ICT YT - 2020-09-15 - ICT Forex Price Action Lesson - GbpUsd Trade Recap and Price Action Lecture.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-12 06:29

00:00:15,599 --> 00:00:28,109 ICT: What my clicks, it's gonna be a short little lesson on the trade I showed this morning for the New York open trading de cable or pound dollar. Before I
00:00:28,109 --> 00:00:37,049 get into it, I was gonna give you a little bit of background as to why I was only looking at a scalp and not a large range move where it opens, makes the
00:00:37,049 --> 00:00:48,089 high the day and closes on the low. Looking at the Dollar Index, this is our daily chart. And if you look at what we're doing here, we're range bound, it's
00:00:48,089 --> 00:01:01,139 not really making any ground higher or lower. And my students know that this is what we've been sitting in. So our prognostication is dialed back goes, we're
00:01:01,139 --> 00:01:08,549 not looking for big trending moves, we're not looking for big breakout moves, we're waiting for the central banks to reprice outside of this range, and we
00:01:08,549 --> 00:01:22,919 don't really particularly care which direction it is. But while it's in these ranges, you have to at least consider the effects of trying to look for a big
00:01:22,919 --> 00:01:33,479 breakout move, versus staying within the range. Okay, so have that in mind when we look at the cable. And I'll talk a little bit about what I mean by that and
00:01:33,479 --> 00:01:43,979 how it relates to British Pound versus the US dollar. But for now, just know that while this dollar index is in consolidation, that was the precursor that
00:01:43,979 --> 00:01:52,859 set the stage for me to only look for scalps. Whereas some days when I get into the marketplace, I'll be looking to take a trade that will be a continuation of
10 00:01:52,859 --> 00:02:05,489 whatever London does. And today was a market reversal profile. And I'm using the new york open to do that to facilitate it. So while the New York open was the
11 00:02:05,489 --> 00:02:14,849 framework, as I teach the New York open kill zone on this YouTube channel, with the optimal trade entry pattern recognition series, I introduced a time window
12 00:02:14,849 --> 00:02:25,199 of 830 in the morning till 11 o'clock in the morning, Eastern Standard Time. That was the actual time that the trade was taken. Okay, so using that
13 00:02:25,199 --> 00:02:33,359 framework, you can actually see the breaker that whole outline, that was the actual pattern within the time element that's required for trading institutional
14 00:02:33,359 --> 00:02:47,039 trading. So let's go to the British pound. Alright, so here's the British pound, this is there a five minute chart. And there's some of you, in this YouTube
15 00:02:47,039 --> 00:02:56,249 channel audience probably aren't really interested in trading five minute charts. I operate a lot in intraday charts. Because again, if you're new to my
16 00:02:56,249 --> 00:03:04,529 channel, if it's one of the newest videos that you've watched, and you haven't really spent any time with my content, I'm a firm believer that short term
17 00:03:04,529 --> 00:03:06,449 trading, or day trading,
18 00:03:06,840 --> 00:03:19,290 at least for my personal psyche, and personality, it fits with me because I make very quick, snappy decisions. They're not always right. But that's my
19 00:03:19,290 --> 00:03:29,820 personality. So it's important for you to align yourself with some school of thought with the methodology that you're trading with. And also what timeframe
20 00:03:29,820 --> 00:03:36,450 you're going to trade because it's really important. If you start moving back and forth, I'm going to be a five minute trader, I'm going to be a four hour
21 00:03:36,450 --> 00:03:45,660 trader, I'm going to be a daily trader, you know, you need to pick one timeframe. And if you do that, I promise you, you're going to grow in leaps and
22 00:03:45,660 --> 00:03:57,150 bounds because you will understand price more fluidly. Because you're staying on one timeframe, you're not going to understand the ebbs and flow of delivery,
23 00:03:57,450 --> 00:04:06,300 unless you stay in study on one particular timeframe. Now, why five minutes from me five minutes, I can get a lot of setups. every single week, I can trade every
24 00:04:06,300 --> 00:04:18,510 single day, using a five minute chart. If I'm aiming for 15 to 20 pips a day, easy, if I'm looking for a 50 to 75 PIP week trade, I'm going to frame it on an
25 00:04:18,540 --> 00:04:31,020 hourly basis like I'm going to show you today. But the belief in trading intraday or day trading, and how I believe that's superior to even short term
26 00:04:31,020 --> 00:04:41,700 trading or swing trading or position trading is because the outline that you're using for those types of trades, they're larger in magnitude. And it takes a lot
27 00:04:41,700 --> 00:04:54,180 more time. So if I can take my account and flip it multiple times in a shorter span of time because of the frequency of trade. Now, some of you already are
28 00:04:54,180 --> 00:05:02,550 probably thinking well, the more you trade, the more you're going to lose. If you don't know what you're doing. I agree I absolutely wholeheartedly, I believe
29 00:05:02,550 --> 00:05:15,060 that. But if you have an understanding how price is delivered, then you're more likely to be trading in sync with the algorithm that books price. And we're not
30 00:05:15,060 --> 00:05:27,060 trying to beat the market, all I'm trying to do is get in alignment with it, and ride it to where I believe it will go to. And while I'm not 100%, up in the 90s,
31 00:05:27,090 --> 00:05:37,920 so if that sounds impossible, all I'm doing is providing evidence of that. Okay, so all you have to do is look at my examples here. This is not the last one
32 00:05:37,920 --> 00:05:45,720 you're going to see, I'll show more as we go towards the end of the year. I don't know how I'm going to be doing it next year. But just know that towards
33 00:05:45,720 --> 00:05:54,420 the end of the year, I'll be providing you weekly examples of what it looks like and how precise it can be. And if I mess up, I will gladly share that with you
34 00:05:54,420 --> 00:06:11,100 too. So with five minute chart setups, I can get anywhere between 10 to 30 setups a week. Now, in those instances, if I'm taking anywhere between four to
35 00:06:11,280 --> 00:06:25,110 18%. Each setup, dependent on how I have it geared nothing keeps up with that that's velocity, okay. So if you're looking for these trades that are 10 are 20
36 00:06:25,110 --> 00:06:35,640 are 100, are you that starts with whatever the gearing is that you set the trade up with. But then you have to submit to all that time for waiting for these
37 00:06:35,940 --> 00:06:45,030 daily candles to form these four hour candles to form these hourly candles to form. I'm in and out of there multiple times, like I'm in there with a tommy
38 00:06:45,030 --> 00:06:56,490 gun. So while everyone else is trying to get these long, hold in and wait for these big are multiples, I'm rotating my account over and over and over and over
39 00:06:56,490 --> 00:07:11,040 again in multiple accounts. And that velocity smokes. Any other risk management model there is. In fact, that's how Larry Williams won the World Cup contest in
40 00:07:11,070 --> 00:07:23,550 1987. It was mostly with day trades and short term trades. And you're not going to get the maximum benefit of Kelly criterion and optimal F, which is one of the
41 00:07:23,550 --> 00:07:34,350 things I like to use and not showcasing yet on YouTube. But I use that. And I'm showing you examples of how I teach my students how to take partial profits,
42 00:07:34,350 --> 00:07:44,160 because you're going to learn to trust the setups because I could have easily got in that too high, and wrote it down to the low to the London clothes low at
43 00:07:44,160 --> 00:07:54,150 11 o'clock in the morning, Eastern Standard Time. And that would have been Okay, great. But that's not how I teach it, you graduate to that. And I don't know
44 00:07:54,330 --> 00:07:58,830 where my students are going to be at, at what leg of their development
45 00:08:00,420 --> 00:08:09,210 before they can see that type of setup and trust it. So the way you learn to trust it is to take partial profits along the way, it's so much easier to hold
46 00:08:09,210 --> 00:08:20,400 on to a trade psychologically and emotionally. And you wrestle with fear and greed until you do. And once you take a partial profit. Number one, it manages
47 00:08:20,400 --> 00:08:28,770 the risk and reduces it. Okay. And the concept applied to this by taking partials is diminishing risk. Okay, so if you have a notebook, you want to put
48 00:08:28,770 --> 00:08:42,240 that in here. There's so many educators so many would be professionals. Okay, I tell you that you should not take partials because you start with a certain
49 00:08:42,240 --> 00:08:53,790 number of risk or percentage of risk on your equity. And then if you start taking profits early, then their argument is mathematics is going to eventually
50 00:08:53,790 --> 00:09:07,230 overtake it and say, Okay, if you started with risking 2%, and you take profits at one and a half or 1.75%, and you were aiming for 4% or 6%. That's stupid in
51 00:09:07,230 --> 00:09:16,320 their eyes, because they say that you should hold for your targets. Well, these are my targets. These are my students targets. We're not in here to be at the
52 00:09:16,320 --> 00:09:28,170 high at the low and get a trophy for that because we're on social media. We engage the marketplace for profiting not trophies. Okay. The only way you make
53 00:09:28,380 --> 00:09:40,860 your bottom line go up in this business is to take profits. Why do these people teach this view? argue this point? How are you going to argue with someone
54 00:09:40,860 --> 00:09:47,550 that's building their bottom line over and you're gonna tell them they're doing it wrong? And I've always challenged these people that have been online that
55 00:09:47,550 --> 00:09:56,610 said, you know, it's stupid to take partials, okay, show me 30 days trading and I'll show you 30 days trading from day one starting today or tomorrow or next
56 00:09:56,610 --> 00:10:06,660 week. And I will smoke any return if you're Trying to do that long multiple hold stuff. And it's not bragging. It's just math folks. It's all it is. It's math,
57 00:10:07,140 --> 00:10:19,020 these patterns, they repeat every single day, every single day. Now, if you don't have the eye, any experience to work within the pattern and trust it, then
58 00:10:19,020 --> 00:10:30,030 obviously Yes, you're not going to agree with what I'm saying. It's going to sound like hindsight, you know, just nonsense talk. But I'm giving you examples.
59 00:10:30,060 --> 00:10:41,880 I'm watching the market, I'm setting up my setups, and I'm executing, recording the entire thing. And I'm managing it. So I don't have to prove anything, you
60 00:10:41,880 --> 00:10:53,070 have to prove what I'm doing is stupid. It's nonsense, because it's working. And it works really well. So if you're on the fence about that, just for your own
61 00:10:53,070 --> 00:11:02,550 sake, because nothing's going to change my mind about this, you're not going to change my students minds about this. You take 30 days, and dig into the things
62 00:11:02,550 --> 00:11:17,250 I'm teaching on this YouTube channel, dig into it, and test it. Because if it fails, then clearly, this is all luck. But I would counsel you to make a real
63 00:11:17,250 --> 00:11:26,790 sober attempt to go through it, don't just watch a video and think you understand you're gonna have to spend at least a minimum of 30 days. If you do,
64 00:11:26,970 --> 00:11:34,770 I promise you, your eyes gonna open like, wow, this is exactly what's going on. And you're not going to get it right every day. But you'll be able to see it
65 00:11:34,770 --> 00:11:45,840 after it happens. And that's the first stage of development. So when I was on baby pips back in 2010, I started with this school of thought, I wanted to teach
66 00:11:45,840 --> 00:11:53,610 people by pattern recognition, seeing something over and over and over again, optimal trade entry. And so many individuals like everything else on social
67 00:11:53,610 --> 00:12:04,080 media, it's like, give it to me right now, I don't have time. Yeah, and you owe it to me, because I'm giving you my 10 minutes. I don't owe you anything. I'm
68 00:12:04,080 --> 00:12:12,060 gonna do this, regardless if you'd like me or not, because I enjoy doing it. But you're not going to get what it is that you're trying to receive by rushing it.
69 00:12:12,270 --> 00:12:19,680 Or assuming you think you know how you should be trained. Because if you think you know how you should be trained, then you have all the answers. And you don't
70 00:12:19,680 --> 00:12:27,930 need me. In fact, you don't need any mentor, keep doing what you're doing. Because you're making so much money, right? See the argument there? You have a
71 00:12:27,930 --> 00:12:39,030 problem. And the problem is very easily corrected. If you just submit to the idea of looking into the things I'm teaching here. It literally costs you
72 00:12:39,030 --> 00:12:48,780 nothing but your time. And early on people. Oh, yeah, times expensive. Listen, folks, you're not going to find this stuff on other YouTube channels, they're
73 00:12:48,780 --> 00:12:55,470 not going to execute, they're not going to show you trades, they're not going to manage this position, they're only going to show you an empty four screenshot of
74 00:12:55,470 --> 00:13:05,130 something. They did not trade with a Live account, they did not do anything that makes any sense at all. You're just showing you something that maybe panned out
75 00:13:05,160 --> 00:13:15,510 over four weeks, because it finally made some profit. Think about it. Why aren't there more of these things going on? on YouTube? You don't see it? There's a lot
76 00:13:15,510 --> 00:13:25,980 of people with lots of subscribers, saying yeah, I'm thinking about going out on YouTube and and show my executions. And they don't do it. They're not there.
77 00:13:25,980 --> 00:13:38,130 They're not doing it. They'll talk a good game. And everybody's asked for this for so long. And now that I'm doing it, you still you still argue and wrestling
78 00:13:38,130 --> 00:13:51,300 down? Why Why you could be so much more profitable. You could be much more relaxed about the marketplace, you're not gonna be so keyed up, and you're not
79 00:13:51,300 --> 00:14:00,000 gonna be worrying about giving your opinion everybody through their YouTube video comments, or thumbs down. Because none of that stuff works when people can
80 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:08,700 really do this. Like i'm amused by that. And my students are amused by it, because the folks that are on the outside, okay, are the folks that have not
81 00:14:08,700 --> 00:14:19,110 really spent any time in the lessons that I show on this YouTube channel. They come in with a preconceived notion that this is the way the market works. It's a
82 00:14:19,110 --> 00:14:33,150 buy and sell. It's overbought, oversold, it's a supply and demand. It's a harmonic pattern. It's a footprint. No, it's not. It's rigged. It's simple as
83 00:14:33,150 --> 00:14:43,830 that. It's just so much easier. If you just submit to the idea that you have no chance with longevity and consistency. Following retail logic. You're going to
84 00:14:43,830 --> 00:14:55,320 have so many more losing trades than you need to know. Are there profitable retail traders? Yes. Absolutely. I'm not arguing that. All I'm suggesting to you
85 00:14:55,320 --> 00:15:11,610 is how much better could you make it When using what you're using, if it's all retail logic, you're as good as it's going to get. Now, your entry patterns,
86 00:15:11,640 --> 00:15:24,000 your stop placement, your targeting, your logic for getting in a trade. All those things are, are hinged on some idea that's archaic. And I'm telling you
87 00:15:24,420 --> 00:15:33,540 that the markets do not care about that logic. They don't care about wycoff. They don't care about supply and demand. It's that stuff is nonsense. It's
88 00:15:33,540 --> 00:15:48,060 absolute nonsense. The markets are pre determined to make the high in the low of the day. Simple as that. When you watch my limit order, get filled on this
89 00:15:48,060 --> 00:16:01,620 trade. I was only three pips away from the low factoring spread. I mean, you've seen what it was like earlier in the week when I tried to get exactly to the
90 00:16:01,620 --> 00:16:15,720 PIP. And sometimes my limit orders won't fill. So while I can call those levels, the spreads sometimes won't let me do that. So I build in five pips on both
91 00:16:15,720 --> 00:16:23,160 sides of the trade. And I'm okay with that. My ego and my pride, which I still wrestle with, because in the 90s,
92 00:16:24,450 --> 00:16:33,780 it just made me believe I was way better before I really was. And I still wrestle with that now, because I have skills that are evidence, clearly, I can
93 00:16:33,780 --> 00:16:44,340 see what's going on. So I wrestle with that part, I don't wrestle with fear and greed, I wrestle with perfection. And the way I combat that, personally, is by
94 00:16:44,340 --> 00:16:54,720 coaching my students not to aim for that, because you don't want this problem. Okay, it sucks. I can see highs and lows, I can see session highs and lows to
95 00:16:54,720 --> 00:17:05,670 the PIP. But you're never always going to get those executions, where it perfectly gives you the exit points, both case scenario, you know, the high and
96 00:17:05,670 --> 00:17:12,360 the low, it's just not going to happen, you're not going to get that there's times And clearly, you can see examples on this YouTube channel, where you see
97 00:17:12,360 --> 00:17:23,400 me doing that intraday, I'm really, really tight with the ranges. And I'm trading long and short multiple times in the same day. But I don't do that every
98 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:35,790 single day, there has to be some measure of range expansion of market structure and a weekly profile that I'm operating within that lines up with a daily
99 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:45,990 profile. And when I say profile, I'm talking about a a roadmap of what the market should do. For instance, if I'm bearish, it'll make a high of the day, or
100 00:17:45,990 --> 00:17:54,750 high of the day in London. Or if I anticipate a New York session high the day where it runs out the London high in New York session, and then washes out and
101 00:17:54,750 --> 00:18:06,750 goes lower and creates the low of the day in London close or late New York session close. Those ideas are not going to be expressed here on YouTube. Okay,
102 00:18:06,750 --> 00:18:19,170 so I know some of you are gonna fold your hands and start hissing and moaning about that. But I'm what I'm giving you today is gold. And if you use it as a
103 00:18:19,170 --> 00:18:32,820 foundation, you're going to find that your understanding about price action is going to grow exponentially. But it's not always a power three, where it opens,
104 00:18:33,000 --> 00:18:39,930 makes a lot of the day and closes on the high in a bullish day. It's not always the reverse of that where it opens, makes the high the day and closes on the low
105 00:18:39,930 --> 00:18:51,270 of the day when it's a bearish sell day. Those are just generic market profiles. But we are not in that we weren't in that today. Let's say it that way. Because
106 00:18:51,630 --> 00:19:02,430 we're in this large consolidation. And it's Tuesday, and I don't know. And my students have been told this as well. I don't know with a great deal of clarity
107 00:19:02,460 --> 00:19:11,700 if we're going to run higher or lower. But for disclosure sake, I have co signed every single time I sit down with my students, and I tell them what direction I
108 00:19:11,700 --> 00:19:21,690 believe gun to my head, what's going to happen. And I've been expecting the dollar to go higher, not extremely higher, but not lower. Okay, if it goes
109 00:19:21,690 --> 00:19:35,730 lower, then I'm wrong. But I have a filter and I teach what makes me wrong about that idea. And if I'm right where it should go. So when I looked at today, I
110 00:19:35,730 --> 00:19:46,230 thought that we were running to an old 60 minute high. And I'll show you that in a moment. But for now, just know that we were trading up to these highs here.
111 00:19:46,560 --> 00:19:55,470 That was a run on by side liquidity. And I'll show it to you where it's at. But just understand that in London right here at three o'clock in the morning, we
112 00:19:55,470 --> 00:20:05,880 made the low initial load day for London and rallied up into The New York open, New York open starts at seven o'clock in the morning, Eastern Standard Time. We
113 00:20:05,880 --> 00:20:16,140 made the high of the day. And then we started to break down right below this low here, that's a break in market structure. What does that mean? Well, if the
114 00:20:16,140 --> 00:20:29,580 markets been trading up during London, and it's trading to an old 60 minute high, and you're in a market environment, let's say it this way, that is not
115 00:20:29,580 --> 00:20:39,540 predisposed to be trending, it just means it's going to be range bound. So it can go above old highs, just buy a little bit, and then go back inside the
116 00:20:39,540 --> 00:20:53,550 range. Or it can go down to old lows by little bit, and then trade back up into the range. So when we're in market consolidations, it's crucial that you as a
117 00:20:53,580 --> 00:21:03,030 developing student, or if you're a trader, you struggled in these environments. If you even suspect that the market is likely to stay in consolidation, then
118 00:21:03,030 --> 00:21:10,920 it's better to trade with the idea that, okay, if we run on an old high and your long take profits, or at least the majority of your profits there, because it's
119 00:21:11,070 --> 00:21:19,650 most likely going to pull back into the range. Now, there's going to be times where it really takes off and runs and you miss those moves. That's fine, that
120 00:21:19,860 --> 00:21:22,200 don't get frustrated about those types of events. Because
121 00:21:23,460 --> 00:21:33,630 in my my repertoire, we have tools that will get us in line. With that run, if it's going to continue, we have no problem missing that initial breakout of a
122 00:21:33,690 --> 00:21:42,720 range, we're not trying to forecast a range. breakout a test is simply stupid, in my opinion, because the central bank's going to reprice out of this
123 00:21:42,750 --> 00:21:52,530 consolidation dollar when it's ready to and I and my students or anyone else are not going to make it happen any sooner. Russia buyers and sellers is not going
124 00:21:52,530 --> 00:22:04,110 to make it happen. Okay, that's not how this works. The markets going to be priced out of that range. Okay, and because of squeezing or enticement, then
125 00:22:04,110 --> 00:22:11,640 traders will catch up and chase that price. They're not pushing price up with buying pressure, and they're not pushing price down with selling pressure.
126 00:22:11,820 --> 00:22:23,460 They're chasing price. That's the way it is, folks. You can arm wrestle me all day long and say it's semantics, but it's the bottom line. Pressure, okay is put
127 00:22:23,460 --> 00:22:31,950 on the traders by the bank, because they're in control of price period. If they don't want the price keep going up. It does not matter how many buyers there are
128 00:22:32,190 --> 00:22:40,320 there start repricing at lower, what happens? What are the What about the buyers, they're gonna get stopped down, or they're gonna submit and say, Okay, I
129 00:22:40,320 --> 00:22:53,220 gotta get out of here. In verse when it's going lower, that's the real, that's the real viewpoint of how these markets, work and book. But if you all start on
130 00:22:53,220 --> 00:23:08,280 the same square saying, buy pressure, demand, makes price go up. Okay? So you're all using the logic of if TVs are on sale, okay, everybody's gonna go out to buy
131 00:23:08,280 --> 00:23:17,970 those TVs. And eventually, the number of TVs will dwindle. And then the producer or seller of the TVs can start marking up that price because they know the
132 00:23:17,970 --> 00:23:28,350 demand is high, and he can make that price go higher. That's not what the central banks do. That's not what happens. They're not submitting to the buying
133 00:23:28,350 --> 00:23:39,960 and selling effects of speculators for their country's currency. That's not that's workbooks. That's not okay. They're in control, absolutely. 100% all the
134 00:23:39,960 --> 00:23:52,050 time. 24. Seven, done. Now, if that's a struggling point, hold on to that thought. And it may not be so important. After we go through the information
135 00:23:52,050 --> 00:23:57,930 that I'm going to show you here. Okay. But just trust me when I tell you that this isn't the only time you hear this from me. And that's what makes me
136 00:23:57,930 --> 00:24:07,170 controversial because people that trade and maybe you've been trading a long time, okay. And maybe they're profitable. And they'll say, this guy doesn't know
137 00:24:07,170 --> 00:24:13,530 he's talking about. But these people that are saying that I don't know what I'm talking about, aren't selling the hind the day and buying the low of the day,
138 00:24:13,740 --> 00:24:23,100 and calling the weekly high and the weekly Well, before it happens. So I don't know who to believe the guy that can prove it, or the guy that has an opinion.
139 00:24:24,450 --> 00:24:34,620 I'll leave that decision to you. But we have a market reversal profile. Okay, it's trading up to an old 60 minute high. So if it's rang about that old high
140 00:24:34,620 --> 00:24:44,310 and we're in a market consolidation, that means we don't look at that breakout above an old 60 minute high as a valid reason to think it's going to keep going
141 00:24:44,310 --> 00:24:54,660 higher. We anticipate that as Okay, this is probably a fake break above an old high to capture by side liquidity. That means buy stops. Okay, once it gets
142 00:24:54,660 --> 00:25:04,500 those buy stops. It's going to start repricing lower. How do we know when Trust that you have to look at the structure of the marketplace, every time the market
143 00:25:04,500 --> 00:25:14,850 goes higher, it creates swing lows, okay, and as we go through a key level, which will be that hourly, old high, and I'll add the annotations now, so it
144 00:25:14,850 --> 00:25:22,830 starts making a bit more sense. And then I'll zoom out to a 60 minute chart and see what that 60 minute high is. But the market runs up, see this price leg
145 00:25:22,830 --> 00:25:39,360 right here, this low to this high, that run that goes in and attacks, the buy side liquidity, this old, high level of 129 19, and three pipettes get that high
146 00:25:39,780 --> 00:25:42,390 is an old 60 minute high. In fact,
147 00:25:42,600 --> 00:25:52,200 you might want to pause the video and look at your 60 minute chart for GBP USD, and see if you can find it, then come back to the video. For everyone else that
148 00:25:52,200 --> 00:26:02,340 doesn't want to do that. This run above that is attacking that by side liquidity. So what's occurring is the algorithm runs through it want a shallow
149 00:26:02,340 --> 00:26:15,780 basis just to offset that by side liquidity? What who would have by side liquidity up here or by stops, traders that are on the fund level? Not baby
150 00:26:15,780 --> 00:26:26,430 pips, traders, not forex, factory traders. Okay? Not people on Instagram, large institutional funds, because they're not in the habit of chasing the market with
151 00:26:26,430 --> 00:26:35,280 their stop loss, their stops are wide in their pockets are deeper, so they're not in a hurry to strangle the marketplace, because they're trying to capture
152 00:26:35,280 --> 00:26:45,870 large moves. So the liquidity that rests up here is really fund level liquidity. And whenever I say it's running by sell liquidity or sell side liquidity, I'm
153 00:26:45,870 --> 00:26:58,860 referring to institutional counterparties to the central bank, not you, me and everybody else that trades, okay, it's large pools of liquidity, okay? My orders
154 00:26:58,860 --> 00:27:08,010 are never going to be as vast as the orders that they're attacking above this level. Okay. So when we look at the run to that level that takes a liquidity
155 00:27:08,040 --> 00:27:18,360 that low is the key low. So when you were looking for reference points for how do you know when the market structures changing, when it breaks, it's this low
156 00:27:18,360 --> 00:27:30,750 here. Again, I'll take the annotations off, so you can clearly see it, this run above the old high, that right there, that low is the key low. So when this
157 00:27:30,750 --> 00:27:40,920 breaks, and it breaks right here, you can clearly see that that's the break in market structure. Now inside this shaded area, that's that 830 to 11 o'clock in
158 00:27:40,920 --> 00:27:52,800 the morning trading session that I taught for the pattern recognition series for optimal trade entry. These setups form every day. But there has to be a
159 00:27:52,800 --> 00:28:01,320 narrative behind it. Otherwise, it won't form in that particular currency, it'll be in another currency. So that's why you want to go through your charts. And if
160 00:28:01,320 --> 00:28:12,000 you just scan through on a hourly or a four hour basis, you'll see these types of setups at least one or two a week, and you only need one. So if you're
161 00:28:12,000 --> 00:28:22,200 looking for a 50 PIP run, or a 75, Pip run or something anywhere between 50 to 75. This is the easiest bread and butter attempt to do that, it's a recipe for
162 00:28:22,200 --> 00:28:33,660 you to find that, okay? isn't the only way. It's just one way to skin that cat. Now I have lots of tools and lots of ways to formulate a model. And this is just
163 00:28:33,660 --> 00:28:40,440 one more that can be used to do it. And they're always going to have some similarities, but they're never going to be exactly the same. Oh, see, there you
164 00:28:40,440 --> 00:28:51,600 go. See right there at the cynics are gonna say, See, he doesn't have a trading plan. Man, I got like 30 trading plans. I have 30 different macros that I know,
165 00:28:51,750 --> 00:29:00,390 are likely to pan out based on a specific weekly profile that I'm already anticipating, in a particular day of the week that I'm expecting a specific
166 00:29:00,720 --> 00:29:10,890 daily profile and like I have it down to that, you know, people say, you know, I'm a technical. I'm a technical analyst, or I'm a technical scientist, okay, I
167 00:29:10,890 --> 00:29:21,210 do technical science. I have this stuff down to like the the minute, okay, I know when things are gonna happen like that. So, if I have the tools that went
168 00:29:21,210 --> 00:29:33,150 very well to that level of precision, it would be foolish for me not to use it, it's an advantage. So I'm teaching you these little signatures, these hallmarks
169 00:29:33,150 --> 00:29:45,120 that will get you closer to consistency. But you have to test them, you cannot just take my word for it because my CT or I show you it, you have to investigate
170 00:29:45,120 --> 00:29:57,660 it and when you do, everything will seem like nonsense, apart from this, because you what you'll end up seeing is the real market. It's like Neo in the matrix
171 00:29:57,660 --> 00:30:06,390 when he finally sees what it is That's the perception that you have, when you look at price, I'm not looking at indicators, I'm not looking at any of that
172 00:30:06,390 --> 00:30:13,920 stuff, I don't have anything in my chart distracting me. And anytime I make an annotation, it's for your benefit. I'm usually watching price with nothing on
173 00:30:13,920 --> 00:30:29,010 the chart, I'm showing you just for I guess, well prognostication, proving that I can see it before it happens. So when you see these levels that the markets
174 00:30:29,010 --> 00:30:35,760 reaching for for liquidity, this is the run up into that liquidity. So it's this low, right? They're
175 00:30:37,620 --> 00:30:45,930 not this one, because this created a new leg right there. So you're always looking for that swing low, when it's looking for a break in market structure
176 00:30:45,960 --> 00:30:56,310 that's bearish. You want to see that low prior to the run into liquidity? Okay, so the algorithm remembers this low, and whatever high forums here, and once it
177 00:30:56,310 --> 00:31:09,780 trades below it there, okay. The pricing model shifts. So it no longer is interested in going up to this level. Again, it doesn't matter how many buyers,
178 00:31:10,230 --> 00:31:20,520 it doesn't matter who goes on TV and says the British Pound is bullish, it does not matter if ICT even is buying, it doesn't matter. Because now the algorithm
179 00:31:20,520 --> 00:31:33,690 is changing its delivery, to now it will only repriced, to a point, that is a old array, if anyone in the audience is a computer programmer, when we make a
180 00:31:33,690 --> 00:31:42,600 computer program, we have to have data, okay, otherwise, the program doesn't can't do anything, it has to have information. And it has to have a way of
181 00:31:42,690 --> 00:31:52,530 receiving or obtaining that information. The algorithm goes back to this range, that low. And this high. When it finds this low, it looks for two pieces of
182 00:31:52,530 --> 00:32:03,870 information, the actual low and the close. Why the close because it's a down closed candle. So it's either going to respect the low, or it's going to respect
183 00:32:03,930 --> 00:32:13,140 the close of that candle, the majority of time, you're going to see that it's going to reach for the body. That's where the bulk of the volume is. The market
184 00:32:13,140 --> 00:32:26,910 trades back up into that level hits the breaker, what's the breaker, it's a low candle prior to a run above a previous high, which is here. So we have a high a
185 00:32:26,910 --> 00:32:38,880 low a higher high. So this right here is your breaker. What does it mean last a breaker I didn't gave it its name. Because what it's doing is it's breaking. All
186 00:32:38,880 --> 00:32:46,320 the short traders that are trying to sell short with this run here, it starts to drop. And I think this is where I'm in the right side of the trade. And they put
187 00:32:46,320 --> 00:32:53,520 their stop loss rate above here, or they start dropping their stop loss because it may have been a little bit higher than the high and it breaks them out of
188 00:32:53,520 --> 00:33:04,590 that position. But when it does, so it's accumulating all of their buy stops and allowing interbank traders that know what I'm talking about here. They're going
189 00:33:04,590 --> 00:33:16,110 short there. Okay. So it's not that the algorithm is seeing your stop. It's running there as a mechanism that's already pre determined that's programmed
190 00:33:16,110 --> 00:33:26,580 that has nothing to do with buying and selling pressure, absolutely zero, None. None. All of this liquidity is Counterparty to traders. Now, the traders if
191 00:33:26,580 --> 00:33:33,510 they're lazy, if they're not on the charts at the time, if they're not paying attention to what price is doing, they're going to miss that move just like
192 00:33:33,510 --> 00:33:42,000 anybody else would, the algorithm is going to stay there forever. But it gives multiple opportunities in here. And then it leaves comes down. Notice that this
193 00:33:42,000 --> 00:33:51,870 low did not take out that low yet. Did the market structure break yet? No, it runs one more time above that old high, then it breaks there. So now the
194 00:33:51,870 --> 00:34:05,130 algorithm changes its state of delivery to now it's in a cell model. You heard that word before, haven't you? So model words, this consolidation between this
195 00:34:05,130 --> 00:34:13,860 high and this low, that's your original consolidation, the sell side liquidity resting below that. You can see in the video I posted today, the anchor, this
196 00:34:13,860 --> 00:34:26,520 magnet was placed before the trade was even brought to this low. I gave you this idea here that the New York session initial target was here. And the setup I
197 00:34:26,520 --> 00:34:36,750 mapped out. That's the breaker. You didn't see the window of time but you know, because I've taught you this openly on this YouTube channel. You didn't see this
198 00:34:36,750 --> 00:34:47,520 over here, but you seen the blue line, all the things there in that recording are here, except for me, I'm showing you and teaching you how to see breaks in
199 00:34:47,520 --> 00:34:56,040 market structure. You cannot have a break in market structure period. Okay, this is for the folks that are on YouTube that are trying to teach my stuff and you
200 00:34:56,040 --> 00:35:03,900 don't know you're talking about and this is what I mean by this. You're actually doing a harm to people that watch your videos, trying to take credit for
201 00:35:03,900 --> 00:35:17,820 something you didn't create, you didn't author it. Okay? And you didn't program any of this stuff that that thinking this low has to be broken after liquidity
202 00:35:17,820 --> 00:35:31,050 is purged right in here. Okay, when you start seeing highs run above an old high, just because it does that absolutely does not mean anything doesn't mean
203 00:35:31,050 --> 00:35:36,240 anything, because it could just keep going higher and higher and higher. What's
204 00:35:36,240 --> 00:35:47,280 the narrative that has to be in place? It has to be running an old pdra old reference point, what's the old reference point? The old 60 minute high. So it's
205 00:35:47,280 --> 00:35:58,470 running that. And then all we're doing is we're writing, we're not trying to predict this. Now I teach how to trade this. But it's not infallible. It's not
206 00:35:58,740 --> 00:36:10,380 always going to work. But if you were waiting for a pattern that has a lot of confirmation, this is it. The consolidation, it leaves comes back to the
207 00:36:10,380 --> 00:36:20,850 consolidation, there's re cumulation another level of regulation, another level of re accumulation, purging of liquidity, this high to this low, that's your
208 00:36:20,850 --> 00:36:31,410 range. That's a key dealing range. When it breaks below that, then you now know that you have such a high degree of probability to the algorithm is now in a
209 00:36:31,410 --> 00:36:42,720 sell model. These highs No longer are interesting to it, it needs to seek buy side liquidity, where does it rest? Below this low? Below this low? What does
210 00:36:42,720 --> 00:36:54,060 that make that the ICT market maker sell model, not wycoff. Not that stuff. Everything that I'm looking at over here, lines up with everything, it's a buy
211 00:36:54,060 --> 00:37:04,890 over here. So everything has to unwind equally and indented to tax the sell side liquidity. So as the market trades right back up, you can see I wasn't in no
212 00:37:04,890 --> 00:37:15,330 hurry. I didn't care if I got in at the absolute highest high. All I needed to do was trade at that bodies close on this candle right here. And if I would have
213 00:37:15,390 --> 00:37:23,850 missed it, it started to take off lower, I don't care. Because I could have traded inside this range from this low and this high. And then my stop would
214 00:37:23,850 --> 00:37:37,740 have been about this. So I'm not in a hurry. I'm not afraid or fearful of missing a move. I see these setups every day. Every single day. If you spend
215 00:37:37,740 --> 00:37:47,670 time with the things I'm teaching you in this YouTube channel, I promise you, you're gonna see multiple sellers per week. And you're, maybe you're watching
216 00:37:47,670 --> 00:37:55,290 other people, okay, maybe these people are showing you profitability. Maybe they're making money. Okay? I'm not saying I'm the only one that can make money.
217 00:37:55,770 --> 00:38:09,030 I'm saying that. Watching everyone else. Okay, watching everyone else with their cars and their things in their stuff. Is that making you money? Is it making you
218 00:38:09,330 --> 00:38:18,600 a better trader? It may be inspiring you I'm not does not I'm not denying that. Okay. I'm not saying that other things that people have, when you covet them, it
219 00:38:18,810 --> 00:38:31,380 that it doesn't motivate you. Okay, I'm sure it does for a lot of you. I don't go down that path. What I want to inspire you to do is see the benefits of being
220 00:38:31,380 --> 00:38:43,410 this precise. It's not ambiguous, folks. It's not a wonder what I'm going to do right now. I don't stare into the spotlights, okay, of price and fear doing what
221 00:38:43,410 --> 00:38:54,540 it is. I should do. I know what it is I should do. And here's the kicker I know what not to do. That's the most important thing. I know not to believe this run
222 00:38:54,540 --> 00:39:07,860 about this old high is a real breakout in that I can be a seller of cable. And then I could target right there on that low. When's it going to occur? Is it is
223 00:39:07,860 --> 00:39:24,060 it's random. If there's simply just no quote unquote supply and demand on these intraday charts. It's all noise. To quote Goldman Sachs guys, why is it that I
224 00:39:24,060 --> 00:39:35,910 can do this? Why is it repeating all the time, the same time of the day? The same things all the time. Why is it repeating all the time? See, I don't have to
225 00:39:35,910 --> 00:39:44,610 prove beyond what I've already done, but I'm gonna keep doing it because I enjoy it. But everyone else on the outside that has an argument against what I'm
226 00:39:44,610 --> 00:39:53,970 teaching. They have the greater argument they have the burden of proof because what is going on? What's going on in price that I'm dealing and don't give me
227 00:39:53,970 --> 00:40:03,270 the armchair quarterback stuff in hindsight? Well, yeah, this is that floor becomes a ceiling all that noise. sense, okay, there's a lot of simpletons on
228 00:40:03,270 --> 00:40:10,920 YouTube that give you that, but they're not trading anything. You don't see them executing anything or managing anything. They're going to talk about all this
229 00:40:10,920 --> 00:40:23,280 stuff over here. And you have to learn from someone that can see it before it happens. Not just once in a while, consistently. You don't have to like me,
230 00:40:23,310 --> 00:40:30,960 okay? You don't have to like me as a person. You don't have to like the way I talk. You don't have to like the fact that I talk as much. But listen, show me
231 00:40:30,960 --> 00:40:44,130 someone else. It's a millionaire on YouTube that's willing to give you their time. And education for free. I'm waiting. Because first you got to find a
232 00:40:44,130 --> 00:40:57,510 millionaire. The new one here. Okay, so looking at the specific time of day 830 to 11. So I'm going to take this shaded area off that way, it's a little bit
233 00:40:58,050 --> 00:41:09,780 cleaner with chart. Alright, so now there's the price action. Now, you could take the breaker as I did. Okay. And as it trades right up into it, it feels
234 00:41:09,780 --> 00:41:19,770 scary, folks. I know, I know. When I first started trading this pattern, it was scary. I didn't know if it was going to stop there. And then over time, and
235 00:41:19,770 --> 00:41:28,440 1000s of those types of trades, will take 1000s for you to trust it probably not. But if you start studying, you're going to say, Oh yeah, this is where it
236 00:41:28,440 --> 00:41:37,890 should turn. And then you wait for the breakdown. When it takes out this low, you have confirmation that you are in a cell model. Up to this point here,
237 00:41:37,920 --> 00:41:47,460 you're just assuming that it's in a cell model, and that your trade, your trades aren't perfect, my trades aren't perfect. I'm not 100%. But you're going in with
238 00:41:47,460 --> 00:41:56,760 the idea that okay, if it trades here, it should not trade about these highs, it shouldn't trade above this high. In fact, they shouldn't even trade above this
239 00:41:56,760 --> 00:42:09,150 high. So your stop can be reasonable. Now watch what happens this high to this low as it retraces right into there. Isn't that optimal trade entry?
240 00:42:14,190 --> 00:42:25,890 Man, this guy talks too much. He likes to hear himself talk. Now, I want you to learn. If you paid me for this lesson, you won't be coming here for five minutes
241 00:42:25,890 --> 00:42:38,400 and say Here it is. Boom, it is and I'm done. Like what is this? I didn't learn anything. The wise, shut up and listen, the fools talk and say you're talking
242 00:42:38,400 --> 00:42:51,300 too much. High, too low, optimal trade entry. Sweet Spot 70.5 to fib is not the solution. It's not the answer. It's not the Holy Grail. It's just a way to form
243 00:42:51,660 --> 00:43:05,700 an opinion about whether the market is primed to go higher or lower. That's what I teach you on this channel for free. 1.5 standard deviation below this low,
244 00:43:05,730 --> 00:43:15,600 that's what you're aiming for. It could reach this low, it could reach lower, but all I'm aiming for is that low plus the spread. And there's your low the
245 00:43:15,600 --> 00:43:29,490 day. Look where it's trading at right now. Right in the middle, the range. I'm in here. Getting out right there. I'm calling levels, the order blocks as
246 00:43:29,490 --> 00:43:39,840 they're forming. As you see me doing other videos. This up close candle. Why is this important? When it's up close candles here and starts to break down and
247 00:43:39,840 --> 00:43:48,810 it's coming back up. I'm drawing a line there in the recording lookouts respecting that. In fact I close my trade partial on this candle right before it
248 00:43:48,810 --> 00:43:59,700 gets up into that because I was concerned that it won't take up this low until in Asia again like it did the day before. But hits it one more time becomes a
249 00:43:59,700 --> 00:44:14,550 reclaimed order block or a block here sells off jams up into one more time. Doesn't trade above it and breaks down here. I had this series of two candles
250 00:44:14,550 --> 00:44:24,630 here I had outlined right there. What I was looking at was this low but I was anchoring it with this because this he's last two candles that were up prior to
251 00:44:24,630 --> 00:44:37,800 this move down. Let me get this off here. That's a bearish order block. But this low is another breaker it's a larger breaker. But it's layered so that's what
252 00:44:37,800 --> 00:44:45,780 makes these types of setups in here a little bit more difficult. We have multiple levels of accumulation you'd have to be a little bit more willing to
253 00:44:45,780 --> 00:44:56,310 let it trade against you deeper than you would probably like to see it but I fact that all at the end when I rotated my stop lower. And you can see it got
254 00:44:56,310 --> 00:45:05,610 real close to my stop but it did not stop me if it stopped me. No big deal. Wouldn't want him with another entry and still captured that low. But this run
255 00:45:05,610 --> 00:45:21,420 here, when it breaks down, this right here is another optimal trade entry. This could be another entry for you. If you understand that we're likely to attack
256 00:45:21,420 --> 00:45:33,720 the cell phone liquidity below that low. Why? Because we're in a current, we're in a large consolidation. And cables already dropped a lot. So I'm not trying to
257 00:45:33,720 --> 00:45:43,500 do the big breakout on the upside, or the downside, it's just going to probably stay inside the range. Breaks below it a little bit here. With this run on this
258 00:45:43,500 --> 00:46:02,850 candle there, does it go significantly lower? No, just beneath a little bit, and then all this. And then we went to sideways consolidation, that close. Power
259 00:46:02,850 --> 00:46:15,480 three in consolidation isn't going to be open, down, make the low the day, up, and then close near the high the day. That's a bullish power three, classic by
260 00:46:15,480 --> 00:46:26,550 day. If I'm bearish, which I've been on cable, I'm not suggesting that we're opening and making the high the day in London and going down on this day,
261 00:46:26,550 --> 00:46:36,510 because it's already rallied. I slept through London last night, I sat down in front of my computer, about five minutes before you saw the recording start.
262 00:46:39,090 --> 00:46:50,520 Here's what we are attacking. It runs the liquidity above the old high, when it does that find the low prior to that. That low is the one that has to be broken
263 00:46:50,550 --> 00:47:00,180 in until it does market structure is not broken. period when it breaks, and you have a narrative, which is we've taken liquidity out and we're in a
264 00:47:00,180 --> 00:47:05,220 consolidation, it's likely pullback into the range, what's the range? The initial
265 00:47:05,220 --> 00:47:14,010 low the day in London to the high that's formed. It's gonna trade all the way down. And just below that low, clearing out the salsa liquidity. That's the
266 00:47:14,010 --> 00:47:24,060 market maker sell model. That's not wycoff. Okay, it's a repeating pattern. It does it all the time, every single week. It doesn't have multiple timeframes.
267 00:47:24,270 --> 00:47:33,360 And I can see them multiple times in a month in a five minute chart. Lots of setups, I'm never short on trades. I know where they're going to form. I know
268 00:47:33,360 --> 00:47:40,440 what time they're going to form, you know what time they're going to form. The thing what you're doing is you're trying to find an optimal trade entry in
269 00:47:40,440 --> 00:47:52,290 everything. Okay. And it's not that easy. You have to have elements that support a narrative. Should it be a bullish day into London? clothes? Or should it be a
270 00:47:52,290 --> 00:48:01,020 bearish move into London clothes? Is it going to be a market reversal profile in New York? That makes the high of the day? Or does it make a low of the day
271 00:48:01,050 --> 00:48:13,770 market reversal profile in New York? Or does it do a classic London high the day, London close low of the day, or London low of the day, and London high the
272 00:48:13,770 --> 00:48:26,610 day. Sounds more complicated than you thought it was going to be hard. That's why I tell you, you need to learn from someone that knows what they're doing. I
273 00:48:26,610 --> 00:48:35,520 got a lot of experience, folks, and I love sharing this stuff. But if you're not going to put the work into it, and admit going in that you're gonna have to work
274 00:48:35,520 --> 00:48:54,090 a lot. You got to study a lot. But when you learn this, this is power. This is confidence. This is legacy building. Because I don't care about ever getting a
275 00:48:54,090 --> 00:49:04,950 job ever again. I don't worry about ever going into a position where I need to get a job. This skill set, I can put myself into any large institutional firm
276 00:49:05,100 --> 00:49:15,120 like that. And believe me if I said in an open statement on social media, I'm ready for ready to be hired. Man, my phone would ring off the hook because my
277 00:49:15,120 --> 00:49:23,760 phone's public. Everybody seen it on Instagram. If you get this skill set, it doesn't matter if you have a lot of money right now you don't need a lot of
278 00:49:23,760 --> 00:49:36,930 money. Because if you learn how to do this, and you can do it well manage risk Well, you will be able to find money, it will fall into your lap. People will
279 00:49:36,930 --> 00:49:51,690 shove it in your face and say please help me because you have a skill set that so little on this spinning rock have but you're all in a rush. You're in such a
280 00:49:51,690 --> 00:50:04,320 rush. And I know I was in a rush to I hated where I was at working for a living sucked but when you You learn how to do this, and you control yourself. And you
281 00:50:05,520 --> 00:50:16,590 manage yourself and your expectations. When you do that, you control a master fear and greed. I'm not afraid of missing moves, I know when they're going to
282 00:50:16,590 --> 00:50:24,930 occur again, I know what they look like. It's like a bus. And I know the bus schedule. I know the times the days of the week, they're gonna come around, they
283 00:50:24,930 --> 00:50:34,230 might be a little late, like a record bus would be. But I know when they're coming in, if I miss it, no problem. I was hanging around. I'll catch the next
284 00:50:34,230 --> 00:50:47,460 one. Think about that logic, if you lose your job, how fast? And how easy would it be for you to replace your job and the income that you get from it? For some
285 00:50:47,460 --> 00:50:54,540 of you, that's probably not a big deal. Because you're professionals, you have a skill set, maybe you're a doctor, maybe you're a lawyer or something to that
286 00:50:54,540 --> 00:51:09,360 effect, engineer. But working class folks, like I was back in the 90s. I didn't really have high paying jobs. And jobs that I had, I didn't really have skill
287 00:51:09,360 --> 00:51:28,950 sets. I was just doing regular jobs, filling vending machines delivering pizza. When you have this skill set, you aren't going to sleep at night thinking what
288 00:51:28,950 --> 00:51:41,700 am I going to do tomorrow, I'm afraid I'm going to lose my job. I'm afraid I'm not going to pay my bills, I'm afraid I'm gonna lose my house. That's what I
289 00:51:41,700 --> 00:51:49,350 want my students to conquer. I'm not trying to sell you the idea you're getting rich, because you'll figure it out on your own. If that's what you want to do
290 00:51:49,350 --> 00:52:02,880 with this. All I want you to do is figure out how to take some of that burden of debt and fear away. Because once you have that one thing happen. Nothing stands
291 00:52:02,880 --> 00:52:05,160 in your way. Nothing.
292 00:52:06,179 --> 00:52:18,269 No scary thought. No person doubting, you know, family members saying you're living a pipe dream. All of those things are gonna be like water on a duck's
293 00:52:18,269 --> 00:52:30,269 back, you're not going to be affected by it. Because you'll see the effects of doing this in the consistency and continuity that you can grow into. And I can't
294 00:52:30,269 --> 00:52:40,619 put it in words, I can't, I can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. And it won't even come close to the feeling of knowing what it's like to have the
295 00:52:40,619 --> 00:52:52,589 lottery numbers every single day. Think about it, you're gonna be walking around, and people are gonna look at you and they're gonna not, they're not
296 00:52:52,589 --> 00:53:03,479 gonna know that you know this. And I do this every day, when I'm out with my wife, or I'm out with my boys or myself. And I'm looking around and all these
297 00:53:03,479 --> 00:53:15,359 people are working their jobs. I used to do that stuff too. And while I'm walking around inside my phone, these little things are making bars. And that
298 00:53:15,359 --> 00:53:29,879 makes me money. Because I've either told that it was going to go higher, or it's going to go lower in executing with that framework. And my students are learning
299 00:53:29,879 --> 00:53:43,169 that skill set. It's transferable. So when you have an understanding what price is likely to do, you're not trying to figure out what the next guy's doing or
300 00:53:43,169 --> 00:53:51,659 how much they're doing. You're not trying to figure out what indicator what setting to have, or what other timeframe you're operating in that timeframe
301 00:53:51,659 --> 00:54:07,469 you're looking at. And what does that timeframe offer in terms of framework? You saw it today. So I'm gonna take all this off. And I'm gonna put it into an
302 00:54:07,469 --> 00:54:26,489 hourly chart. You can see there's that old high, what's the high 129 19 three pipettes. It trades above that during a market consolidation. So running about
303 00:54:26,489 --> 00:54:35,399 this high here that's running out by side liquidity or by stops. interbank traders are going to go short above that right there. And we're not looking for
304 00:54:35,399 --> 00:54:44,429 it to go right here. We're not looking for to go right here. What is working inside the range this low was formed in London. And that's all you got to worry
305 00:54:44,429 --> 00:54:48,629 about. Simple, even if it didn't take out that low.
306 00:54:55,980 --> 00:55:06,750 My target right here was enough to pay me 20 pips and that's what I banked. 20 pips. So even if it stopped me out, I took 20 pips. If I did this every single
307 00:55:06,750 --> 00:55:17,760 day, or if you did this every single day, and you took 20 pips and it never went to your target, are you a failure? If you put your trades on social media,
308 00:55:17,790 --> 00:55:23,400 everyone will come out and say, you don't have to trade it, never hit your targets and never hit your targets and never hit your targets. But the whole
309 00:55:23,400 --> 00:55:32,940 time your bottom line is growing. Why are you listening to these people? They can't trade. If they could trade, they wouldn't be so negative and talk about
310 00:55:32,940 --> 00:55:43,590 other people. They would be doing it simple for showing you that they're doing it. And they're not. So why are you listening to these people? Why aren't you
311 00:55:43,590 --> 00:55:55,440 letting other people drive your destiny? Who steering you are, or everyone else? Because I'm gonna tell you right now, I kicked my family and my friends, and my
312 00:55:55,440 --> 00:56:08,550 bosses out of the driver's seat. When I was younger man, this is my life, my destiny, and I'm not trusting it to anyone. Anyone, and especially those
313 00:56:08,550 --> 00:56:18,840 individuals that doubt me, you're gonna say I can't do something, I'm gonna find 12 ways where I can prove to you I can and I will do it. Do you have that
314 00:56:18,840 --> 00:56:33,840 tenaciousness? Are you that tenacious? Are you ready to say, I'm willing to love you from a distance to your family? I'm not saying put your middle finger out
315 00:56:33,840 --> 00:56:46,170 and tell them to go FM cells. Okay? Not to be crude. But it's not necessary to do that. They're not going to believe you until you arrive. And I'm telling you
316 00:56:46,170 --> 00:56:59,190 when you arrive, everyone's going to be asking you, everyone, how'd you do it? And you'll never hear anybody say, oh, that guy or that gal? He or she isn't
317 00:56:59,220 --> 00:57:07,380 doing this doing that. They're gonna be like, I don't know what he's doing. I wish I would have listened to them back when so and so. And all of a sudden,
318 00:57:07,380 --> 00:57:16,230 your opinion about things you don't even know about mean something? To everyone? That's what happened with me. I get questioned all the time. Hey, what do you
319 00:57:16,230 --> 00:57:26,190 think about this? And that? I don't know. All I know about is these, these candles. I don't know anything else. That's all I've been doing all my life. But
320 00:57:26,850 --> 00:57:38,130 people, God bless them. Think I'm much more intellectual than I really am. I'm not that smart folks. I don't claim to be a mental giant. I am average Joe.
321 00:57:40,050 --> 00:57:50,640 Damn, the guy that I was talking about in those tutorials on this YouTube channel. I just was blessed by a real God. And if that upsets you, or if offends
322 00:57:50,640 --> 00:58:01,440 you, or if it doesn't align with your belief system, I understand. But that's how I got here. And I promised that I would spend the rest of my life as long as
323 00:58:01,440 --> 00:58:14,850 he put breath in my lungs and the ability to keep my mental faculties. I would teach it. This is my legacy. This is my passion. This is my hobby. And this is
324 00:58:14,850 --> 00:58:26,580 my life. You can either learn from it, or just don't ever watch the videos. Again, nothing forces you to come back here. But I promise. If you spend time
325 00:58:26,580 --> 00:58:39,960 here, it's going to change you. And it's not a cult, nothing keeps you here. You can make this into something that chance forms your entire family tree. You
326 00:58:39,960 --> 00:58:47,340 don't need to trade it in forex. You can trade it in the stock market. All these things work in the stock market too. You can trade indices. You can trade
327 00:58:47,340 --> 00:59:03,210 commodities. metals. Listen, folks, you're not learning one trick. Okay? You're not one gimmick. You're learning how the markets really book. What makes a move?
328 00:59:03,840 --> 00:59:13,620 Where do they go? Why are they going there? Why should it reverse? When will these moves occur? If all these markets were random, why did they happen to have
329 00:59:13,650 --> 00:59:25,290 all these repeating phenomenon and setups around the same time window I'm teaching you It's nonsense when you hear these people say it's it's just noise
330 00:59:25,320 --> 00:59:36,180 on these intraday charts. You can't find any supply and demand factors. I agree. I agree. You can't, because that's not what makes the markets move. You have to
331 00:59:36,180 --> 00:59:46,410 understand what these algorithms are doing. Because that's what's going on before the market went to electronic trading. Real people had a job to make
332 00:59:46,410 --> 00:59:50,070 these fluctuations they made the price. They set it
333 00:59:50,159 --> 01:00:01,019 and then started pricing at lower or higher. They were the ones doing the manual repricing but it's not efficient. Now we have 24 hour trading I'm convinced at
334 01:00:01,019 --> 01:00:10,019 some point, we're going to have seven days a week trading. Because that's, you know, that's more opportunity. And I'm convinced that we're gonna start seeing
335 01:00:10,019 --> 01:00:21,779 Saturday and all day Sunday trading. I hope I see it in my lifetime. But that's where we're going next. It happens for crypto, why can't we have it in forex?
336 01:00:22,289 --> 01:00:34,049 Why can't we have it on stocks? Because people are in the way. And when more electronic things come in, what the process those limitations will be removed in
337 01:00:34,049 --> 01:00:48,719 the markets will be even better. Because man, humans, they make it harder. You know, you've been trying to do this for how long? See. So as long as there's a
338 01:00:48,719 --> 01:01:02,999 human element involved, efficiency will always be lacking. They're way better than they were when they're open outcry. But now, it's proven that the
339 01:01:02,999 --> 01:01:11,399 algorithms and high frequency trading, they're not messing up the markets, that's not messing up the markets, okay. That's just the excuse they give when
340 01:01:11,429 --> 01:01:21,449 greed kicks in. And the algorithm really runs by a manual override when they go in. And they call it the fat finger. Oh, yeah. So and so this rogue trader
341 01:01:21,899 --> 01:01:34,379 caused the flash crash? No, he did not. Okay, that did not happen. Okay, all these storylines, these narratives, they're all fake, fake. Just look at the
342 01:01:34,379 --> 01:01:44,549 Euro in the swissy, when it was the pegged. study that in the charts, okay. And if you can get income articles, or any kind of writings about it, read it,
343 01:01:44,579 --> 01:01:54,419 because there's all kinds of different stories about what caused this and what caused that. All of it was absolutely controlled, it was controlled demolition.
344 01:01:56,039 --> 01:02:05,459 And those are black swan events. Those are the real risks there in this market, not just forex, every market. Stocks can be marked down overnight, just like
345 01:02:05,459 --> 01:02:29,429 that. $100 or more. Who set that price I think two traders got together. And that was the first trade near it was Get out of here. It was booked there. And
346 01:02:29,429 --> 01:02:46,199 that was the first trade offered. Sooner or later, you'll get it or you won't. But it won't change it. So if you look at these markets, and you see
347 01:02:46,199 --> 01:02:57,149 opportunity, God bless you. If you look at these markets, and they're a puzzle you just can't solve, they're gonna stay like that. It's going to be that
348 01:02:57,149 --> 01:03:06,809 Rubik's cube that you can't get the pattern of same colors, the lineup, it's going to be a crossword puzzle that you can never complete. If you look at it
349 01:03:06,809 --> 01:03:22,469 like that. I look at it as a treasure hunt. I look at it as a roadmap to getting something I want. In the first and foremost thing is satisfaction. I love being
350 01:03:22,469 --> 01:03:33,389 able to see what the markets going to do graphically like this. That's how I started, I needed to find that cookie, that reward because I didn't believe
351 01:03:33,389 --> 01:03:45,959 these things would make that much money for me. When I first started, I didn't have an understanding of compound interest, I had basic of expectations. Now,
352 01:03:45,989 --> 01:03:55,199 obviously, I understood compound interest from math. But I didn't apply it to the markets because I was so busy trying to do what everyone was saying to do in
353 01:03:55,199 --> 01:04:09,329 the books. It was always wrong. So when you look at me doing these things in talking to you like this, and yes, this video is long, it's long. But if you
354 01:04:09,329 --> 01:04:22,469 want to learn something, the hardest skill set on the planet that has a uncapped earning potential. You can't limit yourself. What is where's the limit? What's
355 01:04:22,469 --> 01:04:35,579 the limit? What's the, what's the cap in earnings potential? in trading, what is it? Is there is there any? I don't think there is except for whatever you're
356 01:04:35,579 --> 01:04:48,419 willing to accept. So when someone's willing to sit down and give their insights, their experience and knowledge
357 01:04:51,060 --> 01:05:08,790 why would you want them to rush through it? Why would you kick sand in their face. Okay? Why would you talk ill about them. When you're the actual person I'm
358 01:05:08,820 --> 01:05:19,770 aiming at all you doubters, I don't need to convince the people that now are convinced that part's over, they're going to pursue excellence, because now he
359 01:05:19,770 --> 01:05:33,120 got a taste of it. But whenever I'm talking, I'm talking to you, the guy and the girl that's doubting that thinks I'm a fraud, that thinks all this stuff is all
360 01:05:33,120 --> 01:05:49,230 cherry picked. I'm talking to you. Because I was just like you. I was just like you. I was hurting. I couldn't make it work. I was always losing, I was blowing
361 01:05:49,230 --> 01:06:01,650 my accounts. And I couldn't figure it out. And I lashed out. And that's human. That's why don't hold it against any of you. It's normal, that part is normal.
362 01:06:04,170 --> 01:06:19,470 But you have to listen to good reason. Good advice, good medicine. And that's what this is. It if you just give yourself time and permission, and just let go,
363 01:06:19,500 --> 01:06:31,710 let go of whatever animosity hold against me. Because of either public stunts, and trolling I've done in the past. I'm trying my hardest, just to show you the
364 01:06:31,710 --> 01:06:42,750 goods to prove it to you. And maybe I've done a good job of trolling, and now you're just damaged, and I'm never gonna win you over. It doesn't mean I'm not
365 01:06:42,750 --> 01:07:00,570 gonna keep trying. You keep coming back to this channel. Core reason I can't see your thoughts. But I know what you're thinking. This guy doesn't make money, he
366 01:07:00,570 --> 01:07:13,650 only makes money trading, a demo account or paper trading, and teaches a mentorship. And he can't make money with a real account. I can I can call moves,
367 01:07:14,130 --> 01:07:28,410 I can enter trades, I can manage them, I can do that every single day of the week. And still won't change your mind. Because you're bent. And you're wasting
368 01:07:28,410 --> 01:07:42,030 time you're wasting time. You could sit down and say okay, that's it. I'm putting all aside, I'm gonna sit down with this information. I'm not gonna have
369 01:07:42,030 --> 01:07:51,270 a timeline, I'm not gonna have a deadline, I'm just going to consume a video or two a day, I'm going to take notes, and I'll reflect on it. And then we'll go
370 01:07:51,270 --> 01:08:01,980 into the charts looking for the things that these videos talk about. And if you do that, for 30 days, you're going to start seeing things that you didn't see
371 01:08:01,980 --> 01:08:14,400 before. And then that encourages you. And you get that little bit of a addiction, which is good. It's a good thing. Because it's the motivation. As
372 01:08:14,400 --> 01:08:24,180 soon as you start seeing growth, and your understanding, it's infectious, then you start thinking about this stuff all day long. When you're at work, when you
373 01:08:24,180 --> 01:08:30,210 should be focusing on your job, you're going to think about I can't wait to look at the charts. I can't wait to study this and study that. Not I want to make
374 01:08:30,210 --> 01:08:43,710 money and trade. You become a sponge that you can't get enough. And look, it's not you're not worshiping me. None of my students worship Me, I don't want that.
375 01:08:44,250 --> 01:08:54,300 You're just in love with the future you. That's what these people are. They're they're in love with who they're going to become. Because they see what there's
376 01:08:54,570 --> 01:09:05,100 market in sight and content is doing for them on a small scale. And they know they keep working on it, it's going to be larger. And I have such a small little
377 01:09:05,100 --> 01:09:17,940 piece of that happening. I pay a small role. I'm just providing a language. You have to engage the marketplace. Everyone has to engage the marketplace, in their
378 01:09:17,940 --> 01:09:23,040 own terms, in their own way of doing it. and manage that risk.
379 01:09:25,080 --> 01:09:36,060 It's not a cult here. And I'm not a cult leader and no one's worshipping me. I know what it is. And my students know what it is. It's passion. I have it, a lot
380 01:09:36,060 --> 01:09:46,620 of it. It's an exhaustible and my students get infected with that, and they see the growth in their own learning. Yes, they have setbacks, but they look past
381 01:09:46,620 --> 01:09:56,760 them, because it's normal. And I'm here to remind them, that's normal. It's a growth. You're going through growing pains. Over time, you become much more
382 01:09:56,760 --> 01:10:05,790 versed and skilled and the things that bother you in the big Getting that you think are paramount. This is a be all end all. It's a binary either works right
383 01:10:05,790 --> 01:10:12,840 now, or I'm never gonna do it again, if I don't make this account grow to this much, I'm a failure, I'm never gonna do it again. And then if you blow the
384 01:10:12,840 --> 01:10:22,200 account, you know how you feel, man, I gotta get back into debt. Again, I'm gonna, I'm gonna do it differently this time. As long as you have that bug,
385 01:10:23,400 --> 01:10:31,830 you're gonna keep doing this. And you're gonna keep coming back to my videos. Because detail inside, you're still just wrestling with that demon in you. The
386 01:10:31,830 --> 01:10:42,900 person it's in the mirror. Because you don't deserve in your mind, you're thinking You don't deserve to be successful. You do. You just had all these
387 01:10:42,900 --> 01:10:54,360 other people influencing you, and telling you, either directly or indirectly, that you don't deserve it. You do. Everyone deserves it. If you come into my
388 01:10:54,360 --> 01:11:05,280 content, and you bust your ass, because that's what's gonna take. You deserve it. And once you get it, no one can take it from you. And it's so rewarding.
389 01:11:06,300 --> 01:11:15,750 It's so rewarding. If you just take away your bank note for your home. How much better would your life be? I'm not saying let's get rich. How about if you just
390 01:11:15,750 --> 01:11:27,480 got half your mortgage payment a month covered? Wouldn't it be a big weight off your back or your car note? Or if you put groceries in your parents home? Maybe
391 01:11:27,480 --> 01:11:38,430 they're on assisted living, and you were able to give them a way of obtaining groceries and they didn't have to go without? How much better would you feel? As
392 01:11:38,430 --> 01:11:45,630 soon as you're able to do that and you start thinking well, I'm able to do this with this. If I just tweak it a little bit more, I can compound that into other
393 01:11:45,630 --> 01:11:59,730 things. That's all trading is. That's it the same 15 to 20 pips a day, a couple times a week. Man, you can do a lot with that a lot. And you just have to
394 01:11:59,730 --> 01:12:09,480 broaden your understanding and expectations to the positive side and not just look at me as some fraud guru because I could prove this stuff every single day
395 01:12:09,480 --> 01:12:24,900 of the week. It isn't gonna put money in your pocket because I can do it. It's a learned skill set. Every single one of you can do this. Don't let anyone tell
396 01:12:24,900 --> 01:12:33,450 you or convince you that you can't. Because I'm telling you, you can. Until next time, wish good luck and good trading.