ICT YT - 2024-09-02 - ICT 2024 Mentorship - Replay vs Live-summary

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-09-11 12:30

# Summary

ICT YT - 2024-09-02 - ICT 2024 Mentorship - Replay vs Live

The speaker clarified the difference between using a paper trading account and Market Replay versus live trading. They demonstrated that Market Replay alters the user interface, such as hiding buy and sell buttons, and disables live price feeds, which is not the case in live trading. The speaker emphasized that they do not use Market Replay in their examples and highlighted their live trading success, averaging $20,000 to $35,000 daily, suggesting it would be financially impractical to use Market Replay. They also mentioned a specific trade level and stop, indicating a live execution scenario.

 Action Items

[ ] No action items were assigned during the meeting. The purpose appeared to be solely for ICT to provide an explanation and demonstration to address previous questions about their use of Market Replay.


# Difference Between Market Replay and Live Execution
- ICT explains the difference between Market Replay and live execution, emphasizing that Market Replay involves pre-recorded data, unlike live streaming.
- He demonstrates how the interface changes when switching from Market Replay to live execution, highlighting the visibility of buy and sell buttons.
- ICT clarifies that he does not use Market Replay in his examples, as it alters the user interface and price action.
- He mentions that some people are skeptical, but he assures that his live streaming is genuine and not manipulated.

# Live Execution and Market Replay Comparison
- ICT shows a live execution example, including entering a trade and taking profits, to contrast with Market Replay.
- He points out that the live price feed button is active during live execution but inactive during Market Replay.
- ICT emphasizes that he is not trying to deceive anyone with Market Replay and invites others to replicate his live execution process.
- He addresses the skepticism about using Market Replay, stating that it is not feasible for him to use it due to the financial implications.

# Financial Implications of Live Execution
- ICT discusses the financial viability of his live execution strategy, mentioning that he averages around $20,000 to $35,000 per day.
- He questions the sustainability of businesses if he were to manage multiple accounts, given the high costs involved.
- ICT humorously suggests that people would hate him if he were to take away their businesses due to the financial strain.
- He reiterates that his live execution is genuine and not reliant on Market Replay.

# Technical Details and User Interface
- ICT highlights the technical details of the user interface, showing how the live price feed button behaves during Market Replay.
- He explains that certain features, such as the live button, are not available during Market Replay, making it distinct from live execution.
- ICT emphasizes the importance of understanding the differences between Market Replay and live execution for accurate trading.
- He concludes by reaffirming that he does not use Market Replay in his examples and that his live execution is transparent and genuine.