ICT YT - 2024-08-27 - ICT 2024 Mentorship - Lecture 18

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-08-31 08:20

00:01:25 --> 00:01:26 ICT: kiss it. Kiss it better.
00:01:26 --> 00:01:42 Baby. Good morning, folks. How are you just doing? Audio check real quick. Make sure Patrick's logged in, so you can see what's going on today. Trend Line,
00:01:42 --> 00:02:01 breakouts and bull flags. He says, Oh, you better get ready for this one. I slept so good last night. I slept so good. All right, so it is 25 minutes after
00:02:01 --> 00:02:19 nine in the east coast of North America. Is your friendly neighborhood. ICT, the ghost with the most. So we're looking at something of a gap that might be
00:02:21 --> 00:02:31 helpful for us today. All right. So we have previous settlement at 568, and three quarters or thereabouts. So what is that?
00:02:40 --> 00:02:52 68 is 6850 so let's get in here and mark that up. Get ourselves ready. Lipstick on this pig. Look at this.
00:02:54 --> 00:02:58 Alrighty. They have that price right there.
00:03:00 --> 00:03:23 That's previous settlement. So it's opening range gap settlement, okay, and usually I'll have this set up like this well in advance, but today I was doing
00:03:23 --> 00:03:33 some trades and sharing with my private group and then uploading the executions on the YouTube channel which are not Market Replay. All I gotta do is look in
10 00:03:33 --> 00:03:42 the upper left hand corner. Market Replay doesn't do that, all right. So, um, let's see. I want to do that, but you're not doing it live. You're not letting
11 00:03:42 --> 00:03:43 me come uict,
12 00:03:49 --> 00:04:09 nice and bold, and then here, middle, right, all right. And then what I'll do is I will get this in the general proximity of where prices in electronic trading
13 00:04:09 --> 00:04:10 hours,
14 00:04:11 --> 00:04:12 and then I
15 00:04:23 --> 00:04:40 it'll be there for me, but I need to grab it. So when 930 opens, in just a few minutes, two and a half minutes, I'll just drag this. Chances are we'll be where
16 00:04:40 --> 00:04:54 we're at here under that previous settlement. So if this will be open, got range low. Okay, so I'm moving it away from price. That way you're not confused. It's
17 00:04:54 --> 00:05:10 just a way for me to stay ready to plot it on the chart. And there it is. So this is previous settlement price, way up here, inside the new day opening gap
18 00:05:10 --> 00:05:25 of August 16. Notice that it's like inside that little gap. So there that's the low, that's the high, the new day open gap, and then the opening range, previous
19 00:05:25 --> 00:05:37 day selling prices in there. So this would be a very nice gap, if we can stay real close to where we are here be nice, very, very deep discounted opening
20 00:05:37 --> 00:05:45 range gap. And you're probably going to hear my wife, and I'm not going to go into another area of the house, because I have to be comfortable while I'm doing
21 00:05:45 --> 00:05:53 this. It's about me. Okay? It's all about me. You're just, uh, he's dropping on a conversation. I haven't So too many people in the comment section, they're
22 00:05:53 --> 00:06:00 really entitled minded. I want you to do it like this, or, if you don't do it like that, Nick, go some. Go by somebody else. So that's all people out there to
23 00:06:00 --> 00:06:14 watch you. Watch, alright, just another 45 seconds or thereabout, and we'll have the opening bell. I'll cover the trades I took this morning. Why are you trading
24 00:06:14 --> 00:06:24 pre session? I thought you said pre session is seven o'clock. No, pre session is anything before the opening bell, but you can set up operating hours as early as
25 00:06:24 --> 00:06:32 seven o'clock and work between seven o'clock and 930, or 10 o'clock. Something that effect, all right, so we're getting real close to it. Mildred you.
26 00:06:47 --> 00:06:56 I've noticed since I started live streaming, and I'm telling you what levels to watch, they're running into the open range gap a lot faster because they know.
27 00:06:56 --> 00:07:06 I'm trying to teach all of you to fleece It's okay. You'll be able to do it for the rest of your life. You got nothing to worry about. Okay? And then obviously
28 00:07:06 --> 00:07:20 this segment now is nobody reach gap high, all right? So we have a discount opening range gap. You can see it right here. So we opened here all the way up
29 00:07:20 --> 00:07:54 to here. So now that's the business. So we can go over to electronic trading hours. Now this is the gap, and you can do the quadrant levels on it. You stupid
30 00:07:54 --> 00:08:08 ad from Obama. We have $100 million but we need more money. Yeah, somebody's getting paid. So this line right here, that is the midpoint of the opening range
31 00:08:08 --> 00:08:20 gap. Okay, so it's consequent encroachment, and we are always watching to see if it wants to Retrade to that inside of the opening range. Okay, opening range is
32 00:08:20 --> 00:08:45 930, to 10 o'clock. It is not 15 minutes. It's a 30 minute interval. There you go. 70% of time. It will trade up in touch that mid gap. It matters, not for a
33 00:08:45 --> 00:08:53 bias. You don't need a bias. You don't need to have the daily range bias. You don't need to have the session bias, okay, right now you're just studying how
34 00:08:53 --> 00:08:57 price is delivered. I guess it should be done like this.
35 00:08:59 --> 00:09:02 There you go.
36 00:09:14 --> 00:09:20 This should be on the opening price, right? Not there. Michael, come
37 00:09:20 --> 00:09:22 up. Anyway, it's
38 00:09:22 --> 00:09:23 your first day doing this.
39 00:09:29 --> 00:09:44 930 opening price, right there. Okay, so that was we have everything outlined technically, and you can see that that level here is the mid gap or consequence?
40 00:09:46 --> 00:10:01 So far, a little unorganized in the opening session. Nothing terribly exciting yet, no initial everybody got formed. I. I just want to take
41 00:10:01 --> 00:10:03 a peek. We do have
42 00:10:06 --> 00:10:14 minor cell side here initially. So when it's like this, without a fair value gap, it can drop down, clear the cell side and then return back up and hit the
43 00:10:14 --> 00:10:25 mid gap. That's usually a nice little dandy of a profile to study. So that's always in the forefront of our mind when we're watching scenarios like this.
44 00:10:25 --> 00:10:33 Doesn't necessarily mean you gotta take a trade, but for the purposes of the Caleb, you can watch and anticipate, study and see what it does. Main thing is,
45 00:10:33 --> 00:10:42 just Caleb, you're building your experience watching price action, okay? The first order of business is always determine if there's a gap. We have a
46 00:10:42 --> 00:10:53 significant gap, it means it's more than 20 or 30 handles, and mid gap is always our first threshold. Do we want to trade there? Does it do it in the first 30
47 00:10:53 --> 00:10:56 minutes? And it's 70 likelihood that it does that?
48 00:11:02 --> 00:11:07 Do okay, and you can make it exciting
49 00:11:09 --> 00:11:10 by putting an alert.
50 00:11:13 --> 00:11:20 So if it hits that and crosses over by one tick, it gives you, like, that little excitement. Like, that's an alarm bell. Like, yay. I ahead
51 00:11:35 --> 00:11:38 and say something. They'll hear you my voice.
52 00:11:39 --> 00:11:45 Go ahead say something. They heard you in the background. Record, come on.
53 00:11:47 --> 00:12:01 I'm trying to do something. Uh, yes, I'm live. I'm not recording. It's it's live. Oh, that's a different story, right? Anyway, we had the lower quadrant
54 00:12:01 --> 00:12:05 traded to, and you can see that here.
55 00:12:16 --> 00:12:29 So lower quadrant here, and that's another role to the sell side, and then maybe come back to a half closure on the gap, or maybe dig in a little bit deeper. I'm
56 00:12:29 --> 00:12:39 not trying to have a bias so far. I'm going to just sit still and relax and take it as it comes. If you look at the Yes, I
57 00:12:53 --> 00:13:11 that's even uglier, see that. So it swept its minor cell side liquidity in here and Q, I prefer those down there, so we'll be watching that and See what we get.
58 00:13:21 --> 00:13:35 So the only gap that's used so far for NQ is this one right in here, and that's outside of the opening range. So 930 to 10 o'clock, we're not so we're not so
59 00:13:35 --> 00:13:36 concerned about that.
60 00:13:42 --> 00:13:43 Hmm. The
61 00:13:53 --> 00:14:02 opening range gap, extend that over. I like to see it tap that one more time at least, like maybe one of these candles hitting it, that would have been better.
62 00:14:02 --> 00:14:09 You still could do it in here, so you would have this.
63 00:14:22 --> 00:14:30 You a little bit bigger.
64 00:14:38 --> 00:14:50 So far, no Fe Ray gap formed on the one minute chart from 930 to 10. I did an execution on es, because I have a few students, and one of the ladies that is
65 00:14:50 --> 00:15:06 pretty active and leave any comments and feedback, she asked if I could bring in the ES. I. I'll just do that one in here today, just to spice things up. Now,
66 00:15:06 --> 00:15:13 watch that gap here that it used initially. There we went through it, see if it acts as inversion in here to send us into the sell side.
67 00:15:19 --> 00:15:29 Be mindful also that they cannot count it today we have consumer confidence, or thought, I think it's what it is at 10 o'clock. So we'll be there you go. Look
68 00:15:29 --> 00:15:40 at that. Want to screenshot that. So the setup was here. It's a very small Scout, but it's still these things. They build your confidence. It allows you to
69 00:15:40 --> 00:15:50 see things, not everything that you're studying in price action real time is an executable trait. Initially, you have to build some kind of rapport with price
70 00:15:50 --> 00:15:59 building this kind of like this bridge of communication where you're not just blindly staring at charts and thinking, Okay, well, I don't know what I'm
71 00:15:59 --> 00:16:06 looking for. I'll just wait for it to start moving in and chase it, because it's momentum. You know, that's, that's what, uh, that's what cows do and sheep do.
72 00:16:06 --> 00:16:16 Livestock do that. You know when, when the husbandman, the person that is raising that animal, and they have lots of them, you know, it's time to feed
73 00:16:16 --> 00:16:23 them, they call for them, and soon as the first one starts running, they, although it's, it's must be the time to eat. That's herd mentality. That's what
74 00:16:23 --> 00:16:34 retail traders do. Okay? And retail traders are momentum style, breakout style, type traders. And while that is profitable, it could it could happen for you, it
75 00:16:35 --> 00:16:41 doesn't make any sense to me to do that. It makes better sense if you know that it's likely to have a run, do the due diligence to determine where the right the
76 00:16:41 --> 00:16:51 market's going to run. Going to run to right, and then try to position yourself opposing that initial run lower. You want to be looking for things to get in
77 00:16:51 --> 00:17:07 going lower. And that would look something like this. Okay, so do we cross over this gap once we went through it? Yes. So these are the first elements to
78 00:17:07 --> 00:17:20 understanding how the fair value gaps can invert and they change their state. Well, it was used there as support discount rally took about the relative equal
79 00:17:20 --> 00:17:32 highs in here, and any buy side was resting in here, the bodies go just a little bit above, send us lower that gap it's in. It's not inside the 930, to 10
80 00:17:32 --> 00:17:42 o'clock opening range. So I'm just counseling you Caleb, to look at what it's using while it's forming its first 30 minute range. But when it became apparent
81 00:17:42 --> 00:17:52 that it trades below it here, real time, watch this now. It acts as an inversion. So if you're using that constant encroachment or midpoint of that
82 00:17:52 --> 00:18:02 area here to the low of that gap, which is that candles high, and you're framing that as a paper trade, or if you're like take reading it. You're not even
83 00:18:02 --> 00:18:13 pushing a button yet. You're watching how it refers to the easiest low hanging fruit. Objective to use for price would be the high of that candle. If you look
84 00:18:13 --> 00:18:31 at up here, upper left hand corner, it's 19,004 93 even so, from four, 493, even, to running the low out here it's 76 so it's going to go below 76 how far
85 00:18:31 --> 00:18:40 can it go below 76 and you go back to the left side. Look for any inefficiency, any singular low or relative equal low, for actual pending orders that would be
86 00:18:40 --> 00:18:58 in the marketplace in the form of sell stops. But I taught you, when you're using ranges like this, a quick, down and dirty way of of doing it would be to
87 00:18:58 --> 00:19:08 do a Quadrant for the range you're working within. So there it is. So here's your range from low to high, real quick, easy, easy, easy target shooting.
88 00:19:09 --> 00:19:18 There's your objective, and it goes down just a little bit below, but it's fine. And if you're if you're looking for something that repeats, you know, watching
89 00:19:18 --> 00:19:30 price initially, if you have no fair value. Gap formed thus far. This is the one that could have formed and right now, in 930 to 10, this is your first
90 00:19:32 --> 00:19:40 presentation right there. So you want to have that noted, but it wasn't giving us anything yet. So my attention had been placed there. You were all watching
91 00:19:40 --> 00:19:56 it. It trace them here, if you go from the 493, even as your hypothetical tape reading or hypothetical demo entry, or if that's your actual trade entry,
92 00:19:57 --> 00:20:00 you would have a. Yeah, 493
93 00:20:03 --> 00:20:13 493 high on that candle, which is the easiest one to reach to once below, so it trades up into that. And then below this low one tick below that, that could be
94 00:20:13 --> 00:20:28 a partial. And then you do your one quadrant extension of the range, and that will give you 460, and a quarter. So what's that about 3030, plus handles?
95 00:20:28 --> 00:20:37 That's pretty good. That's better than the average YouTuber. So, and I'm not I'm not trying to be derogatory when I say that. I'm just stating that the folks
96 00:20:37 --> 00:20:50 that you're probably used to seeing take trades. You know, that's well within the realm of reasonable. It's beyond the scope of what their study diet is. I'm
97 00:20:50 --> 00:20:56 convinced that they're studying my stuff now because they're starting to get a little bit longer runs, which is what I want them to do. I want everybody out
98 00:20:56 --> 00:21:02 there. You don't have to love me. You don't have to even co sign and say I'm using ICT stuff. I can tell you're using my stuff. Other people can tell it too.
99 00:21:02 --> 00:21:03 Tell it too. I'll
100 00:21:03 --> 00:21:05 never troll you. But all
101 00:21:06 --> 00:21:18 I want to do is see you guys do better. And guys doesn't necessarily mean male, the females too. All right, so we have that gap right here. I get to annotate
102 00:21:18 --> 00:21:33 that. So you have to be mindful of this one. And you want to extend that out in perpetuity throughout the day, and we'll keep it gray, gray man style, right?
103 00:21:34 --> 00:21:46 And that's the business for today. And then we'll just sit and observe what we got so far here. So we had upper upper we had lower quadrant one opening range
104 00:21:46 --> 00:21:56 gap here. So between this level here, which is the middle of that opening range, the difference between where we stopped trading yesterday at 450 I'm sorry,
105 00:21:56 --> 00:22:09 4:14pm to where we open at 930 today, Eastern Standard Time. That gives us our gap. And you want to put your quadrants on it. You went to the lower quadrant.
106 00:22:10 --> 00:22:20 Could it trade to the midpoint? No. So so far we have initial heaviness, and we want to really pay attention on how we trade here after breaking through the
107 00:22:20 --> 00:22:31 cell saw if we start to climb back up midpoint, is still a measurement, as long as it doesn't come back up Here, this is going to stay heavy all day. You
108 00:22:47 --> 00:22:56 This is actually on the wrong spot. I apologize if it's confused. You trying to talk about this stuff and draw all this stuff in my chart when it's not
109 00:22:56 --> 00:23:07 necessarily there for me, it's a little cumbersome for me. So there is your 930 the opening tick is where it's at. So that is the opening range. Gatlow. So if
110 00:23:07 --> 00:23:14 you've been looking at that, you're one like, what is that? It doesn't make any sense. It's because I'm trying to outline everything, also reading it over a one
111 00:23:14 --> 00:23:21 minute chart. And it's a lot to do. It's a lot of plates spinning right now. So the same, same logic.
112 00:23:28 --> 00:23:31 Alright, so we had one more reach Down below, short term low. I
113 00:23:50 --> 00:23:50 timeframe i
114 00:24:03 --> 00:24:05 Okay, so we have this low here.
115 00:24:09 --> 00:24:10 So last Friday's
116 00:24:12 --> 00:24:13 830 low.
117 00:24:16 --> 00:24:31 See how clean that is, right here? I believe that might be something that we could be using, using soon. I'm not going so far to say it's for today, but that
118 00:24:31 --> 00:24:41 is something that my eye is really drawn to when we drop into this time frame. So it's like it snaps right to that. So just be mindful that we could visit the
119 00:24:41 --> 00:24:52 19,001 05, area or thereabouts on the five minute chart. Okay?
120 00:25:20 --> 00:25:36 I like that animation now this can reverse its role again. Should we get back above it? It could go right back into what it initially started as something to
121 00:25:36 --> 00:25:47 look as a discount when it was here, hit it rallied higher, went through it, inversion, break lower, traits back above it. Remember, this is first
122 00:25:47 --> 00:25:52 presentation here. This Fairbank gap is the first one inside of 930, to 10 o'clock i
123 00:26:05 --> 00:26:09 Okay, so we are inside the first survey gap of the day.
124 00:26:14 --> 00:26:21 Still inside opening range. Half of the opening range gap still yet to be treated to
125 00:26:33 --> 00:26:47 I have a lot of new, new students. They're leaving comments. Why? Why do you show examples in demo? Or why I'm not only showing examples in paper trading, I
126 00:26:47 --> 00:26:57 don't always show just in paper trading. I don't always show just demon trading. I have examples of trades where I've used a live broker with real money. That's
127 00:26:57 --> 00:27:06 not demo. It's not paper trading. But because you're probably new, and you probably never heard me say this, and because you're asking brand new, which
128 00:27:06 --> 00:27:13 video should I watch? That means you probably didn't hear me say what I'm not say here. But other people know about it. In the United States, there's a
129 00:27:13 --> 00:27:25 governing body called the CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and they are kind of like the police of the financial markets for futures and forex. And
130 00:27:25 --> 00:27:37 I am not a licensed trade advisor or a financial advisor, so to protect myself and you as a viewer, I teach in a medium of paper trading or demo trading, but
131 00:27:37 --> 00:27:47 when I want to show, and have shown with real money, real live account. You can look at it in the lower left hand corner. It'll say amp. Or you can go look at
132 00:27:47 --> 00:28:00 the TD Ameritrade playlist, where I literally logged in and showed three months of every fluctuation in price. That's for my protection. I don't want to get in
133 00:28:00 --> 00:28:15 trouble financially or with the legal watchdogs like CFTC, NFA, and the people that are new to this stuff are just just dumb as rocks. They don't get it, like
134 00:28:15 --> 00:28:22 everybody I hear that's pretending that they're educating people and not really putting the disclaimers up and reminding folks that it's for informational
135 00:28:22 --> 00:28:32 purposes only, they're really putting themselves in jeopardy of being tapped by one of these bodies, which are essential now we're touching we went above the
136 00:28:32 --> 00:28:41 initial Fairbank out here gamebound. Just hit it. So I would like to see, do we have the ability to run back into the gap here? Buy side is here, and then the
137 00:28:41 --> 00:28:54 70% likelihood of hitting that midpoint gap could come to fruition before 10 o'clock. But it's to like, I don't need you if you're brand new, or if you
138 00:28:54 --> 00:29:03 you're just hanging around, whatever, I still get one or two comments. Oh, it's just paper trading. Oh, it's just demo. So I want to see you come out here with
139 00:29:03 --> 00:29:12 a demo account and call every little tick and trade them with a very small stop loss and show beforehand, explain it. This is what it's going to do and why. And
140 00:29:12 --> 00:29:21 it nullifies it cancels out your argument. Because if I can't do it in this where it protects me to teach the concepts broadly, and it's not deemed as
141 00:29:21 --> 00:29:32 financial advice. I'm not giving you trade signals. I'm not putting you into a trade where, if you use real money trying to copy me, and if you lose, you could
142 00:29:32 --> 00:29:40 if I was pretending to be a financial advisor. And I'm saying I'm doing this with my real money right now. I'm enticing you to do something and acting as a
143 00:29:40 --> 00:29:48 financial advisor when I'm not licensed to do so if I did that, that that's the reason why I don't do these things. I'm not I like teaching, but I'm not trying
144 00:29:48 --> 00:29:57 to have things put against me because people are irresponsible, so I'm the one being responsible in our relationship. So see the reaction off of that, uh,
145 00:29:57 --> 00:30:07 initial favorite I got. So this is first. Presentation we opened. I told you, when we go back above it, watch this here. It hits it, bang. Run to short term.
146 00:30:07 --> 00:30:23 Buy side. 70% of the gap just fell short of it. I think she'll hit it. You think she'll hit Why do I take trades before I live stream? Because some of you think
147 00:30:23 --> 00:30:35 I don't have a trade, and I like to do this in step. Patrick, full flag required, no trend line breakouts back into new day, opening gap on the 27th and
148 00:30:35 --> 00:30:40 then opening range gap high, which is previous day's settlement at night at at 4:14pm,
149 00:30:42 --> 00:30:43 that would be a full gap closure.
150 00:30:45 --> 00:31:05 So if I we had three quarters of the gap closed, the remaining portion is there? Okay, so easy for me to say 70% of time between 930 and 10 o'clock, whenever you
151 00:31:05 --> 00:31:14 have your opening range gap, and it's more than 30 handles, you have all the things you know on the checklist, okay, it's likely to do what draw into that
152 00:31:14 --> 00:31:28 gap, how much half of it minimum. You got 70% chance that's going to happen. Now let's roll back for a moment. If you are expecting that as your model, okay, say
153 00:31:28 --> 00:31:39 you were heavily bearish. Maybe you were fading me and you were trying to say that it was going to use this as a sell off, okay? Or you were going short on
154 00:31:39 --> 00:31:49 something else and it was running up. I said, we get above here. Watch and see if we get above this initial Fairbank gap. Then we had it go above it. Closed
155 00:31:49 --> 00:31:58 above it. We opened, traded down, hit it perfectly to the tick, and then starts running where to the short term buy side? Why? Because we've upset the sell side
156 00:31:58 --> 00:32:07 down here. So where the waters were smooth. There was disturbance. Okay? So the predators, the sharks, if you will, they ate. Okay. They took, they took their
157 00:32:07 --> 00:32:16 pound of flesh. So now where they're going to cruise to where it's smooth? Where is it smooth? You see these candles over here, see how smooth that is. And then
158 00:32:16 --> 00:32:27 right over here, all of that is too smooth. When you have a full closure, looks like the to the buy side there. And then we had half of the gap still
159 00:32:29 --> 00:32:41 undelivered. We hit it and then expanded up into three quarters of the gap between this big, broad black line and this black line here. So we have the
160 00:32:41 --> 00:32:54 market using that first fair value gap manager full as your full gap closure. So you can use this as a study that's like we just did over here, from here to the
161 00:32:54 --> 00:33:04 one quadrant of the range from here to here. So you see me trade both long and short in the same day, and I'm giving you a very elementary way of starting, how
162 00:33:04 --> 00:33:15 to see it and watching it over real time, price action, giving you the things to look for. You're not trying to you're not trying to pick every entry point. But
163 00:33:15 --> 00:33:27 while you're watching price what constitutes a setup, what constitutes a valid run from a particular level that could be predicted and to the young man it's
164 00:33:27 --> 00:33:32 made a video on refute ICTs claim that there's an algorithm delivering price.
165 00:33:33 --> 00:33:34 Well, look,
166 00:33:35 --> 00:33:44 you're telling me buying selling pressure, where your garbage is is what causes these moves, like, if it wasn't an algorithm, and I didn't know what that
167 00:33:44 --> 00:33:53 algorithm is doing, I could not have the confidence and the track record of sitting out here in front of everybody live over the lowest latency and the
168 00:33:53 --> 00:33:59 lowest time frame, which, by the way, for the folks are asking on time, I want to know what time frame you use. That right there tells you it's a one minute
169 00:33:59 --> 00:34:12 chart. Okay, so if it's a five, it's five minutes. If it's 15 to 15 minutes, if it's 60, it's one hour chart. So you would look at this and study this with, in
170 00:34:12 --> 00:34:19 my opinion, it should fascinate you, because let's just say for a second that you're gonna argue the case that there is no algorithm, and you're you're
171 00:34:19 --> 00:34:27 tolerating me when I say it, because you don't want to subscribe to that you believe something else. Your brother's cousin's sister's boyfriend is a guy on
172 00:34:27 --> 00:34:34 Wall Street, and he's claiming that this guy on the internet is talking to you, telling you every little fluctuation and tick in the marketplace, every single
173 00:34:34 --> 00:34:42 time frame, literally executing on it, literally executing on live data feed, not Market Replay. Okay, easy to do. And Market Replay. The guy says in my
174 00:34:42 --> 00:34:56 comment section, we're going to prove that that wasn't Market Replay today. But you can't escape it. Okay, you cannot escape it. It is algorithmic. It's 100%
175 00:34:56 --> 00:35:06 controlled. And if you try to argue that the. Only thing you're succeeding is you're saying to yourself and to everyone that you can be heard. They can hear
176 00:35:06 --> 00:35:18 you, that you are a nincompoop like you are such a moron, to sit out here and say that it's buying and selling pressure, because buying and selling pressure
177 00:35:18 --> 00:35:34 is based on randomness. That is randomness. But if I have a if I have a direction, and I tell everybody, look, we're all going to a destination. Okay,
178 00:35:34 --> 00:35:44 follow me. I promise you, it's going to be exciting. Not everybody's going to follow me. Not everybody's going to follow me, but some individuals will start
179 00:35:44 --> 00:35:53 out following me, okay? And they'll think, Oh, he's probably going to this destination. He's probably going to this point of interest in the town, okay,
180 00:35:53 --> 00:36:02 some local hotspot. Now, I haven't disclosed what that is yet. I just said it's going to be exciting follow me. That's essentially what price is doing every
181 00:36:02 --> 00:36:13 single day, every given moment. And traders make a decision to follow price attentively, and some of them try to stay right behind price, and they chase it.
182 00:36:14 --> 00:36:21 That's momentum trading, breakout trading. But then you have the others that say, you know, I don't know what's going on here. And I'm not, I'm not
183 00:36:21 --> 00:36:28 interested in this. Somebody else is doing something else, and they playing. It's going to be a better thing going the other direction. So Kanye is going
184 00:36:28 --> 00:36:37 downtown. I want to go down there. And this guy here, he wants to watch Celine Dion. Okay, who knows? Okay, whatever the whatever the initial draw is, okay?
185 00:36:37 --> 00:36:48 You think it is. That's the same thing as saying you believe price is going to go to this level above or this level below? Now, if I am trying to get as many
186 00:36:48 --> 00:37:04 people involved to follow that price run up, so that way I can build positions against that run okay, this is what the algorithm is doing as price is going
187 00:37:04 --> 00:37:12 higher. You're led to believe by books and people on the internet and people that want to watch my videos and get clicks and engagements and sound smart.
188 00:37:12 --> 00:37:19 They want to sound smart. They want to be an argument to it. But they're not going to get out here and call the price by every fluctuation like this and use
189 00:37:19 --> 00:37:26 their discipline, their school of thought. They're not going to use white golf, they're not going to use a fine demand. They're not going to use Elliot wave.
190 00:37:26 --> 00:37:32 They're not going to use anything, because all that stuff has nothing to do with why price is going to go up and down, why it stops to a tick, how you can
191 00:37:32 --> 00:37:44 discern where it's going to go, why should go there, and what time should it do it. So to make the argument that there is no algorithm. And see this being done
192 00:37:44 --> 00:37:54 in a live setting, explaining the logic of what it should do, why it shouldn't do this. And then watch this next behavior. Right when it does this, you're
193 00:37:54 --> 00:38:05 saying that everybody stopped selling short. There was no more sellers willing to sell short. Below this candle is low, and it was only the imbalance of buying
194 00:38:06 --> 00:38:14 that stopped it right to the top of the fair value gap that I told you now for weeks, you've known about it, if you just been watching this mentorship, but I
195 00:38:14 --> 00:38:23 told you in Twitter spaces, in 2023 the first fair the first fair value gap after 930 that's the one you want to drag across throughout the entire thing of
196 00:38:23 --> 00:38:32 the day. I don't put my Twitter spaces on my YouTube channel. I just, I don't, I don't care to have money, because I've talked about topics and things that I
197 00:38:32 --> 00:38:40 just don't want on that YouTube channel. But I've given permission for everyone to Twitter spaces. You all can upload them, make money off of them. I don't
198 00:38:40 --> 00:38:47 care. But the lectures, you cannot do that, I will do a copyright against you. And there's a Chinese ran YouTube channel. You're ready to lay waste through
199 00:38:47 --> 00:38:55 this evening. He's converting, or she's converting everything into Chinese. I don't get permission for that, so you're gonna lose everything tonight. But um,
200 00:38:57 --> 00:39:04 the buying and selling pressure did not cause that stop right there on that candlestick. It did not, absolutely did not do that. What's actually happening
201 00:39:04 --> 00:39:15 is the market is delivering that price. It doesn't matter how many people are buying and selling, it's going to stop. Because it's stopping on its code, it
202 00:39:15 --> 00:39:27 says, I'm not going to go past that point. And I'm showing you what that looks like visually before it does it. So anyone with common sense and rudimentary
203 00:39:27 --> 00:39:38 math, and if you've ever studied anything with computer programming, I'm a little surprised, because I thought that we had in math and science a lot more
204 00:39:38 --> 00:39:47 involvement with programming. And some of the schools in our area, we have a little bit higher in Harford County, have a little bit higher degree mathematics
205 00:39:47 --> 00:39:59 and in schooling on the public level. And my kids, they were introduced to computer program. And it wasn't like they had to elect it. It was they did a
206 00:39:59 --> 00:40:11 teaching on it. Which I thought was great, and for me as a child, when I was in sixth grade, I was teaching myself how to computer program. I was making my own
207 00:40:12 --> 00:40:24 games and little password things that get into files that I would protect using just basic language, just basic language. And I was fascinated with how things
208 00:40:24 --> 00:40:35 work. So it makes it makes sense to me. In every single person that is in computer science or has ever had a background in or any involvement in computer
209 00:40:35 --> 00:40:47 programming, when I teach how prices booking, how it refers to specific levels. It's the same thing that they understand by understanding how coding is done,
210 00:40:47 --> 00:40:58 because the market is absolutely one big program. It is a controlled environment that sometimes can be manipulated and disturbed, and that's manual intervention,
211 00:40:58 --> 00:41:10 barring that it will act and behave the same way all the time it's doing time based delivery. The speed at which it does it is in direct relationship to how
212 00:41:10 --> 00:41:21 close in proximity that inefficiency or liquidity is to market price, meaning this we we opened, we traded down. Now I had this on this chart in front of all
213 00:41:21 --> 00:41:30 you, I told you we hadn't made one until that. That was when we had our first fair value gap. That right there, when we went above, it traded that down and
214 00:41:30 --> 00:41:43 stopped dead in its tracks. There is no buying and selling pressure influence now, when buyers and sellers come into the marketplace. If you wanted to sell
215 00:41:43 --> 00:41:56 short below that price, you didn't get the opportunity to do that. It never gave you your fill. If you wanted to buy below that price, you did not get a fill.
216 00:41:57 --> 00:42:05 You're telling me, nobody had an interest to buy a little bit lower than that. There was no interest, absolutely no interest at all. No buyers had any
217 00:42:05 --> 00:42:15 interest. There no sellers had any interest below that. Think about that. Listen, I love talking about this because I love rubbing everybody's nose in it
218 00:42:15 --> 00:42:23 that thinks that there is no algorithm, because it's like, I get off on this. I literally get off on this. I'm not mad. I don't feel insecure, because I can do
219 00:42:23 --> 00:42:35 this every single day and prove that there is one my hands are all over. I mean, I can't say anything more than that. I mean, can't be plainer than that. If I
220 00:42:35 --> 00:42:43 don't know what I'm talking about, it's going to be obvious, right? It's going to be obvious. But if I keep talking about things that are not germane to
221 00:42:43 --> 00:42:51 anything else out there, despite what people say, it's been renamed, these concepts are not my concepts. They're renamed. Where are the other concepts?
222 00:42:52 --> 00:43:02 Where's that logic? Because then what you can do is go into that logic of that supposedly renamed school of thought that I supposedly change the name of and go
223 00:43:02 --> 00:43:10 in and look at the mechanics behind that and see what is that doing, but see, because there's nothing like that actually occurring. There's nothing me
224 00:43:10 --> 00:43:17 renaming. I'm not borrowing somebody else's logic and calling it something different to impress you. I've invited all of you to do it. Go look and
225 00:43:17 --> 00:43:29 investigate it. You will not see these things. You will absolutely not have time specific things. You will not have specific price delivery. The PD arrays don't
226 00:43:29 --> 00:43:36 exist in any other form or school of thought and trading. It does not exist. It doesn't exist prior to me.
227 00:43:38 --> 00:43:49 And I say that because I want you to go in and study and look for that, because if I'm lying, you'll see that I'm lying. But guess what happens? You find out
228 00:43:49 --> 00:43:56 that there's nothing else like this, and then you start looking at me, do it live, explaining this is what it's going to do, what's going to do, how it's
229 00:43:56 --> 00:44:06 going to behave. Look at what I just did this morning. I traded ES and I traded the NASDAQ, okay, I executed with a level of precision that no one else
230 00:44:06 --> 00:44:17 displays. It never, ever, ever happens that should comfort you. That should comfort you. If I never do another live stream, but I'm going to be doing live
231 00:44:17 --> 00:44:24 streams, obviously, but if I never did another one, you've seen enough, I would have been satisfied with this. And you know what? There probably is an algorithm
232 00:44:24 --> 00:44:34 here, and I might not ever learn everything about it, but I have seen enough to know that I can exploit, I can exploit these very things that happen, and they
233 00:44:34 --> 00:44:39 tend to repeat, and they're not surprises when they do like I'm not looking at Christ saying,
234 00:44:41 --> 00:44:42 oh my gosh,
235 00:44:43 --> 00:44:54 oh my gosh. Look at that, huh? Look at this right here. Look at look at this chart, this thing. Look at the price. Where did that come from? Like I wasn't
236 00:44:54 --> 00:45:06 expecting that I'm so excited, or I'm so scared. I. Yeah, nothing like that happens from me. That doesn't happen. It's boring. I know what I'm looking for.
237 00:45:07 --> 00:45:14 My students have been trained to look for these things. And you're learning more, you're more you're learning more details. And it's exciting when you
238 00:45:14 --> 00:45:25 understand that it's rigged, okay, if it's rigged. That is in a that's a home field advantage. You really think that the markets and the people that run them,
239 00:45:25 --> 00:45:36 and they profit off of them like a casino. You really believe, think about this now. You really believe, in your heart of hearts, that they're gonna let the
240 00:45:36 --> 00:45:50 success, the success that they hold right now be influenced by the sheer vast interest of buying and selling pressure of Reddit, of social media, they've made
241 00:45:50 --> 00:46:06 a mockery of you over Reddit, and I told you all that they would do that with GameStop. Blackberry. Hello. You. Buying and selling pressure has absolutely no
242 00:46:06 --> 00:46:16 bearing on where price is going to go. You're if, if you go into a store, you want to buy shoes, you want to buy the new Air Max, okay, I need new shoes. I'm
243 00:46:16 --> 00:46:23 going to go in here and I'm going to buy a pair of shoes. I wonder what they cost. You don't know, but you're going into that store, so you're doing what
244 00:46:23 --> 00:46:32 you're following the lead of the draw. The draw is you won't choose. Maybe you don't need them. You just want them, but you are going to that store. That's the
245 00:46:32 --> 00:46:42 draw on liquidity, your liquidity. You don't see it that way, but that's how I see it. I'm smart money. I'm cannibalizing you, and I know that I'm going to
246 00:46:42 --> 00:46:55 take price higher, but I have to have fulfillment. There has to be handshaking between a Counterparty of buying and a Counterparty of selling. Smart Money will
247 00:46:55 --> 00:47:06 follow with one algorithm that trades and engages with the price engine, that is the algorithm. So in other words, think about like this, if there is a mechanism
248 00:47:06 --> 00:47:18 that causes the fluctuation of price going up and down, okay, as we see here, we open fluctuate and we drop lower. Okay, it went down below here to absorb what
249 00:47:18 --> 00:47:29 the sell orders, what vested interest would there be for a entity that we're going to classically refer to as smart money? What benefit would that be to go
250 00:47:29 --> 00:47:40 below here, to engage these cell stops? It's not for the Express order of letting those make money going down. That's not what it is. It's for smart money
251 00:47:40 --> 00:47:51 to accumulate the cell stops that are resting below these relative equal lows when there's an unfulfilled range up here and unfinished business, that range
252 00:47:52 --> 00:48:00 that was created by the imbalance of the opening range gap. So previous day settlement, which is this heavy, dark line here, okay, noted here that's 4:14pm,
253 00:48:01 --> 00:48:12 Eastern Time last print, and since its session ends at 415 you're not going to see a price at 415 so therefore it stops at 414 it's still trading
254 00:48:12 --> 00:48:23 electronically until five o'clock, and then it stops and pauses for an hour and resumes at 6pm Eastern Standard Time. But we we we drop this area all down in
255 00:48:23 --> 00:48:41 here is the market providing ample time. It's providing opportunity for smart money to absorb and be counterparty to those sell stops or sell orders to sell
256 00:48:41 --> 00:48:57 on a breakout lower. So all this here, all of this is accumulation of individuals that want to be sellers. Now, they could be selling to protect a
257 00:48:57 --> 00:49:07 long position, or they want to sell on a breakout as it drops down like a momentum trader. It doesn't matter. We don't care what type of classification
258 00:49:07 --> 00:49:15 the sell orders are. We just look for relative equal lows. Okay, that was my point in trying to create this language. I have tools, and I can discern how
259 00:49:15 --> 00:49:23 much of the buying and selling pressures, okay, you want to use those terms above or below old highs are, how much are pending orders for breakout or
260 00:49:23 --> 00:49:34 continuation or stop out and be neutralized on an existing pre positioned trade? That means buy stops taking out shorts, sell stops taking out longs, or sell
261 00:49:34 --> 00:49:45 stops new entry for breakout. Buy stops breakout for new longs. I have ways to determine that, but that stuff, you're not getting that stuff. So to create a
262 00:49:45 --> 00:49:56 language that allows us to communicate and understand what I'm saying and not cross lines I don't want to cross, I use this language of relative equal lows.
263 00:49:56 --> 00:50:05 That's easy, it's visual. They will never stop. Making relative equal lows and relative equal highs. They're going to be there. It's going to be there all the
264 00:50:05 --> 00:50:14 time. Every time frame is going to be there. But when you have them at times where the market starts to trade and there's a large volume influx, where
265 00:50:14 --> 00:50:24 there's a lot of traders coming in, that's why it's easy for people to believe the myopic bullshit of people repeating and regurgitating lies about what makes
266 00:50:24 --> 00:50:35 these markets go up and down, which is buying and selling pressure. The market stopped going lower because it ran out of sellers. What that's bull? That is
267 00:50:35 --> 00:50:49 bull it stopped because it's already done. Enough of a range. Drop down here is enough absorption of all these sell stops. So the market is affording people
268 00:50:49 --> 00:51:01 that need large pools of liquidity to be counterparty to their trades. They can't fulfill the measure of volume that would be allowing them to profit
269 00:51:01 --> 00:51:10 efficiently, because they're trading a large amounts of money to get back to that full gap closure of yesterday's 4:14pm Eastern Time, that line right here
270 00:51:11 --> 00:51:21 to get to that price and the volume that they're trying to shove through the marketplace, it's not efficient for them to be buying most of it as it's going
271 00:51:21 --> 00:51:32 up, because the delivery to Terminus is already started. They have to do it when the market's going against it. If this is where the market's going to go. And
272 00:51:32 --> 00:51:41 I'm I'm teaching that to you, focus on the initial opening range, and where that opening range gap, if there is one, because it's going to have a 7% chance, it's
273 00:51:41 --> 00:51:49 going to fill half of it. And of it in the first 30 minutes. That, in and of itself, is algorithmic. You don't hear people teach that in books. Find it in a
274 00:51:49 --> 00:51:59 book. Find it. It's not out it's going to be in everybody's book now, but it's not out there. You're familiar with opening range, oh, opening range. Oh, it's
275 00:51:59 --> 00:52:08 this, this that. But they're, you're looking at different time frames, 15 minutes, five minutes, it's that's bullshit. It's 30 minutes. That's what this
276 00:52:08 --> 00:52:18 algorithm is referring to. Okay, if it won't hold up to scrutiny with me calling it on it live, that means it's not real. That means I'm a fraud. That means it's
277 00:52:18 --> 00:52:28 fake, it's made up, it's contrived. But how many times are you seeing it work? It's perfectly. That's my that's my emphasis here, because I say this not to
278 00:52:28 --> 00:52:36 defend myself. It's for the folks that tell me that they're being influenced by other people because they're so new. And I'm just saying, Don't believe me
279 00:52:36 --> 00:52:47 because I said, so never believe me because I said, So you listen to me, determine what the parameters are, to go into the marketplace and see it for
280 00:52:47 --> 00:52:54 yourself. Go back. It doesn't take long to see if there's anything here about or not. And then go into the live streams. If you're brand new and you're trying to
281 00:52:54 --> 00:53:02 learn how to do what I'm teaching on this YouTube channel. There's no better way to start than what you're doing right now in 2024 because I'm proving, I'm
282 00:53:02 --> 00:53:10 literally proving, unequivocally, there's it's irrefutable. It's absolutely irrefutable. That's why I said I could do this in front of a court. I can do
283 00:53:10 --> 00:53:19 this in front of Supreme Court. I could do this in front of the CFTC. I can do this. I'm doing it live right now. They're probably watching me. Hello, hello,
284 00:53:20 --> 00:53:26 Lydia. That's who was the lady in charge in the 90s, when they served me paperwork at my aunt's house because I wasn't putting wrist disclaimers up,
285 00:53:26 --> 00:53:32 because I was stupid. You're a 20 year old, didn't know what I was doing. I was talking about the markets. I didn't even report the level of risk that's
286 00:53:32 --> 00:53:40 involved. That's why you see my disclaimers in the information box on every video I put. That's why you see the
287 00:53:42 --> 00:53:52 disclaimer shown before I start talking to you. I learned that lesson in the 90s because the federal government literally said, Hey, you you don't know what
288 00:53:52 --> 00:53:59 you're doing, bud, and I got to stop. I just said, Okay, I'm not I'm not doing that. Until I learned that these are the risk disclaimers you have to have.
289 00:53:59 --> 00:54:07 That's why, when I reach out to other YouTubers and I tell them, Look, you're you're in, you're potentially in trouble here if you don't start doing this, and
290 00:54:07 --> 00:54:14 a lot of people laugh it off, but eventually they started using it. That's all I want. I don't want to seem like getting in trouble, because our government
291 00:54:14 --> 00:54:21 sometimes has a little bit of an overreach. And while I wasn't doing anything that caused anybody losing any money, in fact, they're actually making money off
292 00:54:21 --> 00:54:29 of what I was saying I was teaching before I should have, because I didn't fully understand everything I was doing clearly indicated by me not revealing the
293 00:54:29 --> 00:54:38 disclosures of risk that needs to be given to the public. So there's a lot of laws, folks, there's a lot of laws and regulations, and I love doing what I'm
294 00:54:38 --> 00:54:45 doing, but I'm not going to do something that's against the law. I'm not going to go out here and put myself in Jeffrey, just to impress you. I don't care if
295 00:54:45 --> 00:54:52 you like me. I don't care if you believe me. But I say these things and I talk about the algorithm because they're students that are brand new, and there's new
296 00:54:52 --> 00:55:00 waves of new students always coming in, and it helps reinforce what I'm already teaching. Anyway. It's not like I'm saying something you can't. Learn More
297 00:55:00 --> 00:55:07 information about or feel more confident. And I mean, I understand some of you will say, Well, we get it. ICT, can we move on? We understand as an algorithm,
298 00:55:09 --> 00:55:21 but the elements of every individual day and how it delivers, I'm revealing that to you. I'm giving you the mechanics of it and buying and selling pressure the
299 00:55:21 --> 00:55:31 markets are for the deep pockets. They're not for you. They're not for me. They're not for John Q Public, the stock traders, the old ladies that sit
300 00:55:31 --> 00:55:41 around, they have their stock stock Buyers Club, it's not for them either. It's not it's not for them. It's for these deep pockets to fleece you, because we are
301 00:55:41 --> 00:55:54 all cattle to them. That's the reality. And how do we get to be a part of the same game they're running? Use what I'm teaching, and it's literally, you cannot
302 00:55:54 --> 00:56:01 refute it. It's there. Now the folks that don't want to believe in an algorithm, they'll have to backpedal and say, well, he's just a really good price action
303 00:56:01 --> 00:56:10 trader using other people's stuff. And my question still is, where's the other people's stuff? Where is that? Where's the rules that I'm giving you, the time
304 00:56:10 --> 00:56:19 elements that's not anywhere else. Okay? I'm so sick of hearing a gold box. I ain't seen one person come out here and outline the profile of the day, the time
305 00:56:19 --> 00:56:26 at which is going to behave, where the imbalances are going to form, how it's going to be utilized. Stop on a tick. Use a stop loss. Put a stop loss on your
306 00:56:26 --> 00:56:34 trades. Make them. Make them tight with logic that repeats. It's already been taught in this YouTube channel, okay, but find the other logic. It's not there,
307 00:56:34 --> 00:56:42 but it's so easy for people to be influenced because they watch somebody else say something, oh, and the more emojis in the comment. It must be valid. Then,
308 00:56:43 --> 00:56:51 like emojis, in my opinion, they invalidate any any argument. Soon as you start putting emojis in your post, I know I'm talking to a kid already talking to a
309 00:56:51 --> 00:57:07 kid, and they're clueless. So, deep money, smart money, big players. Okay, they have to have the opposite end or counterparty to their intended trade. Okay? So
310 00:57:07 --> 00:57:15 in this case, it's the sell stops below these relative equal lows. So the market drops down, which is interesting, because we only have a little mineral to run
311 00:57:15 --> 00:57:27 above, and then it drops. Then it gives you the fair value gap. Here see that drops into the sell side. Spends time down here. Where is there inefficiency
312 00:57:27 --> 00:57:40 when, when it goes below these lows at this moment, right in here, with this candle, where is the inefficiency in the marketplace, there, and the remaining
313 00:57:40 --> 00:57:51 portion of the opening range gap that was yet to be filled from that high up to that dark line. So there's unfinished business up here. So they're tipping their
314 00:57:51 --> 00:58:00 hand to you by dropping it initially, what's what's the most time they spent? On the sell side, they're accumulating. Remember, the other day, I remember the
315 00:58:00 --> 00:58:07 other day I was telling you we were watching price action. I said, I don't want to see it accumulate inside the consequent crochet of the wick of the candle.
316 00:58:07 --> 00:58:15 And it went down, stabbed down there, and immediately came right back out. That's the opposite of this. This is accumulation. Accumulation is the market
317 00:58:15 --> 00:58:31 spending time. It has to spend time at a predetermined area where liquidity is, where inefficiencies are, inefficiencies are best suited and used one time,
318 00:58:31 --> 00:58:41 right in there, quickly hit it and run. It can be used again. But we don't want to see markets go into inefficiency like a fair bag up here, like, we don't want
319 00:58:41 --> 00:58:52 to see it go up here. Meander around. Create a bull flag, right? Patrick, no bull flags required. Okay, we want to see it. Trade to it, through it, come back
320 00:58:52 --> 00:59:06 down. Treat it as, what a springboard, rocket fuel, baby, send it higher inefficiencies. We don't want to see it spend time inside them liquidity. When
321 00:59:06 --> 00:59:16 you're going trading with the daily range, for the most the largest magnitude in price delivery, which side it's going to move on most, okay? The more time it
322 00:59:16 --> 00:59:27 spends below a pool of liquidity. It's obvious like that that's allowing and affording smart money to do what, load it up, load it up, and then it starts to
323 00:59:27 --> 00:59:38 reprice higher. Smart Money is not buying as it's going up. They will buy right there. Why? Because it's coming down to that inefficiency and it's affording
324 00:59:38 --> 00:59:50 them still arranged to get to full gap closure. See that? So it trades down to the top of that stops right on tick. What is the the low of that candle? You're
325 00:59:50 --> 01:00:00 going to be looking at this value right here. Upper left hand corner where my cursor is, see it. You can look at that value right there. That low comes in. In
326 01:00:00 --> 01:00:17 at 19,505.25 Okay, five zero, 5.25 the low of that candle comes in at 19,000 ready for it, five zero, 5.25 but there's no fucking algorithm. It
327 01:00:22 --> 01:00:32 never gets old. Come on, Mr. Option, dude, come at me. Bro.
328 01:00:38 --> 01:00:45 Oh, man, I'm so entertaining. I love it. I love I could entertain myself every day out here. I wish the markets trade on Saturday and Sunday. I'd be doing it
329 01:00:47 --> 01:00:57 in two. That's perfect. Tell me where white golf ever gave you perfection? Nope. Elliot Wade never happened. Supply and demand. Who the fuck knows inside those
330 01:00:57 --> 01:01:11 zones you're buying and selling, right? What price is perfect in the zones, nobody knows, but there's this old guy, this old dude, in Maryland. He's got a
331 01:01:11 --> 01:01:22 really good lucky rabbit's foot up his ass. It's unbelievable. It just keeps repeating. He can't keep getting away with it, right? Anyway. So we're back
332 01:01:22 --> 01:01:30 inside. Remember I told you, when these when these form, it's like a huge black hole. It's going to draw price into it. Keep pulling in, pulling in. So if you
333 01:01:30 --> 01:01:41 ever see nested New Day, opening gaps, new week opening gaps, or vice versa. And this is just a beautiful, beautiful like it. This is like a poster child of the
334 01:01:41 --> 01:01:54 the event I'm telling you about, where it draws price into it, so smart money has to buy. Where there's liquidity, okay, they're absorbing counterparties, and
335 01:01:54 --> 01:02:04 it's never going to be able to be hidden from you. Below old lows, there's going to be sell stops, okay, above old highs is going to be buy stops when you're
336 01:02:04 --> 01:02:13 watching price action, okay, when you're watching price you're trying to get a feel for and you won't know how to do this initially. You won't, you won't have
337 01:02:13 --> 01:02:23 a feel for it for a while, because it takes experience seeing and reading price action live. And you'll get the rules that I'm teaching you, and you'll start
338 01:02:23 --> 01:02:32 seeing example after example. Take a screenshot of that. By the way, such a beautiful element of delivery right there. It's such a good thing, man. It's so
339 01:02:32 --> 01:02:42 good in it isn't that beautiful where suddenly all this stuff makes sense? It makes it gives you a rhyme and a reason. It gives you a script to expect Christ
340 01:02:42 --> 01:02:50 to adhere to, and once you understand that script, what it should do, how it should behave, if it ever goes off script. Guess what that means? It's not a
341 01:02:50 --> 01:02:57 time to over leverage, right? It's not a time to get in there and press the button you need to sit still. There's something on there. There's a deja vu
342 01:02:57 --> 01:03:06 moment there, like in the movie, The Matrix, something has changed, and that is not always an invitation for you to be doing something in the market trading. So
343 01:03:08 --> 01:03:19 smart money has to buy down here because of the volume that's required to be counterparty to their trading. So if they're buying, they want to be a buyer,
344 01:03:19 --> 01:03:32 they're going to be buying in large pools of liquidity. And they will add, okay, they will add, as the market trades up, but it has to be on sell side, delivery.
345 01:03:32 --> 01:03:44 That means momentum, delivery of price going down. They cannot, they will never, ever, ever buy on an uptick. It never will happen. It never happens. Smart Money
346 01:03:44 --> 01:03:53 is never buying on breakouts. It's not happening. It's never happening because they have to have discounted prices. So this down closed candle is the first
347 01:03:53 --> 01:04:06 discounted delivery from the perspective of looking all these up close candles, even that's a small, little up close candle. So this just so happens to be at a
348 01:04:06 --> 01:04:16 fair value gap. I told you conceptually that it will be formed between 930 and 10 o'clock. It's the first one. And then, because we've spent time here taking
349 01:04:16 --> 01:04:24 the cell side accumulated, we want to see it run above here and watch. Does this treat this same range. Does it invert that? Just remember it was over here. When
350 01:04:24 --> 01:04:33 price is up there, it drops down, uses it then springs higher, goes below. It inverts, goes down here. Now watch this level in here, because it's going to do
351 01:04:33 --> 01:04:45 what change its character. It's going to revert back to what it was over here. Then this now becomes what this is now a reclaimed, bullish fair value gap. Why?
352 01:04:45 --> 01:04:53 Because it was acting as one before. Where did that happen? Right there, folks, so stop saying that I did something wrong in my lecture. I did not call that
353 01:04:53 --> 01:05:04 fair value gap in inversion. Fair value gap incorrectly. It was how it's used. I. How is it used, and does it change its mode of delivery? How is it
354 01:05:04 --> 01:05:14 influencing price? So this has become a reclaimed, bullish fair value gap, because it should have been treated as such over here, if the underlying
355 01:05:14 --> 01:05:21 narrative is bullish. So that's what I'm saying. When people say all fair value gaps are the same, you're an idiot. You have no idea what you're talking about.
356 01:05:21 --> 01:05:29 Stop talking like you do because you have no idea what you're saying. And stop trying to teach them. Say, this is how I use them with my present understanding.
357 01:05:29 --> 01:05:37 You know what? That's very disarming. It's a fair statement. No one can look especially I'm the author of it. I can't look at that. Indeed, you know he's
358 01:05:38 --> 01:05:47 pretending to know something he doesn't know. Because everybody up to this point has ever taught or lectured anything about a fair value gap trying to teach it,
359 01:05:47 --> 01:05:55 you literally have no idea what you're talking about. You literally have no idea you haven't spent enough time with me. Seriously, you haven't spent enough time
360 01:05:55 --> 01:06:05 and I haven't taught everything about them yet. You're just introduced to them. You're familiar with them, like, Oh, I've seen that before, but you can't
361 01:06:05 --> 01:06:12 explain it in hindsight. You can with Market Replay. You can do that obviously, because then you had the benefit of saying, well, it behaved that way there. But
362 01:06:12 --> 01:06:25 I'm telling you where they're forming before they form, how they're going to react. Can you argue that make your videos today. Expose me today. Go on
363 01:06:25 --> 01:06:34 YouTube, make your video. Make sure you put the at symbol, inner circle trader, all one word, and I'll see your little video. Okay? And I will gladly come to
364 01:06:34 --> 01:06:42 your channel, and I'll leave a comment, because that's really what you want, and we can all laugh at you, okay? Because there's no way you're going to argue this
365 01:06:42 --> 01:06:51 today. There's zero way you're going to argue out of it, because it's given to you beforehand, the logic, how it's going to behave, and then what it looks
366 01:06:51 --> 01:07:01 like. You've seen that, but how and when it's going to form? How will price react to how is it going to react off of it? And it's not. There's no more
367 01:07:01 --> 01:07:16 sellers here. There's there's only buyers coming in. Only buyers are outnumbering. Think about, think about the stupidity of that statement. Every
368 01:07:16 --> 01:07:27 buyer has to have a seller. Okay, so there's an imbalance of buyers. How the fuck is that possible? Because for someone to get long and filled, they have to
369 01:07:27 --> 01:07:38 have a Counterparty that's sold to them. That's how the markets are booking right. Look at your depth of market. Look at your DOM. Okay, not Dom. Dom. Study
370 01:07:38 --> 01:07:48 them, not for the Express purposes of learning how to use them to trade with. But look at the facade they present to you. They're just numbers there. Those
371 01:07:48 --> 01:07:55 orders are coming and going. Maybe they'll be there when the market prints that price and books the mark to market, maybe they're not going to be there. It
372 01:07:55 --> 01:08:06 happens all the time, market, market participants, Goldman, Sachs, city, any other large conglomerate, they could put an order in and say, You know what, I'm
373 01:08:06 --> 01:08:16 going to pull the order for whatever reason. And you can read between the lines on that some entity out there could do things like that and spoof and give the
374 01:08:16 --> 01:08:24 false impression that there's a lot of interest at this level, and things like book, math and stuff, stuff like that. If you know that there's a large
375 01:08:26 --> 01:08:37 likelihood, okay, from a narrative perspective, that once we were down here, and there's a large pool of orders that you see on the depth of market that's below
376 01:08:37 --> 01:08:49 this area down here, and we start seeing this right there. I'm telling you that that doesn't matter that there's so much orders below here or at a lower price.
377 01:08:49 --> 01:08:58 But see, some of you think that that's somehow a magnet that's going to cause the market to say, look at the number. Look at the sheer number here. When
378 01:08:58 --> 01:09:08 that's not really what's going to be pushing price around. It's understanding how the market's going to work with what it's been given to you in the first 30
379 01:09:08 --> 01:09:21 minutes, using the the footholds with these PD arrays, this was the sheer mountain side of the mountain. Okay, we go down. You got to climb back up top of
380 01:09:21 --> 01:09:33 this and get to some zenith, higher level, the undelivered gap opening. Well, as you go up this range, you have to look inside here. Where are the footholds?
381 01:09:33 --> 01:09:42 Where are you going to reach for, if your price, and I'm going to personify price as you your price and you're down here. What does it have to do? It has to
382 01:09:42 --> 01:09:50 get above this first. Well, that's an easy one. It gets above that new problem, then you have an old foothold here, so you use it, pull yourself up to it, and
383 01:09:50 --> 01:09:57 once you get above it, now becomes a foothold. So it's a handhold first, and then becomes a foothold. Oh, he's just talking about supply and demand. He's
384 01:09:57 --> 01:10:06 just talking about Support Resistance. What? Well, did you call this beforehand? Did you trade it? Did you live stream and outline it live that is going to
385 01:10:06 --> 01:10:16 behave that way before it? Did it. This is how you cancel anybody that's challenging you with the intended purpose to discourage you. There would be no
386 01:10:16 --> 01:10:23 way anybody could discourage me from learning this from someone like myself doing this live. There's nothing. There's nothing anybody could ever say. They
387 01:10:23 --> 01:10:27 say, You know what? I ain't listening to that guy. He's shady.
388 01:10:28 --> 01:10:35 He's a shady guy. You never trade live in front I'm gonna trade live, but I gotta give you a logic what I'm using, because otherwise you're gonna be like, I
389 01:10:35 --> 01:10:43 don't understand why you did that, because the same stuff I'm showing you every day. But you have to get comfortable with this Caleb. You have to see it repeat
390 01:10:43 --> 01:10:53 over and over and over again. And by seeing that without any money, without any clout behind it, whether you win or lose, without any I'm going to impress that
391 01:10:53 --> 01:11:01 or I'm going to probably disappoint that behind the execution, you're just observing price. So that way there's no heat on you, there's no pressure,
392 01:11:01 --> 01:11:10 there's no requirement for you to be right. So you're just observing what price is doing, and these things that I'm teaching will repeat and repeat. So back to
393 01:11:10 --> 01:11:17 this. So your your price. I'm personifying price with you. You're the individual that is priced. When you're down here, it's got to get above this high here,
394 01:11:17 --> 01:11:25 it's going to get above that route rather quickly. Why? Because that is a shift in market structure. You want them to be sudden and abrupt, just like that.
395 01:11:25 --> 01:11:41 Okay, when it does this, your eye goes back to all of this range. Now this range to so happens to use reference points that was given over here. So this is a PDA
396 01:11:41 --> 01:11:53 rate that can change its characteristic and role of how it's going to behave, either impeding price or supporting or rejecting price, meaning it was a
397 01:11:53 --> 01:12:01 potential bullish fair value gap that was realized right here when the market dropped down into it and then sent it up. Then we went down through it,
398 01:12:02 --> 01:12:13 shooting, making this a inversion, so it's not bullish anymore. It's going to be used to send price lower. It does so then the market starts to come back up
399 01:12:13 --> 01:12:23 abruptly, shift in market structure. What's your first PD array? Well, you're in, you're in one. It's the old, bullish, fair value gap. So now it's reclaimed.
400 01:12:23 --> 01:12:33 Why? How's it reclaimed? Because it went above it, and we're opening here trading down into it. It should act as what support, real support, not the stuff
401 01:12:33 --> 01:12:41 you see in books, and it's not supplying the man. It's none of those things. Wyckoff has nothing to do with that right there. Wyckoff, if he was alive, he's
402 01:12:41 --> 01:12:48 writing notes right now. He's in the same classroom you're in. He would be writing notes and then sending me email saying, what about this? And what about
403 01:12:48 --> 01:12:56 that? He'd be doing that. That sounds arrogant, but that's just the fucking truth. So the next thing is, when we get above it, we get into this gap here,
404 01:12:56 --> 01:13:05 which happens to be the first fair value gap that forms between 931 specifically, to 10 o'clock, because your fair value gap can't form on the 930
405 01:13:05 --> 01:13:20 candle. Okay, so there's a rule there. Find that in your books. So once we get above it, here opens, trades down to the tick stops. Smart Money can add in
406 01:13:20 --> 01:13:31 that, but they're not adding the volume of orders that they pushed in here, because it's not enough time and or liquidity offered to counterpart with them.
407 01:13:31 --> 01:13:41 You see what I'm saying. So when the market is allowing and affording in pools of liquidity, when there's a gap that's yet to be filled, they haven't even
408 01:13:41 --> 01:13:50 touched the halfway gap. We're constantly encroaching of it, and we have this big, huge black hole of a new day opening gap and a new week opening gap. How
409 01:13:51 --> 01:13:54 many times has it been trading back and forth to over the last couple days? Think about
410 01:13:56 --> 01:13:56 it. Think
411 01:13:57 --> 01:14:08 it's not one and done. It's not pivots. It's not floor traders. Pivots, okay, oh, trace the r1 r2 okay, well, it's done. Throw it away. That's not the logic
412 01:14:08 --> 01:14:19 we're using here. Is it? This is what the algorithm refers to. These are old reference points. They are arrays. If you are a trader that has any familiarity
413 01:14:19 --> 01:14:31 with computer programming and coding. You know what the what an array is? It's a reference point where the market or not the market, the algorithm or program, if
414 01:14:31 --> 01:14:41 you will, refers back to a data point, a reference point an array is for that express purpose, using something for data number crunching, what the algorithm
415 01:14:41 --> 01:14:50 is going to do with it, like a recipe. With it. Like a recipe, you have all the ingredients you follow the step by step process of making whatever that dish is
416 01:14:50 --> 01:15:03 that you're making, okay, but you, you are the composite man. You are the market maker. You. You're literally taking the ingredients and following the step by
417 01:15:03 --> 01:15:17 step process of making the outcome how you want it. Sometimes something is a better condition for them to disrupt, and that means that sometimes the outcome
418 01:15:18 --> 01:15:30 isn't always the perfectly cooked pot pie. It may be overcooked and it may be undercooked, okay, but they're still left with a pot, pot, right? So they can
419 01:15:30 --> 01:15:42 profit from that. They've got, they got something they can work with. What does that mean? If, if they can't buy as much here, how's that any benefit? Because
420 01:15:42 --> 01:15:58 it won't spend that much time there. It isn't going to run out of potential magnitude and speed. In fact, you're expecting it to start doing the very thing,
421 01:15:59 --> 01:16:14 amplifying the directional run in speed, and the candle should start expanding larger. And you get that here reading up into the full gap closure. So they
422 01:16:14 --> 01:16:24 won't get that many positions, you know, funneled into the marketplace, because they have very little time to do it. But we, as smaller entities in the
423 01:16:24 --> 01:16:33 marketplace, we have no problem pushing our orders into that candlestick right there, whereas the volume that they have pushed in down here accuming A larger
424 01:16:33 --> 01:16:44 position because they see this run here. You can't see that yet. You're learning the beginning building blocks of that. But it starts by having these
425 01:16:44 --> 01:16:51 understandings. Looking for things that are going to be in the marketplace. They cannot hide them from you. Tell me how they're going to how they're going to
426 01:16:51 --> 01:16:59 hide the first Fairbank up between 931 and 10 o'clock. How's that possible to hide it from you? You're not looking at the screen. That's the only way it's
427 01:16:59 --> 01:17:06 going to happen. We have a blackout. There's power outage. Internet goes down. Internet goes down, trading view, or whatever, your platform has a wonky
428 01:17:06 --> 01:17:15 technical glitch. That's the that's the extent of it. That's how it's going to be hidden from you. But they can't hide these things from you. If they could, if
429 01:17:15 --> 01:17:26 they would change these logics, these elements to it, okay, I would have never taught it to you. I mean that I never would have, I've never would have taught
430 01:17:26 --> 01:17:30 it to you. If it could be changed by the participation of everybody else,
431 01:17:37 --> 01:17:44 would you share this information and be honest for a second? Okay, let's take a take a take a minute. Let me take a drink of my water here. But if you knew all
432 01:17:44 --> 01:17:52 this stuff, would you teach to anybody? And be honest, you might be a Christian, you might be a dude, person. Would you teach this to anybody else? Let me tell
433 01:17:52 --> 01:17:55 you something. If you say yes, you die. You're lying. You
434 01:18:02 --> 01:18:15 wouldn't teach it to nobody. You'd be greedy, self centered, selfish. You wouldn't even talk about with your friends. To the questions, why am I doing it?
435 01:18:17 --> 01:18:23 Inquiring minds want to know. Say, I can't, and I'll make more of me.
436 01:18:25 --> 01:18:27 That's what I said, and that's what I'm doing
437 01:18:29 --> 01:18:38 in the future. You'll understand what that means. But for now, just know that this is a gift, and you should be very, very thankful for this, because it's not
438 01:18:38 --> 01:18:44 worshiping Me. You should just be thankful that it's like this in the marketplace, because if there's an algorithm, if it's control, if it's rigged,
439 01:18:44 --> 01:18:53 that means you're never going to be duped by buying and selling pressure randomness. Think about it. How could you possibly sleep at night laying your
440 01:18:53 --> 01:19:01 head down thinking, Man, I hope I can outsmart all the buying and selling pressure randomness tomorrow. Like, how could that's like you're playing the
441 01:19:01 --> 01:19:12 lottery. That's stupidity. That's stupid math. Okay, that's math. That doesn't math. There's no probabilities there. Why would anybody want to work with that?
442 01:19:13 --> 01:19:25 Oh, well, you can do this and you can bullshit. Okay, bullshit. Show me this in anything else, it's not there. So if we get through these levels here, and we
443 01:19:25 --> 01:19:40 have this delivery and price, and we get above this short term high, then we can anticipate what low, high, low or low, this disrupts, what the liquidity it
444 01:19:40 --> 01:19:56 absorbs it this up close candle, here is your bullish breaker, because it broke the market structure and took anyone that's long out. So that way. Now the buy
445 01:19:56 --> 01:20:06 side is neutral, meaning that there's no one, there's no one. Long above here, they've taken out anyone that's long here out because they raked it down lower.
446 01:20:06 --> 01:20:19 So sell sides been engaged, and now by side is negative. It's a VA. It's a vast wasteland. There's no heaviness. There's no held positions inside this range
447 01:20:19 --> 01:20:30 here. So they're going to start accumulating when it gets above there. What does accumulation look like? Is it fast one time, one candle and then run away? No,
448 01:20:30 --> 01:20:45 that's redelivery accumulation in this candlestick right here. Big paradigm shift coming, ready? There's some seatbelts. That candlestick right there is
449 01:20:45 --> 01:21:03 your bullish breaker, and we can take this extension thing off here. We'll shade it, make it green. I haven't used that color much, right? So in here we have
450 01:21:03 --> 01:21:14 that whole run. Now, if you're looking at a PB array like this, like a breaker, and you're expecting it to offer some measure of support, rejecting lower
451 01:21:14 --> 01:21:23 prices, so it's going to be like a brick wall saying, No, you're not going to go through me. What would that look like? If you have a candlestick like this, we
452 01:21:23 --> 01:21:32 have this big discount tail. Let me move it over a little bit so you can see it. See that that tail right there from the open of a candle down below where it
453 01:21:32 --> 01:21:43 acted off of that fair value gap that I showed you live. Then we close up here, when a candlestick like this for a breaker is forming such a long wick, like
454 01:21:43 --> 01:21:54 that the wick does what? What does the body do? In contrast to what the wick is telling us, the wicks do the damage. That means it can color outside the lines.
455 01:21:55 --> 01:22:02 Generally, the bodies don't generally cover, you know, color outside the lines of a PD array. It can, but it's, it's got to be like one tick, no more than two.
456 01:22:03 --> 01:22:12 But a wick can go a few ticks outside of it. But generally, I'll out to have two, two ticks on on an index like NASDAQ or s, p, s, p, generally, is like a
457 01:22:12 --> 01:22:20 one tick Mohawk, like a little tiny fluctuation above or below the parameters for a Fairbank at something that effect for ES, it's, it's tighter because it's
458 01:22:20 --> 01:22:29 a little bit more of a gentleman's market. It's a little bit more refined. The NASDAQ is kind of like a hooker on a Saturday night. It's just She's usually
459 01:22:29 --> 01:22:39 drunk and she's she's a she's a sloppy mess, but she's fun, she's fun to be around. You just don't want to marry her. The ES is a lot more refined. It's a
460 01:22:39 --> 01:22:49 gentleman's market. It behaves a whole lot more tame, and it gives you a lot cleaner price action, and it's a little bit slower in its delivery, but you can
461 01:22:49 --> 01:23:00 still make a lot of money trading that one too. The ES is not as exciting as the NASDAQ is. I, like me, a good Saturday Night Raw, and this is what it's like
462 01:23:00 --> 01:23:09 every day trading. It gives us the opportunity to get in there and have a fast, good time, but you have to wrap up. You got to wear a strap stop loss, because
463 01:23:09 --> 01:23:15 you don't be out here messing around with this thing and pick up something you don't want. So when it has a wick like this, I don't know where this stuff comes
464 01:23:15 --> 01:23:24 from, folks. I really have no idea where it comes from, but that is the body. Okay, so since I'm bullish, I'm going to look at the highest portion of this
465 01:23:24 --> 01:23:32 candlestick, okay, and I want to be in the upper half of that. Why? Because that's the rules of engagement with my PD arrays. If I'm bullish, I don't want
466 01:23:32 --> 01:23:41 to see the lower half of any PD, any PD array traded to I want to see it. Have the inability to do that. So in the lower portion of something that would be
467 01:23:41 --> 01:23:50 deemed bullish, it should fail delivering price in that you see the, see the logic there. That's not supply and demand, that's not Wyckoff, that's not
468 01:23:50 --> 01:24:01 anything else. It's a very specific phenomenon that I'm taking your attention to, that I'm using when I'm reading price and I'm executing on, that's, that's
469 01:24:01 --> 01:24:10 what's really going wrong behind the scenes. So if that's the case here, that body starts here. I'm not worried about that wick. I don't care about it. It's
470 01:24:10 --> 01:24:21 the body. So all this range up to the high, I have to, have to see what that range is. So it's the upper half, which is this level right here that line,
471 01:24:21 --> 01:24:32 that's what it's showing you. Okay, so when the breaker is being utilized, it's better for the sensitivity for price action to be between this level here and
472 01:24:32 --> 01:24:47 the high of that candlestick. Now, as price gets above it there, how does it behave? Upper quadrant, upper quadrant, upper quadrant. Can it even touch the
473 01:24:47 --> 01:24:48 halfway point?
474 01:24:48 --> 01:24:49 No.
475 01:24:50 --> 01:24:59 What is the body's doing here? Is it spending a little bit of time and then moving? No, what's it doing? Same thing it did down here. It's accumulating. I.
476 01:25:00 --> 01:25:10 Able to accumulate positions. The algorithm is staying in here, holding it, holding it, holding it, holding it, allowing smart money to do what capitalize
477 01:25:10 --> 01:25:27 on that bullish breaker. It the levels when you expect it to, then rallies, consolidates around what the high or the previous day's summit price for 14 pm
478 01:25:27 --> 01:25:36 Eastern Standard Time, that's the high or top of the gap, the opening range gap. So if you traded above it, go back and listen to other lectures about it. We are
479 01:25:36 --> 01:25:45 if we're above it, if it's bullish, you'll come down and start doing what, treating it as support. What is it doing here? Marking time sideways. Why? There
480 01:25:45 --> 01:25:55 isn't anybody trying to buy it. There's nobody interested in going short. I thought buying and selling pressure, lose price. Oh, maybe it isn't that. And
481 01:25:55 --> 01:26:06 then the market takes around here, digs into the new day and new week opening gap clustering. How we started this lecture, what is Caleb going to be looking
482 01:26:06 --> 01:26:16 for, clustering of new day and new week opening gaps. And when you have them in your chart, don't look at them being traded to and delivered to and think
483 01:26:16 --> 01:26:27 they're done. They're dead, they're stale. Throw it out like supply demand logic does keep them because the algorithm is going to refer to them, we still have
484 01:26:27 --> 01:26:38 plenty of time to use them. What do you think I taught the if the data ranges for 60 days is not longer? As a young man that left a comment saying you made a
485 01:26:38 --> 01:26:51 mistake. You said that 60 days, how many trading days is there in a month? If you have 30 days in the month, it's not 30, it's not 30 trading days, but you're
486 01:26:51 --> 01:27:05 using 60 trading days. Look back my, my, because I've been doing a lot longer. Not my hands are all over this, and they're they're my concepts. When I codified
487 01:27:05 --> 01:27:19 these things, I have set boundaries and parameters that I want to use as reference points for my use. Mine are 60 days in the past. So 60 trading days go
488 01:27:19 --> 01:27:32 backwards. My PD arrays depend upon how I feel about a market structure and what I where I think the market may go. Usually, I'm not looking at PD arrays that
489 01:27:32 --> 01:27:45 are older than 60 days of 60 trading days of look back. It's not calendar days, it's 60 trading days. Look back and in 40 days, what do you think is going to be
490 01:27:45 --> 01:27:57 more sensitive to price? A 40 day old PD array or a 60 day PD array? Well, in other words, a fair value gap that's 40 days old or a fair value gap that's 60
491 01:27:57 --> 01:28:07 days old. What's which one's going to be more sensitive? The 40 day what's going to be more sensitive? A 20 or a 4020, and if you have PD arrays that are
492 01:28:07 --> 01:28:17 forming, you know, in inside the last 20 days, you're you're work, you're working with the actual most active PD arrays. And if you just focus on them,
493 01:28:17 --> 01:28:24 you never have to make it complicated. Never have to worry about having anything older, because they're always going to be in the chart. You'll see them. They
494 01:28:24 --> 01:28:30 won't hide from you. They can't hide them from you. That's my point. To you, like you're stressing out all the things that are not going to be that big of a
495 01:28:30 --> 01:28:38 deal for you, and your time and the energy of worrying about it's going to start working. It's going to be the new retail there's no traps, folks. Does it look
496 01:28:38 --> 01:28:45 like it's not working for you? Does it does it look like the person that's created this stuff? Does it sound like I don't know I'm talking about, I'm
497 01:28:45 --> 01:28:52 explaining this stuff to you, so that way you can go back and look at old moves and see that that's exactly how it is, and then you have the perfect opportunity
498 01:28:52 --> 01:29:00 to study going forward, and if it's changing, if it doesn't work anymore, it's going to be glaringly obvious. Everybody will notice it, not somebody that has
499 01:29:00 --> 01:29:12 something to sell as an alternative, right? So, or make some kind of drama video because they're hungry, any groceries, so that this is closed there, and when
500 01:29:12 --> 01:29:29 we're trading down, the wicks are digging into an old, new day opening guy, or that's actually, yesterday's, all right, disoriented here, yes, today's 27
501 01:29:31 --> 01:29:48 Excuse me. So anyway, there's something else I want to say about that breaker. Disoriented here, talking about ourselves. I Yeah. So anyway, the accumulation
502 01:29:48 --> 01:29:58 aspects of price delivery here it's when it's spending a little bit of time. When you're in the narrative, you're expecting higher prices, you start seeing
503 01:29:58 --> 01:30:07 these little consolidations and. Here, at the levels I'm teaching you, and at the time at which they should form. So when you start blending these elements
504 01:30:07 --> 01:30:16 together, you get like a really rich tapestry of seeing what price is going to do and how it will behave, and you're not surprised by it. You can anticipate
505 01:30:16 --> 01:30:24 when it starts running, when it starts making big candles in your favor. And then you can also predict and anticipate, okay, it's moved a little bit. Now we
506 01:30:24 --> 01:30:32 can expect a reasonable retracement. It doesn't mean it's reversing. It's just going to seek a short term discount. And then you keep that narrative in mind
507 01:30:32 --> 01:30:40 until you get to around 1130 12 o'clock, and then it goes into the lunch macro. And then that's when you expect it to have some measure of deeper retracement.
508 01:30:41 --> 01:30:51 And you find the first low prior to where the market's trading in that range that forms in the lunch hour. When I say lunch hour, it's technically 1130 to
509 01:30:51 --> 01:31:04 130 okay, but it's, it's an old habit of mine saying it's the lunch hour. It's the phenomenon that takes place between those specific two hours. Okay, so
510 01:31:04 --> 01:31:14 there's a lot of things that are happening there. At 1130 you're seeing London close so traders that are trading on markets like the CFDs that they're trading
511 01:31:14 --> 01:31:24 the NASDAQ 100 the S, p5, 100, CFD they're usually closing up shot. They're ending their day because they're going to do whatever they're going to do. And
512 01:31:25 --> 01:31:38 we still have the afternoon session still here. And I want you to think about how ridiculous it is to try to build the argument about why price goes up and
513 01:31:38 --> 01:31:49 down and stops exactly where I'm teaching you they're going to do right to the tick if it was buying and selling pressure, okay, then these levels, these
514 01:31:49 --> 01:32:00 concepts, wouldn't be so perfectly pristine and accurate, like they would not be as perfect as they are if it was just buying and selling pressure, because these
515 01:32:00 --> 01:32:09 things I'm teaching are not in anybody's else's logic. There's another no other school thought that leads you to come to the conclusion that, okay, this is an
516 01:32:09 --> 01:32:20 area to buy right here at that very candle, and it should not go any lower. It completely kicks the balls in on the argument of the buying selling pressure,
517 01:32:20 --> 01:32:30 because I guarantee you, at death, you look at the depth of market, look at the ladder. Okay, you're gonna see all kinds of orders that are resting below that
518 01:32:30 --> 01:32:42 low of that candle. Why did it go down there? Well, there was more bond, more what? More buyers. It's it literally drives me crazy, like you have to be
519 01:32:43 --> 01:32:53 fucking stupid to see it like that and say, yeah, it makes perfect sense. You're only saying that because everybody's been repeating it, repeat it over and over.
520 01:32:53 --> 01:33:03 Hitler said that if you keep saying something, tell a lie long enough and loud enough, eventually everybody's gonna believe it. I'm not lying to you. I'm
521 01:33:04 --> 01:33:12 telling you what price is gonna do before it happens. And they're standing on some s backwards logic and and arguing against it with nothing to prove against
522 01:33:12 --> 01:33:20 it, nothing. So the individuals are leaving those comments to me, and you're brand new, and you're very influential. You're easily influenced. You
523 01:33:20 --> 01:33:23 I want
524 01:33:23 --> 01:33:33 you to just look at what I'm teaching. I'm not showing you something in Market Replay. I'm showing you something live. I'm calling it, outlining it live. I'm
525 01:33:33 --> 01:33:43 giving the things to think about before it does it, and then it does it. So how could that Hap? How could that happen? If just buying and selling, which is
526 01:33:43 --> 01:33:54 random in nature, if the buying, how do we know? How would the market know? How would any trader know the effects of buying and selling pressure and stopping no
527 01:33:54 --> 01:34:02 more selling below that candle is low, but that's exactly what I told you to look for. When it gets above it, gets above it, it's going to come back down and
528 01:34:02 --> 01:34:12 use it as an inversion fair value guy, and it delivered it perfectly to the tick. It's silly, isn't it, but it's also confidence building, and that
529 01:34:12 --> 01:34:22 confidence when you start seeing this stuff for years, decades, three decades, it gives you a little bit of a swagger, okay? You get a little bit of John Wayne
530 01:34:22 --> 01:34:31 and you okay? And these, these new people, okay, they're just brand new, and they think they know everything because they read a book, or they're a part of
531 01:34:31 --> 01:34:38 an organization that calls them a chairman, and all this stuff builds their head up like they think they're smart, they're some kind of intellectual giant, and
532 01:34:38 --> 01:34:46 that's why they don't do well in trading, because they're a facade, they're a gimmick, they're a clown. And that clownery does not equate to making money. The
533 01:34:47 --> 01:34:56 only way they make money is lying to people, fleecing people, with lies and ignorance and deception. I'm not deceiving you. I'm showing you the logic
534 01:34:56 --> 01:35:05 beforehand. And it's liberating, isn't it? Isn't it fun? One knowing that the guys talking to you, I got nothing to sell to you. There's no more. There's no
535 01:35:05 --> 01:35:14 more catch, okay, there's no come back and give me money. None of that's required. And I'm enjoying it, isn't it fun? This is, this is class. This is
536 01:35:14 --> 01:35:25 college done right. This is college done right. ICT, university, okay, everybody's tuition is free. You're all getting scholarships. It's brand it's
537 01:35:25 --> 01:35:37 brand new logic that you're you're in here, you're in this, this dynamic pool of information, all at the same time. No one has an advantage over you. Isn't that
538 01:35:37 --> 01:35:46 fun? It's exciting, isn't it? So anyway, any PD array that you're looking for. You want to see the upper half of it when it's bullish, respect it the lower
539 01:35:46 --> 01:35:54 half it can trade to it. It just means that it better damn well respond off of it when it gets to the deepest part of it. And you want to see it immediately,
540 01:35:54 --> 01:36:02 reject that. If it doesn't do that, chances are you have a dud and there's nothing. There's no harm and just canceling the trade, getting out at whatever
541 01:36:02 --> 01:36:11 you have, if you cover the cost of the trade, and you just get a scratch or you just lose the commission, that's a good thing, folks, versus, I don't know,
542 01:36:11 --> 01:36:18 holding on to it and trying to find some other supporting logic going on social media, see if anybody else thinks about this. Hey, could you talk about gold?
543 01:36:19 --> 01:36:29 I'm not talking about gold. Stop asking me. Okay, gold is a highly manipulated market. It's trash. I told you it's going to go 3600 There you go. Done. If
544 01:36:29 --> 01:36:35 you're long, hold on to it. Don't let go. There's a lot of stuff happening over another side of the world, and it's going to be coming over here on our side,
545 01:36:35 --> 01:36:48 and it's going to cause gold to go a lot more I'm not trading gold. I own gold, but I'm not trading gold, okay? And it's not in some deposits, those are holding
546 01:36:48 --> 01:36:58 gold. For me, I have my gold. No one's holding my gold. If you ain't got it, you don't own it. If it's not in your hands, you don't have it. So stop asking me
547 01:36:58 --> 01:37:07 about gold. If you're losing money. Chances are you're trading gold. So my question to you is, everything I've outlined here, I'm going to close this one
548 01:37:07 --> 01:37:16 because I'm hungry, I'm going to go get something. No, actually, I'm sorry I had to hurt me quickly go with the trades I did, so that way you can get a feel for
549 01:37:16 --> 01:37:26 it, the where the market is right now. Screenshot that, just like it is right there. Screenshot that. Okay, and then you want to go into your charts with this
550 01:37:26 --> 01:37:36 screenshot. Do not use my charts for your journal. That's a lazy person's approach. You go in and you model everything you see here, and you study why
551 01:37:36 --> 01:37:44 these reference points are even pertinent. If I'm Listen to me, okay, stop for a second. I know you're probably all buzzing, right now. You're thinking, This is
552 01:37:44 --> 01:37:55 ridiculous. Look at this thing. It's running exactly like he said, right? But listen, calm down for a second. Do you want to learn how to do this, or you just
553 01:37:55 --> 01:38:04 want to be entertained by me talking about it? Because if you just want to be entertained, that's nice. You know, I don't mind you hanging out and studying
554 01:38:04 --> 01:38:14 with with us with no real intent on using it, but if you really want to learn how to do it properly, or you don't need me anymore, I promise you I will not
555 01:38:14 --> 01:38:21 get my heart broken because of that. I promise you you won't hurt my feelings. If you never come back to much of my videos anywhere, because you've learned how
556 01:38:21 --> 01:38:29 to trade, you will make me the proudest mentor if you do that. That's exactly what I want for you. I don't want you watching other YouTubers. I don't want you
557 01:38:29 --> 01:38:36 watching other live streamers. I don't want you subscribing to anybody else on social media because you're doing that, because you need something from them,
558 01:38:38 --> 01:38:49 inspiration, motivation, trade, idea you want to copy them, or worse, you're looking at their results. That may not be entirely true, and you're looking at
559 01:38:49 --> 01:38:59 your results and they're beating yourself up and that that's not something that I would want for you. As a teacher, I want you to learn how to do this properly,
560 01:38:59 --> 01:39:08 and the only way you're going to do that properly is if you dress your charts the same way you see mine. But they have to be your charts. You're welcome to
561 01:39:08 --> 01:39:16 use mine as a guide. You're absolutely welcome to do that, whether you're watching the live stream live or if you're watching it later on, watch the price
562 01:39:16 --> 01:39:29 action. Okay, watch it. Watch it one time, listening to me and take notes, then watch it again with me not talking really. Watch the fluctuations of the
563 01:39:29 --> 01:39:37 candlesticks happen. That's why I always adjust to keep the candlesticks in in view, because I want Caleb being able to go back and watch this though, studying
564 01:39:37 --> 01:39:52 how it delivers every individual candle, how it behaves with the levels that were already on the chart. You're telling me that everybody out there, buying
565 01:39:52 --> 01:40:03 and selling pressure was using that level right there on an old New Day opening gap on the 23rd of August. I. Why would they if they're not using what I'm
566 01:40:03 --> 01:40:14 teaching you, why would they do that? Why would they do that? What's the logic behind that? What makes it a high probability turning point if you're going to
567 01:40:14 --> 01:40:22 use my concepts, why would you expect it to behave that way? Because it touched that level right there, that old new date moving and got low, and it's the lower
568 01:40:22 --> 01:40:35 quadrant of the new week opening gap on the 18th of August as well. That's two things. What's the third thing? Consequence of that wick, bam, stop, to
569 01:40:35 --> 01:40:36 perfection, to the tick
570 01:40:37 --> 01:40:38 higher goes.
571 01:40:41 --> 01:40:50 Think about it, it's fascinating, isn't it? When I started seeing these things where I could communicate it in a way, in the chart, because it's very hard to
572 01:40:50 --> 01:41:00 find them, it was very, very hard to find things that I could overlap and say, This is what the algorithm is doing. But to teach it conceptually without
573 01:41:00 --> 01:41:11 saying, here's the code, here's what it's here's what it does. I have to find something that allows you visually to see what it is likely doing at that very
574 01:41:11 --> 01:41:20 moment. There's lots of other things that it does that I can't bridge the gap with, but I am aware of, and that's the part that makes me who I am. I can look
575 01:41:20 --> 01:41:27 at things and say it's going to lift because I have something you will never going to get and you get mad when I say that, and you shouldn't be mad. You
576 01:41:27 --> 01:41:35 should not get mad by that. You should say, You know what? This is further evidence for me to say I don't need to worry about this. I have an advantage
577 01:41:35 --> 01:41:43 because it's rigged. I am not going to be Fooled By Randomness. If it is ran by an algorithm, and if price is controlled by an algorithm, that means, if I focus
578 01:41:43 --> 01:41:52 on the things that I'm being shown here and taught, and it's been proven in other people's hands, not just Michaels, I have profitable students that use
579 01:41:52 --> 01:41:59 this stuff, and they learned it from the free lessons on this YouTube channel. They didn't all come through my paid mentorship. I have profitable students
580 01:41:59 --> 01:42:09 there, but to prove to everyone. I gave it to the entire community right on this YouTube channel. And you have to go through the lessons. But if you haven't gone
581 01:42:09 --> 01:42:16 through any of them before, this is the right one to start in this one here, because it you come in and you hit the ground running. I'm literally doing it
582 01:42:16 --> 01:42:25 over live charts, explaining the logic. It should do this and watch this. It's going to behave this way. Watch. And then you see it. No one's going to tell you
583 01:42:25 --> 01:42:36 you didn't watch this pan out today. If you were here live, you saw it. You watched it pan out. The dynamics of when it's accumulating below, oh, lows, for
584 01:42:36 --> 01:42:49 the purpose of accumulating the stops. It's spending time now, because it's going to be a longer, protracted run. Does your chart show this around here? For
585 01:42:49 --> 01:42:50 the YouTubers,
586 01:42:51 --> 01:42:53 all of you, okay, all of you.
587 01:42:54 --> 01:43:04 Some of you, I have an affinity for, and we talk in private. And others, I've ribbed you. You rib me. It's fun. It's fun. I don't have any problem. Then
588 01:43:04 --> 01:43:12 you're not gonna, you're not gonna make me forget this stuff, and you're not gonna be able to discount it. No matter how hard you try, you're never gonna be
589 01:43:12 --> 01:43:19 able to discount what I've shared here. It's proven, it's proven logic, and I have more students that are making money than anybody else out there on YouTube,
590 01:43:19 --> 01:43:30 and they're bringing the receipts, and all of you listening, you're the next round of that. You're in. You're in the monsters lab right now, okay, and if you
591 01:43:30 --> 01:43:37 are a YouTuber, and you're out there, and sometimes you have a little bit of victory here, and you have a little bit of victory here, you have a little bit
592 01:43:37 --> 01:43:48 of a run, of a price move here and there. The way you hold on to runs is knowing this logic, like what I'm showing here today, when you see when you see price
593 01:43:48 --> 01:43:57 action with this perspective, and stop trying to make gimmicks, stop looking for these little things so you can sell courses, just simply do this. I promise you,
594 01:43:57 --> 01:44:08 you will be so much more at ease and pleased with yourself, because you can really do something beyond 20 handles, 10 handles, 30 handles, on a luck, it
595 01:44:08 --> 01:44:15 just starts to capitulate and run. You might get 40 or 50 handles, but you really didn't have an idea that it was going to go there. You're just hoping
596 01:44:15 --> 01:44:24 it's going to go there. I don't trade like that. I don't look at the bark and say, I hope it the if I say hope ever when I'm in a trade, I'm closing the
597 01:44:24 --> 01:44:35 trade, because what I've said indirectly is I have completely lost connection to what the market's doing. And if you get good at this, you ever start talking
598 01:44:35 --> 01:44:45 like that, where I hope, well, I hope it doesn't. If you start doing that, get out the trade. You have my permission to kill the trade, to take whatever crop
599 01:44:45 --> 01:44:55 you have there and just be done. That will serve you so well in the beginning, until you get greater conviction of how to wrestle out these trades that's going
600 01:44:55 --> 01:45:05 to move longer for you. There's nothing wrong with being a buyer here. Her and getting out just about that high. That's where Caleb needs to start. He needs to
601 01:45:05 --> 01:45:13 start with those little runs like that, and then once he does it, he watches the rest of the day, and he'll feel that tug of war like I wish I would have held on
602 01:45:13 --> 01:45:21 to it. Well, how can you hold on to it unless you have sound logic to lean on, like that training wheel analogy I gave the other day on the community post.
603 01:45:21 --> 01:45:32 When you're learning how to ride a bike, you know, it's a gradual process to do it safely. And then when you have one training wheel that's like this, getting
604 01:45:32 --> 01:45:42 along in here or here, and then getting a run to that. And once you see that, be satisfied that you were able to do that, and you have to stop and then watch,
605 01:45:42 --> 01:45:52 observe. And then later on, you do trades like getting in here or adding to it there, taking a partial here, and then waiting for that breaker to give you the
606 01:45:52 --> 01:46:01 next leg up. And then when it takes out that high there, right there, you take a big take the partial that You had running for whatever meaning, portion of the
607 01:46:01 --> 01:46:09 trade off, and you close it, and that's how you back test. You look at trades like that every move. And you can do multiple studies and case studies on old
608 01:46:09 --> 01:46:18 singular price runs. There's so many trades in this whole thing here, so many of them. There's literally like 20 different trades in here that you could be doing
609 01:46:18 --> 01:46:32 using what I call and you don't even realize that, yet, all I need you to do is start with one thing, one thing Caleb, the first start of the run that gives you
610 01:46:32 --> 01:46:39 your first foothold. It gives you your first foundational understanding of what price is going to do. And then, over time, you'll start seeing these things,
611 01:46:39 --> 01:46:48 where it runs up here, and then it accumulates again here. It goes into that big gravitational pool that the new week opening gap and new damp, New Day opening
612 01:46:48 --> 01:47:01 gap, being clustered like that is going to present. Then it gets above, it comes back down, after accumulating, going sideways, and sends it higher again. How
613 01:47:01 --> 01:47:12 many times, if you've been trading for 235, years, you get a move. Maybe you caught something here, and you made a little bit of money, man, I had a really
614 01:47:12 --> 01:47:18 good morning. And then you go back and look at the charts, because you've been doing something else, I'm going golfing, wasted your time. And you came back and
615 01:47:18 --> 01:47:28 you see the markets up here, and you're like, Oh man, I wish I woulda. When you say I wish I woulda, don't that means that's the perfect opportunity for you to
616 01:47:28 --> 01:47:38 go through price action and mark it all up, screenshot it to death, annotate it and talk in your annotations like you really expected to see it. Do what you see
617 01:47:38 --> 01:47:47 it going in old price action. What you're doing is you're tricking your mind with self talk. Technically, you're lying to yourself, admittedly, but you're
618 01:47:47 --> 01:47:55 encouraging yourself like like a cheerleader. You're your best cheerleader, and you're teaching yourself to see it, just like when you have a hunter or your dad
619 01:47:55 --> 01:48:03 takes you out into the woods and says, look in the snow, son. What is that? Right there? I don't know it's something, something obviously, walk there he
620 01:48:03 --> 01:48:15 goes, Well, that's a deer print, or that's a raccoon print, or it's a rabbit trail, okay? And you're learning that by observation and doing it every weekend
621 01:48:15 --> 01:48:21 in hunting season. You're learning how to see those tracks. Well, when you're back testing, you're looking for these things, and then you're going to
622 01:48:21 --> 01:48:29 communicate like your dad tells you that right there is a rabbit trail. That is a deer trail. That's what we're out here looking for, son. So what do you just
623 01:48:29 --> 01:48:41 do? This is what you look for on the ground. There's other footprints, but I'm teaching you to have the affinity, the intention is drawn to a deer track,
624 01:48:41 --> 01:48:47 because that's what's going to be in our refrigerator this winter. We're going to eat that. We're not interested in cooking a rabbit. We're not interested in
625 01:48:47 --> 01:48:55 looking at a raccoon, and it might be a dog print or a cat print from the beaver down the road in the farm. But here, this is what we're looking for. This is the
626 01:48:55 --> 01:49:05 deer print. That's what your back testing does. It finds the opportunities for you to see the thing that you're going to be drawn to. What are you hunting? Are
627 01:49:05 --> 01:49:17 you hunting order blocks? Are you hunting fair value gaps? Are you looking for fair value gaps that you want to see? Invert? Are you looking for breakers? Are
628 01:49:17 --> 01:49:27 you looking for institutional owner of entry, Joes? Are you simply trying to trade optimal trade injuries? Are you looking for the fair value gap after 10
629 01:49:27 --> 01:49:41 o'clock and take as a turtle suit? That's this one right here. Bam. You have to go back and study them, screenshot them, and then say I was pleased to see how
630 01:49:41 --> 01:49:51 the price behaved at this fair value gap. And it's nice to see how it runs this much and show how many it moves in terms of points, how long it took to get into
631 01:49:51 --> 01:49:59 the middle, consequent crochet of that new week opening gap. You don't need it to be the high end or just be just the low of the new week opening gap. How
632 01:49:59 --> 01:50:09 long. It to take it from that camel there, where it bridged into and allowed it to the wick through. How long did it take candlewise? How much of a drawdown in
633 01:50:09 --> 01:50:22 handles points, if you will. Did it happen against you before it traded there? And you log that and you use language like it excites me to see these
634 01:50:22 --> 01:50:32 opportunities repeating all the time, and I am pleased that I can see this. You may not have watched it live. You may not have done that, but what you're doing
635 01:50:32 --> 01:50:41 is you're writing it out. You're feeding your psyche. You're feeding your subconscious positive self talk. You're reinforcing something so that way it
636 01:50:41 --> 01:50:49 activates your reticular activating system. And what that means is the same event that takes place when you buy a car or you buy something, you might buy a
637 01:50:49 --> 01:50:51 dress. Ladies, my wife has done this before.
638 01:50:53 --> 01:51:04 We go out and we go to some event, and then she'll see someone that has what she either owns or what she might be wearing. And gentlemen, it's usually you buy a
639 01:51:04 --> 01:51:15 motorcycle, you buy a car, a truck or a toy, okay? And it's a very specific thing. It's a model of a car or truck, and it's a color, and it's got the same
640 01:51:15 --> 01:51:22 trim and everything. And then you go out, you leave the dealership, you're driving down the road, and all sudden you're leaving wherever you just got
641 01:51:22 --> 01:51:30 lunch, and you feel like a big shot, and you look down the road and what's coming your car. And now you don't feel like so exclusive anymore, but your eye
642 01:51:30 --> 01:51:39 jumps to it out of all the cars. You have that moment when I was teaching, if you take a bunch of red apples and you have one green apple, throw it up in the
643 01:51:39 --> 01:51:45 air, your eye is going to go to the green apple, but you're going to be distracted with all the other cars. You don't care so much about that green
644 01:51:45 --> 01:51:54 apple, unless it's your green apple. If you had the green apple taken from you, or you lent that green apple to that experiment, your eyes going to easily jump
645 01:51:54 --> 01:52:02 to that green apple because you're activating that reticular activating system. It's you have an interest in it. That's what's happening. So when you're back
646 01:52:02 --> 01:52:10 testing, what you're building subconsciously is with your journal. You're sweet talking. It's pillow talk. You're literally falling in love with yourself,
647 01:52:10 --> 01:52:18 seeing something that's already happened. And that's the same thing that happens when a young man follows his father into the woods and he's looking down in the
648 01:52:18 --> 01:52:27 snow and his dad saying, this is a rabbit trail. This is a dog print. This is a raccoon trail. This is what we're looking for. Son, well, I want to impress my
649 01:52:27 --> 01:52:34 dad. I want to please my dad, so I'm going to spend a lot more attention focusing on what the details of that footprint of that deer looks like. Because
650 01:52:34 --> 01:52:43 when he asks me again, I want to make him proud, and he tells me, well done, son, so you're activating your reticular activating system by looking at old
651 01:52:43 --> 01:52:51 price data, and then in annotations in your chart, you're filling that out with positive, sweet talk, like you really saw it happen. And then when you at the
652 01:52:51 --> 01:52:58 end of the weekend, okay, on a Saturday or Sunday, when the markets are not trading, and you're just, you're completely detoxing yourself, saying, Okay,
653 01:52:59 --> 01:53:08 what did I do this week that I did right and really congratulate yourself, really cheerlead yourself there and in anything you didn't do right, present
654 01:53:08 --> 01:53:17 that as an opportunity. I'm glad I had the opportunity to study this more in depth, because I feel like once I get this under grasp, I'm going to be that
655 01:53:17 --> 01:53:26 much better as a trader. You see how empowering that is versus Yeah, I messed up. I didn't do this, and I didn't do that, and you beat yourself up. Your
656 01:53:26 --> 01:53:34 subconscious retains that, and you wonder why you feel self conscious. You feel like you're not confident enough, you feel like you're not going to be able to
657 01:53:34 --> 01:53:42 do it, because you're telling yourself and there's no better critic, no stronger critic, no bigger troll than yourself. When you're really honest with yourself,
658 01:53:43 --> 01:53:52 when you know something, nobody else is going to tell you otherwise, it's you're on it. Nobody gonna tell me anything about me. I know what I can do. Nobody
659 01:53:52 --> 01:53:58 gonna tell me I can't do this. You can't do that. You're not doing a live account. You're not doing this. You're not doing it. Listen, who's out here
660 01:53:58 --> 01:53:59 telling you I'm doing it
661 01:54:01 --> 01:54:02 when you
662 01:54:04 --> 01:54:12 in subtle ways, all day long, tell yourself, reinforce yourself that you're not good enough, that you're never going to learn it, those people are probably
663 01:54:12 --> 01:54:19 right. Why bother? I ain't going to try. Yeah, he probably is a scammer. Oh, he's probably this. He's probably that you're making excuses for why you don't
664 01:54:19 --> 01:54:29 want to do it. Now, if you go into your journal and you're supercharging your subconscious and telling yourself with positive self talk, positive self talk is
665 01:54:29 --> 01:54:39 the most powerful thing a human person can use to manage their emotions and the psychological impacts of stress, it's your perception that many times, it's what
666 01:54:39 --> 01:54:46 you're afraid of, because there's so many What if things in the world and in trading that you're going to scare yourself right out of the opportunity of
667 01:54:46 --> 01:54:55 being successful, because what if it doesn't work well? Instead of thinking that, what if it works way beyond your expectations? What if it takes me two
668 01:54:55 --> 01:55:04 years to learn this in five years? What if it only takes you less than one year? It, how much more rewarding will it be for you to have gone through the process
669 01:55:04 --> 01:55:14 and you're surprised pleasantly that it took you far less time than you thought? That's how you should be thinking about it. Do not invite other people into your
670 01:55:14 --> 01:55:21 journal. Do not invite other people's opinion of you in your journal. Do not even have conversations about what you're doing while you're learning this
671 01:55:21 --> 01:55:27 because no one is going to give you positive self talk. They're not going to do it. They're going to tell you, even your mother and father might be like, Well,
672 01:55:27 --> 01:55:35 be careful, son, be careful, honey. Don't, don't, don't, don't. Lose your shirt in that. That right there, that's your mother and your father telling that it
673 01:55:35 --> 01:55:44 might be your brother, your sister. You may be your closest friend, your closest car closest coworker, Carl, before you understand what he really is doing to
674 01:55:44 --> 01:55:53 you. You might like him, and you fall victim to his crap, shit, talking to you, talking you down. So that way you stay there like a lifer, like him. You're not
675 01:55:53 --> 01:56:06 a lifer. You're not a lifer at your job. That's just the right now. I have to do it, and I have to just eat it right now, but I'm cutting out a pathway that I'm
676 01:56:06 --> 01:56:13 going to be so pleased with, and I'm accepting the fact that it's not going to happen right overnight. It's not going to be like that. But you have to
677 01:56:13 --> 01:56:21 encourage yourself and the things that you sweet talk yourself in the journal, making them things that you're looking for, that you can see in hindsight,
678 01:56:21 --> 01:56:32 obviously, you are encouraging yourself with words, like you knew it was going to be there, and it was amazing to see it pan out like this. And then when you
679 01:56:32 --> 01:56:40 read it on the weekend, what happens is, you've already sweet talked it, and now it's in your subconscious, so you created a memory that's positive. Then when
680 01:56:40 --> 01:56:48 you look at it days later, on the weekend, which is what you should be doing every single day, on a Saturday or Sunday, you're not looking for trade setups.
681 01:56:49 --> 01:56:57 You're reading your journal and looking at printouts and screenshots where you have done this now your brain and your subconscious, it's going to call on a
682 01:56:57 --> 01:57:07 memory that you've created with positive, feel good, warm and fuzzies. That's what it feels good. When you reminisce about your childhood, the good things,
683 01:57:08 --> 01:57:14 doesn't it feel good? You remember sitting in your grandfather's lap and eating your grandmother's baked cookies and all these really good things around the
684 01:57:14 --> 01:57:25 holidays. Doesn't it feel good? Why? Why does it feel good? Because it meant something to you, and you retained it with self subconscious reflections that,
685 01:57:25 --> 01:57:35 wow, this is really fun. This tasted really good. I love the company of this person. Contrast that with a bad relationship that you're no longer a part of
686 01:57:35 --> 01:57:45 just to hear their name. I don't want to hear about it because you have done what you have reinforced that thing, that moment, that person, that event, in
687 01:57:45 --> 01:57:55 the past, with toxicity negative. So you want to filter all that stuff out of your journaling. You want to filter all that stuff out of your back testing. And
688 01:57:55 --> 01:58:04 you're sweet talking yourself. You're romancing your future trading self. That's what you're doing. You're romancing yourself. You're saying all the sweet pillow
689 01:58:04 --> 01:58:13 talk, because when you look at it on the weekend, and you look back at that same chart, now you had the benefit of true 2020 hindsight, with the whole entire
690 01:58:13 --> 01:58:20 range of what the market did. And then you're saying that in your annotation, that you're pleased with yourself, that you saw this coming and it panned out
691 01:58:20 --> 01:58:26 exactly what you thought it would. And this is what it delivered in terms of the data. This is how much of a drawdown it incurred. This is how long it took to
692 01:58:26 --> 01:58:34 get to a target. This is where first profit would be. This is how long in handles, the number of handles it took to get there. And you have this, and
693 01:58:34 --> 01:58:42 you're telling yourself this was a good experience, and you do this every single week. What you're feeding yourself subconsciously is you're fortifying your
694 01:58:42 --> 01:58:53 mind. You're building up your mind. And you need that in this because it's so easy for you to detract yourself. It's so easy to talk yourself out of it, scare
695 01:58:53 --> 01:59:03 yourself. And you're never allowing toxicity, even if there's an opportunity for you where you didn't do something, if you didn't observe something properly, you
696 01:59:03 --> 01:59:13 say, I have the wonderful opportunity to use this focal point, this new thing that I'm now just starting to learn. I'm excited, because once I get this, I'm
697 01:59:13 --> 01:59:22 going to be that much better of a trader. My analysis is going to go through the roof, because I will fully understand this part. Are you saying you were stupid
698 01:59:22 --> 01:59:35 and you didn't see that coming and you missed it entirely? No, no, never, never, never do that. Never do that. Your future trading self is a child right now.
699 01:59:36 --> 01:59:47 Would you ever talk down to your child and discourage them and break their spirit. What kind of parent would you be? Terrible so your future self is still
700 01:59:47 --> 01:59:58 a child in its development. So you want to nurture that. You want to coddle it and give it protection, nothing negative, nothing toxic, and touch it. You're
701 01:59:58 --> 02:00:09 fostering this perfect. Perfect future self, this perfect form of you, that's what you're building up. And it's a form of meditation. And it allows you also,
702 02:00:09 --> 02:00:16 when you do have periods of where you just don't feel like you're you're connecting with the market. Stop trading, stop looking at price action. Go back
703 02:00:16 --> 02:00:25 and reflect to your journal. What do you think's gonna happen when you read all that stuff? You're gonna your subconscious and remember as a memory, what kind
704 02:00:25 --> 02:00:32 of memory? It's a warm and fuzzy memory, because I need time to write down these things in my own words, and I'm reading my own words. It's my own words. It's
705 02:00:32 --> 02:00:41 not a post by ICT. It's not a rant that ICT is cheerleading me. I wrote this down. This is my words. I did this, and your brain's gonna remember that, and
706 02:00:41 --> 02:00:50 it's gonna make it even more sweeter, and it's gonna be like a medicine for you. It's gonna smooth out all that stress and anxiety and say, You know what? I
707 02:00:50 --> 02:01:00 remember. This stuff does work. I remember these things do repeat. But when you have a bad moment, a bad day of engaging price, it's just one day, folks, it's
708 02:01:00 --> 02:01:10 just one day that you didn't deliver on the highest output. You weren't firing on all cylinders, you weren't on your A game that day. There's days when I'm
709 02:01:10 --> 02:01:18 going to be like that, there's days when I'm not going to feel good. There's going to be days where I'm tired and I just I'm not well, and if I make the
710 02:01:18 --> 02:01:26 mistake of going in and trying to be the optimal form of ICT, it's not going to deliver. And when it doesn't, I'm not going to say, Oh, well, you know so and so
711 02:01:26 --> 02:01:34 it's this. This is what happened. And I know enough to know that I didn't do what I should have done, which is take myself away from the marketplace, or not
712 02:01:34 --> 02:01:42 trade with so much leverage, or don't trade that session. Wait till an afternoon. You see how it's easy to manage all these things that you're worrying
713 02:01:42 --> 02:01:52 about right now, all these scary things or this toxic I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do it. How do I do it? How do I go into this? I'm scared about this.
714 02:01:52 --> 02:02:01 I'm scared about that you feed yourself subconsciously with your journal, and you literally sweet talk and romance yourself with the opportunities, the things
715 02:02:01 --> 02:02:10 you're supposed to be studying. You write in your journal, in the chart, that it was amazing to see this deliver like this. I'm so pumped up that I know that
716 02:02:10 --> 02:02:23 this stuff repeats. Think about it. What would you tell your son if he wanted to be a baseball player and he's gonna join the baseball team in your area. You
717 02:02:24 --> 02:02:33 gonna tell him, oh, man, listen, you're not gonna be a Yankee. Okay? You're not gonna be in the World Series. Go on, just get out there and cut the grass and be
718 02:02:33 --> 02:02:40 glad that I'm letting you do it. Okay? You're not gonna do stuff like that. You're like, you know what? So that's gonna be awesome. I can't wait to see you
719 02:02:40 --> 02:02:47 play. And then you're gonna do what you can, do everything you can, to make sure you watch him at his first time at the batting plate, and the first time he runs
720 02:02:47 --> 02:02:56 the first place and he's gonna look over at you because he wants to see you being proud of him. That's what you're doing with your future self. That's
721 02:02:56 --> 02:03:02 exactly what you do in your journal. You want to know how to journal. That's how you journal, that's what you're dealing with it.
722 02:03:04 --> 02:03:05 You are
723 02:03:06 --> 02:03:14 coddling yourself. You're reminding yourself that you're worth it, that you're worth the time and the investment that you're putting into this, even though
724 02:03:14 --> 02:03:24 it's free, even though you're not paying any money, it's costing you a lot because you're wrestling with the fear and the anxiety and the concerns that
725 02:03:24 --> 02:03:31 you're not going to be successful with it, so you have to constantly feed yourself, and then over time, you're going to see the benefits of doing it. You
726 02:03:31 --> 02:03:40 won't feel it right away. Two months, three months into it, you're gonna be like, Yeah, I feel the change like I feel it like I feel I'm I'm not worrying
727 02:03:40 --> 02:03:48 about the toxic things I was worrying about. I do absolutely see these things repeating. So there's now you have hard data in your hands, and you have
728 02:03:48 --> 02:03:58 reinforced it with memory. You've created a pseudo memory of something that you may not have saw real time, but you're going to say you saw in the journal real
729 02:03:58 --> 02:04:06 time, and your brain retains that as a positive memory, and then when you refer back to it days later, what are you calling on? Subconsciously, you're calling
730 02:04:06 --> 02:04:15 on a memory that has all the warm and fuzzies, which makes it wonderful. So now, what does that do for you? When you start looking at real time price action,
731 02:04:15 --> 02:04:24 it's the same effect when you buy that car, you've made something important to you. You have a real interest that you have drawn close to your heart. You love
732 02:04:24 --> 02:04:30 your car. You've been waiting for this car. Couldn't wait to get it. Couldn't wait for them to bring it out the showroom. It's all wax them pretty for you.
733 02:04:30 --> 02:04:41 Gas tanks full. Here's the here's the keys to your new ride, your new lip. You can't wait to be seen by everybody driving around. Well, when you look at charts
734 02:04:41 --> 02:04:49 and now you see something that you've been telling yourself is a good thing, this is a good memory. Your subconscious says, oh, yeah, that's that thing we
735 02:04:49 --> 02:04:57 look at we love. It's the same thing your brain's doing when your reticular activating system is keyed up on your car that you just bought. That's why you
736 02:04:57 --> 02:05:06 see them every car that's like yours, your eye. It will jump to every car all around you. Your eye goes right to that one. That's the same thing that's going
737 02:05:06 --> 02:05:14 to happen in your trading. Your price action skills will jump right to that fair value gap that you're looking for, just like you're going to see that deer track
738 02:05:14 --> 02:05:21 when you walk up on it and you please your dad and say, Dad, look at the deer track. It's right there. Well done, son. I'm proud of you, boy, that's what I'm
739 02:05:21 --> 02:05:32 talking about. That's what you do with yourself and your journaling. And if you treat your investment study time back, testing forward, testing, you
740 02:05:32 --> 02:05:42 continuously do that. You will never, ever run out of motivation to do this, and you will weather whatever length of time it requires, and you no longer worry
741 02:05:42 --> 02:05:51 about how long it's going to take for you to get good at it, because it's become a lifestyle. See, you want to trade profitably and consistently, but you don't
742 02:05:51 --> 02:05:59 really want the lifestyle. You want to easily just drop in your lap, and it can't work that way. You have to adopt the lifestyle first, submitting to the
743 02:05:59 --> 02:06:09 things that traders that make money consistently. They do these things. They manage their fears, they manage their greed, they manage the defeats they have
744 02:06:09 --> 02:06:20 in being stopped out and having losing days. How do they do that? What I'm doing here, nobody teaches it like this. I had to formulate this stuff and take
745 02:06:20 --> 02:06:32 lessons I learned from overcoming anxiety and agoraphobia. And I said, You know what, this stuff literally will work for me in trading. And it did, and
746 02:06:32 --> 02:06:41 everybody I taught it to has always said the same thing, this is amazing. Like I have so much more grasp on my daily routines. I don't have panic attacks
747 02:06:41 --> 02:06:50 anymore. I don't have an anxiety attack. They have stress. Everybody has. I have stress. I'm loaded. I don't have to do anything. I could stop doing everything
748 02:06:50 --> 02:07:00 and sit still and I'm okay. I don't care. I'm good. I'm not bragging. I'm just saying, but I still have stress in this world. We're going to have tribulation.
749 02:07:00 --> 02:07:08 We're going to have problems and troubles. We're troubles. All of us are going to have that stuff, but how you relate to that and respond to that is going to
750 02:07:08 --> 02:07:18 determine how well you live, how successful are you. You can be very, very wealthy and constantly ate up with anxiety and stress and just be a miserable
751 02:07:18 --> 02:07:35 person. All of this might be the very crutch that you need to get out of your depression, to get out of your low self esteem and also your loneliness. You may
752 02:07:35 --> 02:07:45 not be able to meet someone perfectly for you, because you harbor all of these self defeating attributes about yourself, low self esteem. You're depressed. Why
753 02:07:45 --> 02:07:54 bother? I'm not going to dress myself up and look nice and go in public. I'm not just loaf and just be be thankful. I'm wearing pants today. I'm in the grocery
754 02:07:54 --> 02:08:01 store and get my groceries. You know you're going to care more about yourself. You're going to care yourself differently, because your sense of self worth goes
755 02:08:01 --> 02:08:10 through the roof when you start seeing these things. Prove to yourself that you are not required to be an economic and financial giant or intellectual giant
756 02:08:10 --> 02:08:21 either, but you do have to fix your broken self. And everybody has something broken in them, and the way you fix that is you self talk. Self talk is telling
757 02:08:21 --> 02:08:27 yourself, you know, I did this well today, I'm pleased that I was able to have the courage to kill and do it even though I didn't want to do in the beginning.
758 02:08:27 --> 02:08:35 I'm glad I pressed into it and did it. I'm glad, I'm glad I watched that entire video and I got to that point, that point, or part of it, where he, he gave me
759 02:08:35 --> 02:08:43 something that really made an impact on me. I could have turned that video off and said, Yeah, I'm not gonna get anything from this, but now you have something
760 02:08:43 --> 02:08:50 to supercharge your learning, supercharge your personal time in everything you do, not just trading. And it manages your expectations. It manages your
761 02:08:50 --> 02:08:59 emotions, the psychological effects of the stress that you're gonna feel doing this while learning how to do it. It's replaced with cheerleading yourself.
762 02:08:59 --> 02:09:07 Everything's a positive, everything's a positive, and you're never retaining anything as a negative. Anything that's not done right is an opportunity for you
763 02:09:07 --> 02:09:16 to dig into it and learn more and be better because of it. Think about that, that, in and of itself, changed it for me when I would lose or if I felt like I
764 02:09:16 --> 02:09:28 wasn't learning how to do something fast enough, or at all when I changed my perspective to now, I am excited because it didn't work the first time I tried
765 02:09:28 --> 02:09:36 using it, but I am so keyed up on wanting to be able to use this. I believe in it. I believe it's possible. That's the reason why I hammered this algorithm.
766 02:09:36 --> 02:09:43 That's the reason why I do it. Because so many of you are going to throw in the towel, because you think that that makes me a fraud, because there can't be an
767 02:09:43 --> 02:09:51 algorithm, so therefore everything I say is fraudulent and it couldn't be true. So don't, don't even bother wasting any time. Anybody that leaves comments says,
768 02:09:51 --> 02:10:01 Yeah, I wasted years trading ICT concepts. No, you didn't. You wasted years not doing it. Right? That's what you did. You. Everybody heard the same lectures,
769 02:10:02 --> 02:10:11 and I have profitable students, and the ones that did find profitability, they journaled, they didn't beat themselves up, and they didn't want overnight
770 02:10:11 --> 02:10:19 success, and everybody complains and cries about it. They want immediate payout. They want immediate success. They want to quit their job and walk around like a
771 02:10:19 --> 02:10:29 social media celebrity. And I'm telling you, that's not what I can I can enjoy all the fruits of doing that kind of stuff, and I don't, because I know enough
772 02:10:29 --> 02:10:41 that that doesn't do anything but draw you down. Stay humble. I play a role online. I play an arrogant prick. I do that because it's shocking, and it gets
773 02:10:41 --> 02:10:49 people to come here and watch my stuff. That's not who I am. That's that's genuinely not who I am. I don't take any crap off anybody. But that's not that.
774 02:10:49 --> 02:10:58 That's like my WWF wrestler personification, like I'm just, I'm Stone Cold Steve Boston, basically, that's how I walk around in the training industry. But I'm
775 02:10:58 --> 02:11:04 the nicest, sweetest guy, and I'm probably not going to talk much if we were around each other. It takes a lot for me to open up, and you wouldn't think
776 02:11:04 --> 02:11:10 that, because I've talked talk. I have a mouth. Let's keep talking talking, because I'm comfortable in this element, because you're not sitting next to me,
777 02:11:12 --> 02:11:22 I don't know who you are if you're sitting next to me, so I'm not going to feel comfortable talking to you. But I went through the same process, and I fixed a
778 02:11:22 --> 02:11:30 lot of things that were broken inside of me that allowed me to stick to this, to be able to see these things and learn what I had to do to overcome them. And I'm
779 02:11:30 --> 02:11:40 confident that if you apply this strategy in your journal, it'll fix most, not all, but it'll fix most of your psychological barriers, the fear, the low self
780 02:11:40 --> 02:11:50 esteem, you'll have the data, the support that it's worthwhile for you to continue. It's that's that's a really important thing, because Caleb, I'm sure
781 02:11:50 --> 02:11:56 he could talk himself right out of this and say, Well, you know, I'll just slow down, and dad will just get frustrated, and he'll just accept the fact that it's
782 02:11:56 --> 02:12:04 not for me. It'd be easy for him to do that. I don't want him to do that, but that's how it would work for him, because he's because he's my son, but for you,
783 02:12:04 --> 02:12:11 you're not my child. You're not related to me. It's easy. You just don't watch any more videos, you don't study the information anymore, and you just look at
784 02:12:11 --> 02:12:17 the market, or quit entirely, or go do something else, and to make yourself feel better about the decision, you'll talk that. You'll talk shit about me, and
785 02:12:18 --> 02:12:25 that's what everybody else does, and those people aren't successful. So why would you listen to their opinion? How about listening to the people that use
786 02:12:25 --> 02:12:34 the information did everything I said, right? And they're proving they're making money. They're not watching me for trades. They're doing their own trades. So
787 02:12:34 --> 02:12:42 what is it that they're doing differently? They're doing what I taught. They did it properly. If I didn't have anybody profitable, then everybody had a case
788 02:12:43 --> 02:12:51 against me and say, Yeah, this is this guy's fraudulent. He can't teach anybody how to do it, and it doesn't work. Therefore, there it is. But look whose logos
789 02:12:51 --> 02:12:58 on YouTube everywhere. Look what everybody's trying to do, and look at how all these people are getting payouts in front of account companies. How many people
790 02:12:58 --> 02:13:04 are proven with broker statements. It's everywhere. You have no excuse not to be excited about it,
791 02:13:05 --> 02:13:17 and you're not being expected to pay me. And it's my stuff. It's mine, and I'm not demanding you pay me for it. I was shocked that Caleb was even making it
792 02:13:17 --> 02:13:26 where you guys would listen to this like these are lectures and lessons I had no intentions of teaching anybody, even private mentorship students, and they're
793 02:13:26 --> 02:13:36 buzzing like you are too, because they're like, Man, this is amazing. Like, this is amazing. Like, it's all clicking for me, right? Yep, because this is the
794 02:13:36 --> 02:13:46 market, this is the market, and you need to encourage yourself, and the way you do that is through your journal. So I want to quickly go into what
795 02:13:51 --> 02:13:56 we're gonna eat, NASDAQ right now. So let's go into this I'm
796 02:14:04 --> 02:14:14 I take this off, because if I don't, it'll still be on the chart later on, it'll be bothering and I don't need this. I'm going to just quickly review the trade
797 02:14:14 --> 02:14:26 in ES and then quickly review the NASDAQ first. Now I'll close the video or the live stream. I uh, if you've liked what you've heard today, I know a lot of
798 02:14:26 --> 02:14:36 people gave a lot of feedback yesterday, I took the opportunity for you to thumbs up the video, just to prove I don't need it. Even if it's not up there, I
799 02:14:36 --> 02:14:45 can still see the Thumbs Up on which I don't ever see the thumbs down, but there's, there's some thumbs down, because it's not 100% like, which, to me, is
800 02:14:45 --> 02:14:53 always fascinating. I love that, because that means there's somebody out there, this is in denial, and as long as there's people out there in denial, that means
801 02:14:53 --> 02:15:04 there's going to be liquidity. They're going to be on the outside of your trade and be thankful for that. All right, so we are. Looking at the NASDAQ, and this
802 02:15:04 --> 02:15:13 was done with a demo account, so that way you can see that I'm I'm sticking to my we don't need to see that. Do we just executions.
803 02:15:19 --> 02:15:29 All right, so I was talking to my private mentorship students this morning on telegram. And some of them, even though they're paid students, whatnot, some of
804 02:15:29 --> 02:15:38 them, it's usually the 2021, group that does this. The older students don't really think this way. But the last group I took in was one of the largest
805 02:15:38 --> 02:15:47 groups I had. Like it was a lot of people, and a lot of them didn't complete it because other people were leaking it, and they thought that they would get the
806 02:15:47 --> 02:15:56 same exposure and lessons by getting it that way. And those same individuals eventually reached out to me an email saying, Can I rejoin? And there's no re
807 02:15:56 --> 02:16:03 there's you can't rejoin. Okay, it's over. I'm never doing another one. And the people that made themselves into that group, for that particular user group,
808 02:16:03 --> 02:16:12 that are charter members, I talk to them, and I keep engagements open. I do not call markets live for them like this. I'll point to watch this level. Note this
809 02:16:12 --> 02:16:23 level, note that level. But I don't do it every day. And then, like this morning, I I shared this, this trade here, and one of the 2021, students was
810 02:16:23 --> 02:16:34 like, Why didn't you tell us? Why show it afterwards? And when I do, when I get stuff like that, I I lose interest in that user group, and I want them to feel
811 02:16:34 --> 02:16:43 what it's like, because that's not the mindset that they should have. The mindset should be, oh, he gave me something they executed on. Let me go in and
812 02:16:43 --> 02:16:52 study it. I am not showing you something. I'm not showing you executions for the sake of, wow, look at me, because I've been upfront and told you I'm teaching
813 02:16:52 --> 02:17:01 through the medium of what a paper trading account, because I'm not a licensed financial advisor, so I have to protect myself. And if this was a live account.
814 02:17:01 --> 02:17:11 Nothing is different. It just means it's taxable income these. This is not a large trade position. 1010, contracts is not a lot, or 12 contracts not a lot. I
815 02:17:11 --> 02:17:23 know what I'm doing. I know how to do it clearly. And it's important for you, if you, if you struggle with this, if you struggle with this part. Okay, you can't
816 02:17:23 --> 02:17:32 be taught by me that, because that's going to be in the forefront of your mind the whole time, instead of saying the proper mature perspective is, okay.
817 02:17:32 --> 02:17:40 Clearly, this was done in live market conditions, because you can watch what I shared in the recording that this little area up here, I'm highlighting it,
818 02:17:40 --> 02:17:45 showing it to the market open, okay, if I do a market replay,
819 02:17:50 --> 02:17:59 if I click anything up here, Market Replay, look what happens to that green.it goes away. See that right here? It's no longer a green dot. You certainly can't
820 02:17:59 --> 02:18:10 click on it. And says market open. What is it doing? It says replay mode. I don't teach with replay. I don't take trades with replay. I don't do that. Look
821 02:18:10 --> 02:18:17 what else happens down here at the bottom of the screen. You see that. See these? This is like the the play, rewind stuff and how fast you can do it.
822 02:18:18 --> 02:18:32 That's not what I'm doing here. So when I'm executing, I'm executing under the the premise that it's viewable for you to see that this, this was a real
823 02:18:33 --> 02:18:43 execution over live data. If the things I'm teaching you don't hold up in a demo, they sure as fuck aren't going to hold up in a live setup or a live
824 02:18:43 --> 02:18:53 trading account, right So right away, you have the easy litmus test, if the things I'm teaching can't be replicated and I'm doing it, I'm doing this for
825 02:18:53 --> 02:19:04 free, folks, I have things I could absolutely be doing with my personal time, Not spoon feeding you stuff that you actually don't even deserve, like you don't
826 02:19:04 --> 02:19:12 deserve this. Am I out here, you know, selling courses to you, when I could be making millions of dollars doing that again. I could be making millions of
827 02:19:12 --> 02:19:20 dollars doing mentorship. I could literally be doing this for big, big money, but you're sitting here with your head up your ass, thinking that, Oh, he only
828 02:19:20 --> 02:19:29 does it in demo, find somebody else that can do it equally as well as me explaining it the detail, using what I've taught here, they won't be able to do
829 02:19:29 --> 02:19:36 it. They will not be able to they'll have a little bit here, a little bit there, but they will not be able to have the precision I'm showing you. And I'm showing
830 02:19:36 --> 02:19:44 you examples this way, because I want you to go in and study them. They're perfect opportunities. It was good enough for me to take the trade on, so
831 02:19:44 --> 02:19:55 therefore it's good enough for you to dig into it and see what the repeating phenomenons are, right? So let's dig into it. If you think differently, don't
832 02:19:55 --> 02:20:01 leave a comment, because every time you leave a comment like that, I just broom you. I never see any of your comments ever again. It, but you think you're over
833 02:20:01 --> 02:20:09 there, you saying something I'm worrying about I'm not worrying about it. Like, I don't hide it. I literally don't hide it, because I have legal constraints
834 02:20:09 --> 02:20:16 that in the United States, I have to do these types of things. But you're a moron and you're in another country, and you're talking to me about, Oh, you
835 02:20:16 --> 02:20:25 don't do this. You don't do that. Get the out of here, dude. Like, I'm literally saying this stuff's going to happen over live data. How many times am I getting
836 02:20:25 --> 02:20:39 it wrong? So the logic was this. I shared a chart with my private mentorship students, and I told them also to look at Monday's low. That was another thing
837 02:20:39 --> 02:20:54 for the commentary on this morning before we started even streaming. I like getting in real early in the day, if the market is providing me a means to
838 02:20:54 --> 02:21:07 engage it. Okay, so when I do things before seven o'clock, I'm not trying to teach you not to follow the rules that I'm laying down I'm just executing for
839 02:21:07 --> 02:21:13 the sake of you going in and studying, because it's price action. Price Action is the same thing. It the things that it's doing right here is the same things
840 02:21:13 --> 02:21:24 it's going to do at seven o'clock, at eight o'clock, at nine o'clock, at 10 o'clock, at one, at two, at three, it's going to repeat. It's going to do the
841 02:21:24 --> 02:21:33 same type of thing in London. When I teach you specific time frames, like start looking at the market at seven o'clock in the morning. Don't worry about
842 02:21:33 --> 02:21:41 anything before seven o'clock. I'm not trying to hide these things from you and then come back and say, haha, I'm superior. Look, I'm executing before. I'm just
843 02:21:41 --> 02:21:51 giving you something that I'm going to be live streaming. I live stream every day now, and I'm giving you something to study. I'm giving you more things to
844 02:21:51 --> 02:22:02 work with to make it better for you. If you don't like me showing these examples collectively in the comment section, I'll see it. You send me a wave of don't do
845 02:22:02 --> 02:22:11 these anymore. We're not learning anything from it. If the entirety of the community as a whole comes back and says, These are not helpful to you, it's
846 02:22:11 --> 02:22:20 nothing I can stop. It's not a big deal. I don't need to do these things. I don't need to. But it's usually two or three people every single time I put up
847 02:22:20 --> 02:22:29 an execution video, and it's always, it's always in demo, you're broomed, you're a clown like you're never going to learn how to do it because you're worried
848 02:22:29 --> 02:22:39 about the least important factor. Go up there on the playlist and look at the TD Ameritrade account. I log in, you'll see three months of every single trading
849 02:22:39 --> 02:22:47 day, every single trading day. And I was answering questions with students that would say, What happens if it's like this? And I said, Well, I'll show you in a
850 02:22:47 --> 02:22:58 live account. And I used live market conditions with real money, and I doubled the account in five weeks with having 30% intended drawdown. One of the ladies
851 02:22:58 --> 02:23:08 are asking, hey, hey, what happens if you're in 20% drawdown? How would you do that? Okay, this is how I'm gonna do it. There it is done. One contract, one
852 02:23:08 --> 02:23:21 contract, not 20 over 20 contracts over Linked Accounts, one using full margin. TD, AmeriTrade doesn't give you discount margins. Okay, so when you when you
853 02:23:21 --> 02:23:29 look at that Robinson account leaderboard, and it's a couple 100% it don't take me long to get what's up there that none of that is even worrisome. None of
854 02:23:29 --> 02:23:38 that's worrisome. You just sit back and relax. Okay. But the point is, if you're worried about this being just demo, and you're not appreciating understanding
855 02:23:38 --> 02:23:48 that the fact that I'm in dangerous waters. If I'm out here claiming that you're going to make millions of dollars if you do what I'm doing, I can't make that
856 02:23:48 --> 02:23:57 claim. I cannot. I can't make that claim even though I'm teaching for free. I can't make that claim. And I don't make that claim. I always promise, and I
857 02:23:57 --> 02:24:06 always beat my chest and say my concepts will mop the floor with everything else out there. And once you learn how to do this, you will read price better than
858 02:24:06 --> 02:24:15 anything else out there. Will do for you. And I will stand in front of anybody, any court, say it, prove it with people that I have as students that you know,
859 02:24:15 --> 02:24:23 doing it. And I'll do it like I do right here in front of you. Call every minute, every one minute candle before it happens like I got no problem with it.
860 02:24:23 --> 02:24:30 I'm out here doing it live. If I thought that I couldn't do it, if I was scared like this, somehow gonna stop working. I wouldn't be out here explaining it
861 02:24:30 --> 02:24:40 live. But that's a weak minded person that just simply will not do what's required to learn how to do it. They'll always be in people's comment sections
862 02:24:40 --> 02:24:48 and they'll still be working a job that ain't making them enough money. That's what's going to happen. That's the other side of this. So what I was talking to
863 02:24:48 --> 02:24:56 you earlier, how to build yourself up, fortify your subconscious, and feed yourself to all the right things. That's what encourages to keep going forward.
864 02:24:57 --> 02:25:06 And it's a matter of you. Sticking to a process, okay? And when I give you trade examples, it's showing you, because I can show you something in replay. I can be
865 02:25:06 --> 02:25:17 with everybody else does. And to me, I can't live with myself like that. I can't live with myself like that. I can't so I have to execute over real time. I have
866 02:25:17 --> 02:25:28 to do that. Number one, it's easy for me to do it two it is a reward for your time spending with me that, yeah, I can do this. So if Michael can do it, he's
867 02:25:28 --> 02:25:39 using the same rules. He's teaching. I'm watching price action using this, this content. I should use these as mile markers. Can I eventually get to that point
868 02:25:39 --> 02:25:45 where I'm taking these? Because these are easy trades. These are not high technical trades. These are very easy bread and butter type setups. These happen
869 02:25:45 --> 02:25:54 every single day. You don't even need to trade with a bias like they're just, they're just real easy. And I'm not trying to say, look at this is. This is the
870 02:25:54 --> 02:26:05 model for Caleb. This is, this is Caleb's model. No, this is just for you to study. You're not I'm not pushing you into a one mode, this whole entire YouTube
871 02:26:05 --> 02:26:16 channel. That's the premise of it. I'm showing you all of the opportunities that are there for you which makes sense for you, and when you figure what that is
872 02:26:17 --> 02:26:24 for yourself, don't worry about anything else I'm doing. That's the mature mindset. Okay, well, yeah, I'm trading optimal trade entry. I get it all the
873 02:26:24 --> 02:26:31 stuff's fascinating, it's neat, but I have something that's making me money. I make money with this ICT, so I'm not trying to break it or make change to it.
874 02:26:31 --> 02:26:39 That's a mature mindset. That's what I want. My students all had that. When you get your model, you don't care what I'm doing. You don't care if I teach
875 02:26:39 --> 02:26:46 anything else in the future. You don't care. You might watch it, but it ain't changing what you're doing, because what you have works. Find that in your
876 02:26:46 --> 02:26:52 mentors, they're not going to tell you that. They're going to be trying to sell you the next thing, the next course, the next little gimmick. I'm not trying to
877 02:26:52 --> 02:27:02 do that. I'm giving you the proper framework for you to develop. And if I can't show you examples, that means that I don't know what I'm doing, if it can't be
878 02:27:02 --> 02:27:13 done over live feed, live data, then it doesn't hold water. So you can clearly see that that green.is in the recordings the bottom on the screen, it shows the
879 02:27:13 --> 02:27:18 time I gave the entire recording with no change in the speed.
880 02:27:19 --> 02:27:29 So that way you can see it's not sped up. I didn't hide anything. It is what it is. The second one, I didn't do any audio in it, because, as you heard in the
881 02:27:29 --> 02:27:37 first one, my puppies were really hyper this morning. They were jumping all around, squeaking a little ball, toys and stuff. But if you look at what we have
882 02:27:37 --> 02:27:46 here, we have a new day opening gap. And one of the comments that was left by one of the gentlemen said, we can use a new day opening up older than five days.
883 02:27:46 --> 02:27:58 I've commented on that, okay, but for Caleb to give him a foundation, and for you, for a couple weeks, maybe a month or two, only focus on the ones that are
884 02:27:58 --> 02:28:08 within the last five days and the last five weeks, for new week, opening gaps. Okay, you have to take notes. If you just listen to me and you have selective
885 02:28:08 --> 02:28:15 hearing, you're not learning, you're not you're not trying to learn, right? Okay, if you're asking, and I have a lot of people in the comment section asking
886 02:28:15 --> 02:28:24 questions I've already addressed in the very video they're leaving the comment on, so that right there indicates that you're lazy, and I broom you. I delete
887 02:28:24 --> 02:28:33 your channel. You can't, well, not delete it, but I it's called Hide user from channel. That means I'm never going to see your comment. I'm never going to hear
888 02:28:33 --> 02:28:41 that ever again from you, because you're telling me that you're lazy. You're not willing to take notes, and you're not willing to listen. If you're not willing
889 02:28:41 --> 02:28:49 to listen, you aren't a student of mine, you need to go somewhere else. And I wish you luck at it. Whatever you do, I hope you're finding success in it, but I
890 02:28:49 --> 02:28:59 don't have time to have those type of people use up my bandwidth and attention. If I'm going through the comment section, I look through them, and if I see
891 02:28:59 --> 02:29:07 something that is a wave of the similar type of question, then, okay, that's a real good area for me to talk about when I get into the next one, or I'll go in
892 02:29:07 --> 02:29:17 and look for setups that give me that reason talk about it. And that's why I talk so much, because I have a lot of people asking about a specific thing, and
893 02:29:17 --> 02:29:25 then I'll address it, I'll talk about it, and I'll find ways to, you know, ring into it with real time price action. So it kind of addresses it over real time
894 02:29:25 --> 02:29:35 price action, so you can see how it fits, how it's germane to the discussion, and how I think and feel that based over real time price action, you can't get a
895 02:29:35 --> 02:29:45 better way of teaching than that. Like it's it's engaging, it's real and it's over real time, price action like I have to, I have to draw on the things I've
896 02:29:45 --> 02:29:54 already taught here, unless it's something new. But now you get something new. Those rules are not changing. And when people say, I disagree with your
897 02:29:54 --> 02:30:05 classification of that being a fair value guy, it didn't send price lower. You. Didn't send price lower, so the characteristics you're trying to attribute to
898 02:30:06 --> 02:30:15 it, you're incorrect. If I make a mistake, I can come back and say a mistake. I've done that before, but when I'm classifying the PDA race, they're they're
899 02:30:15 --> 02:30:26 what they are, and I'm giving the details as to why, and you'll see the logic is not changing my deuce. I Okay, and a Reaper are not the same thing. It's there's
900 02:30:26 --> 02:30:35 certain things that are taking place, and they may do something slightly different, and the weak minded lazy, you're gonna say, Oh, well, it's just a
901 02:30:35 --> 02:30:41 favorite you got. And then you're gonna think it's gonna behave a certain way, and it won't. And then you're gonna say, Well, this stuff doesn't work, like the
902 02:30:41 --> 02:30:48 Tom Dick And Harry's over in other people's YouTube channels, leaving comments and circle dripping each other. If you don't want to learn the logic, that's
903 02:30:48 --> 02:30:59 your business. But to learn the logic, I do executions. So that way you can go in and say, Okay, this is something that was a button was pushed. Time was spent
904 02:30:59 --> 02:31:10 on it, a stop loss was placed. We can exercise understanding by going in and back, testing it, really strip it down and see what was in the charts at the
905 02:31:10 --> 02:31:24 time. And if you look at we have the time of day here, and the next one's here. Okay, so what I'm watching is we had already traded up into this volume
906 02:31:24 --> 02:31:33 imbalance. There we went, lower, and then we went one more time, bumped it. Remember I was telling you earlier that the bodies of the candles can go just a
907 02:31:33 --> 02:31:45 little bit outside of the PD array. The high of that PD array is this. Candles close down here, like this. This price right here. Watch that. Okay, 19,005
908 02:31:46 --> 02:32:05 98.25, so when we went above it here, with this candles close, the fact that it did that it's so subtle that it's permissible. I allow that to happen and not
909 02:32:05 --> 02:32:12 change anything that I expect in price action, because it's like your child that colors in the coloring book, it could go outside the lines, and you still are
910 02:32:12 --> 02:32:21 proud of that child's work. So when my mind are those behaving like this, I am not looking at price and saying, Oh, well, you know, it's it's broken or they
911 02:32:21 --> 02:32:28 changed it. They didn't change anything. It's doing everything it's normally going to do. And the next candle confirms it, because it stays where inside of
912 02:32:28 --> 02:32:43 that volume of balance. So the market shows a willingness to go lower. So we had stops taken here, the market drops. And then right in here, what is this? If
913 02:32:43 --> 02:32:53 this run up takes out the liquidity and this gap with this volume imbalance, anyone else that doesn't know really what's going on, they may look at that and
914 02:32:53 --> 02:32:56 say, Oh, this is a buy, and then look for it to go higher. I
915 02:33:12 --> 02:33:20 I do this. I have people also yelling at me in the comment section. Dude, you waste so much time doing this. If you would just do what? Do what to
916 02:33:22 --> 02:33:23 do this.
917 02:33:30 --> 02:33:38 Do these over here. I got them already. Folks, okay, I already have that. I do this because new students are going to come here all the time, and they want to
918 02:33:38 --> 02:33:46 ask me questions, how do you change the color of this? And how do you change the color of that? So I literally walk through it because I'm an educator. Okay? I'm
919 02:33:46 --> 02:33:55 not dollar mentorships, okay? I'm not five inch trainers. I do things old school way. I want you to learn it properly. So I draw out everything like I want you
920 02:33:55 --> 02:34:02 to do in the beginning. If you want to make things that shortcut everything for you, that's wonderful. I'm going to maximize this before I do it, let me show
921 02:34:02 --> 02:34:11 you again. Look real close for the people that get their asshole heard about this. Okay, see that right there says paper trading. So that way you can go on
922 02:34:11 --> 02:34:18 the internet and talk about me, but I want somebody else that talks about me to do it with the paper trading account, be this accurate about it and that
923 02:34:18 --> 02:34:29 consistent with it, so you can see that we have this inefficiency that's overlapped. I love the fact that when we drop down and we had this little wick,
924 02:34:29 --> 02:34:37 that little wick right there is a mohawk. So whenever you see that on your chart, when you're annotating and back testing, this is how you should properly
925 02:34:38 --> 02:34:39 annotate that I'm
926 02:34:43 --> 02:34:54 this is what I refer to as a mohawk. Now, Mohawk is just where price has been allowed, and you have you as the analyst, afford it to behave in a certain
927 02:34:54 --> 02:35:02 manner that is just outside of what would be perfect. Perfect would be to stop it right at that candle. Open because there's a volume imbalance. Whenever you
928 02:35:02 --> 02:35:09 have a volume imbalance, that's part of a buy side imbalance or sell side inefficiency, you cannot just use the low of the wick. You've got to use the
929 02:35:09 --> 02:35:18 volume imbalance. That's the true range of that inefficiency, because you have, technically, you have two PD arrays agreeing with the same context the price
930 02:35:18 --> 02:35:27 being offered. What strongly with buy side inefficient and sell side. That means it's got to offer this type of price action where it's dropping down over that
931 02:35:27 --> 02:35:39 same range between this candles high and this candles open, which is the volume imbalance. So we have now two two deliveries up and down, and then we have this
932 02:35:39 --> 02:35:51 one more attempt to do something above it, and it wicks, see that. It wicks that little, tiny coloring outside the lines of that volume of ounce high, that right
933 02:35:51 --> 02:36:01 there and where we close with the bodies, tells me that this should drop lower. The next gamut we open drops lower. One more time to consequent approachment, we
934 02:36:01 --> 02:36:12 break lower, we create an order block. This order block is part of this one. What kind of order block would this be if you went through the core content in
935 02:36:12 --> 02:36:24 2016 I believe it's month four's content. You can find that on the playlist, on my YouTube channel, for free. I go through all of the PBA race that I was
936 02:36:24 --> 02:36:38 willing to teach at that time. Obviously I've taught new ones, but the ones that are in core content, I teach the propulsion block, so we have order block that
937 02:36:38 --> 02:36:53 reaches the high end of the inefficiency over here. There it drops this one here, this candle's body cannot breach half of the order block that it's
938 02:36:53 --> 02:37:02 straight back into when you get that. It's kind of like a tipping of the hand. It says we have an order block that should send price lower, and then there's
939 02:37:02 --> 02:37:11 another one that's digging into that previous order block. So you're really getting a lot of conviction placed around the idea that prices should be
940 02:37:11 --> 02:37:21 repelling away from this one, and certainly away from this one. But we have this order block forming inside of a inefficiency, and the constant approach of that
941 02:37:21 --> 02:37:30 inefficiency is right here. See that? So I'm I'm going to take the execution off just for a sec because they're in the way, and I'll put them back on when it's
942 02:37:31 --> 02:37:43 done, for the talking points of this part. So we wake up into I was using this order block as my initial entry. You'll see it when I put the executions back
943 02:37:43 --> 02:37:52 on. I'll put my cursor, as you can see, where those entries were, and then as the live stream occurred, as we went into consequent encroachment of this wick,
944 02:37:52 --> 02:38:01 as soon as we hit half of that right there I went in on that canvas. I'll say, I take that too. I'm not afraid that it might go higher. Why am I not afraid?
945 02:38:01 --> 02:38:11 Because I have an inefficiency here that has changed into a new version. This is a little coloring outside lines. Could it hold on to that? No. And then we close
946 02:38:11 --> 02:38:20 here, not at the high of a fair value gap near the metal. And then the next one, we do what? We confirm it. We open trade outside of it. So what is this? What
947 02:38:20 --> 02:38:33 has it done here on that candle? What has it done? It's left this gap energetically. And look how it closed. So that means we can still trade up to
948 02:38:33 --> 02:38:44 consequent encroachment of this inefficiency, because that's normal. That's normal, and it could be normal through the lens of the wick, doing it only what
949 02:38:44 --> 02:38:51 do we see here? We open the body goes all the way up here, stops just by a little bit. So that little movement above that midpoint of this inefficiency is
950 02:38:51 --> 02:38:59 the same thing I've outlined here. That's a mohawk. So you would do the same thing here in your journal. You do this if you don't do these types of things,
951 02:38:59 --> 02:39:09 okay? And I mean this if you don't log this and recognize these things in your back testing, you're gonna fucking freak out when you're watching price action,
952 02:39:09 --> 02:39:18 and it's a bold face green candle, and you're gonna think, oh, it's gonna run higher when you when you hear me talking about price you how many times am I
953 02:39:18 --> 02:39:27 going or you hear my voice, shake, my breathing, you don't hear any of that stuff. This is old hat stuff, because I've been doing it for such a long time,
954 02:39:27 --> 02:39:36 you're going to have that same bored approach to watching price eventually turning into real time trades, because you've seen it so many times. It's
955 02:39:36 --> 02:39:45 normal, but when it's a bold faced bullish candle and it's always at the highest high. It's going to be terrifying to you. In the beginning, you're going to
956 02:39:45 --> 02:39:55 second guess everything. The market comes down here and close outside the fair value gap, validating this right here. So this is just returning back to a level
957 02:39:55 --> 02:40:05 that's permissible. Then the market opens indecisive candle. We want to see. It drop away. It does. Now we know that this is a propulsion block. Why? Because
958 02:40:05 --> 02:40:17 it's candlestick body did not close above or cross mid part of this candlestick, which is the order block. The rules I'm showing you here, there's very specific
959 02:40:17 --> 02:40:23 rules that's going to be in the book. It's this, let's actually if it's mentioned through all three of them, really, because I can't just teach order
960 02:40:23 --> 02:40:37 blocks in one book, but it's spread out over the trilogy. The propulsion block, its entire range, needs to be referred to, and it went just a little bit above
961 02:40:37 --> 02:40:47 halfway point of that inefficiency. Now we're expecting this to be treated as an inversion for your betting app. So while it's not on the chart, these are all
962 02:40:47 --> 02:40:57 the things that my eye is seeing. My brain is seeing. My subconscious is retaining old information, old lecture, old notes, old logic that I've shared.
963 02:40:57 --> 02:41:04 Everything's coming together like a perfect storm, and I'm seeing all these things immediately when I'm looking at price, and it sounds like you're never
964 02:41:04 --> 02:41:11 going to get like, like to this, because it seems like a whole lot of complication, and it's not. It's really easy stuff. It's very simple stuff. You
965 02:41:11 --> 02:41:18 just haven't been logging it and seeing it. And then now you're familiar. Think about how it felt when you first started thinking about learning to trade with
966 02:41:18 --> 02:41:27 fair value gaps. You're like, what is a fair value gap? I don't understand. Is this a fair value gap? No, does the candle crossed over here and touched you see
967 02:41:27 --> 02:41:35 that was just you not knowing something and then spending a little bit of time. Now, suddenly your eye jumps right to a fair value guy. So this is now, uh,
968 02:41:35 --> 02:41:50 inversion, fair value guy. So in my my objective as a teacher, whenever I have a range like this that's highlighting a fair value gap. If it's ever a hue, it's
969 02:41:50 --> 02:42:00 an orange, what I'm saying is it's its role has reversed. So whatever it would have been initially expected to deliver over here, dropping down, it should go
970 02:42:00 --> 02:42:10 higher. That's what the the myopic view is. But then when it gives up the ghost and leaves it here, and then we get it confirmed there, everything going future,
971 02:42:11 --> 02:42:22 allow for it to trade back up into here, but stay out of what? What should it stay out of? What should price not do? Explore in the upper part. That means
972 02:42:22 --> 02:42:31 this. Let me see if there's a price level I can borrow to make it easy for me, and it's gonna work like that. All right, let me do it this way.
973 02:42:38 --> 02:42:50 This shaded area here should not be traded to in this inefficiency. We worked the lower half of it. We mohawked above it, but this portion, let me take the
974 02:42:50 --> 02:43:04 halfway off, so that's not essential for this discussion. We had enough confirmation here with a mohawk above the halfway point of that inefficiency. So
975 02:43:04 --> 02:43:14 this is the portion, if it's really valid, if it's very, very strong, if it's going to send price lower, we will be encouraged, and we'll know we're on side.
976 02:43:14 --> 02:43:23 That means we're on the right side of the marketplace. If any rallies that can be done with a wick, because the wits can do what the damage that running up
977 02:43:23 --> 02:43:33 into that we should not be fearful of, that we should be comfortable with it. And my stop loss was above the rejection block, which is the up close in this
978 02:43:33 --> 02:43:43 swing here live high, higher, high, lower, high, the up close the highest. Up close in there go into month forest content in the 2016 private mentorship
979 02:43:43 --> 02:43:51 playlist on this YouTube channel. Go to month four content, and you'll see a lecture that talks about rejection blocks. Okay, so I've used the rejection
980 02:43:51 --> 02:44:00 block because it's already worked it here we traded above that closing price on the next candle. Then it rejected it. We went right up to it here and delivered
981 02:44:00 --> 02:44:09 the same price. Looks at the same price, doesn't it? What's the high? Doesn't it? What's the high of that? 592 and three quarters? And the close is 592 and
982 02:44:09 --> 02:44:17 three quarters. So it just tagged it right there. How is that not proving the logic of a rejection block? It's it needs to be traded to one time, and then, if
983 02:44:17 --> 02:44:25 it's good, it should not go back there again. And here it is. It stops dead in its tracks. It never goes above it. See that? And then this little run here,
984 02:44:25 --> 02:44:37 that's why you watch me in the recording. I'm talking as I do this. It's me using this wick so I measure in the video. And this is now I'm sharing this
985 02:44:37 --> 02:44:44 logic with you, so that way every example I show in the future, you're going to see that if I'm using trade formations like this, it's the same logic repeating.
986 02:44:46 --> 02:44:57 I'm not reinventing something, you know. I mean, think about the the level of acrobatics that would be required if this was being made up on the fly, like
987 02:44:57 --> 02:45:08 I've had people when I was on baby pips, saying, Oh, this. Guys making stuff up, man, I tell you what, this would be the biggest, amazing orchestration ever in
988 02:45:08 --> 02:45:16 history, if it was something being contrived and made up as I went along, but that is consequent encroachment, and as it slammed up into that, I said, Oh,
989 02:45:16 --> 02:45:24 I'll take that too, trusting that my stop loss is not going to get hit because the logic got this outline all here. You all here now explain how I can easily
990 02:45:24 --> 02:45:33 just teach that to you in five minutes. When you have to have an understanding what a rejection block is, you have to understand the run over here on the stops
991 02:45:33 --> 02:45:42 that we're going to reach for this level of liquidity next, and then draw down to a new day opening gap. What is a new day opening gap. Why should this be a
992 02:45:42 --> 02:45:50 run on stops? And why should I even be concerned about this low and what's this gap here and what happened? Why are you putting your your fair value gap high
993 02:45:50 --> 02:45:58 here and not on the wick? Because you showed in one lecture that a fair value gap is on the width of the wick. But all of these things are evolving. You
994 02:45:58 --> 02:46:06 understand, that's why five minute trainers. That's why 19 minutes I'm going to teach you, every setup for ICT is never going to be fucking profitable. It's not
995 02:46:06 --> 02:46:15 fruitful. It sells clicks, it gets people's attention, but it's not giving you proper understanding this. This is my stuff, and I if I'm going to teach it, I'm
996 02:46:15 --> 02:46:26 going to teach it to you correctly. I'm going to take the time, because it's my baby. It's mine. My whole life's work. So I'm not gonna half ass it. I my whole
997 02:46:26 --> 02:46:35 entire life has been around codifying these very things. I am not going to shortchange it. I am not trying to rush through a video to appease the short,
998 02:46:35 --> 02:46:43 winded people. I can't I can't care any less about those types of people. I want you to stop watching my videos if you think that way. I swear to God, I wish you
999 02:46:43 --> 02:46:51 would never come back to my channel, because you're wasting your time. I'm not wasting my time. And the people they're here to learn, they're not wasting their
1000 02:46:51 --> 02:46:58 time. They're making fucking money when they learn how to do this. And that's at the bottom line. Look and see the crowd is getting bigger with all the receipts.
1001 02:46:59 --> 02:47:09 So as it went up here as it jammed up her like that. Did you hear me go, oh shit, it's gonna stop me out. Oh man, it's gotta go for my stop. You didn't hear
1002 02:47:09 --> 02:47:18 me say that? As soon as it jammed up in here, hit that wick because I was looking for it. I said, Watch this right here. And then done. I'll take that.
1003 02:47:19 --> 02:47:30 Yes, I will have that. That's seconds. I'm hungry. Feed me. I want more. I want more of the good stuff. Where's the good stuff? A run down here, and if I can
1004 02:47:30 --> 02:47:41 get lucky enough, and I was getting ready to map out the difference between the I falsely called it a order block, because I'm talking about it live this low
1005 02:47:41 --> 02:47:51 and the new day opening gap on August 16, I was going to do half of that range, and I was going to set up the partial for that. But then all of a sudden it was
1006 02:47:51 --> 02:47:57 like, amen. That's a fun problem to have in it. Like, okay, I'm going to set up a partial, and then bam, it just starts running real good for you. That's a real
1007 02:47:58 --> 02:48:07 that's a trait that you're going to find that using my signals, not signals my setups, and my framework for your setups and signals that you take as your own
1008 02:48:07 --> 02:48:19 trades. That is a hallmark of my stuff. The trades usually are very fast. They are eager to please you. They're eager to scratch that itch. They're eager to
1009 02:48:19 --> 02:48:36 move, go, go, go, baby. You ever seen maybe gone in 60 seconds. What is this? What's that guy's name? I can't think his name. He plays Ghost Rider. It'll come
1010 02:48:36 --> 02:48:46 to me at the beginning of the they were going to steal all these cars on the list for the black market, and they had the low rider song, come on. They can't
1011 02:48:46 --> 02:48:54 go out and do their job until they play the song. It's just the beginning of some it. They're all chilling. He's like, he's jamming to it, like when I put a
1012 02:48:54 --> 02:49:03 trade on, in my mind, that's what's going on, that that part of that movie is looping all the time. And then when the run is about to start taking place and
1013 02:49:03 --> 02:49:12 start running off, he goes, Let's rock. Okay, that's what goes on in my mind. That's, that's like, like, I'm a movie buff, like everything about me is movie,
1014 02:49:12 --> 02:49:22 movie, movie. So I have always made these little annotations in my journal linking things to movies. So in my mind, the dialog is, is before the move
1015 02:49:22 --> 02:49:30 starts taking place. I'm listening to low riding jamming in my head. It's, it's real, real subtle, but then all of a sudden, when I know it's about take take
1016 02:49:30 --> 02:49:37 off, it's like, it's that scene where he's like, okay, let's ride. And they all disperse and they go after their cars. Well, a fun little bit of business
1017 02:49:37 --> 02:49:43 probably doesn't mean anything for you. Probably thinking like, this is stuff that doesn't need to be put in the video. You could talk to some fun could talk
1018 02:49:43 --> 02:49:50 this in five minutes. Go somewhere else, but the fact that it slams up there real time, go watch the recording this morning, it slams up into it as soon as
1019 02:49:50 --> 02:50:03 it touches the constant approach from that level. I'm hearing it right at the market selling more now I'm expect. Thing because it did this, it should not
1020 02:50:03 --> 02:50:15 trade back into this portion of this inefficiency. Okay, so in other words, I don't want to see the upper half traded to I wanted to stay keeping that portion
1021 02:50:15 --> 02:50:24 open. You see, we had so many qualifiers in here saying that the rejection block has done its job. That's algorithmic. Why did this camel stick stop right there?
1022 02:50:24 --> 02:50:39 You tell me that the sellers just all knew that that high at what is it? What is that? 19,005 92, and three quarters? That's this little over here. Well, look at
1023 02:50:39 --> 02:50:53 that price, that high 90,592.75 just happens to be the same price, though, that closing price 90,005 92.75 so everybody's buying and selling pressure, just
1024 02:50:53 --> 02:51:12 happen to agree to let those those values be what they are. And I taught that lecture in December of 2016 that logic has been around since 1996 mine, when I
1025 02:51:12 --> 02:51:21 codified it. So the question is, is, how does it keep working like this, if it's random buying and selling pressure? Because you can't call the buying selling
1026 02:51:21 --> 02:51:28 pressure anything but random, if you're gonna assume that that's what makes the markets go up and down. But how is it that the market you're smiling, you're
1027 02:51:28 --> 02:51:37 smiling right now, if you're thinking this son of a bitch, he's cracked at all? No, I wrote it. So when we're looking at how the market drops away from this,
1028 02:51:38 --> 02:51:44 this right here, this rejection block, I'm sorry this constant encroachment is not going to go back to the rejection block, so I'm not freaking out if I stop
1029 02:51:44 --> 02:51:53 going to hit so it's these types of things that you're learning in this mentorship, which is the top tier in technical science. While you're all looking
1030 02:51:53 --> 02:52:03 at my trade executions, demo or not, I have live executions with amp on this YouTube channel. That's a real broker. I have executions using
1031 02:52:05 --> 02:52:16 TD, AmeriTrade, live broker, and I'm using the same logic. And you're all questioning, dude, please teach stop placement. Please teach how you're putting
1032 02:52:16 --> 02:52:25 the stop losses, where, how I need to get that skill. You're learning it right here every time, every single time I lecture and I teach, I'm teaching that, but
1033 02:52:25 --> 02:52:34 it's one component that needs to be relying on other things that are supportive. So that's why I'm trying to tell you, anybody that's lying to you and putting on
1034 02:52:34 --> 02:52:42 a facade that they're going to somehow short change and make it easier for you to learn this. It's impossible to be shortened. There's so many things that have
1035 02:52:42 --> 02:52:52 to lean on one another for it to mesh perfectly. Just because that's, you know, a inversion fair value gap potentially there, doesn't mean that I'm going to
1036 02:52:52 --> 02:52:59 trade it unless I have other things supporting it, like an order block. An order block has to have other things around it. It's not just an up close candle, and
1037 02:52:59 --> 02:53:11 it's certainly not just the last up close candle before the down move. You're learning it PhD level. Okay, you're literally gonna have an understanding about
1038 02:53:11 --> 02:53:20 price action that is completely alien to everybody. And I have people in the audience from Goldman Sachs. They're watching just like you're watching, just
1039 02:53:20 --> 02:53:28 like you're watching, and they're scribbling in their fucking notebooks the same way. Okay? I have had people reach out to me and say, Please, we want to have
1040 02:53:28 --> 02:53:37 you be a consultant. And the answer is, Fuck no, I don't want that. This is this, is it. This is how I do things. Okay? This is how I do it. And if you
1041 02:53:37 --> 02:53:45 don't like it, kiss my ass. So the market gives me a perfect execution for another pyramid of entry. So as it slams into that level right there, I'm
1042 02:53:45 --> 02:53:53 confident that it's not going to rejection block, which is this up close candles, closing price, because everything I've outlined here has fortified and
1043 02:53:53 --> 02:54:02 solidified my confidence is valid, and I don't need to worry about it. It's not going to my stop. So if it gives me another premium level, which is this one
1044 02:54:02 --> 02:54:12 here, because it should not touch the low of that upper half of that inefficiency. Why? Because when it's bearish, the upper half the premium aspect
1045 02:54:12 --> 02:54:23 of that individual PD array, the upper half once it leaves it or it assumes that it should not come back there in my mind, I want to see that area fail to ever
1046 02:54:23 --> 02:54:38 be redeliver to that's exactly what I want. That is not friggin supply and demand. It's not find that in that left and that logic. It's not there perfect
1047 02:54:38 --> 02:54:42 delivery executions.
1048 02:54:48 --> 02:54:56 Here's the first one. I'm hammering the opening price right here on the project projection block, propulsion block, rather the propulsion block, I'm hammering
1049 02:54:56 --> 02:55:04 it as it hits it there. And the next candle gives me even better. Her placement, which is the constant encroachment of that wick. And right there it is. See it,
1050 02:55:04 --> 02:55:13 look right there. And I'm talking about as I do it. Can you do what I'm showing you here, with Market Replay, with this, doing this? Can you do that? Because if
1051 02:55:13 --> 02:55:21 you can, you're hacking something. I'm not hacking shit. I've been accused of hacking stuff in the past. I can't hack. I don't have a hack. You give me too
1052 02:55:21 --> 02:55:33 much fucking credit, but it sounds great, doesn't it? But beautiful placement there hits it falls short of the bottom of that inefficiencies upper half. And
1053 02:55:33 --> 02:55:45 then I want to see price start to get heavy, start to get real, real heavy, and it breaks lower, digs into here. I was going to do something like this,
1054 02:55:50 --> 02:55:50 great
1055 02:55:52 --> 02:56:01 there halfway point. I was going to use that as a partial so I would have put a limit order, taking three contracts off of the 12 that would have been there.
1056 02:56:01 --> 02:56:14 And the way I would have done that was I got an eyeball of 574, even if it wouldn't have been so quick, dropping in my favor. I try to find over here on
1057 02:56:14 --> 02:56:23 the right hand corner of the price axis. Look, look over here as I'm moving where I'm not touching any candlesticks, I'm moving it around till it goes to
1058 02:56:23 --> 02:56:34 574, even once I have it there, I take my hand off of my mouse Surface Pro, and then I right click, and I go to buy what the number has to be. If I have the
1059 02:56:34 --> 02:56:41 buttons up here, I don't have them up here, because I'm not trying to trade, but you got to have the number of contracts that you're going to try to work with so
1060 02:56:41 --> 02:56:48 you would change it to three if I was going to take three off. But let's just say I want to take five off. Okay, and I want to take them off. I'm short here
1061 02:56:48 --> 02:56:56 12 because I got six here, and I have six here as it's breaking below that low. I'm aiming for this old, new day opening gap, knowing it probably could go
1062 02:56:56 --> 02:57:03 lower. But I want to teach my son what I want to teach him, get the easiest fruit that's hanging lowest. It's just grab it. It's easy. It's right there for
1063 02:57:03 --> 02:57:12 your taking. Don't complicate it. If he only gets all of his money off at this level here, and not to that new day of negat, how's that a failure? You're
1064 02:57:12 --> 02:57:18 making money, more money than most of you people that would be criticizing him, and you probably won't even make that in a month. And he can make he could
1065 02:57:18 --> 02:57:26 finally make it in one trade, but it's going to take time for to get to that point. So here's 574, the halfway point. Then you right click on it, and then
1066 02:57:26 --> 02:57:35 you would go to buy five contracts in this example, because if I pull up the buttons, that's where I had the number of contracts last for it, but you would
1067 02:57:35 --> 02:57:45 change it to whatever you want, and then you click on that, and it drops your you can't see it because I don't have orders on it, highlighted. And then it
1068 02:57:45 --> 02:57:53 would appear like that. And as the market would have dropped down here one tick below it, that order would have became a market order to buy at market, and then
1069 02:57:53 --> 02:58:01 it would fill you at 574, or lower. You might get slippage. It doesn't happen all the time, but a fast market, you might get positive slippage machines. You
1070 02:58:01 --> 02:58:09 get out at a better price, lower than 574 but 574 is where that limit order will try to execute you at. If it went down to it and didn't fill it and went higher,
1071 02:58:09 --> 02:58:18 you never would be getting out there. It would still be sitting here like it is. And then you watch me drag the limit order down into this low hanging fruit
1072 02:58:18 --> 02:58:29 objective of not a new day opening gap on August 16, 2024, and there it is. You saw the you saw the trade pan out. And that's happening right here. See it right
1073 02:58:29 --> 02:58:41 there. Midpoint, right there. That's not Market Replay. Okay? Market Replay has these really ugly, big arrows when you do a market replay trade. I didn't know
1074 02:58:41 --> 02:58:51 that until I did it, and one of the recordings approved that I wasn't doing Market Replay. But I don't need to be teaching this over live data with live
1075 02:58:51 --> 02:59:04 executions, because I have communicated a model that as good as it is in demo, it's just as good in life market conditions. Clearly, I don't have a job. I'm
1076 02:59:04 --> 02:59:13 spending my time when other people would be working. You're probably watching at your job, and I'm doing this for free. My question is, is when? When individuals
1077 02:59:13 --> 02:59:21 take the time to sit down and think I'm going to go on here and criticize him? The only thing I can think of is, you think that your stupidity is going to
1078 02:59:21 --> 02:59:28 cause me with reverse psychology, like, Oh, I gotta go out here and prove myself with a live account. That's not going to happen, because I still am met with if
1079 02:59:28 --> 02:59:37 I'm doing this in front of you, okay, and I'm saying this is a live account, I'm going to put my trade on with this live account. What am I saying? I'm saying,
1080 02:59:37 --> 02:59:49 if it's good enough for me to risk real money. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge, copy, me. That's not going to happen. I'm going to execute. Okay, I'm going to execute
1081 02:59:49 --> 03:00:00 in front of you. I want you to know that that execution right now is going to be in a demo account for those reasons. If that does not help you, it. That doesn't
1082 03:00:00 --> 03:00:10 give you confidence, that's to train with me go somewhere else, okay? Because I'm not opening myself up to liability just to appease two or three people each
1083 03:00:10 --> 03:00:17 time I do a video, because that's really what it is. But I want these individuals to get past that so they can learn how to do it themselves, because
1084 03:00:17 --> 03:00:26 they're worrying about those little things and these little, little Minion perspectives. They they're easily spread across like a cancer, because a lot of
1085 03:00:26 --> 03:00:37 people come into trading with justified, uh, trepidation and scrutiny that everyone should have placed on them. I don't want you to take my word for it.
1086 03:00:37 --> 03:00:45 I've said that always, since day one. I want you to take what I'm saying and go in and see if these things are appearing in chart. You don't need me to do
1087 03:00:45 --> 03:00:52 anything after that happens, because now you know what. You know it can't be taken away from you. No one can say it didn't happen. And when you're sitting
1088 03:00:52 --> 03:01:00 here watching live price action, and I'm calling that, explaining it in detail, in its repeating phenomenon, with a logic that's already been explained, what
1089 03:01:00 --> 03:01:07 are you left with? Oh, well, he was honest enough to tell just why he's not doing it with live data and a live execution on real money, because he's not
1090 03:01:07 --> 03:01:17 trying to entice other people to do it, because then I'm stepping in the role as what a financial advisor, and I am not doing that. I would never do that, but I
1091 03:01:17 --> 03:01:24 have no problem pushing a demo trade in front. I got no problem doing that. I'm gonna, I'm gonna mop the fucking floor with whatever you're used to seeing as a
1092 03:01:24 --> 03:01:31 live streamer when they're taking trades. I'm going to smoke the shit out of everybody, not because I'm trying to be an asshole, not because I'm trying to be
1093 03:01:31 --> 03:01:42 mean, but because I want you to see what you can do with this stuff, that you can do with it, and also these same live streamers that pretend that that stuff
1094 03:01:42 --> 03:01:49 doesn't work, or that I don't know how to trade, they secretly lose. They're using my stuff, and some of you can recognize it right in their classrooms, and
1095 03:01:49 --> 03:01:58 they ignore you when you mention it, and it's okay. I don't care. I want them to get better. I want them to do well. I want them to learn how to trade really,
1096 03:01:58 --> 03:02:05 really good, because the people that watch them do it, and they're foolish enough to just copycat, at least they'll be copying someone that knows how to
1097 03:02:05 --> 03:02:14 trade well. And that's that's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to help everybody, because there's a lot of stuff out here that people to claim is not
1098 03:02:14 --> 03:02:20 real. It's not real that doesn't make the market go up and down, and they just simply don't know what the hell they're talking about. And they live in Market
1099 03:02:20 --> 03:02:27 Replay. They live in hindsight data. They live in that because it's easy to fleece people that are stupid and they're stupid because they just don't know
1100 03:02:27 --> 03:02:33 any better. When I first started trading, I was stupid and I thought I was smarter before I really was today, I'm a mental giant compared to how it was
1101 03:02:33 --> 03:02:41 when I was making money as a 20 year old. Just because I was making money as a 20 year old doesn't mean I was smart. I was not smart. I had no idea what I was
1102 03:02:41 --> 03:02:52 doing, and I was teaching people before I should have. And that's something that I had learned painfully in the 2000s when we had the market drop aggressively, I
1103 03:02:52 --> 03:03:03 was like, man, like my short game isn't as strong as my long game, and I had to increase it and then get really, really good at it. And now I'm not afraid to
1104 03:03:03 --> 03:03:11 shorten. Shorten, to me many times is a lot more fun, because it tends to be a little bit faster when things go, when they go down, it tend to be a lot more
1105 03:03:11 --> 03:03:20 sudden and dramatic. And it's because it's a built in characteristic of the markets. They're really a Ponzi scheme. And ponzis Are you go in to build it up.
1106 03:03:20 --> 03:03:27 So it's quick to get back down to a discount. Why? Because it's going to lure in more suckers to buy at a cheap price so they can start building that Ponzi
1107 03:03:27 --> 03:03:37 backup. So that's why bear markets are always, always stunning and fast, but they're very short lived. Bull markets tend to go up for a long, long time, and
1108 03:03:37 --> 03:03:49 that is a built in priming example for people to buy and hold, buy and hold. So it's, it's a matter of keeping people under the subjection to the ruling class,
1109 03:03:49 --> 03:04:01 if you will, take a drink. I swear I wish I had somebody like this when I was growing up and learning how to trade. I would have this would have been amazing
1110 03:04:01 --> 03:04:10 for me to be a part of. I would love to be where you are at right now in the audience. And that's not me self loving myself, because it's like, Fascinating,
1111 03:04:10 --> 03:04:19 isn't it? Like, when you can see this stuff and it makes sense, it's it's clear logic. It's something that you can repeat and find setups that repeat over and
1112 03:04:19 --> 03:04:35 over again. But what was the other thing I was going to do? Yes, yes, it changed the chart. I am starving. Though, good grief, I am. I'm hungry. What time of day
1113 03:04:35 --> 03:04:47 was that? I've been messing with the ES for a while, but this was something I showed one of the ladies that were asking me, Can I talk a little bit about ES?
1114 03:04:48 --> 03:04:59 This is me promoting Patrick Whelan, so you can go to his YouTube channel, give him some clicks. It's not mean spirited. I actually like Patrick. I just wish
1115 03:04:59 --> 03:05:08 you know. And he would just settle down and try to learn how to do it better. It's it's for free, and you gotta hide it. Nobody's gonna control you, because
1116 03:05:08 --> 03:05:14 you openly admit that you're trying to use some of the stuff that you're learning from me, and it's good, it's good that you're learning it. I don't care
1117 03:05:14 --> 03:05:25 it ends up in your course. I don't care. I really don't give a shit. But the point is, is this, as the market was dropping down. This was Monday's. There we
1118 03:05:25 --> 03:05:36 go. Monday, August, 26 2024 it's daily low. And below that low is sell side. That means there's sell orders. So if we look at it like this,
1119 03:05:42 --> 03:05:44 here, is Monday,
1120 03:05:46 --> 03:05:48 right here, that's the low.
1121 03:05:49 --> 03:05:57 So there's a there's a setting you can have, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to fiddle around with it, but I was trying to set up Caleb's trading
1122 03:05:57 --> 03:06:05 view, where you can highlight the high and the low. I'm not sure if it's set to the highest, high and lowest low that's visible on your chart at the time, like
1123 03:06:05 --> 03:06:12 if it's dynamic, or if it's a high in the low that shows you previous days, highs and low if there, if it doesn't do that, there's a lot of indicators, I'm
1124 03:06:12 --> 03:06:20 sure, on trading view that you can toggle and it's automatically populates on your chart. I'm not a fan of that. I'm a fan of old school. I like the high
1125 03:06:20 --> 03:06:29 touch over high tech. I like the fact that I'm going into the chart and I'm finding the low of the day, and I'm dropping a horizontal Ray on that, and I'm
1126 03:06:29 --> 03:06:38 highlighting it that way, because what I'm doing is I'm taking the time to verify that I'm finding the low. I'm not building a dependency on an indicator
1127 03:06:38 --> 03:06:48 to plot something for me. To me, it's just so fucking lazy. It's lazy. I like the high touch of doing these types of things. That's why my journals are still
1128 03:06:49 --> 03:07:00 are on archaic leather journals that cost a lot of money. And I don't care about the electronic retrieval, because I'm not in a stage of my development that I
1129 03:07:00 --> 03:07:09 have to go back and sort through 1000s of journal entries by having it on an electronic format, and I don't trust that technology won't get I have had
1130 03:07:09 --> 03:07:19 iPhones before, and I've had recordings of birthday parties, Christmas, very, very wonderful pictures of family members that I no longer have with me In this
1131 03:07:19 --> 03:07:29 world that I can't retrieve because Apple sucks, so I will never own another apple device, and I don't want to store things like that on those types of
1132 03:07:29 --> 03:07:39 advices and anything that I'm journaling. The things that I journal are so important to me, I want to be able to have them physically in my hands, like
1133 03:07:39 --> 03:07:49 physically in my hands, so I'm always going to be a proponent of physically handling the things without having all the bells and whistles like while things
1134 03:07:49 --> 03:07:59 like Lux algo. I'm sure they watch my videos. I'm sure they're in there, because they have a lot of stuff. One of their most popular indicators is all about
1135 03:07:59 --> 03:08:07 Smart Money concepts. My name's not attached to it, and it's whatever it is. It is what it is. But some of the things that the algorithm or not algorithm, that
1136 03:08:08 --> 03:08:18 Lux algo indicator, supposed to do, it's not it's not accurate. And I say that because it's true. It's not everything in there that's being populated on the
1137 03:08:18 --> 03:08:27 chart is something that I would use, but it looks technical. It looks like it's giving you stuff that I wouldn't even associate with, referring to it at all,
1138 03:08:27 --> 03:08:36 and they'll probably have a better form of that indicator once they read the books, because all the details I'm willing to share to the public will be there,
1139 03:08:37 --> 03:08:46 but I share a lot of it here on the YouTube channel. But the low on Monday, the liquidity below the previous day's lows, the highest high and the lowest low in
1140 03:08:46 --> 03:08:54 the last three trading days, you have to help. You have to have that information all the time. You have to have it written down in your your little notepad next
1141 03:08:54 --> 03:09:02 to your computer, no matter what market you're trading, whether it's Forex, whether it's the treasury bonds. I'm not going to say anything about crypto,
1142 03:09:02 --> 03:09:13 because I don't trade crypto. I don't have any experience with crypto. But if you're trading any other market but crypto, the last three days, whatever the
1143 03:09:13 --> 03:09:22 highest high was and lowest low, you have to have that information, because the market will refer back to that the previous day's high and the previous day
1144 03:09:22 --> 03:09:33 prior to that. So what you're looking for is the highest high and the lowest low last three days. Then you're looking at the high and the low of the day three
1145 03:09:33 --> 03:09:41 days ago. It's not the same thing. Listen to what I just said, the highest high and lowest low. Because you're going to also refer to like, for instance, say,
1146 03:09:41 --> 03:09:49 Today's Tuesday, we're going to look at Monday's highest, high, lowest, low of the day, or it's daily range, high and low. Then you'll look at Friday's high
1147 03:09:49 --> 03:09:58 and low, and then Thursday's high and low. Not Sundays. Sundays are treated differently. The only information I pull from Sunday is the opening on the new
1148 03:09:58 --> 03:10:07 week opening gap. I don't care about anything else on Sunday. The only importance that you're getting on Sundays, I don't care about the high. I don't
1149 03:10:07 --> 03:10:15 care about the low prior to trading into, you know, crossing over to midnight and near local time, I don't care about that. I'm looking just for the opening
1150 03:10:15 --> 03:10:27 gaps that form on Sunday's 6pm opening. That's 4x and that is futures. It's everything okay, apart from that, Sundays are nothing perfect to me, but that's
1151 03:10:27 --> 03:10:34 really important information, looking at where we open up on a new week, because you can take that information that's been proven here, you extend that out in
1152 03:10:34 --> 03:10:44 time, and it's useful for weeks and months, and it's alien to people prior to not learning it from me. They had no idea that it's even there. But look how
1153 03:10:44 --> 03:10:52 many times their setups. Look how many setups that form, how many times it gives you a draw on liquidity. These were all things I was hiding from you when I was
1154 03:10:52 --> 03:11:02 out there, just doing it on Twitter, just trading and just just blowing it up. It's literally just over and over and over, smiling to myself, thinking you're
1155 03:11:02 --> 03:11:12 never gonna get it. You're never gonna get it. It's hidden from you because you've never been taught. And that's why no one's been able to say, Oh, he got
1156 03:11:12 --> 03:11:18 that from so, because everybody's in everybody's book and everybody's course, and there's some old hats in this industry, they're watching me too, and they
1157 03:11:18 --> 03:11:26 ain't coming out saying, Oh, this guy got it from the so and so, right? So main thing is, is daily highs and lows, liquidity above and below those reference
1158 03:11:26 --> 03:11:35 points you want to have that in your in your list of things to observe, they will act as draws on liquidity. The market will gravitate to those just like a
1159 03:11:35 --> 03:11:44 new week, opening gap, just like a new day, opening gap. So it helps you understand liquidity. It helps you have a steady supply. Never running out of
1160 03:11:44 --> 03:11:53 setups. You're never going to run out of yeast as a baker, okay? You're never, ever, ever going to be shortchanged on opportunity, because there's always going
1161 03:11:53 --> 03:12:01 to be a previous day's high and a previous day's low. So I'm going to teach you the basic elements of what I was teaching when I was on baby pips, back in 2010
1162 03:12:03 --> 03:12:12 what I started out there and teaching on those threads that I vanquished it i everything I put on there was mainly YouTube links, and when they pulled some
1163 03:12:12 --> 03:12:18 shenanigans over there accusing me of sock puppeting. Do I look like somebody needs a sock puppet for real?
1164 03:12:19 --> 03:12:20 Come on, when
1165 03:12:20 --> 03:12:29 I showed up, everybody showed up in that chat room every I mean, it was, it was the highest threads over there, and still is, but the liquidity below the
1166 03:12:29 --> 03:12:44 previous days low, and when we start getting in close proximity to it, okay, so what That means is we're watching price dropping down, and everything in price
1167 03:12:44 --> 03:12:54 action was supporting the idea that it's going to keep going. How do I know that? How can you know that? How can you trust that it isn't going to reverse?
1168 03:12:54 --> 03:13:03 Like you're you're trading inside this area here, like, what do you what are you feeling while you looking at the price, like when you see that, what are you
1169 03:13:03 --> 03:13:12 trusting? What are you leaning on? What's the logic that tells you this is going to keep dropping? ICT, Well, number one, it's trying to get down to the previous
1170 03:13:12 --> 03:13:16 day's low where there's real orders resting below that. What kind of orders sell stops?
1171 03:13:17 --> 03:13:17 Okay,
1172 03:13:17 --> 03:13:33 so if I know that we're pretty uniform in the way we keep dropping my eye goes to what I teach you. This candlestick right here is an order block. It's an up
1173 03:13:33 --> 03:13:47 close candle, if I find that. And then every successive subsequent candle after that to the right as it's forming as we move away from it, if it comes back up
1174 03:13:47 --> 03:13:56 into this candlestick, is it able to overtake half of this candlestick? Lords think about like this. I'm teaching you order flow. This is real. Order Flow has
1175 03:13:56 --> 03:14:04 absolutely no requirements for level two data. People say, Oh, show me your level two data, Fuck you and your gimmicks, that stuff doesn't work. You have
1176 03:14:04 --> 03:14:12 faith and stuff that's literally nonsense. You don't need all that stuff it, but it seems technical. You feel like you're a scientific trader when you have when
1177 03:14:13 --> 03:14:22 all that stuff's on your chart and it's just cluttered and it's a myth. So here is half of that order block, okay, did this candlestick or this candlestick come
1178 03:14:22 --> 03:14:33 up and touch that halfway point or which would be mean threshold? No, that's exactly what I want to see on our block. Okay, the market trades lower this
1179 03:14:33 --> 03:14:47 candlestick trades up into this candlestick. So what does that make this propulsion block. So price should do what it should trade away from that. Now,
1180 03:14:47 --> 03:14:56 in this little area right here, we have a volume imbalance. That's what this order block delivers to this candlestick, this candlestick and this candlestick
1181 03:14:56 --> 03:15:05 is working inside of this inefficiency. Where we had the body. Here, this candle is indecisive. It's just basically the open and close is the same price, and we
1182 03:15:05 --> 03:15:13 have a high and a low that's indecisive. Usually, when you see an indecisive candle like that, you're building a volume of balance. And the next candle,
1183 03:15:13 --> 03:15:22 you'll see, it's there. Boom. Find that in Steve Nielsen's book. But the rally back up just fills in that little void there. It's no bodies. It's absent of
1184 03:15:22 --> 03:15:29 having any bodies. So the market will do patchwork. That's the technical term for it, by the way. I wasn't supposed to say that, but fuck. It's a live stream.
1185 03:15:30 --> 03:15:40 The algorithm is doing patchwork where it fills in these inefficiencies. Okay, so when it does that, then the market displaces and goes lower. At this moment,
1186 03:15:40 --> 03:15:51 we can now see it goes back up trades one more time. What is it digging into the original order block that is a reclaimed bearish order block. Why? Because we've
1187 03:15:51 --> 03:16:00 already moved away from it and it's coming right back up into it here. It needs to show immediate response. Drop lower, does it? Yes, it does. And then we
1188 03:16:00 --> 03:16:11 retrace back into this little area here, clear value gap trades back up into it, hits it does that send price lower? Yes. Price displaces lower, takes out this
1189 03:16:11 --> 03:16:18 low, trades up into this area here, matches the high here. Does it have any willingness to get up in this inefficiency? No. And then breaks lower right
1190 03:16:18 --> 03:16:28 there. What I have right there is a market indicating in every shape, facet or form, that is heavy. It means it's really, really heavy, and it's going to be
1191 03:16:28 --> 03:16:37 easy for it to fall. So what is it reaching for? Well, what are we close to? First thing, first order of business, where are we opening up whenever you're
1192 03:16:37 --> 03:16:47 sitting down through the trade, whether you're trading in the afternoon, whether you're trading in the morning, stop for a second. I gotta take a second what I'm
1193 03:16:47 --> 03:16:59 teaching to you right now, okay, is so good. I really, I really expect some kind of feedback today, because this is some shit that this is worth way more money
1194 03:16:59 --> 03:17:06 than I ever charged. And I really want you to think about it, really. When you're done with this text, this lesson today, think about what you were
1195 03:17:06 --> 03:17:13 introduced to and how you were taught. I taught you stop placement, how to manage a stop placement, how to read order flow, how to read price action, how
1196 03:17:13 --> 03:17:22 to trust when the trade's going to keep going, how not to be afraid. How to enter these trades. I executed with these trades. I showed you it. It proved it
1197 03:17:22 --> 03:17:28 to you, and I'm giving you all the details that I always keep to myself, but I'm always leaning to my sons and saying, This is what I'm doing when they're
1198 03:17:28 --> 03:17:35 sitting next to me. I'm telling them all these things as I'm talking out loud to them. May not happen at the moment, like I have to go back as it starts moving
1199 03:17:35 --> 03:17:44 my favorite and I'll say the reason why I did that. I'm doing all this stuff here, but the heaviness in price is proven right here. So I'm confident that
1200 03:17:44 --> 03:17:55 when we've traded up into this area here, I'm not going to see the upper half of this close in upper half of this. Watch. See that. Now, what have I been
1201 03:17:55 --> 03:18:06 teaching in 2024 mentorship, PV arrays, the highest form. The highest order of order flow around them is when you're bearish, the upper half are not traded to
1202 03:18:06 --> 03:18:14 when they're bullish, the lower half are not treated to that's the signature. That's the thing that you were never going to learn from me. That's one of the
1203 03:18:14 --> 03:18:21 things. Let's put it that way. But that was I was not going to teach at the paid mentorship students. They didn't need it if they just use the lowest entry
1204 03:18:21 --> 03:18:34 model, the bottom of the up candle, the low just use that. When I felt a little bit more generous, I'd say, Okay, go to the opening press. But these things were
1205 03:18:34 --> 03:18:44 never supposed to be given to you. You have Caleb to thank for this. So when he gets out there, he starts jaw bending. Give him all that thank you and all that
1206 03:18:44 --> 03:18:53 stuff, okay? Because it's, it's him. That's why you're learning it. But the upper half here never trades to it there. So I'm getting short on this
1207 03:18:53 --> 03:19:07 candlestick, as it's already proven here, here and here. And I need to be in. I need to be in on the move. So that's here. I don't trust that. I trust rather, I
1208 03:19:07 --> 03:19:19 do trust that we're not going in the upper half of this range here. So this is what I'm visually seeing as a barrier. It's not going to go, come on, I could
1209 03:19:19 --> 03:19:27 get your eyes fixed here. Okay? It's not going to go up into this portion here. That's my belief. Why? Because everything all through here is indicating that
1210 03:19:27 --> 03:19:34 it's heavy. We're real heavy. We couldn't even do institutional order flow entry drill here, and we had this big drop down. Now, when you're watching this, this,
1211 03:19:34 --> 03:19:41 this might feel like, Oh, well, it's been dropping. It's got to turn around. It's got to turn around. It keeps dropping. That's not what I'm thinking. Why?
1212 03:19:41 --> 03:19:53 Why am I not thinking that? Because this is the previous day's low. It's indicating every way it can that is in a hurry to go down below the previous
1213 03:19:53 --> 03:20:02 day's low. The previous day's low is like a honey pot. It literally is like a honey pot. It's always. There every single day, previous days high, previous
1214 03:20:02 --> 03:20:11 days low. If we open in the lower half of the previous day's range, whenever you're sitting down in front of your charts, whenever your operating hours are
1215 03:20:12 --> 03:20:20 and it opens up your time to trade, if you're in the lower half of the previous day's range, you should always look for some kind of return back to the previous
1216 03:20:20 --> 03:20:29 day's low. That's simple market 101, like it's it's a normal thing for that to happen. But when you try to learn, or if you learn from other people that don't
1217 03:20:29 --> 03:20:36 have a trade, they don't know that, and they're looking for all these complicated indicator settings and all this confluence of all this dumb shit
1218 03:20:36 --> 03:20:43 that's supposed to be overlaid on your chart, that is a distraction. The only time I'm laying things there without the chart is I want your eye to go to what
1219 03:20:43 --> 03:20:52 me, what it means to me when I'm watching price action. I am not wanting it to trade up here. Once it does all these things here, I want to be in on the trade,
1220 03:20:52 --> 03:21:00 because I know it's getting ready to take off the very next candle. What does it do? It opens and off to the races. We go. And then we create, what another
1221 03:21:00 --> 03:21:11 opportunity for it to create a volume imbalance in here? So I'm expecting price to it opens it trades back up into this candlesticks range. So this big down
1222 03:21:11 --> 03:21:20 closed candle, it's not that big in terms of range, but in reference to, in relationship to all the previous candles ranges size, it's a large candle. When
1223 03:21:20 --> 03:21:28 this candle opens up here, I'm watching to see it dig back up into this candle. I am trusting that it's not going to go back under the upper half. So I just
1224 03:21:28 --> 03:21:38 want to get in any portion of this lower part of this candlestick. Watch my fill. See it. Here's the load of that candle right there. It opens and it's
1225 03:21:38 --> 03:21:48 digging into this, this portion of the range I want to add to it. There you go, selling more. And then I get another opportunity here. What's it digging into
1226 03:21:49 --> 03:21:57 the volume imbalance. I want to be filled there. As the candles going up, I'm feeling right there, bang. And then what does the market do? Rolls over
1227 03:21:57 --> 03:22:09 energetically, runs right below some random level the previous day's low. And there it is. That's my fill. Look closely, folks. Look real close. This is the
1228 03:22:09 --> 03:22:24 stuff I love. I love twisting the knife in in the guts of the trolls. See that? Phil, that's one tick from the low. That's one tick, baby. You're talking to me
1229 03:22:24 --> 03:22:31 like, I don't know what I'm talking about in the comment section, but I'm proving to you that I am the number one day trader on the fucking planet, not
1230 03:22:31 --> 03:22:43 YouTube the planet. So I was making a reference over here because Patrick wheeling who I like, I genuine do like I don't watch his stuff anymore, but he
1231 03:22:43 --> 03:22:56 left a comment in this video saying that, so a breakout of a bull flag, or that was the NASDAQ trade, not this one, a breakout of a bull flag. Nice. So you've
1232 03:22:56 --> 03:22:57 been watching my course. That
1233 03:22:59 --> 03:23:07 was some funny shit. I shared that that post with my private mentorship students. Anyway, I don't trade bull flags and bear flags. I fade them, and you
1234 03:23:07 --> 03:23:15 look at the executions I'm actually getting in at the levels that I teach that are absolutely not bear flags, and I don't use trembling breakouts. But it's
1235 03:23:15 --> 03:23:24 fun. I love the banter back and forth. It's fun. Some people in the past have taken things too, too far, and did terrible things, but I can have fun ribbing
1236 03:23:24 --> 03:23:33 the next guy, and I can take a good ribbon too. It's fun. It makes it fun. I don't look at every little snide remark as a personal attack. It's fun. It's
1237 03:23:33 --> 03:23:39 nice. It's like shop talk, and the people that worked on the floor, they did this shit all day long. And when you're in the locker room of the football
1238 03:23:39 --> 03:23:45 players and baseball players, and baseball players. It's the same thing. It's just like, when you're on a construction site, you're working, you're not going
1239 03:23:45 --> 03:23:51 to be Patty cakes and, you know, Pat's in the back all the time. You're going to mess with somebody because it's just get the the juices falling, the ruffled the
1240 03:23:51 --> 03:24:03 feathers. It's fun, but tell me how that logic right there, I couldn't have made that any better. To get that exit price, I have to have the fill that the low of
1241 03:24:03 --> 03:24:14 the candle forms. It's only one ticket. It's one tick difference. So anticipating this large range is down incoming in the recording. It's because we
1242 03:24:14 --> 03:24:22 were approaching Monday's low, and it's going to dig aggressively and fast to get down there and get those orders. Because as it's going closer to that
1243 03:24:22 --> 03:24:31 previous day's low, anyone that has their stop down there has the ability to do what, quickly say, I'm getting out and I'm going to protect myself and remove
1244 03:24:31 --> 03:24:38 the order. Think about it. You would probably do that same thing. You've probably done it many times. The few times you actually use a real stop loss.
1245 03:24:38 --> 03:24:48 You start thinking, Oh no, I gotta go. Let me take the top off. But anyone that short, they need those orders to be there to get out, so the first run into them
1246 03:24:48 --> 03:24:57 is always going to be fast and sudden, boom, sudden, real quick, because they don't want to let them pull the order. And that's the signature that when I am
1247 03:24:57 --> 03:25:06 saying I'm expecting speed I want to. See distance and speed, or I want to see the magnitude of the move to increase. Right here I'm indicating that I'm
1248 03:25:06 --> 03:25:14 expecting the pool of liquidity that's next in order of business going lower or higher, they're going to quickly run for that because they are not going to let
1249 03:25:14 --> 03:25:26 them pull those orders. So as the algorithm delivers lower, lower, lower, when it gets in a proximity of this low it will naturally speed up. What does that
1250 03:25:26 --> 03:25:33 mean? It does not matter how many people are coming in to buy it, and it doesn't matter how many people are selling short. That's why, when you're watching
1251 03:25:33 --> 03:25:44 price, it's here, then it's here. And you think it's took a long time for that one minute candle to do all that. It's gapping down. It's it's very speedily
1252 03:25:44 --> 03:25:54 dropping, and it keeps offering lower prices. And it gets lower and lower and lower and lower. And inside these individual candles, look at them. Study them.
1253 03:25:54 --> 03:26:03 If you have access to do like a one second chart, five second chart, you'll see its porous price action. It's not a smooth one single candlestick of movement
1254 03:26:03 --> 03:26:12 going lower. It's jumping and skipping down there because it needs to get quickly down below that previous day's low. That's a mechanism that's coded
1255 03:26:12 --> 03:26:20 inside of the algorithm which cancels out all the time fully bullshit that people say from myopic perspectives with their head up their ass. And listen to
1256 03:26:20 --> 03:26:27 people that don't know what the they're talking about when they say it's buying and selling pressure. That's moving price. That is absolutely not it, because
1257 03:26:27 --> 03:26:37 it's spooling here. It's jumping and skipping real, real fast to get down to those orders. It doesn't need but one contract, one contract to book that price,
1258 03:26:37 --> 03:26:44 one contract. That's all it's doing. It's going down here, no matter how many people are buying and selling it, and the sooner you realize that, the easier
1259 03:26:44 --> 03:26:54 this becomes. But you're arm wrestling me. Your arm wrestling me. Think you're going to beat me into submission to your idea bullshit. It's never happening.
1260 03:26:54 --> 03:27:02 You're not trading like me. You can't see these things before I can. You can't execute them like I can, but I'm gonna believe your dumb shit that I left that
1261 03:27:02 --> 03:27:20 school of thought. I left that 30 years ago. Well, I'm not technically 30 years ago, about 26 years ago. Think, think if it's logic, that's sound and it
1262 03:27:20 --> 03:27:30 repeats, then you should be able to go into charts and see it repeating. What is it doing over here? And once I say this, I'm done. I know I say that a lot, but
1263 03:27:31 --> 03:27:43 I'm starving. I'm hungry for cramps right now, we've got a low, lower, low. It digs in one more time right in here, so it's absorbed all of the liquidity below
1264 03:27:43 --> 03:28:09 Monday's low, and then it rallies up liquidity easily digs into it into here I'm uh, easily above the relative equal highs, then back down when you start
1265 03:28:09 --> 03:28:20 studying the price action like that. Who is it? Who's at the most vulnerable position, position right now? Who's making money? What are they targeting? And
1266 03:28:20 --> 03:28:30 how can they upset them, and why would they being upset be profitable to some other entity out there? Okay, well, going below for Monday's low, buying up all
1267 03:28:30 --> 03:28:41 the sell side, with the expectation that you're going to run the highs over here. The this is obvious, right? I mean, this is, this is so obvious, and
1268 03:28:41 --> 03:28:48 that's what you need to be panning for. Your charts tailored. When you start seeing these things like this, these are the easy, low hanging fruit objectives.
1269 03:28:48 --> 03:28:58 They just cannot hide them from you. They are the setups that are just like one or two or three a week. They're the easy ones you want to start looking for
1270 03:28:58 --> 03:29:06 them. And then, as you get better, you'll be able to work on smaller ranges. And the things that you use when you're trading these bigger ones, you're just going
1271 03:29:06 --> 03:29:16 to use it because it's fractal. You're going to use these on a smaller price runs. And you'll have sheer precision that evades everybody else, everybody
1272 03:29:16 --> 03:29:28 else. And you are thinking that this can't be done with a live account, because somehow I'm afraid. I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid of that. It stuff repeats.
1273 03:29:29 --> 03:29:36 But I cannot get out here and entice you with real money. I can't. I don't want to do that. I'm not going to do that. But when I'm executing in front of you,
1274 03:29:36 --> 03:29:42 you're going to clearly see in the lower left hand corner, it's going to say paper trading. And you're going to still see people out there saying, Yeah, but
1275 03:29:42 --> 03:29:50 it was paper trading. It was paper trading, and they're going to see these types of things delivered. And my question is, who can come out here and do the same
1276 03:29:50 --> 03:29:59 thing, explain before at hand, beforehand what it's going to do, why it's going to reach there, that your stop loss is where I'm going to be placed in mine,
1277 03:29:59 --> 03:30:06 the. Logic behind that that will be repeating from the logic that's already been shared. Or if you think you know what I'm doing and you're doing it, and you
1278 03:30:06 --> 03:30:13 claim that you can do it a Live account, and it's always a Live account on you, please let me watch you. And I don't mean to be condescending. I absolutely love
1279 03:30:13 --> 03:30:22 watching traders. I love it. I don't care if they're using a different school of thought. I don't care. I can appreciate a trader. I I've done this my entire
1280 03:30:22 --> 03:30:32 life, and I just wish that there was more people out there willing to do it like I want to see it. I love it. I think it's amazing. I'm not a sports fan. I'm a
1281 03:30:32 --> 03:30:41 price fan, like I am a fan of price. And if other people engage it, and they want to make it, you know, they want to share it with other people, oh, man, I'd
1282 03:30:41 --> 03:30:49 love to sit in and watch that. I would never talk smack about anybody that does that. I I've never been in anybody's live stream, ever. It's never happened
1283 03:30:50 --> 03:30:57 where I've said that's bullshit, that's that's blah blah. If they said something about my own stuff, I'll correct them. But I have never talked down about
1284 03:30:57 --> 03:31:06 anybody else's stuff because it's rude if they're if they're trading it and they're making money, who am I to say anything about that? I I'm completely
1285 03:31:06 --> 03:31:13 confident that I don't need to say anything about what they're doing, because my stuff is superior. I don't need to go around and bark about it. But in my own
1286 03:31:13 --> 03:31:20 content, I have every right to do that. And people come to my house and act like I shouldn't talk the way I talk like you're a guest in my house. Don't tell me
1287 03:31:20 --> 03:31:26 how I'm going to act. I'm going to act the way I want to act. Go somewhere else, if not. If you don't like what I'm teaching or talking about, but that's the
1288 03:31:26 --> 03:31:38 business there, and I think that's enough for one day. It's going on one o'clock. I put some hours in with you today. Sure hope this payments come in for
1289 03:31:38 --> 03:31:38 all this stuff.
1290 03:31:40 --> 03:31:41 You in a day.
1291 03:31:43 --> 03:31:56 So if you liked what you seen today, if you learned something today, give it a thumbs up. Even though you can't do it, I see them. It's still there. So that's
1292 03:31:56 --> 03:32:04 your little feedback. But I don't need to show it to everybody else. You can see everybody's you know, they usually thumb it up a lot, and then we'll be back at
1293 03:32:04 --> 03:32:16 it again tomorrow, I believe, make sure I say this right. Today's Tuesday, Wednesday. We might do a Wednesday afternoon session, because I have plans on
1294 03:32:17 --> 03:32:28 Thursday. So Thursday will be a definite early session. So we're definitely going to close shop Thursday at 1030 and that there's no chance of that going
1295 03:32:28 --> 03:32:36 longer, because I have a family member here that not only has enough time to spend with me in the afternoon, so I have to make sure I get done, get cleaned
1296 03:32:36 --> 03:32:38 up, have something to eat, and I can spend time with
1297 03:32:39 --> 03:32:41 them and before they they fly out, but
1298 03:32:43 --> 03:32:55 so yeah, we'll do Wednesday afternoon. I'll start the stream tomorrow at 1:30pm Eastern time. So I'll probably sit in tomorrow. Some of the people I like
1299 03:32:55 --> 03:33:03 watching live stream. I'll be watching them while I have breakfast or whatnot. And then I'll start my stream at 130 tomorrow, and then we'll go probably to go
1300 03:33:03 --> 03:33:11 probably till probably close. I'll aim for the close, unless it's something like I'm if I'm satisfied with tomorrow's discussion and we want to close earlier, or
1301 03:33:11 --> 03:33:19 if I want to close earlier, then I'll do that. But just expect 130 tomorrow to four o'clock. So we'll we'll worry about what price action is doing in the
1302 03:33:19 --> 03:33:26 afternoon tomorrow, and then we'll meet up then so 130 tomorrow, until I'll talk to you next time. Be safe. Bye.