ICT YT - 2020-11-15 - ICT Price Action Lecture - Liquidity Purge and Revert.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-11 14:58

00:00:16,379 --> 00:00:24,119 ICT: Welcome back, folks. It's been a while since I've posted another video to the YouTube channel. So I appreciate your patience. And as always your continued
00:00:24,179 --> 00:00:34,829 interest in my content. Alright, so we're going to talk about liquidity. I'm going to try to make this as brief as I possibly can, I tend to go overboard
00:00:34,829 --> 00:00:46,949 sometimes with insights and commentary, but I'm gonna try to do it as short and concise as I possibly can, which invariably will always inspire questions
00:00:46,979 --> 00:00:57,959 concerns, it will create gaps in your understanding. And that's normal. Okay, just know that it's meant for you to investigate on your own study, because I'm
00:00:57,959 --> 00:01:07,739 going to frame it in that capacity. So that way, you know, while it's not just perfectly formulated for this example, students of mine for a long period of
00:01:07,739 --> 00:01:17,429 time will hear certain things that I've talked about in passing in other commentaries and other YouTube series videos that you can find on this channel.
00:01:19,589 --> 00:01:31,259 I'm not a pattern trader, in the sense that I'm looking for, as it's commonly referred to as a trading pattern, like a harmonic pattern, okay, like a bat, or
00:01:31,289 --> 00:01:45,899 gartley, or a Fibonacci sequence, we're not looking for those things. So while I may reach for Fibonacci, to show a level of projection, and maybe show and
00:01:45,899 --> 00:01:56,669 highlight an area that is visually representing a valuation that would be undervalued or overvalued, or in the sense that it's overbought, oversold,
10 00:01:56,879 --> 00:02:06,329 without using an oscillator, okay, we're looking at specific ranges. So I'm going to touch a little bit on my L seven ranges, specifically, In this lesson,
11 00:02:06,329 --> 00:02:15,989 it's going to be a seven range example. And, again, it's not trying to teach you everything because there's no way I could do this. But it's also one more
12 00:02:16,739 --> 00:02:27,239 illustration of my I haven't ran out of yeast, okay, this Baker has a lot of yeast. And I can continue to teach for decades in the future and still not
13 00:02:27,239 --> 00:02:36,119 running the content. Because I understand the algorithm. Now, what I'm going to show you today would be normally reserved for students that are in my
14 00:02:36,119 --> 00:02:47,909 mentorship. But I want you to appreciate the level of systematic delivery of price, why it does what it does, and try to just simply suspend your belief
15 00:02:47,909 --> 00:02:59,489 system on any other model or school of thought, like if you're a supply and demand follower, or if you're an Elliott, wave trader, or harmonic trader, if
16 00:02:59,489 --> 00:03:11,789 you trade market, profile, it all those things just for a moment, try to put that to the side. And try not to lean on any of your logic, just for a moment,
17 00:03:11,819 --> 00:03:21,719 okay, during the time of this recording, just suspend all belief in that. I'm not saying believe this wholeheartedly, but I want you to just listen to it, and
18 00:03:21,719 --> 00:03:31,439 then go into your charts and you'll find it. Okay. So, Alright, so we're looking at the dollar CAD and this is a pair. Admittedly, I don't trade a lot. But if I
19 00:03:31,439 --> 00:03:40,829 don't get a set up in euro dollar or pound dollar, I will sometimes resort to trading this pair or the Aussie dollar. Okay, so, so I just want to toss that
20 00:03:42,359 --> 00:03:52,979 little disclaimer out there. I'm not actively trading dollar Cad a lot. But I want you to think about some general themes here. Again, I mentioned the L seven
21 00:03:52,979 --> 00:04:03,659 range theory. And it's basically trading inside the range. I'm going to frame a range for you so that we can see a little bit of the context that's required.
22 00:04:03,659 --> 00:04:10,529 But most of the things I'm going to show you here are pretty simple and straightforward. And it's not hard. It's not about moving parts. But there are
23 00:04:10,529 --> 00:04:22,439 very specific rule based ideas that need to be considered when you look and study at old data. And you'll see that this occurs when we're looking at
24 00:04:22,649 --> 00:04:36,599 liquidity, okay, the easiest way to determine that is anything that would reside above a short term high or intermediate term high. Now, you might look at this
25 00:04:36,599 --> 00:04:41,249 area here and say which one's the high? Well, this candle is slightly higher than all of them.
26 00:04:41,790 --> 00:04:51,750 But whenever I see multiple candles, or multiple levels that look very close to one another in height or in depth in terms of the, the lows if we're looking at
27 00:04:51,870 --> 00:05:00,450 if we're considering the opposite, in terms of looking for Southside liquidity by side liquidity rest above old highs. Now it can come in the form of Have
28 00:05:00,810 --> 00:05:10,080 these areas like this where it's relatively equal highs, okay, that's one of the concepts that I use to frame the idea and understanding of liquidity. Now
29 00:05:10,110 --> 00:05:21,120 liquidity can be formed on the basis of a single point of reference like this high, or this high, or this high. Or it could be a collection of relatively
30 00:05:21,150 --> 00:05:31,740 equal highs or relatively equal lows. Like this center, this would be considered relative equal lows. In my school of thought, this is relative equal highs. And
31 00:05:31,740 --> 00:05:44,040 my school of thought this is a single by sight liquidity pool, old high, this is a single by side liquidity pool, short term high, these things, okay are not
32 00:05:44,130 --> 00:05:59,250 required. For a label sense. It's just, I'm showing you the contrast between the two. But generally, anything above an old high would be buy side liquidity, that
33 00:05:59,250 --> 00:06:07,200 means there's buy orders up there. Now, as a new trader, that sounds a little alien, it doesn't make sense, who would be wanting to buy up there, because your
34 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:15,600 books are telling you buy low, sell high. There's always traders that are going short, or traders that want to buy on a breakout that goes above that. So that's
35 00:06:15,600 --> 00:06:24,630 the context of why that's buy side liquidity. And I teach it from a institutional perspective, I'm not looking at it in terms of saying, you know,
36 00:06:24,630 --> 00:06:35,280 this is a resistance level, I'm teaching that this is an area where there are willing buyers up there. And that perception of price action. Once you start
37 00:06:35,280 --> 00:06:50,670 adopting that and looking at price with that, view, your opinions, your bias, your analysis will slowly start to migrate away from away from the retail logic
38 00:06:50,880 --> 00:07:00,960 that all of us are indoctrinated with, when we first come into trading, that's a normal thing. But statistically proven, if you look at all of the retail logic
39 00:07:00,960 --> 00:07:14,040 that's available to us. Why is it that 90% of the traders lose money? It's because the logic is flawed. Okay. So if it's flawed, what is the common
40 00:07:14,040 --> 00:07:24,450 denominator as to why retail logic fails more times than it wins, I'm not saying it can't win. I'm not. Now I'm not saying that retail traders always lose. And
41 00:07:24,450 --> 00:07:33,900 I'm not saying that a retail trader can't be profitable, even using retail logic. But they have to make a departure from all things retail, at some point,
42 00:07:34,110 --> 00:07:45,990 they have to inject their own experience into the analysis. And that experience is going to be a byproduct of looking at things experientially and seeing, okay,
43 00:07:46,050 --> 00:07:59,280 I've learned this pattern in the books, I've seen this author, I've seen this, you know, educator or trader guru mentioned this idea. But I have seen in this
44 00:07:59,280 --> 00:08:08,520 instance, when that patterns there, it fails, because of other things that I didn't learn in other books. And you're going to have these epiphanies that's
45 00:08:08,730 --> 00:08:17,070 experienced that you can't just get from a book, I can't transpose all of my experience, I can talk about things that I learned experientially, and like what
46 00:08:17,070 --> 00:08:28,440 I'm going to show you here, but it's important for you to understand it. The main common denominator is the markets are manipulated, and they're manipulated
47 00:08:28,440 --> 00:08:38,460 not on a random basis, but they're manipulated with a role based structure. So I'm going to give you a little bit of the details and how you can start looking
48 00:08:38,460 --> 00:08:48,300 for these types of signatures in price. So if you look at this dollar CAD, we have an old low here and price has rallied up now retail logics dates that we
49 00:08:48,300 --> 00:08:59,160 have this low as a support level, why? Because price moved away from there. We won't go into describing why it would have turned there from a retail trader,
50 00:08:59,880 --> 00:09:08,610 they just deem it as well this support because why? If price hits it and repels then it's a support level. Okay, that might be simple enough for you to
51 00:09:08,640 --> 00:09:18,000 subscribe to. I don't look at it like that I look at it as Okay, there is now engineered liquidity. Now, what does that mean? That means that the market has
52 00:09:18,120 --> 00:09:30,360 turned on a dime here and rallied higher. I see this as a liquidity pool of sell side orders. Okay, sell side liquidity. Anyone that would have an order below
53 00:09:30,360 --> 00:09:34,980 that would be a seller they want to sell Why would they want to sell below that?
54 00:09:35,160 --> 00:09:43,080 Because anyone that's long here, or even chasing price, they're going to look back to this level and feel confident that well it bounced there before so even
55 00:09:43,080 --> 00:09:55,260 if it starts to come down, which may be very uncomfortable for them. They have belief and faith and confidence that their books have indoctrinated them into
56 00:09:55,260 --> 00:10:04,290 believing that this is a level that should prevent price from going lower and I To think like that, until I lost thousands of dollars. And then it quickly
57 00:10:04,290 --> 00:10:15,330 dawned on me that I'm probably not following the right things. So I want you to think about that low with the target or Bullseye of the price wanting to go down
58 00:10:15,330 --> 00:10:27,870 to that level to attack the liquidity at rest below that low. Now, it may take months before it gets to this low, but if it gets to this low, this is what I
59 00:10:27,870 --> 00:10:35,850 want you to start looking at. And it doesn't only work on daily charts, this works on hourly charts, it works on four hour charts, it works on weekly charts,
60 00:10:35,910 --> 00:10:47,490 okay. So it's important that you know that this liquidity idea I'm teaching you here is just part of the framework. But we can see eventually, on the ninth of
61 00:10:47,490 --> 00:11:00,360 November, price trades down and goes below that low. This is an important event, when this day runs below this low. It's a crucial event algorithmically, because
62 00:11:00,360 --> 00:11:13,230 what it's doing is it's going into a pool of liquidity. Now, we don't know with any absolute assurity that what I'm going to outline here is going to unfold,
63 00:11:13,380 --> 00:11:21,840 but I'm going to give you the things you'd look for to build confidence that it is likely to. And you'll see by going through your own charts, how fast you can
64 00:11:21,840 --> 00:11:30,750 see these scenarios developing. We're going to go down to an hourly chart and study this fractal where it goes below this low here, and I'm going to release
65 00:11:30,750 --> 00:11:39,000 information to you that would otherwise not be shown on my YouTube channel. So let's go over to the hourly chart now. Alright, so here is the hourly dollar CAD
66 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:46,440 chart. Now right away, it probably doesn't look like much to you. Okay, but I'm going to add annotations in a moment. But I want you to take a look at some of
67 00:11:46,440 --> 00:11:55,710 the things without having any scribbles any kind of annotations or markings or labels on the chart. Just let me flesh it out for you a little bit. And then
68 00:11:55,710 --> 00:12:07,110 we'll throw the lipstick on the chart, you should be able to see this high. And this low as a important price range. Now what makes it important, it's the most
69 00:12:07,110 --> 00:12:18,150 dominant price range in this portion of price action. So whenever I'm looking at price, I look for clear, discernible price ranges. When the range is clearly
70 00:12:18,150 --> 00:12:28,680 defined. As you can see here, what I do is I want to look for reference points based on measurements that are very generic. Okay, so in other words, I want to
71 00:12:28,680 --> 00:12:39,660 know what this high is here on this candle. And I want to know what the low of this candle is. Now, we're looking at this with the expectation that we're
72 00:12:39,660 --> 00:12:48,270 anticipating a run below that, but we don't know if it's going to continue. We wait for something to occur, which I'll outline here. And then once it happens,
73 00:12:48,300 --> 00:12:58,440 it gives us framework for short term bias and withdrawal and liquidity is only in an opposing order. In other words, we see a an attack on sellside liquidity
74 00:12:58,440 --> 00:13:10,020 with this day here. If something occurs as I outline, that will be your greenlight to anticipate opposing by side liquidity to be taken. Okay, so the
75 00:13:10,020 --> 00:13:23,850 concept I'm showing you here is purge and revert. Okay, purge and revert. Right. So when we look at liquidity, you want to be able to look at it on the basis of
76 00:13:24,270 --> 00:13:34,710 daily highs and lows. Now when you look at daily highs and lows, you can add period separators to your chart like tradingview.com allows you to do I'm not
77 00:13:34,710 --> 00:13:43,050 sure why it takes so long to load up like that. But there it is. But if you put the period separators on trading view, this is the levels that you're going to
78 00:13:43,080 --> 00:13:53,880 get. Now, I'm not going to argue that what I'm going to show you use better or that you can't use this either. I'm just teaching you the way I look at it.
79 00:13:53,970 --> 00:14:04,440 Okay, so if you're here on my channel, that more or less indicates that you're interested to see how I think about it may not subscribe to everything I say. In
80 00:14:04,440 --> 00:14:14,070 fact, I would count you not to do that. There's things I'm going to say in this video and maybe in other videos that will be offensive to you because you are
81 00:14:14,070 --> 00:14:22,470 holding fast to your your, your logic your system, your your method. And if it's profitable, don't allow me to change your mind about something that may be
82 00:14:22,470 --> 00:14:31,050 working for you. But if you can take something from the things I'm going to show you here and glean insight that may improve upon what you're already doing.
83 00:14:31,500 --> 00:14:33,630 That's really my only intention here.
84 00:14:33,660 --> 00:14:44,820 Okay, but it will be better if you could suspend all of the previous ideas that you have about price. Okay, and looking for things. I don't do it like this.
85 00:14:44,850 --> 00:14:56,370 Okay, so what I do is I look at the midnight to midnight timeframe, and I delineate my session breaks like that. So it'll look like this. Okay, so all my
86 00:14:56,370 --> 00:15:08,280 vertical lines here are midnight to midnight, New York. Time. Once this low, which is highlighted with this line here, that's that old daily low. And we see
87 00:15:08,280 --> 00:15:20,700 that run below the old daily low here that is a purging of liquidity. Now, once this purge occurs, we want to see the day of that purge, we want to start
88 00:15:20,700 --> 00:15:30,060 looking backwards. Okay. And other video series and other videos and other commentaries I've done with forex and trading technical analysis concepts and
89 00:15:30,060 --> 00:15:45,150 such. You'll hear this repeat three days, okay, I use a three day range of look back. Okay, if you look for the last three days, you'll have all the liquidity
90 00:15:45,150 --> 00:15:54,960 pools you need to make money, you'll have all the liquidity pools to target for your trades, you'll have all the liquidity pools that you could use for trade
91 00:15:54,960 --> 00:16:04,350 entries. And you don't need anything other than that. You don't need to have a 20 day look back period, you don't need to have a 60 day you don't need to have
92 00:16:04,350 --> 00:16:13,500 a 40 day, you don't need to look back on your weekly charts and see how many times something hit a level 14 different times to have any faith in the market
93 00:16:13,950 --> 00:16:28,020 does not look back 20 years ago. The market does not look back five years ago. Okay, it looks at pre determined price levels. And that's the reason why the
94 00:16:28,020 --> 00:16:39,810 algorithms operate the way they do. And what I mean by that if for some of you that are not technically inclined or familiar with computer programming, for
95 00:16:39,810 --> 00:16:46,230 those that are This will make a lot of sense to you. But those that aren't, just bear with me, for the folks that are technically inclined, I'm not trying to
96 00:16:46,230 --> 00:16:54,690 talk down to those individuals that aren't, I'm just trying to be as inclusive as possible and comprehensive. So that way you understand what I'm saying here,
97 00:16:54,780 --> 00:17:01,590 so it doesn't go right over your head. Because I can clearly see, there's going to be a lot of people that are going to be confused by this lesson. But if you
98 00:17:01,590 --> 00:17:09,540 just take it for what I'm going to show you here and then go into your own charts, you'll see what I'm referring to, and then it'll click so the day of the
99 00:17:09,540 --> 00:17:22,050 purging. Now what's the day it runs below that old daily low? When that happens? We count that as day one. Okay, that's day one of that event of purging. We wait
100 00:17:22,560 --> 00:17:34,590 to see if it goes higher and reverts, not reverses. Okay, I'm not saying reversal. I'm saying revert What is it reverting to? It's reverting to buy side.
101 00:17:35,400 --> 00:17:46,950 So it draws to sell side liquidity. And that's counted as day one. That is day one, day two, day three. That's our look back on the day of liquidity purge. So
102 00:17:47,100 --> 00:17:58,380 the day it occurs, you'd look back three days. Now, inside the range prior to the liquidity purge, you got to look back and see where is that range. Now you
103 00:17:58,380 --> 00:18:05,070 could have looked at this, say if you're looking at a 15 minute chart, maybe you would have seen it as this high to this low. And that's fine. There's nothing
104 00:18:05,070 --> 00:18:13,860 wrong with that you will be just using five minute charts to get the same premise I'm showing you here on an hourly chart. It's all scalable folks. The
105 00:18:13,860 --> 00:18:22,500 things that I teach are very friendly to making it your own. I don't mean that by saying take my content, rename it and put a YouTube video up. Okay, that's
106 00:18:22,500 --> 00:18:32,280 not that's not what I'm saying here. What I'm saying is it allows you the freedom and flexibility, because if the method and concepts are legitimate, it
107 00:18:32,280 --> 00:18:41,850 will allow anyone any number of people to come in and form their own model and which doesn't seem logical to a new trader or someone that's a neophyte someone
108 00:18:41,850 --> 00:18:52,980 coming to this for the first time. Like it was for me, there only is one way of doing it successfully. And I've learned it took me about six years to get there.
109 00:18:53,370 --> 00:19:04,320 But when I first started in 1992, it took me six years before I realized that there isn't one way to be profitable. There is a myriad of ways, but there are
110 00:19:04,320 --> 00:19:13,980 certain things that you need to understand that puts the odds more in your favor than if you didn't know it. And the adversities that you have and suffer through
111 00:19:14,430 --> 00:19:22,440 are really avoidable. Okay. You have to at some point, you have to admit that these markets are 100% controlled. They are we have
112 00:19:23,099 --> 00:19:32,789 breakers in the marketplace that says once it trades this much trading halts for a little while. Okay, isn't that a measure of control? Sure it is. And it's not
113 00:19:32,789 --> 00:19:41,819 limited to that they know where these markets are going to go. They're driven there. Okay. And this is an example of engineered liquidity. Engineered
114 00:19:41,819 --> 00:19:50,759 liquidity is where they run down, take those sellers out of the marketplace for what purpose. It allows individuals that are on smart money side of things.
115 00:19:51,659 --> 00:20:03,029 Informed traders, okay, large institutional traders, bank traders, and they will use that liquidity to be a Counterparty to their body. So it is a way of looking
116 00:20:03,029 --> 00:20:09,419 at price and saying, okay, I don't need to have an overbought oversold indicator, I don't need to have a divergence in an oscillator, I don't need to
117 00:20:09,419 --> 00:20:20,609 have harmonic on my side, I'm just looking at where liquidity is. And if we see an old daily low taken, that is a significant pool of liquidity. There's lots of
118 00:20:20,609 --> 00:20:29,489 orders below an old low, like I indicated on the daily chart before transitioning to the hourly. But this event where it goes below that low, it's
119 00:20:29,489 --> 00:20:37,949 being paired with smart money that wants to buy now, right away some of you're looking as well, this is all hindsight. I'm teaching it through hindsight. But I
120 00:20:37,949 --> 00:20:48,089 promise, if you go through your charts, the things I'm showing you here, they repeat over and over again, which is a basis for a model, this could be your
121 00:20:48,089 --> 00:20:57,269 unique trading model. And it's not really shown anywhere in any of my content. I don't even teach this even in mentorship. What I'm showing you here is fresh,
122 00:20:57,689 --> 00:21:06,869 but it's using concepts that I've touched on even in this free youtube channel. And in my mentorship, so I'm blending both of the worlds that are inside my
123 00:21:06,869 --> 00:21:14,429 mentorship and outside, I'm bringing them together with something for free right here. So that way you can gain a greater understanding what the markets are
124 00:21:14,429 --> 00:21:24,149 doing and why they're doing it. If this is true, if my assumption and my argument that I posed to everyone that comes to me, if these markets are not
125 00:21:24,449 --> 00:21:34,589 100% manipulated by an algorithm, then the things I'm going to show you here won't hold up. In price runs below, an old low that sells high liquidity has
126 00:21:34,589 --> 00:21:47,339 been purged only if we start to move away from it. Now it might be a sweep on stops, and then it continues higher. But if it runs below it, and then goes back
127 00:21:47,369 --> 00:21:56,759 above a specific level, what level would that be, but we want to look at the day that it occurs and runs the liquidity out. So this day here, I've annotated the
128 00:21:56,759 --> 00:22:11,969 daily high, if that high is traded to and through, that is a market structure break only on the basis of a liquidity purge. Now, it does not mean it's 100%
129 00:22:11,969 --> 00:22:20,609 successful, it just means that from an algorithmic standpoint, if we're looking at logical steps of processes, we look for this, If this occurs, then we look
130 00:22:20,609 --> 00:22:29,039 for this, if that occurs, then we look for this. And if that occurs, we look for that. So it's a matter of looking at a recipe for a model that would be
131 00:22:29,039 --> 00:22:40,319 unfolding dynamically. So if this day's high, when it takes the liquidity out, is broken on the upside here, I don't need it to close above it. That's not I
132 00:22:40,319 --> 00:22:49,289 don't need that. Because the narrative is it ran below an old low for liquidity. If it's going to go higher, the algorithm will start it's macro and macro is a
133 00:22:49,289 --> 00:23:02,249 short order of processes that begin and go step by step. And it's like a small little algorithm and incense and the large algorithm that creates and controls
134 00:23:02,249 --> 00:23:13,439 price action. It's just a bunch of smaller little algorithms that tie together. And it's very complex, obviously, but just know that you can reduce it to
135 00:23:13,439 --> 00:23:20,219 something as simple as what I'm showing you here. It may not seem simple right now, because I'm a little wordy. But I need you to understand there's certain
136 00:23:20,219 --> 00:23:30,569 things that are at play here that cause these things. Okay, that occur. So the rumble of the liquidity, if that day's highs broken, we see it here, then we can
137 00:23:30,569 --> 00:23:35,999 start looking for buy side liquidity for the algorithm to revert to that
138 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:46,440 here's the previous day's high. That's all these little blind segments are I'm looking at the daily high, that is between 12 and 12. Midnight each day. So this
139 00:23:46,440 --> 00:23:57,390 day's liquidity is take taken out. But it's a break in market structure on the basis and narrative that we've taken Southside liquidity out. So now once it
140 00:23:57,390 --> 00:24:06,390 does this, where do we anticipate price going to? Well, you first have to revert back to this high and this low. So we're looking at how much we're going to
141 00:24:06,810 --> 00:24:14,760 retrace from this low into this high, it may not ever get back to that high. And and here's the thing, you don't need to have it go there. But you need to know
142 00:24:14,760 --> 00:24:23,670 where the midpoint is. And that's what this level is here. So that's basically equilibrium between the high and the low of that obvious range. Now the
143 00:24:23,670 --> 00:24:34,740 algorithm knows this range high and it knows the low it forms here. The midpoint is equilibrium. So what we're doing is we want to look at three days back as far
144 00:24:34,740 --> 00:24:47,850 as in terms of time, the liquidity above the daily highs as far back as day three, and the filter is the midpoint, or equilibrium of the range that's traded
145 00:24:47,850 --> 00:24:56,940 in prior to the liquidity being purged. Now I already know some of you in some of your ears are smoking right now you're thinking man, this is too much. I need
146 00:24:56,940 --> 00:25:06,330 to trend line right now. Somebody taught me a moving average. I see He's killing me here. Trust me, okay, when you watch this video a few times and go into your
147 00:25:06,330 --> 00:25:17,040 charts, you'll see it, it's there. But the range needs to be filtered. Okay, once we get to the 50 point, or 50% level of the high and the low, that's all I
148 00:25:17,040 --> 00:25:27,240 really use a Fibonacci for folks, you know, I'm just looking for equilibrium. And anything at or above it, in my mind is expensive. In other words, it's a
149 00:25:27,240 --> 00:25:38,940 premium market. So it's going to require a whole lot more for me to be a buyer. And many times it will negate me being a buyer. But it will not disqualify a
150 00:25:38,940 --> 00:25:47,190 long entry that I have maybe entered and I did not. So we are clear. Now I didn't take a trade on this, I'm just showing you conceptually how you can study
151 00:25:47,190 --> 00:26:01,050 and see these things going forward. But you can use these ideas to frame the logic on holding long positions or partials to get to this level. And then day
152 00:26:01,050 --> 00:26:09,450 three, in this case here. So what I mean by that, we have the high the low, the logic behind the run on stocks on the sell side liquidity raid, okay, so this is
153 00:26:09,450 --> 00:26:19,530 purged, if we get a run above the day of the purging, and then we start looking at the previous day's highs. And above that is going to be liquidity until we
154 00:26:19,530 --> 00:26:32,010 get to the 50% level of the range. Once it does that, we are in an iffy like it might not continue going higher, it could but it might not. But if we have day
155 00:26:32,010 --> 00:26:43,590 three still in close contention with this level. Now it's not that far above it. And it's not a lot of range in terms of where the equilibrium is and where the
156 00:26:43,590 --> 00:26:58,380 previous day or day threes high would be that Bice illiquidity would be potentially attacked. So we can see each day on the 10th of November, we had to
157 00:26:58,380 --> 00:27:08,310 break above the old high here, market structure is broken. So now we're thinking by side liquidity is going to be the next draw. That means your bias on a short
158 00:27:08,310 --> 00:27:18,840 term is look for this high to be tapped. And maybe this one, we don't need to go all the way back up here. Okay, we don't need to go all the way back up to the
159 00:27:18,840 --> 00:27:26,850 last up close Canada, which is a bearish order block, okay, you're looking at high probability, high probability. This is what this is high probability short
160 00:27:26,850 --> 00:27:35,400 term trading. So if we see that they're all in beisa, liquidity is the context that the algorithm is going to be operating under, they've already done the
161 00:27:35,400 --> 00:27:42,750 damage. So going down, traders are going to be looking for continuation, they're gonna be looking for bear flags, they're gonna be looking for a bearish gartley,
162 00:27:42,750 --> 00:27:52,740 they're going to be looking for bearish, you know, anything to get them short. And supply and demand traders gonna be looking for supply zones to go short at
163 00:27:53,640 --> 00:28:01,260 traders that use simple support resistance levels are going to be looking at, okay, well, we bounced here, let's draw that out in time, and it might sell off
164 00:28:01,260 --> 00:28:09,000 here. And when it starts to go down like that, they get really excited, are you thinking like this are thinking, well, we have a break in market structure, your
165 00:28:09,000 --> 00:28:17,070 eye goes here, where their eyes looking for this level to be touched again, because its support level, you see the paradigm shift that's taking place
166 00:28:17,070 --> 00:28:27,240 already in a short little video. Now it feels long for some of you. But it's a very short window of time that I've framing a mode of logic that repeats all the
167 00:28:27,240 --> 00:28:35,970 time on all timeframes. But if we're going to use it in this context, using and look back of three days, then it's framed on a daily chart,
168 00:28:36,029 --> 00:28:46,229 and it can be reversed. Obviously, if we're looking for runs above old daily highs. But look back is three days, equilibrium is the high and the low split in
169 00:28:46,229 --> 00:28:53,669 the middle. So all I did was to get that level and you put a Fibonacci on this high to this low and whatever the 50 level is you annotate that on your chart.
170 00:28:54,299 --> 00:29:04,889 So each day after this day, you are looking for this pool of liquidity to be traded to and this pool of liquidity to be traded to once it does that high
171 00:29:04,889 --> 00:29:19,049 probability goes away. It changes. Okay, so the algorithm goes into a different mode of delivery. It can become a deeper retracement or it could accelerate into
172 00:29:19,049 --> 00:29:26,819 that high. That's not what I'm going to teach here. I'm not teaching that that and I know some of you I already say Say Say you're holding back. No, it just
173 00:29:26,819 --> 00:29:37,379 requires a whole lot more to teach. And I don't have the time for it and you wouldn't want to sit through it anyway. Each day, this high, you know being
174 00:29:37,379 --> 00:29:44,009 broken up this creates the microstructure shift by side liquidity here if we draw that out in time
175 00:29:53,339 --> 00:29:55,049 and we're going to draw this one out in time.
176 00:30:00,659 --> 00:30:13,469 Okay, and this one here, because it's above the three. And it's the last one. So if we continue with that bias, you know, we'll see if there's any continuation
177 00:30:13,469 --> 00:30:24,359 of that logic reaching for that liquidity. Alright, so now we have Basilicata here by Sella, Cody here, and by Sally Cody here. And we're going to look at the
178 00:30:24,389 --> 00:30:34,589 11th of November. And we're gonna look at that on a 15 minute chart. So let's drop down to the 15 minute time frame and look at this here and how it attacks
179 00:30:34,829 --> 00:30:43,319 these blue levels. Alright, so here is the 15 minute timeframe of that dollar CAD. And we can see the short little lines are always going to be individual
180 00:30:43,319 --> 00:30:56,009 daily highs, the elongated blue lines are going to be those old liquidity pools that we're looking for price to trade up into. So on the 11th, we have price
181 00:30:56,009 --> 00:31:06,149 trading in here. And again, all I'm annotating here is this candles high, which makes that high, we don't use the midnight high. When we're looking at all this
182 00:31:06,149 --> 00:31:16,409 data here. If this midnight candle makes a higher high, we don't call the 11th daily high that one because it's really technically the 12th. So we're using
183 00:31:16,439 --> 00:31:26,789 only the data that makes the individual day prior to midnight in New York time. So the highest highs and lowest low, that's what we're looking for. But soon as
184 00:31:26,789 --> 00:31:38,399 we get to midnight, everything starts new. That's a new range for the day. So we have equilibrium here. So we know the price could jump to that, or at least this
185 00:31:38,399 --> 00:31:49,919 level here. And this level is the initial one because it's below equilibrium. And it's the old liquidity pool on day to look at how price trades back down in
186 00:31:50,849 --> 00:32:02,969 to this run here. Isn't this an optimal trade entry? Watch. Here's your swing low. Alright, so here is the Fibonacci laid on that price swing, I'm using the
187 00:32:02,969 --> 00:32:10,709 bodies of the candles, again, not using the wicks and the tails because the bulk of the volume is in the bodies. So it's going to give you a pure read on where
188 00:32:10,709 --> 00:32:19,469 the buy signal is going to be. Alright, it doesn't mean that you can't use the wicks and tails. It just means when I'm looking for optimal trade entry, I
189 00:32:19,469 --> 00:32:28,799 prefer to use the bodies of the candles because it will give you a pure read on entry. If I'm looking at ranges, okay, like what I outlined on the hourly chart
190 00:32:29,339 --> 00:32:37,289 and showed you where the high was and the low was intended to 50%. When I'm looking at finding equilibrium, I will use the wicks and tails. Okay, I get a
191 00:32:37,289 --> 00:32:46,109 lot of questions in by way of email and people get confused. You know, why did I say to um, use the wicks and sometimes the bodies, he's not consistent, it
192 00:32:46,109 --> 00:32:56,699 confuses me, I just answered that for you. Okay, the bodies are going to give me the pure entry point. The wicks and the tails are used just for measurement of
193 00:32:56,699 --> 00:33:06,299 ranges. Okay. So if I'm going to look for a pattern of entry, I'm using the bodies. If I'm looking for equilibrium measurements, then it's always going to
194 00:33:06,299 --> 00:33:18,449 be wicks and tails. Okay? When it comes to order blocks, that's a different theory, which I won't touch on here. But again, take what you get. So we have
195 00:33:18,449 --> 00:33:26,759 the optimal trade entry in here trades down to that, and we have a standard deviation of negative one half, and it overlaps basically with that old
196 00:33:26,759 --> 00:33:38,009 liquidity pool. And then we have trading up to equilibrium here at negative one. We have negative two just above the old liquidity pool. And we have negative
197 00:33:38,009 --> 00:33:50,789 2.5, which is with this new liquidity pool on Thursday, before Friday's trading. And the market trades there on Friday. And again, we have price trading down
198 00:33:50,789 --> 00:34:05,279 initially creating a Judas swing, what's the context, we're looking for price to revert back to buy side liquidity, because it's already done its job. Over here
199 00:34:05,309 --> 00:34:15,029 running that old daily low. So each day we're looking for clues. If it's going to go to the box on the corner each day, it's going to be reaching for a
200 00:34:15,029 --> 00:34:25,439 specific level of liquidity. It's not guesswork, it's very easily discerned what is the previous highs were above that high can price reach to then price will
201 00:34:25,439 --> 00:34:34,679 start stair stepping towards that. It's not respecting trend lines, it's not respecting patterns. It's respecting where the liquidity is. Okay? The markets
202 00:34:34,679 --> 00:34:44,279 going to go where their orders. It has no regard or respect for anybody's trading pattern. Okay. The markets going to go where there is Counterparty
203 00:34:44,609 --> 00:34:51,149 period. And if there isn't enough Counterparty there, the market will create it, it'll engineer it. It'll run up,
204 00:34:51,330 --> 00:35:01,860 blow out equal highs. It'll blow out be koulos and it'll change sentiment on the basis of that event. Here we have the market trading Above the equilibrium
205 00:35:01,920 --> 00:35:12,570 trading to an old liquidity pool and trades back down. Now, we still have time in the week, and it can still continue. But isn't this an optimal trade entry as
206 00:35:12,570 --> 00:35:31,020 well. And a breaker, we have a low, a high, a lower low, use the highest up close candle. And this adding this in here just for bonus, no extra charge. We
207 00:35:31,020 --> 00:35:40,650 have the body right there. So when the market trades down into that, that's your bullish breaker and your order block, down close candle before this
208 00:35:40,650 --> 00:35:51,180 displacement, optimal trade entry, we'll add that again and watch it i'm doing i'm putting it on the bodies. We get above Thursday's liquidity pool here, not
209 00:35:51,180 --> 00:35:59,670 by much. But we have a standard deviation of negative one, that with these equal highs here or relative equal highs, we could potentially see it, try to get up
210 00:35:59,670 --> 00:36:10,650 and snag that. I'm not saying it will, because we're above equilibrium. But that is how I would look at it. Now if this was Say, say this was Tuesday, Wednesday,
211 00:36:10,680 --> 00:36:19,200 and we were still in an active trading week, then I would still be hunting Long's and I would look for a standard deviation of negative one or negative one
212 00:36:19,200 --> 00:36:27,690 and a half. Because it would be expanding above the relative equal highs. And I would look for it for like 10 2030 pips. And I would look for that type of thing
213 00:36:27,720 --> 00:36:36,300 to occur and try to attack that 132 big figure. That is not analysis. I'm just saying that that's how I would use it. If it were, you know, still in an active
214 00:36:36,300 --> 00:36:45,900 trading week. Now, what am I showcasing here? Am I just talking about hindsight and just trying to dazzle you with something that's obvious in the charts. Some
215 00:36:45,900 --> 00:36:53,430 of you might come away from this video with that opinion. And you're free to have that. But those individuals that go into the charts and start looking at
216 00:36:53,430 --> 00:37:05,940 what I'm showing you here is simplest short overview of what I just did here, you look for areas in the marketplace, with old highs and old lows. And if the
217 00:37:05,940 --> 00:37:17,130 market trades down below it, wait to see if it wants a break the day it trades below it in words, this is the event day. If it trades above that, then we could
218 00:37:17,130 --> 00:37:27,420 potentially have a market structure shift. So we start looking for previous day's highs and the liquidity that we resting above it. previous day's high with
219 00:37:27,420 --> 00:37:35,940 liquidity resting above it, you are not looking back three days every time a new day comes back and then finding that we're looking at three days back counting
220 00:37:35,940 --> 00:37:44,850 day one of the purge on liquidity. That is how the algorithm reads it. How does it select which day Michael, if there's an algorithm how to do it, I'm telling
221 00:37:44,850 --> 00:37:53,520 you, this is one of the ways that it does it. It looks back three days now why three days? You're probably asking, why is it three days ICT? Well, there is
222 00:37:54,180 --> 00:38:06,510 classically there is a not to show it to you like this. If you're looking at a chart, and
223 00:38:26,220 --> 00:38:38,040 we're looking at an old low. I teach this and this is really this is a fundamental truth that if you look at most turning points in the marketplace,
224 00:38:38,940 --> 00:38:50,790 you see some kind of depiction of a turning point like this in price, this would be like a swing low. Now if you're using things like with mt four, they have a
225 00:38:50,790 --> 00:38:58,350 fractal indicator. I don't I'm not I've never been a fan of that. And even if you look back at the stuff I did, when I stepped down the stage, just to teach
226 00:38:58,380 --> 00:39:10,770 on forex in 2010. I went against that whole empty for fractal indicator because it requires five candles and five candles. Good grief, the moves already done.
227 00:39:11,190 --> 00:39:20,040 We're anticipating the lowest candle to go into something like this generally, that's how I take as I teach it, there's something down there we're anticipating
228 00:39:20,490 --> 00:39:32,070 the next candle if it has a higher low right away, that's the turning point for me. So we look back three days because this event like it does hear when it runs
229 00:39:32,070 --> 00:39:41,280 below the old daily low that's indicated by this line here. When that occurs, it might not just be a one day event, it might be a two day event where it goes
230 00:39:41,280 --> 00:39:54,930 even deeper. So when it creates that, we count that as day one, two, and three, and we identify that liquidity on those days. If it goes lower, I'm still going
231 00:39:54,930 --> 00:40:04,740 to refer back to the original day three. It just gives us one more day of potential liquidity, it may reach four. But it's a three day on the basis that
232 00:40:04,740 --> 00:40:14,010 it creates turning points. And just like everything else I teach, if you just reverse it and put this here, the swing highs form, generally like this, we have
233 00:40:14,010 --> 00:40:25,950 a high, a higher high and a candle, it has a lower high. Now this candle is high might be lower than this candle is high, or it could be higher. The real point
234 00:40:25,950 --> 00:40:36,750 is that there's a candle that has a lower high to the left, a lower high to the right. And that's usually a classic swing high. Swing low, again, has a higher
235 00:40:36,750 --> 00:40:48,210 low to the left, a higher low to the right. And this could be a higher low than this candle, or it could be lower, it doesn't that's not what we're really
236 00:40:48,480 --> 00:40:57,960 pressing here. There is logic behind what I'm showing you here, you can use other things for that, which is a completely different lesson. But for just a
237 00:40:57,960 --> 00:41:07,740 classification with swing high swing low for turning point basis. This is what it graphically looks like. Most times it doesn't always appear like that. But on
238 00:41:07,740 --> 00:41:15,660 most cases, it does look like that. And that's the reason why the logic is three days because the turning points generally form with that type of structure.
239 00:41:16,020 --> 00:41:26,700 Alright. So your job your homework, going forward using this information is to see how the market reaches for liquidity. I get a lot of questions all the time,
240 00:41:26,700 --> 00:41:34,650 how do you know what side of the market to trade on? Because if I could do that ICT if you could just teach me how to learn to be a buyer or seller? Is it gonna
241 00:41:34,650 --> 00:41:42,000 be an update or a down day? I will be profitable. And I'm going to tell you, you're not correct in thinking that. Because there's other things is going to
242 00:41:42,000 --> 00:41:48,180 get in the way. When you think you've scratched that itch, then you'll have 20 more that says, Well ICT talks about the candles and the wicks and then your
243 00:41:48,180 --> 00:41:57,270 argue about that. When what I just gave you here, did I bring in Commitment of Traders reports? No. Did I bring in the traders Trinity, which I don't even look
244 00:41:57,270 --> 00:42:10,800 at anymore? No. Did I talk about pivot points? No mitigation blocks? noop? Did I teach catapult whiplash? Nope. There's lots of different patterns. And there's
245 00:42:10,830 --> 00:42:19,140 lots of different ways that you can take small little samplings of the things I teach with the proper context and narrative. And it becomes a complete model,
246 00:42:19,680 --> 00:42:27,030 you need to look at all of these days here with the times of day that I teach, which is the London open kill zone, the New York open kill zone, the London
247 00:42:27,030 --> 00:42:36,060 close kill zone. And look how these patterns form. There's optimal trade entries in these days based on the logic that it's going to reach for the liquidity
248 00:42:36,060 --> 00:42:39,630 above here. And here, period.
249 00:42:40,950 --> 00:42:49,560 It's structured, it's not contrived. It's not foreign fitted, because if you go back and look at every other event and retry, here's everything, reverse it and
250 00:42:49,560 --> 00:43:00,810 look at how the market does when it trades above old highs. But here's the thing, you're going to if you are going into this to find times where it fails.
251 00:43:01,020 --> 00:43:10,320 Okay, if that's what you're trying to do right away, you're going to miss the lessons that it's going to show you by doing it with the investigative approach.
252 00:43:10,350 --> 00:43:20,880 In other words, does it show this logic because in future lessons, I'll touch on this again, and it'll be on my YouTube channel. But you need to first see this,
253 00:43:21,300 --> 00:43:29,610 okay, anything I mean, I can look at my order block theory, and go in and find 50 examples where it would be viewed as failing, if you just look at it from the
254 00:43:29,820 --> 00:43:38,250 perspective that YouTube people put up videos and they think they understand my order block theory, no, it's not complete. My mentorship is not exhausted that
255 00:43:39,540 --> 00:43:50,850 you can always torture the data. And if you manipulate, you know, hard and fast and long, long enough, it will confess to anything. But there has to be a logic
256 00:43:51,060 --> 00:44:00,120 in play. So let's go back in closing, take everything off and go to a daily chart, the market is consolidated for a long period of time in here. And we have
257 00:44:00,120 --> 00:44:10,350 this old low, when the market drives down below that I don't care if it's going to go up a little bit and then continue going lower, because that's not a model
258 00:44:10,350 --> 00:44:17,460 I'm trying to frame here I'm not teaching you long term trading, I'm teaching you a short term way of determining where the next draw on liquidity is going to
259 00:44:17,460 --> 00:44:27,360 be, is it going to be aiming for the buy side or the sell side? Now there are other ways to discern whether buy side is going to be attacked or sell side
260 00:44:27,360 --> 00:44:37,980 liquidity to me attacked in that might be your model. But they all want to lean on general principles that are generic. And that means when we have a period
261 00:44:37,980 --> 00:44:47,220 like this and consolidation, this old low if it runs below that, even if it will go lower, and I'm not saying it will or won't here I'm just saying if it does or
262 00:44:47,220 --> 00:44:58,440 if it will or if it's more inclined to do so. All we're doing is looking at short term liquidity to frame short term intraday trades. That's all I'm posing
263 00:44:58,440 --> 00:45:09,420 that as a study on liquidity here. So I framed it on the basis of higher timeframe liquidity pools, which is sellside. Here, short term trading logic
264 00:45:09,450 --> 00:45:18,870 algorithmic principles, understanding the open float, where the markets going to attack a specific side of the marketplace until it gets to a specific threshold,
265 00:45:19,110 --> 00:45:29,880 and then it becomes low probability. Now, obviously, if it trades higher and goes more higher than I've outlined on that lower timeframe, then that's a model
266 00:45:29,880 --> 00:45:39,030 outside the scope of what I'm showing you here, it does not reduce its effectiveness here, it does not mean that this is any less of a model. And that
267 00:45:39,120 --> 00:45:48,690 longer term or intermediate term trading is better. It just means, which would resonate more with you as the individual because I'm talking in a way that it
268 00:45:48,690 --> 00:45:57,870 allows the flexibility of the reader and viewer of my videos to see if it resonates with them. If it doesn't, I'm not offended. No mentor should be
269 00:45:57,870 --> 00:46:06,840 offended, because the mentor should know that everything isn't always going to fall in the expectations and alignment with everybody's psychological makeup,
270 00:46:07,500 --> 00:46:16,380 you aren't always going to agree with everything I say. And the weak minded individuals that come here, and they they are met with something that is against
271 00:46:16,440 --> 00:46:25,110 the grain of what they believe in, they just quickly dismiss the entire channel. And they really dismiss the likelihood potentially picking up on some really
272 00:46:25,110 --> 00:46:34,500 amazing things for free. That may make them a stronger trader, the ones that come here, and they say, okay, that doesn't really resonate with me, but they go
273 00:46:34,500 --> 00:46:43,800 into a journal and say, Alright, I see t mentioned this, this, this, and here's my concerns about that, and why I don't feel any gravitation towards that at the
274 00:46:43,800 --> 00:46:45,630 moment. So
275 00:46:45,870 --> 00:46:54,060 it's not killing the idea, it just means that you have observed something, you've recorded your observation, and you kept an open mind about it. Because
276 00:46:54,090 --> 00:47:02,160 something else in the future that you may come in contact with with this video. Or maybe you're joining the mentorship, maybe you're not I don't care. But
277 00:47:02,160 --> 00:47:10,680 you'll come in contact with another lesson that it will say, Oh, that makes sense. Because I remember him talking about this other concept or this principle
278 00:47:10,680 --> 00:47:20,520 and how the markets deliver price. And then it becomes a complete understanding about something that you immediately dismissed initially. So always have an open
279 00:47:20,520 --> 00:47:30,300 mind, don't be, you know, close minded to the idea of learning something that may be uncomfortable at first, or it may feel too dry, like this lesson could be
280 00:47:30,300 --> 00:47:38,220 viewed as this is really boring. You know, you could have said this and five minutes. Yeah, I could have said if liquidity is taken below the old low, look
281 00:47:38,220 --> 00:47:46,560 back three days and see if it goes to the Buy, Sell liquidity. But that does not frame all the necessary logic that I gave you in this video. Okay, try to try to
282 00:47:46,560 --> 00:47:54,330 reduce it down to what you think it should be said. And then also lean on the things that I've also outlined in here that were important in terms of
283 00:47:54,330 --> 00:48:05,040 thresholds, what logic needs to take place, and understand also, that you may have been able to watch other videos, and you're more versed in the things that
284 00:48:05,040 --> 00:48:14,130 I've talked about in old videos. And that's usually what happens. People come they watch the videos. And they are highly opinion because they want to get to
285 00:48:14,130 --> 00:48:24,990 the next new stuff. But there are always new people coming in. And if I talk about something, I get waves of emails, if they're new. So I always like to try
286 00:48:24,990 --> 00:48:31,320 to sprinkle this within my videos that say, look, you know, you're not going to learn this in one video. And I can't encapsulate everything in one video because
287 00:48:31,320 --> 00:48:42,390 there's a lot of other subject matter that these things lean on. But I tried to reduce it to something that is scalable, you can see it and understand it logic,
288 00:48:42,390 --> 00:48:49,650 the things that the only moving parts is what I showed you here. Like I said that I didn't require all the other things that I know, and that you learned
289 00:48:49,650 --> 00:48:59,610 from me. You don't need all those things. And if you have a price action model is the the best price action models are the ones that can be reduced to the back
290 00:48:59,610 --> 00:49:09,720 of a business card. Okay, I actually did this on baby pips, when I was active on their forum. I did an article, and it was here's my business card. And I
291 00:49:09,720 --> 00:49:21,870 basically said, you know, you may have a lot of understanding about price. And I believe I do, and I believe my students do. But those that are profitable, can
292 00:49:21,870 --> 00:49:31,320 reduce the idea that they would use to frame a setup, from beginning to end with money management and everything. It can be reduced and written out on the back
293 00:49:31,320 --> 00:49:40,350 of a business card. Now my question to you is, do you have it in your mind that learning here is going to require you more information that you cannot fit on
294 00:49:40,350 --> 00:49:48,450 the back of a business card? Because if that's what your expectation is, if that's what you're afraid of, by you delving into this YouTube channel or even
295 00:49:48,450 --> 00:49:59,430 my mentorship, don't let that be a thing that is a problem. It's not it's, that's a normal fear and concern, because there's a lot of information but think
296 00:49:59,430 --> 00:50:09,480 of it like this If you're going to be a doctor, you have to learn a lot about things in the body that may not be your specialty. When you start practicing
297 00:50:09,510 --> 00:50:18,780 medicine, you may be a foot doctor or hand doctor, but you had to learn about the skeletal system. on the, on the cranium, near the clavicle, you had to
298 00:50:18,780 --> 00:50:30,600 understand you, the patella, the kneecap, all these things, they're not specific to the foot in the sense that anatomically, that's the area that you're
299 00:50:30,600 --> 00:50:42,690 studying. But something that is occurring in the knee, maybe a real reason or root cause of the problem you're having in your foot. So when I teach, I teach
300 00:50:43,200 --> 00:50:53,760 an all encompassing approach, because I don't want any weaknesses at all. So I don't want anyone to think that coming here with all the information is
301 00:50:53,760 --> 00:51:03,390 available to you, that you're gonna drown in the information and come out with nothing. Because you we could sit down here every single week and put one
302 00:51:03,390 --> 00:51:12,660 principle in the back of a business card and say here is a trading model. And this is all you need to do. Don't do anything outside of this, you won't get a
303 00:51:12,660 --> 00:51:21,060 trade every day. And that's also a problem, you're gonna have people that want to have a trade every single day. And if that's the case, then you're a scalper
304 00:51:21,060 --> 00:51:31,470 at heart. You want to be a scalper, okay, then focus on trading time of day. With the logic I showed you here, principles like this, where you need to know
305 00:51:31,470 --> 00:51:40,200 how the market is going to draw on the buy side or sell side. And that gives you your internal intraday bias,
306 00:51:40,410 --> 00:51:46,890 should you be buying or selling, you don't care how the week's gonna close, you don't care what the trend is going to be over the next four days or the next
307 00:51:46,890 --> 00:51:55,770 three days, what's the daily range is going to expand in direction higher or lower? That's all scalper cares about. And you can make money doing that. You
308 00:51:55,770 --> 00:52:03,240 don't you can make money doing that that would be opposed to the long term downtrend or uptrend on a daily chart and weekly chart monthly chart. Because
309 00:52:03,240 --> 00:52:13,530 it's scalping. So when you have these questions or concerns or if you read other people's opinions, or watch their review via videos and such, they are entitled
310 00:52:13,530 --> 00:52:22,530 to their opinion, they all have their own view on me and other people and that's fine. They're Welcome to it but it doesn't change or reduce the effectiveness of
311 00:52:22,530 --> 00:52:31,440 the things that I teach or that you learn here. Okay, so you have to be balanced about it, and go into it with a proper mindset. And I've given you a structure
312 00:52:31,440 --> 00:52:40,350 here to go in and start studying and you'll see that these things repeat and as far as intraday, scalping. intraday, short term trading. This is one of those
313 00:52:40,380 --> 00:52:48,720 little dandies that repeat a lot but you have to have the context of where the market runs out liquidity on a higher timeframe chart. So thanks so much good
314 00:52:48,720 --> 00:52:49,410 luck and good trading.