, close, up,
1674 02:25:54 --> 02:25:57 close, candle. That makes the bearish order block. This is the change in the
1675 02:25:57 --> 02:26:00 state of delivery. The algorithm is going to refer back to that price. Here
1676 02:26:00 --> 02:26:05 we are on a 15 minute time frame. Does it wick above it? Yes. Does it wick
1677 02:26:05 --> 02:26:08 above it? Yes. Does it wick above it, yes. How can you validate that that is
1678 02:26:08 --> 02:26:12 really going to be an influential order block? ICT. Look at this lower time
1679 02:26:12 --> 02:26:18 frame. What are the bodies doing? What are they doing? Are they just going
1680 02:26:18 --> 02:26:29 through it? No, they're respecting it. Oh, so if I can see a time frame like
1681 02:26:29 --> 02:26:34 this, that's confirming it, that means this up close candle becomes a valid
1682 02:26:34 --> 02:26:40 bearish order block, and then I can use it open price right here, you're going
1683 02:26:40 --> 02:26:47 to hear my stomach, because I'm fasted, so it's already ground talking. We get
1684 02:26:47 --> 02:26:50 that on that candlestick right there. We don't need a close below it. We don't
1685 02:26:50 --> 02:26:54 need engulfing candles, does this? We don't need an fu candle, all that stuff
1686 02:26:54 --> 02:26:58 that's all 20 year olds working through a multi level marketing scam ring. Okay?
1687 02:26:59 --> 02:27:07 Scammers. Incorporated. Okay, I gotta resist myself, because I could have a
1688 02:27:07 --> 02:27:11 whole lot of fun with that, but I'm gonna do it. But we have that opening
1689 02:27:11 --> 02:27:15 price, and we get it there, so that validates this as an order block. But
1690 02:27:15 --> 02:27:23 now watch when it does this, the next candle, what does it create? I'm What's
1691 02:27:23 --> 02:27:33 this? That's your first presentation. Oh, so it's not limited to 930, to 10
1692 02:27:33 --> 02:27:37 o'clock, right? It's when you're using proper breakdown from a higher time
1693 02:27:37 --> 02:27:41 frame down to a lower time frame using the PD arrays in the proper context, and
1694 02:27:41 --> 02:27:46 its PD array matrix, where we're at in the lay of the land, that fair value
1695 02:27:46 --> 02:27:51 gap, you can trade that right there. Where's your stock go? It's got to be
1696 02:27:51 --> 02:27:56 above the order block. So your risk is entry. The lowest threshold entry is
1697 02:27:56 --> 02:28:02 this candle sticks high, and that is, I mean, I gotta move this down or up
1698 02:28:02 --> 02:28:13 rather. All right, the Fairbank is here. That candlesticks high is 19,183.25 so
1699 02:28:13 --> 02:28:17 that's your entry, minus one tick. So you want to get filled, you want to make
1700 02:28:17 --> 02:28:20 sure that you're going to get filled. That's it. Why? Because you have all
1701 02:28:20 --> 02:28:24 these other things qualifying and confirming it, but your risk is the
1702 02:28:24 --> 02:28:27 candlestick that is the bearish order. Block this one here, because it should
1703 02:28:27 --> 02:28:32 not go back above that, especially now, because we had this candles that could
1704 02:28:32 --> 02:28:35 go above it, and this candlestick goes above it, but prior to it validating
1705 02:28:35 --> 02:28:39 that closing or that opening price, it didn't need to close above or below it.
1706 02:28:39 --> 02:28:42 Let me say that one more time because of this, keep a whole bunch of
1707 02:28:42 --> 02:28:47 contradicting statements. This candlestick up close is your bare
1708 02:28:47 --> 02:28:52 shorter block. We don't know that yet, until this candlestick crosses down
1709 02:28:52 --> 02:28:57 below the opening price. It does not on this candlestick does it does not need
1710 02:28:57 --> 02:29:00 to close below the opening price of that to validate that as a bearish order
1711 02:29:00 --> 02:29:04 block, what's good about this is we had this candlestick already trade above
1712 02:29:05 --> 02:29:09 this up close candle, which is a potential we don't know it yet, bare
1713 02:29:09 --> 02:29:13 shorter block, it wicked above its high there, and it whipped above its high
1714 02:29:13 --> 02:29:17 there, and then on this candlestick, we traded below that candlesticks opening
1715 02:29:17 --> 02:29:22 that validates that candlestick as a bearish order block, any stop in this
1716 02:29:22 --> 02:29:26 close proximity, you could use the opening of that candlestick right here,
1717 02:29:26 --> 02:29:29 that right there, you can be entering and you can add more into it, into a
1718 02:29:29 --> 02:29:33 fair value gap, if it trades up into it. You know, that's what I'm saying. Like
1719 02:29:33 --> 02:29:37 you can use that as your entry mechanism. But for stop placement, you
1720 02:29:37 --> 02:29:42 have to use the high of that candlestick plus one tick, and it never goes there.
1721 02:29:42 --> 02:29:46 So that's your defined risk from this candlestick high minus one tick. That's
1722 02:29:46 --> 02:29:50 your entry to this candlestick plus one tick above its high. So that's your
1723 02:29:50 --> 02:29:57 defined risk. And you can see multiple instances where you can get in and get
1724 02:29:57 --> 02:30:03 short on that idea, that premise, you. Anyway, let's go back out to a daily
1725 02:30:03 --> 02:30:11 chart, and I'll continue on with my lecture. I really missed hanging out
1726 02:30:11 --> 02:30:21 with you guys yesterday. So here is that other wick guys up at the CME, damn it,
1727 02:30:21 --> 02:30:25 Michael, shut your mouth. You're teaching everything. Beautiful delivery
1728 02:30:25 --> 02:30:32 there. You want to screenshot that, by the way, right there you won't find that
1729 02:30:32 --> 02:30:40 in like off. You ain't gonna see that in Andrew's pitchforks. My private
1730 02:30:41 --> 02:30:46 mentorship students. That's the inside joke. All right, so anyway, all this
1731 02:30:46 --> 02:30:49 business in here, we are not looking for that to trade up into these
1732 02:30:49 --> 02:30:55 inefficiencies. They should stay open. So in reality, what we're saying is
1733 02:30:55 --> 02:31:03 this, this candle sticks low and this candle sticks high. That's your real
1734 02:31:03 --> 02:31:09 that's your real fair value guy. That's it, right there. Now let's think about
1735 02:31:09 --> 02:31:13 this for a moment. Okay, if that's your fair value gap,
1736 02:31:21 --> 02:31:28 that's not my saying. You gotta feed me, boy, this is your high on, on the
1737 02:31:28 --> 02:31:31 fairway gap, which is the low of the fairway gap, and this candle sticks low
1738 02:31:31 --> 02:31:37 is the high the fair value gap. So that defined range there, this segment, this
1739 02:31:37 --> 02:31:43 section of price, is inefficient in what buy side delivery, because this candle
1740 02:31:43 --> 02:31:47 moved lower. So in this little section of price action between this candle
1741 02:31:47 --> 02:31:51 sticks low and this candle sticks high, we're only focused in in this little
1742 02:31:51 --> 02:31:56 shaded area, we wait for price to go up into it, because what is that doing?
1743 02:31:56 --> 02:32:01 It's offering the sell side delivery. That means it's overlapping this down
1744 02:32:01 --> 02:32:07 movement between this candle is low and this candle is high. It's inefficient
1745 02:32:07 --> 02:32:12 because it didn't have any other candlestick cross over the range defined
1746 02:32:12 --> 02:32:17 by this candles low and this candle is high while price was going up. That's
1747 02:32:17 --> 02:32:20 why I use the analogy all the time painting. You know when you apply the
1748 02:32:20 --> 02:32:25 paint to the wall, first moments of applying the paint with the roller, it's
1749 02:32:25 --> 02:32:29 real lush and it's ample supply of paint. But you keep rolling, eventually
1750 02:32:29 --> 02:32:32 that roller will run out of paint in certain parts of it, and you'll start
1751 02:32:32 --> 02:32:36 seeing these little pockets, these little porous delivery of paint. And
1752 02:32:36 --> 02:32:40 then what you'll have to do is you roll the roller right back up over top that
1753 02:32:40 --> 02:32:43 same thing. Well, let's same things occurring. Here you roll the paint down,
1754 02:32:43 --> 02:32:46 and then you're going to have these little porous pockets where it didn't
1755 02:32:46 --> 02:32:51 create a very smooth delivery price action. We'll see that when we drop back
1756 02:32:51 --> 02:32:55 down to lower time frames. But here it looks you can't see that. So the only
1757 02:32:55 --> 02:32:59 way you can see on this time frame is defining with a fair value gap, which is
1758 02:32:59 --> 02:33:04 why I created that concept. Then this run back up into it is overlapping, that
1759 02:33:04 --> 02:33:08 even though it whipped and went lower, that delivery right there. That's what
1760 02:33:08 --> 02:33:12 I'm I'm studying that when I was setting up that turtle soup cell, what did I
1761 02:33:12 --> 02:33:17 teach you about turtle soups, their reversal patterns and their continuation
1762 02:33:17 --> 02:33:22 patterns? You can use the fair value gap to get into a turtle suit. Stop
1763 02:33:22 --> 02:33:29 listening to Twitter version turtle Supers. Okay, I promise you candle range
1764 02:33:29 --> 02:33:35 theory is bullshit. Okay, it's bullshit. It's absolute bullshit. So stop it, stop
1765 02:33:35 --> 02:33:40 it. Go out and call it every single day. Walk out here like I'm walking. Call it
1766 02:33:40 --> 02:33:44 out, line it up. Do it, trade it, and then everybody will buy your course. I
1767 02:33:44 --> 02:33:48 promise you, they'll all buy your course, and you'll be the next hero. But
1768 02:33:48 --> 02:33:51 you're not going to do that because you're staying in the hindsight of of
1769 02:33:52 --> 02:33:57 2020, stop putting sock puppet comments in there. I know you're losing sales,
1770 02:33:57 --> 02:34:04 but I don't give a this range in here. It's not because I hate you. It's
1771 02:34:04 --> 02:34:07 everybody that's trying to teach my stuff. You don't have any right to do
1772 02:34:07 --> 02:34:13 it. Alright? So this level here, I'm going to, I'm going to color this one.
1773 02:34:16 --> 02:34:22 We'll do orange and like it roll bold. Okay, so that way it'll be this pink,
1774 02:34:23 --> 02:34:27 reddish area that's highlighted to this candlesticks low. We're highlighting
1775 02:34:27 --> 02:34:31 this inefficiency because it's defined by this candle is high, that candle is
1776 02:34:31 --> 02:34:36 low. This candle is high. Is anchored with that, that broad orange color. And
1777 02:34:36 --> 02:34:40 we're going to look at what price was doing here yesterday, and that's what I
1778 02:34:40 --> 02:34:45 was utilizing to get short in the turtle suit, and then everything will become
1779 02:34:45 --> 02:34:51 perfect. You'll have a a clear depiction of what price is going to do, because
1780 02:34:51 --> 02:34:59 I'm showing you how I executed yesterday. My focus and aim was I didn't
1781 02:34:59 --> 02:35:04 I thought I left. That wine or anything that was this one. So that price is you
1782 02:35:04 --> 02:35:08 want to have it on your chart with 18,005 52, and a half, and then the next
1783 02:35:08 --> 02:35:18 one is this one. ICT calls in the crash. Don't hate the player. Hate the game,
1784 02:35:18 --> 02:35:22 baby. So yeah, of course, I'm an enemy fan. What are you talking about? It's
1785 02:35:22 --> 02:35:30 talking about? So this candlestick high on Wednesday, okay, that run above that.
1786 02:35:30 --> 02:35:35 That's my turtle suit. So if I'm looking for this level down here, which I'm
1787 02:35:35 --> 02:35:42 gonna I'm gonna label this line with a black level, okay, and that way we know
1788 02:35:42 --> 02:35:48 that that's what ice T's aiming for. So between this candlesticks low, this
1789 02:35:48 --> 02:35:53 candle sticks high, something in here, I want to I want to attack it. I'm waiting
1790 02:35:53 --> 02:35:58 for them to give me a high, a short term high around time of day that I want to
1791 02:35:58 --> 02:36:02 trade. And then I'm going to wait for it to pierce that high. That's turtle suit.
1792 02:36:02 --> 02:36:05 What I just said will make sense in a minute. Let me drop down a little time
1793 02:36:05 --> 02:36:13 frames. But I'm thinking that I want to be short above this high and aim for
1794 02:36:13 --> 02:36:17 this level right here. That's a one shot, one kill. I'm
1795 02:36:23 --> 02:36:28 that's that's my focus. I want to be above this price and aim for that one.
1796 02:36:29 --> 02:36:34 I'm willing to absorb and ride out all the little fluctuations between where I
1797 02:36:34 --> 02:36:39 get in at and where my initial stop loss is to where I'm aiming for that's down
1798 02:36:39 --> 02:36:46 here. Okay. How. How do we accomplish that? Glad you asked. Let's go down to a
1799 02:36:46 --> 02:36:51 hourly chart. Remember this orange line is this candlesticks high? So it has to
1800 02:36:51 --> 02:36:56 be an entry for shorting above that level. My entry to get short has to be
1801 02:36:56 --> 02:37:02 above this candle sticks high. So that's this price up here. Look at this right
1802 02:37:02 --> 02:37:08 here. This candle sticks high. My entry going short has to be above that as much
1803 02:37:08 --> 02:37:15 as this candle sticks low. Watch this price right here. So I have a range of
1804 02:37:15 --> 02:37:19 looking for a short in that general proximity. I'm waiting for something to
1805 02:37:19 --> 02:37:26 form, technically, affording me a short where I can frame a stop loss using the
1806 02:37:26 --> 02:37:29 language I'm teaching you, so that way you can see it conceptually. All right,
1807 02:37:30 --> 02:37:35 I promise you, once you understand everything that I'm teaching, the
1808 02:37:35 --> 02:37:39 explanations don't need to be this long and drawn out. But because I have so
1809 02:37:39 --> 02:37:43 many new students, I'm getting 60,000 new subscribers every month, which is
1810 02:37:43 --> 02:37:49 crazy. So imagine my my inbox is constantly the same questions, and I'm
1811 02:37:49 --> 02:37:53 reminding you to stick with the 2024 mentorship, because it's going to answer
1812 02:37:53 --> 02:37:57 a lot of questions more directly than I've ever done in any previous lectures.
1813 02:37:57 --> 02:38:00 But you can always go back in your free time and watch those other ones too,
1814 02:38:00 --> 02:38:04 because it's good stuff. It's I use all that stuff still, but I'm doing this in
1815 02:38:04 --> 02:38:08 live market conditions over live price action, so you can see me explain all
1816 02:38:08 --> 02:38:11 this stuff, and then you watch it happen your charts, and you're left with no
1817 02:38:11 --> 02:38:18 excuse. So we're in this little area. The opportunity is from here to here.
1818 02:38:18 --> 02:38:21 Okay, so now drop hourly. And
1819 02:38:33 --> 02:38:37 that fun talk too slow, man, you talk too much. And you got to get rich at the
1820 02:38:37 --> 02:38:42 point. So we have this old high and inside this range here. What's it
1821 02:38:42 --> 02:38:47 reaching for? When it whipped up like this, what is it reaching for? Look over
1822 02:38:47 --> 02:38:54 to the left. What is all this? That was me framing the order block up here, and
1823 02:38:55 --> 02:39:01 then you have all these wicks, which becomes, what Balanced price range. Why?
1824 02:39:01 --> 02:39:05 Why is this balanced? Because we have this candlestick opening trading up
1825 02:39:05 --> 02:39:08 here. We have this candlestick opening and trading up here. We have this
1826 02:39:08 --> 02:39:12 candlestick opening and trading up here. So essentially, what you're seeing is,
1827 02:39:12 --> 02:39:23 is you're seeing a wall of price action that's been delivered here. The it's
1828 02:39:23 --> 02:39:26 offered by side and sell side all throughout this range here, and then it
1829 02:39:26 --> 02:39:33 leaves it right there. So that means that I can take that idea and say, I'm
1830 02:39:33 --> 02:39:38 going to extend this over here, and once it gets into that area, it should have
1831 02:39:38 --> 02:39:45 no easy path into all this stuff or higher. So now I'm further refining this
1832 02:39:45 --> 02:39:52 down into a small little pocket of price range. So yes, it can touch this, but
1833 02:39:52 --> 02:39:55 before we get to that range when it's trading above this high here, when it's
1834 02:39:55 --> 02:40:05 doing this movement on the hourly, I'm. What can I use as an initial framework
1835 02:40:05 --> 02:40:09 to say, Okay, where's my focus at? It's going up to this level, an extreme
1836 02:40:09 --> 02:40:13 level, but it's going to have a real hard time getting above that, because
1837 02:40:13 --> 02:40:16 we've seen back and forth individual candlesticks overlapping, overlapping in
1838 02:40:16 --> 02:40:22 the sign in same range. Then we have this right there where it leaves that
1839 02:40:22 --> 02:40:25 balance price range, and it leaves this little, tiny little section, section of
1840 02:40:25 --> 02:40:32 price action exposed with inefficiency. What is it inefficient in it's sell side
1841 02:40:32 --> 02:40:36 delivery, but buy side inefficient. That means it's got to have at some time in
1842 02:40:36 --> 02:40:41 the future, after this candlestick closes and this one starts to
1843 02:40:41 --> 02:40:50 efficiently offer the market fair value pricing. This gap is what it is. Should
1844 02:40:50 --> 02:40:54 be repriced to with buy side delivery. That means movement up in price, and we
1845 02:40:54 --> 02:41:02 get that here. See how it's starting to flesh out more and more. If this, then
1846 02:41:02 --> 02:41:07 that, if this, then that, if not this, then the other thing, or sit still. So
1847 02:41:07 --> 02:41:13 now we have this wall of price action. We're going to take that away, because
1848 02:41:13 --> 02:41:16 it's going to confuse you, this fair value gap. We're going to drop down into
1849 02:41:16 --> 02:41:27 a 15 minute time frame. This is all top down analysis. So here's the high where
1850 02:41:27 --> 02:41:38 that little orange level was anchored to, and this gap, this one here, I'm
1851 02:41:38 --> 02:41:45 going to take this one off for a second. This gap here is above this old high,
1852 02:41:46 --> 02:41:50 and we're trading up. We want to, I want to try to take a short as it's trading
1853 02:41:50 --> 02:41:55 higher as it goes higher. I want to sell short into that because it's going into
1854 02:41:55 --> 02:41:58 that inefficiency. I had that big wall of price action. Remember, on the hourly
1855 02:41:58 --> 02:42:02 chart, it's all those wicks that was saying, I'm a balanced price range. It
1856 02:42:02 --> 02:42:07 might touch me, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to keep price from
1857 02:42:07 --> 02:42:13 going any higher, but the wicks can do what they are allowed to do the damage.
1858 02:42:13 --> 02:42:18 That means they can color just outside the lines. So we're seeing that happen
1859 02:42:18 --> 02:42:24 here. There's the the fair value gap range. It's expanding just a little bit
1860 02:42:24 --> 02:42:29 outside of it. But more importantly, my focus is, is I'm getting above that high
1861 02:42:29 --> 02:42:35 right there. Because this is all part of a daily fair value gap, institutional
1862 02:42:35 --> 02:42:41 order flow entry drill. That means I expect it not to completely close in a
1863 02:42:41 --> 02:42:45 bearish, fair value gap. I want to see it just go in a little bit like it's
1864 02:42:45 --> 02:42:51 doing right here. And I want to see it immediately send price lower. Okay, now
1865 02:42:51 --> 02:42:53 we can drop down to a five minute chart.
1866 02:42:58 --> 02:43:02 Everything starts getting more and more scientific, doesn't it? If I'm watching
1867 02:43:02 --> 02:43:07 this time frame, what do I want to see in price? Well, what is my price
1868 02:43:07 --> 02:43:12 delivery? Continuum theory. Teach you the higher Time Frame, order flow, any
1869 02:43:12 --> 02:43:16 PDA rate that you're using on a higher time frame, which higher than a a five
1870 02:43:16 --> 02:43:19 minute chart, a six minute chart, a seven minute chart, an eight minute
1871 02:43:19 --> 02:43:22 chart, anything higher than a five minute chart. So what are my usual
1872 02:43:22 --> 02:43:29 picks? I use the industry standards because I want to have this little
1873 02:43:29 --> 02:43:32 disruption to what you're used to, if you come from other schools of thought.
1874 02:43:32 --> 02:43:36 So everybody understands that the weekly, I'm sorry, the monthly, the
1875 02:43:36 --> 02:43:40 daily, I'm sorry, the monthly, the weekly, the daily, the four hour, the
1876 02:43:40 --> 02:43:43 one hour, the 15 minute, the five minute, the one minute, and anything
1877 02:43:43 --> 02:43:48 less than a one minute chart, it's just, you know, bonkers, right? So I say that
1878 02:43:48 --> 02:43:54 one tongue in cheek, the previous higher Time Frame gave us this pink shaded area
1879 02:43:54 --> 02:43:58 for the fair value gap to be defined. I laid the rectangle on it based on the
1880 02:43:58 --> 02:44:02 higher time frame, and now, because it's transposed to this time frame. Now we're
1881 02:44:02 --> 02:44:08 on a five minute chart. What are the bodies telling me? They're respecting
1882 02:44:08 --> 02:44:13 it, aren't they? So I'm getting closer and closer to what it is I'm looking
1883 02:44:13 --> 02:44:18 for, because every frame of reference for time, because that's the most
1884 02:44:18 --> 02:44:25 paramount thing, no matter who tells you what, baby, time is the most important
1885 02:44:25 --> 02:44:30 factor before price does anything? Because if ain't the right time, price
1886 02:44:30 --> 02:44:35 ain't going nowhere. Period. The bodies are saying, Yeah, we're respecting that.
1887 02:44:35 --> 02:44:38 We're not, we're not going to color outside the lines. But the wicks will
1888 02:44:38 --> 02:44:41 see you watch these wicks when it's happening like this, and you think, Oh,
1889 02:44:41 --> 02:44:46 they're they're changing the algorithm. They're making traps. Tell me if I was
1890 02:44:46 --> 02:44:52 trapped yesterday, or was I trapping breakout artists, I was fading at the
1891 02:44:52 --> 02:44:58 highest form using what I'm teaching you right here. I'm teaching you the real
1892 02:44:59 --> 02:45:03 turtle suit. Not Linda Raskin Larry Connors turtle suit. Buy the book, and
1893 02:45:03 --> 02:45:08 you'll see none of this is in there. No disrespect to Linda. I respect her. She
1894 02:45:08 --> 02:45:11 was a mentor to me through a book. I've never met her before. I never talked to
1895 02:45:11 --> 02:45:16 her, except for one time she exchanged a reply to me on Twitter. That was it. I'm
1896 02:45:16 --> 02:45:20 not a fan. I'm not a going crazy like I was with Larry Williams. I have a high
1897 02:45:20 --> 02:45:26 degree respect for because she had a huge impact on me in understanding stop
1898 02:45:26 --> 02:45:30 hunts. That book helped me understand that. But I don't teach anything from
1899 02:45:30 --> 02:45:33 that book, and you should all own that book. And by me telling you to buy the
1900 02:45:33 --> 02:45:36 book, that's what that does. It cancels out me hiding anything. Oh, he's
1901 02:45:36 --> 02:45:40 secretly teaching Smart Money concepts that were found in street smarts book
1902 02:45:40 --> 02:45:46 wrong. I'm not. I love the name turtle suit, and I just borrowed it for my
1903 02:45:46 --> 02:45:50 approach to seeing reversals, because in my mind, I'm I'm thinking every person
1904 02:45:50 --> 02:45:54 is a breakout artist is thinking the same way that the turtle traders were.
1905 02:45:54 --> 02:45:58 Richard Dennis taught them to use a 20 day high breakout. If it went above the
1906 02:45:58 --> 02:46:01 highest high in the last 20 days. They bought it and they use the lowest low
1907 02:46:01 --> 02:46:04 and, well, I'm not going to teach you. Buy the book and you'll get the rules.
1908 02:46:04 --> 02:46:08 But the point is this, none of that's being taught here, but the idea of a
1909 02:46:08 --> 02:46:13 stop hunt and then drawing back into the previous range, it helped me understand
1910 02:46:13 --> 02:46:17 it where I was not seeing that in any other books I was reading. So it helped
1911 02:46:17 --> 02:46:22 me understand something on a short term basis, and it gave me something to use
1912 02:46:22 --> 02:46:27 and study price action with where mine, no disrespect to those individuals that
1913 02:46:27 --> 02:46:32 wrote that book, but I absolutely believe undeniable evidence that mine is
1914 02:46:32 --> 02:46:37 the highest tier of application of the idea of a stop on like I don't think
1915 02:46:37 --> 02:46:41 anybody else has done any better work on it. And if you think that I'm not being
1916 02:46:41 --> 02:46:45 truthful in that show me that book, show me that art, that author, I would love
1917 02:46:46 --> 02:46:49 to have someone show me something better, not for the sake of competition,
1918 02:46:49 --> 02:46:53 because they may, they may know something that I don't know. I think
1919 02:46:53 --> 02:46:57 it's highly unlikely, but I don't think it's going to happen. But what I'm
1920 02:46:57 --> 02:47:02 teaching you is how to use the top down approach and use the price delivery
1921 02:47:02 --> 02:47:07 continuum theory, which is whatever the higher Time Frame PD arrays have done at
1922 02:47:07 --> 02:47:12 a higher Time Frame chart, the lower ones should start respecting that PD
1923 02:47:12 --> 02:47:18 array. As you see here, we allow those wicks to color outside that. It's normal
1924 02:47:18 --> 02:47:21 for that to happen. But what I'm watching is, is what the what do the
1925 02:47:21 --> 02:47:30 bodies do? Are the bodies going beyond the PD array that I'm using to anchor my
1926 02:47:30 --> 02:47:33 analysis on a higher Time Frame chart? In this case, we've seen what? No, it
1927 02:47:33 --> 02:47:40 doesn't do that. No, it's not doing that at all. When you're looking at a gap.
1928 02:47:40 --> 02:47:43 Okay, I'll give you something else that's going to was just supposed to be
1929 02:47:43 --> 02:47:48 in the book. When you're looking at a fair value gap, how far can it go
1930 02:47:48 --> 02:47:52 outside of the range that defines that fair value gap and still be good? How
1931 02:47:52 --> 02:47:58 wide is the fair value gap? Because the WIC can do that range outside of it.
1932 02:47:58 --> 02:48:02 That's one standard deviation on the fair value Yeah, that is not changing
1933 02:48:02 --> 02:48:05 anything for me if it starts going above it a little bit like that. You've seen
1934 02:48:05 --> 02:48:09 me annotate trades. It's a mohawk. That's how I type it. It's a mohawk.
1935 02:48:09 --> 02:48:13 It's just a little tiny, little stray hair. Someone like when you're cutting
1936 02:48:13 --> 02:48:16 the grass, you're not paying attention because you're watching a Nixon neighbor
1937 02:48:16 --> 02:48:19 because she's in the bathing suit, and you're gonna get in trouble if your wife
1938 02:48:19 --> 02:48:22 catches you. You leave that little line. You like that stuff, don't you the
1939 02:48:22 --> 02:48:25 little line of grass that you didn't really move over perfectly, and you look
1940 02:48:25 --> 02:48:28 back and you're like, Oh, I gotta go back over and fix it, because you were
1941 02:48:28 --> 02:48:30 distracted. You weren't doing what you're supposed to do, which is follow
1942 02:48:30 --> 02:48:34 the process of overlapping a little bit, make sure you're not leaving any stray
1943 02:48:34 --> 02:48:38 hairs, or in this case, little straight areas of grass. Well, that's what the
1944 02:48:38 --> 02:48:41 algorithm is doing, just coloring outside the lines a little bit, but the
1945 02:48:41 --> 02:48:46 standard deviation of whatever that PD array or inefficiency is the fair value
1946 02:48:46 --> 02:48:49 gas when you're looking like this, they're refined smaller, smaller.
1947 02:48:49 --> 02:48:53 They're not going to go five times this. Okay, and then so it's a good trade.
1948 02:48:53 --> 02:48:58 It's going to be within the realm of whatever this fair Ray gap width is. It
1949 02:48:58 --> 02:49:02 can color outside the line that much. Generally, it won't do that much at all,
1950 02:49:02 --> 02:49:05 but that's the rule. Story, okay. Now you're not going to find that in
1951 02:49:05 --> 02:49:11 anything else, and today, September 6 of 2024 on YouTube, Michael J Huddleston
1952 02:49:11 --> 02:49:15 has given you more context around fair value gaps. Everybody's going to have it
1953 02:49:15 --> 02:49:18 in their mentorship now, everybody's going to have it in their courses, and
1954 02:49:18 --> 02:49:21 they're all going to have it real quick in the chapter in fairbaig, yes, with
1955 02:49:21 --> 02:49:25 her Amazon book, but you're still not getting everything. You're gonna see
1956 02:49:25 --> 02:49:29 that that's just small little pieces, little pieces of it. This technical
1957 02:49:29 --> 02:49:35 science, baby. Okay, we're not talking about checkers. So watch what happens
1958 02:49:35 --> 02:49:39 when we use the same watch going down into the one minute chart. Can you tell
1959 02:49:39 --> 02:49:44 I like doing this? Can you tell I enjoy it? I like a little too much. My wife
1960 02:49:44 --> 02:49:49 said you're just obsessive. Well, you got to be, I mean, because this stuff is
1961 02:49:49 --> 02:49:53 boring otherwise, right? If you're not really dialed in and excited about what
1962 02:49:53 --> 02:49:57 it is, you're learning, how could you possibly be expected to do very, very
1963 02:49:57 --> 02:50:01 well with it? You're going to get quickly bored with. Say, won't you? Of
1964 02:50:01 --> 02:50:07 course, you will. So now look what we have here. Right away. Students of mine
1965 02:50:07 --> 02:50:13 that have been with me for a long time know that this is a market maker, sell
1966 02:50:13 --> 02:50:19 model. Where's your consolidation right here? Why are you picking that I see?
1967 02:50:19 --> 02:50:24 Why aren't you using this down here? Because this is all impulsive price
1968 02:50:24 --> 02:50:29 action. It's, it's real sharp. We don't want that. We're looking for our eye
1969 02:50:29 --> 02:50:33 goes for the original what? What's the rules for market maker, sell model, buy
1970 02:50:33 --> 02:50:39 model, the original. Consolidation. That means your eyes looking for a perfect
1971 02:50:39 --> 02:50:46 little box of price action. Well, can you see that this to this? Those are
1972 02:50:46 --> 02:50:52 relatively equal lows, right? Go straight up from there. What do you
1973 02:50:52 --> 02:50:57 have? That's your original consolidation. Inside the original
1974 02:50:57 --> 02:51:02 consolidation, go back to the original rules. This is old stuff. It can drop
1975 02:51:02 --> 02:51:05 down slightly below that low, right there, which is what you get. And then
1976 02:51:05 --> 02:51:09 once it leaves it, it can touch what the original consolidation, high. Oh, that's
1977 02:51:09 --> 02:51:18 support, resistance, save it. Pal, expansion, up, re accumulation. I'm
1978 02:51:18 --> 02:51:22 sorry, first stage accumulation, re accumulation, or second stage re
1979 02:51:22 --> 02:51:32 accumulation, then it rallies up and creates, what smart money reversal? How
1980 02:51:32 --> 02:51:39 does Smart Money know to sell short at the highs like that? That was the
1981 02:51:39 --> 02:51:44 question I had in the 90s. I sat and looked at charts like this, and I think,
1982 02:51:44 --> 02:51:48 Man, I wish I could trade the Swiss Franc and get that kind of move. Man, I
1983 02:51:48 --> 02:51:52 wish I could trade the Deutsche Mark, which they don't trade anymore. I wish I
1984 02:51:52 --> 02:51:54 could get in there and trade that.
1985 02:51:56 --> 02:52:00 And I went in and I started breaking things down, and I met some people. And,
1986 02:52:01 --> 02:52:06 little things happened, okay, and some visitors come and see me. So I learned
1987 02:52:06 --> 02:52:10 some things, let's put it that way. And what I learned is what you think about,
1988 02:52:10 --> 02:52:16 what the markets are doing or not in at all doing that. So by having what is
1989 02:52:16 --> 02:52:20 really going on versus how I can communicate that in a price chart,
1990 02:52:20 --> 02:52:24 that's what you're seeing here. You don't need the smart money reversal. And
1991 02:52:24 --> 02:52:28 that's exactly what I taught when I was teaching my market maker buy and sell
1992 02:52:28 --> 02:52:36 models, which is absolutely not like off. It is not now the idea the infancy
1993 02:52:36 --> 02:52:40 of white cough, if you study just the beginning parts of that stuff. Don't get
1994 02:52:40 --> 02:52:47 caught up in all the other garbage, but the overall markup aspect and then the
1995 02:52:47 --> 02:52:52 selling off of it, that is a market truism. It has nothing to do with white
1996 02:52:52 --> 02:52:56 cough. Has nothing to do with ICT. That's just the way markets do. They go
1997 02:52:56 --> 02:53:01 up and they go down, they rally up and they sell off like anything else. When
1998 02:53:01 --> 02:53:08 the market is hot for for homes, it goes up. All the prices keep going up. Who
1999 02:53:08 --> 02:53:12 sets the price for your house when you try to sell it? Well, if you have a good
2000 02:53:12 --> 02:53:17 realtor, they'll say, This is what the comps are in your area. And what do you
2001 02:53:17 --> 02:53:25 do? Well, I want to be the highest comp. That's what I did, and I got $15,000
2002 02:53:25 --> 02:53:32 more than I asked for. And then another house just sold. Last was it march for
2003 02:53:32 --> 02:53:36 more than my money, or for more, I'm sorry, for the amount of money more than
2004 02:53:36 --> 02:53:40 I sold. And my house had more stuff. My house was the biggest one in
2005 02:53:40 --> 02:53:45 development, and had more things done to it inside, and they sold it for almost
2006 02:53:45 --> 02:53:52 $100,000 more than mine, but I just wanted to unload it, and you set the
2007 02:53:52 --> 02:53:59 price for your home when you're trying to sell it. Who owns the market? That's
2008 02:53:59 --> 02:54:04 a question is going to keep you up at night. Who owns the market? You're never
2009 02:54:04 --> 02:54:13 going to meet them. You are never going to meet that entity. You all think it's
2010 02:54:13 --> 02:54:17 a it's a combination of everybody comes together and we're buying and selling,
2011 02:54:17 --> 02:54:23 and that's the market. Oh, crap. That is not it. They're just creating a watering
2012 02:54:23 --> 02:54:30 hole. And when everybody comes to the watering hole to get a drink, that's
2013 02:54:30 --> 02:54:35 when people eat, when they're predators and they want to take down something for
2014 02:54:35 --> 02:54:41 food, because they need meat. In this world, in the financial market. Money is
2015 02:54:41 --> 02:54:49 meat. That's how you sustain yourself. You eat the best. So if you can entice
2016 02:54:49 --> 02:54:53 the richest people in the world and the biggest conglomerates in the world that
2017 02:54:53 --> 02:54:57 want to speculate as well, you create a warning hole for them to do that, and
2018 02:54:57 --> 02:55:03 then you eat you. Uh, that's what the market's for. Anybody tells you anything
2019 02:55:03 --> 02:55:08 else? It's not it. They don't know what you're talking about. So when price is
2020 02:55:08 --> 02:55:19 trading up into this area, what time is this time of day? What is it? It's after
2021 02:55:19 --> 02:55:28 the opening range of 930, to 10 o'clock. So we now have the market trading inside
2022 02:55:28 --> 02:55:34 of our fair value gap, but now that's the first time can trade there. So
2023 02:55:34 --> 02:55:38 anyone that wants to go short just as because it rallies up higher, like that,
2024 02:55:39 --> 02:55:45 you gotta wait. Just give it a chance. Give it a chance to let people go after
2025 02:55:45 --> 02:55:50 it, because it's the second mouse that gets the cheese. See, this is the cheese
2026 02:55:50 --> 02:55:55 right here. It's baited. That's the area that everybody would want to get if they
2027 02:55:55 --> 02:55:58 understood what I'm teaching. They want to get that price level. It's real high.
2028 02:55:58 --> 02:56:02 It's nice, but they don't understand the market maker, sell, model, which is
2029 02:56:03 --> 02:56:07 consolidation, maybe a stop hunt. Initially rallies touch the original
2030 02:56:07 --> 02:56:17 consolidation. Rally higher, accumulate, second stage re accumulation. Then it
2031 02:56:17 --> 02:56:21 rallies and takes out a higher, high, right there. It's coloring outside. We
2032 02:56:21 --> 02:56:24 saw it on the hourly. We saw it on the 50. 15 minute time. We saw it on the
2033 02:56:24 --> 02:56:27 five minute chart. There was wicks up here, right? That's what these bodies
2034 02:56:27 --> 02:56:34 are on a one minute chart that is completely permissible. We're not going
2035 02:56:34 --> 02:56:39 to look at the bodies of a one minute time frame when the higher Time Frame,
2036 02:56:40 --> 02:56:46 hourly, 15 minute and five minute are showing just the wicks the one minute
2037 02:56:46 --> 02:56:51 charts going to have bodies there, just like when you're looking at a one minute
2038 02:56:51 --> 02:56:55 chart, if you look at the wick on this candlestick here, go down to a 15 second
2039 02:56:55 --> 02:56:59 or five second chart, you're going to see bodies on that Time Frame. It's
2040 02:56:59 --> 02:57:05 completely reasonable to expect that. But watch when price takes out this high
2041 02:57:05 --> 02:57:11 here, and we're inside this area as well. I want to be selling short. I want
2042 02:57:11 --> 02:57:17 to get short in there. I want to add more, if it can afford me, outside the
2043 02:57:17 --> 02:57:22 coloring of that shaded area that that's premium pricing, like, that's really
2044 02:57:22 --> 02:57:26 good. That's like, you selling your house for $100,000 more than what you
2045 02:57:26 --> 02:57:31 were originally aiming to do. Who's gonna who's gonna be mad about that?
2046 02:57:31 --> 02:57:37 Nobody is. And so since I'm aiming for something in this area here, and
2047 02:57:37 --> 02:57:40 targeting all the way down to that black line right there, in my mind, I'm
2048 02:57:40 --> 02:57:45 thinking, this is the beginning. This is the inception of the trade, and this is
2049 02:57:45 --> 02:57:50 my Terminus down here. I don't care what this is all going to require of me,
2050 02:57:50 --> 02:57:54 because I'm not going to chase my stop loss throughout all that range. I'm
2051 02:57:54 --> 02:57:58 going to wait for logical price points, and then once I place my stop I'm going
2052 02:57:58 --> 02:58:03 to sit still. That's one shot, one kill, because I'm taking down my mark. My mark
2053 02:58:03 --> 02:58:07 is this level down here. That's the low of that fair value gap on the daily
2054 02:58:07 --> 02:58:14 chart. So now, when we have this Smart Money reversal, you don't need that wait
2055 02:58:14 --> 02:58:17 for it to break in market structure. That's what you get with this little
2056 02:58:17 --> 02:58:21 high here. I'm sorry, this low, we get it right there, and then we trade back
2057 02:58:21 --> 02:58:25 up into what the order block, where's changing state of delivery on that, that
2058 02:58:25 --> 02:58:31 opening price on that candlestick, right there, oh, there. Pulled my plug, my
2059 02:58:31 --> 02:58:40 laptop in. I went past the the battery life here. Give me a second. This is a
2060 02:58:40 --> 02:58:47 boring stuff. Ain't this guy talks too much. Get out of here if that's how you
2061 02:58:47 --> 02:58:52 think. You ain't my student. I don't care to read your comments. And that's
2062 02:58:52 --> 02:59:01 broom you. So if this is in fact, correct, any little retracements up
2063 02:59:01 --> 02:59:07 should not take out this high and our premium rate, it's inside this as well,
2064 02:59:07 --> 02:59:13 like this order block that price is what you see me annotating in the recording.
2065 02:59:16 --> 02:59:21 I'll tell you what, if I don't see 25,000 likes on this video or this live
2066 02:59:21 --> 02:59:25 stream. I promise you, I will take two weeks off of live streaming, and I won't
2067 02:59:25 --> 02:59:30 come back until then, because this is stuff that I absolutely never, ever,
2068 02:59:30 --> 02:59:35 ever wanted to teach, and it's just that little little thank you from you all you
2069 02:59:36 --> 02:59:40 25,000 or you won't see me live stream until it gets there. And if it doesn't
2070 02:59:40 --> 02:59:43 get there, I won't live stream. It'll all be pre recorded
2071 02:59:45 --> 02:59:46 stuff. Oh, you're a jerk.
2072 02:59:47 --> 02:59:52 It's free, bro. So anyway, the opening price here extend that forward. Every
2073 02:59:52 --> 02:59:59 time we worked inside that, see that, what is it doing? It's.
2074 03:00:00 --> 03:00:05 ICT: Building up positions inside the lower half of this candlestick. But
2075 03:00:05 --> 03:00:10 there's no algorithm, right? How do we use PD arrays? If it's a premium array,
2076 03:00:10 --> 03:00:14 we want to see the lower half of it utilized in the upper half, ideally not
2077 03:00:14 --> 03:00:18 touched. That's that point here. I'm referencing that. Go watch a video. Go
2078 03:00:18 --> 03:00:23 watch it at point two, five speed. You'll see me annotating, saying it's
2079 03:00:23 --> 03:00:27 working the lower half of the discount portion, and it's under the mean
2080 03:00:27 --> 03:00:33 threshold. Mean threshold is a reference point to a a range, like that order
2081 03:00:33 --> 03:00:37 block, or it's kind of like equilibrium, but when we're talking about a specific
2082 03:00:37 --> 03:00:42 candle, it's mean threshold in order. It's it's threshold for any type of
2083 03:00:42 --> 03:00:47 retracements in and still being valid should be, if you're bearish, up close
2084 03:00:47 --> 03:00:52 candles at the halfway point and lower. That's where all of your institutional
2085 03:00:52 --> 03:00:56 buying and selling is going to be weighed on. In this case, we have up
2086 03:00:56 --> 03:01:00 close candles. That's a bearish order block that's validated on this
2087 03:01:00 --> 03:01:05 candlestick right here. Soon as we pass below that opening price there, let me
2088 03:01:05 --> 03:01:09 slow down here, because I know what's happening right now. You are brand new,
2089 03:01:09 --> 03:01:12 and you're probably hearing this stuff. You're like, What in the hell is this
2090 03:01:12 --> 03:01:20 guy talking about? I'm not your entry level educator. My assumptions are that
2091 03:01:20 --> 03:01:24 you've gone through a lot of the market maker primer course that's on my YouTube
2092 03:01:24 --> 03:01:29 channel. If you go through that, that'll that'll give you a little bit of
2093 03:01:29 --> 03:01:36 foundation. But starting here is good doing all the old stuff and saying I'm
2094 03:01:36 --> 03:01:40 gonna go and watch your 2024 you're really missing the opportunity seeing it
2095 03:01:40 --> 03:01:43 stuff live, because you're going to regret not being here when when it
2096 03:01:43 --> 03:01:48 happened, and you're like, Oh, I watched him call it. It did it. So when we're
2097 03:01:48 --> 03:01:52 bearish, we have that bearish order block validated here. So that means,
2098 03:01:52 --> 03:01:57 from that opening price, anything above that is a potential entry, but ideally
2099 03:01:57 --> 03:02:01 it should never go above the halfway point, which is mean threshold. See how
2100 03:02:01 --> 03:02:05 it's doing that it's staying away from that. That was signaling to me. That's
2101 03:02:05 --> 03:02:10 why you see me adding more in there. I'm literally confident, like I could run
2102 03:02:10 --> 03:02:14 through a brick wall. I know what I'm looking for, and I know exactly what I
2103 03:02:14 --> 03:02:18 have in hand. And I'm like, Okay, I'm done. I do one more pyramid of entry,
2104 03:02:18 --> 03:02:24 and then I just let it ride. I don't want to see it attack all these pools of
2105 03:02:24 --> 03:02:28 liquidity, and I facetiously troll in the comments as it's happening, because
2106 03:02:28 --> 03:02:33 they'll say this is selling pressure. It's not the market is pausing in here,
2107 03:02:34 --> 03:02:38 and it's all time distortion. Time distortion is where the market's being
2108 03:02:38 --> 03:02:45 held in a holding pattern, and it's being used to allow entities that you
2109 03:02:45 --> 03:02:52 are not going to see doing what I'm doing, what I'm teaching, they're never
2110 03:02:52 --> 03:02:55 going to teach that stuff. I had to create a language to get as close as I
2111 03:02:55 --> 03:02:59 could to teach what's really going on here. And you can toss that out. You can
2112 03:02:59 --> 03:03:02 say, there, okay, that story's not real. There's no algorithm, none of that
2113 03:03:02 --> 03:03:07 stuff. Okay, do that if that's what it helps you, but if you can see it
2114 03:03:07 --> 03:03:12 conceptually with my language, that's all I'm really trying to do. I just want
2115 03:03:12 --> 03:03:17 you to be able to see how these things relate to what price is going to do, and
2116 03:03:17 --> 03:03:20 it doesn't relate to any other form of trading. That's what I'm kind of getting
2117 03:03:20 --> 03:03:24 at because I'd get pissed off when people try to discount my entire life's
2118 03:03:24 --> 03:03:28 work and what the Lord laid in my hands, because I would not know this if it
2119 03:03:28 --> 03:03:35 wasn't for him, period. Okay, trust me, might tell you that is it, and there is
2120 03:03:35 --> 03:03:39 no teacher except for him. He's the mentor. So that's the real ghost of the
2121 03:03:39 --> 03:03:49 machine. So if we have this candlestick, the halfway point below it, between its
2122 03:03:49 --> 03:03:54 opening price and halfway, all of this is potential areas where you could take
2123 03:03:54 --> 03:04:02 a short entry and your stop loss can be used with this order block. Or we can
2124 03:04:02 --> 03:04:07 use this high here, depending upon what your your risk model and your account
2125 03:04:07 --> 03:04:13 size affords. Okay, so we'll take this off now, and that validates the order
2126 03:04:13 --> 03:04:18 block right there. We'll take that off, just trying to keep it clean. And now
2127 03:04:18 --> 03:04:28 what I'm going to do is I'm going to add the executions, and suddenly everything
2128 03:04:28 --> 03:04:33 changes, because we see this a new market replay right here. Bro, can't do
2129 03:04:33 --> 03:04:37 that Market Replay. Okay, oh, there's, there's buttons missing. I'm gonna put
2130 03:04:37 --> 03:04:41 them back on here, because it'll come out. So he didn't have the buttons up
2131 03:04:41 --> 03:04:45 there. It was Market Replay. You can't see those up here in Market Replay. And
2132 03:04:45 --> 03:04:49 so if you're seeing their own executions, there they were live
2133 03:04:49 --> 03:04:55 executions. Look at the price right there. I'm I know I'm getting real
2134 03:04:55 --> 03:04:59 premium pricing here because I'm outside of that fair value gap above this a.
2135 03:05:00 --> 03:05:04 Above this high this is turtle suit. This is where Smart Money does the smart
2136 03:05:04 --> 03:05:15 money short market maker, sell model. Smart Money short, low risk, sell order
2137 03:05:15 --> 03:05:23 block, the high end of that fairbag app. So that's what I'm aiming for. And I'm
2138 03:05:23 --> 03:05:30 targeting right in here, in this wick. I was trying to time it as it was, inside
2139 03:05:30 --> 03:05:33 the halfway point of the end at top of that Fairbank, that's I was aiming for,
2140 03:05:33 --> 03:05:36 but it slipped away from me because it's on a lower time frame on that chart.
2141 03:05:36 --> 03:05:40 That's what I was doing there. And then over here, you can see we're adding,
2142 03:05:42 --> 03:05:51 right there on the wick here, and then I'm aiming for this low to be taken out.
2143 03:05:52 --> 03:05:57 And I said the market will aggressively reprice down there, because the
2144 03:05:57 --> 03:06:01 algorithm is not going to want them to pull their orders. Anyone that's long
2145 03:06:01 --> 03:06:04 that has a trail stop loss here? What kind of cell stop? I'm sorry I just told
2146 03:06:04 --> 03:06:08 you didn't what kind of liquidity would be resting below here? Sell stops
2147 03:06:08 --> 03:06:12 because they're long and they're protecting their lungs by putting a stop
2148 03:06:12 --> 03:06:15 loss below an old low because the books tell them that's where they should put
2149 03:06:15 --> 03:06:19 their stop loss. I love the fact that the books tell them that. I love that
2150 03:06:19 --> 03:06:23 these 20 year old mentors and these old code hats that tell you that's how you
2151 03:06:23 --> 03:06:27 should trade. This is where you put your stop loss at, please continuously keep
2152 03:06:27 --> 03:06:33 doing that, as long as we keep seeing this regurgitated archaic logic and and
2153 03:06:33 --> 03:06:39 things that people should be doing in a in an industry where 90% of people that
2154 03:06:39 --> 03:06:43 use that stuff lose, okay, keep doing that stuff, and then you'll never need
2155 03:06:43 --> 03:06:48 to lose any sleep about this stuff, ever not working in the future. So this low
2156 03:06:49 --> 03:06:54 here, you see me annotate that, and then you see oops, put that back up here you
2157 03:06:54 --> 03:07:02 see me, and I take Good grief, Michael, I'm charting drunk. You're under the
2158 03:07:02 --> 03:07:07 influence of goofballs. There we are. Now you're starting to look like
2159 03:07:07 --> 03:07:11 yourself here, buddy. So below here, sell side, and below here, sell side.
2160 03:07:11 --> 03:07:15 And then we have the original consolidation here. So that would be you
2161 03:07:15 --> 03:07:22 aim for a run below here. Okay, so there's where your pools of liquidity
2162 03:07:22 --> 03:07:26 are and how the market will draw to them respectively. So you see it drop down.
2163 03:07:26 --> 03:07:32 That's wonderful. And then this is your first stage distribution of the cell
2164 03:07:32 --> 03:07:42 model. Watch my core content in the 2017 playlist. I actually teach this stuff
2165 03:07:42 --> 03:07:47 here in that mentorship. It's all for free on my YouTube channel. You don't
2166 03:07:47 --> 03:07:50 need to pay for any of that stuff. Stop buying my stuff from other people. Okay,
2167 03:07:50 --> 03:07:53 because you're literally paying for something like put on my YouTube channel
2168 03:07:53 --> 03:07:56 for free. So this is a first stage distribution, and then this is second
2169 03:07:56 --> 03:08:01 stage distribution. Second Stage distribution is your unicorn. It is so
2170 03:08:01 --> 03:08:06 quick, it's so powerful. It's the one that you're looking for in every trade.
2171 03:08:06 --> 03:08:11 That you're looking for moving higher or lower. If you can identify my market
2172 03:08:11 --> 03:08:15 maker sell model or or bond model, if you trade the second stage
2173 03:08:15 --> 03:08:19 redistribution, that means you're selling short. Or if you're buying the
2174 03:08:19 --> 03:08:23 second stage re accumulation. That means you're going long. You are going to get
2175 03:08:23 --> 03:08:28 the biggest, the fastest, the beautiful, easy hold trade that you're looking for.
2176 03:08:29 --> 03:08:33 Everybody knows these relative equal lows are there, but not everybody sees
2177 03:08:33 --> 03:08:38 the framework that causes this to be second stage distribution. What's this?
2178 03:08:41 --> 03:08:45 It's a discount wick. But what happens if you're below it, it becomes, what a
2179 03:08:45 --> 03:08:56 premium wick? Boom. How hard can it go above that? Well, you have a little bit
2180 03:08:56 --> 03:09:01 of an efficiency here, but then you're met with what Balanced range this wick,
2181 03:09:01 --> 03:09:06 previous wick, previous wick. All this is balanced, so it's trading up into it,
2182 03:09:06 --> 03:09:09 but it's saying, I'm not going to let you go in higher. You go on a start
2183 03:09:09 --> 03:09:16 right there, turn around, bro, and then rolls over. Where's it? Aiming for
2184 03:09:16 --> 03:09:19 original consolidation. What's below these relative equal loads, sell side.
2185 03:09:20 --> 03:09:25 Okay, wonderful. But what happens if you just have a little bit more expected for
2186 03:09:25 --> 03:09:29 lower prices, like I did, like I was telling you earlier in the week that we
2187 03:09:29 --> 03:09:32 were going to look for this fair value gap on the daily chart that's defined by
2188 03:09:32 --> 03:09:33 this blue line here
2189 03:09:36 --> 03:09:40 in that black line that I made darker because I wanted to see that was on
2190 03:09:40 --> 03:09:47 target. You hold this one, but you can't trail your stop loss up to this high.
2191 03:09:47 --> 03:09:52 You can't do that. So if you watch the recording, you'll see me outline the
2192 03:09:52 --> 03:09:56 ranges of what I'm willing to absorb. And I gave you all this stuff up in here
2193 03:09:56 --> 03:10:00 too, and I gave you the lower half. I said, I want to see price, state. Below
2194 03:10:00 --> 03:10:03 that, go watch the video, because I'm going to make this video much, much
2195 03:10:03 --> 03:10:05 longer than it needs to be by doing something that's already shown in the
2196 03:10:05 --> 03:10:11 video, because I'm actually typing out and see it and read it. So the market,
2197 03:10:11 --> 03:10:19 in fact, does drop down and starts consolidating. And that low, I told you,
2198 03:10:19 --> 03:10:24 in the playback that is the constant encroachment of this gap between this
2199 03:10:25 --> 03:10:32 level here, in here, and I'll show you, let's use this opening proximity. Boom.
2200 03:10:32 --> 03:10:38 Look at the body, respecting that. See that that's algorithmic, and that's what
2201 03:10:38 --> 03:10:43 I was telling you. If I want to just hold it for the daily range. Okay, I get
2202 03:10:43 --> 03:10:45 I get people all the time. They'll find a video clip, or they'll see something I
2203 03:10:45 --> 03:10:48 said on Twitter a long time ago or recently, or maybe I ran into something
2204 03:10:49 --> 03:10:53 when I brag about what I can do, I'm not, I'm not lying about that. Okay,
2205 03:10:53 --> 03:10:57 when I tell people I can sell the highs and buy the lows and I can get the daily
2206 03:10:57 --> 03:11:01 highs and the daily lows, I don't know how else to prove it to you, but we
2207 03:11:01 --> 03:11:06 actually doing it, like I'm doing it, and I'm explaining the logic how you can
2208 03:11:06 --> 03:11:10 do it too. It's not like I'm saying here's a trick I can do, and you worship
2209 03:11:10 --> 03:11:14 me. That's not what I'm doing. I'm teaching you as my students how you can
2210 03:11:14 --> 03:11:18 find these things yourself. Because it's fascinating to me when I get feedback in
2211 03:11:18 --> 03:11:21 the comment sections and I don't read my emails anymore because there's too many
2212 03:11:21 --> 03:11:25 of them, but usually in the comment section is people are like, this is
2213 03:11:25 --> 03:11:30 wild. Like, this is really wild to see this precision. If this keeps happening,
2214 03:11:30 --> 03:11:35 right? Isn't awesome. It's awesome. And because I don't have much in the way of
2215 03:11:35 --> 03:11:41 other people in the industry that I talk to, I set for students. I love the
2216 03:11:41 --> 03:11:45 feedback, because I live vicariously through all of you all over again,
2217 03:11:45 --> 03:11:49 because you're experiencing what I experienced. And after 30 years, you're
2218 03:11:49 --> 03:11:53 not really, you're not impressed with it to the degree that I feel all over
2219 03:11:53 --> 03:11:57 again, because I see that splash over of excitement, because you're finding it in
2220 03:11:57 --> 03:12:01 your own charts you're seeing. And you you test it out, and you're like, This
2221 03:12:01 --> 03:12:04 did exactly right, exactly. And it's laughable when they say the market's not
2222 03:12:04 --> 03:12:09 algorithmic or controlled by a price delivery mechanism that is absolutely
2223 03:12:09 --> 03:12:13 predetermined. It's scripted. That's the part you don't understand. That's why
2224 03:12:13 --> 03:12:17 it's laughable that says it's buying and selling pressure, because from here it's
2225 03:12:17 --> 03:12:23 going to drop down to to that low, and how many contracts need to be sold short
2226 03:12:23 --> 03:12:27 to do that? Not as many as you might think. It just needs one every time the
2227 03:12:27 --> 03:12:32 new price has been offered, just like you can't sell your house. You're trying
2228 03:12:32 --> 03:12:35 to sell your house up here at this price. Nobody's buying. Nobody's even
2229 03:12:35 --> 03:12:38 coming to see it. No viewings, all right, let's drop it down $10,000
2230 03:12:38 --> 03:12:42 nobody's still doing a viewing. Alright? Let's start. Let's drop it down to
2231 03:12:42 --> 03:12:46 25,000 less. Nobody's coming to see it. Oh, well, you know, let's keep dropping
2232 03:12:46 --> 03:12:51 it lower. And then all of a sudden, what happens? You start getting people that
2233 03:12:51 --> 03:12:55 want to do buy it. They're coming to view it, right? But they're not buying
2234 03:12:55 --> 03:12:59 it. Technically, you just want to see it, so that's what you're seeing, people
2235 03:12:59 --> 03:13:02 buying it. Then that means you can book a lower price and sell. There's always
2236 03:13:02 --> 03:13:05 people coming in the marketplace that want to buy and sell at the market, and
2237 03:13:05 --> 03:13:09 they only need that one contract transaction. You are not seeing the
2238 03:13:09 --> 03:13:12 effects of price moving higher and lower to these levels, because it's buying and
2239 03:13:12 --> 03:13:16 selling pressure. Because if it's that, if it's that, if that's what it is, how
2240 03:13:16 --> 03:13:22 on earth is everything balancing perfectly to my PD arrays, to the very
2241 03:13:22 --> 03:13:25 levels that random buying and selling pressure that everybody has all these
2242 03:13:25 --> 03:13:29 different methodologies. Everybody's doing something different, folks. But
2243 03:13:29 --> 03:13:33 why is it listening to what I'm telling you it's going to do? There's only one
2244 03:13:33 --> 03:13:37 constant here what I'm teaching you, because what I'm teaching you is the
2245 03:13:37 --> 03:13:41 market. It is the actual market. It is the source code, as close as I can take
2246 03:13:41 --> 03:13:46 you to it. This is it. This is visually what it is. This is Visual Basic. If you
2247 03:13:46 --> 03:13:49 want to be a computer programmer, you won't get done once you're a programmer.
2248 03:13:49 --> 03:13:53 So anyway, sell side here, it aims for that. And then small little
2249 03:13:53 --> 03:13:58 consolidation in here, what's it doing? It's affording traders to do what the
2250 03:13:58 --> 03:14:02 people that know that's going to trade for this level here and below here,
2251 03:14:02 --> 03:14:10 it'll ask them to go short, but it's denying what harmonic traders, ratio,
2252 03:14:10 --> 03:14:17 traders, imbalance, traders support, Turn resistance. Traders can't get on
2253 03:14:17 --> 03:14:26 board. Lower again, attacking that sell side. Why? Because they don't want the
2254 03:14:26 --> 03:14:28 individuals that are long to pull their orders and get out of their long
2255 03:14:28 --> 03:14:33 position, because that means their stock disappears. So the algorithm is re
2256 03:14:33 --> 03:14:39 delivering to that price level. It's coded to do this. This is script. It's a
2257 03:14:39 --> 03:14:44 macro. It's something it's a short list of of orders and directives for the
2258 03:14:44 --> 03:14:48 price engine to say, Okay, I'm going to quickly reprice lower. Quickly. I'm
2259 03:14:48 --> 03:14:51 going to keep offering price lower, lower, lower. It doesn't matter how many
2260 03:14:51 --> 03:14:55 people are buying. It doesn't matter how many contracts are being traded to go
2261 03:14:55 --> 03:15:00 long. It doesn't matter that does not matter, folks. I'm. And I know I could
2262 03:15:00 --> 03:15:03 be out here every single day for the rest of my life, and there's still going
2263 03:15:03 --> 03:15:08 to be people out here arguing. And to me, it That's fascinating. To me, the
2264 03:15:08 --> 03:15:12 level of denial was unbelievable. Find somebody that can do it like this,
2265 03:15:12 --> 03:15:15 explain it to you beforehand, using buying and selling pressure, because
2266 03:15:15 --> 03:15:18 you're not going to find that. You can't find anybody with market profile and and
2267 03:15:18 --> 03:15:21 be wopp, they're not going to explain every fluctuation like this, and
2268 03:15:21 --> 03:15:25 ensures, hell, I'm going to position entries like this. They're not going to
2269 03:15:25 --> 03:15:32 do it, not consistently. I'm doing it. I'm doing it. So at some point you're at
2270 03:15:32 --> 03:15:39 this junction where you place your faith in the fact that there's consistency,
2271 03:15:39 --> 03:15:42 there's logic being shown, and it's transferable knowledge. You don't have
2272 03:15:42 --> 03:15:47 to subscribe to the algorithm, you don't have to subscribe to the men in black.
2273 03:15:48 --> 03:15:51 You don't have to believe any of that stuff. You don't have to believe any of
2274 03:15:51 --> 03:15:57 that. But what is price telling? Because that's really what matters, the time of
2275 03:15:57 --> 03:16:01 day and the open, high, low and close, if you understand that and the basis of
2276 03:16:01 --> 03:16:08 inefficiency and liquidity, you you don't need anything else. You don't need
2277 03:16:08 --> 03:16:13 anything else. You don't need any kind of overlaid indicators, none that stuff.
2278 03:16:13 --> 03:16:20 You'll be able to see everything as it really is, all right. So that completes
2279 03:16:20 --> 03:16:24 that day here. And I mentioned, like, I said, I could have very easily disclosed
2280 03:16:24 --> 03:16:27 the trade right here, because it's hitting constant encroachment, and it
2281 03:16:27 --> 03:16:30 would have been just a little bit above it for my limit order to trade there if
2282 03:16:30 --> 03:16:35 all I wanted to do was get the low of yesterday. Look, we're not look where
2283 03:16:35 --> 03:16:40 I'm at, folks, look where I'm trading at. Like, it's real hard to do that with
2284 03:16:40 --> 03:16:45 a market order while watching price action. I didn't, I didn't limit in I
2285 03:16:45 --> 03:16:49 was marketing in it. Watch the recordings. I'm proving to you, because
2286 03:16:49 --> 03:16:53 I could have done limit orders and did better entries, but I had to do these
2287 03:16:53 --> 03:16:57 hot buttons over here, because I'm constantly proving that it's not Market
2288 03:16:57 --> 03:17:00 Replay. Because I love shitting on all these people that come in my comment
2289 03:17:00 --> 03:17:03 section, and I'm sure on social media other places are probably talking kind
2290 03:17:03 --> 03:17:06 of snack, but I just killed them today. I literally just killed them. Made
2291 03:17:09 --> 03:17:17 $100,000 in four days. Bro. Poppy ICT, yeah, that's good. Everybody likes to
2292 03:17:17 --> 03:17:21 take the long way around, but this is the low of the day. I could very easily
2293 03:17:21 --> 03:17:23 sold short here and bought that. And that's the high level that what
2294 03:17:24 --> 03:17:27 discipline out there is going to teach you that nothing else, absolutely
2295 03:17:27 --> 03:17:34 nothing else. So I'm going to ride this out and all this consolidation here. I
2296 03:17:34 --> 03:17:39 wanted to, admittedly, I wanted to add in pyramid here, but I wanted to prove
2297 03:17:39 --> 03:17:44 that my stop loss claimant was like, Grandmaster level, like, there is nobody
2298 03:17:44 --> 03:17:48 out there going to have the logic that I'm able to keep teach you and use,
2299 03:17:48 --> 03:17:52 like, I'm using it. I'm not just form fitting into things. I'm literally
2300 03:17:52 --> 03:17:57 teaching the logic and then implementing it. That's what mentoring is. Mentoring
2301 03:17:57 --> 03:18:04 is being able to find the concept that is easily transferable, provide the
2302 03:18:04 --> 03:18:08 logic it may be hard to see and understand the beginning, but then see
2303 03:18:08 --> 03:18:15 examples of this supposed teacher or mentor utilizing it, utilizing it in a
2304 03:18:15 --> 03:18:19 manner that is undeniable. And when I talk about things in the high time frame
2305 03:18:19 --> 03:18:23 charts, I tell you this is where the market's likely to go. And I want to and
2306 03:18:23 --> 03:18:26 I wanted to see it trade down to that fair value daily chart. And then it
2307 03:18:27 --> 03:18:31 happens today. There are moments of astonishment that you need as a student,
2308 03:18:31 --> 03:18:34 whether you're learning from me or anybody else, because if you're not
2309 03:18:34 --> 03:18:39 getting a steady diet of that wow factor, you're probably listening to
2310 03:18:39 --> 03:18:43 someone that's a fraud. You're probably learning something that isn't going to
2311 03:18:43 --> 03:18:46 work for you. You're probably not going to be successful at whatever you're
2312 03:18:46 --> 03:18:49 wasting your time with. But when you see it being utilized, and you have all
2313 03:18:49 --> 03:18:52 these other people around the world that are using the same stuff, and they're
2314 03:18:52 --> 03:18:56 getting profits with it, and they're attributing it to what you're learning
2315 03:18:56 --> 03:18:59 right now, and they're learning right now too. They're excited. They got notes
2316 03:18:59 --> 03:19:03 going in their journals, just as fast as you are. Her head swirling around, new
2317 03:19:03 --> 03:19:06 questions being answered, all kinds of things opening up with new logic and new
2318 03:19:06 --> 03:19:14 models they're never imagined before. And this is still nothing. This is
2319 03:19:14 --> 03:19:19 nothing. This is nothing anyway. And then we had the previous New Day opening
2320 03:19:19 --> 03:19:22 gaps in here. I told you about that, and look what they did here. Look at the
2321 03:19:22 --> 03:19:26 look at the look at this. This is what I really got excited about last night. We
2322 03:19:26 --> 03:19:30 you watch it on the recording where they wicked up in the last hour yesterday.
2323 03:19:30 --> 03:19:34 Look at this, right at the last portion of daily range,
2324 03:19:35 --> 03:19:42 boom. Why would they want to do that? Why on earth would the market want to do
2325 03:19:42 --> 03:19:51 that trail? Stop losses here, inefficiency, balance, price, range,
2326 03:19:52 --> 03:19:59 bang, that unseats trailed. Stop losses. They won't get the VIP treatment that
2327 03:19:59 --> 03:20:04 ICT got you. They won't be able to see the promised land. They can get to the
2328 03:20:04 --> 03:20:10 Jordan River, but they cannot cross. They get buried on the mountain. This
2329 03:20:11 --> 03:20:16 hanging around, what this is the high of that daily fair value gap? And what is
2330 03:20:16 --> 03:20:22 it doing? It's just marking time. And then drips down and then gives you what
2331 03:20:23 --> 03:20:30 the buyers an opportunity to do, what place, what stops, what kind of stops,
2332 03:20:30 --> 03:20:34 sell stops. So this is engineering liquidity. It didn't go down to where I
2333 03:20:34 --> 03:20:38 say it was going to go. Yet, it's building liquidity. They want to build
2334 03:20:38 --> 03:20:48 liquidity around that level. What does the market do? Rallies up. Consolidates.
2335 03:20:49 --> 03:20:54 Consolidates. It's hanging around the upper quadrant of that daily fair value
2336 03:20:54 --> 03:21:03 gap, using old New Day, opening gaps, building fake bull flags. Oh, it's gonna
2337 03:21:03 --> 03:21:08 go hard. No, honey, bang. And then watch when we're getting close to this low
2338 03:21:08 --> 03:21:13 here, the algorithm knows it needs to do it quick, or you'll do what? If you're
2339 03:21:13 --> 03:21:17 long, you're gonna pull your order and clap your trade. They they have to have
2340 03:21:17 --> 03:21:22 the liquidity there. So the market does this quick drive down. Boom, and there's
2341 03:21:22 --> 03:21:27 my exit rate at the blow of the fairway. Gotham daily chart. Tell me. Talk to me.
2342 03:21:27 --> 03:21:35 Okay, talk to me. You. Tell me who's proven that, who's proven it, who's
2343 03:21:35 --> 03:21:38 bringing the evidence that can stand up in court. Because I could do this in
2344 03:21:38 --> 03:21:42 front of any court, in front of anybody. I can do it on CNBC, if they'll let me.
2345 03:21:42 --> 03:21:47 You want, you want to be trading live? I'll do it right in front of Kramer.
2346 03:21:47 --> 03:21:49 I'll go on Kramer and say, watch this.
2347 03:21:55 --> 03:22:02 Kramer. You don't want me under because I'd be like, Look, this guy is the alpha
2348 03:22:02 --> 03:22:06 fading indicator. Like, whatever he says, give a little bit of time and it's
2349 03:22:06 --> 03:22:10 going to go the other direction. And I don't mean that to be me, but that's
2350 03:22:10 --> 03:22:17 just the facts. Like, it's crazy, it's crazy, but I would have literally given
2351 03:22:17 --> 03:22:23 my left leg when I was 20 years old, if somebody like my Cassel for here is
2352 03:22:23 --> 03:22:29 proving this stuff conceptually, executing with it. Okay, now here's the
2353 03:22:29 --> 03:22:34 here's the challenge for the soy boys in the comment section. And I It may sound
2354 03:22:34 --> 03:22:37 to you like I got, like, hundreds of them, or even 20 of them. I don't. I
2355 03:22:37 --> 03:22:41 have usually one or two. And you think, Oh, you spend too much time you're here.
2356 03:22:41 --> 03:22:47 I love them. That that's what makes this fun for me. Like I have to have some
2357 03:22:47 --> 03:22:53 kind of anti antagonistic, uh, argument. One guy out there took it to an extreme
2358 03:22:53 --> 03:22:58 to make a brand out of him, okay? And I think it hurt him. But just the back and
2359 03:22:58 --> 03:23:05 forth, the banter, the shop talk, I love that, like I love that it's it's fun to
2360 03:23:05 --> 03:23:09 be able to do with other people, and they don't take it personal. But for the
2361 03:23:09 --> 03:23:13 soy boys in my comment section that I love ribbing, and I know some of them
2362 03:23:13 --> 03:23:17 probably still love me, it's like they know who I'm talking to when I say it,
2363 03:23:17 --> 03:23:25 Lucas, but the the idea of using multiple screens, okay, here's your
2364 03:23:25 --> 03:23:29 challenge. You might have multiple computers, okay, and screens or
2365 03:23:29 --> 03:23:36 whatever, okay. Trading view is welcome to come out and verify that what this
2366 03:23:36 --> 03:23:45 was done was only with one account. You can't have multiple accounts on trading.
2367 03:23:45 --> 03:23:49 Me, you have the account. That's it, as far as I'm aware of. Okay, unless it's
2368 03:23:49 --> 03:23:54 something that I don't know. But I want all the folks that hold the opinion that
2369 03:23:54 --> 03:23:57 this was done with multiple computers, multiple screens, here's what your
2370 03:23:57 --> 03:24:03 here's what your challenge is. Okay, you have to frame the trade with all the
2371 03:24:03 --> 03:24:08 annotations, like I have every key level, and you have to be able to use
2372 03:24:08 --> 03:24:14 the logic that I've taught. And you got to get at the high of the day, and then
2373 03:24:14 --> 03:24:22 you got to get out at the low over here, use that logic. I promise you, no one's
2374 03:24:22 --> 03:24:25 going to come forward with doing that. They'll do it in Market Replay, but they
2375 03:24:25 --> 03:24:28 will not do it with live price action. They won't do it in a demo. They won't
2376 03:24:28 --> 03:24:31 be able to do it with their live account. They won't be able to do it
2377 03:24:31 --> 03:24:35 period in a story. It's done. So I have a lot of fun with those types of things,
2378 03:24:35 --> 03:24:38 and honestly, you should be thankful that these people do this, because it
2379 03:24:38 --> 03:24:41 inspires me to do these lectures like this. It doesn't inspire me when I got
2380 03:24:41 --> 03:24:45 people constantly telling I love uict, when I got other people's chat rooms, I
2381 03:24:45 --> 03:24:50 love UIC man. I'm out of there soon as I see that. I'm done. I'm gone. I'm not
2382 03:24:50 --> 03:24:53 like that. I don't want that. I like the guys that want to give me a ribbing,
2383 03:24:53 --> 03:24:57 like bro, like show this and show that you can't do that. As soon as they give
2384 03:24:57 --> 03:25:03 me something I can't do, I do it. It's simple. It's almost like a, like a magic
2385 03:25:03 --> 03:25:06 show. Okay, can you show me a card check? Sure, I'll show you card trick. I
2386 03:25:06 --> 03:25:09 could show you card tricks all day long. I had live stream card tricks for hours
2387 03:25:09 --> 03:25:14 and hours and hours. And never mind. I like that. I love that engagement. I
2388 03:25:14 --> 03:25:19 love that, you know, that playfulness, like, Yeah, but it ain't so, so and
2389 03:25:19 --> 03:25:23 then, okay, boom. And it's just like, oh shit. They never come back with a
2390 03:25:23 --> 03:25:27 response after that, which is my perfect response. They're like nothing. They
2391 03:25:27 --> 03:25:31 can't say nothing. So when I talk about this stuff, some of you just try to
2392 03:25:31 --> 03:25:35 defend me and mother me or father me by saying you spend too much time. You
2393 03:25:35 --> 03:25:39 should be thankful that they do this. Because that's the that's the dichotomy
2394 03:25:39 --> 03:25:43 here. That's the thing that gets my juices going, like it makes me want to
2395 03:25:43 --> 03:25:47 do more of this. That's like, you have no idea. That's when I'm driving around.
2396 03:25:47 --> 03:25:52 I want somebody to give me road rage. I'm looking to get out of their car.
2397 03:25:52 --> 03:25:55 Please get out of your car. Please get out of your car. Because I'm looking for
2398 03:25:55 --> 03:25:59 that. I'm looking for an outlet. I'm looking for that. Think about what I was
2399 03:25:59 --> 03:26:05 telling you about the 2008 I was looking for something. I wanted stimulation. I
2400 03:26:05 --> 03:26:09 was already wealthy. I was already aware of, you know, where I was in the world.
2401 03:26:10 --> 03:26:15 I'm happy. But now, what do I want to do? I need to do something dangerous.
2402 03:26:16 --> 03:26:19 And men are the typical they're the creatures that do it. Women don't
2403 03:26:19 --> 03:26:27 generally do that stuff. So in this education platform, I like when people
2404 03:26:27 --> 03:26:31 say I don't believe you and they want to say something, if they took the time to
2405 03:26:31 --> 03:26:34 send me something in the comment section, that means that I have them
2406 03:26:34 --> 03:26:39 emotionally hooked, and that means they have committed, they placed the bet.
2407 03:26:39 --> 03:26:43 That's what they've done. They've taken the time to type that out, and then I'm
2408 03:26:43 --> 03:26:49 going to honor their time by answering their bullshit, and then answer it in a
2409 03:26:49 --> 03:26:54 way where it leaves them speechless. And if they have a hero, or if they're the
2410 03:26:54 --> 03:26:57 hero in a sock puppet account, that's offended because I'm doing something
2411 03:26:57 --> 03:27:01 they are never going to be able to live up to. Dude, you don't have to say you
2412 03:27:01 --> 03:27:05 learn from me, but if this helps you become a better trader, and if you want
2413 03:27:05 --> 03:27:10 to sell services and signals and stuff, at least you know how to do it for real.
2414 03:27:10 --> 03:27:13 Now that's all. That's all I'm trying to do. I'm having fun doing something I
2415 03:27:13 --> 03:27:17 don't mean anything mean spirited to anybody. I don't want any I don't wish
2416 03:27:17 --> 03:27:20 any ill on anybody else. I don't I don't have that mentality, like I don't have
2417 03:27:20 --> 03:27:25 that, but I do like to have fun, and I can take a good ribbing when, when
2418 03:27:25 --> 03:27:29 people have something that's, you know, said about me funny, they make skits
2419 03:27:29 --> 03:27:32 about me, whatever. I laugh my ass off about some of that stuff. It's funny
2420 03:27:32 --> 03:27:36 stuff. I'm not hurt. I'm not ashamed of hiding my face. I'm not here live
2421 03:27:36 --> 03:27:42 streaming and you see anything slowing down? No no, because I'm comfortable in
2422 03:27:42 --> 03:27:46 my skin. I'm comfortable with who I am and what I'm able to do. And as a
2423 03:27:46 --> 03:27:51 mentor, you want to have that mentality, because you're going to have students,
2424 03:27:51 --> 03:27:54 they're going to challenge you. If you don't do this, then you're a fraud. If
2425 03:27:54 --> 03:27:57 you don't do this, I don't believe you. You didn't do this because you didn't do
2426 03:27:57 --> 03:28:02 it this way. You're always going to have these new challenges, and you get to
2427 03:28:02 --> 03:28:08 pick and choose what you want to answer. You have to have the comfort knowing
2428 03:28:08 --> 03:28:12 that people are going to come at you like, I'm the hottest thing right now in
2429 03:28:12 --> 03:28:18 trading. Just go out there and look at it. It's just like that. It doesn't mean
2430 03:28:18 --> 03:28:22 that I'm right for everybody. It doesn't mean I'm the perfect mentor, but I have
2431 03:28:22 --> 03:28:27 to have fun doing this, or I'm not going to do it, and this is my way of being
2432 03:28:27 --> 03:28:31 fun. Like, I have fun with it, and I don't get my feelings hurt when people
2433 03:28:31 --> 03:28:35 doubt me, or if they say something that may be viewed that other people that are
2434 03:28:35 --> 03:28:39 supporting me, they want to go to war about that. I don't think like that. I
2435 03:28:39 --> 03:28:44 think it's fun, like it's fun when other YouTubers and live streamers, they talk
2436 03:28:44 --> 03:28:48 smack about me and say something funny, I laugh about that, unless it's
2437 03:28:48 --> 03:28:52 something personal about my family or something like that. You know, I have a
2438 03:28:52 --> 03:28:55 sense of humor. And some of you out there feel like you have to be my
2439 03:28:55 --> 03:29:00 bodyguard. You don't have to be my bodyguard. Like I'm not insecure. Most
2440 03:29:00 --> 03:29:04 of you have insecurities that are really unhealthy for a student, and that's what
2441 03:29:04 --> 03:29:11 gives what we have here as a community, a very strong cult like persona. And to
2442 03:29:11 --> 03:29:18 kind of take away the sting of that persona, I just grab it and say, okay,
2443 03:29:18 --> 03:29:22 yeah, we're the cult of winning, because nobody else's community is going to be
2444 03:29:23 --> 03:29:26 like we are. We're dialed in on precision. We're looking for
2445 03:29:26 --> 03:29:33 consistency. We have levels of precision that it's alien to anyone else. It's
2446 03:29:33 --> 03:29:37 literally ridiculous to be able to say, Oh, this is ICT trades like this guy or
2447 03:29:37 --> 03:29:43 that guy, or the ICT trades like me, there ain't nobody that trades like me.
2448 03:29:47 --> 03:29:50 I like for you to show me who they are, if they if they exist. But here's the
2449 03:29:50 --> 03:29:56 nine o'clock run up all this spending time above that daily fair value gap,
2450 03:29:57 --> 03:30:04 above all the spy side. Here you. And then they ripped it lower. And this is
2451 03:30:04 --> 03:30:07 that lower width that I highlight on the daily chart. Let's go back out to
2452 03:30:08 --> 03:30:11 actually take I want to take a look at this. I didn't see ES. I haven't looked
2453 03:30:11 --> 03:30:19 at I'm gonna see es real quick. Yeah. It made higher high there. Look at this. Is
2454 03:30:19 --> 03:30:25 the ugly in it. This is when I talk about certain things, and I'll use
2455 03:30:25 --> 03:30:33 adjectives that may seem a little weird. This delivery in ES, because I get a lot
2456 03:30:33 --> 03:30:38 of questions, why are you in and NASDAQ and not ES? Because NASDAQ is a little
2457 03:30:38 --> 03:30:45 bit more wild, and because it's more wild, it has a lot more likelihood that
2458 03:30:45 --> 03:30:51 inefficiencies will be formed in it that won't be sometimes as clear in the E,
2459 03:30:51 --> 03:30:55 Mini, s, p, so look at the difference between how this price action is here.
2460 03:30:55 --> 03:31:00 This is like, fuzzy, okay, it's like, back and forth. Yeah, there's
2461 03:31:00 --> 03:31:06 inefficiencies in here. You can see them, okay, but NASDAQ is a whole lot
2462 03:31:06 --> 03:31:12 cleaner. And you can use the NASDAQ and still trade es like you can look at the
2463 03:31:12 --> 03:31:16 inefficiencies in NASDAQ when we're moving lower and say, Okay, well, what
2464 03:31:16 --> 03:31:20 is es doing? And if ES is starting to retrace higher at the same time that the
2465 03:31:20 --> 03:31:24 NASDAQ's trading up into a fair value gap and it's respecting its lower half
2466 03:31:24 --> 03:31:30 of its inefficiency, you're not going to have mark to market perfect you the
2467 03:31:30 --> 03:31:34 candle stop at the same time on ES to do a little stop on that. If you're holding
2468 03:31:34 --> 03:31:38 it to that degree of precision, it's going to frustrate you, but you can read
2469 03:31:38 --> 03:31:44 price action in NASDAQ, and get a good feel for what S, P is going to do. But
2470 03:31:44 --> 03:31:50 if you look at what we have in NASDAQ, look at this area here, see how price is
2471 03:31:50 --> 03:31:54 delivering all this in here. Contrast that with what you have in the NASDAQ.
2472 03:31:57 --> 03:32:03 See how easy and your eye jumps right to the inefficiencies here, here and here,
2473 03:32:03 --> 03:32:08 that is a stark contrast to what the delivery mechanism was in ES. So it's a
2474 03:32:08 --> 03:32:15 little bit more fuzzy, a little bit more it's like a muddying of the waters. It's
2475 03:32:15 --> 03:32:18 still going to go where we think it's going to go, but it's not going to be as
2476 03:32:18 --> 03:32:22 pristine and clear like you can see clearly with the with the NASDAQ, the
2477 03:32:22 --> 03:32:30 inefficiencies go right, right, right into it and then breaks aggressively. So
2478 03:32:32 --> 03:32:39 anyway, I think that's it for today. I had fun today. I'm really hungry. I
2479 03:32:39 --> 03:32:46 enjoyed murdering the hearts and minds of everybody that likes to troll me. I
2480 03:32:46 --> 03:32:53 made $100,000 in four days. Bro, copy, ICT. I did it in less than one day, one
2481 03:32:53 --> 03:32:58 trade, one entry full pool, one stop loss movement. And that was it. And I
2482 03:32:58 --> 03:33:03 could have done way more than that, like I could have built this up wildly, doing
2483 03:33:03 --> 03:33:08 everything I've done in the past by pyramiding and keeping it going. My
2484 03:33:08 --> 03:33:13 question to you is, do you see value in this? In the final moments here together
2485 03:33:13 --> 03:33:18 today, live, I want you to think about, think about the chances of you having
2486 03:33:18 --> 03:33:23 someone that's doing what I'm doing for you right now. I'm doing all this for
2487 03:33:23 --> 03:33:29 free. I'm doing this with my own personal time. I always overstay unless
2488 03:33:29 --> 03:33:33 my wife says I ask the absolutely and and we gotta do something, I'm always
2489 03:33:33 --> 03:33:37 over delivering because I enjoy it. My passion is teaching this because I know
2490 03:33:37 --> 03:33:41 what it's done for me. I know what it'll do for you. If you're earnestly trying
2491 03:33:41 --> 03:33:45 to learn how to do this, the markets are absolutely not random. They're not
2492 03:33:45 --> 03:33:48 random. They're not hiding things from you. If you're learning from me, they're
2493 03:33:48 --> 03:33:53 never going to be able to hide it from you. Everything is in that chart, but
2494 03:33:53 --> 03:33:57 they've done a clever game of constantly pumping out misinformation with
2495 03:33:57 --> 03:34:02 indicators and other schools of thought. And the problem is, with good,
2496 03:34:02 --> 03:34:06 reasonable money management, it's easy to trick yourself into thinking that
2497 03:34:06 --> 03:34:10 that's what makes the market go up and down. Your harmonic patterns, your ratio
2498 03:34:10 --> 03:34:14 this, your animal patterns, your white golf, your moving average crossovers,
2499 03:34:14 --> 03:34:20 your supply and demand zones, you come on. Everybody has something right. What
2500 03:34:20 --> 03:34:24 Works in this industry all the time is sound money management that wins every
2501 03:34:24 --> 03:34:28 time. You can make money flipping a quarter heads, you buy, tails, you sell,
2502 03:34:28 --> 03:34:31 use a reasonable stop loss, don't over trade at the end of the year, you can be
2503 03:34:31 --> 03:34:35 profitable. Does that mean that you should sell your course on how to flip
2504 03:34:35 --> 03:34:39 the quarter the right way? No, but that's the that's the gimmick, and
2505 03:34:39 --> 03:34:42 that's the fraud that's in this industry, because they know that you're
2506 03:34:42 --> 03:34:46 chomping at the bit to learn how to make money, and you all think that this is
2507 03:34:46 --> 03:34:49 easy, fast money, the only way that occurs is if you're selling an
2508 03:34:49 --> 03:34:55 education, I can make millions instantly, overnight. All I gotta do is
2509 03:34:55 --> 03:34:59 put a price tag on this, and you should feel comforted that that's not gonna
2510 03:34:59 --> 03:35:05 happen. There's no hook here. There's no upsell, there's no nothing. I'm
2511 03:35:05 --> 03:35:10 delivering more than anybody ever has and ever will. I'm not going to teach
2512 03:35:10 --> 03:35:14 everything that makes me who I am, but what I'm teaching is going to take years
2513 03:35:14 --> 03:35:20 for people to catch up to that everything at this moment, taught and
2514 03:35:20 --> 03:35:24 made public. It's going to take years for people to get good and proficient
2515 03:35:24 --> 03:35:30 with it, and when I start seeing that, I'll come out and teach some more stuff.
2516 03:35:30 --> 03:35:33 I won't run out of anything. Okay, I have lots of toys and techniques and
2517 03:35:33 --> 03:35:37 tactics, and they're all better than what you've seen so far. Like, this is
2518 03:35:37 --> 03:35:42 nothing. This is like elementary school stuff. It's very, very, very simplistic
2519 03:35:42 --> 03:35:46 things that there's a the lowest order of technical science that I have, and it
2520 03:35:46 --> 03:35:51 has to be taught this way, because more higher tier stuff, it requires a whole
2521 03:35:51 --> 03:35:54 lot more things that I honestly don't have at my age right now, the patience
2522 03:35:54 --> 03:35:58 or energy to teach it like I don't it would take a great deal of effort and to
2523 03:35:58 --> 03:36:01 answer the ones they're asking, Is my book's going to have all that stuff. No,
2524 03:36:02 --> 03:36:05 it will have new PD arrays. It'll have new things to amplify what has already
2525 03:36:05 --> 03:36:09 been taught here, so that way you have a full panoramic view, but you don't need
2526 03:36:09 --> 03:36:14 to buy my books. Okay? And I know the people that are partnering with me, they
2527 03:36:14 --> 03:36:18 don't like me saying that, and I don't care, because I'm not trying to sell
2528 03:36:18 --> 03:36:24 books for money. I'm only writing the book to have an ISBN number and a
2529 03:36:24 --> 03:36:29 copyright that says, this was my work. This was my work in print, for the first
2530 03:36:29 --> 03:36:34 time, other people will be able to talk about how these things existed and the
2531 03:36:34 --> 03:36:38 ones that have class and character, they have given me credit in their books,
2532 03:36:38 --> 03:36:43 which is fine, even though they taught it wrong. It's fine, but it's helped
2533 03:36:43 --> 03:36:48 stimulate this whole frenzy around me and my concepts, Smart Money concepts.
2534 03:36:48 --> 03:36:52 ICT, this. ICT, that. And because it garners attention, you have people that
2535 03:36:52 --> 03:36:57 want to make videos about me. You want to do exposes, or expose the fact that I
2536 03:36:57 --> 03:37:01 just did what I just did here today, expose that. You ain't going to touch
2537 03:37:01 --> 03:37:04 that subject matter. You ain't going to touch that. You're going to take
2538 03:37:04 --> 03:37:07 something out of context, you're going to make it wise. You're going to listen
2539 03:37:07 --> 03:37:10 to somebody else's bullshit, and then you're going to try to get viewership on
2540 03:37:10 --> 03:37:14 your channel or clicks on your Twitter account, because you need money, and
2541 03:37:14 --> 03:37:18 that's fine. I'm doing that. I'm doing you a better service. I'm teaching you
2542 03:37:18 --> 03:37:21 how to actually learn how to make it in the market on your own steam. And I
2543 03:37:21 --> 03:37:25 don't even care if you ever tell me thank you for it. I don't care. That's
2544 03:37:25 --> 03:37:29 not what I'm here for. I'm here because I want to lay it down for my son that
2545 03:37:29 --> 03:37:34 way he can see it. He can see these setups in enough time working with it.
2546 03:37:35 --> 03:37:41 Come on your funded account, challenges they offer you, and they afford you,
2547 03:37:41 --> 03:37:46 what? 15 contracts. I didn't even use 15 contracts, and I didn't break a rule
2548 03:37:46 --> 03:37:49 that would have been utilized against you if you were using a particular
2549 03:37:49 --> 03:37:53 funded account company. You can't add to a losing position. My position is saying
2550 03:37:53 --> 03:38:00 I'm not pyramiding into a losing trade study that trust me, those guys, as much
2551 03:38:00 --> 03:38:04 as much as they would love to be able to copy what I'm doing. They don't want you
2552 03:38:04 --> 03:38:07 all learning how to do this, because you're going to break them. And that's
2553 03:38:07 --> 03:38:11 not my motivation earlier, when I was having fun about that. Don't be sending
2554 03:38:11 --> 03:38:15 me some hate mail. I don't want to hear about it. You got your own little thing.
2555 03:38:15 --> 03:38:20 I'm I'm providing you a whole list of new clientele that's going to come in
2556 03:38:20 --> 03:38:24 here, and if they listen to me, they'll make money. But the ones that are keyed
2557 03:38:24 --> 03:38:28 up like I am, they may take it as a challenge to go take you to the
2558 03:38:29 --> 03:38:36 poorhouse. I mean, it only takes one good trader. Think about it, one good
2559 03:38:36 --> 03:38:45 trader that has an Oceans 11 itch or you ever seen that movie 21 with Kevin
2560 03:38:45 --> 03:38:50 Spacey, and he taught everybody how to count cards, and they went to casino and
2561 03:38:51 --> 03:38:57 they were beating them. It only takes one person to be able to be really,
2562 03:38:57 --> 03:39:00 really good at this. And they get their little Oceans 11, or they get their
2563 03:39:00 --> 03:39:04 little click up, and they said, We're going to take down these funded account
2564 03:39:04 --> 03:39:09 companies. So you need to stop screwing your clientele, because if you keep
2565 03:39:09 --> 03:39:15 doing that kind of stuff, there's more of us than there are of you, and you're
2566 03:39:15 --> 03:39:21 making lots of money, lots and lots of money, but the doors are open for people
2567 03:39:21 --> 03:39:29 like me and who I'm teaching, and they can come in and crush you. Crush you
2568 03:39:29 --> 03:39:35 because they can make a point to say, look, we're gonna arm me up. And there's
2569 03:39:35 --> 03:39:40 gonna be a large number of people. They're gonna file this same account
2570 03:39:41 --> 03:39:44 you're done for. And it's not like it's going to affect the market, because
2571 03:39:44 --> 03:39:48 you're not even in a real market, you're you're in demo. So they're not going to
2572 03:39:48 --> 03:39:53 seek and hunt stops, because if there was a large body of of traders coming in
2573 03:39:53 --> 03:39:57 like that, that type of liquidity, they're going to move on that. But
2574 03:39:57 --> 03:40:05 because you're all demo, you. Uh, it's an easy way to to smash all of you, and
2575 03:40:05 --> 03:40:09 that's the number one reason why I would never go out there in that setting,
2576 03:40:09 --> 03:40:13 because Word travels fast. If I say anything in my private mentorship, it's
2577 03:40:13 --> 03:40:17 already on Instagram. It's already in all the other stuff, because there's
2578 03:40:17 --> 03:40:20 leakers there. They want to be the person that's leaking something
2579 03:40:20 --> 03:40:24 exclusive, and that's why I don't do most things anymore at that group. I
2580 03:40:24 --> 03:40:29 converse with them, we talk about things, but I'm doing more on a YouTube
2581 03:40:29 --> 03:40:35 channel publicly now because of that very reason. So if I went into a setting
2582 03:40:35 --> 03:40:39 like I'm going to trade with top step or I don't even know all the other
2583 03:40:39 --> 03:40:44 companies anymore, but that's the one I know of, because two of my sons went
2584 03:40:44 --> 03:40:50 through their thing. But the, and that's an endorsement for top step, by the way,
2585 03:40:50 --> 03:40:55 but the if I was to open up an account with them and start trading with it, you
2586 03:40:55 --> 03:41:00 think they're going to keep that quiet? Hell no. Hell No seeing what I'm doing,
2587 03:41:01 --> 03:41:03 Michael patak would absolutely be copying every fucking thing I'm doing.
2588 03:41:04 --> 03:41:07 And ain't no shame in the game. I would do it too. If I was in I'd be like,
2589 03:41:07 --> 03:41:12 whatever this guy's doing, I want to copy that. And what happens when the
2590 03:41:12 --> 03:41:16 other people behind the scenes in the back room work those companies, they
2591 03:41:16 --> 03:41:19 know I'm in there, and they just say, Well, you know this little tree copier
2592 03:41:19 --> 03:41:25 here, I would do it. I would do that. I'm not gonna lie about I would
2593 03:41:25 --> 03:41:28 absolutely do that. If this, if this guy was making it available so I could see
2594 03:41:28 --> 03:41:32 what he's doing every single time you all know, you'd be doing it too. Come
2595 03:41:32 --> 03:41:37 on. But what happens when individuals out there that learn how to trade really
2596 03:41:37 --> 03:41:42 well, let me not, maybe not with this stuff. Maybe, maybe do trade with other
2597 03:41:42 --> 03:41:47 stuff, and they're profitable, and they're wildly profitable, and they have
2598 03:41:47 --> 03:41:55 a bunch of people with them with the extended goal, over time, to knock you
2599 03:41:55 --> 03:41:56 guys out of business.
2600 03:41:59 --> 03:42:04 Think about that. So you have to really handle yourself differently. And when
2601 03:42:04 --> 03:42:08 people earn their money, don't screw don't scroll out of that stuff. Oh,
2602 03:42:08 --> 03:42:11 well, you broke this rule. You didn't do that. Now it's supposedly some one
2603 03:42:11 --> 03:42:15 company saying you got to record yourself trading. Well, my students 15
2604 03:42:15 --> 03:42:19 out of trading. They probably would love doing it. They probably want to see if
2605 03:42:19 --> 03:42:23 they're trading. What I'm showing in my charts, if you're trained like that ICT
2606 03:42:23 --> 03:42:29 guy, we gotta get this guy out of here. Deny all payouts, some funny stuff. I
2607 03:42:29 --> 03:42:32 mean, it's not funny for the people that should have been paid out because
2608 03:42:32 --> 03:42:35 they've earned the money. But it's, it's crazy. I'm sure they're probably
2609 03:42:35 --> 03:42:40 thinking, Man, this guy's teaching everybody how to do this stuff. Yep.
2610 03:42:40 --> 03:42:46 Boys in Chicago are paying attention to trust me on that. Tell me I can't and
2611 03:42:47 --> 03:42:51 I'll make more of me. So that's going to be it for today. I'm going to grab
2612 03:42:51 --> 03:42:55 something to eat, enjoy the weekend and relax. I hope you all had some fun
2613 03:42:55 --> 03:42:59 today. Hope you learned something. I certainly had a great time with you all.
2614 03:42:59 --> 03:43:03 I hope you watch the video I shared yesterday. It's sped up. If you watch it
2615 03:43:03 --> 03:43:08 at point two, five speed, don't you don't want to hear me sound like I'm
2616 03:43:08 --> 03:43:11 drunk. I've never been drunk in my life, but at point two, five, I'm going to
2617 03:43:11 --> 03:43:14 sound like I'm drunk. But watch everything I'm annotating in the in the
2618 03:43:14 --> 03:43:18 chart and in comp, compare and contrast with I showed you here how we worked
2619 03:43:18 --> 03:43:23 from higher time frame using the PD arrays and the price delivery continuum
2620 03:43:23 --> 03:43:28 theory, where everything on the higher time frame has to be confirmed with that
2621 03:43:28 --> 03:43:33 lower time frame, contrast that with what you hear in retail, the higher time
2622 03:43:33 --> 03:43:38 frames have to confirm the lower time frame. No, no, no, no, no, because
2623 03:43:38 --> 03:43:46 everything is algorithmic, prices are going to be reacting to in the way. I'm
2624 03:43:46 --> 03:43:52 teaching you with the lower time frames, because it's high frequency in nature.
2625 03:43:52 --> 03:43:57 Algorithmic trading is not slow snails pace, trading on weekly, monthly and
2626 03:43:57 --> 03:44:00 daily charts in four hour that's not what that is not that there isn't
2627 03:44:00 --> 03:44:05 algorithms keying off of those time frames there are, but algorithmic
2628 03:44:05 --> 03:44:08 delivery of price that the engine itself is causing the fluctuations higher and
2629 03:44:08 --> 03:44:11 lower, where the price is going to go, whether there's buyers or sellers at any
2630 03:44:11 --> 03:44:17 degree of of significance, more other than any other day, it's these things
2631 03:44:17 --> 03:44:22 are predetermined. And I'm telling you, I know some people just don't like to
2632 03:44:22 --> 03:44:26 hear it, but if it was anything, but what I'm telling you, I would tell you,
2633 03:44:27 --> 03:44:32 but if it isn't what I'm telling you, and I'm able to do this, what other
2634 03:44:32 --> 03:44:36 school of thought am I employing? What is it? Because you're not going to find
2635 03:44:36 --> 03:44:40 that it's not going to happen, folks, it's not going to happen, but you're
2636 03:44:40 --> 03:44:44 welcome. You're welcome to go out there and waste your time doing some people
2637 03:44:44 --> 03:44:51 have tried, and they became students, and I wish you all the best with it. I I
2638 03:44:51 --> 03:44:55 want you to do well. I certainly want my son to come out here and do a better job
2639 03:44:55 --> 03:45:03 of being iced tea. Point 2.0 5.0 yeah. Um. Than I was. I want him to do it
2640 03:45:03 --> 03:45:11 correctly, not have the the the self centered all about me that I had when I
2641 03:45:11 --> 03:45:18 was 20. I wish I had this mentality when I was 20. I would have been a huge, huge
2642 03:45:18 --> 03:45:22 name in the industry, way before I am right now and I'm, I'm not really that
2643 03:45:22 --> 03:45:26 big of a deal, so don't think I'm trying to make myself bigger than I am. But
2644 03:45:26 --> 03:45:29 when it comes to trading, everybody knows what SMC is. Everybody knows what
2645 03:45:29 --> 03:45:33 an ICT is. And they're, they're polarized. Either, yeah, I know I'm he's
2646 03:45:33 --> 03:45:40 a crackpot, or, yeah, wow, that guy's something else. It's crazy, and that's
2647 03:45:40 --> 03:45:44 what it is, and I like being polarizing, because that means I'm constantly going
2648 03:45:44 --> 03:45:49 to have a fresh perspective put against me. And then over time, those
2649 03:45:49 --> 03:45:52 individuals that listen to that bullshit, they'll come here and they'll
2650 03:45:52 --> 03:45:55 see what I'm able to do and what my students are learning, and they're doing
2651 03:45:55 --> 03:45:59 in their own hands. And there ain't no better testimony than you finding what
2652 03:45:59 --> 03:46:01 you're looking for and never understanding what it was you were
2653 03:46:01 --> 03:46:06 seeking to see it for the first time, and you're like, wow, you're telling me
2654 03:46:06 --> 03:46:10 that I can get short at the high of the day, and all I'm trying to get is 10
2655 03:46:10 --> 03:46:15 handles. And what happens if I just hold it right? What happens if you hold it
2656 03:46:15 --> 03:46:19 for the entire daily range? What happens if you carry it over to the following
2657 03:46:19 --> 03:46:22 day and you reach for targets that I'm teaching you, the algorithm is going to
2658 03:46:22 --> 03:46:26 reprice to anyway. He's got to submit to the time holding on to him. Everything
2659 03:46:26 --> 03:46:32 changes, folks, and you won't be able to sleep. You'll have so much energy and
2660 03:46:32 --> 03:46:36 excitement. It's not fear. You'll have so much excitement, like you will be
2661 03:46:36 --> 03:46:41 buzzing. You Won't you won't be able to stand it waiting to get through work
2662 03:46:41 --> 03:46:44 because you want to go home and get into charts and dig through it and study
2663 03:46:44 --> 03:46:48 more. That's how you know you're progressing. If it's hard for you to get
2664 03:46:48 --> 03:46:51 into the charts, if you're finding it daunting, and you're listening to me,
2665 03:46:51 --> 03:46:54 and he's like, Oh, this guy, I don't even want to go through this anymore.
2666 03:46:54 --> 03:46:59 Just stop. Save yourself all the trouble and just stop because you're not
2667 03:46:59 --> 03:47:03 equipped, ready and wanting to do it right now. You may want to do it later
2668 03:47:03 --> 03:47:08 on, but don't. If you have to force yourself to do this and learn from me,
2669 03:47:08 --> 03:47:12 then that's the surest sign that you're not ready. That's all, that's all,
2670 03:47:12 --> 03:47:14 that's all it means. And go do something else. Try to learn something from
2671 03:47:14 --> 03:47:17 somebody else. There's a lot of other YouTubers out there that are live
2672 03:47:17 --> 03:47:21 streaming and actually doing their trades in front of you. Go learn from
2673 03:47:21 --> 03:47:25 them. Go try to do what they're doing and see what it does for you. It might
2674 03:47:25 --> 03:47:29 work for you, it might it might fix it for you. But if it doesn't come back
2675 03:47:29 --> 03:47:33 with that perspective, and I promise you, you will find what you're looking
2676 03:47:33 --> 03:47:36 for, because you're going to see something totally different than
2677 03:47:36 --> 03:47:41 everybody else's stuff, even my YouTube channel, students like Taja. Well,
2678 03:47:41 --> 03:47:46 that's only one I want to promote right now, because there's other ones that are
2679 03:47:46 --> 03:47:49 coming up, and I don't want to put a spotlight on them, because they're just
2680 03:47:49 --> 03:47:53 quite not, not quite ready for all the fans here. Because I put my finger on
2681 03:47:54 --> 03:47:58 Tanya's live stream they she has a lot of trolls in here now, and I know
2682 03:47:58 --> 03:48:01 they're trolling me because they know I'm watching and it's fine, they're
2683 03:48:01 --> 03:48:05 they're broke, but the point is is I'm not trying to create a Drama Fest for
2684 03:48:05 --> 03:48:12 any of my students, and they're welcome to create that on their own, but even
2685 03:48:12 --> 03:48:18 they that are profitable, they're not trading like I trade. They you didn't
2686 03:48:18 --> 03:48:24 see any one of my students do what I just did yesterday into today. And for
2687 03:48:24 --> 03:48:29 the folks that are telling me you took the same trade show me telling me in
2688 03:48:29 --> 03:48:33 words, I know what you think, you think, by saying, Yeah, I took the same trade,
2689 03:48:33 --> 03:48:39 any same entry and exit. ICT, I want to see that. I want to see that. I have
2690 03:48:39 --> 03:48:42 four people tell me that in the comment section, and they're not subscribed,
2691 03:48:43 --> 03:48:46 they're just somebody that just watched the video, and they're just left it,
2692 03:48:46 --> 03:48:50 left a comment. I'm telling you that you're lying, and you're lying, and
2693 03:48:51 --> 03:48:55 you're doing the same thing that people do, as I mentioned here in other
2694 03:48:55 --> 03:48:59 lectures, where, if you do something a demo account, and it's not even linked
2695 03:48:59 --> 03:49:03 to anything, and it pans out, and you want to show everybody you're empty for
2696 03:49:03 --> 03:49:07 your empty five or your demo account results on trading view, or whatever it
2697 03:49:07 --> 03:49:11 is that you're trading with. You want that response from the social media to
2698 03:49:11 --> 03:49:14 make you feel good, because what you just did should have already been
2699 03:49:14 --> 03:49:18 enough, like if you know what you're doing, and the trade goes just like you
2700 03:49:18 --> 03:49:22 wanted to do, whether you're tape reading it with no demo account or a
2701 03:49:22 --> 03:49:27 demo or you're trading with real money or a prop firm. The fact that you're
2702 03:49:27 --> 03:49:31 following your rules and it's delivering as you expect, that should get you
2703 03:49:31 --> 03:49:35 ecstatic, that you're progressing as you're going through the motions, that
2704 03:49:35 --> 03:49:39 you're properly learning. You're not going through this rut. You're not
2705 03:49:39 --> 03:49:46 stagnant. And the purest sign that you're not equipped and you're not
2706 03:49:46 --> 03:49:51 following the rules of going through the process of learning here or anywhere
2707 03:49:51 --> 03:49:56 else is if you go on social media and you toss your hat out there and say,
2708 03:49:57 --> 03:50:02 give me a tip. Give me some money. Give. His attention, some engagement, dopamine
2709 03:50:02 --> 03:50:07 hit. Let me feel good for a moment, because you can't find the comfort in
2710 03:50:07 --> 03:50:12 the progress that you're making studying in the privacy of your own home, your
2711 03:50:12 --> 03:50:17 own office, wherever it is you're doing it. Nobody needed to tell me I was doing
2712 03:50:17 --> 03:50:23 it right when I started happening. Nobody needed to tell me, attaboy, I
2713 03:50:23 --> 03:50:27 love the fact that I had all the ammunition to go against my family and
2714 03:50:27 --> 03:50:30 friends that were talking about when I was coming up and saying, you're wasting
2715 03:50:30 --> 03:50:36 your time. They all finished working their life and retired, or some of them
2716 03:50:36 --> 03:50:41 are still working in retirement because they don't know how to make money. They
2717 03:50:41 --> 03:50:44 weren't successful, but these are the same people that said, you ain't gonna
2718 03:50:44 --> 03:50:52 be able to do anything with that. And now my name's everywhere. I have people
2719 03:50:52 --> 03:50:55 in other countries saying, we talk about you here, about what we're you know
2720 03:50:56 --> 03:51:05 what? It's weird. It's weird, right? But I know it can work for you. I know it
2721 03:51:05 --> 03:51:09 will. I absolutely know it will work for you. But the problem is, is you have to
2722 03:51:09 --> 03:51:13 believe it will. And how you learn to believe it go through the process I'm
2723 03:51:13 --> 03:51:16 laying in front of you, just like I'm doing with Caleb. You start like this
2724 03:51:16 --> 03:51:20 screenshot, finding things in hindsight, and the more you do it, you start
2725 03:51:20 --> 03:51:24 getting better at seeing it, and then you start applying new concepts as I
2726 03:51:24 --> 03:51:29 reveal them, and education showing you examples of it. I'm not just talking
2727 03:51:29 --> 03:51:32 about stuff that's after the fact I'm doing it. I'm telling you what I think
2728 03:51:32 --> 03:51:37 is going to happen in the week, and then I'm executing on them. Don't believe me.
2729 03:51:37 --> 03:51:41 Go back and listen to every lecture and everything I outlined on Caleb's channel
2730 03:51:41 --> 03:51:46 too, they were all before the fact. It's never hindsight. It's never after the
2731 03:51:46 --> 03:51:50 fact, I'm just not going to put you in a trade. It's going to make $100,000 so
2732 03:51:50 --> 03:51:54 you go online pretending you're smart and scam people and say, I'm going to
2733 03:51:54 --> 03:51:58 teach you better than ICT, because that's the new flavor right now. Okay,
2734 03:51:58 --> 03:51:58 you
2735 03:51:58 --> 03:52:02 can teach better than me. You can trade better than me. Do something better than
2736 03:52:02 --> 03:52:06 I just did, outline the week, what it's going to do, where it's going to trade
2737 03:52:06 --> 03:52:10 to and then you make $100,000 in one single trade, single pull you do that,
2738 03:52:11 --> 03:52:15 show the executions, record the entire thing from beginning to end. Prove it's
2739 03:52:15 --> 03:52:20 not a demo. Prove it's not this. Prove it's not that. Go all out everything
2740 03:52:20 --> 03:52:24 possible. And then you'll get a nod from me. I'll even point people to your
2741 03:52:24 --> 03:52:27 channel if you want to be a live streamer about it. But I promise you,
2742 03:52:28 --> 03:52:32 you will not be able to do that in years from now. You will. My best is they'll
2743 03:52:32 --> 03:52:36 be able to pull that same trade off. I just did absolutely. I'm I'm confident
2744 03:52:36 --> 03:52:40 that I have taught enough. I just went through the process of doing here. See,
2745 03:52:40 --> 03:52:44 the problem is you're trying to do everything, and you're not focusing on
2746 03:52:44 --> 03:52:49 one concept, where's the price going? And then you're just looking for
2747 03:52:49 --> 03:52:53 anything to get involved in that. If you're spared, you want to get in as
2748 03:52:53 --> 03:52:56 high as you can. So what's the highest premium array? You got to go through
2749 03:52:56 --> 03:53:03 your time frames to find it. But you're rushing. You want to be in these one
2750 03:53:03 --> 03:53:06 minute or sub one minute charts, and you want to make big, big money on small,
2751 03:53:06 --> 03:53:09 little, tiny fluctuations, because you think, I don't want to be in the chart
2752 03:53:09 --> 03:53:14 long enough. I want to be get in and get out. But there's going to be, there's
2753 03:53:14 --> 03:53:17 going to have to be a period of time where you hold on to the trade, because
2754 03:53:17 --> 03:53:21 you're not going to grow if you just go in there for taking five handles in ES
2755 03:53:21 --> 03:53:26 and 10 to 15 handles in mass that can be done, you will stagnate as a trader. And
2756 03:53:26 --> 03:53:32 what that does is it's rewarding. You doing not enough. You have to broaden
2757 03:53:32 --> 03:53:41 your your range of opportunity by holding on to trades longer. My
2758 03:53:41 --> 03:53:48 comfortable timeframe, okay, is working inside the weekly range. I don't want to
2759 03:53:48 --> 03:53:53 hold anything over the weekend ever again. I just know that I don't have the
2760 03:53:53 --> 03:53:59 like I'm 52 now, I think about things a little bit differently. My body responds
2761 03:53:59 --> 03:54:05 to to to things differently now, as an older man, and while I'm not a senior
2762 03:54:05 --> 03:54:09 citizen, I do feel physical changes in my body, and I don't want to put things
2763 03:54:09 --> 03:54:14 on me that is not necessary, so I'm completely content with doing the types
2764 03:54:14 --> 03:54:20 of things I'm doing here, because I'm not absorbing or incurring or inviting
2765 03:54:20 --> 03:54:24 over the weekend, risk, which is in the climate we have around the world right
2766 03:54:24 --> 03:54:29 now, astronomical, like anything can pop off, new nuclear war, new terrorism,
2767 03:54:29 --> 03:54:34 biochemical, all that stuff and anything can pop off, and that will cause crazy
2768 03:54:34 --> 03:54:39 town levels of volatility in the marketplace. And if it's not on the
2769 03:54:39 --> 03:54:43 right side of my trade that I'm holding over the weekend, when we open up on
2770 03:54:43 --> 03:54:47 Sunday, I could be in some serious financial distress, and I just don't
2771 03:54:47 --> 03:54:53 want to incur that. So my appetite is working inside the weekly range. I know
2772 03:54:53 --> 03:54:57 I have the market that's going to trade, except for one hour it's broken between
2773 03:54:57 --> 03:55:02 5pm and 6pm every evening. I. And I think if you have been paying attention,
2774 03:55:03 --> 03:55:08 much like the comment section is proven to me that it's 99.999% just a love fest
2775 03:55:08 --> 03:55:13 in here, which is the reason why I don't like showing it, because it looks like
2776 03:55:13 --> 03:55:16 I'm encouraging worship, and I don't want you worshiping Me. I don't want you
2777 03:55:16 --> 03:55:19 I see every one of your comments, even the one say, I don't know if you
2778 03:55:19 --> 03:55:23 probably see this comment, but I see all of them. I'm not going to reply to you,
2779 03:55:23 --> 03:55:27 but many times it's a statement that you make or something, it'll inspire me to
2780 03:55:27 --> 03:55:30 talk about something in the recording, as some of you probably already realized
2781 03:55:30 --> 03:55:37 today. But I just want to give a shout out to the ladies in the community,
2782 03:55:37 --> 03:55:46 because that that part of our community is growing a lot, and to me, I find that
2783 03:55:46 --> 03:55:52 very comforting, because this is a man's world in everybody's else, in everybody
2784 03:55:52 --> 03:55:56 else's eyes. But I've said this before, and one dude, one dude, had to be the
2785 03:55:56 --> 03:56:02 guy. Oh, you're simping, dude, you're broke, and you gotta, you gotta get your
2786 03:56:02 --> 03:56:07 head out of your ass. We have to work harder at being better as a trader, as a
2787 03:56:07 --> 03:56:13 man, women, don't have to do the things to compensate for size performance.
2788 03:56:13 --> 03:56:17 We're all we're all like that as men, that's how we think that's that's the
2789 03:56:17 --> 03:56:22 economy between men who's stronger, who's bigger, who's longer, who's
2790 03:56:22 --> 03:56:26 harder, who stays up longest, all that stuff, and who has more money, who has a
2791 03:56:26 --> 03:56:31 prettier wife, who has the best chin line, who has a prettier teeth, you
2792 03:56:31 --> 03:56:38 know, all these compare and contrast and competition And in trading, women don't
2793 03:56:38 --> 03:56:46 have that, like I've watched a podcast. It's not a podcast I'm a fan of, by the
2794 03:56:46 --> 03:56:51 way, but because it was all women, I I literally was, like, interesting. I want
2795 03:56:51 --> 03:56:57 to see I want to see what they do, and watch how women engage with one another.
2796 03:56:57 --> 03:57:03 And they're all traders. They did not one time unzip their pants and let it
2797 03:57:03 --> 03:57:07 fall on the table and say, let's see who measures up. They conversed with one
2798 03:57:07 --> 03:57:10 another. They didn't vilify one another. They didn't look like they were offended
2799 03:57:10 --> 03:57:13 by the other person's perspective. They all felt like, wow, yeah, it's a
2800 03:57:13 --> 03:57:21 sisterhood, and I think that the men in this industry should look at one another
2801 03:57:21 --> 03:57:26 like a brother and encourage the next guy. It doesn't mean that you can't rib
2802 03:57:26 --> 03:57:29 rib somebody when they need it or when you want to have fun with it, and they
2803 03:57:29 --> 03:57:31 shouldn't have their feelings hurt and be like, Oh, I'm going home to take my
2804 03:57:31 --> 03:57:37 toys home. But men generally are the source of the toxicity in our industry,
2805 03:57:38 --> 03:57:43 not just in online social media around trading, but even in the industry
2806 03:57:43 --> 03:57:48 outside of social media, like I'm going to traders Expo next year, like I'm
2807 03:57:48 --> 03:57:52 going to be down there, I'm going to be floating through there. I probably grow
2808 03:57:52 --> 03:57:56 my beard out and dye my hair and probably get some fake tattoos all on
2809 03:57:56 --> 03:58:02 myself, going incognito. But I want to see, I want to see what it's like
2810 03:58:02 --> 03:58:09 walking around all of you, The Wolf Among sheep. I want to I want to see the
2811 03:58:09 --> 03:58:13 bravado, and I hopefully will see some of the ladies that are in the industry.
2812 03:58:13 --> 03:58:18 And I want to be able to capture that so I can tell you, this was what I
2813 03:58:18 --> 03:58:24 observed. But the men are the toxic side of this industry. The women aren't. And
2814 03:58:24 --> 03:58:29 it's not surprising that my students that are doing the best that make the
2815 03:58:29 --> 03:58:37 most real money, not not Prop money, real money. Real Money. $30,000 a week,
2816 03:58:37 --> 03:58:47 real money. Hello. They're female. They're born with a vagina. What are
2817 03:58:47 --> 03:58:51 they doing differently? It's how they think. They don't engage social media.
2818 03:58:51 --> 03:58:55 They don't even have social media presence, except for being in contact
2819 03:58:55 --> 03:58:59 with me. And that's not the secret sauce. It's the fact that they cut out
2820 03:58:59 --> 03:59:03 all the bullshit, all the drama, it's out they don't want drama in their
2821 03:59:03 --> 03:59:06 household. They certainly don't want in their finances, and they don't want it
2822 03:59:06 --> 03:59:10 in their thinking about trades, because you have to guard your mind and young
2823 03:59:10 --> 03:59:14 men and older men, you need to start applying that stuff that's not same
2824 03:59:14 --> 03:59:20 thing. That's common sense, and the data doesn't argue against it. It's it's
2825 03:59:20 --> 03:59:26 supplying the proof that women are better traders. Doesn't mean that you
2826 03:59:26 --> 03:59:31 can't find some reckless guy out there. I'm gonna throw out everything and just
2827 03:59:31 --> 03:59:38 go all in full, full, full tilt. It's you doing a work or it's not. And if it
2828 03:59:38 --> 03:59:41 doesn't work, I don't care. But what if it does? I'm gonna be a legend. No,
2829 03:59:41 --> 03:59:49 you're not. You're a gambler. Proficiency and precision is what I just
2830 03:59:49 --> 03:59:56 demonstrated. That to me is impressive. Making lots of money on one trade after
2831 03:59:56 --> 04:00:01 having severe drawdown in the same day. That's not impressive. Of that's
2832 04:00:01 --> 04:00:10 gambling. Having big windfall wins. Take out your top three, top two or three
2833 04:00:10 --> 04:00:17 windfalls. How are you making money now, so many people online are making a
2834 04:00:17 --> 04:00:22 career over the one big thing they just did, or the one big payout it is.
2835 04:00:22 --> 04:00:26 There's a big buzz right now. One, one prop firm just did a supposedly, I don't
2836 04:00:26 --> 04:00:30 know if it's true or not. I don't know, but supposedly there's a big, multi
2837 04:00:30 --> 04:00:35 million or almost $2 million payout. And do whatever that student is, or I
2838 04:00:35 --> 04:00:38 shouldn't say students, I don't, I don't know who it is, okay. I'm not trying to
2839 04:00:38 --> 04:00:40 say it is. I don't know who it is. I just, I heard somebody else talk about
2840 04:00:40 --> 04:00:45 it. It was changed by Matt. And I thought to myself, wow. You know,
2841 04:00:45 --> 04:00:49 they're putting out payouts like that. That's why I was like, Okay, well, let
2842 04:00:49 --> 04:00:52 me just, let me just test the waters and see what's going on. Because if you're
2843 04:00:52 --> 04:00:59 telling me that I could somehow, then look, man, that's easy. Like, that's
2844 04:00:59 --> 04:01:03 easy. You're you're basically asking me to do a demo account and make millions
2845 04:01:03 --> 04:01:10 of dollars. Uh, yeah, I can do that. That's easy stuff. Course I can. I can
2846 04:01:10 --> 04:01:15 do that. I can create proxies. And hey, look, we're gonna do you want to see
2847 04:01:15 --> 04:01:24 record payout? It's closing time. We had to pay everything I see he's a partner
2848 04:01:24 --> 04:01:24 now.
2849 04:01:30 --> 04:01:33 Oh, anyway, we're getting it's boring. Now, we gotta get off here. I'm talking
2850 04:01:33 --> 04:01:36 about things that aren't that funny anymore. So it's funny to me, though.
2851 04:01:37 --> 04:01:41 Wish you a very good weekend. Be safe, study. Go back through that recording
2852 04:01:41 --> 04:01:47 yesterday or today from yesterday's trade into today, slow speed, take
2853 04:01:47 --> 04:01:52 screenshots of that, and then build that same thing that I mean demonstrating in
2854 04:01:52 --> 04:01:58 my charts. Map that on yours, and then log anything else you see in in your own
2855 04:01:58 --> 04:02:04 observations. Okay? And then I think next week. I owe you a London session,
2856 04:02:04 --> 04:02:10 so we'll probably do one Tuesday. No, this is, this is schedule at noon,
2857 04:02:11 --> 04:02:27 Tuesday morning, which will be my local time, 145 40 5am okay, so it's
2858 04:02:27 --> 04:02:31 technically Tuesday's trading for some of you in other parts of the world may
2859 04:02:31 --> 04:02:40 look at things differently, but my time 1:45am Tuesday. Okay, we'll meet on live
2860 04:02:40 --> 04:02:44 stream on YouTube, on this channel, and then we'll, we'll talk about things over
2861 04:02:44 --> 04:02:52 the london session. Okay, so Monday will be a regular, I guess what? 930 or so? A
2862 04:02:52 --> 04:02:57 couple minutes break before 930 I'll try to keep it to like 1030 because I want
2863 04:02:57 --> 04:03:02 to make sure I can get everything else I do in my personal life, and then have
2864 04:03:02 --> 04:03:06 time to get everything set up for later that night for me, but it'll be 1:45am
2865 04:03:07 --> 04:03:12 Eastern Time next Tuesday, and we'll do the live stream until, well, whenever I
2866 04:03:12 --> 04:03:16 get tired of being on there. Okay, so until I talk to you, then, Lord willing,
2867 04:03:16 --> 04:03:16 be safe. You.