ICT YT - 2023-05-19 - ICT Mentorship 2023 - ES Review Precision Results

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-05-20 08:52


00:12 - Review of E-mini S&P. 

- Review one post analysis of e mini s and p
- Daily and weekly charts.

02:49 - What you’re looking for initially while you are under my wing -.

- Simple idea of where action will draw to next.
- The cult of winning.
- The fair value gap. 4:59
- Fair value gap, bison balance, oi, efficiency and efficiency.
- Daily discount for vega.

07:28 - Three drives, short term reversal, and candlestick chart.

- The three drive pattern in the Nasdaq.
- The three drives in the morning session.

10:02 - When is my book going to be released?

- Final hour of marketo and close macro.
- One minute chart of the one minute chart.

12:13 - How the market broke down.

- How the market broke down.
- The classic run on new york lunch hour.

14:40 - Daily candlestick -.

- Two chances to set up a run for liquidity.
- Daily candlestick from 930.

17:02 - What is the opening range gap?

- The opening range gap in regular trading hours.
- The PM session silver bullet.

19:25 - What happens when the price moves in the last 15 minutes.

- The last 15 minutes of trading between 345 and 4:30pm.
- The liquidity draw.

21:05 - Why would sell stops be advantageous to be liquidated when the market breaks out?

- Smart money is the counterparty to sales thoughts.
- Retail traders are not smart money.


00:00:12,870 --> 00:00:26,280 ICT: Alright folks, welcome back to a quick little review one, post analysis. Yesterday evening, I gave you a breakdown and review of E Mini s&p, and I told
00:00:26,280 --> 00:00:34,200 you what we would expect to see going into Thursday and Friday. And this is the chart that I showed you last night. Don't take my word for it, look at the
00:00:34,200 --> 00:00:44,820 previous recording, I can't edit it, it's already uploaded on YouTube, the time and date stamp. This is the levels here, I mentioned how we would drop off the
00:00:44,820 --> 00:00:56,910 buy side here and drill into this old weekly imbalance. This is what we saw today. And this is a weekly candlestick. So can see the weekly chart did in
00:00:56,910 --> 00:01:04,920 fact, expand the direction I was expecting. We did get the buy side above the high here. And we did trade inside of this volume imbalance for the folks that
00:01:04,920 --> 00:01:14,490 are asking and mentioning and kind of like talking amongst themselves in in Twitter. Why am I not using the continuous contract on trading view, while the
00:01:14,490 --> 00:01:23,580 continuous contract is not going to show you the inefficiencies that the actual individual delivery contract months will. For instance, if we get above this
00:01:23,580 --> 00:01:34,560 high here, I like this city, and also like this volume imbalance. So it depends on how much continuation we have in price action, but we take one step at a
00:01:34,560 --> 00:01:46,860 time. So the benefit of having a thinly traded contract, because this contract was trading well before it became the front month. Right now we're trading the
10 00:01:46,860 --> 00:01:58,020 June contract. Well, this is the June contract shown in a weekly chart. If I show a continuous chart, and then compress it into a weekly candlestick chart,
11 00:01:58,560 --> 00:02:05,280 the inefficiencies won't be so obvious. So this is one of the built in advantages of having a time based chart. There's a lot of people out there who
12 00:02:05,280 --> 00:02:13,560 claim that time based charts are useless. And you have to have some other form of analysis or some kind of other bar or something to that effect. That's
13 00:02:13,560 --> 00:02:21,570 nonsense, you have no idea what you're talking about when you say that time based charts is exactly the root of why price is gonna go where it's gonna go
14 00:02:21,570 --> 00:02:33,510 because the algorithm runs on time. First, it's time and price theory. Alright, and here is the daily chart I showed yesterday evening. So here's yesterday's
15 00:02:34,440 --> 00:02:45,630 chart, all I did was use the same slide they created yesterday evening. And now here's what we can see. Today. There's the delivery to the buy side, I told you,
16 00:02:45,630 --> 00:02:55,530 we would see. And we drew into that weekly volume imbalance. Not hard is it not complicated. I'm not trying to bring in every ICT concept of ever created into
17 00:02:55,530 --> 00:03:04,620 one single model, I'm looking for a simple idea of where's it going to draw to next, I outlined it, I showed you why I built it from a weekly chart to a daily
18 00:03:04,620 --> 00:03:15,840 chart to an hourly chart to a 15 minute chart to a five minute chart and a one minute chart. I can't make it any easier than this. Okay. All you're looking for
19 00:03:15,840 --> 00:03:24,030 initially, while you're trying to learn under my wing, you're looking for the skill set of knowing where price is going to draw to next. Okay, it's gonna go
20 00:03:24,030 --> 00:03:34,110 higher, it's gonna go lower. I am lending you my experience as a mentor. So that way you can study price action. With that in mind, that's not that we're trying
21 00:03:34,110 --> 00:03:44,460 to create challenges for you to never succeed at I'm telling you, this is where the bulk of your work should lie in the beginning. It's not looking for entry
22 00:03:44,460 --> 00:03:54,510 patterns. It's not looking for the new ICT gadget or concept. You want to be focusing on journaling, going back to old data, and finding these repeating
23 00:03:54,510 --> 00:04:04,110 phenomenon that I'm teaching you. Because once you see it, you can't unsee it. Once you learn it, it can't be unlearned, then you'll be initiated. That's the
24 00:04:04,530 --> 00:04:12,510 that's the cult of winning we have around here. Okay, everybody likes to say we're a cult. And I've gladly accepted that and we're the cult of winning. You
25 00:04:12,510 --> 00:04:23,580 can see here again, no hindsight. Okay, I can't manipulate daily and weekly candlesticks when I told you beforehand, what to expect. And here we have it. So
26 00:04:23,580 --> 00:04:33,270 take a closer look and what we saw this week. So here's the price action. As I mentioned last night only thing I did take off the gradients in here in these
27 00:04:33,270 --> 00:04:40,770 little arrows. Don't be fooled by that. Okay, all I'm showing you is the key turning points. So when you're doing your journaling, and you're logging all of
28 00:04:40,770 --> 00:04:51,270 your price data and looking at old moves, you want to be putting arrows there because it trains your eye to see it just like that. And then when you start
29 00:04:51,270 --> 00:05:00,900 practicing executions in the future, not now. You'll see that you'll be entering at these types of levels in with the logic behind it. So Last night, I took you
30 00:05:00,900 --> 00:05:10,260 to this fair value gap here I said we would draw up into that in the buy side in the weekly volume imbalances, that shaded white area up here. Okay. I also
31 00:05:10,260 --> 00:05:18,030 mentioned to go back watch that video. I said, while we were consolidating here, we would likely because we didn't do this run off here yet, this was all
32 00:05:18,060 --> 00:05:26,970 midnight, we are trading in this little area here I said we were likely drawl down into this positive imbalance then go higher. We did that very thing here.
33 00:05:27,390 --> 00:05:39,750 If it drops just inside of that imbalance, and we're expecting a shallow drop. That run is going to be initialized by a institutional order flow entry drill.
34 00:05:39,810 --> 00:05:49,950 And that's a tongue twister. It's why I labeled it an IO. f ed is an abbreviation of institutional order flow entry drill. It's a partial entry to a
35 00:05:50,070 --> 00:05:58,020 fair value gap, whether it be a bison balance osanna efficiency or a self centered balanced bison and efficiency. So either or, and since we have an up
36 00:05:58,020 --> 00:06:07,530 close candle here that makes us a busy bison unbalanced. So Senate efficiency, all of the things I just mentioned are by category of a PD array is a fair value
37 00:06:07,530 --> 00:06:17,430 gap. But a fair value gap can be broken down into different classifications. This being a bison belzona deficiency because it's going higher, it's offered by
38 00:06:17,430 --> 00:06:28,470 side, it's imbalanced because it only offers by side into one single chemo doughnut. So it's inefficient in the sense that it's not offered any cell side.
39 00:06:28,710 --> 00:06:37,320 But if the markets bullish as I've been indicating to you that it is it's going to go down into this area here and keep some of that open. So we did that very
40 00:06:37,320 --> 00:06:45,330 thing here. We dropped down into that candles low just a little bit and then rallied up create another box on unbalance also an efficiency with this candle
41 00:06:45,330 --> 00:06:54,870 here. This candle is high that candles, low frames. This is advice on imbalance ozone deficiency. We also have a breaker here. So the market trades down into
42 00:06:54,870 --> 00:07:07,380 that. Also consequent encouragement of this gap. This is a daily fair value got this was the daily discount for Vega. Remember the two areas here on daily
43 00:07:07,380 --> 00:07:13,230 chart, go back and watch last night's video you'll get better insights by doing that all over again. And I promise you it's not a long video, you're welcome
44 00:07:13,230 --> 00:07:21,570 speeded up at two times the speed. But the price goes down into consequent encouragement which is which is the classic optimal trade entry. I've taught
45 00:07:21,570 --> 00:07:31,140 many years on this channel. But it's coming back in to touch and reprice this Campbell's high. So once it hits that, then it's permitted to leave that range.
46 00:07:31,770 --> 00:07:39,900 Once it trades above this high, this becomes a balanced price range. So we can trust that it's gonna go higher, higher where to the buy side here and then dig
47 00:07:39,900 --> 00:07:48,720 into that weekly volume imbalance, which is what we see it here. Dropping down into a 50 minute candlestick chart, you can see that we had the institutional
48 00:07:48,720 --> 00:07:58,410 level entry drill that drops down here during the morning session. This is a Judas swing. It rallies up what does it do to swing? It's a fake move. Okay, so
49 00:07:58,410 --> 00:08:09,960 rise up creates a three drive pattern. I did two trades in here. I shared that on Twitter just because people ask all the time did you do anything. So I did.
50 00:08:10,380 --> 00:08:24,360 And then the market went down, dropped into a fair value gap here and then rallied up and then I chose to engage the afternoon session, which was a silver
51 00:08:24,360 --> 00:08:38,970 bullet trade for the pm session. And let's take a closer look at that morning session first. So we have the three drives pattern here. 123 institutional order
52 00:08:38,970 --> 00:08:49,110 flow entry drill down here after taking sell side out at rallies. Then we have the short term reversal pattern here is a classic price action pattern it's
53 00:08:49,140 --> 00:08:57,390 really good to indicate that we're likely to see some measure of retracement it can be an all out reversal but because we have unfinished business, which is
54 00:08:57,390 --> 00:09:00,600 that weekly imbalance up here that weekly volume about specifically
55 00:09:01,650 --> 00:09:11,940 NASDAQ has done outstandingly on the upside as I mentioned, I've been coaching along with NASDAQ being the leader and upside. And it would draw us up higher in
56 00:09:11,940 --> 00:09:24,150 sympathy. So this is a six SR concept on trading the pair that has lagged Okay, I did trade in NASDAQ today also you can take a look that on Twitter showed the
57 00:09:24,150 --> 00:09:32,280 examples and executions there. But I wanted to teach you using the six SR concept because the flavor of the month you know ice tea flavor of the month
58 00:09:32,340 --> 00:09:43,020 concept using this idea that it will want to catch up to what the NASDAQ has done. And we see that here really moving to the upside run into that weekly
59 00:09:43,380 --> 00:09:51,000 volume imbalance with an extrapolation that was just really really nice to be a part of this afternoon. We have a breaker here so we have high low higher high
60 00:09:51,030 --> 00:09:58,290 send that through that's this little retracement here. It broke down just to clear up the sell side here. Then we entered into the New York pm session which
61 00:09:58,290 --> 00:10:06,600 is two o'clock to four And then we had some very vague gaps and such. And then the final hour of Marketo and close macro that I've been teaching vaguely, which
62 00:10:06,630 --> 00:10:16,530 will be taught in great detail in my books that are coming out. And everyone that keeps asking on Twitter, when is my first book going to be released, I set
63 00:10:16,530 --> 00:10:24,960 a challenge for all of you as a community. Once I got to 1 million subscribers on YouTube, I would release book one of four, three of the books are technical,
64 00:10:25,080 --> 00:10:38,040 and their algorithmic theory, my concepts. And then the fourth one is a fiction. Okay, it's not essential reading, but it is what it is, right. So I have other
65 00:10:38,040 --> 00:10:45,660 things I'll teach you throughout the year, some things I'm going to hold off for the book, because there's a lot of people out there taking my concepts and hurry
66 00:10:45,660 --> 00:10:54,630 up and rushing them into their own little books. And they're incomplete. And I'm offended by that, because you're trying to get something out ahead of me when
67 00:10:54,630 --> 00:11:01,290 you have an incomplete and that's why I'm holding it back. Because once I put it in print, then it's going to be hard for you to run around pretend you created
68 00:11:01,290 --> 00:11:15,180 it or found it on your own. So here we have a closer look on the one minute chart. imbalanced refined into that fear of a gap here. It drops down in
69 00:11:15,180 --> 00:11:25,470 clearing up relative equal lows here. Before we get to that, let's look at the three drives pattern. We have constant question of this imbalance runs above
70 00:11:25,470 --> 00:11:37,410 this short term high. The watch me do a executional partials here, that's like a long one. If you have a gap, two partials here, roll the stop to better than
71 00:11:37,410 --> 00:11:49,350 breakeven came back, hit my stop. And then once more went back in and went low once more about the highs. I took partials, Roma start to veteran breakeven. And
72 00:11:49,350 --> 00:11:56,820 it came down stop me I want one more time, I was trying to position myself because there's going to be away from the charts. Throughout the afternoon, I
73 00:11:56,820 --> 00:12:06,540 was with my wife and driving in a car and riding the car and I can't be in front of my desk. So I'm looking at everything through my phone only, which is
74 00:12:06,540 --> 00:12:13,950 something you don't want to do. But for practice, so you can given you all examples on Twitter to follow along. That's the best I could do today. The
75 00:12:13,950 --> 00:12:22,560 market broke down we had the breaker here. Really nice run to that breaker and fair value got right there, that right there, this folks right here, this thing
76 00:12:22,560 --> 00:12:33,750 right here, that is a complete model. We have a higher structured, not this higher timeframe, but a higher structured breaker. Okay? A breaker is a low that
77 00:12:33,750 --> 00:12:44,700 has a high to the left of it and a higher high to the right of it. So it's high, low, higher high. once this loads broken, it is here, we're going to have an
78 00:12:44,700 --> 00:12:52,530 imbalance, that little imbalance right here that fair value got that's not highlighted. It's trading up into that and then hitting the breaker. This is
79 00:12:52,530 --> 00:13:03,810 also an optimal trade entry. It's also trading into a bearish order block, which is a closed candle prior to this movement lower and then look at the delivery
80 00:13:03,810 --> 00:13:14,760 here. Boom speed right down to that old imbalance then create a consolidation. Is it surprising now what time of day is its New York lunch? So what is it doing
81 00:13:14,760 --> 00:13:22,920 is creating lots of equal lows and then rallies? What is that going to entice traders to think that support so any long holders, they're gonna chase that
82 00:13:23,730 --> 00:13:31,950 they're gonna run up into the breaker one more time, which is mean threshold middle of this down close candle right here, the big, beefy, longer bodied
83 00:13:31,950 --> 00:13:45,960 candle midpoint of that and then shift sit lower attacks the sell side, which is the classic run on New York lunch. It's a stop hunt. That's the macro for the
84 00:13:45,960 --> 00:13:54,030 lunch hour. There's a lot of people out there saying there's no lunch. There's no, nobody's going to lunch during lunchtime, okay, these people don't know what
85 00:13:54,030 --> 00:14:06,030 you're talking about. Because the algorithm is going to reprice to do stops and is using time. What basis is it? It's the New York lunch hour. Look at time 215
86 00:14:06,480 --> 00:14:15,900 One o'clock. So in that one hour period between noon and 1pm, New York local time, we have now classic enticement for retail traders to see that as support.
87 00:14:16,380 --> 00:14:24,540 So that that level right there is going to have a lot of sell side liquidity in the market runs from the breaker down into that hits it and trades in the
88 00:14:24,540 --> 00:14:33,480 imbalance right here which is institutional order flow into drills well. And this is also a fair value got this nice nice little retracement into that and
89 00:14:33,480 --> 00:14:46,440 then delivers harshly right into the fair value gap. Moving into the afternoon. We can see that turn here. We rally up consolidate and it starts to rip higher
90 00:14:46,980 --> 00:14:58,920 attacking what the by side here then fold by side liquidity pool and then the weekly volume imbalance so it's very quick run inside of the pm session, which
91 00:14:58,920 --> 00:15:08,370 is two o'clock to 4pm in New York local time, this is your Pm session silver bullet, you get two chances here one, two rallies. And in the final market on
92 00:15:08,370 --> 00:15:18,960 close macro, which is the last, it's 315 345. In that window, you'll get another opportunity to set up a run for liquidity that has not been managed or engaged
93 00:15:19,020 --> 00:15:27,750 for that particular day where the market fills the numbers. And it runs up hits the buy side hits the weekly volume and balance as well. And just beautiful
94 00:15:27,750 --> 00:15:39,900 delivery, beautiful delivery. Alright, you can see again, here's that silver bullet, which is between two o'clock and three o'clock. So between two o'clock,
95 00:15:39,990 --> 00:15:51,090 and three, there's a silver bullet, more little extra opportunity. That's post three o'clock, but still using that setup here. So it's being reclaimed at fair
96 00:15:51,090 --> 00:16:01,380 value get right there and it rallies up, trades back down and look real close. You see this inefficiency here and that candles high? How price runs through
97 00:16:01,380 --> 00:16:11,970 this shaded area. All of this area here gets repriced, to see that that candles low, trade up into a here a little bit a little bit higher, and then trades back
98 00:16:11,970 --> 00:16:19,740 down. It stops right there. Why is it stopping right here? Well, it only needs to go down that is fair. But he got right there. And we've already traded up
99 00:16:20,160 --> 00:16:34,470 once this candle went down next candle open traded up here. So this to this is only inefficient. So it needs only to that level, then it can rally and runs at
100 00:16:34,470 --> 00:16:45,930 the Buy Sell liquidity pools I mentioned last night. This is the power three, this is what the daily candlestick look like from 930, open, small little
101 00:16:45,930 --> 00:16:55,590 movement lower, rallied up treating the high today. I'll get into that high today in a second. And then closing here. So we have another classic biday open
102 00:16:55,770 --> 00:17:05,880 decline due to swing rallies up closes on the high working that fear Vega. The ninth or the open was essentially near the low of that shaded fear of a gap.
103 00:17:08,100 --> 00:17:21,150 Here is the opening range gap, which is the regular trading hours, you can see that difference between where we closed previous day. And where we open at 930.
104 00:17:21,240 --> 00:17:29,310 That little shaded area, I hinted at something that we'll talk more about in the book because these types of things are just too good. They're just too good for
105 00:17:29,310 --> 00:17:37,020 you too. There's too many Yahoo's out there, trying to take my concepts, okay, make mentorships off of it no credit to me, you know, I'm not gonna, I'm not
106 00:17:37,020 --> 00:17:45,960 going to lay my my my best stuff out here. I will put it in print. That way you'll see it, it's mine. And everybody will know that it came from me because
107 00:17:45,960 --> 00:17:52,830 there's too many people still out there pretending that they found this on the room, or it's some dead guy did never have talked about it. Okay, and I still
108 00:17:52,830 --> 00:18:00,240 want to rebrand it. For them. It was just nonsense. But I talked about how you can take this imbalance and multiply that out and project it up. Much like I
109 00:18:00,240 --> 00:18:10,020 taught with my central bank to dealers range. And much like I taught with flout, and how I amplified with everybody that was aware of the Asian range for a long
110 00:18:10,020 --> 00:18:18,540 time. I supercharged that and taught you how to use it and make it better. Okay, and I taught you in terms of standard deviations, but you can do that opening
111 00:18:18,570 --> 00:18:30,390 range gap the same way. And you can do projections tire, and then we have an overlap of negative 11 standard deviations. And it price comes in at 42 14.75
112 00:18:30,750 --> 00:18:43,350 which is the basis of why I took my exit rate at that low, which would be just a hair below this level here. And in 42 14.75 Looks like this and we went to just
113 00:18:43,350 --> 00:18:53,310 above it to trade into the 42 fifteens that was the high of the day. I'll counsel you to go look at Twitter, you can see my executions and such on the pm
114 00:18:53,310 --> 00:18:57,960 session for ES and NASDAQ market on close macro
115 00:18:59,310 --> 00:19:11,970 all of this business in here was all discussed as it pertains to the pm session silver bullet and the final 15 minutes after three to 45 minutes after three
116 00:19:12,060 --> 00:19:19,200 that 30 minute window that is a market on close macro the algorithm generally will run for liquidity now if the liquidity has been tapped at means a higher
117 00:19:19,200 --> 00:19:28,890 timeframe liquidity pool or targets been met, then it usually won't spawn and start running. There's no need for it to do anything. Then it's done that the
118 00:19:28,890 --> 00:19:37,560 last 15 minutes are trading between 345 and four o'clock you'll get some kind of little sputter move which is maybe it's good for you know five or eight maybe 10
119 00:19:37,560 --> 00:19:49,140 handles maybe but not terribly explosive, but like this, I told you last night what to expect. We were gonna look for four to six, we're gonna look for a 15
120 00:19:49,140 --> 00:19:59,670 minute premium fair value gap and we look forward to draw up into that weekly volume and bounces that shaded area and it delivered like gangbusters. So this
121 00:19:59,670 --> 00:20:11,460 is what we I have here today. And hopefully, you can take this information and start to see that none of this is random. None of it is conjecture. It's a logic
122 00:20:11,580 --> 00:20:19,650 as to why price is moving the way it's behaving and what time it's expected to do. So it's a wonderful approach to trading where you don't have to rely on any
123 00:20:19,650 --> 00:20:27,420 kind of indicators. You're dressing your chart up, you're trying to stay organized, you're trying to anticipate not react, you're trying to anticipate
124 00:20:27,510 --> 00:20:34,920 what price is likely to do next, it starts with a drawn liquidity draw. And liquidity is just basically where it's going to go to next. Because you don't
125 00:20:34,920 --> 00:20:41,760 have that information. If you have not determined that, or have the skill set to be able to determine that consistently. You're not going to be profitable, I
126 00:20:41,760 --> 00:20:55,770 don't care what method you use. You have to try to see where prices needing to go to next. Who benefits the most. If Smart Money benefits are price going
127 00:20:55,770 --> 00:21:06,510 higher. You can look for retail traders to get punished. What would that look like? Relative equal lows, retail sees that as what? That's classic support to
128 00:21:06,510 --> 00:21:17,550 them, right? They take it down to take those stops, why would they sell stops, be advantageous to be liquidated, because Smart Money will buy those sell stops,
129 00:21:17,550 --> 00:21:26,880 there'll be the counterparty to that sell stop being activated. They're buying that. So they're going long there were Long's have placed orders to go long here
130 00:21:26,880 --> 00:21:38,760 based on this pseudo support. No. Price allows smart money to be the counterparty to those sales thoughts being engaged. So when there's sales
131 00:21:38,760 --> 00:21:47,220 thoughts get tripped. There's a flood, a rush of selling orders in the marketplace, which is beautiful for smart money to accumulate that and be buying
132 00:21:47,220 --> 00:21:57,030 at a cheaper low price. Then it rallies in an attack split. The buy stops above here who would have biceps above that the people that were momentarily lucky,
133 00:21:57,840 --> 00:22:05,700 didn't take profits. They don't take partial didn't take profits. They don't have to get out of the marketplace or the right time. Their stops is resting
134 00:22:05,700 --> 00:22:12,390 right about here in the form of a Bicester. Why would it be advantageous to trade there are above this level here or up into this weekly volume available,
135 00:22:12,810 --> 00:22:22,500 because Smart Money will look to distribute their lungs there to offset distribution occurs with smart money buying to sell stops, selling some above
136 00:22:22,500 --> 00:22:33,990 this high selling some above here, above here and above here. And they liquidate that and that liquidation of their Long's above here. They're selling above
137 00:22:33,990 --> 00:22:46,050 here, which is what the retail traders, the liquidity to be a buyer of when they're chasing price. When it breaks out here who wants to buy that breakout
138 00:22:46,050 --> 00:22:55,950 artists in the smart money selling their portion that they went long down here to there, which is why I'm teaching and teach my students to sell long positions
139 00:22:55,950 --> 00:23:06,150 partially above old highs and to cover short positions below old lows. That's what smart money does. It does not follow retail patterns. It does not look at
140 00:23:06,150 --> 00:23:15,570 moving averages. It does not look at breakout strategies. It doesn't do that. Okay? They don't do that. The algorithm will set up scenarios where retail
141 00:23:15,720 --> 00:23:25,140 traders with that mindset will fall victim to it. And you don't want to be in a category. You don't wanna be a classified neophyte forever in trading with
142 00:23:25,140 --> 00:23:32,820 retail logic, never come into the understanding of what these markets are actually trying to do and how they book. So if you found this on its iPhone too.
143 00:23:32,820 --> 00:23:34,860 I'll talk to you next time. Be safe.