ICT YT - 2020-12-01 - ICT Rant and EurUsd Example For Proof of concept.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-11 14:55

00:00:31,620 --> 00:00:43,320 ICT: K folks, welcome back, I was gonna try to do a video on Sunday, but the new enrollments for my final mentorship for 2021. Between that and my holiday
00:00:43,320 --> 00:00:55,740 schedule at home, were just too much for me to find my way to YouTube. And I try to do something last night. And still the mentorship horde that's trying to come
00:00:55,740 --> 00:01:09,840 in was a little too much for me for administrative responsibility. So I appreciate your patience. While we wait for the next dose of ICT. I have two
00:01:09,840 --> 00:01:19,710 videos today. So it'll be this one here. And then one specifically for those that are trying to enroll in the mentorship. So that second one after this one,
00:01:19,740 --> 00:01:26,730 I'll put it in the title that it's only for mentorship enrollments, that way you don't waste your time, if you're not interested in doing it. That way, you're
00:01:26,730 --> 00:01:34,050 not looking at anything that has nothing that pertains to you, because you just want to be watching YouTube videos. And that's fine. But I have to communicate
00:01:34,050 --> 00:01:44,610 to everyone on a larger scale. So that video will serve that purpose. Okay. But for the technical stuff, the Voodoo, if you will, will be in this one, right. So
00:01:44,610 --> 00:01:55,230 I want to start it off with I get a lot of flack from people that don't like me, because I'm very assertive, and sometimes blunt. Most the time I'm blocked it,
00:01:55,230 --> 00:02:08,280 let's be honest, Michael, the delivery of the things I try to say, may come across as arrogant. And it's not arrogant, it's just a matter of fact, it's so
10 00:02:09,120 --> 00:02:18,900 sometimes that might rub the viewer or someone new that comes to my channel and they think well, this guy's full of himself, I don't have time for this. He's
11 00:02:18,900 --> 00:02:27,900 egotistical, I'm not going to learn from someone like that. I'm just speaking with confidence of almost three decades. So when I say things like that, it
12 00:02:27,900 --> 00:02:38,940 really gets under the skin of people that can't trade well, or try to operate services. And I always constantly point to everyone else. And say, these are the
13 00:02:38,940 --> 00:02:52,290 things that I want other educators to do. And you don't see it. You see all these people with these hundred thousand plus followers on Instagram, YouTube,
14 00:02:52,770 --> 00:03:02,190 and they all talk a game like oh, I can trade I got sniper entry, I got this I got smart money that and they never showcase it. Now they'll show you an empty
15 00:03:02,190 --> 00:03:12,360 for a screenshot of a trade that was already opened. Okay, I don't know where to trade it was already open, you didn't see the execution. You don't see the logic
16 00:03:12,360 --> 00:03:21,120 behind their trade. You don't know what's going on between their ears. Okay, so you don't know the internal dialogue? Nothing. You just see, here's a trade that
17 00:03:21,120 --> 00:03:30,540 I took. And I'm in now it looks like it's profitable, I'm going to show it to you. Because the attention span of the majority of people watching these type of
18 00:03:31,200 --> 00:03:41,370 individuals is so small, that if they just throw up a flash of something on the screen, right away, they think well this guy or girl or whatever you want to
19 00:03:42,900 --> 00:03:53,250 identify yourself with these days, that person is a real crackerjack, someone that just really is a mover and shaker. They know what they're doing. They're
20 00:03:53,250 --> 00:04:05,700 smart money. And I don't have to do the things that I do here. Okay, I don't need to be doing this YouTube channel. I do ads on my YouTube, less than I would
21 00:04:05,700 --> 00:04:15,630 require to live on. And I don't require mentorship. So you get a lot of people on the internet, they'll say things about me, because they're trying to
22 00:04:15,630 --> 00:04:25,650 discredit me. And there's a lot of trolls that are doing it. But there's also two old friends of mine. And now I'm not talking about anybody that you might
23 00:04:25,650 --> 00:04:41,100 know. They are really ramping up the efforts on me not doing what I'm doing. And that's one of the other reasons why I'm stopping the mentorship because you
24 00:04:41,100 --> 00:04:52,440 don't know the personal side of me doing this. You don't know the adversities that I have to endure and what I have endured all this time. Every single time.
25 00:04:53,040 --> 00:05:03,480 I put a new video series up over the years on this YouTube channel. My old friends tapped me and said can For what you're doing. So I want you to know
26 00:05:03,480 --> 00:05:14,820 there is, this doesn't come free, you get the opportunity to sit down and watch these videos. And it just consumes the time and your attention for the moment. I
27 00:05:15,120 --> 00:05:20,280 don't have that luxury. Okay, so this is
28 00:05:20,310 --> 00:05:29,730 one of the other reasons why I want to take a step back. After I finished this group that I'm working with, it's coming in and finalize all my lessons, I'm
29 00:05:29,730 --> 00:05:38,040 going to be able to talk freely in my private community. Now, it does not mean that my youtube channel will go away, it just means that the things that I talk
30 00:05:38,040 --> 00:05:48,900 about on YouTube will just be specifically dealing with the things I've already talked about when YouTube and that's it. The other folks, the trolls, okay, the
31 00:05:48,900 --> 00:05:58,920 people out there that have their own little mini mentorships that are just parroting what I say. And they're hoping that you don't find me. Because that's
32 00:05:58,950 --> 00:06:08,820 on the goose that lays golden eggs, it just keeps laying them. So if they all point to me, because that's why they can't get credit, they can't get credit to
33 00:06:08,820 --> 00:06:17,940 me because to do so, take some rights to this YouTube channel. And then this YouTube channel blows their mentorship, you know, selling things and
34 00:06:17,940 --> 00:06:30,930 subscriptions. They're going to keep you on a month by month. I don't do that. I could, but I don't. I want people to succeed. And I want those individuals. I
35 00:06:30,930 --> 00:06:40,200 don't care who you are. Okay, all these reviewers out there that want to do reviews with me. I want to see you do what I'm showing you in this video. Okay?
36 00:06:40,650 --> 00:06:54,420 Because there is absolutely no one on YouTube. Not one person, not one person on YouTube, that's going to be able to do what I'm going to show you here. The
37 00:06:54,420 --> 00:07:07,230 platform I'm using here is trading view calm. It uses this little feature down here. paper trading now right away. You're not you're gonna laugh, you're going
38 00:07:07,230 --> 00:07:15,690 to sneer you're going to snicker. This guy's a demo bowler, right? I've made myself that. And that term has been passed around forever. And I wear that crown
39 00:07:15,990 --> 00:07:29,580 gladly. Because it protects me. Okay, I'm not operating as a financial advisor. So if there's any validity to the things that I'm teaching or showcasing, then
40 00:07:29,580 --> 00:07:38,820 it'll be self evident. But if I don't have any skill whatsoever, or if the things I teach don't really pan out to the degree of consistency over and over
41 00:07:38,820 --> 00:07:48,330 and over again, then why is it that this YouTube channel keeps growing? Why is it that there's 10s of thousands of people interested in joining my mentorship?
42 00:07:49,140 --> 00:07:58,860 It's just nuts. Okay, I mean, there's so much evidence on his YouTube channel that all you have to do is investigate it, just look at it and test it. Which
43 00:07:58,860 --> 00:08:07,380 raises the question of this video, what am I going to cover? What am I showing? Obviously, we're looking at the euro dollar here. And this is a 15 minute time
44 00:08:07,380 --> 00:08:17,130 frame, you can see it's moving up rather aggressively. I have people on the internet, on small little corners of the internet, okay, in third world
45 00:08:17,130 --> 00:08:26,280 countries that are trying to make a name for themselves with my content with my concepts, and they're trying to pretend that they can do this. And they're
46 00:08:26,280 --> 00:08:34,770 looking people out of their money, trying to say that they can trade their accounts. I have no affiliation with these people, they may use my logo to lure
47 00:08:34,770 --> 00:08:44,070 people into their chat rooms and such. I have no affiliation with them. I don't bring people to brokers. I don't talk about brokers. I'm not introducing broker.
48 00:08:44,550 --> 00:08:54,810 So I don't operate anything like a chat room. Okay, I don't do those types of things. There's a lot of people on Instagram that are pretending to be me. And
49 00:08:54,960 --> 00:09:04,830 they're working people out of their money as well. If you get pieces of my mentorship because someone's tried to play Robin Hood over the past four years
50 00:09:04,830 --> 00:09:16,590 or so. You don't have it, you might think you do. But you just have pieces, just like you have pieces of the puzzle on his YouTube channel. They're all small,
51 00:09:16,590 --> 00:09:25,770 little pieces. And when you look at them, you might think you robbed the bank. Like you got something over on me. Like you cracked this for free. And you
52 00:09:25,770 --> 00:09:36,450 didn't. There's so much that I have yet to unveil that. Even though you might get excited because you see certain concepts or maybe watch this YouTube channel
53 00:09:36,450 --> 00:09:44,790 and you see things I've taught, and you get really excited and giddy. And I know when there's a new follower on my YouTube channel, because they're the ones that
54 00:09:44,790 --> 00:09:52,050 will send an email to me, and my staff will push it to me because I have the ability to go through all the emails every single day says I get 10s of
55 00:09:52,050 --> 00:09:59,340 thousands of emails, and I can't keep up with it. It's just so many and I'm honored. I'm privileged to be in this situation. So don't think that I'm making
56 00:09:59,340 --> 00:10:08,820 light of it. I am Absolutely tickled that everyone is starting to resonate with me in terms of what I teach. Now you don't have to like me as a person because,
57 00:10:08,880 --> 00:10:14,280 you know, I'm flawed, I'm human, but the things I teach their truth,
58 00:10:14,850 --> 00:10:24,750 and undeniable, and I challenge every single person that comes to me to go through these lessons on this YouTube channel. And if you do, you will see all
59 00:10:24,750 --> 00:10:36,450 the proof that you would ever require. But yet, there's still some out there on the fringe that just simply need to see, who is this guy ICT? Who does he think
60 00:10:36,450 --> 00:10:47,130 he is? Talking all this market maker stuff, he invented this smart money concepts? Well, I didn't say I invented Smart Money concepts. I'm the one that
61 00:10:47,130 --> 00:10:59,040 has authored the things that everybody runs around with calling smart money. This is how the market works. And you can't find it in books. You can't get it
62 00:10:59,040 --> 00:11:11,220 from Morrow, Steve Morrow, so you're not going to be this market maker. And the proof is I'm showing you new stuff all the time. And I have volumes of
63 00:11:11,220 --> 00:11:23,430 information in my head that I've yet to talk about. So when you sit down with someone like me, I don't run out of ideas, or concepts or things to teach you to
64 00:11:23,430 --> 00:11:33,570 make you grow and develop as a trader. But there are some that aren't trolls that just simply want to see me execute, they want to see me outline something
65 00:11:33,600 --> 00:11:42,870 they asked a lot of times, Hey, how's it that you sit down in the morning? What do you see? How do you mark up your chart? How do you look for certain things?
66 00:11:42,870 --> 00:11:51,600 How do you frame the setup, all that so when I woke up this morning, I knew I owed you a video. Not that I'm obligated folks, I'm not obligated to do anything
67 00:11:51,600 --> 00:12:04,350 on YouTube. But I love doing it. I love it. I'm hoping that once I get through this massive upload of information in my private mentorship, and now I can start
68 00:12:04,350 --> 00:12:11,130 to relax a little bit more and spend a little bit more time doing the things I love. Not that I don't love teaching mentorship, it's just taxing. Very, very
69 00:12:11,130 --> 00:12:24,180 taxing. There's so many people involved in it. Now it's hard for me to manage it. And truth be told, it's sucking the passion out of trading, because it's a
70 00:12:24,180 --> 00:12:32,580 lot of work. It's a lot of different personalities all around the world, different varying stages of the development, and they all are volleying for my
71 00:12:32,580 --> 00:12:40,650 attention to answer their questions that they think are paramount, and I want you to watch this video, then maybe you've already gotten bored, and you're
72 00:12:40,650 --> 00:12:50,850 trying to fast forward and you're watching it twice the speed. I understand, okay, but the reason why I talk so much, okay is not because I like the sound of
73 00:12:50,850 --> 00:12:57,690 voice because I actually don't like the sound, my voice actually sound like a younger man than I really am. Which makes it sound like I'm not really
74 00:12:57,690 --> 00:13:09,060 experienced when I'm really experienced. I talk a lot because I'm already aware of the questions that are going to arise in your mind. Now, again, that might
75 00:13:09,060 --> 00:13:20,970 sound arrogant, but I've been doing this for almost three decades. And I just simply know the process of when a new viewer or reader of my content. If they
76 00:13:20,970 --> 00:13:27,870 come to me, and they start watching a video, I already know if we sat down now and I reviewed my own videos with you like on YouTube, like if I watched the
77 00:13:27,870 --> 00:13:38,940 video that I produced, and I kind of like talked about what I was saying there. I could sit and tell you what questions would arise because of what I said. And
78 00:13:38,940 --> 00:13:48,540 because of that, that's the reason why I talk so much. Because you don't realize it because you're getting the benefit of me having quote unquote, diarrhea, the
79 00:13:48,540 --> 00:13:58,290 mouth, I'm the mentor with the mouth, I can go on and on and on. And I never get tired. The only way I'm going to stop is if my wife taps you on the shoulder, or
80 00:13:58,500 --> 00:14:09,000 I lose my voice. And they're the only reasons why I will stop because something you know, takes me away from doing it. I could talk about this stuff for hours
81 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:17,880 and never get bored. But the problem with this is there's viewers that come to this channel. And they'll watch my videos and they'll say this guy talks too
82 00:14:17,880 --> 00:14:28,890 much. I can't I can't learn from him. And what you're saying is you're on teachable. It's not the student that's, you know, above the delivery method of
83 00:14:29,070 --> 00:14:40,950 me. You're saying that, you know everything. Just tell me what you want to answer for, for that particular moment. And that's arrogant, and it's falsely
84 00:14:40,950 --> 00:14:49,380 attributed you've, you've given yourself more credit than you deserve. Because if you're coming to someone with the expectation of learning something a new
85 00:14:49,380 --> 00:15:05,910 skill or greater understanding, and they have a lot more experience than you do. I'm giving of myself and More than anybody else out there does you anybody else
86 00:15:05,910 --> 00:15:09,480 out there, and they're never going to sit down with you and talk the way I talk to you.
87 00:15:10,889 --> 00:15:20,129 They're not going to care as much as I do about your success, I cared as much about your success before I did the mentorship than I do. Now. I didn't fall in
88 00:15:20,129 --> 00:15:27,629 love with successful stories from my students, because I started charging. And I only started charging because other people were taking my content, and they're
89 00:15:27,629 --> 00:15:34,709 still doing it, folks. They're taking my free stuff on this YouTube channel that people don't know about. And they're selling it to people on Instagram,
90 00:15:35,879 --> 00:15:47,759 pretending to be me with my logo. And it's nonsense. I have probably saved more people in Africa from hunger in the last four years than anybody else on the
91 00:15:47,759 --> 00:16:00,089 planet, because they're selling things that I've produced. And most of it's for free. Now, I get it, people in this present world are struggling, okay, they're
92 00:16:00,089 --> 00:16:12,749 struggling, they're trying to do whatever they can, and I'm a hot commodity. But you're not going to learn from pieces, you get a lot of insight by sitting under
93 00:16:12,749 --> 00:16:25,739 my wing, when I sit with my group. These are the things that I teach, okay, I sit down and I give these individual concepts modularly. And I give theory, and
94 00:16:25,769 --> 00:16:40,169 price action concepts that are all encompassing. So that way, you're getting the entire spectrum of what's required to be a consistent trader. So if I talk a
95 00:16:40,169 --> 00:16:51,329 lot, it's because I'm trying to make sure that I fill in every gap that you're not paying attention to, like when I say something, it'll spark a question, or
96 00:16:51,329 --> 00:17:02,579 doubt will arise in your mind. Now, many of you don't have a whole lot of that occurring in my video sounds boring, because I'm canceling any opportunity for
97 00:17:02,579 --> 00:17:13,289 your brain to raise a question, because I'm giving you all of those extra things for free. So if I sat down and said, this is an optimal trade entry, this is
98 00:17:13,289 --> 00:17:22,229 where you buy this where you stop this, and you try to get your target there. And that was it. And you would feel cheated. You'd be like, why did you pick
99 00:17:22,229 --> 00:17:30,059 that one? And why are you holding on to the trade this long? Aren't you afraid? It's going to turn around here? Aren't you afraid? It's going to go here? Why
100 00:17:30,059 --> 00:17:36,809 did you choose to take this much off, you see what I'm saying? And when you take a step back and stop trying to be some spoiled little brat, because this
101 00:17:36,809 --> 00:17:46,049 generation I'm going to tell you like it is you are predominantly entitlement minded to the grave that I've never seen before. Like some of you actually
102 00:17:46,049 --> 00:17:54,839 believe that I'm obligated to help you for nothing. And I'm not. I love doing this. But when I get emails from people saying, you know, I think you're a jerk,
103 00:17:54,839 --> 00:18:03,029 you started charging you got I got videos, we're here, it says that you don't need my money. But now you're asking for money. No, I'm not asking for money.
104 00:18:03,179 --> 00:18:11,729 I'm saying, here's what I'm going to do, but you're going to pay for it. Meanwhile, you can be profitable with the stuff I've taught here on YouTube. But
105 00:18:11,729 --> 00:18:19,049 the people that can't find profitability or consistency or moving towards consistency from the free content, then you shouldn't even join my mentorship,
106 00:18:19,289 --> 00:18:30,119 because you've already proven that you're lazy. Now, I can talk like this. Because I have the things to back it up. I have a community that understands
107 00:18:30,119 --> 00:18:36,839 this, if I started this YouTube channel, you didn't knew who I was. And I've talked like this, you turn me off right away. And some of you probably aren't
108 00:18:36,839 --> 00:18:44,969 doing it right now turning me off. And it's not good luck of trading, okay. But I'm telling you that the people that submit to the ideas and the process of
109 00:18:44,969 --> 00:18:56,699 outline, they're the ones that get it. It's not that I have a secret group. And I only teach the secret group of secret secret stuff. Okay. Everyone understands
110 00:18:57,209 --> 00:19:08,309 the things that I've introduced from this in this YouTube channel. But in the mentorship, I actually apply it. I use the logic that point to certain things
111 00:19:08,309 --> 00:19:15,659 occurring in the marketplace, before it happens. And you see other people, there'll be on these little chat rooms, I'll say, you know, ICT doesn't talk
112 00:19:15,659 --> 00:19:22,139 about where to buy where to sell. He just says where the markets gonna go. Anybody could do that. I could do that. Well, why is it that nobody's doing it?
113 00:19:23,159 --> 00:19:30,719 I would love to sit down and watch people put their ass on the line. I would love to see it. I would love to see people do that. But you don't see that. You
114 00:19:30,719 --> 00:19:32,219 don't see it. Okay.
115 00:19:32,670 --> 00:19:42,330 You don't see anybody doing that on YouTube. They'll only talk about stuff on the safety of the left side of the chart. And you've been looking at this chart
116 00:19:42,330 --> 00:19:54,810 and listen to me Jawbone for several minutes now. And there's arrows on here where it shows executions. Now trading view is not empty for I don't have a way
117 00:19:55,080 --> 00:20:06,750 to rig this. If somebody out there can do that. I would love to see It's done. Because then I'll start doing it live. I don't need to do this recorded, I can
118 00:20:06,750 --> 00:20:18,180 do this absolutely live in front of everybody as a live stream on YouTube. I am not afraid of that. I'm not afraid of it. But there's this huge chasm between
119 00:20:18,210 --> 00:20:24,390 what I'm able to do and what I can see in the marketplace and what everybody else is doing out there. They're out there looking at their indicators. And
120 00:20:24,390 --> 00:20:33,180 you're going to see in this video, me ringing in indicators. And that's blasphemy around here, because indicators are a joke. I'm going to show you how
121 00:20:33,180 --> 00:20:45,300 the indicators can trip you up. Everything that I give in terms of dialog is going to be typed out in trading view. There's absolutely no way for me to go in
122 00:20:45,300 --> 00:20:56,220 and change the audio, overdub what I said that may be incorrectly said, it's all typed out, and you'll see the typos, you'll see me going in and fixing the typos
123 00:20:56,220 --> 00:21:02,940 after it's been there for a minute or two, you'll see me moving the box around, you'll see me open dialog box and type it into the screen. And you can see
124 00:21:02,940 --> 00:21:13,710 actually typing on the chart in trading view. This is what you do not see from all of these Yahoo's out here. Okay, these so called young millionaires, the
125 00:21:13,710 --> 00:21:24,510 Smart Money players, okay. They do not know how to trade folks, they don't, they don't know how to trade, they don't know how to execute. They don't know how to
126 00:21:24,510 --> 00:21:32,610 use a stop loss. They don't know how to manage a position, they cannot trade themselves out of a wet paper bag, period and a story it's done. If that's
127 00:21:32,610 --> 00:21:50,580 arrogant to you. Good day, sir. Good day, madam. I'm at the point where it just needs to be a yes or no. You either believe, or you don't. If you don't believe
128 00:21:50,580 --> 00:22:00,600 me, don't come back. Why put yourself through all that. Because I'm going to keep doing this kind of stuff. And I'm still gonna be able to find trade setups,
129 00:22:00,630 --> 00:22:07,560 I'm still gonna be to come here with examples. And I'm gonna still be on the side of the marketplace that my own community knows about. And I've actually
130 00:22:07,560 --> 00:22:20,010 tipped my hand on YouTube, I told you where I said the dollar was going to go, I told you where the Euro is going to go? How many times I talk about it, it
131 00:22:20,010 --> 00:22:36,480 happens. How many times Am I saying something? It doesn't happen? Exactly. Every time I come out publicly, and I say something, it happens. I'm not looking at
132 00:22:36,540 --> 00:22:45,630 indicators, folks. I'm not looking at wycoff. I'm not looking at supply and demand. I'm not looking at Mr. Chris Laurie stuff, because that's all the stuff
133 00:22:45,630 --> 00:22:56,250 you're gonna hear. You're gonna hear Oh, he's ripped this off. He's ripped that off? No, actually, I haven't. Okay. I tell you, this is what it is. And then I
134 00:22:56,250 --> 00:23:04,830 use it. And then you got to be able to go back and find that somewhere else in these things that you're accusing me up. Because you don't see it there, folks.
135 00:23:05,610 --> 00:23:17,790 I am the author of this stuff. I am the creator of these concepts. There's no books out there that teach this. I am the book, I'm living it in front of you.
136 00:23:18,240 --> 00:23:28,200 They're going to write books about me. And that's sounds arrogant, I know. But there are going to be books written about the things that I'm making public. You
137 00:23:28,200 --> 00:23:40,110 are living in again moment. You are living in a Livermore moment, you are living in a white cough moment. And I know I just killed all the trolls with that. But
138 00:23:40,110 --> 00:23:54,480 it is what it is, folks. I've been sitting on this stuff for 20 years. I've known for 20 years. I have what everybody else wants but doesn't know about. And
139 00:23:54,540 --> 00:24:03,930 all I'm asking you to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. Because I'm going to take you places you never imagined. And you don't have to join a mentorship. So
140 00:24:03,930 --> 00:24:10,530 it's not a pitch for that. All you have to do is sit down and subscribe to this YouTube channel. And you'll have someone that absolutely knows what they're
141 00:24:10,530 --> 00:24:17,130 doing, and loves the fact that you're trying to get here with me. I love it. I want you to have the view
142 00:24:17,130 --> 00:24:17,640 I have.
143 00:24:19,110 --> 00:24:31,050 I don't want you eating crumbs from my table. Okay, I don't want that. I want you setting your own table for your family. And knowing that you can do this on
144 00:24:31,050 --> 00:24:42,330 your own. And you don't need me to hold your hand. But you all have to start somewhere. You have to start somewhere. And it has to be agreed upon that. It's
145 00:24:42,330 --> 00:24:50,040 going to be hard. There's going to be a lot of adversity, it's going to take longer than you want it to folks. It's going to take longer than you want. And
146 00:24:50,040 --> 00:25:00,600 it's okay. It's all part of it. If I was told it was gonna take me six years to get it. I probably wouldn't have done it. I probably would have put it multiple
147 00:25:00,600 --> 00:25:13,920 times, until desperation, what a sudden I had to do it. Because what was going to be done working or throughout life, I was going to have that. So think, what
148 00:25:13,920 --> 00:25:29,910 would you want to see? What would you want to see as evidence that someone can see a price chart? And know, before it happens? before it happens with such a
149 00:25:29,910 --> 00:25:44,280 degree of precision that is undeniable. What you want to see that? If you saw it, would it help you in your unbelief? Or would you need to have it every day?
150 00:25:45,420 --> 00:25:58,800 Because that's where the entitlement begins. For some of you, there are just always, always reaching for Yeah, but you didn't do this. Yeah, but you didn't
151 00:25:58,800 --> 00:26:12,360 do that. Yeah, but I'm here for free. I'm right here, making myself available to you. The young man or the young woman that isn't paying me to join my
152 00:26:12,360 --> 00:26:21,840 mentorship, I know who you are, it's fine. I couldn't afford that stuff. When I first started either. There's no shame in that. And for those individuals, I
153 00:26:21,840 --> 00:26:34,470 still provide content to this YouTube channel. I know, you can't afford it. I know. But don't discount the things that I've already shot I've shown on this
154 00:26:34,470 --> 00:26:48,270 YouTube channel, because it's millionaire maker. And that sounds crazy. But it absolutely is. It is. But you just want it to be step 123, ABC, easiest step,
155 00:26:48,300 --> 00:26:53,760 and simple as that it's not going to work like that. Nothing will, nothing will be like that. But I'm gonna tell you something else. The things that you're
156 00:26:53,760 --> 00:27:06,180 learning from me. They're so high level. And it looks like too many moving parts. And here's the thing. When people get pirated copies of my stuff, I'm in
157 00:27:06,180 --> 00:27:14,550 all these chat rooms where they're at. And you see them all the time saying the same things. Can you help me understand what ICT said about this? That no thing?
158 00:27:15,210 --> 00:27:25,230 Or I don't understand this, can you? They're all confused. They're absolutely confused. And the reason why they don't have me holding their hand, that's
159 00:27:25,230 --> 00:27:36,840 mentorship, the videos, the lessons by themselves are nothing but just little cogs in the wheel. And that's why I did it that way. I designed it that
160 00:27:36,840 --> 00:27:46,560 particular way. Because I know there's going to be people that is going to say, you know what, I'm going to buy the course and I'm going to resell it. Or I'm
161 00:27:46,560 --> 00:27:54,630 going to buy the course and change the names and try to do my own mentorship. There's lots of them out there, folks. Lots of them out there. But they cannot
162 00:27:54,630 --> 00:28:05,190 do what I'm going to show you here. This is the listening test. Okay, this is the acid test. Can they do what I'm about to show you? Because they can't? They
163 00:28:05,190 --> 00:28:16,530 cannot do it. There's no there's no doubt once you see it. If someone knows, look, it's like this. If Tiger Woods comes to your house, okay, and says, hey,
164 00:28:16,530 --> 00:28:24,930 look, you know, you got a golf set, getting clubs up in us real quick. Let me show you something. Are you going to be in any position to doubt his ability to
165 00:28:24,930 --> 00:28:36,480 put that ball in the hole? No way. Absolutely not. Why? Because he's shown over and over and over again, that he is a master on the green. Now, does he win
166 00:28:36,480 --> 00:28:49,080 every championship? Absolutely not. Does he make every ball in the hole every single time? No. But he's like the upper echelon of golf. I don't even know what
167 00:28:49,080 --> 00:29:00,030 I'm talking about. Because I can't stand it. No disrespect to the folks that do like it. So I'm rambling a little bit. And it's only because I've had no real
168 00:29:00,030 --> 00:29:08,250 outlet. I was wanting to talk to you guys on Sunday, but I couldn't couldn't get my town to do it. But like the last time
169 00:29:08,250 --> 00:29:17,670 I showed you something I gave you something that I executed on. But I want you to know that there is a stark contrast to people that say they understand
170 00:29:18,030 --> 00:29:32,430 algorithmic trading, because that's the new buzzword algorithm. If Smart Money institutional. You're not institutional smart money, unless you can outline it
171 00:29:32,430 --> 00:29:42,690 before it happens. Don't share screenshots of empty for trades that are already open. Don't do that. Because I'm not believing any of that and neither should
172 00:29:42,690 --> 00:29:55,500 you. As soon as someone shows you an empty for anything. stop and say excuse me, I appreciate your enthusiasm. I'm fact I'm so excited that you're willing to
173 00:29:55,500 --> 00:30:07,080 share proof that I want to see you execute on trading view. and record the management from beginning to end. I'm gonna see you do that. Because folks,
174 00:30:07,440 --> 00:30:19,110 that's where their conversation will end. It'll be no thanks. Because I do that. I asked all these Yahoo's on YouTube, and I did it on Instagram, too. And none
175 00:30:19,110 --> 00:30:27,270 of them can do it. So why is it that they feel that they're justified in charging people money, saying they know something, but they can't execute or
176 00:30:27,270 --> 00:30:33,870 outline it before it happens. And 90% of them don't even use stop losses. But they'll say, well, when you're on the right side of marketplace, you don't
177 00:30:33,870 --> 00:30:43,080 really need a stop loss because the Smart Money doesn't use a stop loss. You already got that from they got that from me. Because large institutions, they
178 00:30:43,080 --> 00:30:52,890 don't have a stop loss because their own both sides of the marketplace. They're hedging. Yeah. That's the part they don't talk. Because they don't know what
179 00:30:52,890 --> 00:31:01,800 they're saying. They're just hearing me say something, and they'll pair it. And they don't have no idea why I said what I said. Think about it, folks. Wouldn't
180 00:31:01,800 --> 00:31:12,210 it be obvious? If they knew how to do it, they could do it and show you absolutely, dismiss every doubt. Get rid of all of it, push it aside, say, look,
181 00:31:12,930 --> 00:31:26,160 I genuinely care about your opinion. I believe that I can do this. And here, let me prove it to you. Why isn't everyone out there willing to do that, but they're
182 00:31:26,160 --> 00:31:35,400 sure as hell willing to show you cars that they don't own. They're going to show you whether vacationing at with their subscription fees. They'll show you that
183 00:31:35,400 --> 00:31:42,660 stuff. That's all you see. It's all kinds of effort to do it. They'll show you the shoes, they're wearing the clothes, they're buying the watch they're having.
184 00:31:45,390 --> 00:31:54,750 But you never see them. Not one time, not once, just give me one. Okay, then do all the cars and stuff you want to do out there, close all that business. But
185 00:31:54,750 --> 00:32:03,660 just give me the thing that we're supposed to believe you got that money from trading. Show me that. So because it's funny, I got hundred thousand dollar
186 00:32:03,660 --> 00:32:18,060 cars. And none of you seen them. I have nice homes, I have nice stuff. I have a cologne collection over $47,000 in Cologne. Now you see bottles once in a while.
187 00:32:18,540 --> 00:32:29,250 And I've shown some drawers of them in my drawer in my collection. But you don't see me doing a whole lot of that I just do it because I'm thumbing my nose at
188 00:32:29,250 --> 00:32:44,370 those individuals they do that. But what do i do i show you what I can do. I prove concept, I teach concept that is found nowhere else. So you're in the
189 00:32:44,370 --> 00:32:54,660 right place. If you want to learn from someone, I'm not an image hound. I spent more time on social media making fun of myself than anybody else could ever do,
190 00:32:55,200 --> 00:33:12,630 to try to take me down. Because I'm content, I'm confident. I've act like a cartoon for years. But in 2016. That's it. I changed my delivery. I stopped
191 00:33:12,630 --> 00:33:25,230 using foul language and start trying to do the WWF approach. And I just started giving the goods delivering it. I'm ready for whatever challenges are laid in
192 00:33:25,230 --> 00:33:33,660 front of me, but they never materialize. And when I asked others, are they willing to do that? No. And they can't even do this simply sit down in front of
193 00:33:33,660 --> 00:33:42,900 a chart, mark it up before it happens point to where it's going to go. Why it's going there. What's the logic what's the internal dialogue in the mind of that
194 00:33:42,900 --> 00:33:53,880 particular person. Now, because I type it out, it allows me to speed the video up. So obviously the time frame, all this took place was a lot more than what
195 00:33:53,880 --> 00:34:07,560 you see here. But if I go into the video, like this is the raw video. This is the stuff behind the scenes. Okay, I compress the long video down into 10
196 00:34:07,560 --> 00:34:09,870 minutes. But all of this recording
197 00:34:11,340 --> 00:34:24,570 all of this is me doing it as it happens. So you'll see all of this happen in the recording playback after me doing all this job ending but I compress it down
198 00:34:24,570 --> 00:34:36,390 to a time timeframe that I think is palatable, that means most of your attention spans aren't going to be willing to sit down and watch you know an hour and a
199 00:34:36,390 --> 00:34:45,540 half, two hours whatever it may be. In terms of a playback video. It's just that would be boring. So what I do is I compress it into a faster playback and
200 00:34:45,540 --> 00:34:56,100 there's absolutely no way because the time I printed that chart, and you can see it here I've annotations all that stuff is here. This is this is the executions,
201 00:34:56,610 --> 00:35:05,010 the first scalings all the other scalings This is a time window when I said my targets will be met. You see all that outlined in the chart? I'm typing it all
202 00:35:05,010 --> 00:35:20,070 out in the box on tradingview. It's undeniable. You cannot wrestle with it. You can't argue with it, trolls. It is what it is. I know my business. I know how to
203 00:35:20,070 --> 00:35:31,380 make a market. I know how it's done. I know how it will be done. And no, it will not stop working. Absolutely not, they won't, there's no reason for you to be
204 00:35:31,380 --> 00:35:41,880 worrying about it, there's going to be problems in the future, probably in the near term future. With liquidity, it may get crazy volatile, and we might see
205 00:35:41,880 --> 00:35:52,620 some black swan events where the market just reprice as aggressively to a level that you aren't prepared to see. But that's trading. It's happened before. And
206 00:35:52,620 --> 00:36:04,890 then when it goes back to normalcy in the things that I teach are like Swiss timepiece, precision. Now, when you want something like this, or you look at
207 00:36:04,890 --> 00:36:13,470 this chart here, nice, okay, we got out of your trades here and look even farther. My community knows where it's going. Oh, see, you're trying to do
208 00:36:13,470 --> 00:36:21,570 Salesforce? No, I know what you're thinking. I already know what you're you're braising up in your mind is a question. Oh, if he's so good, why didn't he hold
209 00:36:21,570 --> 00:36:37,770 on to it here? Well, here's the thing, folks. I try to teach by example. Okay, and the things that I teach are modular. And conceptually. They can be plugged
210 00:36:37,770 --> 00:36:51,780 in played in different timeframes. And this example, today was more or less answering this plethora of requests for me to sit down and go to a fresh chart
211 00:36:52,350 --> 00:37:00,960 and mark it up in outline what I think's going to happen before it happens, not just record a trade and show me Excellent. So I went through the process of
212 00:37:01,080 --> 00:37:09,900 sitting in front of a chart all morning, during the New York session, waiting for the setup, I outlined everything I drew everything out that you see here on
213 00:37:09,900 --> 00:37:21,870 this chart, all of this was done. And get into this little bracket is driving me nuts. It's got to be where I want this thing right here. That's what living with
214 00:37:21,870 --> 00:37:36,030 OCD is like, folks. It's madness. So but I get all of the dialog, okay, and I type all that out. And obviously, you can see I'm making another video here. So
215 00:37:36,030 --> 00:37:47,250 I'm not sitting down and doing all this stuff up for you. There's no way for me to go back and do all that annotation in the timespan that it took for me to
216 00:37:47,250 --> 00:38:00,510 print the chart out and share it on my community tab. That's right over here. Okay. I posted this right on my community tab, you click on it. And here's the
217 00:38:00,510 --> 00:38:11,100 timestamp right up here. Okay. 10:35am. Eastern Standard Time. That's my ICT thing. And it's bell in the background in case you can hear barking, I'm not
218 00:38:11,100 --> 00:38:25,470 gonna be adding in SL so. But I want you to know that these things that I show here are absolutely taught on this YouTube channel. It's literally on this
219 00:38:25,470 --> 00:38:37,650 YouTube channel. So it's not me dangling. Hey, want to learn how to do this gentleman mentorship, okay. What I'm saying is, if you want to do this, then
220 00:38:37,650 --> 00:38:48,450 pull up a chair, put an hour or two a day into a YouTube video that I put out and study it. And don't just watch it like you're watching Netflix, don't watch
221 00:38:48,450 --> 00:38:52,170 anything that I do without a notebook and pencil. Because I'm
222 00:38:52,170 --> 00:39:00,420 going to say things it's going to cause you to have a concern or question and you want to record that and date it when you had that concern and where you had
223 00:39:00,420 --> 00:39:12,360 that concern arise from what video at what minute marker of that particular video. Okay, that's how you take useful notes, not just I wonder why ICT uses
224 00:39:12,360 --> 00:39:23,490 the wick over the body when he looks at order blocks, because I cover that in mentorship, okay, but you'll also hear hints because I do sprinkle it around a
225 00:39:23,490 --> 00:39:37,440 little bit in the YouTube channel content. But in the mentorship, I take a specific subject or topic and I just go at it. Now, nothing is completely
226 00:39:37,470 --> 00:39:47,790 delivered on any concept yet. But I have hammered out a lot of content and concepts on this YouTube channel. That by itself will put you in the Winner's
227 00:39:47,790 --> 00:39:59,190 Circle more times than any retail logic will. Speaking of retail logic, in the video, you're going to see me making fun of people that think they understand
228 00:39:59,190 --> 00:40:09,540 what I do. And that is what you'll see here. This is exempt. Again, this is me showing you after the fact. But I did all these annotations live in the
229 00:40:09,540 --> 00:40:20,130 recording that you're going to see as I end the discussion part of this video. So this is the lecture part, this is the stuff that about 30% of you complaining
230 00:40:20,370 --> 00:40:33,660 about. And that's the reason why that 30% isn't able to do when I teach. So therefore, I must suck. I'm a fraud. You're not teachable, okay. I'm giving you
231 00:40:33,720 --> 00:40:43,830 what every mentor out there should be doing. If they're charging money, they should be pouring themselves into you. And I empty myself out every single time
232 00:40:44,010 --> 00:40:54,060 I sit down with you. It's for your edification, not mine. I already know this. But when you see things like this, and you say, Oh, this is that Chris Laurie
233 00:40:54,060 --> 00:41:07,500 liquidity avoided ICT ripped off and stole? Hmm. Nope. Sorry. This is a sell side and balanced by side inefficiency. That's exactly what it is. Okay. That's
234 00:41:07,500 --> 00:41:17,520 the real term. That's the real thing. That's from the people at the top of the food chain in this industry. That's what it's called. By side and balanced on
235 00:41:17,520 --> 00:41:32,640 efficiency. That's when you have the reverse. That's like this, and yet low and balance repair. But what about when it goes up to this level? Michael? Isn't
236 00:41:32,640 --> 00:41:45,930 that a short, because this mentor over here teaches that's what happens. I have another mentor that says this is a harmonic pattern. And it's a Fibonacci ratio.
237 00:41:46,230 --> 00:41:55,860 And it's going to be a run down here. And it's going to run these equal lows that ICT teaches. And this is the cell to do it. Right? Wrong.
238 00:41:57,300 --> 00:41:57,810 Wrong.
239 00:41:59,130 --> 00:42:11,190 And this is what I see in telegram rooms, discord channels, YouTube channels. These people are pretending. Okay, they might have all the buzzwords on their
240 00:42:11,190 --> 00:42:19,980 chart, but they don't have the skill set behind them. And that's what I'm here to tell you. Okay. You may not like it. It may piss you off. It may offend you.
241 00:42:20,040 --> 00:42:31,020 It may sound like arrogance. And you can't stand me, but it is what it is, folks, I'm here to protect the people that will fall victim to that. It's not,
242 00:42:31,440 --> 00:42:42,570 don't buy their stuff by mine. No, I'm saying don't buy their stuff, watch my free stuff. Because it's better than theirs. simple. All you have to do is
243 00:42:42,600 --> 00:42:54,060 compare and contrast. And ask them to prove it. Because if they can do it, you'll see this type of evidence outlined in detail as its unfolding. It'll
244 00:42:54,060 --> 00:43:06,810 already be in the chart. And that's what I show. All the things are typed out. And the things I'm looking for the specific price levels. Wait This order block
245 00:43:06,810 --> 00:43:27,930 here? Once the high of that candle right there? 1.1982 in one pit that was the low that candle right there. 1.1982 and zero pets. It's only off by one pet. But
246 00:43:27,930 --> 00:43:40,860 this is the sensitivity there. What's the low on this? down close candle which is bullish order block? What's the level that 1.1973 and zero pets? What's the
247 00:43:40,860 --> 00:43:55,290 low of this candle 1.19730 pets, perfect. Absolutely perfect. And you see me outline this very thing right here. I put these levels on there. I don't go just
248 00:43:55,290 --> 00:44:05,100 to the middle of the block. In the high end, I give you the entire block. Oh, she that's the stuff that you don't know, folks. I know when they were blocked
249 00:44:05,100 --> 00:44:10,860 on and take up the entire range. And I know when it's going to use half the range. I know when it's going to go to the wick I know when it's going to go to
250 00:44:10,860 --> 00:44:19,080 the body. I know all those things. But because there's so many Yahoo's out there, these 20 year olds that want to be ICT Junior, but without without any
251 00:44:19,080 --> 00:44:31,050 credit given to me, they want to be the ones that get credit for bringing to the community. And I'm here to say you want getting that that's what makes me me.
252 00:44:32,460 --> 00:44:44,370 No, you don't need that to be profitable. But I know the things that you'll never know. And I'm not going to teach that stuff. Because it's perfect. That's
253 00:44:44,370 --> 00:44:56,070 the part that makes me who I am. And what I'm not allowed to teach you. Frankly, that's gonna offend A lot of you, but I'm honest. I'm telling you, and I'm
254 00:44:56,070 --> 00:45:07,980 proving that I can see things that you're not going to be able to see And when people come to me, I want them to understand it's not just about me, credit, me,
255 00:45:08,640 --> 00:45:19,500 glory, it's me. Because then I say, I only got this, because it was given to me by God through prayer. And that's the only reason why grace and mercy was how I
256 00:45:19,500 --> 00:45:30,720 got this. I did not get taught, or sat down and say, Okay, this is what's going to do. No, that's not what happened. That's this was all revelation. Like it
257 00:45:30,720 --> 00:45:37,860 literally and it sounds for people that are atheist, or people that don't believe in Christ. Listen, I'm not here to argue with you. You can believe
258 00:45:37,860 --> 00:45:48,210 whatever you want to believe. But you're not going to argue with what I believe. And there's no way that I would learn this any other way. No other way. I had a
259 00:45:48,210 --> 00:46:01,680 very big volume, okay, of information laid in my hands. And the things that I was introduced with that. And it's not trading courses, it's not mentors. It's
260 00:46:01,680 --> 00:46:09,570 not people out there teaching. It's not like golf is not all these kids out there with these stupid ideas. They think they have any figured out and they
261 00:46:09,570 --> 00:46:25,410 have no idea what you're talking about. to individual individuals, Tobias and Parson, they're the two men. They're the two people they don't teach. They don't
262 00:46:25,410 --> 00:46:43,350 trade. They're not in CNBC interviews. I don't meet with them. But that he reached out to me in the things that they revealed to me about the marketplace
263 00:46:43,470 --> 00:46:52,950 is diametrically opposed to everything that you're taught. And that's why my things work. My things, challenge everything that's retail.
264 00:46:55,290 --> 00:47:02,730 And the people out there that don't like that, or they're jealous, because I have something that they're not going to be able to do themselves or have access
265 00:47:02,730 --> 00:47:20,010 to. They try to discredit me. Now, my old friends are trying to discredit me as well. So I come here, and I do things like this. Because once you get it, and
266 00:47:20,010 --> 00:47:39,750 it's shared, people have it. It's not urban legend anymore. It's reality. And it's nice as these two gentlemen were. They're not always pleasant. And there's
267 00:47:39,750 --> 00:47:55,620 things that as, as a man, as a father, as a husband, I have to be mindful of. And I'll just say just that much. I know how far I can go. But they don't trust
268 00:47:55,620 --> 00:48:12,990 how far I will go. So there's always been for last 20 plus years, this balancing act I've had, and I have had multiple personalities online. I've been many
269 00:48:13,560 --> 00:48:32,370 different personalities online. Because I believe that people should be aware. And I have done that. I have been met with argumentative people, I've had people
270 00:48:32,370 --> 00:48:44,160 try to say this nonsense, there is no algorithm. There is no real market maker this because the common misnomer is the market maker is the dealer. And that's
271 00:48:44,160 --> 00:48:53,820 not what that is. When I say market maker, I'm specifically talking about the absolute beginning of price where it comes from, where's the origin of price
272 00:48:53,820 --> 00:49:08,550 ever sit back and ask yourself, where does that? Where does that price come from? Like, it's just pulled out of thin air? No. It's controlled. It's
273 00:49:08,550 --> 00:49:23,970 delivered with an idea and plan behind it. This rally here that took place in eurodollar. All that was understood and expected by me. And you'll see it in the
274 00:49:23,970 --> 00:49:37,980 dialogue. I talked about things as the catalyst for it to happen. And I talk about how the counterparty in the marketplace retail are going to internalize
275 00:49:38,040 --> 00:49:52,020 what price is doing at that moment. And then it gets turned on them. Someone that works as a dealer, okay. There may refer to themselves in an industry may
276 00:49:52,020 --> 00:50:02,850 also refer to them as a market maker. That is not a market maker. That is a dealer. Okay, that's a dealer. And I'm just gonna say this. A lot of people out
277 00:50:02,850 --> 00:50:10,770 there have a lot of faith in Steve morrows approach to trading. Steve morrows approach is a
278 00:50:11,639 --> 00:50:12,479 bloated
279 00:50:13,259 --> 00:50:27,179 version with indicators of my 1996 lecture notes on the daily range, and the intraday turning points and my beginning understanding of the weekly range. But
280 00:50:27,929 --> 00:50:38,429 that's it, you start adding indicators and moving averages and you've completely created something that's nonsensical. Okay. And the idea that he teaches and
281 00:50:38,429 --> 00:50:47,819 promotes is that if you're trading with empty for the market maker goes in there and hits this little switch and opens up the spread, and get your stop. I'm here
282 00:50:47,819 --> 00:50:57,089 to tell you, okay, for all you individuals out there that believe this guy is doing anything profitable, he cannot trade, he will not trade, he will not do
283 00:50:57,089 --> 00:51:08,879 what you're going to see me do here, I have challenged for how many years has he been doing it? For in 20. I know at least five years or so I've been barking for
284 00:51:08,879 --> 00:51:20,219 him to just prove what he's doing. His in his indicators are the problem to his entries are the second problem. When you're looking at beat the market maker
285 00:51:20,219 --> 00:51:30,869 stuff you're buying as it's going in the direction of your trade. And that's how also, I know it's from my lecture notes, because that's the only strategy I was
286 00:51:30,869 --> 00:51:42,989 willing to teach at a time once the trade starts moving in your favor. And you contrast that with what I teach today, everything is at a precision entry point
287 00:51:42,989 --> 00:51:56,399 as opposed to my trade direction. So market makers don't sit around with empty for platforms and move the spread open and closed. They don't do that. The
288 00:51:56,399 --> 00:52:07,589 market maker is at the Central Bank. Okay. years ago, before electronic trading took place, there used to be a group of men that sat around, and their job was
289 00:52:07,589 --> 00:52:18,359 to do that very thing. Deliver price period. I'm not going to go into the details of how they did that. Okay. But before electronic trading, that's
290 00:52:18,359 --> 00:52:31,439 exactly what happened. You could see a very small version of that, inside the pits, futures trading. The people that were working the floor, they had key
291 00:52:31,439 --> 00:52:42,599 levels in their pad. Their little notepad didn't have charts in their hands. They had numbers raw numbers. So they could have the previous week time low. The
292 00:52:42,599 --> 00:52:52,949 previous trading day's high and low. previous session high. Well, what did it do in New York yesterday? What did it do in London overnight? What did it do three
293 00:52:52,949 --> 00:53:09,809 days ago? There is a hint for you there. The ideas of market makers using anything empty for is nonsensical. Okay, so when you see anything, Steve Morrow
294 00:53:09,839 --> 00:53:21,209 market maker beat the market maker, you know, all that kind of stuff. All that was an is, is this a contrived story around a narrative that existed with me,
295 00:53:21,479 --> 00:53:32,009 because I was offering $20,000 one on one sessions, back in the 90s. On market it, it was me doing that, and the only twist of the story was it became 25,000
296 00:53:32,099 --> 00:53:43,229 in his story. And that's gonna sound nuts. It's gonna sound like oh, yeah, you're dissonant. Listen, folks. I'm the one here proven it, I can show it. I
297 00:53:43,229 --> 00:53:52,799 mean, what do you want to see? I'll do it out. You don't want to see euro. I'll do it with Aussie dollar. You want to see it New Zealand dollar. I mean, it's
298 00:53:52,829 --> 00:54:03,779 not just this pair I'm good at. But it's just, it's funny. When you can sit back and watch all these people pretend and have all these little storylines. He's
299 00:54:03,779 --> 00:54:12,869 made up narratives. Okay, all this stuff. Our next door neighbor was a pilot, and he was flying this market maker around and he said, You know what, I really
300 00:54:12,869 --> 00:54:24,119 like you, kid. I'm gonna give it to you for $20,000. But I'm retiring. And now he's dead. And he's free of his NDA. But you can't talk about who he is. You
301 00:54:24,119 --> 00:54:36,809 believe that? Do you really believe that? Because I got some indicators I could sell you. I know this isn't the kind of video you want from me. But this is what
302 00:54:36,809 --> 00:54:48,419 you get when I don't have an opportunity to vent. And when you see stuff online, and you see the market maker this in the market maker that or the the things
303 00:54:48,419 --> 00:55:02,219 that are being promoted as smart money concepts. Politely don't go out there and troll like I get people trolling me. And that's okay. I'll do it. But everyone
304 00:55:02,219 --> 00:55:06,029 else out there, as a trading community, I'm asking you,
305 00:55:07,080 --> 00:55:17,730 to be polite to be courteous to them, because they might do it. And you might get what you're looking for. But don't be argumentative or rude about it,
306 00:55:17,730 --> 00:55:26,370 because they can stand on the sidelines, I know you're a jerk, I don't owe you anything, and then you get on out. But if you respectfully approach them, and
307 00:55:26,370 --> 00:55:37,650 you say, hey, look, I'm interested in the things you're saying. And approach that mentor. With this, it would really mean a lot to me. And it'd be a good
308 00:55:37,650 --> 00:55:49,170 faith gesture, if you could show a month of you outlining a particular currency or a market may not be forex, it may be somebody that trades futures. But these
309 00:55:49,170 --> 00:56:00,840 things work in the futures market to folks. So I don't need to do just forex. I can do futures, I can do bonds, you name it, I can do it. But as these
310 00:56:00,840 --> 00:56:12,030 individuals, ask them, very politely, it would mean a lot. And I would be so much more sold on the idea. If you could do this, and outline that before
311 00:56:12,030 --> 00:56:22,200 happens. And if they can't do it, the argument would be this. Why? Why can't you do that? Because if you're really trying to sell something, or if you're trying
312 00:56:22,200 --> 00:56:29,220 to sell the idea that you're good at it, or if you know what's going to happen in the price, then you should have no problem. Because Listen, folks, I have
313 00:56:29,220 --> 00:56:43,830 very little time. I am slammed with mentorship stuff, video production, emails, like I literally am way over my budget right now. But I'm the boss. So I can do
314 00:56:43,830 --> 00:56:54,930 that. But I can do this kind of stuff. You know, it cost me a couple hours today, and still want me talking it just a little bit of time. And why am I
315 00:56:54,930 --> 00:57:05,970 willing to do it? Because I'm answering those people that have respectfully that have respectfully said, you know, Michael, I've watched some of your YouTube
316 00:57:05,970 --> 00:57:13,710 videos. And I can see some of the trades that you did, but they were executed in an empty for I watched you enter the trade using the MT four I seen you do it, I
317 00:57:13,710 --> 00:57:23,850 seen the limit orders kick in and put you in the trades. But can you sit down with trading view and just start with a blank chart and mark it up and provide
318 00:57:23,850 --> 00:57:34,170 logic behind why you think it's going to happen? If I see you do that, that would be such an incredible increase in my confidence, not only in the concepts,
319 00:57:34,170 --> 00:57:44,550 but in you. Because I just came to your YouTube channel a month ago. And this would mean a whole lot to me. You know what? When I read that, I said, You know
320 00:57:44,550 --> 00:57:57,570 what, that's exactly what I'm looking for. Because that's someone that's saying, I'm interested. But also respect my own time, and I respect yours as well.
321 00:57:57,990 --> 00:58:04,680 You've done a lot already. And if it's something you'd be willing to do, Michael, I would really appreciate if you would sit down with a blank chart and
322 00:58:04,680 --> 00:58:16,830 do that. Well, manual, this is my response to that. Now, this is not an invitation. Hey, look, you know, ICT is taking requests? No, that's not what
323 00:58:16,830 --> 00:58:24,300 this is. What I'm saying is, I know what I'm talking about, and the direction we've been looking for for Euro is bullish. We've been looking for it for a
324 00:58:24,300 --> 00:58:34,920 while now. We were looking for the dollar to go lower. And it's not a matter of just saying okay, ICT just points to a level. And anybody can do that. Yeah,
325 00:58:34,980 --> 00:58:44,160 well, if that's true, the more people will be doing it. Second, that's not enough. What do you do between the beginning in the end objective or the
326 00:58:44,160 --> 00:58:54,240 terminus of where you think that price may reach for? What are you looking for? Well, that's conceptual theory. And what things you're looking for is going to
327 00:58:54,240 --> 00:59:04,680 be really deeply rooted in your own individual model. I have a lot of entry techniques, I have so many intro techniques, that there's no reason for me to
328 00:59:04,680 --> 00:59:14,250 worry about missing a move, because even the move starts, I know how to get in and still get in such a way where it's very, very low drawdown from john Street,
329 00:59:14,460 --> 00:59:23,430 for instance, the order block that I outlined here, he extended out in time, I took it out the noon for a particular reason. I'm not going to outline that
330 00:59:23,430 --> 00:59:36,090 here, but I took it to noon. Because it could come back to that at any time up to noon. And it does so here. Right there. It hits it. Look at the sensitivity
331 00:59:36,090 --> 00:59:46,320 there. So if I didn't buy it down here like I was buying it, if I didn't buy in this retracement in here, or if I didn't buy it on a run on a buy stop above
332 00:59:46,320 --> 00:59:55,560 here, how many entry techniques is that? It's three already. If I didn't buy it there, I could have bought it. When it came down into here. There's four. I
333 00:59:55,560 --> 00:59:59,190 could have bought it here on the reclaimed order block. That's five
334 01:00:02,310 --> 01:00:10,830 All this run up in here at five opportunities. But that's only that. So I'm going to give you here, folks, I'm sorry, but five entry concepts, right?
335 01:00:10,830 --> 01:00:25,440 They're all on the setup that I've outlined when it was down here. To think, isn't it something that would be considered reasonable, it's reasonable to ask
336 01:00:25,440 --> 01:00:35,310 these mentors out there, to do something like this, to outline it, flesh it out. And they don't need to do it forever. They don't need to make it a always
337 01:00:35,310 --> 01:00:48,540 happening type thing. But they should sit down and outline it. And, you know, give a visual representation of what they interpret in the price action, and
338 01:00:48,540 --> 01:00:57,720 what they don't think is going to occur, because that's what I do, too. And that's confidence. That is experience. And here's the other thing. It's insight,
339 01:00:58,500 --> 01:01:09,090 real insight, not blind luck. Not Oh, here's the opportunity where ICT put this one up today, because he was right today. If you think like that, and you don't
340 01:01:09,120 --> 01:01:17,130 really pay attention this video, because I want my share the playback, and I'm typing out all the things that's there, I really want you to chew on that
341 01:01:17,130 --> 01:01:28,650 argument. Look at it. Look at what takes place, and what does not take place. How I move my stop, why I'm moving my stop? What reasons why I'm doing what I'm
342 01:01:28,650 --> 01:01:37,860 doing, why am I able to hold on the trade? What am I thinking? What is the things that you are thinking watching the video, maybe you watch this unfold
343 01:01:37,860 --> 01:01:47,670 today, maybe you took a trade that was opposite to this, maybe you took this trade and you got out earlier than I did those things. I tackle them in the
344 01:01:47,670 --> 01:01:57,570 dialogue. Because there's going to be moments where you're going to be by yourself, and you just can't dial up ICT and get him on the main line. You're
345 01:01:57,570 --> 01:02:06,360 gonna have to make decisions on your own. And how do you do that? How do you gain confidence to hold a position? How do you do that? I talked about that in
346 01:02:06,360 --> 01:02:15,510 this video. Now, some of you probably didn't even hear this because you went scrubbing through. But you want to see what this is all about the end, the last
347 01:02:15,510 --> 01:02:27,270 10 minutes. And you're never going to learn. And I don't mean that to be mean. I don't mean that to be spiteful. I'm just saying that you are never, ever going
348 01:02:27,270 --> 01:02:36,330 to learn how to do this, if that's how you operate. If you're impatient, I'll just get to the point ICT. This has been the point. This is why I'm here. I am
349 01:02:36,330 --> 01:02:47,100 pouring myself into you. Because you're doing the same crap that I did in the beginning. You just don't realize it. And I'm trying to make you aware of the
350 01:02:47,100 --> 01:02:54,450 things that you're doing incorrectly. The things you're wasting time on the things that you're doing in these chat rooms. If you're in a chat room, and
351 01:02:54,450 --> 01:03:03,390 you're looking at other people or asking them questions about stuff they don't even know. Does that sound like an intelligent thing to be doing? Think about
352 01:03:03,390 --> 01:03:13,320 that, folks. I mean, there are thousands of people sitting around listening to people that have no idea what they're talking about. Zero. If you're learning,
353 01:03:13,680 --> 01:03:26,460 this is another reason why I don't have a chat room. Because if I'm doing a chat room, I'm teaching you to be tethered to me. And you can only operate on the
354 01:03:26,460 --> 01:03:35,970 things I point to. And that's not what I do. I teach you to be an independent thinker. That is crucial. Because if I spoon feed you, here's a bot, here's a so
355 01:03:35,970 --> 01:03:49,710 here's your stop manage it like this. Yay, we made money. What happens if it drops that God forbid, you're stuck, your income streams done. It's over. So
356 01:03:49,710 --> 01:04:02,340 what do you do? You submit the processes that I've outlined. And it's work. It's a lot of work, folks. But if you're in these chat rooms, you are wasting
357 01:04:02,400 --> 01:04:12,090 valuable attention and time that you should be doing. Like the things I do in this video. If you can back test, well, let me say this what you should be back
358 01:04:12,090 --> 01:04:14,850 testing, you should be doing like this. You can use the
359 01:04:15,630 --> 01:04:24,690 the replay function on this thing. It's not as good as the like when you're doing a real trade or watching live price action. But you can see the
360 01:04:24,690 --> 01:04:32,640 candlestick actually painting and forming, expanding and contracting before the candle closes. The replay feature on this doesn't allow for that, which I'm glad
361 01:04:32,640 --> 01:04:41,010 I'm thankful it does because then you can see clearly that this is really as a trade. And it was managed. And it was a push to button event not something
362 01:04:41,010 --> 01:04:48,480 that's happened over here. I took a trade. I'm so sick and tired of these people saying he took a trade over here and they think I think my trade was somewhere
363 01:04:48,480 --> 01:05:00,840 over here. I know where I entered. I know my price. I don't need to Oh wonder was that they were liars. They are liars. And you're so many gullible people. So
364 01:05:00,840 --> 01:05:09,810 many gullible people out there that will just buy up and that nonsense because they think they're going to get something leaked to them in the things that get
365 01:05:09,810 --> 01:05:19,350 linked to them just cause more questions. And they're going to spend more time in these chat rooms. What did I see t mean when he says, a bisi. And what is
366 01:05:19,380 --> 01:05:32,760 flapped these people will never learn, because you're listening to people that are blind already. And they are willfully blind, because they want to have the
367 01:05:32,760 --> 01:05:42,840 cheap seat they want to do here, you tell me what I'm supposed to learn instead, then going through the real process. That's why chat rooms are a joke. They're a
368 01:05:42,840 --> 01:05:50,280 joke. Now, I'm not saying that there aren't people out there that are running a profitable signal services, because in fact, I teach people how to do that in my
369 01:05:50,280 --> 01:06:03,570 mentorship, and not violate our agreement. There are some out there, they're operating profitable chat rooms, I'm certain of it. And not just with my stuff,
370 01:06:03,960 --> 01:06:12,930 but with other things, you know, other trading concepts. I'm not trying to say that that isn't valid, that they aren't profitable, and their members aren't
371 01:06:12,960 --> 01:06:23,580 appreciative of them. I'm just making the point. If you were given the chance to be independent, and not have to rely on someone or something like that, wouldn't
372 01:06:23,580 --> 01:06:33,900 it be much more favorable for you to be able to make your own paycheck without someone sitting down and saying, here's what we need to be doing. I mean, he
373 01:06:33,900 --> 01:06:41,580 called me crazy, I don't know. But I like to write my own checks. And I don't want to rely on someone else to tell me when I'm going to be able to get my next
374 01:06:41,580 --> 01:06:54,750 scrap of food. And that's one of the reasons why I operate the way I do. I want you to think like an apex predator. You don't apologize. When it's time to eat,
375 01:06:55,110 --> 01:07:06,450 you eat, okay, you don't need someone else to hand feed you. But you have to learn how to hunt on your own. And in the beginning, it's normal for you to be
376 01:07:06,450 --> 01:07:14,040 having some hand holding. And it's normal for you to feel like you need to see these types of things. And I'm not offended. I'm absolutely not offended when
377 01:07:14,040 --> 01:07:24,570 people ask for this, when it's done with a reasonable measure of respect. But I'm not obligated to sit out here and tap dance for the job, who's to say, Oh,
378 01:07:24,570 --> 01:07:35,670 yeah, ICT did this and did this, but he hasn't done that. Oh, but he hasn't done this. But he won't do this or that. But they're choking on the evidence every
379 01:07:35,670 --> 01:07:43,080 time I produce it. They can't answer for this. for them. It's just blind luck. And when you start learning how to do this, and you want to tell people that
380 01:07:43,080 --> 01:07:51,870 you're doing it, you're going to get the same response. You're not going to get the response that you want. You want people to say you know what? Pat, you on
381 01:07:51,870 --> 01:08:01,500 the back? That that's that a boy or a girl? You're doing awesome. That's not what they're going to tell you folks. They're gonna say, Oh, that's crap. That's
382 01:08:01,500 --> 01:08:10,860 luck. Oh, you're not going to learn how to do that consistently? And then how are you going to feel when you do when you do hear that? The event that you just
383 01:08:11,850 --> 01:08:20,820 were a participant of that you felt confident and you want to share your experience with other people is awesome, it's great. But guess how much power it
384 01:08:20,820 --> 01:08:34,680 has? None. Because you allow someone else's negativity, and myopic view and opinion, is useless as it is to steal your joy and your progress. Because you're
385 01:08:34,680 --> 01:08:44,460 looking for outward significance, instead of finding inward significance and saying, I have evidence that this works. I'm on the right path. You see the
386 01:08:44,460 --> 01:08:54,510 difference there. That's why I talk to you the way I talk to you. That's the reason why I pour myself into you. This is a 10 minute video, and I have been
387 01:08:54,510 --> 01:08:55,200 talking
388 01:08:55,500 --> 01:09:05,070 forever. Because this stuff is the more important thing than that. 10 minutes, I mean, proven I can do it. And that's why I tell everybody that asked for all
389 01:09:05,070 --> 01:09:14,910 time, you know, show me a my FX book. That's always still coming up all the time. So here's what I've already said this before. If I have an empty for
390 01:09:14,910 --> 01:09:24,720 count, okay, and I do I have two of them. And I let my son's practice in them. Now, I'm not going to say what broker, I'm not going to say because I've had
391 01:09:24,720 --> 01:09:34,410 that happen before and oh, and close to count on me. I made a point of telling my broker at a time that my son trades it and I said, Well, only one person can
392 01:09:34,410 --> 01:09:44,820 operate the account and it's the person that account set up. So they close the account. Okay, so I don't buy gold anymore. But this question of, you know, Mt.
393 01:09:44,820 --> 01:09:56,220 Four, it can't be rigged. It can't be manipulated. Adam Webb from macro hedged. You can find him on Twitter. I think he may use that. If not, you can just do a
394 01:09:56,220 --> 01:10:06,630 Google and do macro hedge and it'll direct you to that. I'm sure I don't have Twitter anymore. And I'm not going to create a Twitter account just to contact
395 01:10:06,630 --> 01:10:19,080 them. But I have posted on my community tab that I would be willing to pay Adam Webb $2,000. And all he has to do is use the things that he used last year to
396 01:10:19,110 --> 01:10:27,570 show the community at large that empty for can be scammed. And all these guys that have rented empty for servers, which I don't have, I've never done anything
397 01:10:27,570 --> 01:10:38,700 like that before. And you can clearly see this is not empty for, okay, the idea is that empty for when it's plugged into my effects book, my effects book
398 01:10:38,700 --> 01:10:51,720 somehow that's that in any fraud would be exposed by my effects book. And that's not true. Because the MT four account with a white label server, you can make
399 01:10:51,720 --> 01:11:01,380 that look like a real account. And you can literally punch in whatever trade you want. So I'm willing to pay Adam Webb $2,000 for his time, just to create some
400 01:11:01,710 --> 01:11:11,730 mythological history. And he can use whatever name he wants, I don't want to use mine. But he can make up whatever, you know, some new john smith, let that
401 01:11:11,730 --> 01:11:22,170 person be the pretend account holder and then put in a trade for 20 trading days. Okay, go in and look at what the real pricing would be. That's why I'm
402 01:11:22,170 --> 01:11:31,590 willing to pay $2,000 because he's not obligated. But I would love for him to do that, because and then he can take that account and link it to my effects book
403 01:11:31,920 --> 01:11:41,670 and put it up there and record that. And I would only be asking for the rights to be able to post it on my YouTube channel and not have it monetized. I would
404 01:11:41,670 --> 01:11:50,910 not put monetary ads on it. It would just be the answer that question all the time. That's why I've always said my FX book is a joke. You don't need that. If
405 01:11:50,940 --> 01:11:58,890 someone doesn't know how to trade there, you will see that with trading view. Just have them outline what they think's going to happen in that in trade
406 01:11:58,890 --> 01:12:10,920 history and all that stuff. Who cares? I'm not doing signal services. I'm not doing a Invest in me. scheme, okay. I'm telling you how to find reoccurring
407 01:12:10,920 --> 01:12:23,250 patterns, and what they look like. And the things I teach, repeat. That's what I promised, I promised that I teach price action. I do not teach live fund
408 01:12:23,340 --> 01:12:33,750 trading. My mentorship is not a secret code word for live fun trading instruction. Okay, it's very clear, I do it all the time. That this is not what
409 01:12:33,750 --> 01:12:43,290 this is. I'm teaching how to decipher and read price action. What you do with that skill set is entirely up to you. You may want to feel one day to go into
410 01:12:43,290 --> 01:12:52,590 live trading, but you've done so on your own. You've made a decision on your own, I never say aren't going to lie funds. People have tried to email me. Hey,
411 01:12:52,590 --> 01:13:01,380 Michael, this is what I've been doing. Do you think I should start trading live funds and not say what do you think? smiley face? And that's how I respond. And
412 01:13:01,380 --> 01:13:14,220 then there it is. They know I'm not going to be that little push that nudge because live trading results in live fund losses. No matter how you slice it,
413 01:13:14,430 --> 01:13:24,270 you're going to lose money. How much money? I don't know. How long would it be before your first losing trade? I don't know. I just know that that
414 01:13:24,270 --> 01:13:36,450 responsibility is something I don't want to have. And I don't have the legal justification for right to be doing that. So that's why I talk about price
415 01:13:36,450 --> 01:13:47,310 action only. And I wear the badge of demo baller and I wear the badge of paper trading with honor because I am responsible. I'm responsible for myself. And I'm
416 01:13:47,310 --> 01:13:53,820 being responsible for my students because you can't hurt yourself while you're learning. Why would you want to play with sharp knives,
417 01:13:54,299 --> 01:14:04,889 and you've never held a knife before. That's it, you're all in a rush. I want to juggle machetes, I want to get there and juggle double h knives, really How many
418 01:14:04,889 --> 01:14:16,709 fingers you want to lose in the process. Contrast that with juggling dowel rods, or tennis balls a lot more safer, while you learn the skill of juggling. Now
419 01:14:16,709 --> 01:14:24,389 that's probably a stupid analogy. But you get what I'm saying. It's dangerous folks. You can really hurt yourself in these markets if you don't know what
420 01:14:24,389 --> 01:14:32,219 you're doing, and believing these things like my FX book and all that stuff to sit down on the chart and tell me what's gonna happen. because that'll tell you
421 01:14:32,219 --> 01:14:43,349 the whole story. Absolutely. It'll tell you the whole story. If they can't do that. It matters not what their trade history looks like. It matters not what my
422 01:14:43,349 --> 01:14:55,469 effects book looks like. It's nonsense. You don't see these people proving theory in a medium like this that everybody has access to. It's simple. It's a
423 01:14:55,469 --> 01:15:02,909 very simple process of going through the motions and saying okay, this is what I think is gonna happen the market And this is the logic that I use, and I teach.
424 01:15:03,059 --> 01:15:14,009 And you can see it in the chart before it happens. And you don't see that. And that is very frustrating for me because I fell victim to people like that in the
425 01:15:14,009 --> 01:15:28,139 90s. And I bought all their courses and all their books. And none of it resulted in profitable trading, none of it, none of it. Over 2000 books, and it's
426 01:15:28,139 --> 01:15:39,029 probably a dozen if that, that are just useful. And most of its money management by Ralph mints, and Ryan Jones. And the things that I got from Alexander elders
427 01:15:39,029 --> 01:15:54,479 first book only how to trade for a living. And the few texts I have from Larry Williams, that I think are still just I mean, everyone should have them. But
428 01:15:54,479 --> 01:16:05,909 everything else is garbage. And I just have a lot of nostalgia by having those books still. And I spent a lot of money and then stolen part from having them.
429 01:16:06,629 --> 01:16:19,199 But they're useless. By far larger, just don't street smarts. That's a good book too. And if you want the Bible of retail logic, technical analysis of the
430 01:16:19,199 --> 01:16:30,869 financial markets by john Murphy, and it might have a different title now. But if you have that book, that is the Bible for retail logic, and I turn everything
431 01:16:30,869 --> 01:16:38,549 in that book upside down. And there you go. If you did that, and you understood institution order flow, here's a drill for you study what institutional overflow
432 01:16:38,549 --> 01:16:46,829 is, is the market bullish or bearish? I'm not saying is the bias bullish or bearish? I said, is the market bullish or bearish? And then if it is, go into
433 01:16:46,829 --> 01:16:57,719 that book by john Murphy and invert everything he talks about there. And you'll be a profitable trader, probably in a 90% bracket, too. And that's one of the
434 01:16:57,719 --> 01:17:05,909 things I did in the beginning. I was like, I'm losing all the time. Every time I was trading commodities, I was losing. You know, in the 90s, I was trying to
435 01:17:05,909 --> 01:17:17,339 figure it out. And in one day, I said, you know, I'm doing everything wrong. And as soon as the impulse came for me to be a buyer, this is my first short trade.
436 01:17:17,339 --> 01:17:27,029 This is what I did. I said everything in me says that live cattle is going to go up. You're all probably thinking like what is what kind of like catalyst, the
437 01:17:27,029 --> 01:17:36,629 futures market for meats, and then you have the feeder cattle market too. But livestock cows basically. And that sounds odd. Everybody just, you know, trading
438 01:17:36,629 --> 01:17:47,549 kryptos and forex. They're like, you can buy cows. Yeah, that's, that's a commodity market. But everything in my fiber in being said that I was looking at
439 01:17:47,549 --> 01:17:56,069 the chart, and I felt this overwhelming sense that it's going to go up. And as soon as I had that, I said, You know what, I'm just going to test it. And I'm
440 01:17:56,069 --> 01:18:08,729 never going to be able to do this until I start doing it anyway. So I said, I'm going to show it. And I put 100 our stock on it, which is basically two cents of
441 01:18:08,759 --> 01:18:20,939 a price move on one contract. And it panned out. Like it was like almost zero draw down, it was literally a couple points from my entry. And then it just was
442 01:18:20,939 --> 01:18:27,989 a straight dam. And I was so overwhelmed. The next day, when the market opened up, I just had to get out and open. If I held on to it, I would have made even
443 01:18:27,989 --> 01:18:40,229 more. And what it taught me was these markets are tainted, and think about when you get into trading that used to be when we opened up an account, they would
444 01:18:40,229 --> 01:18:47,069 give you these free books. You know, here's, here's the basics to trading. And this is the trend line. This is support resistance. And
445 01:18:47,070 --> 01:18:54,750 you see all these things. You're like, oh, wow, this is easy. I can do this. But when you take a step back and say how many millionaires are there? Where's all
446 01:18:54,750 --> 01:19:09,600 the odds? Right. So if everybody's doing it so easy, and everybody's doing the same kind of stuff. And it's 90% of them losing. What should you be doing? Well,
447 01:19:09,600 --> 01:19:17,370 what's the first thing they do as a new trader? They put too much on a trade. So right away, you should be doing the least amount. Ask yourself what's the least
448 01:19:17,370 --> 01:19:25,230 I could risk? That's where you should start. When you're demo trading and paper trading. What's the least because this example you see in this video, and I'm
449 01:19:25,230 --> 01:19:31,920 now it's the long drawn out talking to me again, I'm probably going to get thumbs down. I don't care. This is stuff that's good. This is good stuff. I
450 01:19:31,920 --> 01:19:41,610 wanted to hear this when I was coming up. I thought I heard this I would help myself not have so many painful experiences. But when you first start you want
451 01:19:41,610 --> 01:19:57,240 to be looking at the least you can risk because that's how you trade and develop and grow into exponential increases in risk. modularly step by step. You can't
452 01:19:57,240 --> 01:20:04,590 go on and just take on foreign risk because you won't be able to handle it. So you start with the least amount of money and risk. And then you also do opposite
453 01:20:04,590 --> 01:20:12,360 of everything else everyone else wants to see happen in the marketplace. And then you have a holy grail, you're gonna be doing the opposite of the masses,
454 01:20:12,810 --> 01:20:23,430 and you'll be risking far less than they're willing to risk. So by default, what does that really put you in? It puts you in contention to be in the 90% bracket.
455 01:20:25,620 --> 01:20:33,120 But nobody feels comfortable doing it. Because everybody wants to be in the in crowd. What's the chatroom saying they're buying euro? Well, I better be buying
456 01:20:33,120 --> 01:20:43,260 euro. I love these chat rooms. I'm haunting them. Because soon as they put their charts up, I'm looking, I'm looking for something that's opposite. And I'm right
457 01:20:43,260 --> 01:20:52,650 a lot. It's just, it's beautiful. It's almost like, do I give these guys money to trade with to make sure they keep doing it? Like it's that good. It's that
458 01:20:52,650 --> 01:21:02,820 good. So anyway, I said a lot. And I want to kind of bring this part to the close. So you can watch the video, it is sped up. But I want you to think about
459 01:21:02,850 --> 01:21:12,030 what I do in this video. And what I outline and what you see here in price. Everything was before it happened. And I tell you reasons why I do it and why I
460 01:21:12,030 --> 01:21:19,980 don't expect certain things to unfold as well. So hopefully you got something out of this. If you didn't, obviously just put a thumbs down. I don't care. But
461 01:21:19,980 --> 01:21:25,440 if you got something out of this and you'd like to see things like this, you know, I'm not gonna promise it all the time. But when I feel inspired to do it,
462 01:21:25,440 --> 01:21:36,540 I'll do it. But there's no reason for anybody to have doubts about what it is I teach because proof is in the theory. proof is in the concept and evidence is
463 01:21:36,540 --> 01:21:40,170 shown here. Talk to you next time. wish good luck and good trading.