ICT YT - 2020-08-21 - ICT Forex - Price Action Lesson - IPDA Vs Wyckoff Theory.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-12 06:34

00:00:05,759 --> 00:00:18,149 ICT: How do folks welcome back this is a price action lesson on institutional order flow, and smart money concepts and interbank price delivery. Right. So
00:00:18,239 --> 00:00:27,569 before we get into this, a lot of you, new students may not be aware of this particular pattern. This is something I've been teaching for a very long time.
00:00:28,439 --> 00:00:41,549 And it is my market maker sell model. Now, the point of this discussion tonight is just to draw the strong contrast between what it is that I do, and trade
00:00:41,549 --> 00:00:58,019 with, versus things that come from the retail universe, specifically wycoff. So if you look at this specific fractal, this is a conceptual view of how a market
00:00:58,229 --> 00:01:12,989 pricing occurs from an original consolidation, regulation, smart money reversal, low risk, sell, redistribution, clearing the original consolidation, it's all
00:01:12,989 --> 00:01:22,739 this right here. This is an original idea. That's mine. Okay. So a lot of you new folks probably are already probably getting sick and tired of hearing me say
00:01:22,739 --> 00:01:30,599 this is mine. And this is mine. The reason why I'm doing it is because there's a lot of feedback I'm getting that you don't see through email, a lot of folks are
00:01:30,599 --> 00:01:41,999 making YouTube channels, and videos, stating nonsense and reteaching my concepts but renaming them and trying to use the protective umbrella of white golf. And
00:01:41,999 --> 00:01:53,009 we're going to show that my content is not like off. If you just look at this fractal here. This is not the markup and markdown phase of like off, okay? There
10 00:01:53,009 --> 00:02:02,969 are specific elements in here that are not disclosed or talked about or even mentioned in wycoff theory. So I'm going to take this idea, this premise, okay,
11 00:02:02,969 --> 00:02:13,769 and just try to remember this image. Now, you're welcome to screen capture this and put it in your notebook and print it out. Everyone knows about this, because
12 00:02:13,769 --> 00:02:25,529 I've taught this even back when I was on baby pips. So it was in free tutorials. It's mentioned throughout the YouTube channel in various places. It's a hallmark
13 00:02:25,739 --> 00:02:36,929 to me. So there are elements that I'm going to cover in this lesson tonight, that will help you eliminate the concern that you may have heard or read about.
14 00:02:37,229 --> 00:02:48,809 Whereas ICT namely me, inner circle trader just teaches wycoff renaming things. And like I said, that's the number one premise to this video. Plus, I'm gonna
15 00:02:48,809 --> 00:02:57,419 give you some nuggets and things that helps you see things that are maybe not available to you when you look at pricing now, but I teach these things in great
16 00:02:57,419 --> 00:03:06,359 detail. Many of them I teach in this YouTube channel for free. So just know that if you spend time at this channel, you're going to learn things that aren't
17 00:03:06,479 --> 00:03:15,359 everywhere else. Now they're starting to populate other YouTube channels and other websites, because I'm training a lot. And when I say a lot, I think at the
18 00:03:15,359 --> 00:03:27,869 time of this recording, I have 59,000 students or formal students. So it goes without saying with that level of student base. If something's as good as my
19 00:03:27,869 --> 00:03:36,269 stuff is, it's going to spread globally. And it is it's it's becoming viral everywhere. You know, smart money, this institutional trading that, you know,
20 00:03:36,389 --> 00:03:50,099 breakers, order blocks, all that stuff. It's based on the things that I've been teaching openly. Since 2010. Now, I've been training people since 1996 1995. I
21 00:03:50,099 --> 00:04:03,719 started marketing myself, and started building a subscriber base then. But I was teaching market maker concepts. Officially in 1996, my trading began. And
22 00:04:03,719 --> 00:04:15,749 learning really began when I was 16. My first account opened up in November of 1992. And I blew out the first trade, and you guys know that it was 50% of my
23 00:04:15,809 --> 00:04:26,879 original position was taken away, and then I got scared and close the account. Then I started again, more formally trading with new concepts and things I
24 00:04:26,879 --> 00:04:39,179 learned from Larry Williams, and started building up a little bit a better understanding of what it is I wanted to do. And I got lucky in 1993 and had long
25 00:04:39,179 --> 00:04:50,669 stretch of luck. That just simply was all attributed to being in a market that was predisposed to go up. And I just couldn't really understand short selling.
26 00:04:52,109 --> 00:05:02,579 This lesson is going to help you understand how I learned to trust going short because it's in this fractal, okay, when I say fractal, it's a pattern,
27 00:05:04,230 --> 00:05:17,940 this point of where it starts, where it trades up to as its highest point, and then you see the move going lower this entire move this swing, it occurs on all
28 00:05:17,940 --> 00:05:32,160 timeframes. And it's replicated on multiple timeframes. So when you see this pattern, this could be an hourly chart, where it takes maybe 1015, individual
29 00:05:32,190 --> 00:05:41,430 hourly candles to make this original consolidation, then you have a few candles that go up and then it consolidates, again, it may be, well, whatever this would
30 00:05:41,430 --> 00:05:51,660 have been, this would be approximately about half of that. Not that it has any major own the underlying pattern. But the timeframe you're looking at all this
31 00:05:52,080 --> 00:06:02,820 idea or theory is applicable to all timeframes. And there's a reverse of this fractal, which is the market maker by model. Now, what makes this a sell model?
32 00:06:04,860 --> 00:06:14,700 When markets are in consolidation, what's occurring is there's a buildup of sentiment. Now the sentiment may not be strong enough at the time. So the
33 00:06:14,700 --> 00:06:25,050 algorithm that delivers price, and we're going to talk a little bit about that tonight, too. It waits for enough of open interest in the marketplace. And once
34 00:06:25,050 --> 00:06:33,870 that open interest becomes obvious, it's usually on the opposite side. So you would see many times opportunities where traders would be expected to go short,
35 00:06:34,530 --> 00:06:44,130 or they would be a lot of expectation to go lower. And the market would eventually run outside of that. And many times, you'll see that this pattern
36 00:06:44,130 --> 00:06:52,020 really starts with the expectation that the market wants to go lower in the retail universe. In other words, the average retail trader will see this area in
37 00:06:52,020 --> 00:07:01,110 here and the price before it, leading to some idea that would be bearish. And if they're bearish, their stops are gonna be placed right above here. And the
38 00:07:01,110 --> 00:07:09,570 original run is to those individuals. So their buy stops are taken. But the market doesn't go there and then trade lower, it goes there and then
39 00:07:09,570 --> 00:07:23,700 consolidates, and allows traders to build up more sentiment. What this period right here is it laws in large fund traders. Now large fund traders, are the
40 00:07:23,700 --> 00:07:34,140 counterparty to the central banks on the trading end, no words, there are global commerce, there's transactions that are facilitated through the foreign exchange
41 00:07:34,140 --> 00:07:46,200 market. But the speculative side, the counterparty that is provided for the large funds is the central banks themselves many times so they'll offer that
42 00:07:46,200 --> 00:08:00,030 liquidity and assume the risk. That risk is being used as a position that will be later profitable. Because the central banks have a very deep pocket they
43 00:08:00,030 --> 00:08:08,310 don't they're not concerned about how far this is going to go. Because how far this rally is gonna go up is pre determined. Now, again, that's unsettling when
44 00:08:08,310 --> 00:08:19,950 you hear that it sounds like there's no way that this is like that. But it is, it absolutely is. And I can give you a plethora of proof examples, and I call it
45 00:08:19,950 --> 00:08:27,360 before happens. And so if it wasn't true, you have a greater problem in China explain how it is that I know what's going on, because I'm gonna tell you right
46 00:08:27,360 --> 00:08:37,950 now it's not wycoff it's not supply and demand. It's not Elliott Wave. It's not harmonic patterns. Okay? I'm very controversial as an individual, because I'm
47 00:08:37,950 --> 00:08:44,220 not going to sugarcoat anything, folks, I'm not going to sit here and hold your hand and pretend that all this retail stuff and indicators are going to help you
48 00:08:44,220 --> 00:08:52,170 I'm going to tell you short and sweet that it is going to harm you. And it's going to stunt your growth. If you have been using those things, and you've been
49 00:08:52,170 --> 00:08:59,550 profitable, I can assure you, once you study my content, you're going to see really why those trades were profitable. It just so happens that those
50 00:08:59,670 --> 00:09:11,460 indicators were flashing that particular view at the time. But I don't have a whole lot of things moving around, that would give me a view that would be
51 00:09:11,460 --> 00:09:19,170 opposing many times. And if I have opposing views in my analysis, that to me is uncertainty. And I'm going to sit on my hands and wait, I'm waiting for more
52 00:09:19,170 --> 00:09:27,390 information, more clarity, so the price will be able to reveal itself or tip its hand so to speak. So that way I feel comfortable with the next trade I'm going
53 00:09:27,390 --> 00:09:41,130 to take So in short, the idea is we want to anticipate a run from an original consolidation which is over here. And once this starts to run up, your eye needs
54 00:09:41,130 --> 00:09:49,620 to go right below these lows because right below these lows that sell side liquidity, this sell side liquidity is going to be targeted later on. But it's
55 00:09:49,620 --> 00:09:57,780 for the central banks to be profitable. Okay, they're not going to give this opportunity. You openly not gonna make it available in books and it's not
56 00:09:57,780 --> 00:09:59,550 covered in wycoff. Okay, so
57 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:10,170 But why am I so hard up on the wycoff? group, okay, because if you're a white golf student and you've been trading and maybe you're profitable, this lesson
58 00:10:10,170 --> 00:10:20,550 actually might be a little bit more beneficial to you. If you're new and you're reading or hearing other people, either directly or indirectly stating that I am
59 00:10:20,640 --> 00:10:31,350 re inventing. Okay, like off. You're gonna be corrected tonight. Okay, and I'm doing that because we had this problem on baby pips years ago, people were
60 00:10:31,350 --> 00:10:40,410 saying, Oh, well, he's drawing supply and demand zones, and it's not supply and demand zones, as you're gonna see the night also. It's a very specific criteria
61 00:10:40,530 --> 00:10:53,250 that leads to probabilities. And it's highly specific, it's not conjecture, it's not contrived. But it has to start from a premise that leads to the market in a
62 00:10:53,250 --> 00:11:02,460 consolidation, that sends price higher, because all this move right in here, this move from the original consolidation up to the Smart Money reversal. And
63 00:11:02,460 --> 00:11:14,100 what's the Smart Money reversal, that's a level that should offer strong selling, or at least an intermediate term resistance. And this might be a
64 00:11:14,130 --> 00:11:25,020 retracement down, that is part of a larger up move. So don't think that this is a a topping formation in its entirety. Because it's not, I use this pattern on
65 00:11:25,440 --> 00:11:34,620 both sides of the marketplace. And sometimes I've done it in the same day. It's not limited to that. But you do have to understand what you're doing with it.
66 00:11:34,830 --> 00:11:43,050 And just because you can see this and maybe find the example of it in my teachings, or final example, in hindsight, it's not the same thing as you being
67 00:11:43,050 --> 00:11:54,900 able to see it and forecast it and anticipate it, treat it both directions up, and then short it and go down. But the premise is this. You're taught, and you
68 00:11:54,900 --> 00:12:04,890 hear other people on YouTube, you hear other people on courses and such, they'll say, the buying pressure that led to this move up here, they'll say Smart Money
69 00:12:04,890 --> 00:12:14,610 bought all this driving price up. As soon as you hear that, get out of there, stop listening to those people, because that's not how the markets work. Buying
70 00:12:14,610 --> 00:12:24,630 pressure is not what causes these runs higher. It's repricing. That's it. Now I want you to think a little bit because you have to take your time with this
71 00:12:24,630 --> 00:12:31,830 lesson, you probably have watched a few times too. But if price is consolidating, like this, and I promise we're gonna go to a real price chart in
72 00:12:31,830 --> 00:12:43,020 a moment. But if markets are in a consolidation, and you we can look at the market as a potential short term bullishness, that leads to a sell later on.
73 00:12:43,710 --> 00:12:50,280 Now, there's two camps in this environment, one that will say, Okay, I'm going to be a buyer. And it's going to go up to that level. And that's their trade,
74 00:12:50,940 --> 00:13:00,300 completely and utterly done with the market after that. Other traders can sit here and say, Okay, I don't know if it's going to go up to that level here. But
75 00:13:00,300 --> 00:13:10,290 if it does, I want to sell short, and their trade would be shorting here, down to this level here. Now, when you understand how the market delivers in books,
76 00:13:10,290 --> 00:13:17,880 price, you can work from this level here to here. And then from here to here, them here, here, here to here, here to here.
77 00:13:19,410 --> 00:13:28,260 That's a dynamic, market efficient. trader, I mean, they know what they're doing, that's going to take decades to get like that. And that's why I say when
78 00:13:28,260 --> 00:13:36,840 you see examples of me trading both sides of the range, buying long and going short, in the same day, multiple times, you need to know a lot of stuff. And I
79 00:13:36,840 --> 00:13:45,780 have not revealed those things, not in mentorship or anything. And you don't need to trade that way, you only need to understand one piece of this overall
80 00:13:45,780 --> 00:13:55,320 fractal pattern. Now, whereas it might be from here to here, and the idea of this area here, breaking down, that would be a stop out. So you would hold a
81 00:13:55,320 --> 00:14:03,750 trade until eventually stops you out. And that's how you catch a big runner. You don't try to capture the top because you don't know where that may be in your
82 00:14:03,750 --> 00:14:10,770 analysis at your level of understanding. So the idea would be the buy here and use this area here. If you get to that point get stopped out. And that would be
83 00:14:10,770 --> 00:14:18,930 your trade. So there's lots of different ways to use this fractal and many of them I haven't even taught yet. But the general principle is you start with
84 00:14:18,930 --> 00:14:27,540 consolidation, it's going to go up to a specific point that leads to selling and it goes lower. But I really want you understand that it's not buying pressure.
85 00:14:28,230 --> 00:14:37,860 Okay, it's not buyers that leads the price to go up to this level. It's repricing because as soon as the central bank stops offering the price at these
86 00:14:37,860 --> 00:14:49,110 levels, and then starts repricing lower, that controls the sentiment of traders. They are not out there saying okay, X amount of buyers have been buying it up
87 00:14:49,110 --> 00:14:57,270 and it's pushed it this far. It doesn't work that way, folks, as much as the book say as much as these well meaning gurus and educators out there want to
88 00:14:57,270 --> 00:15:04,440 tell you this and they may subscribe to this wholeheartedly. That's how the markets go. It's buying and selling pressure, it's supply and demand. That's how
89 00:15:04,440 --> 00:15:12,330 these things happen. It's not how it works, okay? It's not how it's work. It's It's not how it works. I don't mean to be disrespectful, and I sound like an
90 00:15:12,330 --> 00:15:21,690 arrogant jerk, okay, but if you've been watching this stuff, okay, and, okay, I'm not in here, as someone just read 2000 books, and I figure, I'm a
91 00:15:21,720 --> 00:15:33,240 professional because of that. I have had people instill in me information that you're never going to see, ever, it's never going to happen. When you get
92 00:15:33,240 --> 00:15:43,950 exposed to something like that, it changes you. It changes your perception in the marketplace, it changes your Well, my patience with retail ideas, or it's
93 00:15:43,950 --> 00:15:53,730 next to nothing, I don't have any patience with it whatsoever. And when I see people try to hide their real intentions, because what they're doing is they're
94 00:15:53,730 --> 00:16:01,260 teaching my concepts, but they're trying to call it something else. So that way, number one, they think they're going to avoid legal trouble with me, too. They
95 00:16:01,260 --> 00:16:12,930 avoid all the drama that my teach my teachings are found in their works, but renamed, so my students will find them. Or I'll find them on YouTube, or
96 00:16:12,930 --> 00:16:20,880 sometimes their videos get suggest, because I'm predominantly looking at market related things on YouTube. So I'll get videos suggested to me, and I'm like,
97 00:16:20,910 --> 00:16:28,260 Wait, what? And I'll walk out. And that's something I just talked about yesterday. So now they have it in their video, okay. So when I see that stuff,
98 00:16:28,260 --> 00:16:36,480 it's very offensive. I'm not like, I don't look at this as everybody wants to be like me. And I feel like that's a cool thing. That's not what I want you to do.
99 00:16:36,510 --> 00:16:43,590 I want you to be an independent thinker. And if you've learned something from me, hey, great and credit me, but don't try to reteach my stuff and don't try to
100 00:16:43,590 --> 00:16:50,400 make courses with my stuff. Because I come after people with that. And it's just, I got plenty of time and money to deal with people working behind it. You
101 00:16:50,400 --> 00:16:57,330 do those types of things for me, but I don't want that to happen. That's not what I want. And besides, you're never going to be a good trader. If you're
102 00:16:57,330 --> 00:17:07,410 doing that. You're just pretending you're being a copycat. And copycatting is limited in what you can earn. You most of the people that are doing it can't
103 00:17:07,410 --> 00:17:18,240 trade. And it's mostly the IML people, I markets live, I am Academy, a thrown so many of those individuals out of my course in my mentorship. And you can clearly
104 00:17:18,240 --> 00:17:26,250 see if you've ever looked at their stuff, they will talk about fair value gaps, which we'll talk about tonight. breakers mitigation blocks and 99% of time,
105 00:17:26,730 --> 00:17:35,610 they're classifying the chart in the element that they're trying to draw a parallel to through my content. It's wrong. And that's why their analysis fails.
106 00:17:35,610 --> 00:17:44,010 And I don't really go after the individuals to have their videos on YouTube that have fair value gets mentioned order blocks, and he call them institutional
107 00:17:44,010 --> 00:17:55,860 candles. But it's nonsense. There is no institutional candle, okay, there is no institutional gaps. Okay, there's no institutional candlesticks, okay, or sniper
108 00:17:55,860 --> 00:18:04,620 candles, okay, all they've done was just simply changed the name, the name of an order block, and 99% of the time, they're classifying it wrong. And if you just
109 00:18:04,620 --> 00:18:05,490 watch their videos,
110 00:18:06,870 --> 00:18:15,360 everything they talk about as a future idea, it fails. So it kind of tells you, they don't know what you're talking about. You can put all the buzzwords and
111 00:18:15,420 --> 00:18:26,010 tags on your chart, that draw attention to yourself. It sounds like you're institutionally minded, but you're not aware, you're not making number one,
112 00:18:26,430 --> 00:18:37,230 proof that you know what you're doing. In fact, you're showing the opposite to you're harming the viewers that are giving you their time, and energy and effort
113 00:18:37,470 --> 00:18:45,120 to try to pick up on what you're trying to teach, but you don't know how to do it. So again, I've mentioned this in the last video, and it probably won't be
114 00:18:45,120 --> 00:18:53,760 the last time I do it. But I really want you to think about if you're operating a YouTube channel, okay, and you're doing things like renaming my things. Look
115 00:18:53,760 --> 00:19:03,300 around, I'm having YouTube, take those videos down. And it only takes me to do one time and they take it down. They know my stuff. They've seen the
116 00:19:03,300 --> 00:19:13,830 documentation, it's my content, it's my copyright. It's my thing. So don't waste your time. And don't take my videos in your native language overtop of them
117 00:19:13,830 --> 00:19:28,080 because I had them that guy, the whole channel taken down that do that. Okay, so again, I'm not here to try to be a irritant. I'm here, giving you my time and my
118 00:19:28,080 --> 00:19:39,810 energy because I love doing this. I absolutely love doing it. It's my entire life. I've been doing this more than anything else, since I've been alive. And I
119 00:19:39,810 --> 00:19:48,660 like to believe that God's blessed me with an ability that I had made a promise to him. If he would bless me and give me the understanding to know how to do
120 00:19:48,660 --> 00:19:57,990 this. I would spend the rest of my life teaching other people how to do it. And I have been doing that. And I don't think that most people understand that
121 00:19:58,110 --> 00:20:06,930 promise because they Look at his opportunity. Oh, he's got something that works really good. And it defies all logic and retail universe trading period. It's
122 00:20:06,930 --> 00:20:16,410 nothing like what I do, there's absolutely nothing you were doing some why is because it's the absolute market. It is the market. So when I say I'm teaching
123 00:20:16,410 --> 00:20:25,680 market maker concepts, I'm not teaching willy nilly patterns, okay, I'm not teaching some garbage. I'm teaching how the markets turn on a dime to the point
124 00:20:25,710 --> 00:20:37,050 in order to PIP at a specific time of day, a specific day of the week. Okay, I can do this every single day. The point is, you don't need to be that good at
125 00:20:37,050 --> 00:20:46,830 it, you only need to know one specific element about the marketplace that you're looking at. And then that one specific criteria, you repeat it over and over
126 00:20:46,830 --> 00:20:59,160 again, and then you add money management to that. So you're repeating something that is a have, basically a result, that's expected. And then if you have a
127 00:20:59,280 --> 00:21:07,380 result, it's expected, that repeats more times than it fails. Because it's not, it's not perfection you're aiming for. In the beginning, as a new shirt, you're
128 00:21:07,380 --> 00:21:17,610 thinking you want perfection, it doesn't exist, I lose till. Even with the best of setups, I think it may be lined up from an interbank level, I still can get
129 00:21:17,610 --> 00:21:27,870 it wrong, because the human in me, may spend more time looking at something that has less significance at the time. And usually that's at major tops and bottoms.
130 00:21:28,050 --> 00:21:39,150 Okay, that's where I feel if I were to classify a specific timeframe, when I'm trading, majority time, if I'm losing money, it's in areas where I'm trying to
131 00:21:39,150 --> 00:21:47,880 predict the direction that this move occurs. So I've learned over the 27 years I've been trading, this is the wait for that move to come out. And I'm not a
132 00:21:47,880 --> 00:21:55,290 bait, a breakout trader, I'm just waiting for that move to occur, and then the imbalance that's created in here, okay, it'll either be a fair value gap, which
133 00:21:55,290 --> 00:22:02,220 we'll introduce tonight, it's been shared in my mentorship. And trust me, there is so much more to it than just looking at what I'm going to show you tonight.
134 00:22:02,850 --> 00:22:10,830 Or there may be an order block in here, or it may be a stop run. So there's three elements in here that are going to be a factor, not all of them exists at
135 00:22:10,830 --> 00:22:17,610 the same time. So the question always is, is what do you look for? Do you look for a corner block? Do you look for a fair value get? Or do you look for stops,
136 00:22:17,700 --> 00:22:24,330 it depends on the structure of the marketplace from that period where it leaves the consolidation. And it will make more sense when we go into the live charts,
137 00:22:24,330 --> 00:22:33,540 but just will not watch our fish. The markets are closed. Now it's after week, close on Friday, but we'll look at real charts. But once it gets in here, then
138 00:22:33,540 --> 00:22:40,830 I'm comfortable. And I know that this is likely to go where I think it's going to go and then I can be a buyer in here and right up to this area and then go
139 00:22:40,830 --> 00:22:53,670 short and reverse here or here, depending on how strong of a pinion I have on the marketplace. If it's a bullish market. Now, if you're not writing notes
140 00:22:53,670 --> 00:23:01,920 down, folks, I'm telling you, you're really wasting your time. Because if you listen to what I'm saying, I'm giving you things that I used to charge people
141 00:23:02,340 --> 00:23:04,020 $20,000
142 00:23:05,370 --> 00:23:17,400 Now I'll say that again. $20,000. Okay to learn these types of things. And again, I put this bounty out before I did it on baby pips. Okay, I'm gonna do
143 00:23:17,400 --> 00:23:28,950 it, we're here, cuz now it's on YouTube, there's a larger audience watching. I will pay 100,000 US dollars to anyone that can find my concepts anywhere in
144 00:23:28,950 --> 00:23:40,350 print prior to 1996. Now I'll say that again, the way I train and teach the marketplace, and how the interbank market prices, if you can find it anywhere
145 00:23:40,350 --> 00:23:50,310 prior to 1996, I will pay you 100,000 US dollars, period, and the story done. And it will still be in my bank account 20 years from now because there isn't
146 00:23:50,310 --> 00:23:58,290 going to be anyone that can find it. I'm the author of this stuff. So I say I authored it, I authored it. I have been paid by
147 00:23:59,340 --> 00:24:00,060 firms,
148 00:24:00,540 --> 00:24:13,470 bankers, traders, brokers, all of these individuals, I have consulted, period. They're not going to come to me if they can find this stuff in wycoff books. I
149 00:24:13,470 --> 00:24:23,010 mean, I hate the sound that snide, but it's the way it is, folks. If you don't want to believe that, just believe me on the sake that I can do these things.
150 00:24:23,010 --> 00:24:32,880 And I can tell you exactly what's going to happen before it happens. And it goes to the PIP over and over and over again. It's as simple as that. I don't need
151 00:24:32,880 --> 00:24:41,850 you to believe my words, I just need you to go in and investigate it with your own practice. And that alone will be the testimony you need because you will see
152 00:24:41,850 --> 00:24:50,640 that it's the truth. That's what I'm telling everybody, every single person that comes to this YouTube channel, there's never been anyone that's completed every
153 00:24:50,640 --> 00:24:59,370 single video and said, You know, I've watched all your videos, and I really wish I would've never done it. They all send me the same if they're gonna send me
154 00:24:59,370 --> 00:25:07,500 anything at all. They send me the same type of response, wow, I cannot believe you put this on youtube for free. This is better than any course anything out
155 00:25:07,500 --> 00:25:18,210 there. And I agree. And I just tell them, keep me keep me up to date with your training and let me know how you got. So I know this stuff is the best. It is
156 00:25:18,210 --> 00:25:28,680 the absolute best folks, you're going to be out there and listening to these 20 year olds parroting what I've said in old videos, okay. And they cannot prove
157 00:25:28,680 --> 00:25:36,450 they can do it. And they want to get you into these schemes where you enter this multi level crap. And you're never really learning how to trade. They can
158 00:25:36,450 --> 00:25:45,390 demonstrate my toys and my inventions on the left side of the chart, but they will never be able to do it live. They cannot do it. They won't do it. Because
159 00:25:45,390 --> 00:25:53,790 they don't know how to do it. They make money from subscriptions. And let me tell you something, I could sign on to my paypal right now. Okay, and show you
160 00:25:53,790 --> 00:26:09,390 $165,000 came into my paypal today. Now think about that. Do you still see me with that money coming in? Do you ever see me posting my cars, my homes, my
161 00:26:09,390 --> 00:26:19,350 watches. You've seen some pictures in such a mind? Go on collection because I wanted to be different. But none of those other things you've never seen. And if
162 00:26:19,350 --> 00:26:27,330 you didn't believe I had money prior to me doing a mentorship, I really have it now. So why am I not showing all these things, because that's not going to make
163 00:26:27,330 --> 00:26:36,690 you a better trader. It's not going to make you someone that is objective about the marketplace. And I'm not trying to sell that lifestyle. I don't particularly
164 00:26:36,690 --> 00:26:45,450 care. What anybody's opinion about about me personally is about whether or not I should show my toys. I just don't think I should do that I did those types of
165 00:26:45,450 --> 00:26:54,000 things. When I was a younger man. I'm about to turn 50 in two years. So I may sound like a young guy because of my voice being what it is. But I'm actually a
166 00:26:54,000 --> 00:27:03,510 middle aged man. And I just don't live life like that. So I tried to be as modest as I possibly can in the areas I feel that it's important. But when it's
167 00:27:03,510 --> 00:27:13,350 authorship and things that I know that I have created. And I see other people trying to take credit for it or to try to hide them stealing the idea and
168 00:27:13,350 --> 00:27:23,040 intellectual concepts. And plagiarism is really bad in any industry. And most people would say, Well, if you're, if you're so successful, you wouldn't care
169 00:27:23,040 --> 00:27:30,000 about this. Well, now that's not true. Because I want you to understand this, and then we're gonna go into the heart of the teaching. I don't want people to
170 00:27:30,030 --> 00:27:39,270 look at me and worship me. That's not what this is. So if you're a new subscriber, if you're a new viewer, okay, and you just stumble over top of this
171 00:27:39,270 --> 00:27:46,020 channel, or someone shared a video and say, Hey, let me let me start looking at some of these videos, and you're watching this one. Now. I need you to
172 00:27:46,020 --> 00:27:56,280 understand this point. And again, this won't be the last time you hear about it either. I had a hard time in the beginning. It wasn't easy for me. And I didn't
173 00:27:56,280 --> 00:28:08,970 come from money. But I've always believed in a God, I've always believed that the creator didn't just make us in his walk away from us. So I actively prayed
174 00:28:09,330 --> 00:28:22,170 for this skill set. And I believe he answered it. And I worked really hard. And it wasn't hard work that got me here, because I did a lot of hard work looking
175 00:28:22,170 --> 00:28:36,240 at the wrong things. And some twist of circumstances, we'll just say it that way. I fell into an opportunity that still baffles me today. But because of
176 00:28:36,240 --> 00:28:46,140 that, I understand things that you wouldn't know otherwise. And there's maybe people that's been trading longer than me. And they had been profitable. And
177 00:28:46,140 --> 00:28:56,430 they'll hear this video and say, this guy's full of crap he was always talking about. I don't know what you subscribe to, as a theory on trading. But I've done
178 00:28:56,460 --> 00:28:57,360 just about all of it.
179 00:28:58,020 --> 00:29:10,680 And nothing is truer than when I teach nothing. And you get to test drive it for free here on YouTube. So when I see other people try to take credit, or rename
180 00:29:10,680 --> 00:29:19,380 something because they want glory, and they want fast buck, and they want to live like the kids every day on Instagram. They can't trade. This idea of doing
181 00:29:19,380 --> 00:29:29,820 that. Isn't robbing me. It's robbing God. Because when people find me, I don't say this is mine. This is mine worship me. I'm the best trader in the planet. I
182 00:29:29,820 --> 00:29:39,750 don't say that. Okay, I've said things like that in the past. But I want the viewer to understand the reason why I'm hung up on this is because when
183 00:29:39,750 --> 00:29:51,810 everybody follows me, they are going to hear me credit who it came from. And I prayed for this. And I worked very, very hard and working hard didn't get me
184 00:29:51,810 --> 00:30:04,110 there. But when he opened my eyes to certain things. I he caught my attention. Let's put it that way. And then I said If you make this available to me, I will
185 00:30:04,110 --> 00:30:14,790 give you my entire life to help other people. And I don't need to put this YouTube channel here. It's, it's been sitting here for years. And these videos
186 00:30:14,820 --> 00:30:23,460 are better than any course out there zero, nothing can come close to this. Nothing. Men are some pretty decent people out there who have well meaning
187 00:30:23,460 --> 00:30:34,440 intentions to try to take train people. Even that it all pales in comparison. There's a lot of people in this industry also that because of privacy, I'm not
188 00:30:34,440 --> 00:30:43,680 going to rename and say, Hey, you know who? Who's in your course? Who's in this who's trained under you? But you'd be surprised. You'd be very surprised to see
189 00:30:43,980 --> 00:30:58,560 who trained with me. So it's not an image thing with me. It's a giving glory to work justly deserved. Yes, I worked very hard. But it wasn't until God gave me
190 00:30:58,560 --> 00:31:11,220 his grace to see these things. Because they were always in the charts. They were always there. But no one ferreted out, over 2000 books. And anything that came
191 00:31:11,220 --> 00:31:23,010 out knew I owned it and I bought it period, it was the course I bought it. From futures, contract trading, to Options trading, to currency trading, Bond
192 00:31:23,010 --> 00:31:35,730 trading, stock trading, you name it. I have a library that's deep with all those things. And none of this exists. And I have wycoff books. And again, white golf
193 00:31:36,180 --> 00:31:45,930 was a theory of retail thinking that I made fun of, and I trolled an individual on America Online. His name was dean. And if I could meet him today, I would
194 00:31:45,930 --> 00:31:54,240 apologize to him because I was really an arrogant jerk that back then you think I'm arrogant now, but I really really was an arrogant jerk on America Online. I
195 00:31:54,240 --> 00:32:03,810 was the definition of new money. You know, I had money coming in my hands because I was making long trades in markets that were going to go up anyway. And
196 00:32:03,810 --> 00:32:14,910 I thought I was smart. And was nothing was simple. 50 day moving average buying oversold bullish divergence. Now hidden divergence, or trend falling in nature,
197 00:32:14,910 --> 00:32:21,360 which was invented by Nick van nice. Nobody gives him credit to do to this day still, but he's the one that created that hidden divergence, or type two
198 00:32:21,360 --> 00:32:34,440 divergence, or standard bullish divergence on a 60 minute chart. And that was it. That's, that's all I used. And I parlayed that up to $130,000. So people
199 00:32:34,440 --> 00:32:44,490 watch me do things like that America Online. And I, because I was getting popular. And I saw somebody else starting another area of teaching. It was
200 00:32:44,490 --> 00:32:53,520 wycoff. His name was dean. And he seemed like a really nice guy. But I didn't like the descriptions that he used, like, you know, break the ice, or jump the
201 00:32:53,520 --> 00:33:01,380 creek or something like that. And if you studied wycoff, you probably know what I'm talking about. But those terms just didn't jive with me. And what was my
202 00:33:01,380 --> 00:33:13,770 problem? My problem was, I was a team, Larry Williams guy. Okay, and this is the number one reason why I've taught for years not to have a team mentality, you
203 00:33:13,770 --> 00:33:22,320 don't need to defend me, okay, if I'm your mentor, you don't ever have to go on the internet and defend me. I don't care. Okay. No one's changing my lifestyle
204 00:33:22,350 --> 00:33:28,350 because they don't like me, or they think I'm a fraud, or they think I'm fake. Or they think I did this or that I have all kinds of stories and things that
205 00:33:28,350 --> 00:33:37,560 people been sharing about me to looking at my cousin's pair of pants and thinking that's me and a picture and it's not nonsense, but all these things.
206 00:33:38,610 --> 00:33:49,980 Okay, about Larry Williams concepts I was subscribed 120% to everything he said, If Larry Williams said it, then it's the gospel. And because the things that he
207 00:33:49,980 --> 00:33:56,490 talked about commercials, Commitment of Traders, I could see it in hindsight. And I was like, that's it. That's the thing I'm looking for.
208 00:33:56,909 --> 00:34:08,819 So I was defending Larry Williams without any real need to defend Larry Williams. I mean, Larry Williams still has the leader board, record 11,000% gain
209 00:34:08,849 --> 00:34:21,869 from 1987 World Cup champion. So what I need to defend him for, but because I was a young man, and I was watching someone else, get a crowd. I was thinking
210 00:34:21,869 --> 00:34:29,729 myself. This is nonsense. This doesn't make any sense. And I started looking at what he was doing. And I would sit in his his little teachings and things that
211 00:34:29,729 --> 00:34:37,979 he would do. And I was like, Okay, this doesn't make any sense to me. None whatsoever. So I would sit in the room in the chat room, one America Online and
212 00:34:38,249 --> 00:34:50,099 trolling. That's all I would do. And what I was doing was, I was masking my confusion, because I was seeing things that I didn't understand. And I was
213 00:34:50,099 --> 00:34:59,519 looking for new things I was learning from Larry Williams. And it just it was a waste of time looking back at it and there's a lot of you individuals that are
214 00:34:59,519 --> 00:35:05,879 here listening In this video, and you're the ones that put the thumbs down, like that's hurting my feelings, it doesn't make a difference to me what you do. But
215 00:35:05,909 --> 00:35:16,079 either you're an IML guy, or you're a repackager, or you're somebody that just loves putting the thumbs down, I don't care, I want you to understand, I don't
216 00:35:16,079 --> 00:35:25,649 care. I don't care what you think the individuals that are here, you're going to get what you're looking for. If you put the time into studying the things I'm
217 00:35:25,649 --> 00:35:36,119 giving you, you're going to find that thing that you've been unaware that exists. And when you see it, you can't unsee it. You're not beating the market
218 00:35:36,119 --> 00:35:46,529 maker here. Okay. I've had so many people point to other people out there that have created courses and sell them for $5,000. And such and such it's up to you
219 00:35:46,529 --> 00:35:54,269 never see these people trade, you never see them execute. And they're always entering after the move starts. And I don't do that I'm buying when it's going
220 00:35:54,269 --> 00:36:03,509 down. And I'm selling short when it's going up. And I'm exiting when the markets are moving in my favor, not when it retraces unless it stops me out. Here,
221 00:36:03,539 --> 00:36:11,939 you're going to learn to trade in line with the market maker, because the market maker is not the dealer. Okay, they are not the dealer. They are the central
222 00:36:11,939 --> 00:36:21,119 bank, the storehouse, the commodity producer or holder. And if we're looking at the Japanese yen, it's the Bank of Japan. If we're looking at the Australian
223 00:36:21,119 --> 00:36:31,079 dollar, it's the Bank of Australia, we're looking at the dollar, we're looking at the Federal Reserve. All of these banks run with the same algorithm. All of
224 00:36:31,079 --> 00:36:40,979 them, they all run on the same algorithm, the things that make them gyrating move around, it's not buying and selling pressure. It's not. Okay. So with that
225 00:36:40,979 --> 00:36:49,139 idea, let's go into a price chart. Never thought we'd get here. Alright, so here we are, we're looking at a price chart of the euro dollar, okay, this happens to
226 00:36:49,139 --> 00:36:56,759 be a 90 minute chart, and it's nothing special, about 90 minutes, I just use 90 minutes, because it makes it very clear to have the candles about the size they
227 00:36:56,759 --> 00:37:06,359 are and still had this much information. So I sent a post to the YouTube channel. And if you haven't been following along on the community tab, if you go
228 00:37:06,359 --> 00:37:17,429 to the inner circle trader, YouTube channel, and you click on the community tab. Again, this is where I've been using my way of reaching out to everyone. Now, my
229 00:37:17,429 --> 00:37:29,009 mentorship group, they get prompted about a video being posted in that. And any other insights or anything on my mind, I created this as a medium to be able to
230 00:37:29,009 --> 00:37:39,119 reach out to all of you. So if there's something on my mind that I'm trying to convey or share, or heads up about a video may be coming. It's all here. So I
231 00:37:39,119 --> 00:37:47,879 sent this and I said look, go here and look at this, and study this fractal. Okay, all this price action in here. And that's going to be the scope of this
232 00:37:47,879 --> 00:37:56,369 discussion tonight. So we're looking at it here. And hopefully you've done a little bit of homework, if you haven't already studied it on your own. And look
233 00:37:56,369 --> 00:38:05,069 for certain things in in this price action. Stop the video right now. Just remember where you are right now in a minute marker, stop it, and then study
234 00:38:05,069 --> 00:38:14,039 this. And then once you have exhausted that time and effort, come back to the video and then watch it from there. Otherwise, you've been wasting your time and
235 00:38:14,039 --> 00:38:24,569 your waste the opportunity that would I guess present the best learning opportunity for this teaching. Alright, so when you look at price action like
236 00:38:24,569 --> 00:38:32,849 this many times, if you're new, it just doesn't look like it makes any sense whatsoever. But I'm going to walk you through this and my mentorship students,
237 00:38:32,849 --> 00:38:45,029 they know that most of the things I'm going to show you here, they were already made available to them in advance. But we're gonna look at the annotations here
238 00:38:45,029 --> 00:38:56,219 and let's maximize this a little bit more. Here we are. So this is the price action for this week in the euro dollar.
239 00:38:57,000 --> 00:39:10,470 And you can see that we had this old high price ran above that and collapsed and traded lower. I want to kind of like walk through a market maker sell model.
240 00:39:10,890 --> 00:39:21,030 Okay, and then once I showed this, I'm going to show you in contrast what wycoff teaches, okay, and I'm not going to go into great detail but understand this if
241 00:39:21,030 --> 00:39:29,400 you are one of those individuals, okay, that feels because you've watched the know YouTube channel, or you've watched someone tweet or if you watched someone
242 00:39:29,400 --> 00:39:39,660 on Instagram, or if you've been in another medium somewhere and they said ICT is just wycoff or supply and demand. I have teachings that literally go through and
243 00:39:39,660 --> 00:39:50,640 dissect the stark contrast between the two. Okay, and this is gonna be one of those examples here. When I look at price action and how I teach my students,
244 00:39:50,940 --> 00:40:00,510 we're looking for what is called a low resistance liquidity run. Okay and a low resistance liquidity run is the absolute easiest types of trade. That you can
245 00:40:00,510 --> 00:40:11,970 take, there are also a high resistance liquidity run. Now a high resistance liquidity run still has the potential to unfold as a low resistance liquidity
246 00:40:11,970 --> 00:40:22,410 run. But generally low resistance liquidity runs get there quicker and less resistance, hence the name low resistance, it doesn't mean that you're going to
247 00:40:22,410 --> 00:40:32,070 have multiple layers of resistance to hit, okay, it just means that it has a lot of resistance in the terms of time, the amount of time that's required for it to
248 00:40:32,520 --> 00:40:44,130 cross from where the inception of the move begins, and where it reaches its target. low resistance is very quick, very sudden moves like this, this would be
249 00:40:44,130 --> 00:40:53,340 a low resistance liquidity run. Whereas this is a high resistance liquidity run. Now, I'm not going to get in here and explain the facets that make them okay,
250 00:40:53,340 --> 00:41:03,360 because that's mentorship. But I'm already going to give you more here than I have ever shown in YouTube. And this is just scratching the surface. But
251 00:41:03,360 --> 00:41:12,600 everything I'm showing you here was talked about before it ever happened. So I want you, I want you to understand that and I'm going to prove it. Okay, I'm
252 00:41:12,600 --> 00:41:20,670 going to go over to my website and click and and show you where I was talking about the market going to this very level right here. Okay. So it's not a
253 00:41:20,670 --> 00:41:29,910 contrivance on my part to build this as an example saying, haha, look at me hindsight, I'm smart. I really want you to understand that you have no reason to
254 00:41:30,120 --> 00:41:43,740 buy into these ideas that I'm reinventing, rehashing renaming, or trying to take the credit from somebody from the 1900s. Okay, Richard wycoff. I want you, if
255 00:41:43,740 --> 00:41:54,450 you doubt me, study it, go in the wycoff, read whatever you can, okay, and then go back into my YouTube channel. And you try to find any similarity whatsoever
256 00:41:54,630 --> 00:42:02,400 with that. It's the same thing that's happened when people started seeing me teaching. And they said, Oh, yeah, you're teaching what Chris Laurie teaches,
257 00:42:02,820 --> 00:42:11,160 because I use a term liquidity void, that really picked up because there's a lot of students that were on baby pips. And when I talked about an imbalance, they
258 00:42:11,160 --> 00:42:16,020 were like, Oh, yeah, that's a liquidity boy. I was like, Okay, well, if that's what you're familiar with them, we'll call it that. But they're actually priced
259 00:42:16,020 --> 00:42:27,330 back games. And they existed before me. But a fair value gap is a very specific element. And you probably see that right here in a chart. The idea of price
260 00:42:27,330 --> 00:42:39,600 moving up from here to here, if you ask everyone in the trading university would say this was all buying pressure. When it's not, over here, this old high here,
261 00:42:40,230 --> 00:42:48,120 there's buyside liquidity resting above that, that means there's buyers that want to buy if it goes above that, or stop out at a loss for anyone, it's going
262 00:42:48,120 --> 00:42:56,340 short. So that's what I mean when I say buy side liquidity when you see that above an old high or specific level, like ever hear these relative equal highs
263 00:42:56,340 --> 00:43:04,110 in here, relative equal highs, you don't hear that anywhere else. Except for the people that's copying off me now. IML and I am Academy and I markets live all
264 00:43:04,110 --> 00:43:14,970 those people. Yeah, frauds is what they are. So yeah, by liquidity, again, by stocks, that we roughly know that by soliloquy rustling well, that so when price
265 00:43:14,970 --> 00:43:25,530 is starting to here and starts to rally up, when it's going up like that, what's actually occurring is the central banks are offering price higher. Now, the
266 00:43:25,530 --> 00:43:34,980 buying that comes in the marketplace is forced if they're going to buy to buy at that price that's being offered. And as it gets filled the central bank prices
267 00:43:34,980 --> 00:43:45,810 again. So there's a mechanism that causes price to start spooling at means it starts spreading Higher, higher or going lower, but it's basically gapping up
268 00:43:46,650 --> 00:43:56,640 every time a new transaction occurs, they're forced to buy at that price. So it's not not it's very, you may be thinking I'm arguing semantics here. But I
269 00:43:56,640 --> 00:44:06,930 want you to really think about what I'm saying. From this point here, to above this high up in here. For the market to get to this price point, the central
270 00:44:06,930 --> 00:44:13,830 bank will keep offering a price higher, higher, higher. And when it consolidates, it only goes down to a specific price level, which is again, a
271 00:44:13,830 --> 00:44:23,340 fair value got for an institutional order flow entry drill, which I'm not going to go into detail. But these are all my observations and creations. And I
272 00:44:23,340 --> 00:44:34,650 brought that to light. I gave that to the trading community. And it's highly, highly precise. And it's one sided. So you have to have a narrative understood,
273 00:44:34,920 --> 00:44:40,560 for it to work, otherwise you're going to lose. And that's the reason why these 20 year olds can't do it. Because they don't know it. They just watched some
274 00:44:40,560 --> 00:44:48,570 videos they got on the fly. And they think they understand because they watched it. It doesn't work that way. It's not a magic trick where you watch the sleight
275 00:44:48,570 --> 00:44:57,870 of hand and do it one time in the understand it. It's not riding a bike either. It takes effort and you have to have more learning behind it. But this
276 00:44:58,650 --> 00:45:08,250 displacement that takes place Above this high here. That's because of the central bank offering price continuously higher. The buying, they don't offer it
277 00:45:08,250 --> 00:45:19,530 lower. To be you're told, oh, it's the buying pressure that takes up. No, it's the selling. that's being offered at repricing. This is all a repricing model.
278 00:45:20,370 --> 00:45:29,160 Okay, all this right here is a repricing it's repricing above this high, because they want that liquidity out. Why do they want this liquidity taken out, they
279 00:45:29,160 --> 00:45:37,710 want to purge the liquidity all this area here, when it runs above that, all the buy stops get hammered. If it's right above here, they're gonna get hit it, if
280 00:45:37,710 --> 00:45:48,030 it's up here in layered fashion, okay, that means that they're going to see it send price higher, to make sure all of the liquidity is taken out. And they
281 00:45:48,030 --> 00:45:55,350 really, really ramp it up. And if you watch that community tab on my YouTube channel, I actually sent a post right when it was trading here, I said, Alright,
282 00:45:55,920 --> 00:46:06,000 pay the traitor. Now if you've been following me for any length of time, you know that that's time to hit the ramps, you can take some money, get it off. My
283 00:46:06,000 --> 00:46:16,080 mentorship has been told that we were going to see this rally above, and we were talking about in March of 2020. And now here we are at the end of August just
284 00:46:16,080 --> 00:46:29,520 about and it finally hit this level and cleared it. If you look at August 6, that's this high here. That's it, this level is indicating August 17. This level
285 00:46:29,520 --> 00:46:40,500 right here, what's actually occurring, the market breaks down below the 17th low and trades right back up into that order block. So it's the low of the August
286 00:46:40,500 --> 00:46:52,440 17. Daily candle. So the market trades up into that level here and starts to cascade lower. This overall fractal pattern is that market maker sell model.
287 00:46:52,530 --> 00:47:01,830 This is the Smart Money reversal. This is the purging of liquidity that was drawing price up all of these orders that were by side liquidity. And it's by
288 00:47:01,830 --> 00:47:11,340 stops Think of it like that, whether it's buying on a breakout, or if it's buying a stop, that would protect a short position. So whenever you put a short
289 00:47:11,340 --> 00:47:18,870 position on you put a buy stop on to protect it. If it goes up to that price point, you get stopped out either at a loss or wherever you had a trailing, stop
290 00:47:19,020 --> 00:47:27,810 protecting open profits. In this case, these individuals above here are thinking that this was resistance. So they go short here and put their stop loss up here.
291 00:47:28,710 --> 00:47:36,780 They ran that out. So what's actually occurring is the central banks are repricing higher, keeps offering Higher, higher higher, you have no choice if
292 00:47:36,780 --> 00:47:43,890 you're going to be a buyer. Or if you're in a short and you're getting squeezed. Where are you buying something worse? If you're short here and anyone watching
293 00:47:43,890 --> 00:47:52,110 go up? If they want to protect your stop loss, what's happening? They're going to close their trade, how are you going to close the trade you have to buy it
294 00:47:52,290 --> 00:48:02,880 got to buy it back. So what's happening is every time it goes up any buying is forced to be buying at a higher price. Is it buying pressure know, the central
295 00:48:02,880 --> 00:48:16,050 banks are repricing higher and you're stuck, stuck getting in this squeeze that's called short squeeze. Okay, but that's not the logic in its purest sense.
296 00:48:16,440 --> 00:48:26,850 The pure sense is, this is a long term level that we've been eyeing since March of 2020. And if you look at a daily chart, just look for equal highs, and you'll
297 00:48:26,850 --> 00:48:37,380 find them. But in here, the market rallies up through that and all that by side liquidity becomes market orders to buy the marketplace. So what is the algorithm
298 00:48:37,380 --> 00:48:45,870 doing? It's setting the tone for a flood of counterparties for smart money to go short.
299 00:48:46,710 --> 00:48:50,400 All those buyers that are willing to buy at a higher price than this high here.
300 00:48:51,660 --> 00:48:52,620 All of this
301 00:48:52,950 --> 00:49:01,320 is perfect opportunity for smart money to be going short, they're going to get really good placement in their short positions. Then the market trades in here
302 00:49:01,320 --> 00:49:09,030 and hits the mean threshold of the 60 minute order block. I'll drop down to a 60 minute in a moment. But that's what all this level is here. multiple
303 00:49:09,030 --> 00:49:16,260 opportunities to get in here short, short, short, short, short, and this is a bull flag to retail traders, but it's a false flag, I teach that it breaks down
304 00:49:16,260 --> 00:49:26,160 back below the August 6 high. When the price breaks down like that it creates a bounce price range. Now remember all these terms because this is actually things
305 00:49:26,160 --> 00:49:32,460 that I teach in my mentorship. I'm not going to go through all the details of what makes it a balanced price range. But these are all things you absolutely
306 00:49:32,460 --> 00:49:44,940 learn. And it's not in any other theory or price action, retail. It's nothing like this exists Okay, anywhere else up side of what I teach. The algorithm is
307 00:49:44,940 --> 00:49:53,580 not going to go higher than this high here once we break down and create a fair value. fair value gap is a smaller area where markets trade imbalance and this
308 00:49:53,580 --> 00:50:01,230 happens to be a sibi sellside unbalanced bots and inefficiency. It's not meant for you to understand every bit of it on this game. These are all terms, these
309 00:50:01,230 --> 00:50:11,880 are all things that's going on here after the turn, okay, so all of this move here, all this move here where it rallies up and smartline, reversal, low risk,
310 00:50:11,880 --> 00:50:20,430 sell low risk, sell redistribution, and trades down to the original consolidation. Remember that fractal I showed you with the market maker sell
311 00:50:20,430 --> 00:50:30,960 model, the original consolidation is the target. So all of this here, buyers are being forced to buy at a higher price. And it keeps going higher buying, buying,
312 00:50:30,960 --> 00:50:39,060 buying, buying, buying. So what's going on, they're buying, either being squeezed out of their shorts, or buying it with the expectation is going to keep
313 00:50:39,060 --> 00:50:48,270 going higher, then it hits this area here and we have capitulation. Where all this is, is obvious. And this is where everybody falls in love on social media
314 00:50:48,270 --> 00:50:57,780 and thinks that euros now a good time to buy. So they start chasing it there. So there's more people coming in. That's why they hold it here, the algorithm stays
315 00:50:57,810 --> 00:51:06,360 in this area. Now before the markets transitioned into an electronic format, where really nobody manually does too much anymore, but it does sometimes occur.
316 00:51:07,950 --> 00:51:16,260 The actual market makers that would reprice, the currencies that used to be a group of men that would do it, they would hold price, just like you see it here,
317 00:51:16,410 --> 00:51:25,980 and it would be in a defined range. And that range is defined by that order block. Now the order block isn't what I was trained order block is a theory that
318 00:51:25,980 --> 00:51:38,370 I coined, that was very, very close to what I learned about how the central banks price in and book these currencies. There is no, you're gonna be wanting
319 00:51:38,370 --> 00:51:44,670 to send me emails and such, you know, where did you learn this at what book did you learn it from? Who was the person that taught you blah, blah, blah, that
320 00:51:44,700 --> 00:51:54,720 none of that stuff is it, it's not open public information, I have made it public information, as close as I can. But there's a threshold, I can't cross,
321 00:51:55,020 --> 00:52:04,500 just like my students have a NDA, most of them uphold to it, but I've just been few of them to happen. And you know, you're always gonna have that, there's
322 00:52:04,500 --> 00:52:15,720 consequences come with that. And I don't want to cross the line that has been set for me too. So I get warned a lot. Okay, I get warned a lot. And I knew how
323 00:52:15,720 --> 00:52:26,070 far I can go. So the things that I have shared, and the things I haven't taught yet, are as far as I'm gonna go, because you're just not supposed to know these
324 00:52:26,070 --> 00:52:33,030 things. And if that sounds like a tinfoil hat conspiracy, you want to turn the video off. I understand. Take care, good luck, good trading. But that's just the
325 00:52:33,120 --> 00:52:43,470 honesty. When you look at price when it trades above this old high and it floods the market buys out liquidity and smart money to want to go short. Also count
326 00:52:43,560 --> 00:52:53,430 every time that the market was offered here in large traders, not just every retail trader out there, but large traders may be going into the marketplace
327 00:52:53,520 --> 00:53:06,750 going long here too. So those times when the market is being offered. And when a large side, or sighs of position, the bank will assume that risk. Now it doesn't
328 00:53:06,750 --> 00:53:16,830 always do it. But generally, it will do it when it's opportunity for them to make money. Now, you probably think, oh, central banks don't do that. Now,
329 00:53:16,860 --> 00:53:26,340 listen, you don't know you're talking about. I do. And I proved this every single week, every instance where they were Counterparty to anyone that was
330 00:53:26,340 --> 00:53:37,050 buying here, because to be a buyer, you have to have someone sell to you. So who's selling it to him, who's selling it all this rally up the bank. So every
331 00:53:37,050 --> 00:53:48,990 time they're offering the liquidity to do that, those positions are underwater, just for a short period of time. When those positions become net positive over
332 00:53:48,990 --> 00:53:52,260 here, they're aiming to get out here.
333 00:53:53,550 --> 00:54:05,250 So there's a core position in here that will be basically mark to market at no profit, no loss. At some point when it gets over here. Over here, they're going
334 00:54:05,250 --> 00:54:15,720 to they're going to attack the original buyers over here. So all this buying all the buyers in here, their Counterparty is the bank that bank will get its money
335 00:54:15,720 --> 00:54:23,640 back and then profit when it goes down to here. Every position that they offered sell side liquidity to here and all through here they match that with the
336 00:54:23,640 --> 00:54:36,630 buyers, this flood of buy stocks that get purged this purging of that buy side liquidity becomes a massive short position. That Yes, they took on position risk
337 00:54:36,630 --> 00:54:46,290 here by offering Counterparty sell side liquidity to buyers. It's not buying pressure. Again, it's not buying pressure. They were in control of price the
338 00:54:46,290 --> 00:54:54,210 entire time it was going up that sell side delivery. Sell side delivery repricing model that takes out by sells liquidity. Guess what you just learned
339 00:54:54,210 --> 00:55:04,080 to real things that comes from the central banks. Those words they're the real things You don't want to hear those things though. You want to hear bullish
340 00:55:04,080 --> 00:55:15,690 divergence, MACD crossovers and harmonic bat patterns. Because that sounds cool. It's the boring truth. That's how these markets work. Okay, so the sell side
341 00:55:15,690 --> 00:55:25,530 liquidity that's matched up with the buy side liquidity being purged here, that position overtakes any of the short term adversities they assumed here. And all
342 00:55:25,530 --> 00:55:33,660 this model going lower and repricing below the original consolidation, that is my market maker sell model. That's how markets book. That's the fractal that
343 00:55:33,660 --> 00:55:40,350 unfolds all timeframes all the time. And depending on what type of trader you are, you could be a buyer here and you sell out here, and that's your trade.
344 00:55:40,470 --> 00:55:47,040 That's your model. Or you can look at this area here and sell short and say, Okay, once it gets below this first swing low here, out there, and I'm going to
345 00:55:47,040 --> 00:55:58,710 miss all this move, or I'm going to wait for this move here, which is what, this is the easiest last ditch opportunity to go short. Now, it's gonna look like all
346 00:55:58,710 --> 00:56:07,530 this stuff was this hindsight, you know, I'm making it work right now. And this level offered no real visibility prior to it actually falling down. Okay, I'm
347 00:56:07,530 --> 00:56:15,690 going to actually go into my mentorship forum, click on a video that I did on the 19th of August 2020. And I'm gonna scrub over to the part where I talk about
348 00:56:15,690 --> 00:56:22,830 how it's going to go right below here. Okay, so I'm not gonna play the whole video, but I'm going to show you in my mentorship students, they all know that
349 00:56:22,830 --> 00:56:30,360 it's in there, too, they can go to that seven minute mark in three seconds. And you'll see it's right there. I actually outlined some of the scenarios that will
350 00:56:30,810 --> 00:56:41,160 lead to a shorting opportunity that would go here. Okay, so while I'm not a signal service, I'm not holding your hand saying buy here, sell here, but your
351 00:56:41,160 --> 00:56:49,590 stop here, I'm not, I'm not doing it. I do it once in a while for exercises. And for homework for individuals that are in my group that want to practice a
352 00:56:49,590 --> 00:56:58,470 specific way of trading. We were bullish, I said the first half of this past week, on the previous Friday, I said that we would go up, we would run this area
353 00:56:58,470 --> 00:57:05,400 here. And we will be bullish for the first half of the week. And then once I got that, I took off Thursday, I didn't worry about doing you guys didn't hear from
354 00:57:05,400 --> 00:57:15,090 me, I was nursing my shoulder and my back and just relaxed. And Thursday was an ugly day. And if Friday, we went right into the level outlined on my Wednesday
355 00:57:15,090 --> 00:57:26,910 midweek review. So again, I can forecast this stuff and using all the things that I'm showing you here. But none of these things are wycoff. This last candle
356 00:57:26,910 --> 00:57:39,720 right here, let me take this off, let's just change it to a different color. All right, you see that green candle right here. That is a bearish order block. It's
357 00:57:39,720 --> 00:57:53,130 part of the buy side of the curve, the curve is the highest point of the market maker sell model or the lowest point in a market maker by model. So when you put
358 00:57:53,130 --> 00:58:05,250 that vertical line on there, and you delineate that on a market maker sell model, everything to the left of the curve is all by sight oriented. The
359 00:58:05,580 --> 00:58:15,180 Counterparty does not want you to think like the bank. All of this on the bottom of the curve is them offering sell side liquidity to buyers, everything to the
360 00:58:15,180 --> 00:58:27,840 right of the curve on the sell side. Delivering is them buying back. So anything that's going down the central banks buying back, but it has to happen at
361 00:58:27,840 --> 00:58:37,140 specific levels, and they're going to add to new shorts. When it goes to other levels. Everything on the curve on the left side has to match up on the right.
362 00:58:37,560 --> 00:58:45,750 Guess what you don't see that on wycoff either. You don't see that anywhere else. everything that goes on over here as a buy becomes a sell over here. Oh,
363 00:58:45,750 --> 00:58:49,590 that's standard support and resistance. That's a flipped loan. That's so so and so. And
364 00:58:50,010 --> 00:59:01,560 now it's not, not to the point of every single PIP is being identical. everything lines up perfectly. And here's the rub. All of this occurs based on
365 00:59:01,560 --> 00:59:10,920 time and price. So I know the level that I'm looking for it. But I also know the day and the time it's going to occur because the algorithm is programmed to do
366 00:59:10,920 --> 00:59:23,520 that. All this delivery of price happens based on a time and price algorithm. That is if the interbank price delivery algorithm is a real thing, folks,
367 00:59:23,550 --> 00:59:33,420 whether you want to believe it or not, it is okay. And the bottom line is this. It's programmed in such a way that it repeats over and over again these specific
368 00:59:33,420 --> 00:59:50,250 macros. Now, macro is a short list of operations that goes into operation when a specific set of criteria is met. Or if a specific criteria is change manually or
369 00:59:50,670 --> 01:00:01,620 based on a economic driver that may be coming out on the calendar. It will cause changes in the algorithm. We'll change gears And go different direction or
370 01:00:01,680 --> 01:00:14,370 operate in a different manner. But a macro is like this, okay, when the market trades up, hits this last upclose candle here, that is not a supply and demand
371 01:00:14,370 --> 01:00:27,390 zone, okay? It's not a harmonic pattern, it's not a myriad of other things that could, if you just looked at this box or looked at the element of using a fib
372 01:00:27,390 --> 01:00:36,900 laid over top of it, oh, it's this, it's that. The Times, this is one of the biggest discoveries I had, the times that I found that my retail ideas because I
373 01:00:36,900 --> 01:00:49,440 started to teach retail trader to folks, I've learned all the stuff that you're bogged down with two indicators, moving averages. Whatever it is, okay, I've
374 01:00:49,440 --> 01:00:57,270 done all that point. And figure charts, you don't hear much about that anymore. But back in the days, that's, that was a thing, but I never figured out how to
375 01:00:57,270 --> 01:01:06,450 use them. But I'm sure there's books out there that says, this is how you do it, but it never worked for me. But when I discovered how these markets are really
376 01:01:06,450 --> 01:01:17,940 booking price, when that happened, I could see when retail ideas would work. And I can also see when they're going to fail. And I discovered that when these
377 01:01:17,940 --> 01:01:28,560 environments create the opportunity for the retail ideas to be very clear in their perception of what price may do. And then I have the real X ray view of
378 01:01:28,560 --> 01:01:38,520 what the markets really going to do. That's the trades I really want to load up on. Because they are the ones that just take me by surprise, because nothing
379 01:01:38,520 --> 01:01:52,020 really lines up in their school of thought. And now think about it like this. Does Elliott Wave supply and demand? White golf? Down Dow Theory? Do all of
380 01:01:52,020 --> 01:02:02,730 those agree at all times? No. Don't take my word for it go in and start doing a case study on it. And you'll see one theory looks like it's working one time
381 01:02:02,760 --> 01:02:10,200 another theory or two maybe working in conjunction or looks like it's working. And in other times none of those things are working. But the markets doing some
382 01:02:10,200 --> 01:02:22,500 big moves. What's current? So the questions always was and I posed this all the time on Twitter. Which theory of market driver is really pushing the market
383 01:02:22,500 --> 01:02:32,850 around this week? Is it harmonic pattern? Is it Elliott Wave, it's it's appalling demand. So the real joke is you have to figure out not only what
384 01:02:32,850 --> 01:02:40,980 direction the market is going to go, but what school of thought it's going to follow if it's retail logic that moves impulse price around. And then when you
385 01:02:40,980 --> 01:02:50,070 take a step back and say okay, all of that is not it's nonsense. All of it is indicators, all that stuff is just garbage. And that's what makes me
386 01:02:50,070 --> 01:03:02,940 controversial because I'm here, not with the will to to be adversarial. I'm not trying to be adversarial. Okay, I want to open your eyes to what is really going
387 01:03:02,940 --> 01:03:12,120 on. And the only way I do this in history, it was to piss people off. People went into my stuff thinking, Okay, I'm going to prove that this guy doesn't
388 01:03:12,120 --> 01:03:20,010 really stop man, I'm going to put my school of thought up against the end, and all of a sudden, they're converted. Because once they see the data, once they
389 01:03:20,010 --> 01:03:32,370 see it, and they are forced to contend with it. They don't have to believe in me. They have to believe the data. And the data says retail is lost. They're
390 01:03:32,370 --> 01:03:41,790 doing things in the fog, they have no idea that they're confused, they have no idea what they're doing. They put so much faith into these instruments in these
391 01:03:41,790 --> 01:03:49,560 mathematically derived calculations that have no bearing whatsoever on what the central bank is going to do about price.
392 01:03:51,030 --> 01:04:01,350 Now, it's not limited to central banks and currencies. The same stuff occurs in the commodity market occurs in stocks, and I think eventually will be the
393 01:04:01,560 --> 01:04:10,890 underlying drivers also in crypto markets. There's signatures that come in play once in a while with crypto, but the reason why I don't touch it is because it
394 01:04:10,890 --> 01:04:20,880 doesn't have the consistency whereas forex I know this thing like a Swiss timepiece in it sounds arrogant to say stuff like that. And here it it's just
395 01:04:20,880 --> 01:04:28,650 the truth folks. The first thing comes to mind is if you knew all this, why aren't you a billionaire? You know, why don't you two richest person in the
396 01:04:28,650 --> 01:04:39,750 World Bank, he doesn't mind you to that. I have a lot of limitations placed on me that you aren't going to know about. So I operate in the limitations that I
397 01:04:39,750 --> 01:04:51,870 have. And I go as far as I can. And in the past I've I've tried to stretch them and I got smacked. Okay, so I do as much as I possibly can. And when I get
398 01:04:51,870 --> 01:05:01,410 warned, then I just dial it back. But the point is this when you start studying price, and you start looking for the curve, which is To highest point of sale
399 01:05:01,410 --> 01:05:12,660 model, everything to the left has to match up on the right hand side. Okay? When we look at a brief discussion of wycoff, you're gonna see none of these things
400 01:05:12,660 --> 01:05:25,800 over here are described in like off. Now he'll talk about in his, in this theory we'll mention like last point of supply or something to that effect. And it's
401 01:05:25,800 --> 01:05:35,580 always something that happened that's explained. Now when I teach imbalances and I teach fair value gaps, and I teach institutional order flow entry drills, and
402 01:05:35,580 --> 01:05:42,780 I teach breakers, my teach order blocks the mean threshold, which is the midpoint of an order block or consequent incursion, which is the midpoint of a
403 01:05:42,780 --> 01:05:54,960 gap. Those things, okay, are very specific, they don't always exist in the price action, but the ones that do, that's your signature. So it's not, it's not
404 01:05:54,960 --> 01:06:04,290 contrived hindsight lipstick that finds its way into an example. And it makes me look smart on YouTube. That's not the point here. The point is the things that
405 01:06:04,290 --> 01:06:14,880 are here are mine. And they're not logic that's leaning on any other thing specifically in this discussion wycoff. Now, there's channels out there that
406 01:06:15,300 --> 01:06:25,740 have been crediting. I am Academy and I markets live. And they are busy right now, still Hawking my concepts. And for the most part, haven't even really
407 01:06:25,740 --> 01:06:33,930 changed the names. So they're in trouble. They don't realize how much trouble they're in, but they are in some trouble. But they don't even teach it. Right.
408 01:06:34,440 --> 01:06:46,290 Okay, so at some point, you know, people looking at that, and if they end up coming to my channel late, okay, maybe they were introduced to those clowns
409 01:06:46,290 --> 01:06:57,120 first, and then they came here. Oh, you're trading like so. And so? No, I'm trading the way I trade and everybody else has learned this from me. You may not
410 01:06:57,120 --> 01:07:06,090 have learned it directly from my video, you probably had someone else parrot what I've seen in my examples and trades, and I show why I did what I did. And
411 01:07:06,090 --> 01:07:12,300 then they make a video a day later saying this is what I did. And this is the trade I took, but they don't have any stats showing it. That's all I'm saying.
412 01:07:12,300 --> 01:07:19,230 You have to ask these people to step forward and say, hey, look, I don't need to see a my FX book. Because I personally don't care about my FX book. I want
413 01:07:19,230 --> 01:07:27,990 someone to show me executions in it don't have to be a Live account. Do it on a demo. Do it on his paper trading application on trading view. But why won't they
414 01:07:27,990 --> 01:07:39,300 do it? Because they cannot. They can only dress the chart up in hindsight, which leads me to where we are right now. When we look at the sell side of the curve
415 01:07:39,450 --> 01:07:48,900 on a market maker sell model, okay, everything over here, like this area here. All these down close candles. That was smart money buying them when they read
416 01:07:48,900 --> 01:07:56,640 price down like that they're accumulating long positions. They're going to take some an offset that up here. They know where the price is going to go. And
417 01:07:56,640 --> 01:08:02,550 because they're in control the price, how do I know they're in control of price, the same reason why I said in March that they were going to take price up here
418 01:08:02,550 --> 01:08:09,210 eventually, at what point in time in March. I didn't know that. But as we got closer and closer to August, I knew exactly what was gonna happen. And it was a
419 01:08:09,210 --> 01:08:16,650 previous Friday, I said to my group, the first half of the week, were bullish, and we're gonna see price go above here. And dollar is going to go down to the
420 01:08:16,650 --> 01:08:25,260 level I said it was going to go to and it did both. And cable did the same thing. Now, when you're outside the loop, or your first time here, or if you're
421 01:08:25,260 --> 01:08:31,860 just a very cynical person you hear they say, Oh, yeah, okay, there's no proof. There's no substance to that except for your word. How should I just take that
422 01:08:31,860 --> 01:08:44,850 word and and trust it? Okay, well keep that in mind. The bearish order block, when price trades down, down, down and then Rams right back up into the August
423 01:08:44,850 --> 01:08:45,750 17. Low.
424 01:08:47,790 --> 01:09:01,110 It hits the order block here doesn't go any higher than that. And at one o'clock in the morning, Friday, August 21. The market creates the high of the day, then
425 01:09:01,140 --> 01:09:11,550 repricing aggressively below here, what's below here, sell side liquidity just like this. So the positions that they sold short and acting as Counterparty
426 01:09:11,550 --> 01:09:22,650 here. And when he flooded the market with buyside liquidity all these buy stocks became a massive big opportunity to match up shorts. And you would get easily in
427 01:09:22,650 --> 01:09:31,170 the marketplace at high prices. They're taking some partials off here, they're offsetting that so what's their profit when it gets to this candle here. All the
428 01:09:31,170 --> 01:09:37,350 selling they did here and all the selling it in here. They didn't, they're not going to get it all off. Because there's been a lot of buying it's been taking
429 01:09:37,350 --> 01:09:48,780 place in here, but that's not the catalyst that lent price up here. It's this liquidity that they drew up on. That's where the markets gonna go. When the
430 01:09:48,780 --> 01:09:58,740 market starts to reprice lower when it goes below this low here, that area of sell stops or sells out liquidity is perfect for them to do what to buy it back
431 01:09:59,310 --> 01:10:08,580 to get out there. So how do you have a ideal scenario, if you're short to get out, you have to buy it. But what's the ideal scenario, buying at a lower price
432 01:10:08,580 --> 01:10:18,870 and you got in it, what better places to buy below an old low. And that's what's occurring here. Then price expands lower and reaches down into equilibrium. All
433 01:10:18,870 --> 01:10:26,310 this consolidation equilibrium, and below the original consolidation, which is the original draw on liquidity that started all this market maker sell model.
434 01:10:26,700 --> 01:10:36,750 That's not like all folks. As much as you want to do acrobatics to try to twist it around you young men. It's not an anyone that spends any time please. If you
435 01:10:36,750 --> 01:10:47,880 doubt me, study wycoff. Then come back to this YouTube channel and look at my things. And there's absolutely nothing, nothing here that lines up with wycoff,
436 01:10:47,940 --> 01:10:58,710 zero, zilch, nada doesn't exist. So let's go over to the internet real quick. Alright, so here's the channel that guys like to go to and try to make a case
437 01:10:58,710 --> 01:11:08,280 that ICT is wycoff ripoff. This is the gentlemen Richard Wyckoff, rest in peace. But I'm not trying to be disrespectful to the man even though it was as a
438 01:11:08,280 --> 01:11:17,250 younger man. I'm not trying to do that here. I do believe that, just like I've said this in the past, I said that people that trade supply and demand art and
439 01:11:17,250 --> 01:11:31,320 learn how to trade with supply and demand is a good starting point. Okay, wycoff introduces some theory. But those theories are flawed, because it's based on
440 01:11:31,800 --> 01:11:42,090 buying and selling pressure, okay, or volume, in the sense that the way he's introducing volume here, I don't subscribe to that, okay, and you're really not
441 01:11:42,090 --> 01:11:49,530 going to get a true volume depiction in the foreign exchange market anyway, because you're just not gonna see all the volume. So you can't really attribute
442 01:11:49,560 --> 01:11:58,500 your success in trying to repack into my stuff with wycoff. Because it's very dependent on volume. So anyway, let's go through here real quick. And I'll get
443 01:11:58,500 --> 01:12:05,970 to the nuts and bolts, all this stuff here, read yourself if you're really interested in trying to figure out if I'm lying to you. Okay, and here's one of
444 01:12:05,970 --> 01:12:14,790 the things everybody says, Oh, see this? Is that market maker sell model. Okay? Do you see this going down below the original consolidation? No, that doesn't
445 01:12:14,790 --> 01:12:23,550 happen. Even if you look at the other schematics that even if you look at Richard wycoff 's writings where he has a another market phase and markdown
446 01:12:23,550 --> 01:12:34,980 phase, it showed it stopping above this area, too. Okay, so no matter what schematic you use, okay, when you're looking at like off, you never see my
447 01:12:34,980 --> 01:12:46,980 market maker sell model, or market maker by model. It's always just this incomplete view. Now, this in itself, okay. doesn't really say anything. Because
448 01:12:46,980 --> 01:12:55,710 if you look at swing trading, okay, swing trading. Yeah, the expectation is you want to sell short, you're expecting a swing to go up first, and then you swing
449 01:12:55,770 --> 01:13:06,090 down. That's swing trading. I mean, everybody knows that. higher highs, higher lows, lower highs, lower lows, okay, all those ideas. They're pretty much
450 01:13:06,090 --> 01:13:14,490 generic concepts. I'm not trying to claim authorship there. But when I'm breaking down the individual move up. And then when it comes down to this area
451 01:13:14,490 --> 01:13:23,730 out, where he has accumulation area written here, that's where my target is. On a market maker sell model. You don't see that and wycoff. You can do all the
452 01:13:23,730 --> 01:13:35,700 acrobatics, you want young men, it's not there, find any book, and I got 30 books on wycoff 30. And none of them show what I'm doing. So I'm sure there's
453 01:13:35,700 --> 01:13:42,240 been more wycoff books because everybody's out there trying to talk about something like they recreated something, the wycoff book is not going to find
454 01:13:42,270 --> 01:13:44,940 you're not going to find my concept in there. Not renamed.
455 01:13:45,060 --> 01:13:58,050 Not, you know, masked, okay, hidden, it's obvious that they're completely two different ideas and minus superior. Keep on going down a little bit. Okay. And
456 01:13:58,050 --> 01:14:09,420 we're looking at this. This is the accumulation schematic of wycoff. Okay. I guess what they're saying is, this would be like the market maker by model. And
457 01:14:09,420 --> 01:14:20,760 again, none of this stuff is even in my concepts, none of this, all this stuff is garbage to me. Now, I don't mean to be disrespectful, I'm not trying to, you
458 01:14:20,760 --> 01:14:30,510 know, turn people off that are trading like wycoff Okay. I'm arguing with the young men that are out there trying to save their own necks trying to say and
459 01:14:30,510 --> 01:14:42,480 try to put down foundation that they have been teaching wycoff and not ICT mentorship stuff, or even YouTube stuff. But if you are a wycoff trader, like I
460 01:14:42,480 --> 01:14:51,180 said, and I want you to make sure in case you missed it earlier, if you are a wycoff trader and are profitable, I promise you if you study the things I have
461 01:14:51,180 --> 01:15:00,330 on this YouTube channel, it will make it even clearer for you. And you might even learn to dis miss it and go deeper into things I'm talking about. Because
462 01:15:00,660 --> 01:15:11,220 what I'm talking about is actual markets booking to the price level, like it doesn't go much beyond or fall short of it's like right to the point. wycoff
463 01:15:11,220 --> 01:15:20,520 doesn't have that. It's just very vague things like this, okay. And this is not the market maker by model. Okay. And since the discussion was really with an
464 01:15:20,520 --> 01:15:28,590 example, on the euro dollar, that would be a market maker sell model, you can see last point of support, these are all references that happen after they
465 01:15:28,590 --> 01:15:37,200 happen. In other words, they're referring to something that took place. Whereas in my concepts, we're anticipating something, we're anticipating a fair value
466 01:15:37,200 --> 01:15:44,850 gap, we're anticipating institutional order flow entry drill, we're anticipating a breaker we're anticipating an order block trading to Okay, there is the number
467 01:15:44,850 --> 01:15:55,200 one stark contrast, okay, I am anticipating I'm teaching my students to anticipate specific elements in price that are highly, highly precise. There is
468 01:15:55,200 --> 01:16:04,740 no ambiguity, we know exactly what we're looking for, we know when it will occur. And we know how it looks. And we know that because of example, after
469 01:16:04,740 --> 01:16:13,440 example, after example, and it repeats itself, and it matches the other side of the curve. Now, that's all I'm gonna say on it. But everyone that studied with
470 01:16:13,440 --> 01:16:23,340 me, all of that stuff is explained in great detail. And it absolutely is. There's nothing like it anywhere else. Alright, here's a accumulation schematic
471 01:16:23,340 --> 01:16:32,370 number two, same thing. This is not a market maker by model, nothing in here has any element whatsoever. See, the thing is with wycoff, they like to say, the
472 01:16:32,370 --> 01:16:44,490 Judas swing that I teach, that's the the spring or I may say this wrong, break the ice or crack the ice or jump to creek or something like that. Like I said,
473 01:16:44,520 --> 01:16:53,970 I'm not a student of like, I just know that I made fun of them a man when I was in my 20s on America Online that he was teaching with it. And he was finding
474 01:16:53,970 --> 01:17:02,820 some trades, but I didn't like what he was entering. And it just didn't make any sense to me. But he didn't have barnburner tight results, but he was showing
475 01:17:02,820 --> 01:17:15,510 profitability. I found out later on and it was actually watching Larry Williams video. course it was for being VHS tapes, and the name of sometimes butchered us
476 01:17:15,510 --> 01:17:23,400 up. But it is the futures millionaire confidential trading course by Larry Williams. Okay, it's really hard to get but you can find it once a while on
477 01:17:23,430 --> 01:17:32,910 eBay. I really wish he had a digital version of it because I don't have access to the third video. The VHS tape wore out because when I was young, I watched it
478 01:17:32,910 --> 01:17:40,080 multiple times a week. And I could tell you verbatim what he was going to say before he said it. I was a fanboy and I at heart I still am. He was my original
479 01:17:40,080 --> 01:17:48,330 mentor. I never met the man in my life. I never had the opportunity to do that. I would love to be able to do that. Larry, if you're listening, I absolutely. I
480 01:17:48,750 --> 01:17:58,830 wish I had the opportunity to meet you one time. But my understanding didn't begin until him not even with that said there isn't a lot of things that Larry's
481 01:17:58,860 --> 01:18:11,730 work can be seen with my concepts except for market structure market structure is absolutely his I learned that from him. And I always credit that. But the
482 01:18:11,730 --> 01:18:20,700 majority of everything else, you know, has ideas of relative strength analysis, I got that from his 1970 book, how I made a million dollars trading commodities.
483 01:18:21,240 --> 01:18:31,260 And he talked a little bit about that same concept in that VHS course, too. So anyway, with all that said, I found the pattern or the fractal of the market
484 01:18:31,260 --> 01:18:37,980 maker sell model. In a segment of that course, he was using an overhead projector,
485 01:18:38,580 --> 01:18:47,820 as he was talking about his concepts he was teaching in that course. And the chart that was on the screen. I was like I see that pattern all the time. It
486 01:18:47,820 --> 01:18:57,390 just it was highly structured. And I was like, Okay, I'm going to start looking for that. And then with that, in the two gentlemen that I met in the 90s that
487 01:18:57,390 --> 01:19:07,080 watch me run up a lot of accounts on America Online. They thought I had availed myself the information that they had the things that I know now, when I really
488 01:19:07,080 --> 01:19:16,950 didn't. I just was getting extremely lucky buying when markets were going up. And over leveraging, really over leveraging to the hilt where just one trade
489 01:19:16,950 --> 01:19:27,810 would have wiped me out completely and destroyed me. And it was it was just plain luck. It was just luck. But at the time, if you were watching me, like I
490 01:19:27,810 --> 01:19:36,090 was the poster boy for Instagram back then, in the 90s. Of course Instagram didn't exist back then. But I had the personality that everybody would have
491 01:19:36,090 --> 01:19:45,510 flocked to and I was showing my cars I was showing my money. Anytime I went on bought something I'm showing it. It was just like I had everybody wanting me to
492 01:19:45,510 --> 01:19:52,740 do that. And I didn't believe it until I started doing it. So it was one of those things where not only did I want other people to believe I was successful,
493 01:19:52,740 --> 01:20:02,970 but I needed to have them respond because it felt like a dream to me. I never had that kind of money come into my hands ever before. It was wildly successful.
494 01:20:03,510 --> 01:20:12,210 But at the time, I thought it was skill. It was not skill. It was not. Okay. I can tell you in all honesty, I was getting lucky for nine months. So believe me
495 01:20:12,240 --> 01:20:24,030 lucky streaks do exist with idiots. And I was an absolute goober in the 90s. I had no idea what I was doing. But if you'd listen to me talk, I could sell the
496 01:20:24,030 --> 01:20:32,850 idea like I was the greatest instagrammer that ever would have existed. And believe me, people were flocking to me. And I bet I garnered a lot of attention.
497 01:20:33,780 --> 01:20:41,940 And I garnered the attention of the watch groups. And because I never put a disclaimer up, ever, that's why I have these long, boring disclaimers. And I'm
498 01:20:41,940 --> 01:20:50,820 getting my videos because I learned that painful lesson in 90s, where I got a subpoena sent to me in the coming future chain commission said, Hey, we need to
499 01:20:50,820 --> 01:20:59,280 talk to you. And I later found out that it's because I didn't put a risk disclaimer up at all I was, I didn't post anything that caused anyone to lose
500 01:20:59,280 --> 01:21:07,020 any money, because I was posting the trades I was getting ready to take, and they were winning. But the problem with that is that I did not disclose the
501 01:21:07,020 --> 01:21:16,410 underlying risk. And I was young, I didn't know what I was doing. And here's the problem. A lot of you guys on YouTube that are parroting me, you have no idea
502 01:21:16,440 --> 01:21:24,150 the level of trouble you can find yourself in because you don't even some of you just get on and say yeah, I'm not a licensed trade adviser. Don't take any
503 01:21:24,480 --> 01:21:33,990 advice from me. And you think that's going to protect you? It isn't. You have to have specific disclosures of risk that are government mandated, you have to do
504 01:21:33,990 --> 01:21:45,270 these things, or you're looking at potentially years in jail. huge fines, $500,000.05 years in prison look, having significance and feeling good about
505 01:21:45,270 --> 01:21:52,230 yourself and feel like you've arrived to have other people believe in you, even when it's not real. It ain't worth that type of punishment. Five years in
506 01:21:52,230 --> 01:22:00,900 prison, imagine that. Because that's what you can learn, you can end up in something like that. Trying to be something you're really not. Okay. That's why
507 01:22:00,900 --> 01:22:09,210 I stay in paper trading and demo when I'm teaching because there's no way you're gonna misinterpret what I'm saying. You're going to never look at me showing you
508 01:22:09,210 --> 01:22:15,750 a trade and say, he did that with my funds. And let me be enticed to go and do the same thing. At best, you're going to be enticed to go into a demo account
509 01:22:15,750 --> 01:22:24,300 and try to replicate it. And guess what? You can't lose your house with a demo account. You can't pay for groceries with a demo account, but you can't lose
510 01:22:24,960 --> 01:22:34,860 anything monetary with a demo. So that's the number one reason why people have an issue with me because I'm not going to extend my neck on the block. So that
511 01:22:34,860 --> 01:22:45,210 way, I'm going to take on personal risk, because I'm not going to do that. I know the laws. Okay, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna cross them. So anyway, I think
512 01:22:45,210 --> 01:22:59,280 there's one more slide maybe. Hey, we are. So here's the market schematic for the wycoff distribution scheme, okay, or schematic rather. Now, just because it
513 01:22:59,280 --> 01:23:09,990 goes up and then goes down, it seems like oh, that's the perfect excuse. So we can now say that we learned from here and not ICT, okay. Nothing in here talks
514 01:23:09,990 --> 01:23:21,870 about a breaker. Nothing in here talks about a fair value gap, where it says last point of supply. What is this prime preliminary supply? p SY. p s why's
515 01:23:21,870 --> 01:23:30,750 over here? Okay, great. To me, that doesn't mean anything at all and nothing in my mentorship talks about that. What's the LPS why
516 01:23:33,390 --> 01:23:46,080 scrubbed out here last point of supply after testing support on a s o w sign of weakness. A feeble rally on narrow spread shows that the market is having
517 01:23:46,080 --> 01:23:58,920 considerable difficulty advancing this inability to rally maybe due to weak demand substantial supply or both. Last point of supply represent exhaustion of
518 01:23:58,920 --> 01:24:09,900 demand and the last waves of large operators distribution before markdown begins in earnest. Okay. Again, that is clearly an observation after the fact. What are
519 01:24:09,900 --> 01:24:21,780 the what are you doing in the activation? have seen that in the chart? What no words? What does that instigating you to do as a trader using wycoff? Nothing.
520 01:24:22,410 --> 01:24:32,790 You're not doing anything here. But that right there is a fair value gap for an institutional order flow entry Joe short entry for me. All this is a reference
521 01:24:32,790 --> 01:24:43,500 point after it happens in wycoff. Do you understand what I'm saying? There are elements I don't care about looking at something after the fact. Okay, if I
522 01:24:43,500 --> 01:24:51,990 can't make money with it, it's of no use. To me. A fair value gap is something it's in the chart when it fills or even partially fills. That's an entry for me.
523 01:24:52,920 --> 01:25:00,210 Institutional order flow entry drill is something that's meaningful to me. It's not something I'm gonna highlight on my chart after it happens. It can They make
524 01:25:00,210 --> 01:25:10,410 money on that. So what difference does it make with all this stuff in here, they're not taking trades there. nobody's taking trades on that. It's just
525 01:25:10,440 --> 01:25:20,430 highlighting to overall likelihood of this might go lower. I already know it's going lower before it gets up to there. I know about it once before it happens.
526 01:25:20,850 --> 01:25:29,070 I know it's likely to occur, but I won't short so short until it gives me the specific signatures and a few of them I've already highlighted with the euro.
527 01:25:31,050 --> 01:25:42,060 Now, all of this in here still doesn't say it goes down below the original consolidation. Notice that See that? It's absent, because it's not in white
528 01:25:42,060 --> 01:25:56,010 golf, kids. Okay. Now, let's go over to my form. Alright, so you go into it mentorship. Now, this is not a plug, okay. This is just to show you that I talk
529 01:25:56,010 --> 01:26:06,720 about this stuff before it happens. If go to August. And go down to the last one here. I haven't done this weekend's review and commentary yet. So the last one
530 01:26:06,720 --> 01:26:27,600 is in Wednesday, August 19, which is my midweek review. If you click on that, in our scribbling over to the seven minute mark. And great day on I would say this
531 01:26:27,600 --> 01:26:40,260 is going to go lower and attack the Southside liquidity wrestling. Listen now resting below these lows. Right here. See that? Now, is this not the Euro? It's
532 01:26:40,260 --> 01:26:52,380 the euro. And all this idea right here. I'm drawing your attention right there. That's not wycoff. That's my market maker sell model. All this liquidity? Where
533 01:26:52,380 --> 01:27:12,270 is it resting at? 1780 to 1760. Right below these lows here. Now think? Is it still an argument? That I'm reteaching wycoff, with different names and trying
534 01:27:12,270 --> 01:27:25,440 to look good and smart, but it's somebody else's stuff. Listen, folks, okay. There's only one other person in forex that I have ever told anyone to go and
535 01:27:25,440 --> 01:27:37,890 listen to and make them a mentor. That's Chris Laurie. This same kind of stuff came up when I was doing things on baby pips. Okay. I did videos over there and
536 01:27:37,890 --> 01:27:45,660 had people that were in Chris Laurie's group over there. So hey, looking at what we have our own version of pro traders club. So honestly, in hindsight, looking
537 01:27:45,660 --> 01:27:54,270 back, it was probably one of the worst things I've ever done, because it looks at face value, like I'm teaching what he was doing in his pro traders club,
538 01:27:54,300 --> 01:28:02,730 because he still has that if I'm not mistaken, I think you still have it. But he was at least at that time, he was doing a service where it was called pro
539 01:28:02,730 --> 01:28:14,790 traders club. But nonetheless, I don't believe in wycoff. Okay. I believe that Larry Williams stuff, the original stuff, not his new stuff. I haven't looked at
540 01:28:14,790 --> 01:28:26,490 his new stuff to be able to say yes or no, but his old stuff still works today. Okay, if you're forex focused, if you don't like me, go to Chris Laurie.
541 01:28:27,090 --> 01:28:37,050 I have many of his students in my group, okay. And they will all say the same thing that I'm going to tell you right now. I do not teach what Chris Laurie
542 01:28:37,050 --> 01:28:49,410 teaches. There's nothing similar to what I'm dealing to what he teaches. Now, you're welcome to go and learn from him. Okay, I believe he's a real genuine
543 01:28:49,800 --> 01:29:00,360 gentleman. And he wants his students to do well. He's not a flashy flash guy. He's really down to earth. And I think that if you put a lot of work with him,
544 01:29:00,660 --> 01:29:10,050 you'll learn. You won't learn the things I'm teaching, but you'll learn things that I have a respect for, because he teaches a lot of things that are very,
545 01:29:10,050 --> 01:29:20,820 very close to the bottom rung of what I introduce. But there is a totally different light your jump ahead. And again, it's not a better than, okay, I'm
546 01:29:20,820 --> 01:29:30,450 trying to be very careful what I say here, because I have respect for Chris Laurie, and he knows me, okay, he knows enough to at least invite me into his
547 01:29:30,990 --> 01:29:41,550 forum and asked me to consult on how I could advise on how to streamline it. And that's the extent of it. That's it. I have not been formally taught by Chris
548 01:29:41,550 --> 01:29:52,470 Laurie. I've not had any kind of tutelage under him except for test driving his. He freely gave it to me and said looking at take a look at what you think. And
549 01:29:52,740 --> 01:30:02,130 you are welcome. You're absolutely Welcome to go over there and ask him when people mentioned him on baby pips, I signed up in I think if I'm not mistaken, I
550 01:30:02,130 --> 01:30:12,030 was there for two months. And he would validate that too. But I didn't, I didn't take anything from that man. Okay, I didn't take anything repackage any of that
551 01:30:12,030 --> 01:30:22,410 stuff. He doesn't even probably know what a market maker sell model or buy model is okay. But he trades in a very similar fashion. Okay, but I think personally,
552 01:30:22,410 --> 01:30:32,280 he trades a little bit closer to wycoff than I really do. And again, I'm basically beating up wycoff only because it's comparing it to what I trade with.
553 01:30:32,880 --> 01:30:44,100 And, again, I'm not trying to create that, that team idea because I was Pro, Larry Williams when I first started, and I had closed my mind to everything,
554 01:30:44,580 --> 01:30:57,120 everything else. And in a lot of ways that helped. But in a lot of ways it hurt me because it made me feel like I was better than I really was. And listen, I'm
555 01:30:57,120 --> 01:31:08,400 wise enough now to be, like I said, almost 50 years old. I know that unless you see it yourself, you're not gonna believe it. So I don't hide from anything. I
556 01:31:08,400 --> 01:31:13,950 come out here and I tell you what it is. I'm not worried about what anybody else's opinion is. And I'm not worried about what people can do or what they
557 01:31:13,950 --> 01:31:23,520 think they can do. I can outrage everybody out here, period and a story done. I'm ready to prove it. It never gets taken. When I tell you to go look at Chris
558 01:31:23,520 --> 01:31:32,850 Lauria, I tell you to go study wycoff. And tell tell me after you've done that, if you think that you clearly see me doing these things. No one has ever done
559 01:31:32,850 --> 01:31:39,840 that and came back and said, Yeah, you know it, you're doing it. They've always said yeah, there's nothing not like nothing like that. Students. They're under
560 01:31:39,840 --> 01:31:47,190 Chris Laurie right now. They are in my group too. And they always send me emails. Why are you keep harping about that. There's nothing you're doing that
561 01:31:47,190 --> 01:31:57,330 Chris is teaching for even taught in the same thing I want you to if I was doing these very things, okay? If I was reteaching, and renaming and rehashing things
562 01:31:57,330 --> 01:32:08,370 that other people do. Why the hell would I tell you go and study them? Think about that. Think about the logic of that. When I was on baby pips, I said, hey,
563 01:32:08,370 --> 01:32:15,120 look, you know, if you're looking for some money outside of me, and you want to learn forex price action stuff, you know, Chris, Lori's got a good program going
564 01:32:15,300 --> 01:32:26,310 done. I spent two months there. And I said, You know what, what you're doing is good. And we had a lot of conversations, and we were gonna do a seminar. But
565 01:32:26,310 --> 01:32:34,110 because of my personality and brought a lot of, like I said, I'm very controversial. I'm not a team player. Okay, obvious, you can hear it in my voice
566 01:32:34,110 --> 01:32:46,170 and the things I say, Listen, I'm not looking for a team. Okay, I'm my own team. And I don't like losing, I like winning. And I don't want to waste my time with
567 01:32:46,170 --> 01:32:55,170 things that aren't going to make money, period. If it can't be used to make money, then you shouldn't be bothering with it. And I believe wholeheartedly,
568 01:32:55,950 --> 01:32:56,250 that
569 01:32:56,280 --> 01:33:07,080 if you trained under Chris Laurie, you will find a profitable way of trading. How long will it take? I don't know. Can you do that with me? Yes, I believe
570 01:33:07,080 --> 01:33:15,240 that too. Can you do it with wycoff. I know people that trade with wycoff. And they're profitable. But when I sat down with them, and I showed you like the
571 01:33:15,240 --> 01:33:24,720 some of the things I showed you in this video here, it made them appreciate the things that are not known widely in the universe of trading, you just don't.
572 01:33:25,110 --> 01:33:33,840 First of all, you're not going to hear someone get up on stage in front of people and say the markets are absolutely rigged the previous day's data will
573 01:33:33,840 --> 01:33:42,420 give you the information that causes the calculations to the PIP that the previous day gives you the next day's high and low before it forums and it's
574 01:33:43,080 --> 01:33:54,780 compiled at midnight New York time. If someone sat there and got on CNBC and said, Okay, listen, I'm just so give you a heads up. The central banks peg their
575 01:33:54,780 --> 01:34:03,180 daily highs and lows at midnight, New York time, and they do this every single day for every currency. And you can follow this and know what it's going to do
576 01:34:03,180 --> 01:34:21,390 within five pips variance. How much attention Do you think that would Garner? A lot. And I've been saying this since 1996. And I have not. I've never ever
577 01:34:21,390 --> 01:34:32,040 advertised. I've never advertised. I've never put an ad on Facebook. I've never put an ad on YouTube. I've never advertised anything except for one classified
578 01:34:32,070 --> 01:34:45,360 ad that I put on Rob report. And one Wall Street Journal ad. That's it. That's it. That's all I ever did. And most of everything else was people seeing me
579 01:34:45,450 --> 01:34:55,710 finally me. Because it's very hard to manage all you is a lot of you. And so many different personalities, so many team mentality and it's mostly the younger
580 01:34:55,710 --> 01:35:03,630 people, the millennials. They come in contact with me and they think well, I'm Want to take this guy stuff, and I'm gonna repackage it, and I'm going to get so
581 01:35:03,630 --> 01:35:14,640 rich, and I'm gonna do this, I don't need to ever trade Let me tell you something. I have made so much money trading, the paper trades and the demo
582 01:35:14,640 --> 01:35:27,810 trades in this mentorship that I would never need ever to trade another Live account ever. Let that sink in. And knowing that, okay, I want you to understand
583 01:35:27,810 --> 01:35:38,280 that I'm not doing it to brag, I'm telling you why it's important to listen to someone like me, I'm not motivated by image. I have nice cars, I have nice
584 01:35:38,280 --> 01:35:47,880 homes, I have nice everything. And that's not why you should be doing this. Because if you're listening to someone, and they're flashing cars that they
585 01:35:47,880 --> 01:35:57,900 don't own, you know, in locations they don't live in, these are all just destinations, they got to because they sold something. And it's not a profitable
586 01:35:57,900 --> 01:36:06,420 position. They sold, you know, information that generally isn't theirs. And they're flying around on airplanes that they didn't pay for that ticket with
587 01:36:06,420 --> 01:36:17,490 trading profits. So I've never wanted to go that route. never, I never want to go there. I knew if I walked in here in the foreign exchange universe, like Mike
588 01:36:17,490 --> 01:36:27,960 Tyson, no flash, I walk out here with a towel over my shoulders, no socks. I'm not trying to flash anything. And I go out here and I knock out these markets,
589 01:36:28,620 --> 01:36:38,790 in anybody else that's willing to compare themselves with me. I'm not interested in all that image stuff. I'm interested in making an impact on your life.
590 01:36:39,720 --> 01:36:49,320 Because that's what I promised. If it was given to me, then I would spend the rest of my life teaching it. And I do. Yes, there's things that I sell that are
591 01:36:49,320 --> 01:36:59,010 going to be only in mentorship. Do you need that to be profitable? Absolutely not. You don't ever need to buy my mentorship, you don't ever need to buy
592 01:36:59,010 --> 01:37:09,900 another person's course, if you don't find profitability in my YouTube channels lessons, then trading is not for you. Think about what I just said there. If you
593 01:37:09,900 --> 01:37:19,530 go out and you buy another person's course, and you have not gone through this YouTube channel in its entirety, you're a fool. Because I'm gonna tell you
594 01:37:19,530 --> 01:37:28,440 something. There has never been anyone that comes to this YouTube channel, and says, I wasted my time there. The only complaint you're going to get like with
595 01:37:28,440 --> 01:37:42,210 this video, I talk too much. When I'm talking to you. I'm not demonstrating toys. I'm talking to you. I'm trying to make a connection with you. Because I'm
596 01:37:42,210 --> 01:37:51,480 telling you, I wish I wish the God Almighty that I had this when I was coming up. I am a real person.
597 01:37:52,800 --> 01:38:07,560 I have made millions of dollars. I've done things stupid, and lost tons doing stupid things. Everyone knows me as a demo baller. And you all understand why?
598 01:38:07,830 --> 01:38:14,820 Because I'm not going to take on that liability. I'm not licensed. And these young people that talk all that smack saying Oh, yeah, if he was this, he was
599 01:38:14,820 --> 01:38:24,300 that. Listen, there's a World Cup trading contest that's sitting right there every year, put yourself on the leader spot, call me out. And I'll take your
600 01:38:24,300 --> 01:38:34,200 spot in one week. And that's as plain as I can make it for you. I'm going to give you more insights in institutional trading, and smart money concepts. And
601 01:38:34,200 --> 01:38:42,330 I'm gonna give you with examples and executions. It's not just always pointing to something after the fact I can do that. And you can learn from that. But it's
602 01:38:42,330 --> 01:38:52,860 better when you can get it proven to you when it's shown to you in detail. And my my goal is for you to number one, feel confident that you're in the right
603 01:38:52,860 --> 01:39:04,650 place. Listen, did it cost you any money to click this play button? No. Maybe you feel like I've talked too much. And maybe I didn't say enough that what you
604 01:39:04,650 --> 01:39:14,970 wanted me to cover. I've said it all already in the YouTube videos. You're looking for that five minute trainer that says this is what you do every single
605 01:39:14,970 --> 01:39:25,980 day. That doesn't exist, folks. It doesn't exist. Because there's a lot of those five minute trainer type videos on YouTube, where the kids sit on there and they
606 01:39:25,980 --> 01:39:33,510 say, after betrayed to hear this, you didn't learn anything from that. And he didn't even show you or she didn't show you an execution. Where's the proof that
607 01:39:33,510 --> 01:39:43,830 you took it? Even in a demo? Show me your point of entry. Show me how you manage your stop 99% of time these people aren't even using stop losses. So if you're
608 01:39:43,830 --> 01:39:54,390 not sharing a stop loss location, you didn't take a trade. You didn't take that. And that's exactly what you see on social media today. You see everybody wants
609 01:39:54,390 --> 01:40:03,270 to show their entry and where the market is now. Not that trade is that's a trade day. Put on Three or four days ago, maybe even a month ago. And now it
610 01:40:03,270 --> 01:40:08,670 looks like it's profitable. And they're in such a hurry to show it to you, because they're thinking that the trades gonna move to an unprofitable state,
611 01:40:09,090 --> 01:40:16,140 they Hurry up and share that screenshot on social media. And everybody says, Wow, look at that. There's no stop loss on it. There's a guy over there on
612 01:40:16,140 --> 01:40:25,740 Instagram that made a name for himself doing all that stuff, no stop loss whatsoever. And he was unwilling to show that he could do anything close to what
613 01:40:25,740 --> 01:40:43,950 I do. Come on, Shawn, still available. Anyway, I want you to think about what I showed you today. I want you to investigate yourself, don't take my word for it,
614 01:40:44,580 --> 01:40:55,500 dig into this YouTube channel, and then dig into my cough. And you tell me, okay, if you see the similarity anywhere, because this doesn't exist, it's void
615 01:40:55,590 --> 01:41:08,760 of anything. wycoff, nothing, nothing there, folks. And I've said this all along. I've said it numerous times over the last 10 years. All you have to do is
616 01:41:08,760 --> 01:41:20,820 investigate the things I'm sharing publicly. And if you do that, that's the testimony that stands the test of time. Like I said, I could do this in front of
617 01:41:20,820 --> 01:41:35,160 a quarter wall, period and a story. Everybody else ain't gonna do that. Because they can't number one, two, they don't know what they're doing. I know how to do
618 01:41:35,160 --> 01:41:46,710 this. I can do this. I do do this. And I can teach it to you too. Will you be perfect? Will you lose money? If you trade with my funds? Yes, you will lose
619 01:41:46,710 --> 01:41:57,750 money, will you be perfect? No, you won't be. I'm not perfect. I know where I'm going to be wrong, most likely, and I try to avoid those environments. I've
620 01:41:57,750 --> 01:42:07,860 learned over the last 27 years, the things that will lead to high probability. And I also know the things that I like to see in price action, I have a lot of
621 01:42:07,860 --> 01:42:18,870 patterns I know. And scenarios that may unfold a specific way. But I don't have an affinity for them. But I teach them because I know enough about human
622 01:42:18,870 --> 01:42:30,600 psychology that there may be a large degree of the viewership hear that may like to do those very setups, just because it doesn't resonate with me, doesn't mean
623 01:42:30,600 --> 01:42:39,120 it won't resonate with you. So I try not to press everybody into a specific mold, because I don't think that works. It didn't work with me. Obviously, I
624 01:42:39,120 --> 01:42:48,750 tried to be a duplicate of Larry Williams and get I get it. Listen. Every thing that you guys hear me talk about, it's so different. It's
625 01:42:48,750 --> 01:43:02,280 so powerful. It's precise. It's just unbelievable. And I know I get it. And a younger me would have been flattered by all that. But I can tell you, I'm
626 01:43:02,280 --> 01:43:12,060 ashamed of what I did on America Online. Because I was pretending to be equivalent to Larry Williams when I wasn't even close. Like I didn't know
627 01:43:12,060 --> 01:43:23,700 anything. I was just going by what my last few trades were. And they were over leveraged. And many times I didn't even have a stoploss. Think, think about
628 01:43:23,700 --> 01:43:36,000 that. That's absurd. It's absurd. And I was carrying on on America Online. Like I was some rock star. I was nothing like I am today. Nothing. I respect these
629 01:43:36,000 --> 01:43:46,740 markets, because they've taken lots of money from me. And I don't like losing, I hate losing. So I've spent my entire life trying to decipher the things that
630 01:43:46,770 --> 01:43:57,450 cause me as an individual to get tricked by the marketplace. And there are specific things that these markets do that they are getting by default. It's not
631 01:43:57,450 --> 01:44:05,490 like they're looking just for your stop or they're looking for this or that. There are specific things that they're just doing that they're programmed to do.
632 01:44:06,120 --> 01:44:13,050 And it doesn't sound normal. It sounds like no way this is gonna be like this. It's all buying and selling pressure. It's reason why the markets random. I'm
633 01:44:13,050 --> 01:44:21,990 gonna say right now there's nothing random out of these markets. There's nothing random, zero. And if it was all buying and selling pressure, then why is these
634 01:44:21,990 --> 01:44:36,330 markets stopping at the PIP I'm looking for turning and going to another level to the PIP that I'm looking for every single week. Think think? How could a
635 01:44:37,290 --> 01:44:46,980 kitchen sink approach of all these retail theories? How could they all be fighting each other and yet, take a step outside of all that stuff. And don't
636 01:44:47,010 --> 01:44:56,040 don't refer to any of it. Don't look at it. And when there's times when you can use it as an opposing opinion. Everything works perfectly like a Swiss
637 01:44:56,040 --> 01:45:08,190 timepiece. Folks, listen. That kind of stuff doesn't happen unless it's programmed to do so. And all of you individuals out there on these team
638 01:45:08,190 --> 01:45:19,920 mentalities, oh, I'm team harmonic. I'm team, Elliott, wave and team supply and demand Team White golf. All of you are fighting each other, trying to be
639 01:45:19,920 --> 01:45:31,860 something that your theory is never going to deliver. It's never going to deliver like this will. And you all get to test drive it for free. Just listen
640 01:45:31,860 --> 01:45:43,320 to me, go through every video on his YouTube channel. Go through every single one. I'm taking copious notes. And I promise you, I guaran damn tee you. You are
641 01:45:43,320 --> 01:45:53,580 going to learn more here than you will learn any where else. bar none. And you're going to see and understand more about price action than you ever would
642 01:45:53,580 --> 01:46:05,100 learn from any course any book, any author, any educator, any mentor, none, period. And with that, I'm going to close this one and I'll talk to you next
643 01:46:05,100 --> 01:46:08,310 week. Enjoy your weekend. Be safe. Good luck and good trading.