ICT Charter PAM 6 - Amplified Lesson

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2024-02-09 09:35


00:00 - Price action modeling and fractals.

- ICT builds on model 6 by adding fractal analysis for sell-side low resistance liquidity runs.
- ICT explains how the Go twos model resonates with him as a trader, building on experience and understanding market predispositions to rally.

04:09 - Market analysis and trading strategies.

- ICT identifies potential setups by analyzing market action on higher timeframes and setting entry patterns on lower timeframes.
- ICT discusses the fair value pattern in trading, which can be a fair value gap, filling liquidity, or running sell stops.
- High-probability conditions are sought in the market, with the goal of identifying where the market is likely to reach and then framing that relative to the fair value pattern.

09:32 - Market maker sell model and price swings.

- Market maker sell model creates two buying opportunities on higher timeframes.
- ICT is analyzing the market to identify potential price swings and trading opportunities.
- Focusing on the buy side of the curve, ICT anticipates a rally followed by a sell off, and provides a modular approach to understanding the fractal.

15:03 - Technical analysis and trading opportunities.

- ICT explains that the first buying opportunity after a price swing may occur when the market reaches 20-30% of the anticipated range, and provides examples of different types of price swings and accumulation areas.
- ICT emphasizes the importance of identifying the initial buying opportunity after a price swing, and how it may be higher than anticipated once it starts to trade up.
- ICT explains that if the price action reaches the anticipated low or termini, it can be broken down into four equal quadrants, providing a potential buying opportunity.
- The market maker sell model can be used to identify a selling opportunity if the price breaks down below the second stage of re accumulation, reaching for cell stops below stage one regulation.

20:13 - Using weekly price swings for trading opportunities.

- Identify potential one-shot one-kill opportunities on the weekly timeframe and trade accordingly.
- ICT: Position trading opportunity as market breaks down.

24:29 - Technical analysis and trading strategies.

- The speaker discusses using the ICT market maker buy and sell models to anticipate price movements and identify potential trading opportunities.
- The speaker highlights the importance of incorporating lower timeframe analysis (15-minute and 60-minute) to confirm potential trading setups and avoid false signals.
- ICT explains how to identify bullish institutional flow on a 4-hour chart by analyzing candle support and breakouts.

28:43 - Market maker model and price action analysis.

- ICT expects price to reach a fair value gap or sell stops in the consolidation area, potentially leading to a market reversal.
- If price rallies and stops in the 60-minute timeframe, there is a strong likelihood of the market not running the sell stops.
- The speaker discusses the potential for a last push in a price move, followed by a rapid acceleration to the Terminus.
- The speaker identifies a discount rate where price may reverse, creating a smart money reversal opportunity.

35:31 - Market maker models and trading opportunities.

- ICT explains how to identify and trade price swings using a two-stage accumulation model, with stages one and two accumulating short positions and setting up buying opportunities.
- ICT provides examples of how to use the model to determine the number of stages and the location of the Terminus, and how to filter trades based on the model's predictions.
- Trader identifies buying opportunities by analyzing redistribution areas on the sell side of the curve.
- Analyze old data to identify market maker sell models in various assets.


00:00:00 --> 00:00:12 ICT: Hey folks, welcome back. Alright, certainly part two, and somewhat of a re visiting the initial lesson. So while it does say here in the title, price
00:00:12 --> 00:00:24 action model number six, universal trading model, this is like 6.1. Okay, so it's like an addition or amplification of what was already shown to you, you
00:00:24 --> 00:00:34 should have gone through your charts looking for examples of what was taught in the preliminary lesson for model number six. But I'm going to build on that
00:00:34 --> 00:00:47 today and give you a little bit more insights on how we look for the fractals within the larger hole, break them down so that we have a concise approach on
00:00:47 --> 00:01:04 how you pair the timeframes within the fractal, and frame out low resistance liquidity runs within that information. Gather review, the buyside low
00:01:04 --> 00:01:18 resistance liquidity runs and fractals the stages a liquidity draw, that means we have to know where price is reaching up to. And this model is like my go to
00:01:18 --> 00:01:31 all the time. Because I started as a trader with the commodity markets, and I didn't understand short selling, I focused primarily on buying only. So since
00:01:32 --> 00:01:42 that's where I started it, I set my roots very deep in the marketplace in terms of being a buyer of assets versus short seller, not that can't short. So you've
00:01:42 --> 00:01:52 seen many examples of that. And my content teaches how to do that. And model number six is just a diametrically opposed view of what's been taught in six. So
10 00:01:52 --> 00:01:59 we'll be looking at the sell side, low resistance to quality runs in fractals for model number seven, so that we can kind of like, anticipate what's coming,
11 00:01:59 --> 00:02:18 that's what it is. But the Go twos, aspects of this model, it resonates with me as a trader, because it builds on a lot of experience, because I started as a
12 00:02:18 --> 00:02:29 buyer only didn't want a short sale if they didn't understand it, and I was afraid of it back in the 90s. But understanding that markets are predisposed to
13 00:02:29 --> 00:02:46 rally because it's been drawn in as a an asset of demand or interest or people wanting to be a participant in it. And most of the time, that's going to be
14 00:02:46 --> 00:03:01 viewed in the form of accumulating a long position. The common layperson that's not an active trader, they understand the concept of buying a share of stock,
15 00:03:01 --> 00:03:12 and hopefully seeing it appreciate and share value. And in therefore making a profit. The lay person generally doesn't understand shorting something that you
16 00:03:12 --> 00:03:24 don't own, and buying it back at a later time at a lower price and then profiting that we do that transaction all the time. In our real day to day life.
17 00:03:24 --> 00:03:36 The short selling we did short selling the whole time. But the concept of investing, and short selling is alien. Okay, so that's why I started with this
18 00:03:36 --> 00:03:47 one first, before I did the sell side load resistance Akali runs with fractals, because it's like I said, it resonates with me. And if you see a lot of the
19 00:03:47 --> 00:03:59 examples I show I'm doing that very thing. We go back and look at the sample size of all examples, either on like when I was doing formwork and Sharon back
20 00:03:59 --> 00:04:12 in 2010 Predominantly, it was majority of it was buying. Because when I go into marketplace, I'm looking for reasons for to rally. Okay? Not because I'm a perma
21 00:04:12 --> 00:04:22 bull, because, you know, I can't find short selling opportunities because you guys knew that can. It's just I know, that's predominantly what the markets
22 00:04:22 --> 00:04:35 going to entice participants to do buy into it. Okay, so I don't need to be in the positions or transaction very long to see a profit and you're going to see
23 00:04:35 --> 00:04:45 how we can break down the market from a fractal standpoint and use the information with low resistance liquidity runs. But initially we have to know
24 00:04:45 --> 00:04:58 what the drawl is on liquidity. In other words, where is price right now? And where is it most likely reaching up to? Okay. It may be a move that's underway
25 00:04:58 --> 00:05:08 presently, that you just identified and maybe late to the party and you don't have the lowest entry point for the maximum reward, and it's not necessary. It's
26 00:05:08 --> 00:05:20 not required to define profitable setups. But we do look for where the market is right now at current market action price to where it may reach to. So we're
27 00:05:20 --> 00:05:33 looking for a targeted premium array. So where's the market trying to reach up to relative to a higher timeframe, now the higher timeframe is going to be the
28 00:05:33 --> 00:05:45 stage. Okay, the setup is going to be on your lower timeframe behind that, in other words, if we're looking at, for instance, a weekly chart for our
29 00:05:45 --> 00:05:58 liquidity, draw for stage, our setups going to occur on the daily chart. And our entry pattern will be found on the four hour. Okay, so that's how we break it
30 00:05:58 --> 00:06:13 down within fractal format. And we frame out by site low resistance liquidity runs, the setup is going to be a buy side. Liquidity draw on words, buy stocks,
31 00:06:14 --> 00:06:26 within a market maker profile. Now, it's generically classified here as just a market maker profile. Because we can find by setups universally, in both a
32 00:06:26 --> 00:06:34 market maker buy or a market maker sell model, it's either or doesn't make a difference. And I'm going to kind of cover that today. And then the pattern
33 00:06:34 --> 00:06:43 itself we're looking for is fair value. Now, before we get into it, just in your notes, the fair value pattern is either going to be in the form of a fair value
34 00:06:43 --> 00:06:55 gap, filling in liquidity, void, or running, sell stops. Okay, all three of those are fair value, you can't get any fairer than running out sell stops and
35 00:06:55 --> 00:07:06 buying them up. You obviously know the value of buying a gap that's filled, and or illiquidity void that's filled. Okay, so our pattern is one of those three
36 00:07:06 --> 00:07:17 things. So if fair value is up to you, and what you see on the chart, some of the setups in the price action won't provide you a fair value gap or liquidity
37 00:07:17 --> 00:07:27 void. So what are you gonna be looking for, from wrong sell stops, okay, it's very easy to classify that, if it's a fair value gap, most likely won't go for
38 00:07:27 --> 00:07:35 the sell stops, it'll just go down, rebalance at the at the gap or the void. Once it closes it, it won't want to go below the low to take the sell stops,
39 00:07:35 --> 00:07:45 Jesse, if there was a recent run on sell stops, and the likelihood of them coming back once more to take our sell stops is less likely to occur can happen
40 00:07:45 --> 00:07:54 shorthand, but for your notes, and as a general rule of thumb, and it's all we really operate in is probabilities, there's no guarantee, you know, the things
41 00:07:54 --> 00:08:02 I'm teaching here is going to be 100%. In fact, I'm telling you, it's not gonna be 100%. But we're looking for high probability conditions. And this is going to
42 00:08:02 --> 00:08:14 help you frame that as those ideas. And I'm gonna breeze through this because this is the same information we had in the initial presentation of model number
43 00:08:14 --> 00:08:27 six, you guys can see these notes about again, I want to preface the real meat of the content is that you have to understand where the markets most likely
44 00:08:27 --> 00:08:37 going up to everyone knows, the market can reach up to a bearish order block. Not many times, that's just going to be the end of the move, and it may go in
45 00:08:37 --> 00:08:49 consolidation or retrace a little bit then continuing to higher forward looking for is the next most likely high probable premium array. Okay, on a higher
46 00:08:49 --> 00:08:58 timeframe, that may be a bearish order block, it may be a fair value gap that's above current market price or could be an old high that we anticipate seeing it
47 00:08:58 --> 00:09:09 run above. Okay, it's not important whether the long term higher timeframe move is gonna continue. That's not what's necessary. We just need to know where it's
48 00:09:09 --> 00:09:19 going to reach for and then we frame that out relative to the things we're talking about in this model. And again, obviously, you have to know are we at a
49 00:09:19 --> 00:09:36 current market price that would present a discount or re to propel or rally price up to that premium array or that buyside liquidity draw? Okay. Between
50 00:09:36 --> 00:09:48 those two points, we will be identifying one or two because we're looking at a market maker sell model initially here, okay. So the pattern or the setup, if
51 00:09:48 --> 00:09:49 you will, is
52 00:09:51 --> 00:10:01 the market maker sell model and run using the buy side of the curve? Okay, so before it turns and reverses everything to the left of the room. versal point is
53 00:10:01 --> 00:10:15 our range. Okay, so we're trading between where we believe there's a discount array, up to our targeted premium array. There may be two opportunities using
54 00:10:15 --> 00:10:29 the model as a mortgage. So model doesn't have to create two, but we will look for one, okay? Now in your notes, the higher timeframe, scenarios tend to have
55 00:10:29 --> 00:10:44 two stage or two opportunities to go long before it reaches the premium array. The lower timeframes tend to just go in one move up. Okay, so it goes your by
56 00:10:44 --> 00:10:51 your allies a little bit and then retraces one time, there's your initial buy, after the move has already started. And then it takes off and reaches for the
57 00:10:52 --> 00:11:07 the buy side liquidity pool. So if we're in a higher timeframe, we anticipate this fractal decree to buying opportunities. Again, we don't you want some force
58 00:11:07 --> 00:11:17 that as a all the time panacea. But from a rural based standpoint, looking back over many, many examples, the higher timeframe tends to give us two
59 00:11:17 --> 00:11:28 opportunities. So if you missed the initial one, then you have a secondary, many times on a higher timeframe to get a buying opportunity to reach for that higher
60 00:11:28 --> 00:11:37 timeframe premium array. So in other words, if this was, say, a weekly chart or a daily chart, or maybe even a four hour chart, generally you'll see two
61 00:11:37 --> 00:11:48 opportunities, anything less than four hour, it can create just one opportunity to get to the premium, right, and then it creates the reversal, okay, the market
62 00:11:48 --> 00:11:49 maker sell model will unfold.
63 00:11:55 --> 00:12:05 Okay, and obviously, we know, looking at the notes here, we've seen it before, but I just want to have a here for completeness sake. For now stick a little bit
64 00:12:05 --> 00:12:20 more information out of this fractal. When we look at this, what we're really gauging in the marketplace is the likelihood of a price swing up to go down,
65 00:12:20 --> 00:12:29 what we're looking at as an overall price swing is the market should rally up to create a selling opportunity. And then distribution should come in the
66 00:12:29 --> 00:12:40 marketplace, that we can participate in the rally up because we know what the level is, they're likely to reach for the creates a later term sell off. So if
67 00:12:40 --> 00:12:50 we know we're below that future, quote, unquote, resistance, that will create a selling opportunity, it's feasible for us to find an opportunity to go along.
68 00:12:51 --> 00:13:01 And if we can do that, then we can find an opportunity to trade or engage price action. We can be nimble, later on. And when it trades up to that bias that
69 00:13:01 --> 00:13:12 liquidity pool. If it trades that premium rang, we can see that as a selling opportunity as a later time. But for right now I'm teaching one section of the
70 00:13:13 --> 00:13:26 model and one aspect of the fractal. So try not to, you know, have all these questions about what happens when we go on the other side of the liquidity draw,
71 00:13:26 --> 00:13:37 is it going to be a sell off here, you already I'm already anticipating 50,000 questions when it's gonna come to me, okay, either by email, or Twitter, or
72 00:13:37 --> 00:13:46 direct message or whatever, and then asked me all about the sell side of the curve. And onwards after the reversal, stop trying to go ahead and stop trying
73 00:13:46 --> 00:13:56 to skip ahead and just focus on the modular approach I'm giving you. If you just focus on one piece at a time, you'll get the whole picture at the end. But if
74 00:13:56 --> 00:14:04 you try to do everything at one time, you're never gonna you're not gonna get it. And there's folks still in the mentorship that don't know how to find market
75 00:14:04 --> 00:14:15 maker buy models and some models. So I'm teaching you the very basic approach that gets you to that level of understanding where they will form and what to do
76 00:14:15 --> 00:14:29 with that information, how to engage price with it. So in essence, let's take a look at what's actually going on in this overall fractal. Essentially, what we
77 00:14:29 --> 00:14:44 have here is a price swing higher to go lower. Okay. So if you look at it like a bell curve, okay, I created this graph to kind of give you the the internal
78 00:14:44 --> 00:14:57 dialogue, how I see price swings, and we're going to use this model on a weekly basis. So we're anticipating a rally in the weekly chart that will form a later
79 00:14:58 --> 00:15:09 likely sell off Now our interest is only on the buy side of the curve. So everything to the left of this price swing, where it makes sense reversal to
80 00:15:09 --> 00:15:22 high in the buy side liquidity. The weekly charts range that you're looking at is where prices right now, or when could trade down into, it becomes a point of
81 00:15:22 --> 00:15:31 accumulation, that could be a bullish order block, it could be a fair value get that gets filled, that creates the Buying Opportunity. Initially, it could be an
82 00:15:31 --> 00:15:42 old low that we ran out in turtle soups, and starts to run higher. Primarily, we're looking for some measure of consolidation initially, and then around out
83 00:15:42 --> 00:15:56 of that consolidation, then we'll find hopefully, the first re accumulation price point in the impulse leg that leads to the buy sell equity pool, or
84 00:15:57 --> 00:16:11 premium array. The reason why I'm giving you different examples of what these PD arrays may be, is because every trading opportunity is going to be different.
85 00:16:11 --> 00:16:21 Okay, not every price swing is gonna have like I said, a bolt or pocket started off, it could be a bolo that's ran out, which is a turtle soup and just
86 00:16:21 --> 00:16:34 continuously runs from there. But once we see the setup, okay, where we may be looking for a run from this area here, which will be accumulation inside of a
87 00:16:34 --> 00:16:45 consolidation, if it leaves that area in this price point here, which is anywhere between 20 and 30% of the initial price swing, where we anticipate
88 00:16:45 --> 00:16:56 where we're at and where it may reach for. Okay, so now, the markets trading down here, the weekly chart has a fair value gap or bearish order block up here.
89 00:16:56 --> 00:17:06 Okay, wherever that price would be, conceptually, we're looking for the initial buying opportunity after it already starts to run. Okay, we don't need to be
90 00:17:06 --> 00:17:17 right down here. Once it starts to run between 20 and 30%, of that anticipated range, which is where we believe it is now. And where it may be reaching up to
91 00:17:17 --> 00:17:27 20 or 30% of that range. That's where the first buying opportunity is going to be. Okay. So the reason why I'm saying 20 to 30 is because it may be a little
92 00:17:27 --> 00:17:38 bit higher than we anticipate once it starts to trade up here. Okay, so think about how we learned about greeting price swings. If this is our low or
93 00:17:38 --> 00:17:48 anticipated point of origin, and our terminus, which is up here, whatever that range is, if we break that down into four equal quadrants, then we can go
94 00:17:48 --> 00:18:03 2550 75 In Terminus is 100%. But because Terminus may be a variable that's unknown, this is just the initial Terminus. This is what we frame the setup on.
95 00:18:03 --> 00:18:16 But it may change and evolve at a later time, based on what scenario unfolds over here at stage two of re accumulation. Okay, so just understand that there's
96 00:18:16 --> 00:18:26 a little bit of a gray area in there. And it's not to scare you, it's not to make it impossible, it just based on what you see in price action, we may only
97 00:18:26 --> 00:18:36 get that one stage of regulation and then it runs directly to Terminus. But if it runs up and fall short and starts to correct, you have a built in advantage
98 00:18:36 --> 00:18:46 because now you can start looking at projections. With the price swing and the fib on the retracement that takes place at stage two recent regulation that was
99 00:18:46 --> 00:18:59 a secondary buying opportunity. If the Fed projections, like 127 or 168 extensions on your fib, if they start aligning up here with that premium array
100 00:18:59 --> 00:19:10 for the buyside liquidity draw, then you know that this is a really good opportunity to be entering all along. And in reaching up to that price point. If
101 00:19:11 --> 00:19:20 we see price has already hit Terminus when a whole move that we didn't see maybe or maybe we participated in it, we don't we don't know I'm just giving you a
102 00:19:21 --> 00:19:32 range of ideas here. As price starts to break down. If it takes out the second level or second stage re accumulation on the left side of the curve or the my
103 00:19:32 --> 00:19:44 side of the curve of market makers so model if it breaks that down and trades below the first okay. What will happen is many times it will reach for the cell
104 00:19:44 --> 00:19:55 stops that would be resting rate below stage one regulation. So if this is a market maker sell model that becomes a buying opportunity. We're here. Okay.
105 00:19:56 --> 00:20:06 What we're reaching for is to sell stocks below. Stay Each one re accumulation. Okay, so just look directly across the curve, where's the low in here, once it
106 00:20:06 --> 00:20:15 takes that out, and then we'll probably resume and go higher. Okay, so that's the third opportunity using the market maker sell model. But looking for buys
107 00:20:15 --> 00:20:28 only. If we're looking at this opportunity on the timeframe of a weekly notice, I have your little notations here, you're gonna see this form one a daily, and
108 00:20:28 --> 00:20:39 or four hour. That's where these price swings are gonna occur. How you can use this information even further is if you're not comfortable with holding swing
109 00:20:39 --> 00:20:49 trades, or position trades, because this is what these contend to be. You can use the opportunities when price gets in these areas here. If you think price is
110 00:20:49 --> 00:21:00 going up here on a weekly, and you're down here, then what you can do is you can look for opportunities to be a buyer on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, when
111 00:21:00 --> 00:21:12 price is between this price point, and this price point. Now think about what I just told you, you're framing out one shot one kill with the weekly idea in
112 00:21:12 --> 00:21:12 mind.
113 00:21:14 --> 00:21:26 If you're here, and again, this is offering on weekly, you can look for one shot one kill scenarios for Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. And wait for the bicep
114 00:21:26 --> 00:21:40 liquidity poll or bicep liquidity draw to be reached as a terminus for your one shot one kill. Going back to this one here, you can be a short term swing trader
115 00:21:40 --> 00:21:51 and be buying in here with the expectation taking profits at this level here before the retracement and then buy again, which is pyramiding. So you buy to
116 00:21:52 --> 00:22:06 standard loss down here, particular pair and you take profits up here. Okay. And once it retraces, you can add on to say that we have your your two here, you
117 00:22:06 --> 00:22:18 took off one you retrace yet two more. And you run up to this price point here and you compound your potential winnings and trade with a higher timeframe
118 00:22:18 --> 00:22:30 premise in mind. If you didn't understand what I just said, Go back in the recording and listen to it again, because I just gave you a way of using a
119 00:22:30 --> 00:22:42 position trading model. Use it for Swing Trading and or short term one shot one kill. When we get over here, this becomes a position trade opportunity because
120 00:22:42 --> 00:22:51 we're looking at a weekly opportunity framework. So if we're going to be entering down here, the model is based on position trading, it can be swing
121 00:22:51 --> 00:23:00 trading, but more or less it's it's going to most likely want to run above this or high, it doesn't have to define profitability. But that would be the
122 00:23:00 --> 00:23:10 framework for the entry down here and be if you're going to take that and use it with this model. Eventually though, if the market does break down, it's going to
123 00:23:10 --> 00:23:25 be looking for the stats below here for us set distribution Alright, so if this model is only daily chart, everything is framed with a daily potential price
124 00:23:25 --> 00:23:40 move up to a buyside liquidity draw or premium array. This will be seen where the first stage of array accumulation will be seen on the four hour and or the
125 00:23:40 --> 00:23:53 60 minute chart. And the same thing I just said for the previous slide. For Stage Two re accumulation is attributed a same price point and then reaching for
126 00:23:53 --> 00:24:07 Terminus here. Again, the same model idea is if we break below the stage one re accumulation on the buy side of the curve over here, this could be a longer term
127 00:24:07 --> 00:24:22 buying opportunity. In other words, it could be a swing trade or could be the beginning of a beautiful position entry, long term position entry. If we have
128 00:24:22 --> 00:24:31 the timeframe seen on the daily and we're at this price point here and we think the deal is going to reach up to this price point later. On a four hour and 60
129 00:24:31 --> 00:24:41 minute in this area here. We can frame short term trades. For instance, this say this is a tuesday if it's trading here, we would anticipate it trading up to
130 00:24:41 --> 00:24:51 this price point on Wednesday. And on Wednesday we could see a trade up to Thursday and Thursday could create the what we reversal market profile and then
131 00:24:51 --> 00:25:00 you would see all that distribution take place going into the beginning of Friday and then Friday May or Monday May set up the Buying Opportunity to starts
132 00:25:00 --> 00:25:09 here and takes us up to a higher price point. So you can start seeing how all these things become a measure of internal dialogue. So not only are you just
133 00:25:09 --> 00:25:20 looking at candles, but you're looking at how all these things mesh together from a fractal standpoint, using the ICT market maker buy and sell models. Using
134 00:25:20 --> 00:25:30 the sell model here, there's lots of ways you can use the information to frame particular setups, relative to what you're comfortable trading. Now take it down
135 00:25:30 --> 00:25:42 one more timeframe to a four hour say we see prices trading down here, we anticipate is going to be up here, we do our price grading. Okay, we can see
136 00:25:42 --> 00:25:54 potential quadrants. But between 20 and 30%, that's where the first stage of regulation is going to occur. You'll see that on the 60 minute and 15 minute
137 00:25:54 --> 00:26:05 timeframe. And stage to re accumulation will be in here. When we get into these lower timeframes, then we can start looking at how we can incorporate the 20 I'm
138 00:26:05 --> 00:26:15 sorry, the 10 to 20 to 30, pip stop sweeps, then it becomes a lot more precise. If we're down here, say on a tuesday, same model that we mentioned earlier, we
139 00:26:15 --> 00:26:24 can anticipate a run up into this area here for Wednesday. And then Wednesday, we anticipate at run up into Thursday trading the high generally, Thursday, New
140 00:26:24 --> 00:26:38 York open, and then the reversal going into the week. If we see that we're in this area here and say we started to move in London, and we haven't met where we
141 00:26:38 --> 00:26:50 anticipate stage to re accumulation, we can look for New York to create a continuation to take us up into this area here. And we can leave a piece on to
142 00:26:50 --> 00:27:02 get it exited at Terminus here. So we can start doing our time of day trades, which is like New York. And I'll be honest with you, when I look at the market
143 00:27:02 --> 00:27:12 for last year, everything I've done on Twitter publicly, this is the model I've used here. When it's been buying. Go back and look at my examples. They're all
144 00:27:12 --> 00:27:22 there. Okay, everything I just told you, as it relates to this four hour, using the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday model, I just gave it to you right here. Okay,
145 00:27:22 --> 00:27:34 but you have to know all those things that we went through in the 12 months of core content, and then build it all together in one model. And you'll see very
146 00:27:34 --> 00:27:43 quickly, it's easy to find the setups if you can frame it like this, but you have to have the timeframe you're looking at, which is your stage. If you'd like
147 00:27:43 --> 00:27:52 a four hour chart, don't let me force you to look at a daily and weekly. Okay, if you are comfortable with a four hour and you can see what institutional flow
148 00:27:52 --> 00:28:02 is on the four hour, are we bullish or bearish? Are we seeing down close candle support in price? Or up close candles being broken? Are we clearing new highs
149 00:28:02 --> 00:28:14 and not breaking down? Okay, everything's an indicator that we're in a strong bullish institutional order flow. If that's the case, then we can be safe in
150 00:28:15 --> 00:28:27 wanting to go with Long's only. Now it doesn't mean we're not going to be stung and wrong, we can be okay. And we could be we, you know, be relying on something
151 00:28:27 --> 00:28:37 that's not in the charts. Okay, that's why you have to have stop losses. But with what I just showed you here, when the price comes to these levels, what are
152 00:28:37 --> 00:28:46 we looking for, and I don't believe I've mentioned this in the previous opportunities and other slides. But when price starts to retrace, many times
153 00:28:46 --> 00:28:54 it's going to be looking for a fair value gap in here. If there's no fair pay gap in this consolidation in stage one re accumulation and onwards after the
154 00:28:54 --> 00:29:01 first initial price swing, if it doesn't create any fair value gap, then it's going to most likely will go down and we're on a short term low seen on a 15
155 00:29:01 --> 00:29:12 minute timeframe. Okay, that's what that means. And once it runs those stops, then it'll expand and have an expansion to the upside until we get into the area
156 00:29:12 --> 00:29:21 with time and price where we expect to see stage two re accumulation. Same thing happens in that consolidation, any retracement, we're gonna be looking for a
157 00:29:21 --> 00:29:30 fair value gap liquidity void, something like that. If it doesn't exist, then when we looking for the sell stops, the fear of a gap has also bought or block
158 00:29:30 --> 00:29:43 because that would be closing in any inefficiencies. Price would run to Terminus and then obviously we would look for some measure of consolidation or
159 00:29:43 --> 00:29:56 potentially a reversal. Okay, and lastly, looking at this model on a 60 minute chart timeframe, if the charts saying that we're down here, and we anticipate
160 00:29:56 --> 00:30:06 price is going to be up here. That's our range that we're trading in So once price starts to move up about 20 to 30% of the anticipated terminus, or the
161 00:30:06 --> 00:30:16 objective between where Terminus would be, where we're aiming for and where price is now 20 30%, there should be some setup form, if the will recalibrate,
162 00:30:17 --> 00:30:26 run for fair value gap or sell stops, and then run to another period in here time and price should meet, could be a trading session, it could be a trading
163 00:30:26 --> 00:30:39 day. And then another value gap or sell, stop, run and goes the terminus. Again, same premise, this could be time of day, this could be like lemon, close, where
164 00:30:39 --> 00:30:54 it ends it or it could be Wednesday, market reversal, or Thursday market reversal. If this was a FOMC, Thursday, then this rally could be up here to
165 00:30:54 --> 00:31:02 Friday creating the market reversal. Hi, okay, or could be, this is Wednesday, and we trade into
166 00:31:03 --> 00:31:14 FOMC here. And Thursday creates the high of the week. Because there's so many different variables. And I can't give you every possible one because I'm not in
167 00:31:14 --> 00:31:22 front of the chart at the same time with the calendar. And what's available in price action, is it a fair value gap in this area and is consolidation. If it
168 00:31:22 --> 00:31:35 isn't, then it's going to probably reach for the sell stops. Okay, if if we see a rally in here on a 60 minute timeframe, this is for 60 minutes or less. Once
169 00:31:35 --> 00:31:49 we get to 60 minute timeframe. If we rally up and we stop in here, we could create a short term high. If 20 to 30, or 1020 30 pips is where we get to
170 00:31:49 --> 00:31:59 Terminus, then we know that we have a strong likelihood of the market not running the cell stops. Okay, go back to the notes about grading price swings,
171 00:31:59 --> 00:32:08 generally they don't want to have a run on stops. And this will be the last push in that price move. And it will be the most accelerated price price swing. So
172 00:32:08 --> 00:32:19 while this point here to here may be nice and solid going up, it'll many times take this move from stage to re accumulation to terminus in less time than it
173 00:32:19 --> 00:32:32 did from this area here to this area. And again, we may not even have a stage to re accumulation in this market maker sell model. It may be just saying just
174 00:32:32 --> 00:32:39 entering here. And then it just takes off. How do you know when that's going to happen? Well, if your Terminus is predetermined here, do you think this is where
175 00:32:39 --> 00:32:50 the target is, if we rally up and leave 30 pips or less, when it starts to consolidate, there isn't going to be a second one. So whatever you're going to
176 00:32:50 --> 00:32:59 do for your trade, do it all in that one entry. And then it takes off goes here. So in other words, maintain stage two will really just be stage one, and there
177 00:32:59 --> 00:33:11 won't be a stage two, it'll just get right to Terminus, it'd be over. Okay. So this is what we're looking at internally. And you want to look at your price
178 00:33:11 --> 00:33:23 action, relative to whatever timeframe you're using. With this in mind, okay, and you framing everything that this gave you in the previous slides. Okay, in
179 00:33:23 --> 00:33:37 continuation using the market maker by model, we're looking for a discount array to find some measure of buying. And our Terminus will be some liquidity pool
180 00:33:37 --> 00:33:55 resting above equal highs many times we're focusing on the buy side of the curve here. And you'll get one or two stage accumulations. And if we obviously focus
181 00:33:55 --> 00:34:15 on points like this, where it says the liquidity, this may be the last stage or second stage of redistribution in a larger bimodal. Okay, so in other words,
182 00:34:15 --> 00:34:29 like this one here, this consolidation, and then drop down, if you can think about it in a smaller form that could be looking at this here is consolidation
183 00:34:29 --> 00:34:40 may be this high of a larger buy model. And that's how price is fractal. But we need to know where price is relative to our timeframe we're looking at for our
184 00:34:40 --> 00:34:48 stage. And if we identify this down here as a discount rate where we think price is going to potentially reverse. We don't need to know if it's going to reverse
185 00:34:48 --> 00:34:56 and be in there at that price point. We don't need that. Okay. That's a smart money reversal. You don't need that to be profitable. We're going to wait for
186 00:34:56 --> 00:35:05 price to find that reversal. Okay, and that's it. creates it, then we'll be looking for the buy side of the curve unfold, targeting the liquidity over here.
187 00:35:05 --> 00:35:18 Okay, now thinking back what I just mentioned as a potential model, this high that drops down and reverses that may be this area here. Okay, now onwards, if
188 00:35:18 --> 00:35:29 we looked at this price swing from here, down to here, that may be this whole business here being this high, and then trading down, that's this price swing
189 00:35:29 --> 00:35:37 here on a larger Baima. And I probably confused it, but go back and listen to the video again. And you'll see what I mean when we start. So showing examples,
190 00:35:38 --> 00:35:48 I'm going to invite you all to be putting what you see in your own study in the thread. And I'll give you examples of each week to that we can see it. But I
191 00:35:48 --> 00:35:55 want you to study it first, conceptually go into your charts and see these things, find them, okay. And if you don't find them right away, if it's very
192 00:35:55 --> 00:36:03 hard, it's okay, it's normal. But once you start seeing some of the examples from me and other people in our mentorship, you'll see really quickly how fast
193 00:36:03 --> 00:36:16 they are set up. So start jumping off the chart, and you can frame them relative to time, the fractals and the model that we have stage one and stage two array
194 00:36:16 --> 00:36:30 accumulation on the buy side of the curve. And Terminus would be some measure of a run above the original consolidation over here. So keeping that in mind, this
195 00:36:30 --> 00:36:42 model may not have two stages that re accumulation, it may just give you one, the way you determine if it's going to be stage one only, or stage two is once
196 00:36:42 --> 00:36:53 we leave the consolidation that starts to Smartline reversal. Once we have that market structure break, if it rallies all the way up to just 30 pips or less
197 00:36:54 --> 00:37:02 below here, then it's only gonna be one race run retracement rather, and then it goes to Terminus. Okay, so it's very easy for you to determine, you're gonna
198 00:37:02 --> 00:37:15 have one or two stage regulations, it just goes back to the IP, the 30, Pip 20, Pip and 10, pip stop sweeps. That's how you use that for a filter. Alright, so
199 00:37:15 --> 00:37:25 conceptually and internally, this is how I see every price swing going down, that may set up a buying opportunity. You have measure of accumulation in here.
200 00:37:25 --> 00:37:35 And what's it accumulating short positions, market drops down, there's an area of redistribution or stage one redistribution drops down again, area of
201 00:37:35 --> 00:37:45 redistribution or stage two distribution. And it goes down to term, not terminus, but it'll go to our sell side liquidity pool. Now it could be a
202 00:37:45 --> 00:37:54 terminus of a market maker sell model, which would have been over here and it created the sell off here, then you have distribution redistribution and in
203 00:37:54 --> 00:38:09 terminus for that previous market maker sell model. For an example of something like that, if you look at the dollar Swissy right now it's September 16 2018.
204 00:38:10 --> 00:38:23 And I'll share this actually tomorrow. In in the thread after posting us it's really like right now where I'm at so it's gonna be elite posting for you
205 00:38:23 --> 00:38:32 probably won't be watching it till Monday morning, your time. But looking at where we have the sell side liquidity pool here, when price goes down here, we
206 00:38:32 --> 00:38:43 would anticipate a measure of support potential buying, we don't need to be in at that price point. We want to see a market structure break to the upside. And
207 00:38:43 --> 00:38:54 then again, using our accumulation point or where the equal highs are or original consolidation. That's our Terminus plus 10 plus 20 plus 30. pips, okay,
208 00:38:54 --> 00:39:03 really, were just aiming for the initial consolidation high, and that's going to be the end of it. So that's Terminus. So we look at where we think the markets
209 00:39:03 --> 00:39:11 gonna trade down to and create a buying opportunity. And we're that original consolidation is that's our range that we're trading. Okay, so we're using
210 00:39:11 --> 00:39:24 internal range liquidity to trade going long, going long, and then reaching into this area here for our profit objectives. The first stage of regulation is in
211 00:39:24 --> 00:39:37 here with the market maker by model we're gonna do is gonna look over here and find where the redistribution area was on the sell side of the curve, which is
212 00:39:38 --> 00:39:47 when you see a price when it goes down, and it starts to go up. The curve is divided by the reversal point at the low everything to the left. That's yourself
213 00:39:47 --> 00:39:55 I occur. When you're looking for buying opportunities, you're gonna go directly crossed and find where the redistribution area was. In the up close candles,
214 00:39:56 --> 00:40:06 that's where your buying opportunity is gonna overlap because everything that was done here selling short, you're going to mitigate that. Okay? Anything over
215 00:40:06 --> 00:40:18 here, as an up close candle or candles will be the basis of your second stage re accumulation. What is the pattern you're looking for, again, optimal trade
216 00:40:18 --> 00:40:32 entry, fair value gap bullish order block the liquidity voids being filled. If there's a lack of any imbalances on the buy side, that don't need to be
217 00:40:32 --> 00:40:42 rebalanced with sell side delivery, then they're probably going to run back for sell stops, then look for expansion to get to the original consolidation, or
218 00:40:42 --> 00:40:46 above that, completing the market maker by model.
219 00:40:48 --> 00:41:01 When we have examples of this, it'll be much clearer. And you'll be able to see what it looks like and it'll burn the market maker models at a greater depth of
220 00:41:01 --> 00:41:15 detail, far more than it ever has before. But using this example here, okay, I want you to draw this out in your own artistic ability for your notebook.
221 00:41:16 --> 00:41:27 Everything you see here, as you see it, draw down and then do it for each timeframe, like I did with the previous lines, Russia, the weekly that I showed
222 00:41:27 --> 00:41:38 you, each area in here will be relative to a daily and four hour than on a daily chart, I showed that it would be a four hour and 60 minute chart. So on, go back
223 00:41:38 --> 00:41:51 to the slides and own your PDF and use it and create the same models in your own handwriting using this, okay? Put that in your journal, and then go through the
224 00:41:51 --> 00:42:06 charts. Go back through old data, look at stocks, look at commodities, look at indices, look at forex pairs. Tell me if you don't see these things unfolding,
225 00:42:06 --> 00:42:17 all across all assets. And by using the model that I gave you well to do the timeframes, break them down and you'll see the market maker sell model in the
226 00:42:17 --> 00:42:28 market maker by model in high def, this presentation, you'll be able to see it. Once you have that ability to find them in the old data. Daniel know what to
227 00:42:28 --> 00:42:39 look for going forward. But you have to know where the price points are that create the Buying Opportunity, which is a discount array. And over here, we're
228 00:42:39 --> 00:42:48 looking for the accumulation, original consolidation to be taken out. Okay, and that's over here. And that's going to be it for this presentation. Until next
229 00:42:48 --> 00:42:50 time, I wish you good luck and good trading