ICT YT - 2023-02-23 - ES GDP Commentary - February 23 2023

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-24 09:44




00:00:33,450 --> 00:00:34,440 ICT: Good morning
00:01:21,360 --> 00:01:43,710 Morning folks have an impromptu this morning impromptu prompt check my audio everything sounds good check my audio
00:02:13,440 --> 00:02:17,880 just a few more minutes just want to double check on things real quick
00:08:27,480 --> 00:08:38,100 How's this sound better to improve me? Can you hear me now I think we're being jammed
00:08:46,620 --> 00:09:01,560 Awesome, thank you for your feedback. If this headset fails on me again today, I'm going to throw it out the window giving it one more chance. So that's what
00:09:01,560 --> 00:09:14,820 we're contending with. I'm preferring to use a headset because it keeps my hands free and if I walk away or move away from a microphone that would be sitting in
00:09:14,820 --> 00:09:32,580 front of me while I'm standing at my TradeStation and might not be able to be heard. So we're looking at I favor a run above into the buy side. So I'm having
00:09:32,580 --> 00:09:38,460 my son to sit here and observe just a real light session
00:09:48,389 --> 00:10:00,239 if you look at the short term high right here and right here, right above this, this buy orders resting right about that there's buy orders resting above This
10 00:10:00,239 --> 00:10:06,659 wick, and there's an imbalance up here on this alley tourney next
11 00:10:12,509 --> 00:10:23,399 to it, that's looking forward. So I want to see a trade up into here. And if you're gonna spend, get up in this gap, see the difference between that candles
12 00:10:23,399 --> 00:10:42,449 low here. And this one's high. So between that this one candle, we're watching to see if you can gravitate towards that. And about eight minutes or so they're
13 00:10:42,449 --> 00:10:54,239 gonna release data into the marketplace in in a form of GDP. It's not important, you know what that is? It's, it's irrelevant, really. We're just looking for a
14 00:10:54,239 --> 00:11:05,819 lot of movement. So it's gonna make these candles move around faster, bigger. And I want you to do is watch and see does it go up into this high here. And if
15 00:11:05,819 --> 00:11:13,139 it does, does it expand up into this area here, we're not looking for it to go up here to go down, we're not looking for it to go up here. And keep going on,
16 00:11:13,139 --> 00:11:21,989 we're just looking for it to go right here. So all you're doing is studying. And watch it on a one minute chart right now on an hourly. So let's go back down
17 00:11:21,989 --> 00:11:41,819 into the one. Now if it goes up into this high, or fails here, it shoots down really hard. You're gonna watch this area in here. It's the same as this over
18 00:11:41,819 --> 00:11:54,299 here on the left hand side. See it here? This, this line here is this line over here. All you're doing is looking at it on a different timeframe timeframe being
19 00:11:54,419 --> 00:12:03,059 each one of these candles is representative of whatever the interval is like this number here is the five. So every candle is five minutes. Highest high low
20 00:12:03,059 --> 00:12:13,799 slow. This candle in the lower left hand is 15 minute. So every candles interval, high and low for the respective 15 minute timeframe is being
21 00:12:13,799 --> 00:12:22,829 represented by that chart. So what that's doing is I'm highlighting that. So there's two areas of interest for us, what we're doing is we're going to see how
22 00:12:23,069 --> 00:12:33,839 they both price at 830. And a couple minutes after that pavers are going up into here first. I don't know if they're gonna manipulate it there first and then
23 00:12:33,839 --> 00:12:46,679 rebook and price it lower. That's what we're watching. But because we've done all this movement here yesterday 12345 times pressing lower, we were in a
24 00:12:46,679 --> 00:12:53,789 really, really deep discount, meaning it's like real cheap. On the higher timeframe daily chart, it's been going down for a while. So for it to trade up
25 00:12:53,789 --> 00:13:00,809 into this area here on the hourly chart in the 30s it's, it's reasonable, it's not a question even if it wants to go lower.
26 00:13:11,820 --> 00:13:22,230 Right now, this chart on the right hand side every candles one minute to the high sign a little slow and fluctuation in between. It's being represented by
27 00:13:22,230 --> 00:13:33,150 each one of these candles. So because we have everything annotated now on the other chart, this area up here on the right hand side chart is the same thing
28 00:13:33,150 --> 00:13:42,480 that this hourly chart is annotating over here. So when you're looking at your chart you want to see constantly referring to these three timeframes, so it
29 00:13:42,480 --> 00:13:51,450 gives you a more of a panoramic view. You're not just going to look at these one minute candles and lose sight of where it's likely to go to next because you
30 00:13:51,450 --> 00:14:04,530 might see something that's being respected on the 15 or hourly chart that you might not readily see on these one minute candles. It gets very animated very
31 00:14:04,530 --> 00:14:13,710 quick and excitement on these one minute candles Well, unless it's a really big move. It can look like it's really bigger than it really Yes. So you keep your
32 00:14:13,710 --> 00:14:18,240 frame of reference by constantly referring to the 15th and hourly chart over here
33 00:14:25,710 --> 00:14:34,380 to this I don't sit in your in observing trying to get anything correct you're not trying to push anything
34 00:14:40,889 --> 00:14:53,459 Do you see how there's lows here? See that. So everyone have their cell side. That's their cell stops
35 00:15:10,200 --> 00:15:23,850 They can't see you. Now I thought I have it covered up, they can play if you say something, they'll hear you shaking his head now you'll say something eventually
36 00:15:25,590 --> 00:15:26,580 you'll have to be embarrassed
37 00:16:04,860 --> 00:16:14,010 now we're only going to watch this until nine o'clock and then I'm going to close this and then I'll show you some other things after, after after
38 00:16:14,010 --> 00:16:27,810 lifestyle. Or here I just want you to observe what happens, how much movement comes into the marketplace, how fast is it go to below these lows here or above
39 00:16:27,840 --> 00:16:39,210 high and maybe reach up in this area here. The benefit of watching it live as you'll see, as it's doing it, how it behaves as it hits those areas where
40 00:16:39,210 --> 00:16:48,270 there's real orders are resting does it continue to keep going higher once it goes above that short term high or does it not even go there and aggressively
41 00:16:48,270 --> 00:16:50,820 reach down into these levels here
42 00:17:03,210 --> 00:17:04,260 see the time down here
43 00:17:10,260 --> 00:17:14,490 so when it's 830 These candles gonna move around a lot more.
44 00:17:55,950 --> 00:18:05,820 See all this back and forth or a dislike it looks like scribble if you had a pencil on a piece of paper, and you're moving up across the papal paper and just
45 00:18:05,820 --> 00:18:15,810 moving it back and forth, all of this back and forth action looks totally different from this one single candle right here. So if it dropped down below
46 00:18:15,810 --> 00:18:27,510 here, watch how it reacts if it gets into this level here if it accelerates through that and goes with the sell side below here we'll screenshot and I'll
47 00:18:27,510 --> 00:18:32,730 let you mark up what you want to do later on with teachings I'll show you
48 00:18:37,980 --> 00:18:39,390 there's about 30 seconds
49 00:19:08,550 --> 00:19:09,510 five seconds
50 00:19:26,310 --> 00:19:28,080 See how it's moving around a little sporadically
51 00:19:43,619 --> 00:19:58,439 shall pass and went down to the area where Tron right there I'd look forward to go below here. And then if you can do that, well it reject below here and run
52 00:19:58,439 --> 00:19:59,999 deeper into this area up here.
53 00:20:45,450 --> 00:20:50,460 See how they're reaching for that reply here
54 00:21:16,109 --> 00:21:23,189 so you can see it's more like 1010 handles, it's going to punch in liquidity abilities load
55 00:21:34,560 --> 00:21:35,070 right there
56 00:21:42,510 --> 00:21:58,650 now they've taken both pools of liquidity into the marketplace. First sell side, I'm sorry by side rather, sorry. So read about these highs, we went above it.
57 00:21:59,850 --> 00:22:08,430 And then attack the sell side I was telling you about here. There's another pool of sellers right below there. And I'm watching to see does it even care about
58 00:22:08,430 --> 00:22:08,850 that one?
59 00:22:26,099 --> 00:22:37,859 So now watch, if we get a run that's more prominent, below this low in here. And we create like a fair value got a thing that has the three candles that Sony
60 00:22:37,859 --> 00:22:50,069 about, if it can come lower, create one of them anywhere between this loves in this area down here, that might be something we can watch and see if it drops
61 00:22:50,069 --> 00:22:58,529 down into there. I'm more specifically looking for when I was telling you initially was dropping down, does it reject rejects like when it goes there?
62 00:22:59,699 --> 00:23:07,439 Like if you throw a ball really hard at a wall, what's gonna do it's gonna ricochet come back that type of effect here. That's what I'm watching. Does it
63 00:23:07,439 --> 00:23:15,419 do that? Because as long as it doesn't go from here, right on up to this high, which if it did, there would be nothing, we could observe that it's just, it's
64 00:23:15,419 --> 00:23:23,939 just run. But if it were to start running and create an imbalance, what's that like fair Vega, I want to see how it reacts to that. And then see if we want to
65 00:23:23,939 --> 00:23:28,019 get a deeper run into 4025 Maybe 4030.
66 00:24:06,869 --> 00:24:19,739 Since we took those orders that were in the marketplace right above these highs over here worried about hear anyone that was looking for a run in price to go
67 00:24:19,739 --> 00:24:30,629 above that, to stop them out on any trade that was profitable if it went lower. Or if they want to use that as a launching pad to go up or out that was telling
68 00:24:30,629 --> 00:24:41,159 about people can put an order there. If it goes up above it. They'll use that to get in and they think it's going to keep going up. Well they took that area of
69 00:24:41,159 --> 00:24:50,759 liquidity, those orders to hit them first, and then ran down below here. And while I still favor moving out of this consolidation within the hour chart that
70 00:24:50,759 --> 00:25:01,769 I was showing you here. I like this area up here. I think that that's something they'll be watching today. I'll know Obviously, if I'm right or wrong at 930,
71 00:25:01,769 --> 00:25:06,389 when it starts trading, but that's what I'm looking at for here, like right now
72 00:25:12,900 --> 00:25:22,140 if we get down into this area here, which is this small section of imbalance down there, on that 15 minute timeframe, if it trades into that, then I'm not
73 00:25:22,140 --> 00:25:36,810 interested so much in this one up here. So what I'd like to see it do is keep this area open. And also the buy stops about here, don't trade to it yet. Like
74 00:25:36,810 --> 00:25:53,430 Wait, wait until 930. And then at 930, whichever one it runs for, then I'll have a better kind of game plan. The reason why I drew this out over here is, we were
75 00:25:53,430 --> 00:26:03,000 looking for it as a reason that dropped down into it. We went below it. Now at this price offer resistance, if you look at the bodies, even though we have
76 00:26:03,000 --> 00:26:09,060 these wicks that are going above it, look at the bodies in here, right around that midpoint, see where it's just returned to right there.
77 00:26:16,290 --> 00:26:30,120 So midpoint of that, bodies are staying right in here. So when I see that, it looks like it wants to start to explore going lower. But I don't want to see it
78 00:26:30,120 --> 00:26:41,040 do that rate yet, I want to see it stay in between the load that's formed in the high that is formed and and go into 930 and then make a run there. So whatever
79 00:26:41,040 --> 00:26:53,460 that first move at 930 is, if this range stays the way it is this high, and that low. They got both sides either knocked out the marketplace already, or they're
80 00:26:53,460 --> 00:27:08,490 trapped. So the 930 movement that starts in an hour or so a little less than an hour, that movement. Initially, I'm expecting it to be like the fake move like a
81 00:27:08,700 --> 00:27:18,690 like a red herring. Like, you know, the Robin was telling this story. Have you ever watch a Robin, when it's teaching its chick how to fly. It'll fake like its
82 00:27:18,930 --> 00:27:31,290 wings, her. So anybody that's watching or if it's a predator near it, they'll see that the easy target and run out there, the mother, Robin, instead of the
83 00:27:31,290 --> 00:27:44,220 little chick, the little baby that's trying to learn how to fly. And that trick move is what I'm going to be looking for in the morning. Because usually the
84 00:27:44,460 --> 00:27:52,530 fake move, in other words is going to what looks like it's starting to run initially. That's usually not the real move. So that's what I'm watching. And I
85 00:27:52,530 --> 00:28:03,690 want to see these two areas stay in place this low in this high. In whichever one of those get rain first. If this stays exactly, if it goes beyond either one
86 00:28:03,690 --> 00:28:14,910 of them, then what I'm saying is put aside to use something else. See how the bodies are staying inside that that little gap right here? Right at this candles
87 00:28:14,970 --> 00:28:29,700 low. See how the bodies are respecting that. So even though I want to see it stay above here, this looks like it wants to go lower. Now if it were to break
88 00:28:29,700 --> 00:28:41,760 below that low here, that's like a fulcrum point. Meaning like it's like a hinge. Imagine this door doing this, this price range here is like a door. And
89 00:28:41,760 --> 00:28:57,270 this is the hinge. It's swung up here while he swing it down. How far will it go down? That's this thing here are now high down to that low C run standard
90 00:28:57,270 --> 00:29:08,160 deviation. The negative is just basically this movement from this low up to high. If it breaks below this low, how far can it go down? That one standard
91 00:29:08,160 --> 00:29:20,220 deviation negative one is a perfect measured move of this range high to that low and it takes us down into that area of here. See that little gap here? That
92 00:29:20,220 --> 00:29:32,310 separation so if it were to break lower, it could dig into that area as far as 400 4.5 I don't want to see that yet. But because it's doing what it's doing
93 00:29:32,310 --> 00:29:38,970 here what I wanted to do and what it actually delivers is altogether something different
94 00:29:46,140 --> 00:29:58,110 upsetting market level Okay, so that being inside the area if it dropped, you know you're looking for
95 00:30:51,750 --> 00:31:01,620 After we're done this part, we take a break for a couple minutes at 930. I want you, when you think it's going to do one or the other with whatever you think is
96 00:31:01,620 --> 00:31:10,290 going to happen, you're going to do the one contract, you're going to go in where you think it's a time for you to get in it, based on whatever level you
97 00:31:10,290 --> 00:31:25,710 think it's going to run for. And you have to use a stop at five handles. You can't go over that, okay? You're gonna have to talk, you're gonna have to say
98 00:31:25,710 --> 00:31:26,910 something, Grunt or something.
99 00:31:41,730 --> 00:31:57,420 Now, because I want a specific thing to stay in place in hold, for going 30 I don't really want to see it respect the bottom end of that rectangle. Okay, this
100 00:31:57,420 --> 00:32:06,030 area over here, this is the candles high. I don't want to see that. But if it does, if it wants to go lower, it will respect that. So you're going to look at
101 00:32:06,030 --> 00:32:20,460 this in determine is it likely to expand ahead of 930. And we'll have to wait for something different at 930 If it takes off the loan expands down into this
102 00:32:20,460 --> 00:32:31,410 area here. No, I was telling you about, there's some times where I can see something. And I can expect something to unfold. But it's not the thing I want
103 00:32:31,410 --> 00:32:44,760 to participate in. So you sit and you observe. And once it moves, if you can see that it's likely to occur and you're not really doing anything with it. It
104 00:32:44,760 --> 00:32:57,300 teaches you discipline that allows you to not do anything sporadically, emotionally chasing, getting all excited. See, that's what I did. That's exactly
105 00:32:57,300 --> 00:33:08,700 what I wanted to see it do not go lower and it's doing really what I'm hoping it would do stay inside that range between that low and high saving that big
106 00:33:08,700 --> 00:33:11,820 movement, the real price run at 930.
107 00:33:21,329 --> 00:33:33,869 Want to see react here as resistance and go lower because that would open the range larger I want this range to be used for liquidity and whichever one it
108 00:33:33,869 --> 00:33:46,049 goes to first we're going to look at that at 930 and determine what you think your trade would be based on that but I don't want to see it find some support
109 00:33:46,049 --> 00:33:54,419 here and rip all the way up above here and go into this shaded area here because then that pretty much is the move that I'd be looking for at 930
110 00:34:06,780 --> 00:34:08,280 I want to make this one bigger here
111 00:34:33,450 --> 00:34:34,830 see all this movement here
112 00:34:43,020 --> 00:34:49,260 tonight candles, low neck candles high right there. That area
113 00:34:56,580 --> 00:35:03,870 you can trade up into that area. As long as he doesn't trade above this Tai Chi or below this low, they can trade all in here and it's fine.
114 00:35:08,910 --> 00:35:25,380 So what we're looking for is this range from this low to high to act as like a box where about above it certain sentiment, certain ideas expectations, for
115 00:35:25,380 --> 00:35:39,480 other triggers would be changed or created, sometimes they'll have, they'll have an opinion if it goes above this. Or they'll have a different opinion of the
116 00:35:39,480 --> 00:35:48,390 market that goes blue there at 930. So that's the reason why we're waiting for it, we're kind of hoping it stays like a spring, constantly getting compressed
117 00:35:48,390 --> 00:35:58,890 more and more and more at 930. It's let go of, and wherever it runs through first, we're going to watch and see if it rejects that and treat that as a fake
118 00:35:58,890 --> 00:36:08,610 move. And that's what we're going to be watching this morning. Again, if this one and either one of these higher low gets taken out before 930, then we'll
119 00:36:08,610 --> 00:36:09,810 have to utilize something else.
120 00:36:18,690 --> 00:36:28,980 Now, if I was bearish, I'm looking like if I wanted to go down here before 930, like if I wanted to see it go lower the fact that we went up into this area
121 00:36:28,980 --> 00:36:43,530 here, like that, and we went down below the shaded area here. I want to see it stay below the upper portion of that rectangle. And as long as it remained below
122 00:36:43,530 --> 00:36:53,370 that level, I would expect it to trade lower. Not that we want to see that I don't want to see that. But if I was bearish, that right there would have been a
123 00:36:53,370 --> 00:37:01,140 short entry. And then I would look for that range. And what I was just showing you here, if this now changed, because we had a higher high, see how the high
124 00:37:01,140 --> 00:37:02,070 went higher than this one?
125 00:37:29,790 --> 00:37:40,620 See how it has been made higher high here, that line around June earlier. And that red stand deviation negative one was at that level, because we went higher.
126 00:37:41,460 --> 00:37:53,760 Now it's been adjusted to a lower low. If this move from this high, goes below this low here and say what we're waiting for, it doesn't allow us to have that.
127 00:37:54,570 --> 00:38:00,450 And it moves lower. It was initially this target here that takes us into that range and the dark in these lines.
128 00:38:16,350 --> 00:38:24,870 So that that 15 minute imbalance. I'll show it to you again in a minute. But this is where we are looking for from this high down that low. If this is broken
129 00:38:24,870 --> 00:38:34,110 to the downside, how far can it go down using that as a fulcrum point? That was that level here. But now because we made that higher high, if they if they take
130 00:38:34,110 --> 00:38:42,570 it below this low and it goes lower, and you want to trade reprice down into that 15 minute imbalance. Now this level is negative one standard deviation. So
131 00:38:42,570 --> 00:38:56,910 all that is is the range between this high that low. You can see that right? This one, not, not this ticket offer second, you're taking this low, and that
132 00:38:56,910 --> 00:39:11,220 high. That height. If you take that height in you subtract it from this low down, it gives you this level. So that's like a swing projection. Like a target,
133 00:39:11,220 --> 00:39:20,610 how far? How far will it go. And like I was giving you a moment ago, like this is a say it's the door hinge. And this is a door, the door is only going to be
134 00:39:20,610 --> 00:39:30,870 as wide as the door is. So when it's swung up here, if it swings this way, how far can it go? It can be it would be reasonable to see if it does draw it go to
135 00:39:30,870 --> 00:39:31,650 that level there.
136 00:39:37,410 --> 00:39:48,780 So you would do this. So while you have imbalances that are identified, or they can draw a price to you have to know inside that imbalance, what you're aiming
137 00:39:48,780 --> 00:39:58,740 for. Otherwise, it's just you're guessing that's not trying to give you loose rules. You want to be looking for very specific levels.
138 00:40:05,850 --> 00:40:07,530 So we had that mark and ticked it off
139 00:40:18,090 --> 00:40:30,390 you could you could look at this as a case study like what would happen if you were to use this as a short sale you wanted to go short where would your stop
140 00:40:30,390 --> 00:40:38,910 loss be? How much risk would you incur if you were to use this as a framework to trade down here ahead of the 930 Like if you didn't want to use what we're doing
141 00:40:39,570 --> 00:40:48,240 he just want to get some kind of measurement on what if you did it what would the results be how much movement would you have? How much time would you be in
142 00:40:48,540 --> 00:41:02,460 before it either stopped out the trade or moved in your favor there was not there's nothing wrong with that but I'm trying to teach you how I do it. So I'm
143 00:41:02,460 --> 00:41:12,270 looking for very specific things for me, I like what it's doing here it's keeping that range low intact
144 00:41:29,820 --> 00:41:30,780 anyone else tissues
145 00:41:55,110 --> 00:42:07,050 see how the bodies leaves candles. When we'd have to tap the fair egg that's this low that candle green up to gravitate right to that level. There's a small
146 00:42:07,050 --> 00:42:18,030 little line on that candle which is the wick see I went just a little bit above it but look at the bodies arrayed inside there sounds like just hits it's about
147 00:42:18,030 --> 00:42:19,440 to die it's keeps beeping
148 00:42:29,160 --> 00:42:31,380 about six minutes anyway we'll close this one
149 00:42:42,240 --> 00:43:00,960 Rebecca but in this area here see how it's went down to low and that Vega knots expanding what's above this high here very short term by stops. So if it if it
150 00:43:00,960 --> 00:43:10,260 wanted to go lower, say dad's wrong. And it wants to go below here to go into this area here before 930. If it went above this, the short term high here and
151 00:43:10,260 --> 00:43:21,540 rejected it went lower. Then I'm not interested in looking for that 4030 level at 930 I'd probably look for that in the afternoon session. I'll explain it
152 00:43:22,650 --> 00:43:30,780 right now just watch and see how it behaves at this high if it goes to and above it in between here. That's where your eye should be
153 00:43:43,260 --> 00:44:01,530 so it's not just that range. We look at three levels. So 4018 and a half which is halfway between the low and the high of this fear Vega. It's a Sibi cellphone
154 00:44:01,530 --> 00:44:08,370 unbalanced by sight and efficiency when it's a down candle that makes the fairway get its city this is the easy way of remembering.
155 00:44:41,520 --> 00:44:54,870 Okay you're gonna want to not spend time doing this, but then beginning it's important for you to see it so that way and I'm sure the folks that are watching
156 00:44:54,870 --> 00:45:03,510 us. They want to see what I'm referring to as well. So but over time like you see me I don't have this stuff on my charts. With that eyes going right to that,
157 00:45:03,750 --> 00:45:14,550 like I'm looking at that level. In a while, I might be off like a quarter of a point or half a point, because I'm eyeballing it. If it's something that is like
158 00:45:14,550 --> 00:45:21,990 a stoploss, then I'll use the actual levels, and we'll measure it and see that way. But if it's something like I want to see it gravitate towards that specific
159 00:45:21,990 --> 00:45:32,430 level of how it reacts to it, I'm not really interested in knowing the actual tick, I just want to see how we do when we get to that area, that that vicinity
160 00:45:32,430 --> 00:45:41,370 within here, it doesn't have to be right to the tick. If it's a stoploss, if you're trying to put a stop loss there and use it as a means of protecting the
161 00:45:41,370 --> 00:45:48,540 position you're going to assume, then you do want to measure it, you want to have the actual level, because it's going to be a factor then. But when you're
162 00:45:48,540 --> 00:45:56,820 using it for measuring order flow and how price gets to these levels, and what it does, once it gets in there, it's not imperative, it's not really important
163 00:45:56,820 --> 00:46:08,610 to know exactly what the ticker is just your eyes. I think mine was getting pissed off. Do you hear Danny slamming shut around the. So we traded up into
164 00:46:08,610 --> 00:46:09,390 that level here.
165 00:46:19,380 --> 00:46:32,850 Again, I really want to see this range stay intact. Even though this is where I think we're going. I don't want to see it repair. And then like I want to see
166 00:46:33,450 --> 00:46:47,400 work at 930. But look at going back and look at see how this behaved. went way up into the imbalance look at the bodies thing inside that everybody stays right
167 00:46:47,400 --> 00:47:02,310 in this level that called see that. We drew that out. And it moved from here, up into this little area here. If you were pushing one contract, from here, to
168 00:47:02,310 --> 00:47:04,260 there, that's five handles
169 00:47:10,410 --> 00:47:24,690 your brother. He uses very similar methodology. But there's a lot of these types of moves all day long. If you're using a one minute chart, it's happening all
170 00:47:24,690 --> 00:47:41,130 the time. All sides. From here down to here, from here to here, from here they are and from here, they're all of those are five handle moves. And that's I see
171 00:47:41,130 --> 00:47:50,850 that going from one trade didn't actually swing back and forth, back and forth. And all I'm doing is using everyone these little reference points to get to the
172 00:47:50,850 --> 00:48:02,100 next counter point. So there was talking about the Super Bowl, if you take that Super Bowl, you throw down real hard hit, it's the floor, it'll bounce off the
173 00:48:02,100 --> 00:48:10,800 floor as hard as you throw it. That's going to be the the measurement how high it'll bounce off the floor, only that first bounce is going to be the largest
174 00:48:10,800 --> 00:48:19,980 one because it's going to round momentum. So it's going to fall back down, hit the floor again, and bounce again. So every time we work with a range that we're
175 00:48:19,980 --> 00:48:29,250 looking for it to move in a direction of like if if it's acting like that magnet that I was telling you about above, this is where I think this is where the
176 00:48:29,250 --> 00:48:41,040 magnet is up here today up in this area above here and up into that area every time it goes down okay when you're throwing up that Super Bowl, it's that level
177 00:48:41,040 --> 00:48:49,410 you're watching down here below these little lows. Remember we were looking at that and we want to see it reject it. You've seen that here. It didn't go down
178 00:48:50,130 --> 00:49:01,260 below it again here it just went down here and then bounced but it went higher here if we're looking for it to go up here, when it drops back down isn't going
179 00:49:01,260 --> 00:49:10,380 to have the momentum to go through this it's going to go where it's gonna go higher. It's got this area here where I told you the bias thoughts would be in
180 00:49:10,380 --> 00:49:14,100 that image or that point where between I think.
181 00:49:37,650 --> 00:49:50,730 You should be well hear me now. The headset I was using just died on me. Isn't your junk. A lot of money for this stuff and it still doesn't work. So, anyway,
182 00:49:51,750 --> 00:50:14,850 the perils of doing this live so because we didn't go lower here. It's more likely to do what Dr. Hart up into this area here. And we're at 901. So less
183 00:50:14,850 --> 00:50:28,830 than 2020 minutes from now. The market should reprice. I think we'll try to make an attempt to get up into this area here. So let's close this. We'll grab
184 00:50:28,830 --> 00:50:39,240 something to drink real quick. And we'll come back together and then I'll watch you do what you do with it. Okay. Everyone else that's been listening. Like I
185 00:50:39,240 --> 00:50:53,250 said, this was more or less me just giving you a view of what it is that I do and how I teach them. And you can see it's pretty much what you see. I teach
186 00:50:53,250 --> 00:51:05,820 you. It's simple baby steps in the beginning, observing things and watching what price does and what it doesn't do. So I'm sure I'll tickle your Twitter here at
187 00:51:05,820 --> 00:51:15,270 930. So, have you have your notifications activated? Certainly I can give you reason or boss reason to wonder what you're doing.