ICT - Sniper Course - 03 - Field Navigation module.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2021-06-10 10:35

00:00:55,980 --> 00:01:05,850 ICT: Okay guys, welcome to Episode Four in a series ICT scout sniper field training guide. Okay, let's look at what we're gonna be covering in this
00:01:05,850 --> 00:01:15,330 presentation, we're gonna be reviewing the previous episodes, assignment price reactions. And we're going to be looking at examples of pricing, price
00:01:15,330 --> 00:01:27,750 reactions. We're gonna go over a brief overview of smart money concepts. And we're gonna be looking at interest rates, timeframes, range trend, and power
00:01:27,750 --> 00:01:38,400 three. Okay, we're gonna be revealing the market maker. Okay, we're gonna be looking at the ICT market maker by model. And we're gonna be looking at how
00:01:38,430 --> 00:01:50,790 dealers operate in support levels. And we're gonna be looking at the ICT market maker. So model and how dealers operate in resistance levels. We're gonna be
00:01:50,790 --> 00:02:03,090 looking at how market makers business model works in application, we're gonna be looking at understanding how market maker pairs orders and how orders stack
00:02:03,090 --> 00:02:15,630 around key levels. Okay, we're looking at exposing the mechanics of a price swing. And we're going to look at more of the time and especially working around
00:02:15,690 --> 00:02:27,030 the ICT kill zones. And we're gonna be looking at the London kill zone, specifically and the New York kill zone. We're gonna be looking at how prices
00:02:27,060 --> 00:02:38,460 are crucial to you. And as far as knowing your key levels and how you're setting up your opportunities to trade. And we're gonna be giving you a homework
10 00:02:38,460 --> 00:02:40,500 assignment stalking in the kill zone.
11 00:02:46,170 --> 00:02:57,510 Okay, folks, we are looking at the Euro USD daily chart. And when we're looking at reaction levels, okay, the ones I'm most interested in are obviously found on
12 00:02:57,510 --> 00:03:06,090 the higher time frames now, you can go back to a monthly you can go back to a weekly chart and look for these types of levels as well. But for the sake of
13 00:03:06,090 --> 00:03:17,880 this teaching series, we're just going to focus on the intermediate term market.  And that's going to be divide that the daily and four hour. And by hunting the
14 00:03:17,880 --> 00:03:28,770 reaction levels on this higher timeframe daily chart and or the four hour chart, it really puts the odds in your favor based on the fact that the institutional
15 00:03:28,770 --> 00:03:39,990 level traders that beats the banks, the large funds and such, they are really watching these key levels. Now. We discuss in the first two episodes, how we can
16 00:03:39,990 --> 00:03:50,400 look at support resistance and have you know, high odds key resistance levels.  Now, we're going to build on that in this episode here. But for now, while we're
17 00:03:50,400 --> 00:04:02,280 looking at this, I want to remind you that the last episode, we talked about the fiber being poised to trade lower. Okay. Now, I purposely waited a little while,
18 00:04:03,030 --> 00:04:14,010 not as long as I did, but the third episode out, but I wanted to wait a little while to allow the market to move lower based on that real time, if you want to
19 00:04:14,010 --> 00:04:24,540 call it that, in the recording its time and date stamped on YouTube, the the fiber was called to go lower. Now we're going to frame why that was the case
20 00:04:24,540 --> 00:04:34,260 now, okay, but I want to reiterate the fact that it was called lower beforehand, okay. So the concepts that we're going to employ and go over in this example,
21 00:04:34,800 --> 00:04:43,560 are going to be beneficial to you going forward because it's the same type of thing you do over and over and over again, just you know, on your own particular
22 00:04:43,560 --> 00:04:53,340 pair, or it could be a stock market, you know, stock or commodity, whatever it is, whatever vehicle or asset class that you find yourself a trader and we're
23 00:04:53,340 --> 00:05:02,370 delving in specifically the FX market here in this series, but it's important that you understand my concepts are generic, okay, and when I say generic, it
24 00:05:02,370 --> 00:05:12,360 means they're not boring in the sense that they're not useful. They're generic in the sense that they're universal. Okay, they apply to every asset class,
25 00:05:12,480 --> 00:05:24,540 minor little nuances to have to be taken into consideration. But nonetheless, they are applicable to every market asset class. So the homework assignment was
26 00:05:24,540 --> 00:05:33,630 to look for reaction levels, okay, mark them up on your chart, and then watch what happens in the coming weeks around those particular price levels. Okay, and
27 00:05:33,630 --> 00:05:42,990 we're going to do that now. Now, I'm not going to beat it to death in terms of what reaction levels and what support resistance levels, we should have noted in
28 00:05:42,990 --> 00:05:50,940 our chart. But if we were looking at this example here, and this was real time, in the time, if you sitting down in front of the charts, or when I would be
29 00:05:50,940 --> 00:05:58,320 sitting in front of the charts, this is how I would mark up my charts. Okay, and we're just gonna use the four horizontal lines just to save time because I spent
30 00:05:58,320 --> 00:06:11,550 a lot of time monkeying around with adjusting the the app, the right end of a trend line. Now I do like the trend lines because it makes it neater when I'm
31 00:06:11,550 --> 00:06:20,820 drawing horizontal support resistance. Now, I don't like trend lines on a diagonal basis. So don't get me misquoted here, I do not have faith in diagonal
32 00:06:20,820 --> 00:06:33,810 support resistance. But I do have absolute faith and horizontal support resistance as we have here. Now, what I'm doing is some noting every swing high
33 00:06:35,040 --> 00:06:44,220 and swing low, that's relatively close, we're gonna use about 300 to 400 PIP range from where we're trading at, in this instance here. Now, obviously, you
34 00:06:44,220 --> 00:06:52,140 can see time of this recording prices already down here. But again, I'm going to count you to go back to the recording and you'll know by watching it that we
35 00:06:52,140 --> 00:07:08,610 call this market going lower here, okay. So we have this reaction high here.  Okay, swing high. Now what I'm noting again, so you don't lose, lose yourself
36 00:07:08,610 --> 00:07:24,240 amongst my banter here. I'm looking at times where candles have to hire candles on both sides. Okay? Not to hire on each side. But to hire candles on one side.
37 00:07:24,240 --> 00:07:32,730 In other words, you have a candle with a higher low on the left and a higher low on the right. Okay, and I'm finding this probably is probably confusing, because
38 00:07:32,730 --> 00:07:40,680 it's not what I'm showing you here, but this is a Sunday candle. So you got to take that in consideration, blend that into this Monday. So you do have the
39 00:07:40,740 --> 00:07:47,130 swing low here, basing this Monday candle, and this Thursday candle here.
40 00:07:47,220 --> 00:08:07,950 And this is a Friday candle. So you have that swing low. Okay, so we'll have that noted. Okay, and we're going to use this high here. Okay, and you see this
41 00:08:07,950 --> 00:08:17,820 one here. Now, I realize you're probably starting to think well wait, this is getting really busy here. Okay, but what I want to draw your attention to is the
42 00:08:17,820 --> 00:08:28,560 fact that we do have these levels, turning the market on a daily timeframe.  Okay, so if the market made its daily, higher low there, okay. It's significant.
43 00:08:28,950 --> 00:08:40,470 Okay. Now, this is a moment where you pull out your pad. Major reaction levels, okay. occur around annual highs and lows I mean, yearly, high and low.
44 00:08:41,370 --> 00:08:50,790 Quarterly, your high and low in other words every three months, okay, for instance, January, February, March in that block of time calendar basis, okay.
45 00:08:50,790 --> 00:08:59,400 Find the highest highest highs, I'm sorry, the highest high and lowest low in that timeframe. Do the same thing for the second quarter. Okay, that being
46 00:09:00,870 --> 00:09:10,950 April, May, June, and then July, August, September, October, November, December.  So there's, there's four quarters and blocks of three. Okay, because there's a
47 00:09:10,950 --> 00:09:19,110 quarterly shuffle that goes on Okay, portfolio dressing and such. And you'll be able to see significant highs and lows and we're not going to do that here. It's
48 00:09:19,470 --> 00:09:27,870 this series is meant for you to get your sleeves rolled up and do some homework on your own. Okay, and you're going to learn by doing it. Okay, I'm leading you
49 00:09:27,870 --> 00:09:38,070 to the water but it's up to you to drink, okay. You also have monthly highs and lows. Those are key, important reactionary levels. Okay. And then you have
50 00:09:38,070 --> 00:09:46,920 weekly highs and lows and you have intro week highs and lows. Okay, so now once we get to like Wednesday, wherever the highest time and lows low was at that
51 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:57,540 time, are influential. Okay. And then you have your standard daily highs and lows. Okay. And here is one of the gold nuggets that you're going to get okay.
52 00:09:58,230 --> 00:10:08,970 Whenever you see a swing high, okay, a swing high like this, okay, we have a candle here with a lower high candle on the right of it and a lower high candle
53 00:10:08,970 --> 00:10:18,450 on the left of it. Okay, this pattern is very, very strong. And the reason why it's so strong is because you have to take a couple elements out of that
54 00:10:18,570 --> 00:10:29,250 pattern. Okay, and we're gonna start with the first candle here, this candle on the left of the swing high, okay, you want to note the high, the open the low
55 00:10:29,250 --> 00:10:37,230 and the close on this candle, you want to do the same thing for the highest candle in the three bar pattern. And you want to do the same thing to open high
56 00:10:37,230 --> 00:10:52,290 low close values on that same basis. Okay. And whenever you see a swing high on your daily timeframe, you really, really want to have those data points. Now,
57 00:10:52,290 --> 00:11:01,800 essentially, we have the high here with this horizontal line, and we essentially have the open, we're here with this line. Okay, but it was based on this candle
58 00:11:01,800 --> 00:11:17,160 here. Now we have to have the low. I'm sorry, the low here and noted as well.  Okay, you can see that happening right there. Now I'm balling it true, but we
59 00:11:17,160 --> 00:11:24,240 can go down and doctored up when we get down to the lower timeframes. But here's what I want, just just by clicking that, like I did here, I want you to take a
60 00:11:24,240 --> 00:11:33,750 look at what happened over here. And these candles, see the bodies they were having difficulty closing and opening far beyond that level. Okay, something
61 00:11:33,810 --> 00:11:44,130 about these levels, okay, causes the marketplace to turn. Okay, we're going to talk more specifically about that phenomenon. Okay, and another Smart Money
62 00:11:44,130 --> 00:11:56,070 concept applied to where markets tend to, to blast off and have you trade opportunity presented to you and you can see things in advance, based on what
63 00:11:56,070 --> 00:12:06,480 I'm going to share in this episode here. But I want to show you how sensitive these levels are. And then obviously, because we have this market open on this
64 00:12:06,510 --> 00:12:14,130 candle here, if you go over here, look with a debt and you have a bounce right off of that, obviously, we can see that the close of that candle and that swing
65 00:12:14,130 --> 00:12:24,510 high, we were opening essentially near that same point went lower. The candle here was unable to make much move higher, we fell short of it here. The body of
66 00:12:24,510 --> 00:12:35,970 the candle here is well. Okay, so there's a lot of insight that is gleaned by doing these exercises, but it's also a daily procedure.
67 00:12:36,150 --> 00:12:46,740 Okay, but here's the cool thing. Once you have these levels noted, okay, these, when they're when they're, a lot of them, like you see here, this is when you
68 00:12:46,740 --> 00:12:56,070 take your data, and you write it down on your pad, okay, and that way, when price trades to these levels, okay, or approaches these levels, you'll have that
69 00:12:56,070 --> 00:13:04,140 in mind, okay, look is is a reactionary level based on a daily timeframe. So that way, you don't have to have all these lines on your chart. Okay? So we're
70 00:13:04,140 --> 00:13:16,350 going to do is want to take our chart, and we're going to drill down to a four hour basis, okay. And we're going to be just simply looking at the, the market
71 00:13:17,670 --> 00:13:22,200 from the standpoint of all these 23rd.
72 00:13:32,820 --> 00:13:41,700 Okay, and what to do was, I've just moved the fixed chart position, and just a little difficult to see here. But I will show you all that when I talk about
73 00:13:41,700 --> 00:13:55,020 setting up templates for Mt. Four and how you can maneuver around. So we're gonna go into a four hour chart. Okay, and here we are, we're essentially, with
74 00:13:55,020 --> 00:14:06,600 the same levels noted, we move down into a four hour basis. Okay, and what I'm just gonna do is I'm gonna scrub forward a little bit. Okay, and read about
75 00:14:06,600 --> 00:14:15,570 here's where we're talking about how the market was poised to trade lower. And I promise I'll get to the point of which we're going to explain why he was going
76 00:14:15,570 --> 00:14:26,790 to go lower. But for now, I just want to just illustrate how the market eventually traded with these levels. Okay, now, these levels were based on key
77 00:14:27,330 --> 00:14:36,540 reaction levels on a daily timeframe. Before the facts in other words, we're going to basically establish a point of which will delineate that with a
78 00:14:36,540 --> 00:14:47,280 vertical line here. We'll say, beginning here, you know, we were expecting to go lower, and we're gonna start watching and it's going to study how price reacted
79 00:14:47,280 --> 00:14:59,280 to these levels going forward. Okay. And really, what you're doing is you're, you're looking at how price moved, reacted, traded down to and up to resistance
80 00:14:59,280 --> 00:15:10,530 and support How price worked specific levels, broke down, found support at it and then broke lower and moved around and gyrated. Okay, now, these levels are
81 00:15:10,530 --> 00:15:19,230 just simply established off of daily timeframe. Now, when you move to a four hour, okay, like we learned in the previous two episodes, when you break your
82 00:15:19,230 --> 00:15:27,930 market down from a daily to a four hour, the four hour is going to have more dynamic support resistance levels that were not as clearly discernible as we're
83 00:15:27,930 --> 00:15:39,480 on a daily chart, okay, so this level here, okay, you would have on your chart as well, and you can see the price reactions from theirs as well and you have
84 00:15:39,630 --> 00:15:53,370 this swing low. One could have that on your chart as well. And you can see how price reacted around that as well. Okay, and now, what we're gonna do is we're
85 00:15:53,370 --> 00:15:59,760 going to move to a 15 minute basis, and we're going to look at last week's trading.
86 00:16:21,030 --> 00:16:29,160 Okay, this is last week trading the Euro USD is as a 15 minute timeframe that we're going to do is want to put the vertical lines in delineating the actual
87 00:16:29,160 --> 00:16:40,860 days, you have Monday's trading here. Tuesday's trading here, Wednesday, Thursday, and then Friday down here. Now we again, we're calling the market
88 00:16:40,860 --> 00:16:54,600 lower. And you can see the market did in fact trade lower. We're going to be looking at how price reacted intra week, okay, but we're going to talk about
89 00:16:55,200 --> 00:17:01,470 some things that haven't really been touched on if you've been following for a while in great detail.
90 00:17:14,099 --> 00:17:24,509 Okay, so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna be discussing the have a market itself, we're gonna zoom out just one more tap, just you can get a feel for what
91 00:17:24,509 --> 00:17:33,509 has happened. The market traded lower up in these levels here, we we were calling it lower and broke down rather aggressively. Okay, so you can see much
92 00:17:33,509 --> 00:17:48,149 more dynamic view of how price had respected the support resistance lines that we arrived that on a daily timeframe. Okay, so now, obviously, we can see in
93 00:17:48,149 --> 00:17:56,999 hindsight that it caused the market to turn at resistance and support and once support was broken events to trade back to it found as resistance. Okay, we
94 00:17:56,999 --> 00:18:06,449 understand those central tenets to the marketplace and how technical analysis is generally perceived and or viewed in hindsight basis. Okay, but how do we use
95 00:18:06,449 --> 00:18:17,909 these levels going forward? Okay, well, number one, unless you have these types of price points, okay, or support resistance levels, on a higher timeframe,
96 00:18:18,269 --> 00:18:27,779 there's absolutely zero reason to expect a trade to form. Okay, again, here's one of those night notepad moments, okay, write this down and underline it
97 00:18:27,989 --> 00:18:40,889 several times, you do not look for a trade or trading pattern when your intraday charts unless it is trading at a higher time frame support resistance level,
98 00:18:41,039 --> 00:18:52,409 okay, or at a higher time frame reaction level. That means the trade has to be formulated and framed around a level that you had already arrived at, from the
99 00:18:52,409 --> 00:19:02,669 daily and or for a timeframe. Okay, now, here's a question for you. And you already know the answer to this, I'm sure. So again, I'm not trying to browbeat
100 00:19:02,669 --> 00:19:09,809 anyone, but I'm telling you, I've done the same stuff. So hopefully, you'll learn from it like I did. And you'll you'll, you'll stop the bleeding and you'll
101 00:19:09,809 --> 00:19:22,019 start moving towards consistency. So now looking at your own personal trading, how many times daily, weekly, in the last few months or so, how many times have
102 00:19:22,019 --> 00:19:32,279 you looked at a five minute chart or a one minute chart or maybe, you know, an hourly chart, looking for a pattern, a price pattern and then trying to chase
103 00:19:32,279 --> 00:19:41,969 the market after you see it moving? Because you you didn't have the confidence to trust the pattern because there was nothing framing it on. Okay, you just saw
104 00:19:41,969 --> 00:19:51,869 a pattern or similarity of what would be considered a price pattern and then reacted to it after the market started moving. What you felt was a confidence
105 00:19:51,869 --> 00:19:59,189 booster in the favor that you know the favorable direction the pattern was suggesting it would move and then all of a sudden saw that market turn on you.
106 00:19:59,219 --> 00:20:09,269 Even though That suppose that price pattern was there, it eventually turned on you, as it happened to you. I can tell you with Grace's shorty? If it hasn't, if
107 00:20:09,269 --> 00:20:21,509 you don't do these types of things, it surely will price patterns by themselves.  You know, all speak harmonically gartley, butterflies, bats, all those patterns,
108 00:20:21,539 --> 00:20:33,959 okay, that you hear bandied about on the internet and or YouTube educational series or reviews or some quote unquote previews, they may or may not be
109 00:20:34,049 --> 00:20:44,999 profitable. But if you don't have that pattern framed around a real reaction level, okay. And again, we've talked about why the market reacts like it does.
110 00:20:44,999 --> 00:20:56,579 And when you see market moves that are dynamic, okay, because it's the institutional sponsorship that takes the market up or down, okay, retail traders
111 00:20:56,579 --> 00:21:05,939 are not going to do anything to this marketplace. We are participants that are hopefully, like the fleas on the dog. Okay, we're on for the ride once in a
112 00:21:05,939 --> 00:21:17,789 while we get a bite, okay. But if we don't watch it, the dog will scratches right off. So we are hopefully positioning ourselves at a time and place really
113 00:21:17,789 --> 00:21:32,129 in terms of price, where the market is highly sensitive to market reactions on the higher level trading entities like the banks, large funds, institutions, if
114 00:21:32,129 --> 00:21:42,809 those traders are participating in the marketplace at that time frame, okay, that time of day at that date. Okay, at that price level, you are in a much
115 00:21:42,839 --> 00:21:51,389 better position, technically speaking as a trader, than those that just simply go out and say, Well, you know, the markets have gone up for the last six days,
116 00:21:51,389 --> 00:21:57,719 so it's probably gonna keep going up. Let me just go in here and buy it today.  Okay, so I can tell you, I know a lot of people that send me emails and again,
117 00:21:57,719 --> 00:22:05,009 please, I'm only using this as an example. So don't let this be an impediment to you ever send me emails or questions or comments or anything like that. But, you
118 00:22:05,009 --> 00:22:13,349 know, folks, do these types of things. And here's this, here's another, you know, disclosure, I did that same stuff, guys.
119 00:22:13,410 --> 00:22:22,080 Okay, when I traded commodities, if the market was going screaming up, okay, I would be watching it, do it. In the middle of the summertime during drought
120 00:22:22,080 --> 00:22:29,490 season, if the wheat market was going straight up, it could be up for 19 days.  And I'm like, wow, it's been going on, let me just get in there and buy that,
121 00:22:29,520 --> 00:22:40,050 okay. And sometimes I was lucky. And then other times, I was not, okay, because I was chasing the market. By having these levels pre determined, based on the
122 00:22:40,050 --> 00:22:49,830 higher time frame, you can sit on your hands and exercise that dreaded word patience. Okay, because a lot of times I, you know, I talked about that. And I
123 00:22:49,830 --> 00:22:59,250 stressed the importance of having patience, and submitting to time, okay, because if we're using these daily and four hour charts, it's going to take time
124 00:22:59,250 --> 00:23:07,140 for price to get to these particular price levels. Now, why am I teaching this timeframe? Well, because most of you can't sit in front of your computers all
125 00:23:07,140 --> 00:23:14,790 day long, and trade for a living. As much as you aspire to do that. Y'all have, what responsibilities, you have mortgage payments, you have children, you have
126 00:23:14,790 --> 00:23:24,180 spouses to take care of, if your wives you have your husbands to deal with. So the bottom line is, is you have a lot of responsibilities and very little time
127 00:23:24,180 --> 00:23:32,100 on your hands to be able to apply to analysis. Now Sure, you can go back and look at hindsight, and study intraday action like that. And there's certainly
128 00:23:32,100 --> 00:23:42,150 nothing wrong with that. But for the most part, by far and large majority of you are watching this all have nine to five or similar that keeps you from having
129 00:23:42,180 --> 00:23:51,270 the time to sit in front of the charts and trade intraday. So, again, I'm teaching this timeframe because it will allow those that have jobs, to formulate
130 00:23:51,270 --> 00:24:01,620 trading ideas on your demo account to build confidence and understanding in technical analysis, and still possibly take part of profitable swings that
131 00:24:01,830 --> 00:24:12,030 market entities push price up or down based on these higher level support resistance levels. Now, again, we have a snapshot in front of us here. This is
132 00:24:12,030 --> 00:24:23,340 essentially Oh, two and a half weeks worth of price data. But again, these levels were noted prior to these price points up here. Okay, we were calling the
133 00:24:23,340 --> 00:24:33,750 market lower up in here and the market slid lower okay to the tune of about what is that let's get a good good feel for what that price level is we'll get about
134 00:24:33,840 --> 00:24:49,170 middle of that consolidation, and the lowest low on last Friday comes in around 285 pips or so. Not bad, not bad for a future perspective in terms of analysis,
135 00:24:49,170 --> 00:24:59,190 a lot of my haters that really are new interested in learning this stuff, they just want to derail on the track. folks that are out here doing this stuff. for
136 00:24:59,190 --> 00:25:09,390 free. I don't sell my And I just do it as a, as a hobby, as you can see, it's been a delay in my release of this episode. And that's another reason why I'll
137 00:25:09,390 --> 00:25:18,660 never sell anything because I really have a life, and I'm not gonna subject you guys to any kind of payment, okay, and, you know, selling things because I don't
138 00:25:18,660 --> 00:25:27,900 want, I don't want the hassle to, I don't need your money. And three, I can't promise you, I'm going to have the free time to consistently give you what you
139 00:25:27,900 --> 00:25:36,870 would reasonably expect on a paid service. So there are guys out there that have you know, services, and some of them probably shouldn't be doing it, then you
140 00:25:36,870 --> 00:25:47,100 have others out there that you know, are doing it, and maybe there are worthwhile and they have, you know, assistance to new traders. It's not up to
141 00:25:47,100 --> 00:25:54,720 me, to judge those individuals, I can just tell you that me personally, in the form of a mentor, you get what you get when you get it. I mean, I don't mean to
142 00:25:54,720 --> 00:26:09,330 be ignorant about it. But you know, like I said, I do have a job of being a father, husband, and my life is interesting. And it many times pulls me in
143 00:26:09,330 --> 00:26:17,250 directions I really didn't plan on from the time I lay my head down to tunnel wake up, a lot of things can happen in the ICT world. And you know, I could be
144 00:26:17,250 --> 00:26:27,480 involved in things that I hadn't planned on. And that's what this market can provide for you a lot of freedom to do that very thing. I'm not locked into
145 00:26:27,480 --> 00:26:38,970 having to do any one thing or another. The freedom to be able to say, you know what, I've reached my goal, I don't ever have to go to my employment place
146 00:26:38,970 --> 00:26:48,960 anymore. Okay, whatever that is, you plug that in, if you're new, if you work at a, an industrial job, or if you're a truck driver, or if you're a mechanic or if
147 00:26:48,960 --> 00:27:01,290 you're a doctor and nurse, the ice cream shop guy, how about that house. Bottom line is you have to get to that point, and it doesn't happen overnight. So use
148 00:27:01,290 --> 00:27:02,400 these tools,
149 00:27:02,640 --> 00:27:12,960 okay, to help frame your inner trader that will eventually come to fruition.  After you gain a level of confidence in yourself, firstly, that you can stick to
150 00:27:12,960 --> 00:27:23,940 the procedures, then trust the tools. And then when those two come together, then you find a level of consistency at your time of choosing not when I say or
151 00:27:23,940 --> 00:27:33,570 another mentor. And whatever, you know, book that you buy suggests that you should go to live trading or full time trading. You'll know it when you know.
152 00:27:33,990 --> 00:27:44,040 Okay, believe me you'll if you feel like you're Russian you probably are so don't don't get in a race to try to say well, I'm quitting my job. Okay. I'm
153 00:27:44,040 --> 00:27:53,040 Tony out these little notes I have next to my keyboard here because I've been getting email. So I'm kind of tossing these little nuggets out in the midst of
154 00:27:53,040 --> 00:28:03,270 having these recording. So hopefully I'm answering your your inquiries. So now by looking at these two and a half weeks or such in price data, we called the
155 00:28:03,270 --> 00:28:15,840 market lower back here. Okay, so how would one reasonably expect to participate in the marketplace, as price moves lower? Number one, we have these price levels
156 00:28:15,900 --> 00:28:27,000 noted. And again, from this point in here, these levels were on the chart, they would be walking forward, you would see price, reacting real time at these price
157 00:28:27,000 --> 00:28:35,670 points. Okay. Again, this is a 15 minute time frame. So you would have smaller dealing rain support resistance levels on these timeframes as well but not as
158 00:28:35,700 --> 00:28:44,970 important as the daily and for our timeframes. Because those are where the large institutional traders are spent spending majority of their time looking for
159 00:28:45,330 --> 00:28:57,510 value. Okay, much we're gonna talk about that. So now, again, we talked about how In the previous episode that the market tends to make its high or low. In
160 00:28:57,510 --> 00:29:04,680 the first few days of the week, generally about Tuesday's long and open and at the very latest many times you'll find it. Wednesday's London open is like the
161 00:29:04,680 --> 00:29:16,500 last cusp of where the higher low if it's a down week, the high would be formed.  But generally between Monday and Tuesday, you see it forming the higher low. And
162 00:29:16,620 --> 00:29:25,560 now with that going forward, okay, you can see that we did have the high form. I think it just went above a few pips, maybe one or two pips here on Wednesday. So
163 00:29:25,560 --> 00:29:36,930 it came true as well here moved lower. Okay. But then we moved into this week here. Okay. It's kind of unique in a sense, because if you've been watching the
164 00:29:36,930 --> 00:29:48,390 news, they've been reading newspapers and such. There's been some saber rattling about the US potentially striking Syria. I'm not going to go on the political
165 00:29:48,390 --> 00:30:01,260 stance on get on my soapbox about what we should or shouldn't do in regards to that, but it has caused a lot of uncertainty in terms of what is going To be the
166 00:30:01,260 --> 00:30:11,610 outcome of all that, okay? And this is really good in a sense, because it gives me an opportunity to plug in something that otherwise if it hadn't hadn't been
167 00:30:11,610 --> 00:30:21,060 happening, I would just be talking about it conceptually. But now we're going to have a real world example of what this implies, when you do your analysis. When
168 00:30:21,060 --> 00:30:33,450 there's uncertainty, okay? When there's uncertainty in the marketplace, or the global economy, you know, arena, the participants get really, really spooked.
169 00:30:33,750 --> 00:30:47,850 Okay, and what will happen is, the large institutional traders, okay, many times will scale back their risk, they'll reduce their position sizes, or their new
170 00:30:48,000 --> 00:30:58,080 trades, maybe they'll they were going to do a large block of orders to be an accumulation of a buy position. Maybe they're still bullish, but because of the
171 00:30:58,620 --> 00:31:10,500 global stance against, you know, this potential strike and the implications that may have on the markets, maybe they have reduced their overall exposure by
172 00:31:10,500 --> 00:31:20,580 saying, well, we're gonna buy it, because we fundamentally, fundamentally think it's going to go higher or lower. Okay, um, they just scale back that, and
173 00:31:20,580 --> 00:31:30,090 that's something that you should do as well. So what do I mean by that? Well, I mean, number one, scale back the level of trading leverage you're using, because
174 00:31:30,120 --> 00:31:39,120 anything can happen in these types of environments, okay. But what will generally you'll see happening is, is there'll be a lot of range bound trading
175 00:31:39,150 --> 00:31:52,950 and spiky consolidation. But there's still opportunity to trade in that environment, you just got to lower your expectation, slow down, in terms of what
176 00:31:52,950 --> 00:32:01,920 you expect to see in terms of time, okay, and expect to spend a whole lot of time in the market moves, okay. Like, for instance, if
177 00:32:02,010 --> 00:32:13,170 one of us a buyer here on Tuesday, you'd have to sit through a long period of time before we got into the New York open, on this day here of the night,
178 00:32:13,620 --> 00:32:29,700 September 4, before the the price new release to the upside. Now, if one was a seller, okay, you'd have to rely more on these resistance levels, okay, and
179 00:32:29,700 --> 00:32:42,390 stick true to trading only at or very close to these levels. Meaning that if the market environment is suggests that it's a lot of uncertainty, okay, there would
180 00:32:42,390 --> 00:32:52,350 be times where maybe the price moved up here off these key resistance level, and traded lower and gave a retracement and maybe I would trade something away from
181 00:32:52,350 --> 00:33:05,730 that level. Okay, I want to own more calmer, global arena, okay, when there wasn't so much uncertainty because of potentially war breaking out in the Middle
182 00:33:05,730 --> 00:33:15,210 East and the implications that has, I would not be willing to trade far away from these levels and continue to move lower, meaning that I would miss these
183 00:33:15,210 --> 00:33:23,310 little small little moves in here because I don't care about trading, I hear in this open space between this level here and this level here. I would be more
184 00:33:23,310 --> 00:33:31,860 inclined to be trading at these levels. Okay. And you can see, when price gets these levels, the reaction to it has, okay, and that's what you want to be
185 00:33:31,860 --> 00:33:43,470 focusing focusing on the the the pact of these higher level timeframes, support resistance levels, and applying that to your trading only trading when it gets
186 00:33:43,470 --> 00:33:56,130 to those particular levels and a confluence of other supporting indicators, whether it be price indicators or economic indicators that come around in terms
187 00:33:56,130 --> 00:34:05,610 of your economic calendar. And hello, have you been looking at that? You should be because those things are very significant in terms of trading. You gotta know
188 00:34:05,610 --> 00:34:22,140 what's coming down the pike guys. So let's go in here and zoom in a little bit and go over what had transpired here. Okay. And we're gonna use Friday, two
189 00:34:22,140 --> 00:34:33,180 Fridays ago. Okay, and we're gonna use this price point here. Okay. We have a price move down smaller retracement, and I'll move down. Okay and then a
190 00:34:33,180 --> 00:34:49,860 retracement. Okay. So we had one leg, two legs and then a retracement. Okay and another retrade to this particular level here at 132 20 level one Monday, okay.
191 00:34:50,910 --> 00:35:00,420 We were still obviously looking for selling scenario because we were expecting lower prices based on a higher time frame idea that we're going to lashed out
192 00:35:00,420 --> 00:35:19,080 here. But we have a range high here, this range low. Okay. I'm going to show you this is the range here from the low to the high of that previous Friday. Okay.
193 00:35:19,830 --> 00:35:30,000 Now why am I using these price points? Okay, well Am I every start a new week, I like to use discernible price swings and this is discernible. It's very clear,
194 00:35:30,030 --> 00:35:41,460 very distinct. Much the same capacity this high down to this low is okay. Now you could have your level from this high to this low. But I'm not expecting much
195 00:35:41,460 --> 00:35:49,830 of a retracement because we're overall expected bearish on higher timeframe. So the likelihood of it three trading all the way up to these levels short could
196 00:35:49,860 --> 00:35:58,020 but I don't expect it. Okay, so I'm looking at price where we moved into this consolidation and we broke down, we're going to come right back to that same
197 00:35:58,020 --> 00:36:12,240 consolidation. Okay. Price comes right up into that 62 level, and then trade it off. Okay. We're going to use this same high and this low here, because this is
198 00:36:12,240 --> 00:36:22,860 a new swing, a price swing from this high to this low. It's a larger, more dominant price swing, whereas this is a small little short term price swing,
199 00:36:22,890 --> 00:36:36,750 then a retracement. This is leg one leg two together. Okay, so here's leg one.  And here's leg two. Now, if you look at the high down to that low, formed here
200 00:36:36,750 --> 00:36:50,400 on Tuesday, we have this high and we have this low. See what we have here. Price come right up to that sweet spot. Boom, hit that rate on Friday. I'm sorry
201 00:36:50,400 --> 00:36:58,380 Thursday, and traded lower. Moving into a low on Friday. Okay. So now
202 00:37:00,240 --> 00:37:16,260 what was up here that caused this reaction? Okay. That's one of the assignments I want you to look at, go over your economic calendar, go over your your charts
203 00:37:16,260 --> 00:37:34,650 on a five minute basis, on an hourly basis, four hour and daily. Okay, really hone in on this little area right here. Okay. The breakdown in the fiber, or
204 00:37:34,650 --> 00:37:47,850 your USD as we would commonly hear it referred to as this was the actual high that was formed on the fiber that we traded lower. And right before that price,
205 00:37:47,850 --> 00:37:59,820 hi, Kate, I want you to see something here, see this low? Okay, let's zoom out just one stage. Here's the high. Okay. Here's these lows that we're just talking
206 00:37:59,820 --> 00:38:10,410 about. The market broke those right there. Okay, when we see that, that's generally a sign that this market wants to break down much in the same way you
207 00:38:10,410 --> 00:38:21,240 see it here. Okay, it broke the low here and try to rally up it was a false swing and then gave up to go somewhat lower. Well, we have that same scenario
208 00:38:21,240 --> 00:38:38,850 here. Okay. And the reason why price was expected to break down here is if we go out to a daily chart real quick. See this old set of highs back here, price one
209 00:38:38,850 --> 00:38:51,870 just above that, ran to the 134 50 figure mid figure right here rather and then traded lower. When we had this price pattern here, these are referred to as
210 00:38:51,930 --> 00:39:03,990 railroad tracks. Okay. And I like to see these types of patterns because number one are pretty powerful in terms of prognostication. You see that happen here.
211 00:39:05,280 --> 00:39:12,660 And price gave a very nice retracement here. This is very tradable. Now, obviously, when you contrast it against something like this, where it rallies up
212 00:39:12,660 --> 00:39:22,530 like this where the rally here or the client here, it doesn't look so dynamic.  But if you were to look inside that range from this high to this low, we're
213 00:39:22,530 --> 00:39:34,020 looking at 168 pips, would you just throw away the opportunity to make on and 68 pips? Certainly not. Or at least you shouldn't. So again, dealing with these
214 00:39:34,020 --> 00:39:43,170 daily charts, there's a lot of pips there's a lot of potential setups that are available to one, if you understand what you're looking for, okay, because we're
215 00:39:43,380 --> 00:39:53,790 looking at price and an old high here, when prices run up through an old high, but look at look at where the market came from. We come all the way out this low
216 00:39:53,790 --> 00:40:05,760 in the beginning of July, and it was basically one sided market. We very had very little retracements and Skip driving higher and higher and higher. Now, I
217 00:40:05,760 --> 00:40:14,490 got a lot of lines on this chart, but I'm gonna refrain from taking them off because I'm gonna need them in a moment. But we have this rally up makes a swing
218 00:40:14,490 --> 00:40:23,940 high, then we rally up mixamo swing high, and we rally up makes a higher swing high. Okay? Whenever you see the moves like this, keep pushing Higher, higher
219 00:40:23,940 --> 00:40:39,660 heart into an old high. These are areas where heavy distribution is taking place. Now, I learned a pattern called the three Indians pattern, okay. And it's
220 00:40:39,660 --> 00:40:50,640 basically like a three drive pattern where you got one high, higher, high and another high, okay? It's a very common pattern. It's been around forever. And I
221 00:40:50,640 --> 00:41:02,700 can't remember who really originated it. Larry Williams did some discussion on it. But I always revert back to just the street smarts book by Linda and Larry.
222 00:41:03,210 --> 00:41:12,390 And now you can just google them up on the internet, again, books, street smarts. In the pattern here you're seeing is the three Indians pattern. It's a
223 00:41:12,390 --> 00:41:21,930 climax reversal pattern, meaning that the price is driven up to an extreme and generally it's just rate above an old high or into an old high. And then you can
224 00:41:21,930 --> 00:41:30,000 reasonably expect to see price to trade off. Now. I'm not suggesting Please don't take this as this is the high of the euro and it's going to go down to
225 00:41:30,000 --> 00:41:38,370 hell. Okay, that's not what I'm saying here. Okay. What I'm saying is it's given you a tradable reaction, that sizeable Okay, we're going to talk about where we
226 00:41:38,370 --> 00:41:47,190 would be reasonably expected to see this market go lower. Okay, based on this understanding here, but looking at this high here, when we ran through that and
227 00:41:47,190 --> 00:41:52,530 gave up the ghost on that candle right there, that was the defeat sealer for me,
228 00:41:52,920 --> 00:42:02,640 that we're probably looking to see this market blow out and go lower, and then when the next candle here, took out the lows prior to that rally, okay, that
229 00:42:02,640 --> 00:42:12,690 right there is a break in market structure. That right there suggests that this market is now poised to trade lower. So any rallies from this point on should be
230 00:42:12,690 --> 00:42:23,490 suspect in other words you selling you selling as a mode of trading, so don't be buying into an expected to keep going higher. Now, we'll eventually sometimes do
231 00:42:23,490 --> 00:42:30,780 that certainly will. Okay, because I'm not 100%. But my foreign large when you see these types of events happen, it does give you an opportunity to trade
232 00:42:30,780 --> 00:42:35,640 short. Just go back down to a 15 minute timeframe.
233 00:42:43,590 --> 00:42:56,310 Okay, and here's that Hi, here, we were just discussing when it broke down. We see the break below the low prior to that last rally up. Okay, so now here, what
234 00:42:56,310 --> 00:43:06,540 we have is we have the range high to the low once these lows were taken out, we have a shift in market structure. Now what does that mean? Well, it means that
235 00:43:07,260 --> 00:43:21,960 we have a low, too high, a low too high, then we have a lower low prior to that rally. So we have a break in what will be considered market bullishness breaking
236 00:43:21,960 --> 00:43:33,330 down, okay? Again, because I'm not a fan of support resistance, I'm not going to draw. I'm sorry, I shouldn't say very, very large fan of support resistance. I'm
237 00:43:33,330 --> 00:43:43,140 just not a fan of diagonal support resistance in the form of like trend lines.  But if one was to draw a trend line like this, okay, one could say okay, well
238 00:43:43,140 --> 00:43:50,760 here we have a price point here we have a price point here. trend line breaks Here comes out retests goes through it just a little bit and falls off. That's
239 00:43:50,760 --> 00:43:58,530 all fine and great. Okay, but I've seen many times where these types of scenarios don't even have any impact whatsoever ends blows on through Okay, so
240 00:43:58,530 --> 00:44:06,210 again, if you trust trend lines go right ahead and use them I'm not trying to disparage those that do on this telling you if you're looking for trend lines
241 00:44:06,240 --> 00:44:17,490 the only diagonal support listens basis with me. You're not going to find it.  There's going to be a drought. I don't I don't work with that. So we have this
242 00:44:17,520 --> 00:44:31,320 range here. This high in this low. Okay. And as price rallies on up in here, price goes up to that sweet spot. Okay, here's your 70.5 level unique to ICT. So
243 00:44:31,320 --> 00:44:42,000 here we have price reacting very nicely and coming down. Giving you several opportunities trading off that 62% retracement level see that price is having a
244 00:44:42,000 --> 00:44:54,360 very strong resistance around that price point. Okay. All of a sudden the market breaks down again. Okay, and we start taking out the lows here and this low here
245 00:44:54,390 --> 00:45:02,130 when that thing gives us all you know it's all over wit and you can see that happening here. The market participants drive it lower, and then just didn't
246 00:45:02,130 --> 00:45:12,720 have any momentum whatsoever in terms of trying to come back. And we move lower and lower and lower. So now once we have this break in market structure and
247 00:45:13,110 --> 00:45:24,570 price rallies up here, okay? what we will be doing is looking for areas of resistance or support breaking then turning resistance where we time, shorts.
248 00:45:25,020 --> 00:45:39,960 Okay, we time shorts. Now let's add a couple examples here. But we're going to apply Okay, we're going to apply some parts go back to the vertical lines here,
249 00:45:39,960 --> 00:45:50,040 because we're gonna imply the week phenomenon that we like to look for Tuesday and or Wednesday, from the high of the week. And you see that happening here.
250 00:45:50,310 --> 00:46:05,340 Okay, but as price rallied up, this is a suspect rally. Why? Because we had already broken down based on this loaf, forming lower on these lows here taken
251 00:46:05,340 --> 00:46:19,500 out. And the rally up is suspect when we start to break lower, we had these lows taken out, rallies up. Now we have a new range, we have this high, down to this
252 00:46:19,500 --> 00:46:34,380 low, see that. Now look at what's happening here, prices working within, here's your 79% 70 and a half percent and 62%. All this time price spent in that small
253 00:46:34,380 --> 00:46:45,930 little consolidation, and then price broke down, came back up, broke down, came back up, broke down, came back up broke down. Okay? Again, we're looking at a 15
254 00:46:45,930 --> 00:46:58,560 minute timeframe. Now, you could frame trades on that. Or if you really want to reduce risk, okay, you could zero in and go lower, do a five minute chart. Okay.
255 00:46:58,560 --> 00:47:11,310 And we're going to do that now we're going to work within the week of the seven.  What is that 24th. And the 30 essence, let's go down to a five minute. And this
256 00:47:11,310 --> 00:47:20,640 is where price was consolidating all around that area. And price breaks down here then rallies up. We have hold high here with old high here and old high
257 00:47:20,640 --> 00:47:33,960 here. Watch what we do here. We're going to use this high here. This is seven GMT is essentially the beginning of the European session. And we're going to
258 00:47:33,960 --> 00:47:42,000 pull it down a little low prior to that rally up goes right to the sweet spot.  And this candle comes in at 1300 GMT. That's New York open.
259 00:47:42,450 --> 00:47:55,830 Remember, we were talking about how in the previous episodes, where we could see specific price moves unfold in the two largest trading sessions that being one
260 00:47:55,830 --> 00:48:06,090 than open. In New York open those two sessions overlap. But uniformly inside of individual London and New York, there are particular price swings that take
261 00:48:06,090 --> 00:48:14,580 place and we're gonna discuss that later on in this video. But here's an opportunity to one could get short one, trading off of this resistance level
262 00:48:14,580 --> 00:48:23,700 that was noted in advance, trades down off, bounce off this support. Now notice how price sweeps it's the below it a little bit. Okay, and then reacts when it
263 00:48:23,700 --> 00:48:36,900 bounces here. Okay? Not only is it bouncing here to give you a rally to sell into, but if you're a scalper Okay, if you're a scalper see this low here. It
264 00:48:36,900 --> 00:48:51,120 rallies on up. spends a lot of time in here. Okay, let's look at how much of a bounce that took place. We're looking at about 35 pips or so of a bounce. So if
265 00:48:51,120 --> 00:49:03,000 you're a scalper, here's your higher time frame support level. You have an old low back here, this rally and then dips down, okay, it goes back to the same
266 00:49:03,000 --> 00:49:15,570 little consolidation. market participants are going to be really sensitive to this area of interest in terms of price data. When price moves out of a
267 00:49:15,570 --> 00:49:23,040 consolidation and it eventually comes back down to it, it's reasonable to expect another reaction now it doesn't mean it's going to go right to the moon. Okay,
268 00:49:23,040 --> 00:49:32,580 but if you are bearish and if you're a scalper on a short term you could buy into this and if you're really nimble, and I'm not suggesting you try to D, but
269 00:49:32,670 --> 00:49:41,610 one could do what I've done very little of in my trading history, but I knew a few guys that are very nimble like this. They'll buy this then go short on a
270 00:49:41,610 --> 00:49:52,020 reversal and then ride the other way down. I'm not that good. I'm not claiming to be that good, but I have seen it done. Couple years ago, I was on a website
271 00:49:52,020 --> 00:50:02,850 forum and I shared a live example of me doing that very thing and reversed on a diamond Kinda like excited a lot of folks that were actually watching it live.
272 00:50:02,850 --> 00:50:13,620 But I can assure you, that doesn't happen all the time. And I just happen to be lucky on this one few rare instances where witnesses were, were present. So
273 00:50:13,620 --> 00:50:24,720 here's an opportunity to be a seller here. And that was on a Wednesday, okay, and we looking for the market move lower into Friday, because the overall bears
274 00:50:24,750 --> 00:50:35,310 tone sets that that stage up, we have a resistance level here, price is unable to go higher. Okay, trades lower, and it starts to rally up. So what do you
275 00:50:35,310 --> 00:50:45,870 think would be here, if you pull your fib, you got to use this high, not here, use the highest higher round that level. So here's the high. And again, we're
276 00:50:45,870 --> 00:50:57,300 really splitting hairs with this in terms of the five minute chart, but you can see that it does give some quality setups and again, if you look at this, this
277 00:50:57,300 --> 00:51:04,350 is your optimal trade entry. And you'll have to zoom in on your own chart because I'm not going to do that here. I guess if I moved out this way a little
278 00:51:04,350 --> 00:51:18,600 bit, you'll see a little bit better. Yeah, 60 to 70 and a half and 79% is the actual height of the candle. And that happens to be around the asian session. So
279 00:51:18,600 --> 00:51:26,340 you could actually caught very nice move in the asian session which we're not gonna be talking too much about in this video series. really rely more on the
280 00:51:26,340 --> 00:51:45,210 London opening new york open sessions. We have high here it 840 GMT and another high here at 1220. So we have a London open swing high and we have a new york
281 00:51:45,210 --> 00:52:00,630 open swing high and the overall bearishness is again focused on because of higher timeframe. Any rallies you look to sell, say here's a high to a low put
282 00:52:00,630 --> 00:52:16,230 that on that lower belongs and price trades right up into the sweet spot which is confirmed confluence of factors here we have a higher level timeframe support
283 00:52:16,230 --> 00:52:27,630 resistance level, that 132 67 level ish, you can go around that you can round that to 132 70 or 132 60 small round number and not time of day that occurs it's
284 00:52:27,630 --> 00:52:36,750 1215 and that's the New York open and then price moves lower respectively. Then we have
285 00:52:39,630 --> 00:52:51,540 again price trading at this 130 to 39 Olds called once or not I'm sorry 130 to 440 level one was round to a nice round number. We have this range here trading
286 00:52:51,540 --> 00:53:01,650 off of this resistance down to this resistance and then there's a retracement.  Okay and pulling that range
287 00:53:09,180 --> 00:53:27,060 make sure we get our candles. Okay we have in here we have Asia making the high the actual high formed on 130 GMT. This candle here is the 910 GMT it's new I'm
288 00:53:27,060 --> 00:53:39,750 sorry London open price breaks down got a couple different little micro rallies in here and then finally gave up the ghost at 1230 GMT which is New York open
289 00:53:40,200 --> 00:53:54,120 again trading right up into that 132 39 or 132 40 level and then really fell out of bed and again here trading in the same direction intraday we have this
290 00:53:54,120 --> 00:54:02,280 resistance broken I'm sorry support broken now resistance and this small little range if you looked at the high in the low of that you'll get another small
291 00:54:02,280 --> 00:54:12,690 little retracement for a London close continuation pattern going into the low of the day. We have
292 00:54:22,380 --> 00:54:38,820 the high here in Asia previous day's high and low. Okay price comes down rallies up into the 62% retracement level here and it's confirmed by this same 3220
293 00:54:39,420 --> 00:54:53,520 level which is nice levels 3220 and institutional level we like to watch the 20 levels and an old low okay and on this candle here. That is 1040 GMT and then we
294 00:54:53,520 --> 00:55:11,010 have 945 GMT and we have seven GMT so All during the European and London session we have several opportunities to be seller into old lows broken now resistance
295 00:55:11,610 --> 00:55:21,930 and market moves lower where would be reasonably expected to see reach for this old low again we're looking for support resistance levels the aim and and look
296 00:55:21,930 --> 00:55:40,440 for new targets again same scenario here okay markets moving lower here's the opportunity you could use keying off of that 131 90 level was around that to a
297 00:55:41,460 --> 00:55:59,160 small round number for from this high to that low you'll get a nice retracement okay relative sweet spot and sell off. And here. Same thing good news for
298 00:55:59,520 --> 00:56:05,670 continuation in the same direction intraday. You use the fib on that for the New York open
299 00:56:14,310 --> 00:56:26,970 get up in that sweet spot, and optimal trade entry and trade lower intraday. Now that's if you are a day trader, okay, and there's 45 pips or so laid at your
300 00:56:26,970 --> 00:56:40,500 feet. using that as an example. Eventually, the market bounces and trades up into a previous range. Network, right, we're trading right into these resistance
301 00:56:40,500 --> 00:56:57,330 levels. But see this high here, this low, and here's leg one, and leg to it if we use the high down to that, whoa. Again, we're looking at market swings. The
302 00:56:57,330 --> 00:57:04,800 market trading into the optimal trade entry just fell short of this sweet spot, which actually comes right on top of that 3220 level, which is nice. I like
303 00:57:04,800 --> 00:57:15,300 seeing stuff like that. There's where you got your setup. So I kind of gave you your answer for your homework. Didn't mean to do that. But sometimes that'll
304 00:57:15,300 --> 00:57:27,240 happen guys. And there's your your retracement back into going into Friday.  Okay, so that's what has happened since the last time we did our episode two in
305 00:57:27,240 --> 00:57:36,900 the series, and how the reactions and price levels are laid at your feet, they were in advance given to you how to find them. What was needed to trade
306 00:57:36,900 --> 00:57:46,740 direction and how you look for setups. Okay, this is what you do, you go through looking for support resistance levels, and you only take opportunities when
307 00:57:46,740 --> 00:57:55,020 price gets to those levels. And you look for price patterns around that same higher level timeframe support resistance, okay. Notice we did not put any five
308 00:57:55,020 --> 00:58:02,040 minutes where resistance levels, we did not put any 15 minutes support resistance levels, we didn't put an hourly support resistance level, we only use
309 00:58:02,040 --> 00:58:08,520 the daily in the four hour, the higher timeframe. Those are your timeframes where the institutional sponsorship is going to come in. Okay, so hopefully,
310 00:58:09,030 --> 00:58:18,750 this has been insightful to you. Again, apply the tools in a demo account setting and build your confidence and you determine when it's safe for you to
311 00:58:18,750 --> 00:58:33,570 use live funds. Okay, we are looking at a 10 year t note daily chart. Okay, and I'm sure you're probably asking yourself, okay, well, when did we enter the
312 00:58:33,570 --> 00:58:46,320 commodity realm? Well, I started as a commodity trader. And I learned from Larry Williams, one of my first mentors, that the interest rate market was basically
313 00:58:46,320 --> 00:58:54,150 the market that controlled just about every market asset class there is.  Interest rates are the driving force, whether you're a stock trader, whether
314 00:58:54,150 --> 00:59:04,740 you're a commodity trader, Currency Trader, oil trader, it doesn't matter what it is, interest rates are the absolute underpinning of market dynamic moves up
315 00:59:04,740 --> 00:59:18,510 or down, it's going to be more or less, it's going to be propelled by the interest rate market. Now, when we look at 1010 year t notes, there's one small
316 00:59:18,510 --> 00:59:28,200 little extra I want to throw in here, I'm not breaking down my entire bond market analysis concept. It would be I could spend eight series times eight
317 00:59:28,200 --> 00:59:38,130 videos I mean 64 videos and still not scratch the surface on the the elements of interest rates and how one could utilize those in in trading. But I'm gonna give
318 00:59:38,130 --> 00:59:47,370 you a real simple basic framework where I'm sure it will take a lot of ambiguity out of the marketplace and for you as an analyst in your trading, and be able to
319 00:59:47,370 --> 00:59:55,950 use it in a real world environment because I'm trying to avoid giving you information overload I'm just giving you small components that will very easily
320 00:59:55,950 --> 01:00:06,210 and neatly fit together and allow you to have a better understanding of the macro economic perspective, which is essential whether you're a short term
321 01:00:06,210 --> 01:00:18,300 trader, swing trader or even a day trader, we're gonna be looking at the interest rate yields. Now these are specifically going to be, you know, the 10
322 01:00:18,300 --> 01:00:29,700 year mark, now they can be shorter and longer term. But for FX purposes, the 10 year will be sufficient. So let's take a look at a few examples on how we can
323 01:00:29,700 --> 01:00:33,180 draw this information from the internet for free with no cost you.
324 01:00:40,560 --> 01:00:52,110 Okay, guys, we're gonna look at some concepts utilizing the T note 10 year, and we're gonna be looking at some interest rate concepts, I want to give you some
325 01:00:52,110 --> 01:01:04,590 free resources that you can do this width will cost you a dime, except for your internet connection. Alright, just do a Google, go to bar chart. Okay, and
326 01:01:04,590 --> 01:01:12,570 you'll see bar chart.com. Okay, that's what you want, you want to click on that.  Okay, when bar chart opens up like this, what you're gonna do is you're gonna
327 01:01:12,570 --> 01:01:22,980 look over here, and it's gonna say, select the commodity, hit that little toggle window down. And you're gonna scroll down to the financial section here, and
328 01:01:22,980 --> 01:01:34,980 you'll see 10 year t note, click on that. And it'll give you a few choices of contract month to choose the highest month here, okay? And this case is
329 01:01:34,980 --> 01:01:41,940 September, okay, when this window opens up, and to go over here to customize chart, click on that.
330 01:01:47,160 --> 01:01:54,750 Okay, and what we're going to do is, is going to scroll down a little bit, and we're going to do some changes to this. And what we want to do is, is you want
331 01:01:54,750 --> 01:02:10,620 to be looking at daily nearest, click on that. And the reason why we want that is because it's going to show a continuous non break in, in the contract. As you
332 01:02:10,620 --> 01:02:23,100 can see here, if I scroll up, you'll see these little spots on the chart here.  Okay? You'll see an absence of that by using that type of chart. And we're going
333 01:02:23,100 --> 01:02:36,180 to go to a candlestick, right to tick all the volume off. It's not essential for that here. Okay, and we want to see at least a year's worth. And we're gonna
334 01:02:36,180 --> 01:02:55,710 click draw. Okay, and what we have here is a daily chart of the 10 year Tina.  Okay. And what I want to show you is there are means of discerning where the
335 01:02:55,710 --> 01:03:08,580 higher level tide, okay? Okay, and think in terms of your salmon. Okay.  Generally, as a new trader, your salmon, you, you want to swim against the
336 01:03:08,580 --> 01:03:18,870 current because if the market is going down, okay, it's probably not going to keep going down, okay? It's going to go up eventually, things you chant tend to
337 01:03:18,870 --> 01:03:27,720 be contrarian as a new trader. So you want to fight against that tide? Well, I can tell you, as a salmon, you the outcome of that is they have fun when you get
338 01:03:27,720 --> 01:03:37,500 to the top, okay? When they're right, and they survive it, but they eventually once that's done, and they they completed their task by getting there, they all
339 01:03:37,500 --> 01:03:47,760 die. A lot of people don't realize that but the salmon dies when it gets there.  And so do you want to be the salmon? Okay, do you want to swim with the tide?
340 01:03:48,510 --> 01:04:00,360 Okay, and it's a kind of silly expression or example or analogy, but it really communicates the necessity of doing things the easy way. Okay, don't
341 01:04:00,360 --> 01:04:11,190 overcomplicate, don't overcomplicate things. And the surest way to start that way of thinking as a trader is, where's the money flowing from? Is it flowing
342 01:04:11,190 --> 01:04:23,100 into or out of currencies? Okay. And the essential question is, is how does one arrive at that answer? Well, you have to look at a macro perspective, okay. And
343 01:04:23,100 --> 01:04:35,670 the way we look at it macro perspective is the interest rate market. Now, the interest rate markets are the absolute center focal point of all economic asset
344 01:04:35,670 --> 01:04:44,640 classes, whether it be stocks, commodities, you know, currencies, it doesn't matter. The interest rate markets would drive rates and moves everything around.
345 01:04:44,670 --> 01:04:53,970 You can argue with me all you want, but I'm gonna tell you, that's the case.  Okay. So if we understand the interest rate market, we have everything laid at
346 01:04:53,970 --> 01:05:05,910 our feet. We have the keys to everything you would ever want. Okay, the kingdom, okay, so if you understand this, you understand everything you'll need to know
347 01:05:05,910 --> 01:05:15,690 on a higher timeframe premise. Okay? So now, I'm not going to go into all of my bond work. Okay, so we're just going to look at just the 10 year t note that's
348 01:05:15,690 --> 01:05:25,980 going to be sufficient for this teaching series. But I promise you, there are so many levels deeper that you can go into. And it's really not taught anywhere on
349 01:05:25,980 --> 01:05:35,760 the internet. My bond work is absolutely unique. And I'm going to blow my horn, there's nothing like it out there. So I've given a few little things about it in
350 01:05:35,760 --> 01:05:45,540 the past, but I mean, there's so much more to it that helps discern what the interest of microbes are doing on an intraday basis on a week to week basis on a
351 01:05:45,540 --> 01:05:57,390 daily if it's going to be up or down day. There's ways of looking at that seasonally and manage this is crazy, how you rhythmic this interest rate market
352 01:05:57,420 --> 01:06:12,270 is. Now with that understanding, okay, if we look at a 10 year t note market, this is a chart of a daily futures contract of the 10 year t note. If we see
353 01:06:12,270 --> 01:06:23,730 price, in this case, trade lower here. Okay. What is that telling us? Well, there is an inverse relationship between the futures contract and the actual
354 01:06:23,730 --> 01:06:38,910 bond yield. Okay, the yield at the 10 year note is yielding is actually in this case here, it's going up. Okay, when the T note futures contract is rallying as
355 01:06:38,910 --> 01:06:46,860 it does here, the yield would be declining. Vice versa, when we see the futures contract for the 10 year note
356 01:06:47,280 --> 01:07:00,300 trading lower, that means that the yield is going higher. When the tenure tree, Tino is trading higher here, that means the bond yield for that 10 year note is
357 01:07:00,300 --> 01:07:12,210 going lower, then we have a drop, lower and sustain move lower, that means there's a stain move higher in the bond yield. Now that's all fine and great.
358 01:07:12,240 --> 01:07:22,830 But what does that really mean? Well, it means this if you want to be a buyer of currencies, and we're going to stick to our equation of being the fiber or your
359 01:07:22,890 --> 01:07:33,240 listing, okay, that's it this teaching series is focused on, it's really goes along with the other majors too, but we're just going to use the euro. If the 10
360 01:07:33,240 --> 01:07:45,060 year t note is trading lower, like this, that means the bond yield is going higher currencies are going to be chasing higher yield. So what does that mean?
361 01:07:45,120 --> 01:07:53,460 As the yields go up, as we're gonna see another chart and how you can get that information as well, as the yields are going higher, the currencies are going to
362 01:07:53,460 --> 01:08:04,200 chase that, okay, and that means they're gonna chase yield. What does that mean?  That means while the 10 year note is trading lower, you want to be a buyer of
363 01:08:04,200 --> 01:08:22,440 currencies. Okay, now, take a big step back now, go back to this price action here. If we see price, trade lower, and then rally up into a level of old
364 01:08:23,100 --> 01:08:32,310 support broken here is resistance keep on going over here. Now this is now resistance, right? If you look at the high down to the low, we've essentially
365 01:08:32,310 --> 01:08:40,410 retrace back to what would be considered a deep enough optimal trade entry. I'm not going to put the fib on here, you can do that. You have to subscribe. I'm
366 01:08:40,410 --> 01:08:49,890 not going to key in my my information for bar chart Comm. But you can set up an account with this this website, it's free, absolutely free does not do anything,
367 01:08:50,220 --> 01:09:01,020 but require you to have a email address. Okay. And my advice is to create an online email address that you use for all of your, your trading related things.
368 01:09:01,290 --> 01:09:09,030 And that way, everything that gets spammed because you eventually will get spammed, I'm going to tell you that I have gotten I shouldn't say I've gotten
369 01:09:09,030 --> 01:09:19,800 I've received rather some spam ever since I've signed up to this service, but if that's the small consolation, and in terms of accessing free commodity charts
370 01:09:19,800 --> 01:09:31,710 that I like, this is certainly one way of doing it. So I don't work with the email address, you know, ICT at industrial trade comm or my inner circle trader
371 01:09:31,740 --> 01:09:45,300 gmail account. I use the completely alien means of signing on to this, this website and a few other ones that I like to use. But as price rate rallies up
372 01:09:45,300 --> 01:09:54,810 into this area here, we have an old level of resistance, which is support here.  Okay, we could expect to see prices trade lower. Now what if we could have an X
373 01:09:54,810 --> 01:10:04,590 ray view? Okay, imagine if you had an X ray machine or X ray memory A kid and maybe he is in the States. No, this grown up his kid, they had these little
374 01:10:04,590 --> 01:10:13,080 things in the back of the comic book where it had X ray glasses, okay. And of course, I was a sucker and I spent my dollar 25 allowance and sent it in here.
375 01:10:13,350 --> 01:10:21,060 And I bought myself a pair of them. And when I opened it up, it was ridiculous.  It was just an optical illusion, it gives you the impression you're seeing, you
376 01:10:21,060 --> 01:10:33,480 know, an X ray view. But there is a way of looking at the market on interest rates. Okay, as you can see where the tide is changing and turning. Now we're
377 01:10:33,480 --> 01:10:54,360 going to come back to this chart, but for another free resource, we're going to create another tab. Okay, and we're going to go to do a 10 year bond. Yield
378 01:10:55,080 --> 01:11:03,150 chart. Okay, when you click on that, you're gonna again, look for in the list.
379 01:11:09,300 --> 01:11:13,410 Us generic government 10 year yield analysis.
380 01:11:20,340 --> 01:11:28,710 Okay, let me see that is going to scroll down a little bit. You want to go and go to your chart here, not a snapshot, you want to go to chart.
381 01:11:38,550 --> 01:11:55,440 Okay, and just do a year. Okay, what we have here is the fluctuations of the actual yield. Okay, out the 10 year Treasury market. Now watch what happens.
382 01:11:55,980 --> 01:12:09,510 Let's go back to that 10 year, Tino chart. Price made a high here in April, and then going into May, we made a higher high, you see that? Okay, then we made an
383 01:12:09,540 --> 01:12:22,560 ultimate high in the target market and traded lower. Let's go and you see a Converse relationship here in the yield. Okay, here's that low and then a lower,
384 01:12:22,710 --> 01:12:34,860 low in the yield. Again, thinking inversely here, okay, all we did was have a mirror image of that happening here. Okay. And then there's been this rally up
385 01:12:34,920 --> 01:12:45,930 or sustained move in the bond yield. So as the bond market, I'm sorry, the interest rate on the 10 year has been moving up, okay. That means that the
386 01:12:46,050 --> 01:12:56,490 currency markets are going to be looking to rally. Okay, that means they're going to be looking to go higher. So now, as a higher level timeframe,
387 01:12:56,550 --> 01:13:06,690 institutional sponsorship minded trader, it's like, that's what we're trying to cultivate in you right now. You want to be focusing the majority of your
388 01:13:06,690 --> 01:13:18,810 trading, okay, now, here's one of those notepad moments when you want to risk the maximum amount of leverage that your personal risk appetite permits, Okay,
389 01:13:19,050 --> 01:13:30,570 and let's put it out right now do not risk more than the industry standard 2% per trade or maximum account exposure at any one time. Okay. And we're gonna say
390 01:13:30,570 --> 01:13:40,440 that that's the case here. You have the green light, go to be risking 2% or whatever your maximum is in your demo account. Again, because this is for
391 01:13:40,680 --> 01:13:47,400 teaching purposes only and not given you trade advice. You have to discern whether or not this is useful information to you. And if you trade on that with
392 01:13:47,400 --> 01:13:57,960 live funds, it's completely 100%. Your responsibility you collect all the success and accolades. I don't know. Okay, so by looking at this type of
393 01:13:57,960 --> 01:14:09,570 scenario, you could be a maximum risk trader, as a buyer, okay. And what does that also mean for being a short seller, if you're an intraday trader, don't
394 01:14:09,570 --> 01:14:18,930 risk maximum, okay? Because the higher level timeframe tide is poised to be moving higher. Why? Because the yields are going up, and eventually, the
395 01:14:18,930 --> 01:14:30,840 currencies are going to try to snap up and chase after that yield. Okay, so what does that mean? Well, let's look at April and May time period in the euro.
396 01:14:36,000 --> 01:14:45,300 Now, obviously, once you set these, once you open your charts up like this, you're going to be wanting to save them in your Favorites tab. Okay, I have one
397 01:14:45,300 --> 01:14:57,120 for the euro for the bond, and I'm sorry for the British pound for the dollar index and a half one for the 10 year t note. Okay, here is a weekly, because
398 01:14:57,120 --> 01:15:18,420 that's what I save. But we're gonna go down to a daily nearest and support nine months of it. And we're going to draw the chart. Okay, and I left the CO t data
399 01:15:18,420 --> 01:15:31,170 on there. But you guys know me, I'm not about stuff like that I get it off.  It'll distract me. case, I just took that off. And now what we're doing is we're
400 01:15:31,170 --> 01:15:48,030 looking at the, here's the APR. And here's may timeframe where the Euro did what we made a low here, came down, made a low, traded higher, came down in July, ran
401 01:15:48,030 --> 01:16:00,000 out the lows here, but this right here was suspect. Why? Because the yields are going higher. Okay, so while we did trade down to these levels, okay, those that
402 01:16:00,000 --> 01:16:12,510 were watching my market reviews, okay, I discussed that the British Pound was poised to move higher as well, all in the same time periods. And that was the
403 01:16:12,510 --> 01:16:21,930 case you can see it happening and voting here. So we saw again, the fiber, your USD pair, traded Higher, higher, higher, higher higher heart and were to trade
404 01:16:21,930 --> 01:16:37,020 to an old high blow it out just a little bit. But eventually now we're trading counter Okay, what the yield markets are suggesting, okay, so we could retrace a
405 01:16:37,020 --> 01:16:46,080 little bit deeper and and try to trade up and fill this area here. But bottom line is, is ultimately these are the types of moves. Okay, you want to be
406 01:16:46,080 --> 01:16:57,870 participating in? Okay, do you see the majority or Lion's portion of the market moves are happening on the higher level timeframe being a buyer. Okay. Very,
407 01:16:57,960 --> 01:17:09,600 very sustained long. Basically, you know, intermediate term swings are on the upside. Okay. Now, granted, there's some profitability to be made going short,
408 01:17:09,630 --> 01:17:21,000 there's nothing arguing against that here. Okay. But we're saying is, is if you want to be directionally poised as a trader and only focusing on institutional
409 01:17:21,000 --> 01:17:38,790 level, direction, okay, this is one way of doing it. Okay. Let's look at the bond yields chart again. Now, there is another opportunity to look behind the
410 01:17:38,790 --> 01:17:58,260 marketplace. Okay, we talked about this x ray view concept. I'm going to go to Google once again. And we're going to go and look at the 10 year German bond
411 01:17:59,310 --> 01:18:15,030 yield. Okay, when you see that you're gonna go to, or we got here, sorry, German government bonds. And then here's it here, when you see gdb r 10, that's the one
412 01:18:15,030 --> 01:18:27,930 we're looking for. Okay, all I'm doing is opening that up. So I can cut and paste the symbol. If you want to have an individual chart like this, obviously,
413 01:18:27,930 --> 01:18:47,850 you can do that. You can see now we have this chart. Now this is showing the 10 year rate of the German bond yield for 10 year rate. If you every time you open
414 01:18:47,850 --> 01:19:04,680 up a new chart, it'll give you your history. Okay? And what I'm only I'm going to copy that cuz I don't trust myself to remember it when I get it on this page.
415 01:19:05,790 --> 01:19:19,710 And you got to type in colon ind. Okay, and then what that does is it compares the two Okay, so we have the Orange is the US 10 year bond yield and you have
416 01:19:19,710 --> 01:19:31,650 the green which is the German or which is closely associated to the fiber, Euro USD. The green is seeing here now here's what I want you to look at. If you look
417 01:19:31,650 --> 01:19:32,280 at this chart,
418 01:19:33,900 --> 01:19:45,930 you'll notice that the orange okay has a low here goes higher and goes lower again but look at the low is higher than it is here. You do not see that
419 01:19:45,930 --> 01:20:00,870 happening with the German. Okay. The German went lower. Okay, and you probably seen it easier if I went to three year. Yes. We went lower on the German higher
420 01:20:01,710 --> 01:20:16,950 in the US. So comparing the lows, respectively. There is a accumulation going on. And it's seen with the US bond yield. Okay. So now if we go back to Google
421 01:20:16,950 --> 01:20:39,420 once again, we do a 10 year UK bond. Yield chart. You mean looking for again, the Bloomberg, and it'll say, government bond 10 year note generic, the G Uk
422 01:20:39,720 --> 01:20:55,200 GU 10 ind. Okay, I'm just going to copy it from here. And then actually open the troughs, you can see it. Now it's in my clipboard, I can just drop it in online
423 01:20:55,380 --> 01:21:10,410 first chart for comparison reasons. And you can see here, change it to a year.  You can see the same thing happening here, that the bond market yield turns on
424 01:21:10,410 --> 01:21:22,050 the diamond that same April May time period and starts rallying up. So now if we go back to diff, first chart router, you have the US and German, I'm going to
425 01:21:22,050 --> 01:21:41,490 paste the UK. And by having the three on here, you can see now the orange makes a lower low than we had here. The red makes a higher low, and the green makes a
426 01:21:41,490 --> 01:21:55,890 lower low. So there's a divergence between the three. Okay, and if I go to a six month now you really can't see it's got to be seen on a one year. But my advice
427 01:21:55,920 --> 01:22:06,450 would be is you want to pull this up every month and take a snapshot picture just to create a screen capture. And just keep a record of it and you'll be able
428 01:22:06,450 --> 01:22:15,000 to go back and look at where it diverged. But basically, if you look at every three months or so there is a shift. Okay, there's a shift in these, these
429 01:22:15,000 --> 01:22:27,570 yields. Okay, and you can see the happening here and beginning of the year where the green or the German 10 year did not make a higher high, whereas the British
430 01:22:27,900 --> 01:22:38,220 UK yield did and said that the American so that that was the shift when they started to move lower. Okay, so there's a continuous move up and down, up and
431 01:22:38,220 --> 01:22:50,850 down. But generally around the springtime, there's a sustained move that moves throughout the summer. And it's based on income tax and portfolio dressing that
432 01:22:50,850 --> 01:23:03,630 goes along with your money flow and moving things from one asset class to another. And new overall basic global money system. Okay, and it just repeats
433 01:23:03,660 --> 01:23:12,810 all the time. Just it's it's always there. If you just look at the higher time frame, macro view like this, it's very easy to get in sync with the tide. Now
434 01:23:12,810 --> 01:23:17,970 just for completeness sake. Okay, we're going to look at the British Pound
435 01:23:23,220 --> 01:23:44,550 Okay, and we're just going to show you the effects again, just for completeness sake, not that we're going to utilize in the cable in our examples, but once you
436 01:23:44,550 --> 01:24:00,000 to see that the effects are similar with this pair as well. Okay, here's our April. Now, it actually made a low earlier in the year came off, here's a load
437 01:24:00,000 --> 01:24:08,820 is tradable. Yours may load that was tradable. And we came down this is where I was telling everyone in my market review in advance that this level here was
438 01:24:08,820 --> 01:24:21,240 going to be sensitive, and we would see a buying opportunity. And here we are 900 pips later. We're up here where it was going to go back to an old high. Why
439 01:24:21,240 --> 01:24:28,050 was it rallying up like this and canoeing pushing Higher, higher and higher and higher? Everyone scratching your head saying what's going on? It's because it's
440 01:24:28,050 --> 01:24:36,420 chasing the yields. Okay? And there's been no clear discernible means of reversing in the yield market. So therefore, there's no real clear, discernible
441 01:24:36,420 --> 01:24:47,760 reason to expect this thing to reverse and trade and blow out this low. So I would still be hunting, bullish scenarios longer term, but certainly not
442 01:24:47,760 --> 01:25:02,880 negating any short term intraday, scalping or short term intraday day trading scenarios for being a bear. So now we have covered the 10 years rate times our
443 01:25:02,880 --> 01:25:13,980 10 year t note, okay, if you do your analysis on this futures market, everything is reverse in terms of the interest rates yield. And if the 10 years going
444 01:25:13,980 --> 01:25:24,240 lower, that means that the bonds are going higher the actual rate yielding the interest rate. And if that's the case, the currency markets are going to chase
445 01:25:24,240 --> 01:25:33,180 yield. Okay, so if the yields are dropping, they're gonna go on file it. And if it's going up, it's gonna be falling as well. Okay. So if that's been Saiful to
446 01:25:33,180 --> 01:25:44,040 you, and obviously, you know, it's gonna take some time in a long time to learn this concept, because it takes a while for these things to cycle through, you
447 01:25:44,040 --> 01:25:51,480 know, on an annual basis and quarterly basis, but I promise you, if you'd spend some time, it'll be absolutely a wealth of insight that is not cleanable
448 01:25:51,630 --> 01:26:07,230 anywhere on the internet. Okay, guys, we are looking at the timeframe section of this episode. Now, obviously, you know, it can be very daunting for you as a
449 01:26:07,230 --> 01:26:13,350 trader, especially if you're new, and you just sit down in front of the charts and you're thinking yourself, you know, what am I supposed to be looking at? Am
450 01:26:13,350 --> 01:26:19,950 I supposed to looking at a five minute chart? How about 30 minute chart? You know, the guy I've read on the forum said, he looks at a two minute chart? And
451 01:26:19,950 --> 01:26:25,500 how about the other guy, he looks at a tick chart? And there's all the guy says he's looking at anything but a weekly chart, you know, so what do you do with
452 01:26:25,500 --> 01:26:35,700 all that? Well, the main thing is, is you have to keep in mind that whatever timeframe you're trading, that's where you work within. Okay, so basically,
453 01:26:35,700 --> 01:26:46,020 knowing your timeframe for your trade is your primary objective. Now, the professional perspective, okay, that the frame of your trade should be at least
454 01:26:46,260 --> 01:26:56,640 built upon three timeframes. And that's what we're teaching here, I'm building a large introduction into basically Alexander elders triple screen approach with
455 01:26:56,640 --> 01:27:07,800 an ICT twist. So first position trader, you will utilize the monthly, the weekly in a daily chart, okay, and you'll be looking for a monthly higher level,
456 01:27:08,370 --> 01:27:17,580 timeframe support resistance levels and reaction levels, and weekly chart as well and then keying off of the daily chart for your trades. Now, in this time
457 01:27:17,580 --> 01:27:26,880 frame, you don't need to be in front of the charts all the time. In fact, you're probably going to be trading very few setups throughout the year. But for those
458 01:27:26,880 --> 01:27:39,180 that have really, very, very few hours of the week, to put into trading, position trades may be the way to go. If you are a little bit more free, and you
459 01:27:39,180 --> 01:27:42,390 have a lot more hours available to you
460 01:27:42,780 --> 01:27:53,310 for intraday, or I'm sorry, intra week trading, swing trades might be up your alley, we use the daily, the four hour in a one hour chart. And that's really
461 01:27:53,310 --> 01:28:04,230 what this series has been framed upon. The daily chart and for our chart really are the institutional frames for your your trade setups and your as your trade
462 01:28:04,230 --> 01:28:14,400 ideas, the one hour basis, you could, you could substitute that with a 15 minute chart, it's really up to you. Okay, there's that's where the level of
463 01:28:14,400 --> 01:28:22,830 flexibility comes in. Now, short term trading, your high high timeframe chart would be the four hour and the one hour be in your mid timeframe and your 15
464 01:28:22,830 --> 01:28:30,660 minute chart would be your execution timeframe. And obviously, for day trades and scalps, your one hour would be higher, higher timeframe, your 15 minute
465 01:28:30,660 --> 01:28:40,710 would be your mid timeframe, and your five minute chart would be your execution timeframe. Now at any one of these levels of timeframe analysis, you can always
466 01:28:40,710 --> 01:28:51,390 break it down further to the lowest form of charting. In other words, it could go down to a one minute chart. Now I don't use one minute charts, the lowest I
467 01:28:51,390 --> 01:29:00,060 go is five minutes. And that's only when I've really honed into a specific key level. And an either either day trading or scalping, which I don't do very much
468 01:29:00,060 --> 01:29:09,660 of. But most of my trades are day trades, short term, and swing trades. But that's the framework you utilize when you're breaking down the market and how
469 01:29:09,660 --> 01:29:18,570 you digest it. And if you're going to be a specific type of trader, if you work with these three timeframes as good as suggestions, I think they'll work well
470 01:29:18,570 --> 01:29:28,380 with you in terms of your development. Alright, let's talk about cycles in the marketplace. Okay, we're gonna be talking about some smart money concepts and
471 01:29:28,410 --> 01:29:39,330 some of these concepts. Again, go back to Larry Williams. And again, he was one of my first technical analyst, quote, unquote, mentors. And one of the coolest
472 01:29:39,330 --> 01:29:49,890 things I learned and it didn't really hit me until I started trading the bond market the s&p but he taught a concept. It's very, very generic, and it goes
473 01:29:49,890 --> 01:29:58,260 right over your head. If you're a new trader, you're thinking yourself what is stupid or that's not exciting, or it's pretty obvious, but it's amazing how when
474 01:29:58,260 --> 01:30:06,900 you're trading or you're looking for setups you forget This phenomenon. diff concept is basically how the market moves from trading ranges, or
475 01:30:06,900 --> 01:30:15,660 consolidations, to swings or trends. And they move immediately right back into a consolidation. And then, after consolidation, people get sick and tired of the
476 01:30:15,660 --> 01:30:24,630 marketplace, they don't worry about getting in, or they chased the previous move. And that inside the little consolidation, or these rectangles or squares,
477 01:30:24,630 --> 01:30:36,180 if you look at on this chart is seen as an example. That's where dealers and market makers established her positions. Okay. So we do not chase the
478 01:30:36,180 --> 01:30:46,980 marketplace, we do not chase price rallies, we do not chase price declines. We work within these consolidations, smart money accumulates during consolidations,
479 01:30:46,980 --> 01:30:54,870 or when the markets not attractive, okay, and we're going to build on this model as we go through the series, but it's very important for you to start looking at
480 01:30:54,870 --> 01:31:04,950 the charts with this premise in mind, are we consolidating, because that's the next at the precursor is the consolidation, then the next thing to expect would
481 01:31:04,950 --> 01:31:13,140 be that a release that dynamic thrust up or down in price action where everybody gets really excited, you see everybody tweeting about it, you see, every animal
482 01:31:13,140 --> 01:31:20,460 is saying they had it right for you for the last six months. That's really what you're looking for, you want to be in there before everyone else is talking
483 01:31:20,460 --> 01:31:21,270 about, okay?
484 01:31:23,760 --> 01:31:36,210 I'm gonna be talking about the concept of power of three. Okay. And what this is, is basically a understanding of how the market works on a daily range. Okay,
485 01:31:36,210 --> 01:31:45,390 now, we're going to be looking at this bar chart. Okay. Now, obviously, we deal with candlesticks, a lot in my videos, and maybe in your own trading in your
486 01:31:45,390 --> 01:31:56,460 technical analysis. But for a couple minutes, let's spend a few moments talking about how the open high low close bar is beneficial. Now, I'm not going to give
487 01:31:56,460 --> 01:32:04,650 you a full treaties on on this because I have actually a tutorial that I'm releasing that has much more insight that I'm going to go over in that but this
488 01:32:04,650 --> 01:32:15,210 is going to be a brief introduction. The concept briefly is this when the market opens up on a daily range, okay, you as a trader, you want to be participating
489 01:32:15,240 --> 01:32:23,640 in large range moves, okay, like we just discussed in the previous slide, you want to be entering the market, when it's quiet when there's not a whole lot of
490 01:32:23,640 --> 01:32:32,340 activity, or at least when the ranges start to compress. Okay, when the ranges start to get small, people get really bored with that market, they start chasing
491 01:32:32,340 --> 01:32:40,080 the next pair or the next commodity market or whatever it is moving around a lot. That's the one they're gonna move, move to, well, dornod small little
492 01:32:40,080 --> 01:32:51,330 consolidations are small inside days or small, daily ranges, that's when I get really excited because I want to be in there when the markets are getting real
493 01:32:51,330 --> 01:32:58,620 quiet to like a spring winding up tighter and tighter and tighter. And eventually, something whatever the catalyst is, I don't always know or even
494 01:32:58,620 --> 01:33:06,180 care, we really didn't know what it is, makes the market take off. And hopefully in a predetermined direction that I was positioned, then before it takes place.
495 01:33:06,630 --> 01:33:15,450 That's that's essentially what you want to be doing in your trading, whether it be day trading, scalping, or short term trading, or position trading, or swing
496 01:33:15,450 --> 01:33:24,360 trading, whatever style trading it is, you want to be getting in your position during these consolidations and contractions of ranges. Okay, looking at this
497 01:33:24,360 --> 01:33:32,940 example, here on the left hand side of the euro, this daily chart, just stare at this chart for a couple minutes and you'll start seeing the how the ranges get
498 01:33:32,940 --> 01:33:41,310 smaller. Now excluding the smaller itty bitty tiny low ranges, that's actually a Sunday candle. So you gotta gotta like disregard those. But before the ranges
499 01:33:41,340 --> 01:33:49,800 get really, really big, they actually get smaller. Okay, and there's other examples of timeframes and sample sizes you can utilize to better illustrate
500 01:33:49,800 --> 01:33:57,450 this, but I've been looking at this for years. And I can see just simply looking at for a few seconds, I can see the, the pattern itself where the ranges get
501 01:33:57,450 --> 01:34:06,870 smaller than expand, gets smaller, get expand and get smaller. That phenomenon, okay, is one of the truest cycles in the marketplace, and it goes over
502 01:34:07,230 --> 01:34:13,530 everyone's head, they don't pay attention to it. And many times when they hear me talking about it, it's like, well, that's pretty obvious, isn't really
503 01:34:13,530 --> 01:34:21,270 obvious, because the last few times you took a trade maybe there are losers. Did you take in consideration what was going on? Did you chase the market after it
504 01:34:21,270 --> 01:34:33,300 rallied up to 60 pips, okay, but without any kind of retracement or whatever.  That's the nature of this cycle, okay. And some of the best money can be made
505 01:34:33,300 --> 01:34:44,370 simply with just applying the consolidations to trend or swing component we just discussed in the previous slide, and adding when the daily ranges themselves get
506 01:34:44,370 --> 01:34:55,200 smaller. So, inside, there's larger consolidations. Okay, we're rectangles were trading range market environment and develops inside that trading range if you
507 01:34:55,200 --> 01:35:03,480 start getting small inside days or small little daily ranges getting smaller than the previous Then you have a really good scenario where it sets up where
508 01:35:03,480 --> 01:35:10,680 there's going to be an explosive move one, day two, day three day up, or down event following directional bias, that was the precursor going into that
509 01:35:10,680 --> 01:35:25,080 condition. But now let's break the daily bar itself down. Looking at the opening, assuming that we were looking for a up day, okay, or we're in a bullish
510 01:35:25,110 --> 01:35:34,830 scenario, generally speaking, if you're trading in an area where it's highly probable for the market to trade up, maybe we're in a consolidation on a daily
511 01:35:34,830 --> 01:35:45,480 chart, or four hour and the range of start contracting, okay. One large range days, this is a notepad moment and get this written down in your notepad, on
512 01:35:45,480 --> 01:35:57,090 large range days, the open tends to be at the opposite extreme of the daily range, opposed to the close. As you can see, in this example, obviously, this is
513 01:35:57,090 --> 01:36:08,100 an illustrative example I drew with the computer, but it's kind of communicate the basic premise, the open generally is on an update of a large range with an
514 01:36:08,130 --> 01:36:21,780 update bias. And a closed typically sees the open at the low of the day, or near the low with the close at or very near the high today. Okay. Now, look at the
515 01:36:21,780 --> 01:36:24,420 example for a moment, to the left.
516 01:36:35,880 --> 01:36:48,030 Notice how many, again, this is a daily chart of the euro, notice how many times that open isn't the opposite extreme of the daily bar, where the closes, okay?
517 01:36:48,510 --> 01:36:58,830 there's enormous amounts of opportunity within the daily range. And that is what you should be looking for. You want to be trading at the very minimum in the
518 01:36:58,830 --> 01:37:09,540 directional bias of the daily range. Okay. We talked about the notion of having the higher low form in the early part of the week. Okay, so that same principle
519 01:37:09,540 --> 01:37:20,280 applies here, just on a daily chart. Okay. So now what this means is, if you're bullish, you want to be looking at the opening price. And looking at that as
520 01:37:20,280 --> 01:37:31,980 your filter, so you want to be buying not very much above it, if at all, really, and certainly below it, okay, because what you'll learn is, the opening price,
521 01:37:32,430 --> 01:37:43,290 very rarely works both sides, up or down before going up, want to update not words, price does not spend a whole lot of time monkeying around with the
522 01:37:43,290 --> 01:37:51,930 opening price. If it goes down, it's only going down briefly for a very short distance, maybe reached blow at some stops, maybe retest and old consolidation,
523 01:37:52,230 --> 01:38:00,540 dip into an old block of orders for institutional purposes, and then shoot straight up and continuously work one side of the market all the way through the
524 01:38:00,810 --> 01:38:09,450 trading session. And then closing off many times a little bit off the high.  Looking at the example you have here, you can see that just about happening
525 01:38:09,480 --> 01:38:21,240 almost on a daily basis. The vice versa would be obviously on a down move, the open would be very near the high and the close very close to the low. The
526 01:38:21,240 --> 01:38:32,610 general principle is the low is formed briefly after the opening on updates and the high generally forums between 15 116 100 GMT put that in your notepad and
527 01:38:32,610 --> 01:38:45,900 then you test that theory on your own going forward for the next couple of weeks. Okay, let's look at a large range day. Okay, we've pointed out this one
528 01:38:45,930 --> 01:38:55,620 specifically here. And this is one actually did trade. Now admittedly, I got out during the middle part of the day because I had thought that it was going to
529 01:38:56,490 --> 01:39:05,670 retrace a little bit deeper and and give me a better opportunity. But I missed it. And I was only able to catch the first leg of the daily trend. But this
530 01:39:05,670 --> 01:39:15,960 large range day, okay, came with the principles that we just discussed. Okay, we had the chart here on the right hand side is going to depict a few things. The
531 01:39:15,960 --> 01:39:27,150 first let's look at this, okay, we have the beginning of a new day here. Okay?  Then the market Peters around, okay, this is all Asia, okay? In this vertical
532 01:39:27,150 --> 01:39:38,040 line, delineated here is midnight, New York time, okay. Then you see the market dropped down during the European session in London. Then the market takes off
533 01:39:38,040 --> 01:39:47,580 goes vertical, goes into a consolidation. Okay. And during this time, what I actually expected was to retrace a little bit deeper, maybe come back down into
534 01:39:47,580 --> 01:40:00,660 touch this high in here. But this was a New York open trade here, and an event violently traded higher going into the latter part of the day. And then Peters
535 01:40:00,660 --> 01:40:10,860 off from the high encloses just a little bit off the high, but certainly, well way away from the opening price. And then after this vertical delineation here,
536 01:40:10,860 --> 01:40:20,490 this is 1800 GMT. And I'm gonna talk about these two markers in a moment because I've really never discussed this on any other video or series or any kind of
537 01:40:20,580 --> 01:40:29,160 discussion. But I'm actually going to highlight more insight as to why 1800 is very significant number, then in the market SNC goes quiet going into the new
538 01:40:29,160 --> 01:40:42,150 day. Now, what is so special about the midnight timeframe on New York? Well, the North American continent doesn't consider the new day. Like, the FX market
539 01:40:42,150 --> 01:40:51,570 generally calls the you know, in Wellington being the new new start of a new day, I don't consider that as a new day. Okay, now, I certainly take in
540 01:40:51,570 --> 01:41:03,180 consideration all the Asian trading, okay. But, and this is gonna be very confusing, but I always count that as yesterday's trade. My new day begins at
541 01:41:03,180 --> 01:41:11,280 midnight, New York Standard Time. Now, again, that's gonna probably gonna throw a lot of us off, but just understand this is how I break the market down
542 01:41:12,180 --> 01:41:21,240 midnight, New York time to 1800 GMT time, okay, or basically 2pm
543 01:41:22,260 --> 01:41:29,700 New York time. Okay, that's the cutoff of the daily range. Everyone asked, when's the close? You know, when does New York close? Or when does this and when
544 01:41:29,700 --> 01:41:38,400 does that? Let's talk about the commodity market for a moment. Because before FX was opened up to the general public, the only time you could really participate
545 01:41:38,430 --> 01:41:50,580 in the currency market was if you were trading the options market or the futures and or midam contracts on the commodity exchanges. And it was in the form of
546 01:41:50,580 --> 01:42:00,300 open outcry. Now open outcry is still in existence today, not as predominantly as was years ago because everything's slowly transitioning to electronic much to
547 01:42:00,300 --> 01:42:11,700 dismiss once to their dismay, but there is essentially a rhythm to the marketplace is still based on that open outcry. Now, but doesn't you know, pet
548 01:42:12,780 --> 01:42:21,870 currency markets, okay or calm dolls? Okay, that means the commodity markets that trade on the futures contract basis that means Australian dollar, Canadian
549 01:42:21,870 --> 01:42:35,010 dollar British Pound Swiss franc job Japanese yen, okay, those currencies, okay?  Are cocktails, they can be traded as a futures contract. The futures contract
550 01:42:35,010 --> 01:42:46,500 open outcry pit begins trading at 720 New York time. Now, what do you think so significant about that time? That's 20 minutes after the beginning of our New
551 01:42:46,500 --> 01:42:58,320 York open kill zone. Okay. Why is the New York open kill zone so cool and so easy to trade is because that market event open outcry also is going to be
552 01:42:58,590 --> 01:43:10,680 involved in the daily range. Okay. Why 1800? Well, because at two o'clock in the afternoon in New York time, the open outcry pit closes, and they are gone for
553 01:43:10,680 --> 01:43:21,510 the day. And you can see here that clearly is illustrated, there's no more volatility, very married, very little volatility all unless there's a FOMC. You
554 01:43:21,510 --> 01:43:27,870 know, interest rate announcement, which typically comes in around two o'clock in the afternoon, you know, in late in the afternoon, where it really nobody should
555 01:43:27,870 --> 01:43:37,170 be trading anyway. So will you miss a move? Certainly, if you if that's if you're really involved in trying to gamble trading those types of events like
556 01:43:37,170 --> 01:43:44,760 non farm payroll, I can certainly do without trading one Friday of every month, okay, I don't really care to be a part of that roller coaster, I can trade it, I
557 01:43:44,760 --> 01:43:54,720 just choose not to. But if you bracket out your days like this, okay, on an intraday basis, I think what you'll start seeing is there's a clear symmetry to
558 01:43:54,720 --> 01:44:09,930 the market that goes unnoticed by 99% of mentors, or gurus or teachers, or even traders and this is the actual daily range that goes on every single day. If you
559 01:44:09,930 --> 01:44:21,570 understand how that works, you can see this, the open the down move to move up the high and off the close. And as you see here, the open the down move, the
560 01:44:21,570 --> 01:44:30,900 high format and then off the close, and then off the high as it close. So that's what we're looking for when we're trading intraday or getting positioned during
561 01:44:31,380 --> 01:44:44,970 up word bullish market environments. Okay, let's talk about kill zones. Okay, and first, we're gonna talk about it in my timezone, which is the Eastern
562 01:44:45,000 --> 01:44:57,480 Standard Time. I live on the east coast of North America in Baltimore, Maryland.  And basically, we're looking at the European and American session. We're not
563 01:44:57,480 --> 01:45:07,350 going to spend too much time actually really At any time at all really talking about Asia or the Pacific Australian session, because it's basically the quiet
564 01:45:07,350 --> 01:45:16,650 portion of the daily range. And really when markets are accumulating new orders, okay, and we'll talk more about that later on in other episodes. But for now,
565 01:45:16,950 --> 01:45:27,210 understand this, I generally start hunting during the Frankfort open, which is 2am. And many, many times you'll hear me commonly call to a in the beginning of
566 01:45:27,240 --> 01:45:37,920 the London session. And it's either because I'm rushing, trying to talk about something and really just inadvertently misquoting it, but this understand this
567 01:45:38,040 --> 01:45:46,680 when I get up in the middle of night to start trading in my timezone. Okay, two o'clock in the morning, I'm in there hunting, okay, but I'm hunting essentially
568 01:45:46,680 --> 01:45:55,890 the move that sets the higher the low of the day. And I want to trade in directional bias for that daily range going into London close and or 1800 GMT.
569 01:45:56,100 --> 01:45:56,520 Okay.
570 01:45:57,810 --> 01:46:11,010 The London kill zone, I use 5am as mine close of shop. In other words, if I haven't established a position by 5am my time, okay, I basically take a nap and
571 01:46:11,010 --> 01:46:18,450 come back right before seven o'clock in the morning. Okay, generally at 630 in the morning, I'm peeking at the charts and seeing what's going on. Now, for the
572 01:46:18,450 --> 01:46:26,700 American session here you see 8am. And that's commonly what's been disclosed with many other trading teachers, okay, but if you look at your charts, guys,
573 01:46:27,120 --> 01:46:37,290 many times the moves are starting about 7am between 7am to 7:30am. Okay, and now you understand why because the open outcry pit starts at 7:20am New York time.
574 01:46:37,650 --> 01:46:46,710 So there's a reason why there's something that you generates a signal there or a swing high or swing low. This can be incorporated on that daily range, to trade
575 01:46:46,740 --> 01:46:59,010 intraday setups, whether it be scalping or day trades. And I usually close up shop anywhere between 1500 to 1600 GMT, generally 80% of the time, and then when
576 01:46:59,010 --> 01:47:08,940 it's really, really taken off and blown out all objectives I had for the day.  I'll leave a very small portion of the trade on for 1800 GMT, but very rarely
577 01:47:08,940 --> 01:47:18,600 does it ever happen. Many most of the time 80% of the time, I'm out of the market by 1600 GMT So between 15 116 100 GMT, that's usually the close of the
578 01:47:18,600 --> 01:47:28,410 day for me it's we're not usually you'll see the higher low form for the day.  Okay, folks, we're looking at the Euro USD is a five minute chart. And what I
579 01:47:28,410 --> 01:47:38,460 have delineated on this chart here, we have these red dashed lines, okay, and green dashed lines. Okay, now if I keep my mouse right on top of it, it's going
580 01:47:38,460 --> 01:47:55,470 to show the ICT Asian range. And what I've done was simply pull up the indicator, and I edited the beginning and end of specific windows of time. This
581 01:47:55,470 --> 01:48:10,110 is the London open kill zone that I trade with. begins stalking setups for the European session at six GMT. And as late as 10 GMT. And for the New York open, I
582 01:48:10,110 --> 01:48:21,090 made it real easy. And something that's generic you guys can use over and over and over again. 12 to 15 GMT, okay. 12 to 15 GMT, to get all the subtle nuances
583 01:48:21,090 --> 01:48:31,770 that make me use 30 minute dividers and such I'm just giving you a block of time 12 to 15 GMT. And that'll give you everything you would need for the New York
584 01:48:31,770 --> 01:48:41,730 open session. Now, when you have this on your chart, okay, I'm sure you're probably asking yourself, you know, what's great, can I have that indicator to
585 01:48:42,450 --> 01:48:55,890 I'm going to supply it, I'm going to add it to a file server and if FX gears comm could could allow me to host it on the thread I'm doing there. That's
586 01:48:55,890 --> 01:49:04,530 wonderful. If not, I'll get with jack and see if he could hook you guys up to you guys can download it and a couple other indicators that we're going to be
587 01:49:04,530 --> 01:49:16,080 employing in this video series. Now, what I want to draw your attention to is that I want you to see the highs and lows that form during these particular
588 01:49:16,110 --> 01:49:27,270 sessions. This is the new york open session and the London open session. The higher the day form during the London open and the low was essentially almost
589 01:49:27,300 --> 01:49:43,470 formed during the New York session going into that 60 1600 hour the next day.  Okay, we have a nice tradable rally up into this area of time it was just
590 01:49:43,500 --> 01:49:53,070 outside of it by two, two bars here or an hour 10 minutes and then sold off. We have a nice opportunity to get in sync with the daily trend here with a high
591 01:49:53,070 --> 01:50:06,330 forming in New York open and making a move lower. We have the low forming in London. And then another tradable low off of the direction formed from the
592 01:50:06,360 --> 01:50:22,260 London open. Here is the New York open trade. And this happened to be one that I took part in, in a live trade. So this is the scenario, I'll go over this
593 01:50:22,260 --> 01:50:40,830 because I've been doing video reviews and a couple weeks just give you this as the highlight. Okay, the price made all these multiple steps lower, and showed
594 01:50:40,830 --> 01:50:54,660 an unwillingness to go lower, consolidated, found the low in London open, trade it up and retraced into the New York session going into optimal trade entry, and
595 01:50:54,660 --> 01:50:55,350 a sweet spot
596 01:50:56,910 --> 01:51:02,340 and rallied on up now. If
597 01:51:08,580 --> 01:51:13,140 you use your Fibonacci tools,
598 01:51:25,050 --> 01:51:36,450 here's your 162 extension, nailing it for the high. And we'll talk more about targeting and an exit prices and all that stuff when we get into later portions
599 01:51:36,450 --> 01:51:47,460 of the series. But you can see how the London and New York open kill zones here gave you very nice opportunities for setup. Here we have another scenario where
600 01:51:48,360 --> 01:52:01,140 using the previous day's low, okay, and all we're doing here is highlighting the importance or the influence that the New York and London kill zones provide for
601 01:52:01,440 --> 01:52:15,810 setting up opportunities to trade this area here, okay, during the London open, we retraced inside of this range here. And then where we had this consolidation,
602 01:52:16,050 --> 01:52:27,180 and the market moved out of it, this this placement can only happen when there is a large entity behind the move against retail traders will not cause this.
603 01:52:27,330 --> 01:52:35,640 Okay. And then price retraces back into it. And then once it do, it rallies up again. And where's it rally to, to take out old highs in here that were too
604 01:52:35,640 --> 01:52:46,080 clean, guys way too clean, and price stabbed up in there and gave an opportunity to take profits if you're a short term scalper on the long side. But the bias
605 01:52:46,080 --> 01:52:58,740 was lower. Okay, and we talked about earlier. You know how it's important to focus on these higher timeframe. Key reaction levels. And that was the reason
606 01:52:58,740 --> 01:53:15,300 why we saw this really explosive move lower the high form during the New York open session and the low actually formed in the New York session as well. The
607 01:53:15,300 --> 01:53:30,480 following day, we had a short term, high fondant here, but a tradable low formed off the fiber in the New York session, making the high here and then closing the
608 01:53:30,480 --> 01:53:44,130 week out. As we see. The kill zones are where you bracket in terms of time. Now, by itself doesn't do anything for you, you have to have an understanding of
609 01:53:44,370 --> 01:53:57,300 support resistance and key music reaction levels and directional premise to frame your trade on. But inside these little pockets, okay. And really it looks
610 01:53:57,300 --> 01:54:11,280 like this if it's hard for you to see. It's this whole window right here of time. Inside this block of time is where the scenario of a trade should form.
611 01:54:11,700 --> 01:54:24,930 Okay. And the same thing goes for the London open inside this area or small little pocket of time and price. That's what the scenario is going to unfold for
612 01:54:24,930 --> 01:54:35,880 you to take a trade, okay, so it allows you to really hone in like a scope on a rifle like a sniper. Does zero in on where you should be sitting down in front
613 01:54:35,880 --> 01:54:43,800 of your computer. Okay, if you're a London open, or London trader, this is where you do your business. Okay, if you are London trader and don't trade on in New
614 01:54:43,800 --> 01:54:52,230 York session, you're cheating yourself because there's a lot of times the setups that you may have missed being incorrect or just missed altogether, will give
615 01:54:52,230 --> 01:55:01,530 you a opportunity to get in sync with that move. darned in New York session. My My best advice as a mentor would be to really try Learn that New York session.
616 01:55:02,310 --> 01:55:12,750 It's very comfortable traded as an as a North American trader, unless you're on the west coast, and if you're out there on the west coast, you know, that's
617 01:55:12,750 --> 01:55:22,800 something you're gonna have to suck up. Because there's nothing more about that I can say that you guys got generally very favorable weather. So if this is the
618 01:55:22,830 --> 01:55:31,410 thing, you got to trade in for it, then haha. So anyway, the New York session, obviously, to me, I think is the easiest one to learn, it's the most forgiving
619 01:55:31,410 --> 01:55:39,990 because it gives you the London session behind you, as a, you know, a catalyst just a frame your trade off of. So if you have a higher time frame support and
620 01:55:39,990 --> 01:55:48,660 resistance level noted a directional premise in mind. And then you have the London session key new in that same direction, man, you have a loaded deal. As
621 01:55:48,660 --> 01:56:14,010 you have here in this example, on the fourth of September, the stick all this stuff off actually, if you have any doubts that there is some significance
622 01:56:14,010 --> 01:56:23,490 behind these particular windows of time, it's going to be your homework to actually go through the next week,
623 01:56:23,940 --> 01:56:40,920 okay, and have those time windows bracketed out. Again, for the New York session, it's going to be 12 GMT to 1500 GMT, and six GMT to 10 GMT for the
624 01:56:40,950 --> 01:56:47,700 London open kill zone. And for those who have been following me for a while, if you've noticed, there's a slight difference in those windows, I just did it for
625 01:56:47,700 --> 01:56:55,290 this teaching series. Because there's a lot of members of FX gears, it's not familiar with my stuff. And I'm not going to be populating their website with
626 01:56:55,290 --> 01:57:04,890 all of my videos, so I just more or less made it user friendly, so that we guys can have generic time windows to to work with and there'll be very friendly to
627 01:57:04,890 --> 01:57:14,790 you, there's nothing going to be missed outside of those windows of time. But if you do this for a week, okay, my advice is to see what happens during these
628 01:57:14,790 --> 01:57:28,320 windows of time. Okay. And when there is high level, higher timeframe, reaction level around the same pockets of opportunity in terms of time kill zones, and
629 01:57:28,320 --> 01:57:35,550 then you'll see a confluence of events unfolding, that if you miss it, we'll find out more about it in the fourth installment because we're going to go over
630 01:57:35,550 --> 01:57:45,960 the examples. But really, I want you to see what you think may happen based on everything we've covered so far. It's not a test, okay? It's just a learning
631 01:57:45,990 --> 01:57:49,770 opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with price action.
632 01:57:58,050 --> 01:58:15,090 Okay, we are looking at the ICT market maker by model. Okay, this very crude depiction of how markets move on a fractal basis. Okay. Generally, what you'll
633 01:58:15,090 --> 01:58:30,330 see is the market will open inside of a consolidation trading range, and not open but don't enter a trading range environment. Now, this by model is really
634 01:58:30,330 --> 01:58:42,750 universal, it could be applied to any timeframe, but we're going to be basically looking at it one day for our one hour 15 and five minute basis, okay. And
635 01:58:43,980 --> 01:58:52,290 what'll happen is, is the market will move out of that consolidation, trade out of it, and then come back and many times retest that first consolidation. Okay,
636 01:58:52,290 --> 01:59:05,070 so if you miss the accumulation portion of the first wave down, you can get back in sync with it by waiting for this retracement up. Okay. And this just swings
637 01:59:05,070 --> 01:59:15,450 aren't generally in this example, aren't really uniform. In other words, this could come up a little bit higher into the range from this high here to this low
638 01:59:15,450 --> 01:59:25,530 and give you some kind of a 62 to 79 seven tradesmen level not necessary. But there's other factors that you could hunt in here to set up a scenario to sell
639 01:59:25,680 --> 01:59:38,610 short, if you want to participate in the first leg going lower. Once price comes down into a resistance level or support level, an inversion level where maybe
640 01:59:39,240 --> 01:59:48,570 this level was possibly in old level resistance and my market broke through came back down down to testing support. Basically, when price comes down to a clear
641 01:59:48,570 --> 01:59:58,710 level of support rather, we could expect the market to turn around now it doesn't mean we just go in here start buying it up. You can but I don't
642 01:59:58,740 --> 02:00:08,640 generally teach That as a means of doing it. After some years of training and trading real time, once you get some experience under your belt, you may be able
643 02:00:08,640 --> 02:00:17,610 to take trades like that. But that's not what I'm illustrating in these videos, I want you to wait for some confirmation. Confirmation comes in the form of a
644 02:00:17,610 --> 02:00:25,530 break in market structure. And it moves higher and many times comes back and gives you an opportunity to retest that first consolidation in here, after the
645 02:00:25,530 --> 02:00:35,250 climax reversal pattern forms at support. Rice will come up and rally out of that, again, move into another consolidation. Okay, and we could be working off
646 02:00:35,250 --> 02:00:43,920 of the levels that was formed over here. Okay, so whatever timeframe this pattern forms in, okay, you're gonna be utilizing, again, same premise of key
647 02:00:43,920 --> 02:00:53,760 support resistance. This will be another continuation pattern off of what would be expected as a climax reversal by setup down here, off of a higher level
648 02:00:53,820 --> 02:01:05,970 timeframe key support. When the secondary buy scenario happens here, or it just makes one, okay, there's that's why these two boxes are blue. Generally, it can
649 02:01:05,970 --> 02:01:17,010 be one or two small little pauses or consolidations. And then there's a explosive move up to take out the highs above the first consolidation. Okay, and
650 02:01:17,040 --> 02:01:26,850 the premise is this, the market makers start building up orders in here, okay, and they hold price within a clearly defined range. There's not enough buyers
651 02:01:26,850 --> 02:01:33,990 that keep it higher, and there's not enough sellers to take it lower. So what'll happen is, is that market makers keep it in a tight rein to accumulate
652 02:01:33,990 --> 02:01:39,780 positions. Okay? Now, what they want is to hold the market in a holding pattern
653 02:01:41,100 --> 02:01:51,930 to establish a premise for them to take the market the other way. Same thing can be seen here, just in the reverse on a market maker sell model, we have a
654 02:01:51,930 --> 02:02:02,910 consolidation and move comes out of the consolidation, and the highs of that consolidation are usually retested. Now, again, that doesn't always have to
655 02:02:02,910 --> 02:02:10,860 happen like that, but we expect it to happen. If it doesn't come back down at least many times, it'll give you some kind of small little pause in here, or
656 02:02:10,860 --> 02:02:18,930 maybe a bull flag formation type thing. And then it will rally up into a clearly defined resistance level. inside of that resistance level, there will be a
657 02:02:18,930 --> 02:02:29,520 climax reversal pattern. Okay? Many times you'll see, okay, here's a little notepad moment for you, if you want to see when indicators work, like they do in
658 02:02:29,520 --> 02:02:38,100 the textbooks, okay, if you see this pattern here, unfolding like this, and trades up into a resistance level, many times you're going to see your standard
659 02:02:38,130 --> 02:02:49,590 divergence of the MACD, your stochastics, your RSI, your CCI, you know, spaghetti, whatever it is you use, for your indicators, if it causes a
660 02:02:49,590 --> 02:02:59,400 divergence for a buy or sell signal, you're gonna see it form here. Okay, and because think about if this if these indicators, didn't call major moves,
661 02:02:59,580 --> 02:03:05,850 whenever we're paying attention to them, and the only reason why we pay attention to them, is because they work on the left side of the chart, we can
662 02:03:05,850 --> 02:03:16,770 see it, it did it the last time, right. So it's going to do it again. But nobody understands the reasons behind why diverged, okay, and it's based on the higher
663 02:03:16,770 --> 02:03:25,650 timeframe resistance level, and the fact that the dealers, market makers have taken price up there in a stab that price level over and over and over again, to
664 02:03:25,650 --> 02:03:35,670 distribute the orders that were accumulated here. Okay, so they're buying it all up in here. Okay, they're distributing a little bit here. They're distributing a
665 02:03:35,670 --> 02:03:43,650 whole lot of it here to dumping it. Okay. And then when the market pulls back, a lot of traders viewed this area as another continuation pattern, much in the
666 02:03:43,650 --> 02:03:50,700 same way it does here. Okay, well, maybe this is a bull flag, okay. And what they'll do is they'll buy it with the expectation is going to continue moving on
667 02:03:50,700 --> 02:03:58,920 higher, what will happen is, they'll have buy orders, you know, in the small little areas of dealing ranges that we're going to discuss later on. And what'll
668 02:03:58,920 --> 02:04:08,040 happen is they'll pair orders up and stack up all kinds of shorting opportunities, and they'll distribute the market very heavily. And what'll
669 02:04:08,040 --> 02:04:17,760 happen is, is once they get a block of trades on the other side of their position, essentially, they will do a real quick repricing. And they'll trap
670 02:04:17,760 --> 02:04:24,540 traders. And what'll happen is, is that you've, you've done this before, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Even those guys in demos. You put a trade
671 02:04:24,540 --> 02:04:31,950 on, okay, maybe you bought it up in here, something like that. Okay. And the market drops down hard, okay. And you're thinking, Okay, well, maybe it's just
672 02:04:32,130 --> 02:04:40,290 gonna come down here and retest some some resistance, turn support, and then resume. Okay, then you start seeing this little pop up here and you get excited
673 02:04:40,290 --> 02:04:48,450 that Okay, I'm going to go back to breakeven, but the dealers know that, okay, the market makers already had these folks trapped, and if you went on there and
674 02:04:48,450 --> 02:04:55,590 you bought your trap just like they are, they don't want to give you an opportunity to get out of that trade. Okay? They're going to keep you on a
675 02:04:55,590 --> 02:05:05,700 negative float. Okay? You're going to be below the dealers. Okay, and maybe even pips, you know, and negative beyond that. Okay. And what happened is they'll do
676 02:05:05,700 --> 02:05:11,850 another repricing and now here's what you're gonna do because Okay, we're, we're just retesting this whole area in here again, and we're gonna find some support,
677 02:05:11,880 --> 02:05:20,310 but it blows through it. Okay? The dealers will go into another consolidation thinking, Okay, well, I know what this is, this is one of those retracements,
678 02:05:20,310 --> 02:05:29,790 where from the low up to this high, we got one of those ICT optimal trade entries. Nope. Now here, what will happen is they'll do one more time, they'll
679 02:05:29,790 --> 02:05:36,240 run it and got lower, and they'll take out the stops that are placed when the folks that were right that bought this rally here, and just held on for too
680 02:05:36,240 --> 02:05:46,590 long. Okay, so there is an accumulation distribution here or re cumulation for new Long's. Okay, and then when they get up here, they distribute all of this in
681 02:05:46,590 --> 02:05:53,970 here, but they do it very quickly. That's why when you get up to these levels, prices stay up there very long. Why, because they're doing a massive
682 02:05:53,970 --> 02:06:01,920 distribution. And you see the price really drop off fast. But when it drops off, it'll give you a little bit of consolidation. One more rally up, when it gets on
683 02:06:01,920 --> 02:06:11,010 the other side of that, that zenith of this price move. When we get to this start rallying up, this is where you start selling, okay, and when you can
684 02:06:11,010 --> 02:06:17,100 identify this pattern, it makes your trading a whole lot easier because you understand what they're doing and where they're taking price.
685 02:06:25,470 --> 02:06:34,320 Okay, guys, we got some key levels here noted on our timeframe of a daily chart.  And we're gonna give some examples of what is a market maker profile, I'm gonna
686 02:06:34,320 --> 02:06:44,100 give you a by example, and some cell examples. And the way you utilize them is obviously you have a higher time frame support resistance level, but they can
687 02:06:44,100 --> 02:06:54,810 occur on any time frame. But the more apt to occur on a daily four hour and or hourly timeframe. And then if you have a understanding of what their directional
688 02:06:54,810 --> 02:07:05,130 premises want to lower timeframes, you can use them 115 15 minute 30 minute hourly charts and such. But for now, we're just gonna give you examples on
689 02:07:05,280 --> 02:07:17,400 finding off of a daily timeframe. See, price trades down into this level here is an old support. And all we did was rounded to a 127 60 level, we just calibrated
690 02:07:17,400 --> 02:07:27,330 the level to a round number. We're gonna look at this area here for buying market profile for market maker profile. And then we have one in here trading
691 02:07:27,330 --> 02:07:37,740 into this resistance level. Okay, and then we're going to go and look at the sell scenario. We called no last video, and how it was a market maker sell
692 02:07:37,740 --> 02:07:53,040 model. Okay, so we're going to do is we're going to look at this particular day, and the actual candle comes in at July 9 2013. And we're going to start with an
693 02:07:53,070 --> 02:08:01,350 hourly perspective on it. Okay, and all I did was use this to highlight the time, okay, we have
694 02:08:07,830 --> 02:08:24,420 Okay, marketing, consolidation. Okay, we have a consolidation, here, market breaks out of consolidation and retests that same consolidation here, trades
695 02:08:24,420 --> 02:08:36,660 lower, okay. And it's a couple minor little retracements to get in sync with that move lower, making the actual low here, NEMA false swing lower, this is the
696 02:08:36,660 --> 02:08:53,610 actual high. I'm sorry, the actual low point of the market maker sell model in here. Okay, and then price rallies through, takes out this high here, and very
697 02:08:53,610 --> 02:09:06,390 little pausing it all here just explodes and where's the explode to above the consolidation in here? Okay. So, again, the same price model, here in this
698 02:09:06,390 --> 02:09:20,580 fractal pattern is seen on a hourly basis. You can see ultimately, it comes back in and trades even further. If we go and look at the daily chart again. And
699 02:09:20,580 --> 02:09:36,450 we're going to look at this example here for a cell. Okay, right in here, and I'm going to zoom in so you can see this candle right there. Okay, the levels of
700 02:09:36,480 --> 02:09:45,960 keys for resistance on a higher timeframe would be noted in advance. So as price trades up into it, we would expect to see a market maker so model unfold. And
701 02:09:45,960 --> 02:09:47,370 let's go down to a 15 minute.
702 02:09:53,460 --> 02:10:04,440 Okay, you see that happening here and let's actually go down to a five minute see a little bit better. And stick this rectangle office is no longer needed.
703 02:10:05,280 --> 02:10:21,240 Okay, we have the consolidation, move out the consolidation, and then retest.  Now this part does not have to happen. Okay. But generally you'll see it happen.
704 02:10:21,600 --> 02:10:34,800 And then there's a continuation moving up, mix the high, or the capitulation portion of the buy model. Now it turns to the sell side of it. Okay, so we are
705 02:10:34,800 --> 02:10:45,270 now in a market maker sell model profile. And we would expect to see this consolidation ran out, as you see here, market moves down, consolidation on here
706 02:10:45,270 --> 02:10:56,040 another break lower, where is it trade to below the consolidation, where accumulated positions were taken on. And you can see ultimately, that's the
707 02:10:56,160 --> 02:11:09,420 price model right there. Okay, and let's go back out to a daily. Okay, we're gonna look at the 134 30 level, okay, see this high here, the lows in here and
708 02:11:09,420 --> 02:11:22,590 the bodies that have candles as well. So we have 134 30, small round number, it's just above this high as well. And we're going to zoom in and look at this
709 02:11:22,590 --> 02:11:31,620 profile. Right here. And as price moves up into these levels, we would reasonably expect to see a market maker sell model, we're going to into an
710 02:11:31,860 --> 02:11:32,970 hourly timeframe.
711 02:11:38,640 --> 02:11:51,420 And we're going to zoom out. Okay, we can see the consolidation, let's take these vertical lines off cleaned up a little bit. You can see the consolidation
712 02:11:51,420 --> 02:12:11,190 in here. consolidated, moved out came back, retested, the consolidation moves on up, false rally higher, breaks down, rallies on again on the other side. And
713 02:12:11,190 --> 02:12:18,540 again, this is the sell model. So again, this is the sell model. So you're gonna see,
714 02:12:26,340 --> 02:12:36,750 price run out this consolidation on the line, you can see that happened there.  Okay, so that's the market maker, sell model. And again, we call this market
715 02:12:36,750 --> 02:12:45,750 lower here, before the actual move ensued, given some further credibility to the analysis concepts, and it's not always hindsight here picking.
716 02:12:51,630 --> 02:13:05,580 Alright, let's talk about market orders. And how dealers work within the marketplace and how they perceive traders, psychology, and how you can pretty
717 02:13:05,580 --> 02:13:14,070 much get close to what they're doing without even seeing the order books.  Alright, we're looking at a conceptual idea of what market prices right now. And
718 02:13:14,070 --> 02:13:25,140 we're not going to have a chart where it's going to conceptually talk about the generic principles associated with how reading the market. Alright, let's assume
719 02:13:25,140 --> 02:13:33,000 for a moment, the market price moves up to what would be considered a key level, okay, or could be moving down to a key level doesn't matter. But we're saying
720 02:13:33,000 --> 02:13:43,650 for the moment right now, we are trading at a highly sensitive price point that reacted. Most recently, or maybe a couple weeks ago, there was a significant
721 02:13:43,650 --> 02:13:52,590 reaction, that same price level. So now market moves, whether it be up or down, we now have a market price that's equal to or very close to that key level. The
722 02:13:52,590 --> 02:14:01,830 question comes to mind is where do we go from here? Do we move higher? Or do we move lower? When you're watching price, what you're going to be looking for are
723 02:14:01,830 --> 02:14:14,910 clues. Okay, there's going to be a fingerprint, if you will, of what may be unfolding. And generally what happens is above the market price, okay, there are
724 02:14:14,940 --> 02:14:24,630 protective buy stops on those that have maybe put on net short positions. And many times, simply above that just a little bit more, there's going to be
725 02:14:24,630 --> 02:14:32,910 pending sell limit orders for those that have been possibly being long. Okay.  nonwords. We have net long traders in the market. And we have net short traders
726 02:14:32,910 --> 02:14:43,470 in the market. The net trader, on the short side, want to protect our position, so they're going to have their protective buy stops somewhere above the market
727 02:14:43,470 --> 02:14:54,960 price. And again, the premises is this market price is now trading at a key level. Okay? And because traders always have a different view, if even if the
728 02:14:54,960 --> 02:15:08,730 marketplace is a implied support level folks may be really looking to sell short. Okay, and we're gonna talk about that in a moment. But for those that
729 02:15:08,730 --> 02:15:19,110 have saw this level as a potential support zone, and they want to be expecting some kind of a bounce up, they would have pending sell limit orders to exit some
730 02:15:19,110 --> 02:15:29,340 of their position and or all of it dip for a profit. And then obviously, folks that expect to see it go up only if it proves a little bit more that it's going
731 02:15:29,340 --> 02:15:39,120 to move upwards, they'll have a new long buy, stop. Okay, so in other words, we have three types of orders that exists generally above current market price,
732 02:15:39,300 --> 02:15:50,550 that being pending selling orders for those that are net long, protective buy stops on those that are net short, and new potential buy stops for those that
733 02:15:50,550 --> 02:16:02,940 want to enter on buying strength. On the converse side, obviously, you have for those that are buying this, this particular price level, you have protective
734 02:16:02,940 --> 02:16:13,920 cell stops protecting what they believe there's a potential buyer scenario unfolding, then you have cell stops that are resting below the market price for
735 02:16:14,190 --> 02:16:26,040 new short selling sellers, they want to sell one weakness. And below that, usually you'll have pending limit orders to be you tripped for covering short
736 02:16:26,040 --> 02:16:38,040 positions, okay. In other words, they're using that type of order to exit on a profit target objective for short positions. The question is, where are we most
737 02:16:38,040 --> 02:16:48,480 likely building up orders, okay. And it's very tricky in the beginning, because you have to spend some time looking at charts. Okay, this is going to come with
738 02:16:48,480 --> 02:16:57,420 time. And when you hear me talk about and a lot of times that you'll hear me in my market review videos, or sometimes in my teaching videos, many times I'll
739 02:16:58,080 --> 02:17:06,570 talk out loud, okay, my thought process isn't always meant for you to
740 02:17:07,890 --> 02:17:19,680 be taught what I'm always speaking, okay. In other words, I may be thinking out loud about a phenomenon that may be unfolding at a particular level, okay. And
741 02:17:19,680 --> 02:17:28,140 I'm not really meaning to teach that to you, because it's something that you're going to have to drill overtop of charts to learn on your own, okay. And this is
742 02:17:28,140 --> 02:17:36,930 the part of the experience factor that comes into play, and why patience is so important. Because if you don't have patience, you won't give yourself the time
743 02:17:36,930 --> 02:17:46,230 to develop this neck, because that's exactly what this is, I don't have an order book, I don't have access to you know, what these orders are outside of what
744 02:17:46,230 --> 02:17:55,710 everybody else has on a retail level, okay, I can make phone calls and ask where orders are stacking up. But it's only really limited to a certain portion of the
745 02:17:55,710 --> 02:18:07,710 actual marketplace. So the psychology behind price action is very readable.  Okay. And it's by using these simple six types of orders around market price.
746 02:18:08,430 --> 02:18:17,670 Obviously, if prices moved up to a resistance level, okay, one would expect new sellers to come into place, and then there'd be protective buy stops
747 02:18:17,700 --> 02:18:24,120 established. And those that have been net long, they want to be getting out of their position, and they're greedy, they want to be trying to get that extra
748 02:18:24,120 --> 02:18:32,610 little bit of drops of lemon juice out of that lemon, they want to squeeze it for all it's worth, it's a lot to try to put their limiters on the far side of
749 02:18:33,000 --> 02:18:41,850 the particular resistance level, okay, because it's greed, this market, like anything else is a breeding ground for greed. And obviously, those that have
750 02:18:41,850 --> 02:18:47,550 been, you know, just introduced to the marketplace, they've been seeing the market go up for nine days straight. So therefore, if it goes up a little bit
751 02:18:47,550 --> 02:18:53,910 higher, that's when they want to buy. And that's generally what happens is they buy the high the market, okay, and I've been there, I know what it's all about,
752 02:18:53,910 --> 02:19:05,220 and none of it feels like so. And you probably do too, if we had seen market price trade down to a key support level, okay, those that are entering in on
753 02:19:05,250 --> 02:19:13,590 whatever we implied as a buy signal for them, they would immediately put protective sell stuff below the market price. And then obviously, for those that
754 02:19:13,590 --> 02:19:24,600 have been net short, okay, they have their limit orders below market price trying to get out, you know, with their greedy expectations of kidding out near
755 02:19:24,630 --> 02:19:33,900 a very handsome price level of profit from and again, the same guys that have been just introduced to the marketplace, you know, for the last 25 days in the
756 02:19:33,900 --> 02:19:40,680 marketplaces have been saying lower prices. So therefore, if it goes down a little bit farther, then they'll sell short, and they'll have to sell stops down
757 02:19:40,680 --> 02:19:48,660 there because they can't move around the trading desk because they're working at you know, whatever they're doing, you know, you're painting cars. So they want
758 02:19:48,660 --> 02:19:59,970 to have their sell stuff below the marketplace and in many times you see them selling the low of the day. So let's talk about a little bit more detail of it.
759 02:20:00,000 --> 02:20:04,890 How market makers pair orders and how orders stack.
760 02:20:06,540 --> 02:20:17,250 Let's assume for a moment that there is a highly sensitive price level of support or resistance around that 132. Big figure. Now when we look at a big
761 02:20:17,250 --> 02:20:27,900 figure, okay, and before I go any further, this could be a mid figure. Okay. And then obviously, the levels above it being respective in terms of what we have
762 02:20:27,900 --> 02:20:37,980 here as an example. But keeping in true form of the institutional levels we like to follow, which are the big figures, the 20s, the 80s, the small round numbers,
763 02:20:38,190 --> 02:20:50,880 okay, in the mid 50 levels, okay, if price trades up to 132. Don't expect 132 to always simply hold price back. Many times, you'll see price trade up to that
764 02:20:50,880 --> 02:21:00,960 level. And there'll be orders around the 10 level and around the 20 level, many times you'll see price, even if it's going to go lower longer term, many times
765 02:21:00,960 --> 02:21:14,220 they'll sweep price up through the 10s and 20s. And the reason why is because folks like to put their orders at odd numbers and such, okay, but really, the
766 02:21:14,220 --> 02:21:23,970 institutional level traders, they work around raw small round numbers, okay, the 10s, the 20s, they'll they'll use those levels because it allows them to clean
767 02:21:23,970 --> 02:21:37,200 through particular price levels. And maybe you've encountered slippage. Okay, now, you really wanted to get out at 130 205. But maybe they felt good at 132 10
768 02:21:37,920 --> 02:21:47,550 that slippage, why did they fill you at 132 10? Because that's where their order was for them to execute. So they're going to fill you they're not where you
769 02:21:47,550 --> 02:21:57,240 really want to get out it. Okay. It doesn't happen all the time. No. But obviously, we as retail traders are at the mercy if you will, of what the
770 02:21:57,240 --> 02:22:06,780 dealers are going to give us as an order, okay, maybe you had a trade executed and you exit it or entered. And then you have a re quote later on. Okay, maybe
771 02:22:06,780 --> 02:22:19,620 you got in a short position at 132 even, okay, and then later on, found out that they quoted you 131 95 or 131 90. Okay, that's pretty extreme in terms of
772 02:22:19,620 --> 02:22:30,000 slippage. But if it's economic report, things like that can happen. As a matter of fact, you know, I just recently traded an economic report, and I had seven
773 02:22:30,000 --> 02:22:40,530 pips slippage from where I was trying to get in, and we're actually got filled.  So that's the inherent nature of trading in fast, illiquid markets, and they're
774 02:22:40,530 --> 02:22:46,770 gonna fill you where they want to get filled. Okay, so you're gonna be taking the other side of your trade to understand that, if you're dealing through
775 02:22:47,670 --> 02:22:57,240 market maker or an order desk, that's the type of feeling you're going to get with your orders. Okay, but if you think in terms of the big picture of how
776 02:22:57,240 --> 02:23:08,160 these market makers and large bank dealer traders work, they're going to work around these round numbers and always expect them to try to sweep to the next
777 02:23:08,160 --> 02:23:16,650 small little round number because that's generally where they'll take price and it'll clean out all the guys that want to use a stop loss, okay, this maybe sell
778 02:23:16,650 --> 02:23:26,160 short at 132 even want to limit and maybe they saw price dropped down to 131 90.  And they're salivating because they think it's going to go to 130. Okay, so they
779 02:23:26,160 --> 02:23:36,300 put your stop loss at 130 203. Okay, well, the dealers know that they're going to take price up and just for good measure, gonna run up to the 132 10 level,
780 02:23:36,630 --> 02:23:45,000 and then a clear down nice block of trades that would have had pending orders resting above it, like we just discussed in a previous slide, and allow them to
781 02:23:45,450 --> 02:23:59,490 promote liquidity, not only for themselves, but other orders they have to do transactions for Alright, let's take a look at an environment where the 132
782 02:23:59,490 --> 02:24:11,100 perhaps is a clearly discernible resistance level. Okay, and we're going to assume that market price is down here below that particular price level. And
783 02:24:11,130 --> 02:24:20,520 generally, you'll see this type of action, okay, they'll take it up to the 80 level. Okay, and first or retrace, pull off very sharply. Okay. And everybody
784 02:24:20,520 --> 02:24:29,880 understands if you've been looking at the markets in any capacity, that the 80s the 20s in the 50s and four figures are very sensitive psychological numbers,
785 02:24:29,970 --> 02:24:38,310 okay. And if the dealers can bounce price off there, they'll trap a lot of traders thinking okay, that was the high the market then what happens is they'll
786 02:24:38,310 --> 02:24:49,380 reprice okay and get folks that maybe didn't believe that was the high and they think it's still gonna go to 132. They'll more or less, buy that market up.
787 02:24:49,410 --> 02:24:57,540 Okay. But then what I'll do is I'll take the market below the most recent swing low and stop those traders out. So now, the folks that think on the short term
788 02:24:57,540 --> 02:25:03,810 that the price is going to go to 132 are now scared They don't want to get in the market now. So they took those individuals out.
789 02:25:05,100 --> 02:25:14,910 If they were taken out when that recent move down below the recent swing low here, okay, what is below there? They're gonna put up what protective sell,
790 02:25:15,420 --> 02:25:24,690 okay? If the dealers take price down below that, that sell stock becomes a market order do what the sell to market who's going to buy it from the dealers,
791 02:25:25,020 --> 02:25:33,990 the dealers will buy up that pocket of liquidity. Okay. And then they'll reprice and they'll take it up to that 132 figure clearing out the stops, that would
792 02:25:33,990 --> 02:25:45,630 have been resting at the 131 90 for those that went short here. So now, is there anyone short? No? Okay. So where did they? Where does the dealers exit their
793 02:25:45,630 --> 02:25:56,160 position that they accumulated here at the 131 90, or there abouts, because that's about rare, though. Stop Loss on short, the short sellers here would have
794 02:25:56,160 --> 02:26:06,390 their orders resting, so they clear out the pending orders and take it all the way up to the 132 figure. The next repricing comes in the sell off, folks. Okay,
795 02:26:06,390 --> 02:26:14,250 well, this is the top of the marketplace. So let's start selling. Okay, so they go short here. All of a sudden, you'll see the dealers take price back up again,
796 02:26:14,280 --> 02:26:22,710 now clear out the 132. Why? Because the folks have been watching that 132 level, once it trades there one time and starts to trade off. They think that's it.
797 02:26:22,740 --> 02:26:32,370 That's it. support resistance is perfect. It never, it never has any blurry lines. it's crystal clear, laser guided, okay, and price is always going to stop
798 02:26:32,370 --> 02:26:41,430 right on that 00 level. It doesn't guys, you got to have some flexibility. And wait, wait for the shore sign that this thing's gonna turn around. So when they
799 02:26:41,430 --> 02:26:51,150 clear all the way up to the 132 20 level, now, folks that were looking to sell, they're scared. They don't want to get in the market. Now. They don't know
800 02:26:51,150 --> 02:26:58,170 what's going to happen. Why? Because they watch the guys get blown out here.  They watch the gods get blown out here. And this creates that pattern three
801 02:26:58,170 --> 02:27:10,650 drives higher, or three Indians as it is in the street smarts book. They'll do a massive repricing, they'll take out the swing low here. Why? Because there may
802 02:27:10,650 --> 02:27:20,340 be traders that were net long in here and got smart and realized it was probably going to move higher. But they don't want those guys in the marketplace either.
803 02:27:20,460 --> 02:27:28,830 Okay, so they're going to drive them individuals as well. did not take price back above that 132 figure or rate at it. Okay. And this is typically when the
804 02:27:28,830 --> 02:27:38,550 market really makes its pattern of going short. Why? Because we have a breakdown in market structure. After we clear out the orders that stack around these key
805 02:27:38,550 --> 02:27:48,720 levels. Then you'll see price do a mass dramatic repricing and take out all short term lows, and anybody that would be net long in that position, and now
806 02:27:48,720 --> 02:27:58,950 they're trapped. The next portion is then they'll get you traders to think okay, this is it. You know, it was a sort of false resistance level. Maybe this was,
807 02:27:59,520 --> 02:28:06,690 you know, one of those patterns where it looked like it was a topic it really wasn't guys. So let's get on board and they'll do a real quick repricing up.
808 02:28:07,080 --> 02:28:16,560 This is where you get the nice optimal trade entry sell short patterns. Okay, and that's the one you want to be on. And then you see the sustained swings,
809 02:28:17,130 --> 02:28:27,810 lower begin. Obviously, like most everything I have, you know, we're not going to go through that whole long winded depiction of how orders are stacked and how
810 02:28:28,110 --> 02:28:38,430 dealers work within these key levels. But assuming that we have a support level and price started up here, much in the same capacity we saw on the selling side,
811 02:28:38,460 --> 02:28:42,810 you can see that unfold on the bullish aspect of trading as well.