ICT YT - 2019-08-27 - Is Forex Intraday Really Just Noise.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-12-22 08:37

00:01:02,070 --> 00:01:12,240 ICT: It's important to realize that what I'm illustrating here is simply a example of the level of precision that's available, when you understand what
00:01:12,240 --> 00:01:13,110 you're looking for.
00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:16,560 noise. There's a narrative that's going on. And it's price delivery. So we have to understand that there is a wide, diverse opinion, across the board with
00:02:16,590 --> 00:02:28,740 technical analysis. One of the things that ruffles a lot of feathers with me is that I candidly come out and say, 90% of what you're learning is fluff in right
00:02:28,740 --> 00:02:40,680 away, that will be very polarizing, folks that are very team oriented in their mindset about who they learned from, who taught them the system, or the web, the
00:02:40,680 --> 00:02:52,200 system that is, or method that they try to use in their trading, they really want to go into defensive and tell me how I'm wrong about my perspective. Now,
00:02:52,200 --> 00:03:01,500 again, I'm not trying to rally up everyone to try to defend your supply and demand your Elliott Wave and all that much stuff.
00:03:02,550 --> 00:03:13,140 I don't think there's any valid reason to pursue that. And that's my personal opinion. I've studied all that stuff. And you quickly realize that that's not
00:03:13,140 --> 00:03:24,150 the answer. Okay. So I kind of like want to just give you a little bit of an understanding what it looks like, when you understand order flow. And this is by
10 00:03:24,180 --> 00:03:37,740 no means any complete, exhaustive teaching on order flow. And it's a very deep subject. There's many concepts that you have to understand to fully appreciate
11 00:03:37,740 --> 00:03:47,850 the level of precision. But nonetheless, I teach a lot of this stuff. And yes, this sounds like a shameless plug. But I don't teach everything that you see
12 00:03:47,850 --> 00:04:01,170 here. In my free tutorials, you will see a sampling of things. And the overall premise will be what is shown in my free teachings and videos. If you put time
13 00:04:01,260 --> 00:04:14,310 and study with the free tutorials, and years and years and years of practice and had your patience forged, you might come close to some of the lower level,
14 00:04:14,550 --> 00:04:28,080 mentorship teachings, but you won't have everything because there's simply gaps in the teaching on my free tutorials. So again, with all that said, it's not
15 00:04:28,290 --> 00:04:36,480 important for you to join my mentorship. In fact, if you want to just study the free stuff that I put on my YouTube channel, and you've grown from that
16 00:04:36,480 --> 00:04:47,070 wonderful, I love getting those emails too. But nonetheless, I teach a lot of this stuff in great detail in the mentorship. So I'll give you some more
17 00:04:47,070 --> 00:04:54,030 information at the end of the video. If you want to know more about that. I won't bore you any more with it here. Alright, so for looking at the British
18 00:04:54,030 --> 00:05:02,370 Pound versus the US dollar, noggins is a one minute chart. Forget timeframe. Right away. Some of you are going to be thinking, is this the timeframe I trade
19 00:05:02,370 --> 00:05:12,840 off? No, I can trade off of this timeframe. But it's not the timeframe that I trade off of, I get a lot of questions, and I'll answer it here. That way, it
20 00:05:12,840 --> 00:05:16,950 saves me a lot of time and retweeting it. The
21 00:05:18,119 --> 00:05:29,729 time that I usually execute on is usually a five minute chart or 15 minute chart, my setup generally is seen on a one hour chart, or four hour. And my bias
22 00:05:29,729 --> 00:05:40,769 or directional premise is derived from the daily chart, and most time in this kind of like the same direction on weekly chart. Unless I'm trading off of a
23 00:05:41,069 --> 00:05:49,619 higher timeframe dealing range from either a monthly or weekly or daily chart, I'm usually trading in some measure of institutional order flow. Now
24 00:05:49,619 --> 00:06:02,279 institutional order flow, what is that? It is the understanding of where the price algorithm will seek to move price, higher or lower. I don't believe I
25 00:06:02,279 --> 00:06:13,019 don't subscribe to the opinion. And common view that's bandied about in trading, that markets go up and down because of buying and selling pressure, I don't
26 00:06:13,019 --> 00:06:20,009 believe that at all, I believe 100%. And no one's going to convince me otherwise. So if you if you're new to me, and you just found me because of this
27 00:06:20,009 --> 00:06:27,959 video, or whatever, I'm really not interested in trying to be swayed. You probably think that's a very closed minded individual. So therefore, you know,
28 00:06:28,019 --> 00:06:36,899 I'm probably very arrogant and stuffy and full of myself, that you're welcome to have all those opinions. I'm just, I've been doing this for 27 years, you're not
29 00:06:36,899 --> 00:06:44,969 going to convince me otherwise. Okay? I'm only putting this out there for you to investigate and see if there's anything of value that you could take away from
30 00:06:44,969 --> 00:06:57,539 it for your own trading. So with that said, the one minute chart, I'm kind of like answered. And I said a lot about this on Twitter, in recent months, there
31 00:06:57,539 --> 00:07:08,429 are folks that teach other people. And they will tell you that lower timeframes, no one can find any consistency with it. In fact, I send a lot of times every
32 00:07:08,429 --> 00:07:15,509 month or so I'll send a tweet from a gentleman that I don't even know where I picked it up from but I recorded it and kept it because I think it's funny,
33 00:07:16,019 --> 00:07:25,139 where it says no one should try to ever time the market and beat the market getting in before a big move and getting out. And no one can do it consistently.
34 00:07:25,739 --> 00:07:37,079 And I find that very, very amusing. Because in our community, and on my Twitter, I show examples this every single week. So again, it's a lot of stuff out there
35 00:07:37,079 --> 00:07:47,519 that you're going to be exposed to that simply is nonsense. It's nonsense. Just because these folks that tell you this, don't understand how to do it. In no way
36 00:07:47,519 --> 00:08:01,349 shape or form. Does it make it invalid? When I tell you that it's possible? Because I show evidence of it? every single week. So last Friday, what's today's
37 00:08:01,349 --> 00:08:15,689 date? See here? Yeah, the 23rd the 23rd I revealed a personal algorithm of my own and I don't teach it so don't ask please. But I i showcased a way of working
38 00:08:15,689 --> 00:08:25,799 within orderflow on what otherwise be viewed as a choppy market in the dollar CAD. And between that and running up a trade in euro dollar I was able to
39 00:08:26,189 --> 00:08:38,189 harvest 175 pips. And then yesterday I showed 102 pips trading the same type of approach. And right away I got a buzz on Twitter and most of my mentorship group
40 00:08:38,189 --> 00:08:49,979 are sending emails to and I gotta be teaching that and I had to hurry up squash that because as a as an educator that gets paid now and much to a lot of folks
41 00:08:50,009 --> 00:08:59,849 dismay, it is what it is, is the only way for me to protect my intellectual property I didn't incorporate and now I, you know, it's my content and I hold
42 00:08:59,849 --> 00:09:06,929 the copyright. So I don't want anyone feeling like you can take it and sell it and repackage it without any kind of response from me and when we get a legal
43 00:09:07,019 --> 00:09:22,559 front but the view of having seen how I did that using limit orders both sides of the market buying limiting out on the long end and limiting in a short in the
44 00:09:22,589 --> 00:09:33,959 in the limit orders were waiting there for me. So I can see the turning points in price before it happens. No one does this stuff. No one not the guys from
45 00:09:33,959 --> 00:09:45,929 Goldman Sachs. Okay, they're not the guys from UBS. Not the guys from Citi. None of those guys do. What I'm showing you the reasons why. They will scoff and say
46 00:09:46,259 --> 00:09:52,409 intraday charts are all noise is because they don't really understand how the markets operate. They're taught
47 00:09:53,250 --> 00:10:01,980 from a very myopic view on price many times it's from a long term, macro fundamental basis and I'm not going to get into on a rant about how fundamentals
48 00:10:01,980 --> 00:10:11,580 do or don't supply value, because to some degree, I do believe that if you're going to equate fundamentals to price action, if you're going to be using the
49 00:10:11,580 --> 00:10:21,720 differential for interest rates, then I agree that fundamentals are salient. But apart from that don't rely on and I don't care. And I'm still pulling out
50 00:10:21,720 --> 00:10:30,000 ridiculous, insane precision. Okay. So this is going to be one more example. And I'm not going to do any more of this because all it's doing is drawing more
51 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:39,600 attention to the interest in my personal algorithm, and I'm not teaching it, I'm not selling it. And I'm not doing signal services with it. Okay. I just simply
52 00:10:39,600 --> 00:10:48,870 answer the response to some goober that posted on a video saying that I'm waiting for a trending market to trade. And I don't rely on a trend, it just
53 00:10:48,870 --> 00:11:01,050 makes it a lot easier when you understand higher timeframe order flow. And if you trade in that direction, your trade setups will work. If you're in sync with
54 00:11:01,050 --> 00:11:09,570 that, the problem is, is most people don't understand what the order flow is at any given time. And while I won't really go into that here, because it takes
55 00:11:09,600 --> 00:11:21,990 multiple videos and other supporting theories, like open float, and just a myriad of things that needs to be covered, some of which I hinted at in free
56 00:11:21,990 --> 00:11:29,280 tutorials, and you can pursue some of that in my youtube channel doesn't cost anything but your time to go and watch those videos. And I promise you, you will
57 00:11:29,280 --> 00:11:40,620 learn more about price action from those videos than any book anywhere on the subject, period. So what kinda like my ask you a question? If you look at price
58 00:11:40,620 --> 00:11:48,180 action, where we're at right now, disregard the reaction down here for now, okay, we'll get to that later in the video. disregard the the low down here,
59 00:11:48,180 --> 00:11:59,550 we're not concerned about that. What I'm asking you look at this movement here, and then a run up to this level, then this movement down to here. Okay. If I
60 00:11:59,550 --> 00:12:09,210 were to ask you, what you what do you see rather, if I were to ask you, what do you see in that? If we were all in a room coming up from different backgrounds,
61 00:12:09,210 --> 00:12:19,710 from different technical approaches to trading from different studies and disciplines of trading? invariably, we're going to have a wide range of views
62 00:12:19,710 --> 00:12:32,700 about what they would collectively see. And my question is, when you look at price action like this, are you looking for patterns? Or are you relying on
63 00:12:32,700 --> 00:12:43,380 indicators to tell you overbought, oversold divergence, all those types of things? Or are you reading the tape? Okay, what I mean by that, before I put the
64 00:12:43,380 --> 00:12:52,800 annotations on my chart, okay, you obviously saw at the beginning of the video where I had a short from very close to the high, and then inside this
65 00:12:53,130 --> 00:13:07,560 retracement, and then rode all the way down to a run below these equal lows. My mind thinks about what orders are resting in the marketplace. Okay. The things
66 00:13:07,560 --> 00:13:16,500 that work in technical analysis are the very things that don't exist in your charts. And I say this a lot. And I don't really give too much thought about
67 00:13:16,680 --> 00:13:27,960 when I'm saying it, how much confusion or mystery it raises. But it has it has come to a great deal of interest even with my personal mentorship. Members are
68 00:13:27,960 --> 00:13:40,500 asking me what do I mean by that? And it's, it's simply this it's liquidity. The the price action that you see on your charts are not a response of buying and
69 00:13:40,500 --> 00:13:50,100 selling pressure. There. There's nothing to do with harmonic patterns. Nothing Fibonacci made these moves form. trend lines had no bearing on how high and how
70 00:13:50,100 --> 00:13:59,970 far when these things occurred. The prices moving because of the central bank period, that delivery of price, because they are the storehouse, they are the
71 00:14:00,330 --> 00:14:13,680 the producer to the supplier of price itself for the individual banks like Bank of Japan and Bank of England, the Bank of Canada and Federal Reserve for the US.
72 00:14:14,940 --> 00:14:28,740 The price coming from that central bank is what creates these patterns on your chart. Now I already know you know Joe Schmo from XYZ institutional firms going
73 00:14:28,740 --> 00:14:38,400 to rebut me and say, Oh, you're not you're talking about yada yada this and yada yada that price is all about supply and demand. And it's not. It's absolutely
74 00:14:38,400 --> 00:14:43,260 not. It's not it's not. Price Is 100% manipulated, okay.
75 00:14:44,789 --> 00:14:55,469 If you believe that price is going up because of buying and selling. That means we could literally take all these markets down in one day. If it was simply that
76 00:14:57,569 --> 00:15:08,459 it doesn't happen. They're controlling There's limits, there's thresholds that they will allow price to trade within. I'm on record many, many times for over
77 00:15:08,459 --> 00:15:20,669 20, some years now, stating that the daily highs and lows formed based on a peg that set at midnight, New York time. So when we see the daily highs and the lows
78 00:15:20,669 --> 00:15:33,479 form, in these currency pairs, you think it may be a random walk forward of buying and selling pressure. It's not. I have shown many examples, both on free
79 00:15:33,479 --> 00:15:45,089 public and in mentorship, where I've been able to nail the high and the low of the week. And the day before it happens, before it forms. I already know what's
80 00:15:45,089 --> 00:15:55,889 going to happen. Now that probably sounds very arrogant. Oh, now I know this is a scam. I know exactly what you're thinking. This is the reason why my teachings
81 00:15:55,889 --> 00:16:04,409 have taken years because of me on the scene told you, I could do this right away, it would nobody would ever pay attention. But I have a rather large
82 00:16:04,409 --> 00:16:16,079 audience that have grown to trust me because of my ability to show it. But my introduction to it was to ask you all What do you see in price? I started this
83 00:16:16,079 --> 00:16:30,299 whole thing with the introduction of specific highly loved indicators. Because if you have an affinity for indicators, you are thinking the same way as
84 00:16:30,299 --> 00:16:41,249 everyone else in retail. So you're all thinking the same. And if everyone is struggling, by far and large, if you looked at statistics, most people lose
85 00:16:41,249 --> 00:16:50,549 money trading. And it becomes rather obvious. When you take a step back and look at it. These are the same characteristics that all the same losers are having.
86 00:16:50,549 --> 00:16:56,609 So why are you doing those same things expecting that you're going to be treated differently from the universe, someone's going to, you know, say, hey, look at
87 00:16:56,609 --> 00:17:05,009 this guy's working really hard. that's rewarding today and give him insights that no one else has added the same group of people following the same things
88 00:17:05,009 --> 00:17:13,589 and these books, you're going to be the one that gets preferential treatment. No, it doesn't work that way. I felt the same stuff. So don't be offended
89 00:17:13,589 --> 00:17:27,299 because it's exactly what I was lulled into believing back in 1992, November 5 1992, I sat down and considered my passive interest at the time in trading and
90 00:17:27,299 --> 00:17:38,429 investing. And I got hooked on it. But everything that I learned from books I have since dismissed. Now, I do see things from a retail standpoint, that I know
91 00:17:38,429 --> 00:17:45,839 gets traders really excited. They like their indicators, they like they're divergence, they like they're moving average crossovers. They like their trend
92 00:17:45,839 --> 00:17:53,879 lines being broken, and they like their horizontal support resistance. They love those things. And I love the fact that they love them, because it gives me a
93 00:17:53,879 --> 00:18:05,489 great edge on knowing when smart money is going to reprice the opposite direction. With that said, let's go into limited detail here. I taught a premise
94 00:18:05,699 --> 00:18:16,139 called the market maker buy and sell models. Now. Right away, just to kind of like, head off the guys, this might come into the comment section and tell
95 00:18:16,169 --> 00:18:27,719 everybody that I'm teaching wycoff I was trading these ideas before I knew about wycoff. Now wycoff is way before ICT way before Michael Huddleston way before I
96 00:18:27,719 --> 00:18:41,789 was even born, okay, this guy was talking about marking up in a price move and marking down. And it would be a great interest for you to go and study whatever
97 00:18:41,789 --> 00:18:52,769 you can from wycoff. And then once you have done that, if you're wanting to be a student of mine, join the fold and research what I teach. And you'll see that
98 00:18:52,769 --> 00:19:04,379 there's nothing remotely close to the level of precision that I teach using what would otherwise look similar. If you look at this consolidation in here, okay?
99 00:19:06,000 --> 00:19:19,110 Wipe off a teach, here's consolidation, here's a spring or run below this low here, then it runs up and it comes back as a retest, and then shoots up and then
100 00:19:19,380 --> 00:19:31,260 starts to sell off. Well, that's all fine and great. But what's the premise behind it? Why should it form? See the problem is once I had already learned how
101 00:19:31,260 --> 00:19:39,510 the market books price like this in futures, because that's how I started as a trader, I didn't start as a forex trader that happened as a complete transition
102 00:19:39,540 --> 00:19:53,190 in 2006 1992. I traded and started as a futures trader, a commodity trader by looking at multiple views of my initial real mentor, Larry Williams. No, I did
103 00:19:53,190 --> 00:20:02,820 not go to his house. No, I did not go to his workshops. No, I did not go to seminars, but I think I studied involved everything the guy put out. And it
104 00:20:02,820 --> 00:20:11,490 wasn't until I got with him and his material that I had a little better understanding about what price was likely to do. And then from there, I
105 00:20:11,490 --> 00:20:20,130 dismantled all that stuff, and then went even deeper. Now, I'm not trying to disrespect Mr. Williams, because I'm so thankful that he put out his books, I'm
106 00:20:20,130 --> 00:20:32,370 so thankful that he put me you know, in the in the initial stages of my development, he had a video course. The futures millionaires confidential
107 00:20:32,370 --> 00:20:42,450 trading course, it was for VHS tapes, and it's very hard to find it if you go on eBay once in a while you see it. But it was like, I think, if I'm not mistaken
108 00:20:42,450 --> 00:20:54,180 them 300 bucks or 290 bucks or 275 bucks, something like that. And it was for VHS tapes. And there was a section in there that I would always look at. And I
109 00:20:54,180 --> 00:21:07,080 saw what was understood later on as a market maker. So model. And it was very similar to what you see here. Okay. And I knew right away, that there was
110 00:21:07,080 --> 00:21:16,500 something to that fractal, or that pattern, if you will, or price structure, because I kept seeing it over and over and over again. And it wasn't until this
111 00:21:16,500 --> 00:21:26,370 guy on America Line, because that's what we were using back then. Everything was message boards, and I guess instant instant messages that would come up in the
112 00:21:26,370 --> 00:21:33,990 right hand corner. I think it's what we call them instant messages. If it's not, then everyone that's in your 40s or late 30s knows exactly what I'm talking
113 00:21:33,990 --> 00:21:42,750 about. Instead of like a DM or direct message today, I think it was instant message. But that was our internet. That was when we watched the whole
114 00:21:42,750 --> 00:21:52,860 transition from open outcry markets to electronic trading. But one one of the message boards, there was a guy talking about wycoff. And in true form, as a
115 00:21:52,860 --> 00:22:01,410 noob didn't know what I was doing. I was trolling this guy, because I thought I figured it out with a 50 day moving average and stochastics bullish divergence
116 00:22:01,800 --> 00:22:11,940 on an hourly chart. So and commitment traders, to me that was kinda like my whole trading plan back then. And because everything in the 90s was going up,
117 00:22:11,940 --> 00:22:23,430 and he's, you know, ridiculous bull markets, I looked a lot smarter than I really was. So because he was referring to things that I was not aware of at a
118 00:22:23,430 --> 00:22:39,030 time. And again, we're talking about 1993. So this was 1993. I made fun of the guy told him everything a typical noob does to defend his team. Okay, I was I
119 00:22:39,030 --> 00:22:46,740 was I was a Larry Williams guy. Okay, it's everything was Larry Williams, Larry, when it's kind of like what a lot of my guys and gals like to do with me. And I
120 00:22:46,740 --> 00:22:56,190 think it's silly, really, you don't need to champion me, okay, I'm not anybody's hero. I'm not trying to be a super guru. I'm a real person. And I like to be
121 00:22:56,190 --> 00:23:07,050 able to invest my experience in the new people, and relive all those moments myself. But I was ridiculing something back then, which happened to be wycoff.
122 00:23:07,530 --> 00:23:17,760 Because of the silly names. Now, doesn't that sound funny, because I'm the guy that coined the Judas swing, the SMT divergence, these are all rather silly
123 00:23:17,760 --> 00:23:27,450 names. But they were a means of communicating something that I understood, but there was nothing for me to go and say, to my sons, who I was talking about, and
124 00:23:27,450 --> 00:23:39,000 teaching, you know, in early stages of my career, these are things that I had to come up with, to communicate with, basically what it is that I'm trying to say
125 00:23:39,090 --> 00:23:40,410 is occurring in price.
126 00:23:41,910 --> 00:23:50,280 And you can't come with very lofty theories. Because you're talking to a child, you kind of make it as simple as possible. So most of the things that I used,
127 00:23:50,760 --> 00:24:04,350 were rather Elementary, and it works. So because of the names like spring, jump the creek, break the ice, these are all things that are synonymous with wycoff.
128 00:24:05,340 --> 00:24:16,050 I didn't like the idea. There's names, I thought it was rather myopic, and I did not give it the attention. That I think personally today, it warrants that I
129 00:24:16,050 --> 00:24:25,680 don't believe that that's the answers. But I believe if you study it, you'll understand it a little bit about how markets pricing runs higher and lower. But
130 00:24:25,680 --> 00:24:34,260 it doesn't really come to the conclusion of what to do with it. It works beautiful. In hindsight, it shows you what you could have seen if you understood
131 00:24:34,260 --> 00:24:48,180 what price was going to do next. So I see a lot of folks that are very cynical, argumentative about what I do. I have been on record before saying that I found
132 00:24:48,180 --> 00:24:59,700 supporting evidence in wycoff theory but had already arrived at seeing low resistance liquidity runs, like we're going to talk about here. Okay. And the
133 00:24:59,700 --> 00:25:13,620 run on is equal lows. That was years before I understood what was being taught and wycoff. And when did I go back into wycoff and revisit that it was 1997. One
134 00:25:13,620 --> 00:25:25,920 of the folks that I was working with on one on one basis, because of his trading model and sharing what he was doing his problems, his gaps and understanding,
135 00:25:26,220 --> 00:25:36,660 were really the basis of me unlocking more depth to wycoff. So what I was doing as I was teaching one on one basis, people would come to my home, I would sit
136 00:25:36,660 --> 00:25:43,950 with them for a week, and I'm explained to them how to trade the s&p in the bond market. Once in a while, if you want to be a deviant, you would trade
137 00:25:44,160 --> 00:25:56,220 currencies. Well, the person I was working with, had this affinity towards wycoff, and didn't want to, you know, relinquishes his hold on it, he, he wanted
138 00:25:56,220 --> 00:26:06,600 to kind of take pieces of what I was doing, and form fit it and push it into that idea in that theory. And it wasn't until like two or three weeks after our
139 00:26:07,020 --> 00:26:18,720 session together for the entire week, I revisited some of his issues. And then right away, I had, like these epiphanies where I could see more about the things
140 00:26:18,720 --> 00:26:30,990 that I thought they were occurring in price wycoff has a really simplistic approach to understanding the run up in the run down, okay, so this would be a
141 00:26:30,990 --> 00:26:40,050 markup and price. And this is a markdown in price. By far and large, it's too simplified, you need to know a little bit more about what causes these
142 00:26:40,080 --> 00:26:47,250 fluctuations in price, because otherwise, it's going to be just like anything else. The harmonic pattern that worked in hindsight, you know, the trendline,
143 00:26:47,280 --> 00:26:55,950 the perfect trendline that worked in hindsight, you know, the the ratio trade or the Fibonacci move, or all these things, you're going to be able to see that in
144 00:26:55,950 --> 00:27:05,400 hindsight. Now, I'm not disparaging anybody studying hindsight, because that's how I became inner circle trader, no one was doing mentorships. No one was
145 00:27:05,400 --> 00:27:16,080 teaching people one on one, no one was doing what you see a lot of educators doing today. So you have a lot of advantages to you being a trader today,
146 00:27:16,080 --> 00:27:23,790 because you have a lot of resources, a lot of information and it's right at the tip of your fingertips, you just reach out and take it off of it. And watch
147 00:27:23,790 --> 00:27:36,060 videos, watch seminars, be a part of webinars, all those things. But okay, but simply because the availability is there does not mean that you should be
148 00:27:36,090 --> 00:27:48,420 consuming in mass quantities, a lot of the nonsense that's perpetuated as insight or trade education. So I'm going to give you my spin on this, okay, and
149 00:27:48,420 --> 00:27:56,760 you decide whether or not it's any value. Okay, if it doesn't have any value, if it doesn't resonate with you, then no, no big deal. You wasted probably about an
150 00:27:56,760 --> 00:28:05,580 hour with me, okay. But I think that if you investigate it a little bit and dig into a little bit deeper, you'll see that you're going to find what you don't
151 00:28:05,580 --> 00:28:20,070 really know, you want to know right now, you will understand what it is that you lack. And by having that well, epiphany of your own, you're going to be drawn in
152 00:28:20,430 --> 00:28:29,220 to learning more about it, and you can go into my free tutorials. And if it doesn't satisfy your curiosity or your insatiable desire to know more than
153 00:28:29,220 --> 00:28:32,880 obviously consider my private mentorship. Okay, so
154 00:28:33,930 --> 00:28:42,030 take a look at the price action here. Okay, and what I want you to look at, if we have consolidation here Yes, there was a run on stops below this Well, now
155 00:28:42,030 --> 00:28:49,440 again, mind you, this is a one minute chart the very timeframe that the professionals and I'm doing this with quotations right now with my hands, the
156 00:28:49,440 --> 00:28:57,630 professionals will tell you there's only noise on these lower timeframes that no one no one can do this consistently no one can know what's gonna happen in
157 00:28:57,630 --> 00:29:06,570 price, one one minute chart and anybody that tells you that they can is a con man and a liar and run away from them. Okay, that's I'm giving you in fairness,
158 00:29:06,600 --> 00:29:13,770 the other side of the coin so if you subscribe to that you don't just turn the video off now and there it is, you've done your you've done your your good deeds
159 00:29:13,800 --> 00:29:22,200 to protect yourself and save yourself from learning nonsense because then you'll follow the herd. But for all you apex predators in the making out there if you
160 00:29:22,200 --> 00:29:30,510 want to stay tuned, this is what we're gonna cover. Now, the consolidation that we have here we have a run on stops the sell sell the quiddity is taken here we
161 00:29:30,510 --> 00:29:40,830 have a small little run here comes back into the order block and then has a displacement. This run here takes out by side liquidity leaving this level of by
162 00:29:40,830 --> 00:29:49,680 side liquidity and what is by side liquidity, just by stops the anyone that would be interested in buying above on a breakout or using a stop loss to
163 00:29:49,680 --> 00:29:58,830 protect a short position. Okay, because if you have to use a buy stop to have protection. It's the only form of protection we have, in terms of using a stop
164 00:29:58,830 --> 00:30:08,550 on a short would be a buy. Stop. Above some point of interest, or concern, that would, in your mind, say the trade is probably not good. And you want to be out
165 00:30:08,550 --> 00:30:15,660 and limit your losses to whatever that level would be. The price comes back down into trades, another order block, and I talked about this in the sniper series,
166 00:30:15,660 --> 00:30:29,760 if you don't want to know more about order blocks, then we have a nice run here, this rally here, fall short of the big figure, big figures 123, even I have
167 00:30:29,760 --> 00:30:39,180 learned that there are times when prices run like this, they will and it's commonly referred to as defending a level and it's not really defending a level,
168 00:30:39,180 --> 00:30:48,090 it's the algorithm building in sentiment. And I'll talk a little bit that about that here. Now. I'm going to put some lipstick on the chart, okay. And that's
169 00:30:48,090 --> 00:30:57,450 some levels and some things, okay. But you're also going to see actual points of entry and exiting. I'll get to that in later in the video. But for now, just I
170 00:30:57,450 --> 00:31:04,560 want you to concentrate on the levels I'm going to put on the chart. Okay, so let's do that now. Alright, so here's we have the consolidation here. Now, this
171 00:31:04,560 --> 00:31:13,620 is what I deem as a market maker sell model. Okay? We have original consolidation here. Notice, I'm not talking about the run over here, there.
172 00:31:13,650 --> 00:31:24,180 That's why cough, I don't care about that, because sometimes it won't have that little run below, okay? I don't care about that. We have consolidation, we have
173 00:31:24,180 --> 00:31:38,130 displacement, initial run up, here's the big figure right here. 123. Price runs up to it. And in my personal algorithm, my view is that this is a suspect rally.
174 00:31:38,430 --> 00:31:47,280 And they're gonna draw it back lower, because people will see that as a short forming. And they're defending 123, which is exactly what I want to believe.
175 00:31:48,510 --> 00:31:56,490 Price as it ran up in here, I went short there. And I will show you the fills in a moment. But just right now just understand the logic behind what I was doing.
176 00:31:57,900 --> 00:32:05,880 My expectation was it was going to drop down to here, back into the original consolidation. And then I could be a buyer, I had a limit order waiting to go
177 00:32:05,880 --> 00:32:19,620 long there. And here is that Phil. And yes, you'll see all the data for this in a moment, just for right now. Follow along. I want to sell short here, buy it
178 00:32:19,620 --> 00:32:34,950 back, and then go long, which is going on here runs up and in the exit is fear. Okay, exiting along. Above the 123. Big figure. I also had a limit order to sell
179 00:32:34,950 --> 00:32:51,390 short, above the 123. Big figure. And that's occurring here. Okay, so 123, and four and a half pips was my entry going short. And this area right in here, I
180 00:32:51,390 --> 00:32:55,980 teach this as the Smart Money reversal. This is
181 00:32:56,910 --> 00:33:09,870 a point of accumulation. Okay, so we have a consolidation a run up, I can work in the high to the low to the high. And then we had a run lower, the Smart Money
182 00:33:09,870 --> 00:33:19,590 reversal has been confirmed with this breakdown. In this area over here. There's things I like to look for for order blocks and such. And that's what these down
183 00:33:19,590 --> 00:33:29,670 close candles are, I expected anticipated a bounce here, we got it, it rallies back up to the middle of these green candles take the range in the bodies, not
184 00:33:29,670 --> 00:33:37,950 the wicks because that's the part everybody gets tripped up in retail. The largest volume is going to be encapsulated in the bodies of the candle. And it
185 00:33:37,950 --> 00:33:46,860 occurs still on a one minute chart. So please, please, please consider where you get your information from. Because there's so much information out there that is
186 00:33:47,040 --> 00:33:55,050 just complete and utter nonsense. And it does not matter if they came from Goldman Sachs. It does not matter if they came from XYZ bank. It does not
187 00:33:55,050 --> 00:34:02,520 matter. These people out there that say that stuff. They don't know what they're talking about. And all they have to do is watch me on a weekly basis and I will
188 00:34:02,520 --> 00:34:12,810 rip their theories to shreds. So that's my only soapbox moment, I promise. So we have this runoff in here that's a bearish order block about the midpoint of
189 00:34:12,810 --> 00:34:21,330 that. Okay, is what I teach is a mean threshold. It basically goes up the middle of that as it was running up in there. That's when I sold short another portion.
190 00:34:21,420 --> 00:34:36,000 I was already short up here, right in here. I added more there and anticipated a run below these equal lows. That's the market maker so model that's mine. That's
191 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:47,280 not wycoff that's not anything else out there. Okay, it's mine. So my exits were limit orders right here just below these equal lows. Now there's other things
192 00:34:47,280 --> 00:34:55,860 that I teach that tells you exactly where this low forms and where this low forms, but because I'm doing it in public, it's not important. This is enough.
193 00:34:57,060 --> 00:35:06,030 Selling here buying it here selling it here selling more Have it here. And in getting out here, folks, you just don't see these types of fills and exits and
194 00:35:06,030 --> 00:35:18,540 understanding and price action by anybody else out there. Simply put, no one else is doing this done. How did I know about it? What were the things about
195 00:35:18,540 --> 00:35:29,130 this, that kind of like gave me the confidence to trade off of it. The lows that were forming over here is 122 70. So 122 70, it was creating a dealing range low
196 00:35:29,400 --> 00:35:38,790 dealing ranges anywhere between two price points that are very clearly defined as what would otherwise be referred to as a trading range. But the problem is,
197 00:35:38,820 --> 00:35:50,940 it's not a specific or static range. It's an evolving range. So we have the initial range from this high to this low. I'm focusing on this here to here for
198 00:35:50,940 --> 00:36:03,150 the concept of the market maker, sell model. That's the fractal I'm envisioning in price, it gave me the basis for the setups. Now, don't get mixed up thinking
199 00:36:03,150 --> 00:36:10,920 that this only works on a one minute chart, I want you to kind of broaden your understanding and your and your perspective. And consider if this was a hourly
200 00:36:10,920 --> 00:36:23,310 chart, or if this was a daily chart, or four hour chart, or even a weekly chart, Heck, even a monthly chart. This pattern still exists on all timeframes. What
201 00:36:23,310 --> 00:36:33,600 that does for you is it makes these points of entry and uncovering and buying and getting out much more larger in magnitude and opportunity in terms of pips,
202 00:36:33,960 --> 00:36:47,100 I don't care about long term, long term trading, if you I just don't have the personality that matches up for that. But I teach how to do these things on any
203 00:36:47,100 --> 00:36:56,880 timeframe. So you're not limited, you're not limited to scalping, which is what this is, for intraday trading with a 15 minute or 60 minute chart, or four hour
204 00:36:56,880 --> 00:37:06,030 chart for short term trading, or a daily chart for swing trading, or weekly chart for position long term trading. You're not limited. So everything I'm
205 00:37:06,030 --> 00:37:15,780 teaching here or illustrating really is a better term for it is that you can see what is likely to occur if you understand order flow.
206 00:37:15,870 --> 00:37:16,380 So
207 00:37:17,579 --> 00:37:24,899 we have 120 to 70 it consolidates from then we have a displacement, we have an initial run up. Now I know some of you are saying, Well, how do you know? or How
208 00:37:24,899 --> 00:37:33,209 did you know? It wasn't going to go through that 123 big figure. That part? I'm just going to have to keep to myself. And there's some of you already pissing
209 00:37:33,209 --> 00:37:41,099 and moaning Oh, man, I'll see you ain't teaching anything. That part of them not teaching, okay. But I want you to understand that there are certain measures
210 00:37:41,159 --> 00:37:53,069 that you can do in price action world at the time, and how fast it moves. And what characteristics are in play one price right now that you will pick up with
211 00:37:53,099 --> 00:38:04,019 a little bit of insight and in a lot of study. Okay, so trust me, no one taught me this. It was a matter of me digging into it. This part here buying it down
212 00:38:04,019 --> 00:38:14,189 here that is classic ICT that's classic return back to the original consolidation for re accumulation of Long's. So you buy it here, expands up and
213 00:38:14,189 --> 00:38:24,599 reaches this initial run here. In theory, I'm just gonna tell you here, this part of it, I knew that they were selling a narrative that they want price in a
214 00:38:24,599 --> 00:38:32,999 high around 123. Why did I believe that? Because yesterday, we had a really nice run in cable. And generally, there's gonna be some measure of retracement and
215 00:38:32,999 --> 00:38:41,369 they're gonna come back and run on the funds. So the funds liquidity are what's gonna really tap into now large trading funds and working off a one minute
216 00:38:41,369 --> 00:38:48,929 chart, I will grant you that some of your just chickenhead Oh, they don't venture. I never really said that. But I already know what you're thinking. So
217 00:38:49,829 --> 00:39:00,119 if we know that they're going to likely run to 123. And they have a real quick run like this. Usually it's going to be in two stages. You have the
218 00:39:00,119 --> 00:39:06,719 consolidation and runs up initially. Then you have the retracement. Wait, I'm going to sell short here just to prove that I know what I'm doing. And then
219 00:39:06,719 --> 00:39:16,049 buying it back on a limit down here with the expectation of running 123 big figure. I knew 123 is high probability and also knew he was a really, really
220 00:39:16,049 --> 00:39:24,119 high probability because of the high that they left here. People are going to see that spike up and they see that wick and all of a sudden they go out there,
221 00:39:24,149 --> 00:39:31,439 Steve Nielsen, book, candlesticks, and all going else and they think that it's too high. And they're going to be going short in here. With your stop loss above
222 00:39:31,439 --> 00:39:41,999 this initial high. That point of liquidity creates a pocket of willing buyers. Well that's exactly what I want to tap into because I'm bought down here. So I'm
223 00:39:41,999 --> 00:39:52,319 going to have a ability to give my long way to somebody that will likely wants to buy it at a higher price. So those buy stocks that they sold short here
224 00:39:52,379 --> 00:40:00,299 they're protected by stock is a mechanism to protect them from a larger loss. They think if this high is taken out, they're wrong to their plan. They're
225 00:40:00,329 --> 00:40:12,089 willful order to buy the market covering their short position. This is the premise to reading the tape. It builds a narrative understanding what's going on
226 00:40:12,089 --> 00:40:20,249 who's at play who, who's in the market right now, who stands to lose money and who's making money right now, that's always the questions that's going through
227 00:40:20,249 --> 00:40:35,759 my mind all the time, as I'm watching price. I sold to those buy stuffs, and then I also sold short. To those buy stuffs, I used this pool of liquidity above
228 00:40:35,759 --> 00:40:47,069 this high above the big finger on both sides of the coin. I use it to exit my long and then I went short on limit. As price broke this swing low here, that's
229 00:40:47,069 --> 00:40:59,129 a break in market structure, I teach that this initial rally here, that's your low risk. So what makes it a low risk. So the narrative is already in play. They
230 00:40:59,129 --> 00:41:08,279 ran the stops here, consolidation, everybody now that's long has their stop below these equal lows. That's what I'm going to target next. From my initial
231 00:41:08,279 --> 00:41:11,639 short, and in my low risk entry for selling short.
232 00:41:13,260 --> 00:41:22,620 You can see my entry here. And then the exit point is right at these equal lows simply because anything else down here teaches mentorship level. But all the
233 00:41:22,620 --> 00:41:33,270 things I just taught here is basically all free level content. Now, there's other levels in here that I have not commented on. And that is the 122 80 and
234 00:41:33,270 --> 00:41:42,720 then 122 90 level. Whenever we have a level that's round number, like 123, you commonly hear referred to as a psychological level. And there's really nothing
235 00:41:42,720 --> 00:41:53,580 psychological about it. It's a matter of layered liquidity. Okay, so what I mean by that, there's orders like I just told you, I tapped into exiting and entering
236 00:41:53,580 --> 00:42:05,850 one, because big figure 123 is the level that most people want to trade at. But larger traders like to work their orders just beyond that big figure because of
237 00:42:05,850 --> 00:42:16,530 what I just explained over here. And working with the liquidity and the narrative that's built around this particular fractal in GBP USD. So selling
238 00:42:16,530 --> 00:42:27,120 above 123, big figure, that would have been a specific setup that I teach, that's trading the big figure. Having a low resistance liquidity run, which is
239 00:42:27,120 --> 00:42:35,130 what I teach in month one of my mentorship. That is the basis of hitting the ground running as a trader, if you have no understanding of how to find
240 00:42:35,130 --> 00:42:45,480 consistency in trading, my first month in mentorship, that content will absolutely put you in a position where you'll see setups all the time. There's
241 00:42:45,510 --> 00:42:51,960 they're everywhere every single day. That's why I have a kind of like a trademark expression that's used on my Twitter feed all the time, which is every
242 00:42:51,960 --> 00:43:03,000 week, every day, and it won't stop. That's our trademark, that's our mentorship, you know, motto. I can find liquidity every single timeframe, every single
243 00:43:03,000 --> 00:43:12,390 trading day in every single market or asset class. It's the same thing everywhere. It's not a it's a secret sauce only works in forex, it's not. I've
244 00:43:12,390 --> 00:43:21,030 done this stuff in bonds, I did this in the s&p 500. I traded in futures markets, currency markets, the corn market, pork bellies, when they used to
245 00:43:21,030 --> 00:43:30,840 trade I did all these same things in those markets. Okay, so don't think that I'm just a one trick pony, or these concepts only apply to forex, because they
246 00:43:30,870 --> 00:43:42,330 don't, they're completely universal. So by having this view on price, I know that the 120 to 80 level is going to be orders down there. Why? Because that's
247 00:43:42,330 --> 00:43:57,270 an institutional price level that large traders, large bank traders and order flow will reside around that at level 123 20, which doesn't exist here could be
248 00:43:57,270 --> 00:44:05,850 the next run, they go above if they take these highs out here, that will be the level that would be reasonable to anticipate as a upside draw on liquidity,
249 00:44:06,180 --> 00:44:18,750 because this pool of liquidity has been already purged. What resides now is the non existent price delivery at the moment of this recording of 123 20. And I'm
250 00:44:18,750 --> 00:44:35,100 just going to put this in here from odonates. Sadly, I have it for study too. I do this as well. I teach my students to take screen captures and preserve
251 00:44:35,130 --> 00:44:48,120 moments before and I'm doing that now. That's in my clipboard. So haven't might need it when I post it later on to my notes for later on. Alright, so we have
252 00:44:48,180 --> 00:44:58,440 below these equal lows. We have sell side liquidity and what is that at sell stops. Okay, so we have a pool of liquidity that's been built up with a willing
253 00:44:58,440 --> 00:45:09,570 participants Wanting to sell at lower prices when price was up here, below these levels, there's someone that's long. So that collective group, which I don't
254 00:45:09,570 --> 00:45:18,090 care to know who they are, I didn't know that there are people long. They did not cause the buying pressure. Okay. Okay, this is all repricing. This is
255 00:45:18,090 --> 00:45:31,320 algorithmic, this occurs because the price delivery from the central bank is always constantly moving up and down, up and down. And the algorithm works on a
256 00:45:31,320 --> 00:45:44,220 time basis. Okay, time and price. Where has it been in recent time? Well, it's been here. So once it's moved away, and it creates this run in price begins to
257 00:45:44,220 --> 00:45:55,200 spool out creates pours price action in here, it will want to come back and rebalance that at logical levels. And then reprice higher to attack the highs
258 00:45:55,200 --> 00:46:06,420 above here, the algorithm that does not really see your stop, okay? Now my say the markets run your stop. It's autonomous. It's not completely
259 00:46:07,739 --> 00:46:17,819 what it used to be, where manually, people would literally say, Okay, this is where the next price is going to be at. Right now. It's algorithmically in in
260 00:46:17,819 --> 00:46:26,549 prices delivered that way, manually, any time, the central banks can come in and reprice and do whatever they want to do, because it's their commodity prices,
261 00:46:26,549 --> 00:46:35,669 their product, they have control over it, you can argue about that all you want, this market is too big to be manipulated all that stuff, that garbage that's you
262 00:46:35,699 --> 00:46:45,719 promoted in this industry, it's nonsense. Because if anything like that was true, I wouldn't be this precise. And it wouldn't be week after week, day after
263 00:46:45,719 --> 00:46:56,399 day example, after example, this type of precision, you don't get this unless you understand how prices are delivered from an algorithmic stance. From up
264 00:46:56,399 --> 00:47:10,079 here, and here, I'm targeting willing participants that want to sell to GBP USD, at that low price. Now, when they bought long in here, they're not thinking I
265 00:47:10,079 --> 00:47:19,949 would love to sell GBP USD down here. That's not what they want. They don't want to do that. It's just a protective mechanism, their stop loss. But the market
266 00:47:19,949 --> 00:47:29,009 efficiency paradigm, which is what I teach as a collective, what price is up here, I'm not thinking it's going to keep going higher, I'm not looking at this
267 00:47:29,009 --> 00:47:40,199 as some kind of early stage of a 123, or some kind of a measured move, I'm not looking at any of that stuff, I'm looking at the liquidity that resides or
268 00:47:40,199 --> 00:47:50,849 resided above 123. And I seen this over here and said, Okay, this is a no brainer, I'm gonna sell short here and here and attack that liquidity right
269 00:47:50,849 --> 00:48:00,989 here. Because it's obvious. It's equal lows. I teach this, candidly, publicly on Twitter, every single day, something is making these equal highs and equal lows.
270 00:48:01,259 --> 00:48:11,609 And I attack that I don't look at this as a buy, because it's a double bottom, I look at that as this is fresh meat. This is a victim waiting to bleed out. Now
271 00:48:11,609 --> 00:48:21,059 that may be a little graphic, it may be a little, maybe a little concerning for some of the sensitive folks. But I view the market with a predator mindset. I
272 00:48:21,059 --> 00:48:28,889 don't care about your feelings. And I don't care if you're upset if you lose your money. And the other side of that trade. That's this business. And if
273 00:48:28,889 --> 00:48:36,059 you're not prepared for that, you're in the wrong industry, you got to get out of here, because it's going to eat your lunch, it's going to hurt your feelings,
274 00:48:36,149 --> 00:48:42,449 it's going to dash your hopes, it's going to be hard, you're going to struggle, and it's going to feel like you're never getting it unless you learn from
275 00:48:42,449 --> 00:48:52,139 someone that knows what they're doing. Between these equal lows and the level 123. There are specific price levels, and we round them to the nearest 10th
276 00:48:52,139 --> 00:49:03,509 level. And that's 2280 and 2290. The reasons why just as we mentioned here, the liquidity that would rescue me between these blows, right below was 122 70. And
277 00:49:03,509 --> 00:49:16,289 in 123, you have 1.2 90, which they will have orders in there as well. And you can see the order flow around that price level 2018. Same thing, really nice by
278 00:49:16,319 --> 00:49:33,089 keying off of that. You see my feels and then run above the liquidity for 123. I saw liquidity. The expansion that took place here, it's creeping lower creeping
279 00:49:33,089 --> 00:49:44,669 lower creeping lower this type of formation where it's elongated and spread out over time. This is only because it's on such a short timeframe one minute, the
280 00:49:44,669 --> 00:49:55,409 larger the timeframe, the more I guess compressed these, these moments like this, this in this that's generally what you would see one more level of all
281 00:49:55,409 --> 00:50:10,229 this elongated controlling price between The high here and the low in here. All of this would be really, in maybe, maybe three or four or five candles, not so
282 00:50:10,229 --> 00:50:21,209 many candles here. Okay, so the only thing that would subscribe to in view of orderflow only one minute chart is because of the element of time being one
283 00:50:21,209 --> 00:50:34,289 minute. It only thing it does is it distorts, if you will, the measure of amount of time, it stays in the fractal. So what I mean by that is how much time did it
284 00:50:34,289 --> 00:50:41,099 stay in this little consolidation before it expanded up, how much time to spend in its consolidation on paper before broke down, how much time you spend in this
285 00:50:41,099 --> 00:50:51,209 consolidation before we broke down. When you're in a lower lower timeframes, like five minute, one minute, the part that builds the next move before it
286 00:50:51,209 --> 00:50:58,529 expands higher or lower, whether you're losing the market maker, buy or sell model, this is again, so much what makes it a sell model is they can they
287 00:50:58,529 --> 00:51:02,879 consolidate price, they hold their to allow sentiment to build
288 00:51:04,469 --> 00:51:13,949 breakout artists, breakout artists, so they reward the buyers here. So that way they can put their stop loss down here that builds in or engineers liquidity. So
289 00:51:13,949 --> 00:51:21,299 when they run up to that 123 big figure, smart money and people like myself that are waiting for that to go short, we know that this is the move it's going to be
290 00:51:21,299 --> 00:51:31,199 running on this is the area of liquidity that this run will tap into at a later time, the measure of time will be again skewed on a lower one minute chart
291 00:51:31,199 --> 00:51:41,609 because of it's a one minute chart, price is not moving because of one minute or five minutes, 15 minutes, 60 minute, 30 minute, three minute 62nd tick chart, it
292 00:51:41,609 --> 00:51:52,859 has nothing to do with it. It's just giving you a visual representation of where it's at right now in respect to what has traded in the past. Okay, so when we
293 00:51:52,859 --> 00:52:01,529 have an understanding of order flow and how we understand open float, and we understand what the narrative is, and what they're building, why should they
294 00:52:01,529 --> 00:52:10,919 take price to certain levels? And what did they leave intact? That's this, okay. When you understand that you're not caught off guard, you're not surprised
295 00:52:10,919 --> 00:52:22,979 you're not confused. You're, you're focused, you know exactly what you're looking for. You're not trying to chase price, nothing in here is chasing price
296 00:52:22,979 --> 00:52:33,599 this is, this is exactly what a trader wants to know. Okay, I want to first step down on the scenes with baby pips calm. I went to that forum in 2010. And just
297 00:52:33,599 --> 00:52:43,439 said, Look, I know what you're looking for. I know, I know exactly what you as a developing trader want to know. And I know the things that you don't even know
298 00:52:43,439 --> 00:52:56,099 you want to know yet. That's how far ahead of the curve I am. Now, it's not I'm not here to, I'm not here to beat my chest. I'm just here to be the other side
299 00:52:56,099 --> 00:53:04,559 of the coin. When these folks that are supposed to professionals, get out there and post videos on YouTube and say that lower timeframes are just noise and
300 00:53:04,559 --> 00:53:12,869 anyone that tells you they can time the market when these lower timeframes as a con man, they're a liar and run away. Okay, let's look at the actual Phil's
301 00:53:12,869 --> 00:53:24,029 here. Right? This is the part that everybody likes to worry about here. Okay. And I did this today because it's on YouTube. And I'm satisfying the little itch
302 00:53:24,029 --> 00:53:32,999 that these guys usually the younger guys, like the 20 year old or so, they like to see these numbers here. And these, this is the least important. Okay, this is
303 00:53:32,999 --> 00:53:45,599 the least important. I want you to focus on the prices, okay, these prices, and how we move from these price points up here. Okay, from here,
304 00:53:48,450 --> 00:53:49,110 to here.
305 00:53:50,460 --> 00:54:08,820 And from here. And here. And here. Okay. So it's not, it's not meant to say Look how smart I am. And look how much money I'm making. Because I've illustrated
306 00:54:08,820 --> 00:54:18,060 this with a demo account. I'm very clear about this as an educator, because in the United States, we have governing bodies that are very, very motivated to
307 00:54:18,060 --> 00:54:30,360 protect people from scam artists from Ponzi schemes and from people that would otherwise hurt you. My intentions are not to hurt you. I want you to be
308 00:54:30,360 --> 00:54:40,410 stimulated to learn more about this. And it doesn't really necessarily mean that you join my mentorship because joining the mentorship cost money, you have to
309 00:54:40,410 --> 00:54:52,830 pay $155 for 12 months, and then you pay $150 conversion fee. And that's it. It doesn't happen anymore. You don't pay anymore. I had to raise the money or
310 00:54:52,830 --> 00:55:00,480 charge for it. But because PayPal has increased after three years working with them. They're the only payment processor that I use. So it's you Can't do
311 00:55:00,480 --> 00:55:12,420 PayPal, you can't be part of my mentorship, and I apologize. But it's just the way it is I'm sorry. So once you are in the mentorship, and you pay your 12
312 00:55:12,420 --> 00:55:22,560 months, and you pay your charter conversion fee, that means you're done paying, but you have access to everything that you paid for. and ongoing education, and
313 00:55:22,560 --> 00:55:30,930 you're part of the community, I am not a for life membership, you don't keep paying me forever, just to be a part of the group. But you do have to pay for
314 00:55:30,930 --> 00:55:39,990 your seat. Your seat is the charter seat charter is continued learning without having to pay for it. I have people that joined in 2016, their charter members,
315 00:55:40,140 --> 00:55:49,440 they have not paid me a dime, since they paid for the conversion fee and charter membership has done it. That's just that's what you're paying for you're paying
316 00:55:49,650 --> 00:56:01,110 to be part of my community. And I talk about what the markets are going to most likely do outline things that will possibly unfold. And I'll leave it up to you
317 00:56:01,110 --> 00:56:10,830 to decide I have a lot of people that are in my mentorship, a lot of people. And they will tell you in the comments that I'm lying, if I tell you that we are in
318 00:56:10,830 --> 00:56:22,020 a 90% bracket in terms of our long term analysis, and the suggested outlines that would price should move. I do this on an hourly chart and on a 15 minute
319 00:56:22,020 --> 00:56:29,760 chart and on a daily chart, you're looking at me doing it on a one minute chart. The problem with this is going to be some of you that have been in this industry
320 00:56:29,760 --> 00:56:43,560 for a while know that the scams that associate themselves with using. I just had a guy mention it on on Twitter. And I don't know if I'm using a strategy tester
321 00:56:43,830 --> 00:56:53,910 or something to effect these moves. Okay, or done on a one minute chart. But it's the same thing that I do an outline on a 15 minute chart, an hourly chart,
322 00:56:53,970 --> 00:57:02,760 and on a daily chart, and I only do two videos per week. I do it on Wednesday, and on Friday. And when you're doing that level of higher timeframe analysis and
323 00:57:02,760 --> 00:57:13,350 it still unfolds to the PIP. There's no back testing strategy tester that I can't do that, that you're talking about time travel now. Okay. All I did by
324 00:57:13,350 --> 00:57:24,900 using the one minute chart here is answer rather is to answer it in a very convincing fashion, I believe that there's really not noise on this timeframe,
325 00:57:24,930 --> 00:57:35,460 it's the same thing price is going to be the same on all timeframes. Like when you're looking at price action, and it's saying that it's offering price at
326 00:57:35,460 --> 00:57:45,390 122 93. Okay, everyone's chart platform is going to be really close to that 122 93, there's going to be slightly different variants, because of brokers,
327 00:57:45,450 --> 00:57:58,470 offering spreads, and spreads are going to vary across brokers. This price delivery, it doesn't make a difference. It does not make a difference, what
328 00:57:58,530 --> 00:58:09,390 timeframe you're using, because prices price, if you look at price, going your own. Okay. And this is what this is one of the paradigm shifts that took place
329 00:58:09,390 --> 00:58:18,390 for me, because I was always trying to seek the best timeframe, which is the timeframe that banks are using right now. That was my initial question I put in
330 00:58:18,390 --> 00:58:26,040 my trading journals back in the 90s. Because I wanted to know what timeframe they were using, because if I could use that timeframe, shoot, I would have it
331 00:58:26,040 --> 00:58:33,750 all figured out then because I knew how I'm doing the bull flags and the trend lines and the head and shoulders. All that stuff. That doesn't work. Okay, my
332 00:58:33,750 --> 00:58:35,460 view back then was, you know, it's
333 00:58:35,459 --> 00:58:42,749 the timeframe. That's got to be it. That's the timeframe. The banks. I was every week, I was changing my mind about what was the right thing, the secret sauce.
334 00:58:43,859 --> 00:58:55,379 And its liquidity. That's the thing that's outside of your chart that makes this whole thing work. It's where the money is, okay? Where are the orders? Because
335 00:58:55,379 --> 00:59:06,059 if you understand that, you won't be tripped up by any of these goober patterns, okay, that people break books and sell courses about that has no basis for why
336 00:59:06,059 --> 00:59:17,129 price is going up and down has nothing to do with why prices moving. But it sells books. It feels Mehmed our seats and workshops on the weekend. Everybody
337 00:59:17,159 --> 00:59:29,459 dog piles in that kind of stuff, because they think they're getting something of value. And they're just getting one more gimmick that doesn't hold water. So
338 00:59:30,869 --> 00:59:45,599 what did you learn here today? Well, probably not a whole lot. But this is just to instigate a moment in time for you to decide whether or not there's any
339 00:59:45,599 --> 00:59:56,309 validity to the things I talked about. years, hundreds of hours of videos that are available in free format. It doesn't cost you any money to see if I'm full
340 00:59:56,309 --> 01:00:04,949 of crap or not. Just because I'm doing this And I wasn't telling you before it happened because I do not give signal services. I do not tell people in the
341 01:00:04,949 --> 01:00:12,779 mentorship. We're going to buy here we're going to sell here, I tell them where the markets going to go. In my course material, I teach how to pull out the
342 01:00:12,779 --> 01:00:25,889 system, the signal that setup the pattern, the take profit, where the stock goes all that is in the teachings. I play spotter, you're the sniper, I point, you
343 01:00:25,889 --> 01:00:33,899 shoot, you learn that way. You don't learn by me saying, All right, I'm buying here, Everybody put your stock round, put my stuff, right, put your take profit,
344 01:00:33,899 --> 01:00:42,959 right, that that's not mentorship. That's not what I do. That's not what I do at all, on Wednesday, and midweek, let me say it that way, at the end of the week,
345 01:00:43,199 --> 01:00:52,079 okay, usually on a Friday or Saturday, I do a weekly review. And I talk about what we saw transpire in paying out or what's left in the marketplace to still
346 01:00:52,079 --> 01:01:00,389 likely pan out. Or I will tell you, I need more information. And I'm waiting for Monday's trading. And then I'll update the group if there's something that is of
347 01:01:00,389 --> 01:01:10,919 importance. Otherwise, on Wednesday, midweek, I do our midweek review. And again I talk about what has happened. And then I outline what reasons are in play for
348 01:01:10,919 --> 01:01:17,909 the market to behave a certain way and trade up to a specific level or down to a specific level. And what conditions would be there to negate either one of those
349 01:01:17,909 --> 01:01:26,609 things, I do not go in there and say, Here's scenario a, okay? And if it does this, I'm gonna look smart. And I don't say here's scenario B. And if it works
350 01:01:26,609 --> 01:01:39,239 out like that, I'm smart, I tell you exactly what side of the the market I'm favoring. And, again, if I'm lying, my mentorship group is welcome in the
351 01:01:39,239 --> 01:01:49,439 comment section to say, I'm exaggerating that I'm lying, that I'm misrepresenting, they are welcome to do so. But if I'm not lying, and you don't
352 01:01:49,439 --> 01:01:58,439 see a flood of people, and I'm not gonna be deleting comments in the comment section, from people that are saying that their mentorship level, because if
353 01:01:58,439 --> 01:02:06,839 they come in and say their mentorship level, and they say I'm embellishing on the truth here, the other members will come in and say that they're lying, okay,
354 01:02:06,839 --> 01:02:14,489 so I'm not going to be deleting anything. So nonetheless, you don't have to like me as a person. Okay, I've never been here to try to be everyone's friend, I
355 01:02:14,489 --> 01:02:26,579 came out just to answer all of the bull that is on baby pips back then. And still to this day, the things that you are fed as a steady diet in learning how
356 01:02:26,579 --> 01:02:44,009 to trade, how to invest, how to make money, what things work in the marketplace, I'm telling you 99.99999% of it is bull, it will lose money, you will lose money
357 01:02:44,339 --> 01:02:52,979 in the time that you do when you're going to falsely attribute it to skill or your system. And it had nothing to do with it. Nothing to do with it prices
358 01:02:52,979 --> 01:03:01,019 doing what it does, from an algorithmic standpoint, and it's pre-determined, it's all buy time and price. And I don't care. If you don't believe me, I don't
359 01:03:01,019 --> 01:03:11,099 care. I make a living at this, okay, I predict this stuff every single week, every single week, and I show examples of it every single week on Twitter, and
360 01:03:11,099 --> 01:03:17,999 it costs you nothing, but it's simple look at it. And here it is. Most of my videos are 45 seconds long. And it's done.
361 01:03:18,299 --> 01:03:28,589 My rants, they could be a little bit long. But the things I tweet are generally answers to emails. Okay, so I don't have a whole lot of time. And most of my
362 01:03:28,589 --> 01:03:37,499 responses, if I do respond by email is very short, much like a tweet. Okay, very short to the point. I try not to have long, lengthy conversations, like some of
363 01:03:37,499 --> 01:03:46,799 the rather we do with you an email, I just don't have the luxury of time. And most of the time when I'm tweeting, out and about. And I'm doing that while I'm
364 01:03:46,799 --> 01:03:56,789 doing other things. So I'm not sitting home, in my basement, okay, in the dark. With the Marvel character posters around me and popcorn kernels on the floor,
365 01:03:56,789 --> 01:04:06,629 and potato chips all broken up in my lap. I'm literally doing other things, I'm walking somewhere, I'm out and about waiting for my lunch to be served to me or
366 01:04:06,629 --> 01:04:17,249 I'm going out to dinner and I'm waiting for that. I'm doing other things when I'm doing it. So just know that there are things that you're going to learn with
367 01:04:17,249 --> 01:04:29,069 me, that's going to be unsettling. Because I'm going to ruffle your feathers and really challenge your tried and trued love of a certain style of a certain
368 01:04:29,069 --> 01:04:37,979 mentor, a certain approach to trading. I'm going to upset that. And I'm telling you, I'm going to do it ahead of time and I'm telling you also i'm not
369 01:04:37,979 --> 01:04:50,849 apologizing for it. Because if I could go back in time, I want to know the things I tell you all. I would love to have been told and shown example after
370 01:04:50,849 --> 01:04:59,999 example from someone that knows how to do this. That would have saved me fortunes. It would have saved me peace of mind. It would have saved me money.
371 01:04:59,999 --> 01:05:10,979 relationships, able to save me my health. Those are the problems that you're going to get. If you don't listen, if you just want to go through this world and
372 01:05:11,429 --> 01:05:20,969 invest in feel like you're smart, and you figured it all out, well be my guest. There's people that make money and not trade, but I do. I'm not oblivious to
373 01:05:20,969 --> 01:05:32,249 that I know that occurs. But if we were sitting in a one on one, and compare and contrast notes and experiences, I can tell you that I don't feel any of those
374 01:05:32,249 --> 01:05:43,199 things that you're going to tell me you feel, I don't have any of those adversities, I don't have any of the confusion, I don't have any of the doubts.
375 01:05:43,829 --> 01:05:54,149 I don't have any of that stuff. I know exactly what I'm doing, when I'm going to do it, and why I know what I can do in price action. And I also know, when
376 01:05:54,149 --> 01:06:07,919 there's times in the marketplace, I'm just really not interested in most people, most people don't have that level of confidence, which is very, very frequently
377 01:06:08,549 --> 01:06:18,419 viewed as arrogance. And it's not arrogance, it's just confidence. And once you learn how to do it effectively, yourself, you will know what it means to be this
378 01:06:18,419 --> 01:06:28,709 confident. It's not arrogance, it's not pomp, it's literally knowing what you're doing. Are you a pompous, arrogant person, because you know how to do your job
379 01:06:28,709 --> 01:06:35,939 and you go to every day, when people come in to visit, they see you doing a job? Are you arrogant? Because you're doing it right? And you understand why you're
380 01:06:35,939 --> 01:06:45,359 doing everything you're doing? No, of course not. You're versed, you are initiated, you know what you're doing. Outwardly people that watch me and he
381 01:06:45,359 --> 01:06:55,259 listened to me, they you know, either I'm going to be loved by you, or I'm going to be like fingernails on a chalkboard, it's going to be just irritating. I'm
382 01:06:55,259 --> 01:07:04,589 okay with either one of them. Because it doesn't take away from me, I still do what I'm going to do. And there's nothing changing it. I know any given day of
383 01:07:04,589 --> 01:07:12,749 the week, I can go in and do what I'm doing here. Every single day, I just don't have the time to do it every single day because I'm doing every other thing that
384 01:07:12,749 --> 01:07:24,539 makes me a father, a husband, a brother, a friend, and mentor, and I'm running businesses. So I do all these things when time is allowing me to do so there's a
385 01:07:24,539 --> 01:07:32,429 lot of things you're gonna read about me on internet, if you listen and do a lot of research. Some will say that I can't trade. Some will say that I back out of
386 01:07:32,699 --> 01:07:42,179 trading contest. Some will say I blew accounts, all that stuff was when I was trolling and trying to be fun, and just not taking myself serious. In recent
387 01:07:42,209 --> 01:07:52,259 months, last 19 months, I have been all business on social media and showing exactly what I've always been able to do. And I had I have to do that because
388 01:07:52,319 --> 01:08:02,189 I'm running a business. Before that, you know, I could be taken as a comic online, okay. And don't be taking me serious on it. Like I had fun.
389 01:08:03,329 --> 01:08:11,669 But I want you to really, if you're going to take the time, balance everything. Don't just take someone's opinion about me. dig into it yourself. And you see,
390 01:08:12,419 --> 01:08:20,549 because I promise you, you will learn things that no one will teach you anywhere else. I'll talk to you next time. wish good luck in your trading.