ICT YT - 2020-09-10 - ICT Forex Price Action Lesson - EurUsd Market Maker Sell Model.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-12 06:33

00:00:16,289 --> 00:00:26,969 ICT: Okay, folks, welcome back. Alright, so this is going to be a very short and concise video to try to get right to the point here. But the Tuesday video, I
00:00:26,969 --> 00:00:41,669 mentioned how the economic calendar had a heavy news driver for euro dollar today. And prior to that there was really no news for euro. So the way I teach
00:00:41,819 --> 00:00:55,079 price action to my students, we anticipate price action moves relative to how much volatility is expected in the marketplace, a specific time or day. And
00:00:55,079 --> 00:01:06,239 while the economic calendar has a great part in that it's not the entire process, obviously. But I'm showing you a fractal here in price. It's something
00:01:06,239 --> 00:01:20,249 that I taught publicly. And again, it's not wycoff. It's not anything else. But just what I'm explaining here. This fractal is a market maker, sell model. Okay,
00:01:20,249 --> 00:01:33,299 before I show you anything, in terms of annotations, pause the video, study what you think you see here, and then I'll show you the annotations. Some of you just
00:01:33,299 --> 00:01:47,639 never pause it. Alright, so here's the annotations. Alright, so we have market in a small consolidation, it leads to consolidation enters back into the
00:01:47,639 --> 00:01:59,429 consolidation at 830. We rally up, create a smart money reversal. This is where interbank traders go short. And you can take another short in here for a low
00:01:59,429 --> 00:02:09,299 risk sell. This is another level of distribution, or where you could sell short, another level of distribution, we could sell short, and then target the original
10 00:02:09,299 --> 00:02:19,049 consolidation. Now, that's not limited to just getting down below that, obviously, I have a target of 117 40 as a short term trade, but that's not the
11 00:02:19,049 --> 00:02:28,979 focus of this discussion. But I want you to look at this and imagine how lucrative it would be if you could see this fractal unfolding in price action.
12 00:02:29,789 --> 00:02:43,679 And if you could sell short up here on the near the high, and learn to take profits along the way at logical places would not be of interest to you. Well,
13 00:02:44,459 --> 00:02:55,439 when I was developing, I figured that only the super traders in the world, okay, that the elite, if you will, could trade like that it could foresee where these
14 00:02:55,439 --> 00:03:06,899 turning points would occur, or where they're likely to occur, and then engage the marketplace and trade accordingly. So I'm going to take these levels off
15 00:03:07,019 --> 00:03:21,149 that I have here in the shapes, okay, so that's going to take those off and strip it down to bare chart with just a couple line segments. Okay, so that's
16 00:03:21,149 --> 00:03:33,509 what we have here. I was outlining this today in a recording took a short up here. And I covered some here, a covered some here, and a covered some right
17 00:03:33,539 --> 00:03:43,739 before this decline there. And then I finally got stopped out somewhere in here. You'll see it when it actually shows in the recording. But this is the level of
18 00:03:45,209 --> 00:03:54,719 expertise that I expect to see when people are on YouTube teaching. If you're going to talk Smart Money concepts, if you're going to talk institutional
19 00:03:54,719 --> 00:04:05,039 trading, if you're going to talk about precision sniper entries, if you have any of those buzzwords, anything like that, and you're trying to give the impression
20 00:04:05,039 --> 00:04:15,809 that you know how to do it, or that you could teach it. It needs to be exhibited like this. Okay, I'm going to show you again, recording before I enter the
21 00:04:15,809 --> 00:04:23,639 trade. How I managed to stop my thoughts, I'm typing it out in the text box, like when you go over here and do this business.
22 00:04:29,580 --> 00:04:39,210 Okay, you can see me actually going in and doing that annotations on the chart. So it's not a afterthought, you know, something that I thought after the price
23 00:04:39,210 --> 00:04:47,790 has already moved. I'm outlining my expectations. And you can see I'm not rushing to move my stop. I'm telling you what, I'm going to take my profits, how
24 00:04:47,790 --> 00:04:57,900 I'm going to manage the trade before it unfolds. Okay? So it's very important, because right now I'm talking and I'm speaking over this chart, but there's no
25 00:04:57,900 --> 00:05:05,700 way for you to know when I'm I'm actually talking or providing the audio commentary. So that's the reason why I go into the chart and I make my
26 00:05:05,700 --> 00:05:17,160 annotations in text in the platform on tradingview. I used to do this with Mt. Four. But it's been revealed in recent years by Adam Webb, not the he's the one
27 00:05:17,160 --> 00:05:27,540 that discovered everyone kind of figured that Mt. Four was rigged, where you can scam it. But I moved away from that when he showed how publicly It is so easy to
28 00:05:27,540 --> 00:05:37,860 fake, that you're a profitable trader at Mt for that little swipe to the right to show the little logo says real. Some brokers actually have demo accounts that
29 00:05:37,860 --> 00:05:46,800 still show that as real, that's why they won't ever scrub all the way over to show you their, you know, their brokerage firm, and the account number because
30 00:05:46,860 --> 00:05:53,010 right away, that would be showing that they're a fraud. And that's actually illegal. And so I see in the states in the United States, if you try to show
31 00:05:53,010 --> 00:06:02,520 that you're making profits, you know, and it's not happening, and you're trying to sell that as investment advice or something to that effect, you could really
32 00:06:02,520 --> 00:06:16,020 get yourself in jail for that. So to remove any doubt, and to stay within the confines of the legal limits that I'm in the United States, if price is going to
33 00:06:16,020 --> 00:06:24,450 deliver a specific way, I don't need to do this with a Live account. Okay, because it's the same price, whether you see it on your paper trading platform
34 00:06:24,450 --> 00:06:33,420 here, one trading view, whether it's a demo account, or whether it's a Live account, price is the same. Now, I'm not going to stick my head out there on the
35 00:06:33,420 --> 00:06:46,470 block, and provide the opinions, okay, and views upon the marketplace, and things that I have discovered that repeat over and over again, I'm never going
36 00:06:46,470 --> 00:06:56,730 to say, go out here and do this with live funds, or try to do this with me in a Live account, because then I open myself up to liability. And that's the reason
37 00:06:56,730 --> 00:07:09,330 why I always stay within the confines and protection of either a demo account in my teachings, or on trading view, you'll see it as a paper trade. Now, for some
38 00:07:09,330 --> 00:07:16,530 of you, you may be coming to us, this might be the very first video you seen by me. And right away, you're thinking, Oh, this guy. Yeah. If you're so good, you
39 00:07:16,530 --> 00:07:24,660 can do it with a Live account, you clearly don't know the regulations in the United States. Okay, so if that's a struggling point for you, just go watch the
40 00:07:24,660 --> 00:07:31,620 other guys, because you'll never see them doing what I'm going to show you here. This isn't the only time I've ever done it either. But nonetheless, I want you
41 00:07:31,620 --> 00:07:40,980 to appreciate the level of visibility I have. And this is a five minute chart. There's people from Goldman Sachs there on YouTube, that claim that this time
42 00:07:40,980 --> 00:07:51,810 frame intraday is all noise and you can't see anything whatsoever, I humbly submit the following. Okay, so we're going to open up a trade that's short on
43 00:07:51,810 --> 00:08:01,170 euro dollar. And that's it spiking up creating a new high, I want to sell short into that, you can see the orders actually getting placed confirmations, upper
44 00:08:01,170 --> 00:08:13,020 left hand corner. And now I'm going to put in my stop and take profit, and I've noticed a little percentage area, it's less than 1% total risk. So when you see
45 00:08:13,020 --> 00:08:29,190 this $300 per Pip, just know that it's on an equity basis of $809,460. And some change like 65 cents or so. Okay, so you can see the stops and targets are in
46 00:08:29,190 --> 00:08:29,760 place.
47 00:08:35,220 --> 00:08:44,790 Okay, now, I'm going to show you what I have in mind. So you can see it's already on the chart. It's not something I'm figuring out along the way, I'm
48 00:08:44,820 --> 00:08:55,200 looking at something before it actually unfolds in the price action. So the breakout traders that went long on a breakout above 118 35. their staffs are
49 00:08:55,200 --> 00:09:08,400 right below that little magnet. Okay, so that area where there's no any concern to you. I noted these. And again, I'm just making a note that if in case you're
50 00:09:08,400 --> 00:09:21,030 worried, it's not over leveraged on this trade. And what's actually happening here is the bank traders are shorting and they're selling to the buyers, buyers
51 00:09:21,030 --> 00:09:32,760 are chasing, okay, they're chasing this price action higher. So they're going to target their exit, covering their shorts, right below those relative equal lows
52 00:09:32,790 --> 00:09:43,800 where I have that magnet. Okay, so price is going to draw there. Now the questions going to come up. If price is all about supply and demand, if it's
53 00:09:43,800 --> 00:09:57,240 about all these patterns and indicators. Why is it that not all of them agree? Because price doesn't move on the basis of those factors. It's 100% manipulated,
54 00:09:57,360 --> 00:10:05,340 so when you watch other people on YouTube, and they'll put a million different orders on screen and say that they know more than everyone else. But you never
55 00:10:05,340 --> 00:10:15,300 see them actually profiting in a position they've managed. That's very frustrating. Because if you, as an audience member are giving your time to
56 00:10:15,300 --> 00:10:24,000 someone, and they're claiming to understand something, they should be able to show it and do a single pole entry, and not have to require multiple layering of
57 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:31,770 entries scaling in, I don't need the scaling, I knew where the price is going to turn. That's how I teach it to my students. So I have here a breaker, I'm
58 00:10:31,770 --> 00:10:43,620 allowing price to move up that far, and it still will be a viable short, my stop loss would not be tagged if it trades to that bearish breaker, but I'm allowing
59 00:10:43,620 --> 00:10:50,460 for it, okay, I'm expecting the possibility that it could trade there, it isn't gonna make me nervous, it isn't gonna make me feel like I'm on the wrong side of
60 00:10:50,460 --> 00:10:58,290 the marketplace. But that little eyeball, that's where I want to see price draw to next. Okay, so that's going to be a short term target. And where I take my
61 00:10:58,290 --> 00:11:08,730 first scaling, okay, so I'm gonna take 50%, below that low. And as it trades into those last two down close candles, which are right here, okay, right in
62 00:11:08,730 --> 00:11:19,290 there. That's a bullish order block. So I'm watching price. And I'm preparing to take half the position off, I have 3 million on so I'm going to take one and a
63 00:11:19,290 --> 00:11:28,560 half million off as it trades down and get below that order block level, which is this line right here, I'm watching just that you are probably watching this
64 00:11:28,560 --> 00:11:35,790 level up here. But as it's trading through that, I hit it, and I close out half the position. So now I have a remaining balance of one and a half million on
65 00:11:35,790 --> 00:11:50,280 trade. Now that low and expecting that to act as a point of interest, where it could actually offer more shorting. Now, I could have shorted it additionally
66 00:11:50,310 --> 00:12:04,710 here and added more to it. But I want you to focus on how we can logically look for levels to exit using the market maker salmone. Okay, I teach this stuff,
67 00:12:04,710 --> 00:12:12,870 it's in free lessons, even on my YouTube channel here. But there's a lot more to them and a lot more facets to them that, you know, obviously I'm never gonna
68 00:12:13,260 --> 00:12:21,360 just publicly make known you that's part of my mentorship. I know it sounds like a pitch. But I told you, I'm going to reveal things to you as we get closer to
69 00:12:21,360 --> 00:12:30,810 the end of the year, and show you evidence proof. Okay, we had no interest in euro until Thursday this week, and actually made that public to you all on
70 00:12:30,810 --> 00:12:42,000 YouTube. Because the economic calendar suggests that this is the day that it should have its volatility. Everyone chased it going up. And I sold it right at
71 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:53,970 the high so we're looking for another drive lower. And below there's relative equal lows that are outlined at the beginning of the trade. Then I take half off
72 00:12:53,970 --> 00:13:06,510 of that 1.5 millions and now there's only 750,001 and I'm going to be watching to see if we get another drop lower at Southside liquidity pool as I outline
73 00:13:06,510 --> 00:13:17,130 here, that's a objective I'd like to see it trade to. So it's kinda like a best case scenario for my day trade. But as a short term trade 117 40 which is what
74 00:13:17,130 --> 00:13:25,620 I've just put on the chart, I'm not going to slow it down you guys can just hear me say it again. 117 40 I think it's worth going to go on a short term trade
75 00:13:25,620 --> 00:13:31,590 basis but this is not a short term trade example I'm showing you mastery in the scope of intraday
76 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:43,650 Alright, so I took 700,000 off. And now I'm at a point where I have 85 pips locked in and I don't care if it stops me at this point, or if it goes to my
77 00:13:43,650 --> 00:13:55,770 profit objective. And that's a really good place to be in trading because you're not concerned if it if it takes you out you have above your threshold that
78 00:13:55,770 --> 00:14:05,100 you're looking for for the week. Mine is 50 to 75 pips so you all knew I was focusing on euro dollar I was expecting and then you got the final balance was
79 00:14:05,100 --> 00:14:17,730 stopped out. And I'm gonna go into the executions. But I wasn't interested in doing anything but euro until today. And here we are, we're looking at the
80 00:14:17,730 --> 00:14:30,720 actual fractal that I teach so smart money shorts up here. You can see my entry. Now scrub it down a little bit so you can see it. Now I'm talking over the
81 00:14:30,720 --> 00:14:43,800 recording so I'm getting a narration the original video was this recording all day long without audio. But again, I mentioned as I mentioned in the video that
82 00:14:43,830 --> 00:14:53,430 I put the ideas in text, so that way there's no way absolutely no way that I can find the money this and you can see the countdown to the candles close and every
83 00:14:53,430 --> 00:15:03,390 candles forming. It isn't the replay feature on trading view. And obviously you can see the trade being managed from bench To exit I'm going down to a one
84 00:15:03,390 --> 00:15:13,980 minute chart so you can appreciate the candles and the entries and where I took my scalings. So in terms of grouping, for precision based evidence, you can see
85 00:15:13,980 --> 00:15:27,150 that it's the case here. Okay, so if you would like to learn how to do this, I teach a lot of concepts that are very profitable in this YouTube channel for
86 00:15:27,150 --> 00:15:37,320 free. But if you've gone through it all, and you want more, there will be an enrollment process for the mentorship for 2021. And here's the evidence you can
87 00:15:37,320 --> 00:15:47,850 see right there, but no one's going to be allowed to come in until January and December 21 2021. I will make a video providing all the information on how you
88 00:15:47,850 --> 00:15:55,650 can join. Hopefully you found this example at least stimulating if not informative. Until next time, I wish you good luck and good trading.