
Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-10 09:21

00:00:12,030 --> 00:00:26,010 ICT: Hello, folks, we are in the final installment for the what every new and or aspiring forex trader wants to know, review the last four years of so I'm really
00:00:26,010 --> 00:00:36,630 condensed a lot of material. And it's not intended to replace going through all the old material, but it's just simply a means for me to get you back up to
00:00:36,630 --> 00:00:47,490 speed with the core essential tenants to what I use when I do my trading, my analysis concepts and how I arrive at the ideas about the marketplace, and in
00:00:47,850 --> 00:01:01,890 what framework I utilize to arrive at that, that opinion. Before we go into the material for this final stage of the presentations, it's important to understand
00:01:01,890 --> 00:01:18,030 that this is obviously much of an abbreviated form of study, obviously, each one of the components that I deal with here, and some of the things I've left out
00:01:18,030 --> 00:01:28,560 like traitors, Trinity, and like the overall pattern, and the stinger patterns, all that are unique to me and my material, I left those out for a reason,
00:01:28,560 --> 00:01:43,290 because I think a majority of the participants and and members of our community, inner circle trader community, they have been exposed to a lot of information.
00:01:43,470 --> 00:01:57,420 And because I've been involved with trading for 20 years, I have a lot of tools in my repertoire. But not every tool is applicable to every trader. And I'm
00:01:57,420 --> 00:02:08,820 cognizant of that, and much more. So now because of the large degree of feedback I've received from the participants in the study of my material. I am guilty of
10 00:02:08,820 --> 00:02:17,640 wanting to share everything, and sometimes much faster, even though it doesn't seem like it's going fast for a lot of you. It takes a lot of time to digest
11 00:02:17,640 --> 00:02:26,700 this material. And it's it's foolish to think just simply having a video to watching it and then suddenly sitting in front your charts, you're just going to
12 00:02:26,700 --> 00:02:35,070 be a Maven, and just go in here and start taking out pips and you know, and just roll in the markets. And that's not how it works. You have to have certain tools
13 00:02:35,070 --> 00:02:48,540 and applications that resonate very close to your own persona and your psyche as a trader. And what I did was I went back to the core roots of all of my success,
14 00:02:48,570 --> 00:02:58,830 and it just simply goes back to support resistance, understanding macro, fundamental driven trends, which are higher timeframe based only at monthly,
15 00:02:58,830 --> 00:03:13,650 weekly, daily. And by having that as your foundation, a lot of the shorter term timeframe, analysis concepts will be much more accurate, much more sensitive to
16 00:03:13,650 --> 00:03:19,440 your needs as a trader and understanding what it is that you are trying to accomplish as a trader.
17 00:03:21,090 --> 00:03:30,810 The previous sessions we've obviously went through a large degree of material pertain to directional premise, because I think if there's any one question I
18 00:03:30,810 --> 00:03:41,400 get more sent to me by way of Twitter or emails, it's how do I know which direction the market is going to go today. And while I'm not 100% accurate,
19 00:03:41,700 --> 00:03:52,080 every single day, my tools guide me, no matter where I'm in the Upper 90% bracket in terms of directional premise, and there's really no, there's no
20 00:03:52,080 --> 00:04:08,640 mystery as to why that is, is simply because I'm disciplined enough. And I trust the tools to allow the adherence to a certain frame of mind going into the study
21 00:04:08,640 --> 00:04:18,630 of price. At the higher timeframe trends tend to stay in one direction or another for a long period of time. There may be minor corrections or pauses in
22 00:04:18,630 --> 00:04:28,290 between, but generally, the macro major trends are tides, if you will, those waters tend to keep moving in the same direction for a long period of time until
23 00:04:28,290 --> 00:04:44,160 they hit a greater or equal resistance in terms of your support or resistance or political or economic front changes because of something you know large scale
24 00:04:44,850 --> 00:04:56,400 war something like that comes out the the concepts we're gonna be discussing in this last one will be a little bit of combining all the stuff together and a
25 00:04:56,400 --> 00:05:03,420 couple other points that I didn't bring up earlier, but We're going to be much more Paramount now, because we're gonna be doing a lot more of the execution
26 00:05:03,420 --> 00:05:13,890 stage of all the tools. And the first one I'm talking about is risk on or risk off. And if you don't know what that is, obviously, in a risk on environment,
27 00:05:14,100 --> 00:05:26,190 that's typically when you see equities, stocks and such commodities and higher yielding currencies, okay, they will tend to rally or move higher up in in
28 00:05:26,190 --> 00:05:35,850 price, while the dollar generally will be moving down, okay, because it's commonly viewed. And I hate to say it like this, because the dollar has been
29 00:05:35,850 --> 00:05:43,890 beaten up over the last couple decades, really, because it's really fallen out of favor in terms of a lot of the global
30 00:05:45,330 --> 00:05:53,700 countries, they don't really have a lot of faith in the United States in our economy. And I think it's justified in a lot of ways. But as it is right now,
31 00:05:53,700 --> 00:06:06,720 greenback still is the reserve currency. It may not be that way for very long, but it is at the time of this recording in 2014. If we are expecting firmer
32 00:06:06,720 --> 00:06:17,580 prices in the dollar, that would equate to a risk off scenario. And that would translate in the form of lower equity or stock prices, lower higher yielding
33 00:06:17,640 --> 00:06:29,430 foreign currencies, and commodity prices dropping, okay, and you don't have to go crazy and have every single commodity in every single stock up in every
34 00:06:29,430 --> 00:06:43,050 single indicee. Okay, for stock index, you just need a few. And that will give you a clear depiction every single day. With the accompany of the US dollar.
35 00:06:43,050 --> 00:06:51,960 Obviously, what we're showing here is a US dollar daily chart. And if you're familiar with a lot of my market reviews are my commentary. I generally have
36 00:06:51,960 --> 00:07:03,330 this most often very first thing I talk about is the dollar. Because it is like my barometer it tells me that are we in a trending environment? Are we in a
37 00:07:03,330 --> 00:07:12,270 consolidation environment? Are we in a risk on risk off environment, there's a lot of information that is derived by this simply understanding the dollar. And
38 00:07:12,480 --> 00:07:21,390 especially because I trade the majors in forex, it's going to be paramount in my understanding of where price is most likely going to go today, if not for the
39 00:07:21,690 --> 00:07:29,610 next few days or even several months out. Depending on the level of trader, you're going to be if you're going to be a long term position trader, short term
40 00:07:29,610 --> 00:07:41,460 trader swing trader or day trader scalper, it doesn't make sense not to at least reference the higher timeframe dollar and higher time frame currency pairs that
41 00:07:41,460 --> 00:07:51,150 you are intending the trade. Okay, having that macro view is essential, in my opinion, to having longevity as a trader, and obviously the what everybody
42 00:07:51,150 --> 00:08:01,200 wants, which is high accuracy, and directional premise, okay, and it's a lot of weight placed on directional premise for new traders and I get it I did the same
43 00:08:01,200 --> 00:08:10,230 thing I just wanted to know, okay, is it going to go up or go? No, it's going to go down. And you've all heard the story, I understood the market only going up
44 00:08:10,230 --> 00:08:18,060 when I first started never understood that you can make money going down. But in the currency markets, obviously, you know, because we are focusing pretty much
45 00:08:18,060 --> 00:08:28,800 on the foreign exchange or Forex markets. And this in a series, the things that I'm discussing here are pretty much universal, they apply to every asset class
46 00:08:28,800 --> 00:08:41,610 that is tradable, okay, and you can use these ideas in those other asset classes in your trading. There are a few things that are sensitive to the cable, which
47 00:08:41,610 --> 00:08:54,270 is the British Pound USD pair, and the fiber which is a Euro USD pair. Some of them are time of day. And while the London session, which is again I'll refer to
48 00:08:54,300 --> 00:09:05,550 times in my own local time zone, so you'll have to translate that for where you are in relationship to me around the globe, because it's too difficult for me to
49 00:09:05,550 --> 00:09:14,160 keep track all you guys out there and try to figure out what you should be setting your charts up for and what time it would be. You know, in respect to
50 00:09:14,190 --> 00:09:25,020 what I'm doing, okay, so when I say two o'clock in the morning, and four o'clock in the morning, okay, that's like the sweet spot ICT kill zone for London open.
51 00:09:25,470 --> 00:09:37,260 Now obviously it could start an hour before that. Or it could last as long as 5am New York time against all New York standard. My Local United States North
52 00:09:37,260 --> 00:09:45,930 America, East Coast time. Okay. So the easiest way to do it is set a clock. Get yourself a little, you know, desktop application you can put on your computer.
53 00:09:46,920 --> 00:10:01,530 Smartphones you can put a world clock on. I have every world clock for the this the asian session, the Sydney session, the Frankfurt session. I have I basically
54 00:10:01,530 --> 00:10:11,700 have all the major timezone on my world clock on my iPhone, and I just look at certain times of the day when certain moves take place. And you can do that same
55 00:10:11,700 --> 00:10:19,290 thing, but just simply saying, Okay, look, this is ICT zone. Okay, this is what this is what Michaels feeling in terms of price action. You don't have to
56 00:10:19,290 --> 00:10:27,930 continue doing that for years from now. Okay, obviously, if you're trying to learn my understanding of the marketplace and my concepts, it'll be a lot easier
57 00:10:27,930 --> 00:10:39,120 for you to get in sync with me, because I'm on New York time. So everything that I view the marketplace, as, in reference to time will be hinged upon what time
58 00:10:39,120 --> 00:10:45,630 is it in New York, I live in Maryland, but I'm in the timezone that New York is viewed as.
59 00:10:46,860 --> 00:10:53,070 So now, let's talk about risk on and risk off. Okay, assume for a moment that
60 00:10:53,400 --> 00:10:54,870 Unknown: when we discuss
61 00:10:55,680 --> 00:11:07,170 ICT: risk on scenarios, that would be indicative of price action like this.  Okay, when risk on is in the marketplace, okay, you'll see the dollar falling.
62 00:11:07,950 --> 00:11:18,210 Okay. When the dollar rallies, anytime the price of the dollar is rallying up.  depending upon what time frame you're referring to, obviously, this is a daily
63 00:11:18,210 --> 00:11:31,980 chart, this would be a swing, okay, in between this low and this high. This would be classified as a risk off scenario, okay, risk off would be the dollar
64 00:11:31,980 --> 00:11:43,290 rallying. Now when this occurs, okay, imagine a children's playground apparatus, okay, we probably all rode one of the children as a child, one child gets on one
65 00:11:43,290 --> 00:11:51,000 end of the seesaw, and another child gets on the other end of the sea salt, okay. And what will happen is, is this, the two children will press off the
66 00:11:51,090 --> 00:12:01,560 ground and make the other one rise up and back and forth goes on. Well, that same teetering effect, okay. It's like a scale as well. If the dollar goes up,
67 00:12:01,560 --> 00:12:10,620 foreign currencies go down, okay, if the dollar goes down, foreign currencies go up. It's very, very simple. But many times new traders are first introduced to
68 00:12:10,620 --> 00:12:18,510 risk on risk off, they overcomplicate it, and they try to make more than it really is. But the easiest way to understand it is if the dollar is going up,
69 00:12:18,900 --> 00:12:30,510 everything else, whether it be equities, whether it be foreign currencies, commodities, okay, those will be going the opposite direction. Okay. And the
70 00:12:30,510 --> 00:12:42,720 easiest way to understand it is risk one is when dollar goes down, okay, and that's basically a flight from the dollar into a higher yield seeking asset
71 00:12:42,720 --> 00:12:51,480 class. Okay? Because it's viewed as more risky. And the dollar is a safe haven.  And I say that with tongue in cheek, obvious, I know, most of you who are, are
72 00:12:51,480 --> 00:13:03,060 thinking the same thing I do. The dollar is is nowhere near the degree of benchmark like it used to be, but as it were, if the dollar is going up, okay,
73 00:13:03,060 --> 00:13:11,700 that's going to be a risk off scenario. And that's gonna equate to seeing lower stock prices, commodity prices will be declining, and foreign currencies will be
74 00:13:11,700 --> 00:13:20,820 declining, okay. So there's going to be a vice versa effect. And that's the reason why I started the dollar first, because it will give me the beginning
75 00:13:20,820 --> 00:13:31,350 point or foundation for understanding where the marketplace as a whole should go. Okay, now, is it right to the minute every time? No, okay. But again,
76 00:13:31,350 --> 00:13:40,170 that's, that's the benefit of using these higher timeframe charts, monthly, weekly, daily, is because those trends, those macro trends, they tend to exist
77 00:13:40,170 --> 00:13:52,560 for a long period of time, and it takes something with a real large impact on price to cause it to stop pause or even altogether reverse. Okay, so I'm trying
78 00:13:52,560 --> 00:14:00,480 to teach you the understanding of trusting the higher timeframe premise, especially when you're looking at macro trends, macro trends are going to be
79 00:14:00,480 --> 00:14:11,670 arrived at by looking at higher timeframe charts, and looking at asset class to indicee or dollar based correlations. In other words, if you're a stock trader,
80 00:14:11,670 --> 00:14:21,630 obviously, you know, if you're, if you trade New York, or future American stocks, your benchmark would be obviously the Dow 30, the s&p 500 or the NASDAQ
81 00:14:21,630 --> 00:14:33,030 100 Composite Index, okay. And by looking at those three indices as a whole, okay, and applying such things as Dow Theory, if you're looking at a marketplace
82 00:14:33,030 --> 00:14:40,140 that is poised to go higher in the indices, that's pretty much good. That's a good time to be buying a stock. Well, the same thing happens by looking at the
83 00:14:40,140 --> 00:14:50,610 dollar, but you have to invert it. Okay, so if the dollar is poised to rally, okay, it's important that you understand that if you start looking to buy
84 00:14:51,090 --> 00:15:04,230 foreign currencies, okay? You're you're trading okay? against the undertone of adverse market environment. In other words, you're going to be trading at the
85 00:15:04,230 --> 00:15:13,410 lowest probability for that move to occur because the dollar, if it's poised to go higher, what does that translate to in foreign currencies, lower foreign
86 00:15:13,410 --> 00:15:24,060 currency prices. Okay. So let's look at an example. And actually have some notes on this chart as it were, because I did a live session here about a week ago.
87 00:15:24,510 --> 00:15:32,010 And I made some comments about where I think the dollar was going to go and the behavior I expected. And some of you that were in the live session, obviously,
88 00:15:32,010 --> 00:15:41,640 will will recognize these lines and what I was doing, but this level here, okay, this is a resistance level price was unable to break above that. And I was using
89 00:15:41,640 --> 00:15:47,640 a lot of the wicks and the bodies of the candles as reference points. Okay, so I'll use the two bodies of the candles and the wicks.
90 00:15:49,080 --> 00:15:58,650 Looking at this level here, we broke through it a week ago, and mid week and then came back down on the previous week's Friday. And I was noting these levels
91 00:15:58,650 --> 00:16:06,030 here, this level and this level. So if we broke through and came back down, it would most likely find some support here, or find some support here. So that's
92 00:16:06,030 --> 00:16:18,150 the reason why we have this little thing here I drew. So let's get this off, because it's probably confusing you. Okay, and this line here, is just represent
93 00:16:18,150 --> 00:16:25,950 if these two levels give way, we would come back down to this level and expect some sort of support to come under way. Now, when price comes back down to this
94 00:16:25,950 --> 00:16:33,360 level, even though it sweeps below it previous Friday, look where it closes, it closes right at that same level. And then when Sunday we had an unchanged event,
95 00:16:33,720 --> 00:16:41,850 we had a little bit of movement, try to push above it again here on Monday, and then Tuesday, we had to rally. And now here it is, today, Wednesday, prices now
96 00:16:41,910 --> 00:16:50,640 are the received but it did trade higher. This environment right here where price comes down to an expected level of support. Your mind should be thinking,
97 00:16:50,640 --> 00:17:01,920 Okay, we're in a move that's been going higher. Okay, we broke a resistance, this may act as support. So again, what's that translate for? risk more risk
98 00:17:01,920 --> 00:17:12,210 off? Well, if we think if price comes to this level here and bounces higher, okay? That's implying that we're going to expect the US dollar to rally that is
99 00:17:12,210 --> 00:17:24,480 going to be what risk on or risk off, it's going to be risk off. Because when there's less risk taking to be made in the environment of speculation, the
100 00:17:24,480 --> 00:17:32,130 dollar will be bought, okay, there's gonna be a flight to quality. Okay, that's what it's what I'm not gonna argue with me guys. It's this way it's called.
101 00:17:32,460 --> 00:17:41,430 Okay. So he, whether you want to refer the dollar as being quality aspect over or not, it's, that's what it is. So, a flight to quality sees firmer prices in
102 00:17:41,430 --> 00:17:52,410 the dollar. And that will translate to a lower move, or sell signals, if you will, in the foreign currencies. Now, again, because I trade the majors, that's
103 00:17:52,410 --> 00:18:04,860 the British Pound USD, the Euro USD, once in a while, once in a while, I'll trade Canadian dollar or Aussie dollar, okay, but generally, I'll trade you
104 00:18:04,860 --> 00:18:16,800 know, just the fiber, fiber and cable. But now understanding the relationship to this, when we come down to a support level like this, that means one Friday when
105 00:18:16,800 --> 00:18:28,170 we trade it back down to that level from Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, okay?  in that in that area, okay, what we're looking for is cell scenarios to occur in
106 00:18:28,170 --> 00:18:37,590 fiber and cable. Okay. So again, to reiterate this, we're looking at the price that was above it on Thursday, the week before this recording, price comes down
107 00:18:37,590 --> 00:18:50,250 on Friday trades through it, but then comes right back to encloses, okay, so as early as Friday, of last week. And the or basically August 1 of 2014 is what
108 00:18:50,250 --> 00:19:01,110 we're actually gonna refer to as date. Then, Sunday's opening, and then Monday's trading. And then Tuesday's trading, and then today's Wednesday's trading, okay,
109 00:19:01,230 --> 00:19:15,090 and the time of this recording is the sixth of August. And let's take a look at what that looks like in reference to the cable. We're going to zoom in and make
110 00:19:15,090 --> 00:19:22,830 you really understand what's going on and how to incorporate this information.  Okay, so we have this is Wednesday's trading is the daily chart of the British
111 00:19:22,830 --> 00:19:39,810 Pound USD. This is Tuesday's trading, Monday's trading. Sunday's trading, Friday's trading. Okay, so in here. We have price. We draw a little line here.
112 00:19:42,000 --> 00:19:46,530 Okay, right in here. This level
113 00:19:52,830 --> 00:20:09,570 Good grief. Work with me here. Okay. Wednesday, Tuesday. Monday, Sunday, Friday, okay, right in here, this down, move this down move right in here correlates
114 00:20:09,600 --> 00:20:23,400 with the previous week. Okay, the previous week in the dollar right here, when price came down right in here that began the hunting ground, if you will, to
115 00:20:23,400 --> 00:20:33,600 start looking for sell scenarios in the cable and fiber and other currencies as well any foreign currency, okay, against the dollar. If it's front currency, for
116 00:20:33,600 --> 00:20:43,050 instance, again, let's go back to the cable, look up here, get the British Pound USD, if we're expecting the USD or dollar to rally, okay, if the currency is
117 00:20:43,050 --> 00:20:51,150 before the USD in the pairing, okay, like in this case, for this major, the British Pound should do what it should decline if the dollar is going to go up
118 00:20:51,240 --> 00:21:01,470 to British pounds gonna drop so if the front currency, in this case as the British pound, you're going to see selling pressure if the dollar finds some
119 00:21:01,470 --> 00:21:09,180 support here. Okay. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to zoom in on this day and we're going to, we're going to look at the relationship between the
120 00:21:09,180 --> 00:21:18,630 two. Okay, and we're going to really judge with X ray view, is there really risk on risk off scenarios underway, okay, and now I'll explain that as we get to it.
121 00:21:19,620 --> 00:21:40,200 Let's go over to a 15 minute time frame. And we'll zoom out a little bit. Little bit more net and let's take this scroll off because it's going to mess with me.
122 00:21:43,200 --> 00:21:52,050 Alright, so here we have price trading lower in this take these. This is Sunday trading in here. This is previous week's Friday. And this is the new week
123 00:21:52,050 --> 00:22:03,780 Monday. Okay, so we have that in reference that can take this off now. In here, this down move in here this sell signal, look what happens. You have a high, a
124 00:22:03,780 --> 00:22:14,880 low and a rally up. Okay. In here, this is how we look for the patterns. When the scenarios poised to unfold with firmer dollar. We should see weaker prices
125 00:22:14,880 --> 00:22:25,440 and cable. Okay, we're in this case British Pound USD. When we have that environment, what we'd start to do is we apply specifics like time of day, okay,
126 00:22:25,470 --> 00:22:37,200 and here is the beginning of that day is zero GMT. This candles high right in here is eight GMT, and 858 15 GMT is actually the highest one right in here at
127 00:22:37,230 --> 00:22:49,530 815 GMT. That is what I teach is the ICT London open kill zone. Okay, now kill zone is a pocket of time typically about three hours long. London's a little bit
128 00:22:49,530 --> 00:22:59,070 wider because it's a lot of activity going on. It's a lot of overlay from previous day's trading from New York going into Asia, there's a lot of highs and
129 00:22:59,070 --> 00:23:06,960 lows have to be retraced into maybe time maintenance blown out during Frankfurt or early London open. And that'll usually cause the daily higher low to form.
130 00:23:06,960 --> 00:23:16,530 Now in this case, obviously the highs a little bit earlier in, in during asian session. But nonetheless, we have a very tradable high at the key timeframe of
131 00:23:16,530 --> 00:23:36,990 the ICT London open kill zone. Now again, my charts here are GMT obviously, but seven GMT, which is equivalent to like 2am, my time in New York. And nine GMT is
132 00:23:36,990 --> 00:23:47,520 like 4am my time. So between seven and nine GMT, that's typically where your higher low during London really forms, okay, so if you really break it out that
133 00:23:47,520 --> 00:23:55,740 much time, over a long sample size of data, you're going to see it multiple times per week, you're going to see that the higher low for that particular day
134 00:23:55,920 --> 00:24:03,090 will occur between those specific time posts, if you will. So if you've got to start to bracket out your time, on your charts, you'll be able to do that and
135 00:24:03,090 --> 00:24:13,590 see very clearly when highs and lows form. Now with that understanding, Okay, with that understanding, we can start now increasing the level of accuracy by
136 00:24:13,590 --> 00:24:27,690 having this insight of risk on risk off. And what I'm going to do is now to add a period separator and what I'm going to do is I'm going to add it to five GMT.
137 00:24:28,380 --> 00:24:38,790 And what that's going to be is midnight to my my time, okay? And it's very, very light, I know but it's right here, this vertical line. Okay, and what I'll do is
138 00:24:38,790 --> 00:24:40,410 now I'm going to zoom in a little bit more.
139 00:24:44,100 --> 00:24:53,610 Right in here is midnight and New York. Now that's what I call the new day. Now obviously there's trading prior to that, okay, but I call that the asian session
140 00:24:53,640 --> 00:25:04,470 or Asian range. Asia goes a little bit farther, but obviously I look at this vertical Why are delineation of of midnight New York as my beginning marker,
141 00:25:04,530 --> 00:25:15,420 it's this denotes the new day to me, what you'll want to see is if you're expecting, again, the dollar was at that time trading at a support level, okay,
142 00:25:15,420 --> 00:25:22,920 or what we would expect to see support. So that would be a risk off scenario dollar rally in foreign currencies going lower. What to expect, what you'll
143 00:25:22,920 --> 00:25:32,370 expect to see happen is specific times of the day will translate into setups, okay? You have a key high here, okay, little, little short term swing high in
144 00:25:32,370 --> 00:25:42,090 here. Watch what happens when you take your fib and the low prior to this vertical line here. You what you're going to be expecting is you want to see a
145 00:25:42,090 --> 00:25:53,280 rally. Okay, you want to see a rally after midnight, New York, because that rally is the sucker play, that neophyte traders get lulled into believing that
146 00:25:53,280 --> 00:26:06,510 this is a buying opportunity. Okay. And let's zoom in a little bit more just for clarity. So we have this high here, and the low prior to the move going up. Now
147 00:26:06,510 --> 00:26:17,370 move up at the New York, midnight time, which is five GMT. Again, easiest way for you guys to do is set a clock of some shape or form and where you're at as a
148 00:26:17,370 --> 00:26:23,970 trader, okay, put it next to your computer, put it on your computer, put it on your phone, put it somewhere and whenever you're watching my videos, or when you
149 00:26:23,970 --> 00:26:29,490 start watching my live sessions, when we start doing this stuff over the shoulder, you'll it'll obviously make a whole lot more sense because you'll see
150 00:26:29,490 --> 00:26:36,330 it but if you can't watch the live sessions as they're occurring, when you watch the recordings, it's not gonna make any sense to you unless you have the exact
151 00:26:36,330 --> 00:26:43,920 times lined up with your charts. And if you only do one or two trading sessions in London per week, if you trade like this, that's all you need. You don't need
152 00:26:43,920 --> 00:26:54,570 to do every single day. But we're understanding that we are in an environment where cable or British Pound USD should decline if the dollar is going to find
153 00:26:54,570 --> 00:27:07,020 support. Okay. Now what will happen is you'll see the price rally up after midnight. Now, when will the signal occur as it starts to rally we understand
154 00:27:07,020 --> 00:27:14,820 that looking at price move in the opposite direction is optimal for entry. You can see that price just fell short of the setting. retracement level right in
155 00:27:14,820 --> 00:27:25,290 here didn't quite get there the high on that candle. It's just a pip below where the actual setting retracement level is. But look at the level of rejection once
156 00:27:25,290 --> 00:27:33,810 it gets that level boom takes off and trades the other direction. Okay, so by having the simple approach to using the fib and using the ICT optimal trade
157 00:27:33,810 --> 00:27:43,320 entry, or Oh t, which is simply just looking for a minimum of 62% retracement as much as 79% treatment and looking ideally for the sweet spot, which is
158 00:27:44,130 --> 00:27:56,760 basically, you know, the midpoint between 60 to 79. Now, I do not use the classical 78.6 and 61.28 wherever I don't even know what they are okay, I don't
159 00:27:56,760 --> 00:28:03,420 really care that much. Okay to know what they are, I just make it very simple for me. Okay, and some can argue that, you know, this isn't as accurate as it
160 00:28:03,420 --> 00:28:13,500 should be. But, you know, whatever, whatever floats your boat. Bottom line is, it does enough for me. And it makes it easier to teach it this way. And my
161 00:28:13,500 --> 00:28:23,460 children, because really, you are just beneficiaries of the resources that I'm actually sharing with my children. So when I'm talking, I'm actually talking to
162 00:28:23,490 --> 00:28:31,710 my children that have them in mind. So if sometimes I come across oversimplifying things, that's the reason why because I'm talking to my
163 00:28:31,710 --> 00:28:32,760 children. So
164 00:28:34,530 --> 00:28:42,840 understand that I want this is easily digestible as possible for them. And if something happens to me, they'll have these resources to turn back to and
165 00:28:42,870 --> 00:28:52,440 they'll have everything that I have, hopefully in my mind translated through these refugees resources and reference points. But the rallying up okay, what
166 00:28:52,440 --> 00:29:02,610 makes it optimal is is there's there's a large degree for price to not go very far once this framework is established. And what I mean by that, well, if the
167 00:29:02,610 --> 00:29:11,310 dollar is poised to trade higher, or we believe that the dollar will rally, okay, we want to look for ideally a soccer play or rally into you want to sell
168 00:29:11,310 --> 00:29:21,450 into this rally. I know it seems scary, okay. And it will seem scary for a great number of weeks and months until you understand by desensitizing yourself over
169 00:29:21,450 --> 00:29:29,190 and over and over again doing the same thing over and over again, by drills and studying expecting price to do anticipating price not trading, not demo trading,
170 00:29:29,220 --> 00:29:36,360 okay? But just studying prices, okay? It should react at this level, it should do this today into the London session and then should do this going in the New
171 00:29:36,360 --> 00:29:44,850 York. Having these ideas ahead of time will build your confidence and your anticipatory skills as a trader, which is essential. You cannot make money
172 00:29:44,850 --> 00:29:53,670 reacting to the price. Okay, you can't do that. You have to be anticipatory in nature as a trader. That way you can I identify when there's a most likely
173 00:29:54,630 --> 00:30:02,370 phenomenon to unfold, and what is that phenomenon? How does it How does it repeat itself? What does it look like before you can identify a repeating
174 00:30:02,370 --> 00:30:13,230 pattern and that's what we're showing here the simple notion of looking for a rally up after midnight now why is this important? Okay, I taught a principle
175 00:30:13,830 --> 00:30:30,960 which is I dubbed as the power three. And really what it is is very simple idea on days that are up so all since we're talking about a down move, let's just
176 00:30:30,960 --> 00:30:31,620 work with that.
177 00:30:33,990 --> 00:30:44,370 If we look at a candle, and we're gonna say this is a whole full daily range, okay? against this graphic depiction of daily range, I'm not I'm not gonna go to
178 00:30:44,370 --> 00:30:52,260 a daily chart and show it to you, but you will be able to see it in in price action over here. Typically, what will happen is is price will open up trade is
179 00:30:52,260 --> 00:30:59,220 very, very little bit above the opening price. Now, what's the opening price?  That's going to be the question, okay, well, there's two opening prices that I
180 00:30:59,220 --> 00:31:08,820 referenced it's the opening price at zero GMT and zero I'm sorry the opening price at five GMT both of those opening prices are sensitive to me as a trader,
181 00:31:08,820 --> 00:31:19,590 I want to see what we do at those levels. Okay, what how we trade at above and below is important to me, if the context to my trading idea is $1 is rallying.
182 00:31:19,950 --> 00:31:30,060 Okay, or poised to rally. I want to see obviously the opening price in New York, midnight time, okay. I don't like to trade during Asia, you can and it's not my
183 00:31:30,420 --> 00:31:38,490 point to teach that. And here, it is my point to teach you that from five GMT, which is New York, midnight time. From that point on, if we're poised to trade
184 00:31:38,490 --> 00:31:48,420 higher in the dollar, you're going to expect or anticipate higher price rallies after midnight in the foreign currencies like for instance, the cable here, the
185 00:31:48,420 --> 00:31:56,130 British pounds should rally when we see that rally, we do not chase that thinking it's going to go higher. We look for this we are we are happy to see
186 00:31:56,130 --> 00:32:04,770 this Okay, emotions can be permitted here because we are expecting this to unfold, and it does unfold. Okay. So that's where emotions are acceptable, we
187 00:32:04,770 --> 00:32:13,050 expect this phenomenon to take place, we do not get excited about taking trades, we do not get excited about over leveraging we do not expect about anticipate
188 00:32:13,050 --> 00:32:20,880 making money and getting excited about that we are looking for the phenomenon to repeat, and then growing in confidence by seeing this occur over and over again.
189 00:32:21,300 --> 00:32:30,720 But back to our analysis over here. Understanding that initially, price will open up and we'll say that the lowest portion of this of this box is going to be
190 00:32:30,780 --> 00:32:41,040 representing the opening price at the vertical line delineating Midnight in New York. Okay, price will open and then whatever it does above the opening, that's
191 00:32:41,040 --> 00:32:50,160 what's important to us. That's where the signal takes place. The sell signal will occur above the opening price. So anything at the opening price or above
192 00:32:50,310 --> 00:32:59,160 that is our selling killing ground. Okay, the killing ground is above the opening price. We want to see that initial little move up above the opening
193 00:32:59,160 --> 00:33:07,710 price. Now why is that important? Mark because my mentor Larry Williams said he wishes he understood how people could sell up in that upper portion of daily
194 00:33:07,710 --> 00:33:15,750 range and then capture the big move going lower. Well, if he says he couldn't do it, I took that as more or less a challenge that hey, if he can't do it, I'm
195 00:33:15,750 --> 00:33:26,760 gonna see if I can. And I've spent the last 20 years trying to master if you will, that very thing and I have done very well in terms of getting very close
196 00:33:26,760 --> 00:33:37,080 to deciphering it. I haven't quite figured it all out yet. But I what I figured out enough, okay is to make a really wicked living. It's crazy how much money is
197 00:33:37,080 --> 00:33:44,490 available, but in here in the red portion, the box, okay, this is going to equate where the sell signal occurs and we'll talk more about that in a minute.
198 00:33:44,760 --> 00:33:53,550 But your idea is you want to be selling on a down day or anticipatory selling selling scenario. Okay, you want to be getting in here and trying to find a sell
199 00:33:53,550 --> 00:34:04,740 signal. Okay, and once you get in it, you want to anticipate the daily range expanding now it'll go up and down intraday, but as we make a lower low, that's
200 00:34:04,740 --> 00:34:13,170 the daily low intraday, and as it retraces it'll maintains blow through that new low. And as it retraces again, it'll blow down lower low, and eventually what
201 00:34:13,170 --> 00:34:23,160 will happen is, is around London close, okay, which is again, we're gonna reference New York time, from 10 o'clock in the morning to noon. Okay, New York
202 00:34:23,160 --> 00:34:34,320 time, that's typically what I classify as, like the London close timeframe. So the, if we're in a down day, the low of the day will form between 10am and
203 00:34:34,320 --> 00:34:45,810 11am 70% of the time, but it can go as late as noon sometimes. And unless there's a FOMC announcement or something like that. Those types of events will
204 00:34:45,810 --> 00:34:54,300 cause it to go as late as 1800 GMT, or two o'clock in the afternoon, New York time. Okay, so there's your parameters in terms of time, but what you're looking
205 00:34:54,300 --> 00:35:03,450 for is you want to see that largest degree of time to permit the daily rains to unfold Now let's take a look at what that looks like in on this daily range
206 00:35:03,450 --> 00:35:14,370 here. Obviously, we have the optimal trade entry in here to sell signals right up here. And I'm going to bracket out with this little box here. When price
207 00:35:14,400 --> 00:35:15,030 entered
208 00:35:16,829 --> 00:35:29,129 the sell zone, okay? For the optimal trade entry, okay? And what I'm doing is I'm mapping out this box, this crude depiction of our daily range here in a
209 00:35:29,129 --> 00:35:39,809 second to not get the colors matching like it should. Okay, right up in here.  This little area here is this point right here on our idea, graphically, what a
210 00:35:39,809 --> 00:35:50,789 down day looks like on a daily range, okay, this is that right there, okay, this Maroon portion, or the rains expansion or profit release portion of the down
211 00:35:50,789 --> 00:36:02,969 day, where the largest lion's share of the move occurs, okay? That will occur from the entry point to happens in London open to as late as 1800 GMT and four
212 00:36:02,969 --> 00:36:13,169 FOMC days, okay, or two o'clock in the afternoon, New York time, okay. Ideally, the opposite end of the range, or in this case, the low The day will form
213 00:36:13,169 --> 00:36:25,769 between 10 o'clock, and 11 o'clock in the morning, New York time, which translates to 1500 GMT to 1600 GMT. Okay. But again, you gotta allow some a
214 00:36:25,769 --> 00:36:35,369 little bit of fudge factor for it may monkey around till noon, but generally, I think you'll see that if you, if you put the reference points of 1500 to 1600
215 00:36:35,369 --> 00:36:43,139 GMT, or basically 10 o'clock in the morning to 11 o'clock in the morning, New York time, that will be the opposite. And that a range of the daily range. In
216 00:36:43,139 --> 00:36:53,699 other words, if the low, I'm sorry, if the highs made in London open, the low of the day, will form between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock in the morning. Okay, New
217 00:36:53,699 --> 00:37:02,069 York time. And that's pretty much how the daily ranges unfold. So the market makers are actually doing their work and bracketing and capping the market high
218 00:37:02,069 --> 00:37:10,439 and low at those specific times of the day. And generally volume really increases in ensures the highest point here and falls off in the latter portion
219 00:37:10,469 --> 00:37:26,159 of London close in that is usually what typically drives the internals behind why this does occur. So market trades down makes a low right here. This is the
220 00:37:26,159 --> 00:37:33,839 low of the day, and this is an ugly, intraday price action, but still, nonetheless, it'll it'll help us as it relates to understanding what price
221 00:37:33,869 --> 00:37:46,049 should do and shouldn't do. The big portion of this graphic depiction of a daily range, okay, we have the opening to dilly dally around the opening price for a
222 00:37:46,049 --> 00:37:56,129 little while then rallies up, that's what we're looking for. That's the Judas swing. Okay. That's the open rally decline scenario we like to look for Okay,
223 00:37:56,159 --> 00:38:04,409 all right, we're making the higher day first. Now, again, I'm not going to argue that we didn't have a higher high back here. But I'm referencing New York
224 00:38:04,439 --> 00:38:12,359 midnight time as the beginning of my new trading day. Please don't get in arguments with me. That's not the trading days beginning I don't care what your
225 00:38:12,359 --> 00:38:20,549 opinion is, again, Amit, it'd be rude, okay, but you're watching my videos. I'm not, I'm not subscribing to your views. I make a living doing this, and a lot of
226 00:38:20,549 --> 00:38:29,249 it. So it's important that you understand that how I'm interpreting price, okay, that's, that's the whole reason why we're doing this, okay. It's not for me to
227 00:38:29,399 --> 00:38:39,059 learn from anyone else. I'm, I've arrived at what I understand in markets. So I'm comfortable with that. I'm not forcing my views. I'm not forcing you to do
228 00:38:39,059 --> 00:38:49,469 this only. It's just up to your interpretation of whether or not it's valid or not, okay. And I, I challenge you to, to put it to its test, you'll see, while
229 00:38:49,469 --> 00:38:56,519 it's not 100%. And nothing ever is, this will give you exactly what you're looking for. And that's the reason why I open up these videos. With that
230 00:38:56,519 --> 00:39:07,349 statement. I know exactly what you're looking for. It's what every trader is looking for. But no one is willing to, you know, basically withdraw from their
231 00:39:07,439 --> 00:39:16,139 treasured views and ideas and their techniques and their applications of indicators. If you just put that aside for a moment, okay, and it's I know it's
232 00:39:16,139 --> 00:39:24,359 difficult because you're passionate about what you already have believed you understood about the market, okay? When you remove all that stuff, okay, and I'm
233 00:39:24,359 --> 00:39:34,409 being nice by saying stuff get to the core root of why price moves like it does and when it does, okay and who's doing the movement, okay, then it becomes a
234 00:39:34,409 --> 00:39:44,249 suddenly you know, much easier environment to work within. Okay, so let's get back to this example here and opening up in here to the price above the movement
235 00:39:44,249 --> 00:39:52,499 above the opening price at midnight. Okay, that's the classical London open ICT sell scenario. Okay, we are expecting a bounce.
236 00:39:54,030 --> 00:40:04,440 Based on this level up here we broke through resistance broken later turned support. This was noted When the price ran through here, live, not this day, not
237 00:40:04,440 --> 00:40:14,100 this day. Not this day, not now. Okay? This was all on the chart in a live session with witnesses that I expected this environment to unfold. Okay. So
238 00:40:14,100 --> 00:40:21,990 again, understanding risk on risk off, this would be a risk off scenario if we anticipate a bounce at that level. Going back to our cable, we're looking for
239 00:40:21,990 --> 00:40:30,570 sell scenarios. Okay. So now, what does that look like? Well, it's going to be a down date in a move that is going lower. If you look at daily charts, okay.
240 00:40:30,810 --> 00:40:47,070 daily charts will show this. Let's pull up a virgin chart here on a cable. And we'll just do a daily with the open high, low, close. And I know this is
241 00:40:47,070 --> 00:40:58,500 probably alien to most of you, you're all been indoctrinated to the world of candlesticks, but yeah, it is what it is, I guess. It's good to a daily chart.
242 00:41:05,220 --> 00:41:18,990 Okay, and this is Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday, Sunday, Friday. This is that environment that I was just describing. Go here and zoom out. And we are this
243 00:41:18,990 --> 00:41:26,340 opening scene, a little bit of a movement above. Okay, the reason why it's showing just very little movement above the opening is because this opening
244 00:41:26,340 --> 00:41:36,660 price is referencing the opening price at zero GMT. Okay. But the the overall pattern, okay, what I was describing in my graphic depiction is this really,
245 00:41:36,870 --> 00:41:49,920 okay, you see the opening, trades up? This up move occurs many, many times from the the reference point of Midnight in New York. If you look at the rally from
246 00:41:49,920 --> 00:41:59,190 that point on, that's where this occurs. can it happen in Asia like it does here? Sure. Okay, but it doesn't change the fact you still can find the moves.
247 00:41:59,310 --> 00:42:06,840 Okay, in the midnight timeframe, looking for that Judas swing. Now I'm gonna talk more about that Judas swing in a moment. But this is the phenomenon that we
248 00:42:06,870 --> 00:42:13,980 are expected to say this open. Now this is not the day obviously. But I'm showing you what it looks like just like it is here. We see the opening the move
249 00:42:14,010 --> 00:42:27,900 up. really look at what's going on here. Okay, this is daily chart. These bars represent the full daily ranges for each trading day for the cable. Look at
250 00:42:27,900 --> 00:42:36,390 what's been going on for the entire time this thing's been going lower. How many days does it do this phenomenon? Watch, I gave you guys an example or study and
251 00:42:36,390 --> 00:42:43,320 it came and I'm actually incorporating it in here in this description of the things that I've done over the last four years. So I'm going to answer the
252 00:42:43,320 --> 00:42:52,890 drills that I gave you now. I told everyone study price in the whole month of June was on holiday and I want you to do these types of things now I'm going to
253 00:42:52,890 --> 00:43:01,200 reference June in a moment but for right now let's look at look at what's going on for the cable in this pro long down move Let's count the days that we had an
254 00:43:01,200 --> 00:43:11,880 open rally and in a down day close Okay, in other words, it will have an open a high and then a lower close. Okay, watch. We have one here even though we're a
255 00:43:11,880 --> 00:43:22,950 little bit off the opening it still gave me an opportunity to make money on a down move intraday. Here's a second one down close. Third, Sunday, who cares
256 00:43:22,950 --> 00:43:35,310 didn't do anything. Monday, open rail rally down close, open, rally went close, lower, but we had intraday range below the opening. Open, rally, down close.
257 00:43:35,610 --> 00:43:48,450 Open, rally down close, open, rally down close. Sunday. unchanged. Open, rally down close, open, rally down close, open, rally down close. Open rally down
258 00:43:48,450 --> 00:44:01,920 close. You see that. Now listen to me guys. Okay. I don't care who you subscribe to. I don't care which author you read the most and have the most adoration for
259 00:44:01,950 --> 00:44:12,990 okay. I'm going to tell you something right now. If this information is generic, and as simple as I just explained, does not knock your socks off. You haven't
260 00:44:12,990 --> 00:44:23,100 been paying attention. Everyone wants to make money. Everyone wants to find trades. Everyone wants to know what the directional premises. This just answered
261 00:44:23,100 --> 00:44:32,490 all those things for you. How many trading opportunities was this just in the last month? Think about it in the last month. How many trading opportunities?
262 00:44:32,820 --> 00:44:43,830 Tons? Absolute tons. If you were trading with even with the wrong bias back here, say you were trying to sell every single day in here. Okay. And say you
263 00:44:43,830 --> 00:44:53,340 were you know, your absher captured down moves. Okay. The days that had an opening and rally. Okay, maybe you lost on this day. Who cares? What about this
264 00:44:53,340 --> 00:45:00,930 one here? Maybe you didn't do anything there. You made something here. How about this day, you probably would have lost money. Hello, this one, you probably
265 00:45:00,930 --> 00:45:09,720 would have lost money. What about this one? You made money? What about this one, you made money. So you had two losses, two wins. It shouldn't bother
266 00:45:09,720 --> 00:45:16,410 you that you're going to have a losing day that you're going to be wrong, because I'm gonna tell you right now, write this down in your notes. Inner
267 00:45:16,410 --> 00:45:26,610 Circle trader, Michael, Joe Huddleston promises you guaranteed you that you're losing money using this stuff that I'm teaching, you're losing money, I'm
268 00:45:26,610 --> 00:45:35,610 telling you upfront, you're going to lose money. Now, if you listen to me, the losses that you incur are going to be very manageable, and they're not going to
269 00:45:35,610 --> 00:45:46,800 take you out of the game. And also on that same coin, flip it over when you listen, and the trades pan out the level of money that you make, okay, or is
270 00:45:46,800 --> 00:45:57,510 available, I should say, let's rephrase that. If you follow all the rules, the ideas will more than adequate, erase the losing trades and show you a net gain,
271 00:45:57,630 --> 00:46:05,700 how much of a net gain is going to be dependent upon the level trader, the experience and the risk that you're willing to assume, keeping risk limited,
272 00:46:05,820 --> 00:46:13,950 obviously, as a new trader, if you're just now getting into this stuff with me as in terms of my methods, okay, or even training in it all, you should be
273 00:46:13,950 --> 00:46:24,990 trading about one quarter of 1% risk, even in a demo account. I know that's not sexy, but it's not now it's not about making money right now. It's about
274 00:46:24,990 --> 00:46:32,940 understanding what you're doing. Think about it, say you want to be an auto mechanic. Okay, you sign up for your schooling, you want to get in and they give
275 00:46:32,940 --> 00:46:41,880 you a textbook, I think a lot you go out there and take apart a monster ATI, just you know, to see if you could do it, they're not gonna let you do that.
276 00:46:42,060 --> 00:46:50,790 Okay, you got to understand theory. And that's where you're at as a new trader.  Some of you guys have been following me since 2010. And you still should be in
277 00:46:50,790 --> 00:46:57,630 theory, because a lot of you guys rushed into trading live. Okay. And then you're sending me emails saying, really not understanding what's going on? And
278 00:46:57,630 --> 00:47:04,140 but then you'll send me one or two emails over the course of three months. And I think I got it again, know what you did, what did you just happen to have the
279 00:47:04,140 --> 00:47:13,590 right move that day, and but you haven't been applying the tools because there's a plethora of multiple setups that happen throughout the week. And if you just
280 00:47:13,590 --> 00:47:21,480 focus on one trading pair, you'll be able to learn these concepts. And once you understand it, you can apply to every, every one of the pairs if you want to be
281 00:47:21,480 --> 00:47:30,390 that crazy about it. But understanding that if we're in an environment that is most likely going to be going higher or lower over a long period of time. Now,
282 00:47:30,450 --> 00:47:37,770 why am I discussing this down move here? And why is that important? Well think about it, if this was going down, what should the dollar been doing at the same
283 00:47:37,770 --> 00:47:50,520 time? rallying, you see that. So that's how you get institutional sponsorship behind the trades that you're taking. If you see a risk off scenario, which
284 00:47:50,550 --> 00:48:02,310 again, that is dollar rallying dollar base rally is going to see a decline in the British pound, okay, the British Pound is gonna be falling against the
285 00:48:02,310 --> 00:48:12,570 dollar. What you're looking for is the opening, rally up selling to that and expect the down move to occur and have a lower close, you want to see range
286 00:48:12,600 --> 00:48:21,870 expansion. Okay, range expansion is this thing here. When you have the daily range, we have the opening price here, trades up, as we see here. So really, I
287 00:48:21,870 --> 00:48:32,130 guess we should be really just saying this. The opening price is right there.  Okay. So this little box in here, that's represented right here. If this is the
288 00:48:32,130 --> 00:48:42,540 daily range that we see on this example, like say this, right here, this is the daily range itself. Okay, graphically depicted over here, the opening, the
289 00:48:42,600 --> 00:48:50,940 initial move up from the opening price, which is here, look how much opportunity you had to find sell scenarios just above the opening price, just selling it,
290 00:48:51,150 --> 00:49:02,730 okay? If you're worried about being stopped out, if you're afraid that you're going to be stopped out and you're going to lose money, okay, you need to stop
291 00:49:02,730 --> 00:49:10,410 that. throw that out right now. There's no I'm gonna take, I'm gonna take away every excuse in the book for you right now. Okay, are you ready? Nod your head.
292 00:49:10,740 --> 00:49:24,000 I'm ready, Michael, I'm ready. Okay. What's you're gonna do is you're gonna look at an example of time and price as it relates to stop loss placement. Okay, now
293 00:49:24,000 --> 00:49:30,510 assume we have this idea that we think price is going to trade up to this point here, because we already identified a range. Okay, we understand the time of
294 00:49:30,510 --> 00:49:39,390 day, we understand that we're above the opening price. Okay, we want to sell in here. So where should our stop being? Well, it should be above this high. That's
295 00:49:39,390 --> 00:49:43,650 what our textbooks teach us. Right? Okay, great. That's fine. But now let's talk about
296 00:49:46,199 --> 00:49:55,289 why I always talk about using a standard 30 PIP stop loss. Now I know you're thinking, Wait a minute, I don't want to lose. I don't want to use a 30 PIP stop
297 00:49:55,289 --> 00:50:02,519 loss. That doesn't sound like it's gonna work out. Well. You know, it's gonna be a big loss. Well, it would be if you had A lot of money in terms of your risk
298 00:50:02,519 --> 00:50:11,279 exposure over 30 pips. But what I want you to look over here when I put this little thing, this little cursor here, notice there's little numbers right now
299 00:50:11,279 --> 00:50:29,639 says 32 now says 2441 Okay, I'm what I'm doing is I'm putting a range of 30 See that? That's 30 pips right there. Now that rectangle is graphically depicting
300 00:50:29,669 --> 00:50:41,369 where 30 pips range is, in deference to wherever I want to place it on the chart, if this is where we're entering in London open at 815 GMT, or eight, GMT,
301 00:50:41,639 --> 00:50:56,189 which is basically 2am I'm sorry, 3am 3am, New York time, if you take that entry point, and we're going to use the 62% line right there. What I'm doing, I'm
302 00:50:56,189 --> 00:51:05,999 taking that range of that, that 30 pips on this rectangle, I'm putting it right on that level right here at 62. And I'm adding 30 pips to it right up here,
303 00:51:06,029 --> 00:51:18,659 that's where your stop loss is. As you're learning, this is what you're going to do, you're going to place your stop loss order. Right there at 169 12, your
304 00:51:18,659 --> 00:51:33,749 entry price is at 168 85. No, no, it's not. I mean, get that I mean, make sure I'm saying this, right. Okay, right here, you have 160 82 and 30 pips away is
305 00:51:33,749 --> 00:51:45,479 169 12. Okay, so you have this much in terms of space between where you're entering and where your stop loss is going to be. Now. What does that mean?
306 00:51:46,559 --> 00:51:59,939 Well, whatever you sell here, okay, if price was to take you out, and by trading up to that level here, okay, and really, that only has to happen by trading at
307 00:51:59,939 --> 00:52:12,269 160 909 would take you essentially most like in most in most platforms that will take you out for traded to that point, because you got a factor to spread. So
308 00:52:13,259 --> 00:52:22,889 you're probably really in even though you're looking at 30 pips, the market maintenance will take you out to 27 so why do I use 30 pips 30 pips? I want you
309 00:52:22,889 --> 00:52:35,579 to do a study. Okay, I want you to look at days that create the down moves, okay in London and makes the high. Take 30 pips and add it to the high of the highest
310 00:52:35,579 --> 00:52:44,699 high during two o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the morning, New York time. Okay, whatever the highest high was, put it on the highest high there and
311 00:52:44,699 --> 00:52:54,779 add 30 pips to that. Okay, and I want you to count how many days that 30 pips gets taken out, or what would be stopped out. Okay, and why am I saying 30 pips?
312 00:52:55,199 --> 00:53:10,499 Well, if we were to be very generous and say that the average daily range for our currency pair is 100 pips. Okay, if it's 100 pips, how much of 100 pips is
313 00:53:10,499 --> 00:53:19,919 30 roughly a third. Okay. My, the idea behind this, okay, and it's really nothing that I can attribute to any other author because if it was, I would just
314 00:53:19,919 --> 00:53:29,489 simply take you to their work and say, okay, read this and you'll understand it.  If this is 30 pips, it's not okay. But let's assume for a moment that this is
315 00:53:29,489 --> 00:53:35,189 the daily range of 100 pips in three stages. Let me just do this.
316 00:53:42,360 --> 00:53:54,780 So if this whole larger rectangle, if you will, it represents a daily range of 100 pips, okay? If we're trying to sell it, and we sell at anywhere up in the
317 00:53:54,780 --> 00:54:03,840 upper portion of the range, okay, we're trying to capture this type of event a move up from open and down and capture some profits, if we're looking to sell up
318 00:54:03,840 --> 00:54:15,720 in the upper third of the range, okay? If we're already in the ideal location of a down day, what's the likelihood of it move in 30 pips from that point and then
319 00:54:15,720 --> 00:54:27,840 making it lower low and a lower close, unless it's economically driven by a report or a market moving event? Okay, like FOMC or non farm payroll. Those are
320 00:54:27,840 --> 00:54:35,850 the two reasons why I do not trade those days because that's when it can very easily blow through 30 pips and clean out both directions in the marketplace and
321 00:54:35,850 --> 00:54:43,290 go back to the center of the ranch where the daily range and go nowhere and basically, no one makes money that day by doing that, unless you're ultra short
322 00:54:43,290 --> 00:54:51,690 term scalper and you fade that move. And I don't like to do it because it's a carnival ride. So FOMC is a joke. Don't play it. Don't write, don't trade it
323 00:54:51,720 --> 00:54:57,930 Don't be in front of it. And non farm payroll, there's absolutely no reason why you should be in there doing it unless you want to play in a demo account and
324 00:54:57,930 --> 00:55:08,400 just you know, play in a sandbox. But what's the purpose of doing that you can do real trading, you know, 2019 more days, if you will, the rest of the month
325 00:55:08,430 --> 00:55:17,160 and actually have days that are absolutely in favor of volatility that is indicative of, you know, price action that we can trade with. So again, that's
326 00:55:17,160 --> 00:55:28,080 the reason why we like to use a 30 pips. Now over time, over time, you will learn to be able to trim that 30 PIP stop loss down. I'm not going to tell you
327 00:55:28,410 --> 00:55:38,640 that you should get down to 10 pips, or that you should get down to 15 pips, okay, you can make a career leaving it at 30. But what do you do when you have
328 00:55:38,640 --> 00:55:47,610 your entry point, and you know, where your stop loss is gonna be 30 pips away, this should be no more than one quarter of 1%. Think about what I just told you.
329 00:55:48,390 --> 00:56:01,320 One quarter of 1%. If you're just now starting, that's the level of risk. Now, why am I telling you that even in a demo account, because if you lose money or
330 00:56:01,320 --> 00:56:15,420 make money in a demo account, it by default it strategically plans, okay, you're thinking, to think about money. And I'm teaching you to think about the risk.
331 00:56:16,020 --> 00:56:29,370 Everything that I'm sharing with you will by default, put money in your account.  It will also require you to stick to a low risk, high probability scenario. This
332 00:56:29,370 --> 00:56:41,100 is one of those events. They happen a couple times a week, every single week.  The problem is, are you going to be there when price does what it does? Think
333 00:56:41,100 --> 00:56:51,000 about, there are several opportunities in the week that really set up very favorable trading opportunities. They're not scalps, their intraday day trades.
334 00:56:51,390 --> 00:57:01,560 People that have jobs can still do these types of trades. But it will require you to wake up at midnight, New York time, take a glance at where we're at, look
335 00:57:01,560 --> 00:57:12,960 at whatever previous ranges, okay? And then you're going to basically use that as a, as a basis to determine where your trade setups going to be. Ideally, I
336 00:57:12,960 --> 00:57:26,010 think London, if you're going to trade it, you know, you need to be awake in front of the charts, okay, but if you are really gung ho about what you're
337 00:57:26,010 --> 00:57:37,080 seeing on the charts at midnight, okay, you can use the previous range here, or if you're watching price, what I like to do is I like to see an intraday high
338 00:57:37,110 --> 00:57:43,230 getting taken out where like we have here, this is the high in here, if you draw out a little line, let's do that.
339 00:57:49,289 --> 00:57:58,679 Craig, I dragged around one, that still elbow, it'll work. This is the high, okay, and anything above it would be a turtle suit, or stop raid, okay. And by
340 00:57:58,679 --> 00:58:05,579 having that idea, that would be another pattern you can use if you're not an optimal trade entry fan. Okay. The other pattern I like to use a lot is the
341 00:58:05,579 --> 00:58:13,799 turtle suit, which is a false breakout. Okay. And many times, that's really classic London open set setups. It's just one of these previous intraday highs.
342 00:58:14,189 --> 00:58:22,559 And there it is, you know, that's what you sell into. But without having the context of understanding that you're in an environment that you're expecting
343 00:58:22,589 --> 00:58:31,769 down moves on a macro level, okay, you're not going to understand how to zero in on these very, very, very small little time frames and segments of the daily
344 00:58:31,769 --> 00:58:45,209 range to ferret out these opportunities. We already told you what time of day these things occur. I'm going to give you let's see, what what can I show you
345 00:58:45,209 --> 00:58:47,999 here? What was I going to do here? Let's do this.
346 00:58:53,400 --> 00:59:10,140 Okay, yeah. Let's zoom in. And it's good to that same day. And where are we at?  Last night. off my spotter you guys.
347 00:59:24,150 --> 00:59:24,930 August 1.
348 00:59:33,000 --> 00:59:42,330 Okay, August 1. Okay, so we talked about the London open kill zone. And this indicator, which I'll be sharing with you guys. I'll send you a link through
349 00:59:42,330 --> 00:59:54,360 Twitter, where you actually go and download these from my website at the inner circle trader calm. The blue line in here. This is viewed as bracketing out if
350 00:59:54,360 --> 01:00:05,130 you will. And I like this form I used to be. I used to draw it on my charts you then All the time doing it in my videos, but I liked the idea of having it very
351 01:00:05,130 --> 01:00:13,320 clean at the bottom because I understand the window of opportunity. And I really want you guys to think that way and keep your charts clean at the beginning of
352 01:00:13,530 --> 01:00:23,430 that line, which is right here. Okay, and the end of the line. And again, we're talking about this little blue little section of time, this whole pocket of time
353 01:00:23,430 --> 01:00:41,100 of day is the ICT London open kill zone. Okay. It can extend to 10 GMT, which is basically 5am New York time, and it can start as early as 1am New York time or
354 01:00:41,100 --> 01:00:52,140 six GMT, okay. But by far and large between seven GMT and nine GMT, or two o'clock and four o'clock in the morning, that's usually when the higher load day
355 01:00:52,140 --> 01:01:02,130 forms. Now, what does that mean? Well, if we have already IRA arrived at the idea that the dollar during this time has been in our an already established up
356 01:01:02,130 --> 01:01:12,090 move, and we come down to a level we're anticipating support, we expect a bounce in the dollar, even if it's short lived. It gives us a prognostication of future
357 01:01:12,090 --> 01:01:22,500 price action in the cable. And you see that happening here with lower prices.  Okay, extending lower going back to our intraday This is that, that move up?
358 01:01:22,860 --> 01:01:32,790 Okay, that occurred. But look, it's happening this this blue area here, it just helps us identify when of when these moves are going to occur. So we understand
359 01:01:32,790 --> 01:01:46,380 time of day, we understand the rains expansion theory that the daily range will move down, and the daily bar will become larger throughout the day. But the
360 01:01:46,380 --> 01:01:59,700 beginning of the move on a down day occurs at London open at a pre determined measurable move with retracements. At the beginning of a time of day session,
361 01:01:59,880 --> 01:02:09,510 this is the ICT kill zone. unique to me between two o'clock and four o'clock in the morning. That's going to be your time window where the setups occur. So what
362 01:02:09,510 --> 01:02:19,140 am I teaching you here? I'm telling you how to find the news. I'm telling you how to pick the direction of the day. I'm telling you how to anticipate the
363 01:02:19,140 --> 01:02:30,930 setups to occur. Both my patterns that I trade are always overlapping. Okay. The optimal trade entry which is retracement driven, right here. turtle soup. That's
364 01:02:30,960 --> 01:02:40,950 short term high rally through. It's a false breakout. Boom. That's what you want to sell into. Okay, when during the London open session, how long you hold it
365 01:02:41,250 --> 01:02:52,260 until London close. Later in the day, you want to see range expansion going lower, it really expands and drops off precipitously here. I've told you how to
366 01:02:52,260 --> 01:03:01,050 place your stop loss use a 30. Pip stop loss. Why? Because the chances of it opening at New York's midnight timeframe. Okay, or even the beginning of the new
367 01:03:01,050 --> 01:03:11,700 day over here and moving 30 pips up and then moving down. Doesn't happen. It can happen sure can. But it's so unlikely, okay, there's no reason for you to be
368 01:03:11,700 --> 01:03:21,480 afraid to trade none. If you're afraid, it's because you're trading too much money. And you know, if you really ask yourself, honestly, if you lost on that
369 01:03:21,480 --> 01:03:31,020 trade, would it hurt you? Yes, it would hurt you. Because you've got too much leverage on it. If you start off with very, very, very ultra low risk point,
370 01:03:31,200 --> 01:03:41,790 two, five of 1%. Okay, in other words, one quarter of 1% you're not worrying about money when it's like that. Okay? Because it's so minute, it isn't going to
371 01:03:41,790 --> 01:03:48,390 hurt you. It's not you could take 100 losses in a row with that and you're not out of the game. Okay? You're not even you're Newton, you're nowhere near her.
372 01:03:48,450 --> 01:04:00,300 Okay, you could still come back from that. Absolutely. Okay. So, think about I'm telling you to trade in a demo account setting for six months, six months. Why?
373 01:04:00,510 --> 01:04:07,500 Because it's gonna take you that long to really trust what it is that you should be doing. Now, if you're in a fast track view of things you got to have do it
374 01:04:07,500 --> 01:04:16,350 because you got to get to your job and you got to, you got to make life changes that have to happen shorter than that. Do not send me emails, saying that your
375 01:04:16,350 --> 01:04:24,390 stuff doesn't work because I couldn't quit my job in six weeks. Okay? I'm telling you, it ain't gonna work like that. Okay, I'm telling you, if you do not
376 01:04:24,390 --> 01:04:30,510 invest six months of your time, your hard earned free time
377 01:04:31,860 --> 01:04:45,000 to doing this stuff. You don't watch my material. Find something else. Because I'm telling you, my work requires just that work. And I've condensed two decades
378 01:04:45,000 --> 01:04:55,590 worth of in insights and experience down to what I think and I mean this wholeheartedly. There isn't anything out there better than what I'm sharing. Not
379 01:04:55,590 --> 01:05:06,360 one thing. Not one mentor, not a collaboration of mentors. And I mean that with every sincere fiber of my being. And it's not to be braggadocious or arrogant,
380 01:05:06,390 --> 01:05:13,350 you can call me that. But I'm telling you on the best thing going today, and the materials I'm giving you cost you nothing but the time sitting in front of the
381 01:05:13,350 --> 01:05:20,520 computer. Now, granted, it may be a whole lot of time between the videos. But I've already promised you that in the beginning did not, it's going to take a
382 01:05:20,520 --> 01:05:28,680 lot of patience. And it's going to be expensive in reference to time. Because I have to force you to do this over a long period of time. Otherwise, you're not
383 01:05:28,680 --> 01:05:36,480 going to glean what it is that you need to glean. Because you don't know what you need to know. You don't have any idea what it is that you need to know. But
384 01:05:36,480 --> 01:05:43,740 it's gonna be me taking you to the chart, looking at specific things over and over and over again, then you'll start saying, Well, yeah, now I see it. Of
385 01:05:43,740 --> 01:05:50,820 course you did. Because you've been doing it. And you've been desensitized to the fear aspect of trading, losing money and being wrong, because that's really
386 01:05:50,820 --> 01:06:02,310 all it is. That's it think about what are you afraid of being wrong? or losing money, both goes hand in hand, okay. But those are the two primary fears. That's
387 01:06:02,310 --> 01:06:10,200 it. We can accept missing moves, we're not really afraid of missing moves. Okay.  We're disappointed if we miss a move, okay. But we're fearful of losing money
388 01:06:10,200 --> 01:06:18,030 and being wrong. There are two primary pillars of fear as it relates to speculation. There's other pillars, obviously, ego, and that's the folks that
389 01:06:18,090 --> 01:06:26,040 spend a lot of times in forums and they share their insights with other people think that they're smart, and try to be better than the next guy. Okay? Don't be
390 01:06:26,040 --> 01:06:31,680 informed if you're a developing trader, unless you're in you're just reading from someone that has a lot more experience than you. Okay, and you're giving
391 01:06:31,680 --> 01:06:41,550 worthwhile investment advice. Okay, that obviously, then, yeah, read forums, okay. But you should not be in there trying to teach other people when you don't
392 01:06:41,550 --> 01:06:49,050 know what you're doing, either. If you're developing, don't try to teach it, anybody, because you're really doing a lot more harm than you're helping. And
393 01:06:49,260 --> 01:06:59,580 I'm encouraged by seeing individuals try to do that. But if you aren't, if you're not making a living at this, don't teach it. Okay? Because you're still
394 01:06:59,580 --> 01:07:07,710 developing, and there's gonna be a whole lot of lessons. And my greatest learning happened in the last eight years of my career. Now put that in
395 01:07:07,740 --> 01:07:16,230 perspective, you guys want to start trading and quit your job in four weeks, okay. And I've been doing this for two decades. And my best understanding and
396 01:07:16,230 --> 01:07:18,750 learning happened in the latter part of my career.
397 01:07:20,219 --> 01:07:30,899 Think about that. I wish I knew now, when I first started, I wish I knew this stuff. I wish I knew this, because it would have been a whole lot more different
398 01:07:30,899 --> 01:07:41,279 in terms of my development and the pain I did, and, you know, basically go through, and it was self inflicted. And I'm hoping you guys learn from that. And
399 01:07:41,279 --> 01:07:51,809 I keep bringing it up. Because I want you understand that I'm a real person that went through real problems with this stuff. Real medical problems, me It hurt me
400 01:07:51,809 --> 01:08:00,809 physically, to the point where I still can't eat comfortably. My have a difficulty swallowing foods, it will work you if you let it it'll make you think
401 01:08:00,809 --> 01:08:08,039 you're bigger than you really are. It'll make you think you're smarter than you really are. And it also make you feel much less of a person than you really are.
402 01:08:08,609 --> 01:08:17,279 There's a lot of influence that we allow these marketplaces to have over us as a human being. But it's all manageable. It's all controllable, you have control
403 01:08:17,279 --> 01:08:27,749 over it. There's nothing forcing you to put that trade on with 5% risk. There's nothing forcing you to sit there and say, I'll pass on that trade, except for
404 01:08:27,749 --> 01:08:37,619 common sense. You're in the driver's seat. I don't want credit for your winning trades. And I certainly don't want credit for your losing trades. This whole
405 01:08:37,619 --> 01:08:46,949 thing is about what you do at the end of this development. That's what I'm interested in. I want to see what you do with this information. Once you become
406 01:08:46,949 --> 01:08:54,809 successful with it. How are you going to help other people with it, because that's really, that's what I'm doing. I'm helping you for free. I'm not, I'm not
407 01:08:54,809 --> 01:09:02,099 asking for anything except for share your store with me. I want to know what you're doing with it. I'm not going to have some upsell later on 20 $500
408 01:09:02,099 --> 01:09:09,419 workshops come out here and I'm going to be I'm gonna help you help you even further I've taken that money and and put in some hooky software program
409 01:09:09,419 --> 01:09:16,259 together to help you find trade patterns. Okay? You don't need all that stuff.  You don't need any of that. Okay? If you're looking for software programs to
410 01:09:16,259 --> 01:09:28,109 find trades for you, you're lazy. You're friggin lazy, and lazy doesn't pay. Get that in your notes, okay? doesn't pay. I tried that. Okay, and a lot of other
411 01:09:28,109 --> 01:09:36,599 people tried it too, and it never pans out. You understand how markets operate.  Like we're sharing right here, you'll find trades immediately, you know, when
412 01:09:36,599 --> 01:09:45,809 they're gonna happen. I don't need a software program to show me when a pattern is on the chart. I know timewise daily, the day of the week is gonna occur. I
413 01:09:45,809 --> 01:09:53,339 know what time is going to occur. I know how the pattern is going to unfold. I know where it's most likely going to go directionally. Tell me that software
414 01:09:53,339 --> 01:09:59,429 program is going to do that in advance. I could tell you the days of the weeks and months in advance when those patterns are going to happen, because they're
415 01:09:59,429 --> 01:10:09,719 that genetic. Eric, I'm sorry, but everything else is playing catch up ball to what you're learning. This is how the markets operate. I'm not trying to sell
416 01:10:09,719 --> 01:10:19,379 you the idea. I'm telling you challenge me on it, go through the processes that I'm sharing with you right now. And you tell me that it doesn't work like this,
417 01:10:19,409 --> 01:10:30,389 you tell me, you show me that it doesn't work. I've already put it out there, I will give you $10,000 of US currency, cash, to a PayPal account to whatever you
418 01:10:30,389 --> 01:10:39,719 want to do. Okay, how to receive it. You show me how this does not consistently work. And you can't be consistently profitable. Okay, by doing what I'm showing
419 01:10:39,719 --> 01:10:49,409 you, I'm guarantee you, it's impossible for you to not be successful with this.  Think about what I just said. That's a very, very heavy statement I just laid
420 01:10:49,409 --> 01:10:57,809 out there. But I mean, everything I'm telling you, if you do everything, I'm showing you to do development exercises, doing the process of looking
421 01:10:57,809 --> 01:11:04,949 everything, breaking the market down like we're showing right here, having a risk on risk off scenario, trading with institutional sponsors behind the ideas
422 01:11:05,039 --> 01:11:16,589 of your trade. Do you have the framework that's cognisant okay? Or that times that is representative of what the market should be doing moving higher or
423 01:11:16,589 --> 01:11:25,289 lower? If a bear markets on their way? What is your daily charts look like? Down days? Right? How that is down, they start typically with an up move intraday,
424 01:11:25,319 --> 01:11:34,259 that's usually cutting many traders by surprise, wait a minute, I bought that I'm here I am buying a high the day, guess what? I did that. You're probably
425 01:11:34,259 --> 01:11:43,619 doing it now. There's an answer to it. And it's by taking yourself out of the textbooks out of the the guys that want to sell you things and teach you how to
426 01:11:43,619 --> 01:11:53,339 be the greatest trader in the world. Okay, let me tell you something. If they're selling you that stuff, they need the money. If they need the money, they need
427 01:11:53,339 --> 01:11:54,209 that good of a trader.
428 01:11:54,690 --> 01:12:03,420 And it's just that simple. I don't need your money. I don't need your thank yous, I don't need any of that stuff. I covered it, because I enjoy reading the
429 01:12:03,420 --> 01:12:13,620 success stories. Market wizards, Volume One and two favorite books, because I was inspired by them. Not all of them. But several individuals in there. I was
430 01:12:13,620 --> 01:12:23,790 inspired by I liked their story. I want more that swagger is not putting any more books out there. They are engaging to me. So I want to create nor Okay, I
431 01:12:23,790 --> 01:12:31,440 want to create more stories. And I like sharing my story with you guys. And it may be a broken record to some of you. Okay, but I want to see more of that. And
432 01:12:31,440 --> 01:12:40,980 it's going to come through you doing these very things. Okay. So I know I'm on a soapbox and I went down another rabbit trail. But yeah, that's all part of the
433 01:12:40,980 --> 01:12:47,340 price of being in these videos, guys, you knew that in advance, it's going to be rabbit trails. And there's going to be things that you have to listen to and
434 01:12:47,340 --> 01:12:56,910 rants and to suck it up. So now using this example, we understand that we're in an area or an environment, if you will, that price should be saying weaker
435 01:12:56,910 --> 01:13:03,870 prices on the cable, while the dollar should be poised to trade higher. Now obviously, in hindsight, we can see that as a fact. Okay, but also, I'm taking
436 01:13:03,870 --> 01:13:12,300 it back to the previous week when I have witnesses. Okay, we're in a live session where I was mapping out all these things and possible scenarios.
437 01:13:14,280 --> 01:13:21,300 Obviously, I shouldn't have to be teaching you support, you know, if price comes down to support, where should price Do you know, go in terms of direction, if
438 01:13:21,300 --> 01:13:28,050 it's going to be support, it's going to go up? Okay. So if that's going to happen in the dollar, we're gonna see weaker prices in the foreign currency
439 01:13:28,050 --> 01:13:35,340 markets. And simply because I like to follow the cable and fiber, obviously, you're gonna see that translated in lower prices between the two asset classes.
440 01:13:35,340 --> 01:13:45,750 Now, we identify the selling scenario during London, we'd like to see that setup. And once we're assuming that we're in the position, how long do we hold
441 01:13:45,750 --> 01:13:54,360 it? Well, there's several different things we'd like to do. We'd like to look at range projections, which is using Fibonacci and swing projections. And we'd like
442 01:13:54,360 --> 01:14:04,680 to use average daily range, which is a tool, that's an indicator I'll share with you, I can't pull up the average daily range here on this day, and, but if you
443 01:14:04,680 --> 01:14:13,560 look at things like average true range, it'll kind of give you like the five, the average range of the last five days. And whatever that range is, you just
444 01:14:13,590 --> 01:14:22,200 add it, I'm sorry, you subtract it from the low, I'm sorry, good grief, I'm really messing this up. The average daily range or average true range of five
445 01:14:22,200 --> 01:14:31,650 days, okay. And if you do that, just take that range and subtract it from the highest high of the day, and it'll give you approximately where the law should
446 01:14:31,650 --> 01:14:44,370 form. Now, I can tell you this, the tool that I use is not average true range, it is a indicator that I've adopted, okay, I, I wish I could remember where I
447 01:14:44,370 --> 01:14:53,130 got it from, because I'd love to be able to give credit to where I did, but I just don't know. And if you guys know where you've seen it before, you know, cuz
448 01:14:53,130 --> 01:15:04,050 I grabbed it off of a forum somewhere. But long and short of it is that tool to me is really good. It's useful. It's one click away, just taking your empty for
449 01:15:04,050 --> 01:15:12,270 clicking it. And it's the ICT average daily range indicator. And I didn't create the tool, I didn't program it, okay, but I did adopt it as my tool for using
450 01:15:12,270 --> 01:15:24,690 average daily range. I do look at average daily range on a four week basis, I look at weekly, average, not average with a weekly average range, I use a
451 01:15:24,690 --> 01:15:33,780 monthly average range, and I use a five day average. And there's an indicator that I've seen out there that shows all three of those that you can have up in
452 01:15:33,780 --> 01:15:40,950 the upper left hand corner of your mt four platform, man, as soon as I find out where I can get it, I will obviously start incorporating it in my videos and
453 01:15:41,040 --> 01:15:49,680 obviously share it with you. But if you do know what I'm talking about, and have it working, take me to that source, right and get it i would love that and I'd
454 01:15:49,680 --> 01:16:03,330 be very appreciative of it. But as it relates to slings, if you're looking at being a seller, obviously here. How long do we hold the trade? Well, time wise.
455 01:16:05,940 --> 01:16:15,360 timelines, we already mentioned that we're looking for 10am in New York. Now that is representative of the beginning of this red line. Okay, now this green
456 01:16:15,360 --> 01:16:26,220 line here is New York session. This is London, close, London, close the beginning is 10am. At least that's how I view it. So if we looked at that, I
457 01:16:26,220 --> 01:16:26,940 shouldn't do that.
458 01:16:35,460 --> 01:16:36,390 Let's get this off.
459 01:16:44,490 --> 01:16:49,230 I have a mouse sitting right here next to me, and I'm still using my touchpad.  Good grief.
460 01:16:56,130 --> 01:17:11,130 Okay, this is the beginning of the London closed session. So our idea is between this vertical line is for timewise. Now, this is a general theory, it's very
461 01:17:11,130 --> 01:17:19,530 generic. And I want you to test it, okay. And much like you see here, it doesn't give you the actual low of the day. Okay, but I'm gonna give you a scenario
462 01:17:19,530 --> 01:17:29,250 where you look for it using the new york session, okay. But you have to two times of the day, where you're looking for the opposite and extreme of the day,
463 01:17:29,280 --> 01:17:39,480 no, we're looking at a down day as it relates to this particular vertical, not vertical. But this down move here is all from this line here to this line here.
464 01:17:39,570 --> 01:17:50,160 In terms of time, this is all one day, we have this area here is where we'd like to see the low form on down dates. This is where we anticipated, but the low
465 01:17:50,160 --> 01:18:00,690 conformed during the New York session, the New York session, okay, can either cap the daily range, in other words, make the opposite. And that was formed. In
466 01:18:00,690 --> 01:18:11,280 this case, it's a down day because we have a high up in here in London, the lowest formed here in New York, and starts to rally up. This in here is a
467 01:18:11,280 --> 01:18:22,380 reversal market profile. market comes down makes a low of the day in New York session and trades now later on, it does trade sideways going into the new day.
468 01:18:22,740 --> 01:18:34,080 But we do have the London close timeframe. If you were to take profits from here, entering up here and closing a trade out here, would you be upset about
469 01:18:34,080 --> 01:18:44,430 that? You didn't capture the very, very low low. Okay, you're out here. If you're waiting for perfect scenarios all the time, and you're just going to hold
470 01:18:44,430 --> 01:18:52,380 to London close because ICT said London close timeframe is 10 and 11am. And I'm not going to be out before then. Okay, you're going to miss some opportunities
471 01:18:52,380 --> 01:19:00,930 like this where you get out at a better price. So how do we answer that equation? Time and price time and price so we have to incorporate a couple other
472 01:19:00,930 --> 01:19:12,690 things prior to this move down this little spike up in drops. Okay, this Judas swing up we have this primary swing here. They may not be primary too many of
473 01:19:12,690 --> 01:19:24,750 you, but to me, this is how I look at market structure. We have a low and the highest high in here. Okay, is what we look for. Well, let's look at this. Right
474 01:19:24,750 --> 01:19:39,000 here. Okay, see this they're pretty much equal. So we're gonna use a fib right?  Take the low up to the high. That's we're dropping. Okay. See that? When we have
475 01:19:39,000 --> 01:19:52,650 that when we're looking for lower prices, we expect this swing to be measurable move. Once this low is taken out, which it is here, we look for 127 162 and 200
476 01:19:52,710 --> 01:20:02,670 extensions. Do you want an extension is basically a multiple, a doubling if you will, the range from the low To the high, once the lows taken out, it'll move
477 01:20:02,670 --> 01:20:15,090 that much range equivalent from the low down. And that's what you get 200% here, okay? The 162 extension is in here. And a 127 extension is here, at any one of
478 01:20:15,090 --> 01:20:29,670 these three price levels, okay? If price gets to it inside of New York or London, that's when you take profits. We were trading at the beginning of New
479 01:20:29,670 --> 01:20:36,450 York right here. So we were inside New York, and we traded it to 200 deaths, when you take your profits, you can leave a little bit on expecting lower
480 01:20:36,450 --> 01:20:46,470 prices, okay, and maybe reach for the Monday close timeframe, then. But as it relates to perfection, you're not going to expect perfection, you want to take
481 01:20:46,470 --> 01:20:52,140 some profits out there. In fact, you want to take some out, when we get below this low as well, you want to take a little bit off something you want to take
482 01:20:52,140 --> 01:21:05,640 something off, okay? And if you can manage it, where over time, if you start building your understanding of trading, and you start working out to 2% risk per
483 01:21:05,640 --> 01:21:14,760 trade if you do that, if you take off a half a percent, a half of 1% Okay, leaving one and a half percent on the trade for the rest of the day, that will
484 01:21:14,760 --> 01:21:27,270 give you a huge head start in terms of satisfying the many times insatiable desire to you be right. Okay, that that hunger to be right. is many times
485 01:21:27,930 --> 01:21:37,080 alleviated. Okay, if you take a little bit off and you show a positive gain out of the trade, that way, even if it does come back and stops you out, you had
486 01:21:37,080 --> 01:21:47,220 something that you took out of the marketplace, okay? You can't be right all the time. And these tools will not 100% give you that level of accuracy, but it will
487 01:21:47,220 --> 01:21:49,530 give you insane accuracy that nothing else delivers.
488 01:21:51,300 --> 01:22:00,270 Going over to the fiber. Okay, we're gonna look at something as it relates to the same phenomenon. Okay. much in the same vein, we seen bullish prices in the
489 01:22:00,270 --> 01:22:12,060 dollar, which would be translated in lower prices in the fiber. Okay, let's zoom in. And we're gonna look at that same day. Okay. Here's Wednesday, today,
490 01:22:12,090 --> 01:22:25,080 Tuesday, Monday, Sunday Friday. Take a look at what's going on here. See how price is rallying on that day? See that. This shouldn't be occurring. Think
491 01:22:25,080 --> 01:22:36,660 about it. If the dollar is poised to rally What the heck is the fiber doing rally? That is going to be a short term sell scenario. Okay. Now contrast that
492 01:22:37,170 --> 01:22:51,930 with what we see here in the cable. Just go back to candlesticks. Okay, here's Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday, Sunday, Friday, Friday's a down move on to fiber
493 01:22:52,500 --> 01:23:04,830 Fridays and up move. That don't make any sense, does it? Well, what you're looking at is this is actually a short term trade, okay, versus a day trade. You
494 01:23:04,830 --> 01:23:15,000 have a move, it's moving counter to the directional premise that's established by the dollar, okay. In other words, fires rallying in a risk off scenario,
495 01:23:15,120 --> 01:23:23,850 nother words, they're setting up a scenario that's going to be a little bit more of a move going lower. Okay. And also, this is actually the weaker of the two
496 01:23:23,850 --> 01:23:34,260 pairs between the fiber and cable. If you look at what's going on, cable, let me zoom out a little bit here. Cable was making this higher high back here, while
497 01:23:34,260 --> 01:23:48,000 the same time in June, July last the last day of June, going into the first week or two of July, we made higher highs in cable. We did not see that in the fiber.
498 01:23:49,560 --> 01:23:58,140 Okay, we were seeing lower prices. In fact, it's been really soft compared to the cable. So the weaker sister between the two. And in relationship to the
499 01:23:59,010 --> 01:24:09,150 cable and Euro USD more fiber. Fiber was obviously the weaker of the two. But we have this momentary break in that correlation. And it says a rally underway.
500 01:24:09,390 --> 01:24:18,690 What's going on here is it's coming back to take out stops. Okay, one of the things I talked about many times is the best moves occur rate after a
501 01:24:18,960 --> 01:24:33,960 predetermined level of stops gets taken out. And that looks like this. Okay, you see these highs here, almost equal. If you look at what we have, and I'll show
502 01:24:33,960 --> 01:24:44,970 you this is it's really uncanny how this happens almost all the time. Equal low, equal highs rather. Okay, so this price point, if you add 10 pips to that,
503 01:24:45,540 --> 01:24:54,180 that's about where all the stop losses are going to be for everyone that's short. Fiber comes up, goes just above that level, and I'm going to extend this
504 01:24:54,180 --> 01:24:54,990 line so you can see it
505 01:25:00,000 --> 01:25:09,150 Sorry, I'm ocds flare and I got to make sure this level is lined up. Otherwise, it'll drive me crazy. Price rallies up through it takes out this, this level of
506 01:25:09,270 --> 01:25:25,980 stops. Now I'm going to zoom in on this particular day here on the first of August, and we're gonna get down to a 15 minute timeframe. Okay, and here's that
507 01:25:25,980 --> 01:25:33,690 rally up above a clean level, this is what we call clean to clean. stops are gonna be resting just above that. Now watch. I've already told you what you're
508 01:25:33,690 --> 01:25:42,480 looking for. You're looking for a range of 10 pets. So you want to put our rectangle right on that level of the highs. Okay, and we're going to look for a
509 01:25:42,480 --> 01:25:55,290 range of 10 Seattle nine. See as 10 it says five here 10 drop it right there.  That's as far as we'd like to see price rally up through and reject if it does
510 01:25:55,290 --> 01:26:04,470 that. What we've just witnessed was a raid on stops is bad boys going lower. Now notice also how I have the chart set up? Doesn't this look like a bull flag?
511 01:26:05,280 --> 01:26:14,940 Look at it. Doesn't this look like a perfect little bull flag? So all the classic chart patterns tell teach us that we should be buying this thing, okay?
512 01:26:15,000 --> 01:26:27,480 And we're going to expect to see a move. Okay, here's the flagpole. Here's the high, it's going to rally up from this level here. So we're going to expect to
513 01:26:27,480 --> 01:26:42,090 see price classically trade to about the 134 80 level. That's what the textbooks teach us. Well, that's not what happens. Okay. And by having that understood,
514 01:26:42,240 --> 01:26:50,730 okay, you got to understand that there are times when textbook stuff will work.  But it's going to be when it's in line with the underlying tone of the
515 01:26:50,730 --> 01:27:04,590 marketplace, when it's set up to move. Okay. What I mean by that is that unless it's risk off risk on, based in dollar driven, and you have institutional
516 01:27:04,590 --> 01:27:12,960 factors that between your entries and your exits, it's not going to pan out it, the banks don't care about your chart patterns. In fact, market makers love
517 01:27:12,990 --> 01:27:22,230 chart patterns, because it gives them reasons to see see more liquidity come into the marketplace. Okay? And what does that mean? Well, if you were a buyer
518 01:27:22,230 --> 01:27:33,930 down here, as you're looking at chart patterns, you're buying here, so we're gonna have to protect your your position, a sell stop. Right here. So you're
519 01:27:33,930 --> 01:27:45,420 buying, there's gonna be stops, I'm gonna hear if you if a trader can take you out, okay, in that position, they assume that, that difference in terms of
520 01:27:45,420 --> 01:27:58,590 price, you as a developing smart trader, you want to say, I don't want to trade like this. In fact, I want to see where the stops on the other side of the
521 01:27:58,590 --> 01:28:08,340 marketplace are going to be. Okay, and what does that look like? Well, if the market expects based on this bullish pattern, if it should be rallying, okay,
522 01:28:08,850 --> 01:28:17,490 they're going to be looking for continuation higher breakout artists are going to use these little areas like here, okay, and they're going to have stop orders
523 01:28:17,490 --> 01:28:24,720 the violent stop, okay? Or they're going to be looking to wait for price to break out like it does here. And then there'll be a buyer. Well, you as a
524 01:28:24,720 --> 01:28:33,330 trader, you view that as the liquidity necessary for you to take the other side of the trade. So as price breaks above this high here and gives you a turtle
525 01:28:33,330 --> 01:28:42,120 soup pattern, or false breakout, that's where you want to sell you do not want to view that as buying strength usually you that as a suspect rally, sell it
526 01:28:42,660 --> 01:29:06,450 boom, it falls out of bed. Okay. Now the time of day for this let's look at that. And this is on August 5, this is yesterday do the kill zones and zoom in
527 01:29:09,720 --> 01:29:17,040 so August 5 right in here so we have to beginning of London
528 01:29:23,100 --> 01:29:34,470 right here and it just your kills enters a little just a little late here which is reason why we like to use the buffer. I know that sounds like I'm always
529 01:29:34,470 --> 01:29:48,990 trying to you know, form fit these these results but six GMT, okay is one of the moves can occur as early as 1am or six GMT. Having that mind again and these are
530 01:29:48,990 --> 01:29:59,310 all in your notes. Okay, that's the high right there at six TNT or wanting in New York time. Then false breakout trade lower, which is the reason why I tell
531 01:29:59,310 --> 01:30:09,780 you guys always I'm usually up between 1215 and 1am. My time, and I'm looking for London setups based on what I see, you know, on the charts around that time.
532 01:30:11,160 --> 01:30:20,610 If you looked at the, what we discussed in relationship to midnight, and here's five GMT, this little move here, that's all it's necessary. Okay, so I get
533 01:30:20,610 --> 01:30:29,220 questioned all the time. Okay, well, how much of a Judas swing? Do you need? Oh, it depends on what you have on your chart. And I'm not trying to blow off your
534 01:30:29,250 --> 01:30:36,690 your question, it really is that just that simple, is a lot of other framework gets taken into consideration, like we have over here, this looks too good, like
535 01:30:36,690 --> 01:30:46,050 a bull flag. And a lot of participants are going to be looking to, you know, try to be expecting this thing go higher. Also, you got these guys that broke out on
536 01:30:46,080 --> 01:30:54,180 the downside. price went lower. Okay, they're on, they're on the sell side. So now how are they gonna protect your position? Okay, they're going to be putting
537 01:30:54,180 --> 01:31:04,380 a stop loss. Where is the stock going to be right above the previous little high right in here? Well, when you look at price like this, you're thinking exactly
538 01:31:04,380 --> 01:31:13,890 how the market makers think you're not looking at a retail perspective, you're looking at how the market is traded in the eyes of a of a dealer or a market
539 01:31:13,890 --> 01:31:24,000 maker. Your stocks gonna be right above here, if you're a seller, they come right back and take those guys out. Okay, so they, they neutralize any hopes of
540 01:31:24,000 --> 01:31:33,060 the bulls that use these bull flag patterns, they neutralize the participants that have been net short, that would be profiting over here. But they don't want
541 01:31:33,060 --> 01:31:41,490 those individuals being profitable to take the stops out over here, because their stop loss is gonna be above here. Right above it, right above the Asian
542 01:31:41,490 --> 01:31:54,630 range high. This whole little box here is Asian range. So if you understand that, you'll know that that make sure I'm telling you it's true. I don't want
543 01:31:54,630 --> 01:32:04,380 you to know what you think as Asian range and it may be see central mind dealing range. Yes, Asian range. Okay, this is your gente This is Asian range. Price
544 01:32:04,440 --> 01:32:14,640 talks about the Asian range high and an old intraday high and rejects quickly, and trades lower. So that's, you know, that's the pattern. It's there. It's you
545 01:32:14,640 --> 01:32:16,320 have your turtle soup, and you also have your
546 01:32:22,860 --> 01:32:39,450 tea right here, right to the PIP. Okay. So that's it. That's what it looks like, going over both pairs and using the same context that we use for. Let's get this
547 01:32:39,450 --> 01:32:40,170 stuff off.
548 01:32:54,360 --> 01:33:09,570 We have price trading. Here, we went short here. So what do we use, we use the swings. Okay, we have a couple different reference points we can use, we can use
549 01:33:09,570 --> 01:33:18,030 the smaller one here up to the high. Okay, so you could be looking to take profit down here on the 200 extension. But there's nothing down here lining out
550 01:33:18,030 --> 01:33:26,940 that. So if we're looking for lower prices, you would be expecting this low to be taken out, because stocks will be residing on the day as well. So dealers
551 01:33:26,940 --> 01:33:35,190 will be more interested in trying to get price to go underneath that low. And should it go that point, we'll be looking to take profits at 127. Once you get
552 01:33:35,190 --> 01:33:42,810 two or two on an extension, you can see price comes down to 127. Look at a nice bounce that happens right there. And later on gives you on the buy scenario
553 01:33:42,810 --> 01:33:54,600 here, which we're not going to teach that here. But it does violate a little bit within rallies up. If you don't use this low here. You can use this low here and
554 01:33:55,380 --> 01:34:07,770 write this in your notes. There's no wrong way to take profits. And I'll say it again, there's no incorrect way of taking profits. If you make a profit, you're
555 01:34:07,770 --> 01:34:18,540 better than you were before you took the trade period. That's all you need to know. That's That's it. That's that's that's all there is. Okay. So now if you'd
556 01:34:18,540 --> 01:34:35,040 use the primary move here, okay, you can use the 200 extension here, nails to the PIP one 162, extension and 127. They're all respectable levels. Okay, using
557 01:34:35,040 --> 01:34:44,340 the entry point. That's, that's what we like to use that if you're looking at just pure market structure swings and nothing else. You can use these classic
558 01:34:44,340 --> 01:34:54,030 reference points. This low to high, you get the 127 and 162. Okay, so I'm adding both of them. I know some of you guys are looking at this. Oh, that's not how
559 01:34:54,030 --> 01:35:01,440 you know, you're right. That's not how they do it. This is how I do it. This is how everyone else does it. They use a lot Hi and then they find the levels
560 01:35:01,440 --> 01:35:09,060 that's fine. Okay, but there's gonna be a lot of other targets that dude classical application of fibs will never line up with but you'll see me doing it
561 01:35:09,060 --> 01:35:20,610 in videos and mine ob surgical in precision and the other ones sometimes don't get met. And you have this low to high as well. And you have the 127 Okay, so if
562 01:35:20,610 --> 01:35:31,050 you look for a confluence of a lot of levels lining up, and old support resistance levels, Daniel, you'll see a lot more reasons to cover at those
563 01:35:31,050 --> 01:35:37,470 levels not to simply Hey, you know, I made 20 pips, let me get out. If you do that, and you're London trader, you're going to leave a lot of money on the
564 01:35:37,470 --> 01:35:45,960 table. And there's really no reason for that. One of the greatest lessons I learned from Larry Williams was the best way to make money is hold to the close.
565 01:35:46,380 --> 01:35:54,810 And I did that as s&p trader and a bond trader once day trading the futures market. And it's absolutely true. I mean, you leave a lot of money on the table
566 01:35:54,810 --> 01:36:06,090 if you're just scalping and kicking couple pips and saying, okay, I want to make my living on. So, let's scroll forward a little bit here. This is where we're at
567 01:36:06,090 --> 01:36:21,480 intraday today. It's kind of ugly, if you look at really what's going on yesterday as well. The the idea of incorporating directional premise, when we
568 01:36:21,480 --> 01:36:34,020 have an area like this, okay, I'm going to pull up another US dollar. And we're going to do the averages on a daily chart.
569 01:36:39,030 --> 01:36:52,470 Okay, so we have across the 18 and 40. And they start stacking right here, this is a really good time. So this actually occurs on July 21. So we are in a really
570 01:36:52,530 --> 01:37:03,510 clear, institutionally sponsored bull move on the dollar. So that is going to be a precursor to looking for sell scenarios in fiber and cable to remember this
571 01:37:03,510 --> 01:37:20,190 date, July 21 2014, now we go over to our cable. Let's just go over here like this one. And we're going to apply same thing Well, that's not what I wanted to
572 01:37:20,190 --> 01:37:20,430 do.
573 01:37:25,620 --> 01:37:45,840 Okay, so we have a zoom in we have a delay in the crossover here until what days is the 21st so we're looking at 10 days later before we see the the same thing
574 01:37:45,840 --> 01:37:56,100 occurring in cable in terms of using the moving averages. Now that's for looking for swing trades, okay 18 to 40 is used for swing trades or short term trades,
575 01:37:56,640 --> 01:38:10,020 the way we look for day trades for for looking for short term, directional premise driven biased intraday trades. We use 918 okay 918 on a daily chart
576 01:38:10,020 --> 01:38:19,590 gives us the buy model and sell model when it crosses over here start stacking you're in a buy mode look for open down moves in London by the London open wait
577 01:38:19,590 --> 01:38:29,310 for a higher close in London close timeframe. And that's how it works. Okay, if you're in New York trader you look for that environment to occur wake up at New
578 01:38:29,310 --> 01:38:39,330 York opening get your coffee get your doughnuts or wherever going to be new stuffing in your face not advocate eating donuts but whatever you do, you get
579 01:38:39,330 --> 01:38:46,770 yourself prepared for trading. What you want to look for if you're a New York trader is if you're in this environment like this London should have made the
580 01:38:46,770 --> 01:38:55,260 world a day and then what'll happen is you'll see a minor little retracement in New York open and it'll continue on and trading into higher clothes for linen
581 01:38:55,260 --> 01:39:06,600 clothes. The reverse is said for the moose once you have the average is going lower here. Now we have the averages crossing here and this day is July 23. Now
582 01:39:06,600 --> 01:39:17,160 we're very close now to seeing that 21st in July when we saw the bullish move underway in $1 see that okay, read it here I'm just using this little
583 01:39:17,160 --> 01:39:27,990 retracement here as a reference point because I don't want to chase price I want to see some sort of a retracement that happening in here okay we see price on
584 01:39:27,990 --> 01:39:39,000 the 23rd in here. So we have a little bit of a retracement here and then crossing so on this day here begins to sell program for looking for down moves
585 01:39:39,030 --> 01:39:49,350 in the British Pound USD or cable. Now that in mind, okay, we're looking at candlesticks candlesticks are great easy on I. But what I really want you to pay
586 01:39:49,350 --> 01:39:59,460 attention to is using the bar chart. So on this timeframe now I want you to count the level of or not not level but number of days where we have open a
587 01:39:59,460 --> 01:40:07,860 rally and then decline with a lower close. Okay, we have it here. This is a Sunday unchanged could have been a losing day. We'll call it a losing day. Open,
588 01:40:07,920 --> 01:40:16,980 rally down, close, open, rally down, close, open, rally down close, open, rally down close. Do you see what you've just done? You've put yourself in the
589 01:40:16,980 --> 01:40:27,630 driver's seat of a move that is completely out of your hands, no control whatsoever. You can't control price. But guess what you're doing. You're riding
590 01:40:27,630 --> 01:40:39,180 right behind this massive entity that we like to deem smart money. No one else out there really gets to the core of how to ride their coattails whether you
591 01:40:39,180 --> 01:40:46,440 hear them, they say, well, we were trying to ride we're trying to ride the coattails of the smart money. Well, ICT tells you exactly how to do that. It
592 01:40:46,440 --> 01:40:56,850 doesn't provide you at every single day trade opportunity. If you're focusing on one pair. If you have a collaboration of pairs, then yeah, you'll probably get a
593 01:40:56,850 --> 01:41:06,780 trade every single day. Will you make 20 pips every single day? Probably not.  Can you make 20 pips average every day? If you do trading like this, you break
594 01:41:06,780 --> 01:41:15,690 it down yeah, sure, because you'll be making 90 pips one day 40 pips another 250 pips another day and the average out over 20 trading days you probably are
595 01:41:15,690 --> 01:41:22,020 making 20 pips every single day. And I do that with my tongue in cheek, but that's what I'm trying to say. Don't think like that don't have daily goals,
596 01:41:22,050 --> 01:41:31,350 okay, have weekly goals. My weekly goal is anywhere between 30 and 50 pips, it used to be 75 pips a day, I'm sorry a week when we had bigger, larger ranges.
597 01:41:31,350 --> 01:41:41,520 But guess what, I adapted to the market the market and I've reduced it and I gotten comfortable. Now with 30 and 50 pips, I can make more money than most
598 01:41:41,550 --> 01:41:53,310 average Americans in the upper echelon, okay, of, you know, middle class, I can do what they earn a year, inside of a month, and not even do more than 50 pips a
599 01:41:53,310 --> 01:42:00,660 week, not a day, a week. So I'm comfortable having a whole lot of free time doing one trade a week,
600 01:42:01,500 --> 01:42:08,280 I don't need the money anymore. When you're developing and you're and you're trying to get to the point where you're you're living on your trading, or when
601 01:42:08,280 --> 01:42:16,350 you don't really need to trade anymore, which is really where I'm at now.  trading is fun for me. But I like to obviously make money too. But it's it's an
602 01:42:16,350 --> 01:42:27,630 interesting way of living. And you all are pursuing that that lifestyle, but understand that you are not going to have to do that type of trading to do well.
603 01:42:28,320 --> 01:42:36,210 And it's very important to understand that because if you understand that, it removes a whole lot of unnecessary stress and pressure, and I got to get it done
604 01:42:36,210 --> 01:42:47,220 right now because I'm 49 years old, and I got to get my stuff paid off. And if you think like that, it's going to be a problem. So don't Okay. So now we like
605 01:42:47,220 --> 01:42:57,480 to see that phenomenon take place. So we know when July 21 we had a sell program authorized by a rally up in the dollar, similar words the averages on the dollar
606 01:42:57,510 --> 01:43:06,300 on the daily chart were opening and pointing up, which was seen reverse here two days later on the cable. So from here over to present, this is what we have
607 01:43:06,300 --> 01:43:15,120 mapped out. So we when we go down to a lower timeframe, we're looking specifically for only looking to sell not looking to buy Okay, can you make
608 01:43:15,120 --> 01:43:23,310 money buying Sure you can. I don't like that idea. And I think people that trade against institution sponsors are absolutely nuts. Okay. Sorry, I just that's
609 01:43:23,310 --> 01:43:30,930 just the way I feel. And the majority of the money is being made when you're having institutional flows behind you. Not trading against it, okay, I'm not
610 01:43:30,930 --> 01:43:40,470 gonna arm wrestle UBS. I'm just not gonna do it. So looking at where we're at here is the down move self programming in the charts, we go down one more level
611 01:43:40,470 --> 01:43:56,880 to four hour. Okay, and we move over to present. Okay, and when we have the averages, broken down on that as well, because this is our intraday timeframe
612 01:43:56,910 --> 01:44:07,650 for our okay for our is our intraday timeframe. So when the averages are going lower, we have a green light, go look for openings, and Judas swings higher in
613 01:44:07,650 --> 01:44:16,080 London, sell into that. Also, if London makes that high, we're going to talk about New York in a second, we're going to look for the New York session, Judas
614 01:44:16,080 --> 01:44:26,220 swing and how we incorporate that. But right in here, okay, we have a very nice indication of we're in sync with the marketplace and who's a marketplace of
615 01:44:26,220 --> 01:44:43,830 smart money. So now what we'll do is we'll add our vertical lines delineating the period separation and we're going to go down to a 15 minute timeframe. zoom
616 01:44:43,830 --> 01:44:54,750 out a little bit more. Okay, from this point here to present. Okay, I want you to look at the chart, and I want you to do this on your own tracks. I'm not
617 01:44:54,750 --> 01:45:03,600 going to do every single one. But once you get down to the sub For our you don't need the moving averages anymore. So you take the moving averages off your
618 01:45:03,600 --> 01:45:11,430 charts, because you don't want to be paying any attention to it under four hours. They don't mean anything to you. If you're a scalper you can use the one
619 01:45:11,430 --> 01:45:18,870 hour timeframe and in trade when it's in sync with that as well but I do not want scalping and I should have probably never told you that but if you are
620 01:45:18,870 --> 01:45:25,530 looking for scalping, then that's how you use it with the one hour but anything less than four hour I'm not interested in with moving averages, okay, because
621 01:45:25,530 --> 01:45:35,490 I've already arrived at a higher timeframe institutional sponsors that based on daily and four hour now, looking at what we have here, okay, what you're looking
622 01:45:35,490 --> 01:45:49,560 at is every single vertical line represents a new trading day at zero GMT shortly after, okay, when we add the period separator and again, I'll share this
623 01:45:49,560 --> 01:45:59,220 with you guys. I'm going to put five GMT which is midnight my time Okay, which is going to be represented by this white line, which now I'm going to change
624 01:45:59,220 --> 01:46:11,400 because I don't like that. It doesn't pop off at the chart so you guys can see it clearly. Let's go to colors. And that's not working right either. See what I
625 01:46:11,400 --> 01:46:18,630 want. See if I can get it to jump with the Red
626 01:46:21,750 --> 01:46:29,280 Mountain outstandingly Well, I'm not sure how to do it. And I'm probably figured out after the video and look foolish, but oh, well, it is what it is. You'll
627 01:46:29,280 --> 01:46:41,400 just have to make do with it. The white line in here is midnight timeframe. Okay in New York. So what you're looking for is a rally after the white line, okay,
628 01:46:41,430 --> 01:46:53,970 or in other words, a rally to the right of that white line each day, the rally that occurs after that white line and up to the ending of New York ICT kill
629 01:46:53,970 --> 01:47:02,880 zone. I'm sorry, London open kill zone for ICT timeframe between two o'clock in the morning New York time and four o'clock in the morning New York time, okay?
630 01:47:02,910 --> 01:47:14,220 or seven GMT, nine GMT. Okay. And again, I understand that it can go as late as 10 GMT, or as early as six GMT or one o'clock in the morning to is latest 5am
631 01:47:14,250 --> 01:47:22,740 New York time. So I go through this video a couple different times because I know I'm probably confusing you going back and forth between the two but
632 01:47:22,740 --> 01:47:32,160 understand it's simply a window of opportunity when the higher low is formed for the day. We understand that inside this orange box. The point of the box is it's
633 01:47:32,190 --> 01:47:41,670 keeping your perspective and only looking to be a seller. You see the power in that you do not want to be buying there's no reason to be a buyer. Why would you
634 01:47:41,670 --> 01:47:53,790 want to do that? You're buying okay in an environment where the large institutional sponsorship okay is saying I am not wanting to be long I want to
635 01:47:53,790 --> 01:48:06,780 sell so who has more money? Credit Suisse or Michael Huddleston clear clearly, I'm not trying to go against these guys. Okay, and when you're on the same side
636 01:48:06,780 --> 01:48:17,250 as them, trading works out. It's just I explained Other than that, it just works out. So looking at every single day, okay, what you're going to look for is
637 01:48:17,250 --> 01:48:26,100 there's going to be a retracement or a swing higher it could be an initial swing up for that makes the high that day or it could be inside of the range that was
638 01:48:26,100 --> 01:48:34,260 already established from the opening at zero GMT, which is zero GMT openings are the darker vertical dashed lines. The white lines are New York midnight
639 01:48:34,260 --> 01:48:44,850 timeframe. Okay, so now let's zoom in and go to the beginning. And it's add the candlesticks because it's a little bit easier to see. So here's your vertical
640 01:48:44,850 --> 01:48:53,460 line here. New York, midnight. Okay, we don't care about the move lower. We don't chase that. We do not care about that. We want to see the rallies up.
641 01:48:54,000 --> 01:49:06,990 Okay. When this rallying up, we already have to have in mind where the old highs are stops above it. Chelsea, so Okay, new day here. Now I'm not going to go
642 01:49:06,990 --> 01:49:13,560 through all the details about how how far it went, what time it stopped and all that business you could do that on your own and I'm encouraging you to do that's
643 01:49:13,560 --> 01:49:22,770 the point of me showing you this. Here again, we have a midnight timeframe. The opening price here. Okay, we don't care about the move lower. We want to be
644 01:49:22,770 --> 01:49:31,020 above the opening price much in the same capacity here. We had the opening price here at the vertical line. It's white and here. We want to be selling above that
645 01:49:31,020 --> 01:49:42,300 price. It has to be above that price, or we need selling. That's the filter.  Okay. You're selling above the opening price here. Here's the rally up. Boom,
646 01:49:42,330 --> 01:50:00,210 you sell it. Okay. Here is the opening price. Very modest little move of it doesn't matter. It's all you need. Sell it down move you have at all. Trade
647 01:50:00,210 --> 01:50:09,060 entry in here, you could have traded this one here and even taken profits, the old low and could have done 1520 pips, okay, but then it reversed and traded
648 01:50:09,060 --> 01:50:17,700 higher, came back and could have stopped you if you had your stop loss lowered in here. So this could have been a day where you could have made money and you
649 01:50:17,700 --> 01:50:25,170 could have lost it or you could have just simply did nothing. It is a Friday, I don't want to take trade Friday. So that kind of falls in a category in itself
650 01:50:25,170 --> 01:50:36,810 as well. So I like to trade predominantly Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If I made money on Tuesdays or Wednesdays I don't do any trading or acid week. We
651 01:50:36,810 --> 01:50:48,180 have the scenario here. Here's midnight, and the price rallies up. We have old highs back here, clean highs. So above that would be what stops look for a price
652 01:50:48,180 --> 01:50:55,770 to rally up to that and then reject. And you see that happening here it tooks a little bit longer into the next day. But we have an optimal trade entry here.
653 01:50:55,920 --> 01:51:04,470 trades back up to an a bearish order block the last bullish move up, look at that low draw that out in time comes right back to that price point. Also notice
654 01:51:04,470 --> 01:51:14,400 that it's also taking out an old high here, after midnight, see the rally up, it's taken out stop. And its ultimate, ultimate skinny, ultimately, also
655 01:51:14,400 --> 01:51:20,400 fulfilling and optimal trade entry. Pull your fear from this high down to that low. And I know a lot of you guys are saying Well, can you just do it? Michael,
656 01:51:20,430 --> 01:51:22,950 can you just put the film on your site? I need to see it.
657 01:51:25,890 --> 01:51:40,050 Right here. Optimal trade entry boom. Where's the candle out here? That is 845 GMT surprised as to London open kill zone. And then as your move going lower how
658 01:51:40,050 --> 01:51:50,730 many trades that we've seen so far? Guys? He gets enough pips. Just this day alone. Is 10 2030 4050 pips easily that one day. That's one that's one week.
659 01:51:50,730 --> 01:51:59,640 That's it, I'm done. That's it. That's the whole week for me, I'm not worried about trading anymore. Okay. Now, here's a optimal trade entry inside of the
660 01:51:59,640 --> 01:52:07,860 range. That's already happened here. Now, why am I using it like this? Why am I going to pull it from here to here to get an optimal trade entry in here? Well,
661 01:52:07,860 --> 01:52:17,220 because we took out, we taken out a previous day's low, when you see that the chances of it coming all the way back up here is unlikely, it's unlikely,
662 01:52:17,220 --> 01:52:26,430 especially when you're in a down move when the when it's heavily weighted moving lower, longer term. On a higher time frame basis, like a daily chart, you're
663 01:52:26,430 --> 01:52:43,470 really expecting too much of the market. Okay. And with that understood, here's the midnight high, New York on the low, here it is. And it goes right up to the
664 01:52:43,470 --> 01:52:51,120 sweet spot right to the PIP. And that's difficult to see but do this on your own charts. Okay, I'm just giving you the the framework. But we we had a low
665 01:52:51,120 --> 01:52:59,580 previous day went down, blew through it thinking right back up, trade it back inside this consolidation, then down goes notice it's also went up to this
666 01:52:59,580 --> 01:53:10,410 previous order block is a Down, down, it's up, candle up candle prior to the down move. If you use this little candle on here as well, same thing goes right
667 01:53:10,410 --> 01:53:19,980 down to that low and trades off. Okay, that's how precise you can get. But again, because you're doing what you're focusing on being a bear. Why? Because
668 01:53:19,980 --> 01:53:27,660 institutional sponsorship suggests that they're long the dollar, which means it's gonna be downward pressure on current, the cable and we have institutional
669 01:53:27,660 --> 01:53:36,420 sponsorship because averages are pointing lower on cable and they're opening up wide. So we don't want to buck that trend. We want to stay with that trend. We
670 01:53:36,420 --> 01:53:44,370 don't care about picking the bottoms. We don't care about that. Nobody wants to nobody wants to pick the bottom in ICT camp when we're when the bear market,
671 01:53:44,400 --> 01:53:51,630 okay, we don't care about that. We're gonna make all kinds of money and pips just going with institutional sponsorship. Okay, just take all that wanting to
672 01:53:51,630 --> 01:53:59,400 be right out of it. Okay. Alright, so we have another little rally in here.  Okay, after after midnight timeframe. Now you're saying Oh, wait a minute.
673 01:53:59,400 --> 01:54:09,870 That's not that's not much, right. It doesn't have to be much. Okay. Look over here. What do you see? See this big move down. There's an institutional order
674 01:54:09,870 --> 01:54:24,480 block right in here. The bullish candle prior to the move lower. That's where the, the selling is going to be. So if you add that level, right here, price
675 01:54:24,510 --> 01:54:38,340 trades back to that level, we expect to see selling pressure. Add to that. Okay, I'm going to darken this up in a different color line. Okay, we'll make it red.
676 01:54:39,930 --> 01:54:55,980 Okay, so there's your order block it traded into. Now add to it also the fib.  See, the high here is downswing here, this is the parent price swing. And you're
677 01:54:55,980 --> 01:55:13,860 still right there. price comes right up to the sweet spot boom. When's it happen after midnight, right up near bang, okay. sells off. Okay. early that day didn't
678 01:55:13,860 --> 01:55:30,090 give you the classic 2am timeframe. But on this day it occurs at 545. While you're 15 minutes early, so you may have to catch the order block that was here,
679 01:55:30,570 --> 01:55:42,000 trading up in to the still early Frankfurt, it's 630 GMT, unless you were probably doing lemon odors, or just simply being up and awake and watching it,
680 01:55:42,480 --> 01:55:51,630 you may not have, honestly, you may not have gotten a really good film on this one. Or maybe you missed the move all together, which is, which is realistic.
681 01:55:55,470 --> 01:56:07,620 Okay, we have another one here, this is a real classic one, you have the high and low, here's the move up after midnight rallies up. And you're probably
682 01:56:07,620 --> 01:56:14,730 already seeing it before I put it on the chart. Let's get this one off.
683 01:56:16,320 --> 01:56:26,970 Right up there perfect. Optimal trade entry, bam, setting offset slam, which is one we've, we've discussed. And not surprisingly, okay, here's one, okay, and
684 01:56:26,970 --> 01:56:37,170 this is good that we're showing this, we have salivation. The rally up, takes out old little high in here. Okay? That would be Honestly, this would be one
685 01:56:37,170 --> 01:56:48,750 that you could have traded with the anticipation and test it easy for me to say anticipating rather, the move trading lower. Okay. And while it does trade
686 01:56:48,750 --> 01:56:58,020 lower, it does come back ultimately, and rejects and trades higher. And you saw price come back rather explosively. And that's because we have a gap right here.
687 01:56:58,530 --> 01:57:05,760 Okay, whenever you have gaps in your chart, you want to kind of put blocks on that and extend them out in time because price will come back up to these and
688 01:57:05,760 --> 01:57:21,210 fill that. Okay. much in the same vein it does here and actually traded this at 168 54 was my entry. And I just took 20 pips, I didn't capture anything much
689 01:57:21,240 --> 01:57:30,360 more than that. But same thing happening here. And know, you're probably saying, Wait a minute, you just bought during the buy program, I mean, a sell program.
690 01:57:30,420 --> 01:57:38,340 Yeah, because we have this gap in here. And it was a smaller intraday scalp. And I hadn't caught hadn't caught anything. Because there's a lot of personal things
691 01:57:38,340 --> 01:57:46,050 going on my life. And I just wanted to be able to take something out for the week and be done. And that's what I did. So I have a birthday coming up this
692 01:57:46,050 --> 01:57:57,990 Friday, on the big 42. So I'm trying to clear my my schedule out. So that's that's the reason for the little, little buddy move in here. I haven't been able
693 01:57:57,990 --> 01:58:07,500 to be in front of the charts to capture anything in here. And honestly, there isn't anything in here that would be you know, something I could say my tools
694 01:58:07,500 --> 01:58:17,520 were able to deliver. So outside of that little little minor move in here.  There's been nothing for me to trade this week. And ultimately, we're going to
695 01:58:17,520 --> 01:58:24,930 be focusing on just the fiber. I'm sorry, the cable not the fiber anymore. Going forward. We do our live sessions because I just want to be working on one pair.
696 01:58:25,950 --> 01:58:39,150 But we talked about the power three, we talked about Judas swings, I did not cover the Judas swing for New York. So let's do that now. All right, New York
697 01:58:39,150 --> 01:58:53,280 session typically sees an opening around 7am New York time, okay, and can use 12 GMT. Now, what I like to look at is I want to see what 6am okay? 6am, which is
698 01:58:53,280 --> 01:59:06,300 11 GMT, I want to see that vertical line. And that'll give you your Judas swing parameter, okay, for the New York session. Now, let's go back and look at this
699 01:59:06,300 --> 01:59:17,520 example. And I'll tell you why I did what I did against the trend. We had a possible low formed here because we have really aggressive move form right off
700 01:59:17,520 --> 01:59:27,660 of this, this price point here and this is actually 745 GMT. Okay, price snaps up aggressively and it leaves a gap. All I wanted to do see if it would come
701 01:59:27,660 --> 01:59:35,940 back up to this and I was trying to play an optimal trade entry for continuation going lower, but using the exit for the optimal trade entry pattern. In other
702 01:59:35,940 --> 01:59:37,140 words, I was looking at this.
703 01:59:42,720 --> 01:59:51,840 I was using this area here to exit my long price came down filled the gap. But more importantly, I want you to look at what's going on. This is what I was
704 01:59:51,840 --> 02:00:01,530 trading off of. I was betting that this was the low of the day. Why? Because it was happening in London, London, blew up real hard and then retreat. Okay, it
705 02:00:01,530 --> 02:00:09,000 filled the gap. If there was no gap in here, I never would have thought this trade ever would have considered taking a trade. But because there was a gap. I
706 02:00:09,000 --> 02:00:19,710 went long in here with the expectation that I would see a further move higher why the vertical line delineates 11 GMT or 6am, New York time? If we're going to
707 02:00:19,710 --> 02:00:28,530 be a buyer, what do we like to see first and Judas swing perspective? A down move. See what it's done. Here's the white line. This is New York. Judas
708 02:00:28,590 --> 02:00:40,470 parameter like the five GMT New York for London. We want to see a move down.  Also, it fills in a gap and it trades into a previous order block rallies. See
709 02:00:40,470 --> 02:00:59,730 that. If you are looking at over here, your London open down day. Here is the New York session. So how do you get in sync with getting in New York? Well, you
710 02:00:59,730 --> 02:01:14,880 want to see a rally after 11 GMT or 6am that rally that occurs later on? That'll be the retracement inside of the existing daily range. Right up on here 60% sell
711 02:01:14,880 --> 02:01:26,250 here. Try to get back to the old low notice it doesn't do it here. Failed trade.  Okay. I'm giving you what would what would happen guys I mean I'm trying to keep
712 02:01:26,250 --> 02:01:36,870 it as real as I possibly can. You have a scenario here as well. You have the high coming off of in the London session. trades down. We want to see a rally
713 02:01:36,870 --> 02:01:39,780 after New York. Okay after New York
714 02:01:45,870 --> 02:01:49,830 never gives it to you here and you have to wait to the following day on online.
715 02:01:56,430 --> 02:02:09,810 Down move in here. Have you want to see a retracement of some sort? Okay retracement is again New York can be used for position trading guys that can't
716 02:02:09,810 --> 02:02:19,320 be up there in London, whatever you would sell short here. You had to ride out all through the previous I mean sorry, the next London session. So you can't
717 02:02:19,320 --> 02:02:28,380 move your stop. You can't do anything until the low is taken out muscle or taken out then you start managing your trade and your stops. But until then, that's
718 02:02:28,410 --> 02:02:40,230 this is what you have to work with. But using the new york session period separator 11 GMT or 6am New York time you want to see the rally you want that
719 02:02:40,230 --> 02:02:50,190 rally is is what sets you up for a continuation of the existing down set downtrend. Okay, framing your ideas with the London backdrop of what's going on
720 02:02:50,190 --> 02:03:03,930 in London, and the overall trend being lower. But using the 6am New York or 11 GMT window, what what that does afterwards, okay, is sets the framework up for
721 02:03:03,930 --> 02:03:12,240 your trade. Notice that we have the high formed in London here. We didn't get any kind of a rally on this day. So we couldn't do any country. There was no
722 02:03:12,240 --> 02:03:27,660 opportunity there in New York. Nothing really to speak of air either. Again, this is that same day where it could have you DOD is classified as an illusion
723 02:03:27,660 --> 02:03:42,300 that you would have lost money on that. The London session creates the high here. Here's New York at 6am. We see a rally the rally up to what old support
724 02:03:42,300 --> 02:03:47,220 broken becomes what resistance. Okay.
725 02:04:00,780 --> 02:04:17,520 Hi, today in London, New York. You want to see what a rally after 6am or 11 GMT, there's a rally into old resistance. So you have a five minute optimal trade
726 02:04:17,520 --> 02:04:31,530 entry in here you could have scaled into even with smaller risk but you're also playing up against this old low using the bodies of the candles right there.
727 02:04:32,370 --> 02:04:42,990 Okay, so you took out an old low broke through it came back fine as us support broken turn resistance and we had another trade through and even blew through it
728 02:04:42,990 --> 02:04:51,510 just a little bit until nice of them. Nice they were about doing that. Right there's the highs that are equal. Now I told you the best moves occur after the
729 02:04:51,510 --> 02:05:03,990 stop read stops gonna be read above that or at that tie down and goes okay. And this is in the Donald Trump's of summer guys, and this is August. This I mean,
730 02:05:04,440 --> 02:05:14,910 not August starting in July, July and August really, really crummiest in terms of volatility, it's really nasty in terms of cleanness in terms of where price
731 02:05:14,910 --> 02:05:26,730 can go perfectly in turn around. That's why a lot of weight is mainly placed on the daily and even weekly charts really, because they don't give you the
732 02:05:26,790 --> 02:05:37,830 framework that you need to have for these large institutions to be behind your trades. So while we basically looked at targeting time of day power, three Judah
733 02:05:37,830 --> 02:05:49,080 swings how to fly with both not only the New York session, but the London session as well. We talked about the the mapping aspect of putting the boxes on
734 02:05:49,110 --> 02:05:58,440 your chart, like we have here, this orange box and what it means, okay, and again, it's to bracket out a pocket of price action, that the higher timeframes
735 02:05:58,470 --> 02:06:08,940 are telling us, the direction is most likely going to be. And in this case, we mapped out that it was going lower. So while we're in the intraday perspective,
736 02:06:09,330 --> 02:06:18,810 we are cognizant of the lower timeframe, I'm sorry, the higher timeframes moving lower. So we want to be more focused in on finding sell scenarios at specific
737 02:06:18,810 --> 02:06:32,580 times of the day. with specific, you know, reoccurring themes that we there be the apple trading sheet or the turtle suit. It would be advantageous for you to
738 02:06:32,730 --> 02:06:42,330 study market profiling to a great degree. And I mean by that is markets move from consolidation, to trend to reversal, okay, there's only three things that
739 02:06:42,330 --> 02:06:52,170 can happen. The markets either go sideways in a range, or it's going to trend and break out basically, or once again, once it hits a resistance or support of
740 02:06:52,170 --> 02:07:01,560 greater measure, it'll reverse near the only three things that can happen with price. It's either going sideways, it's going up, or it's going down and based
741 02:07:01,560 --> 02:07:14,400 on the three primary profiles, which is consolidation, which is range bound, okay? And you see that here, here is consolidation. Okay, reversal, trend
742 02:07:16,140 --> 02:07:17,040 consolidation.
743 02:07:25,560 --> 02:07:41,760 Here, we have a reversal, old high sticking out, reversal. So we're in consolidation, reversal, trade, lower trending, consolidation, trending,
744 02:07:41,790 --> 02:07:54,690 reversal, consolidation, trending, reversal, consolidating, trending, consolidating,
745 02:07:56,070 --> 02:07:56,790 reversal,
746 02:07:59,130 --> 02:08:10,020 consolidating, trending, if you only want to call that now we're in consolidation again, okay, so by understanding where we're at in the cycle, and
747 02:08:10,020 --> 02:08:19,740 there's no real repeating, consolidation, trend reversal, okay. But it does go from consolidation to trend, that before you see a trend, there's a
748 02:08:19,740 --> 02:08:28,860 consolidation. And inside the consolidation is where all the Smart Money accumulation is being done, whether it be buying and selling. So hopefully, this
749 02:08:28,860 --> 02:08:39,960 has been insightful to you guys. Obviously, understanding seasonal tendencies and honestly, if you if you do a search on more research, and that's N o r e, he
750 02:08:39,960 --> 02:08:50,340 has, in my opinion, the best seasonal tendency stuff there is. But you can pull up seasonal tendency, graphs on every everything from commodities, to currencies
751 02:08:50,340 --> 02:08:58,950 and searching oil, if you're trading crude oil, gold, silver, all that stuff, he has all that stuff. And if you just Google it on the internet, you can find all
752 02:08:58,950 --> 02:09:08,460 that stuff. But applying seasonal tendencies to you the higher timeframes as well kind of gets you in set for when there's a likely buy or sell, forget to
753 02:09:08,850 --> 02:09:18,330 come under way, a lot, a lot of my longer term analysis where I've called major highs and lows, and where they're most likely gonna form and then move into a
754 02:09:18,330 --> 02:09:27,390 new buying opportunity or selling opportunity that's really hinged on the CIT data, and seasonal seasonal tendencies. with higher level support resistance.
755 02:09:27,390 --> 02:09:38,100 That's all it is, guys, that's really all it is. And by having these tools combined together, applying them will give you a huge edge that just the retail
756 02:09:38,100 --> 02:09:47,970 traders just simply don't even exist in terms of you know, they don't even know this is this level of precision is available. Okay. And when we go into the
757 02:09:47,970 --> 02:09:57,990 fall, and we trade through the winter months and early spring, the liquidity that is available, then you'll see because we're gonna be doing it live over my
758 02:09:57,990 --> 02:10:05,400 shoulder and you'll see all these things happening. In advance of setting up the all the moves and what we anticipate seeing and all that stuff, when that when
759 02:10:05,400 --> 02:10:14,760 that happens, it will be a learning experience unlike any other for you. And I'm going to close my teaching out this year with this, because obviously, you know,
760 02:10:14,760 --> 02:10:24,660 as a mentor, I'm retiring, and 2015 will be the beginning of my life away from teaching. But my resources will be still available on the internet, obviously,
761 02:10:24,690 --> 02:10:36,450 my email address, you can always reach me at ICT at the inner circle trader calm and as a backup email address, inner circle trader@gmail.com. And obviously,
762 02:10:36,450 --> 02:10:46,530 with everything that we've shared in here, this is this massive, massive comments, condensing, condensing rather, of all the materials that I've been
763 02:10:46,530 --> 02:10:55,320 sharing over the last four years, there's much, much more that could be done in terms of reviewing and go on and on. But it would take me another four years to
764 02:10:55,320 --> 02:11:04,350 do it, you know me. So we'll be doing a lot of application which will help you get up to speed. But for those that are just now warmed up to my material, this
765 02:11:04,350 --> 02:11:12,000 kind of like is like an overview, if you will a real Crash Course of the things that we do, and we've done for the last four years. And you'll start to see
766 02:11:12,030 --> 02:11:18,900 everything I talked about in real time, it won't be made up, it'll be all hinged on the stuff that's been talked about for the last four years and documented on
767 02:11:19,020 --> 02:11:26,610 what internet I mean, it's not like, you know, just start tweaking these things every every day to make it work better. This is the stuff that's in my
768 02:11:26,610 --> 02:11:33,780 repertoire. It's stuff that I used to trade, it's stuff that other traders have been using for a long period of time to hair familiar with my stuff, and they
769 02:11:33,840 --> 02:11:44,220 are doing very well. So I'm gonna close it here. This ends our series on what every new endorsed buying for our trader wants to know, recap or review. And now
770 02:11:44,220 --> 02:11:53,280 everything going forward will be real time doing the drills, doing all the research projects and all the stuff that's necessary for you. But I'm condensing
771 02:11:53,280 --> 02:11:59,670 what you should be done for six months into just one month. So by the time we're in the second week of September, we'll be in the swing of things with live
772 02:11:59,670 --> 02:12:03,900 trading with a Live account. So with that, guys, we wish you good luck and good trading.