ICT YT - 2023-08-15 - ICT Mentorship 2023 - NQ Futures Review August 14 2023

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-08-15 10:29


00:15 - Nasdaq Futures Review.

- A quick review on nasdaq futures in september delivery contract with 2023, with a little bit of a rejection on the low of friday.
- Nasdaq price action today.

01:41 - Sell side taken but aggressive.

- After this shift in market structure, the sell-side is taken, but aggressive through these highs, trading back down, not taking out the low.
- The two levels are anchored on the hourly chart.

03:28 - The opening range gap.

- The yellow box is the opening range gap on the Friday, August 11, 11, 2023 opening range.
- The two candle levels are visible on both regular and electronic trading hours.

05:12 - Shifting in market structure.

- Shifts in market structure and short-term shifts in structure lead to a shift in the market structure, leading to an aggressive move higher.
- Bullish order block and immediate rebounds.

07:22 - The fair value gap on the two minute chart.

- The fair value gap on the two minute chart is not what is being looked at in the five minute chart.
- The market rallies creates the high of the breakaway gap.

09:17 - The candlestick chart.

- The level up is the hourly candlestick, and the level down is the level that was not traded until after the day session ended.
- Five minute chart zoomed in a little bit.

11:33 - Looking at the inefficiency gap.

- Using the lower timeframes to refine in terms of accuracy and such, but using the five minute gap to find some support and then rally up.
- The five minute chart.

13:18 - How to take advantage of the gap.

- When the market trades down and finds the top of the gap, it will refer back to it and re- capitalize, allowing smart money to reclaim bullish entries.
- How to use the inversion pivot.

15:46 - A triple top that is poison for retail traders.

- The market rallies in the last portion of trading in the new york session, and then drops back down into the busy high and touches the old friday opening range.
- The market finds some support at the five minute fair value gap and sends it higher aiming for the hourly low.


00:00:15,389 --> 00:00:26,729 ICT: Hi, welcome back, folks. Just a quick little review on Nasdaq futures is in September delivery contract with 2023. Alright, so this morning overnight in the
00:00:26,729 --> 00:00:41,669 London session, we had a little bit of a rejection on the low of Friday. So using this telcos can always bullish order block, we traded up into this premium
00:00:41,669 --> 00:00:51,299 wick. So consequent encroachments midpoint of that right there, I'll let you figure that out on your own using your fifth. And we had the market trade up on
00:00:51,299 --> 00:01:04,199 Monday and then this is the new day starts at 6pm. That's what we're seeing here. For our chart, okay, so we have relative equal highs here. So there's bots
00:01:04,199 --> 00:01:16,919 on the liquidity resting up that market, again traded into the daily bullish order block, we had a shift in market structure, we'll look at that on lower
00:01:16,919 --> 00:01:29,219 timeframes. And we're like aggressively into the close of today. On the hourly chart, you can see there is a civvies of cells out of bounds by sign in
00:01:29,219 --> 00:01:43,139 efficiency. So after four o'clock, we saw market trade up into that I want to take a lot of details in this area in here. After this shift in market
00:01:43,139 --> 00:01:57,269 structure, so this high here once we went lower, that lower, low sell side taken leading by side here, and by side taken but extremely aggressive through these
00:01:57,269 --> 00:02:09,569 highs. So trading back down, not taking out that low. More specifically, we're gonna look at that wick as well. And then all the market share for in here. The
10 00:02:09,569 --> 00:02:20,309 team and timeframe here you said I saw liquidity here. Now these two levels are the 60 minute or hourly sell set amounts based on efficiency respective high and
11 00:02:20,309 --> 00:02:30,959 low. It doesn't look like a CV in here because we have multiple candles. Let me go back one more time up into the hourly chart so you can get your frame of
12 00:02:30,959 --> 00:02:44,279 reference. These two levels here are anchored on the hourly chart right here, okay, so this candles low, this candles high, they're not annotated here, but
13 00:02:44,279 --> 00:03:03,029 the same respective levels are only here at this 60 minute or hourly Sibi low 60 minute or hourly. So behind this timeframe here is a 15 minute timeframe. But
14 00:03:03,029 --> 00:03:13,679 more specifically look down here in the lower right hand corner r t h is regular trading hours. So we had sell side below here, we traded down below that and
15 00:03:13,679 --> 00:03:23,369 then we had aggressive shift above these highs here and then leaving a gap so that gap there we're gonna treat that as a breakaway gap and the breakaway gap
16 00:03:23,369 --> 00:03:37,139 Haim and breakaway gap respective low. And in this shaded area here, okay, see that yellow box. This is Friday, August 11 2023 opening range gap. So you can
17 00:03:37,139 --> 00:03:50,669 only see these with the regular trading hours toggled on your trading view. So from here to here, these two respective candles you traded around here on
18 00:03:50,879 --> 00:03:59,909 Friday, but left that portion open these gaps will be referred to or the algorithm they don't just fill in for yet. It's traded all the way up into here.
19 00:04:00,839 --> 00:04:11,309 And then look at the bodies respecting the high in here and then when we're top right there in the afternoon session and then aggressively runs for the relative
20 00:04:11,309 --> 00:04:22,829 equal highs and that drawing liquidity the 60 minutes passivity this inefficiency is this candles high this candles low, which is a busy. It's the
21 00:04:22,829 --> 00:04:31,439 opposite of what this was on a 60 minute chart. But now on a 15 minute timeframe. This exists on both regular trading hours and electronic trading
22 00:04:31,439 --> 00:04:45,929 hours. So these levels here will be seen and they'll be visible when we look at the next slide. Again, same 60 minute city, high and low respectively. 930
23 00:04:45,929 --> 00:04:56,099 Friday, that starts the opening range gap but we don't see a gap there Louis. Why because we're looking at electronic trading hours down here eth Okay, so
24 00:04:56,099 --> 00:05:05,789 electronic trading hours. You have to refer to the gap On the rth regular trading hours, once you annotate them, you want to toggle back to electronic
25 00:05:05,789 --> 00:05:18,809 trading hours and have your annotation stressed on your chart. relatively close sales have liquidity, the pierce through that and then we have a wick. So this
26 00:05:18,809 --> 00:05:29,159 is a discount wick. midpoint of that is consequent encouragement. You see we hit that beautiful here at the opening at 930 did not take up the low, we had a
27 00:05:29,159 --> 00:05:39,689 shift in market structure here very very energetic price run. It drops down looks like a bull flag retail wanted that to act as a bullseye in balance,
28 00:05:41,339 --> 00:05:52,469 rejection walk lowest down close price chase through it consequent encouragement of the discount wick here trusting that this low should not be taken or pierced.
29 00:05:52,799 --> 00:06:02,849 Because of shift in market structure here. market trades aggressively higher above what short term high right there on the 15 minute timeframe. The open
30 00:06:02,879 --> 00:06:17,759 trade down to this candles high which is an oral block by side here. My side here and inefficiency as well. Here's an unbalanced recency perspective, high
31 00:06:17,759 --> 00:06:30,749 low. And that breakaway gap that we mentioned here on the real trading hours can be seen also on electronic trading hours. And eventually, after four o'clock, we
32 00:06:30,749 --> 00:06:44,249 see a trade up into that hourly city. Five Minute candlestick chart, we're looking at a little bit more detail here, we have the low, relatively equal low.
33 00:06:44,279 --> 00:06:57,689 So below, that's what sells on liquidity dropped down there. And we rally back above that wick that was seen on the 15th and timeframe. It doesn't show it
34 00:06:57,689 --> 00:07:09,779 here. But look at the bodies respecting and hits it here at 930. At the open we trade through short term shifts in market structure. They're much like we saw it
35 00:07:09,779 --> 00:07:19,289 here on higher timeframe. We're seeing it now on the lower timeframe there. And then we dropped down into the bullish order block. This is also immediate
36 00:07:19,289 --> 00:07:27,299 rebounds on a 30 minute timeframe. And we rally up now I didn't make a mistake today while I was tweeting, if you go to market my tweeter and did too many of
37 00:07:27,299 --> 00:07:34,679 them today. But I mentioned that there was a fair value gap on the two minute chart. And that's not what I was looking at, I was looking at a five minute
38 00:07:34,679 --> 00:07:43,979 chart. And this is the fair value gap I mentioned that price was struggling with initially and offering short term resistance and retreated back down into this
39 00:07:43,979 --> 00:07:53,549 down close candle and price rally through came back down in touch the top of that fair value got and reached for the liquidity that I was mentioning. Prior
40 00:07:53,549 --> 00:08:06,569 to all that anyway 15,001 38, which was the buy side in the afternoon on Friday. I'm looking at Friday's trading and not so much emphasis on Sunday. So if you're
41 00:08:06,569 --> 00:08:17,369 using Sunday's highs here for buy side, and that's fine. There's nothing wrong with that. But I'm taking it back to Friday's price trading in the afternoon.
42 00:08:18,179 --> 00:08:30,029 And then we had the relative equal highs here on Monday morning, going around the seven o'clock hour. So we ended up trading off of the five minute fair value
43 00:08:30,029 --> 00:08:38,249 gap. And if you look at a two minute chart, you'll see there's no fair value got there to draw on. So I didn't bother to take a look at the tweets. I'm sure some
44 00:08:38,249 --> 00:08:46,499 of you probably already corrected me were trying to correct me about doing other things today, while I was reading the tape, the market rallies creates the high
45 00:08:46,499 --> 00:08:58,019 of the breakaway gap here, rips higher takes the 15,001 67 Buy side. And then because my attention would be elsewhere. I know some of you like to jump on
46 00:08:58,019 --> 00:09:08,249 board when I'm pointing things out. And they said make sure that your content there, you made it to the sidelines eventually took up my site here. I make no
47 00:09:08,249 --> 00:09:15,539 mention of this, by the way. But it's pretty obvious when we're looking at things like this. What we're by side would be an above that would be what
48 00:09:15,599 --> 00:09:28,769 inefficiency on the 60 minute chart. So the level up here is the hourly city. Hi, this level here is the hourly city law and wasn't traded until we got to
49 00:09:28,829 --> 00:09:38,609 after the day session ended. And again, here's the immediate rebalance here. Just a wonderful signature. And I've been getting a lot of feedback from this
50 00:09:38,609 --> 00:09:47,129 one here from everyone now utilizing it. And if you have your bias correct if you know that the draw on liquidity is likely above or below the marketplace and
51 00:09:47,129 --> 00:09:57,329 you're trading at this specific time of day. It would be indicative of volatility coming in. This is one of the strongest absolutely strongest
52 00:09:58,049 --> 00:10:06,239 signatures that I look for or when price is giving me that, I know that the algorithm will be in the spot price aggressively in the direction I'm looking
53 00:10:06,239 --> 00:10:06,539 for.
54 00:10:11,700 --> 00:10:21,960 Okay, five minute chart zoomed in a little bit here. So here is the 15 Minute candlestick that creates that discount wick, the midpoint level here, you see it
55 00:10:21,960 --> 00:10:32,130 drops down into that type for the 930 opening drop down. And if I was just showing you this timeframe here, you would see this and thank you Why didn't you
56 00:10:32,130 --> 00:10:42,510 use this candlestick ICT? And that's generally what has happened in the past. Because I'm looking at things on a timeframe to talk about that, that the time
57 00:10:42,510 --> 00:10:51,510 in my teachings, even old videos, one of the things that creep in is you'll say, Why is he pointing at that candlestick? And why is it not the lowest down close
58 00:10:51,510 --> 00:11:00,660 candle, it's because I'm taking your attention to a specific timeframe. And because the annotation may be anchored to a higher timeframe that may have
59 00:11:00,660 --> 00:11:09,300 caused confusion in the past. Okay, so it's not that I'm picking different candlesticks or trying to hide something from you, it's just a matter of me
60 00:11:09,300 --> 00:11:17,100 moving from one higher timeframe, down to a lower timeframe and my annotations anchored to the higher timeframe. So it's going to look a little bit different,
61 00:11:17,130 --> 00:11:28,380 as you probably have already been paying attention and noticing. When we look through that continuum of price delivery from the higher time frame to lower
62 00:11:28,380 --> 00:11:39,420 time frame. You want to have the anchored PD arrays on the higher timeframe. But you're using the lower timeframes to refine in terms of accuracy and such. But
63 00:11:39,420 --> 00:11:52,740 here's that five minute or a gap here, you trade up through it, find some support there. And then we rally up, take the buy side 15,001 67. Now notice
64 00:11:52,740 --> 00:12:03,450 that we have this inefficiency here on the five minute chart, but it's part of the larger positive balance, also an efficiency high and low. That is the 15
65 00:12:03,450 --> 00:12:13,140 minute timeframe. But notice, there's a small little gap there, at the bottom end of the 50 minute class on amounts on efficiency. Go back and rewind the
66 00:12:13,230 --> 00:12:20,850 video back and look at the 50 minute time frame. These two blue lines here are anchored on the 50 minute timeframe. But just drop down to the low of it. It's
67 00:12:20,850 --> 00:12:30,060 also doing so because there's a small little portion of inefficiency right there between this candlesticks high and his candlesticks low. If this didn't occur,
68 00:12:30,120 --> 00:12:37,770 and say this candle was trading all the way down to that level there already, then I would only look for this little area here in this drop down. And that'd
69 00:12:37,770 --> 00:12:48,600 be sufficient enough for me to look for a long entry to get in sync with the afternoon using the lunch macro. So we actually see the bodies respecting,
70 00:12:48,690 --> 00:12:56,850 again, the Boston analysis on efficiency on the fitsplint timeframe. We have a little bit of a wick in here, but it trades down into what the Friday August 11
71 00:12:57,180 --> 00:13:07,350 opening range gap. So it's treating it now as support. So these levels are like creating an x ray view in price action. These are the things that the algorithm
72 00:13:07,350 --> 00:13:14,280 is looking at, that most people are not looking at now you might think oh well you know, everybody knows about the gap ICT cognac what you invented again, now
73 00:13:14,280 --> 00:13:22,620 I invented the logic that I'm teaching you with the algorithm will follow. Okay, it's all their chips. So when the market trades down and finds that the top of
74 00:13:22,620 --> 00:13:37,260 that gap is going to treat it and refer back to it and re capitalize allow smart money to reclaim bullish entries on that same premise there. Okay, so there's
75 00:13:37,260 --> 00:13:47,250 no, there's no support or resistance idea over here. It's the gap in itself that's traded down into and then we touch one more time the boss Annabelle sells
76 00:13:47,250 --> 00:14:00,030 on efficiency. Hi. And then off to the races we go immediate rebounds on the 15 minute timeframe and then zips up into after market hours into the city level
77 00:14:00,030 --> 00:14:11,700 here. Okay, in the one minute chart, you can see we dropped down into on take your attention over to this little area right here. So you can see that we had
78 00:14:11,700 --> 00:14:24,120 this small little gap right there. And the low that was not gonna be taken out because it's a 15 minute, wick the trade down, take out the sell side. So this
79 00:14:24,120 --> 00:14:32,940 drop down in here, go back and watch the beginning of the video. It drops down takes the sell side there and then it leaves this gap. So we dropped down into
80 00:14:32,940 --> 00:14:43,740 that perfectly and then we have market rally up shift in market structure their bullish order block and takes off. And then this little gap right here I refer
81 00:14:43,740 --> 00:14:58,650 to that also real time and after this is the key, okay. After I mentioned that the 15,001 38 and 15,001 67 buyside. So if I'm pointing that out and I'm saying
82 00:14:58,650 --> 00:15:13,110 watch this farewell You got your mind should immediately jumped to Okay. He's pointing out this pair Vega with 138 and 167 buyside. Prior to that fair, right,
83 00:15:13,110 --> 00:15:25,050 yep. So how would we use that? It's an inversion pivoting. Zoom in here a couple minutes in the market rallies up, creating relative equal highs going into the
84 00:15:25,050 --> 00:15:35,340 lunch hour, dropping down taking sell side repricing to the low of the past and analysis on efficiency, here's the buy side and bounce also efficiency low. And
85 00:15:35,340 --> 00:15:47,850 the busy high is these blue levels are traded down to a here, that's a perfect area to go along and run up into the buy side. You see, that's in fact, what we
86 00:15:47,850 --> 00:15:58,380 got here. And then it rallies up, stop short of the highs here. So it creates a triple top that is absolutely poison. For retail traders, we'll see that that's
87 00:15:58,380 --> 00:16:07,230 really strong resistance, it drops back down into the busy high by some analysis and see high and then touches again, that old Friday opening range gap high
88 00:16:08,520 --> 00:16:18,840 touches it one more time because it kiss goodbye. And then off to the races, we have immediate rebounds there and then sends it higher into the last hour of
89 00:16:18,840 --> 00:16:30,840 trading. Here's the tweet and told you at 957 New York local time. Look at the one minute. That's where we're at one minute chart here. One minute NASDAQ 947
90 00:16:30,840 --> 00:16:43,920 candles, note that fair value gap. That's this candle right here. Okay, I'm telling you look at it right there. After I pointed out 15,001 67 by side. So
91 00:16:43,980 --> 00:16:53,220 the market draws up into there, we find some support at that five minute fair value gap. And that's my fault for mis calling the five minute the two minute
92 00:16:53,220 --> 00:17:01,950 chart, I apologize for that. But nonetheless, even if you take that out of context, as we were going with the 15,001 67 I mentioned if we fail to get to
93 00:17:01,950 --> 00:17:14,220 these levels, all the focus will go down to 15,000 Zero 20. But because we got that 15,000 Zero 20 is not likely. So it's going to continuously draw higher and
94 00:17:14,220 --> 00:17:25,050 we saw that happen here. Alright, and looking at the last portion of trading today. Here's the two o'clock three o'clock silver bullet, the entry is right
95 00:17:25,050 --> 00:17:36,060 here. And after that rally up did it take out the bias I get? No. So this fair value gap can be what we claimed it can trade back down into it again. So that's
96 00:17:36,060 --> 00:17:45,240 trading back down into it finding support rallies once more creates a fair value gap there institutional order for entry to n vi M imbalance between these two
97 00:17:45,240 --> 00:17:56,160 candles bodies. Rallies in the last portion of the last hour of trading in the New York session in the market and close macro that sends price careening into
98 00:17:56,160 --> 00:18:03,960 the box high liquidity here and then we have an immediate rebounds with an order block and a fair way got really really strong really really strong and it sends
99 00:18:03,960 --> 00:18:19,080 it higher aiming for that hourly Sibi low which you know, did after four o'clock trading today. Folks, hopefully enjoyed that kind of insightful give me a thumbs
100 00:18:19,080 --> 00:18:21,750 up in totality tomorrow. Be safe