ICT YT - 2023-04-12 - Real Money Real People - ICT Student Mereen

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-04-19 18:16


00:00 - Who is Miranda Mar and how did she get started in trading?

02:42 - What were the things that you felt you were closer to in terms of your model?

07:35 - What are your favorite markets?

13:00 - How price action on oil is so precise.

17:08 - How long did it take for you to feel like you were ready for live trading and how did you know that you were?

22:04 - How do you deal with taking losses?

26:21 - Don’t handle it in a tribal way -.

31:44 - It’s not your money until you have it in your hands.

37:31 - What would you say to students who haven’t found their own business model yet?

45:07 - Is there a magic volume indicator that’s going to change my life?


00:00:00,989 --> 00:00:02,789 ICT: Doctor, good afternoon. How are you?
00:00:03,599 --> 00:00:04,349 Unknown: Good. How are you doing?
00:00:04,409 --> 00:00:09,539 ICT: I'm doing well, sir. So tell us tell us who you are, how you got started in trading and where you're from.
00:00:10,620 --> 00:00:23,010 Unknown: So my name is Miranda Mar, most people know me as dollar hedge on IG. I originally grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, living in Erbil, Iraq. And I started
00:00:23,010 --> 00:00:33,900 with penny stocks. I started in 2008. The whole like, there was the pump and dumps with the penny stocks. I made a lot of money. Initially, I made a lot of
00:00:33,900 --> 00:00:44,130 money. It was like my first trade. And my dad had graduated high school, I didn't even 10,000 I turned it into 40. And I thought it was really easy, ended
00:00:44,130 --> 00:00:55,350 up giving it all back. And then I went through a whole process of retail concepts, I landed on your stuff. And when I initially landed on yourself, to be
00:00:55,350 --> 00:01:04,830 quite honest, I was like, Man, I didn't understand anything about it. I really didn't understand anything. I started losing money, I was losing money, you
00:01:04,830 --> 00:01:15,150 know, I'd have like big profits here and there thinking that I knew what I was doing. And then after a while, after so many billing accounts, I sort of walked
10 00:01:15,150 --> 00:01:24,570 away. And I actually started like really learning your stuff. When I didn't even have an account. I didn't have an account, but I was just like, I was seeing you
11 00:01:24,570 --> 00:01:34,290 call price constantly. And then it wasn't like in the sense at that time, you weren't really that wasn't in your mentorship, and I wasn't in your call price
12 00:01:34,290 --> 00:01:44,670 live. But I was looking at your precision your sniper series. And I was watching them over and over and over. And I started realizing I was like, hold on, man,
13 00:01:44,700 --> 00:01:54,900 these things are actually starting to like make sense. So I got back into the business. And then I applied for you mentorship 2016 I was late 2017, I was late
14 00:01:54,930 --> 00:02:07,470 2018. And then I finally got in and then when I got in man, I felt like I was so trained in your concepts, the ones that were out in the public. And then then
15 00:02:07,470 --> 00:02:17,070 when I got into mentorship and I remember when I was going through mentorship, you could say it were saying wait 18 months and minimum like six to eight months
16 00:02:17,070 --> 00:02:26,820 before you do live training. So I'm over there mounting the fair value gaps. And I'm like trying to and I remember like I was going through it I'm like man, why
17 00:02:26,820 --> 00:02:35,340 am I losing money and it's the exact thing you said it was messing with my psychology because I was then I was starting to get afraid to take these trades.
18 00:02:35,880 --> 00:02:41,970 But that's how I ended up with like I finally got into mentorship and then man the learning really just began from there.
19 00:02:42,630 --> 00:02:53,700 ICT: Awesome. When you were in mentorship, what were the things that you felt you were drunk closer to in terms of what you felt like it may be your model was
20 00:02:53,700 --> 00:02:56,160 it a fair a gap or was it other things initially
21 00:02:58,680 --> 00:03:09,720 Unknown: I really liked your the fair value gap was just an eye opener for me. And then the low resistance the low resistance liquidity browse the high
22 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:21,180 resistance those really started opening up because a lot of times I feel like I was getting into trades and I was getting in on high resistance right and it
23 00:03:21,180 --> 00:03:30,420 just wasn't breaking through and I you know I would change my mind I'm like I guess it's the other way around and then only to see it go up afterwards so like
24 00:03:31,410 --> 00:03:43,440 I liked the fair value gap. But the most important thing that I really like from actually profiting from actually profiting is your gap concepts and when I mean
25 00:03:43,440 --> 00:03:53,580 your gap concepts like your daily because in 2000 Honestly it was 2021 Man we were gapping up on everything and I was just like it was going into the gap
26 00:03:53,610 --> 00:04:03,600 caster pro choice I'm selling it while I'm buying it it was the gaps man I've made probably like whenever there are gaps I pretty much I'd rather take those
27 00:04:03,600 --> 00:04:04,890 trades than anything else.
28 00:04:06,840 --> 00:04:18,240 ICT: So it's apparent that you probably predominantly a forex trader is no matter what type of trader have you focused in on Are you a day trader scalper
29 00:04:18,660 --> 00:04:21,510 short term trader Swing Trader? What type of style trader Are you
30 00:04:22,050 --> 00:04:33,030 Unknown: is so I have a similar boom here in our field. So I'm always doing intraday right and particularly London, right? I like the Judas swing. I know
31 00:04:33,030 --> 00:04:41,250 sometimes you know you'll have the Judas thing and then you have the bounce off of the Asian midline and it goes up higher. So sometimes I'll take that trade as
32 00:04:41,250 --> 00:04:52,170 well but like I like London, because you have so you have yesterday's price action, right? And then you have the Asian Asian range consolidation and then
33 00:04:52,920 --> 00:05:02,640 probably the most like, the craziest thing that I've learned, like, that's so precise and I learned it from He was the drawn liquidity on the higher
34 00:05:02,640 --> 00:05:12,300 timeframe. And I've learned a lot of people even myself, like when I would see you, I'd be like, Man, when is this thing going to reverse and you'd be like,
35 00:05:12,300 --> 00:05:22,680 just hold on, it's gonna go and sometimes it would consolidate, but it eventually reaches price. So I've got into more my personal funds. So we have
36 00:05:22,680 --> 00:05:32,610 the dollar hedge fund, which is like other people's money, right? And it's bigger capital. I'm not like I'm not a big fan of day trading. I like it. I like
37 00:05:32,610 --> 00:05:42,030 it. But the big money for me anyways, like where I've profited more money than anything has been on swing trades with seasonal tendencies and certain
38 00:05:42,030 --> 00:05:53,760 fundamentals. And because those are easy for me, like I can get into them. And, man, I've seen them do like, I've had expectations before and if they've lasted
39 00:05:53,760 --> 00:06:03,690 past my expectation, so like, I like swing trading, but it has to be commodity strictly like I like stringing other commodities, but Forex, I'll definitely
40 00:06:03,690 --> 00:06:12,300 intraday, I have a problem if it's not commodities, because I don't know if it's just the way I believe it. But if I don't have like some crazy fundamental on
41 00:06:12,300 --> 00:06:20,640 geopolitical thing behind it, I can't hold it. I can do it in commodities, because I know what's going on. But with respect to Forex, I'd like to get in
42 00:06:20,640 --> 00:06:24,480 and get out. And it's much harder than the commodities for me.
43 00:06:25,620 --> 00:06:34,980 ICT: For the listeners that are not really aware of what we refer to as a swing trade or short term trade for duration time, what is your classic duration of
44 00:06:35,010 --> 00:06:40,470 trade? In other words, from time to get in the trade for the time you close it? What's the comfort zone for you as a trader.
45 00:06:42,810 --> 00:06:51,510 Unknown: So when I say when I say like, on the commodities and seasonal tendencies, those can go for months, right, those can go for a month, two
46 00:06:51,510 --> 00:07:03,870 months. But the primarily, I've never taken a trade unless I'm thinking I can catch the one shot one kill. Like all of my trades start from me trying to catch
47 00:07:03,870 --> 00:07:14,730 the one shot one kill, and then I assess price as we move on. But usually, I like to try to catch the load that week till the high of the week. So it's
48 00:07:14,730 --> 00:07:24,150 either like met some most of the times it was special, but there isn't much news. I like the the Tuesday low of the week. So like Thursday, maybe Thursday,
49 00:07:24,150 --> 00:07:34,830 New York session, I like to reverse it. If prices like the ATR is through the roof, then I'd like to like try to catch a little move back into the range.
50 00:07:35,970 --> 00:07:37,740 ICT: What are your favorite markets?
51 00:07:39,780 --> 00:07:51,810 Unknown: My favorite markets, I love GBP USD, it's there isn't GBP USD, I just feel like especially recently, I feel like it moves like the indices, like the
52 00:07:51,810 --> 00:08:03,390 movement that's going on on GBP. I like it a lot. And it's because with the correlations, I use all your correlations, even for like AUD NZD, I don't just
53 00:08:03,420 --> 00:08:12,630 pick on him. And for the Mega moves to like when the dollar goes into consolidation, I tend to like look at the cross pairs that are really like GBP,
54 00:08:12,660 --> 00:08:23,100 or like Euro. And I really like oil, like oil a lot too. I just think soil with liquidity rods is really
55 00:08:23,760 --> 00:08:31,740 ICT: awesome. So when you were coming up through mentorship and discovering your model, what you were going to gravitate towards as a trader, what were the
56 00:08:31,740 --> 00:08:39,090 things that you did to help stay motivated, when you felt that the lessons were not clicking fast enough where you felt like it was a struggle? What was the
57 00:08:39,090 --> 00:08:40,560 thing that kept you motivated learning?
58 00:08:43,140 --> 00:08:54,090 Unknown: meant it's sorry, remember, we were in the commentaries, right? And that's the commentaries for me were really big. I remember, I rushed through,
59 00:08:54,480 --> 00:09:02,220 like our rush through your content routes, trying to get done. Like I'm looking for Valley gaps. I'm looking at the notes, looking at the mega trades, and then
60 00:09:02,460 --> 00:09:12,300 I'm trying to get in there and like think I know what's going on. But then what the commentaries I started seeing how to actually read them. Right. I was seeing
61 00:09:12,300 --> 00:09:20,850 your read price in a way. And I always tell people it's like this. A lot of people have credits now when I first came here, they didn't know about you
62 00:09:20,850 --> 00:09:30,300 right? And I'm telling them I'm like dude, like the retail is just all over the place. But right now I kid you not Michael, you will not find one school of
63 00:09:30,300 --> 00:09:41,790 forex. That's not ICT based. Everybody is ICT based around here. And what it was is I started showing on my results. I started showing my results in Kurdistan
64 00:09:41,820 --> 00:09:49,920 where a lot of people couldn't show results and I was doing exactly what you were doing with them. Especially like when dollar was really bullish meant I was
65 00:09:49,920 --> 00:09:57,630 calling like I was doing daily and analysis for the group right I think price is gonna go here and I kid you not oh my god, I remember one. It was like the
66 00:09:57,630 --> 00:10:11,010 breaking point for me. I remember So you do DX y, you do the, the indices, s&p, but Mao's like us, too, because a lot of people here they trade gold, a lot of
67 00:10:11,010 --> 00:10:20,280 them straight gold and a lot of trade oil, because we're in Iraq. So a lot of Goldsmith's, and a lot of oil guys. And I was like, I was surprising myself,
68 00:10:20,280 --> 00:10:29,340 like, I really was, I was like, Man, I can't, I can't be this right. But I started calling a lot of those. And that was like, the breaking point for me,
69 00:10:29,340 --> 00:10:38,730 because I was like, Man, I would see you do it, you know. And then I started doing it. And I was like, This is crazy. What's happening. But yeah, it's just
70 00:10:38,730 --> 00:10:45,180 like when when you would explain things to us, because like the fret Valley gap, there's a lot of them, you know, there's a lot of Otterbox, there's a lot of
71 00:10:45,180 --> 00:10:53,430 places. But then when I started seeing how you go in, you would disqualify one, you'd be like, we're going to, we're not going to use this because there's
72 00:10:53,430 --> 00:11:02,130 something under here that we may like more. And eventually, over time, like, I really think my real growth curve wasn't the first six months was after a year.
73 00:11:02,130 --> 00:11:10,560 And after a year, like, I started really understanding your concepts, and you'll always see, so you'll start to speak like me, you'll start to point out things
74 00:11:10,560 --> 00:11:21,090 in the videos. Before I've seen, you know, and after a certain point, I was like, you know, I'll be honest, I started doing my own daily analysis, because
75 00:11:21,120 --> 00:11:30,090 it was to the point where like, I was thinking, like you I probably wasn't as accurate, as you know, but it was good enough, it was more than good enough. But
76 00:11:30,090 --> 00:11:38,820 I like to have your commentaries, man. And then you'll have one of these a lot. A lot of times, I think you repeat that students and good stewards, because
77 00:11:38,820 --> 00:11:47,490 you'll like, you'll point out something you'd like just check this area, I remember, like, one of them was 820. And I'll go in there. And it's like, like
78 00:11:47,490 --> 00:11:55,260 those little miracles on there, man and not go check it out. And it's like little book stuff acknowledged that you can really learn a lot from
79 00:11:55,950 --> 00:12:05,280 ICT: awesome. I'm glad you mentioned markets like gold and oil, where I've very rarely in your in mentorship. So you know, I rarely ever covered those markets.
80 00:12:05,580 --> 00:12:12,630 And when my students talk about what they're able to do with those markets and find winning trades, it's not like they piggybacked on an analysis that I
81 00:12:12,630 --> 00:12:22,500 presented to the group. So to me as a mentor, that's always encouraging. And it's also proof that there's a transferred knowledge and a rule based idea that
82 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:32,580 you've seen now, it communicates across all asset classes. I can't speak to crypto, but what was it like for you to see how the teachings predominantly
83 00:12:32,580 --> 00:12:40,290 being in FX and forex, but still working in other asset classes? What did it feel like when you finally saw that it worked across all markets?
84 00:12:42,300 --> 00:12:53,370 Unknown: It honestly it was. I remember, at one point, I was like, I was flabbergasted like, I couldn't believe it, like, and it got to the point where I
85 00:12:53,370 --> 00:13:04,170 remember I was telling my friends and my wife, I was like, Man, I don't know if she'd be this accurate. Like, really? Like, and you get really confident, you
86 00:13:04,170 --> 00:13:16,050 know, you can really confident. And so like, especially like, oil specifically. So I don't know, like I don't have the exact answer for where, like, why it does
87 00:13:16,050 --> 00:13:26,970 what it does. But like I've noticed price action delivered on oil is so precise. Like I see a lot of you know, like, honestly, the Euro GBP are very, like, I'll
88 00:13:26,970 --> 00:13:36,120 see a lot of manipulations that will go back into the breaker block ones go back to the fair value grab twice, were like run stops, come back run stops, and then
89 00:13:36,120 --> 00:13:47,550 it'll finally drop right. In oilman, those areas, it'll just drop right into them after hitting liquidity, and it's gone. It'll take off. And the reason that
90 00:13:47,550 --> 00:13:56,640 like I was like so amazed by is because man when you're running a signal group, and you drop a signal, and I'm gonna continue with it, not much people speak
91 00:13:56,640 --> 00:14:04,680 English, so they don't have much financial education. And I'm going in there and I'm like it well should take off from here. I'm a non oil and it just
92 00:14:04,710 --> 00:14:16,830 skyrockets, right to take out more resistance. And so, to be honest, like, it got to the point where like, I really had to, like come back in. Like, I really
93 00:14:16,860 --> 00:14:26,340 sort of like I deleted my Facebook, I was having a lot of people that were making decisions locally, like so we have the bazaars. I don't know if you've
94 00:14:26,550 --> 00:14:37,350 heard of those, but it's like a local looks like pretty much where you gonna buy stuff. So 1000s of gold stores and these cycles. They're buying us some gold.
95 00:14:37,800 --> 00:14:47,010 And you know, people are reaching out to you through Facebook and they're like, Hey, man, I bought gold. Is it gonna go up or down? And it's very hard, you
96 00:14:47,010 --> 00:14:59,340 know? I started seeing it like and all honestly, I think well is just a whole different thing because it'll come in. It's strictly for me, at least the way
97 00:14:59,340 --> 00:15:08,580 I've traded it It's strictly liquidity based that don't come out, take out the stops, and then go home, especially when you are hanging out with seasonal
98 00:15:08,580 --> 00:15:11,610 tendencies. I've seen a lot of successful demand.
99 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:22,890 ICT: That's awesome. When you go about your daily business as a trader and go through your model, could you tell the viewers what it's like for you? What's
100 00:15:22,890 --> 00:15:27,480 your daily routine? What time do you get up? What time do you trade? What time do you call your end of your day?
101 00:15:28,980 --> 00:15:43,980 Unknown: So I'll, I'm usually about 8:30am. So just to clarify, the times 8:30am is about 130. Our time in New York time, right? 1:30am. So I like to trade
102 00:15:43,980 --> 00:15:56,670 London, I like to trade London. I'll get up, I'll look at Asian session, right, I'll look at Asian session, I'll take a look at Euro GBP. Always check the
103 00:15:56,700 --> 00:16:06,030 economic calendar just because I don't want to get in early or I don't want to, you know, run into something that might happen. And I'll assess Asia, I'll
104 00:16:06,030 --> 00:16:17,100 assess the previous day's liquidity. And then the higher timeframe. And coming out of Asia, I usually have a bias, right, I have a point of interest in that
105 00:16:17,100 --> 00:16:26,280 area where I'm like, you know, I'm stalking that place. And I'm like, if it gets into here, and shows me something that I like, I'm going to take the I'm going
106 00:16:26,280 --> 00:16:34,530 to take the trade and one thing Michael man I don't know is I don't know how he talked about him. It's about a number. You had said one thing one time, and I
107 00:16:34,530 --> 00:16:43,830 believe it was in the mentorship. So it's I think we're in an industry where everybody's so focused on these crazy entries right? Now remember, you could set
108 00:16:43,830 --> 00:16:56,580 a swing low the fourth candle was a confirmation. Believe me when I say like, if you're in the right poi, the entries, easy to introduce easy. So like, I'll do a
109 00:16:56,580 --> 00:17:05,730 lot of that, like, I'll just look for a place that they've hit liquidity, they're in a fair value gap, or if they're in a order block that's had, you
110 00:17:05,730 --> 00:17:17,310 know, a pretty good displacement. I'll take the trade, you know, and we have liquidity and higher timeframe that's agreeing with us down below. And if I if I
111 00:17:17,310 --> 00:17:27,480 have the winning trade, so like I'm usually doing like one to two or one to three, right, but I'm closing have a close on half as soon as I like catch 30
112 00:17:27,480 --> 00:17:38,100 pips, if I catch 30 pips on closing half, stop to break even sometimes it'll come back and get me sometimes it'll come back and give me but if I get like a
113 00:17:38,100 --> 00:17:48,180 one to two, during London, I don't go to New York. I don't go to New York, because I honestly, I think it's a harder market because you have the
114 00:17:48,180 --> 00:17:58,140 possibility of continuation and reversal. So I'll try to have I have my profits might not, you know, you said that plenty of times, like don't give the money
115 00:17:58,140 --> 00:18:06,060 back, you know, I used to, especially with overconfidence, you'll start playing, when you really start mastering these models, you'll start hitting having high
116 00:18:06,060 --> 00:18:14,250 hit rates, and you'll want to be in there, you're like, Okay, if I get it in London, I'll get it in. And that for me being an RA, you know, Asian session, I
117 00:18:14,250 --> 00:18:21,180 can trade that too. But I just don't touch it. I feel like London is for me is by far the easiest market to trade.
118 00:18:21,720 --> 00:18:30,270 ICT: Awesome. So just for the listeners that just heard what you said. And I mean, I understand what you're saying other traders may as well. But we may have
119 00:18:30,600 --> 00:18:40,410 someone that's casual viewer or not really versed in trading, you're looking for three times what you're risking or two times what you're risking per trade.
120 00:18:40,470 --> 00:18:52,320 Right. Exactly. Okay. We understand. All right. So if, if you could go over what it was like for you, at the moment when you felt confident to move from demo
121 00:18:52,320 --> 00:19:00,450 trading and paper trading to live trading? How long did that transition take for you to feel that you were ready for it? And how did you know that you were
122 00:19:00,450 --> 00:19:00,840 ready?
123 00:19:01,890 --> 00:19:13,050 Unknown: So to be quite honest with you, I started with real money from the get go. I started with real money because I had some friends in Atlanta. And they
124 00:19:13,050 --> 00:19:26,790 were doing real money sobs I jumped in. And it's literally what you say I miss my I built a lot of fear into my psychology. I built a lot of fear into it. But
125 00:19:26,790 --> 00:19:36,540 when I started doing demo was when I came back to your courses, right? Right before mentorship, I started doing develop, and it was a hard thing for me to
126 00:19:36,540 --> 00:19:45,180 do. And I remember I would try to get my other friends. I'm like, yo, you guys need to watch this guy's course. And they didn't have funds, and they wouldn't.
127 00:19:45,660 --> 00:19:54,840 They wouldn't educate themselves. And then I came here to and I saw everybody when their account gets blown. They stop learning. And I was like dude, like
128 00:19:54,840 --> 00:20:06,240 your account is getting blown because you're not learning and so on. I started doing demos actually, like I told you, when I was I had no money. I had no
129 00:20:06,240 --> 00:20:15,840 money. I was forced to use the demo account. And then but what happened for me was you started seeing consistency you start it's No, I just think it's so
130 00:20:15,840 --> 00:20:26,580 important. The way to kill emotions, for me at least was when you start seeing it over and over and over and over and over, it starts clicking, you don't have
131 00:20:26,580 --> 00:20:37,080 as much fear, like you don't have as much fear. And then I kid you, not my comment, I had the reason I, you know, got local thing here in Kurdistan. I
132 00:20:37,080 --> 00:20:47,730 turned to 5k, counted to 80,000. And I kicked July, that was shorting dollar like, by the way, I learned to develop a lesson on the dollar index and 89. And
133 00:20:47,730 --> 00:20:55,560 I kept trying to short it thinking it was going to 70, then it just went off. But I'm sorted my way all the way down there, because I was just going with the
134 00:20:55,560 --> 00:21:05,730 higher timeframe bias, higher timeframe bias. And it just like, I was honestly shocked, right, I was shocked, because I was like, I was like, how did I get
135 00:21:05,730 --> 00:21:13,770 here, you know, the 5k account, most other times would have been gone, you know, but I was doing the same things over every single day, it was the same exact
136 00:21:13,770 --> 00:21:21,090 traits I was looking for. Sometimes they wouldn't be there. Sometimes they wouldn't be there. And I would force it, I would force it. And I'll give some
137 00:21:21,090 --> 00:21:29,490 back. I'll give some back. But then it'll show itself again, and then the risk to rewards. You're getting one to two in that time, especially when I took that
138 00:21:29,490 --> 00:21:41,010 account like that it was an ether. And I was using, I made so much money on Ethereum. And like you will talk about fair value get on like steroids, it was
139 00:21:41,010 --> 00:21:48,330 the ether fair value gaps. I mean, they would like the time when it was like going to like, we got in at like 900. And I was like just every time I've come
140 00:21:48,330 --> 00:21:56,670 back to the fair value gap run to enter range liquidity, and it would skyrocket because it was the overall bull market. But it was just it was so beautiful. And
141 00:21:56,670 --> 00:22:05,250 I made a lot of money on Aetherium. Just fair value, getting its fair value gap in it. It was crazy.
142 00:22:06,840 --> 00:22:10,860 ICT: How do you as a trader deal with taking losses?
143 00:22:13,740 --> 00:22:26,730 Unknown: I've honestly like I've taken so many. I've taken so many losses, like it used to be very hard. Like when I really didn't know what I was doing. That
144 00:22:26,730 --> 00:22:36,390 used to be very hard. I think it helps when you start having a high hit rate. And you notice that like okay, I'm gonna give one but I'm gonna take two, I'm
145 00:22:36,390 --> 00:22:44,220 gonna give one I'm gonna take two, I'm gonna give one I'm gonna take three. And I'll still have I've had times when I've had times where like, I went into like
146 00:22:44,220 --> 00:22:53,580 streaks, right? It's just, it's just not working. And I, you know, I don't know what it is, sometimes the market will just do. And I remember like you had told
147 00:22:53,580 --> 00:23:03,630 us I think it was GBP USD. I'm over there trying to short GBP as you're saying, don't short and not trying to short it. And it just every time would give me a
148 00:23:03,630 --> 00:23:13,080 little profit and then it would take me out take me out. I tried to just it's gotten to the point for me where like a loss is just another day in the business
149 00:23:13,080 --> 00:23:24,240 honestly, like it's expected. If it happens, it happens. But what's most important is I don't prevent straight. I don't usually if anything that I have a
150 00:23:24,510 --> 00:23:34,740 so I don't know if it's my psychology, especially like in the signal groups, so that hurts me a lot more. When I have a signal that hits a stop loss. Man, my
151 00:23:34,740 --> 00:23:45,000 wife will look at me she's like, You look like you lost a million dollars. And it's because so many people are watching and sounds like but like when it's like
152 00:23:45,000 --> 00:23:55,170 my own money. It's just another day at the office honestly, like I'll have losing trades. And then I tried to journal from so like, I'll be honest, I was
153 00:23:55,170 --> 00:24:07,920 never like I know you say journal journal journal. I just met I don't know if I'm just like not the best student. But I much rather watching over and over and
154 00:24:07,950 --> 00:24:17,520 over and I watched the over and over but then when I would take losses were if I wouldn't do something that like I was shocked myself with something very unique.
155 00:24:17,670 --> 00:24:26,610 I would take notes, I would usually take notes of what the previous previous day's price action was. Why I got into the industry what I saw before I got into
156 00:24:26,610 --> 00:24:39,720 the industry, and then man like honestly starts to repeat especially this this year, is the year before CPI. So like I was doing a lot of CPI right and I was
157 00:24:39,720 --> 00:24:50,670 noticing the same price action was have you go back and look at on all the days that we had CPI. It was the same price action it was this was building trend by
158 00:24:50,670 --> 00:25:02,850 phantoms all the way up until the news and then it would make one Hi show you're breaking market structure news comes out and it just dips big So I just I like
159 00:25:02,850 --> 00:25:12,000 to like, write little things down. And then anything that you would say like, especially in your videos that you take your timeout and say, Hey, pay attention
160 00:25:12,000 --> 00:25:16,800 to this, I immediately notice, because I want to know why we're paying attention to that.
161 00:25:19,980 --> 00:25:28,350 ICT: You mentioned your wife, was there any kind of adversity with you learning how to do this with your wife? Or was she encouraging from the beginning?
162 00:25:29,730 --> 00:25:40,860 Unknown: So man, I can honestly say, my wife has been a blessing to me, because I came into this country. I've never done business in the Middle East, right? So
163 00:25:40,860 --> 00:25:54,450 like, I come from the States, you got laws, you got, like, Man, I lost some guy. He took $180,000. And like his, and there was nothing I could do. Right? There
164 00:25:54,450 --> 00:26:06,000 was nothing and he took it legally like, so we send it to the money exchange for the money exchange would go to the broker. And he took it. And so you know, I'm
165 00:26:06,060 --> 00:26:16,590 like, Okay, let's go to the police. Let's go here. And then they the way the economic system set up here is if you go and like, take somebody to court,
166 00:26:16,770 --> 00:26:26,070 they're gonna say, I have no money, and they're gonna say, well, here pay $100 a month. So you're better off not handling it in a tribal way. Right. So like,
167 00:26:26,070 --> 00:26:35,400 it's the things are very tribal, but so like, at that time, and, you know, you work your way up. And things like that happen. I remember my wife, she would
168 00:26:35,400 --> 00:26:46,590 tell me, you know, she would tell me she'd like, you got to keep going. And then coming to into a market where everybody thinks they know what's going on. Right?
169 00:26:46,620 --> 00:26:56,940 And I'm the new guy. My Kurdish wasn't great. So I'm like coming in. And so man, I had I kid you not mad? People. So many people just find darts at you. They're
170 00:26:56,940 --> 00:27:05,970 firing darts at you. And so I'm not trying to, you know, the end of the statement, control them back, right? But in this culture, you can't you can't
171 00:27:05,970 --> 00:27:14,460 name names, right? So think about this. I couldn't name them. I couldn't take them to court. I couldn't do anything. So you're and so I'm like, I told her. I
172 00:27:14,460 --> 00:27:23,460 was like, I've never felt like I've been so like, literally oppressed. I'm like, I can't speak my mind. I can't tell them. I can't reply them. Because it's like,
173 00:27:23,550 --> 00:27:33,270 it's looked down upon because it's like always taking the higher route. And so my, my, my wife would always support me and be like, you know, this is how this
174 00:27:33,270 --> 00:27:42,570 year, but in the end, in the end results are going to show you're going to break through the market. Um, she's been there's been times where like, I was like,
175 00:27:42,570 --> 00:27:50,250 Man, I said, I'm going to start another business, you know, I'm gonna go into something else. And she was like your mate for this. This is what you are.
176 00:27:50,280 --> 00:28:02,850 That's great. Yeah. And she's constantly she told me like, Yo, watch Michaels YouTube 2022. I'm telling you, yeah. And she doesn't she wants no part of that.
177 00:28:02,910 --> 00:28:11,160 But she wants to just support me and push me. And within dollar her children's ask her that I'm not allowed to answer people back, man. Because if I answer
178 00:28:11,160 --> 00:28:20,880 them back, I immediately answer him in a way that comes off as very rude even though it's brutally honest, and it's with respect, but here, so she'll just
179 00:28:20,880 --> 00:28:25,080 handle all the communications, I tried to just stay on the trading part of everything.
180 00:28:25,380 --> 00:28:35,760 ICT: Okay. So when you started trading, after losing the accounts that you mentioned, like everybody does, eventually, you know, if you do it too fast,
181 00:28:35,760 --> 00:28:43,140 you'll lose your your money. When you got back into it, did you use your own funds? Or did you trade with like, funded counts?
182 00:28:45,000 --> 00:28:58,230 Unknown: So I didn't use my own funds. I had other people that would invest in me. I also really think I think it's the system's rigged against retail traders,
183 00:28:58,230 --> 00:29:07,110 I really believe that I think you should have a minimum, like, I'm not saying like, don't throw $5,000 in an account if you don't know what you're doing,
184 00:29:07,140 --> 00:29:17,670 right. But at the time, if TMO wasn't something that like they're big, now, they're legal, everybody knows they're legit. But when I was seeing FTM Mo, I
185 00:29:17,670 --> 00:29:26,310 didn't look at I was like, I didn't even know what it really was. Or I thought at the time that those the, the phases were crazy, right? But it's just because
186 00:29:26,310 --> 00:29:39,330 I hadn't seen success the way I wanted to see success. But then eventually, I did the F TLS certificate and I got funded with them. Not because I didn't have
187 00:29:39,330 --> 00:29:49,500 my funds because I had investor money but because it was show of proof. It was really important because I knew nobody else could do it here. I can do not I
188 00:29:49,500 --> 00:29:56,490 started using it because we don't have like, you know, we don't have licenses. We don't have anything here right? So it's like, I'll tell them like you know,
189 00:29:56,490 --> 00:30:07,230 show me you can manage risk because a lot of people will make profit but it's the whole account. It's like, it's like you make a lot of money one day, and
190 00:30:07,230 --> 00:30:24,390 then you lose it all. And so I started with F TMO. I was funded with them. And then after F TMO, I also got on with my kind of FTM Mo, I would do like 22,000.
191 00:30:24,390 --> 00:30:34,170 And then it got blown, they got blown. And I just think I wasn't ready for it psychologically, when you get an account, like they were like, You have no
192 00:30:34,260 --> 00:30:46,050 liability, really, that all you can lose is $1,000. And at that point, I was just like, Man, I made good money now trying to make 80,000, you know? And then
193 00:30:46,050 --> 00:30:56,550 it didn't happen. And then, but overall until like, like, in my lifetime, I guess it's in the past two years, I've looked John over $90,000 through F TMO.
194 00:30:56,580 --> 00:31:08,970 And font traitor. The other places I haven't tried, I have needed to try them. I do like within font trader I, I think I wish they would have commodities on
195 00:31:08,970 --> 00:31:18,450 there, right? I wish they could have oil on there, but they don't. But FTM we'll just have it on there. But it's also different for me honestly, like when you're
196 00:31:18,450 --> 00:31:28,230 mentioned big funds, you're not that worried about certain things, you're looking for great entries, discounts, or premiums. But with, with the FTM, most
197 00:31:28,230 --> 00:31:37,260 of the fund traders, I'm trying to, like, it's very hard for me, like I'll see some people that are withdrawing 100,000 on their withdrawals, it's hard for me
198 00:31:37,260 --> 00:31:43,440 to do that. Like, I'll make 10,000 I want to withdraw. You know, I just want to take it when I got it.
199 00:31:44,070 --> 00:31:46,140 ICT: It's not yours unless you have it in your hands.
200 00:31:46,620 --> 00:31:56,820 Unknown: Yeah, exactly. And I've you know, I've also seen, I've been up on accounts where like I was up 17 18,000. And I was trying to I was trying to do
201 00:31:56,820 --> 00:32:07,050 the big withdrawal, you know, and then ended up losing it. So I was just like, You know what, you got to take it when you got it. So like, now it's like,
202 00:32:07,230 --> 00:32:12,600 anytime I get to 7000 profit, I'll really strictly think about this power sell. So
203 00:32:14,070 --> 00:32:20,940 ICT: I've had a lot of students tell me this very similar thing, they run the account, they run the account, I've been able to get through some real big
204 00:32:20,940 --> 00:32:29,040 number six figures. And then that's the thing that doesn't mean. And it's like, if I just would have took the money out going up, I would have been better. And
205 00:32:29,070 --> 00:32:34,950 that's what I'm trying to encourage. I don't want anyone to watch these interviews, and think to themselves that the only way to get to come on here and
206 00:32:34,950 --> 00:32:41,280 talk to me is to have the big withdrawal. No, it's as long as you know what you're doing. And you're profitable. And you know your model. That's the
207 00:32:41,280 --> 00:32:47,430 students I want to listen to. And that's what everybody wants to hear from. They don't want to hear to the one big windfall somebody can get lucky with, they
208 00:32:47,430 --> 00:32:54,090 want to be able to hear someone and says, Look, I understand that there's profits. And yeah, I might be able to run it up, but I want to get paid. And I
209 00:32:54,090 --> 00:33:04,710 like your mindset about that was it's not your money until it's in your hands. So that's that's a good perspective to hold. Tell me about your overall
210 00:33:04,710 --> 00:33:13,440 experience. As a trader, you mentioned over the last two years, you made over $90,000 in withdrawals between two companies. That's amazing. But from your
211 00:33:13,440 --> 00:33:26,670 perspective, as a man, as a husband, as a risk taker, what's your overview, if you could describe what it was like from you, for you rather, when you first
212 00:33:26,670 --> 00:33:34,470 started, and the doubts and concerns and fear maybe you hadn't beginning and how you look back at it now because of where you are.
213 00:33:36,630 --> 00:33:49,170 Unknown: So with regards to actually knowing what you're doing, right, I remember when I was so when I did everything, I went from a lot of retail
214 00:33:49,170 --> 00:33:57,690 concepts, I went through indicators, Fibonacci is trendlines. I use them all and sometimes they would work. And but it would always end up with me blowing the
215 00:33:57,690 --> 00:34:06,510 accounts would always end up with me making a small profit, but then taking huge losses. And I would always be like, I'm like, you know, looking at them like,
216 00:34:06,510 --> 00:34:17,490 Okay, I'm looking at the same education that says, okay, taps the trendline three times and it shows a push up and I should buy. And I never had the answers
217 00:34:17,490 --> 00:34:27,810 right and what gravity like what really really gravitated me towards your teachings was it was against everything. And I remember when I when I was
218 00:34:27,810 --> 00:34:34,980 watching the YouTube videos, I was like, Man, this is you know, I didn't get a lot of it. Like I wasn't understand a lot of things you were saying because it
219 00:34:34,980 --> 00:34:44,490 was like candle by candle type education. Where like in other places, I'm moving on a movie. I'm waiting on a Moving Average crossover, and that's my bicycle,
220 00:34:44,490 --> 00:34:56,100 you know? And but it's crazy because as time went on, I'd be surprised I'm like man, and it always explained to new traders that last show people Forex they're
221 00:34:56,100 --> 00:35:08,340 like, and that looks so complicated. And I'm like it's not I gotta keep pushing, it starts opening up, you start knowing what's what in here. And what's the
222 00:35:08,340 --> 00:35:19,740 craziest thing for me was like when I started making profit, even when you were losing, right? Even when you're losing many times, you knew why you lost. You
223 00:35:19,740 --> 00:35:30,450 had a reason why you lost. Like, I remember I got into when I started doing really well with your system. I was on Instagram, and I was seeing a lot of
224 00:35:30,450 --> 00:35:40,050 people shopping crazy risks and rewards. And I was like, Man, my hit rate is crazy. How am I not doing what they're doing? Right? So I went and bought
225 00:35:40,050 --> 00:35:51,150 another course. Okay, I went and bought these like crazy risk reward courses, and I kid you not Michael. I went through three months of losing money. And my
226 00:35:51,150 --> 00:36:00,060 wife kept telling me she's like, dude, go back to ICT, what are you doing? But at the same time, I'm looking at these guys. And then eventually I realized it's
227 00:36:00,060 --> 00:36:10,560 all fraud. It's these are like, their two demo accounts. So they're, they're doing all types of like rent anti servers. And, but I got into there and I was
228 00:36:10,560 --> 00:36:18,900 like, I was trying to do these crazy trades. I was like, I remember you said you're like when you're moving volume. This is not going to add up? Absolutely.
229 00:36:19,140 --> 00:36:34,200 You know, and so for like three months, I had evaded your drawn liquidity. And I was always so so focused in on the lower timeframes, right? And seeing like a
230 00:36:34,200 --> 00:36:43,380 couple of pips of profit, right, with huge loss, right? And then would analysis. So realize, like, it's just better to catch the pips. If I would have just
231 00:36:43,380 --> 00:36:55,230 caught the pips and stayed on the higher timeframe drawn liquidity out of me just as much money. So it's like, the biggest journey for me was going from a
232 00:36:55,230 --> 00:37:05,610 place where you didn't know why you're losing to a place where even when you lost, you could go back and be like, Okay, I lost because I miss something here.
233 00:37:06,180 --> 00:37:20,010 And a lot of times, I've noticed, when I lose is, I've either gotten into a trade a little too early, and overconfidence, or just my higher timeframe bias
234 00:37:20,100 --> 00:37:29,040 has been has been wrong, I'm trying to catch the reverse, you always tell us to you're like, don't try to catch the reversal, when I get burned, and it's when
235 00:37:29,040 --> 00:37:33,630 I'm trying to catch the reversal too early. And I haven't gotten confirmation from it.
236 00:37:36,360 --> 00:37:46,830 ICT: What would you say to students that have gone through my private mentorship? Haven't found their own model yet? Or to the viewers that are
237 00:37:46,830 --> 00:37:53,340 watching the content that I have on my YouTube channel? And feel like they're not learning fast enough? What kind of encouragement would you tell them?
238 00:37:55,950 --> 00:38:07,470 Unknown: I mean, first, like, honestly, I'm an example. Like, I make my entire living. Everything I make is from this industry, I have no other businesses, I
239 00:38:07,470 --> 00:38:17,100 don't have real estate. And I went through the entire process, I went through the entire process, and I want people to like, you know, the truth is, when
240 00:38:17,130 --> 00:38:27,780 we're not learning something easy. I granted like probably the most manipulated markets in the world. But the teachings are there. Like I always tell like, the
241 00:38:27,780 --> 00:38:39,060 keys are there, you're handing us the keys. And I always tell people do not worry about actual profit, right? Because I, you know, it's crazy, because I
242 00:38:39,060 --> 00:38:45,780 used to always be like, and I have friends and a lot of people here now they'll come up to me and they're like, Hey, man, I'm a trader, give me money, you know,
243 00:38:45,780 --> 00:38:56,700 I can do this. And I remember the money comes when you're ready. When you are ready, the money will come. But I just think for new traders or traders that are
244 00:38:56,700 --> 00:39:08,160 strong, I really think they should focus on one thing. I really I'm really big on I'm really big on London, because it's it's like a little law book that you
245 00:39:08,160 --> 00:39:16,380 can create for them. You know, you're like, This is Asian range. This is what we're expecting. This is where you can take the profit if you don't see this
246 00:39:16,380 --> 00:39:24,510 happening, but don't take the trade. It's very simple. The Judas thing man is honestly like, I couldn't tell you how many times I've taken that trip in my
247 00:39:24,510 --> 00:39:36,900 life. Like I'm taking it a lot and it's by far the easiest trade for me. I would tell them because I just think, you know, I got into probably a lot of other
248 00:39:36,900 --> 00:39:48,600 trades like so like your gap theories, right? Now you're doing the new legal pin gap, but even like your intraday gaps, right? All those like, to the point where
249 00:39:48,600 --> 00:39:56,490 like, I always say, I can't say that I'm trading one model, right? You've given me a tool of like, a lot of things. So sometimes there'll be the volume
250 00:39:56,490 --> 00:40:05,580 imbalance the volume imbalance on your 110 I kid you not week halted. And it was like, I mean, literally went there to the PIP. I don't know if you saw it hit
251 00:40:05,580 --> 00:40:14,760 him by two pips and dropped like 300 points. So like, it just depends on what the charts is giving you. But obviously, it's like your V, you give us this
252 00:40:14,760 --> 00:40:25,650 vehicle and you're like this does this, this does that. And you tried to, like always say, like, know a lot, a lot about something specific for the beginning.
253 00:40:25,890 --> 00:40:35,730 But eventually you're gonna get to the point where whatever the market gives you, you can work with it. Like I also like, for me personally, I'm not using
254 00:40:35,760 --> 00:40:45,420 Otterbox like I used to anymore. i It's not that they don't work. It's not it's just it's not for me. I like the fair value gaps. I like the daily opening gaps.
255 00:40:45,570 --> 00:40:57,120 I like low resistance line phantoms, I that's what I like, it just makes them work clear to me, I think for aspiring students like finding, you know, it's so
256 00:40:57,120 --> 00:41:06,930 crazy is I was looking at one of your it was one of your models, right? It wasn't a model, but you had commented on the forums. Right. So when I first
257 00:41:06,930 --> 00:41:18,630 started, like really having success with your teachings, certain setups came up to me that you had exactly said what they were right. So I started digging into
258 00:41:18,630 --> 00:41:29,100 the forums, you know, and one of them was, it was the so we have the inner range liquidity, after we make a high leave a low resistance, and we're coming back,
259 00:41:29,100 --> 00:41:37,560 take it into the range liquidity into a fair value gap. And it just takes off. So I remember for a while, all I was doing was just taking that trait. I was
260 00:41:37,560 --> 00:41:44,640 like, this is the one for me, this is the one. And I think a lot of traders, they're eventually going to find like you're going to find your setup. But it's
261 00:41:44,640 --> 00:41:53,640 just you got to stick with it if you don't stick with it. Like it's just very, very hard because I have so many friends, they only trade when they have money
262 00:41:53,640 --> 00:41:57,990 in their accounts. And it's just it's an impossible game. And you're not going to win like that.
263 00:42:00,630 --> 00:42:03,870 ICT: Where do you see yourself in the next three to five years? What's your goals for yourself?
264 00:42:05,820 --> 00:42:20,610 Unknown: Investment Management, that is? I just you know, I like big funds. I think there's a lot of people managing billions of dollars, not because they're
265 00:42:20,610 --> 00:42:34,890 very smart. But because they have strong ties to wealthy people. I've noticed like because I was doing a study on hedge funds. A lot of them are doing crazy
266 00:42:34,890 --> 00:42:45,630 numbers. Right. And I understand there's more volume, right. But at the same time, there's certain I just think a lot of hedge funds aren't doing technical
267 00:42:45,630 --> 00:42:53,220 analysis if they're not like doing high frequency trading, right. It's like these like Mom and Pop firms where there's they're mentioned wealthy families
268 00:42:53,220 --> 00:43:02,070 money's a lot of them aren't really traders, the ones that are traders and that are there are really educated on the markets. These are the big hedge fund
269 00:43:02,070 --> 00:43:12,060 managers we ended up seeing. But I think for the most part, what I've come to realize is there's If a trader can get to the point where he can manage money
270 00:43:12,060 --> 00:43:23,580 and specifically, like learn things like seasonal tendencies, the bonds, geopolitics like these things, man, this is what I told you like, this is what
271 00:43:23,580 --> 00:43:33,750 really attracted me to your page was like, I started looking from the outside, like I was looking at the economics and I was like, man, so this is gonna affect
272 00:43:34,350 --> 00:43:44,730 corn, right? So we have this war going on, this is going and I started logging weed. I started logging oil, I started logging corn, and I've gotten that corn
273 00:43:44,760 --> 00:43:54,030 so we have CFDs here by the way, so this is like we're we're not regulated so it's just like the house is going to take your bet pretty much I got in that
274 00:43:54,030 --> 00:44:05,670 corner 300 A bushel men and that believes like, yeah, it was and they don't know there's no interest because this Islamic countries so it's just like it's very
275 00:44:05,670 --> 00:44:16,470 easy to make money. But um, what I what I really realized that think people that really go through your course that really go through your course. I think it's
276 00:44:16,560 --> 00:44:25,590 it's a money management course I really do. I think you can come out of there. And you can be put in any type of financial institution whether you want to day
277 00:44:25,590 --> 00:44:35,730 trade, whether you want to swing trade, whether you want to do financial consultant. I've never been able to like me out of words about a certain topic
278 00:44:35,730 --> 00:44:45,360 like everything, and I just think the way you've taught it. I think you sort of grow us from like traders, people that literally are coming into the market and
279 00:44:45,360 --> 00:44:58,260 you take us step by step. But I think the final result is it's just money management and also think men. There's other things that you haven't taught in
280 00:44:58,260 --> 00:45:07,110 the course but by knowing your Horse people have they really indulgent that there's certain secrets that they find out within price? That really make a big
281 00:45:07,110 --> 00:45:07,650 difference?
282 00:45:07,680 --> 00:45:18,480 ICT: Yeah. I had a wonderful time talking to you today. It was amazing hearing how you do things on the other side of the world and how it is where you're at
283 00:45:18,480 --> 00:45:26,940 locally. I'd love the idea of where you're taking your trading and what direction you're going to try to pursue. And I appreciate you spending your time
284 00:45:26,940 --> 00:45:28,050 and sharing your testimony with me.
285 00:45:29,130 --> 00:45:32,340 Unknown: Thank you so much. I have one question for you, please.
286 00:45:32,340 --> 00:45:33,750 ICT: Let me ask. Sure. Sure, sure.
287 00:45:36,120 --> 00:45:46,380 Unknown: Please, I have so many people telling me I'm missing out on the markets because of volume. Is there something that I need to be doing within volume? Is
288 00:45:46,380 --> 00:45:54,060 it like, is there like a magic volume indicator? That's going to change my life, that's going to change my training, because everybody's telling me volume,
289 00:45:54,060 --> 00:46:02,520 volume, volume, and I'm like, man, I've done the research. And I've listened to you talk about it. And I just think price prints before the volume in my mind.
290 00:46:02,520 --> 00:46:11,040 Like when I see it. I'm like, well, like they'll show me trades on my quote, price action would have told me the entry long before the volume like yes, so I
291 00:46:11,040 --> 00:46:16,290 just wanted to know, you don't even have to put this out there. I just got to ask now included.
292 00:46:17,250 --> 00:46:29,910 ICT: There's a lot of students that have come to me that swore by volume analysis. And not all of them are convinced, but all of them have loosened their
293 00:46:29,910 --> 00:46:42,840 grip on it. And understand that it's not necessary. Price is going to tell you the story. As long as you know what the narrative is. I'm going to tell you, as
294 00:46:42,840 --> 00:46:50,130 a trader that can read price action, where the volume is going to become prevalent, where it's going to be high where it's going to be low. So pursuing
295 00:46:50,160 --> 00:47:01,380 or looking at volume volume is yesterday's news. It's already happened. It's a number that you should have already anticipated being in the marketplace anyway.
296 00:47:01,710 --> 00:47:09,180 So I'm not looking at old news. I don't want to look at the weather from yesterday because it's it doesn't do me any good. So volume is not an essential
297 00:47:09,180 --> 00:47:16,680 thing, in my opinion. And in most of my students, they have seen that the truth. Thanks so much. Very welcome.
298 00:47:16,800 --> 00:47:25,500 Unknown: I appreciate you having me. Real Man, it's been an honor thanks for what you do for not just traders, but for also opening the eyes of a lot of
299 00:47:25,500 --> 00:47:29,190 people that are struggling out there. I really appreciate them. And
300 00:47:29,640 --> 00:47:32,520 ICT: I'm very, very honored to be in the position I'm in thank you so much for your time.
301 00:47:33,000 --> 00:47:33,990 Unknown: Thanks so much. Take care