ICT YT - 2023-09-19 - ICT Mentorship 2023 - NQ Market Review September 18 2023

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-09-19 12:17


00:00 - Stock market trends and analysis.

- Trader discusses NASDAQ commissions and trading activity.

01:39 - Trading strategies in volatile markets.

- ICT delays trading due to son visit, waits for Wednesday announcement.

03:35 - Market structure and trading opportunities.

- Trader identifies three opportunities to short the market after a gap is created.

05:09 - Technical analysis and market trends.

- ICT identifies a potential double bottom pattern in the market, with a target of 15,003 87 and a half.

06:24 - Market uncertainty and potential price action.

- ICT: Expect consolidation in a market with no advantages, cleaner price action on Thursday and Friday.


00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:13,050 ICT: Good evening folks, this is a quick review. And this is what my results were for today. So 3744 commissions, you see it's a live account.
00:00:19,199 --> 00:00:30,779 And I started off today, I only did work with NASDAQ. But you can see here we had just a consolidation day taking both sides at a range. And then working back
00:00:30,779 --> 00:00:41,729 into the middle for ES, but I worked with NASDAQ. So we'll look at that. And you're gonna hear my puppy snoring. So I'm afraid to wake her up because I won't
00:00:41,729 --> 00:00:50,999 be able to finish the video because she's been napping for a little while. So just have to put up with that now I apologize. So I submitted, I sent a tweet
00:00:50,999 --> 00:01:00,419 today, the 30 minute chart right in here, you can see material up into that. And here's the buyside liquidity. And you can see it trading right up into that
00:01:00,419 --> 00:01:08,609 level. Right, I mentioned that and taking up the buy side. And employment rate back down into the woman and consequent encroachment of this spot, I bounce
00:01:08,609 --> 00:01:20,129 outside efficiency, which we'll look at when it's referring to here snoring. That's the little fallen colored puppy. She's scalping away. And this is the
00:01:20,129 --> 00:01:31,769 opening range. Okay, so we'll look at that, on a shared this on a 30 minute charts. Let me show that actually there. So here's the 30 minute chart. Trade up
00:01:31,769 --> 00:01:39,539 into that tweet, all this is the buy side, let me pull right back down into the range. So let's go into a one minute chart get right to it. I don't want to
10 00:01:39,539 --> 00:01:49,589 spend too much time tonight. I'm actually tired, and I got delayed with my son visiting. I don't want to do too much rambling on tonight. This week, we have a
11 00:01:49,589 --> 00:01:58,679 great announcement Wednesday, in the afternoon 2pm. Just be mindful that the market will likely be a little fickle, meaning that it's not going to be as
12 00:01:58,709 --> 00:02:09,569 precise not as symmetrical, meaning that both the ES and the Nasdaq usually move in concert and they move together. We're not seeing that so much right now. And
13 00:02:09,569 --> 00:02:18,569 it makes trading a lot more harder than it can be if you wait for symmetrical markets. Now. We will see that on Thursday and Friday. So try not to worry too
14 00:02:18,569 --> 00:02:28,439 much to keep your powder dry, you're gonna be trading keep it real, I was doing a lot of light try trading today. I initially started day wanting to be short.
15 00:02:28,919 --> 00:02:39,959 And this is NASDAQ here. And I wanted to use this small little gap right here. As it traded up into there, I wanted to be short. And it started off where it
16 00:02:39,959 --> 00:02:48,719 was moving in my favor. And I wanted to see if they got this low. And I tweeted my interest was 15,003 12 18,300. I wanted to see if it can find its way down
17 00:02:48,719 --> 00:02:58,679 there. And it was unwilling to do so immediately came back started running against me, my stop loss order on the short did not get hit, it stopped me out
18 00:02:58,679 --> 00:03:08,879 of the trade based on its movement, there was a lot more impressive than I want to see it do. So what I did was is I closed the position and use the stop loss
19 00:03:08,879 --> 00:03:21,719 order as my entry. So where I wanted to take a stop loss and exit at I use that same level as an entry to get long, so I was buying momentum. There are
20 00:03:21,719 --> 00:03:30,449 instances where I will do that. It's only when I'm absolutely offside. And I know that I'm going to be either ran over or the move is going to be much more
21 00:03:31,109 --> 00:03:40,709 pronounced to the opposite direction. And as you can see, we see that actually happening here. So I had a $1,700 loss that was immediately mitigated by having
22 00:03:40,709 --> 00:03:51,929 a reversal. And while it looks like I had a $3,760 winning day I shared earlier in the day where it's like 20 something 2000 something dollars what it used to
23 00:03:51,929 --> 00:04:02,009 be look at the screenshot or whatever it was I shared on Twitter and then later on the head another trade where I walk you through it all but the bottom outside
24 00:04:02,009 --> 00:04:11,609 inefficiency here I mentioned that trade up into the buy side I mentioned keep your eye on this fair value gap and then right in here, it dropped down to
25 00:04:11,609 --> 00:04:22,079 consequent encroachment on this by site analysis on efficiency and inside this button unbalance also on efficiency so it was in a discount the market rallies
26 00:04:22,079 --> 00:04:32,189 back up Lee's relatively equal highs here but then there's a shift in market structure right there and right there. So we have a fair value got their extend
27 00:04:32,189 --> 00:04:46,409 the very gap here at the 939 level I tweeted this as well. And I was interested in how we treated there but then we had this form so with the model 2220 20
28 00:04:46,409 --> 00:04:56,759 rather that's the the actual trading model taught in 2020 on my YouTube channel. So it's a shift in market structure after TAKEN BY SIDE trader and up into the
29 00:04:56,759 --> 00:05:03,869 fear of a gap right there beautiful give you three opportunities to get short The market broke aggressively lower trade back up into a bearish order block,
30 00:05:04,529 --> 00:05:11,909 move lower I walked you through where a stop loss would have been managed throughout the entire process. I mentioned right here as we get below this low
31 00:05:11,909 --> 00:05:22,679 here take a partial. And we wanted to see it trade down into obviously lower targets in this but I didn't get an opportunity to get my tweet typed out to do
32 00:05:22,679 --> 00:05:30,959 a nother partial rate below here, rate below these relative equal lows to hit that. And I'm really sorry, only higher. The last line of defense I had here,
33 00:05:30,959 --> 00:05:40,169 which was the 15,003 87 and a half level, which is consequently, of these two blue lines, which is this imbalance is big candle here. It's framed by this
34 00:05:40,169 --> 00:05:49,889 candles low. And this candles high and you guys know what that is? That low. When that candle comes to that very level to the tick. It's 15,003 87 and a half
35 00:05:49,889 --> 00:05:57,329 is the low and you'll see that right up here. See this figure right here? Look at this candles low right there. There it is 15,000 or 87 and a half books
36 00:05:57,329 --> 00:06:04,859 that's perfect. That's algorithmic that's not made up. It's not contrived. It's exactly how I teach you the market is going to book the rally rallies back up
37 00:06:04,859 --> 00:06:14,669 there also it's a sensitive this candles high that candles low halfway point of that, too. So there's a double double edged sword there for Confluence in the
38 00:06:14,669 --> 00:06:22,469 market doesn't match start to rally again. And I wasn't in the market here. I wasn't watching anything here but they'd run up take relatively equal highs and
39 00:06:22,469 --> 00:06:30,929 try to back up into that 30 minute. Okay, right, you got into consequent curtailment of that gap as well. worked around that level. And then finally back
40 00:06:30,929 --> 00:06:43,469 down into that 15,003 87 and a half level for the afternoon going into three o'clock. And basically this chop wood around here going into the close at four.
41 00:06:44,009 --> 00:06:54,629 And then we've seen so far is this consolidation in a market that doesn't have any kind of advantages that we should be worrying about going into tonight. So
42 00:06:54,959 --> 00:07:05,249 keep your powder dry. Expect a lot of fickle price action, it means uncertainty and a lot of frustration. Okay, if you're trying to force a lot of things to
43 00:07:05,249 --> 00:07:12,149 happen right now, before the rate announcement on Wednesday, you're gambling. Don't do that. Don't use maximum leverage. Expect cleaner price, action and
44 00:07:12,149 --> 00:07:16,769 symmetry to return back on Thursday and Friday. And I'll talk to you tomorrow Lord willing, be safe