LostAndFound-2015-04-26 ICT - Trading With 90 Percent Setups With Consistency-90_percent.srt2015-04-26 ICT - Trading With 90 Percent Setups With Consistency-90_percent.srt

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2022-11-10 06:58


00:10 - The importance of starting with low-level objectives.

02:52 - How do we identify low hanging fruit in terms of returns that are achievable and realistic?

09:22 - What would be a realistic account size to start with?

12:03 - What is the average daily range in cable pairs?

18:18 - What are the probabilities of price gyrating above and below the opening price?

22:03 - The goal is to get to 30 pips per week.

29:34 - The more you trade, the more likely you’re going to take a loss.

33:13 - How to use charts to get to 9% setups -.

38:42 - You need to know what you’re looking for.

41:12 - Selling on weakness vs. strength.

48:31 - Graphically depicting a daily candle.

52:08 - What you learn by seeing it in real time.

57:59 - What are the times of the day when the market goes sideways?

01:00:38 - Selling short on a bearish order block.

01:07:54 - It's not about me, it's about everyone else -.

01:11:06 - Why you need to have higher timeframe charts.

01:18:32 - Swing low and daily high.

01:22:11 - What happens if market flow is broken.

01:30:22 - Market Maker By Profile Breakdown.

01:33:06 - How to use a horizontal line inside the consolidation to get more for your money.

01:39:34 - How to create a low-boom in New York.

01:42:56 - Where the New York session kill zone takes place.

01:49:28 - You don’t even need to break the range.

01:53:10 - What’s the most appropriate form of trading during a down day?


00:00:10,110 --> 00:00:19,260 ICT: Hello, folks, this is the inner circle trader, or as many of you know, Michael Huddleston, we're gonna be looking at the idea of trading with 90%
00:00:19,260 --> 00:00:31,050 setups. And I know that probably sounds very ambitious as a goal and teaching in the framework of one particular video. But I'm going to lay that challenge
00:00:31,050 --> 00:00:39,540 before myself, and let's see if we can accomplish that in about an hour or so. But before we get into the specifics on how you actually go into the
00:00:39,540 --> 00:00:49,650 marketplace, and ferreting out these 90% setups, it's important that you understand that there is a huge advantage to your trading. If you go into your
00:00:50,610 --> 00:01:01,590 learning with low level objectives, okay, don't go in there thinking you're trying to new double your account in a month, or even six months are you getting
00:01:01,590 --> 00:01:14,430 crazy returns like 30, New 50% per month. I think that 6% is an ambitious goal for a monthly return for a new trader. And I think that if proper study and
00:01:14,430 --> 00:01:23,970 amount of time over price action study, not trading study, okay, and understanding the framework of the concepts that I teach most of what you can
00:01:23,970 --> 00:01:33,870 find on the inner circle trader.com. A lot of the tutorials that I have on that website, and on my YouTube channel, there's a plethora of information already
00:01:33,870 --> 00:01:45,900 available. And I know most of you're waiting for the, in the crowning jewels of my market maker concept series of going 910 1112. This is kind of have a little
10 00:01:45,900 --> 00:01:56,070 bit of some of the flavor you'll see in those videos, but took a lot of specifics, either that entire collection of the last portion of that series, and
11 00:01:56,070 --> 00:02:04,350 kind of like threw it together for a lot of folks that are asking me, Can you give me something that I can work with right now. And that is in a way using
12 00:02:04,440 --> 00:02:14,670 majority the concepts I've shared over the last five years plus in the FX community, and how to how to frame an idea on going into the charts going into
13 00:02:15,270 --> 00:02:25,920 the equity plans that would be necessary for a new trader to adhere to or at least work within and and grow and graduate into new, higher loftier goals. Now
14 00:02:25,920 --> 00:02:31,620 doesn't mean you're always going to hit these goals, obviously, because your past performance is not indicative of future results. And everything I'm showing
15 00:02:31,620 --> 00:02:41,340 you here is not to say there's any account that's ever done this, okay, we're speaking in the realm of theory. Okay. So while these ideas are theoretically
16 00:02:41,340 --> 00:02:48,750 possible, they're not theoretically guaranteed, okay, so I want you to understand that. But if you don't have a target, okay, and you're aiming at
17 00:02:48,750 --> 00:02:57,900 nothing, you're gonna hit it every time. So we're gonna start with a low objective. Okay. And I know some of you would you argue with me and saying that
18 00:02:57,900 --> 00:03:07,860 6% return is, you know, a pretty ambitious return if you're used to seeing the results that your new fund manager does with your stock accounts. And you know,
19 00:03:07,860 --> 00:03:17,400 if you have an IRA in the States or whatever, that's a really good return. And the idea that they teach in equities is if you can return an average of 12% per
20 00:03:17,400 --> 00:03:26,250 year, man, 12% a year is absolutely doable. You know, why people invest their money in those types of accounts, and not simply learn how to manage your money
21 00:03:26,250 --> 00:03:33,780 is beyond me. But that's another discussion, another rabbit show for another video. Okay, so we're gonna look at the idea of just trading with one and a half
22 00:03:33,780 --> 00:03:46,560 percent risk, okay. And yes, that's kind of high if you're a new trader. So if you're a new trader, okay, even in a demo account, do not tray with 2% 5% 10%,
23 00:03:46,590 --> 00:03:57,420 or like that, you should be trading about a half of 1%, and maybe even a quarter of 1%. And the purpose of that is not to get lulled into believing the demo
24 00:03:57,420 --> 00:04:05,520 account profits and losses that you take, they won't have any emotional effect on you. Okay, you'll be able to look at the results in a pure
25 00:04:06,990 --> 00:04:15,690 analytical fashion where you're not being tugged toward fashion internally and psychologically, even though it's Monopoly money, it's pretend is not making you
26 00:04:15,690 --> 00:04:23,970 any money when you're in a demo account. If you're starting as a new trader, it's important that you use the tool of the demo account to frame your
27 00:04:23,970 --> 00:04:33,570 development step by step by step to the point where you graduate to seeing consistently profitable in terms of pips, okay, this being you know, harvested
28 00:04:33,570 --> 00:04:41,850 from your, your trade selections and your timing and your accident. Okay? So if you're doing all the steps properly, you're not going to be looking for money
29 00:04:41,850 --> 00:04:49,410 initially, and I'm talking to first six months, and then a lot of folks just don't do not patient enough. Okay, but you know, I beat you over the head, you
30 00:04:49,410 --> 00:04:57,720 know, for the last five years, you're going to be patient with me or you're just going to leave and most of you stuck around and I congratulate well, well done.
31 00:04:57,840 --> 00:05:06,150 Okay. So the The patients factor really is a millionaire maker, okay? And if you don't have patience, you're going to lose, okay? And I guarantee that you're not
32 00:05:06,150 --> 00:05:12,540 going to make money consistently, you might have a flash in the pan success story, okay, but keep doing it and you'll lose, I promise you, it's gonna
33 00:05:12,540 --> 00:05:24,450 happen. So how do we how do we identify low hanging fruit in terms of returns that are very achievable and realistic in the foreign exchange market, once you
34 00:05:24,450 --> 00:05:33,660 understand the framework of your specific trading style, and that trading style may be a position trader, it may be a swing trader a day trader, a scalper even
35 00:05:33,720 --> 00:05:41,160 looking for new 1520 30 pips intraday, you know, a couple times a week or even one time week, okay, I'm going to build the idea that you only need that one
36 00:05:41,160 --> 00:05:50,160 type of setup. So if you are a scalper, okay, and you just can't get yourself in front of the charts a whole lot, where you're limited to doing mobile phone
37 00:05:50,160 --> 00:05:58,290 trading, like you have to trade on your phone or whatever. We're going to give you an idea in this particular video on how you can do that. So I'm giving you
38 00:05:58,290 --> 00:06:08,190 the lowest, you know, the lowest rung in terms of opportunities that are available, and you can form fit this to meet any goal that you have in mind in
39 00:06:08,190 --> 00:06:20,640 terms of style trader. Okay, now, I want you to remember some of the points I've made over the years as it relates to pips, you know, on a weekly basis, if you
40 00:06:20,640 --> 00:06:30,900 bring in an average of 25 to 30 pips, okay? Now, if you're trading 2%, if you if you risk and 2% of your account, and you average to 23 and a half, I think swing
41 00:06:30,900 --> 00:06:38,040 three and a half to 25 pips per week, your money, if you consistently doing that, you will double your money more than a little bit more than double your
42 00:06:38,040 --> 00:06:47,040 money every single year. Now, I guarantee you your stock retirement account did not do that last year. Okay. And some of you will probably send me an email, oh,
43 00:06:47,040 --> 00:06:56,790 you have minded but you're lying. So the point is, is the equities market, you have so many things against you. Okay, because the leverage is not there. Okay.
44 00:06:56,790 --> 00:07:08,280 And most of the companies that you would be looking to trade in, that have huge numbers to support buying them are so lofty in price, you coming in with an
45 00:07:08,280 --> 00:07:16,890 account like $2,000? What are you gonna do with that? You trade an apple, you know, I'm long, you Apple for 120? Looking for 135 and 140. Presently, at the
46 00:07:16,890 --> 00:07:27,420 time of this recording, I just got 130. But think about $130 per share, how many shares? Can you buy of Apple? With $2,000? I would argue not many. Okay, so, and
47 00:07:27,420 --> 00:07:35,040 yes, I know some of you are walking by options. And I knew that. Okay, I'm not trying to get into the argument. Okay. But I'm trying to give you an idea on how
48 00:07:35,820 --> 00:07:41,130 lucrative the foreign exchange market is. And here's the benefit that most people overlook.
49 00:07:42,390 --> 00:07:57,210 The risk management is absolutely perfect. It's perfect, because it allows you to form fit and tailor made your specific risk model. You can't do that in
50 00:07:57,210 --> 00:08:06,960 futures, you can't do that. In trading equities, you're limited to what the options allow you to buying an option put or call gives you the right but not
51 00:08:06,960 --> 00:08:14,700 obligation to own 100 shares per per option. Or you buy the shares, that's your limitation period done. If you ain't got the bankroll hit the road Jack, you
52 00:08:14,700 --> 00:08:22,230 ain't got an opportunity to trade in the equity market, okay. Or you go into a fund and you just, you add money to each week and hope the guy that's managing
53 00:08:22,230 --> 00:08:30,300 your account is looking out for your best interest, but I can tell you, they're not okay, so they're not. So it's important that you understand that the main
54 00:08:30,990 --> 00:08:41,940 framework that we're building in this particular video teaching is if you want to be trading with 90% setups, part of that equation comes along with it,
55 00:08:42,510 --> 00:08:53,070 managing your equity properly, okay, because I can show you how to buy and sell all day long, and wonderful setups, okay, but if you manage your money wrong, or
56 00:08:53,070 --> 00:09:00,630 incorrectly rather, you're going to you're going to get knocked on your your tail side, and it's not going to be fun, and you're going to walk away, you
57 00:09:00,630 --> 00:09:08,190 really disturbed thinking, Man, I got a system that makes money, it's highly successful. But if you overload your account, it doesn't take much to dust it
58 00:09:08,220 --> 00:09:15,030 and you're, you're out of the game, okay, unless you want to refund your account. And most people won't refund the account as many times as that type of
59 00:09:15,060 --> 00:09:24,390 show will require you to do it because eventually you'll be out on a limb Song, Song yourself off the tree, you know, on the wrong side of the limb. So with all
60 00:09:24,390 --> 00:09:32,430 that, let's get right into the business of how to trade with 9% setups. We're gonna assume you have a hypothetical $2,000 Starting equity now I took a lot of
61 00:09:32,430 --> 00:09:41,700 time to argue with myself what would be a realistic account size to start with? If you're really looking to make a go of it in forex, can you trade with less
62 00:09:41,700 --> 00:09:51,990 yes should you know okay, but looking at this, okay, if we're gonna LIS assume that we're trading with a $2,000 account. And we're risking one and a half
63 00:09:51,990 --> 00:10:00,810 percent per trade. Now this is a this is assuming that you've gone through the six months, trial and error of going through all my videos going Through not
64 00:10:00,840 --> 00:10:10,140 watching videos for six months, but going through all of them, and then starting a demo account campaign where you're utilizing the setups, looking at a demo
65 00:10:10,140 --> 00:10:18,330 account, risking one quarter to one half of 1% in the demo account, okay, and only using the amount of money that you would have in your account, just because
66 00:10:18,330 --> 00:10:27,150 they give you $50,000, don't trade with $50,000 leverage, assume only the $2,000 you're going to put in it may be 5000, maybe whatever it is. But sticking to the
67 00:10:27,180 --> 00:10:37,200 example we have here, we're going to assume that you're trading with a $2,000 account, only risking one quarter or one half of that account size, because you
68 00:10:37,200 --> 00:10:47,340 do not want to get lulled into believing that that money so easy to make, okay, so therefore I'm going to add more risk on because if I can do it 80% of the
69 00:10:47,340 --> 00:10:56,910 time or 90% of the time, like we're trying to convey in this teaching 90% Success is going to come with time, okay, you're not going to come out the gate
70 00:10:56,910 --> 00:11:05,490 with 9% accuracy. Trust me, it doesn't work like that. But how do you aspire and then grow to and develop to 9% setups, and consistently making those types of
71 00:11:05,490 --> 00:11:17,130 setups. This is the, this is the framework, okay, now it's a lot of other avenues you can go to get the same result, okay? Or new different tools out of
72 00:11:17,130 --> 00:11:27,210 my collection in my arsenal, and arrive at other style of trading and still get the basic result of 90% success. Okay, so it's all the same way, just different
73 00:11:27,210 --> 00:11:37,020 avenues using the approaches and concepts together, but blending them to fit your unique trading profile, both psychological and emotional, and financial,
74 00:11:37,020 --> 00:11:44,370 because you can't spend my money and I can't spend yours. So it doesn't make a difference. what anybody says is the perfect starting equity account, okay,
75 00:11:44,370 --> 00:11:51,960 size, whatever you can afford to trade with. That's what you start with. Because as much as I would like to have 50,000 To start with, most people can, okay, so
76 00:11:53,280 --> 00:12:02,250 what does that mean if you're trading one and a half percent risk, okay, well, every trade from the 2000 point here, okay, you're gonna be risking $1 per pip.
77 00:12:03,060 --> 00:12:10,200 Now that's the assume that's under the assumption that you're using a 30 pips stop loss. Now, if you've been watching my material, you know that I like 30
78 00:12:10,200 --> 00:12:21,450 pips because it's 1/3 of the typical average daily range of 100 pips now I know, they're not always average daily range of Andhra pips, I knew that. Okay, but I,
79 00:12:22,170 --> 00:12:31,320 more or less general rule of thumb, if you want one of those types of things, that's what I look at average daily range as in the major fiber and cable pair,
80 00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:42,480 I look at that as that's like a good benchmark. Now, again, it's going to deviate, you'll have big ranges and smaller ranges of cable over the, you know,
81 00:12:42,870 --> 00:12:53,910 a long period of time, I believe that 100 pips is pretty, pretty fair. So approximately 1/3 of that daily range is 30 pips. So now, I've already talked
82 00:12:53,910 --> 00:13:05,550 many times in most of my teaching series, and some of my webinars, live sessions and such, and common to commentary and forms. If you are looking to be long, you
83 00:13:05,550 --> 00:13:14,790 want to be looking to go long below the opening price. And if you're familiar with the Asian range, you want to be buying below the Asian range high. Okay.
84 00:13:15,030 --> 00:13:23,850 And if you do not take notes in this video, you're not going to retain it. And that's why I'm insistent you have no pet, because I'm not going to print it out
85 00:13:23,850 --> 00:13:30,870 for you. I'm not going to type it up, because it's gonna save me a lot of time. Plus, it'll force you to do what I did. Take notes, lots of them, read them in
86 00:13:30,870 --> 00:13:36,990 your own handwriting, okay, by writing them down, you'll also retain them better. So again, if you're looking for bullish scenarios and looking to be
87 00:13:36,990 --> 00:13:49,530 buying, okay, the idea is you want to be buying below the Asian range high and below the opening price. Now, what is the opening price? Opening prices at 00?
88 00:13:49,530 --> 00:14:00,450 GMT? Okay, and 12 midnight, New York time? Now I say that like that, because a lot of guys will ask, Well, what about daylight savings time? Okay, well just
89 00:14:00,450 --> 00:14:10,020 simply do this set yourself a clock. Okay, for New York time. And whenever New York time does its shift in daylight savings time and back to your standard.
90 00:14:10,950 --> 00:14:20,580 You'll know. So whatever that opening price is at midnight, use that one. Okay. I'll just kill a whole lot of arguments and email questions and Twitter.
91 00:14:20,820 --> 00:14:30,450 Questions like that. Just use G zero GMT, the opening price there, and then the opening price at 12 Midnight in New York. Okay, now you're trying to say Well,
92 00:14:30,480 --> 00:14:42,210 which one is it? Like, you know, is it is it the one that does zero GMT or is it the one at 12 midnight? Now gone in my head? I generally want to look at
93 00:14:42,210 --> 00:14:53,640 midnight in New York time. Okay, I like that one more. It's more apt to show the Judas swing that everyone's you know, grown to understand with my teaching the
94 00:14:55,110 --> 00:15:08,760 the zero GMT. That one is I believe a lot more were sensitive with yen, Ozzy, New Zealand, those types of pairs because they're more prone to make sizable
95 00:15:08,760 --> 00:15:18,630 moves in the Asian session, but they still are very sensitive to 12. Midnight, candles, opening prices? Well, again, it's 12 midnight, New York time. So when I
96 00:15:18,630 --> 00:15:25,770 say ICT time, and a lot of guys will rip me and say what it means is if it's going to take 30 minutes, it's going to take four hours. What I mean, really,
97 00:15:25,770 --> 00:15:35,850 certainly without any jest behind it, when I say ICT time to simply whatever it is in New York, in states, that's my, that's my ICT time, okay? So just bear
98 00:15:35,850 --> 00:15:46,740 that in mind. But if you're looking to be a seller, you want to be selling above the Asian range low. And you want to be selling above the opening price of both
99 00:15:46,740 --> 00:15:56,760 of those opening price points. We just talked about zero GMT, and 12. Midnight, okay? Now, if you want to be a buyer, okay, if you want to be a buyer in the
100 00:15:56,760 --> 00:16:06,570 market, the best days to be buying is Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Okay, if you're gonna be a seller, best days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Why is that? Because
101 00:16:06,570 --> 00:16:19,020 there is a large and we'll talk more about this a little bit, there's a large likelihood and probability for the weekly range to expand from the early
102 00:16:19,020 --> 00:16:26,220 beginning of the week, okay, Monday, Tuesday, and certainly by Wednesday, if it's been lagging, and that's how you know if it's going to be a Wednesday by
103 00:16:26,220 --> 00:16:33,840 because if Monday and Tuesday are lackluster, and it's overall still bullish, the signals gonna generate on on Wednesday on open, okay, and the same things we
104 00:16:33,840 --> 00:16:44,610 just discussed are true, just reverse it for looking to be a seller. Okay. Now, what amplifies that magnitude of accuracy to 90%? Well, if you understand the
105 00:16:44,610 --> 00:16:51,690 higher timeframe premise, which will, they're going to talk about with charts, and we'll show you some examples and how to build that framework, you'll want to
106 00:16:51,690 --> 00:16:53,010 be looking at those
107 00:16:55,380 --> 00:17:08,280 higher level, key support levels, higher level timeframe, order blocks, and liquidity pools, okay? Those are the pillars of higher timeframe analysis and
108 00:17:08,310 --> 00:17:20,160 incorporating momentum studies, when it's conducive for for those types of trading scenarios, that would be you know, a further amplification in pushing
109 00:17:20,160 --> 00:17:33,030 you beyond the 90% likelihood of your results. So yes, you can trade with a higher degree than 90% You will never trade perfectly. Okay, I'm, I'm wildly
110 00:17:33,030 --> 00:17:42,780 accurate, but it took me a long, long time to get here. But I still do lose and I lose a lot of opportunities because of my entry point not being exactly where
111 00:17:42,780 --> 00:17:51,210 it should be, you know, I try to get you to fancy around trying to get to the lower low and the higher high. And sometimes I miss opportunity. So you know, I
112 00:17:51,210 --> 00:18:02,490 take that as a loss. Okay, as a trader, I didn't lose any equity. But I take that as a loss because I did not perform efficiently they're in because I
113 00:18:02,490 --> 00:18:11,880 allowed greed and honesty will be is I'll refer back to what I did. And I was either looking to be greedy, or I was allowing my ego to you to drive me into
114 00:18:11,910 --> 00:18:23,910 trying to get an entry or exit price that was not as realistic as I should have expected. So now, that's what we're getting into later on. Now I'm going to I
115 00:18:23,910 --> 00:18:29,550 probably should have been talking with the charts in front of when I was doing all this but we're gonna go back over all that stuff again, shortly in the
116 00:18:29,550 --> 00:18:37,950 second half of this video. But for now, I just want to cover the boring part. The numbers suggest here if we're risking one and a half percent on a $2,000
117 00:18:37,950 --> 00:18:48,870 account with a 30 pip stop. And I'm going back to this now. The reason why we use a 30 pip stop is because the likelihood of price gyrating up above and below
118 00:18:48,900 --> 00:18:58,470 the opening price 30 pips you know, with the four it takes its direction, assuming it's for sake of argument, say we're bullish on the cable, which is
119 00:18:58,470 --> 00:19:08,490 pretty pound USD. We see the opening price price drops down, okay, from the opening price. Generally it does not do that more than 30 pips now. Can it do
120 00:19:08,490 --> 00:19:16,860 it? 40 Yeah, but typically it's about it, if it's going to be an up close day, and it's gonna be higher than opens at midnight or at zero GMT for that
121 00:19:16,860 --> 00:19:27,300 particular day, and it is a Tuesday and Wednesday, or Tuesday or Wednesday. The probabilities for that trade, okay to move below the opening price more than 30
122 00:19:27,690 --> 00:19:39,210 that's the that's the general rule. Okay, but it can go as much as 40 pips. 30 pips is about the cusp of where the low will form below the opening price. Don't
123 00:19:39,210 --> 00:19:47,970 take my word on it, study. Okay? And I'm telling you, you're gonna be floored, absolutely floored with the end statistics behind it all. So looking at that,
124 00:19:48,300 --> 00:19:57,000 just with that alone, you can turn the video off, and you're already in a 9% club if you put time and effort in studying. And no, it sounds egotistical. I
125 00:19:57,000 --> 00:20:06,330 know it sounds you know, it can't be That easy, but it is it Absolutely. Is that easy. What makes it hard is you're not going to trust it. Why don't you trust
126 00:20:06,330 --> 00:20:13,350 it? Because you haven't put the time in front of the charts seeing it consistently over and over and over and over again, will it sometimes fail?
127 00:20:13,380 --> 00:20:26,910 Absolutely. And that's why we said 90%, not 100. Okay, in those 10% of losses, you can undermine your entire growth of your equity. Just by goofing off and
128 00:20:26,910 --> 00:20:35,640 over leveraging Okay, or not doing what you're supposed to do. Okay, not trying to wait for it to go into an order block not waiting for a kill zone, or time of
129 00:20:35,640 --> 00:20:47,370 day where it's highly likely to create a swing back into a retracement where it allows you to see that momentum expansion. Okay? So if we're trading with that
130 00:20:47,370 --> 00:20:57,840 mindset, okay, and 30 pips is the reason why we elect that is because we don't expect too much volatility above and below the opening price beyond 30 pips. If
131 00:20:57,840 --> 00:21:06,360 we are looking for a simple one to one, and we're developing as a trader, we don't know how to trust two to one three to one four to one, so for setups,
132 00:21:06,630 --> 00:21:14,190 okay, you just want to look to make the same amount of money you put up on the table in terms of risk. Well, if you're trading with one and a half percent,
133 00:21:14,580 --> 00:21:25,170 okay, you're going to see a gain of a weekly goal of 30 pips. Okay, so you're gonna look to make 30 pips risking 30 pips. And by doing that on a weekly basis,
134 00:21:25,380 --> 00:21:36,660 okay, and 30 pips is really, really low in you would generate 6% per month, now 6% per month, okay, and one year is, again, more than $10,000
135 00:21:46,470 --> 00:21:55,650 Oops, you know, I just discovered something, and there's no way I'm going to go back and fix this. I was should have been looking at this right here, this 5000
136 00:21:55,650 --> 00:22:07,890 Let's do this. It's 2000 This is a real real big goof up, but guess what, it just shows on human. Alright, let's, let's not do that. It's the let's do the
137 00:22:08,430 --> 00:22:21,360 $2,000 here. Okay, and you can see in the one year it'll be $4,024 Okay, $4,024. And in case you guys know something, you probably would look into that number
138 00:22:21,360 --> 00:22:30,480 like Wait a min how to get how to get that? Well, the starting count again would be 2000 hours here and then you drop it down into over three years, you'd be at
139 00:22:30,480 --> 00:22:41,040 16,000 hours if you never do anything more, you never added anything in terms of you know, equity management and an increasing your your exposure. The
140 00:22:42,930 --> 00:22:52,680 the same thing we said earlier it's $1 per pip, it's 30 pips stop risking one and a half percent maximum that can it's a sum assuming that we've already went
141 00:22:52,680 --> 00:23:00,000 through all the development stages and we've gone through all the videos we know what we're looking at. And then now you're applying it okay in a in a demo
142 00:23:00,000 --> 00:23:11,370 account setting you it will teach you what to expect Okay? numbers wise with the with this gearing. Now when I say gearing, it means you're risking only one and
143 00:23:11,370 --> 00:23:19,530 a half percent with 30 pips stop the static stop of 30 pips. Now. Eventually you'll get the trade where you will trade smaller 30 pips stops, but that's not
144 00:23:19,680 --> 00:23:31,020 the goal of this teaching. But goal for the week is 30 pips. And again, that is absolutely doable. Okay. Now over time, once you are consistently able to grab
145 00:23:31,350 --> 00:23:42,690 30 pips from the market on a weekly basis, and you can do this with just one pair, one, not 14, not all the majors, okay, just one pair, pick one pair, and
146 00:23:42,690 --> 00:23:52,200 study it, get to know it very, very closely. Each pair has its own individual characteristics and personalities. You have to learn what they are, I can write
147 00:23:52,200 --> 00:23:59,610 them down the list, but you're not going to respect them until you see it happening over and over again. Okay, so once we get to the point where we
148 00:23:59,610 --> 00:24:09,570 consistently do that the next graduation would be to do what? Anticipate two to one. Well, the stops gonna stay static. We're never gonna risk more than 30
149 00:24:09,570 --> 00:24:17,880 pips. Will you get stopped out if it goes 40? Yes. What do you do about it continue on. Don't worry about it. Don't harp on it, learn from it. The next
150 00:24:17,910 --> 00:24:25,800 setup gearing would be you're going to be looking for 60 pips per week, you're going to look for two to one setups. Okay, and you got to see that really, all
151 00:24:25,800 --> 00:24:33,090 you're doing is teaching yourself to hold the winners longer. Trust me, it's not easy in the beginning, you're not going to want to hold it you're going to want
152 00:24:33,090 --> 00:24:40,170 to get out when it shows 29 pips because you're going to think they're going to pull the rug out from underneath you at 29 You'll never see 30 Okay, yeah, it'll
153 00:24:40,170 --> 00:24:47,700 still happen some days, guess what it's gonna it's going to happen years from now, still, you'll expect to see price hit a particular target where your limit
154 00:24:47,700 --> 00:24:56,370 is, and it just gets within a fraction of it and you don't get out. Okay, and that's all part of trading. It's because it's an imperfect world. But if we have
155 00:24:56,400 --> 00:25:04,890 the gearing set to trading two to one setups in other words for me You can too, for every $1 risk, okay, and because we're trading with a 30 pip stop, the
156 00:25:04,890 --> 00:25:15,810 gearing will look like this, we're gonna trade with an expectation of 12% per month return. The goal now is 60 pips, the risk is still limited to 30 pips?
157 00:25:16,200 --> 00:25:29,040 Well, assuming that, you know, in one year, we can see clearly that it's much more in terms of return. Okay, then we saw with what we saw it 6% return, as you
158 00:25:29,040 --> 00:25:40,110 would expect, and you'd be over $118,000 in the course of three years. Now, why am I using three years, because three years is about what it's going to take
159 00:25:40,110 --> 00:25:50,520 once you really warm up to it. Now, mind you, you got six months of, you know, pre study time behind you, in addition to the 36 months, three year time period,
160 00:25:50,580 --> 00:25:59,250 okay? So it's not going to be overnight success for you. And a lot of guys that sell courses, and teach you things and write books, they don't tell you that.
161 00:26:00,060 --> 00:26:07,110 And that's the truth, you're going to have to grow into this, regardless of how good the system is, and how good your mentor is, and how good I am and whatever,
162 00:26:07,350 --> 00:26:16,320 okay, you it's going to take some time. And every doctor that goes to medical school, aren't great at way out through graduation going out there and cutting
163 00:26:16,320 --> 00:26:26,580 on people, okay, they got to do some things before they just start doing that. So without having any greater discussion relates to that once you get to the
164 00:26:26,580 --> 00:26:36,420 point where you can graduate. And now if we can learn to anticipate a buying day, and we can get in near the low of the day, and if you can hold on to a
165 00:26:36,420 --> 00:26:45,990 trade with the likelihood of expanding, okay with the goal in mind that it will be a higher close on Thursday and Friday than it did when it opened up on Monday
166 00:26:45,990 --> 00:26:57,630 or Sunday. Okay, so up close weak. If you allow your trade if you have really good placement on Tuesday or Wednesday, you can see a three to one payout. The
167 00:26:57,630 --> 00:27:08,040 stop stays, but what 30 pips risk? are we increasing our risk. No, it's remaining at one and a half percent. What's this? 18% I know some of you're
168 00:27:08,040 --> 00:27:18,540 chuckling like now, if I could just get 18% One time a year, that'd be awesome. Well, it's gonna take time to get here, but you're looking at 30 risk to get 90
169 00:27:18,540 --> 00:27:29,880 pips returned. Okay? So your 2000 hours starting here, okay, in one year, would grow to $14,575 in three years, it would grow to three quarters of a million
170 00:27:29,880 --> 00:27:40,290 dollars. Okay. Now, again, this is not taking into account for taxation. This is assuming that you tried to trade a tax deferred account. Now, no, you may not
171 00:27:40,290 --> 00:27:42,120 have the luxury of being able to do that. But
172 00:27:43,560 --> 00:27:53,040 I'm sorry, if you don't let us have to consider obviously any form of taxation wherever you're at in the world. But this is what it would look like with three
173 00:27:53,040 --> 00:28:06,390 to one gearing. Now. Eventually, eventually, if you get to the point at which you can now consistently nail down one shot, one kill setups, okay. That's
174 00:28:06,390 --> 00:28:17,310 assuming that you're trading long, Tuesday and or Wednesday, holding to Thursday's close or sometime in Friday. Exiting, you can many times see four to
175 00:28:17,310 --> 00:28:33,270 one payouts and 41 payouts would put you in a very very elite status in terms of monthly returns. On it 20 pips for the week 30 pip stop is the same, it doesn't
176 00:28:33,270 --> 00:28:48,120 change $2,000 will become $26,000 in one year. And you don't need to describe how these numbers change your life either. The the idea obviously, is for you to
177 00:28:48,270 --> 00:29:02,790 number one, go in with a very small low in range objective 30 pips per week, using a 30 pip stop, build a comfort zone with using those individual initial
178 00:29:02,820 --> 00:29:09,930 gatherings. Okay, once you get to the point where it becomes so easy for you to go in and get 30 pips and we're gonna talk about how to do that in a couple of
179 00:29:09,930 --> 00:29:20,490 minutes. The the next graduation is is okay, well, now you got to learn, okay to hold on to the trade to a degree where it allows you to get two to one payouts.
180 00:29:21,150 --> 00:29:32,130 And you're going to learn that the only thing that's taking place is the setups that I'm teaching you. They're there all the time. But your ability to hold on
181 00:29:32,130 --> 00:29:40,230 to the trade will not always be there. You'll see something in the chart that scares you. Something will be said by me on Twitter, okay, or I won't like your
182 00:29:40,230 --> 00:29:49,830 tweet, okay? And it'll psychologically affect your your trade, and you'll get out way way too early. Okay, or if you see me take some profits on a position,
183 00:29:50,160 --> 00:29:55,590 you know, on Twitter, which is really why I don't like doing it because I know a lot of you are just hanging on, you know, thread waiting to see what I'm going
184 00:29:55,590 --> 00:30:05,610 to say. If someone puts a tweet in, you know, and it's close to what you're doing. But what's my, what's my opinion about that, and I'm really, I don't like
185 00:30:05,610 --> 00:30:11,910 to like those types of things until the week closes. And it's not because I don't want to like something and look stupid, it's I don't want to influence
186 00:30:11,910 --> 00:30:21,540 anyone's trading, because my job as a mentor, is not to show you how much money I can make. That's not my goal. My goal is to show you how to trade using what I
187 00:30:21,540 --> 00:30:32,520 know as a trader, and then I'm watching engaging what you do, okay? And if I'm an influence adversely, or positively to your outcome, while you're in a trade,
188 00:30:32,550 --> 00:30:40,080 you're not learning anything, except for a dependence on me, and I don't want that you want a complete independence from me and everyone else outside of your
189 00:30:40,080 --> 00:30:50,340 own trading, you're your own island, okay? And you need to be an island in this industry, okay? And it's a, that is a benefit, okay? And you need to take great
190 00:30:50,340 --> 00:30:57,300 comfort in that and learn to like being in isolation from everyone else. You don't want everybody else doing what you're doing, okay? Because
191 00:30:58,860 --> 00:31:06,750 it goes without saying, you just want to be an independent thinker. Okay. So now, with all that, okay, and I really wish I would have paid more attention to
192 00:31:06,930 --> 00:31:16,530 this cell in the spreadsheet, but, you know, whatever. The point is, as we see the numbers here, do you $1,000 Eventually, even with a small amount of money,
193 00:31:16,560 --> 00:31:26,850 okay, I'll give you a hypothetical here. Say you start with $2,000. Okay, and you invested. And you, you, you learned and you did the two to one gearing for
194 00:31:26,850 --> 00:31:34,380 about a year, okay. And then it took a little bit over a year for you to get to the point where you're paying out three to one setups, okay, you're not taking
195 00:31:34,380 --> 00:31:42,360 15 trades per week, either, you're gonna see that there's only a handful, maybe two or three tops. Okay, setups that you're gonna take for the week. And that's
196 00:31:42,360 --> 00:31:50,130 it, you're gonna set your hands. That's it, you're not in there trying to out trade today, next year, because he did 20, you're only looking for the choice
197 00:31:50,160 --> 00:31:59,070 setups to Cherry, okay, the cream of the crop, you want the best, okay. That's what a trader does. We don't like to get in there a whole lot. We don't like a
198 00:31:59,070 --> 00:32:06,360 lot of frequency. Okay, the more you trade, the more likely you're going to take a loss. I don't like losing. So that's a trade that I'm hopefully instilling
199 00:32:06,390 --> 00:32:17,910 upon all of you is, I have a disdain for losing. I hate it, I absolutely loathe it. Now, you can say that's egotistical. No, I am pursuing excellence. And I
200 00:32:17,910 --> 00:32:27,630 need to have that as my goal. Because if I consistently do that, the byproduct is excellence. It may not be perfection, but I'm way ahead of the pack in terms
201 00:32:27,630 --> 00:32:38,040 of what everyone else is doing, and what everyone is expecting to do. Okay, so these are the numbers, this is what we build the millionaire mindset with this,
202 00:32:38,160 --> 00:32:47,040 the frame a 90%, success rate, you start low, you build, you're up to a next grade of two to one setup and three to one setup and afford one. And then
203 00:32:47,040 --> 00:32:56,820 obviously, you know, if you're trading with a higher timeframe premise, okay, you can use these setups to pay out, you know, 810 1215 to one, and that's long
204 00:32:56,820 --> 00:33:06,780 term position trading, which we are not teaching here, but you'll learn that in the latter portions of the market maker series that you can, man, you can really
205 00:33:06,780 --> 00:33:14,460 do a whole lot better than what we're showing here, and not trade a whole lot. So you don't need to have Day Traders Mindset. And you'll again, you'll learn
206 00:33:14,460 --> 00:33:20,910 all that. But for now, I'm just trying to stimulate your arm, your thought process as it relates to trading with a high degree of accuracy, and still
207 00:33:20,910 --> 00:33:29,070 utilizing some of the equity management concepts that I teach. So let's go over to the charts and start looking at what it is technically, we do with all this
208 00:33:29,490 --> 00:33:43,380 new boring stuff, and how to apply it to the charts and how we can move towards 9% setups. Okay, guys, we're looking at a, a crude diagram, I know. But it's a
209 00:33:43,380 --> 00:33:54,840 lot of information on this chart. And either kind of like spelled out for you can kind of decipher it for you. But, again, it's it's meant for you to draw
210 00:33:54,840 --> 00:34:05,880 your own notes from my dialog, and some of the things that we're going to talk about with this. It's very easy for you guys to screen capture, just take a
211 00:34:05,880 --> 00:34:15,390 control. I think it's print screen, I'm not sure what you're using in terms of computers. But if you do a screen capture of the chart, or diagram here and use
212 00:34:15,390 --> 00:34:27,300 it for your notes, you could draw all kinds of notations on it as well. But we'll want to talk about is it's going to be limited to a cell scenario in this
213 00:34:27,300 --> 00:34:36,120 diagram, because I didn't take the time to reverse all this to show you everything for by side. But we're going to show examples in the chart. That's
214 00:34:36,120 --> 00:34:44,070 why I went with this example, because it gives you a contrast between what it looks like graphically for sales scenarios. And then we're going to show you in
215 00:34:44,070 --> 00:34:54,240 the charts buying scenarios because of what we did last week in Twitter and what we anticipated. It's a low recently in fiber and cable. So again, I the way I
216 00:34:54,240 --> 00:35:06,990 learned charting it came from my mentor les Williams, he As the first one that really had a major installment to my understanding of price action, it didn't
217 00:35:06,990 --> 00:35:19,110 stop there, obviously off went on to learn a greater degree of price action analysis. And I certainly am thankful for what I'd learned from Larry, but just
218 00:35:19,110 --> 00:35:27,510 like you're learning with me, I don't know, when you're watching these videos, I mean, it could be 30 years from the time I actually made them. And there may be
219 00:35:27,510 --> 00:35:34,020 some new information, if you if only stuck with what I'm teaching, I mean, there's going to be something else that's, you know, greater understanding, I'm
220 00:35:34,020 --> 00:35:42,750 sure, that will be revealed by some other party or some other entity. But as it relates, right now, you're looking at the best of the best. Okay, so looking at
221 00:35:43,350 --> 00:35:55,500 the chart here, this is all basically the same information, okay. And I'm showing you more or less in evolution on how I in internalize the price action,
222 00:35:55,950 --> 00:35:59,190 and how I saw on an institutional price level.
223 00:36:00,570 --> 00:36:09,060 When I was in that, that realm, where you're seeing the banks doing this, and when you're seeing the large institutions doing this, and you're actually being
224 00:36:09,300 --> 00:36:20,700 able to see when they're doing their action of getting in and getting out. Okay, and then having what I knew in price action of looking at charts, it became so
225 00:36:20,700 --> 00:36:30,000 clear what was going on. It just, it's like the veil parted right then in there. So I'm probably the only one that's uniquely in this position where I've been,
226 00:36:30,360 --> 00:36:42,750 first a, what you would consider a nobody in terms of trading. I mean, I started grassroots man, I'm talking like, really, really nothing. I mean, I had no idea
227 00:36:42,990 --> 00:36:52,020 what I was doing at all. And it's amazing how my life took all the turns where it did that lead me to where I'm at today, because if you were told me when I
228 00:36:52,020 --> 00:37:00,720 was a kid, I was gonna be doing this, I would have laughed at you said there's no way. But the way I learned trading and understood price action was on this
229 00:37:01,050 --> 00:37:12,870 format right here, open High, Low, Close. Now I still favor this, okay, in terms of understanding where price is going to be going either on an intraday basis,
230 00:37:12,870 --> 00:37:21,900 or even a higher timeframe basis, because my eyes are not as strong as they used to be because I stare at charts all the time. But a lot of time and new
231 00:37:21,900 --> 00:37:32,400 sometimes as much as 13 hours a day. In my earlier use six or seven years, I was just way too much time in the charts. I think I did more damage to myself then
232 00:37:32,400 --> 00:37:44,610 and then good. But the same information we see with an open a small little rally up a large range down, making the low the day in a closed off the low. This is
233 00:37:44,610 --> 00:37:57,540 your typical down closed day. Okay, or distribution day? What my mentor would teach, and I may I may not, I don't know, we'll see at the end of this
234 00:37:57,900 --> 00:38:07,080 production around editing time. If I'm going to include an example of something that, like Larry Williams teaches, if not, I'll I'll share it in either a
235 00:38:07,080 --> 00:38:16,860 Twitter series of a couple tweets that way. But so don't hold me hold me don't hold me to it. Okay, they may not be installed in this particular teaching, but
236 00:38:17,100 --> 00:38:24,840 in Twitter, or some of the forums that I haunt. Also a couple of things up and again, it's not to kick the legs off with anything, my mentor, I'm not trying to
237 00:38:24,840 --> 00:38:33,840 be disrespectful, I'm just showing you don't stop learning. Don't ever stop learning. You're always going to learn regardless if you get new material, but
238 00:38:33,870 --> 00:38:42,630 you need to always be flexible and allow yourself to learn. And if I had not, if I hadn't done that, you know, I would have been probably unsuccessful trading.
239 00:38:42,660 --> 00:38:54,690 I'll be honest and tell you that. But Larry Williams gave me the framework with the idea that he put out there in a teaching session that he said that, you
240 00:38:54,690 --> 00:39:05,460 know, the buyer, I'm sorry, the sellers, above the opening price. He wished he knew these people up here. Well, he wishes he knew us, because that's what we
241 00:39:05,460 --> 00:39:14,550 teach. We've been teaching it for five years. And foreign exchange markets. Okay. And I've been trading it since. Officially, I've been trading it since
242 00:39:14,550 --> 00:39:19,110 2002. That's when it became known to me
243 00:39:20,490 --> 00:39:27,540 how exactly I was looking for consistently. I had hints of knowing what to look for before that, but it was like anything else I was like I thought was an
244 00:39:27,540 --> 00:39:36,450 aberration where it once in a while it worked. And then once I've just sat down with folks that were actually doing the institutional bank trading, and they
245 00:39:36,450 --> 00:39:46,350 told me what they're doing with the real orders. Then it was very clear, you know, what was missing and Larry's understanding is is he didn't know what the
246 00:39:46,350 --> 00:39:56,640 point of this little move was for. And that's the need to trip pending orders. Law buyers in the marketplace and it also is main mainly is to seek the
247 00:39:56,640 --> 00:40:11,010 liquidity to allow the shorts to come in before this Long range starts to unfold. So my, my mentor Larry would require, okay, about 20% Maybe, I think if
248 00:40:11,010 --> 00:40:19,920 I'm if if memory serves me correctly, about 20% of the average daily range, he would subtract that and kind of I would say it's 100 pips for daily range
249 00:40:19,920 --> 00:40:28,500 average. He would take 20 pips, not the traded Forex, okay? Because if you really read anything he says he doesn't like foreign exchange because he thinks
250 00:40:28,500 --> 00:40:34,830 that overcoming a spread is ridiculous. He would rather pay commission, I would rather pay the spread, because I know how to overcome it quickly. But
251 00:40:34,830 --> 00:40:41,880 nonetheless, we're going to say that, here's the opening price and the essay, the average daily range is 100 pips. And again, we're not gonna argue the case
252 00:40:41,880 --> 00:40:54,210 there, but we're gonna use that as the assumption 20 pips below the opening price he'll sell there. Now. To me, that doesn't make any sense. In retrospect,
253 00:40:54,240 --> 00:41:06,330 it made absolutely no sense. Once I learned what I'm teaching you, because this could retrace back up to the Asian range low or the opening price and create an
254 00:41:06,330 --> 00:41:17,640 additional selling point. Why would you open yourself up to all that? Needless risk? Okay. So what we teach is that we want to sell when it's rallying at the
255 00:41:17,640 --> 00:41:28,230 beginning of the day, or intraday sometime, okay? You want to be selling when it rallies. Why? Because it's returning back to a known area of selling pressure,
256 00:41:28,470 --> 00:41:42,060 ie, a bearish order block, ie a mitigation block. That's it. Okay. So now, we are not selling on weakness. We're selling on strength, because we understand
257 00:41:42,060 --> 00:41:50,910 that the strength is most likely false. It's a suspect rally. That's why we dubbed this the Judas swing, the initial rally up from the opening, okay, that's
258 00:41:50,910 --> 00:41:59,070 the fake out to make everyone believe, okay, that's going to keep going higher, because it usually happens in a real quick, sharp movement. But it's only moving
259 00:41:59,070 --> 00:42:07,350 sharply because there's no orders there. And they're going to pair up the orders up to which we can't see here. But above the opening price, there may may be a
260 00:42:07,410 --> 00:42:17,850 you know, bearish order block or mitigation block up there. Okay, or liquidity pool at which they reach up into to take stops. That's all there is guys. Write
261 00:42:17,850 --> 00:42:28,620 that on your notepad right now. To go short, you're only looking for an area of liquidity. That means it liquidity pool, what's going to work in that scenario?
262 00:42:29,490 --> 00:42:39,810 A turtle soup cell. Okay, or if you're familiar with Larry Williams, I'm sorry, if you're familiar with Chris Laurie. His Riptide reversal, very similar to the
263 00:42:39,840 --> 00:42:49,980 turtle soup pattern. It's found in street smarts book. Okay, that pattern works wonderful in that in that regard. Or you can look for the price to trade up into
264 00:42:50,010 --> 00:42:58,770 a bearish order block on a higher timeframe. Okay, or run a previous day's high. Okay, or return to a previous day's low.
265 00:43:00,960 --> 00:43:12,870 Or we trade up into a mitigation block. Okay, maybe this was an area which on a longer term price swing price has moved down. And this allowed it to move up
266 00:43:12,870 --> 00:43:23,250 into an area where they saw an earlier buying opportunity that didn't pan out and now return to that area. Okay, so there's some trade remorse there. Okay,
267 00:43:23,280 --> 00:43:34,920 that's it. There's your scenarios. That's all you ever need. Those four scenarios, okay, that that's what sets up the primer for a down move. And it
268 00:43:34,920 --> 00:43:42,360 doesn't matter what time frame you're trading, it could be intraday, like we're talking here, or it could be on a weekly basis, it can be on a monthly basis.
269 00:43:42,480 --> 00:43:50,160 Okay. And obviously, the higher timeframe you go to more more magnitudes with price move, and large terms of pips will be acquired and harvested by through
270 00:43:50,460 --> 00:44:01,320 those payouts. But the idea is we look for the opening price when it's bearish. And wouldn't when is it bearish? Well, the highest probabilities are when we're
271 00:44:01,320 --> 00:44:14,220 looking at higher timeframe monthly, weekly, daily. And for our order blocks bearishly key key resistance levels that are converging with mitigation blocks,
272 00:44:14,670 --> 00:44:23,100 okay, optimal trade entries, you know, you converging with those types of things. And, you know, liquidity pools where the obvious trend is still down,
273 00:44:23,100 --> 00:44:29,910 but it hasn't had an retracement in a while. So what we're going to reach for they're gonna reach for the stops because they want to get new buyers in to get
274 00:44:30,480 --> 00:44:39,240 short against they're gonna pair orders to allow the buyers to get chipped in on the marketplace, and then they're going to be selling right into that rally for
275 00:44:39,240 --> 00:44:49,110 the next new leg price lower. Okay. And I know some of you are maybe watching this for the first time and didn't see my other video series and you're still
276 00:44:49,110 --> 00:44:55,050 scratching your head saying this doesn't make any sense. This is too vague, Michael, it is vague. It's vague for you because you haven't gone through all
277 00:44:55,050 --> 00:45:00,960 the other stuff. But if you go through my other stuff, everything I'm saying to you now makes absolute sense to you. You know Well, what I'm talking about now,
278 00:45:00,960 --> 00:45:07,260 and we have common language, so don't be discouraged if you're watching this video without having an understanding of the things I'm discussing, because it's
279 00:45:07,260 --> 00:45:14,100 all in the videos I've already presented. Okay, so if you haven't gone through that, please don't send me tweets. What is this? And what is that? I'm just
280 00:45:14,100 --> 00:45:21,660 going to be upset and send you a tweet, say please go to the videos that's on my tutorial page. Okay, cuz I understand everybody wants to get in front of the
281 00:45:21,660 --> 00:45:29,820 line, but doesn't work with me. Okay, so with all respect, obviously, but just understand that, you know, I'm put a lot of work into the videos, I'm expecting
282 00:45:29,820 --> 00:45:37,920 you put a lot of work in the learning, and it cost you nothing but the time and I'll let you argue whether or not it's worth it or not. But the opening price
283 00:45:37,980 --> 00:45:47,730 and the rally up, okay, and then down, down close, this little move here. The low to the close this price action, I'm gonna tell you exactly when it happens.
284 00:45:48,000 --> 00:46:04,440 You ready? Write this down. This is all ICT time, New York time. 10 o'clock in the morning to 12 Noon. 70 75% of time, that's when this low was formed. Okay,
285 00:46:04,440 --> 00:46:16,140 then you had to close? What's the close? Well, I look at the close as 1900 GMT, that's the close of the day. Now the last little bit of when it doesn't make the
286 00:46:16,140 --> 00:46:24,450 load say continues going lower, and it's going lower past mid, mid day like noon, and it's still dropping, making fresh lows, it will make the low between
287 00:46:24,870 --> 00:46:37,290 18 119 100 GMT, that hour, at 90 100 hours, boom at the end of the day. Now why am I saying that? Because remember, there's FOMC minutes and announces come out
288 00:46:37,320 --> 00:46:48,210 two o'clock in the afternoon in New York time. That's why we use it. So now you know when to anticipate that late in the day factor but generally 70% of time
289 00:46:48,210 --> 00:46:57,030 between 10 o'clock in the morning to noon. This is when that low is formed all this price action below the close is happening or basically the low the days
290 00:46:57,030 --> 00:47:06,570 between 10 o'clock in the morning and noon, New York time. There you go. Okay, when is the high that day forming between two o'clock and four o'clock in the
291 00:47:06,570 --> 00:47:16,680 morning New York time. Now think about this guys. If we're bearish based on the moving averages, say they say they're stacking into going lower on a daily
292 00:47:16,680 --> 00:47:25,080 chart, okay. And the four hours moved up into an area of bearishness and they've just recently left a bearish order block and now you're expecting what to
293 00:47:25,080 --> 00:47:31,890 happen. range expansion to the lower downside, okay. When you anticipate the lower
294 00:47:33,510 --> 00:47:43,350 price objectives that's below price, okay. So support level that price may be reaching for if you are looking at higher timeframe price charts, like the
295 00:47:43,350 --> 00:47:52,050 monthly weekly, daily four hour in that vein, in other words, looking for price trading to lower levels that it's not trading to Now, what that does internally
296 00:47:52,050 --> 00:48:01,500 or it should be doing for you is saying okay, well price should be reaching lower on a higher timeframe price chart, so I shouldn't be shaken out. Within
297 00:48:01,680 --> 00:48:10,530 intraday rallying, I should look at that as what selling opportunities. And when you couple that with bare shoulder blocks, mitigation blocks, optimal trade
298 00:48:10,530 --> 00:48:20,850 entries, and turtle soups with liquidity pool raids, boom, it's over. And the game that's it, game over, done. It's a lock, you know exactly what you're
299 00:48:20,850 --> 00:48:27,360 doing. You know, the script, you know what the unit the players are doing. And you're just waiting for your time to get in there and do what they're supposed
300 00:48:27,360 --> 00:48:37,200 to be doing. If they're going to be looking to sell you want to be on the back end set. Simple as that. Now graphically, what we see in charting mostly in my
301 00:48:37,200 --> 00:48:45,030 in my work now it because it's easy for me to describe and show and see it's easier my eyes. The same thing in this candle is the same thing as depicted in
302 00:48:45,120 --> 00:48:55,170 the open High, Low, Close. The opening prices here, it makes that little wick higher here. Okay, and then you had this big range down, it makes the low that
303 00:48:55,170 --> 00:49:05,880 you see here, then it comes up and closes here. The same information here is what you see here. But teaching wise, I like this style here because it gives
304 00:49:05,880 --> 00:49:14,190 you a graphic depiction, depiction of what it is that's going on internally, the opening price to false rally, everyone gets thinking, Okay, it's bullish, I'm
305 00:49:14,190 --> 00:49:22,170 not thinking that you're not thinking that if we're in a bearish model, okay, and then price slams down, and it extends, extends, extends extends until when
306 00:49:22,200 --> 00:49:31,890 between 10 o'clock and noon. Most of the time you'll see it by 11 o'clock in the morning. Okay. But by noon, London's you know, they're closing shop, everyone's
307 00:49:31,890 --> 00:49:39,930 going home. Here it is okay, but the bulk of the move is between two o'clock in the morning, and 10 o'clock in the morning. That's the bulk of the daily range.
308 00:49:39,930 --> 00:49:47,250 Now, don't take my word for it. This is the point of this video. start marking off two o'clock in the morning, New York time. And 10 o'clock in the morning,
309 00:49:47,340 --> 00:49:55,050 New York time. And you tell me if that's not the bulk of the daily ranges. Now, yes, you can go to websites and everyone talks about the trading sessions. Oh,
310 00:49:55,050 --> 00:50:03,390 that's common knowledge, Michael. But what have you done with it? Think about we all Know When London starts we all know when Asia starts we all know when New
311 00:50:03,390 --> 00:50:13,260 York starts. But how's it happened to increase your profitability? No one you were ever learning but never come into knowledge of the truth. Okay, so the
312 00:50:13,260 --> 00:50:23,070 bottom line is, is I'm giving you what you've never seen given in one, one shot. I'm doing it right here. So now we're gonna take one step further, how are you
313 00:50:23,070 --> 00:50:31,950 going to internalize this market event that you would anticipate seeing? Okay, because, again, we're assuming this is a daily daily range. Okay. I'm not sure
314 00:50:31,950 --> 00:50:43,710 if I said that earlier. But that's it. This is depicting a theoretical down day. Okay, this is a daily bar. This is a daily candle. Okay. Graphically, what you
315 00:50:43,710 --> 00:50:51,330 would anticipate seeing is this the opening price, which is the same price at the top of the candles body and the opening price, the left tick of the open,
316 00:50:51,330 --> 00:51:00,960 high, low close bar, the opening price, we understand what that opening is. Okay. It's majority the time it's going to be midnight time in New York. But it
317 00:51:00,960 --> 00:51:12,240 can be if your pairs are Asia sensitive. It can be zero GMT. We're going to see an expect a rally from that opening price up. Now how much of a rally will we
318 00:51:12,240 --> 00:51:24,360 anticipate a average of 30 pips or less or less? Okay, so now, what do you do with that information? You can actually take the opening price and as you see
319 00:51:24,360 --> 00:51:32,400 the opening price at midnight, Well Michael, I can't be up at that time and trade London you don't need to. You don't need to do that. All you need is the
320 00:51:32,400 --> 00:51:43,200 opening price here. Okay, and add 30 pips to it. Whatever that 30 pips is, then go back over in the left side of the chart and find is there any Confluence
321 00:51:43,230 --> 00:51:53,100 inside of the 30 pips from the opening price up to the highest point at which the range of 30 pips would be added to the opening price? Is there a confluence
322 00:51:53,100 --> 00:52:00,390 of a mitigation block a bearish order block? Or would that raid any key previous day's intraday high or daily
323 00:52:00,390 --> 00:52:10,980 high? Think the scenarios we talked about that leads up to the Judas swing over here when we were talking about this bar. That's what you apply here. Okay, it's
324 00:52:10,980 --> 00:52:22,470 limited to 30 pips now there will be days where it only goes up eight or nine pips. And then it takes off, okay? That will be missed opportunities, a lot of
325 00:52:22,470 --> 00:52:30,300 times for folks that want to set and forget a limit, order, sell, okay, and then go back to bed and wake up for their nine to five job in the States or wherever
326 00:52:30,300 --> 00:52:38,880 they work. But for those guys that want to be awake and watch it real time, which is even if you do one day, per week, if you just invest a little bit of
327 00:52:38,910 --> 00:52:47,580 lost sleep, you know, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, the dividends that it pays guys, I cannot tell you, it's amazing what you learn by seeing it real time.
328 00:52:47,790 --> 00:52:55,470 It's one thing seeing it on the chart after it's happened, you know, in the morning after, but when you see it live, you learn a whole lot, because you'll
329 00:52:55,470 --> 00:53:03,480 see why it looks so exciting to retail world and really seeing this rally up like this real quick. And it makes you think, Oh man, it's taken off. I want to
330 00:53:03,510 --> 00:53:13,020 join in. Yeah, you do. You want to look to sell into that. Okay, so you'll sell into it and you'll look to obtain the London high. And again, we understand that
331 00:53:13,020 --> 00:53:21,630 usually is between two o'clock and four o'clock in the morning, New York time, but it can happen as early as one aim and his latest 5am. Okay, but by far and
332 00:53:21,630 --> 00:53:29,070 large, if you just look between two o'clock and four o'clock in the morning, with this event taking place here rallying up no more than 30 pips average into
333 00:53:29,070 --> 00:53:39,510 a previous order block that's bearish, a previous mitigation block a scenario where it would run a previous short term high where stops would be clearly being
334 00:53:39,510 --> 00:53:47,880 trailed, if it's been moving lower. Okay, and we understand that the opening price is not going to see 30 pips 50 pips, then off your 60 pips and then go
335 00:53:47,880 --> 00:53:55,920 lower. It doesn't happen like that. Okay. Can it happen on some weird news? Yeah, but it doesn't happen as a steady diet. And again, I'm telling you to do
336 00:53:55,920 --> 00:54:04,200 not trust what I'm saying. I want you to look at the chart and prove, if I'm saying what I'm saying is true. And you're going to clearly see that this is
337 00:54:04,230 --> 00:54:14,640 lightyears ahead of everything else. Because what is it doing? It's telling you what to do, when to do it, how to do it and why it works. That's every question
338 00:54:14,640 --> 00:54:21,300 every moment wants to when they buy a book or a course and go to a seminar. But how many are they walking out of there after the purchase reading the book or
339 00:54:21,300 --> 00:54:29,340 the seminar feeling that they got what they went in there looking for. I can tell you I've wasted a lot of time and money with things that looked really good
340 00:54:29,340 --> 00:54:42,630 and shiny and new up, you know, the opportunity was was well sold. Okay, but when I got in there, it didn't deliver. Okay, so hopefully, I mean, this is some
341 00:54:42,630 --> 00:54:50,670 real high end stuff here. Okay, but if you don't take the effort of looking at it and studying it, you won't appreciate it at all. And you won't see it for how
342 00:54:50,670 --> 00:55:03,270 good it really is. Now, you're probably looking up here in this box. Okay, and what I'm utilizing this for is think of the day As a tank of gas, okay, or
343 00:55:03,300 --> 00:55:12,720 that's a better analogy would be a battery. Okay, so at the beginning of the day at the opening price, we're gonna say, just for the sake of argument, we're
344 00:55:12,720 --> 00:55:22,740 gonna stick to the midnight candles opening price in New York. Okay? Yes, you could use the dear GMT. But for now just for instance, we're going to use it you
345 00:55:22,740 --> 00:55:34,530 from 12 Midnight candles opening price, the battery is now full, we have full battery, okay and that means the time of day or the duration of what volatility
346 00:55:34,530 --> 00:55:47,790 that will take place for that particular day is it has that much time value or not value at time duration in it. Okay, and we view around noon time, generally
347 00:55:47,820 --> 00:55:57,480 noon time is the end of the day. And that would be depicted by the right side of the box here and the beginning of the boxes denoting the full battery or full
348 00:55:57,480 --> 00:56:05,010 tank of gas that would deplete over time. So as London happens we've you know, we've only depleted a small portion we have all this
349 00:56:07,380 --> 00:56:15,780 a battery or tank of gas for any volatility that would take place for that day. We still have time for all those things to take place. And then we get down to
350 00:56:15,780 --> 00:56:25,230 when price would expand go lower. Okay. There'll be a small little retracement between five o'clock in the morning and 7am Now think about what I just told
351 00:56:25,230 --> 00:56:35,070 you. Okay. There's going to be a small retracement. This is all ICT time New York time. There will be a small retracement generally between 5am to 7am.
352 00:56:35,280 --> 00:56:43,950 Generally, okay, and in that retracement and it can go as late as eight in the morning sometimes, because there's may be some news announcements, maybe some
353 00:56:43,950 --> 00:56:53,340 effects happening in the bond market. Okay, that may have to be factored in. So I guess really the rule would be 5am to 8am. Okay, but really be sensitive to
354 00:56:53,340 --> 00:57:06,120 five to 7am. That retracement into the range that had started from London. Okay. Now at that time, we have about a little bit less than half of the daily battery
355 00:57:06,150 --> 00:57:24,420 used up. Okay. I'm sorry, more than half of the matter used, we have less than half of the daily ranges lifespan you left. What that means is, you'll see a
356 00:57:24,420 --> 00:57:36,450 acceleration in New York to make its move faster. Okay, then you see what happens in London? And what is it moving towards, it's moving to go down into an
357 00:57:36,450 --> 00:57:46,500 area of anticipated value. Now value can come in a lot of different forms, it can come in the form of a higher timeframe support level, which we're not noting
358 00:57:46,500 --> 00:57:54,270 here, but can be okay. It could be the average daily range. Now, what's the average daily range, we use a five day average daily range. And there's an
359 00:57:54,270 --> 00:58:03,990 indicator that I use to calculate that I am not going into the mathematics to arrive at that. But nonetheless, you know, it's a quick, easy. It's an
360 00:58:04,020 --> 00:58:17,490 application I apply to Mt four. And you can you understand now why I like Mt four because really, it's the average daily range tool that I use for it. And it
361 00:58:17,490 --> 00:58:26,820 gives me my basis of what's where I looked to see the ADR for that day. Not that I'm trading with Mt four with my live accounts. But nonetheless, you know why I
362 00:58:26,850 --> 00:58:35,130 still hold true and loyal to Mt. Four, because really outside of that it's a very archaic trading platform, but it's still nonetheless, it's a good teaching
363 00:58:35,130 --> 00:58:46,710 platform. But the New York session, okay, it will retrace up into around that seven o'clock to eight o'clock in the morning timeframe. Okay, so now we've now
364 00:58:46,710 --> 00:58:57,780 mapped out times for all these things. Okay. When's the last time you read a book, okay, or listen to some guy talking about, you know, supply and demand, or
365 00:58:57,780 --> 00:59:03,960 anything like that, to tell you exactly when to anticipate those things. Because it's one thing to show a chart, say, Okay, here's a supply level, here's a
366 00:59:03,960 --> 00:59:10,470 demand level, and we're going to expect this or that. I'm telling you when it's going to happen. I'm telling you exactly when it's going to happen. And it
367 00:59:10,470 --> 00:59:22,380 repeats all the time, all the time. The key is to get these 90% setups, okay, if you're looking for this scenario, when the higher timeframe charts suggest to
368 00:59:22,380 --> 00:59:31,320 him, we're gonna look at some of those in a moment. When they suggest the idea of to anticipate this type of event. Then it's like, it literally is like
369 00:59:31,320 --> 00:59:42,150 walking up to a tree and just pouring free to off and just enjoying yourself, but not gorging yourself, okay? Don't run in to that tree and wind yourself
370 00:59:42,150 --> 00:59:49,860 before you. You get there because you won't be able to enjoy it. Once you get there to get you'll be too far to breath to actually pick the fruit and enjoy
371 00:59:49,860 --> 00:59:59,490 it. Okay, so again, don't rush and don't don't gorge. Okay, that means don't trade before the setups actually come and Don't risk more than you should. Okay,
372 01:00:01,230 --> 01:00:09,240 The low down here. Again, we identified that between 10 o'clock and noon, New York time, that's what this little bounce will be. And then the market will do
373 01:00:09,240 --> 01:00:19,410 what? It'll go sideways. It doesn't stop trading, it just goes sideways, until we get to the new day, around 25 o'clock, six o'clock in the morning, five, six
374 01:00:19,410 --> 01:00:31,440 o'clock in the evening, New York time, we start a new day and he starts doing its thing again in Asia. Okay. We've just mapped out graphically what the day
375 01:00:31,440 --> 01:00:41,820 looks like when it's a down day. We identified the times a day and what those times of the day are important for. Now, let's go back to the idea of 30 pips.
376 01:00:42,810 --> 01:00:49,320 If we risked 30 pips, okay, initially up here, say
377 01:00:50,580 --> 01:01:01,080 there was a bearish order block above this opening price about 20 pips above it. Okay, we could risk going in with a limit order selling short at whatever
378 01:01:01,080 --> 01:01:06,840 particular price that would be denoted by the order block, which we don't have here. But we're under the assumption there's something that's bearish up here.
379 01:01:07,530 --> 01:01:15,420 Price would rally above the opening price as we would anticipate, not chase, we would anticipate this happening then when we see it happening. It's fitting the
380 01:01:15,420 --> 01:01:24,960 script that we would have internalized on our idea of we would expect for a down day. Well, it's above the opening price would go sell short right there. Okay,
381 01:01:25,020 --> 01:01:34,110 now, if we sold short 20 pips above the opening price, and we're going to risk 30, watch what's going on. Here's 20 pips above the opening price plus 30. More
382 01:01:34,140 --> 01:01:44,100 from that price point. that's outside the scope of a traditional price swing on a down day, when the opening price opens. It's not going to go 50 pips higher
383 01:01:44,220 --> 01:01:53,760 than go lower. 20 I mean, sorry. 300 pips generally won't do it. Okay, won't do that. Can it happen sometimes? Absolutely. Will you take a lot of antsy when it
384 01:01:53,760 --> 01:02:01,350 does do that, absolutely. It's going to happen, promise, a guarantee it's going to happen. And you're going to remember me telling you, it's going to happen.
385 01:02:01,650 --> 01:02:10,740 But you should remember also, by far and large, statistically, you're gonna see it's not happening much. So can you whether you're getting punched in the face,
386 01:02:11,460 --> 01:02:19,470 or punched in the gut, or have yourself tripped up, or lose a little bit of money, because we're how much we lose in one and a half percent. If you can't
387 01:02:19,470 --> 01:02:28,110 weather one and a half percent loss, turn this video off, don't ever trade. Don't ever do it, don't ever even consider it. Because you're going to take a
388 01:02:28,110 --> 01:02:35,670 loss, absolutely guaranteed you're gonna happen and period it's and the story done, you're going to have a loss. Now, because I promised you you're gonna take
389 01:02:35,670 --> 01:02:45,150 a loss, you shouldn't be scared that it's going to happen. You should anticipate it's limited to one and a half percent. And you anticipate that you have a
390 01:02:45,150 --> 01:02:54,450 system that will show you trade setups that will ferret out winning scenarios that far outweigh the losers that you will incur, because you're going to incur
391 01:02:54,450 --> 01:03:04,680 losses, guaranteed. Okay, but how big will your wins be initially? If you sell up here, okay, I'm sorry. So up here with 30 pip stop above it, essentially,
392 01:03:04,680 --> 01:03:13,740 theoretically, that would be in that example 50 pips away from the opening price, the likelihood of the opening price and and seeing 50 pips up, then down
393 01:03:13,740 --> 01:03:28,140 close is highly unlikely, highly unlikely. London usually reaches up out 2030 pips runs a previous stop, or goes into an order block or into a key level of
394 01:03:28,140 --> 01:03:39,690 resistance, and then you see the dive. Okay, so if you're trading up here short, does it have to go all the way down here to get your 30 pips? No. It doesn't
395 01:03:39,690 --> 01:03:42,780 even have to make the low in New York to get your 30 pips.
396 01:03:44,580 --> 01:03:54,810 Wow, think about that. You can make 30 pips without actually spending a whole lot of time in the marketplace and surgically make surgical strikes, knowing
397 01:03:54,810 --> 01:04:01,980 when to get in, where to get out. Okay, and I'm telling you don't skip over saying, Well, I'm gonna have a trade day trading. Now I'm like, I'm not going to
398 01:04:01,980 --> 01:04:09,510 do to One to One, I'm not going to do that. I'm just gonna look for my three to one or four to 151. Don't do that. You're gonna do a huge disservice to
399 01:04:09,510 --> 01:04:19,560 yourself. Trust me when I tell you that. Learn to crawl before you walk. Because you're never going to run it as higher level returns monthly. Without learning
400 01:04:19,560 --> 01:04:26,910 first a crawl. You are not going to have the foundation and I know, I know. There's gonna be a large degree of you guys are just plugging your ears right
401 01:04:26,910 --> 01:04:37,800 now. But I'm telling you, you will not make millions of dollars. Think about what I'm telling you. You will not make millions of dollars trying to get ahead
402 01:04:37,800 --> 01:04:49,380 of the line. It will happen. I tried that game. Trust me. When I had to do it all over again. Start all over with a fresh mindset. It did not take long. It
403 01:04:49,380 --> 01:04:59,130 doesn't take long for you to actually see the fruits of your labor. Okay, and trust me. Don't you really want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt what you're
404 01:04:59,130 --> 01:05:08,400 doing works and you're comfortable with it. And you know it intimately. That's the, that's the benefit of doing that setup of looking for one to one initially,
405 01:05:08,550 --> 01:05:14,640 again, it's not about making the money initially, when you're first learning these concepts. If you're just wanting my stuff to try to make a lot of money
406 01:05:14,640 --> 01:05:22,830 right from the start, you forget it, you're going to lose, and you'll blame me say my stuff is full of crap. But it's you that's being lazy. You need to apply
407 01:05:22,830 --> 01:05:30,150 the time, and go through the drills and go through the exercises, because that's what teaches you, it's not me sending Twitter account setups or giving you
408 01:05:30,150 --> 01:05:38,520 levels or giving you videos, okay? It's you applying the concepts and tools, okay, correctly over time and seeing when they're not working for you, and
409 01:05:38,520 --> 01:05:46,890 understand why you saw it like this and why you thought like that. And when it really starts to gel with you, and you internalize it, then that's it. No one's
410 01:05:46,890 --> 01:05:52,800 ever going to shake you. Nobody, then you're done. It's safe for you to go on the forums, because you can go in and say, This guy's full of crap you don't
411 01:05:52,800 --> 01:05:57,960 know he's talking about, okay, he's not going to convince me I don't know how I'm doing during one person after the world's gonna tell me I don't know what
412 01:05:57,960 --> 01:06:04,500 I'm doing. I know exactly what I'm doing. And I can talk to people that say they've been doing it longer than I have. My mentor has been doing it twice as
413 01:06:04,500 --> 01:06:14,550 long as I have more than twice. Okay. But I can I am honestly convinced in my heart that I can trade better than him. Did I take 10,000 hours to $2 million in
414 01:06:14,550 --> 01:06:21,870 a year? Yes, I said $2 million, because that's exactly what he did. 97 got hurt a little bit, in closing out for 1.2 million. But the average
415 01:06:23,280 --> 01:06:31,890 margin for the s&p back then was really, really, really low. It was extremely, extremely low, I guarantee you couldn't do it now. So bottom line is, is this,
416 01:06:32,820 --> 01:06:41,790 you're going to be a better trader than me if you do these things. And I'm okay with that. In fact, I'm excited. Because that's the whole reason why I'm asking
417 01:06:41,790 --> 01:06:49,860 all you guys to learn it, and then keep in contact with me, I'm not selling you any of this stuff. I didn't sell any of this, I could sell this uncertainty, I
418 01:06:49,860 --> 01:06:57,630 could sell this for a lot of money. And I would probably get a lot of money sent to me. But I don't want to deal with billing and all that stuff. I don't care
419 01:06:57,630 --> 01:07:07,440 about all that. What I want to see is the life changing Eve effect that it has. And I want to know how you guys develop because I know somebody that's listening
420 01:07:07,440 --> 01:07:15,150 to my voice now is going to outdo me. And that's what I'm doing this for. I'm not the guy doing videos and trying to look down there by saying I'm looking at
421 01:07:15,150 --> 01:07:26,640 me up, I'm a mama's throne. That's not what this is. I'm trying to lift you guys up to go higher than I have. Because I'm telling you, what I've done is just a
422 01:07:26,640 --> 01:07:36,030 little scratching the surface of what's capable for someone that started like me, a very young man, if I would have known this stuff, right now, what I knew,
423 01:07:36,060 --> 01:07:44,190 and everybody can say this about everything, but I'm telling you if I knew this, when I first started, oh, man, you would have known about me everywhere. It
424 01:07:44,190 --> 01:07:50,100 would have been everywhere I would have been on books and people wouldn't trust me because that's how crazy it was. It was like a carnival like circus man on
425 01:07:50,100 --> 01:08:01,080 America Online people were they knew me, and it has exploded. Now it's not about me, it's about everyone else. And I'm interested, honestly, I am very interested
426 01:08:01,320 --> 01:08:11,190 in what everyone else is doing. And I get a lot of that feedback now. But I want to see it when everyone knows everything I'm endeavored to share. And once that
427 01:08:11,190 --> 01:08:18,840 happens and the time effect takes place because it's gonna be a couple years I know. But I'm relatively young, I'm an old guy, I'll be 43 this year, but you
428 01:08:18,840 --> 01:08:26,580 know 10 years from now I hope to still keep getting emails from folks that maybe just discovered me did the whole thing. Maybe listen to this video here. And you
429 01:08:26,580 --> 01:08:36,240 know, change their life and buy as a byproduct you know, blessed other people that may not ever even be traders. Okay, but you bought them a house you paid
430 01:08:36,240 --> 01:08:42,510 for their their child's tuition for college that they couldn't afford. Those are the types of things I want to hear about not to Hey, ma'am. I went out and
431 01:08:42,510 --> 01:08:53,040 bought myself a new new Lexus or bought a Lamborghini and, and I know what it's like you go through six miles an hour, a six mile per gallon fuel consumption.
432 01:08:53,040 --> 01:08:59,310 Now don't worry about all that. That's not what I'm worried about my motivation is I want to see what you're doing to help someone else. Okay, that's really
433 01:08:59,310 --> 01:09:12,300 what this is. So it's not egotistical, it's not self centered, it's really a tight, you know, I'm giving away my time and energy because I know it's going to
434 01:09:12,300 --> 01:09:20,580 have a blessing way down the line. And he's going to help some money that will never meet me. And I'm excited about that. And I just want to hear the
435 01:09:20,580 --> 01:09:31,200 storylines behind it all before I lay down for the last time. So we're gonna go over to the charts and we're going to look at some of this in a buying scenario
436 01:09:31,200 --> 01:09:38,250 because we have mapped it out here on a down down scenario or bearish scenario. Let's take a look at it what looks like on a buying opportunity and what this
437 01:09:38,250 --> 01:09:39,150 looks like internal
438 01:09:44,370 --> 01:09:52,470 Okay, folks, we're looking at the British pound is a daily chart. Now, I know some of you are going to watch this video. And assume naturally, I'm cherry
439 01:09:52,470 --> 01:10:04,230 picking and saying something that happened in hindsight that I didn't call before the fact and yada yada yada. Okay. I'm just going to counsel you to trust
440 01:10:04,230 --> 01:10:15,180 me when I tell you that I tweeted this whole business down here that we were going to use this for a study scenario. And I tweeted the specific levels and
441 01:10:15,180 --> 01:10:29,850 talked about it in great detail. And between the time I tweeted it, and the time that I commented on it, and now, obviously, but we talked about this old low,
442 01:10:30,840 --> 01:10:49,230 okay, and a higher Time Frame level like this. This particular day, let's get a better view of it. The low comes in at 146 37. Okay, I know a lot of you will
443 01:10:49,440 --> 01:11:07,410 recognize that level from discussions and tweets and videos that we've shown with it. Let's look at that 146 37 146 37. So our level is exactly where it
444 01:11:07,410 --> 01:11:20,070 needs to be. Now, this penetration of a low, this is a liquidity pool right below this low, it dipped down into a higher level weekly order block. Okay, and
445 01:11:20,070 --> 01:11:27,030 I'm not going to spend the time to do that, because we've already did that in previous videos. So if you haven't gone through my stuff, there's your reason
446 01:11:27,030 --> 01:11:37,620 for having to need to do it. Okay, so trust me when I tell you we Outland wide down here is nificantly. bullish. We were talking about the likelihood of a
447 01:11:37,620 --> 01:11:45,990 bounce in a bear market. Okay, that was the framework for all this. Now, can I look back six months from now and say, Wow, look at this on the down the low,
448 01:11:46,080 --> 01:11:54,720 maybe. But did I call it the low then? No, I just said as a bounce in a bear market. I never teach and I never tried to trade with the concept of trying to
449 01:11:54,720 --> 01:12:03,210 nail down the low because this is ultimately, you know, likely, okay, retrace at some degree. And if it does, it takes out this low Am I calling the low then No,
450 01:12:03,390 --> 01:12:11,550 you don't need the low, you don't need the high. But you just know when it's most likely to trade in a direct, new, higher, lower. And that's all you need.
451 01:12:11,880 --> 01:12:21,300 And that's the benefit of having higher timeframe charts at your disposal, because the higher timeframe charts generally trade in one direction for a
452 01:12:21,300 --> 01:12:31,950 length of time that is very conducive for what we're discussing here, high probability setups. Now, a low like this, if it's broken through, you can see
453 01:12:31,950 --> 01:12:41,700 the bodies of the candles had a very difficult time moving any degree beyond it lower. But we were anticipating something bullish down here. Okay. And, again,
454 01:12:42,390 --> 01:12:51,660 please look at the videos prior to the time of this video is released. And you'll see that clearly this is all anticipated. Okay, we are looking for a
455 01:12:51,660 --> 01:13:02,790 bounce in a bear market. And before we talk about the several 100 Pip move up, I want to show you just some of the things that's obviously salient to discussion
456 01:13:02,790 --> 01:13:14,460 here. The move that we see here, see how that took place as a rather extended price move. Okay. Even the move that took place from this low to this high was
457 01:13:14,460 --> 01:13:24,660 extended, okay, it took some time to on unravel the high up here down to the low in here. It took time for it to establish the high and low price move. Okay,
458 01:13:24,660 --> 01:13:37,350 what the point is, once you identify the highest likelihood direction on these higher timeframe charts, you want to really focus on that for your for your high
459 01:13:37,350 --> 01:13:47,040 probability setups. Can you buy, you know, in areas like this? Sure, you can. But my question is, why would you want to, especially as a developing trader,
460 01:13:47,370 --> 01:13:55,470 you really want to have the odds statistically in your favor. The institutional order flow is bearish here. Okay. And it's not because we're pointing it out. In
461 01:13:55,470 --> 01:14:02,970 hindsight, it's perfect. In hindsight, yes. But we were bearish all here, we talked about this gap being filled, and it may not appear as a gap on your
462 01:14:03,240 --> 01:14:13,110 platform. This gaps there because this platform did not trade during the holidays. But you will see if your chart is not showing the gap, you'll see a
463 01:14:13,110 --> 01:14:20,340 big range all the same things they are you have a liquidity void, it has to come back up in and fill it and that's exactly what it did here. Okay. So we were
464 01:14:20,340 --> 01:14:28,260 anticipating bounce there and it come up to where we anticipated up to this bearish order block, boom, filled the gap and then boom, lower. Okay, so that's
465 01:14:28,260 --> 01:14:37,380 the benefit of having the higher timeframe charts at your disposal and understanding what it's doing off key levels and monthly, weekly, daily order
466 01:14:37,380 --> 01:14:44,580 blocks and liquidity pools when it was down here, okay. There were several areas of
467 01:14:46,050 --> 01:14:55,260 opportunities for price to most likely want to reach for it in a down market. We have these highs in here, which at the time of me discussing it and said that
468 01:14:55,260 --> 01:15:07,170 these are most likely the highs that would be traded to Okay to reach for any stops above it, because the liquidity outside this range here will only be in
469 01:15:07,170 --> 01:15:13,170 this area here. And then we have this spike high here. Okay, so we'll note that
470 01:15:18,690 --> 01:15:32,940 and for this discussion don't need to be so precise. It'll still give us the the main concepts as as it relates to what we're discussing. We had the major low
471 01:15:32,940 --> 01:15:42,540 here liquidity pool liquidity pools above these highs here. And liquidity pool, both these highs here, okay, basically stops, that's the easiest way of
472 01:15:42,840 --> 01:15:53,130 describing why, why would we anticipate stops above this high and above these hot here, because prior to where it's at, now, the market was going lower, stops
473 01:15:53,130 --> 01:16:02,670 will be above this high and it's broke down lower, stocks will be lower to this point. And then as the market make lower, they will put stops above this high
474 01:16:02,670 --> 01:16:13,830 protecting their short position. Well, when it's going to bounce, when it's going to bounce, it's going to seek those areas of liquidity. Okay, and you see
475 01:16:13,830 --> 01:16:24,990 that happened here, price runs up runs that first level, around that 150 level here, boom, those stops are gone. The next level will be around that 151 50.
476 01:16:25,020 --> 01:16:38,430 What is that? 151 66. Okay, price runs up through it, boom, there it is. That was last week, cleared it out. Okay. The area at which would be next
477 01:16:39,060 --> 01:16:49,560 consideration for ultimately you inside this range would be this bullish candle, which is the bearish order block, we were looking for the 154 6154 50 area,
478 01:16:49,860 --> 01:16:59,010 okay, in that in that price range. And again, that's assuming that we blow all the way up to that, that price point. And if we do that, we probably may have
479 01:16:59,010 --> 01:17:11,040 factored in the first part of the years low. And that may be pretty cool going into the fall. But nonetheless, when price was down here, and we were calling
480 01:17:11,040 --> 01:17:20,220 for bullish prices, until we get to these levels here. Okay, that means the range that's depicted from this level here and this level here, we would
481 01:17:20,220 --> 01:17:36,150 anticipate what taking place range expansion to the upside. Now, what is what's the benefit of that while describing what we just talked about, as it relates to
482 01:17:36,750 --> 01:17:47,100 mapping out the internal market flow, okay, not flow and like breaking highs and lows that, you know, it's commonly talked about as market flow, I'm talking
483 01:17:47,100 --> 01:17:57,030 about the institutional market flow the order flow, okay, it's going to be the opening a down move, they're going to seek value, it'll be undervalued, they're
484 01:17:57,030 --> 01:18:06,810 gonna accumulate by the range expansion will be the upside, the close will be above the opening price. It's an up day okay. Or it will be an accumulation day.
485 01:18:08,700 --> 01:18:25,260 If these levels are taken out, Okay, the next level would be here, stocks will be above that level, okay. That means inside this area, all between here as long
486 01:18:25,260 --> 01:18:38,100 as this level is not taken out, okay. We are in a bounce in a bear market. Now we have a swing low here. Now this level becomes influential. Okay, so this low
487 01:18:38,130 --> 01:18:47,610 because we have a swing low here with a daily low, that's higher than this low and a higher low on the side. Okay, so it was swing low, I only require three
488 01:18:47,610 --> 01:18:56,430 candles that do not need five to make what was deemed empty for fractal high or low. I don't need five candles for that. Larry Williams thought jar turning
489 01:18:56,430 --> 01:19:04,950 points occur at three candles and three candles is all it requires. If you look at every turning point, it's there. Now I'm going to get arguments and sent you
490 01:19:04,950 --> 01:19:11,910 don't know what's going on with you right now. I don't know and you don't know and we all trade with a level of uncertainty and I'm okay with that level of
491 01:19:11,910 --> 01:19:20,250 uncertainty. I know what I'm looking at in terms of key level so again, you get to where I am and then you'll trust it to and I don't mean that to be arrogant,
492 01:19:20,250 --> 01:19:33,600 but trust me, you only need three candles to make a swing high or low period. So now looking at what we have here, we've mapped out okay, an area at which prior
493 01:19:33,630 --> 01:19:41,580 like when it's down here when it makes the swing low right there boom. We are seeing the reaction initially that you would expect prices trying to move away
494 01:19:42,360 --> 01:19:48,810 there's where's it gonna go it's gonna go to this level here why cuz there's gonna be buy stops above it. And it's when we buy stops above it here for those
495 01:19:48,810 --> 01:20:00,000 that had been short. The market is going to seek that liquidity. So now we would look for the open to to swing down in London making the low in London between
496 01:20:00,000 --> 01:20:07,740 Two o'clock, four o'clock New York time, and then rally up, then a small retrace between five o'clock in the morning and seven o'clock in the morning, creating a
497 01:20:07,740 --> 01:20:14,250 New York session setup. And we would continuously do that until we see
498 01:20:15,660 --> 01:20:22,650 a low violate and we don't see any lows violated, it just keeps pressing higher and higher. And then last Friday, boom, we cleared out this high here. Okay, so
499 01:20:22,650 --> 01:20:36,240 now watch what we did, we're going to drop down into an hourly chart. And we'll look at the market a little bit more specific. Okay, and then we're going to add
500 01:20:36,240 --> 01:20:46,470 to the dividers. So we're looking at basically two weeks price action. Okay, two weeks of price action. And we see the swing low here, very easily discerned here
501 01:20:46,500 --> 01:20:55,050 now, and price does what, here's Monday's trading between this vertical day and fertile line, this vertical line, this is all Monday trading, look what happens,
502 01:20:55,080 --> 01:21:05,940 we open we trade down, make the low of the day rallies off, we open, drop down, make the low Day Rally off. Here's another day, look at this, this is Wednesday.
503 01:21:07,530 --> 01:21:25,020 We open Judas swing down, rally off. Look at Thursday, we open decline rally off here, same thing, we open decline a little bit rally off. So every single day,
504 01:21:26,190 --> 01:21:33,840 institution orderflow campus on the right side we are looking for where the institutions are going to want to pair orders at these levels are where the
505 01:21:33,840 --> 01:21:41,610 stops are going to be look at the reaction once it clear the first level, cleared it and then retraced deeper, okay, comes back up blows through it takes
506 01:21:41,610 --> 01:21:51,240 out this high, and then find some support at that same area of where we'd anticipate order flow. So now, those spy stops, okay, that were generated, they
507 01:21:51,270 --> 01:22:00,480 collapsed, the Long's here that they took their spy orders up here to be on the form of players that want to protect their short position, those by stops are
508 01:22:00,480 --> 01:22:07,590 going to they're going to activate and go active for market orders to buy the market, who's going to sell to them to smart money that bought it down here.
509 01:22:07,920 --> 01:22:19,890 They bought here, they're selling it to the buy stops here. Okay, so now they run a here, boom, one more time. But now watch what happens comes down here,
510 01:22:20,430 --> 01:22:32,430 this same area now will become sensitive. Okay, it'll become sensitive, because it was an area of old order flow back here. So now they'll re claim or
511 01:22:32,430 --> 01:22:43,830 recapitalize. Okay, this area in form of something like a like an owner block, if you will, okay, and this area will provide now support. So old areas of order
512 01:22:43,830 --> 01:22:52,950 flow can reverse their role and becomes an inversion level, I can support resistance, okay. When it rallies up, where's it going to reach for the next
513 01:22:52,980 --> 01:23:03,900 level of order? Flow and liquidity? So the void, I'm sorry, the liquidity pool is above this level here is now been absorbed, initially, okay. Expected to go a
514 01:23:03,900 --> 01:23:14,430 little bit higher going into this week. But nonetheless, the area at which it trades to, that's what we're looking at. So when it's a buy down here, okay,
515 01:23:14,850 --> 01:23:29,730 we're aiming. In our mind, we're anticipating price getting to this level right here. Okay, we want to clean that high, boom, and you see it right there. Okay.
516 01:23:31,140 --> 01:23:42,330 If price continues, and in finds continued buying pressure, and it does not break down, this will be the area at which orderflow would reach for next
517 01:23:42,360 --> 01:23:52,320 because liquidity is above these levels, why these levels are higher timeframe, price chart levels, key support resistance levels, liquidity pools, it's just
518 01:23:52,320 --> 01:24:02,340 like that, okay? It's just like that, you just look at areas at which price is going to pull it from here to here. This is how you trade with institutional
519 01:24:02,340 --> 01:24:12,690 order flow. It keeps you on the right side of the marketplace, and it shows you where price is going. Now let's go back to old school market flow. Okay, market
520 01:24:12,690 --> 01:24:24,330 flow, here's a swing high. Okay, see that? price breaks it right there, boom, it's going higher. Okay, on an hourly chart, swing low. Well, price price breaks
521 01:24:24,330 --> 01:24:35,100 it here. It's not until you see this high here broken, that it's become bullish again, because of an hourly chart, that's the way it is. You're shifting gears
522 01:24:35,100 --> 01:24:44,430 all over the place if you're just a market flow type trader, but watch what happens if you see when market flow is broken. Okay and market structure is
523 01:24:44,430 --> 01:24:54,390 suggesting that higher prices are in order. We have this swing high here broken which is much more significant moment. Opinion. Price comes back down into what
524 01:24:55,020 --> 01:25:06,780 an old bullish order block. Let's zoom in here. So, we talked about this I think in the last video produced prior to this one where we showed what real dynamic
525 01:25:06,780 --> 01:25:16,860 support and resistance is because there's a lot of questions I get about Some so called DSR indicator. But this is really what you're looking for.
526 01:25:20,070 --> 01:25:29,340 The down candle part of the move up is the bullish order block. It's the top of the body's candle and the wick. That is the range at which you want to view the
527 01:25:29,340 --> 01:25:37,770 real buying and selling. Okay, well the buying in this case here and you can see it comes right down into it there bang nails it now wouldn't you know it? If we
528 01:25:37,770 --> 01:25:48,240 go to our fib and go back to Baby Baby pips days where I was just giving you the the FIB tool there's your optimal trade entry at the sweet spot boom. And you
529 01:25:48,240 --> 01:25:57,510 thought I was just making this stuff up as I was going along. The point is is once we see this okay, we understand that we want to see the opening price at
530 01:25:57,510 --> 01:26:04,920 this point here it's this day here. Okay opening price below it well below how far well let's look at that
531 01:26:13,260 --> 01:26:25,080 okay, here's the opening price, or there abouts close to it. Okay, here is 30 pips from the opening at zero GMT. That's what these vertical lines are here.
532 01:26:25,110 --> 01:26:39,660 Okay, see that 30 pips from the opening price at zero GMT. Now we're going to zoom in Okay, and we're gonna go to here is new day. Let me make sure I can see
533 01:26:39,660 --> 01:26:42,750 my times I want to make sure I'm showing it accurately
534 01:26:51,480 --> 01:27:12,120 here's 5g Anti. Here's the opening price. And there's 30 pips. The low comes in at 50. Okay, that's Tuesday's low and as the one time that you're gonna have you
535 01:27:12,120 --> 01:27:22,920 have a loss, okay, if you're just looking at buying on a limit 30 pips below the opening price, but that's the first filter. Remember what we're talking about
536 01:27:22,920 --> 01:27:34,650 before you have to look at 30 pips below the opening price. And then in that area, and let's map that out. Here's 30 pips right there. Okay. So from the
537 01:27:34,650 --> 01:27:43,860 opening price here in the midnight candle in New York time, here's the opening down 30 pips. Then you go left from that price price. Excuse me, that price
538 01:27:43,860 --> 01:27:53,490 point. Is there an order block down there? No, where's the order block down here? Okay, so this is the benefit of seeing it when it's live. So you got to go
539 01:27:53,520 --> 01:28:03,720 and find out where that order block would be or liquidity pool, like it did here. Okay, we went down to an area that's bullish, that's what his level is.
540 01:28:03,720 --> 01:28:15,330 Here's an old daily low price opened up on that Monday and traded down to violate this low. If we look at the candle on that particular day, here's the
541 01:28:16,200 --> 01:28:30,390 here's the opening price here. And it come in at all there you go. I mean, we've never even came back down to that. Okay, so if you were buying you 30 pips below
542 01:28:30,390 --> 01:28:41,400 it, having a stop below it. 30 pips, that would be you wonderful. It'd be a really good setup, but I'm going to try to teach you to only be trading on
543 01:28:41,400 --> 01:28:49,050 Tuesdays and Wednesdays and try to avoid Mondays you'll miss a lot of really good opportunities like I did here, but just let it go. Okay, so I lost my line.
544 01:28:49,050 --> 01:29:07,410 I should have kept that I'm sorry. Alright, so we have 5g empty here. And 30 pips below the low is here. So if we were looking at buying down here, there's
545 01:29:07,410 --> 01:29:18,180 nothing really the frame the idea down here it is. Okay. So I kind of want to believe that you would have the, the Insight now especially now, going forward
546 01:29:18,180 --> 01:29:25,110 that you can't really frame the trade here because there's no waterblock until you get down lower. Okay, so you would have to expect or demand price to get
547 01:29:25,110 --> 01:29:32,550 down to that price point. Okay, or at least here. Now, let's say for argument that you didn't follow the rules and you want to go long here at this price
548 01:29:32,550 --> 01:29:46,950 point. Well, if that's your entry 30 pips below it from your entry point, price point because you're using a 30 pip stop. Did you get stopped out? No. But if
549 01:29:46,950 --> 01:29:55,920 you were looking at like a limit order trader, if you're starting out new, you probably would have messed this up somehow. Okay. And I'll just leave it at that
550 01:29:55,920 --> 01:30:02,670 and you would have seen this later on in price a man I would have been great if I would have been in it. but missed it because of something. Okay, maybe you
551 01:30:02,670 --> 01:30:09,030 would have trusted going down that let me be a thought. Well, Michael said it's got to be 30 pips and such, you're, there's gonna be times when you do that
552 01:30:09,030 --> 01:30:19,590 you're gonna question me you're gonna question your own understanding. And that's all part of it, guys. Alright, so now we have Okay, we just talked about
553 01:30:19,590 --> 01:30:32,700 Monday and Tuesday. So now we're gonna look at Tuesday's trading in here. Okay. We talked and showed in, let me see us at market maker eight, where old order
554 01:30:32,700 --> 01:30:46,290 blocks on the other side of the market maker profile, okay? Or will be re they'll be re claimed OtterBox. Okay, this is a small little bounce in the
555 01:30:46,290 --> 01:30:56,880 overall by program, or by profile. This right here, okay? If you use this down, candle prices move up, watch what happens.
556 01:31:03,090 --> 01:31:11,310 Boom. Okay. It does not go down to what you would deem classic support and resistance. This is the reason why everyone gets frustrated with Support
557 01:31:11,310 --> 01:31:18,240 Resistance. They'll say, oh, Support Resistance doesn't work. It works wonderful. These don't know what how to use it. Price does not get down to that
558 01:31:18,240 --> 01:31:26,580 price point. Here's the high that would be the old resistance now expected to be turned support. It didn't get down there. Why? Because it doesn't have to.
559 01:31:27,300 --> 01:31:38,670 Here's the waterblock prior to this little move up. Now why is this little move up even significant? Watch. We have a consolidation breakdown, a return to debt
560 01:31:38,670 --> 01:31:49,590 consolidation, and a run to support Smart Money reversal. Low risk by Re accumulation, boom distribution above the consolidation. There's your market
561 01:31:49,590 --> 01:32:00,330 maker by profile. Okay, we actually mapped all this stuff out. And you see it now in in hindsight, but it was all explained step by step by step. And what you
562 01:32:00,330 --> 01:32:10,770 do with these points over here, because you're anticipating what the price is consolidating above and higher level support level or weekly waterblock. price
563 01:32:10,770 --> 01:32:22,260 comes down, trades into that and also an old low, old daily low, mostly with this level here is that 146 37 from the daily chart. But notice what they're
564 01:32:22,260 --> 01:32:29,640 doing, they're buying here early, because they're hedging in they got it, they have deep pockets, they can do it. You can't do it like this, but they do. So
565 01:32:29,640 --> 01:32:37,620 they're buying here, okay, that drips down into a lower area, they buy more, and he drops even more, they buy more, it comes on the other side of the market
566 01:32:37,620 --> 01:32:47,400 maker by profile, and they're buying a lot here. Boom, why is it coming back to this price point? It doesn't even give you what you would classically see as
567 01:32:48,060 --> 01:32:58,110 well, Michael, it's not an optimal trade entry. It only goes down to the 50 level. You're right. Because that's not what it is. You got to look at where the
568 01:32:58,110 --> 01:33:05,970 actually did the buying the buying is here inside of the buy profile. Okay, they bought here, when it gets back down to they're going to add more buying into it.
569 01:33:06,240 --> 01:33:19,440 Right there. Okay, you see that? So now, we understand also this is a key low. So watch what we do. If you if you anchor your price point of your fib on the
570 01:33:19,650 --> 01:33:35,160 higher level, daily low, okay, we just fall hair shy of the 60% retracement level. But if we No no, I'm probably gonna go. Yeah, let's just do it. The the
571 01:33:36,570 --> 01:33:39,240 let's not use that though. Let's use a horizontal line
572 01:33:44,790 --> 01:33:55,710 inside all this consolidation, okay, all this consolidation, we learned in the market maker series that there are levels to look for. For institutional
573 01:33:55,710 --> 01:34:03,660 pricing. Institution pricing is where you see where all the orders are collectively working around it, there's a lot of bodies and wicks touching it.
574 01:34:03,870 --> 01:34:12,720 Okay, and it needs to be rounded to the nearest round number. Inside that range is 1/5 650. If you anchor your fib and there that seems like voodoo, but trust
575 01:34:12,720 --> 01:34:19,290 me over time, when you do it, you'll see it's amazing. You go you fall right down inside of the 60%. Chase, no, but more importantly, look at the bottom of
576 01:34:19,290 --> 01:34:28,890 the candle. They're respecting 62 Based on that, that range from the high here and the 50 level here. Why is this the important cuz it's a significant
577 01:34:28,890 --> 01:34:38,880 minifigure number. It's a high psychological number. And also it's inside the range of this consolidation. And there's a lot of touches and bodies that candle
578 01:34:39,630 --> 01:34:52,680 in that area. Okay, so a little extra for the v not necessary, but nonetheless it's are you going to get more for your money in here, we have see where we get
579 01:34:54,480 --> 01:35:12,720 five GMT. And let's look at that as it relates to buying it here's 5g and T opening prices right there and just ballparking it and here is 30 pips right
580 01:35:12,720 --> 01:35:24,510 there. Okay, looking to be a buyer around there, okay, but the order block is over here. So you have to use and I'm just going to erase this horizontal line
581 01:35:24,510 --> 01:35:37,440 up to that price point right there at the top of the bodies candle and as early as the top of the candles wick, so anywhere in here, that'd be good area and
582 01:35:37,470 --> 01:35:47,580 that would be an area which you would be buying, assuming you were not following the rules and you just want to be a buyer down here. Okay 30 pips below that
583 01:35:47,580 --> 01:35:56,220 price points here. You will never gotten stopped out. So are we still holding fast to 90% likelihood? Well, let's say you missed it here for whatever reason,
584 01:35:56,400 --> 01:36:04,050 and you don't trade on Mondays boom. Did it get from this area which you would be buying if you didn't follow the rules but if you did follow the rules down
585 01:36:04,050 --> 01:36:10,890 here, you would use this this candle here adding the spread because you gotta you have to factor that in
586 01:36:18,480 --> 01:36:30,540 from the price point rate there is 30 pips from your entry. Okay 60 pips right there
587 01:36:35,850 --> 01:36:49,890 90 pips right there. Okay. Now it continued further. But this is all you would do for three to one, but when you're first starting out that's it right there.
588 01:36:51,510 --> 01:37:01,650 Now, does that seem doable? Doesn't seem like you're trying to climb mountains, right? But that's all you need to get one to one. Do that for about a month. And
589 01:37:01,650 --> 01:37:12,900 when you're consistently able to do that, learn to trust it and hold it for three for two to one and that's right here and then sit and watch does price
590 01:37:12,900 --> 01:37:20,280 continue on the rest of the day? And many times you're gonna see it does and then do that for a month once you consistent and you comfortable with it. Hold
591 01:37:20,280 --> 01:37:30,360 it for three to one there's your there's your 90 pips Okay? going step by this is all just a one day okay? Ultimately if you look at where it went to your if
592 01:37:30,360 --> 01:37:40,320 you're looking at institutional order flow you're looking at 342 pips. Now my question is, is how often have you seen 11 to one reward to risk trades in your
593 01:37:40,320 --> 01:37:50,040 trading get what I'm getting at now. Okay, think about what I'm teaching I'm teaching you how to trade with the highest level degree of accuracy, knowing
594 01:37:50,040 --> 01:37:58,530 when to trade why to trade it, why it works using institutional order flow anticipating the turns because of the market maker profiles with higher level
595 01:37:58,530 --> 01:38:06,990 timeframe, key support resistance levels and order blocks, which is all the framework of all this business down here. Okay, and looking for a price reaching
596 01:38:06,990 --> 01:38:25,440 to these levels. Now it even goes higher. Still, if you're a position trader here yo 480 pips and you erased initially 30 I can tell you that this is not a
597 01:38:25,440 --> 01:38:36,630 fluke instance, it doesn't just happen once in a while. Okay, it happens a lot. But now look at let's go down into a 15 minute timeframe and we'll incorporate
598 01:38:36,630 --> 01:38:41,070 that New York session information and why that was even brought up
599 01:38:46,110 --> 01:39:05,700 okay I'm probably going to have to lose the colors are we I'm sorry the line two levels to accomplish this give me a second here well think about it if I add the
600 01:39:05,700 --> 01:39:12,930 indicator it's going to give me let me see here let's don't want to I don't want to lose my
601 01:39:23,010 --> 01:39:24,750 Yeah, that's not doing it for me
602 01:39:30,120 --> 01:39:36,270 you're gonna get a rough cut on this video. There's a lot of editing that I'm just not going to worry with. And this is part of it. So they're they're deal
603 01:39:36,270 --> 01:40:01,200 with it. The what we'll do is create this Yeah, here's seven. GMT for two o'clock in the morning and three o'clock in the morning, right there. One
604 01:40:01,200 --> 01:40:18,810 o'clock to when am I doing here? Yeah okay, so between seven and nine GMT or two o'clock to four o'clock in the morning you're going to see generally the low
605 01:40:18,870 --> 01:40:43,200 form and let's test this out because you will see that no no all you're saying is this one day is two o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the morning
606 01:40:44,370 --> 01:40:45,990 spar this level here
607 01:40:52,170 --> 01:41:04,800 it's an equal low here so but this is the end of that range of time. And here's your low boom, okay, and rallies off, you can click on EEG obviously I can beat
608 01:41:04,800 --> 01:41:16,320 this dead for a long time and still arrive at no greater exhalation is what I showed you in terms of the London session. But let's look at New York. And this
609 01:41:16,320 --> 01:41:29,790 is kind of like a real quick revisiting of my YouTube channel video that I put up and reloaded then it was actually done earlier than that. teaching how to
610 01:41:29,790 --> 01:41:45,630 trade that New York session and what you do is you look for the range between 12 GMT really is 1130 Canty, but I'm just gonna tell you 12 is a good ballpark
611 01:41:45,660 --> 01:41:55,890 number 215 GMT. Okay, there you go. And what you do as you anticipate that retracement?
612 01:42:01,140 --> 01:42:16,620 You retracement it which you see. There's your New York kill zone and the retracement here. And the time at which we said that the retracement would occur
613 01:42:17,280 --> 01:42:31,830 was and how I'm doing this to give you time. If you watch down here, and this little area down here, down below and your MT four platform it tells you times
614 01:42:32,070 --> 01:42:51,540 and I just find an area which lines up for 12 GMT in the area. Okay, here's 10 GMT actually because it's 5am 10 GMT to 12 GMT in that area and time you're
615 01:42:51,540 --> 01:43:01,170 going to see a retracement we said as late as eight in the 13 GMT. Okay, and here's where that retracement takes place. See that starts off and then comes
616 01:43:01,170 --> 01:43:12,000 down and into a time at which the New York session kill zone would take place. All right, now looking at the second week of this block of price action we
617 01:43:12,000 --> 01:43:20,640 discussed this order block here I'm not sorry this order block here is a liquidity pool which has been noted it's hard like timeframe level the next one
618 01:43:20,640 --> 01:43:33,510 would be up here. Okay so as price comes back down into it we find some support that says the area which we look for the Otterbox the form okay let's price
619 01:43:33,510 --> 01:43:42,990 comes down and reacts and comes right back down to previous down candle body of the candle or block one to one boom takes off and rallies. Okay. Up to the next
620 01:43:42,990 --> 01:43:55,050 area of liquidity. The Sunday and then Monday's trading we don't do anything with Sunday. Sunday Monday the opening price. Okay on this day here
621 01:44:01,350 --> 01:44:18,600 this is midnight candle here. We look 30 Good grief 30 pips below the opening price. Okay, at that price point, we'd look over here. Is there any order blocks
622 01:44:19,470 --> 01:44:22,890 that we would use to constitute a buy?
623 01:44:28,920 --> 01:44:38,040 Well think about it, we're on the buy side, okay. But prior to them dropping down, they gotta sell it here. So there's some selling orders or sell orders
624 01:44:38,040 --> 01:44:48,510 here. They sold into this to take some some profits. Okay. As the price moves up, there may be some open float on their their short position, because again,
625 01:44:48,750 --> 01:44:59,280 they don't trade with stops smart. Money's in the market. Always. They're always in the market. So when price is in here, short, maybe they sold more than they
626 01:44:59,280 --> 01:45:09,840 could do Get off at a lower price down here. So now they sit in with a losing position here. Once this candle took off, there's a net losing position being
627 01:45:09,840 --> 01:45:20,700 held right here. Well, this is when the order block becomes a mitigation block. And kind of think of it as like Support Resistance. It really is. I mean, this
628 01:45:20,700 --> 01:45:32,280 is the finest format the view. So we have old high here, price breaks through it. Okay, price comes back down to the first return of that level. First return
629 01:45:32,280 --> 01:45:41,340 is going to be sensitive. Okay, price comes down to it, and then we would anticipate what price action taking off rallying, okay. So you could be a buyer
630 01:45:41,340 --> 01:45:57,780 at this price level here. Right there using a 30 pip stop. You're below it right there. Okay. Boom takes off. Now at this level, if we go down to a 15 minute
631 01:45:57,780 --> 01:45:58,440 timeframe
632 01:46:04,530 --> 01:46:21,510 Okay, we have price, making a run here. We can now look at the New York session again, because it's what we anticipate price starts to rally up in London, okay,
633 01:46:21,540 --> 01:46:30,690 and takes its move here rallies up, we use the body of the candle, the down candle and the top of the wick. And we're just going to use this horizontal one
634 01:46:30,690 --> 01:46:44,310 here to note that right there, and what I did was I highlighted the body of the candle, the top or the opening price, and the high. Okay, you guys want zones.
635 01:46:44,700 --> 01:46:52,890 This is a zone, okay? That is dynamic. It's not the stuff underneath the candles, okay? Unless you're looking for a stop rate, then then it's useful,
636 01:46:53,130 --> 01:47:01,410 okay, but that's not going to require ranges, it's going to take out the low. If you're looking for dynamic support, you can utilize the concept of the my order
637 01:47:01,410 --> 01:47:10,200 block and it's from the bodies candle on a down candle. It's the opening price and the high and you can see beautiful illustration of that here. And again,
638 01:47:10,200 --> 01:47:18,480 it's not cherry picking if you look at major support and resistance plays where the market strong reactions, you'll see a lot of this happening all the time.
639 01:47:18,480 --> 01:47:26,370 It's just repeats all the time. It's so generic, it's they're always and they're just so nice that tradesmen level just went by about two three pips, but
640 01:47:26,370 --> 01:47:40,410 ultimately boom takes off now the candle time at this candle here. And they're both equal wick by the way, I mean they're just right on. Okay, it is 1315 GMT
641 01:47:40,470 --> 01:47:51,060 that is the New York session. Okay. So, are we seeing the reverse of what we showed earlier in the crude depiction of what the internals look like on
642 01:47:51,300 --> 01:48:03,180 institutional order flow just reversed. Sure we are. You see the the low it rallies off, then comes back in retraces okay. What time is this candle here
643 01:48:03,240 --> 01:48:04,020 making the high
644 01:48:11,160 --> 01:48:28,860 1230 GMT, the candle here 1215 GMT. The retracement and then we're looking for the highlights we're looking for a high in this time of day to take place to
645 01:48:28,860 --> 01:48:38,700 retrace back into an area which you can buy that in the range that was created for London. So the low here the high that was formed it in the beginning of the
646 01:48:38,700 --> 01:48:52,380 New York session. Okay, it can go as late as what time remember 13 GMT, which is 8am New York time it retraces. Here's 1315 GMT. So if you really want to be
647 01:48:52,860 --> 01:49:02,190 accurate, you can say I was I was off by 15 minutes there. So there you go. I was wrong. Okay, but the order block is down here. Boom. Most people would be
648 01:49:02,190 --> 01:49:12,960 awakened alert door in New York session. And let's assume for a moment you use the highest possible area at which to be buying it's top of that order block
649 01:49:12,960 --> 01:49:26,040 right there. 30 pips is down here. And you're never getting stopped out with that. And then boom, take off. If you were buying there and looking to take your
650 01:49:26,040 --> 01:49:36,630 first profit 30 All you're doing is getting out there. You don't even need to break the range. There's 30 pips, okay? And two to one payout would be here and
651 01:49:36,630 --> 01:49:49,350 three to one payout is right there and they still want to be behind for that day. Okay. So, again, I'm counseling you to go through your charts and study
652 01:49:49,380 --> 01:49:57,720 with this mindset. Okay, don't go into it thinking that you got to look for every signal don't think that you have to have 100 pips a week. Okay, just start
653 01:49:57,720 --> 01:50:09,390 small looking for 30 pips one to one frame the understanding you have there and build on it as a foundation and then learn to expect two to one payouts Okay,
654 01:50:10,260 --> 01:50:25,530 now I'm going to close it with this we have this area of price action outlined okay it's basically the last two weeks I'm going to clear this off and just
655 01:50:25,530 --> 01:50:46,470 simply do this with the ICT kill zones and you can see the little orange section here that is 1500 to 1600 GMT I'm going to close this area to what I gave you in
656 01:50:46,470 --> 01:51:17,760 terms of the end of the day and we're going to look at that in such a way where it shows it being 19 150 100 GMT Okay, so what I'm showing you is this will be
657 01:51:17,790 --> 01:51:28,890 the in this range of updates okay inside of the orange portion or I guess it's red I'm not sure I'm colorblind Good grief the the area
658 01:51:37,020 --> 01:51:58,050 if we look at that we are saying essentially that this will be the high or low the day generally one update so I wasted my time doing it on that day sorry
659 01:52:04,980 --> 01:52:08,190 there's that and
660 01:52:18,870 --> 01:52:30,450 I wish you would look to hold it no longer than this is what I'm suggesting here by doing this on the update and in between the two vertical lines is what we're
661 01:52:30,450 --> 01:52:42,120 stating is the highest probable exit point in terms of time and the use that battery analogy
662 01:52:49,200 --> 01:53:07,950 you can see it does give you pretty much the highest high or the optimal area at which to exit Thank you off to period separator off because that is not
663 01:53:07,950 --> 01:53:16,470 necessary for what I'm showing. And we'll do one more just for completeness.
664 01:53:26,100 --> 01:53:35,700 Okay, so what I'm showing here is the blue line area is my iced tea kill zone for London, green is New York. And this is where you want to be getting out for
665 01:53:35,700 --> 01:53:45,840 the high of the day if you're buying and if it's down day you're looking to get out during this time period for covering your shorts on a down day. Okay, but
666 01:53:45,840 --> 01:53:55,170 since we've mapped out in there yet which buying is the most appropriate form of trading, you'd be buying during the period at which it's blue. And you can see
667 01:53:55,170 --> 01:54:08,250 here buying it. Buying it buying it buying it this is a down day retracing, okay, you don't trade Mondays anyway, Tuesday, you want to be buying it during
668 01:54:08,250 --> 01:54:17,580 the blue period here exiting. I don't know why didn't There you go. You want to exit in between the two vertical lines here. Here's the high of the day. You
669 01:54:17,580 --> 01:54:27,150 want to be buying in the blue area here buying into an order block rallies up and it's just a little bit off here. Okay, a couple hours off. But New York
670 01:54:27,150 --> 01:54:38,070 session market reversal, which I'll counseling you to look at, I have a video on it. Buying in the blue area, buying it exiting during this window of time okay.
671 01:54:39,840 --> 01:54:42,600 Blue area here buying it getting out
672 01:54:49,410 --> 01:54:55,650 between these two periods here, and you now on the the high of the day, it went just a little bit above it, but nonetheless you're who's going to complain about
673 01:54:55,650 --> 01:55:09,360 that. So I'm gonna leave you with This we talked about the idea of using higher timeframe charts using the areas of liquidity looking for order blocks, trading
674 01:55:09,360 --> 01:55:17,850 inside the ranges, liquidity voids, where the higher timeframe daily charts pulling price. And I'll counsel you look at the weekly monthly in same respect
675 01:55:18,210 --> 01:55:27,150 where those three higher timeframe charts are pulling price will help you trade on a four hour chart with no problem at all. And by utilizing those higher
676 01:55:27,150 --> 01:55:36,240 timeframe charts where price is being pulled, okay, when these higher timeframe charts, it will give you the insight that you need to have because that's
677 01:55:36,240 --> 01:55:42,600 exactly how large institutional traders are trading. They're not looking at five minute charts, they could care less with the five minute charts doing because
678 01:55:42,600 --> 01:55:50,640 they're trading on valuation of price, Old Order Flow. Okay, they're seeing that on the higher timeframe charts, they're not looking at one minute charts,
679 01:55:50,730 --> 01:55:57,120 they're not looking at five minute charts. Bottom line is that they're staying on these higher timeframes because they need those higher timeframe charts, to
680 01:55:57,120 --> 01:56:07,230 worry about entering in early and exiting early. Because think about it, a whale is a whale, okay, they just can't turn on a dime, it takes a little bit of
681 01:56:07,230 --> 01:56:15,090 effort and time for them to get changed around in the different direction. Whereas I Are you swimming in a pool, we could start turning on a dime go the
682 01:56:15,090 --> 01:56:23,340 other way. They don't have the luxury of doing that they need all this extra liquidity, okay, that we don't require because we're too small fry. Okay, so
683 01:56:25,140 --> 01:56:34,860 I'll leave it up to you guys if you do, if you believe I was able to deliver in the topics title here. But I can counsel you to do this, go through this video
684 01:56:34,950 --> 01:56:45,690 about 10 times. Okay? Because I'm guaranteeing you if you didn't write down the notes and really studied it. If you watch it 10 times and you write down the
685 01:56:45,690 --> 01:56:53,970 notes and you go through and you start studying it, you will see all the things I just discussed here happening always in the charts. It's there always and by
686 01:56:53,970 --> 01:57:05,790 understanding how we utilize all that stuff. It will help you move closer and closer to that goal of 90% setups. Until then, guys when we visit each other
687 01:57:05,790 --> 01:57:08,940 once again and video. I wish you good luck and good trading