ICT YT - 2023-06-20 - ICT Mentorship 2023 - T.G.I.F. Setup

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-06-20 10:07


00:16 - Introduction to the Tgif setup.

- T gifg setup, thank god it's friday.
- Nasdaq futures contract, one month chart.

02:06 - The monthly chart for nasdaq and the fair value gap.

- The monthly and weekly charts for Nasdaq.
- The premium/fair value gap on monthly charts.
- Nasdaq is the upside leader across the three averages.
- Power three concept.

07:54 - Introduction to Power 3.

- The power three strategy, open, high, low, close.
- The distribution phase of power three.
- Understanding accumulation randomization and distribution in every time frame.
- Nasdaq weekly candlestick

13:30 - End of week range concepts.

- End of week range concepts and reversal patterns.
- The ict silver bullet formation.
- How to determine the weekly range.
- The 20% and 30% d-marker.

18:45 - Profit taking and profit taking in trading.

- Profit taking is not a good sign.
- The market is designed to do search.
- Weekly trading view and trading on trading view.
- Weekly chart and hourly chart.

23:46 - Highs and low expectations.

- When to expect a retracement in the market.
- What to expect on Friday.
- Weekly range viewed over the scope of a hourly chart.
- Friday is a systematic trading day.

28:33 - What does the up close candle look like?

- What a weekly high, high and low looks like.
- How to trade the TIFG.
- Multiple passes during the lunch hour.
- There is no one way to skin a cat.

34:15 - Stopping the macro in the lunch hour.

- Macro runs within lunch hour.
- Short-term low drop, fear of gap, rally.
- How many models have been shown in the video.
- How to trade the fair value gap.

39:07 - Running out of liquidity.

- Lunch session is still with me.
- Rejection blocks are instrumental in utilizing time distortion.
- The one minute chart zoomed in.
- The silver bullet, the ice-t silver bullet.

45:12 - How to trade the current market.

- Trading in the last hour of trading.
- Creating the judas swing at the open.
- Waiting for the low to form in the last hour.
- Weekly candle analysis.


00:00:16,650 --> 00:00:29,370 ICT: Welcome back, folks. So we're gonna be talking about a concept that's near and dear to me. It is the TGIF setup or thank God, it's Friday. Now this is a
00:00:29,370 --> 00:00:33,840 date based algorithmic ICT trading model, and you can use it on all assets.
00:00:39,930 --> 00:00:54,390 Right. So, as you may have already noticed, this is a gay specific model, that means the model will appear one day, per week, it's on the Friday, hence the
00:00:54,390 --> 00:01:05,100 name. Thank God, it's Friday. And it's a pun on the expression we say here in the States, TGIF, thank God, it's Friday, meaning that you survived the
00:01:05,100 --> 00:01:13,620 workweek. And then you can party and rest on the weekend. But the pattern, and the characteristic of this pattern is a retracement into the current weekly
00:01:13,620 --> 00:01:25,380 range. And we're going to talk a little bit about the weekly power three, and the distribution phase of that. So let's take a look at the Nasdaq futures
00:01:25,380 --> 00:01:38,190 contract. This is a one month chart. Now, obviously, we want to do a top down approach when we're doing our analysis. And the TGIF trade is going to be
00:01:38,910 --> 00:01:53,550 extremely precise. If you're anchoring it against some higher timeframe, premium right or discount right now I'm describing a premium distribution, meaning that
00:01:54,090 --> 00:02:02,820 the assumption is is the market has been going up. And we're going to be looking for some measure of exhaustion for the weekly range. And it will pull back into
10 00:02:03,240 --> 00:02:13,320 said weekly range. As you can see here, the monthly chart for NASDAQ. And for those that are just watching this video in the future, I'll continue to go
11 00:02:13,320 --> 00:02:24,120 through and look at the dated analysis and commentary videos I placed on my YouTube channel that were focusing on how NASDAQ and all the stock index futures
12 00:02:24,120 --> 00:02:36,390 were called higher. So you can see here on a monthly chart right here, we can see a small little imbalance in the form of fair value get sell side unbalanced
13 00:02:36,390 --> 00:02:47,880 buys on an efficiency that's defined by these ranges, extremes, which is this month low this month high, this only portion on the downside or sell side
14 00:02:47,880 --> 00:03:00,000 delivery, it would be requiring by side delivery. So you can see by side being offered here in the month of June 2023. So this is a premium fair value gap on a
15 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:13,140 monthly chart. So with these levels in mind, let's drop down. Okay, you can see how on the weekly chart now you can see the weekly and those respective levels
16 00:03:13,140 --> 00:03:23,700 here. From the monthly chart, you can see we did in fact reach up into a monthly premium fair value got behind that fair pay gap is here. And the low the fair
17 00:03:23,700 --> 00:03:33,030 pay gap is there, okay, and it's linked directly on the monthly chart. But then dropping down to a weekly chart, it's going to look like this. So it doesn't
18 00:03:33,030 --> 00:03:41,610 look like there's a fair shake up at all on the weekly but it is on the monthly so we have to do our top down analysis in the heirarchy of my premium and
19 00:03:41,610 --> 00:03:55,080 discount arrays, we'll work from higher timeframe down to a lower timeframe. So you can see it is Monday. So that last week of trading. This is represented by
20 00:03:55,080 --> 00:04:04,170 that week here. So we've started a brand new week. So we're going to ask all of you in the audience to disregard this little candle just ignore it while it's
21 00:04:04,170 --> 00:04:14,430 being shown on the charts because I have no way of taking that out. Okay, so you can see we did reach up into a premium fair value gap. Now when it does that,
22 00:04:14,640 --> 00:04:24,750 it's very likely to see some measure of pullback and you can see as we hit up in the upper end of this premium paragraph on the monthly chart, but now we're
23 00:04:24,750 --> 00:04:36,030 showing it on weekly, we went up to it and then came back down towards the low end of that range. Okay in that range being again that February gap on the
24 00:04:36,030 --> 00:04:47,880 monthly chart. So let's take a closer look here and drop down into that little section of price action and take a closer look again you can see zoomed in on
25 00:04:47,880 --> 00:04:59,970 the weekly chart doesn't appear like there's a fear of a gap. The market trades just shy of that low which would be again the monthly premium fair value gap Hi
26 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:11,490 For the highest part that makes up hereby, you got that was referencing the monthly timeframe. There's a small, little tiny little imbalance in here. I'm
27 00:05:11,490 --> 00:05:22,950 going to reserve commentary on that. So just focus on this area right in here. Okay. And notice how we've had multiple weeks of NASDAQ going higher. I've been
28 00:05:22,950 --> 00:05:34,950 counseling you to anticipate NASDAQ being the upside leader across the three averages Dow, s&p and NASDAQ NASDAQ being the leader issue on the upside. And it
29 00:05:34,950 --> 00:05:44,580 has performed stunning fashion to the upside, outperforming the ES and outperforming the Dow. But I want you to take a look at how each one of these
30 00:05:44,580 --> 00:06:02,280 weekly candles are created. True, they're all up close candles. But notice where the close is it's above midpoint of the candles entire range. The close is near
31 00:06:02,310 --> 00:06:16,740 each candles high. This candle here close near the high, be close, really close to the high, close to the high, close to the high and close to the high. So I
32 00:06:16,740 --> 00:06:27,030 want to talk a little bit about my power three concept. Now. I'm not going to go into great detail here. But I do have lectures on this YouTube channel that
33 00:06:27,030 --> 00:06:37,140 cover this. And it's mentioned in laced throughout a lot of the teachings. So I'm a firm believer of repetition makes mastery, you have to see things over and
34 00:06:37,140 --> 00:06:46,500 over again to condition your mind and your eye to see it. You can't just watch a video and you can't watch a five minute trainer or condensed version of what I'm
35 00:06:46,500 --> 00:06:56,670 teaching. Because while you may feel like you've lost a shorter version of my content by someone else, that is not teaching you anything except for the same
36 00:06:56,670 --> 00:07:09,870 thing, you get the cliffnotes. Okay, it doesn't compare to the full detail. So power three is not linked to any one particular timeframe. But when I first
37 00:07:09,870 --> 00:07:23,190 introduced it, it was appropriate time to teach it on a daily chart. Okay, so let's look at this with a reference of a weekly range the low of the week, where
38 00:07:23,190 --> 00:07:34,980 we started trading here to open and onwards this is open high low close bar. Most of analysis is done on candlesticks today. Okay, I know I have moved away
39 00:07:34,980 --> 00:07:44,700 from this type chart, which is how I used my commodity charts and s&p charts and bar charts back in the mid 90s. When I first started trading, then over the
40 00:07:44,700 --> 00:07:54,870 years my eyes have unfortunately, taking the toll what looking at screens for a long time, it's a lot easier to to read the data with a candlestick now. But
41 00:07:54,930 --> 00:08:06,210 from a power three stance, the open the decline with a below the opening price, the rally higher making the high of the day. And then the close near the high
42 00:08:06,210 --> 00:08:15,210 that this is power three where we anticipate the market moving higher on the basis of a weekly analysis, higher timeframe analysis, we think that it's
43 00:08:15,210 --> 00:08:24,870 drawing to a premium, right something that make it want to go up here are drawl to. And so on Sunday, when the markets open, we anticipate if we're bullish that
44 00:08:24,870 --> 00:08:36,270 opening price for this opening price at midnight near Glocal time. It can open drop down, we would not see that as bearish, we would anticipate that. So it's
45 00:08:36,270 --> 00:08:49,680 the accumulation phase. Below the opening price, the manipulation is the open and then decline. But we're utilizing that function to accumulate long
46 00:08:49,680 --> 00:09:00,330 positions. For for the purpose of studying, we would anticipate it opening trading down into some discount rate would that be a fair value gap running
47 00:09:00,330 --> 00:09:10,710 short term sell stops on a lower timeframe, trading down to an old high something that would promote some discount or quote unquote, a support level
48 00:09:12,810 --> 00:09:22,140 then the market would displace higher about the opening price returned in some kind of imbalance that would be seen with the bullish fair value gap or a
49 00:09:22,140 --> 00:09:34,260 bullish breaker and rally up. So this is the expansion portion of power three, increasing the extreme high of the week. And then trading off that high to
50 00:09:34,260 --> 00:09:46,350 close. And this will be the distribution phase of power three so it's open high low close. Accumulation of Long's at that opening price and down when it drops
51 00:09:46,350 --> 00:09:54,780 below it. This is manipulation. This is where retail traders would chase that move lower and then they get raked across the coals as the market goes higher,
52 00:09:55,020 --> 00:10:04,920 reaching towards some higher timeframe. Premium right some kind of target Okay. Think of it like I've outlined here, the market has been drawing each week up
53 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:05,910 into this area here.
54 00:10:07,230 --> 00:10:16,230 Well, that's each one of these open high, low and close will be represented by each individual candlestick here. So even though these are candlesticks, this
55 00:10:16,230 --> 00:10:25,530 candle here would be represented by the open, then it traded down, then it rallied up, made the high and came off the high and close near the high. Same
56 00:10:26,010 --> 00:10:38,610 function. But I'm teaching power three with this open high low close bar. And obviously, everything I do is reversible, just whatever I've said in previous
57 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:46,050 for when it's bullish, you would just use it when it's bearish, you would open the accumulation of short positions when you think that weekly candlestick is
58 00:10:46,050 --> 00:10:53,640 going to go lower, reaching for some kind of discount or a some kind of sell side the quarterly something to that effect, you would see the opening price and
59 00:10:53,640 --> 00:11:01,530 the rally up we would see this open as accumulation of shorts in relation higher, tricking retail traders in thinking it's going to break out to the
60 00:11:01,530 --> 00:11:10,890 upside. Smart Money would accumulate short positions here, and then write it down throughout the week, reaching to some discount array. And then before the
61 00:11:10,890 --> 00:11:21,420 end of the week, it comes off the low closes on Friday's close, near but off the low. So I want you to understand that premise. Now this theory of mine is not
62 00:11:21,420 --> 00:11:29,280 limited to a weekly, it's not limited to a daily chart, it's on every timeframe, every single timeframe. So as long as you know where the next draw on liquidity
63 00:11:29,280 --> 00:11:36,840 is regardless of what timeframe you're trading, what style of trading, you're utilizing, this idea of understanding accumulation, randomization and
64 00:11:36,840 --> 00:11:44,940 distribution will serve you well, in terms of finding setups, sticking to institutional order flow. In other words, trusting that price is going to
65 00:11:44,940 --> 00:11:50,700 continue moving in your direction if your own side, if you're offside, it means you're incorrect about what you think is gonna happen in the marketplace, then
66 00:11:50,700 --> 00:12:01,290 you're obviously gonna get stopped out. And that goes without saying, but assuming all things equal. If you're right, it this is how we interpret price
67 00:12:01,290 --> 00:12:16,740 action. So I want to take your focus into that very range right there that is encapsulated by a Down and up arrow. So this weekly range here, okay, we're
68 00:12:16,740 --> 00:12:27,120 gonna look at that where to zoom in. With this range in mind, I want you to think about how, without those levels I had drawn on the monthly, you can see
69 00:12:27,120 --> 00:12:33,870 how if you don't have those reference points, it's kind of hard to determine what it would be reaching for it's when you want to spend majority your time on
70 00:12:33,870 --> 00:12:40,980 a higher timeframe charts, because the market is going to gravitate towards these higher timeframe, premium arrays or discount arrays. And if it's drawing
71 00:12:40,980 --> 00:12:50,880 towards a premium array, that means that the bias is going to be primarily bullish each day of that week or the week to come, you will be anticipating any
72 00:12:50,880 --> 00:13:03,360 decline is to accumulate long positions and then distribute those long positions to a premium array. So that week write down let's zoom in alright, and I'm using
73 00:13:03,360 --> 00:13:19,650 the continuous contract here. So that way, you can see that the sanctions and or the similarities, right now it is mid June 2023 And this is the NASDAQ weekly
74 00:13:19,650 --> 00:13:30,150 candlestick. So the low of the range is marked here it is not the opening price. So the low of this candle is not the open the open is to slightly above the the
75 00:13:30,150 --> 00:13:40,560 low. You can see a small little separation there. And then we have the run higher makes the high of the week and then we close here on the week. TGIF or
76 00:13:40,560 --> 00:13:51,450 Thank God it's Friday is a setup that I've codified for end of week range concepts. I want to say reversal pattern sometimes I have mistakenly referred to
77 00:13:51,450 --> 00:14:04,560 it as a reversal pattern. It is a reversal pattern in the sense that in the last portion of Friday's trading, you can if it hasn't occurred yet, you can
78 00:14:04,560 --> 00:14:12,450 anticipate some measure of retracement into the weekly range and when I say that what do I mean? The lowest low of the week, all the way up to the highest high
79 00:14:12,450 --> 00:14:22,500 the week. That's your weekly range. Okay, now let's assume for a moment that is two o'clock in the afternoon New York time and you're trading we're studying the
80 00:14:22,500 --> 00:14:32,010 index futures and to see what happens via we're looking at the NASDAQ. I taught that there is a pm session okay between two o'clock and three o'clock there is a
81 00:14:32,010 --> 00:14:39,870 formation that I dubbed the ICT silver bullet, okay, I codified that as well. I've already shared an introductory lesson. And when you do channel I will be
82 00:14:39,870 --> 00:14:48,270 teaching more about that as we go along and also be some more tips and tricks with it in my books to come. But you won't need the books and then that sounds
83 00:14:48,270 --> 00:14:55,470 like a plug go buy my books when they come out. The first book will be released when they get to 1 million subscribers on the YouTube channel. I get a lot of
84 00:14:55,470 --> 00:15:05,130 questions. So when it's going to be released, that's the timeline and then six one Once after that, the second then goes on in perpetuity until we get to the
85 00:15:05,130 --> 00:15:19,110 final fourth book. So the the range for that entire range of the weekly low and the high when we assume that there is a high form for the week, okay, and we can
86 00:15:19,110 --> 00:15:30,840 assume that is the case when we get to about 130 or so on Friday. And then we can anticipate some measure of retracement into the weekly range. If now again,
87 00:15:30,840 --> 00:15:42,300 this is a major point that needs to be required in the analysis. If the market has reached some premium array, if it has not reached a higher Time Frame
88 00:15:42,300 --> 00:15:50,340 premium array, then it could continue into the close and close right on the high. So that's how you distinguish whether or not it's going to form or keep on
89 00:15:50,340 --> 00:16:00,720 going closer on the high. But because we traded up into that monthly fair value gap. And because we have been trading up for a long series of weeks, each week
90 00:16:00,720 --> 00:16:12,180 being bullish, we've maintained a bullish delivery. And we have been maintaining a bullish analysis on stock index futures over the last few weeks. So none of
91 00:16:12,180 --> 00:16:20,760 this has taken us by surprise. But I want you to think about when you anticipate a higher the week is probably in and I'll talk about that when we get to the
92 00:16:20,760 --> 00:16:30,240 lower timeframes. For the sake of conversation, let's assume for a moment that you had the ability to determine that there was a high already formed in now
93 00:16:30,270 --> 00:16:41,100 anything going into the close on Friday of this week, inside this weekly range, okay, try to ignore this one here. So I had to take the screenshot of this
94 00:16:41,100 --> 00:16:50,550 chart, and obviously shows the new week we're working off of now. So this range here, we're not even concerned with this, we're only looking at the high of this
95 00:16:51,330 --> 00:16:59,580 candle and the low of that candle and the respective levels that's being identified here. So the high of the week range in the low the weekly range. If
96 00:16:59,580 --> 00:17:14,220 you measure with a Fibonacci from the lowest low all the way up to the high. Now you will be doing this intraday. As you approach the afternoon session doesn't
97 00:17:14,220 --> 00:17:23,340 mean that you can't see this TGIF pattern form in the morning session, it's more likely to form in the afternoon, especially if we had continuation on the upside
98 00:17:23,580 --> 00:17:34,110 in the morning session, then it's more likely to create in the afternoon session. But the range high in the range low if you put a point to zero and a
99 00:17:34,680 --> 00:17:48,510 0.3. level on your Fibonacci that's basically given you the 20% and 30% D marker for the entire weekly range. And that's only thing it's being shown here
100 00:17:48,630 --> 00:18:02,910 denoting where 20% of the range from the high down the low 20% of that range is here, which will be 15,326.75. And then 30% of that range would be 15,252 and a
101 00:18:02,910 --> 00:18:17,550 half. So those two levels here, that is your sweet spot, okay, that's where TGIF will likely draw into. There are times when it can draw into 40% or more. That's
102 00:18:18,360 --> 00:18:28,710 more of a conversation for reversals, or market tops or bottoms. But we're gonna reserve that for another time because it's outside the scope of this discussion.
103 00:18:30,480 --> 00:18:40,380 Meaning that if we can watch price delivery, on Friday, whether it be in the morning session or the afternoon session, if we get to some level of a premium
104 00:18:40,410 --> 00:18:48,840 target being right reached or as we saw on the monthly chart, we traded up into that fear Vega. The day the week is Friday, it's been going up every day. So
105 00:18:49,080 --> 00:19:02,610 it's within the realm of reasonable to anticipate the market drawing back. Okay, so the fact that it's dropping down, I learned I'm sure you've probably heard
106 00:19:02,610 --> 00:19:14,010 this also in books and such, and other educators. It's profit taking. And I have been guilty of using those terms early on in my career, where the market would
107 00:19:14,010 --> 00:19:22,620 be dropping lower. And I would assume that that is profit taking. And I don't believe that is the case. And I'm not going to try to sell that to you. It's my
108 00:19:22,770 --> 00:19:34,680 argument and case that I make that these markets are algorithmic and everything happens because it's designed and engineered to do search. So if there was an
109 00:19:34,680 --> 00:19:44,910 algorithm, and I'm going to assume from it, some of you don't believe there is one that's running the marketplace, then it wouldn't do some of these types of
110 00:19:44,910 --> 00:19:52,560 things. But if there is an algorithm, then it should do these types of things. Right? That's my argument. I'm not trying to be dogmatic about it here. But I
111 00:19:52,560 --> 00:20:01,800 just proposed the idea so that we can go into price action with that in mind when you're studying it. So if there was a reasonable means of measuring or a
112 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:02,460 macro,
113 00:20:03,720 --> 00:20:17,670 a short little list of directives that the algorithm would follow to reprice from the highest high the week down to some predetermined price. What would that
114 00:20:17,670 --> 00:20:27,510 be? Well, we're going to walk through to here. But the bullseye, if you will, a little sweet spot that the market can retrace down into now where we don't
115 00:20:27,570 --> 00:20:35,460 anticipate it closing right on the high, so if it's going to come off the high, before Friday's close, and ending the week of trading, it's going to stop
116 00:20:35,760 --> 00:20:45,090 somewhere between the 20% and 30% range. Now, right away, this is gonna sound like oh, here we go. We have a cherry picked example. But I promise you, I have
117 00:20:45,120 --> 00:20:54,690 very, very long term students that have learned this from me years ago. And they see me do this with the daily ranges, they see me do this with the weekly
118 00:20:54,690 --> 00:21:05,160 ranges. And they're able to do it as well. So I'm teaching you the concept and the building blocks to understanding it. But there's a lot of other things you
119 00:21:05,160 --> 00:21:18,330 can do with this information. But this is just an introductory to the TGIF setup. So here is that same idea now being applied to the UN on trading view, if
120 00:21:18,330 --> 00:21:26,310 you're following along on that, that's the teaching medium I use and pulled up on a weekly chart, you would see this range, again, disregard this is the new
121 00:21:26,310 --> 00:21:34,380 week, candlestick. So we're not worrying about that we're talking about last week, and how we could have used this information on Friday, I promise you
122 00:21:34,410 --> 00:21:41,580 buttons were pushed on Friday, you're gonna see the execution. But I'm teaching you conceptually what was in my mind how my students also know about this
123 00:21:41,580 --> 00:21:55,020 pattern as well, and how we look for it. So here's 20 and 30% of that weekly range from the high. And those levels being shown here. 15 326 and three
124 00:21:55,020 --> 00:22:14,280 quarters, and 15 to 52 and a half. Alright, here's the NASDAQ sets our contract daily chart. All right, we can see that this candlestick here makes the high of
125 00:22:14,280 --> 00:22:27,780 the week. And the high comes in at 15,004 75 and a half. And then we trade down into the range between 20 and 30% of the entire weekly range, the weekly range
126 00:22:27,780 --> 00:22:42,270 being the high here. And the low here. 20% of this entire range here, subtracted from this high, would give us this level right there. And then 20 and 30%,
127 00:22:42,270 --> 00:22:54,420 respectively, would be that TGIF draw on liquidity, okay, so think about like that, the market will likely draw down to 20 or 30% of the weekly range. So
128 00:22:54,420 --> 00:23:02,400 that's how we can anticipate Friday's trading. In terms of a intraday reversal or a weekly retracement, I'll leave it up to you how you want to classify it.
129 00:23:02,430 --> 00:23:17,790 Okay, either one would be considered correct in terms of describing what it is you're trading. Mondays trading here, Tuesdays trading Wednesday, Thursday, and
130 00:23:17,790 --> 00:23:31,200 then Friday opening, making the high the week and then trading down and closing inside that 20 and 30% of the total weekly range. That is a successful TGIF
131 00:23:31,200 --> 00:23:45,360 trade. Now let's go into the details with this a little bit more. Right here is an hourly chart. Okay, you can see how, again, we have short term high rallied
132 00:23:45,390 --> 00:23:54,900 up. Don't look at this as support because we don't know what the high is yet. So I'm just showing you these are the levels that once the highs in place, and we
133 00:23:54,900 --> 00:24:06,150 can anticipate forming in the lunch hour or just before lunch, around 130 Going into two o'clock. The assumption is that we're likely to draw down into 20 or
134 00:24:06,150 --> 00:24:14,970 30% of the weekly range if we've been bullish. And we've been bullish for a while, and we hit our higher Time Frame premium arrays and targets. So it's
135 00:24:14,970 --> 00:24:23,280 reasonable for it to draw back. If it's going to draw back it's going to do so in a controlled manner, because the market is algorithmically delivered. So
136 00:24:23,280 --> 00:24:31,980 price is controlled. It's following a script. So therefore where can we anticipate the market to draw down to if a retracement is in fact what's going
137 00:24:31,980 --> 00:24:45,060 to come in before Friday's close? We have to define where that weekly high is. The low is obviously here formed on Sunday. So Sunday at 6pm We're seeing that
138 00:24:45,060 --> 00:24:58,740 candlestick here represent that weekly range low and then we can see Friday. All that range in here the highest high. We anticipate that high for me Friday
139 00:24:58,740 --> 00:25:13,530 morning to Friday's lunch, or certainly between 130 and two o'clock. Why? Because it's likely to retrace into the close. Now, in terms of keeping things
140 00:25:13,590 --> 00:25:24,000 easier for some of you that are, I guess familiar with trading and some of the terms that are used, unfortunately, incorrectly, they'll say, profit taking is
141 00:25:24,000 --> 00:25:33,870 coming in, and the market will retrace, lower. And it's not an absence of buyers. And it's not the sellers overtaking buyers, it's absolutely controlled,
142 00:25:34,620 --> 00:25:47,640 the market will just simply gravitate towards 2025 30%. And sometimes, if it goes behind, beyond 30%, that could indicate no out reversal on a long term
143 00:25:47,640 --> 00:25:58,800 basis. I don't suggest that the case here today. Because today is a holiday. And we've only had a short span of time trading, we're on a holiday, we only have
144 00:25:58,800 --> 00:26:08,880 like until one o'clock in the afternoon or so the futures are trading. So I don't suspect that we've created the high yet. That could obviously be
145 00:26:08,880 --> 00:26:22,620 different. When we open up later on this evening, the start a full normal session start our normal week. So that's your weekly range, viewed over the
146 00:26:22,620 --> 00:26:34,740 scope of a hourly chart. Okay, so we're gonna get into this in more detail. Dropping down inside that range and zooming in towards the high end of it. This
147 00:26:34,740 --> 00:26:48,030 is the 15 Minute candlestick chart. So 15 minutes, we can see that the high forms in here, around the nine o'clock in the morning hour, on Friday, it
148 00:26:48,030 --> 00:26:59,460 rallies up creating what a Judas swing. So all this initial run here, sucks traders in the thinking it's gonna go higher, it's been going higher, don't
149 00:26:59,460 --> 00:27:07,740 fight the trend, don't fight the Fed, don't try and do this, don't try to do that everybody has an opinion about what they should or shouldn't do. But if
150 00:27:07,740 --> 00:27:19,590 they don't have the rules of engagement, that the algorithm is employing all of the ideas or the dogma that every trader has and subscribes to as a religion,
151 00:27:19,590 --> 00:27:27,480 whether you want to believe it or not. Your trading system is a religion, you have faith in it, you're investing in your pain types do it. So the bottom line
152 00:27:27,480 --> 00:27:38,880 is, is all this deciding of taking on risk, it's going to have to be rooted on something that makes sense. And I don't believe that buying and selling pressure
153 00:27:38,910 --> 00:27:50,640 is the sense behind why price is going up and down. It's 1% controlled. So if we can see that initial surge at the open on Friday, as we see here, the market
154 00:27:50,640 --> 00:28:03,240 runs up creates this tendency to want to expect to keep going higher and old highs broken here. But I teach that is by side liquidity. So the market goes
155 00:28:03,240 --> 00:28:11,010 higher to run out these relative equal highs, because there's pending orders that would be used for traders that trade on a breakout. They want to buy
156 00:28:11,010 --> 00:28:23,760 strength, Smart Money, employees that as their counterparty to going short. And they're going to trade with this in mind 20 to 30% of the weekly range. TGIF
157 00:28:23,760 --> 00:28:33,570 thank God, it's Friday, there is a systematic approach to trading these types of days on Friday, where it trades back to 20 to 30% of the range. What does it
158 00:28:33,570 --> 00:28:45,450 look like? Well, everything I've already taught you. But the premises is why and when it will reach for that 20 to 30% range of the weekly highs highs and lows
159 00:28:45,540 --> 00:28:56,160 of the week. Look what we see here it may last a close candle prior to this move lower this displacement here. The change in the state delivery is the opening
160 00:28:56,160 --> 00:29:05,310 price. That is my ICT order blah, okay, it has nothing to do with an fu candle. Okay, you see all these people trying to add things to it or change the name of
161 00:29:05,310 --> 00:29:14,490 it. There is no fu candle, okay? It's not an engulfing candle has nothing to do with any of that. The fact that the market is likely to create the high here see
162 00:29:14,490 --> 00:29:23,490 I already know I already know that this is going to form because of that fair value gap on the monthly chart. We traded up into it. And I'm talking very
163 00:29:24,300 --> 00:29:38,160 assertively apart received today I promise. The up close candle is what we're measuring. Whether you want to have the wherewithal to go short up in here or
164 00:29:38,160 --> 00:29:50,880 not, you don't need to you want to wait for it to displace when the candle up and then it runs right on top of it. That opening price is where the change in
165 00:29:50,880 --> 00:29:55,080 the state of delivery is made when it goes back through it which is right here.
166 00:29:56,700 --> 00:30:07,170 Then we have a short term low taken With this candle, and it closes in Crete and Mikayla here. And then when soon as this candle starts trading, we have what?
167 00:30:09,330 --> 00:30:18,840 That's your 2020 model. So no matter how you slice it, okay? I have so many people that will come to my channel, or they'll talk about, they'll commentate
168 00:30:19,350 --> 00:30:27,570 around my content, either be supportive of it, or they'll try to take shots at it and say, I don't like him, because he has this, he talks too much, he doesn't
169 00:30:27,570 --> 00:30:39,000 really have this or that I have a lot of things. And it's imperative that you go through all of it. Because you're gonna see how all that fits together. The TGIF
170 00:30:39,180 --> 00:30:50,040 is a strategy that you anticipate price delivering to it no more. It's a draw on liquidity. That's all it is. It happens on a Friday, and it reverses whatever
171 00:30:50,040 --> 00:30:59,100 has happened on the weekly range, it's going to go back into 20 to 30%, of whatever that weekly range has done. Is that complicated boats? That sound
172 00:30:59,100 --> 00:31:06,360 complicated, because it's not, it's really easy. But how do you trade it? How do you go in and implement it, take it and go out there and study it, you go
173 00:31:06,360 --> 00:31:13,650 through the process of everything I've already taught you, you could trade the turtle suit, which is the rung here above the buy side. So when the buy side is
174 00:31:13,650 --> 00:31:23,490 ticking, you can sell short right there, that's a very, very difficult thing to do for new traders, you have to really trust you know what you're doing. You
175 00:31:23,490 --> 00:31:30,870 don't need to be able to do that. Wait for it to give you your 2022 model is your favorite you got with the short term shift in market structure here. Or if
176 00:31:30,870 --> 00:31:43,050 you want to use that one, either one, it validates it, then it trades up into what between 20 to entry model. So it's trading in this little area. And because
177 00:31:43,050 --> 00:31:58,050 we have to traverse over lunch, that's why we have multiple passes. During the lunch hour, nothing has changed. Treat this candle in this candle, and the
178 00:31:58,050 --> 00:32:07,500 highest one that trades into it, which is this one here. Until we take out the low here. As long as you don't take out this high. All these candles in between
179 00:32:07,500 --> 00:32:22,230 are all time distortion. The range is already defined. 2020 model, I teach more about time distortion in my books, by the way, I'm not going to teach it on the
180 00:32:22,230 --> 00:32:30,810 YouTube channel, I'm not going to teach you on Twitter, because some of the things that I teach, you know, there's people out there who are taking my
181 00:32:30,810 --> 00:32:36,930 content, and trying to write books and get ahead of me and they're writing them in completely. They don't they don't know the details that my books are gonna
182 00:32:36,930 --> 00:32:46,890 have. So this is a money grab for them. I don't want anybody looking at me, as a cash cow. Because of my ability to teach this well another people that learn
183 00:32:46,890 --> 00:32:58,590 from me are making lots of money. Now. I want you to learn it properly. But you aren't going to learn just by one covering of it. Okay, whether it be on me or
184 00:32:58,590 --> 00:33:08,340 someone else, no one's going to teach it better than me. Because I authored it, I codified these concepts, you're only being introduced to them. And don't fall
185 00:33:08,340 --> 00:33:16,620 victim thinking you're going to hear somebody tell you in an abbreviated format. This is how you do this and how you do that. But I want you to see how all the
186 00:33:16,620 --> 00:33:28,350 things that I teach, you can find them throughout larger fractals in price action, that means there's more than one way to skin a cat with my concepts,
187 00:33:28,410 --> 00:33:35,040 just like there's other ways that people can trade and you can find yourself and it's fun. It's wonderful. But with my concepts, you don't have to be a one trick
188 00:33:35,040 --> 00:33:45,270 pony. There is not one PDF, right? Not one model that is superior to the next one. It's whatever one that you feel comfortable with the one that makes the
189 00:33:45,270 --> 00:33:55,350 most sense to you. Okay, so, obviously, you see how we moved from this area here. This fair value got in the Forest City, cell sun and balanced by selling
190 00:33:55,350 --> 00:34:06,540 efficiency. So this move down here separated by this candles low. And this candles high. All the sell side needs to be what it needs to be delivered with
191 00:34:06,540 --> 00:34:15,210 by side. We see that here. But look how many times it's doing it. Why is it doing that many times? Because it has to traverse through the lunch hour. The
192 00:34:15,210 --> 00:34:26,430 lunch hour. There's a macro that runs within lunch hour, and it usually runs what the stops. So where would the stops be worried about this Hi, we see it run
193 00:34:26,430 --> 00:34:35,070 there. And we return back to here but there's no necessity to get above it. It's respecting with these little Mohawks these little tiny little deviations outside
194 00:34:35,070 --> 00:34:44,910 of the range that creates my fair value got this low so it goes above it here a little bit a little bit here. We expect that we anticipate that type of thing it
195 00:34:44,910 --> 00:34:56,520 does not undermine the overall scenario. Then you watch price melt into the 20 to 30% of the range before Friday's close and that will be the shaded area here.
196 00:34:57,810 --> 00:35:07,290 Zooming in here again, you can see this is the 50 Minute order block. And we're trading up into that shaded area that was found in defined on the hourly chart.
197 00:35:07,620 --> 00:35:15,240 You can see we have that row on the stops here. Then we drop down pick out sell side and then one more time rallies back up to the 15 Minute bearish order
198 00:35:15,240 --> 00:35:33,240 block. So this is a reclaimed, bearish order block. Sell sides below here, the market drops. Here's the middle 2022. Again, short term low drop, fear a gap
199 00:35:33,270 --> 00:35:43,200 rally up if you don't get that entry. Okay, because before two o'clock and you have a rigid rule set, now that you're going to be algorithmic behind every
200 00:35:43,200 --> 00:35:53,340 trading idea that you employ, whether it be paper trading, studying or live trading, you're going to stay within the sweet spots in terms of time, that's
201 00:35:53,340 --> 00:36:03,480 already taught between two o'clock and four o'clock, the Afternoon pm session, you can find a trade a price run that will seek liquidity. It's Friday, the
202 00:36:03,480 --> 00:36:12,240 market has shown a willingness to do what give a Judas swing in the morning. We're seeing that here. This is a Judas swing, that it overlaps all that does it
203 00:36:12,240 --> 00:36:21,060 change in the state of delivery here, that's your bare shoulder block, we have a model 20 to one our fear of a gap in the form of SEBI as the shaded box here.
204 00:36:21,510 --> 00:36:33,090 And then we hit the bearish 15 minute order block again. It drops creates a fair value got it's also a breaker high, low, higher high. How many models? Have I
205 00:36:33,090 --> 00:36:44,190 shown you already? Which one would you have taken? That's the part that makes this complicated? I don't make it complicated. I don't complicate it. Am I
206 00:36:44,190 --> 00:36:55,650 detailed? Yes. But notice that if one of these patterns, and whatever it is premium array that you're going to identify as yours, you already see that the
207 00:36:55,650 --> 00:37:06,690 one that you like, you would be utilizing that. And the other ones aren't so important to you. So you're able to see what I'm talking about and find what it
208 00:37:06,690 --> 00:37:18,270 is that meets your model. I'm not trying to press you into a mold, where you only do this entry technique, you don't only do whatever I point to you find
209 00:37:18,270 --> 00:37:26,910 your own model using my concepts and there's no better way than another don't look at okay, well, if I sold up here at LME, more money that entered on the
210 00:37:26,910 --> 00:37:35,160 fair pay gap here, or trading into the breaker here, you may not have recognized this as a fair pay gap. But you can see this high, low higher high the down
211 00:37:35,160 --> 00:37:49,140 close candle here, extend it through, and it's trading on to it here. And here. That's a bearish breaker. Now, other students here would see, okay, I see the
212 00:37:49,410 --> 00:38:00,480 run on stops, it breaks lower, here's a breaker, it trades up, I would treat that as a breaker. Another student may see there's a breaker there, there's a
213 00:38:00,480 --> 00:38:09,090 bit of a gap here, I'm going to split that up into four gradients. And I want to take my entry in the lower portion of that and the lower half of it. And we have
214 00:38:09,090 --> 00:38:19,470 a fair value gap here. So I can trade into that and 25% on this range from the high and the low. That one our fair value gap or SciPy. That's what this area is
215 00:38:19,470 --> 00:38:31,260 here. You'll be trading off that gradient. Again, how many models have I shown you here just in this? It's not a one hit wonder. The premise is that there's a
216 00:38:31,260 --> 00:38:41,310 high forming when it's been bullish all week long. And we're going to trade off that high down into 20 to 30% of the range. That's all TGIF is TGIF is not
217 00:38:41,430 --> 00:38:52,650 finding the right PD array in the move and giving you that freedom to pick which one you're going to use. Now watch what happens if you seen all this stuff in
218 00:38:52,650 --> 00:39:01,200 hindsight, while the markets trading right around in here. And you missed it. It's already traded outside of the fair right guy. You missed it. What can you
219 00:39:01,200 --> 00:39:09,450 do? Well has it traded to the 20% yet after leaving the fair value gap up here. I mean it hits it here. Yes. But we still have time. It's still a little bit
220 00:39:09,450 --> 00:39:19,410 after 11 o'clock in the morning. On Friday. We still have the whole afternoon and lunch session is still with me. So what does lunch usually do? It runs stops
221 00:39:20,130 --> 00:39:31,530 so are expecting and anticipating a rally up to clear the board of any trailed by stops. Does it sweep that high? No, it doesn't need to but it will run
222 00:39:31,560 --> 00:39:43,950 rejection blocks now in your notes. Rejection blocks are the same function as running out liquidity. What's the highest up close? This one here prior to this
223 00:39:43,950 --> 00:39:55,800 hot here is it here? No. There extend that through in time you can see we sweep that does not require to go about this high. We're trading inside this wick
224 00:39:55,830 --> 00:39:57,360 which is what a gap
225 00:39:59,159 --> 00:40:10,559 so we because we've seen it, create a little Mohawk outside the one hour fair pay gap. It's also defined on that one hour bearish order block the opening
226 00:40:10,559 --> 00:40:21,209 price. So we anticipate that little movement outside of that it's reasonable, we don't want to see it. But if that happens, we're not freaking out. So since we
227 00:40:21,209 --> 00:40:34,379 created this little deviation outside of that gap, returning back to it is permissible. Notice where the bodies are inside of that one, our fair Vega. The
228 00:40:34,379 --> 00:40:44,069 wicks did damage. So he cut through all this stuff. If we already anticipated a run in permitting a mohawk a little tiny little coloring outside the lines, if
229 00:40:44,069 --> 00:40:53,519 you will, we have to look in here, where is the rejection box, think about your pdra matrix, I've taught you in court content month for on this YouTube channel.
230 00:40:55,499 --> 00:41:04,019 There's your highest up close that your rejection block extended to the right. And as you see what we're doing, we're wiping that out. It does not need to take
231 00:41:04,019 --> 00:41:14,339 out the wick high rejection blocks are a very instrumental part for me utilizing time distortion. And I promise you, I will give you more details. But it
232 00:41:14,339 --> 00:41:21,389 requires a lot of other things for you to take anything away from it. Don't listen to anybody out there doing time distortion lectures, because they
233 00:41:21,389 --> 00:41:30,329 absolutely have no idea what you're talking about, I promise you. So getting back into the sphere pay gap here if you want to utilize the TGIF and you
234 00:41:30,329 --> 00:41:40,499 anticipated drilling down into 20 to 30% of the range of the weekly expansion that you've been witness of whatever that week would be any future week, you can
235 00:41:40,499 --> 00:41:55,949 utilize this information. Okay. You missed the ideal entry inside the fair right now. It moves outside of it. Can you participate? Sure we can. We're dropping
236 00:41:55,949 --> 00:42:05,009 down into a one minute chart. Here's that fair value gap that was on the five minute chart. You saw we hit it here at the low end of the one hour fairway gap
237 00:42:05,339 --> 00:42:17,009 as this shaded area here. And now we ring in the two o'clock time period, which is this bullish candle right there. It's two o'clock on Friday. And then we drop
238 00:42:17,009 --> 00:42:28,439 them so that I teach you about two o'clock to three o'clock in the afternoon on index futures. My ICT silver bullet? Well, here is the st silver bullet. We have
239 00:42:28,439 --> 00:42:42,329 a high, low higher high reacting off of an hourly bearish fear of a gap in the form of a city. We have a fear of a gap here. So is orderflow bearish? It sure
240 00:42:42,329 --> 00:42:54,389 is. It's respecting every premium array. Small little fair a gap here goes into it rebounds. In the bottom end of the hourly fair value gap. We would anticipate
241 00:42:55,019 --> 00:43:12,449 displacement lower boom does it happen? Yes, it does. Fraker fair value got trade up into it. Get short, reach into the 30 to 20%. How far can it go? Well,
242 00:43:12,449 --> 00:43:25,409 you have to wait on time. TGIF you submit the time. So I'll show you this is the two o'clock pm ending. So it's three o'clock at two to three. That one hour
243 00:43:25,409 --> 00:43:34,439 interval right there. There's your favorite I got that forms the ICE T silver bullet. How many models have I shown you just in this lecture? How many
244 00:43:34,439 --> 00:43:50,459 opportunities to get in multiple another one right here. It's still inside the Super Bowl timeframe. So if you miss this one, you could have done this one. But
245 00:43:50,459 --> 00:43:59,489 it hits the 20% Michael, would that be the end of it? No. There's still time time ends with this shaded area here at the close. Okay At four o'clock when
246 00:43:59,489 --> 00:44:10,319 that bell rings. You see it on CNBC, Ding ding ding everybody claps your hands like it did some special all this time, you're going to submit to it. And as we
247 00:44:10,319 --> 00:44:20,939 get into the last hour trading three o'clock to four Yes, I understand that trades till five o'clock. But the bulk of trading ends at four o'clock unless
248 00:44:20,939 --> 00:44:31,469 earnings season comes in and does something after the bill but the point is the majority of the trading is done before four o'clock in New York local time. So
249 00:44:31,469 --> 00:44:42,089 the entries must be taken between two o'clock and three o'clock for silver bullet. Okay, so I'm adding all that extra value into this lesson. Here is the
250 00:44:42,089 --> 00:44:53,459 one minute chart zoomed in. Here's a fair Vega inside of the hourly Fair Pay Gap city and where it bumped the bottom of it and then reacted during the two
251 00:44:53,459 --> 00:45:02,339 o'clock hour created the fair value gap with a breaker high low higher high reaction we're seeing this is a signature Saying that, yes, order flow is
252 00:45:02,339 --> 00:45:12,419 bearish. Yes, the algorithm is driving price down towards the 2025 and 30% of the weekly range. That's where we anticipate it. It gives you a fair value gap.
253 00:45:12,569 --> 00:45:24,119 I'm getting short here. 15 contracts at 15,003 57. And even, I want to be ahead of that. Candles. Hi, I want to make sure I'm getting filled. That was my entry.
254 00:45:25,229 --> 00:45:38,429 I'm holding to see if we get into the last hour of trading. How we trade, we trade into three o'clock. We trade half of the 30 and 20. So 25% of the weekly
255 00:45:38,429 --> 00:45:48,869 range has been traded to here. Small little retracement and then I'm anticipating another drive lower. I'm not trying to buy it. I want to see does
256 00:45:48,869 --> 00:46:01,769 it take out that load it's formed in the last hour trading. Here, the sell side, my limit order was placed right there. As it went down into it. I missed all
257 00:46:01,769 --> 00:46:18,419 this movement here. That's fine 20 handlers. So then off the low the day enclosed way away from where my cover was. So 15,003 57, even short. 115
258 00:46:19,019 --> 00:46:35,399 covering and 15,002 80 even for Paul no partials. That's what it looks like folks. TGIF thank God, it's Friday, the pattern or setup is simply using 20 to
259 00:46:35,399 --> 00:46:46,349 30% of the weekly range as the draw on liquidity on a Friday. Okay, on a Friday, if there was no Judas swing at 930, when the market opened up on Friday and
260 00:46:46,349 --> 00:46:54,239 rallied higher, if it wouldn't have formed that. In other words, if they would have just kept climbing higher and didn't reverse, then I would anticipate a
261 00:46:54,749 --> 00:47:03,239 lunchtime or going into 130 to two o'clock. Then create the high the weak. So for some of you were thinking, Well, how did you know how did you know? Or how
262 00:47:03,239 --> 00:47:12,659 would you know one of those two scenarios are going to have, you're going to create the Judas swing at the open on Friday at 930. If you're bearish you're
263 00:47:12,659 --> 00:47:20,759 anticipating at the pull down into 20 30% of the weekly range. But the weekly range has been going up right? What for this week it has for last week rather.
264 00:47:21,179 --> 00:47:31,229 And then we would expect it to create a false run at the open floor traders into trying to buy in and get trapped near the high in the drag it lower into 20 to
265 00:47:31,229 --> 00:47:46,169 30% of the weekly range. Look how close we got to 30% of the weekly range right there in that crazy. Now, you can have static rules where you can take this 20
266 00:47:46,229 --> 00:47:59,099 to 30% of the range, or the weekly range. And you can do gradients on that again, you can take it this is the low, the lower 25%, half of it, the upper 25%
267 00:47:59,129 --> 00:48:09,719 or 70% of the range that makes up the 20 to 30% range, you can take a partial as it touches 20, take another partial at the upper portion or upper gradient level
268 00:48:09,719 --> 00:48:20,279 before 50%. If it gets to 50%, take most of your trade off, then roll your stop to the most recent swing high and see if he can reach to your next gradient
269 00:48:20,279 --> 00:48:30,929 level. And that would have done so here. I just elected to wait to see what this low was formed in the last hour. This one here had already moved here. So I want
270 00:48:30,929 --> 00:48:42,119 to in this retracement, I was comfortable with anticipating it ripping lower to take that one out. And it did. And I did not require trades 30%. So what I was
271 00:48:42,119 --> 00:48:54,179 usually using is simply the loaded form here allowing traders to think that the low was formed. And they go in they think they have the you know the 345 350
272 00:48:54,179 --> 00:49:05,939 algorithm. That's not an algorithm. There's a macro that runs and when you don't know what it is, you won't see what this is doing here. All this was doing was
273 00:49:06,029 --> 00:49:18,149 pulling up against short term, buy stock by sides relative equal highs here. So I knew that it was likely to go up there. But stay inside what range 20 to 30.
274 00:49:18,389 --> 00:49:25,889 So relatively equal highs, I was comfortable holding that it's reasonable for it to go up here and hit that then it broke lower attacking the sell side. So all
275 00:49:25,889 --> 00:49:34,229 the people that try to buy long in here thinking they're gonna catch a little bit of a move on into the four o'clock hour. They have no idea they're doing and
276 00:49:34,409 --> 00:49:44,339 you can see that there's a distinct difference between what you think you see in other YouTube lessons from other people versus what I'm showing you here. I
277 00:49:44,339 --> 00:49:45,029 promise you,
278 00:49:45,570 --> 00:49:56,070 if you study this go back through every single weekly candle on any market. You will see this you will see a multitude of potential entry patterns using what
279 00:49:56,070 --> 00:50:06,030 I've taught also on this channel. You only need one Do you need one ng model? If you want to get really nuts about it, you can have every single one of them
280 00:50:06,030 --> 00:50:13,110 understood. But none of you know how to do that yet. Okay, I promise you if they did, if anybody's out there on YouTube saying they can do it, they know like the
281 00:50:13,110 --> 00:50:20,550 back of our hand now, they know everything I've taught, they would be out here executing like I'm doing. I'm showing you evidence and proof that these things
282 00:50:20,970 --> 00:50:32,430 are the reasons why I'm getting in where I'm holding what I'm entering and what the logic was. If they say they know my stuff, they don't, they're just familiar
283 00:50:32,430 --> 00:50:39,270 with it. Okay. I have a lot more teachings the rest of this year hopefully found this one insightful, and I really do appreciate you hanging out with me, and
284 00:50:39,330 --> 00:50:41,610 I'll talk to you next time. Be safe.