ICT YT - 2023-07-16 - ICT Mentorship 2023 - Market Review and Commentary

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-07-17 09:38


00:00 - Weekly chart of the dollar index.

- Weekly review of dollar index, euroes and nasdaq.
- Weekly chart of the dollar index.

03:15 - Sell side support vs. Sell side resistance.

- Sell-side and buy-side draw on liquidity.
- Three specific levels of support and resistance.
- Retail traders are going to want to buy there.
- Euro dollar weekly chart

08:52 - The weekly inversion of the fair value gap.

- Weekly inversion inversion fair value gap.
- Daily chart of the week.
- What to look for on the hourly chart.
- The weekly inversion gap.

13:41 - More details on the current market.

- Inversion, fair value gap and weekly volume imbalance.
- Weekly volume imbalance in the market.
- Seasonal tendency chart for e mini s and p.
- Best time to be a buyer of index futures.

19:35 - A liquidity void is an inefficiency.

- Seasonal tendency charts, steve moore, www.mrci.com.
- Weekly chart of e mini s and p.
- Gap between this week's low and high.
- Closer look at the small gap.

23:52 - Daily chart of Nasdaq.

- Daily and hourly charts of the Nasdaq.
- Weekly volume imbalance and price action.
- The 2020 model and how it works.
- The weekly chart for Nasdaq.

29:34 - How to use this information for finding range.

- How to use this information in terms of finding range.
- The fallacy of retail support resistance.
- The perfect trap for short-term entry attempts.
- The classic retail pattern,123 drives.

34:38 - How to trade the current market?

- How the market is moving in the short term.
- Institutional report entry drill.
- Avoid picking tops and bottoms on higher timeframe charts.
- Inversion of the inversion pair.

40:14 - Mentorship and the importance of understanding the market.

- The four things people will look at in trading.
- What the future will look like.
- Mentorship is a very dense topic that requires a lot of study and case studies.
- There is not one single person on YouTube that will teach you.

46:05 - Seasonal tendencies and their importance.

- How to use real-time analysis in the marketplace.
- Seasonal tendency to have explosive runs.
- A classic scenario in the summer months.
- Seasonal tendencies and their impact on the market.

50:00 - Support resistance and resistance.

- How the daily chart is different from the one-minute chart.
- The idea of support resistance.
- Phantom trend lines for retail traders.
- How to cherry-pick the entire weekly range.
- The truth behind the marketplace and why markets go up and down.
- The youtube channel.


00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:21,090 ICT: All right, folks, welcome back. This is a weekly review of the dollar index, Euro, ES and the NASDAQ. So we're looking at the weekly chart of the
00:00:21,090 --> 00:00:34,170 dollar index. If you did not watch July 9 2020, three's market review video on the YouTube channel. Go back and watch that first. Because without having seen
00:00:34,170 --> 00:00:45,180 that, first, you're really not going to fully appreciate what's being shared here. Okay, so I'm going to assume that you are going to stop the video and go
00:00:45,180 --> 00:00:59,070 watch that one. Or you're really not going to do very well in terms of benefiting from what was shown before the fact. So we talked about this very
00:00:59,070 --> 00:01:08,040 vague gap here on the weekly chart. This is completely permissible for price to do this type of thing, looking through it. And I mentioned that we would likely
00:01:08,040 --> 00:01:19,770 draw to the sell side below here. And then below here, it got a little animated on the downside. And I'll take your attention right over to here. It was just I
00:01:19,770 --> 00:01:34,020 think, one ticker. So short of actually reaching the high of the gap. And this is from the week beginning April 11 2022. Okay, so that's this week are here.
00:01:34,770 --> 00:01:46,110 And the week, beginning March 28 2020, to the high of that candle. So that makes that fair value gap here and sci fi set on balance outside of efficiency. So
00:01:46,110 --> 00:01:54,780 we'll watch and see if you want to dig into that going into this week. Apart from that I don't have a whole lot this year in terms of prognostication I gave
10 00:01:54,780 --> 00:02:13,470 you a barnburner last Sunday and pretty much was very explosive this past week. daily chart. Okay, in the commentary in July 9 2020, threes, Sunday review, and
11 00:02:13,470 --> 00:02:21,390 analysis before the market even opened up. I mentioned that this is the breaker going to be watching. And this is where we had closed for that particular week.
12 00:02:23,190 --> 00:02:34,740 We opened traded up into the breaker. Okay, and what I'm showing you here is the low to the high midpoint of that is mean threshold order blocks. The midpoint is
13 00:02:34,740 --> 00:02:44,670 mean threshold gaps or inefficiencies. The midpoint is consequent encouragement. You can see we traded up into it here. It's beautifully done delivery to the
14 00:02:44,670 --> 00:02:55,350 downside. So there's Monday's trading Tuesday, we finally made our way into this fair value gap and accelerated to the downside, attacking the sell side, as I
15 00:02:55,350 --> 00:03:07,290 mentioned, we would likely do if we treated accordingly. On Monday, go back and listen to July 9 2020, threes analysis before the market opened up. We were
16 00:03:07,290 --> 00:03:18,900 anticipating the return back into this breaker does it deliver off that breaker? Yes. So that means we can anticipate this area here. Sell side draw. Okay. And
17 00:03:18,900 --> 00:03:29,850 some tosses in here because I see a lot of comments that people share with me that maybe are being made in other youtubers comment section. Sometimes it does
18 00:03:29,850 --> 00:03:39,150 appear in my own comment section. Yes, I can see your comments. It looks like the comment sections open. But what it is that I have it set for review. And
19 00:03:39,150 --> 00:03:48,000 it's it's for me to read them their personal messages to me, okay, so to keep the people with a lot of hurt feelings when there's a lot of iterations shared
20 00:03:48,030 --> 00:03:57,600 towards me to prevent them from being harmed or having their their feelings hurt by seeing other people appreciate what I've done for him. I keep these messages
21 00:03:57,630 --> 00:04:07,050 private. I've done in the past, I've showed you why I keep it private. And when I open them up publicly, everybody pretty much was it was like a sugar fest. But
22 00:04:07,050 --> 00:04:19,050 sometimes I'll get a comment saying that I'm teaching like for instance, the sell side here, there's no suggest that I'm calling sell side support. No, I'm
23 00:04:19,050 --> 00:04:30,180 teaching you to view how the market will draw to that liquidity to it and through it. Okay, to it, and through it by side is not resistance by side is a
24 00:04:30,180 --> 00:04:39,960 draw on liquidity. For markets that are going to go higher. We want to tap into that. Buy side liquidity that's above old highs relatively equal highs or single
25 00:04:39,960 --> 00:04:49,320 highs. So it's not a matter of Support Resistance Support Resistance is garbage. Okay, let's just be real frank with one another here. I don't believe in support
26 00:04:49,320 --> 00:04:58,020 and resistance. But I have methods that will teach you real dynamic support and resistance and that's my inefficiencies and gaps. Okay, so the way I use gaps,
27 00:04:58,350 --> 00:05:07,770 they're not filled and done away. With the market many times will revert back to an old gapps, high low or consequent encouragement. So we don't do trading in
28 00:05:07,800 --> 00:05:16,890 supply and demand zones with whether it's ambiguous, or you have to determine where you're going to buy or sell based on that theory. There's three specific
29 00:05:16,890 --> 00:05:27,450 price levels that I'm looking at, I'd like to see. And if I'm going to use the range for targeting or determining whether or not the inefficiency is going to
30 00:05:27,450 --> 00:05:40,230 provide a means of staving off continuation, then I'll put the four gradients on that level too. So it's either I'm looking for it as a target, or I'm looking
31 00:05:40,230 --> 00:05:51,240 for it as a entry. And vice versa. So we're not looking at this level here anticipating this to be some measure of support to Dubai from, that's not what
32 00:05:51,240 --> 00:05:58,770 I'm doing. And that's the infancy of most of these individuals that are on the internet, they will look at something and it resembles because I have a
33 00:05:58,770 --> 00:06:08,220 rectangle, or I'm drawing the line on that old load. So they think naturally, that's what I'm looking for as a buy there. I don't believe in that theory, I
34 00:06:08,340 --> 00:06:18,630 attack old lows. Okay, I don't look at trying to find some reason to buy down here, because market went up there before I teach you to anticipate that the
35 00:06:18,630 --> 00:06:26,550 retail traders with that mindset, they're going to want to buy there. And the people that are already long, they have stopped orders below their own kind of
36 00:06:26,550 --> 00:06:38,220 stop sell stops. So that's perfect for me if I'm short, because I want to buy below those lows, not at those lows, I want to go through them and reach for
37 00:06:38,220 --> 00:06:47,070 some targets beyond that. So it's nonsensical to try to say that what I'm teaching you is classic Support Resistance, because I absolutely do not have any
38 00:06:47,070 --> 00:06:57,330 faith in that at all. And you shouldn't either. So the breaker in here, you can see we hit that. And we worked off that weekly fair value gap. And I mentioned
39 00:06:57,330 --> 00:07:06,600 in the July 9 video that it doesn't look like there's a gap at all here, which is a reason why you want to transpose your weekly inefficiencies on to your
40 00:07:06,600 --> 00:07:17,580 daily chart. And you won't lose sight of what the higher timeframe context is, if you do that. Alright, let's move on over to Euro. So Euro dollar weekly
41 00:07:17,580 --> 00:07:29,430 chart, I've been counseling you all for months now to anticipate this weekly volume imbalance. Okay, so yes, this is not in any of your textbooks, it's not
42 00:07:29,430 --> 00:07:38,610 supply and demand. It's not Wycoff, it's not anything else out there. Okay. You can see how the market has drawn price up into that. That's algorithmic price
43 00:07:38,610 --> 00:07:47,340 action, you will not find a retail book or retail educator, you will not find anybody that's going to teach you to anticipate the market wanting to go back
44 00:07:47,340 --> 00:07:56,310 into this area. They don't see it that way. Steve Nelson would have never talked about this. And he's Mr. Candlestick. Okay, so I say all these things. And for
45 00:07:56,310 --> 00:08:06,180 some of you, it gets under your skin when I when I do this, I'm not trying to sound right. Okay, I'm not trying to belittle anybody else. But I have a
46 00:08:06,180 --> 00:08:17,760 constant flow of new viewers that will come to me in the previous video or the video before it. And they'll say, you know, this looks like that, or this looks
47 00:08:17,760 --> 00:08:27,780 like this, or this seems like it's a rebranding or renaming of this or that, I'm going to challenge you to go out and find these things, the way I use them,
48 00:08:28,020 --> 00:08:39,450 okay. You're not going to find it prior to me. So I would love nothing more to be able to point to someone else and say, This person taught me this. So that
49 00:08:39,450 --> 00:08:48,540 way, I don't have to make all these videos. Okay. But it's nonsensical for any of you to sit here and try to wrestle with the idea that this has been rebranded
50 00:08:48,540 --> 00:08:57,150 from, from anything else out there, because this is nothing like anything else. This is the marketplace. It's algorithmically delivered. Ai runs the show here,
51 00:08:57,540 --> 00:09:07,350 and sometimes may want to branch and steps in and you, you probably aren't going to make money. And if I traded that day, I probably would lose money too. So you
52 00:09:07,350 --> 00:09:15,240 have to submit yourself to that potential risk. And all of us understand that, especially if you're trading with real money because you signed the risk
53 00:09:15,240 --> 00:09:27,180 disclosures when you do so. So we looked at this weekly inversion fair value gap, okay, and this, again, is not a liquidity void, find a sell signal here and
54 00:09:27,210 --> 00:09:36,420 sell off. That's not what we're looking for. Okay. We're looking for this level to act as support. So that's what makes this a ICT inversion fair value cap.
55 00:09:36,450 --> 00:09:36,840 Alright, and
56 00:09:36,840 --> 00:09:45,660 you can see how we opened for the week we traded down. Admittedly, we did not match the low of this candle with the low of that one.so. Don't, don't be fooled
57 00:09:45,660 --> 00:09:54,870 by the visual representation that's been shown here. But for the spread, you would have been you would have been stopped out your long this has been honest.
58 00:09:55,710 --> 00:10:02,550 The burqa would open the spread up on you and you would have been tagged and stopped out before or you would have been capturing that move. But the idea was,
59 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:13,290 I was teaching you on Sunday, July 9 2023, that it would trade down to that, and then run up to the buy side here into this weekly volume imbalance. I don't
60 00:10:13,290 --> 00:10:23,370 know, folks, this is your chart show this. I mean, if you post the Eurodollar in your trading platform, and you put it on a weekly chart, does it look like this?
61 00:10:24,360 --> 00:10:34,770 Do a huge big bullish candle that closed on the high? I don't know you got to decide whether or not this is all made up cherry picked or whatnot. But let's
62 00:10:34,770 --> 00:10:48,270 drop down to a daily chart here. Thank you see Monday's trading, we opened, treated down towards the weekly inversion fair value gap. Rallies. Tuesday, we
63 00:10:48,270 --> 00:10:58,770 have a small little indecisive day. And then explosion on Wednesday. Taking the buy side and trading route to the world, we're in close rate at the low the
64 00:10:58,770 --> 00:11:09,420 weekly volume imbalance. And then we open find some support at the weekly volume imbalance rallies. Friday, we have a little bit of continuation. So the only
65 00:11:09,420 --> 00:11:21,930 thing I have going into this week is I want to see completely closed that in. That's it. Now, when I share my analysis in the market runs through these levels
66 00:11:21,930 --> 00:11:30,270 and and delivers outline invariably, and there's a small sect of my community that will come out and go right to Twitter and say, Okay, what's next? What's it
67 00:11:30,270 --> 00:11:37,020 going to do next? It's like, I don't know if they're just waiting for me to get it wrong. Okay, and they want to hurry up to get to the next one where I can
68 00:11:37,020 --> 00:11:50,280 potentially get it wrong, or they're just not satisfied with this event. for study purposes. There's so much to go into this with and study. Like there's so
69 00:11:50,280 --> 00:12:02,370 much detail going in, in mind for your own edification and wasting it. Just looking for the next opportunity. So you can either you dogpile on the idea that
70 00:12:02,430 --> 00:12:11,460 I'm expecting to go higher or lower in the try to find setups and that you really like learning. Just with that, you gotta go into back test all these
71 00:12:11,460 --> 00:12:21,930 individual days, individual trading sessions. Alright, so here's the hourly chart here. And you can see how we just fell short, if you look real close, we
72 00:12:21,930 --> 00:12:35,670 just fell short. before touching the high end of that weekly inversion, Pierre Vega in the market rallied, came back down, comes in support. Right interfere
73 00:12:35,670 --> 00:12:49,200 Vega rallies, again, comes into another very good and rallies and right in here, it creates a measuring gap. That makes this a measuring gap while we're
74 00:12:49,200 --> 00:12:59,370 anticipating price getting as high as this shaded area here, which is a weekly volume imbalance. And we anticipated this here acting as what some measure of
75 00:12:59,490 --> 00:13:08,850 instigation of a new rally, so to speak, in simple terms for you, this is not classic Support Resistance. But I'm going to use the idea so that we can follow
76 00:13:08,850 --> 00:13:18,270 along in terms of context, we anticipated the top of this area here that shaded in orange, I guess it's really not orange. It's a hue that's very close to
77 00:13:18,270 --> 00:13:27,420 orange. And then we expected that to act as support. And then we would look to see get to this level here, which is the old boss I liquidity. We didn't see it
78 00:13:27,420 --> 00:13:34,980 going there and and come back down. We did not talk about that. I did not say that was going to happen. I said that we would go to that through it, and then
79 00:13:34,980 --> 00:13:42,540 trade into this range. Now what what levels am I talking about when we get into these ranges? I'm going to cover that in the moment. But let's go into a little
80 00:13:42,540 --> 00:13:51,690 bit more details here. 30 min timeframe. You can see two down close candles here. That's a bullish order block, consecutive down close candles, small little
81 00:13:51,690 --> 00:14:01,050 gap there, extend that forward, you can see how the market trades down into that. And then rallies inversion fair, right, you got market find support there
82 00:14:01,440 --> 00:14:11,370 rallies up, I have lessons and lectures and discussions with inversion fair value gap. So you'll understand more about that. But just let's get through this
83 00:14:11,370 --> 00:14:19,260 year, going through some examples because I'm laying down a lot of foundation. And you're not going to learn this with one video. Okay, so I've said this many
84 00:14:19,260 --> 00:14:26,910 times before the five minute trainer guys out there to try to take my content and make cliffnotes out of it. You're not going to teach anybody efficiently
85 00:14:26,910 --> 00:14:38,400 doing it, but you can get a lot of clicks doing it. So here's that measuring gap moves up into the low of the weekly volume imbalance. And then we find support
86 00:14:38,430 --> 00:14:46,950 at the weekly volume bounce you see that? Look at that. That's beautiful. Now if you would have never known about the weekly volume imbalance, you would never
87 00:14:46,950 --> 00:14:57,240 have seen that as a level to anticipate the market wanting to go higher. Mark calls back down into small little gap and here rallies again. Right in here we
88 00:14:57,240 --> 00:15:06,450 have a bullish or bearish Rate extended here at optimal trade entry as well. And then it rallies and continuously moves higher. I seen a couple tweets people
89 00:15:06,450 --> 00:15:17,970 were complaining how in the market did in fact go where we were expecting it to go from July 9 2020 threes analysis video shared on my YouTube channel. But they
90 00:15:17,970 --> 00:15:27,360 were mentioning many times, not having a way to get into the trade. Okay, and this is the easiest ones that are in the chart. There's lots of other smaller
91 00:15:27,360 --> 00:15:35,700 timeframe entries that could have been utilized. Okay. And if you don't see that, that's okay. It's because you're still learning. But this was a very fast
92 00:15:35,730 --> 00:15:49,830 market, it was doing very sudden runs. And we have a lot of things going on. And the way money is being transferred, is fundamentally changing. So that speeds up
93 00:15:49,830 --> 00:15:59,760 things a lot more expediently and you're seeing that reaction here, and there's a lot of other things is going on on the other side of the world, that's
94 00:15:59,760 --> 00:16:07,950 probably going to be a burden something for all of us. But we'll leave that out of the discussion for now, for your homework. As additional study, you want to
95 00:16:07,950 --> 00:16:16,140 take this weekly volume imbalance, and lay your Fibonacci on it from the high to the left, make sure you get the actual high and low, shown from the weekly chart
96 00:16:17,010 --> 00:16:23,820 that makes this weekly volume imbalance. So just go back at the beginning of the video, you'll see the candles I'm drawing from the you can do it through Bonacci
97 00:16:23,820 --> 00:16:38,310 overlay that has the 01 100 level. And then point two 5.5 0.75. And study where we are on the lower timeframes, like one minute five minute charts, every time
98 00:16:38,310 --> 00:16:57,810 we traded at or near the 25% gradient to 50% gradient in the 75% gradient. All right, moving on into enemy s&p, this is the seasonal tendency chart for E Mini
99 00:16:57,810 --> 00:17:09,150 s&p. And I'm gonna take you back in time for a couple minutes in our conversation here. And I talked about how I like seeing the seasonal tendency
100 00:17:09,150 --> 00:17:20,220 that comes in in the month of May, leading into June, June typically makes a really strong low. And that's just about every single year. And that one's
101 00:17:20,220 --> 00:17:32,640 really, really strong. But I like having a shorting opportunity going into the last week of April going into May. And then majority of May we see some measure
102 00:17:32,640 --> 00:17:43,770 of selling well, this year. While we were anticipating it, the market internals did not present that idea in technicals. So while I was expecting and looking
103 00:17:43,770 --> 00:17:51,990 for it, we didn't do anything that would get us short and take a loss. What we were doing is we were seeing the market show us that it's not likely that the
104 00:17:52,200 --> 00:18:03,090 seasonal tendency was coming into fruition this year. So this little movement right in here. Okay. That's what I was looking at. That is a really easy bread
105 00:18:03,120 --> 00:18:18,030 winner for the springtime. And it was not there technically. But I want to take your attention into how the third week of May. And third week of June, Casey,
106 00:18:18,030 --> 00:18:31,290 how have June, July, May, April. This is approximately the third week of May in the third week of June. So yeah. This right here tends to be one of the best
107 00:18:31,440 --> 00:18:43,590 times to be a buyer of index futures for Emini, s&p. So if you're looking for a really strong, mid year, point to buy, if you are in a bull market that you feel
108 00:18:43,590 --> 00:18:53,430 that is going to continue, because we didn't see a seasonal tendency come to fruition here. Okay. And I counseled you to do this in my mentorship. And you
109 00:18:53,430 --> 00:19:03,960 view the seasonal tendencies, if they don't form. If they don't come to fruition, that's telling you something that's extremely fundamental to the next
110 00:19:04,020 --> 00:19:15,060 drive higher or lower. If it's not moving in tandem with what you would expect in terms of the seasonal tendency, that means it's doing something opposite.
111 00:19:16,680 --> 00:19:27,270 So if we were anticipating what lower prices for ES or E Mini s&p, and it's not willing to do this, that means we're extremely bullish. So go into your charts
112 00:19:27,270 --> 00:19:36,360 on the third week of May in the third week of June, if you'd like these charts, by the way, these are old friends of mine Nice. These charts have been with me
113 00:19:36,360 --> 00:19:48,570 since 1995. And this company is headed by Steve Moore. And if you'd like to seasonal tendencies or if you want to delve into that his website is
114 00:19:48,570 --> 00:20:01,470 www.mrci.com I do not get anything for telling you that I'm don't have an affiliation with him. He probably doesn't even know who I am. I I've sent a ton
115 00:20:01,470 --> 00:20:12,690 of people to him. Steve, if you're listening, you're welcome. I just think that he is the pinnacle of all seasonal tendency work. I don't care who it is, I
116 00:20:12,690 --> 00:20:24,060 don't care who you like, I don't care. His research, his work is, in my opinion is superior to everything and everyone else. So that's why I use his resources
117 00:20:24,060 --> 00:20:35,220 for looking at seasonal tendencies. There is no business relationship between him. Okay. But if you want seasonal tendency, charts, his is the best. That's my
118 00:20:35,220 --> 00:20:48,030 opinion. Here's a weekly chart of E Mini s&p Is this a September contract for 2023. And there is the weekly volume imbalance I mentioned multiple times. And I
119 00:20:48,030 --> 00:21:03,360 said, right between these two levels here. That point is the exposed area where there is no volume. So there's a real gap there. Okay, so that makes it what a
120 00:21:03,360 --> 00:21:18,270 liquidity void, that my friends is liquidity void. This from here to here, that is not a liquidity void. Okay. It's, it's been unfortunately, called that. And
121 00:21:18,300 --> 00:21:25,770 because I wanted to teach on baby pips, I stuck with the vernacular that other people were using, because you know, why reinvent the wheel and try to cause
122 00:21:25,770 --> 00:21:37,740 more confusion because at the time, I didn't want to go this far in teaching. But a real liquidity void is a void of liquidity, all liquidity. So that's what
123 00:21:37,740 --> 00:21:50,190 distinguishes me from everybody else out there, because I will tell you, this is an inefficiency. It's a sell side imbalance. By side inefficiency, so it's
124 00:21:50,220 --> 00:22:01,530 inefficient, in up or by side offering, the market only went one side ahead of handily. And it's more likely to offer movement on the upside. And we see that
125 00:22:01,530 --> 00:22:12,450 over here on this, this candle here. Each one of these candles has a weekly candlestick, by the way. So we traded up into this gap, or real liquidity will
126 00:22:12,450 --> 00:22:26,190 be between this week's low and this week's high majority of the entire weekly volume imbalance. So we finally got to that one. Okay. Let's take a closer look.
127 00:22:27,030 --> 00:22:35,280 Right inside that small little gap. Okay. So before I go to the next slide, in our presentation here, I want you to understand that what I'm going to do is I'm
128 00:22:35,280 --> 00:22:45,120 going to zoom in to this small little segment of price action. And I'm going to show you the relationship between this week's low here, this candle and this
129 00:22:45,150 --> 00:22:52,320 week's high. We're going to measure that with the Fibonacci and we're gonna get the midpoint of that, which is consequent encouragement, because it's a gap.
130 00:22:55,050 --> 00:23:09,360 Here we are zoomed in, here's that candlestick we're looking at the low for Monday, April 4, okay, that week of 2022. And then the 18th of April 2020. So
131 00:23:09,360 --> 00:23:20,580 this candlesticks, high of its respective weekly candle, this candlesticks low of its respective weekly candle, drawing our fib from that level. So they're all
132 00:23:20,580 --> 00:23:32,130 we're doing, we're using the field to get a perfect halfway point 50% That means 4559 and a half. That is your consequent encouragement of that small little gap
133 00:23:32,220 --> 00:23:42,300 that's right here. That little gap, okay, so I'm finding here for this between this red line and net red line. I want to know what the midpoint of that is the
134 00:23:42,300 --> 00:23:54,030 exact midpoint. That's what's being shown here. 40 559 and a half. Taking us over to the current present week. You can see how we treat it right up into that
135 00:23:54,030 --> 00:24:01,230 consequent encouragement here. Little above it just by a little bit, but look how beautiful the reaction was from here. That down in and we closed on the
136 00:24:01,230 --> 00:24:13,590 highs not at the highs. We just fell short of going into the 20% retracement for TGIF. Alright, so let's go into a daily chart here. You can see the fairway got
137 00:24:13,590 --> 00:24:23,550 you mentioned that the time to download candles as you're bullish order block, extend that to the right. We had a start of the week we traded down into the
138 00:24:23,550 --> 00:24:33,330 order block and then ripped higher taking our buy side digging into the low the weekly volume imbalance, the consequent encroachment of the entire shaded area,
139 00:24:33,450 --> 00:24:41,250 which is the weekly volume imbalance, and then those two red levels up here in its respective consequent version or midpoint of that get that's been shown
140 00:24:41,250 --> 00:24:49,890 within the weekly volume imbalance. Just a really beautiful delivery for yes this week. NASDAQ was actually better but and we'll look at that in a moment.
141 00:24:49,890 --> 00:25:01,710 But let's drop into a lower timeframe here for the hourly chart on es see how we dropped down into your block. Rally through bullish order block, this is down
142 00:25:01,710 --> 00:25:11,970 close here. And we have a fair value gap that makes this a proper bullish order block. Because we're in context of a buy program or looking for higher prices,
143 00:25:12,000 --> 00:25:26,160 everything should match there. And we've seen a noon lunchtime, New York local time, returned back in to inbalance. Order block sellside taken flow relative
144 00:25:26,160 --> 00:25:36,060 equal lows, and then starts to trade higher. Another order block here, trades higher and aggressive run through short term high here. So we're not looking at
145 00:25:36,060 --> 00:25:47,010 that as buy side, which is resistance right now. We're looking at it going to it being drawn to that area, and then through it. And I don't need it to trade back
146 00:25:47,010 --> 00:25:57,390 down to this high. That's classic Support Resistance, I don't need that. I want to see a trade inside of this inefficiency right here. Right there, right in
147 00:25:57,390 --> 00:26:07,380 here. That's institutional refill entry drill. And then rallies again, trades up into that weekly volume imbalance. Look at the body's respecting that weekly
148 00:26:07,380 --> 00:26:16,230 volume imbalance. Yes, we have these little Mohawks that's in their price action, it's normal to see that it's perfectly normal and acceptable. market
149 00:26:16,230 --> 00:26:26,760 rallies, trades up into the consequent encroachment of that actual liquidity void in the upper portion of that shaded pink area, which is a weekly volume
150 00:26:26,760 --> 00:26:38,940 imbalance. Here's a five minute chart you can see again, with the ES tray up in that consequent question about the actual liquidity void at the higher portion
151 00:26:38,970 --> 00:26:45,870 of that weekly volume imbalance. And right in here, you can see small little city, which is a fair value gap. So it's an unbalanced buy side and efficiency
152 00:26:45,870 --> 00:26:53,250 yet means the market will likely pull back up into that. It does essentially the consequent encouragement, we can see those measurements here, traced to it here.
153 00:26:53,490 --> 00:27:02,910 And then we want to see a sharp displacement lower, do we get it? Yes. Did it take out a short term? Well, yes. What is this? That's the 2020 model I taught
154 00:27:02,910 --> 00:27:13,470 you on this YouTube channel. very vague, that trades up into here, boom, as to short, what do you aim for the low on here delivers. And we have a small little
155 00:27:13,470 --> 00:27:23,610 fair bank out there offering to two o'clock silver bullet, the market breaks lower relative equal lows and pullback up your traces and then aggressively runs
156 00:27:23,610 --> 00:27:34,860 lower off of hitting the breaker. High, Low higher high, this candle your breaker trades to here. sells off going into the three o'clock our small little
157 00:27:34,860 --> 00:27:51,120 fair value gap there as well. So we have high low return back in this is model 22. Again, sell side hammer is in the final hour of trading on Friday. All
158 00:27:51,120 --> 00:28:04,800 right, here's NASDAQ. This is our weekly chart on this. So you can see the weekly fair value gap there. trip down into that two weeks ago. And this is this
159 00:28:04,800 --> 00:28:15,270 present week. So we opened traded down aggressively moved higher, made high income off the highs. I want to zoom in on that. So we're zoomed in on the
160 00:28:15,270 --> 00:28:26,340 weekly chart for NASA. And I'm taking the Fibonacci and measuring from the low the weak to the high the weak, and I'm showing you the respective 20% and 30%,
161 00:28:26,340 --> 00:28:36,900 which is TGIF. So whenever you have a nice big run higher or lower, those are the times you want to look for TGIF, they're really likely to have these pull
162 00:28:36,900 --> 00:28:50,100 backs towards the end of the week. And how far will it pull back 20 to 30% of the work the weekly range entirely. So you can see that 15,698 and a half is 20%
163 00:28:50,130 --> 00:28:57,600 of the weekly range for NASDAQ. So that level is going to be important going forward in this presentation. So 15,698 and a half
164 00:28:59,640 --> 00:29:08,670 that level is being noted here. And it's the weekly TGIF 20% is a short little abbreviation for Thank God it's Friday. Okay, so it's a way for you to remember
165 00:29:08,670 --> 00:29:24,120 that that model is a day of week specific model in its capitalizing on trading a reversal of the entire weekly range to a 20 to 30% level of the entire weekly
166 00:29:24,120 --> 00:29:33,090 range. I got a teaching on it. If this is the first time you heard about it, just go on my YouTube channel you'll find TGIF setup. Alright, so let's go into
167 00:29:33,360 --> 00:29:44,070 the hourly chart. Okay, so going right to the brass tacks with this because it's already a long video. I want you to take a look at the low here, the high and
168 00:29:44,070 --> 00:29:53,430 the lower low. And the market trades through this high. We don't look at that as resistance. Okay, there's bias at above that and we're looking for higher prices
169 00:29:53,460 --> 00:30:07,350 beyond that. But what can we use this information for in terms of finding range? What if you look at the teaching I gave you on advanced ICT breakers, those
170 00:30:07,800 --> 00:30:21,060 ideas that I shared in that video I'm applying here. So when we see this thought run here, that takes up a cell site below here, my eye goes right to the low to
171 00:30:21,060 --> 00:30:34,200 the high. Prior to the lower load, it qualifies this as a bullish ICT breaker. So this is your measuring range. So you take your Fibonacci applied to the low
172 00:30:34,770 --> 00:30:47,760 to the high extended, do multiple extensions, you can do extension, standard deviation, negative one. Here negative standard deviation, two comes in at what
173 00:30:47,760 --> 00:31:02,550 price 15,856 and a quarter. It's not the actual high, but look how close it gets here. That's projecting a weekly range high. Now there's people out there say
174 00:31:02,550 --> 00:31:09,330 Oh, well, you know, you can't do that ICT. Nobody can do that. The markets too random nope, nobody can do that. Well, I'm teaching you tools and concepts that,
175 00:31:09,570 --> 00:31:21,360 you know, I've been shown in my private group doing this years and years of it. Now my students can do it. You're learning how I'm able to do it. It's not
176 00:31:21,360 --> 00:31:30,810 imperative that you do this every single week. Okay, when the technicals are there, and you have a strong bias that is conducive for these ideas to pan out,
177 00:31:30,870 --> 00:31:39,570 that's when you want to do it. Okay, so this breaker, we expect it to trade through it, it does we come back down into it, the bodies are respecting the
178 00:31:39,570 --> 00:31:46,950 breaker. It's not the fact that it goes up to this high and repels price, it has absolutely nothing to do with it has nothing to do with it. Because if that's
179 00:31:46,950 --> 00:31:54,630 the case, why didn't you do it and whom this high? That's the fallacy of retail Support Resistance ideas, if you're gonna look at this high here and say ICTs
180 00:31:54,630 --> 00:32:04,980 cherry picking because it's it worked there. Well use that same logic in saying that this is rebranded because it's not, why don't you apply it to that Hi
181 00:32:04,980 --> 00:32:15,120 there, because it had a nice retracement off of it too. So why is price not showing any willingness or respect of it over here? Think because it has nothing
182 00:32:15,120 --> 00:32:30,870 to do with why price goes up or down? The logic is this short term entries those that are in, in the pursuit of trying to go along, they were right prematurely
183 00:32:31,770 --> 00:32:42,960 until they were stopped out. So this perfect trap here sets the stage for those individuals that got stopped out trying to get along. They're too afraid to get
184 00:32:42,960 --> 00:32:55,170 back in, especially when this more wipe out. That takes out this low, which also took out MATLAB. So we see a 123 drives pattern that is a classic retail
185 00:32:55,200 --> 00:33:03,210 pattern. Yes, it does work if you have the context, in the draw and liquidity where you're trying to aim for. If that's correct, that pattern will work for
186 00:33:03,210 --> 00:33:17,880 you. If you see a level or a direction, fail after three attempts, and it breaks down if you see a breaker or a model 2022 inside of that. Wow, what a beautiful
187 00:33:17,880 --> 00:33:26,730 model, I price it too much. But anyway, the long's that have a sell stop below here, they get stopped out, they're not going to go back in, they're scared,
188 00:33:26,850 --> 00:33:35,040 they're not going to get back in there. But now the market will revert back to the individuals that are short here. Someone's short, so they're going to run on
189 00:33:35,040 --> 00:33:45,480 them. So the sell stocks are being calculated by smart money going long, they're buying themselves tops with the purpose of off setting. So offset distribution
190 00:33:45,480 --> 00:33:56,400 is being used above this high. That's not support resistance that's selling above a level for profit taking and waiting for confirmation that it wants to go
191 00:33:56,400 --> 00:34:05,640 higher it does. The bodies are respecting that high, which is a breaker. It's not showing any willingness to show the body's respecting this high anywhere in
192 00:34:05,640 --> 00:34:15,960 here as support is not happening. So the market resumes going higher pay no attention to this level yet because it has to make a high of The Week first. So
193 00:34:15,960 --> 00:34:26,970 when we had this big capitulation is run up into the standard deviation of negative two on this range, which is what I taught on that advanced breaker
194 00:34:27,000 --> 00:34:36,840 video that just literally just did it like a week or so ago on YouTube channel. So watch that one and you'll see me teaching this very premise. That is
195 00:34:36,840 --> 00:34:45,420 beautiful delivery folks. I'm sorry. I hate to break your hearts. Okay, I'm not trying to be mean but this stuff isn't in your books, okay. And if someone goes
196 00:34:45,420 --> 00:34:52,920 out there and you hurt want to run out, make a Amazon book and try to include this. You're going to be coming up shortchanged, because there's a lot of things
197 00:34:52,920 --> 00:35:03,570 I'm leaving for this idea for my own book. So sorry, not sorry. Then we have these relatively equal lows in the market drops down into that latter portion of
198 00:35:03,570 --> 00:35:13,680 the day, but back down more specifically into the weekly TGIF 20%. So after we see this level hit, we want to see, does it really want to break down from that?
199 00:35:14,220 --> 00:35:23,190 And then when we look at the lower timeframes, we actually will see that actually occurring. So here's the 50 minute timeframe. Here's the consolidation
200 00:35:23,220 --> 00:35:39,420 in the beginning today. And we had a report come out since price higher than we have this gap right there. Okay, so this returned back into this city was the
201 00:35:39,420 --> 00:35:49,260 sell side unbalanced by some efficiency, our trades into it here, we went past it that's completely permissible. breaks down again, we have another gap. This
202 00:35:49,260 --> 00:35:58,020 is institutional report entry drill, where it just trades one little bit above this candle here is happens with all timeframes. But the context is you have to
203 00:35:58,020 --> 00:36:07,770 know where the markets likely to go. And because we have this gap here, and then we have this gap here in close proximity. That's what makes this an
204 00:36:07,770 --> 00:36:16,140 institutional reflection drill. Otherwise, if this wasn't here, I would expect it to trade more into this inefficiency, I'll have more than in my books, but
205 00:36:16,380 --> 00:36:24,060 that's enough right here to send you lightyears ahead, right. So the market does, in fact, trade the low here completely runs over top of this boss on the
206 00:36:24,060 --> 00:36:35,820 balance on efficiency, okay, here, and we have another gap there, we trade up into this and then rips right through sell side here and sell side there. So
207 00:36:35,820 --> 00:36:45,390 we're not looking at that as buy is because it was a turning point in the past for classes support, which is an idea theories, we're looking for to trade
208 00:36:45,420 --> 00:36:58,500 through it, because there's liquidity below that 20% of the weekly ranges here. So all these things match in terms of a draw on liquidity as a reason to
209 00:36:58,500 --> 00:37:06,720 anticipate happening, the markets been going straight up all week and an hour at the end of the week. So this is completely acceptable and reasonable to see in
210 00:37:06,720 --> 00:37:15,480 price delivery. And it's not to say that we've called the top of the marketplace because as I mentioned in July 9 2020 threes analysis, I'm teaching you not to
211 00:37:15,480 --> 00:37:23,610 try to pick tops and bottoms on higher timeframe charts, because you can hurt yourself doing that. Just wait for the market to clearly show you it's reversed.
212 00:37:23,760 --> 00:37:34,620 And when it does, just keep working that bias that's in the market at the time. And try not to you fancy dance it and try to pick a top or bottom because you're
213 00:37:34,620 --> 00:37:44,370 not going to get it correct, you're not going to do it. So to avoid that to simply try to stay on side and trade with a expectation that the higher
214 00:37:44,370 --> 00:37:56,430 timeframe weekly chart, moving into a lower timeframe daily chart, that's enough for you to find opportunities and not need to be picking tops and bottoms. Hey,
215 00:37:56,430 --> 00:38:06,150 here's a five minute chart. And I'll show you the inversion pair Vega. That's why the market went up to that level here and went beyond the previous 15
216 00:38:06,150 --> 00:38:18,330 minutes. Here see this gap here. This gap. We're looking through that to the left that's why we're not supply and demand folks. Sorry Sam Sidon. This right
217 00:38:18,330 --> 00:38:26,070 here is a by side of ourselves on efficiency. The market trades down through it now and you might look at this and say Oh, well this is this is now it's filled
218 00:38:26,070 --> 00:38:28,740 in. We don't we don't worry about that. That's why you're wrong.
219 00:38:30,030 --> 00:38:39,270 Because you're using flawed logic. Okay, my algorithms gonna refer back to that candles high and that candles low, it will refer back to it again. That's not
220 00:38:39,270 --> 00:38:47,340 support resistance. Okay, it's algorithmic. The market trades back up into it. This is a small little in and price action. It's a mohawk. It's a little
221 00:38:47,340 --> 00:38:55,170 nickname, I gave it small, little tiny little movement outside of it. There's nobody outside of it. It's just the wick. That's completely normal, completely
222 00:38:55,170 --> 00:39:04,230 acceptable. We don't worry about those things. market shares a willingness to respect the inversion fair value gap, and then breaks lower institutional orful
223 00:39:04,230 --> 00:39:15,540 entry drill. And then we have this wick, big wick here. Okay, which doesn't do much in terms of damage below this world for sell side. So once we move through
224 00:39:15,540 --> 00:39:26,100 it, I liked this gap. But I wanted to refer back to this wick. So does this market respect that wicks consequent approachment I'm going to does it? It's
225 00:39:26,100 --> 00:39:36,360 perfect in it. But these candles here, the bodies tell you the story, the wicks, they do the damage. And this is telling you narrative. It means the algorithm is
226 00:39:36,390 --> 00:39:44,790 in a cell program. It's going to seek cell side liquidity, it's going to run on cell stops. It's going to run to inefficiencies. Well there's a smaller
227 00:39:44,790 --> 00:39:55,350 inefficiencies remaining here. It gets down to it there comes back up into small gap there and then does what dives for the sell side and gets below the weekly
228 00:39:55,350 --> 00:40:09,330 TGIF. 20% of that weekly range. I went short on here are trading inside of the idea that we are in this inversion fair, but I get there, I took a little bit of
229 00:40:09,330 --> 00:40:20,340 heat on it, but not much, and then aggressively ran for the sell side. And there you go. So that's what I used to teach my son on Friday afternoon. Notice where
230 00:40:20,340 --> 00:40:34,830 we closed, look at this real close to 20%. Again, you don't find that in your books, okay? There are so many things that people will look at, whether it be me
231 00:40:34,830 --> 00:40:45,900 or other people. And because we're looking at the same four things open, high, low and close, we're forced to use geometric shapes. Okay, we're forced to use
232 00:40:45,900 --> 00:40:55,110 trend lines and things to articulate, you know, an idea with a audience member or for our own journaling. And when we make these things available to other
233 00:40:55,110 --> 00:41:02,400 people, invariably, they're going to see oh, well, you know, you're doing the classic this and the classic that I'm not doing anything that's classic, I'm
234 00:41:02,400 --> 00:41:13,440 making the new classics, okay, I'm making the new future reference books, okay, everything that you're learning here live, you're in Gan moment, okay? You're in
235 00:41:13,440 --> 00:41:23,640 that Livermore moment, you're having someone teach you something that no one's had their fingerprints on before. And I say these things not to be arrogant. I'm
236 00:41:23,640 --> 00:41:32,040 not trying to be condescending to anybody. I'm not saying to hear myself talk. But I want you to appreciate the fact that what you're being exposed to, you're
237 00:41:32,040 --> 00:41:42,870 not entitled to it. You're not entitled to know these things. So when I see other people claim, they know it. claim they've been doing it for me, they have
238 00:41:42,870 --> 00:41:51,270 no experience the alien, they have no track record with it. They can't even go out and do executions approved. They don't even know how to do it right now, let
239 00:41:51,270 --> 00:42:03,750 alone say they did it before me. So I want you to think about what you watched happened last week? How explosive, the market moved exactly how I outlined it
240 00:42:03,960 --> 00:42:13,290 last Sunday, before the market opened up. You had it in your hot little hands? What do you think your trading would be like, two years from now, learning this
241 00:42:13,470 --> 00:42:22,050 way to your trades gonna be like 10 years from now? What do you think your trading is gonna be like three decades like mine? Today, my understanding of the
242 00:42:22,050 --> 00:42:31,560 marketplace, is rooted on things that I've codified in 1996. So the things I'm talking about in teaching, I authored these things. No one taught me these
243 00:42:31,560 --> 00:42:39,360 things, no one mentored me, No one sat down and say, Here, here's my mentorship. Join this, and I'm gonna teach you that it wasn't in any of the books, it wasn't
244 00:42:39,360 --> 00:42:52,350 in any of the things I bought. And it's not easy. I know, it's not easy. You're learning it from the person that created it. And it's a struggle sometimes for
245 00:42:52,350 --> 00:43:04,890 you to learn. And it's not because I'm not that good at teaching. It says this is a very dense topic. It's very, very, very dense. It's, it requires a lot of
246 00:43:04,920 --> 00:43:12,780 study, it requires a lot of case studies, where you go back and look at old news and you study it. And you listen to the boring stuff I talk about, whether it be
247 00:43:12,780 --> 00:43:20,190 in a Twitter space, or whether it be in these parts of the video where no one really likes to listen to it. But you're not going to learn it without having
248 00:43:20,190 --> 00:43:29,040 these things. And that's what mentorship is, if you want to sit down and learn something from somebody and do something very well. And if they really want to
249 00:43:29,040 --> 00:43:34,860 teach you, they're not going to rush through the topic, they want to make sure that you get it into all the nooks and crannies, they want to get down to the
250 00:43:34,860 --> 00:43:43,950 small little things that are going to creep in and mess you up. Because you're gonna make a big mountain out of something that's not that significant. Now I
251 00:43:43,950 --> 00:43:51,600 know what those things are going to be. So that's the reason why I talk to you about these things. Don't focus on that focus on this, do this, don't do that.
252 00:43:52,770 --> 00:44:01,590 And for the folks that want to speed through it, and try to do you know, an abbreviated mentorship, you're the one that is going to fail. And I have a lot
253 00:44:01,590 --> 00:44:13,350 of failures, because they rushed through it. Not because the content doesn't work, or the concepts don't work, or I can't teach it properly. But there's
254 00:44:13,350 --> 00:44:25,290 going to be a huge learning curve. For some of you and others, you'll pick it up faster than someone else might. It's just a matter of personal experience. And
255 00:44:25,320 --> 00:44:35,130 each one of you are going to have a duration that is unique to you. And you have to submit to that. I'm a practical person, I know that not all of you are going
256 00:44:35,130 --> 00:44:45,180 to be able to resonate with me. I'm not going to scratch the itch as a mentor for all of you. And you're going to want to chase something else. I promise you
257 00:44:45,180 --> 00:44:55,500 folks, I promise you I swear to you that there is not one single person on YouTube or anywhere else that's going to teach you like I'm teaching you. I
258 00:44:55,500 --> 00:45:06,180 promise you that. They're just familiar with what I've already shared thus far. So there's nothing wrong with looking at other people's level of understanding.
259 00:45:06,570 --> 00:45:12,480 And that's what they're doing. They're showing you their level of understanding. But they're not in a position of authority to be able to teach it because they
260 00:45:12,480 --> 00:45:23,970 don't even know what they're teaching. They're just familiar with it. And it's just like when you first got a driver's license, and you handed or your parents
261 00:45:23,970 --> 00:45:30,540 handed the keys to you, and you get in and you started up, just because you got your driver's license doesn't mean you understand exactly how that car is
262 00:45:30,540 --> 00:45:39,810 designed, what causes the ignition, what caused the you the the engine to stay running, what's all the connections that causes all these instruments to work
263 00:45:39,810 --> 00:45:46,650 like they do, you probably didn't do much thinking in terms of that you just couldn't wait to get behind the wheel. And that's what these mentors and that's
264 00:45:46,650 --> 00:45:56,970 what you many times as a would be student is like, you want to rush out there, and just get your hands dirty with it. And sometimes it ain't dirt, it's blood,
265 00:45:57,360 --> 00:46:05,400 you lose a few fingers, maybe more, because you're rushing in before you're ready. And you're learning from people that don't know what they're doing. It's
266 00:46:05,430 --> 00:46:15,180 easy to talk about it. In hindsight, it's easy to use what I'm talking about in real time analysis, and then borrow my viewpoint in the marketplace, and then
267 00:46:15,180 --> 00:46:23,490 come out and say, you know, look at my putting my students that Pastor evaluations, when if I wouldn't have said anything, you would have had no voice
268 00:46:24,420 --> 00:46:38,640 and your students wouldn't be doing anything. So I'm gonna leave that with you. And remind you that these things aren't cherry pick, these things are not
269 00:46:39,000 --> 00:46:51,990 coincidence. They happen every single week in sometimes, there are certain parameters that are met that allow for explosive runs. What took place? What
270 00:46:51,990 --> 00:47:01,110 took place this week? Think about it. What's occurring on the daily chart?
271 00:47:11,550 --> 00:47:28,410 Fair Vega boom, third week of what? third week of what, June, just like that seasonal tendency cause for folks, those things are like roadmaps. And we knew
272 00:47:28,410 --> 00:47:36,390 in May, when the seasonal tendency that I like to see where if it sells off, if I can find something technical that aligns with the market to see it go lower.
273 00:47:37,230 --> 00:47:53,760 If it's not providing that that means we are really bullish. SP went over 400 handles look at the NASDAQ almost 1000 or more from this turning point right
274 00:47:53,760 --> 00:48:07,770 there. And then rips again in July. This move right here, this is a classic in the summer months, that part is that that's a classic scenario. If you're in a
275 00:48:07,770 --> 00:48:22,800 bull market, this is what you expect in the month of June in May. If we're in a bearish market, a sell off in May into June, they're very, very good. That's how
276 00:48:22,800 --> 00:48:33,360 you seasonal tendency, the idea or premise behind a seasonal tendency that is failing. And being instrumental to having a market go explosive, in the opposite
277 00:48:33,360 --> 00:48:45,060 direction to what the seasonal tendency would imply. I learned that from Larry Williams. And I learned that in 1995. From his four VHS tape, I mentioned many
278 00:48:45,060 --> 00:48:56,130 times over the years as as a resource I'd learn from and it's a I believe it's titled The future millionaires confidential trading course. And he talked about
279 00:48:56,130 --> 00:49:04,290 seasonal tendencies in here. He talked about how he was the first one to write a book about seasonal tendencies. And he talked about Jake Bernstein who I'm not a
280 00:49:04,290 --> 00:49:15,480 fan of I never liked his work, even though Larry himself respected him. I didn't, I didn't find anything of value from him. Okay, and I'm sure there are
281 00:49:15,630 --> 00:49:25,830 people that found usefulness from whatever he put out. I just personally wasn't able to do that. But in terms of seasonal tendencies, the idea of when a
282 00:49:25,830 --> 00:49:37,110 seasonal tendency is failing to manifest itself that is many times not always but many times it is conducive for a an explosive price run in the opposite
283 00:49:37,110 --> 00:49:50,490 direction to what you would expect in the season of energy. So because we had the the potential sell off in May didn't form it did not form at that time. So
284 00:49:50,490 --> 00:50:04,260 that gives more rocket fuel for the June load it forms in that classic in stock index. features. So as a swing Job saying all this stuff to you, because I know
285 00:50:04,260 --> 00:50:11,340 some of you that don't want to do a treat, we can't do it. You don't want to do it doesn't fit your, your personality. And I understand that. But what I'm
286 00:50:11,340 --> 00:50:17,310 showing you here on this daily chart, how's that any different from what I'm teaching you on a one minute chart? four minute chart, five minute chart? 15
287 00:50:17,310 --> 00:50:28,650 minute chart, hourly chart is nothing different except for the timeframe. Isn't this something that we would be looking to get long on anyway? If we're bullish?
288 00:50:29,100 --> 00:50:38,220 Yes. What is this here high, and now high? That's relative equal highs. That means what there's a buy side above that. We're not looking at that as going
289 00:50:38,220 --> 00:50:49,710 back up to this here as resistance we're looking for to trade through it. does sound like resistance to you? What kind of resistance would that be? If you
290 00:50:49,710 --> 00:50:57,630 thought that this was a resistance level, these relative equal highs, you thought that same idea was the same thing you would hope your roof on your home
291 00:50:57,660 --> 00:51:10,530 is like, would you want a roof to perform like this? No. So I attack and I teach my students to attack by side liquidity above a single or relative equal high. I
292 00:51:10,530 --> 00:51:22,050 teach my students to attack a single row, or relative equal lows with our sell side below it, to it in through it. That's what we teach here. Okay, we do not
293 00:51:22,050 --> 00:51:33,030 teach some garbage resistance and support idea that is so ambiguous, you have no idea that there's never been a book, I'm telling you right now, I have 2000
294 00:51:33,030 --> 00:51:41,460 books. And there has never been an author, educator teacher that has ever codified a single approach that goes in and finds the right support and
295 00:51:41,460 --> 00:51:53,070 resistance. It's not there, folks. That's a religion. That's what it is. It's a religion. Okay, I say we're called the idea of Support Resistance, you have to
296 00:51:53,070 --> 00:52:03,510 have more faith in that than simply understanding that what I'm teaching here is a real market. Because it's subjective. No matter where you are. In the world,
297 00:52:03,510 --> 00:52:12,000 if you're pulling up the NASDAQ daily chart, you're gonna see this gap. Okay, it's a fair value gap in the form of bias and analysis on efficiency that does
298 00:52:12,000 --> 00:52:21,720 not hide from you. There's not other ones in this area that you might get tricked by. But the idea of picking a Support Resistance idea is based on
299 00:52:21,720 --> 00:52:30,240 classic supporting reasons theory. With higher you're going to use what Lorie you're going to use what what diagonal trend lines are you going to draw to, and
300 00:52:30,240 --> 00:52:39,660 which ones are going to be correct. See, I've wasted lots of money doing that, though. And so have you other people that have traded before I was even born,
301 00:52:39,720 --> 00:52:47,880 wasted and lost lots of money doing that stuff, too. But hey, it looks great in the books. It looks great. In hindsight, look at this level here, this diagonal
302 00:52:47,880 --> 00:52:56,790 support this diagnosis distance. And I went in and I created a concept that attacks that idea that the entire premise, I attack it. That's my Phantom
303 00:52:56,790 --> 00:53:11,250 trendline. It's a specific approach to going after retail thought processes about that very idea. I've taken retail and turned it upside down. And I've made
304 00:53:11,250 --> 00:53:19,140 it useful to anyone that simply wants to look at it, investigate the ideas, and see whether or not I'm telling you the truth. And if you go into charge, I
305 00:53:19,140 --> 00:53:28,500 promise you, you're gonna find that truth in that proof. There's so many people that are students of mine now, there's so many students of mine that used to be
306 00:53:28,770 --> 00:53:38,820 detractors, doubters, and beginning they want to go in and prove that what I was saying wasn't the case. And now they're long term. You know, loyal students,
307 00:53:38,850 --> 00:53:48,210 they know what they have learned from me is the truth. And you're seeing that you just saw it again. How can you cherry pick the entire weekly range? How can
308 00:53:48,210 --> 00:54:03,000 you cherry pick the entire weekly delivery of not just one market, but for again, the Forex I gave the dollar index, and I gave you the ES it delivered
309 00:54:04,680 --> 00:54:14,700 like gangbusters. And you should be excited about that. Not hopped up on goofballs, but you should be inspired by thinking no longer this is this is
310 00:54:14,700 --> 00:54:25,290 really encouraging for me. Now I have something to go on. Because everybody that watched that video. On July 9 at 20.3, that analysis video, that commentary that
311 00:54:25,290 --> 00:54:33,270 I gave in terms of you what I felt the Mark was gonna do this week. It's on YouTube, it's it's available to everyone you didn't have to pay for. You don't
312 00:54:33,270 --> 00:54:38,280 have to do any kind of subscriptions. You have to send me no money through PayPal, you ain't got to do any kind of crypto payments, which I wouldn't take
313 00:54:38,280 --> 00:54:50,640 anyway. I had this must be yours. Take notes and share your experience with me. That's it. It's free folks. And there's people out there that simply want to
314 00:54:50,670 --> 00:55:00,000 keep you from learning how to do this. And the more closer we get to November it's going to increase because nothing else you're going to learn can compete
315 00:55:00,000 --> 00:55:13,590 What this? Nothing, I promise you, I promise you, there is nothing like this. Because this is the truth behind the marketplace. This is exactly why markets go
316 00:55:13,590 --> 00:55:20,430 up and down. It has nothing to do with the depth of market. It has nothing to do with market profile. It has nothing to do with supply and demand has nothing to
317 00:55:20,430 --> 00:55:28,530 do it. Elliott Wave has nothing to do harmonic patterns. None of that stuff is what causes markets going up and down. That's not there's no such thing as
318 00:55:28,530 --> 00:55:37,710 buying and selling pressure. There's buying and selling going on. I'm not arguing that. But when the market goes, it's going to a very specific level and
319 00:55:37,710 --> 00:55:50,730 I'm teaching you what they are. I'm telling you when they're going to do it. There has never been a phenomenon like what you're experiencing right now. And
320 00:55:50,730 --> 00:56:06,360 I'm honored. I'm very honored to be sitting at this home with you as your mentor at a point where I have 771,000 students on this YouTube channel now. That to me
321 00:56:06,360 --> 00:56:21,150 is bonkers. It's it's crazy that there's that many people wanting to sit down and listen to a guy from Middle River Maryland. So I'm definitely blessed. The
322 00:56:21,150 --> 00:56:29,310 Lord has definitely made me the head to tail and I'm greatly appreciative of all of you that want to sit down and spend time learning from me. And so I'll talk
323 00:56:29,310 --> 00:56:31,290 to you next time. Be safe