ICT YT - 2023-03-08 - Live Tape Reading - Fed Chair Testimony 10am

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-03-16 11:37


01:46 - The Dollar Index daily chart -.

03:50 - What’s next for the market.

09:57 - Does it make sense for me to push the envelope of risk in an environment that three decades of experience has taught me that it doesn’t

13:45 - How to use the fed chair to get to the point.

20:15 - How the algorithm hides in plain view in plain view.

26:20 - What’s inside the upper portion of the 60 minute for value.

29:04 - What makes these markets really book -.

34:30 - Where do we begin trading this new week?

39:51 - What prevents us from going in and pushing a button today.

42:03 - How do you know how far it’s going to go?

50:11 - Is it complicated when you look at it that way?

56:28 - How to ask the right questions.

01:01:14 - The first two guys are obviously behemoth. They have taken huge chunks of money out of the marketplace.

01:07:35 - If they're going to buy here, they're using a market efficiency paradigm -.

01:13:12 - Repacking the mill -.

01:15:37 - You’re going to find your model before November.

01:22:17 - They feel like they can’t lose -.

01:28:46 - What are the strengths and weaknesses of this model?

01:32:19 - Every trade is a make it or break it trade -.

01:38:42 - Don’t try to be better than everyone else.


00:01:46,890 --> 00:01:49,470 ICT: Good morning, folks. My stone well
00:01:55,620 --> 00:01:59,400 so we're looking at the day two of Powell testimony
00:02:04,680 --> 00:02:12,630 will be testifying here in about 15 minutes or so. Present we have the five minute chart. Yes. So
00:02:19,110 --> 00:02:35,640 favoring the the downside here initially, but that's not to invoke any interest for you to take a trade obviously. So let's go over real quick and take a look
00:02:35,670 --> 00:02:41,790 at the dollar index
00:02:47,790 --> 00:02:48,510 daily chart
00:03:03,210 --> 00:03:10,920 this volume imbalance and here's where I took your attention two weeks ago. And I maintain the bullishness on dollar, even through all this here, I mentioned
00:03:10,920 --> 00:03:22,410 that I'm not abandoning it reaching up in this volume and balance above these relative equal highs. So that sets the tone for what risk on from start risk
00:03:22,410 --> 00:03:36,210 off. So it would be lower prices for ES lower prices for NASDAQ lower prices for stocks, lower prices for forex pairs that have the name with the dollar index as
10 00:03:36,210 --> 00:03:49,230 the second currency with parenting, if it's the currency pair that has the dollar first in his name, then it would be a bullish currency. All during this,
11 00:03:49,290 --> 00:03:58,980 this run out. Okay, so I'm going to add a lipstick here so that we can see. We've looked for this down here. And from here, we wait for the shift in market
12 00:03:58,980 --> 00:04:11,790 structure here. We're bullish author here, volume and bounce rallies up another smaller little volume imbalance in here, which we traded back down into
13 00:04:11,790 --> 00:04:22,260 yesterday before the rocket up into the rejection block, which is this closing price on this candle and then the consequent encouragement of the Swick, which
14 00:04:22,260 --> 00:04:30,270 is this level here, and then the old high, and then ultimately up into the alignment bounce, which was delivered to beautifully. That my friends is exactly
15 00:04:30,270 --> 00:04:37,380 what you're looking for. That's algorithmic price delivery has nothing to do a retail. And it's very interesting to see these things repeat over and over
16 00:04:37,380 --> 00:04:46,170 again, even though I've been watching it for three decades. Incidentally, for those that you're watching, if you are noticing that the stream because I'm
17 00:04:46,170 --> 00:04:56,670 looking at my cell phone as a way of verifying that I can see what I should be seeing, even for the cell phone users. I know a lot of my students actually just
18 00:04:56,700 --> 00:05:06,690 watch things through their cell phone which I I understand that he needs a bigger screen in my opinion, but it's probably looking very fuzzy or like not
19 00:05:06,750 --> 00:05:17,670 not very clear, maybe blurry. If you look in the lower right hand corner, on desktop applications for YouTube, you'll see a little gear symbol, click on that
20 00:05:17,670 --> 00:05:25,740 you could change it to high definition for cellphone users, if you touch the video screen, let's play it back right now to you touch that in the upper right
21 00:05:25,740 --> 00:05:37,290 hand corner, a little gear, tap that. And you want to go to quality, for whatever reason, on the live streams, it auto defaults to 240, which is garbage.
22 00:05:37,590 --> 00:05:48,810 So you want to tap on the quality, and then go to Advanced, and then go up to 1440 or 1080, or whatever your internet will permit you to do before it starts
23 00:05:48,810 --> 00:06:03,000 to bog down. If you do that, it should snap into high resolution for you see a couple of folks kind of referring to that after the fact on my Twitter feed. So
24 00:06:03,030 --> 00:06:12,240 big delivery on the upside, even if we didn't have the Powell testimony at 10 o'clock, on the heels of a large range day like that and delivering to a target,
25 00:06:12,480 --> 00:06:22,380 which is this here. That red deer cools the jets for me for the week. Now I know some of you your action hounds, you want to like whoa, what's next that
26 00:06:22,380 --> 00:06:35,130 delivered now what now? What what are we doing next? What we're seeing still, and that's how you hone patience and self control. And also Powell testimony at
27 00:06:35,130 --> 00:06:46,890 10 o'clock can change all this it rock it up even further for dollar index and send the indices in foreign currencies lower still today. Or we could have a
28 00:06:47,220 --> 00:06:56,610 retracement back down into this area here. At this point I want you to understand my mentality in the position I hold once I have a weekly objective
29 00:06:56,610 --> 00:07:09,360 reached. I stop. I know that's hard to believe. I know you see me get in here and trade inside intraday price just about every single day. But when I have a
30 00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:21,120 weekly objective like this, I teach my students and I also like to stop. Incidentally, as a reminder, this week is Non Farm Payroll protocol, meaning
31 00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:32,910 this Friday, we have Non Farm Payroll. I don't trade that day. I don't advocate any of my students should be doing either. But I know some of you like to get on
32 00:07:32,910 --> 00:07:43,260 here and say, well, the ICT doesn't really talk about it, look at this trade I took okay. Do it live, treat it live. And then let it by see that what you were
33 00:07:43,260 --> 00:07:55,110 doing beforehand. I just don't think it's a worthwhile venture to take on the risk that comes along with trading on the Thursday and Friday of non farm
34 00:07:55,110 --> 00:08:05,040 payrolls. The reason why and this is for those that are trying to actually learn here, not just spectate and watch it at Netflix. In your journal, you want to be
35 00:08:05,040 --> 00:08:14,370 recording that the weeks of nonfarm payroll was just typically but not always, typically, the first Friday of every month now obviously last Friday. We had a
36 00:08:14,370 --> 00:08:24,030 Friday in March, but it didn't post as what non farm payrolls. So to this week, so tomorrow is Thursday, Saturday before Non Farm Payroll, we don't trade that
37 00:08:24,030 --> 00:08:36,180 day. And we don't trade on Non Farm Payroll Friday itself. Now, some of you also may be wigging out right now thinking man, that's two trading days. I'm not
38 00:08:36,180 --> 00:08:43,440 allowed to trade in and go on Sunday, somewhere else, I'm gonna use something else. I'm just gonna go and do it. Okay, that's you. But as an educator, as
39 00:08:43,440 --> 00:08:51,000 someone that's been doing a lot longer than probably you have, I have to have rules. I have to have rules for the students that are under me. And it helps
40 00:08:51,000 --> 00:09:03,420 build discipline. And also, here's the main takeaway. The probabilities for precision fall off precipitously in Thursday and Friday have nonfarm Non Farm
41 00:09:03,420 --> 00:09:15,660 Payroll Fridays. So the protocol for this week, every time there's a Non Farm Payroll Friday, your task as a trader, is to get all of your business done. By
42 00:09:15,660 --> 00:09:29,130 right now. On Wednesday, New York session, am session. Once we get to 11 o'clock in the morning, it's over. It's done. It's in the books, you do not trade, you
43 00:09:29,130 --> 00:09:36,150 do not push the button. Now, does that mean you can't demonstrate? No, it doesn't mean that at all. I'm just saying that. If you are one of my students
44 00:09:36,150 --> 00:09:45,030 that have ventured into live fund trading, which I've never advocated for any of you to do that, but I know some of you have. You want to maintain this rule by
45 00:09:45,030 --> 00:09:58,560 not going in and trading live funds on Thursday. And Friday, Non Farm Payroll Yes, the market will absolutely move. Yes, the market will have setups. Yes,
46 00:09:58,770 --> 00:10:10,650 absolutely. And But in my history of utilizing the things I'm teaching you, the level of precision isn't as precise or consistent on those two days of this
47 00:10:10,680 --> 00:10:23,220 week. So does it make sense for me as the author of all this stuff, to push the envelope of risk in an environment that three decades have taught me that it
48 00:10:23,220 --> 00:10:39,270 doesn't shine as well, in those days. So as a rule based trader, as a, as an analyst, I have to provide the trader in me a role, or list of protocols and
49 00:10:39,270 --> 00:10:49,260 procedures to follow to keep the trader in line with the analyst expectation that's in me, because inside of each one of you listening, there's three people,
50 00:10:50,400 --> 00:11:01,500 the analyst, that's the person in charge of what you're going to be doing, buying or selling. And the trader, that's the part of you that is going to be
51 00:11:01,500 --> 00:11:11,790 doing the engagement itself, the timing aspect of it, you're actually pushing the button, managing the risk, using the logic that's being leaned on, as the
52 00:11:11,790 --> 00:11:22,080 analyst in you. So the analyst has to know what they're doing, and have to have a rule based idea. And it must discipline. And, like a taskmaster, hold the
53 00:11:22,080 --> 00:11:34,170 trader in you responsible. And the traders responsibility is to keep the gambler, which is the third person in all of you, at bay, keep the gambler out
54 00:11:34,170 --> 00:11:41,460 of the driver's seat, they're going to wreck you, they're going to take risks because they want to see what happens if they push the button board trading,
55 00:11:42,090 --> 00:11:55,590 curiosity, trading, competitive trying to keep up with the Joneses on social media trading, that type of stuff, is what gamblers do. So we always try to keep
56 00:11:55,590 --> 00:12:03,990 the gambler out of it, it's always going to be there. Oh, this looks like something you're a part of right now Miss 90% of the room. But I can get that
57 00:12:03,990 --> 00:12:16,200 last three handles, get that last six pips after smooth 90. You know, that means you've been here before. That's the gambler. That's the part of you that just is
58 00:12:16,200 --> 00:12:27,150 impulsive. So you don't want to be being going into these particular weeks of the month, where there's not from payroll on Thursday or Friday of that
59 00:12:27,210 --> 00:12:38,400 particular week. Just pushing them up to see what happens because, you know, they say if around, find out. And this week, historically has done damage to me.
60 00:12:39,810 --> 00:12:50,280 I've allowed it to do damage to me, I've blown accounts, that's plural, folks. Okay? No shame in telling you while I was learning all this stuff. I literally
61 00:12:50,280 --> 00:12:57,420 smoked my accounts on these particular weeks, because I was trying to force something because I believed other people saying, These are the weeks you're
62 00:12:57,420 --> 00:13:07,470 supposed to trade, look at all the volatility. This is where we got to get in here major moves, when the algorithms are really, really not keyed up in terms
63 00:13:07,470 --> 00:13:18,240 of precision. So a lot more interest for them to be a manual intervention, that means a human comes in and intervenes and causes the market to go just outside
64 00:13:18,270 --> 00:13:28,530 of or well beyond what would be reasonably expected using things I'm teaching you. So that's not a weakness to say this, okay, it's a strength, knowing where
65 00:13:28,530 --> 00:13:36,630 the odds are against me. Whereas the classic retail trader, they just see it as Oh, so another trading day. So therefore, I gotta go out there and push my edge
66 00:13:36,630 --> 00:13:45,990 and then their edge is dulled, because the market doesn't provide the conditions that would be conducive for high probability, low risk. And that's the reason
67 00:13:45,990 --> 00:13:53,790 why to do all of that. If you didn't get it all, you're going to layer on and write that in your journal because that's the reason that's the rationale behind
68 00:13:53,790 --> 00:14:07,230 why I teach my students. That's why I myself maintain a sideline position on Thursday, and Friday have nonfarm payroll weeks. And traditionally, if I don't
69 00:14:07,230 --> 00:14:17,820 have anything on in the morning session, I'm done on Wednesday. Now I can and I have traded morning sessions up to 11 o'clock. Sometimes it was a deviant trade
70 00:14:17,850 --> 00:14:26,940 in the lunch hour, but we can't really do that today because we have what 10 o'clock the Fed chair at 10 o'clock testifying so in about three minutes or so
71 00:14:27,540 --> 00:14:37,710 less than three minutes we'll be seeing him bring his influence in marketplace if you want to call it that. I don't think that's what's going on but they like
72 00:14:37,710 --> 00:14:55,440 to use the Fed chair to do those things. So let's go to yes. Alright, so I'm gonna drop down into a five minute chart. Busy chart for an ICT chart and that's
73 00:14:55,440 --> 00:15:03,060 up here. New week opening gap tonight I will have a video on YouTube channel outline Meanwhile, a new week opening app is what to do with it, how's it
74 00:15:03,060 --> 00:15:22,050 helpful? How to plot it, all that good stuff. So initially, what I was watching was 15 minutes of a bicycle report here, which we've swept above that. And if
75 00:15:22,050 --> 00:15:34,920 you look at the 60 minute chart, that's this. Candles low, this candles high, that's the city. So if you have any doubt, that's what I've extended over here,
76 00:15:35,760 --> 00:15:43,410 straight back down to a five minute chart. And then inside that high, we have a small little freebody gap here in the form of a city, trace up into that range
77 00:15:43,410 --> 00:15:55,140 at 930. Hit that beautifully perfect, and it came back down swept the newest opening gap. And then we're back into touching that 60 minute fair value. We had
78 00:15:55,140 --> 00:16:04,590 relative equal highs here. So that night Are you run into that fear, right? Yep, took out the buy side. So traders were caught long to come back below the lows
79 00:16:04,590 --> 00:16:19,530 here. And rejection block. Most likely probably stopping them or scaling them out this morning. I do not have a clear indication as to how I would engage it.
80 00:16:20,070 --> 00:16:31,260 So we're we're really basically just observing. If you're one of those very highly critical viewers that get to the point type thing like yesterday was very
81 00:16:31,290 --> 00:16:42,600 succinct. It was it allowed me to cover things. Pretty expediently. And I don't foresee that probably happening this morning. So if you're one of those really
82 00:16:42,600 --> 00:16:53,160 lazy viewer students, that's probably going to be not what we see today. And you could probably just catch this video when it's convenient for you over the
83 00:16:53,160 --> 00:17:01,650 weekend or something. But for the real students that are here to learn how to read price action, this is a really good exercise to watch the the effects of
84 00:17:01,770 --> 00:17:10,800 the Fed Chair talking now obviously it's 10 o'clock already 10 o'clock. What is he said He probably hasn't even had to have to take a morning yet. But look at
85 00:17:10,800 --> 00:17:14,790 the flurry of action in here. And there's nothing we could have done here
86 00:17:21,030 --> 00:17:33,270 if you look at the 930 Hi. Okay, so I'm going to be doing is pointing out things that are noteworthy for you to have in your journal and showing the the points
87 00:17:33,270 --> 00:17:44,550 of reference that I'm referring to here and that way you can study after the day closes. But this wick here it went up into that fear of a gap crewed by side
88 00:17:45,420 --> 00:17:52,800 once it did that, watch what this is doing here. Where is it returning up into? Yes it touches the bottom of those 60 minutes here Vegas. Yes, that's
89 00:17:52,800 --> 00:18:05,640 permissible. But where are the bodies where are the bodies in these two candles in deference to this wick Look at that beautiful return to
90 00:18:10,710 --> 00:18:11,370 It's beautiful
91 00:18:16,890 --> 00:18:33,540 so the next one of interest to me in short, you probably saw when I was flashing screen which is what we have here so that these are tools in our repertoire not
92 00:18:33,540 --> 00:18:43,680 to say that it can't crashed out near me anything. I'm not saying that's happening today. But that's the maximum coping gap that I have. So if we have
93 00:18:43,680 --> 00:19:00,600 the focus on that wicker here Dr. Phil as you can see that ICT I could have shorted it could have been could have ran up higher into that system interfere
94 00:19:00,600 --> 00:19:12,480 Vega two, you have no idea. I don't have any idea what the Fed Chair day testimonies are going to present in terms of volatility. look beautiful that
95 00:19:12,780 --> 00:19:37,560 retracement is off that 3974 It's almost like it was programmed. So this this price level here is old I can't make that 39 92.75 the closing price here comes
96 00:19:37,560 --> 00:19:42,390 in at 39,000,003.75 Is that a three was that two? I can't make it out
97 00:19:49,710 --> 00:20:09,480 that's 937-937-9375 So the close 939 Knowing 3.75 So the clothes comes in exactly at that price and the screen up here. That's probably random, to most
98 00:20:09,540 --> 00:20:17,910 viewers that are catching this watching this this randomness, but that's not randomness that's algorithmic. It goes right to that. Now, the wicks can do the
99 00:20:17,910 --> 00:20:29,040 damage, it goes just outside the lines. And this is how the algorithm hides in plain view, in plain view, everybody that's watching price, and is strong
100 00:20:29,040 --> 00:20:39,630 deniers still out there saying that there is no algorithm controlling price, when there's absolutely so much evidence to argue the point that there is. And
101 00:20:39,630 --> 00:20:48,360 why all of you would even wrestle the idea that it's beyond me, it's, I'm sure it's unsettling. It relieved me. Because it made much more sense why the market
102 00:20:48,360 --> 00:21:02,430 does what it does repeatedly. Over and over and over again. So prior to this drop off here, that candle right, there is 955. And we started looking at at 10
103 00:21:02,430 --> 00:21:10,740 o'clock, Powell didn't even get a chance to say anything. And read off of the consequent approachment after tapping a 60 minute fingerbang gap, and I
104 00:21:10,740 --> 00:21:18,990 mentioned, ran all the way down to what we were putting out here. Look at the beautiful delivery off of that back up into them. And here we go opening down.
105 00:21:21,120 --> 00:21:33,240 Now, take Powell out of the conversation, say that wasn't a factor this morning. This run up to that 60 minute Faraday gap would have been a short for me, I
106 00:21:33,240 --> 00:21:39,990 would have smacked that as soon as it went up and hit it other than that, why? Why would I have done that. And I can say this, because you've watched me call
107 00:21:39,990 --> 00:21:49,170 these things live now. For weeks, and months on Twitter, you've watched me execute using the logic that I'm teaching you. So if you're gonna wrestle with
108 00:21:49,170 --> 00:21:57,780 this and say, Oh, this is what should occur, stuff, move on. There's other people out there YouTubing. And you can be entertained by them. But I would have
109 00:21:57,780 --> 00:22:04,890 absolutely smashed that as a short entry, had power, not benefactor this morning. And the reason why I would trust that is because we've already done the
110 00:22:04,890 --> 00:22:14,430 buy side here and also went up into the next premium, right, which is that fair value out there. So I would feel comfortable getting short there with a startup
111 00:22:14,430 --> 00:22:24,090 of the fair value that wants to hit that. At one time when it was bold face green, all body new wicked all when he was touching that, that would be
112 00:22:24,090 --> 00:22:32,520 terrifying to the average trader, it doesn't make any sense to sell short into something like that. Which is why it's important for you as a developing student
113 00:22:32,520 --> 00:22:42,450 using like concepts, you have to have the lipstick, the things that I have on my chart here, I don't have these things on my chart. It's a distraction to me to
114 00:22:42,450 --> 00:22:49,920 watch price with it on there. Because I like to keep my chart clean. But you can't do that while you're learning because you have to have the stuff on there
115 00:22:49,920 --> 00:22:57,990 to refer to it. It's like training wheels when you first learn how to ride a bike, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Pretty soon couple months, you won't need
116 00:22:58,410 --> 00:23:07,080 to have the things that you're needing right now you'll work off of a pair just like I do. This is where all my notes are written down. And I'm constantly
117 00:23:07,080 --> 00:23:15,120 referring to price my other charts in in those key levels, I have noted them, which is basically what I'm showing you here, all these levels here are just in
118 00:23:15,150 --> 00:23:24,930 numerical format on my pad. So I don't need to necessarily have these things on my chart, and you won't overtime either. But if you choose to keep them on
119 00:23:24,930 --> 00:23:32,670 there, there's nothing wrong with that, don't let me discourage you from doing it. I'm just reminding you that it's very distracting for me to have it on
120 00:23:32,670 --> 00:23:44,640 there. But anyway, we're gonna cancel the curtailment of that wick here. After hitting the 60 Minute fairway down, low expansion occurs all the way down to
121 00:23:44,640 --> 00:24:03,570 some random 3974 50 low, this entire run back down into that there. It only went one quarter point lower than the 3974 and a half low. And that's a gap that's
122 00:24:03,600 --> 00:24:11,700 already been treated to. And as a reminder, so mentioned yesterday, folks out there who just absolutely tore up that I'm teaching yourself to noise are
123 00:24:11,700 --> 00:24:20,730 touched on before. There's not bragging, it's not arrogance, I want you to understand that these things have been in front of you. And no one has ever
124 00:24:21,390 --> 00:24:28,440 talked about it. Never never seen it before. They don't teach it. They don't know it. They've never traded with it before it's done. Everybody sees a gap.
125 00:24:28,860 --> 00:24:40,200 I'm not saying I invented gaps. Gaps exist everywhere. But how I use those gaps and how I frame a narrative. You'd never hear anybody teach about how old gap
126 00:24:40,620 --> 00:24:57,960 from a week, months ago, weeks ago is useful. Right now. You don't hear it's not taught. But there's lots of behind it. There's logic behind weaving together a
127 00:24:57,960 --> 00:25:09,300 narrative that if there isn't An algorithm. Okay, this is an argument for you to hold with yourself over the weekend. If there is no algorithm, pray, tell, how
128 00:25:09,330 --> 00:25:17,700 does the market just randomly between buying and selling pressure, sell off rate at a constant encouragement level in a wick that I teach you, and drop
129 00:25:17,730 --> 00:25:29,250 immediately down into a level that I teach you that will be revisited again? And then turn on a dime? If there is no algorithm, how is it that there are traders
130 00:25:29,250 --> 00:25:37,410 that don't have any information given to them in books and courses and educators? They don't teach this stuff. So how on earth did it just do this very
131 00:25:37,410 --> 00:25:48,540 thing and deliver exactly like it did. It takes more faith in the religion of retail logic, that that all came together for that to occur. It doesn't make any
132 00:25:48,540 --> 00:25:54,690 sense. So anyway, let's take a look at NASDAQ real quick.
133 00:26:02,789 --> 00:26:15,299 Sustained delivery, but that's not a bad that's these are my SMT studies showing the NASDAQ Andale when I'm while I'm looking at a year, so let's go back a year.
134 00:26:20,279 --> 00:26:31,379 Since all of this is comparing, but nothing in here, outside of what was just delivered there was really important to me now. And I'd be interested to see if
135 00:26:31,409 --> 00:26:43,049 it can mount a deeper run into that 60 minute. For value that I'm going to show you what I'm looking at specifically what I'm referring to scrunch this up here.
136 00:26:44,879 --> 00:26:55,199 Alright, so we have inside the upper portion of that 60 minute affair Vegas should we extend above. Because we've already dipped down in here I was pretty
137 00:26:55,199 --> 00:27:04,379 aggressive. And we had a nice little retracement off of those level. That is the thing that when I say the new we gave and got I'm not referring to the present
138 00:27:04,379 --> 00:27:15,989 week, I refer to every new Ethiopian gap as newly opened. If you want to have a structure to your identification, let me go back to your appointment. This
139 00:27:16,049 --> 00:27:25,859 waterblock here's what I'm looking at another board boundaries that we ended up discussing the relationships between and the week opening gaps. If you want to
140 00:27:25,859 --> 00:27:36,119 have like a labeling system, in your own charts that will have like representing what new week opening get like you can label them by date using the Sunday gap.
141 00:27:36,539 --> 00:27:44,249 opening price. That will be your new week opening gap label. So if you're referring to it, you're referring to the difference between the previous week's
142 00:27:44,249 --> 00:27:54,029 Friday's closing price on settlement, which you'll hear talk about when we get into the video, do you promise it'll be a very short video, there isn't a whole
143 00:27:54,029 --> 00:28:03,509 lot to it. Even though it is like alchemy. It's beautiful, isn't it? It's been trending on Twitter since the first day I mentioned it weeks ago, which I think
144 00:28:03,509 --> 00:28:13,469 is fascinating. But the the labeling system that you can utilize is optimized, obviously up to you, you can call the each one of these individual new newly
145 00:28:13,469 --> 00:28:26,459 opened the gaps, whatever you want to keep referencing, or reference them in a manner that is helpful to you. I don't personally require that because I know if
146 00:28:26,459 --> 00:28:36,899 I'm bullish or bearish, I'm looking for close proximity new weak opening gaps below me. So that's it's really not technically difficult to understand, as
147 00:28:36,899 --> 00:28:47,759 you'll see tonight. It's there's not a lot of acrobatics that are required. But the insight that it gives you, folks Listen, listen, when I started last year,
148 00:28:47,759 --> 00:28:58,919 and I told you I was gonna come out and teach and give you a mentorship level, performance opening for free. I told you I was going to teach you things. And
149 00:28:58,919 --> 00:29:07,829 then we rolled into this year. And I told you I was going to show you what's going on behind the scenes. What makes these markets really book. Nobody else is
150 00:29:07,829 --> 00:29:17,009 teaching you that. They got wonderful systems to get profitability. They have all kinds of gadgets and setups, but they're never telling you what makes the
151 00:29:17,009 --> 00:29:26,249 market move. They falsely attributed to their patterns. Their things are indicators and it has absolutely no bearing on what makes them feel good about
152 00:29:26,249 --> 00:29:39,089 them. Now. I understand that I'm not everybody's cup of tea, but I have exactly what everybody is looking for. It's the truth. And it's undeniable. It's
153 00:29:39,089 --> 00:29:51,449 unrivaled. You can't you can't beat the truth. You can contort it and twist it that I'm laying out there for him showing you exactly what you should what you
154 00:29:51,449 --> 00:29:59,189 should be expecting to see in price. If there is an algorithm. These things wouldn't unfold like they do. Or if there isn't an algorithm I should say. It
155 00:29:59,189 --> 00:30:13,139 wouldn't be doing this thing. because they continuously knew them, there has to be a control mechanism. And the way I discovered it is, I noticed that they
156 00:30:13,139 --> 00:30:29,279 would repeat many times within a 10 minute window. It always repeat over and over and over again within the same expected 10 minute window. And the certain
157 00:30:29,279 --> 00:30:42,779 10 minute windows would occur in specific hours of the day, on specific days of the week, within specific months of the year, within specific seasonality in the
158 00:30:42,779 --> 00:30:53,489 data doesn't lie, it's there. And then when you start looking at production live, like we're watching here. And you anticipate these things unfold, you
159 00:30:53,489 --> 00:31:01,559 expect to see if you expect to see these things, if there is some kind of control mechanism in here. It's not just buying and selling pressure, because to
160 00:31:01,559 --> 00:31:11,729 me, it makes no sense when I finally took a step back and said, You know what, there shouldn't be a free for all. Because that means a hostile entity could
161 00:31:11,729 --> 00:31:24,839 come in and crash our markets. If it was all to selling pressure, what would keep a rogue nation with lots of money coming in? What would prevent a large
162 00:31:24,839 --> 00:31:38,579 nation coming in putting lots of money or a group of nations coming in to pressure about selling short? Our equities market? Believe me, there are people
163 00:31:38,609 --> 00:31:46,829 and countries out there that are not friendly to us in the States. And that would absolutely be a weapon. If it was just like they teach us it is it's a
164 00:31:46,829 --> 00:31:56,549 free market. No, it's not. It's controlled. It is it's as it should be controlled, there should be a mechanism. And if it's a business, that means it
165 00:31:56,549 --> 00:32:07,589 has a process, an algorithm that it follows. And you shouldn't be afraid of it, you shouldn't be upset the fact that it's rigged, you should be thankful that
166 00:32:07,589 --> 00:32:23,549 it's rigged. That's what gives you the edge that you have. Because if it was absolutely 100% Random, nobody could consistently beat it. Nobody could. And you
167 00:32:23,549 --> 00:32:37,139 should take comfort in that. My first week when I realized that there had to be some kind of control. And at first I was angers like this why I lost everything.
168 00:32:37,199 --> 00:32:47,849 Well, no, I lost because I didn't know what I was doing. See the difference, their responsibility. This responsibility. And for many of you out there that
169 00:32:47,849 --> 00:32:59,489 listen to me, they're always taking shots at me about how there isn't the algorithm, because you know, somebody's cousins uncle, who's a bank trader, and
170 00:32:59,489 --> 00:33:12,149 they don't trade this way. One talk about a tear a little bit higher than him or her. They wouldn't do this. Because they're indoctrinated with all of their
171 00:33:13,019 --> 00:33:24,809 learning. The Goldman Sachs police, they only know what they're been trained to view, this is what the market does are trying to do is follow these tools, these
172 00:33:24,809 --> 00:33:35,519 things that have no bearing on price. And when you strip it away, peel back the onion every layer at a time. You start seeing things that just repeat to
173 00:33:35,549 --> 00:33:46,259 consistently too frequently too precise. Look at that fair, well, you get me on the new week opening government that they're nice only four and a half. And look
174 00:33:46,259 --> 00:33:58,799 where we're at right now. In a beautiful, like that's beautiful. To see something that is completely hidden from everybody else outside this community.
175 00:33:58,859 --> 00:34:11,279 They had no expectation of seeing going around these levels. They had no expectation whatsoever. But you're seeing it, you can see day after day after
176 00:34:11,279 --> 00:34:21,419 day after day delivering and what's actually occurring. I mentioned a bit Corbin because this might be your first time seeing some of them when they come to the
177 00:34:21,419 --> 00:34:35,789 channel, though. He knew he grew up in gap is a real dynamic, fair value. It's a range between two specific price points that are fundamental, if you want to
178 00:34:35,789 --> 00:34:48,749 call it that. Where did we close the previous week on Friday? And where do we begin trading this new week on Sunday. Between those two price points. There's
179 00:34:48,749 --> 00:35:01,349 what there's uncertainty and uncertainty builds what opportunity where there's a difference of opinion. That's where they're traded. At One thinks it's going
180 00:35:01,349 --> 00:35:10,889 higher opposed, traders thinks it's going to go lower. That means you have a buyer and a seller. That's the reason why the newly opened and got works because
181 00:35:10,889 --> 00:35:24,029 there is a real liquidity void. There's a separation between those two price points, previous Friday's closing something's opening price. So what the market
182 00:35:24,029 --> 00:35:34,289 algorithm does, it delivers buyers and sellers, I'll take it there, you might be fortunate enough to be in a mood that rise to these levels, you did not push it
183 00:35:34,289 --> 00:35:45,389 there. Everyone on the trade with you, in that right direction, did not push it there. It's going there. Regardless, that's the part you don't understand. And I
184 00:35:45,389 --> 00:35:58,619 don't care who you are, I don't care who you worked for who you work for now. It doesn't change the fact that this is going on every single day. And I'm
185 00:35:58,619 --> 00:36:02,519 predicting it. I got case studies after case studies on Twitter.
186 00:36:04,260 --> 00:36:19,680 And now traders are using it making real money. Prices going to that range between Friday's closing price and Sunday's new opening price to offer to offer
187 00:36:20,520 --> 00:36:34,110 fair value to the marketplace for you and I Not necessarily. It's for the large fund interest, it's to get large funds to bring their trades into the
188 00:36:34,110 --> 00:36:46,800 marketplace. Because what smart money they're not doing one contracts, they're not trading five handles in a day. They're putting in size and how that he puts
189 00:36:46,800 --> 00:36:59,550 sides on they have to have a Counterparty that is equally if not more interesting than they are. So the market delivers it by algorithmic principles
190 00:36:59,550 --> 00:37:12,390 and when that price gets delivered, because it's going there anyway, once it goes there, large funds either come in or get taken out. And that provides the
191 00:37:12,390 --> 00:37:26,310 counterparty liquidity for this entity that is deemed smart money, which is not bank traders at UBS city. Credit Suisse, the minimum we're talking up above
192 00:37:26,310 --> 00:37:35,070 them. The folks that don't learn they're not going to be on social media, you're not going to be interviewed on CNBC. Okay, I'm sorry. But there's a whole
193 00:37:35,070 --> 00:37:45,750 different category that you're just not aware of. And that's who's engaging like this. That's why it's in our inbox. It's why no one's talked about before
194 00:37:45,750 --> 00:37:56,370 because they're not supposed to talk to you. They're not supposed to divulging anything. And here's this joker on YouTube talking to you about not just talking
195 00:37:56,370 --> 00:38:09,270 about demos, and just talking on paper trades as I'm talking to another language I created. So we're talking about so we're halfway between one noumic opening
196 00:38:09,270 --> 00:38:18,930 that and the lower one that needs a little bit so far here. And we're at the midpoint of that long wick. So that's consequent parchment so I'm what my eyes
197 00:38:18,930 --> 00:38:20,910 there I'm watching it here
198 00:38:32,790 --> 00:38:44,130 I believe I'll have the video up at 10pm My time so that we don't be sitting like on bated breath waiting for the video to drop your prior that about 10
199 00:38:44,130 --> 00:38:52,230 o'clock tonight my my local time which is East Coast time with us. That's what we're looking for. It'll probably be about 15 minutes or less of a video it's
200 00:38:52,230 --> 00:38:58,560 not going to be very long at all. Very short sustained right to the point this is what you do is how you make them miss how you dress your chart with it
201 00:39:16,080 --> 00:39:17,820 the reaction halfway on network
202 00:39:32,760 --> 00:39:45,420 here's a consequent person at 3980 and three quarters. Their low on that candle comes in at their 980 and a half only went one one quarter of a point one tick
203 00:39:45,540 --> 00:39:53,340 below consequent encroachment and then look at the reaction that is treatable. That's algorithmic delivery
204 00:39:59,490 --> 00:40:09,660 randomly All. So even in a sloppy mess, you can still see signatures and notes. That's the benefit of us being together today. That's all I'm doing and pointing
205 00:40:09,660 --> 00:40:19,800 out things that I want your attention on when you're watching every day, every day, what prevents us from going in and pushing a button today is the
206 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:33,240 uncertainty that the market maker, okay, the market maker that is in control of the algorithm that can stop the algorithm from delivering on its macros and
207 00:40:33,660 --> 00:40:44,370 manually intervene and reprice wherever they want it to go. And you don't know when that's going to happen when the Fed chair is talking, I don't know that,
208 00:40:44,610 --> 00:40:55,080 which is the reason why I tread carefully. And I don't do anything I observe. It keeps me close to the market by watching it. It's wonderful exercise for you as
209 00:40:55,080 --> 00:41:09,060 a developing student. And that way, you're not becoming impulsive or chasing profits, whereas you're trying to learn the science behind how these algorithms
210 00:41:09,210 --> 00:41:09,690 operate.
211 00:41:14,700 --> 00:41:23,700 So think about the delivery from consequent curves went down here which I talked about at the time. It's not cherry picked, okay, I told you to watch this at the
212 00:41:23,700 --> 00:41:34,920 very second as it was trading there. And where it delivered from here all the way back up into this 60 minute fear Vega where's the buyside resting rate above
213 00:41:34,920 --> 00:41:45,780 here so we've went all the way down to this new week opening gap low we're inside the 60 Minute fair value gap again we've already did the buy side here so
214 00:41:45,780 --> 00:41:54,060 that's not what we're interested in we want to see does it want to go above this high end trading this order block and completely maybe come all the way back up
215 00:41:54,060 --> 00:42:06,840 to the high end of that 69 For Vega because it's already pierced this low in this low? What was below these lows here? South Side? How far can it go down
216 00:42:06,840 --> 00:42:21,330 below and oh Lu ICT how far how do you know how far it's going to go? And it will keep going. Maybe opening gaps, New Day opening gaps. Opening range gaps,
217 00:42:21,360 --> 00:42:29,700 the gaps between where we closed yesterday and when we open up milling 30 There's three specific data right there. I'll have I'll have the I'm not gonna
218 00:42:29,700 --> 00:42:37,260 have all of them this week, but I'll have the new week opening gap tutorial video tonight. And I don't know when I'll do the new day opening gap video but
219 00:42:37,260 --> 00:42:52,050 that'll be next and and I'm gonna be open more each gap video have the details on gaps and how I internalize them how the algorithm will refer to them. There's
220 00:42:52,050 --> 00:43:02,400 so much there's so much if you just simply put down the willingness to want to armwrestling and stop trying to say I'm rebranding anything at the moment this
221 00:43:02,400 --> 00:43:13,560 is a stunning books, you can get yourself a million dollars if you can find it in print, I told you that 9096 That's when it was codified. Sorry, that's me
222 00:43:18,810 --> 00:43:27,780 but that range movement from the consequent curtailment of this wick After clearing the sell side below this low in this slot I'm gonna drop a line on okay
223 00:43:27,780 --> 00:43:33,930 so you can see below this love here oops sorry
224 00:43:44,130 --> 00:43:54,150 Okay, so we have two lows here that are relatively equal. And you always want to put it right on the lower of the low between the two. So that's a little bit
225 00:43:54,150 --> 00:44:03,660 below that's okay. From here to here. So what's resting below that sell side liquidity sell stops traders that would want to protect a long position, they
226 00:44:03,660 --> 00:44:11,340 put a sell stop below that. Traders that want to sell short on a breakout thinking that weakness that comes in, they would see that as a reason to be
227 00:44:11,340 --> 00:44:23,460 short. So if what I'm teaching you is we attack that liquidity. And the question that comes up a lot is okay, how do you know how far if you want to be buying
228 00:44:23,460 --> 00:44:33,210 these stuffs because I teach how to do that and the core content was alternative last year on my YouTube channel. The end folks please stop emailing me asking me
229 00:44:33,240 --> 00:44:42,390 to join my paid mentorship. I'm mentoring you right now for free. This is mentorship. Okay, I don't want your money. I'm never gonna charge your money. Is
230 00:44:42,390 --> 00:44:52,920 it okay? For me, I'm, I'm having fun doing this. You should be keeping notes and benefiting from all of it. But the question many times comes up is how how can
231 00:44:52,920 --> 00:45:03,270 you trust How do you know? How do you know then when it drops below lows to be buyer, how do you know how far I can go? Like, where would you place your stop?
232 00:45:03,660 --> 00:45:09,990 Well, in this case is helps a lot when you have information like the new weak opening gap, because we would expect it to drop down and this was in the chart,
233 00:45:10,020 --> 00:45:17,790 it wasn't off screen, it was mentioned to you, this is an interesting level, if we dropped lower, this is where it's going to likely draw to. It's below these
234 00:45:17,790 --> 00:45:28,440 relative equal lows. So below here is salsa. So there's Laird sell stops below these lows that you don't know. And the depth of market the DOM, those orders
235 00:45:28,440 --> 00:45:37,380 can be spoofed. Just because you see them, prompting you saying there's this many willingness to be a seller or buyer at a particular level doesn't mean that
236 00:45:37,380 --> 00:45:45,360 that order is going to be there when price gets there. Spoofing is a real thing. Spoofing is when you put an order there. And then by the time it gets or gets
237 00:45:45,360 --> 00:45:54,420 close to it, they pull the order away. So it's a gimmick. Okay, I'm sorry, if you if you'd like to use that tool, and it's helpful to you. That's great. But
238 00:45:54,420 --> 00:46:05,820 don't argue and say that that's the reason why the markets move emphasis. But below these lows or sell side. So how far can it drop down below? Oh, lows, new
239 00:46:05,820 --> 00:46:18,510 week opening gap, New Day opening gap? Opening range gap? There's your three tools. How far can you trust the move above an old high for a turtle suit? I
240 00:46:18,510 --> 00:46:31,470 just taught it to you. Loops magically come out of nowhere. So the market drops all the way down through relatively equal lows into some random level noumic
241 00:46:31,470 --> 00:46:41,070 opening gap, because one tick outside of it why? Remember I was teaching it likes to create these little Mohawks. Okay? He's little Mohawks that overlap a
242 00:46:41,070 --> 00:46:52,440 little bit. Why? Because there has to be what the bigness difference. So if a trader wants that 3974 and a half, it has to trade, where are you going to 74
243 00:46:52,440 --> 00:47:03,960 and a quarter. That's what you got here. Everything makes sense, when you understand it that way, instead of taking your price patterns and animal
244 00:47:03,960 --> 00:47:13,740 harmonics and Elliott Wave things and try to cram all that stuff into a reason why price is going up. It has no reason there is no basis at all for why the
245 00:47:13,740 --> 00:47:27,780 markets are going to be booking this way. It's going to go up for buy stops, or it's going to go up to redeliver to an inefficiency like a fair bagger. It's it,
246 00:47:29,010 --> 00:47:38,640 it's either going to go up for that reason for Long's to sell their long positions to or it's going up there to start a new sell off. So that we shorts
247 00:47:38,640 --> 00:47:49,350 can be implemented, and then is going to be looking for an opposing liquidity. The market goes down for self stops, it goes below in the low or an old lows,
248 00:47:50,700 --> 00:48:01,470 where it goes down to an inefficiency that it will reprice to, that's it. If it's not doing that guess what it's doing. Consolidating. Is that hard, folks, I
249 00:48:01,470 --> 00:48:08,760 get complaints all the time from people that don't really want to learn. Or they sell something. They have a competitive nature because they're trying to sell
250 00:48:08,760 --> 00:48:18,870 their thing. And I'm not here to teach them what makes the market really move when it's looking perfectly to tick. Now say I'm overcomplicating things, I'm
251 00:48:18,870 --> 00:48:29,040 not complicate anything that is absolutely easy. It's three, it's totally three conditions, it's going up for one of two reasons going down for one of two
252 00:48:29,040 --> 00:48:39,090 reasons where it's consolidating. I teach you when it's going to consolidate when we're ahead of big news, or event like this, we don't know what Powell is
253 00:48:39,090 --> 00:48:51,570 going to say and how the market makers are going to utilize that. So what is it doing? It's consolidating. We're not trading. Why, because it's likely to do
254 00:48:51,570 --> 00:49:00,900 this. And if it does move, it's uncertain. So you can't really trust it. So there you go. Now, you know, when the markets gonna consolidate, I just taught
255 00:49:00,900 --> 00:49:09,360 you. I've taught you before, but I just reminded you, this is what it looks like. But when you're bullish, and when I'm bullish, I'm looking for one of two
256 00:49:09,360 --> 00:49:19,890 things to happen. It's going to go up to buy stocks above the high or relative equal highs. Or it's going up to a premium fair value debt, some sign up some
257 00:49:19,890 --> 00:49:33,540 kind of inefficiency, where the market has dropped in periods. It could be as far as 60 days back, some old high, some old price decline, where there is a
258 00:49:33,540 --> 00:49:41,400 fair value gap. It's gonna go up into that level there to be price. That's the only two reasons why price is gonna go up for me. That's it. It's simple, isn't
259 00:49:41,400 --> 00:49:49,620 it? It's very, very simple. That is not complicated. No matter how much you want to torture it. It's never going to submit to being complicated. That's easy.
260 00:49:50,400 --> 00:49:59,070 It's going up for stocks or it's going up for fair value got boom done. Over Simple as that. Are you bullish okay. You're looking for one or two things. Is
261 00:49:59,070 --> 00:50:06,420 there a feared I got no During the fair, right, yeah, so once you gotta go for the stops, baby, it's gonna go right up in the news by stops, just like you're
262 00:50:06,420 --> 00:50:19,320 seeing happen right there. Is it complicated when you look at it that way? Honestly, I'm asking sincerely, because I don't believe it is. I don't believe
263 00:50:19,320 --> 00:50:29,520 it's complicated. It's very simplistic. And it's not, there's nothing that you should be wrestling with and trying to feel overwhelmed with. But you're trying
264 00:50:29,520 --> 00:50:42,870 to learn it too fast. And you can't rush it. It takes these types of things here, sitting here and watching price action. When we were down here, okay, when
265 00:50:42,870 --> 00:50:52,530 we were down here, I said, Watch that wick. Okay, that's not cherry picking. That's me taking your attention, right to a very specific price level, not a
266 00:50:52,530 --> 00:51:05,010 zone, not a zone, a very specific price level. The midpoint between the closing price and the low of that candle is consequent approaching. And I told you as
267 00:51:05,010 --> 00:51:14,670 this candle is dipping down, and I said watch that level right here. And then I said, we want to see what we want to see a trade back above, deeper into that 60
268 00:51:14,670 --> 00:51:22,410 minute fair value gap, which is that pink shaded area. And more specifically, aim for the buy side liquidity resting above here. Why? Because we've already
269 00:51:22,410 --> 00:51:32,910 worked in utilize this fair value gap multiple times. So if it's going back up, it's not going back up here for this. It's going back up for what? The BizStats
270 00:51:32,910 --> 00:51:45,300 resting above that. Is that complicated? Was that complicated at all, in my just my delivery about it. It's not complicated, folks. That's not complicated. What
271 00:51:45,300 --> 00:51:55,500 you're feeling, if you think it's complicated is your feeling this insatiable desire to be able to mimic what I'm doing immediately, and that is not going to
272 00:51:55,500 --> 00:52:04,140 happen. It takes time. It takes time doing what we're doing here. Reading price action, when there's no trade involved. You're not, you're not influenced by the
273 00:52:04,170 --> 00:52:13,410 profit or loss. You don't care, you're indifferent to it. Exactly. That's exactly what you need to be doing. While you're learning how to trade. You need
274 00:52:13,410 --> 00:52:22,500 to learn how to read price first, and no educator pushes this part because they want your money. They want your subscription, they want your everything that
275 00:52:22,500 --> 00:52:34,680 paying them. I don't need that I'm giving you my time for free. I can be out here doing whatever I want to do right now. And I'm spending it with you. Who's
276 00:52:34,680 --> 00:52:42,000 making the greater investment here me Are you that's what it boils down to. Because a lot of you aren't really trying to learn. You want something to be
277 00:52:42,030 --> 00:52:51,180 easy 123 Watch a video one time, and you'll be able to go out there and do it right away. And I'm sorry, I don't have that for you. You can't get this level
278 00:52:51,180 --> 00:52:59,580 of precision with watching a video a couple times. And you know there that you got it, you've got to be in the charts. And that's why I unfortunately, separate
279 00:52:59,580 --> 00:53:09,810 and divide the people. I'm very divisive. And I don't shy away from that because I want to know right away. If you're a weak minded, impatient person, and you
280 00:53:09,810 --> 00:53:19,170 can't listen to the lectures and jawboning, you won't make it here. So leave the ones that go through this. They're the ones that make it every one of these
281 00:53:19,170 --> 00:53:27,360 people that I'm going to be interviewing that make money with real money. They listened. They did the things I told him to do, and didn't do the things I told
282 00:53:27,360 --> 00:53:36,240 him not to do. That's what separates him from you. What they're willing to put themselves through.
283 00:53:39,690 --> 00:53:52,230 These markets are extremely complicated, but I have removed that complication. I've applied a science to it. I've literally codified a logic so that way, you
284 00:53:52,230 --> 00:54:05,070 can go in and see exactly, exactly what to anticipate when to expect it. Why it should happen. I covered every base for you. Every base. There's no reason why
285 00:54:05,070 --> 00:54:13,650 anybody watching these live streams do not sit there and think to themselves. What the hell am I doing? Why haven't I been doing this? This makes perfect
286 00:54:13,650 --> 00:54:23,550 sense. This is exactly how I want to trade. I want to see the market like this. This is like knowing what's going to happen. And that's why it's called futures.
287 00:54:24,660 --> 00:54:37,320 We're predicting the future. Not everybody can do it. Which is the reason why majority people lose. But I have a transferable skill that you can get from me.
288 00:54:37,920 --> 00:54:54,660 All you have to do is show up to show up. There's no PayPal. There's no credit cards, no coupon codes needed. New Black Friday sales. I love this. I live this
289 00:54:54,660 --> 00:55:03,420 as my entire life. I'm passionate about I'm passionate about teaching. I love transforming people. into financial dynamos, and you're about to see some of
290 00:55:03,420 --> 00:55:15,720 them. Some of them have done extremely well. Others very, very well. But more more than not, you're going to see them in their own face, their own expressions
291 00:55:15,720 --> 00:55:26,010 share what it was like for them. And I'm going to ask them questions. Some of the questions you guys gave me as a as a list of things that you would like to
292 00:55:26,010 --> 00:55:34,020 ask if it were you asking a profitable ICT student, because I didn't want to just go in and here's my cherry picked questions, I'm giving you all an
293 00:55:34,020 --> 00:55:42,210 opportunity to go in on my Twitter, and tell me what questions you would like to see me ask them. I don't want to do longer than an hour, I think an hour is
294 00:55:42,210 --> 00:55:51,090 really a lot. But I'm going to present each one of the students that have reached out to me, I have a lot of them that email me. And it's not the people
295 00:55:51,090 --> 00:55:59,280 that's done spreadsheets, okay? These people have made money, they have brokerage statements. They have interviews with funded companies, they have cash
296 00:55:59,310 --> 00:56:06,570 withdrawals, and receipts. So we're not talking about people that done demos, okay, we're not talking about Market Replay reports on NinjaTrader, we're
297 00:56:06,570 --> 00:56:16,980 talking about real money. That's what I asked for. That's what you all want to see. And they're all gonna sit down face to face with me. And it'll be a pre
298 00:56:16,980 --> 00:56:27,960 recorded. So that way everything is professionally done. Nobody can interrupt us. And if I get a children, my dogs come in and look at all that stuff out
299 00:56:27,990 --> 00:56:38,700 live. I don't want to be distracted by that. And the questions will be emailed to all them. So that way allows them to have their answers prepared. Like when I
300 00:56:38,700 --> 00:56:48,480 was being interviewed by corbs. Like, I didn't know what that guy was going to ask me. And some questions, you know, if a, if a person is shy, and you may be
301 00:56:48,510 --> 00:56:58,770 talking about money isn't a comfortable thing for some people. Other people are like, I can't wait to get on ICTs, jam and flex. I can't wait. That's cool. But
302 00:56:59,190 --> 00:57:13,200 not everybody's like that. And it'd be easy for me to cause some kind of a delay or happy expression later on. You share it on another comment in the video or
303 00:57:13,200 --> 00:57:21,060 Twitter post when they said, Oh, I wish I would remember this. You know, if I asked us that, you know, what was your? What was your worst trading day? Because
304 00:57:21,060 --> 00:57:27,240 that's one question. I'm gonna ask like, what was your worst trading day? And how did you deal with that? And how do you deal with losing? Like, what's your
305 00:57:27,330 --> 00:57:35,010 what's the procedure you go through? There's a questions that if you aren't prepared to talk about that, and it's a wrestling match that you've gone
306 00:57:35,010 --> 00:57:43,200 through, it might cause you to shy away from being honest. And I want the questions in their hands first. So that way they can wrestle with it, talk about
307 00:57:43,200 --> 00:57:51,750 it within themselves and say, okay, he's going to ask me this. And people are going to hear me talk about that. How do I want to respond? I don't want to be
308 00:57:51,750 --> 00:57:59,370 shell shocked. I don't want to do any kind of gotcha questions. Okay. Because that's like the thing they really want to do. They want a gotcha, gotcha. The
309 00:57:59,370 --> 00:58:11,490 other bearish do too, I'm not trying to embarrass anybody. I want them to be 100% honest. And I want the interview to be organic, in no surprises, because I
310 00:58:11,490 --> 00:58:20,250 think it would be unfair for any student any person being interviewed to get a question upside their head to Hell yeah, by the way, how many times has your
311 00:58:20,400 --> 00:58:26,370 your spouse stepped up to the marriage? You know, that type of thing? Not that this would be like that. But you know what I'm saying like things that would be
312 00:58:26,670 --> 00:58:38,190 unsavory for an interview. We're here to watch people give a testimony on how they make money. What they do, how long did it take them? What did they have to
313 00:58:38,190 --> 00:58:45,840 struggle through? Where, you know, what's their goals? What is their routine in the morning? Or what session? Did they trade? These are all questions I plan on
314 00:58:45,840 --> 00:58:53,100 asking. And some of you I've seen others questions that I didn't really think about, but are really good. And I'm going to utilize that. So I have to find a
315 00:58:53,100 --> 00:59:02,790 way for them to have their responses in mind. Okay, so that way, we don't go over an hour. I don't want to be, you know, I'm not gonna be doing a lot of the
316 00:59:02,790 --> 00:59:11,280 top North thing. I want to do this asking the question and prompting, keeping it moving along. But I want the student themselves talking, I want to this is my
317 00:59:11,280 --> 00:59:21,360 opportunity. More so than you I'm interested in hearing their testimony. Like I would have been willing to do this for private reasons. But I've made it public
318 00:59:21,360 --> 00:59:30,030 that I will be doing it and sharing it publicly. So they all know that it's going up on my YouTube channel. So if you're afraid to share your face, you're
319 00:59:30,030 --> 00:59:38,430 going up here, and I want you to give me permission to do that. If you don't want to do that, and obviously interviewing gonna happen. I will not be doing it
320 00:59:38,460 --> 00:59:45,270 on Twitter spaces. I don't think that's genuine. I could be hiring people. You know, I mean, like anybody else out there could claim and say, oh, yeah, he's
321 00:59:45,270 --> 00:59:52,200 hired somebody to do that. You don't see the person. You don't see their expressions. You don't see their emotions when they're talking about the good
322 00:59:52,200 --> 01:00:00,960 and the bad experience. I want you to see which is exactly why I watch YouTubers. When they livestream I want to see their face I want to see the
323 01:00:00,960 --> 01:00:09,300 expression when they talk about things that they were successful in. Because their face will tell you, I want to see their expression when they talk about
324 01:00:09,300 --> 01:00:18,750 the painful things because their face is going to tell you. When you're hiding your face, and you're talking about things like that, it's it's hard to get to
325 01:00:18,750 --> 01:00:27,750 the root of what they had to go through. And if we're going to talk about it, let's really talk about it right. I have a lot of respect for anybody that be
326 01:00:27,750 --> 01:00:36,420 willing, that would be willing to do this. And I have a long list of people that have reached out to me, so I have interviews for months. And don't be upset if I
327 01:00:36,420 --> 01:00:45,120 hadn't reached out to you yet. Because there's a lot of you. I promise you, if you email me, and you want to do the interview, and you have proof that you're
328 01:00:45,120 --> 01:00:52,350 profitable with broker statements, and funded account withdrawals and interviews with the company that funded you, you're absolutely 100% invited to have a
329 01:00:52,350 --> 01:00:59,850 conversation with me. I want to hear your story. I want to hear testimony and everybody else, I'm sure would love to see that. If that's something that you
330 01:00:59,850 --> 01:01:06,210 want to see. And you're interested in seeing, give this video a thumbs up, let them know because they may be sitting on the fence about it. And maybe you're
331 01:01:06,210 --> 01:01:15,180 shy about it like well, maybe maybe what I mean wasn't enough money. Listen, if you're making money, don't think that there's a threshold. The first two guys
332 01:01:15,180 --> 01:01:23,430 are obviously behemoth. They've taken pretty sizable, huge chunks of money out of the marketplace. I'm only using them first because they are the first ones
333 01:01:23,430 --> 01:01:34,290 that sparked his whole interest. And I have people that have done 80,000 50,000 40,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 You're gonna see it, folks, these
334 01:01:34,290 --> 01:01:43,920 people have receipts. And you can't argue with that. They are doing it. And that, to me, is very inspirational as a mentor. Because they did that on their
335 01:01:43,920 --> 01:01:51,330 own. I never one time told them to take any of those trades. And I never told them that treatment life funds. They made their own their own initiative to
336 01:01:51,330 --> 01:02:02,970 their own initiative. And they did themselves. It was organic, 100% organic. And that to me is a maverick. That to me is a dynamo. That to me is that is awesome.
337 01:02:03,090 --> 01:02:11,520 That fires me up. Because they took the initiative to go and do something. They listen to the naysayers out there and say, Oh, this stuff is complicated. All
338 01:02:11,520 --> 01:02:22,470 this stuff is fake. It's a fraud. It's this money. You're not going to convince these folks. They're pulling down money. spendable money, not Market Replay
339 01:02:22,470 --> 01:02:33,840 reports, not demo profits, not paper trading. Okay. They're paying taxes on this money. Big difference. Big difference. And I was surprised at the response I got
340 01:02:34,620 --> 01:02:44,880 was a lot. And we had to do more than one a week. I mean, it's, it's a lot. I mean, I guess it would be reasonable to expect at home with a community size of
341 01:02:44,880 --> 01:03:03,540 hours. And so many people now getting into it. But anyway. So while we didn't see a barnburner of a movie this morning, and we didn't have a trending model, I
342 01:03:03,540 --> 01:03:12,840 gave you something real time to observe. We watched the new week opening gap deliver. And then I mentioned that we were trading out here was the Costco
343 01:03:12,840 --> 01:03:20,190 encroachment there. And then we would want to see it run up into the upper portion of that shaded area, which is what we did a more specifically take out
344 01:03:20,190 --> 01:03:34,080 the buy side here. So we've done that. So the difference between that would be we'll call it 81. So So 81 To 4000 to 20 handles or so
345 01:03:35,430 --> 01:03:45,930 that's not that What would 20 Candles do for you? What if you just got five handles out of that to one of us, which is what I teach all my students to and
346 01:03:45,930 --> 01:03:58,440 for us a very low rung objective when you first start out it's easy to see five handles in a day several times but you aren't going to see these types of setups
347 01:03:58,770 --> 01:04:11,730 just because you watch the video like you have to know a lot of things you have to be in the charts watching it paint key off a specific times of the day. Look
348 01:04:11,730 --> 01:04:23,130 for things that have already occurred which was when I outlined the sell side below here is relative equal those who went down below it here beautiful
349 01:04:23,130 --> 01:04:31,800 delivery that's precise again tonight. rolls back up in in in one more time tries to make an attempt to go down here but there's no reason why why is there
350 01:04:31,800 --> 01:04:40,290 no reason ICT How could I trust that? How did you trust the talk about because you could do it wrong in front of everybody it could have been laughing at you.
351 01:04:42,930 --> 01:04:54,750 What are outlined here, the sell side below these relatively equal lows. It goes down to a logical level. Not some random place. Not some random zone.
352 01:04:59,850 --> 01:05:09,210 I They refer to anything harmonic down here. These levels were already on my chart when it looked down. And taking your attention to that level right there,
353 01:05:10,050 --> 01:05:22,500 this failure swing, you can now anticipate them. If you have the backdrop, the foundation behind it, that we've already went below these lows for sale site and
354 01:05:22,500 --> 01:05:33,000 it went to a level that would be expected. Think about what's going on here, my feeling that I'm stating that the algorithm will go back down to this level
355 01:05:33,000 --> 01:05:48,240 below these lows, go there and be content with that and then look to do what reprice for an opposing liquidity for inefficiency, we had both by side and the
356 01:05:48,240 --> 01:05:55,950 remaining portion of that 60 minute fair value gap on the sheet area. I don't need it to go all the way up to the top, I just need to go back to the buy side
357 01:05:55,950 --> 01:06:07,290 here. So smart money was buying below these lows. Notice it's doing that when it goes down here. This area here, which is the midpoint of this wick. Let me go
358 01:06:07,290 --> 01:06:18,090 back and teach you guys just showed up. We were looking for this new opening gap down here. They delivered it at 3980 and three quarters. It came down to 39
359 01:06:18,090 --> 01:06:30,720 point 50. But they're not at point 50. That's the well look up here, up here in the upper left hand corner. That Campbell's low starting at point 501 Tick below
360 01:06:30,750 --> 01:06:41,550 consequent question that is below this low and this low. So the algorithm is remembering what it's referring back to this low and this low because they're
361 01:06:41,550 --> 01:06:56,190 relatively equal. It does not know listen to it, listen. Listen, it does not know your stop. It doesn't know my stop. It doesn't know how many stops your
362 01:06:56,190 --> 01:07:07,440 broker does. But the algorithm has no idea it doesn't reference it like that. It just refers to these points, these PD arrays. So the market does what it reprice
363 01:07:07,440 --> 01:07:19,260 is back down below those lows, which is a discount and consequent coachmen, they're all measurable, and there's no need to go back down to that low. Why
364 01:07:19,290 --> 01:07:32,520 because already repriced, to the new week opening gap and done what the sell side has been purged. This is just returning back to a point of reference for
365 01:07:32,520 --> 01:07:41,280 smart money to accumulate lungs. If they're going to buy here in their, quote unquote smart money and they are using what I teach is a market efficiency
366 01:07:41,280 --> 01:07:48,780 paradigm. That means they're going to buy stocks that are below the market in the form of sell side. And they're going to distribute their long positions to
367 01:07:48,900 --> 01:07:57,900 buy side that's resting above the market. willing buyers at higher price. That's the stops right here. So they're buying sell side liquidity below these lows
368 01:07:57,900 --> 01:08:15,900 here and end consequent judgment. They don't fear the algorithm repricing down here because they know it's already done its job. Big, big, big, huge step
369 01:08:15,900 --> 01:08:24,090 forward in your understanding of that price action, if you can see that. So if they buy here, and I talked about this live, it's not like I'm going back in
370 01:08:24,090 --> 01:08:37,290 time, because it's already happened. I said this live here for you so that we can see it. The logic is real folks. It's real. If they're buying that, what are
371 01:08:37,290 --> 01:08:45,510 they holding for? They're not holding for harmonic patterns. They're not looking for Elliot waves and all that other stuff. They're not counting waves are not
372 01:08:45,510 --> 01:08:55,740 doing that stuff. They're simply looking for the inefficiencies above the marketplace. Where is it in here, nowhere. Here, we've already done that several
373 01:08:55,740 --> 01:09:07,890 times. Buying here, they're gonna go exactly where I said it was gonna go. The remaining portion of that 60 Min affair Vega up here that hasn't been traded to
374 01:09:07,920 --> 01:09:21,120 once it went into once it went lower. Here we've only delivered one time here. We went up to a quarter of it here, which is again, not random. Then it went to
375 01:09:21,120 --> 01:09:34,410 halfway consequent freshmen and then ran through it. Like I said that's where the buy side is. So smart money buys discount sells to a premium buy stops at
376 01:09:34,410 --> 01:09:42,690 resting above here. They knew those buyers want to buy the market when it was down here. When they're down here. Smart Money, the paradigm shift that you're
377 01:09:42,720 --> 01:09:52,620 being taught to have and looking at price action, because it's algorithmic is you're buying it here with the same mindset that they have. Smart Money sees
378 01:09:52,620 --> 01:10:06,480 this as buying sell stops at the most opportune time. It's the precise time Folks, it's precise, you can't, you can't make it any better than this. The
379 01:10:06,480 --> 01:10:16,830 logic is right there and buying that with the expectation of seeing beware rate to those buyers that want to buy high. Now they don't want to buy high, they buy
380 01:10:16,950 --> 01:10:26,970 a long position, they have a self short and they're holding on to their position here. Maybe, maybe there wasn't a lot of shorts, it doesn't make a difference,
381 01:10:26,970 --> 01:10:36,000 because the algorithm doesn't know the level of float that resides above that means the number of orders. How many buy stops are resting by that high? I don't
382 01:10:36,000 --> 01:10:48,540 know. You won't ever know. The algorithm itself does not know. Buying it cheap. Selling it to people that want to buy higher, why? Because I'm targeting I'm
383 01:10:48,540 --> 01:11:02,250 targeting, I'm targeting their inability to know how to trade. I'm targeting their shield, their defense out busting in like a SWAT. I'm literally going
384 01:11:02,250 --> 01:11:13,050 through it. I'm teaching you how to do that. Check. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, if it doesn't meet the nicey. Nice feel that you think investing is supposed to be
385 01:11:13,050 --> 01:11:23,520 about. It's not like that, folks, this is war. And when you look at the charts, I have absolutely no moral conflict at all about taking your money or anybody
386 01:11:23,520 --> 01:11:30,450 else's money when you're on the wrong side of the marketplace. Because you all sign the same risk disclosures when you open up your account. Everybody knows
387 01:11:30,450 --> 01:11:39,150 that you're likely to lose money. So if I'm buying down here, I'm doing what smart money is doing. I'm told you that that's what's going to happen there.
388 01:11:39,300 --> 01:11:48,540 From here, watch that. And we want to see it deliver up to this area again, but more specifically, the upper half. Why? Because they don't want to hear leaving
389 01:11:48,540 --> 01:11:59,340 from this high up to the high shaded area here. That's that's not been repriced, to. We only pass through one time here that up to a quarter. So think about it
390 01:11:59,340 --> 01:12:15,660 like this. The range on that hourly fare Vega has been repriced, to here. Right there at that moment, then this high here takes it up to that level. So the
391 01:12:15,660 --> 01:12:26,670 remaining portion of that fear Vega. In my mind, I'm seeing that range left. I'm ignoring all this. So you're looking at all these things, trying to guess which
392 01:12:26,670 --> 01:12:33,870 one I'm should have been looking at. I'm teaching you how to internalize it. Because this is the part that the algorithm sees now it doesn't need to look at
393 01:12:33,870 --> 01:12:46,620 all these other highs. This is the one that matters now. Because it's traded up inside that old 60 minute fear Vega. But it's left in this portion of it, where
394 01:12:46,620 --> 01:12:55,680 it has not read delivered to it. It's only been offered sellside. So the the efficiency model is that price needs to train up into that area and deliver
395 01:12:55,680 --> 01:13:08,580 price that way. It does two things. It does that redelivery end and goes right for the BizStats I told you is going to end for now isn't it convenient? Isn't
396 01:13:08,580 --> 01:13:17,850 it convenient that the market just so happens to run right up there. Clear those by stops. And now we're repacking the mill the range again. Hello. Hello. Are
397 01:13:17,850 --> 01:13:26,790 you paying attention? Are you paying attention? Are you playing with your Gameboy? Are you texting your girlfriend? Unless this guy go off on YouTube? No.
398 01:13:27,600 --> 01:13:39,030 You need to be paying attention taking notes. Folks, this stuff repeats every friggin day. Every day. I talk about it in Twitter, I tell you exactly what came
399 01:13:39,030 --> 01:13:46,650 to look at I tell you exactly what it's gonna be aiming for. I've been doing it for months. My private students have watched me call this on a daily chart just
400 01:13:46,650 --> 01:14:00,630 the same way. And it can be done on a one minute chart. Five minute chart. second chart. Yes, that's less than a minute. You cannot absolutely cannot find
401 01:14:00,660 --> 01:14:10,950 anything fucking better than this. I'm sorry. This is perfect. This is the market. And if that upsets you, I'm sorry. But you're gonna have to grow up.
402 01:14:12,390 --> 01:14:21,150 Because if you really want to know how to do this, if you really want to know how these markets book, you came to the right place. Mr. Wizard drill. We're
403 01:14:21,150 --> 01:14:30,870 here. We're here every day talking about the technical science and the stuff that really works. And it's undeniable it's unrivaled. The precision cannot be
404 01:14:30,870 --> 01:14:40,590 found anywhere else. And that's awesome. It's encouraging when you see it when you finally get your hands on it. And you see it unfold day after day, week
405 01:14:40,590 --> 01:14:57,690 after week, month after month, year after year. It's infectious. It's It's intoxicating. You become an alcoholic. You can't imagine doing it any other way.
406 01:14:59,670 --> 01:15:18,150 Even In a sloppy range like this, folks, even a sloppy rings just like this. It's not chaos. It is not chaos. It's all scripted. Now on better days, when we
407 01:15:18,150 --> 01:15:24,240 don't have the effects of a Fed Chairman potentially saying something that could be utilized as a smokescreen, and reprice completely outside of the scope of
408 01:15:24,240 --> 01:15:37,380 what would be reasonable, we can see trending days, and keep on adding to the position until it rolls to the far extreme of the daily range higher low. Some
409 01:15:37,380 --> 01:15:43,380 of you might like to say that that's the only way you're gonna trade and that's, that's your model. Wonderful. That's nothing wrong with that. That's exactly
410 01:15:43,470 --> 01:15:53,820 what I'm doing this for. You're going to find your model before November, you're going to know exactly how you, not everybody, collectively, how you yourself,
411 01:15:53,850 --> 01:16:05,070 the individual watching this right now. And every time I do a live stream, you're gonna learn the thing that you resonate closest to, that makes the most
412 01:16:05,070 --> 01:16:12,750 sense to you, you're gonna see something that says, You know what, dammit, that's exactly how I see things. And that makes perfect sense. I'm doing that. I
413 01:16:12,750 --> 01:16:20,790 don't care about the fair Vega. I don't care about a breaker. I don't care about the week open and gas. This is what I'm gonna do. Wonderful. And when you get
414 01:16:20,790 --> 01:16:30,840 there, bloom where you're planted. Don't tinker with it. No matter what else I teach. Don't tinker with it. Because you're here to learn how to make money.
415 01:16:31,230 --> 01:16:38,370 You're not here to play video games, okay? You're not here to impress people on social media. You're not here to dance for people because they want to see you
416 01:16:38,370 --> 01:16:48,330 prove that you can make money scroll down. You have bills to pay. You have bills to pay you have. You have places to go to and people to take care of. You don't
417 01:16:48,330 --> 01:16:55,980 have time to be dancing around. For people that don't matter. None of these people matter. There's going to demand you to do something for them. You are
418 01:16:55,980 --> 01:17:07,920 here to develop a skill set. While you can. Because this year I'm done. I'm done the second Friday of November. We're done. ICTs done mentoring, there's no more
419 01:17:07,920 --> 01:17:21,090 mentoring. Okay. So you have to show up. You have to take notes. You have to put the work in. I promise you, I fucking guarantee you, you will absolutely know
420 01:17:21,090 --> 01:17:29,220 what the hell you're doing come November, but you have to show up every day. Stop dancing around and adding shit to this. Oh, I'm gonna bring supply and
421 01:17:29,220 --> 01:17:37,020 demand thing to this. I'm gonna bring Las Vegas Stop. Leave all that stuff at the door. If you want to pick it up when we're done in November and add it back
422 01:17:37,020 --> 01:17:44,640 to everything else. Go right ahead. At that time, I don't give a shit. But while we're doing this, this is all that matters. This is it. This is the truth.
423 01:17:44,640 --> 01:17:57,330 Nothing else matters. But this. You cannot argue you cannot resist it. It's been shown to you beforehand. You guys bitched and moaned Oh, you'll never seen got
424 01:17:57,330 --> 01:18:06,630 here last year, you'll never see him outline all this stuff. Because it doesn't work. Dude, I'm doing it every fucking day. Every day. Like clockwork, you can
425 01:18:06,630 --> 01:18:18,060 set your watch to me, it's perfect. That's how you would expect it if it was an algorithm when you expect it to be like this. Some of you are thinking what the
426 01:18:18,060 --> 01:18:26,820 hell is happening? This guy usually put me to sleep and I'm watching his videos. Oh, yeah. Well, this is what it's like when I'm live. I'm bipolar. And if that
427 01:18:26,820 --> 01:18:37,500 bothers you go somewhere else. I can't not be me. But we're talking about something that I'm passionate about. I'm absolutely passionate about this. I'm
428 01:18:37,500 --> 01:18:46,170 passionate about your success. I want you to succeed. I want you to make money. I want you to stop working and do this on your own carve out your own fucking
429 01:18:46,170 --> 01:18:55,950 paycheck. I want you to have that. Don't you? Don't you want that? Are you here just playing around. Because if you're here just watching shit on YouTube,
430 01:18:56,100 --> 01:19:07,410 because you're fucking bored. You're wasting your time. You're wasting your time. This is going to keep working until they take away the markets entirely.
431 01:19:07,410 --> 01:19:19,620 It's going to keep working the markets not going to change the algorithm ain't changing shit. It works perfectly. It's going to be hard in the beginning
432 01:19:19,620 --> 01:19:26,490 because you have all these other things that you're trying to wrestle with. Absolutely. Just like it was for me. And all kinds of dumb stuff. books and
433 01:19:26,490 --> 01:19:36,270 courses and things that taught me things go up and down the marketplace. It's all dumb. It's stupid. And some of them have really good marketing think you
434 01:19:36,270 --> 01:19:45,330 think wow, this is this is it. This is the thing I've been looking for. No, it's not. It's the thing you're being distracted with right now. And when you see
435 01:19:45,390 --> 01:19:55,950 unfortunately, a little bit of success in it and you falsely attributed you falsely attributed like a religion. But the market went up because my harmonic
436 01:19:55,950 --> 01:20:06,150 Camelback said it was gonna go up there. mean today You got to hear that all patents have nothing to do with billions of dollars at risk. I'm sorry, it
437 01:20:06,150 --> 01:20:18,180 doesn't work like that. Does it work like that? The markets gonna go where the money is, If there ain't the money in there, they're gonna engineer it. That's
438 01:20:18,180 --> 01:20:31,020 the way it works about that higher here. By stops somebody short, we don't know, retail, Rick. He's short here. He's going to put a protective stop loss. And
439 01:20:31,050 --> 01:20:38,340 because the book say, put your stop loss rate above the high, he feels great when it goes down. He's going through all this chap, he's thinking, okay. Maybe
440 01:20:38,340 --> 01:20:43,380 it's just one of those moments where I have to wait. ICT talks about this right here is a fair value data, I'm going to trust it. You don't know what he's
441 01:20:43,380 --> 01:20:51,240 doing. Because he wants three videos. And now all of a sudden, he's a professional, right? The market drops down. He's thinking alright, I'm I'm all
442 01:20:51,240 --> 01:21:02,790 in now I'm adding to it. It's great. Go watch TV, go could play golf, I'm going to be good for the rest of the day, my stops in place. What do you make a
443 01:21:02,790 --> 01:21:12,960 mistake. He traded with logic that doesn't work. He doesn't know about the new week opening gap. He doesn't understand liquidity, he doesn't understand the
444 01:21:12,960 --> 01:21:28,650 facts that this day is going to be consolidation because of the Fed. The markets already delivered this week, folks. It went to that dollar objective. It's not
445 01:21:28,650 --> 01:21:36,600 from payroll week, who's in the hurry right now who's in a hurry? What big money entity who's going to think to themselves, you know what I need to do right now,
446 01:21:36,900 --> 01:21:44,910 I need to take all of our customer assets and put it at risk because not on payroll Friday is late, we got to get in there and make all the money on Friday,
447 01:21:45,090 --> 01:21:58,080 let's get in their head because, you know, it might be a big mover. I'm sorry, but that's not how this business works. Sorry. A lot of you bring comic book
448 01:21:58,410 --> 01:22:15,870 logic to trading. When you need a PhD level education. You need to understand how the human mind thinks how it behaves under pressure. When it's in reward.
449 01:22:17,040 --> 01:22:27,570 They feel like they can't lose. And that's why you see these sudden rips other direction. They don't want to give them the chance to realize they're wrong and
450 01:22:27,570 --> 01:22:36,150 collapse their trade. And before removing what just like spoofing, just like spoofing on a depth of market. They don't want them to pull those orders. So
451 01:22:36,240 --> 01:22:44,970 what happens, they have to run for them aggressively and quickly. Otherwise, they can't participate and utilize them as counterparty to their selling of
452 01:22:44,970 --> 01:22:56,310 their long position. They achieved it down here where I told you folks, that's not complicated. That's not complicated. That is not complicated. What's
453 01:22:56,310 --> 01:23:03,390 complicated for you is you want to push a button and take a trade and make money right now. Because that's the only definition for you that this works is if it
454 01:23:03,390 --> 01:23:13,470 makes you money right now, the few times that you've spent with me so far this year, you're going to fail. If you have that mindset, you have a lot to learn,
455 01:23:14,280 --> 01:23:22,860 you should not be trading at all this year. If you're here to try to learn, that means you're not trading, close your Live account. Don't even leave it open.
456 01:23:23,190 --> 01:23:32,370 Because you're going to do something impulsively, you're going to see me doing a series of weeks around on fire and moves that you never would have imagined
457 01:23:32,370 --> 01:23:45,300 being seen and called out beforehand, in detail. You're gonna see that you're gonna see me pushing the button to folks, and I don't want you being led into
458 01:23:45,300 --> 01:23:54,990 taken as a lottery. Because even if you do make money, you're not learning from it. As much as you painfully need more money, like everybody else in the world.
459 01:23:57,390 --> 01:24:08,790 You don't learn this by putting real money at risk, because you're going to be worried about am I going to be wrong this time? If it's moving a little bit, I'm
460 01:24:08,790 --> 01:24:15,630 trusting it. I've been here before, but it's retracing a little bit. Oh no, I can't do that. He's probably wrong. It's gonna be the time he's wrong. I should
461 01:24:15,630 --> 01:24:22,230 have never took this trade and your closing is still gonna go in your in my favor. And you won't be in there. But you've taken a loss because you've got out
462 01:24:22,320 --> 01:24:36,030 while I was in the retracement above the entry or below the entry in reference to a long that's why copying people is stupid. Copy me is dumb.
463 01:24:37,680 --> 01:24:44,070 If you're going to try to trade that's the stupidest thing in the world. Now if you don't want to learn how to trade because you know yourself better than
464 01:24:44,220 --> 01:24:50,670 anybody else would. And you know you're not gonna be disciplined. And you just want to have someone that's skilled. It provides signal See, there's absolutely
465 01:24:50,670 --> 01:24:58,350 nothing wrong in that regard. There are people even in my community that are just like that. They just don't have the rule based ideas that are discipline to
466 01:24:58,650 --> 01:25:10,050 maintain have a rule based strategy and say I am not doing something right now because the rules say not to. They exist even in my community, human people,
467 01:25:10,080 --> 01:25:18,540 human beings are people that are spread across a diverse spectrum. And just because they are in my community, they hear the same videos and watch the same
468 01:25:18,540 --> 01:25:29,250 thing listening to me right now. It doesn't mean that they're going to be responsible. There's lots of irresponsible students of mine, they want to blame
469 01:25:29,250 --> 01:25:36,600 me for the things that they did when I had no business talking about anything for them take a lie trading, especially Forex, and they're taking trades in
470 01:25:36,600 --> 01:25:49,860 forex, which I'm not touching on right now. I took a trade because you told me this is what happens. That's a trade that you took, you took that only, you're
471 01:25:49,860 --> 01:25:57,750 gonna have to do that the rest of your life as a trader, you can't fault everybody else. But you. When you do it wrong on it, there's an opportunity to
472 01:25:57,750 --> 01:26:07,290 learn from that. Love the fact of being in these charts, if you don't like watching Real Time, price action, back testing, old price moves and studying
473 01:26:07,530 --> 01:26:15,600 every small little detail about it, I'm gonna tell you something, this is honest to God truth, I'm telling you, there is no other way to describe it. But this,
474 01:26:16,380 --> 01:26:28,770 if you don't love that part of this, you will not be profitable, you will fail, you will blow your account, you will fail your funded account challenge, you
475 01:26:28,770 --> 01:26:37,410 will fail to keep your funding account even if you got it if you don't love this aspect of it, because that's what this is, folks, you got to look at these
476 01:26:37,410 --> 01:26:48,720 candlesticks and love it. You gotta love it. You can't stand weekends, you want to see these candles paint. And when they're not painting, you're fucking
477 01:26:48,720 --> 01:26:59,820 miserable. That's just the way it is. That's what makes a trader a trader. Because if you don't have that level of passion, you will not endure losses,
478 01:27:00,090 --> 01:27:11,640 because they're going to come even with my stuff, you're going to lose, I lose, you're going to lose. It's normal. It's a transaction cost in this business. And
479 01:27:11,640 --> 01:27:23,700 unfortunately, most people that come in here are not equipped to see the adversities that come with embracing uncertainty. A lot of pigs can't do it. How
480 01:27:23,700 --> 01:27:31,500 do you know how do you know I've already taught you, I told you, but that won't suffice for some of you. You want to know where it won't ever hurt you where you
481 01:27:31,500 --> 01:27:42,510 won't ever take a loss that doesn't exist. If you think that exists, get out there, get out here, go to school, don't even watch him on how to use perfect
482 01:27:42,510 --> 01:27:51,510 trading. Perfect, never losing trading. Getting at the highest high, not the lowest low every single time knowing every single move being a part of every
483 01:27:51,510 --> 01:27:59,580 single move. Nobody can do that for you. You have to sleep. You're gonna get sick like I did last week, you're gonna have a family to take care of like I do
484 01:27:59,610 --> 01:28:11,430 like you do. Some of you have jobs, sales, I mean, run businesses, some of you are in school, you can't be in every move. It's impossible. So how often are you
485 01:28:11,430 --> 01:28:22,440 looking at things unrealistically and pressuring yourself with things that don't need to be worried about? Those are not big stones. They're small, little
486 01:28:22,440 --> 01:28:33,180 pebbles that you easily just take your shoe off, drop the pebble, your shoe puts you back on keep on walking forward. But many of you are just trying to do
487 01:28:33,180 --> 01:28:47,250 things well beyond what I'm outlining for you. Expecting yourself to know how to do it too soon, when I'm not expecting that and I'm the instructor. It takes
488 01:28:47,250 --> 01:29:00,480 time. It takes time. And you have to allow your patients to form and build responsibility. And if you can't do that, it doesn't mean these concepts fail or
489 01:29:00,480 --> 01:29:15,870 that they've changed the algorithm. Or it's become the new retail it just means that you aren't ready at all. It took me years to get an understanding to know
490 01:29:15,870 --> 01:29:23,430 what it was I was looking for. And then even after that I tinkered with it, which is why I told you earlier, once you find your model, and you're
491 01:29:23,430 --> 01:29:33,030 comfortable with it, even though it doesn't deliver every single day for you don't abandon it. Learn how to trade with that one month, because it will teach
492 01:29:33,030 --> 01:29:42,090 you how to allow yourself to broaden your expectations and your understanding with other models that I teach and other tools. But you have to do one thing
493 01:29:42,090 --> 01:29:53,070 well, you just need one thing. Buying a fair value gap shorting a pair of agar, shorting a breaker buying a breaker aiming for buy stops or aiming for a premium
494 01:29:53,070 --> 01:30:02,850 Faraday gap if you're long and reverse it for being bearish in short, it's simple folks. That stuff is simple. Just because I have a lot of tools and a lot
495 01:30:02,850 --> 01:30:14,070 of weapons in my repertoire and a lot of concepts, doesn't mean I'm bringing everything to every chart. You're only trading what's in the chart? That's it.
496 01:30:14,190 --> 01:30:30,270 If it's not in a chart, you're not referring to it right. So how hard is that? That's the complicated. But anyway, I gave you something real time, it panned
497 01:30:30,270 --> 01:30:39,840 out perfectly inside of a day that was already predetermined to be choppy and listless. Because of the Fed Chairman talking, you have to know your economic
498 01:30:39,840 --> 01:30:51,870 calendar folks. And and tomorrow is going to being Thursday data for Friday and Friday be obviously NFP. It's a day where it's a gamble. And they can take it
499 01:30:51,870 --> 01:31:02,400 anywhere they want. And I don't have tools that deliver a high degree of probability that I can trust, because I think that they again, those events are
500 01:31:02,400 --> 01:31:13,140 highly manipulated. That means there's manual intervention, manual intervention, ICT can't beat that. Okay, I can't. And there's no shame in that. You want to be
501 01:31:13,140 --> 01:31:24,660 told where the limits are? Right? You would want to I would want to do that. What are the strengths, everything I talked about? How to unrivaled? But what
502 01:31:24,660 --> 01:31:33,420 are the weaknesses, there are certain times of the month, around certain calendar events, that precision will evade you. It doesn't matter how long
503 01:31:33,420 --> 01:31:42,420 you've been trading. It doesn't matter how good you think you are, because I'm the author of this stuff. And I'm telling you, precision will escape you on
504 01:31:42,420 --> 01:31:51,150 these days, over a large sample size. Once in a while, yes, I can get up there and call the low trade the low run up to near the high of the day on Non Farm
505 01:31:51,150 --> 01:31:59,130 Payroll, I can do those things, vice versa. So my students can do some of these things, too. But does that mean it's a steady diet of every Non Farm Payroll? We
506 01:31:59,130 --> 01:32:09,000 can do that? No. Sometimes, the Non Farm Payroll event is a mute point. It just doesn't do anything. It looks like this right here. A little bit of a squirrely
507 01:32:09,000 --> 01:32:20,580 move and 813 and doesn't do anything. And other days where it just really takes off and runs and runs and runs and runs and who cares if it does. One day isn't
508 01:32:20,580 --> 01:32:34,140 your career. One trading day does not and should not encapsulate your career but you trade like it is? Every trade. It's a make it or break it. You got the Rocky
509 01:32:34,140 --> 01:32:47,190 theme playing? Come on. It's a trade. If you lose, who cares? If you win, who cares? You're indifferent to the outcome. That's how professional traders
510 01:32:47,340 --> 01:32:56,310 conduct themselves. They don't care about the outcome. They're not over leveraging. Because they need a big monumental win to share on social media to
511 01:32:56,310 --> 01:33:07,860 get their dopamine hit their likes up their game in this to make money consistently and manage risk. If you take a loss or series of losses, it's okay.
512 01:33:07,890 --> 01:33:18,210 It's part of it. They're not sharing it on social media so that way they can compound the pain. And equally, so you're not sharing your winners so that we
513 01:33:18,210 --> 01:33:27,060 can get a sugar high. As soon as you do that, this is what's gonna happen. Yeah, man, that was amazing. You're gonna take the next trade, and that trade loses.
514 01:33:27,420 --> 01:33:37,980 And then you feel bad because like, Oh, my sugar has gone. Let me get it back. And you lose again. And now you were up 4% On the day, now you're down six. You
515 01:33:37,980 --> 01:33:53,700 ain't sharing that on social media Noria. So, don't provide yourself a means of being deflated. By inviting social media to judge your performance. It's
516 01:33:53,700 --> 01:34:04,530 personal. It's absolutely personal. If you're learning, you don't have to train, the worst thing you can do is share your results while you're learning, because
517 01:34:04,530 --> 01:34:13,410 you're not going to get the advice that you're hoping for, you're not going to get the feel good, warm and fuzzies somebody invariably is gonna be jealous. And
518 01:34:13,410 --> 01:34:19,620 don't make these miserable creatures. They're going to come up to your post, creep in there like a snake.
519 01:34:21,689 --> 01:34:32,519 And talk about how what you did was not good enough. It was stupid. That's nonsense, you got lucky. They're never going to tell you what you think they
520 01:34:32,519 --> 01:34:39,299 should or what you walked in. It's just like your family isn't gonna, they're not gonna understand what you're doing. They're not gonna believe what you're
521 01:34:39,299 --> 01:34:47,789 doing can be profitable, because they can't accept the fact that if you are, you're gonna be doing better than them. And that's the way friends and family
522 01:34:47,789 --> 01:34:57,269 operate. They can tell you the face they love you. But they love you only as long as you are just like them. And when you start crawling out of the depths of
523 01:34:57,269 --> 01:35:05,639 mediocrity and they can start with lacking on how they've made mistakes, and not really pursued anything in their own personal life, and you're succeeding, and
524 01:35:05,639 --> 01:35:14,579 they're still friggin lazy about doing anything about it, they're not going to cheer you on. Don't ask for outside cheerleaders, you need to be your own
525 01:35:14,579 --> 01:35:25,589 cheerleader. And that's done in your journal, your trading journal. That trading journal that you're building this year, that's going to be the best damn trading
526 01:35:25,589 --> 01:35:34,079 book you've ever read in your life, and you wrote it yourself. This is gonna have real experiences that you were there, you back tested that you watched that
527 01:35:34,079 --> 01:35:43,109 live session, you call that move, you saw it. And eventually, later and a half a year, you'll be paper trading it set where you have a real engagement with it.
528 01:35:44,609 --> 01:35:52,259 That's encouraging. That's the stuff that you want to build yourself up with things that you had your hands on or not, let me borrow this guy's momentum and
529 01:35:52,259 --> 01:36:00,659 copy his trades. And if he makes money, I make money. And I can feel like I'm a good trading. That's not That's not trading. I'm sorry, that's not true. That's
530 01:36:00,659 --> 01:36:11,309 mimicking. And I have a disdain for that. I can't stand it. Because to me, it makes no sense why anybody wouldn't just go through the struggle. Because it is
531 01:36:11,369 --> 01:36:19,769 to learn this. Whether you learn from me or somebody else, I mean, it's hard. You have to look at yourself through a mirror that these markets will provide
532 01:36:19,769 --> 01:36:28,799 for you. And you're going to discover that you aren't the person you thought you were. You're going to have character flaws that are absolutely shocking to you.
533 01:36:29,219 --> 01:36:37,919 You're not as patient as you thought you were, you're not so disciplined as you thought you would be. In that provides opportunity for you to improve upon and
534 01:36:37,919 --> 01:36:50,939 build yourself up. A consistently profitable trader may explain something to you in closing, one or two things is going to happen. You're going to do very, very
535 01:36:50,939 --> 01:37:00,509 well, this year in learning how to reprice. And that is going to result in one of two things, you're going to turn into the biggest prick that you could ever
536 01:37:00,509 --> 01:37:07,979 imagine. Because you're going to, you're going to have a skill set that you can literally sit down any given day of the week, going in and make what you make a
537 01:37:07,979 --> 01:37:24,569 month in a trade, and you're gonna know that you can do that any fucking day you want to. That is power. That's power. That brings a level of confidence that you
538 01:37:24,569 --> 01:37:38,879 can't even understand right now. And conversely, there's going to be the other half of you that's going to learn this had that same aptitude, that same skill
539 01:37:38,879 --> 01:37:54,749 set. And you're going to think to yourself, Wow, what a wonderfully blessed position I'm in right now. I am so thankful that I have this skill set right now
540 01:37:54,749 --> 01:38:06,209 that I can not only impact my own life, my personal family's life, maybe even a friend or a stranger. And you're going to conduct yourself in a manner that
541 01:38:06,209 --> 01:38:14,909 isn't ugly, that people aren't going to look at you and say, Wow, you're arrogant. Douchebag. Even if you aren't good at trading, they won't have
542 01:38:14,909 --> 01:38:19,919 anything bad to say about you. Because you're not conducting yourself in a manner that draws attention to yourself. Like you're some kind of fucking hero.
543 01:38:20,819 --> 01:38:30,089 That's the problem in this industry. Okay, that's, we need less of that. And I'm hoping that what I'm creating with all of you, yes, you're gonna be monsters,
544 01:38:30,089 --> 01:38:43,679 you're gonna be savages in the charts in your trade. And yes, I don't want you to be a social media douche bag. A lot of men can't wait to do it. But that
545 01:38:43,679 --> 01:38:55,559 would be an embarrassment to me. Because I did that stuff. It's embarrassing. It's shameful. And you're not going to win. The majority of the the community
546 01:38:55,559 --> 01:39:03,749 doing it, you might have some young hot shots that want to be just like you because they think that that's that's strength. That's influence that's power.
547 01:39:04,229 --> 01:39:15,659 That's clout. When really, in all honesty, it's shit. It's all this. It's trash. It's trashy. It nobody really has any respect for anybody like that. And if
548 01:39:15,659 --> 01:39:23,909 anybody does, it's tainted, it's fake. It's, it's because they want to try to get something from you. And once they get whatever they try to get from you,
549 01:39:24,329 --> 01:39:32,669 they're not going to worship You. And nobody should be worshiping anyone. And I'm going to top of that list. So this skill set you're learning this year,
550 01:39:32,759 --> 01:39:45,449 don't try to aspire to be some kind of egomaniac. It's gonna be hard for some of you really, really hard because you're going to find a skill set. That number
551 01:39:45,449 --> 01:39:56,309 one you didn't know existed. And you're gonna be able to have the ability to make money that you've never seen before. And it's going to make you feel like
552 01:39:56,309 --> 01:40:08,129 you're something that you really aren't because you are Growing into new money. And that was an experience I went through when I was younger man. New money
553 01:40:08,909 --> 01:40:17,909 makes you think that you're better than you really are in all aspects. And it makes you a very toxic, ugly person. But you won't see it that way. You're going
554 01:40:17,909 --> 01:40:23,999 to think that I should be arrogant, unjustified. Look at all the things I can do. Now look at the money I can meet, I'm better than that guy, that guy, that
555 01:40:23,999 --> 01:40:36,749 guy, that guy. That shouldn't be your motivation. It wasn't my motivation initially. But when I found success, it made me think that way. Because I was a
556 01:40:36,749 --> 01:40:46,769 weak young man, constantly seeking validation. And as a 50 year old man, I still seek validation, because I can't get it from a family member that's passed away
557 01:40:46,769 --> 01:40:59,699 before seeing where I am today. So it aches in the so if you never started, you won't fall victim to being dragged back into it again. Because the public isn't
558 01:40:59,699 --> 01:41:10,289 going to give you what you think. You think they're going to worship you and lift you up on a pedestal. That's so short term, it's not even worth it. Living
559 01:41:10,289 --> 01:41:20,099 your life principally oriented, purpose driven, trying to make a positive impact in other people's lives not trying to shit all over because you think you're
560 01:41:20,099 --> 01:41:31,559 better than everybody else. If you see anything in me understand this, I am absolutely convinced there is not a one single trader on this planet that can do
561 01:41:31,559 --> 01:41:43,289 this better than me. But in that same sentence, because I know that doesn't give me the right to talk down and show everybody else. I'm giving you my time. I'm
562 01:41:43,289 --> 01:41:50,639 giving you my life's work. Because I want to help you, I want to see you do well. I want to see what you'll do with it. And I know just like I've been
563 01:41:50,639 --> 01:41:59,909 talking about the last couple of minutes, some of you are going to abuse that power. And you're going to regret it later in life like I did. Because you acted
564 01:41:59,909 --> 01:42:16,589 like a fool. Because you wanted to be significant. The significance is helping other people helping other people be better than where they are now. And that
565 01:42:16,589 --> 01:42:27,299 feels way better than me by saying you're the goat though do to go man who ain't no fucking goat. Don't call me a goat that pisses me off. Jackie, it's deemed
566 01:42:27,299 --> 01:42:38,219 that I'm not the king. I'm not the goat, not the greatest of all times. I'm ICT or Michael, that's it. But a lot of people out there want to be called the goat.
567 01:42:39,929 --> 01:42:48,869 And they don't have the accolades to justify it. So with that, hope you got something out of this today, if I didn't bore too much of a
568 01:42:54,330 --> 01:43:04,530 hole in your attention span. I'm sure some of you already logged off thinking, Okay, this guy's experimental and but the marketing moving, but it did what we
569 01:43:04,530 --> 01:43:14,850 were looking for. is small and searchable. Is that was that's all that was necessary for today. And when it does it, you stop, move to the sidelines that
570 01:43:14,850 --> 01:43:25,530 be content. Even in your studies, be content with that. Close your charts, annotate them. And think to yourself, Well, we had a laboratory experiment today
571 01:43:25,560 --> 01:43:34,650 we watched live price action, it behaved in a manner that was reasonable. It was expected it made perfect sense. And now that it's done it, it's right back
572 01:43:34,650 --> 01:43:42,840 inside the range where everybody else is trying to figure out what it's going to do next, when you don't need to worry about it. Isn't that power? Doesn't that
573 01:43:42,840 --> 01:43:56,160 give you a sense of calmness? There's no necessity for you to know when it's going to do next. Because the profile of this day indicates that it's 5050. So
574 01:43:56,160 --> 01:44:07,740 if it's 5050 Is that progress to high probability? No. You're trying to gamble. You want to have a move. It needs to be doing something because you are in front
575 01:44:07,740 --> 01:44:19,200 of the charts. It owes you something. Now turn your charts off. Go do something else. Be content even if it moves a lot from where we are right now. Who cares?
576 01:44:22,380 --> 01:44:30,990 Go back in tomorrow, I won't be live streaming tomorrow and I won't be live streaming on Friday. I will be doing video work. So that way I can catch up that
577 01:44:31,020 --> 01:44:41,100 the lectures because I'm doing these live streams pouring into you through that but I want to do pre recorded lectures too. So I want to get back to doing that.
578 01:44:41,400 --> 01:44:51,270 Populate the channel for the 2023 mentorship, lessons and such so that's what I'll be doing over the next couple days. And also doing some interviews with
579 01:44:51,270 --> 01:45:01,740 some of the profitable students so I will bid you a farewell. Have yourself a very pleasant afternoon, evening wherever you are. I'm going to talk to you next
580 01:45:01,740 --> 01:45:03,420 time be safe