ICT YT - 2024-08-14 - ICT 2024 Mentorship - Lecture 08

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-08-31 08:08

00:00:13 --> 00:00:19 ICT: Man, this OBS, crap, total, uh,
00:00:26 --> 00:00:30 the frustration from this thing OBS is what I used to by the way, good morning.
00:00:31 --> 00:00:42 The software guy used to try to strain this crap to YouTube is working with me
00:00:42 --> 00:00:47 today, so I'm trying to figure out if I can Get the audio cache of
00:01:39 --> 00:01:51 Do You check? Are you check? Okay. Now I can hear so anyway, good morning. Sorry
00:01:51 --> 00:01:54 for my delay. Here, this technology for you,
00:01:57 --> 00:01:58 the
00:02:00 --> 00:02:06 NASDAQ here has had its high impact news driver release 830 and then they've
00:02:06 --> 00:02:19 pumped it up into the new equipment gap at on july 28 2024 and we have a 15
10 00:02:19 --> 00:02:25 second chart on the right, and then we have the one minute chart in the lower
11 00:02:25 --> 00:02:30 left, and upper left we have The 15 minute time
12 00:02:37 --> 00:02:48 frame. So I'm a little tricked out of gear because of my opening up like I
13 00:02:48 --> 00:02:55 wanted to give me a few minutes to get my bearings here, maybe turn my
14 00:02:55 --> 00:02:57 grandfather's berries. I
15 00:03:12 --> 00:03:23 peel through this with the one minute chart. This line here is the close in
16 00:03:23 --> 00:03:31 the opening basically being the same price at 5pm yesterday evening New York
17 00:03:31 --> 00:03:35 time and 6pm opening price.
18 00:03:41 --> 00:03:44 So if you recall yesterday, I was mentioning how if it was going to
19 00:03:44 --> 00:03:53 continue, it's going to trade up into new opening gap here on july 28 and if
20 00:03:53 --> 00:03:59 it continued to higher than that, we had some daily short term high and a volume
21 00:03:59 --> 00:04:02 and bounds that was further back in the year.
22 00:04:13 --> 00:04:20 This was pretty aggressive here, opening on our high end technique driver, 830
23 00:04:21 --> 00:04:27 and sending it up. Finally, bumping that old, new opening. Got on the 28th I'm
24 00:05:14 --> 00:05:24 All right, so we had several highs in here swept into a old music opening gap,
25 00:05:24 --> 00:05:31 and we'll be watching does I'm going to use this information here with that gap
26 00:05:31 --> 00:05:37 and maybe use a wick into this one between This candle is low and this
27 00:05:37 --> 00:05:45 candle is high. I'm I was going to talk to you a few days. I was last week, I
28 00:05:45 --> 00:05:52 was going to talk to you about wicks. I never got to because the stream got
29 00:05:52 --> 00:05:57 interrupted with the remnants of Hurricane Deborah. No Debbie. So
30 00:06:00 --> 00:06:05 whenever there's a wick, I like to see it try to trade back down to the
31 00:06:05 --> 00:06:10 midpoint. If it doesn't get to the midpoint, it's like a fair value gap
32 00:06:10 --> 00:06:15 that can't trade to its consequent encouragement. So it's usually
33 00:06:15 --> 00:06:19 indicative that it wants to go the other direction, because it didn't trade
34 00:06:19 --> 00:06:27 there, and we have done somewhat of a nice, smooth area in here this high. And
35 00:06:27 --> 00:06:31 then they ran up into the new opening gap I'm watching during the opening
36 00:06:31 --> 00:06:37 range, which is the 30 minutes after 930 to 10 o'clock. Did they want to send it
37 00:06:37 --> 00:06:43 up in here or into that? Because if there's two fair value gaps, this is the
38 00:06:43 --> 00:06:46 one you're watching, but you have to make an allowance for it to trade up
39 00:06:46 --> 00:06:52 into there. And if it does want to sell off, I want to see it, try to trade down
40 00:06:52 --> 00:06:56 to here. I'm not trying to call the top, not trying to pick the top, not trying
41 00:06:56 --> 00:07:01 to force an opinion. I'm observing and seeing if it wants to provide that
42 00:07:01 --> 00:07:01 information to me.
43 00:07:16 --> 00:07:21 And the main focus today is turtle soup, by the way, I just want to get a read on
44 00:07:21 --> 00:07:24 what It's doing here going into The 10 O'clock out.
45 00:07:42 --> 00:08:31 So I have to do all that kind of stuff gets on my nerves, too. But all these
46 00:08:31 --> 00:08:41 people out there trying to be me to get engagements for ad revenue or whatever
47 00:08:41 --> 00:08:41 it is they do
48 00:08:46 --> 00:08:58 this to the fellow that says, Make the borders opaque. I want to see the
49 00:08:58 --> 00:09:04 borders. I want to see what the actual candlestick wicks are traded to. So if I
50 00:09:04 --> 00:09:12 don't use the borders, they won't really technically be active. So you're getting
51 00:09:12 --> 00:09:17 a chance to see what it's like when I'm jerked out of gear because I was
52 00:09:17 --> 00:09:21 fighting with this OBS thing for like, 20 minutes. It wasn't, it wasn't syncing
53 00:09:21 --> 00:09:25 with the microphone, it wasn't giving me any audio connection. Though, I had to
54 00:09:25 --> 00:09:31 keep restarting the system, and they had an update, and I chose to use the
55 00:09:31 --> 00:09:38 update. I always tell myself not to do that. It wasn't working. So took several
56 00:09:38 --> 00:09:43 time to do it. Now, pissed off, to be honest, because I come here later than I
57 00:09:43 --> 00:09:49 wanted to be, all right, so we swept down below the close and the opening
58 00:09:49 --> 00:09:54 price at 6pm since there's really no technical gap or difference between the
59 00:09:54 --> 00:09:59 two prices, I always just use a simple little line like that, okay, and I treat
60 00:09:59 --> 00:10:04 it the same way. They can sweep through it, come back and revisit it. It's one
61 00:10:04 --> 00:10:09 single level. It's not a range or inefficiency, it's just one single price
62 00:10:09 --> 00:10:09 level.
63 00:10:22 --> 00:10:40 I so you see, we had this candle here, trade to 131 50. Hi here, 130 1.25 I.
64 00:10:40 --> 00:10:56 Five, 131, even so just fell short of touching that that gap there
65 00:11:02 --> 00:11:05 was talking about, I think it was yesterday, or the previous session. I
66 00:11:05 --> 00:11:12 was referring to yesterday when I was talking about the the lowest barrier to
67 00:11:12 --> 00:11:17 entry, the easiest entry points are going to be the ones that you don't try
68 00:11:17 --> 00:11:24 to finesse too much. And if you're trying to use a month tick above to get
69 00:11:24 --> 00:11:28 any kind of short in that fair value got there, you wouldn't have been filled.
70 00:11:28 --> 00:11:34 And that's the that's the punishment for trying to be too perfect. Try and demand
71 00:11:34 --> 00:11:39 perfection, which is a good problem, because most people can't even figure
72 00:11:39 --> 00:11:41 out what to in terms of direction. They can't figure out how to get into a
73 00:11:42 --> 00:11:46 trade. So if you have a problem with not getting filled on some of your trades,
74 00:11:46 --> 00:11:51 or initially, if you're trying to demand too much perfection, that's actually
75 00:11:51 --> 00:12:00 really good. That's a nice problem to have so much better to tolerate a uh, a
76 00:12:04 --> 00:12:09 repeated phenomenon of you trying to do something that obviously is on the side
77 00:12:09 --> 00:12:15 that means you're correct and where you think the marks on go, versus not
78 00:12:15 --> 00:12:18 knowing what you're doing and always getting it wrong. So it's a little bit
79 00:12:18 --> 00:12:22 more palatable. It's easier to sleep at night knowing that you're on the right
80 00:12:22 --> 00:12:27 side generally. But I got people, you know, sending me emails and reaching out
81 00:12:27 --> 00:12:31 to me through telegram and reaching out to me through trading view and reaching
82 00:12:31 --> 00:12:37 out to me through personal text messages, which is that annoys me. I
83 00:12:37 --> 00:12:41 told everybody I was gonna change my phone number last year when I got to
84 00:12:41 --> 00:12:46 this year, and I haven't done it yet because they haven't made my way to do
85 00:12:46 --> 00:12:49 it. But it's just too many people, they take it upon themselves to feel like
86 00:12:49 --> 00:12:53 they can text me like we're best friends, and I generally don't like
87 00:12:53 --> 00:12:57 that, unless I reached out to you or gave you permission. So we traded down
88 00:12:57 --> 00:13:02 to the consequence of the WIC as we were looking for the only difference, and the
89 00:13:02 --> 00:13:06 only the notable thing is, is we didn't trade up into the gap. We got real close
90 00:13:06 --> 00:13:13 to it, within a ticks distance, within the delivery of price. Okay, so I want
91 00:13:13 --> 00:13:21 you to screenshot that and make special notation in your journal how this is
92 00:13:21 --> 00:13:25 what we were watching. You want to see if you could trade up into it. It did
93 00:13:25 --> 00:13:28 not trade into it. But the idea of trading down to the consequent cursion,
94 00:13:28 --> 00:13:36 or that wick, it was the draw that we saw Christ reach for. And now I want to
95 00:13:36 --> 00:13:36 see,
96 00:13:39 --> 00:13:48 do we keep it? I do we
97 00:13:48 --> 00:13:55 have the ability to stay right there with the bodies, or do we explore to the
98 00:13:55 --> 00:13:59 lower quadrant on that wick? Now, the wicks are going to be part of the
99 00:13:59 --> 00:14:03 conversation today when it comes to turtle suit, as you'll see,
100 00:14:10 --> 00:14:17 right? So here's the opening price on that wick all the way down. So we're
101 00:14:17 --> 00:14:22 looking at the actual news candle. So at 830 there's going to be a lot of
102 00:14:23 --> 00:14:30 inefficiencies in that individual candle, meaning that where we opened, it
103 00:14:30 --> 00:14:36 ran down aggressively, real fast. And we'll look at that on a sub one minute
104 00:14:36 --> 00:14:43 chart in a few minutes. But for now, this inefficiency where prices here, and
105 00:14:43 --> 00:14:50 in a few moments, I watched it deliver this morning. It was wild. It was it
106 00:14:50 --> 00:14:54 wicked, real fast. Went down there and did not spend much time at all, and
107 00:14:54 --> 00:14:58 right back up into where we are here, in the body, and did its business going
108 00:14:58 --> 00:15:02 into the clothes of that individual candle. For one minute, meaning that
109 00:15:02 --> 00:15:07 there is inefficiencies all through this range, from the candles open to the low
110 00:15:07 --> 00:15:12 and again, that'll make much more sense to you when I show you the less than one
111 00:15:12 --> 00:15:16 minute charts. So in other words, the 32nd chart, the 15 second, five and one
112 00:15:16 --> 00:15:23 second chart. But the first rule of engagement, whenever there's a wick,
113 00:15:23 --> 00:15:29 whenever there's a wick, and if it's a swing high or swing low, that has my
114 00:15:29 --> 00:15:34 interest. Obviously, this is where the damage was done. This morning. Anyone
115 00:15:34 --> 00:15:41 that was long going into the 830 news driver, the high impact news, and maybe
116 00:15:41 --> 00:15:44 we're holding on to the targets we were outlining yesterday, the new week,
117 00:15:44 --> 00:15:49 opening gap on the July 28 we mentioned that yesterday as a continuation on the
118 00:15:49 --> 00:15:52 outside, should it reach for further higher prices? This is one of those
119 00:15:52 --> 00:15:58 levels it could reach for. But before it goes there, it trades aggressively,
120 00:15:58 --> 00:16:05 drops down over 100 handles or so, and then eventually pegs that level. This
121 00:16:05 --> 00:16:14 drop down is inefficient, but every single time there's a wick and it's part
122 00:16:14 --> 00:16:21 of a swing high or swing low, that has any importance to me, technically, I'm
123 00:16:21 --> 00:16:27 interested in having the consequent encroachment level annotated, as you can
124 00:16:27 --> 00:16:30 see here. Now, I don't know where you're from. I don't know what school of
125 00:16:30 --> 00:16:35 thought you're you're predominantly a part of I don't know if you're here
126 00:16:35 --> 00:16:38 because you just had a member of curiosity. And you trade another
127 00:16:38 --> 00:16:48 methodology, or if you trade the stuff I teach, but that to me, and turning like
128 00:16:48 --> 00:16:55 that is significant, and it tends to happen all the time. This is a one
129 00:16:55 --> 00:17:05 minute chart, so the question is, is, when you see that, does it invite you to
130 00:17:05 --> 00:17:09 investigate more details around it? Because that's what it started to do
131 00:17:09 --> 00:17:13 with me in the 90s. I was looking at these things happening, and I'm like,
132 00:17:14 --> 00:17:21 Okay, it's probably gonna go down below that low well, sometimes it doesn't do
133 00:17:21 --> 00:17:26 that. So I was going back through charts and looking at different time frames
134 00:17:26 --> 00:17:30 using meta stock with my my software program back then, and I was using end
135 00:17:30 --> 00:17:35 of day data. So I didn't have real time data, but I could, I could go down into
136 00:17:35 --> 00:17:40 intraday charts, those it was part of an end to date package of data. So I would
137 00:17:40 --> 00:17:46 look at hourly charts and 15 minute charts, and it would give me like an x
138 00:17:46 --> 00:17:50 ray view of what took place in the previous day. So I compared, in
139 00:17:50 --> 00:17:52 contrast, that what I was watching when I was driving around the truck
140 00:17:52 --> 00:17:58 delivering candy, soda machine items, coffee machines, cold food machines.
141 00:17:58 --> 00:18:01 That was what I was doing at the time when I was learning how to trade in the
142 00:18:01 --> 00:18:06 90s. So I fixed and repaired and serviced the vending machines, and I had
143 00:18:06 --> 00:18:09 this little device called, quote, truck. And if you've been around for a long
144 00:18:09 --> 00:18:12 time like me, you know exactly what I'm talking about, but it was kind of a
145 00:18:12 --> 00:18:16 little radio. It's about the size of a transistor radio, not as thick, but it
146 00:18:16 --> 00:18:23 had a little extendable antenna, and it would give you data on any markets that
147 00:18:23 --> 00:18:27 you subscribe to. CBOT says, your border, I'm sorry, Chicago Board trade,
148 00:18:28 --> 00:18:35 Chicago Mercantile Exchange, any of the grain markets that would be on CBOT, I'd
149 00:18:35 --> 00:18:40 be watching them. I'd watch the grain and the meat markets, and I would watch
150 00:18:40 --> 00:18:46 the currency features, and eventually moved away from that, started watching
151 00:18:46 --> 00:18:53 predominantly this, the bonds and then the s, p. So it would give me the
152 00:18:53 --> 00:18:58 details that I would see these flashes in price action that would just be
153 00:18:58 --> 00:19:02 numeric. They wouldn't, I would it doesn't give you a chart, or rather, it
154 00:19:02 --> 00:19:04 did not give you a chart. The technology, really, I guess, wasn't
155 00:19:04 --> 00:19:08 there yet. So they just gave you the raw data, which was the highest high and the
156 00:19:08 --> 00:19:11 lowest low, and where you're at in the volume. And I've said this before, so
157 00:19:11 --> 00:19:15 it's kind of like redundant for something around long enough. That was
158 00:19:15 --> 00:19:19 what I was doing when I was away, where we have a smartphone today. So if I'm
159 00:19:19 --> 00:19:22 out and about, or if you're out and about, you're not in your trade room or
160 00:19:22 --> 00:19:27 office, you can see what the charts are showing and where the price has been and
161 00:19:27 --> 00:19:30 where it's probably going to reach for because you can see it visually. So I
162 00:19:30 --> 00:19:37 was kind of handicapped initially. So when I saw big runs take off, I would
163 00:19:37 --> 00:19:42 write down, usually on a paper towel that I would use to wipe down the inside
164 00:19:42 --> 00:19:47 of my windshield or whatever it was you should have saw this. It was wild. I was
165 00:19:47 --> 00:19:50 not organized in the beginning, because my my job and keeping my job was the
166 00:19:50 --> 00:19:54 most important thing. But I was still trying to manage all this stuff and
167 00:19:54 --> 00:19:59 watch it real time, the closest thing I can be tapped into this and when I would
168 00:19:59 --> 00:20:05 see price runs start. Taking off, and I'd be okay. It's occurring right now at
169 00:20:06 --> 00:20:14 1049 Okay, or 936 and I'd write the time when I noticed it by the numeric run in
170 00:20:14 --> 00:20:18 price summers, when it started taking off. I didn't have any visual
171 00:20:18 --> 00:20:23 representation of that, except for, I know I saw a price print numerically. I
172 00:20:23 --> 00:20:28 mean, in other words, it would say this price here, 19,000 zero, 48 in the
173 00:20:28 --> 00:20:35 quarter, and it would fluctuate as it's moving here. So if I see these runs, I
174 00:20:35 --> 00:20:38 make a notation, or made a notation. And when I got home in the evening time
175 00:20:39 --> 00:20:43 after working out, getting a shower, eating, and then the rest of them, I I'd
176 00:20:43 --> 00:20:47 be not in the charts, constantly pouring into it and trying to look for these
177 00:20:47 --> 00:20:51 types of things. What made that run like that? And I would see certain things,
178 00:20:51 --> 00:20:54 and sometimes, not all the time. Sometimes there would be these long
179 00:20:54 --> 00:20:59 wicks. Now this is exaggerated because it's a high impact news driver. It goes
180 00:21:00 --> 00:21:06 goes without saying that ppi, CPI, FOMC, non farm, payroll, those types of
181 00:21:06 --> 00:21:11 reports or those types of data points that are released in the marketplace can
182 00:21:11 --> 00:21:18 create that formation of this type of move. When it creates this and it starts
183 00:21:18 --> 00:21:24 to rally up. I've never seen anybody, and I have over 2000 books. I've never
184 00:21:24 --> 00:21:28 seen anybody make reference to anything about going back into the middle of the
185 00:21:28 --> 00:21:32 of this wick, or break it up in the quadrants and use it for the purposes of
186 00:21:33 --> 00:21:39 for reversal patterns, or short term trading, or anticipating it, returning
187 00:21:39 --> 00:21:45 back to it for the sake of a target. Okay, so it was exciting for me to see
188 00:21:45 --> 00:21:50 it, and as you watch this one pan out here, you know, from here to here, that
189 00:21:50 --> 00:21:56 was the observation. So Caleb, when you when you see this, I want you to
190 00:21:56 --> 00:22:00 annotate how it did not trade up into the opportunity for you to get filled,
191 00:22:01 --> 00:22:06 but it's still ran. And then I want to see what your your description of that
192 00:22:06 --> 00:22:10 run is in your own terms. I don't want to say anything more, but I want to, I
193 00:22:10 --> 00:22:14 want to kind of correct it if it's not what I think is appropriate, and if it's
194 00:22:14 --> 00:22:19 right, or if it's in the right perspective, then obviously I'll, I'll
195 00:22:19 --> 00:22:23 come in you for it. But the market trades back up. What's it trade back up?
196 00:22:23 --> 00:22:27 Remember, I told you what this line was. If you missed it, if you came to the
197 00:22:27 --> 00:22:32 stream later, you just signed into it yesterday, at 5pm when we closed the
198 00:22:32 --> 00:22:36 settlement price, and then when we opened up at 6pm there's no difference
199 00:22:36 --> 00:22:42 in between these two prices. So there's no gap. So all I do is annotate that
200 00:22:42 --> 00:22:47 price, because it'll still refer to it. As you can see, we trade back up in what
201 00:22:48 --> 00:22:53 is it trading into? Also, what other Confluence is there? Look close. There's
202 00:22:53 --> 00:22:54 two other things there. I
203 00:23:07 --> 00:23:13 you have that gap, and then you have what I'm discussing here. Whenever you
204 00:23:13 --> 00:23:18 have wicks, you want to measure that. Okay, here's the halfway point or
205 00:23:18 --> 00:23:22 consequent encroachment. This wick is allowed to go through it. Why? Because
206 00:23:22 --> 00:23:27 you have a fair value gap. But then look at this one here. What's the high that
207 00:23:27 --> 00:23:30 you're going to look right over here. Look up and upper left hand corner.
208 00:23:31 --> 00:23:38 What's the high of that candle? Right there, 19,000 09, 6.50 that's exactly
209 00:23:38 --> 00:23:43 the consequence, encroachment level of that wick you're going to tell me that
210 00:23:43 --> 00:23:45 that's buying and selling pressure.
211 00:23:47 --> 00:23:49 Yeah. So
212 00:23:50 --> 00:23:56 when you're looking for entry patterns, when you're looking for targets for for
213 00:23:56 --> 00:24:01 limiting out on partials or terminus, here's your three quarter level, treat
214 00:24:01 --> 00:24:08 it to now, because of this, I want to see it respect this up close candle. In
215 00:24:08 --> 00:24:11 other words, don't, don't trade above it. It can come back and touch it again.
216 00:24:11 --> 00:24:15 It's better if it doesn't leave a little portion here. But I want to see it to
217 00:24:15 --> 00:24:21 explore now, below this 830 news driver, that's what I like to see. But here,
218 00:24:22 --> 00:24:27 this wick trades up to cutting through candles, because it's not supply and
219 00:24:27 --> 00:24:31 demand. We go right back to this wick right here. That candles high to the
220 00:24:31 --> 00:24:38 tick, to the tick gives us the actual high that you can anticipate as it's
221 00:24:38 --> 00:24:42 returning back into here. Why should that be reasonable? Two things. Number
222 00:24:42 --> 00:24:50 one, you have this wick here. Bear with me. I have to put the lipstick on this
223 00:24:50 --> 00:25:04 chart. Just show you what I want to see illustrated when I was, uh. I What else
224 00:25:05 --> 00:25:07 working on this information,
225 00:25:12 --> 00:25:16 figuring it all out, codifying everything and discovering a lot of
226 00:25:16 --> 00:25:18 things that really wasn't in my books.
227 00:25:22 --> 00:25:26 No, just
228 00:25:26 --> 00:25:28 draw a line here it's disappearing.
229 00:25:37 --> 00:25:42 Oh, I know what I did. I have the color
230 00:25:51 --> 00:25:56 so that's going to go on that candle there, and it needs to go to the
231 00:25:58 --> 00:25:58 50 level,
232 00:26:00 --> 00:26:09 9650, 9696 50. So now I can take that off, and you can see that that's
233 00:26:09 --> 00:26:12 anchored to here. So this is what you want to be doing, Caleb, you don't want
234 00:26:12 --> 00:26:15 to be leaving your fibonaccis on top of the wicks, because it'll clutter up your
235 00:26:15 --> 00:26:19 chart. It'll make me angry. And it's also you just don't want to have all the
236 00:26:19 --> 00:26:24 information on it, since it's not important to have all that some people
237 00:26:24 --> 00:26:29 are like, still trying to put my stuff on there. Social media doesn't pretend
238 00:26:29 --> 00:26:32 that they're me. So we have this wick here.
239 00:26:34 --> 00:26:35 We have this gap.
240 00:26:36 --> 00:26:41 It trades up to there, and also what's to the left of this candle, the one that
241 00:26:41 --> 00:26:48 trades in the fair value gap, right? So isn't there a wick on this candle? Sure
242 00:26:48 --> 00:26:49 it is.
243 00:26:57 --> 00:27:04 So we have this wick on this candle inside of this fair value gap, and this
244 00:27:04 --> 00:27:08 wick here. So when price was trading off of this target we were looking for, and
245 00:27:08 --> 00:27:12 it rebounded off that came back up into the fair value gap, it's reasonable for
246 00:27:12 --> 00:27:15 it to go up to the fair value gap high, which is this candles low,
247 00:27:17 --> 00:27:18 this,
248 00:27:20 --> 00:27:26 sorry, this price right there on that wick. That's a it's a premium array,
249 00:27:26 --> 00:27:31 because you're trading back up to it. You extend that through, it's part of
250 00:27:31 --> 00:27:36 the fair value gap. And then next candle trades up and touches it. We do not want
251 00:27:36 --> 00:27:43 to see this is important. We do not want to see if it's going to be bearish. We
252 00:27:43 --> 00:27:48 don't want to see that consequent occurring, that wick, once it's traded
253 00:27:48 --> 00:27:52 to here, once it trades back up to it, there, we have this fair value gap that
254 00:27:52 --> 00:27:57 should send price lower or kind of keep it at bay, not trading it higher. So if
255 00:27:57 --> 00:28:04 this candle trading back up to it, we are trusting the logic around this
256 00:28:04 --> 00:28:08 phenomenon, saying that it's already done to work a trading to the high of
257 00:28:08 --> 00:28:11 the fair value gap, so half of the fair value got
258 00:28:14 --> 00:28:15 Let's look at that.
259 00:28:20 --> 00:28:26 Let's see it in here. It doesn't trade there. Notice that on this candle, it
260 00:28:26 --> 00:28:31 does not trade there. Is that a good thing or I was a bad thing? Think about
261 00:28:31 --> 00:28:35 what I've taught you in this mentorship. I taught you that PD arrays very
262 00:28:35 --> 00:28:40 specific levels that we're looking for if they fail to be printed to if they
263 00:28:40 --> 00:28:46 can't even return back to them, and you have a directional bias in in concert
264 00:28:46 --> 00:28:50 with that level you're studying, if it can't go there, that means it's
265 00:28:50 --> 00:28:55 decidedly weak. And when you're bearish, that's a signature you want to see. But
266 00:28:57 --> 00:29:00 because we have this area over here, and because I'm not trading support and
267 00:29:00 --> 00:29:03 resistance. The Support and Resistance fellows would have been like, Okay,
268 00:29:03 --> 00:29:06 here's where we stopped. So let's draw that line out in time. Well, we went, we
269 00:29:06 --> 00:29:13 missed that, to some random Up, Up Up Close candle, and created the wick,
270 00:29:13 --> 00:29:16 something random. We don't know why it went there, right? Support Resistance
271 00:29:16 --> 00:29:21 folks don't have any idea why it did that, but you're learning it. It's this
272 00:29:21 --> 00:29:27 wick here. It trades up to it completes and fulfills the role of buy side
273 00:29:27 --> 00:29:32 delivery, which was inefficient on this candle. So the market is offered single
274 00:29:32 --> 00:29:36 pass to the downside. So it's a sell side delivery. That means price is going
275 00:29:36 --> 00:29:44 lower, then it comes back up to RE deliver, the inefficiency in this time
276 00:29:44 --> 00:29:50 of that one candle, what was it inefficient on delivery to the upside.
277 00:29:50 --> 00:29:56 So buy side delivery, it offers it stops to the tick and then drops down the next
278 00:29:56 --> 00:30:01 candle. If you're looking for support, I'm sorry. Looking for swing highs and
279 00:30:01 --> 00:30:07 swing lows. You want to see it trade up into levels like this. It should hit
280 00:30:07 --> 00:30:13 that and stop. And also failed trade to half of that fair value gap. That's a
281 00:30:13 --> 00:30:17 failure to get to concent encroachment. We've already fulfilled three factors
282 00:30:17 --> 00:30:23 here. We traded up to finish in filling out this candle is low to the difference
283 00:30:23 --> 00:30:26 of this candle high, which is that fair Bay gap right there. That's a city sell
284 00:30:26 --> 00:30:32 side and balance by sudden efficiency, we trade back to the 6pm opening price.
285 00:30:35 --> 00:30:40 Why is that important? Because there's no gap between Friday the 5pm closed
286 00:30:40 --> 00:30:43 settlement price and where we started trading for NQ. So because there's no
287 00:30:43 --> 00:30:48 gap, we just simply use a 6pm opening price. I told you when we were up here
288 00:30:48 --> 00:30:51 you're going to have on your chart, because it's going to be treated the
289 00:30:51 --> 00:30:54 same way. It'll trade through it and come back and treat it as a key level.
290 00:30:55 --> 00:30:59 It trades through it on a wick, which is reasonable, because we're inside the
291 00:30:59 --> 00:31:04 spare value gap. But this level here, when we traded back up to it, notice
292 00:31:04 --> 00:31:11 that the bodies in the candles do not trade and close above that wick.
293 00:31:11 --> 00:31:18 Consequence, see that it's telling you that this candle backed off. So that
294 00:31:18 --> 00:31:21 means when I see something like that, I'm looking for the immediate next
295 00:31:21 --> 00:31:28 candle to do a lower high than this high. And I can reframe everything on
296 00:31:28 --> 00:31:32 that fair value gap and where that consequent encroachment is on that wick.
297 00:31:32 --> 00:31:35 If it's there. You may not have a wick over here, then you would just simply go
298 00:31:35 --> 00:31:40 into the details of simply using the 6pm opening price, which is this dashed
299 00:31:40 --> 00:31:43 line, and the consequent encroachment of that fair value gap. So in other words,
300 00:31:43 --> 00:31:48 if this wasn't here, I would expect this to trade up to midpoint of the fair
301 00:31:48 --> 00:31:53 value gap. But if it doesn't, and it trades down lower, I'll simply just go
302 00:31:53 --> 00:31:58 in short on the open and touching back this body right here, as it does there.
303 00:32:00 --> 00:32:04 So and that could be easily done on a 15 second chart, a 32nd chart, a five
304 00:32:04 --> 00:32:08 second chart, you'd see a little bit more detail in that difference between
305 00:32:08 --> 00:32:12 where we closed on this one minute candle to where we open there. And I
306 00:32:12 --> 00:32:16 know some of you because you're you're leaving comments saying that you don't
307 00:32:16 --> 00:32:22 have the ability to afford the real time data. I gotta be honest with you, at
308 00:32:22 --> 00:32:25 some degree, you're going to have to do that if you're going to trade. You have
309 00:32:25 --> 00:32:30 to have the information. And I don't know how to say it any nicer than if you
310 00:32:30 --> 00:32:34 can't afford data and watching Real Time price action. A lot of the things I'm
311 00:32:34 --> 00:32:37 teaching are going to just simply be outside your grasp, and you're going to
312 00:32:37 --> 00:32:40 have to use a hard time frame premise. And there's nothing wrong with that. It
313 00:32:40 --> 00:32:44 just means that you're going to have to defer these very small intraday price
314 00:32:44 --> 00:32:49 action moves. But all the things I'm teaching here, this could simply just be
315 00:32:49 --> 00:32:53 a daily chart, in other words, every instead of one minute candlesticks, and
316 00:32:53 --> 00:32:57 this representing the highest high, the lowest low, and where it started and
317 00:32:57 --> 00:33:01 ended trading for that one minute interval, these could represent a daily
318 00:33:02 --> 00:33:05 high, low and open and close for the day. It's the same stuff. It's nice.
319 00:33:05 --> 00:33:09 Don't, don't think it only works on one minute charts or intricate charts. It's
320 00:33:09 --> 00:33:14 that's not it. These levels will be referred to on any and every time frame.
321 00:33:15 --> 00:33:20 If I was watching price over nq, and we had the time frame set to four hour
322 00:33:20 --> 00:33:26 chart price right now, at 4175 is the same price. You'd see it on a four hour
323 00:33:26 --> 00:33:31 chart. Price is price. But if you're looking for details, for precision, you
324 00:33:31 --> 00:33:37 want to look for very sensitive timing, so it gets you into a trade and or
325 00:33:37 --> 00:33:42 reduce the measure of risk. You're always going to have risk, but you can
326 00:33:42 --> 00:33:46 reduce the risk and manage it appropriately by having intraday charts,
327 00:33:46 --> 00:33:51 because you can see, you can see details in price action that otherwise you're
328 00:33:51 --> 00:33:55 not aware of. Okay? And that's kind of like why I was tapping into the memory
329 00:33:55 --> 00:34:00 of how it was for me when I was driving around in a Suzu cargo truck, you know,
330 00:34:00 --> 00:34:06 delivering cane soda cakes and chips and coffee products and cold food and ice
331 00:34:06 --> 00:34:14 creams. I was looking at just simply data, and I had to, later on, go back in
332 00:34:14 --> 00:34:18 and remember, well, my notations as I was driving. Sometimes I missed it, and
333 00:34:18 --> 00:34:22 I had to figure out, okay, well, I was in traffic. I'm trying to get around
334 00:34:22 --> 00:34:26 this guy or get around that part of town, and I couldn't look at the data,
335 00:34:26 --> 00:34:29 even though it's right in front of me, duct taped on my windshield. So it was
336 00:34:29 --> 00:34:34 like a hillbilly version of a ICT, right? I mean, you're all impressed with
337 00:34:34 --> 00:34:39 the NASA spread out of all my monitors and stuff I shared on YouTube. But back
338 00:34:39 --> 00:34:43 then, I didn't start like that. I had, literally, like this little transistor
339 00:34:43 --> 00:34:48 radio type thing, physically duct tape to make sure it stayed in my view and it
340 00:34:48 --> 00:34:53 wouldn't fall and break. But I had to take the notations and say, Okay, I
341 00:34:53 --> 00:34:56 don't know when it started taking that run because I wasn't watching it. I'm
342 00:34:56 --> 00:34:59 driving still, which isn't safe. I'm not recommending this at all for anybody,
343 00:34:59 --> 00:35:04 but. But I was the original, you know, driver being distracted by cell phone,
344 00:35:04 --> 00:35:08 because that was like the equivalent of a smartphone today back then. So I was
345 00:35:08 --> 00:35:13 more interested riding over the Key Bridge, watching those numbers than
346 00:35:13 --> 00:35:18 watching anything else. And look at the response right off of that level there.
347 00:35:19 --> 00:35:25 See that in that nice, just that alone, that one single pass like this, that was
348 00:35:25 --> 00:35:30 enough to draw my interest into seeing what's what's, what's going on. There is
349 00:35:30 --> 00:35:34 it repeating, and I'd go through data and I'd see it again and again and again
350 00:35:34 --> 00:35:44 and again, and it caused a an obsessive compulsive desire to figure out what was
351 00:35:44 --> 00:35:49 repeating there. And then, when I go back through price action, I would see
352 00:35:49 --> 00:35:53 all these little details, okay, and then say, Okay, this is what's this is what's
353 00:35:53 --> 00:35:58 occurring at this time. This is what's occurring at this time on that day. And
354 00:35:58 --> 00:36:02 then, if we had a big news driver, which I didn't understand too much initially,
355 00:36:02 --> 00:36:05 when I first started trading, like I didn't care or even worry about an
356 00:36:05 --> 00:36:09 account counter, so when I was in there trying to trade if there was ever a
357 00:36:09 --> 00:36:13 grain report that came out, or if they were, if I was trading credible, and I
358 00:36:13 --> 00:36:19 didn't look at the inventory numbers that come out, like around 1030 New York
359 00:36:19 --> 00:36:22 local time in the market would create these moves. And I think, Whoa, where
360 00:36:22 --> 00:36:25 the hell that come from? Because I didn't have any understanding about an
361 00:36:25 --> 00:36:30 economic encounter. So I started way too soon with money, and I didn't know what
362 00:36:30 --> 00:36:35 I was doing. And back then, I was like a cowboy. I just gun sling. It's all, it's
363 00:36:35 --> 00:36:40 all I wanted to do is be a part of it, thinking, which is what I have taught
364 00:36:40 --> 00:36:44 against now, because I did that stuff, I tried to learn how to do it with real
365 00:36:44 --> 00:36:47 money, and it caused all kinds of problems, and it slowed my growth. But
366 00:36:49 --> 00:36:54 when we're looking for these wicks, okay, wicks are going to give you so
367 00:36:54 --> 00:37:01 much more detail if you are using them in proper context. Okay, so I'm watching
368 00:37:01 --> 00:37:05 this as I'm talking. I'm looking at this little gap in here. Does it overtake it,
369 00:37:05 --> 00:37:11 come back down tree to support or is it respect it, and then roll over and take
370 00:37:11 --> 00:37:15 out the relative equal loads it's formed here, and then explore the lows at 830
371 00:37:16 --> 00:37:24 but the if I'm looking for turns, okay, when I learned about swing highs and
372 00:37:24 --> 00:37:25 swing lows,
373 00:37:26 --> 00:37:30 we learned them as ring highs and ring lows. Okay, we didn't call them swing
374 00:37:30 --> 00:37:33 highs and swing lows. And the reason why is because, you know, you would simply
375 00:37:33 --> 00:37:38 print your charts out, or not print them out, that you would literally draw them
376 00:37:38 --> 00:37:44 out. So back when I was learning how to trade, we had a service called price
377 00:37:44 --> 00:37:51 charts, and they would mail you one set of price charts for the week, and then
378 00:37:52 --> 00:37:57 you would take the opening price, the high, the low and the close, and you
379 00:37:57 --> 00:38:00 would draw them physically on the chart, because it would give you room. That's
380 00:38:00 --> 00:38:05 the way I learned how to do this stuff. And you have no idea the advantages of
381 00:38:05 --> 00:38:09 what you're learning and how fast you're learning it, because 99% of you would
382 00:38:09 --> 00:38:13 have never stuck with it if it was like that. They need to think of it and being
383 00:38:13 --> 00:38:17 described like that, you're probably thinking, There's no way. There's no
384 00:38:17 --> 00:38:22 way, but everybody that's 30 years or more in trading. That's the way it was.
385 00:38:23 --> 00:38:28 Like that, that's, that's the way it was. I mean, people, you know, we
386 00:38:28 --> 00:38:32 watched, I watched my generation. We watched things become computerized. I
387 00:38:32 --> 00:38:38 watched electronic trading. I was part of that last generation of old school
388 00:38:39 --> 00:38:46 OGS, where price charting was done by hand, every individual candle, and the
389 00:38:46 --> 00:38:52 only thing you did that with was on a daily chart. See that little run right
390 00:38:53 --> 00:38:59 there. You have to have favorite gap trades up into it plummets, and the
391 00:38:59 --> 00:39:03 interest is below that low. So if it does this, we want to see a big again,
392 00:39:03 --> 00:39:09 we see a big handle like that expand lower. So the it's gonna be fun watching
393 00:39:09 --> 00:39:13 somebody knows what we're talking about in an interesting so it's there at the
394 00:39:13 --> 00:39:17 chart, not knowing what's gonna do the but I'm also giving all kinds of
395 00:39:17 --> 00:39:25 information that are just to just gold. Because this information if you look for
396 00:39:25 --> 00:39:29 swing highs and swing lows, which is what we called a ring high in a ring
397 00:39:29 --> 00:39:34 low, because, for instance, like this little candlestick high, it has a lower
398 00:39:34 --> 00:39:39 high to the left of it. Here, a high that's lower to the right of it than
399 00:39:39 --> 00:39:42 that one. So notice we have a candle that has a high that has a lower high to
400 00:39:42 --> 00:39:47 the left and a lower high to the right. So we call that a swing high. But on my
401 00:39:47 --> 00:39:51 chart, if this was a daily chart, I would put a little circle or a ring
402 00:39:51 --> 00:39:55 right above that. So that way, when I looked at my charts, I could map out
403 00:39:55 --> 00:39:59 market structure. I could see where we walk, where we are, in deference to you.
404 00:40:00 --> 00:40:04 Previous swing highs and swing lows. And if I start seeing swing highs that are
405 00:40:04 --> 00:40:10 forming that are lower than a cluster of swing highs further back then, I know
406 00:40:10 --> 00:40:14 I'm probably part of an intermediate term price run, which is kind of like
407 00:40:14 --> 00:40:17 what I was hinting at here with going all this business here. We talked about
408 00:40:17 --> 00:40:22 it trading down to the midpoint when it was here. We were focusing there,
409 00:40:22 --> 00:40:26 because we're looking for too much of a precision element. Here's where you
410 00:40:26 --> 00:40:29 would have failed using an entry you would not have been filled but the
411 00:40:29 --> 00:40:33 market runs with you. Okay, if you couldn't get in there, then you can use
412 00:40:33 --> 00:40:39 this. You see that, okay, say you couldn't get in here, but then you have
413 00:40:39 --> 00:40:44 the market come back up and trade into this candlestick here. We don't want to
414 00:40:44 --> 00:40:50 see a trade above that candle. There was a gap here, but it trades all the way
415 00:40:50 --> 00:40:55 back up, but it does not take out the high. See that trades right back to what
416 00:40:57 --> 00:41:02 consequent crochet that wick I talked about at 830 this could be your entry.
417 00:41:05 --> 00:41:11 This could be your entry. What? Let me test your memory and see if you kept
418 00:41:11 --> 00:41:17 good notes. What is this candlestick providing you? In terms of an entry
419 00:41:17 --> 00:41:20 mechanism? I talked about it yesterday. I talked about it a lot, if you've been
420 00:41:20 --> 00:41:25 my student for a while, but this candle right here, what? What is this candle?
421 00:41:26 --> 00:41:32 When it traded there like that? What is that referred to? I'll give you a sip of
422 00:41:32 --> 00:41:39 mine, I think, a sip of my water. Institutional, order, flow, entry,
423 00:41:39 --> 00:41:45 drill, very, very, very long winded name, okay? And you're probably saying,
424 00:41:45 --> 00:41:52 Why did you name it that? When I teach students how to trade in efficiencies
425 00:41:52 --> 00:41:58 and price action and fair value gaps, when you have a a price run, okay, once
426 00:41:58 --> 00:42:04 it enters a significant and obvious sell side program or sell program, and it's
427 00:42:04 --> 00:42:08 sell side delivery that means the market simply just moving lower. Okay, there's
428 00:42:08 --> 00:42:15 there's characteristics, there's identifications that I use. And
429 00:42:15 --> 00:42:19 sometimes when I'll say those, you'll hear me say, okay, sell side delivery.
430 00:42:19 --> 00:42:25 You're thinking sell side liquidity or sell stops. That's not what this is.
431 00:42:25 --> 00:42:30 Sell side delivery is a sell program where the market is going through the
432 00:42:30 --> 00:42:34 motions of delivering lower prices, and it doesn't matter how many people's
433 00:42:34 --> 00:42:38 buying, doesn't matter how many people are selling, it's just algorithmically
434 00:42:38 --> 00:42:43 spooling in a direction. And if it's sell side delivery, it's going lower for
435 00:42:43 --> 00:42:47 the Express purposes of delivering lower prices. And it matters not how much
436 00:42:47 --> 00:42:51 buying and selling pressure is there, okay, but when I teach, and when I
437 00:42:51 --> 00:42:55 taught students using these inefficiencies, we outlined, when we
438 00:42:55 --> 00:43:00 were up here, that we first want to see a trade there. And then we talked about
439 00:43:00 --> 00:43:04 all business in here. And then we talked about going next target was the lower
440 00:43:04 --> 00:43:07 quadrant, which is there. This is not quarters theories, by the way. Quarters
441 00:43:07 --> 00:43:10 theories is a bunch of bullshit. So I'm going to say it and stop asking me the
442 00:43:10 --> 00:43:13 comment section. I'm sure there's some very nice people out there, and they
443 00:43:13 --> 00:43:17 have their their faith based ideas around it, but it's absolutely
444 00:43:17 --> 00:43:21 horseshit. So just know that that's my opinion. Please stop asking me about it.
445 00:43:21 --> 00:43:24 The The low is the next target. Why? Because there's the liquidity resting
446 00:43:24 --> 00:43:31 below. So that's sell side liquidity. The motion from here to here that run
447 00:43:31 --> 00:43:38 right there. That's sell side delivery. This high down to this lower quadrant is
448 00:43:38 --> 00:43:41 sell side delivery. It's delivering lower prices, and then the up close
449 00:43:42 --> 00:43:46 candle said we didn't want to see it go above that. In case you're wondering,
450 00:43:48 --> 00:43:55 here's the high did we trade above it? No. Okay, so having order block theory,
451 00:43:55 --> 00:43:58 having fair value gap theory, having market structure theory, having
452 00:43:58 --> 00:44:02 institutional order flow theory, real institutional order, flow. Do you see
453 00:44:02 --> 00:44:06 any depth of market over here? Do you see any horizontal volume, things that
454 00:44:06 --> 00:44:11 make it look like I'm technically advanced? No, you don't need that. All
455 00:44:11 --> 00:44:18 you need to know is, where, where is the mark? Okay, who, who in the room is the
456 00:44:18 --> 00:44:22 mark? Who's the victim? Because if you can, if you can determine who the victim
457 00:44:22 --> 00:44:30 is in the room, you know who's about to fall, who's who's going to get something
458 00:44:30 --> 00:44:37 they ain't wanting. Okay, if you can't identify the victim in the room and
459 00:44:37 --> 00:44:41 something's about to go down, you're the mark. The same thing happens in the
460 00:44:41 --> 00:44:45 marketplace. If you can't determine the liquidity that's about to be absorbed,
461 00:44:46 --> 00:44:53 engaged, taken out, you're the liquidity you're going to be used as the cannon
462 00:44:53 --> 00:44:54 fodder for someone else's trade, like money.
463 00:44:55 --> 00:44:56 Okay, so
464 00:44:58 --> 00:45:04 this is sell side with. Covid, yeah. But the way my son needs to start looking at
465 00:45:04 --> 00:45:10 these runs from seeing this to this target, there has to be something
466 00:45:10 --> 00:45:14 measurable. Well, that clearly it's immeasurable, and you don't have to be
467 00:45:14 --> 00:45:17 in that trade there. There's, there's lots of trades here for my career where
468 00:45:18 --> 00:45:26 I could have got in at the highest tick, but it wouldn't afford me to fill even
469 00:45:26 --> 00:45:31 offering it by the print, by the time and sales it traded there, but my volume
470 00:45:31 --> 00:45:36 and contract size wouldn't permit it to be filled there, and it ran without me.
471 00:45:36 --> 00:45:40 And then I had to figure out later on, as a consequence to that, I had to
472 00:45:40 --> 00:45:44 figure out other entry mechanisms, because I would be frustrated and angry
473 00:45:44 --> 00:45:48 about missing those moves, thinking that I am if I couldn't get in that trade
474 00:45:48 --> 00:45:54 here, and I'm aiming for this, this and this and something lower, well, if I
475 00:45:54 --> 00:45:58 didn't, if I couldn't get in there, then I'm done. I'm angry, and I'm pissed off.
476 00:45:58 --> 00:46:01 And I couldn't, I couldn't imagine another opportunity to get in, because
477 00:46:01 --> 00:46:08 this was all I knew at the time, which is why I developed the price delivery
478 00:46:08 --> 00:46:14 continuum theory, where it's you seeing something that's underway. I gave you to
479 00:46:14 --> 00:46:19 what we were going to see today when we first started the stream again. I wish I
480 00:46:19 --> 00:46:23 could have got this stuff to work like it should. It would have been a lot
481 00:46:23 --> 00:46:27 better, but I'm already doing far better than you're going to see anybody else
482 00:46:27 --> 00:46:31 talk about on YouTube, knocks against anybody. I'm just being honest. You're
483 00:46:31 --> 00:46:34 not going to see this level of detail. You're not going to get the depth of
484 00:46:34 --> 00:46:37 understanding. You're not going to get it beforehand. You're not going to get
485 00:46:37 --> 00:46:41 all the little, tiny, subtle nuances, because they don't know and you don't
486 00:46:41 --> 00:46:44 need to know this. You can buy and sell indicators and probably do something
487 00:46:44 --> 00:46:48 mathematically with money management and be profitable. I'm not saying that you
488 00:46:48 --> 00:46:53 can't, but I'm not satisfied with that. Like I'm a technical freak, like I have
489 00:46:53 --> 00:46:57 to know, like I have to know why it's going to do it, when it's going to do
490 00:46:57 --> 00:47:03 it, and how I can trust it. So that way I can be lead leagues ahead, light years
491 00:47:03 --> 00:47:07 ahead of everyone else that looks at these same charts. That's that's always
492 00:47:07 --> 00:47:13 been my my driving force is to be absolutely phenomenal and freakish.
493 00:47:14 --> 00:47:18 That's been my goal. It's my pursuit, and I try to instill that in my
494 00:47:18 --> 00:47:21 students, but they equate that as they have to know that right away, as soon as
495 00:47:21 --> 00:47:25 they start reading it and studying it and listening to me and they think just
496 00:47:25 --> 00:47:30 because they wrote some scribble in a journal, that that equates to I'm doing
497 00:47:30 --> 00:47:35 the work. No, you're just now introducing yourself to it. It has to be
498 00:47:35 --> 00:47:39 a lifestyle like you have to constantly be pouring into these charts, listening
499 00:47:39 --> 00:47:42 to my lectures. Really dig into what I'm saying, because I'm not talking for the
500 00:47:42 --> 00:47:46 sake of just talking. I'm giving you detail that you aren't going to fully
501 00:47:46 --> 00:47:51 appreciate, because where you're at when you first start listening to them
502 00:47:51 --> 00:47:54 already, you're thinking it's too long. I ain't got time for this. Give me
503 00:47:54 --> 00:47:58 somebody else going to reduce this. Give me a PDF. Let me find tonight it does.
504 00:47:58 --> 00:48:01 Gives me the cliff notes you're never going to learn from that. You'll be able
505 00:48:01 --> 00:48:06 to hear the buzz words, and you can talk the terminology in hindsight, but you're
506 00:48:06 --> 00:48:10 never going to do what I'm doing here that will always evade you, because the
507 00:48:10 --> 00:48:14 people you're learning from, they can't do that. They can't do it okay. And the
508 00:48:14 --> 00:48:20 things I'm teaching today, they've not been taught before. Mentorship students
509 00:48:20 --> 00:48:23 that paid me, they did not learn what I'm teaching you here. This is all brand
510 00:48:23 --> 00:48:30 new stuff. So the price delivery continuum theory is where, if we
511 00:48:30 --> 00:48:37 identify a move and anticipate it delivering to a target, that is, it's
512 00:48:38 --> 00:48:42 finite. It's not something that well, you know, it could do this. It could do
513 00:48:42 --> 00:48:46 that like a zone. I don't deal with zones. Zones are for fools and idiots.
514 00:48:47 --> 00:48:53 We don't deal with zones. We deal with very specific price levels. If I don't
515 00:48:53 --> 00:48:57 know the price that I'm wanting to see as a entry, a stop or a partial or
516 00:48:57 --> 00:49:01 Terminus target where the trade is completely closed in, if I don't know
517 00:49:01 --> 00:49:10 that specific price I'm not getting in the trade. Contrast that with supply and
518 00:49:10 --> 00:49:17 demand zones. Okay, what are you doing with that? What what criteria are you?
519 00:49:17 --> 00:49:21 And if you teach it, what criteria are you teaching the people that are
520 00:49:21 --> 00:49:24 listening to you what's the methodology that you're going to come to the same
521 00:49:25 --> 00:49:31 conclusion and process protocol guidance that leads you to a specific price in
522 00:49:31 --> 00:49:37 that zone. Which zone is important? Which part of the zone, what prices in
523 00:49:37 --> 00:49:41 those specific supply and demand zones are you interested in? That's why it's a
524 00:49:41 --> 00:49:48 fallacy. It's a fucking joke, okay? It's a wonderful, infantile approach to a
525 00:49:48 --> 00:49:53 more visual representation of support and resistance. That was the furthest
526 00:49:53 --> 00:49:56 accolade I gave it, and I mentioned that same stuff when I was on baby piss,
527 00:49:56 --> 00:50:00 because idiots over there said the same shit. Oh, you'd read. Teaching supply
528 00:50:00 --> 00:50:04 and demand, mother fucker. Everything I'm showing you here has nothing to do
529 00:50:04 --> 00:50:07 with supply and demand, and it has nothing to do with support and
530 00:50:07 --> 00:50:14 resistance, but it tells you to the tick to the tick, and it doesn't matter what
531 00:50:14 --> 00:50:18 market it is. You're not getting that from support and resistance and supply
532 00:50:18 --> 00:50:21 and demand. You're fucking not doing that. I don't give a shit what time
533 00:50:21 --> 00:50:24 thinking here, he said. Dollar mentor, mentors, mentorships, okay? And the
534 00:50:24 --> 00:50:28 people that run them, they need the back pedal, because if they're using supply
535 00:50:28 --> 00:50:31 and demand, and they're trying to sell that shit many times, if you really,
536 00:50:31 --> 00:50:34 really listen to them, they're really trying to teach order block theory,
537 00:50:35 --> 00:50:39 they're trying to teach what I do, and they're falling short of it, okay? And I
538 00:50:39 --> 00:50:42 know this is the part of the videos you don't like, but I have to answer all
539 00:50:42 --> 00:50:45 these things because people send me shit and they question me, and I fill in a
540 00:50:45 --> 00:50:52 lot of questions within my dialog. And also scratches an inch once I once I get
541 00:50:52 --> 00:50:58 it. Once in a while, have to scratch it like anybody else will. But if you have
542 00:50:58 --> 00:51:06 wicks in your charts, okay, every single time you have a wick, every single time
543 00:51:06 --> 00:51:11 you want to be measuring them from the highest high and the lowest low. Okay,
544 00:51:12 --> 00:51:19 because in swing highs and in swing lows, it's going to give you detail that
545 00:51:19 --> 00:51:28 no body else has but me, but me, good old ICT. But you're going to get to
546 00:51:28 --> 00:51:35 that. You're going to get it. You're getting it right from the source, if
547 00:51:35 --> 00:51:38 there's going to be a hobby. And this is on any time frame, folks, okay, write
548 00:51:38 --> 00:51:43 that down in your journal, on your study notes, this is a principle that is all
549 00:51:43 --> 00:51:50 time frames, every single time frame, and this is what you'll find. This
550 00:51:50 --> 00:51:57 fascinating, if you go through all time frames and you study this and to see
551 00:51:57 --> 00:52:04 them form on sub one minute charts, and it's still there. That is, it's
552 00:52:04 --> 00:52:12 incredible. It is incredible to see it's incredible to see your baby do exactly
553 00:52:12 --> 00:52:18 what it's supposed to do. And it's so pretty. It's so beautiful to see it
554 00:52:18 --> 00:52:31 form. And sometimes, when the people that use it push hard and intervene with
555 00:52:31 --> 00:52:37 it, take it out of its processes and and what it's following at the time its
556 00:52:37 --> 00:52:41 script, and they cause a manual intervention, then it gets a little
557 00:52:41 --> 00:52:46 blurred, but if you just simply wait, it'll go right back to doing what it's
558 00:52:46 --> 00:52:52 supposed to be doing, rigged, controlled price delivery. That's exactly what we
559 00:52:52 --> 00:52:55 have. And there's no reason to be upset about it. There's no reason to fear it.
560 00:52:55 --> 00:52:58 You should be thankful it's this way, because I'll be honest with you, with 30
561 00:52:58 --> 00:53:02 years experience, if these markets weren't rigged. If they were not rigged,
562 00:53:02 --> 00:53:05 I would never trade them, because you have the equivalent of doing the same
563 00:53:05 --> 00:53:10 thing that people do when they buy lottery tickets going to the casinos.
564 00:53:10 --> 00:53:15 That, to me, is madness. But if I can go in and I can see, okay, I can
565 00:53:15 --> 00:53:17 systematically prove,
566 00:53:19 --> 00:53:19 prove
567 00:53:21 --> 00:53:28 that these things are happening. They're predictable to a degree of precision. It
568 00:53:28 --> 00:53:32 presses the viewer, or anyone that studies and looks at it, especially when
569 00:53:32 --> 00:53:37 we're doing it live, it forces them into a corner, and they're like, either this
570 00:53:37 --> 00:53:42 guy has a time machine or he's using delayed data, and I'm using the lowest
571 00:53:42 --> 00:53:47 latency on this live stream, and I have students that verify I'm seconds away,
572 00:53:47 --> 00:53:52 seconds away from when you see it and when it happens. And if you have real
573 00:53:52 --> 00:53:55 time data, you already see what I'm annotating on the chart. I tell you
574 00:53:55 --> 00:53:58 where it's going to go beforehand, so it doesn't matter. It could be delayed
575 00:53:58 --> 00:54:01 1015, minutes. It's still in the chart before it's there, and then when it
576 00:54:01 --> 00:54:05 finally delivers, there you go. There's no escaping it. So it's predictable.
577 00:54:06 --> 00:54:10 It's logic that's transferable. You can learn it. But if you're looking for
578 00:54:10 --> 00:54:14 turning points in price, that means short term highs, intermediate term
579 00:54:14 --> 00:54:20 highs, long term highs, short term lows, intermediate term lows, long term lows,
580 00:54:21 --> 00:54:26 where they nest out. In the grand scheme of things, when you have a directional
581 00:54:27 --> 00:54:32 draw on liquidity, that's discernible, that means that you you can reasonably
582 00:54:32 --> 00:54:37 forecast where the market's trying to go to. That's the first lesson for you.
583 00:54:37 --> 00:54:43 Kayla, all of this stuff is just once you get beyond that, when you're when
584 00:54:43 --> 00:54:49 you're studying for the day, and you watch and observe where price is going,
585 00:54:49 --> 00:54:52 and you're watching the live streams like this, and you see that telling you
586 00:54:52 --> 00:54:55 where it's going to go, and it goes there. Then you go in and you fill in
587 00:54:55 --> 00:55:01 your observations in the chart, you annotate how much time it took. For this
588 00:55:01 --> 00:55:05 run from here down to that level, we were aiming for any make notations how
589 00:55:05 --> 00:55:10 the bodies turned right at that level traded back up into the fair value gap,
590 00:55:10 --> 00:55:15 consequent encroachment of this wick, because it's a wick that's above price
591 00:55:15 --> 00:55:21 when it was down here. So if it returns back to that that's a premium array. But
592 00:55:21 --> 00:55:30 I don't care about the low. You see that. I don't care about that low. I
593 00:55:30 --> 00:55:34 want to see it trade through that. I want to see it dig into this and go
594 00:55:34 --> 00:55:39 right back to that. Because if it can do that, then I'm waiting to see, does it
595 00:55:39 --> 00:55:47 stop, or if it wicks through it, does the body that it pierces it with? Does
596 00:55:47 --> 00:55:51 its body stop at or below that consequent encroachment? Because that's
597 00:55:51 --> 00:55:55 the signature. That's the little deal. That's a little telltale sign. That's
598 00:55:56 --> 00:56:00 that's me at the table. I'm the dealer. Okay, I can run up a deck and stack the
599 00:56:00 --> 00:56:04 deck, and I can send somebody a hand of winning cards, and everybody at the
600 00:56:04 --> 00:56:08 table won't even know it, and they could be a Confederate with me, and we run the
601 00:56:08 --> 00:56:13 table every single rounders. Matt Damon, and what's the gentleman. He lives in
602 00:56:13 --> 00:56:18 Maryland. He played the Incredible Hulk, Edward Norton. He plays the guy that
603 00:56:18 --> 00:56:22 does all the chops he was in prison, came out. And while he was in prison, he
604 00:56:22 --> 00:56:26 was learning how to do all this stuff with cards. And Matt Damon was a good
605 00:56:26 --> 00:56:32 poker player, but Ed Norton was a cheat. So when Ed Norton was dealing, he was
606 00:56:32 --> 00:56:38 dealing good hands, stacking the deck up for his buddy Matt. And Matt realized
607 00:56:38 --> 00:56:42 what was going on. He was like, Listen, I want to play for real. I don't want to
608 00:56:42 --> 00:56:48 get caught doing this and they end up getting caught. And that's another
609 00:56:48 --> 00:56:55 discussion. It's another discussion for another day. Just just know that I
610 00:56:55 --> 00:57:00 really enjoy these lies, but they're almost problematic for me because I have
611 00:57:00 --> 00:57:04 so many things I would love to talk I really should have a podcast. I mean, I
612 00:57:04 --> 00:57:09 really should have one, because I could never run out of things to talk about,
613 00:57:09 --> 00:57:19 ever, literally, never, ever, ever. But when we're looking at the wicks, okay, I
614 00:57:19 --> 00:57:24 want to see it go up and fail, okay, or stop, give me that little signature.
615 00:57:24 --> 00:57:27 It's like me tipping my hand to another player at the table and showing them my
616 00:57:27 --> 00:57:31 cards. Okay? Well, that's what the algorithm is doing for me and for
617 00:57:31 --> 00:57:35 anybody that trades like this. And before I stepped out and started talking
618 00:57:35 --> 00:57:38 like this and revealing this, this language, and start seeing it this way
619 00:57:38 --> 00:57:42 and looking for it, nobody believed that there was an algorithm to control price
620 00:57:42 --> 00:57:49 like this. And there's always been a group of people that you're not hearing
621 00:57:49 --> 00:57:54 about. They don't write books, they don't go on CBC, and they do the very
622 00:57:54 --> 00:57:58 things I'm telling you, how to trade an engaged price. They do that, and they do
623 00:57:58 --> 00:58:04 it on a very large scale, all day long, all time frames, okay? And they also
624 00:58:04 --> 00:58:08 have algorithms that are keying up off of these very things, so they're not
625 00:58:08 --> 00:58:14 sitting there looking for these things, okay? Quote, unquote, Smart Money
626 00:58:14 --> 00:58:18 traders, algorithmic traders. They understand the things I'm I'm showing
627 00:58:18 --> 00:58:25 you visually, but these are the closest things that I can teach you to see the
628 00:58:25 --> 00:58:29 phenomenon that's going on at that moment. There's other things that I'm
629 00:58:29 --> 00:58:33 I'm not a I'm not in the position, but split that way, I'm not going to teach
630 00:58:33 --> 00:58:36 it, and I'm gonna give a shit. Who comes to my house and says, You're gonna, I'm
631 00:58:36 --> 00:58:41 not gonna do shit. Okay, I'm not telling you shit. You want my technology. Fuck
632 00:58:41 --> 00:58:48 you. You can't have it, but you can have these things. You can have that tell me
633 00:58:48 --> 00:58:55 I can't Well, I'll make more of me. Okay. So if you have these little hints,
634 00:58:55 --> 00:59:01 these little billboard signs flash and say, I am not going any higher. And
635 00:59:01 --> 00:59:08 here's proof to that, that you can trust. See that's a real indicator if
636 00:59:08 --> 00:59:13 you start applying things that are mathematically calculating old data for
637 00:59:13 --> 00:59:17 the purpose of overball, oversold divergence, trend following, moving
638 00:59:17 --> 00:59:24 averages, ratios, Fibonacci ratios, if you're doing any of that stuff, listen
639 00:59:24 --> 00:59:27 to me. And I mean this sincerely. I know there's a lot of people that don't like
640 00:59:27 --> 00:59:30 me that stand on that dumb, dumb shit. They sell courses, they sell software,
641 00:59:30 --> 00:59:35 they do all kinds of stuff. Okay, whether you believe them, whether you
642 00:59:35 --> 00:59:40 believe me or not, I'm just gonna say this is the truth. Price literally
643 00:59:40 --> 00:59:47 doesn't give a fuck about any of that. It doesn't. It does not mean that that's
644 00:59:47 --> 00:59:52 what causes price to go up and down. Absolutely not. It doesn't. It doesn't
645 00:59:52 --> 01:00:00 do that. But what price does refer to is time, if it's. The right time for price
646 01:00:00 --> 01:00:07 to move, it will move. If it's not right time, it ain't going to move. It'll just
647 01:00:07 --> 01:00:11 gyrate and fluctuate in a predetermined range that is mathematically calculated
648 01:00:11 --> 01:00:15 by the algorithm. I'm only going to go this high. I'm only going to go this low
649 01:00:15 --> 01:00:18 for this amount of time, and then I'll go just a little bit of that highest
650 01:00:18 --> 01:00:20 high in the last range, and I'll go down below the lowest low in the last range,
651 01:00:20 --> 01:00:23 and I'll go right back in the middle of that range. And that range until it's
652 01:00:23 --> 01:00:32 time to start spooling that session starts and session endings during the
653 01:00:32 --> 01:00:37 macro periods, at 20 minute intervals, at top of every hour, all these things
654 01:00:37 --> 01:00:41 start to come together like a like a puzzle, okay? And when I was on baby
655 01:00:41 --> 01:00:46 pips, I was testing, laying out bread crumbs and see, out of all the people
656 01:00:46 --> 01:00:51 that come here, I want to see who can pick it up, and not one person could.
657 01:00:52 --> 01:00:57 And then I did a mentorship. I'm gonna see, can they, can they jump and do
658 01:00:57 --> 01:01:02 these quantum leaps like I was, I was getting these huge, like downloads of
659 01:01:03 --> 01:01:06 understanding and seeing, wow, this. Yeah, you can really see some of these
660 01:01:06 --> 01:01:11 things in not a lot of it, but you can see enough in price action where the
661 01:01:12 --> 01:01:17 concepts, the theology behind when price and why price should do anything.
662 01:01:18 --> 01:01:25 There's certain times when price doesn't hide it. And that was the fascinating
663 01:01:25 --> 01:01:29 thing for me, because I, I've, I've done it for a long time, but it was me trying
664 01:01:29 --> 01:01:34 to find a way where I could talk about it, and I'm talking about these little
665 01:01:34 --> 01:01:39 things like this. That's not really what's going on in price, but visually
666 01:01:39 --> 01:01:42 it's occurring at the same time the algorithm is doing what it's doing that
667 01:01:42 --> 01:01:46 I can't talk about, and that's the part that some of you get pissed off about.
668 01:01:46 --> 01:01:47 You're like, Oh, you're hiding stuff.
669 01:01:48 --> 01:01:49 You're fucking right. I'm
670 01:01:49 --> 01:01:56 hiding something. You're right. I am, absolutely I am. You would too. You
671 01:01:56 --> 01:01:59 would too. You wouldn't even be teaching this part of it. You keep it to
672 01:01:59 --> 01:02:05 yourself, but I have an obligation. I have something I have to fulfill, and I
673 01:02:05 --> 01:02:12 have a bone to pick, really. So this is my way of doing it, and I have been
674 01:02:12 --> 01:02:18 successful in transferring this information with this language. It's
675 01:02:18 --> 01:02:25 resonated with a large number of people all around the world, and my daughter
676 01:02:25 --> 01:02:28 actually sent me something. I just want to tell something because I was kind of
677 01:02:28 --> 01:02:34 interested by it last night, or say, evening, rather, right after the markets
678 01:02:34 --> 01:02:39 closed, I got text messages from my daughter, and she goes, Do you see this
679 01:02:39 --> 01:02:44 person? Do you know this person or not, and she sent me like a profile of
680 01:02:44 --> 01:02:49 someone on Instagram. I'm not on Instagram, so she has to send me
681 01:02:49 --> 01:02:52 screenshots to see it, because I don't know how to I can't access anybody's
682 01:02:52 --> 01:02:56 account. I'm not on Instagram, I'm not on Facebook, I'm not on Discord. I don't
683 01:02:56 --> 01:03:00 have any anything to do with that stuff. So if anybody's using my name, it's not
684 01:03:00 --> 01:03:06 me, but she asked me, Do you know this person? Because they had my logo in
685 01:03:06 --> 01:03:10 their in their profile, which a lot of people, a lot of people have that it's
686 01:03:10 --> 01:03:13 like a, like, a brotherhood symbol, like and I have people, have students all
687 01:03:13 --> 01:03:16 around the world. They're getting it tattooed on them. Please don't do that.
688 01:03:17 --> 01:03:20 I don't know what you're thinking, but I get it. I understand what you're doing.
689 01:03:20 --> 01:03:24 But you know, the Bible says take no mark upon your skin, and that, that's
690 01:03:24 --> 01:03:27 exactly what that means. Don't do that very thing. You don't have you don't I
691 01:03:27 --> 01:03:31 don't have a mark. I'm not forcing people to take a mark. And my logo
692 01:03:31 --> 01:03:34 certainly isn't the mark of the beast, either. But there's individuals out
693 01:03:34 --> 01:03:38 there that take my logo and they put it in their profile and use it as their
694 01:03:38 --> 01:03:45 avatar. And the person she was asking me about, I said, Well, I know of this
695 01:03:45 --> 01:03:51 person. They're a student of mine, but what? What spurred that on? She goes,
696 01:03:51 --> 01:03:56 Well, I'm looking at the new bachelor. Apparently, there's a show called The
697 01:03:56 --> 01:04:01 Bachelor. Something something bachelor, okay? And because she's a single woman,
698 01:04:02 --> 01:04:08 she likes those kind of shows, and apparently the new Bachelor is a day
699 01:04:08 --> 01:04:15 trader. And Ellis, I don't know if that's the last thing or if it's the
700 01:04:15 --> 01:04:19 first thing, Ellis something. Well anyway, she looked at his followers and
701 01:04:19 --> 01:04:22 who he was following, and he followed, he's actually following something or
702 01:04:22 --> 01:04:31 someone that's one of my students, and it's something lab scalping lab, scalp
703 01:04:31 --> 01:04:37 lab scalping lab, or something that effect. And they have my, my logo as
704 01:04:37 --> 01:04:42 their their avatar, and they're on Instagram. And this, apparently, this
705 01:04:42 --> 01:04:47 new Bachelor on this TV show that does something around being a bachelor. They,
706 01:04:47 --> 01:04:50 uh, they're a day trader, and his following, he's following this
707 01:04:50 --> 01:04:54 particular person. And the question was brought up on my daughter. She goes, Do
708 01:04:54 --> 01:05:01 you know this person? And I was like, I don't know them. And. I don't off top my
709 01:05:01 --> 01:05:05 head. I don't know who the person that's going to be, the bastard is, but he's a,
710 01:05:05 --> 01:05:09 he's a young guy. And it was a picture of it, so I couldn't really make out who
711 01:05:09 --> 01:05:16 it was, because I don't see so much by zooming in. But if you're, if you're, if
712 01:05:16 --> 01:05:19 you know more about it, like, if, especially if you're, like in my private
713 01:05:19 --> 01:05:23 mentorship, if you know, if, if you know anything about it, just, you know, send
714 01:05:23 --> 01:05:26 me, you know, a message about it, because I'm intrigued by it, because,
715 01:05:26 --> 01:05:32 you know, I've heard my name talked out of Andrew Tate's brother's mouth, like
716 01:05:32 --> 01:05:36 I'm all over the place. I'm Mr. Worldwide. But I said that to my
717 01:05:36 --> 01:05:41 daughter last night. She was laughing, but it's funny. It's really funny to see
718 01:05:41 --> 01:05:46 how far this has reached out to like all these individuals around the world are
719 01:05:46 --> 01:05:51 familiar with me and either with me or they are familiar with what I've
720 01:05:51 --> 01:05:54 introduced to the community, because other people are using it and
721 01:05:54 --> 01:05:57 implementing it, and they they have a filing of their own, which is fine. I
722 01:05:57 --> 01:06:00 got no problem with that. I just don't like it when people try to pretend they
723 01:06:00 --> 01:06:04 know how to do certain things that I've never fully taught, and they try to sell
724 01:06:04 --> 01:06:08 mentorships taking people on. That's, that's fraud, okay, because you don't
725 01:06:08 --> 01:06:12 know what I know, but if you've gone through mentorship, you know what I've
726 01:06:12 --> 01:06:16 taught mentorship. But now that's, that's for free on YouTube now too. So,
727 01:06:17 --> 01:06:26 but the i digress the I gotta tell you, I love, I love. Why shaming? Because it
728 01:06:26 --> 01:06:32 gives me an outlet. Okay? It really gives me an outlet. So I can say what's
729 01:06:32 --> 01:06:36 on my mind when I want to say it, but unfortunately, it's hard to follow me if
730 01:06:36 --> 01:06:42 you're here just for for studious purposes. So I understand and I I can
731 01:06:45 --> 01:06:48 appreciate your frustration if you're someone like that, but just know that I
732 01:06:48 --> 01:06:54 can't not be me okay, and people have asked me to change for years, and I'm
733 01:06:54 --> 01:06:59 not going to do it. I i can do as much as I can to try to do what I want to do
734 01:06:59 --> 01:07:05 and still meet the expectations or whatever I have in mind to do, but I
735 01:07:05 --> 01:07:09 also have to be me, and no one's going to change that. And the way I deliver
736 01:07:09 --> 01:07:13 the information is the way I want to deliver it, and I have to be happy with
737 01:07:13 --> 01:07:16 the way I do it, or I won't do it at all. So it takes a great deal of
738 01:07:16 --> 01:07:22 filtering, if you're here just for the nuggets, okay, and when it's live
739 01:07:22 --> 01:07:26 stream, like this, like it was on Twitter spaces, it's the good stuff
740 01:07:26 --> 01:07:33 being tucked in. And sometimes that's intentional, like today, it isn't
741 01:07:33 --> 01:07:37 intentional. It's just me being organic, because I'm finally relaxing about the
742 01:07:37 --> 01:07:42 frustration I had with trying to get OBS to start streaming. It pissed me off,
743 01:07:42 --> 01:07:45 like I was ready to throw this fucking laptop to the world, like I was getting
744 01:07:45 --> 01:07:50 angry. I was getting so mad. But it is what it is. But I want you to think
745 01:07:50 --> 01:07:57 about wicks, okay, and how every swing high and every swing low that has a
746 01:07:57 --> 01:08:04 wick, the information is useful if you start measuring them, finding out where
747 01:08:04 --> 01:08:09 the midpoint is of the width the highest high and the lowest low. And if we start
748 01:08:09 --> 01:08:14 doing that, we can start forecasting things in price action that would
749 01:08:14 --> 01:08:19 otherwise be un it's unknown to other traders. Okay, and I'm going to
750 01:08:19 --> 01:08:23 introduce some of the principles today. It's meant for you to go into your
751 01:08:23 --> 01:08:27 charts and explore it, study it. It's a fascinating subject matter. I spent
752 01:08:27 --> 01:08:34 years looking at these things, and finally, after six years, because I
753 01:08:34 --> 01:08:39 figured out in like less than three years, like two, two years, and like
754 01:08:39 --> 01:08:43 nine, nine months, or something like that. I had everything, exactly what I
755 01:08:43 --> 01:08:48 wanted, but because I have to take things apart and tinker with them, that
756 01:08:48 --> 01:08:52 was I was that kind of boy growing up. I had to Stretch Armstrong toy. I had to
757 01:08:52 --> 01:08:56 find out why it kept going back to its normal size. I had to figure out what
758 01:08:56 --> 01:09:00 was inside of it, so I cut it open, and it's like this little gel stuff in it.
759 01:09:00 --> 01:09:06 And I needed to know why my remote control cars worked and what was inside
760 01:09:06 --> 01:09:10 the thing behind where the battery panel was. I had to take things apart to see
761 01:09:10 --> 01:09:13 what they did, and it mattered not to me if I could put them back together. I
762 01:09:13 --> 01:09:19 needed to know what made them work. And from someone's perspective that doesn't
763 01:09:19 --> 01:09:24 appreciate that inquisitive nature in a human mind, they may see it though this
764 01:09:24 --> 01:09:28 kid's a brat, he's a destructive person, looking he's breaking things up. But
765 01:09:28 --> 01:09:32 that was the fuel for me to be who I am today, because every everything that I
766 01:09:32 --> 01:09:36 get involved with, I have to understand why it does what it does, and how it
767 01:09:36 --> 01:09:41 does it, and if I can't ascertain what that is, if I can't get a grasp on it,
768 01:09:41 --> 01:09:49 I'm not interested. It can't hold my attention. So I have a demand on
769 01:09:49 --> 01:09:53 anything that holds my attention, that it has to do something for me to hold my
770 01:09:53 --> 01:09:59 attention, or I'm not. I'm not interested. And in trading and using
771 01:09:59 --> 01:10:05 these concepts. Said not exploring price action, I have found that, and I had
772 01:10:05 --> 01:10:11 lots of students come through me and the characteristics of impatience, and I
773 01:10:11 --> 01:10:17 need you to start saying less and just teach it and stop talking so much.
774 01:10:19 --> 01:10:22 You're never going to learn from me, then you're probably not going to do
775 01:10:22 --> 01:10:26 well with anybody else, because what you're trying to do is condense. You
776 01:10:26 --> 01:10:34 wanted to have a distilled version of all this information, and when you
777 01:10:34 --> 01:10:37 really take a step back, there's no advantage of distilling any of it,
778 01:10:37 --> 01:10:41 because you have to have a complete perspective. Because they all, they all
779 01:10:41 --> 01:10:49 link together as one symbiotic unit. It's not one thing and stands by itself
780 01:10:49 --> 01:10:52 a wick. And the details I'm going to teach you about this that leads to
781 01:10:52 --> 01:10:56 understanding turtle soup. You thought I forgot about that. It's just the
782 01:10:56 --> 01:11:02 preamble here, the idea of anticipating turning points in the marketplace, which
783 01:11:02 --> 01:11:09 is what a turtle soup is. It's a run on liquidity, but it's not always running
784 01:11:09 --> 01:11:16 above an old high. It's not always running below an old low. So when I say
785 01:11:16 --> 01:11:22 turtle soup, it was me nodding, because I like to name those cute of what I saw
786 01:11:22 --> 01:11:27 and read about in the street smarts books by Larry, Larry Connor and Linda
787 01:11:27 --> 01:11:31 rash. And I said this before, and I'll say it again, because I mentioned the
788 01:11:31 --> 01:11:35 book again. I get nothing from it. I'm sure she probably knows about me only
789 01:11:35 --> 01:11:36 because
790 01:11:38 --> 01:11:44 I have commented to her. I think twice, when I was on Twitter and she was tagged
791 01:11:44 --> 01:11:50 in a response, and I'm sure she looked at me and I was who I am, and I'm sure
792 01:11:50 --> 01:11:55 I'm not her cup of tea, and that's fun, but I think her book with Larry was a
793 01:11:55 --> 01:11:59 good book. It's expensive. Yes, would I still pay that price if I hadn't bought
794 01:11:59 --> 01:12:04 it at that same time in 1995 Yes, I paid $175 for it. I don't know what it's
795 01:12:04 --> 01:12:08 selling for today. Unfortunately, it's been copied and put all over the
796 01:12:08 --> 01:12:12 internet. You can get it for PDF and for free, don't? I don't want you to do
797 01:12:12 --> 01:12:15 that. If the authors are going to take the time to put the information together
798 01:12:15 --> 01:12:20 like that, regardless of what they sell it for, you shouldn't. You shouldn't
799 01:12:20 --> 01:12:25 take the information and circumvent the payment for their their information,
800 01:12:25 --> 01:12:29 their experience that they collected to put it out into other people's hands.
801 01:12:29 --> 01:12:35 There's a lot of things in that book that I don't like, but it did help me
802 01:12:36 --> 01:12:42 understand stop runs. It. It helped me formulate a visual representation,
803 01:12:42 --> 01:12:46 because that was the first introduction to it. Because, remember, my original
804 01:12:46 --> 01:12:49 mentor was Larry Williams, and Larry Williams doesn't do any of this shit. He
805 01:12:49 --> 01:12:52 doesn't use nothing. He doesn't use any of this stuff that I'm talking about
806 01:12:52 --> 01:12:56 here, everything in my mentorship, all that stuff, technical, fair value gaps,
807 01:12:56 --> 01:13:00 institutional order, flow, inversion, fair value gaps, breakers. That's not
808 01:13:00 --> 01:13:06 him. Okay, I had some dickhead write a book on Amazon and try to say that my
809 01:13:06 --> 01:13:11 stuff was Chris Laurie stuff, Larry Williams stuff, Sam Sidon stuff, supply
810 01:13:11 --> 01:13:14 and demand and all of that is the biggest fucking lions a joke. And that's
811 01:13:14 --> 01:13:18 why I invited everybody with a I purchased his poor shit book just so I
812 01:13:18 --> 01:13:23 could leave a verified purchase review saying this is all nonsense. You can go
813 01:13:23 --> 01:13:26 to our YouTube channel and you see everything that this fucking clown wrote
814 01:13:26 --> 01:13:30 about is my information, and none of these other people had anything to do
815 01:13:30 --> 01:13:33 with it. And you asked them directly, and that's why I went out and caused
816 01:13:33 --> 01:13:37 Chris Laurie to answer me publicly on Twitter. I said, Listen, I'm tired of
817 01:13:37 --> 01:13:42 these people saying that I've copied you. We're going to court if you don't
818 01:13:42 --> 01:13:48 do this publicly, because I didn't take shit from you. Do you see your material
819 01:13:48 --> 01:13:51 in my concepts, in my lectures, in my teachings, yes or no in hem the hall? I
820 01:13:51 --> 01:13:54 said, Listen, you got 30 fucking minutes. And I got the emails to prove
821 01:13:54 --> 01:13:58 all that you got 30 minutes to come out on Twitter and respond publicly. And he
822 01:13:58 --> 01:14:02 comes out and says no, and he does all this other extra bullshit trying to save
823 01:14:02 --> 01:14:06 face. But there's your answer, everybody. I don't teach Chris Laurie
824 01:14:06 --> 01:14:10 bullshit. Okay, I don't, I don't teach Chris Laurie stuff. I made the mistake
825 01:14:10 --> 01:14:15 of giving him a nod and sending him people. And I found out through other
826 01:14:15 --> 01:14:20 people sending me email saying he was talking shit about, listen, you bite the
827 01:14:20 --> 01:14:25 hand that fucking feeds you to help set you up. Go fuck yourself, pal. I don't
828 01:14:25 --> 01:14:29 need anybody else to help me. I don't need that. I got one person in my
829 01:14:29 --> 01:14:36 corner, and he ain't on Earth. So it's just a one it's a one man army here. I
830 01:14:36 --> 01:14:39 don't need allies. I don't need people supporting me. I don't need worshipers.
831 01:14:39 --> 01:14:43 I don't need cult members. I don't need students. I don't need it. I don't need
832 01:14:43 --> 01:14:47 to do any of this stuff. I enjoy this stuff. I enjoy sharing it, and it just
833 01:14:47 --> 01:14:51 pisses me off. And I see other people lie and they discredit me and say, Oh,
834 01:14:51 --> 01:14:54 well, you didn't do this and you said this because it's somebody else's stuff
835 01:14:54 --> 01:14:58 that's over here. It's horseshit. You got $5 million I'm gonna remind you all
836 01:14:58 --> 01:15:03 $5 million Is you come forward and you show where any of the stuff I'm teaching
837 01:15:03 --> 01:15:14 is found anywhere prior to me. And a lot of this shit was codified in 1996 prior
838 01:15:14 --> 01:15:18 to that, it was conceptually being discovered. I was figuring out certain
839 01:15:18 --> 01:15:26 things, but I put it in a format where it is linked to me, 1996 and all sudden,
840 01:15:26 --> 01:15:29 you hear about stories about as a market maker that was flying on an airplane,
841 01:15:29 --> 01:15:33 and I met this guy. And then all sudden, that's urban legend, but you're hearing
842 01:15:33 --> 01:15:39 it right from that person that that guy's talking about. Hello. Think about
843 01:15:39 --> 01:15:44 it, folks. I've been around the block for a long, long time, multiple times.
844 01:15:44 --> 01:15:48 I've had more personalities online than you realize. Inner Circle triggers is
845 01:15:48 --> 01:15:58 the longest one. A lot of big names have their hand in my cookie jar. Let's put
846 01:15:58 --> 01:16:04 it that way, my hands not in theirs. So let's talk about the wicks. Okay, I had
847 01:16:04 --> 01:16:09 fun. So let's get into the nitty gritty with it. If we refer back to this one
848 01:16:09 --> 01:16:14 here, as I mentioned, if price is ever reaching up, okay, if price is ever
849 01:16:14 --> 01:16:18 below it, and you have a reason to suspect that it may go up for the sake
850 01:16:18 --> 01:16:23 of retracement, for the sake of a long trade, and it is likely to continuously
851 01:16:23 --> 01:16:27 move higher. You have to contend with the information that's being presented
852 01:16:29 --> 01:16:35 inside of the wick. Okay, inside of that wick, what specific information, if
853 01:16:35 --> 01:16:41 you're below it, it's going to come up into that midpoint. The midpoint is
854 01:16:41 --> 01:16:46 consequent encroachment. Why is it not mean threshold? Because it is a gap.
855 01:16:46 --> 01:16:53 Gaps midpoints are always consequential to its return back into that range of
856 01:16:53 --> 01:16:59 that gap. So consequent encroachment. It's encroaching on the mid part of that
857 01:16:59 --> 01:17:07 gap, or inefficiency. So because I when I look at a wick, I treat it as a gap,
858 01:17:08 --> 01:17:13 even though it moves in one single candle, passing from the open of that
859 01:17:13 --> 01:17:16 candle down to the low I don't care how long it takes doing it. That's not an
860 01:17:16 --> 01:17:21 important factor. The visual representation of that is enough for me,
861 01:17:21 --> 01:17:27 then I go right in and I measure it. If it's a long range wick, something like
862 01:17:27 --> 01:17:30 this one over here, I'm going to get a very specific calculation, and I want to
863 01:17:30 --> 01:17:34 know the very number. But if it's short like this, I can eyeball that and say,
864 01:17:34 --> 01:17:39 Okay, well, we're in close proximity to the 6pm opening price. We're also
865 01:17:40 --> 01:17:44 approaching the consequence of this gap, which is this candle is low and this
866 01:17:44 --> 01:17:49 candle is high, so half of that Okay, so here's a here's a convergence of three
867 01:17:49 --> 01:17:54 things there that build on this is a good idea to anticipate lower prices.
868 01:17:54 --> 01:17:58 But you already knew lower prices were in order back here, when I finally got
869 01:17:58 --> 01:18:02 the stream going, you knew yesterday that this is where the NASDAQ could
870 01:18:02 --> 01:18:06 potentially reach up into if it was going to continue to be higher. Look at
871 01:18:06 --> 01:18:14 the turn there. What is this candle doing? Right there? This one. What's
872 01:18:14 --> 01:18:22 this candle right here? What is it doing? It's trading below that short
873 01:18:22 --> 01:18:28 term low? Yes, absolutely it is. But what else is it doing? It's validating
874 01:18:28 --> 01:18:34 this candle, this candle as an order block. What kind of order block? It's a
875 01:18:34 --> 01:18:42 bearish order. Well, so once we get below and close here, we have a shift in
876 01:18:42 --> 01:18:49 market structure, but before we do that, that order block is validated. That's an
877 01:18:49 --> 01:18:53 that's the change in a state of delivery. What does that mean? What does
878 01:18:53 --> 01:18:58 that mean when I say it's a change in the state of delivery, this candle
879 01:18:58 --> 01:19:03 opened and there was buy side delivery. That means the market's moving higher.
880 01:19:03 --> 01:19:08 It keeps booking and offering higher prices. That is buy side delivery. It's
881 01:19:08 --> 01:19:13 going up to go into that inefficiency I told you yesterday that would be an
882 01:19:13 --> 01:19:18 upside objective. If it continued moving higher. It's also taking out this high
883 01:19:18 --> 01:19:23 here, this high here, this high here, and the high formed at the 830 news
884 01:19:23 --> 01:19:28 driver and release that it created there. So it went up there and kept that
885 01:19:28 --> 01:19:36 gap in play, that old new week opening gap on july 28 of 2024 some old
886 01:19:36 --> 01:19:41 reference point that everybody knows about these gaps. ICT, but nobody was
887 01:19:41 --> 01:19:47 doing this with them. Nobody was extending them in the future. It was
888 01:19:47 --> 01:19:51 filled, alright, that's done. Cast it out now. It's no longer valid. It's one
889 01:19:51 --> 01:19:58 and done over. No, it's not. I've had so much fun over the years watching people
890 01:19:58 --> 01:20:04 literally you. Uh, talk about price action, and it's staring right at them
891 01:20:04 --> 01:20:09 every single day, every single week, for weeks at a time, and it's completely
892 01:20:09 --> 01:20:13 they're oblivious to it, and they're taking trades that would otherwise be
893 01:20:13 --> 01:20:18 contrary to what that implies. They aren't going to go long. We broke out
894 01:20:18 --> 01:20:21 above here. So it's probably going to keep going because they're a momentum
895 01:20:21 --> 01:20:24 trader, and they don't know this info. And they don't know this information.
896 01:20:24 --> 01:20:27 They don't have this information that you were given yesterday. Do you see a
897 01:20:27 --> 01:20:31 repeating phenomenon like I'm always able to tell you with these concepts
898 01:20:31 --> 01:20:36 what is the most salient, and then the market behaves around them as a manner
899 01:20:36 --> 01:20:44 of proving the concept, the logic and the pre determined aspects, it's before
900 01:20:44 --> 01:20:48 it happens, not after the fact. It's before it happens. Because if these
901 01:20:48 --> 01:20:53 things don't have a logic that I'm able to tap into, and it never is deviating
902 01:20:53 --> 01:20:56 or changing or morphing into something else, that means I'm confident. That
903 01:20:56 --> 01:21:00 means I'm to a lot of people's perspective, I'm arrogant and conceited
904 01:21:00 --> 01:21:07 and narcissistic, okay? Because I'm absolutely confident that this is going
905 01:21:07 --> 01:21:11 to continuously keep working. That's why when I talk, I don't sound like I'm
906 01:21:11 --> 01:21:16 second guessing myself. I speak with authority. That's why that tone is
907 01:21:16 --> 01:21:22 always there, because it's mine. It's mine, okay? And I'm sharing something
908 01:21:22 --> 01:21:29 that you wouldn't otherwise know about. But if we look at these elements, and
909 01:21:29 --> 01:21:34 you introduce the idea of swing points, if you're trying to capture a reversal
910 01:21:34 --> 01:21:35 pattern, okay,
911 01:21:37 --> 01:21:44 there's two forms of reversal I want you to think about, okay, there are
912 01:21:44 --> 01:21:53 reversals. For the sake of changing a buy or sell program into an opposing buy
913 01:21:53 --> 01:22:00 or sell, meaning this, we have, the market's been going higher prior, you
914 01:22:00 --> 01:22:09 know, prior to day 30, we had this, all this consolidation overnight, all this
915 01:22:09 --> 01:22:16 meandering around. We had to stop hunt, rally up, and then go to where we were
916 01:22:16 --> 01:22:22 talking about yesterday. All of this is higher than where we were trading
917 01:22:22 --> 01:22:28 yesterday at the beginning of the stream, 915 or so yesterday, Eastern
918 01:22:28 --> 01:22:33 Time. So it's been going higher. And it went to some random level that was given
919 01:22:33 --> 01:22:40 to you in advance yesterday. And then it behaves like this, breaks down. So we've
920 01:22:40 --> 01:22:44 been a part of a buy program. It's been going higher. We had to wait for the
921 01:22:44 --> 01:22:48 news driver this morning, and it continued going into the upper, higher
922 01:22:48 --> 01:22:52 premium levels that we talked about yesterday. Towards the end of the
923 01:22:52 --> 01:22:55 stream, I gave you, okay, what do we do with now where it's at? And I walked you
924 01:22:55 --> 01:22:59 through certain aspects of where the price could go if it's going to remain
925 01:22:59 --> 01:23:05 going bullish. Here we have it. It trades up to it here, and then it folds
926 01:23:05 --> 01:23:11 and drops. Now, if I didn't teach the new week opening gap, if you didn't know
927 01:23:11 --> 01:23:21 anything about this concept, okay, this run above this high for a majority of
928 01:23:21 --> 01:23:24 you, you wouldn't, you wouldn't expect that type of reaction going there and
929 01:23:24 --> 01:23:29 then breaking down. You wouldn't expect it if I wouldn't have taught fair value
930 01:23:29 --> 01:23:33 gaps, you would have never even looked at this area here as a point of interest
931 01:23:33 --> 01:23:40 for you to study it, using it as a point of entry, going short. If I wouldn't
932 01:23:40 --> 01:23:46 have taught breakers, which is what this is, high, low, higher, high. That takes
933 01:23:46 --> 01:23:50 out liquidity. But notice it's taking out liquidity, and then it's going
934 01:23:50 --> 01:23:55 somewhere specific. It's not just going above. It's not, oh, this is an
935 01:23:55 --> 01:23:59 engulfing candle. It's a fu candle. That's an institutional candle. It is
936 01:23:59 --> 01:24:07 not an institutional candle. This is an order block. These three the I'm sorry,
937 01:24:07 --> 01:24:12 these two candles here, but it's that opening price that is the change in the
938 01:24:12 --> 01:24:16 state of delivery. So when I say it's a change in the state of delivery, Caleb,
939 01:24:16 --> 01:24:21 I'm telling you that what was in play prior to those candles formation, where
940 01:24:21 --> 01:24:28 was the market going up? So that means the market was in buy side, delivery.
941 01:24:30 --> 01:24:36 Suspend your disbelief for a moment. Okay, just give me the moment to speak
942 01:24:36 --> 01:24:39 in these terms. If you're one of those individuals that are in the audience
943 01:24:40 --> 01:24:44 listening and you think there's no there's no algorithm, bro, I work at so
944 01:24:44 --> 01:24:47 and so investment bank. There's no fucking algorithm. Okay, come out here
945 01:24:47 --> 01:24:50 and do this, what I'm doing, and I walk, I'll walk circles around your ass. You
946 01:24:50 --> 01:24:54 can use all the bullshit that Goldman Sachs and all the fucking city, all the
947 01:24:54 --> 01:24:57 all the shit that you use. You come out here live stream, and I'll tell you
948 01:24:57 --> 01:25:01 every fucking one minute candle, and I will call it all. Day long, and I'll run
949 01:25:01 --> 01:25:06 circles around your ass. The invitation is open. It's open if you want to come
950 01:25:06 --> 01:25:09 out here and get on blast Street, come out here and get on blast Street,
951 01:25:09 --> 01:25:13 because I will make your shit look like Mickey Mouse Romper Room nonsense. Okay.
952 01:25:15 --> 01:25:19 The change in a state of delivery, in this instance, is we move from buy side
953 01:25:19 --> 01:25:23 delivery. That means it's being offered higher prices, not because of buying
954 01:25:23 --> 01:25:28 pressure, not because an absence of selling pressure. Okay, it's
955 01:25:28 --> 01:25:33 algorithmically delivering to a fucking level I gave you yesterday. How's that
956 01:25:33 --> 01:25:40 possible? How is that possible? If the markets are random, if it's not rigged,
957 01:25:41 --> 01:25:46 if it's not rigged, I couldn't do this stuff. I couldn't see here on a live
958 01:25:46 --> 01:25:50 stream with the lowest latency and point out certain things in price action, and
959 01:25:50 --> 01:25:56 they deliver over and over and over again. If they weren't rigged, I
960 01:25:56 --> 01:26:01 couldn't do that. But because they are rigged, you should find solace in that
961 01:26:01 --> 01:26:07 you should fucking walk around with a hard on. You should be thankful that
962 01:26:07 --> 01:26:12 it's like this, because it's something that's going to repeat and it's going to
963 01:26:12 --> 01:26:16 give you a happy ending every fucking time you use it, because it's there for
964 01:26:16 --> 01:26:22 you to take it. It's there for you to take it. But prior to me revealing it,
965 01:26:23 --> 01:26:34 it's an unknown, it's something I had fun with, if they're my toys. So the
966 01:26:34 --> 01:26:41 change in a state of delivery at the opening price of an order block flips it
967 01:26:42 --> 01:26:48 from, in this case, from buy side delivery offering higher prices again.
968 01:26:48 --> 01:26:51 Don't think buying selling pressure, just think it's going to offer, offer,
969 01:26:51 --> 01:26:54 offer, offer, until it gets to that price level right there that you knew
970 01:26:54 --> 01:27:03 about yesterday. Then does it reject it? Yes, it does. Does it overshoot the
971 01:27:03 --> 01:27:09 opening price right there? It does. And I don't need, I don't need to see it
972 01:27:09 --> 01:27:18 close below it. Fu candle, fucking 20 words, but there's 20 year olds that
973 01:27:18 --> 01:27:25 they'll eat that shit up, though, won't they? Chairman, Chairman.
974 01:27:25 --> 01:27:27 They call themselves fucking chairman,
975 01:27:27 --> 01:27:30 sitting there, fucking chair. Boy, you know you're talking about the opening
976 01:27:30 --> 01:27:33 price is the change in a state delivery. In this case, soon as we get that cross
977 01:27:33 --> 01:27:38 over there, the algorithm changes its state of delivery from buy side delivery
978 01:27:39 --> 01:27:40 to sell side delivery.
979 01:27:42 --> 01:27:42 Oh,
980 01:27:44 --> 01:27:49 so that means it's going to refer to this price. It can color a little bit
981 01:27:49 --> 01:27:56 above it, up to how much Michael, how much of a gray area is this if it wants
982 01:27:56 --> 01:28:02 to trade back into that mean threshold, how do you properly outline that you
983 01:28:02 --> 01:28:09 take the opening price, opening price, man, I should be charging money for this
984 01:28:09 --> 01:28:12 shit if you like what you're learning today, if you're really having a good
985 01:28:12 --> 01:28:15 time hanging out with me and learning shit that nobody else on this planet is
986 01:28:15 --> 01:28:19 going to ever teach you, the stuff that really works that causes these markets
987 01:28:19 --> 01:28:22 to turn on a dime, on a time schedule that you can predict and expect and
988 01:28:22 --> 01:28:26 forecast weeks and months and years in advance. If you're having fun, I'd
989 01:28:26 --> 01:28:29 appreciate a thumbs up. You guys got real lazy the last few times you haven't
990 01:28:29 --> 01:28:32 been giving me thumbs up. Told you that's our currency here. That means
991 01:28:32 --> 01:28:37 that I'm hitting the sweet spots. I'm I'm touching your G spot. I'm tickling
992 01:28:37 --> 01:28:40 your ass with a feather. I'm giving you things that you've been wanting all this
993 01:28:40 --> 01:28:45 time I'm delivering it and I'm doing it over a live stream. What else could you
994 01:28:45 --> 01:28:49 want? What else do you want? You want to see? Any trade?
995 01:28:49 --> 01:28:50 You'll get it.
996 01:28:51 --> 01:28:55 It's coming. But I gotta give you the logic that we're using so that way you
997 01:28:55 --> 01:28:58 can see every time I'm doing, oh, it's the same shit he talked about. Yeah,
998 01:28:59 --> 01:29:06 it's the same stuff all the time, but this, this rally up in here. Okay, the
999 01:29:06 --> 01:29:11 body, body, the wicks are what? That's where the that's where the little like
1000 01:29:11 --> 01:29:17 the fuzzy areas, the the parts that like your child, that colors for you. They're
1001 01:29:17 --> 01:29:20 coloring the picture, and you see them color outside the lines a little bit.
1002 01:29:20 --> 01:29:23 Again, I mentioned the analogy last week. You're not going to scold your
1003 01:29:23 --> 01:29:26 child because they colored Outside the Lines. You're going to be like they
1004 01:29:26 --> 01:29:29 signed their little name probably misspelled something. You're going to go
1005 01:29:29 --> 01:29:32 to your office at work or you want to put on your refrigerator home, and
1006 01:29:32 --> 01:29:37 you're going to celebrate it. It's it's to you meaningful. Well, you're not
1007 01:29:37 --> 01:29:41 making a big deal about your child calling outside the lines. So I'm not
1008 01:29:41 --> 01:29:44 making a big deal about my algorithm coloring outside the lines by these
1009 01:29:44 --> 01:29:49 little, tiny, little nodes of internet price action, where it just goes just a
1010 01:29:49 --> 01:29:55 little bit outside, because they're all covid too. That's where the damage is
1011 01:29:55 --> 01:29:59 done. So I want you to focus on what the bodies are telling you inside those.
1012 01:30:00 --> 01:30:07 Bodies. You want to measure that because the mean threshold of the bodies in not
1013 01:30:07 --> 01:30:11 just single candle, but because they're consecutively up close candles, that
1014 01:30:11 --> 01:30:14 makes the bearish order block. It's not just the last up close candle before
1015 01:30:14 --> 01:30:20 down there. That was the trap. I knew people would go out there and start
1016 01:30:20 --> 01:30:23 using it and start pretending like they didn't learn it from me. It from me. Oh,
1017 01:30:23 --> 01:30:28 it's white cough. Oh, it's applying to man, bullshit. You have to take all of
1018 01:30:28 --> 01:30:32 the candles, because this is the state of delivery that was in play. Buy some
1019 01:30:33 --> 01:30:39 soon as we cross this opening price right there. That means the algorithm
1020 01:30:39 --> 01:30:46 has changed, switched script. Now it's offering sell side. That means it's
1021 01:30:46 --> 01:30:51 going to explore lower prices. Is it just going to randomly pull shit out of
1022 01:30:51 --> 01:30:55 its ass and say, Well, you know, let's just go down here. Let's go over here.
1023 01:30:56 --> 01:30:59 Or think about like this, and I'm obviously being facetious. I'm being a
1024 01:30:59 --> 01:31:03 dick right now, because I want you to understand the fallacy and believing
1025 01:31:03 --> 01:31:06 that there is no algorithm, that these things are just completely random buying
1026 01:31:06 --> 01:31:11 and selling pressure. Pray tell. How the fuck are we going from the opening price
1027 01:31:11 --> 01:31:14 here, and we're trading up into that little range here, but we're staying
1028 01:31:14 --> 01:31:17 below the midpoint, which is mean threshold we are not piercing, and going
1029 01:31:17 --> 01:31:23 above that fair value guy, we stopped one tick below it. So it's like
1030 01:31:25 --> 01:31:32 something other than everybody else's retail stuff. How is it that the
1031 01:31:32 --> 01:31:36 market's going to reach back through all of this price range, from that high down
1032 01:31:36 --> 01:31:41 to that low? Where is it going to gravitate to? And why is it the same
1033 01:31:41 --> 01:31:44 logic that I'm teaching and taught millions of people around the world,
1034 01:31:45 --> 01:31:48 they're able to use this information, and they're able to get funded account
1035 01:31:48 --> 01:31:51 payout. They're able to trade with real brokerage firms, not some horseshit real
1036 01:31:51 --> 01:31:57 brokerage firms, and getting withdrawals and paid out. They're paying taxes on
1037 01:31:57 --> 01:32:04 their trading wins. It's not Market Replay stuff. Okay, how is it that the
1038 01:32:04 --> 01:32:11 things I'm talking about and how the market will reach back to them? Why does
1039 01:32:11 --> 01:32:16 that occur more than anything else out there? And how is it that if, if there's
1040 01:32:16 --> 01:32:21 so many, if there's so many things in this industry that you can use to trade
1041 01:32:21 --> 01:32:27 off of. And yes, you can do that. You can trade on, you know, anything,
1042 01:32:29 --> 01:32:33 whether, like, I made fun of yesterday, the lunar cycles and whatnot, the
1043 01:32:33 --> 01:32:38 planetary alignment, all that stuff is nonsense. That's that doesn't make the
1044 01:32:38 --> 01:32:44 market go up or down. It doesn't do that. So if there are all these
1045 01:32:44 --> 01:32:51 different principles and disciplines of trading, how is it that the market
1046 01:32:52 --> 01:33:01 agrees to use the theology around Valli wave one particular day or harmonic
1047 01:33:01 --> 01:33:09 patterns this day, or Dow Theory this day, or supply and demand this day, or
1048 01:33:09 --> 01:33:16 white goth this day, because they all do not agree. Folks study them. I have I
1049 01:33:16 --> 01:33:22 listened to all that horse shit in my first three years, and every bit of it
1050 01:33:22 --> 01:33:30 is dog shit. It's dog shit, it's all dog squeeze. It absolutely has no bearing on
1051 01:33:30 --> 01:33:33 what price is going to do, but it feels good having your faith placed in
1052 01:33:33 --> 01:33:37 something so therefore it gives that team mentality. And that's why everybody
1053 01:33:37 --> 01:33:41 that's outside of my community when I teach this stuff, regardless of how
1054 01:33:41 --> 01:33:44 precise it is, regardless of how many people are making money with it,
1055 01:33:44 --> 01:33:47 regardless of how many people have proven it works, not in my own hands.
1056 01:33:47 --> 01:33:51 That's not enough everybody else that has done it and used it and make money
1057 01:33:51 --> 01:33:57 with it, you have a huge daunting task of proving it doesn't work when you have
1058 01:33:57 --> 01:34:02 such an army of witnesses proving that it does work. But everybody outside our
1059 01:34:02 --> 01:34:07 community takes shots at me because I'm very I'm I'm an equal opportunity prick.
1060 01:34:07 --> 01:34:10 I'm gonna piss in the corn flakes of everybody else's stuff, because it all
1061 01:34:10 --> 01:34:16 doesn't work, because they think it works. That's not enough. You can't sit
1062 01:34:16 --> 01:34:19 out here in every single candle use your theology and explain why it's gonna do
1063 01:34:19 --> 01:34:23 it. You can't call your shit beforehand and map it out all day long. On a one
1064 01:34:23 --> 01:34:27 minute sharp you can't do it. You'll have a hit and miss type thing once in a
1065 01:34:27 --> 01:34:32 while. It'll happen, but you'll champion that like a like a pony. Here's the pony
1066 01:34:32 --> 01:34:36 show. Look at this. Here's my one trick pony win today. But it's all together
1067 01:34:36 --> 01:34:39 something when you're out here over life, price action, not Market Replay,
1068 01:34:39 --> 01:34:44 not hindsight, shit, you have to be able to draw the analogies from something you
1069 01:34:44 --> 01:34:52 have seen work for decades, that you had a hand in, that you authored.
1070 01:34:54 --> 01:34:58 You get what I'm putting down. You getting it? Are you getting it? You.
1071 01:35:02 --> 01:35:06 There's nothing like this, because everything else is external to the
1072 01:35:06 --> 01:35:12 market. I am the market. This is the actual source code. This is the stuff
1073 01:35:12 --> 01:35:18 that goes on every day. And when they put their hands in there and they start
1074 01:35:18 --> 01:35:22 monkeying around with it, you have to take a step back, wait for it to go back
1075 01:35:22 --> 01:35:31 into doing normal filing at scripts, but we can identify when a script is
1076 01:35:31 --> 01:35:39 changed. Remember that little scene in the movie The Matrix. They're inside the
1077 01:35:39 --> 01:35:44 building, and they're inside the matrix, if you will. And Neo sees that little
1078 01:35:44 --> 01:35:49 black cat. He walks out in the opening of the doorway, and all of a sudden he
1079 01:35:49 --> 01:35:54 sees it again. And he says, That's weird, you know, I'm having like a deja
1080 01:35:54 --> 01:35:58 vu moment. And she because they all realized that he noticed something. And
1081 01:35:58 --> 01:36:03 true. Yes, it's a movie, but the analogy is the same. They said, What did you
1082 01:36:03 --> 01:36:08 see? He goes, Well, I saw a cat, and then I saw it again. Because, oh, they
1083 01:36:08 --> 01:36:13 just made a change. They just made a change. That's what this is doing. Okay,
1084 01:36:14 --> 01:36:17 watch what's happening. The market trades out to a level you were told to
1085 01:36:17 --> 01:36:21 anticipate yesterday as an upside objective, the fact that it draws to it
1086 01:36:21 --> 01:36:26 is one part. But does it draw to it after creating relative equal highs,
1087 01:36:27 --> 01:36:31 failing to hit it on the 830 news driver, because I would have preferred,
1088 01:36:31 --> 01:36:36 I would have preferred truth be told. While watching it, I anticipated that to
1089 01:36:36 --> 01:36:41 hit that. I was surprised that it didn't. But all it did was stay inside
1090 01:36:41 --> 01:36:46 the range right here, so they left that high intact there, traded just a little
1091 01:36:46 --> 01:36:50 bit above that one there and right in here. So what are they doing? What are
1092 01:36:50 --> 01:36:55 they doing and as a helping hand to the retail trader? Well, they're giving them
1093 01:36:55 --> 01:36:59 what they're looking for, right? They're giving them resistance. So what are they
1094 01:36:59 --> 01:37:03 going to do? They're going to try to sell short rate at this level, or maybe
1095 01:37:03 --> 01:37:06 just a little bit above, once it starts moving in their favor, because now
1096 01:37:06 --> 01:37:09 they're convinced it's going to go lower. So where are they going to put
1097 01:37:09 --> 01:37:13 their stop loss? Oh, that's easy, right above where the books tell them, right
1098 01:37:13 --> 01:37:16 above these highs. And it's not a good enough point to do that. The ones that
1099 01:37:16 --> 01:37:20 are real prudent, they don't want to, they don't want to get stopped out
1100 01:37:20 --> 01:37:24 because, hey, they know enough about support and resistance that sometimes it
1101 01:37:24 --> 01:37:27 goes just a little bit above it, so they're going to be really smart and put
1102 01:37:27 --> 01:37:31 their stop loss rate above that high there. Okay, well, the algorithm knows
1103 01:37:31 --> 01:37:36 that, because those highs and lows are formed by it, not the buying and selling
1104 01:37:36 --> 01:37:39 pressure, but it also knows the fucking shit that I gave you yesterday, which is
1105 01:37:39 --> 01:37:43 the logic it's going to go up to some random bullshit level found in another
1106 01:37:43 --> 01:37:52 retail idea, nope. New week opening. Got right there. Bang. Then it overlaps. It
1107 01:37:52 --> 01:37:58 changes the state of delivery from buy side to sell side. That means every
1108 01:37:58 --> 01:38:06 premium array, everything that could be used as an ICT trader, Smart Money
1109 01:38:06 --> 01:38:10 concepts that are used for shorts, anything that would prevent price from
1110 01:38:10 --> 01:38:16 going any higher. That's what your eyeball starts looking for. Okay, but
1111 01:38:16 --> 01:38:22 you go through the range, this is where we need to high. This is where we change
1112 01:38:22 --> 01:38:26 the state of delivery. And now we're in a move that is in sell side delivery.
1113 01:38:26 --> 01:38:29 That means you're in a sell program, folks. That means the market's going
1114 01:38:29 --> 01:38:35 lower for the Express purposes of repricing to any inefficiency. That
1115 01:38:35 --> 01:38:39 means a fair value gap, buy side, imbalance, sell side, efficiency, sell
1116 01:38:39 --> 01:38:44 side and balance, cell sign in efficiency or WIC, consequent
1117 01:38:44 --> 01:38:53 encroachment, good, ICP, it's starting to make sense to me. Good. From that
1118 01:38:53 --> 01:38:58 high to that low, we can go back through and see everything over here and down
1119 01:38:58 --> 01:39:04 into that WIC, where's the pertinent, useful information? Now think about
1120 01:39:04 --> 01:39:09 this. Think because Wyckoff doesn't do this, supply demand doesn't do this.
1121 01:39:10 --> 01:39:13 Elliot wave has no fucking idea he's he's still waiting for a wave. He's
1122 01:39:14 --> 01:39:20 sitting out there on a surfboard waiting the covid. ICT is out here, calling it
1123 01:39:20 --> 01:39:27 live, riding the big waves, calling every little, tiny, little tube going
1124 01:39:27 --> 01:39:31 through it. You can see me out there. See, see the sun glistening off the
1125 01:39:31 --> 01:39:34 crest of the wave, and see that, look at that. I'm not even getting sun fucking
1126 01:39:34 --> 01:39:38 burned. It's beautiful. There's some block necessary. I'm bringing the
1127 01:39:38 --> 01:39:45 fucking heat. This guy's a character. So the high to that low, you go back
1128 01:39:45 --> 01:39:50 through all the price movement here, okay, and what you're looking for is
1129 01:39:50 --> 01:39:55 anything that was offered as a discount array when it was going up to that high,
1130 01:39:56 --> 01:40:02 it will reverse its role. That's how I know what. Chpd array to use as an
1131 01:40:02 --> 01:40:09 inversion level. Okay, if we are looking for in here, let's see it like this. See
1132 01:40:09 --> 01:40:14 how we have we have a gap here, and we have a gap here, and we also have this
1133 01:40:14 --> 01:40:20 down closed candle, so we have a gap inside of the range of an order block.
1134 01:40:22 --> 01:40:27 You have to look at that and think, okay, that's something that we can use
1135 01:40:27 --> 01:40:33 as a buy. And we see it there, and it was valid there until we get to this
1136 01:40:33 --> 01:40:41 high and over here. So this has been used there as a buy. So extending it
1137 01:40:41 --> 01:40:47 further over here, what can we anticipate acting as some form of
1138 01:40:47 --> 01:40:52 resistance, an inversion. Okay, so order blocks, they can they can invert. They
1139 01:40:52 --> 01:40:56 can reverse their role, their characteristics can change, just like
1140 01:40:56 --> 01:41:00 these candles here are showing you that little glitch in the matrix, that deja
1141 01:41:00 --> 01:41:04 vu moment where Neo said I saw a cat, and I feel like I saw that same cat do
1142 01:41:04 --> 01:41:08 the same thing. And the other members, like Trinity and Morpheus and whoever
1143 01:41:08 --> 01:41:11 else did, the people, I don't remember their names, they were like, Oh no,
1144 01:41:11 --> 01:41:15 there's a change. We gotta go, because they know that the agents were in there
1145 01:41:15 --> 01:41:19 making changes, and they're gonna they found them basically, okay, well, what
1146 01:41:19 --> 01:41:23 you're doing is you're looking for these little changes in the algorithm. When
1147 01:41:23 --> 01:41:30 price changes its routine, they're never, ever, ever going to be able to
1148 01:41:30 --> 01:41:35 change this, folks. I don't know how to say it any plainer than that. Okay, what
1149 01:41:35 --> 01:41:40 they can do, let's let me make, let me make some Devil's advocates, these
1150 01:41:40 --> 01:41:44 little, these little, okay, this is what could happen. But it still does just
1151 01:41:44 --> 01:41:47 change it. It just means that you might take a trade with this information and
1152 01:41:47 --> 01:41:50 then they run that hide one more time. Boom. Okay, well, you just got stopped
1153 01:41:50 --> 01:41:55 out. That's all that's happened to me before it's happened. You watched me do
1154 01:41:55 --> 01:41:58 it the other day. I was showing you my trade. I knew I even told my son. I
1155 01:41:58 --> 01:42:04 said, I'm going to show my trade, and as soon as I make my stop loss public, good
1156 01:42:04 --> 01:42:08 old Phil right to the stop, and then it'll go where I want to go. But doesn't
1157 01:42:08 --> 01:42:11 change the fact that there's a winning trade. But the point is,
1158 01:42:12 --> 01:42:12 if
1159 01:42:12 --> 01:42:16 you get stopped out, you just got stopped out on that transit, that
1160 01:42:16 --> 01:42:20 transaction, it's just one trade that that's the outcome of that one. But you
1161 01:42:20 --> 01:42:23 can't take your attention and say, well, this means everything's flawed. It never
1162 01:42:23 --> 01:42:29 it's never going to work. So let me go find an indicator. No, it just means
1163 01:42:29 --> 01:42:33 that that individual transaction, like that one day, driving to work and you
1164 01:42:33 --> 01:42:36 got a flat tire. You didn't know you're going to get a flat tire. Is it possible
1165 01:42:36 --> 01:42:40 you're going to get a flat tire? Sure. Are you going to stop going to your job
1166 01:42:40 --> 01:42:44 pissed off in defiance because you got a flat tire. There must be something about
1167 01:42:44 --> 01:42:49 that place where I work at fuck that guy. Fuck that person that runs that
1168 01:42:49 --> 01:42:52 company. Fuck that company. Fuck all the time and tenure I put into it I got a
1169 01:42:52 --> 01:42:56 flat tire. Fuck them. I'm never coming back. That's what you're doing. When you
1170 01:42:56 --> 01:43:01 say I'm gonna work with a methodology, but first time it fails on me. I'm done.
1171 01:43:01 --> 01:43:04 I'm looking for the offering. I'm gonna change. I'm gonna start looking. That's
1172 01:43:04 --> 01:43:09 a system hopping and traders that start out in the beginning. They do a lot of
1173 01:43:09 --> 01:43:12 that. I did it right? I ain't got no shame in telling you, because I didn't
1174 01:43:12 --> 01:43:17 know any better. But when you come here, when you're listening to me, I might not
1175 01:43:17 --> 01:43:21 be so eloquent all the time when I speak, I may not be your cup of tea for
1176 01:43:21 --> 01:43:25 someone to listen to around your children, okay? But I'm not gonna give
1177 01:43:25 --> 01:43:28 you bullshit. I'm gonna give you the stuff that works. I'm gonna cut to the
1178 01:43:28 --> 01:43:33 bone marrow. I'm gonna get right down to what matters most. And you think I'm not
1179 01:43:33 --> 01:43:36 getting to what matters you're not getting to the point. ICT, the point is
1180 01:43:36 --> 01:43:40 you're gonna fuck up if you don't listen to everything. I'm telling you, that's
1181 01:43:40 --> 01:43:45 the point. But you don't want to hear it. It's good medicine. It might not
1182 01:43:45 --> 01:43:53 taste all that good, but swallow. Okay, swallow. It's good for you. So now, when
1183 01:43:53 --> 01:43:57 this cross over that opening price, we're interested in seeing everything
1184 01:43:57 --> 01:44:04 gravitate lower. So because I'm teaching my son incrementally to build in these
1185 01:44:04 --> 01:44:10 objectives of just looking for small, little modular moves, small little
1186 01:44:10 --> 01:44:14 modular moves. Let me get this off now, because they asked over on Instagram,
1187 01:44:14 --> 01:44:17 pretend to be me with 2000 followers. Whether they're real or not, I don't
1188 01:44:17 --> 01:44:25 know. I love pissing in his face all the time. So the that level right there, it
1189 01:44:25 --> 01:44:30 goes up and just touches. Well, it doesn't touch really, because that's too
1190 01:44:30 --> 01:44:36 high. We were one tick away, a half a tick away and a quarter tick away in
1191 01:44:36 --> 01:44:45 here, but then get into the Fairbank. Yeah, it did use the breaker here, and
1192 01:44:45 --> 01:44:49 it did qualify and prove that that change in the state of delivery, we want
1193 01:44:49 --> 01:44:53 to see it roll over. It does this wick. We talked about how, when it went
1194 01:44:53 --> 01:44:58 through, that the market's going to come right back up, because it's going to use
1195 01:44:58 --> 01:45:03 this reference point and this. Fair value gap and this old key price level
1196 01:45:03 --> 01:45:06 at 6pm the opening. Because there's no difference between where we closed
1197 01:45:06 --> 01:45:11 yesterday at 5pm that closing price and the first print at 6pm they're same
1198 01:45:11 --> 01:45:15 price. So you're just going to draw a line like that. You can annotate that
1199 01:45:15 --> 01:45:19 anything you want. You can call it the 6pm opening price, no gap. Or you can
1200 01:45:19 --> 01:45:26 just say new session starts 6pm there's, I don't ever have a name. It's just I
1201 01:45:26 --> 01:45:30 draw a line. Okay, so if I wanted to have a name for it, it'd be one of
1202 01:45:30 --> 01:45:33 those. You can, you can name it whatever you want. I'm sure it'll be in
1203 01:45:33 --> 01:45:36 somebody's Amazon book, and they'll, they'll talk about it. They won't credit
1204 01:45:36 --> 01:45:39 me, though, and then I find out if I find out about it later on, because
1205 01:45:39 --> 01:45:42 somebody's going to eventually buy the book. And they're saying, it sounds like
1206 01:45:42 --> 01:45:45 I said he's sounds like I said he's bullshit, and then I'm gonna hear about
1207 01:45:45 --> 01:45:48 an email, and then I'm gonna buy their bullshit, and then I'm gonna go on their
1208 01:45:48 --> 01:45:52 reviews and say, this is horseshit. It's all lies. Go to my YouTube channel in
1209 01:45:52 --> 01:45:54 this fucking video, and you'll see that this is where they got it. And then
1210 01:45:54 --> 01:45:57 nobody wants to buy your book, and they call you an asshole and a plagiarist,
1211 01:45:57 --> 01:46:04 just like John fipaloti did. So if we see that the market, it does, in fact,
1212 01:46:04 --> 01:46:10 go down to our intermediate term price level, which is what the first target
1213 01:46:10 --> 01:46:17 below all the bodies. See all these candlesticks right here, so ignore this
1214 01:46:17 --> 01:46:21 wick for a moment. Okay. See all that, all this range, ignore that for a
1215 01:46:21 --> 01:46:27 moment. Okay, and say price only looked like it did with the bodies, not the
1216 01:46:27 --> 01:46:32 wicks underneath them. So the market dropped down here, all these bodies, and
1217 01:46:32 --> 01:46:39 then we started going up. I want to target something below those bodies. So
1218 01:46:39 --> 01:46:46 what PD array. Do I have below them? Well, if I use this closing price here,
1219 01:46:46 --> 01:46:51 that's a rejection block. You can use that. And I taught my students this,
1220 01:46:51 --> 01:46:55 that's that's a level to aim for as a partial and see if we can get to it and
1221 01:46:55 --> 01:47:00 then hold on to it and see if it can go down and continuously move. But I didn't
1222 01:47:00 --> 01:47:04 introduce every aspect about Wix. They're learning it right alongside of
1223 01:47:04 --> 01:47:08 you right now, today, on August 14, 2024 on live stream, on my YouTube channel,
1224 01:47:10 --> 01:47:16 you're getting it the same way at the same time. This wick, it's consequent
1225 01:47:16 --> 01:47:22 encroachment is below the rejection block. So it goes without saying, If I
1226 01:47:22 --> 01:47:29 anticipate the right the price Run from here and in here, going down to this
1227 01:47:29 --> 01:47:34 level, we have to gage whether or not does it have the ability to trade below
1228 01:47:34 --> 01:47:40 it. We only do so for the wick. But remember, I was telling you watch and
1229 01:47:40 --> 01:47:44 see, does the bodies confirm that level? It did right? And then what does it do?
1230 01:47:44 --> 01:47:48 It returns back to an old area, inefficiency, and that old 6pm opening
1231 01:47:48 --> 01:47:53 price. These are all old friends folks. How many times have I talked about
1232 01:47:53 --> 01:47:57 those, those key points, they're not, they're not a zone. Some in ambiguous
1233 01:47:57 --> 01:48:02 where, what do I pick as a price in a zone, supply and demand zone. If the
1234 01:48:02 --> 01:48:08 range that creates that supply and demand zone is 15 to 20 handles, or 12
1235 01:48:08 --> 01:48:12 handles or eight handles, which one of those levels are important to you as a
1236 01:48:12 --> 01:48:15 trader? Which one are you going to use? How are you going to use it for the
1237 01:48:15 --> 01:48:21 purposes of managing with a stop loss? See, in fact, that's why it's
1238 01:48:21 --> 01:48:24 nonsensical. Now I'm not saying somehow some people can't say, Well, you know,
1239 01:48:24 --> 01:48:29 if it's, if it's a demand zone, just use the highest level, okay, that sounds
1240 01:48:29 --> 01:48:34 pretty good. And you should stop below plus the range of the supply and demand
1241 01:48:34 --> 01:48:37 zone, or some percentage of a quarter percent of it, or half percent of it as
1242 01:48:37 --> 01:48:40 a stop. Okay, that's a pretty good methodology. Yeah, there's something
1243 01:48:40 --> 01:48:46 wrong with that, but that ain't good enough for me. Like I want to know, I
1244 01:48:46 --> 01:48:50 want to know that I can put a stop loss on this son of a bitch, and I'm going to
1245 01:48:50 --> 01:48:53 be in there, and it's going to take a real move. They're going to have to
1246 01:48:53 --> 01:48:59 really come at me, to take me out. Not just static price action, just normal
1247 01:48:59 --> 01:49:04 volatility. That is, oh, it stops me like yesterday when I was live
1248 01:49:04 --> 01:49:08 streaming, like, or was it Monday? I can't remember which one I was, but I
1249 01:49:08 --> 01:49:12 showed my trade and it went right up after I said it's probably gonna go up
1250 01:49:12 --> 01:49:15 there, knock it out and fill with reprice and then send it down to where I
1251 01:49:16 --> 01:49:20 was aiming for it. I was like, a go, Fuck you. ICD in front of everybody.
1252 01:49:20 --> 01:49:23 That's all right, that's okay. I still beat his ass, and I'm gonna beat you
1253 01:49:23 --> 01:49:27 again tonight and tomorrow and next fucking week is gonna be the same thing.
1254 01:49:27 --> 01:49:34 It's fun. I'm having fun with it sport, but it takes a real move, not just
1255 01:49:34 --> 01:49:41 static randomness, because if these things hold logic that's valid, then
1256 01:49:41 --> 01:49:47 they will work more times than they fail. Not just 60% of the time, okay,
1257 01:49:47 --> 01:49:59 but the majority of the time, the majority of them, you can't have this.
1258 01:50:00 --> 01:50:03 Degree of precision these elements that repeat over and over and over again
1259 01:50:03 --> 01:50:09 without it having some control mechanism in play. It's only being allowed to do
1260 01:50:09 --> 01:50:16 certain things. And it is a facade. It is nonsense to try to make an argument
1261 01:50:16 --> 01:50:21 that the random buying and selling participants of buyers and sellers
1262 01:50:21 --> 01:50:28 traders at these price points that we can see in advance. We can see this in
1263 01:50:28 --> 01:50:35 advance. And then it books price this way, and it supports the underlying
1264 01:50:35 --> 01:50:39 narrative that, okay, yeah, we moved from here down to there. The body
1265 01:50:39 --> 01:50:43 supported it said, Okay, we're not closing below it. So it's rallying up.
1266 01:50:43 --> 01:50:50 Did we take out the low No, did we go to the lower quadrant of that wick? No,
1267 01:50:50 --> 01:50:56 they're still in play then. So if it's going up here, why is it going up? It's
1268 01:50:56 --> 01:51:02 going back up to an order in efficiency, and it's reverting back to where the day
1269 01:51:02 --> 01:51:09 started. The first print at 6pm last night, New York, local time. It crosses
1270 01:51:09 --> 01:51:13 that again. I believe it would have done that, even if that fair value gap wasn't
1271 01:51:13 --> 01:51:16 there, and even if this wick wasn't there, that's something I would have
1272 01:51:16 --> 01:51:20 expected, regardless of anything else needing to be there. That's something I
1273 01:51:20 --> 01:51:26 would expect, because from here, going up higher, we don't have a gap here. We
1274 01:51:26 --> 01:51:29 don't have a fair value gap there. We don't have a fair value gap there, but
1275 01:51:29 --> 01:51:34 we have it there. So let's say that this wick here touched this candlesticks low,
1276 01:51:34 --> 01:51:38 so there's no fair value gap that's shaded in a thing. Okay? And let's say
1277 01:51:38 --> 01:51:43 that wick didn't exist. Say the candles that stopped up here. So the only
1278 01:51:43 --> 01:51:46 information I would have is it's going up just to touch that 6pm
1279 01:51:48 --> 01:51:55 price again and maybe bump if this was the candles body, this is your order
1280 01:51:55 --> 01:52:00 block, so it might want to come back up and bump that again. But because we have
1281 01:52:00 --> 01:52:03 the fair value gap and the 6pm opening price, and we have this consequent
1282 01:52:03 --> 01:52:09 encroachment. See how there's several layered things there. So right away, you
1283 01:52:09 --> 01:52:12 know that it's reasonable to get gravitate back to this, because that's
1284 01:52:12 --> 01:52:18 the first real thing that that's that's a real level. If there's ever a question
1285 01:52:18 --> 01:52:26 of what's the most likely level to trade to when we're like, like, when we're
1286 01:52:26 --> 01:52:31 down here, I'm going to err on this side of going to that price level before the
1287 01:52:31 --> 01:52:35 fair value gap. Because what can fair value gaps do? They can stay open. Well,
1288 01:52:35 --> 01:52:40 it sounds like you're making a bullshit no. Think about what I've been teaching
1289 01:52:40 --> 01:52:45 you. If I'm short, if I'm bearish, and I see a fair value gap above price, market
1290 01:52:45 --> 01:52:48 price, and if it goes up there, what do I want to see about that fair value gap?
1291 01:52:48 --> 01:52:53 Do I want to see it close in? Fuck, no, I don't want to. I've already told you
1292 01:52:53 --> 01:52:57 that I want to see the upper half of that or some degree above midpoint. I
1293 01:52:57 --> 01:53:02 want to see it stay open. Why? Why do I want to see that? I want every fair
1294 01:53:02 --> 01:53:08 value gap that's above my target when I'm short and I'm still in a trade, I
1295 01:53:08 --> 01:53:13 want to see some of those fair value gaps stay open, because that's telling
1296 01:53:13 --> 01:53:18 me this is so weak It can't even go back up there and reprice to it and then
1297 01:53:18 --> 01:53:23 close it in. But because it does so here, it's okay, it doesn't change, it
1298 01:53:23 --> 01:53:28 doesn't strip the efficacy of this methodology. It just means that, well,
1299 01:53:28 --> 01:53:34 you know, we had consequent pressure here. We had the 6pm price that acts
1300 01:53:34 --> 01:53:37 just like a new day opening gap, but because there's no gap there, you just
1301 01:53:37 --> 01:53:42 use the 6pm opening price. You don't use the 5pm you use the 6pm why? Because
1302 01:53:42 --> 01:53:48 that's the first print so the algorithm is going to go right back to that. If
1303 01:53:48 --> 01:53:54 there's no gap, you're focusing on whatever the 6pm there's no confusion.
1304 01:53:54 --> 01:54:01 There is it is that complicated? No whatever that 6pm price is, that's what
1305 01:54:01 --> 01:54:04 you have annotated on your chart. You can annotate it any way you want. I just
1306 01:54:04 --> 01:54:09 chose to use this again. I don't have this stuff on my chart. It's only for
1307 01:54:09 --> 01:54:15 the purpose of teaching my son. Here, all these levels are in notation form,
1308 01:54:16 --> 01:54:22 like writing it down on your little like nine by five, yellow pamphlet, like
1309 01:54:22 --> 01:54:27 little I buy them from Office Depot. You get, like, 12 of them in a bundle. And
1310 01:54:27 --> 01:54:31 every day, I write the date, and I write down I'm looking for a sale program,
1311 01:54:31 --> 01:54:35 looking for a buy program, based on what I think it's likely to happen for the
1312 01:54:35 --> 01:54:40 scenario. And then I write down any PB array that's going to be useful to me,
1313 01:54:40 --> 01:54:44 what their prices and the time. So I'm writing the time and the PD array with
1314 01:54:44 --> 01:54:50 the price, so I have it in numeric format and labeling on my notepad, and
1315 01:54:50 --> 01:54:57 my chart is completely naked. It's it's actually harder for me when I have all
1316 01:54:57 --> 01:55:03 this stuff on the chart, because I. I end up spending more time talking or
1317 01:55:03 --> 01:55:06 paying attention to the things I'm annotating for you as a student
1318 01:55:06 --> 01:55:09 learning, and it distracts me from watching the actual price action,
1319 01:55:10 --> 01:55:13 especially over a live stream where I'm communicating, I'm teaching, I'm
1320 01:55:13 --> 01:55:18 lecturing over something, and it kind of like takes my my time and focus off of
1321 01:55:18 --> 01:55:23 the real time candle. So this month of August is a lot of this type of stuff
1322 01:55:23 --> 01:55:26 going on. But once we get through August, in September, I'm just going to
1323 01:55:26 --> 01:55:30 be talking about what the individual candles are happening at the moment and
1324 01:55:30 --> 01:55:34 where they may gravitate to and all this other stuff. This is the supported
1325 01:55:34 --> 01:55:40 commentary and things that I feel that's necessary as I go along. I wanted to see
1326 01:55:40 --> 01:55:44 speaking only about every individual candle that's forming, so that way Caleb
1327 01:55:44 --> 01:55:49 can watch and see what I'm thinking about every candlestick as it's forming.
1328 01:55:49 --> 01:55:57 Which brings me up to the point of Al Brooks. I am not teaching al Brooks
1329 01:55:57 --> 01:56:03 stuff, and now al Brooks doesn't use any of this stuff, either. Okay, I talked to
1330 01:56:03 --> 01:56:08 Tom hugard, who is a student and fan of Al Brooks, and he himself said that
1331 01:56:08 --> 01:56:11 there's no, there's no comparisons, totally, absolutely not the same thing.
1332 01:56:11 --> 01:56:15 So that's the new flavor of the month where they're saying, No, I took his
1333 01:56:15 --> 01:56:20 stuff because al Brooks apparently teaches, you know, reading Christ
1334 01:56:20 --> 01:56:25 action, one candle at a time. He reading it like this. I'm a new language that
1335 01:56:25 --> 01:56:28 everybody's learning. Okay? I'm not reinventing the wheel. I'm not
1336 01:56:28 --> 01:56:33 transcribing and translating something someone else did. This is a whole new
1337 01:56:33 --> 01:56:39 science. We're evolving. Okay? We're way beyond everything else. But if you want
1338 01:56:39 --> 01:56:42 to collect that $5 million go through his stuff and see how everything I'm
1339 01:56:42 --> 01:56:48 teaching ain't there, do your best, because it's either is or there isn't,
1340 01:56:48 --> 01:56:53 and there ain't nobody out there that's like me. But you go through all of these
1341 01:56:53 --> 01:56:58 PD arrays, anything that has a gap, and we were talking about this one over
1342 01:56:58 --> 01:57:01 here, and then you have a gap right there. So you have an order block and a
1343 01:57:01 --> 01:57:04 fair value gap. So if I ever have a fair value gap, an order block that's inside
1344 01:57:04 --> 01:57:08 the range, meaning that see the high of that candle, the down, closed candle,
1345 01:57:08 --> 01:57:13 the black one, and you have this candles low, that's that's basically the same
1346 01:57:13 --> 01:57:20 range. This gap is inside of the of the little shorter block. So what am I going
1347 01:57:20 --> 01:57:24 to refer, but refer to, am I going to label it with the gap levels? Where am I
1348 01:57:24 --> 01:57:29 to use the order block? I'm going to use the order block. Okay, so I'll use this
1349 01:57:29 --> 01:57:31 range here. And what you do is you take this, this is how you do
1350 01:57:40 --> 01:57:43 it all. Right? So initially, when we went down below the opening price on
1351 01:57:43 --> 01:57:46 this bear, shorter block, changing the state of delivery. So that means your
1352 01:57:46 --> 01:57:52 mind turns to, okay, the market's going to just keep offering lower prices. It's
1353 01:57:52 --> 01:57:55 going to have little retracements. It's going to have little pops up higher, but
1354 01:57:55 --> 01:57:59 they're going to be short lived. They're going to be very controlled. They're
1355 01:57:59 --> 01:58:03 going to be stunted. They won't be allowed to be really protracted to the
1356 01:58:03 --> 01:58:08 upside. And then, once it gets to a level that I'm teaching that the market
1357 01:58:08 --> 01:58:13 referred to, which is a premium. PD array, everyone that forms as delivery
1358 01:58:13 --> 01:58:20 is unfolding. They're salient too. But if there isn't an inefficiency in the
1359 01:58:20 --> 01:58:24 price run, going lower as it drops, whereas we ended up creating one here.
1360 01:58:24 --> 01:58:27 See that fair value gap that we've been talking about. That's the first fair
1361 01:58:27 --> 01:58:30 value gap. This small, little one in here. I wouldn't care so much about
1362 01:58:30 --> 01:58:35 that. And the reason why is because it's still inside of the range of the water
1363 01:58:35 --> 01:58:41 block that we extend over here. So this was used as a buy. We can see that here.
1364 01:58:41 --> 01:58:45 And then when we went into a sell program, now, the market's going to
1365 01:58:45 --> 01:58:49 start going lower at this time. So the market goes up. We watch the seat
1366 01:58:49 --> 01:58:52 doesn't want to get into fair value. Remember I was saying, when you watch
1367 01:58:52 --> 01:58:56 the stream, you'll hear me say, I'm interested in this one. I want to see. I
1368 01:58:56 --> 01:59:03 want to see. Why am I saying that? Because we're inside of a breaker, and
1369 01:59:03 --> 01:59:06 it might be enough just to simply do that trade into the breaker and not go
1370 01:59:06 --> 01:59:10 up there. And it's actually a good thing for you to see where trying to be very,
1371 01:59:10 --> 01:59:14 very precise, and you having limit orders as your entry mechanism, you may
1372 01:59:14 --> 01:59:18 not get a fill. So what do you do? You use the price delivery continuum theory.
1373 01:59:18 --> 01:59:23 It means, okay, your time frame on a one minute basis. Here suggests that this is
1374 01:59:23 --> 01:59:26 where you're trying to get in at. But if it starts to run without you, do you
1375 01:59:26 --> 01:59:30 just say, Fuck it. I'm gonna start trading oil today. Then I'm not thinking
1376 01:59:30 --> 01:59:34 like that. I used to as a 20 year old when I missed my only setup that I was
1377 01:59:34 --> 01:59:38 anticipating, stalking and hunting if it didn't, if it didn't give me a fill and
1378 01:59:38 --> 01:59:41 it ran away without me, I was like, Okay, I missed the whole thing. And I'm
1379 01:59:41 --> 01:59:46 looking at moves that would be like $8,000 in the bond market. Okay, that's,
1380 01:59:47 --> 01:59:57 that's eight full handles. They're trading $1,000 per handle, so see a
1381 01:59:57 --> 02:00:03 whole 100 point move. Okay? Do. Go one contract, that type of movement would
1382 02:00:03 --> 02:00:11 literally be $1,000 it's $32.25 $31.25 per tick. Okay, so a full run like that,
1383 02:00:12 --> 02:00:17 and if it's eight of those, that's an $8,000 move, and a move like this in the
1384 02:00:17 --> 02:00:23 bond. That means I'm probably missing out on $300 for less than $500 I've
1385 02:00:23 --> 02:00:28 missed it, so therefore I'm not interested in those $7,500 that could
1386 02:00:28 --> 02:00:32 still be taken in my mind when I first started as a trade. And this is probably
1387 02:00:32 --> 02:00:35 what most of you feel this way too. Oh, well, I need to know how to find these
1388 02:00:35 --> 02:00:40 because I I see it happening, and then I miss the move, or I chase it. I don't
1389 02:00:40 --> 02:00:43 know when to get in. I put my stop loss in the wrong place. Or I get place, or I
1390 02:00:43 --> 02:00:46 get scared out of it. I just keep losing, even though I'm right. I know
1391 02:00:46 --> 02:00:49 where it's going. I'm watching your live stream, your point to where it's going,
1392 02:00:49 --> 02:00:53 and I'm taking trades, even though I tell you not to do that, because you're
1393 02:00:53 --> 02:00:59 learning fear anxiety, because you don't know what I know. And just because I'm
1394 02:00:59 --> 02:01:03 highlighting something doesn't guarantee it's gonna happen. And if you're trying
1395 02:01:03 --> 02:01:06 to pass funded accounts and trading 15 contracts because they say that you can
1396 02:01:06 --> 02:01:10 afford to do so, you could still do it wrong and be right in your direction,
1397 02:01:10 --> 02:01:14 that's very frustrating, and you're not gonna blame yourself for breaking the
1398 02:01:14 --> 02:01:17 rules. You're gonna say, I'm an asshole, and this stuff doesn't work, but you sit
1399 02:01:17 --> 02:01:21 down with me and we'll see that you didn't listen. I've had students that
1400 02:01:21 --> 02:01:25 try to do that shit. Show me your logbook. Show me what you've been doing,
1401 02:01:26 --> 02:01:28 show me your trade entries and show me why you got into that fucking trade.
1402 02:01:28 --> 02:01:33 Soon as that question comes up, the conversation ends because they know they
1403 02:01:33 --> 02:01:38 don't listen. Just like I didn't listen when I first started codifying rules
1404 02:01:38 --> 02:01:42 around these ideas, I tried to make excuses for. Well, I'm going to try to
1405 02:01:42 --> 02:01:48 be outperforming these rules. I'm better than this, okay? And I never established
1406 02:01:48 --> 02:01:55 a baseline to trust initially, so I had to force myself to go through that
1407 02:01:55 --> 02:01:58 stuff. And you have to do the same thing. And I'm forcing Kayla to do that.
1408 02:01:58 --> 02:02:02 As you can see, he's not getting an easy way. He's getting the woodshed shit,
1409 02:02:02 --> 02:02:06 just like all of you do, there's a lot of things, and you have to figure out
1410 02:02:06 --> 02:02:11 where your model is in all of it. And you don't need to have every aspect of
1411 02:02:11 --> 02:02:17 what's available. To me as a creator of this stuff, you just have to have little
1412 02:02:17 --> 02:02:21 compartmental, compartmentalized segments of price movement that makes
1413 02:02:21 --> 02:02:27 sense to you. It's logical, it's reasonable to anticipate forming at the
1414 02:02:27 --> 02:02:31 time of day, that it should behave that way. So at this point, at this point, we
1415 02:02:31 --> 02:02:36 start looking for every possible reason for price to trade down. Well, this area
1416 02:02:36 --> 02:02:39 here with the order block, it's in close proximity to where the start of the move
1417 02:02:39 --> 02:02:42 would be. So are you going to have that on your chart and have all that much
1418 02:02:42 --> 02:02:48 interest to it? No, you do want to see it trade below it, which it does here.
1419 02:02:49 --> 02:02:54 So at that point, I'm not interested in that one. So what's below what's below
1420 02:02:54 --> 02:03:01 that, we have this gap right in here, which was already used, yes, but I'm
1421 02:03:01 --> 02:03:08 this
1422 02:03:08 --> 02:03:08 is
1423 02:03:08 --> 02:03:13 all trading inside the range. Okay, I'm gonna change the color of this a little
1424 02:03:13 --> 02:03:22 bit, actually a lot with the this is your gap here, which it trades down to
1425 02:03:22 --> 02:03:27 it here. Why is it trading with that little I call it a mohawk, where it's
1426 02:03:27 --> 02:03:31 colors outside the line. Why is it doing that? Because there's an overlap of that
1427 02:03:31 --> 02:03:36 candles wick in that candle body. So that's a balanced price range. So it's
1428 02:03:36 --> 02:03:40 just validating that it just stops like a, like a, like a, you will not pass.
1429 02:03:40 --> 02:03:44 You can not go any further, okay, and that's why that little Mohawk stops
1430 02:03:44 --> 02:03:49 there. 90% of the Mohawks that I anticipate, where the market trades us
1431 02:03:49 --> 02:03:52 outside of a PD array, I can see them. I can anticipate them. There's logic
1432 02:03:52 --> 02:03:55 behind them. I'm not going to teach you all that stuff, and that part won't be
1433 02:03:55 --> 02:03:59 in the book. Okay, so I want you to know that there's a lot of things I'm not
1434 02:03:59 --> 02:04:02 going to teach because I'm just not going to do it, and I don't give a fuck
1435 02:04:02 --> 02:04:08 who asked and twists my arm and calls me before them I am not teaching it done.
1436 02:04:08 --> 02:04:13 Okay? So you can see how the market uses this fair value gap, which becomes what?
1437 02:04:13 --> 02:04:21 Now let's say, Okay, let's say that you are a fan of the concepts that I'm
1438 02:04:21 --> 02:04:24 teaching, and you really are resonating with them, and maybe some of the things
1439 02:04:24 --> 02:04:27 I'm teaching, it just doesn't jive with you. You're like, I can see when you
1440 02:04:27 --> 02:04:31 point it out, but I wouldn't have saw that. Okay, don't beat yourself about up
1441 02:04:31 --> 02:04:36 about it. What are you noticing in price action? What do you see? Because when
1442 02:04:36 --> 02:04:39 last year on Twitter spaces, when I was teaching the concept of inversion fair
1443 02:04:39 --> 02:04:43 value gap, not every fair value gap becomes an inversion, fair value gap, by
1444 02:04:43 --> 02:04:46 the way, okay? And as a young man out there that's very overzealous about
1445 02:04:46 --> 02:04:52 inversion fair value gaps, and he almost implies that he created himself. But I
1446 02:04:52 --> 02:04:58 understand your enthusiasm, and you're overzealous, but not every fair value
1447 02:04:58 --> 02:05:02 gap becomes an inversion. Fair value gap, okay? Okay, but if you didn't know
1448 02:05:02 --> 02:05:07 the logic that I'm teaching today about the wicks, okay, if I didn't teach that,
1449 02:05:07 --> 02:05:11 and you didn't know anything about it, and there wasn't this gap here in the
1450 02:05:11 --> 02:05:15 pink say that didn't exist in this price time right here, and there wasn't a 6pm
1451 02:05:16 --> 02:05:21 opening price that we would referenced anyway, and say that was the case and
1452 02:05:21 --> 02:05:28 that we still started retracing here, what will we be using? Then that gap
1453 02:05:28 --> 02:05:33 extended over becomes, what inversion, fair value gap, and what would we want
1454 02:05:33 --> 02:05:38 to see with that logic? ICT tell me something that you didn't change and
1455 02:05:38 --> 02:05:42 change the logic around it's got to be consistent, because if it's changing,
1456 02:05:42 --> 02:05:45 you're bullshitting everybody, and I'm getting lucky over live price action.
1457 02:05:45 --> 02:05:48 That's what it sounds like. Okay, to some of you, that's exactly what you
1458 02:05:48 --> 02:05:56 think. But listen what I have said many, many times. If this is the gap here to
1459 02:05:56 --> 02:06:02 here, extend it over. Look at that little square right there. That's the
1460 02:06:02 --> 02:06:09 midpoint. That's consequent encroachment of what that gap that is now going to be
1461 02:06:09 --> 02:06:13 expected to be, what an inversion fair value gap? Do we want the inversion fair
1462 02:06:13 --> 02:06:19 value gaps to close in entirely? In other words, if it trades up to the low
1463 02:06:19 --> 02:06:23 of it. Do we want to see it trade all the way up to the top and touch that?
1464 02:06:24 --> 02:06:30 No, why? Because every inefficiency, if I'm short and it's trading back up into
1465 02:06:30 --> 02:06:36 it, I want to see the upper half, or some portion of the upper half of it
1466 02:06:36 --> 02:06:42 stay open. I want to see that. Why? Because I've been talking about it since
1467 02:06:42 --> 02:06:50 last week. Every array that is an inefficiency, if it's a gap, if it can't
1468 02:06:50 --> 02:06:55 fill the gap entirely, and I'm short, and it trades up there and leaves a
1469 02:06:55 --> 02:07:01 portion of it open. That is telling you the clearest, loudest way to say this
1470 02:07:01 --> 02:07:06 market is not going up. It's weak, so start looking for lower targets. It's
1471 02:07:06 --> 02:07:10 going to go lower. Is that a hard, complicated thing?
1472 02:07:10 --> 02:07:11 No,
1473 02:07:12 --> 02:07:19 am I changing the theory around it? No, is it manifesting itself here? Yep. So
1474 02:07:19 --> 02:07:23 it doesn't matter if you didn't have the 6pm it doesn't matter if you didn't have
1475 02:07:23 --> 02:07:26 this fair value gut, and it doesn't matter if you had this wick here, if you
1476 02:07:26 --> 02:07:30 didn't have any of those things, once it started coming down, and we're in a cell
1477 02:07:30 --> 02:07:34 program, I would be extending these things over here. That's what I use with
1478 02:07:34 --> 02:07:39 market maker, selling buy models. That's That's how you're using them. You go
1479 02:07:39 --> 02:07:43 back through the range. Okay, back on, baby pips. I thought I was going to
1480 02:07:43 --> 02:07:47 start leading myself into some of these lectures, but not to the degree I ended
1481 02:07:47 --> 02:07:51 up dealing with the paid mentorship. I never intend to teach all that stuff,
1482 02:07:51 --> 02:07:55 but it became fun, revealing more and more and more, and I got addicted to
1483 02:07:55 --> 02:07:59 everybody's astonishment, and I got whipped up in the frenzy of it just fun,
1484 02:07:59 --> 02:08:04 but just know that there's a limit to how far I'm going to go with it all. But
1485 02:08:04 --> 02:08:09 there's a lot more that I'm going to share. But in here, going back from here
1486 02:08:09 --> 02:08:12 to that low I did a lecture on baby pips. It's called trading inside the
1487 02:08:12 --> 02:08:19 range, and I started to teach the beginning elements to some of these
1488 02:08:19 --> 02:08:25 principles. And at the end of that lecture, I actually had anxiety about
1489 02:08:25 --> 02:08:31 having done it, because I didn't feel comfortable revealing it. I just, I
1490 02:08:31 --> 02:08:36 didn't, I didn't feel comfortable doing it. And it took time, you know, putting
1491 02:08:36 --> 02:08:39 my toe in the water to see what would happen if I revealed a little bit more,
1492 02:08:39 --> 02:08:44 and reveal a little bit more, reveal a little bit more. And over the years, you
1493 02:08:44 --> 02:08:50 know it's, it's a lot out there now, but I had to make sure that I have a
1494 02:08:50 --> 02:08:55 language that I can lean on as this is what I'm teaching. This is what I'm
1495 02:08:55 --> 02:09:02 showcasing. This is this is that okay? But there's nothing else out there in
1496 02:09:02 --> 02:09:06 retail that this is what it's replicating or duplicating or borrowing
1497 02:09:06 --> 02:09:12 the logic of. And believe me, $5 million is a nice chunk of change. And if it was
1498 02:09:12 --> 02:09:15 possible to be able to say that this stuff is renamed, rebranded, you know,
1499 02:09:16 --> 02:09:21 called something different, 1000s of you would have came forward with it, and
1500 02:09:21 --> 02:09:24 it's not happened. So there you go. There's your obvious testimony that
1501 02:09:24 --> 02:09:27 anybody that says that are just parroting other people, or they're
1502 02:09:27 --> 02:09:30 trying to sell something, and they're trying to just take the attention and
1503 02:09:30 --> 02:09:34 the momentum around what it is I'm giving to the community because they
1504 02:09:34 --> 02:09:38 want to sell their bullshit. Hey, I understand groceries are expensive, but
1505 02:09:38 --> 02:09:43 you go back through all that range, and you start looking for where it acted as
1506 02:09:43 --> 02:09:48 support, where it was discount, where it sprung price higher like a trampoline.
1507 02:09:49 --> 02:09:53 When you start going down because you're in a cell program, why? Because he has a
1508 02:09:53 --> 02:09:58 change in state of delivery here, everything starts seeking lower prices.
1509 02:09:58 --> 02:10:03 It's not just simply. Well, here's the support. Let's just go there. That's not
1510 02:10:03 --> 02:10:09 that's not enough for me. Because how will you if you're here and you expected
1511 02:10:09 --> 02:10:13 to trade down, it's not going to do that one shot. Can it do it? Sure. Could it?
1512 02:10:13 --> 02:10:17 Could have a big candle, just fall out of bed and go down there. But you won't
1513 02:10:17 --> 02:10:20 be able to trade those kind of environments anyway, just like this kind
1514 02:10:20 --> 02:10:24 of day is, or this kind of individual candlestick, you can't trade the PPI and
1515 02:10:24 --> 02:10:28 CPI number. You can't enter those candlesticks. And many of you probably
1516 02:10:28 --> 02:10:32 are just discovered that you can't even use the paper trading platform on
1517 02:10:32 --> 02:10:37 trading view when you have these big reports, because they're lagging, like
1518 02:10:37 --> 02:10:41 there's there's no you can't even do anything with it. So which is kind of a
1519 02:10:41 --> 02:10:44 good thing, because, you know, that keeps a lot of the fakes out there from
1520 02:10:44 --> 02:10:48 saying, Look, you know, I did 50 contracts on this, on gold, and look
1521 02:10:48 --> 02:10:53 where my fill was. You didn't get filled on that shit. So you go back through all
1522 02:10:53 --> 02:10:56 of this price range, and then you have this gap here. So that's the make
1523 02:10:56 --> 02:11:01 annotation of that one. You have that. And look where the bodies are stopping
1524 02:11:01 --> 02:11:05 in there. See that? Yeah, we go up into that Fairbank because it's there. So
1525 02:11:05 --> 02:11:11 every new array that forms that means any short term high, any bearish up
1526 02:11:11 --> 02:11:19 close candle, which is the order block, any gap, like a fair value gap, all of
1527 02:11:19 --> 02:11:24 them have to be referenced my attention. Every time it forms a new one in the new
1528 02:11:24 --> 02:11:32 cell program, they're most important to me. If they agree and they converge with
1529 02:11:32 --> 02:11:36 something inside of the buy side of the curve, which means, while it was going
1530 02:11:36 --> 02:11:40 up, if it matches, then it's going to be a lot of weight associated with that.
1531 02:11:40 --> 02:11:43 And I expect price to remain heavy. You ever notice when I'm ever notice what
1532 02:11:43 --> 02:11:47 I'm talking about in trades where I'll comment and say, I'll take it out and
1533 02:11:47 --> 02:11:52 say, I want to see speed and distance, or I want to see large range candles.
1534 02:11:52 --> 02:11:56 Those are indications in my mind, because I'm seeing things like this,
1535 02:11:56 --> 02:11:59 where, okay, there's a Fairbank up over here that acted as something bullish.
1536 02:11:59 --> 02:12:02 How do we know that? Because look what it did here, trade down to it here, and
1537 02:12:02 --> 02:12:06 then repel price higher. Okay, that's not support resistance. It's the logic
1538 02:12:06 --> 02:12:11 that that inefficiency stayed open. You see that it didn't complete completely
1539 02:12:11 --> 02:12:14 come down to that candles low, all right? That high, that candle, which is
1540 02:12:14 --> 02:12:17 the low, that fair value, yeah, that's what you want to see if you're going to
1541 02:12:17 --> 02:12:20 try to buy a fair value gap. And then the market's bullish and you're and
1542 02:12:20 --> 02:12:22 you're right, and you're right, and where you think the market's going to
1543 02:12:22 --> 02:12:27 trade to you're buying the fair value gaps high, or something just above the
1544 02:12:27 --> 02:12:30 consequent encroachment, because the likelihood you're getting it consequent
1545 02:12:30 --> 02:12:35 encroachment, or just below and being filled is very small. Can it happen?
1546 02:12:35 --> 02:12:39 Absolutely. If you do, you have one of the best fucking entries, and that's the
1547 02:12:39 --> 02:12:43 one you can go on Instagram, go on Facebook, put advertisements out and say
1548 02:12:43 --> 02:12:46 I'm selling a course. Look at this. I learned this bullshit. That's the ones
1549 02:12:46 --> 02:12:51 everybody wants a dog and pony shit, but it's a steady diet. Even in my own
1550 02:12:51 --> 02:12:57 hands, I don't get those types of fills. So I have to use a very low threshold of
1551 02:12:57 --> 02:13:01 entry. That means I'm going to use the easiest barrier to break through. I'm
1552 02:13:01 --> 02:13:05 going to use the high of a fair value gap that is that's going to act as
1553 02:13:05 --> 02:13:10 support for me. I'm going to buy that discount array at the high of the fair
1554 02:13:10 --> 02:13:16 value gap, or one tick below the highest part of it. And I'm going to try to get
1555 02:13:16 --> 02:13:22 my largest portion on there if it trades to the midpoint of a fair value gap, and
1556 02:13:22 --> 02:13:26 I'm bullish. I'll add on another portion, and I'm not afraid of it. If it
1557 02:13:26 --> 02:13:29 leaves that fair value gap and comes back down one more time, touches the
1558 02:13:29 --> 02:13:35 consequence of encroachment, I will add to that trade again. And if you look at
1559 02:13:35 --> 02:13:39 my trade examples, they're all over on Twitter, the ones that don't have I put
1560 02:13:39 --> 02:13:46 songs in there, because I like, I like, I love music, okay, and the trades that
1561 02:13:46 --> 02:13:52 I'm taking at the time, I like to use a song that I was listening to, and
1562 02:13:52 --> 02:13:55 because I would take the trade and condense it by by speed, because you
1563 02:13:55 --> 02:13:58 only had to have, I think it's like one minute. And something over there on
1564 02:13:58 --> 02:14:02 Twitter used to be that was the timeline I had to or time limit I had on the
1565 02:14:02 --> 02:14:08 videos. I thought I was safe by using the music earlier, but I don't sell
1566 02:14:08 --> 02:14:11 like, engagements earlier. Like, I didn't make money by having people watch
1567 02:14:11 --> 02:14:16 what I do. Like, I didn't monetize that over there, but the artists would
1568 02:14:16 --> 02:14:19 obviously, you know, put copyrights against me, and they take the videos
1569 02:14:19 --> 02:14:22 down. That's why I told everybody. When I was on Twitter, I said, if you like
1570 02:14:22 --> 02:14:26 the if you like these things, download them. Because I was always getting
1571 02:14:26 --> 02:14:34 suspended on Twitter last year and year prior because the artist or the the
1572 02:14:34 --> 02:14:39 management company that holds the rights for their songs, they were making me, or
1573 02:14:39 --> 02:14:44 making Twitter or x now remove the video because it had a song in it. To me,
1574 02:14:44 --> 02:14:47 that's a dick move, because I'm not even monetizing it, like I'm literally giving
1575 02:14:47 --> 02:14:52 the credit to the author of the song, and I'm a fan of it, and it's just me,
1576 02:14:52 --> 02:14:57 just doing something with no money. I'm not making money off of that, but I get
1577 02:14:57 --> 02:15:03 it, I understand, but they are the. Uh, the rights holder or the artist was
1578 02:15:03 --> 02:15:06 having a lot of those videos taken down. I haven't been on Twitter. I haven't
1579 02:15:06 --> 02:15:09 been on x I haven't even logged in. I don't even know what's going on there. I
1580 02:15:09 --> 02:15:15 don't have the account still active or not. But I know last year, I was telling
1581 02:15:15 --> 02:15:18 everybody that they were putting copyrights against me, and they were,
1582 02:15:18 --> 02:15:22 they were literally removing the videos. I wasn't deleting trade execution
1583 02:15:22 --> 02:15:25 videos. I wasn't trying to hide something. I told everybody, download
1584 02:15:25 --> 02:15:31 them so but if you have them, or if you have the ones, that's still up there, if
1585 02:15:31 --> 02:15:34 you look at them, you'll see some of the things I'm talking about here. That's
1586 02:15:34 --> 02:15:39 what I'm using when I'm trading, when I'm pyramiding entries. For instance,
1587 02:15:39 --> 02:15:45 let's just say that I wanted to sell short when we ran above these highs in
1588 02:15:45 --> 02:15:49 here and traded right in there as a bold face bullish candle, selling short right
1589 02:15:49 --> 02:15:55 there that is a turtle suit. Why? Because it's clearing these highs. It's
1590 02:15:55 --> 02:15:58 clearing this high and it's trading into a premium array, and it's been going up
1591 02:15:58 --> 02:16:07 since last week, so it's reasonable to anticipate it, to do what, retrace and
1592 02:16:07 --> 02:16:08 challenge, what
1593 02:16:10 --> 02:16:13 the consequence of that wick? Because it didn't do it here. So we've pushed and
1594 02:16:13 --> 02:16:17 pushed and pushed and pushed pushed. We had two real high impact news drivers
1595 02:16:17 --> 02:16:24 yesterday and today, it's Wednesday pump day we're in here reaching for a market
1596 02:16:25 --> 02:16:31 level that I gave to you yesterday, and we watched it break down. I would not
1597 02:16:31 --> 02:16:37 have been filled on any entry here at all, because I would have had a limit
1598 02:16:37 --> 02:16:41 order right at this candles high, plus one tick that. That's how I would have
1599 02:16:41 --> 02:16:46 used it and it you watch and see me in the live stream here, I'll say I'm
1600 02:16:46 --> 02:16:49 interested. I'm watching this to see if it wants to get up in here. Because I'm
1601 02:16:49 --> 02:16:52 not going to execute today, not not yet. I will be executing in front you want to
1602 02:16:52 --> 02:16:56 see this stuff being pushed on a button. I'm going to do that because I want my
1603 02:16:56 --> 02:16:59 son to see how to enter orders, how to place a stop, when the move to stop. I'm
1604 02:16:59 --> 02:17:03 going to be doing all that stuff. I'm not afraid of that stuff, okay? But I'm
1605 02:17:03 --> 02:17:06 not going to be doing it as a service. I'm not going to be out here doing you
1606 02:17:06 --> 02:17:09 doing a dog and pony show every single day, because every time they can hear
1607 02:17:09 --> 02:17:13 it, has a $5 mentorship is going to duplicate what I'm doing. They're going
1608 02:17:13 --> 02:17:17 to literally say what I'm in my charts doing, and anybody is not watching me in
1609 02:17:17 --> 02:17:21 another world, third world nation. They're going to they're going to be
1610 02:17:21 --> 02:17:23 like this guy, smart, but all they're doing is parroting off of what I'm
1611 02:17:23 --> 02:17:27 doing. So that's why I'll be using the 15 second chart, because even though
1612 02:17:27 --> 02:17:31 there's a the smallest delay in latency between me doing this live and you
1613 02:17:31 --> 02:17:37 getting it, that's the way I'm going to combat that. That's the only way I can
1614 02:17:37 --> 02:17:40 combat it. Because everybody wants to do Clayton copy, everyone that's hot and
1615 02:17:40 --> 02:17:45 popular. And this old man still got some some spikes in this stuff. So everybody
1616 02:17:45 --> 02:17:49 that wants to, you know, rip somebody off, they're doing it mostly off of me,
1617 02:17:49 --> 02:17:53 but you'll see all the entries and stuff. But I have to give you the
1618 02:17:53 --> 02:17:58 foundations, because it's really meant for my son. And then when I start
1619 02:17:58 --> 02:18:00 showing him how to enter the orders, where I put the limit order in, where I
1620 02:18:00 --> 02:18:04 place my stop loss. And yes, it's important to use a stop loss, not like
1621 02:18:04 --> 02:18:08 put a trade on hope it moves around and then put a stop loss on screenshot it
1622 02:18:08 --> 02:18:13 when it's in in profit. No, look at my executions. I'm picking a stop loss, and
1623 02:18:13 --> 02:18:18 look how nice they are. Those stop losses have logic behind them, just like
1624 02:18:18 --> 02:18:23 I'm explaining all these things in here. They have very specific elements that
1625 02:18:23 --> 02:18:29 cannot be explained in a five minute sentence or video. There's so many
1626 02:18:29 --> 02:18:32 supporting things that have to go along with everything that makes these things
1627 02:18:32 --> 02:18:37 work, which is why I tell everybody it's going to be expensive. You want it to be
1628 02:18:37 --> 02:18:41 fast and easy? And I wish there was a way to do that. I wish there was a way
1629 02:18:41 --> 02:18:45 to do that, but you can see that it's not something that is explained right
1630 02:18:45 --> 02:18:48 away in one statement, and you have everything to know about it, and you
1631 02:18:48 --> 02:18:52 don't ever need to revisit or even worry about practicing studying it. You now
1632 02:18:52 --> 02:18:55 know what an order block is, because guess what? It's the opening price, if
1633 02:18:55 --> 02:18:58 it's multiple candles, is fine. The opening price of the up close candles,
1634 02:18:58 --> 02:19:01 that's the change in the state of delivery. They're going to write a book.
1635 02:19:01 --> 02:19:04 They can't trade it. They won't be able won't be able to do it. They won't even
1636 02:19:04 --> 02:19:10 be able to save a live price action and explain to you why it's gonna happen.
1637 02:19:10 --> 02:19:13 But I'm telling you how to do this stuff, so that way, once you learn it
1638 02:19:14 --> 02:19:20 and you digest all the information I'm supplying to you. Because again, I'm not
1639 02:19:20 --> 02:19:24 talking to the guys on Twitter, I'm not talking to guys on Instagram, I'm not
1640 02:19:24 --> 02:19:30 talking to other people on YouTube. I'm talking to my son. So I want him to know
1641 02:19:30 --> 02:19:34 everything. I don't want to say to him. I'm going to give you a condensed
1642 02:19:34 --> 02:19:38 version and filter out a lot of the essential parts. That's really going to
1643 02:19:38 --> 02:19:41 make it easier for you. When you have adversities trying to use it, you're
1644 02:19:41 --> 02:19:44 going to know it like the back of your hand. That's how I teach I'm teaching my
1645 02:19:44 --> 02:19:49 children how to know it like I know it. Everybody out there that has my logo and
1646 02:19:49 --> 02:19:52 their shit and trying to sell the idea that they know how to use this
1647 02:19:52 --> 02:19:56 information. Sometimes they they can use it. Sometimes they can. When they talk
1648 02:19:56 --> 02:19:59 about certain subject matter that I know, they don't know because I haven't
1649 02:19:59 --> 02:20:04 fully. Taught it. That's what gets on my skin. But that's also the reason why I'm
1650 02:20:04 --> 02:20:09 teaching in great lengths, because I'm talking to my children, I want them to
1651 02:20:09 --> 02:20:14 know every aspect. That means, if you listen to the dialog of everything I'm
1652 02:20:14 --> 02:20:18 saying, I'm giving you, what you don't realize is going to be a problem you
1653 02:20:18 --> 02:20:22 don't know yet, because the question didn't come up in your your development
1654 02:20:22 --> 02:20:25 or your testing of it yet. You haven't even messed around with it in live price
1655 02:20:25 --> 02:20:29 action. You haven't, you haven't investigated any of this yet. You're
1656 02:20:29 --> 02:20:32 just hearing me talk about certain things, and you think, Well, I
1657 02:20:32 --> 02:20:37 understand how to do that. No, you don't. You don't know how to do it. You
1658 02:20:37 --> 02:20:40 just know what I said. And that's not the same as going out and being able to
1659 02:20:40 --> 02:20:43 understand how to read it in the new price action. It's a new price action
1660 02:20:43 --> 02:20:49 that's going to form. So when I get questions saying, How do I know what
1661 02:20:49 --> 02:20:57 fair value gap to use? I'm teaching that to you here today. How do I know how to
1662 02:20:57 --> 02:21:00 trade the market maker? So can you talk about market maker? Sell models and buy
1663 02:21:00 --> 02:21:07 models. Everything I talk about is part of that, even if I don't even mention
1664 02:21:07 --> 02:21:11 it. If I never mention those terms, market maker, sell model, market maker,
1665 02:21:11 --> 02:21:16 buy model, every aspect of what I trade off of is part of either a market maker,
1666 02:21:16 --> 02:21:20 sell or market maker, buy model. It's always there, but because when I taught
1667 02:21:20 --> 02:21:24 that lesson. Go into the lectures. Okay? They're on the mentorship videos. Go in
1668 02:21:24 --> 02:21:30 the playlist. Go into the 2017 mentorship. And you'll see me talk about
1669 02:21:31 --> 02:21:34 market maker, buy models and sell models. And then I talk about the buy
1670 02:21:34 --> 02:21:39 side of the curve and I talk about the sell side of the curve. Okay, when the
1671 02:21:39 --> 02:21:43 buy side of the curves unfolding, that means it's buy side delivery. That means
1672 02:21:43 --> 02:21:47 down close candles or fair value gaps that get traded down into should supreme
1673 02:21:48 --> 02:21:55 trampoline push price higher once we turn to a point where it should reverse,
1674 02:21:55 --> 02:21:59 or could reverse, which is, in essence, a turtle suit environment. Turtle suit
1675 02:21:59 --> 02:22:05 is a reversal mechanism. This is a change in a state of delivery turtle
1676 02:22:05 --> 02:22:11 suit, and then you have a turtle soup that is an entry mechanism that's part
1677 02:22:11 --> 02:22:17 of an existing or unfolding sell or buy program. What does that mean? What does
1678 02:22:17 --> 02:22:23 that mean? That means that this is a change in a directional price run that's
1679 02:22:23 --> 02:22:30 going to most likely be sustained for a session or day or longer. The turtle
1680 02:22:30 --> 02:22:33 soup aspect is we're taking out the liquidity above this high and all these
1681 02:22:33 --> 02:22:36 highs here, so the buy stops that's resting in here. For anyone that wants
1682 02:22:36 --> 02:22:40 to go short or be short, if it's not there, it's definitely above there. But
1683 02:22:40 --> 02:22:43 how far? ICT, well, that's the reason why you want to have these new week
1684 02:22:43 --> 02:22:48 opening gaps and New Day opening gaps on your chart, five weeks for new week,
1685 02:22:48 --> 02:22:53 opening gaps, five days for new day, opening gaps. You are welcome, and I
1686 02:22:53 --> 02:22:58 encourage you, if you can organize your chart sufficiently to do more than that,
1687 02:22:58 --> 02:23:04 but as a baseline to start with, you'll see many really, really nice trade
1688 02:23:04 --> 02:23:10 setups using that criteria, five for end dogs, five days for end dogs, basically,
1689 02:23:10 --> 02:23:19 and then five weeks for new coconut gaps, end logs. It doesn't sound right.
1690 02:23:20 --> 02:23:25 End dog sounds cool. It's like, Yeah, well, what's up in dog? Yeah, that's
1691 02:23:25 --> 02:23:30 that's cool. End wall kind of sounds like you walk something wrong with that
1692 02:23:30 --> 02:23:34 guy, something wrong with him, but the information that it gives you, okay,
1693 02:23:34 --> 02:23:38 that information is gold, because it the markets are going to do what with them.
1694 02:23:38 --> 02:23:42 They're going to act as magnets. So if you have one element of turtle suit that
1695 02:23:42 --> 02:23:47 is a change in a state of delivery that causes a directional change that's going
1696 02:23:47 --> 02:23:53 to be sustained, okay, that's a reversal pattern. Then you have turtle soups that
1697 02:23:53 --> 02:23:59 are entry techniques that are part of an existing price run that's still yet to
1698 02:23:59 --> 02:24:05 be completed, meaning that we can look at all the run from here down to this
1699 02:24:05 --> 02:24:12 low here, in anything that sees a short term high pierced, not just by the
1700 02:24:12 --> 02:24:23 wicks, not just by The wicks the bodies. That's why I'm not teaching Linda rash
1701 02:24:23 --> 02:24:29 and Larry Connors turtle suit. This right here is not that pattern either.
1702 02:24:30 --> 02:24:36 Go look at I'll tell you, in a very simplistic way, the book streets marks
1703 02:24:36 --> 02:24:39 has a pattern. There's two of them, there's turtle soup and there's turtle
1704 02:24:39 --> 02:24:45 soup plus one, and all it is is they look for a 20 day high, and if it trades
1705 02:24:45 --> 02:24:50 above a 20 day high, they will fade that and go short. And they have a very short
1706 02:24:50 --> 02:24:55 profit objective. To me, it's infantile. It really doesn't make any sense. But if
1707 02:24:55 --> 02:24:58 we're short term trading, like getting in, getting out, real easy, no brainer
1708 02:24:58 --> 02:25:03 type things, you know it. If it's going to fail at a 20 day higher low. And I
1709 02:25:03 --> 02:25:07 don't trade this folks like I don't trade that pattern, there's got to be
1710 02:25:07 --> 02:25:10 something else. But for that book, that's all they had. And then there's
1711 02:25:10 --> 02:25:15 2020, days plus one, which is basically the same thing, just one more day. And
1712 02:25:15 --> 02:25:19 reverse it. They look at an old 20 day. What's the lowest low in the last 20
1713 02:25:19 --> 02:25:24 days? If it goes below that, they're going to buy that. Well, that's not
1714 02:25:24 --> 02:25:28 enough information for me. And just as well as they try to capitalize with the
1715 02:25:28 --> 02:25:33 name, which is really clever, they try to capitalize on the low hit strike rate
1716 02:25:33 --> 02:25:37 of the turtle traders that Richard Dennis trained because he used that 20
1717 02:25:37 --> 02:25:41 day breakout system, they would buy 20 day highs. And when it was a long term
1718 02:25:41 --> 02:25:45 trend, it would just keep on going, and they would make their money there, but
1719 02:25:45 --> 02:25:49 they had a lot of losing trades that the 20 day high breakout would fail and it
1720 02:25:49 --> 02:25:52 would go back into the range and stop them out. So they had a very, very low
1721 02:25:52 --> 02:25:58 strike rate, if my memory serves me right, it was less than 38% accurate. So
1722 02:25:58 --> 02:26:01 how many? How many times you want to stay with a trading system that has that
1723 02:26:01 --> 02:26:05 low of a success rate, chances are you're not. You all think you're going
1724 02:26:05 --> 02:26:05 to get 198%
1725 02:26:07 --> 02:26:10 all that shit that's not going to happen for your first couple years. You should
1726 02:26:10 --> 02:26:15 be tickled to death if you're less than 50% accurate and you're still
1727 02:26:15 --> 02:26:20 profitable, that's a huge Olympic win, because most people can't even get that.
1728 02:26:21 --> 02:26:25 You can be profitable and have a very low strike rate, but it takes the the
1729 02:26:25 --> 02:26:30 mindset of understanding that it's about making money. It's about staying
1730 02:26:30 --> 02:26:34 solvent. It's about following rules and not blowing the account. But it's so
1731 02:26:34 --> 02:26:39 easy to go on tilt and lose sight of what it is you're trying to do, and lose
1732 02:26:39 --> 02:26:43 sight of these, these building blocks, these stepping stones to Okay, well,
1733 02:26:43 --> 02:26:47 this is, this is what I'm going to use. And if that one transaction fails, it's
1734 02:26:47 --> 02:26:50 okay. I'm going to go back tomorrow, and I'm going to wait for these things to be
1735 02:26:50 --> 02:26:55 there again. And I'm not risking a lot. So Caleb can do every execution when he
1736 02:26:55 --> 02:27:00 starts trading, but he can't risk more than 1% but with turtle soups that are
1737 02:27:00 --> 02:27:05 part of existing price run, not a change in a direction like we have here. You
1738 02:27:05 --> 02:27:10 have turtle suit entry mechanisms for your your your trades. Well, can you
1739 02:27:10 --> 02:27:15 think of one without having to go on to any detail further right at this moment,
1740 02:27:15 --> 02:27:18 I want you to think about it for a second. What did you learn from me thus
1741 02:27:18 --> 02:27:23 far? Maybe in this mentorship this year. Maybe it's in other lectures and things
1742 02:27:23 --> 02:27:27 I've had on the YouTube channel. Maybe I thought about it in Twitter space when I
1743 02:27:27 --> 02:27:36 was on Twitter. What? What? What concept do you think would be an example, one
1744 02:27:36 --> 02:27:41 example, of a turtle soup that's an entry technique in a trade that a
1745 02:27:41 --> 02:27:46 existing trend or momentum or seller buy program is underway. Can you think about
1746 02:27:46 --> 02:27:47 that? What
1747 02:27:52 --> 02:27:59 do you think it is institutional order for
1748 02:28:01 --> 02:28:02 integer? How about that?
1749 02:28:04 --> 02:28:11 We have that in the form of we have an old high here. See that? Why is this
1750 02:28:11 --> 02:28:18 high being utilized anyway? Because it's a fair value gap. Every time I go into a
1751 02:28:18 --> 02:28:23 short on a fair value gap, or if I go long on a fair value gap, my mind is I'm
1752 02:28:23 --> 02:28:26 trading in an efficiency with a mechanism of entering with the turtle
1753 02:28:26 --> 02:28:33 suit. So I'm buying below an old low. So if I'm like, for instance, I didn't take
1754 02:28:33 --> 02:28:37 this trade. So just for full full disclosure, let's say that I was seeing
1755 02:28:37 --> 02:28:42 this at the time. Okay? And I want to take a trade and I want to be a buyer.
1756 02:28:42 --> 02:28:51 I'm going to use this candlestick here, the high. Why am I using that? Remember
1757 02:28:52 --> 02:28:58 what I was talking about earlier. Look at the wick. It's overlapping inside the
1758 02:28:58 --> 02:29:01 top end of that candlestick. That makes that small little I'm gonna have to zoom
1759 02:29:01 --> 02:29:01 in.
1760 02:29:11 --> 02:29:16 I know you guys can zoom in on your YouTube, but I want to really get in
1761 02:29:16 --> 02:29:19 here and kind of give you the brass tacks to this, because if I'm going to
1762 02:29:19 --> 02:29:24 teach I'm gonna teach it, right? So we have this candlestick run up, and then
1763 02:29:24 --> 02:29:30 we have this portion where we opened and traded down. You might look at this and
1764 02:29:30 --> 02:29:35 say, Well, why don't you have this in this? That's something entirely
1765 02:29:35 --> 02:29:40 different. That's a that says, This is a normal run of the mill, ICT, fair value
1766 02:29:40 --> 02:29:43 guy. This is, this is what you get when you watch one video and you think you
1767 02:29:43 --> 02:29:48 know everything about it. You don't just like when I teach a volume imbalance.
1768 02:29:48 --> 02:29:53 Okay, if I teach you to use a volume imbalance when there's a fair value gap
1769 02:29:53 --> 02:29:58 information, that means that there's a, there's a separation between one candle
1770 02:29:58 --> 02:30:02 body and another candles by. Body that is inside of the fair value gap. We
1771 02:30:02 --> 02:30:07 don't have that here, but what do we what do we have? We have an overlapping
1772 02:30:07 --> 02:30:11 of this candle is high. It's all body. And then we open, we trade down. It
1773 02:30:11 --> 02:30:15 overlaps this little portion in here, but there's no wick there. You see that
1774 02:30:16 --> 02:30:19 big telltale sign what's occurring there.
1775 02:30:19 --> 02:30:20 It's flush. And
1776 02:30:21 --> 02:30:25 one little tap down. So and I highlight this. I'm highlighting that you're
1777 02:30:25 --> 02:30:28 thinking, I guarantee you I probably got comments right now, and they're probably
1778 02:30:28 --> 02:30:31 gonna go in there and Delete it now. They use my most recent post on my
1779 02:30:31 --> 02:30:35 community post, you're drawing the fair value you got wrong. No, you're not. You
1780 02:30:35 --> 02:30:38 don't know what the fuck you're talking about. This is how I would classify this
1781 02:30:38 --> 02:30:43 inefficiency. But I have to encapsulate it here, because this is a balanced
1782 02:30:43 --> 02:30:47 price range between this low and that candles high. That is a PDA that you've
1783 02:30:47 --> 02:30:50 never learned before. It's the first time I'm introducing it, just like when
1784 02:30:50 --> 02:30:55 I introduced the inception of the volume imbalance. When there's a gap, the fair
1785 02:30:55 --> 02:30:58 value gap, you have to incorporate that, because that's the real range of that
1786 02:30:58 --> 02:31:02 inefficiency, this inefficiency here. You have to refer to that as well.
1787 02:31:04 --> 02:31:08 Notice it doesn't even get down into that gap low right there, where it was
1788 02:31:08 --> 02:31:12 like this. There's nothing there. It's just a gap that stayed open. Yeah,
1789 02:31:12 --> 02:31:16 wonderful. But that's not the narrative. The narrative is, is you have a balanced
1790 02:31:16 --> 02:31:22 price range here inside of a fair value gap. So that's why the market goes down
1791 02:31:22 --> 02:31:25 to that level there and sends it higher. So in case you were watching it earlier,
1792 02:31:25 --> 02:31:30 explain this because I was in a rant. You were probably thinking, no, this
1793 02:31:30 --> 02:31:33 doesn't make any sense. No, you don't know all the details. This is why you
1794 02:31:33 --> 02:31:36 can't get a five minute trainer. You can't get $1 mentorship mentor telling
1795 02:31:36 --> 02:31:40 you this stuff. They don't know. They don't know. Okay, I promise you, they
1796 02:31:40 --> 02:31:44 don't know if you're not, if you're not learning from me, you're getting watered
1797 02:31:44 --> 02:31:48 down bullshit. You're not getting you're not getting the real details, and it
1798 02:31:48 --> 02:31:56 ain't gonna work for you. So extending that over here, that's what that's the
1799 02:31:56 --> 02:32:02 range. But if you have this candlestick here for that, that gap from here to
1800 02:32:02 --> 02:32:09 here, see that that gap is part of the cell program. It's it's formed as it
1801 02:32:09 --> 02:32:13 dropped. So those are going to always be the most important ones. I'm watching
1802 02:32:13 --> 02:32:18 that because what I'm watching is I want to see, does it converge and agree with
1803 02:32:18 --> 02:32:23 something that's over here that formed as a basis for taking a trade. Okay,
1804 02:32:24 --> 02:32:31 let's say that we did not have this gap again, and say we didn't have this gap.
1805 02:32:32 --> 02:32:38 In this gap, what over here would be in agreement with this six o'clock time?
1806 02:32:39 --> 02:32:43 Remember yesterday at 6pm we have to annotate that either with the new day
1807 02:32:43 --> 02:32:47 opening gap. If there's this distinction between the 5pm closing price and the
1808 02:32:47 --> 02:32:52 6pm opening price, because there's that one hour gap in in price and trading,
1809 02:32:52 --> 02:32:55 they don't, they don't trade between five and six o'clock. We always annotate
1810 02:32:55 --> 02:33:00 that as a new day opening gap. But if the 5pm closing price or selling price
1811 02:33:00 --> 02:33:04 is the same as the opening price at 6pm all we do is draw a single line, and you
1812 02:33:04 --> 02:33:08 can label whatever you want. If that's all we had there, and we didn't have the
1813 02:33:08 --> 02:33:13 inefficiency in this form of this gap here, and we didn't have that one here,
1814 02:33:13 --> 02:33:17 what? What else would be there? And let's say we didn't have this wick here,
1815 02:33:17 --> 02:33:21 say we didn't have that what else if it was retracing up? What else would I lean
1816 02:33:21 --> 02:33:28 on? I would use this obviously, but it could trade through them. Remember, it
1817 02:33:28 --> 02:33:32 can spike. It can cause candlesticks, like it did here, to have the wicks.
1818 02:33:33 --> 02:33:40 What is it doing? Look to the left. It's part of the buy side of the curve. What
1819 02:33:40 --> 02:33:44 do you see? Don't look at my cursor. I'm not putting my my cursor on it to give
1820 02:33:44 --> 02:33:49 you any help. I want you to try to think about it and tell me what you see. Okay,
1821 02:33:49 --> 02:33:58 obviously I can't see I can't hear you. But isn't this a wick? See that? So what
1822 02:33:58 --> 02:34:03 do you do? It? Wicks like that. Ignore. Oh, it's a doji ICT. You're reinventing
1823 02:34:03 --> 02:34:10 bullshit. Come on, steal Steve Nielsen. Guys, not just Steve Nielsen's the
1824 02:34:10 --> 02:34:16 candlestick. God, puny God. Here's the halfway point of that wick. That's
1825 02:34:16 --> 02:34:19 pretty fucking random, isn't it? It might rate to that as well. And even if
1826 02:34:19 --> 02:34:23 didn't have all these other things. If this candlestick went up and stopped
1827 02:34:23 --> 02:34:27 short of that, that means I absolutely know, with a great deal of confidence
1828 02:34:28 --> 02:34:32 that the next candle, when it opens, I want to trade into the body of this
1829 02:34:32 --> 02:34:35 candle, and as soon as it does that, that's going to be treated as a bare
1830 02:34:35 --> 02:34:39 shorter block, not because it's an up close candle, but I'm trading it because
1831 02:34:39 --> 02:34:43 it's inside of the range of that candlestick. Remember I was telling you
1832 02:34:43 --> 02:34:48 many times in rants, many times on Twitter spaces. I can, I can trade
1833 02:34:48 --> 02:34:52 inside of an order block before anybody else would recognize it as an order
1834 02:34:52 --> 02:34:57 block, or they want to call it a supplier demand zone. I'm trading inside
1835 02:34:57 --> 02:35:01 of the candlestick that will later on be. Obvious in hindsight to someone
1836 02:35:01 --> 02:35:06 else. Oh, that's an order block, but you were entering before the order block.
1837 02:35:06 --> 02:35:09 How do you know how to do the ICT? You're getting all the answers in 2024
1838 02:35:09 --> 02:35:13 baby. All you gotta do is show up. Just take some fucking notes. All the
1839 02:35:13 --> 02:35:18 information is being disseminated to you like a fire hose. Okay, don't complain
1840 02:35:18 --> 02:35:24 when it rips your fucking face off. Just be thankful you're getting a drink that
1841 02:35:24 --> 02:35:28 wick, that consequent encroachment extended on over here. So how many
1842 02:35:28 --> 02:35:34 things are you seeing converging right there? Lots that tells you that this
1843 02:35:34 --> 02:35:38 retracement here is going to send price lower. That's why I said. I want to see
1844 02:35:38 --> 02:35:41 it now. Go down into go back and listen to the stream. It's going to be there. I
1845 02:35:41 --> 02:35:44 can't change it. We're going to look at it and see if it can reach down to the
1846 02:35:44 --> 02:35:50 lower quadrant. And it gravitates from here down to that. Then what's it do? It
1847 02:35:50 --> 02:35:56 returns back to the midpoint, consequent crochet of that wick. See how that
1848 02:35:56 --> 02:36:00 works. Boom. Oh, this classic Support Resistance. No, it's not, it's not
1849 02:36:00 --> 02:36:07 supply and demand. It's technical science and con Creole. It's technical
1850 02:36:07 --> 02:36:12 science, baby. You know, he's fucking watching these videos. If someone tells
1851 02:36:12 --> 02:36:15 you that, they can tell you what's going to happen in intraday charts, run away
1852 02:36:15 --> 02:36:18 from them. They're a con man. They can't do it. They're not well, what do you do
1853 02:36:18 --> 02:36:23 with us? It's a whole, bunch of us doing it. Market trades out to that and then
1854 02:36:23 --> 02:36:26 trades down to the low and explores below the low, which is what we have
1855 02:36:26 --> 02:36:33 here. Okay. Now with that said, I've exhausted everything to do with the buy
1856 02:36:33 --> 02:36:37 side of the curve over here. Then the rest of it is to simply using the
1857 02:36:37 --> 02:36:41 rejection block and the actual low. Okay, so we went through all the PDA
1858 02:36:41 --> 02:36:45 raise from that high, going backwards inside the range. So that's trading
1859 02:36:45 --> 02:36:53 inside the range. So my question to you is, out of all those things there, which
1860 02:36:53 --> 02:36:58 element is your multiplier? What's the one that you see right now? I'm not
1861 02:36:58 --> 02:37:02 saying that you can go out take a trade with it. It it doesn't mean that you can
1862 02:37:02 --> 02:37:06 go out there right now, in front of the whole world, live stream and do entries
1863 02:37:06 --> 02:37:10 with it. That's that's not realistic for you expect that. I wouldn't expect that
1864 02:37:10 --> 02:37:18 out of you. But which one did you see? Chances are you didn't see all that. You
1865 02:37:18 --> 02:37:25 might have saw one or two, maybe three things. But which one did you easily see
1866 02:37:25 --> 02:37:29 without me making special attention to it, or if you're brand new, out of all
1867 02:37:29 --> 02:37:32 the ones I just described, the one that makes most sense to you right now,
1868 02:37:32 --> 02:37:38 because that's where you start. That's your beginning point. That's the thing
1869 02:37:38 --> 02:37:41 that you look for in price action, and when it's not there, you do nothing
1870 02:37:43 --> 02:37:46 until you get more understanding and more learning, more experience watching
1871 02:37:46 --> 02:37:52 me call this stuff over life price action, then you'll see, oh, I started
1872 02:37:52 --> 02:37:56 with a so and so PD array, and that was where I first started learning. But then
1873 02:37:56 --> 02:37:59 I really fell in love with this particular PD array. I'm leaving it
1874 02:37:59 --> 02:38:03 blank, so that way it gives you the flexibility and allow your personality,
1875 02:38:03 --> 02:38:07 because it's essential for that to be there. I don't want to force you into
1876 02:38:07 --> 02:38:11 this. Is the only way to do it, but Caleb's going to have to learn all these
1877 02:38:11 --> 02:38:15 other ones, in addition to just simply a fair value gap, because it supports
1878 02:38:15 --> 02:38:20 holding on to a trade. ICT, can you talk about how to hold on to a trade? Because
1879 02:38:20 --> 02:38:24 I get shaken out of trades, and I have a target, but I get scared and I get taken
1880 02:38:24 --> 02:38:27 out of it because I close a trade, and then that goes to my target. Well, you
1881 02:38:27 --> 02:38:32 have to know your range up here. Well, if it's going to go lower, where it's
1882 02:38:32 --> 02:38:37 going to go to that lows where sell side. But before we go there, we have
1883 02:38:37 --> 02:38:41 all kinds of opportunities, which is what I just outlined. We don't need it
1884 02:38:41 --> 02:38:45 to go below that low, or even trade to that low to be profitable. Any one of
1885 02:38:45 --> 02:38:48 these PD arrays that we outlined in the rejection block in that low, and in this
1886 02:38:48 --> 02:38:51 consequence, I'm that wick that could have been a partial, that could have
1887 02:38:51 --> 02:38:54 been a terminus for your trade. And guess what? That doesn't mean that
1888 02:38:54 --> 02:38:57 you're stupid. Doesn't mean that you're not good at trading because you didn't
1889 02:38:57 --> 02:39:03 hold for all this run down here. You have to have a starting point like my
1890 02:39:03 --> 02:39:03 son, Caleb,
1891 02:39:04 --> 02:39:11 he has to have some kind of measurable expected range to operate in at around a
1892 02:39:11 --> 02:39:17 specific time of day and do the same things every single day and not worry
1893 02:39:17 --> 02:39:21 about what's going on outside the boundaries and parameters that that
1894 02:39:21 --> 02:39:26 entails, because you're you're always going to find an excuse to feel like you
1895 02:39:26 --> 02:39:30 didn't do enough, you didn't make enough, you didn't get in at the best
1896 02:39:30 --> 02:39:34 price, you didn't hold for the best price, and get out at the best price,
1897 02:39:34 --> 02:39:37 like that. That's something that you're going to be plagued with the rest of
1898 02:39:37 --> 02:39:41 your life. As someone that's been doing this for 30 plus years, I don't like my
1899 02:39:41 --> 02:39:46 exits. I want them to be perfect. I want them to be better than they are. And you
1900 02:39:46 --> 02:39:49 see what I do with my executions of my show, my entry, man, it's a whole show.
1901 02:39:50 --> 02:39:55 You see that it's it's pretty good. And if I can go back in time and say that to
1902 02:39:55 --> 02:39:58 my younger self at 20 some years old, here's how you're gonna know how to
1903 02:39:58 --> 02:40:02 trade later on, I'd be like if i. Can just do that, I'm happy, but that won't
1904 02:40:02 --> 02:40:04 be true when you get to that point, because you're like, I want to go beyond
1905 02:40:04 --> 02:40:08 this. So you're always striving, at least for me, I'm always striving for
1906 02:40:08 --> 02:40:11 perfection, knowing it's going to evade me, but I'm going in the right
1907 02:40:11 --> 02:40:17 direction. I'm not trying to go the other way. I'm trying to refine and make
1908 02:40:17 --> 02:40:22 it better. And usually that's done by doing little, little and less, not more
1909 02:40:22 --> 02:40:27 of the same stuff. It's just doing less of the things that I try to do. And
1910 02:40:27 --> 02:40:34 that's when I don't try to beat my own systems. When I don't do that, I have
1911 02:40:34 --> 02:40:38 the better, the better exits, and when I try to finesse certain things, because,
1912 02:40:38 --> 02:40:43 you know, I think I've woke up on a better side of the bed. I think I'm
1913 02:40:43 --> 02:40:49 gonna really do a stunner today. My exes aren't as fashionable as other times, so
1914 02:40:49 --> 02:40:53 I don't know if that means anything to you, but I just learned that that's what
1915 02:40:53 --> 02:40:59 I've observed in my own my own exits, my own strategies and such. But when the
1916 02:40:59 --> 02:41:03 market creates this fair value got this high right here. Okay, let me take let
1917 02:41:03 --> 02:41:09 me take this off for now. Let me take all this stuff off for now. And what I'm
1918 02:41:09 --> 02:41:16 saying is conceptually, from this candles opening price all the way down
1919 02:41:17 --> 02:41:22 to here, and we'll just use, we'll replicate this is also a targeting
1920 02:41:22 --> 02:41:25 strategy, so you can write this in your notes too. It'll be in the book. Case
1921 02:41:25 --> 02:41:29 you don't fully get it here, because I have a wick. I'm grading that price
1922 02:41:29 --> 02:41:35 swing or that that range, if you will. We have a quadrant. So if we have this,
1923 02:41:36 --> 02:41:40 and it's one quarter of that range, I'm going to ballpark another quarter range
1924 02:41:41 --> 02:41:47 projection lower. And that's a Valerie. I'm trying. I'm looking at this here to
1925 02:41:47 --> 02:41:54 here. Okay, that's what I'm that's what I'm doing right there. And if I want to,
1926 02:41:55 --> 02:42:01 I can do This. That would be negative point two, five.
1927 02:42:08 --> 02:42:30 I'm it, that's pretty good. That's that's pretty close for for Ivana, for
1928 02:42:30 --> 02:42:35 50 roll with a prescription. Updated my eyeglass. I had my eyeglasses
1929 02:42:36 --> 02:42:42 prescription checked, and I discovered that I have gone up to prescriptions,
1930 02:42:42 --> 02:42:47 and that's the biggest jump I've had with my vision in my whole life. So
1931 02:42:48 --> 02:42:54 that's a little disconcerting, but the the range here that I just projected,
1932 02:42:54 --> 02:42:57 that's a good target, right there. So if we're going to go below this low, how?
1933 02:42:57 --> 02:43:04 How? How can you determine a very low threshold, very easy, low hanging fruit.
1934 02:43:04 --> 02:43:09 Objective, if you want to try to trade for something lower than that low, how
1935 02:43:09 --> 02:43:14 can you do it? Well, what is that low part of is it part of a range like this
1936 02:43:14 --> 02:43:20 wick, or is it part of the range from this high down to that low? If it's
1937 02:43:20 --> 02:43:23 going to go below that for the Express purposes of using the wick for your
1938 02:43:23 --> 02:43:27 target or the range high down to that low, if it's going to go below that low
1939 02:43:27 --> 02:43:33 for seeking liquidity. Okay, let me do this. Okay, we just did that measurement
1940 02:43:34 --> 02:43:42 on that that that anchored right here. We're going to draw this up to that
1941 02:43:42 --> 02:43:53 high, and you can see it's on that low, the same the same aspect of what we were
1942 02:43:53 --> 02:43:57 trying to measure for projections. We can do that same thing with that range
1943 02:43:57 --> 02:44:07 here, and whatever the 20% or 25% or a quarter of that range. Here we can
1944 02:44:07 --> 02:44:13 project lower. That's the lowest threshold. That's the easiest. If it's
1945 02:44:13 --> 02:44:18 going to go below an old low, how far can it go below the old low? And you can
1946 02:44:18 --> 02:44:19 get that measured by one
1947 02:44:25 --> 02:44:34 that. So you have the low of the actual candle, like this. See that that's the
1948 02:44:34 --> 02:44:37 low, that's where we were targeting, and anything below that would be liquidity,
1949 02:44:37 --> 02:44:40 what kind of liquidity, sell side? And if you're using the range, you're going
1950 02:44:40 --> 02:44:47 to be using range targeting. This range is the high to that low, and this is one
1951 02:44:47 --> 02:44:52 quarter of the range projected below that low. That takes us to this level
1952 02:44:52 --> 02:44:55 here, and that's a pretty good target. I mean, you won't get all that, but that's
1953 02:44:55 --> 02:44:59 okay, and that's usually like a if you're not using standard deviations.
1954 02:44:59 --> 02:45:04 Now. Standard deviations are taught in the mentorship videos on the 2017
1955 02:45:05 --> 02:45:09 mentorship playlists. I don't recall off the top my head, because I'm 52 I'm
1956 02:45:09 --> 02:45:12 having a Biden Amendment right now. When it comes to think about where the
1957 02:45:13 --> 02:45:17 content was per month, I don't recall what that was, because it's been a
1958 02:45:17 --> 02:45:22 little bit of time since then, but where I'm teaching standard deviations. That
1959 02:45:22 --> 02:45:26 is the closest thing that I'm going to reveal to the public on how to get
1960 02:45:26 --> 02:45:30 really, really, really tight precision grouping with your exits that are
1961 02:45:30 --> 02:45:34 closest to the highs and closest to the lows. But if you want something that's
1962 02:45:34 --> 02:45:37 very simple, doesn't take a whole lot of work. It's really off the cuff quick.
1963 02:45:37 --> 02:45:41 It's just what I just showed you here. Okay, if you just rewind this portion
1964 02:45:41 --> 02:45:44 again. It'll make perfect sense to you. The only thing you're doing is trying to
1965 02:45:44 --> 02:45:49 get one quarter of the range beyond the low or high that you're trying to trade
1966 02:45:49 --> 02:45:54 for. So this is what we were aiming for, and that's the excuse for reaching for
1967 02:45:54 --> 02:45:58 something in here or in here and being content with not getting anything beyond
1968 02:45:58 --> 02:46:04 that. And that's going to be a skill set for you to acquire, where I made enough
1969 02:46:04 --> 02:46:09 money, and you have to come to terms with whatever that is. And over time,
1970 02:46:09 --> 02:46:13 you're going to see that that is more than more than plenty. But it won't feel
1971 02:46:13 --> 02:46:16 like that when you're when you're first learning. So back to this through here
1972 02:46:16 --> 02:46:20 for turtle suits that are part of an existing price run. Anytime you're
1973 02:46:20 --> 02:46:23 trading in a fair value gut, you're literally trading in turtle suit. You're
1974 02:46:23 --> 02:46:27 trading above and going short an old high, which is this candle high. So it's
1975 02:46:27 --> 02:46:30 not support and resistance that we're trading. We're trading with the express
1976 02:46:30 --> 02:46:39 purposes that there's an absence of buyers that's been afforded any
1977 02:46:39 --> 02:46:42 opportunity to be a buyer above this candle high. That's essentially what my
1978 02:46:42 --> 02:46:48 fair value got this doing. So let's do this. Let's amplify this again. This is
1979 02:46:48 --> 02:46:51 a little reminder, if you guys are learning today you like this kind of
1980 02:46:51 --> 02:46:55 stuff, because when I when I don't see a lot of thumbs up and I'm teaching stuff
1981 02:46:55 --> 02:46:59 that I never really wanted to teach, it kind of makes me feel like, you know
1982 02:46:59 --> 02:47:04 what, I'm gonna I'm gonna slow my roll, and I'll just not be so forthcoming with
1983 02:47:04 --> 02:47:07 the information, because it doesn't cost you anything to do a thumbs up. But I
1984 02:47:07 --> 02:47:12 like seeing that, because I know if I got 100,000 views on a video, 175,000
1985 02:47:14 --> 02:47:20 views of a lecture, and I see like 10,000 likes, or 5000 likes or 6000
1986 02:47:21 --> 02:47:24 likes, to me, it's a little insulting, because I don't need to be here. I could
1987 02:47:24 --> 02:47:28 very easily say, Caleb, fuck these people. I don't like what, what I'm
1988 02:47:28 --> 02:47:32 doing. I don't feel encouraged to do it. It's free, and they're not appreciating
1989 02:47:32 --> 02:47:36 it. And it's kind of like an F you or a middle finger to ICT when it's like
1990 02:47:36 --> 02:47:39 that. That's how I view it. Because you're not going to get this information
1991 02:47:39 --> 02:47:42 from anyone else. They're not going to explain it. They're not going to get
1992 02:47:42 --> 02:47:45 into details. They're not going to give it in a way where you can use it and
1993 02:47:45 --> 02:47:48 know how to do it without me ever teaching it to you again. That's how I'm
1994 02:47:48 --> 02:47:53 teaching it. There's no catch here, okay? But I understand that. It's the
1995 02:47:53 --> 02:47:58 mentality of most people today is, you know, you owe it to me. I don't owe a
1996 02:47:58 --> 02:48:02 fucking thing to anybody but a guy leave me a comment saying, hey, when you say,
1997 02:48:02 --> 02:48:05 Fuck you, we have a lot of students that really like you, and they might think
1998 02:48:05 --> 02:48:09 you're talking to them. In this regard, I am, because if you're watching my
1999 02:48:09 --> 02:48:14 stuff, and I'm pouring my my attention and in time into my son, and I'm making
2000 02:48:14 --> 02:48:18 it available to you, I know it's I know it works. You're watching it unfold live
2001 02:48:18 --> 02:48:24 over the charts. There's nobody else doing that. So if the logic is real and
2002 02:48:24 --> 02:48:28 it's valid, and it repeats over and over again, and I'm telling you the why, that
2003 02:48:28 --> 02:48:33 way you learn how to use it, trust it, and then you can anticipate it, how to
2004 02:48:33 --> 02:48:37 know how to find it on your own. That's what mentorship is. It's not me. I mean,
2005 02:48:37 --> 02:48:42 it's not me out here demonstrating my toys. It's me teaching my son in your
2006 02:48:42 --> 02:48:48 witness. So when he's duplicating these types of things, you were there as he
2007 02:48:48 --> 02:48:52 learned it, how he learned it. There's no secret lessons. I look I'm 52 I'm
2008 02:48:52 --> 02:48:56 running out of energy here, so I'm pouring everything into this. It's not
2009 02:48:56 --> 02:49:00 going to be anything outside of this, because I'm pouring hours and hours, and
2010 02:49:00 --> 02:49:05 I got people complaining your videos are too long. Well, then break it up. Nobody
2011 02:49:05 --> 02:49:09 says you had to sit down and watch it in one setting. That's the problem. You're
2012 02:49:09 --> 02:49:13 trying to rush through it all. But the fair value gap is this. We have one
2013 02:49:13 --> 02:49:18 single pass the shaded area is highlighting this candle to that low
2014 02:49:18 --> 02:49:23 that candle. Okay, I don't care about anything else, except for that. Candle
2015 02:49:23 --> 02:49:27 is low because there's no volume imbalance there. See that? No volume
2016 02:49:27 --> 02:49:33 imbalance. We're part of the cell side of the curve. We're dropping. I want to
2017 02:49:33 --> 02:49:39 see it stay low. I want to see it stay low. So I am only interested in
2018 02:49:39 --> 02:49:44 technically seeing I don't really have that highlight, I'm going to take the
2019 02:49:44 --> 02:49:48 six o'clock price off. So I gotta remember how many steps I do. So I can
2020 02:49:48 --> 02:49:55 do Ctrl Z, it'll put it back, meaning this. So if I take it off, and then I'm
2021 02:49:55 --> 02:50:01 going to add the midline on this. So that's how you do that. I'll make it
2022 02:50:01 --> 02:50:07 black because I want to make it pop on the chart. So all things being equal. No
2023 02:50:07 --> 02:50:13 WIC discussion is just this fair value got what we're talking about is it's
2024 02:50:13 --> 02:50:17 part of a sell side delivery. It's part of a sell program. The market's reaching
2025 02:50:17 --> 02:50:24 lower for sell side or a discount inefficiency. I took your attention to
2026 02:50:24 --> 02:50:31 the midpoint of that 830 cat, which is here. I forgot to change the color. So
2027 02:50:34 --> 02:50:38 if it's going to trade up into this inefficiency where only one candle
2028 02:50:38 --> 02:50:44 passed, so between this candles high, and that candle is low, it only went
2029 02:50:44 --> 02:50:51 down one time in one candle for one minute. That's inefficient with buy
2030 02:50:51 --> 02:50:59 side. Buy side is where price is offered going up. Buy side liquidity is where
2031 02:50:59 --> 02:51:05 it's reaching for while it goes up, see buy side liquidity. Are actual pending
2032 02:51:05 --> 02:51:10 orders in the marketplace, either to buy into a new long position or to buy and
2033 02:51:10 --> 02:51:16 exit a short position as a stop loss being activated. I'm looking at that
2034 02:51:16 --> 02:51:21 high right there, and I want to be a short seller generally on the favorite
2035 02:51:21 --> 02:51:27 gap. I'm trying to put my limit order at that price or one tick above it. That's
2036 02:51:27 --> 02:51:34 my first six contracts. That's my model. And then if it can trade up into the
2037 02:51:34 --> 02:51:38 midpoint, or as it starts to slide towards it, then I'll throw in my four
2038 02:51:38 --> 02:51:43 contracts. So what does that give me? Four lots. That gives me a total
2039 02:51:43 --> 02:51:49 position so far, scaling in 10 contracts. I am not inviting you to
2040 02:51:49 --> 02:51:53 trade with 10 contracts. I'm not saying that you have to trade with 10 contracts
2041 02:51:53 --> 02:51:58 for it to be profitable. You should only be watching price action Caleb and
2042 02:51:58 --> 02:52:01 saying, Okay, this is where we're eyeballing it. And saying, I want to see
2043 02:52:01 --> 02:52:05 how it behaves once it trades there. Does it go all the way to the midpoint?
2044 02:52:06 --> 02:52:10 Does it go all the way to the top? This is permissible. Remember that term. It's
2045 02:52:10 --> 02:52:15 something that is allowed to happen, and it doesn't change the underlying
2046 02:52:15 --> 02:52:18 direction or where the mark is going to go. It just means that this is possible
2047 02:52:18 --> 02:52:26 to happen. It doesn't change anything. It's better. It's much better. If it
2048 02:52:26 --> 02:52:30 only goes to half or less, and then does this because that means it's really,
2049 02:52:30 --> 02:52:34 really weak, but because I already expected to go lower, this is just an
2050 02:52:34 --> 02:52:38 opportunity for the market to reprice to that level right there. That candles
2051 02:52:38 --> 02:52:44 low. It doesn't reduce the the the effectiveness of the trade. It doesn't
2052 02:52:44 --> 02:52:48 make it more profitable or less profitable. It just gives me as a
2053 02:52:48 --> 02:52:54 emotional and psychological comfort that I am on side. It's going to start really
2054 02:52:54 --> 02:53:01 running away quickly after it rolls out of here and doesn't go in the upper
2055 02:53:01 --> 02:53:08 half, so meaning this, if it's like this portion, like, say it's like that much
2056 02:53:08 --> 02:53:14 of the gap doesn't get traded to and say this wick only went up, like to here,
2057 02:53:15 --> 02:53:19 but left all that shaded area open and not touched that that high, And then it
2058 02:53:19 --> 02:53:25 did this price action here. That's usually if you watch my examples, and
2059 02:53:25 --> 02:53:27 you'll see me talking about it in real price action when we get through the
2060 02:53:27 --> 02:53:32 August content, and then we start looking at minute by minute, second by
2061 02:53:32 --> 02:53:36 second candlestick, and then what you're observing Caleb, what to anticipate,
2062 02:53:36 --> 02:53:40 what it should do right now, not the overall grand scheme of how the reprice
2063 02:53:40 --> 02:53:43 and where it's going to go and how to go and how to behave in those ranges.
2064 02:53:43 --> 02:53:46 That's what we're doing right here. This is the beginning point, and it's not a
2065 02:53:46 --> 02:53:50 one module lecture, it's there's a lot of clearly, as you can see, there's a
2066 02:53:50 --> 02:53:55 lot of things that you need to weigh out if you really want to know what price is
2067 02:53:55 --> 02:53:59 doing, how to trust that you're going to be a part of a trade and hold on to a
2068 02:53:59 --> 02:54:04 trade. I've answered so many questions already in this lecture that have been
2069 02:54:04 --> 02:54:10 brought to me over the years constantly. But you want? I want, if I'm shorting a
2070 02:54:10 --> 02:54:16 fair value gap, I want to enter at that old candle high and by, by the very
2071 02:54:16 --> 02:54:19 nature of it, that's a turtle suit. You're going short above that high.
2072 02:54:20 --> 02:54:23 You're trading in an area of inefficiency.
2073 02:54:25 --> 02:54:31 And you think this is turtle soup. You think it's this. This is dollar
2074 02:54:31 --> 02:54:36 mentorship menu memberships, where they they're trying to teach you this stuff,
2075 02:54:36 --> 02:54:44 the wish version. Why? Gotta go there. I should see why guys start some trouble.
2076 02:54:45 --> 02:54:48 You're always trying to bring a ruckus. No, I'm trying to remind these cats that
2077 02:54:48 --> 02:54:51 they don't know shit, and they're pretending that they do, and they're
2078 02:54:51 --> 02:54:55 hurting people. You're messing up people's expectations and understanding,
2079 02:54:55 --> 02:54:58 and they're actually prolonging their their learning curve, because they got
2080 02:54:58 --> 02:55:02 to learn that horseshit first and. You realize that they just watered down
2081 02:55:02 --> 02:55:05 something and taught it incorrectly. And they come back to me, and then they're
2082 02:55:05 --> 02:55:09 like, oh, man, I wish I would have just started with you, right. Whatever you
2083 02:55:09 --> 02:55:14 can go you eat where you want to eat, but you think this is turtle sea, just a
2084 02:55:14 --> 02:55:28 high Pierce above it. And then there it is. But that is true here. That's a
2085 02:55:28 --> 02:55:34 breaker. Breakers tend to be turtle soups in changing directional, sustained
2086 02:55:34 --> 02:55:41 price runs where you have high, low, higher, high, there's your breaker, but
2087 02:55:41 --> 02:55:46 the essence is a turtle suit that is not what's going on when you're using as a
2088 02:55:46 --> 02:55:50 trade entry that's part of an existing or underlying or unfolding sell program
2089 02:55:50 --> 02:55:55 or buy program. Because you're looking at one single candle like this, and you
2090 02:55:55 --> 02:56:01 have to get above that candle. Where can it How far can it go? See, it's going to
2091 02:56:01 --> 02:56:07 be harder for you to do these entries here, because as it's going up like
2092 02:56:07 --> 02:56:12 that, you're not going to want to stand in front of that. It takes more
2093 02:56:12 --> 02:56:15 experience learning the things I told you this level yesterday, and they
2094 02:56:15 --> 02:56:19 probably didn't want to be some of you are just looking at this one, or you
2095 02:56:19 --> 02:56:22 didn't watch the entire video yesterday. You heard me talk about other things,
2096 02:56:22 --> 02:56:25 and you're like, Okay, he's done teaching. I'm not everything I said
2097 02:56:25 --> 02:56:30 yesterday was valuable. You might not see the value in it now, because you
2098 02:56:30 --> 02:56:35 have a myopic perspective. But these, these levels, were given to you
2099 02:56:35 --> 02:56:42 yesterday, and the market goes up into it, trades to it and then rejects it. It
2100 02:56:42 --> 02:56:48 takes a whole lot more understanding and a whole lot more complimentary
2101 02:56:48 --> 02:56:52 understanding with other PD arrays to do these types of trades selling right
2102 02:56:52 --> 02:56:56 there. And you've watched me do examples of that. It's on Twitter. Go look at it.
2103 02:56:56 --> 02:57:01 There's examples of it on my YouTube channel too. Look in the executions live
2104 02:57:01 --> 02:57:08 execution playlist. You'll see it. It's there. But these are the more advanced
2105 02:57:08 --> 02:57:14 ones. These are very, very demanding in your understanding the fair value gap,
2106 02:57:14 --> 02:57:18 which many of you are real custom to. Now you're comfortable with it. What you
2107 02:57:18 --> 02:57:21 don't realize is you're doing the same thing here,
2108 02:57:23 --> 02:57:25 that high is here,
2109 02:57:27 --> 02:57:32 this high is here. The difference is, is this is a visual aid. I'm telling you
2110 02:57:32 --> 02:57:37 how far this part of this run above this old high here, which is this individual
2111 02:57:37 --> 02:57:45 candlestick? How far can it go? ICT, where's too far, too far is going above
2112 02:57:45 --> 02:57:47 this candle high. That's a stop loss
2113 02:57:48 --> 02:57:54 entry here, stop loss here. Now,
2114 02:57:55 --> 02:58:02 that's the baseline entry strategy and where stop loss would be. Take it one
2115 02:58:02 --> 02:58:07 step further. How can we take this to an amplified, advanced ICT mentorship
2116 02:58:07 --> 02:58:12 video? This is a charter level content. This whole video is really this whole
2117 02:58:12 --> 02:58:15 stream is a charter level. My charter students are fucking tickled to death
2118 02:58:15 --> 02:58:18 right now. They're like, Man, this is the shit, man. We've been waiting since
2119 02:58:18 --> 02:58:22 2016 there he is out there now doing it. Oh, man, they love it. You should see
2120 02:58:22 --> 02:58:33 some of the shit they're saying. What do we have here? What is that? Me, move
2121 02:58:33 --> 02:58:43 this. Otherwise you can see what's this part right here? Isn't that a wick? Oh,
2122 02:58:44 --> 02:58:49 well, let's use that information, because that candle is the high end of
2123 02:58:49 --> 02:58:53 the the fair value gap pattern is three candles. It's this one that's candle
2124 02:58:53 --> 02:58:58 one, here's candle two, and candle three, a fair value gap. The
2125 02:58:58 --> 02:59:03 inefficiency is always candle number two, if it's a down closed candle, it's
2126 02:59:03 --> 02:59:09 a sell side imbalance, buy side inefficiency, s i, b i City. If it's a
2127 02:59:09 --> 02:59:14 fair value gap that has an up close candle, it is a buy side imbalance, sell
2128 02:59:14 --> 02:59:22 side inefficiency, or a busy B, i, s i, candle number one. If candle number one
2129 02:59:22 --> 02:59:31 has a wick right here underneath it, that is a premium array. That means it's
2130 02:59:31 --> 02:59:35 below. I'm gonna start it's above the fair value gap, and it's trading up to
2131 02:59:35 --> 02:59:38 here. You're thinking, I'm gonna get into a trade here or at the midpoint.
2132 02:59:38 --> 02:59:42 And you want to see the upper half of that stay open. That's this area right
2133 02:59:42 --> 02:59:49 here. Classic fair value gap, the where you start Caleb, when you're studying
2134 02:59:49 --> 02:59:53 this, you want to be observing price action, and you don't want to see it
2135 02:59:53 --> 02:59:58 trade to this high right here. Okay, in other words, this is what it looks like.
2136 02:59:58 --> 02:59:59 This is the framework so.
2137 03:00:00 --> 03:00:08 ICT: You can have screenshots of it. So nice to you. This is stuff I did not
2138 03:00:08 --> 03:00:13 want to teach. I did not want to teach it. You're an asshole. You should have
2139 03:00:13 --> 03:00:20 want to teach this. No, it's too good. You think you you think you you think
2140 03:00:20 --> 03:00:23 you like this stuff. You ought to see the stuff that I'm never going to teach.
2141 03:00:23 --> 03:00:33 It makes me All right. So we're going to do top right. Seems like it's probably
2142 03:00:33 --> 03:00:42 going to be too much. That's good. So stop loss is here, and the entry would
2143 03:00:42 --> 03:00:48 be here. So you're going to watch this level. Caleb, this is your entry.
2144 03:00:51 --> 03:00:52 Thicken it up a little
2145 03:01:02 --> 03:01:12 bit. Let's will make that this color, man, this is a long video. Go watch
2146 03:01:12 --> 03:01:17 somebody else. I'm here teaching my son how to be profitable and how to read
2147 03:01:17 --> 03:01:22 price action. You don't want to be here for that. Go do something else. So
2148 03:01:22 --> 03:01:29 entries here, stop loss is here. That's that's the methodology, okay, advanced
2149 03:01:29 --> 03:01:38 version, okay. How do you mitigate underlying risk? How do you reduce risk?
2150 03:01:38 --> 03:01:43 How can you use smaller stop losses. How can you make your stop loss really tight
2151 03:01:43 --> 03:01:46 like this? How do you know that these stop losses aren't going to get hit? How
2152 03:01:46 --> 03:01:53 do you know, ICT, when you're holding the dude, bro, the stop loss has me in
2153 03:01:53 --> 03:01:57 tears. Oh, I'm dead. The Stop Loss killed me. That's all the comments when
2154 03:01:57 --> 03:02:01 I'm sharing examples, when you see me using the stop loss placement. I'm going
2155 03:02:01 --> 03:02:05 to show you one element to sometimes, not all times, a lot of things that go
2156 03:02:05 --> 03:02:08 on based on individual trades. But initially, Caleb, when you're watching
2157 03:02:08 --> 03:02:12 prices, not taking trades, you're watching it enter. You're thinking,
2158 03:02:12 --> 03:02:16 Okay, I want to see it how it behaves here. If it goes there, I'm expecting it
2159 03:02:16 --> 03:02:21 to go halfway, no more, but leave a portion open. But if it goes up there,
2160 03:02:21 --> 03:02:27 then you demand immediate response where it needs to drop. Okay, if it doesn't
2161 03:02:27 --> 03:02:32 completely come back to this, candles low, and it leaves a portion of that
2162 03:02:32 --> 03:02:38 open, that's what you want. And then you anticipate very fast speed and big,
2163 03:02:38 --> 03:02:43 large range, candles going lower after it trades to that, candles low,
2164 03:02:49 --> 03:02:55 like that. Once it does that, then you absolutely demand immediate response.
2165 03:02:55 --> 03:03:00 And the same thing happens in my videos. You'll see me say, I want to see speed
2166 03:03:00 --> 03:03:06 and distance in large ranges going down. And then you get it that's qualifying
2167 03:03:06 --> 03:03:10 and quantifying the setup real time. As it happens, you need to be doing those
2168 03:03:10 --> 03:03:15 things while watching price, not entering a demo, not entering a demo,
2169 03:03:15 --> 03:03:19 not pushing any buttons. You do this for months. You observe and you watch, and
2170 03:03:19 --> 03:03:22 it teaches you and trains you to see, oh, yeah, this is what it looks like.
2171 03:03:22 --> 03:03:27 It's going to behave this way. And then when you start using the elements I'm
2172 03:03:27 --> 03:03:34 showing you here, you start with this price level plus one tick. If it can
2173 03:03:34 --> 03:03:37 trade there, that means it's got to go two ticks above that if it books that
2174 03:03:37 --> 03:03:41 price. You hypothetically say you would be in a move, but you're not, you're not
2175 03:03:41 --> 03:03:46 even demoing it. You're tape reading, okay? You're watching and observing, and
2176 03:03:46 --> 03:03:50 then at that point, once it does that, hypothetically, you would be in a trade
2177 03:03:50 --> 03:03:55 whether demo or live using that logic. So you do not want to see it. Book that.
2178 03:03:55 --> 03:04:00 Candles price high. But what happens if this is a little too rich for you? You
2179 03:04:00 --> 03:04:04 don't like that. It's too much range. How can you reduce it? Well, if you have
2180 03:04:04 --> 03:04:09 this candlestick number one in your fair value gap, if it has a wick like this,
2181 03:04:09 --> 03:04:13 this is a premium array, because it's going to be trading up to it. You don't
2182 03:04:13 --> 03:04:16 want to see it trade there. But you can take that wick and do this. You
2183 03:04:43 --> 03:04:51 there's consequence, encouragement. That wick plus two ticks, there you go. The
2184 03:04:52 --> 03:04:55 market will run up here at one point, this will be a bold face bullish candle.
2185 03:04:56 --> 03:05:02 You'll shit yourself, okay, you'll be scared some. You watch my life, examples
2186 03:05:02 --> 03:05:05 of trading, and you watch it, and you're thinking, oh, man, it's gonna be stopped
2187 03:05:05 --> 03:05:09 out. And then all of a sudden, it doesn't How do I know that I'm doing
2188 03:05:09 --> 03:05:14 things like this? But you don't want to hear me. You don't want to learn because
2189 03:05:14 --> 03:05:18 you want a little video, something that tickles your ass and and gives you,
2190 03:05:18 --> 03:05:22 right now, little thing, talking points, you can go around and start talking like
2191 03:05:22 --> 03:05:26 you know something when you don't. I want you to know it. I want you to
2192 03:05:26 --> 03:05:33 understand it. So by examples of things like this, it affords you better
2193 03:05:33 --> 03:05:39 efficient stop loss placement. You don't you're not fearful. Why would I Why
2194 03:05:39 --> 03:05:43 would I fear this never being hit, because it's two ticks above the
2195 03:05:43 --> 03:05:50 midpoint of this. This candle opens and trades down. Isn't this overlapping?
2196 03:05:50 --> 03:05:55 That candles low when it does this. So essentially, what is this area here?
2197 03:05:55 --> 03:06:03 It's a balanced price range. Balance price ranges. We don't ever want to see
2198 03:06:03 --> 03:06:06 it go down, start here, go back over, and then come all the way back to the
2199 03:06:06 --> 03:06:09 top. If it does that, it's probably going to go higher. And I don't want to
2200 03:06:09 --> 03:06:13 be in that trade, so I don't need to put a stop loss up there. I can be just
2201 03:06:13 --> 03:06:17 above the consequent crochet of that wick, because it's a gap, just like this
2202 03:06:17 --> 03:06:23 is a gap. Okay? So anyway, that's the business there. So now taught you how to
2203 03:06:23 --> 03:06:27 trade and how to enter a trade stop loss, and how to also use a very, very
2204 03:06:27 --> 03:06:30 small stop loss. I've also taught you today how to anticipate when the
2205 03:06:30 --> 03:06:34 market's going to run and be aggressive and start creating large range candles.
2206 03:06:34 --> 03:06:36 There's only two circumstances that caused that. I taught you both of them
2207 03:06:36 --> 03:06:41 today, when you leave a gap opening, or if it closes the gap, if you leave a gap
2208 03:06:41 --> 03:06:44 opening, and it's the upper half when you're bearish, or the lower half when
2209 03:06:44 --> 03:06:49 you're buying, once it leaves it, it needs to accelerate move away, and
2210 03:06:50 --> 03:06:53 that's true. But if it goes up and fills the gap in entirely, like it does there,
2211 03:06:55 --> 03:07:01 it must immediately give you speed and distance in large range. Candles are
2212 03:07:01 --> 03:07:05 moving away from it, and then once it takes out this low here, that's now
2213 03:07:05 --> 03:07:09 we're in a new range low. And put more data on the chart.
2214 03:07:15 --> 03:07:18 You're learning some shit today, ain't you? Man, I wish you were taught like
2215 03:07:18 --> 03:07:21 this first time. ICT see they can't be happy. They'll never going to be
2216 03:07:21 --> 03:07:24 satisfied. Instead of saying thank you for teaching it, they're going to say, I
2217 03:07:24 --> 03:07:32 wish you would have taught like this the first time you're a dick. Get away with
2218 03:07:32 --> 03:07:36 some of these guys. So anyway, we were looking for this level here. We had the
2219 03:07:36 --> 03:07:40 response as we were looking for it, and traded off here once it takes out that
2220 03:07:40 --> 03:07:46 low. If you see that happening in your mind, Caleb, you would say partial
2221 03:07:46 --> 03:07:50 there, even if you had single contract, partial there, and you screenshot it as
2222 03:07:50 --> 03:07:54 it trades below that. And then you watch and observe, how does it behave? How
2223 03:07:54 --> 03:08:00 does it behave? Goes up one more time, bumps into it and drops away, comes back
2224 03:08:00 --> 03:08:03 one more time. I gave you the order block here. I said, we do not want to
2225 03:08:03 --> 03:08:06 see it trade above. Go back and watch the live stream. I know you can't rewind
2226 03:08:06 --> 03:08:09 it right now, and I'm not going to change that, because when my son's
2227 03:08:09 --> 03:08:13 watching live data, I don't want him to be able to rewind or change anything. He
2228 03:08:13 --> 03:08:17 has to see it as it's happening. And if he isn't watching and paying attention
2229 03:08:17 --> 03:08:21 at the time it's happening, he's fucking missed it, just like you you've missed
2230 03:08:21 --> 03:08:24 it. You've missed the opportunity. You've missed the opportunity to study
2231 03:08:24 --> 03:08:29 real time. It is what it is. There is no DDR advantages here. This is the way it
2232 03:08:29 --> 03:08:32 is. You don't like it. Go watch somebody else. I'm not in here trying to make
2233 03:08:32 --> 03:08:36 everybody happy. I'm here training my son. This is what it is, but he's in the
2234 03:08:36 --> 03:08:40 fucking dungeon now. So this candlestick, I told you, that's a fair
2235 03:08:40 --> 03:08:43 shorter block. We have a fair value out there. I don't want to see it trade
2236 03:08:43 --> 03:08:45 above it. We already outlined and showed you
2237 03:08:51 --> 03:08:59 it didn't do it. See that. So if you were going to trade the order block, say
2238 03:09:00 --> 03:09:04 that was going to be your methodology, and you were using that here. Okay,
2239 03:09:06 --> 03:09:15 where would your stop loss be? This is a real challenging question for some of
2240 03:09:15 --> 03:09:19 you that haven't taken notes today, for those that have been taking notes, this
2241 03:09:19 --> 03:09:24 is a pretty easy one, if you're looking at this bearish order block, okay, it's
2242 03:09:24 --> 03:09:30 part of the run that's going lower. Okay, this is the midpoint of that wick
2243 03:09:30 --> 03:09:35 at 830 scandal, we are exploring the likelihood of it trading lower. We're
2244 03:09:35 --> 03:09:39 part of a sell program. That means it's going to most likely continue dropping
2245 03:09:39 --> 03:09:43 lower. Okay, so it's only coming back to that midpoint to do what offer fair
2246 03:09:43 --> 03:09:50 value. So if it leaves it like it does here, it starts to trade back up that
2247 03:09:50 --> 03:09:54 right there is your bearish order block. This is where the algorithm gives little
2248 03:09:55 --> 03:10:01 like a mile marker, like a bullet point, or an exit ramp or. A traffic control
2249 03:10:01 --> 03:10:08 device, if you're a professional driver, a notation, if you will. This is where
2250 03:10:08 --> 03:10:16 your eye should go to, okay, and that range gives you the levels to trade on.
2251 03:10:16 --> 03:10:21 If you have not been a participant on the trade yet, you can use this up close
2252 03:10:21 --> 03:10:26 candle to formulate an entry. But where does your stop go? It needs to be above
2253 03:10:26 --> 03:10:32 this candle. Okay, it needs to be above it. But where, where? Where's it got to
2254 03:10:32 --> 03:10:39 go? Some of your young I'll give you 10 seconds more for the ones. They're still
2255 03:10:39 --> 03:10:42 thinking about it. I
2256 03:10:48 --> 03:10:55 I'm having fun today. I might go till five o'clock. I'm gonna be I'm gonna be
2257 03:10:55 --> 03:11:01 divorced. My boss is gonna fire me. I'm trying to watch you, listening to you,
2258 03:11:01 --> 03:11:05 and he's gonna look at what I'm doing. It's not my fault, bro. All right. So
2259 03:11:05 --> 03:11:13 anyway, you probably already noticed we have this premium wick. It goes above as
2260 03:11:13 --> 03:11:20 the next candle above that bear shorter block, your stop would be right here,
2261 03:11:20 --> 03:11:25 plus one tick. That means you're safe. You're you're inside of the realm of
2262 03:11:25 --> 03:11:29 staying within the context of the cell program. You're above the fair, I'm
2263 03:11:29 --> 03:11:33 sorry, you're above the bare shorter block, and you're encapsulating it based
2264 03:11:33 --> 03:11:38 on the wick, because the wick can be if with this like this. Okay, there are
2265 03:11:38 --> 03:11:44 times where you will see this formation of a closed camera, and it drops, and
2266 03:11:44 --> 03:11:49 then it'll spike through. And if it does spike through, and there's a wick, what
2267 03:11:49 --> 03:11:53 it does is it's going right up into half of that wick or just falling short of
2268 03:11:53 --> 03:11:57 it. Then if you got stopped out, that's when I'm gonna go right back in again.
2269 03:12:00 --> 03:12:03 If I missed something down here and I'm seeing price as it's trading up into
2270 03:12:03 --> 03:12:09 that wick. Okay, I'm going to be short there, trusting that this was the order
2271 03:12:09 --> 03:12:12 block, and this is where the damage is being done. Don't think for a second.
2272 03:12:12 --> 03:12:16 The order blocks are always going to be protected. They're not always protected.
2273 03:12:16 --> 03:12:21 Sometimes the market will cover just outside the lines. There's no
2274 03:12:21 --> 03:12:26 perfection, but it doesn't change the underlying narrative. It doesn't disrupt
2275 03:12:26 --> 03:12:30 any of that. Now I'm gonna give you one more advanced topic, and then I'm going
2276 03:12:30 --> 03:12:36 to close it because I'm hungry, and a banana and a little bit of orange juice
2277 03:12:36 --> 03:12:44 before I started today is simply just not enough. All right? So there are
2278 03:12:44 --> 03:12:48 times when you're anticipating a price run, okay? And it's going to reach for a
2279 03:12:48 --> 03:12:55 target, if the market is reaching for these upside targets or downside
2280 03:12:55 --> 03:13:02 targets, and it creates the wicks, but doesn't reach the targets, okay? And it
2281 03:13:02 --> 03:13:05 starts to create, like this reaching element, or it goes up a little bit,
2282 03:13:05 --> 03:13:09 comes back down, and goes a little bit higher, and it goes back down, if we
2283 03:13:09 --> 03:13:15 anticipate a a level. And I'm going to be full disclosure here, I believed at
2284 03:13:15 --> 03:13:19 830 that we were going to spike up and hit this new week opening guy. I
2285 03:13:19 --> 03:13:23 believe, at the time watching it, I believe that that would happen, and it
2286 03:13:23 --> 03:13:28 didn't happen right away. It deferred and waited until the opening bell, which
2287 03:13:28 --> 03:13:32 is the next expectation, because that's the time elements, right? Well, 830 we
2288 03:13:32 --> 03:13:39 had a news driver. It failed. Okay? If there was no news driver that like ppi,
2289 03:13:39 --> 03:13:46 CPI, FOMC, or Non Farm Payroll, if those things not being part of the equation,
2290 03:13:46 --> 03:13:50 if they're not in the narrative or the day that I'm looking for these types of
2291 03:13:50 --> 03:13:55 things, if it does something like this, where it creates a candlestick, wick
2292 03:13:55 --> 03:14:01 like this, and I believe it's going to trade up here. Remember CPI, ppi, FOMC
2293 03:14:01 --> 03:14:05 and Non Farm Payroll, those characteristics that are around those
2294 03:14:05 --> 03:14:10 types of reports, they're always manually intervened. That means that the
2295 03:14:10 --> 03:14:15 algorithm is not letting or let me say it this way, the algorithm is being
2296 03:14:15 --> 03:14:20 interrupted and disrupted. And there's a hand in, in the in the mix, if you will.
2297 03:14:21 --> 03:14:26 It'll go just short of where you will go later on, when the market opens at 930
2298 03:14:26 --> 03:14:32 or it'll go beyond where you thought I was going to go, and just keep on going.
2299 03:14:33 --> 03:14:36 Those are the two criteria. That's the reason why you have to be very careful
2300 03:14:36 --> 03:14:41 on those trading days. That's why I tell students don't trade on those days
2301 03:14:41 --> 03:14:45 because you don't know what you don't know, and you're gonna discover that you
2302 03:14:45 --> 03:14:49 don't know a whole lot, and it's taken some of your ass off of you, ripped your
2303 03:14:49 --> 03:14:54 face off, decapitated. You blew your account, wrecked, you divorced, you
2304 03:14:54 --> 03:14:58 okay, ruined. You got you fired because you lose your mind, because you lost
2305 03:14:58 --> 03:15:01 your account at work, and then you're like. The hell are you doing? I lost my
2306 03:15:01 --> 03:15:05 mind trading. Well, you supposed to be trading now you're fired. You can avoid
2307 03:15:05 --> 03:15:10 all that stuff by simply not trading those days at the time of the release of
2308 03:15:10 --> 03:15:15 the report. That doesn't mean don't trade them at all. I've made it very
2309 03:15:15 --> 03:15:18 plain and clear that you should not be trading at the time of that release,
2310 03:15:18 --> 03:15:21 even on Non Farm Payroll. If you want to trade the afternoon, it's easy to do
2311 03:15:22 --> 03:15:26 that you can trade 20, 3015, minutes after the initial Non Farm Payroll
2312 03:15:26 --> 03:15:30 numbers hit, but trading into them or trying to predict that, and you're never
2313 03:15:30 --> 03:15:35 going to be good at that and just avoid it. But with those things said, and all
2314 03:15:35 --> 03:15:40 things being equal, if the market starts around, and I believe it was going to
2315 03:15:40 --> 03:15:43 trade here, and I told you that yesterday, the market's going to trade
2316 03:15:43 --> 03:15:50 up and try to gravitate towards that. If the market does create this wick and
2317 03:15:50 --> 03:15:55 then the next candle, we start to trade up. Okay, but let's just say that I
2318 03:15:55 --> 03:16:00 believe that they're going to manipulate price because, not because the 830 news,
2319 03:16:00 --> 03:16:03 but they're going to leave relative equal highs, or I believe they're going
2320 03:16:03 --> 03:16:10 to engineer them. Okay, if I believe that, then what I like to look for is
2321 03:16:10 --> 03:16:18 this formation. It's the opposite of that, where you're predicting highs,
2322 03:16:19 --> 03:16:29 projecting Hans with the wicks. Sounds cool, doesn't it? Watch if we have a day
2323 03:16:29 --> 03:16:34 or a session, and I believe that they're going to try to keep hots. And I've done
2324 03:16:34 --> 03:16:38 this on Twitter. I've done this in executions videos. I've done this in
2325 03:16:39 --> 03:16:42 Twitter spaces where I've literally called out every individual candle, or
2326 03:16:42 --> 03:16:46 I've mentioned them in other people's live streams, where I'll go under their
2327 03:16:46 --> 03:16:49 chat window and I'll say I believe they're going to keep the relative
2328 03:16:49 --> 03:16:54 vehicle highs open or not traded to until the opening bell or at 10 o'clock.
2329 03:16:54 --> 03:16:57 Then I think they'll run it up there. And then we'll use a silver bullet idea.
2330 03:16:58 --> 03:17:05 If I have an inkling that the market's going to keep a high in place or a low
2331 03:17:05 --> 03:17:12 in place. I like to use this concept here, which is the first candlestick
2332 03:17:12 --> 03:17:20 that creates that wick here to there. See that? Now, what happens if it falls
2333 03:17:20 --> 03:17:23 short of an objective where I'm reaching for and this is ultimately where I think
2334 03:17:23 --> 03:17:26 it's going to trade to, maybe later in the day, at the opening bell or after
2335 03:17:26 --> 03:17:30 the opening bell, and during the opening range, the first 30 minutes, between 930
2336 03:17:31 --> 03:17:36 and 10 o'clock New York Eastern time, if I think they're going to keep that there
2337 03:17:36 --> 03:17:40 and but I'm say I'm scalping, because I can buy long and sell short in the same
2338 03:17:40 --> 03:17:43 day and go Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, like I was
2339 03:17:43 --> 03:17:47 talking about yesterday. I want to be in a market environment that creates and
2340 03:17:47 --> 03:17:50 promotes those opportunities. If it's just one sidedness and it's real
2341 03:17:50 --> 03:17:53 lethargic and choppy back and forth, but real tight ranges, but still drifting
2342 03:17:53 --> 03:17:57 high, I'll leave that to somebody else to trade that, and they can tell me they
2343 03:17:57 --> 03:18:01 made 300 handles, and I'm a dick because I didn't, I didn't make as many handles
2344 03:18:01 --> 03:18:05 there, but then I can come back the next day with less of a range and make four
2345 03:18:05 --> 03:18:11 times than they got. So if those instances are there, and I believe that
2346 03:18:11 --> 03:18:13 the range is going to stay intact, and they're not going to trade to an
2347 03:18:13 --> 03:18:17 objective. In other words, I believe that they're engineering liquidity,
2348 03:18:17 --> 03:18:21 meaning you didn't know about new week opening gaps and start talking about it.
2349 03:18:21 --> 03:18:25 So imagine a time before you learned about them. You might be thinking when
2350 03:18:25 --> 03:18:29 this candle was bold faced, bullish, wow, it's going to keep going higher.
2351 03:18:29 --> 03:18:33 Who knows where it's going to go? Right? Well, if I believe that they're going to
2352 03:18:33 --> 03:18:40 hold that range and use this objective later in the day, post 930 opening bell,
2353 03:18:42 --> 03:18:45 and I start to see a candlestick do this, and I'm long, say I'm long in a
2354 03:18:45 --> 03:18:50 scalp. Once it creates this, I want to see it's still likely to go here. I
2355 03:18:50 --> 03:18:53 might be wrong, so I'm going to give it a chance to go one more time, to reach
2356 03:18:53 --> 03:18:58 for it. If that's the case, then I can take this range here, and it's going to
2357 03:18:58 --> 03:19:04 do the opposite. It's the mirror image of what this was doing, where we create
2358 03:19:04 --> 03:19:10 the high the high wick, okay, and it's trading half of this wick here, but this
2359 03:19:10 --> 03:19:14 wick and in half of it, it just falls short of half of that. That's
2360 03:19:14 --> 03:19:17 reasonable. But what happens when you anticipate a range staying intact and in
2361 03:19:17 --> 03:19:20 it, not breaching it, or trading to an objective because they're engineering
2362 03:19:20 --> 03:19:24 liquidity. They're deferring a run to a particular price level. But you're in a
2363 03:19:24 --> 03:19:28 trade, or you're watching price action. It's really fun to do this. You see a
2364 03:19:28 --> 03:19:32 candle create this initial wick, then the next candle, it starts running above
2365 03:19:32 --> 03:19:33 it.
2366 03:19:44 --> 03:19:48 What's this? Candles high? You're looking at that price right there. Okay,
2367 03:19:48 --> 03:19:56 right here. What's that? Candles high? 19,001 49 even, right? That's what
2368 03:19:56 --> 03:20:03 you're seeing right here. This is. Is half of this candles wick that has yet
2369 03:20:03 --> 03:20:11 to form. And what is that? Boom, that's that's algorithmic. I used to sit on
2370 03:20:11 --> 03:20:15 baby pips and troll the fuck at everybody and say, Look, I'm telling
2371 03:20:15 --> 03:20:18 you. I can call the highs and the lows. I can do it with individual
2372 03:20:18 --> 03:20:21 candlesticks. I can do it in an hourly candle. I could do them daily ranges
2373 03:20:21 --> 03:20:24 that lower weekly range. I could do all that stuff, a lot of those things. I'm
2374 03:20:24 --> 03:20:30 not going to teach you that stuff, but tell me how this is buying and selling
2375 03:20:30 --> 03:20:36 pressure. How the fuck is that just gonna just be like that? Wicks do the
2376 03:20:36 --> 03:20:42 damage, but it's controlled demolition. It's controlled. It's controlled.
2377 03:20:43 --> 03:20:47 They're only going to do what's what it's coded to do until they manually
2378 03:20:47 --> 03:20:51 intervene. And when they do that, everything goes out to take off the
2379 03:20:51 --> 03:20:55 table, out the window. Don't trade. Simply sit still. I don't care how much
2380 03:20:55 --> 03:20:59 it moves around, how how many people come forward and say they made money
2381 03:20:59 --> 03:21:02 here, they passed their funded account challenge, or they got this much and
2382 03:21:02 --> 03:21:04 they're going to get a pay gonna get a payout on, I don't give a shit. They're
2383 03:21:04 --> 03:21:08 not gonna do that as a steady diet. Everybody can get lucky once in a while,
2384 03:21:09 --> 03:21:13 once in a while, but you're not here to try to be a one trick pony. You're not
2385 03:21:13 --> 03:21:18 here to try to get good enough to show one broker statement one day that he did
2386 03:21:18 --> 03:21:21 it right. You're not trying to do that. You're trying to be consistently
2387 03:21:21 --> 03:21:25 profitable. And you, before you get there, you got to be able to see what
2388 03:21:25 --> 03:21:32 these things do, how they repeat, how they tend to repeat. When will they when
2389 03:21:32 --> 03:21:38 will they produce these setups? When do you anticipate a price run? And I
2390 03:21:38 --> 03:21:42 haven't all these things understood. You can clearly see just in today and
2391 03:21:42 --> 03:21:47 yesterday, I have given you the equivalent of literally six chapters in
2392 03:21:47 --> 03:21:54 a book that I couldn't write in a book. These are subjects that you have to see
2393 03:21:54 --> 03:21:58 them in charts. You got to watch it unfold. Imagine me explaining to you in
2394 03:21:58 --> 03:22:04 a screenshot picture when it was up here. I believe that it could trade into
2395 03:22:04 --> 03:22:09 this fair value gap. I believe it can do that. I believe that it's going to use
2396 03:22:09 --> 03:22:13 this as a breaker, because we've already ran stops in a level that I knew the
2397 03:22:13 --> 03:22:17 previous day. Take my word for it, bro, trust me, right away, we're at a point
2398 03:22:17 --> 03:22:20 where the people are going to be taking the book and sending it back to the
2399 03:22:20 --> 03:22:23 publisher, saying, I want my money back. This guy's talking on his ASL hindsight,
2400 03:22:24 --> 03:22:27 but so you can't do that today. You can't do that yesterday. You can't do
2401 03:22:27 --> 03:22:31 that since last Monday, when I started streaming every day. You can't do that
2402 03:22:31 --> 03:22:38 because I'm giving you things that are over top of real price action live. And
2403 03:22:38 --> 03:22:42 I say I took a picture and I didn't have any of this data to the left, to the
2404 03:22:42 --> 03:22:45 right of all this here, and I was pointing to this level here, saying,
2405 03:22:45 --> 03:22:49 trust me, bro, this is where I think it's going to go. And then I show you
2406 03:22:49 --> 03:22:52 the next picture, and it looks like that. That's the equivalent what you get
2407 03:22:52 --> 03:22:56 from people mentoring or using Market Replay. How? How is that inspiring? It
2408 03:22:56 --> 03:23:00 doesn't inspire me. I would feel shitty if I was trying to use examples like
2409 03:23:00 --> 03:23:04 that, like, I have to be out here live explaining this, because if it isn't
2410 03:23:04 --> 03:23:09 real, I can't explain it. It wouldn't be there. It won't repeat, right? I mean,
2411 03:23:09 --> 03:23:12 clearly you can appreciate that. Even if you don't like my personality, you don't
2412 03:23:12 --> 03:23:18 like the way I teach, you have to come to the conclusion and be real. If it's
2413 03:23:18 --> 03:23:22 there, if it's valid, if the stuff really works, and if I know it, then I
2414 03:23:22 --> 03:23:28 can communicate it and explain to you what it's going to do, conceptually, why
2415 03:23:28 --> 03:23:34 it should do it and when. Now, if you get those things understood, can you
2416 03:23:34 --> 03:23:38 think for a moment, put your put your pitchforks and your torches down for a
2417 03:23:38 --> 03:23:41 minute for people that are watching don't like me, you're just looking for
2418 03:23:41 --> 03:23:46 little bits to talk about and troll. Think about it for a second. If those
2419 03:23:46 --> 03:23:50 two things are equal and true that there's sound logic here, it really does
2420 03:23:50 --> 03:23:58 work, and it could be timed. Would you agree that if you had those aspects
2421 03:23:59 --> 03:24:04 under your belt and you understood those components to this. Can you see how easy
2422 03:24:05 --> 03:24:10 the entries are after that? Can you see how easy the stop loss placement would
2423 03:24:10 --> 03:24:15 be and how the target where to get out and where to take partials at? Because,
2424 03:24:15 --> 03:24:19 literally, I gave you a clinic on those very things, today and yesterday, and
2425 03:24:21 --> 03:24:25 you didn't need to see me push a button. You didn't see any do a demo. You didn't
2426 03:24:25 --> 03:24:29 see a live account. You watch me explain these candlesticks. That every human
2427 03:24:29 --> 03:24:35 being that's watching this industry, all around the world, we're all watching the
2428 03:24:35 --> 03:24:38 same market. It's not like fucking Forex, where Tom Dick And Harry's
2429 03:24:38 --> 03:24:42 fucking brokerage firm has a different high, or a different low, a different
2430 03:24:42 --> 03:24:45 opening price, because they can fuck you in the spread, everybody has the same
2431 03:24:45 --> 03:24:50 price. We're all looking at the same thing. You can't, you can't get you
2432 03:24:50 --> 03:24:54 can't escape it. You can't get with around that. At that aspect, it's it's
2433 03:24:54 --> 03:25:01 real, and I'm doing the lowest latency in live streaming. I. I pulled out the
2434 03:25:01 --> 03:25:04 levels I told you where to focus at when we first got on the stream, I was a
2435 03:25:04 --> 03:25:11 little discombobulated at the beginning, because I was angry, but I found my
2436 03:25:11 --> 03:25:18 groove. But I taught you today two forms of turtle suit real. One, not wish
2437 03:25:18 --> 03:25:24 version, not the street smarts version, okay, but this one here is going to
2438 03:25:24 --> 03:25:27 require you to understand a whole lot more, because it's going to be very
2439 03:25:27 --> 03:25:31 difficult for you to sell short as it's raging into that. And I promise you,
2440 03:25:31 --> 03:25:35 there ain't a mother fucker on Twitter and a mother fucker on Instagram that's
2441 03:25:35 --> 03:25:38 going to take a trade as its bold face like that, and go short and do that over
2442 03:25:38 --> 03:25:44 and over and over again. I can do that. And I have examples of proving it with a
2443 03:25:44 --> 03:25:50 live fucking account, not demo. I have examples of that. You can see them. You
2444 03:25:50 --> 03:25:53 can watch me to enter them. You can see me using a stop loss. You can see the
2445 03:25:53 --> 03:26:01 targets being hit. But when I teach, I teach with a demo. I teach that way,
2446 03:26:01 --> 03:26:07 because I'm giving you an illustration inside of a controlled environment that
2447 03:26:07 --> 03:26:11 I'm not going to take a loss, I'm not going to realize a profit, and that
2448 03:26:11 --> 03:26:15 means that I'm teaching you under that medium's limitations, so that way
2449 03:26:15 --> 03:26:19 there's no miscommunication here. I am not trying to tell you, copy me with
2450 03:26:19 --> 03:26:24 your real account. Copy me because I'm pretending to be a financial advisor.
2451 03:26:24 --> 03:26:31 I'm not. I am a candlestick whisperer. Okay, that's what I am. I'm telling
2452 03:26:31 --> 03:26:35 these candlesticks when and how to move and how to dance, and I'm teaching you
2453 03:26:35 --> 03:26:39 the language and the sheet music they follow. That's it. That's all we're
2454 03:26:39 --> 03:26:44 doing here. That doesn't mean buying and selling profits. That doesn't mean
2455 03:26:45 --> 03:26:50 equity curves going through the moon. It just means that that is our language
2456 03:26:50 --> 03:26:55 here. That protects me, it protects you. That means I can talk and be free about
2457 03:26:55 --> 03:26:58 what is I want to talk about, and how I want to talk about it. And no one can
2458 03:26:58 --> 03:27:03 take it out of context and say You caused me to lose money? No, I didn't.
2459 03:27:04 --> 03:27:10 Absolutely not. Nope, because if you copy me, and you're going to see down in
2460 03:27:10 --> 03:27:14 the lower left hand corner, it's going to say paper trading, and I'm going to
2461 03:27:14 --> 03:27:19 execute in price action that's live, using the logic that I'm outlining here
2462 03:27:19 --> 03:27:24 for my son. And when these trades pan out, you're gonna have to, you're gonna
2463 03:27:24 --> 03:27:29 have the problem of thinking, Okay, if he can do this, why didn't he do it a
2464 03:27:29 --> 03:27:34 Live account? It's because I'm in the United States. There's an organization
2465 03:27:34 --> 03:27:37 called the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. They have tapped me on the
2466 03:27:37 --> 03:27:41 shoulder in the 90s because I was not using risk disclaimers, and I was
2467 03:27:41 --> 03:27:46 telling people what to do, and I didn't know that I was against the law then,
2468 03:27:46 --> 03:27:50 and they served me papers at my aunt when I was living with her, and I don't
2469 03:27:50 --> 03:27:56 want any legal trouble, not with that shit. So I learned by lesson, okay, I
2470 03:27:56 --> 03:27:59 said, Okay, I'll never do that again, and that's why there's risk disclaimers
2471 03:27:59 --> 03:28:02 in my description and at the start of the live stream. And when I see other
2472 03:28:02 --> 03:28:05 people live streaming that don't have those verse disclaimers, I'm quick to
2473 03:28:05 --> 03:28:09 tell them, You are fucking around and you're gonna find out. You do not want
2474 03:28:09 --> 03:28:12 to be messing around this shit. They back then they loved fucking with
2475 03:28:12 --> 03:28:18 people, and I was growing in my community on America Online. So there
2476 03:28:18 --> 03:28:23 you go. I don't want to be in trouble because some asshole said You caused me
2477 03:28:23 --> 03:28:27 to lose money. And here's the proof, proof of what that you traded with real
2478 03:28:27 --> 03:28:31 money. When I'm trading with a demo account, you're losing that fucking case
2479 03:28:31 --> 03:28:35 right away. They're not even gonna worry about me because I'm trading in a demo
2480 03:28:35 --> 03:28:39 account. You people in other countries, you think you're fucking smart, you
2481 03:28:39 --> 03:28:42 leave condescending comments, like you're so intellectually superior. Oh,
2482 03:28:42 --> 03:28:46 you're trading with a demo account. Mr. Demo trader. You have no idea what it's
2483 03:28:46 --> 03:28:51 like in the US. These motherfuckers, our country is so litigious, they're trying
2484 03:28:51 --> 03:28:56 to sue everybody, especially now everybody's looking for a lawsuit. And
2485 03:28:56 --> 03:29:02 frankly, I don't give a fuck if you ever like me or use my information. I don't
2486 03:29:02 --> 03:29:06 care. I have enough people out there that have used it. They've communicated
2487 03:29:06 --> 03:29:12 their their appreciation for it, and I'm teaching my son how to deal so because
2488 03:29:12 --> 03:29:17 you're all watching you're all watching me teach him, and because it's public,
2489 03:29:17 --> 03:29:21 I'm going to use that medium as the same methodology that I've used all along as
2490 03:29:21 --> 03:29:26 a mentor I'm teaching through the medium of a demo account. If I can't do it with
2491 03:29:26 --> 03:29:27 live price action,
2492 03:29:29 --> 03:29:34 where it's real time price data, if it doesn't hold up to that, well, that it
2493 03:29:34 --> 03:29:38 goes without saying it wouldn't work in a live account, that's an easy litmus
2494 03:29:38 --> 03:29:42 test. You think that somehow that I'm gonna forget how to build because now
2495 03:29:42 --> 03:29:48 there's money, real money. It's just it's the same thing. It's the same
2496 03:29:48 --> 03:29:54 thing. Nothing's changing. The logic isn't morphing into something else. I'm
2497 03:29:54 --> 03:29:57 not excited about or fearful whatever the outcome of the trade is going to be.
2498 03:29:57 --> 03:30:01 That's the whole point of you learning. The whole point. Point is for you to be
2499 03:30:01 --> 03:30:04 here to that way you desensitize yourself and strip away all the fear and
2500 03:30:04 --> 03:30:08 the concern and the excitement about making money. It shouldn't be exciting.
2501 03:30:08 --> 03:30:14 What you should be excited about is you're learning how to read it. You're
2502 03:30:14 --> 03:30:18 being comfortable with, oh, I wasn't surprised by that. I expected it to do
2503 03:30:18 --> 03:30:23 this. I expected it to do those things, and when you get to that conclusion,
2504 03:30:25 --> 03:30:30 it's very fun to be a trader, because you're not going to go around with a
2505 03:30:30 --> 03:30:35 sharp stick where, you know, I've done this in the past. It's that how I got
2506 03:30:35 --> 03:30:40 traction. That's how I built my channel initially. If I started a fire, people
2507 03:30:40 --> 03:30:44 would come there and see what's burning, and it's usually the people I was
2508 03:30:44 --> 03:30:48 pointing to, and there I was trolling them with a demo account, knowing full
2509 03:30:48 --> 03:30:51 well I'm clowning them, because they can easily come back and say, Oh, you're a
2510 03:30:51 --> 03:30:55 demo baller, right? I called myself a demo baller. That's why everybody calls
2511 03:30:55 --> 03:30:59 me that. I coined that term, but I did it as a way So, number one, I could be
2512 03:30:59 --> 03:31:03 disarmed. What could they say? Events against me? Nothing. You can't say shit.
2513 03:31:04 --> 03:31:08 I've already proven that I'm teaching through a demo, but I'm able to see
2514 03:31:08 --> 03:31:12 something in real price action that they're not able to do. So I had a lot
2515 03:31:12 --> 03:31:16 of fun with that. And sure did I overstep my bounds and get a little too
2516 03:31:16 --> 03:31:22 hard with a few of them years and years ago on big events? Of course I did, but
2517 03:31:22 --> 03:31:29 that that's how you create an interest, because otherwise I'm boring, right? I'm
2518 03:31:29 --> 03:31:33 an old fuddy duddy guy that just talks too much. So if I can cause a fire, a
2519 03:31:33 --> 03:31:38 train wreck, a car accident where there's smoke, there's fire, that means
2520 03:31:38 --> 03:31:44 that I don't have to advertise, I'll get people talking, and then that's how this
2521 03:31:44 --> 03:31:51 channel grew to 1.3 1.3 3 million followers. Not one advertisement, not
2522 03:31:51 --> 03:31:56 one. And I'm not liked by everybody. And everybody thinks I'm a fraud.
2523 03:31:56 --> 03:32:00 Everybody's like, well, he's not on the leaderboard of Robin cup. Are you still
2524 03:32:00 --> 03:32:06 in the Robins cup? Yes, I'm in the Robins cup, but I don't see anybody
2525 03:32:06 --> 03:32:13 else. I've given them all this whole year, and not one of them got up there.
2526 03:32:14 --> 03:32:18 Well, that's not entirely true. One got up there by accounting error, but after
2527 03:32:18 --> 03:32:22 that, nothing. Apparently, it's not his circus. It's not his monkeys. That's a
2528 03:32:22 --> 03:32:26 pretty good one. That's a pretty good excuse. But I was looking forward to, I
2529 03:32:26 --> 03:32:29 mean, look, we're going into September in a couple weeks. I mean, good grief,
2530 03:32:29 --> 03:32:32 it should have been easy for them to get up there and least make a showing,
2531 03:32:32 --> 03:32:41 right? But we'll see. We'll see. It's gonna be fun in December. December 31 I
2532 03:32:41 --> 03:32:45 might come back on January 1 and wish you all happy new year on Twitter. I'll
2533 03:32:45 --> 03:32:51 come back just just for that. But I taught you a lot today. I taught you a
2534 03:32:51 --> 03:32:57 whole lot today, and some of these elements I had no interest at ever
2535 03:32:57 --> 03:33:03 sharing. And you know, granted, is everything that I thought here going to
2536 03:33:03 --> 03:33:07 be applicable to every one of you. No, some of you had lots of your questions
2537 03:33:07 --> 03:33:10 answered. Some of you have new questions that came from this. And that's great.
2538 03:33:11 --> 03:33:17 That's great. Write those questions down in your journal, okay? And you'll see by
2539 03:33:17 --> 03:33:20 the natural progression of me doing this over live streaming and talking about
2540 03:33:20 --> 03:33:24 price before it happens, and watching and giving you further details, like I
2541 03:33:24 --> 03:33:28 was doing today, I taught the only two elements of turtle suit there is okay,
2542 03:33:30 --> 03:33:34 buying below old lows or selling above old highs. There's only two forms of
2543 03:33:34 --> 03:33:40 that. It's trade direction and change in a state of delivery, which is, this is a
2544 03:33:40 --> 03:33:44 turtle suit for that is not the street smarts version of it. I just like the
2545 03:33:44 --> 03:33:53 name. Okay? I love the name. If I had another cooler name, I've used the idea
2546 03:33:53 --> 03:33:59 in that name since 1995 so it's kind of like, why change it? I always give
2547 03:33:59 --> 03:34:04 credit to the inspiration of the name and the idea of stopping out somebody,
2548 03:34:05 --> 03:34:09 because that book, those two authors, they were highly influential to me,
2549 03:34:10 --> 03:34:14 understanding being stopped out and going the other direction like I didn't,
2550 03:34:14 --> 03:34:19 it didn't cross my mind that that was a thing I was. That's how green I was as a
2551 03:34:19 --> 03:34:24 trader in the 90s, early on. But it solidified it. I was like, oh shit, that
2552 03:34:24 --> 03:34:28 makes perfect sense now. Oh, no wonder. Okay, that's that's what happens to me
2553 03:34:28 --> 03:34:31 when I'm wrong. I'm getting stopped out and it's going the other direction, and
2554 03:34:31 --> 03:34:34 I'm not aware of what's going on, and I'm in Shell Shock, like a deer in
2555 03:34:34 --> 03:34:37 headlights. I'm staring at it, watching the price keep going, going, going,
2556 03:34:37 --> 03:34:42 going. And now we can see when it changes, and we can be a part of it. And
2557 03:34:42 --> 03:34:46 when we get that run that we waited for, that we went into the trading day
2558 03:34:46 --> 03:34:48 looking for not Well, I don't know what's going to happen today. Let me
2559 03:34:48 --> 03:34:52 just find something thought that if you do that, if your starting your day is
2560 03:34:52 --> 03:35:01 like that, you have an 80% chance of leaving the day unprofitable. You. To
2561 03:35:01 --> 03:35:07 write that down. If you're going into the trading day and you don't know what
2562 03:35:07 --> 03:35:12 to expect, you're waiting for more information, and you are going to make a
2563 03:35:12 --> 03:35:17 trade come hell or high water, you're going to trade. You have an 80% chance
2564 03:35:17 --> 03:35:24 of you're not making money that day. I'm telling you, that's the gospel contrast
2565 03:35:24 --> 03:35:29 that with I know what I'm looking for tomorrow, in the rest of the week, this
2566 03:35:29 --> 03:35:33 is where it's probably drawing to, if this level or that particular level
2567 03:35:33 --> 03:35:37 doesn't get traded to. I'll give you a perfect example yesterday before we
2568 03:35:37 --> 03:35:40 close the stream. I told you that this new week opening gap here from july 28
2569 03:35:41 --> 03:35:45 look and see if I if it's not in there, it's there. And I've talked about the
2570 03:35:45 --> 03:35:55 daily objectives on on NASDAQ, the volume imbalance, the the short term,
2571 03:35:55 --> 03:35:59 high on the daily chart. All those things could be factors for it to if
2572 03:35:59 --> 03:36:02 it's going to continue higher, that's where it could gyrate to, because it's
2573 03:36:02 --> 03:36:05 an election year. They they think the general public thinks that the stock
2574 03:36:05 --> 03:36:13 market is a measurement of the economy, and it's not so. If you know, like I was
2575 03:36:13 --> 03:36:17 telling you yesterday, that this is a likely upside objective, well that means
2576 03:36:17 --> 03:36:22 when I start the day at 830 when I was watching this, I wanted to see a trade
2577 03:36:22 --> 03:36:30 up there right at 830 if it would have done that, hit it, and then at 930 went
2578 03:36:30 --> 03:36:34 above it, and then failed. I would expected something like this at 930
2579 03:36:34 --> 03:36:38 opening bell, because it would have traded to the objective I gave you
2580 03:36:38 --> 03:36:46 yesterday, and it did it on the first leg at 830 and then left that smooth
2581 03:36:46 --> 03:36:49 like that, real easy. Didn't go above it at all. Then at 930 if they would have
2582 03:36:49 --> 03:36:52 poked above it one more time, that would have been a turtle soup. And I would
2583 03:36:52 --> 03:36:57 have said right here screenshot that while it's bold faced up, and then when
2584 03:36:57 --> 03:37:01 it's dropping down, I'd say that's exactly what the turtle suit looks like
2585 03:37:01 --> 03:37:07 as it forms like this. But you have to know what you're looking for if, if you
2586 03:37:07 --> 03:37:12 don't know what it's likely to reach for, before you start looking at your
2587 03:37:12 --> 03:37:15 charts like you have to have notes when you close your session out today, when
2588 03:37:15 --> 03:37:19 you're done, you're not looking at the charts until tomorrow, whatever the next
2589 03:37:19 --> 03:37:23 session is for you, if you don't have levels that are key to you, where you
2590 03:37:23 --> 03:37:30 think it's likely drawing to you don't know what you're doing, if you're going
2591 03:37:30 --> 03:37:34 into the day, and you don't know what you're looking for, and you just don't
2592 03:37:34 --> 03:37:42 know the top of your notepad and on your charts, type it out, I do not have to
2593 03:37:42 --> 03:37:47 trade today. Let that be a reminder, because it's so easy to talk yourself
2594 03:37:47 --> 03:37:51 into a trade. It's easy to do so if you're watching me, it's easy to do so
2595 03:37:51 --> 03:37:54 if you're watching other live streamers, and if you don't know why you're doing
2596 03:37:54 --> 03:37:59 what you're doing or expecting what you expect to see in price action, in in in
2597 03:37:59 --> 03:38:03 the moments before you turn your systems on your computer, your phone, or
2598 03:38:03 --> 03:38:05 whatever it is, you used to watch charts.
2599 03:38:07 --> 03:38:11 If you don't have that information ahead of time written down somewhere, either
2600 03:38:11 --> 03:38:15 in your charts, annotated or on a notepad, if you don't know where it's
2601 03:38:15 --> 03:38:22 likely drawing to next, do not give yourself the open invitation to go out
2602 03:38:22 --> 03:38:26 and simply trade, because now the markets are trading, you have to
2603 03:38:26 --> 03:38:32 exercise a great deal of discipline and be responsible. Now, I have a lot of
2604 03:38:32 --> 03:38:36 experience. I've been doing it for a long time. There may be moments where I
2605 03:38:36 --> 03:38:40 don't have a bias, and I've I've shown this in my mentorship, when I was doing
2606 03:38:40 --> 03:38:45 live streams for them, but that was part of the mentorship. I would tell them,
2607 03:38:45 --> 03:38:48 Okay, I don't have a whole I don't hold a hard bias right now. So I want to see
2608 03:38:48 --> 03:38:52 what we what we were going to get at the opening bell. I want to see how they use
2609 03:38:52 --> 03:38:57 the opening range between 930 and 10 o'clock. Okay, what I'm saying is, is
2610 03:38:57 --> 03:39:04 I'm not holding a bias that I can trust that's going to lend to it's going to
2611 03:39:04 --> 03:39:08 draw higher to this premium array, or it's going to draw lower to this
2612 03:39:08 --> 03:39:12 discount array. I don't know which direction it wants to do at the moment
2613 03:39:12 --> 03:39:15 before the session starts. And then when I look at the opening range, then it
2614 03:39:15 --> 03:39:19 gives me more information. Then I can say, Okay, well, they, they've made this
2615 03:39:20 --> 03:39:24 they made this area jagged. So then I'm going to look for something that's a
2616 03:39:24 --> 03:39:29 smooth area, or if it's a high impact news driver, then it's going to be what
2617 03:39:29 --> 03:39:33 it's going to be the liquidity below that. So we don't need to see a relative
2618 03:39:33 --> 03:39:37 equal high or relative equal low when there's a CPI number, PPI number, or
2619 03:39:37 --> 03:39:42 FOMC or a non front payroll. Those are the characteristics that you do after
2620 03:39:42 --> 03:39:45 the report. You look at how they're going to come back on the individuals
2621 03:39:45 --> 03:39:50 that would have made money on that run. I used that logic yesterday, but I also
2622 03:39:50 --> 03:39:55 told you in advance, if it goes higher, I'm not interested. I'm not interested
2623 03:39:55 --> 03:40:00 in that. So I didn't change my protocol. I just told you this is. Day would not
2624 03:40:00 --> 03:40:03 be interested if it just keeps grinding high. I won't chase that. I won't worry
2625 03:40:03 --> 03:40:08 about it. And then I want to be a part of a day that has like this, like we had
2626 03:40:08 --> 03:40:12 really nice we had the mess here first. Then it went up to where I was telling
2627 03:40:12 --> 03:40:16 you yesterday. It went to it perfectly. Then we watched this area here. It
2628 03:40:16 --> 03:40:20 didn't give me an entry if I would have used it, because it's not inside the
2629 03:40:20 --> 03:40:24 fair value gap. It wasn't booking that price. But the logic was, is it should
2630 03:40:24 --> 03:40:30 move from here down to the midpoint of this wick. We wants to happen. Then this
2631 03:40:30 --> 03:40:34 fair value gap traded up into that and it returned back to the six o'clock
2632 03:40:35 --> 03:40:40 opening price, which is not on here anymore, but we went to the next
2633 03:40:40 --> 03:40:46 quadrant level here, which is the lower quarter, and then the low, and then we
2634 03:40:46 --> 03:40:49 would be attacking the liquidity resting below that. And then I gave you
2635 03:40:49 --> 03:40:53 measurement strategies on how to take the high, the low, whatever the quarter
2636 03:40:54 --> 03:40:57 percentage of that range is projected below that low. That's a pretty good
2637 03:40:57 --> 03:41:00 ballpark figure. It's not going to give you the lowest low, but it's going to
2638 03:41:00 --> 03:41:05 give you something that you can be happy with. And then we get all this range
2639 03:41:05 --> 03:41:09 back all the way up it Pierce just this high, and then we broke right back down.
2640 03:41:09 --> 03:41:13 And where does it trade? To look at the bodies of that candles there. Look at
2641 03:41:13 --> 03:41:21 that. You think that's random. Boom, swept it. And now we're just gyrating
2642 03:41:21 --> 03:41:25 around. I would not be interested in trading anymore today. I'd move through
2643 03:41:25 --> 03:41:29 the sidelines, and I'd be content with what we observed today, what has been
2644 03:41:29 --> 03:41:34 logged as price action. I would break this down, okay? I would go through the
2645 03:41:34 --> 03:41:38 whole individual day from a one minute chart, a five minute chart and a 15
2646 03:41:38 --> 03:41:41 minute chart, and then annotate everything, like I'm doing here. There's
2647 03:41:41 --> 03:41:44 other things in this chart. This chart. I don't want to do everything for you,
2648 03:41:44 --> 03:41:48 because if you just screenshot my chart, there's your journal entry and you put
2649 03:41:48 --> 03:41:52 your annotations here, that's not what I want to do. Caleb, I want you to go
2650 03:41:52 --> 03:41:55 through all of this. And that goes for all of you watching too. Don't just take
2651 03:41:55 --> 03:41:59 my chart and screenshot when I have annotations on it and say, you know, I'm
2652 03:41:59 --> 03:42:03 journaling. You're not. You're fucking collecting stamps. That's all you're
2653 03:42:03 --> 03:42:07 doing. It's that's a stupid fucking hobby. It's like collecting baseball
2654 03:42:07 --> 03:42:11 cards. What the fuck is the point of that? That's dumb videos. Do something
2655 03:42:11 --> 03:42:19 else. So if I collect colognes, that's a better hobby, right? You see how
2656 03:42:19 --> 03:42:22 everybody has their own personality. Some of you probably have some really
2657 03:42:22 --> 03:42:26 good money in stamps or maybe even baseball cards. I think it's stupid, and
2658 03:42:26 --> 03:42:30 some of you probably think it's stupid for me to have colognes. Is 430 bottles
2659 03:42:30 --> 03:42:35 of Cologne. That's dumb. Well, it's what I like. You like baseball cards. You
2660 03:42:35 --> 03:42:40 like stamps. You know. You like whatever everybody has. It's different strokes
2661 03:42:40 --> 03:42:44 for different folks, but in trading, it's going to be the same thing. I have
2662 03:42:44 --> 03:42:52 lots of tools, lots of things to get into a trade, lots of criteria that you
2663 03:42:52 --> 03:42:59 can apply and make it yours, with your personality, but your model that you
2664 03:42:59 --> 03:43:03 arrive at if you made it available to other people and saying, This is what I
2665 03:43:03 --> 03:43:09 do. I don't have a problem with that, because it's what you learn from me. You
2666 03:43:09 --> 03:43:15 could go on on YouTube and say, this is my model. It's not a mentorship. This is
2667 03:43:15 --> 03:43:18 what I do, and this is how I'm going to implement it. And in live stream, I've
2668 03:43:18 --> 03:43:21 encouraged my students that want to do it. I'm not trying to talk them into it.
2669 03:43:22 --> 03:43:25 I said, if you want to do this, if it's in, if it's in, your personality, do so
2670 03:43:26 --> 03:43:30 and you know your model, you don't want to discover your model by doing that.
2671 03:43:30 --> 03:43:33 Okay, there's a couple live streamers out there that are doing that right now,
2672 03:43:33 --> 03:43:37 and that's why they're not doing well. That's that's exactly why they're not
2673 03:43:37 --> 03:43:41 doing well. And they're trying to sell courses too. So that's a stupid ass
2674 03:43:41 --> 03:43:46 fucking procedure, if, if the person's failing and losing their funded
2675 03:43:46 --> 03:43:48 accounts, and they keep resetting, and they keep proving it to you, because
2676 03:43:48 --> 03:43:51 they show you the numbers. Here's the account numbers. Here's my new I blew
2677 03:43:51 --> 03:43:55 the accounts. I blew the accounts, all that stuff, and they're trying to sell
2678 03:43:55 --> 03:43:59 you a fucking course, no matter how cheap it is, you're an idiot if you buy
2679 03:43:59 --> 03:44:03 that. And just saying you can hate me, call me whatever you want, okay, but
2680 03:44:03 --> 03:44:07 you're a fucking idiot if you pay money for that. That doesn't make any fucking
2681 03:44:07 --> 03:44:14 sense. Now I have students, okay? I have students that have made money. They have
2682 03:44:14 --> 03:44:18 placed on the Robins cup. They have literally had taken hundreds of 1000s of
2683 03:44:18 --> 03:44:25 dollars out of several of the funded account companies, and they aspire, and
2684 03:44:25 --> 03:44:30 some of them are actually doing their own mentorship. Okay, I took the
2685 03:44:30 --> 03:44:33 interviews down in case they haven't noticed. I'm thinking that public
2686 03:44:33 --> 03:44:38 knowledge. I took those interviews down because now what you just did is you
2687 03:44:38 --> 03:44:45 entered a business of education, and you went in that business with my name
2688 03:44:45 --> 03:44:49 attached to it some way, shape or form. I am not going to endorse your business
2689 03:44:49 --> 03:44:52 because I don't know what you're doing, how you're conducting yourself as a
2690 03:44:52 --> 03:44:56 business person. I'm not saying that that's right or wrong. I'm just saying I
2691 03:44:56 --> 03:45:01 have to distance myself from that. I. Students have started their own funded
2692 03:45:01 --> 03:45:05 account company, and to my understanding, it didn't do. Well, okay,
2693 03:45:05 --> 03:45:08 I don't know the ramifications around it, but apparently it didn't do and I
2694 03:45:08 --> 03:45:12 may be wrong, I don't know, but I know that at one time, I had this state
2695 03:45:12 --> 03:45:16 publicly that has nothing to do with me. I'm not invested in this. I have no
2696 03:45:16 --> 03:45:19 kickback from it. I'm not promoting it. I have nothing to do with it because
2697 03:45:19 --> 03:45:23 you're messing with other people's money. And when you start collecting
2698 03:45:23 --> 03:45:29 things as payments, and you're calling it a mentorship, and you have my logo,
2699 03:45:29 --> 03:45:34 or you're saying ICT in the videos or the advertisements or whatever you are,
2700 03:45:34 --> 03:45:40 indirectly pulling me into that, and I'm saying the fuck you are. I'm severing
2701 03:45:40 --> 03:45:47 that I am by myself. If anybody learns from me and they want to make
2702 03:45:47 --> 03:45:52 mentorships, okay, I've already said this on Twitter spaces. If you have made
2703 03:45:52 --> 03:45:59 money using what I taught and you have made that your own model, you're not out
2704 03:45:59 --> 03:46:03 there trying to pretend you invented something, but this is what you arrived
2705 03:46:03 --> 03:46:08 at, using the information. And then you show people how you use that
2706 03:46:09 --> 03:46:16 information. I don't have a problem with that. I will never fuck with you. I will
2707 03:46:16 --> 03:46:19 not say you did this. I'm not gonna talk shit about you. I'm not gonna go in your
2708 03:46:19 --> 03:46:22 comment section. I'm not going to talk shit about you and say, Oh, you're
2709 03:46:22 --> 03:46:26 you're $1 man. Your mentors, I'm not talking about that. The people that are
2710 03:46:26 --> 03:46:30 assholes, they're trying to mentor. They know who they are. They fucking know who
2711 03:46:30 --> 03:46:35 they are. But my students that have made money, they have proven they've made
2712 03:46:35 --> 03:46:39 money, and they and I've encouraged them in Twitter spaces, live publicly in
2713 03:46:39 --> 03:46:43 front of everybody. Last year, I said, you have other ways of making money.
2714 03:46:43 --> 03:46:49 Okay? You may not get to the point where you're making big, big withdrawals from
2715 03:46:49 --> 03:46:54 your live brokerage account or through a funded account company. You may not be
2716 03:46:54 --> 03:46:58 able to do that real quick, but a lot of you think that that's the only way to
2717 03:46:58 --> 03:47:06 get there to make your ends meet. You, don't. We have a huge community, and
2718 03:47:06 --> 03:47:09 yes, there's a small sect of it as assholes, and they're just toxic people.
2719 03:47:09 --> 03:47:13 And for the most part, I think it's fun because it makes it, it livens it up for
2720 03:47:13 --> 03:47:17 me. Because if it was just everybody saying, Oh, I love ICTs concepts, I love
2721 03:47:17 --> 03:47:21 ICT, you know, he's, you know, he's the next best thing since raisin bread?
2722 03:47:21 --> 03:47:27 Well, you know, that's fucking boring. That's boring. So it's good that once in
2723 03:47:27 --> 03:47:31 a while we have folks that say, Yeah, I don't think that shit works, or this
2724 03:47:31 --> 03:47:36 guy's a clown, or he doesn't do this and he doesn't do that, because that causes
2725 03:47:36 --> 03:47:42 you to think about it. Well, wait a minute. Am I learning this because I
2726 03:47:42 --> 03:47:47 like the person ICT? Am I supposed to like everything about ICT to make this
2727 03:47:47 --> 03:47:51 stuff make money for me? Or am I really supposed to be focused on what he tells
2728 03:47:51 --> 03:47:55 me to do is don't worry about me. Don't worship ICT. Don't look up at ICT as a
2729 03:47:55 --> 03:48:03 fucking guru. I'm not your Forex Jesus. I'm not the futures Jesus. I am a man. I
2730 03:48:03 --> 03:48:06 am fallible. I am a sinner. I
2731 03:48:06 --> 03:48:12 can I can mess up, just like anybody else can. But for the folks that spend
2732 03:48:12 --> 03:48:17 too much time worrying about the person, me, the me, the character that I allow
2733 03:48:17 --> 03:48:26 for you all to see you don't realize that that is a test. It's a test. Do you
2734 03:48:26 --> 03:48:33 care more about image or what works? Because if you spend all the time
2735 03:48:33 --> 03:48:38 worrying about the person, and I've told you all along, We're not a team. If
2736 03:48:38 --> 03:48:43 you're on the outside of my trade, I hope you lose, and you could be a long
2737 03:48:43 --> 03:48:48 term student if you're on the other side of my trade, I want you to lose. That's
2738 03:48:48 --> 03:48:53 trading. I didn't hide it. I didn't lie about it. That's the nature of it. I'm
2739 03:48:53 --> 03:49:01 gonna eat if I'm on the other side of your trade, and I'm wrong, and you made
2740 03:49:01 --> 03:49:06 money. I'm fucking impressed by that. I'm not offended by that. I have
2741 03:49:06 --> 03:49:10 students have showed hey, look, you were calling for this level this day, and I
2742 03:49:10 --> 03:49:14 went like this. I hope you don't think, dude, I'm not taking offense to that. I
2743 03:49:14 --> 03:49:20 fucking, I love that. I love that. That's a fucking that's an award, that's
2744 03:49:21 --> 03:49:26 you need a trophy for that. I'm not offended by that, but some of you think
2745 03:49:26 --> 03:49:29 because I've done such a really good job of being a certain character online,
2746 03:49:30 --> 03:49:33 some of you think I have very thin skin. I don't give two thoughts. I really
2747 03:49:33 --> 03:49:39 don't. But I like that, that to push buttons. I like to get people talking. I
2748 03:49:39 --> 03:49:44 have mastered social media without any advertising, because I know how people
2749 03:49:44 --> 03:49:48 think. I know how to control what people think about me, how to inspire them to
2750 03:49:48 --> 03:49:52 think about certain things, how to lead them along, and how to cut them off,
2751 03:49:53 --> 03:49:56 give them just enough that they want more and then over deliver every time I
2752 03:49:56 --> 03:50:01 want to do it, everything I do is calculate. Did, except for this morning,
2753 03:50:01 --> 03:50:07 when this fucking OBS start up. I was I was mad. I was mad. If I keep talking, I
2754 03:50:07 --> 03:50:13 may get mad again, so I can't talk about but I had, I had students come to me
2755 03:50:13 --> 03:50:17 that are mentorship students, and they have asked me if I will let them
2756 03:50:17 --> 03:50:21 translate my videos in their language. And the answer is no, no. If you think
2757 03:50:21 --> 03:50:24 you're gonna put them on YouTube, and I know there's a couple channels that
2758 03:50:24 --> 03:50:28 they're they're about to get wiped out, you do not have my permission to do
2759 03:50:28 --> 03:50:34 that. Okay? You don't if you want to take little clips and put music around
2760 03:50:34 --> 03:50:41 it. I've never fucked with anybody. I've I've never done that. I don't have a
2761 03:50:41 --> 03:50:44 problem with that. Like, I don't look at that as, oh, that's copyright
2762 03:50:44 --> 03:50:48 infringement, because you're taking a small little piece of something and
2763 03:50:48 --> 03:50:51 you're making a little artistic little thing, and some of them are actually
2764 03:50:51 --> 03:50:57 kind of cool. I don't have a problem with that. But if you take my entire
2765 03:50:57 --> 03:51:04 lectures and you turn them into books verbatim, and you put them on Amazon,
2766 03:51:04 --> 03:51:13 like that's a dick move. The Dick move had a guy. It's Spanish. He put a whole
2767 03:51:13 --> 03:51:17 bunch. He has my pictures right from the mentorship videos. You can let me see
2768 03:51:17 --> 03:51:20 it. It says, I see mentorship. It's broken up like he's trying to hide it,
2769 03:51:20 --> 03:51:26 but I had such a huge just the obnoxious watermark with the user names and the
2770 03:51:26 --> 03:51:30 user groups, and it was a mess. But I had to deal because I had so many people
2771 03:51:30 --> 03:51:34 leaking it. And I was like, You know what? This mother fucker went out there
2772 03:51:34 --> 03:51:39 and went to Amazon and they published this book, and all it is is a watered
2773 03:51:39 --> 03:51:45 down version in Spanish of the things I say in the mentorship and it's trash.
2774 03:51:45 --> 03:51:50 It's literally fucking trash. So no, you don't have my permission to translate
2775 03:51:50 --> 03:51:53 any of my videos in your in your language and then put them on YouTube.
2776 03:51:54 --> 03:51:58 No, you don't have my permission to translate them and sell them in your own
2777 03:51:58 --> 03:52:02 country. So there you go. I don't, I don't have, I don't extend that
2778 03:52:02 --> 03:52:08 privilege to anybody. Do you have my blessing if you want to use the
2779 03:52:08 --> 03:52:13 information, get good at it. Build your model. Go out there and create a YouTube
2780 03:52:13 --> 03:52:18 channel where you use the model and you actually show them. This is how I trade.
2781 03:52:18 --> 03:52:22 And then you do it and grow the channel to whatever it could be bigger than
2782 03:52:22 --> 03:52:26 mine. I would support that. I would congratulate you. I would I would lift
2783 03:52:26 --> 03:52:33 you up. I do it with Tanja. There are others that are slowly starting to find
2784 03:52:33 --> 03:52:37 their groove, and when they get a little bit better at what they're doing, I'll
2785 03:52:37 --> 03:52:40 push them to I'll be in their their chat. Just because you're my student,
2786 03:52:40 --> 03:52:45 I'm not going to be in there. Rao. Rao, you cheering you on. I don't first, I
2787 03:52:45 --> 03:52:56 don't have time for that. But when I use the oh gosh, what's her name? Can't
2788 03:52:56 --> 03:52:59 think of her name. Now I'm embarrassed. I shouldn't say it like this out loud,
2789 03:52:59 --> 03:53:02 but because
2790 03:53:10 --> 03:53:14 a young Asian girl for the life of me, I cannot. I haven't looked at her channel
2791 03:53:14 --> 03:53:19 for such a long time. I can't remember her name, okay, but I was trying to get
2792 03:53:19 --> 03:53:22 my daughter to watch her and say, Look, you know she's going through the
2793 03:53:22 --> 03:53:28 mentorship. And there you go, see what she does and see if that inspires you.
2794 03:53:28 --> 03:53:31 And I have come to the conclusion my daughter's not ever going she's never
2795 03:53:31 --> 03:53:37 going to trade. But the I know some of you right now are screaming her name,
2796 03:53:38 --> 03:53:41 just can't remember her name. And I'm embarrassed. I'm sorry if you're
2797 03:53:41 --> 03:53:45 listening. I just I have 1000 things fighting to be in the front of the line
2798 03:53:45 --> 03:53:51 with my head right now, but then you have Tanja, where she's she's live
2799 03:53:51 --> 03:53:56 streaming, okay? And if I was her, I would have moderators in there cleaning
2800 03:53:56 --> 03:54:01 up her chat, because when I visit there, I see some very vulgar things said
2801 03:54:02 --> 03:54:07 directly to me, like, like, I'm lusting after her. I see her as like my
2802 03:54:07 --> 03:54:11 daughter. She's not physically and biologically my daughter. There's a lot
2803 03:54:11 --> 03:54:15 of people who think that she's not, but she literally looks a lot like my
2804 03:54:15 --> 03:54:19 daughter and her mannerisms, you know, the way she does her eyes and she talks
2805 03:54:19 --> 03:54:24 with her eyes, and that's one of the first things I noticed about her that
2806 03:54:24 --> 03:54:27 resembles my daughter, but her face structure looks like my daughter, and
2807 03:54:28 --> 03:54:32 she's using my stuff, and she's doing well with it. She'll she lose sometimes.
2808 03:54:32 --> 03:54:38 Sure she does. It's in it's an interesting thing for me to watch her go
2809 03:54:38 --> 03:54:44 through some of the emotional challenges when I see her trying to talk herself
2810 03:54:44 --> 03:54:49 out of the stress she's feeling, sometimes she doesn't do it as well as
2811 03:54:49 --> 03:54:54 I'd like to see her do it. She doesn't do self talk correctly. She'll say, oh,
2812 03:54:54 --> 03:54:57 you know, I don't care. I don't care. And she'll roll her hair back. She's sit
2813 03:54:57 --> 03:55:02 back in a chair. They're all tells you. That she just wants to say, Fuck it. I'm
2814 03:55:02 --> 03:55:06 turning it off. I'm done for today. But she knows she's live streaming. I find
2815 03:55:06 --> 03:55:10 that interesting. I don't find pleasure in seeing that uncomfortable part, but
2816 03:55:10 --> 03:55:15 that's the things that you're going to be met with. So if you're going to learn
2817 03:55:15 --> 03:55:19 how to trade and do really well, and you want to be a live streamer and YouTuber,
2818 03:55:19 --> 03:55:22 sure, you can make money doing that. Absolutely. You can make money doing it,
2819 03:55:22 --> 03:55:26 and you can do it without being drama. You don't have to talk that about
2820 03:55:26 --> 03:55:31 anybody else. You can just stay in your own lane. And that's the best way to do
2821 03:55:31 --> 03:55:35 it. Because if you're going to do the live streaming stuff, there's
2822 03:55:36 --> 03:55:40 everybody's going to come there to watch you fail. That's the that's the first
2823 03:55:40 --> 03:55:44 interest, they must see you fail, especially if I'm anywhere in that
2824 03:55:44 --> 03:55:47 equation, like if you learn my stuff, because they want to go in there and
2825 03:55:47 --> 03:55:50 they say, Oh yeah, ICT, stuff doesn't work. But then these people are making
2826 03:55:50 --> 03:55:54 money the levels I'm calling out in their chat windows. It's happening,
2827 03:55:54 --> 03:55:58 okay? It's they want an engagement. They want an interaction. They want a
2828 03:55:58 --> 03:56:02 response, either from me or the person doing the live stream. My advice would
2829 03:56:02 --> 03:56:08 be, don't even have a chat window. Live stream your stuff. Use the model that
2830 03:56:08 --> 03:56:11 you built around this concept, and let your channel grow without any drama.
2831 03:56:11 --> 03:56:15 Don't give a stage to trolls. Don't give a stage to people. Don't even have a
2832 03:56:15 --> 03:56:20 comment section on anything, because, honestly, even the good stuff is not
2833 03:56:20 --> 03:56:25 good for you. Too much love. Too much sugary. Like I love your channel, like
2834 03:56:25 --> 03:56:28 you don't need to do that. They have a little function on on the videos. It's a
2835 03:56:28 --> 03:56:33 thumbs up. I wish they would bring back the thumbs down. They have it there so
2836 03:56:33 --> 03:56:38 you can do it, but you can't see it. My Videos generally are 97 or higher
2837 03:56:38 --> 03:56:42 percent liked. So that means I have the same type of guys out there with your
2838 03:56:42 --> 03:56:45 sock fucking accounts, and they're going in there and they're doing the thumbs
2839 03:56:45 --> 03:56:52 down stuff, and that's okay. I mean, if I have a 70% like rate, and some of you
2840 03:56:52 --> 03:56:55 probably want to see it now you want, I want to see that there's that many
2841 03:56:55 --> 03:57:01 likes. I don't look at that stuff. But I asked, I'm sorry, the folks that asked
2842 03:57:01 --> 03:57:04 me in the comment section, you know, how many people do a thumbs down? Because
2843 03:57:04 --> 03:57:11 you can only see the thumbs up, my readings are 97% mostly 98% they're
2844 03:57:11 --> 03:57:17 liked. Okay, I wish that there was a thumbs down video. I wish they would
2845 03:57:17 --> 03:57:23 bring that back. It's not fair that if we're going to have the thumbs up, there
2846 03:57:23 --> 03:57:29 should be a thumbs down too. So that way you can see that a lot of the things
2847 03:57:29 --> 03:57:33 that people have fallen victim to when it has anything to do with me, is it's
2848 03:57:33 --> 03:57:38 the other people talking about me, and that ins that that influence keeps them
2849 03:57:38 --> 03:57:43 from ever looking at the stuff I teach. And if they catch them early with that,
2850 03:57:44 --> 03:57:47 they think that that's hurting me. I'm already here. You're not going to take
2851 03:57:47 --> 03:57:51 me out of where I'm at. I'm already here. Like I'm setting my ways. I'm
2852 03:57:51 --> 03:57:55 done. Nobody's changing, nothing. And you know, after this Caleb stuff, like,
2853 03:57:56 --> 03:57:59 if I ever make a video again, you know, who the fuck knows? I don't know. But
2854 03:57:59 --> 03:58:05 I'm not trying to be a YouTuber. I'm not trying to do that, but I can tell you
2855 03:58:05 --> 03:58:10 that if you have content that people like that your personality is is
2856 03:58:10 --> 03:58:14 friendly, and you're trying to be genuine. So if you are showing any kind
2857 03:58:14 --> 03:58:19 of emotion, that's real. And I got the most feedback when I was on Twitter with
2858 03:58:19 --> 03:58:23 the Twitter spaces, people are asking me to go back to that. I'm never going back
2859 03:58:23 --> 03:58:26 to Twitter. Yeah, I'm never going to go back to there. I'm not going to remove
2860 03:58:26 --> 03:58:31 my account. But I have entertained the idea of a podcast, okay? I've had
2861 03:58:31 --> 03:58:36 several people, several companies, come to me and, like, ask me what my thoughts
2862 03:58:36 --> 03:58:41 were about it. And I said, this year. I'm not going to make any decisions
2863 03:58:41 --> 03:58:46 about it, because I have this project here. And before Caleb stepping forward,
2864 03:58:46 --> 03:58:51 asking me to do this with him, I just wanted to focus on just unplugging from
2865 03:58:51 --> 03:58:57 social media, unplugging from YouTube, and just go back to being me before baby
2866 03:58:57 --> 03:59:04 pips like I just wanted to be back to that guy and, do I miss doing Twitter
2867 03:59:04 --> 03:59:12 spaces? I do, but I don't think it's a climate where, if I'm just going out
2868 03:59:12 --> 03:59:18 there saying what I tend to say, I don't want any more drama. You know, because
2869 03:59:18 --> 03:59:22 people in high seats, they're starting to look for people to have a high
2870 03:59:22 --> 03:59:28 opinion or a certain opinion, and it's not that important to me. You know, when
2871 03:59:28 --> 03:59:34 it's live, I have a tendency to go off the track and ramble and talk about
2872 03:59:34 --> 03:59:38 other things. And a lot of you really want those other topics, like you want
2873 03:59:38 --> 03:59:42 the tin foil hat stuff. You want the stories of me going through stuff, and
2874 03:59:42 --> 03:59:46 sometimes when I get emotional, you've heard me cry. You hear me cackle and
2875 03:59:46 --> 03:59:53 laugh when I'm going on. I laugh at my own jokes. I've learned that those
2876 03:59:53 --> 03:59:58 elements where I was allowing my emotions, where if you listen to the old
2877 03:59:58 --> 04:00:02 videos, where I'm just droning on. And it says monotone and boring. I'm not
2878 04:00:02 --> 04:00:06 showing any kind of emotion at all. They're great for lullabies. They'll put
2879 04:00:06 --> 04:00:10 you to sleep, but if you listen, you probably can't sleep through a Twitter
2880 04:00:10 --> 04:00:15 space, because invariably, I'm going to go off and I'm going to, you know,
2881 04:00:15 --> 04:00:19 elevate and animate myself. And I've done it a couple times. Some of it was
2882 04:00:19 --> 04:00:23 scripted, where I wanted to do it for shock value, and other times it's just
2883 04:00:23 --> 04:00:30 organic, and I would swing from one spectrum to the next, and that part of
2884 04:00:30 --> 04:00:34 me, I wanted to hide that from the poet, like I didn't want, I didn't want people
2885 04:00:35 --> 04:00:42 criticizing me over that aspect. And I found that because of that aspect and
2886 04:00:42 --> 04:00:48 being real and genuine and letting it be organic. That's the part that people
2887 04:00:48 --> 04:00:53 like the most out of everything that I put out in content. They like the
2888 04:00:53 --> 04:00:58 lectures where I'm like that, where it's not stunted and stilted and wooden, and
2889 04:00:58 --> 04:01:02 maybe you hear me talk about a painful moment, and I end up, you know, showing
2890 04:01:02 --> 04:01:06 my emotions where I would have never been comfortable doing that. You know,
2891 04:01:06 --> 04:01:11 when baby pips, I had new interest in that. But my advice to someone that
2892 04:01:11 --> 04:01:15 wants to learn how to do this, and if you're contemplating doing and you
2893 04:01:15 --> 04:01:18 already know how to trade well with it and consistently, doesn't mean you trade
2894 04:01:18 --> 04:01:23 every day profitably, but you're, you're making money over the year, and you want
2895 04:01:23 --> 04:01:29 to get another income. I think that if it's in your personality to do so, and
2896 04:01:29 --> 04:01:33 you're comfortable being open and transparent, I think that live
2897 04:01:33 --> 04:01:37 streaming, like that stuff saying, Here's my model. You're not trying to
2898 04:01:37 --> 04:01:41 sell the course or the model. Okay, you're saying, This is what I'm doing,
2899 04:01:42 --> 04:01:47 and me implementing it and using it in front of you, win or loss. That's the
2900 04:01:47 --> 04:01:52 content. That's that's why I'm doing this. I'm doing it because it's going to
2901 04:01:52 --> 04:01:55 give me another stream of income if I'm liked by other people. And it doesn't
2902 04:01:55 --> 04:01:58 matter if people come and watch me, I'm going to be trading anyway. So if you go
2903 04:01:58 --> 04:02:02 in with that mentality, and you're not out there trying to talk about everybody
2904 04:02:02 --> 04:02:06 else. See, I talk about methodologies. I don't talk about people. I don't point
2905 04:02:06 --> 04:02:11 at people because I don't have a problem really personally with anybody. I know
2906 04:02:11 --> 04:02:14 people don't like me. I know that they've done terrible things and said
2907 04:02:14 --> 04:02:20 terrible things about me. Threaten this and threaten that. I get it okay, but
2908 04:02:20 --> 04:02:24 that's not changing shit. It's not doing anything. It's not going to change me
2909 04:02:24 --> 04:02:28 who I am. I'm not a drama person on a family level, on a personal I don't do
2910 04:02:28 --> 04:02:29 those types of things,
2911 04:02:30 --> 04:02:35 but I can talk shit about your methodology, and if you take odds with
2912 04:02:35 --> 04:02:38 that, then that's great, because that's the that's the button I'm pushing,
2913 04:02:39 --> 04:02:42 because I want that person, whoever that is, and it could be a lot of you did you
2914 04:02:42 --> 04:02:47 go to go out there and defend it. If you champion that stuff, you'll go out there
2915 04:02:47 --> 04:02:51 and champion it. You'll go out and call it live explain it. And you don't have
2916 04:02:51 --> 04:02:56 to even do a demo camp, just explain it real time as it's happening. I like
2917 04:02:56 --> 04:03:00 watching people do that, and it doesn't have to be my stuff, because if you know
2918 04:03:00 --> 04:03:04 what you're doing and you're comfortable in your own skin, and you're not trying
2919 04:03:04 --> 04:03:10 to be something that, you're not trying to pretend to be something superior, but
2920 04:03:10 --> 04:03:13 really not doing anything, you're not going to grow you're not going to get an
2921 04:03:13 --> 04:03:17 audience. You're not going to you're not going to be able to retain that. But if
2922 04:03:17 --> 04:03:22 you do the things that I have discovered are actually what people want. If you
2923 04:03:22 --> 04:03:26 have something that works, and my stuff works, you have to find it where it
2924 04:03:26 --> 04:03:29 works for you, though. You have to have a model that's comfortable for you,
2925 04:03:29 --> 04:03:33 trading a time of day, an instrument that's conducive for you to feel
2926 04:03:34 --> 04:03:37 comfortable. You're not trying to reinvent anything. You're not trying to
2927 04:03:37 --> 04:03:40 amplify or make it better or tweak it that way. You can say, well, I took this
2928 04:03:40 --> 04:03:43 and made it better. That's what everybody wants. Everybody wants to do
2929 04:03:43 --> 04:03:47 that, and you don't need to do that. I have so many weapons. All you gotta do
2930 04:03:47 --> 04:03:54 is say, You know what? I like the katana, I like the bo staff, I like the
2931 04:03:54 --> 04:04:01 side, I like the nunchuck, I like the shuriken, I like the Takagi. These are
2932 04:04:01 --> 04:04:06 all weapons. Okay, no one weapon is better than the other in the hands of
2933 04:04:06 --> 04:04:10 someone that knows how to use them formidably. You don't want to be dealing
2934 04:04:10 --> 04:04:15 with that. It's a bad day. So if you go through the motions of going through,
2935 04:04:16 --> 04:04:20 what is it I teach? The first thing is how to read price. Where's it going, why
2936 04:04:20 --> 04:04:24 is it going and when's it going to move? That's your first that's your first
2937 04:04:24 --> 04:04:29 level. But then you find a model that tells you how to get in and where to
2938 04:04:29 --> 04:04:34 look for a trade exit point and where to stop loss is. That's your model. That's
2939 04:04:34 --> 04:04:38 it. That's a very simple thing. What makes it hard is you're trying to figure
2940 04:04:38 --> 04:04:42 out which one's the better one. And if you're going to be honest, that's what
2941 04:04:42 --> 04:04:46 you're all struggling with. You're listening to so many influencers and
2942 04:04:46 --> 04:04:50 other people that said they study with me. Oh, it doesn't work. I now I'm doing
2943 04:04:50 --> 04:04:56 this. Oh, he complicate. I don't complicate shit. But it is a complicated
2944 04:04:56 --> 04:04:58 matter for you to settle in on what you're comfortable with, because you
2945 04:04:58 --> 04:05:04 have to sit down and go through. Motions of figuring out what makes you tick. Can
2946 04:05:04 --> 04:05:09 you trade against the grain and be a trader that goes short up here? I'm
2947 04:05:09 --> 04:05:12 gonna bet money that most of you aren't doing that. Can you grow into that yet?
2948 04:05:12 --> 04:05:17 It's that's what I had. It took years and years and years me to do that long
2949 04:05:17 --> 04:05:25 time, but being a part of a move that's easy to see and engaging that that's
2950 04:05:25 --> 04:05:31 easy stuff. That's why I say entries are easy. Targets are easy. They're all
2951 04:05:31 --> 04:05:35 finite things. But knowing where the market's going to go, that's the
2952 04:05:35 --> 04:05:41 uncertainty that evades most traders. And for the ones that know where it's
2953 04:05:41 --> 04:05:46 likely to go. Where do they mess up? They mess up by trying to force too many
2954 04:05:46 --> 04:05:51 things in their model, and it gets analysis paralysis. I know where it's
2955 04:05:51 --> 04:05:56 going, but I'm afraid if I take this one and then I see something else forming,
2956 04:05:56 --> 04:06:00 and then I'm trying to do too sort of a stop loss. It's trying to be too tight,
2957 04:06:00 --> 04:06:04 because I'm trading with too much leverage, right? There's your problem
2958 04:06:05 --> 04:06:10 trade with one contract, because if you can't double your account with one
2959 04:06:10 --> 04:06:15 contract, you sure as fucking doing it with 15 and five or whatever else you
2960 04:06:15 --> 04:06:18 think you're gonna do, you're not gonna do it. All you're doing is amplifying
2961 04:06:18 --> 04:06:25 the stress and the problem of holding onto a trade while you're in that with
2962 04:06:25 --> 04:06:31 over leveraged contract size or lot size, if you're in forex, you're going
2963 04:06:31 --> 04:06:35 to care more about the fluctuations of profit and loss. It's taking money from
2964 04:06:35 --> 04:06:38 me. It's putting money in there. I'm going to new equity high in the trade.
2965 04:06:38 --> 04:06:42 Oh shit, I gave back half of the trade. I probably should have got out now
2966 04:06:42 --> 04:06:45 you're worried about something that's probably never going to be a factor. If
2967 04:06:45 --> 04:06:50 you had one lot on or one contract as a futures trader, that retracement here,
2968 04:06:50 --> 04:06:53 like if you were short here and you watched the trade back up to there,
2969 04:06:53 --> 04:06:58 that's about 50% of a retracement on an open position. I'm not fearful of that.
2970 04:06:59 --> 04:07:05 That's why I'm not in a rush to push my trades real fast, taking my stop loss,
2971 04:07:05 --> 04:07:10 jamming it into a certain measure of guaranteeing big, big profit, because I
2972 04:07:10 --> 04:07:16 know the first return after a nice entry can go as much as 60% of a retracement,
2973 04:07:16 --> 04:07:20 meaning that it could trade right back to the area I entered at. And that
2974 04:07:20 --> 04:07:24 doesn't change anything. It just means that, hey, that might be an opportunity
2975 04:07:24 --> 04:07:30 for to add another portion on. Or, okay, is it really spending too much time back
2976 04:07:30 --> 04:07:34 at that 60% or a trace, or more than 50% of what I've already seen as an
2977 04:07:34 --> 04:07:38 unrealized gain? In other words, if I'm in the trade and I say, I make it easy,
2978 04:07:38 --> 04:07:42 say, I have $1,000 in open profit, but it's not been realized or closed and
2979 04:07:42 --> 04:07:48 then it retraces against me, back where I'm down over 500 hours up in open
2980 04:07:48 --> 04:07:51 profit, but not realized I didn't close the trade. It hasn't gone back to my
2981 04:07:51 --> 04:07:56 stop loss. It hasn't gone below profit, but I'm now only up 450 bucks or
2982 04:07:56 --> 04:08:01 whatever. That doesn't make me second guess the trade or change my mind about
2983 04:08:01 --> 04:08:08 the trade, I better get out. And I'm going to count to you to watch this
2984 04:08:08 --> 04:08:11 portion where I was covering all this stuff in here today, where it kind of
2985 04:08:11 --> 04:08:22 helps you formulate a process or a mindset on anticipating this ebb and
2986 04:08:22 --> 04:08:25 flow, this give and take that the market's going to do while you're in a
2987 04:08:25 --> 04:08:29 trade. And if you don't get accustomed to seeing some of that profit come back
2988 04:08:29 --> 04:08:33 into the marketplace and come out of your account, and trust that that's a
2989 04:08:33 --> 04:08:38 normal process. It's normal for that to happen. We all want these types of
2990 04:08:38 --> 04:08:42 trades where you get short here and it just runs away quick. It doesn't have
2991 04:08:42 --> 04:08:46 any retracing at all ever. Every new equity high stays there and adds more to
2992 04:08:46 --> 04:08:51 it until the trade hits the limit order and you get out. That's not realistic.
2993 04:08:51 --> 04:08:58 But I have found that when I was giving my examples, people would say, I see
2994 04:08:58 --> 04:09:02 your examples and I want my trades that pan out like yours, but they don't
2995 04:09:02 --> 04:09:06 realize is I was speeding them up because I had to force them on Twitter
2996 04:09:06 --> 04:09:09 inside of one minute and 20 seconds, because that was the time limit I had to
2997 04:09:09 --> 04:09:14 have for those those trade videos to be shown. So I'd condense, sometimes an
2998 04:09:14 --> 04:09:18 hour, maybe 45 minutes, a 30 minute trade. I would speed it up not because
2999 04:09:18 --> 04:09:21 I'm hiding anything. There's nothing to hide. It's all there. You can see it,
3000 04:09:23 --> 04:09:28 but it had to be forced into a small space of time. And then I would record a
3001 04:09:28 --> 04:09:31 song and place it on top of it. But because they would watch those videos,
3002 04:09:31 --> 04:09:35 it was actually and I didn't realize it until after most people were coming back
3003 04:09:35 --> 04:09:38 to me and giving me this feedback, they would say, Well, you know, I'm in these
3004 04:09:38 --> 04:09:42 trades, and it's hard for me to hold why? Because you watch my trade videos
3005 04:09:42 --> 04:09:51 in the span of a truncated song of 120 seconds, you're expecting your profit
3006 04:09:51 --> 04:09:55 objectives to be met in very super, hyper speeds. Because what are you
3007 04:09:55 --> 04:09:59 watching? You're you're activating your reticular activating system, seeing the.
3008 04:10:00 --> 04:10:04 Things happen on a sped up chart with a real execution in live market
3009 04:10:04 --> 04:10:11 conditions, not always a demo. Sometimes it was in a amp account. Sometimes it
3010 04:10:11 --> 04:10:16 was in a TD Ameritrade account. They're real brokers. That's not That's not a
3011 04:10:16 --> 04:10:22 paper trading account that was real. But these videos, these examples, because
3012 04:10:22 --> 04:10:26 they were sped up. You're being entertained because it's me doing
3013 04:10:26 --> 04:10:29 execution. You're being entertained because there's a song in a lot of not
3014 04:10:29 --> 04:10:34 everybody, but a lot of people say, I like your song choices, and then you're
3015 04:10:34 --> 04:10:38 watching the duration of it. So what are you taking in? Your subconscious is
3016 04:10:38 --> 04:10:45 saying, when I take a trade, I'm going to have that fast run, and I no longer
3017 04:10:45 --> 04:10:48 want to do those type of videos, because the feedback I got, nobody was
3018 04:10:48 --> 04:10:53 complaining about that video or those videos. They were saying, please give us
3019 04:10:53 --> 04:10:58 more. But what I was getting back in the comment section or emails, they would
3020 04:10:58 --> 04:11:03 say, I've watched your videos, and I'm inspired by that, but when I get into a
3021 04:11:03 --> 04:11:07 trade, it's just I can't hold on to them, because I don't have the patience.
3022 04:11:07 --> 04:11:12 And I realized I'm probably a very large contributing factor to that, because of
3023 04:11:12 --> 04:11:18 the the the way I was giving that sped up example, I thought I was doing
3024 04:11:18 --> 04:11:22 something cool, and I still think it's cool, but through the lens of a new
3025 04:11:22 --> 04:11:26 student, for someone that's brand new, that's never really done it before, it
3026 04:11:26 --> 04:11:32 kind of like without not being the intended purpose, it has an effect on
3027 04:11:32 --> 04:11:36 them by framing an expectation in terms of the duration, of how these traits can
3028 04:11:36 --> 04:11:40 pan out. It makes it feel like they're going to be very fast. And if you
3029 04:11:40 --> 04:11:45 realize that a lot of those videos were longer than 40 minutes in duration,
3030 04:11:46 --> 04:11:52 they're not all smart money concepts delivered in five minutes. It's you're
3031 04:11:52 --> 04:11:56 trading an hour's range. Okay? And here's a nudge, nudge, hint, hint for
3032 04:11:56 --> 04:12:00 you. But the point is, these moves, these runs, because I've sped them up
3033 04:12:00 --> 04:12:04 for the purpose of fitting into the bandwidth and time constraints that
3034 04:12:04 --> 04:12:10 Twitter placed on me and adding a song to it, I supercharged the allure around
3035 04:12:10 --> 04:12:15 it, and I showed the stuff working. But you're getting trained,
3036 04:12:16 --> 04:12:21 you know, indirectly, but not by design, to anticipate the trades, painting out
3037 04:12:21 --> 04:12:27 just like that, in speed for you, based on time. And it was something that no
3038 04:12:27 --> 04:12:32 one complained about, but I have come to the conclusion that that is the large
3039 04:12:32 --> 04:12:37 contributing factor. Because what else would it be? What else would it be?
3040 04:12:38 --> 04:12:43 Because, if you're seeing the trade examples, and 95% of them were always
3041 04:12:43 --> 04:12:49 sped up and shown on Twitter. It was a main it was a it was a way for me to
3042 04:12:49 --> 04:12:53 inspire you to say this stuff works. This is what it looks like. Go through
3043 04:12:53 --> 04:12:57 your charts and find the same information. But mostly it was just
3044 04:12:57 --> 04:13:00 people watching it for entertainment value and saying, I'm inspired. I'm
3045 04:13:00 --> 04:13:05 gonna go out and try to trade like that, and then they're uncomfortable because
3046 04:13:05 --> 04:13:08 now they're in it. It's been 30 seconds. It's been two minutes and 50 seconds.
3047 04:13:09 --> 04:13:13 It's twice as long as the time limit that they are used to watching my trades
3048 04:13:13 --> 04:13:20 pan out because they've been sped up just to make it fit the time window that
3049 04:13:20 --> 04:13:23 Twitter videos, because of my membership, or whatever the limitations
3050 04:13:23 --> 04:13:26 were, it used to be just that was the limit. You couldn't go beyond, like one
3051 04:13:26 --> 04:13:30 minute 20 seconds. So my event, my videos would always be like one minute
3052 04:13:30 --> 04:13:33 19 seconds or whatever. And sometimes they would reject the video and have to
3053 04:13:33 --> 04:13:37 compress it again to just get below that. Their their little limit they
3054 04:13:37 --> 04:13:40 would have on me. And my understanding is, I think you can make a longer video
3055 04:13:40 --> 04:13:44 now, but I don't give a shit. I'm not making those videos anymore. So I've
3056 04:13:44 --> 04:13:48 learned a lot as a mentor like I've taken things that were directly given to
3057 04:13:48 --> 04:13:54 me as feedback. I've looked at things that I've felt like I was doing a good
3058 04:13:54 --> 04:13:58 thing, and other people didn't realize it. And I'm saying it now, maybe some of
3059 04:13:58 --> 04:14:00 you might think to yourself, yeah, it makes sense. It probably was a
3060 04:14:00 --> 04:14:04 contributing factor. And now I got to stop thinking about that. The trade has
3061 04:14:04 --> 04:14:08 to pan out fast, and I have to submit the time, which was the very first thing
3062 04:14:08 --> 04:14:11 I taught when I was on baby pips, just relax. You got to submit the process,
3063 04:14:11 --> 04:14:15 submit to the time. It's going to take you much longer, and your trade doesn't
3064 04:14:15 --> 04:14:20 have to go fast to your target. It's fun when it does it's absolutely fun when it
3065 04:14:20 --> 04:14:25 does that, but it doesn't have to do that. Doesn't have to do those things to
3066 04:14:25 --> 04:14:32 be profitable. So anyway, I've said a lot of stuff today. I'm hungry. It's
3067 04:14:32 --> 04:14:36 almost two o'clock. I've given you a whole lot of information, and I'll
3068 04:14:36 --> 04:14:43 probably talk to you through your your mundane workday. I probably kept you up
3069 04:14:43 --> 04:14:47 in in other countries, thinking, I must see what this. Stop talking. I'm afraid
3070 04:14:47 --> 04:14:52 I'm gonna miss something. You're not gonna miss anything. Okay, it's all
3071 04:14:52 --> 04:14:59 going to be in in the replay. But I've had fun today. I'm hungry. I'm going to
3072 04:14:59 --> 04:15:02 close. This one, I'm going to wish you all very pleasant day, evening,
3073 04:15:02 --> 04:15:06 whatever, and Lord willing, until I'll talk to you tomorrow. Hopefully, I'm
3074 04:15:06 --> 04:15:10 going to try to, I'm going to try to start the stream early, but it'll, it'll
3075 04:15:10 --> 04:15:15 sit there with my mug looking at you, just to make sure that I got everything
3076 04:15:15 --> 04:15:21 going on that way. It hopefully at 915 it'll, it'll go off without any hitch.
3077 04:15:21 --> 04:15:25 But today was a very technically challenging day for me. It wouldn't
3078 04:15:25 --> 04:15:29 comply. It wouldn't work with me. So I took me out of my my train of thought,
3079 04:15:29 --> 04:15:33 but I think I salvaded Good one today. I gave you a lot of information. I covered
3080 04:15:33 --> 04:15:38 the turtle soup stuff I wanted to talk about, and everything else is there. I'm
3081 04:15:38 --> 04:15:42 going to try. I can't promise it, it's going to be successful, because, you
3082 04:15:42 --> 04:15:46 know, I tend to go on a rant, and every time I say we're going to close it, we
3083 04:15:46 --> 04:15:50 go another hour. Keep going ITP, you said four o'clock. We're here for it,
3084 04:15:50 --> 04:15:59 baby. But the the the live streams as I go through and progress on different
3085 04:15:59 --> 04:16:05 subject matter, I'm going to try to be mindful of transitions from one subject
3086 04:16:05 --> 04:16:12 matter to the next. I know these are very, very long catalogs of information.
3087 04:16:12 --> 04:16:17 So what I'm entertaining the idea of, I'm not promising I'm going to do this.
3088 04:16:17 --> 04:16:22 I'm entertaining the idea that might, that means I might try to do it going
3089 04:16:22 --> 04:16:27 forward when I talk about specific elements of the discussion, like, for
3090 04:16:27 --> 04:16:31 instance, when we were talking about the turtle soup aspect, okay, you know,
3091 04:16:31 --> 04:16:34 yesterday, I was going to talk about that as a subject matter today, but I
3092 04:16:34 --> 04:16:37 didn't go right into that subject matter because we were watching live price
3093 04:16:37 --> 04:16:41 action. I was giving you counseling over what to expect, but not to expect.
3094 04:16:41 --> 04:16:44 Telling my son, this is what you're looking for. This is what's good. This
3095 04:16:44 --> 04:16:48 is what's not good. All those things being germane to the discussion and why
3096 04:16:48 --> 04:16:54 I'm even doing the live streams. But I want to, kind of like write down the
3097 04:16:54 --> 04:16:59 time when I transition from one subject to the to the next, and then I will give
3098 04:16:59 --> 04:17:04 you in a comment underneath the live stream, or maybe in the description.
3099 04:17:04 --> 04:17:09 I'll give you a breakdown of, you know, what I'm covering in there. If you are
3100 04:17:09 --> 04:17:15 one of my students that have the always done this with my videos, I have some
3101 04:17:15 --> 04:17:19 students that literally will give you the minute marker of every fucking video
3102 04:17:19 --> 04:17:23 I've ever made and what I was talking about like they're, they're amazing at
3103 04:17:23 --> 04:17:27 it. They catalog and index things so well, but they were doing it for
3104 04:17:27 --> 04:17:33 themselves. And sometimes I would, I would promote those, those comments in,
3105 04:17:33 --> 04:17:37 in the in the videos, so that way people can say, Okay, well, he they're doing it
3106 04:17:37 --> 04:17:41 for themselves, but I'm going to borrow that so that way everybody can see this
3107 04:17:41 --> 04:17:44 is where I'm talking about that. That was actually a cool thing. I didn't
3108 04:17:44 --> 04:17:48 really go through and verify all that stuff. So what I'm going to do is ask
3109 04:17:48 --> 04:17:51 you all as the community, not that all of you need to do it. Okay? It's not a
3110 04:17:51 --> 04:17:54 homework assignment, because there's a lot of things going on the world, and
3111 04:17:54 --> 04:17:57 there's enough for you to go through with the content. But for people that
3112 04:17:57 --> 04:18:00 just do this anyway, and you write down and you log where I talk about certain
3113 04:18:00 --> 04:18:05 things in these long videos and these long, long live streams, if you're
3114 04:18:05 --> 04:18:09 willing to, you can leave that type of information. Just leave the title and
3115 04:18:09 --> 04:18:14 the date of the live stream, just comment and reply to whatever the most
3116 04:18:14 --> 04:18:20 recent community post is. Because when I look at the posts, I just go through all
3117 04:18:20 --> 04:18:24 the video posts that say for review. All my comments generally are for review, so
3118 04:18:24 --> 04:18:30 I can go through and see what people are saying. And if I, if I get a if I get at
3119 04:18:30 --> 04:18:32 least two or three of you saying that, this is generally where I'm changing
3120 04:18:32 --> 04:18:35 gears. And I'm talking about, this is where he starts talking about turtle
3121 04:18:35 --> 04:18:38 suit, and this is where he's talking about entry strategies. This is where he
3122 04:18:38 --> 04:18:42 talks about stop loss placement and how to use smaller stop losses. I cover
3123 04:18:42 --> 04:18:47 those things today. Okay? And I know that there are people that are trying to
3124 04:18:47 --> 04:18:51 spoon feed the people that don't want to sit and listen to the entire thing. So
3125 04:18:51 --> 04:18:55 I'm going to strangle them, okay? Because they're trying to make YouTube
3126 04:18:55 --> 04:19:01 channels of splicing right to the nuggets. Okay? I'm going to cancel that
3127 04:19:01 --> 04:19:06 whole necessity for that by putting timestamps in these long winded
3128 04:19:06 --> 04:19:11 presentations. So that way you can go in by index and say, Okay, this is the
3129 04:19:11 --> 04:19:14 video. He talks about, this, this, this, this, and I can click on it. I'm not
3130 04:19:14 --> 04:19:17 saying I'm going to go through the business of going in and doing the
3131 04:19:17 --> 04:19:22 hyperlinks right to that, that minute marker, but I would appreciate it if
3132 04:19:23 --> 04:19:26 some of you want to help in this regard, it doesn't mean I'm going to make your
3133 04:19:26 --> 04:19:31 comment visible. It just means that, you know, if you're already doing it, don't
3134 04:19:31 --> 04:19:34 start doing it. If you don't want to do it, okay. But if you're already doing
3135 04:19:34 --> 04:19:38 it, if you want to make that available to me in the comment section, it would
3136 04:19:38 --> 04:19:43 be a personal matter of me appreciating that and saying thank you for your your
3137 04:19:43 --> 04:19:47 assistance with it. But going forward, I intend to do that, but for the ones that
3138 04:19:47 --> 04:19:50 we've already done, it's been six. This is the sixth live stream. I think, yeah,
3139 04:19:50 --> 04:19:55 sixth 1/6, one. So the sixth, the fifth, fourth, third and two, first one.
3140 04:19:56 --> 04:20:00 Whenever I'm changing subject matter or I'm amplifying something, and then. And
3141 04:20:00 --> 04:20:04 return back to something that was being discussed earlier, I would be beneficial
3142 04:20:04 --> 04:20:08 to other people, because I get a lot of questions, and they think I have a index
3143 04:20:08 --> 04:20:12 of what video, what time in the video. I don't do that shit, but I can see a use
3144 04:20:12 --> 04:20:17 for it, because I am very long winded, because I'm giving a clinic, like I'm
3145 04:20:17 --> 04:20:21 literally writing books audibly, like I'm doing an audio fucking book every
3146 04:20:21 --> 04:20:26 day with you all. I'm literally giving that much information. And you think
3147 04:20:26 --> 04:20:29 it's just a small amount of information. You could cut this down to five minutes.
3148 04:20:29 --> 04:20:34 The fuck I can. Okay, you can't. You cannot do today's lecture in a small
3149 04:20:34 --> 04:20:38 little span of time, because there's so many things that are contributing
3150 04:20:38 --> 04:20:43 elements to it. And yeah, I have a lot of fluff and talking in it, but you
3151 04:20:43 --> 04:20:46 still can't reduce it down to a very small video. There has to be other
3152 04:20:46 --> 04:20:49 things, and you're going to need other videos and lectures where I've done
3153 04:20:49 --> 04:20:55 other discussions to amplify and further explain what you don't fully understand
3154 04:20:55 --> 04:20:59 just because I talked about it or mentioned it briefly here, like the
3155 04:20:59 --> 04:21:02 breaker, if you've never seen the breaker before, what the hell's a
3156 04:21:02 --> 04:21:06 breaker? Where is the breaker's entry mechanism? What validates it as a
3157 04:21:06 --> 04:21:09 breaker? These are all questions you probably if you've never heard it,
3158 04:21:09 --> 04:21:12 you're like, Okay, what is a breaker? Where can I find information on a
3159 04:21:12 --> 04:21:15 breaker? How do you trade a breaker? You know what validates a breaker? What
3160 04:21:15 --> 04:21:20 invalidates a breaker? So I know the questions you're going to come up with,
3161 04:21:21 --> 04:21:26 but they're already answered in other videos that you should have already
3162 04:21:26 --> 04:21:29 watched before watching this one. But you can't be that way if you just
3163 04:21:29 --> 04:21:32 discover the channel. So you got to take it in bite sized pieces and just know
3164 04:21:32 --> 04:21:38 that they're in the mentorship videos, the 2016 and 2017 playlists on this
3165 04:21:38 --> 04:21:43 YouTube channel. Go through them, okay, and that's it. I'm going to get off
3166 04:21:43 --> 04:21:47 here. I wish you all very pleasant day. I had fun. Hope you learned something.
3167 04:21:47 --> 04:21:50 If you did, if you liked it, enjoy it. Give me a thumbs up. That's our currency
3168 04:21:50 --> 04:21:55 here. There's no There's no PayPal links required, and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
3169 04:21:55 --> 04:21:56 Lord willing. Till then, be safe. You.