ICT YT - 2024-08-22 - ICT 2024 Mentorship - Lecture 14

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-08-31 09:35

00:02:25 --> 00:02:40 ICT: There we are. It's about time. This thing works with me today. It was messing with me in here. Good morning. Good morning. I'm a bit of a proud uncle.
00:02:40 --> 00:02:58 ICT, we just sent our our niece off to college. She she's been living with us, and she's now officially a freshman. She's going to go live on campus, so kind
00:02:58 --> 00:03:10 of with a little bit of a delay, saying goodbye, my my wife and her mother and sister and on, the vehicles were all packed up to go take their stuff there. So
00:03:10 --> 00:03:20 that's kind of reason why I'm delayed. Little emotional, proud of her beautiful, young black woman, and I believe she's going to be such a success, and I can't
00:03:20 --> 00:03:32 wait to see it. So Olivia, when you listen to this later on, just know that I'm very, very proud of you. So today I want to ask some questions. I know some of
00:03:32 --> 00:03:41 you like to ask me questions, but I want to ask you some questions. But before we get into it, I want to give you delay the land here, that way we can have our
00:03:41 --> 00:04:00 levels in mind. So the yellow shaded area here that says the entire daily volume imbalance. Okay, so I'm going to go back out to a daily chart in a moment, but
00:04:00 --> 00:04:14 for now, if you notice, if you bear with me one second, I apologize. I know I'm not that professional when it comes to this live streaming stuff. Still
00:04:14 --> 00:04:26 learning, man, still learning. I just want to do an audio check real quick, because if I start talking and I don't hear myself, it's going to be these
10 00:04:26 --> 00:04:46 Democrat ads wasted. Well, there goes half an audience, right? Okay, I can hear myself, all right. So anyway, this level here the 20,001 that is the rejection
11 00:04:46 --> 00:04:57 block from the daily chart, which you'll see in a moment. This is the full daily volume imbalance. And some of you probably were on the assumption that you had
12 00:04:57 --> 00:05:07 yours filled in before mine. And. That's because you probably had settlement toggled on your daily chart. And I'll show you what that means in a moment. This
13 00:05:07 --> 00:05:17 is our new day opening gap for today. You see the reference points over here, and then I'll get into the business of all this stuff here, because that's going
14 00:05:17 --> 00:05:26 to be an answer to one or two of the questions that I'm going to propose to you, I'm going to leave you with some questions that you're going to have to answer
15 00:05:26 --> 00:05:33 on your own. It's going to be things that's going to be important for you, if you're going to be a student here, or if you're contemplating spending any more
16 00:05:33 --> 00:05:42 time watching any of my content, or ever coming to my live streams or whatnot. These are questions that I think that are going to be paramount for you. They're
17 00:05:42 --> 00:05:54 not necessarily important for me, because I'm convinced, I mean, it is what it is. It's in my hands. I'm I'm showing you, but for students that are here and
18 00:05:54 --> 00:06:03 you're trying to learn how to do this, or you're just sticking your toe in the water to see if there's any reason to do any further investigation whether or
19 00:06:03 --> 00:06:11 not this is something that's applicable for you. Does it really work? Is there really an algo I'm going to give you a lot of things today also cover, you know,
20 00:06:11 --> 00:06:27 live price action as we go. But we started this week off with the expectation of primarily focusing on the foundations to entries, okay? And it's one thing,
21 00:06:27 --> 00:06:36 knowing where the market's likely to go, then it's all together, something different than simply saying, this is where I think it's going to go. And then
22 00:06:36 --> 00:06:46 when it gets there, you feel the warm and fuzzies. It's like, wow, I really saw that coming, and it really delivered. And that's a necessary part of your
23 00:06:46 --> 00:06:59 development. That is not the same thing as knowing when to get into a trade. Now I have lots of ways to get into a trade, and you watch me do one yesterday that
24 00:06:59 --> 00:07:09 I'm going to try to do my best to explain what it was, but there's certain elements of manual intervention. And I will try my best to try to articulate
25 00:07:09 --> 00:07:20 what that was that I observed yesterday, and walk you through the trade why I did it, and I'll show you what I did in the afternoon as well. So before we can
26 00:07:20 --> 00:07:30 get to understanding where the market's going to go, we have to have a higher Time Frame lay of the land. Okay? What's it likely to do? And if you remember,
27 00:07:30 --> 00:07:42 when we first started this teaching circuit, the 2024, ICT mentorship on YouTubes for free, if anybody's selling you these videos, you're moron. You're
28 00:07:42 --> 00:07:55 paying for it when it's all for free. But I started it with showing you just intraday volatility, so that way you can read short term highs and lows relative
29 00:07:55 --> 00:08:07 equal highs and lows. Draws on liquidity, time of day studies and looking at the influence of what liquidity and inefficiencies in price will offer. So that way,
30 00:08:07 --> 00:08:23 it gives you an initial affinity for which one do you like more? Meaning that first question of the day, are you a student or students slash trader that's
31 00:08:23 --> 00:08:30 already been profitable using something else, and you try to just learn something here, or you're just a trader and you're just here, not really trying
32 00:08:30 --> 00:08:43 to learn, but you just want to compare notes. Are you a trader that is influenced by the inefficiencies in price? That means, like these single passes
33 00:08:43 --> 00:08:55 in price. That's a buy side of balance, outside efficiency, these one single little areas where we call it as a gap. Do you have an affinity for those where
34 00:08:55 --> 00:09:05 your eye just jumped to them and you either want to trade inside of them as an entry or target them as your your Terminus where you're reaching for or are you
35 00:09:05 --> 00:09:17 a individual that sees the high and you want to draw to that high to get to the buy side, just above it, or relative equal highs to get above those highs. Or do
36 00:09:17 --> 00:09:25 you look at lows that are relatively equal, or a singular low and try to use that as a basis for your expectation the market's going to drop down just to
37 00:09:26 --> 00:09:36 engage the liquidity below those lows, you're one of the other. I don't care what school thought you're using as a trade idea or methodology, you're doing
38 00:09:36 --> 00:09:46 one or the other. Okay? And if you're not doing that, then you're really just probably trading off of indicators, and indicators aren't necessarily going to
39 00:09:46 --> 00:09:57 deliver one of those, one of those conditions, so you're going to have to come to the conclusion that either you're going to engage price initially to get into
40 00:09:57 --> 00:10:10 a trade idea with a. Inefficiency or entering on liquidity. Liquidity is below old lows or a singular low, or above a singular high or above relative equal
41 00:10:10 --> 00:10:24 highs. That's it. Okay. Now you may be trading inside of a range in that smaller short term low or short term high is a catalyst for you to get into, you know,
42 00:10:24 --> 00:10:34 for instance, like institutional inflow entry, which I taught this week. So now we know there's a little bit more elements to it, and that way you can have a
43 00:10:34 --> 00:10:42 foundation to build on. You may start on one school of thought, thinking I want to enter on fair value gaps and target fair value gaps as my exiting strategy.
44 00:10:42 --> 00:10:55 And then all of a sudden, because you understand the principles of liquidity, time of day, when does the market spool? When is the market take off? Like,
45 00:10:55 --> 00:11:05 when's it reaching for something that is, in your opinion, or my opinion, that it's reasonable to take a partial profit to fund the trade, get get something
46 00:11:05 --> 00:11:13 out of it, remove risk, and that way you have a free look. Okay, then you're getting paid to see if it works beyond that point. And that's a real good
47 00:11:13 --> 00:11:22 feeling mentally. It's a a wonderful place to be in as a trader, where you've taken a partial you moved your stop to cover costs. There's absolutely nothing
48 00:11:22 --> 00:11:34 barring, you know, a traumatic experience that nobody can really foresee, upsetting that trade. So that way you have a free look and then paid to see the
49 00:11:34 --> 00:11:45 outcome, versus getting into a trade and not knowing what you're going to do, and only holding for the best case exit strategy, which, to me, is too myopic.
50 00:11:46 --> 00:11:55 There is no trader, and I'm considering myself up in the upper percentage of this, this bracket of people. I can see what price is likely to do. I can time
51 00:11:55 --> 00:12:04 the market. My students have done the same thing. It's transferable information. But I know that I'm not perfect. I'm capable of messing it up. Me, the human
52 00:12:04 --> 00:12:13 part of me, I'll mess it up. I'll either try to outperform my own concepts, or I'll I'll finesse it, try to do something fancy, and either miss the trade
53 00:12:13 --> 00:12:19 because I can't get my limit executed, or I have completely,
54 00:12:20 --> 00:12:31 completely omitted something in the chart that would have otherwise been more salient and obvious for me, but I'm trying to address a concern of a student, or
55 00:12:31 --> 00:12:40 I may sit down in front of charts and I'm angry about something like one of my puppies, she she had an accident in our brand new mattress. Just bought a brand
56 00:12:40 --> 00:12:49 new bed, brand new mattress, and my wife let her fall asleep in the bed, and scout made a mistake and she dribbled. It wasn't a lot, but I lost my mind over
57 00:12:49 --> 00:12:59 it. So now we gotta get another mattress, because I can't have that. But when I sit down in front of the charts, if my mind's occupied on something like that,
58 00:12:59 --> 00:13:09 and it's revving and revving and revving. I know I'm more prone to make a mistake. I'm more prone to exact revenge, exact my wrath, and I want to have
59 00:13:09 --> 00:13:21 Sonny's head on a stick, because something's either gone wrong in my house, something's gone wrong with something I plan for maybe my one of my kids didn't
60 00:13:21 --> 00:13:30 listen. They didn't do something. I'm a human being just like you, and you're going to have all these influences. So in those instances, the human aspect of
61 00:13:30 --> 00:13:41 ICT demand will mess it up. And because I'm not trading off of something entirely automated all the time, I have to make things discretionary. I got to
62 00:13:41 --> 00:13:51 go in and say, Okay, I want to trade this. But then I'll make a decision on how many contracts do I want to trade, and if I have anything external, stimulating
63 00:13:51 --> 00:14:01 the the end result, meaning, if I'm angry, I want to have some kind of a victory or something, I can't change the fact that, you know, one of my children may
64 00:14:01 --> 00:14:07 have done something that caused me to have to bail them out financially, because they've done something they can't afford. You know, they wreck something. Their
65 00:14:07 --> 00:14:16 car gets screwed up. They gotta, I gotta buy them another they need help sometimes, but if they don't do the things I ask them to do or avoid, the things
66 00:14:16 --> 00:14:26 I tell them to avoid, and they make that mistake, I get frustrated by it, so it's tapping that rejection buck. Let's go out to the daily chart real quick,
67 00:14:26 --> 00:14:30 and I'll walk you through this because we're a couple minutes away from the opening
68 00:14:40 --> 00:14:52 bill. Now, if you look at what we have here, this is my daily volume of balance. This is the one I was using. If you look in the lower right hand corner, you'll
69 00:14:52 --> 00:15:02 see s, e, t on trading view, okay. If you toggle that, see what it does. It changes the volume imbalance. Because many of you probably had your volume
70 00:15:02 --> 00:15:10 balance set to that. I shouldn't say many of you only had a few of them, but I had a couple people even comment saying, hey, mine was already filled in. I
71 00:15:10 --> 00:15:19 don't know what you're doing. You're making a mistake. I'm capable of making a mistake, but I'm not going to make that mistake while I'm trading and I'm
72 00:15:19 --> 00:15:28 looking at the levels I'm reaching for. And what I do is, this is the answer to question, do I toggle the settlement? Because this is basically allowing the
73 00:15:28 --> 00:15:39 trading view to use the settlement price as the close on your daily chart, candles or not, and to answer your question. And make it very simple, I'm
74 00:15:39 --> 00:15:50 looking for PB arrays, whether I'm using the settlement price toggled on or off. Now I'm showing you here. This is what you probably had on yours. That's not a
75 00:15:50 --> 00:16:01 problem. That's not a mistake. It just means that you didn't do this to see the wider volume imbalance that was there. I'm always going to afford myself the
76 00:16:01 --> 00:16:12 range that's a little bit beyond where the the initial one was. So if there's a fair value gap, one toggle of element used or not used, and it's broader and
77 00:16:12 --> 00:16:24 wider, I'm going to elect to use the wider one. I'm not trying to get the smaller one. I'm going to use the wider one. The same thing happens here. This
78 00:16:24 --> 00:16:33 is the one I'm using. That's what's on my chart. Okay, when we traded up to this candlestick right there, remember, this is what I said, what we went up to this
79 00:16:33 --> 00:16:47 part and we had that remaining portion left, then it traded through it. But volume imbalances are what inefficiencies and inefficiencies are gaps. Gaps are
80 00:16:47 --> 00:16:56 not one and done, filled and forgotten, tossed out with the you know, toss the baby out with the bathwater. It's already done. Now that gap is filled. We're
81 00:16:56 --> 00:17:05 not retail. We don't think like retail. We're not, you know, John Petty, code style mentorship. You know, we're not trying to do stupid ass backwards stuff,
82 00:17:05 --> 00:17:11 okay? We're not trying to think like street money. We're not trying to think that, you know, the algorithms change, because I'm going to rub somebody's nose
83 00:17:11 --> 00:17:25 in it today with that, the idea of toggling back and forth, I see this rejection block, okay? But the same thing, I want to see, where does that candle body go
84 00:17:25 --> 00:17:34 if I toggle off? And that's why that's my rejection block, because it's the it's the one that's further away, further away from where ICT, well, when it's down
85 00:17:34 --> 00:17:45 here and I'm reaching up for them, these are premium arrays, when price was below this volume imbalance, like that, and we're below it down here. That's a
86 00:17:45 --> 00:17:54 premium, right? We want to see a dig into that. Go back and listen to Tuesdays, August 13, 2024 live stream. Towards the end of the live stream, I walk you
87 00:17:54 --> 00:18:01 through the daily chart. Okay? I'm showing you all the levels. The rejection block was the next. Then we have consequent crochet of this wick. And then we
88 00:18:01 --> 00:18:07 have the high where the buy side is. And I said, ultimately, as long as nothing happens in the Middle East, we're probably going to trade up into this
89 00:18:07 --> 00:18:15 inefficiency here. And I'll have to see how we trade in there to determine whether or not I feel convicted enough to go into this, this high here. Just go
90 00:18:15 --> 00:18:23 back into there. Okay, I can't change it, not able to edit anything. But you can see that's where we reached into. Now we have continuously pressed in, and I
91 00:18:23 --> 00:18:35 told you that it's in, it's not likely to be sustained having this many days up without a down closed candle, so it's unsustainable. And that's why we had this
92 00:18:35 --> 00:18:45 singular down closed candle, which is good. You want to see that, and you want to see this price respect that it trades above it, yes. And today we open traded
93 00:18:45 --> 00:18:53 down into that candle and rally back up. Where's it? Reaching into the rejection block that you toggle here. Now this is the part that frustrates some
94 00:18:53 --> 00:19:05 individuals, because this is too many parts. This is too many moving parts. Well, listen, folks, you're expecting to be able to walk out of high school,
95 00:19:06 --> 00:19:14 quit University, say, I ain't going to college. I'm going School of ICT. He's got everything on internet, youtube channel, and it's for free, so I'm just
96 00:19:14 --> 00:19:23 going to study that, and I'm going to just be a smart money concept, straighter slash ICT, because it's the same thing. I'm tired. I'm tired. I'm tired of
97 00:19:23 --> 00:19:33 people talking like SMC is something apart from me. That is me. It's just you're replacing my name ICT with my concepts, which I dubbed Smart Money concepts.
98 00:19:33 --> 00:19:45 White golf is fucking not smart money concepts. Okay, it's not. That's a very, very good introduction to how price can move around, but it doesn't give you the
99 00:19:45 --> 00:19:53 details that I'm Daddy ICT is so Papa's in the house today. We're going to be cooking today, and I'm going to hurt some feelings today, but I want this to be
100 00:19:53 --> 00:20:04 the last conversation I have about this, because I'm tired of seeing ass hats and other people's comments in. My comments, sending me email saying you're
101 00:20:04 --> 00:20:15 renaming SMC motherfuckers. I created SMC. That's mine. It's fucking mine. Look at the banner on my YouTube channel. I'm the creator to this stuff. There's
102 00:20:15 --> 00:20:25 nobody else out there that had these things, these concepts, ever in any of their shit. Never find it. It's there. It's there. If it's there, you're going
103 00:20:25 --> 00:20:35 to get it $5 million I got a student. It's in my private mentorship. Don't be, don't be offended by this. But he, he sees some things in a Andrew's pitchfork
104 00:20:36 --> 00:20:46 and median lines. And he's, he thinks he's hit a vein of gold that's not even close to it. But hey, I'm not here to try to despair. So you might find
105 00:20:46 --> 00:20:54 something that gives him a model in that, but that that's not what you're seeing here. Okay, I promise you that is absolutely not. The algorithm has absolutely
106 00:20:54 --> 00:21:02 no respect of Andrew's Pitchfork or Andrew's media lines, and if you never looked at it, just start investigating it yourself too. That way, you have a
107 00:21:02 --> 00:21:12 whole I have 1,300,000 people now looking at Andrew's pitchforks and Andrew's median lines. Because if I have all of you looking, nobody will leave a stone
108 00:21:12 --> 00:21:20 unturned that way. We'll all know that that ain't it either. Okay, don't be offended. I'm not going to say your name. You know who you are. I have one of my
109 00:21:20 --> 00:21:29 user groups that the he's some of them, some of my other students kind of like beat him up a little bit. I haven't been aware of all that, but it's apparent
110 00:21:29 --> 00:21:36 that he's been slapped around. But I can see why he would have gotten a little bit of bruising, because he's insisting on that this is, this was pre ICT, so
111 00:21:36 --> 00:21:45 therefore that's the algorithm. But I'll invite all of you to that same thing. Look into it, okay, and you'll discover that that ain't either. But if it makes
112 00:21:45 --> 00:22:00 you feel good, do it? You ever see demon knight with, what was it? The Crypt Keeper? There's a scene in there where the main, I guess, the demon monster guy.
113 00:22:00 --> 00:22:08 I can't think of his name. His name's case, he's not, he's not really in movies anymore. I thought he did a great part there, but he's he goes, if it makes you
114 00:22:08 --> 00:22:16 feel good, do it. Well, in this regard, you're going to waste your time, if you're, if you're really trying to convince yourself that that's what it is.
115 00:22:16 --> 00:22:26 First of all, that doesn't give you anything except for it looks like it afterwards. Today we're going to talk about how it happens when it happens, and
116 00:22:26 --> 00:22:38 how you can stop watching people that make videos that say you should stop trading SMC because of this, or don't trade ICT, or don't watch ICT stuff, or
117 00:22:38 --> 00:22:48 don't waste your time with ICT stuff, because I don't know if you've been here since we started this mentorship, but I have been literally molten lava in
118 00:22:48 --> 00:22:57 motion. I've been scorching everything, burning everything, and today I'm going to be burning down a lot more, okay, and I'm going to piss people off. It's
119 00:22:57 --> 00:23:04 going to make them make more videos, which is great because it brings them all to my channel so they can see their ass is getting roasted. I'm not watching
120 00:23:04 --> 00:23:13 your stuff. I'm getting people sending me comments about this that nothing. Well, this guy, he made a video that we shouldn't watch Smart Money concepts, or
121 00:23:13 --> 00:23:22 they change the algorithm, and there's some smart money concept traps. Okay, we're going to cover all that stuff. I'm gonna ask you some questions, and I'm
122 00:23:22 --> 00:23:35 gonna give you some supported detail and examples, and you tell me who the fuck knows what's going on. Okay, I'm not making videos for drama sake and getting
123 00:23:35 --> 00:23:44 Look at this. I'm gonna start a fire so that way I can get some some attraction, some some traffic to my YouTube channel, because clips are what makes the money,
124 00:23:44 --> 00:23:57 right? If you need ICT in your videos, either in the title or mentioned in my name or my concepts or whatever, you're kind of a, I don't know what you want to
125 00:23:57 --> 00:24:09 call that. I don't know what that is. It's something that is not worthy of being watched. I'll tell you that, because every single time, every single time, and
126 00:24:09 --> 00:24:14 there's a guy out there that has this entire channel about me failing fucking miserably, still,
127 00:24:15 --> 00:24:25 none of that stuff brings anybody to, oh, yeah, that's right. It doesn't work. What happens is, is they want to see what I'm going to say in response, or how
128 00:24:25 --> 00:24:34 I'm going to reply to it, or what am I going to do after that? Oh, no. Oh, you really, you really exposed. ICT there. And then I come in here, and I'm doing
129 00:24:34 --> 00:24:40 this telling you exactly what's going to happen Tuesday. Where's the market going to go? The bias has been bullish. Where's it going to go? Each one of
130 00:24:40 --> 00:24:53 these individual levels, that's each one of them are micro targets in that price delivery continuum. Every little fluctuation that goes higher, you're aiming for
131 00:24:53 --> 00:25:03 the next PD array. But if it hasn't changed its underlying direction, if there hasn't been a reversal. I mean, has the Middle East turned into a sea of glass?
132 00:25:03 --> 00:25:12 No, there's sable rattling over there. There's some things being lobbed in the one country, and they're coming over and doing some other things. All that stuff
133 00:25:12 --> 00:25:22 is still going on, but it hasn't really boiled over yet. When it does, you'll know it'll be in the marketplace. You'll see it. It'll be huge, downcast, and we
134 00:25:22 --> 00:25:32 can't always predict that, so that makes me cautious when a move is long in the tooth like this. So we're getting ran trade into the midpoint of this week if we
135 00:25:32 --> 00:25:41 continue higher. So let me mark that, and then we'll drive back down lower time frames, and I'll continue with this carnival like atmosphere. Take this off this
136 00:25:41 --> 00:25:56 off, this off. We don't need that. We don't need that. That's that. And drop down to a one minute chart. So there is consequence encroachment on that premium
137 00:25:56 --> 00:26:05 wick. Okay, so if we trade to this above it and come back down to treat as support, because now we got we're the opening so now we're in the opening range.
138 00:26:05 --> 00:26:22 Opening range, not opening range gap. Opening range gap is this sessions to regular this is your opening range gap. Previous settlement day session.
139 00:26:29 --> 00:26:50 Here to the opening first print. Okay, so that's your opening range gap. If we toggle this back to electronic hours, there's your gap. That is the wicks,
140 00:26:50 --> 00:26:59 consequent crochet midpoint of the wick on the daily chart. It does not need to trade there, but we have a gap here. So this is the highest problem. I was
141 00:26:59 --> 00:27:09 saying this many times before, but this, this is the highest probable location when you have a gap. The first thing in my mind is, do we have the ability, the
142 00:27:09 --> 00:27:24 interest, the speed, for price, degree price, to half of the gap. This is where we closed that yesterday's settlement price using day session hours. That price
143 00:27:24 --> 00:27:38 here is the low of the opening range gap, the first print at 930 that's your opening tick on this candle right here. That is the high. They don't change.
144 00:27:38 --> 00:27:52 These levels do not move around. They're not dynamic. But the opening range, which is the first 30 minutes, that is a dynamic range. It can expand throughout
145 00:27:52 --> 00:28:03 the entirety of that 30 minute time, time frame, meaning, right now, the highest highs here. So it's this. We have this see
146 00:28:09 --> 00:28:20 how I can multitask. I can sling shit, talk trash, be a troll, and still come out here and teach you over live price action, that's amazing. How could you
147 00:28:20 --> 00:28:38 bubble gum too. I just don't have any on there right now. All right, and this is the lowest value right now. Okay, so this is why, like, I'm not trying to draw
148 00:28:39 --> 00:28:48 these levels on I'm just watching and referring to them. And every time we make a lower low, I'm watching where we go after that. And if we start turning around
149 00:28:48 --> 00:29:04 and retracing, I'll mark whatever that lowest low is inside of up to 10am so this is what you're doing every single day, you're monitoring and watching from
150 00:29:04 --> 00:29:15 where we open, what is the highest high and the lowest low that forms until 10 o'clock. So I believe your name is Louisa. Louisa, you have some numbers before
151 00:29:15 --> 00:29:22 your name. You're usually very complimentary in the comment section, but you asked the difference between opening range, gap and opening range, this is what
152 00:29:22 --> 00:29:30 you're doing. So hopefully has answered your question. If not ask again. I guess I don't know. I see you just about every single day, multiple times in the
153 00:29:32 --> 00:29:47 comments. So anyway, the opening range is we're watching. Do we have a fair value gap form so inefficiency, the very first fair value gap that forms after
154 00:29:47 --> 00:30:00 930 in this first 30 minutes interval is such a fucking powerhouse. It is such a wonderful secret weapon that I don't want none of you to tell anybody. About it.
155 00:30:00 --> 00:30:07 Okay? You keep it between us. If you tell anybody this stuff, they're going to change the algorithm. It's never going to work ever again.
156 00:30:12 --> 00:30:19 You like that shit? It's funny. I love it. I mean, I get people all the time saying, there they change the algorithm. Okay, there's a joker error on Twitter
157 00:30:19 --> 00:30:29 said they're they're going to change your algorithm. It's not going to work. No more this year. No, no, and no, okay, no. There are some out there that took my
158 00:30:29 --> 00:30:39 leaked content and made their own mentorship out of it and called order blocks a Wally fucking block. And other ones ripped them off, and then they said, No,
159 00:30:39 --> 00:30:47 it's an institutional candle. No, no, no. It's this, this, that and the other thing. So there's no honor among thieves. Everybody that stole from me has been
160 00:30:47 --> 00:30:54 stealing from each other, and they're all trying to put, you know, mentorships together, scratch some money together, instead of just simply trading the stuff
161 00:30:54 --> 00:31:05 that they'd supposedly understand. So what we're looking for is in that first 10 minute interval, which is the opening range. Okay, so let's say it like this.
162 00:31:05 --> 00:31:16 Can you tell I'm having fun? I didn't feel good yesterday. When I first woke up, I didn't sleep well, it's excited about the my niece going away to college, but
163 00:31:16 --> 00:31:24 then I'll start to think, what happens if she goes to a party and she she puts her dream because she's very beautiful, but she's a very, very pretty young
164 00:31:24 --> 00:31:36 lady. She's she's very attractive, and I can see if someone else in a college environment like that were to see her, and they were not a man of character,
165 00:31:37 --> 00:31:47 they could probably want to do something. And I told my wife, I said, you have to have a conversation with her without trying to scare that. You know, if she
166 00:31:47 --> 00:31:54 goes to a party whatever did not put her cup down. Don't put her drink down because pieces of shit that had every reason to have their balls cut off and fed
167 00:31:54 --> 00:32:03 their cock for doing things like that to women, it's a possibility, and I don't feel like going to prison trying to find somebody that does anything to her in
168 00:32:04 --> 00:32:20 college. So this is our opening range. So it's, it's a time period, okay? It's a time period that begins at 930 and it goes up to 10 o'clock. That is the real
169 00:32:20 --> 00:32:29 opening range? The algorithm refers to this. It does not look at talking 15 minute opening ranges. It doesn't look at the first five minutes. It doesn't
170 00:32:29 --> 00:32:38 look at the first 20 minutes, it looks at the first 30 minutes. Okay, that's what it does. So what your interest is, is you want to see what this dynamic
171 00:32:38 --> 00:32:47 range in in time is doing what's the highest high and the lowest low and the first fair value gap that forms in this first 30 minutes. You want to extend
172 00:32:47 --> 00:33:03 that throughout the entirety of the day, okay, all the way until 345 Eastern Time, New York local time. You'll be surprised how often amazing. I'm talking
173 00:33:03 --> 00:33:14 amazing trades will form off that first fair value gap in that 10 minute. I'm sorry that 930 to 10 o'clock interval, the opening range. I do not want you to
174 00:33:14 --> 00:33:21 take my word for it. Okay, I've taught this in private mentorship. I've taught this and mentioned it in Twitter spaces last year, I think if, if I'm not
175 00:33:21 --> 00:33:32 mistaken, last spring, I talked about how you can do this, okay? And because I have so many concepts, like I said, I got 81 of these things, 81 of them. And
176 00:33:32 --> 00:33:40 they're not all just inversions of one thing. They're individual things, and they themselves are invertible. Hear that word? I just calling it invertible.
177 00:33:41 --> 00:33:54 You might have a convertible baby, but ICT has got invertible. Okay, come on. Keep up. Keep up. So right now, this is the lowest low we want to see. Does it
178 00:33:54 --> 00:34:09 expand down through it? The first probable level is that midpoint of the gap, and that gap is the opening range gap. Opening range gap. We'll put that in the
179 00:34:09 --> 00:34:25 middle. Make it real small, like that, so it's not too obnoxious. My ego's not obnoxious enough. We don't need anymore, right? So you're always hunting, and
180 00:34:25 --> 00:34:38 I'm looking for it through not just a one minute chart, but I'm looking for it also in 15 second chart, a 32nd Yeah, 32nd 15 second chart, 45 second chart.
181 00:34:41 --> 00:34:56 Forgot to put this on. Do not disturb. So now try to get an answer, the the 15 second, the 32nd the 45 second chart. I'm watching that as well right now. As
182 00:34:56 --> 00:35:05 I'm watching this with you, I'm I'm just holding a laptop. I'm in. My morning room. I have to be where my my dogs can see me. Otherwise they will howl and
183 00:35:05 --> 00:35:13 scream and cry because my wife and the kids are not here. So usually I'm upstairs or I'm downstairs, and they tend to them so I'm not distracted.
184 00:35:13 --> 00:35:22 Sometimes you probably heard them in the background, but I'm only looking at this through the chart I have expanded right now. So I have no advantage. I have
185 00:35:22 --> 00:35:32 no 1213, monitors, you know, spread out an array of, you know, like Batman's Bat Cave, like I'm not, I don't have any that stuff. NASA is not being used today.
186 00:35:33 --> 00:35:44 I'm just simply looking at one screen, one time frame, and I'm outlining it that way. If you use a tablet, like a like an iPad or Samsung tablet, which is
187 00:35:44 --> 00:35:54 superior. That is what you'd accomplish here. You're just looking at one screen, and you just have to toggle through and go through your time frames that way.
188 00:35:55 --> 00:36:04 Generally, when I'm actively trying to take a trade, I'm looking at the five, I'm sorry, the 15, the five, the one minute. And then I have that, that matrix
189 00:36:04 --> 00:36:17 template that has all of the 54321, and then I have a 45 second chart, a 32nd chart and a 15 second chart. And I'm looking for the first fair value gap that
190 00:36:17 --> 00:36:27 forms in those time frames, if I have a bias. So right away, I want you to think I've said it before. It's not a panacea. It doesn't mean it's going to work
191 00:36:27 --> 00:36:35 every single time. But whenever you have a gap up, which is where we have what we have here, we have yesterday's settlement price. And you determine that by
192 00:36:35 --> 00:36:47 going into regular trading hours, that's that price right there. Okay? And you toggle that or not toggle, but you annotate it, and you annotate the first tick
193 00:36:47 --> 00:36:57 opening price that is your opening range gap. Now, when it gaps up like that, you want to find the midpoint of that, because many, many times you're going to
194 00:36:57 --> 00:37:11 see it trade to that level, it may afford you a setup. If there is a setup that yields a run from, say, maneuvering something up here off of a premium rate and
195 00:37:11 --> 00:37:21 starts to break down, and you get a fair value gap, say, on a 15 second chart or 32nd chart, or 45 second chart, or the one minute. And it affords you a range
196 00:37:21 --> 00:37:30 from wherever that gap is to the midpoint of the gap that could be your very first like training wheels. So what are you doing in the first 30 minutes? Well,
197 00:37:30 --> 00:37:37 if you don't know how to trade, you should be studying, observing what price is doing, because you don't know what you're looking for. So what can you do with
198 00:37:37 --> 00:37:47 that 30 minutes of time, while not knowing how to trade. You study it. You look for the very first inefficiency, the very first fair value gap that forms in
199 00:37:47 --> 00:38:00 that 30 minutes. That's the one that the algorithm is going to like. It's the it's like the center. It's like the centerpiece. Okay, it's the focal point for
200 00:38:00 --> 00:38:04 the daily range until we enter a trending day.
201 00:38:06 --> 00:38:17 That fair value gap can be used multiple times for multiple trades, both directions. And it's like one of the really, I can give it to you and have no
202 00:38:17 --> 00:38:26 fear of it. You know, failing, because it's simply going to be there all the time. They're not going to change anything. It's it's doing something else. But
203 00:38:26 --> 00:38:32 it's not necessary for you to know what that is right now or ever. Really, it's just like when you get in your car, you know, if you push the button, if it's a
204 00:38:32 --> 00:38:38 push button ignition, or if you put the key and you turn it, and you got gas and the batteries right, and the starter works, the chances are it's going to do
205 00:38:38 --> 00:38:45 what the motor's going to turn over, and then you're probably going to be able to drive it how far before you crash. That's their skill set. Okay, but here
206 00:38:45 --> 00:38:56 we're looking at a measurable thing that you can go back and back test see if there's any truth to it. Because don't anything I say, I don't want you to take
207 00:38:56 --> 00:39:09 my word for it. I want you to go into the charts and see play like a detective and say, Is this true? Because if it's true, I should have ample evidence to say
208 00:39:09 --> 00:39:17 that this man is telling me the truth, or he's full of shit, and I don't ever need to go back and watch his videos. Okay, I want you to be that critical of
209 00:39:17 --> 00:39:27 me, because if it's not obvious in the charts, I want you to say, I'm turning ICT off and I'm going to do something else, but I'm convinced, and I've done
210 00:39:27 --> 00:39:36 this, and this is how I've always taught I challenge everyone, and sometimes I start fivers and say, hey, look your shits garbage. And this is what, this is
211 00:39:36 --> 00:39:43 what really works. And I know that their audience will be offended by that, and they're going to want to say, well, let me see how, how much better my stuff is
212 00:39:43 --> 00:39:52 versus his stuff. And then they come and they're like, oh shit. And then they change jerseys and they're on Team ICT. When it's no team ICT, it's just them
213 00:39:53 --> 00:40:02 seeing what the truth is and why price moves, what it does. But the mid part of that gap, whether it's a up gap, you. Okay, so this is a premium gap. Why?
214 00:40:02 --> 00:40:11 Because we gapped higher than where we settled. So this is a premium opening range gap. If we gap lower than the previous day's settlement and we say we open
215 00:40:11 --> 00:40:23 down here, that is a discount opening range gap, okay, very simple. Same thing. As soon as you get the first ticket 930 you want to throw a fib on that just to
216 00:40:23 --> 00:40:31 get the midpoint. The midpoint has a seven. Listen to this bullshit. Okay, it's all fake. You're never gonna be able to find them in charts. Promise you. You're
217 00:40:31 --> 00:40:38 gonna waste your time if you back test this. I'm being facetious, but that's what everybody else is gonna tell you. All you have to do is go back in time and
218 00:40:38 --> 00:40:51 look at it. You'll see it's there. It's a 70% chance that that mid gap level is going to get hit. Now that doesn't mean that you're going to get a 70% chance of
219 00:40:51 --> 00:40:59 getting an entry that's profitable, that never got stopped out, that never had drawdown. It's just going to be a straight line run right to the mid part of
220 00:40:59 --> 00:41:13 that gap. It doesn't mean that. What I'm saying is 70% of the time from the opening price to 10 o'clock, that level gets hit 70% of time by in and of
221 00:41:13 --> 00:41:20 itself, that right there should have you rock fucking hard. That's Viagra for someone that understands pattern recognition. You need to have something that
222 00:41:20 --> 00:41:34 repeats, right? You need to have something that is okay. This is, this is usually not always, but it's usually likely to pan out if you can have something
223 00:41:34 --> 00:41:42 that offers and affords you the opportunity to have that much frequency. How many times does the market open up every, every week. At 930 how many? How many
224 00:41:42 --> 00:41:54 opportunities do you have with that five? Right? So you have five chances to go in every single day, if we gap higher or if we gap lower. You can do this drill,
225 00:41:54 --> 00:42:00 you can watch it, you can measure it, you can see it. And then what will happen is, in the beginning, you won't see a fair value gap, you won't see a setup. You
226 00:42:00 --> 00:42:08 won't see anything that is promoting you the opportunity to get into the trade. And some of you are just going to say, Well, I'm just going to get in here and
227 00:42:08 --> 00:42:15 sell short, because he said at seven, you didn't listen. You didn't listen. There has to be something else in the chart that's technically supporting the
228 00:42:15 --> 00:42:26 idea that it will drop down there and how to time it. What I'm saying is, is it 70% likely between 930 and 10 o'clock. If we have a gap higher or a premium gap,
229 00:42:26 --> 00:42:35 in this case, it means that we opened higher than where we settled yesterday. The 50% of that gap, 70% of time it's getting tagged, it's going to retreat and
230 00:42:35 --> 00:42:46 reprice back down to it. It can, but you don't need this initially, it can go all the way back down and fill in the gap. Another instance is when you have
231 00:42:46 --> 00:43:00 this measurement like this, and you know where you have the higher gap opening, and then we're in a premium gap. You want to measure where your quadrants are
232 00:43:01 --> 00:43:11 upper and lower. Many times, you'll see it go down and leave a smaller portion of the gap opening, which is really what I love seeing that because if say, for
233 00:43:11 --> 00:43:21 instance, say, say we're bullish, okay, say we're bullish, and we think price is going to go higher, what happens if it doesn't go down here and touch the
234 00:43:21 --> 00:43:33 midpoint of the gap. Does that mean that the market is undecided? Does it mean it's weak? Does it mean it's strong? Does it mean it's really, really bullish?
235 00:43:33 --> 00:43:43 Means it's really, really bullish, because if it can't come back here, because 70% of time probabilities and statistically, you can go back and look and see
236 00:43:43 --> 00:43:50 the data. And don't go back like, you know, two weeks ago, go back, make a make a real project of it, and then make a project of it. Going forward, start
237 00:43:50 --> 00:43:58 keeping records on this information I'm telling you. Really keep the data on it, and you're going to see, wow, there's something there. And then what'll happen
238 00:43:58 --> 00:44:10 is you'll see that the examples I've shown where I've entered in before 10 o'clock, it's using this logic. And then I'll have a runner that would hopefully
239 00:44:10 --> 00:44:16 probe any movement below the midpoint of the gap to see if I can get down to the lower quadrant. And then all of a sudden, you'll see that's where my other
240 00:44:16 --> 00:44:24 partial was taken. And if I get a gap closure, I'm going to be a little bit higher than the full back closure, because it can do what, in a perfect world
241 00:44:24 --> 00:44:35 you want to leave a small portion of it open, because every gap invite the opportunity that it doesn't completely close in or fill in. That's my that's my
242 00:44:35 --> 00:44:46 main focus so far, when I'm in teaching gaps in this 2024 is you don't want to see them completely fill in, because that's rocket fuel. It's literally like
243 00:44:46 --> 00:44:55 pouring gasoline on a fire that's already burning bright. Okay? You throw gasoline on it by not having a gap or inefficiency fully close in, you have
244 00:44:55 --> 00:45:05 supercharged an idea that you may not be able to see it flesh. Out early. Look at it right there. So it's like this. This guy's fucking got a rabbit's foot up
245 00:45:05 --> 00:45:18 his ass. I'm not that kinky now. So we had this one more time. So where we opened down here 70% of the time. Now, if you go around, you look around for
246 00:45:18 --> 00:45:27 everybody's, you know, dollar menu, dollar menu, mentorships. Okay, you're going to get a lot of regurgitated ICT stuff. They're going to try to change the names
247 00:45:27 --> 00:45:37 on things. Now, this is the old high of that volume of bounce. Watch that level as well. That's why it's there. Okay, now, again, for the folks that are asking,
248 00:45:37 --> 00:45:44 what's on your notepad? What do you have in notes that's not on your chart? Because I don't like to have all this stuff on my chart. This is way too busy
249 00:45:44 --> 00:45:56 for me. Okay, this almost looks like, you know, and come on, there we go. There's the top of the blame imbalance. It treated to, okay, so if you didn't
250 00:45:56 --> 00:46:04 want to take a partial at the halfway point of the gap, that could be hitting it right there. Boom. That's your partial because you want to see it get below the
251 00:46:04 --> 00:46:16 opening range, gap path, if that's your model. How many times? Okay, have you heard someone try to teach something? And they'll say, oh, yeah, you got about a
252 00:46:16 --> 00:46:25 70 some chance. Or you got 85% you got 90% chance. Or you see the scammers online, they'll say, ICT model, 100% win rate, guaranteed. Don't watch that.
253 00:46:25 --> 00:46:34 Okay? Guaranteed. Do not watch that. That's somebody just trying to use my logo and my name for clicks, and they're trying to get someone that's That's stupid,
254 00:46:34 --> 00:46:46 okay? Because nobody has 100% strike rate. I am not standing out here saying I'm 100% strike rate. Okay? I'm telling you that if you can find something that I
255 00:46:46 --> 00:46:56 can prove to you by inviting you to do a free walk forward test, that means now you know the details. You can now walk forward every single day at the opening
256 00:46:56 --> 00:47:06 bell. Did we open? Higher or lower? Where's the halfway that gap. Half of that gap is going to get hit before 10 o'clock, 70% of the time. And that means
257 00:47:06 --> 00:47:16 there's something there that could potentially do. What afford you a drill? Not trade? No, you wanted me to say trade, right? You're not ready for that. You
258 00:47:16 --> 00:47:22 don't. You haven't. Can you just seem to happen here again, like every time I come in here and try to show you something and try to show you something and
259 00:47:22 --> 00:47:28 tell you, this is what's going to happen. This is where it's likely to do it. And I'm saying it does it, but there's no algorithm. There's no algorithm. They
260 00:47:28 --> 00:47:41 change the algorithm. I heard on the street. I got it on good source. Listen, Lina here, I can't say this too loud. People don't hear it. Listen. Listen, they
261 00:47:41 --> 00:47:46 changed the algorithm. Don't tell nobody. We're all fucked.
262 00:47:51 --> 00:48:00 Come on, listen, Okay, listen, I understand the engagements and trying to get people to watch your bullshit. Everything's expensive right now, and nobody
263 00:48:00 --> 00:48:08 wants to buy mentorships because ICT is out here teaching this shit for free. I understand it's a fucking we're in recession, and ICT is recession for all the
264 00:48:08 --> 00:48:16 mentorship guys, I've caused it, and that's okay. I don't give a fuck. Okay, if you hate me because of that, you'll learn to love me. Okay, because I'm not
265 00:48:16 --> 00:48:25 going to stop unless I don't feel well, or my wife says we can't be here to get over live charts, but it's better for you to learn it from the source. Okay,
266 00:48:25 --> 00:48:38 because you're going to see individuals that either sell or have a service, that be a part of a community, some kind of discord, horseshit, some kind of
267 00:48:38 --> 00:48:50 Telegram, horseshit, some kind of, you know, Mickey Mouse bullshit operation, and they're trying to get you to go there and pay them. And my question is, why
268 00:48:50 --> 00:49:00 are they so hard pressed to get you to not watch my stuff? They you don't see them doing it anybody else. It's just my stuff. Because they know if you spend
269 00:49:00 --> 00:49:09 time with me, you're gonna see that they have renamed my stuff with their dumb shit. And they can't even do it if someone that's trying to sell you something,
270 00:49:09 --> 00:49:20 and they say, you know, I've proven it with 50% strike rate. And then they say, SMC is being attacked. It's being targeted. No, it's not. It's literally someone
271 00:49:20 --> 00:49:30 that doesn't know what the fuck they're doing and they're failing at because they don't know every aspect that the author who's talking to you knows. See,
272 00:49:30 --> 00:49:36 there's a big difference there. Big, big difference. And that's this is the time when the conversation is where it sounds like this guy's full of shit. He's a
273 00:49:36 --> 00:49:46 bragger, he's he's arrogant. No, I'm Daddy, okay, and I'm laying down the fucking smack, because I'm tired of getting the same regurgitated questions that
274 00:49:46 --> 00:49:56 these influencer boys that literally cannot do it. If you're selling something, you got a 50% strike rate. You don't fucking deserve anybody's fucking money.
275 00:49:56 --> 00:50:07 You deserve a swift kick in the fucking ass. Get on the road, man. If I stood out here and I told you, this is this is good, and it's gonna be right half the
276 00:50:07 --> 00:50:19 time, how the fuck is that an advantage? You have just the same probabilities, pulling an S, raising out, like, seriously, you have no advantage by going to
277 00:50:19 --> 00:50:30 that source if they're saying half the time they're right, and they can't make the argument saying that that smart money, my my stuff, okay, that it's being
278 00:50:30 --> 00:50:41 targeted. You saw what I did yet. Wait till you see what I did in the afternoon. You have no idea if you're saying that. You have no idea. You don't have enough
279 00:50:41 --> 00:50:50 data to make that, that claim. Okay, you haven't even made it into your 30s yet. Some of you haven't even made it to 26 yet. They're saying that. But yet, you
280 00:50:50 --> 00:51:01 know, you're a mental giant. You've been around the block enough times, and now you don't know shit. We're sitting at the top of the opening range here. Now
281 00:51:01 --> 00:51:13 what we'd like to do is, since we hit half of the gap, it's come down there, and then now we're at the top of the gap, do we have the wherewithal to trade above
282 00:51:13 --> 00:51:22 initial high of the day? And if we do, where can it go? That's what that midpoint of that premium gap on the daily chart is, or the wick of that, sorry,
283 00:51:22 --> 00:51:35 the halfway point of the gap that we outlined as that wick on the daily chart. That's what that level is. If we take out the opening range high again and
284 00:51:35 --> 00:51:46 close, if we close above it, anytime that we go below here, opens the stage to come all that down to a full gap closure. Otherwise, I'm not interested in going
285 00:51:46 --> 00:52:01 short. It would need to do that. So it has to go below here. So it's smart. I'm gonna just make it painfully obvious to you. Okay, the things I'm telling you
286 00:52:01 --> 00:52:12 over live price action. I'm using the lowest latency on the live stream. That means, as soon as I say it, it takes whatever amount of time it's going to take
287 00:52:12 --> 00:52:19 to travel through the servers at YouTube, cross the bandwidth of our internet, all the way around the world to where your computer's going to receive it, or
288 00:52:19 --> 00:52:27 your phone's going to receive it, and then you hear me talk about it. How can I come how can I call it back once I say something? How can I make it come back
289 00:52:27 --> 00:52:41 and you not see it? I can't. So because I'm over a one minute chart, I'm using a very, very low latency. I'm using the lowest settings on live streaming. I can't
290 00:52:41 --> 00:52:51 make it get to you any faster. I'm telling you before it happens when there's only three to four seconds delay, so there's absolutely no bullshit fluff in
291 00:52:51 --> 00:53:01 here. I'm telling you what's going to happen before it happens. What is important, what's not important. If we can discern where the market's likely to
292 00:53:01 --> 00:53:11 go, and we can time it, and we can also build some framework around if it's viable, if it's a good trade. We're going to talk about that next week. That's
293 00:53:11 --> 00:53:21 the main takeaways for next week's focus is, what are problem things in price action that is going to be important to see, but you're not going to match that
294 00:53:21 --> 00:53:30 soon. It won't be a fast like, Oh, I understand, because I watched that part of the the lectures. No, it just, it's going to familiarize yourself with the
295 00:53:30 --> 00:53:39 things that are problematic. So when I'm watching price action, when the market's clean, it's easy, like, up, down, all around, buy, tell, all day long.
296 00:53:40 --> 00:53:50 But when we are in a week like this week, which is what I opened up with on Monday, some of you probably forgot or didn't listen to me when I mentioned that
297 00:53:51 --> 00:54:01 we are in the week with Jackson Hole symposium. So Jackson Hole symposium, let me get this line off here, because this is now that Okay, so that's the opening
298 00:54:01 --> 00:54:15 range low, and then we are trading at 10 o'clock. One more 30 seconds will be at the end of the opening range. So then by that, you know you have the low and
299 00:54:15 --> 00:54:23 whatever the highest high is, that's your opening range for the day. And you want to do quadrants on that and extend that throughout that the entirety of the
300 00:54:23 --> 00:54:31 day. And if you have a macro overlap with that with time, chances are you have a trade, as long as you know what side liquid you're going to aim for. And I just
301 00:54:31 --> 00:54:40 gave you something that I've never taught that anywhere. Okay, so that's algorithmic. Don't take my word it'll be you'll be able to rewind it when you
302 00:54:40 --> 00:54:49 get the recording done. But right now, just pay attention. It's important for you to listen to it twice, because I promise you, if you watch these lectures
303 00:54:49 --> 00:54:57 and you just listen to them one time, you've missed something, and chances are you missed something really important, like I mentioned on Monday, I said
304 00:54:57 --> 00:55:06 Jackson Hole symposium day one was. Wednesday or No, day one is today, and Fridays day two, and then Saturdays day three. We don't give a shit about
305 00:55:06 --> 00:55:16 Saturday, because we're not trading on it, but the week that has Jackson Hole symposium, and the way you determine that is you simply look at the economic
306 00:55:16 --> 00:55:28 calendar, and it's usually one time a year, and the week that it occurs, that full calendar week, I don't know why it does this. Okay. This is something that
307 00:55:28 --> 00:55:40 I've observed over the years, and I kind of prepare myself for it. I mentioned on Monday that this particular week has a tendency to see price have overlapping
308 00:55:40 --> 00:55:51 price swings, which invites what for market profile. It invites the seek and destroy. It invites the likelihood of, if you don't have a partial taken,
309 00:55:51 --> 00:56:00 chances are you can be stopped out and have nothing to show for even with like a 7500 handle run, it can come all the way back against you and then run again in
310 00:56:00 --> 00:56:10 the same direction, or go back and forth and just chop back and forth. But Jackson Hole symposium week always, always, and you need to have this in your
311 00:56:10 --> 00:56:18 journal. And I still am seeing comments like I'm having a real hard time. It's been real messy this week. Can you talk about that I did before the week started
312 00:56:18 --> 00:56:26 trading, I told you that was going to happen. So what I do in my trading? And I kind of, I'll show you an example of it here in a little bit. When I walk
313 00:56:26 --> 00:56:32 through yesterday's tricks, I had a lot of people saying, can you tell me what you were doing there? Why was you trading at that time? It wasn't the aspect of
314 00:56:33 --> 00:56:43 the time of entry, it was what I was seeing that I'll articulate it when I get there. So we went above, and now right below this low we have initial sell side,
315 00:56:43 --> 00:56:55 and buy side is here. So there's inefficiency between the low or the open range, not open range gap. We're inside the opening range gap, which is that blue
316 00:56:55 --> 00:57:14 shaded area, we have sell side here, and inefficiency down to previous settlement. So this is, this is the part that's still open to inefficiency. So
317 00:57:14 --> 00:57:26 this part is the remaining portion that's lacking any buying and selling during the regular hours. It doesn't matter that we traded here in electronic training
318 00:57:26 --> 00:57:40 or pre session. It doesn't matter. Always give the opportunity for the day session, which is 930, to 415, to reprice into this area both sides, since
319 00:57:40 --> 00:57:49 there's no trading between the settlement price and this candle is low. There's no buying and selling booked at all, zero. Now I'm not saying there hasn't been,
320 00:57:49 --> 00:57:52 because clearly, if we go to electronic trading, you can see that we did,
321 00:57:56 --> 00:58:07 we did trade through it. See that. So it's it's lacking. What sell side? Now here's a big, big, big paradigm shift since we passed up through it. Here, it's
322 00:58:07 --> 00:58:22 lacking sell side. So what kind of price delivery, if it wants to go back to the settlement, the settlement price of yesterday, if it goes below this low, what
323 00:58:22 --> 00:58:31 type of price action would you like to see? What would what would be the type of price delivery that you would like to see if it were to go below this low,
324 00:58:31 --> 00:58:40 knowing that we we have absolutely traded to the upside through it, so we offered what buy side it's missing, what sell side. So if it can manage to go
325 00:58:40 --> 00:58:51 below that. Would you expect it to go below it a little bit and then shoot right back up real high? Or would you want to see it go below it and drift real slow
326 00:58:51 --> 00:59:01 and lethargic down to the previous settlement price? Or would you expect it to be boom, one or two candles and get down to the previous settlement price? I
327 00:59:01 --> 00:59:15 would expect it to be quick and sudden to fill the gap so it it provides a means of classification on how price should deliver, not debt. This is where it could
328 00:59:15 --> 00:59:24 go. Well, that's that's one part of it. That's one part of the equation. But then you have to have elements of time, not calendar or or clock time, but
329 00:59:24 --> 00:59:37 speed. How fast should a price run? How should a price run deliver? Should it be sudden, real quick, or should it be lethargic and choppy and back and forth,
330 00:59:37 --> 00:59:47 lots of retracements, or is it trying to get down there real quick. Now I would expect, if it were to show you below that low, to do it quickly and what else is
331 00:59:47 --> 00:59:59 inside that area that's today's New Day opening gap. So we have a new day opening gap towards the low of the opening range gap and the remaining portion
332 00:59:59 --> 01:00:11 here. So we have to watch this low. What happens if it does this? Say it trades down below and starts to come back up a little bit. What is it doing? Well, it
333 01:00:11 --> 01:00:23 could be taking this wick right here, finding the midpoint of it, hit that and then expand lower, quickly, a quickie. Quickie. Quicker, like sudden, like a
334 01:00:23 --> 01:00:36 sudden rush to get down there. Okay, so all of these things are very hard for me to articulate in chapters in a book, because there's so many instances where, if
335 01:00:36 --> 01:00:45 I said that and I tried it, I typed it out, I looked at I've asked, you know, my friends say, Look, when you read this, what do you get from that? He goes, I
336 01:00:45 --> 01:00:55 don't know what it means. I was like, okay, so I have to do certain things in the live, like, like these things here, like in video. Whether I was doing this
337 01:00:55 --> 01:01:07 mentorship or not, I was going to be putting videos out to help support the the trilogy of these books I'm getting ready to give the community here the but
338 01:01:07 --> 01:01:17 there's some things that have to be communicated by a live medium where you can see it. It's not something that's like stilted like, here's a static chart.
339 01:01:17 --> 01:01:29 Here's a static depiction of what this thing looks like after it's panned out. That to me, I had a hard time learning that way, and I had no problems buying
340 01:01:29 --> 01:01:41 new books all the time. It just didn't really communicate it well. So when we sit over price action, a lot of you may not like how I'm teaching, but this is
341 01:01:41 --> 01:01:48 going to make much more sense to you when you start doing your own back testing and you have the notes of me talking about what it is that's important, what
342 01:01:48 --> 01:02:00 characteristics price should show and what should it not show. By having that that like that foundation behind you, it supports, not just simply, the concept,
343 01:02:00 --> 01:02:08 but it supports the questions or concerns you'll have when you're watching it or trying to backtest that. You'll think to yourself, yeah, but what about and then
344 01:02:08 --> 01:02:18 you'll think, Oh, yeah. The note said that if it does this, this is what usually should happen. So if you have a question that comes to mind, and then you see
345 01:02:18 --> 01:02:27 that you've taken notes, and I've suggested to you that this is how it should book. This is how it should behave. These are things that you don't want to see
346 01:02:27 --> 01:02:34 happen, and these are the things that are supporting the idea. And as long as those things are there and they're supporting it, that means that you will grow
347 01:02:34 --> 01:02:44 confident that you have at least gone into that exercise, that drill, that back testing with the right mindset, and you're not trying to just go in and rush to
348 01:02:44 --> 01:02:51 get the trading, because rushing to get to trading, whether it's with a funded account challenge or with a funded account you got lucky to get there, or if
349 01:02:51 --> 01:03:02 it's real money, you're not trading with the insight and understanding that you should have if you do it correctly, and you can Do it correctly and not take a
350 01:03:02 --> 01:03:11 lot of time, but you're always going to do farther in terms of the learning curve needing to be longer for you if you rush, it's an oxymoron. Really. You
351 01:03:11 --> 01:03:20 think you're saving yourself the the time, but you're only increasing there it is again, one one more time. How many times? Man,
352 01:03:20 --> 01:03:25 Unknown: how many times you going to keep getting away with it? Damn it. ICT.
353 01:03:28 --> 01:03:36 ICT: Oh, I love it. Yes, smoking yet, they changed the algorithm. You hear that they changed the algorithm and Smart Money traps, that's the thing. Now, that's
354 01:03:36 --> 01:03:50 the that's the buzzwords, Smart Money traps. Get the fuck out of here. You fucking love me. You know you love me. You say you hate me online, you leave
355 01:03:50 --> 01:04:06 shit in the comment section other people, but you love me. You love me. I know you do. So anyway, we have moved to the midpoint or consequent encroachment of
356 01:04:06 --> 01:04:20 that daily volume imbalance. That's that shaded area here. Okay, so I want you to think about how you have been given and I'm not done yet. I'm not done yet.
357 01:04:20 --> 01:04:29 Okay, because we got a review yesterday, and show you what, what you didn't understand. Show you some further proof that takes change the algorithm and
358 01:04:29 --> 01:04:38 they're targeting my concepts. They're not fucking targeting shit you all that don't know how to use them properly. You're falling victim to ignorance. Is what
359 01:04:38 --> 01:04:49 that is. It's no different than if you looked at a down closed candle and call that a demand zone, and you think that every down closed candle is a demand
360 01:04:49 --> 01:04:58 zone, and that's why people foolishly look at my stuff and they see, oh, it's a supply and demand. No, it ain't. Oh no, it's not. I got this. Go through the
361 01:04:58 --> 01:05:09 lodging study it you. It, and it's not anything like it. You're looking at something because you want to be real quick so you can go out and talk talk. But
362 01:05:09 --> 01:05:17 you can't walk the walk. If you're coming out there with 50% strike rate and then coming away with, oh, well, it used to be. You can make lots of money
363 01:05:17 --> 01:05:31 trading with 200 R trades. They never took a 200 R trade. That was the biggest bunch of bullshit. 200 R, 150 r1, 100 R, 80 R, 50 R, everybody. What the fuck
364 01:05:31 --> 01:05:38 anybody with rudimentary math skills would know that if you're able to do that, here's here's the math ready in six and a half months, you're a fucking
365 01:05:38 --> 01:05:47 billionaire, a billionaire, but you're selling fucking Mickey Mouse mentorships. Get the fuck out of here. But they're, they're they're jumping on the bandwagon
366 01:05:47 --> 01:05:55 because there's a lot of people out there impatient. They think it's easy. They think the person that's gonna sell these things to them is gonna make it easy
367 01:05:55 --> 01:06:04 and fast, and all they gotta do is watch their bullshit, read their PDF, and they themselves, have never done that shit. They're trying to sell. They've
368 01:06:04 --> 01:06:11 never made a 200 hour fucking trade. They've never done that. They've never outlined it and fucking executed it where you fucking saw it. It didn't happen.
369 01:06:12 --> 01:06:25 It did not fucking happen. But I'm out here telling you every micro fluctuation, every micro fluctuation, why it should, and giving you the data points that way
370 01:06:25 --> 01:06:35 you can go forward, watch it going forward, and there's gonna be opening bell tomorrow, next week. You got five more chances to do it again. You'll know right
371 01:06:35 --> 01:06:45 away. If what I said just today holds water, it doesn't think, who are you going to believe? I'm not here to try to defend myself today. I don't need to defend
372 01:06:45 --> 01:06:55 myself. All I could do is look at what I'm doing. Look what I already taught. Look at my students. Look at who they're attacking. That's all you have to do is
373 01:06:55 --> 01:07:03 see who's attacking. If ICT is in the title, or if my logo's in their thumbnail, chances are, either they're a student and then and they're going through the
374 01:07:03 --> 01:07:10 process of learning how to do it themselves, or they're going to sell you something, they're going to sell you something, it's going to be an affiliate
375 01:07:10 --> 01:07:19 link. Use my affiliate link so I can make some fucking money because I'm broke as shit, and I can't fucking make money trading, hello, and then you have their
376 01:07:19 --> 01:07:33 own mentorships. Really. I don't know about you, okay, I understand the value of $1 even though I don't really care too much about price tags. I have a value on
377 01:07:33 --> 01:07:45 money. I it holds a special interest to me. I don't love it, but I have an affinity for it. I sure as fuck am not gonna go and sign up to somebody's
378 01:07:45 --> 01:07:53 mentorship where they talk like me. How do you know that they've gone through my mentorship, whether it was leaked or they paid for it? How do you know they're
379 01:07:53 --> 01:08:00 gonna say this, this right here is mitigated, mitigated, mitigated, mitigated. What the fuck mitigated? None of you even know what the fuck you're talking
380 01:08:00 --> 01:08:10 about when you're talking about mitigation. But every single Tom Dick and Harry mentor out there uses that word so much and they don't even know what the fuck
381 01:08:10 --> 01:08:17 they're saying. They have no idea what they're saying. They think when, when the market returns back to an order block, it's mitigating. That's not fucking
382 01:08:17 --> 01:08:28 mitigation. That's not mitigation. What the fuck it's redelivery, okay, so that is what you're supposed to be saying. If you knew what the fuck you're doing,
383 01:08:28 --> 01:08:40 you wouldn't be calling it they're mitigating. This order block every fucking Tom Dick and Harry mentor says it wrong. You are all fucking wrong. All of you
384 01:08:40 --> 01:08:55 are fucking wrong. You got it now. So if they're going to go through the the pantomime of pretending they know how to do it themselves, Well, don't I? I'm
385 01:08:55 --> 01:09:03 going to teach you better, I'm going to teach you faster, I'm going to shorten it, I'm going to simplify it for you. And they're using my vocabulary
386 01:09:03 --> 01:09:13 incorrectly. That right there disqualifies them, because they have no idea what the fuck you're doing, no idea. Then add to it. The author is sitting here every
387 01:09:13 --> 01:09:26 single day explaining it the right way, because Caleb is the receipt, recipient of it. Now we trade up to the bottom of the open range gap as the open range gap
388 01:09:26 --> 01:09:38 below. Take that off there. We don't need that. So let me take a pause for a second. We're probably going to go to like 1045 today. Okay, so just give me a
389 01:09:38 --> 01:09:45 little bit extra time. I know you're probably not complaining, but we were supposed to be done by 1030 but I'm going to need a little bit of time to get
390 01:09:45 --> 01:09:54 into yesterday's discussion, but I want to cover what I did here and teaching and guiding you what to expect and how to use the opening range, opening range
391 01:09:55 --> 01:10:09 gap, if you remember, I gave you the lay of the land for the daily chart. It without me saying anything. What do you see in price action, what was offered as
392 01:10:09 --> 01:10:27 a premium array? Where did price repel from and move lower, and where did it go? I ICT, you're scared. You're afraid to take a trade. You always do executions.
393 01:10:27 --> 01:10:36 You always do executions and recorded videos. And it's always the Indians. They're all from India. All of you guys must have, like, a big powwow together,
394 01:10:36 --> 01:10:45 okay? And like, let's all go on ICTs comment section and say this about him, because then he'll probably start doing and we can copy him. I'm not going to do
395 01:10:45 --> 01:10:51 that for you. You're going to see me do executions in this mentorship, but I'm not going to do as a steady diet. I don't need to do that. Okay?
396 01:10:56 --> 01:11:07 That level, right there, the 20,001 level. Do you remember what that was, that's the rejection block. Okay? If you go through the core content lessons in the
397 01:11:07 --> 01:11:23 2016 2017 mentorship, okay, I started that paid mentorship, technically August of 2016 and I believe I introduced the rejection block in the 2016 portion of
398 01:11:23 --> 01:11:33 the lectures. But I don't recall exactly what lesson it was, but I believe, I think it's month month four. So you can look at month four, 2016 mentorship.
399 01:11:34 --> 01:11:43 It's on a core content playlist on the YouTube channel for free. Go to the lesson. It's talking about rejection block. Okay, and I have this little line
400 01:11:43 --> 01:11:54 here. I explained to you why it was there. And also you understand that a rejection block can be used as a reversal pattern. That means, if we have a high
401 01:11:54 --> 01:12:06 here, and we're expecting prices to do what, gravitate where, well, we have an opening range gap. So if it can trade to fill the gap, we're making attempt to
402 01:12:06 --> 01:12:20 do so, and we're up here, where should the price draw to down? Okay, wonderful. Where can it turn to start going down? Well, you have to know your PD arrays
403 01:12:21 --> 01:12:30 initial high. That's the opening range high. If it goes above that and spikes through it, which it could have done before it even did all this over here, it
404 01:12:30 --> 01:12:39 could have went up there and hit that wick of the high on the daily chart. Go back and look at how I walked you through the daily chart. It never changed
405 01:12:39 --> 01:12:49 there. So because it failed to get there on this initial run, here's the opening bell. Runs up next candle slightly higher and starts going back down. Where is
406 01:12:49 --> 01:13:00 it going back below the rejection block, right there on the daily chart. That's the highest up close in that price swing on the daily chart, we fail to get to
407 01:13:00 --> 01:13:14 consequent encroachment of that wick. Is that bullish or bearish? When we have an opening gap, that's a premium. In other words, we had all this. My mature
408 01:13:14 --> 01:13:21 students have been with me a lot more time. Their gears are turning right now. They're like, what the hell this is amazing. I know it gets better, but this
409 01:13:21 --> 01:13:30 opening and rally up and then going right back down below the low and below that rejection block, we couldn't get to the consequent encroachment of that wick.
410 01:13:30 --> 01:13:42 Well, that, that's Intel that's that's giving you what I can't even reach up here for your ICT. So start looking lower. Okay. Well, let's wait for the market
411 01:13:42 --> 01:13:56 to do what give us the mid gap. It does that. There goes the whole 70% of the time. It was one more time, giving you the proof of it in this leg here, and it
412 01:13:56 --> 01:14:07 starts to rally back up. It goes right above the rejection block. Go back and look at the lecture lessons. Listen to what I'm teaching there. This, this right
413 01:14:07 --> 01:14:20 here, that is a turtle soup. But you don't find that shit on Twitter. Do you Romeo? Oh, Romeo, tell me some bullshit. Tell me, of course, come on, Turtle
414 01:14:20 --> 01:14:34 suit me. Come on, Romeo, you've been waiting for your fucking name. It's coming up today. My the ass is on fire. Burn your ass so rejection block it goes above
415 01:14:34 --> 01:14:51 it just enough to reject sends it lower, but there's no algorithm now for a sell side right below the initial low. That low also is just a little bounce off of
416 01:14:51 --> 01:15:00 the old volume, and bounce this ain't supporting resistance, and it ain't supplying demand. An Elliott Wave ain't catching this wave. He's. Still on the
417 01:15:00 --> 01:15:13 beach waiting. This is not harmonic. It's not like off, it's good old ICT. So the sell side below here is going to draw to that that right there from
418 01:15:13 --> 01:15:26 rejection block to sell side. That may be your trade setup, that might be your cup of tea. That may be your magic bullet. I didn't say silver bullet. I said
419 01:15:26 --> 01:15:41 Magic Bullet because they can, they can, they can form any time, throughout the day, all day long. If you go through all this price action, okay, go through it.
420 01:15:41 --> 01:15:54 What do you see? What do you see? What do you see? What do you see? What do you see? Oh, what is this? Oh, look at that. That right there. That is the very
421 01:15:54 --> 01:16:12 first fair value guy. Let's walk you through it now. Now for some of you jokers that are here just for talking points to go in your circle, jerks on Discord or
422 01:16:12 --> 01:16:22 telegram or wherever you hang out in Facebook groups, yeah, remember that time and I see said this, I was watching, I forgot whose live stream it was, but I
423 01:16:22 --> 01:16:32 always watching the I usually mute Patrick wheeling because he's really not saying anything important. I'm watching his chat and one of his jokers, and
424 01:16:32 --> 01:16:40 they're saying, Yeah, fun fact, ICT was bullish at the high. Actually, no, I wasn't. I was calling every individual level, and then when it turned you would
425 01:16:40 --> 01:16:51 have had multiple partials anyway, and then I was already calling the lower one. So forget about all that. But folks will say he's pointing at a fair value gap,
426 01:16:51 --> 01:17:00 and because price may go up to it or trade down to it, they think there's going to be an immediate response, because they don't understand there's an inversion
427 01:17:00 --> 01:17:11 aspect to a fee, a fair value gap. If we look at this, and some of you that are signing on to it right now, you're like, Oh, this guy's talking hindsight,
428 01:17:11 --> 01:17:22 again, you weren't here when we're walking through it. I said the very first fair value gap that forms between 930 and 10 during the opening range, because
429 01:17:22 --> 01:17:34 there is no 15 minute opening range. Okay, I don't care that you pay $200 for a course that is absolute horseshit. This is your very first scare bag gap that
430 01:17:34 --> 01:17:47 actually runs up into a rejection block with an opening range that has not completely closed in. We did get the halfway of the gap delivered, offering what
431 01:17:47 --> 01:17:59 opportunity to see if it can retrace and go lower, if we go above, if we go above, is there? If and then statements, okay, computer programmers, if you ever
432 01:17:59 --> 01:18:10 study computer programming makes perfect sense. It provides you logic where you have a recipe that's an algorithm, algorithmic thought processes. If this, then
433 01:18:10 --> 01:18:22 that, if this, then that, or or else, they're all programming statements. Okay, and when we were trading here. So, okay, we're at the top of the opening range
434 01:18:22 --> 01:18:37 gap. Once it trades above, it forces, if we trade below here, it will be a full, full gap closure. So you're watching price here. Think now watch the lot. Go
435 01:18:37 --> 01:18:45 back and listen to it when you can watch the recording, rewind it and play this part over and over and over again. First fair value gap form. There is no other
436 01:18:45 --> 01:18:58 fair value gap in here. There is no fair value gap in here. That one is it. Now, if that's your fair value gap, and we went back below the opening range gap
437 01:18:58 --> 01:19:10 high, soon as we do that, that is indicative of what seeking that where the sell side is, and if it's going to go there, it's going to be a full gap closure. If
438 01:19:10 --> 01:19:21 I was short, I would take partials just above the full gap closure. Why? Because sometimes the gap won't fully close, and then you can see it run and take out
439 01:19:21 --> 01:19:30 the relative equal highs. There's logic there, there's rules there, there's guidance. Kimmel, okay, there's guidance here. There's rules, there's step by
440 01:19:30 --> 01:19:41 step processes, there's if then else or statements. All these things have to be there, just because I'm calling out a fair value gap on Twitter spaces and price
441 01:19:41 --> 01:19:54 does this? Oh, it failed because they're an idiot. If it goes back into the range, it's going to go here. If it's going to go here, it's going to be a gap
442 01:19:54 --> 01:20:06 closure event. So how will we use that fair value gap, if that narrative. And logic is in play. Wait for to trade down below it, then trade back up into it.
443 01:20:07 --> 01:20:15 Then what was I walking you through? How would you want to see price deliver if it takes out that low? Was I talking about that fucking high going up higher?
444 01:20:15 --> 01:20:31 No, no. How do you want to see price trade below that low. Remember, I told you I was gonna be asking you questions. I want you to determine today, today, is
445 01:20:31 --> 01:20:45 there an algorithm or is there not an algorithm? Am I pulling shit out of my ass that's has no point in matching it up with price action before it happens. Is
446 01:20:45 --> 01:20:50 there logic that's repeating? Are these statements in these PD arrays
447 01:20:51 --> 01:20:59 holding water? Is there, is it validity behind it? Or is it just, I don't know what I'm I don't know what I'm doing. I'm looking for it to go higher, but it's
448 01:20:59 --> 01:21:07 dropping lower, where I'm looking for it to go lower and it's going higher. Am I? Are you really seeing that? Because I don't believe that's the case. I gave
449 01:21:07 --> 01:21:22 you this low when we were in here. Do we want to see it trade slowly? Do we want to see it go below that low and retrace go higher? Or do we want to see it trade
450 01:21:22 --> 01:21:35 below it and then accelerate down, move quickly, and a few candles going down. And I said, if it goes below that low, the style and the characteristic of that
451 01:21:35 --> 01:21:44 delivery should be sudden. It should be quick. I don't know. Does that look like it's sudden and quick on your chart now, look at my chart. Look at your chart.
452 01:21:44 --> 01:21:51 Even the lay people should be looking at that now, and you should be able to see it right about now are about to be forming. Caleb's probably watching that form
453 01:21:51 --> 01:22:00 now, or just film it had just formed. But all of you that have been watching the stream, you had the benefit of watching Real Time with four second delay. What
454 01:22:00 --> 01:22:12 price was doing. Did you hear me waffle? Did you hear me when they was dropping down? And did you hear me even get excited or hit a climax? Fuck? Now my toes
455 01:22:12 --> 01:22:21 didn't even curl up. This is old shit to me. It's old, but some of you are all you're moist and wet now, because you see this stuff working every single day in
456 01:22:21 --> 01:22:31 my hands in front of you, but you're not going to get to this level fast, and no one's going to get you there fast. Okay, no one they can't do this, because if
457 01:22:31 --> 01:22:42 they could, they would do this. They want to help you. They will come out on YouTube and give their logic and their insights away for free, but they're
458 01:22:42 --> 01:22:48 selling you a mentorship, they're selling you a seat in a discord. They're selling you something so they can pay their fucking bills. Because they cannot
459 01:22:48 --> 01:23:01 do this shit in the real market. They can't do it if the logic doesn't hold up with me walking you through it one candlestick at a time. Not Albrook style, ICT
460 01:23:01 --> 01:23:14 style, okay, I got nothing against that old guy, but this is not his shit. It's not his. And you can keep lining up everybody else keep doing it, because
461 01:23:14 --> 01:23:21 eventually it causes a buzz. And the people that watch these individuals, they come in and start watching my stuff and like, wow, this is some shit. He's a
462 01:23:21 --> 01:23:29 little bit of a callous person. I don't like his language. Sometimes he's a little bit arrogant, but wow, this shit really works good. That's really what
463 01:23:29 --> 01:23:42 the point is. I'm not here for friends, but you're seeing elements that prove to you they are not changing any fucking algorithm. There is no Smart Money traps.
464 01:23:42 --> 01:23:52 I literally walked you through it. I walked you through this this morning. Where's the first fair value gap there? Well, what do you do with the ICT? Oh,
465 01:23:52 --> 01:23:59 if it's above it, it's coming down. I'm gonna buy it. Well, and you don't know what you're talking about. And that's I've seen that. I've seen other live
466 01:23:59 --> 01:24:07 streamers that are supporting the things that I do, and they're trying to implement the stuff, but you don't know the logic. I was in a young man's
467 01:24:07 --> 01:24:16 livestream the other day. I subscribed just long enough to be able to comment. He put a trade on it. Had no logic behind it. It was little too premature. And I
468 01:24:16 --> 01:24:27 asked this, why there? And he went through the explanation. I told him. I said, you annotate your breaker. He annotated the wrong one. And I didn't want to say
469 01:24:27 --> 01:24:37 anything, because it would have been rude. But I went back in and I did a trade after leaving his stream using the breaker that he should have been using. And
470 01:24:37 --> 01:24:50 it was just like but the trade I did yesterday. I mentioned this many times in Twitter spaces, and I mentioned it at nauseum throughout mentorship, when people
471 01:24:50 --> 01:24:59 were paying me to learn all this stuff here, these are not new PD arrays. They're the same PD arrays that I released and taught in month four of the 2006
472 01:25:00 --> 01:25:11 16 mentorship, 2016 2017 is all one mentorship. It was a 12 month mentorship, and I started it in September. I technically started teaching in August. Then in
473 01:25:12 --> 01:25:21 September, it became structured. So I did that was considered like month one content in 2016 and then month two was October, 2016 it was eight lessons, and
474 01:25:21 --> 01:25:27 then every single day I was live streaming, and I was doing these types of things, and because individuals were hoping it was going to be me calling
475 01:25:27 --> 01:25:35 trades, getting a stop place for them. Here's my targets, and they wouldn't I made them sign an agreement digitally through Adobe sign, knowing that it wasn't
476 01:25:35 --> 01:25:43 a signal service, that we would be using a paper trading account as the medium, so that way, it's not investment advice. I was protected, and I made them sign
477 01:25:43 --> 01:25:49 over indemnity. That means that there was nothing they could do to sue me, because everything they were doing was simply just me giving an opinion about
478 01:25:49 --> 01:25:57 price action. It's not investment advice. They signed that, and they couldn't be a part of it unless they did that and they reaffirmed every single month they
479 01:25:57 --> 01:26:04 made a payment to me, they set it in a note, and if they didn't send that note with their payment, I refunded their payments until they sent it, or they just
480 01:26:04 --> 01:26:20 didn't continue. So every student that stayed with me has never came forward and said, ICT could not call these markets accurately. It's the opposite, and that
481 01:26:20 --> 01:26:28 many of them still couldn't accept the fact that what I was giving them was the foundation of how they are going to learn how to do this. I can talk to you. I
482 01:26:28 --> 01:26:36 could sit out here and do trades, but that's not teaching you how to do it. You won't. You won't take every trade that I traded in front of you anyway, because
483 01:26:36 --> 01:26:43 some of you want to see it fail seven you say, Look at this guy. I'm glad I didn't take his trade. I'm glad I didn't do I faded him. You know, you'll hear
484 01:26:43 --> 01:26:55 that shit. Oh, I took the opposite trade. You will show us record that you faded me. Record that show us why you were thinking that Mr. Goldbach, this bullshit
485 01:26:55 --> 01:27:05 gold box stuff. I want to see the people live stream with it. Don't make a pre recorded video and say, Well, this is, you know, I went against ICT. That's kind
486 01:27:05 --> 01:27:13 of like low brow trolling. Be a high brow troller. Okay, top tier trolling would be. I'm going to go out here and live stream, and I'm going to say what I think
487 01:27:13 --> 01:27:21 is going to happen with the logic. That's not my stuff, some other stuff. It could be something else. I'd love to watch it. I can take a good ribbing. I have
488 01:27:21 --> 01:27:27 a I have a sense of humor, whether you realize it or not, I really do have a sense of humor. I don't have thin skin. I can take a good ribbing, because
489 01:27:27 --> 01:27:34 nothing anybody else is going to say about me is going to change what I already know, what I've already proven and I placed it in other people's hands, and
490 01:27:34 --> 01:27:45 you're learning how to do it. You're learning how to do it. And here's the city high so we traveled all the way down to the lower quadrant with the bodies of
491 01:27:45 --> 01:27:56 that old should have been thrown away, if you listen to everybody else, volume and balance, let's go back out just for a moment. Yeah, I'm probably going to
492 01:27:56 --> 01:28:06 need till 11 o'clock today. The honestly, I don't know how long we're gonna go today, but I have to get it off my chest today. I knew it. I love it. Let's keep
493 01:28:06 --> 01:28:12 trolling him. He makes longer videos and teaches more. You're going you're falling into my trap. That's not, that's not your trap. That's my trap. I'm
494 01:28:12 --> 01:28:24 looking for any excuse to get out here and talk for a long, long time. All right, so if we toggle this back, you can see that's the volume imbalance. And
495 01:28:24 --> 01:28:35 if we anchor a fib to that, you always want to do this on the timeframe that imbalances are forming. So then we have one with our quadrants, and I'm going to
496 01:28:35 --> 01:28:43 take that extension stuff off, because I think that was me measuring that wicked. Yeah, that's okay, so we'll take that off there. We don't need that now
497 01:28:44 --> 01:28:55 the midpoint or consequent approachment and the lower quadrant and upper quadrant is now toggled. This candles low right here, the down closed one with
498 01:28:55 --> 01:29:08 the long discount wick that right there, that low is the high of this city? All this one single candle to that. So in other words, you would see it like this,
499 01:29:08 --> 01:29:19 labeled, if I was showing to you with a naked chart, nothing else annotated. It would be me highlighting that this area here, and it would look like this, okay?
500 01:29:19 --> 01:29:28 And I would just extend it over so we're seeing that the high of that. So since price is above it, and we're coming back down, that old array is what kind of
501 01:29:28 --> 01:29:38 array it's discount, price is going to draw to it. It can draw to it. It control. Draw down to it, go through it, come back up and treat it as, what a
502 01:29:38 --> 01:29:49 premium array. That's how you work through the pdra matrix that I teach in month four content on this YouTube channel in paid mentorship level teachings that
503 01:29:49 --> 01:29:57 I've given to you for free. And there's jokers out there selling them, and you're stupid when you pay for them, because I've gifted it to the community.
504 01:29:57 --> 01:30:08 It's for free, right on this YouTube channel, you. I got folks that are asking me, which mentorship should I do, and is one mentorship better than the other?
505 01:30:08 --> 01:30:17 You're going to have to go through all of them to get the full panoramic view. But any, any starting point, anywhere you start, just get started. But if I'm
506 01:30:17 --> 01:30:27 going to be doing this live right now, over real time price action. It's, in my opinion, that that would be the easiest litmus test. Is there any value? Because
507 01:30:27 --> 01:30:35 if I'm not here live and I'm explaining something and it isn't working, or it's doing completely opposite to it, or wait a way, you've saved yourself a great
508 01:30:35 --> 01:30:36 deal of time, right?
509 01:30:38 --> 01:30:48 Try doing that with your mentors. Have them go out there and spend hours every single day for free, giving you the invitation to say if there's any real value
510 01:30:48 --> 01:30:56 to it, because if there's no value, you can quickly save yourself time, energy and heartache you want to spend any more time. You'll never have to pay any
511 01:30:56 --> 01:31:07 money for it, and you go about your business and whatever, and anybody has an opinion that's contrary to me, then you can join their club. So one minute
512 01:31:07 --> 01:31:22 chart, and here we have the quadrants, okay and disregard, I know it's hard to do it, but disregard this new day opening gap for a moment. Kind of ignore it
513 01:31:22 --> 01:31:32 being there. We have the high of that shaded volume imbalance on the daily chart. This is the upper quadrant to it. Midpoint is this. There's consequent
514 01:31:32 --> 01:31:42 quadrants red, and you have the lower quadrant level, and you have the low of it. We traded down. We created the fair value gap right there. And just above a
515 01:31:42 --> 01:31:50 new day opening gap for today. So what does that mean? When we're down here, we can go above it, how far fill in the fair value gap? I like that because it's
516 01:31:50 --> 01:32:00 laying right on top of the upper quadrant. So are we, are we looking at just a closing of a fair value gap? No. Are we looking for the market to trade right to
517 01:32:00 --> 01:32:07 the new day opening gap and just turn around like that, because that's what some people have assumed. And they say, oh, New Day opening gaps are trash. They go
518 01:32:07 --> 01:32:15 through them all the time. Again. That's the same logic that's going to be held by someone that puts a fucking YouTube video out and says, This is why you
519 01:32:15 --> 01:32:32 should not be trying to use SMC anymore, because it's being targeted. Listen. If they have something to say about me personally or about my content, all they
520 01:32:32 --> 01:32:41 have to do is step forward and show what works and how this doesn't work. I'm open for it. I'm out here live stream. I'm not going to stop live stream because
521 01:32:41 --> 01:32:49 somebody or some other number of people come and say, This is why ICT is wrong, and they start doing something I would fucking love that. I want to have a Mount
522 01:32:49 --> 01:33:02 Carmel experience. Come on. Bring me your shit. Bail. I want to see it, because I have everything to smoke. All of you. I'll call down fire. Come on. I know
523 01:33:02 --> 01:33:09 he'll listen to me, but you're too afraid to come out here and put your stuff out there to the test. You won't do it. You won't do it because you'll have
524 01:33:09 --> 01:33:16 things that don't work. You'll say, Well, you know, that's the way, because price is random. It ain't random. I've already proven enough that it ain't
525 01:33:16 --> 01:33:25 random. So if we have this fair value gap in a new day opening gap, we know that it can sweep above it. It need not just trade to it and drop, drop down. No,
526 01:33:25 --> 01:33:33 it's not how it works. Where's the inefficiency, right there? Do we have something in agreement with it? Just not buy a fair value gap alone. What else
527 01:33:33 --> 01:33:47 is in close proximity to it? Inside that volume imbalance, that shaded area, the upper quadrant levels, there was a trade to boom. And then what does it do? Low,
528 01:33:47 --> 01:34:01 low, low, higher than that low. So what's below that? Cell side? Pair bag got closed? Yes, bodies nowhere near closing on them on that level, and where does
529 01:34:01 --> 01:34:22 it go? Down? Sell side. That might be your trade. That might be your silver bullet. Think about it. Roll it back. Let's say you saw this gap, and let's say
530 01:34:22 --> 01:34:28 you bought it because you're you're trying to figure out how to do this though, okay, you're tape reading. You're not buying it, per se, because you're trying
531 01:34:28 --> 01:34:37 to get a feel for what it is you're supposed to be doing. You're discovering your model. Let's say, and say, you say, Okay, I'm going to try to buy this. And
532 01:34:37 --> 01:34:45 then it goes down and stops you out. Wonderful. That's a wonderful opportunity, because then, because of the rules that this gave you, you know that we have a
533 01:34:45 --> 01:34:52 real strong chance that we're going to take this low out, and if it does, then we have even higher probability than the 70% that when we got higher at the open
534 01:34:52 --> 01:35:02 that the midpoint gap will be traded to between 930 and 10 o'clock. If it takes out that low, we have a 80% Percent chance that it's going to have a three
535 01:35:02 --> 01:35:11 quarter closure on the opening gap, opening range, guys, that means we're about and written here. So if it takes that low out, we can have that much of a range.
536 01:35:11 --> 01:35:18 So what happens when we start to rally back up and we see that inversion fair value gap? You already see it failed with your usage of you trying to buy it,
537 01:35:19 --> 01:35:28 and now it's tipped its hand to you. So what are you going to do? You're not going to beat yourself up. Say, oh, it's stuff. Doesn't work. You're going to
538 01:35:28 --> 01:35:36 say, Okay, well this we went below it now, and the rules state that we went down half the gap. We hit that and we rally. But then we failed at the fair value
539 01:35:36 --> 01:35:48 gap, the very first fair value gap between 930 and 10 o'clock. Take a minute for a second. Take a take a take a second. Okay, you have my permission to click on
540 01:35:48 --> 01:36:00 this right now at work, even if your boss is sitting next to you, wink at Carl as you hit the thumbs up because I'm giving you stuff that you have no excuse to
541 01:36:00 --> 01:36:13 be able to find setups in the first hour of trading, you have no excuse. Now I've literally pulled back the veil, and I've shown you rule based ideas that
542 01:36:13 --> 01:36:25 are so specific they're finite. If this, then that, if this, then this. Or if this goes below here, it's going to go back to three quarter, and then you wait
543 01:36:25 --> 01:36:33 to see if it gives you a full closure of the gap, and if it takes out the gap to the downside, which is what it does here. It trades below the below the gap.
544 01:36:35 --> 01:36:43 Where's it going to trade to next? Well, in this leg here, is there any inefficiency, fair value gap. Your eyes should jump right to it. What else is
545 01:36:43 --> 01:36:52 there? Can't just have that alone supported something else, upper quadrant of the volume imbalance. So they have two things. So where's the liquidity at if
546 01:36:52 --> 01:37:01 you're going to sell short in there, where's the liquidity? Where's the inefficiency first? Well, you have it right there, but that's not enough to get
547 01:37:01 --> 01:37:10 excited about. So if that's all you saw, and you didn't factor liquidity below the lows, that wouldn't be a trade you would take on. But you have a low that's
548 01:37:10 --> 01:37:24 slightly higher than that one. It's too smooth. It needs to be made. What jagged, sell short, engage the sell side. Be Done. Be done, because you've had
549 01:37:24 --> 01:37:42 now 123, legs lower, seeking liquidity on the downside. So we've pressed three times into sell side. The market is entering. What we got was it 1043, we're
550 01:37:42 --> 01:37:53 getting close to when the market can have a retracement into opposing liquidity. So we've we've seen sell off and no buy side, except for this one has been
551 01:37:53 --> 01:38:06 engaged in this, but we had three deliveries into sell side, so it's setting up a potential where we can get a intraday retracement. Even wants to keep going
552 01:38:06 --> 01:38:19 lower, it's fine, but you have to measure every single time we engage liquidity. If three times we go into sell side, or three times we attack three successive
553 01:38:19 --> 01:38:28 higher levels of buy side, or three successive lowers of sell side. It opens and invites the opportunity for a retracement, for intermediate term retracement. It
554 01:38:28 --> 01:38:35 doesn't mean that you called the low of the day. It doesn't mean it's calling the high the day. It just means that you need to be aware that you've done this
555 01:38:35 --> 01:38:46 now three times intraday, so it can spool the other direction, and many times that sets up a wonderful continuation to go even lower or even go higher. But
556 01:38:46 --> 01:38:52 you have to anticipate that, because I've watched some of my really good streamers. The students are mine. I'm not going to say anything because I don't
557 01:38:52 --> 01:39:06 want to embarrass them, but I've seen them make this mistake, and I don't want to correct them in front of their audience, but hopefully they can hear what I'm
558 01:39:06 --> 01:39:16 saying here and start incorporating it in their analysis, because the few times that they do it wrong, it's many times because of that element right there where
559 01:39:16 --> 01:39:26 the market has traded multiple times to take out liquidity three times in one direction. Once you get that, you're setting the stage for an enemy of term
560 01:39:26 --> 01:39:38 retracement and or it could be a complete reversal, and the experience is going to determine what that is going to be for you. But most traders, most of my
561 01:39:38 --> 01:39:47 students, don't have that skill set yet, because I haven't taught them until just right now. Okay, so like I said, this is for my son, and since he gave the
562 01:39:47 --> 01:39:56 authorization, and once you have the progress and process of what he's learned and how it's being done, you're all getting to see that, so you're all
563 01:39:56 --> 01:40:03 eavesdropping still. Okay, you're not entitled to any of this information, so I'm telling you. Him, and I'm talking to him, saying, Look, my students, you
564 01:40:03 --> 01:40:16 think I'm talking to you, you Montel, you Brian, you Carl, you think I'm talking to you, Melissa, because I'm talking to my son. And I have genuine concern and
565 01:40:16 --> 01:40:24 sincerity behind what I'm saying, but I also know that there are people here that are listening and you want to learn. So I'm, I'm cognizant of that. I know
566 01:40:24 --> 01:40:35 that, but I'm really speaking to my son, and that's why it feels genuine. But if it has this very first fair value gap here, and we trade below it, what's,
567 01:40:35 --> 01:40:38 what's your mindset going to be switched to inversion?
568 01:40:40 --> 01:40:52 Wonderful. So first threshold is, where's the midpoint that's here, consequence, encroachment. Do we want to see it? If it's a valid inversion, fair value gap,
569 01:40:52 --> 01:41:04 okay, if it's a valid inversion, fair value gap, will it remember I was going to be asking you questions today. Will it completely overlap. In other words, will
570 01:41:04 --> 01:41:16 it go below it and come all the way back up and touch the high of the old guy? No, and that's exactly what you want. You want to see it fail to close that in
571 01:41:16 --> 01:41:28 as it goes back up, it's leaving a portion of that candles low and that candles high. In other words, it looks like this. That's the portion that didn't close
572 01:41:28 --> 01:41:36 in. You may look at these wicks and it causes confusion. You can't you're like, I don't know what he's looking at. I don't get it. I can't see it. I saw an old
573 01:41:36 --> 01:41:46 student from the first group. I'm not going to say your name, but I mentioned I was trying to learn your language the last live stream, and I didn't do very
574 01:41:46 --> 01:42:00 well. But he mentioned in another live streamers that of all my concepts, the one that he didn't do very well with was a fair value guy, and it's because you
575 01:42:00 --> 01:42:10 don't have all of the rules properly applied to using them in price action. I have held back a lot of stuff because a lot of stuff's going to be in the book.
576 01:42:10 --> 01:42:20 And even with me teaching all this, there's so much more to them that make it a fucking science like I have PhD technical science behind me. Okay, I'm, I am a
577 01:42:20 --> 01:42:28 fucking dean of glean, the freak show of fucking precision. And when you when you see it in these books, you're gonna be like, What the hell no wonder this
578 01:42:28 --> 01:42:37 fucking Exactly. That's exactly what it's gonna feel like. But when you have it in your own hands and you start implementing it and seeing it, it's like you're
579 01:42:37 --> 01:42:46 waiting, you're waiting for that knock in the door. Hey, we need you to come with us. They did with Mr. Armstrong, and he told the same thing. I'm going to
580 01:42:46 --> 01:42:52 tell him, fuck you can't have my technology. You ain't going to get it. You ain't going to get it. This is the closest thing you're gonna get to it. Okay,
581 01:42:52 --> 01:43:01 so be satisfied with that, but you don't want to see that complete closure, because that's a signature that there's an algorithm saying this should close
582 01:43:01 --> 01:43:17 in, but I'm not going to close it in, and that's a tip off to entities that you're never going to meet are engaging right then and there. Starts firing,
583 01:43:17 --> 01:43:28 bang, bang, bang, bang. Start sending short entries into the marketplace that doesn't drive price down there. They're speedily rushing to get their fills in
584 01:43:28 --> 01:43:48 before the algorithm spools below that low in this manner, as I indicated before it did so. I'm going to ask you a question. Do you believe when you're watching
585 01:43:48 --> 01:44:00 YouTube and the videos that are being suggested to you? Do you believe that there is an algorithm that makes makes that selection of choices for videos for
586 01:44:00 --> 01:44:08 you to consume. Do you think there's an algorithm that does that, that curates and it goes around and collects and saying, this is, this is what I think this
587 01:44:08 --> 01:44:18 person will probably click on, because YouTube will make money. When you open it up. They make 40% if you believe it, they make 40% of every YouTubers ad
588 01:44:18 --> 01:44:31 revenue. So they're going to do what they're going to look at what you have been doing. What do you watch? Do you watch all of the certain type of video or
589 01:44:31 --> 01:44:39 genre? Or do you watch one or two videos? And you probably watch the first four minutes and lose interest and turn it off in the video is eight minutes long,
590 01:44:39 --> 01:44:50 but you not completely consuming it, any videos. You watch the entirety of that algorithm and saying, Okay, this genre, this category of video, is what we're
591 01:44:50 --> 01:45:03 going to do. We're going to start pushing that and it it out, its algorithm will go through and see how much watched minutes and. You don't think, you don't
592 01:45:03 --> 01:45:15 fucking think that the highest minds of this planet that are actively looking to fleece everyone that's willing to step into this casino, that they don't have an
593 01:45:15 --> 01:45:25 algorithm that is going to determine when and what time, how long and how far these prices are going to go up and down, you don't, you don't think that that's
594 01:45:25 --> 01:45:35 possible. There's no real one. There's no real one algorithm that controls price. It's the buying and selling that's what moves price. And the person that
595 01:45:35 --> 01:45:47 said that, and in the live stream, I faded the motherfucker and caught the big blast off move in the s, p, as he said, There's no way it was going to take out
596 01:45:47 --> 01:45:59 the high of the day. It's it's comedy. It is comedy. When you see what people talk like they know what they're talking about, or they have a hard opinion
597 01:45:59 --> 01:46:08 about what you're learning, and when you don't know what you're doing yet, it's very, very influential. It's easy to talk yourself out of this stuff, folks, but
598 01:46:08 --> 01:46:17 you're never going to be able to say, I didn't show it to you before it happened. Explained it in detail, why it should do this or do that, and there
599 01:46:17 --> 01:46:28 ain't nothing you can do to my beloved student, Andrews median lines had nothing to do with what I outlined today. Andrew's pitchforks have nothing to do with
600 01:46:28 --> 01:46:39 what I outlined today. With all due respect and adoration and love for you as my student, I'm saying this with utmost respect what you're trying to do is reach
601 01:46:39 --> 01:46:49 and there's nothing there for you. Okay, that's not there. Now, we had the market reach up into this inversion, fair value gap. It's the first gap inside
602 01:46:49 --> 01:46:58 of 930 10 o'clock, if you're hunting fair value gaps, Caleb, and that's your pattern. The very first one that forms between 930 and 10 o'clock. That's the
603 01:46:58 --> 01:47:16 one you want to see, because you're, going to get first response off that first presentation, bang, hits it, leaves it open, drops next candle, open, trades up,
604 01:47:16 --> 01:47:26 rejection block highest up close in that price sling, just enough to bump it there. That's algorithmic. Drops aggressively. I'm walking you through this
605 01:47:26 --> 01:47:33 market right here. I say, okay, when it goes below this, how do you want to see price? Do you want to see it go down below lethargically, like really, really
606 01:47:33 --> 01:47:39 slow, dribble, dribble, dribble, dribble. Or do you want to see it just go below that and treat that like a turtle soup, the wish version of turtle soup, where
607 01:47:39 --> 01:47:48 it goes below here, and they think it's going to go up. Or, do you want to see it do what? Sudden, rush down to close the gap, or very minimum, rush to get to
608 01:47:48 --> 01:47:57 three quarters of gap closure. And then I say you want to see it rush and do it in two or three candles, quickly, sudden, just like that. It's going to be in
609 01:47:57 --> 01:48:08 the recording when you can go back and listen to it. Okay? I didn't waffle, I didn't talk about the other side. I gave you the very specific elements. How
610 01:48:08 --> 01:48:25 it's going to deliver. I'm going to ask you a question. Okay, come in a little bit closer. Listen. Do you think there's an algorithm controlling price? Because
611 01:48:25 --> 01:48:32 I heard on the street that they just changed it and they're attacking smart mind concept traders.
612 01:48:38 --> 01:48:40 Yeah, baby. Keep giving me comedy.
613 01:48:55 --> 01:49:08 Smart Money, concept, traps, baby, please, please make more. Please make more videos like that. I'll leave comments so you control me, just you get more.
614 01:49:11 --> 01:49:17 Okay, all right, I'm sorry. I'm not fucking sorry.
615 01:49:40 --> 01:49:58 Oh, man, somebody's asses are getting chopped today. Oh man, I should have sat closer to the kitchen. It's too horrible. Oh, all right, so when you see it
616 01:49:58 --> 01:50:09 straight up in the inversion paper. You got that's your proper use of the very first fair value gap. It's changing the state of delivery, just like an order
617 01:50:09 --> 01:50:20 block will Okay. Order block, we don't want to see it go and it's a bearish order block. We don't want to see it trade above mean threshold. We want to see
618 01:50:20 --> 01:50:31 it dig up into it and roll over and go lower, reverse it for bullet shoulder blocks. We do not want to see it go above, I'm sorry, below. Mean threshold,
619 01:50:31 --> 01:50:45 half. It's range. Why? Because the strength is indicated by its inability, it's reluctance, to get to the furthest extreme, which is why, again, this is not
620 01:50:45 --> 01:51:06 supply and demand. Okay, there are schools of thought that will say a fair value gap is best filled, and I teach that it's not so. You want to see weakness and
621 01:51:06 --> 01:51:16 failures with these PD arrays, the failure for this candle or any subsequent candle, to get to the high end of that fair value gap, to close it in, in other
622 01:51:16 --> 01:51:25 words, to get all the way back to this candles low, is what I'm saying, essentially a perfect redelivery would be this candle, or any other candle,
623 01:51:25 --> 01:51:40 trading up into and touching the equivalent low of that candle right there, which would be 19,009 79 and a quarter. As we have this, we have 19,009 77.75 so
624 01:51:40 --> 01:51:51 we fell short of that right to the tune of the range between that candle is high and that candles low. That's exactly what you want to see, which is the
625 01:51:51 --> 01:52:01 confidence factor that was given to me when we were down in here. I said, How? How do you want to see it deliver? And I walked you through the choices. It can
626 01:52:01 --> 01:52:08 go below that low here. And this is where every troll was jerking off, saying, Here it is. Here's where I'm going to go and go on social media in another
627 01:52:08 --> 01:52:15 person's chat and say, Here's ICT calling both sides of the marketplace. But now it's even worse. He's given three, three scenarios. Okay, go back and listen to
628 01:52:15 --> 01:52:23 what I was doing. Do you want to see it go below that low, little bit short and go higher in reverse? Do you want to see it go below and just drip, dribble
629 01:52:23 --> 01:52:31 down, go slow? Or do you want to see it go below and then large candles and speed? Just like that? You want to see large candles and do it quickly with
630 01:52:31 --> 01:52:49 speed? That's what price did. Okay? That would be Caleb's entry. That's his model, not because of anything other than knowing that the gap was here. We
631 01:52:49 --> 01:52:58 failed to get to the consequence of the width. It would have been obvious for it to reach up to. We created swing low. It traded back to mid gap of the opening
632 01:52:58 --> 01:53:10 range gap, and rally just outside of the opening range, gap, then rejection block here from the daily chart. Is that support resistance? I want to ask you
633 01:53:10 --> 01:53:20 another question. Are you seeing support and resistance being applied here? Has Elliott ever got off the beach yet? Nope. He's beached. He ain't got an HE IS
634 01:53:20 --> 01:53:33 surfboard, his wind sale, his, uh, airfoil, okay, he's he's not. Unfortunately, he out in the water. He's still watching rejection at the rejection block trades
635 01:53:33 --> 01:53:44 lower below the gap. Caleb's school of thought will be, I want to see this gap be overtaken to the downside, and then offer me an opportunity to get short at
636 01:53:44 --> 01:54:01 what price he will use this candles high, 19,009 73 and three quarters, minus one tick, that would be what 19,009 73 and a half. That means all it has to do
637 01:54:01 --> 01:54:14 is book that high. Theoretically, that one tick difference should fill him, but I'm affording him the luxury of seeing anything inside this gap. I gotta wait
638 01:54:14 --> 01:54:23 for Miss scouts. He's in here trying to find her position in her kennel. If you have a dog, you ever see him walk around in a circle like 20 times where they
639 01:54:23 --> 01:54:32 lay down. You know why they do that? They have scent glands in between their paws. And what they want to do is they want to keep walking over to place where
640 01:54:32 --> 01:54:39 they're going to lay at until they smell their own scent, and when they smell it, then they'll lay down. Let's just having a real good time. Uh, we both
641 01:54:39 --> 01:54:51 brought our brand new blanket. See what you get here. Extra no cost. She's distracting me, so I have to give her a chance, because it's there we go. So the
642 01:54:52 --> 01:55:02 rejection block, we trade above that we did get the midpoint of the gap. So if we go above the opening range gap, here we're. And then come back in the net low
643 01:55:02 --> 01:55:11 is going to be suspect. So if it's going to take that low out, then we go to three quarter gap closure, and then full gap closure. We also had new day
644 01:55:11 --> 01:55:20 opening gap, high and low inside of the opening range gap, that blue shaded area. This is a fucking masterclass, isn't it? Like, seriously, tell me where
645 01:55:20 --> 01:55:31 you see this stuff in a book to this degree, explain before it happens. Like, think about it. Like, isn't it fun? Hit the thumbs up if you think this is fun,
646 01:55:31 --> 01:55:37 and you're engaged and you're learning and you're seeing the details of it, why it's doing certain things. It's not enough to see a fair value gap and think,
647 01:55:37 --> 01:55:46 Oh, I know to do that, you have to have logic. You have to be able to frame narrative, seeing what price is likely to do because of a logic that's placed
648 01:55:46 --> 01:55:59 behind it. And guess what that logic is leaning on? It stems from the understanding of an algorithm that many will say does not exist. So me ask you a
649 01:55:59 --> 01:56:19 question, because I said today we're going to be proposing some questions to you. If there is no algorithm, isn't it? Basically saying a greater feat of mind
650 01:56:19 --> 01:56:32 reading is being accomplished by me, that I can read the minds of every buyer and seller. Never really thought about like that. Have you either? I am the
651 01:56:32 --> 01:56:46 greatest mentalist in the history of the world, okay? And I can read the minds like Professor Xavier, okay, I'm sitting in here, and I'm looking around the
652 01:56:46 --> 01:56:53 whole world, and I'm skiing everybody's fucking brain, and I can see what everybody's doing, buying and selling, buying and selling, and I'm reading their
653 01:56:53 --> 01:57:07 minds. I can't do that, folks. That doesn't work. That's not real. ESPN, a real thing. But there is an algorithm, and there's somebody out there that knows what
654 01:57:07 --> 01:57:21 makes it movements higher and lower, when it ticks, when it talks, when it stops, when it rocks. I know his name. I knew where he lives. I know his social
655 01:57:21 --> 01:57:32 security number. How about that? I'm in the know. I know the guy. I know that guy. I know him. Wish I could introduce you to him. I wish you could meet him
656 01:57:32 --> 01:57:41 face to face. I really wish you could. But this is going to have to be enough. So he would take that trade based on that logic, his stop would have to be above
657 01:57:42 --> 01:57:55 consequent encouragement of this wick. Now, why that? Why not the high that? Because we already had this low, we dropped down, immediate rebalance, then it
658 01:57:55 --> 01:58:09 drops. So for someone that is a little bit more scared, or you don't trust that type of stop loss placement. You could use the high that's fine, but he's going
659 01:58:09 --> 01:58:23 to have this as another frame of reference. He can use the midpoint of that wick and just a tick above that, because it's not going to go back up there. If it
660 01:58:23 --> 01:58:34 were to stop him out right there, then I would use this level here to instruct him to go long. Then it would be reclaimed bullish fair value gap. To get to
661 01:58:34 --> 01:58:46 that midpoint here, on that wick, changes the whole classification of this being an inversion fair value gap. So he has a rule based idea that he can learn, not
662 01:58:46 --> 01:58:55 that he needs to do it right away, because he will not be allowed to take two trades. He takes one trade, that's it, one and done, fail or profit and whatever
663 01:58:55 --> 01:59:14 the outcome is, that's what it is. One second here. Gotta wet my whistle. I'm probably gonna need to like 1115 okay, I knew he'd start making long. It won't
664 01:59:14 --> 01:59:25 be long. I promise. Long would be like six hours, but the placement of the entry I explained to you one tick below this candles high, because I want to make sure
665 01:59:25 --> 01:59:37 he gets filled, and he's affording himself the drawdown up to half of this wick, plus one tick. That's his stop out okay, if
666 01:59:38 --> 01:59:50 we wouldn't have had this immediate rebalance, then his stop would have to be above there. Okay, simple, very simple guidance, okay, very rule based, very
667 01:59:50 --> 01:59:58 specific. It's not wishy washy. It's con. It's continuous logic that stems from what I've already talked about, where the stop placement is for a fair value
668 01:59:58 --> 02:00:07 gap, anyway, but, um. Are augmenting it to fit him and how he can keep his risk smaller, not that it affords him more than one contract, because he can only
669 02:00:07 --> 02:00:16 trade with one contract. Okay, he will be starting with micros, because I want to see him implementing it there, and as long as he's consistently doing that,
670 02:00:16 --> 02:00:26 then after a month of doing it there, then he's going to be permitted to trade it with one standard lot or contract of NASDAQ, he will not be trading. Es, I
671 02:00:26 --> 02:00:34 want him to trade the NASDAQ, not because there's more advantages over it. Everything I'm teaching here works in ES, everything I'm teaching here works in
672 02:00:34 --> 02:00:43 forex too. Okay, I just don't want to be messing around with Forex right now. So many things going on with the dollar, there's a de dollarization, whether you
673 02:00:43 --> 02:00:49 like it or not. That's what's happening. I told you in the Twitter spaces last year, all the nations that's doing what they're doing was going to do what
674 02:00:49 --> 02:00:56 they're doing. I told you what the headlines of the newspaper were going to be last summer. It's happening in front of you, and all that's working towards
675 02:00:56 --> 02:01:07 removing the global reserve status of the dollar. Look, it's on its last legs. So I don't want to be in the grocery market in that climate, okay, so you can
676 02:01:07 --> 02:01:15 clearly see that you can make all the money you'd ever want trading one industry. Okay, gold is going to keep going up, because, especially if we have a
677 02:01:15 --> 02:01:30 war event thing, pop off over there in Middle East, we'll probably see $3,200 on gold, maybe 3500, hours by Valentine's Day. But if we get short on that idea,
678 02:01:31 --> 02:01:41 his partials would be here if he has multiple but he can't, so he has to annotate that his next one would be three quarter gap closure. And when I say
679 02:01:41 --> 02:01:55 three quarter gap, you probably don't, especially for the folks that are not English speaking, it would be this price here. So selling short here, below that
680 02:01:55 --> 02:02:03 low will be the next threshold to reach for it would be the three quarters of the range that makes that opening range gap. So that could be your partial okay?
681 02:02:03 --> 02:02:16 And the next would be the new day opening gap high, or somewhere in the vicinity between its low and high. And then, if it has been enough time for him to build
682 02:02:16 --> 02:02:27 his equity up, and he has one and a half times full margin, one and a half times the full margin for the NASDAQ each time. He can meet that threshold, he can
683 02:02:27 --> 02:02:38 trade one more contract. That means he cannot over leverage. It's impossible for him to over leverage. He can only take one trade a day, if he loses, he's done.
684 02:02:38 --> 02:02:48 If he makes money, he's done. Dad is calling the shots. So you probably never looked at your trading like that, where you were holding yourself very rigid,
685 02:02:48 --> 02:02:56 saying, I can't let myself do this. You want to be able to be flexible with rules and say, well, ICT said this, but I'm going to do it. ICT says, Don't
686 02:02:56 --> 02:03:04 trade on Mondays. But this guy says, Look at what I made on Monday. Haha, show me every Monday. Don't just say the one you did today. Go into your account like
687 02:03:04 --> 02:03:17 I did. Want TD Ameritrade account. Log into it. Show every single day, every single print, every single broker, every broker statement, every one of them do
688 02:03:17 --> 02:03:30 it for three months. I bet you won't do it. I bet you won't do it anyway for continuation. If he's afforded himself the amount of equity that we would carry
689 02:03:30 --> 02:03:40 more than one contract, he can then wait to see if we can get below the new day opening gap, which is what we see here, and then wait for what a retracement we
690 02:03:40 --> 02:03:51 have a fair value gap. And the this fib is not that level upper quadrant agreeing with this fair value gap. So we're sweeping above. See we're sweeping
691 02:03:51 --> 02:04:00 above the new day opening gap. Isn't that what I taught when I started teaching in this lectures for the 2024 mentorship, you want to give the algorithm a
692 02:04:00 --> 02:04:13 chance to move around these levels, because there's going to be stops and liquidity, or it will entice traders to chase it. So this type of movement here
693 02:04:14 --> 02:04:21 causes traders to do what they want, to chase it. And if they think they understand fair value gas, what are they going to do on this little thing right
694 02:04:21 --> 02:04:27 here? They're going to try to buy that right there, and they're gonna get their asses handed to him right there, and they're gonna walk away thinking, what?
695 02:04:28 --> 02:04:37 These care bag apps don't work, and they're making traps for Smart Money traders. No, that's an opinion of someone that can't consistently make it work
696 02:04:37 --> 02:04:48 in their hands because they don't have all the information, which, if I've said this, I've only introduced the concepts. I've only introduced them. You there's
697 02:04:48 --> 02:04:58 so much depth to these things, when to use them, when not to use them, and I'm proving that I'm the only real McCoy with them, which proves it's not somebody
698 02:04:58 --> 02:05:05 else's logic. Is it? Because, if it's some. And it's been rebranded and renamed. Will go to that source and just go right to what they wrote about in their books
699 02:05:05 --> 02:05:13 and just parrot that stuff out. And it should match what I'm doing, right? But it won't, and it won't be able to match up to it either. It won't live up to the
700 02:05:13 --> 02:05:25 precision elements. You won't see it. So we have that old volume and balance. Key Levels, upper quadrant, consequent encroachment, which is this red line
701 02:05:25 --> 02:05:37 here, lower quadrant, and then the low of it. New Day opening gap. We want to see it, do what sweep above it, and then provide a means of going short. How can
702 02:05:37 --> 02:05:51 we key off of that survey gap? Three quarter sweeps above. We're in a premium. Where's it go? Sell side drops down. What is this? Sell side imbalance, buy side
703 02:05:51 --> 02:05:59 and efficiency. So would you look at this frame of reference right here, annotating that low to that high, and extend that out in time? Would you do
704 02:05:59 --> 02:06:15 that? You would if you didn't know how to do fair value gaps properly. What is this? What is that inversion? Fair value gap? You're going to see buy side and
705 02:06:15 --> 02:06:25 balance, sell side and efficiency. Here, when you're in a market that's going lower, you want to see buy side and balance cell sign efficiencies be used as
706 02:06:25 --> 02:06:32 future inversion, fair value gaps. When I was on Twitter spaces, and I was saying, you want to note this fair value gap and label it inversion, fair value
707 02:06:32 --> 02:06:40 gap, and then later time it trades up into it, and it repels away from it. And everybody's like, how the did he call that inversion fair value gap before it
708 02:06:40 --> 02:06:48 was a fake inverse, because I know what I'm doing. You're listening to the author, folks. I mean, I don't know how else to make it plainer for you. So if
709 02:06:48 --> 02:07:02 you know this logic, you can then once you wait for them to form Caleb, you extend them forward when they agree with another reference point, something
710 02:07:02 --> 02:07:18 else. It cannot be one singular, PD, array, minimum, two, three. You got a lead pipe, sense trade, then what's this red line right here? It's consequent
711 02:07:18 --> 02:07:36 encroachment of the old daily volume imbalance. What's it touching right there? That level that's also part of this inversion. Fair Value. Got see that I
712 02:07:36 --> 02:07:48 laughed so hard to give myself a sore throat. Good. Maybe your ass will shut up. Nope. I'm gonna make a long one tomorrow. Market sells off, short term, sell
713 02:07:48 --> 02:08:04 side, minor, sell side, liquid, equal, basically, and trade stamp. We have this low, this low all part of August, 20, New Day opening gap, and we have this low.
714 02:08:04 --> 02:08:14 So we have 123, levels that retail is going to see that as. What? What does retail see in that they don't see the new day opening gap unless they're
715 02:08:14 --> 02:08:24 familiar with my concepts, but they're seeing a low, a low and a low. So technically, they're going to view that as a support level, okay? I don't see
716 02:08:24 --> 02:08:35 that as a support level. I see that as a means of okay, like a barrier to breach, okay, to break through it. Like the door said, break on through to the
717 02:08:35 --> 02:08:49 other side. So we're getting a little close to lunchtime macro. So I would like to see it do if it's going to do it, do it quickly, and then we can attack maybe
718 02:08:49 --> 02:08:59 the the new day opening gap here in this high if it takes that low out. I would like to see that run for the lunch macro. Lunch macro, again, for those that are
719 02:08:59 --> 02:09:10 wondering what that is, the market tends to retrace against the underlying direction that has transpired that morning session. Obviously, I think everyone
720 02:09:10 --> 02:09:18 agree that it's been dropping since this morning. So this morning we've had trail stop losses. And then what you want to do is, if we take these lows out,
721 02:09:18 --> 02:09:21 we'll just make it easy. Say these lows are taken out to the downside.
722 02:09:22 --> 02:09:32 And then the lunch macro starts between 1130 and ends at 130 it does not mean there has to be a retracement. You just you want to look for the opportunity for
723 02:09:32 --> 02:09:43 it to happen. What you do is you at that time, at 1130 if you see something that is potentially setting up the retracement for the lunch macro. Lunch macro. A
724 02:09:43 --> 02:09:56 macro is a short list of directives that is a code is a script. The algorithm will start running to opposing liquidity. Okay, about to lose my voice. Lord
725 02:09:56 --> 02:10:06 help me the someone out there praying. Please let. Lose his voice, at least he talks too much. This high, if we go below us, this would be the first high you
726 02:10:06 --> 02:10:17 get to. That has to be post 10 o'clock. So here's 10 o'clock. So you would use as a beginning point go to the right, and every high here that one. But then we
727 02:10:17 --> 02:10:26 made this high, and then we made this high. So I would use this high as the lunch macro. That's where the market would draw for retracement during the 1130
728 02:10:27 --> 02:10:36 to 130 retracement. It does not mean that 1130 it's just going to start going up and go right to that level. There's other things that you have to factor in,
729 02:10:37 --> 02:10:47 which is why it annoys me when people go out and they try to teach something, because you don't know what you're looking for. These are all casual
730 02:10:48 --> 02:10:57 introductions. And then, because you're going to be looking at price, studying them, looking at how it behaved in the past, you'll you'll develop pattern
731 02:10:57 --> 02:11:06 recognition. You'll see things that repeat, and you'll make a log of that, and then you'll start seeing them in real time at the time. Then they generally
732 02:11:06 --> 02:11:15 form, and you'll know, oh, it's probably going to do this, because it generally does this very thing. And if you add to it the long winded diatribe that I give
733 02:11:16 --> 02:11:25 in these lectures, that's the meat, that's the real sauce, that's the stuff that helps you trust what you're messing around with and studying. You're going to
734 02:11:25 --> 02:11:32 hear me in your own head say the all the things you've heard me say today in other lectures. If you've taken notes and you've wrote it down, and it's a lot,
735 02:11:32 --> 02:11:41 I understand it's a lot, but what do you think profitable, long term, consistently trading is? It's not a one hit wonder. Go to a workshop. Listen to
736 02:11:41 --> 02:11:48 20 year olds call themselves chairmans and All right, now we're all going to own the world. That's not how it works. It's a lot of work in the chart. It's a lot
737 02:11:48 --> 02:11:58 of boring logging, a lot of just capturing information. So that way, you have a baseline to evaluate what you're observing in price How do you behave? What do
738 02:11:58 --> 02:12:05 you think? What do you feel when you're watching price action? And you're going to watch how that gradually moves towards all the things you were worried about
739 02:12:05 --> 02:12:13 initially. I need to learn this. If I learn this, then I figured it out. Or if I don't learn this, I'm not going to be able to be successful. And you're going to
740 02:12:13 --> 02:12:21 see that you're going to have incremental progress, small, little baby steps that will eventually show enough improvement in a very short time, one month,
741 02:12:21 --> 02:12:27 you'll know right away that this stuff is working for you. Now it doesn't mean you go and you take profitable trades. This means that you're seeing profit rate
742 02:12:27 --> 02:12:36 when they're happening, where they're going to go to next. And you got to watch that for months, so that way you get real bored with it, and where you're able
743 02:12:36 --> 02:12:46 to see where the setups form. Oh yeah, I was going to take a buy there or a short here, and I watched it, and it didn't go down to a level that would have
744 02:12:46 --> 02:12:55 stopped me, based on the rules that I see teaching. So I've done that for three months. So now I can start doing walk forward a demo, and then you do three
745 02:12:55 --> 02:13:07 months of that, only that one trade a day, whether it's profitable or not. If it's profitable, you're done. If you lose, you're done. You let it, sit on it,
746 02:13:07 --> 02:13:17 sleep on it, because you got to get real comfortable taking a loss. Because every trader takes losses, every single trader takes loss. In every single trade
747 02:13:17 --> 02:13:27 you open up, it's a losing trade, until you trade your way out of it. Think about it, every single trade that any trader opens up, it's immediately a losing
748 02:13:27 --> 02:13:37 trade that has to be traded out profitably, or you'll you'll lose, you'll go into a Realized loss. So if you accept the fact going into this that you are
749 02:13:37 --> 02:13:43 eventually going to lose trades, and there's nothing wrong with that, it doesn't mean you can't be profitable. Doesn't mean you're not profitable. Doesn't mean
750 02:13:43 --> 02:13:50 you're not a good trader. Doesn't mean that you have to high have a high yielding strike rate. You don't have to have 90% strike rate. You can be
751 02:13:50 --> 02:14:01 profitable with 50% you can be profitable with 35% accurate. There's the rundown we're talking about, running those relative equal lows. It's like every time I
752 02:14:01 --> 02:14:11 say something, I can't keep a secret. If I say something, it just spreads, and all of a sudden the CME just says, fuck it. You know. ICT wants it to go down
753 02:14:11 --> 02:14:19 there, like some Mazda says, do it now. There it is. It's done. So what I'm interested in, does it accelerate after taking an X candle, bump the low, or
754 02:14:19 --> 02:14:26 maybe consequent question, new dividend gap, and then run that low right there. If I was making the market for nq, I would do that, and I wouldn't take it
755 02:14:26 --> 02:14:33 higher before I did that. But that's just me. I'm not saying that's what's going to happen, but in my head, that that was what I just thought, and I just thought
756 02:14:33 --> 02:14:48 out loud, so that we can kind of get a feel for it. But look at the reaction off of this gap here, and it's the low of what the old, stale. I better stop. I have
757 02:14:48 --> 02:14:55 to get serious. Okay, I got to get more professional. Look at that. Now, if it's going to go that far, look at the next new day opening. Got down here, August 21
758 02:14:56 --> 02:15:05 what's the chances it can at least tap into that? Just for shits and Google. Can it do it? Can it do it? I don't know. Do you need it to do that? If you were
759 02:15:05 --> 02:15:10 short and you were looking for a partial, do you need my invitation to take partials? I know some of you already short. If you're not taking profit
760 02:15:10 --> 02:15:23 something right here, you're full. Take something off right now. But the fair value gap here is also a rejection block. See that up close candle and what it's
761 02:15:23 --> 02:15:35 the low of that stale, old daily volume imbalance that you never would have had that level on there prior to that daily volume of balance being outlined last
762 02:15:35 --> 02:15:52 Tuesday on August 13. August 13. How many times has it used that area? Multiple times, multiple times it's used it. Now I'm going to ask you a question, and
763 02:15:52 --> 02:15:59 then we're going to do a quick review of yesterday's trades. Okay? Because you're probably wondering, what's those little blue boxes? There's little things
764 02:15:59 --> 02:16:15 that's got to be an indicator. You know, no indicators required. But do you believe that they're targeting my concepts? Do you believe the market makers are
765 02:16:15 --> 02:16:26 targeting Smart Money concepts? My life's work. That's my stuff. If anybody says Smart Money concepts or SMC, what you're saying is, it's my stuff, it's my
766 02:16:26 --> 02:16:34 lectures, it's my teachings, it's my concepts. I codified these things I did me Michael, Joe Huddleston, I did that. That's not me bragging. I'm reminding all
767 02:16:34 --> 02:16:43 you asshats that have worked very hard to hide my name behind your bullshit mentorships, which were parroting me everything I taught in the 2016 the 2017
768 02:16:43 --> 02:16:50 private mentorship, and every lecture that I did for free, they're not even on my YouTube channel anymore, because they're really, they're not that good. I
769 02:16:50 --> 02:16:58 don't like the presentations of them because they're just, I didn't I wasn't that good at making videos. Then it was really, it's cringy. I don't like it.
770 02:16:58 --> 02:17:08 But my production level of those videos were not on the same level that I did later on, so, but there's, there's a lot of people out there have those videos.
771 02:17:08 --> 02:17:16 They have one like their Google Drives and whatnot, and unfortunately, some people still try to sell them because they think that they're vintage and you're
772 02:17:16 --> 02:17:24 not going to learn anything better in them that I didn't go crazy with in detail, with everything that's on my YouTube channel now, so you honestly should
773 02:17:24 --> 02:17:33 never, ever, ever pay for anything. ICT. You shouldn't, because I've literally given it to all of you for free, and it's expensive because it's going to take
774 02:17:33 --> 02:17:40 you a lot of time to learn it. And I wasn't making it longer for the sake of making it longer. I wish I could have just did it in a five minute video and be
775 02:17:40 --> 02:17:50 done. Like I'd I would rather be out doing something else. I really would. I have a lot of hobbies that I want to do. And my kids, you know, they're all
776 02:17:50 --> 02:17:59 adults. Now, I'd like to be able to go, just take off and go. I like to see it stab down there, hit that new dude you can get on August 21 to see I go, boom,
777 02:17:59 --> 02:18:09 real quick and be done. I'm waiting to see if it'll do it, because then I can then I can go into the discussion about yesterday's trades. So this is a
778 02:18:09 --> 02:18:21 reminder. I know it sounds, you know, a little laboring hearing me say it again, but I just know if I was able to sit in a lecture like this when I was 20 years
779 02:18:21 --> 02:18:23 old, first getting involved in this stuff,
780 02:18:24 --> 02:18:32 if I would have watched someone outline this stuff and explain the logic behind it, because I was, I was a computer printer from sixth grade. I was making my
781 02:18:32 --> 02:18:42 own video games, simple stuff, like hangman and stuff. I coded that stuff with basic language, basic that was the language we were learning in mathematics
782 02:18:42 --> 02:18:53 then. And I stayed after school every single day with the math teachers approval to use the computer, and I had went to the library and I bought books from
783 02:18:53 --> 02:19:01 Walden, books in the mall, in golden ring mall that I would take a cab with my own money that earned from moving picnic tables with my grandfather. I poured
784 02:19:01 --> 02:19:13 myself into that. And I had a technical mindset, highly critical, very analytical. And if someone, when I was 20 years old, would have had this, this
785 02:19:13 --> 02:19:24 level of aptitude, understanding, foresight and knowledge, proving conceptually that this is what is behaving behind the scenes. This is what you're looking
786 02:19:24 --> 02:19:36 for. This is the things that price will generally do. I don't need it to be all the time. You don't need it to be all the time. It's just like when you get a
787 02:19:36 --> 02:19:45 flat tire and you miss a day's work. Are you going to quit your job? No. Does it make your job unprofitable to maintain because you couldn't get to work on time
788 02:19:45 --> 02:19:58 because you got sick? No, that's a loss. Your stop got hit. You got margin call with it, with a with a trade that you put too much leverage on getting to work
789 02:19:58 --> 02:20:06 speeding that day. And you hit a curb and you blew the tie rod. Tie Rods tore up. You got to get a high tire. You miss days work. Guess what? You got a margin
790 02:20:06 --> 02:20:11 call. So what are you going to do? You're going to put more money in the account because you want to trade. Well, same thing. You're going to go back to work.
791 02:20:11 --> 02:20:18 You're going to go to work. That's how you make your bread, that's how you make your money, that's how you take care of your family yourself. Well, trading
792 02:20:18 --> 02:20:32 needs to be the same way, and when you have the perspective that I'm teaching, it literally gives you confidence that is on another level sometimes. And it's
793 02:20:32 --> 02:20:40 dealing with the young men, it's overconfidence, because they hear me talk. They hear me hype up. You know the students, because you need to be cheerleaded In
794 02:20:40 --> 02:20:49 the beginning you do because it's very, very technical stuff. It's dry, and I try to break it up with some of the things and feelings I had going, like when
795 02:20:49 --> 02:20:57 I'm talking to you, live as I'm saying certain things I have memories because I journaled for years, and the things that I used to make a big deal about, and I
796 02:20:57 --> 02:21:06 thought were paramount and tantamount to me. Oh, I have to, I have to do this or it won't work ever. And I discovered that was the silliest, the stupidest things
797 02:21:06 --> 02:21:13 I was putting too much emphasis on, and the greater lessons were the things I didn't even know I needed to learn, and were a byproduct of going through the
798 02:21:13 --> 02:21:27 motions of doing it the right way. And I didn't know what the right way was until six years later, six years later, I had discovered that I was making it
799 02:21:27 --> 02:21:40 harder for myself, demanding more than what I had already done, which is crazy. When you have this perspective, okay, you don't have any fear of it ever
800 02:21:40 --> 02:21:50 stopping in the future, you don't have any fear of missing the next trade. You don't have any fear of I better be in front of the charts tomorrow, because I
801 02:21:50 --> 02:22:02 might miss a move. It removes all of that. Because if you know in your heart of hearts that these markets are controlled and they're rigged, and there's nothing
802 02:22:02 --> 02:22:12 to be ashamed of. By saying that, like there's a stigma around there. Oh, you won those iced tea cult members. There is no algorithm. Everybody has the same
803 02:22:12 --> 02:22:22 invitation. Mr. Vote volume profile, Mr. VSA, which is bullshit too, by the way. Guy left the comment, I used to troll a guy can't think of his name now. He's on
804 02:22:22 --> 02:22:29 YouTube. Got it? He's on YouTube. I mean, he is on YouTube. I think he did, yeah, he did have YouTube videos up at the time, when I was back on baby pips,
805 02:22:30 --> 02:22:38 there was a guy on there that he was trying to be like the big, the big, the big cock of the walk on baby pips. I didn't realize at the time. I just knew that
806 02:22:38 --> 02:22:52 shit he was saying was bullshit. He did some kind of thread or two on baby pips. It was around VSA and new volume stuff. It's all done. But the I started
807 02:22:52 --> 02:22:59 teaching what I'm teaching, and I was teaching optimal trade entry, and he got as hurt and was like, Oh, I'm making all these videos, but nobody wanted to
808 02:22:59 --> 02:23:07 watch my stuff. Real bitch move. But the oops, shouldn't said that. I'm sorry, ma'am. I know you don't like that word, but the for life now, can't remember his
809 02:23:07 --> 02:23:17 name, Pete, Pete faders or Pete Fader, faders or fader I don't know if I was fading him. And the point is, it caused traction over there, and everybody
810 02:23:17 --> 02:23:28 started dividing, and it was team ICT or team VSA. And then, if it wasn't that, it was the people that had some technical threads or whatever, which weren't
811 02:23:28 --> 02:23:37 even that great, but they thought that was the best thing in the world. But if you compare and contrast what you're learning here, what you're learning on this
812 02:23:37 --> 02:23:47 YouTube channel, and all you have to do is show up, take notes and study and see, and you will prove to yourself that there's something going on behind the
813 02:23:47 --> 02:23:58 scenes. And I cannot take you to the actual elements that's occurring. And there's other things that I like I see, things that I'm going to cover in the
814 02:23:58 --> 02:24:11 review of yesterday's trades. I can't tell you every small facet to what I was seeing, but I'm going to try to describe to you when I'm looking at price action
815 02:24:11 --> 02:24:21 and there's when there's manual intervention. I can't see it all the time. You won't be able to see it all the time, but because I've been doing it long
816 02:24:21 --> 02:24:29 enough, and also know what's going on behind the scenes, how these gears turn, what every cog does. It's flirting with it. You see that come on six pins. None
817 02:24:29 --> 02:24:37 the Richer song, song, uh, kiss needs coming to mind every time it gets close to a level I want to see it touch. Or if it's a limit order or whatnot, that song
818 02:24:37 --> 02:24:54 comes on. Oh, look at that. Look at that. Look at that. Thank you, Phil, thank you, buddy. I'll send you a Christmas card. Tell Jonah. I said, hi. All right,
819 02:24:54 --> 02:25:11 now let's get her to yesterday's price. Run. We're looking at regular trading hours. Still Look at that. It's handicapping myself. Okie dokie, let's look at
820 02:25:12 --> 02:25:29 some price delivery. First going into today's New York session, I'm going to ask a question, okay, first one of the day, who's doing it like this? Patrick.
821 02:25:29 --> 02:25:41 Patrick Whelan, the number one day trader on YouTube, who's doing it like this? Baby? Who the fuck is doing it like this? Talk to me. I'll put something on your
822 02:25:41 --> 02:25:59 ass. Ajax won't rub off. Come on. So we have this midnight Wednesday, okay? And crossover to Thursday. Prices, trading, where? What is it doing here? What is
823 02:25:59 --> 02:26:15 that we're out to Beagle Lowe's Okay, wonderful, wonderful. But why is it doing it there? Well, what does it say over here? If you get the membership level on
824 02:26:15 --> 02:26:26 trading view ICTs screen sharing indicator where everything is on my chart goes on yours. It's $350 a month. It's only gonna be that price for right now, but in
825 02:26:26 --> 02:26:37 90 days, it's gonna go up. So you're like, What the fuck? Oh man, another like, where's where do I send the money? No, I'm being I'm being facetious. I'm just
826 02:26:37 --> 02:26:46 being I'm teasing. I don't want your fucking money. But the level is the old daily sell side of balance, buy side and efficiency. Hi. When I took you on a
827 02:26:46 --> 02:26:53 daily chart, remember it was that red box that said, if I was going to highlight it would be looking like this. That's what it's doing. So when price is above
828 02:26:53 --> 02:27:06 it, okay, when it's above it, how's it going to treat that level as a discount level? Sweet? Sweep. What's the body's telling you, it ain't even touching it.
829 02:27:07 --> 02:27:15 What's the body's telling you it ain't even touching it, but it's a higher low the market rallies back up. What is it doing in this area? Where is it at? It's
830 02:27:15 --> 02:27:26 inside that old daily volume imbalance. So what I'm doing, I'm giving you a structure in the marketplace, like an x ray view, a CAT scan, okay? You're able
831 02:27:26 --> 02:27:37 to see behind price action and what the market's really respecting. It's not the buying and selling pressure. It's allowing the algorithm is sweeping into these
832 02:27:37 --> 02:27:50 levels, crossing over, levels coming back down, and then, once you know what the narrative is, where the price can go, Well, what is that? What is that over
833 02:27:50 --> 02:28:05 here? What is this relative equal highs? What's resting above those relative equal highs, buy side or buy stops. It's traded down to a discount level, or PD
834 02:28:05 --> 02:28:14 array in the form of the daily sell side, imbalance, buy side, efficiency, high. Okay, that is a PD array. That's one of the 81 that I have.
835 02:28:15 --> 02:28:24 Each one of those are have they have a characteristic that can be inverted. So when you are expecting higher prices, which we've been calling we have not been
836 02:28:24 --> 02:28:32 trying to pick the top the market trades down outside of the volume and bounce. So where could it trade to the next PD array on the daily chart? Was that high
837 02:28:32 --> 02:28:46 of that city? It trades to it here, then moves back inside of the volume, imbalance, inefficiency. On the upside after poking its toe outside of the
838 02:28:46 --> 02:29:04 yellow area, which is the volume of balance this fair value gap forming when look at the time. What time is that right there? What time is that? It's one
839 02:29:04 --> 02:29:20 minute past the opening range, at midnight. Oh, you did talk about that. ICT, you did. You did say if I want to trade in London, if I want to trade European
840 02:29:20 --> 02:29:36 Zone trade time wise, okay, you want to trade the Euro zones opening session. You want to trade London kill zone. You want to trade Asia's close. That
841 02:29:36 --> 02:29:48 reference point there from midnight, Eastern Time to 1230 that's your opening range. Okay, first presentation, what is that? First presentation is when you
842 02:29:48 --> 02:30:00 have time of day, because everything starts from time algorithmically. And first presentation, that means the first inefficiency you want to take that and. Carry
843 02:30:00 --> 02:30:14 it through, cast it forward throughout the entirety of the day. Okay? It uses it here and touches it right there. It drops right into that okay? And I'm going to
844 02:30:14 --> 02:30:24 show you a secret indicator. And it's really important that you have to agree to me. Agree with me, spit on your hand. Handshake. Don't spill your hand. I would
845 02:30:24 --> 02:30:37 never do that. I don't even know why I said that. That's gross. I'm thinking of the movie stand by me, which was amazing, amazing movies. The book was actually
846 02:30:37 --> 02:30:47 better. It was part of a Stephen King novella called the body. But I think they did a really good job producing that movie. There's one of my children's
847 02:30:47 --> 02:30:56 favorites too, but they they shake hands like that in the movie, but it's kind of like a pinky promise. You remember doing it in school. But here we have
848 02:30:57 --> 02:31:17 1:50am right there, all the way over to 2:10am everything I'm showing you is the same for British Pound versus USD, same thing for Euro versus USD, same thing
849 02:31:17 --> 02:31:27 for DOLLAR YEN, same thing for dollar CAD, same thing for Aussie dollar, same thing for net New Zealand Dollar versus the US dollar. So Forex, it works the
850 02:31:27 --> 02:31:39 same way. Okay, please stop demanding that I show examples. I should, I would. But when it's salient and it's not something that's only specific to Forex, I
851 02:31:39 --> 02:31:50 can say these things and they're germane. It's the same thing. It's the same thing in forex, okay, but this is a macro it's the first one you're going to get
852 02:31:50 --> 02:32:03 to as you enter into London Open Killzone, two o'clock to four o'clock. That's your sweet spot. Okay, then we see it touch that fair value gap, which is first
853 02:32:03 --> 02:32:18 presentation right there, inside of the range of the first 30 minutes, 12 o'clock to 12:30am Eastern Time. Does it react off of it? Yep, creates another
854 02:32:18 --> 02:32:30 fair value gap, which is also part of what what do you see here, here, here, here, bullish breaker. So even if you don't see this fair value gap, it's fine,
855 02:32:30 --> 02:32:38 because you'll get the breaker there. Drops once more. What is this little indicator telling me right here I'm
856 02:32:44 --> 02:33:02 350, to 410, I'm going to ask you a question, does the market respect that fair value gap here, and does It respect it here? Does the send price higher, yup.
857 02:33:04 --> 02:33:27 What time? What time, Dave, are these setups for me, the macro times that I said so you're seeing I the lower quadrant of the old, stale daily volume imbalance,
858 02:33:30 --> 02:33:41 lower quadrant. Consequence, fair value gap. Fair value gap time. What time is the setup going to form? If there's an algorithm that means it's going to do
859 02:33:41 --> 02:33:55 something based on a repeating time. It's a time delivered mechanism that price will begin to spoil. I don't give a flying fuck who says what. Otherwise, I
860 02:33:55 --> 02:34:03 don't give a fuck what their title is at Goldman fucking yank my nuts. I don't give a fuck if it's city, I don't give a shit if it's fucking any other
861 02:34:03 --> 02:34:10 investment bank, I don't give a fuck who they are. They could be on CNBC with their fucking dick hanging out. I don't care. They can tell you anything they
862 02:34:10 --> 02:34:24 want. The market is not controlled by buying and selling pressure. That is the biggest fucking load of horse shit there's ever been. There are no fucking smart
863 02:34:24 --> 02:34:34 money traps. Okay, there is no fucking algorithm changed. Does this look like to you? Does this fucking look like it's been changed, manipulated, somehow fucking
864 02:34:34 --> 02:34:52 augmented and no longer useful? It's obsolete. Now. It's fucking obsolete. Look at this shit. You tell me, you tell me, has anything lost its luster in my
865 02:34:52 --> 02:35:16 life's work here, hell to the no No, baby, no no, no. No, how pretty, how pristine is this? It's so perfect. And because there's an algorithm that
866 02:35:16 --> 02:35:24 controls all of this stuff, that's what you're expecting. You're expecting these things, these repeating signatures that tell you, unequivocally, there's
867 02:35:24 --> 02:35:39 absolutely something controlling it and that, that, Oh, that's a beautiful deer. I'm in the morning room. Sorry, but this, this, this deer is gorgeous. It's
868 02:35:39 --> 02:35:46 beautiful. Tell me you're like, Man, I wish I could shoot it. I can't look at them like that. I guess if I didn't have food in the house, I probably would do
869 02:35:46 --> 02:36:01 it, but I just can't bring myself to shoot them. But these elements of just perfect, perfect presentations of how the market will repeat. Okay, stop for a
870 02:36:01 --> 02:36:13 second, okay, how many schools of thought or discipline or styles of trading Do you personally know? I'm not saying that you know to trade them, but what are
871 02:36:13 --> 02:36:24 you familiar with, like supply and demand. You have Elliott Wave. You have doubt there. You have white golf. You have, uh, shit, harmonic patterns, all kinds of
872 02:36:24 --> 02:36:40 stuff. Okay, and then you have my stuff too. How is the market at the times that I teach you when the moves are going to form? All the kill zones? Okay? There
873 02:36:40 --> 02:36:53 has been no change in the algorithm. There has been no weaponization against the things I've taught, and you don't even know 1/10 of the shit I know. And you're
874 02:36:53 --> 02:37:04 thinking that now, oh, it's changed. It just means that you don't know you're doing it, and especially if you sell services, or if you're selling engagement,
875 02:37:04 --> 02:37:12 it's a perfect compound for you to say, well, I can't do it. So then it's easy for me to say, don't listen to ICT stuff, because it because everybody looks,
876 02:37:12 --> 02:37:19 looks for an excuse to take the off ramp, because it takes work. Here you're gonna work your ass off. But I'm telling you, they're in a motherfucker walking
877 02:37:19 --> 02:37:25 this fucking planet that's ever gonna be more precise, ever. They're never gonna be with time it. They're never gonna be able to fucking be as precise. They're
878 02:37:25 --> 02:37:31 never gonna tell you what it's gonna fucking do and consistently be able to tell you where it's going, why it's gonna go there, and how it's gonna behave with
879 02:37:31 --> 02:37:39 the delivery and price. It will never fucking happen. It's an open invitation. Daddy's home. I'm out here. Let's go. Not one of these fucking talkers, not one
880 02:37:39 --> 02:37:47 of these motherfucking talkers have made their way up on the fucking leaderboard. You're asking where I'm at. I told you they would not come. Dave,
881 02:37:47 --> 02:37:54 with all due respect, brother, just bring it. Stop sending messages like a pigeon between fucking pro charge Mopar, okay, he's in both of our communities.
882 02:37:54 --> 02:38:04 Stop doing all that shit. Get on the fucking leaderboard. Okay. And then there it is. But doing all this stuff. Stop. That's dumb. I'll expect that more from
883 02:38:04 --> 02:38:16 you, but not one, just like I told you, not one of these motherfuckers ever came, not one time, and I'm rubbing your fucking noses in it again out here, I'm
884 02:38:16 --> 02:38:29 begging for it, come. Come. I have not forgotten how to fucking trade. I have not fucking somehow got amnesia. Does it look like I don't know what the fuck
885 02:38:29 --> 02:38:33 I'm doing? Some of you are thinking, fuck, I'm glad I didn't do it. You're fucking right.
886 02:38:40 --> 02:38:40 Where to trade to
887 02:38:50 --> 02:39:10 see that, but it's probably random. It's probably random. It's probably, I don't know, guesswork. Let's go into yesterday, and with the right volume imbalance on
888 02:39:10 --> 02:39:25 the chart, which is this over here, I got nothing but love for you, Dave. It's all fun. I promise you painless. Follow my sword so we have the volume imbalance
889 02:39:25 --> 02:39:33 here, and I have the quadrant levels there. I was watching price on the one minute chart, and if you look at yesterday's presentation, it was the only video
890 02:39:33 --> 02:39:42 I put up. I didn't do a live stream yesterday. I didn't feel well, and I had a lot of things going on with my niece, who's now gone, so it shouldn't be all
891 02:39:42 --> 02:39:55 that much distraction going into September and October live streams, but the I will not be live streaming November and December, because it's holiday. So that
892 02:39:55 --> 02:40:04 told Caleb, I will live stream. Price Action. I'll give you everything. I will. Look forward into it, but when we get to November, I'll do pre recorded videos
893 02:40:04 --> 02:40:11 and lectures that amplify what has been shown in live streams, but I will not be live streaming in November and December. Okay, so that way, if you want to know
894 02:40:11 --> 02:40:22 how long we're gonna be doing it, that tells you. But I was watching price yesterday, and we did trade up into the volume imbalance lower half of it, but
895 02:40:22 --> 02:40:33 didn't quite get into the second half. And we had this big dump off here, and they rally once more. And as we dropped down in I was watching that New Day
896 02:40:33 --> 02:40:45 opening gap on the 20th I'm thinking to myself, hey, if they can send us on a closing basis below these lows on here. Then I'm going to use any return back up
897 02:40:45 --> 02:40:59 into that new day, opening gap, hit that, use it as a sell off and go lower. Now it's going to aim for this, not this. What am I doing? This? This low here. This
898 02:40:59 --> 02:41:15 is part of a breaker there. So this high, this low, two forms of what discount array I want to see? Does it want to go and close below here? And it didn't do
899 02:41:15 --> 02:41:25 it. And as I was watching it, I was looking at this fair value gap that I didn't go watch the recording yesterday. You'll see me do two things there, because I'm
900 02:41:25 --> 02:41:34 using a one minute chart and because I'm trying to annotate it while I was recording it for you, I highlight this area in here, and I don't get a chance to
901 02:41:34 --> 02:41:46 throw the the rectangle on this candle is low and this candle is high, it's little off. Look at the recording, you'll see it's not it's not anchored
902 02:41:46 --> 02:42:00 properly. And because I see that we're down dipping in here, I'm like, Okay, I want to catch it on a buy stop. So I go in and I put in a order to buy it as it
903 02:42:00 --> 02:42:12 clears and should breach the consequence. I want to be in it. Should it do that? So I heard him grab this and do something like that when it's trading here. So
904 02:42:12 --> 02:42:21 if it's going to go and if this really is an inversion fair value gap, it's going to be treated as like a springboard. I want to get in there on a spot as
905 02:42:21 --> 02:42:33 it proves it's going up that way. What it's doing is, if it just drops out of it and goes lower and attacks these relative equal lows, I won't be filled. I'm
906 02:42:33 --> 02:42:42 buying the strength that the inversion fair value gap should prove to me with delivery of price, because it's already wicked outside of it. See that. So in
907 02:42:42 --> 02:42:52 here, running up, and then we're back down in here, in this consolidation, what side would you bet on going to relative equal lows or the relative equal highs,
908 02:42:52 --> 02:42:59 but into the area that was not delivered yet on that old daily volume of bounce at the beginning of this live chain, I showed you that, if you were one of the
909 02:42:59 --> 02:43:07 individuals that were saying that the volume bounce was completely closed in already. It's because you had it set wrong on your daily chart. You had
910 02:43:07 --> 02:43:15 settlement toggled when I didn't. And I told you to begin this live stream. And I said it in other instances, in Twitter spaces last year, and I said it in
911 02:43:15 --> 02:43:24 other lectures on this YouTube channel where I look at the difference between both. And I told you how I use that information. Whichever gives me the wider
912 02:43:24 --> 02:43:37 range, okay, whatever gives me the wider range for inefficiency, or if it's, if it's a body for an order block, I'll look at both, and whichever ones like, if
913 02:43:37 --> 02:43:45 it's a bearish order block, I'll use the higher one. So if it's going to trade up to a higher opening price for the up close candle, that makes a bearish order
914 02:43:45 --> 02:43:52 block. If the context is there for it to be an order block, not just any up close candle, it's a bearish order block. I'll use the one that's higher and I'm
915 02:43:52 --> 02:44:03 toggling that set to settlement price and or not do it. And whichever ones the more of a range that I have to make compensation for. That's the one I'm going
916 02:44:03 --> 02:44:16 to use. So I might miss trades because I do that, and that's sometimes the the result of me trading that way. But that's okay. Not getting in a trade, even if
917 02:44:16 --> 02:44:26 it runs 250 handles, is so much better to sleep on than getting in a trade, losing pushing my will on the market, taking another trade and then keep getting
918 02:44:27 --> 02:44:36 beat up, doing it wrong. I'd rather miss a move that would have been profitable and not get filled doing the right thing, than trying to do something over and
919 02:44:36 --> 02:44:44 over and over again that won't make money. You know, I'm saying like I can accept it. My ego is hurt a little bit, because I know when it does take off and
920 02:44:44 --> 02:44:53 have these big runs, I want to be able to say to my wife like, Oh, yes, right here. You see that. See who you're married to, bro, and see that. I call her
921 02:44:53 --> 02:44:59 that all the time because she's broad chested, and it's not an interrogatory statement. But some of you in the listening audience that are women are like,
922 02:44:59 --> 02:45:08 wow, I. That was really rude of you. I just You just lost a lot of respect. You don't need a dynamic chain. My wife and I, okay, trust me, she knows who butters
923 02:45:08 --> 02:45:17 her fucking bread. Okay, oh, twisted it. I'm trying to get all kinds of drama started up the day. I'm really not. I'm just having fun, but I wanted to be a
924 02:45:17 --> 02:45:28 buyer on the upper half of that inversion fair value gap. So because I saw this candlestick here, and I didn't readily see it when I first saw it, because I got
925 02:45:28 --> 02:45:35 50 year old eyes now, and I still ain't got my prescription, I don't know why it's taken so long. Maybe because it's a supply chain issues, but it usually
926 02:45:35 --> 02:45:43 takes about a week for my glasses to get filled, and it's been longer than that now. And I don't know what the hell the holdup is, but I'm two prescriptions
927 02:45:43 --> 02:45:55 behind where my eyesight should be better when I get my glasses. When I first was watching it, I thought that these candlesticks were actually closing closer
928 02:45:55 --> 02:46:05 to these bodies. So it didn't, it didn't register as strongly as it did when I realized, I was like, oh shit, it has already done it, like it's done it. It's
929 02:46:05 --> 02:46:13 went down below the bodies here. It's already did the rejection block. That would have been a better entry for me, but because I missed it, I have to now
930 02:46:13 --> 02:46:21 look at this gap that's now here, at that candles close right there. I'm noticing it as I'm looking into this candle, and I'm like, Shit, I have two
931 02:46:21 --> 02:46:33 options here, fix the fair value gap and have it anchored, like I have it here, or just go in and just get the fill. So my mindset, if it's going to go I want
932 02:46:33 --> 02:46:42 to do it on a buy stop. So it means it's got to trade up to my level, like a buy stop would be used to protect the short position. That's the entry mechanism I
933 02:46:42 --> 02:46:49 used, and I was doing it inside of this inversion fair value gap. So in other words, I wasn't looking at it as like it was going to go up here, to go down
934 02:46:49 --> 02:46:59 initially. I was looking for reasons to try to maybe suggest that it may do that and then catch a smaller, immediate rebalance, or a fair value gap on a 15
935 02:46:59 --> 02:47:07 second chart after it respected it, but when I looked at the can, I was like, oh shit. Actually, I'm reading that wrong. I'm gonna go in there and treat it as
936 02:47:07 --> 02:47:19 inversion paramedic. So I couldn't get it drawn out properly, but you can see it was me and obviously buying it. So I went and put in a buy order on a stop. It
937 02:47:19 --> 02:47:27 fills me. And then you start seeing me measure this wick over here. So I'm looking at this wick thinking, Okay, it's gone above it. Now I'm going to try to
938 02:47:27 --> 02:47:34 add to it, and I'll put four more contracts on as it touches consequent encouragement. I wanted to see that as an opportunity to do so go watch the
939 02:47:34 --> 02:47:41 recording. You'll see me doing this. But this thing just starts saying, Yeah, I'm going up. And you missed the train. If you're ain't already on, you missed
940 02:47:41 --> 02:47:52 it. So it goes up, and then eventually finds its way to the high end, and it blows out the high of it. And then immediately, I said this in Tanja trades live
941 02:47:52 --> 02:48:03 stream, but I don't see her chat, and I didn't know you could do that. I thought when you do a live stream, you can see the chat. Apparently, there's a way to
942 02:48:03 --> 02:48:13 make the chat not visible, whatever. But there's a large number of you in there, and when I say something, everybody knows. Is it even the ass munches that want
943 02:48:13 --> 02:48:24 to make some comments? ICT, I can't trades here. I can't trade like you ask backwards my head on my ass, but I can trade well. And I called the the sell
944 02:48:24 --> 02:48:36 side. I said it'd be nice if they could take out the sell side level. And I'm sure, as I said it, people are like, Oh, he called it lower, but I want to see
945 02:48:36 --> 02:48:44 it do this type of thing here, up to the top of the volume and balance and then give me something in here. But it really blew out really high, and it all of
946 02:48:44 --> 02:48:49 this. It was so fast I couldn't I know you're probably thinking, Well, do you just show us what you did?
947 02:48:54 --> 02:49:05 So I went in buying, look where, look where the the little carrot that appears when you highlight your little buys and sells. When you hover over top your
948 02:49:05 --> 02:49:14 arrows, you can see this is not Market Replay, okay? And look at the bottom of the chart. It's not the same thing you get when you do Market Replay where that
949 02:49:14 --> 02:49:27 has like a play and rewind button type. That's not what we're doing here. So this is entering on a stop at the high end of the inversion, fair value guy. So
950 02:49:27 --> 02:49:38 I'm getting in on a stop right there. If it's going to go to that level, I'm probably going to be on side. And it's would have to be drive up into this here,
951 02:49:38 --> 02:49:46 once it takes that high out. I'm watching this wick. I want to see it trade above consequent encroachment that wick. And then I wanted to you just see me.
952 02:49:46 --> 02:49:55 I'm doing the fib on this. And if this thing's like, It's Elvis has left the fucking building. It's gone. It's taken off. Well, I knew at that time I was
953 02:49:55 --> 02:50:03 going to get another peer meeting opportunity, so I just had to work with it. And because. Was happening so fast, my mind said, What do you want to do here?
954 02:50:03 --> 02:50:10 Do you want to take half off? Do you want to take two off? Do you want to take four to six? What do you want to do here? So I was like, oh, fuck it. I'll just,
955 02:50:11 --> 02:50:19 I'll take, I'll peel off four here. And I was trying to time it right when it touched the upper quadrant level there. So I took that off there. And then the
956 02:50:19 --> 02:50:29 finally, the limit order fills. And you watch that in the video, and it fills at the high end of the volume imbalance here, all this move here, I was not able to
957 02:50:29 --> 02:50:38 be a participant in I didn't capture any of that move clearly. And this was too fast. It literally was too fast. I was setting this recording up to make the
958 02:50:38 --> 02:50:47 video go on YouTube. When this was happening when I signed back in to the trading view. Once the video was being uploaded to YouTube, it already been down
959 02:50:47 --> 02:50:55 here. I'm like, shit. I missed a really good drop. Like, man, that sucks, because I wanted to do both sides of the marketplace. So okay, I waited and I
960 02:50:55 --> 02:51:03 sat and I watched Tanja trades on her live stream, and she took along, which was, in my opinion, a little aggressive, but it's okay. She bailed out, I think,
961 02:51:03 --> 02:51:11 in this area here, which I was hoping that she would, I didn't want to. I don't like to tell her when she's doing anything on lashing, because I don't want to
962 02:51:11 --> 02:51:20 influence her. But I was a little nervous that she was going to hold on to it for a longer period of time. But when we trade up into the low of that volume of
963 02:51:20 --> 02:51:30 balance that shaded in yellow area, okay, what I was watching. And look real close, okay. As we traded up, look what the height of this candle is right
964 02:51:30 --> 02:51:48 there. You're going to look at this value right there. 19,000 19,008 94, and a half. Okay, and the lower quadrant level is here, so it's not touching it. Is
965 02:51:48 --> 02:51:49 it?
966 02:51:57 --> 02:52:09 Is that body going there? I'm sorry not Bobby. Is that wick on here? Touching it? Nope. So what does it do? It trades down. Okay, so what's an ICT order
967 02:52:09 --> 02:52:17 block? What is an ICT order block? It's a change in the state of delivery. Now I'm going to put the execution back
968 02:52:22 --> 02:52:34 on again. We do not hit it there, and then this candle does what comes all the way back down and crosses over that candles opening price. That is when the
969 02:52:34 --> 02:52:46 algorithm changes. Now we're going lower. We've done the delivery to the buy side, trading right back up into what the old daily volume imbalance. It's using
970 02:52:46 --> 02:52:54 that same PD array. It's not support and resistance. Nothing in here, support and resistance trading up into that. And then I'm waiting for the price to do
971 02:52:55 --> 02:53:07 this cross that opening price. Once it does that, these two consecutive candles is my real order block, which I got a text message from Caleb about the other
972 02:53:07 --> 02:53:14 day. I think it's yesterday. I don't know if it's yesterday or yesterday evening. I can't remember, but he sent me a little screenshot of chat GBT or
973 02:53:14 --> 02:53:23 chat GP. I don't know what the fuck it is. Some kind of algorithm, and I guess it's like Wikipedia, where everybody can contribute to whatever. He was trying
974 02:53:23 --> 02:53:31 to show me that order blocks, and it says nobody's really associated as the originator of the fuck. They ain't. It's mine, baby. That's fucking all mine.
975 02:53:31 --> 02:53:40 The point is this, nobody else can tell you what an order block is. I can, and I want people that think they know it. And here's my open challenge for all of you
976 02:53:40 --> 02:53:51 listeners, if you know somebody that says they understand what an ICT order block is, pray tell please tell me who they are. If they're live streaming and I
977 02:53:51 --> 02:54:01 want to see them call order blocks live, I will go into their chat. I will be polite. I will not ridicule them. I will not trash talk them. I will not try to
978 02:54:01 --> 02:54:10 be ignorant or try to be condescending. I want to see someone because I'm going to tell you right now, none of them, none of them, even my charter members,
979 02:54:10 --> 02:54:22 cannot tell you every valid order block. I promise you that. Can they find ones that support a trade? Absolutely. But you're talking to the glean, a dean of
980 02:54:22 --> 02:54:36 gleam here, with it comes, this is my stuff, and you're going to discover that what you have been hearing about from other people that want to kind of like
981 02:54:37 --> 02:54:47 dilute it, because they're trying To take you subtly away from the brand of ICT, so that way they can carve out their own little niche. And I get it, but I'm not
982 02:54:47 --> 02:54:58 the right to want to do that with because there's a lot of things that you'll never learn from me, and I'm going to keep it that way, so nobody can say, Well,
983 02:54:58 --> 02:55:08 I figured out the algorithm. Like you're not figuring me out. You're never figuring me out. Like everything, even the goofy, silly shit that I do, I do
984 02:55:08 --> 02:55:18 that I know I'm gonna get gears turning, but I'm literally 25 steps ahead of every one of you in my analysis. I'm so far ahead in where price is gonna go.
985 02:55:18 --> 02:55:25 I'm just simply waiting for it to do what I'm teaching Caleb to do. Conceptually, he's doing the same thing. I know what the algorithm is likely to
986 02:55:25 --> 02:55:33 do in certain parts of the day based on time, and I'm waiting for these things to materialize in a chart. When I'm doing these live streams and I'm talking
987 02:55:33 --> 02:55:43 over live price action, Caleb has the benefit of watching when he can. He can't do it all the time, but when he's not at work, or when he's sneaking and I don't
988 02:55:43 --> 02:55:53 want him doing that, he's watching me talk about very specific things, and then he's looking at delayed data. He does not have real time data, so he can see me
989 02:55:53 --> 02:56:01 call something, and then several minutes later on, he watches the candles form. So he has the benefit of knowing that dad said this. Now I'm waiting for the
990 02:56:01 --> 02:56:10 chart to present that, and then I'm going to watch it as it's happening. I'm going to watch it. That's how you should be using these live streams. When
991 02:56:10 --> 02:56:20 you're watching the recordings, do the same thing, even if you watch it later on. You can't watch it live or whatever. That's how you should watch it. Rewind
992 02:56:20 --> 02:56:27 and keep rewinding that spot that I'm talking about, something about price, and then you watch the candles, because I'm looking at a one minute chart that's a
993 02:56:27 --> 02:56:35 very, very low time frame. You don't need the less than one minute. One minute is going to give you a lot of details, but you're watching the fluctuations of
994 02:56:35 --> 02:56:46 every one of these individual candles. So when we traded back up into that volume balance low, after this big drop off, what is the what's the likelihood
995 02:56:46 --> 02:56:54 of where price is doing this? Is it more likely that they're going to come back down and sweep below the sell side here, when we trade to this level, or
996 02:56:54 --> 02:57:05 continue up and take out that high? What do you think the the likelihood of this? Clearly, it's going to be exploring the downside sell side. Okay? Why?
997 02:57:05 --> 02:57:15 Because we've been going up for a long time, and we finally worked our way to and through that daily volume of bounds. So it's exhaustive. It's like, I'm just
998 02:57:15 --> 02:57:22 gonna throw it all up there and be done with it. And that's what they did. They just pumped it up there real hard and allowed a heavy measure of distribution
999 02:57:22 --> 02:57:30 coming to market. Come in the marketplace. I knew this, and watching the market trade back up into the low of the volume imbalance, then I wanted to see, does
1000 02:57:30 --> 02:57:38 my order block give me my my signature of when it's going to be good to sell short? I'll close candles. You're consecutive opening price. That's your change
1001 02:57:38 --> 02:57:51 in the state of delivery. It right there. Gives it to me. It does not listen folks. It does not require a close below, okay. It doesn't require that. It's
1002 02:57:51 --> 02:58:02 not an engulfing candle that does talk all that. It's not That's not what's going on. There's other things that are distinct away from the single up close
1003 02:58:02 --> 02:58:11 candle, or in this case, when they're consecutive, all of this is the entire order block. Okay, that's the entire order block, but your eye goes to the
1004 02:58:11 --> 02:58:21 opening price, the lowest opening price of the consecutive candles. In this case, it's this right there. When it takes that out there, all it does is have
1005 02:58:21 --> 02:58:31 to breach it. That means trade to it and below it, one tick that activates that right there, and my eye goes right to that, because everything going forward,
1006 02:58:31 --> 02:58:44 the algorithm is gonna refer back to that same price. Watch, man, this is almost like a paid mentorship level, you feel like a charter member right now. I don't
1007 02:58:44 --> 02:58:55 deceive. I don't even deserve this. Why is this guy giving us away for free? I know it's probably because I got money. So we had the opening price here, and
1008 02:58:55 --> 02:59:08 this candlestick crosses over right there. At that point, as of 1116 we are now in a cell model, okay, this candle, I'm sorry, this candle, we open right at the
1009 02:59:08 --> 02:59:22 low of the volume imbalance. We open, trade up a little bit, come right back down. Next candle, opening rallies back up. Does it take the rejection block
1010 02:59:23 --> 02:59:35 there, because if it takes the rejection block that nullifies the order block, it completely undermines it says, Nope, don't do it. If I have a trade open, I
1011 02:59:35 --> 02:59:46 will kill it. Find that in my lectures, charter members have no idea that's the first time they heard it, too. So no one's figured that out. You're hearing it
1012 02:59:46 --> 02:59:52 now, but you're going to hear it and people talking about it in their live stream, they're going to talk about in their mentorships and stuff. But it's all
1013 02:59:52 --> 02:59:59 here. You learned it today, August, 22 2024 and then right here, we cross back down.
1014 03:00:01 --> 03:00:11 ICT: In here, we do not get the rejection block. And as it was forming lower, as I'm aiming right towards the low of that, I'm getting two things at one time,
1015 03:00:11 --> 03:00:19 failure to get the rejection block, because it should have did it spike right up in it bang. And done. Because if this is a valid order block, it should not go
1016 03:00:19 --> 03:00:30 there. And I'm waiting for that. I want to see it. Okay? It's wonderful. Drop right? There's my fill. I'm eyeballing it marketing in, and I'm trying to aim it
1017 03:00:30 --> 03:00:38 as it's hitting where the body is starting to drop down, drop down, drop down. I'm trying to aim it as it's hitting the low, the volume of bounce, that shaded
1018 03:00:38 --> 03:00:46 yellow area, that's the same section on the daily chart where there's a section where there's no bodies that overlap or connect, it's just the wicks, everything
1019 03:00:46 --> 03:01:03 we talked about this whole presentation today. So then we close here below that price every time we hit that. Does it support? Lower, lower, high, yep, lower,
1020 03:01:04 --> 03:01:18 yep, only going back up into this candlestick here. Sell off. Adding to it. I'm pyramiding. What am I adding into? I'm adding into the low of the new day,
1021 03:01:18 --> 03:01:27 opening gap on the 20th right here. Oh, but look at this. You had a little bit of retracement. Right? My larger positions up here, six. I'm not underwater. It
1022 03:01:27 --> 03:01:37 never goes into a negative. It never do the math on it. That's why I go in with the higher portion, larger first, and then I can pyramid down here. I can take a
1023 03:01:37 --> 03:01:49 little bit of heat on that trade. It's not, it's not taking me into negative $1,500 negative $2,500 I hope it in praying that's not happening. Market breaks
1024 03:01:49 --> 03:02:06 lower comes one more time, which is, what's it hitting here? That's the daily Sibi high hits it here. Here, what's this rejection block there? Sells off.
1025 03:02:07 --> 03:02:27 What's below here? Sell side. What's these levels here? New the opening guy. When do you get that information? 6pm on the 20th. I'm aiming for sell side
1026 03:02:28 --> 03:02:31 below here, and I'm trying to reach below
1027 03:02:37 --> 03:02:47 to take the sell side out below here. How'd I get to that level? These prices here? How to get these prices, this consolidation in here?
1028 03:02:55 --> 03:03:07 I love ICT. I love this. I love this, this, this knowledge is, is forbidden knowledge. Yeah, it is. Here's a consolidation. I want one half of that
1029 03:03:07 --> 03:03:21 consolidation out. That's a standard deviation. That's a pretty good place to take profits, isn't it? As it's amine. Am hitting it. I'm trying to get out with
1030 03:03:21 --> 03:03:31 the sell side. I don't care about all the the bottom tick, you know, scavengers. I don't worry about all that. Your heroes don't have trades like this, folks,
1031 03:03:31 --> 03:03:40 okay, I promise you that they don't have it. They have mentorships, but they can't trade like this. They cannot trade like this period. End of story not
1032 03:03:40 --> 03:03:50 happening. Okay? So I went long based on experience, and I knew that it pulled some shenanigans. Is basically what it is. I knew this was manual intervention,
1033 03:03:50 --> 03:03:56 that I knew they were going to gun the high. I knew they were going to probably take it up to the high of the volume. I knew that much, and then it was a little
1034 03:03:56 --> 03:04:07 overzealous on the outside. So I was right about picking the time when they were intervening. I am not able to do this consistently, but there are few times, and
1035 03:04:07 --> 03:04:18 I mean this very, very few times when the markets are conducive for having these seek and destroy events, which is the the characteristic of this week is what I
1036 03:04:18 --> 03:04:28 told you on Monday in our live stream. I said, be aware that we have Jackson Hole symposium. Jackson Hole symposium. So if you look at the economic calendar,
1037 03:04:28 --> 03:04:29 you'll see it looks like this
1038 03:04:37 --> 03:04:47 any time going in the future as a trader, when you see that the economic counter has that on it, you're going to have delivery of price that will overlap back
1039 03:04:47 --> 03:04:59 and forth, up down, up down, up down, up down, and it can invite the conditions that is seek and destroy. If you take trades, okay, if you take trades that you.
1040 03:05:00 --> 03:05:15 I don't if you don't take partials, let's put it that way, you're going to give up the best wins, and you'll overstay your welcome. I proved this yesterday by
1041 03:05:15 --> 03:05:24 having a trade on and telling my my students what I was looking for. I wanted a little bit more overzealous target. I had a runner, you know, still trying to
1042 03:05:24 --> 03:05:35 squeeze a little bit more juice out of the lemon, and it finally came back, and you took me out of what I was aiming for. I don't think that a Jackson Hole
1043 03:05:35 --> 03:05:46 symposium week is a week that you should push real, real hard on, because it takes a lot of experience to find a good setup and not get overlapped. That
1044 03:05:46 --> 03:05:52 means, like, when you see a price run, where it goes like this, it runs up, comes back down, doesn't take the low out and runs right back over top of it.
1045 03:05:53 --> 03:06:00 Just look at the price action over this week. Promise, when you look at it Saturday, how we've done intraday price action, up, down, up, down, up, down.
1046 03:06:01 --> 03:06:13 It's overlapping. It railroads back and forth, and it's like wonderful setups there, but you have to pay yourself. You got to get something out of them, or
1047 03:06:13 --> 03:06:26 you'll get your ass handed to you. So because of that, you want to see far less trading. Okay? And since we had day one of the symposium today, tomorrow's day
1048 03:06:26 --> 03:06:35 two and Friday, and then Saturdays day three, you want to try to do your trading at the beginning of the week. And if you're going to do anything in the latter
1049 03:06:35 --> 03:06:44 part of the week, you want to be very, very light handed and not have a lot of leverage on and don't trade a lot. Get one good setup. Be content with that, and
1050 03:06:44 --> 03:06:51 paper trade the rest of the time. There's nothing wrong with that tape read, don't even push the demo. Just Just observe it. And don't think, wow, I could
1051 03:06:51 --> 03:07:00 have missed that. I missed that move. It was a big move. There's always moves. There's always moves coming. But if you take a loss on a week now that I've told
1052 03:07:00 --> 03:07:10 you that this is the characteristic, and you still try to push the envelope of risk and over leveraging and frequency of trade and over trading it, you're
1053 03:07:10 --> 03:07:18 going to think, man, I see he's a dick. He told me this is going to happen, and I still did it, and you're gonna blame me, but you did it wrong. You crashed
1054 03:07:18 --> 03:07:27 into the tree, you drove drunk. I didn't put you behind the wheel. You're You're a trading account. I'm telling you don't drive. Just try to do at the beginning
1055 03:07:27 --> 03:07:35 week to that's a week when we can do what trade on Mondays. Now, if Jackson Hole symposium starts on a Monday, or any one of those three days of that symposium
1056 03:07:35 --> 03:07:48 is on a Monday, you don't trade on Monday. Absolutely don't trade it. I so I went long. And then later in the afternoon, I went short
1057 03:07:54 --> 03:08:06 six contracts or so that came out, and then I got stopped out on the bounce of here. So I covered four, I'm sorry, five and one more. And then the trail stop
1058 03:08:06 --> 03:08:15 loss I had. I was giving it room to see if it can overlap a little bit of this. I was hoping that the new day opening gap would keep it at bay. And then
1059 03:08:15 --> 03:08:27 finally, it stopped me out right there. That's stop losses there. Now this one was something I was sharing with my private students, just kind of like anchor,
1060 03:08:27 --> 03:08:35 because their private community that is beyond what this is. I was teaching them early in the beginning of the week, also telling them that just be mindful that
1061 03:08:35 --> 03:08:44 this week we will see overlapping price that means it'll go back and forth, back and forth, and whatever price run was before the one we're in now, it's going to
1062 03:08:44 --> 03:08:54 go over top of that and run, potentially whatever stop was there. So I did something that made sense, technically. Started at a really good level, based on
1063 03:08:54 --> 03:09:07 sound logic. Added to it based on sound logic, good risk management, no over leveraging, no crazy town like frequency of trade, and then targeted liquidity,
1064 03:09:07 --> 03:09:18 majority lines, portion of the move taken below old lows, where Smart Money traders are going to distribute their short positions. And then I allowed the
1065 03:09:18 --> 03:09:26 market to come all the way back up. Now, truth be told, I wanted to see it come down here, and I was going to start doing partials right in here. I took one
1066 03:09:26 --> 03:09:33 off, other meaning four. And now it took one more off below these lows here, and now it took one off here, and then I would have had one contract remaining to
1067 03:09:33 --> 03:09:41 see if I get below here and then reach for the target I had. That's how I intended to trade it. But it came all the way back and got the balance of the
1068 03:09:41 --> 03:09:51 four contracts with the 10 that went short here, six added four more here. Highlight three there. You can see it look up here, right here, that is the
1069 03:09:51 --> 03:10:02 closure. And then that's a closure there. And then the balance of the remaining four of the 10 contracts were stopped out. Up there. So that's over $17,000
1070 03:10:03 --> 03:10:13 buying it long. I would have shorted it here had I been in front of the charts, but it was too fast for me, way too fast. I was thinking I was going to be able
1071 03:10:13 --> 03:10:22 to upload the video because it was real short. I compressed it real quick, and then it took like 30 seconds to compress and make it in cams Asia. And then
1072 03:10:23 --> 03:10:30 started on the server upload, and I came back to the charts, and I was expecting to do something the upper half of the volume imbalance to get short on. And it
1073 03:10:30 --> 03:10:41 just said, Oh, hell no, lower. And then I had to wait for this, this objective here, which is fine, because I would have wanted to short up in this area and
1074 03:10:41 --> 03:10:50 then use the lower end to pyramid, like I added it here, where I went, six here and four here. I would have done six in here, if it would offer me something on
1075 03:10:50 --> 03:10:57 the high end, above the midpoint, which is that red line, if it would have gave me another fair value gap trade into or institutional order for entry drill, I
1076 03:10:57 --> 03:11:04 would have went short on that. Or if it would have traded back up into this wick half consequent encroachment, I would have added there and then as it broke
1077 03:11:04 --> 03:11:13 lower the last pyramid entry would have been trading what I have here, if it would have given it. May not have given it, though, but that's my thought
1078 03:11:13 --> 03:11:22 process. So I can say that to you, because you can see my executions here. You can see my other executions. You can also see how I'm calling price action live,
1079 03:11:22 --> 03:11:29 giving you the details of why it should behave a certain way and why it shouldn't behave a certain way, and then you watch it pan out. So I'm going to
1080 03:11:29 --> 03:11:41 ask you, do you believe that there's an algorithm that controls price? If you do believe there's an algorithm that controls price, do you believe that they
1081 03:11:41 --> 03:11:53 somehow changed it? Do you see traps being formed? Do I look like I'm being trapped by anything? Does this look like a man that knows something about the
1082 03:11:53 --> 03:12:02 marketplace, or does he look like he's falling into traps and snares? Does it look like does it look like that this person that's talking to you over live
1083 03:12:02 --> 03:12:11 price action, not Market Replay, not hindsight moves, not a textbook. Here's a picture in a book that's static and who knows when it was. I'm talking to you
1084 03:12:11 --> 03:12:21 with real price action over live feed, with low, low low latency. That means from the time it happens in real time, and you seeing it with my live stream.
1085 03:12:21 --> 03:12:30 And if you have live stream that's occurring you, I'm already talking about it before it gets there and how it should behave, and there it is. So do you
1086 03:12:30 --> 03:12:38 believe that they've changed an algorithm? If there is one, or if you don't believe there's an algorithm, leave a comment. I promise you, as long as you're
1087 03:12:38 --> 03:12:47 respectful, I'll still be able to see any other comments you send me, but if you send me some stupid shit, some some dog shit kind of post, or whatever, all I do
1088 03:12:47 --> 03:12:55 is click Hide viewer from Channel, meaning I will never see you. You'll be able to leave a comment. You'll think you're leaving a comment, but I won't ever see
1089 03:12:55 --> 03:13:04 your horseshit again. I'm here to teach even the people that don't like me. I'm here to for for you to learn how to do this stuff the right way, how to read
1090 03:13:04 --> 03:13:14 price action the right way. And if you feel like that, what I'm showing you isn't valid. We'll make a case for why it isn't. You want to make videos about
1091 03:13:14 --> 03:13:23 me. Okay, tell me where I did it wrong. Make the video about it. Okay, I won't do a copyright strike. Don't do the whole video. Just do little segments of it.
1092 03:13:23 --> 03:13:31 And I promise you, for everyone that does that, there'll be an army of other people uploading parts where I really said it in proper context. And I'll wipe
1093 03:13:31 --> 03:13:42 you out that way too. I want to see it. I want to see the guys that can do the stuff, do it live, call it outline, explain it. What's the what's the logic
1094 03:13:42 --> 03:14:02 behind it? What's the narrative? Explain why it should behave a certain way. Man, look at that. Move. Look at it. Were we long today? Gap, multiple things
1095 03:14:02 --> 03:14:24 added to it all in here, fair value, gap, rejection, block, sell off, reaching to new day, opening gap, I think that's a sell side. Yeah. It, and I think
1096 03:14:24 --> 03:14:33 that's going to be it for today. I think I've done a fair enough job today to shit on everybody that says there is no algorithm, that price isn't controlled,
1097 03:14:33 --> 03:14:45 and that there are no absolutely zero traps. There are no traps for Smart Money concepts. Let me see if I can say this in a very diplomatic way, you're a
1098 03:14:45 --> 03:14:56 fucking idiot. If you don't recognize that there's an algorithm, you're a fucking idiot if you are trying to make a band aid for your inability to know
1099 03:14:56 --> 03:15:06 how to use it properly and time it and make the excuse. Set, they somehow change the algorithm. I'm the guy that created this. Though. This is my whole entire
1100 03:15:06 --> 03:15:20 life's work. I codified these things me. I did. You can see it in my the you can hear the authority and when I'm talking about it, that's why it sounds arrogant,
1101 03:15:20 --> 03:15:26 because it's mine, and I know and I've been watching it's being abused, and these people don't know what they're talking about.
1102 03:15:32 --> 03:15:43 When you have a better understanding, which will take you a little bit of time and effort, it's going to take you effort, you will have the confidence that is
1103 03:15:43 --> 03:15:54 lacking in every other approach, because what you're doing is you're placing faith on a pattern. I don't believe in a pattern. I don't believe in any fucking
1104 03:15:54 --> 03:16:07 pattern. I believe in time when it should move and I believe in price inefficiency. Liquidity, inside the spectrum of a market structure that either
1105 03:16:07 --> 03:16:18 is implying that it's going to go higher or lower. And where is that derived from the daily chart? It seems like there's a whole lot of things the balance.
1106 03:16:18 --> 03:16:29 That's because you don't know what it feels like to hold a piece of China, one plate, one piece of fine china wear. And you don't know what it feels like that
1107 03:16:29 --> 03:16:39 hold that dowel rod that's three and a half feet in length, and you don't know what it feels like to take that one plate and spin it on the top of that dowel
1108 03:16:39 --> 03:16:48 rod and maintain that one plate and keep it from falling and breaking, and then getting good at that with one, and then trying it with the second one, and
1109 03:16:48 --> 03:16:54 getting good and and being able to hold both of them spinning without dropping them and breaking it and then adding one more. And that's exactly what it's
1110 03:16:54 --> 03:17:03 like. Learning how to trade. Every aspect of trading is never learned quickly and just right away, just like that. And anyone that markets to you that they
1111 03:17:03 --> 03:17:14 can do that for you, listen to me, folks. And I mean this in Jesus name, I mean this, they're lying to you. They're lying to you. They're trying to do anything
1112 03:17:14 --> 03:17:24 they can to separate you from your money so that way they can eat. I promise you, that is the truth. Because if they knew what they were doing, if they
1113 03:17:24 --> 03:17:34 really understood what they were doing, they wouldn't be begging you to pay them. They wouldn't be doing everything in their power to take your attention
1114 03:17:34 --> 03:17:49 away from me, who's giving it to you for free. And look what it's doing. Look what it's doing. Are you not enter fucking tamed? Are you not seeing the proof
1115 03:17:49 --> 03:18:03 that there is absolutely a way to read price action, and it's so perfect. How the hell could the market react to these levels like this, with the logic for
1116 03:18:03 --> 03:18:12 knowledge, knowing that it's going to behave a certain way. How could anyone know this? We've already canceled out all the bullshit. It's this person's
1117 03:18:12 --> 03:18:25 content, it's that person's content. It's this, it's that, and every single time they strike out, it's not there. It's not anywhere else, but coming out of my
1118 03:18:25 --> 03:18:38 mouth. It's in my head, codified by good old ICT, and I'm giving it to you for free because I got depression from my son. I think to myself every time I lay my
1119 03:18:38 --> 03:18:47 head down like I honestly expect, not that, not that I tried to raise greedy, self centered boys. I didn't, but I thought for sure they'd be like, No way with
1120 03:18:47 --> 03:18:53 all the shit that they've seen, people talk about me and stuff like, sometimes they would get emotional. Be like, you know, why don't you do this and do this?
1121 03:18:53 --> 03:19:04 I was like, because if I let them stay like that, I have a counterpoint to make arguments against. Is forever, ever, ever, there's going to be people that's
1122 03:19:04 --> 03:19:10 going to say something about me. They're going to say there's no algorithm. They're going to say I can't trade. They're going to say I can't call it live.
1123 03:19:10 --> 03:19:21 They're going to say I can't produce profitable students. I've done all that stuff, and they still come up with some Mickey Mouse shit. It doesn't take it
1124 03:19:21 --> 03:19:30 away. It doesn't change it. And it gives me a perfect soundboard to say, Listen, you're either going to be the camp of understanding this stuff is real and
1125 03:19:30 --> 03:19:41 you're going to progress and learn for free, or you're going to be the person that says, I have to sell something because I can't do what he does. So I have
1126 03:19:41 --> 03:19:49 to sell something on my own, so I'm gonna shit on him and do drama marketing. And that only lasts for so long, until you're exposed as an unprofitable dick,
1127 03:19:49 --> 03:20:02 fucking fraud, or people wake up and say, Yeah, you really don't have the Kool Aid. I'm sticking with ICT. I'm drinking his Kool Aid. I got the best Kool Aid
1128 03:20:02 --> 03:20:17 and it's for free. My lemonade stand has the best juice and it's for free. All I gotta do is show up. All you gotta do is show up and hang out. I'm giving you
1129 03:20:17 --> 03:20:28 stuff that you never would learn. I'm proving things conceptually over live price action, and it's not both sides of the marketplace. I'm teaching you
1130 03:20:28 --> 03:20:40 narrative. That's the stuff that cannot be taught in a book. It cannot be taught in a book. I could write 50 fucking books the rest of my life. I would never be
1131 03:20:40 --> 03:20:49 able to scratch the surface of you watching Real Time. What price candles are doing real time as they deliver. How to monitor, Okay, watch when it goes here.
1132 03:20:49 --> 03:20:58 You want to see it, do this. You don't want to see it, do that. But those, those things can't be communicated in a static picture. Think about that. Some of you
1133 03:20:58 --> 03:21:07 have such high hopes about these books, and you're thinking, I'm just going to wait for the book like that's somehow going to give you a quick, you know, jump
1134 03:21:07 --> 03:21:15 ahead the front of the line and understanding if that's not happening, folks, not for the lack of wanting it to be like that. Because if I could, I really
1135 03:21:15 --> 03:21:26 would. I really, I really would. It'd be so much easier, because I want to see what you do with the information. Clearly, I've made millionaires with this
1136 03:21:26 --> 03:21:39 stuff. Millionaires, okay? I'm not the mentor your mentor. I'm the mentor of millionaire traders. I'm the mentor of mentors that while they're learning how
1137 03:21:39 --> 03:21:54 to do it, they sell my stuff when I give it away for free. Make that make sense. That just goes to show the level of just lunacy that traders have when they get
1138 03:21:54 --> 03:22:03 in this industry. Right now, here's it for free from the guy that created it, and here's other guys out here saying I'm going to teach you how to do it
1139 03:22:03 --> 03:22:16 easier, faster, simplifying it. Have them come out and do what I'm doing. Outline the logic, the wise, the why it should and the why it shouldn't and when
1140 03:22:16 --> 03:22:26 it should happen and when it should not happen. And I'm here with it watching. I want popcorn at the ready, because that shit ain't never gonna happen. Every
1141 03:22:26 --> 03:22:37 mentor that's selling a mentorship right now, if they are not giving it to you for a couple months for free, proven that they can see it, outline it and give
1142 03:22:37 --> 03:22:49 it to you in pristine detail, they are not worth your fucking time, let alone your money. And if that hurts, suck at the fuck up buttercup, because that's
1143 03:22:49 --> 03:23:01 just the reality. That's the reality shits too expensive now, man, shit is way too fucking expensive and shits too deep for people be fucking around with some
1144 03:23:01 --> 03:23:13 fraudulent fucking wannabe mentor, if you can't do it, if you can't explain it, if you can't make it make sense real time, you have no voice, and you certainly
1145 03:23:13 --> 03:23:22 don't fucking deserve to have my fucking name a part of your shit. So yes, I'm dipping my dick in your cornflakes and I'm pissing all in it. Because the ones
1146 03:23:22 --> 03:23:28 that can really do it, they're not gonna be offended by that. They'll be like, You know what? For the people that want to go with ICT, there it is. But if you
1147 03:23:28 --> 03:23:39 want to see the way I'm doing it, and I'm gonna come out and prove the I can do this too, you know what, you get a nod from me. I won't shit on you. I won't say
1148 03:23:39 --> 03:23:46 nothing about you because you've earned your spot. You've earned it. But everybody wants my logo and their fucking thumbnail. Everybody wants my fucking
1149 03:23:46 --> 03:23:53 name in there either for fucking drama purposes. Oh yeah, ICT doesn't fucking trade. He's unprofitable. He's the like these motherfuckers know me like you
1150 03:23:53 --> 03:24:08 don't know me. You don't fucking know me. None of you know what the fuck is going on. None of you do. But I love, I love the ones that absolutely care to
1151 03:24:08 --> 03:24:15 learn how to do it properly. They've taken notes, and they've took the initiative to go out there and say, I'm going to carve out my own model. I
1152 03:24:15 --> 03:24:26 didn't forget who I learned it from. I'm not, I'm not blowing ICT in front of everybody just to get a nod from him. I give him his flowers. Say, Hey, you know
1153 03:24:26 --> 03:24:32 what? Thank you for helping me. And if anybody ever asked, How'd you learn this? ICT, and then you go right back to your business. When I'm in other people's
1154 03:24:32 --> 03:24:40 live streams, and they start, oh, ICT, like, I'm a fucking celebrity. I quickly, like, focus on your stream. I'm not a fucking celebrity, but I want to make
1155 03:24:40 --> 03:24:47 myself known in your stream. When I do that, that's not an invitation for everybody to stop listening to the people I'm in there watching too. I'm
1156 03:24:47 --> 03:24:56 curious. I want to see what they're doing. I want to watch what they're doing, because if they're using my information, I want them to teach it correctly. And
1157 03:24:56 --> 03:25:13 if I can help them without managing their trade for them, I'll. So I just don't know how anybody would want to pour money into something when it's being given
1158 03:25:13 --> 03:25:28 for free, like you're getting it, the purest form of it, where it's in a manner where you can, you can judge it for free. I can see if I come out here
1159 03:25:30 --> 03:25:38 and I've done this, if I come out here and I play silly, like, yeah, you know this is like, I don't know it could do that. It could do that. Well, I don't
1160 03:25:38 --> 03:25:48 know that. Yeah, okay, that's something I don't know to talk about. But look at the chart. Look at what we were doing today. Really listen to what I'm telling
1161 03:25:48 --> 03:25:57 you. That's not ambiguous. It's one sided, and it was very rule based. If it does this, it's going to do that. If it does this, it shouldn't do this. So
1162 03:25:57 --> 03:26:07 therefore you can look for this. And I literally told you how my son would be engaging in how he's going to use this model, where his entry technique would be
1163 03:26:07 --> 03:26:16 applied, where his stop loss would be and why? Why is the stop losses in your chart or in your trades? Michael, how was it that your stop losses are so well
1164 03:26:16 --> 03:26:30 placed, right? It's the logic I showed to you today. You right. Everything I'm teaching this mentorship is how I pyramid into trades, how I place my stop loss,
1165 03:26:30 --> 03:26:38 how I read the market, how I get a bias, how I know what's the right draw on liquidity, how I can change direction, how all those things that's that's what
1166 03:26:38 --> 03:26:50 this mentorship is. Because I want my son to know those things, and my other boys will have the recordings as well. And because I'm releasing it for the
1167 03:26:50 --> 03:27:04 first time, this way, everybody afterwards is an echo, meaning they didn't discover it. They didn't find out I love my students. I do. But one of the
1168 03:27:04 --> 03:27:17 things that irk me is I see a lot of people say I took the same trade. When you do that, I'm looking for your trade, and when you don't have that, I look at
1169 03:27:17 --> 03:27:27 that as, okay, that's that's fandom. Fandom is not why I'm here. I don't want fans. I don't want you know, let's bump shoulders and say, hey, look, you know,
1170 03:27:28 --> 03:27:38 it's a move we both took. I don't High Five anybody like that. If you're going to go so far as to tell me in the comment section that, yeah, I took the same
1171 03:27:38 --> 03:27:47 trade, you fucking better show that you did the same trade show it because I don't have any respect for that, and I know the viewers if I allowed those
1172 03:27:47 --> 03:28:01 comments to be seen with shit all over that. And it's justified. It's justified. And if you're going to cosign and say I did this like you did, or took the same
1173 03:28:01 --> 03:28:11 trade as a mentor. I want to see that you did because that's a that's a testimony that you listened, that you that you use the logic that I spent the
1174 03:28:11 --> 03:28:24 time teaching, and you did it without me telling you how to do it, that that's a testimony. You have a voice. You have reason to say, I know what I'm doing. Not
1175 03:28:24 --> 03:28:36 just hey, I want somebody to say, you do the same trade as ICT. Wow. That's not impressive. Show the trade. Show it. Show the engagement, where you got in,
1176 03:28:36 --> 03:28:46 where your stop loss, how you manage it. I would love nothing more to see that I love when I see that in my students, I love that you all like it when you're
1177 03:28:46 --> 03:29:02 watching my executions. I love watching my students executions. To me, it's like, it's like watching my own kids, you know, like I'm I'm watching them do
1178 03:29:02 --> 03:29:12 something that my heart is in. My whole life's been in this and when I can see someone else carving out their success with it, man, am I fucking proud of that.
1179 03:29:12 --> 03:29:22 I am fucking proud of that moment, because I know what it feels like for them. I know what it feels like for them. And I get emotional. Sometimes I get welled up
1180 03:29:22 --> 03:29:31 and I feel like a fucking peacock walk around. And other times I get emotional. I start crying because I'm happy for them. And if I get a chance to have the
1181 03:29:31 --> 03:29:39 fortunate opportunity to watch them when they're live streaming, and they do it, and they feel good, you can watch their fucking face light up because it worked
1182 03:29:39 --> 03:29:47 out. You know damn well what that feels like, you know, and you can't describe it. No words are gonna be able to be adequate enough to say how good it fucking
1183 03:29:47 --> 03:29:54 feels, because there's so many people out there that want to tell you, and it's not because they just don't like me, or they just want to shit on you,
1184 03:29:54 --> 03:30:04 specifically, they'll just shit on anybody because they're miserable, unless you. Up their dick and love what they do, okay? But here in this industry,
1185 03:30:05 --> 03:30:17 unless you are really part of a good community and you're a mature person, you can't appreciate someone else's success. If you look at someone else, I don't
1186 03:30:17 --> 03:30:23 care what they are, okay, if they're trading with any kind of other discipline outside of mine, if they make money and they're consistently able to do that,
1187 03:30:23 --> 03:30:33 you know, I am fucking impressed by that. I have every ounce of fucking respect for somebody like that. They don't have to use what I'm teaching. I'm just
1188 03:30:33 --> 03:30:39 telling you, this is what the markets really do. And you know, if you happen to find a trade that lines up, that's why your trade worked. But if you are
1189 03:30:39 --> 03:30:50 consistently profitable doing anything of your own accord. I have a great deal of respect for that. I don't get jealous by that. I don't talk down just because
1190 03:30:50 --> 03:31:02 you don't use my concepts. You're making fucking money. That's the whole reason why anybody should be doing this. But social media has caused the perfect storm
1191 03:31:02 --> 03:31:11 for people to be divisive, and when I say the things I say, and I said this before, but I get new students all the time, they say, wow, you know, you're
1192 03:31:11 --> 03:31:20 very aggressive, or you talk down to other people. And I wish you wouldn't do that. You know, I'm not talking to you when I do that. I'm talking to the people
1193 03:31:20 --> 03:31:30 that are in other communities that have heard shit about me that isn't true. And then when I do something like that, when I challenge them, say, Look, your shits
1194 03:31:30 --> 03:31:36 Mickey Mouse, it's bullshit. Mine's the real stuff, and it would smoke you. What's that gonna make them do? They're gonna say, Well, I want to see where
1195 03:31:36 --> 03:31:45 it's wrong. And all of a sudden, I have a convert, because they start seeing shit they never saw before, and they're convinced, not because I said so,
1196 03:31:45 --> 03:31:52 because they see it in the fucking charts. They're watching it happen their own charts. They're like, oh shit, this really is better than a fucking rabid wombat
1197 03:31:52 --> 03:32:03 pattern. Hello, there's something else going on there, and that's not a zoo pattern. And I provide the opportunity for you have that moment of astonishment
1198 03:32:03 --> 03:32:11 where it happens in your own hands. That's the magic. That's the part that you need to happen in your own study. Because when you have that first initial
1199 03:32:11 --> 03:32:21 moment of astonishment where it's like, wow, you'll lean on that throughout your entire career, and it then you'll get more of them, and you'll have them in your
1200 03:32:21 --> 03:32:27 journal, and you'll share them with other traders. Say, Hey, look, you know, what was the biggest epiphany moment for you when you were learning how to
1201 03:32:27 --> 03:32:35 trade? Oh, it was when I was looking for these fair value gaps, and I couldn't see them, and I saw all these different fair value gaps, and all of a sudden,
1202 03:32:35 --> 03:32:45 boom, you know, it clicked. I was able to see the right ones, and it became easy, and I didn't know how it was going to happen, and I couldn't even expect
1203 03:32:45 --> 03:32:51 it to happen the way it did, but just because I was in front of the charts all the time, it was like it finally made sense, and that's what I'm talking about,
1204 03:32:51 --> 03:32:58 like it's going to happen for you, but I can't tell you how long it's going to take for that to happen. And some of you, and let's be real honest, Michael,
1205 03:32:59 --> 03:33:08 most of you, are not giving yourself enough time to get that moment, because when it happens, that's when the trading bug has bit you. Now you're a fucking
1206 03:33:08 --> 03:33:15 mutant. Okay, you're going to be out there chasing every opportunity to be a web slinger, just like spider man. Okay, you're gonna be slinging around in these
1207 03:33:15 --> 03:33:23 charts, looking for new opportunities to be able to test the theories that you're learning about. And when you get more experience, and it's building and
1208 03:33:23 --> 03:33:30 building a bit, it's infectious, and you start talking to yourself in a positive tone. So you know what? I'm making progress. I am not wasting my time listening
1209 03:33:30 --> 03:33:40 to people talk down to the person that's sharing this for free. I'm asking nothing. I'm asking nothing. I'm doing this for my son. You don't have to watch
1210 03:33:40 --> 03:33:55 my videos. You nothing brings you here but your own morbid curiosity or your sincere desire to learn it. But it's going to be a default result, the cause and
1211 03:33:55 --> 03:34:05 effect of you spending time here, doing the things I'm teaching my son, if you mimic this, your understanding on how to read price action clearly, properly,
1212 03:34:05 --> 03:34:17 accurately, and how to determine what it's likely to reach for will go through the stratosphere like you won't realize how fast your learning will go if you
1213 03:34:17 --> 03:34:19 stay out of The toxic stuff,
1214 03:34:21 --> 03:34:30 if you stay out of all the what if thinking don't do that? What if you do well by learning this, that's how you should think. What if you learn it faster than
1215 03:34:30 --> 03:34:37 you thought it was going to take you? You got to replace all that toxic thinking with positive self talk, and you do that through your journal. And then while
1216 03:34:37 --> 03:34:45 you're watching price action, when you feel like you missed something, just remind yourself, you know what? This is, just one day out of over 200
1217 03:34:45 --> 03:34:54 opportunities in a whole year of within how many years do you anticipate living? I mean, obviously tomorrow's not promising nobody, but nobody plans to die
1218 03:34:54 --> 03:35:03 tomorrow, right? Nobody plans, oh, I'm gonna live 14 more years and that's it. I'm gonna get up the ghost. I'm. Nobody thinks like that. So for as long as you
1219 03:35:03 --> 03:35:11 think you're going to be alive and you have your mental faculties, that's the opportunity that's in front of you. So don't rush to get to I can push a button
1220 03:35:11 --> 03:35:20 and I can get it right sometimes, and it'll be enough for me. No, your goal should be, I'm going to be bored out of my fucking mind, because I know that
1221 03:35:20 --> 03:35:30 this is what's likely to occur. I've seen it so many times before. And when you finally fund an account with real money, or you finally get to a decision where
1222 03:35:30 --> 03:35:38 you want to take a funded account challenge, you know that what you've been doing already works, and nobody needs to convince you of it, and you don't need
1223 03:35:38 --> 03:35:46 to listen to me cheerlead you want. You've seen the fruits of it. You've back tested it, you've forward tested it, you've taped bread. You have demo traded it
1224 03:35:46 --> 03:35:57 for the minimum three months. You have the data to support the idea that you yourself can engage with price using the information, and you stick to the rules
1225 03:35:57 --> 03:36:03 that you've laid down for yourself. You don't deviate from it, you don't bend them. You don't try to do more to impress social media. You're not even worried
1226 03:36:03 --> 03:36:12 about social media. That's the right mindset. That's the absolute mindset. And if you don't want to learn from me, apply that same logic to whoever you want to
1227 03:36:12 --> 03:36:22 learn from that's proven they can do it to you. And I mean that sincerely, they don't have to be with me. You don't have to learn how to trade with me, but I'm
1228 03:36:22 --> 03:36:31 not going to lie to you and tell you it's Bollinger Bands calls in the market to do this or feeling that it's not. I'm not going to make up some some horse shit
1229 03:36:31 --> 03:36:41 around an indicator to justify why the market does this or doesn't do that. All these different trading disciplines out there. Okay, all of them. If you use
1230 03:36:41 --> 03:36:50 sound money management and you don't over trade or over leverage, anything can be made profitable. And unfortunately, like I learned in the very beginning, I
1231 03:36:50 --> 03:37:00 attributed the indicators for the oversold, bullish stochastics on a one hour chart. That was the secret sauce for me, and it was just because the market was
1232 03:37:00 --> 03:37:08 going to go up anyway. That's it. That's the only thing that happened. And I didn't get stopped out the times I won and I wore blinders on and when I lost, I
1233 03:37:08 --> 03:37:16 should have been studying why I was losing, but I was focusing on studying why I won. The greater lessons for me would have been studying why I was doing it
1234 03:37:16 --> 03:37:24 wrong, because it was staring me in my face. Everything I've been teaching on this YouTube channel were all the things I was ignoring that could have made me
1235 03:37:24 --> 03:37:39 so much better sooner and kept me from losing fortunes. I've lost more money in the early stages of my development than some of you will probably ever make, but
1236 03:37:39 --> 03:37:47 I still kept going, and I didn't have ICT telling me in videos, do this, do this, and you'll be fine. Keep doing it. It'll work for you. It'll work for you.
1237 03:37:48 --> 03:38:01 I didn't have that. I didn't have that. I had tears, crying, anxiety attacks, eating disorders, ulcers forming in my stomach, irritable bowel syndrome. Had
1238 03:38:01 --> 03:38:12 all that. That's what that was. My companions while I was learning all this stuff, that's that's what that was. What it was like books didn't satisfy me.
1239 03:38:13 --> 03:38:21 Nobody knew what they were doing online. They weren't telling you like I'm talking about things that repeat every single day. That you can go in, measure
1240 03:38:21 --> 03:38:33 it, study it, see the influences over it. And then where in these runs do you find your setup? There's lots of trades in this man, lots of them. And I know
1241 03:38:33 --> 03:38:44 enough to know that it's not appropriate for me to force you into any one of these specific ones. But because Caleb needs that structure to start him, I'm
1242 03:38:44 --> 03:38:53 forcing him into fair value gap. So it's the first fair value gap that forms between 930 and 10 o'clock. Is that complicated, folks? Am I hiding it from you?
1243 03:38:54 --> 03:39:05 Am I? Am I lathering it all up and hiding the real thing he's looking for? No, I've been honest with you, I've been very straightforward, and I've made it very
1244 03:39:05 --> 03:39:18 detailed, like today was very, very, very detailed, but it's the first presentation of a fair value gap inside of 930 to 10 o'clock that is going to be
1245 03:39:19 --> 03:39:31 his his setup. That's his thing. Okay, that's his modem, not his modem. His model. I was thinking modem because I watched this little short on YouTube
1246 03:39:31 --> 03:39:40 before I got on here today. It showed a 1993 desktop computer, and it was loading up, turning on for the first time, and it's going through all of its
1247 03:39:41 --> 03:39:54 login and startup, and he was loading up Doom 16 bit, and it was like, man. That sends me back to memories and stuff, but it made me think about when we had old
1248 03:39:54 --> 03:40:03 modems, when America Line came online. I know I digress, but I have to do it, because it's. One of those things. When we had America Online, I first came out,
1249 03:40:03 --> 03:40:12 everybody had a modem. They had to plug their phone line in and ears. You know that terrible handshaking that it would do when it was connecting to the
1250 03:40:12 --> 03:40:19 service. I was it didn't make that sound. It was like some kind of song playing, but not that you needed to do that. They played Doom. But I was thinking modem.
1251 03:40:19 --> 03:40:25 It's been in my mind all morning, like now, look at the technology they had. Technology we have. Like, I'm literally talking to you. You're all around the
1252 03:40:25 --> 03:40:33 world, different places, all at the same time, hearing you talk. Within four seconds, you're seeing and hearing everything I'm doing. Like, we're really in
1253 03:40:33 --> 03:40:42 the age of the Jetsons in the 80s cartoon in George Jesson and stuff, and they could talk to each other on the TV or in the Palmer hand. That's what we're
1254 03:40:42 --> 03:40:55 doing today. Isn't that wild? My technology is amazing today, and you have all the advantages that I didn't have. So if it took me years to figure out all this
1255 03:40:55 --> 03:41:04 stuff, and I know the Lord had his hand in it, that was my mentor. That was the one that said, look here, and I heard it, and that it might be unsettling for
1256 03:41:04 --> 03:41:16 you, it might want to say, Okay, I'm done. You talk about Jesus. I'm out of here. Goodbye. See you. But that's who kept me in it, because I didn't have the
1257 03:41:16 --> 03:41:24 money to keep doing it. I didn't. I had to work real, real hard to replenish those accounts that I kept dusting off because I figured it out with a new
1258 03:41:24 --> 03:41:31 indicator setting. Oh, I was dealing with the wrong indicator setting. I gotta deal with 14, smooth by three by three. That's the one. That's the cast. That's
1259 03:41:31 --> 03:41:43 the secret one. That's what the smart traders use. You should have saw some of the stuff I believe back then. It was nuts. It was nuts. What you see me able to
1260 03:41:43 --> 03:41:53 do and describe and teach and what my other traders and students can do that was unheard of back then, nobody and even still today, even before I stepped out,
1261 03:41:53 --> 03:42:02 nobody was able to do this kind of stuff. And that's how you know the hand of the Lord's in it, because if he wouldn't have opened my eyes to it. You would
1262 03:42:02 --> 03:42:11 have never known it. This would this is this a it's a fantasy that never would have materialized in anybody's mind. And I didn't have the expectation that this
1263 03:42:11 --> 03:42:21 would even be possible back then. That's not what kept me going. Each little thing that was being shown to me and revealed, this is what happens in the
1264 03:42:21 --> 03:42:35 marketplace. This is how it can be capitalized on. Okay, well, let's codify something around that. Boom. There it is. And when my up coming as a trader,
1265 03:42:36 --> 03:42:46 transitioning from Open Outcry pits where nothing was electronic, everything was calling in your orders from a phone. I had the unique perspective and timing to
1266 03:42:46 --> 03:42:55 be a part of that electronic transfer from opening up cry to electronic trading, and then eventually 24 hour trading, where you have it now and not technically
1267 03:42:55 --> 03:43:03 24 hours, but we'll eventually be there and when they do away with that gap between five o'clock and six o'clock, because, you know, if we live long enough,
1268 03:43:03 --> 03:43:12 we'll eventually see that go away. There'll be 24 hours trading. It won't change anything. There's still going to be imbalances. There's still going to be
1269 03:43:12 --> 03:43:20 inefficiencies. And I have other weapons and other tools, and if they ever take away the the gap between five o'clock and six o'clock, I will publicly reveal
1270 03:43:20 --> 03:43:31 something that would make an allowance for that. I have so many things. I don't need everything, and you don't need everything. You just need one specific
1271 03:43:31 --> 03:43:43 element of trading inside price action, when price should move, and whatever that is for you, once you discover what it is. Don't demand more. Don't try to
1272 03:43:43 --> 03:43:54 reinvent it. Don't try to pick up what ICT said 81 of them. I'm really curious, honestly, I wish I never would have said it. I wish I never would have revealed
1273 03:43:54 --> 03:44:04 that the corpse. I wish I never would have said that. But because we were talking, I said a lot of things that I said I don't want in that discussion. It
1274 03:44:04 --> 03:44:14 was just for him and I as traders, talking amongst one another, but dia I wish I would never said it, but I get people sending me emails and sending me messages
1275 03:44:14 --> 03:44:18 and texting me on my personal phone line, which I find very intrusive.
1276 03:44:20 --> 03:44:27 If I didn't reply to you, I blocked you, just so. You know, it's not to be a dick, but I get so many people texting and calling when I do the live stranger
1277 03:44:27 --> 03:44:41 trying to call and talk to me. But you only need one thing if I never teach another, PD array, if I never teach a new one, you have more than enough. But
1278 03:44:41 --> 03:44:51 the problem is, you think, by me teaching something new, I've held the better for later, I've held the better for later, but any one of these can perform just
1279 03:44:51 --> 03:45:03 as well as the other ones. It's when they first present themselves that's the importance what time. A day. It does it. And what's the underlying narrative?
1280 03:45:03 --> 03:45:12 Where are the markets likely to behave and trade to and draw to? And you incorporate all those things, you have something so strategically advanced far
1281 03:45:12 --> 03:45:23 and above everything else that it's laughable. It's really laughable. What you believe as a trader is a catalyst for you to get into a trade, until you learn
1282 03:45:23 --> 03:45:35 how to really read what price is doing. And it's very liberating once you understand what it's doing, because it's like, oh, it really isn't it really
1283 03:45:35 --> 03:45:44 isn't that complicated, but your thoughts and your concerns and your fears about yourself, they cloud your mind, and you're going to waste a lot of time
1284 03:45:44 --> 03:45:52 wrestling with those things instead of saying, You know what my only obligation right now is to log what's going on in price and measure how often these things
1285 03:45:52 --> 03:46:00 form. That's my only obligation right now. So that's all Caleb needs to do. He's not in here trying to impress me with how many times he can find a fair value.
1286 03:46:01 --> 03:46:11 Yet that's not that's not the that's not the the agenda here, the assignment is, you are the log price action and show me what your observations are, finding the
1287 03:46:11 --> 03:46:19 first imbalance between 930 and 10 o'clock, and how it is used intraday and where it was seeking what side of the liquidity. I didn't ask him to be right
1288 03:46:19 --> 03:46:30 about liquidity in the drawing liquidity every single time. Initially, that's not even part of it. The way you discover all that is by seeing pattern
1289 03:46:30 --> 03:46:37 recognition. How does the market behave? But until I teach what is the draw on liquidity, which is what we've done, he now has a baseline, okay, this is what
1290 03:46:37 --> 03:46:47 it looks like. So then he can go through his charts after it's happened, and find all the information and log it and screenshot and put his annotations on
1291 03:46:47 --> 03:46:56 what his observations are. And as he gets more understanding, his annotations will be much more specific about things I'm expecting him to observe, and then
1292 03:46:56 --> 03:47:05 I'll know that he can go to the next level of what I want to teach him. That's how I teach that's what I want for my son. That's the best way he's my son. And
1293 03:47:05 --> 03:47:11 I really don't appreciate people trying to tell me how I should teach my son. When you've made millions of dollars and you can tell me, okay, when you come
1294 03:47:11 --> 03:47:19 out here live and call every individual one minute candle, explain why it's going to do it, then you can give me criticism on how I should teach my son how
1295 03:47:19 --> 03:47:27 to trade Okay, when you can do that, prove it to me. Do it live. I'll sit down and I'll take notes from you talking. But otherwise, please don't do that,
1296 03:47:27 --> 03:47:37 because I I'm not going to hear you. I'm not going to hear that, and I'm sorry I'm not going to hear it, but I've had a lot of fun today. Obviously, you see
1297 03:47:37 --> 03:47:43 that I had a little bit of withdrawal, because yesterday we weren't able live stream, so we had a little bit of a longer session today. So longer session
1298 03:47:43 --> 03:47:51 today. So if you compensate for the fact that we didn't have a live stream yesterday, and average it out a little bit between two sessions, it's a little
1299 03:47:51 --> 03:48:04 extra for two days. Okay, so we'll be back on a one hour, maybe a one hour and 15 minute duration tomorrow, and then we'll sail into the weekend with warm
1300 03:48:04 --> 03:48:13 butterflies and kumbayas. Okay? I had fun. Hope you had fun. If you learned something today, if this encouraged you, if it gave you some give you some more
1301 03:48:13 --> 03:48:20 insight about what we're doing, and while we're watching price action, give the stream a thumbs up. That's your currency with me. That means that you found
1302 03:48:20 --> 03:48:30 something here that was helpful to you, it caused you some more questions, which is a good thing. If you're watching the live streams and you have questions
1303 03:48:30 --> 03:48:38 answered, that's great, but I want you to have more questions, because those questions are opportunities for the people that are paying attention. If you're
1304 03:48:38 --> 03:48:47 not watching the streams and having questions arise, you're really not engaging with the lecture your your motivation should be. How many new questions did you
1305 03:48:47 --> 03:48:56 get arise by watching me talk about what price is doing? Because the ones that are really here try to learn. You have questions and I have answers for you.
1306 03:48:56 --> 03:49:05 Trust me, but you have to watch and study real time with me, and you'll learn just like Caleb's learning. It is not as complicated as you think it is in the
1307 03:49:05 --> 03:49:13 beginning. It's a language you got to learn, and nobody had a conversation the first day, you'll fumble over it. You can't pronounce this stuff correctly. It's
1308 03:49:13 --> 03:49:21 crazy, and that's all you're experiencing the first time here, your first few times. If you've never looked at price like this, you have to learn the language
1309 03:49:21 --> 03:49:31 first, and once you understand the language that I use to discuss it, then it becomes a whole lot more fun, because, Oh, I understand exactly what he's doing.
1310 03:49:31 --> 03:49:40 Now I know you're going to say something in the presence of just yourself and nobody being around, and you're going to say what I'm about to say before I say
1311 03:49:40 --> 03:49:49 it, you will finish my sentences, or you'll call attention to something before I do it. And when you start having those epiphanies, it's like, wow, I'm starting
1312 03:49:49 --> 03:49:56 to get you're Right exactly. We're thinking the same way. That means that hive mentality that I'm trying to cultivate around reading price, but I'm not trying
1313 03:49:56 --> 03:50:06 to cultivate a hive mentality about, how do you trade? It, because if Alice case, we all be entering at the same place, all at the same stop loss, the same
1314 03:50:06 --> 03:50:13 amount of contracts holding for the same target. That's not what I'm trying to do. You all can be doing something differently, buying and selling in the same
1315 03:50:13 --> 03:50:23 day and still be profitable using everything that I taught. That's the power of what I'm teaching you. It is a language to engage price action, but I'm giving
1316 03:50:23 --> 03:50:35 you a limitless approach to building models that are literally devastating compared to everything else. But you can't recognize that yet, but you're going
1317 03:50:35 --> 03:50:47 to, you're absolutely going to, and when you get to that point, confidence will need to be managed, because it will sound like arrogance. And young men, it's
1318 03:50:48 --> 03:50:55 going to be very hard for you to do that. And the more you're like that with your friends and family, the more they're going to think that you're full of
1319 03:50:55 --> 03:51:04 shit, and it's not going to work for you. So all you're going to do is get more the things that you don't want. They're never gonna say, good job. Timmy, good
1320 03:51:04 --> 03:51:12 job. Josh, you keep doing that. If anybody's gonna do it, you're gonna do it. They're not gonna do that, because they go to work just like you're going to
1321 03:51:12 --> 03:51:23 work right now. They're going through the pain of paying too much for shit that's way expensive, and they're struggling. Everybody's struggling. So I'm
1322 03:51:24 --> 03:51:34 very proud of Caleb to agree to this being shared, because he could have said, No, Dad, I don't want you to do that because they don't deserve it. And there it
1323 03:51:34 --> 03:51:48 is, okay. I would have went that route, but he feels the same pressure that all of you are feeling. He tells me, man, it's expensive gas, Electric's gone up. I
1324 03:51:48 --> 03:52:00 gotta pay this month to drive gas, you know, because he has to drive to another state, and it's very expensive for everyone. And he has that same thing going on
1325 03:52:00 --> 03:52:15 right now. So he has no advantages over you, none. He has zero advantages. He's being forced to work at a job. He's not making a lot of money. That cost of
1326 03:52:15 --> 03:52:28 living, pressure that you're feeling, he's feeling it too, and he has to learn it when he gets home and on his day off. Now tell me, don't play with that. Take
1327 03:52:28 --> 03:52:37 that pig from her, because it's going to only sounds like something I want in the video. Don't let her out. Leave her in there. Just leave her alone. That's
1328 03:52:37 --> 03:52:46 what I'm saying. Just stay away from she gonna think you're gonna let her out in general, this is all the stuff that used to get cut out of a pre recorded video,
1329 03:52:46 --> 03:52:55 but we're live, so it is what it is. But you have the same situation and same circumstances that he has. The only advantage is that I'm not gonna let him
1330 03:52:56 --> 03:53:07 fail. You have to earn yours, the work that you put into it, you're gonna have to earn all of that. And when you earn it, you should feel good about it when
1331 03:53:07 --> 03:53:15 you understand yourself and you understand the market and how you're gonna engage it. Don't even invite other people in the conversation. Don't say this is
1332 03:53:15 --> 03:53:24 what I'm doing. Like as soon as you start showing your results on social media, unless you're unless you're aiming to be a streamer and have a source of income
1333 03:53:24 --> 03:53:33 like that, then, okay, yeah, it makes sense that you're going to show you what you're doing online. But if, unless you're doing that, showing the world through
1334 03:53:33 --> 03:53:42 social media what your trade was, unless you're teaching, and if you're teaching my stuff, it's kind of like cringy to me, because none of you should be trying
1335 03:53:42 --> 03:53:47 to teach my stuff, to be honest with you, I mean, it's just the way it is, but assuming you're a teacher,
1336 03:53:48 --> 03:53:55 then it makes sense. Here's what I did in the market, or here's how I'm trading, here's how I traded this. Okay, that's wonderful. But apart from that, if you're
1337 03:53:55 --> 03:54:03 just trying to learn how to trade, you should never be showing anybody on the internet what you're doing, because the chances of you getting the cheerleading
1338 03:54:03 --> 03:54:10 that you subconsciously want to hear like, Wow, you did good. That's what you're wanting. So constantly, that's what you want. And I told Caleb, don't you ever
1339 03:54:10 --> 03:54:20 fucking do that? The only time you're gonna see what he's doing is on his YouTube channel where I sit down with him. I sit down with him, and I say, show
1340 03:54:20 --> 03:54:29 me what your notes are. Show me what you observe. And you're going to hear it. You're going to hear him talk about what he feels struggles with. You're going
1341 03:54:29 --> 03:54:36 to hear him talk about where he thinks he's making a little bit of progress, or maybe he's not making any progress. He's going to say it as he feels it and what
1342 03:54:36 --> 03:54:47 he's experiencing. And I'm going to ask him to talk a little bit about what it feels like, working 12 hour days, working 12 hours, commuting and doing this,
1343 03:54:47 --> 03:54:59 and you're gonna think, wow, his dad's ICT and he's still putting him through the milk. You're fucking right. I am, because there's no better way of learning
1344 03:54:59 --> 03:55:07 it. You. You want to eat shit the rest of your life and have somebody tell you how much you're going to earn and when you got to do it, oh, go ahead, go work,
1345 03:55:09 --> 03:55:18 but you have to know what it feels like to avoid it, and that means once you start making money, you won't take stupid risks, because you end up in that same
1346 03:55:18 --> 03:55:31 situation because Dad's not bailing your ass out. You go on your own steam that you earned. You make your own money that you earned. When you make it your way
1347 03:55:32 --> 03:55:40 by your own hands, you'll care more about it. You won't be frivolous with it. You won't take silly risks and over leverage. Oh, I've been doing real good for
1348 03:55:40 --> 03:55:51 the last four months. It's time to overlap. Just says, I can do 15 contracts. So fuck it. Let's do it no because you don't want to end up in that same situation
1349 03:55:51 --> 03:56:01 where you got to go back to only expecting the money that comes to you on a week by week basis, by doing 50 plus hours a week, doing something that you don't
1350 03:56:01 --> 03:56:13 really want to do. That is the catalyst. See, instead of hating your job, you should be thankful you have the job, because that's the motivator. It's not me
1351 03:56:13 --> 03:56:20 talking to you. The only thing I'm doing is making you think about it like, yeah, if I don't really make a change today or work towards making a change,
1352 03:56:20 --> 03:56:28 what's going to change the date, the date on the calendar, that's what's going to change. Nothing else is changing. You're not going to move up, you're not
1353 03:56:28 --> 03:56:41 going to move down. You might move down, might move out the door. They might do away with you. You may be fired. You may not get a promotion. Think about it. So
1354 03:56:41 --> 03:56:50 if you made the decision to be here and learn how to do this stuff, you know, I commend you, because I'm not going to sugarcoat shit. I'm going to tell you just
1355 03:56:50 --> 03:56:59 the way it is. You're not going to like that most of the times the way it's been taught to you. But this is the way it needs to be this way. It needs to be like
1356 03:56:59 --> 03:57:08 this because when you earn it, your your motivation and goal should be I don't ever want to hear this motherfucker talk to me about trading or looking at price
1357 03:57:08 --> 03:57:17 action ever again. I want to know that I know, and I ain't got to worry about listening to anybody else, least of which ICT, and I don't take that as a
1358 03:57:17 --> 03:57:30 disrespect. I That's That's graduation. That is graduating when you no longer give two shits what ice T's saying, because you already know what I'm gonna say.
1359 03:57:30 --> 03:57:36 You already know where the market's gonna go. You already know if I was sitting there funny and say this. Watch this right here. Watch this right here. You
1360 03:57:36 --> 03:57:42 already know that. And you're already in that trade, already taking partials, you already closed the trade, and other people are just sitting there looking at
1361 03:57:42 --> 03:57:49 the fucking and looking at the chart, staring at no idea what's going on, no idea where it's going. All the multiple opportunities to enter into a trade,
1362 03:57:49 --> 03:58:01 they're clueless, and you've already ran a clinic on it, and you've done more in an hour of trading than they'll do in a whole week, with a myriad of losses
1363 03:58:01 --> 03:58:11 across the board, and you've done one trade a day, and you're content and you're making people's salaries. Hello. You don't need to be cheerleaded when you know
1364 03:58:11 --> 03:58:20 you're doing. You don't need to ask anybody outside of you when you know you're doing. You never go onto social media and ask for validation. That's a sign of
1365 03:58:20 --> 03:58:30 success and maturity. Anybody that's posting stuff, unless they're an educator and it's giving examples of it, they're literally just asking you to fill the
1366 03:58:30 --> 03:58:40 void of something they cannot feel and get from their own accomplishments in trading. And if that didn't hit and resonate with you, listen to it again,
1367 03:58:41 --> 03:58:49 because that's exactly what social media has done. It's fostered this environment for people that have no reason to ever expect any clout, to chase
1368 03:58:49 --> 03:58:59 after it, and when they when they see somebody else that has more of it, they're going to shit on them, because they think that elevates them. It doesn't. So
1369 03:58:59 --> 03:59:08 don't even get in the fray of that. Don't even worry about it. Stay out of that. Like I told my son, Caleb, don't fucking do anything on social media. Your
1370 03:59:08 --> 03:59:15 YouTube channel is the only thing. You don't do anything on Instagram, you don't do anything on Twitter, you don't do anything on Facebook. You have one
1371 03:59:15 --> 03:59:22 presence. It's on YouTube. Nobody can pretend to be you, because they're all going to know this is the only place that you're going to speak from you. You're
1372 03:59:22 --> 03:59:31 going to speak from. It makes it easy to manage. You're not asking people's opinions. You're not asking for you know, hey, what do you want me to do? Fuck
1373 03:59:31 --> 03:59:40 everybody else's opinion. The only one you need to worry about is mine. This is it. I'm the drill sergeant you're fucking in boot camp, and this is the way it
1374 03:59:40 --> 03:59:46 is. You're going to eat the shit I put in front of you. You're going to eat it. You're going to say thank you. Yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir, never,
1375 03:59:46 --> 03:59:55 no, sir. You're going to log and you're going to repeat it. And then when I tell you to do something extra, then you're going to aim for that, but you're going
1376 03:59:55 --> 04:00:10 to continuously do everything else. I told you. That's the process that. That's the work. That's what every failed ICT student has never really did. And we'll
1377 04:00:10 --> 04:00:20 see what your progress is. You're going through the same thing that he's going through, and some of you already feel the changes, already see the progress. You
1378 04:00:20 --> 04:00:29 already think about it differently. And I'm encouraged because I see people saying, Hey, I used to panic and worry about taking the trade, and now I love
1379 04:00:29 --> 04:00:36 watching price action. It's, it's, it's fascinating to see what it's doing. It literally is marching to what you said, right? And it will do the same thing
1380 04:00:36 --> 04:00:48 when you understand more, it will feel like you carry it on a leash you're walking it. That's what it feels like, and it's hard to get surprised. And if
1381 04:00:49 --> 04:01:01 you're not being surprised, what price is doing? What are you you're bored because you know what you're waiting for. You know. You know that you know, and
1382 04:01:01 --> 04:01:11 no one can take that from you. Once you get to that level, these live streams are going to be so much more immersive, and it'll be a whole different
1383 04:01:11 --> 04:01:19 experience. Right now, you're just flying around if you're brand new, and I know, but don't be discouraged. That's normal for you to feel like that. It's
1384 04:01:19 --> 04:01:28 absolutely normal. It would be something altogether different. If we weren't able to see things happening before it happened. Then they'd be like, Oh yeah,
1385 04:01:29 --> 04:01:40 it's justified. Just unplug and don't come back. But you can't say that you're seeing things that are wonderfully illustrated, has context, has a narrative as
1386 04:01:40 --> 04:01:49 to why it should do certain things and not do other things. And that is real mentoring. That is what it feels like to learn properly from a proper teacher,
1387 04:01:49 --> 04:01:57 from a proper mentor with real experience. If they don't have the ability to do this and they're not willing to do this, that's the biggest red flag to say, You
1388 04:01:57 --> 04:02:07 know what, have a good day. I wish nothing but luck, but I gotta go and know you're not having any money from me. There it is. It's done, and I'm gonna get
1389 04:02:07 --> 04:02:16 all kinds of new level hate placed against me now because people are doing what I'm making a case against today, saying that, you know, if you're teaching, you
1390 04:02:16 --> 04:02:26 better be able to do this. If you're not comfortable out here, I think you can hear my tone of my voice, like I'm not I'm not hopped up on anxiety. I'm not
1391 04:02:26 --> 04:02:34 hopped up on fear, like I'm literally telling you what you should focus on, and how the market should behave and deliver, and the things to focus on, and how it
1392 04:02:34 --> 04:02:44 should start, the runs, where it should reach to all those types of things, because it's stuff I do every single day. And some of you because you're really,
1393 04:02:44 --> 04:02:56 really weak. You're weak minded, weak hearted, you want me to trade in front of you. And that's the only that's the only thing any benefit is because you want
1394 04:02:56 --> 04:03:04 to be able to copy me, and it's not a cop out for you say, oh, that's your excuse. No, you want to do something where you're mimicking me, and you think
1395 04:03:04 --> 04:03:13 that that is you learning how to do it. The only thing that does is, if I did that for one week, it would create such a level of codependence in everyone that
1396 04:03:13 --> 04:03:21 was watching it, they would never feel comfortable doing it in their own in their own development, in their own natural progression going through the
1397 04:03:21 --> 04:03:29 content, any adversity after that would be enough for them to say, Fuck it. I can't do it. And then you'd hate me, because I wouldn't be doing live streams
1398 04:03:31 --> 04:03:43 when I'm promoting you as the driver. I'm just teaching you how to drive, how to navigate, and you're gonna find the quickest route to where you deem success,
1399 04:03:43 --> 04:03:49 but you got to give yourself the permission to go at the pace that you will discover is perfect for you.
1400 04:03:50 --> 04:03:57 You don't have to rush through these lectures. Nobody says you have to be on the same lecture that we're doing right now. If you're if you're panicked, that
1401 04:03:57 --> 04:04:07 you're rushing through them just to stay up to date, you're wasting so much opportunity to do it correctly, you have the benefit of watching it as if it
1402 04:04:07 --> 04:04:17 were live. That's why I'm using the one minute chart. You have every advantage of being here live, and have no dependency on you being here live. The same
1403 04:04:17 --> 04:04:27 measure of experience is the same measure of experience, if anybody's watching it live, it's live streamed. There's 10s of 1000s of people watching them.
1404 04:04:28 --> 04:04:35 There's so many other witnesses to watch when it when it's occurring, that, yeah, this, this really did happen. It really was explained beforehand. It's the
1405 04:04:35 --> 04:04:44 repeating logic that he keeps talking about, and it's repetitious. And you may sink, you may think and say to yourself, he keeps repeating himself. I'm so
1406 04:04:44 --> 04:04:55 that's good. Repetition is the hallmark of recognition. It has to be rep. How many times did you work out in the gym and curl the bicep? Oh, fuck this. I've
1407 04:04:55 --> 04:05:04 already done it 10 times. I'm not gonna do four more sets of this shit. I've already done this. You got to go through it, because it's ingrained. It'll be
1408 04:05:04 --> 04:05:11 it's in your subconscious. You don't want to be thinking about reaching for information while you're watching price. It needs to be automatic, just like
1409 04:05:11 --> 04:05:18 that, like when I took that trade yesterday, automatic. I was like, oh, fuck this. I worry about making the box look pretty. I know what I got to do. I got
1410 04:05:18 --> 04:05:29 to enter an order right now, because if I don't do it, it may take off and run without me. That's because I've done this for 30 years. I have done this over
1411 04:05:29 --> 04:05:37 and over and over again, and also know what it's like to get that oh, it's going to do and then sit on it and wait too long, and then it runs away. So I know
1412 04:05:37 --> 04:05:46 what I'm supposed to do. I gotta react. I gotta say, Okay, I'm looking for this, but now it's done this. So if I want to take, if I want to take a trade, it's in
1413 04:05:46 --> 04:05:55 the PDA rate I will be using right now. So I gotta, either wanna stop. I can't use a limit order because I'm already in the middle of a very small little
1414 04:05:55 --> 04:06:02 range. So how am I gonna be able to finesse a limit order? I'm also just do a market order. Well, I don't want that. I want to be able to buy as it's leaving
1415 04:06:02 --> 04:06:17 the lower half of that inversion fair value gap. And that's why I elected the use of buy on stop, because we're learning how the entries form the patterns,
1416 04:06:17 --> 04:06:26 and how you enter your limit order for the fair value gaps, Caleb, that's what we're introducing here. Next week, we're going to talk about things that are
1417 04:06:26 --> 04:06:35 going to be problematic for the trade being effective. So it might look like it's in the marketplace. It may be a viable trade, but when do you stand down
1418 04:06:35 --> 04:06:46 and say, I'm not taking that one? I'll just, I'll just paper trade it, or you tapered it very, very important information next week, and I guarantee you, the
1419 04:06:46 --> 04:06:57 viewership is going to be the least. It's going to be the lowest, and it's going to be the same people that don't watch that on those lectures next week. They're
1420 04:06:57 --> 04:07:07 the same people that will be either in anonymity or openly on the internet saying this stuff doesn't work because they don't want to learn how to make sure
1421 04:07:07 --> 04:07:17 that they're trading the environments that have the highest probability. There are lessons that I had never intended ever teach, and because my son's making an
1422 04:07:17 --> 04:07:26 effort to do this, I want him to have all the advantages of knowing when and when not to it doesn't mean it's gonna be easy, but these are the things that I
1423 04:07:26 --> 04:07:39 do that helps me focus on the best. Think about it. Wouldn't you want that information? Wouldn't you want to know? What are the things that's gonna be in
1424 04:07:39 --> 04:07:47 my way that I'm gonna fall a victim to, and how do I cope with that? How do I navigate that? Because these are all things that I fell victim to and blew an
1425 04:07:47 --> 04:07:56 account with every single lecture I go and give next week. If I didn't learn those lessons, I never would be able to do what you see me do. I can see it
1426 04:07:56 --> 04:08:05 before it happens. I can outline it. And as long as you can see and outline it. All you need to know is where you're going to get in it. And that's easy. That's
1427 04:08:05 --> 04:08:15 the easy part. The hard part is knowing where it's going to go, when it's going to start going there, and what's the reasonable measure of retracement, if at
1428 04:08:15 --> 04:08:31 all, if you could know those answers. Entries are the easiest thing, but you're sweating it. I need to know how to get in. No, you don't. You need to know how
1429 04:08:31 --> 04:08:44 to behave and how to manage yourself and your emotions and keep your psychology in a state of mind where you're not hopped up on goofballs and you're losing the
1430 04:08:44 --> 04:08:53 plot because you're making money, or be fearful of any little, tiny little retracement, thinking it's going to completely come black and knock you out.
1431 04:08:54 --> 04:09:08 That's a very hard stage in trading, like you have to tackle that stuff early on Caleb, because if you don't all the things that you do to try to prevent it
1432 04:09:08 --> 04:09:17 makes it materialize sooner and more frequently. Trying to avoid a losing trade only ensures that you're going to take a losing trade sooner and more
1433 04:09:17 --> 04:09:27 frequently, because you're going to wait too long to engage. You're not going to take it when it seems so overwhelmingly obvious, but it's going to be scary. The
1434 04:09:27 --> 04:09:36 right traits are always going to be the ones that you feel. I don't know it's too good to be true. Let me wait. And then it starts running off, and you chase
1435 04:09:36 --> 04:09:44 it, and you regret that you didn't get a good position, and you worry about not not getting in that good position when you felt it first to get in. And you're
1436 04:09:44 --> 04:09:50 not, you're not monitoring a trade. You're not watching the behaviors and signatures that price is still telling you it's still moving in your favor, and
1437 04:09:51 --> 04:09:57 then, because it starts spooling, and you've been spending so much time worrying about that, you didn't do it right and enter when you should have, and you
1438 04:09:57 --> 04:10:07 chased it, and yeah, you're in profit right now. But. You're making profit. You're changing your mindset from beating yourself up about chasing price and
1439 04:10:07 --> 04:10:16 not taking the entry mechanism that you look for, figure out you got an order block, whatever. And you switch over very abruptly to how much money you're
1440 04:10:16 --> 04:10:26 making, and you don't even refer back to why you took the trade, and now you're worried about, should I get out? Should I get out? If I hold on to it, it turns
1441 04:10:26 --> 04:10:36 around. So you're Are you doing the right thing? No. And that's all the things that would pop up if I was out here doing entries in every single day, every
1442 04:10:36 --> 04:10:43 single live stream. I'm not making excuses for not taking trades. I'm going to be trading in front of you, but I'm trying to explain to the people that think
1443 04:10:43 --> 04:10:52 they're going to try to use reverse psychology only. I already know it's going to be detrimental to you if I do it, that's exactly what's going to happen,
1444 04:10:52 --> 04:11:01 because you're going to tap into 30 years of experience. Even if you copied me, you're not going to get the same result, because as soon as you see any profit,
1445 04:11:01 --> 04:11:13 you're going to be scared of I'm going to scared that I'm going to be wrong in front of the world or the market maker is going to run on a stop, calm down,
1446 04:11:13 --> 04:11:29 where I get all turned into a two more hours. Let's just say this, we've had fun today. Okay, I've talked a lot, I've taught a lot, I've proved a lot. I've
1447 04:11:29 --> 04:11:40 challenged you and asked you, do you believe there's an algorithm that controls price, or do you believe that buying and selling pressure causes the
1448 04:11:40 --> 04:11:52 fluctuations to stop, dead in its fucking tracks, right here, dead in its fucking tracks, the randomness of buying and selling pressure, the randomness of
1449 04:11:52 --> 04:12:10 all of these trading disciplines. Elliott Wave, supply and demand. White golf point and figure. Andrews, pitchforks and Andrews. Midian lines, median lines,
1450 04:12:13 --> 04:12:34 shit harmonic patterns. Ratio trades. I animal patterns, butterflies, bats, Shark back patterns. How on Earth, with all of that Mickey Mouse level bullshit,
1451 04:12:34 --> 04:12:48 all those different disciplines of trading, and what makes the trade go up and down for you as a trader, how on earth it takes more faith to believe in all of
1452 04:12:48 --> 04:12:59 that shit giving the results of where price stops and turns on a dime, that all of those disciplines and all of the randomness. And think about the random ebb
1453 04:12:59 --> 04:13:06 and flow of how it feels when you're watching a live stream. I might say something that makes a really profound impact on your understanding, and then I
1454 04:13:06 --> 04:13:17 go off on a tangent, and I start ranting about something. You're like, fuck, would you get back on topic? ICT, I'm on topic, my topic. But then you get
1455 04:13:17 --> 04:13:25 offended by something I said, and then I may give you some more information. Okay? And then they're like, Wow, yeah, I'm glad I stayed. Almost turned off the
1456 04:13:25 --> 04:13:32 fucking live stream, but now I'm glad I stayed for that. At this made a whole lot of sense. I'm glad that. So what are you doing? You're having a random
1457 04:13:32 --> 04:13:41 fluctuation of where you feel good, then you want to turn the stream off, then you wishing you would have turned it off, but you stayed. And then you now
1458 04:13:41 --> 04:13:41 you're thinking, Oh,
1459 04:13:41 --> 04:13:50 I'm glad so that random, up and down, up and down. That's exactly what's going on every trader when you're watching price action, sometimes you're going to
1460 04:13:50 --> 04:13:56 follow their model. Sometimes they're not. Sometimes they're going to demand that trade setup gives them a little bit more confirmation, and then they'll
1461 04:13:56 --> 04:14:06 enter that's not them trading with that logic. They're randomly reacting to price. If you make any argument against that, you're full of fucking grade a
1462 04:14:06 --> 04:14:15 bullshit, because the human mind isn't going to be able to stick to the rules all the time. This is my shit, and I still try to finesse it. I ain't gonna hide
1463 04:14:15 --> 04:14:24 that. I still try to finesse it. I always try to outperform my stuff. I always try to predict them before they form, because I want to try to be in there at a
1464 04:14:24 --> 04:14:33 stellar level. I want to get in prices that are so fucking mind boggling, like, what the fuck how did you do that? That's what I'm addicted to. I'm addicted to
1465 04:14:33 --> 04:14:42 that moment of astonishment as a magician. That was what I fell in love with when I first started doing magic tricks as a young man, I loved it when people's
1466 04:14:42 --> 04:14:56 face would go, what that reality of that blur between did I just see? What I just thought I saw? That is why I studied magic, card tricks and slight of hand,
1467 04:14:56 --> 04:15:09 all that kind of stuff. And in trading, I want. To be the fucking best. I didn't want anybody say, yeah, you trade like no, no. People say, Wow, you're good. You
1468 04:15:09 --> 04:15:20 resemble what ICT does in history. I can tell you're one of his students, but they never say, ICT trades like it is just I trade like me. And that was that
1469 04:15:20 --> 04:15:31 was a goal for me. But if you're looking at these turns in price like this, and you're saying that the buying and selling pressure of everybody that's going to
1470 04:15:31 --> 04:15:46 be trading at that given minute, they all somehow fucking came to some conclusion that the amount of buying and selling has to exhaust itself right at
1471 04:15:46 --> 04:15:57 that level. It's the upper quadrant of our daily volume imbalance, after fulfilling a rebalance to the high of this fair value gap, which is a city,
1472 04:16:00 --> 04:16:14 really and it just happens to do the same shit here and here, and it just so happens to stop right here on this old New Day, opening gap high. It just so
1473 04:16:14 --> 04:16:22 happens to trade down through the constant encroachment of that over here, you're telling me you're gonna, you're gonna stand in a court and tell me, what
1474 04:16:22 --> 04:16:35 evidence do you have? What evidence do you bring that says with unequivocal it's without question, the effects of buying and selling random buying and selling
1475 04:16:35 --> 04:16:50 pressure with multiple mediums of why they're getting into a trade. You would fucking fail miserably doing that. But I can stand out here in front of you, in
1476 04:16:50 --> 04:17:02 front of a court, any court, and call this shit just like it is here. And what do you think any fucking jury would say? Wow, there's some That's some real
1477 04:17:02 --> 04:17:15 precision going on right there. Yep, sure is coded that way. It's absolutely coded that way. But see what happens is, when people that don't know how to
1478 04:17:15 --> 04:17:28 trade Kayla, what I'm protecting you from, you're gonna have trolls because you're my son, but you are going to have a lifestyle that they're never going to
1479 04:17:28 --> 04:17:36 have, and you're going to have it by your own hands, and you're going to earn it, and nobody's ever going to be able to say anything to you and it have it
1480 04:17:36 --> 04:17:47 stick, because you're earning it. I didn't give it to you. You're earning it, and I'm already proud that you're making this effort again. But when people try
1481 04:17:47 --> 04:17:59 to talk shit to other people, especially in our camp here, they don't like the fact that we're overconfident. They don't like the fact that we we will stand up
1482 04:17:59 --> 04:18:05 real quick and say they're full of shit and their stuff isn't really what makes the market go around. And we can come out here and do things like this, and
1483 04:18:05 --> 04:18:11 they're live streaming, and they're saying there's no way that the ES is going to go above the high because this, there's correlation. These markets are
1484 04:18:11 --> 04:18:18 correlated. That's the reason why it's going to go up there. See, right there, you've proven. Say to me that you don't know how market correlation has an
1485 04:18:18 --> 04:18:27 impact on price by saying anything, but that, well, that's what he's done. Live streamer says, No, there's no way ES is going to take the high out. And I'm
1486 04:18:27 --> 04:18:41 buying it. And it blows the lid off rally straight on up. Now, I could have went on that live stream and shit on him in his in his chat after he made a video
1487 04:18:41 --> 04:18:51 about me, but me and my private students, I had little ribbing with them. It was just them knowing that I took a trade and faded. But I do that with everybody,
1488 04:18:53 --> 04:19:00 and it's fun. I don't mean do mean spirited. It's just to reinforce it to my students who've already been convinced that there is an algorithm there
1489 04:19:00 --> 04:19:09 absolutely nobody's gonna convince them otherwise, but it's fun when you see other people out there that are just communicating that they have no real
1490 04:19:09 --> 04:19:18 understanding, and they're floundering, they're floundering, and they're saying whatever makes them feel fucking good, and it makes a perfect allowance for
1491 04:19:19 --> 04:19:28 their inability to be able To call price before it happens. The inability to know that they're gonna have a winning setup tomorrow, on next Monday, I know
1492 04:19:28 --> 04:19:39 I'm gonna have a winning setup between two o'clock and 2:30pm on Tuesday, on Thursday. Every fucking day, I know my trades gonna be there. I know it's gonna
1493 04:19:39 --> 04:19:48 be there. Can you say that with your fucking harmonic horse shit? Can you do that with your ratio patterns? Fuck no, you can't. You have to wait for your
1494 04:19:48 --> 04:20:01 indicators to paint this bullshit on your chart. I already know. I already know when the market is going to move. I already know that every. Fucking day. I know
1495 04:20:01 --> 04:20:11 when it's going to move. I have to be present when it's doing it. The risk has to be appropriate for me to enter the trade. The structure's got to imply that
1496 04:20:11 --> 04:20:18 this is clearly where they're going to draw to, because the market's already displaced. Caused the smoothness to go away in one side, and now they're going
1497 04:20:18 --> 04:20:26 to reach for the opposing liquidity, where it's already proven itself too smooth, relative equal high, relative equal low. That's not complicated, folks.
1498 04:20:27 --> 04:20:42 It's not complicated. So when you hear people talk about what we do here, it's entertaining, it's sad, because they're selling themselves short instead of
1499 04:20:42 --> 04:20:51 saying, you know, there's nonsense. There's no algorithm that controls price. Like I said, the invitations open, you're welcome to bring whatever Mickey Mouse
1500 04:20:51 --> 04:21:02 horseshit, okay? And call the market live, and I'll be out here doing what I'm doing. And I promise you, you will never be in the same neighborhood. We're just
1501 04:21:02 --> 04:21:10 easing into this. I haven't even pulled back the veil yet, like, wait till you fucking see. Wait, do you fucking see what I'm gonna be doing? You have no idea.
1502 04:21:10 --> 04:21:20 You have no idea jaws are gonna be fucking breaking. Okay? I'm telling you literally. You have no idea what you're about to see. And if you've been
1503 04:21:20 --> 04:21:28 impressed with this and fascinated with the intricate details about how it's behaving like this. This is nothing. This is nothing,
1504 04:21:35 --> 04:21:44 but you'll see all right, long goodbyes and all. That's how it is. I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Lord willing, we'll start around nine o'clock, if I can
1505 04:21:44 --> 04:21:55 get everything set up in the stream works with me. OBS has been tickled with me trying to get to find my charts when I'm trying to set it up. But I'll talk to
1506 04:21:55 --> 04:21:57 you tomorrow. Lord willing, until then, be safe. You.