ICT YT - 2023-05-05 - ES Review and ICT Funded Challenge Discussion 05042023

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-05-05 09:31



00:07 - Daily chart of the E-Mini S&P 500 June delivery contract month for 2023.

- Daily chart of e mini s and p june delivery contract month.
- Seasonal tendencies in the market.

03:11 - What is a Swing High? -.

- The tendency to be bearish in spring and long in the fall.
- Non-farm payroll week.
- How the market gravitates towards liquidity and inefficiencies.
- What to do to make inefficiency deficient.

08:44 - What’s going on in the index futures market.

- Adding more detail to the chart.
- The low of the day, and how it rallied.
- Daily chart of index futures for june contract.
- Hourly chart for index futures.

13:01 - What is the New Week Opening Gap?

- The new week opening gap.
- The origin of the ict new day opening gaps.

15:42 - What’s the best video?

- The basics of a new trading week.
- How to track trading on a Sunday.
- What not to do on trading days.
- Why non-farm payroll week is a gamble.

21:33 - March 5 New 52 Week Open Gap.

- March 5 new week opening gap.
- 15 minute chart of a bearish order block.
- The five minute chart of the candles body.
- The five-minute chart of order block.

27:05 - What is a micro-fair?

- The micro-fair value of amazon.
- The difference between market orders and limit orders.
- The algorithm is designed for efficiency in the marketplace.
- How the algorithm works with the market.

32:28 - What you have learned and how you’ve learned it has skewed your perspective.

- Understanding the depth of market and level two data.
- How to use the information.

35:28 - What is the New Day Opening Gap?

- The new day opening gap.
- March 5 new week opening gap and candlesticks.
- The order flow of the market.
- How the market is bearish.

41:46 - What’s going on at 820.

- Strong rejection lower, then strong rejection lower.
- Making over 100 trades this week.
- Trading with a demo account is not real.
- Humble is now part of the equation.

47:43 - How to use Top Step as an example.

- Top step is the only company he uses.
- Building a position with 15 contracts.
- Scaling off profits and shorting below 4063.
- Shorting the price of 4063 and below.

53:57 - What does the algorithm do once the gap fills?

- The new day opening gap.
- The new week opening gap in March 2023.
- The new week opening gap from march 5.
- The midpoint between high and low.

57:31 - How do you measure the intricacies of price action?

- How to make 100% in five weeks on TD Ameritrade.
- The first trade.
- Making $9,000 in five days.
- Trading multiple times in a day.
- I can do this every day.
- I'm teaching you how to do this.

01:03:51 - Why you don’t need money to do what you do -.

- How to get paid for free trading.
- The importance of having a funded account.
- How to have one account and not even use the maximum 15 contracts.
- Why he wants to stop trading in November.

01:09:30 - When you first start trading, it’s like a foreign language -.

- Chart without annotation when first starting trading.
- Lectures on new week opening gaps.
- What 1990s trading was like.
- The market is the source code for the market.


00:00:07,799 --> 00:00:21,029 ICT: Greenworks Alright, so we're looking at a daily chart of the E Mini s&p, June delivery contract month for 2023. And I'm going to cover the market that we
00:00:21,359 --> 00:00:34,139 saw delivered today on ES. So when I do these kinds of lectures, invariably, people will leave comments, when I allow the comment section to be open, they'll
00:00:34,139 --> 00:00:46,229 flood it with great love it, you know, it's a sugar high. And variably, there will also be a sprinkling of maybe four or five people that will come in,
00:00:46,229 --> 00:00:57,359 they'll say things like, You talk too much. Get to the point, you know, that type of thing. And the markets are so technical. And especially if you're a
00:00:57,359 --> 00:01:08,159 student of mine, you realize that there are many subtleties that are glossed over, when you first look at my studies, or go through my lectures. And then
00:01:08,159 --> 00:01:16,379 when you go through it the second time or third time, it begins to resonate with you more, because now you have more experience. And those things are now much
00:01:16,379 --> 00:01:29,969 more impactful in your understanding and your ability to read price action. So it's my endeavor really to try to convince you to seek out the details. Get
00:01:29,969 --> 00:01:40,049 comfortable with digging into all the very specific things I'm sharing because I don't talk just to human voice, I'm telling you things that are paramount for
00:01:40,049 --> 00:01:51,239 you to understand precision algorithmic principles that these markets deliver under, and the repeating phenomenon that exists through time and price. So with
10 00:01:51,239 --> 00:02:04,469 that spirit in mind, I want you to watch the following and take notes. So the daily chart here, we've mentioned in commentary on tweets, and then passing in
11 00:02:04,469 --> 00:02:14,819 little video clips on Twitter. And my long term students understand that I follow seasonal tendencies. From a macro perspective, that means from a daily
12 00:02:14,819 --> 00:02:25,439 and weekly timeframe. And there are certain times of the year that I like certain setups to form in May, of every calendar year, in May, going into the
13 00:02:25,439 --> 00:02:42,539 first and second week of June, I favor shorts in stock index futures. Now, over the years, it's grown into a expression, usually you see it as selling May and
14 00:02:42,539 --> 00:03:01,019 go away. So it's kind of like an expectation that in spring, there's a usual nollies usual tendency for stock prices to descend going into June. I've been
15 00:03:01,019 --> 00:03:12,779 following the markets for three decades. And I can tell you, there are certain seasonal tendencies that are just really, really strong. And one of them is this
16 00:03:12,779 --> 00:03:25,709 may influence going into June. So if you are looking for a way to like dial in a very specific time of year to look to be a trader, or learn to be anticipating
17 00:03:25,709 --> 00:03:35,009 specific things in price action, there's no better one than being bearish and spring going into summer months. And then being long in the fall months going
18 00:03:35,009 --> 00:03:48,719 into the end of the year, first week of February. So that tendency is not just being mentioned here. If you go on my core content lessons that I've uploaded
19 00:03:48,719 --> 00:03:56,069 here on YouTube, you'll hear me talk about those very things. And they keep repeating every single year. I first talked about it in 2016 in the core
20 00:03:56,069 --> 00:04:07,799 content, lectures that paid members were listening to me teach in the same thing, verbatim repeats every single year. So in 2016, I released that content
21 00:04:07,829 --> 00:04:20,279 to paid members 2017 It repeated in the marketplace, in 2018 are repeated in 2019. And repeat in 2020, repeated 2021, repeated 2022. It repeated. And it's
22 00:04:20,279 --> 00:04:29,609 probably gonna repeat again this year too. Okay. Don't be limited just thinking it only works in last few years go back as far as you can new study and old
23 00:04:29,609 --> 00:04:38,639 data, you'll see that there are pretty much a higher timeframe roadmap for where significant price moves will form. Now by themselves, they're not a panacea.
24 00:04:38,699 --> 00:04:47,399 It's not a be all end all type thing where it just because seasonally it's done this in the past because the futures market are not guaranteed to deliver based
25 00:04:47,399 --> 00:04:56,969 on past performance. So that's why we have a risk disclaimer every time we're meeting together. But if you know that there's a strong tendency for things to
26 00:04:56,969 --> 00:05:10,709 repeat more times than not over many yours not just a handful of years, to me at warrants, a little bit more investigation, a little bit more concern and study
27 00:05:10,709 --> 00:05:22,499 in that area in that specific time of the year. And I'm confident you'll find that there's a goldmine in this, okay. You have to add some technicals to it,
28 00:05:22,499 --> 00:05:31,199 too. Okay, we're going to talk a little bit about that. Now, admittedly, going into this, I want to remind yourself that it is Non Farm Payroll week at the
29 00:05:31,199 --> 00:05:46,979 time of this recording, that means tomorrow, it'll be Non Farm Payroll Friday, or may 5 2023. We've already started trading for that day here. But in my local
30 00:05:46,979 --> 00:05:58,349 area, as you can see, it's not even the fifth yet. But it's being calculated for that candle here on trading view. So I want you to look at how we have had this
31 00:05:58,349 --> 00:06:07,769 high here. It traded above it created a swing high, which is a candle with a high with a lower high to the left of it and a lower high to the right of it,
32 00:06:08,309 --> 00:06:17,429 then when we see that, we anticipate price to try to drop going lower, it does it goes below this swing low, which is a load it has a higher load to the left
33 00:06:17,429 --> 00:06:27,269 and a higher low to the right. It goes down below that into this inefficiency here, which is a by side unbalanced. So Senator efficiency, which is a
34 00:06:27,269 --> 00:06:37,979 classification for a specific fair value gap, market trades down into that creates a swing low then rallies back up, swings above this swing high. So above
35 00:06:37,979 --> 00:06:47,759 this swing high those buy side below this swing low sell side above this swing highs I side below this low is sell side. So we've had high, low, higher, high,
36 00:06:47,789 --> 00:07:01,979 lower, low, higher, high, lower low, I see that. So in classical price pattern formation, which I'm not a price pattern trader in the sense, I look at things
37 00:07:01,979 --> 00:07:13,439 from a retail perspective, but this would be considered a broadening pattern or a megaphone pattern. And to me, you know, that's nice explanation in hindsight,
38 00:07:13,739 --> 00:07:21,239 but I want to know what it's going to do before it forms it. Okay, so that's what I teach my students, that's what I'm trying to teach you. But in a higher
39 00:07:21,239 --> 00:07:33,239 form of education, not just simply basic retail patterns. Now, I'm not suggesting that anyone that studies those are used those can't make money,
40 00:07:33,239 --> 00:07:41,099 obviously, you can make money flipping the quarter, if your risk management is on point, anything as a catalyst that causes you to make a decision you last
41 00:07:41,099 --> 00:07:52,769 time your elbow hurt, it rains, now your knee hurts, that means s&p is gonna go up or down. Whatever the whatever the thing is that you have faith in, okay, if
42 00:07:52,769 --> 00:07:58,349 you have sound money management, you probably can make money with it, maybe not a lot of money, but you could probably eke out some profit, right? Well, in
43 00:07:58,349 --> 00:08:06,779 terms of looking at price action, I want you to look at how the market gravitates towards liquidity, and inefficiencies. That's the only two things
44 00:08:06,779 --> 00:08:14,579 that the market will do. If it doesn't do either one of those things, it will go sideways and consolidate until it meets a criteria that allows for it to do
45 00:08:14,579 --> 00:08:23,639 those previous two things, which is go up for buy stocks or go up to inefficiency. And inefficiency would be something like this where between these
46 00:08:23,639 --> 00:08:31,829 two candles this candle here in this candle here. There's one candle there. The difference between this candle is high and the difference between this candle is
47 00:08:31,829 --> 00:08:42,149 low is the pass through of this one candle, what direction did it go up? So what does it mean? What does it need to do to make this inefficiency deficient? It
48 00:08:42,149 --> 00:08:55,919 needs to offer price going down. Okay. So we add some detail to this chart. We have this imbalance here. And the market goes just short. Or just above his
49 00:08:55,919 --> 00:09:07,499 case, above this candles Hi, this candles Hi comes in at 4061 and a quarter. And the low of today my day Thursday because in some of your local area what time
50 00:09:07,499 --> 00:09:19,139 you're watching this it may be technically Friday where you are the fifth of May but right now where I am in my timezone. It's Thursday still at 9:16pm but the
51 00:09:19,139 --> 00:09:34,319 low of this candle comes in at 4062 and a quarter. So it's just one one handle. High come yet it's one handle shy of meeting that cannot Hi. Okay, so that was
52 00:09:34,319 --> 00:09:43,739 one of the factors I had, when I mentioned that we're 5050 at this point around the new lunch hour, and we'll talk about we get in lower timeframes. But that
53 00:09:43,739 --> 00:09:52,919 was the catalyst to cause me the tweet to everyone saying that, okay, now because we've taken this particular target, and you can find that tweet on my
54 00:09:52,919 --> 00:10:02,039 Twitter feed. It's 5050. So I'm going to take three contracts off of the six remaining ahead and I'm We record all that stuff and share it on Twitter, you
55 00:10:02,039 --> 00:10:07,859 can watch it but in that becoming the low of the day, and then it rallied up, it made
56 00:10:09,149 --> 00:10:17,279 a move back up into a short term premium intraday. So I'm saying all that stuff. And if you're new if you're, if you're not really versed in what I'm teaching
57 00:10:17,279 --> 00:10:23,489 what I've taught on this channel, it sounds like a lot of mumbo jumbo, and it went right over your head. But I promise now when we go on the lower timeframes,
58 00:10:23,489 --> 00:10:33,419 because this level is highlighted this blue or teal colored range, I want you to be aware that that right there is anchored to this area here on the very
59 00:10:33,419 --> 00:10:44,699 specific candle of March 30. Okay, so if you go on your daily chart, for June contract, the symbol for this, if you want to pull it up on trading view, is E
60 00:10:44,699 --> 00:10:58,229 S, M 2023. Okay, now I'll type it out for you real quick, just for completeness sake, one trading view, you would type in this symbol here
61 00:11:03,629 --> 00:11:14,969 okay, you would type that in, right up here. When this contract expires, I was going to toss this in here real quick. When this contract expires, the third
62 00:11:14,969 --> 00:11:32,309 week or so of June, this symbol will turn to that and the U stands for the contract month, for September. And when September expires that you will become
63 00:11:32,309 --> 00:11:43,769 the letter Z like in zipper. That's the contract month for the summer. So the contract months expire, but right now we are in June contract. And that symbol m
64 00:11:44,459 --> 00:11:52,529 is the delivery month code for June. There's one more month in the whole calendar rotation, it's H and that's for the month of March. So there's only
65 00:11:52,529 --> 00:12:07,829 four delivery contracts for index futures. March, June, September and December symbols being respectively H Muz. Real simple, real easy. Now 10 out of the way,
66 00:12:08,429 --> 00:12:20,039 in this area here shaded, if we were up here at a premium above this or high in discount, or sell side would reside below here. What pdra Beside the sell side
67 00:12:20,039 --> 00:12:31,499 will be coupled with the buy side and sell side efficiency or this fair value gap. Okay. So now let's go down into a 60 minute chart. Right on the hourly
68 00:12:31,499 --> 00:12:47,099 chart here you can see how, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the market read priced up to this city shoot up into it here in between the imbalance that's formed here.
69 00:12:50,009 --> 00:13:04,859 The market traded up and aggressively broke lower here. And then we had this new day, start up here. Overnight. Now when it says Wednesday, that's my local time.
70 00:13:06,869 --> 00:13:16,859 But all of this is part of Thursday's trading. Right? Here's the midnight to 1am. So this is all part of technically, the trading date is seen on trading
71 00:13:16,859 --> 00:13:29,309 view. So this separation between where we closed before the 5pm shut off for one hour, and then it resumes at 6pm. The difference between the opening price at
72 00:13:29,309 --> 00:13:39,269 6pm. And the closing price at five o'clock Eastern time in the US or basically New York local time. So in trading view, I say this all the time. But I want to
73 00:13:39,269 --> 00:13:44,999 make sure I'm being complete all the time. Because I don't know if this is the first video you've ever watched, and it frustrates many of you because you're
74 00:13:45,239 --> 00:13:52,619 you want to get to the point. But the point is I'm educating. And you're not the only student I have. So I want to make sure I'm providing the details that help
75 00:13:52,619 --> 00:14:02,429 people that may be following me just for the first time to have all their coordinates in the right place. So that way you can follow along as well. And it
76 00:14:02,429 --> 00:14:10,649 saves on me answering a lot of questions that keep popping up. That's my at least that's my attempt to try to stave off most of that, but I'm not 100%
77 00:14:10,649 --> 00:14:24,059 successful now, obviously. But anyway, this area here, we're gonna talk about that that's the ICT New Day opening gap. These bold lines in here. That is my
78 00:14:24,629 --> 00:14:39,479 new week opening gap. So this is where the seperation between Friday's close and Sunday's opening price. We extend that in the future. Now right away. When I
79 00:14:39,479 --> 00:14:51,689 talk about that. Everybody says well, you didn't invent a gap ICT? No, I didn't say I invented the gap. I am pioneering the idea of using these gaps through an
80 00:14:51,689 --> 00:15:02,609 extended period of time casting forward into future price action. Because just because we fill the gap does it When we're done with it, that's what separates
81 00:15:02,609 --> 00:15:14,519 me from everybody else. If that gap forms, it's meaningful, it's salient, it means the algorithm will refer back to that same area again, and it will do so
82 00:15:15,269 --> 00:15:25,769 for weeks and months at a time. Now, while you're learning, and you're learning how to do this, for the first time, I've counseled everyone through Twitter and
83 00:15:25,769 --> 00:15:34,319 Twitter spaces where I first introduced it in February of this year. So 2023, new week opening gap was coined publicly, but it's been mine since the 90s. But
84 00:15:34,319 --> 00:15:45,749 you want to know that that origin was taught originally from me in February, in Twitter spaces. So there really isn't a video per se. Now, a lot of my students
85 00:15:45,749 --> 00:15:53,699 have come up with things real quick to throw on YouTube, and you try to share their understanding or interpretation. And they're just introductory, they're
86 00:15:53,699 --> 00:16:01,859 just like, introductory to the idea. There's a lot of things that I can do with these things. And you'll learn to do as well. But for now, the basics is simply
87 00:16:01,859 --> 00:16:10,919 this, try to have at least five of the most recent new week opening gaps. It's important for you to have in your journal, every time you have a new Sunday,
88 00:16:11,339 --> 00:16:23,729 opening of a new trading week, on your Sunday journal entry, always record what the opening price is, and what the previous Friday closing prices. That way, you
89 00:16:23,729 --> 00:16:31,469 always have the information, you can have it ready at your fingertips every single time you need it in the future. That way if something happens in your
90 00:16:31,469 --> 00:16:40,499 chart, so you know, I've done this before. So you deleted things on your template. Okay, so you can see up here I have a new week opening gap, actual,
91 00:16:40,709 --> 00:16:51,869 okay, don't worry about the actual I modeled teach those things in the future. But sometimes I'll delete a template, thinking I have something transferred or
92 00:16:51,869 --> 00:16:58,409 transpose on another template. And I delete them. And I have to go back through my notes and pull up all the information. You don't want to be searching through
93 00:16:58,409 --> 00:17:07,349 candles like this looking. Okay, it's just a Sunday is a Friday. You don't want to do that. So it's real simple to write down in your journal every Sunday. The
94 00:17:07,349 --> 00:17:17,399 markets that you're trading, what was their previous Friday's close? And yes, this works on forex. Yes, it works on just about every asset. I can't vouch for
95 00:17:17,429 --> 00:17:28,199 crypto. I don't trade crypto. So my students do they swear by it. But I don't have any opinion or input in that regard. But every other asset it works, okay.
96 00:17:29,189 --> 00:17:35,579 Synthetic indices, please don't ask me about them. I don't know anything about it. And we've touched them in I don't even know what it is. So there you go. But
97 00:17:35,579 --> 00:17:48,329 the the running tally of what your previous Friday's closing prices, and your Sunday's opening price, that means the very first tick on Sunday at 6pm. And the
98 00:17:48,329 --> 00:17:55,709 markets come alive again, boom. And it happened. It's real simple. Check your charts on a minute chart, what was the opening price, write it down journal when
99 00:17:55,739 --> 00:18:08,279 it's done, you have it. Now, in the olden days, when that first started in 1990s, I had a three ring binder, and I would just have a graph paper. And I
100 00:18:08,279 --> 00:18:19,199 just wrote down every single Sunday opening price and Friday's closing price. And I would have the opening range of the first 30 minutes and the first 60
101 00:18:19,199 --> 00:18:27,719 minutes at midnight for all the markets that are traded. Okay, and I will teach you that as well. I've already taught it really, if you go through the core
102 00:18:27,719 --> 00:18:37,829 content, it's taught when we are looking at day trading stuff. But that idea can be applied in multiple timeframes throughout the sessions like the the Asian
103 00:18:37,829 --> 00:18:47,669 session that can be utilized in the New York session, the London session, and the pm session in stock indices. So there's lots of concepts I'm going to teach
104 00:18:47,669 --> 00:18:54,449 you throughout this year. But it's not important for you to try to bring all of it into your trading plan. That's the mistake. And I mentioned this on Twitter.
105 00:18:54,899 --> 00:19:00,899 And I know some of you are getting really frustrated now, because you want me to get into the heart of this teaching. This is the heart of the teaching, I'm
106 00:19:00,989 --> 00:19:09,419 trying to teach you what not to do. Because just because I'm teaching something, or taught something somewhere else, don't think that you have to reach for
107 00:19:09,419 --> 00:19:17,789 everything I've ever talked about, and try to apply it to right now price action. That's not what a model is. That's you trying to have a kitchen sink
108 00:19:17,789 --> 00:19:27,719 approach where you're trying to apply everything to whatever it is you're studying. And that's too much, okay, it'll, it'll create analysis paralysis,
109 00:19:27,899 --> 00:19:38,039 where you really won't know what to do with the information is too much. And many times, they may become a conflicting idea where you don't know really what
110 00:19:38,039 --> 00:19:48,149 to do and becomes frustrating. So you kind of want to limit your, your focus to a specific thing or two, within a bias. That's all you're gonna do. Okay. And
111 00:19:48,149 --> 00:19:57,899 I'm gonna kind of teach you today in addition to what I've already talked before, how you can take a simple approach and apply it with a template in mind
112 00:19:57,899 --> 00:20:09,119 for a trading day and I'll cover what I mean by that as I go. But just know that what I'm teaching you today is not a Biondo. Just like anything I've ever
113 00:20:09,119 --> 00:20:20,099 taught, just like anything else out there in trading. By itself, it's useless. It's just one component to a model or a trading approach. Unless you have other
114 00:20:20,099 --> 00:20:27,359 factors that help you decide whether or not there's a good time to be trading, because there's lots of times in the in the calendar year that you shouldn't be
115 00:20:27,359 --> 00:20:36,749 trading. There are certain days of the week and specific weeks of months that you shouldn't be trading, in my opinion, new traders or new students should not
116 00:20:36,749 --> 00:20:45,209 be trading on Thursday and Friday of Non Farm Payroll week, I don't believe that we should be doing because it's very difficult for a new trader to navigate that
117 00:20:45,239 --> 00:20:53,399 they don't have the skill set. And that's not me trying to be condescending, or talking down to anyone. It's just my experience. And it takes a lot of
118 00:20:53,399 --> 00:20:59,759 understanding about what price is likely to do ahead of these employment numbers that are released on E 30. On Friday,
119 00:21:00,840 --> 00:21:10,650 typically the first Friday of every month. Not all of them. But generally it's the first Friday of every month. That day, you should just mark it off as you're
120 00:21:10,650 --> 00:21:19,440 not going to trade. Now, does that mean you shouldn't trade at all that day, it just means that it's likely to be a very difficult trading day. And it's a
121 00:21:19,440 --> 00:21:27,240 gamble. After the Non Farm Payroll numbers come out. If you want to take some action there, then you decide whether or not you want to do that. But you should
122 00:21:27,240 --> 00:21:37,110 not be trying to trade a Non Farm Payroll event. Because you can do all kinds of wild things and hurt you. Right, so I have here March 5, new week opening gap.
123 00:21:37,410 --> 00:21:43,230 Okay, so that'll help the individuals that have already seen the video where I was treating with this information today. And it's been shared on my Twitter
124 00:21:43,230 --> 00:21:59,850 feed. So we have that blue shaded area, which is that fair value gap below an old daily low the market digs into that today here, see that we're gonna go into
125 00:21:59,880 --> 00:22:09,630 smaller timeframes. Now we're gonna jump right into a 15 minute chart. And start adding more detail here. And I have this candle here. I mentioned this on
126 00:22:09,630 --> 00:22:27,030 Twitter today. That's a bearish order block. And I very specifically, very specifically here in the four hour chart here. I want you to go back to this see
127 00:22:27,030 --> 00:22:37,680 this is that swing low and sell sides below that. And we got real close to the bottom of that old imbalance that I said analysis on efficiency or fear of a
128 00:22:37,680 --> 00:22:43,470 gap. And scrunch it up real quick. So you can see where it's at. And you can't see the fair pay gap here. But it when the daily chart, that's where it was,
129 00:22:43,770 --> 00:22:52,890 when the four hour, you're going to see this imbalance. This is reason why I went to the four hour. Because once I get to lower lower timeframes, you won't
130 00:22:52,890 --> 00:23:06,480 know where these other lines are anchored to. So this high on March 29. That candle is high on the four hour in this candles low here on the 29th at 6pm.
131 00:23:07,230 --> 00:23:17,160 Those are the two separating candles that make up the range between this candle here. So in other words, you see how this candle had up, down, and then this
132 00:23:17,160 --> 00:23:26,610 candle up, down, up, down, up, down. There's no, there's no imbalance here. There's no fair value until we get to this candle here. So well. I'm not trying
133 00:23:26,610 --> 00:23:35,640 to reteach fair Vega. Hopefully you can see, this is how you should have your charts. By the way, I see a lot of people doing this, the zoom in and they're
134 00:23:35,640 --> 00:23:44,430 watching price like this, whether it be a woman char three minute chart, five minute chart for two minutes, or they have all spread out like this, okay, you
135 00:23:44,430 --> 00:23:54,480 want to have some you want have some chart real estate, on your screens, you don't or screen rather, you see how it's easy to see that kind of a gap. You
136 00:23:54,480 --> 00:24:06,210 want to scrunch these up until it's real easy to see the separation Oh, there's a gap right there. So that's what I'm highlighting. And if it were to get below
137 00:24:06,210 --> 00:24:12,930 that daily imbalance, and where we shaded that blue area, okay, if you don't know what I'm talking about, watch the first couple minutes of the video when I
138 00:24:12,990 --> 00:24:25,350 start showing the lipstick on the chart. This would be the next discount array if we were to trade down through it. That was the draw 4050 to 50. Okay, so the
139 00:24:25,350 --> 00:24:37,500 basis was it could reach down here, but I'm being cognizant of this range here. That was the daily chart, fair value gap. And you'll see me use that mindset
140 00:24:37,530 --> 00:24:42,240 with what I'm going to show you now in the lower lower timeframes. So here's the five minute chart now.
141 00:24:48,300 --> 00:25:09,840 Okay, so here is that order block at 409 9.502. It's anchored on Thursday, May 4, It's six o'clock in the morning 615 We have a gap here and a order block,
142 00:25:09,840 --> 00:25:17,850 which is the last to close candles here, it hits that trades down, comes right back up rebounds is at a volume imbalance, which is the difference between these
143 00:25:17,850 --> 00:25:26,340 candles body. In this candles body, there's a separation here. It's not a technical gap in a definition by anybody else. But that separation is what I
144 00:25:26,340 --> 00:25:36,330 refer to as a volume imbalance. I saw an individual make a remark to me on Twitter a few days ago saying that he didn't agree with what I was talking about
145 00:25:36,330 --> 00:25:47,520 and said, This is not order flow. And I know that what you call order flow. And whatever you refer to as order flow, maybe you think of it as new contract
146 00:25:47,520 --> 00:26:02,280 volume, market profile. Maybe you're using the the V wop, in pointing control and all those things. To me. If those things help you, that's wonderful. But
147 00:26:02,280 --> 00:26:11,430 you're looking at things from a retail mindset. I'm not looking at things from a retail mindset, I'm looking at things algorithmically, these things are going to
148 00:26:11,460 --> 00:26:19,470 reprice to these areas, because they're coded to do that the markets gonna be right in this little area, this little separation right here. Let me let me
149 00:26:19,470 --> 00:26:23,010 magnify that. Okay. And I want you to see.
150 00:26:44,010 --> 00:26:52,380 So there's the volume and bounce yet candles body up close. And then next candle open right here, there's no wick, the open is the Hi. So that separation right
151 00:26:52,380 --> 00:27:03,990 there, that is a volume imbalance. That means that the algorithm has not offered, it has not offered price to the marketplace efficiently between these
152 00:27:03,990 --> 00:27:15,000 two price points. So it's kind of like a micro fair guy, you get that little area right there. Okay, and there you go, micro fair value got, there's gonna be
153 00:27:15,030 --> 00:27:23,700 all kinds of people writing books on Amazon, trying to get my information in print before my books coming out where my books will be completely intact with
154 00:27:23,700 --> 00:27:37,500 the logic, everybody else will be talking about something that's going to be useless to them. But here you go, we have this thing here I'll me do the
155 00:27:37,500 --> 00:27:52,200 business where you do extend to the right. It'll be easier. So now when we drop back out, you can see how in that volume and bounced, the market reprice is
156 00:27:52,230 --> 00:28:06,360 right there, boom. Now how that works, everybody that is impulsive, everyone that is new to trading. They don't generally use stop orders, either for
157 00:28:06,360 --> 00:28:15,870 protection or for entry. And they very rarely use limit orders to so what's the type of order they usually gravitate to most, when they're trading, buy it at
158 00:28:15,870 --> 00:28:27,810 the market, sell it at the market. And admittedly, I like to do this live, sometimes I'll just go right in here and press the short at the market or buy at
159 00:28:27,810 --> 00:28:37,710 the market. And I'm doing that to kind of get as close as I can to what you as a neophyte, someone new has never done the things I'm teaching never implemented
160 00:28:37,710 --> 00:28:50,550 before. Or maybe you've never even had an engagement with price action. I use the market entry to get myself as close as I can to what you as a developing
161 00:28:50,550 --> 00:29:01,770 student would do. If you were just starting out, so that way, it gives me the opportunity to have what you might encounter where it's not as precise. Whereas
162 00:29:01,770 --> 00:29:10,020 if I use a limit order, and how would I use it limit or say if I wanted to sell short, okay, and I'm taking a deal Liberty here, because if it's the first time
163 00:29:10,020 --> 00:29:19,710 you've ever watched me, it's going to seem perfect. Because it's hindsight, right? I'm pointing out the things that were obvious. Grant me the latitude to
164 00:29:19,710 --> 00:29:28,680 be able to do that here. Okay, because I promise you're gonna see executions in the latter portion of this video. I promise you, I push the button that I
165 00:29:28,680 --> 00:29:37,680 promise you that it's really recorded, okay, I'll even show you the whole history. Okay. But the point is this, I want you to understand that if you grow
166 00:29:37,680 --> 00:29:44,100 in your understanding of what it is I'm teaching, and we're going to teach order entry and all that type of stuff, too. And the difference between market orders
167 00:29:44,370 --> 00:29:52,500 and limit orders and stop orders. I'll give you executions of that as well this year. Okay. So I'll give you the logic we do, how we're using it to get into the
168 00:29:52,500 --> 00:30:01,890 market, or get out of the market, or include more entries for pyramiding like you watched me do on Twitter, you We'll see executions of that. But if you
169 00:30:01,890 --> 00:30:12,330 wanted to use this entry here, to get in sync with the bearish order flow, the algorithm will price rate back up between these two candles because it's
170 00:30:12,330 --> 00:30:26,070 inefficiently delivered. There's a gap there. So the algorithm is designed to offer to the marketplace efficiency in terms of both a constant continuum of buy
171 00:30:26,070 --> 00:30:37,260 side and sell side. In layman's terms, every price is offered at least two times. That means on the past down, going down, and as the market goes lower,
172 00:30:37,620 --> 00:30:50,610 okay, once it passes through a particular price range or particular price level, once it passes down going down, like it does here, it doesn't offer a body. So
173 00:30:50,610 --> 00:31:00,000 what the algorithm does, it sees that separation between these two time intervals in the algorithm is constantly cycling from a higher timeframe, down
174 00:31:00,000 --> 00:31:13,350 to the lower timeframe. And it's doing it in such a fine level of detail. It's looking for these little pockets, okay. And doing it so fast in terms of
175 00:31:13,350 --> 00:31:21,780 calculations. It's constantly going through a script, it's seeking these things. And what happens is the market because there's participants always coming out
176 00:31:21,840 --> 00:31:30,810 wanting to do what market orders. So when the markets trading up here, at one time, this candle was just about to be in that little shaded area, but hadn't
177 00:31:30,810 --> 00:31:41,010 been there yet. So this was all bold, bullish candle green in my case here, but it hadn't got into that little shaded orange area yet. And someone comes out and
178 00:31:41,010 --> 00:31:53,490 says, I want to buy or I want to sell at the market. And the algorithm simply jammed the price that's being available to the marketplace to that order that it
179 00:31:53,490 --> 00:32:03,390 knows that there's a constant flow of what market orders, market orders market orders. Well, there's not that many marketers sorted as soon as an area of buy
180 00:32:03,390 --> 00:32:13,740 stops get hit, those buy stops come market orders to buy at the market. Whenever there isn't a pool of liquidity that has buy limit orders, those limit orders
181 00:32:13,740 --> 00:32:25,200 get triggered and they become what buy at the market. Just limiting how much they will be willing to pay on the limit basis. But they immediately become at
182 00:32:25,200 --> 00:32:36,330 the market. See, it's what you have learned and how you've learned it. That has skewed your perspective. And you think because you're using these retail ideas
183 00:32:36,780 --> 00:32:42,330 about order flow, and you're looking at level two, and you look into the depth of market and ladders. Look, I'm a familiar. I'm familiar with all that stuff.
184 00:32:43,560 --> 00:32:50,970 I've been around for a long time. I understand all that. Okay, I'm not trying to disparage against it I've done in the past. But I don't believe that's an
185 00:32:50,970 --> 00:33:00,660 advantage. That's not It's not advantageous to anyone, if you believe it is there's nothing wrong with that. But trying to go around with a sharp stick and
186 00:33:00,660 --> 00:33:08,640 say, you don't know you're talking about that's not order flow, you don't know what real order flow is. Because the depth of market and level two data that can
187 00:33:08,640 --> 00:33:17,250 be spoofed, these things aren't going to be spooked, the right algorithm is absolutely going to go there and offer efficiency. So that's why you're seeing
188 00:33:17,250 --> 00:33:27,570 that in that little movement just above it. That's because that price, when that closing price, they get that price perfectly as to go one tick above. So what's
189 00:33:27,570 --> 00:33:35,760 the closing price on that candle I have highlighted right here. What's the closing price? That's this one right here? Okay. It's 41 01 and a quarter. So
190 00:33:35,760 --> 00:33:52,320 that means it needs to go to what price? 41? Zero. What's the high of that candle right there? 41. Zero. Hello. Sounds like Daddy wrote something. Yeah. So
191 00:33:52,350 --> 00:33:59,880 anyway, you have this order block. Okay. It also trades up into that, but it goes through the order book. How far? Can it go through order block ICT? Well,
192 00:33:59,910 --> 00:34:16,380 it's gonna go right into that inefficiency right there. Now, that time of day three here, the market trades up into 8:30am. Then news that comes out at that
193 00:34:16,380 --> 00:34:27,480 time today was what? employment data, it was completely random, right? The market rallies up there and goes into that little section of price action, and
194 00:34:27,480 --> 00:34:37,260 then consolidates right in here. And then starts to do what it takes a dive. Now I want you to think about the logic. If the market was willing to go up, then
195 00:34:37,260 --> 00:34:47,700 this order block and it traded up into an area where I teach. This is the volume imbalance, okay? It's not in books. It's mine. I authored it, okay. I codified
196 00:34:47,700 --> 00:34:58,380 it. It's here. You're talking to the author or listening to the authors say that way. I want you to think about how you could use that information right there.
197 00:34:59,700 --> 00:35:11,070 All So I want you to think about how that shaded area here, that pink area that's premium. This green area here is discount. If we were to go over and
198 00:35:11,070 --> 00:35:20,250 scroll back over to the left side, well, I promise we'll come back to that area. This is where Wednesday's closing price right before 5pm, the last traded price.
199 00:35:20,520 --> 00:35:29,970 Here on the five minute chart, we're noting that level right there. And then it opened at six o'clock right down here. So the difference between that is what I
200 00:35:29,970 --> 00:35:42,750 call the New Day opening gap. Now, when this forms, people that look for gaps, because I didn't invent a gap, the theory around my gap theory, okay, the idea
201 00:35:42,750 --> 00:35:50,970 of implementing the information that you can be using in your trading is not limited to, okay, we have a gap here. And soon as price goes right to there.
202 00:35:50,970 --> 00:36:02,550 That's it, everybody else is done with it. The gaps filled, we're done. That's not me. I'm not retail, we don't have retail logic here. We understand how
203 00:36:02,550 --> 00:36:10,800 retail traders are going to view the marketplace. I teach you how large institutions and fund managers viewed the marketplace. So that way, you can see
204 00:36:10,800 --> 00:36:13,080 how the algorithm cannibalizes them.
205 00:36:14,760 --> 00:36:22,440 So that way, you're not surprised. You're not taken by surprise where the market does something like what cause that? Wow, where did that come from? You never
206 00:36:22,440 --> 00:36:30,780 gonna hear me say that. That's why I'm very facetious all the time on my Twitter feed. And I'm being sarcastic a lot. Sometimes it doesn't come across because of
207 00:36:30,780 --> 00:36:42,060 a language barrier between you and I, you may be from another country, and you may not be able to pick up on the level of sarcasm I have with many of my tweets
208 00:36:42,060 --> 00:36:53,190 are trying to be dry humor. And I may not be it's kind of like dad jokes a lot for perpetrators. But the idea is these things form and repeat. Now, there's
209 00:36:53,190 --> 00:37:05,820 also this March 5, you see I'm trying to move as you can see it March 5, new week opening gap. And March 5, new week opening gap lob, so the high for that
210 00:37:05,820 --> 00:37:16,140 particular week is here, and the low of that where it starts on Sunday of that week, on that fifth of March in the previous Friday. So I think it would be like
211 00:37:16,140 --> 00:37:30,240 what March 3, march 3 and march 5. So the Friday and Sunday respectively. The date is March 5 for the Sunday. Okay, so that level is highlighted here. That's
212 00:37:30,240 --> 00:37:40,140 why I have this template called new week opening gap. So what I'm showing you is how to have these levels on your chart. But I want you to look real real close
213 00:37:40,140 --> 00:37:43,050 without me saying anything. What do you see? You notice anything?
214 00:37:48,510 --> 00:38:02,520 The new date opening gap here gets filled right there by everybody else's expectations. But is it really? No, it's not. This is simply just repricing back
215 00:38:02,520 --> 00:38:13,590 to that level there. So between this closing price here, and this candles opening price, there has been really no trading except for these little wicks.
216 00:38:15,180 --> 00:38:23,700 This here, and this here. Now below the candle, it's usually called a tail. And above the kindling used to call it a wick. Sometimes I'll interchangeably use
217 00:38:23,700 --> 00:38:34,650 both calling it both a wick. But technically that's what you're going to see it as a candles tail and a candles wick. There's a separation rate there that has
218 00:38:34,650 --> 00:38:47,610 no training at all. wicks, I treat those as gaps as well. So in my mind, because the algorithm sees these wicks here, the same way we, as humans see that gap
219 00:38:47,610 --> 00:38:57,660 between this candles low neck candles hot. So what does it need to do? It needs to pass through two times. What does that mean? Where this candle opens? Watch
220 00:38:57,660 --> 00:39:03,870 what happens. The market trades up through that price point here and always think of that shaded area. We traded from the low of it all up to the high of
221 00:39:03,870 --> 00:39:12,630 it. Then it consolidates and does what it treated as support rallies away. Wonderful. Are we done with that gap? I'm not. You might be the guy that wrote a
222 00:39:12,630 --> 00:39:18,450 book that talks about gaps when people you watch on YouTube or someone else in a discord or somebody else on a telegram channel or somebody else is taking my
223 00:39:18,450 --> 00:39:29,910 stuff and think they understand it. They think okay, the apps done we're done with it. Now let's look for something else. I'm not thinking that. What is it
224 00:39:29,910 --> 00:39:40,020 lacking? Self side delivery. What does that mean? While we've had by side here, which is price movement up this is order flow. It's one half of the price
225 00:39:40,320 --> 00:39:55,200 delivery continuum that these algorithm theories are based on. You can't just simply call this a gap closure and we're done with it. That's that's myopic. The
226 00:39:55,200 --> 00:40:05,220 algorithm has to do what with this still offer sell side so buy side was offered It means from from low to high price went up. Now we have to see a pass through.
227 00:40:05,430 --> 00:40:17,430 On the downside. This is real order flow. The market trades from the high end of it down to the low end of it. Wow. Interesting. It also find support at that old
228 00:40:17,460 --> 00:40:31,830 March 5 new week opening gap low. Well, isn't that interesting? What does the market do then? It rallies back up into that volume imbalance. The market is
229 00:40:31,830 --> 00:40:43,800 bearish. Why do we know that? And how do we know that? Well, ICT said the focus on 40 68.75. And individuals on Twitter were saying No way. Is it going to go
230 00:40:43,800 --> 00:40:55,500 there? Okay. It went there. But the point is this, when I'm talking to you on Twitter, or if I go through the motions of outlining something that I'm
231 00:40:55,500 --> 00:41:06,090 interested in, which is what I've been doing, I'm counseling you to submit to my experience, so that way, you can watch price the right way. That way, I'm
232 00:41:06,090 --> 00:41:16,800 lending you my 30 years of experience in being able to see this stuff before it happens. The concepts are mine, I codified them, I authored them. You can't use
233 00:41:16,800 --> 00:41:24,270 them correctly, without me guiding you. So I'm pointing to specific things in Twitter or when I do live streams. And when the market gets a little bit
234 00:41:24,270 --> 00:41:37,530 cleaner, I'll be back to live streaming. But right now, Twitter's enough. The market trades up in the volume imbalance consolidates hits the order block, when
235 00:41:37,530 --> 00:41:53,460 the 15 minute timeframe, and then drops, rallies one more time and fails. Then strong rejection lower. So what was going on here at 830? Right there when it
236 00:41:53,460 --> 00:42:06,090 rallied from here up to here. That was that employment number two came out employment claims at 830. Look at your economic calendar. Okay. It trades up
237 00:42:06,090 --> 00:42:15,030 into some random high not so random. When you're spending time with good ol ICT, that volume imbalance right there. So I was watching that, and I want to see
238 00:42:15,030 --> 00:42:25,530 this price, hold at that level, and then reject and then have difficulty at the order block. That was it 15 minutes, I talked about this on Twitter this
239 00:42:25,530 --> 00:42:40,380 morning. Inside this area, near the high of the old gap that everybody else would have forgotten about, which was the opening at 6pm. Most people really
240 00:42:40,380 --> 00:42:49,560 don't trade that gap. They like the gap that's formed in the morning with a which is what they call the overnight gap. It's not really an overnight gap.
241 00:42:49,560 --> 00:42:58,230 It's the opening range gap. And I have lectures coming. That will teach a lot about that. But for now, I want you to see how I navigated this week, how I
242 00:42:58,230 --> 00:43:10,020 looked at this particular day, made over 100 and some handles total for the week. And you can see right now, if I right click on this, go to settings right
243 00:43:10,020 --> 00:43:19,740 away, I have to say this because invariably, I get this as well. If I'm supposed to be this rockstar in trading, and I made all these concepts and have done this
244 00:43:19,740 --> 00:43:30,060 enough, save the world. And that world hunger and all these things that people like to embellish and add to what I've only claimed that these are my concepts,
245 00:43:30,060 --> 00:43:36,570 and I authored them, and no one's going to teach them better than me. And you're not going to find me that can do it as good as me because they're mine. That's
246 00:43:36,570 --> 00:43:47,460 not bragging, I do that because I get so many questions by email and so many questions through TradingView or questions by Twitter. They'll ask me, What do
247 00:43:47,460 --> 00:43:54,180 you think about this guy that's teaching your content? Or what do you think about this guy that's doing this with your content? Listen, I understand.
248 00:43:54,300 --> 00:44:01,830 There's a lot of people that are interested in it. Now. My opinion is if you want to learn it, you come here, I'm doing it for free. And you're gonna get get
249 00:44:01,830 --> 00:44:12,960 it right from the source. There are a lot of people that I've trained lots of them, and they use my name to draw a crowd. I've given them the permission to do
250 00:44:12,960 --> 00:44:21,330 that. But you as the student, have to exercise due diligence, in demand that they can do what they claim they can do. Because if they're going to just talk
251 00:44:21,330 --> 00:44:26,640 about something that's already happened in hindsight, which many of you probably feel that's what's going on right here. And I promise I'm going to dispel all
252 00:44:26,640 --> 00:44:36,600 that right now. You have to understand that there's a lot of people that can take this language that I've given out to the public. And they can sound smart
253 00:44:36,600 --> 00:44:47,220 in hindsight, they can explain it away after it's happened. But it's altogether something different. Sitting in front of a live audience. quarter million
254 00:44:47,220 --> 00:44:57,810 strong, half a million strong and call it with no safety net. I don't need to have a live account to show you this stuff works because if it doesn't work with
255 00:44:57,810 --> 00:45:09,840 a demo, which is what every fun The challenge starts with your all trading with a demo account. It's not real. And if you start with $150,000, you're trying to
256 00:45:09,840 --> 00:45:21,330 make 180,000 hours turn into a 6% game. You know, I think it's like 9000 hours, my son failed several of them trying to do something he was not equal to which
257 00:45:21,360 --> 00:45:30,360 everybody knew that. I mean, they asked you what is going on with your son, I'll tell you, he failed seven times. Seven times, he failed, because he doesn't know
258 00:45:30,360 --> 00:45:39,780 how to trade yet. He thought he could do something on his own and let him do it. And seven times he failed, and tops that would confirm that. And there's no,
259 00:45:40,020 --> 00:45:48,000 there's no shame in that. He, he thought he could do something, he was going to try to do it his own way. And now, he's got to go back to square one. And that's
260 00:45:48,000 --> 00:45:58,800 wonderful. Now he's teachable, because he wasn't teachable, while we were trying. So now humbleness is now part of the equation which is necessary. So
261 00:45:58,860 --> 00:46:08,280 when I show this, I want you to think about the logic with some people that may come to me and snicker and say in other areas around the internet, say, ICT only
262 00:46:08,280 --> 00:46:17,490 does this in demo. Okay, if you're going to try to get a funded account passed in, get into a funded account, you're going to be trading on a demo to. And a
263 00:46:17,490 --> 00:46:24,240 lot of the funding companies are literally coming at me saying do a funded account with us do a funded account with us do it. I'm not going to do it folks.
264 00:46:24,270 --> 00:46:33,060 Okay. Without saying anything more, which would be viewed as being disrespectful. Just be thankful that my students are choosing your company,
265 00:46:33,060 --> 00:46:39,930 whatever the company is, I don't want to rep anybody. Because if I do that, it sounds like I'm in bed with a company. And I don't want to do any affiliates.
266 00:46:40,020 --> 00:46:51,720 And I get lots of offers. I don't want to do it. But when I show you this, I want you to know that it's important to the little arrows here. And I'm showing
267 00:46:51,750 --> 00:47:04,290 also it's not Market Replay. Market Replay has nothing to do with this. When I click on this, it tells you the prices you see all have appears that all this
268 00:47:04,290 --> 00:47:17,220 stuff were real executions. And when you see it like this, you can see that there's a logic being implemented. Everything I've outlined here was the logic
269 00:47:17,220 --> 00:47:29,670 behind how I treated it. I was bearish today, I explained that to every twitter feed follower that has and yesterday I was bearish. It behaved wonderfully,
270 00:47:30,030 --> 00:47:32,790 yesterday, as well go watch and look at my tweets.
271 00:47:34,980 --> 00:47:45,060 I got so many requests coming in at me do a funded account, do a funded account. You can't pass a funded account. You can't do this. You can't do that. Okay. And
272 00:47:45,060 --> 00:47:55,890 I use the specifications that like, like top step, or that's, that's the only company I apologize for other companies out there because it sounds like I'm not
273 00:47:55,980 --> 00:48:06,270 advertising for you. And I'm not advertising for top step. Okay. But I know because my son tried this. They offer 150,000 funding, and you got to try to
274 00:48:06,270 --> 00:48:17,700 make $9,000. Okay, I want you to look at the executions here. And what I'm showing the logic, I'm selling short up here building in a position they say you
275 00:48:17,700 --> 00:48:26,850 can trade with 15 contracts, I built up positions up to 10 contracts here and never would have been stopped out. Never would have breached their 3000 max loss
276 00:48:26,850 --> 00:48:36,330 day, never would have happened. You can do the math here. You can literally watch me do the executions recorded and share it on Twitter. I called all these
277 00:48:36,330 --> 00:48:45,900 levels this particular day here. I call it all that stuff on Twitter. Now there was a small small period of time where my phone went into automatic updates I
278 00:48:45,900 --> 00:48:58,020 kept hitting remind me later every time Android either a Galaxy Note 10 in Apple stock, by the way, they were having an Apple device. But the bottom line is this
279 00:48:58,050 --> 00:49:08,400 I was talking nonstop about the market today in tweets pointing to where I think it's going to go and how you should follow along. And we were looking for very
280 00:49:08,400 --> 00:49:21,000 specific price levels. In this in this shaded area here you can see how the market dropped down. We were looking for 4070 something or other 4075 4076 in
281 00:49:21,000 --> 00:49:32,010 that area, which was the top of that shaded area. That's the reason why I liked it. It's also an old low you can see how I covered three and then it got stopped
282 00:49:32,010 --> 00:49:42,330 out on the balance of seven but it was cut off in stopped out in profit on the balance at the time of the recording. You can watch that one Twitter, I'm not
283 00:49:42,330 --> 00:49:49,350 going to I'm not going to splice that in here. I went back in with the expectation as soon as we went back up to new week opening gap which is from
284 00:49:49,350 --> 00:49:59,940 March 5 as these dark black lines here Okay, once it traded back up into there, I sold short again and built in another 10 position. Contract short pyramid in
285 00:50:00,000 --> 00:50:11,400 I'm scaling. And when I do this, my typical Mo, is, if I want to take a trade that I think is favorable, I have the probabilities behind me. I'll go with six
286 00:50:11,400 --> 00:50:18,450 contracts first, then three contracts, and then one, and it gives me a 10. Lot. That's how I usually build it. And that's my model doesn't mean that you should
287 00:50:18,450 --> 00:50:27,120 do it that way. Doesn't mean you should be trading with 10 contracts, either, I have the experience to do so. Okay, the market trades into this level allows me
288 00:50:27,120 --> 00:50:37,620 to build up the position, and then it trades down to the lower end. And then the targets once went below this low here, I took a partial there, see that right
289 00:50:37,620 --> 00:50:48,690 there? Watch the arrow up here, right there. And then down here, once it gets below that low, so I'm scaling off profits there. And then got stopped out on
290 00:50:48,690 --> 00:51:00,660 the balance again here. Then, go on Twitter, I said, we were looking for 4063 was the next sell side, which was below this low here. I'm going to take these
291 00:51:00,690 --> 00:51:09,690 executions off just for a moment. So it's a little bit cleaner. I'll put them right back on a promise. So you can see what's going on. I went short here,
292 00:51:10,500 --> 00:51:20,820 which was the high end of that discount array. Were the imbalance on the daily chart, expecting it to revisit and go after the sell side below here. So what's
293 00:51:20,820 --> 00:51:31,680 the low of that candle right there? 406 3.50 up here's where you'd be looking for that price level. Okay, that candles, low 4063 and a half. So I want to get
294 00:51:31,680 --> 00:51:48,270 something lower than 406 3.5. And I'm shorting up here. Why am I shooting right here? I'll show you it's a breaker. Okay. You can see it here. High, Low, higher
295 00:51:48,270 --> 00:51:56,940 high in in sells off. Here. I made a remark on Twitter today, which I'll build on when I go in the lower timeframes to show you the actual breakers I was
296 00:51:56,940 --> 00:52:10,740 looking at, but this is it on the five minute chart. So I'm selling short inside that breaker right in here. I'm going short there. Six contracts. Adding three.
297 00:52:12,900 --> 00:52:28,920 what price do I gotta get below this price low? Low of 63.50. So 406 3.50, I have to aim for something lower than that. My limit order fills at 4062 and a
298 00:52:28,920 --> 00:52:40,020 half. I take off three here because I believe that we're probably at a low of the day, because we're going into Non Farm Payroll Friday price action. It's
299 00:52:40,020 --> 00:52:48,990 delivered to of my targets. And where are we at in that fair value gap on the daily chart? That shaded area in blue? We're near the low of it. And what time
300 00:52:48,990 --> 00:53:00,090 of the day? Is it? Noon? New York local time. So we're in lunch? So what can it do? Run the stops? What stops? The buy stops above here? And what does it do
301 00:53:00,120 --> 00:53:14,640 rallies on. So I took three off here after the first three here at 4062 and a half, I closed manually three at 4065 and three quarters, then got stopped out.
302 00:53:15,150 --> 00:53:30,630 And you can see them on the video. It got stopped out on the final three in profit of 407 2.25. And then waited until what time of day, two o'clock. When in
303 00:53:30,630 --> 00:53:42,000 short again, what am I shorting. I'm shooting on the idea that we went all the way back up to the high of what area again, that new day opening gap. The
304 00:53:42,000 --> 00:53:56,790 separation between what where we started trading at 6pm, my local time on Wednesday. And then we start trading at five o'clock on my local time on
305 00:53:56,790 --> 00:54:05,310 Wednesday. So that's a new day opening gap. Extend it forward, folks. The algorithm is going to refer back to that same price level again. Anybody who
306 00:54:05,310 --> 00:54:13,230 tells you once it gap fills, you're done with it, discard and dismiss what they just said. They have no idea what you're talking about. I promise you. I'm not
307 00:54:13,230 --> 00:54:19,860 trying to be disrespectful. I'm not trying to be belligerent. I'm not trying to say don't look and learn from anybody else. I'm just saying it's anything I'm
308 00:54:19,860 --> 00:54:27,810 saying and proving that it works. And they have books, they have courses they have mentorships they have things that they're trying to teach you and they say
309 00:54:27,810 --> 00:54:39,270 this is the way to do it. They're not fully informed. That's all I'm saying. Okay, I am saying you decide who you want to listen to. But the devils in the
310 00:54:39,270 --> 00:54:49,440 details here folks. So I sold short here because we went up to the bottom end of that same New Day opening gap. In the next game here we open and by the time I
311 00:54:49,440 --> 00:55:03,330 got to the screens, it allowed me to get filled there that price 408 5.25 Stop was above the new day. I'm sorry, the new week opening gap on the fifth of
312 00:55:03,330 --> 00:55:15,780 March. One more time bumps the low of the new week opening gap of March 2023. Then accelerates to the downside. And what am I aiming for the sell side right
313 00:55:15,780 --> 00:55:24,450 below this low here? What's this candles low? We're looking right here, okay, up here in the upper left hand corner, the low that candle is 407 1.75. So what do
314 00:55:24,450 --> 00:55:41,940 I have to get? I have to get a fill of 407 1.50 or less. So I had a limit order placed right below there and nine order was filled at 407 1.501 Tick below that
315 00:55:41,940 --> 00:55:52,560 low. And the low that day was point two, five, or not low today below that candle. So I was within a measurement of one tick. Then it rallies back up to
316 00:55:52,560 --> 00:56:02,970 what level some random level right now. It's the new week opening gap from March 5. And it's also what folks, the new day opening gap, that shaded area, the
317 00:56:02,970 --> 00:56:11,940 algorithm is going back to the same price levels. Okay, I was all over this thing. But had to go shopping my wife, and I was going to take another short
318 00:56:11,940 --> 00:56:19,260 from here to take out that loan. And I would have done the same thing I did there and added more to it. And then what does it do? Once it takes the sell
319 00:56:19,260 --> 00:56:25,740 side here? where's it gonna go back to buyside? Where's buyside? Above that short term high? Also where else consequent encroachment, what's the midpoint
320 00:56:25,740 --> 00:56:37,110 between a high and a low a new week opening gap? Midpoint bang, Where's it go down was going to sweep again. Old Order Flow. That's the real level here. Not
321 00:56:37,140 --> 00:56:48,300 each one of these. Because now we have 123 where the bodies they're stopping short of that love. So the parent price swing and liquidity pool is this one. I
322 00:56:48,300 --> 00:56:58,170 have more about that in my book. But the point is, like plugging like a little twist of the night or ICT or some diabolical, whatever. But the point is this,
323 00:56:58,230 --> 00:57:12,000 the market trades back down and rallies back up fall short of the tie. But now what do we have? What do we have here? Relative equal highs runs right through
324 00:57:12,000 --> 00:57:23,280 home and goes to what level? The high of the march 5 2023. New week opening gap Hi. Look at the candle work right there folks look at that's not random. It's
325 00:57:23,280 --> 00:57:30,690 gravitating to the same levels. Because you think it's buying and selling pressure. And you think that the depth of market and the DOM, the market
326 00:57:30,690 --> 00:57:33,540 profile, the V whap. And all those things. You think that's order flow, you
327 00:57:33,540 --> 00:57:49,230 think that's really measuring the intricacies of price action? And you have no idea what you're doing? No idea. So to answer the folks that asked me to go do a
328 00:57:49,230 --> 00:57:57,330 funded account, do a live account, do this do that. Listen, I've done all that stuff. Okay, I've done a live account, I put it up there. I even flipped a
329 00:57:57,330 --> 00:58:08,520 quarter and still made 100% in five weeks on TD Ameritrade. You can see it up there on my YouTube channel. There it is, in my opinion. I did what I think a
330 00:58:08,520 --> 00:58:18,510 new student would do in the course of one year. But I didn't five weeks. Okay, I think making 100%, which is exactly what I teach to try to aim for 6% a month,
331 00:58:18,870 --> 00:58:25,380 will you hit 6% a month? Probably not. But if you did, you could double your account, regardless of whatever the account balance is when you first started,
332 00:58:25,800 --> 00:58:35,010 you can double it. So my question to you is, why are you asking me to perform tricks when I do this all the time, I'm calling it live. I call it live in
333 00:58:35,010 --> 00:58:45,150 tweets. I can't erase them. I can't delete them. I don't delete anything. And when I'm doing live streams, I'm literally calling every one minute tick. Wife
334 00:58:45,960 --> 00:58:56,490 on the lowest latency. You get the highest degree of delivery from whenever I say something, whatever my charts showing, you get it on that stream right to
335 00:58:56,490 --> 00:59:05,730 your computer as fast as the internet will give it to you. And I'm doing it without a safety net. So you see people out there saying all kinds of terrible
336 00:59:05,730 --> 00:59:18,420 things, the ICT this and ICT that this is every detail. Okay, every single detail shown, I'm not hiding anything. There's zip shown elsewhere. It's all
337 00:59:18,420 --> 00:59:27,240 shown here. There's nothing else I can add that can be toggled. I'm going to physically walk through every single one of these. This is the first trade. You
338 00:59:27,240 --> 00:59:37,320 see all the details that pop up here. Okay, this account started with what you would have with a funded account challenge of $150,000 You got to make $9,000 In
339 00:59:37,320 --> 00:59:52,710 five days, folks, and it's 16,000 $19,937.50 Perfectly today. Perfectly multiple times that are traded in a day. I teach my students don't touch. I was all over
340 00:59:52,710 --> 01:00:03,900 this thing like white on rice. The next trade here's the details. Here's the details on the next one. These are all partials or entries. Okay? Look at that.
341 01:00:03,990 --> 01:00:12,360 Okay, see that? You can pause the video, look at everything. I'm not hiding anything, not doing things surreptitiously. I'm not gaming trading view, I have
342 01:00:12,360 --> 01:00:22,350 an account that I forced my son to do executions on. He practices, he does things, he shows things trading view, I'm sure they can watch my account. Bottom
343 01:00:22,350 --> 01:00:30,630 line is they can see when my son's pushing the button versus when I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm murdering it. I'm literally all over this thing, murdering it.
344 01:00:31,200 --> 01:00:39,180 When things aren't looking kosher when they look like they're really making sense. That's my son being told, execute when you think there's something to go
345 01:00:39,180 --> 01:00:50,700 on. And he gets frustrated. And he reboots, it starts over. I'm going to do that right now. Because I don't like keeping a running account. Because I know if I
346 01:00:50,700 --> 01:01:00,000 was at trading view, and I could see ICTs trades, I would put a trade copier on this. I'm not allowing them, I won't allow them to do that. I'm not suggesting
347 01:01:00,000 --> 01:01:09,750 that they are. But listen, you would do it too. I know I would. If I knew the hottest dog in this industry that can do the things I'm doing improving and
348 01:01:09,750 --> 01:01:18,420 teaching people making half a million dollars in the same year. So a little bit more than a year. Folks, that somebody that watch that somebody to listen to.
349 01:01:18,600 --> 01:01:26,610 And if they can find a way to mimic whatever they're doing, if I push a button in the demo account, and I run these accounts up like this, wouldn't you want to
350 01:01:26,610 --> 01:01:38,250 put a trade copier on it? You see any losing trades here? No. I facetiously in the past, do things as the red appear in here. I can do this every friggin day.
351 01:01:38,850 --> 01:01:46,260 Every day, I can walk these markets up, down sideways, whatever you want to do with it, I can do it. I don't need to do your challenges. I don't need to do
352 01:01:46,260 --> 01:01:53,400 your championships, I don't need to do your competitions. I don't need to do anything. Because what I'm doing is far way, way way better lightyears ahead of
353 01:01:53,400 --> 01:02:06,300 everything else. Period. So do the math is this is pretend that I took these types of trades over five days, I would have smoked any of your challenges. And
354 01:02:06,300 --> 01:02:15,180 I would be funded. I don't need to be funded. I'm already friggin rich. I don't need to do it. I'm teaching you you're the student. If you want to learn from
355 01:02:15,180 --> 01:02:25,410 me, go somewhere else. I'm not holding any of you hostage. But I'm not going to be doing tricks for for requests. I'm not I'm not doing party favors, hey, can
356 01:02:25,410 --> 01:02:33,870 you do this? Can you do that I'm not doing that, folks. I'm teaching you how to do this. I'm literally spending my time, which I don't have to do. I'm spending
357 01:02:33,870 --> 01:02:42,300 my time with you teaching you exactly what you should be doing the correct way to learn how to do is independent from me. Because in November of this year, in
358 01:02:42,300 --> 01:02:56,490 2023, I stop. I want to have my life back. So take the time, instead of asking me to do tricks for you. Instead of me trying to perform something that's easy
359 01:02:56,490 --> 01:03:08,100 for me, just because you can't do it or you think I can't do it. I can do it anytime I want. anytime I want. I can trade in any market condition. If it was a
360 01:03:08,100 --> 01:03:16,800 real tight, sloppy market, like when I went down to Florida and South Carolina MRV. I could have done a whole lot of three PIP handles, two pips handled and
361 01:03:16,800 --> 01:03:26,100 ran up something just like this, it would be like 50 trades. But I can get the same results here in small little market market increments. But you have no
362 01:03:26,100 --> 01:03:36,900 idea. You have no idea. I'm giving you models that you can do very, very well with. You don't need to do this many trades. But I just wanted to convince all
363 01:03:36,900 --> 01:03:43,500 of you that are on the fence thinking that, Oh, well he does this because he listened to people, they lie because they're selling something or they are just
364 01:03:43,500 --> 01:03:52,440 short of attention. They don't get attention where they're at in the internet. So because I get a lot of it, and I've worked my ass off for it. Nobody else is
365 01:03:52,440 --> 01:04:04,440 doing as much as I've done in this industry for free. And I've given my core content that people paid for, for free on the YouTube channel. Hello, ask
366 01:04:04,440 --> 01:04:15,540 everybody that sounds tough to give their stuff for free. Think folks, I have the goods. I'm making real winning traders and producing winning traders.
367 01:04:15,930 --> 01:04:24,150 They're being interviewed, they're getting paid out. They're getting real money. They're starting with things that they didn't have the money with. And I said
368 01:04:24,150 --> 01:04:32,730 this in my mentorship. You can find people that will partner up with you. Now there's funded accounts, they didn't have funded accounts when I first started.
369 01:04:34,050 --> 01:04:41,160 They may not be in existence in the future, they may be regulated to the point where they they're not permitted. I don't know I don't I can't see in the future
370 01:04:41,160 --> 01:04:50,490 in that regard. But even if you don't have a funded account, a company working with you. If you can produce results, believe me there's always somebody out
371 01:04:50,490 --> 01:04:58,530 there that has money and they will say hey, let's go into a partnership a limited partnership. You and I will go into it. We're both of our names are on
372 01:04:58,530 --> 01:05:09,390 the count. You do the trades, and we'll split it 5050 There's nothing illegal about that. There's zero illegal things about that, you're going into a
373 01:05:09,390 --> 01:05:18,360 partnership. And it should be legally binding. You don't need money to do it, you need the skill set. Once you learn this skill set, it's yours. Nobody can
374 01:05:18,360 --> 01:05:25,350 take it from you. Nobody can talk it down. Nobody can discount it. Nobody can say it's not real, or it's fake words, this net, folks, these are results that
375 01:05:25,350 --> 01:05:38,460 people want to have. This is the stuff that people want. Everything here is shown. Every box is toggled. Everything here is shared. Nothing is hidden.
376 01:05:38,700 --> 01:05:50,790 Nothing is photoshopped. Okay, this thing, scroll down, here you go. There it is. Okay, everything is shown. Your challenges are Mickey Mouse, to me. This is
377 01:05:50,820 --> 01:06:03,360 This is nonsense, asking me to do something that is nothing for me. But $9,000. I don't need multiple accounts to do that. I don't need to have, you know, all
378 01:06:03,360 --> 01:06:12,150 these things linked together, and have trade copier on three, four or five accounts that needed to see things pan out in my favor, I can have one account,
379 01:06:12,450 --> 01:06:20,640 and not even use the maximum 15 contracts, if I can do what I teach. And when I show always, I didn't create something new today to do this. Everything's here,
380 01:06:20,640 --> 01:06:33,300 folks. And this is what I do all the time. Because I don't want people in these companies that I execute on and teach my son my son's with to copy me. So now
381 01:06:33,300 --> 01:06:45,360 we're back at 150, I didn't erase a bad account, I didn't reset a bad account. I'm doing everything here that I do all the time. I wrap accounts, the show my
382 01:06:45,360 --> 01:06:54,630 son, I'm showing you and I reset it. And I tell him now you do this, you do that you do this. And he either does well or he doesn't. And he because he's new,
383 01:06:54,780 --> 01:07:03,810 he's not doing well. He doesn't know how to trade. I'm teaching him how to trade. So for folks that are asking, that's where he's at. So anyway, there's
384 01:07:03,810 --> 01:07:21,390 the details, everything was here. Now watch. If I go to a chart, like Dixie, and go back to ES, everything is virgin again. And there it is.
385 01:07:22,229 --> 01:07:30,299 I do that all the time. Because I know if it's possible for those individual that TradingView to watch me, they can sync up an account. Now can they just
386 01:07:30,329 --> 01:07:39,689 hurry up and resync it to a new one, whatever. But I let my son go in at random times to go in here and execute. So they don't know, if the trades I'm about to
387 01:07:39,689 --> 01:07:50,579 take for him or me. And believe me, if they're trying to do that, they're going to be very frustrated. So that's another reason why I want to stop November,
388 01:07:50,819 --> 01:07:58,649 because I don't have to do these things anymore. It'll be something that it's entirely all him. But because I'm teaching him, I want him to do it with my
389 01:07:58,649 --> 01:08:06,809 account, I want to be able to watch what he does and see what he's doing. And what I do is I go and I start the account with one tray that I know is mine. And
390 01:08:06,809 --> 01:08:13,289 he can't reset it because he gets frustrated. And he wants to reset everything like he wants to erase like it didn't happen, I keep telling him all the time,
391 01:08:13,529 --> 01:08:22,499 you have to you have to show me what you're doing. Because I can't fix the things that you have as problems until I see the errors that you're doing. So
392 01:08:23,699 --> 01:08:31,289 there it is, you know, I don't need to do your funded account challenges. None of them are hard. They're very easy. And I don't need to have five days or
393 01:08:31,289 --> 01:08:41,279 minimum days, I can do it all I can do twice. Okay, three times. What you have to do to get funded, I can do that all in one day, with one account, new copy
394 01:08:41,279 --> 01:08:48,839 and nothing and do it flawlessly with new losing trades. So there's my answer to that people keep asking me for it. This is exactly what you would have seen with
395 01:08:48,839 --> 01:08:58,589 a top step funded account, or anybody else out there if it was me driving it. So please, with all due respect, stop asking me to do Mickey Mouse stuff because
396 01:08:58,589 --> 01:09:06,629 I'm not interested in that. I don't need to do that kind of stuff. I'm calling the market when I'm out there live. It's dancing for me and when it isn't, and I
397 01:09:06,629 --> 01:09:14,849 can't do it, because it's either being too fickle. And I'm not trying to do to two to three handle moves. Because you're all going to be like what's the thing
398 01:09:14,849 --> 01:09:25,229 I want to learn when that's a very hard thing to do. Because you don't know when to stop. And you can do that. If you're new, high frequency trading is something
399 01:09:25,229 --> 01:09:36,119 that a new trader should not be aspiring to do. He does you have to be able to navigate. I mean, look at look at this, folks. Look at that chart there. Okay,
400 01:09:36,539 --> 01:09:44,939 that's a chart that's completely devoid of any kind of annotation. When you first start trading, this is what it looks like to you. It looks like a foreign
401 01:09:44,939 --> 01:09:57,929 language. You have no idea. Where do you refer to what? What's the information you're supposed to pull from it? The concepts that I'm teaching you help you
402 01:09:57,959 --> 01:10:11,879 navigate time in price. Everything there is really presented in a way that's logical. It's presented in a manner where it repeats, the phenomenon is not
403 01:10:12,239 --> 01:10:23,279 limited to just right now and only never repeats in a future. It's something that repeats all time. So go back and listen to what I mentioned or read rather,
404 01:10:23,609 --> 01:10:32,429 what I put on Twitter today, look at the executions that I was doing. Everything matches here, folks, everything on TradingView. And trading, you know, they
405 01:10:32,429 --> 01:10:41,069 follow me, they can see if what I'm saying here is fake or lying. They're welcome to come out publicly and say it's not true. Everything here is exactly
406 01:10:41,069 --> 01:10:55,019 as it was. Period. I have two lectures that will be presented to you one on Saturday, and one on Sunday. The lectures will be individually titled The first
407 01:10:55,019 --> 01:11:05,309 one will be new week opening gap. There'll be my installment to the YouTube channel for 2023 mentorship, my introductory lesson in the lessons around new
408 01:11:05,309 --> 01:11:14,489 week opening gap that I want you to have going forward. And then on Sunday, it will be new day opening gap. So I promise they won't be terribly long. But
409 01:11:14,579 --> 01:11:21,209 permit me to have the details included, you know, the things I want to teach you and I want you to learn it right? I don't want to just show you a magic trick
410 01:11:21,209 --> 01:11:31,289 and say, Oh, no, you know, I knew something you don't know how I could do that for a long time I did. But I want to teach. So if if I'm going to teach it, you
411 01:11:31,289 --> 01:11:41,039 should be willing to sit down and take all the information. Okay, pour it in, make it yours. That way, it means something to you that resonates with you, not
412 01:11:41,039 --> 01:11:51,809 just simply watching me perform magic tricks and think, you know, that was nice, but I won't use that the things I'm using here. Did you see me do much of
413 01:11:51,809 --> 01:12:08,519 intraday Fairbury got work today? Was I using premium discount time and price, liquidity. And I was predominantly using newest opening gap, specifically the
414 01:12:08,519 --> 01:12:23,519 march 5, new weak opening gap and the new day opening gap that formed on Wednesday at 6pm. That's over here. Right there and look, look at how the market
415 01:12:23,519 --> 01:12:30,779 behaves in there. And you're looking at this price action, you're probably thinking, Oh man, this is choppy, sloppy, I'm trying to explain to you that even
416 01:12:30,779 --> 01:12:40,769 in those days, I can do these types of trades all day long. This is what 1990s trading was like. You don't want to trade like this. And I don't want to teach
417 01:12:40,769 --> 01:12:48,089 you to operate in that because it takes a lot of patience. And it takes a lot of discipline to know what you're doing. And you don't know that as a new trader
418 01:12:48,119 --> 01:12:56,909 under my wing. You don't know that if you are trading with V Whap market profile and Elliott Wave and supply and demand and harmonic stuff, you're not going to
419 01:12:56,939 --> 01:13:05,249 you're not going to do well in this. Because you're trying to force your pattern, your thing. When the market is going to not respect any of that stuff,
420 01:13:05,249 --> 01:13:14,759 it's going to do exactly what I'm talking about. Because what I'm teaching you is the market. It's the source code for the market. It's up to you to whether
421 01:13:14,759 --> 01:13:23,339 you want to believe that or not, I don't personally care if you do or don't. I'm here teaching the people that are prepared to learn. I'm not trying to convince
422 01:13:23,339 --> 01:13:34,229 anybody anymore. I don't care. If you don't believe me, I don't care. I really don't care. But things that people ask me to do. Or whatever I do for them, it's
423 01:13:34,229 --> 01:13:41,459 always going to be something bigger that they want me to do. Like, you know, let's see here, let's see if he can get to do this. Let me see if he can do
424 01:13:41,459 --> 01:13:51,629 that. I'm not doing that anymore. You try to do what I do. You try to do as much as I do for free, as precise as I do. And I would like to watch that. Give me
425 01:13:51,629 --> 01:14:01,409 something to watch, because I've been doing a lot. And I'm an old man now. And I'm trying to near retire. Leave you all as a community with something that you
426 01:14:01,409 --> 01:14:10,409 don't deserve, frankly. But I want to give that to you. I want to give it to you and wish you well with it. And I know if you learn it, you'll do exceedingly
427 01:14:10,409 --> 01:14:22,709 well. A lot of my students are coming up publicly. And you're seeing their fruits. And I'm so blessed and so honored to have so many of them doing that.
428 01:14:22,799 --> 01:14:30,449 And I have a whole lot more that are not willing to share their face. I have a whole lot more, that don't want to have any notoriety. They're just doing her
429 01:14:30,449 --> 01:14:40,859 thing and are doing really well. And more interviews coming up. I've been away taking some personal time off while the market was being fickle. And you know,
430 01:14:40,859 --> 01:14:48,899 hopefully we're we're turning the corner and we're getting into a little bit more volatility that is favorable for me to teach you intraday price action. So
431 01:14:48,899 --> 01:14:57,719 if you found this one insightful, if you made it your entire way through this video and let your congratulations you're probably equipped to learn from me. If
432 01:14:57,719 --> 01:15:02,009 you're new and this is the first time you've watched me until it next time be safe