
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-11-10 06:39


00:11 - Daily Market Review - Dollar Index.

01:48 - Susppect highs in the market.

03:35 - What is the juncture for the seasonal low in the euro and fiber and cable?

05:47 - Fibre Levels:.

10:39 - Last week’s trading chart.

12:58 - Optimal trade entry as it relates to the swing.

15:01 - What’s Going To Happen This Week?

19:13 - We’ve had three drives lower in the market.

21:50 - Where we’re at this week.

24:14 - Short and simple trading -.


00:00:11,400 --> 00:00:20,130 ICT: Hello, folks, this is a market review for October 26 2014. Okay, we're looking at the dollar index, this is a daily chart. And I want to draw your
00:00:20,130 --> 00:00:31,740 attention to this at 450 level. Okay, we mentioned this over here, this old high in the fact that we would probably come down and retest this short term high as
00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:42,510 well. And into an order book, which we'll zoom in here in a moment, we were expecting a low of 8450. If we were to come down, the actual low on the candle
00:00:42,510 --> 00:00:54,480 came in at 8452. So that's kind of close. We were expecting some sort of a retracement of sorts on the dollar index. And we saw a very nice reaction there.
00:00:54,480 --> 00:01:05,880 And let's zoom in, take a closer look at what's been going on. Going see here, this order block. Let's go into a little bit closer cuz I want to make sure you
00:01:05,880 --> 00:01:17,760 guys can see exactly what I'm detailing this candle right here is our bullish order block. Okay, remember, ICT order block is a down candle prior to the
00:01:17,760 --> 00:01:28,530 inception of a move. Okay, and the price swing took off from that point here. Now, we like to factor about the midway point of order blocks. And that's like
00:01:28,530 --> 00:01:43,860 the the sweet spot for otter box, if you will, we want to see ideally, price react at no deeper than on bullish order blocks. No, no more than 50% from the
00:01:43,860 --> 00:01:54,330 high of the of the candidate encompasses the bullish order block. So we do have that here, it didn't come all the way down to the halfway point it had a really
10 00:01:54,330 --> 00:02:09,150 nice reaction there and bounced a little over 130 pips or so. Now, looking at what we have here, obviously, the trend still is intact, everything is as it
11 00:02:09,150 --> 00:02:22,440 should be for a bull market, I suspect that we could probably see a continuation further. Now, we would negate that, okay, and change gears on the short to near
12 00:02:22,440 --> 00:02:34,230 term would be if we give up the ghost at 8450. Now if we tick out at 450, this week, we may come down into the ad threes to AD to AD the AD to AD level around
13 00:02:34,230 --> 00:02:45,960 that area here down to this order block. Okay, so keeping that in mind. Again, the near term support is at 450. Now we do have a smaller order block in here as
14 00:02:45,960 --> 00:02:59,460 well, around that 8510 to 8520 level might be short term support, should we come back down in here could be another optimal trade entry for another spring
15 00:02:59,460 --> 00:03:12,060 forward taking up these suspect highs. Now the reason why I'm saying suspect highs here is because just looks too. Too Perfect. Okay, too little too little.
16 00:03:13,710 --> 00:03:26,820 In terms of wicks like I'd rather see it have a longer wick. And if it did that then I would be more inclined to expect a more seasonal intermediate term high
17 00:03:27,150 --> 00:03:38,910 in the marketplace. Now. Because we were expecting a some sort of retracement and some support in here. And the fact that the trend is rather mature. And
18 00:03:38,910 --> 00:03:47,670 we're in the latter stages, it's been pretty much one direction for the summer going into the fall. I do suspect again that we may clean out this high. Now
19 00:03:47,670 --> 00:04:01,980 that may be the the juncture for our seasonal low in the euro and fiber, I'm sorry, euro and cable. And by having a low anticipated in fiber and cable. And
20 00:04:01,980 --> 00:04:11,610 in fact, they very well may have the low already established and there's two pairs when we look at them. But again, I do not try to go in and try to pick
21 00:04:11,610 --> 00:04:22,320 bottoms and tops against the primary trend. I don't do that. Now. This is a primary trend to me because we're moving in an intermediate to long term basis.
22 00:04:22,320 --> 00:04:28,740 So I don't try to stand in front of these types of moves, I look to define opportunities to get in sync with them. And I'm a
23 00:04:30,450 --> 00:04:42,600 little reluctant and trading once we start seeing the latter stages of what we mean a trend reversal. I can see the likelihood of one here but until it
24 00:04:42,600 --> 00:04:50,820 actually does reverse and starts to break down in its market structure. I don't think that you know it's advantageous for any one of us to go in here and try to
25 00:04:51,930 --> 00:05:01,440 start selling the farm if you will on the dollar and being extremely bullish on fiber and cable just yet. And again, it could be there about You know, I don't
26 00:05:01,440 --> 00:05:10,710 put my money behind that. There's plenty of time, after it does its major market shift. And if there's a major shift in trend, dollar based, we start seeing
27 00:05:10,710 --> 00:05:18,000 weakness in the dollar, then obviously, we'll have all the reasons in the world to be looking for buy signals and fiber and cable. But as it is, right now,
28 00:05:18,000 --> 00:05:29,460 we're looking around that 85, big figure 8520. As near term levels to watch for this week, if they give up the ghost, obviously, we would be looking for at 450
29 00:05:30,210 --> 00:05:43,380 to probably breached, okay, and be swept below that. Again, if it does go beyond a 450, we could be inclined to retest that 80 to 80 level and as about the same
30 00:05:43,380 --> 00:05:58,890 area that this bullish order block resides. Okay. Moving on over to the fiber. Okay, we basically had a few levels here on outlined in a couple of live
31 00:05:58,890 --> 00:06:11,220 sessions. And I used them in the most recent market review that you can find on my Twitter account. And if you're not following me on icy T underscore M
32 00:06:11,220 --> 00:06:23,910 Huddleston, on Twitter, you can obviously do that, and you'll stay informed with any live sessions that I may do. We may have a live session, not this Wednesday,
33 00:06:23,910 --> 00:06:33,690 but the following week, Wednesday, I'll have some finishing touches on the market maker series that I'll be releasing, this is Friday. And it'll be
34 00:06:33,690 --> 00:06:41,970 encompassing a lot of the things that most of us you're now new to subscribing to all my concepts as it relates to Forex, you'll be pleased to know that
35 00:06:41,970 --> 00:06:52,170 there's a lot of that rehashed in kind of like a kitchen sink approach on how to use it with market maker concepts. That's unique to ICT. Alright, so now,
36 00:06:52,620 --> 00:07:08,370 looking at the Euro USD, if you have followed me on Twitter, you also know that I recently posted on tradingview.com. Some levels and ideas about the fiber. And
37 00:07:08,370 --> 00:07:15,540 we're going to go into that in a moment. But for right now, let's focus in on the levels that we had noted here, okay, these are all levels that have not
38 00:07:15,540 --> 00:07:22,350 changed, have not added anything, haven't tweaked them haven't done anything with them at all. Okay, and I want to kind of like bring you back to where we're
39 00:07:22,350 --> 00:07:31,110 at as it relates to those levels. Now, these lows in here, we talked about price moving up into them. And because we do not expect everything to be black and
40 00:07:31,110 --> 00:07:41,460 white, we expect some level of flexibility in in terms of where we anticipate price reaching through. Okay, Support Resistance is not just simply looking at a
41 00:07:41,460 --> 00:07:50,700 low and expecting price stop on a dime, doesn't happen like that short can. But by far and large, it doesn't do that all the time, we do have a swing low here,
42 00:07:50,700 --> 00:08:04,290 that price was able to dip up into and retest these areas of price lows. And we're going to zoom in here and take a look at this. All right, and here's that
43 00:08:04,350 --> 00:08:15,450 short term low in here. Now we're going to talk a lot about using market structure in order blocks in the market maker collection, that I'll be releasing
44 00:08:15,450 --> 00:08:27,240 in this week, a lot more precision based trading concepts. So we're not going to go into all the things that led up to this high in here. But if you know
45 00:08:28,500 --> 00:08:42,030 what I shared on tradingview.com, I was anticipating the 129 level, okay to be traded up into. And I wanted to see that as the near term resistance trade
46 00:08:42,510 --> 00:08:53,070 traded to and then obviously, this level here with this order block right there. I was looking for that level to be possibly reached, because we had this very
47 00:08:53,100 --> 00:09:06,720 thin range in here that may have a lot of juicy liquidity waiting to be had up here. And assuming now again, assuming that the dollar did make its high for the
48 00:09:06,720 --> 00:09:16,650 fall, and actually the end of the year in this assuming this is the low which at this point right now, I'm not confident is in place yet. But again, as because
49 00:09:16,650 --> 00:09:25,410 I'm focusing more on not trying to pick the bottoms and primary trends. We could very well have already priced it in, okay. Or we could come down here at Sunday
50 00:09:25,410 --> 00:09:39,690 Monday, sweep out these very clean lows here, retest this 125 68 level or there abouts. And then begin it's run up here to fill that range. I'm really
51 00:09:39,690 --> 00:09:49,830 interested in this level here and I think that would be a tradable short at that price point. But obviously, it has a little ways to go to get out there. If we
52 00:09:49,830 --> 00:10:01,560 trade back down into the 125 68 level, if we trade at that level, I will anticipate some sort of a short term bullish scenario that may be good for a day
53 00:10:01,560 --> 00:10:11,340 trade. But if it doesn't materialize, obviously, we'll be looking to gone out this low. Now, assuming we do take out this low, okay, this week, we would be in
54 00:10:11,340 --> 00:10:27,840 line with 2440 as our next downside objective, which incidentally, you if that does in fact, come underway, that may be the area that our fall or end of year,
55 00:10:28,140 --> 00:10:37,620 low comes into place for the Euro USD. And again, it's assuming also that the dollar blows out its recent daily highs that we were talking about just a few
56 00:10:37,620 --> 00:10:57,570 moments ago. So let's take a look closer on what last week looked like. And it's in our chart, where we can see it. Again, these are all levels that I did not
57 00:10:57,600 --> 00:11:04,470 move, I haven't changed anything, these are all things. Well, that's not true. I added this right here, because this was something I was watching intra week,
58 00:11:05,070 --> 00:11:15,270 last week, but because it did not get up to the at least at 129 level, which is what I was looking for. I didn't have any trades at all. I took zero trades last
59 00:11:15,270 --> 00:11:27,870 week, there was nothing that I did in terms of the fiber. Okay, so if you're wondering, what took place since I posted the TradingView commentary, both the
60 00:11:27,870 --> 00:11:36,960 levels I was looking for, which was the 126 figure to be swept, we did take out this low here. And I mentioned this in Twitter that we took out this low here.
61 00:11:38,280 --> 00:11:46,860 And we swept it here and I thought that was notable and noted that in Twitter, and obviously you see optimal trade entry in here, form and then the secondary
62 00:11:46,860 --> 00:11:58,230 one and then we had a nice little pop up closing this range up to the 127 there abouts. Let's see what is that the high came in at just shy of three pips of the
63 00:11:58,230 --> 00:12:11,790 127 big figure. So, you know, trade tradable rally, obviously, from here in here. But, you know, again, I simply wasn't active at all last week didn't take
64 00:12:11,850 --> 00:12:21,150 any action at all in the Euro USD. But look at the reaction that we had here off of the 127 40 level. Now I'm going to counsel you to go back over the videos I
65 00:12:21,150 --> 00:12:34,500 shared via Twitter. And if I'm not mistaken, it was only through live session and the videos that I post from my website, I'm not too sure offhand my memory.
66 00:12:34,740 --> 00:12:44,700 If I shared anything via YouTube, as it relates to these levels, I'm maybe maybe just simply limited to just what was shared on a live stream, not my stream, but
67 00:12:44,700 --> 00:12:55,080 live sessions. And then what I shared in video that was posted via Twitter, that goes to my website videos, but all these levels were here they haven't changed
68 00:12:55,080 --> 00:13:04,200 and you can see that we had a very nice reaction here. And then we had optimal trade entry as it relates to the swing in here and price broke down rather
69 00:13:04,200 --> 00:13:12,270 aggressively came back up into an order block which we'll zoom in let's get in here Look closer.
70 00:13:15,120 --> 00:13:29,310 Okay, price had a very nice move lower it indicated one of the trade into its lower levels 126 73 126 50 bearish order block here and we came up into that
71 00:13:29,340 --> 00:13:36,720 order block right there very nice optimal trade entry as well from high to low. Let's put that in and just circularity sake
72 00:13:41,010 --> 00:13:41,850 Unknown: and
73 00:13:44,160 --> 00:13:53,340 ICT: right there, it can't get any much more precision than that it goes right to the same line century some level then gives up the ghost and goes much Shang
74 00:13:53,340 --> 00:14:10,020 stronger, stronger short from these levels. And we had some reaction on that 126 73 And we had nice little short term bounce at 126 50 gave up that level and
75 00:14:10,020 --> 00:14:23,670 worked just below it at a nice reaction out here as well came right up to that 126 73 level look out hugs ran at 126 50 level see how that the banks were
76 00:14:23,670 --> 00:14:34,980 working that level. Okay, all the liquidity and volume rather. Okay, it was at that 126 50 level, the level that was already predetermined and shared with you
77 00:14:34,980 --> 00:14:46,080 guys. Well in advance, okay. You can see all of the opportunities stuff, new traders trying to get filled and and working that 126 50 level and finally, they
78 00:14:46,080 --> 00:14:59,520 stretched it north of the 126 30 level, breaching the 126 73 level and closing this range in here in this order block lower then moved into consolidation
79 00:14:59,520 --> 00:15:05,760 around that once Want to 673 level? Now? I know what you're saying, this is all fine and great, Michael, you're looking in the rearview mirror, I want to know
80 00:15:05,760 --> 00:15:17,490 what's going to happen this week, also to why I suspect that we'll probably try to pop up in here, again, maybe even clean out that 127 40 level. We have some
81 00:15:17,490 --> 00:15:29,670 red clean highs in here. We may come up in, go back into that 127 60 level, and then try to challenge the 128. Close this range here. This level here was
82 00:15:29,670 --> 00:15:41,280 something that I watched. And yes, it was a turtle soup. And yes, this is a Tuesday. Hi, the a week is look at it here. Here's Monday straight in here is
83 00:15:41,280 --> 00:15:52,830 Tuesday classic ICT scenario. And it just happens to be on the heels of one of the subscribers, we had tweeted, what do I do about missing trades? And how do I
84 00:15:52,830 --> 00:16:00,480 feel about it? Well, I really don't care, you know, and yes, I went through last week without having any any trades at all. But I don't, I don't really don't
85 00:16:00,480 --> 00:16:10,560 care, because there's a lot of them out there that I you know, I will get. But the ones that I wanted were obviously if we swept over the 126 figure. And that
86 00:16:10,560 --> 00:16:20,250 would have put us below this low here, which is what I was looking for I wanted this to trade back down to this larger, higher timeframe, bullish order block
87 00:16:20,490 --> 00:16:29,190 right in here. And then I would have been more inclined to take some sort of a short term buy to get up into that 126, the 126 35 as a short term objective,
88 00:16:29,220 --> 00:16:39,300 and maybe even look for continuation lower again, assuming there's a database rally. And the other one was I was looking for a minimum 129. And we did not get
89 00:16:39,300 --> 00:16:49,380 that we just hung around these levels in here, gave a nice little turtle soup in here, but just simply didn't give me the levels I was wanting to trade at. And
90 00:16:49,380 --> 00:16:58,770 obviously the higher level order block that we noted on trading view. So since it did not trade those levels, I had absolutely no interest at all in the fiber.
91 00:16:59,700 --> 00:17:12,450 But got again, going forward, we may try to reach up into that 127 40 This week, maybe 127 60. And if we do, we might reach up to the 128. Again, assuming the
92 00:17:12,450 --> 00:17:29,430 dollar does not find new legs to go higher. And if it does trade higher, we will be looking to get back down inside this 120. What is that 125 ad area and maybe
93 00:17:29,430 --> 00:17:54,720 even reach deeper than that and go back down into our 125 60 to 125 50 level and go out to a four hour chart. Yeah, this, it could if it breaks down here, we
94 00:17:54,720 --> 00:18:07,290 could be looking to the blowout, the low here around that 125 figure, okay. And if it does that, obviously, that would be on the assumption that the dollar has
95 00:18:07,290 --> 00:18:16,440 cleaned out its daily highs, well, if it does do that, I suspect it will probably have priced in the high for the dollar this year. And then you may
96 00:18:16,440 --> 00:18:27,510 consolidate and really just hold the levels that it creates on the daily chart. And that would be a reverse in this case for the fiber, we would probably take
97 00:18:27,510 --> 00:18:35,940 out the low here and then like saying a rather large consolidation going into our holiday season, Thanksgiving and Christmas time.
98 00:18:37,559 --> 00:18:47,369 So again, keeping these levels in mind that's already on our chart and what we just discussed now, that's my thoughts for the fiber. Obviously, we'll know more
99 00:18:47,369 --> 00:18:59,069 on Monday, going into Tuesday, looking at the British pound USD, we have yet take out this low and retail Retrade down to this high in here, which is one of
100 00:18:59,069 --> 00:19:11,819 the things we were looking for overall, but this this price structure here again, kind of I like the the idea of being bullish the cable more than being
101 00:19:11,819 --> 00:19:24,569 bullish to fiber. We've had three drives lower here we have 123 Indians, okay, and that's street smarts pattern, it's not my pattern. I learned that from that
102 00:19:24,569 --> 00:19:35,459 book I talked about multiple times over the course of my teaching and sharing ideas and such. We did have again, three moves lower, okay, and we had a really
103 00:19:35,459 --> 00:19:48,539 nice rejection. If we take out this high rating here, guys, keep your eye on the 161 85 level. So if we get to 165 I'm sorry, 161 85. If we get above that level
104 00:19:48,539 --> 00:20:01,799 this week, we could be in line to come back up into that 163 50 The 164 big figure, okay, so that may be a level that would be Have something to watch us
105 00:20:02,249 --> 00:20:10,949 put our fibs on. And assuming the low stays intact we have here we could be looking for.
106 00:20:22,020 --> 00:20:38,970 163 80 to 164 year round about that level, and on a lower end, we could be looking for 160 to 75. On the upside this week, again, assuming that we have
107 00:20:39,870 --> 00:20:49,710 some weakness in the dollar, and or consolidates, and we have strength in British Pound. But I would have much rather seen it come out and clean out that
108 00:20:49,710 --> 00:20:58,410 larger daily consolidation that we've been watching over here. But we also talked about that there'll be a lot of orders in this, this big consolidation.
109 00:20:58,410 --> 00:21:08,550 And if you can extend that over here, you see, you see all that taking place. But what's happening is I assume that this is actually just eating up all of the
110 00:21:08,550 --> 00:21:19,110 liquidity and interest that's already in the market here. And this may be just, you know, just a matter of time before rollover and clear out this
111 00:21:19,110 --> 00:21:29,910 consolidation. So, yes, if it was a gun to my head, which one would I buy fiber cable, I would be buying more likely the British pound over the fiber, should
112 00:21:29,910 --> 00:21:39,780 there be a bullish scenario and weakness in the dollar. But again, gun to my head, I'm holding out to see if we're going to clear out these lows in here and
113 00:21:39,780 --> 00:21:50,340 come down to this high. If we do that, and we get a bullish scenario unfold on a four hour hourly basis, I will absolutely be on top of that, like white on rice.
114 00:21:50,340 --> 00:22:08,940 So as it relates to where we're at for this week, let's go into a four hour chart, take a look at a few things. Zoom in here. Alright, so we have very
115 00:22:08,940 --> 00:22:23,070 little in terms of clean levels. It's a lot of sloppiness in here. Which again, if we just have no ambition whatsoever, to rally from here on up, we just roll
116 00:22:23,070 --> 00:22:37,320 over and take out these lows and try to get below into that daily consolidation we just noted. But as as it is right here, if we maintain above the 159 figure,
117 00:22:38,040 --> 00:22:52,260 if we stay above that, we'd be looking for the 162 20 level this week am 163
118 00:22:54,089 --> 00:23:04,349 I guess you guys are probably asking me how I'm arriving at these levels. So let's do that now. All right, so we have our use this as looks a little bit
119 00:23:04,349 --> 00:23:14,939 lower. 163 70 inch or weak upside objectives, should we get some legs?
120 00:23:21,660 --> 00:23:43,830 163 10 I'll say 163 22 or swing low. No, that here to 162 84. So I'd say 162 82 163 20. And then 163 70 as upsides Should we continue to press on and
121 00:23:43,830 --> 00:23:58,740 break these highs here. Unless we take out the 159 figure in here. That's the range. And we'll probably be kept for that for this week. If we do break the 159
122 00:23:58,830 --> 00:24:08,670 figure again, we're looking for those highs we mentioned on the daily chart and clearing out that large consolidation. It's been noted for a couple months now
123 00:24:08,700 --> 00:24:17,970 every time I've talked about the cable that's pretty much all we're looking at for this week. I know it's kind of short and simple, but that's pretty much how
124 00:24:17,970 --> 00:24:24,720 I do it guys. I mean, it only looks complicated cuz I'm explaining everything in my new detail when I do ticket trade, but since I didn't have anything last
125 00:24:24,720 --> 00:24:38,580 week, it's kind of you know, kind of slow on an ICT front. Right Just the last bit of business here. I want to note that we talked about the 196 35 level back
126 00:24:38,580 --> 00:24:56,070 in here, in Dorne here and nor here, and it came right up to where we are here 9683 was the high and it went a little bit above what we call it four but still
127 00:24:56,070 --> 00:25:04,230 inside of the the bearish order block that we noted here. So if you look at your dailies With the chart and go back over to the live stream recordings that was
128 00:25:04,230 --> 00:25:13,770 shared, if you were in live stream ICT session that was real time, you'll know that I was calling these levels and we had a really nice reaction there and came
129 00:25:13,770 --> 00:25:23,970 back down into some previous order blocks, bullishness and bounce, which is all along same lines that, you know, we expected in dollar. Okay, so you can see
130 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:38,370 very similar and in terms of what we saw on the US Dollar Index, in the Swissy. So we had over 700 pips really talked about on the Swissy overall, okay, and
131 00:25:38,730 --> 00:25:48,030 these are the moves that hopefully, you'll learn not to anticipate every single week, ICT coming out with the next short term day trade scenario that you need
132 00:25:48,030 --> 00:25:59,250 focusing on this week, what I'm trying to get you to look at are these intermediate term to moderate in duration, price legs, that's where the highest
133 00:25:59,250 --> 00:26:06,600 probability trading is okay. And if you start looking for bullish order blocks all along the way in here, trading becomes absolutely easy. But the problem is,
134 00:26:07,050 --> 00:26:14,130 we're in a very mature trend now and we'll have to wait to see if it's gonna change gears But the wonderful thing is, is once it does change, we are always
135 00:26:14,130 --> 00:26:22,950 milking it for all it's worth and there's a lot of money to be made when you're in line with those types of setups. And it just really bodes well for the
136 00:26:22,950 --> 00:26:34,980 patients factor that goes along with you know, how I trade how I teach and how professional funds and institutional traders conductor their business in the
137 00:26:34,980 --> 00:26:46,380 financial markets. So with that guys, I'm going to close this session here and to remind you that we will be continuing our project of sharing information
138 00:26:46,590 --> 00:26:57,900 through tradingview.com So if you can't find me on trading view obviously this do a search on top authors. Okay, I'm not top author yet, but my goal is to be
139 00:26:57,900 --> 00:27:08,820 one if you click on Find an author and just type in ICT you'll get me I'll get the top of the list, but it's ICT underscore, M Huddleston same handle I use on
140 00:27:08,820 --> 00:27:18,270 Twitter, and just follow me there. And when I share out for now, I'm just going to share like, you know, one, maybe two per week obviously on the other side of
141 00:27:19,290 --> 00:27:27,930 sharing this information with the market maker collection, but then I'll be using that also has a medium in conjunction with the videos that we do and also
142 00:27:27,930 --> 00:27:31,650 Twitter throughout the week. So with that, guys, I wish you good luck and good trading