ICT YT - 2023-06-21 - ICT Mentorship 2023 - One Trading Setup For Life

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-06-24 05:01


00:59 -#- # Introduction to today’s topic.

- Introduction to tonight's topic, finding setups.
- How to find a good setup for life.

04:10 - - What is the purpose of algorithmic trading?

- Algorithmic trading with ict models for all assets.
- One trade set-up for life.
- Time limits are unrealistic.
- Drawing on liquidity is the sole purpose of liquidity.

09:29 - Where liquidity should be focused.

- Liquidity is a specific range in mind.
- Liquidity should be focused on.
- Narrow down the amount of risk to minuscule amounts.
- PM session ranges.
- PM session ranges in regular trading hours.
- Rth sets regular trading Hours.

16:21 - How do we know when to buy or sell the market?

- Opening range for the next 30 minutes.
- PM session low vs sell-side low.
- Why sell side is a counterparty to smart money buying.
- How to trade the low-lows.

20:38 - How to look at the charts.

- What ict is looking at in the charts.
- The inner musings of ict.
- Close proximity to London session 930 opening bell.
- Optimal trade entry in the 2020 model.

26:36 - How to define liquidity.

- The two ranges for defining liquidity.
- The importance of journaling and recording.
- Opening range gaps and regular trading hours.
- How the market reaches for liquidity.

32:05 - How to pick the right highs and lows.

- How to pick the right highs and lows on Twitter.
- The opening range gap.

34:16 - Trading around the fed chair testimony.

- Look at the economic calendar.
- Focus on the sweet spots in the marketplace.
- The new york lunch gap.
- The old days of electronic trading.
- The lunch hour in the pits.
- How Michael uses the lunch hour to trade.

40:45 - Lunch run on liquidity and liquidity.

- Lunch run on liquidity and market manipulation.
- New york launch raid.
- Focus needs to be on the highest high and lowest low.
- Morning session low.

45:35 - The algorithm that controls the market.

- The time-based chart is the only way to see it.
- The goldman sachs call.

48:04 - What to look for in terms of liquidity?

- Specific windows of time and liquidity.
- Lunch hour and 90 minute period.
- What to focus on after tonight.
- What to look for in the am session.

54:36 - What does it mean to watch this chart?

- You will need to watch the chart multiple times.
- Today's trading day chart.
- Opening range is one of the factors used today.
- Cleanest setup for the day.
- Don't touch this right now. Focus on this time today.
- Trading with 30 years of experience.

01:01:17 - The low point of a bullish order block.

- The macro will start running at 130.
- The market creates a low here market.

01:03:57 - What is your terminus terminus?

- Easiest low-hanging fruit objective is to repel back above low.
- Trading below the rejection block.
- Running to relative equal highs and inside the opening range.
- Low hanging fruit.
- Deep discount in the opening range gap.
- Taking partial profit above relative equal highs.

01:09:50 - Why social media is like cancer?

- Toxic mindset about performance and what you're trying to do.
- How to build legacy wealth.
- Coming back to social media when you hit seven figures.
- The 15 second chart.
- Putting a song on air that he likes.
- How to annotate a chart.

01:16:28 - Don’t forget the timeframe.

- Forget the timeframe. Think about what was said tonight.
- The inversion fair value gap.

01:19:10 - Stop loss management and limit orders.

- Stop loss management and limit orders.
- Time-based chart, no market replay.
- Introducing the inversion fair value gap.
- Trading retail concepts and how they work.

01:24:42 - The importance of understanding price.

- Focus on real-time trading during PM sessions.
- The importance of backtesting and journaling.
- Retail traders are looking for patterns, not indicator confirmation.
- Understanding why price delivers the way it does.
- How to predict fair pay gaps.
- How to know if a story is going up or down.

01:31:10 - Why are you afraid to take advantage of this opportunity?

- Look at the new opportunities available to you.
- Horseshit and lies on the internet.
- Where to start the 2022 model for mentorship.
- Looking at all three of the averages.
- Lessons and core content will not be updated after November.
- Learn at your own pace.


00:00:59,700 --> 00:01:13,230 ICT: Good evening, folks. over rice doing well. So tonight, we're doing a little bit of a lecture here on some important information about finding setups. And I
00:01:13,230 --> 00:01:26,070 get a lot of questions. As a mentor, teaching Forex recently, index futures. And the things I'm going to talk about tonight are not limited to any one particular
00:01:26,070 --> 00:01:38,700 asset class. So it's kind of like remove all of the uncertainty of where you're supposed to be looking in the charts, when am I supposed to be utilizing
00:01:38,940 --> 00:01:51,060 electronic trading hours, when am I going to be referring to regular trading hours, for what reason? What type of setups form when. And that way, it allows
00:01:51,060 --> 00:02:05,880 you to have a setup for life. Now, some of you may have thought this was going to be a pattern, or pdra. Lecture, it's not, I'm teaching you how to find your
00:02:05,910 --> 00:02:18,390 own setups, but specifically, when in where they form, that's the part that is always a constant. That's the thing that a lot of new traders and those that are
00:02:18,390 --> 00:02:29,760 struggling as a breakeven trader lose sight of. It's a matter of knowing what to look for in when it incorporates market profiling. And that is not market
00:02:29,760 --> 00:02:40,020 profile in the sense that we're using like V wop and things like that. We're talking about schematics, things that I've taught and have shared publicly on
00:02:40,020 --> 00:02:53,010 this YouTube channel, you can find that information in the core content, where I'm dealing with specific day profiles. The topic would be in their day trading.
10 00:02:53,550 --> 00:03:09,060 And I cover a lot of this stuff. Also, when I'm talking about specific market reviews, and I understand that many of you, you may be new, okay, and you want
11 00:03:09,060 --> 00:03:18,000 to, you want a 123 Easy, get me and get me out pattern. And I've already produced all that. Okay, it's on the YouTube channel. But for the folks that
12 00:03:18,000 --> 00:03:31,050 really want to find a lot more setups, or not be limited to a one trick pony. Not that that's a bad thing, because the 2022 model is excellent. The optimal
13 00:03:31,050 --> 00:03:42,930 trade entry pattern is excellent. So when I talk about these areas in the marketplace tonight, and I promise we will not be here very long. Usually when I
14 00:03:42,930 --> 00:03:52,170 say this on Twitter, and I do a Twitter space, we go for hours and hours, it doesn't feel like hours to me. But I do have a time limit tonight. So I have to
15 00:03:52,560 --> 00:04:02,580 get through this. And because of that, I presented it in a PowerPoint presentation. So it helps me keep my focus. So I always have some kind of a
16 00:04:02,580 --> 00:04:11,760 monologue coming in. So I want to kind of set the expectations for everyone that's going into this study. So that way, you know what it is you're going to
17 00:04:11,760 --> 00:04:22,800 try to glean from it. What's the purpose? And then we'll get down to the nitty gritty to the right to the point. And I'll show you some details in terms of
18 00:04:22,800 --> 00:04:38,250 executions and such. So algorithmic trading with ICT models for all assets. And again, the premise is one trade setup for life. Now, what do you think that
19 00:04:38,250 --> 00:04:52,680 would entail? Something that would repeat over and over again, it's not ambiguous. It's very specific. Now when you see me doing my trade executions,
20 00:04:53,490 --> 00:05:03,120 sometimes they look too good to be true. And sometimes I'm questioned as to whether or not I'm using Do something that's the lead and whatnot. And today I
21 00:05:03,120 --> 00:05:13,410 had a little bit of a Clank today. I've shared some things that my wife wasn't expecting me to spend any time online today. But I felt like I had wanted to
22 00:05:13,410 --> 00:05:26,160 share today. And I entered a couple of things that came up over the years, in terms of doubts or concerns. And I really want you to think about the lesson
23 00:05:26,160 --> 00:05:37,080 tonight that we're going to cover. And think about how you're set up, your multiplier, the pdra, that you gravitate to most it may be the fair value gap,
24 00:05:37,680 --> 00:05:48,990 it may be a breaker pattern, it may be the optimal trade entry pattern. It could be a simple order block, it could be a turtle soup, it could be a number of
25 00:05:48,990 --> 00:06:00,120 things. Whatever pet it, it could be the inversion, fair value gap. Whatever that PV array is that you see easily in a chart, the one that you don't have to
26 00:06:00,120 --> 00:06:08,220 look too hard for or strain your eye or scour through the candlesticks to find it, the one that does simply make sense to you, when you see price action, your
27 00:06:08,220 --> 00:06:15,480 eye goes right to it. That my friends is the one you're supposed to be looking at. That's the one you start with, it does not mean that that's going to be the
28 00:06:15,480 --> 00:06:25,770 your entire career. It just means that that's the one that resonates with you right now as a new student of mine. And then you grow from that, I promise you,
29 00:06:26,520 --> 00:06:36,870 when you learn one PV array, and how to use the information on the share tonight, it will be so much easier for you to see all the things that form in
30 00:06:36,870 --> 00:06:46,140 all the PDFs that I've taught, and then we'll teach. But you have to have some kind of a baseline to grow from. And if you're rushing through it, or trying to
31 00:06:46,260 --> 00:06:55,440 push too much on yourself, the time limits that you placed on yourself for learning how to do it is unrealistic. Some of you're gonna learn sooner than
32 00:06:55,440 --> 00:07:03,930 others, and others are gonna require more time. I can't speed that up for you. You're bringing in your own learning curve. And the things that you're going to
33 00:07:03,960 --> 00:07:16,650 worry about are going to find its way to the min as you learn how to focus on the things I'm teaching you and not anything more than that per lesson. So let's
34 00:07:16,650 --> 00:07:17,190 get into it.
35 00:07:24,840 --> 00:07:37,140 Alright, so draw on liquidity. Okay, it's the sole purpose of price delivery. And I wish to thank Patrick Wieland for getting this screenshot from his live
36 00:07:37,140 --> 00:07:48,930 stream today, I needed to make a point about liquidity. And the resources that are available in the market today, and how I'm going to help you not lean on
37 00:07:49,050 --> 00:08:01,050 tools like this. Now, admittedly, if this type of thing was in existence, when I first started in the 90s, that's the 1990s By the way, that the 1900s is my
38 00:08:01,050 --> 00:08:13,140 youngest son, all he says makes me sound like I'm really, really old. But this is a screenshot of the book map. Okay, I am not a affiliate with them. I'm not
39 00:08:13,140 --> 00:08:24,360 suggesting that you should subscribe to it. And I'm not trying to kick dirt in their face either. I'm just saying that the primary function for that tool can
40 00:08:24,360 --> 00:08:35,130 be made redundant with tonight's lesson. Now, I don't want you to take my word for it, you're welcome to compare and contrast. And then see if there is any
41 00:08:35,430 --> 00:08:44,220 validity to what I'm gonna say tonight. But I promise you, you're gonna see that these things while useful to a new student to a new trader, they're absolutely
42 00:08:44,220 --> 00:08:53,220 wonderful crutches. And that's not to mean demeaning, or to talk down to it. Because believe me, if I would have had access to this, when I first started, I
43 00:08:53,220 --> 00:09:02,940 would have absolutely subscribed to it. Because it would have helped me learn faster. The whole premise of liquidity but the problem is with a tool like this
44 00:09:06,150 --> 00:09:16,200 it kind of like brings more attention to levels of liquidity that are not so pertinent to right now. Okay, or what's about to take place in terms of a
45 00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:26,100 narrative and price action. Okay, and when I teach Smart Money concepts, by the way, when you hear SMC it's my concepts, okay. When I talked about and first
46 00:09:26,100 --> 00:09:39,060 started teaching it, I refer to them as smart money concepts. And when we look at liquidity, there's a specific range in mind. When I'm looking at my charts,
47 00:09:39,060 --> 00:09:50,310 and I hear or see people in comments, I've watched other YouTubers and their complaint is you never really understand why ICT is picking this high or that
48 00:09:50,310 --> 00:09:57,450 low. He's hiding it from you. That's bullshit. Tonight, I'm going to show you that that has never been the case. I've always said these things, but it's
49 00:09:57,450 --> 00:10:06,540 always tucked in during the day discussion, the boring parts, because you're not trying to listen, it goes over your head. That's why when you go back and look
50 00:10:06,540 --> 00:10:13,950 at old videos, it's been there the whole time. But you're looking for that one trick pony. That magic trick, that sleight of hand thing is gonna let you go out
51 00:10:13,950 --> 00:10:21,570 on social media and look like a rock star. If you want to be able to do that you have to learn like tonight, this is a lesson that gets to the heart of the
52 00:10:21,570 --> 00:10:34,230 matter. Where is it that you should be framing your focus? And what liquidity? What specific liquidity does ICT refer to? Yes, we're going to cover that. And
53 00:10:34,230 --> 00:10:42,720 you're going to see, by contrast, if you look at the things I'm going to cover tonight, and utilize it with this resource here Bookman, I don't know if they
54 00:10:42,720 --> 00:10:52,350 offer a free trial. I don't know that at all. But there's YouTubers out there that stream and kind of like share this makes their affiliates they want you to
55 00:10:52,410 --> 00:11:01,260 sign up with them. I'm not saying don't use it. I'm not saying you should use it. I'm just saying that for folks that are trying to do this without having
56 00:11:01,290 --> 00:11:09,900 extra things to pay for or look at. You can take the information tonight and compare and contrast and see if it doesn't really get to the heart of the matter
57 00:11:09,900 --> 00:11:14,760 in terms of where liquidity is should be focused on for any one given period intraday.
58 00:11:21,330 --> 00:11:32,460 Alright, so when we first start talking about liquidity, the assumption is is you're a day trader, whether you're a scalper, whether you are a session trader,
59 00:11:33,270 --> 00:11:42,690 a intraday day trader where you're trying to do the entire daily range. Or if you're just a short term trader, or you're looking to time the market, for your
60 00:11:42,690 --> 00:11:55,650 longer term, swing trade or position, trade. All of that is encapsulated in tonight's discussion. So it's not a just an intraday chart concept, you can use
61 00:11:55,650 --> 00:12:06,840 these concepts to really narrow down the amount of risk, reduce it to minuscule amounts, it doesn't mean it's without loss doesn't mean that you will have
62 00:12:06,840 --> 00:12:16,020 winning trades all the time, it just means that if you understand the concepts I'm covering tonight, you will have the ability to go in and fine tune your risk
63 00:12:16,020 --> 00:12:29,100 model, be able to reduce the amount of risk that's associated with your trades, and also time the market know where the markets gonna go to next. Okay. First
64 00:12:29,100 --> 00:12:39,480 session we're talking about is the pm session ranges. Okay. And this is always going to be referred to in terms of previous day. Okay, so previous day, we are
65 00:12:39,480 --> 00:12:50,640 going to be referring to the 1:30pm to 4pm time window. And this is always in New York local time. Now, I'm saying that because I want you to set your trading
66 00:12:50,640 --> 00:13:01,290 view chart to New York local time. I say this as much as I can, in all my lectures because I get confused when I talk to people around the world, and
67 00:13:01,290 --> 00:13:10,710 you're in different time zones. And I have made mistakes in time in terms of telling them what their conversion would be. So to eliminate all that confusion
68 00:13:10,710 --> 00:13:19,950 if you just simply set your charts to New York local time. And look at the charts that way. Now, all the confusion goes away. It's very simple. So pm
69 00:13:19,950 --> 00:13:31,680 session ranges, you're looking for the highest time, the lowest low between 1:30pm and 4pm. Now, is there any ambiguity there? No. It's very simple,
70 00:13:31,710 --> 00:13:46,380 succinct, right to the point. Now, what do you do with it? If you are bullish, okay, and we are trading in close proximity to that range, as we see here. This
71 00:13:46,380 --> 00:13:55,170 example here, I'm using the June contract before rollover took place at the time of this recording, and live stream we were looking at the September contract for
72 00:13:55,680 --> 00:14:05,190 the indices for 2023. But I'm showing you an example because this is something I utilized in commentary, something I use in terms of line analysis and executions
73 00:14:05,190 --> 00:14:18,810 and such but I want you to understand that when we look at pm session ranges, it is always referred to in regular trading hours. Notice this down here in the
74 00:14:18,960 --> 00:14:29,970 lower right hand corner. Let's make the channel a bit bigger. So down here on the right hand corner that rth sets regular trading hours. Now you can toggle
75 00:14:29,970 --> 00:14:44,970 this if your membership permit you I don't know what I guess. Membership is required for trading view. If you're absolutely against trading you then I'm
76 00:14:44,970 --> 00:14:52,110 sorry, you're gonna have the path to find the equivalent and I don't know what that would be for you. Okay. I chose TradingView because my community said go to
77 00:14:52,110 --> 00:15:01,740 trading view when I left MT four. So we're all here now, and I don't know what it's going to cost you and I don't have an affiliate program with trading view,
78 00:15:01,740 --> 00:15:12,150 I get no money for it if you subscribe to it, and I don't know what the amount of membership would be to allow to get that? I don't know. Okay, so give me the
79 00:15:12,150 --> 00:15:23,610 Liberty and latitude to be able to talk freely and you're gonna have to work that on your own. But this toggle from rth to electronic trading hours, eth,
80 00:15:23,760 --> 00:15:33,900 okay, one or the other is going to be utilized. If we're going to be looking for pm session ranges, it's always going to be into previous day, the time window,
81 00:15:34,020 --> 00:15:43,800 the amount of time that you're looking inside of what price range? What high? Are you looking at ICT? What's low? Are you looking at ICT, regular trading
82 00:15:43,800 --> 00:15:54,390 hours, it cuts out all the overnight trading the algorithm once we start trading regular trading session hours, the next day, it's going to refer back to these
83 00:15:54,420 --> 00:16:05,910 specific times and what liquidity exists above and below it. So if we're bullish, and we're trading near the opening, and this little orange line here,
84 00:16:05,940 --> 00:16:18,420 that's going to be in every slide that denotes the 930. opening bell. You know, when everybody's on CNBC, they clap their hands. That's when the opening bell
85 00:16:18,630 --> 00:16:28,770 occurs for the stock indices and stock market. Now, obviously, they're trading all night long. But that opening window, starts that opening range for the next
86 00:16:28,770 --> 00:16:40,770 30 minutes. Where will that usually run for the higher level if you're bullish? And we take out the pm session low, where it's going to be sell side below that.
87 00:16:41,670 --> 00:16:48,720 It's wonderful, because if it's bullish, and we have a higher timeframe premise, it's expecting the market to go higher. How do we know that that's what I've
88 00:16:48,720 --> 00:16:55,680 been teaching you. When I do my reviews, or I do my commentary, or if I'm pointing to something on Twitter, if you're not following me on Twitter, you're
89 00:16:55,680 --> 00:17:05,640 really missing out because I'm doing a lot of information there in like, real, short, succinct manner I'm taking your attention to right then and there. Today,
90 00:17:05,640 --> 00:17:13,470 I did it and a lot of people actually followed it. And it's not to be used as a signal service. But I'm calling things live. They're drawing your attention to
91 00:17:13,470 --> 00:17:25,620 it so that you can study in real time. But if you're bullish in the market drops down below pm session lows, notice that this low here and this low here that's
92 00:17:25,620 --> 00:17:40,410 encapsulated in side of the 130 to four o'clock, New York local time. So below, there's relatively equal lows there sell sign liquidity. It's really simple.
93 00:17:40,620 --> 00:17:48,510 It's simple, isn't it? When when you go through the process of listening to me and doing the things I tell you to do, and I justify why you should do all these
94 00:17:48,510 --> 00:18:02,640 things. That's the boring part. The folks that have started making real money, six figures, payouts, okay, Doctor salaries in a month or less. That stuff comes
95 00:18:02,640 --> 00:18:13,950 by listening and practicing and going into the charts, and not taking my word for it. But going in and seeing if the things I'm saying are in the true. This
96 00:18:13,950 --> 00:18:25,860 logic, if we're bullish, we'd like to see sell side taken why because that means that smart money would accumulate those sell side equity and absorb it for their
97 00:18:25,860 --> 00:18:35,280 buy side. So they're going to treat that sell side as counterparty to their smart money buying. So that accumulating in the Judas swing, the drop down here
98 00:18:36,900 --> 00:18:47,010 just goes into this area here where the liquidity is. So we definitely want to be looking at previous day's session. Not just any old high and low. The high in
99 00:18:47,010 --> 00:18:56,700 the lows between 130 and four o'clock, New York local time. That's the pm session that range, the highs and the lows, there's liquidity above and below
100 00:18:56,700 --> 00:19:06,570 it. If we're looking for higher prices, we definitely expect it to be running to the buy side. But at the opening, we expect not always. But we expect we
101 00:19:06,570 --> 00:19:16,710 anticipate a run lower that Judas swing that every Tom, Dick and Harry on social media are going to chase that. They're gonna think it's breaking to new lows,
102 00:19:16,710 --> 00:19:28,590 it's gonna keep going lower. No, no, no, no, it's only running down here to take sellers in the marketplace and they're gonna buy them. And then the market runs
103 00:19:28,650 --> 00:19:41,250 to the side. Now you could be a trader that simply takes this order here as long as a turtle suit Now, admittedly, this takes a great deal conviction, it
104 00:19:41,250 --> 00:19:51,210 probably won't be the first thing you reach for learning from me. In fact, it took a lot of time for me to trust that idea of buying the low lows and selling
105 00:19:51,210 --> 00:20:02,400 above old highs for entries, not targets. It's easy to do it for a target. But it's entirely different. takes an entire paradigm shift and you're thinking, to
106 00:20:02,400 --> 00:20:10,830 go into the marketplace and anticipate that as an entry. But it can be done and it takes time. How you get there is you study all moves like this, and you
107 00:20:10,830 --> 00:20:20,490 journal them. But your model could simply be wait for the sell side in the pre previous pm session range. If you're bullish, that's your bias you're going in,
108 00:20:20,520 --> 00:20:28,860 that means that you're expecting the weekly range to expand higher and draw on liquidity higher on the weekly timeframe. We covered all that stuff in previous
109 00:20:28,860 --> 00:20:38,280 discussions. But going down into liquidity like this, when we're bullish, we would reasonably expect it to run for what the buy side, we're what buyside?
110 00:20:38,310 --> 00:20:50,070 What Hi, are you looking at ICT? That one right there? Why? Because it's inside the range between 130 and four o'clock how, pray tell? Is that complicated? It's
111 00:20:50,070 --> 00:21:00,720 not complicated. And I've taught this at nauseam over and over and over again. But you're not listening. So I'm taking you by the hand tonight, right into the
112 00:21:00,720 --> 00:21:11,850 charts. That way, everything is perfectly laid out for you. You have absolutely zero excuses. You have no excuses now, to know what I'm anticipating what range
113 00:21:11,850 --> 00:21:18,150 Am I looking at? And I hiding it from you folks, I want you to succeed, I really, really want you to succeed.
114 00:21:20,130 --> 00:21:34,410 If you can't learn from tonight's lesson, I don't know how to do it better than this one. Okay, go further into the day number considering a full 24 hour
115 00:21:34,410 --> 00:21:43,440 rotation. Okay, so over the course of 24 hours, what is the mind of ICT? What are the inner musings of inner circle trader, I'm going through the process of
116 00:21:43,440 --> 00:21:55,710 going through this very routine right here. I look at pm session range, if it's not a factor, or it's not to be considered because we're not in close proximity
117 00:21:55,710 --> 00:22:04,560 to that range, because we could be significantly higher or lower around 930. So what am I looking for? And then if I'm not close to pm session, previous pm
118 00:22:04,560 --> 00:22:17,430 session 1:30pm to 4pm range at the time of 930 at the opening bell. And I'm watching that next 30 minutes, which is the opening range. What am I going to
119 00:22:17,430 --> 00:22:25,560 look for then Next? If it's not that I'm looking at the London session rate. That means I'm gonna be looking at the range between two o'clock in the morning
120 00:22:25,890 --> 00:22:39,810 and five o'clock in the morning, New York local time. Now again, tell me is that complicated? No. Simple. So in your charts, you want to be annotating what those
121 00:22:39,810 --> 00:22:50,460 levels are. Now you can do it like this here, where I have actual annotations that I can't draw. I don't have a indicator thing that plots them. For me. I
122 00:22:50,460 --> 00:23:00,630 prefer the high touch over high tech. That means I'm putting some thought into it. I get closer with the marketplace by doing that and sharing it with you. I
123 00:23:00,630 --> 00:23:08,250 just don't trust an indicator to do it. Okay, so I'm an old guy. I'm a dinosaur. I'm used to doing everything by hand anyway. And believe me, it doesn't think
124 00:23:08,250 --> 00:23:16,440 that wants to tell me you have to have because it saves time. And it's a cop out. You just are lazy. Ain't nothing wrong with lazy. I mean lazy people can do
125 00:23:16,440 --> 00:23:31,590 things very efficiently if they're smart. But let's zoom us in here. Alright, so london session rates, if we are not in close proximity to the previous pm
126 00:23:31,590 --> 00:23:46,020 session at 930. Remember this orange line here denotes the 930 opening bell on the stock market. So where are we at in terms of proximity? So we're starting
127 00:23:46,050 --> 00:23:58,380 the trading here. So where are we are we in close proximity to a pm session high or low? But we are in close proximity to what? London session by side we're
128 00:23:58,380 --> 00:24:11,160 digging into that. So all of this can be viewed pre 930 as a Judas swing. Now notice, am I showing you record trading hours or electronic trading hours?
129 00:24:13,500 --> 00:24:21,450 Electron electronic trading hours so that way you're going to see the overnight trading. If you have it toggled to regular trading hours, you won't see this
130 00:24:21,450 --> 00:24:32,220 information folks. It will be hidden from you. Which is one of the conundrums that retail traders fall into. They don't know either how to toggle electronic
131 00:24:32,220 --> 00:24:39,210 trading hours or regular trading hours. And even if they do, they don't know what to do with the information. It's hidden. It's in plain sight but it's
132 00:24:39,210 --> 00:24:50,790 hidden from them. You don't have that excuse anymore tonight. So london session boss on liquidity. We're seeing that read up into it here. And then where's the
133 00:24:50,790 --> 00:24:59,760 low net? Remember two o'clock to five o'clock in the morning noon local time. That's not ambiguous. What is the range, the highest high and the lowest low
134 00:25:00,630 --> 00:25:16,950 Hear in here. So if we rated the buy side, and we did it on a run, that's a Judas. We anticipate that as a false, run higher, and then we're going to see,
135 00:25:17,100 --> 00:25:28,380 does it shift lower? How can we use that information? Well, you can use the 2020 model. You can use a breaker, a bearish breaker, you can use the ICT optimal
136 00:25:28,380 --> 00:25:43,770 trade entry. In here, from this low to the high is a fair bank. This is a shift in market structure below this low right there. That's your 2022 model, or
137 00:25:43,770 --> 00:25:59,640 optimal trade entry. What would you be aiming for? London session Southside liquidity? Do you have to sit through a retracement? Yes. But we'll cover that.
138 00:26:00,480 --> 00:26:16,920 Because that in itself is also a range that we utilize intraday. Notice when I'm taking you through the whole routine of 24 hours, where are we at Open, open is
139 00:26:16,920 --> 00:26:26,790 930 We have to wait for 30 minutes, because there's going to either be a run higher or lower, or it may consolidate. And then we'll have to wait for the 10
140 00:26:26,790 --> 00:26:35,850 o'clock displacement. And then you can look for a silver bullet between 10 o'clock and 11. Or you could use a run into the lunch MACRA, which we won't talk
141 00:26:35,850 --> 00:26:45,150 about tonight. But I promise you, I will be teaching those things. I can't do everything in one lesson. Everything line upon line, precept upon precept, it'll
142 00:26:45,150 --> 00:26:55,770 be taught here and there. But before November, you'll have more than you'll ever need. So we have two ranges we've identified here for defining where liquidity
143 00:26:55,770 --> 00:27:10,470 is any go back to discussion of that book map, application or software. I want you if you have a bill availability to do this, look at what book map is saying.
144 00:27:11,190 --> 00:27:26,850 When we're trading, like here, tools like that will start showing you lots of liquidity. If they're accurate, right below that, well. If it matches, if it
145 00:27:26,850 --> 00:27:38,190 matches the premise that I'm teaching here tonight, then it's valid. And that's where the market will draw to every little small little liquidity above the
146 00:27:38,190 --> 00:27:48,570 marketplace, or below the marketplaces irrelevant. When I say I'm looking for a job and liquidity, I'm looking predominantly around the levels on teaching you
147 00:27:48,570 --> 00:28:00,810 today. So think about how many times I've called things on Twitter live, and how many times they were wrong. What three times maybe if everything's on Twitter,
148 00:28:00,810 --> 00:28:10,590 it's not deleted, it's not edited, don't do any of that stuff. But all of you 300,000 Plus now have watched me take your attention to a specific price point.
149 00:28:10,830 --> 00:28:23,400 And then the market ran off and went right to it. How was I doing it? It's what I'm teaching you tonight. You can do this, folks. Now, there are gonna be times
150 00:28:23,400 --> 00:28:30,300 when you look at the market, and it's not gonna be clear to you. If you don't have a clear depiction of what should be taken place where the market should
151 00:28:30,300 --> 00:28:38,580 draw to positionally times when I'm either going to be on vacation, or I'm not gonna tweet or I'm not gonna talk about something. I'm living a life. So if it's
152 00:28:38,580 --> 00:28:48,780 not clear to you what it's reaching for, don't put a trade on, study it. And that experience will grow over time, and you'll get better at doing it. But when
153 00:28:48,780 --> 00:28:58,650 you're journaling, I want you to go on your charts and journal like this. This should be part of your journaling. If you don't journal, and you don't record
154 00:28:58,650 --> 00:29:06,150 these types of things, your brain and your subconscious can't retain it. It needs to be trained and conditioned. That way activate your reticular activating
155 00:29:06,150 --> 00:29:13,920 system. So that we allows your mind to see it. And when you're looking at price action live, it'll be like Oh, I gotta look oh, there's that. Hi, I'm looking at
156 00:29:13,920 --> 00:29:23,070 those at low I'm looking at. Notice we're cutting through candles, folks. It's not supply and demand. It's not like off. I'm sorry. I wish it could be
157 00:29:23,070 --> 00:29:37,920 something I could point to and say go over there and learn that but it isn't anywhere else. Alright, opening range gaps. Okay. Opening range gaps are a
158 00:29:38,100 --> 00:29:51,780 specific event that takes place when you're utilizing regular trading hours. So zoom in. So now here in trading view, you want to make sure you're toggled to
159 00:29:51,810 --> 00:29:58,260 regular trading hours. By doing that. What it'll do is it'll remove all the overnight trading so you won't see anything like London or anything like that.
160 00:29:59,430 --> 00:30:12,570 Where are we stop trading for the river trading hours. And when we start trading, again, at 930, the opening bell, that's what you're seeing. Okay, that
161 00:30:12,570 --> 00:30:23,850 separation, that is my opening range gap. So whenever you hear me say, an opening range gap, not to be confused with opening range opening ranges, the
162 00:30:23,850 --> 00:30:33,600 first 30 minutes, I will have a specific teaching in its entirety, all by itself on this video on this channel, there will be opening range lecture. But when I
163 00:30:33,600 --> 00:30:41,790 say opening range, that is the first 30 minutes after the opening bell at 930. So specifically, it's 9:30am in New York, local time, to 10am, New York local
164 00:30:41,790 --> 00:30:52,770 time, not ambiguous other folks very, very specific. This opening range gap is where we stopped trading using river trading hours. And when we open up at 930,
165 00:30:54,180 --> 00:31:04,320 if there is a gap lower at 930, you will see this gap here, it's being shaded with this little orange box.
166 00:31:07,530 --> 00:31:16,410 It doesn't mean it wants to run up there immediately. Okay, and this is what I watch a lot of YouTubers to understand there are gaps that invented a gap. But I
167 00:31:16,410 --> 00:31:27,990 did codify some things around how to use that gap. And I'll teach more about that also in its own lesson. But tonight, I want you to think about how, where
168 00:31:27,990 --> 00:31:42,480 the market reaches for liquidity where it reaches for that liquidity and where does it want to go to after it goes there. This low over here, we didn't hear
169 00:31:43,800 --> 00:31:55,830 that low is occurring in the morning session or the am session between 930 and noon. So what will be residing below that sell stops, we call that sell side
170 00:31:55,830 --> 00:32:09,840 liquidity. So we get lower, and then run into that liquidity right there using regular trading hours. Now, if you're using electronic trading hours, you may
171 00:32:10,740 --> 00:32:20,220 have a lower low overnight. And then in hours between these two price points here where we close that record trading session and open it record trading
172 00:32:20,220 --> 00:32:33,810 session. Between those two price points, you have all of the 6pm to 930 in the morning worth of trading that could have made a lower low here. I don't care
173 00:32:35,010 --> 00:32:50,400 what I don't care. If I'm going to refer to the opening range gap, and we get a gap lower like this, I'm filtering out all of overnight price. That's it. Now,
174 00:32:50,880 --> 00:33:01,440 is that ambiguous? Is that complicated? No. What low whatever you're looking at? Well, I record trading hours on this chart. That's a pretty obvious low, isn't
175 00:33:01,440 --> 00:33:10,380 it? That's the stuff I've been doing on Twitter. I'm picking the right highs and lows, folks, because there's a method behind what I'm doing. I'm not inventing
176 00:33:10,380 --> 00:33:19,170 it as I go. I'm not going off on a whim, making up as I go. I've been doing this stuff for 30 years. It's the same stuff all the time. It's a well written, well
177 00:33:19,170 --> 00:33:29,160 read novel to me. That's why I'm so consistent. That's why I'm accurate. And if you stick to these rules, you will become this accurate to it's transferable.
178 00:33:29,820 --> 00:33:36,570 You should be excited. I know some of your grand like shit right now. He's like, Man, I felt that I had this stuff. Just a couple of months ago, I couldn't pass
179 00:33:36,570 --> 00:33:48,630 my funded account challenge. I could have done this. I could have done that. I could have bought a boat, the jetski a car, but down payment on a house. But you
180 00:33:48,630 --> 00:34:04,350 had to go one step at a time. Now, the opening range gap. If we run to a poor liquidity like this here. Wouldn't it make sense since we're now into a discount
181 00:34:04,410 --> 00:34:18,000 and inside of liquidity below old lows? We're in sellside. Now, we've already moved a lot from the previous session here, here. What would be reasonable?
182 00:34:19,710 --> 00:34:32,580 Well, look at the economic calendar. Today we had the Fed Chair Powell, jawboning at 10 o'clock in the morning. Do we trade around? PAL or Fed chair?
183 00:34:32,700 --> 00:34:47,400 testimonies? No, not if you're new. Not if you're trying to keep your money. And if you don't want to be a gambler. You wait and you wait for what? The pm
184 00:34:47,400 --> 00:34:59,970 session? Exactly what I said this morning on Twitter. I said in Twitter I said today and tomorrow, Fed chair will be testifying. So you want to be what? Tree
185 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:07,800 During the afternoon, if you're going to trade at all, the probabilities are going to be high in your favor. If you wait till the afternoon, that means 130
186 00:35:07,800 --> 00:35:23,280 In the afternoon, New York local time to four o'clock close. Is that ambiguous? Is that complicated? No. Wouldn't you know it, there's a low here that forms it
187 00:35:23,280 --> 00:35:36,960 one o'clock. And then at 130, or so creates an old low here. It's pretty interesting. What happens after that low forms, it runs right on up into the
188 00:35:36,960 --> 00:35:48,990 opening range get. So all of this mess in here, every Instagram trader, every Twitter hero, your YouTube trader, life dreamer, they're in there trying to look
189 00:35:48,990 --> 00:36:01,800 for patterns, when there is nothing the trust, it's going to be running around, going amok, just seeking liquidity, and it'll frustrate you. That's the reason
190 00:36:01,800 --> 00:36:08,640 why I tell you the focus on the sweet spots in the marketplace. I don't care about retail, Rick, that's going to come after the fact because he's not going
191 00:36:08,640 --> 00:36:15,450 to tell you on Twitter when I'm tweeting and saying, Oh, you said don't do this, I'm gonna go now and trade that they don't ever do that. They'll come back two
192 00:36:15,450 --> 00:36:26,910 hours later. And they'll say, Look what I did over here. So stop listening, those neophytes, the logic that I'm sharing, don't take my word for it, go into
193 00:36:26,910 --> 00:36:40,530 the charts, and you will be convinced of it. 100% guarantee a guarantee you, you will see this logic there. So it runs up in the opening range gap, after after
194 00:36:41,160 --> 00:36:56,280 the New York lunch after the morning session, chop. It runs to a logical, logical level, based on information I'm showing you here. See, in the morning. A
195 00:36:56,280 --> 00:37:04,320 lot of folks that understand this gap exists. We're looking for any reason to run right up there, then no, they're not gonna see it. Why? Because they don't
196 00:37:04,320 --> 00:37:15,660 understand time. The algorithm runs on time. It engineers liquidity in the morning session, and then it engineers going into lunch, and then it runs on
197 00:37:15,660 --> 00:37:20,370 that liquidity. Why would they want to do that? We'll talk about that.
198 00:37:25,620 --> 00:37:40,320 New York lunch raid. Now. In the old days, and I was trading when the old days were the thing before electronic trading. We had open outcry pits and when you
199 00:37:40,320 --> 00:37:47,580 call it into the broker, they would answer the phone had to wait for them to answer the phone by the way, and then get transferred to the trading desk that
200 00:37:47,580 --> 00:37:58,590 you are seeing the account managers for that account you have. And you got to do with the process of giving you your account number and then your pin. And then
201 00:37:59,610 --> 00:38:10,260 you gotta give them your order. They repeat the order the whole time the markets trading, then they ask you if you want to wait for your fill. And if you say I'm
202 00:38:10,260 --> 00:38:17,670 gonna wait for my fill, you're put on hold for a minute or two, when they come back and tell you a confirmation number and where you're filled. And
203 00:38:17,670 --> 00:38:28,560 maintenance, you're upset because you have real slippage. Because you're all spoiled, you know, press a button, you're in there, right. And the open outcry
204 00:38:28,710 --> 00:38:43,950 in the pits would have a lunch hour where it was very, almost like a routine unless it was a big trending day, the lunch hour between noon and 1pm New York
205 00:38:43,950 --> 00:38:53,040 local time would generally be a consolidation. Now the way we could use that back then and I'm gonna show you how I use it now. But for historical purposes,
206 00:38:53,040 --> 00:39:06,630 I'm giving you a reference on how I become ICT the lunch hour many times was a reversal. And whatever took place in the morning was completely reversed on and
207 00:39:06,630 --> 00:39:13,980 then if it was a trending day, it would just keep on going and would repeat whatever the morning low was up the lunch high and then run into three o'clock
208 00:39:13,980 --> 00:39:21,960 four o'clock and that would be their full daily range. Other days, if it was bullish, it would go up and then consolidate during the 12 o'clock and one
209 00:39:21,960 --> 00:39:28,770 o'clock in the afternoon and then do the same move in the afternoon between two o'clock and four o'clock that it did in the morning session. But it would do it
210 00:39:28,770 --> 00:39:39,960 in half the time. So it was a measured move ABCD type of profile. In other days you would see just a morning move and then consolidate launch and then stay
211 00:39:39,960 --> 00:39:49,500 consolidated the rest of the day. In same thing if it was a bearish day it would create the morning move then consolidate in launch and do nothing extra. And
212 00:39:49,500 --> 00:39:57,390 that was pretty it that was pretty much it. That was that was the profiles that existed back then. Now, you might be thinking oh, that's all well and good
213 00:39:57,420 --> 00:40:04,440 Michael but which one do you use? Well, which one would You expect based on economic calendar to draw on liquidity for the weekly range? What is it trying
214 00:40:04,440 --> 00:40:17,760 to do? Where's it reaching for? All those things have to be balanced, that still requires you and your study to get to that degree of well, understanding and
215 00:40:17,760 --> 00:40:24,060 implementing the things I'm teaching, but you have no excuse when I'm pointing to it in advance, I'm taking into the higher timeframe, weekly charts, I'm
216 00:40:24,060 --> 00:40:38,370 telling you where the markets gonna go. And we watch it daily and weekly move 1000s of points. That five handles 1000s Hundreds, okay. So it gives you time
217 00:40:39,210 --> 00:40:48,870 and opportunity to get in sync with that type of move in, you don't have to have the lowest low in the highest high. So a New York launch raid between noon, New
218 00:40:48,870 --> 00:41:00,900 York local time to 1:30pm. But it just said, it's an hour long noon to 130. And there's people out there say oh, the market doesn't care about nobody's going to
219 00:41:00,900 --> 00:41:17,250 lunch. The algorithm doesn't take lunch, but it runs on that liquidity. So everything that was utilized since the dawn of market manipulation, when the
220 00:41:17,250 --> 00:41:27,780 powers that be figured out that they could just run a numbers game. And everybody thinks it's a free market. And they think it's buying and selling
221 00:41:27,780 --> 00:41:39,150 pressure that makes these markets go up and down and where they go. They utilize that information that was not efficient at all, when it was used in open outcry.
222 00:41:40,560 --> 00:41:56,040 In that price. That manipulation, that engineering of market direction was made much more efficient when electronic trading took over. So nothing is changed in
223 00:41:56,040 --> 00:42:03,570 regards to market manipulation and market making. When I'm talking about dealers, folks, okay, if somebody's out there saying I'm a market maker, I'm a
224 00:42:03,570 --> 00:42:10,980 former market maker, you are not a market maker, you are a dealer, the folks that are in control of price, where it's going to go, how high it's going to go,
225 00:42:10,980 --> 00:42:19,470 how low it's going to go. That's what I'm talking about. And you don't see them, they don't have a face. All that's been changed now. And it's algorithmic, it's
226 00:42:19,470 --> 00:42:33,660 highly efficient. They never get sick. They never mess up. Because it's 100%. Electronic. It's following code. It's following instructions, period. It's all
227 00:42:33,660 --> 00:42:53,010 delivered on time. So a lunch run on liquidity a raid, if you will, you have to define the range between 12 o'clock, and 130. But you said it's an hour long 130
228 00:42:53,010 --> 00:43:05,460 starts the pm session. That's when the algorithm can start doing its macro. A macro is a short order of instructions, that will create an event in price
229 00:43:05,460 --> 00:43:21,480 delivery. Your focus needs to be on the highest high and the lowest low. I'm showing you the highest high in 12 to one o'clock, because there's nothing
230 00:43:21,480 --> 00:43:36,450 higher than the high here. The low formed here between 12 o'clock, and 130. That's the lowest low here. So we see this low it drops down there. If we're
231 00:43:36,450 --> 00:43:49,560 expecting price to be bullish, and it's not done anything in the morning. Powell is talking. There's a at noon event it's expected like FOMC something to that
232 00:43:49,560 --> 00:44:02,160 effect. You avoid the morning session, let everybody else Chase everybody else's opinion and ignorance on social media, everybody's looking for the the guy with
233 00:44:02,160 --> 00:44:12,120 the hotkey and the guy that's doing all the trades, the guy that knows or the gal in difference the ladies that do trading. They're looking for the people
234 00:44:12,270 --> 00:44:19,380 that have something to say about the market right now. And if they've been right in the past, well dammit, they're gonna be right today. Let me follow what
235 00:44:19,380 --> 00:44:32,160 they're doing. No, you trailblaze your own path. Using this information, you will be confident that you have no requirement to be in anybody's membership or
236 00:44:32,160 --> 00:44:39,570 audience. You'll be able to do this, make your bread and then go live your life. Do whatever you want to do not be chained to these charts, not looking at what
237 00:44:39,570 --> 00:44:50,700 I'm doing on Twitter, because in November 2023, that's tops. You have to do all these things on your own. And that should not be scary. It should be exciting.
238 00:44:51,480 --> 00:45:07,410 I'm excited for you. But the session hime session low for lunch hour. I guess it's really technically 90 minutes. Oh Do you see nightmares? Oops. Below here,
239 00:45:07,680 --> 00:45:16,440 we can see it running down taking that, when we're expected to go higher. What do you think exists up here, that's not being noted on the chart.
240 00:45:21,780 --> 00:45:31,350 We'll get back to that the market starts running 130 completely random. Now you're probably watching this video and you've never seen anything else by me or
241 00:45:31,350 --> 00:45:42,510 never listened to Twitter spaces that I've done. And you don't know that I've said that time it 130. You don't know that I've said this many, many times,
242 00:45:43,290 --> 00:45:53,700 referring about the New York lunch. And how there's an algorithm that controls price. And there's a macro that begins at 130. That sets the tone and pace for
243 00:45:53,700 --> 00:45:56,430 the two o'clock to three o'clock Silver Bullet baby.
244 00:46:04,020 --> 00:46:15,270 The dots are starting to connect, are they starting to see a little bit more of the tapestry? That's been that's eluded you and everybody else out there that
245 00:46:15,270 --> 00:46:29,400 doesn't believe there's an algorithm doesn't believe that these markets are absolutely controlled by AI? I promise you, that's exactly what's going on. We
246 00:46:29,400 --> 00:46:51,330 want to see when we're bullish, the market dropped down and take out the New York lunch lows. Even if it's going to reverse. You can trade that here. How can
247 00:46:51,330 --> 00:47:03,840 you trader wait for a shift in market structure? Fear of a gap? Don't trust the five minute chart I've already shown you today using a 15 second chart? And
248 00:47:03,840 --> 00:47:14,370 we'll get to that too. What do you say 15? Second tariff? Yes, yes, friends and neighbors prices price. And you have to look where the inefficiencies are, in
249 00:47:14,370 --> 00:47:23,940 every retail traders using a 15 minute chart, an hourly chart, a four hour chart. And there's this taboo around five minute charts or less, because they're
250 00:47:23,940 --> 00:47:36,090 not informed, cannot initiate it. They think it's noise or part of the Goldman Sachs called sorry, boys. But price is pricing whatever you see in terms of
251 00:47:36,480 --> 00:47:48,390 measuring it using a time based chart, you have every advantage using a time based chart. In fact, that's the only way you're going to see it to don't listen
252 00:47:48,390 --> 00:47:58,140 to people who say don't look at the time based chart is nonsense wrong. Right away that tells you they have no idea algorithmic delivery, it escapes them.
253 00:47:58,290 --> 00:48:10,170 Sorry. It runs on time time is the first factor. What am I showing you here tonight? Very specific windows of time and what to reference it in terms of
254 00:48:10,170 --> 00:48:20,490 liquidity. Go back and look at my examples, folks. Your drawl is going to hit the floor. It's always been there. And it's always been explained to you in
255 00:48:20,490 --> 00:48:32,010 those long winded rants, the stuff that you say I'm boring. No, I'm teaching you. I'm trying to teach you everything that would bring you as close as I can
256 00:48:32,010 --> 00:48:42,210 bring you without having the 30 years experience I had. So I'm, I'm taking you fast track through three decades of understanding. And if you don't have the
257 00:48:42,210 --> 00:48:51,300 patience to sit through whatever the duration is for the lecture, that's a little bit myopic, and unrealistic. You're selling yourself short. And I don't
258 00:48:51,300 --> 00:48:59,130 care if you learn it really. If you're going to be lazy, I don't care. But if you really want to learn it, I'm telling you what to do. I'm telling you what to
259 00:48:59,130 --> 00:49:16,890 avoid where your focus should be. If you're bearish you can wait for a run up into the opening range gap. Take out a lunch buyside liquidity pool and then
260 00:49:16,890 --> 00:49:32,250 watch and see how it trades back below the New York lunch. Hi. If there's a displacement, or does that mean see that we're here? Displacement what does it
261 00:49:32,250 --> 00:49:43,830 leave this candles high neck candles low? What is that? That's random. Look at that. It's like it's this you know? It has no rhyme or reason. Right? Well,
262 00:49:45,150 --> 00:49:47,040 that's your 2022 model.
263 00:49:53,370 --> 00:50:07,020 sell short. And for what I see at the New York lunch low Well, I made this one here at one o'clock. But you can use this one while you're long bullish. I know
264 00:50:07,020 --> 00:50:14,370 it looks cherry picked and talk about a promise I got something for you. And thinking that right now I promise you to sit tight. But in the afternoon
265 00:50:14,370 --> 00:50:26,010 session, you can see how that lunch hour plus 30 minutes, that 90 minute window. That lower here's where sellside resides. In the pm session. It reads that
266 00:50:26,100 --> 00:50:36,840 liquidity. But my CT Look, man, there's some relative equal lows down here and UTS relative equal lows, right. But before you get there, where's the next
267 00:50:36,840 --> 00:50:52,110 logical rain to look for for in terms of liquidity, that lunch hour or 90 minute period? Now, I said a lot of talking about things that some of you get pissed
268 00:50:52,110 --> 00:50:59,460 off about because you take some of my news that you were talking down to you but No, I'm talking to you like a friend. If you were friends with me from
269 00:50:59,460 --> 00:51:09,900 childhood, this is exactly how I talk to you. I know what I'm talking about. I know how to make crazy as profitable traders. But I also have students that are
270 00:51:09,900 --> 00:51:16,740 fucking lazy. They're not going to do what I tell them to do. They're gonna make excuses why they failed, because they didn't listen any rush too fast to get
271 00:51:16,740 --> 00:51:28,080 into live trading. That's your mistake. That's not my mistake and hiding things from you. I didn't do that. I'm not doing it here tonight, either. You have
272 00:51:28,140 --> 00:51:41,370 every advantage after tonight. Going in looking at what I'm looking for, where am I focusing? I promise you after tonight, your shits gonna be different? Yes,
273 00:51:41,790 --> 00:52:01,380 it's gonna have nots am session ranges 930 in the morning to noon. So right away, we are considering this in the afternoon. So we can always refer to it in
274 00:52:01,380 --> 00:52:15,480 the same trading day. So we could be anticipating a market reversal profile something to that effect. If we have any long gated market, where say the New
275 00:52:15,480 --> 00:52:26,430 York session, morning session, rather, of the current trading day is consolidation. And then we have a directional lunch hour or during the lunch
276 00:52:26,430 --> 00:52:37,830 hour. It's consolidation as well. We can refer to and if we're bearish, we look at the previous session trading. Now. If you look at the previous session here,
277 00:52:37,830 --> 00:52:49,530 you're using electronic trading. What specific low Am I looking for? I'm looking at the 930 in the morning to noon. If I'm not going to look at the pm session
278 00:52:49,530 --> 00:53:01,890 range, remember, I'm taking you to very specific pools of liquidity. I'm going to look past the pm session. Well, why would I do that? Because we're already
279 00:53:01,890 --> 00:53:12,720 trading below it over here. To what I refer to it for sell side, no, we're already below it. So if I'm bearish, what am I looking for? What low Am I
280 00:53:12,720 --> 00:53:23,250 looking for? What's drawn liquidity Am I looking for? In this regard, I'm using the am session Southside liquidity. If I was bullish, it would be everything I
281 00:53:23,250 --> 00:53:32,370 just said here in reverse. And opposite, I would be looking for the buy side. But if we're bearish, I'm looking for very specific goals and liquidity. If I
282 00:53:32,370 --> 00:53:44,400 showed this on regular trading hours, it would still get that low. Very important. Even though I'm showing you not here the electronic trading hours,
283 00:53:44,880 --> 00:53:54,000 I'm doing this for the sake of showing you an understanding that whether your chart is on regular trading hours or electronic trading hours, and I'm looking
284 00:53:54,000 --> 00:54:09,750 at the previous daily range, or if I want to trade below yesterday's lows with low Am I looking at the pm session low or the am session low? Very very
285 00:54:09,750 --> 00:54:18,210 specific, unambiguous not Well, I don't know which one he's looking at. He's always changing shit around. No, not. It's always the same stuff. Always the
286 00:54:18,210 --> 00:54:29,550 same logic, always the same logic. What's changing is the profile that I'm operating in because the markets delivering a specific way and I have to adapt
287 00:54:29,610 --> 00:54:38,700 to that. And then I anticipate are not reacting the price. I'm anticipating where it's going to run to. What does that mean? Everything I'm teaching you
288 00:54:38,700 --> 00:54:46,650 tonight. Now, I don't expect you to watch this tonight. And walk away feeling like you knew everything about what I just said you're gonna need to watch it a
289 00:54:46,650 --> 00:54:56,490 few times. And if it's something that you don't want to do, you won't learn it. I promise you you won't learn it one time watching it ain't gonna work. You need
290 00:54:56,490 --> 00:55:06,540 to listen to what I'm saying in here and then go into your charts. spend weeks and months going back through it. That's what will convince you that this is
291 00:55:06,540 --> 00:55:22,260 sound logic. It's not contrived. It's not conjecture. It's not made up. It's absolutely what the market does every week, every day, and it will not stop. So
292 00:55:22,260 --> 00:55:34,470 you can see the previous am session low. We were here saw liquidity, this dotted line here denotes we're looking at the 20th of June 2023. So I can't use the
293 00:55:34,470 --> 00:55:44,850 afternoon session, high and low because we've already starting at 930 right below that. So what am I looking for ICT? What am I supposed to be looking for?
294 00:55:46,560 --> 00:55:58,950 That low? It doesn't matter if it was a lower low. Okay? Listen, if there was electronic trading hours, showing in ahead a lower low and it went below that
295 00:55:58,950 --> 00:56:10,830 low here, I would still listen, I would still refer to the pm session range, as I mentioned a little bit ago in this presentation tonight. And before that one,
296 00:56:11,310 --> 00:56:23,190 I would go to this specific range here. It's a specific time. I don't care about overnight highs and lows, I'm looking at very specific, regular trading hours.
297 00:56:24,780 --> 00:56:35,700 Regular trading hours is going to be referred to in next trading session. For you they're going to be respected, are blown out. It's simple. That's not hard.
298 00:56:41,100 --> 00:56:49,710 Alright, so let's blend some things here. Okay. So as you can see, we have several things here in this chart. And this is today's trading the 21st of June
299 00:56:49,710 --> 00:57:02,220 2023. And it's the E Mini s&p. And I photoshopped some things in here. Obviously being facetious by saying that the opening range, as I taught you here tonight,
300 00:57:02,520 --> 00:57:10,800 that was one of the factors I utilize today in the if you're following me on Twitter, I showed my pm session trade, which is what you're seeing here, using
301 00:57:10,830 --> 00:57:26,160 everything that I taught you tonight. Let's go through it. Okay. This morning, we were watching. Fed Chair Powell gave his testimony at 10 o'clock. And I had
302 00:57:26,640 --> 00:57:37,020 my favorite usual suspects that like following on Twitter, and on Twitter, on YouTube, rather. And those that were live streaming, I listened to them. And no
303 00:57:37,020 --> 00:57:49,320 disrespect gentlemen. And ma'am. They had really no idea what was going on. Which is exactly what one would expect. Because the markets gyrating and going
304 00:57:49,320 --> 00:58:00,720 sideways, is this churning up accounts going sideways beating up everybody. You have to wait until we get through lunch. If Fed Chair Powell is going to talk.
305 00:58:01,710 --> 00:58:18,150 And it's a 10 o'clock testimony, or whatever. We wait for much. Just wait for lunch. If you do that, you will get the cleanest setup for the day. The ease?
306 00:58:18,180 --> 00:58:29,640 What does that mean? Cleaner setup? Like? What do you mean when you say that? Where everything just simply jumps off the chart. And just it makes itself very
307 00:58:29,760 --> 00:58:39,210 obvious. You want setups that are very obvious that's clean, okay? I don't want you as my student going into the marketplace and trying to just be an action
308 00:58:39,210 --> 00:58:48,510 hound and try to trade everything. I don't teach my students to do that. The ones that blow their accounts or fail, they're funded account challenges. That's
309 00:58:48,510 --> 00:59:00,390 a characteristic that they have. That is not a derivative of learning from me. That's a personal character flaw. And you can correct it, you can fix it, but
310 00:59:00,390 --> 00:59:14,010 you can't place that blame on me. If you wait, and you listen, I counsel all of you real real time live on Twitter. Don't touch this right now. All right, focus
311 00:59:14,010 --> 00:59:28,620 on this time today. And when it's appropriate, I'll point to where the mark is going to go to next I did that today. The opening range gap here was utilized to
312 00:59:28,620 --> 00:59:41,700 get would otherwise be done. If you had done the same entries and medicine the same position would have resulted in a $9,362.50 before commissions. Now I don't
313 00:59:41,700 --> 00:59:50,400 know about you where you are in the world and your walk in life. But almost $10,000 is pretty respectable amount of money. I mean, you can go on a nice
314 00:59:50,400 --> 01:00:00,750 vacation with that and get your spouse something really nice. You probably do some really good Christmas shopping with that. So that's not chump change. And I
315 01:00:00,750 --> 01:00:16,830 want to think about the logic that's shown here. Pal 10 o'clock, trash market, okay, just ignore it. Just ignore it, just don't even worry about it all, but
316 01:00:16,830 --> 01:00:27,390 it's gonna run, it's going to move that is you as a neophyte trader, and an action hound, you feel like you have to be able to do something in that, I'm
317 01:00:27,390 --> 01:00:37,950 telling you, I'm telling you with 30 years of experience, you don't need to. You don't need to, it's liberating when you just relax and say, You know what, this
318 01:00:37,950 --> 01:00:47,220 is the highest degree of manipulation right now. And you don't, I don't know what they're going to do, because they can manually intervene and send price
319 01:00:47,310 --> 01:01:00,780 careening higher or lower, and you won't be able to see it coming. So Don't torture yourself, do something else sleep in. Go have breakfast with your
320 01:01:00,780 --> 01:01:13,710 spouse, work out longer. Take your boat out, ride your jet skis, to the grass, whatever, don't do, don't do anything in the marketplace. Just wait. And then
321 01:01:13,740 --> 01:01:31,470 what time does your shift start? At 130. That's when the macro will start running. At 130, the market creates a low here, market trades down below. to New
322 01:01:31,470 --> 01:01:44,550 York, lunch sells high liquidity again, they can sweep it again. But notice it doesn't take that low here. I don't require to the logic is it's going down here
323 01:01:44,550 --> 01:01:58,410 once more just in case. Rallies comes back down into this down closed candle, which is a bullish order block. I'm not teaching you order blocks in this
324 01:01:58,410 --> 01:02:12,300 lecture. The market rallies, we have displacement again, fair value gaps and whatnot, I promise you, I'm going to take you into a 15 second chart where I
325 01:02:12,300 --> 01:02:23,010 utilize the information I'm going to show you here, what I saw was the market dropped down below the initial New York launch sell side liquidity. It's
326 01:02:23,010 --> 01:02:34,080 dropping down below here. And then I'm anticipating it to go up into the opening range gap. That's this shaded area up here. I don't need to show you an example
327 01:02:34,080 --> 01:02:43,800 where it goes all the way up there. I'm teaching you low hanging fruit, that's the first threshold for you to learn under my wing. You can and you can see it
328 01:02:43,800 --> 01:02:55,560 tonight. The logic is leave a partial on for that. But I'm trying to encourage you while you're learning to learn how to do this modularly step by step, you're
329 01:02:55,560 --> 01:03:02,910 not going to go out there and do a lot of contracts in one time, you won't know how to do the pyramid thing that you're going to watch me do here in a moment,
330 01:03:04,320 --> 01:03:15,960 you're not going to know all that stuff. Okay. And to remove all of the man I wish I would have had a partial on, I wish I would have held it longer, you
331 01:03:15,960 --> 01:03:24,150 don't know where your growth is going to be and how long it's gonna take you to get to a point where you can trust doing that. So I allow for and I build into
332 01:03:24,150 --> 01:03:36,510 my teaching room for you to develop independent from my personal timing. See, what I think a student should require in terms of learning may be more or less
333 01:03:36,510 --> 01:03:45,570 than what it's going to require for you. So I'm trying to be a realistic mentor, not just someone that says, go through my workshop, go through my training and
334 01:03:45,570 --> 01:03:54,750 this many days, months, weeks or whatever, you're going to come out knowing what you're gonna do. And if you can't, then you suck. That's not practical. So what
335 01:03:54,750 --> 01:04:05,130 I do is I teach you where the markets gonna go. What is your Terminus? Terminus while you're first learning is the easiest low hanging fruit objective. So if
336 01:04:05,130 --> 01:04:19,650 we're buying down here, on the basis that that sell side liquidity pool for lunch has been swept here and we'd see this returning but not respecting the run
337 01:04:19,650 --> 01:04:28,590 into and below that low. It's denying that and it showed a willingness to repel back above this low. That's what I was looking through all of this load here.
338 01:04:28,620 --> 01:04:38,430 I'm looking past all that going right to that low rate there. Remember this low here doesn't get taken out until the pm session. Look at your chart. Now. I
339 01:04:38,430 --> 01:04:51,150 mentioned it earlier. This low I trusted it. But Michael What happens if it went down here then I would have got stopped down. What? Yeah, sometimes I get it
340 01:04:51,150 --> 01:05:01,710 wrong. Sometimes I mess it up. Sometimes I bring the baggage, okay, the scar tissue or my ego into it and I try to outperform my own algorithm. And I get my
341 01:05:01,710 --> 01:05:10,230 ass handed to me don't get stopped out. If the trades still valid, I'll go back and re enter. You've watched me do that. I've recorded myself doing that. Go on
342 01:05:10,230 --> 01:05:21,060 Twitter, it's there. It's there. If I get it wrong, you see it, I get stopped out, you see if I get stopped out and it's still good trade, I'll get back in.
343 01:05:21,060 --> 01:05:33,240 And if I get stopped out, then I'm done. I'm done. I don't hide that from you. So I'm buying under the premise that we're returning into that sells out
344 01:05:33,240 --> 01:05:43,770 liquidity here one more time. What is it doing here, though, it's not taking not that low. What is it doing? It's trading below the rejection block, what's the
345 01:05:43,770 --> 01:05:54,810 lowest closing price in this swing? I don't need that low to be taken out. I don't want to see it taken out. So all the understanding of price action over
346 01:05:54,810 --> 01:06:08,190 here, I'm anticipating this accumulation. And smart money jumping on board like I was to run to relative equal highs and more specifically, inside the opening
347 01:06:08,190 --> 01:06:26,880 range from regular trading hours where we stopped trading. And where we started trading. 4222 and a half. That's this high in here. I could have very easily had
348 01:06:26,880 --> 01:06:31,860 a runner, run up in here and try to get one tick below, the higher the opening range gap.
349 01:06:33,300 --> 01:06:42,180 But if I do those types of things, you already some of you already get pissed off at your own performance because you think you should have 30 years of
350 01:06:42,180 --> 01:06:50,310 experience and Performance and Results too, because you watched my videos, or you spent enough time, which isn't realistic, because none of us spend enough
351 01:06:50,310 --> 01:07:01,710 time to do what I'm doing. It's not ego. It's not. It's not arrogance, it's real. practicality. I mean, think about it, folks, I may have 30 years of
352 01:07:01,710 --> 01:07:11,610 experience, but I can't pour that into you in a short period of time and you have 30 years experience to it, it's unrealistic. And some of you are very hard
353 01:07:11,610 --> 01:07:22,530 on yourselves and you think that you should be able to do what I do. So I try to teach with that in mind. And I teach low hanging fruit, those terms are my way
354 01:07:22,530 --> 01:07:31,890 of saying okay, if it's gonna go higher, where's it gonna go to logically? Well, if it's taken sell side out here, that means to sell stocks have been rated
355 01:07:31,890 --> 01:07:42,930 there. And we swept down into the rejection block and preserve that low in the afternoon should see a run up into that gap. And for those that are wondering,
356 01:07:42,960 --> 01:07:51,660 why should that happen and not take out the relative equal lows is because we've already worked below that am session low. Remember, before we treat into them or
357 01:07:51,660 --> 01:08:01,110 not treated with transitioned into this slot here, we traded into the previous session am loves. So we were really in a deep discount. In that opening range
358 01:08:01,230 --> 01:08:13,320 gap has not been traded into from the open it open and ran away from it quickly. It's never came up to it until here. And it left what relative equal highs what
359 01:08:13,320 --> 01:08:23,010 time of the day to do it between 12 o'clock and 130. So that's your lunch boss on liquidity. Everybody that short thinks is gonna keep going down. That's where
360 01:08:23,010 --> 01:08:40,140 their stop loss is. Who's doing it funds. Not retail Rick, large funds, deep pockets. Buying in every time the market gave me a buying opportunity, very
361 01:08:40,140 --> 01:08:49,980 specific PV arrays on a 15 second chart I was entering. This is a one minute chart. By the way, if you're looking at here, it's one minute. Every one of
362 01:08:49,980 --> 01:08:58,320 these entries were based on a 15 second candle. I recorded it I've already shared it on Twitter. But for the folks that don't have Twitter or refuse to
363 01:08:58,320 --> 01:09:06,960 watch it because you don't want to be on the bird app or whatever. I got you covered tonight. But every time it reached above relative equal highs, I'm
364 01:09:06,960 --> 01:09:21,390 taking a partial profit up in here another partial profit above this high here partial profit and above the high here partial profit. So I don't require it to
365 01:09:21,390 --> 01:09:34,170 trade above this high. And I'm teaching you that you don't need to do that either. I mean, if you got out just with this 4422 and a half that's below the
366 01:09:34,170 --> 01:09:43,920 actual liquidity rub that above this high. And if you mimic the same trade in your own account, whether it be funded or in live funds, and you profited
367 01:09:43,920 --> 01:09:53,460 $9,363.50, are you going to beat yourself up because you didn't have that run up to the opening range gap high? Some of you might, and that would be unfortunate.
368 01:09:53,490 --> 01:10:03,540 That's not what I want you to think that would be really a toxic mindset about your performance and what you're trying to Do you try very, very hard to filter
369 01:10:03,540 --> 01:10:11,370 out negative thinking. That's why social media is a worst social medias like cancer, okay for developing students, because everybody's got an ego. They're
370 01:10:11,370 --> 01:10:18,150 all porn addicts out for measuring competition, okay. And the point is, you're trying to learn how to make money. And all I'm trying to do is teach you how to
371 01:10:18,180 --> 01:10:24,960 keep stay in the game long enough. So you can keep your money, learn the skill sets I'm showing you so that way you can leave your fucking job and then live
372 01:10:24,960 --> 01:10:30,960 your life and do whatever you want to do. Okay, and you don't need to listen to the rest of your life. I don't want I don't want to be doing these videos, I'm
373 01:10:30,960 --> 01:10:38,250 gonna be doing it. So I'm leaving you a legacy so that we can come back to this information, take your kids to this information, whatever, and build legacy
374 01:10:38,250 --> 01:10:48,210 wealth. You don't need, you don't need to entertain these people's egos. You don't need to come back and keep me feeling good about myself either. This stuff
375 01:10:48,300 --> 01:10:59,580 works. But you have to graduate in your understanding about where's it gonna go and be realistic. And then over time, when you start seeing this unfold, reasons
376 01:10:59,580 --> 01:11:10,410 for to go higher. You leave a runner on. That's the only way if you're in their trading, and you're thinking yourself, man, I don't know, I should probably
377 01:11:10,410 --> 01:11:18,240 leave a runner on here. I know if I leave a runner on, it's probably going to stop me out. And if I don't put one on who's going to run or put one on? What's
378 01:11:18,240 --> 01:11:26,190 the worst thing gonna happen? It's gonna stop you out in profit. See, you're wrestling with being right. In many of you are trying to do that if you're doing
379 01:11:26,190 --> 01:11:35,130 in front of an audience. That is hard. Because not only are you wrestling with your internal dialogue, about what you should do and how you're managing the
380 01:11:35,130 --> 01:11:45,240 trade, but you're inviting everybody else's speed back to your trade. And guess what? Guess what, cowboy. That's not your trade anymore. Even invited the entire
381 01:11:45,240 --> 01:11:58,020 community that's watching you and your audience to manage your trade for you. And that means you brought in a level of uncertainty, fear, pride and pain that
382 01:11:58,020 --> 01:12:04,950 would otherwise not be there. If you were disquiet about what the fuck you're doing. That's what this is all about, folks. It's not about getting out there
383 01:12:04,950 --> 01:12:14,310 and Shobu showboating to show what you can do and prove this prove that isn't going to matter. When you're paying off a house. How many people believe you did
384 01:12:14,310 --> 01:12:22,320 it? How many, you're going to have to come back here on social media when you hit seven figures and you're a millionaire. How many of you have to come back to
385 01:12:22,320 --> 01:12:31,770 social media and go to the usual suspects and say haha, ICT made me a millionaire. If you think that you're doing this shit for the wrong reasons. The
386 01:12:31,770 --> 01:12:40,800 people that are really killing it. They don't come to my Twitter. They don't leave comments in my section of my videos. They don't do any of that stuff.
387 01:12:41,220 --> 01:12:50,910 They're out there living a life. They've already thanked me. They've already shared a testimony. And they're doing big wheel shit. Grow like that.
388 01:12:58,860 --> 01:13:13,140 Alright, so this is a 15 second chart. And I have to make sure that I don't play sound on this site to make sure I do this correctly.
389 01:13:18,210 --> 01:13:28,890 I record a song that I typically do on Twitter. I love Twitter for that reason. It's like a, like, a text message to you. Like if you had my personal phone
390 01:13:28,890 --> 01:13:38,760 number. And yes, there's a lot of people that have it. Yes, they fucking abuse it. And yes, I'm changing my phone number in November. A lot of you that, listen
391 01:13:38,760 --> 01:13:46,920 to me or follow me on Twitter, when I'm tweeting. That's the same thing as if you were like my best friend. And I'll say, Hey, look at the look at this market
392 01:13:46,920 --> 01:13:59,310 here. That that's real time right now, right from my mind read into Twitter. And I can't put the music on in a presentation format that I love doing over the
393 01:13:59,310 --> 01:14:08,130 years, I used to be on Twitter. Before leaving it, they started censoring me and I left it and I came back. And one of the things I was looking forward to was
394 01:14:08,220 --> 01:14:16,500 going back and doing vignettes where I record myself executing, putting on a trade putting a stoploss on managing it for putting on a pyramid position
395 01:14:16,500 --> 01:14:25,080 building up taking profits and watching the position go from beginning to end. And I usually put a song on air it may not be the type of song that you like it
396 01:14:25,080 --> 01:14:32,550 may have foul language in it and may be a genre that you don't like I don't give a shit because it's what I like, Okay, I like doing that because it's just what
397 01:14:32,550 --> 01:14:43,110 I like doing. It's usually received well in the community, but I can't play that here because I'll get a copyright strike and I don't need all that shit here. So
398 01:14:43,740 --> 01:14:52,860 I'll leave a link so you can look at it and the format that I gave on Twitter but you don't need it's gonna be the same thing here. As a reminder, every
399 01:14:52,860 --> 01:15:04,620 candlestick you're seeing here is a 15 second duration. Now think about that. Lunch To sellside liquidity pool, and where the market is going to go up to know
400 01:15:04,620 --> 01:15:13,560 right now you're looking at the dollar index, it's going to change over to index futures. But I want you to think about what I showed you before we got to this
401 01:15:13,560 --> 01:15:23,220 slide here. Because when, when the video starts playing, it's like two minutes long. And I'll walk you through as much as I can. But everything that has
402 01:15:23,220 --> 01:15:34,560 already been told to you tonight, that's what I was using. Okay, I promise you, I didn't have something secret. Okay? i Everything that I taught you tonight is
403 01:15:34,650 --> 01:15:45,300 exactly what I implemented here. Everything I'm commenting and annotating in the chart real time as I'm recording it. That's what I was seeing. So I try to do as
404 01:15:45,300 --> 01:15:52,410 much as I can in terms of annotating the chart showing the reference points where I think the marks gonna be respecting certain levels and why it should
405 01:15:52,410 --> 01:16:03,450 behave a certain way. Keeping in mind, I'm doing this with 15 Second candlesticks. So I have to know what the fuck I'm talking about, to be able to
406 01:16:03,450 --> 01:16:10,140 do this, to be able to annotate it, show you where the levels are gonna be respected. And I was going to reach out to this and think about seriously,
407 01:16:10,200 --> 01:16:19,320 seriously, folks, think about what would be necessary to be able to know what's going on. If you're just simply looking at the 15 second chart, like everybody
408 01:16:19,320 --> 01:16:28,920 else on Twitter was doing today. And they watched it and look at the comment section, like what the heck, what the hell's going on? What did he say? Forget
409 01:16:28,920 --> 01:16:38,700 the timeframe. Forget the timeframe. Think about what I've told you tonight with the lunch macro. It's running down to the sell side. And it's going back up into
410 01:16:38,700 --> 01:16:48,540 the opening range gap to take the buy side on the New York lunch. Hi, where the buy side is. That's all that I'm doing. And I'm going to use every PV array,
411 01:16:48,780 --> 01:16:58,710 that is discount, I'm going to put in every every one of these things could have been your individual entry. Based on the things I've taught just using a 15
412 01:16:58,710 --> 01:17:08,040 second chart. Now there's other things if you were looking at a one minute chart, before less entries, obviously, but you could see certain entry patterns
413 01:17:08,040 --> 01:17:19,650 or PD arrays to get into the trades. Based on a one minute chart two minute three minute four, or five, or a 15 minute chart, but you have less entry
414 01:17:19,650 --> 01:17:27,990 opportunities, the higher timeframe that you go. So this to add insult to injury for the people who say is this bullshit, and it's faked and all this other
415 01:17:27,990 --> 01:17:39,300 stuff, I go into these ultra short term timeframes, just to overkill, just to rub their nose in it, to show you that this stuff works, and it will work for
416 01:17:39,300 --> 01:17:45,360 you, it ain't gonna work for you the first time you watch the video and ain't gonna be working for you, because you've watched a couple videos and you wrote a
417 01:17:45,360 --> 01:17:51,120 couple of sentences there, and you think that's journaling, you're gonna have to really roll your sleeves up and dig into this stuff and study it, it's a
418 01:17:51,120 --> 01:18:02,520 lifestyle. If you don't make it a lifestyle, forget about it, it's not going to work for you, you have to be passionate about it. Alright, so I'm going long
419 01:18:02,520 --> 01:18:13,170 here, when the s&p, and here's that run that didn't take out the low at one o'clock. And I'm adding pyramiding. And I've already annotated that fair value,
420 01:18:13,170 --> 01:18:20,550 get in told you that it's an inversion fair value, that means it's going to go above it, treat it as support, and then rally up into the BI sides that I'm
421 01:18:20,580 --> 01:18:31,350 showing you here. So you can already see that 4422 Even level is highlighted as Basa liquidity notice, it's below that higher showing you when we were covering
422 01:18:31,350 --> 01:18:41,790 the lunch. liquidity. So this is order block, it's reclaimed. And it dug into the inversion fair value gap. And for the folks that think and all the Otterbox
423 01:18:41,790 --> 01:18:49,830 doesn't work. See here, that entire ranges, they were blocked. And I'm adding into it here inside the fair value gap that is already identified as an aversion
424 01:18:49,830 --> 01:19:02,730 for your makeup. To this is going to be dynamic support here, watch out respects it I've already shown you here it's gonna go up. And just like magic on a 15
425 01:19:02,730 --> 01:19:10,560 second chart and look at that. So unbelievable, isn't it now my stop loss is below the inversion fair value gap. And I'm showing you where the executions
426 01:19:10,560 --> 01:19:13,920 are. So everything matches Now, folks, this is not replay. No net bullshit
427 01:19:19,380 --> 01:19:31,410 is another partial here. And my stop is below the low at 4416. I don't want to chase it up here because that's inefficient. It can trade down inside that so I
428 01:19:31,410 --> 01:19:40,650 don't want to put a stop loss at 4417 and a half. It can come back in there deeper. I'm making allowance for that. So my stop is staying below that. I'm not
429 01:19:40,650 --> 01:19:55,680 in a hurry to guarantee higher profits. I'm more concerned about my limit orders filling my stop is not being concerned about and here comes another run up into
430 01:19:55,740 --> 01:20:07,770 a 10 lock limit order that would put me at five remaining. See retracement down in there. I'm not worried about that you might be freaking out because you put
431 01:20:07,770 --> 01:20:14,760 your stop loss higher, or maybe even stopped out. But this is proper stop loss management. And here's the limit order. And then now we're going to run for that
432 01:20:14,760 --> 01:20:26,190 buy side here. And then once it runs that high, I'm wanting to trail my stop loss up, then this is exactly what I shared on Twitter today. Everything was
433 01:20:26,190 --> 01:20:39,780 recorded, this is not Market Replay. This is not the trading view, replay none of that stuff. Okay. The logic that I showed here, doesn't show everything that
434 01:20:39,780 --> 01:20:50,010 I taught tonight. But what I was utilizing, because you don't hear me talking in in the trade. But the things that I'm doing to trade this. Everything I'm doing
435 01:20:50,430 --> 01:21:00,720 is what I was teaching you tonight. It's not conjecture, I didn't form fitted. I do this stuff every single week with you on Twitter, over and over and over
436 01:21:00,720 --> 01:21:08,940 again. And when time permits it, I'll give an example every single day. Today I gave several examples. This one today, I told you to wait for the pm session,
437 01:21:08,940 --> 01:21:22,380 that was the morning advice. And I went in there and murdered it. So every single one of these individual entries. That could be your model. Some are
438 01:21:22,380 --> 01:21:32,790 better in terms of where their entry was, but I'm using them as pyramiding opportunities. None of the things in here that I showed violated any of the
439 01:21:32,790 --> 01:21:45,840 bullish order flow. This is real order flow. Notice there's no DOM depth of market level to data required. No book map required. Everything that I've
440 01:21:45,840 --> 01:21:58,590 outlined here is shown to you on a time based chart. My partials are based on liquidity. Look at my exits on the partials there at the highs. My entries are
441 01:21:58,650 --> 01:22:08,850 in very key levels, that would be a discount or re for what I've taught you. And I've done so on a 15 second chart that's not even a minute. It takes for these
442 01:22:08,850 --> 01:22:19,170 individual candles that make one minute. Does it look like noise? Do you look at how the market reacted? Right there. I time traveled folks, I time traveled.
443 01:22:19,530 --> 01:22:27,030 When we were down here. I drew this out and labeled it in version fair value. For the folks that have been following me for the last couple of weeks. In the
444 01:22:27,030 --> 01:22:39,690 month or so. Probably two months, I introduced the inversion fair value gap. Okay, so every one of my PD arrays can be utilized as a contrarian entry. But
445 01:22:39,690 --> 01:22:46,020 unless you have the narrative in mind, knowing where's it going to reach more, where's the liquidity? It's gonna be drawing price next. How do you know how do
446 01:22:46,020 --> 01:22:56,850 you know that ICT? Well, you started with the weekly candle. Where's it going to gravitate to? I don't care if you use another way of trading folks. I don't care
447 01:22:57,000 --> 01:23:04,590 if you do trade with harmonic patterns. Okay, if you use what I'm teaching you here tonight, it's going to make your shit start working. The times that it
448 01:23:04,590 --> 01:23:13,230 fails, it's going against what I'm teaching tonight, I promise you that is not arrogance or pride or ego speaking. Your shit ain't working when it goes against
449 01:23:13,230 --> 01:23:24,750 this. If you trade retail concepts with this stuff, your retail shit will start working. You don't have to like me. Okay, you don't have to tell everybody that
450 01:23:24,750 --> 01:23:34,590 you trade, SMC or ICT or whatever fuck you want to call me. I don't care. I really don't care. But I really want to see you succeed. Even if you fucking
451 01:23:34,590 --> 01:23:41,640 hate my guts. And you troll me and you make videos about me and all about bullshit. I don't care. I'm not losing any fucking sleep. Okay, I can still do
452 01:23:41,640 --> 01:23:53,280 this stuff, whether you love me or hate me. And I really want you to listen. And you never ever, ever have to tell me that didn't improve your trading. I don't
453 01:23:53,280 --> 01:24:08,040 need it. I know it works. I want you to think about everything I talked about tonight. And how it gives you a plethora of opportunities that will always be
454 01:24:08,040 --> 01:24:21,000 there. Folks, these intervals, they happen every day. And guess what? They can't hide it. They cannot hide this information from you. It doesn't require any kind
455 01:24:21,000 --> 01:24:30,300 of subscription to any fucking thing. It doesn't require you to do anything extra. It simply just looking at the time intervals. Where is that pool of
456 01:24:30,300 --> 01:24:40,560 liquidity above and below and where does it fit in the narrative? I'm guiding you I'm teaching you but tease me by as ICT This is all part of it. It's all
457 01:24:40,560 --> 01:24:58,080 part of it. Go back and look at the tweets. I've told you the focus on the pm session, but it's at 130 to four o'clock think how many opportunities are going
458 01:24:58,080 --> 01:25:07,980 to be much more within reach for you now, because you have this understanding of price. It doesn't mean you're going to go out and do it tomorrow. Remember I
459 01:25:07,980 --> 01:25:18,570 said in this lecture tonight, you have to go through weeks and months of back testing, studying what it's done, logging it, journaling it, and encouraging
460 01:25:18,570 --> 01:25:26,790 yourself in the commentary in the chart that you screenshot that you put into your journal. And you talk to yourself, like you knew it was going to happen in
461 01:25:26,790 --> 01:25:34,710 advance. And you're tricking your subconscious into believing that is experience. And because you're sugarcoating it with everything positive, and
462 01:25:34,710 --> 01:25:43,800 you're never saying anything negative, when you watch real time price, it won't feel scary. Subconsciously, if you always looked at price action, or looked at
463 01:25:43,800 --> 01:25:52,650 people like me or other people that you think are fraud scammers, or they don't really know how to trade or whatever, you are literally flooding your brain with
464 01:25:52,650 --> 01:26:04,200 toxicity. And I guarantee you probably can't make a fucking Penny trading because you've done that. This game is 90% psychological, it's easy to talk
465 01:26:04,200 --> 01:26:13,740 yourself out of it. And it's easy to program your mind to keep you in the game before you really know the skill set. You have to cheerlead yourself, nobody's
466 01:26:13,740 --> 01:26:23,310 gonna be able to do it for you just watch my videos is not enough. I promise you, I have paid members that paid me. And they still can't do it. Because they
467 01:26:23,310 --> 01:26:32,040 have not done what I've told them to do. Or they think they've done enough, but they haven't. The fruits and the results will come because of what they've done.
468 01:26:32,250 --> 01:26:40,080 And they gotta leave the bullshit at the door when they come in. They can't bring in Wycoff theory and harmonics and other stuff and try to blend it
469 01:26:40,080 --> 01:26:49,470 together. You have to learn this first, forget all that stuff. Learn this. And then once you understand this, it's easy to go into a John Murphy, financial,
470 01:26:50,430 --> 01:26:59,940 technical analysis, the financial markets, that's the retail traders Bible. Everything in that book, everything in that book can be contouring, if you
471 01:26:59,940 --> 01:27:11,520 understand this, but same side of the coin, if you flip it over, you can make these retail concepts work, if you understand this premise tonight. See, the
472 01:27:11,520 --> 01:27:18,630 problem with retail traders is they don't look at the market like this. They're looking for patterns for pattern sake. They're looking for indicator
473 01:27:18,630 --> 01:27:29,130 confirmation. They're looking for things that cuts through all the they think noise or uncertainty or randomness of price action. If you're believing that
474 01:27:29,130 --> 01:27:36,240 price is random, what the fuck are you thinking the indicator is going to do? It's not changing the randomness. It's just adding something else to believe in.
475 01:27:38,010 --> 01:27:47,220 So that's not the right way. The right way is understanding why price delivers the way it does. And it does on the basis of time. And price. There's a time
476 01:27:47,700 --> 01:27:55,410 that it operates. And it's reaching towards very specific price. I've already taught you the time elements. And tonight I've already taught you the price
477 01:27:55,410 --> 01:28:07,050 elements, time and price. Between those two, you will always have a setup for life. You can have a breaker, you can have a institutional order flow entry
478 01:28:07,050 --> 01:28:15,720 drill, you can have a fair value gap in inversion fair value. I did this trade today, the rub the nose of the guy that was in my comment section and you know
479 01:28:15,720 --> 01:28:26,400 you don't see him. But he's in the videos, right? It looks like my comment section open is open rather like it's usually the pre recorded videos, I think
480 01:28:26,400 --> 01:28:33,990 it's I think I don't think it lets you do a comment or doesn't look like it's gonna be comments open for a live stream. But when I do a pre recorded video,
481 01:28:34,890 --> 01:28:41,130 the section underneath the video, it looks like you can leave a comment. And I have so many people saying first first first first comment, whatever. That's
482 01:28:41,130 --> 01:28:51,000 silly. But invariably, I get some goober that comes in there and will say like, you know, this has never done in advance in your making this stuff up. It
483 01:28:51,000 --> 01:28:59,430 doesn't work. It only works sometimes. That's true for you, because you don't know what the fuck you're doing. But I know what I'm doing. And in inversion
484 01:28:59,430 --> 01:29:08,970 fair pay gaps. I know what's fair pay gap is going to be inverted. Here it is folks. And I've shown it to you on a 15 second chart. Like you can't get any
485 01:29:08,970 --> 01:29:14,340 plainer than that. It's real. It's absolutely
486 01:29:14,370 --> 01:29:28,710 a real phenomenon. It's really there. But you know what makes it valid? And how to predict it. Understanding liquidity, understanding time and price. That lunch
487 01:29:28,740 --> 01:29:42,000 hour that nobody goes to lunch. The algorithm runs on that liquidity and then it starts repricing and spooling to the next poor liquidity. So since it took sell
488 01:29:42,000 --> 01:29:52,740 side, okay, what did I teach you? Price only goes up to take by side or by stops. Or it goes up to an inefficiency above market price. That's the only two
489 01:29:52,740 --> 01:29:58,890 fucking reasons that price goes up period in a story. I don't care how many years you've been trading. You can call yourself a market maker. I don't care
490 01:29:58,890 --> 01:30:06,660 what institution you work for. You bank that this one, you did this trading for that when you manage funds, I don't give a shit. Price only goes up for one or
491 01:30:06,660 --> 01:30:13,950 two reasons to go up to inefficiency above market price where it runs up for buy side liquidity buy stops. That's it, folks. That is it. It's not going up
492 01:30:13,950 --> 01:30:22,650 because buying pressure, it's not going down because selling pressure. It's going down for inefficiency below market price, or it's going down for salsa,
493 01:30:22,650 --> 01:30:33,690 liquidity period and the story that is it. If it's not doing one of those two things. It's going sideways. I already teach you and taught you. The economic
494 01:30:33,690 --> 01:30:42,090 calendar tells you when it's gonna consolidate. So what does that leave? up or down? Okay, how do you know if it's gonna go up or down? Look at the weekly
495 01:30:42,090 --> 01:30:52,740 chart. What is he going to reach for on a weekly candlestick? Something above the price or below the price? Which is the most obvious there's gonna be a fair
496 01:30:52,740 --> 01:31:04,800 value gap or liquidity, which is the most easiest, closest proximity pdra It's probably going to go to that one. But what if you're wrong, then you fucking
497 01:31:04,800 --> 01:31:14,550 lose? You're gonna lose sometimes you're gonna lose, folks, you're gonna get it wrong sometimes. Why are you afraid? Look at how many new opportunities are made
498 01:31:14,550 --> 01:31:24,990 available to you now, you have information that is not found anywhere else. I have laughed at all these fucking clowns for 30 years on an internet, pretending
499 01:31:24,990 --> 01:31:38,610 they had some kind of Holy Grail and are clueless. They're absolutely clueless. And they perpetuate and regurgitate all the stuff that I bought in books, over
500 01:31:38,610 --> 01:31:46,350 2000 books, and it's all horseshit. And I just can't bring it to throw, I can't bring myself to the point of throwing it away. Because number one, I spent a lot
501 01:31:46,350 --> 01:31:58,500 of good money on it. I worked hard for that money. And it just reminds me of what I had to wade through. And all the horseshit and lies and garbage that
502 01:31:58,500 --> 01:32:08,130 people believe that makes these markets move up and down. And it's all horseshit. It's a waste of time, all the things that you think is going to make
503 01:32:08,130 --> 01:32:15,750 the price go up and down. If it's in a book, unless I wrote it, it's all horseshit. And yes, I just let pride and ego speak right there because I can do
504 01:32:15,750 --> 01:32:27,480 it, I have the authority I have the authority to do so. You have a setup for life, if you use this information, I have given you the freedom to be able to
505 01:32:27,480 --> 01:32:39,150 pick what your entry model is going to be. Which one are you going to use? Is it going to be an overbought affair where you get optimal trade entry, inversion
506 01:32:39,150 --> 01:32:55,950 fare, Vega, turtle soup, consummate encroachment of a wick all these things are left into your hands. And I'm making allowance for that because I don't know
507 01:32:56,220 --> 01:33:08,730 where you started in my videos. And if you're wondering where to start, the 2022 Model for 2022 mentorship, it's 41 videos, I promise you if you start there, you
508 01:33:08,730 --> 01:33:17,790 will get the shortest route to going into the charts and finding something that works every fucking day. Every day works every day. Now here's, here's the
509 01:33:17,790 --> 01:33:29,040 caveat. It may not work in the market that you're looking at right now. But it's in every single one of these markets. It's in there. So what does that mean? If
510 01:33:29,040 --> 01:33:39,900 you're an index trader, it will be in one index. It may be in multiple index, but it might only BM one. And that's why I teach you to look at all three of the
511 01:33:39,900 --> 01:33:52,680 averages, the Dow the NASDAQ and the s&p. It may not be in the pound, but it is in the euro. You see the difference? That's why I teach at least a try it when I
512 01:33:52,680 --> 01:34:04,800 taught predominately only Forex. I was teaching dollar euro dollar and POUND DOLLAR. You can't miss it, then it's there. You have to have intermarket
513 01:34:04,800 --> 01:34:15,630 relationships and study like that. With a closely correlated market. Euro and cable or euro dollar and POUND DOLLAR are closely correlated. They're inversely
514 01:34:15,630 --> 01:34:25,680 correlated with the dollar. So when the dollar goes up, they go down. But just because the dollar is going down doesn't mean it's a good body and Euro
515 01:34:25,710 --> 01:34:33,720 sometimes it's a better buy in cable. Most times it's better than cable, better income, wherever, but there's gonna be times when the dollar is going sideways
516 01:34:34,170 --> 01:34:45,450 in the Euro, or cable may outperform one or the other. What does that mean? It just means that real trade is not in now and it's in the exotic, meaning that
517 01:34:45,450 --> 01:34:54,510 you can use the POUND DOLLAR if it's really running, or if it's predisposed to go up more if the dollar is consolidating. That means you probably have a really
518 01:34:54,510 --> 01:35:06,360 good trade short, I'm sorry long in pound yen. Don't take my word For considered, I've done lessons and core content about that stuff to those videos
519 01:35:06,360 --> 01:35:16,650 are not coming down in November. Everything on this YouTube channel will stay. I won't be here updating it after November. But I promise I will leave you with
520 01:35:16,650 --> 01:35:28,500 more than you will ever need. And you study at your own pace, don't rush. If you rush you just make it just makes your learning curve longer. You can't you can't
521 01:35:28,500 --> 01:35:40,830 speed garlis You can't learn. I saw a guy. I watched all the ICT videos, and I've condensed it into 15 videos. And now you can do it quicker and sooner and
522 01:35:40,830 --> 01:35:48,090 faster and more efficiently. Of course, that's bullshit. You hear that? That's me laughing at your fucking ass. You are clamoring if you think you can take
523 01:35:48,090 --> 01:35:56,370 everything I've done and condense it into the smallest little timeframe of presentation, you're gonna miss so much information. There's so much information
524 01:35:56,370 --> 01:36:03,570 in the stuff I've given. And you don't even appreciate what it is because you just went through it one time and you haven't even start trading with real
525 01:36:03,570 --> 01:36:10,560 money. And then you start trading with real money and you come back and you watch those same videos again, you're like, oh shit, he said that. I didn't hear
526 01:36:10,560 --> 01:36:17,310 it the first time. You're gonna swear up and down. And I made an edit to the video and I haven't. It just doesn't mean anything to you right now. Because
527 01:36:17,310 --> 01:36:27,390 you're not even a demo trader yet with consistency. When you start trading with real money, the lessons and all those droning discussions, jawboning by ICT, all
528 01:36:27,390 --> 01:36:37,860 that stuff is going to be much more meaningful to you. It's gonna be rich understanding. Because it'll be you that's prepared to hear it. You're not
529 01:36:37,860 --> 01:36:50,460 prepared to hear it. Most times you're not. And to be honest with you, I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to my children. That's what all this is for. That
530 01:36:50,460 --> 01:37:00,840 movie with Michael Keaton my life. That's what I'm doing right here. When I'm gone, they'll have all this. They'll have all this to listen to, and compare and
531 01:37:00,840 --> 01:37:09,270 contrast with notes that I have for Enigma, which I am not teaching and none of these presentations ever had indignant. No. and No Joker has cracked it and
532 01:37:09,270 --> 01:37:22,110 figured it out either. They may call what the fuck they're doing. Enigma didn't even close. I promise you, it's not even close. I am Enigma
533 01:37:27,660 --> 01:37:34,860 appreciate you hanging out with me tonight. Hopefully this was insightful and helpful to you and your learning. And if you could give me a thumbs up on the
534 01:37:34,860 --> 01:37:42,150 video doesn't cost you anything. It's an encouragement for me to want to come back and do more like this. So I'll talk to you next time. Be safe.