ICT YT - 2023-02-13 - ES Tape Reading AM Session - February 13 2023

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-15 06:23


01:09 - The US 500 and ES charts.

06:05 - Looking at the US 500 chart.

11:10 - What stands out with the relationship between the nas and the ES at the lows of the day so far?

14:52 - What are you looking for in this candle?

19:20 - What makes a bullish breaker?

25:07 - Why you need to be more selective in what you trade on.

29:24 - What would you have liked to have seen?

33:18 - What are you looking for in this chart?

38:13 - When you have a group of people that come into this, it’s going to get a lot of low resistance.

45:06 - Fibonacci levels are moving towards these levels.

51:26 - What is high resistance to high resistance liquidity?

57:42 - When you’re forced in front of these charts, they are a mirror -.

01:02:20 - How do you know when you’re first learning? -.

01:07:35 - Each one of these are a laboratory experiment, they're teaching you how you're going to feel without any money.

01:13:23 - You want to have that in your journal because you don’t want any opportunity to criticize yourself.

01:20:47 - You're looking at these candlesticks and you're manifesting the argument that you just had a breakup.


00:01:09,570 --> 00:01:21,240 ICT: Alright, so we have a five minute chart on the left hand side, it's the US 500 For folks that are tracking the CFD that can trade with the will not trade
00:01:21,240 --> 00:01:34,050 with tape read. The Emini, s&p 500, which is the futures contract chart on the right hand side. So I'm trying something new today, I'm gonna be very cautious
00:01:35,280 --> 00:01:37,920 because I'm trying to get comfortable with
00:01:49,470 --> 00:01:57,600 both charts up here. So usually, this would be a very big distraction for me. So I'm going to try to do my best to focus on the ES. So you guys can see the
00:01:57,600 --> 00:02:05,370 difference, as close as you can real time because I know there's this very small delay between what I'm saying and what you receive on your device through
00:02:05,550 --> 00:02:06,720 YouTube's broadcast.
00:02:13,080 --> 00:02:24,660 Alright, so I don't have any limitations on the US 500 CFD chart, you're gonna have to track that, respectively as we look at in compared to both. And that
00:02:24,660 --> 00:02:35,340 might not be satisfying for some of you, but I apologize, I'm not gonna be able to do all the plate spinning that some of you want me to do. If you look at the
00:02:36,510 --> 00:02:43,320 ES chart on the right hand side, and again, this is a five minute chart will drop down to one respective lower timeframe if there's a necessity for it. But
10 00:02:43,320 --> 00:03:09,240 right now there isn't. The opening price Sunday for ES came in at 41 04, I'm sorry, 41. Zero and the closing price on Friday came in at 409950. The
11 00:03:09,240 --> 00:03:21,360 difference to gap higher. So this new week gap opening new week opening gap rather. And the midpoint between those two price points is this heavy dashed red
12 00:03:21,360 --> 00:03:30,000 line you can see we came down to that beautifully so far this morning, showing a willingness to want to respect that level. So everything so far is delivered as
13 00:03:30,270 --> 00:03:47,190 I teach it. I'm watching this volume imbalance in here. And I'm also watching the buy side and quarterly resting above the high here on es Now apart from the
14 00:03:48,990 --> 00:03:59,490 new week opening gap levels on the chart and a few things I've added from the daily I'm going to try to keep the chart clean as I can
15 00:04:09,090 --> 00:04:24,360 be mindful that we're ES is trading right now. It's higher than Friday's close. So there's a premium in respect to the opening price versus where we closed on
16 00:04:24,360 --> 00:04:39,090 Friday. So what I mean by that is is is that gap to gapping up here when it closed down here so it's usually going to create some kind of a draw down into
17 00:04:39,150 --> 00:04:50,340 the price action. The levels I like first is the high on Friday session. Then all the wicks in here study that. There really isn't any inefficiency in here on
18 00:04:50,340 --> 00:05:02,670 the five minute chart. So we dropped down to a one minute chart. I know. You want me to be busy with that US 500 charts. Well, left, but we're really early
19 00:05:02,670 --> 00:05:13,650 in the session, and there's nothing here that I want to participate in yet or would want to participate in. So here's that gap. And we want to see it likely
20 00:05:13,650 --> 00:05:22,800 to draw into that doesn't mean it will. But that's the first expectation, we look at the opening to we're watching the opening range.
21 00:05:37,110 --> 00:05:53,580 As a reminder, tomorrow CPI, so my expectations today, around low, I'll try to work out a range. And you can observe in real time, maybe get a five handle run,
22 00:05:54,540 --> 00:06:08,850 study that lie before the closest one session. Now that for one zero, I'm sorry, for 111 or 4111. Line that you're seeing here on the right hand side chart. What
23 00:06:08,850 --> 00:06:20,400 that is, is the consequent curtailment of the daily candle from February 7 2023, the wick, the lower wick on the bottom of candle. That level is what's being
24 00:06:22,710 --> 00:06:38,040 looked at right here. And just above that, should we get some kind of a scenario like this right here, this looks like it's failing. And reach down here to the
25 00:06:38,040 --> 00:06:51,150 lower end of the gap. Do not take any of this as trade advice, please. All you're doing is tape reading your web serving trying to get a feel for what the
26 00:06:51,150 --> 00:07:02,580 markets likely to do. There's liquidity resting at the 41 zero to 25 level that's in the form of sell side we have relatively equal lows here, here. And
27 00:07:02,580 --> 00:07:05,100 here. Now drop down on the one minute chart.
28 00:07:11,310 --> 00:07:13,110 Us 500 chart on the left hand side.
29 00:07:20,910 --> 00:07:31,230 So if you look at the high here it formed down to the midpoint of the new week opening gap. That is consequent encroachment. So what I like to look for is a
30 00:07:31,230 --> 00:07:44,220 price run that moves higher that can be faded or I expect to see it fail or maybe create a sell signal something to that effect. And if we can get through
31 00:07:44,280 --> 00:07:53,340 there's nothing saying it's going to do it yet but if it gets below the consequent current level of 41 Zero 2.25 It breaks through that that becomes in
32 00:07:53,340 --> 00:08:03,210 my mind the fulcrum point and then if it trades down to the low end of the new week opening gap which was Friday's closing price, if you can trade through that
33 00:08:03,210 --> 00:08:20,610 we would look for the first objective on the downside would be 409 8.50. And any further animation to the downside would be 409 4.75. And frankly that would be
34 00:08:21,780 --> 00:08:28,680 as far as I would expect the morning session to move simply because not to say it couldn't move and not to say it's going to go down here either because it
35 00:08:28,680 --> 00:08:43,260 could go up run up here and take out 4110 I have nothing in here that I like all you're doing is observing with the expectation the CPI is going to be the the
36 00:08:43,260 --> 00:08:53,130 big monster move for the week. That's the reason why I'm cautions advice here today and not try to get all of what you were hoping to make for the week all
37 00:08:53,130 --> 00:08:55,020 inside this one day.
38 00:09:07,410 --> 00:09:25,170 Okay, retreat back to consequent course within the week opening gap. Doesn't want to drive underneath that aggressively and expand down into 409 9.50 50 Euro
39 00:09:25,170 --> 00:09:25,950 bones cracking.
40 00:09:51,510 --> 00:10:06,960 On the US 500 shirt I apologize. Like I said this is have an opportunity for me to try to grow a little bit more as a mentor here trying to show both vehicles,
41 00:10:07,920 --> 00:10:25,110 the 408 7.6 level and 408 3.9 level, that would be my expectations should we break below and get animated below that below here 409 1.2 On the US 500 This is
42 00:10:25,320 --> 00:10:37,650 what that chart is over here. On the left hand side you're hearing our recycling truck come through and pick up our recycling so apologize if it's coming through
43 00:10:37,650 --> 00:10:44,490 in the audio. Okay returned back into the high end of the new week opening gap.
44 00:11:10,020 --> 00:11:26,070 So far, nothing really stands out with the relationship between the NASDAQ and the ES at the lows of the day so far after my opening, no SMT divergence there.
45 00:11:29,100 --> 00:11:30,750 So I don't see any reason for it to
46 00:11:36,210 --> 00:11:47,040 draw attention to MQ. And since I'm primarily showing you one instruments throughout this year, and teaching you to be a specialist, and then one so that
47 00:11:47,040 --> 00:12:01,500 way you're not jumping around with all the price action you would ever need, can be found in one minute set. A nice run away from that, for 102 to five level,
48 00:12:01,890 --> 00:12:12,480 all of this is the opening range. So the first 15 to 30 minutes. That shouldn't be a whole lot of emphasis placed on any of that when we get into the 10 o'clock
49 00:12:12,480 --> 00:12:22,590 hour. Usually there's algorithms that start running in that timeframe usually 950 to 1010. And we'll look at what by side or sell side liquidity and any
50 00:12:22,590 --> 00:12:31,710 inefficiencies that reside at that time written out all we're doing is trying to get a feel for what it wants to do and too early to tell really with high
51 00:12:31,710 --> 00:12:39,630 probability and as some of you gamblers out there already have a clue what you want to say do it doesn't mean you have to do it
52 00:12:50,310 --> 00:12:57,000 so we had a run pre market before 930.
53 00:13:03,090 --> 00:13:17,310 made an attempt to get down to Friday's close after opening at 930 Found some support at the consequent correction with the new week opening get by side now
54 00:13:17,370 --> 00:13:18,450 is in the crosshairs.
55 00:13:43,350 --> 00:13:49,710 Look like this while you were here for us
56 00:14:04,320 --> 00:14:20,730 now what I'm interested in seeing is how we how we trade should we take out the high at 727 candle so if it runs through that biocide how do we deliver Attica?
57 00:14:29,340 --> 00:14:30,030 on your
58 00:14:38,159 --> 00:14:56,039 on your 15 minute timeframe the February 9 2023 12 Cohen 30 or 1230 Candle there is a sine bounce pass on your Cincy. You want to extend that to the right. If we
59 00:14:56,039 --> 00:15:06,149 run through with a lot more momentum on the upside through for them 16 We could see or do 122 and a half
60 00:15:13,980 --> 00:15:26,160 to speaker, just be mindful, that's one could say. But if we get above that 4115 reject that and start to break down. Then I would look forward to try to return
61 00:15:26,160 --> 00:15:38,040 back to Friday's closing price. Because all of this right here could be just the Judas swing for the morning. What makes me extremely cautious, and not having
62 00:15:38,040 --> 00:15:47,640 strong convictions on where I think it's gonna go is because we have CPI tomorrow. And I'm kind of in my notes in front of me and my pad are here. Real
63 00:15:47,640 --> 00:15:59,100 bold letters, CPI tomorrow, don't get PIP jump. So don't fall in love with something you think's gonna be an explosively huge move. Delivering bread and
64 00:15:59,100 --> 00:16:01,860 butter setups and be content with it and tomorrow wait for the carnage.
65 00:16:22,919 --> 00:16:42,629 So far, yes, that's basically on par with the highs as well. So nothing's really nothing's really standing out as an obvious one here. So 5050. And when you're
66 00:16:42,629 --> 00:16:59,849 New Year's ready to do something, you feel like you want to just push the button and see what happens. But you know, they say every round you find out. You don't
67 00:16:59,849 --> 00:17:13,859 want to find out you're on the wrong side of market move on a day that's already not like we've been doing very much for precision. That's my view on it. Now I
68 00:17:13,859 --> 00:17:21,719 would like to see it rip higher only because we came back down into this breaker here. This is up close candle we came into it also traded inside and completely
69 00:17:21,719 --> 00:17:36,389 repriced, to the low of this by Sanibel, so it's on efficiency. So 4118. There'll be a nice reach above that by side. But anything just piercing through
70 00:17:36,389 --> 00:17:43,619 this is enough. Us 500 You'll notice that I've already done it on the left hand side, but futures have yet to do it.
71 00:17:50,190 --> 00:18:02,760 And what you're doing while watching price with me like this as you want to train your eye to number one, look for ones that makes sense to you. What
72 00:18:02,760 --> 00:18:15,600 pattern from the content that I've teach? Which one do you trust more? Or which one are you able to see as clearly as possible? Watching a small timeframe like
73 00:18:15,600 --> 00:18:24,600 this, but don't think that it only works on these lower timeframes. Because everything I'm showing you with these candles within one minute basis is
74 00:18:24,600 --> 00:18:32,580 absolutely the same thing. If you were looking at an hourly chart, or a four hour chart or a daily chart, it just requires a lot more time for that candle to
75 00:18:32,580 --> 00:18:42,690 complete and close and start a new one. And obviously, the range of would be much larger, which for some of us, probably what you're looking for you want big
76 00:18:42,690 --> 00:18:57,720 runs, you want higher art multiples, you can use the lower timeframe entries. And treat with the higher timeframe 3d arrays and get these extrapolated returns
77 00:18:57,870 --> 00:19:01,080 versus the small mining theoretical risk
78 00:19:11,160 --> 00:19:23,460 looks like it's just crouching read below the bottom and codepoint 4115. Like I said us 500 On the left hand side. That's it. That's what that chart is. It has
79 00:19:23,460 --> 00:19:37,890 already whipped through and tapped into its by side yes on the right hand side has yet to do. So since we had this run here I kind of put it on a chart so you
80 00:19:37,890 --> 00:19:51,060 can see as much as I don't want to do it because it's a distraction to me. That is your bullish breaker
81 00:19:56,820 --> 00:20:02,190 that traded down into a buy side and balances on efficiency to buy sends about pretty good rip through
82 00:20:12,480 --> 00:20:25,710 to from here to here to five handle run. You want to see it expanded a bit more than what it's already done here through quarter 115. And when it does that you
83 00:20:25,710 --> 00:20:34,800 want to if it does, I could be wrong. But if it doesn't, should you want to screenshot your chart there and have this as a framework because we were looking
84 00:20:34,800 --> 00:20:43,020 for the trade down. I mentioned the breaker, class Annabelle sauce on efficiency, I want to see speed and distance here, it should rip through that
85 00:20:43,020 --> 00:20:43,290 now
86 00:20:52,170 --> 00:20:59,490 watch this wick, I'm watching the midpoint of adults consequently, you've tapped at yours allows you to expand through
87 00:21:05,580 --> 00:21:06,330 one at
88 00:21:13,860 --> 00:21:25,770 a time. Now the same thing I did with a downside objectives using the fifth for like, like targeting. What you're going to look at, what you're looking for is
89 00:21:26,730 --> 00:21:39,780 price runs that have retracements. And by sight liquidity above where market price is not empirically proportional, entire? How far can you go? That's one of
90 00:21:39,780 --> 00:21:49,410 the things that I was trying to teach last week. You see this high here? We're using it with that low. And we went below this low here. Yes, we worked through
91 00:21:49,410 --> 00:21:58,650 it but didn't really trade through it and show them is to go lower. Now don't just tap through sellside it's a fulcrum point is going to run right through it.
92 00:21:59,190 --> 00:22:11,730 Like this high here now becomes a fulcrum point from this low. So from that low that high. There you can see why I was looking for 4118. That's just simply me
93 00:22:11,730 --> 00:22:21,750 looking at it for years seeing that range, and I'm multiplying it between that and low to that high. What's a what's a one standard deviation of the same range
94 00:22:21,750 --> 00:22:30,390 higher from this high here? If this highs broken to the upside? And come back down into bullish breaker what makes us a bullish breaker this of course, you
95 00:22:30,390 --> 00:22:40,860 know, here, we have love the high and low low, why am I not using the wicks because they're gaps. I'm taking you right back into the price action. That is
96 00:22:40,860 --> 00:22:51,150 what showing the bodies, the bodies tell you the story, the wicks is where the damage is done. So I'm cutting through candles to take you to the narrative of
97 00:22:51,150 --> 00:22:59,850 what should be expected in price action, even in a sloppy morning like it is here, it still will talk to you. I don't have the 4118 delivered yet, they may
98 00:22:59,850 --> 00:23:07,290 not do so. And it would not be a terrible upsetting thing for me. Because like I mentioned in the first start of the stream, my expectations are very, very low.
99 00:23:07,890 --> 00:23:15,330 Because of the volatility that's expected tomorrow, there's a lot of traders that are sitting on their hands, they do this taking today off and not worrying
100 00:23:15,330 --> 00:23:23,280 about today. Because they know there's gonna be a lot of movement tomorrow, it's gonna be a lot of displacement in price. And it's going to create all kinds of
101 00:23:23,280 --> 00:23:32,730 sentiments. You big run tire big runs lower in efficiencies for your value gaps, liquidity goes above and below the marketplace, it's gonna be a lot of interest
102 00:23:32,730 --> 00:23:42,150 in. And that's what you want to you want to wait for that displacement, like when you walk into a smooth pond, you know, and it's smooth, want to wait for
103 00:23:42,150 --> 00:23:50,100 that rock be thrown in there and that creates ripples, there's action. There's something that the keep your island watch, there's movement. Right now, we're
104 00:23:50,100 --> 00:24:00,750 just seeing just a little bit of it's nothing materially exciting. But should this high be taken out like it does here, notice a difference how this one runs
105 00:24:00,750 --> 00:24:09,750 through closes through and really rips higher, then comes back down into what this boss hadn't done. So some efficiencies, the shaded change this color as you
106 00:24:09,750 --> 00:24:25,260 can see, by contrast, not that I won't read but we'll do that. So we traded down into that. So there's two PB arrays in the form of a discount. Because prices
107 00:24:25,260 --> 00:24:37,860 here it trades down into this up close candle here, which is the highest up close candle between the low here and the lower low here. So we traded through
108 00:24:37,860 --> 00:24:46,650 it and our attention goes right into that candle. And we have to buy some bells or something Christmassy to trading into that here sets the stage for a price
109 00:24:46,650 --> 00:25:01,680 run. This becomes a fulcrum point. We can use the whips for those types of things but not for breakers. We don't use it for that And since the buyside,
110 00:25:01,680 --> 00:25:11,730 liquidity is 4115, even, that's what we annotated. Can we use this objective here? Sure, you can use as a partial. Like, if you took a long in here, or for
111 00:25:11,730 --> 00:25:23,280 your annotations, you annotate that as this offered a wonderful opportunity to get in not even take the buy side that will be resting at 4115. But you'd be
112 00:25:23,280 --> 00:25:39,330 looking for, in my opinion, the one the 4118, simply because it's above the buy side of the high here. It's above this high here. So this, this level here would
113 00:25:39,330 --> 00:25:48,420 be okay for partial. But in my opinion, if our industry and I didn't have the uncertainty of what we're going to see today versus what we're going to get
114 00:25:48,420 --> 00:26:00,240 tomorrow, a lot of movements for CPI. By having the economic calendar in you wheel in the windshield, you're looking ahead, preparing for what's available in
115 00:26:00,240 --> 00:26:09,480 terms of risk and where the volatility will come in. You have to keep your expectations well ahead of the day of CPR. It might create all kinds of
116 00:26:09,480 --> 00:26:22,470 wonderful opportunities. But for me, my risk is pared back a lot. My interest in taking a setup is going to be extremely more picky. Like I want to be more
117 00:26:22,500 --> 00:26:30,120 selective in what I'm wanting to trade on. Because I'm already in an environment, it's not likely to deliver as precise as I would normally expect it
118 00:26:30,120 --> 00:26:41,460 to. Because there isn't a lot of participants coming in today. Whereas tomorrow after CPI comes in there's going to be this big mad rush to get in there chasing
119 00:26:41,460 --> 00:26:41,940 something
120 00:26:56,400 --> 00:26:58,350 looking at the back of the house
121 00:27:07,980 --> 00:27:19,890 these higher highs it's formed on yes here on the right hand side. Looks like NASDAQ has supported that browser. Nothing in terms of distribution really. If
122 00:27:19,890 --> 00:27:31,800 we're looking at s&p, what's that going to balance here on both us 500 I've noticed that they don't really respect them so much or as precisely as in the
123 00:27:31,800 --> 00:27:46,590 futures market. So even if you can't trade us futures market contracts like for ES or MQ it's worth it for you if you are it's worth it for you to get the data
124 00:27:46,650 --> 00:27:59,640 to track these US markets. If you're trading the CFDs like us 500 Us 100 us 30 You're gonna get more trustworthy data if you're looking at the futures market
125 00:28:03,630 --> 00:28:07,440 this part here is already accomplished
126 00:28:21,090 --> 00:28:33,510 about that Super Bowl last night ethics with the first Super Bowl game I sat and watched actually it's the first football game ever Sam watched 4180 know what
127 00:28:33,540 --> 00:28:44,130 now we're above that volume and balance do we get a touch of that volume and balance again and then send it to 4118 Watch that or if there's a robbery
128 00:28:44,130 --> 00:28:50,820 through 4118 Go into that 15 minute balance I mentioned.
129 00:29:24,840 --> 00:29:35,430 would have liked to seen that candle come down to one balance. That'd be nice to see that before taking up this guy and then we've been to 4118 4121 I
130 00:29:41,640 --> 00:29:42,570 want to see it now
131 00:29:48,990 --> 00:29:56,970 why am I saying that because we've already started the run and we want about the bodies these candles to now consider this series of 2d enclosed candles as a
132 00:29:56,970 --> 00:30:09,390 bullshitter block and we'll see Support price around here you come back to this candles Hi, I'd like to see that's the open mounts Yeah. Good to see that right
133 00:30:09,390 --> 00:30:15,840 there so they open it can touch the opening of that candle and then rip into 4118 4121
134 00:30:25,050 --> 00:30:44,610 The last chart you'll have 41 33.75 Medical as well that's the high end which is a city I'll show you on the chart 4118 It's the 50 Min candlelit February ninth
135 00:30:44,790 --> 00:30:48,180 2023 1230 the time.
136 00:31:42,630 --> 00:31:53,280 If you're looking to close and you have your candles so drilled in you won't be able to see this will appreciate the levels that it's going to likely reach into
137 00:32:05,040 --> 00:32:13,800 you might get your level in the Middle Ages of 4120 either ever emptier chart as well
138 00:32:23,400 --> 00:32:33,270 and you want to have something like this you want to split it once more you'll have a gradient for levels
139 00:32:41,130 --> 00:33:00,150 so we're looking at 4125 Point 25 and 4120 25 If it were to get a blow off move to the upside this survey gap is here 31 32.75 That would be my morning session
140 00:33:00,150 --> 00:33:03,390 Hi objective to reach that and be content move that aside
141 00:33:11,580 --> 00:33:23,640 from already feeling as though you're spot on it's not new. Some of you would like me to do it's very difficult for me to focus on I apologize but at least
142 00:33:23,640 --> 00:33:29,070 you can see the difference in what you do yes futures contract is dealing in respect of highs and lows.
143 00:34:06,480 --> 00:34:17,460 241 18.6 for your constant encouragement I got one us 500 So this one those are final on the CFD inside
144 00:34:29,310 --> 00:34:40,200 chicken see how watching in the morning using an image not rushing, not trying to get in make a decision right away. These these types of price runs that are
145 00:34:40,200 --> 00:34:42,690 essential for you to be a part of learning.
146 00:34:58,350 --> 00:35:13,440 Can ask shout back at me on Twitter, if everything's coming through audibly, my audio is okay. The chart is a chart clear. Give me a five by five, tweet to me,
147 00:35:13,500 --> 00:35:15,720 everything's good visually and audibly, please
148 00:35:38,130 --> 00:35:45,900 Yes, 101. Thank you appreciate that
149 00:35:57,210 --> 00:36:06,660 now let's go back to that fulcrum point I was showing you were looking for expansions. Because we're already through the buy side. And we're inside of that
150 00:36:07,110 --> 00:36:18,120 old inefficiency on a 15 minute timeframe from February 9. So since we're in between the low and the consequent encouragement, or midpoint of that 15 minute
151 00:36:18,120 --> 00:36:31,440 gap in the night, the 1230, candle, candle, respectively for that day, or night, and you have this model here, what you're going to do is draw your fib from the
152 00:36:31,440 --> 00:36:43,230 low up to the high of the wick because we can use Wix for measurements of range. And targeting. The only time I'm using a wick for entries is when I'm using
153 00:36:43,230 --> 00:36:54,180 consequent encouragement or the quarter point of that wick. Those Those are two most important levels for me on a candles wit, or candles tail new department
154 00:36:54,180 --> 00:37:05,220 goes below the candle. This is usually referred to as a tail. And the wick is usually the upper portion above the height. So we have a standard deviation of
155 00:37:05,220 --> 00:37:24,000 negative two here at 41 26.25, then consequent encroachment. And then we have 41 30.50. And then negative three standard deviations at 4134 and a half which
156 00:37:24,000 --> 00:37:34,590 is outside the spectrum on February 9. So I'm not really interested in that because it's my opinion on the results which of it it will be hit consequent
157 00:37:34,590 --> 00:37:57,840 curtailment at satisfying for me for the morning session. Now looking at the run from 950. So the market trades back into you know what a lot. And 950 to 1010.
158 00:37:58,290 --> 00:38:12,270 That's a macro is what we do what we were looking for price to reach into 4118 4121 and a half. And then also into this 15 minute clearbank got this price
159 00:38:12,270 --> 00:38:21,870 support. That's what I'm watching. With the lovin at Mecca Vega, it starts to run seems to hit this level should it do so I don't know if it's going to
160 00:38:23,100 --> 00:38:30,990 shouldn't do that. You want to screenshot your chart as soon as it does that. And log it and annotate what you've observed this morning.
161 00:38:44,430 --> 00:38:57,000 You're managing and developing patience. When you're tape reading, there's no there's no animation in my voice. I'm not terribly excited or shocked. I'm not
162 00:38:57,000 --> 00:39:04,830 risking anything. I don't care about being right or wrong. All I'm doing is pointing out where the markets likely to go when it fails to do certain things.
163 00:39:04,830 --> 00:39:16,530 I'm making that observation with you sharing what it should be doing what it shouldn't do. And we're still as much as this might look entertaining to some of
164 00:39:16,530 --> 00:39:31,710 you. This is still very, very ugly price action. Slow can be traded, obviously. But it's ugly. And when charts get cleaner. Watch this little inefficiency.
165 00:39:34,800 --> 00:39:45,150 reposts cleans up a little bit more. And it will you'll see how fun and precise things are. It just becomes really, really easy to see the setup. You can hide
166 00:39:45,150 --> 00:39:54,480 it. Not that they're really trying to hide it here. I want you to read too much and when I say that it's just hard to ferret out the really low risk high
167 00:39:54,480 --> 00:40:03,810 probability setups in environments like this because you can get a lot of chop retracements a lot more movement against your position entries, then you would
168 00:40:03,810 --> 00:40:14,820 like to see in like easier conditions, which you understand later in year. By contrast, days like this versus days, when you see me out when and where it
169 00:40:14,820 --> 00:40:24,450 should move where it should move in, it just takes off runs real nice and sharp, no real deep retracements, almost like immediately in the money. That's a low
170 00:40:24,450 --> 00:40:33,630 resistance accordion signature. So that's really what I'm trying to teach you this year. But we have to work in every individual daily range to fully
171 00:40:33,630 --> 00:40:47,070 appreciate what it is that makes a low resistance liquid. When I first started teaching my older students the hard pressed to understand what I meant by that,
172 00:40:47,520 --> 00:40:55,140 because we were doing live sessions and I'm trying to communicate the signatures, what it looks like, and what it doesn't look like. And when you have
173 00:40:55,200 --> 00:41:04,110 a group of people that come into this won't be spoon fed union significant bargaining cell, that was my target source, my stop it, then that doesn't
174 00:41:04,110 --> 00:41:15,630 satisfy me. And when it doesn't satisfy a student viewer like that, they have hardline opinion, oh, it's a scam. This doesn't work. It was never promised as a
175 00:41:15,630 --> 00:41:24,960 signal service to teach you how to read price action. And that's what I'm promoting here. So I'm going to help me read and take, if you can read price
176 00:41:24,960 --> 00:41:33,330 action, you're going to learn what your favorite setup is, by default, it's going to happen. So what I just did here was, we had a retracement down into a
177 00:41:33,330 --> 00:41:45,690 fear of a gap, kind of fear of a gap is this by phone imbalance. So some efficiency, of course candles that create a fear Vega is a busy bee is on bottom
178 00:41:45,690 --> 00:41:58,800 balances on efficiency. We had the sell side offered here on this candle. This candles high comes in at 41 20.50. This candle here, it's well comes in at
179 00:41:58,800 --> 00:42:10,950 41 20.251 quarter of a point, one tick outside the fair Vega. That's permissible, it's reasonable. It's not upsetting anything. But that's also the
180 00:42:10,950 --> 00:42:20,940 signatures of a day like this. But I mentioned before the precision is going to be slightly skewed. Because tomorrow is the real event. That's the real event.
181 00:42:20,940 --> 00:42:30,090 That's the thing everybody's waiting for. So it's going to be a little bit less perfect. On a day like this. Much like the reasons why I'm like trying to
182 00:42:30,090 --> 00:42:37,860 justify why don't trade on a Thursday and Friday of non pro payroll. Because it's like this, where it can be just a little bit outside the lines that I like
183 00:42:37,860 --> 00:42:51,630 to see color and sign up. But what I'm showing you here is should be one player and take up the high look with the left. And that can be to have relatively
184 00:42:51,630 --> 00:42:59,430 equal highs here. To me, I view that as engineering liquidity. And don't be surprised that they think it below this low now, because that will sell the idea
185 00:42:59,430 --> 00:43:07,830 that this is a top or a resistance level. If your ticket below this low here and retrace down into the sphere of a gap here, look at all the back and forth in
186 00:43:07,830 --> 00:43:18,810 here. See all that. That to me is a balanced price range. So meaning, as much as I'd like to see this stay open and act as a breakaway gap. If I was bullish, I
187 00:43:18,810 --> 00:43:28,770 don't have I have no position on. But I'm making the case for arguing if I was already long down here, I'd want to see this left open, do all of the RE
188 00:43:28,770 --> 00:43:37,980 accumulation of new lungs here incented above these highs. But I'm willing to accept the fact that because they've now priced in a relatively equal high,
189 00:43:38,190 --> 00:43:46,350 these two highs been basically the same. If they take the short term low out here, then it can come back into here, which is again, one of the reasons why I
190 00:43:46,350 --> 00:43:52,710 teach not to trail your stop loss up because you don't know when these fair value gaps are going to form, you're too new, you have no idea when they're
191 00:43:52,710 --> 00:44:01,380 gonna form, I usually have a pretty good idea of where they're at. Because I'm familiar with the range I'm trading in. And because of signatures like I taught
192 00:44:01,380 --> 00:44:09,840 last week, and before we're using the PD Erie matrix when it's in a premium to a discount, just like there's a threshold when you don't want to add new pyramid
193 00:44:09,840 --> 00:44:18,390 entries. There's also a threshold that you want to see price move beyond before you consider moving your stop also, and I'll cover that this year, don't worry,
194 00:44:18,390 --> 00:44:25,500 but we're not even in the entry points yet. Right now you're just trying to read price. Because if you don't know where it's gonna go, or where it's going to try
195 00:44:25,500 --> 00:44:32,490 to gravitate to it doesn't matter what your entry strategy is going to be, it's going to be probably wrong. But if we can trade about these relatively equal
196 00:44:32,490 --> 00:44:46,680 highs, we have a standard deviation of negative 0.5 which is just short of consequent encouragement, this level here. So at 41 27.50 and then 41 29.75. So
197 00:44:46,680 --> 00:44:55,890 let's assume that it does find its way up to this level midpoint of the 30 minute gap on February 9. This would be my objective for the morning session and
198 00:44:55,890 --> 00:45:04,440 then be content. If it goes through it and expands we'll always had the probabilities of it reaching to the high end. But I don't believe that's
199 00:45:04,440 --> 00:45:12,930 something that we should look for it's mine. I could be proven wrong. But if it goes through consequent curtailment, it could go into this level here. So what
200 00:45:12,930 --> 00:45:24,000 I'm always doing is I'm getting measurements, not doing classical fib ratios years to get to like, targets. If you see anybody that teaches Fibonacci,
201 00:45:24,480 --> 00:45:34,410 they'll teach you February ships that supposedly the markets are moving towards these levels here are standard deviations, and you're gonna find that they're
202 00:45:34,410 --> 00:45:44,610 gonna serve you better. Over time, we understand the narrative where price should go in with liquidity. And coupled with inefficiencies when they exist in
203 00:45:44,610 --> 00:45:59,010 price. In plain terms, these are going to be better for you than the classical retail ratios that Fibonacci levels are using tribute. Which is why you see
204 00:45:59,010 --> 00:46:07,560 people troll me over the years. We don't even use a Fibonacci right. You're right, I don't use it like retail. I'm proud of it.
205 00:46:13,079 --> 00:46:25,829 So in your mind, you should see these relative equal highs here as a buy side liquidity pool. Now we took their short term low. So anyone that's being short
206 00:46:25,829 --> 00:46:36,599 or going short, they now have their stop loss right above here, what kind of stop loss by stops which is why I write by side liquidity.
207 00:46:57,420 --> 00:47:04,980 Okay, so we want to keep this very vague, yep, annotated. Just extend it forward. In here
208 00:47:12,420 --> 00:47:21,930 Do you sometimes you win, sometimes you use the right things. When it's in close proximity to one another. With this, it helps me keep my frame of mind when I'm
209 00:47:21,930 --> 00:47:33,360 teaching you. So as I'm annotating charts of trade example I'm showing you I'm going to make sure that I'm not going to get confused as to what I'm looking at.
210 00:47:33,540 --> 00:47:42,420 Because if I have too many things on my chart, it takes away the purity of reading price. So as I said, it's very difficult for me to keep my focus and
211 00:47:42,420 --> 00:47:50,400 talk to you about what it is it should do and shouldn't do. But I mentioned if we take out that short term low, here, we can dip down inside this, your makeup
212 00:47:50,400 --> 00:47:59,280 so far, we're seeing institutional order for entry drill, which is a partial entry into a gap, which is a Faraday gap here between these candles high this
213 00:47:59,280 --> 00:48:08,610 candles low. What kind of gap specifically is this? A buy side imbalance I was on inefficiency by side was offered. It's inefficient in what sell side. But if
214 00:48:08,610 --> 00:48:20,310 it's bullish, and you're going to run on retail that are, in my opinion being introduced to a potential shorting opportunity for them in a trust when they see
215 00:48:20,310 --> 00:48:30,660 these types of things here, that double top type thing. It looks like the textbook version of what resistance. And if they drop it down below a short term
216 00:48:30,660 --> 00:48:40,740 low where they see that as as a market structure shift or to break in market structure. And that may be true, it may be true, it might happen here. But I'd
217 00:48:40,740 --> 00:48:48,360 like to look for periods where there's a armwrestling match between these two categories of traders. Yes, this is reasonable. If the trade back down here, it
218 00:48:48,360 --> 00:48:58,620 didn't even go to the midpoint of this. Which would be consequent encouragement, because it's a gap not a candle or or what there was an order block, it would be
219 00:48:58,620 --> 00:49:11,400 the threshold, because it's been identified as an imbalance. We didn't even trade down to the midpoint. So we should do this candles high that candles low.
220 00:49:11,850 --> 00:49:23,340 We have a price point level of 41 18.75. So we didn't get down to that level here on this candle. This candles low comes in at 4119. Even. So it's one
221 00:49:23,340 --> 00:49:37,530 quarter point higher than that of the midpoint of the gap, which is 41 18.75. Because it didn't go down midpoint. This is viewed as institutional order flow
222 00:49:37,530 --> 00:49:46,320 entry Joe. I know it's a mouthful, but it just means that if you're bullish, if you think prices are likely to go higher. I'm not suggesting that you should be
223 00:49:46,320 --> 00:49:56,010 long. But if you are expecting prices to move higher and you see a fair value gap, and you want to see a level of imbalance like this stay open, which would
224 00:49:56,010 --> 00:50:02,040 be the argument if you're bullish. Or if you're bullish, you want to see it try to reach up in the counter encouragement, because we have time, local time in
225 00:50:03,090 --> 00:50:17,070 New York time to recharge to always be on TradingView. It's 1016. So we have a little bit of time left still in, you can expand into the take the buy side now,
226 00:50:17,490 --> 00:50:28,770 up to it through it in maybe hit consequent courtroom. And that'll be a wrap for the morning session, and I would consider a profitable endeavor returns. But
227 00:50:28,770 --> 00:50:37,980 because we all came down partially in here, the idea of leaving some of this open. I don't recall now, because of I've been looking at this chart on the left
228 00:50:37,980 --> 00:50:45,960 hand side, and going back and forth and trying to keep my thoughts collected, as I describe what it is I'm looking for. I don't recall, but I think I did, then
229 00:50:45,960 --> 00:50:54,390 you can correct me if I didn't, I believe I said, I want to see this fear of a gap left open. Before we see this traded through and maybe even a consequence.
230 00:50:56,070 --> 00:51:06,060 If I didn't say that, just know that I would have liked to have said that and if that's what I would expect. But I think I did say something to admissions to
231 00:51:06,060 --> 00:51:17,370 recording. So I mentioned was hard like it seems to me, I know, I know I said it because I want to see that stable. Breakaway gap is this like a signature where
232 00:51:17,370 --> 00:51:28,980 we can see price really snapping higher and having no real immediate interest to come back in to reprice overtop of all of this. That's sometimes very indicative
233 00:51:28,980 --> 00:51:39,150 of seeing higher prices. But because we've met a 15 minute premium away in the form of that fair value that we've dug into what did we meet the lower quarter
234 00:51:39,150 --> 00:51:39,570 of that
235 00:51:49,590 --> 00:51:57,060 just fell short of the quarter level of that you may get when you keep coming back into the sphere where you get.
236 00:52:06,300 --> 00:52:14,430 The fact that it's doing what it's doing right here is also another reason why teaching and preaching to you caution on a day prior to like news events like
237 00:52:14,430 --> 00:52:29,070 Non Farm Payroll FOMC. And like tomorrow CPI number, this type of price action is a classic delivery in price, where it says a lot of hurry up, lose something,
238 00:52:29,130 --> 00:52:35,070 move somewhere, and then chop around a little bit and drive you nuts, because you just want to get out of the crate, you just want to get the trade to go to
239 00:52:35,070 --> 00:52:46,800 your target be done and be unfortunately, when you're trading ahead of high impact news drivers like CPI number tomorrow, Non Farm Payroll FOMC something to
240 00:52:46,800 --> 00:52:59,460 that effect, you'll get trading conditions like this, which makes it high resistance to high resistance liquidity runs, we're looking for a run into the
241 00:52:59,460 --> 00:53:09,390 imbalance midpoint is 4128. Even that's my objective was to hit that I'm going to do moves like Jagger for my wife, she's gonna be like whatever you didn't
242 00:53:09,390 --> 00:53:18,690 take the trade. But for for learning purposes, you'll see that this is what it's like to be delivering in high resistance liquid liquidity when signatures or
243 00:53:18,690 --> 00:53:27,690 conditions where it's really, really frustrating sometimes before it gets to your objectives. And another one would be how we failed just one quarter of
244 00:53:27,840 --> 00:53:38,310 point one tick before getting to the quarter level of that 50 minutes or Vega. One another day, it would have ripped right on through 4120 Even and probably
245 00:53:38,310 --> 00:53:48,510 even continuity through to the high end of it being the same, okay. But all of this right here is what you're going to endure. If you force yourself to trade
246 00:53:48,510 --> 00:53:57,810 in conditions that are high resistance. high resistance doesn't mean like like support and resistance it means it's resisting clean price runs where they just
247 00:53:58,380 --> 00:54:09,270 run big ranges, speed, efficient run rate to where you want to go. That's how you want to trade you want to trade in those conditions. But as a neophyte
248 00:54:09,270 --> 00:54:16,500 someone new to trading and not really versed in price action. Even if you are profitably trade for a long time, it's probably something you really never paid
249 00:54:16,500 --> 00:54:27,210 attention to. There are times when the market gives you these very stagnant types of conditions where yeah, if you if you have a really wide stop from your
250 00:54:27,210 --> 00:54:36,870 entry, don't ever really move it and just endure through the entire session or the entire day. Your targets may be a hit. But because you're not sitting in
251 00:54:36,870 --> 00:54:47,190 front, the chart watching every intimate every individual minute candle, it will be very frustrating. And for a new student. What I do is I take them into the
252 00:54:47,190 --> 00:54:56,790 charts and show them by contrast. This is a high resistance liquidity run condition. This is what we can expect and what you would endure so that way they
253 00:54:56,790 --> 00:55:04,920 can feel what it feels like to be in that. Like it's a lot of time and it's moving very, very lethargic in this small little rooms before taking out loss of
254 00:55:04,920 --> 00:55:14,520 liquidity. Whereas you would have rather wanted to see what it trade down to that blue rectangle, and in Bali, higher, ripping through the buy side and touch
255 00:55:14,730 --> 00:55:27,210 4128 and swing our checkered flag, and we're all happy that there's not an immediate gratification. in conditions like this, you get that type of immediate
256 00:55:27,210 --> 00:55:36,600 gratification and immediate feedback that you're on side, the right side of the marketplace, in low resistance liquidity runs, where it doesn't do a lot of this
257 00:55:36,600 --> 00:55:45,060 consolidation, it is, it's in a hurry to get somewhere, it's in a hurry to get there quickly. And if you're on the right side of the marketplace, in those
258 00:55:45,060 --> 00:55:54,150 conditions, it's very satisfying. There's nothing more satisfying than that, to have just went up there and just got real close to the buy side. And then we're
259 00:55:54,150 --> 00:56:01,500 pulling back down to the low end of the fair like that. This is exactly this is the stuff you want to record in your journal. You don't want to say, this is so
260 00:56:01,500 --> 00:56:11,340 damn frustrating. You don't want to do that. But you do want to observe the length of time that it takes. And maybe ultimately a failure, it doesn't mean
261 00:56:11,340 --> 00:56:19,650 it's going to go I don't know for certain if it's gonna go above that 4125 and clean that box out right now. They could leave it just like that retrace. And
262 00:56:19,650 --> 00:56:27,330 then later on in the lunch hour, we're on the other side of the lunch hour wipe, wipe through that by side, including, that's the problem that you're going to
263 00:56:27,330 --> 00:56:36,810 encounter trading in these environments, versus when the markets really obviously, loaded up to go in one direction over another. It's one sided, it's
264 00:56:36,810 --> 00:56:47,700 how I teach it. If you can justify the trade only in one direction, that is my ICT definition of high probability. And that high probability condition is what
265 00:56:47,700 --> 00:56:57,600 we refer to a solid day's easy day trading like Easy, easy, easy getting get your money, go home. Whereas now when you're in these types of environments,
266 00:56:57,900 --> 00:57:06,540 you're working for it. And at the end, these days, even when you're profitable, you feel like you've worked out, you feel like you're drained. You just want to
267 00:57:08,310 --> 00:57:16,650 take a nap, relax, not even want to look at a chart because it's drained you because you're taking a lot of time and energy and you're burning a lot of
268 00:57:16,650 --> 00:57:26,340 calories, your brains doing a lot of calculations What if thinking you're anxious, you're running all kinds of scenarios. What if I don't take my partial
269 00:57:26,340 --> 00:57:36,030 here? What if I don't roll my stuff up here? What if it comes against me and digs and takes away 40% of my profit? How will I feel if I don't take my profit
270 00:57:36,030 --> 00:57:41,700 here? What happens if I do take my profit here, and it runs the buy side and goes all the way to the top the fear Vega, that's what you're going to
271 00:57:41,700 --> 00:57:49,470 encounter. And you want to observe all that. That's the whole point of me sitting with you at the top of these charts. Because that is how you want
272 00:57:50,130 --> 00:57:56,700 because you're going to discover a lot of things about yourself that you probably thought you're very strong, your Will was strong, you're very
273 00:57:57,330 --> 00:58:03,720 discipline you didn't you're disciplined, you think that you know what you're doing. But when you're forced in front of charts like this, they are a mirror
274 00:58:04,410 --> 00:58:14,640 and they're gonna show you who you really are. They're gonna show you all your imperfections is wonderful as they are that make you unique, you have to refine
275 00:58:14,730 --> 00:58:24,930 many of them as a trader and keep them from manifesting themselves in your charts for your traits. And that's not easy to do. And I'm not guaranteeing that
276 00:58:24,930 --> 00:58:32,550 I'm going to be successful for everyone in that regard. Because all of you have your own individual personalities. And there's character flaws that all of us
277 00:58:32,550 --> 00:58:42,270 have, they may be viewed as a cute little quirky thing that your spouse or significant other likes about you. But in the markets, they will serve you your
278 00:58:42,270 --> 00:58:51,270 rear end. So, you have to be mindful that and understand that a weakness is not something that makes you a bad trader. It just means that you have something to
279 00:58:51,330 --> 00:59:00,090 improve upon. And you have to either develop coping skills for some things, which my coping skill that I needed right away when I first learned how to trade
280 00:59:00,090 --> 00:59:15,270 was the fear of getting in that I needed to know that what I was using to get in the trade was worth even employing. Discovered medicine. Can you just go to the
281 00:59:15,270 --> 00:59:26,220 one interesting, you can see what you can see what the US 500 charts on your hand if you follow along with that. As long as you can see what the US futures
282 00:59:26,220 --> 00:59:30,150 market. The ES on the right hand side is doing comparatively. You should be fine.
283 00:59:40,139 --> 00:59:42,749 Bison is about to get spent.
284 00:59:55,139 --> 01:00:10,409 41 18.64 US 500 See what yes is doing see us is sitting there crouching below. This is the type of stuff that's going to drive him nuts in these environments,
285 01:00:10,619 --> 01:00:18,749 you're gonna be like, come on, like the other day when I was in there and I was looking for 41, zero, there was no there was I called the high tech. But the
286 01:00:19,079 --> 01:00:29,609 difference between the bid and the ask there that's we're looking for, so that it feels like it feels like a sweet release when you're in these trades, and I
287 01:00:29,609 --> 01:00:30,269 give that to you.
288 01:00:36,420 --> 01:00:49,530 And we still didn't deliver before we went 2011. This is again, on his classic frustrations. But you would have a screenshot of this. And this would be like a
289 01:00:49,530 --> 01:01:02,490 partial to anything in your chart. You want to record how much time you endured, watching all that come back down into levels that I outlined for you that it
290 01:01:02,490 --> 01:01:15,810 should do certain things, certain classic characteristics that these pdra should do, should be delivered in price. Notice how we came down to this downforce
291 01:01:15,810 --> 01:01:26,460 candle here, right on that. Note, also in your annotations, how this candle wandered down to the low end. That's perfect. So high resistance, the clear ones
292 01:01:26,490 --> 01:01:35,940 are not exempt of precision elements that I'm teaching you, it just means that you'll have a lot of this choppiness in between them. And sometimes they'll
293 01:01:35,940 --> 01:01:45,240 color outside the lines like it does here, or here. And that's fine, because I taught last week. It's like when you're cutting the grass or analogy, you're
294 01:01:45,240 --> 01:01:55,770 cutting the grass Jomon. You cut through the turn them around, you overlap what you've already cut. And what is uncut. It's that way you're making sure there's
295 01:01:55,770 --> 01:02:02,520 no seams in the lawn, that little middle hawks where there's a little strip of grass that's still too high. That's what the markets doing here. It's
296 01:02:02,520 --> 01:02:10,590 overshooting the fair value gap, making sure there's no seam down into this imbalance overlaps a little bit. That's what makes it institutional order flow.
297 01:02:11,280 --> 01:02:20,550 Because I'm entered, I want to see the state open before we get to here and preferably into the consequent coachmen 1428, than any dip down here should not
298 01:02:20,550 --> 01:02:29,790 be viewed. And this is very scary. When you're first learning I understand it's like most of the questions I get is How do I know? Like how do I know that to
299 01:02:29,790 --> 01:02:37,800 trust this not getting stopped out? How do I know it's not going to go through the high and take my stop loss. And I'm taking a short using the 2022 model,
300 01:02:37,800 --> 01:02:47,070 that's what will lead to the fact that you're walking through this with me live, right now is going to answer that at the end of the year. So for some of you,
301 01:02:47,070 --> 01:02:56,220 before we even get through three months, you're going to know make sense. Now, it's experience, that's all good, because you're afraid to fail, or you're lazy.
302 01:02:56,970 --> 01:03:04,710 You're not doing this, you want in the trade, you're pushing a demo account, you're trying to get funded, we're trying to do these funded account challenges.
303 01:03:04,860 --> 01:03:19,230 There's 4128. So you want to screenshot that, right there. And I'm gonna choose to share it again. But the the elements of what we're seeing here, are not going
304 01:03:19,230 --> 01:03:30,780 to be this frustrating when we're in one sided markets. And you're going to see the different side of this versus what we're looking at now, which still can
305 01:03:30,780 --> 01:03:37,800 deliver your trades is I'm not saying that you can't trade these. But it's really important to understand that you're going to work harder, and you're
306 01:03:37,800 --> 01:03:51,180 going to be worrying, what's the proportion should have had a level. So between consequent encroachment of the fair value, debt, 150 minute timeframe, on
307 01:03:51,180 --> 01:04:04,380 February 9, your next objective for ES would be 4131. Even in there you go. But for me personally, this would close my morning session, I will be done. I would
308 01:04:04,380 --> 01:04:14,970 close my trades, I would square everything. And I would relax the rest of the day. I'd watch some Netflix, Netflix and chill. Okay, or as we like to call it
309 01:04:14,970 --> 01:04:25,560 chicken. Fill in the blanks. Relax, enjoy your time away from the charts. Don't force yourself to be looking at for another move because there's time left just
310 01:04:25,560 --> 01:04:35,100 simply because it's 1030. And you have all the rest of today. Don't look at that and think you no I'm wasting my time by not being in these charts. No. You're
311 01:04:35,100 --> 01:04:45,630 pushing too hard. You might have an edge right now that I'm helping you home. And when I tell you to stop when I tell you to stop, close the charts and walk
312 01:04:45,630 --> 01:04:56,700 away. If you don't do that, you know you're missing out on developing discipline and patience and overcoming What fear of missing out. I don't care what it's
313 01:04:56,700 --> 01:05:06,720 going to do the rest of the day. I don't care Because I know what I use when I'm teaching all of you is going to repeat every single day. But I also know that
314 01:05:06,720 --> 01:05:17,760 there's going to be times where the markets are going to be really not favoring me to participate. And we've watched something pan out this morning. It's not
315 01:05:17,760 --> 01:05:26,100 about being right. Initially, if you look at what I gained last night, and Well, yesterday, I gave my pre market analysis, what I was like this, what I was
316 01:05:26,100 --> 01:05:36,780 liking to see, or whatever rather, would have liked to see developed in price action. I mentioned that if we had a higher gap. If we get higher, that means
317 01:05:36,780 --> 01:05:45,750 we're probably going to do what we're gonna go up into those imbalances that we're trading into right now. Go back and look at that pre market analysis. It's
318 01:05:45,750 --> 01:05:52,380 not plan a plan B, because I don't know which one's going to be really there when we open up on Sunday. And I don't know, while I'm sleeping. During the
319 01:05:52,380 --> 01:05:59,790 london session, Sunday night into Monday morning, my Monday morning. I don't know what it's going to deliver and what it's going to provide me. So when I
320 01:05:59,790 --> 01:06:09,330 woke up rather early this morning, I looked at it and I tweeted, yes, okay, I'm going to require 930. So, but going back to my pre market analysis, what was the
321 01:06:09,360 --> 01:06:19,590 filter, if we have a gapped higher opening, I want to see it try to trade back down towards what Friday's closing price. We tried, we got real close to it
322 01:06:19,590 --> 01:06:30,720 here. The low came in at 41 01 and a half. But it didn't get to 49 or 49, doing something, whatever this
323 01:06:36,780 --> 01:06:47,040 this moment is 409 9.5. So that's what I would have rather seen. And you heard me talking about it live, I said, let's see if we can get down here. They didn't
324 01:06:47,040 --> 01:06:55,800 do it. What did it do it retire to run about this short term high in the outline device on the balance here, we talked about the breaker here, we talked about
325 01:06:55,800 --> 01:07:06,660 how it's going to likely dig in. And then finally reach up into the 4118 level which it did here. Then I said 4121 and a half, which it do here, then we're
326 01:07:06,660 --> 01:07:14,460 gonna dig into that 15 minutes, we have a gap, which we did here, we're gonna go to the quarter point, we fail to do it here until that candle there and then get
327 01:07:14,460 --> 01:07:25,050 up into consequent virtuosity objective I would have. But if you're holding on to a trade and not listening to me, you're partial should be taken off here. And
328 01:07:25,050 --> 01:07:34,830 me we leave it on for this year. But I would not be trading overtop of ICT talking about price action, you're gonna get hurt one day when I do it wrong.
329 01:07:35,790 --> 01:07:45,600 And I don't want you to have that experience, I want you to just simply observe, listen to me, each one of these are a laboratory experiment. They're teaching
330 01:07:45,600 --> 01:07:56,310 you how you're going to feel without any money without any kind of right or wrong. Every time I'm talking to you like this, who's at risk of being wrong? I
331 01:07:56,310 --> 01:08:07,230 am. So it frees your mind of all of that concern. You're getting to watch me walk out here without a safety net. And I'm teaching you the very things that
332 01:08:07,230 --> 01:08:15,270 I've taught in that YouTube channel. And proven efficacy, I'm teaching you that these concepts absolutely work. I'm teaching you that there are periods when
333 01:08:15,270 --> 01:08:23,250 you're not going to know what the markets gonna do. And that's okay. It's okay to have that moment, but not knowing what it's going to do. Because if you sit
334 01:08:23,250 --> 01:08:32,700 around you wait for the market to tell you what it wants to do. It's like it is here. Even though this is high resistance conditions, it's still going to likely
335 01:08:32,700 --> 01:08:46,890 deliver to our levels but it you have to endure a whole lot more pausing more retracements stagnation and price action before it gets there. And that's what I
336 01:08:46,890 --> 01:08:55,110 really want you to focus on and annotate that in your in your charts with your journal today. Not saying this was a bitch to sit through, this was so hard.
337 01:08:55,350 --> 01:09:04,920 This was so stressful. You don't want to use those terms. You want to say things like it was surprising to see how much time it required for the market to train
338 01:09:05,220 --> 01:09:16,380 to our levels or not my levels were our levels to your level. You always want to talk in terms like you saw these things coming beforehand. You are absolutely
339 01:09:16,380 --> 01:09:24,990 lying to yourself in your journal. When you're annotating your chart after the fact that you're watching me call it live. You're borrowing my experience. And
340 01:09:24,990 --> 01:09:33,420 in your recording, like you yourself saw it and you anticipated all these things, everything that I just outlined here, you're anticipating that that's
341 01:09:33,420 --> 01:09:42,420 how you're recording. So I'm pleased that I saw this fair value gap support price and it only went down into it partially like I was expecting and it
342 01:09:42,420 --> 01:09:54,360 remained open. I'm satisfied that PDA re performed as I expected it to see the difference what I'm doing here versus not wanting to journal because the reason
343 01:09:54,360 --> 01:10:01,800 why 9% 99.9% of you I'm gonna see this I'm gonna close this morning because we've accomplished what You're trying to do but at least I'm satisfied with that
344 01:10:01,800 --> 01:10:12,480 you might not be satisfied. But 99.9% of folks that are not trying to treat this as a business, when you're running a business, anyone that does a business, like
345 01:10:12,480 --> 01:10:21,540 when I was managing a Domino's Pizza, and for some of you that don't know me, I did that I was a Domino's Pizza delivery driver. And then I managed the branch
346 01:10:21,570 --> 01:10:41,430 in Middle River, which has closed down now it doesn't even exist. actually met my wife in that same store. But you run a business with KPIs, okay. And you run
347 01:10:41,460 --> 01:10:52,620 your business with models that tell you this is how your costs, your your costs for doing business need to stay in this range. So your costs were ingredients,
348 01:10:52,650 --> 01:11:01,770 and your costs were overhead and hours work. So if you know that your business is slowing down, you get to that peak hour, whatever it is, you need to be able
349 01:11:01,770 --> 01:11:12,660 to know that okay, this is normal fluctuations. Now we're outside the boundaries of when the highest form of volume comes in. Now we want to relax and trim our
350 01:11:12,660 --> 01:11:23,520 overhead, send people home, send drivers home, and then not make up so many new pizzas, right? Because they may not get sold as fast as you want to do. Well, in
351 01:11:23,610 --> 01:11:33,960 trading, you're going to discover with your own personal KPIs and Google KPIs, and I'm not gonna explain everything to you. It's a simple procedure to Google.
352 01:11:35,460 --> 01:11:45,720 But it provides you a baseline for you. You Incorporated, okay, you the person listening to the trader that you're trying to become, there's going to be
353 01:11:45,720 --> 01:11:57,750 independently doing what I'm showing you here. You're a corporation, you're an enterprise, you're a fortune 500 in the making. But you can't arrive there. If
354 01:11:57,750 --> 01:12:08,610 you're lazy. If you're not taking consideration how you manage yourself how you think you have no idea how to evaluate your baseline growth, your productivity
355 01:12:08,610 --> 01:12:22,380 as a student of the market, your efficiency using these tools? And how much mental capital are you spending? How much time are you worrying over these
356 01:12:22,380 --> 01:12:33,600 charts. And over time, you're gonna see by doing what we're doing each day here, that mental capital will not be spent. As much as it is, when you don't have
357 01:12:33,600 --> 01:12:40,770 something like this, we're gonna have someone with experience with the market should do. If you don't have me, if you don't have someone else that knows what
358 01:12:40,770 --> 01:12:48,540 they're doing, and they've coached you, and they're doing it right with you holding your hand saying, This is what should happen. It feels, I guarantee all
359 01:12:48,540 --> 01:12:55,770 of you felt really confident this morning, you might doubt down deep down inside considered is probably wrong here. I don't know this feels a little bit weird,
360 01:12:55,770 --> 01:13:06,300 but you feel confident because I'm talking to you. You're watching the chart live in subconscious. And you know, if I'm wrong, it didn't hurt you. You didn't
361 01:13:06,300 --> 01:13:14,190 make your public opinion. Your opinion public rather, I am, I don't know how many people are listening to me watching live right now, I don't want to know.
362 01:13:14,790 --> 01:13:21,150 Because if I have that, in my head, I'm gonna start running ratios of how many of you are actually pushing the buttons in the trade. So I don't want to do that
363 01:13:21,150 --> 01:13:28,650 there's no chat window, because I don't give a shit what people were saying. I don't care what your opinion is. So you want to have that in your journal, you
364 01:13:28,650 --> 01:13:39,510 want to filter out all of the negative all of the criticism, you don't want to have any opportunity for you yourself to criticize what you thought you were
365 01:13:39,510 --> 01:13:46,860 going to see in price when your tape reading or when you take your live trades with you ever decide to do so where you demonstrate. So you're recording in your
366 01:13:46,860 --> 01:13:54,240 annotations in your chart that are very succinct. They're very specific to certain things that you were expecting. And maybe you didn't expect it. But
367 01:13:54,270 --> 01:14:02,370 while you're learning with me in these, these hate reading sessions, things that you heard me say, trust me, you did not hear everything, because you're worrying
368 01:14:02,370 --> 01:14:10,440 about maybe the trade you push that you shouldn't have gotten into, or you're just looking for the other reason why I'm wrong. Because there's people in here
369 01:14:10,440 --> 01:14:18,390 listening and watching, hoping and praying that this doesn't do what I said it's gonna do so they can go on social media and troll. I'm denying them. And I'm
370 01:14:18,390 --> 01:14:29,160 having a great deal of fun doing. But you don't want to go into your temptations and not at least record the things from a perspective that you had already seen
371 01:14:29,160 --> 01:14:39,540 it coming. Now, why would you want to do that? Because at first consideration of that one's on the facer surface of that. It sounds like well, you're being
372 01:14:40,020 --> 01:14:48,840 disingenuous to yourself, you're lying. That's a bad thing. No, no, no, no. This journal is not supposed to be shared to anybody else. So are you lying to
373 01:14:48,840 --> 01:15:01,110 anybody? No. Are you technically lying to yourself? Yes, but you're doing it with a purpose in mind. It's called positive self talk. You need to understand
374 01:15:01,110 --> 01:15:11,130 the power of giving yourself positive suggestions. And by having a visual representation of price action, which is what you're activating in your
375 01:15:11,130 --> 01:15:16,110 reticular activating system, you're keying up on things that I'm pointing to you real time.
376 01:15:17,610 --> 01:15:24,960 You may not be able to see these beforehand, you may not have understood what it was on the chart before I actually pulled into it and showed you and talked
377 01:15:24,960 --> 01:15:34,560 about what was going to happen. But over time, what happens is your subconscious retains that and it really falls in love with it. When you record it with
378 01:15:34,560 --> 01:15:42,630 positive self talk, like you did it yourself, and then not just write it in your journal, and then forget about it, you want to go back to it at the end of the
379 01:15:42,630 --> 01:15:51,600 week in the weekend, and listen to your own words, in the chart, reading it out loud, not reading it just in your internal voice. But read it out loud, you hear
380 01:15:51,600 --> 01:16:00,600 your own voice, your own voice is gonna replace mine over the years. Right now when you watch price action, you see certain things you're hearing, Michael say,
381 01:16:00,900 --> 01:16:09,030 This is what the breaker does. This is what the fair value gap does. And you don't want to see this gap fill, you're hearing my voice. Over time, you will
382 01:16:09,060 --> 01:16:18,000 drown my voice out with your own by doing what I'm teaching you to do, which is independent thinking. That's what I want for all of you, I want that. I don't
383 01:16:18,000 --> 01:16:27,300 want you going through the motions and thinking like a robot because I'm programmed you that's not I'm only providing you ICT training wheels by doing
384 01:16:27,300 --> 01:16:36,390 this. But by giving yourself positive self talk, and never criticizing yourself either audibly when you're in the market, if you do something wrong, if it runs
385 01:16:36,390 --> 01:16:47,040 on your stop, or it starts going against you never listen to me. I don't care how long you've been doing it. Never ever charged that atmosphere with
386 01:16:47,040 --> 01:16:57,960 negativity. The only thing you're doing is harmful criticism to yourself. And your subconscious is a sponge. It's going to retain that and it's going to do
387 01:16:57,960 --> 01:17:08,160 damage that takes years and years to overcome. But you never get rid of it. I have all those same things that I suffered in my first six years. Many times
388 01:17:08,160 --> 01:17:17,070 when I put a trade on, I'm feeling those things welled up again, and I have to remind myself, they're all ghosts, they can't touch me anymore. I can choose to
389 01:17:17,070 --> 01:17:24,450 remember them and spend time sulking over that. Or I can say, yeah, that happened. But look where I'm at now. So I'm replacing it with what? positive
390 01:17:24,450 --> 01:17:31,710 self talk? Yeah, I enjoyed that. Yeah, I got a scar from that. But I'm still here. And I'm still able to do this. But I'm still able to do that. But look
391 01:17:31,710 --> 01:17:39,540 what I'm doing now. And look, I'm doing this. And now I'm in front of all you and you're all enjoying it. So it's a matter of just providing yourself a
392 01:17:39,540 --> 01:17:52,080 constant learning environment that is supportive. And you want to take your results to social media. So the social media can do what for you, Carl, you
393 01:17:52,650 --> 01:18:01,950 stroke your ego, telling you're a good trainer, you're good? How many likes do I have on my post? How many hearts do I have on my tweets in your training day
394 01:18:01,980 --> 01:18:14,010 that as the baseline for your success in that's bullshit, you want to focus on your own, don't invite other people don't, don't even invite them to the X
395 01:18:14,370 --> 01:18:25,530 experience of being able to criticize your results. Because if you invite them to do that, in variably, you're gonna have some Poober that doesn't even trade.
396 01:18:26,070 --> 01:18:34,320 They're gonna say, Oh, but I made 20 hours today. And he had no receipts. They've done nothing. And they're only doing that because you have made them
397 01:18:34,320 --> 01:18:42,810 feel inferior. Trust me, there are live streamers right now looking at this today, and they're looking at Oh, no ICT is gonna be live streamed. I'm not in
398 01:18:42,810 --> 01:18:53,610 competition with any of you. I'm not in competition with none of you. I'm here to help. If I can help you wonderful. If I'm not interesting to you, if it
399 01:18:53,610 --> 01:19:03,420 doesn't help you don't, don't, don't watch me. I don't care about your thing. I just want to know that I'm doing the right things for all of you. And I don't
400 01:19:03,420 --> 01:19:15,180 want you to invite the outward criticisms that some of you foolishly do. And I did this when I was on AOL. I presented myself in a way where I needed to be
401 01:19:15,180 --> 01:19:26,610 validated. I needed it when I was 20 years old. I don't need it at all. Now, I don't need that. I know this stuff works. And you will too. But you want to have
402 01:19:26,610 --> 01:19:35,940 that positive support, not criticism when you're learning. You don't wanna record it in your own journal with your own words. You don't want to open up a
403 01:19:35,940 --> 01:19:48,690 dialogue with other traders and this is why trading partners Listen to me. Listen, for folks that go on my timeline, in Twitter, or on my comment section,
404 01:19:48,690 --> 01:20:00,000 which I don't open up anymore, me too. You're asking, Hey, is anybody want to be a trading partner and learn how to do it concepts together? You are absolutely
405 01:20:00,000 --> 01:20:11,130 be asking for it to be harder than it needs to be. Because a mind is divided for a subject matter that is up to mindsets, you're compounding the difficulty,
406 01:20:11,430 --> 01:20:19,380 you're absolutely making it harder than it needs to be. It doesn't feel that way. You think it needs to be like in high school, when you did the laboratory
407 01:20:19,380 --> 01:20:31,770 experiments in biology and chemistry, you had a lab partner, right? The only thing that did was teach you to be fearful and emotional about someone else's
408 01:20:32,010 --> 01:20:42,120 productivity over yours. You don't see it like that now, but that's exactly what that was. Anything of a divided mind or of two mindsets, rarely ever comes
409 01:20:42,120 --> 01:20:52,770 together and agreement. Now, think about what you're doing when you're trading. You're looking at these candlesticks. And you're manifesting the argument that
410 01:20:52,770 --> 01:20:59,760 you just had what your significant other than like before the day before, maybe the separation, maybe the fact that you didn't get a promotion at your job,
411 01:21:00,210 --> 01:21:08,670 maybe you're sick, maybe you realize you haven't spent as much time as you should have, like me, that's what I'm feeling with your children, your wife, I
412 01:21:08,670 --> 01:21:15,990 have an anniversary coming up on the 14th. In my head, as I'm watching these candles, I'm thinking myself, I have to make sure I'm punctual this morning, as
413 01:21:15,990 --> 01:21:22,200 I promised her, I'm gonna do what I say I'm gonna do here. And then I'm going to start preparing what we're going to do on the 14th, which is also my son Caymans
414 01:21:22,200 --> 01:21:32,130 birthday. So I have a lot of things on my mind. So I will not be in the live session after CPI. I'm only gonna watch it with you. And then that's it. I'm not
415 01:21:32,130 --> 01:21:38,070 going to treat it until I have things to take care of. And yes, I was married on Valentine's Day. Yes, my son was born on Valentine's Day. And it's also
416 01:21:38,070 --> 01:21:49,830 Valentine's Day. So I have three things lingering over me. So am I going to be able to focus? No, I'm not? And are you willing to make that decision also for
417 01:21:49,830 --> 01:21:56,940 your own trading and your learning? Are you comfortable with saying, I don't need to do this today because I have other things that are more important there
418 01:21:56,940 --> 01:22:06,900 in my life that I have to take care of. Because if I don't take care of it, it's going to be a factor that's going to be a Festering Wound that will draw my
419 01:22:06,900 --> 01:22:13,860 attention away from what I'm doing because of guilt because of not doing what I should have done in my personal life away from the charts. There's a lot of
420 01:22:13,860 --> 01:22:22,590 management you have to do. You have to constantly manage the trader. And you have to rely on a good analyst. And I'm teaching your analyst inside of you.
421 01:22:23,310 --> 01:22:32,400 This real time. I'm teaching it, I'm walking it through. If the concepts don't work, folks, I'm going to fall on my face in front of you. You be the judge?
422 01:22:32,430 --> 01:22:42,000 Does the stuff work? Or doesn't it work? Does it repeat doesn't repeat? Is there logic that seems to be reoccurring, each time that we sit down together? It's
423 01:22:42,000 --> 01:22:49,980 the same stuff that I was tweeting. And yes, I only tweet the wins, because that's the only thing I've tweeted, go back, there's no deleted anything. It's
424 01:22:49,980 --> 01:22:59,640 not bragging. When we sit down over here, Sir, here's your quarter, third quarter. Notice that's been reached now. So it really shouldn't expand up in
425 01:22:59,700 --> 01:23:13,830 touch the top of that, I think that would be favorable, like to see it happening and nothing closes. It's an inside job. Boom, hello. screenshot that. That's
426 01:23:13,830 --> 01:23:23,430 what it feels like. That's exactly what this will feel like for you. When you know what you're doing, why price is going to do what it's going to do. And
427 01:23:23,430 --> 01:23:33,630 you're done. You don't care if it rips all the way up to 4150. You don't care, you just close up shop. Annotate what you want to annotate right then and there.
428 01:23:34,410 --> 01:23:45,030 Close your charts, walk away for about an hour. Enjoy that moment. Breathe it in right now. Just take this in right now you literally watched price, do exactly
429 01:23:45,030 --> 01:23:56,580 what you wanted to see it do. You can't get that feeling from watching a video. You can't get that experience by reading a book. You don't get the same
430 01:23:56,580 --> 01:24:07,470 experience when you have taken somebody else's signal as a trade. Because you know you didn't earn that. As much as you might be profitable doing it. You
431 01:24:07,470 --> 01:24:18,240 know, in your heart of hearts, that you did nothing to get that result, except for copycat. And you know, that sucks the downside? Because you wish you could
432 01:24:18,240 --> 01:24:27,930 do it yourself. And I understand for some of you that can't do it. And you have to do that as an alternative. There's no shame in that. You know yourself, you
433 01:24:27,930 --> 01:24:36,150 know, your limitations. All of us have our own limitations. I'm just saying that I could never live with myself like that. But then I also know because I've
434 01:24:36,150 --> 01:24:43,560 mentored a lot of people over the years, that there are some personalities that are just simply never going to be equipped to do this. Not everybody is going to
435 01:24:43,560 --> 01:24:49,740 be able to train not every one of you listening to me and watching these things. When I stopped doing the live sessions in the second week of November. It's
436 01:24:49,740 --> 01:24:59,940 probably going to feel like doomsday for you. Because you're going to not have that crutch that that training. We'll listen to folks. I have trained hundreds
437 01:25:00,000 --> 01:25:08,910 have 1000s of people. And there's more learning now, there are going to be more people out there to learn how to do this exceedingly well. And they're going to
438 01:25:08,910 --> 01:25:13,770 make themselves available to you. They're not in business with me, I get no kickback.
439 01:25:13,890 --> 01:25:19,620 I don't want to kick back, okay. But they're going to run their own little signal services. And they're going to be able to do what you just watched me do
440 01:25:19,620 --> 01:25:28,920 here. I have students that can do this day in and day out. I have them. Not all of them want to do civil services, but some of them do. I've already given them
441 01:25:28,950 --> 01:25:36,510 the okay that they're well there. I welcome them to say, hey, look, I was trained by ICT and I'm willing to sit with you 30 days and do what I'm doing
442 01:25:36,510 --> 01:25:46,080 right now, for you. If they know how to do this, they'll do this for you. If they don't give you 30 days, one full month of showing you walk in the walk
443 01:25:46,080 --> 01:25:53,190 forward, they are not my students, and they don't know how to do this shit. They're lying to you. Because that's exactly what I told them. You need to be
444 01:25:53,190 --> 01:26:01,980 able to sit down because that's the litmus test. Because I'm not gonna go out and cosign your private information, I'm not going to say, oh, yeah, Ryan Jones
445 01:26:01,980 --> 01:26:10,800 is, he's the suit of mine, he's doing signatures, I'm not gonna advertise for you. I'm not gonna verify anybody for you. You are gonna step out there and do
446 01:26:10,800 --> 01:26:20,070 what I'm doing. And that is reasonable. I think that I mean, give me an give me a number one in tweets, tweet number one to me, if you think that's a fair
447 01:26:20,070 --> 01:26:28,650 assessment for someone that's going to offer signal Steve, they walk it forward, let you see what they're seeing in the price action, call it for a full month,
448 01:26:28,950 --> 01:26:38,490 four weeks, every single day show up? That's reasonable. Now, is that the industry standard? Where people blow their accounts in 90 days and all that
449 01:26:38,490 --> 01:26:46,770 stuff? Of course not. But you also don't want to be spending any time with any jokers out there that claim they've been trained by me, or they know it Nigma
450 01:26:47,940 --> 01:26:54,690 they don't none of these people out there to say that they're saying anything Enigma, they don't know it. Okay, all you gotta do is look at their live stream
451 01:26:54,690 --> 01:27:08,580 results. And that'll show you they don't know. There's There's levels to this. There is difficulty this, there's also rewards to this. And where are you go
452 01:27:08,580 --> 01:27:21,900 with it is all up to you. And I'm trying to do my best to be helpful in regards to you finding your own way through this. Also, removing a lot of the doubt, a
453 01:27:21,900 --> 01:27:31,380 lot of the bullshit that people say about me, this is something I've never really wanted to do, because it's personal, my observations over charts. I've
454 01:27:31,380 --> 01:27:39,510 always kept that guarded. I've never felt comfortable doing this. And in fact, I don't feel comfortable doing it. Even if I do this all the way throughout the
455 01:27:39,510 --> 01:27:48,120 year. And it's excess, I'm still gonna regret having done it. Because it's something I promised I never was going to do. So I want you to understand that
456 01:27:48,120 --> 01:27:59,010 this is something that goes against every fiber of my being. But I understand that some of you, maybe a lot of you need this. And because this is my last year
457 01:27:59,010 --> 01:28:06,930 really going into public mentoring, I don't want to and that doesn't mean I'm doing private mentorships for sale, I'm not doing that anymore, I don't want to
458 01:28:06,930 --> 01:28:15,150 do that. I want to be mean, I'm gonna go back to being the Private Michael, and I want to be near the guy I was before I started teaching and people knew my
459 01:28:15,150 --> 01:28:26,100 name as much as they do now. I'm uncomfortable with it. So don't waste this opportunity. Do everything I'm telling you to do, don't do the things I tell you
460 01:28:26,100 --> 01:28:34,890 not to do. If you do that, the results you're looking for, I promise you, you'll either get it by November, or you'll be so close to it a little bit of time on
461 01:28:34,890 --> 01:28:46,020 your own, you'll get it I promise, what you're looking for I have it the things that you thought that were not possible, I can do it. And I'm willing to prove
462 01:28:46,020 --> 01:28:53,910 it to, like I sit with you every single day. And that's my intention to now, I didn't want to do more than two a week. It's beneficial for you to have this
463 01:28:53,910 --> 01:29:02,460 every day. So I'm going to do that each day that I don't have to edit anything if I say something wrong, and it's you know, if I call something different in
464 01:29:02,460 --> 01:29:11,430 here, and it's an error, you tweet to me, and I'll tell you if I if it was in fact an error in there it is I can't edit anything. Once it's live streamed,
465 01:29:11,700 --> 01:29:21,090 it's on my YouTube channel, it is what it is. This is 2023 mentorship, take it for what it's worth. Take from it what you think is useful the things that are
466 01:29:21,090 --> 01:29:29,910 hardships to you that you can find a place for and right now you might later on discovered there. There is a place where you're trying to use cannabis right now
467 01:29:31,350 --> 01:29:33,060 and just keep grinding that okay
468 01:29:38,850 --> 01:29:56,400 needle up to I'm not going to use anything with us. Close this and second. Just want to see where we're reaching for. So we have this and now we have
469 01:30:08,940 --> 01:30:23,010 This is your next area for premium. So 4143 4144 and a half. Everything beyond that this is all balanced. So there's only there's only this small little
470 01:30:23,010 --> 01:30:36,930 inefficiency. And there's nothing of any interest until we get to by side here. So just focus on the rest of the day, that might be where we draw to. If I was
471 01:30:36,930 --> 01:30:44,430 going to try the afternoon session and say, We haven't gone up there by then, and we haven't really fully embraced everything we've put in this morning, this
472 01:30:44,430 --> 01:30:52,650 will be an afternoon session last hour trading day. objective for me. That's how I would treat that. Well. I'm not saying that that's what you should try to try
473 01:30:52,650 --> 01:31:02,460 and do. But in your notes, have this in your charts, okay, in a manner to see if we have a reason for it to drop there. And if we do, there's nothing else beyond
474 01:31:02,460 --> 01:31:15,870 that. That needs to be viewed as inefficient, because it's been back and forth. So hopefully, you guys glean something useful this morning from all this. And I
475 01:31:15,870 --> 01:31:23,310 guess I'll touch base with you tomorrow morning. Until I talk to you then I'll try to be more punctual. I apologize. I'll probably be a little bit early, maybe
476 01:31:23,310 --> 01:31:31,980 nine o'clock tomorrow because I want to get out of the job any other way because I won't be with you. No, no, I can't do that. I got to be ahead of the CPI
477 01:31:31,980 --> 01:31:43,860 number. So we'll probably be at eight o'clock, eight o'clock noon. So that's what we'll do. Tuesday's live session, I have to absolutely be done at 945 10 of
478 01:31:43,890 --> 01:31:56,640 10 things I do with my family. So that doesn't upset any of you but it is what it is. I have a wife, she's my boss. And until then, folks, we say