ICT YT - 2017-10-29 - ICT Pattern Recognition Drill - OTE UsdChf New York Session 102717.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-11 13:20

00:00:15,389 --> 00:00:33,239 ICT: Okay, what do you see? Okay, this is an optimal trade entry short at the point of inception. Okay, now pay no attention to that this is a market maker.
00:00:34,019 --> 00:00:48,569 So model Pay no attention that the ICT breaker here below comes in exactly at 1.0011. And the high the candle for optimal trade entry comes in at 1.0011 Pay
00:00:48,569 --> 00:01:02,009 no attention to that. Okay? It's just coincidence. Okay, so what we're going to do is, I want you to focus primarily on this swing high in this low, okay,
00:01:02,039 --> 00:01:03,269 that's going to frame the set up.
00:01:09,690 --> 00:01:22,980 Okay, here's our setup. During the New York, ICT kill zone. Here's your entry optimal trade entry, your risk is the high and your first scaling is the old
00:01:22,980 --> 00:01:36,690 low. Then you have target one, which is hit here. And ultimately target two for a nice little handsome swissy trade. Now, if you were to miss this setup, and
00:01:36,810 --> 00:01:45,360 say you missed this ideal entry right in here, okay, you could have gotten in on this retest of it right here. Okay, so if you missed this one, the problem it
00:01:45,360 --> 00:01:56,790 gave me no chance to get in here in the same parameter had been used for scaling out. Okay, real simple, nice approach to using price action and stick to the
00:01:56,790 --> 00:02:04,290 rules. If you miss your entry, it might give you another opportunity. If it doesn't, no problem because you're going to take the next setup Don't try to
10 00:02:04,590 --> 00:02:15,180 force yourself into taking every single trade or chasing price. Let it come to you know in advance what you want to be doing. And then trade accordingly.
11 00:02:16,740 --> 00:02:23,670 Alright, so this is going to be it for this example real short and sweet and this one must be swissy for October 27 2017