ICT YT - 2023-02-12 - Institutional Market Structure and Standard Deviations With Buyside Liquidity

Last modified by Drunk Monkey on 2023-02-12 19:36


00:05 - Intermediate term low vs intermediate term low.

01:16 - How to find the high and low of the day.

04:30 - Looking for a confluence of standard deviations at key turning points.


00:00:05,190 --> 00:00:17,220 ICT: Just a real quick follow up on what I was showing you on the Twitter space today have a low, higher low to the left of it higher low to the right of my
00:00:17,220 --> 00:00:25,020 using this one, not that one because this one went lower. So we have an intermediate term low, which is a low that has a low that's lower than the
00:00:25,020 --> 00:00:36,150 previous short term low and lower than the higher low here. So there's three points, okay. Just like this is an intermediate term low here, this is an
00:00:36,150 --> 00:00:48,150 intermediate term low as well, because it has to the left of it higher low. And higher low STL is a short term low LTL is a long term low. I T L is intermediate
00:00:48,150 --> 00:01:01,950 term low. intermediate term low, short term low, short term low. In between two intermediate term lows is the long term low. If we're bullish, we're expecting
00:01:01,950 --> 00:01:20,700 bossuyt up here, as I was yesterday, explaining it live fed on this swing here, in this here. Pay attention. First, I want to show you the settings where you
00:01:20,700 --> 00:01:29,400 can see this is my fib setting. I don't need this, I don't need this. This is to determine how far the daily range can come off the tire low and find the closing
00:01:29,400 --> 00:01:42,480 price. I'll teach that later this year. This is optimal trade entry levels, we don't need that and I don't need equilibrium. So from the low up to the high buy
00:01:42,480 --> 00:01:51,960 side is here. This this high hadn't formed yet. So the first one passed, this high is for one zero 1.25.
10 00:01:58,800 --> 00:02:00,090 Putting the fed on this low
11 00:02:05,490 --> 00:02:15,630 first one passed is for one zero 1.5. That's the reason why I called for one zero 1.5. That's this high here.
12 00:02:22,290 --> 00:02:53,190 The next one up is 410 4.25. Take this off 410 4.25. So you can see where it for one zero 4.25. This low here to this high. So you would anchor it from low drag
13 00:02:53,190 --> 00:03:03,540 it up here. Now because we have this high, which is relative to this high, by size, what we're targeting above that we can't use the negative one level to the
14 00:03:03,540 --> 00:03:08,790 next one is what? negative 1.5. So 4104 even.
15 00:03:14,580 --> 00:03:32,010 And then this low here. Here we can't use this one because it's below the high here. And here. Since this is higher, we have to refer to this frames the buy
16 00:03:32,010 --> 00:03:39,360 side now. Whereas it was initially here until it bumped shallow. So the expectation is in the afternoon session. We're going to dig beyond that. So we
17 00:03:39,360 --> 00:03:54,030 can't use the first standard deviation. It's the next one, which is what 410 4.25 Again, so there's two times at intermediate term lows and long term low
18 00:03:54,540 --> 00:04:16,830 aiming for running the buy side. So for one, zero 4.25 What was the high of the day on Friday? Look right here. High the day for 104. Point 00. That's not
19 00:04:17,070 --> 00:04:37,530 sorry, the next candle here 410 4.25. Right here on the candle at six minutes to four. So 354 New York local time. The high comes in a 410 4.25 to the tick. So
20 00:04:37,530 --> 00:04:47,700 what you're doing is you're looking for a confluence of standard deviations at key market turning points. This is institutional market structure. It's not in
21 00:04:47,700 --> 00:04:56,460 books. It's only been taught through my mentorship. And these are some of the components and things I'm going to teach more in depth about this year and I'll
22 00:04:56,460 --> 00:05:06,330 have chapters in my forthcoming books but again, you don't Need the books is for me to have it in writing so that way nobody can claim authorship and ultimately
23 00:05:06,330 --> 00:05:24,540 how the market walked up into that iside into the 410 4.25 level nail in the high that final hour macro, which is three to four o'clock, the last hour
24 00:05:24,540 --> 00:05:38,850 trading before four o'clock closing session. Yes, it trades till five o'clock, but the bulk of the volume is going to be capsulated by 4pm 30 minutes after
25 00:05:38,850 --> 00:05:48,870 three to 45 minutes after three that 30 minute interval is a macro, and the algorithm will do a market on clothes run where it spoils to a point of
26 00:05:48,870 --> 00:05:59,850 liquidity that had not been targeted yet, but would be the obvious one, that being the boss out here. Let me see that we're on from here. And I did a live
27 00:05:59,850 --> 00:06:11,160 stream you didn't look at that go on my YouTube channel. Click on live and look at the February 10 2023 market review and in live tape reading event. record
28 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:21,510 every single one of these minute candles exactly as you see it delivered here and walked us up into 4104. So combine this with what I covered today in my
29 00:06:21,510 --> 00:06:31,080 Twitter space. I think you're gonna have a better understanding about what took place on Friday. Until next time, be safe