ICT YT - 2020-11-17 - ICT Price Action Lesson - Friday Asian Range Concept.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-11 14:58

00:00:16,710 --> 00:00:28,320 ICT: Welcome back, I appreciate your patience yesterday, I was expected to post a video on my YouTube channel, but real life got in the way, I had a family
00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:42,180 matter to attend to. So we're looking at a example of algorithmic theory. I'm going to talk a little bit about the Asian range. And one of the caveats to
00:00:42,180 --> 00:00:50,400 using the Asian range, at least, in my opinion, there is something about the Asian range that you need to be aware of. And obviously, this is not the first
00:00:50,400 --> 00:01:04,860 time I've talked about this. My long term. viewers are familiar with this, if they've been keeping notes. Alright, so I've been counseling my students to
00:01:04,860 --> 00:01:14,670 anticipate and expect lower prices on the dollar, we have been looking at lowered prices for several months now on the dollar index, and it's been
00:01:15,360 --> 00:01:30,000 offering lower prices. And with that, we're going to assume that that bias would be still in play for our hindsight example. Now, obviously, if I'm lying, all of
00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:41,970 my students would come out in a rage and say, No, you were bullish on $1. So we're gonna have to go with a little bit of liberty here on my part, you get it,
00:01:41,970 --> 00:01:57,000 it's just permit me this. The principle is, if we're bearish dollar, we would be bullish on foreign currency. So the counterparty to a bearish dollar would be a
00:01:57,450 --> 00:02:07,950 potential bullish euro dollar. So without any more discussion about the dollar index, specifically, let's take a look at the euro dollar. Alright, so we have a
10 00:02:08,460 --> 00:02:20,850 enemy a term swing in the marketplace in here. And I want you to take a look at this run up right there. Okay, so this run up on price that takes out all of
11 00:02:20,850 --> 00:02:29,910 these relative equal highs about these high would be by side liquidity, that means there's buy stops, they're either buying on the breakout with traders
12 00:02:29,910 --> 00:02:39,060 expecting it's going to break out higher. Why would traders think that? Well, they've seen the rally up in a bull flag. So the market runs up trips those
13 00:02:39,060 --> 00:02:49,770 traders long and then aggressively moves, lower traders that were trying to sell short with resistance ideas, they were tagged, and their short has been
14 00:02:49,860 --> 00:03:04,410 nullified. So both sides are having their buy side liquidity attacked. We look at the run into these relative equal highs. When the market breaks down, we can
15 00:03:04,440 --> 00:03:16,380 look inside of this little formation right here. Okay, so this fractal, so the lowest candle is right there. Alright, so we're going to take a look at inside
16 00:03:16,380 --> 00:03:32,280 that range right there. And we're going to drop into lower timeframe 15 minute and want to take a closer look inside of that range. So let's drop into the 15
17 00:03:32,280 --> 00:03:42,360 minute timeframe. Alright, so we have drilled down to a 15 minute time frame, and you can see the lowest down close candle prior to the run up. And again, all
18 00:03:42,360 --> 00:03:53,940 of these relatively equal highs, we see a run on stops there and then it breaks lower. Your eye should be trained and you do this with hindsight data, you teach
19 00:03:53,940 --> 00:04:03,390 yourself to see this pattern. And you will find that there's a lot of sensitivity to this particular level. So what I'm showing you is a very specific
20 00:04:04,080 --> 00:04:13,050 level in price action, that you have to look at some logic behind it. It's not just simply looking at an old low old high in price turned here, price turn
21 00:04:13,050 --> 00:04:22,920 there like support resistance. There has to be some kind of context behind the level before you can have any faith in it or at least that's what I teach. So
22 00:04:22,950 --> 00:04:33,420 the logic behind this is we want to look at the last down closed candle prior to this run up that clears all the bytes are liquidity. If the market trades lower
23 00:04:33,450 --> 00:04:51,300 than this low, this down close candle becomes my ICT bearish breaker. Okay, a bearish breaker. We're going to highlight the range of that candle right there.
24 00:04:51,540 --> 00:05:01,740 Okay. So now we're going to go forward and we'll talk a little bit about this and how we can use it with day of week Asian range, and we're going to implement
25 00:05:01,740 --> 00:05:09,270 some things. And we'll talk a little bit about order blocks. Also, this is an older block, but it is a bearish
26 00:05:10,380 --> 00:05:21,510 candle that if it trades up to it, it will many times offer a tradable setup. Now what is it tradable setup? For me, that would be 1520 pips something to that
27 00:05:21,510 --> 00:05:32,550 effect. Now it doesn't always work, nothing is absolutely 100%. But with the right context, and some other things, it can provide you a way to trade as your
28 00:05:32,550 --> 00:05:43,710 own model. This is all a trader can use to find setups, it's not going to be appreciated the first time you see something like this, but if you go through
29 00:05:43,710 --> 00:05:53,040 your charts and study it, you're going to see that there are many times setups that form over a period of a month that you can find that offer 2030 pips,
30 00:05:54,150 --> 00:06:04,860 especially using the hourly end or 15 minute timeframe. So we're gonna scrub forward in time. And we're gonna back out a little bit here. You can see the
31 00:06:04,860 --> 00:06:16,080 market does, in fact, trade up into that today. And there's a resistance effect that takes place and drops lower. Now by itself. That's really cool. I mean, you
32 00:06:16,080 --> 00:06:28,830 don't need to see anything more, but I have more candy for you. But there is nothing more needed to really find a fascination with that breaker. But I want
33 00:06:28,830 --> 00:06:40,260 to give you some more context, we are now seeing on a 15 minute timeframe. Another bearish breaker, see that relative equal highs, price breaks lower and
34 00:06:40,260 --> 00:06:49,800 then runs up clears out all the orders that would be resting right above here. So what do we do again, our eye goes to the last down close candle right before
35 00:06:49,800 --> 00:07:01,230 the run up. This is your bearish breaker again. So we'll come back to that in a moment. But I want you to think about how extending with your imaginations align
36 00:07:01,260 --> 00:07:10,320 out in time from the scandals Hi, this candles low extended out look at the sensitivity rating here. See that notice it does not go just to the bottoms of
37 00:07:10,320 --> 00:07:23,040 these candles here and then trade lower. It trades inside of this down closed candles range multiple times, and then trades lower. I'm going to show you
38 00:07:23,040 --> 00:07:35,340 something regarding Fridays and Asian range. Now the Asian range that we can classify that as 7pm to midnight, New York time. Now I'm going to add some
39 00:07:35,340 --> 00:07:42,840 annotations. But before I do that in your notes, in your study journal, if you're just watching this video, like Netflix binge watching, then you're really
40 00:07:42,840 --> 00:07:51,600 not doing yourself any service. But whenever we're trading on Mondays, this is one of the reasons why I don't like to trade on Monday. So it doesn't mean I
41 00:07:51,600 --> 00:08:05,280 won't trade on Mondays, it just means one of the things that has to be in play and it has to fit. Otherwise I won't trade one a Monday, the idea of the Asian
42 00:08:05,280 --> 00:08:17,640 range not being utilized on Mondays themselves and ours, the Asian range that you would determine on Mondays data in my school of thought we do not consider
43 00:08:17,640 --> 00:08:27,780 that. And the reason why is the algorithms actually going to look at Friday's Asian range. Now, my long term viewers they know this is true. It's been taught
44 00:08:27,780 --> 00:08:39,210 by me many many years ago. And we've always referred to it when we're talking about Mondays and or the Asian range. On Mondays we refer to Friday's Asian
45 00:08:39,210 --> 00:08:54,570 range. So what we're saying is Thursday 7pm to midnight, Friday, Eastern Standard Time. So with that idea, we can take the Asian range that's on the
46 00:08:54,570 --> 00:09:07,230 previous week's Friday and utilize that to get projections on how far the market can build up into a specific level of resistance. But it has to overlap with
47 00:09:07,230 --> 00:09:17,730 some other narrative. And that narrative would be these two levels up here being that bearish breaker. So let's flesh this out a little bit. Alright, so we've
48 00:09:17,820 --> 00:09:34,830 added the Friday Asian range the previous week, and I'm using the candles, wicks and tails. To illustrate how the classic view of the Asian range is interpreted.
49 00:09:35,760 --> 00:09:44,970 I do not always use the wicks and tails. I like to use the bodies of the candles especially if they're very clear and discernible as they are here. And what I
50 00:09:44,970 --> 00:09:56,250 mean by that we're going to drop down to get to the highest close or highest opening price towards the end of the range on the high side on the low end. We
51 00:09:56,250 --> 00:10:08,160 look here which one has the lower close or lower opening So the close here is 18 002. And open on this is 18 002. So we'll
52 00:10:10,919 --> 00:10:26,429 put our rectangle there. So there is our Asian range. Alright, so we're using the previous Friday's Asian range for Monday's trading. So it is being utilized
53 00:10:26,429 --> 00:10:40,049 for this trading day. Alright, so we have the deletion for Monday's trading the 16th of November, and the previous Friday's Asian range. Now what you want to do
54 00:10:40,049 --> 00:11:00,569 is start getting projections like this, and you can add out and this is for the purpose of your study journal. And I'm gonna speed this up, I'm not gonna sit
55 00:11:00,569 --> 00:11:13,739 here and do this for each one. But this is essentially what you can do. Inside center, there. Alright, and then you're gonna click clone and do the same thing.
56 00:11:13,739 --> 00:11:27,539 And all they're doing is just expanding this up, and laying them right on top of the previous rectangle and then changing the annotation to another Asian
57 00:11:27,539 --> 00:11:37,709 ranging, I'm going to speed this up, and we'll put this on the chart napkins. Alright, so we have all of the Asian ranges stacked on top of one another. And
58 00:11:37,709 --> 00:11:52,199 you can see it goes right to the top of that high end of the breaker that we used as our initial narrative. So we have 12345 Asian range projections. On the
59 00:11:52,229 --> 00:12:07,409 upside, that overlap exactly with a bearish ICT breaker. The levels are not just close. They're not. It's not just almost there. It's right there. Okay, it's
60 00:12:07,409 --> 00:12:18,509 right at the top end. So we have Asian range projections from the previous Friday used or Monday's trading. So what you're seeing here is the run up
61 00:12:18,659 --> 00:12:30,029 initially runs into the top of the bearish breaker and the Asian range that is stacked up, there's there's five of them. So there's five Asian range
62 00:12:30,059 --> 00:12:42,419 projections on the upside. And we have the bearish breaker. So the market trades there. And then from that point one, we'd seen market break lower. And then we
63 00:12:42,419 --> 00:12:53,579 have this same breaker idea on the 15 minute timeframe. I'm just going to use a rectangle for this one, just to speed things up.
64 00:13:00,809 --> 00:13:17,849 And we'll just change it to read level. Okay. And so the market trades multiple times after breaking below this candle right there. That starts the breaker. So
65 00:13:17,849 --> 00:13:32,219 when it moves away, it comes back up. It's trading inside of this to mitigate all of the Long's that were in here. Anyone that was long on a smart money level
66 00:13:32,219 --> 00:13:40,619 when I was traders on an institutional level that were long here that may have been caught off guard, they can now mitigate those positions. It's not that
67 00:13:40,889 --> 00:13:53,009 they're buying it to push it up. That's not what takes place here. Okay, that's not what goes on. This is repricing. And then this is mitigation. So all of this
68 00:13:53,279 --> 00:14:06,419 is the purpose of pairing up liquidity by side sell side. So the market then breaks lower. What about this level down here makes it significant? Well, if you
69 00:14:06,419 --> 00:14:21,779 go look at this price run in here. Now I'm going to give you a moment to look at it you tell me where there is a specific entry of volatility. In all of this
70 00:14:21,779 --> 00:14:36,989 price run in here, let your eye study all of that and it should jump to a specific reaction in price noise Where is there a flurry of excitement? rating
71 00:14:36,989 --> 00:14:50,459 here? Okay, this is displacement. So what we're doing is we're looking at it. So here's some of these data we're gonna kind of like blur that out for a moment.
72 00:14:51,689 --> 00:15:01,529 This is all Friday's trading. So Friday's trading, where is the displacement? Now it's where's the market, really trying to show a willingness To go higher,
73 00:15:02,639 --> 00:15:13,649 right here. So your eye goes right to this down closed candle prior to this run up, because this displacement, the algorithm starts to run higher, and then it
74 00:15:13,649 --> 00:15:33,659 trades back lower into this turning point right here. So what you do is you want to take a level and put it right on the down close. And we put this on a magnet
75 00:15:33,659 --> 00:15:48,419 so you can see it goes right on the high, change it to blue. So it really pops. Okay, and we're cutting through all these candles. This is why I teach very
76 00:15:48,419 --> 00:15:58,769 adamantly that what I'm teaching is not supply and demand, because supply and demand says, Don't cut through candles, they demand no pun intended. They
77 00:15:58,979 --> 00:16:10,349 require they call it fresh levels. Well, there's nothing stale about this down close candle because it's my ICT bullish order block. It's just being reclaimed.
78 00:16:10,439 --> 00:16:20,279 So we have this specific price level here. It runs higher, creates an imbalance it comes down rebalances that and trades right back into this bullish order
79 00:16:20,279 --> 00:16:28,769 block. extend that through time, all the way through Sunday. We don't really care so much about Sunday's data. And then we have the bearish breaker that
80 00:16:28,769 --> 00:16:40,379 trades exactly into the bullish order block right there. Then price runs higher trades back down into the last down close candle. So we optimal trade entry here
81 00:16:40,979 --> 00:16:50,159 in the New York session. So remember what I started this video with my students knew and had been focusing on a bearish dollar. I gave you a short little video
82 00:16:50,159 --> 00:17:00,479 clip on my YouTube channels and the story section. For whatever reason, it's easier for me to find the stories when I'm using my mobile. So now if I log into
83 00:17:00,479 --> 00:17:13,199 YouTube, using my phone, I can click on my logo, my ICT logo when it's red. And if I click on that, it plays my story that I just recently uploaded. And the
84 00:17:13,199 --> 00:17:25,949 most recent one I did was a short little video and it was showing the bullishness set up that was on last Tuesday on euro dollar and projections that
85 00:17:25,949 --> 00:17:30,209 would lead to relative equal highs being taken out. Again, my
86 00:17:30,210 --> 00:17:37,410 students knew and have been focusing with me on bearish dollar, we're not flip flopping around, we've been looking for bearish dollar. So we've been looking
87 00:17:37,410 --> 00:17:47,430 for bullish euro. I have not been wanting to trade, British Pound so that way we know in full disclosure, our focus as a group and community we've been focusing
88 00:17:47,430 --> 00:17:58,200 on eurodollar. So we have several components here we have market running up into on Monday to a bearish breaker and all of these Asian range overlapping. So the
89 00:17:58,200 --> 00:18:12,600 algorithm uses this range on a previous Friday when the bias is discernible. In other words, if we're bullish on the start of the week, as we have been in our
90 00:18:12,600 --> 00:18:22,830 community, Euro should trade higher, it doesn't mean it will absolutely do. So it just means that we go in looking for things that line up to build evidence to
91 00:18:22,830 --> 00:18:32,130 structure a trade around a narrative that we anticipate, okay, we're not guessing we're not trying to catch up. Okay, we're not surprised. We're looking
92 00:18:32,130 --> 00:18:46,260 for things that are very systematic, and the overlap to confirm a narrative. So this idea of projecting the Asian range is higher. It's a specific measurement
93 00:18:46,260 --> 00:18:58,050 the algorithm will reach for, okay, it's not a Fibonacci sequence. It's not a Elliott Wave thing. It's not something harmonic. It's a very generic
94 00:18:58,050 --> 00:19:10,410 mathematical utilization of a predetermined price range that is static. This range is static, it doesn't move around. It's a specific element of time when it
95 00:19:10,410 --> 00:19:18,420 begins and when it ends, we get the highest high the lowest low and or as I like to use it, the bodies of the candles. Okay, so I like to look at the highest
96 00:19:18,450 --> 00:19:28,290 body and the lowest body, neck can either be the open or the close, whichever is the highest or the lowest and difference to the range of the of the Asian range.
97 00:19:29,190 --> 00:19:39,780 Get that measurement, you project that up until it overlaps with a with another key level. The key level is that bearish breaker. It trades up into here, look
98 00:19:39,780 --> 00:19:52,620 at the precision folks. It's beautiful. The top of the breaker comes in at 1.18682. And it was only off by half a pip because the high Here comes in at
99 00:19:52,920 --> 00:20:07,560 1.18687. So that's five PIP bets, or one half of one PIP Then it turns, creates the bearish breaker here trades right down into a bullish order block, your eye
100 00:20:07,560 --> 00:20:16,440 goes to this one because it shows displacement there. Now, it's not that every down closed candle like you see folks on YouTube there, you think they
101 00:20:16,440 --> 00:20:27,420 understand my order block theory. And it's not as easy as it may seem the first look at it. Now it's easy to go back in hindsight and say, Here's where that
102 00:20:27,420 --> 00:20:35,700 word block was. And that's what unfortunately, a lot of people do on YouTube. And that's why I get a little upset because what they're doing with their
103 00:20:35,700 --> 00:20:45,270 audience is a disservice because they're really not teaching anything. You're teaching them by default that every down closed candle is a potential order
104 00:20:45,270 --> 00:20:54,900 block when it's not. It is not you need to have a displacement. Within a narrative. The narrative is we're bullish euro. Okay, we have been bearish
105 00:20:54,930 --> 00:21:05,250 dollar. We didn't just become bearish for this example. For weeks, we've been talking about the likelihood that dollar would go lower. So our bias has been on
106 00:21:05,250 --> 00:21:16,200 point. The reverse of that is a bullish foreign currency. And I have told my community I'm not trying to trade cable. So what does that mean? If I'm not
107 00:21:16,200 --> 00:21:24,360 trying to trade cable, which is British Pound versus the US dollar, and we are focusing on euro for study, all of our attention has been on this particular
108 00:21:24,360 --> 00:21:25,860 currency pair. So
109 00:21:26,369 --> 00:21:38,459 we look for levels that line up and logic to support the underlying narrative of a bearish dollar bullish euro. So for bullish euro, we're going to start to use
110 00:21:38,489 --> 00:21:48,809 time elements that are algorithmic, the algorithmic principle of using the Asian range on a previous Friday, and that of on Monday, we ignore it. Because the
111 00:21:48,839 --> 00:22:02,189 Asian range on Mondays is skewed. We don't use it for any purposes like this, we have to revert to the previous week's range. Now, my question to you is, if the
112 00:22:02,189 --> 00:22:11,909 markets were not algorithmic, and programmed to run to predetermine logical levels, and how on earth are these levels being so precise, and why does it
113 00:22:11,909 --> 00:22:22,559 matter with these ranges here, because it's not random. If you do this, and you study this over a year, okay, go back through and study when the market was
114 00:22:22,559 --> 00:22:30,359 bullish and bearish. And you'll have the context, as I'm outlining here, because you don't have the benefit of the community that I have, where I've told them in
115 00:22:30,359 --> 00:22:39,419 advance that the dollar is bearish and foreign currency in this case, Euro specifically, was bullish. So you don't have that you have that only as a
116 00:22:39,419 --> 00:22:49,499 hindsight example, but I have thousands of people that sit with me and I outline this, and I talk about how euro is bullish dollar is bearish. And then you learn
117 00:22:49,499 --> 00:22:59,639 by taking the concepts that I teach, and you plug them in to the price action and over a period of time, seeing example, after example, you learn by
118 00:22:59,639 --> 00:23:10,529 experience, there's no plug in play by watching a video, you have to plug yourself in front of a computer screen and study. It isn't an easy thing. It's
119 00:23:10,529 --> 00:23:19,649 not something that's going to happen for you real fast. It's complicated, because you have to put in a lot of time and effort. But there's nothing like
120 00:23:19,649 --> 00:23:28,109 this, folks, there's no other school of thought there is no other educator out there. There is no other trader out there. And I'm sitting here waiting for
121 00:23:28,109 --> 00:23:37,769 someone else to come out here and try to put their system or methodology against this, because they can't do it. They cannot do it. So if you're looking for
122 00:23:37,769 --> 00:23:49,859 things that are going to be highly precise, you're going to find that in my teachings, but you're not going to learn it real quick. That's why I operate a
123 00:23:49,859 --> 00:23:59,849 mentorship because you're borrowing my experience. My foresight, when I look at the charts, I'm not guessing. I'm telling you as a community, what it is that I
124 00:23:59,849 --> 00:24:10,109 anticipate I'm pointing, and then you can go in and use the concepts that I teach. And you'll see the setups forming. Now, what's interesting is, imagine
125 00:24:10,109 --> 00:24:21,689 for a moment that you were part of the community. If you were anticipating higher prices on euro, you could have used this scenario here to be a buyer in
126 00:24:21,689 --> 00:24:31,289 your studies on Friday of last week. And using this idea as a target and you would hold over the weekend if you were inclined to feel that confident about
127 00:24:31,289 --> 00:24:40,979 it. And if it traded up to this level here, which is the bearish breaker and all of these projected Asian ranges from the previous week, that would be a target
128 00:24:40,979 --> 00:24:48,269 or just before it gets to that level or maybe at the low end of the breaker. That would be a target. So between getting in here on optimal trade entry with a
129 00:24:48,269 --> 00:25:01,349 bullish order block and getting out at the low end of this range here on Monday. Today's trading that's a pretty decent price run for a short term trade. Now, if
130 00:25:01,349 --> 00:25:11,399 you are a contrarian trader, and you know that Mondays tend to be a consolidation retracement that sets up a continuation of a longer term price
131 00:25:11,399 --> 00:25:22,289 move, we could look at this area here as a short term, contrarian, short. And you can trade this right here, when the anticipation it would trade back to this
132 00:25:22,289 --> 00:25:30,479 area here, which is highly sensitive. I mean, look at the bodies of the candles here. Yes, you have a small little tail here and a very small little tail on
133 00:25:30,479 --> 00:25:43,949 this one. But it's going basically back into this candle. to higher that candle comes in at 1.8 to 15. And one PIP that to close on this candle comes in at
134 00:25:44,399 --> 00:25:47,069 1.1815 and one PIP that
135 00:25:48,930 --> 00:25:56,610 it's real hard to get closer to that except for being perfect. And that right there friends is really, really precise. And the sensitivity there is this
136 00:25:56,610 --> 00:26:06,750 dynamic, optimal trade entry. This gives you an a trade here. So running back up into the breaker and maybe potentially running above this high. That could be a
137 00:26:06,750 --> 00:26:16,950 scenario here, but you would be taking logical scaling of partial position exits along the way. But count the number of trade setups just by looking at how the
138 00:26:16,950 --> 00:26:30,780 market swings and gyrates both directions. We have a long in here, potential short here, a long in here and long in here. So there's multiple trades in here.
139 00:26:30,900 --> 00:26:43,470 And it depends on what your style of trading is. I don't force contrarian setups on my students, I don't force trend continuation on my students, I allow them to
140 00:26:43,470 --> 00:26:52,950 grow organically with the content and the concepts. You all may be looking at this and say, Okay, I can see this setup, but I don't really see this one here
141 00:26:52,950 --> 00:27:04,020 as a short, and I don't see this one as a long, I don't see this as a sell. Some of you may see that SSL. You see what I mean by that it's, I'm allowing the
142 00:27:04,020 --> 00:27:17,790 students to find their choice setup, their specific bread and butter setup. And whatever that setup is, once you gravitate towards it, you don't try to improve
143 00:27:17,790 --> 00:27:29,580 upon your trading by including something else. You latch on like a pitbull on a pork chop, you say this is what is my setup, this is my model, and you work with
144 00:27:29,580 --> 00:27:38,070 that for a minimum of six months. And you're going to find that you know exactly what you're looking for, because that pattern will repeat. And what I mean by
145 00:27:38,070 --> 00:27:48,960 that, well, this pattern here is the bearish breaker there that's that's a short trades down into this bullish order block right there. Okay, that's a setup,
146 00:27:48,960 --> 00:28:07,410 that's a sell, just as well as this trade here to here is a sell. But based on this breaker, you just have to wait for to trade all up into it here. So this is
147 00:28:07,410 --> 00:28:19,950 the same pattern that is seen here. It just takes longer for this pattern to come into a setup where it's valid now, until it gets to this level. This
148 00:28:19,950 --> 00:28:29,190 breaker is just something that's sitting in waiting. Now you may look at this and say, You know what? There's no way I would trade that. And maybe you're
149 00:28:29,190 --> 00:28:37,230 looking at this run here and saying doesn't that negate that? No, just like I outlined here with the bullish order block. There, we're cutting through
150 00:28:37,230 --> 00:28:48,480 candles. My order block theory does not have a limitation on you can't cut through candles. That's what supply and demand guys do. I'm not supplying to me.
151 00:28:48,930 --> 00:28:57,180 I'm looking at it like the algorithm does. The algorithm is going to remember these levels because it's significant. It's salient to what the price action is
152 00:28:57,180 --> 00:29:10,950 going to require to refer to on the near term basis. And what I mean by that when we're looking at price. Go CD is flaring right there. It's gotta look the
153 00:29:10,950 --> 00:29:22,410 way I want it, folks, I'm sorry. The price is going to refer back to specific levels that are key in reference to specific elements of time. Now what I've
154 00:29:22,410 --> 00:29:31,260 given you here is a lesson that really builds on what I've taught in the past regarding Asian range not being used on Mondays but using the previous Friday's
155 00:29:31,260 --> 00:29:42,150 Asian range. So you can see that this is not a contrived form fitted thing. It fits all of the logic that I've taught with the previous discussion with Asian
156 00:29:42,150 --> 00:29:55,620 range and with that, a Friday's data not Monday. So in your journals, you want to make a notation that on Mondays we do not refer to Asian range. It's not
157 00:29:55,620 --> 00:30:08,340 important it's not crucial. It's not required to find Precision you use the previous Friday. Now, the caveat to that is the Friday's Asian range is only
158 00:30:08,340 --> 00:30:18,450 useful if a bias is underway. That means are we in a buy program or a sell program, what is a buy program by program is simply we're in a bullish market
159 00:30:18,450 --> 00:30:24,090 and it's probably going to keep going higher. If we're going to sell program, then that means that the markets moving lower and it's probably going to
160 00:30:24,120 --> 00:30:35,130 continue moving lower. So we would use the Asian range in a bearish scenario, we would project the Asian range lower to get potential overlapping with a key
161 00:30:35,130 --> 00:30:37,800 level like outlined here with the bearish breaker.
162 00:30:39,240 --> 00:30:49,110 The patterns themselves are repeating on different timeframes, just like this one here is a reaction in the bearish breaker by scrolling back to the left as I
163 00:30:49,110 --> 00:30:58,650 shown, or you can trade it on a smaller one here where it just creates in the near term price action, hits it and then offers a trade there as well. So it's a
164 00:30:58,650 --> 00:31:08,910 matter of understanding what it is you want to trade with the things that I teach, and trying not to apply every possible moving part that's available in my
165 00:31:08,910 --> 00:31:24,000 library. Now, what I just showed you here is multiple models, in and of itself. Any one of these could be your setup. But using all of this idea of the frame
166 00:31:24,000 --> 00:31:31,200 and a narrative and I know some of you, you're thinking, well, this isn't easy, like I thought it was going to be like overbought, oversold divergence. Well,
167 00:31:31,290 --> 00:31:39,270 right, I promised it was going to be expensive. Things like this, and this precise, aren't going to be easy, it's going to require a lot of thought. And
168 00:31:39,270 --> 00:31:48,720 that's the reason why people go on YouTube. And they try to teach things in hindsight, because they cannot do. They don't they haven't submitted to learning
169 00:31:48,720 --> 00:31:59,700 it yet. Now I have students that are extremely versed in my concepts, and they have found their unique model. And they do very, very well. They are not making
170 00:31:59,700 --> 00:32:10,980 YouTube channels and trying to make a name for themselves, okay? The mentorship, I teach you how to be an independent thinker, you have the benefit of me
171 00:32:10,980 --> 00:32:20,250 pointing to where I think the markets going to go. And then you kind of like gives you the insight of, Okay, if I was bearish. Let me focus on the bullish
172 00:32:20,250 --> 00:32:30,960 side. Because if I say t saying he's looking at a level above us, then um, really armwrestling almost three decades of experience. I'm not saying that I'm
173 00:32:31,200 --> 00:32:39,840 not wrong once in a while, but it's really rare. So forget the fact that it might sound egotistical, forget the fact that it sounds like I'm bragging
174 00:32:39,840 --> 00:32:51,450 because I'm not, I'm just trying to give you the picture of what it's like being in the community. But you have to go into the charts yourselves and find the
175 00:32:51,450 --> 00:32:58,980 setup that you like. Now, in the beginning, four months, you're going to be feeling like you're not learning anything, because you're getting new concepts,
176 00:32:59,010 --> 00:33:07,560 new learning, and me pointing to where the markets going. And when the markets go there, you're going to feel frustrated, because you're not trading the
177 00:33:07,560 --> 00:33:15,630 setups. And you're going to want to send me emails like thousands of people in the past have done and say, I feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I see what
178 00:33:15,630 --> 00:33:22,560 you're saying. And I see the lessons. And I appreciate all this, but I'm not able to find a setup. Well, that's what you're not supposed to be doing. While
179 00:33:22,560 --> 00:33:29,580 you're in mentorship, you're not supposed to be trading, everyone wants to come in the mentorship and try to start making money right away. And that's how they
180 00:33:29,580 --> 00:33:40,170 mess up. Because they cheat themselves out of the learning and the development process that is aimed to be available to each student when they first start. So
181 00:33:40,170 --> 00:33:50,550 what am I saying, for entire year, you should not be time trying to take a trade. If that's what you are dying to come into the mentorship for, save your
182 00:33:50,550 --> 00:33:57,840 money, don't join, because you're going to hurt yourself and your development. By doing that it would be better for you to just stay in the free content here
183 00:33:57,840 --> 00:34:04,830 on this YouTube channel. And don't send me any money. Don't try to join the mentorship because you're only going to get frustrated, because you won't have
184 00:34:04,830 --> 00:34:15,540 the patience to follow along with the process that I outline. When is it realistic for you to anticipate you knowing what your model might be? I've had
185 00:34:15,540 --> 00:34:22,680 people come in by the third month say, Man, this is it. This This helped me figure out exactly what I'm doing. They stayed throughout the content and where
186 00:34:22,680 --> 00:34:31,560 they're at charter membership level now, but they still say I've learned what I wanted to learn on month three. Now I'm not stating that people coming in at
187 00:34:31,590 --> 00:34:39,660 month three will know everything they need to know. But these are individuals that have been with me for years and years. And then finally that one little
188 00:34:39,660 --> 00:34:45,390 thing clicked and it made sense to them everything fell into one place where they have a model now.
189 00:34:47,369 --> 00:34:54,299 I tell everyone that you need to go through the full year because you're going to see a full calendar year with seasonal tendencies, influences and all the
190 00:34:54,299 --> 00:35:03,449 factors that go along with it. And I draw in all other market asset classes to tie it together. Once you've four year under your belt, then after that your
191 00:35:03,449 --> 00:35:13,259 charter member, then you spend six months, assuming you've figured out your model, and you spend six months with that specific model, you will know if you
192 00:35:13,259 --> 00:35:22,889 are on the right path, after six months working with one specific model. Now you can see that I did not bring in committed traders, I did not bring in SMT, I
193 00:35:22,889 --> 00:35:34,229 didn't, I didn't need all that stuff, you don't need it either. All they do is help qualify a setup. Now your model may require SMT, it may require Commitment
194 00:35:34,229 --> 00:35:40,859 of Traders to trade on that side of the marketplace. And there's nothing wrong with that, that's just a filter, okay? But when you really know what you're
195 00:35:40,859 --> 00:35:49,379 looking for, you don't need to have all those things. And that's what the mentorship teaches you, it teaches you how to take the right pieces over time
196 00:35:49,649 --> 00:35:57,749 within the context that I'm outlining each week. And I say, Okay, I think we're going here. And then you know, Okay, I'm gonna go in and use these tools that
197 00:35:57,749 --> 00:36:06,059 favor trading the market that side, but you're not trading with live funds, because you need to learn to trust the analysis concepts, and also trust
198 00:36:06,059 --> 00:36:16,589 yourself, learn patience. It's a lot of things internally, that most people that come to me think it's not going to be a problem. And it is a problem for many
199 00:36:16,589 --> 00:36:24,509 people. Humans don't have patience. And you want because you're paying me, you want it to be fast. You want to learn how to make money right now. And I'm
200 00:36:24,509 --> 00:36:26,339 telling you, you need to wait,
201 00:36:26,669 --> 00:36:34,769 not because I can't teach you how to do it. But because you need to learn how to remove all these barriers that you're not even aware that you have yet. So
202 00:36:35,279 --> 00:36:42,689 hopefully you got something from this and hopefully didn't sound too much like a selling or pitch for mentorship, I'm just answering a lot of questions I get,
203 00:36:43,109 --> 00:36:51,719 and giving you an idea of things that you can learn right from this YouTube channel and not have to pay me. But if you want to be a part of the community,
204 00:36:52,079 --> 00:37:01,469 I'm kind of giving you an X ray view of what it is that we do and how it is it's provided to you. So with that, I wish you a pleasant week, be safe. And again,
205 00:37:01,469 --> 00:37:09,599 go to my community tab I posted a really important post and it was intended from the heart. And I think you should follow the instructions I gave you there. And
206 00:37:09,599 --> 00:37:11,189 so I'll talk to you next time. Be safe.