ICT YT - 2020-12-30 - ICT On Bitcoin Over 29k - Lets Talk About It.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-11 14:55

00:00:30,360 --> 00:00:42,630 ICT: Welcome back, folks, it's been a little bit of time since the last time we spoke, I want to kind of close this year out with Bitcoin. As some of you know,
00:00:42,630 --> 00:00:52,680 I'm no longer on Twitter, you probably seen videos where I've shown invitations to follow me on Twitter, I don't have a Twitter account anymore. I don't have
00:00:52,680 --> 00:01:07,200 Instagram anymore. The only thing I have is YouTube. But for those individuals that were following me, and I had just about 39,000 or so followers on my
00:01:07,200 --> 00:01:23,340 Twitter account, and I was commenting various times throughout the year on Bitcoin and crypto and such, and everyone knows what the entire world has been
00:01:23,340 --> 00:01:39,360 dealing with, since the beginning of the year, or there abouts in March timeframe. The the idea of crypto or Bitcoin, specifically, I mentioned that
00:01:40,440 --> 00:01:50,190 everyone that was following me that if Bitcoin or crypto was going to be what everyone had hoped it would be, now's the time for it to shine and show its
00:01:50,190 --> 00:02:05,760 colors. And that occurred right on schedule. So now there's been some commentary on my part, that I have been very adversarial. and kept at a distance when it
00:02:05,760 --> 00:02:20,970 comes to crypto. The fact that it has traded, as it has here and offered levels of price runs that I like to see. I mean, this is, in my opinion, this is
00:02:20,970 --> 00:02:36,990 phenomenal trading. This is a market that if it can maintain things like this is very exciting for 2021. Now, it's important for some of you that are new that
10 00:02:37,230 --> 00:02:50,010 listen to me say what I'm about to say and say okay, well, there's no real way of me backing up or verifying what Michael says here. And I'll just leave it up
11 00:02:50,010 --> 00:03:00,240 to you to decide whether or not it's something I really said or didn't say. But it's important that you use the community tab on my YouTube channel because it
12 00:03:00,240 --> 00:03:12,090 has replaced my Twitter account. So I don't want to be on Twitter, Twitter actually censored me a couple times and froze my account for talking about
13 00:03:12,090 --> 00:03:25,890 something that had nothing to do with anything that should have warranted that type of response by them. So I saw move my entire show here to my YouTube
14 00:03:25,890 --> 00:03:41,640 channel. So if you go to YouTube channel, and you click on the community tab here, it'll give you posts. Now, I don't allow comments because I don't have any
15 00:03:41,640 --> 00:03:51,510 interest in anyone else's opinions. And it may sound myopic to some. But I already know I'm going to be polarizing. And I'm not offering a stage for people
16 00:03:51,510 --> 00:04:08,940 to advertise their self making the name for yourself, you know when you're in steam, but I have throughout this fall in the month of December really outlined
17 00:04:10,260 --> 00:04:26,700 this run here on Bitcoin. Now, my group that was following me on Twitter, back in July, knows that I was talking about it running from there. And then in my
18 00:04:26,700 --> 00:04:39,600 private group, mentorship, we talked a little bit about it periodically and again, I do not talk about crypto in mentorship. Okay, so I like to bring that
19 00:04:39,600 --> 00:04:50,100 up multiple times because I don't want anybody thinking I'm dangling a carrot here because I'm learning crypto. Okay, so it's important that you understand on
20 00:04:50,100 --> 00:05:05,430 transparency here. I don't have any immediate interest in trading it it just has now moved To a degree of more interest by me, okay, whereas before I really
21 00:05:05,430 --> 00:05:13,920 wasn't interested in at all, I'm interested in it now. So some of you may be laughing and saying, Oh, you missed the party, you missed the biggest bull
22 00:05:13,920 --> 00:05:26,580 market in the world, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, it's moved a lot of points. But in, there's big moves or mega trades every single year. And what you do with it, is
23 00:05:26,580 --> 00:05:28,710 the most important thing. And
24 00:05:29,790 --> 00:05:43,110 while this may be a stunning price rally, I was pretty much involved in calling most of it, okay, here. And there's a backdrop behind this that some of you are
25 00:05:43,650 --> 00:05:57,060 probably not up to speed with. And if you recall, back in 2018, I was really calling Bitcoin lower. And then ultimately, I said that, I felt that would go to
26 00:05:57,060 --> 00:06:07,200 100. And at the time, I said it, I meant it. And I kind of went over this on my community tab, but without rehashing that, just know that when I said that, I
27 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:19,980 meant it. And there was other supported reasons why I wanted to say it and publicly make it known. But I had no horse in the race. So it really is no skin
28 00:06:19,980 --> 00:06:28,530 off my back. And crypto has never really been my forte, I never claimed to know how it works. And to be quite honest with you, I don't even know how to open up
29 00:06:28,530 --> 00:06:37,710 an account to trade this asset class. So that's how little I know about it, I just look at the candles, and I share my opinion publicly, whenever I feel
30 00:06:37,740 --> 00:06:45,660 inspired to do so. And there's been a few times I've been wrong, but by far and large, you know, with the exception of me obviously being facetious and meaning
31 00:06:45,660 --> 00:06:59,970 it's still at the same time calling Bitcoin at 100. It's been pretty, pretty interesting to see my public calls have been good. But in full transparency, if
32 00:06:59,970 --> 00:07:14,430 I look at it, like I did, forex for over the number of years, I've been focusing primarily on it since 2006. That I've been trading markets since 1992, but
33 00:07:15,330 --> 00:07:26,910 focused primarily on forex in 2006. But I have not really had a vested interest in crypto, only because of my students, they have an interest of constantly
34 00:07:26,910 --> 00:07:35,460 pinging me for my opinion about what I think it's going to do. And as I mentioned, on Twitter, at the time, when I had an account, I said, if it ever
35 00:07:35,460 --> 00:07:46,230 does stage or run to 20,000, I will let you know. And I made this public knowledge. And I didn't hide it in some secret membership. I put I put it out
36 00:07:46,230 --> 00:07:58,050 there. And there it is. But I kind of want to talk a little bit about why I felt it was going to go up and trade where it's at now and tell you where I think it
37 00:07:58,050 --> 00:08:09,720 might go to. And also talk about why I don't think anybody really knows what's going to happen. So it's a little bit of a sobering message to this. But also
38 00:08:09,720 --> 00:08:22,320 just sharing what I think I see here in the chart, it's important to understand before I go into it, that I do not have an account trading crypto, I do not have
39 00:08:22,320 --> 00:08:31,470 any interest in pumping it or inspiring it to go lower. Okay, so I have an indifference here, it doesn't make a difference to me if it goes higher, or if
40 00:08:31,470 --> 00:08:42,930 it goes lower. I'm just commenting on his objectively as I possibly can. And sharing that view or opinion with you here. It's not meant to be in in vestment
41 00:08:42,930 --> 00:08:52,440 advice. It's not meant to inspire you to buy it or go short. It's just that I've been asked multiple times because we had this big price around here. And some of
42 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:55,950 my students that are following me from afar
43 00:08:57,060 --> 00:08:57,570 have
44 00:08:57,660 --> 00:09:05,010 seen this move and have not been aware of the community tab on my YouTube channel. So everything's there, it's dated, you can see the comments I've had
45 00:09:05,010 --> 00:09:21,570 about it. So let's talk a little bit about what I saw this year. And what led to this price run. I said back in the beginning here we had this I'm not going to
46 00:09:21,570 --> 00:09:31,290 say the word because it's gonna like my video and I don't want to have any issues with that. But you all know what this is referring to. And the market
47 00:09:31,290 --> 00:09:45,960 tanked like everything else here. But at the time. This is when if crypto was going to be the the great alternative to Fiat, then this should be a time at
48 00:09:45,960 --> 00:10:01,200 which it will really start to show its true colors. If that's in fact what it is. Now, do I believe that Bitcoin will be the benchmark forever In crypto, if
49 00:10:01,650 --> 00:10:12,420 we're to assume that it eventually does replace Fiat, I'm not here to say it will. I'm just making the argument here that if Fiat is completely done away
50 00:10:12,420 --> 00:10:27,090 with and everything goes to a digital currency, I do not believe that Bitcoin will be the standard. Okay, I think it will be replaced by something else. And
51 00:10:27,090 --> 00:10:37,680 I'm not a student enough to know what that is. Okay, so I'm kind of like, being as honest as I possibly can. I just believe in my heart that this is just the
52 00:10:37,680 --> 00:10:49,140 beginning of something. Okay. And they may adopt something else entirely, but still be crypto. And there it is. But whatever that thing is, that replaces
53 00:10:49,140 --> 00:11:03,600 Bitcoin will do what you see here in Bitcoin faster than what we saw here. So I think it was in 2012. If I'm not mistaken, I think it's about when I was being
54 00:11:03,600 --> 00:11:14,070 asked, I had a interview with a group of traders that were really, really interested in Bitcoin back then. And it was trading under 1000 is like a couple
55 00:11:14,070 --> 00:11:26,340 $100 for a Bitcoin. And I didn't have any interest back then either. And I said, you know, I'm not interested in I'll have to see what it does. And the idea of
56 00:11:26,670 --> 00:11:41,040 this asset class, replacing Fiat has been argued for law since the inception of, you know, the crypto markets, I think that there will be a another coin or
57 00:11:41,040 --> 00:11:56,220 something to that effect, that will become more favored than this one. Will it mean that this goes away entirely? I don't know. Does it mean that there won't
58 00:11:56,220 --> 00:12:08,100 be other currencies? Like we have different countries, then they have their own individual currency? Will they have their own individual cryptocurrency? I kind
59 00:12:08,100 --> 00:12:17,640 of think that's what's happening initially. Before all Fiat goes away, I think every country is eventually going to want to do that. There's been obviously
60 00:12:17,640 --> 00:12:26,520 talks about the digital dollar. I'm not afraid of that. I don't think there's any real concern. And ultimately, if I'm wrong and say, Fiat just completely
61 00:12:26,520 --> 00:12:39,420 disappears overnight. Because 2020 has been relentless with doing plot twists throughout the year. The the idea of Fiat gone away immediately, and maybe that
62 00:12:39,420 --> 00:12:52,680 impacts forex. The big question is, you know, is it over for forex? No, I don't believe that's the case. I think if Fiats done away with, then we'll still apply
63 00:12:52,680 --> 00:13:03,990 the same things, which we do with forex, and comparing the contrast and looking for leaders and laggards in terms of relative strength and which currency has
64 00:13:03,990 --> 00:13:11,370 the most interest. And I think this the effects of interest rates, and differentials will still have an impact there, it just won't be done in the
65 00:13:11,370 --> 00:13:20,160 capacity of a fiat currency, it will be done in crypto. Now, that's my assumptions. And I may absolutely be incorrect. And maybe there's a lot of you
66 00:13:20,160 --> 00:13:27,210 out there that know more about this than I do. And you're shaking your head saying this guy's a noob. He has no idea. I've already admitted. Every time I
67 00:13:27,210 --> 00:13:38,490 talk about this, this asset class, I preface it by saying that, because I don't want to sound like and I hope you can see the difference here. Okay. I am
68 00:13:38,970 --> 00:13:45,750 admittedly uncomfortable talking about this crypto space, okay.
69 00:13:47,610 --> 00:13:56,010 That's why it sounds like arrogance, when I'm talking about forex or futures. Because I'm comfortable there. And I know what I'm talking about. Here, I'm just
70 00:13:56,010 --> 00:14:08,700 sharing my feelings, my opinions, my thoughts, my concerns about it, and admitting that there's absolutely no harm to me if I'm wrong or right, because
71 00:14:08,700 --> 00:14:22,200 I'm not invested in it at all. But I'm fascinated to see the things I'm going to cover here still showing its hand in the delivery of price here. But I want you
72 00:14:22,200 --> 00:14:32,400 to also remember that there's absolutely no one out there, no one out there knows where bitcoins ultimately going to go. We are clearly in all time highs in
73 00:14:32,430 --> 00:14:44,220 any market that trades at an all time high. There's absolutely no way to determine with any great accuracy, or a surety that you know where it's going to
74 00:14:44,220 --> 00:14:55,980 go to. So what I'm going to show you what I believe led to me calling the levels that I called shared with my students and also I shared some levels with the
75 00:14:56,010 --> 00:15:04,980 YouTube community tab. I'm going to go over some of that tell you why I believed it was going to happen. And then you can see whether there was any validity to
76 00:15:04,980 --> 00:15:15,900 it. I promise you, there is no secret sauce stuff that I'm not sharing here. Because I don't have anything that I want to plug in to crypto at this moment.
77 00:15:16,260 --> 00:15:26,730 And I don't have any confidence in it. So I just look at pure price delivery, and order block theory. And it's all I'm looking at here. So with that, just
78 00:15:26,730 --> 00:15:39,360 know that this was the precursor to seeing all this price run up, it was maximum pessimism, and fear, which is where something that is underlying Lee strong. And
79 00:15:39,360 --> 00:15:51,210 this is something if you're taking notes you should be be the idea of a market that is predisposed to go up. Okay, a market is primarily bullish, if there's
80 00:15:51,240 --> 00:16:04,800 ever a sharp decline, okay, or a rapid run to lower prices. Many times if you're zoomed in really tight, and you're only looking at about two weeks worth of
81 00:16:04,830 --> 00:16:18,330 data, this is going to look horrific. But when you zoom out a little bit, it gives you a better, I guess, perspective on how much of an impact that really
82 00:16:18,330 --> 00:16:27,390 had. But at the time watching it and all the uncertainty that was coming out around March of the year, everybody was taking guesses about what was going on.
83 00:16:27,390 --> 00:16:40,320 And nobody really wanted to be a participant of any any market. That maximum fear in a market that is predisposed to go up. Its underlying Lee bullish if
84 00:16:40,320 --> 00:16:54,660 it's really just primed to go higher. Any market like that, in those instances, offer these types of climax reversals, okay, where it just looks like it's going
85 00:16:54,660 --> 00:17:10,170 down forever go down. But it turns on a dime and starts to go the other way. In July, I felt that we had that effect here, we had a reversal of sorts. And if it
86 00:17:10,170 --> 00:17:23,700 was going to go higher if crypto was going to be the, the answer to Fiat, the market should start pricing higher. And it was consolidate for a little bit, we
87 00:17:23,700 --> 00:17:30,990 had this little bit of a run here. We came back down rebalanced, and ran out some relative equal lows in here, you can look at this on your own charts, I
88 00:17:30,990 --> 00:17:41,640 just want to get through this because already kind of too long, but an optimal trade entry here and running on the sell side liquidity there. And you can see
89 00:17:41,640 --> 00:17:51,870 some old support resistance ideas if you'd like that kind of thing, but I don't. But we had a run here. And then we had price drop back down into another optimal
90 00:17:51,870 --> 00:18:04,380 trade entry there. And I want to kind of zoom in on that. Alright, so we have this run and decline these two down close candles as your order block.
91 00:18:12,690 --> 00:18:24,210 case, you can see how market ran up and broke down. The 20,000 is where everybody was looking forward to go to and 2017. I said that we were going to go
92 00:18:24,210 --> 00:18:34,830 from 6500 to 10. And then from 10 to 20. This is all during my time on Twitter. There's a lot of people that screen capture all this stuff. Do I have access to
93 00:18:34,830 --> 00:18:45,540 it now? No, I don't care. Okay, but there was many of you out there that No, I said this. And then I also said, this is a story guy real briefly. My wife asked
94 00:18:45,540 --> 00:18:56,010 me the day before Bitcoin made a tie. She asked me, have you bought any Bitcoin? And I said, What did you just say to me? And my wife was sitting next to me on
95 00:18:56,010 --> 00:19:06,390 the couch and she says, Did you buy bitcoin? It's going up. And I said, Hold that thought right there. And I really went to Twitter and said, Okay, my, my
96 00:19:06,390 --> 00:19:13,590 original idea was, Bitcoin was going to go to 20,000. But I'm telling you right now, it's not going to go to 20,000. And here's the reasons why my wife said I
97 00:19:13,590 --> 00:19:21,180 should be buying Bitcoin. Now, this is not ladies, please don't be mad. And I'm not making fun of my wife, I love my wife.
98 00:19:21,749 --> 00:19:22,379 But
99 00:19:22,650 --> 00:19:34,470 if my wife is telling me to be buying Bitcoin, she's the last person that would know, to be buying Bitcoin. So if she's telling me it's a good buy, that means
100 00:19:34,500 --> 00:19:41,880 everybody thinks the same thing. So therefore it's not going to 20,000 so that's the reason why I went on the Twitter immediately and said, okay, it's not going
101 00:19:41,880 --> 00:19:50,910 to 20,000 and I looked at the chart, and I said it's going to go basically just 6000 and everybody laughed me off the internet. It is what it is. It went down
102 00:19:50,910 --> 00:20:00,780 to 6000 that I called 3000 and went down to like 34 something ish. Yeah, I don't know exactly what it was, but then go to 3000 I was wrong. There. And at that
103 00:20:00,780 --> 00:20:08,970 point, I really didn't know what it was going to do. And everybody was hammering me because I called the top in Bitcoin and I called the slide to 6000. I called
104 00:20:09,330 --> 00:20:18,540 the slide almost to 3000. And everybody was waiting for that 3000 still, and I said, You know what, I don't know what's going to happen. But I can't handle
105 00:20:18,540 --> 00:20:30,810 everybody coming at me with crypto because I'm a forex guy, okay? I'm a futures guy. I'm a limited market type person, I have obsessive compulsive disorder. And
106 00:20:30,840 --> 00:20:41,040 it's very easy for me to be distracted. So I did what I did, I said, Here's is, I think, ultimately bitcoins gonna crash and go to 100. And I put it out there.
107 00:20:41,640 --> 00:20:52,560 And it obviously turned a lot of people off made enemies. Have some of my followers with me, oh, you're, you're, you're a Fudd, or whatever that is, you
108 00:20:52,560 --> 00:21:04,440 guys talk about it. Now, what's the negative side of it. So it worked, though, hey, got everybody off my back about crypto. And it allowed me to focus on the
109 00:21:04,440 --> 00:21:18,870 markets that I focus on. So that's why this is labeled as the milestone because it never really got to 20,000. So 20,000 was that benchmark it needed to reach
110 00:21:18,870 --> 00:21:33,990 to and through. And we just got to very close on the first of December off of this optimal trade entry here, and then it consolidated and drop down. This in
111 00:21:33,990 --> 00:21:45,240 itself is an optimal trade entry. But before I go into this one, I'm going to show you the structure on this, that leads to some of the targets. So the low
112 00:21:45,240 --> 00:21:58,530 here to this high. Okay, now I'm using the wicks in the tails. Now, most of the time, you see me doing exercises, where I'll draw the fib and the bodies of the
113 00:21:58,530 --> 00:22:07,200 candles, because it's the bulk of the volume. If I'm looking for targets, and I really want to consider the entire range that could be available. I'm going to
114 00:22:07,200 --> 00:22:19,110 use this the lowest tail and the highest wick. Why am I doing it here and not using the bodies, because we're trading or expected to trade to all time highs.
115 00:22:19,680 --> 00:22:30,000 So I want to incorporate the maximum amount of range that could be available to me, if I'm going to be utilizing the fib for target selection. Now, by itself.
116 00:22:30,540 --> 00:22:40,920 The fib at this point, is the only thing I can lean on for targeting. And this is the reason why I said in the beginning video, nobody has any idea where
117 00:22:40,920 --> 00:22:48,990 Bitcoin is going to go. Okay, I like to think that it's going to go to 30,000. Because it just, it's a nice round number. It's a reward for everybody that's
118 00:22:48,990 --> 00:23:00,360 held on this long, it'll really get everybody interested in it. Everybody wanted to see it get to 20. But how does it trade above 20. And I said, if it does go
119 00:23:00,360 --> 00:23:12,480 above 20, he needs to do what we see here. Just run, run, run, go go go. Okay. My concern is, this is one of the things I'm wondering if it's gonna happen or
120 00:23:12,480 --> 00:23:24,150 not. If I was trading it, if I was in this, if I had money in this market, which I do not trade crypto, I don't have live money in this asset class, I would want
121 00:23:24,150 --> 00:23:37,230 to see it trade to 30. If it got the 30, I would probably download about 85% of whatever I held. And then wait and see what happens with a stop below here.
122 00:23:39,120 --> 00:23:48,630 On the community tab, I gave you some levels. And I said, You know, I don't know what it's going to do. But I feel that as long as we stayed above 17 eight,
123 00:23:49,260 --> 00:24:02,610 which would be essentially, here's the low here at 117 569. I don't think that needed to go back up below rather 17 eight, which would be potentially running
124 00:24:02,610 --> 00:24:13,470 below this low. If it did that, then that's for me problematic that would be breaking down in market structure, whereas everything here has been bullish. So
125 00:24:13,470 --> 00:24:20,190 some of the targets I was looking at was from this low to this high. And it trades back down into optimal trade entry, which is what I teach on this
126 00:24:20,190 --> 00:24:35,190 channel. It's kind of like the flagship pattern. And then we have multiple levels that are hit here. 28 927 level 27 and 3925 was no problem whatsoever.
127 00:24:35,610 --> 00:24:51,510 But I like these up here and targeting the 30,000 that to my concerns, will 30,000 act like 20 did in 2017 and just fall short of it and create a issue
128 00:24:51,510 --> 00:25:00,870 where we have to come back down below 20,000. I think ultimately if it were to do that, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's not What you probably want to
129 00:25:00,870 --> 00:25:09,390 hear, especially if you're long, or if you've been buying in here or up here, if you're buying up there, I would be nervous, I wouldn't chase it like that. Just,
130 00:25:09,720 --> 00:25:24,690 that's just me, I wouldn't do it. But if it were to fail to get to 30, and trade back down below 20, I would like to see it, pick up some buying it this area
131 00:25:24,690 --> 00:25:35,730 right in here. Okay, so it can go back below 20 a little bit, but I don't think it needs to come back down below here. I think everybody stop is here. So if it
132 00:25:35,730 --> 00:25:44,970 did come back down, it could retest this old high, but I would like to see it go through it a little bit. And focus on this candle right there. Now, again,
133 00:25:45,390 --> 00:25:56,220 that's just an expectation, if it were to fail to get the 30. I personally think they're going to push it to 30 before we turn to 2021. And I wouldn't be
134 00:25:56,220 --> 00:26:11,610 surprised if they really ram it up there through 30, you buy five or 6000 more points beyond that. So like 35 36,000, I think 38. And let's see if we have a
135 00:26:11,610 --> 00:26:20,490 level here. Now we don't have it on this one. But you'll see it most likely on here. The next optimal trade entry is this. And whenever you're trading at all
136 00:26:20,490 --> 00:26:32,820 time highs, this is kind of like the the process, it just keeps becoming a guessing game. Because you don't know nobody knows what this markets going to
137 00:26:32,820 --> 00:26:40,860 do. They don't know where it's going to go. Obviously, some of you're shaking your head saying it's going 100,000 ICT, it's going to a million ICT, it's going
138 00:26:40,860 --> 00:26:51,330 to 50,000 ICT, everybody has their target, you know, and well, I could just call out levels and say, you know, this is what I think this is what I believe
139 00:26:52,290 --> 00:27:01,950 there's really nothing that I can say this is the reason why except for a fit here. And I don't trade with just a fit. It may look like that some when they
140 00:27:01,950 --> 00:27:12,810 watch me do things in my videos. But I promise you that fib is only giving me one small little piece. And that's where we're at with this. And regardless if
141 00:27:12,810 --> 00:27:26,340 you want to agree with my analysis here, or if my opinion, or my thoughts about it, you have nothing, zero, nothing except for hope, hope and expectation that
142 00:27:26,340 --> 00:27:34,710 it's going to go to your specific target. Just like I had hope and expectation, just to see if I was at a morbid curiosity, if I was going to be correct. If it
143 00:27:34,710 --> 00:27:44,550 ran up of 20,000. Before Christmas, it did. Did it trade to the levels I put on my community tab? Yes, it did. Is it skill? No, there wasn't no skill there, it
144 00:27:44,550 --> 00:27:55,950 was just me looking at how it could potentially expand up into those levels, and maybe even go way beyond that. But no one can really say with any absolute
145 00:27:56,880 --> 00:28:05,520 evidence to support their idea where it's going to go on evaluation, like you can't look over here on this axis of the chart and say, this is where bitcoins
146 00:28:05,520 --> 00:28:16,980 gonna go because of this, this, this and this. Whereas if we have traded to an old level before, it's easy to look at things and rationalize it with technicals
147 00:28:17,280 --> 00:28:28,290 to justify and present that argument. Whereas right now, everybody has their own opinion about this market and where they think it's going to go. And no one has
148 00:28:28,320 --> 00:28:39,030 any way to quantify that. You just can't do it. So let's take a look at the weekly chart and close this video because it's too long as it is.
149 00:28:40,140 --> 00:28:55,350 Alright, so let's go back out to a higher timeframe chart and we'll look at this leg here. So if we use the lowest low here, up to this right there. All right,
150 00:28:55,350 --> 00:29:05,670 I'm going to crunch this up a little bit. So from this low to this high retrace back down, yes, we overshot a little bit. But again, I already stated multiple
151 00:29:05,670 --> 00:29:18,000 times. I'm not just a fib guy, fibs are just a tool I like to use to provide more Confluence around the level that I would already be looking for anyway. And
152 00:29:18,000 --> 00:29:27,600 if a fib overlaps with it, then great if it doesn't, whatever. But I've looked at some of these levels here. And let's just say we get some crazy blow off move
153 00:29:27,630 --> 00:29:41,040 that goes above 30. There you go. That's the level I would look for if we get 30 and run through. And then after there, I don't know. I don't know. could you do
154 00:29:41,070 --> 00:29:52,260 this? Could you go back to something like this low here, and why am I picking this low? Because this is the most dynamic one out of all this price action. Now
155 00:29:52,260 --> 00:30:06,210 that I think about it, as I'm looking at this chart, I think it was one was it. I think it was 2014. Yeah, I mentioned early 2012 it was 2014. I think this
156 00:30:06,210 --> 00:30:20,160 fellows they were initially interviewing me asking me what my opinion was about Bitcoin. I may have that date wrong still, but I just for sake of discussion, I
157 00:30:20,160 --> 00:30:34,050 wish I could remember who it was. But anyway, I held the main I maintain the the opinion about crypto and Bitcoin, the same up until right now this at this
158 00:30:34,050 --> 00:30:43,860 moment here. So, am I saying I'm going to start trading Bitcoin? No, I'm saying I'm interested in I'm gonna start following it. And if it can continuously Give
159 00:30:43,860 --> 00:30:52,590 me what I'm looking for, and the things I see in forex, then I'll probably start trading. But right now, I have an official interest in it. But you can see here
160 00:30:52,590 --> 00:31:04,290 using this optimal trade entry here. These are some levels also that could lend well to upside, should we get some kind of crazy, explosive, wild run, like in
161 00:31:04,290 --> 00:31:16,650 the 1970s commodity markets. So I don't know. Okay, I want to kind of like end it with that I don't know where it's going to go. I personally just want to see
162 00:31:16,650 --> 00:31:28,080 it, trade 230. Okay, if it goes to 30,000, I'm content. And in my mind, the paper trade that I would have assumed in here, you would have gained to the
163 00:31:28,080 --> 00:31:36,270 degree that I would have liked to participate in. And then I would move myself to the sidelines, and then leave a small portion on the see if it can run into
164 00:31:36,270 --> 00:31:49,950 something like this, or kind of like do like, I think it's hodler rice is like hold on for dear life. Again, I'm showing my you know, neophyte stance and all
165 00:31:49,950 --> 00:31:59,160 this, but I'm being as honest as I possibly can, because there are very sincere people that have been with me for a number of years, they already understand I
166 00:31:59,160 --> 00:32:10,290 don't trade it, they already understand that I have a, a willingness to try to distance myself from it. But they have sincerely asked if I would make my views
167 00:32:10,290 --> 00:32:20,370 on it public. And this is what I got for right now. It may be nonsense that some of you may be absolutely a waste of your time. And for that, I apologize. But
168 00:32:20,430 --> 00:32:30,660 I'm making the video for those individuals that are interested in this, from my perspective. And I just hope it doesn't entice anyone to do something that would
169 00:32:30,690 --> 00:32:44,820 either remove potential profitability, or put them in a losing trade, I try to carry myself with that every time I talk about the markets as a whole. But I
170 00:32:44,820 --> 00:32:52,800 know everybody's excited about this one right now, because this is where all the money's pouring, like this is, that's why I talked about it publicly. Every time
171 00:32:52,800 --> 00:33:04,950 I do a public call, like that's kind of like, where it's at, like, I don't have a secret society, we're often doing calls or signals. If I put it out there,
172 00:33:05,370 --> 00:33:16,290 that's where I'm going to be weighed in the balance. And I leave it there. Any trade examples I share has always been a public display. So that way, you can
173 00:33:16,290 --> 00:33:25,530 see it, and either I sink or swim. This particular move in Bitcoin, I believe,
174 00:33:26,670 --> 00:33:39,060 is inspiring for me as a dinosaur. Like I said, I started trading 1982. So I'm not familiar with these specific markets, but I'm familiar with how price
175 00:33:39,060 --> 00:33:52,050 delivers. And most of the things that I have been anticipating have happened since basically, July, August of this year. So I'm seeing things that I like
176 00:33:52,050 --> 00:33:59,220 I've been telling everybody, if I start seeing it, then I'll have a better read on it. And then I'm feel more comfortable telling you what I think is going to
177 00:33:59,220 --> 00:34:09,330 happen. But prior to that, I wasn't seeing it. Now what do I mean by that? I think there's a lot more institutional involvement now than there ever has been
178 00:34:09,360 --> 00:34:17,310 ever. And PayPal, which I have a partnership with, because they do on my payment processing for my mentorship. They came out and said that they're going to now
179 00:34:17,310 --> 00:34:28,440 start taking Bitcoin. That's a huge, you know, milestone for crypto. So at some point, and this was one of the arguments I had when I was first introduced to
180 00:34:28,440 --> 00:34:41,550 the idea of my opinion being shared about the asset class. I couldn't go to and I still can't really I couldn't go to a gas station and buy gas with my Bitcoin.
181 00:34:42,090 --> 00:34:52,260 You know, that's starting to change now. I mean, there's places that are taking and there's apps that you can use it and obviously like PayPal is now but it
182 00:34:52,260 --> 00:35:09,690 seems like it's speeding up. So that transition, you know or movement to A more open access to it is obviously making itself known. But it admittedly, it wasn't
183 00:35:09,690 --> 00:35:26,610 like that prior to 2020, okay, and we'll just say, post pandemic, okay, I'm saying that with my fingers quotations post pandemic, it was not as obvious
184 00:35:26,610 --> 00:35:39,690 anytime prior to it is right now. And you can see, I can see things in price that I was not able to see prior to mid part of this year. And I believe it's
185 00:35:39,690 --> 00:35:50,340 because there's a lot of institutional sponsorship that are taking action. And clearly you can see it, there's a lot of movement in this market. So all this
186 00:35:50,340 --> 00:36:00,330 has done is drawn more interest in it. And obviously, now my interest is piqued on it. It doesn't mean I'm going out in 2021, and opened up an account as of yet
187 00:36:00,330 --> 00:36:10,440 I don't have that in my mind yet. But I will be looking at this market on a day by day basis going forward. I'm treating it like a market that I watch with
188 00:36:11,310 --> 00:36:24,360 forex. Okay, so I've watched the E mini s&p watch gold, watch crude oil. And I watch forex. Okay, and that's about one. And now watch some commodity markets
189 00:36:24,360 --> 00:36:35,040 like soybeans, I've been mentioning that. But I focus on markets that have big moves. Okay. And if you've been following me at any length of time, one of the
190 00:36:35,040 --> 00:36:45,930 things that I like to illustrate and show is my ability to use the tools that I teach not only in this YouTube channel, but in my private group, where it
191 00:36:45,930 --> 00:36:52,830 ferrets out these big moves. Now, there's a lot of people out there that have signal services, and you're trying to get people to subscribe to them and all
192 00:36:52,830 --> 00:36:59,820 that. And they say, you know, I'm bringing you the proof, I'm showing you the proof. I'm not showing you a fuzzy little screen, you can't see anything about
193 00:36:59,820 --> 00:37:10,590 it and claiming 95% I live 95%. Okay, I put my name out there all the time, this is what it is, this is what I think's going to happen. And if I fail, I fail
194 00:37:10,590 --> 00:37:22,170 miserably. Or if I'm consistent, then I'm consistent. So I want big moves. I'm not looking at for instance, like a move that may be found in a market like
195 00:37:22,170 --> 00:37:36,960 this. This used to be one of my favorite markets, the bond market. And, you know, this markets dead. This is Mario is dead. Now you contrast that with a
196 00:37:36,960 --> 00:37:52,080 market move that I made public here. And it's 10s of 1000s of points of movement. You can't compare that there's there's no there's no comparison. Also,
197 00:37:52,860 --> 00:38:04,440 the other market that I felt was a big move rate for this year. And I'm on record with it as well, is soybeans. And that kind of looks a little bit like
198 00:38:05,100 --> 00:38:07,950 Bitcoin doesn't it? Big run up.
199 00:38:09,540 --> 00:38:22,650 This market is basically what I like to talk about as a mega trade. mega trade is like an idea I picked up from Larry Williams Now, the way he finds his mega
200 00:38:22,650 --> 00:38:30,780 trades is not entirely how I do it. There's a lot of things that I do right from his how I made a million dollars trading commodities last year book, which is
201 00:38:30,780 --> 00:38:45,060 absolutely essential reading for everybody that's a trader, because that part of the book is still applicable today. Those elements to how the soybean market
202 00:38:45,060 --> 00:38:56,580 traded here. If you read Larry Williams book, how made a million dollar shrink money last year, that 1970s book would have put you right in this market here.
203 00:38:57,360 --> 00:39:03,660 And you wouldn't have had to watch any ICT videos. You wouldn't have to watch anybody else jawboning about the markets, you went there, subscribe to any
204 00:39:03,660 --> 00:39:17,520 services, his book would have put you in that trade. Okay. What is this trade look like? Well, from $8.40 to $9.40, that's $5,000 in price movement for one
205 00:39:17,520 --> 00:39:31,200 contract to 1040, it's 10,000 to 1140, it's 15,000 to 1240, it's 20,000. And we're probably gonna go to 1340. So that'll be 25,000. If we're comparing apples
206 00:39:31,200 --> 00:39:40,410 to oranges here, you know, Bitcoin versus soybeans. There's not a big move happening. And you can clearly admit this. There hasn't been these big moves
207 00:39:40,680 --> 00:39:52,890 every year in Bitcoin. But there's always a big move in the commodity market. Every year. There's one every single year. So this is a megatrade. Okay, that I
208 00:39:52,890 --> 00:40:03,690 like to find these types of moves. Most of my cynics like to think that I'm just a 20 PIP trader here, and I'm only interested This, that's where I Excel because
209 00:40:03,750 --> 00:40:12,390 I'm a very short term thinker. And I can change my opinion very quickly. So it fits my personality Plus, it provides a way of teaching. And it gives my
210 00:40:12,390 --> 00:40:20,790 students a plethora of examples to work with. Whereas if you look at something like this, where it takes a half a year to unfold, yes, I outline all this
211 00:40:20,790 --> 00:40:30,420 stuff. But it takes a long time. And it's very boring to watch this, if you're if you're not familiar with what you're looking for, or watching, you're going
212 00:40:30,420 --> 00:40:43,410 to lose interest in this whole thing. But it's the same element of knowing what price is likely to do, but not absolutely going to do. Okay, and having these
213 00:40:43,410 --> 00:40:54,900 big moves each year. That's my primary focus. And I go through all the markets and I try to find where these big moves potentially will occur in Bitcoin,
214 00:40:55,020 --> 00:41:04,710 because of everything that happened this year with the quote unquote, illness. That was one of the primary reasons why I said, Okay, if I take a step back and
215 00:41:04,710 --> 00:41:16,290 look at how everything around the world is kind of coming to a halt, the economies are basically being attacked. And if that's the case, then this market
216 00:41:16,710 --> 00:41:30,960 should start seeing a rapid increase. And it creates the well. It was quietly staying in consolidation, another area here where it's consolidated. And finally
217 00:41:30,960 --> 00:41:42,360 it was just like, they got to keep it going, and then rallied on higher. So in short, in in closing, I would like to see a trade to 30,000. Will it? I don't
218 00:41:42,360 --> 00:41:56,040 know. But I would not be surprised if it does not correct. And trade back down below 20 to make everybody feel uneasy about holding on to it. Like this was the
219 00:41:56,040 --> 00:42:10,650 blow off move. While this is exceptional price action, I don't think this is it. Like if Bitcoin was going to climax reverse on a run higher. I don't see this as
220 00:42:10,650 --> 00:42:23,250 capitulation yet. If that makes any sense to you, like I feel like this is just part of it. And then we'll see like this big huge, maybe one or two big long
221 00:42:23,250 --> 00:42:36,120 candles, maybe we'll have, you know, 5000 or 6000 point candle, then, you know, I would feel like okay, we're getting nuts. Now everybody's dogpiling in on
222 00:42:36,120 --> 00:42:44,220 this. If we see a day like that, or daily range, it does something like that, it doesn't necessarily have to be five or 6000 points, but something that's so
223 00:42:44,220 --> 00:42:52,980 grandiose compared to everything else in the past. It basically you'll know it when you see it, I think that's the day that you should be rapidly trailing your
224 00:42:52,980 --> 00:43:07,230 stop loss up using an hourly chart intraday, and kind of like locking in any realized unrealized, rather profits that had been accumulated at that point. But
225 00:43:07,230 --> 00:43:08,400 right now, it's kind of like
226 00:43:10,320 --> 00:43:25,200 Larry Williams said this beautifully in his four VHS tape. Of course, the futures manners confidential trading course, it's for cassette tapes, or VHS
227 00:43:25,230 --> 00:43:35,190 tapes, rather. And it was produced in 1995. And mine were watched so many times, they no longer worked, so I don't have access to them anymore. But nonetheless,
228 00:43:35,550 --> 00:43:44,670 he made a comment in there. And it's still I still think about all the time when I think about like mega moves, like these big mega trade type, big blow off
229 00:43:44,670 --> 00:43:55,200 moves. He mentioned it about commercial markets. And I'll leave that for your study. If you buy the book. How many million dollar trading commodities last
230 00:43:55,200 --> 00:44:03,780 year. It's just a wonderful book. It's a simple book. It's not highly technical. I don't subscribe to everything in there. But the things that he talks about
231 00:44:03,780 --> 00:44:14,760 having million dollar setups, they work folks. Okay, so if you're looking for a book to buy, okay, maybe you have you some money that you got your stocking from
232 00:44:14,760 --> 00:44:23,700 Santa, you spend a little bit of money support that guy, okay, because he's put out a lot of good stuff. I don't subscribe to everything. Okay, but that book is
233 00:44:23,700 --> 00:44:33,420 absolutely gold. And it was written in 1970s. And it's still true today. But he made a comment about these big commercial bull markets that take off and really
234 00:44:33,420 --> 00:44:45,000 run up crazy. Nobody knows where they're gonna go. Okay. And as I was talking to you in this video, I'm speaking and thinking about his voice in my head back in
235 00:44:45,000 --> 00:44:57,990 1995. When I heard him in his course, say those very words. Nobody knows where it's going to go when you have these big mega moves. And I have racked my brains
236 00:44:59,010 --> 00:45:09,000 from which 30 years Here's trying to solve that puzzle. And I'm here to tell you, I gave up on it because there really is no way, but you want to do this.
237 00:45:09,690 --> 00:45:19,560 And this is his words, you want to wrap your arms around it, close your eyes, and just hold on for dear life, day come hell or high water, and see where you
238 00:45:19,560 --> 00:45:29,220 end up six months later, because they can go so much farther than you want, or expect them to go. And I'm kinda like paraphrasing, but when I watched him say
239 00:45:29,220 --> 00:45:37,680 that the first time, I was grinning, because I'm thinking myself, man, that's amazing. Like, I want to be in moves like that. Well, I think Bitcoin has some
240 00:45:37,680 --> 00:45:49,410 of that still in it. So while this is great, I don't think this is the end of it. Okay, do we need to correct maybe, I would personally like to see it not do
241 00:45:49,410 --> 00:45:58,950 it, I would like to see it say, you know, we spent too much time below 20,000, we don't need to be down anymore. That's kind of like my view on it. If Bitcoin
242 00:45:58,980 --> 00:46:05,730 or crypto is exactly what everybody believes it is, it's going to be this juggernaut that no one's going to be able to stop. And I'm not trying to be
243 00:46:05,730 --> 00:46:14,340 facetious, I'm not trying to make fun. I'm not trying to be sarcastic here. I'm saying, if that's really what this is, then this market should say, I don't need
244 00:46:14,340 --> 00:46:27,030 to go back down the 20, I'm gonna flex and push myself to 50. That's the way I interpret it, does it need to go back down to 20? It could, but if it does, I
245 00:46:27,030 --> 00:46:35,310 don't think it breaks it, you know what I mean? Like, I think it needs to go back down here. And that would serve two purposes. Number one, it would upset
246 00:46:35,310 --> 00:46:42,330 anyone that has a child stoploss below this swing low. And if it goes below 20,000, it would upset those individuals that just want to see this old
247 00:46:42,330 --> 00:46:51,960 resistance, quote, unquote, be acting as support, I think it can come back down with a deeper and scare everybody out of the idea of Okay, maybe it's gonna
248 00:46:52,050 --> 00:47:06,930 crash, and then tear off higher again, and do what we saw here. Faster. Okay, that's what I would expect from this market. If it were to read, you know,
249 00:47:06,990 --> 00:47:20,670 retrace and come back down. If we lose this low here, then we're probably gonna keep whatever high forms between that high, you know, being there and retracing
250 00:47:20,670 --> 00:47:31,410 lower to this low here, then we'll have to work out some price action, speed bumps at that time, meaning that it consolidate, maybe trade a little bit lower,
251 00:47:31,950 --> 00:47:43,710 or, basically, hands off, don't touch it for a little while. And that is honestly, the only thing that I see in price. And it probably did not help any
252 00:47:43,710 --> 00:47:50,460 of you and probably confused some of you, or probably made you doubt some of the things you've already subscribed to. which is the reason why I hate doing these
253 00:47:50,460 --> 00:47:57,240 kind of videos. It's not because I'm afraid to be right or wrong, because I already give you what I think is gonna happen like in my community tab. But I
254 00:47:57,240 --> 00:48:08,250 like to think that if I can just inspire everyone in here to just remember, no one knows how far this thing can go up.
255 00:48:08,999 --> 00:48:19,019 I don't think there's a limit on where it could go. That could be justified in anyone's eyes, like you can't, so nobody can come on YouTube, or go on the TV
256 00:48:19,019 --> 00:48:27,389 and say, this is where bitcoins gonna go because of this, this this, it's impossible, that part is impossible, which is exciting thing for people that are
257 00:48:27,389 --> 00:48:35,909 trading this market because that means you have tremendous opportunity. Now obviously, there's always risk. And I'm trying to sweet talk you into thinking,
258 00:48:36,119 --> 00:48:44,879 this is the this is the be all end all everybody should be doing this. But it's exciting for me now, because like I've said, I've not been interested in this.
259 00:48:45,299 --> 00:48:53,819 But around the summertime, it started giving me clues that hey, look, you know, you need to be paying attention to what what this is doing. And I was kind of
260 00:48:53,819 --> 00:49:01,139 like talking to my my students. I said, Look, you know, it's, it's going to have to show its colors right now. If it's going to do it, it's going to do it. Now.
261 00:49:01,169 --> 00:49:14,639 If it doesn't, here's the big here's the big thing. And I'm closing. If Bitcoin didn't do this, this year, I would have been on YouTube trashing it. literally
262 00:49:14,639 --> 00:49:24,449 saying it's not going to do what you want it to do. Pretty much what I said about XRP. Okay. And then this is a Bitcoin video, but I just want to put this
263 00:49:24,449 --> 00:49:39,329 up here. I called the high in this market to on Twitter. I said, here's the XRP market. So the weekly chart this, I called this up in here as well called some
264 00:49:39,329 --> 00:49:47,579 run up into it. And then I said, it's done. It's dead money. And it's been dead money since then. And there's a lot of people out there that send me emails all
265 00:49:47,579 --> 00:49:56,609 the time. And please don't send me emails, folks. If I see anything about XRP or ripple, I don't even read it. Okay, and I don't mean to be ignorant. I just have
266 00:49:56,609 --> 00:50:05,159 very little time and when I get to the emails in order I received them It has anything to do with this market here. I literally just just completely send it
267 00:50:05,159 --> 00:50:16,229 to the dubbin. I don't look at it. I don't read it. Yes, we had a little bit of a run up in here. But there's nothing in this. This is literally penny stocks.
268 00:50:16,349 --> 00:50:25,829 Okay, it's performing like penny stocks, it would need to do something at a later time because as of right now, it's dead money. Now, if you remember and
269 00:50:25,829 --> 00:50:33,269 look at how Bitcoin started, it did a lot of this kind of stuff. I mean, I don't think it was this cheap. But it did some squirrely looking things in the
270 00:50:33,269 --> 00:50:41,759 beginning. Okay, and maybe down the road 510 years from now, maybe it will be less time if it's going to do I don't know, folks. Okay, but I'm just giving you
271 00:50:41,759 --> 00:50:48,839 my opinion. And it means absolutely nothing. Okay, I don't have any vested interest in this. I'm this saying, every time I've talked about this one here,
272 00:50:48,929 --> 00:50:58,199 and then some of you're saying shut up ICT, you're killing it. If you think I'm I'm talking this market down, making it go down, you don't believe what you
273 00:50:58,199 --> 00:51:07,439 believe about it. Because it doesn't make a difference. When I say about it. I'm not even trading it. So it's, it's just me sharing what I see in the price
274 00:51:07,439 --> 00:51:20,279 action. This is all classic penny stock activity. It's a pump and dump. Okay. You're not seeing that with Bitcoin. And that was what I meant when I said XRP
275 00:51:20,279 --> 00:51:29,129 is dead money. So if you're going to be doing anything crypto, you know, at least be in Bitcoin, if you're going to do it at all, because that's where
276 00:51:29,129 --> 00:51:36,599 everything's being poured into, it's going there. Now, there may be other coins and other things that they're, you know, starting to work in maybe some of you
277 00:51:36,599 --> 00:51:46,289 are more savvy in regards to noticing what they are, you know, God bless you. But I'm only sticking to the things that I know very little about because
278 00:51:46,289 --> 00:51:57,899 everything else is next to nothing. But bitcoins price action has this year showed me things that I have not been able to see consistently until 2020. And
279 00:51:57,899 --> 00:52:12,719 it wasn't until again, post pandemic. So I hope you have at least considered the likelihood of this may be gone a little bit higher than what we're showing here.
280 00:52:13,049 --> 00:52:21,749 I don't want to talk anybody out of a position because it would just be terrible for you to send me an email, say I see, You scared the living daylights out of
281 00:52:21,749 --> 00:52:30,059 me. And I took everything off at this price level. And it goes to 100,000. You know, I would be terribly upset about that. So don't take anything I'm saying
282 00:52:30,059 --> 00:52:38,789 here as investment advice. If you have a trade idea, and you think it's going to go to whatever level it is, you know what? Follow it stick to it, because I'm
283 00:52:38,789 --> 00:52:49,739 probably wrong. If you looked at every time that I was trading on paper, not with my funds, these crypto markets, when I was trying to do it on a day by day
284 00:52:49,739 --> 00:53:01,469 basis, like it was horrendous. It was so bad. Like, it was shameful, like, and that's why I said like I don't have any Mojo with this. Like I don't, when I
285 00:53:01,469 --> 00:53:07,319 feel like I haven't I make it public knowledge. But that's it, it's not a lot, but they tend to be the bigger price swings.
286 00:53:09,869 --> 00:53:24,269 This year, I've seen more using a four hour on a daily chart setups that I have not been able to see prior to midpoint of this year. So for everyone that has
287 00:53:24,269 --> 00:53:32,519 followed me for a length of time, and you know, I've always said this, I don't see the same signatures in price that I see in forex, I'm starting to see them.
288 00:53:32,669 --> 00:53:41,639 Now when I say that it doesn't mean I see everything that I see. In forex, that makes it so precise. I'm seeing a lot more of it now. And that means that the
289 00:53:41,639 --> 00:53:52,559 boys, they're in this now they're really starting to pour into it. So if they're going to be involved in this, and if I'm accurate in my observations, then this
290 00:53:52,709 --> 00:54:01,259 asset class is going to get really, really exciting. which kind of makes sense because if you look at forex, forex, it's kind of quiet right now, even though
291 00:54:01,259 --> 00:54:15,209 it's going where we want it to go. It's slow and lethargic. And you can't compare, you know, with 20,000 points, you know, 20,000 points, versus, you
292 00:54:15,209 --> 00:54:21,989 know, I'm looking at like 50 to 75 pips a week if I'm trading forex, not because that's all I can make. But that's kind of like, it's easy for me to do. It's
293 00:54:21,989 --> 00:54:31,559 easy for me to find, and it gives me a lot of free time. I've never seen a market that can offer swings like that, like 20 points now 20,000 points, and
294 00:54:31,559 --> 00:54:42,689 calling it and seeing, you know, this is where it's going to go. Like this could be a really amazing turn of events for traders. And some of you, Brian, we've
295 00:54:42,689 --> 00:54:49,319 been doing this for all this time, Michael, where you've been? We've been trying to tell you Yeah, I get it, but there's the things that I'm looking for that
296 00:54:49,529 --> 00:54:58,739 I've been very apprehensive about participating in because they're not there until now. And I'm hoping to see more of the things I look for in forex happen
297 00:54:58,739 --> 00:55:07,109 in this asset class. Because if it does, I'm coming to dominate this one just like I did forex, and talk to you next time. Happy New Year, be safe, and I'll
298 00:55:07,109 --> 00:55:08,549 talk to you again in 2021