Video Capture of Computer Screens

Version 18.2 by Drunk Monkey on 2022-01-27 15:22

Required Programs

  1. VLC Media Player - required for playback of just about any kind of video content you can imagine
  2. 7-zip - you will need this to extract the contents of the FFmpeg files, which are stored as a 7z archive.  Mac OSX will use Keka
  3. FFmpeg - the ultimate Swiss Army Knife multitool of multimedia encoding/decoding


  1. VLC installs are straight forward.  Run the installer and you're done.
  2. FFmpeg is a bit more complicated, and it depends on your platform.


  1. Run the VLC installer
  2. Install 7-zip
  3. Extract the contents of the FFmpeg zip file into a suitable directory.  I going to use C:\Local\ffmpeg\ as my FFmpeg installation location for this example.  You should see something similar to this:

    The contents of the ffmpeg filder should look like this:

    Select all the files and move them into the installation directory.  That is C:\Local\ffmpeg\ in this example.

  4. Next, add the location of the ffmpeg\bin directory to the system path.  This is necessary so you can run the command from the command line from a command shell.

    Go to the file explorer, and look in the left hand folder list for "This PC" or "My PC" or whatever it is called on your system. 

    When you find it, right click in it to bring up the local context menu and select Properties

    In newer versions of Windows, the properties page looks like this:

    Look for the "Advanced system settings" (right middle in the above screenshot) and click on it

    Select "Environment Variables" and the following screen will appear

    In the top half of the User variables section is an entry called "Path".  Select it and click on "Edit".  Do not edit the path of the System variables section unless you know what you are doing.

    Click on "New" and add the following "C:\Local\ffmpeg\bin"

    and then click on the "Move up" button until that new entry appears at the top of the list

    Click on OK, and ffmpeg will be available for use on the command line. 

    Click on OK to close the Environment Variables settings, and then click on OK to close the System Properties.

In newer 


  1. Install VLC
  2. Install Keka

Video Capture