LostAndFound-ICT Live 2016 - Rare Order-Block Explanation.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-11-10 06:58


00:05 - Supply and demand is not an ICT order block.

03:24 - Why support resistance isn’t the panacea of trading.

09:42 - I don't care if you make money or don't make money.

13:51 - What is ict order blocks?

20:37 - The importance of finding counterparties of equal or greater size -.

28:19 - The foreign exchange market is not a centralized exchange. It’s an electronic medium.

31:21 - Distinction between supply and demand and ICT order blocks.

38:42 - How liquidity is being introduced to the marketplace.

41:22 - A 15 pip variance between what you anticipate and where it actually forms -.

48:16 - The only protection you have in this business -.

55:13 - Online marketing and fundamentals -.

58:45 - What is the hang-on-the-puppy-snoring? -.

01:04:44 - How do you know when to use the bottom of the candle or the wick to the body of the candles?

01:07:57 - What institutional level or levels exists between these two price points?

01:13:55 - When you see price action turning like it is.

01:20:55 - What happens if the candle breaks down? How does the breaker work?

01:24:30 - Using the breaker 9935 to get short.

01:30:22 - Down candles in these environments.

01:33:44 - How supply and demand is a fib -.

01:40:42 - Make your trading your own -.

01:48:13 - Trading volatility vs. institutional order flow -.

01:51:32 - What does it mean to be a market maker?

01:58:48 - Where's fair market value? Where's liquidity? Where’s liquidity?

02:02:21 - What is your bearish order block based on this market action?

02:08:29 - Why you have to have a storyline behind what you’re trading -.

02:15:44 - Smart money is buying on the down move.

02:18:56 - Selling/Selling scenario -.

02:23:17 - What’s next for the market?

02:27:05 - How to use this as positive reinforcement.

02:32:19 - The contrast between a bearish candle and a bullish order block.

02:39:22 - It’s not rocket science -.

02:41:08 - The dollar always has to be a factor in your trading -.

02:48:07 - What direction should the market go in?

02:50:30 - What’s the structure behind all the rally that should take place?

02:53:32 - What are the building blocks of a successful trading strategy?


00:00:05,490 --> 00:00:20,340 ICT: Okay, so let's take a couple looks at the dollar index. And let's begin with the daily chart
00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:32,010 how many of you in here watch the video link I sent out
00:00:38,220 --> 00:00:55,110 Now in fairness, it's, it's, it's really pointed at showing the strong contrast to what I teach what I trade with, in relationship to what is commonly known as
00:00:55,110 --> 00:01:08,760 supply and demand. Supply and demand is not an ICT order block, as much as the pundits would like to say they are there not the way a supply and demand zone is
00:01:08,760 --> 00:01:21,150 created. And the way it's perpetuated by Sam Seaton or there's Online Trading Academy guys, or whoever else subscribes to the view of supply and demand, they
00:01:21,150 --> 00:01:31,230 get you to a zone, okay, and the way the ICT order block works is it gives you a specific level to look at. And then you round it to the nearest round number or
00:01:31,230 --> 00:01:41,730 institutional level. And that's why it's so precise. It's not leaving you to discern or guests as to where in a zone you want to trade at. And that's the
00:01:41,730 --> 00:01:56,190 fallacy and at all. If you if you take it down to the bare bones of supply and demand, they have a large subscriber base to it. And while there are some that
00:01:56,190 --> 00:02:07,170 will show profitability, and I've said this in the past supply and demand concepts, by and large, will get you to an area where trades will likely form
10 00:02:07,650 --> 00:02:24,780 okay. But it will not give you the trade levels to trade at it, it will not give you the X ray view on how to narrow down to a specific price level, which is
11 00:02:24,780 --> 00:02:35,520 really necessary necessary for obviously, defining risk. We knew keeping risk small, manageable, and also what level is a shoot for in terms of a profit
12 00:02:35,520 --> 00:02:47,730 objective. So when I get tweets, I get emails and I get other folks that'll come in and say well, you know, you're repackaging regurgitating and relabeling shit
13 00:02:47,760 --> 00:03:00,570 just to make myself look good. I've been doing this 23 years. Okay, and I can tell you, what I do isn't out there except for what I do. The way I teach it is
14 00:03:00,570 --> 00:03:10,320 all me. It's not. I didn't look at supply and demand, say let me let me I'm trying to improve on supply and demand. I didn't, I didn't do that. Supply and
15 00:03:10,320 --> 00:03:21,660 demand was actually shown to me by a guy on baby pips, my baby pips days, they, he was really trying to push hard and heavy about and I kind of was like hinting
16 00:03:21,660 --> 00:03:28,380 at him saying, Look, you know, I understand where you're going with it. But I don't subscribe to that because it's too vague. Okay. Remember, when you first
17 00:03:28,380 --> 00:03:36,480 got involved with trading and the concept of Support Resistance was introduced to you. And suddenly, because someone's showing you an example of a chart
18 00:03:36,720 --> 00:03:43,350 doesn't make a difference what timeframe it was. But if they show you a chart, and they clearly show that the resistance worked in the past, and look how
19 00:03:43,350 --> 00:03:49,500 perfect it went right to that level, again, it turned around went down, and then you tried to apply that shit to your charts and your trading and what happened?
20 00:03:49,860 --> 00:03:58,710 You blu ray on through it, and you had no understanding of why it did it. Okay. And that's the same fallacy that goes along with supply and demand. Because
21 00:03:58,710 --> 00:04:10,110 really, all you're doing is applying trendline analysis. Okay, in the theory, that price will bounce off of a trendline. Okay, sloping up or sloping down, but
22 00:04:10,110 --> 00:04:23,040 you're just applying it to his own. Okay, there's no reason to base your assumptions on future price moves. When a zone, a zone has absolutely no basis
23 00:04:23,250 --> 00:04:33,660 in your trading except for highlighting a potential killing ground. Okay, an area where a trade most likely will form but that is in no way, narrowing down
24 00:04:33,690 --> 00:04:43,980 what your your job is and fulfilling the role of you as a trader, because you have to select where you're going to get in. And it has to be a level that makes
25 00:04:43,980 --> 00:04:57,360 sense. Obviously, it has to be a level that is building on an idea that there should be institutional sponsorship at that price level. Okay. It's not that you
26 00:04:57,360 --> 00:05:05,790 look at his own and say, Okay, well I'm going to finish this talk I kind of already moved away from it. When when you looked at support and resistance,
27 00:05:05,820 --> 00:05:15,300 okay, supply and demand is the same thing to that. But it just made it even worse because you can look at a chart and say, Okay, well, look, I looked at
28 00:05:15,510 --> 00:05:27,300 this level here. Okay. And looking at this, we can see the price clearly went up to that level, in hindsight, perfect 2020, we can see price went up there, and
29 00:05:27,300 --> 00:05:33,420 then it rejected and went away. Okay, so everyone knows that this right here would be deemed as a resistance level
30 00:05:41,130 --> 00:05:55,770 can you guys hear me? I got a couple people asking if. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry, if you can't hear me, it's gonna it's gonna be on your end, guys. But it'll be in
31 00:05:55,770 --> 00:06:10,740 the end recording. Okay. So looking at the idea of Support Resistance, okay. Yes, I have a module that teaches specific levels, and how to apply some support
32 00:06:10,740 --> 00:06:21,570 resistance. But again, much like you've probably discerned on your own. As a fledgling trader, you found out that support resistance isn't the be all end
33 00:06:21,570 --> 00:06:32,460 all. It's not, it's not the panacea of trading, okay. The understanding of why the market should find support resistance, there is the missing link, okay. And
34 00:06:32,760 --> 00:06:42,900 supply and demand gets close to it, it gets you in the neighborhood, but it never gives you the address, okay, it doesn't give you the access to the price
35 00:06:42,900 --> 00:06:54,450 level that you need to see where the institution is gonna come in and actually do the buying and selling. Okay, so if you really break it down, in a way, my
36 00:06:54,450 --> 00:07:03,270 work, the ICT order block, which is based on real institutional trading, and I've done it, I've been in, been in that field, okay, I know what I'm talking
37 00:07:03,270 --> 00:07:12,150 about, I prove it, I show it to you. And the whole context of the my next book, which we'll talk about, and we're actually gonna pull it up, is to show you that
38 00:07:12,150 --> 00:07:19,140 there are folks out there it will teach you and promise you future riches. But they don't ever teach you how to get out of the hole you dug for yourself before
39 00:07:19,140 --> 00:07:27,450 you found them. If you did, in fact, find a good mentor. Okay, many of you already know what it's like to be in drawdown and have had a hard time getting
40 00:07:27,450 --> 00:07:38,100 out of it, despite having good skill sets given given to you and shared with you. The psychological barriers, the the routine and the process you got to go
41 00:07:38,100 --> 00:07:47,160 through to get out of it. Okay, and the thought processes that's necessary to adopt to get through that. It's, that's something that's not taught by anyone.
42 00:07:47,460 --> 00:07:55,500 Okay? So when you get out there, and you start looking at stuff, and you see these guys come out there, they want to sound like smart asses. Well, you know,
43 00:07:55,740 --> 00:08:03,960 you're repackaging really mad stuff has been thrown at me for 20 years, okay? And honestly, I've always encouraged it go out and really weigh everything I
44 00:08:03,960 --> 00:08:13,380 teach in the bounces, okay? I didn't come out and say I invented Support Resistance. I didn't come out and say, I invented Fibonacci. I didn't say that.
45 00:08:13,410 --> 00:08:22,170 I never said that. I said, I had all the access that you have as a new trader, okay, with all the retail stuff and indicators. And I weeded out all the
46 00:08:22,170 --> 00:08:33,390 bullshit and stuck with the things that worked. Okay. I found that the Fibonacci level 70.5 midway, okay, and also flirting around with it. Okay, I noticed that
47 00:08:33,390 --> 00:08:43,080 didn't go to 79 A lot of times or 78.6. And a lot of times, it wouldn't just stop at 62. Okay, it would just go right in the middle. And the 50% level was
48 00:08:43,080 --> 00:08:53,730 kind of like a real weird phenomenon. Really, it's just like, it likes to go halfway somewhere. Okay. And that's why also I like to take my profits or will
49 00:08:53,730 --> 00:09:01,260 take it, I don't like to see myself hold hard and fast. So specific level, even though I think it may trade to that level. I want to get out before it gets
50 00:09:01,260 --> 00:09:11,340 there. Okay. So when I talk about things, when I teach things, okay, you'll probably see a Fibonacci overlaid on my chart, not so much anymore. Recently,
51 00:09:11,430 --> 00:09:20,070 okay. But if you look at my work, you'll see Fibonacci, okay. And it was a tool to help illustrate, returning back inside of a range. That's all it taught. It
52 00:09:20,070 --> 00:09:25,770 just gives you a little crutch to find that little sweet spot to look for. But once you understand price action, you don't need any of that stuff on your
53 00:09:25,770 --> 00:09:31,710 chart. You don't need the moving averages to discern where institutional order flow is on the higher timeframe because you know, by looking at the price
54 00:09:31,710 --> 00:09:40,920 action, what it is it's going up or down, okay? But when I see these acids get on there, and they say, you know, you're repackaging relabeling, okay, first,
55 00:09:40,920 --> 00:09:50,070 get one thing straight. I'm not selling you anything. Secondly, I don't care if you like what I teach. I don't care if you make money or don't make money. I'm
56 00:09:50,070 --> 00:10:01,680 doing this because I have a record of it for my children. You just are witnesses to it. Okay. Believe me if it was all about me, making money selling books which
57 00:10:01,680 --> 00:10:11,490 I made a smart marketer remark about because some goofball okay on there yeah made a snide remark whichever one is I don't sell anything, but he ran with it
58 00:10:11,490 --> 00:10:12,420 thinking I'm gonna be
59 00:10:14,099 --> 00:10:22,019 selling something down the road, I'm not selling anything, okay, I don't want anything from anyone you okay, but I am interested to see what all of you do
60 00:10:22,019 --> 00:10:30,689 with it. And that's all I've asked for it and so but I'd like to come out here and answer some of these things a lot because I love my trolls as much as I'd
61 00:10:30,689 --> 00:10:38,849 like to think I'm upset or mad or anything like that I'm not, I love them, I absolutely love them, I hope they stick with me. Because if I can convert one of
62 00:10:38,849 --> 00:10:44,579 them, that's what I'm looking to do. And they may do it in secret, but I know I'm gonna get somebody, eventually they're gonna be like, You know what this
63 00:10:44,579 --> 00:10:54,479 guy, he really does tell it like it is okay, but their feelings are going to be hurt up to that point. But looking at the tools and the applications that I
64 00:10:54,479 --> 00:11:05,189 teach, okay, I have to take you out of the retail world, okay, but we have to find a common language. Okay, all of us know what stochastic is, we all know
65 00:11:05,189 --> 00:11:16,319 what RSI is we all know what's the Support Resistance is, and supply and demand, okay, all those types of things, all of them have their place in trading. Now,
66 00:11:16,379 --> 00:11:26,039 what I'm about to say, is going to be the distinction of whether you stay in the retail world, or you move out. And you go into a professional level mindset. All
67 00:11:26,039 --> 00:11:35,879 the retail tools that's on your MT four platform or your NinjaTrader or trading view platforms, all these things that are out there, we have all these toys at
68 00:11:35,879 --> 00:11:44,099 our disposal. Okay. And just like a child, if you throw them in Toys R Us and you let them run wild, okay, they're not going to stick with one toy, they're
69 00:11:44,099 --> 00:11:50,759 gonna jump in, jump in, jump in, jump in, they're gonna have a tantrum when you try to take whatever is in their hands at the time out. So I had to take every
70 00:11:50,759 --> 00:12:01,409 one of you from the baby pips days, through this process of going through all kinds of retail tools, just like I did, and then finally showed you the fallacy
71 00:12:01,409 --> 00:12:09,239 in it all. Now, if I would have told you from the beginning, take everything off your chart, and we're gonna look at things like this half of you would have been
72 00:12:09,239 --> 00:12:16,139 like, No way I need these things, I need to have these things, these are my training wheels, these are my crutches, these are my things, my best friends.
73 00:12:16,499 --> 00:12:24,239 And it would have been a barrier to your understanding. And plus, I need you to be in the charts for a period of time. And then it's not a little bit of time,
74 00:12:24,239 --> 00:12:32,249 it's going to be a period of time seeing things repeatedly thrown at you talked about spoken up, hinted out, it's going to go here, it's going to go there look
75 00:12:32,249 --> 00:12:39,959 for price to go to here, and then seeing it unfold. That's where the learning comes from. It's not applying an indicator, it's not applying, regurgitated
76 00:12:39,959 --> 00:12:47,849 horseshit that everyone accuses me of, okay, everything that I teach is completely alien to what is out there in the real world, okay, of retail
77 00:12:47,849 --> 00:13:00,269 trading, the professional mindset that I hopefully try to cultivate in the things that I do, it largely is hinged on your ability to spend time in that
78 00:13:00,269 --> 00:13:09,149 price charts yourself. Okay? My model isn't, okay, now look at me. Now, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to do this and you're going to do the same
79 00:13:09,149 --> 00:13:16,799 thing. And only thing that does is teaches you number one dependency, and I don't want dependency, the whole thing starts from my children, I want them to
80 00:13:16,799 --> 00:13:28,049 be independent of me. And when I go and move on to wherever I go, and the other life, or I choose not to do anything with trading anymore. Yeah, the resources
81 00:13:28,049 --> 00:13:34,409 that I'm making available are for them. There, they are able to look at this stuff. And there's a lot of things that I'm not going to make available, but
82 00:13:34,409 --> 00:13:43,379 it's just for them. So you're you're just part of a witness to the things I give to them. Okay, so I'm not trying to sell nothing. I'm not trying to put
83 00:13:43,379 --> 00:13:51,959 something out there eventually have a fund I have asked, I've been asked about that too. Am I eventually trying to pull people's money and trade for a fee? I
84 00:13:51,959 --> 00:14:02,219 don't want any of that stuff. I don't want any of that. Okay, so I enjoy doing this. But I don't want it to be misrepresented by some goofballs that think they
85 00:14:02,219 --> 00:14:12,929 know something they don't and all the while they're over here trying to sell my stuff and relabeling it themselves. Okay, so ICT order blocks are completely
86 00:14:13,319 --> 00:14:27,419 specific levels. Okay. They're not ambiguous zones. And when I shared that link, excuse me. When I shared that link on Twitter, it's not a knock against
87 00:14:27,419 --> 00:14:33,899 vignoble. Okay, because vignobles in business, he's trying to make money. He's, he's a, he's an instruction instructor, educator, whatever it is, okay.
88 00:14:35,250 --> 00:14:42,750 But the guy that he's backing now is saying that he worked for a bank and he made a software program for the bank and I'm calling bullshit right away on
89 00:14:42,750 --> 00:14:53,370 that. Okay, first of all, you're not you're not the one doing it. Okay. You aren't the one doing that. Secondly, you aren't the one okay? showing real
90 00:14:54,000 --> 00:15:03,060 institutional order flow, or quote unquote, banking levels on an MT four platform. I like that video suggest, and I'll tell you what I mean by that.
91 00:15:03,990 --> 00:15:12,510 When, when they draw a loved one, this is synonymous with supply and demand as well. And again, don't take my word for this go and look at this stuff, okay? So
92 00:15:12,960 --> 00:15:21,120 when we see ideas like this, this is resistance, obviously we know that because price went up there and rejected it, okay? And it's given you no problem, you
93 00:15:21,120 --> 00:15:30,210 have no problem understanding it, everyone understands that. What leads to this level becoming a resistance level, before it gets there and trades there. It's
94 00:15:30,210 --> 00:15:40,650 completely and utterly independent from looking at it, like we do in textbooks or educators telling us this was resistance, okay? The fallacy with educators
95 00:15:40,650 --> 00:15:48,780 and gurus, okay. And honestly, a lot of my subscribers fall into this group, okay. They will hear me speak, they'll hear me talk, they'll, they'll see
96 00:15:48,780 --> 00:15:56,130 examples of my videos, and I do a lot of lipstick and window dressing with my presentations, because it's my personality. You don't, you may not like
97 00:15:56,130 --> 00:16:04,140 Deadpool, you may not like sniper stuff, you may not like some of the things I say you may not like when I occasionally dropped a swear word, and you're going
98 00:16:04,140 --> 00:16:14,130 to send me an email telling me I shouldn't talk like that. I'm real, okay, I'm not trying to be anything but who I really am. And I sometimes show my real
99 00:16:14,130 --> 00:16:24,090 personality. And I try to be as cordial and respectful as I possibly can. But sometimes it just you get a little real world sometimes and shakes a mind by
100 00:16:24,090 --> 00:16:35,070 their lapels. But when you look at things, and you study price action, you have to know before it becomes resistance, otherwise, it's going to be of no use to
101 00:16:35,070 --> 00:16:45,420 you. Okay, you have to have an idea or an idea, rather, or mindset going into that price level that it should offer a resistance level. Otherwise, what uses
102 00:16:45,420 --> 00:16:53,070 it to you, you're going to be at a point on the other side of your chart, like we're doing here and saying, look, here's resistance. Well trade it. Can you go
103 00:16:53,070 --> 00:17:02,850 back later and trade that? And no, you can't? Okay, it's already past, it's a missed opportunity. But supply and demand will teach you that, okay, well,
104 00:17:02,850 --> 00:17:13,860 there's a supply level up in here. Okay, there's a supply level, and it creates a zone. And they'll draw all these boxes and rectangles, which will look by the
105 00:17:13,860 --> 00:17:27,210 first introduction to it, like an ICT order block or an area which I highlight, okay, well, we move back into or down candle. And that's not the same thing.
106 00:17:28,050 --> 00:17:40,320 Okay, and believe me, we're not arguing semantics here. It's very specific. When we look at the mean threshold, okay, the middle of an up candle, the body of the
107 00:17:40,350 --> 00:17:49,260 candle, that's the level at which the institutions are going to be trading at many times. Okay, that's the highest point it'll go. Let me zoom in here.
108 00:17:54,090 --> 00:18:16,080 And take this off. You can hear my puppy snoring, but just deal with it. So we have this up candle in here. And what we do is we measure the body of the candle
109 00:18:16,560 --> 00:18:28,230 right in here, okay, now, an up candle prior to a down price leg, okay, or swing away from a level like this, this is very easily discerned because we see very
110 00:18:28,260 --> 00:18:37,470 significant price move away from it. The up candle is where the institutions have to sell into that and this is all rehash. We all know this, okay? But I
111 00:18:37,470 --> 00:18:44,880 really want to draw a distinction between this because I still see this stuff popping up. And because it's fresh today on Twitter, I just want to rub their
112 00:18:44,880 --> 00:18:57,390 nose in it. The the body of the candle here, okay, all this movement up right into this move higher, that high creates the resistance level. That's the high
113 00:18:57,390 --> 00:19:10,590 of the price swing, okay, or the swing high. Okay, when we see that, think about it. You work for UBS. Okay, you are trying to get out of a price move that you
114 00:19:10,590 --> 00:19:19,800 are trying to take profits on your bank trader your your job is the speculation side of things. You're not in the business transactional side of the bank.
115 00:19:19,950 --> 00:19:29,310 You're actually in you're doing speculation. And yes, there are traders. Let me get myself comfortable here. The there are traders in the bank level that
116 00:19:29,310 --> 00:19:41,610 speculate for pure profit. Now it's not a large openly discussed topic, okay. And some of them will say, well, there's really very little speculation in the
117 00:19:41,610 --> 00:19:52,230 banking level, and that's because they aren't privy to it. Okay. That's the area came from. That's the area okay, or field came from, okay, they had that's the
118 00:19:52,230 --> 00:20:03,270 area they wanted me in. Okay. And my, my idea was, well, if I'm learning how to do this Why would I want to work for anyone else, I can just do this on my own.
119 00:20:03,660 --> 00:20:15,000 And I left with a great deal of animosity placed on me. And it's still, it still follows me today. But nonetheless, the bank has to unload that as the price is
120 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:26,580 moving up, it cannot do it effectively as it's starting to move away, because they don't get the efficient exit points for their potential profits, because
121 00:20:26,580 --> 00:20:36,480 their size of trades are so large. Now, they're not in they're leveraging 50 to 100 to one 400. To one, they're not doing those types of things, but their scale
122 00:20:36,810 --> 00:20:43,650 is very large. And they have to have counterparties the other side of that. So because the trading on an interbank level, they have to find counterparties of
123 00:20:43,680 --> 00:20:56,790 equal or greater size to eat into that move. So you know, we're not going to be talking about pancakes. So the the move in here, okay, this candle is where all
124 00:20:56,790 --> 00:21:05,670 the selling is done. When you look at supply and demand, they'll say, Well, look at this down candle here, there was some supply here, they sold all here, okay.
125 00:21:06,270 --> 00:21:13,530 And they'll draw your attention to this candle, or this area up in here. And they'll draw a rectangle around and they'll spend a whole lot of time with the
126 00:21:13,530 --> 00:21:23,760 upper side of the of the range, okay, or zone. And that knots, like I've said in the past about ninja traders, quote, unquote, dynamic support resistance, which
127 00:21:23,760 --> 00:21:33,180 is a load of shit, that really soon as I hear stuff like so when I see things like, I already know, right away, they have no idea what you're talking about.
128 00:21:33,300 --> 00:21:44,370 And I want you to do the same thing. Okay? Because unless you are anticipating a turtle soup environment, okay, or false breakout type thing, okay. This idea
129 00:21:44,370 --> 00:21:53,880 won't hold water, it won't work. Okay, it won't work. So I'll explain what I mean by that. So I know some of you are questioning what can you explain that?
130 00:21:53,940 --> 00:22:01,740 I'm going to just let me get through the thought process, please. So the up candles what we look at now, because they have they are selling into this move
131 00:22:01,770 --> 00:22:12,930 up? Your eye your eye needs to be trained in Okay, well, they started the price move up in here. Okay, so they're selling all in this big bullish candle. So in
132 00:22:12,930 --> 00:22:23,700 this big bullish candle on here, the likelihood of them getting out from the middle of the range of the candle up to the, the close, or the bulk of the body
133 00:22:23,700 --> 00:22:38,100 here. And it's like highlight that so you can see what I'm talking about the likelihood of price reading here
134 00:22:46,650 --> 00:23:00,330 yeah, we'll stick with oranges, good. The likelihood of price, getting back into this side of the body of the candle and up to the high is very, very slim. Now I
135 00:23:00,330 --> 00:23:05,400 know what you're seeing, you're seeing the same thing. I'm seeing it well, did it ever hear it? Yeah, it did. There's going to be a few times where it does
136 00:23:05,400 --> 00:23:13,710 that. And that's where the hook comes in. For supply and demand. Traders will say well see this is right here. It went right back up into this zone. And
137 00:23:13,710 --> 00:23:24,780 there's yourself. And that's great. That's wonderful, wonderful. One time example. You have to idea yours, you have to subscribe to the idea that that's
138 00:23:24,780 --> 00:23:35,610 not always going to happen. So my work was okay. When the banks, okay are selling into this. They're trying to get specific price levels. They're not just
139 00:23:35,610 --> 00:23:43,350 selling just throwing it out there and hoping someone out there looking for counterparties Okay, and they're very easily to serve in the marketplace on a
140 00:23:43,350 --> 00:23:50,250 bit interbank level, their common knowledge, actually, because the banks are out there saying, Look, you know, I need to move to a million, I need to move, you
141 00:23:50,250 --> 00:23:57,960 know, a half a billion dollars, I need to move a billion dollars, I need to get this you know, I needed to get this transacted. So when you see that, on an
142 00:23:57,990 --> 00:24:04,680 institutional level, what you can't see it, you can't see it on Mt. Four, you can't see it on market profile, you can't see you can't see all that kind of
143 00:24:04,680 --> 00:24:12,840 stuff, you know, it's completely outside of the scope of what we can see on a retail level. You have to be in that environment. To see it. You gotta be
144 00:24:12,870 --> 00:24:21,870 elbows, elbows with it. Okay. And that's some of the things that's a barrier for people like myself that have had the experience have seen it, okay. And I had to
145 00:24:21,870 --> 00:24:30,360 bridge that understanding through what I see in price action, is it something that can be seen repeating in a chart, because if you can see it in the chart,
146 00:24:30,540 --> 00:24:42,660 the concept is conceptualized and then you can pass it on? Like I want to pass it on to my children. So what my work was, this is all me. This is not someone
147 00:24:42,660 --> 00:24:50,010 else's hat rehash stuff. I didn't find it somewhere else. Okay, but you're seeing it all. Now. I'm sharing the links when I see my stuff pop up, or if they
148 00:24:50,010 --> 00:24:59,070 even hint to it. I show it out there. I gave it. Now if I'm trying to copy somebody, people that copy stuff, don't take you to other sources of it. They
149 00:24:59,070 --> 00:25:07,020 want to deny I didn't want to hide from it, I will show you other people were taking my things. Okay, they're doing that. And they're selling it. Now my
150 00:25:07,020 --> 00:25:12,720 question is, is why don't they just trade it, just trade it, you'll make more money. You don't have to worry about subscribers, you don't have to worry about
151 00:25:12,720 --> 00:25:20,250 services, you don't have to worry about any of that horseshit. Make your own money, you can write your own check. There's no reason why you can't do that. So
152 00:25:20,250 --> 00:25:28,290 when I see folks out there, well, you know, I'll you know, start my own signal service and start my own analysis thing. Why are you even monkeying around with
153 00:25:28,290 --> 00:25:36,810 that? I've given you so much already. Forget market maker 12 For a moment, and yes, we're gonna talk about that. You have so much given to you already. There's
154 00:25:36,810 --> 00:25:46,680 no reason why you guys aren't on the pathway to completely just leaving your your job, do what you got to do to live your own life. You have enough now? Why
155 00:25:46,680 --> 00:25:56,460 are you even worrying? I'm telling I did that stuff $75,000 A month income I was getting that? I don't, I don't want I don't miss it. I don't need that. And
156 00:25:56,460 --> 00:26:04,110 believe me, if you are confident, to the degree where you want to teach other people, then you sure as hell better be confident trade your money. If you're
157 00:26:04,110 --> 00:26:15,960 not, there's a problem. If you're selling it, that begs the question, why are you selling it as tiny little piss an amount of money? It's a small, little
158 00:26:15,960 --> 00:26:26,700 insignificant grain of what's potentially available to you as a trader, understanding the stuff I teach. Why are you selling it? Seriously, you know who
159 00:26:26,700 --> 00:26:39,120 you are as a couple of you. And to get on there, okay, and swing? Oh, well, you know, this and that, dude, forget about it. Okay, if you're going to judge us on
160 00:26:39,120 --> 00:26:46,320 my effects, book, ditch ain't done. It's not done, I haven't hired haven't hit anything. I haven't done anything except for lead everything until drawn and I'm
161 00:26:46,320 --> 00:26:53,910 waited and waited and waited, I waited and I want to you stepped out yet. Not one of you. Not one of you said, Well, I'm going to show this guy.
162 00:26:55,380 --> 00:27:02,970 I'm still here, I haven't hit anything. I told you, I was going to make an average of three and a half percent. And look, it happened this week, every
163 00:27:02,970 --> 00:27:11,790 single day, do the average on it, it's done. And I'm gonna do the same thing next week. And I'm gonna do the same thing next week. And I'm gonna do the same
164 00:27:11,790 --> 00:27:20,010 thing next week. And I'm promising you that my effects book is going to show $150,000 in six months. And here's the kicker, it's going to be a million
165 00:27:20,010 --> 00:27:29,640 dollars for the end of the year. So guess my answer on that one. So getting back to this, the up candle is where they sell. So my idea was okay, well, how do I
166 00:27:29,670 --> 00:27:40,200 how do I get to drawing out the selling that they're really trying to get here all the the movement past the halfway point of that candle, this is all stops.
167 00:27:40,830 --> 00:27:48,300 This is all stops, there's liquidity is reaching up here expanding for liquidity, what's it reaching for? Well look right next to it, see these two
168 00:27:48,300 --> 00:27:57,150 candles. This is a down candle, that down candle folks are gonna take it, well, it's going to go down. So let's put a stop loss right above that level, that
169 00:27:57,150 --> 00:28:07,830 high. So that's the reason why it expands and snags that it takes them out. The institutions are not selling the largest portion up here. They may get another
170 00:28:07,920 --> 00:28:17,430 portion of it out with the liquidity offered to the left over here. But by far and large, you're gonna see that it's the low of the candle to the halfway point
171 00:28:17,460 --> 00:28:29,700 of the body of the candle. That's the bulk of the volume. Okay, so now, while we brought up volume I understand that the foreign exchange market is not a
172 00:28:29,700 --> 00:28:40,050 centralized exchange. And I think everyone else trading it knows that too. It's an electronic medium, that you're trading through your Independent pool of
173 00:28:40,050 --> 00:28:50,220 liquidity that your your broker offers. Okay, and I came from trading futures. So coming on Twitter to China tell me how to deal with a monkey mask on is a
174 00:28:50,220 --> 00:28:57,810 little ludicrous. Okay, I've made millions of dollars trading the commodity markets, and while you're scraping around looking for slings to make yourself
175 00:28:57,810 --> 00:29:06,600 look funny on Twitter, I've already walked you. Okay, so I knew more about the futures market than I've shared with the foreign exchange market. I cut my teeth
176 00:29:06,600 --> 00:29:16,200 on commodities. Okay. And I can tell you that the foreign exchange market is by far and large well beyond the futures market way, way better. If it was not the
177 00:29:16,200 --> 00:29:25,050 case, I'd still be trading commodities. I don't trade commodities. I have not traded commodities in a number of years. Okay. I don't trade bonds anymore. I
178 00:29:25,050 --> 00:29:33,540 don't trade s&p 500 I don't trade Yes, I don't trade. Gold. I don't trade silver. I don't trade any of the metals. I don't trade any agricultural markets.
179 00:29:33,540 --> 00:29:43,650 I don't trade the sauce. I don't do any of those things anymore. I found what I love. And it's spot market. Okay. It's so liquid. And you guys just see what I
180 00:29:43,650 --> 00:29:51,930 talked about in the retail world. Okay, I have prime brokerage accounts where I'm trading cash level because there's no leverage. I trade millions of dollars
181 00:29:52,770 --> 00:30:01,560 in a bank level. I don't do any leveraging. But I make so much doing that. I don't need to do anything else. And it's so good. Quick, I can choose whether or
182 00:30:01,560 --> 00:30:08,490 not I want the price that's offered to me. Can you do that with your broker? Once your field gets your price? I have an option do I want that price or not?
183 00:30:09,660 --> 00:30:18,690 There's benefits to that. Okay. And you got, you got a little bit of time to do it. You can call up and call back say, Look, you know, I want a quote. Try doing
184 00:30:18,690 --> 00:30:24,810 that in your retail world. You can't do that. And then again, these are all assholes that get on here and they think they know something, and you're going
185 00:30:24,810 --> 00:30:33,330 to try to call somebody out. Dude, you have no idea who I am. You have no idea who I am. The only thing I've shared with you is what I'm willing to share with
186 00:30:33,330 --> 00:30:44,670 you. But I've shared enough to know what I teach and share makes tons and tons of money. Okay. I'm not trying to teach people to be materialistic. I'm not
187 00:30:44,670 --> 00:30:52,710 trying to be an educated, promotes egotism. Okay. And you're hearing a little bit of mine today. And I'm letting it come out. But I believe me, I'm throwing
188 00:30:52,710 --> 00:30:58,950 back because I could really, really do a whole lot more than this. And you probably are laughing you're probably snicker and saying, Well, you know, look
189 00:30:58,950 --> 00:31:08,490 at him. I got him. You don't got me. You got me. I'm sitting on my couch, buddy. You're at work. You're at work. Stealing time when your boss is internet. Okay,
190 00:31:08,490 --> 00:31:17,220 that's what you're doing. I'm sitting here on my recliner. Okay, relax and talking to you schmucks. Okay, not to not the subscribers that I invest my time
191 00:31:17,220 --> 00:31:26,220 in. But the goobers I'm referring to right now, you know exactly who you are. Okay. So when you look at my things, understand there's a distinction between
192 00:31:26,220 --> 00:31:37,290 supply and demand. And ICT order blocks, the ICT order block is this level right here, the bottom of this orange candle, I'm sorry, orange range in here to this.
193 00:31:46,260 --> 00:31:56,640 Right, there's the ICT order block right in there. Okay, that's what you want to look for. And that's where the banks are trading. It's the low of the candle
194 00:31:56,640 --> 00:32:05,580 prior to the down, move up to the middle of the range, the mean threshold, okay, that's the midway point. Anything above that is too thin of liquidity. It's too
195 00:32:05,580 --> 00:32:16,050 thin, you're not likely to get that. But you have a 90% likelihood it's going to trade into that right here, between the middle middle of the range down to the
196 00:32:16,050 --> 00:32:28,830 low, many times the trade occurs right at the low. Think about that. Okay, so in your notes, if you haven't already established this understanding, that's really
197 00:32:28,830 --> 00:32:39,930 where you're supposed to be at. Now, the question is, is when you have that information, let's contrast the two things here. And what I'm doing is I'm the
198 00:32:39,930 --> 00:32:48,570 equilibrium line here, that's the 50% level on a fib. I just highlighted what I view it as I don't like fib levels at 50. Like some educators use it like it's a
199 00:32:48,600 --> 00:32:59,580 real meaningful thing. I use it conceptually, to illustrate where fair value is, in a like a mean threshold where it's the middle of the range of A up candle for
200 00:32:59,580 --> 00:33:10,020 waterblock. This is the area which we highlight for an ICT order block, okay, this is not supply, this is an ICT order block. So inside of this area, okay,
201 00:33:10,020 --> 00:33:19,530 what we do is we look at the highest point and the lowest point of the block
202 00:33:26,310 --> 00:33:27,330 I grabbed the wrong thing.
203 00:33:38,490 --> 00:33:53,760 Okay, so now, we have a range of 99.63 and 99.15. Now, it may be a little bit off that but right now, it's it's going to accomplish the method number
204 00:33:53,790 --> 00:34:07,560 nonetheless. My question is this between 99.63 and 99.15? What institutional levels reside within that level? Or inside that range? Okay, because now we're
205 00:34:07,560 --> 00:34:19,500 going to talk in similar vernacular, as it relates to supply and demand up to this point, this is where the distinction is established, there's leap into
206 00:34:19,800 --> 00:34:29,730 well, well beyond the level of vagueness that's shared in supply and demand to now specific price levels, we're going to get very, very specific now. Okay,
207 00:34:29,940 --> 00:34:35,730 because the banks are not out there guessing who Oh, I hope there's somebody out there in this zone that will trade with me. I hope there's somebody out here in
208 00:34:35,730 --> 00:34:47,730 this big vast range of, you know, opportunity, okay. They have a specific level in mind. Okay, and knowing these levels, okay, is a phenomenon it repeats over
209 00:34:47,730 --> 00:34:55,020 and over again doesn't change. This process is the same every single time. It doesn't make a difference what timeframe you're looking at, okay, but obviously,
210 00:34:55,230 --> 00:35:01,410 the larger the timeframe, the better because the banks are not trading on five minute charts and one minute charts and tick charts. And 15 minute chart, that's
211 00:35:01,410 --> 00:35:11,940 not what they're trading off of you as a retail trader can see the order flow coming into the market on a smaller timeframe a little little bit more detailed,
212 00:35:12,360 --> 00:35:19,560 but it's not them looking at the smaller timeframes and saying, Well, there's a level here on this five minute chart, I'm going to trade on that. All the things
213 00:35:19,560 --> 00:35:29,250 you see on a five minute chart, and a 15 minute chart, an hourly chart, they're all subordinate, okay, to what you see on a monthly, weekly, daily, and at the
214 00:35:29,250 --> 00:35:38,670 very least, the four hour chart, and I'm gonna say four hour chart with tongue in cheek, because the majority of it's all in these on the daily chart. Okay. So
215 00:35:39,540 --> 00:35:53,940 between 99 point 63 9.15, okay, when you look for is you want to see what levels are residing inside of these two price points. Okay. And we'd like to use round
216 00:35:53,940 --> 00:36:12,060 numbers starting with the 80s 50s 20s, and round, again, so you have a full figure mid figure the 80s in the 20s. Okay, so we have, without a doubt 50 is
217 00:36:12,630 --> 00:36:27,570 definitely one to be considering. And because I have this little GoToWebinar thing on the right hand side, I have to do it like this, I apologize. And I just
218 00:36:27,570 --> 00:36:30,060 messed it up with that, too. And I can do
219 00:36:31,890 --> 00:36:45,810 it. All right, I'm gonna stay away from that level. Alright, so the institution level or mid figure nine, nine point 50. Okay, that's the level that you would
220 00:36:45,810 --> 00:36:54,840 go to immediately as the first one you go to, okay, and then you can fine tune an ad? Well, we're outside of the range, because we didn't get to add the upper
221 00:36:54,840 --> 00:37:05,100 part of the boundary of this up candle. Ad would be up here somewhere. So we can't, we can't incorporate the ad level. Okay. The other level that would be
222 00:37:06,840 --> 00:37:17,730 potentially available to us for trade setup, is the 20 level. And I'll go into more detail, again, why we're pulling this up. I know there's a couple of you in
223 00:37:17,730 --> 00:37:24,630 here that have no business being in a level of education like this without having gone through all the other stuff, because I see some of you asked him,
224 00:37:24,630 --> 00:37:36,480 what's an order block? So here's the 20, level, 9920 institutional, and then you have the 9950. Okay, now I'm gonna take a step back. I'm not gonna spend a whole
225 00:37:36,480 --> 00:37:42,990 lot of time with this. But I just want you to look at this for a second. And you tell me, if anything jumps off the chart based on what I just showed you.
226 00:37:48,300 --> 00:38:07,980 Cue the Jeopardy music. Clearly the 9950 level, okay, do you see how price kept the body's rate and subject to the mid figure, you see that? Now you see a wick,
227 00:38:08,190 --> 00:38:16,410 that goes up a little bit deeper past the mean threshold. And that's sometimes gonna happen. It does it again, and here goes a little bit deeper. And sometimes
228 00:38:16,410 --> 00:38:26,220 that'll happen, does it again here, and yes, sometimes that'll happen. But the bulk of the volume is always in the bodies of the candle. And look at the bodies
229 00:38:26,220 --> 00:38:35,910 of the candle, you see that? It's this is the level they're trading in, they may have reached price up in here, they may have offered a smaller block of orders
230 00:38:36,150 --> 00:38:48,180 to spread price up to once once it is a trade at a price level. Everything below it is now active, they're active. In other words, if his limit orders in a range
231 00:38:48,180 --> 00:38:57,870 between like say where this candle opened up, okay? If it trades up to here, everything from that high to this previous candle, if there was a limit order in
232 00:38:57,870 --> 00:39:07,530 here, it's all now become a market order. Now, based on what those orders are, there being by orders or sell orders, is the basis of how the liquidity is being
233 00:39:07,530 --> 00:39:15,570 introduced to the marketplace. So if we understand that the backdrop is over here, that they sold it as resistance for whatever reason, we know what's the
234 00:39:15,570 --> 00:39:24,180 resistance because price moves a significant level away from it. Then it came back into it. Okay, inside the orange area is where you're looking for your
235 00:39:24,180 --> 00:39:35,880 trade. You're not worrying about a specific zone, you're looking for a specific level. You're looking for specific precision price points, and we're looking at
236 00:39:35,880 --> 00:39:39,420 a daily chart here, okay. So if I go and I look at
237 00:39:48,180 --> 00:39:49,290 it's not what I want to do
238 00:40:00,000 --> 00:40:08,040 That's not what I'll do either see a new Agrabah things
239 00:40:13,740 --> 00:40:27,450 sleeve them so we don't mess them up and get the date on when that actually traded into it. Alright, so we traded into these levels on
240 00:40:32,520 --> 00:40:46,560 13th of April 2015. Okay, so we will drop down into, I'm not sure if it'll give me it on an hourly, it's dropped down to a four hour
241 00:40:52,410 --> 00:40:54,360 Alright, so here's that same price action
242 00:41:00,540 --> 00:41:10,050 return here on a four hour chart, okay, here's that first time it came up here and created the resistance level, price moves away, and it came all the way up
243 00:41:10,050 --> 00:41:20,580 into it. Okay, now, here's where the PhD level of ICT stuff comes in. Okay, it's not enough simply looking at the levels and breaking it down. It just draws your
244 00:41:20,580 --> 00:41:29,460 attention to where the trades are going to set up. Okay. And it's going to be a deviation between where you expect them to form and where they actually format.
245 00:41:29,610 --> 00:41:39,060 Okay, and I think, and I've done said this in the past, a 15 Pip variance between what you anticipate seeing happen, and where it actually forms. I think
246 00:41:39,060 --> 00:41:47,100 that's a realistic expectation. Okay, especially if you understand how to do a top down analysis, what we're doing here, okay. Now, obviously, we see price
247 00:41:47,100 --> 00:41:55,590 moving away. In hindsight, perfect. We understand that we can't trade that, but we have to learn from it. We use these concepts to build our understanding.
248 00:41:55,800 --> 00:42:06,900 Okay, and understand, there are specific price levels that you have to look for, not zones. Okay. So again, I understand some of you're saying, well, supply and
249 00:42:06,900 --> 00:42:17,490 demand is an area that highlights zones, and then you look for price patterns. Okay, great. I understand that. But you're not going to see banks basing
250 00:42:17,820 --> 00:42:28,410 billions of dollars on animal patterns. Okay, they're not looking at price action thinking, Well, that looks like a zebra pattern. Well, there's a
251 00:42:28,410 --> 00:42:42,090 hunchback, or platypus, and there's a blue thing crab and there's a rock fish pattern here. And, you know, look, I've been there, I've done it. Okay, I know
252 00:42:42,090 --> 00:42:50,880 some of you can, well, you just don't know, I did it. I did it. I traded I traded harmonic patterns. Okay, quote, unquote, advanced patterns. There's
253 00:42:50,880 --> 00:43:01,800 nothing advanced about that, except for your advanced waste of time. Okay, you're attributing way too much credit to something that is really not doing
254 00:43:01,800 --> 00:43:16,020 anything for price. harmonic patterns do not move price. What I didn't say, What did I just say? That's blasphemous. I should have never said that. And I'll say
255 00:43:16,020 --> 00:43:33,540 it again. harmonic patterns, do not move, price. Large traders orders move price. If you change the thought process, when you view price action to
256 00:43:33,540 --> 00:43:47,190 understand where are those orders are going to manifest? And or where do these large orders materialize? Where are they resting? Where are they going to
257 00:43:47,190 --> 00:43:59,580 materialize? Where can they be taken in? Where will they be introduced? It's as simple as that. It's accumulation, manipulation, and distribution. There is no
258 00:43:59,580 --> 00:44:13,530 supply, and there is no demand period. I'll say it like this. If this was supply up here, okay. Things can change on a fundamental basis. I said that word again?
259 00:44:13,740 --> 00:44:21,570 Fundamental. Yeah. I knew there's something out there fundamentally driving the banks to do what they're doing. But I'm never going to be online to be able to
260 00:44:21,570 --> 00:44:32,580 figure that out. And neither will you. On a very long term, macro scale. Yeah, maybe based on interest rates and stuff like that. But honestly, just because
261 00:44:32,580 --> 00:44:42,720 you think you understand the fundamental premise behind it. The bank can change their mind about the fundamentals. Just because employment numbers are a big
262 00:44:42,720 --> 00:44:53,670 deal. Now, housing numbers may become a big deal later on. manufacturing numbers may become a it's always like a flavor of the month. Okay, and it comes in, in
263 00:44:53,670 --> 00:45:04,410 waves wherever the hot topic is. That's where the country's it enemies are gonna be focused on. And they're never always collectively worrying about one thing,
264 00:45:04,620 --> 00:45:11,490 I'm sorry, all, they're worried about one thing over the rest of them. And you're always going to have medium impact and large impact drivers that come
265 00:45:11,490 --> 00:45:19,710 into the marketplace with news. But you're never going to have this equal distribution of sensitivity amongst all of them, there's going to be this
266 00:45:19,770 --> 00:45:30,150 gravitational attention, placed more on one, or maybe two, potentially two, but generally, it's one you'll find out by studying it. All the major market drivers
267 00:45:30,150 --> 00:45:42,690 for every currency and government out there, and we trade, they are highly sensitive to one over the rest. Okay. And like I said, it always comes down to
268 00:45:42,690 --> 00:45:51,270 fat, there's something that countries are paying more attention to than the others amongst all the reports that come in.
269 00:45:53,220 --> 00:46:03,990 So when we have this expectation as a retail trader, that fundamentals and supply reside up here, okay, the banks can change the whole script and say,
270 00:46:03,990 --> 00:46:13,920 Well, you know, what, something is greater on the lower end of the market, okay. And those things won't ever become a factor to get back up there and trade.
271 00:46:14,220 --> 00:46:25,920 Okay. And by having the understanding of institutional order flow, not supply and demand, okay, institutional order flow, you'll be able to see that,
272 00:46:26,100 --> 00:46:33,390 fundamentally, they have changed gears. So therefore, price action will show you everything you need to know. You're not trading fundamentals on a day to day
273 00:46:33,390 --> 00:46:42,630 basis, you're not day trading fundamentals, okay? You're not short term trading fundamentals. Now, you can trade with a higher level, long term, fundamental
274 00:46:42,660 --> 00:46:50,160 premise, and only trade in that direction. And that's no problem with that. I have no argument that you'll never hear me say anything about that. But you're
275 00:46:50,160 --> 00:46:57,690 not going to convince me that you're trading on a day by day basis, largely on fundamentals that you think are because I can show you reports that will show
276 00:46:58,620 --> 00:47:07,680 will be viewed as bullish fundamentally. And then there's 15 other guys, they were saying, well, fundamentally, it's bearish. So again, where do you go?
277 00:47:07,710 --> 00:47:21,300 Where's the pool that you're drinking from? Because it's all bullshit. It is it all is. Because it's not a matter of what everyone thinks. It's a matter what
278 00:47:21,300 --> 00:47:29,100 they're doing. I don't care what your opinion is a marketplace. And you shouldn't give a rat's ass what my opinion is either. You don't care about what
279 00:47:29,100 --> 00:47:38,940 I think. I'm telling you as the mentor in this whole show. Don't care about what I think about the market don't care about that. You don't care about ICT thinks
280 00:47:38,940 --> 00:47:48,870 about the cable, the dollar, the fiber, the Ozzie Looney don't care about what I think that's the worst thing you could do as a trader, because what you're
281 00:47:48,870 --> 00:47:57,450 trying to do is you're trying to read my mind. And you're not going to trust me it changes all the time, it's changed 15 times. It just in the presentation on
282 00:47:57,450 --> 00:48:04,920 this video alone. I came in wanting to talk about something I'm already on 15 different topics unfinished. So looking at the you know, when we look at
283 00:48:04,920 --> 00:48:14,730 fundamentals like that, or levels like this, implying supply up here because the banks are the drivers, okay? Because there's a big boys, okay, the retail world
284 00:48:14,730 --> 00:48:22,920 is not moving price. They're, you're you're trading inside of a little sandbox of liquidity. The banks don't even see you. They don't see you, you're inside
285 00:48:22,920 --> 00:48:34,140 this little tiny little FX cm oanda forum, okay, of tiny little itty bitty liquidity. Banks can't see that they don't see that. But they know that
286 00:48:34,140 --> 00:48:42,360 everybody does the same thing. place to stop above the old high place to start below the old low. That's what they take. That's what everyone's taught. Okay,
287 00:48:42,450 --> 00:48:50,520 it's the same thing. Okay? If you want to know how accidents happen, they cross the yellow line, and they drive too fast. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to
288 00:48:50,520 --> 00:48:58,800 finish to come to a conclusion. That's how 9% of the accidents and fatalities occur when you're driving an automobile. There's other things factors like
289 00:48:58,800 --> 00:49:04,860 drinking and driving and falling asleep at the wheel. But there's small little you're not trying to minimize because I've had death in the family with a drunk
290 00:49:04,890 --> 00:49:12,150 driver, you know, I'm saying I mean, there's other caveats that lead to accidents. Well, there's other caveats that leads to profitability and on
291 00:49:12,150 --> 00:49:21,900 profitability and trading, but by far and large, okay, it's the fact that they have a stoploss available which is begging for liquidity to be absorbed. That's
292 00:49:21,900 --> 00:49:28,620 a stop loss. When you look at a stop loss and tell me if I'm wrong put a put a one if you agree and two if you don't in the room if you're if you're watching
293 00:49:28,620 --> 00:49:42,210 live right now, obviously if you're watching recording hands, but if you have used a stoploss in the past, do you view that stop loss as protection? Or do you
294 00:49:42,210 --> 00:49:48,120 view that stop loss as a bull's eye? One, if you view it as protection to is a bull's eye
295 00:49:58,980 --> 00:50:10,590 exactly is that actly. So you're, if I were to ask this question, back in 2010, all of you would say it's your protection, it's your shield, okay? And I will
296 00:50:10,590 --> 00:50:20,010 agree, that is the only protection you have. That's the only protection you have. You cannot protect yourself any other way except for collapse and trade,
297 00:50:20,160 --> 00:50:30,120 and remove yourself from the risk entirely. But the only shield you have in this business is the stop loss. That's it. There's no other defense mechanism out
298 00:50:30,120 --> 00:50:39,330 there except for what's between your ears. But that's only useful when you put it into operation, you can look at the chart and see it's going to get a take
299 00:50:39,330 --> 00:50:47,430 your stop out, you can see that, but you probably have been in so many times where you see happening, you refuse to take the trade off, and you take the full
300 00:50:47,430 --> 00:50:54,990 stop, the market will take your full stop. Because, you know you're looking at and you say okay, what's not gonna get there, it's not gonna get there. I hope
301 00:50:54,990 --> 00:51:04,200 it doesn't get there. But if it does, at least I'm protective. But then what's happening is is your mind has a paradigm shift, and then now becomes what is not
302 00:51:04,200 --> 00:51:15,720 a shield into the bullseye? Well, banks don't trade with stop loss orders. And that's probably surprising to a lot of you, but they don't, they don't need to
303 00:51:15,750 --> 00:51:28,140 their pockets are very, very deep. Okay, so when traders and fund managers, okay, are speculating, and they put a stop loss order in there. That is the very
304 00:51:28,140 --> 00:51:35,520 thing that you're looking for, when I jokingly say, when you're new trader, or your novice trader, or a newbie, and you sit down with the price action that
305 00:51:35,520 --> 00:51:46,950 you're studying, okay, and you're hoping to find the trade, you're looking for a neon sign saying, Here I am, okay, the only neon sign that exist is stops.
306 00:51:48,810 --> 00:52:00,780 That's it, stop loss orders. And I'll give you a heads up, that's largely what market maker 12 is all about. Identifying that, getting right to that, because
307 00:52:01,290 --> 00:52:12,090 that's what the banks do. Now, because they see the literal orders in the marketplace, they see the open interest, it's available at those levels, okay,
308 00:52:12,180 --> 00:52:23,880 it's a different animal, like we can see where they most likely will reside, above or below an old higher level, okay? But they may not be there by the time
309 00:52:23,880 --> 00:52:35,100 price trades. And that's what I'm going to explain here, if you believe or subscribed to the idea that this is a supply level, okay, and let's go back and
310 00:52:35,100 --> 00:52:45,600 highlight that contrasted again, when we get to it, if you if you're viewing this whole thing up here, from the high in the middle part of the range, okay,
311 00:52:45,660 --> 00:52:56,910 or, really, let's do it like this, because this is what they would teach, this is a supply level of your resume, okay, and price trades back up into that, they
312 00:52:56,910 --> 00:53:06,390 will teach that there is a reason to believe it's going to go up to here, when it's no reason to expect that at all, it's the least likely occurrence to
313 00:53:06,390 --> 00:53:19,680 happen, unless it's a turtle soup environment. Okay, and because that topic is so vast, and the parameters that go along with looking for turtle soup versus
314 00:53:19,980 --> 00:53:31,290 staying under a low and then a lot of you asked that a lot, okay, and that's really market like 12 and reason why I took a lot of things out of 12 and re
315 00:53:31,500 --> 00:53:45,450 redoing it. Okay, there's 12 main things inside of market maker 12. And I made making rather I got two of them done to, to specific of, of a collection of
316 00:53:45,450 --> 00:53:52,920 points that I went, in my opinion going back over looking at it, I brushed over it way too quickly. And I was a lot more vulgar in the media than I probably
317 00:53:52,920 --> 00:54:00,090 should have been. I kind of like one some of you in the last video, it was going to be very offensive, because I was going after a lot of folks that have taken
318 00:54:00,090 --> 00:54:12,180 my stuff and, and sold it to the morrow and really went after them. So I kind of like pull myself back and say, Okay, well, I'm gonna deliver this a little bit
319 00:54:12,180 --> 00:54:20,220 more professional way. That way, at least I can close this circus in a better light than I would have if I did that way because I was kind of like kicking
320 00:54:20,220 --> 00:54:29,550 them in the balls. And anyone watching that video would have been like, wow, wow, it would have been totally shocking. But I, I think that I'm doing it
321 00:54:29,580 --> 00:54:37,020 better by doing it this way. And that way, it's a little bit more modular. So underneath the link of market maker 12 You're actually going to see 12
322 00:54:37,290 --> 00:54:45,090 subordinate hyperlinks, okay, so it won't be marked like a 12 click on and there it is, it's gonna be macro merged 12 as a header, and then it's gonna be 12
323 00:54:45,090 --> 00:54:48,360 individual links inside of that. So kind of like breaks it down.
324 00:54:49,890 --> 00:54:55,860 I don't know how long it's gonna take me to go into it because like I said, I only got a couple of them done. So I know I'm not gonna give them to you and to
325 00:54:55,860 --> 00:55:06,150 all done so, deal with at the end. I don't know how long it's going to be so We get the idea of this level being up here being supply level and fundamentals up
326 00:55:06,150 --> 00:55:15,870 there driving it lower, the fundamentals can change by the time it gets to this point here and it never gets up to that level. Okay? Or it could trade up in
327 00:55:15,870 --> 00:55:24,870 there and cause really no selling, you could just continue going right on through it. Okay, so, again, it's not, you're not getting to the end of the game
328 00:55:25,590 --> 00:55:40,830 with fundamentals. Okay. And there's a lot of folks that are just looking at a lot of online marketing that's going on. Jared Davis is ran with Chris Lori's
329 00:55:40,830 --> 00:55:50,910 work. And that's really where he got his stuff from. He's full of shit telling you anything otherwise. The guy's not self taught. He's Forex mentor. Okay, he's
330 00:55:50,910 --> 00:56:00,120 vignobles. Student. And he did something with some guy named Andrew jinkin. It was failed operation there, too. I bought a couple of his courses. And all it
331 00:56:00,120 --> 00:56:09,990 was was pivots and Fibonacci, and absolutely nothing. Market flow, which it's all vignoble stuff. Okay. And again, I'm not trying to smack vignoble around,
332 00:56:09,990 --> 00:56:19,920 but Jared Davis has got this big online campaign right now that he's the second top rated traitor rated by Barclays. And then Barclays stomped him in his face
333 00:56:19,920 --> 00:56:30,810 and said, Don't you don't use us, you know, attributing us to your work or whatever. But look, it's fundamentals if you want to learn fundamentals the
334 00:56:30,810 --> 00:56:42,450 right way, and a whole lot cheaper, and I believe what is being shared is effective. Go to Chris laurie.com. Okay, or go to pro traders. club.com. Okay,
335 00:56:42,450 --> 00:56:54,000 or just email Chris Laurie, or Tweet, tweet him, okay? And to say, hey, look, ICT said that you have a course on fundamentals. Okay, and buy it, I think it's
336 00:56:54,000 --> 00:57:01,830 like $99, it's not even that much money. But I, I have openly said this in the past, I don't get anything for it. But I think he did an excellent job
337 00:57:02,190 --> 00:57:14,040 explaining fundamentals, as it relates to trading, especially currencies. And it's useful. It's really how he was able to call in advance, he's the only other
338 00:57:14,040 --> 00:57:22,440 words one out there, aside from myself, that has called Canadian dollar higher long term. You know, I did videos and showed you buy new buy levels, but he goes
339 00:57:22,440 --> 00:57:31,350 into great detail. And I'm not part of this pro traders club, to hear his his discussions as the, you know, all the other things going on behind it, but I
340 00:57:31,350 --> 00:57:41,250 know that oil was going to be a large contributor to it. And it was going to be a wine, you know, all that because of my conspiracy rants that I had, you know,
341 00:57:41,250 --> 00:57:50,640 two years ago and last year, but the, the fundamentals if you're going to do that, save yourself 1000s of dollars in wasted time, okay? And just simply go to
342 00:57:50,640 --> 00:58:00,990 Chris Laurie, and he'll teach everything that I personally believe if you want to, if you want to sponsor, okay, if you want to, like a advertisement for
343 00:58:01,140 --> 00:58:09,480 something to spend money on. That's the one you buy. Okay, I think he did an excellent job again, it's Chris Laurie, you go and just simply get it and study
344 00:58:09,480 --> 00:58:18,060 it. You're not gonna get it all at one time watching it? You know, I certainly couldn't do it. And I believe it was well, well presented, and it's good. So
345 00:58:18,390 --> 00:58:29,970 there you go. So you're welcome, Chris. Looking at the the idea behind it, though, fundamentals relating on a day trade short term basis? Again, it's I
346 00:58:29,970 --> 00:58:37,680 don't believe it is has any merit unless you're trading with the long term, fundamental basis. Okay, with the bullish or bearish, you know, when trading in
347 00:58:37,680 --> 00:58:44,220 that direction, then yeah, but if you think you're gonna swing back and forth on fundamentals, you're, you're kidding yourself, you certainly not gonna sell that
348 00:58:44,220 --> 00:58:57,210 idea that mean believe it. So. The, the idea is when we look at these areas, okay, and now I'm highlighting what I believe is the Hang on, puppy snoring way
349 00:58:57,210 --> 00:59:12,210 to Bella. You too loud girl. So, again, these are all the things you don't get to hear in my pre recorded stuff. There's a lot of editing, the rough cut. So
350 00:59:13,980 --> 00:59:24,360 this move above the ICT order lock in here. Okay? We reduced it down to two specific price levels, based on the daily chart, and this is what you do. This
351 00:59:24,360 --> 00:59:33,510 is how you incorporate all the things that I teach over the last five plus years. Okay? The brass tacks is this identify where there's a likely
352 00:59:34,800 --> 00:59:42,900 resistance in price, okay, or where selling should come in? And where the banks are gonna be trading at and how they're gonna be trading what they're gonna be
353 00:59:42,900 --> 00:59:53,040 selling, because they sold it here. And where specifically should we be aiming to to sell short? Well, we labeled 9920 institutional level inside of the range
354 00:59:53,040 --> 01:00:01,680 that's discerned by the daily order block, because we were limited we dropped down until for our timeframe right now. So this range It is highlighting the
355 01:00:01,680 --> 01:00:10,920 levels we look for inside that range. We're not trading this zone sake. Okay, we're looking for specific levels, what levels institutional order low levels
356 01:00:11,490 --> 01:00:21,090 50s 20s A's and forefingers double O levels. Okay? The reason why we like those levels is because the banks trade with those levels, they're not going out,
357 01:00:21,270 --> 01:00:34,200 well, I'm gonna trade it 9917. And let me get a sell in at 9923. That's not what they do. They put their orders in round numbers or in increments of five, okay,
358 01:00:34,350 --> 01:00:43,530 largely, it's on even numbers, but some, some banks will put their orders in on five. The bottom line is, that's what you're going to see in the charts, if you
359 01:00:43,530 --> 01:00:56,220 started, don't take my word for it. So we know that 950 and 9920. And let's change these little things here just to highlight that being the case.
360 01:01:03,150 --> 01:01:11,520 Okay, so we have these two levels here that we would all met automatically go into the marketplace looking for. Okay, now again, just so we're on the same
361 01:01:11,520 --> 01:01:18,660 topic, and same page of this topic here. As price trades up into these levels here. That's when you'd be doing this. Obviously, you can't do it in hindsight,
362 01:01:18,660 --> 01:01:32,430 but in hindsight isn't how you learn. Looking at it, like this, zoom a little bit more. So we have two price levels at which we would start talking setups.
363 01:01:32,940 --> 01:01:40,980 Now we went down from a daily chart to a four hour chart. So the the next question is, is okay, when price starts to trade off, because the four hour
364 01:01:40,980 --> 01:01:49,260 chart is going to give you a whole lot of advance notice. And I know a lot of you guys want to have that and need it. Okay, and it's, in my opinion, it's
365 01:01:49,560 --> 01:01:59,430 something that I should continue continuously advise you to do is trade on these higher timeframes because it gives you the buffer that you need, because if
366 01:01:59,430 --> 01:02:06,360 you're trying to trade on the five minute chart, a 15 minute chart and sometimes really even an hourly chart if Wow, good grief girl.
367 01:02:11,700 --> 01:02:25,470 Saw on logs there girl. Suddenly, when you see price turning like it does up here, okay, and starts to break down, which is what you see here. Okay. When you
368 01:02:25,470 --> 01:02:35,550 see that, that the next logical thing you would do is okay, well, what's the candle that it moves up from? Where's the low on it? And where is the body of
369 01:02:35,550 --> 01:02:44,220 that candle? Same thing we just did on the daily chart. Okay, is what we're going to do here is the same premises, all we're doing is top down analysis,
370 01:02:44,430 --> 01:02:53,910 breaking it down, and looking at the institutional order flow from the daily chart down to the four hour chart. Okay. And again, institutional order flow.
371 01:02:54,210 --> 01:03:08,010 For those that were maki masks, the idea is seen through price action. Okay. And yes, I'm completely aware that this MT MT four platform from Forex Ltd, okay,
372 01:03:08,370 --> 01:03:19,380 has zero connection to dancer bank levels that are available on the dollar. I know that there's going to be disparity, I've said this on record before but
373 01:03:19,380 --> 01:03:27,240 because you're going to be hit and miss on when you listen to me. You don't have the full story. But everyone knows in my work, that I say that there's going to
374 01:03:27,240 --> 01:03:36,990 be a disparity between what the interbank pricing is on a particular currency versus what your platform is going to offer. And they're bought, they're allowed
375 01:03:36,990 --> 01:03:47,370 to do that by law, okay, and your agreement, there's going to be a disparity, okay, and it's well beyond the spread of the offer too. And that's just all part
376 01:03:47,370 --> 01:03:58,320 of it, guys. I mean, you can't escape that you all signed on for that risk. But when you see prices starting to move away, okay, starting to come down. You
377 01:03:58,320 --> 01:04:06,750 start looking at levels that could potentially be new bearish order blocks, which is what this orange area is highlighted on a daily chart, it's the daily
378 01:04:06,780 --> 01:04:17,670 bearish order block ICT order block not supply zone is the order block. Now since we have highlighted two specific price levels, Okay, the next thing we
379 01:04:17,670 --> 01:04:26,730 would be doing is looking for on a smaller timeframe on the four hour chart, was there any indication as part, start the breakdown, okay, once price trades up to
380 01:04:26,730 --> 01:04:38,040 these levels in here, you gotta be aware that these may be new, smaller, short term, bearish order blocks that can be utilized for trades. Price starts to
381 01:04:38,040 --> 01:04:49,230 trade up and starts to break down the up candle prior to this drop down in this four hour candle. You use the low to the body of the candle. Okay, now, again,
382 01:04:49,260 --> 01:04:58,800 I'm going to use this opportunity because I get folks asking me to doing it now in the room. How do I know when to use the bottom of the candle or the wicks and
383 01:04:58,800 --> 01:05:10,230 the bodies of the candle Okay, and in your notebook, I need you to write this, underline it and highlight it. Okay? The big, big candles. Okay, and when I say
384 01:05:10,230 --> 01:05:21,150 big candles, think about what we talked about back in 2010. On the baby pips days. Okay? What I learned from Larry Williams was the markets trade in a
385 01:05:21,150 --> 01:05:36,480 rhythm. It's small ranges and big ranges, small ranges and big ranges, okay? A candle like this, I would use the middle to the low, not so much the body of the
386 01:05:36,480 --> 01:05:43,560 candle here and the low reason why, because there's a whole lot more volume in here. Remember, the body of the candle is where the majority of the ball the
387 01:05:43,560 --> 01:05:53,520 volume is for buying and selling. Okay, so when there's a smaller candle, okay, when there's a smaller candle, I like to use the wick to the body of the candle
388 01:05:53,520 --> 01:06:02,640 for bearish waterblocks. Okay, and we're gonna highlight that here, we have a small little body candle. Now, I'm not going to use the 50% cash basis of that
389 01:06:02,640 --> 01:06:10,770 candle, I'm going to elect to use the low to the body. And ya know, some of you pundits are saying, well, yeah, because you can clearly see over here. Again,
390 01:06:10,860 --> 01:06:18,210 this is reason why I'm telling you this because I want you to go into your charts and you'll see this phenomenon taking place, big candles, big body
391 01:06:18,210 --> 01:06:31,500 candles, okay? You're really used to 50% of that body of the candle or the mean rate, or the mean threshold, okay, that that middle point is about half of all
392 01:06:31,500 --> 01:06:46,830 is half, but it's the, it's the bulk of where all the institutional workflow is gonna come in. And it'll be self explanatory as I go. Looking at the up candle
393 01:06:46,830 --> 01:07:02,130 here, using the body down to the low there's your institutional order block, bearish, not supply zone. Okay, supply. They'd have all kinds of business up
394 01:07:02,130 --> 01:07:14,070 here highlighting. We don't do that. Okay, so inside of the range created here, okay, it says bodies there's that
395 01:07:16,980 --> 01:07:17,820 I knew I do that.
396 01:07:44,640 --> 01:08:00,240 Okay, and I'm just going to put it on the side of here. It's the same thing. So we have 9972. And the bottom of it over here. 9964. So my question is, is what
397 01:08:00,240 --> 01:08:08,760 institutional level or levels exists between these two price points? Now? Yes, it's a smaller little little range. But nonetheless, the process is still the
398 01:08:08,760 --> 01:08:22,320 same. We have 99 point. 70. Round number. Wait a minute, Michael, you didn't say 70? earlier? Yeah, no, institutional levels are double o 80s 50s 20s. And back
399 01:08:22,320 --> 01:08:35,010 to double. Smaller round numbers, okay, can be utilized in between those other levels, if there is a premise or reason to use them, which is what we framed out
400 01:08:35,010 --> 01:08:44,580 here. We already anticipated selling inside this range here. Price came up a little bit stabbed through it, we allow for that then starts to come back down.
401 01:08:45,360 --> 01:08:52,530 Price comes back up into it. But you can look to be a seller. Again, it's not going to based on what we identify as a bearish order block, it's not going to
402 01:08:52,530 --> 01:09:07,590 go to 99 point 80 institutional likely not to do that. Let's just rephrase that. Based on the fact that 80 would be up here on the other side of the body of the
403 01:09:07,590 --> 01:09:17,640 candle, which is not what we look for, okay. supply would say oh, you know, up here, there's some supply up here. There Susan flyness down candle. Okay. So it
404 01:09:17,640 --> 01:09:25,470 could go up as high as this candle here. Now it won't, why would you expect that, you know, not on a consistent basis, it's not going to do that. Now
405 01:09:25,470 --> 01:09:37,590 there's, you're gonna send me 20 times is did it but I can send you 1000s where it didn't. So inside here we have 9970 and we have 99.65 memory they have to use
406 01:09:37,590 --> 01:09:46,290 five rounded five numbers. Okay. Now I know some of you also are thinking well, it's what is it going to be seven eight could be 65. It could be you know this
407 01:09:46,290 --> 01:09:54,480 that and I'm saying you're only going to use the levels inside of the range. Okay, this is the range that's identified for the ICT bearish order block. Okay,
408 01:09:54,690 --> 01:10:06,930 so now what we just did was refined it down to 99 point 70. You're going to sell at or 99.65, the round number it doesn't get, you can do 60, you can do 60
409 01:10:06,930 --> 01:10:13,740 Because it's a below the market, okay, and still very close to here. There's nothing wrong with that either. Okay, but if you want to be specific, and follow
410 01:10:13,740 --> 01:10:24,630 the rules, as I teach my children, you will be trading at 99.65 or nine point 70. Or, if you want to get fancy dance and try to do like I do, I want to make
411 01:10:24,630 --> 01:10:32,520 sure I try to get in the move, I'm not trying to worry about 10 pips, I want to get in, in the trade I use maintains, I don't get a trade, because I insist on
412 01:10:32,520 --> 01:10:43,170 getting the very, very best Phil. And I've done that, well, eight years ago, I was really insisting on that. And I missed a huge amount of spectacular entries
413 01:10:43,380 --> 01:10:50,640 that are just really pissed away by being too demanding on price action. And I just missed them. And some of you seen it last year, and some of my trades man
414 01:10:50,640 --> 01:11:01,680 did live sessions, where I just missed it by a PIP or two and some of them won't. Okay, so anyway, looking at that, let's leave those levels there. And I'm
415 01:11:01,680 --> 01:11:19,260 gonna do that, because we're gonna refine it even more. Okay, so we have a price trading in at 99 Point 70. Okay, and takes you right to here now the high on
416 01:11:19,260 --> 01:11:30,780 these come in at 9971? Grief
417 01:11:41,880 --> 01:11:52,950 65, we'll look at that. Okay, and clearly, you would have no problem getting that in here. Okay, and price starts to trade off and does another explosive
418 01:11:52,950 --> 01:12:09,900 move going down. If if you are remembering that you have the 99 point 20 and 99.50, mid figure in institutional 20s on your chart, okay. price breaks down,
419 01:12:09,930 --> 01:12:18,540 and then does what comes right back up to it and gives you the entry right in here, right at a level you already identified inside of a bearish order block on
420 01:12:18,540 --> 01:12:27,690 a daily chart. It's been refined, you have all the conviction now that you need because you see institutional order flow is respecting, where they should sell,
421 01:12:27,750 --> 01:12:39,270 they are selling. And then we have a big range, liquidity void in here, price comes back, boom, right at a level you already anticipate 9920 9920 is based on
422 01:12:39,270 --> 01:12:47,610 a daily chart where banks are referring to this is not a five minute set up, it's not a 15 minute steps, not even an hourly setup, this 20 level was already
423 01:12:47,610 --> 01:12:57,030 based on the range that was created on a daily ICT order block and we refined it down to what two levels are essentially what you should be trading at 99 Point
424 01:12:57,030 --> 01:13:02,730 50 and nine nine point 20. Okay, so let's go down further into an hourly chart
425 01:13:24,630 --> 01:13:39,840 he won't give me too far back, I can't go down that small. Well, we'll have to stick with for our little too far for that too ambitious of a study. So a man
426 01:13:45,210 --> 01:13:58,080 Okay, and we have several things in here that are indicative of what you would expect to see in price. So when we see price action turning like it is here.
427 01:13:58,860 --> 01:14:10,680 Okay, you can see price action market structure model, we have a swing high, a higher swing high, a lower swing high. And in between that think like Head and
428 01:14:10,680 --> 01:14:18,150 Shoulders type formation, okay, it breaks down, it comes down. I'm not looking at this retest back to a neckline type thing. Because if you look at it doesn't
429 01:14:18,150 --> 01:14:24,330 even do that. It doesn't retest the neckline if you're looking at Head and Shoulders, but I'm looking at it in such a way where it shows a breakdown in
430 01:14:24,330 --> 01:14:36,630 market structure. It does in fact, do that. If you look at what goes on also the ultimate high here. Okay, the question I like to do is when I'm looking at price
431 01:14:36,630 --> 01:14:47,250 action, let's take this off because we don't need that one anymore. These are some of the things that I have as an internal dialogue when I'm looking at price
432 01:14:47,250 --> 01:14:55,290 action, either real time or if I'm looking at things in hindsight, trying to frame an idea when a future move or kind of like forecast when I see things like
433 01:14:55,290 --> 01:15:04,890 that, like this high in here. Okay. My question is always there. Okay, it could have turned on this high. And it could have dropped right from there. But it
434 01:15:04,890 --> 01:15:16,110 didn't do that. It ran out one more time, and then dropped off. So when I see that inside of an area when I'm anticipating a sell off, okay, I view that as it
435 01:15:16,140 --> 01:15:23,970 came back and took out early bear stops, and they're gonna have buy stops right above this high, because they're trying to sell it short. And they see these two
436 01:15:23,970 --> 01:15:32,370 down candles, they get in there thinking, Okay, I'm going to try to catch the high. That's why I do not trade like that. Looking for the liquidity that's
437 01:15:32,370 --> 01:15:43,800 resting above the high here in the form of a stop by stops on shorts, okay, they rally him up, to take those people out of the marketplace. To take the other
438 01:15:43,800 --> 01:15:50,580 side of the trade, those BizStats come orders to buy at the market, which is exactly what they want to use as a counterparty to get short, they're going to
439 01:15:50,580 --> 01:15:59,910 sell those buy stops to them. That's the position the hold for a move lower. When price starts to trade back down and makes this little bit of a trade off
440 01:15:59,910 --> 01:16:09,420 into a bearish order block and sells off. Your thought process should be immediately okay, if they're selling back here, and we're not daily set up
441 01:16:09,480 --> 01:16:19,440 inside this area, ICT waterblock. Daily set up can see it retraced back into and a four hour to, I don't want to see it do it more than once. But in this area,
442 01:16:19,470 --> 01:16:24,930 we're in that daily order block right in here. Okay? Look closely
443 01:16:30,420 --> 01:16:42,240 this candle right here is the breaker that they bought, that takes the rally up above this high, it's the down candle prior to the swing, taking out an old
444 01:16:42,240 --> 01:16:53,880 high, this turtle soup set up the foundation to it is in this down candle right here. Okay, and by incorporating the bottom of that candle, okay, and it's a
445 01:16:53,880 --> 01:17:09,450 show that low, if I can get it to highlight the low comes in at 99.3 to 99.32. When price creates this big liquidity void, okay? Don't assume that it's going
446 01:17:09,450 --> 01:17:19,680 to go back to this candle here. Don't assume that you have to look at what has happened. And this is all things that supply and demand does not teach you.
447 01:17:20,130 --> 01:17:30,960 Okay, supply and demand says you can't cut through candles. You can't look past through whatever this is, this is the you know, you get issues a fresh level or
448 01:17:30,990 --> 01:17:38,760 a fresh zone. And they're going to look to try to sell up in here and they're going to miss the boat, they're going to miss the trade. Banks aren't looking at
449 01:17:38,760 --> 01:17:49,080 the same Well, this is where the fresh level is. They're gonna see that the orders that were used to buy the market up here and drive price up, okay, and
450 01:17:49,080 --> 01:17:57,900 there's something you think, Oh, you're conspiracy theory, go take a field trip, okay, take a field trip out to Chicago Board trade, take a field trip out to the
451 01:17:57,900 --> 01:18:07,950 walls, you know, Wall Street and talk to specialists talk to people, they're actually doing it, okay. And they'll tell you that there are drives on liquidity
452 01:18:07,950 --> 01:18:16,020 in the marketplace, they'll run the Hive or run the loads. Because when that happens, it creates all this fever, there's all this excitement, there's all
453 01:18:16,020 --> 01:18:26,640 this induction of liquidity in the marketplace. And because of that, that's where trades form. And they love to do that. Because markets are just there,
454 01:18:26,670 --> 01:18:34,860 they're only out there to take the liquidity, that's what you're in here to do. You're trading liquidity, you're not trading price, you're trading liquidity.
455 01:18:35,130 --> 01:18:46,050 Just because you want to price level, you're not getting that price. I don't want I'm sorry, I may want a specific price level on cable or fiber. Just
456 01:18:46,050 --> 01:18:55,740 because I want it doesn't mean anything, I gotta take the trade and agree on taking the trade. Based on the parameters, it's being set up in the market.
457 01:18:56,490 --> 01:19:04,020 Either the market price is offering something that I'm able to live with in terms of where it is and where I'm willing to get into a trade or I pass on the
458 01:19:04,020 --> 01:19:18,780 situation and take no trade at all. You have to look at price action with that mindset. Okay. Retail platforms are going to be very, very close, but not to the
459 01:19:19,350 --> 01:19:28,530 tip of what the interbank levels are. Okay, the overall market direction is going to be similar, okay. There's going to be a disparity between what the
460 01:19:28,530 --> 01:19:37,710 interbank pricing engines are and what your individual platforms are showing. And you're gonna have to accept that. There's no way around it, you can argue
461 01:19:37,710 --> 01:19:46,950 about it, we can all agree it's crap, but they have to have a model that allows them to be profitable, whether it be savory or not. That's something for another
462 01:19:46,950 --> 01:19:54,120 day to argue about. But bottom line is, this is your opportunity to trade. You have to use a retail broker and so you get more money you can trade prime
463 01:19:54,120 --> 01:20:03,900 brokerage, this is how you do it. But you have to look at why. When this price runs up, and starts to break down, go back to this, you have to cut through some
464 01:20:03,900 --> 01:20:16,350 candles, you got to. And it'll give you the basis of why things should take place going forward. This run up the down candle, which is ICT bullish order
465 01:20:16,350 --> 01:20:26,910 block. Okay, in primarily bolus conditions, if price came back down to that area, we could be buying expecting higher prices. But notice what what's
466 01:20:26,910 --> 01:20:37,470 happening, this is occurring in a daily bearish order block inside that orange range. So this is actually inside of that bearish order block. And it drove
467 01:20:37,470 --> 01:20:49,650 price up. Do not look at that as a new buying opportunity. Some buying took place in here, okay. And maybe there's some out there that try try to use supply
468 01:20:49,650 --> 01:20:56,250 and demand. And he looked at this as a continuation. Maybe they looked at this as support, maybe it's looked at, I don't know what they looked at. Okay. And
469 01:20:56,250 --> 01:21:06,150 that's not what I view price, like, my perspective and my thought processes. If they ran it up here, and then it broke down. This was a stop run. So where did
470 01:21:06,150 --> 01:21:16,230 they buy the run the stops the down candle President move? There's your breaker. So when you have that note the low of the candle, okay? And limit it to the body
471 01:21:16,230 --> 01:21:24,120 of the candle, not the high, it cannot do that? Yes. But your trade is going to be in the body of the candle. So why am I saying I'm saying that if you take
472 01:21:29,520 --> 01:21:42,960 this range, the body of the candle to the body of the candle, okay, so to open and close, extend that out, it does not get to the bottom of this up candle
473 01:21:43,230 --> 01:21:52,620 prior to the down move. Because it doesn't have to all the orders that need to be mitigated, that they used to go long to drive price up. Those Long's have to
474 01:21:52,620 --> 01:21:58,800 be taken and canceled, they gotta be collapsed. But they're not going to collapse them down here. When price gets back up till they're gonna collapse.
475 01:21:58,800 --> 01:22:10,830 And right here, they so they are mitigating the open, long positions that have been utilized to drive price up there and liquidate them here. Then liquidating
476 01:22:10,860 --> 01:22:21,330 and new accumulation for shorts is why there's only a short little period of time or trades there and it runs away. Because you're having two factors being
477 01:22:21,330 --> 01:22:33,630 introduced at the same time. You're selling long's that were established here. You're selling those Long's which is going to be a an absence of buying. Okay,
478 01:22:33,660 --> 01:22:41,700 and an increase effect of selling, which is the natural order of things in the marketplace, it's always a seller's market, always a seller's market. So when
479 01:22:41,700 --> 01:22:51,840 you have that absence of buying, and you have a large introduction of new selling, why they're going to sell more, because they they collapse their lungs,
480 01:22:51,840 --> 01:23:00,840 because they don't believe fundamentally, that there's going to go higher, so they come back into this liquidity void. And this void, which would be a
481 01:23:00,840 --> 01:23:11,220 sensitive closed here is not necessary to be traded up to, you only got to go back to the breaker. So that's how you use the breaker. In combination with
482 01:23:11,220 --> 01:23:19,800 liquidity voids, there are some times where it can come back up in there and trade that and that may be detrimental for your trade. Or it may be another
483 01:23:20,010 --> 01:23:27,720 opportunity to get a better price entry. It depends on how much range is there and what you're able to assume on the trade. Now you can trade the four hour
484 01:23:27,720 --> 01:23:36,330 setup like this, and create a whole lot of pips in terms of the stop loss that's needed. But guess what, the rest of the reward still the same, just takes a
485 01:23:36,330 --> 01:23:45,270 whole lot more time for the trades to pan out. And don't Don't Don't despair is the whole idea of trading on a four hour timeframe. Because if you can't be in
486 01:23:45,270 --> 01:23:53,100 front of charts on an intraday basis, you can trade these setups every single month, there's something out there, and there's a lot of a lot of pips to be
487 01:23:53,100 --> 01:24:08,280 made like that. But you got to keep things relative to the risk. So again, going back to this, this low grade and here on this candle, the low comes in at 9932.
488 01:24:08,490 --> 01:24:19,020 So just like we used for the order block, okay. My question is this case, if the low on that candle is 99 point 32 And the highs 99. Point 50. Okay, and the open
489 01:24:19,020 --> 01:24:30,480 is 99.41. The body is the open and close. So 9941 and 9932 is your range. My question is, is what's the price level you would use to go short? Using the
490 01:24:30,480 --> 01:24:41,850 breaker 9935. It's your mid midway point, okay, inside the body at rounded and five, you can go with 30 and be early. There's nothing wrong with that because
491 01:24:41,850 --> 01:24:52,560 we're only talking about 40 was at 4141 was the high the body's candle. So if you're okay with that and measuring your risk, okay, you can get short at nine
492 01:24:52,560 --> 01:25:00,600 930 which is the round number going into that candle because you already had the expectation this is going to be a breaker because of all the backdrop The Daily
493 01:25:01,020 --> 01:25:08,700 bearish order block the fact that we ran this high right here and it's now broken down, it's giving you all indications that it's going lower. Did you miss
494 01:25:08,700 --> 01:25:18,720 the opportunity to short up here? Yes. Did you miss the opportunity to short here, possibly. But this one right here, you're trading at 9920, based on the
495 01:25:18,720 --> 01:25:31,410 daily setup, or your fine tuning it using the four hour chart for a breaker at 9935 or 9940, or nine 930. Okay, based on where your risk is, there's your
496 01:25:31,410 --> 01:25:38,700 levels. That's how you, that's how you as the trader do it, you see the difference of that teaching it like this, versus this is how you do it every
497 01:25:38,700 --> 01:25:45,840 single time. Because what I'm willing to assume when the risk is not the same thing that you're going to be willing to assume in risk, and your proficiency
498 01:25:45,870 --> 01:25:55,620 and trading price isn't going to be same level that I have. Okay, so I'm able to trade with a 10 pip stop. I don't do that. But maybe we'll do that.
499 01:25:56,970 --> 01:26:06,120 You may not be able to. And you may look at what I'm framing as a trade and say, Well, I don't know about that. And then you'll argue if it makes money, you'll
500 01:26:06,120 --> 01:26:13,110 say I wish I would have did it. Or if you take it and doesn't make money get stopped out. I knew I shouldn't have done that. It's too small stop loss. I
501 01:26:13,110 --> 01:26:23,010 never do that. You see what happens. It plagues your thinking versus your development. Your choices on trade selection are going to ultimately be yours.
502 01:26:23,490 --> 01:26:33,570 They're never ever ever going to be mine. Or the guy you talk to online, or your mentor. If they are you're doing it wrong. Because that's not your trade now as
503 01:26:34,590 --> 01:26:42,540 you're piggybacking and there's some of you well, it's it's making money, I really don't care, I don't care, it could be someone else's trade. I guarantee
504 01:26:42,540 --> 01:26:49,710 you, if you have that thought process, you will not be doing this long, you're gonna lose money, you're gonna lose your account, you're not gonna be trading.
505 01:26:50,550 --> 01:26:59,490 And that's real world stuff right there. You can't get any more real talk than that. But by looking at things like this, okay, let's look at another
506 01:26:59,490 --> 01:27:05,910 opportunity of using break because unless the last couple times, we had live sessions, you guys were really heavily beaten on me about where's the breaker
507 01:27:05,910 --> 01:27:21,930 here in the breaker there. So let's take a look at one more. And then I'm going to close this portion of the topic. What did I want to do here is take
508 01:27:21,930 --> 01:27:22,620 everything off
509 01:27:30,030 --> 01:27:36,630 I got to be sure I remember to talk about the cable tricks. I prompted you guys. I'm doing this stuff now because my wife told me that I will not be doing any
510 01:27:36,630 --> 01:27:45,630 videos tonight. So I'm doing it now. So I'm trying to answer everything. So I want to go to you later on tonight. We have an old high back here. Okay, and
511 01:27:45,630 --> 01:27:57,510 let's go out a little bit one more time. Okay, we have an old high here. And I want you to think about as price was trading in here
512 01:28:02,790 --> 01:28:17,250 price made this high and sold off and then resumed going higher. Okay, and my question is, is what was the primary trend? Even right here. Then when it was
513 01:28:17,250 --> 01:28:26,730 trading down? What was the primary trend when the daily charts been going up? Not like that. I'm gonna show it but it's been going up see? Higher, higher,
514 01:28:26,730 --> 01:28:40,980 higher, higher, so institutional order flow is primarily long. Okay, so price comes down, moves back into an area of overflow and starts to rally up right
515 01:28:40,980 --> 01:28:41,550 here
516 01:28:53,820 --> 01:29:11,730 right here right here, price made a down candle right below an old high. I love that. I absolutely love seeing that setup. Okay. It's very similar to when we
517 01:29:11,730 --> 01:29:27,360 talk about optimal or high odds. Bearish order blocks, okay, where there is usually a high Okay, a short term high rate below an ICT bearish order block.
518 01:29:28,230 --> 01:29:38,070 That's like a, it's like a no brainer setup. It's so very, very powerful. Well, along the same vein, this is what is very similar to that. When we have an old
519 01:29:38,070 --> 01:29:47,940 high like this, okay, and prices traded up and then starting to sell off. Okay. What you're seeing is weak bulls that think that this is going to be resistance.
520 01:29:48,600 --> 01:29:59,340 So they sell it. And dare I say it potentially maybe there should be some supply up there. Maybe some supply traders out there trying to sell it because look
521 01:29:59,340 --> 01:30:07,470 what it did it There's supply there, and it's sold off. So we're back up to that level again, we're going to sell it again, there's some supply. Okay, I love
522 01:30:07,470 --> 01:30:20,160 this set up. Because what this is, is they're, they're introducing a setup that allows folks to do that very thing. And as the markets dropping down, do
523 01:30:20,250 --> 01:30:29,850 professional traders sell? Or do they buy in these environments, down, down candles, okay, so for our charts, there's a lot of range. This down candle right
524 01:30:29,850 --> 01:30:37,470 here on the far right of the chart, I know they'll have a highlight on my cursor, I don't have the opportunity to do that with live sessions like this,
525 01:30:37,470 --> 01:30:48,870 but the down candle, okay? When is four hour chart down candle, just because it's four hour doesn't make a difference. But we understand it's the largest
526 01:30:48,870 --> 01:31:00,540 players in the industry, which is the banks, okay, they're going to buy in down moves, they're going to be buying as the market moves lower, they have to do
527 01:31:00,540 --> 01:31:13,080 that to get a better average price getting into the trade. When I see setups like this happen, it's wonderful opportunity to set up number one confirmation
528 01:31:13,380 --> 01:31:23,760 that we're going to blow through this. Okay? Secondly, it sets up future opportunities, because there's a whole lot of buying and selling interest on a
529 01:31:23,760 --> 01:31:31,650 level like this, because we are inside of an old high inside of a range, and it's down. So now think about what's gonna happen here. There's gonna be a lot
530 01:31:31,650 --> 01:31:44,280 of buying in here. When it blows through it like this, okay? Watch what happens as price goes on. Price comes back down. Okay, and then look what happens. Look
531 01:31:44,280 --> 01:31:55,530 at the reaction rate in here. This reaction rate here, trading right back up into what we just described earlier, is the breaker behind the dead, put that
532 01:31:55,530 --> 01:32:08,160 back on here. When I tell you guys look at the daily and the four hour chart, I'm not telling you that I'm wasting my breath telling it, I want you to do it,
533 01:32:08,160 --> 01:32:19,740 because every major setup that you'll see in price is going to be found on the daily in the four hour that that's a given. We want sizeable explosive price
534 01:32:19,740 --> 01:32:28,380 moves. Everybody does. But you're never going to find them outside of those two timeframes. I mean, you can obviously find one a weekly and a monthly chart that
535 01:32:28,380 --> 01:32:37,410 goes without saying, but the dynamic price levels that you're going to trade off of that you get this real big explosive. Oh, I mean, you just explode, you don't
536 01:32:37,410 --> 01:32:45,690 have any time wasted. If it gets those levels and then tears and goes the other direction to another level that makes perfect sense. What I mean by that, well,
537 01:32:46,050 --> 01:32:57,660 they explained how price reversed up here on a daily bearish ICT order walk them pricing new, makes a move lower, we marked off our breaker. And this is where
538 01:32:57,660 --> 01:33:06,840 price would reach to not here could have sure could have. But it didn't. It didn't have to because the buy orders that we used to run the stops on this old
539 01:33:06,840 --> 01:33:15,660 high. That's the reason why. Now by itself, they they're that argument right there. Just one presentation just kicks supply and demand right now nuts. You
540 01:33:15,660 --> 01:33:26,250 can and you must cut through candles, you have to look at the context of what price action is telling you. But because supply and demand doesn't teach you or
541 01:33:26,280 --> 01:33:37,080 even imply an interest in showing you how the institutions are trading, they're just giving you one little tiny little facet of okay, it moves from here. So if
542 01:33:37,080 --> 01:33:41,100 it goes back there, it probably will happen again. There's no difference between that Fibonacci trading.
543 01:33:42,570 --> 01:33:51,540 I just nailed it right there. Supply and demand. Put a fib on your trades, and it's the same thing. Trades, 79% retracement levels, and 60% retracement levels,
544 01:33:51,690 --> 01:34:00,780 and you're gonna do the same thing supply and demand gives you done, it's handled. So it's a gimmick, but it gets you very close on some instances. But it
545 01:34:00,780 --> 01:34:09,510 really won't do anything except for take credit. It won't be able to explain anything outside of saying we were right. My work gives you the X ray view of
546 01:34:09,510 --> 01:34:19,200 why price is doing it. Okay. And by studying hindsight examples of seeing happen on larger timeframes like the daily and four hour, it will give you the context
547 01:34:19,200 --> 01:34:27,720 to frame your future trades, or at least give you a framework to start trading ideas and practice them. Because until you start thinking like this and like
548 01:34:27,720 --> 01:34:37,380 we're rep explained here, you're not going to get it what is it consistently profitable? Because you're going to have hit and miss types of trading. Instead
549 01:34:37,380 --> 01:34:48,270 of surgical strikes. Precision in and out knowing why you're doing it when to do it when not to do it. That's what you need to know as a trader, not reacting and
550 01:34:48,270 --> 01:34:57,750 wishing and regretting and just being totally upset because you don't know what you're doing. And it's frustrating. Believe me, I know what that felt like.
551 01:34:57,810 --> 01:35:07,230 Okay, but you were expecting a magic bullet, and you're not going to get the magic bullet to give you the insight like that, it's going to have to go through
552 01:35:07,260 --> 01:35:14,490 a process of doing what I'm doing here. And that's why the assholes that watch and troll, they don't, they don't like it because they want an easy clicks, they
553 01:35:14,490 --> 01:35:23,460 want an indicator, they want something to plug on a chart and show it to him. This is the indicator, the open, the high, the low, and the close, and the
554 01:35:23,490 --> 01:35:33,390 reactions that it creates on your chart, and you're studying the psychology in the marketplace, that's what price action is doing. It's measuring the
555 01:35:33,390 --> 01:35:42,900 psychological effects of what other traders and the only trader group that we care about is the institutional traders. They're the ones that move price.
556 01:35:43,080 --> 01:35:51,870 Because our mindset is focused on on what they're doing. And how they react. Well. They're there, they're the predator, they're the apex predator on the food
557 01:35:51,870 --> 01:36:00,540 chain. So if you align your thinking like they do, in a view stops his opportunity there, bull's eyes, not protections and shields, believe me, the
558 01:36:00,540 --> 01:36:10,260 banks are driving bulldozers, and you're standing a little pinwheel, extra stop. Like they're mowing you over. There's no, they're not worried about what's going
559 01:36:10,260 --> 01:36:19,290 to be the ramifications of you getting stopped out, you're just one more piece of meat going in the grinder. There's no reason for you to view your stop loss
560 01:36:19,290 --> 01:36:29,100 in any other way. Except for yes, it's your only protection and shield. But it's a bull's eye in the form of the institutional mindset. So bring in that you
561 01:36:29,100 --> 01:36:37,050 didn't think you'd hear those types of things. When you first got started in trading. You thought it was a free opportunity to be everything's fair. We all
562 01:36:37,050 --> 01:36:46,170 want to see you make money. That's bullshit. They want your money, they want you to fail. Okay? And they want you to blame your indicators. They do they want you
563 01:36:46,170 --> 01:36:54,750 to blame it. Because what that does, it feeds the fire for someone else's new book, a new system a new stuff, it brings in like PT Barnum said, there's a
564 01:36:54,750 --> 01:37:05,070 sucker born every second done? Well, it's your choice, if you want to stay in that sucker realm. Do you want to listen to assholes on Twitter telling you the
565 01:37:05,070 --> 01:37:13,830 stuff you're learning doesn't work? Or do you want to put the time in and see that it does. And don't expect it to happen overnight? I told every one of you
566 01:37:14,160 --> 01:37:23,010 six months of in the trenches dealing with this stuff on a daily day basis. Now I know somebody's gonna say, Oh, I've been following you since 2010. Isn't
567 01:37:23,010 --> 01:37:30,480 clicking? And you should have told me this stuff in the beginning. No, I shouldn't have. No, no, I shouldn't have. And I'm gonna tell you the reason why
568 01:37:30,480 --> 01:37:39,240 I shouldn't have. If you can't, if you can't get this or understand that or agree with it, that's between you and your problem with it. Okay, because I
569 01:37:39,240 --> 01:37:49,890 can't fix it for you. You have to go through the process of seeing why retail traders think like they do not just simply reading a book and say okay, yeah, I
570 01:37:49,890 --> 01:37:59,430 get it. Now you don't get it. You don't get it. Okay, you do not get it until you see it in price action. When these Yahoo's get on air and they say, Hey,
571 01:37:59,430 --> 01:38:08,940 look, you know, this guy is talking about this and that, believe me, you're gonna laugh your ass off to because they're clueless twits. They have no idea
572 01:38:08,940 --> 01:38:15,420 what they're doing. They're out there chasing the next best thing. And guess what, from for a little while. I was like that for them. I was the next best
573 01:38:15,420 --> 01:38:22,230 thing, because I could show something and made a little bit of sense. Okay. OtterBox Oh, yeah. Optimal trade entries? Oh, yeah. They ran on trading view.
574 01:38:22,560 --> 01:38:27,660 Oh, I'm glad you showed up ICT I've been I've been using the ote for months. And it's just been phenomenal.
575 01:38:32,130 --> 01:38:45,570 It's not all T. It's not all waterblocks. It's how you look at the marketplace. And you judge based on what the chart is showing you? Where has it shown a
576 01:38:45,570 --> 01:38:56,670 willingness to sell off? Why would it have sold off there? These are all thought processes that you have to go through. Okay. So there's a dialogue that you must
577 01:38:56,790 --> 01:39:09,300 have with yourself as a trader, it's self talk. We all have it in all varying degrees as a trader, we all have self talk. self talk in the beginning as a noob
578 01:39:09,300 --> 01:39:17,160 is me and I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. I need to find somebody who knows what they're doing and does copy them. That self talk. Is that empowering?
579 01:39:17,340 --> 01:39:30,720 Or is that self defeating? self defeating? You're in you're staying with a mindset that is dependent and not independent. Okay. We're empowering at all,
580 01:39:30,960 --> 01:39:39,420 you're subscribing to the thought process that number one, a you're weak. You're clueless. Okay, and that you need to have someone else tell you what to do. Now,
581 01:39:39,450 --> 01:39:48,600 that's the reality of it. Yes. But if you don't change the way you think you're not going to look at the marketplace the right way. Because you're going to look
582 01:39:48,600 --> 01:39:57,000 at and I'm gonna take one more step further and this. Think about when he first started as a retail trader. He started thinking, Okay, where's the next guy in
583 01:39:57,000 --> 01:40:03,810 the line of all US, okay, that knows what he's doing. It's making money. because you don't have to talk to a bank trader, you don't even believe the bank traders
584 01:40:03,810 --> 01:40:13,920 do this. Think about it. And honestly, you didn't know that you wanted to find someone on the internet, someone on Twitter, someone on Instagram, someone on
585 01:40:13,920 --> 01:40:25,410 Facebook, someone on an Instagram, or an infomercial, someone advertising something, a direct mailing, okay telling you that they're doing it. And maybe
586 01:40:25,410 --> 01:40:33,150 you thought it was horseshit, maybe you thought it was all smoke and mirrors. But the advertisement, or the fact that they ran their mouth as much as they
587 01:40:33,150 --> 01:40:41,100 did, and you've probably seen that happen with me, Man, this guy, he wouldn't leave you alone, it starts gnawing at you. And you have to just dig into it and
588 01:40:41,100 --> 01:40:54,690 see what it is. And it doesn't pan out. Why? Why doesn't it pan out, because you have not taken it as your own. You have not changed this whole perspective on
589 01:40:54,720 --> 01:41:02,430 trading, and made it your own. Now, I'm not saying take my stuff and take someone else's stuff and remarket it and sell it. That's not what I mean by make
590 01:41:02,430 --> 01:41:11,760 it your own. Okay, what I mean by make it your own is internalize it, break it down into minut details, where you understand each component, and then begin to
591 01:41:11,760 --> 01:41:21,840 flesh each component together, and then your trading model will materialize from that. I've given so many tools. And I'm tickled when I see so many people come
592 01:41:21,840 --> 01:41:28,380 at me in email, or they do direct messages on Twitter, which I really don't like doing those things, because I get so many of them, I have a lot of money. And I
593 01:41:28,380 --> 01:41:35,790 haven't even opened up yet. So if you sent me those by Twitter, just know that I don't like to do those. And I'm not trying to be ignorant to you. I'm not trying
594 01:41:35,790 --> 01:41:48,000 to just ignore you, I'm gonna try and ignore everyone. Because there's too many of them. So looking at price action, you need to adopt the mindset of okay. My
595 01:41:48,000 --> 01:41:59,130 trading is my trading, okay, and everything that I do in my trading is going to be my responsibility. So the fruits of it, or the the bad events that take
596 01:41:59,130 --> 01:42:10,740 place, I have to own that. And I have to take ownership of the good and the bad. And the bad, I have to be sober minded and learn from it. I can't be a victim
597 01:42:10,800 --> 01:42:21,660 and say, Well, you did this to me, or you held this back from me. I did I held back stuff. Yeah, for your better for your embedment you're you didn't have the
598 01:42:21,690 --> 01:42:30,000 capacity to look at this stuff like you did, because you didn't have the time looking at price action, the way I look at price action, you have to be able to
599 01:42:30,000 --> 01:42:38,850 discern the distinction between how retail minded traders and even back then and maybe pips a lot of you didn't even think like a retail trader does. You didn't
600 01:42:38,850 --> 01:42:46,620 know anything, you were just looking for the next thing. There were retail traders out there that were hanging and banging, still unprofitable, but they
601 01:42:46,620 --> 01:42:55,260 had a method of what they were trying to make work. But they're trying to force a square peg into a round hole, it won't work, you got to cut some corners off,
602 01:42:55,470 --> 01:43:06,030 okay, you got to smooth out those rough edges. And that's going to happen by taking time. And I had to drag you across this spectrum of time for a reason. If
603 01:43:06,030 --> 01:43:16,380 you look at price action, with a single mindset, that there's someone out there that's trying to knock you out, there's someone out there, that is an adversary
604 01:43:16,380 --> 01:43:23,490 to you. Someone out there is trying to collectively work towards you not being successful.
605 01:43:25,140 --> 01:43:33,330 If I sell that to everyone, when I first meet them, they plug their ears, this guy is a conspiracy nut, he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's not
606 01:43:33,330 --> 01:43:42,420 responsible. He's blaming someone else. And I'm the only one in the whole room that knows what the hell's going on. I'm the black sheep of the whole fold. And
607 01:43:42,420 --> 01:43:51,570 I got no problem being that because all the other lambs are getting slaughtered. I'm still here 20 years plus, and I'm going to be here hopefully Lord willing,
608 01:43:51,660 --> 01:44:01,530 20 more years. Where are you going to be? Are you gonna be in the same mindset as a trader, trying to figure out what you know what the next guy is doing?
609 01:44:01,770 --> 01:44:09,510 Instead of saying, I don't give a shit what the next guy is doing. I need to know what I'm going to be doing right now. And I'm going to move towards making
610 01:44:09,510 --> 01:44:18,420 it better for myself. And that way, as long as I know, I'm thinking, the way I'm thinking independently. If I'm wrong, I'm not going to second guess I'm wrong.
611 01:44:18,660 --> 01:44:27,000 I'm going to know right away, I'm wrong and I got to reevaluate what I did there. And try not to make that same mistake again. Contrast that with following
612 01:44:27,000 --> 01:44:35,850 someone copycat in their trades. The guy is wrong 90% of time he's not gonna admit that he was wrong. He won't even admit to it. He'll suiting you he'll
613 01:44:35,850 --> 01:44:44,070 he'll gloss over or if it's a bad thing, like he loses the account or bust or does something really bad. He just vanishes. She has a beautiful thing about the
614 01:44:44,070 --> 01:44:52,140 internet. People can pop up and be millionaires instantly. But the real people hang around, they prove it over and over again. Okay, and they can take
615 01:44:52,140 --> 01:45:01,560 ownership of having screwed up sometimes you miss an opportunity you blow it you get stopped out things like that it's gonna happen. But if you You are tied to
616 01:45:01,560 --> 01:45:08,790 someone like that, whether they're a good trader or not, you aren't going to come to the conclusion to, hey, look, this is wrong and knew right away, you're
617 01:45:08,790 --> 01:45:15,750 gonna be waiting on bated breath, to figure out what they're going to say, to give you the thought process that you should have, because you've already
618 01:45:15,750 --> 01:45:25,590 subscribed to them being the brain trust in the whole event, you didn't make the decision to take the trade. So all these components that we have out here as
619 01:45:25,590 --> 01:45:36,840 retail traders, all these ideas and methodologies and applications and processes and such, unless it gets down to the root principle of you making the decisions
620 01:45:36,840 --> 01:45:46,860 on your own, and it's going to be whether your mentor thinks something's going to happen, in agreement or, or contrary to what you think, come hell or high
621 01:45:46,860 --> 01:45:55,860 water, you're taking that trade. You don't care what anybody else thinks that you, this is you or you're owning it. And I don't care what the outcome is going
622 01:45:55,860 --> 01:46:08,160 to be. It's mine. Because only you can take the spoils from it, or the lumps from it. It's yours, you have to own it. So when you look at price action, it's
623 01:46:08,160 --> 01:46:15,240 not just simply looking at order blocks. It's not simply looking at optimal trade entry retracements and tips. Okay, it's not liquidity voids and liquidity
624 01:46:15,240 --> 01:46:24,720 pools, and it's not institutional order flow. And it's not just market maker Buy Sell profiles and fractal patterns and such. It's not animal patterns,
625 01:46:24,720 --> 01:46:37,920 harmonics, and all that stuff. It all gets back to this one thing. Okay. And I watched the video couple, I think it was a year and a half ago. Every time you
626 01:46:37,920 --> 01:46:47,310 watch my videos, you get these little things that pop up as suggestions. And Jason Stapleton had one up on the side here, and I don't know why, but curiosity
627 01:46:47,310 --> 01:46:56,100 just clicked on it. And he was talking about the one thing, you're all looking for that one thing, and it doesn't exist? Well, that's bullshit. It does exist.
628 01:46:56,130 --> 01:47:08,700 Okay. And I'm gonna tell you what it is right now. The one thing is having your alignment with institutional perspective. That because all of retail trading
629 01:47:08,790 --> 01:47:20,460 educators teach with a retail mindset, it's alien to them. It's alien to them. And that's why they stay in the education capacity. The market, they sell, they
630 01:47:20,460 --> 01:47:30,180 make business profits on selling education, because it's a wonderful opportunity to be risk free. If they don't make money for our subscriber base, they'll leave
631 01:47:30,240 --> 01:47:39,480 but they'll have the PT Barnum effect to someone else to come behind him and believe they're horseshit. Okay. So they and John just pick on Jason, it's
632 01:47:39,480 --> 01:47:53,070 everyone really, the, the idea of this sung this idea that there's not just one thing, because you don't know what it is, it just shows with blinding, you know,
633 01:47:55,260 --> 01:48:02,550 clarity really hits class binding, it's clarity, that they don't know, what you're learning. What I know, for certain,
634 01:48:04,350 --> 01:48:18,270 there is a method, how these banks operate, and it repeats all the time. They're small little variances when it comes in and out of effect, okay. But by far and
635 01:48:18,270 --> 01:48:27,870 large, you're gonna see that these things repeat themselves all the time. And you spend your time trying to align your thought processes with how the banks
636 01:48:28,080 --> 01:48:36,450 would want to knock individuals out. Why would they want to come back here and run this high, if the overall premises is going to go lower, because it's gonna
637 01:48:36,450 --> 01:48:50,820 be for stops? Well, that means when it's running up here, like this, okay, maybe get short. Maybe look for a smaller timeframe, 15 minute turtle soup. But we're
638 01:48:50,820 --> 01:49:04,530 in here. Expect of unwillingness to continue higher. But because we saw this idea flushed out on a daily chart, it's going to be a lot of range, still on a
639 01:49:04,530 --> 01:49:11,790 five minute chart, which is reason why you guys get dusted trading on five minute charts without a higher timeframe premise, because the daily chart can
640 01:49:11,790 --> 01:49:22,890 trade a little bit past what you think you can on a five minute and sometimes 100 pips or more. But unless you go through the process of studying the higher
641 01:49:22,890 --> 01:49:30,420 timeframe down to the lower timeframe, not the lower timeframe, up to the higher timeframe. Okay, it's the higher timeframe, down to the lower timeframe. This is
642 01:49:30,420 --> 01:49:38,940 why I say and I'm gonna make this very clear, because the one person I do respect in this industry is Chris Laurie. But I've been very candid about how I
643 01:49:38,940 --> 01:49:51,540 do not like the trading volatility against institutional order flow. I don't like to do that. Because new traders, they don't have that understanding and
644 01:49:51,540 --> 01:50:02,700 they are going to invariably take losses. And while that is educational, by its by The very fact that they're going to take a loss and they're gonna hopefully
645 01:50:02,700 --> 01:50:11,940 look into why they took a loss. I know that new traders don't go through demo trading for months, they'd maybe open up a demo account to see how to put a buy
646 01:50:11,940 --> 01:50:18,180 sell order in. And they made $3,000 In five minutes. So now they're going to put their whole checking account in your in your trading account, and they're going
647 01:50:18,180 --> 01:50:27,600 to dust it really quick. I don't I just know, human factor is there going to rush to get into trading live. And while I do believe the exercise of trading
648 01:50:27,600 --> 01:50:38,670 volatility is just that it's an exercise applied correctly, with institutional order flow, it is wildly, wildly profitable. So I want to make that distinction.
649 01:50:38,670 --> 01:50:44,850 I've set it on record a couple different times where some have taken it. I think, Chris, maybe one time said in Twitter, and I think it was a veiled
650 01:50:45,000 --> 01:50:53,730 response to me, because it says there's some to some groups that say, you know, we, we shouldn't trade this way or don't stand in front of a train, because that
651 01:50:53,730 --> 01:51:00,600 was actually the analogy I use that I don't want to stand in front of a freight train. You know, if I'm, if I see a primarily bullish market environment, I'm
652 01:51:00,600 --> 01:51:07,860 sure as hell not trying to get short in any capacity at all. I don't want to do that, because the largest expansion is going to be on the upside. And I want to
653 01:51:07,860 --> 01:51:20,130 hopefully be positioned for that expansion. So when we look at for our timeframes, okay, you can use all those ideas of trading volatility, liquidity
654 01:51:20,130 --> 01:51:29,670 pools, and liquidity voids and optimal trade entries and stop runs and turtle suits, all that stuff can be incorporated, but it's best utilized when you can
655 01:51:29,700 --> 01:51:39,540 ascertain the institutional order flow. Okay, now watch. I'm gonna put this into an example what it means and why these levels are highly like they are. The
656 01:51:39,540 --> 01:51:45,840 reason why I like this down candle, you thought I forgot about it, didn't you? The reason why I like this down candle is because number one, it's a down
657 01:51:45,840 --> 01:51:57,360 candle, which I know is buying on an institutional level. Okay, and I know that is true after after, we see the range expansion and the engulfs this candle
658 01:51:57,360 --> 01:52:04,020 here. Okay. Now, granted, you're probably saying, Well, that's wonderful. It's already moved. Yeah. But you're already going to anticipate it because it's
659 01:52:04,020 --> 01:52:11,430 below this old high. The trend is up. It's a daily chart we looked at earlier and it showed it was moving higher, we were just getting a larger consolidation.
660 01:52:11,970 --> 01:52:21,030 But because we're looking at a four hour timeframe, the moves that are going to be around the levels we're talking about are going to be dynamic, they're going
661 01:52:21,030 --> 01:52:36,540 to be explosive, they're going to be market maker 12 setups. What Yeah, this is how it works. When when you see price action on a daily and four hour Okay, you
662 01:52:36,540 --> 01:52:43,050 want to know where price is going. Where's the next setup? Is it going to be a big move or is it going to be a scalp How do I know if it's a day trade and how
663 01:52:43,050 --> 01:52:51,720 long how do I know how to hold on to a move? When do I hold on to their clothes and when to hold on to a larger price move while they are all they're all
664 01:52:51,720 --> 01:53:03,270 answered with the daily and for our watch the down candle we would have anticipated this becoming a buying opportunity right in here right when that
665 01:53:03,270 --> 01:53:04,980 candle formed right here
666 01:53:06,600 --> 01:53:17,520 with the expectation that it's going to run this high Why would we expect this high we ran well we almost got equal highs to me i i call this equal highs.
667 01:53:17,670 --> 01:53:32,280 Okay, double tops okay, it's gonna be a lot of liquidity resting above that by itself that's enough. But what's wonderful is he gone over here bingo. Void you
668 01:53:32,280 --> 01:53:44,040 can use the low of this candle or low this one it doesn't make a difference it's both above or they are both rather above this this high which is another reason
669 01:53:44,040 --> 01:53:55,950 why this is going to be expectation for the price to move and start surging higher. Okay. Price does in fact run through it continues making a higher high
670 01:53:55,950 --> 01:54:06,180 and trades up into a level all this right here. Was that bearish daily ICT order block? In other words we expected selling up in here. Okay, just go back to the
671 01:54:06,180 --> 01:54:14,460 beginning of video where before I started talking about all kinds of other stuff. We had all this mapped out for the 9959 920 level of memory that that's
672 01:54:14,460 --> 01:54:26,970 with all this is in here. Okay. And then we further mark up this ice breaker. Watch what happens when price is coming down. Say you were fortunate to catch
673 01:54:26,970 --> 01:54:38,850 the sell in here based on this bullish I'm sorry bearish order block and you caught this move when price trades down into that you need to take some profits.
674 01:54:39,270 --> 01:54:46,650 Okay, take some profits, don't expect it to steamroll right on through and keep on cutting through all these levels. They're gonna be bounces around there.
675 01:54:46,830 --> 01:54:59,160 Okay. You need to expect that. Also notice that because of this down move, okay and in price surges away, what do you what do you apply to this model in price?
676 01:55:00,510 --> 01:55:10,440 Market Maker sell profile, because we anticipate a selling event up here. But until it can create a sell scenario for the 99 2950 level, it's got to trade up
677 01:55:10,440 --> 01:55:23,790 to it right. So overlay market makers sell profile, consolidation, it rallies away. Re accumulation, Smart Money reversal, low risk sell, sells off and in
678 01:55:23,790 --> 01:55:33,120 redistribution. where's it gonna go? It's going to try to run below these lows. It started the consolidation, which led to the beginning is the market maker
679 01:55:33,120 --> 01:55:44,550 sell profile. But let me get to this point first. We know selling off here the likelihood where's it gonna reach for back down to here? Why is a lot of orders
680 01:55:44,550 --> 01:55:54,240 down here. And it's in a primary uptrend still. So even if this is going to reverse or on a longer term scale, like we anticipate up here, buying a here and
681 01:55:54,240 --> 01:56:05,730 filling in this void here. We're returning back to this breaker. Look how much look how much range is there. We're gonna use a very high so we're gonna get to
682 01:56:05,730 --> 01:56:17,850 worst case. I'm gonna sorry, the best case scenario for low entry. And then say that right at the lowest potential profit, let's say it like that. Okay, all you
683 01:56:17,850 --> 01:56:30,210 have to there, it's 84 pips. Hello 84 pips, you don't want 84 pips? I've been doing this a long time, I still take 84 pips. There's an explosive move, trades
684 01:56:30,210 --> 01:56:40,140 into it, you buy it. Now, the rest of the world isn't going to see that as a buy. Remember, like, what the hell's happening? The dollar is crashing? They're
685 01:56:40,140 --> 01:56:50,400 not gonna see that as a buy. But when you buy it, what are you holding for a return to breaker? And you're gonna take some profits there? Do you anticipate
686 01:56:50,400 --> 01:56:59,910 continuing trading through? No. Why? Because the 929 950 level is a daily bear shoulder block. So you want to take your profits there? Now guess what you can
687 01:56:59,910 --> 01:57:09,330 do? You can go short. Where's what's the setup? What's the explosive market maker tool setup on this instance? Selling at the breaker reaching for the
688 01:57:09,330 --> 01:57:23,490 liquidity below the low here. It's that easy. Yeah. That's all it is. It's all it is. Why should it do that? Why should you expect it to do this? Well, we've
689 01:57:23,490 --> 01:57:30,300 already mapped out the idea of the breaker why it ran up here. It took the stops, overall spoons to go lower. It shows a willingness to go lower. This is a
690 01:57:30,300 --> 01:57:42,090 reason why you're in the bounce. Why? Because there's old order flow back here sell it. But now watch what happens. The owners who they bought here and the
691 01:57:42,090 --> 01:57:52,800 orders the ball here, down here through underwater. Oh, that's going to be useful, isn't it? How will we use that going forward? Well, we'll look at in a
692 01:57:52,800 --> 01:57:55,800 second. Going short here, up at the breaker.
693 01:57:59,190 --> 01:58:13,290 Just getting the old low down here. It's 97 pips. So we have 84 and 97 basically 200 pips two setups one market all inside of a day or two
694 01:58:18,420 --> 01:58:31,080 the market runs down below the low and comes back up trades in the body of the candle here. sells off. Where's it going to reach for what's going to reach for
695 01:58:33,330 --> 01:58:40,260 me the last couple of live sessions a deadline I think it was last week. I'm so out of touch. I don't know if it was last week or week four. But I did a couple
696 01:58:40,290 --> 01:58:52,860 live sessions and I taught that there's primary questions you need to ask it starts with two of them really? Where's where's fair market value? And where's
697 01:58:52,860 --> 01:59:06,330 institution overflow most likely going to take you to where it's liquidity okay. Well price had been going higher right. So, below this low is where SOS will be
698 01:59:06,330 --> 01:59:20,730 resting once we cleared out this area here of this order block it's been violated here. The only other level of liquidity below the market is here. You
699 01:59:20,730 --> 01:59:29,070 do have this bearish candle which is of icy bullish order block, but you have to look at it in context of where we are on the grand scheme of things because up
700 01:59:29,070 --> 01:59:39,480 here we framed out the idea that the daily suggesting lower prices. So these bullish ICT or order blocks are down countless part up moves should do what
701 01:59:39,600 --> 01:59:50,220 should they hold? Or should they fail? They should fail because the higher timeframe daily is going to have a lot more effect on and we're gonna talk about
702 01:59:50,220 --> 02:00:00,450 this in cable trade as a closer the this should fail. So it gives you a little bit of prognostication value. When you're looking at waterblocks when Should you
703 02:00:00,450 --> 02:00:12,090 look at a particular block over another? Well, the idea of 9929 950 up here on a daily is suggesting lower prices. And we gave up a key level here. Okay, because
704 02:00:12,090 --> 02:00:18,930 this is, this is crucial, because we took out this level here with it, and then we violated it here. Then we're unable to get back above the bottom of the
705 02:00:18,930 --> 02:00:29,100 candle here, mitigated and then traded down, we blew the liquidity out here took out the stops. So where were the next level of liquidity being?
706 02:00:34,740 --> 02:00:48,330 Below these lows, equal lows. Okay. So when price starts to rally up, what's it rallying up to? Well, we went back to this level here mitigated old high? Should
707 02:00:48,330 --> 02:00:56,850 there be a selling indication what we'll see, price starts to slide down. Okay, so now we have indications that they're selling more. So go back to the up
708 02:00:56,850 --> 02:01:05,430 candle. Now, here's where we got that same question earlier. Michael, when do you use the bottom of the candle? The wick or the body of the candle? When do
709 02:01:05,430 --> 02:01:15,750 you do that? Well, let me ask you a question. Looking at this candle? Is this a big beefy candle? Or is it a small body candle? Clearly, it's a big beefy
710 02:01:15,750 --> 02:01:28,020 candle. It's a big body candle. So this is when you use the body. And you use the the middle of it, okay? The mean threshold, you take your line, you draw it
711 02:01:28,020 --> 02:01:38,190 on air. Right? There, okay? See that? It's the midway point of the body, not the wick the wick. It's not what we're looking at here, guys, we're looking at the
712 02:01:38,190 --> 02:01:45,570 body of the candle, and it's right in the middle. Okay, so let me highlight that it's a little bit of a different color. I want to make a strong distinction
713 02:01:45,570 --> 02:01:54,960 between it and the other lines I have on here and I don't want to remove Yes, it's gonna have to work
714 02:02:03,780 --> 02:02:14,790 alright, so price shows are willing to sell off here. So now our thinking is this. They sold to here, above the halfway point is liquidity that's too thin,
715 02:02:14,820 --> 02:02:25,470 don't expect that to be read back into Okay, expect the middle point down to the bottom of the candle. Okay, so what am I saying? I'm saying that we need to take
716 02:02:25,470 --> 02:02:27,450 this into consideration.
717 02:02:45,630 --> 02:02:59,430 There, and that's how your bearish order block would be based on this market. Action in here. Let's take this fib off. So when price trades back up into it,
718 02:02:59,430 --> 02:03:12,420 this is where you sell right there. Where do you sell? Uh, well, the low on this candle. Low comes in at 9819 All right away we know 9820 Is inside that range
719 02:03:12,450 --> 02:03:29,520 because institutional level 9820 We got 9830 small round number and we got 9840. See, we highlighted 9843. Okay, so we could sell at 9840 9830 and 9820. Depends
720 02:03:29,520 --> 02:03:37,350 on what you want to find on a smaller timeframe. Drill up dropping down in smaller timeframes. You'd have all kinds of other setups but in here, that would
721 02:03:37,350 --> 02:03:48,270 be the sell right there. Okay, and what do you reach for? where's the where's the where's the two things I asked you for instructed you rather to look for
722 02:03:48,450 --> 02:03:58,560 when you're selling or buying rather when you're looking for your setups? Where's liquidity? Where's fair market value? Liquidity is where the market is
723 02:03:58,560 --> 02:04:05,940 going to be drawn back based on institutional order flow it's going to seek out liquidity and where's fair market value. Okay, watch
724 02:04:12,210 --> 02:04:23,280 the down candle prior to this upswing that led into the selling here. That's fair market value right there. price you sell here. You get out down here.
725 02:04:25,080 --> 02:04:35,880 Simple enough. Now, if you have a strong conviction that this is gonna be a longer term high. You would just take some profits here and leave someone but
726 02:04:35,880 --> 02:04:44,820 because we're in what primary uptrend or downtrend on the dollar, are you trying to catch reversals and held for the very high and hold it for multi year. That
727 02:04:44,820 --> 02:04:54,090 may be what you want to do. I don't do that. You got to be aware that there may be another deeper legs buying opportunity for the dollar. And I've been calling
728 02:04:55,260 --> 02:05:12,240 dollar $5 dollar $2.05 on the greenback for over a year now And I still believe it's possible to happen. So looking at that song in here, this is the selling it
729 02:05:12,240 --> 02:05:26,070 up here, we'll use the 30 level halfway of that range. And just getting down to this level here is 80. pips. It's a little hard to see. Right there. 80 pips
730 02:05:26,220 --> 02:05:37,470 right there. So again, explosive price action trades down, and then look what happens. It trades back one more time boom. Take a look inside this beefy
731 02:05:37,470 --> 02:05:45,630 candle. Now again, are we going to look at the bottom of the candle and use the wick only? Or are we going to do what we're going to break down the main
732 02:05:45,630 --> 02:06:00,120 threshold? big beefy bodies, we do what we measure the range of the body of the candle. You don't see this anywhere else. So it's not repackaged, it's not
733 02:06:00,120 --> 02:06:14,850 regurgitated. And then you take your line. Place it right on the 50% level, which is all I did was highlighted again on the fib level calibrated and just to
734 02:06:14,850 --> 02:06:29,160 show equilibrium. Thank you, Peter for showing me that I spelled or misspelled equilibrium wrong. The price action moves right up here and look at the buys it
735 02:06:29,190 --> 02:06:39,420 it goes just a little bit past the halfway point. But look out respects it now yes, it wicks through it. I'm not going to argue that it can do this. We said
736 02:06:39,420 --> 02:06:48,240 this before it can do that. But the bulk of the volume, which is always indicative and seen through the bodies of the candles, not the wicks, the wicks
737 02:06:48,240 --> 02:07:02,220 are going to always be the thinnest price action. It's reaching for stops. This high here, it runs through it, and then rejects it. See that? Now when you see
738 02:07:02,220 --> 02:07:10,650 this, the next question is what is this liquidity void? From the low down here, when I started running out like we did here, we did this buying opportunity here
739 02:07:10,650 --> 02:07:21,360 where it runs up. We are in a consolidation. Okay, so the question is, did we blow through these highs? No, we weren't able to blow through the highs, it's
740 02:07:21,360 --> 02:07:31,920 starting to break down. So the question is what Where's liquidity below the lows? So market, if you sell it here, you want to reach for a move gone below
741 02:07:31,920 --> 02:07:43,770 these lows, the market will look to take that liquidity out. That's these lows right here. And it does it right there. Then this rundown to get those stops,
742 02:07:43,950 --> 02:07:58,200 creates an opportunity is up candle inside of this void? Price comes back up trades up into what? Small little bodied candle? It's not a big beefy one,
743 02:07:58,200 --> 02:08:08,490 right? We don't even use the Fed now. We do what we use to wick to the body of the candle. already see some of you smiling already? Oh, it's making sense now.
744 02:08:09,900 --> 02:08:23,280 See that? Aren't you glad you pay for this, but PayPal? Best money ever spent trades right up into the dynamic resistance? Is it the bearish order block right
745 02:08:23,280 --> 02:08:30,900 in here at midway point of it, in fact, also, and sells off? Wonderful, isn't it. So
746 02:08:34,560 --> 02:08:43,230 you have to have a storyline behind what it is that you're trading and why you're trading it you got to be looking for the liquidity in the marketplace
747 02:08:43,260 --> 02:08:51,600 like the banks do because they're pushing price and they're buying and selling to drive price on a short term to manipulate price action. Okay, because they
748 02:08:51,600 --> 02:09:00,690 know by and large, if they manipulate price to a certain price level, they they know there's gonna be a whole lot of injection of action, okay, and that will
749 02:09:00,810 --> 02:09:12,180 drive their price moves further, they may have more interest to sell higher, but they'll buy short term to push price up just so the market price will print at
750 02:09:12,180 --> 02:09:21,330 that level knowing that the funds which you stops will be triggered into the marketplace or out of the marketplace respectively and giving them the
751 02:09:21,330 --> 02:09:35,340 counterparty to trade the smart money or banks do not see your stops. Okay and I'm not teaching or have nor have I ever seen myself ever present a case that
752 02:09:35,340 --> 02:09:46,350 the banks see your retail stop in FX em. They don't. They don't see O N does. They don't see eToro they don't see whatever else. You know these retail brokers
753 02:09:46,350 --> 02:09:55,710 have because they're outside that interbank level there inside of a small little children's pool of liquidity. And there's a big vast ocean out there that great
754 02:09:55,710 --> 02:10:06,480 big old sharks swim in and they know that The seals, they hang out on his little icebergs, and you're gonna be right above the highs and rate below the lows and
755 02:10:06,480 --> 02:10:16,410 that's where the stops are. And it doesn't come in just like a killer whale, they'll run up on it and knock them off and this Edom, so either you either
756 02:10:16,410 --> 02:10:24,690 elect to be a killer whale, or you stay a seal. There it is. Here's your analogy for today. So let's take a look at the cable and wrap this up because it must
757 02:10:24,690 --> 02:10:41,400 not mix ground I'm hungry. Surprise, surprise the cables lower. I'm not sure how that happened. Maybe because we said it was going to happen. Arrogance. Alright,
758 02:10:41,400 --> 02:10:50,730 so we have the cable running low. Or let's take a look at what I shared on Twitter real quick. Just for continuity sake before we get into it. I shared a
759 02:10:50,730 --> 02:11:05,790 couple of levels on Twitter indicating specific lows and a low comes in at 142 29 on this candle right here, let me make sure I'm getting the right one
760 02:11:10,530 --> 02:11:30,480 Yeah, 4229 to the low me and get it like that. So I can't see your comments, but I promise I will scroll through it later on to see it. But I'm hoping that you
761 02:11:30,480 --> 02:11:38,910 guys are learning something today because this is real, it really is higher level stuff. I mean, when you when you learn these types of things, it's not
762 02:11:38,910 --> 02:11:46,710 indicator based it's not mathematically derived. It's the psychology of the marketplace. And the institutions or the marketplace retail is not we're fleas
763 02:11:46,710 --> 02:11:58,290 on a big dog. So, there are two levels that I tweeted 142 29 and 135 10 respectively these levels here and because we are in what type of market
764 02:11:58,290 --> 02:12:11,910 profile, what market profile is this? Is it range down trending reversal, which one is it range bound. So in a consolidating market like this the market will do
765 02:12:11,910 --> 02:12:21,180 what it will seek liquidity above and below the marketplace well we saw that happen here. It took out the old highs and we traded down took out these equal
766 02:12:21,180 --> 02:12:30,450 lows and then look at the nice of the reaction here. This is a monthly chart okay, it took liquidity out and rally up several months and then roll back down.
767 02:12:31,290 --> 02:12:40,110 See that look closely. What do you see there right in here what do you see right in here now I'm gonna go to the questions section comma see if you guys are
768 02:12:40,110 --> 02:12:51,630 actually saying anything here that answers my my inquiry whoa I got some long winded so definitely will have to be read some of these statements after we
769 02:12:51,630 --> 02:13:05,040 close this a lot of a lot of them the scroll this out of the way and if you look at Hang on one second
770 02:13:48,660 --> 02:14:02,100 okay sorry about that. My 16 year old just came home from school he does a part time that works his job that he has to have for credit and then he has two
771 02:14:02,100 --> 02:14:13,380 classes in a day so he comes home midday. Just wanna make sure he didn't come anyhow. And and so we have a consolidating market. Okay, and we saw price take
772 02:14:13,380 --> 02:14:25,890 out the highs here. Let me just draw that up. So you can see how it was very good indication of a turtle soup comes up, hits it and rolls back down. where's
773 02:14:25,890 --> 02:14:37,980 it gonna reach for liquidity and fair market value. Okay, so, price cleans out these areas stops and then it bounces up. Where's it bouncing up to? Well ain't
774 02:14:37,980 --> 02:14:49,050 gonna be up here. There's no need for it to do that because it gave a reversal inside of the consolidation. Okay, because they the profiles can nest. We have a
775 02:14:49,050 --> 02:14:58,740 consolidation it takes out the stops, okay, and then runs down. If it's reaching down for liquidity below the marketplace. It does it here. But there's no
776 02:14:58,740 --> 02:15:09,420 necessity for the come back up. that that look close look real close in here. What do you see
777 02:15:18,060 --> 02:15:19,830 I'm actually waiting for a response from somebody
778 02:15:29,310 --> 02:15:48,210 see that this is the same thing that it just described in the dollar. See the old high here, down candle right below the old high. See that? What smart money
779 02:15:48,210 --> 02:15:56,220 doing here obviously, in hindsight, we can see it. But if you go back in my walker reviews, we were calling this thing higher all along. It's all in video.
780 02:15:56,220 --> 02:16:03,450 And I know you guys have been recorded and downloaded your computers. Call me bullshit on Twitter, if I'm not being honest. But I'm telling you, we were we
781 02:16:03,450 --> 02:16:12,900 were long all through here and calling for this old high. But the smart money is buying on the down move like that. Okay, this is a monthly candle down candle.
782 02:16:13,050 --> 02:16:23,100 Okay, so the buy orders that they have here have to be mitigated. If it's going to go lower, they bought it. This is how long term no stop loss holding type
783 02:16:23,100 --> 02:16:34,590 thing. They held on to this position it multi year, multi year, you're not going to hear this stuff taught in retail circuits. Because they don't know it. Banks
784 02:16:34,590 --> 02:16:44,610 can sit on long, long positions, macro view perspectives. Okay, they can sit on those positions, and they're hedging. That's one of the benefits they had that
785 02:16:44,610 --> 02:16:55,650 we can't do that in America, we can't hedge because once people knew that they could trade like this. You never lost. You never took a loss, not a net loss,
786 02:16:55,650 --> 02:17:04,980 let's put it that way. I mean, positions would be underwater, but eventually you could you can work your way out of it. The Breaker right in here, trades right
787 02:17:04,980 --> 02:17:14,400 back up into it here rolls over and does what reaches for liquidity below the market here. And ultimately, it still is will going to take out the low here.
788 02:17:14,640 --> 02:17:24,780 And if it gets a lot of steam, which I expect to vary. I personally expect a bounce of significance in here. I think it's gonna be a sharp reaction when it
789 02:17:24,780 --> 02:17:39,450 trades that level but if it continues to this mo right on through it, it's going to aim for this low 130 502 What am I saying 135 132 I don't think I did the
790 02:17:39,450 --> 02:17:50,190 price level on that below 135 Of the three so yeah, I have to set this 135 Of the three at least for this feed you have to do it for your own individual
791 02:17:50,190 --> 02:18:08,940 platforms. To get your your platforms price feed for that particular loan alone referring to is January low of 2009 and in the low of May 2010 Are the two
792 02:18:08,940 --> 02:18:16,650 levels that suspect that cable is gunning for okay and looking at a weekly chart
793 02:18:24,210 --> 02:18:35,760 okay we see price let me get this I got if you're saying anything I'm not going to see it so I will open up the window in a minute where you're commenting or
794 02:18:35,760 --> 02:18:49,320 questioning but I can't see for the next couple of minutes. The Equal lows in here. Okay, price swept below it you can see that very handsomely down here. And
795 02:18:49,320 --> 02:19:04,080 one more run below the load created here and in rally up rather aggressively. Where's it reaching for? Fair market value? sell off. Big candle. Use the middle
796 02:19:04,080 --> 02:19:19,650 of the candle mean threshold sell off. Small little body candle prior to the big move. What do you use the wick to the body sell off. Small little body candle
797 02:19:20,280 --> 02:19:31,680 for the big move down when you use the body to the wick. extend that out in time. You see all that distribution in here sells off. Okay. We have small by
798 02:19:31,680 --> 02:19:43,890 candle right before a big candle here. Used to wick to the body sell off. Price runs down and starts to break hard. Taking up the lows here and reaching for the
799 02:19:43,890 --> 02:19:48,450 liquidity resting at 142 29 we go down to a
800 02:19:53,910 --> 02:20:12,180 hang on I gotta remember what I was gonna say about this. Hold on. Oh, the most recent trading this didn't Cable Good grief here's the daily okay and price. We
801 02:20:12,180 --> 02:20:26,850 talked about being selling or selling scenario up in here. Okay, if you look at the beginning of December I gave you I believe it was a live session I know it's
802 02:20:26,850 --> 02:20:35,670 recorded this it's it's out there but we were talking about the market going lower here okay and potentially reaching down into this order block and whether
803 02:20:35,670 --> 02:20:46,320 we have the momentum to go through this lower not would be had to be seen at that time I think it's an x term I used and we are subscribing it and obviously
804 02:20:46,320 --> 02:20:57,030 you can see it is rolling in this steamrolling down I went short make sure I've got price here I sold it and
805 02:21:06,330 --> 02:21:22,470 yeah, I had a New York session trade selling short at 143 92 143 92. So let's go into a 15 minute timeframe
806 02:21:28,440 --> 02:21:37,650 and show you what I want to show you 143 92
807 02:21:44,970 --> 02:21:55,260 Now, I don't have this NT four demo account linked to the one to my effects. Otherwise, I could just very easily just pop it up there. The one I use that for
808 02:21:55,260 --> 02:22:06,780 I do it with my iPhone. So I'm just going to go through the My effects book and confirm everything I'm showing you is based on what what you see here. So we at
809 02:22:14,190 --> 02:22:19,320 and sevens
810 02:22:35,310 --> 02:22:42,030 All right. And it's on the wrong day.
811 02:23:07,260 --> 02:23:26,280 And time is right here, indicated by the arrow. And next thing it could I mean, I'm not saying it will, but I'd like to see it dry down and then hit that little
812 02:23:26,280 --> 02:23:35,760 lie. That'd be awesome. A little bit of a range today. Now if they can't do it, but it's still reaching. So we're in linen clothes now. So it may not have the
813 02:23:35,760 --> 02:23:47,520 gas to do it. But we have price trading right in here. Okay, and I want you to look close. This is the candle right in here. I traded into that right there.
814 02:23:50,670 --> 02:24:05,910 The big one rally up real strong. Any CMS last time it gets really really grounded. I think breakfast today and I'm regretting it now. So here's to candle
815 02:24:07,920 --> 02:24:08,400 rate
816 02:24:13,500 --> 02:24:28,500 Good grief. Here it is. Okay, this is the candle I want in long one. And I want you to look at what you see here. Zoom in one more time because this is very,
817 02:24:28,500 --> 02:24:40,950 very important. We have this big rally up. Okay, big ol rally and price comes back down and slams right into this. What is this? Now let me pull up the
818 02:24:40,950 --> 02:24:45,090 question segment. We got to take this off
819 02:24:52,050 --> 02:25:01,080 okay, right in here, price comes back down into this liquidity void right here and fills the range from here, all the way up here. comes right back down and
820 02:25:01,080 --> 02:25:17,100 lowers it looks like this here's the range explodes, takes out the stopped here, rallies a little bit more and then starts coming back down. Okay. And slams
821 02:25:17,100 --> 02:25:33,930 right into it. There, they're right there. Okay, Ray in this candle. Okay, I'm thinking now there's a tug of war on the setups this timeframe is a 15 minute
822 02:25:33,930 --> 02:25:46,020 timeframe okay and it's exactly what I had on my phone Mike I'm I know I'm not saying I bought it I never said that I bought it. I'm explaining something in
823 02:25:46,020 --> 02:25:57,000 contrast to you know, the benefits of why I do what I did. I never said I bought it. The the market rallied up here. Okay. And it came right back down to this
824 02:25:57,030 --> 02:26:03,390 level right here. What is this? What's this candle right here
825 02:26:11,970 --> 02:26:25,080 bullish shoulder block. No problem. No problem. I appreciate your enthusiasm, though. The fact that we saw rally up like this, okay, and a down candle in
826 02:26:25,080 --> 02:26:34,230 normal market conditions. Okay, if this is a bullish environment, this exactly, this is exactly what you would expect to be a buyer. Okay, this is exactly how
827 02:26:34,230 --> 02:26:45,780 you'd handle it. It's in New York open. Okay, it's a wonderful setup. And I I went in with the idea Shawn and it's one of the exercises I also teach that you
828 02:26:45,780 --> 02:26:57,690 have to test one order block against another order block. And this is the only use you start to appreciate the higher timeframe. Okay, we're going to look at
829 02:26:57,690 --> 02:27:06,870 the higher timeframe in respect to what we're showing here but I want you to see what I traded short right into one a very very short term. This was screaming a
830 02:27:06,870 --> 02:27:20,250 buy but it was a very short term timeframe setup. Nonetheless, it could have paid out handsomely but it's still a short term setup. I went short rate at the
831 02:27:20,250 --> 02:27:26,850 time it was most bullish on a very short term basis watch it takes place
832 02:27:37,320 --> 02:27:49,350 rallies off strong Where's liquidity about the high right is everyone agree the liquidity will be above these highs or this high rather
833 02:27:55,260 --> 02:27:56,580 waiting for your response?
834 02:28:37,410 --> 02:28:46,260 You guys there so air
835 02:28:55,350 --> 02:28:56,460 can get the audio check
836 02:29:03,000 --> 02:29:04,620 guys there Hulu Hulu Hulu
837 02:29:14,160 --> 02:29:18,990 Can you guys hear me wait for a response from one of you guys to let me know
838 02:29:24,630 --> 02:29:33,300 thank you very much. I'm not sure what just happened. We had our lights this flicker. And that connects our connection from Comcast. This was briefly cut.
839 02:29:35,580 --> 02:29:44,730 Alright, so I'm not sure how that's gonna affect the recording. But if we're still talking make sure it's still going it's still recording so you didn't miss
840 02:29:44,730 --> 02:29:55,770 anything. Alright, so as price is running up, do we agree that as prices rallying liquidity is going to be above the high here
841 02:30:00,000 --> 02:30:15,960 All right, so we know price is gonna most likely going to run up, try to reach through this high. And price runs and takes out the high right here. I sat
842 02:30:15,960 --> 02:30:26,340 through all this without a stoploss order, okay? without any protection whatsoever and no limit order for profit objective. This is one of the things I
843 02:30:26,340 --> 02:30:33,360 want you to do as well and your demo account, this is how you use a demo account. Okay, you want to see the effects of buying and selling at higher
844 02:30:33,360 --> 02:30:45,150 timeframe and lower timeframe, order blocks, and you'll see the reactions of it. Okay, and by doing that, it will give you input that you'll use for future
845 02:30:45,420 --> 02:30:55,470 trades in either a demo account if you're still in development stage or in live trading. My question is this, how could this be used as positive reinforcement?
846 02:30:56,820 --> 02:31:00,930 Even though it's in a demo account? How is this beneficial to you?
847 02:31:06,600 --> 02:31:16,830 By taking an exercise like this. And being short here, how's that beneficial to you seeing something like this, when it runs out like that? How would that be
848 02:31:16,980 --> 02:31:17,700 beneficial?
849 02:31:27,150 --> 02:31:38,340 Well, yeah, no, that's good. Trusting, okay, trusting that you're able to see reactions and moves before they happen, okay. But more importantly, if you do
850 02:31:38,340 --> 02:31:47,490 get caught up, and you take a trade, and it starts to scream against you, you have to know where it's most likely going to reach for and if you're able to
851 02:31:47,490 --> 02:31:59,910 take the risk if you're able to take the risk on and whether that okay, and this is another reason why you keep your risk small because if you're only risking a
852 02:31:59,910 --> 02:32:09,840 half percent or 1% You're still within the realm of absorbing something like this. Now, the question is, do you continue holding on to it if it's rally on
853 02:32:09,840 --> 02:32:20,730 through it? No. But if you are willing to absorb the move up to here and still stick to your overall convictions that it's going to trade lower? This is what
854 02:32:20,760 --> 02:32:29,160 you would this is what you would take from it. Okay, but I want to show you the contrast between seeing a short term 15 minute bearish candle which is a bullish
855 02:32:29,160 --> 02:32:42,510 order block seeing the reactions of it like that but still staying in the move Yes, Brian, you could have you could have sold here on a turtle suit Yes. Okay,
856 02:32:42,510 --> 02:32:52,590 so price comes down and starts to roll What do you see here right here
857 02:33:09,510 --> 02:33:23,700 start look at the reactions in here see that middle of this up candle to all look at the buys of the candle late there sweeps in just a little bit above it
858 02:33:24,390 --> 02:33:32,010 but ultimately starts to sell off and runs reaching for the order block right here
859 02:33:38,340 --> 02:33:42,870 and that's where we're at now
860 02:33:56,250 --> 02:33:56,970 what's this
861 02:34:11,490 --> 02:34:14,730 bearish order block it's up candle though who sells enough candles
862 02:34:20,580 --> 02:34:26,430 smart money banks deep pockets people with more money than ICT Yes for sure.
863 02:34:54,900 --> 02:34:59,010 Part of the candle equilibrium
864 02:35:04,620 --> 02:35:09,780 From the low up to the midpoint is where you want to be seller right in here
865 02:35:20,340 --> 02:35:29,520 right there you want to be a seller anywhere in this in this area and only if it's in a time zone that we'd like to trade which is ICT kill zone for London
866 02:35:29,520 --> 02:35:31,200 and New York open or London close
867 02:35:36,900 --> 02:35:46,920 Okay, so have I satisfied the inquiry about why I go back and forth with when I use the wicks and when I use the bodies
868 02:35:53,430 --> 02:36:07,710 okay if anything else if nothing else rather at least it like at least today we we've answered that and wasted enough of your time dealing it yeah, that's that
869 02:36:07,710 --> 02:36:21,630 was the point of the last cable trade obviously we know that the last couple of times we talked live we were calling cable lower using a higher timeframe setup
870 02:36:22,770 --> 02:36:33,540 holding on to a trade and taking profits before because average Joe still in his development state he's trying to learn and trust the order blocks and such. So
871 02:36:33,840 --> 02:36:42,480 I'm kind of give you a a real timeline on what to expect what would be considered normal in my opinion. And then you'll start seeing in a couple months
872 02:36:42,480 --> 02:36:53,580 you'll see the stark contrast to doing things a lot more systematic. Could you comment on dollar bond decoupling yet? It's something I'm not following at this
873 02:36:53,580 --> 02:37:03,330 time. Because I do believe the interest rate markets are about to crash all the instruments should be not traded right now. They're gonna they're gonna put a
874 02:37:03,330 --> 02:37:13,050 whammy on everyone. And that's one of the reasons why I don't trade bond futures and I just think that anyone in debt instruments right now shouldn't
875 02:37:13,050 --> 02:37:36,390 be a Forex Ltd for X Ltd, Larry Tom dick. If you do a search on Google for Mt four platform for X Ltd, they have the dollar index Yes, Patrick it's being
876 02:37:36,390 --> 02:37:36,960 recorded
877 02:37:45,780 --> 02:37:55,920 the correlation between s&p and currencies one that does really good with s&p is Aussie dollar
878 02:38:03,420 --> 02:38:13,410 do I always use SMT for confirmation or not? 99% of my trades have some measure of an SMT attributed to it Yes.
879 02:38:21,600 --> 02:38:30,450 Why do they manipulate the dollar when so free retail traders trade it? Well, it's not that a trading the dollar per se, but they're trading against it. When
880 02:38:30,450 --> 02:38:43,650 we're trading all the pairs, the majors like the POUND DOLLAR. If you're if you trade cable, you are trading the dollar, you're just trading it short. So the
881 02:38:43,650 --> 02:38:54,870 dollar is a barometer. In my opinion, much like the stock indices are like the Dow Jones NASDAQ and s&p 500 If the overall trend of the general market, in
882 02:38:54,870 --> 02:39:09,720 fact, the way I deem that is the health or strength or weakness of the overall market can be discerned by looking at one measure or device which being in my
883 02:39:09,720 --> 02:39:21,150 opinion, the dollar if it's if it being the dollar is poised to move higher. That's like one of the best scenarios for being a short seller for foreign
884 02:39:21,150 --> 02:39:38,040 currencies. It's it's really simple. It's not like rocket science, but it's one of the things is very, very often miss mistaken for its effectiveness or
885 02:39:38,040 --> 02:39:38,760 importance.
886 02:40:13,530 --> 02:40:23,910 Okay, if you're looking for SMT reversal if you're looking for correlated pair SMT divergence, okay? I didn't want to do this but it's really good that I do it
887 02:40:23,940 --> 02:40:32,460 because it's going to be a problem that don't. Euro pound I'm just curious if anybody else expect this to go higher
888 02:40:37,980 --> 02:40:40,440 did we not call Euro pound higher
889 02:40:47,640 --> 02:41:01,770 we call this bad boy up. Okay. So with when you look at this and this is what makes foreign exchange difficult, admittedly. But when you understand it, it
890 02:41:01,800 --> 02:41:15,660 works in wonderful concert with three, three currency pairs. The dollar always has to be a factor in your trading. Okay. And based on what the dollar is doing
891 02:41:16,080 --> 02:41:37,800 is going to be insightful, you do what your foreign currency trades, okay? The dollar is, in essence in a consolidation inside of a larger uptrend Would
892 02:41:37,800 --> 02:41:39,300 everyone agree that that's the case?
893 02:41:45,270 --> 02:41:55,710 Okay, so we're in a primary uptrend with $1 in a consolidation, so they're holding dollar. So by holding dollar, that gives the freedom for the other
894 02:41:55,710 --> 02:42:08,340 foreign currencies to move, rather strong. Okay, so there is two conditions that take place. And you can have the dollar trending lower, which would be a
895 02:42:08,340 --> 02:42:19,440 trending market, higher in the foreign currency markets. But if they hold dollar in a consolidation, you're gonna see very strong and sharp moves in foreign
896 02:42:19,440 --> 02:42:31,200 currencies. So there's a market maker 12 tip for you. If dollar is in consolidation, okay, it's in a holding pattern. That means that the accelerated
897 02:42:31,200 --> 02:42:48,030 moves are going to occur not on the dollar side of the currencies in other words, like how would I say this the dot like the British pound and the dollar,
898 02:42:48,060 --> 02:42:57,630 okay, to British pounds going to have a lot more freedom to move versus the Dollar seeing respective move, like we see the cable. Let's go over to the cable
899 02:42:57,630 --> 02:43:01,380 real quick. Okay, cable is.
900 02:43:10,320 --> 02:43:22,080 Moving right along lower continuing its primary downtrend. And looking at it, it's got a lot more freedom to move lower in a trending environment. Whereas the
901 02:43:22,080 --> 02:43:34,080 dollar is in a holding pattern, and it's still stuck in its range. Respectively see that. We're going sideways, while the cable has freedom to go lower in the
902 02:43:34,080 --> 02:43:49,200 trending move, okay. Now, for the euro. Let's go over to a four hour chart. Now I know I'm gonna open up a Pandora's box with all this, because it's something I
903 02:43:49,200 --> 02:44:00,300 can't teach in one sitting. But euro is in a holding pattern as well see that we're in a very large consolidation in which we call this well well, months ago,
904 02:44:00,360 --> 02:44:08,250 earlier on in the beginning of last year, we said that when we get down to these levels, it may go into a larger consolidation and trade sideways for for a long
905 02:44:08,250 --> 02:44:15,510 period of time. It's in video, you can go see it, it's there. Now you're probably saying well, what's the big deal? Who cares? It's you know, it's going
906 02:44:15,510 --> 02:44:27,240 in that well yes, you can't because if you're in a large consolidation in the euro and you're in a consolidation in the dollar Okay. Think about what you got
907 02:44:27,240 --> 02:44:36,270 here. If you have a piece of paper and a pen and if you don't have one shame on you because you're watching a video with me live she always be taking notes. I
908 02:44:36,270 --> 02:44:47,400 want you to take when you piece paper into like a triangle formation, okay, I want you to write the dollar into center your piece of paper, lower left I want
909 02:44:47,400 --> 02:44:59,070 you to write euro in the lower right I want you to write British pounds. Okay, so you have the top of the triangle is $1. The lower left is euro. lower right
910 02:44:59,100 --> 02:45:12,180 is it British Pound right now, dollar on a four hour basis is consolidating, it's in an uptrend, but it's consolidating you see that so you have to circle
911 02:45:12,240 --> 02:45:41,820 the dollar the Euro you is in a consolidation as well in a primary downtrend so you need to circle the Euro now watch British Pound is trending lower, it's in a
912 02:45:41,820 --> 02:45:53,160 trending environment. Okay. Now, I don't know if you ever study fractions or or whatever in school. But if you didn't study fractions, this is probably going to
913 02:45:53,160 --> 02:46:04,380 be a little tricky for you. But it's really simplistic when you understand fractions. The dollar and the euro are in consolidation, they're in holding
914 02:46:04,380 --> 02:46:20,190 patterns, okay? The cable is being permitted to move lower. Okay. The British Pound is dropping, while the Euro is sideways to up. Now, in those environments,
915 02:46:20,460 --> 02:46:29,520 people like Steve Morrow, which learned my stuff partially and ran with it and tried to make money dealing it. I never explained all the things that you're
916 02:46:29,520 --> 02:46:36,570 learning in market maker 12, or a market maker series really, until I just recently started doing it. So that's the reason why when you watch his horseshit
917 02:46:36,600 --> 02:46:45,750 on YouTube, he'll say that correlation doesn't work. Correlation works perfectly. But you have to understand why the banks are doing what they're
918 02:46:45,750 --> 02:46:57,270 doing, and holding certain currencies in consolidation, to allow other currencies to run. And it's done by manipulating the whole board, or working the
919 02:46:57,270 --> 02:47:06,270 crosses. And what I mean by that is, we have those three currency pairs there, okay. Um, so that currency pairs with currencies, you have the dollar, which is
920 02:47:06,420 --> 02:47:18,930 the king, it's above everyone else, you're on lower left, both euro and dollar are in consolidation. Cable, or British Pound is allowed to move, it's been
921 02:47:18,930 --> 02:47:30,030 trending lower, it did not enter into consolidation. It's trending lower. Because the cable or British Pound is in a trending environment, lower dollars
922 02:47:30,030 --> 02:47:46,380 and consolidation. And fiber is in consolidation. That means the trade is going to be in what pair draw a line connecting euro and pound on your chart that you
923 02:47:46,380 --> 02:48:01,500 just drew or picture, connect euro and British Pound. If cable, or British Pound is dropping in a trending environment, and euros being held, what reaction in
924 02:48:01,500 --> 02:48:10,320 price action? What direction would that indicate? Or what you would expect to see in Euro pound? What direction should it go up or down?
925 02:48:12,720 --> 02:48:23,610 Now, you want to make millions of dollars. These are the types of setups that you look for, because they happen a couple times a year. They are unbelievable
926 02:48:23,820 --> 02:48:33,870 loaded deals. I mean, it's like they are so telling that they You can't miss it, but you have to understand the dynamics behind it. Otherwise, it'll completely
927 02:48:33,870 --> 02:48:41,760 be oblivious to you. Now, for those who just watching this for the first time, it's going to sound like well, I mean of course now Euro Pound has been
928 02:48:41,760 --> 02:48:49,170 rocketing up. I mean it's been going up for hundreds and hundreds of pips Michael Of course now you're going to come out and say this stuff works like
929 02:48:49,170 --> 02:48:59,190 that. Well, if you were with me the beginning of December I was telling everybody this thing was going to roll and roll and roll. Okay and where we're
930 02:48:59,190 --> 02:49:19,050 at is your Oh Pam, I know I got this here. Here's your PAM. And let's go over here Excuse me. We have the market trading down into what what's this right here
931 02:49:25,200 --> 02:49:27,930 bullish order block who buys in down candles
932 02:49:33,900 --> 02:49:45,780 banks okay. They have small little range, what makes it a small range look around it. There's bigger ranges and there's a smaller range. There's a smaller
933 02:49:45,780 --> 02:49:55,110 range in contrast to the bigger ranges. Okay, all I did was use something I learned from Larry Williams, my mentor, small ranges we got large ranges and
934 02:49:55,110 --> 02:50:05,730 large ranges we got small ranges. Okay. So this is a smaller range. I'm going to use the wick to the bar it and we're cutting through candles, guys. So through
935 02:50:05,760 --> 02:50:14,550 all the supply and demand horseshit out the window, you gotta go through the candles and find out where the primary for the parent price swing starts here.
936 02:50:15,450 --> 02:50:25,650 Okay, it comes down and dip into your block here. But what timeframe is this? Daily, daily can eat into that Otterbox especially if there's going to be a
937 02:50:25,650 --> 02:50:34,080 sizable move. Great, here you go. Boom takes off. Now think. What do you see here?
938 02:51:02,520 --> 02:51:05,130 You're all flashing, it's a mark of a goodbye for a while.
939 02:51:25,080 --> 02:51:35,070 Down into an area be a buyer. Okay. The mechanics are dollars in consolidation, euros in consolidation, we said euro was most likely going to go into
940 02:51:35,070 --> 02:51:43,020 consolidation before it went into consolidation. How did I know that? Why did I say those words? Because I study market profiling. And I'm not talking about
941 02:51:43,020 --> 02:51:51,450 market profile where they have all those bars vertically along the horizontal I'm sorry, horizontal lines, I guess shown volume or whatever, around specific
942 02:51:51,450 --> 02:51:58,290 price levels, which I don't have any faith in. Okay. When I say market profile I'm talking about is it in a market trend? Is it in consolidation? Or is it
943 02:51:58,290 --> 02:52:10,380 reversing? There's a three market profiles? Okay. JP, I think you're probably the only one that can hear me. So if you're hearing this in the recording,
944 02:52:10,470 --> 02:52:23,490 understand that everyone else is able to hear me. So it's something that's limited to you. But we have the Euro pound free to rally. Okay. And if it's
945 02:52:23,490 --> 02:52:31,410 going to rally, how far is it going to rally? What's the structure behind all the rally that should take place? Well, we have a consolidation market drops
946 02:52:31,410 --> 02:52:42,300 down into an area that buying Smart Money reversal, low risk buy inside of a bullish order block rallies off. Re accumulation takes off the top of
947 02:52:42,300 --> 02:52:43,080 consolidation
948 02:52:50,370 --> 02:53:07,410 if you see trades like well, you can do the same process with the kiwi and Ozzy. Okay, you just look at the price action between the dollar the kiwi and the
949 02:53:07,410 --> 02:53:19,110 Australian dollar. Okay, and the same thing you can do with the Japanese yen, euro and the cable just replace the dollar with the yen. And you'd look at the
950 02:53:19,110 --> 02:53:29,250 difference between are. Are you seeing the yen in consolidation? Or is it trending? Or is the Euro consolidating? Or is it trending? Or is the pound
951 02:53:30,180 --> 02:53:38,040 you're consolidating or trending, okay. And by having those three on there, by seeing which ones are being held, the other one is going to be freed up, they're
952 02:53:38,040 --> 02:53:47,760 only going to hold two. Okay, they're only going to hold two in this triad. Now when you're looking at two pairs, okay? Because you can have correlated setups
953 02:53:47,760 --> 02:53:57,990 like this as well, where they'll hold Euro sideways, okay, and they'll run cable, and they'll run dollar. So there's, there's a little bit of a thing that
954 02:53:58,320 --> 02:54:07,800 has to come by experience. And that unfortunately is going to have to be worked out for you, by you. Okay, and it's a neck type thing. It's an experience thing
955 02:54:07,800 --> 02:54:15,960 I wish I could say this is you know, what you do every single time. But it's just an experience thing that you have to build on your own trading, okay. But
956 02:54:15,960 --> 02:54:24,300 these are the building blocks how you get to it, because like I said, I can't see where the orders are on the banks. I can't see them really, okay. I just
957 02:54:24,300 --> 02:54:32,070 know how they're most likely going to be layered into the marketplace, and where they're most likely going to reach for based on that. And if I start seeing
958 02:54:32,070 --> 02:54:42,510 signs that particular currency is being held in consolidation, they're only going to hold a currency and consolidation to allow the cross the move. and
959 02:54:42,510 --> 02:54:53,280 easiest way to describe it is what we just did here with the Euro pound. Okay? And how you use that sets up astronomical trading opportunities where if you see
960 02:54:53,280 --> 02:54:59,700 it happening, and it's only a couple times a year, does it you know, it's not every single parent does it, but there's a couple times where the setup like
961 02:54:59,700 --> 02:55:08,940 these may I get trades. And when you see it, it's just like, man, it's so telling what they're doing. So I'm not sure where you are in your scope of
962 02:55:09,090 --> 02:55:19,170 trading. But if you could get into an area have you taken a trade around the 70 level down here, knowing that the likelihood is going to run up to hear and
963 02:55:19,170 --> 02:55:29,760 clear out that not not even so much this they just gets back to here. Okay, if you can find trades like that every year, just one of them and you use your your
964 02:55:29,760 --> 02:55:40,680 money management and your trade setups. If you can, you set up a trade down here with 2030 pips risk to well, let's see what it is. I'm not sure what it is
965 02:55:40,680 --> 02:55:58,560 really top my head. It's over 500 pips. And ultimately, it's gone now to sit over 700 pips. They usually last several weeks to a couple of months, because
966 02:55:58,560 --> 02:56:08,160 they're macro type events that's being set up. When you're looking at the daily chart. Now, the same phenomenon take place on lower timeframes to like, you can
967 02:56:08,160 --> 02:56:17,940 see dollar being held in a small consolidation on an hourly basis, where euro is ripping, and cables being held. Well, that's going to indicate the same thing
968 02:56:17,940 --> 02:56:26,850 we're kind of seeing here. It's wherever pair, whatever currency is being allowed to move. If the other ones dropping, you got to look at how that relates
969 02:56:26,850 --> 02:56:36,300 to like the Euro pound, euros being held, won't drop with cable, okay, and it's going the other direction or staying, it's consolidation. And if the cables
970 02:56:36,300 --> 02:56:44,820 really turn lower, like we've been seeing, that's going to be 100%, bullish for Euro pound, because Euro won't be going down with cable, it's going to be
971 02:56:44,820 --> 02:56:54,900 holding up. And because pound is a second in the currency pair of Euro pound, it's going to allow Euro two or euro pound to show appreciation going higher and
972 02:56:54,930 --> 02:57:03,120 not see it go lower, and it'll be dynamic, it won't be this little muddled little slow increase over time, it's going to be like boom, boom, boom. Real
973 02:57:03,120 --> 02:57:12,630 hard, like you see here, it's indicative as you see it right here. That's how you find explosive price moves. It's not seeing them both moving in tandem, you
974 02:57:12,630 --> 02:57:22,470 won't see these explosive moves that you're seeing here. When euro and cable are moving in tandem, it can't happen. It can only happen when one's being held in
975 02:57:22,470 --> 02:57:26,820 there holding it to create these environments like this. Does that make sense?
976 02:57:46,620 --> 02:57:57,690 Okay, so a lot of questions you guys are asking. And I really wish I had the time to get all over them. But the wonderful thing about this, this platform is
977 02:57:57,690 --> 02:58:05,760 it logs everything that said to me in question format. So that way, if I don't get to your question or comment while we're doing the recording, or
978 02:58:05,760 --> 02:58:13,290 presentation, it gives me an opportunity to go through it and I can sometimes answer in a future video or sometimes as easy as a tweet. So if I didn't get to
979 02:58:13,290 --> 02:58:25,710 your stuff, or question or whatever, I apologize, but a really is a ton of them. I'm sure so many of them coming. They're still flipping by. So so the the
980 02:58:25,710 --> 02:58:38,940 recording is obviously recording still. But the I will have to cut it here. I want to be able to make sure I get this. This recording it before I go out with
981 02:58:38,940 --> 02:58:50,310 my wife tonight. So give me some time to get it formatted. It's really quick usually when a format to mp4 with disapprove with this platform, and then
982 02:58:50,400 --> 02:59:03,480 obviously uploading it to my my server doesn't take long at all. So I'm going to close it here. I'm starving. And I'm not sure how long we've been going at this
983 02:59:03,480 --> 02:59:11,310 but it's been a couple of hours. I think that the three hours. Thanks, Mike. It didn't feel like three hours off. I was thinking like two hours, but it's three
984 02:59:11,310 --> 02:59:22,860 hours. Good grief. Well, I'm going to like say I'll close it here. This is not one of those videos, you watch one time. Okay, this is one of those videos where
985 02:59:23,070 --> 02:59:31,860 you can listen to while you're driving back and forth to work a couple times a week. Okay? Listen to me, because a lot of it's a lot of jawboning. Okay, I only
986 02:59:31,890 --> 02:59:39,090 really watch it when we get to the charting stuff where we're actually talking about examples. But the first part of the video is really good commute.
987 02:59:39,330 --> 02:59:48,960 Discussion. If, if I offended you with my language, please just it's not my intent to do that. But sometimes it does get a little passionate about some of
988 02:59:48,960 --> 02:59:57,270 the things I say and the human I mean comes out. So with that, guys, I wish you good luck and good trading and give me some feedback on Twitter. If this was
989 02:59:57,270 --> 03:00:04,320 insightful to you. Have a good week and I'll talk to you Next weekend well actually I said that backwards now have a good weekend I'll talk to you next
990 03:00:04,320 --> 03:00:07,020 week how about that see you guys